Knowledge Fight - #1: January 2, 2017

Episode Date: January 7, 2017

On this pilot episode, Dan explains the happenings on the Alex Jones Show for Jan 2, 2017. Topics covered include: Was George Soros a literal Nazi? Are China and Saudi Arabia working together? Who li...stens to InfoWars? What, specifically, is a "digital dropbox?" When, exactly, should a person pray?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody, how's it going? Boy, welcome to Knowledge Fight. That is our official opening theme song. I love you. I will marry you.
Starting point is 00:00:21 If you're joining us for the first time, which of course you are. You have to be. This is a show where I am going to have a little discussion with my friend, Jordan here. That's me. I'm Jordan Holmes. Also, I'm Dan. We're off to a great start.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Clunky off the top. I have experienced podcaster Dan Friesen. Totally. Yes. I've been doing this for years and yet out the gates. Still can't introduce himself. Clunk City. That is also the name of this podcast. Info Wars Wars Clunk City.
Starting point is 00:00:55 The clunk remix. Yeah. Yeah. Chopped and clunked. So I have, for the last while, been a bit obsessed with one Alex Jones of Info Wars fame and as the world has turned to cord was up a soap opera title. I have become more and more aware that I want to do a better job of covering what he does.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Right. It's kind of like a Chris Hardwick thing where it's like the walk the talking dead. Right. I want to do that. You want to do it and Alex Jones after show where we all sit around wondering who's going to die next week. It's all of us.
Starting point is 00:01:36 We're all dead. But I want to, I want to say this, I want to be very clear about a couple things because I think it was so easy to get things misconstrued off the top and I don't want those things to ever come up as a confusion. Okay. First thing I in no way want Alex Jones to be taken off the air. Right. I think what he does is well one when this podcast blows up and we're the
Starting point is 00:02:01 number one podcast next year. Our careers are entirely tied to his continued success. So we need him. Yeah, we need him. I think what he does borders on entertaining and on the other side of that border is irresponsible. But at the same time, I am so opposed to censoring things. I want people to view him in context, but I would never want to shut him down
Starting point is 00:02:24 or say like he can't do what he does, right? Because that's an easy attack. Right. You know, like, and it's a slippery slope. It is. Yeah, it is. If you can go after him who who's next, you know, like as people who say
Starting point is 00:02:38 like professionally say dumb shit. Sure. If we stages. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Recorded in some instances. Yeah, very foolishly on my part. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:51 If we start going after those guys, you know, somebody's next that we like that said and even beyond that, there's a principle of it, right, which we do subscribe to, right? Absolutely. Say whatever you want as long as it's not, you know, advocating violence against somebody, a threat, which he's done, which he's also done. But he's he gets me to my second point. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Whatever I'm going to say and whatever you're going to say, I want this to be super clear. There's a big part of me that really admires Alex Jones. Absolutely. And here's why he is you're an insane person. Yes. I'm not okay. He is an amazing broadcaster.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Okay. If you really take the tricks of broadcasting and apply him to them, he is insanely good. Okay. You could not say a lot of the stuff he does without being really good at your job. I think that's something that will come out. We'll see there.
Starting point is 00:03:46 There are points where you'd be like, he's great. Right. I admire his skill. I don't like what he does with it. Right. Uh, well, I think that's probably going to be the central, uh, the central battle of this whole podcast is you trying to prove to me that I should admire him in certain aspects.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I don't think so. Okay. All right. Fair enough. I just wanted to make that caveat off the top because it's it would be easy for anyone listening to think that this is just going to turn into a beat up fast and be like, Hey, Alex Jones is stupid. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:17 That's not at all. And oh, another thing. I don't think people who listen to him are stupid. I don't think his fans are stupid. That's and that actually on the way here. That's something I was thinking about is are we, where are we on the axis of stupid slash evil personally? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I'm not not you and me. Although we're probably more on the evil side. I would say I'm more stupid. Okay. Most of the evil things I've done in my life have been accidents. Okay. Let's say you're not a premeditated murder. You're like a second degree murder guy like in the heat of the moment or
Starting point is 00:04:51 manslaughter. Yeah. Yeah. In the heat of the moment. Oopsies. I accidentally trigger like a Rube Goldberg machine and a kill someone. That's the kind of evil I'm at. It's like, Oh, no, what happened there?
Starting point is 00:05:01 Gotcha. Yeah. All right. Let's do this. Okay. We want to start with I want to start out something a little bit fun and the kind of I think is indicative of this is just one day in the life of Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Right. Right. These clips that we're going to play are from the January 2nd, 2017 episode. Right. I'm putting this out a couple days after, but we have to because of just like we have jobs. Right. I wish that I could just our jobs are not Alex Jones's job.
Starting point is 00:05:30 But job is not the brain battle. Right. As much as I wish it was. I wish that I could just sit around and isolate these clips and ruminate on them, but this podcast will also be us occasionally dropping out potential names for this podcast. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Every episode we may change the name of this podcast. Good luck finding us. So for those of you who don't know who Alex Jones is, he is formerly a wild conspiracy theory broadcaster who then turned a bit of a turn into a bit of a preacher and then now is basically just super into Trump because he believes that Trump is going to destroy the globalists. Okay. Now who are the globalists?
Starting point is 00:06:13 It's a nebulous. I really don't want you to say a word that begins with Jay and ends with Uden. What about the article? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. See, there we go.
Starting point is 00:06:26 A mess. Doss. It's super vague who the globalists are, but they are the ones he's against. Right. And we know some of the characters that he'll throw out these are people who want, uh, there to be more, uh, trans, uh, Atlantic partnerships. I'm not, I'm not necessarily in favor of these things. I'm not necessarily philosophically opposed to in principle, some of the
Starting point is 00:06:52 things he's for. Right. But if he didn't have at least some small aspect of like, God damn it, I might actually agree with him. He would never be successful. Undoubtedly. If it was just pure on bile all day, every day for three hours a day for if you count commercials, God does a lot of the commercials.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Oh, of course, which we'll get to in a minute. All right. But I wanted to start with one of the things that I think is spectacularly indicative of his style of broadcast. Okay. Uh, here are a couple of clips, uh, from this day's episode that highlight a tendency within him to want to tell you things, but not want to tell you things.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Right. There's this like, I, I, oh, there's a give and take, uh, that he does. And this goes back to the expert broadcasting thing. Right. There's an amazing like ability to tell you things and not tell you things simultaneously. Oh, that's, that's good. He's working both angles.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Before we do that though, let's, uh, let's talk about the central kind of idea of this podcast. Yeah. You are an info wars obsessive, but the baby and I don't know a goddamn thing about Alex Jones. Yes. You're all totally accurate by your description. I'm not an obsessive.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I'm fascinated. Okay. All right. And I believe that there's a certain responsibility that people have to the same way. I'm not obsessed with any of my ex-girlfriends. I'm just fascinated by their recent actions that don't involve me. Dude, I told you not to bring up me and Alex's past relationship.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Really fucking brutal. I know. I know he broke your heart. I'll listen and stole your bike. Listen, you can read between the lines.
Starting point is 00:08:39 All my exes live in Texas. Also, one of my favorite things is he's the opening of his show. It talks about how he's deep within occupied Texas occupied. So what Austin? Is that what he's talking about? He's an Austin. Okay. He's an Austin.
Starting point is 00:08:53 He's in the only occupied Texas that there is occupied. Right. All right. Okay. So anyway, here's his first clip in this one. He, uh, it also showcases what I would describe as a glaring false humility that he has. And I think it's delicious because honestly, I don't think many of us
Starting point is 00:09:12 are going to be able to hear you here in the very near future. I, I honestly believe that they're either going to take you out or you're going to get murdered in West Trump. Um, really that I'm calling is my personal view on what I think is going to be happening. And like I said, they're going to shut in fours down. They're going to take you out. They're going to either have Trump assassinated during the
Starting point is 00:09:31 inauguration or right before or right afterwards. They're not going to let him be president very long. And personally as a long haul truck driver at this point, I'm considering putting my job going home, finding something to do locally because I don't think that, you know, even something what I'm doing, I don't think any of this is going to last very much longer than that. So while, while he, this caller is describing these paranoid
Starting point is 00:09:52 fantasies about how someone's going to murder Alex Jones. Right. Alex is sitting there making a face before, before we get into what the response crazy nonsense. He's about to say, here's the thing. I wonder about right wing people who are always assuming that crazy right wing people are going to be assassinated. Right wing people are never assassinated.
