How Did This Get Made? - Matinee Monday: Supergirl (w/ Brie Larson)

Episode Date: May 29, 2023

Actress/writer/director Brie Larson (Fast X, Captain Marvel) joins Paul, June, and Jason to discuss the 1984 superhero film Supergirl. They talk about inner space, the amusement park home, the powerfu...l orb, Supergirl saving the day outside a Popeyes, shadow monsters, and much more. (Originally released 05/06/2021) For more Matinee Monday content, visit Paul's YouTube page: to for tour dates, merch, and more.Follow Paul on Letterboxd: Discord:’s Discord: out Paul and Rob Huebel live on Twitch ( every Thursday 8-10pm ESTSubscribe to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael here: to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.comCheck out new HDTGM merch over at to find Jason, June & Paul:@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on TwitterJason is not on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Look in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a- wait, hold on. Wait, who is it? Wait, what, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what is it exactly? Is she doing alright? And, and, alright, and why? Anyway, okay, anyway, hold on. We saw Supergirl and you know you won't get harder to surfade? Let's walk in the meteor, critique some bar art, perhaps we'll find the answer to the question how did this get paid? Hello people of Earth, I am tall John Sheer, aka Paul Sheer, aka someone who is giving bad advice to Canadians about pool ownership in the many episodes and welcome to how to distribute. Hi, how are you and welcome to the podcast that tries to make sense of the movies that make no sense and today we have a movie that is kind of finishing up an unofficial Superman trilogy. We've talked about Superman 3. We've talked about Superman 4. We've even gone into the Zack Snyder justicesly cut,
Starting point is 00:01:06 and now we are going to the 1984 film Supergirl. And normally it's at the part where I tell you like a little bit of the plot. I like to unpack it a little bit, if you haven't seen the movie. But if I start to do that, I'm gonna start pulling a thread here that this entire thing will fall apart.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I will be here for five hours. I cannot explain the plot five hours. I cannot explain the plots of fights to say Superman has a cousin and this cousin comes to earth and gets caught up in a love quadrangle with a witch and a landscaper and herself and all this because she accidentally lost an orb that powered her city. That's not in space, but it's in interspace. Anyway, it's super girl. And we're going to get into it. She lost it, Paul, but I'll wait for my
Starting point is 00:01:50 proper introduction before I speak. Yeah, don't blame her, but also I'll wait for my intro. And you also seem skeptical that she's his cousin. I mean, she is his cousin. Well, look, let's get into it. I'm not saying that she, I mean, cousin, yes, but I don't want to ask that question. I'm not happy with the answers. I have some, I have some things to break down. I need to do it all. And I'm going to do that by bringing in
Starting point is 00:02:16 my two amazing co-hosts. Please welcome Mr. Jason, man, Zookas Jason. How are you? Paul, thrilled to be here. Couldn't be more excited to talk about this movie. I want to be, I want to come in hot. I have no idea what you're talking about, about Canadian pool stuff, but that really made me laugh. But I want to come out hard and heavy and say that we are doing this episode. It was mere two weeks ago that we did the Snyder cut, which was universally our most loved episode, it was mere two weeks ago that we did the Snyder cut, which was universally our
Starting point is 00:02:46 most loved episode, least controversial. People loved it, didn't have no problem with it. And I want to say right now, I loved this movie so much more than the Snyder cut. I would watch this movie again so that I would have watched four hours of supergirl instead of the four hours of the Snyder cut. Okay, first of all, let's just remind people who did not listen to that episode. We like the Snyder cut when we talked about it. I agreed with fine. We, I will agree with you. This is one of those rare, how did this get me movies where everything is working on a level of insanity that I I enjoyed every moment. I enjoyed every moment.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I enjoyed every moment. I mean, let's not forget Peter O'Toole, me a Pharaoh. Like there's, like Peter Cook is in this movie. Oh, Peter Cook made it. You know, this is like some next level stuff. Okay, let's get into it. Well, let's get into it and let me introduce our other co-host back from a two episode break.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Miss June Diane, Rachel, how are you June? I'm doing okay, how are you Paul? I'm doing well, I miss you and I started off this episode with a bad attitude. Yeah. And I'm so excited about our special guest, I know you'll introduce her, but I just, I want everybody to know that I'm back on track.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I'm happy. I'm very happy to see everybody. I love that you're apologizing for your pre-show. We didn't even know this going in. Yes, I'm just apologizing for like the banter. I just came in with a nasty attitude. And I'm kind of like a nasty person these days. And so hopefully I can put that aside. And I'm processing like a lot of anger about the pandemic and perhaps this can be like a Janet Jackson nasty girl take on this movie. Okay, quick question, Paul. You said you were talking about to Canadians about pool ownership.
Starting point is 00:04:39 As though there's another option with a pool like leasing it or renting it for some period of time. Well, right. I guess I was saying like, well, you, well, we were talking about, do I want to own a pool? It wasn't like, do I want to own or lease a pool? It was like, we were getting into it there. They were in, well, I don't want to get into it. You can listen to the mini episode.
Starting point is 00:04:59 A husband and wife, okay, of course not. A husband and wife called in an alternate weeks to argue whether or not they should get a pool. I took the side of the wife in this relationship and it was much criticized by many of people on the Discord. But I still stand by some of my thoughts. June, before we get into this movie,
Starting point is 00:05:19 and introduce our guest today, I just wanna ask you a question for the record because many people really wanted to get your opinion on this. Would you ever watch the Zack Snyder Justice League cut? A movie that comes in four hours? Listen, I would I ever, you know, I have trouble with this stuff. It's not my, it is not part of my interests. I would, I guess if I was being paid to, I'm sorry, I have to, I really do have to say that. I have so many other things that I need to watch. What would that number be? I got to get at sister wives. I got to get at the housewives are in almost every major city now. I have only so many spare hours a day. And what would that number be?
Starting point is 00:06:06 I would watch it for $1,000. Oh, that's a pretty fair price. Total? Yeah. Oh wow. This could be like a thing that we do. We can auction off for charity, pay June $1,000 to, and maybe watch it and live stream the watch.
Starting point is 00:06:26 You don't even have to do an episode. We said to watch you watch it. I think you could actually raise quite a bit more money than $1,000. If you did a live stream of June just watching and commenting on the Snyder. Yeah, I would do it. I would absolutely happily do it for charity or for myself. Okay, well there it is. I would like to sit next to you and every 10 minutes hand you $10.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Oh my God, that would be great because I do fall away. And like you're gonna see, I'm gonna have some trouble spots on this movie too. I have a hard time if I'm not interested in paying attention. And so I think that's a great plan, Jason, because I do find myself just falling away and traveling. I can't just give you a grand at the end of it. I feel like I need to incentivize you to keep going. I'll get into all of that, but I needed to get it on the record. We have a special guest. We haven't really had a guest on the show in such a long time, but we had a friend of the podcast who wanted to come on the show in such a long time, but we had a friend of
Starting point is 00:07:26 the podcast who wanted to come on the show and we are excited to have her. You know her as an amazing actress. She won an Academy Award. She is a director. She is a writer. Please welcome Bri Larson. Welcome Bri. Hello.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I'm so grateful to be here. I am so grateful. I am so happy to have you here. Don't ever be grateful. Did you hear what can't accept that? Take it back. Take it back. There's so much to be grateful for right now.
