How Did This Get Made? - Matinee Monday: The Running Man (w/ Kulap Vilaysack)

Episode Date: August 26, 2024

Kulap Vilaysack (Add to Cart) joins Paul, June, and Jason to break down the 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger sci-fi movie The Running Man, which according to Jason was "the original Hungy Games." They the dance tribute to the fallen combatants, Captain Freedom's workout commercial, the worst pun Arnold's ever uttered, and how we're living in the Running Man today. Plus, everyone has an important discussion about Lactaid. (Originally Released 05/26/2017) Troll 2 VIRTUAL live show on Sept 6th (pay what you can tickets) + we'll be in NYC on Nov 15th! Go to for ticket info, merch, and for more on bad movies.Order Paul’s book about his childhood: Joyful Recollections of TraumaFor extra content on Matinee Monday movies, visit Paul's YouTube page: bad movies on the HDTGM Discord:’s Discord: Paul’s movie recs on Letterboxd: out new HDTGM movie merch over at and Rob Huebel stream live on Twitch every Thursday 8-10pm EST: good movies too? Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul and Amy Nicholson: to The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael: out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.comWant a free 3-month trial of the SiriusXM app? Go to: to find Paul, June, & Jason:@PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter@Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on TwitterJason is not on social media

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From the director of Kazam, the writer of Street Fighter, the producer of The Boy Next Store based on a short story by Stephen King starring two governors. Keep it in. It's a how did this get made all-star film. We saw The Running Man. So you know what that means Hello people of earth and welcome to how did this I am Paul Scheer, and that was Matthew Boriza with his 8-bit How Did This Get Made theme. Stick around to the end of the episode because we have a five, well, almost six-minute long
Starting point is 00:01:00 intro to the show that I could never subject you to based on We Didn't start the fire by Billy Joel to every movie that we have done Oh wait, I gotta listen to this. It's pretty amazing So we'll play that at the end so stay tuned for that and that of course is my co-host Jason Manzoukas. How are you Jason? Hey now, how are you? Very excited to have you on the show. I am thrilled to be doing what I consider to be a terrific movie And also my other co-host June Diane Raphael, how are you June? I'm thrilled to be doing what I consider to be a terrific movie. Oh boy, oh boy. And also my other co-host June Diane Raphael. How are you June? I'm good, how are you Paul?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Very good. How are the allergies treating you over here? You know what, my allergies have been fine today. As soon as I walked into this room, they've started to go completely haywire. All right, well this is gonna be one we can follow you the entire time through this. If we can blow your nose into the mic, it'll sound nice.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Do you need like a Claritin? You have one? No. Oh, there's Claritin on set. Really? Nice. All right, Claritin is coming. We're flying it in.
Starting point is 00:01:55 We are joined by an amazing guest today to talk about a very special movie. She is a return, How Did This Get Made? Panelist. You can see her amazing show which she created, Bagillion Dollar Property, season three, which will be released on CISO on June 1st. Plus she co-hosts the amazingly funny and great show,
Starting point is 00:02:15 podcast I should say, who charted with comedian Howard Kramer. Please welcome Kulap Vilasac. Hello everyone. How are you? I'm so good. I took my Allegra Had a pocket pill in my jumpsuit. Oh, yeah, and right before I entered this room. I took it
Starting point is 00:02:31 So you and I got one of those pocket pills Popping those pee-pees you keep I keep a lot of lactate hidden around at every given point. Just in case I come across some ice cream, I gotta make sure I got it. Got pocket lactates, car lactates. Some rogue ice cream. Hey look, I don't ever want. Honestly, you'd be surprised.
Starting point is 00:02:54 There have been many situations, Paul and I have been in, where we haven't had lactate on us. And this is more for Paul. And it's like a serious issue. This is the saddest conversation I've ever been a part of. Because here's the thing, when you want ice cream in such a treat,
Starting point is 00:03:10 it's such a decadent moment. Sometimes I'm not planning. Yeah. And it feels like you're really living life. Guys, can I be honest? Stop trying to sell us lactate and ice cream. All I'm saying is lactate's a great pill and it helps all those people out there that are lactate.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Are you trying to get a lactate sponsorship? If they want to give us money, it's totally fine. Now Jason, I know that you could probably, lactate is probably the bigger problem. You have to carry around an EpiPen. I do carry around an EpiPen. It's kind of like I call that lactate pens. Very expensive.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Very expensive to just hide EpiPens around. But you know that most people have trouble processing dairy. I do as well. I take lactate. Well, you know, also the thing about lactate is the number one pill for lactose intolerant. Welcome back to How to Just Get Lactate, the number one lactate discussion show for your lactose needs. But I will say, there's other times when you need a lactate.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Like a lot of times it's late night city, late night city, late night like New York. You get out drinking, you want pizza. I hope you have a lactate on you. Yeah, and if you don't, you're screwed. Don't roll those eyes and make that face. Is that the new catchphrase for lactate? No. I hope you have a lactate on you.
Starting point is 00:04:23 No, it's enjoy dairy anytime, anywhere. Naturally digest dairy without the drama. Without the drama of shitting your pants. I love without the drama. I know what the drama is. You know all that drama of eating cheese. Oh, I don't want to have all this drama. I don't want to shit myself after I eat this pizza.
Starting point is 00:04:41 We hung out the other night. We had a great time and then there was quite a bit of drama. Oh no, did you guys get in a fight? No, we ate cheese without lactate, and it was rooty-toot-tootin' the rest of the night. I'm looking at the Lactaid webpage right now, and there's a lot of active women. You mean the one that you started,
Starting point is 00:04:55 the fan page that you built? It's not technically a fan page. Via Squarespace? It's just kind of a zany thing, and it's showing women on the go. Is it zany or zany? You pronounce it zany? I call it zany, you know?
Starting point is 00:05:10 Guys, we're off to a great start. You know who would be a great sponsor of The Running Man Lactate? Yep. Oh, God. Because, you know, in a crisis where you are without food, you may just get like a handed ice cream and you're so hungry, you're gonna need to digest it. Why should you suffer? Guys, I'm so excited that we are doing The Running Man,
Starting point is 00:05:32 a movie that was viewed by my parents as being too mature for me to watch as a kid. Oh, see, I saw this movie and I loved it. 1987 movie, it is a movie that takes place or starting to take place in 2017, I guess, by the time he- Oh, is that right? Yeah, in The Running Man, it's 2019.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So he is essentially, the movie starts off with an amazing helicopter shot. The movie starts straight away. Yes. They jump right into the, there is no finessing getting into this story It's I mean this pre I would argue that the first 30 minutes of the movie really don't Even really need to be there like no Arnold Schwarzenegger is falsely accused of a crime
Starting point is 00:06:19 He wouldn't fire on innocent. He's like he's a helicopter pilot a fire on innocent civilians. He's like a, he's a helicopter pilot, a military man, and there's a protest, big protest going on, and he is ordered to shoot the protestors and in an effort to make sure you know he's a good guy, he's like, no, I will not shoot innocent women and children. And the thing I do love about this is... He will shoot innocent men though.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, yeah. Well... Because he is... Unless for both. An innocent man. This movie is very fugitive like. Oh yes I am. Yeah, well cuz he is This movie is very fugitive like Sorry, it's my question though in this time that they're in 2017 later on during the tea the game show the running man I'll know him the running man people know him because he massacred all those people. He's a butcher
Starting point is 00:07:03 He's a butcher of Bakersfield. Okay, so. Also known as Bob. Sure, my question is, have there been other shootings like this? I think. Because if the government, why would they want to hang this on him? Because it seemed to me that they do this sort of thing
Starting point is 00:07:24 all the time. Well, because a police or whatever military helicopter opened fire and killed these people. So they're killing the people to keep population control at bay. And they're saying they're blaming it on him. So like, we didn't do it. And it's a way to get rid of him. Yeah. And send him to a prison camp.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Fine. But are they doing this left and right? Yes. I think so. And blaming it on other people? Yeah, I think somewhat. Yeah. I on other people. Yeah, I think somewhat Yeah, I mean I would argue that I didn't get that I mean they don't give you any reason to To know that we're either we're hypothesizing that government lies But I guess my question is so it's not like every running man who's ever run no running man race No, by the way, he's a special. He's been trained. He's been special.
Starting point is 00:08:05 He is unique. Okay. He truly is an innocent man. But some of those other people are rebels. So are probably innocent too. Or criminals. But why do they need a special order to get him to compete in the running man?
