How Did This Get Made? - Matinee Monday: The Boy Next Door (w/ Heather Anne Campbell & Ben Siemon)

Episode Date: February 5, 2024

Heather Anne Campbell of Whose Line Is It Anyway? and Ben Siemon of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend join Paul and Jason in-studio to talk about the Jennifer Lopez erotic thriller The Boy Next Door. The wet cookie... scene, the first edition of “Iliad,” vacant Chinatown and much more is discussed as well as another debate about man buns. Plus, a reviewer might have issues with their television as we hear a couple of 2nd Opinions! (Originally Released 06/10/2016) UPCOMING TOUR DATES IN: San Francisco, the UK, & Ireland! Go to for tix and info.Pre-Order Paul’s book about his childhood, Joyful Recollections of Trauma, wherever books are soldFor extra Matinee Monday content, visit Paul's YouTube page: Discord:’s Discord: Paul on Letterboxd: out Paul and Rob Huebel live on Twitch ( every Thursday 8-10pm ESTSubscribe to Unspooled with Paul and Amy Nicholson here: to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael here: out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.comCheck out new HDTGM merch over at to find Jason, June & Paul:@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on TwitterJason is not on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a movie with many morals, but the most important being, if you did nothing wrong and you're in trouble, do not ask for help and do not tell any of your friends. We saw The Boy Next Door, so you know what that means. I really wonder how did this get made? Let's follow in the videocreedy of Stuckbar. Don't forget we'll find the answer to the question, how did this get made? Hello, people of Earth, and welcome to How Did This Get Made? I'm your host, Paul Shear. That was a brand new theme song by Van Der Talens,
Starting point is 00:00:38 who decided to go out and record her actual theme song with real musical instruments, not on a synth or anything like that. That is all real musicians. But the same people that did the original theme song or is that a cover? It's a cover with original instruments. So he went out and he got like... But he's not the person that made the original theme song. No. Okay, got it. So yeah, it is a cover of the original theme song with real musicians. And that's VanderTalens, who made that for us. Jason, welcome. You're my cohost. I didn't give you a proper introduction.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah, you man. You know what? Real dick move. First of all, you throw a real curveball at me with a with a song I've never heard. Then I get no intro. What is this show is falling off the rails? Reddit, figure it out. This is where it all ended. Sadly, today we are not joined by June. She is off shooting the third season of Grace and Frankie.
Starting point is 00:01:30 So for the next couple of weeks, you might see her sporadically on the phone. Deal with it. Deal with it. You can go to Grace and Frankie set. You can boycott out there. That's where she'll be. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Please don't do that. Please don't do that. Please don't do that. Please don't do that. We have two very special guests, two first timers to the show. Please welcome, you know her from CW's Whose Line Is It Anyway, Heather and Campbell. Hi everybody, hi, how are you? What's going on guys?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Very good, we're so excited. Hello Heather. Hi guys, hi, how are you? And just to say, before we even start talking about this, I read an awesome article about Who's Line is It Anyway the other day. It was awesome. I thought the show is still like amazing
Starting point is 00:02:10 after all these years. Arguably, and here we are like 20 years into, for me at least, improvising in some way, shape or form. Arguably, my first introduction was the British Who's Line is It Anyway, and like the fact that that format continues to succeed and inspire kids to improvise is pretty amazing. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So you have a hand in that. Thank you guys. It's you. I'll take full credit. Like in the time as a flat circle situation, like you inspired me to do this. Wow, now. I'm not sure that that track is.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Say thank you, thank her, Jason. Thank you, thank you, Heather. You Thank you. Thank you. You're welcome Thank you. You're welcome. Also today. We have a very special guest Ben seaman who is you might know him from CW's my crazy ex girlfriend He plays the grocery store guy with the half-eye lid and you're coming back so people can look forward to that I'm hoping so I was in two episodes season two, I'm pretty sure I'm a big character. Yeah. I've been, I've started to be recognized by like really aggressive people because it's like a cult show so people are really passionate about it.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Oh, they feel like ownership. This is a very CW friendly show. We have two of our guests are from CW shows. Oh, that's right. That's right. We're shaking hands right now. CW representing. Yep. This show is now sponsored by the CW. And our third guest, Michigan J. Frog,ks at WB when it was before WB became CW. And they had to answer the phone and go,
Starting point is 00:03:50 hello, welcome to the dub dub dub dub dub WB. Like you have to say it like that. Oh no. Like secretaries and stuff. That's the worst. Like yeah, you have to say dub dub dub dub WB. Oh, that's awful. That's so terrible.
Starting point is 00:04:01 That should be a dumb podcast. Just people who had to work the desks of the poor, WB talking about homeboys and outer space. Yeah, I feel like those people must have like PTSD from that job. That is so worse. You're forcing a stutter every time you answer the phone. Like what if you were someone who recovered
Starting point is 00:04:17 from a stutter, from a, you went through speech therapy, all of it as a kid. And now they're forcing you back into a stutter. You got your first Hollywood job, working for a big time executive. And you know, like you're like, hello, welcome to the dub dub dub dub WB. And it's like your mom calling me like, oh no.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Are you okay? Or they instantly regress and then they lose everything that they work towards, to speak like a regular person. Well, I'm very excited to have you both here and Jason too, because this movie is kind of, for me, the perfect How Did This Get Made movie, because it's so perfectly wonderfully bonkers, enjoyably fun to watch. Great.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And if bad judgment had a movie, this would be this movie, because everyone in this movie shows incredible poor judgment at every single step of the way. And just so you don't know, if you don't know what this movie is about, J.Lo is- Jennifer Lopez. Yeah, is kind of in a divorce with her husband. We don't really know.
Starting point is 00:05:20 This is basically all you get to kind of understand the whole backstory is this ADR. We'll just play this ADR. Because this is literally the first thing you hear in the movie. The first, the movie begins with her just jogging and then flashbacks. It's like- She begins by having flashbacks.
Starting point is 00:05:36 It's the same opening as Silence of the Lambs. Oh, wow. Yeah, she's running through the forest and you're like finding out how her life went. Oh wow, wow. This movie is a lot like Silence of the Lambs This is basically Silence of the Lambs 2 Um, and I will also point out when you do the ADR, listen to how Blase John Corbett reads his lines
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah, I wanna come home Claire, let me come home Please Just get out, get out Don't tell me dad's not coming back. Don't tell me that. Jogging, jogging, jogging. Kevin, wait. Kevin! And that's basically you're getting into this world and they don't really tell you if they're divorced or if they're not really. Well in the first scene they tell you when Chenoweth is like, just sign the divorce papers.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's been nine months. I wish that instead it had been like a political thriller, and you'd seen all that in white text on black. Yeah, oh yeah. Nine months ago, her husband cheated on her. They still have not settled the divorce. Yes. It is, this movie is just absolutely 100%
Starting point is 00:06:48 like a lifetime, like I feel like one of those lifetime movies where you know someone, where it's about a woman who someone turns on her and it is just like a, but this is like, this is, this movie is basically a fatal attraction in reverse. Yes. You know, but she is just relentlessly pursued by the boy This movie is basically a fatal attraction in reverse. Yes. But she is just relentlessly pursued by the boy next door
Starting point is 00:07:10 in a way that gets very crazy. Oh, it goes so crazy so quickly. I wrote it down. I was like, he's already a full psycho at like minute 25. Yeah. Oh yeah, it's such a fast turn. And even, I haven't seen fatal attraction in a while, but when they have sex, like, isn't it just like, all great?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Like, it's super sexy. Yeah, yeah. And in this, like, the sex, at least the first half of it, is very upsetting. Yeah, the first, she says no, like, so many times. She says no a lot. I watched it. And stop as well. When no is not working, she's saying stop. I was really worried about that because that sends the completely wrong message too, because he just wears her down and then she is really into it.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yeah. But that's not a good message to be shooting out to people. Hey, let's not say shooting out. I mean, when we're describing this, let's not say shooting out to people. I bet there's a correlation between, so this movie and 50 Shades of Grey Both feature like psycho creepy Alpha dudes right and they both have a hardware store scene in the first. Oh wow That's a big connection and I feel like you could probably draw a diagram of like if you have a hardware store scene because it
Starting point is 00:08:24 That guy is not gonna turn out good. He knows where he can get like special ties and things. Well, let's even walk it back for a second and just give you the idea that J.Lo is now separated from her husband, her best friend, Kristen Chenoweth. She's got this son who is in line to see the best allergist in the county. This part of the movie really resonated with me.