Starting point is 00:07:54 We're alive. We've survived a horrible time. Are you being grateful for the vaccines? Yes, vaccines are probably, listen, you can be grateful for the things. I guess that's true. We've got to find the beauty in every day. And this movie, there's a lot of beauty in this.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I'd like to be a bound. And, and Bri, in this pandemic, you have also, you have a brand new podcast, learning lots with Jesse Ennis, and but you also have done a bunch of great YouTube stuff. You're like, you have embraced the pandemic style. Like you are now, you are now one of us. You're in this kind of a live stream podcast world. Yeah. I'm in it. And I love it. Yeah. I love it. I don't want to be
Starting point is 00:08:29 in this world. Stay in the world. You're in. What is the safe? I will. I'm trying to get out. June is actively trying to discourage literally trying to get out. is actively trying to discourage your podcast. I'm literally trying to get out. Um, Bri, have you ever seen this movie? Is this something that, like, super girl, what's your connection to it at all? Like, are you, are you, do you have any fondness to the old, the Christopher Reeves, super man's or anything like that? I feel so much shame that I hadn't seen this movie previously.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I feel I haven't done my due diligence in just filmic history. History of female representation, superhero representation. I mean, shame on me. The first female leading superhero ever. No, that's not true. Is it not true? No, Shina. Okay, the jungle queen.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I go off of research that our good friend, Nick Kiley, gives me and I'm finding many times again. And I'm like, I don't know if Paul just can't did Breelar since we back, just standing it. I love witness thing that moment. It's interesting, but Sheena came out three months before, so we just gotta give credit. Okay, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:09:36 We're credit to. It was on 1984. It was really happening. Yeah. I would never actually heard of this movie. Oh, you heard of the night view? Super girl? Or super girl. I had heard of the idea of a super girl,
Starting point is 00:09:49 but I did not know there was a movie called Super Girl. Okay. Yeah. Well, I am being that I am older than everybody here. I was acutely aware of this movie. I saw this movie. I was obsessed with, of course, all things, super heroes. And even those Superman and the DC stuff wasn't my thing.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I for sure saw this also because I also loved Helen Slater. I loved Helen Slater who plays Supergirl. I especially loved her from a movie called The Legend of Billie Jean, which is her and Christian Slater, and a bunch of tuffs, steel Christian Slater's scooter, and Helen Slater, like a bad ass, goes after them, and she keeps going, fair is fair,
Starting point is 00:10:37 give my brother back his bike. I was really hoping every- She's the scooter a bike? Yeah, I don't know why. I don't know why. It was like a vestibus-type scooter. It you have a scooter up Ike? Yeah, I don't know why. I don't know why. It was like a Vespas type scooter. It was like a scooter with a motor. It wasn't a case scooter.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I remember the cover of the like the video box. And I always thought, oh, like this is the story of the Michael Jackson song. Oh wow, no, not at all. No, not at all. It is, it was, I remember it as being awesome. Like an awesome tale of like kids getting revenge on, like bullies and nefarious near-do-wells.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Well, there's just to put this in a little bit of context, the sole kind, yeah. Yeah, who did? Superman 2, Superman 3, and Superman 4. They are just trying to get a cash grab because Superman, one and two are so successful and they're like, let's dump a lot of money into this. And no one really comes with them
Starting point is 00:11:30 into this super girl world. Like John Williams doesn't come with them. Their directors don't come with them. So they're kind of a little bit on an island, but they put a lot of money into this movie. And one of the facts that blew my mind was the opening credit sequence cost a million dollars. And it was my first thing that I wrote down.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I was like, this is the craziest, most long boring sequence I've ever seen. We do. We do. I feel like I went through every emotion with the credits. I was like, I've watched an entire movie. I've been through everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 The weird void of Chinese letters. And it was almost like standing on the other end of a revolving door, because everything's just coming in, circling, and going, you're like, okay, it's something happening. We're not even going, we haven't seen anything. We're just seeing words in space.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And it's a million dollars, and the soundtrack is like, please, John Williams don't sue us, but it sounds enough like Superman, but enough different that they're trying to get in there. And this movie I think has a pretty lackluster opening for like a big, like a big exciting superhero movie. It's like, that opening kind of tires you out.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Like, you need a break. I think I did take a break after the show. Can I say something though? Yeah. This movie to me, and again, no, I didn't see the Zack Snyder cut. I'm not up on superheroes. It's not, it's, it's not my thing, but this didn't feel like a superhero movie.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I never felt like, oh, that feeling of like they're coming to save the day. She's doing something that I can't believe she's doing. There was nothing to me that felt super about her. Well, she has powers. It's just unclear what, there's so much that's so flimsy. It's about as flimsy as that inner space world she lives in, which apparently if a dragonfly flies through it, it tears open.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It is. It is. It is. It is. It is right. The TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the
Starting point is 00:13:31 TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the TV and the realizing them, realizing what they can do. She takes it pretty quickly. She takes it so quickly and then there's just no fun in it. I agree. I noted like it was not until like an hour into the movie
Starting point is 00:13:52 that she has her first like proper heroic super girl versus, you know, an enemy fight. And that fight takes place again, a tractor, you know, like a tractor that has the her fairly slow moving her 35 year old her 35 year old love interest trapped in its in its in its job. It's a lot of care. The two old he was two old.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I can't get you. He was so old. It was crazy. I crazy. How old? By the way, I did do the math. They are seven years different It but I have a lot of questions. I don't want to jump there just yet because I think I want to go back
Starting point is 00:14:29 I want to talk about the game out in more yes, I want to talk about this this world that we're introduced to in the beginning Which is so convolutedly explained by the amazing Peter O'Toole. Oh? What's that gonna be Zaltaltar? I think a tree. A tree. What is a tree? A lovely thing which grows on earth. Earth, you mean where my cousin went? And where, one day soon, perhaps I might venture as well.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I don't believe you. How? In that, through that. The binary shoe, but you could never survive the pressure. It would be cool. In that way, can zip, zip. And I'm gone. But you'd never leave us, Alta.
Starting point is 00:15:11 You'd never leave our ghost city. Indeed, I might, Carla. Too much of a good thing here. Perhaps I'll try Saturn instead. Yeah, I think I might. Saturn is. Is that further away than Earth? Silly question.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Did you not study six-dimensional geometry at school? Do they not teach you anything anymore? Saturn and Earth are in outer space, but we are in inner space. So first of all, they're in something that's very hard to understand. It's they're not in space, they're in inner space, yet they are survivors of Krypton, but we don't know that. That's why I said cousin, because like, well, didn't everyone die on that planet?
Starting point is 00:15:50 And then it's like, well, she knows that her cousin's on Earth, but how would she even know that because it was a big, it wasn't like Superman's been writing letters? You know what it is? This is my conjecture. Okay. I feel like, because everybody's kind of saying the same stuff in terms of, we don't understand what her powers are.
Starting point is 00:16:08 She doesn't demonstrate or really understand. We don't have the typical kind of, you know, origin story of gaining new powers and understanding how they work. But I think that what they were doing the calculus on was thinking everybody has already seen that in Superman. We don't need to do it for Supergirl. We're just need to say she's his cousin.
Starting point is 00:16:31 So when she gets here, she's Superman. She has his, Cousin made that. So why we don't even need to explain it? Because the audiences have just become obsessed with this character already. So to have an origin story would seem almost redundant. Kryptonian comes to Earth, Yellow Sun gives superpowers, etc., etc., etc.
Starting point is 00:16:52 It does feel like... ...counting on that information already being known. But it's so crazy because like what you're saying, Brie, like where they live in this weird, like, like, bone world. Bone world? Yeah. They live in this weird, like, like, bone world. Yeah, some bone world that is, I guess, created by Peter O'Toole with his magical wand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And then their windows are made of plastic. She seemingly is the only one being sucked out. Everyone else seems to have no problem with gravity. Like, she's the only one that, and I don't even understand, like, okay, so hey, hold on. So Peter, a tool has taken the device that powers their entire world to play with. Like he's not evil.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Like you would think, Oh, he wants to go to earth. He wants to create a tree, I believe, and go to earth, on the phone tree. It's true. If he's a very good person, because don't forget, the second he is found out for doing something wrong about 15 minutes into the movie,
Starting point is 00:17:50 he's like, well, now I must put myself in the Phantom Rock. Well, I mean, he decides to imprison himself. Yeah, I mean, it's incredible. It's incredible. But why would he, I mean, there's so many It's incredible. But why would he... I mean, there's so many things that are happenstance in this film. Like, he is stolen this orb,
Starting point is 00:18:11 the deck of he-dron or whatever it is. And when Mia Farrow, in her very quick scene, basically says, hey, did you steal that? And he's like, no, then he drops it on the floor and just kind of kicks it away. And then that's how she, like everything in this movie is bonkers, like she's got this thing. And she's like, oh, well, I guess I can make my,
Starting point is 00:18:34 I use my wand to make like a dragonfly. Now it's gonna come to like, there's so much that is just, there's so much mythology, it seems like they're building so much mythology, who are these they're building so much mythology. Who are these people? Where do they live? What level of magic do they have? They've got a wand, they've got a power source.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Peter O'Toole just created a sp- Peter O'Toole rather is created a spaceship in order to travel to earth or maybe Venus or maybe Mars. None of it matters. Yeah, that's the thing. It's like, they explained so much that then nothing makes any sense anymore. She gets in the pod and she gets out of there.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And everything is like equal, everything is equal. And like, I could never really track what the rules were. So, I mean, I watch this movie twice, by the way, because I was like, I got it. You did the snide and got it done. I was scared that you guys were gonna be like, what the snide was? What's the perfect sense?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Of course there was, like, is I- Great what? I knew- We do foosies that make no sense. I made sea establishing shot of Fadanaway's amusement park home. Oh, this shit. I was truly shaken when that woman comes in
Starting point is 00:19:34 on the train buggy, and I was like, where are we? What happened? I never knew the answer to that. So wait, why were they in an amusement park? I still don't know. That's unclear.
Starting point is 00:19:43 No, okay. I think it was only because it had to be a place where it didn't make sense for a man who owns a landscaping company to come by. Okay, man, just make it fun. Just the shot of them, I'm sorry to start screaming, but the shot of them flying in that like, a football player bumper car. I was crying laughing. That is the best.
Starting point is 00:20:06 It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And we're the fuck did she take him? Because she flies so seemingly so far away. Like she brings him to a beach and the way that she flies back, it seems like she might have flown him to like the West Coast. Like it's like it's she that brought him out to Oregon. There's also a really weird component to this movie which is when she's flying supergirl style
Starting point is 00:20:30 through the city, it looks like a giant city. It looks like skyscrapers and like Metropolis or Central City or any of the kind of DC cities, right? But the all of the activity takes place in what appears to me to be like the equivalent of smallville, like small town America, you know, like a, like a Mayberry type world in which everybody knows each other,
Starting point is 00:20:54 every cause like the coincidental run-ins, like not only is Faye Dunno-Way some sort of witch who lives in a abandoned amusement park with Joey Trabiani's mom and that relationship I could see an entire movie. All of it. Just on the two of them. I made it.
Starting point is 00:21:13 One of them aging and in this strange like family setup that felt honestly like pretty subversive in an exciting way. I was like, what are these two ladies? Right. But it is when you consider like to get in the house. Honestly, pretty subversive in an exciting way. I was like, what are these two ladies? Right, but two. When you consider, to get in the house, they have to ride in amusement park like cars. That's like silver spoons, and I know I'm dating myself here. That silver spoons level shit
Starting point is 00:21:36 where there's a train is going through the house. Except that silver spoons, they put a train in an actual home. They live in a haunted house or a live inside a ride. And they do like a reference to like, oh, the rent is getting higher here. I was just about to say, I was just about to say, I can't could not handle them being like, how are we gonna pay these bills?
Starting point is 00:21:56 I was like, how about turn the amusement park? Yes, we're going, why are you in a amusement park? Open it! Right, make it a commercial, you are in a commercially zoned building. No, you're living in a business. Think about it a commercial. You are in a commercially zoned building. No, that's a worth thinking about it. Think about it like this. Think about it like this.
Starting point is 00:22:10 They're paying rent. So that means at some point they were looking for apartments and they looked at a bunch of places and the realtor was like, you know, I do have this one place. We should go look at it, brought them to an abandoned park, and they were like, we'll take it. So many questions like, are there showers? Probably not. Probably not. No, and also that they go through all the bills.