Starting point is 00:08:19 Like we see Richard Dawson in a bravura performance. Richard Dawson is good in this movie. Straight up the best part of the movie. Damon Killian. Killian, who loves you, baby? And he is straight up just playing the host of Family Feud, but a little bit more evil. But he calls the president's agent,
Starting point is 00:08:40 and he's like, get me the president's agent on the phone. We need to get this guy. But it would seem like he would be the perfect person to compete in the running man when they're going through like the database of who to compete they show a baby did you see that there's a baby that was a consider babyface Marsh or something like that oh guys I would love to see a baby competing the running but there was a baby! He was a baby. Oh guys, I would love to see a baby compete in the running. Ha ha!
Starting point is 00:09:07 But there was, so basically the movie starts off, you see him not wanting to shoot on these people. He looked great with a beard. Oh, he looks great with a beard. He looked great with a beard. He should get a beard. He's a handsome man. He is a handsome man.
Starting point is 00:09:19 You forget that because he's such a bad actor. Yeah, I know. How handsome he is. Wait, Paul, where does this fall in his filmography? I was gonna say, this is kind of where he is at his height. I would argue, like, because this is post-Terminator, because he's already doing I'll Be Back.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah, he quotes his own movie. Why? Why are you allowed to do that? He says it multiple times. At least twice. And I didn't know you could do that. I mean, I think it must have been in his contract or something. It must be.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Like that's his brand. I gotta say that now. I gotta say it. I say that in movies. I push this through. I wonder, and the nerds on the boards will tell us, I wonder if he said it in any other movies. Oh, he said it in The Expendables.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Now he says it all the time. Well, now I get it. Now, if he says it in The Expendables, I get it. Now it is almost a nostalgia piece. But in that moment, to do movies, like present movies at that time and continue to use the same catchphrase. I feel like this movie is the height of Schwarzenegger
Starting point is 00:10:18 because he's smoking a cigar throughout it. And that just- Yes, where is he keeping them by the way? Where did he get it? Oh, in his butthole. Oh. Multiple cigars are coming out of his butt. a cigar throughout it. And that just, it's just like, where is he keeping them? By the way. Where did he get it? Oh, in his butthole. Oh. Multiple cigars are coming out of his butt.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Havana man. Havana turds, right? Where, what's her name? Angela is that the, Amber. Amber. Amber. Amber. Amber keeps the, the file.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Who is it? Marie Conchita Alonso? Yes. She keeps the file in her vagina. Yeah. Like the digital audio tape. Well, there was a comedy scene that you missed. Yeah. Like the digital audio tape. Well, there was a comedy scene that you missed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Where Arnold asked for it. We'll get to it. We'll get to it. But all right, so the reason, like when I think about the cigar too, it's like, I feel like Schwarzenegger is in his director's chair, not, you know, not because he's directing,
Starting point is 00:10:59 but just his director's chair. And he's like, fuck it. I'll just smoke this in the scene. And no one's saying no to him. Yes. And he's like, I'm gonna improvise this line. It just, there's just, it's like, fuck it. I'll just smoke this in the scene and no one's saying no to him. Yes. And he's like, I'm going to improvise this line. It just, there's just, it just reeks of that. Like I'll do whatever I want. Totally.
Starting point is 00:11:11 This is right. I'll just give you an idea of where it is. Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Terminator, Red Sonja, Commando, Raw Deal, Predator, Running Man. So that's where he's at. So he's kind of- What's Raw Deal? Oh, Raw Deal is like a more of a serious movie that he did, but still like,
Starting point is 00:11:28 I mean, it was like Steven Seagal doing Out for Justice. It was like a little bit more dramatic, but he's still blowing people away. Pretty sure you forgot Hercules in New York. Yes, that was in the beginning. He's a small town sheriff that agrees to help an FBI infiltrate the Chicago mafia. Oh, of course. That's Raw Deal.
Starting point is 00:11:43 So in Conan, did he also do kill puns or is that only not period pieces that he does kill puns? Well, this movie is really, I would argue is not even- This is Dr. Freeze. Yeah, this is- The height of kill puns. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:56 This movie is barely a movie. It's a game show and a badly- This movie is the original Hungy Games. Ha! This is, this movie is original Hungy Games. Ha! Ha! This is, this movie is. Hungy Games? The original Hungy Games. This is literally like, we watch gladiators fight
Starting point is 00:12:14 for our pleasure on TV. Yeah. We put them in a controlled environment. For food, yeah. And they have to fight each other. They have to fight these other people. But this is one, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the original Katniss Everdeen.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Right? And how dare you? And how dare you? How dare you? How dare you? How dare you? Do you know what she's fighting for? I mean, this is not Hunger Games.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Yes, District 12. Yes, I know what she's fighting for. And her sister, but I would argue that Schwarzenegger's fighting for his two good friends, Yaffa Koto and the Super Nerd. Yaffa Koto, top five character actors for me in life I still talk about his performance in Midnight Run. Midnight Run, Live and Let Die, unbelievable Unbelievable
Starting point is 00:12:54 Not used in this movie at all Is he wearing a wig? Is that a wig on Yafa Koto? There's a lot going on with his, he also at some point I think is wearing a fake beard Everybody in the prison camp, cause here's the thing There's a lot going on with his he also at some point I think is wearing a fake beard Everybody in the prison camp because here's the thing There's a there's a very abrupt helicopter scene in the beginning where he he won't shoot the pedestrian He won't shoot the innocents then they tackle him and take away They're flying a helicopter open-doored helicopter above Los Angeles. No one's wearing any sort of no hell Yeah, they're wearing baseball caps and they're all talking in this
Starting point is 00:13:26 Hey, so what's going on there? No yelling like literally is hanging outside of the thing is like you're screwed man. Yeah, you're absolutely screwed There's no motion no volume only Frankenstein grunts It's like the bad version of that Hugh Jackman Logan ADR session like the get in there make some grunts and he's like the bad version of that Hugh Jackman Logan ADR session. Like, get in there, make some grunts. And he's like, uh, ah, ah, ah. That's pretty good. That is exactly what it is. Then there is a very also awkward and abrupt and truncated prison camp escape scene.
Starting point is 00:14:04 To show that he's strong, guys. That's exactly what it is. prison camp Why do you need that scene? Escape scene To show that he's strong guys He grabs a man by his balls He does a lot of ball work in this He does a lot of ball work in this Because he also kills chainsaw with the balls I feel like balls That's the thing that I had trouble with
Starting point is 00:14:20 There's no character development for What's his name? Ben Rogers? Ben Rogers? Ben Rogers, our friend. Ben Richards. Ben Richards, sorry, of course, Ben Richards. By the way, even the- Zero character development, I mean, he has- We can just call him male Katniss Everdeen if you want.
Starting point is 00:14:33 He's not, because this is what I'll say about Katniss. She knows what her insecurities are, and she knows what her limitations are. Sure. She fights through it. Yes, and she of course also has to choose between PETA and Gail. She's got a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I would argue, I would argue. Peta all the way, wow. I don't agree with you about the Hunger Games thing, except for the romance, because I do believe that Ben and Amber, that, I mean that was fiery. This is a movie. That sounds like The Bachelorette. Ben and Amber.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Ben and Amber. If I have to watch another woman fall in love with her capture, I'm gonna blow my fucking brain down. I swear to God, this movie is like- And we are in trouble. Ripple culture. This is an insane film.
Starting point is 00:15:18 He says he's gonna snap her neck, he's constantly holding her by the nape of her neck. By the end, when they're together, he walks out with his hand around her neck. Yeah. It's completely insane. Yes. But she has snuck proof of his innocence
Starting point is 00:15:34 into the game via her vagina. So that is consent, question mark? She's already fucked his tape. She's already fucked the raw footage. So now... Let me ask you this. He escapes prison. He shows up at what he thinks is his brother's apartment.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Oh, by the way, in the most suspicious costume of all time, he's walking around the city in a yellow hard hat, a gold gym t-shirt. That hard hat looks like it was plucked off like a bobble head. It looks so small. Well, he's just so big. Are you really saying that hard hat is like an actual
Starting point is 00:16:08 hard hat? Yes, yes. Wow! And it is perched. It looks miniature on his head. It is perched atop his head like a jaunty cap. That's insane. That was his costume to blend in with people. He is the most, like he,
Starting point is 00:16:23 what every outfit he's wearing in this movie is the most unblended. Yes, yes, yes. Well he is- At the airport, yes. Yes, that's the other one. He is impossible. The fact is, I mean, he's such an idiot.
