How Did This Get Made? - Matinee Monday: The Fate of the Furious (w/ Adam Scott)

Episode Date: May 8, 2023

Our resident Fast & Furious expert Adam Scott (Severance, Party Down) joins Paul, June, and Jason in-studio to discuss the latest in the Fast film franchise, The Fate of the Furious. They’ll cover e...verything from Jason Statham and The Rock’s team up to the John Wick influence to Vin Diesel getting emotional. Plus, everyone shares who they’d like to see enter the Fast universe. (Originally released 04/28/2017)  For more Matinee Monday content, visit Paul's YouTube page: Go to for tour dates, merch, and more.Follow Paul on Letterboxd: Discord:’s Discord: out Paul and Rob Huebel live on Twitch ( every Thursday 8-10pm ESTSubscribe to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael here: to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.comCheck out new HDTGM merch over at to find Jason, June & Paul:@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on TwitterJason is not on Twitter

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Starting point is 00:00:00 in the immortal words of the great poet laureate, Luke Hobbes. Fate is a real summer bitch. We saw the fate of the Furious, so you know what that means. Hercules and Precious stay in the line. Why's the decimal got acid hidden in the walls? Why's John Travolta love face waterfall? Jason still single, Jews hate the buds. Paul's digging deeper in second opinions. How do you steal a God of Egypt's heart? More importantly, where does the butt start? Jason's into it. He's faster, he's furious. Paul's got questions. Soon he's getting curious. Lake Blast in the long hands. Got Tomkins getting madder, but hang on, man. I think it's all taken up slatter. It's over the top. He still holds
Starting point is 00:01:03 on. We're about to have a face off that duck in the hall. We can't stop the music, Nick. He's got to get paid. And one more thing, how does this get paid? How does this get paid? How does this get paid? How does this get paid? Hello, people of Earth. That is a brand new theme song from Eastwood Fresh, kind of a kid rocky theme song there. I am Paul Shear, joined as always by my two hosts, Jason Manzookus. How are you, Jason? I loved that. That was a great song. I loved it too. And June
Starting point is 00:01:48 Diane Rayfield, how are you, June? I'm doing great. How are you, Paul? Very good. And as always, if it's a Fast and Furious movie, we have to be joined by our resident Fast and Furious expert, the one, the only, Adam Scott. If this was like a, like a MSNBC show, would Mike Hyron say resident? Would it be like a vet? Vindiesel expert? Yeah, veteran Vindiesel expert. Senior Vindiesel. And we would all have our own little talking head boxes. We're talking all simultaneously. Screaming at each other. Don Lemon, as played by Ludacris, tries to control the conversation. Guys, we just came, Jason, June and I just came from the theater, from this movie. 11 a.m. screening to other people
Starting point is 00:02:31 in the theater, who I worry we ruined their experience just from laughing so hard. But this movie, I'm, you said it best, Jason. I am like, jazzy. This is the way my day should always start. I want my days to begin watching this movie. I'm amazed because I was told it was very long and I knew we had some time constraints today. It flew by. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. It flew by. This does not feel like a two hour and 17 minute. No, it was over in a heartbeat. I have to say, like I think Fast and Furious, as an entity, like they do what every other movie tries to do, but better, like it feels shorter than some of the bloated Marvel movies. Connective tissue, like if you used to want to talk about James Bond, like that last James Bond
Starting point is 00:03:13 where they tried to connect all the dots. Oh no, this is all, like they actually pulled that off in this movie in a kind of a way that I was like, I kind of buy it. It seems clean. Well, the same way that they have like masterfully upended the idea of like the chronology of the series. Oh yeah. You know what I mean? Like just at a point when they were like, oh, we want to rejigger this so that these guys can be living and blah, blah, blah. Oh, so everything previous comes before and like we'll just jump ahead in time. They are masterminds. And I said this to Jason on the way here. The thing that blows my mind about it all, one writer, not a team of writers. Normally a big movie like this, you'd see a couple names as writers. This is one guy, one genius. Did he
Starting point is 00:03:52 write the last one as well? Oh no, that's a good question. Yeah, I can figure that out. You know, another thing about this, just a series in general is, you know, there are eight of them. There are eight of these movies and each one, it gets crazier and crazier, but they never stop topping themselves. Like, oh yes, the set pieces in this movie are bigger than the last one. And how could you get more grand than the last one? This one blew it out of the water. Literally. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. We flew above in the last movie and we went below. That's right. In eight. That's right. Just to answer your question, this guy did write five through eight. Okay. So he is. So we are witnessing his singular vision. Yes. This is it.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Different directors, but the commonality is the writer. Yeah. That he is. Interesting. He is doing it. He does a terrific job. I do wonder and I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I wonder how, how they could top this one. Right. Just in terms of like landscape and terrain. They're definitely going to the moon. Yeah, they have to. They're definitely going to be driving on the moon. The writer, they asked him, well, what's next, space? And he said, haha. Well, if we have a good story for it. Wow. So it's not, not on the table. What they're so good at is, is continuing to heighten and continuing to let us like enjoy the insanity of a team of basic superheroes, you know, executing missions all over the world as long as they can arrive
Starting point is 00:05:27 and leave via car. Yes. That's it. Absolutely. They don't get dropped in anywhere. Nothing happens unless they can drive in and drive out, no matter how impractical it is. I would argue that there is one scene in this movie, which we'll talk about obviously is like when Vin Diesel exits his car and runs, that felt so unnatural to me. I haven't seen like a running moment in any of these movies. Yes. They're seated most of the time. I will say something maybe controversial. I actually, I thought the scene where the car starting remotely was amazing. I thought that whole set piece was incredible. Unbelievable. I did not think the final set piece of the submarine beat the airplane sequence in seven. And I can't even believe I'm recalling things from other movies.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I mean, that's a shock. The airplane, the runway sequence. Yes. That may be from six. That's six. Okay. Six. You're talking about, and I wonder if part of your, your preference for that one is that it has the heartbreaking element that Giselle dies during that plane sequence. Didn't they fall out of planes in the last movie? Oh yeah. That's what I'm talking about. I don't think the submarine, like I, what I was expecting out of the submarine sequence is that the cars would be driving on top of the submarine. Uh-huh. For a while. Yeah. I'm with you. For a long time and then driving underneath the water. You wanted underwater driving. I wanted underwater driving. And then by the way, then they would have to break through the ice from underneath. Yeah. To get
Starting point is 00:06:57 out of there. That is so good. Paul, what's the writer's name? Is it an anagram for a jeans anagram? You just put Chris Morgan on blast. I felt like it didn't satisfy exactly like I wanted it to. It didn't go crazy enough. I feel like we didn't fulfill the premise of a submarine and a bunch of cars in the way that we should have. And at the end of it was just like fire and protecting Vin from fire and all of them getting around him and it just, I wanted his family. I wanted to see him like catapult out of that ice. Yeah. Yeah. It just felt a little anticlimactic to me. It didn't betray the laws of gravity quite enough. Well, that could have happened. Basic physics that we all strive to. I agree with that in the sense that
Starting point is 00:07:50 the danger posed by submarines, nuclear subs in Russia, where we were for that whole sequence, is like hypothermic temperatures underwater. Like the true danger is what if you got trapped underwater? Absolutely. And we get a brief moment of that when Tyrese kind of goes underwater, but it's pulled out very quickly. Yeah. Dom should have been trapped under the ice on top of the sub. He would have died immediately. Yes, he would have, of course. His heart would have exploded. I guess my question is why disarm those nukes so quickly? Because it was actually that the submarine, the only thread it really posed, was as a submarine. Well, they didn't say the nukes were disarmed until after they exploded. Right. But Charlize did say... Oh,