Starting point is 00:10:14 It's always, it's always Harvey milk or Kathy Giffords. I'm okay. Yeah. It's always the people who are trying to do good because liberals and progressives ultimately are pussies. I think that's really what it is. Well, now the narrative that he would spin maybe, I don't want to put words in his mouth, but false flag operations.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Oh, so good bingo. You know, it's the globalists taking out the progressives in order to create social chaos. It's this sort of logic that you can't really get out of because it just becomes circular at a certain point. So anyway, this caller has raised this concern about how Trump and him are going to be taken out. And here's Alex's response.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I was about to say, I was going to go on the road the next few days and going and having some meetings and things and I'm just going to leave it at that. Um, I'd imagine the media can put two and who together and I'm tempted to not even leave. Uh, just because, uh, but then I don't need to warn people in person puts you that way. Yeah, I mean, I'm at the point where I just know that this
Starting point is 00:11:18 isn't about pop and circumstance exactly like, like I've already I'm not going to even get into it. The point is, this is so serious. I'm like, I can do more here. I don't need to even go have somebody pat me on the head and say, thank you. I mean, you know what I mean? I mean, I'm so in the bunker at this point that I don't even
Starting point is 00:11:32 care about meeting with the president. I'm sorry. Just go ahead. Okay. All right. All right. You're in that bunker. My man.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Uh, he's in, he's in the bunker in occupied Texas, in occupied Texas, the infowars studio, right? Full of the delightful people like Rob do and Joanne Macadoo Joanne Macadoo sounds like a made up name. Oh, and Shroyer. These are people who I don't want to talk about because I'm focusing on Alex. We're, we're digging into Alex.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Yeah. We will develop an entire podcast network into the Alex Jones network. There will be spin offs. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. We just cover. Oh, and Shroyer.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Right. Right. All right. We're going to, we're going to be so busy. We're going to hire different hosts to deal with. I'm going to have a kid and at age three, it's going to start on the Alex Jones's kid beat. That's, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Raise them, raise them up soldiers. That's what I, that's what I say. My three year old son will start covering Alex Jones's 13 year old son who is a correspondent for infowars. Right. Who is also equivalent in intelligence to a three year old. Possibly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I don't want to beat up on him. He seems like a good kid. You are. It's like that's, that's exactly what we're trying to avoid is us just talking shit. Especially people who don't deserve it. Right. Like we grew up in the church in various churches and we did
Starting point is 00:12:50 things I would say in the name of those churches that we don't really look back on fondly. Now I remember there was a see what the flag was like this celebration where before school, everyone would gather up and pray at the flag pray for our horrible culture. Oh, I remember doing that. Yeah. I forgot cause I blocked it out of my memory.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I apologize for bringing it back. Yeah. No, I'm going to have to deal with that now, but, but I would go around and try and proselytize to my friends and I really regret that now. And I feel similarly for this kid. Right. Like Rex Jones.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I don't know. Like if you believe the stuff that you're saying, God bless you. You're 13. Like no one, no one should believe what they will believe as an adult at 13. Yeah. And it's, it's sad for me a 29 year old man to be like, oh, it's about time somebody took this 13 year old down a peg.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I also wonder if he's paying him. Is he paying his son for these reports? Absolutely not. I feel anyway. Absolutely not. So if he is, he's keeping it. So that clip, I think indicated this beautiful thing that Alex does where he wants to tell you badly that he was invited to
Starting point is 00:14:00 have a meeting with him. He's having some meetings. He really wants to tell you that you need to know that. And if you're in the media who doesn't cover him, you can put two and two together, right? If you covered him, but then that wasn't enough. So at the end of the clip, he had to explain the president pat me on the head.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh, absolutely not. So he does this another time that I think is pretty amazing. But this, this clip is actually a little bit longer and starts with what I can only describe as amazing fan fiction about political intrigue. I was hoping for twilight, but let's, let's move on. Just change a couple of names and insert a personal email server and you basically have Bella and Edward for years.
Starting point is 00:14:45 She would put data on there to pay to her foundation at her drop box. She didn't go to a local park and drop the stuff underneath a park bench like other spies have done. She would load it up for everybody in the world to see and she would say where she stood on China or where she stood on this country or that and what she was going to do. So they knew what she was about to do and had to give her
Starting point is 00:15:08 more money or she would put in policies that weren't one sided for them. Now, as far as I can tell, there's no evidence of this. I also feel like he doesn't know what Dropbox is or how spies work. Do they go to the park? I feel like they go to park in movies and then the real life they just go through garbage.
Starting point is 00:15:29 That's another late motif that will come up not on this episode, but a lot of times he does use movies to explain the real world like recently he did a breakdown of the new alien movie that's coming out next year about how it depicts what the Illuminati really believes about the world. Well, if anybody already knows the plot to the new alien movie coming out next year, it's got to be him. He's got documents.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah, absolutely. It was in Hillary's Dropbox email. It was back to the clip. She also had one sided policies for the Hillary created a digital Dropbox and by the way, that's been confirmed and that's the data that's going to come out if the Democrats keep pushing the Democrats are so crazy. They don't even care.
Starting point is 00:16:11 They're going to go for broke. They made a deal with Trump on election night to admit he won and to back off perfect sense and that then Trump would put out the word to the dogs in US intelligence to stop releasing info and they began double crossing Trump the next morning and the American people and I told Trump they're never going to stop coming after you. I told him three days after the election.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I said, Mr. President elect. They're never going to stop. They're never going to follow the deal. They're going to try to kill you. Politically or physically, they're not going to stop. They can't stay. I'm not going to say everything I said and I've said how could he Trump said.
Starting point is 00:16:54 But let me explain something to everybody. This is deadly serious. All of this is deadly serious. All right. That's the end of that club. It is. All right. So let's let's tear this apart.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Sure. Piece by piece. Oh and let me be clear. Some of these clips may end up being a little bit long because before we started recording, I wanted to explain to you that I don't want to play things wildly out of context. Right. I think that's an unfair game to play and is the best I can
Starting point is 00:17:21 as best I can. I'm going to keep as best I can. I'm going to keep this is deadly serious. Yeah. So the point of that clip I think is that he talks to Trump. Right. I think that's kind of the point. Well, I think there's a few things that we get into there at
Starting point is 00:17:37 the beginning, which is she's created a digital Dropbox. Yes, which is proven that is confirmed. Yes. Just like I feel like everybody has a digital Dropbox. I have a Dropbox. Sure. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:53 It's also you shouldn't you shouldn't need to say digital in front of Dropbox. Also Dropbox is a brand name. Right. It's an app. It's Buzz marketing. Oh, he works for Dropbox. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:18:04 New conspiracy new conspiracy theory right there. This is deadly serious. We should keep a running tally of new conspiracies. Number one Alex Jones. Alex Jones works for Dropbox. Right. He is a he is a secret agent for the Dropbox Corporation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Okay. So she created this Dropbox. That's confirmed where the Chinese could find out what she's going to do to them. Right. And then pay her to not do it. I guess. That's I that's sort of the implication.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I feel like I can't argue with that. Well, how could you because that is so beyond the realm of possibility. No, why would you say that? That's the you're you seem like you're in denial. So okay. First first off. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:18:50 China is not a guy. Yeah, it is. It's not a guy. He forms like Voltron all of one billion parts like I understand that he thinks of China as a a as as just what like one dude. Yeah, like if you asked him to name the Politburo in China, do you think he could I don't even know if that's a person
Starting point is 00:19:11 or a building. It's well it's a collective of a like the the Politburo. It's it's from Russia. It's the the governing body. It's an oligarchy basically. Okay. These are these are like I don't know you could call them the Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Okay. Who sit around and talk about what it is they're going to do. Mm-hmm. They are not one guy like and also act as one unified in attack and approach. I assume that they get together and you know like a inspire that would hate to put words in your mouth. I I just lost to Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I don't think we are on one episode and it's Alex Jones one me zero. I don't think you did lose because the fundamental point still remains that the idea that she created a digital drop box where people could find out stuff like that's how in that's how insidious he is. We keep saying digital drop box. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:09 It's smart. It's the same. It's it's essentially creating a verbal hashtag. Right. It's and again this comes back to why he's a good broadcaster. These are the these are the elements that you have to take apart to see like oh this is what he's doing in the same way and his his cadence as well.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Everything every single thing that he went through there is easily capable of sticking in your mind. Sure. Like I was a hypnotic meter. I know I can't get digital drop box out of my head now. If if somebody asked me to. Hey could you just put that in my drop box. I'd be like wait which drop box the digital one or the one
Starting point is 00:20:48 that's underneath that park bench over there. Well this is a bad example of it but it is an old fashioned trick that oral tradition cultures would use in the same way that Alex every time he talks about the Chinese he calls them the Communist Chinese. Right. It's a it's a trick called using an epithet and not necessarily like a negative epithet right but it's just
Starting point is 00:21:08 using something to characterize a noun makes it stick in your in your memory more in the same way that they would always call Achilles rage filled Achilles or brave Odysseus in the alien in the Odyssey. It's a really good trick when you don't have paper to get people to remember things. It's a mnemonic trick and he uses that so fucking well digital drop box is probably not even intended to be like that but
Starting point is 00:21:34 it still is. He's well where you're distracted from the point that there was a deal made. Yeah. No all I can think about is where is this digital drop. Right. The only way for this claim to be proven is for some information.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Well the digital drop box is confirmed. Well yes but it's been confirmed through unconfirmed channels or whatever. You know yeah I know I feel like you can just find somebody who's like oh yeah I put something into that drop box because you know only she put things in everyone else put money in accounts. Where you can't do it at a digital drop box Cayman Islands
Starting point is 00:22:15 I don't know. They don't know the foundation you make a donation to the foundation. That's some solid epithet right there. The donation foundation. It's just rhyming. So I mean like the only way for it to be proven that they like Hillary stepped down immediately because she was
Starting point is 00:22:34 afraid of this information of the digital drop box coming out that Trump had over her and somehow Trump actually has all of the intelligence agencies in his sway and all this. The only way for that to ever come out is for it the shit to go down. Yeah well and it does if you know anything about the intelligence agencies and the way they've been behaving
Starting point is 00:22:55 they kind of are on Trump's side pretty pretty solidly. It there's and then there's that the thing that confused me is that he's insisting that Hillary and the Democrats made a deal on election night. He gives very few details by which I mean known none about what that deal entails. So we know there's a deal. We don't know what that deal is the next day they are
Starting point is 00:23:25 betraying him right. We don't know how they're betraying him because we don't know what their deal. I think we can guess why. But why would they. They're all globalists who are in the who are just hanging out with China. It makes no sense to make that deal to begin with if you're
Starting point is 00:23:40 going to flip on it the next morning. I think it makes perfect sense. Oh so he doesn't in his speech acceptance speech doesn't lay out all this dirty laundry. That would be wild in the morning. That would be the greatest. That would be great. He came out in his acceptance speech with just and here's
Starting point is 00:24:01 all the shit I have on Hillary now. I was waiting to tell it to you guys until I got elected. Yeah. If only they had made a deal with me two hours ago. I wouldn't have said anything. I fucking deal windows closed. Hey if they had betrayed me tomorrow I would have been fine as long as this deal happened tonight.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Okay. And so they they betrayed him. Yes and the Democrats which again I feel like the Chinese I feel like he's just using it as a guy right combo now. It is a guy in his mind. It's a guy. It's Schumer all all Democrats are a guy. They're all Chuck Schumer.