Starting point is 00:16:35 If you manage to escape the prison camp, just go to ground. Yeah, hide. Don't try and like, don't walk outside. Don't try and fly anywhere. Just like go underground because you are the most noticeable person in the world. You would think that every eye would be looking out for this giant man with a German accent. Like he would be easy to spot.
Starting point is 00:16:57 It's not like he doesn't try and put on a voice. He doesn't dye his hair. Maybe he was trying to put on a voice. Yeah, maybe. True. But what if you have a flair for fashion and that's a part of who you are? Yep. Right? And so you want to be seen in a fun, buoyant Hawaiian shirt. Sure. How the disc-a-beak. How the disc-a-beak.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Oh, by the way, speaking of outfits, I wanted to direct a question to the both of you, cool up in June. You guys, I know, are both like to work out. And you've done a, you know, from kickboxing to Pilates. Do you wear an outfit? Do you wear outfits like Maria Conchito Alonso in this where she's just working out in a slip when she's working out like on like like a Chuck Norris gym like a bow flexor like some no no like What was that called the gym some total gym total gym something like that. Yeah. Yeah, I do have a athletic teddy
Starting point is 00:17:48 Sports a sports negligee We need to start selling sports negligee they could have put her in like a sexy workout outfit Which there are plenty of in this movie. There's a million aerobic scenes in this movie. What I was reminded of watching this movie is there's a very unflattering cut. High cut. High cut. And I've forgotten about that. Oh, never forget.
Starting point is 00:18:15 It's so 80s, it's so high. It's absurdly high. Yeah. But it doesn't look good. It doesn't. Well, it reminds me, it's imperfect. Yeah. It was all over perfect, remember?
Starting point is 00:18:25 That's right, yes. It is, I don't understand why. It doesn't look good on a body. It's basically like, it cuts so high that it provides, it's basically like, the legs up into the hips are revealed. Right, and these women are beautiful, they have beautiful figures.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And it's amazing to see a revealing cut look so terrible on a beautiful figure. It's just something to see. I feel like though, this is how men feel about high-waisted jeans. I feel like- On women? Yes, I feel like high-waisted jeans on women, I cannot crack.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And women are like, it's the- It looks great, and I'm gonna tell you why. I've had this conversation many times, please. The difference is, a high-waisted jean actually cuts at the waistline. At the waist, yes, I get it. So you can see a woman's hips, which are like the curves that you would wanna see.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Correct. Unless there's some fucking weirdos. Listen, listen, this is what I like in a woman's hips, which are like the curves that you would wanna see. Correct. Unless you're some fucking weirdo. Listen, listen, this is what I like in a woman. Ooh, lustrous hair, these big old boobs. You know what I wanna see? Gross hips. Aw. Take your hips out of the way.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Get rid of them. I think the highway scene is a great look. I think it's a great look. Look, it's not for everyone, but this cut, this bikini cut is just, it's a great look. I think it's a great look. Look, it's not for everyone, but this cut, this bikini cut is just- It's wild. It's all over this movie. And it's nude tights underneath.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah. Which is also strange. Yeah. The beauty of the times. Those dancers choreographed by Paula Abdul. Yeah, Paula Abdul getting in there, showing off some stuff. By the way, I would argue the only Arnold Schwarzenegger action movie
Starting point is 00:20:03 to have a three minute dance sequence in it. Like, yeah. Oh, and also my favorite, my absolute favorite part of this movie is the modern dance tribute to the fallen, to the fallen combatant. I actually have, I have the eulogy just to- It is, they basically, when, like,
Starting point is 00:20:24 when Schwarzenegger has killed almost all of the people who've come in to try and kill him. Sub-Zero, Chainsaw. Yes, exactly. Burning Man, whatever his name is. Flame Guy. Flame Guy. Dynamo.
Starting point is 00:20:36 All of them. He's killed all of them. They then cut to on the TV show that Richard Dawson is hosting, a Twiletharp-esque modern dance tribute to the fallen combatants. Oh, and this is what plays under it. Here we go. Sub-Zero, Fireball, and Butzor.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Say their names with reverent pride. They've punished crime and served the law. As patriots, they died. This to me was one of my favorite parts. When these stalkers is what they're called, get killed, the genuine disappointment of the fans is so kind of great to watch. They're crushed.
Starting point is 00:21:20 They're emotionally drained by the... The fans who are both a studio audience, and also you see that everybody in the world is watching it, much like Hunger Games, is like so... they're so wrapped and so wrapped up in... Like Richard Dawson keeps going to members of the audience, because it's also a game show, sort of? Yes. Well, it's a live event,
Starting point is 00:21:44 and he's giving out, like, he's giving out like he's giving a running man the board game. Yeah, it's like how would you play? How do we get it? I want running man the board game because there's no purpose just to get I wonder if they made it I wonder if they actually made running man the board. We had that amazing fan who made a face-off board game for us Oh, that's very works. It's amazing. It was really, it's like, that's the part of it that I loved, which is Richard Dawson, so charismatic, so wonderful, and he just keeps going to the audience and he's like kissing the old ladies,
Starting point is 00:22:14 and everybody's so excited, and what they're excited for is murder. Yeah. What they're excited for is who's gonna die next, and they keep cutting to the people betting, they keep cutting to- And I they keep cutting to those audience members I mean we're amazing. Yeah, every old woman who yeah was interviewed for board games I mean one was better than the next it was like they were just killing it. They were so good. I loved it
Starting point is 00:22:39 I loved it and I thought it was I remember I think I also I may I might have read this short story to the Richard Bachman It's not even a seven king Well the ending of we could talk about at the end But there's the ending of the Richard Bachman book which is very different than the ending of this movie But yes, it was based on a Stephen King short That I guess has some similarities, but this kind of, I think really watered it down. And according to Schwarzenegger, took out the themes. Oh, is that right?
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yes. Gotta get rid of those themes. Yeah, well, Schwarzenegger wanted the themes. Oh, oh. Yeah, he, and he was very upset with the director on this movie, which I think he's spoken out numerous times because he, the TV, the director is Starsky
Starting point is 00:23:22 from Starsky and Hutch, and he felt like it was directed very much like a TV show, and it didn't capture the grandiosity. I'm sure he appreciates being referred to as Starsky from Starsky and Hutch. I'm sorry. He's a very successful TV director. But I do find that there is something oddly small
Starting point is 00:23:40 about this movie. Even the future doesn't look like... It was nothing seemed to... When they were going down that like, it was nothing, nothing seemed to. When they were going down that tunnel, I was like, okay, we're about to see some shit. I wonder where we'll arrive. And there was just nothing. Dark.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Like Escape from LA. Escape from LA did a better job of building, like to me, this was a combination of Escape from LA and Hungy Games. And that's what exactly what it was. Because Escape from LA and Hungy Games. And that's exactly what it was. You know, because Escape from LA had that kind of dystopian catastrophic events have happened because that's what's happened here as well.
Starting point is 00:24:12 There was a big earthquake. It's fine. It looks like there's parts of LA that were- Parts. Parts, yeah. But then there's parts where the game is played, which is like where the earthquake happened and shit went bad.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Got it. The quadrant. Yes, which is like where the earthquake happened and shit went bad and got it. And that quadrant. Yes, exactly. One of the quadrants. Is that what happened? There was an earthquake? Well, there's a lot of text at the top of the movie. Again, I would argue that sometimes when you watch these movies, the text is coming in
Starting point is 00:24:36 so fast at the top that you don't really have time to kind of I love the font. Oh, the font. This movie. This movie for me was pure nostalgia It hit me exactly right so much so that when the tri-star logo came up at the beginning I got excited Oh, I love that tri-star logo that is like I miss that logo This is what it says 2017 the world economy has collapsed food natural resources and oil are in short supply a police state divided into paramilitary zones rules with an iron hand.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And then- But why did this happen? Television is controlled by the state and a sadistic game show called The Running Man has become the most popular program in history. All art, music, and communications are censored. No dissent is tolerated. And yet a small resistance movement
Starting point is 00:25:20 has managed to survive the underground. When high tech gladiators are not enough to suppress the people's yearning for freedom, check it out, more direct methods become necessary. Oh! But we don't- The resistance that shows up twice. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And led by Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac. Wasn't that amazing? And Dweezil Zappa. Why didn't Arnold initially join the resistance? Cause he's a military man. So, but who cares? But if he really believes in... I don't think he believes in that yet.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I think in the beginning of the movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger is like a good soldier. He's fighting in the military, blah, blah, blah, but when he's told to kill innocents... Yeah, just follow his orders until he's told to kill innocents and then he's like, I won't do that. Then they arrest him, send him to prison camp. He escapes prison camp
Starting point is 00:26:06 and then defines Mick Fleetwood in the resistance. And the resistance is like, we don't trust you either because we think you're one of the military guys. Because he doesn't even do any attempt to say, I was framed. Yes. He never says it. He never says it. He's just like, I'm getting out of here.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I'm gonna go see my brother. And where is his brother? By the way, his brother never materializes. Yo, I think the brother maybe has been killed, right? Cause I thought for sure the brother was gonna be one of the stalkers at the end. Oh. So that never happened.