Starting point is 00:08:45 As somebody who has very severe allergies and who carries an EpiPen wherever I go, this movie was really scary. Well, they also set up something in the beginning that I thought was gonna come into play so much, which is the garage door. I do too. It's like, they're like,
Starting point is 00:09:00 oh, the garage door's not working, and it's this tricky situation where it's like, oh, you have to pull this handle, and it's gonna go down, and I'm like, oh, clearly someone's's not working. And it's this tricky situation where it's like, oh, yeah, the pull this handle, and it's going to go down. And I'm like, oh, clearly someone's head is going to be. Yeah. I definitely thought that's how he would die, or someone would die. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It was just a setup to show his spy step. Well, it was also an opportunity for him to ingratiate himself with the family by fixing it. So he comes in, and he fixes the garage door. But you also thought, well, if they spent that much time, wouldn't it fall down or break? They never even go to the garage. It would have been amazing if when she was they've spent that much time, wouldn't it, you know, fall down or break? They never even go to the garage.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It would have been amazing if when she was going through, and this is a spoiler, when she was going through his files later, she also found like broken garage door. Well, I love that he looks at that garage door and he goes, that's the clutch. I didn't even know if the garage door has a clutch. And then they go,
Starting point is 00:09:40 I had to Google it because I was like, do they have clutches? Because nobody, I guess they do. So I was really disappointed. I feel like it was so specific. You and the writer of this movie, the only two people that have Googled that. Oh, the writer.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Did you guys see, the writer is a, like a criminal lawyer or something, right? Oh, really? Yes, she holds a JD from Northwestern University School of Law and an MFA in Screenwriting from UCLA. She was an assistant U.S. attorney in downtown LA for nearly a decade, working the major violent crimes unit on federal cases that included murder for hire, prison murder, recaturing,
Starting point is 00:10:15 arson, kidnapping, and bank robbery. And she's taught criminal procedure at FBI headquarters in Quantigo and advanced trial advocacy in the U.S. Justice Department in D.C. All of that sounds so much more interesting than what's in this movie. Which she also wrote on my interview. She wrote her own bio. She should have written any of that into a movie. I feel like it was really specific that they wanted you to know that he knows about clutches. Like it wasn't, he's good at like fixing everything.
Starting point is 00:10:40 It was like, it's the clutch in the garage, the clutch in the car. It's like, it's only clutches that he knows about. Well, he's like, he is like that kind of, he's the kid who moves in next door, but they also make great effort to be like, but he's 19. No, he's 20. He's 20, sorry, sorry, sorry. That's too, but he's not, but he's in high school.
Starting point is 00:11:01 That made me, that actually took away the entire dramatic thrust of the movie, if you ask me. Cause like, yeah, go ahead. Do you think that was a rewrite thing? Do you think that was like a- I feel like it had to be because- I feel like they couldn't make him an actual kid. Sure. In high school because that would see,
Starting point is 00:11:16 that would be, that would almost, like, in this way, she's allowed to have the fantasy of sleeping with him without there being like, well, that's a child. He's a 20 year old. Maybe it was written a little bit more morally gray, like maybe originally before it was so black and white, maybe it was about like, how these kids are, I don't know. Cause even if he's 18, you can at least buy it on some level because he's 20. She could have met him, you know, out anywhere. You know, it's like, it just felt weird because it's like, and, but that's,
Starting point is 00:11:48 and that's the other thing is I agree with you. It lets the steam out a little because she like fucks this 20 year old man. And then, then, but then it has like such a, uh, an inability to like go to anybody for help because I think she's afraid she'll lose everything. Right. She'll lose her family. She'll lose her son. She'll go. She says, that's what she says. But like lose everything. Right. She'll lose her family, she'll lose her son. That's what she says.
Starting point is 00:12:06 That's what she says. She says I'll lose. I can't imagine that's the case. He's not even. He's not underage. He's not even her student when they have sex. Yeah. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Just back it up, put him in the class before. Like just put some stakes to it. There are no stakes to it at all. If he was 18, it would have been way more exciting. And they don't even really, cause it's just like a way more exciting. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's just like a throw a line way of like,
Starting point is 00:12:32 I think he doesn't even explain why. He's just like, yeah, something happened. So now I'm 20 or something like that. There was an accident. There was a thing. So basically I missed three years of school now and here. Also like in high school, a 20 year old-old is a full-blown adult. Like, you're terrifying.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I would argue a 20-year-old would not be allowed in high school. They would have to get their GED. Yeah, I think that's right. You're like, why? Why is this happening? And he approaches high school like college. Like, he's wearing a tie going in. Oh, he's entering quoting like a tie going in like. Like he's entering like quoting poetry,
Starting point is 00:13:05 like performing for the class. And by the way, this 20 year old has sex with a girl that's probably underage at another point in the movie too. That's true, oh. Hardware girl. Hardware girl, which I really want to get into hardware girl, because we did talk about the hardware stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:20 First of all, my favorite thing in the hardware store was when they go to get the clutch, they go over to the garage door display, like they're just like the worst set design of all, my favorite thing in the hardware store was when they go to get the clutch, they go over to the garage door display. They're just like the worst set design of all time. Just like, oh yeah, these are all your garage door parts. I've been to many a hardware store. I've never seen a garage door display. Like, oh yeah, these are where I get all my parts.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Oh yeah, yeah. No, they have the best garage door section. How they just get me? How they just get me? So the hottest girl in the school is working at the hardware store and J Lo's kid the whiz who has allergies Whiz there's some of these stuff. I want to talk about so much this girl is like He's a god. I can't talk to her and he's like just the hot guys like go go talk to her And then he kind of make of makes eyes at the girl,
Starting point is 00:14:05 and then she's like, wait, he, which the young guy, the kid, the whiz. Yeah, no, no, no, the boy next door. No, the boy next door makes eyes at the girl, and then she's all of a sudden nice to the whiz. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Which I didn't understand, like, is that a thing that? That happens throughout, throughout, like that's when like, when the whiz, later the second hardware store scene,, the whiz is like, I want you to go to the movies with me, and she's like, I'm busy at work. And then Noah arrives, the boy next door arrives, and she's like, but I'll go to the fall fling with you.
Starting point is 00:14:33 And I was like, whoa, you just upped the ante. Also, when they have sex later, it's like pornography. Oh yeah. When Hardware Store girl and the boy next door have sex, yes, it is dirty. Well, it's like, the sex and the boy next door have sex, yes, it is dirty. Well, it's like, the sex in this, the sex, all the sex is pretty boring. Oh, I thought that the sex for J-Lo was pretty, like,
Starting point is 00:14:52 not, like, I was surprised for J-Lo. I guess I'm surprised. You're surprised for J-Lo because she can't pull that kind of action down? Well, you know what it is, is like, I think I'm a surprise to see fingering in a mainstream movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Besides fear. Like, I feel like, oh, she's a big movie. Besides to me, or like, I feel like, oh, she's a big actress, like we're gonna finger this person. Like, I, like, I felt like all the sex in this movie, the J.Lo Boy Next Door sex was interesting because it had as a function of it, all of this, like in a way that was so interesting and is not ever normally seen in a mainstream movie,
Starting point is 00:15:24 all of the pleasure of the sexual encounter was him towards her. Yeah. All he, she is, I mean, A, she is saying no, no, no, stop, stop, stop for a lot of it. But even when she gives into it, she is just, he is just fingering her and feasting on her pussy constantly. Yeah. And that's all, it's as if all he wants is to give her pleasure. And that's
Starting point is 00:15:45 really interesting. I feel like never happens in movie. And that's like the that's why to me this felt like a very kind of like interesting weird like again reversal of fatal attraction, which is like it really is like he is so into her and that is so winning. I feel like not winning, but like that is so compelling to her in those early scenes that the turn is just so bananas. Because all he's basically doing is just worshiping her. Yeah, he loves her. And they should have, I think, again,
Starting point is 00:16:17 he said, let me love you, right? During that, he's like, yeah. He gives like 20 red flags just in that sexual encounter. Yeah, he really is, there's a lot of wrong things, but you know, like, I feel like in that sex scene though, it is, she obviously, I think, you know, she falls prey to him, right? Like she like, he seduces her, I guess.