Starting point is 00:24:40 They're all Amy Schumer actually or a Rom. But as we all know fucking honest it's George Soros. That's who he thinks all that is that is right. That's who he thinks they all are in fact that brings me to our next clip. Excellent. That was the greatest segue in the history of podcast. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:24:56 This clip is actually part of what I would claim to be a very substantive substantive narrative that has been going on forever on his show and it's something that I really take issue with because it's a good example of a time where he uses something and references it and just lies about what it says. Okay. So George Soros is essentially his big boogeyman. He's his evil globalist madman.
Starting point is 00:25:25 So here's a little clip of Alex talking about George Soros on today's program. The minute they take down Netanyahu they're going after Trump. So hey all of you that want to live under globalist Islamic rule all of you that hate Jews you're about to get a big juicy taste of the globalist win of what it's going to be like being under Saudi Arabia and communist China politically calling the
Starting point is 00:25:48 shots to the Democrats who've openly made deals to sell us out to him and then have weirdo Nazi collaborators like George Soros who's Jewish sitting over it. So so you'll get your anti-Semitism straight there. You got this evil Dr. Evil over here running this whole takeover who's Jewish and they're about to get rid of the Jewish state. So just enjoy yourselves. You got to taste rounding up Jews in World War two just so
Starting point is 00:26:11 delicious little Soros. He just can't stop and it's on the WikiLeaks and you know what the Jews haven't anything to stop him. Hell half the Jews are liberals love George Soros. So hey just have whatever you want dumbasses. So a couple things that was a barrage of people all together on the same side. So so let's let's parse what I want to say one thing before
Starting point is 00:26:33 we parse. Okay. I think that this this clip also contains one of my favorite fucking things in the world which is everyone is always surprised by commercial breaks. They are never fucking ready for a commercial break but all of their commercials are just for their supplements. It's all just for colloidal iodine super male vitality.
Starting point is 00:26:52 It's all the in-house info wars pills. I have no idea why those specific pills are the ones they're marketing who could possibly be their target audience. What's super awesome too is he often goes on Jags about how like he turns down sponsors. It's like you don't you fuck down. I guarantee he does. He only he only advertises products he uses right which he
Starting point is 00:27:17 he got he needs that and formerly or a male the formerly gold. Well he used to he used to hot gold real hard but that was because he was on the GSN network. Okay. Which is the Genesis to communicate. Oh GCN Genesis Communication Network. Did he leave him because they became the genocide communication network.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I don't know. I can't confirm or under the palm of George Soros. Well I just coming for Netanyahu just to be clear the GCN was owned by by gold consortium. So when he was all I think he still is broadcast by them but now they've shifted over to this weird health food stuff. Okay. So he used to be Hawking gold and now they sell all this weird
Starting point is 00:28:03 like you know all your body really needs is a couple of these minerals which totally is true. Right. It's also by this guy named Dr. Wallach who's actually if you actually look into Dr. Wallach he's a veterinarian who knows better what will affect the human body than somebody who kills pets than a dog doctor.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah. He's a he's a he's like a new age doctor and veterinarian and never would have guessed. Yeah. So that's if you look up the people who used to sell gold their website now goes to his weird health food stuff. I've already that has doctor Dr. Spichemen from 30 Rock written all over a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah. So anyway back to parsing right. All right. So the my favorite my favorite thing that he said right there is George Soros got a taste from World War 2 Nazi Germany. Yes. He got a taste of genocide.
Starting point is 00:29:03 What it what way camps rounding up Jews and he's a Jew. Are you aware of where that comes from where that where what he's referencing. No. Okay. So he references this all the time and in the same way when he talks about Nazi collaborator George Soros. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's another epithet sticks in your head easily right. So back back years ago there were George Soros was interviewed on 60 minutes and he was being interviewed by what's this guy's name Croft. Can't remember Croft's first name who cares. I remember him from the Croft Nixon interview. Yes Steve Croft is interviewing him. I will read you the transcript of that interview because I don't
Starting point is 00:29:44 want to play the audio right. I just don't want to pull up more shit that I don't have ready. You're a Hungarian Jew who escaped the Holocaust by posing as a Christian right and you watch lots of people get shipped off to the death camps right. I was 14 years old and I would say that that's when my character was made in what way that one should think ahead one shouldn't
Starting point is 00:30:08 one should understand and anticipate events and when one is threatened it was a tremendous threat of evil. I mean it was a very personal threat of evil my understanding is that you went went out in fact and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews Soros. Yes that's right. Yes I mean that's that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to a psychiatric couch for many many
Starting point is 00:30:31 years was it difficult. No not at all not at all maybe as a child you don't you don't see the connection but it was it created no no problem at all no feeling of guilt. No for example that I'm Jewish and here I am watching these people go I could just as easily be these I should be here or I should be there none of that and his response well of course I could be on the other side or I could be one of one
Starting point is 00:30:58 from whom the thing is being taken away but there was no sense that I shouldn't be there because that was well actually in a funny way it's just like in the markets that is if I weren't there of course I wasn't doing this but somebody else would would be taking it away anyhow and it was the whatever whether I was there or not I was only a spectator the property was being taken away so the I had no role in taking that property away so no sense of guilt.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Okay so this this. Interview yes Alex Jones has taken a survival story yes where it seems like Soros clearly dissociated a bit from his own personal identity as a measure of survival yes he survives yes a harrowing his father hid him with a Christian gentleman who was responsible for when Jews were taken away they would catalog their belongings it was it was thieving or whatever but right you got to imagine if you're a 14 year old kid
Starting point is 00:32:06 your primary concern is making sure no one finds out you're a Jew right because you will be murdered and also where do you masturbate sure or P yeah right beyond that even Jewish P is different and they could smell it out the dicks are different so it's so circumcision is is the main selling selling point for Jews everybody call it selling point so I shouldn't have said selling point I should have said catching point or something so something along those lines there was another
Starting point is 00:32:37 quote that was about that time in his life it was actually probably the happiest year of my life that year of German occupation for me it was a very positive experience it's strange I think it says sage but I think he meant strange it's a strange thing because you see incredible suffering around you and the fact that you're in considerable danger yourself but you're 14 years old and you don't believe that it can actually touch you you have a belief in yourself you have a belief in
Starting point is 00:33:01 your father it's a very happy making exhilarating experience so people to Alex Jones in particular takes these quotes to twist it to be like the happiest time in his life was when he was helping Hitler round up Jews right which is false on two counts and I don't believe that Alex doesn't know that okay he's citing these things yeah I I my my first reaction on hearing that is that some crazy shit and clearly he's rich enough to be honest which
Starting point is 00:33:43 if if he was not really like imagine him as an actor saying that nonsense he would be pilloried for weeks undoubtedly right so he's rich enough to be like hey this was a hugely formative experience in my life it is one of the most tragic things that's ever happened and somehow because of the strange circumstances that I was in it wound up being a positive experience for me mm-hmm okay now that clearly means that he was in cahoots with Hitler himself right and is trying to
Starting point is 00:34:18 destroy the Jewish state and because he was so happy then he wants to recreate it yeah well 100% I mean I remember growing up whenever I was being beaten regularly it wasn't exhilarating experience well exhilarating is some weird definitions that you know it's an exhilarating experience and I constantly try and recreate it psychologically that's unimpeachable logic but the traumas that we have in our lives often if you have undergone some analysis some therapy you don't necessarily
Starting point is 00:34:49 think of them as horrible times in your life bumps and bruises make you stronger they there are tons of people who do Holocaust well I mean you're not you're not in responsible often for the cards you're whatever doesn't put you in enough and makes you stronger sure now if someone that's that is the end of this podcast we made it through one episode if someone does an after show of our after show they're going to take that clip now oh yeah well I still think that's a that is
Starting point is 00:35:15 a piece of advice you can take it or leave it so this really bothers me quite a bit because most of the like I'm not here to stand up for George Soros and say he's the best man in the world but this idea of painting him as a Nazi collaborator is incredibly irresponsible and the fact that I'm a hundred percent sure that Alex Jones has watched the clips from that talk or has watched that interview has seen these things he knows what he was talking about fact that he chooses to
Starting point is 00:35:41 paint it as he was helping round up Jews means that he's spinning a false narrative for a reason right and that bothers me a lot. Okay so that puts us into lying territory versus deceiving territory yes propaganda territory right now the other part of this that I I love about him and you're absolutely right about him being a great broadcaster at no point in his entire show I'm imagining does he ever actually get into
Starting point is 00:36:15 why he would want this to happen barely if ever right so he leaves it to your own imagination to make these connections of oh well clearly if he survived the Holocaust he also was loved it which is also a great movie title surviving the Holocaust and loving it Dracula surviving Leslie Nielsen as a slapstick young George Soros but still that same age he went too young that Leslie Nielsen yeah yeah he can't play at that young now he's a great actor but I think he's dead he is dead
Starting point is 00:36:48 yeah and so you know he'd be even better at it yeah okay so so before before we get because we just we already got sidetracked he's a genius yeah we already got sidetracked onto the nonsense he said but did you know that instead of responding to the nonsense he said but you notice that on the way to the you know the stuff talking about George Soros there was like oh there's 30 different miss Matt yeah yeah he was thrown into the wall he's thrown shit at the wall to see
Starting point is 00:37:19 what sticks the stuff that he was talking about BB Netanyahu was all he's he's the best apparently the police questioned him over some corruption stuff that day on the on the second I'm having difficult times finding independent corroboration of that being anything serious it's difficult to say but it does feed into the narrative that they already have built up with the United States has turned their back on Israel with the the sitting out of the UN vote yeah and they're the 35
