How Did This Get Made? - Matinee Monday: Sharknado 3 (w/ Scott Aukerman)

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

From LA to NY to DC to… space?! Scott Aukerman (Comedy Bang Bang) returns to discuss the extensive list of celebrity cameos in 2015’s Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! They also get into Fin’s running st...yle, President Mark Cuban, the Universal Studios VIP front of the line pass, the return of Nova, David Hasselhoff in space, and so much more. (Originally Released 07/28/2015) HDTGM is coming to NYC on Nov 15th! Go to to buy tix, merch, and for more on bad movies.Order Paul’s book about his childhood: Joyful Recollections of TraumaFor extra content on Matinee Monday movies, visit Paul's YouTube page: bad movies on the HDTGM Discord:’s Discord: Paul’s movie recs on Letterboxd: out new HDTGM movie merch over at and Rob Huebel stream live on Twitch every Thursday 8-10pm EST: good movies too? Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul and Amy Nicholson: to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael: out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.comWhere to find Paul, June, & Jason:@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on TwitterJason is not on social media

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Grab your Redzapal Ale, your Universal VIP Front of the Line Pass, a big old Subway Sandwich, and turn on your Xfinity TV! We just saw Sharknado 3, aw hell no! So you know what that means. Baby in his belly rock a rhinestone vest While ripping Justin to Kelly Or maybe see a burlesque show with Nick Crowe And take a boat with speed to hitting cruise control J-Man, Big Paul, and the beautiful June Gonna take you from the goon all the way to the room Rander games and Street Fighter hope to blow off steam Just a sucker punch the odd life of Timothy Green Chuck Nadeau, the birdemic, how we stayin' alive They call it in the badass and he's on the line Crankin' stayin' alive They call it in the badass and he's on the line
Starting point is 00:00:45 Crankin' 88 minutes cause they cool as ice Cause the bad Jim Barney lookin' kind of nice Paul and June gettin' literal, Jason is gettin' laid June is makin' sure all the monkey shots gettin' paid They judge a bunch of movies while they makin' the grade Here's a real question for you, how did this get made? Hello, people of Earth, and welcome to How Did This Get Made? I am your host, Paul Sheer, joined as always by Jason Earth and welcome to how did this get made? I am your host Paul Scheer joined as always by Jason Manzukis. How are you Jason?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Hey, oh sharknado three Sadly June is not here to continue the trilogy this week shooting schedules have dictated that that would not work out But oh people are furious Furious to hear you are furious they're like I pay good money for this podcast she wants to everyone wants to hear June's thoughts on Nova and everything oh sure we'll do our best to try to guys Nova is back yeah but we are joined by a man who has not only braved the
Starting point is 00:01:40 first two shark natives but a Tyler Perry movie that we never actually did please welcome Scott Aukerman you did it to me again guys You told me to go watch Madea's tough love We just feel like that's the only way you can appreciate shark NATO is to watch a Tyler Perry movie before it. Yeah, I Yeah, she gets sucked into the remote control I, yeah, she gets sucked into the remote control. She presses the button on the remote control that says, do not press. You know that button that's on every remote control. I would love a Madea Sandler click crossover.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Tough love click. Tough love click. But it would be click, C-L-I-Q-U-E, the tough love click. Yeah. Or Sandler and Perry. Back in action. How about if a tough tough love clip and it's actually clippy so you can draw from Yeah, I love it pixels that'll be next week, right People do not like that movie
Starting point is 00:02:41 No, they're not into pixel if you combine the hatred of pixels and True Detective season two together, the internet would explode. Which is interesting because True Detective two is made of little pixels. It is true. It's little dots like pointillism. Sarote, Sarat, Sarote. Sarote.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Sarote. I got Sarote throat today. Oh man. So IMDB described Sharknado as simply this, a monstrous tornado unleashes ravenous sharks from Washington DC all the way down to Orlando, Florida, period. That's it. That's as much as... If only it took that little amount of time to watch. I did find that this one flew by faster than the other two.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It flew by as fast as a great white shark in the middle of the sky. I wanted to start off by simply asking you guys, what did you guys think of the love stories? I really thought that this one really took some chances. Well, you know, this movie is the third in the franchise, and the first two are just such consummate action movies that this one really flexes its relationship love Yeah, romantic. Well, we already care about the characters Oh, yeah, I would we want to watch number three unless we wanted to see this deepening of the love stories Well, I mean we we obviously we see you know Finn and April just name is Finn by the way. I still marvel
Starting point is 00:04:02 Oh, yeah, like a shark Finn. Yeah Finn Shepard the great Finn Shepard. They call him Finley a lot Yeah, it says just as if to justify it that was the thing that kind of bummed me out at the beginning of the movie He is running to get a presidential medal. He's running to the White House He's just run also just running on empty DC streets Yes and and they're saying the president needs him. The president needs him. And he gets into an SUV that drives him about a block. Well, it drives him to a Hollywood back lot
Starting point is 00:04:29 for just a brief moment. And then he runs back. He gets out because they're in traffic. And then he runs back past the Washington Monument. I know nothing about geography in DC, but I know that that is 100% wrong. North is up. North is up, by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:41 South is down. OK, all right. That is good to know. He also runs like he's doing a high knees drill. Like when I was on track, you would do high knees where you try and get your knees up as high as possible. That's how he runs. He runs like, his running style is very intense and weird.
Starting point is 00:04:59 He also runs, I don't know if you saw this, but he runs into, he tries to run by the security. He tries to run by the secret service. And they stop him, understandably. And then Bill Engvall, is that his name? The comedian is playing the White House Chief of Staff, sees him being detained and goes, whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:05:19 What are you doing? And he goes, I'm sorry about this, man. And then he like chastises the Secret Service for daring to stop Finn Well, I'm fucking job. Yes to stop people from running into the White House It does bring me to a point that I have with the film Oh cuz I have I don't have any points. I have really points. Yeah, this is a little this I mean I enjoyed the movie. I thought was great. I had no like logic. I'm just kidding. I have 10,000 I have no logic issues except for this one have 10,000 points. I have no logic issues, except for this one thing.
Starting point is 00:05:47 10,000 points of light. Yep. So arguably Finn has been at the forefront of two major attacks, like two major. They're not attacks. Sharknadoes. Necessarily, they're acts of God. Acts of God.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So you would imagine people know him by name. I mean, think about the shark. What Al-aeda or Isis could do if they could control they could harness a shark NATO Don't say that kind of stuff out loud. That's gonna. You're like one of those Hollywood screenwriters You have been hired to devise 9-eleven plans Oh my god, but like think about it What if it fell into their hands I started to begin to believe that are there any more sharks left in the ocean after these? That's what I wanted to notice when he's running up to the White House, which by the way we forgot to mention He's running there as if he's needed. Yes, and when he gets there, he's merely accepting the Presidential Medal of Honor
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yes, so yeah, he's like slightly late for it. But but but when he gets there He's running past protesters and the protesters are holding up signs because the president wants to save the sharks. Yes. Apparently these are anti-shark, they're in the anti-shark movement who wants to kill all the sharks in the ocean before they can be turned into sharknados. Yes, because this movie, uh, I didn't catch that. It's so barely in
Starting point is 00:07:05 there but he does say it to him the president says it later the president said Finn says when the president is about it mark Cuban who is who he is on shark tank he is literally playing mark Cuban no he's not he said I used to be a shark I know but I know he says he says they used to call me a shark That's like a wink According to the IMDb. He's just listed as president of the United States. They never never say mark Cuban I bet that's why he signed on president mark Cuban says Finn Finn says him wait a minute. I thought you wanted to save the sharks and he says well Yeah, I do but not these ones and he starts killing him and he's very good
Starting point is 00:07:44 So it's a subplot in the movie This is like some kind of new world where since the events of sharknado 2 people are rising up saying kill all So it seems to me like you didn't read the fanfiction in between there's been a lot like the animatrix There have been really multiple feel no there's sharknado meets Archie the comic book Oh, yeah, that is which people said we should talk about too Sorry, I did not have time for that Had time to watch all of sharknado did not have time to read one. I The one thing I was gonna say though the issue that I have bringing me back to this thing about Finn is he is a hero
Starting point is 00:08:18 Right. Yeah constantly not recognized by anyone You would argue one of the most... Not recognized and also talked about as if he's the most famous man on earth. Yes, everybody knows who he is. People are constantly asking his daughter, what's it like to be the daughter of a famous person? Yes, and at one point they're pulling into like a base and he's like, I'm Finn, Finn Shepard.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And like, yeah, I don't believe it. Yeah, yeah, he is, yeah. Why would you know that? We know who everybody... Yeah, I don't know's yeah, you know that we know who everybody I quibble on that because you know the face of the guy who killed bin Laden Well, yeah, that's that's yeah purposefully no because the Navy SEALs, but this guy's on TV all the time It didn't look didn't that guy would didn't that guy do a tell-all book? I watched like the interview and I couldn't pick him out of a crowd I feel like sharknadoes are more important than bin Laden in the grand scheme of things
Starting point is 00:09:06 They are the bin ladens of weather exactly. Yes. I mean what if bin Laden could have gotten his hands on a sharknado? That's what I wondered is he the guy behind all this now Was he the guy in the boat in the first one sharknado for could be a real? Anti-terrorism kind of movie really could if you would once again sci-fi Let us write this movie No one has come to us and as a matter of fact the biggest slap in the face that this movie did Was they put a German? Podcasting duo who does a podcast about bad movies no in the movie
Starting point is 00:09:41 Oh, and not that is a real fuck you to us. And they put Heidi and Frank in there. Heidi and Frank, not Frosty. Not Frosty. Wow! They are the front two guys on the roller coaster, who are clearly German because they don't speak any English. You'll watch, if you ever watch it again, it's quite... How dare you? How dare you make a...