Starting point is 00:16:42 But like, yeah, go ahead. One of the ways in which he seduces her is by buying her a first edition of the Iliad. I mean, can we? First edition. All right, so just, that's a big thing that definitely has to be talked about. It would be over 3,000 years old
Starting point is 00:16:57 and it would most likely be on a scroll. Like, that would be how the first edition would be. I mean, unless it's like, oh, it's the first edition would be. I mean unless it's like oh it's the first edition of a translation. Such and such is translation. Yeah. But she just... This is a first... Oh my god she's basically like oh this is the original Iliad. Yeah. One of those things where I just can't imagine that all those people on set and the writing and all the processes that nobody brought that up at any time. Yeah it's like a John Grisham book. It's like this book, yeah, this is an old, old nobody.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Did he ever clarify where his money, was his money coming from the death of his parents? Did he even have money? I don't even know. He had a huge truck and he bought the first Iliad for a dollar. For a dollar at a yard sale or whatever. But it doesn't seem to even,
Starting point is 00:17:42 they don't really explore a lot of anything. Like he's now here, I guess maybe he got his parents money from when they- Is his truck is like a- A new truck. A hundred thousand dollar truck. And did he kill his mother? No, his mother killed herself. Oh, okay, so this is what we find out at the end of the movie.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Is that he's basically an orphan because he has, and that's the whole thrust of a lot of the movie, is he has a real vendetta against Hale, against cheating dads, cheating lying dads. His mother killed herself because she found out that dad was cheating on her. And then he killed his dad and his cheating whore. Well, I got that part because that was a great way
Starting point is 00:18:19 to show that he was with a real whore. Because she like, they're driving a mini van or whatever. And she like lifts up her skirt and he's like touching her thigh. But like what's interesting is it shows us this scene which none of our characters are present for. No, it's the only flashback with like nobody involved. Nobody's perspective. The only flashbacks are at the beginning which you can kind of understand but then this flatback which is completely unnecessary, it's strange. You cannot have a flashback to a scene
Starting point is 00:18:45 in which none of the characters in the movie are present. You know, like that flashback is basically his imagining of what my, or her imagining of what might have, like none of it can actually be real. Well, to me, also. Unless the truck driver is somebody we've met, I don't know. I also had issues with that whole,
Starting point is 00:19:04 like when J-Lo goes in full on investigation mode. So weird, so shades of blue all of a sudden. She's like a detective. The San Bernardino police department is like, oh, you wanna see like a burned out husk of an accident truck and all this stuff? Oh, years ago. We'll give you full access.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And we keep them on file. We keep all of our accident cars ready, which one you want to see? Oh, yeah, I'm a detective I'll bring you a public school teacher down to check out the burned-out wreckage of a car accident that happened years ago Years ago, which has no signs of foul play so they would never have why would they yep burned out husk They would have just compacted it or gotten rid of it in some way Did you think it was weird that like when she was looking at the files of the of the cars that were cut like The one car had the brand name of the car and then the other file was
Starting point is 00:19:54 2006 mini van And I don't know if it was cuz like Chevrolet was like we don't sell mini vans or we don't want other brands mentioned Maybe weren't weren't all the cars like extremely glossy, fancy versions of cars? That one, I mean, his truck, when you really see that truck, especially when he does that U-turn towards the end, it's like, what's a big ass truck? I got a fancy thing.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Oh, yeah. For this scene where like, where he's like revving his engine in front of her house while they're trying to go to school the morning. And he's like, r her son is like, what's going on? And I was like, good question, Kevin. Like shit's not right. You need to ask way more questions. And then he gets in the car with him like 20 seconds later.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Oh yeah, well he's got Kevin wrapped around his finger. I wouldn't be surprised if he was having sex with Kevin too. I mean, like he- I thought that was so, I felt like at the beginning when you first meet the boy next door that the son is like, wants to have sex with, with no more than the mom. That would have been a movie.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That would have been a fantastic movie. That would have been a movie. Everybody is. Yeah. Because he is instantly 100% smitten with him. He already has a father so he's not looking for a father figure but he wants to hang out with him. He's like, he means that brother.
Starting point is 00:20:59 They're, they're, they're supposed to go to the allergy doctor and then there's this garage problem and then they just don't go to the doctor. And by the way, why doesn't he want to go to the allergy doctor and then there's this garage problem and then they just don't go to the doctor. And by the way, why doesn't he want to go to the allergy doctor? He is on the verge of dying at every step of the way like, hey buddy, let's see if we can get this fixed because you said it was bees but then later on you get allergic to punching a bag. So I don't know what this really bothered me. Is it asthma or is it a really bothered me?
Starting point is 00:21:25 Because they say he had an allergic reaction to a bee sting, which very serious, I want everyone to take that very seriously. But then he basically has an asthma attack, which you would not presume would put him into anaphylactic shock. Maybe he got stung by a bee while boxing. Maybe he was floating like a butterfly, something like a butterfly He Muhammad Ali They show this episode of how to this get me dedicated to the champ Muhammad
Starting point is 00:21:52 They didn't do anything to explain why he had that reaction of punching the bag They could have just thrown a line in there of like oh the dust or something like that or Get something be have a be not you introduce the be you just basically need to remind the audience Have a get stung by a fucking bee! Have a bee in there. Like why not? You introduced the bee. You just basically need to remind the audience, oh yeah, he has an EpiPen on him because that plays an amazing part towards the end which we'll get to. But also when he does pull out that EpiPen, that was a great scene too for the boy next door. He was like, where do I put this?
Starting point is 00:22:18 He's like, he's like post-cution. Who's gonna shoot it in his heart at one point? Yeah, and also it's genuine heroism in that moment. Like for one moment, the kid is like a great guy. It was such a weird choice. I didn't know if they were supposed to give us that so that J.Lo would like carry him on a little bit longer. Like wouldn't immediately call the cop.
Starting point is 00:22:38 It was just for a sentence where he's like, you could have thanked me for saving your son's life. Yeah. And that was the only callback to that It seems to me and I mean correct me if I'm wrong But if J. Lo would have just continued the relationship this guy would have been like one of the best guys you would ever have right? Would have loved her completely forever and he's putting down his bone marrow transplant needing uncle He never found out if it really took I mean obviously he's in the house, but we don't know he was very sweet to his uncle as well
Starting point is 00:23:06 He was uncle didn't correct Kristen Chenoweth when she pronounced like wakamoli as wakamoli And who else I mean like who else would you want to date if you're jail? Except for like a kid a young good looking guy who's like handy around the house takes care of his elders and all he wants to do is eat Your pussy and pleasure her just elders and all he wants to do is eat your pussy. It pleasure her. Just pleasure her all day. Immediately. But interesting that when he has sex with another woman, he just wants them to go to
Starting point is 00:23:29 the hospital. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he doesn't give a shit about hardware girl. He only loves J-Lo. He loves J-Lo and he's like, I'm gonna crawl in that pussy. Yeah, there was anything to let us know why he liked J-Lo so much or if he just fixates on somebody once he fixates. And that's sex scene. Justice. Justice was why he like J-Lo so much? Or if he just fixates on somebody once he fixates? And that's sex scene.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Justice, justice was why he fixated on her. That's sex scene. Also, I do want to say she only closed mouth kisses him. Oh yeah. She never gives him an open mouth kiss. His tongue is out a lot. He's got like a real tongue situation. We pulled everywhere.