Starting point is 00:37:50 billion dollars eight billion thirty eight billion dollars in military aid right it's a very like I believe here in my position on that is Israel is an incredibly complicated situation that I don't understand all the ins and outs of right I do believe the Palestinians have rights how about that how does that grab you I don't know George Soros agrees with that and I feel like you're wrong there oh yeah George Soros is against rounding up what the thing that before now
Starting point is 00:38:15 now I'm pissed off also also I just got hit with him saying that China and Saudi Arabia are on the same team well beyond that also globalists are Islamists well yeah no that that I that we can skip over because that's obvious okay so China as everybody knows Islamists are all for global relations well part of this anti globalist sort of narrative one of the necessary pieces of it is that they have to create their own like axis of evil right for them in order to make Russia
Starting point is 00:38:47 and it's a weird that they are calling so themselves the axis of evil that's a big tip off if the globalists are like oh we're totally evil oh yeah we're super I'm an evil Dr. Evil right I feel like he doesn't know Dr. Evil is fictional he's given me the the Dr. Evil doesn't know his fictional vibe so he like the the the alliance there in order to make Russia okay right China Saudi Arabia North Korea and you know some other countries right but those are the ones that are
Starting point is 00:39:23 like the big problems especially communist China those are that those are the people we have to be worried about just so Russia is cool. Putin just wants prosperity well absolutely yeah and also Putin's country is turning into a shithole that he's he's rampantly doing everything you can to direct every possible attention away from the fact that Russia's economy is garbage right now toilet yeah and it has been for like ten years
Starting point is 00:39:52 even brings that up but he uses it as a deflection away from Russian tampering and hacking and stuff like that he's like how can they do anything they have the GDP of Italy. All right well yeah but that's a solid that's a solid deflection yeah but also Putin probably has like two hundred billion dollars or something like that there's a lot of people hiding a lot of money I can't imagine the fact that the GDP is that low doesn't mean that there aren't the resources like
Starting point is 00:40:16 there's a lot of dark money like I don't know like some of that money that went to that Olympic Stadium and the roads that were never actually sure somebody got all that money yeah communist China got all that money absolutely that's what we know with communist China and Saudi Arabia conspired to with North with sochi olympics I guess what are we going with I don't know all right this is a conspiracy we're going to be able to flesh out communist China and Saudi Arabia
Starting point is 00:40:47 yes that did okay did he plan to say that probably not has he said that before not has he ever combined communist China and Saudi Arabia only as people he doesn't like like I don't I think that he mad libs that one yeah he had to have just I mean even he you know what he listened to that show he was like holy shit that's crazy he I think it was that the spirit got good to him and he was just like it was like all right well these words are coming out whatever give me the Holy
Starting point is 00:41:17 Spirit tell me who I'm against which is a perfect transition to this next clip excellent so I think our segues are dominant this might be one of my favorite clips I don't want to do any setup to ladies and gentlemen that's what I said last week I said if they kill Netanyahu or something you know World War 3 is about to happen well here it is and I told you they're really thinking about arresting Trump they're really thinking about fault remember all those rape charges and pedophile
Starting point is 00:41:41 charges there were always fake names and we're never true and that's not entirely accurate no got dropped as soon as he won claiming Jerry Epstein connections to it when it was really to Clinton and Hillary and to both of them really everything they're doing they say we're doing so now this is zero hedge Israeli police internet yahoo's home requesting over corruption allegation boy you talk about canary in the coal line the globalist wouldn't move against Netanyahu as WikiLeaks shows
Starting point is 00:42:09 they're planning to do via sorrows if they weren't planning to have people ready to imprison him or kill him if he starts trying to spill the beans on stuff because Netanyahu has been involved in everything good bad ugly you name it and if they're if they move against Netanyahu that means they're moving against Trump bet your bottom buck whoa no that's not a great way readable just red alert red alert red alert this is getting crazy
Starting point is 00:42:43 this is so fricking out of control it's time to pray I have a father please help no no no no no no evil in her name no please protect the children how dare you please protect the children how dare you get in the way of his prayer I'm sorry I'm sorry I have to go back now I'm sorry this is this is on air start start the prayer and he when he does that it sounds pray he immediately
Starting point is 00:43:11 like like puts his hand over his face and makes he acts like he's going to cry it's astounding this is so fricking out of control it's time to pray please help us open our eyes please help us be good we're so sorry for all the abortions and all evil in her name please protect the children please reprieve us if it's in your will please somehow stop the evil forces that are trying to
Starting point is 00:43:37 stop this miracle that you've given us please help there be peace in the Middle East please stop those are trying to overthrow Israel and start World War three and bring an arm again please give us a reprieve like Netanyahu that we have time to wake people up and reach out to those that are still in darkness and deceive please in your name of your son Jesus Christ lead God and direct us I'm in and I don't do that for show folks I don't want to be here I am so upset right now
Starting point is 00:44:01 that my head is burning I am sweating even though it's like 65 degrees in here I am so pissed well he might be sweating in 65 degree temperatures because he's taking too much goddamn super male vitality entirely possible or that he's coked out I have no idea but first thing you say after publicly praying is I don't do that for show right on your literal show yeah you're doing that for show you're a hundred percent doing it for show but I would listen to any what a techno remix of
Starting point is 00:44:34 it's time to pray it's time to pray what a showman God that's so good I want to be super clear about this too I don't mean to beat up on religion I don't I don't want to mock someone just for being religious religion is a great thing when used right like it does bring a lot of meaning to a lot of people's lives and hooray but I do take great issue with the idea that it's you know it's being used to basically for show yeah well I mean just the fact that you responded that way means it's
Starting point is 00:45:04 time to pray dear dear God I just want to I'm sorry about why did he start with abortions where did that come from well this is a stream of consciousness rant what okay but it's gorgeous right it's gorgeous right why is Netanyahu the canary in the coal mine because once they come for Israel that means Trump's next yeah but why would you go for Israel first there's an internal logic to it that's never explained but okay so you're coming for Netanyahu because he's got all
Starting point is 00:45:37 the dirt he knows good and bad things that everyone's done so you've got to take him out first so he can't spill the beans so again the good the bad the ugly he's got all of it yes where why and how did he get any of it he's been around the game forever so he has all of it but that's not a thing that you can't just say I've been around the game so I know the secrets of every nation on the planet yeah but you can if no one that's a good cause you want it that's a guy I hear
Starting point is 00:46:07 it here is the fundamental disconnect is that I feel like before I say something I should have at least the barest understanding of why that thing is occurring uh-huh so like when you make a public claim right yeah and even if it's dumb and relatively uninformed I've got a reason for thinking it you know if you're saying it is a joke right right yeah even then well before we go any further it's time to set that's never already to sound drops never not going to be
Starting point is 00:46:41 funny I love you I love you it's time to break oh God when I was that song is amazing when I was watching this I lost my shit at work at that moment like I was just like like if I were writing a character I couldn't come up with something funnier than yelling about how World War 3 is coming right a long pause it's time to break okay all right let me let me ask you before we before we go any further ending it with defending praying right amazing no not defending praying
Starting point is 00:47:15 right saying that it is not for show oh by the way this is a 100% genuine need to pray moment by the way that's sincere folks have you ever also that's a super professional wrestling move like you can see you can see somebody walking into the ring and being like hey before we wrestle it's time to pray no no no it would have to be like now the undertaker has been trying to get me for years now there's a cabal he's got a he's got an evil group maybe we call them the Ministry of
Starting point is 00:47:46 Darkness and they're going to come get me we're talking about viscera we're talking about the big boss man once you get viscera out that's the canary in the coal mine and undertaker is coming for me it's time to pray it's time to pray because you gotta say all the negative stuff first I am going I am going to hear that 10 million times before I go to sleep tonight I'm just gonna in my brain it's now an isolated clip off God just any any time I am in a bad move I will just pull
Starting point is 00:48:14 that up on my phone and be like oh no no no life is good yeah okay so so here we go you're they're coming for Netanyahu first and if they get to Netanyahu first that's not going to be enough to destabilize everything no you got to then go after Trump right why are those two connected or how are those two connected because I feel like it's so implied I don't know why you're such a Libertar have they ever met of course when course okay so they've never met has Trump ever stated
Starting point is 00:48:48 before any positive feelings towards Israel I think he's tweeted a bunch and he spoke at a pack yeah yeah he's he's come out in favor of Israel he's but we're all in favor of Israel he's also said some negative things about Obama's handling of you know like backing away from Israel in the U.N. vote right like I believe what was his tweet like a hold tight the like everything's going to be different after the 20th right which was both in reference to Russia and to
Starting point is 00:49:21 right Israel which is it is nice that they have the luxury of being like hey we can we can weather the next 20 days because eventually we've got Trump who's just going to do whatever it is we say basically sure he's a he's a weird undefined variable that'll do whatever we want okay so but then let's here's the thing that drives me your prediction was right this show is going to be two hours long yeah does anybody ever war games this right mean by that I mean okay so they
Starting point is 00:49:54 kill Netanyahu so you're asking do we ever a be this thing right what happens next kill Netanyahu or what happens not necessarily that you could just Shanghai somewhere right you could just rent well you could I don't know arrest him on corruption charges but that was you trumped up right but then at the same time if the whole thing is that he's got tons of dirt you would have to kill him right I mean based on what he's saying in order for the narrative unless Jones is
Starting point is 00:50:23 spending that dirt in a digital Dropbox could be or you can find it or take out his neck like just don't kill him but make it so he can't talk okay I could see that like like Roadhouse they're gonna rip his throat and then that'll be a message to anyone else who wants to talk you know I'm saying right I mean unless he has access to a computer or paper the or yeah or a typewriter or a lot of possibilities so you gotta cut off his hands you gotta cut off his hands and
