Knowledge Fight - #1003: January 22, 2025

Episode Date: January 31, 2025

In this installment, Dan and Jordan continue to observe Alex's coverage of the beginning of Trump's second term, including lots of complaints about AI, lots of excuses for Trump's failings, and a gues...t appearance from a seditious militia leader.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge Knowledge fight Need money Stop it Andy and Andy and Kansas Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan. Jordan. Dan.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Jordan. Quick question for ya. What's up? What's your bright spot today, buddy? My bright spot today is checking back in on the eating, weird foods. Nice. In 2025, 4555. 4555.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I have, this is the first one that is maybe from the grocery store that shan't be named. Sure, sure, sure. I got a cheddar. Okay. A type of cheddar. A type of cheddar. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And it was advertised as soaked in espresso martini. Okay! That's an interesting choice and it makes me feel like the person who invented it, complete accident. Sure. Dro dropped the cheese into some shit Well, they were drunk. Yep. I very much. I think probably I've never seen like kind of interesting cheeses Described as soaked But it was fine. It wasn't great. It didn't didn't get me drunk Didn't taste that much like coffee yeah, but it was fine
Starting point is 00:02:04 It was cheese cheese Sure, sure. Didn't taste that much like coffee. Yeah. But it was fine. It was cheese. It was cheese. But I got it and one of the things that I enjoyed about this shopping experience is I think it's something you can only get at this place that we're not named. Space in it shall not be named, yeah. And that is that like you'll walk up an aisle and you'll see one cheese that is soaked in espresso martini cheese.
Starting point is 00:02:23 There's one piece of it left. And you don't know if it's supposed to be there or if someone left it there. It could have been. I don't know if there's more stock of this. There's no display that's like, come get the new cheese with espresso martini. And so I feel like it could be a trap. Like anyone could have just left their own cheese. It could be consignment absolutely You know there's it reminds me of that Hedberg joke this CD is in stores Mm-hmm the last one I had to go to a store and put it in there left it there. Yeah, sir
Starting point is 00:02:54 This was yours. No no no no this is for sale. Please alphabetize it Yeah, that feels like that every time you find one of these just bizarre products. I like it I like to I like the idea that there's also somebody, because if that's the case, then I feel like there's somebody around the corner of one of the aisles just like with an eye on it. Ooh, somebody got it. And then they kind of want to follow you home and see if you do a podcast and then listen to that podcast. And what I'm saying is there's a man in your closet.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Okay. Okay. Podcast and then listen to that podcast and what I'm saying is there's a man in your closet, okay? Okay, or the other possibility is that someone a cheese person has left that there sure and then the next day or later that evening They come back and they're like we move the cheese Someone got it sure sure and that's how they keep track of sales. I like that I feel like you missed out on an opportunity to use one of my favorite words, which is cheese monger I thought about it. You thought about it, but left it on the wayside. Yeah I think it's because there's only like cheese mongers and fish mongers sure that word doesn't really apply to anybody any other field of Sale you can't really be a meat monger. You're more of just a butcher. Yeah Yeah, and that make that makes me suspicious. suspicious. Like it's a bad word of some
Starting point is 00:04:05 kind. Like it has some kind of origin that's not good. If it's only cheese and fish. Two of the stinkier possible food items. I can't figure out what I'm worried about. I have no idea. Anyway, what's your bright spot? My bright spot is I just started, or well, the episode of the Traders that just happened. Sure. My wife and I just caught up with it. And it is, I mean, it's a fascinating season. Yes. It's a fascinating season entirely because the Traders are instantly at each other's
Starting point is 00:04:43 throats. They're such a mess. Dumbly. Yeah. In a way that if they had just, if they could just communicate obviously about what they're doing they'd all be like, oh yeah that makes sense. Yeah. Like every one of them makes perfect sense as long as you don't understand what the other
Starting point is 00:04:56 person is doing. Yeah, but I think that they're in a bit of a trap in this season. Yeah. Without too many spoilers, but maybe some spoilers. That's what I'm trying to avoid in a sense. Yeah. Skip ahead a little bit if you don't want to hear too many spoilers, but maybe some spoilers That's what I'm trying to do to avoid in a sense skip ahead a little bit if you don't want to hear too many spoilers but the the team of the traders that exists now is Danielle Caroline and Boston Robb god
Starting point is 00:05:17 I hate boss and the issue with these three is that Boston Robb is a malicious bully Yeah and He is not going to be someone you can really work with. If he's ever on a show with you and you have the opportunity to get rid of him and fuck him over. Especially if he wants to work with you.