Starting point is 00:24:00 We pulled some clips. Nate pulled some clips from the commentary track. I have not audio, but I want to read what the director says during the sex scene. These are some of it. And he goes for it because he loves her and everything he does to her in this scene is out of worship and love for her being. And he goes and he really starts triggering her sexual responses. And look at that body on Jennifer at age 44.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I mean, she's absolutely remarkable. She's got the body of a 20 year old and she's a mother of twins. She's on the road performing American Idol. She's always busy. She's one of the hardest working professional women I've ever met and she's still got time to hit the gym. So you know, I like that. Oh! Oh! Gross! He takes something where it's like a very rare sex scene where it's all about the woman being pleasure and then commentary
Starting point is 00:24:47 Turns it into the gross With the understanding that we really went at it to create an intense erotic experience that she's hungry for that She's adoring swept away by his male power and sexuality merging with her mature female sexuality And he seems to know just what to do and that's erotic in and of itself. He also adds, he adds, I was the physical stand-in for a lot of these scenes. You know, because, you know, sometimes the actor wasn't available,
Starting point is 00:25:16 so I'm the one, you know, like James Cameron in Titanic drawing. I'm the one going down on her in like five of them. I was the fingers in the fingering scene. I didn't want him to do, I didn wonder if there was I mean not to go back to fingering but I did wonder if there was a fingering Dumbled because like Dumbled Dumbled Dumbled or Dumbled or in this movie he is boy he's created a spell Oh yeah he put him on the JLo Oh wow. I am always fascinated by sex scenes. Albus Dumbledore sex scene.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's hot. It's in the new plays. Hey guys, before we're gonna block this, this scene before we shoot it. So J-Lo, you don't have to be in this Dumbledore you're in. Okay. I'll get my wand ready. I was taking notes during some of the movie
Starting point is 00:26:03 and I didn't, did they explain why she had stripper heels. Oh Yes, because okay Kristen Chenoweth gave them to her They went on a double-dater. She was gonna go on a double day. Oh, right. Yes. Oh, she wore those heels to that date Yes, she was she wearing them? Yes, because she was because she and when she was walking in vacant China town What was that? No extra. Nobody there. Zero. It was so creepy. because when she was walking in vacant Chinatown, this movie had no extras. Zero. Zero. It was so creepy.
Starting point is 00:26:28 There was easily seven people at the Fall Fling. Oh, the Fall Fling was equally, yeah. I felt like they were like empty. Empty. Empty Chinatown streets. You know what neighborhood is constantly full of people at dinnertime at night, Chinatown. There wasn't one extra.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It was zero. It was like an early dinner. It wasn't like late night Chinatown. No wasn't one extra. It was zero. It was like an early dinner. It wasn't like late night Chinatown. No. It was prime time. The only thing I could think of was like JLo was like, I don't want extras in this scene. And they're like, okay, then we won't have anyone. We won't even have a sign of a life on the street.
Starting point is 00:26:56 It was very odd. She's walking down Main Street Chinatown and wherever they're living. Empty. Empty. Los Angeles. And that date, yeah. Was it Los Angeles? Oh yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Oh, it was, okay. San Bernardino, right. Yeah, they wanted us to really have a contrast of this. That date was terrible, terrible. Comically. Holy cow. That guy was a monster. They definitely wanted us to hate him with every fiber of our being.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And also for us to recognize that in comparison, TB and B, the boy next door, was and BND, The Boy Next Door, was much, much like more attentive, more thoughtful, more smarter, more intelligent, more, you know, every bit of what that guy isn't is embodied in The Boy Next Door. I love, I really did love when she dropped the mic basically by going, J.K. Rowling, billionaire, classics major.
Starting point is 00:27:47 And like turned on those stripper heels. And by the way, they're in fucking high school. So who cares? Like, you don't go like, oh, I'm in high school to get out and make money. It's like, if she was to, again, this is where the logic of the movie is flawed. It's like, she's teaching a high school English class. Like she's not like the, she's not teaching the, it's not the major. I mean, she's not like a professor.
Starting point is 00:28:10 How did she afford that giant house? I'm assuming that's Corbett's box. Corbett dollars. Corbett on the weekend is building computers for fun. Corbett, yeah, building computers who has like a, some sort of job where he has to go to San Francisco where he fucks his secretary. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Cause we all know San Francisco is like, sex city. I thought they were gonna tie the girl that he cheated on with that kid. Like cause they're both up in the water. Oh wow. But maybe that, you know. I had like one minute for some reason I thought
Starting point is 00:28:37 that Kristen Chenoweth and John Corbett that were having the affair. Corbett. John Corbett. For a second I thought they were having an affair because they was that thing of like, she smelled like cookies. Oh yeah. And then later in the movie J.Lo smells a chocolate chip cookie.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah, J.Lo's always making cookies. That's weird. Did she smell it because Noah had taken a bite on her? No, she smelled it because Kristin Chenoweth in the scene earlier in the movie tells her that Corbett Said to the woman he was cheating with and any you smell like chocolate chip cookies the woman the girl So she smelled the cookies to be like what is this? What did the wife?
Starting point is 00:29:15 What are the what did the girl that my husband cheated on smell? Oh Boy next door says to her in front of the dinner table, I really like your cookies. Oh yeah. We should play that scene, the wet cookie scene. Oh boy. This is like a great double entendre scene. So basically the Boy Next Door comes over to kind of just kind of
Starting point is 00:29:36 mistake his claim a little bit. Here we go. And this is a, I want to talk about this scene, but here we go. Hey Mrs. Peterson. Hey Noah. That looks perfect. You telling what happened this weekend? What happened? Oh, there. Peterson. Hey, Noah. That looks perfect. You tell them what happened this weekend. What happened?
Starting point is 00:29:46 Oh, there was a big thunderstorm up here. You guys didn't get it up there? No, beautiful. Drized the boat at the lake. Oh, it got pretty wet here. Don't want to talk to you. It got pretty wet here. You know what? Big day tomorrow, first day of school. It's getting kind of late. It's like 8.30.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Oh, no, no, no. Actually, I gotta go in. It's big day tomorrow. Do you want to take a cookie for the road? I love your mother's cookies. It's getting kind of late. It's like 8.30. Oh, no, no, no. Actually, I gotta go on this big day tomorrow. Do you want to take a cookie for the road? Love your mother's cookies. Oh, shit. Yeah. So now this scene, I'm so good. This is right after they had sex.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Well, but I'm very confused about this, because she's hosting the dad and son. They've just come back from a camping trip, but she opted not to go on. But she's so freaked out in the kitchen, she's like, oh, oh, oh, and she's dropping the pie. Oh, yeah. But he's not even there, Noah, at that point. And she's so like.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Maybe she was hung over? Maybe, yeah, like, I would at least buy that because there was no reason for her to be that nervous in her own home to be like, oh, oh, they're gonna find out, they're gonna find out. But there's no reason he's not there. She can't handle it. Well, maybe that's it.
Starting point is 00:30:43 She is like, I feel like undone. Yeah, that was her first orgasm. Yeah. She like, when she wakes up in the morning and cause here's the thing, when she goes, okay, we, I mean like, yes, we've talked about the sex scene, but the lead up to the sex scene is she's gone on the terrible double date,
Starting point is 00:30:59 she's at home, Noah calls her and she goes over to help him with a chicken. And she's a little drunk. Yeah. Is she though? Yes, she's pounding wine on the couch. I guess that's true. Because I was like, when she gets up in the morning, I was like, you're not drunk enough
Starting point is 00:31:13 to be like, oh no, what happened. Right. Yes, you're not drunk. She remembers everything. She blasted this kid four hours. And his hands never left her breast at all. And never, never. He's kissing her. Yeah, they're going down there.