Starting point is 00:22:32 They're like, oh, rent and electricity and the water. And then they're like, but property taxes, and she's like, I've got it handled. I've got this glass gourd looking thing that's gonna save all of our property tax issues. You would think they were like almost squatters or were like the villains who took over an abandoned place and are now using it for that's like a real comics thing but they pay rent and have enormous house parties. Can I can I also just talk about I just want to appreciate the open floor plan. They must have taken down a couple of walls in there because also it seems like fade down away. Like I said, give me more of fade down
Starting point is 00:23:09 away, give me more of Nigel. I want all of these characters. Her bedroom is in the main part of the house. Brenda Vicaro's bed is nowhere to be seen. Like I don't know, like does she have a separate wing? Because you only see one dead and the fridge is right next to the bed-ish, but then they had this party and I'm like, well who are these people? Cause the party is a wild assortment of like hipsters, older people.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I can't make heads or tails of these people. Especially for what, for the fact that they appear to live again in like a small Midwestern town. You know, like that's what it looks to me like they're trying to present. Like, wholesome aweshock small Midwestern town. Not.
Starting point is 00:23:51 The way like two women running their own amusement park and living there. Are they running it? No, no, I'm just pitching another movie with just two women in their 50s, heading into their 60s, the winter of their lives, like running an amusement park in small town. Like I am so interested.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'm very interested in that relationship was fascinating to me. And they're clothing like they. It's called like hot flashes and cold icy. You know, it's about two perimenopausal women who are running an amusement park. I'm into this. I really am. And like they're, because I don't know, I loved,
Starting point is 00:24:30 there were so many things that I loved about this movie. The main thing was their relationship and they're close because they were like dressed up a lot. Like always dressed up. Always, they were always dressed to the night. Fashion, fashion is a big deal. Yeah, the's my stuff. Always, they were always a dress to the night. Fashion, fashion is a big deal. Yeah, the fashion's great. So the fashion is great, I agree.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And I like to that they were, and I think I'm right in saying this, although now I'm now am I right? They were witches, right? That was their kind of like question. Okay, so I don't know if they were both witches. Okay. Well, I don't know if they are,
Starting point is 00:25:03 what's, see, I was asking myself this question watching at the second time because I'm like, what makes a witch a witch? Because she basically just has access to a library of spellbooks. Right. So she actually doesn't know how to do anything except when she's reading word by word
Starting point is 00:25:21 how to do the spells. Right. So does that make you a witch? Or does that make you have a witch library? Well, this is a good point because Nigel seems to do the spells. So do you make you a witch or does that make you have a witch library? Well, this is a good point because Nigel seems to be the key to unlocking her witchiness because there are points in the movie where they look in a mirror and you can see Supergirl and then Brenda Vicaro is like, how did you do that? And she's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Yeah, I don't know. I feel like being a witch is like being a real estate agent in LA. Like a variable to all of us. You know what I mean? Like at any given point, we could announce that we're real estate agents. And nobody's gonna question it. Oh, you do have to take a test, but I will say this.
Starting point is 00:25:57 If that's the case, I would love to show you a beautiful two and a half bedroom in West Hollywood. It's just your upper, it's just your upstairs right Jason that you're you're looking for a right i need a great a great apartment in the phantom zone that has a very prominently displayed for some reason it's got it's got dark mud baths it's got everything i knew right paul you do have to take one test and i know no disrespect to all the real estate agents who are listening in I know there is one test
Starting point is 00:26:25 You have the main part of our audience There is a moment in the beginning and we've seen it twice so you can maybe help me with this where they're sitting on a bare skin rug having a picnic And this is Tiger skin sorry tiger skin. Yes, I think it's a tiger They're in there on a tiger skin, yes. I thought that it's a tiger. So they're in, they're on a tiger skin run, having a casual lunch. And he's like, she goes, oh, I figured it out. The secret of controlling the world is being invisible. You don't almost know how to make me invisible.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Oh, I do know. Take five black beans on the head of a dead man. Place one bean in his mouth, two beans in his eyes, then the journal. Enough. But it works. Then you can get anywhere. Thank you, Frank.
Starting point is 00:27:13 What the fuck am I what? I want to watch that like five times so I can tell you what happened, OK? OK, please. So first of all, we established that they're on a tiger rug outside on a picnic or a leg before we established them. And then it pans up to fade out away,
Starting point is 00:27:26 getting champagne and she goes, it's such a beautiful world. I can't wait for it all to be mine. And then he says, well, the only way to rule the world is to become invisible, which I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. And I'm like, well, they're gonna explain this.
Starting point is 00:27:43 No, they don't explain why you have to be invisible in this world to rule. My notes say, have the quotes, and then after and capitals it says, how, and then after that it says, now a black bean story. Can you immediately explain some self by going, well, you take five black beans,
Starting point is 00:27:57 you put two in each eye and one in his mouth, or you need a dead man's head too, a dead man's head and black beans, which makes you become invisible, which makes you able to rule the world. And that's how you understand the world that we're living in. But that's not what happens though. But she does.
Starting point is 00:28:11 That's what I was going to say. What would be so interesting is if that becomes the spine of Faye Dunnoway's plan, she gets the orb of power and she starts to get the potential to become invisible, thus fulfilling the goal. But she's the goal. I'm sorry, but I don't know what the goal was though. Ruling the world. But she doesn't ever become invisible, does she? No. No.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Then she goes, then she's like, well, you know what? Actually, the way to rule the world is to make people fall in love with you. And then that becomes a good point. And I do think that's true. Well, there you go. And then the third part of the world, the third part of the plan was,
Starting point is 00:28:48 fuck it, let's just erect a giant castle that doesn't look anything like the amusement park in the center of town. Like, I mean, I will get into that. But this opening sequence, when that little orb falls into her cocktail glass, yeah, from full of nacho cheese. Did you think it was her?
Starting point is 00:29:03 I think it was nacho cheese. Yeah. Did you think it was her? All of Nacho cheese. Yeah. Did you think it was Kara? Because I thought like when she was in a dork. Yes, I thought she was tiny. I thought inner space was a tiny world. That's what I thought too. Just kidding. And I thought, oh, she's gonna like release Kara.
Starting point is 00:29:17 But no, she immediately knows like this orb from this other world is so powerful. And she immediately dumps Nigel. And then Kara comes shooting out of the water. Okay, so that could I water down? What water was, so, so, so, because that really confused me. What water? What water was Kara in, A, and B, when she comes out of the water, she is already in full super girl costs.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yes. It is fully, like Superman's costume, I believe, canonically is made out of the blanket that he was wrapped in, something like that. And that's why it has the color, is the choices of the color. She just comes out somehow knowing how to dress as super girl. No, or though not knowing,
Starting point is 00:30:07 it seems to have been made, the choice has been made for her. Well, she flies out of the, there are some colorful sheets on that orb. I will say, I mean, I don't want to break it down to a point where we can't recover from, but the orb goes out of a window on the left and then she gets in an orb that goes out of a window on the right.
Starting point is 00:30:24 So they both leave in separate directions, but yet they land, one comes out of the water and then one comes out of the sky. I'm like, I don't even understand the geography of how they got there and it seems like immediately like she's there to save her world because her home world is going to be destroyed without the orb, right? That's the power source. It's the power, everything will fade and die without that orb. And her immediate instinct upon arrival matriculate into high school. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Right. Let me go into board. I'm here to talk about that for a second now. Everybody's life is hanging in the balance. I need to join that high school. My reading of that was, it looked to me like she was watching a softball game and saw, is this right? Because it feels crazy and saw a softball. And thought that looks like an orb.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And so I'm going to go get, I'm'm gonna go with them because they've got orbs. Oh, I just thought the chief was like, I love the game of softball. I've got distracted from my mission. I think, I, sadly, I think it is, I think what it is is they just close up of that softball, Jason. And they, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no's young, it's Super Smallville, like it's a lot of like high school stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Yeah. So to me, I was like, they wanna be having like that, they wanna tell that story of like, she's trying to be a normal girl by day, but she has to be super girl at night. Let me throw one thing out at you all here. Is there any reason for her at any point to have a secret identity? No. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:32:27 No. Well, I am also amazed by it's one of those things too where I mean this is such a trope in movies and one of my favorite tropes, which is the like, oh, if she is brown hair no one recognizes you, you're like obsessed with that in movies and I was so grateful that that happened because that's an excellent choice. Well, it's certainly better than just Clark Kent wears glasses and Superman doesn't. Yeah, well, but I like her so much better with blonde hair. I'm so sorry, I'm gonna speak plainly right now. I felt like once I'm gonna speak plainly and I'm gonna speak my truth. Wow, that's standin' on that.
Starting point is 00:33:01 You get ready. I felt like she and she's obviously a beautiful woman, but the brown hair was so jarring to me. And I just wanted to see Supergirl. Like I love that about Clark Kenton Superman that he is, he does look the same. And he looks great as both. Whereas for her, it felt like such a, it felt like they made her such a nerd that she was a nerd.
Starting point is 00:33:31 What? The idea. Well, because she does answer that six dimension geometry question or whatever. I did. Her friend, Lois Lane's sister, which was also interesting. I love that actress. I just want to be on record as saying that Supergirl as a brunette is a fucking nerd and that you would, you would, you would put her in a locker if you were in that school with her.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You know what? Here's the thing. And I wish, I both thought she was too much of a nerd and actually not enough a nerd because to me that, that, that's what's so fun about Superman and Clark Kent enough in nerd, because to me, that's what's so fun about Superman and Clark Kent, that he's so awkward and uncomfortable, and uncomfortable around girls, and so there's so much fun in that.
Starting point is 00:34:15 The issues in her being Linda Lee are I could spend a long time talking about that. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. First of all, why pick Linda? When Kara is not, it's not like my name is Mistyplik.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It's like, where did Linda come from? Why did she come up with the last name, but not a first? Yeah. I wanted to say my name is Robert E. Lee. I was so excited for that. I was so excited for that. Maybe Robin Lee. Or just go with Kent.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah, or Kent. Or Kent. Like why did, like I felt like they showed, like they showed her superpower, like they showed Kaiser Soze and, like in the usual suspects, like what's her name? And she's like, huh, name.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Buf, Robert E. Lee. Linda Lee. I was like, all right, like wasn't, like if she can't come up with a fake name, like that's not, like I didn't need all right, like, like, wasn't, like, if she can't come up with a fake name, like, that's not, like, I didn't need that much backing there. No, it was like a bad sketch where she's like, tacos Lee.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Uh, stapler desk is my name. And the administrator in that room is like, who are you? I've never seen you before in my life. She knows every student at the school. They're playing like a fish out of water story, like she doesn't understand local customs, she doesn't understand things,
Starting point is 00:35:31 but then she also does understand quite a bit of things. She understands the general structure of going to school and places it. She knows to sign in and sign out. She knows to sign in. She knew how to make a transcript for herself. To type a letter of recommendation and how to put it in the filing cabinet.