Starting point is 00:09:59 How dare you, Sharknado! Thunder Levin, you son of a bitch! You've got three of the most consummate professional podcasters here doing nothing. Doing nothing. Doing nothing. With our time. Celebrating this movie.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And also doing nothing with our time. We have so much time on our hands. We can throw this together. We were sent a box, a literal box of David Hasloff bobbleheads because they appreciate us. Sci-fi appreciates us. Sci-fi does. But Anthony C. Ferrante? Not so much.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Different story, Ferrante. You know, Ferrante, you know what he loves? German podcasters. Who is that cameo for, the German podcasters? Well, that's the thing. I kept being like, I bet that's a cameo. Don't know who that is. I do want to talk about the cameos. Can talk about the cameo because there are so many of them I went on the sharknado three Wikipedia page today and just saw the list. Yeah, the movie is just bogged down Oh, yeah by anytime there is a person who delivers a plate of food
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah, or or there's constantly people introducing other people or introducing people who are going to introduce people they're just trying to pack as many people in there that this movie just like is so slowed down by it because every single person who puts a Plate of food on the table has to have a big line and they hang on their face for a long time to go Oh, that's Holly Madison. Well, I will tell you another thing about this movie I believe and I have no verification on this but when we get to the space shuttle, spoiler alert, at the end, there are people who won a contest. This whole thing should be called spoiler alert.
Starting point is 00:11:28 We're talking about everything. The people that are in the space shuttle with Haselhoff, I believe won a contest of some kind. I think they did, yeah, you're right. They are so stilted and oddly in there, I was like, they don't look like actors? And they have an oddly big part. I feel like they won a contest.
Starting point is 00:11:44 The people on the ground running around like, you know Sharks have been yeah have been falling on them I feel like their contest winners or relatives or something because something they get so much screen time Let me cameras just hanging on their face. What what we can't win a contest Yeah, come on. I'm just saying guys. Let us win a contest. We would work for scale Let me just read you the list of everyone in this movie that is a cameo It would be David Hasselhoff Bo Derek Mark Cuban and Coulter Michelle Bachman Michelle Bachman Jerry Coulter and Bachman in this movie crazy Jerry Springer Chris Kirkpatrick Chris Jericho Holly Madison
Starting point is 00:12:20 I didn't see Jerry Springer by that. There's a few people on it. He gets eaten by the shark that's hanging in the park. Oh, is that him? Yeah, that was him. Take a picture of me. Which I have a question about, because that shark is in the position of the fake jaw shark at Universal Studios. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So does that mean? And we've seen it earlier in the piece as well. How did it get hung up there? Did it come, has it been playing dead the entire time? No, I think- Or did it come to life? Here's what I would imagine. That fake shark was there
Starting point is 00:12:45 The real shark came down and got lodged on the thing knocking the fake shark off God and it's in the exact same position got it. Okay. Okay, that adds up Yeah, Chris Kirkpatrick Chris Jericho Holly Madison Kendra Wilkinson Anthony wiener Anthony This is is in there twice. This is sad. He's in there in the beginning and at the end I gotta say Anthony wiener like is that come on that what? He's just his life is amounting to now apparently like what what what what Carlos danger? He is a disease. Oh, I hope he's credit. Hope you got Carlos danger. I hope he got laid off with this movie He probably but you know what I mean like we everyone used to respect him
Starting point is 00:13:22 Oh, he was like a legit up-and-coming, but he doesn't have to be like he doesn't have to go through all that and and and then just turn to sharknado Michelle Bachman Michelle Bachman I get it. I cash any kind of foothold into the yeah, you know being a person Kathy Lee Gifford hoda cob Ray J. God be Frankie Mun Robert Klein, Michael Bolton, Michael Winslow. Who's Michael Bolton? Yeah, who's Bolton? He's credited as Steve. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Oh, Steve! Rick Fox, Cindy Margolis, Penn and Teller, Neo. By the way, what does Teller get in? What does he get out of this? Also, Penn lost a lot of weight. Penn has fat skinny guy weight. It doesn't look quite right. He looks good. Penn has fat, skinny guy weight though. It doesn't look quite right yet. No, but I'm glad for him.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Tell her, tell her talks. He's like a real man. Oh yeah, funny guy. He's a human being. Oh wait, he's a human being? Yeah. I thought he was a ventriloquist dummy that Penn is operating.
Starting point is 00:14:16 But you know, like, why does he, what does he get out of showing up and sitting next to Penn? Well, he's got, I mean, like, I'm sure that's Sharknado money. And all he does is like shake his head. I know yeah, he's a funny guy like let him talk He's not tell her in this he's playing Colonel. Whatever. Yeah, you're right. I mean Colonel Stilo Colonel Stilo Then there's Lou Ferrigno Jackie Collins Savannah Guthrie Matt Lauer Natalie Morales Benji bronc again
Starting point is 00:14:43 It's Natalie Morales in that I think she I thought it was Maria Menounos, but. Oh. No, Maria Menounos is in this. Oh, okay, all right, so yeah. Who's Natalie Morales? Is she a part of the Today Show, I guess? Oh. In that panel.
Starting point is 00:14:56 She's probably a part of that panel. I'm thinking of someone else. I'm thinking of someone else. Benji Bronk. Now I'm the racist. Benji Bronk reprises his role as the End is Near guy, and then Al Roker. That's a lot of cameos, and Maria Menounos has a death
Starting point is 00:15:10 that I thought you would appreciate. She kind of gets eaten out by a shark. Oh yeah, that shark, she is enjoying it. You know, because that shark... There are ways to get eaten by a shark, and there are ways to get eaten by a shark. Sometimes when you get eaten by a shark, you get wet. get you know sometimes when you get eaten by a shark you get wet The other thing about this movie that is
Starting point is 00:15:35 Interesting to bring up is and plus I just want to remind there are other people you like mark McGrath Oh, yeah, there's Reza from from the Shah's of sunset who? From Star Trek the woman's a real housewife. Yeah, she has a big part. She has a very big part, but I feel like she... She also got one of my only laughs. Oh really, which was... You can't take those cars, you can't take those cars, I'm gonna get fired. In a movie full of shilling shit, she shills the most shit in this movie.
Starting point is 00:16:02 She talks about NASCAR, she talks about the benefits of Universal Studios, VIP Pass. Front of the Line Passes, she basically does a full commercial for Front of the Line Passes explaining how they work, what you do, and the benefits of using one. Do you think, by the way, that Front of the Line Passes are going to get to be such a common thing that you will then need Front of the Line Passes?