Starting point is 00:50:48 feet because you can learn how to write with your feet and you're there in league with the Saudi Arabians who are notorious for cutting off hands right or at least they were in the movie Aladdin right but you also then have to remove his eyes because some people can text a type with their with their eyes that whole book with his eyes right exactly so you got to remove those yeah now unfortunately what about toes where also we've already removed his feet okay I've already
Starting point is 00:51:13 established that we're removing his feet I missed that thinking about the the man from Ali Baba right the Latin Prince Ali Ali Baba so which why did they misprinted okay all right let's let's get rid of the whole Alex Jones angle and go directly into this podcast is about the movie Aladdin yeah okay all right all right so that but then we also have the technology now where we can read brain scans and turn that into type right it's still it's an in infancy
Starting point is 00:51:46 stages but I'm assuming if you know everything about everybody right you got it in we're coming full circle now he's been there for the good the bad and the ugly yeah it's gotta be murder okay so that then your war game scenario you've got a murder murder Netanyahu yeah and then Israel is what yeah and so but but even then if they murder Netanyahu who's the next leader waiting in the wings it's not someone who has any different philosophies right and let me ask you a question is
Starting point is 00:52:18 that our job or is it Alex Jones's job to know who the next person in line it's certainly not mine it's certainly not mine I'm not making any claims frankly I don't know many of my alderman let's put it that way I know almost none of them I've recently found out who my representatives are because I have felt the need to call them I think that's a good idea yeah if there's one thing that we can learn it's don't call Alex Jones no call your state representative but if you do call
Starting point is 00:52:43 Alex Jones you tell him you love him I love you I love you I wish that the caller had been like I know you do that would have been gorgeous he pulls the he pulls the whole empire strikes back yeah so there are you know there are people calling in you mentioned that so you might be asking yourself about this time who listens to the Alex Jones show people who need virility pills or certainly if you want to discount on boner pill I think it's boner pills right yeah
Starting point is 00:53:13 it's boner it's super vitality really or vitality is boner pills he talks about how like you get your libido going it's like it's got to be I don't know if it is but I think it might be boner pills it has to be but or it might or it might just be like a shit ton of testosterone I've done some research on quant cast and Alexa don't know what that is there are two websites that are basically they keep statistics on websites for advertising purposes okay so if you want
Starting point is 00:53:38 to sell ads you can quote your quant cast rating and stuff like that right I've done some research on what kind of traffic his website actually gets okay and it's substantially lower than he says I can't imagine how that would occur there are like he generally has a saying he exaggerates or perhaps outright lies about something yeah if you go that he has like two hundred to three hundred thousand hits a day unique hits on his website which is still great that is pretty good
Starting point is 00:54:05 that's a lot yeah but then whenever like a cop is killed it goes up to about a million of course because you know you're getting all that viral content out there right you're reeling in the racist with the thug cop killer narratives and that drives a lot of traffic it is you can see you can see spikes in his traffic whenever in the go let's Google that date see what happened to the oh boom okay that was that when Dallas happened you know the shit like that but which was also a
Starting point is 00:54:30 false flag operation initiated by Hillary Clinton and the globalist absolutely she put that into her digital drop box WikiLeaks found it they all know that the plot to kill Net who is orchestrated by communist China yep and Islamist Saudi Arabia working in concert to put this all together and who is behind both of those sorrows sorrows the Nazi loving Jew and now actually I think this podcast just ended because I nailed it again also the Soros is claimed to be fun I mean
Starting point is 00:55:04 he does donate to Black Lives Matter he does he does support that group but they they they act like because he gives money to help that cause that they're his goon squad kind of it's it's insane and very racist but anyway I buy it you're asking yourself this question who's listening and Alex has a couple answers for you okay for our next clip is listening who's listening to the show doesn't Hillary know when she attacks me when they say I'm all these bad things and lie about me and
Starting point is 00:55:31 have all their paid shills put out all this info don't they know that only he was so close to guessing a name he was so close to just making up any name for paid shills like an organization their paid shills and then pauses and like oh no it left me I can't say Saudi Arabia again he could have just as easily said correct the record like that that I mean that that was something that was proven absolutely but he could have thrown that out there would have been easy throw media
Starting point is 00:56:00 matters under the bus if you want yeah but you know I don't know he's he's had a long day okay I will give him I will give him that I think those two things are also too related to pizza gate now and I don't think he wants to touch that one yeah was was that his faults indirectly is that were did he start the whole pizza gate thing I was at a random tweet that he turned into the echo chamber I think that after that guy showed up at the pizza place with a gun it was a hot potato
Starting point is 00:56:28 and he had to drop it they had to clean the website of all of the mentions of it they got rid of all of it well not all of it but all of their like main reporting on it all the stuff where he was talking about it being something that needs to be investigated and citizen investigators do something about it that like that so shit like that magic and he said the things that happened and then he was like oh I wish they hadn't happened and the guy Joe Biggs was a guy who used to work for
Starting point is 00:56:56 him and he got fired around the same time and he was on the pizza gate beat so it's it there's a little bit of suspiciousness they've both put out videos talking about how like no I didn't get fired I'm going on to bigger and better things I got movies I'm writing we'll see maybe that's the case that is classic I got fired from the TV show you know it's it was time for me to move on I feel like my future is in feature films yeah I've already had a couple of meetings I won't tell
Starting point is 00:57:23 you who they're with nope but you know and frankly it's really just about me I've made all of my money rhymes with a barbie Barnstein I don't even care if I meet with George Soros about producing these films the thing that made it stink to high heaven was Alex put out a video where he was talking about how talented Joe Biggs was and stuff like that was like dude like you're just you're the canary in the coal mine now now you're saying this I know it's not true right he has dirt on you right I love
Starting point is 00:57:53 you start to pray let's watch this the rest of this clip here we go and I don't even mean the general public general public's important and there's someone awake now but the people that do the hanging the military the police the bureaucrats the judges the lawyers the Congress people they all listen the Russian government listens the British government listens the Israeli government listens the Pakistani government listens the Japanese government listens the communist Chinese
Starting point is 00:58:20 listen and hate my guts because they know folks this is the real place I don't want to differentiate myself and say this is the only place you really get information of this magnitude it's the only place you get it this strong this focus this dedicated this continual we don't take breaks around here I don't I would like to point out after him saying he doesn't take breaks he had someone else host the fourth hour and he pretty routinely has people host the fourth
Starting point is 00:58:51 hour well and he also doesn't want to say that you know he's putting himself as the only voice but you know but I'm the only he's the only one yeah that's I don't want to say it I'll let other people say it for me specifically the Pakistani government that's a good level of narcissism question does he know who anyone in the Pakistani government maybe one guy all right does he know the capital of Pakistan cartoon I don't know is that right I have no idea the capital
Starting point is 00:59:21 of Pakistan that's a capital of something that I thought you said cartoon and we're back on Aladdin so there's a lot of pretty sure he's from Pakistan that might be racist it's not racist it's not a race it's getting there the the I know I took a geography class in high school and I know like four country capitals still that's it I don't know Pakistan's I don't remember because it's not fun to say no Burkina Faso's capital a wagadugu that's pretty fun so fun that is fun to
Starting point is 00:59:52 say Madagascar and Tana Norevo oh yeah I know and Tana Norevo fun it features heavily in the civilization games Honduras to go to Galpa really I might be out that is good that's my so none of the big ones none of like what I know Brazil is Brazil yeah right don't know okay I mean like European nations like which ones I mean to anyone France that's Paris you're all the guys you have no I don't know I feel like it's the same way where people are like do you think the capital
Starting point is 01:00:30 is the capital of California is LA no it's Sacramento we all know exactly well we don't all know that some of us do some of us do you know who doesn't want to know that the globalists that's true so actually Alex or Saudi Arabia or the Pakistani government definitely not the communist Chinese before we can we go before we do anything can we go back to the list just isolate the list because the next time we record I'm gonna have to take no she attacks me oh do you want me to
Starting point is 01:00:56 play it or are you yeah isolate just the clip of him listing the police the bureaucrats the judges no hold up before that the go back once they all listen the people who do the people who do the hanging yeah what is that what does that mean I think it means people are hanging out I hope I fucking hope can't mean the people who do the hanging like I think he's talking about stringing people up yeah he very nearly said lynching yeah now no no no let's not do I mean well that would be racially
Starting point is 01:01:25 charged and I want to defend Alex when it's appropriate and that's not fair of you he wasn't going to say lynching and no you're right he wasn't going to it but yeah because I was I was pulling that that would be ascribing racism in a situation where he's just being wacky you're absolutely right and he is wrong yes but also people who do the hanging that still makes no sense to the hanging are the military the police so he starts with those as the people who do the
Starting point is 01:01:53 judges the bureaucrats the lawyers but I think he has to mean the government the Pakistani government the communist Chinese who hate him right how he singled them out for hating him but they listen like the Pakistani government is like we like that guy also the implication seems to me to be that like all 10,000 people who work in government listen to him yeah no fucking way they get any work done if they're listening four hours a day to his pill ads they have to they
Starting point is 01:02:22 have to listen to him only place he's the only place he doesn't want to say it yeah but he is the only place that gives it to you this focus well I think which is my favorite thing he said this focus yeah when he's not focused at all as he's just rambling on about different all the governments that he knows we're in that list if we keep doing this I will make a supercut of all the times he says I've got to get to this story and then not because it happens 10 times a day
Starting point is 01:02:50 at least but see that's again that's another brilliant move because it it builds you up it does the same thing that local news always does where it's like this story is about kittens stay tuned are your children dying you know like that kind of a thing yeah there's a comedian named Ron Raimi who would do a similar trick rhetorically on stage yeah you do like a I gotta go like this sort of thing that teased like he's gonna be leaving any minute now right so we gotta pay