Starting point is 00:31:26 As an adult woman did not walk next door to her own house, slept on his bed with him, I assume, and then woke up, on a couch, on a couch, on a couch. And then woke up as if to say like, what has happened? I agree, yeah, she woke up so flustered like, what happened, I made a giant mistake. Yeah, like you drugged me or something, yeah. Does the uncle live with them?
Starting point is 00:31:43 He's in the hospital for his bone marrow transplant. Or as he says, transport. Hey, she's like, we made a big mistake. We can't do this. And then he immediately punches the wall in a very angry way to let us know that he's crazy right now. And then she's like, all right, well, you know what? Now that you just punched that wall, let me sit down with you.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Again, just another bad mistake. Like, let me bandage your hand, you psycho. I'm not gonna go next door. We do get a lot of the boy next door, just because this has come up on the show before, we do get a lot of the boy next door's buns. Oh yeah. We get buns in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Where do you guys, we've had an ongoing debate about buns. Sure. And it's all personal. Do you like buns? Do you like to see buns? Is buns for men in movies the boobs that is for women? Is it the body part that is like, ooh la la, I can't believe I'm seeing these buns?
Starting point is 00:32:37 I think every time you see buns, it's such a choice that it always just takes you out of the movie. Like it's never like, Interesting. It's never somebody walking by the camera and like, oh, you just see a butt. Random buns. Right, it's always like a glory shot of butt.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And that one was, I also find thin buns to be upsetting. Oh, you're upset by thin buns? Cause I felt like he's too thin to show off his buns. Oh, so you like some beefy buns? I would like some beefy buns. I like a more muscular bun. Like the John Claude Van Damme buns. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I thought they were nice buns. I enjoyed them. I liked them. And you first see them when they're having sex, right? You don't see, that was the biggest. No, you see them in the window. Is that you don't see, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. You see them in the window first.
Starting point is 00:33:19 When he's staring at himself completely naked in the mirror just standing. Like an American psycho. Yeah, he was, just standing. Like American psycho. Yeah, he was like, just like. This might have shown up in the title of the young Patrick Bateman. It really should be. That's where he goes off to where he gets out of the bar.
Starting point is 00:33:34 But it's that thing of like, she's like ogling him through the window. It really, I do appreciate the reversal of all of the traditional gender dynamics that are going on throughout all of this because it is very enjoyable in that way. And but he is, like the way that he is objectified is fascinating, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:54 Like they are, every single person wants to fuck him. I mean, she played like she, like, and I thought this was an interesting choice too, like she really takes in his abs in that exact scene too. Like she's like, let me- Well, he grabs her hands and like, And I thought this was an interesting choice. She really takes in his abs in that sex scene too. Oh yeah. Well, he grabs her hands and like, he's like, feel my abs. That is so weird.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Oh yeah. Like as if she is suddenly been struck blind and he's like, I want you to know I have abs, so touch them. Read the braille that is my eight pack. How did this come in? How did this come in? One of the things I loved about this movie too was that a lot of the movie was built on The tail end of jokes. I always felt like that we were coming in at the tail end of a joke or like feel like
Starting point is 00:34:38 Down that her fake laugh is so insane throughout like people she I feel like she decided like, my character is light and bubbly, so she laughs at stuff. Like she's laughing constantly for no reason. Well, you hear these things like, and then I got closer and the window went down, the dead dog's still in the car. And we're like, Yeah, that's like how you begin a bad sketch.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Like a date and people are laughing and telling the end tale of a joke. Yeah, there were some weird jokes. A lot of just walking in like, oh, didn't you wish you were with us for this moment? I enjoyed the buns. I don't know to speak for all gay men, but I feel like I'm more attracted personally to like the chest and the abs and buns.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I guess there's lots of gay men that probably like buns because that's where they have sex, right? But for women, it seems interesting. I don't know if women are as attracted to buns, but you have talked about this with June. Yeah, we've talked about it. I think it's it's it's becoming June on record doesn't like buns. No, she's against buns, but I feel like it's a personal choice. And I feel like that's it's interesting to see where people come from on the buns. I wish that maybe he had also turned around and then like you saw a reaction shot like he has a giant dick
Starting point is 00:35:47 He did turn into the window and it's like it was close like they could have gotten his dick in this movie Maybe they did and they had to cut it for rating. Yeah, I yeah I would not have been surprised, you know if we had seen his dick if we had seen his dick. Because arguably, if it was his heart, it's just a rock heart dick. Just turned around from the mirror, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:07 How shocking would that have been in a movie? Just like, whoa! And then points out, how high would that have been? That would have been amazing. Like Babe Ruth. And then like her tongue drops out and her eyes bug out.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you just hear like, as if her water broke. And you just hear like as if her water broke And then it's just a very slapstick Sexy Kristen, chanowith and her Susie orman haircut that she has Kristen Chenowith has made a good career being people's best friends in a lot of movies and always giving bad advice and I feel like she, I feel like there's a part of me always and I think when we all do stuff, we all act in things, when you look at certain things like oh someone's gonna have to say this to my face and I feel like she must have had a gulp moment when he gets abrasive with her and it calls her a dried up dirty fucking cut.
Starting point is 00:37:08 He was throughout the movie added fucking like the he says at the end I wrote it down because it was so die you piece of fucking shit. It's amazing. He adds fucking when it sounds more like intense with the fucking. It does. It's amazing. He adds fucking when it doesn't sound more intense with the fucking, it does, it's too scary. Those who are hearing his acting choices to take it to the next level, he's like, I took a one-on-one class, I'm gonna improvise, I'm gonna add some stakes.
Starting point is 00:37:35 With a simple action, the singular action that the boy next door takes to beat up Kevin, the J.Lo's son's bully. Yes. So J.Lo's son is also being bullied by like some skateboard thugs. Deservatively so, right? So the kids are making fun of Kevin,
Starting point is 00:37:52 they're taunting him, they call him Wiz because he pissed his pants and blah, blah, blah. And I just want to bring up one thing too, and one point they go, hey man, I saw your movie on T-Liter or TMC, he goes, the Wiz, it's the Black Wizard of Oz. Like that's not a thing that we need to get in D. Like we got it.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Like we like, that was definitely a no. Or someone's like, I don't know if people know what the whiz is, we better. Like young people probably don't know the whiz. The Black Wizard of Oz is such a weird specific. So the boy next door comes in and fractures the kid, beats the kid almost to death. And the only person to take any disciplinary action over him
Starting point is 00:38:28 is Chenoweth, a vice principal. Like the police are not called? No. He put this kid, Noah, the boy next door would be put into jail so quickly for assault. 100%. It is crazy that the police don't show up.
Starting point is 00:38:42 There is no, they are bad administrators. It's a bad school. And he doubles down on up. There is no, no, they are bad administrators. It's a bad school. And he doubles down on her. She's like, hey, you shouldn't have done that. He's like, fuck you. That's a scene where he calls her a dried up withered, withered, cold cut. How did he get keys to the school?