Starting point is 00:16:24 You see VIP Front of the line passes You know what I mean, and how do we get those? Yeah? We need them we really do we I feel like anyone needs them we need I got I signed up for that TSA pre-check Oh, yeah, I like that because I was like oh this seems like a good deal And now so many people have done it that twice I've been to the airport and that line has been longer Yeah, then the regular line, and I'm like what is the point now come on everybody doesn't make sense also shadow George Cinco is in this movie George RR Martin oh yes crazy. I saw that guy, and I was like that's a weird George RR Martin looking guy Cut out of the movie
Starting point is 00:17:04 Apparently he didn't like his performance oh he had final cut? yeah I didn't mean to let you say that was anyone else upset that Michael Winslow the voice master from police academy didn't do enough sound effects? yeah he basically went like yeah he did a
Starting point is 00:17:24 when was this? he was the guy leading them to the space shuttle Is he playing the guy from Lava Tarantula or? You know because he and Steve Gutenberg are both in this and I think it's a crossover because it's definitely It's a shared universe. Yes, it is Lava Tarantula. Yes, which is another thing. We should have watched but we know he Hearing of all of this okay, so so two days later. They aired L but we didn't. No, he and Sharknado. This is the first I'm hearing of all of this. Okay. So two days later they aired Lava Tarantula. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Which is a... Steve Gutenberg. Steve Gutenberg in the cast of the Police Academy films. Right. Tackleberry? Wait, really? I think they're all in it. Is Tackleberry in it?
Starting point is 00:17:59 Holy shit, I didn't know this. Probably. He basically, they asked him who else he wanted to be in the film. He said, well, why don't we get everyone from Police Academy? That's amazing. Is Bobcat in it? So wind flows in...? Wait I'm looking right now, this is amazing. So there's this other movie and they showed a trailer for it during Sharknado and Ian Ziering runs through it and they say hey help us with this lava tarantula and he says I
Starting point is 00:18:19 have a shark problem on my hands I can't do it so it's a shared universe like Marvel. It is a shared universe but listen to this Michael Winslow in Sharknado plays Brian he plays a different guy cuz Jones Jones right and then lava L'Anche he plays Marty L'Anche it doesn't make it lava tarantula. I like lava tarantula to It's not as bad as sharknado which is what I Shock not oh get over you um I My favorite cameo was Jackie Collins who introduces herself as you think yeah, hi, I'm Jackie Collins Yeah, and I'm still a thing who is this cameo?
Starting point is 00:19:03 Love boat it is you know I are interesting This is basically the love boat Jackie Collins was a love boat guest Here's the thing Some of these people are like Okay, wow, oh cool Even Michelle Bachman, I go Oh, that's interesting But Jackie Collins? No one cares, Collins!
Starting point is 00:19:20 Jackie Collins, no one of No Jackie Collins fans Are tuning in They give her so much time. It's more fun to say it is What are you some kind of shark not a shark not a rat? Yeah, but no one's tuning in for her so like let's get and the and the you know the Kendra Wilkinson's of the world and you like Separate the wheat from the Chad does it I mean like shouldn't there be at least three pussycat dolls in this movie? I feel like this is like an open casket. An open casket, yeah it is. I feel like it is.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It's very much so. I feel like they just gave out this address on Twitter and said if you show up we'll put you in the movie. Except us! Exactly, we're the only people not getting the invite for this. Guys, all of us are on successful TV shows that would bring some level. Well, you're giving me a little too much credit. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:20:14 The, all right, so a lot of cameos. A lot of cameos in this. I could spend two hours talking just about Tara Reade. Oh, well. We have to talk about it. Let's give it. Yeah, anyway you wanna go into it. Yeah, Tara Reade.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Okay, here's- I mean, we can go chronologically too. I yeah. Yeah anyway you want to go. Yeah, Tara Reed, okay? I mean we can go chronologically to I'm happy I have a lot of different all of her stuff with Bo Derek is straight up the first banana the first scene Okay, Finn goes running in and he's accepting the presidential medal of honor right cut to Tara Reed and Bo Derek Wandering around Universal Studios, Orlando Where they are for the entire movie. And Bo Derek says, hey, where's your husband? Yes. And is treating it like the husband's a real shift.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Shit head. Yeah, for not being at Universal Studios Orlando. He is arguably America's single greatest hero. And she is like. And receiving America's highest honor. Tara Reid is the asshole in this scenario. Yes, she's pregnant and maybe shouldn't hop on a plane. But her baby belly is tiny.
Starting point is 00:21:09 But what is she doing at Universal Studios if she's pregnant? Oh yeah, nevermind going into space, which she does. Yeah. She goes into space while pregnant. While pregnant! And then re-enters the Earth's atmosphere in a shark's stomach. That is irresponsible parenting. That's irresponsible. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Which leads me to my belief at the end that she should be killed. Can I just, as we talk about this, I wanna play Finn receiving the presidential medal of freedom and being inducted into the order of the Golden Chainsaw. Take a listen. Ladies and gentlemen, for his heroic actions
Starting point is 00:21:41 in both New York and Los Angeles, for saving countless lives and alerting the world to a new terrifying threat. It is my great honor to present the country's highest civilian commendation, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to Finley Alan Shepard. Beautiful moment. Oh, amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:08 By way of a thank you from the people of the city of New York, I can't stop my leg, I want to present you with this. You are the very first member of the Order of the Golden Chainsaw. Oh really? That hasn't been created before? And it's a working. It's a working chainsaw You can't be the first member of an order there has to be at least two people and he gets it And it's a tiny little chainsaw. It's a pretty tiny, but it's supposed to look like a trophy Yeah, it's supposed to look like a trophy, and it looks like a gold trophy and they go ah Golden order of the chainsaws that's funny and then a shark attack shark attacks, and it's a working chain And again, which is funny. I think it's what that's an intentionally funny
Starting point is 00:22:47 thing where sharks are attacking Finn wherever he is to a degree that makes me believe that this is like Jaws 4 and the sharks know it's him well they bring it up in the thing yes it's sort of a John McClane situation where people should be running away from him on Christmas Day yes and they see him but him but again here. Here's the radio show guys blaming Finn You just hear this and play this film. This is the Heidi and Frank show and we are covering the destruction and Washington DC right now the shark Nano is pretty much destroyed everything in sight traffic continues to be at a standstill on I-95 you might want to try route 17. I don't blame the sharks on this destruction. I blame one Finn Shepherd It seems like everywhere he goes Destruction follows do not think it's a route 17. I don't blame the sharks on this destruction. I blame one Finn Shepard It seems like everywhere he goes destruction follows do not think it's a weather anomaly
Starting point is 00:23:28 I think he has a plan and wherever he goes he destroys Nobody Wow Shepard and his family seem to always survive just fine. We'll be back in just a moment. Oh, I love this conspiracy So either he has like a shark magnet or he's causing this So either he has like a shark magnet or he's causing this? What's his intent? The first movie made sense to a degree that they were somehow corralling sharks and then a tornado lifted these sharks. Now it just seems like whenever a weather system goes on, sharks are flying out of the
Starting point is 00:23:59 water. And not all the kelp and other fish. I was going to say no other fish. No other fish. And how are there sharks. No, yeah, I was gonna say, no other fish. No other fish. And how are there so many sharks next to Washington, DC? I would like to make whale-a-cane. It's a hurricane full of whales. Well, Frankie Muniz does coin the term shark-a-cane.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Oh, he does, oh, okay. But yeah, I mean, it doesn't make any sense anymore in terms of like, the conditions of what, but I will say, when you- It seems like whenever a storm is about to hit it's ripe for sharks to also sharks at this point now can just straight up live outside of water yeah I mean they live in space they're making a case I actually think they're making a case for this is like an environmental film like like the the world is the weather is going
Starting point is 00:24:41 so crazy now interesting because of global warming or something that sharknados are now not only possible would never be in that movie if that was the case I don't think she read it that closely I don't think she can read it but they're not only possible but they're happened, they're probable they say that anywhere on the Eastern seaboard
Starting point is 00:24:58 they can happen now well, what's going on? They're happening everywhere they're happening in Charleston they're happening oh Charleston is completely wiped out decimated Charleston is completely wiped out and people in Disney in and rather Universal Orlando air say Disney are having the best time
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah, like they are there is a shark that goes down one of the water slides and the park is not evacuated Bo Derek is non plus these sharks love to have some, like that one that was on the roller coaster for no, just basically just going up and down a roller coaster for a while. Having a great time. Having a loop-de-loop, it was fun. Having a great time. I have to say about this film,
Starting point is 00:25:36 sometimes we get flack for talking about these films. We do, yes. Because they say, Who, bye, who? They say you're making fun of something that is tongue in cheek. But no, I feel like the first one was so shittily made that they didn't expect it to be, but it was full of plot holes, it was shot poorly.