Starting point is 00:08:36 no, she said it before. When they pulled it out, she's like... The card. They pulled the card out. The card out. She's like, just park it somewhere deep in the water. And she was basically the idea of like... And we'll get to it. We'll get those nukes later. Yeah. I feel like she was like, if I can't launch them now, fine. Let's get the sub out of here and I'll get the nukes later. But why was she even launching? Because then she's just saying like a scene before, like, I have no interest in launching a nuclear weapon. No, she said she had no interest in war. She wanted them to have accountability. So if they didn't do what she said, she could shoot nukes at them. Yeah, it was all about this... Can you shoot a nuke at a person? I'm sorry to interrupt.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Absolutely. At a person, a single person. You're going to evaporate quite a few more, but yes. But yeah, you'll take care of that person, no doubt. Oh boy. This movie, I mean, we haven't even begun yet. Let's just talk about this opening sequence in Cuba. Oh, God. This is like a Vin Diesel propaganda movie in the beginning. He is just like the man of the people. Keep the Cuban spirit alive. It was very similar in tone to the beginning of Triple X. Exactly. It was almost the exact same setup. Same white jeans. Same white hope. He gets into it and it's very basic Vin. He's working on cars, he's with his wife, you know, he's got a cousin. You never met this cousin, but his cousin from Cuba, they're there.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I was like, I did wonder, have we met this guy before? I guess not. But here's the thing too, they make reference of his car in Cuba. So did he ship a car to Cuba or does he keep a car in Cuba? Does he keep a car everywhere? Like if you go to any land mass in the world, does Dominic Toretto have a car somewhere? He has a garage filled with sweet cars. There was one thing in that opening Cuba sequence that I had to write down, which was he kind of faces off with the guy that's giving his cousin shit. Yes. Like bad guy. I thought for sure he was coming back later in the movie, by the way. He did. He did. Very briefly. He was the guy in the moving truck. And they give him like a little wink and then they cut, not only does it give him a wink,
Starting point is 00:11:01 but they cut back to the opening in the movie to be like, remember? He hangs a little key in front of his face. I totally miss that for whatever reason. And the two Brazilian guys from six were the EMTs who pick up Statham and put him in the ambulance where Helen Mirren is. Those are the guys from the Brazilian. Helen Mirren. That was five. Helen Mirren. By the way, that's the other thing about these movies. Everyone kind of comes to play. I feel like Helen Mirren is like, I never get to do something like this. I'm in. Charlize Theron, she's fucking great. She's so good. The only thing that I thought about her was that when you first see her hairs and those weird dreads, and I was like, oh, she's undercover. She definitely doesn't have those dreads. It's like,
Starting point is 00:11:43 oh no, she definitely is sticking with those. But she was great. I think that's the what's so fun about this world, too, is they take a character like Jason Statham. Who's a fuck? You killed one of the main characters from this franchise, a beloved character. And they're like, he's cool. He's great. He's one of us. He used to be a cop. And it's just kind of justified, like, well, he did it for his mom because he's kind of like the British Vin Diesel. It's for his family. And by the way, as an honest from her, I'm on board. Yeah, because what they say is, is that he's basically like the Dwayne Johnson character. Doesn't he say like he got the same type of vision as Dwayne? So we figure out that he's actually a good guy. Even though he was
Starting point is 00:12:32 the villain. The villain. A mass, like a mass murderer, who again, I just have to say, killed a main character of point blank, not even like in a maybe what happened. Because like, he's like, bam, bam. And it's like, I'm coming for you, Toretto. Like, all right. It's so insane to me. And what I love about these movies is like, and this is directly to your point about like, how they're this franchise outdoes so much of the Marvel movies is these guys are cultivating villains, you know, like Statham in the past villain is the Owen character villain, Charlize Theron villain. Like, it's not like they're fighting Ultron. Yeah, a bunch of robots falling from the sky. They're not fighting faceless bloodless. They're fighting villains. Yeah. And
Starting point is 00:13:19 the and they have their great people that they're casting to fill out the villain roles. And then what do they do? They make them good guys. Then they assimilate the villains into their crew. It's fantastic. And you and they it's and then no one dies. No one gets shot. Everyone goes. The only addition to the team I'm not crazy about is the new woman, the tech. Oh, yeah, the guys are fighting over. Yeah, she's she's she's the Colisees translator on Game of Throne. Wait, is it the same actress as the last one? Yes, Ramsey. We're talking about Ramsey there. Yeah, she just don't love that character. I don't feel like she really has much to do because we've already set up that ludicrous is like the tech guy. So she's like kind of more of
Starting point is 00:14:03 the but now he's trying to impress her with his tech knowledge. And I just it just makes me miss, you know, Mia and the rest of the gals. I will say the other thing that is okay. I miss them. By the way, I mean, look, Mia, Mia, Elsa Pataki, your doppelganger and and Gal Gadot, all great. Yeah, all great. Yeah. Oh, I miss Giselle so much. But to me, the other thing that I thought was interesting, and obviously, this movie is kind of ballsy in a few ways because Paul Walker is past, right? So we know that. But what do they do? They could think this script could have just been given to Paul Walker. Like, oh, because I think what I understood from Fast and Furious 7 was that Kurt Russell is supposed to be Paul Walker's dad. And he was going to be like,
Starting point is 00:14:54 now we're buddies. Now you work for me. Is that right? That was the way that before he passed away. That was the setup. That was the setup. So Kurt Russell was a bigger part and they were going to like be father and son. So what they did in the second one was like, yeah, same deal. Like, they just gave him Scott Eastwood. Yeah, Scott Eastwood is in the mix. And I didn't, I mean, I'm kind of okay with him. Yeah, how did you guys feel about the Scott? He'd falling into the Paul Walker spot. I mean, I didn't need him. They even gave him a Paul Walker-esque car. Yes. Like, they even gave him the prototype for what Paul Walker would drive in all the earlier movies. And that, I didn't like, neither did I think, you know, I get it that like, he's like going to
Starting point is 00:15:36 represent the kind of, you know, sort of, you know, military-esque kind of wing of this. So he's a bit of an idiot. But I was like, he had none of the charm or the kind of charisma that Paul Walker had. So he didn't fulfill that role. He more was like, what we've seen in other versions of it. Which was like the company man that they all kind of, you know, he was neither here nor there. Like, I didn't, I don't think he took me out of it, but I wasn't like, oh, I can't wait to see that guy. We're on the other hand, the guy I want to like, give big props to is Roman. Like, Tyrese is the fucking best. Tyrese is unstoppable. That's amazing. That's the thing is that through all these movies, they've learned not to mess with the core dynamics of all these. It's the same in every movie. Even
Starting point is 00:16:22 Dom going to the dark side in this movie, it's still the same dynamic. They're all following him and wondering what's up with him, except now he's like a bad guy for having. And they love him so much that they don't ever seem to be like, like- There's no betrayal. Yes. Yeah. It's just puzzlement. Yeah. And then by the time betrayal could maybe rear its head, everything's back to normal again. They're terrifying. They act like Vin Diesel betraying them is like he wore, like he wore like a, like they walked in on him listening to classical music, like, huh? Yeah. That's odd. That's not really his thing. Like if they walked in and he was wearing like a Red Sox hat, and they're like, whoa, wait a minute. You're a Yankee man, right?