Starting point is 01:03:15 attention to this guy before he goes it's the same thing it's like in the first five minutes of a 45 minute yeah and then but by the time you caught on to it you liked the trick right so it becomes like he's not gonna leave but we like this it's the same thing it's a call and response got so much to get to right it's got this big story here right and you never get to it you just have more fucking pill ads but listen Jordan I feel like you don't believe that these people
Starting point is 01:03:39 listen to his show and it for your bitch ass Alex has some more words I am suspicious but let's see where we go well said you know there's a new Washington Post article by their editors saying Trump reading info wars can tank markets start wars basically when we put that headline back up they're getting ready to take the markets they're raising interest rates to take the markets they're getting ready to knock out the power grid they're gonna blame Trump they're gonna
Starting point is 01:04:05 blame the Russians everything they do everything they blame us of what they're really planning and Washington Post editor Trump reading info wars I want to take a break really quick to point this out that he says that all the fucking time right which leads me to believe that the inverse is true the well yeah whatever it's very obvious we're doing is what they're doing right when it's like it kind of feels like that applies to you rubber your glue yeah it reminds me of when my brother
Starting point is 01:04:35 would do something when we were kids and then accuse me of doing it to our parents right like it's it's it reminds me of very adolescent bullying techniques that he he brings this up over and over and over and over again this like idea that the globalist accuse him of the things they're doing it's insane or whatever anyway so Trump reads info wars Trump reads info wars to take the markets invite incursions why do you think Trump reads info wars let me just go ahead and tell the
Starting point is 01:05:03 mainstream media because they don't seem to figure it out it's not just Flynn that listens and reads info wars it's all of them dummies I'm not bragging and by the way the generals don't learn anything for me there's only a couple websites like world net daily drudge report dot com right Barton info wars that they can go read that they know are real you understand that dumbass excuse me I'm sorry God I apologize I'm not trying to be like that I'm so angry for
Starting point is 01:05:30 my normal filters okay and I start thinking about the new order I get really angry the generals all listen stupid the foreign governments listen stupid because they know we know what we're talking about we're dead on can't say that from some ego perspective I wish I was wrong he also says that a lot I wish I was wrong never say it from an ego perspective no he's not doing this for show huh yeah I wish I was wrong is like a like almost like a hook on his rap song
Starting point is 01:06:06 right I was wrong and then I mean if you want to guys if you listen came to life to sing the hook on that I wish I was wrong go to YouTube and just search Alex Jones failed predictions and there's wonderful compilations of like a hundred times he's been so fucking wrong about everything the idea is wish come true we should all be so lucky right his wishes are he's also everyone with you hear my voice I don't want to play it on this show although maybe
Starting point is 01:06:35 one time we should do it for a special episode okay do yourselves a favor and go fucking listen to the Y2K episode of Alex Jones a show it's on you there was a Y2 he's been doing this for how long like 25 years holy goddamn shit yeah so on December 31st 1999 he was creating a panic and trying to get people to riot essentially wow yeah he was feeding into a lot of like real horrible paranoia and what's interesting now he talks about how like Russia is you know
Starting point is 01:07:09 sort of good guys right he's on board with Russia as we all know they are in his Y2K broadcast he's talking about how Putin this guy Putin the ruthless is evil he's talking all this shit on this guy who right flash forward 17 years 17 years is a long time number one right now number two here is the here is my favorite thing about the the Russian paranoia right now because that is like the flip on that was so fast what do you mean by that well I mean the right wing was crazy
Starting point is 01:07:43 like the moment the Cold War ended they wanted to start a new Cold War so now because of the whole Trump thing now Democrats are all on this all Russia tamper with the election and they probably did in some fashion sure whether or not it was like a direct thing or an indirect thing the the the one problem I have with it all is that just like he says we've done all the same shit man America's done all of that we've done worse probably well I mean we've we've deposed many governments
Starting point is 01:08:21 unjustified wars but we yeah like there's a reason the term Banana Republic was not invented by the wonderful clothing store yeah sponsor us it is because we overthrew a few governments for you know our corporations sell bananas yeah Chiquita yeah exactly or so so I I get I get where they're coming from and it's always worse when it happens to you yes it's us it's such a hugely hypocritical concept well the difference is I think you and I would be fair about that is
Starting point is 01:08:53 that we recognize that the government has done very horrible things but I also I would take the side that it is worse that it's happening to us because if we're gone or if we're in some weird flux state right it does destabilize things a great deal right absolutely now I don't think that it you know given the entire stretch of history and how long the world is essentially at the time of the world is well six thousand years and if you don't believe that it's time to
Starting point is 01:09:24 pray it's a prayer we will have to go down at some point right I mean it's just go it's natural you know kingdoms come and go as well and we're clearly tearing ourselves down as we speak sure I mean what is it the average lifespan of every sort of kingdom or a big colonial power is about 200 years and then it starts to fall apart basically the sort of guideline you know I I I couldn't say because you know the big histories are written about people who lasted you know
Starting point is 01:09:57 a thousand years or whatever it is but even those ones have discrete periods within them oh absolutely so there but all I mean like if you want to go through the history of Chinese government that is one of the most fascinating you know the three kingdoms different yeah the different dynasties the Joe the the Chin like that's all that's all good stuff which we don't respect at all as history because it's so weird and different no I don't like it because it's interesting but
Starting point is 01:10:22 it's not about us right you know right but because of the communist Chinese also if you were to learn anything about history you would then have to apply it to now and that would mean changing a lot of the ways you think about stuff it also requires you to load in a bit of empathy yeah that's I'm way against that's troubling to sell well see because if you're empathetic you know then what they're doing is everything that you're doing yeah I would say that no matter what I still
Starting point is 01:10:53 don't want us to go down right now because it would be very unpleasant for me yeah I mean that is although although happen let it happen after I'm dead I can have any kids I do think there is a part of mortality where it is like you know if I have to die feel like everybody should go with me right well sure I mean I remember used when I used to smoke a lot of weed me and a couple friends would sit around and one of the things we've always were like super fascinated by
Starting point is 01:11:21 is that the idea of being able to see the end like what a privilege that would be to be one of the humans who gets to see it all and yeah yeah that would be cool there's something to be said for that but I still don't want it no I'd rather live you know or rather it happened when I'm like 90 right right right it would be good to already be dying and then everything else starts dying too that would be pretty fun yeah there'd be boss yeah okay so here's another narrative
Starting point is 01:11:48 piece back to the in the same vein as the the George Soros thing now hold up one second sorry before we go any further yeah here is why Trump reads Info Wars was never answered nope he brought up here's why Trump did this then immediately Flynn yeah I am so mad at you supposed to answer why do you know what you know why cuz again the spirit got too good to him yeah it's this thing that gets in him the boogie woogie bandit comes in and takes over but I would have accepted
Starting point is 01:12:23 literally any explanation he can't explain why Trump listens because it's too important to let you know that everyone listens right well okay that's jummy you dumb dumb person but but he could have made up anything and because it's Trump I probably would have been entered at the very least entertained that notion sure should be like you know why he listens we gave him a free password yeah or or not even that just like do you know why he listens because everybody's
Starting point is 01:12:50 got to read something on the toilet every day like I don't know that would be a real disappointing reveal yeah that's true he would never reveal that he did say you know I'm going to tell you why he listens and the mainstream media can't figure this out so you do expect it's going to be something big right I guess the answer is that he listens because everyone important listens everyone important listens yeah but that's not a why don't let's unless you're you're
Starting point is 01:13:13 saying it's like a peer pressure thing well no no no no you're I think you're I think you're being even then Trump doesn't even go to intelligence briefings nope cuz he gets all he needs and since they obviously listen to info wars everyone does wouldn't they be briefing him on info wars every day so far I the only person I have evidence doesn't listen to info wars you from a very forensic standpoint I guess you're correct there in my cat that I guess you're correct
Starting point is 01:13:42 I try and keep it away from her she doesn't need this that's good it's really stressful I think you're being slightly unfair just a tiny bit not very unfair but I think you're being a tiny bit unfair because okay there is an implied answer in okay and that is that zero hedge bright Bart drudge and Alex Jones are the only people who give actual news okay so that's why Trump listens to info wars yes because I think that needs the actual news that's the implied
Starting point is 01:14:13 answer to that which he doesn't really spell out but he kind he kind of does that's another narrative that's that that's going on I was gonna go to this other one about I'm just gonna cut this from the what we need to cover cuz I don't get to play the audio he just basically he just basically says that recess a point like it's about Merrick Garland being put into the Supreme Court as a recess appointment rich we can only goddamn hope I mean I think so it is the or at least have a
Starting point is 01:14:38 fair shot you know like I would rather it go and be debated and what have you but he but Alex's point is that it's now now we're fucking talking about it so I might as well play the clip right alright cuz I don't want to act like I'm putting words in his right gotcha now this just broke up on info wars dot com it's up on drudge report dot com Obama still could force Merrick Garland on to the court during intercession recess so no presidents ever done stuff like this but they're
Starting point is 01:15:11 talking about with 17 days left not trying to force a new individual on to the Supreme Court so the part that's definitely not true 100% George Washington made a recess appointment I don't remember that that was clearly before the Constitution was written president since George Washington have made recess appointments Washington appointed South Carolina Judge John Rutledge is Chief Justice of the United States during the Congressional recess in 1795 because of