Starting point is 00:25:58 It was fun to make fun of that. The second one, and the first one was fun to make fun of the plot because it just didn't make any sense. Because it was silly. The second one we were making fun of was fun to make fun of the plot because it just didn't make it silly The second one we were making fun of the parts that are shittily made. Sure this one I have to say It's kind of well made technically they definitely have more money. Yeah, and they're going for it But I think my issue with it is What they think they're doing versus what they're actually doing No, we've always talked about that.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And they think the cameos are people going, yes, every single time someone's on screen. No, it's slowing down your movie. Totally. And it's not even making a good, bad movie. If you go like a movie. There's some good, bad parts. I mean, I think the Golden Chainsaw is fun.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I don't want to make fun of the golden chainsaw because When he I left when he he's revved it up and he's killing sharks with a golden intentional when it turned into a lightsaber at the end Laser chainsaw When when Nova came back I was legit psyched. Yeah. Yes I was like because a the badass cuz a I enjoy the continuity of reintroducing this character, and she wasn't in the second movie, and I like that she's here. And B, she's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:27:16 She can inexplicably fly fighter jets. Because she did a hundred hours of... And they're supersonic fighter jets as well. She was a waitress at a Jimmy Buffettett's, a low rent Jimmy Buffett's place. Like at a Bubba Gump shrimp company, and can fly an F-18. She's driving around with Frankie Munez in- Who has a post-traumatic shark disorder. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Which I want to use all the time. That should now take the place of PTSD. Because PTSD doesn't stand for like post-traumatic like, Stress disorder. But it's not like shooting disorder or war disorder. It's like you don't name it after, it would still be PTSD. He still has a stress disorder, it's just caused by sharks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:58 The scene where Frankie Munez, when they take off and he's trying to get back to the shark Winnebago, and he has every single one of his limbs broken off. Eaten off. Eaten off, rather. I was laughing. I was laughing. And then he finally, with his chin,
Starting point is 00:28:16 presses what I can only assume is a self-destruct button for the Winnebago that is on the roof of it. Which makes no sense. What on earth is that? Put it inside the Winnebago! Why is it on the roof of the Winnebago that is on the roof of it? Which makes no sense. What on earth is that? Put it inside the Winnebago! Why is it on the roof of the Winnebago? It's easier to shoot. Anybody, anybody has access to that.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And the sharks can eat you. Which is exactly what they do. While he's trying to press it. I do think, by the way... The van blows up, by the way, and Nova's like, I have to go help him. Yeah. What? Nova's exploded. have to go help him. Yeah, what? Nova's banging on the whip. He exploded.
Starting point is 00:28:46 There is no him. I want to talk about, Frankie Minnis hasn't acted in a while. I always thought that was Ace Car Driver now, right? That's his whole thing. I thought he was okay. I thought he was okay. There was one moment that was, because you can tell there are some of the cameos are very very stiff. I didn't think Mark Cuban was awful. I just wrote a note on here that says, Mark Cuban is truly a shitty actor. I had no joke. I just was writing this down as I was watching it.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Just like, oh. Maybe he would like him on Shark Tank. I would not put it past Mark Cuban to call you after this episode comes out and be like, hey man, it, not cool. Yeah, I would imagine. I'm doing my best. I did know, somebody told me one time at Sony
Starting point is 00:29:31 that the people from Shark Tank are very adamant that they need to be acting in shows. And they are like, you, whoever at Sony, I guess, owns Shark Tank. As themselves, or? No, as actors. They're like, I need to be on sitcoms I need so I remember there was one thing that I was working on there and they're like what do you think about Mr. Wonderful?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Mr. Warmth? Is that his name? No Mr. Warmth is Rickles. Mr. Wonderful is the bald guy and it's like he wants to be an actor. Well that is kind of what I'm saying like Wait a minute, so do we. Like head sagger. Why are we coming down on that? We're hosts of a show that want to act? Impossible. Improbable. Those jerks.
Starting point is 00:30:12 What idiots. We've not spent a majority of our lives being corporate CEOs. Yeah. Although. Yeah. I would love it. All of us have been on the performing stage. But they would in days past.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Days of future past? Days of future. They should be in days of future past Okay, rope has it cast of shark tank cast them as the X-Men I was do you think Cyclops when he got circumcised got the rogue cut? My one I just want to talk about the one thing that Frankie Munoz is if you have not watched it I think it's worthy of watching it. He when there's a bridge that's out in the middle of the movie, he, like, acts to this bridge,
Starting point is 00:30:49 and I only wrote down, like, Michael Jackson in the music video thriller. His hands are kind of, like, jutting, like... Paul, by the way, is doing the strangest gestures with his fingers. It's almost like a... We gotta get a picture of this. Get a picture of his finger action. He's got a lot of finger... Get a GIF of this. Gestures with his fingers Finger action a lot of finger get a gif of this. Yes, this deserves a gif and that was the only time I was like That's an odd choice. He was he was this kind of like yeah, like Michael Jackson and thriller just kind of creeping forward Yeah, you're doing you're doing the dance the werewolf dance the werewolf. That's what I thought. Yes
Starting point is 00:31:22 I was trying to remember the Michael Jackson thriller video of him pointing at something. Bridges out. Well, what, what I want to say though is, is, you know, the film is pretty well-made for what it is. Sure. So, so there are still actors that are really bad in it. And you have to look at Tara Reed for that. She is the absolute worst actor in this. It's tough stuff, man. I do not blame them for wanting to take it to the fans of whether she should be killed or not.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I mean, one of her first lines, she's on the phone with Ian's earring, and Ian's doing a good job. I like him in these movies. He is very aware of what he's doing and is chewing it up. And he's acting the shit out of it. The same with David Hasselhoff. He's acting the shit out of this. He then is having this phone conversation with Tara Reid. And she's saying, when are you going to get here? When are you getting to Orlando Universal Studios? And he's like on his way.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Planes have been grounded. And he says, as long as it's healthy and I'm there when it's born, that's all I care about. And she goes, okay. That was the weirdest line reading I've ever heard. There were so many scenes of phone calls that the two people on either side are clearly have nothing going on with each other.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah, no relationship. And scenes in which people are talking to each other, but they clearly didn't shoot them on the same day. So like people are just delivering lines and then it's a reverse on somebody some other day It's like the Robert Klein lines are like that is not making the energy doesn't add up there They clearly don't occupy the same space. It's crazy Well, my question is is like why is she so against it because it's only proven to be a commercial hit Continually and she against it is that like she doesn't want to be in it or she's contractually obliged to be there