Starting point is 00:26:35 They can't find anyone to be realistically Schwarzenegger's brother, unless it was Danny DeVito, then it would have been amazing. I would have believed they could have cast that. What if Danny DeVito was that guy in the light suit, Kablamo or whatever his name was. That character. Dynamo.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Dynamo, that character is absolutely magic. He is like- I didn't like the operatic recess. I did not like the operatic recess. He's so big and is covered in like Christmas lights. Yes. With a clear acrylic mohawk. Ah-ah! And he sings opera and shoots electricity.
Starting point is 00:27:11 What the fuck is going on? And he drives a Mario Kart around. He's the only character that like, he feels like an SNL character. Like, I think we went too big on that one. I think that, I think we should pull that one back. Cause here's the thing. I'm a 100% on board
Starting point is 00:27:25 for big guy with a chainsaw. I'm 100% on board with a big guy with a flamethrower. So those are very practical. Hockey stick with a knife? Sure, sure. What about a modern guy and a hockey stick? Sub-zero. That whole thing, the quadrant of the ice rink.
Starting point is 00:27:39 And I can't believe there was no female stalker. There is no? There was no female network stalker. June, this is a reboot that I feel like. Oh, good. Lady Running Man. By the way, just wanna- Also known as Hungy Games.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Also Lady Bloodsport was there too, so this is a real trend. Can I just talk about- Lady Bloodsport we realized is an actual movie. Is a real thing, yes. Okay, good. Sub-Zero, just so you know, was played by Professor Toru Tanaka.
Starting point is 00:28:05 So he is a professor. He's like, when I saw the credits roll up, I was like, professor? Well, he is a wrestler. Okay. That went by Professor Tanaka. Okay, so he's not an accredited, okay. Yeah, and he's actually not even Japanese,
Starting point is 00:28:20 but at the time, like wrestling, they're like, people get Japanese, that's a hotter thing than being almost full blooded Hawaiian. Okay. Yeah. So I got thrown by that, cause I'm like, okay, here, and then they said that when they introduced Sub Zero,
Starting point is 00:28:34 they're like, yeah, he slices the contestants like sushi. So I didn't understand, like, okay, I'm not- Why is he playing hockey though? And then it was hockey, and then I was like, what's happening? You sound confused by this. Why? He shoots the nerdy guy into a net
Starting point is 00:28:50 that closes up like an insect, like the clam. And then- Simple. And that's it. He has exploding hockey pucks, kind of like what Don Rickles used to use at his shows. But I also couldn't figure out, if you get trapped in the net,
Starting point is 00:29:06 doesn't it make you harder to kill with the hockey stick? Well, I think then he would just like poke at you. That doesn't seem very exciting. You know, like I feel like that whole- I would like to go in that net if he was coming after me. That seems like a refuge. But at that point, your bait- Can I just like, like to me-
Starting point is 00:29:22 Sub-Zero used him as. I would argue, has anyone even gotten past the first round? This is the most popular show on TV. It seems to me like they're, these people are like they're champions. So Sub Zero, people love Sub Zero. So if they love Sub Zero, that means that no one's gotten past him because he's a alive. And so how could you, how could you like, love someone if they're being killed? I wonder if you can get past a level. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Like American Gladiator. Like you beat a boss, you beat a boss, but you don't kill him. You know what I mean? Like if you can escape sub zero, that means you get to the next level. That might be right, but it seemed like they were only asking the contestants
Starting point is 00:30:02 to bring out a new stalker when one was killed right? But they also said no stalker has ever been killed Richard Dawson says that so but that but that those two guys won I guess that was that was that was the rule and then they were women runners, right? There's two women. I thought there's two women on the side of that. Oh, it was just they were like people They were having sex with in Hawaii. Yeah Yeah the side of that, oh, it was just they were like people they were having sex with in Hawaii. Yeah, as winners. Yeah, as winners.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I think the idea was that they ran through Fort Lauderdale. You know they didn't really go to Hawaii, right? Oh yeah, yeah. I'm just saying, but as an audience member, they think that they went to Hawaii. Correct. Yes, yes, yes. By the way, great job on Maria Conchito Alonzo identifying burnt corpses? No, via dog tags.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Oh, yeah, all right, all right. She looked at their dog tags. Which I was like, it took me a while to understand who they were. When she said their names, I didn't know what those names referred to. Yeah, and I was like, oh, who cares? Were the guys in the helicopter? Yeah, this doesn't add up.
Starting point is 00:30:54 She also, my favorite, one of my favorite scenes that I rewind and watched again is when she and the computer nerd guy go running into the tunnels in search of computer nerd stuff. Yeah. She, his name is Wise. She says his name seven times in six sentences.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Every sentence she says, Wise, where are we going? Wise, we gotta get out of here. What are you doing, Wise? It is so, it's such a weird verbal tick. By the way though, we haven't even talked about the scene between her and her coworker. Oh yeah. When Arnold walks by.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Oh my God. That was unbelievable. Yes. She, I mean. They're getting a soda. All right, let's set the scene. And she works in the TV studio? Because she composed.
Starting point is 00:31:40 She composed. She's a musician. So she's like, I'm gonna come see the person who kidnapped me die. Right. By the way, a skill, like she offers no skill to this movie. Like there's no skill set that she draw.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I mean, I thought maybe she was gonna sing a song or. Well, she pointed out her, that's my synthesizer set up. No. I'm not gonna put that. All right, that's true. What if she played music like Soothe the Savage Beast, you know, like at one point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Like that's how she like, Sub-Zero's like, oh, sleepy. Well, her whole thing is she has to like memorize numbers and I was like, maybe she's gonna turn it into a song so she can remember it or something. Nope. Nope, this composer has full access into the backstage of the game show.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So she, so yes, so she's headed back there and a coworker comes up to her as Arnold is walking by and tells her that he might have killed her and might have raped her and says it about a million times that he was almost gonna rape her and could have raped her. And does it scared and turned on? Yes, and she does it in different orders. Yes, she says he could have raped you and killed you
Starting point is 00:32:44 or killed you and then raped you. A guy like that. But saying it like sexy, like the idea of being raped after you were killed is kind of also hot. Yeah. Like, and that was like, oh, like, let's go into her. And then she looks at Arnold and he looks no different from when she saw him when he was, you know, tying her up in her apartment and
Starting point is 00:33:07 just I guess decides that he's innocent. Yeah, because he didn't kill rape me. Right. He didn't do it. The mere fact that he did not kill me then raped me. No, no. He just threatened to break my neck like a chicken. There was some, no, that's actually not right because the reason she thinks that that's not right There's something something is shown about him that she knows to be a lie cuz she was there
Starting point is 00:33:31 I can't remember exactly what it is that at from the airport after the airport scene that he killed Like a guard blood, but that never happened Yes, and she knows it didn't happen. That didn't happen. So then she's like, I have to go. And she tells her friend I have to go. And then she goes and checks the data records. But here's what she does know. Is that he tied her up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:53 In her bedroom. To an exercise machine. To an exercise machine. Yes. Which is thoughtful. Spread eagle. Spread eagle. He ties her up, spread eagle.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yes, with her teddy on. Yeah, her athletic teddy. Athletic teddy. Yeah. Act teddy. Act teddy. Athletic teddy. Yeah. Act teddy. Workout teddy, which we are actually selling now in our own store, workout teddy. How did this get made store?