Starting point is 00:17:06 The thing I'll say about the Scott Eastwood part is that I feel like they didn't, the game they picked for him being like the, the, the rule follower and stuff just wasn't that cool beyond the first scene. Like, yeah. It kind of, and the, they didn't write, they should have found something that played more to his strengths to assimilate him a little more. Well, I wouldn't have minded if they tried to introduce a, and I guess they are because Paul Walker's character was a former lawman, but I was like- Everyone's a former lawman. I know, I guess that's the truth. I was like, I wouldn't have minded if he was kind of a, a fuck up that was so that they almost were like, you need another Brian. And so that everybody could be like, you're not Brian. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:48 like something that had a little more to address it. Yeah. But why not just, why not instead of just going parallel, switch directions? Like don't, don't make him like the, like the white guy, like just make him like, I feel like you could have done something different with that character. Like it's too similar to, it feels too much like Paul Walker's and then you put too much on it. I agree. Where you could have done something very different with it. It's like, I feel like there are, if just off the top of my head, four people in this room that I can think of to put in that role. Did any of you guys get called for the audition? By the way, I just want to say- They went a lot younger and they went with baby Brian. Yeah. Yeah. I do want, I do want to say,
Starting point is 00:18:26 I really, I'm probably the only one who could be in it because I'm a bald man. And as we all know, this franchise is fueled by bald men. They're going to have to shave Scotty Swidge's head. At some point. That is so funny and true and weird. It's so- How many bald characters there are in this world? It's my, this is my nirvana, this movie. I am begging the makers of this movie to put, please put us in the Statham Rock spin-off movie. Oh my God. Which is the greatest single like buddy dynamic. They seeded this so perfectly to set up for this next movie. That's just the two of them. Did you hear about this? Well, they're going to make a movie that is just Statham and the Rock,
Starting point is 00:19:08 like the further adventures of Hobbes and what's the name. Before nine and 10. Now listen to this. Really? It's going to be before nine and 10. Yes. So now listen to this. Listen up. Hey guys, listen to this. So now check this out. They, Paul, please drop it. Here we go. They released this, they sent the movie out to theaters with a post credit scene with the Rock and Statham. Vin Diesel caught wind of it and was like, no, they recalled all the film, cut the scene and then redelivered the movie. He was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. And I get it. Really? I get it. Look, I'm with you, June. I see where he's coming from. He's the star of this movie. Absolutely. He is a star. He is a star. Okay. He's been with this thing for like 12 years? Yes. Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:10 at least 16. Oh no. Because he dropped out. He dropped out like 16 years ago. It started 16 years ago. Wow. This is the other, and I know that that's been reported on. The other thing I heard is that they shot, well, yeah, they shot all of the scenes with his son. He insisted that they shoot shrinking him down to his son's size. And so that he would play both himself and his son and he wore a diaper. Kind of like Marlon Wayne's in that little movie. Exactly. And they shot that because he really felt like that would be the best way to get while it worked. And then they had to scrap it because they use that face app actually on them. I want to know, sort of fast forward. So, so his son and Elsa Pataki, were they just, was he the son born in
Starting point is 00:20:56 that tiny little room on the airplane? Basically, there's a part of this movie that is the movie room, but on an airplane. For sure. So here's my question. The movie from her point of view looks a lot like the Brie Larson movie. So did Statham arrive with a car seat? Or was the car seat just in that room? We saw him arrive without a car seat. Because it seemed like Charlize Theron didn't give a shit about the baby. So why would there be a car seat? He's not going anywhere. Right. You'll need a car seat. Yeah. Oh, he's trapped in a room. You're not wrong. Yeah, they would have just landed the plane. You know what, Jim? You have found the only logic problem. I was surprised that they had the baby in a car seat and not a baby Bjorn type situation. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:44 that would have been too pacifier, which another Vin Diesel movie. Oh, I felt like it allowed for him to have a gunfight without worrying that the baby would get shot. By the way, can we just talk about that sequence? There's so much to talk about. That sequence with Statham on the plane, with a baby in a baby seat, going around doing a gunfight. That could have been played for comedy, but it was played in such a great way. And then the kid cutting to the baby who's just like, well, in the background, he's straight up murdering everybody. It's fantastic. It's like clearly some John Wick in a really good way. So fun and good and perfect. Here's what I want. I want these movies to intersect with the John Wick movies. I want the next villain of their
Starting point is 00:22:34 team to be John Wick himself. And Charlie Saren and Atomic Blonde. Oh my God. And also Triple X. By the way, it was the Atomic Blonde trailer before that. Yes. How great. That movie looks fucking rad. She's amazing too. I mean, her body of work to go from like just amazing action films. She does the best action films and then does like serious, like just not. Oh yeah. That's the other thing I think that they're doing a very good job of. They're pulling people into their universe who are great. Yeah. Like to pull in Jason Statham, or to first even to pull in The Rock, then to pull in Statham, now to pull in Charlie Saren. They're Russell. Yeah, they're building out their world with like heavyweight people that are just having a blast. And by the way, I would argue that's why
Starting point is 00:23:20 Scott Eastwood to me falls flat a little bit because of Clint Eastwood. Because of Kurt Russell. Yeah. Is kind of fantastic and floating almost above this movie. Just like no one's calling. Like no one's phoning it in. They all have their own little lane and they just kind of hit it like. I think also with Kurt Russell, I just wish he had more to do. I wish he was in the fights. I wish he was driving around. He's such a badass. I think he was like shooting Guardians on the stage next door. He's like, you got me for an hour. I'll float in for the scene and I'm out. But I mean. I would like the next move. I would like him to be a central element of the Statham Rock movie. Yes. Well, he's got to put it. Yeah, I bet he will be.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Another. And I'm once again saying, please put me in that movie. I'm begging you. People tweet at these filmmakers to put me in that movie. Get us in these movies. I was like, I literally thought in this moment, I was like, they could have put us in any of those cars that went off on the. Oh, yeah. Oh, hey. I can be Russian. We have luck. Okay, great. See, guys, fucking nailed it. What was the. Oh, oh, this is the other interesting thing. If you have not seen the movie, pay close attention to this. There is a strong rumor and not even a rumor. I think it's verified by the film. The Rock and Vin Diesel are never in the same shot. Never. They never shot a scene together. They hate each other. Okay, so tell me what we know
Starting point is 00:24:41 about this, because is this true? Yes. Okay. Now, I did speak to a crew member on Grayson Frankie. I know what I'm going to tell you. I'm Grayson Frankie, who worked on Fast 8, and I asked him about the relationship. Now, wait a second, because I have just a super quick question. Does that confirm that the next season of Grayson Frankie takes place with a lot of stunt driving? Rihanna's new hoop tee. It's Jane Fonda and Lily Toblin in a fast style car chase. They really went in a different direction on season four. The next season is set in a women's prison and they break out and it becomes Death Race 2020. Martin Sheen with like two girls. Sam Waterston parachuting in on one of those condors. That crew member is like Fast 8 and
Starting point is 00:25:30 Grayson Frankie. So he said, I said immediately, what's the relationship and dynamic between the rock and Vin? And he said that they're not in scenes together, but that they're cordial. They just don't speak to each other. Yeah. And he said that Vin is lovely. Okay. Well, the, the compared, there was a, the crew loves, loves, loves Vin. Oh, interesting. There was a vulture article that was basically, you know, compared it to the Julianne Amargali's Archie Punjabi. Oh yeah. The good wife. Good wife. Feud. Feud. That was the same thing. Like, and that, you know, basically saying that, you know, it's in there and certainly that friction somehow adds to this, allure of the story, but also what a bummer because those two guys together in scenes
Starting point is 00:26:15 is always kind of electric. Yeah. Like when they are facing off in that first like Brazil car show, you know, under the bridge there and Hobbs shows up and they go toe to toe. It's exciting. And so you lose that kind of electricity, I think. Hobbs who went from being just kind of like a kick-ass cop to now a fucking superhero. So much that when he goes to prison, which I have a couple questions about that, he rips a cement desk out of the wall, bench presses with it. And you're like, all right, I, I maybe buy that. And then later on in the movie, when he punches a fucking steel, he dents a shipping container with a punch and Superman, he doesn't need to play Shazam as he is long rumored to. He is currently doing it. Like, why would you ever want to do it again?