Starting point is 00:35:47 And I like those little problem solving super power things. I enjoy that. Those are fun, especially when it's for like teenage superheroes for it to be like, the stakes are small, but to them it's big, you know. So why, but why like, I mean, again, it seems time is of the essence. Her whole world is going to implode without this orb.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And she's no urgency. There's no urgency. There's no, there's no, there's no, there's no, there's no clock. There's no clock. There's no, there's no, like you only have one week before your parents and everybody else die in the, and when you were even saying, Jean that she thought that the baseball was the orb,
Starting point is 00:36:23 she has no problem destroying an orb in that like lacrosse match when she turns her back on it and explodes on her back Oh field hockey. Oh field hockey. Yeah, and by the way, why are those girls are on the same team Those the girls were attacking the girls who are attacking Lois Lane's cousin who's what's sister rather? What's Lois Lane sisters first name? Lucy Lane Lucy? Lucy? Yeah, the bullies who are attacking Lois Lane's cousin, who's what's sister rather? What's Lois Lane's sister's first name please? Lucy Lane. Lucy, Lucy Lane. Lucy, yeah. The bullies who are attacking Lucy Lane, they're playing a field hockey game,
Starting point is 00:36:50 and her own teammates are trying to, she goes, the one girl goes, did they hit it so hard it takes her out? Like, they are trying to kill. I know that side story that there's just two girls that are trying to hurt the other girls at the school. Yeah. For no reason, that's explained.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Nobody has any reason to do anything and everyone acts like an idiot. Like when they are in that basement, like they're like, we will burn the flesh off of these people. Not like they're gonna turn the cold water on it. It was like, everything they do is so malicious and there's no end game for them, except for that they might have gotten burnt by water.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Like a guess that's it. I mean, we don't see them again. That problem goes away. I don't wanna even go back. I mean, there's a lot of bad people in this movie, especially the dual truck drivers. I was including Matt Flaud. Oh, for a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yeah, that's such an amazing choice, by the way. I was screaming when her first interaction on Earth is with two guys that are trying to be gross and like live a first-shoot. Yes, it was very interesting. It was like, oh, your first experience with humans is that they're trying to rape you. And when she asks, this actually broke my heart
Starting point is 00:38:04 and took my breath away. When she asks, this actually broke my heart and took my breath away. When she asks, why are you doing this? Oh, I know. They say I wrote it down. It's just the way we are. Yeah. That was an indictment.
Starting point is 00:38:16 That is. An indictment of humanity. Yes. That was an indictment of humanity for real. And the fact that like, she's dressed like Superman, she has Superman's kind of iconic. Yes, look, color, all of it. Has to be a, like they assume, I guess they say one line,
Starting point is 00:38:35 like what's up with the Halloween costume, but this is a world in which Superman does exist. So you might be like, huh? Oh yeah, and the minute she throws Matt through a wall, the other guy is like, oh, you want to play rough or something like that? And I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, guy, do you not understand? This is another super push. She did it with her breath. If you ever saw a human being with their breath, throw someone through a fence with such force, you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:39:03 all right, you know what I'm gonna hear. Yeah, and he's like, oh, I got this. And he takes out a knife. And that scene is dark. This is very dark. It's very exciting. These two truck drivers, first of all, I don't understand why you have two truck drivers.
Starting point is 00:39:18 It's like just popping around together. It seems like that's a lone job. I agree. Truck drivers shouldn't, they're not usually around together. It seems like that's a lone job. I agree. Truck drivers shouldn't, they're not usually band together. This is why I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:29 The tag team. Yeah. But yeah, this is, I mean, they meet awful, awful people. I mean, and I would also say that like, I mean, there's something, I also want to talk about how mean fein Dunnoway was to that woman who was flirting with Nigel, where she put the scorpion in her mouth.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Oh my God. I just wanna tack on, because we just immediately dove into the movie, which I'm so glad that we have. I loved every actor in this movie, including her. Like, I just want to be clear. Absolutely. Every actor is doing a fantastic job. And my issue is that the movie makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:40:03 But other than that, it is so good. Every actor is doing the best, the best. The best. And they're all weirdly like tonally in sync. It's very strange. Like there are traces being made that are insane, but that work because everybody's insane. It is a joy to watch.
Starting point is 00:40:23 They're awesome. I love this. I mean, Helen Slater obviously, and the younger actors are great. But I want to say, all of these adult actors, they cast like legends. Legends, they're done away.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I have two people. You look amazing. Peter Cook is a legend. Yeah. Faith Dunnoway, legend. These are titanic performers who are delivering lines that are absolute gobbledygook and are making them work so effectively.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Really? Through acting, they are helping you understand as best you can what's happening in the movie because the plot is doing you no-fade. I kind of feel like this is a movie where on some level you have to go like this is insane and they all just like they made a pack like we're just gonna like let's go for it. They're gonna go for it and there was something I think that that's like sometimes it is a like a slog to go through films like
Starting point is 00:41:21 this and this was like give me more of any one of these characters. They all could hold a film by themselves. And I mean, again, I just want to keep on shouting out Nigel, because Nigel really is doing a lot, like he has a lot of different levels, a lot of different levels there as a performer. And there's a scene where- It's also really funny to me that we're introduced to him
Starting point is 00:41:43 in the picnic scene with Fay Dunnoay, and they're talking about, you know, it's a villain introduction- It's also really funny to me that we're introduced to him in the picnic scene with Fay Dunnoway and they're talking about, you know, it's a villain introduction scene, they're talking about, you know, taking over the world. He says it's invisibility, it's a, it's a, you know, she finally gets the orb of power.
Starting point is 00:41:55 She kind of banishes him in a way from her kind of plans. She, she's decided she's gonna go it alone. And then the next time we pick him up is when he's a math teacher at the high school that supergirl has inexplicably decided she needs to attend. So I was like, wait a minute. One of the most evil villainous kind of characters is also just a high school math teacher.
Starting point is 00:42:21 He's like, he has access to the most evil magic wand in existence, which we find out later. He knows all about dark magic. He also teaches high school math. I guess, yeah, the magic seemed for him to just be like an extracurricular activity a pastime. Yeah, he seems like he knew it and he seemed like he really was in love
Starting point is 00:42:41 and that's what I really like, he felt like he really loved fade on a way. Okay, let's talk about that. So did Fade on a way. Don't you? I know. Yeah, you okay, babe? It's okay. I just feel like you don't get this either Paul or I have like experienced human touch and
Starting point is 00:42:55 about like four months. So it's hard. Yeah. But leave me. I get it. Sorry Jason, you know, you know. But so this fate, did F fate done a way really have feelings for the landscaper?
Starting point is 00:43:10 Well, Brenda Vicaro is the one who sees him first, right? She's driving, by the way, Brenda Vicaro is Joey Trebiani's mom. She's driving the car. She's incredible. She's incredible. An incredible character, who's been in literally everything for the last 40 years.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And it's so good. And it's just dropping one liners, dropping one liners every day. And she's driving, she's the chauffeur, Faye Dunnoways in the back. I have a feeling a lot of the times from what I read was that Faye Dunnoways showed up late a lot. So you can tell there are certain scenes where she's not there and they're just like cutting off a shot and being like, this is it. It's very, very Vin Diesel rock, Fast and furious shooting where it's like, not here.
Starting point is 00:43:47 But they, they, they, like, she looks at this landscaper and she's like, ooh, la la la. I like, she's like, I got his number off the landscaping truck and then that's the moment where Faye Dunnoley's like, you know what, I'm done with the invisibility thing. Now I'm into the love thing. And that's when she cocks her like, it can cocks her next plan to be like, now it's all about getting a landscaper to come. Now I'm gonna the love thing. And that's when she cocks her next plan to be like,
Starting point is 00:44:05 now it's all about getting a landscaper to come. Now I'm gonna make a love spell. But she didn't even need the core, the glass bed for that. She's like, I'm saving that for later. So she just years off for a second in the spider in a while. That she's such a beautiful, kind of kinetic woman that she could have just tried to introduce herself.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Wow. I mean, she's not a, she's not like this creature of the night. Like she's a gorgeous outfit. She's beautiful. And she's got a very good point. But look, she does live in, and I want to judge anybody she does live in an abandoned theme park in, and specifically in the haunted part of the opposite part too, which is interesting. Yeah. And when, when, when, and when he shows up, he's creeped out by her. She's like, would you like to wet your whistle? Yeah, but still agreeing to a beverage. I was like, I don't know if I would.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yeah, not at that house, no. Here's what I want to know. So when they're in the car and they see the hunk, you know, doing landscape. Who, by the way, do you know who that is? That's Ellis from Die Hard. Yes, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Well, I just wanted to take a quick break from using landscaping, just to point out what landscaping means in this, because it took me the second time to understand what he was doing, which is, first you cut to him and he's sawing a large branch on a tree like a tar trunk, okay? He's sawing it and then they cut back and she's like,
Starting point is 00:45:24 mm, that's my prints, I get it. And then we cut back to him and he's a tarot trunk, okay? He's sawing it and then they cut back and she's like, mm, that's my prince, I get it. And then we cut back to him and he's painting the tree. Yeah, he was looking at it too, and I was like, that's sort of a sap thing. So is he gluing it? Is he painting it? I don't know enough about landscaping to say, but I've never seen that done before.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I was wondering if he was putting sap on the root or something like that. And from a paint can? No, that is tricky. Yeah. I'm agreeing with you. I noticed that as well. And I a pink, yeah? That is tricky, yeah. I, I, I, I, I'm agreeing with you. I noticed that as well. And I was like, now what is he exact, what is the job he's exactly executing right now unclear?