Starting point is 01:15:39 but that was that was he was he was a you know still in the infancy he was he was making some mistakes because of Rutledge's political views and occasional mental illness however the Senate rejected his nomination and Rutledge attempted suicide and resign so I love American history so much beyond that New Jersey Judge William J. Brennan was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 by a recess appointment never heard of him I mean Eisenhower George
Starting point is 01:16:09 H. W. Bush appointed Lawrence Eagle Burger as Secretary of State during a recess in 1992 that was clearly too far back for Alex Jones to have read President Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments an average of 30 per year President H. W. Bush made 77 recess appointments and George W. H. W. Oh H. W. Made 19 per year basically 77 total Bill Clinton made 109 or 139 recess appointments an average of 17 per year President George W. Bush made 171 recess appointments
Starting point is 01:16:39 an average of 21 per year and as of January 5th 2012 President Barack Obama had made 32 the least of anyone on this list an average of 4.5 per year but that does not matter but they're like that all of all of the Obama information always winds up to being Obama's a dictator and he's doing this but it's always the least of anybody else that doesn't matter it doesn't matter the least recess appointments the least vacation days all these things he's attacked or it's like he played he played
Starting point is 01:17:09 golf one time so he's the worst the statistics don't match up but I the reason that I have included this into in terms of this there's a list of of false narratives is it's one quick question not know the facts he can't not know that I absolutely disagree. No he can he absolutely does not know about recess appointments. I would guarantee that you think it's like a you're telling a Supreme Court Justice to go play for Square. That's what he thinks I well tether ball did you did
Starting point is 01:17:38 you say any like it was George Washington who did the Supreme Court. The first one yeah. Were there any other Supreme Court other than Eisenhower. I don't know I didn't do a full investigation because he's clearly clearly not going to pay attention to any recess appointment that's not the Supreme Court. But you could do any cursory amount of research and find these facts. Yeah but he's not going to he has a team recess appointments he has not going to be something
Starting point is 01:18:06 that he researched. He has a fucking team but they're not there to learn things or or to to learn they're not there to develop a what is it. No no not even that they're there to develop a narrative. Yeah so their entire job is to filter out information that supports them from information that doesn't write I get what gets to Alex Jones is probably more the former than the latter. Yeah but you but you undercut you're you're you're telling me that Alex Jones is doing any
Starting point is 01:18:43 of his own research. I hope so. I hope some do you believe that. Genuinely you listen to his show. This is the hardest question I've ever been really believe that Alex Jones does his own research. Maybe he did way back when when he didn't have the the the all star team. Yeah. But now has he done any research for the past 10 years. It's tough to say I in my heart of hearts I have to believe he's done some but not much. What was the when was the last full book that he
Starting point is 01:19:16 finished and I'm not and I'm not saying that is like a as like a dig for oh I read and other people don't I'm just saying that he does a four hour show. I would guess he has all day thing. I very much doubt he has time to really go through all of this stuff. Well I would guess that it's probably none dare call it a conspiracy. The book that radicalized him in junior college. That's true. He's probably read that a hundred times. That's possible. I bet that's the case. But then but
Starting point is 01:19:43 even then and his team's research. Yeah. Is that are they researching historians or do aggregating information that is on the Internet and they're going to get yelled at if they come up with something that doesn't fit. Oh absolutely. If they say one part of the narrative assuming if they say one thing that doesn't fit the narrative because that then they get fucking Joe Biggs out of there. Right. Well that's that's the thing that is the that is the situation with
Starting point is 01:20:11 belief. If you once you get to a certain point you're building a house of cards so everything has to support that foundation otherwise the whole thing if you just one piece of information that doesn't support the narrative and the whole thing goes down. Right. So even if and and again even if he did discover that in his research there is almost always going to be a part in his mind that turns that into something that actually supports his narrative. I don't like that
Starting point is 01:20:43 you're saying because I to mine ears. I hear this as a very positive statement about him. How so. Because what you're saying is he doesn't know that he's willfully deceiving about recess appointments. I would argue that ignorance is far worse in a broadcast situation. Do you do you direct line. No I think direct line is worse because that means you're doing it for a reason. Like do you agree with me. But he is doing it for a reason. But do you agree
Starting point is 01:21:10 with me. And he's getting paid well for it. It's a good gig. Yeah. I mean who knows how much he's making those fucking weird pills. The truth of broadcasters and this is the way it is on TV and and any kind of broadcaster is if you listen to any of their like personal interviews most of them imply and some of them have said you know on a good day I believe 40% of what I say. That's the job. Maybe podcasting is different. I believe pretty much everything I say. Well yeah
Starting point is 01:21:42 but we're we're not being paid a lot of money. No say whatever it is we're told to say I wanted to I wanted to make the premise of this show that we pretend that George Soros is paying us but it's too late. Yeah. No we're we've we've already said well I've actually already kind of implied that George Soros did commit the entire. Okay so it's time for a couple of grab bag clips. Oh God we're going to need some music for that. We are going to need some morning zoo crew
Starting point is 01:22:11 like these days I'll buy a soundboard and we'll just have the moment you do that. That's the end of this podcast. We're just going to play with the soundboard for the entire time. So one of this. I don't remember exactly what these two clips are but I know that the first one is offensive. So oh God damn you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Would you rather go mystery first or offensive first. You know what I feel like we have to go offensive because we got to leave
Starting point is 01:22:38 people with the mystery right. Oh no. Oh okay. Yeah. All right. All right. See what I'm saying. Yeah. I got you. Here you go. This is offensive. Obama's refusal to veto anti-Israel U.N. vote ranked most anti-Semitic incident in 2016. You know I don't want to say it's anti-Semitic but funding jihadis all over the Middle East to kill every Christian they get a hold of is truly anti-Christian and where are the Christians complaining about that. But I know this.
Starting point is 01:23:02 It is anti-Israel to say turn it over to Palestinians who if they took it over would never stop killing each other. They can't stop killing each other all over the Middle East. It's a joke. Clean up your own house before you run around lecturing the rest of the world. Muslims. Wow. All right. Now here is the in context. Here is the absolute problem with that is yes he characterized them as Muslims all together. No no no. Aggressively. Right. Right. But the way
Starting point is 01:23:39 he said but the problems. But the problem. Yeah. No that's horrific. Get your own house and order Muslims. Yeah. No that's and the Texas accent does not help his. No sir. No sir. Even if you're doing your best to not view him as racist the Texas accent really makes it hard. Yeah. But here is the problem with that which there is a if you learn the history of Islam the Sunni Shia divide has been the source of so much violence. Now whether or not that is any different from you
Starting point is 01:24:12 know any number of like Protestant Catholics maybe talk about Ireland for one little second and where are the Christians. Mm hmm. Decrying that. Yeah. But when did he the twist the twist that he had was so genius which is that he hid it. What are we talking about. Immediately following the Muslims killing each other right before the Muslims killing each other. He had the perfect twist which was implying that Obama was funding Islamist murdering Christians all
Starting point is 01:24:44 throughout. Oh right. Well that's a big that's a big narrative of his. He said that. So he's saying that George. No vote on the U. N. was not necessarily anti-Semitic. Right. But the funding Islamist murdering Christians all across the world is definitely anti-Christian which which is unrelated to the previous statement. Right. But if true I agree. Exactly. Well it doesn't get more anti-Christian than fundering the murdering of Christians. Yeah. So I put that
Starting point is 01:25:15 on the shelf. If we if we establish that is true then yes. What that is very anti-Christian. What's you prove that to me. You got a point. You are correct. Yeah. You got a point. So so we've got that right. Then we switch immediately back. Yep. To the no vote is certainly anti-Israel which as we all can guess is anti-Semitic. Right. Or I mean I guess not. No it's hard to say. That is a very complicated that I mean yeah because I'm set up top because I think it was very
Starting point is 01:25:47 confusing. I think the no vote is absolutely the correct vote or not maybe the abstaining. Yes. Which I believe a lot of this settlement stuff is very exploitative. Well they're dying. They're killing as many Palestinians as they can. Yeah. Which is is so much of like the deep-seated psychological issues there of Israel essentially trying to root out Palestinians is so fascinating to me. Yeah. But because the the pure I hate to say irony but just like that that idea of like
Starting point is 01:26:26 oh now it's time to get them out of our country. The idea of yeah that's really hard to justify there. It's tough but if you would if like you look at the narrative from the Alex Jones wing of it they aren't Palestinians. Right. Then none of them are Palestinians. They're globalist Islamists. Right. They've been brought in to destabilize right. We're probably funded by the open the society George Soros all this stuff because it the one the one parallel I have to that which I
Starting point is 01:26:57 think is uninformed and at most an over generalization or at least an over generalization. But the only thing I can think of to explain the the Israeli takeover of Palestine and the settlements and the absolute unwillingness to even consider a compromise is like you know how sexual abusers a lot of the times wind up having been sexually abused. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the one thing that I can think of that is a parallel that or like in that in that narrative or like children of
Starting point is 01:27:35 alcoholics often end up dating alcohol exactly because you're trying to recreate the situation to make it right. Right. Well but that I mean that's how it works on an interpersonal level but I don't know how that works as a society. Well I mean if you want to call any any unwieldy nation as a collection of children acting half as smart as the smartest of them. I mean I can see it being a at least a national identity like America regardless of what side you are on in the two party system
Starting point is 01:28:11 there is definitely a national identity right that's different from most other European countries. It's Americana. It's it's such a ridiculous country that we have. Yeah. That's filled with so many like different regions that have zero to do with the others. And yet we have one so great. One consistent national identity which is fuck the government. That's it. That's really our national identity. All right. Let's go to this next clip. I have no idea what this is. All right. Wait we're going
Starting point is 01:28:42 to random grab out. I really don't remember what this is. All right. Let's do this. Let's say a nuclear war was breaking out with Russia and they just fired ICBMs in 1967. I would expect Walter Cronkite to be desperate and say everybody get to your bunkers. The missiles will be here in five minutes. Yes. I mean it's almost to that level now. The urgency of repudiating Obama repudiating the globalist repudiating George Soros repudiating Henry Kissinger and all of these