Starting point is 00:27:05 And that's the thing is like these movies are superhero movies, but in a wonderful way, they ask nothing of you to accept power sets, weird origin stories. You don't have to get on board for anything weird. They're just people driving cars and going and doing crazy stunts and then walking away like laughing. They are laughing. They're having the best time. They're also, and I'm sure we discussed this before, but they're also talking to each other through cars. Yes. Yes. At normal speech volume. And sometimes they have walkie talkies, while the windows are sometimes they have walkie talkies, sometimes they don't. Like, Tej is dragging Roman and on the back of a car door and he's like, hold on. Yeah. And wait, Roman just went underwater
Starting point is 00:27:50 was pulled out and there's nothing working. And it has like machine guns and guys on snowmobiles chasing him. They are talking like, like at one point, Michelle Rodriguez pulls up next to Dom. This is when Dom's going to steal the EMP and she goes, you okay? Yeah. I wish she's speeding. They're speeding at a billion miles an hour. They're in different cars. Their windows are up. Visibly the windows are up. She goes, you okay? Yeah. But not only, I'll see you when this is done. Not only are they going really fast, they're going, they're going down a street that is barely a street. They're shit everywhere. They just stole that weapon in their first heist. And they're just kind of, you're right. You okay? Like a dinner party, dinner party. Yes. Like,
Starting point is 00:28:34 don't let the other guests hear our conversation level talking throughout though. So when the Rock and Statham are in the jail cells across from each other, I said 20 feet away from each other. They're at points screaming at each other to be heard and then at other points talking. And then the other thing is the woman from Game of Thrones and Charlize Theron while hacking are talking as if they're talking to each other. Like, oh, I see what you're doing. You know, like there's people are constantly manufacturing conversations where there is categorically no possibility that one would happen. I also just want to, this is a side to this, I want to just get to the bottom of this first mission, which I, in a weird way,
Starting point is 00:29:14 I thought that should have been the opening of the movie, like them just popping out. But if I guess you need to set up all the other little things, but you need to shoot in Havana, bro. You needed to shoot in Havana and you need to see the Rock do those girls soccer. Oh yeah. The girl soccer. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I wanted to learn that dance. I love that chant when they are intimidating the other team. That was phenomenal. I thought it was super fucking cute, but I also thought it was super fucking cool that these girls, not only are they like strong and everything, but it was kind of weird. Like the face, the face, the rock, the rock makes at the end was unusual and for a movie like that, I thought it was weird
Starting point is 00:29:55 and strong and cool. I agree Adam. I thought it was a great choice because they weren't too little that it was absurd and stupid. They were old enough that it was actually incredibly empowering and they were like 10 or 11 years. Yeah. It was like that age difference is huge. It was rad. But again, I don't understand how a movie like this, like that scene was legitimately fun and cool, but no one else could pull off that scene. It's like only this franchise can do the baby in the airplane and that scene where you feel like, oh, like they did something here that, I don't know. It's a weird thing. No one's able to do, like drive that line. I don't know if it's the rock, the sheer power of the rock. It really is. His natural charisma is effortless in a way
Starting point is 00:30:42 that you are 100% on board for him being the softest, most wonderful dad and then also on board for him being a stone cold, cold-blooded murderer. Like volumes of bodies. Yeah. I've not seen the movie Moana, but I'm about to talk about it because I feel like they're that the rock is cultivating this interesting like role as father figure to young women. He is. Again, having not seen Moana, but it seems like he's very into empowering like fierce, brave, strong, young women. And it's amazing. Moana is terrific and he is really great. He's more of the Han Solo character in it, but yes, it's a very empowering movie. Before I forget, the line he says about tying his daughter
Starting point is 00:31:42 into everything is the only, he says to his superior, you know that the only thing I love more than saving lives is my daughter. How could you not be on board with that guy? Here's what's interesting about his ending because, you know, when they let go of Brian, he took the road like his death really was fatherhood. When he decided to like leave it and become a dad, but you didn't feel that when the rock made the decision. Now granted, we know the actor's alive, so I guess it's a little different, but it felt like he was actually doing something that was just as brave and just as cool and not like resigning to a life of misery. The thing that is interesting though is he does not, the daughter does not have a mother,
Starting point is 00:32:29 right? Because they say later, where's my daughter? Why doesn't he know? She's with your sister. Okay, fine, great. But where is that daughter's mother? Well, she'll come back in fast 10. Yeah, there are a lot of motherless children. There are. Yeah, there's a lot of single dads out there. Well, I couldn't tell how Michelle Rodriguez felt at the very end in the last shots about being a stepmother figure. It didn't seem she was thrilled. Not 100% on board. It seemed like maybe Michelle Rodriguez found out about this plot point right before they shot the scene. Wait, what? What's that baby doing over there? Oh, did we not?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Okay, sorry, Michelle. Because it is an interesting side step because it's sort of like, like, they allow you to keep all the drama of, all right, here's Elsa Pataki's character who we know. Now, just to kind of- Wait, did she die early? She was kicked out of the window when Stefan came to the rock in the last movie. They had that big fight and he grabs her and they fly out the window and land on the roof of the car. Right. And she's in the hospital. But at that point, has she given birth or is she pregnant? She's pregnant. She's pregnant. She survived, by the way, a miracle of birth for her because she fell out of a four floor window on her back, onto a car and had no problem to get it. This brings up a really important,
Starting point is 00:33:53 this brings up a really important timeline problem again, which is, I don't think she and Dom had sex. Did they have sex in seven or six? No, six. So what is the time period between five, six, seven, and eight? How much time, how many of, how many- I mean, I have- How many globe trotting adventures? Based on her pregnancy, it was three and a half to four weeks. No, but I mean, for the moment, she's pregnant because we see her. That baby looks like maybe, like, 10 months, almost a year. Okay, so the events of six, seven, and eight all must happen within a year and a half. Yes. Well, to two years. They've had a lot of adventure in New York. By the way, by the way, I would argue that this movie takes place in less than a week, right?
Starting point is 00:34:39 This whole movie is in less than a week. And you could, and then he was still on his honeymoon from the last movie in Havana. Did they get married at the end of the last movie? Yes. Okay. So this all could really be happening within six weeks. Sure. I mean, that's bananas. I mean, they're on their honeymoon for what? A week at what do you do? Honeymoon's like 10 days. I would love it if in the next movie, Tyrese has the flu for the whole movie. And he's like, what do you expect? We've been on the road, globe trotting for two years. My immune system cannot recover. I'm exhausted, guys. I love Tyrese. He's Tyrese and Ludacris. Now is Tyrese and other stuff? Well, where can I find him? I'm sure he is. I just don't see- There's Baby Boy.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I don't, I just think he's incredible. Yeah. He's so effortlessly charming. It's crazy. It's wonderful. In the beginning, when they kind of teamed up with the rock, like the rock meets his boss, I don't understand what's going on in that scene. And I think as an audience member, they're also like, they confused me because it's like, we're trying to pay attention to the soccer game. You kind of feel like Vindy's like, there's an iPad, there's two minutes left. He's like, here's the thing, you got to do it. We won't hold you accountable. But it's like, wait, what is he? Is he off duty? Is he in duty? I don't understand. And then he gets busted in Germany, but then is brought to an American prison. Well, they tell him that. The guy says,
Starting point is 00:36:05 if you fail, you're going to jail, basically. But wouldn't you go to jail in Germany for stealing the thing from- No, Paul. He wouldn't. Yeah. But one thing I didn't cry though about that soccer game, and I wonder how Vin feels about this, but like making the rock such a like sexy guy in the neighborhood, I didn't entirely. I wasn't into that. You know, Vin, yes, absolutely, 100%. Especially- Really? Yeah. You would rather have sex with Vin Diesel than the rock. 100%. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Twice on Sundays. Really? Yes. First of all, the rock is too muscular. Jason's mouth is up gape. He's way too muscular. No, I love the rock. Okay, of course.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Just wouldn't want to fuck him. No. I just thought it was weird because that's not- I'd be crushed. I mean, he's just too- Too big. He's way too big. Yeah. I just thought it was a weird moment. After that terrific kind of strong moment with the young girls, they go to this moment of all the women ogling. It's also, that's not who he is culturally. The sex symbol. That's bizarre. He's asexual a little bit in this world. Like, he never seemingly is interested in women. He's just sort of like, I'll protect you and I'm astray, but he's not like, he's not like Roman and
Starting point is 00:37:23 Taz, you're like, hey, hey. Yeah, yeah. And Vin obviously has his girls. Like, he doesn't have- It's strange. And I wondered if like, is this the rock wanting that moment or- I think the- I don't know. I doubt it. Really? Because I don't feel like he's cultivating that persona in any other of his movies. None of his movies is he the playboy, is he the Tomcat, is he any kind of guy that like, has a kind of sexual vibe, you know? And he does blow it off in this. He's just like, oh, yeah, whatever. You're not playing into it. Yeah, yeah. Well, but that's even more of like, the guy is, you know, he is- I mean, the character isn't, but