Starting point is 00:45:52 But fade on away. And Brenda Vicaria are watching it, lusting after him. And when we later cut into the high school girls shower scene, the girls are also talking about the hunky landscape guy who was cutting the tree. So once again, in a weird bit of coincidence, all the main characters have just been within
Starting point is 00:46:15 500 feet of each other. Which happens, I think that's why her bracelet keeps on going off and that's what's confusing to Kara. She's like, why is it going, like her bracelet is somehow connected to the orb? I think the bracelet's confusing to Kara. She's like, why is it going like her bracelet is somehow connected to the orb. I think the bracelet's connected to the orb. I think the bracelet's like a proximity alert for the orb. Yes. And so she's always kind of like trying to figure out where the orb is. But then they really all fall in and I will say this movie does do a weird things with ages because they are
Starting point is 00:46:41 in high school, right? They're not college. That's, this is high school. I don't know, because then they were referring to it as a dorm. When we saw the posters, so it's a dorm G against Selena. Yeah, it seemed like a boarding school to me with like crests on the blazers and so forth. It felt like it felt like chilton to me from Gilmore Grom. No, you bring up a good point, Paul, because he's too old for them.
Starting point is 00:47:04 They're probably all underage. And he is, I couldn't quite tell, is this his landscaping business, or is he like a worker? Well, he does show up. He does show up. It says Ethan's landscaping on the track. Well, Ethan, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:21 He's a one man, he's a one man operation. He's not very successful because all he does is cut live limbs off trees and then paint the stump. And then he comes and then he comes, like when he, when she's like, oh, you single, he's like, I'm in a part of my life for a, like we get like a little insight on like Ethan too, like Ethan got out of the bad breakup
Starting point is 00:47:42 and he's just kinda now, he doesn't wanna be here. Here's the thing, Ethan and Faye Dunnoey or Ethan and Brenda Vicaro, 100% work as a couple. They seem to be age appropriately in the same realm, okay? Ethan and a boarding school girl is way wrong. It's like definitively, this is not a bizarre pair. What about Jimmy Olson and Lois Lane's sister?
Starting point is 00:48:12 I thought Jimmy Olson was a student. Is he the guy that had the camera? Yeah, he's probably got drugs or a gun. Let's go eat. Yes, exactly. So that's Jimmy Olson. He is a photographer for the daily planning. He's the only character that has recurred
Starting point is 00:48:29 through all the Superman movies. Because Christopher Reeve at the last second decided not to do a cameo in this film. And so they're like, we need to bring in someone from the other movies to create our universe. And they bring in Jimmy Olson, who is an adult, I mean, he's the youngest self. He's always supposed to be a kid. They call him like a kid, but he's like on staff.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Like he's a working photographer at a national, or at a, at the biggest city paper. Like he's not going to school, he's not Peter Parker like handing in photos and going to high school. Like he is, he is the photographer for the Daily Bugle. And he is dating a high school student, potentially.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Well, or kissing, I think he's at least kissing. A lot of kissing in this movie. By the way, the kissing in this movie, when she kisses herself in the mirror, and then Ethan touches her lip, like, could I ask that question, like, is that, what do we feel about that? I don't, I don't, I don't. Well, ask what you wanna ask for. What are you asking? What are you that? What do we feel about that? I don't ask what you want to ask for
Starting point is 00:49:29 Okay, I will ask I will ask it to you like I should turn off my screen and green maybe you should as well All right, so my question is that we might all get kissed by Paul right now I'll just go in like like the way that she goes, yeah, if we all turn off our screens, Paul, you can do it to yourself and we'll be able to see what's happening. Thank you. No, I just, I felt like it was a little like, I felt like their, their kissing was nice, but then I felt like their goodbye kiss was just him putting his finger like in her mouth and like kind of like, like, just like kind of again, like blopping down her bottom lip.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It didn't seem to me to hold any passion. And I just felt like it, is that fulfilling? Is it fulfilling? I don't know. I think you're right. I actually noticed the kiss between Ethan and Faith Dunnoway. And I was like, ooh, that I want to watch. That's kissing.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yes, but you have to remember that super girl is a child. And has never been, when everything for kissing her, she doesn't, her face is recognizing like what is happening, right? Yes. So when she starts making out with herself in the mirror, that's her trying to figure out with this kissing business is like,
Starting point is 00:50:44 I actually, I thought that was really endearing and so sweet. But it sounds like probably you wanted more passion from her. No, I just thought, yeah. No, no. Now you're putting me under it. Now you're putting more timing of the mirror. I just felt like, no, I don't want anything of the mirror. I just was saying that I felt like it was an anticlimactic,
Starting point is 00:51:04 like it felt like, first of all all this movie ends in insane way. We're basically they go, hey, we'll never say that we saw you. Wait, why? What? I don't understand why that was a thing. Yeah, why are we all disavowing any knowledge of this superhero that was prominently in the town? And what about the castle that appeared on the mountaintop? Like does everyone forget that's going to be there? Or the only part to forget is her. There's a journalist on site. Jimmy Olson's there for the whole thing, taking pictures of everything.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Are we saying like he's not gonna publish? Well, no way. I won't talk about this. Like everyone's like, everyone is like on the same page immediately. Like it's just gonna happen. It's a cover up. It's a cover up.
Starting point is 00:51:43 But what does it matter, you know? I mean, she still gets to go on and save for planet. Like, this is why I love this movie so much. I'm serious. Like, this is why I watch movies like this is for the conversation. Because I think for those of us that like, we watch a lot of movies or we read scripts,
Starting point is 00:52:02 it's like things become so, you can see what's happening a mile away. Yeah. Whereas with this like really cool. I could do, if you turn your eyes away for a second, you're like, wait, wait, what just happened? I remember it so much. So engaging in that way because you just can't. Like you actually will make it and not believe what's happening.
Starting point is 00:52:20 It's amazing. Yes. One of the most engaging movies I've ever seen period, that's my hot day. You have a character who so often seems like they are understanding the world they're in on our and are executing on an incredibly high level, right? She's super girl. She's doing she has a mission. She's going to school. She's doing this. And you're like, okay, she's kind of got it locked in. And then you've got like well, well, more than halfway through the movie you've got a scene in which she tries a bra on on the outside of her blazer.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I can't believe I can't believe it. I was like, and stuff it. And stuff it, and I was like, what's happening? Why, why does she now not know what and how a bra works? Well, because she's not getting dressed. She's just visualizing those clothes on her body. Oh, I assume so. So, I mean, that's the only way I can kind of,
Starting point is 00:53:08 but it is odd because at one point, they're like, you can wear any of my clothes, but she just wears the uniform. Disguing, yeah. Let's talk about that piece of dialogue, because Lucy says, you can wear anything for my closet, just dig in and help yourself. Which I don't think I want that now.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah. Yeah. How did this go? How did this go? Let's just dig into this main sequence of the movie, which is an hour into the film, where the, where, where a Lois Langed Sister is like, hey, we're going to go to Popeyes. And in my mind, I'm thinking, oh, cool. Like Popeyes is a cool bar in town. No, no, they're going to the fast food go to Popeyes and in my mind I'm thinking, oh cool, like Popeyes a cool bar in town.
Starting point is 00:53:45 No, no, they're going to the fast food restaurant, Popeyes. They go to town and this is where Faye Dunno-Way is trying to capture her love because he's escaped her spell and he's wandering around in a stupor and she gets a mind control over like a backhoe and then is chasing him with a sentient backhoe and to try to scoop him up and the backhoe is going crazy over town and it like, this is a giant, this is the biggest action sequence really in the film I think is this sequence where it's about a truck that's slowly moving down
Starting point is 00:54:19 like a block. Slowly. Slowly moving down the block and a truck that like supergirl, at any moment, it takes her so long to get involved. Like she sees. I know, I'm like Lucy is a better supergirl to be honest. Like she jumps right into the fray and recognizes like we've got a dangerous situation on our hands. Lucy jumps on that truck, does her own stunts
Starting point is 00:54:41 and immediately is knocked out. But at any point, super girl who is so powerful, you would think we'll just stand in front of the truck and stop or go grab it, pick it up, and fly it someplace else. But just connects the front of it. And let's the truck continue to run. While the truck has already destroyed a gas station that's sure to explode, a number of small businesses in this town. A wedding is happening. A trowel full of hate.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Oh, yes, a wedding. And a new agency. The hatred. The hatred is one of my favorite. The hatred is so unnecessary and so important. There are like so many civilian deaths that could have been prevented. Like just from the car accidents
Starting point is 00:55:22 and all the rest that happened, from the slow moving tractors. By the happen from the slow-moving tractors. By the way, that sequence of 22 days to shoot. Oh my god. 22 days. That's amazing. And that's clearly like on a locked, that's a back lot, that's a built street.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I do have some problems with Cara's super heroing in that moment because there's a tire fire. By the way, I love that you continue to call her by her, like, by her Christian name. Kryptonian name, yeah. I'll give her a respect on it. She didn't call herself super girl. Somebody at the end, like,
Starting point is 00:55:54 Fade Down Away angrily at the end goes, you, you super girl. Like it. And she delivers that line. She has a livers on him. This one I'm gonna call one. These actors are so good. I mean, when Fay Dunway has to describe what kind of witch she is, here's a clip.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I am Selena. Diana Socatania, priestess of Sekhna, I am the ultimate siren of Endor, and you, little lady, are trespassing on private property. She means him. I am car of Argo City, daughter of Alora and Zorrell, and I don't scare easily. Flawless. Flawless performance, not sleeping on anything.
Starting point is 00:56:41 So those tires are on fire, and what she decides to do is fly through a Water tower instead of just using her breath To put out the tire fire like it seems like she creates more destruction It seems like supergirls creating more destruction. She doesn't stop the truck She just takes the first part off the truck to see what you would do Paul and I know I know You know when you got all the destruction around you. I just want to know. You know, when you've got all the destruction around you,
Starting point is 00:57:05 I just want to know, what would you do? Would you be thinking that clearly? If you just got your powers like yesterday? She seems to blow a guy into a dark fantasy. You know what the whole scene felt? Like the whole scene felt like a town wide version of the game most trap. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:24 Like this whole piece of, this has been hit and now the tires are on fire. This is happening over here. So this is crumbling, the gas is going, it felt like a roob goldberg machine because her solutions also, like you're saying weren't always direct. They were also indirect things.