Starting point is 00:34:12 You can get it, where does the butt start? Workout teddy. She knows that that's true and that that happened and that he was pretty violent and abusive toward her. I mean, it was truly, it was irresponsible. And Jason, I know it's one of your favorite movies, but it was horrible. Not only is it part of like,
Starting point is 00:34:32 not only is it the best movie that's ever been made. For me, it's also like a very, it's how I learned about male female relationships. Oh my God. I am still single. Well, because here's the thing, here's the problem I had with the Ath-Teddy, is that if she had been in like a very sexy workout outfit,
Starting point is 00:34:54 she still would have been, if they, you know, they clearly wanted this scene, and she still would have been like the classic victim, alone, vulnerable, in a sexy outfit. Sure. But they had to go even further than that and put her inexplicably in a teddy. Yeah. It's hot.
Starting point is 00:35:12 That's insane. Guys are going to go crazy. And then athletic teddy. Guys are going to go crazy when they see her in that sexy teddy. This movie, you know what I mean? Oh, you're not going to believe this. You'd think wardrobe, you're showing me athletic here. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:35:24 She's at home working out so that means she's wearing a teddy or a negligee or something like see-through we see her she takes off her work outfit she takes off her shoes she takes up and then into that to work out yes and then the first thing he does is smash his like puts his big old palm on her face The only way I can wrap my mind around it is, like, she does seem like she's pretty rushed walking into that apartment. Like, do you think maybe she has a workout window that's like, if it doesn't happen by 6.30, like, it's not gonna happen?
Starting point is 00:35:55 So maybe she didn't, so that's interesting. Maybe she didn't have time to put on workout clothes. She just took off the top layer and started working out. By the way, when you see Jesse Ventura's show on TV, you've gotta make time to work out. By the way, Jesse Ventura is in this movie, Governor Jesse Ventura, in a great role here. Clearly the success of Predator, him and Scorsese
Starting point is 00:36:14 and Edgar dynamic together, so let's bring him back. Wait, are all of them in Predator together? No, that's Carl Weathers. Carl Weathers. This is Jim Brown. But it is Jesse Ventura, right? Jesse Ventura, yeah. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:25 And Richard Dawson did play the Predator, but that's the only two connections. Uh, the, but he, uh, what do you wanna call it? The, um. Captain Freedom. Captain Freedom. Oh yeah. I'm gonna play his workout thing,
Starting point is 00:36:37 cause it's so, it's kind of perfect. Here we go. This is what he, what she's working out to. Are you ready for pain? Are you ready for suffering? Are you ready for suffering? If the answer is yes, then you're ready for Captain Freedom's workout. Yes, it's America's own Captain Freedom,
Starting point is 00:36:55 10-time national champion, the greatest stalker to ever play the game. All right, now all you runners, ready, get set, go! So she was running home to watch his show. But by the way, has he even been hearing that? 10 time national champion of what? Of running, man, I think. Wait, so he competed in it?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Well, he was a stalker. Right, so but how does the, how does- How can you be a champion of stalker? Yeah, it's like saying Steve Harvey is the- No, no, you're right, you're right. The 10 time winner of Family Feud. He's the host of it. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah. I don't know. They didn't ask Arnie to become a stalker, so maybe all those people were contestants before they became stalkers. Interesting. They had all been running men. Oh, who kind of meant... And they kept going through it, maybe?
Starting point is 00:37:37 I don't think so, only because... Oh, maybe. But he's Captain America. But I don't think anybody's ever won Running Man. Right, that's the big thing. So then what? But Schwarzenegger wouldn't have won either though, because they would have taken him out mid game.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Here's what I would guess. So it's a side thing. But no stalkers have been killed. So I would guess that they are trading on people knowing him as a wrestler. And my presumption would be there's some sort of wrestling analog in this world. He's like a gladiator.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Cause even when he fights at the end, it's in a wrestling ring. Right. You know what I mean? There's something interesting. I mean, by the way, I just say, watch this movie for no other reason than putting him in a tight blue jacket,
Starting point is 00:38:19 making him stare at TV screens that we never see. And memorize tons of dialogue. Wait, maybe he killed ten people and that Champion that maybe right maybe that maybe that doesn't seem like very many for to be On the shows on every night No I don't think so because I think they it's like a sweeps week kind of thing cuz okay It's like the like the bachelors because the season of it even though it's one night Cuz they're like we got to find somebody it seemed like they were trying to find their next great running man
Starting point is 00:38:49 Is there another show called fear Lake? I wrote down a couple shows There was a show called hate boat and a show called Confession and then the show that I really loved Running man in paradise climbing for dollars where the dogs are just And then there's Running Man in Paradise. Climbing for dollars. Climbing for dollars. Where the dogs are just, wild dogs are like nipping at your heels.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I thought that, I wanna see what Hate Boat is. Hate Boat? I missed Hate Boat completely. Guys, Hate Boat was a poster for Hate Boat. Okay. From the back grass. Hate Boat, I loved that. What could Hate Boat been?
Starting point is 00:39:19 You put a bunch of people who are gonna just fight, like it's like an analog of the love boat, I mean. Oh, I bet it was. I bet that was what the joke was. By the way, just to get back to the puns. Oh, please. Can we talk about the worst pun in, I'm gonna play it for you, the worst pun ever,
Starting point is 00:39:36 I think, in punning. Hey, Killian! Here is sub-zero! Now, plain zero! What? Here is sub-zero, now plane zero. What? Here is sub-zero, now plane zero. And I don't think Ernie knows what he's saying. Like there's no connection to the words,
Starting point is 00:39:57 he's not like even underlining. It's almost like he's learned them phonetically. You know, like it's nonsense. That makes no- Here is sub-zero, now plane zero. No, like it's nonsense. That makes no, now just plain. No, now he's just a zero. He's a. But then, that should have been the thing then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Here's sub zero, now he's a zero. By the way, I think that they have been the line and like what they got was plain arrow. We can't correct him, we got one take on this and that's it. That's what we're gonna use. Cause plain zero makes it like like now like here's sub zero Now he's just a zero that at least there's yeah, I don't know. I think that's the intention of it, but it's clunky
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's real Plane zero and then you know like every everything is a like you to do the next mini episode in a Schwarzenegger voice It's very good. Very good. ["How to Disco Beat"] There's so much to continue to talk about. I wanna, yeah, go ahead. I had another, we've had a couple of these amazing,
Starting point is 00:40:59 Richard, what's Richard Dawson's first name? Damon. Damon. Yeah. Cause it's a lot like demon, get it? Yeah, they have another. That's the it's a lot like demon. Get it? They have another. That's the themes that were kind of hidden.
Starting point is 00:41:08 They've got one of these scenes where the phone is ringing and his assistant picks it up, doesn't say hello, listens for a half a second, hands it to him and goes, Damon, it's for you. It's the attorney general. She doesn't say hello. Uh-huh. Okay. Well, he's right here. She doesn't say hello. Uh-huh, okay. Well, he's right here.