Starting point is 00:38:58 Like because that's another thing. He's the bonus story. He can do anything. He's Googling breaks online. He gets, he can figure out anything. He's hacking computers. He can do anything. He's googling breaks online. He gets he can figure out computers He can do anything and look he's clearly got some amazing technology from those little spy cams to get Amazing higher heads. Yeah, sex images like that was a so much forethought goes into I'm gonna put cameras in my alarm clock in case I fuck the woman next door
Starting point is 00:39:22 Yes, yes, and I need to get her into the living room because that's really the only, I need to fuck her on the couch because that's the only way this will work. And I'm only doing that so I can blackmail her or I guess maybe jerk off to it. And this like terrifying basement. And that was weird too.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Why does- Because the uncle came back, I think. But wait, but he has to sleep in the basement when his uncle's back? You know, that was just like sex dungeon. Oh, so you just like jerked there jerks off That's just his jerk off from yeah fucks hardware girl Also a real bummer I was like oh the This poor hardware girl because she's the person who is arguably the most naked in the movie
Starting point is 00:40:04 Yes, you see her whole naked body, you know, just like totally. And I was like, whoa, this is presumably a 16 or 17 year old girl in the logic of the movie. This is very strange. We're not seeing J.Lo. We're not, we're seeing his buns and chest, but like this girl is straight up nude. If there's one thing I know about
Starting point is 00:40:23 the awkward sexual situations you find yourself in high school, it's that before you give a blow job, wait, are you in high school Heather? Strip completely naked across the room and walk slowly up to your partner. It was very eyes wide shut kind of thing. It wasn't a normal sex scene.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And it's also like, what was the deal they made? Hey, why don't you date my nerdy little friend and you can blow me? Yeah. Like cool, yeah, man. Yeah, that goes back to what you were saying about, like she only agreed to do stuff with him because, you know, Noah would come in
Starting point is 00:40:53 and give her a sexy look. And what was her thought? Like, I'll date this guy so that I can fuck him later. Yeah, like, if I get in good with this one, I can fuck him because that's how it works. At the hardware store that also says skateboards and and car parts and like Everything it's everything. They didn't want to have another location Store in town never there also empty
Starting point is 00:41:13 Yeah, I felt like it had that big skateboard display just so when the skateboard kids come in then you'd be like Why are they in a hard store? Oh, yeah, also sell skateboards Also sell produce um the I want to just talk briefly before you get to the end of it talk about the when she goes to let in her class the class is anxiously waiting outside her door and the class is like aligned with their sex pictures which that's like one of the most comical scenes I've ever seen in film. Oh, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:41:47 The printer is still printing them. Yeah. The printer is still shooting out the images from the video. The four is full of pictures. They're streamed around like it's a quinceanera. And there's a great quote from literature written up as a threat. She's quickly shoveling them away. quote from literature written up on the thread. I, I, she's like quickly shoveling them away.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Like the principal like, hey, let me in. Yeah. Let me in. Why is he so angry? We're so angry that the class is starting five minutes late. By the way, it would have taken her conservatively 35 to 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:42:20 to have cleaned all of those up. Forever. She cleans them up in one minute. And all under her desk. All under her desk. And when I was watching the movie, I gave it more credit than I should have. I was like, there's no way they're gonna be gone.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Like the principal's gonna come in and they're gonna have to talk about something. Also, it's a beautiful day. Yeah. Why don't we just sit in the yard and do our lesson in the quad? I love there's this very low angle Wachowski-esque shot of the key
Starting point is 00:42:42 going into the door in slow motion. It's like totally unnecessary. Which is unnecessary because the principal does not open the door. No. He doesn't unlock it open. Oh, right. She opens it from the inside out. And she's always on a call.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah. She has those hundreds of sheets of paper that she stuffed under her desk and then she goes out to talk to him for a long time. And I just can't imagine those piles of paper are concealed behind the desk. Yeah, they would fall. I think, yeah. She's gonna teach the whole class with this giant mound of garbage.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Like that scene is a complete, like that is every step of the way when JLo is confronted with the actions that she has committed and the repercussions that he is threatening her with, she makes every wrong choice. She always makes it worse for herself. It's a movie where you make a mistake and it's like a horror movie. It's like a mistake, mistake, mistake, mistake and you're like, well now I don't even feel bad that you're the victim because you've just made too many mistakes. What a great title for a movie would be every wrong choice. Yes. Yes. I would go see that movie.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Yes. I would say 80% of the movie's in our, how did this get made, Canon would qualify. We skipped a scene that I really loved where the husband is back to have dinner or something. He spends the night and you keep having Ninoa who is furiously reading the Iliad while having flashbacks of fucking JLo. We're in flashbacks of fucking J.Lo.
Starting point is 00:44:05 We'd like a tent and a shadow boxing and then reading again. Like nobody goes from boxing to reading to masturbating to reading to boxing. And he's so angry because the John Corbett's car is parked outside and he assumes he's fucking J.Lo. Oh, you know, there's a really funny piece of audio design that happened and Averill found this for us. So just listen to this. This is like, he cuts the brakes on John Corbett's car
Starting point is 00:44:31 while Noah's driving, or while Noah's the boy's driving, the whiz, and if you just listen, I think it's interesting, like the brakes are cut. So the car is losing control, but if you listen to it, that sounds like the car is revving up as if the foot is on the gas. So like, and that's the incident that occurred. Listen. Kevin.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Slow this car down! That is the sound of gas, yeah. Yeah. It's like shifting up. Hold on! That's the brake! Stop! Get him!
Starting point is 00:45:02 Count shift! So he- Count shift! Downship! I didn't even think about that. It's just a wrecking car. It's as if the kid is hitting the gas the whole time. Well, when there's no clutch, that's what happens, right? Also, why when he gets overwhelmed while boxing,
Starting point is 00:45:19 does he not have one of his like, asthmatic panic attacks during... Like, how much... That would have added so many stakes. Yep. Oh yeah. But he was suddenly couldn't breathe while also not able to control a car. Oh, that would have been amazing. I would have liked that.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I mean, well, you know. They should have died. Yeah. That would have been amazing. That would have been this movie amazing. If he successfully, or if he killed first John Corbett, it would have been amazing if this movie had up the ante and he does eventually kill spoilersiler's Chenoweth.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Oh, when he kills Chenoweth, I was like, what? What the fuck? Cause he like sliced her throat. It was like, it was very brutal. And meanwhile, I can't- And he shoved her in the closet. She fell out of- She fell out of-
Starting point is 00:45:58 She fell down. Yeah, this is the first time, like all of his other murders and everything are like kind of untraceable or blackmail-ish. This one, he's just. Yeah, yeah killing everybody and we're getting out of here. Yeah, he does not care I wrote that I wrote that his reason I killed her in case she wasn't your friend What that's what he said he goes I killed her in case she wasn't your friend Oh, wow, so like he's pretty cuz she knew all the details Yeah, yeah, but I love that murder.
Starting point is 00:46:25 It's like, well, in case, just as a safety precaution, I killed her. In case she wasn't. It's only now occurring to me that Hardware Store girl was in on it with Noah from the beginning, not the beginning beginning, because she's the one that tells J.Lo to go to the boys bathroom at the Fall Fling. Oh. J.Lo to go to the boys bathroom at the Fall Fling. Oh! Oh! Where he is waiting with the, having written on the wall, I fucked Claire Peterson. And is the only boy using the boys room?
Starting point is 00:46:54 There's no extras, no extras. No extras at the Fall Fling. It's a winter, it's a dance rather. And why didn't that never get, like, why did the principal? That never came back. Yeah, the principal should have said, hey, you know, we've been noticing some weird stuff
Starting point is 00:47:04 like that gigantic piece of graffiti that said I fuck Claire Peterson. We want to talk to you about that. And also like the other teachers saw you manhandling like the best looking 20 year old boy who goes to the school like, I'm not dumb. I think something's up. So like that, that I fuck Claire Peterson.
Starting point is 00:47:20 No one took care of that. Huge, it's great. Yeah, and everyone who's Huge. And really well done. And at the dance. At the dance. So people had to have been going into the battle room. The five people that were at that dance would have all seen that. Her son.