Starting point is 00:57:43 So it felt like the whole thing was like a series of bizarre traps and also bizarre solutions that were unnecessary. When she defeats, when she defeats, Fay Dunway, in that first scene where again, vehicle control where they're controlling the bumper cars, she just puts poles around her. But the poles don't seem like, like poles don't nullify which is powers. It wasn't like they were special poles. No, because she could melt them or whatever. Yeah, she does.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I also couldn't figure out why bumper cars were such a threat. They weren't. They were the scariest bumpers I've ever seen in my life. They weren't going faster. They weren't more powerful. It was just she turned the bumper cars on while the man was in the thing. All you have to do is jump in one of the cars
Starting point is 00:58:30 and enjoy the ride. It's just bumper cars. Or just walk out of the ride, walk out of the ride. Or just get up and walk away and be like, oh, I'm out. See ya. But he's scrambling around like, huh, huh, huh.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Like he's terrified of just the bumper cars. I mean, this movie clearly has a problem with villains because what you wanna see is like, you wanna see your hero fight a villain and the first villain that she sends is just air. Like it's like a, it's an inv- Well, I guess it's like, it's two shadow monsters. The first shadow monster comes at night
Starting point is 00:59:01 and has no, nothing. It's a corporeal form. Yes. And the second shadow monster is a little more, he's still translucent, but not fully there. Can I ask a question? Is the second shadow monster that has claws and almost looks like a dragon or something like that?
Starting point is 00:59:19 Is that meant to be the box that the orb has been in this whole time growing now. That was one of those moments. Yeah, for me, like you said, Bree, where you like look away, like I looked away from the screen for a second and I turned back and that thing was there. Yeah, and it was shocking.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Why do I feel like though June? Why do I feel like though June, you said you looked away for a second, but you really looked away for like 15 minutes. I mean, probably, that's probably true. June went on a Tik-Aug wormhole for about nine. But I thought it was your soul because doesn't Nigel say at one point, like you only will be a black magician if you look into your soul,
Starting point is 00:59:57 you have to acknowledge how evil you are. Something like that. He said something to her and then she gives him like acne. But I know. But in that moment, I thought that that's her evilness, but then I don't know. I mean, that first fight scene is rough. For any actor to, I guess maybe that's, it's like a movie without CGI,
Starting point is 01:00:15 because there's nothing going on. I assumed it was budget. I assumed they just didn't have a lot of budget. I know, and now I'm hearing differently. Yeah, well, budget for this. $35 million in 1984. So I don't understand then why that first fight was like with an invisible object,
Starting point is 01:00:34 because that is, that made no sense. She flies up into the sky with the pole, the telephone pole, the street lamp pole, and keeps getting electrocute hit by lightning. And all of that fight, not telephone pole, the, you know, the street lamp pole and keeps getting electrocute, hit by lightning. And all of that fight, I was like, I'm not sure entirely what this is for. Who, what is the- And Bri, I'm gonna throw it back at you. You said that she doesn't like, she doesn't know what to do.
Starting point is 01:00:59 But in that situation, she's like, oh, okay, I'll break a telephone pole, I'll just fly up into outer space, I'll get a lightning bolt to hit it. And then I'll do, like, she's very, I'll break a telephone pole. I'll fly up into outer space. I'll get a lightning bolt to hit it. And then I'll do it. Like she's very quick to figure out that solution. Yeah, I don't have answers for that. I was terrified when she was flying. We need answers. We need answers.
Starting point is 01:01:13 In the thunderous form with the rod, I was like, don't do this. Yeah, don't do this. I'm not that dangerous. Do this. This is a no. I mean, for a kiss movie. Yes, I think it's not. It's that was not good representation.
Starting point is 01:01:24 But I mean, the reason why we're here is because the movie is what it is. And then there were times where I still was like, I wish I was letting a little bit more into what the rules were. Just like what her powers are, like, because it seemed like it kind of was like, well, what's the, she can see things,
Starting point is 01:01:43 but then also she can change her clothes. And so I just was like, I wanna know what happens when you go from inner space to earth that gives you these powers, or at least like, she never seemed surprised by what she could do either. It was just like, of course, I can change my clothes into a prep school uniform. And so that was the stuff where I was like,
Starting point is 01:02:02 I didn't have these powers on her home. Like, that is definitely, we know that to be true. Well, yeah, I mean it definitely appeared that way And when she gets to the phantom zone, she also doesn't have her powers and But yet when she is in the house that's the castle on top of the the rock When the floor is like that weird lava she doesn't get up up and fly. I said, I thought the same thing. I thought the same things. Yeah, that's the whole thing. That's the one thing we know you can do is fly.
Starting point is 01:02:31 The movie kept trying it. I feel like have it both ways of being like, she's super girl, she can do anything. She can defeat the bad guys. She can do this, but it also wanted it to be like, she's just become super girl. She doesn't know what these powers are. She doesn't know yet how to fly.
Starting point is 01:02:49 How do she doesn't have the, it's not instinctually yet. It's still learned. At Ep points. I don't know. Incredibly capable and at a point straight up idiot. Like, and I think that they are, like, and I can't believe you're calling supergirl.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I'm eating that. I'm like, yeah, no, geez, I'm not. Have we been really gonna come for you? I know, that's the, now that's the, I've just filled my fate. I will say, I just before we kind of wrap up here, I do wanna say.
Starting point is 01:03:12 You hear that carazor, L? No, no, you're gonna come from my inner space to get me. Peter O'Toole in the Phantom Zone, that performance to me was, I just love his, like, I'm here, and I'll be here for the rest of my life. I'm dead. Like, he really embodied life. Can I just sit here with his spritzer bottle?
Starting point is 01:03:34 Oh my God, open your mouth. Spritz, split, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt. The other performance I loved was, which we haven't talked about yet yet was the den mother at the dorm. Oh, the drunk. So drunk. I forgot about her. Yeah. Yeah, she just isn't one scene, right?
Starting point is 01:03:54 Yeah, I thought we hear about her. We hear about her. Yes, she's in the scene where super girl comes back and signs in at night. She's in her costume. After she defeated the shadow monster, she's forgotten to change back into her window. She's been changed back with the Den Mom. For some reason. Is like kind of drunk and you see the TV in the background
Starting point is 01:04:10 and you like get a glimpse of that room and it looks so like there's certain things about this movie that were so great and specific in the way that it looked. Like that room I could, I was trying to zoom in on my computer screen to see it because it just looked so messy and specific and weird and then like that was so great. And then also like the costumes like to not make fade on a way like a witchy witch.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Yes, ma'am. To me I've heard this like kind of beautiful like cream flowing outfits and she, she looks gorgeous but also like a witch. It was just so interesting. Right, but if a car, she's dressed well. Like she's like tailored. What was weird about it is they both, I thought looked great and to your point,
Starting point is 01:04:56 we had great wardrobe. And if you had put them in the penthouse of a skyscraper, they would have felt like Lex Luthor level villain. Yes. They would have felt like, oh, these are the powerful villains that supergirl is going to need to take down. So it was all the stranger, and I will say so much more interesting as a viewer to see them repeatedly just.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Well, they're going to pay the rent to be stuck inside of an abyss. Now actually I'm wondering, Paul, I'm wondering if they've spent all their money on their clothes. Maybe. Well, we didn't see their credit card bills and they didn't address it, but we're trying to get the Coven to be a pyramid scheme. We do hear them say, if we get enough people in to our Coven, they're having a lot of plans.
Starting point is 01:05:43 But what was the plan with the orb thing? Okay. What was her plan when she makes the Gardner fall in love? Okay, let's just start by now. She makes the Gardner fall in love with her five. When I watched it the second time I understood it. The thing's beeping and she's like, oh, it's telling me that this is my prince
Starting point is 01:06:00 and we're gonna be like, this power couple. So on second viewing, that made sense to me. Okay, she's like, gotta get my prints for the power couple moment. But then after that, it's always like, while I'm saving the power orb for something else,
Starting point is 01:06:13 and then it became really vague what it was, and then at the end, she's like, got this giant map, and she's using like a compass, and she's pointing to the map, and she's like, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, by Saturday, we'll have them all and I was like, I still don't know what you're doing. Is it that by Saturday, everybody will love you?
Starting point is 01:06:33 Yeah, that's true. We get it all the states of the United States. Why did we need the walnut and the spell with the spider? Because by Saturday, it's all handled. And but then also we see a quick glimpse, and this is something that is very confusing, where she is in a limousine going around like being almost treated like a queen,
Starting point is 01:06:51 you know, like, and people have protests signs up, like we must get rid of Selena, and it's like, wait, how did this happen so quickly? I don't even know what happened, transpired there, and how did they park that car and then go all the way to the top? Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, how?
Starting point is 01:07:07 Yeah, how are there? What is the Phantom Zone? The Phantom Zone is the thing. Which is the glass thing and then she lands with... Oh, I know what it is, but like, where does it exist in like, like we've kind of been like, okay, so in space, it's like a mother of a deaf men's ship.
Starting point is 01:07:21 In like this lake, in this small town, I guess, but then like the Phantom zone comes up and is, and like fade done away is the one that makes it happen. Yeah, she's able to. She's able to make it happen. That was, I didn't understand. Okay, so fade done away. So I think we were talking about two different things.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Fade on a wing, banishes supergirl to the phantom zone, which is basically another, it's like another dimension. It's where Superman sends General Zod and those people in, you know, it's the same floating, you know, two-dimensional mirror-looking thing.
Starting point is 01:07:56 When Faith Denouy says, I think, what did she say? I think I need to do some redecorating around here. I think it needs to look nicer on here. And it snaps. And then there's the mountain, and then there's the castle at the top of the mountain. And that's now where she lives.