Starting point is 00:41:26 She doesn't say anything. She picks it up and hands it to him. Day minutes for you. It's the attorney general. I was like, why did they let this happen? Just, just nobody does that. Just say hello. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Day minutes for you. It's the attorney general. Nobody picks up a phone and is passively silent. Nobody picks up a phone and only listens. What if someone was calling and just heard the line pick up and just said, it's the attorney general? Then she could just say,
Starting point is 00:41:58 Damon, it's for you, it's the attorney general. How often do you call and when you hear the phone pick up, just start talking? You get no recognition from the other side. It's the attorney general. Nobody says hello, nobody says, can I help? Nobody says Damon's line. Nobody says anything. You just hear click and you're like,
Starting point is 00:42:14 I'm going to start talking now. I guess I'm hoping somebody's there. I hope I got the right person because we're going for it. You know what I thought was so kind of interesting? I don't know if you guys got this too, but Richard Dawson obviously is the biggest TV star and when he goes to work on a normal day, there's fans out there, this is just an office day for him and they're cheering him on and it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:33 you think, oh, I like this guy so much. Then he goes inside and this mop guy just kind of suddenly bumps into him and he's like real nice to him. And then the minute he gets away, he's like, kill that guy. And I was like, oh, he's like, that was a really good sign for me to be like, oh, he's like real nice to him. And then the minute he gets away, he's like, kill that guy. And I was like, oh, he's like, that was a really good sign for me to be like, oh, he's a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Like I didn't get, I was like, that was like cool. He's like subtle, like that's like kind of like layering cool stuff to be like, what? Not exactly what you think. Yeah, not what you think at all. I really, he's a, I will say he's a great villain. He's a great villain and it is a very good, like villainous satire of TV executives
Starting point is 00:43:10 in the TV industry, guys. I don't know. Here we are in Hollywood, California. This movie is so different. Is it so different? I'm gonna spot Jason on a soap box. Don't mind me. Finally, a movie that tells it like it is,
Starting point is 00:43:24 we are living in the running man world. The running man is now, we are the running man, Hungy Games. It's happening people, you're in it. I'll throw out some people to you, who would have been a better running man? Because these are the people that were considered. Don Johnson.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Great. Dolph Lundgren. Awesome. Dolph Lundgren. Awesome. Dolph Lundgren would have been, that's an equal. I would have liked Dolph Lundgren in the movie with Arnold. Oh yeah. I would have liked Dolph Lundgren as his brother. Well, like right now, like if they remade this movie,
Starting point is 00:43:58 you would have like an all, it would be like three people. The Rock. Yeah, Christopher Reeve. Interesting. And Patrick Swayze. And I feel like. Christopher Reeve. Interesting. And Patrick Swayze. And I feel like the Christopher Reeve, Patrick Swayze is Swayze all the way. I think that there's-
Starting point is 00:44:11 Guys, did you hear me say Swayze all the way? Yeah, that's really good. I just didn't want it to get lost. Swayze all the way. By the way, but that makes me feel like Don Johnson, Christopher Reeve, and Patrick Swayze, and we go, that's an interesting movie to me because they are guys that are not,
Starting point is 00:44:24 even though Patrick Swayze does all the kung-fu and Roadhouse You're not predicting that like Schwarzenegger. It's like yeah, he's he's an unstoppable monster like he's Determinators printer but like seeing like Patrick Swayze you would feel like oh will he make it like he's a normal guy like well You do it. I'm gonna ask a question about Arnold I don't know, cause I feel like I've seen a couple movies with him now, and I'm like looking at him, and is the appeal just that he's big?
Starting point is 00:44:55 Cause I don't see any skill behind it. Interesting. Well, no, you're right. I saw him, No, no, you're right. I see him picking up cars, but obviously he's not really doing that. It is brute strength.
Starting point is 00:45:07 It is brute strength. He does not have like combat skills. He does not have like, he's not like a... There's no fight scenes. As a matter of fact... At the time, it was like Chuck Norris did all the kind of karate kind of stuff. And then Stallone and Schwarzenegger just like basically killed people with guns. And then the new breed was like Sagal in that time. Yes, yes, that's true too. But Stallone and Schwarzenegger just like basically killed people with guns and then the new breed was like Sagal in that time
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah, yes, that's true, too So, I mean yeah, oh and rocky like that's true. Yes But like yeah, it's like because we're sure your love or bodybuilder like you literally lumber song And when he's looking for me Maria Conchito Alonzo, like there's I you know, cuz obviously podcast you can't see it Conchito Alonso. Like there's, you know, cause obviously it's a podcast. You can't see it. Wait, this is a podcast? Well, I mean the cameras are here for other things, but he, like, he lumbers. Like, it's like, he's,
Starting point is 00:45:55 there's a great scene where Maria Conchito Alonso is trapped by Flamethrower guy in a room and Schwarzenegger comes from the rafters, reaches down from above in the rafters and I'm like, how did he get himself up there? Yeah, it's like a, there's no way he's able to get his weight up into the rafters. And he shows no, like he's no cat like skills.
Starting point is 00:46:19 He's not nimble at all. And by the way, for a running man, like seeing him run, he looks like you said, lumbering. He looks slow. Yes. There's nothing about him other than his size that I... Well, it was funny. And doesn't he run just once in the airport away from them?
Starting point is 00:46:35 No, he also runs... He runs from prison. Yeah, and he also runs in the game. And that jumpsuit is also not doing him any favors. It's not doing anyone any favors. No, it's not doing... The yellow spandex, not a fan. Yeah, it's not doing anyone any favors. No, it's not doing anyone any favors. The yellow spandex, not a fan. Yeah, it's not great.
Starting point is 00:46:47 But he's also, there's a button, like when he's like trying to run and jump and dive away from chainsaw motorcycle, there's a bunch of clumsy movement there as well. Well, there's, I mean, again, to go to the directing of it, there's moments where, like when they're breaking out of the prison, they keep on cutting to these guards shooting.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yeah. And it looks like, oh, are they above? It's like, no, no, they're just, they're also around. Yeah. They're not shooting our main character. Like it's weird. Like a lot of the action is shot or,
Starting point is 00:47:13 or given to us in a way where you're like, oh, I guess I'm basically, yeah. The geography is very confusing all the time. Obviously, this is the fourth time. But by the way, I really just want to reiterate. I would, this movie would be immeasurably better with Patrick Swayze. Oh, I would love to have seen this movie. It would have been great.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Well, because you would see some humanity to it and I think, and some desperation, whereas you never doubt that Schwarzenegger is gonna save the day. He, in the first scene is lifting a man up by his balls, twisting it, and he has no sympathy even when he's in like with the resistance, guys look I'm innocent like I did this thing It's also interesting to have a movie where they don't even attempt to give him a family member
Starting point is 00:47:52 I mean I guess his brother but any sort of connection No, well in the book he would be fighting for it was his wife and child So that was like why not keep that but I think they wanted to keep the sexual flames alive with Maria Conchito Alonzo But there's no connection between them either. Of course, I know that. Four directors brought onto this movie, right? The first one was the director of Rambo, part two. But they fired him because he wanted to put the entire movie in a shopping mall.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Like he thought the running man should take place in a shopping mall, interesting. That's very 80s. And then. That is very 80s. And then the final guy before they went to this director, the final guy was Andrew Davis, who made the Chuck Norris movie, Code of Silence. The movie went into production, and within the first eight days of filming,
Starting point is 00:48:44 he went eight million dollars over budget. How? Eight million dollars in the first eight days. Was any of that used? Yes, I'm sure. Like, I mean, it was just, what? Yeah. I mean, what?
Starting point is 00:48:59 Like, I mean. Jumpsuits. And this is a movie that was budgeted at 27 million dollars So that's not that's that's a lot a lot Holy shit and explains why some of it. That's what that it does explain why a lot of it looks like shit Yeah, because they were probably over and then the other thing. I mean that even the final fight between Between his name right now the wrestler
Starting point is 00:49:26 jesse ventura jesse ventura and him like captain freedom captain freedom there and like a ring with like bright lights It's all like to distract you from the it's like they're in the nowhere place from like get out It's like it's so deep there's nothing there just dark Jesse insists that he wouldn't get killed like yeah
Starting point is 00:49:40 And then he's just gone after he kills like the fake stunt people and they put Jesse in like some sort of plastic Like what's gladiator Elvis? I'm not gonna wear this which I liked I felt like that was like a little bit of like a nod to like how ridiculous the whole Endeavor was and I but I also loved that they kept coming every time Schwarzenegger would kill a stalker you would cut into the backstage at the at the place and they'd be like, Captain Freedom, report to wardrobe. Captain Freedom, report to wardrobe.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Like it was just like, I liked that cutting between like these crazy action sequences and like just TV production studio for a murder show. Just thinking about the show too, the credits roll during one part of the thing. And so these are the credits. Thank you to Tim, George, Gary, Paul, Rob, Keith, you, me, us, and them. Then the next title is what next?
Starting point is 00:50:38 I don't know. Then titles are attributed to type M wrong, makeup, paint your face Your Face, Props Property, Locations Buy Too Long Here, Art Director Red G Blue and Primary Colors, and music by Do Ray Me. Wow. That was the little Easter egg
Starting point is 00:50:58 for all the people watching at home. Did anybody else notice that when Arnold was fighting, what was his name, Chainsaw or Buzz? Buzzsaw. watching at home. Did anybody else notice that when Arnold was fighting, what was his name, chainsaw or buzz? Buzz saw. Buzz saw that there were a gazillion reaction shots of Arnold watching the chainsaw and staring at it and trying to figure it out
Starting point is 00:51:17 as though he had just never seen one. When Buzz saw cuts the piece of wood he tries to fight him with. Arnold stares at that wood that's been broken in half for all long, long time. As if to say, wasn't this longer? A mere second ago, that guy walked by. This was longer.