Starting point is 00:38:01 that's what we're supposed to believe that like- It's an interesting choice in this movie to have Michelle Rodriguez be like, start the conversation with her new husband about whether or not they're going to have children. Yeah. Yeah. And then it is revealed that he just got the other woman pregnant and now they're going to raise that child. It's a cheat of epic proportions because they're like, we don't want to kill Michelle Rodriguez. How can we get it? Like, because ideally what would have happened was like, they capture Michelle Rodriguez, she's pregnant or they have a kid, like, you know, like, but they can't have the drama there. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:31 So they just kind of manufactured like, now you got kids and you were never pregnant. Yeah. Fast nine, let's go. Like, you know, it's like- I think it would have been more interesting to me if he had said that to her in that bedroom. Yeah. Yes. And then like, she has to sort of deal with the consequences of motherhood. Yeah. It felt like we kind of, they kind of sold out her character a bit. But he didn't get her moment.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah. And also like, I didn't quite believe that she wanted to have children. I just thought it was, it was odd that she would bring it up. Then the babies presented out of her purview. And then when presented with it, she doesn't have any discernible emotional reaction. No, I think she is- Like they didn't carve out a moment for that after she brought it up. I think you're right. If he brought it up, it would make it kind of kismet and interesting that there is a baby of yours in the world. And- Right. You did do it because he said, you know, I love having all this fun, but I always want to be, you know, it's like-
Starting point is 00:39:28 Right. And the weirdest thing, we have to just call it out. I understand it from the actor Vin Diesel. I don't understand it with the movie. So at the end, they basically said the baby has no names. So the baby does not have a first name. And so the movie kind of ends with, you know, Vin Diesel back at that family table, you know, very much the barbecue is happening on the roof in Hell's Kitchen. And he's got the baby, and he's like, I'm going to now give you the name of the baby. The baby's mother was straight up murder.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Yeah. In front of him. In front of him. In front of the baby. That looks terrible. That's just terrible. And you would think there would be a play on Elena's name. That's the mother, right? But no, they name him after Brian, Paul Walker, who in this universe- Is still alive.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Is still alive and just not in the mix. And there's no reason. There is no reason for that. There's no reason to pay tribute to him. There's actually no reason why he shouldn't be at that party on the roof. Exactly. They can still hang out. By the way, I thought, I thought for like, in my heart, I was like, they're going to just do a quick cut and he'll be like- One of his brothers or whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:32 It'll just be in the corner and you're just going to see him with me. Like, I thought that would be like- Yeah. In my- Don't think they didn't consider it. Oh yeah. And have a meeting. I am, I guarantee you, before this franchise is over, Paul Walker will come back in one of these movies. Like, there's no doubt about it. Like, and like, I felt like they couldn't
Starting point is 00:40:48 do it because it was so close, but like, they might as well have just named the kid Paul. Yes. Like, that's the equivalent of doing what they did. It almost would have been better because the other one is like, we're tributing this guy. Like, and this mission has nothing to do with Brian. Well, I will say, I agree with all of this. Like, name it Han. I agree with all of it and I also cried when I heard the name and I loved it.
Starting point is 00:41:14 So, I agree with it all, but it still- You really got it. You really got into the tears on that one at the end. It was kind of, I mean, it was a, it was a sweet moment. Yeah, I loved it. It was a very sweet moment. In the world of the movie, they are behaving as if he died. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I mean, for all intents and purposes, they're acknowledging. And again, another graceful- I thought the weirder scene though was them like deciding whether or not to call him and Mia in for help. It's like, well, what are the stakes here? We know they're not coming. Right, right, right. Yeah. Yeah. They just have to, I think what they have to do is-
Starting point is 00:41:46 I think Mia would probably come. They have to simply acknowledge it. They have to be like, because the way it is, is they are family. Like, you have to be like, yeah, yeah, let's let them sit this one out. Like, they have, for the rest of these films, they have to always say, Yeah. Let's sit, like, they're gonna have to- Right, they painted themselves into a corner with, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah. keeping them alive. Yeah. The other thing I want to talk about, and we're going back to the beginning for me, is in Brazil, when he races that guy in a pretty great opening race, yeah, the Cuba sequence. So, like, at the end, he doesn't take the guy's car. He says, you keep your car, but now I got his respect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Why would you want respect from a guy who seemingly is a straight-up fucking villain? Right. Like, an asshole, like, a second before- They know that. A second before- Because he's the kind of villain that's Dom's kind of guy, you know what I mean? Like, that guy is basically Dom in Fast and Furious 1. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:40 You know what I mean? Like, he's like a street tough, you know? But in order to win this dumb race with this idiot, he literally is at death's door. Yes. And almost kills a whole group of people, lots and lots. Get out of the way! From his conversation with Charlize later on, I think what he's trying to do there is, I mean, he says it later that he's trying to change, like, hearts and minds, essentially. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:04 So, I think he's trying to- One person at a time. I think he is trying to get that guy to be more like him now and to say you don't need to fight, you don't need to sort of bribe and, you know, steal things from people. You can be the Robin Hood. Yes, with respect, you know, anything is possible. Maybe that guy is going to be on a team next year. Oh, or next movie.
Starting point is 00:43:25 He's good. Can we quickly talk about when he first runs into Charlize Theron? Oh, yeah. He's walking home from the store to- Yes. Check out what was in that bag? Oh, no. No, it was peeking out of the bag that Vin Diesel's carrying is a baguette.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Of course a baguette. And every actor carries a baguette when they're coming. Absolutely. Yup, Cuba. The place synonymous with baguettes. A single red rose. So, some bread and a rose for his ladies. My favorite part about that scene is Charlize Theron's car won't start.
Starting point is 00:44:00 She's under the hood. No one is in the driver's seat. But it keeps trying to turn over. That's right. I was like, it would take- What we're looking at right now, the sound of it trying to turn over but not, and her under the hood takes two people to make happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:15 But they don't have two people. It was, I- Maybe she had a ghost of some sort. Oh. Well, she had those drones. She could be- Yeah. But that's the thing I love about this movie is there are no ghosts.
Starting point is 00:44:25 There are no supernatural things. There are no people from space. There are no powers. There is nothing. It is just people versus people. And that is what's exciting about it. It really does count for a lot. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Because I think people are sick of, you know, a villain that is- That has- Faceless. Yes. And faceless and taking over the world. Omnipotent. Yeah. It's simple because these are gigantic set pieces.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I have no idea how they shot that sequence in New York City without shooting, like without shutting down New York for a month. That was unbelievable. When Charlize Theron's team takes over all of these self-driving cars and causes them to basically pull together into a wave of empty cars, that was so awesome and a great idea. And when she says make it rain and they just start driving them out of parking garages on upper floors, I thought it was great.
Starting point is 00:45:20 No, I did wonder why those dignitaries or whoever they were who had the nuclear football didn't just get out of the car and walk into a store. Sure. Can't do that. Can't do everything has to be on cars. If a nuclear football is stolen, you can just change disabled the codes. But it seemingly was that that nuclear football was the controls for the weapon. It wasn't like codes.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Because when they reveal it, it's like, oh, there it is. It's all in Russian. They don't carry around the detonators. There's the button. Yeah. Seeing those cars start and start moving without people in them. Yeah, what did you think about that? It really freaked me out.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It really freaked me out. Cars that are autonomous like that. But I am worried. About what? I'm worried about cars and planes and the self-driving autopilot, all of that software. I'm worried about it getting hacked and something like this happening. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I think a perfectly legit concern. And I think I'm also worried about teenagers driving. Yeah, sure. I think that this scene was largely a warning for our future. I mean, it was more of a commentary than anything else, right? They're on the pulse. The one thing I will, if I was to give the Fast and Furious franchise a note, one note is that I feel like they set up very large comedic premises that they
Starting point is 00:46:46 don't fully play out. And this is the example of it. Like when that one car, when the parking attendant is giving the ticket, and the car just takes off and hits the meter, I feel like they could just let her sit first. I'm like, oh, what a day. But they cut right away from it. And even a very quick moment.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And even like, yeah, they just cut away from it. They don't want to, if it's not Roman, they're not. Or the macho macho between Statham and Rock. They know how to do comedy, but they set up overtly. Like even the guy getting out of the elevator. Like that's like fucking 80s comedy. Like pie-throlling moments. I was just going to say, they should watch like a,
Starting point is 00:47:25 the blues, John Landis movie before doing it. Just a little, just like, I'm talking about two more seconds. But the sequence with the baby I felt was cut for comedy, like beautifully. I mean, that sequence, yeah. It was just so perfect. And again, the car, the car's raining down. And the car, the kind of army of the sea of cars driving could have been so dumb and so badly done.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And it was absurdist and they were kind of commenting on the absurdity of it while keeping the stakes and keeping, like it was a masterful set piece. Oh yeah. F. Gary Gray, like I really think like he mastered this movie. And from a guy who seemingly doesn't have like a, like he, oh, I guess he directed the Italian job, which is one of my favorites.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Great, great car chases. But yeah, like he really like just pulled, I mean, it looked so good. The other question too is, you know, in this movie, the fish warehouse is the toy store. That was unbelievable. Now they had to go undercover in the fish truck, but why did it have to be a real fish truck with like dead fish inside? And also when they get to the fish market,
Starting point is 00:48:34 why is it a functioning fish market is just the facade, is just the front, is like guys who are actually preparing fish. Oh yeah. They need somewhere to do it. I guess so. But aren't those guys like, are those guys trustworthy? Right. Or are those guys working for the CIA or whatever?