Starting point is 01:08:08 But what I couldn't understand is, why does everybody know that who Selena is, that Selena did this, so that they can be even protesting? Like, we don't want you here, Selena. I think Selena, Jason, at that point, must have, and these are the scenes that we didn't get to see. But I think she must have. And these are the scenes that we didn't get to see. But I think she must have like commandeered the military, the police department. That's right. That's what she said in the
Starting point is 01:08:32 thing. Yeah. Oh, did she? But like that's much. She says, she says, we'll start with the police, we'll start with the military. Brenda Vicaro does. Okay. Yeah. It says something like that. Yeah. So I mean, we never got to see that, but I think some time must have passed. I mean, I don't know that that's a 24 hour thing. That society is dead. Her society that she lives in is dead in this time, because so much time has passed, unless we don't understand how time in the quantum, not the quantum zone, but the interspace zone works, but it seems like she's gone for a long time. And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, right? Like, you need someone to say. You know what this movie is surprisingly short on exposition, which is in normal times,
Starting point is 01:09:30 in normal iterations of a superhero story or a sci-fi thing. When there are rules that are atypical to the rules of our world, somebody, a scientist, an expert, a somebody says, this is what's happening. Da, da, da, da, da, da. And that is completely absenteered. Even though there are people, like I suspect Peter Cook
Starting point is 01:09:53 or some other people who seem to have knowledge or Peter O'Toole, they seem to have knowledge, they just don't share it, which is very strange. Yeah, it's kind of like, I always say, like don't treat your audience as being dumb, but in this one I'm like, we're a little dumb. Like, you gotta let us in a little bit.
Starting point is 01:10:08 You gotta do a little bit. Like, give us a little bit. They way, yeah, I've never seen a movie just be barren of exposition because I really don't know who they are, what they're doing, why they're doing it. And again, we can't make heads or tails of the plan. I guess the plan is that everyone would love her,
Starting point is 01:10:23 but it doesn't even really work because when she is the emperor of the world or ruling the world, people are protesting against her. So that's against what she was saying. And even when she does the spell on the guy, it seems like Supergirl has an ability to break that spell. And then Supergirl can do it.
Starting point is 01:10:37 No, it's because Peter cook breaks the walnut shell with the spider and it says, oops, the spider got out, which breaks the love spell. But also, but when she first gets him, like he's trying to escape, like he's been drugged. He has been drugged. Right, so he's like, he's like not under her spell, like I, he's like, no, because it's went,
Starting point is 01:10:55 the spell, she's the incantation, she says, is the first person after you drink, is the first person you lay eyes on, you will be in love with that person. Then they do that. No, he wanders out into the world, but he can't lay eyes on, you will be in love with that person. No, he wanders out into the world. Okay, God. He can lay eyes on her.
Starting point is 01:11:08 So that's why when, oh, it's also very specific. It's the first person you lay eyes on or one day. Oh, really? It's a fix of the stuff. That's amazing. Now, let me ask a question to the men in the room because there is a statement made by some of the young women in the movie where they say all guys go crazy for ear piercings. Well, it's 1984, right?
Starting point is 01:11:33 1984. So true. Yeah. I feel like ear piercings are a lot more attention in the 80s. Like I feel like like you would go to the mall, people would be getting their ears pierced. Guys are getting the ears pierced. I feel like 84 in earrings are big.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Guys, I'm not gonna lie. I pierced one of my ears in I think 1985. What? 1985, probably. Wow. Has it. I pierced one of my ears. Wow, so this movie could have influenced that decision.
Starting point is 01:12:05 You know what? It was because of this movie. I saw this movie and I was like, wait a minute, guys, go crazy for pierced ears. Get me in on this. Yeah. I mean, I pierced one of my ears. Your lobes are the way. That's it.
Starting point is 01:12:18 That great those earlobes. I mean, you know, get them. Yeah, but I agree. It's not, I don't think it is any kind of like no. I just wanted to check in about that And Jason has your ear hole closed You know it has I wore an earring from it may be max two months. Wow. It was not I don't know that I You were
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah, I wore fake earring. Yeah, I know, you wore a face. Is it a love? Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But you really threw that away, quote unquote, what? What are you talking about? I hate the earring. War fake earring. Like a clip on?
Starting point is 01:12:52 Like a clip on earring? Yeah, like a little magnetic guy. Like what? What was it like a stuff? So did you tell people, so did you tell people you pierced your ear? Well, my friend Joe Weiss had pierced his ear and I thought that was cool. And I was like, I wanna do a two of my moms like never. And I got one of the clip a little clip guys, little clip guys, little clip guys.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Did you ever get busted? No, I don't think anyone really checked in. And he also did this. This is the other thing I did. What was the front facing? Like a little gold ball. Like a ball, like a very small. And the back of the magnet, so just stuck on together.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Yes, exactly. I will tell you this, this is the other one that I did. Probably very dangerous. Yeah, at a certain point, I will say this, I also, because I went to a Catholic school and they had to do certain things, I hid not having an earring, but pretending to have an earring by putting a bandaid on my earlobe. Because all the, like, so basically, like, boys would have to hide their earrings at school
Starting point is 01:13:51 by putting a bandaid on their earlobe. The girls could wear earrings, or they could. Yes, yeah, the girls could wear it. So, so they were, so basically, you knew who a cool dude was because he had a bandaid on Z. Yeah, I was one of them. You're like, oh, that's a bad boy over there because he's a band-aid on his ear. Yeah. That was one of them. Cool. That's a bad boy over there because he's got a band-aid on his ear.
Starting point is 01:14:08 With my fake pierced ear and my shirt from Boys in the Hood that the Kuba Gooding Jr. like four panel shirt, that was me at the roller skating rink. Just doing it up, living my best life. Wait, that entire sentence, would I have ever predicted it ended at at the roller skating ring? You gotta get out, you gotta show your good stuff. Obviously we have opinions about this. We have people out there with a different opinion
Starting point is 01:14:35 and it is now time for second opinions. You're one day, you're one day, you're one day. You're the person, you're the true. So movie was a piece of shit. Yet this person recommends it. Tell me what is the message. Maybe that art is subjective. I need to second opinion.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Thank you John La Joie. Alright, so these are second opinions, cold from Amazon. There are 1,397 reviews of Supergirl. There are 72% of them are five stars. And so this is some of the highlights of these five star reviews. This is from Joan Staubach.
Starting point is 01:15:25 She writes this in 2020. This movie is great for youngsters. Special effects are early 80s, but it's a good versus evil story with some goofiness for the kiddies. No one jumping out of bed and leaving their partner to Jor to save the world or gratuitous shower scenes.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Five stars. Okay, sure. that's that one. And then we have this one, this is from Vin Skinsky, goes, I've always liked Helen Slater, but I never purchased the movie. The crap they put on television is nothing compared to when they made TV for entertainment, five stars.
Starting point is 01:16:04 And then, wait, this wasn't a TV movie. It did go on to be, she did do a TV show after. Oh, she did. Yes, this turned out to be a TV show after. You just have to watch. Well, now I gotta see that.
Starting point is 01:16:15 She definitely has appeared on the new Supergirl as, in part of the mythology. This is from VK Mangalarvus. I went to see this film five times in a week back in 1984 and I was frustrated, there was never a sequel with Helen. I watched the extended cut three times in one night. It was amazing. The music is superb, I own the vinyl and the CD.
Starting point is 01:16:40 My favorite scene is when Supergirl falls in love with that cute man and kisses him. You watch that scene and you fall in love with Helen. Period. And the title is, if you had to watch this movie when you were 15, you would love it. Five stars. If you had to watch this movie,
Starting point is 01:16:56 if you were forced to watch this movie when you were 15, as all 15 year old should be. And then this one gets a little bit deeper from Ivan Ramirez. He goes, when it comes to Helen Slater and Super. And then this one gets a little bit deeper from Ivan Ramirez. He goes, when it comes to Helen Slater and Supergirl, I tend to be a little partial because that blonde changed my life entirely. She was the first blonde I ever saw.
Starting point is 01:17:17 And I fell in love immediately. I hope to meet her someday before I pass away because I love her and I always will. Oh, this is. Before I pass away. This is right. Missy. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:33 And it goes, but with all that being said, I will be objective about my review. The story is bad. And there's too many things that are unreasonable in the story, five stars. And the title is too much, maybe, but for a collector, it's worth it. And those are some of the five star reviews,
Starting point is 01:17:49 some of the, oh, here's my last one, this is my favorite one. Sorry, I couldn't forget this one. From Adam S. written in 2018, I could never find this in any stores like Walmart, Target, or those other stores. I would have bought this if those stores would carry it, but no, they stores would carry it. But no.
Starting point is 01:18:07 They don't have it. Thank you. I knew you were laughing when I said that. It's all right, once again, but no. They didn't have it. That person is great. Those are some files. I understand why that was your favorite one.
Starting point is 01:18:25 You just wanted to do that. I wanted to really get my acting out. The movie came out in 1984. The budget was $35 million. The opening weekend was $5 million. It made $14 million. It came in 66th place of all the movies that were released that year. It was beaten by films that we've done on this show.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Rhyne Stone, Breaking Two. But it beat Streets of fire, ninja three domination, and runaway. Here is one thing that I thought was pretty great about it. Which is also interesting because in this movie, Lois Lane's sister calls the tractor trailer that's going, she says, it's a runaway. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Which is a good thing. So there's two technological movies in the same year where the word machine the driverless machines are called runaways. I mean maximum overdrive so upset they got on this too late. This movie had 14 taglines. Fort they couldn't decide which one they liked. But here are the ones that I'll read the ones that are the best. She has all the power of the universe, but she still has to learn about love. From another galaxy into your hearts, she taught
Starting point is 01:19:28 him what it was to fly. He taught her what it was to love. What? And then you'll believe a girl can fly. But that's a parody of, you believe a man can fly from Superman. The only interesting thing that I thought is worth mentioning in the information that Nate put together here was that Dolly Parton was originally the choice of everyone to be the witch, which I thought would have been so cool. So Dolly Parton said she could never play a witch. She's like, no, no, no, no, I'm not doing that. I would have loved that, but I mean, I loved
Starting point is 01:20:05 Faye Donaway. I thought she was incredible. Yeah, I thought, I mean, Faye Donaway is amazing. There's so much in this that I liked and it was it was a blast. And again, yeah, I did it to like, I love this movie is fantastic. Well, it will be and and so much of it, I want to say this because it to everybody's been saying this so much of what's great about this movie is Helen Slater and the cast of characters they have surrounded her because without those without Helen without Helen Slater who is fantastic and I urge everybody to please watch
Starting point is 01:20:34 the legend of Billie Jean without her and then without that without Peter O'Toole, Peter Cook, Faye Dunnoway, Brenda Vicaro, this movie would have been I suspect unwatchable. I agree. And I will say just one other thing that is interesting and, Bri, I think you will like this. There is an extended cut of the story. I heard you say that earlier. I was like, wait, there's more than the two hours? Yes, there is 21 minutes of extra footage.