Starting point is 00:51:40 What's up? He's gone and this has been split in half. Yeah, what's up? These things happen. This is reminding me of that kill. So Arnie takes the guy's balls, takes the busts off, splits it around. Oh, I didn't watch it. I didn't watch it. And he kills him.
Starting point is 00:51:56 But when the man is split in that way, he, he, as he dies, he sings at a soprano. Yeah. That's what happens. With antichesticals. Right, but with the chainsaw splitting it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You go, ah, and go down.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yep, that's exactly what would happen. By the way, isn't that other guy, I keep on forgetting his name. Dynamo. Dynamo, sorry, thank you, club. Dynamo, isn't the electricity plugged into his dick too? Because then she unplugged the electricity from his name. Dynamo. Dynamo, sorry, thank you, club. Dynamo, isn't the electricity plugged into his dick too? Cause then she unplugged the electricity from his dick. She says he has a battery up his ass.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yeah. Here's the thing. I'm gonna attempt to revert. Dynamo, Dynamo and- He's an electric man. He doesn't even know anymore. Dynamo and flamethrower guy. Everybody has such obvious vulnerabilities.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yes, yes. You know what I mean? You throw water on him. Like literally throw water on Dynamo and he electrocutes. That's it. Like he's not, he's actually, he's not that good a competitor because there is true weakness built into his suit.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And that's- No, but his voice though. Beautiful. Beautiful voice. Honestly No, but his voice though. Beautiful. Beautiful voice. Honestly, the voice of an angel. I do want to play this death scene from Yafakoto, which I think is like a great- Okay, yes.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And then we can get into- I'm going to wear Palat with you. Basa took care of my traveling arrangements. The underground has a broadcast center in quadrant four Take her take her in the cold to make Don't lose time for nothing Listen we're counting on you Don't let us down. I
Starting point is 00:53:38 Don't want to be the only asshole in heaven I'm the only asshole in heaven. By the way, that was like four. It drags on so long. It's like, there's a bunch of repetition as well. Yeah, like you want him to die after each one of them. It was like, we'll get four alts on this. We'll use it, we'll pick it in editing.
Starting point is 00:54:00 They just used all the alts. And did not deserve, like he doesn't deserve that death line of, I don't wanna be the only asshole in heaven. We don't know who you are. I love it. Who are you? You're wrong.
Starting point is 00:54:12 We had one line before this. You're wrong, I love this. And by the way, at this point, he still thinks that Schwarzenegger massacred all those people. Yeah. Like there's no. He has no other ways.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Like he has no other, like yeah. Oh, I see. Like, but no, but. If I make him an asshole, I get it. But no, but Schwarzenegger would be going to hell he killed like there's like he should maybe be going to heaven But he doesn't know anything about Schwarzenegger. Yeah, I Thought I still thought it was great And then and then when Richard Dawson dies
Starting point is 00:54:37 It's like someone just gave up like so they have this confrontation Richard does I do it for TV people love TV and. And then he throws them in the tunnel vehicle. And instead of like, oh, that's going to be cool. They're going to throw them into the middle of downtown LA. And the crowds are going to kill him, rip him apart. Nope. He flies out at such a speed that he flies to his own billboard and then explodes.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Did he do something to make it propel more? I thought that too. I don't know. When they were going down that tunnel, it looked like they were going so fast. And then they just sort of stopped at a net and pushed back a tiny bit. Like a home depot net. Yeah, like a little hockey net.
Starting point is 00:55:18 And there was mirrors in that tunnel, which was weird. The mirrors that you put when your driveway is in a position where you can't see the street. So you need to like reference the mirror to see what's coming around. I was like, why would you ever need mirrors in this tunnel system? There's just bullets being shot down there.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Tunnels were big in the 80s too. Like Goonies had a tunnel. Empire Strikes Back had tunnels. Like people want to go down tunnels. Oh, everybody was super into tunnels. It's also very sexual imagery. They're being birthed. They're being birthed into the game.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Obviously, we had opinions about this movie, The Brave Bull, out there that had a different opinion. It is now time for second opinions. ["Second Opinion"] Hey Paul, Jason, and June It's been a real pleasure just to have us all together And I know I'm gonna hear from you soon For another HETTD ambidential then let's see What other people know of, how other people feel about What other people research, what other people think of this movie
Starting point is 00:56:26 It's time for a second opinion I've got second opinions, oh you know we couldn't make these up How about them second opinions? Five stars, two thumbs, fuck yeah When you think Congo's a masterpiece or Nick H. May's counter-complete When duct-its are a necessary component to Howard Sterni, baby buckle up, as you know You know it's time. It's time for a second opinion.
Starting point is 00:56:54 That was Stoner Collective with their second opinion theme. Very beautiful song there. Let's get into it. This is by Philly SLS1. This movie is made for guys. Back when you could make movies for guys. Five stars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:11 You know what? Thank God. Cause guys need movies. Yeah guys aren't getting movies anymore. They're getting these Hungy Games. You know. I would like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger in Hunger Games. Like just act, just same dialogue, same everything.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Is he like a hill that they have to go over? This is by Joseph D. Maroon. He writes, if I could rate this movie a 10 out of five, but Amazon won't allow it. One of the best movies ever, and it's not even close. The title is amazing, five stars. Now we get into two of my favorites here. This is by Whiskey Kat.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Whiskey Kat writes, "'Arnold's best' and Conchita Alonzo makes it even better. "'She's not only a real babe, "'but she must have been a pretty tough cookie to survive making this film This is the future and it scares me five stars Schwarzenegger and Conceited Alonzo team up together. That's the title of it But does he think he thinks the movie really happened? Yeah, she's a tough There's just such lore around yeah
Starting point is 00:58:20 She's a tough cookie to a- No, I think she, there's just such lore around Arnold's behavior toward real life women. Yeah. So she just survived. She survived the endeavor of, yeah. And this is by D Master. When this movie came out, I was a little boy in the USSR and cable bootleg movies were shown on TV and badly dubbed.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I remember seeing this movie and I thought it was great. When I came to the States, I saw it on TV in English and it wasn't some bootleg movies were shown on TV and badly dubbed. I remember seeing this movie and I thought it was great. When I came to the States, I saw it on TV in English and it wasn't some bootleg copy and it was even better. Now when I see this movie 20 years later, it's still as good as it was. In all reality, I think this is one of Schwarzenegger's best flicks of all time. Five stars.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Really cool if you haven't seen it. Now I will say that I read it the way that he intended it, but the spelling mistake is pretty great because it goes, and in reality, this is one of Schwarzenegger's best dicks of all time. I knew that he meant flicks. But those are some five star opinions. Anything else?
Starting point is 00:59:24 Anyone want to talk about the theme song that plays at the end of the movie? Oh my god, I have the lyrics right in front of me. Oh my god. Sing that song. This is what she wrote. This is what Maria Alonso. Oh is it?
Starting point is 00:59:37 No, no, this is simply just the movie. The John Parr movie. As they come together, we hear the song. And there is a lyric that says no pain no gain It's so good, I'll play a little bit Okay, hold up The lyric you got it all right here you go so from here. Yeah, this is gonna be great Standing in the dark I swear I heard you calling my name
Starting point is 01:00:07 And I know things had changed No pain, no gain Something in your eyes just told me that this nightmare would end And I had found a friend shout it from the highest steeple let it out to all the people you hit the right spot no more lonely nights Is this about this movie?
Starting point is 01:00:48 With a restless heart Roll the dice Make a brand new start This is amazing and you are fucking amazing That is legendary That was legendary. That was the best performance we've ever had on the show. That is the greatest thing that's ever happened. It worked out great.
Starting point is 01:01:11 The music really, like it was perfect. I really felt it. You really were in it. You really were in it. You nailed it. It really did feel like class. I felt like his big poem was around my neck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Just, I know I plucked this at the beginning of the show that I would tell you how the book ends. I'll just tell you quickly how the book ends. So Richard, Schwarzenegger's character, hijacks an airplane and takes Richard Dawson hostage. And Richard Dawson says, if you let me go, you'll become the lead hunter of the game. And Schwarzenegger says, yeah, I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And so now the whole reason why he was playing the game in the book is because they captured his wife and child. And they said, if you win the game, you'll get your wife and child back. And then Richard goes, all right, you're the lead hunter. And by the way, we did kill your wife and child before you even started the game. And then Schwarzenegger goes crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:04 He overpowers the flight crew, kills Richard Dawson, is mortally wounded in the process, and then frees Maria Conchito Alonso. She jumps out of the plane and then crashes the plane into the games building in New York City, killing everyone inside of it. Oh, Jesus Christ. That is the ending of the book. Yes. Well, he's already mortally wounded. So, yeah. So that's the dark ending of The Running Man. Yeah, that's a pretty a pretty downer.