Starting point is 01:29:09 insane out of control anti-American people who just want to destroy prosperity to consolidate control and are willing to push us into World War three to maintain their control. Wait. Press pause real quick. Do you see Kissinger. He did. Who recently met with Mike Pence. I feel like he does not know anything about Kissinger. I do. I don't know why you're saying that. That's another grab bag pull there. That's a Saudi Saudi Arabia in communist China. That's a mad
Starting point is 01:29:36 lip Kissinger could not be further on the side of Trump. Apparently. I mean, you know, because you remember how Kissinger or. Anyways, I Kissinger is an evil motherfucker. It does seem that way. Yeah. At a certain point you want to arrest the independent press. You want people to come after me. You want to go after all of our freedoms. You want to be able to do all these horrible things. See this is another reason why up top I wanted to make clear. I don't want to go after
Starting point is 01:30:05 him. No, I just want to have fun. I want to find out. I want to understand because he's so paranoid about people wanting to kick him off the air. I want to be clear that that's not what I want to do. No, no. Well, I mean, our entire livelihood if you're listening to this all year from now when we are the number one podcast on the planet. Hold on. We got to get to the end of it. I'm really curious where this is. I'm excited. And then you just think we're gonna sit here and
Starting point is 01:30:30 take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it and take it. You dumb ass. You keep escalating. You're gonna get hurt. I swear to you. I didn't loop that. That was the perfect I deserve a podcast award for perfect timing. I got that. Also, this is only halfway through the clip. Believe me. You don't mean anything to me. So, I don't
Starting point is 01:30:59 even want to see you hurt. Not a dead rotting horse or something in the road. I'm gonna look at you. That will all brighten all you people. The hell's your problem? Bunch of sick freaks. Bunch of new Roddicks. Wanna run everything. Wanna control everybody. You can't stand people that are better looking than you. You can't stand people that are stronger than you. You've got some weird twisted competitiveness in you. It's like they say in the great book, they turn into a
Starting point is 01:31:24 film that will be blood. He goes, I have a competitor's about me. I don't want anybody else to succeed. Okay, I remember why I pulled this clip now. This is one of these great. We're not going to take it. We're not going to take it. We're not going to take it. We're not going to take it. We're gonna this is such a great example of Alex Jones losing the thread halfway through a sentence. Oh, absolutely. It's just this perfect like either trying to destroy the, you know, they're
Starting point is 01:31:47 trying to take me off the air, the independent media trying to get rid of it. Also, Madeline Albright's mad at people. Where did Madeline Albright come from mad at people who are more attractive than her? Why is he mad at Madeline Albright? Now. Well, it's it's time to really take down Madeline Albright. So he's now this is where the thread like he loses it entirely and the end of this sentence is bananas. Oh, well, it's it's
Starting point is 01:32:16 exactly like when your sentence isn't done. I know, I know. But before we go any further, it's exactly like you've been on this situation in on stage where you're too drunk. Oh, yeah. And you're talking and you're getting to the bit and then halfway through all of a sudden your brain goes. Nope. Nope. Don't know the bit anymore. Nope. So you just start saying stuff because you know eventually your brain's just going to at least pick something up. Yeah. Now that is
Starting point is 01:32:42 exactly what we're not going to take it. We're not going to take it. We're not going to take it was. Now what's great about this is he does find a thread. It's the wrong. It's completely different. So he starts going down that path and he thinks he's going to find it again and he doesn't and it just goes to commercial bailed on the great but how this fucking commercial break ends is amazing. So he's just talked about how like and there will be blood. It's about competition.
Starting point is 01:33:04 Right. I don't want anybody to succeed at my expense walking on me. But if you innovate, I'm only going to try to model myself after you and I'm going to admire you. I mean, I've literally pulled up by somebody's sports car before that's super awesome. And my cars parked next to me and I said, that is an incredible car. They're like, oh man, sorry, sorry. It's better than yours. No way. Is the commercial way is the commercial music starting. Okay. It's like the Oscars playing
Starting point is 01:33:37 yeah. They're playing them off because they realize he's lost it. Yeah. Like this guy in a nice car pulls up and he's like, hey, that's a nice car. And the guy in the car is like, hey, sorry, it's better than yours. But like not being a dick. He's being actually like, hey, man, look, I'm sorry. My car is better than yours. That has never fucking happened a thousand times in the negative never happened. You know what? Let's see where he goes. That's like, no, no, no, literally. I don't
Starting point is 01:34:01 care that your car is so cool. It looks like a spaceship. You know, personally, I wouldn't drive a car like that is brought too much attention. But man, that's really a piece of art. You know, incredible, you know, it's like people don't get it. You know, they don't. Competitiveness means you like the competition. It's not that you don't like people that are successful, but that's who the globalist are off to commercial and okay. So the globalists are people. If you recall where
Starting point is 01:34:28 that sentence started, it had to do with people trying to kick him off the air, right? Which I guess if you want to be very generous, you could say that the idea of competition, he's competition to them. I guess now they want to kill him though. I don't understand. They want to they don't want to drive him off the air metaphor with the car is amazing because it's not a metaphor. And it's a that's that's supposed to be a literal story. It's a story that has never happened to him. It's
Starting point is 01:34:57 never happened to anybody. What car looks like a spaceship? And our spaceship also. Why does he envy this car? Then say, I would never get one of those cars, but it's a piece of art. It's a piece of art like drops too much. I want it. Look, I want to get that car, but I would never get one of those cars. I have one more clip that I don't remember what it is. He is so he's is he referencing that Kurt Vonnegut short story? Which one? Oh, shit. Do you remember the one where it's
Starting point is 01:35:25 the the world is changed to be equal. So there's this dude and he's the name. The short story is named after him. And so he's this perfect uber mensch guy. And because of that, they have to make him equal to everybody else. So they put these earmuffs on him to make him half deaf. They put these giant bottle. That's how he sees himself. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, he sees himself as somebody who's being who people are trying. Well, the globalist. Yeah, I apologize for not
Starting point is 01:35:55 being specific about communist China and having a digital Dropbox with all the things necessary. Well, that's the other thing that I think is really fascinating is that he always complains about how there's a learned helplessness and victim mentality and liberals. Right. And then he goes on to say that the globalists are responsible for all his problems. Right. So it's like this weird. I don't understand what the line is between like one version of paranoia and the
Starting point is 01:36:23 other. I'm not entirely sure, but one's about prosperity. I guess. I don't know. I think man, here's here's the thing that while we're talking, the only thing that I can conceive of is I want to eventually try and understand how his brain works. Well, that's why we got to keep doing this show. We have to keep doing this show. Here's one more clip for you that I don't remember what it is, but it has to do with demons. George and Texas you're on the air go ahead. Thanks for all
Starting point is 01:37:01 it. Yes, Alex. I just this is where they want to be. They're going to start World War 3. This is always been the plan. You know, they always have sure having Hillary be elected would have been great. You know, they can do whatever they want. Yeah, they were starting to start a war when she got in. They were gonna shut the press down when she got in and send all the WikiLeaks. Yes, this is not they're just going ahead like Trump wasn't even elected. What does that tell
Starting point is 01:37:24 you? They don't care because they're crazy and I think they're possessed personally. They definitely are. They're damn demons. Yep. They're damn demons. They're they're literal demons. They're possessed. Yep. He often makes the claims that the people who are against him are literal demons or being paid by Soros. Those are the two groups of people who are against him and we can say 100% neither. Yes, I would I would agree with neither. Yeah. I would say neither. Now
Starting point is 01:37:54 but that's that's a brilliant move there is because you're never pinned down. Like yes, there is the narrative of being possessed but it could also be like no that was a metaphor for George Soros but also George Soros could be possessed if that's what you want to believe but that's a metaphor for the globalists who are also you know he sells a shirt to that's like a George Soros as a goblin kind of thing. I was like that that's I don't know if that's anti-semitic
Starting point is 01:38:24 but it doesn't feel good. I don't know. Well, you know what that's the next question. Right. Is Harry Potter anti-semitic 100% right. That's anti-semitic. Dobby is a Jew. Oh, no, no, I was talking about the the goblins at the Green God's Bank. That was anti-semitic. Anything about Harry Potter. I'm telling you. I'm telling you right now one of the movies and I remember Dobby. I'm telling you right now. Harry Potter. You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen. J.K.
Starting point is 01:38:55 Rowling is possessed and an anti-semitic. Just kidding. Rowing. It's time to pray. Well, anyway, those those are the things that I wanted to tell you about info wars today. Let's let's close it with with a clip. This makes me laugh so hard. I can't wait and I hope you enjoy it and if you've enjoyed this show. Thank you for listening. Hopefully we'll do more of these in the near future and we'll come up with a better name and tighten it up a little bit over two hours thing is
Starting point is 01:39:26 probably not going to work in our favor. Nope. But anyway, here we go. And so we are in the real world in this epic time and everything you do is having a giant effect. Pray for this country. Pray for awakening. Pray for Providence. Pray for spiritual defense and support and provision for Trump and for info wars and for Matt Drudge and for people like Stephen Bannon and others that are at the tip of the spear of this fight because of duty. But understand this is real. You
Starting point is 01:39:56 can see it. It's not our opinion. We are the people resisting this. You are the folks resisting it. We're all in this together and none of us are perfect but we've got God on our side. Also, we're running extending the Christmas special just even more until Wednesday and then it's over because people like it so much free shipping store wide 50 to 30 percent off everything while supplies last. The problem is we've sold out of eight different things at info wars
Starting point is 01:40:23 life dot com and for store dot com. So a lot of stuff has sold out. We still have brain force now with 20% more age bottle 30% off. You cannot meet that deal in free shipping time for auto ship in an additional 10% off. Wow. Super male vitality of human vitality are about to sell out. We've got 30% off on those x to is about to sell out. We've got I mean, it's it's $20 right now. That is unprecedented and free shipping. We have the liver cleanse liver shield with
Starting point is 01:40:57 oxy powder for the gallbladder and liver cleanse. That's discounted 30% off when you get them together. Again, we're talking 4.8 star reviews here by third party review sites and so much more bio PCA for your hair skin and nails everything else as well. We've got biome defense in the 25 billion

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