Starting point is 00:48:52 Kurt Russell come in here this morning. They opened a giant warehouse door and I saw a 500 cars behind. It's not, it's not like a hidden door. It's not a hidden office. It's like the Jay Leno garage. Yeah. The US government. That is Jerry Seinfeld's garage.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Oh my God. I would, I would love it if those doors opened and Jay Leno in denim, denim shirt, denim jeans, walk down. He was like, you guys need some cars. Welcome, welcome to the toy box. He's shooting his like A&E show or whatever. Like in a Model T in a 1938 fire truck is like, you guys need some cars. By the way, I would have loved for them to pass by comedians and cars doing coffee
Starting point is 00:49:27 in the middle of them. Amazing. In the New York City. Now they've relocated to New York for no reason. Where were they before? LA. They've always been in LA. I thought it was weird that the final dinner was in New York,
Starting point is 00:49:39 rather than downtown LA. They're all, I mean, I guess their house did blow up in the last movie. Yes, that's true. But it didn't seem like they were moving. It wasn't like, and now we move to New York. I also just don't understand like people, before I saw this movie, and I tried to save as spoiler free as I can. And by the way, it worked because I was very surprised by everything.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Oh, yeah, same. Everyone's like, oh, it's launching. It's going to launch a new franchise. I didn't feel like this like drastically rejiggered the front. I mean, it just added more players to it. But it wasn't like, I thought they were going to be like, I thought I was going to now be like, oh, maybe Vin Diesel is going to be bad for three movies.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah, but this is like, this is movie one of the final trilogy. Right. That is what they're saying. Really? Is that what they're saying? Yeah, that's what they're saying. This is the first movie of the last three movies. They will act as a trilogy.
Starting point is 00:50:25 But then they can go and do like four rock ones. Yes, I think rock and state them are going to be their own thing now. Now, so is Vin Diesel pissed in general about that? I would assume so. Well, you know, I think that Vin Diesel wants because he's credited with Neil Moritz as the producer. Yes, Vin Diesel. I love him.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I'm fascinated. But he's great in this movie. Listen, he went to a new place in this movie. Like there are a couple of moments where he's like, oh, what? What? Like he's free. Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:54 He's never done that. No, he loses it. He opened up in a different way. I saw more of his humanity and his vulnerability. And I loved it. The tears. He did it. But by the way, as a producer, I think it was good for him
Starting point is 00:51:07 because he did a like he's a producer. Like clearly he's like, give me something meaty to do. Because like I'm doing the same thing for eight of these. And he did like, yeah, I've never seen him a moat. Like a moat. And it was not. It was good. Like it helped.
Starting point is 00:51:22 He did a good job. And I think it helped probably to have him doing it opposite a phenomenal actor. Charlize Theron, he's like terrific actor. She's the best. Giving him somebody great to work off of. It's not like he has to do it in front of like computer monitors or whatever, you know, like in the past or just behind the steering wheel.
Starting point is 00:51:42 He's like got heavy stuff. Like the fact that they kill Elena is in front of him is great. And it really sends him like emotionally. And I mean, it's terrible. And I hated the scene because I like that character. But it does. It is like, and this is a terrible catalyst to make men do great things is to kill the women in their lives.
Starting point is 00:52:03 And it's a it is a not great trope in a lot of these movies. But he does get to good stuff in that Charlize stuff, you know. But I think like, yeah, yeah, I don't know. I do like that another thing with that, like connected to what you're saying about none of these, the bad guys have superpowers or whatever, is also they have these scenes in every movie, especially this one, because they had such a terrific actress playing the villain, is that they have like four or five page scenes
Starting point is 00:52:35 between the main hero and the villain. And they're having a conversation. And it's it's all kind of action movie speaking stuff. But it's good. They're both good in it. That's what there was the words that scene where he's like a crocodile scene. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Where he yes, exactly is a fantastic scene. It is quiet. These movies are never quiet. Yeah. And this movie after Elena has been killed and he's fuming and she comes out and she tells him the story about how, you know, it's biology that tells us to look after our children and that she's the crocodile at the river.
Starting point is 00:53:09 And if you don't watch a kid, blah, blah, blah, they're going to get snatched this, that and the other, is such a quiet menace in movies that are frequently just shouting loud driving explosion. Like she represents a threat that is not beat-up-able, you know, which is amazing. But there was something interesting and I felt this is maybe, again, I always am looking at Vin Diesel going like,
Starting point is 00:53:32 let's turn it up a notch. Yeah. She, in the first sequence, when he's going to like, she's like, I know what you're thinking. You're going to take the gun from this guy and you're going to shoot me and that. But let me tell you, there's cameras here. And if you do that, you can't get over here and then you'll die.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Like she sets up a whole, basically a scenario in which there is no way out. Like you, what she sets up to him is like, you can try something, but it won't work. And then Vin Diesel has to go like, well, actually, even if I did do that and beat that, then you'd still win because it's other thing that you didn't even mention. It was like, well, you don't need to add like. He always has to win.
Starting point is 00:54:07 You don't have to like one up. Like she just said, you're in an unwinful situation. You're boxed in, dude. Yeah. And then he was like, well, I'm even more boxed than you even think I'm boxed and that's how smart I am. I'm, I know, I know your plan more than you. She's like, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Yeah. I mean, I was worried about who was taking care of baby Brian after Alice of Attack, he got killed. Yeah. I mean, he just seemed to be alone. The red-haired guy from Game of Thrones. Tormund, Tormund Giantsbane. This movie, by the way, this movie just.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Which I loved. I love that, that actor. He's great. And by the way, he reminded me of the other Game of Thrones guy from XXX. And because it was the, in XXX, he has the Hound. The Hound. Yeah. He's really like, he's a, I mean, I have them putting Vin Diesel up there as like,
Starting point is 00:54:51 he has figured it out. He knows what he's doing. Apparently like Helen Mirren said she wanted to be in the movie after they were filming. And he was like, all right guys, let's get together. They wrote a scene and then they just went and shot that scene. Awesome. Like, and it's. So wait, so I'm saying I want to be in the movie.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah, me too. Like guys, like write it in. Let's do this. I can be Tormund Giantsbane. Jason's like the Helen Mirren of Mere Wolf. I mean, now that, here's the thing. Now that they've got like bearded guys in the movie. Like, give me a shot.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I got to get it up until now. Bald guy, bearded guy. Jason looks like Elsa Pataki. Adam, what do you bring into the table? I can be like Scott Eastwood's uncle. All right. Yeah. Guys, we should make a shadow movie.
Starting point is 00:55:37 We should make Fast Nine before they can put it out. I would love it. Oh my gosh. I'd love to be a part of the team. I want to pull it. Did they end every movie together? Of family. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Having a family. On having a beer like up in a bar. Corona. And by the way, the Coca-Cola placement in Cuba was amazing. Everyone was drinking Coca-Cola label to camera. Like bam. And then like used the can to save the day. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Essentially. By the way, just to put in perspective, if you're wondering, this movie is number one in worldwide openings, right? So it made $539 million. Opening weekend. Opening weekend. Wow. Force Awakens only made $529 million and Jurassic World 525.
Starting point is 00:56:20 It is just a fucking gigantic juggernaut. I mean, it's insane. Well, they're so smart. They do such a good job. Yeah. It's an international cast. It's an international movie. They go all over the play, all over the world.