Starting point is 01:02:33 And wow. Well, he didn't get those themes, but he got those cigars. The cigars not in the movie. Now, cool up. Your brilliant show on CISO. The Jillion Dollar Properties is coming back very soon. As you listen to this, I would imagine you'd be able to watch it. You'd definitely be able to watch the first two seasons.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Yeah, seasons one, you'd see Mr. Paul Scheer in episode 107. Season two is available. Season three, out June 1st. You've seen Jason in those two, right? That's right. Jason is in season one, he's also in season three. Miss June Diane Raphael is also in season three. All the stars are shining in bajillion dollar properties. Give it a quick, just for people who don't know what it is, give a quick picture of it.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah, it's a- Or, if you prefer, act out a scene. Here we go. This is the- I'll play with you with this, but yeah. This is the- It is, much like Reno 911 was a spoof of cops. But Jolly Dollar Properties is a spoof on home improvement shows like Million Dollar
Starting point is 01:03:34 Listing, Property Brothers, everything you'd see on HETV. It's so funny. The cast is amazing. Paul F is in the show. It's super funny in the show. Tim Balz. Tim Balz, Ryan Gahl. Drew Tarver. Tony Newsome in the show, Timbalt. Timbalt, Ryan Gahl. Drew Tarver.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Tony Newsome, Mandelman, Dana Doot. It is really, really a great show. Definitely watch this show. It's on CISO and we're always giving out free promo codes for CISO so be on the lookout for that. Join for free for seven days, watch all three seasons, get out of there if you want to, I don't care. I'm not your mom.
Starting point is 01:04:03 And okay, that actually is a big thing that I'm glad you spoke to. You are not our mom, right? I know sometimes I play like that and I know that's not right. Okay, just because. But you know, it's kind of fun though too. When you tuck me into bed at night,
Starting point is 01:04:18 I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be saying. Well, you're supposed to just be inside that burrito. And you can listen to your podcast, Who Chartered, on the Orwolf network. But you can just type it. I mean, that's easy. Just find Who Chartered. If you haven't heard it, just download it. It's free.
Starting point is 01:04:34 You don't even have to VR a sales pitch on it. It's good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like it. You like it. You like it a lot. We can follow you on Instagram at iamkulop. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:42 And on Twitter, just at KULOP. Yeah, at KULOP. I love it all. Oh, well you couldn't get that handle for Instagram? No, it was gone. Who is Coolop on Instagram? You know, nobody to me. Jason Manzoukas, what do you wanna talk about?
Starting point is 01:04:56 I'm in a movie called The House that'll come out at the end of June. Get ready to get your tickets early. So grab those ticks, get them going. Get those tickies. And I'll give a shout out to a good friend of ours. Doug Moe has written a book called Man vs. Child. It's a pretty funny book about being a dad. So check it out.
Starting point is 01:05:16 He's a good dude. June? I will plug the third season of Grace and Frankie, which is on Netflix right now. And I'm just going to give an additional plug to bajillion dollar listing which I'm also in. Wow there you go. I will back that up as well because I'm also in it. Well I'm gonna lead. What is my episode in the order of things? I think you are actually I think it's season episode 304? Wow alright. Yeah well while she's looking that up I'll tell you I want to plug this show I don't know if you've heard about it's it's on CISO, it's called The Joanie Dollar Properties. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:47 A really funny show in the vein of Reno 911, but for like those house hunter shows that you like on reality television. Yeah, yeah, thank you. Also, you can check out Beep, I'm on there, for I think a couple more episodes. Oh, you know what I forgot to ask you guys, would you recommend this movie?
Starting point is 01:05:59 Yeah, I would. It's fun, 80s, like, short in the sense. Yes, Cool Up. If you're an Arnie completionist, you gotta do it. June. It's fun 80s 80s like weight your turn. Yes Cool-up if you're an Ernie completionist you gotta do it June. I'm not an Arnie completionist I would say no, I would say it's not on my it's not my top favorite Arnie's I'm gonna go with you Arnie completionist only and if you want to leave a message about anything your life your problems or this Movie you can give us a call at 619 Paul Ask, the P-A-U-L-A-S-K, 619 Paul Ask, and we will talk to you about a lot of different things.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I'll talk to you on the mini episode. And now with any further ado, here's a five minute, we didn't start the fire tribute to How Did This Get Made, which is amazing. We just could never play a six minute theme song to the show. Anaconda drive angry, sucker punch and deep blue sea Gods of Egypt all all about Steve Demolition Man, Cool as ice, barbed wire, Fast Five, and Streets of Fire, Love Guru, and Xanadu, and Batman, and Robin,
Starting point is 01:07:32 How the fuck did this get made? That movie Temptation was Harry's worst creation, Double Team Rhinestone, No Holds Barred, and Abduction, Tiptoes, Mortal Kombat and the Devil's Advocate Over the top, Truss Pat, Dundee and Los Angeles Spider-Man 3, Superman 3, Green Lantern and Badass How the fuck did this get made? It was really shit, he could've used more titty How the fuck did this get made?
Starting point is 01:08:02 Sharknado the second one has got me on the run Sleep away camp dreamcatcher, masters of the universe Mr. Nanny, Mac and me, toys and daredevil Light force, monkey shines, con air and on the line Face off, spice world, W to a kill Top dog, Junior, stealth and the last airbender Solar baby's Waker man, power the duck back up land, Bloodsport the quest, Check the halls and World Wild West, Vampire Kiss, The Tourist, Hercules and New York!
Starting point is 01:08:32 How the fuck did this get made? After Earth and Frogtown, both should've gotten beat down. How the fuck did this get made? Jingle all the way, force me to run away Godzilla, Catwoman, Lake Placid and Safe Haven Bulldogs, Avengers, Super Mario Brothers Crossroads, day in your life, maximum overdrive Joyful noise, the Apple, Star Wars Holiday Special Uh oh, Color of Night, Theodore X, Fast and Furious, Six-Speed, Two-Crews Control, And the first Sharknado, Zardo, Cell-O-L, Simply Irresistible, Sharknado, Oh Hell No, Boy Next Door, and Congo!
Starting point is 01:09:15 How the fuck did this get made? Movies like Jaws 4 really just made me snore. How the fuck did this get made? The leprechaun in the hood I thought was pretty good Hudson Hawk Cobra Island of Dr. Maruck the Smurfs Gooby Odd Life of Timothy Green Vampire Academy Justin to Kelly Roadhouse Teen Witch also season of the witch Skyline the room Breaking Dawn Parts 1 and 2, Birdnet, Mick, Liz and Dick Manic and 2 on the move
Starting point is 01:09:48 How the fuck did this get made? Finished that movie from heaven, Fallen Fury is 7 How the fuck did this get made? Nothing but trouble and reindeer games, both incredibly lame The Phantom Tango and Cash Adventures of Pluto, Nash, Judge Dredge, Lee And I know who killed me, perfect cuz I'm Winter's Tale Sexy Ernest goes to jail, Battlefield Earth Pearl left Crank to high voltage, Covenant Death Spot
Starting point is 01:10:16 Jack Frost and Jim Cotter, Street Fighter and Gamer Crank, Steel and Hacker, in the name of the King Jupiter ascending, Turtle's Secret of the ooze Stopped for my marble shoes How the fuck did this get made? Fair game and the shadow We're both written by psychos How the fuck did this get made? One mower and glimmer man had not a single fan How the fuck did this get made?
Starting point is 01:10:56 The Punisher Warzone had a fucking awesome tone How the fuck did this get made? Easy Rider the Rideback was a steaming pile of crap. How the fuck did this get made? Thank you New York, thank you Los Angeles. Give it up to Edman88 for killing it on that We Didn't Start the Fire song. You're the best, thank you. I'm just gonna be
Starting point is 01:11:26 I'm just gonna be I'm just gonna be Here I am Here I am

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