Starting point is 00:33:08 She just I get the fin she doesn't want to be there She's so interested sleep walking through it She like we're trying when they're up in space David Hasselhoff They put on all their helmets and and there there's these special lights on on their faces They're you know, they're emoting and then it cuts to Tara Reed and she just has this blank look on her face. Like she doesn't know what camera is there. And by the way, Tara Reed's mask never opens for some odd reason. The glass goes down in both of their shields.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Well, he goes, he goes, he goes, uh, uh, well, first, yeah, whatever it's called. He goes, helmet's on, which is a big moment. Like, and then he goes, visors down. Like you don't have to extend that, but goes helmet's on. Yeah. Which is a big moment. Yeah. And then he goes, visor's down. Like you don't have to extend that moment. Just helmet's on is enough, we don't need visors down. And they are wearing, if I could describe that they are wearing like Halloween costume level. They're like Apollo 13 Halloween costumes.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You know what I mean? Like little plastic. Yes, they look like children's Halloween costumes. They look terrible. It's awful. And NASA. Oh NASA. Was terrible. It's awful. And NASA. Oh, NASA. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Yeah, NASA was like really, look, they're trying. They're stretching a dollar. They're trying, but most of it looks pretty good. When you gotta pay Jackie Collins top of show, that's a showbiz term. She's number one on the call center. You gotta get her in there. I would pay money to see a non-effects version of this movie.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Just no effects in it at all. I think that would just be... Oh, it would be amazing. Because I really feel like there is very little going on. That's like Garfield without Garfield. Yes. What if you saw Sharknado without any sharks, without anything, you just watched people reacting to nothing.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Or like the Big Bang Theory with no laugh track. Yeah. Is that a thing? Yeah, that's a thing. Yeah, watch it. It's really funny. Oh, that's a thing. Yeah, watch it. It's really funny. Oh, that's great. Just people sitting and staring at each other
Starting point is 00:34:48 for long periods of time. For long periods. Saying a corny joke and then sitting in silence. And staring at each other. Oh, wow. That's amazing. Yeah, she is truly awful at it. I pray she does not return.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Although, it's fun to make fun of her. I feel like by four there's gonna be nothing to make fun. I wonder if four, I mean like this- I enjoyed this one the most like same a hundred percent I This one made the most sense. Yes. Yes, and I enjoyed which is let's just like examine that you just said this one makes the most Sense and we were like, yes And they're going in space. Keep in mind this movie is fighting sharks with a chainsaw But it's kind of going on the Mission Impossible trajectory of sequels. Where like, the first one was okay, the second one, ahhh, and then all of a sudden the J.J. Abrams is like, oh that's good.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Oh that's not bad. And then by four it's going to be one of the best movies you see that year. Yeah, exactly. Rogue Nation, come on, forget about it. This is how they let the audience know about April. Here we go. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This is how they let the audience know about April. Here we go. No! Now's your chance to be part of Sharknado history. You decide if April lives or April dies by tweeting your choice now or by going to to vote. Her fate will be revealed in Sharknado 4
Starting point is 00:36:00 because we're not done yet. There's no possible way she survives. No one wants her. What would you vote? I would vote no, April dies. There's no possible way she survives. No one wants her. What would you vote? I would vote no, April 5th. Vote die, yeah, of course. Although just to fuck with them, I almost would like to keep her in
Starting point is 00:36:13 just to make them go, God damn with the results. Gotta work with fucking terror. But that's why they brought Nova in because Nova brings up, boom. Boom, she's in there and you're like, well, well. She brings a little sex appeal. Like when they fall out of the sky
Starting point is 00:36:25 Oh, this is a man. I want to talk about this Yeah, no, no good. You're talking about and then they emerge from the water naked Yeah, basically and then have you got a little something for she's wearing underwear She's wearing the tiniest little underwear. Yes, and my question was why not? Put on universal costumes at that point at that point they should have been wearing the Blues Brothers costumes Only thing we could find he's in a Doc Brown costume. She's in she's in one of the Blues Brothers Oh these sharks are falling out of the sky Marty Guys, I just you know how old Nova is you know what year Nova was born tell me don't take a guess
Starting point is 00:37:06 Depress me. Yeah, it's okay. Let me think how what year was I born and Because of her youth you mean 2000 I'm gonna let you guys guess how old she might be 2000, okay 9190 999 Yeah, she's a youngie. Yeah, how is the daughter? 90 yeah, she's a youngie yeah, how is the daughter the daughter seems too old to be by the way the daughter They make two lines of dialogue about the fact that she changed the color of her hair Yeah, do we remember figure that out ourselves? I didn't even remember her from the second movie who cared like two people go. Oh you change the color of your hair Yeah, we get that these are a year apart
Starting point is 00:37:44 Some of those people are strangers. Some of those people are strangers to her who have just seen her on TV. Yeah, as the daughter of a famous person. You know what? They replaced the daughter. That's why they made a big deal out of it. Not the same daughter.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Not without my daughter. Yes, that's why they had to make a big deal out of it. Not the same daughter. Isn't there a better way for that joke if you're doing a nod to the fact that you replaced? Those are the things that I feel like they miss out on. Like nod to that in a big way. There's some sort of Becky on Roseanne kind of reference
Starting point is 00:38:16 or something. I liked her. Why does she have to be played by Becky from Roseanne? I liked her, but then she had that little boyfriend who followed her everywhere. OK, so let's talk about the boyfriend he, they make a big deal about that. She likes this boy. She meets in line at the roller coaster. And then that one rapey guy, the rapey.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Weird rapey guy starts immediately mackin on the friend and then they both die. And then they're just together and he is brought along. He has no family, I guess. No, he just ran. He never wants to check in with his family. He's just stoked to hang with her. He's along for the ride. Shoot machine guns off the roof at Sharks. Yeah. And at one point-
Starting point is 00:38:52 Everyone is amazing at shooting guns and high powered guns very quickly. Well, just like the first movie, everybody is instantly capable of doing anything. Flying planes, shooting guns, everything that you is just doable. Yeah. At one point someone sees the new daughter
Starting point is 00:39:09 and this boyfriend and Tara Reed and someone comments to them that, wow, you're really lucky, you guys are a great family. And he just nods along. Like he's part of the family now. It's been 20 minutes, he's part of the family. Now it's weird because it's incest when they hook up and God punished him with the ultimate punishment
Starting point is 00:39:26 That's true. That's just by shark by the way. We're talking about ages Yeah, I am zeroing how well do you want to guess how much older his father David played by David Hassel? I feel like it's me like ten years right is it about twelve years. Oh wow so technically possible Hasselhoff could have gotten some semen out of those I believe it I believe Hasselhoff was capable of fathering a child at 12. Oh, yeah. Oh, wait a second guys. What's that? Ian's earring or I am saying is in LaValanchola yes playing Ian what not his thing. Yeah This is blowing up the whole shared universe concept
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah, I think they don't understand what shared universe is or you know what it might be What is there like nods to yeah, this is shared universe, but they don't have rights. Oh right because two different places It's two different production companies or something. Right so he's just saying I have a shark issue, but he's not being... But he's technically they can't credit him as Finn Shepard. Although why not be like, you know, Michael Keaton in Out of Sight and Jackie Brown these studios do each other a solid. Can we talk about the sun because the sun from number two is not in this. He's he's away on his tour of Afghanistan or something. I have a theory. He's back and forth Nova style and he's going to be grown up and he's going to
Starting point is 00:40:44 be like a famous actor and he's gonna be like a famous actor And he's gonna like do some big, you know dramatic entrance Are you saying that you're gonna I'd like it for it to be me 45 year old son of listen, I am 50. How did this get made fans? Let's get Scott Archiman We can Shepherd son To write it like Put us in cameo! We don't even have to write it! Like put us in cameo! This is ridiculous! If they can write in April Lizzard dies, we can write in Scott Aukerman for the role of Vaughn Brody? No, is that his name?