Starting point is 00:47:33 It's a teen dance. The win that they make a whiz. It's a teen dance. That's where everybody is going to secretly drink booze. And what was also the thing, it was this hair that was in the sink. It was paper towels., like you pulled out it was paper towels. No, it was paper towels.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Okay, I thought he pulled out it was hair. And then it was like an extension or something that goes like, oh, I got this for you too. All right, so the end. How dare you suggest that J-Lo has extensions? Look, you know, her character. How dare you, her character? I like the idea that a woman who looks like J-Lo
Starting point is 00:48:02 would ever be named Claire. Oh, well that goes to my, I wrote this down in the beginning. It's like, this movie is people saying things that they would never say. Like she says schmutz. They're like, J.Lo is never saying the word schmutz. Like she's not, you got some schmutz. And then when they're talking about computers,
Starting point is 00:48:16 like, yeah, it's Arctic cooled PC gaming computer. Like you don't know what the fuck you're talking. No one feels like they, even the bullies don't feel like they know what they're saying everyone's like yeah I'm saying it but But we have to know that it's all authentic because it came from a real criminal justice lawyer Yeah, these are all things she's seen or heard I do have her reason why she came up with it She developed the concept for the script after running past her dream house. A bad boy her son went to school with resided in the house across the street.
Starting point is 00:48:48 This gave her the concept of a neighborhood boy creating conflict and driving a wedge between a family. And the first drafts focused more on the 12 year old boy and the mother trying to get her son out of the boy's clutches. So it was much more of that. 12 year old boy. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:49:03 So she did slowly age them up. And she said she was influenced by Mary K. Leterno. There must have been a draft at some point where she was younger. There's a 12 year old boy and maybe a 15 year old kid that she fucks? Yeah, I bet that's right. She fucked a 12 year old boy then. There's that story right now.
Starting point is 00:49:20 There's that story last week about the teacher who got pregnant by her 13 year old student. Oh my gosh Oh, wow, and it's bananas and they had sex every day like on at like like under the bleachers The story was absolutely crazy Well to me I feel like couldn't you argue that if she didn't have sex with like an 18 year old or so He's a senior in high school, and he was just a little bit younger Yes, it was a mistake, and yes, she's a teacher, high school and he was just a little bit younger. Yes, it was a mistake and yes, she's a teacher but he wasn't in his class yet. Like, but people would not root for her.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Really, you don't think so. I think people would not, people would think, I would, I feel like right now, I feel like that's this movie made in the 80s. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's this movie made and like it's a, it's an 18 year old Rob Lowe or like somebody,
Starting point is 00:50:04 it's like that version of the movie exists like class. You know, like the mom fucks the kid's friend from high school. But it also has this like Tyler Perry-esque moral thing where it's like, hey look, the husband fucked around on the wife and nothing happened to him. But that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Like right, I feel like right now that wouldn't, like you, everybody wants to be able to like be like, no, she should be able to like get hers. Yes. But not in a way that is morally reprehensible, like that it could be perceived of as like hurting a child. Right. You know?
Starting point is 00:50:34 And I think that's why they have to make him like, they have to go through so many hoops to be like, no, no, no, no, he's 20, but he's still in high school. Like it doesn't add up at all. No, and, and I think that's why she had to say no, no, no to him so much because she couldn't really be seen. Like what's the big deal if her defenses went down? She had some wine, they're eating chicken,
Starting point is 00:50:53 and all of a sudden. And then all of a sudden, he's eating chicken. Did you come, man? Boom! Guys, pussy tastes like chicken. I'm here to say pussy tastes like chicken. Did he kill the- Also full of salmonella.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Oh. You need to get out of there, man. I am a single. Did he kill the uncle or are we to believe the uncle was okay? Because I definitely, when she went in to delete the files, I definitely thought she's going to find the dead uncle. Yeah, no murder in the basement. He finds her. He lets her out. Like he's fine. I definitely thought she's gonna find the dead uncle Yeah, no He finds her yeah, that's her act like he's fine. I don't think the uncle ever went home
Starting point is 00:51:29 But I don't think he ever went home to the uncle after the uncle once the uncle got home I'm gonna go you scared me. I think from there on in that guy was oh The basement door opened didn't she yeah, so wouldn't the uncle it he can't go down there Yeah, I don't think I think think Noah, the boy next door, I think his plan is, I think he's like ready to leave now. He's like, I'm outta here, things have gone down. Like I think- Yeah, he's like, I got it.
Starting point is 00:51:52 But I also think he loves his uncle. I think there is a really weird kind of, he does love his uncle and he does think he loves J-Lo. He loves, I mean- He loves too much. He loves too much. He loves too much. That's his crime. He's like Lenny and I have mice and men. He loves, I mean that's. He loves too much. He loves too much. He loves too much. That's his crime.
Starting point is 00:52:05 He's like Lenny and I have mice and men. He just squeezes too hard. Yeah they're gonna, he wants them to run away together at the end, right? He squeezes those boobies too hard? Yeah. That's right. Boom.
Starting point is 00:52:14 You guys, you guys just listening to the podcast are missing a lot of high fives between Heather and I. Um, so uh. He's always squeezing her boobs so that we don't see them. Well, yeah, that's what I mean. I mean, it's always just boobs squeezing and pussy eating. Squeezing.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Just really, and then fingerblasting. I did love the... But he's like fingerblasting in a way that it's like, it's like the way that I feel like soft core movies are like, it's like delicate outside touching, you know? Very tender. Very loving. And she's wearing, she went to that date wearing like real underwear. Oh Yeah, yeah, that weird this goes well. Yeah. Well J. Lo though. There's no slacker
Starting point is 00:52:54 I pulled up a picture just her a nightgown. Oh, yeah, that's lit up the side like she's not you know, she's like she looks great She's gonna look great all the time. She's not you know, and she's wearing a broad a bed every minute wait So she's got to be thrusting her hip out sideways to get that to work on that. Yes, yeah. She uses that. Her butt is like, oh yeah, like shooting out. It's such a weird slip too,
Starting point is 00:53:14 cause it's very modest looking until you see the side. And then it's all about pleasure. Well, I wanna talk about the end of the movie really quickly and then we can get into these second opinions, but the end of the movie I think has the best Kill two of the best kills back to back Which is the EpiPen comes back into play and I literally could not watch
Starting point is 00:53:32 She fucking stabs him in the eye with that epiPen and it was so I don't know what he Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, and then he's got this fucking That was a great like I mean yeah Shocking shocking and I felt I felt like they wrote the EpiPen first and then they reverse engineered the Sun and everything It went on with him. Yeah, like justify this Not to mention the fact that what you would be doing in that moment is giving him an overwhelming dose of adrenaline in the eyeball. I thought that he was gonna be like a strong like Hulk. Oh, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Like Super Shredder. Yeah. Exactly, like Super Shredder. But then she, but then, then like in very comical fashion, he walks two feet, she hits a button and a fucking engine falls through the ceiling and hits him on the head. Which is, the way, sorry. Oh, I know I was gonna say, I watched the beginning of it for a second this morning to be like, and they show that engine thing hanging down,
Starting point is 00:54:32 but there's no setup for that engine thing. Like there's never anything to make you know of it. Why would you hang an engine in a farm? Like why would you hang an engine? And it was so many. What if the engine killed your daughter? You'd hang that engine. Also, it's really nice that they managed to murder him
Starting point is 00:54:51 in the way that he murdered his. Yes, with car parts. Car parts. Car parts. He's finally got it back. Wait, but let's keep this in mind, because I'm almost positive. We are in a barn at the end of this movie
Starting point is 00:55:06 at Kristen Chenowitz's house. Yeah. Oh yeah. So he is, there's an engine hanging in her barn. Yeah. It's not like it's where he fixes his car or something. That's her side hobby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:18 So we're to presume that Kristen Chenowitz, who I believe is a single woman. Yes. A vice president. Is principal. Has like some sort of tractor engine hanging in her barn? Yeah, she's a single woman. A vice president. Is, is, is, has like some sort of tractor engine hanging in her barn? Yeah, she's a weekend, she's a weekend farmer.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And not just hanging, hanging way up. Way up. Yes. Like, I couldn't. There's no reason to ever get the engine that high. Well, there is no, nobody would ever do that. Unless you were hoisting it to the second floor for storage to get it out.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And a substantial part of this fight Happens during a gasoline fire. Yes, which they are clearly safe from a circle of no fire Obviously we had an opinion about this movie, but there are people out there that had a different opinion It's now time for second opinion What if they said you had cancer What if they said you had cancer? What if they said you had AIDS? Would you take that for an answer? So if I could call it a name?