Starting point is 01:21:00 And there's even more, apparently, that wasn't even restored, but there is a blu-ray that I tried to buy last night, and I might go back and try it again. It is 21 minutes of footage is restored, and they said that there's actually an hour of footage in the vaults with the Superman 2 footage that they redid. We need to be very careful that we don't start a hashtag release the SuperGrow.
Starting point is 01:21:20 I'm so here for this. I was like, release the Nigel Cut. Get it out there. But they found the footage. They found a film container, simply stating the words, do not use. And inside, that's where they found all this extra footage.
Starting point is 01:21:39 According to what I read online, there's not much more stuff that makes sense. It's extended scenes a little bit more, and one of the scenes does involve Selena and the protesters, and a big puddle of water appears in one of those scenes, and it's because in the deleted scene, Selena has retaliated at a female protestor by transforming her into an ice and then shattering her.
Starting point is 01:22:02 So Selena does a little bit more evil stuff in that. We all agree. We want to see this movie again. I watch it again. I watch it over two nights and I rewound it and I enjoyed it and I was rewatching it here and loving it. And I didn't even notice that when Helen Slater comes out of the water for the first time,
Starting point is 01:22:16 it's just a cardboard cutout because it couldn't afford to pull her out of the water. I didn't know that. Oh, it is, you watch it. I got to read about that. It is a full on cardboard cutout of her, and I think it's another one that goes back in, which is great.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Oh, here's what I'll say, because I know a lot of, there's gonna be a lot of nerds who are like, that's canon. The reason she's at that school is because that's canon. That's the story of Sue. Our ghost city, we know it, we know it. There's a lot of stuff we get that's part of comics canon
Starting point is 01:22:44 that we are not aware of. So if we have complained about her, if we've said it didn't make sense, based on the movie is from something, but inside of the movie. Oh, God. I'm not apologizing to those people or giving them any fucking time of day. A movie is made for people to watch. And like, unless I am told you must see all these other things before, I'm going to bless my experience on what is being presented before me.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Correct. Brie, you have a brand new podcast. Tell us about this podcast that you have. Yeah, it's called Learning Lots with Brie and Jesse. I'm doing it with my best friend Jesse Ennis. And it's just a way for us to learn more. I realized that in particular, the pandemic gave me a lot of time to reflect
Starting point is 01:23:29 and realize the privilege I have of conversation that there's so many interesting people that I get the opportunity to speak with and learn more from. And I was like, well, I would love to be able to share this information and make it available to all. So yeah, we're doing topic-based conversations with experts and friends. And we've only done a couple episodes,
Starting point is 01:23:49 but it's just been really fun. And I've already learned a ton, even just learning how to make a podcast. And it's a little nerve-wracking for me. I mean, even doing things like this where I'm being myself rather than a character is like a new experience for me. And so I'm glad.
Starting point is 01:24:04 I mean, I think it's a good kind of discomfort. I have to say I've been, I've watched a few of your, the vlogs that you've done on YouTube. And it's, you really have done an amazing job of like, doing like, I think you really have created like a big world to kind of be in whether it is about like, whatever, like daily routine or a really interesting conversation about, you know, race and routine or a really interesting conversation about race
Starting point is 01:24:26 and then you can go into exercise stuff. I feel like it's very empowering and very inspiring for the stuff I've seen. Yeah, it's really, really awesome. June, Jason, what do you want to talk about? Yeah, I'll plug a few things. So I make said it about that podcast and I will definitely be listening.
Starting point is 01:24:44 As even though I said, don't come like down to the world of podcasts, If you think so, I'm excited about that podcast, and I will definitely be listening. Even though I said don't come down to the world of podcasts, I am also going to be launching a podcast. If you haven't heard it yet, the deep dive the podcast I am doing with Jessica St. Clair is out, and I encourage everybody to check it out, Paul. And Jason, Jason, I know Paul has never invited us onto his other podcast, but you, my friend, are welcome to come on.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Wow. That sounds, thank you, by the way, James. Thank you. Thank you for that general. No, it's seeming, it's shocking how easy it is to do. You know, after you guys, we're really booked up. We're really booked up. After doing a podcast for over a decade with you, it's so easy. It's one of the easiest
Starting point is 01:25:28 things in the world. It's so hard for me to wait. I can't, I got a lot of dates and stuff for guys. You're in Canada right now, Junso. So I can't even figure out this. More than available. I'm actually on the ice for the ice. A couple of weeks. I'm not out of it. I mean, all I do is sit in my closet, wait to pause. So, what are you going on, Jason? One more thing I want to plug, Paul, just really quickly. One more thing I want to plug is my very best friend in the world, Casey Wilson, has an unbelievable book that's coming out on May 4th called The Reckage of My Presence, published by Harper Collins. It's available wherever books are sold, but of course, encourage everybody to go to their
Starting point is 01:26:02 local indie bookstore and see if it's there probably is. And if it's not you can order it and I have good power books. I have a brand I have a special copy of it that Casey sent me and I am Just blown away by how beautiful her writing is and it's hilarious and heartbreaking and I and again That's that may fourth that is may may the fourth may the fourth be with you Oh, I wish I wish you hadn't done that is it a Star Wars theme is it a Star Wars theme? No, Jedi she doesn't traffic and that stuff. This is just a Jedi's No, it's a beautiful collection of assays a tax the sacred tax grief and mothering you know what forget it Jason what he got and mothering. You know what, forget it. Ha ha ha. Jason, what do you got?
Starting point is 01:26:47 So season one of Invincible, the great animated show that I do a voice on, is on Amazon right now. And it's really like fantastic brutal, superhero story. The opposite of this kind of poppy, good feeling, kind of light superhero story, like really gruesome consequences, laden, superhero stories that is a blast,
Starting point is 01:27:11 I play one of the characters on that. And that's about it. Well, I want to tell you all about a couple things that I've got going on. You can check out my movies Happily and Arch Enemy, which are on VOD right now, but more importantly, I want to tell everyone to check out my brand new Twitch channel. It's called Friendzone, and we do a bunch of comedy shows. Jason and I have been doing a show on there called Quarchat, which is an extension of what we do on the mini episode.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I've also do a show with Adam Pally, where we punch up your Twitter jokes, Rob Hubel and I, every Thursday night, do a big old comedy talk show, and there are more and more fun shows, David Wayne hosting a piano bar and it's a fun I'm having a blast with it. I love the community you can visit me at and we also have a discord for How To Disco Made which is and I have a little How To Disco Made area on my page as well but people the most important thing is if you want to
Starting point is 01:28:03 keep this conversation going there is a chance for you to chime in and tell us what you thought about Supergirl. You can do that by calling into our mini episode. The number is 619 PAULASK, that's 619 Paul Ask. And we will talk more about Supergirl or you're like, Paul, that is a charged line. Paul Ask. That is a charge line that is a chart that is a chart just yet my only fans and that's actually i've transferred only fans and i'm really happy with the the uh... i'm really happy with it actually you get a lot of blowback uh... you know celebrities on only for a while because but i'm actually delivering the goods jason uh... and a big shout out to all the people really
Starting point is 01:28:40 wish you hadn't said it as delivering the good a big shout out out to everybody who's- Which is to say you deliver DVD copies of the- The good, the gerrypins. The good, the good, the good. Yeah. But I also have to say that this show could not be made without the amazing team that pulls it together every single week. And that starts with our amazing super producer,
Starting point is 01:29:02 Cody Fisher. Cody is absolutely amazing. Pulls this whole show together. And Dev Devon Bryant the reason why this show sounds good The reason why our live show sound good the reason why Everything is perfect because Devon is behind the boards. He knows how to put this thing together and he does a damn fine job Molly Reynolds who is also just a power, I'm gonna call our power player, an MVP of the show, always helping out wherever we need it. And of course our producer Avril Halley. Avril has a great show called Movie Bitches. We play clips of that on our mini episodes, but more importantly,
Starting point is 01:29:39 Avril picks all of these films. And pick this one here today. She has been on an absolute role. A big shout out to July DS who listens through, make sure that we said everything right. Love July. July, thank you for all your hard work and can't let it be said enough. But Nick Kylie, I'm gonna take a bullet for you man. You have a brand new baby, you're giving me research every week, you're a fucking champ and you know what? I don't, I may have had the wrong information but I also learned, so I'm gonna sit in that, I'm gonna sit in that this week as well. And I wanna give a shout out to all the amazing art
Starting point is 01:30:13 that people post up on our social pages, which come from the ghost of Craig T. Nelson on Instagram, Zach McElise, and of course Kyle Waldron. You can see all of their amazing art on our Facebook and Instagram pages. People, we have shirts, we have merch, we have a lot of cool things and each one of these things are created by you or us.
Starting point is 01:30:35 They are very specific to each individual episode. You can go to, slash stores, slash HDTGM, and you can see all the latest stuff. We have a brand new Snyder Cut, we have a Dirtpipe Milk Shake. Short, we got it all in there. I love it all. It's so, so good. And there's sales going on at T-Public at all times.
Starting point is 01:30:54 So, thank you for listening. And if you like the show, go back and listen to some older ones, go sign up for St.Premium and you can listen to a commercial free, but most importantly, please rate and review the show, especially in iTunes. It helps, it really does help us. And we really appreciate anyone who takes the time to do it.
Starting point is 01:31:11 I know that I'm not a person who does that, but if you did it for us, I would be forever, ever grateful. Thank you, Brie, for being here, and we will see you next time. Thank you, Brie. Thank you, everybody. What a delight. All right, bye for now. I'm just gonna be...

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