Starting point is 00:41:15 No, it's not, because Finn's last name isn't Brody. Isn't that Mark McGrath? Oh yeah, it's Mark McGrath. Who is barely in this by the way. Which is a real bummer, I really missed him, the way i like his vibe in the second one his very first line they're at the white house and finn just accepted the presidential Medal of honor is how you doing man yeah? To the end no one really came out to support finn that seemed like his family To him nobody so well that's the thing thing, he's wildly unsupported. His father treats him like he's a, like a,
Starting point is 00:41:49 Like he's an addiction. Like he's an idiot. Yes. And I'm like, on what planet? Like he has saved. The only one doing the work. Yeah, he's the only one. Bo Derek treats him like a zero,
Starting point is 00:41:57 and she's a 10. Oh. Ha ha ha, nice. Oh boy. That's a reference for all of you kids out there about Bo Derek's movie called The Ten. I wonder how many people out there. Remember, no one even knows who Bo Derek is.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I was gonna say, have no idea who Bo Derek is, like the sexiest woman from our childhood. Well, I mean, that's, you know, it's a lesson to, you know, people out there going, oh, I got the most beautiful bride, I got, you know, just look at Bo Derek. Like, it's gotta be about what's on the inside, cause it happens to us all.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Two questions about the logic of this movie. Sure. Only two. Only two. Sharks, at certain points, when they're whipped up by the tornado, Sharknado or Sharkicane, can crash through a building and literally destroy it. Yeah, because that happens to the Washington monument.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Exactly. Other times, they can just knock people off, like hit them on the head and knock them down. So I don't understand what's happening. The physics of it? Yes, they also are able to fall through the White House with enough force to penetrate the bunker underneath the White House, like the safest bunker. But they also can fall on the ground and not explode. Yes, and roll off around.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Because if they're hurtling with that much force, they should be then making deep impressions in the ground. Critical shark velocity is something that scientists are studying. Did anyone also understand or care to explain to me how sharks could live in space? Well, I buy that. Well, there is one line in there that they say,
Starting point is 00:43:26 how can they survive in space? And then Ian's earring says, how can they survive a tornado? Like, you can't just say a question with a question. A question with a, oh, neither makes sense. Yup. Talk to me about the mascara that's in bullet.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Okay, this is the one part of the movie I do not understand. I don't either. This is the one part that I was like okay this reminds me of the first two yes where their lines of dialogue that I and I rewound it I transcribed it I asked my wife about it I said what what are they trying to say she tried to explain it but when neither of us really had an answer but here's what happens she had it you're married sorry Sorry ladies. Wow. To a beautiful, lovely lady.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Gotta get it out there. So listen to who charted. Nova has a gun. Yes. She's out of bullets. A gun that is outfitted also with like a machete on the end of it. Right, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Some crazy- Something like that. She's out of bullets and there's a guy she's trying to save. Like a military guy. And she goes, and he's been partly eaten by a shark But she goes how are you he goes? I'm okay, but don't don't wait for me There's no there's no hope for me. Yeah, wait a minute. Are you okay? Or is there no hope for you? Yeah, okay, but then then she tries to shoot her gun at an oncoming shark. Yeah, she's out of bullets
Starting point is 00:44:41 He then sees wrapped around almost like chewy with the artillery around like a bandolier bandolier. She sees he has mascara like a little little pack of packets of mascara. It says mascara on it. Right. Yeah. But it's isn't it on her. It's on her. Yeah. Like on her bandolier. Yeah. Okay. It says mascara. Yeah. He says don't put on makeup. She says trust me. They're real. I'm looking at right here. Yeah. He says, don't put on makeup. She says, trust me, they're real. I'm looking at it right here, yes. Okay, which is a joke about her boobs because she's leaning over and her boobs are hanging out, but she's referring to her mascara.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yes. She puts the mascara in the gun and then shoots the shark. Correct, and that works. Uh oh, guys. What does that mean? I just figured it out. Okay. Okay. This is very important here. I
Starting point is 00:45:28 Did a little googling as we were talking. Okay, that's kind of rude but good and So I don't know if you remember this I felt victim to this but in the middle of the movie Tara Reed is doing a commercial for benefit cosmetics What what yes in the middle of the movie, Where? It cuts to like a home shopping network show, and a shark comes in, and they kill it with some beauty products.
Starting point is 00:45:55 So you just said, trust me. I don't remember that at all. Oh, you may have not fallen victim to it. It's like when they used to do those shitty things during Mad Men, where it looked like Mad Men. The Podbusters. Yeah, the Podbusters. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:04 They did a Podbuster, yes. Oh, I must have fastbusters. Oh, okay. So they did a Podbuster. Oh, I must have fast forwarded through it. So they did a Podbuster with Tara Reade. Okay. So. She's doing Podbusters? She barely wants to be in this thing. What's a Podbuster?
Starting point is 00:46:13 It's the little, like, we do them on our show too. It's like a little 30 second thing. Oh, it's an ad with you in it. It's not even an ad, but it's designed to make you stop fast forwarding. Yes, yes. In order to look at the ads that are around it They do it on million dollar listing where it's just like a 30 to 60 second like little scene. Okay. Got it Okay, so I know what it is. They do it on dual survival. Okay, it's called tips tips for survival
Starting point is 00:46:39 Right, they do them on Portlandia every every popular show has a podcast. They do it on dual survival. So you just said they're real. I Google right here to see a GIF, or Jif, however you want to pronounce it, I don't care. And I looked at her bandolier. And on her bandolier, all the bullets say they're real. Type in their real mascara. It is a product called their real mascara it is a product called their real mascara it is a silver mascara that she was wearing in her bandolier it's about lengthening it's a real product or a fake product placement their real lengthens curls
Starting point is 00:47:17 but they're not lifts and separates but why would she have them in a bandolier gun does she she she using them as bullets previous to this she was probably doing her makeup in addition to killing sharks, but wait she carries her makeup around on a bandolier this this doesn't add so the bandolier is full of these of these things because Yes, that's that I saw just saw that I just saw the clip of it. It's okay. That's that well And by the way, and by the way way if you look at Hollywood life comm there is Terry near podbuster right there with the benefit their real mascara I pray she got paid more to do that yes, so that is it's not even in the shape of a bullet
Starting point is 00:47:57 But yeah, but basically it's just uh it's their real mascara. Okay. That's the president Yeah, that is but a level of the first two of something that we don't understand I mean it was just product placement because we didn't even but by the way bad product placement because we didn't even we didn't know That it was a product and I have to say like, you know It's not to the level of is that Tara Reid's arm that was in the shark at the end of shark? No to level of what the fuck is happening here Yeah That but that was the one part that I was just,
Starting point is 00:48:25 was like, I truly do not understand what's happening. If I'm showing them the beautiful little picture. Okay, yeah, we're watching this part of it. She's putting the mascara into the gun. That would work. So does that cause the gun to backfire and kill her? Yeah, for sure. Wait a second, wait a second, I don't think you're right.
Starting point is 00:48:43 What if, what if the cool thing about this mascara is there's gum powder in it? Okay now I'm listening How did it clear the the the board if they're real it like you know what I mean? You're gonna put into a gun? Self defense mechanism for women because women will walk home at night and a creepy guy will be there What happens if someone goes into a school and shoots up a bunch of kids with this mascara? Or somebody's gonna really hurt themselves loading mascara into a gun and trying to shoot it.
Starting point is 00:49:15 This is irresponsible. Don't ask, don't tell. All right, they go to the moon. Sharks in space! They don't go to the moon. How does Hasselhoff end up on the moon Yeah, he flies there in his little jetpack. Yeah, that is a jetpack He flies around but it seems to me like you how I'm wondering about the physics of it for real Like if you flew towards the moon at a certain point you would just start to fall to the moon You I'm assuming does the the moons must have some sort of gravity
Starting point is 00:49:47 So at a certain point what you would just be once you enter it orbit you start to burn up from I don't think it has the moon is dead yeah wait why are we even but he has he we got to get Neil deGrasse Tyson on the phone joining us now astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson to answer all of our Sharknado and space questions. He's the host of Cosmos, not Nova. Amazing. Thank you. Also, the level of gas. You only have enough gas to get me or go back to Earth. One seemed like five feet and the other one seemed like...