Starting point is 00:56:15 Or would you get a second opinion? All right, these are five star reviews cold from Amazon. How are our themes coming? Are people sending in themes? Oh, we have amazing themes that we just heard right there. It is a brand new one. Yeah, we have tons of themes. This is from Teddy Tao.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Now, most people will kind of tell you the whole movie, but I think this one was worth it. Oh my. Jennifer Lopez never makes a bad movie. She hits it home again with this one. Going through a separation with her husband, she meets her next door neighbor, who is much younger. He knows she's very lonely and needing a man, and he kindly takes advantage of that situation. They have a one night encounter, she breaks it off, and then it gets very, very, very ugly. That leads
Starting point is 00:57:00 her husband and son getting involved, and then in the end, the neighbor gets killed. And Jennifer and her husband and son all get out of the burning barn alive. It's a great movie. Some sexual content is in the movie. They could have left that out, but I do like the movie. Five stars. Wow. What would the movie be without the sex?
Starting point is 00:57:21 That's the entire movie. And by the way, spoilers for the movie. Yeah, way big giants. Like, like really the friend dies and they make it out of the barn alive. And then this one is this was from Stephanie E. Horn. Not how about Stephanie Horn E. Oh, like that. Oh, boom.
Starting point is 00:57:40 She she writes simply the title of the review is playing with fire and writes Not a good idea to cross that age gap. I would but that's me five stars Cuz she is Stephanie horny And then this is from Heidi Bailey who also gives it five stars. Wait lesson not learned from the movie No, not at all and then Stephanie Bailey gives it five stars. By the way, Lesson Not Learned from the movie. No, not at all. And then Stephanie Bailey gives it five stars and simply writes, volume was too low. What? That's a review.
Starting point is 00:58:12 What? That still gave it five stars. Volume was too low. Couldn't find remote. The volume of sex scenes? I don't know what that- I think the sound. I think the sound of the movie.
Starting point is 00:58:23 The volume of the sex scenes. I'd like to see those person's other reviews, and maybe all of the reviews are like, the sound was too low. It just turns out their TV is broken. They don't know how to turn on their speaker. Or they're slowly going deaf. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:35 And don't know it. You just watch it. Couldn't, there was no sound in this movie. But the first review- Movie sounded silent, much like my husband, and everything in the world. June and I once stayed in this like oh go ahead. Her first review is Jurassic Worlds couldn't figure out how to turn this down.
Starting point is 00:58:51 It's definitely loud. Too loud. One star. June and I were in a like this kind of like hotel hospital thing when we first came out to LA and they had a DVD player and we put in that movie Manchurian candidate, the remake. And it was pitch black and we'd always like you could see figures and it was like wow it's a really cool artistic choice and we were like watch the entire movie like without being able to see the figures and then we realized that the brightness was all the way down so we watched the movie and justified it to ourselves.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Like, wow, Jonathan Demmey is like a real genius. He's making it hard to see the things. It's murky because this idea is a murky idea. That's amazing. It's like the shitty TV, the shitty hotel that we eat. And we gave it so much credit. I thought it was really interesting to make it. I love that when you justify things like that,
Starting point is 00:59:43 especially because you do it to someone to make it seem like nothing's wrong. Right, yeah, yeah. I remember I went to a concert once when I was, like I went to see the replacements when I was in ninth grade, I think, with a girl that I was like just so in love with, but who like thought of me like a brother.
Starting point is 00:59:57 And there were, the bands kept coming on stage and I kept being like, this is them. But it then was not because there was like four opening bands, but there was such an anxiety around which band is gonna be the replacements and I kept being like declaratively like, this is them and we would like enjoy a couple of songs. I think I know this one, I think I know that one and then it was like none of them were the replacements.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And then when the replacements came on, it was very obvious it was the replacements. They made a big deal about it. Well, do we cover everything that everyone wants to talk about? Anything left? I think so. Well, dye a piece of fucking shit. Oh my god, poor Chenoweth.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Also, Chenoweth's boyfriend seemed like a real piece of shit. I felt really bad for Chenoweth. She needed a boy next door. I thought it ended very odd. I thought maybe yeah Oh, yeah, they was gonna maybe let us think like there was no body in the barn and like obviously I wouldn't make a sequel, but it'd be fun to have that little like also a jump-up moment And I also don't see like any aftermath You don't see like them six months later like okay. We're all. We lived. The movie ended like someone's like,
Starting point is 01:01:05 hey, I gotta go, we gotta go. We're like, oh shit. I got, well, every, there's all of a sudden, like wait, we left, the movie's over? Like I literally was like. There is something missing, like just a shot of him happy or a shot of the barn being burned. Oh, a helicopter shot of like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Just a pull out, yeah, just some artistic pull out, but it's just, it was like, they get out of the barn and the credits start. And they immediately go back to the flashback scene so they can show you more sex scenes again. Like immediately, they make their money in that sex scene. What a weird trailer thing to show the sex scenes again. I've never seen anything like that.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Well, as the director pointed out, she's got an amazing body for it. 44, got twins and she still goes to gym. You know I like it. Oh, yeah. Heather, anything we could tell the people? They can follow you on Twitter of course, Heather and Campbell.
Starting point is 01:01:46 At Heather Campbell on Twitter, and you can kind of get to everything from there. You know Instagram and all that shit, I don't know. Ben? Sure, you can follow me on Twitter. I have this Instagram called Kylie Jenner Does Stuff, which is bleeding followers, so. Anybody wants to re-follow it.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I would like to follow that, so just Kylie Jenner just doing things? I try to take up. I would like to follow that. So, just Kylie Jenner just doing things? I try to take her selfies and then make it look like she's doing something either more satisfying with her life, like hanging a picture of Ruth Gator Ginsburg on the wall, or just like something garbage that she would never do, like, you know, making macaroni and cheese and eating pork rinds. And it's just called the Kylie Jenner Dust stuff? Kylie Jenner Dust stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I'm going to follow that immediately Jason. Oh I oh I'm in an episode and June is in as well Lady Dynamite on Netflix. Oh, yeah Great show. So it's Maria Bamford show with Pam Brady and Mitch Hurwitz. It's a terrific show. That's definitely worth checking out Yeah, it's about it and I'll plug and if you're on a plane Yeah, how to be single I did Jason's great in. And I'll plug Phil. And if you're on a plane, watch How to Be Single. I did. Jason's great in it. And I told him that the other night.
Starting point is 01:02:49 But in all honesty. No, everybody is now watching that movie on planes. It's so hilarious. People keep coming to me, hey, I just saw you in some movie. I was like, were you on a plane? Yeah. So if you want to get on a plane
Starting point is 01:03:01 and watch me make out with Alison Brie, how do you say it? If you're going across country, that's a great way to spend a couple hours. You can watch filthy preppy teens. That is my show they co-created on the full screen app. It's a brand new app, a kind of like Netflix for millennials. It's all up there now.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Eight episodes are all up and available. If you want to follow our show, follow us on Twitter at HDTGM. You can follow us on Facebook. You know how to do that. And if you have felt like we haven't talked about something on the podcast, you can leave me a voicemail message at 619 Paul asks. That's P-A-U-L-A-S-K, not Paul asks. We will play it in our new and improved mini episodes. If you haven't been listening to our minis, you got to check them out. They're rich. They're full. So thank you to everybody here at
Starting point is 01:03:43 Ear Wolf. A big thank you to Averill Halley for cutting these clips as always. Just perfect. And Nate Kiley for not only watching the movie, but watching the DVD director's commentary of the movie. Thank you all and Marissa Zeitz for putting it all together for me every day. We'll see you soon, bye bye.
Starting point is 01:04:00 How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How did this get me? How does this get me? Heroes! Heroes! Heroes! Heroes! Heroes!

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