Starting point is 00:56:35 They incorporate all of the people of those countries. Yeah. It's amazing. As of 424, which was yesterday as we're recording this, it made $908 million. Wow. Fuck. And the budget of this is only $250 million.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I mean, only $250 million. But I mean, at that number, that's fucking crazy. It's crazy. That's crazy. And I think it feels to me, I don't know why I think it feels cheaper than the Avengers. Like, it feels like a more, like, not cheaper, like, but like, it's more.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Earthbound. Earthbound. Yeah. Like, I don't think there's not a lot. I mean, I guess there's tons of sequins. Oh, there's so much. I bet this is the comparable in every way. Just different.
Starting point is 00:57:14 That sequence at the end with the endless kind of ice war. Like, they were driving for 20 minutes on the, it was like the runway. But when this sub started coming up and shit got very real with the cars and stuff was moving really fast, like, that CG is so good. It doesn't look like it.
Starting point is 00:57:32 It looked so good. Well, that's the thing that they're doing is they're using CG to represent reality in a way that like, you're using CG in the Marvel movies to make a person fly, which is already something that they don't do. Yeah. So there is a disconnect there.
Starting point is 00:57:50 So even if you do it really well, or even if you do like the Quicksilver scene, like running fast really well and do an original version of it, it still is representing something that we have no frame of reference for. And what's great about these movies is that they're, I'm sure,
Starting point is 00:58:04 spending insane amounts of money to make stuff look as close to how we understand the world to look as possible, just super heightened. I did wonder why, when the submarine was coming after them, they didn't just like veer to the left or right. Always. They don't, they never scab.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I don't think that sub can turn. Nope. Or also when Vin Diesel came into the mix when he became good again, and he just hit the missile truck, and the missiles just perfectly just like, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. This is not that good.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can we just also talk about the prison breaks? Wait, they were heat seekers, though, right? No, I think only the one from the tour. Only the one from the tour, yeah. Right, right, sorry. The, that prison break sequence was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I mean, awesome. Amazing. Like rivaled, like even like face off, like had a futuristic prison that was really fun, but, and again, like stays him so good at fighting, and the rock is so good, like it just like, I don't know, I feel like Vin Diesel's strength isn't like fist fights or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Movement? Right. He has a reason he's always in a car. He has a laser. He's kind of lumbering otherwise. He has like a ladder Steven Segal movement to his body. Like when they are, when they're like, you gotta run, you see him grab the case
Starting point is 00:59:15 and kind of lumber off screen. Like boom, boom, boom, boom. Well, like triple X, three, that opening sequence. He's not in that sequence at all. Yeah. No, it's all stunt doubles. Also, I noticed one thing in this movie that June, you and the rock have something very uncommon.
Starting point is 00:59:30 You both drive the same size cars. The rock. He's always in a big giant car. Yeah. And you, like, I was like, oh, that's what you and the rock are having coming. I think we were a lot in common. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Well, you both have those tattoos. All those tattoos, exactly. But yeah, I think the prison break was my favorite sequence. I agree. Loved it. That was so fun. That whole sequence with the two of them.
Starting point is 00:59:50 It's incredible. Like you're with the rock up here. He's battling a guy. And they're also tracking with him. And there's another, Jason Statham is the level below making his way through the guys. Like they have two very elaborate stunts happening at the same time.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And the, I've never seen it done in a movie, so I was really excited about the, just him getting hit with those rubber bulls. Like, come on, come on, come on. And he's like, fuck you. Like, like, like. Bulletproof. Bullet basically, they made a way
Starting point is 01:00:19 that he can just be bulletproof. That sequence, like, that sequence really is on par with, I mean, it's just like, it's great. It's great. And they, what I loved about it was, it was the payoff of those previous scenes where the two of them are incels across from each other, just blowering and taunting and just building up
Starting point is 01:00:40 this chemistry and this dynamic so that when it explodes, it explodes hard. Yeah. It was great. They always have their eye on character before letting anything bust loose. Totally, yeah. They make sure to, you know, set the stage for it.
Starting point is 01:00:55 It's really good. Here's just some of the taglines of the movie, which I think are pretty great. New Roads Ahead. Good one. Yeah. Family No More. And the one, the last one, the ride isn't over.
Starting point is 01:01:07 And this is my favorite one. Ride or Die, Remember. Ride or Die, Remember is my favorite tagline to this movie. Is that what they said in like the first one? I think it's always like Ride or Die, but it's sort of like, Remember. Here's just a little fast fact for you. You'll notice in the scene where Kurt Russell's explaining
Starting point is 01:01:29 they've all made the most wanted list, he calls out each person in the room is six, eight, nine and 10, skipping number seven, which is Paul Walker. Got it. And then also their respective numbers on the call sheet. Obviously we had an opinion about this movie, but there are people out there.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And let me be very clear. My opinion, five stars. Oh yeah. My opinion is that this is a five star movie. No doubt about it. I tried describing the car reigning sequence this morning to my kids on the way to school. I could not keep it to myself.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah, it is. And I could, I did not do it justice. It's impossible. It is a great sequence. That is the set piece I liked the most. When the cars are whipping down, like they're like, it's like a swarm of bees, but cars. And again, I don't know where they shot this
Starting point is 01:02:16 or how much of CGI, based on the other films, like even when they pop out of the towers in Dubai, they were still popping out of towers in Atlanta. Like they are using practical cars. Like you feel that there are weird cars. They are real pieces of machinery. And you could, it could feel so dumb. That's something, I don't know how they.
Starting point is 01:02:34 I know. I really could take those cars. And I did have a laugh like seeing one of them start driving away. With the guy in it. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Yeah, but it's works. It didn't feel to. Well, I'm sure they just had a bunch of incredible drivers do it and just, you know, erase the people out of them. So it just looks like cars actually driving that doesn't have that weird gravity that CG gives you. Yeah. You didn't feel fake at all.
Starting point is 01:02:58 They're not drifting. They're not Tokyo drifting. And also Vin Diesel and his, and his homage to heat in the full black. I love that. I love that. That was awesome. That was awesome.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I was stepping on all the cars. Yes. It turned into a trauma movie. Yeah. It was like, what? I was like, oh, this is Vin Diesel being like, I could be the punisher. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:16 It was so cool. Just great paint that skull on that, on that chest plate. I want to see that Marvel movie. Obviously we had an opinion about this movie, but there are people out there that had a different opinion. It is now time for second opinions. Well, maybe you think this movie really sucks. Maybe you think you wasted your 12 bucks.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Maybe you feel like throwing some shade. As you wonder how the fuck did this give me? Oh, baby, I think it's a work of art. And do you believe a magnum opus from the start? Yeah. So good. And if you feel like giving it five stars on Amazon, I'll second that opinion.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Wow. Wow, amazing. If you think that raw tomatoes doesn't have dominion. Oh, wow. I'll second that opinion. Oh, wow. That was amazing. Good.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Wow. I just want to say that people are really stepping up with these songs. That was Jake Moore. He killed it. We've had tons of these new songs. 41 songs. James Moore from Action.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Jake, yeah. Action. Obviously. They introduced just putting beeps into it. Yeah. And that was a great show. It was. Here are some, I mean, obviously, these are five star reviews.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And we agree with these five star reviews. I'm just going to read some of the best parts of it. This is from Justin Heath. Written just a handful of days ago. It brings exactly what you expect with some differences, which, according to taste, from every spectator will be positive or negative. Really covering the basis there.
Starting point is 01:05:16 An opinion about opinions. Yeah. And then he goes, overall, the fate and the furious is more of the same, but with variations which will make the formula even more appetizing or less attractive for the fans, according to their personal preference. I personally enjoyed the new road,
Starting point is 01:05:30 as it's slightly more serious without sacrificing the extreme ridiculousness of the stunts, which suppress any rational criteria. Five stars. Yeah. But you know what? Some people might disagree with him. He's OK with that.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Whatever your opinion is. This one is from our friend, M. McFarland, written just yesterday. These are not necessarily as funny, because they're just as glowing as we are giving it. Because I have to give credit to Charlize Theron. Any other actress in this role may not have been able to bring the energy she was able to capture,
Starting point is 01:05:59 which I think we talked about. She really did a great job there. I think that that is, I think this is the first time, because she was more of a verbal villain. They have action villains. Like, Statham, they cracked the code on him in this movie. They figured out how to make Statham into a real big movie star, I think, in this movie.