Starting point is 00:50:20 They call it fuel. Also, it doesn't matter because the shuttle blows up anyway They just fall to her and then they just fall to earth in the I always I I wanted to Sandra Bullock to make a cameo on that The greatest just boom yeah, there's a book also get you and Tom Hanks is there from castaway before they go to space Would you notice someone wrote a song called? I'm a badass. How do you do? No, there's a song when they're all suiting up. It's like I'm a bad ass. How do you do? Which is not a bad ass thing to say by the way to formally introduce yourself and tip
Starting point is 00:50:59 your hat. How do you do? How do you do? I'm a badass? Oh my gosh Yeah, but they go to space David Hasselhoff is ions dad who never believed in him and they and he owns a diner He owns it. No, there was a diner that was there I guess it at Cape Canaveral right that some corporation bought this he bought it by the way Yeah, he bought it back in order to turn it back into the diner that you want. Yes But yeah, because it was turned into like a Chuck E. Cheese. Right, yeah. But they all know Lance... No, not Lance Armstrong. Who am I trying to say?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Who went to the moon? Oh, Buzz Aldrin. Buzz Aldrin. I was like, how did Buzz Aldrin say no to this movie? Yeah. Out of everything he's done, that shitty Funny or Die video... The rapping Funny or Die. Wait, what is... But let me ask you this, because they basically are like,
Starting point is 00:51:47 well, we know there's a secret space shuttle. Right. And he's like, oh, come on. They know. I can't tell you. Ian Ziering and Nova know about everything. They know about it. And then he goes, well,
Starting point is 00:51:57 maybe if you call your buddy the president, and Ian Ziering says, well, I can try. And before he even does, David Hasselhoff calls up and goes, we're gonna need to fly that shuttle. Yeah. And by the way, what was it? I didn, well, I can try. And before he even does, David Hasselhoff calls up and goes, we're going to need to fly that shuttle. And by the way, what was it? I didn't even know. I literally watched and was paying attention
Starting point is 00:52:10 to the last 20 minutes. And nothing made sense to me. I was like, what is different about this space shuttle than anything else? Well, they were trying to drop bombs from a higher altitude into the huge Sharknado, I presume, so that I had to do it from space. And then it doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:52:26 By the way because what works is Star Wars well what the problem? Wars is already there the problem is is they they succeed it actually does work But what happens is the sharks then start being shot into space yes and start they've come out of the atmosphere into space yes and start they've come out of the atmosphere they've come out and they're and they're now in their space sharks so they need Star Wars in order to shoot a laser down I don't know come on I feel like they didn't need to go to space they could have used Star Wars from space to shoot that giant laser they yeah they shoot a giant laser from space into onto Earth and like bisect all of Florida.
Starting point is 00:53:06 And people are just watching. And people are watching it. From the sidelines going, wow, cool. The amount of civilian casualties from that laser alone. That'd be bigger than Man of Steel. I was just going to say it was bigger than Man of Steel. I heard that Batman v Superman. Where are you Anthony C. Ferrante?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Batman v Superman v Sharknado. Hey, that's something I would watch. By the way, he is not a hero. Finn Shepard, this is the interesting thing about him. He's gonna be like Ghostbusters 2, where they blame the Ghostbusters. They blame him for all this. I think that's coming. I think there's something.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Where does it go? Where does Sharknado forego? We're all writers, where does it go? Do they try to rescue David Hasselhoff, who by the way sees time travel? Time travel. They have have to let us write Let us write this time traveling. I don't need a movie like time What you get caught in the sharknado you travel through time?
Starting point is 00:53:54 She's dead all the fans vote her out the he travels back to save her done I love it to the first movie like back to the future, too We are- That would be fun! We wrote Rocky vs Rambo in a weekend. We can do this in a day. You need it tomorrow, done. I was gonna ask you this question off there, but I'll ask you on there. We read Rocky vs Rambo on air one time. Would that be a fun a charity for Harris's charity. I want to do a reading of it, like in public
Starting point is 00:54:25 that we could record. Yeah, that would be really amazing. Sharknado 4, time traveling back through the first three movies... There you go! I will also say this... And saving his reputation, saving his wife, and I guess doing something with Nova. Stopping that deal in the beginning of the first movie,
Starting point is 00:54:43 who were those people? That my belief is that Sharknado 4 needs to introduce the true villain of the movie. Of the movie, who's behind the strings. Who is behind it all. Yeah, Mr. Shark and Ato. I'm talking Malkovich, I'm talking Gary Sinise. Is it God though, are they playing God?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Or it's just X or God. Or it's like a very intelligent shark. Yeah, oh a giant shark. What or it's like a very intelligent shark? Yeah, oh, it's like a shark in a suit Naked man a bald hairless man Would you shave your head and beard for that role no Wait wait wait Jason think of the. Do I get to write it? Yes. Okay, and I get to be in it as the pet of the shark villain?
Starting point is 00:55:30 Okay, yes, I'll do it. Okay, that is a verbal contract. If you're wondering if Tara Reid gives birth to her child in the stomach of a shark, yeah, she does. She does. By the way, question about that. Yep, and yes. The baby, first, they get out of the shark,
Starting point is 00:55:48 which is a vehicle. Okay, here's what happens. All the sharks fall on the ground, hind's earing, prices from space, and it's burned up, it's charred from the burning in the atmosphere. Which is delicious, I'm a big barbecue fan, so I'm, I look really good.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Oh, that looks yummy. Yeah, yeah, really good. So he comes out of the one that he's in, he thought maybe Tara Reid was in the one that he was in, but she's not. So he finally finds one that falls to the ground, and he goes up to it, and he hears her chainsaw. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Her chainsaw hand. I'm sorry, she has a chainsaw in her robot hand, which, don't forget, Tara Reade has her bionic hand in this movie that has a chainsaw. By the way. Something that we didn't even bring up. Yep. As, yeah, couldn't bring it up. It's just one of the many way. Something that we didn't even bring up. Yep. Yes. As, yeah, couldn't bring up.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It's just one of the many things. Guys, I know I bring it up every time we talk about this, but I was in a movie where Ving Rhames had shotgun legs. Anyway. Right. So. So who are you to talk? I'm used to, I'm used to the kind of the creative
Starting point is 00:56:38 conventions of these films. Sure, sure. But so this shark falls to the ground, the chainsaw starts happening. You think Tara Reid is going to come out of the shark Yes, a little tiny baby With no umbilical cord she's cut it off with her chainsaw hand Yes, and and the baby seems to peer out like Terry doesn't like put her hand through crack open a hole the baby's hand
Starting point is 00:57:01 Appears first as if it's opening the hole in the shark's body. The baby should be next level dead. Reincarnated already. The baby should have died 10,000 times in the course of this movie. The heat inside the shark alone would have cooked the baby. The baby should not have been in space. She is pregnant with a child in's old school that's like that's that's a little like old school like you know you know that that's very Jessica
Starting point is 00:57:31 Alba honest company yeah yeah you know like I gotta say I laughed I enjoyed it I enjoyed it oh it's a great you know it's a great beat and then Tara Reid comes out and it's all say is it a girl or a boy it's It's a boy. It's a boy. Who's gonna play that boy? Let's fast-forward put gray hair and I in zero We have a movie let's hand this off just like they successfully did in Indiana Jones in the kingdom of the crystal skull Introduced Shia LaBeouf as the next character to take over that man and it's been so good his movies I actually who's your favorite Indiana Jones? I think it's Shia LaBeouf is the next character to take over that franchise. Man, and it's been so good. His movies, I actually, who's your favorite Indiana Jones? I think it's Shia LaBeouf.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I think it's definitely Shia LaBeouf. Definitely, yeah. All right, so obviously we had an opinion about it. Hashtag myindie. Shia is myindie. We obviously had an opinion about this movie, but there are other people out there that had a different opinion, not many. It is now time for Second Opinions.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Second Opinions It is now time for second opinions. We decided to do something a little bit different this time because there wasn't enough time to get second opinions from this film. There's not enough reviews up of this film yet. So we went back to look at Sharknado 1 and 2 and these are five star reviews from Sharknado 1 and 2 and and these are 5-star reviews from Sharknado 1 and 2, and these are amazing. Um, okay. Sharknado 2, 5-star reviews.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I'm gonna read a bunch of them, because they're pretty great. Granddaughter loved it, 5-stars. All I can say is my daughter liked it, 5-stars. My granddaughter loves it, 5-stars. Classic, my grandkids love it, 5-stars. What loves it. What five stars classic my grandkids love it. What is five stars thing? There's a common thread here And then this one By Beckett Franklin. I keep a couple around for teen gifts five stars
Starting point is 00:59:18 I keep a couple around for teen oh gifts yes, not gifts So then those are some of the five teen give me teen gifts keep a couple around for teen gifts this is also amateur gifts this is another that's not a bad guys that's why that's why you do Jared Fogle got put away for yes yes okay so preteen gifts allegedly allegedly not put away I was the file called on the computer like good stuff really has that been put out. I didn't hear that June has a file on her computer says don't look in here literally called don't look any ah do you have you ever looked no Who's it for is it for you?
Starting point is 01:00:04 It's called Not Important Stuff. HAHAHAHAHA! And it's like all the most important stuff. Yeah. Not important stuff. Definitely not passwords. Um... Okay, this is another one, a five-star review. What's the better way of hiding stuff? Like, shouldn't it be something like...
Starting point is 01:00:21 Taxes! Not even to, like, or like like just like some sort of program run like you know like Adobe you know exactly this is from Sam Groff who wrote I just love it I just love it it's better than the first and Tara Reed is simply beautiful. Oh simply simply I'll go with him on simple This one is from the great one who doesn't like shark things other than the ones being eaten. Whoa This is some good deaths in this there's some very good ones. Oh, yeah, and then this one from Hager Hager dog are the horrible Hager the horrible. He has a lot of opinions especially about his wife. He goes I
Starting point is 01:01:09 Hate sharks five stars whoa he loves this movie because they kill sharks yeah Wow And I did find one five star review. I'm calling it a five star review from Rotten Tomatoes Of sharknado 3 and this one is pretty great it's The Sharknado universe is expanding exponentially like the Mad Max world five How is the Mad Max world expand I don't think the mad man made another one Yeah, this is another movie this okay, and then at the end of the movie when they fall to the ground They like salute the moon they salute the fall to the ground they like salute the moon They salute the moon in the hand has off on the moon salute salute back guys
Starting point is 01:01:49 We have sharknado bobble heads here, and if you come out there our San Diego show We're gonna give you some because we have way too many yeah Thank you sci-fi network for for showing faith in this quartet. That's right now with trio You know what thank you sci-Fi Network for supporting the Americans. Yes. The Allies. Yes. And no thank you to the producers of this movie who are supporting the Axis powers.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Let me tell you about the... The Germans! Our enemies! The Die Schotzen film at a Zion. The worst films of all time. No! And their thing only started in 2013. Oliver Cuthbert and Peter Rutan. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:02:29 I'm sure they're great guys. We should have like a softball game against them. Against the Germans? Yeah, soft and ballin'. We should have all the bad movie podcasts should play softball against each other. By the way, just to talk to you a little bit about well, I'm gonna get into the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:02:45 But if you want to get into- Behind the scenes of what? This movie. Some shady stuff went on. Whoa! Yeah. Whoa! Basically, they tried to fire their entire crew
Starting point is 01:02:56 because they wanted to go Union. And they did. They fired the crew? Yes. And so they're not Union? They're not Union. Wow. And so- Not great.? They're not union. And so, so.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Not great. Not great. Not great. And I guess the asylum people just basically said, hey. Allegedly? No, this is a statement that they released. OK. That they said, they finally reached an agreement.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And they said, we'll be increasing the amount of chum at craft service and no longer require our employees to sleep without moving. That was their fun way of- Fun way of saying they're not gonna go union. Yeah. Hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:32 I think it's a brave risky choice and I stand behind it cause I want to write number four. Yeah. As long as they're WGA, I don't give a shit. All right guys. What a great, what a great- Can I ask you a question? Do we do this for Sharknado 4?
Starting point is 01:03:44 I genuinely don't know. I don't know, I'm conflicted. Should we tell the audience to vote right now? Let's vote, yeah, tweet the hashtag, what were the hashtags for April? April lives, April dies. Okay, so Sharknado, H-D-T-G-M,
Starting point is 01:03:59 Sharknado yes, or Sharknado no? How about this, you just tweet, use our Twitter account, which which is HDTGM. How did this get me? Yes, and just say you should hashtag Sharknado yes, Sharknado no, that would be simple. Yes, Sharknado yes, Sharknado no. Sharknado four, yes, Sharknado four no.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Well I think now it's getting complicated. Yeah, is it Sharknado yes or no? Sharknado four. Okay. Yes. Sharknado yes, Sharknado four,. At? Sharknado for? Hashtag Sharknado, yes. Who let the dogs out? Sharknado, yes.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Hanong man. Hanong man. Okay, Hanong man. So we will let you just the way- Because my whole thing is these are getting too good. I legitimately enjoy them. No, I feel bad going- it's not the same. It's not the same.
Starting point is 01:04:44 It's not the same. Yeah, but also so text or tweet Text it's not the same Text the show Phone line yes Sharknado and text them Pound one for how did this is why we are not being allowed to write the single. We can't even come up with a hashtag. But the fate of this series is in your hands.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And don't worry, if you vote no, we'll bring Scott back for another trilogy. Yeah, you know, I miss you guys. As much as I love coming in for the Sharknado. First guest. First guest. You were the first guest. Oh, well, in the pilot. In the pilotnado. First guest. First guest. You were the first guest. Oh, well, in the pilot. In the pilot.
Starting point is 01:05:27 In the pilot episode. Which we may be releasing sooner or later. Oh, is that right? Oh, is that the special treat? Is the special treat to our fans. Oh, good. Yeah, that was about old dogs. Yes, which we actually did later on.
Starting point is 01:05:37 You did later without me, but which is fine because I remember doing the pilot and going, ooh, I was talking too much. I remember listening to the pilot and going, we could never do a show that's over an hour. We gotta keep it as a tight 30. Right. It was pretty long.
Starting point is 01:05:51 We broke down Old Dogs in its entirety. Beat by Pete. Beat by fucking Pete. So look out for that. That is coming. Guys, it was a pleasure. Sharknado, yes. Sharknado, no.
Starting point is 01:06:01 It was an honor. It was an honor. It's an honor to serve with you. I'm saluting you from the moon. I'm saluting you all. Can I plug that the Comedy Bang Bang season three DVD is now out in stores. What's extra on it? Super long extras.
Starting point is 01:06:13 We have tons of deleted scenes, tons of deleted interviews, commentary for every episode. We have a complete, a lot of people go, hey, how is this show filmed? How do you edit it down? We have a complete take of Horatio Sands. A lot of people say that? Oh, that's great. A lot of people go, hey, how is this show filmed? How do you edit it down? We have a complete take of Horatio saying. Oh, a lot of people say, how do you edit the show? Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 01:06:32 So we have a complete, just everything Horatio did, so you can see a complete take and see how we whittled it down to the three minutes or whatever. Yeah, so tons of stuff on it. That's out now. Season three, yeah, it's out now. I would definitely get that
Starting point is 01:06:45 I love where do you go to get that? Amazon Amazon sure and I I love a good DVD like that. I feel like people don't do that anymore I'm excited. We put so much care into into it. I'm really proud. I love it That's I love that and and Jarles classic Jarles is introduced on this DVD. Oh, I heard him on the CBB Yeah, show this was his first appearance because we recorded we recorded classic Charles back in December Jarles classic Jarles is introduced on this DVD. Oh, I heard him on the CBB. Yeah show This was his first appearance because we recorded we recorded classic Jarls back in December. Oh wow Also check out wet hot American summer first day of camp. I am in that that's on Netflix right now Wow yeah No, not right now the Friday first. Yeah, Friday
Starting point is 01:07:21 Excellent Jason. Oh, I'm not plugging anything. I got nothing. What about the dictator? Oh still in the dictator Yeah, I believe that's on that from me. I haven't erased that yet. I believe it's on Netflix. I don't think they've erased me from it But but but it is like that Marty McFly thing in back this feature. I'm fading out. Yeah, you're my character is fading out. Yes Plug every single week you will fade out. I will fade out. I Unless you bring it up in a plug every single week, you will fade out I will fade out. I will fade out of that movie. I will and to that end actually I'm glad you said that Please watch baby mama. I have almost completely faded out of baby mama You're almost out of there So just by mentioning it yes, I am still in baby
Starting point is 01:07:57 Now you're back in A big thanks to everybody here at earwolf avrilhally who pulls all of our clips Nate Kylie does all of our research and Averill Halley who pulls all of our clips, Nate Kylee does all of our research and all of our amazing fans Especially you guys at the sci-fi network for sending us all this cool shit And Leanna Waldron who just is killing it all the time on our Facebook page. Follow us on Twitter at HDTGM. Alright, thank you guys so much. We will see you next time. Bye. Bye Bye-bye!

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