Starting point is 01:06:17 He's so great. He's so great. So good. But what they realized was, he's funny. Like, he's the best part of Spy, the Melissa McCarthy, Paul Feig movie. Because he's just hilarious in a way that you are not at all. Maybe not the best part of the movie,
Starting point is 01:06:35 but the most surprising for me, part of that movie. Because he was so funny, and they used that. Here to great effect. Yeah. This is from the review guy who kind of takes a swipe of Vin Diesel, goes, in terms of Vin Diesel movies this year, the fate in the Furious is much better
Starting point is 01:06:50 than the $85 million handjob, triple X return of Xander Cage. He goes, I would say this is my new favorite, no dull moments, complete insanity. If you would have told me 16 years ago that I would be sitting in the theater, seeing the eighth Fast and Furious movie, and it would be my favorite,
Starting point is 01:07:06 I would have called you crazy and thought you were high. Anyways, I heard there's supposed to be two more movies, and I hope the next two get even more ridiculous that we go into the ocean like June you wanted, or into space. I feel like they have to do that. They have to, or they're a volcano. By the way, or they'll have to escape a volcano.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Did you write this review? Escape a volcano, or a hurricane, or something I don't know, I'm sure Vin Diesel will try to figure out some way to make himself look better. Yeah, I agree with that. I just can't imagine being on this team, the team that keeps putting these together, and being day one of...
Starting point is 01:07:38 The next thing. What are we gonna do? The mountain of work that's in front of me. These movies are enormous. And you are severely handicapped by the cars. Because that's the problem with space. The problem with space is because of their cars, they need gravity.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Right. How are we gonna drive like rovers slowly on the moon? I can imagine a world in which, something's happening with a rocket launch, and one of them drives onto the rocket, and is just launched with the rocket. Into orbit? Into orbit.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Within their car. Yes, they're sitting on top of the rocket, and they get launched by accident. Well, as we wind it up... That would be incredible. As we wind it up, do we want to make... Obviously, I think one of the things that the people who listen to this show know,
Starting point is 01:08:32 we called Helen Mirren. We set up Helen Mirren, and Charlize Theron. I think we mentioned that Helen Mirren should be Statham's mom. Oh, I didn't know that. And we also said that Charlize would be a great foil.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Really? Do you think they listen to this? If that's the case, then I'm gonna go on record, once again, and say that Jason Manzukas should be the villain in the next Fast and Furious movie. I had to get in the car. Get me in there.
Starting point is 01:09:04 We have two more movies. They're in New York now. We got a big team. We got babies. We got daughters. Who do you want? Yeah, I'm trying to think. I feel like everyone in that universe, everyone that's like...
Starting point is 01:09:20 You know who I would like? And who I could see. And who would have been a better... Instead of Scott Eastwood, I wish the new guy they had inserted into the team was Channing Tatum. He would have been great. I feel like he's like...
Starting point is 01:09:36 He's probably... He has his own franchise. I agree, but I agree. Someone like a Channing or a Chris Pratt, someone who's got this sort of lovable boyish quality. Funny enough to carry that stuff. Chris Pine could have done a role like that.
Starting point is 01:09:52 He has both. Villain-wise, Jason Manzookas. I wonder if they go even bigger and they get someone like... Javier Bardem. Javier Bardem would be great. Benicio del Toro.
Starting point is 01:10:08 But these are both guys who are... Now I think Javier Bardem is one of the big guys in... He was a Bond villain. Pirates of the Carrots. Maybe Daniel Craig. I was thinking... Why am I Can't Remember Him?
Starting point is 01:10:24 Dude, wow. That would be unbelievable. To see him like... Because he did that eight and a half musical and I feel like he had fun. You could see him crushing a movie like that. Can you imagine how nervous Vin Diesel
Starting point is 01:10:40 would be before those scenes? And he would be in character, so he would learn how to drive a car like that. Here's what I want. These movies, what if he arrives via time machine? You mean from Bill the Butcher? He's like from the past.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Daniel Day Lewis. He's Lincoln. He's Lincoln from the past and he's pissed off. I would like to tell you... I don't know. I think that Daniel Day... Because now Helen Mirren has opened up the gates. I think Charlize Theron too.
Starting point is 01:11:12 We can be super legitimate and come into this movie and just... Swing your Oscar around. Daniel Craig, I'll put Hugh Jackman in there. I would love a Hugh Jackman like Australian... Make him like a villain of like Rupert Murdoch
Starting point is 01:11:28 level kind of like person. Yeah. Harrison Ford? He's tricky because he was in Expendables and I found him to be weak in that movie. He doesn't... I didn't see that one. He basically has a scene which it felt like they shot in one day.
Starting point is 01:11:44 He has a lethargy sometimes in his performance that I feel like... But he's been so great lately. You're right. If he brings that energy to it... What about like a Denzel? That would be great. By the way, that's the villain move
Starting point is 01:12:00 for the next movie. 100%. That is 100%. Denzel and Catherine Heigl together. As the joint villains? I would be into that. By the way, I'm into it. You're already killing it in that movie. But Denzel would be... That's a huge...
Starting point is 01:12:16 That's the move. Because he also would... And you know he would crush those scenes. I don't see Daniel Day-Lewis ever actually doing it, even though it would be... But Denzel, I can see doing it. Yeah. In like an Antoine Fuqua directed
Starting point is 01:12:32 Fast and Furious move. Which would be awesome. But again, I would argue you wouldn't predict Gary Gray to do as good of a job as like Justin Lin has done. And he did. This is the other people that I want on this movie
Starting point is 01:12:48 are the guys from the raid. The actors. I want the team to include the guys from the raid. They have to go to Tokyo. That is a style we have not yet seen incorporated. Exactly those kind of insane long-form one-on-one fistfights.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Like the raid one. But by the way, put the raid guys with Statham and the Rock and their spin-off. Because they're more mobile. Because they incorporated the like close contact John Wick shooting in this one. Which they did so well. It would be cool to see those like long shots.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Of just masterful like choreographed fight sequences. There you go, Vin Diesel. Those are our ideas right there. Well, thank you guys so much for being here. You can give us a call at 619paul ASK, we play them in the mini episode. We can hear what you have to ask about this movie
Starting point is 01:13:36 or anything else in general. Adam, we were talking before we started. You were fantastic and big little eyes. And what else do you want to plug while we're here? I've got a movie coming out. I don't know. It's a Netflix movie. It might come out
Starting point is 01:13:52 in the fall I guess. It's called Little Evil. And Those are from the Tucker and Dale vs. Evil guys. Which is a really fun movie. Yeah, so that's pretty much it. I'll plug the third season of Grace and Frankie
Starting point is 01:14:08 which is out on Netflix. So good. Naomi and I started watching it just in the past three weeks and burned through it. You get to work with Martin Sheen and Sam White. And you're so good.
Starting point is 01:14:24 It gets better and better every season. This last season was great. Jason? I got nothing. Just this podcast. Tell your friends about it. Why not? And I will just say that I will be on Veep this season.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Throughout the season, I will be on Veep. So you can check that out. And if you're in the virtual reality world I'll be performing in virtual reality on Alt Space. Really? What is that? Oh, it's the best. Alt Space
Starting point is 01:14:56 is the closest I've ever gotten to real virtual reality. You're a little bit like... Reggie Watts does a lot of stuff in Alt Space where you have a character and you interact in these environments. And they have a lot of game playing. And are other people you're interacting with
Starting point is 01:15:12 actual other people? Yes. So I'm going to be performing in this house party for about 2,000 people on Alt Space. What does your character look like? It looks like me. But I have a character
Starting point is 01:15:28 that looks like me because they designed it to look like me. But if I ask them to create one for me, I could specify how big my boobs were. My boobs are giant. But it's actually a really cool platform where I've done
Starting point is 01:15:44 a lot of stuff in virtual reality. I have one of those vibes. It's a lot of stuff. But it's a crazy experience. It's really interesting. We'll see. Join us next week for our mini episode. A big thank you to Nick Kiley for all of this research.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Thank you to the engineer, Sam, over here. To everybody here at Ear Wolf. Give it up to all of you. Give it up. Give it up to all of you. See you next time. Bye-bye.

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