Starting point is 00:05:34 If he comes to you and is like, hey, I think I can work with you, that means that he thinks that you are easy to fuck over later. Yes, so get rid of him at every opportunity possible. He's untrustworthy even as a traitor. to fuck over later. Obviously. Yes. Get rid of him at every opportunity possible. He's an untrustworthy even as a traitor. Now Carolyn is awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Brilliant. But also no one can see it. Everyone thinks she's an idiot. And so they treat her like an idiot. So Danielle is having to work with a malicious bully and someone that she doesn't understand is brilliant. And if she could, if she could just be like, oh, let's team up. The two of them would be unstoppable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And they get rid of Rob pretty easily if they wanted to. Yep. But they just can't, they can't see the forest for the trees and Carolyn. Nope. And yeah, so it's going to be, I don't, I, I can't see her not winning. I just can't see Carolyn not eventually make it, making it to the end of this with somebody who's like, thank God I picked the only person I'm sure is a faithful. It seems like that's where we're going to head. Yeah. I mean, she made it to the end of Survivor in large part because of weaponizing that
Starting point is 00:06:36 way that people treat her. Totally. And I think that she, given the chance, she could probably do that. Yeah. I don't think it would be too hard at all. But with Boston Robb and Danielle on her team, it's gonna... That's the thing that I didn't understand and I never understand about these games and people, but it does make sense if they're all reality TV show stars
Starting point is 00:06:56 and they have good producers. But it's like, oh, Boston Robb showed up. I don't care if he's a traitor or a faithful. The first vote we do is get him out of here. No matter what, he's going to be a problem for someone. He's been on six seasons of Survivor and every other goddamn show that's ever been made. Get him the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I would keep Wes before I keep Boss and Rob by a wide mile. Definitely. Wes is a crafty gentleman and he likes to work angles, but he also is into the game that's being played. I would put him at chaotic neutral. Rob wants to make his own game and he will, he's a bully. Wes isn't that much of a bully.
Starting point is 00:07:36 No, no, no, he thinks he's very smart. Yeah, that's true. If you haven't, watch the second season of the Australian one if you want to see traders break the fuck down That one played out amazingly yeah, but anyway I'm excited for how this season's gonna. It's gonna end like a fucking Disaster the last episode ended with a next time on Mm-hmm that I had the experience for
Starting point is 00:08:05 maybe one of the first times in a really long time of like I can't wait a week yeah what is what the fuck yep yeah very up yep that's that's nice yeah it is nice yep so this isn't nice great we're gonna be talking about little Alex Jones cool cool cool cool cool so we're gonna talk about January 22nd two days after the inauguration. All right. See how things are going. I'm trying to take this a little bit slow.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Sure. So we can really, I think that what is going on with Trump and with this new administration is all fucking awful. Sure. And a lot of it is house on fire kind of stuff. Sure. Like it's bad. He's doing a lot of really bad stuff, but responding in a in a way of like ah
Starting point is 00:08:49 I don't think that that's going to help from my perspective sure so I'm trying to take a little bit of a slow like Let's go through Alex's response to these days. Yeah And so hopefully there's some value in that we'll see we'll see But before we get to this let's take a little moment to say hello to some new wonks. That's a great idea. So first, Merry Christmas Jack. Sorry for forcing you to hear Alex's voice coming out of my office every day.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Next, a rat in a cage. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:09:22 You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. We got Corgan. I believe it was Corgan. Yeah.'re now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. We got Corgan. I believe it was Corgan. He's switched sides. Switch sides. It's a weird thing for him to do. His love of cats has overshadowed his...
Starting point is 00:09:32 It wins in the end. Next, Ashley, who's almost 40. Best of luck getting into veterinary school. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:41 We got a technical grant to mix Jordan, so thank you so much too. It took me six months of listening to the podcast before I discovered that Celine is the name of a cat and that Dan and Jordan do not, as far as I know, worship at the feet of Celine Dion. Thank you so much. You're now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Someone- someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop. Daddy shark! Bomp bomp bomp bomp bomp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent.
Starting point is 00:10:06 He's a loser little little titty baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Wow. I hope after making that kind of a big revelation that your heart will go on. Yeah, absolutely. So we start this on the 22nd, checking in how Alex is doing. He's very clearly indicated he
Starting point is 00:10:25 doesn't really care that much about Elon Musk doing a Nazi salute what you gonna do and has had very little insight into shit that's going on Romans so here here's a I think he's getting a little introspective okay it's time yeah it's time he says something towards the beginning of the show that I thought was like oh wow you do realize this, okay? Now that said everybody thinks Trump placed 3d chess and and he is 3d chess in some areas, but he really didn't know that podcasts were hundreds of times better than corporate media
Starting point is 00:11:00 Baron had to convince him of that and I Mean just a few years ago Trump still called internet shows that. And. Baron had to convince him of that. And. I mean, just a few years ago, Trump still called Internet shows the clips. Well, they're not just Internet shows their vines. The Internet is everything. But still in
Starting point is 00:11:20 Trump's mind at 78, he thinks of dynasty media. Legacy media the legacy media as what's fancy studios. It was to help old people wake up to. Young people would just prefer me shoot my reports in the backyard. Seriously. But this is for old folks. This is for Trump right here. So he'll listen more. That's all this is. It is just eye candy for old people. So why have I spent millions and millions of dollars and overextended myself and created a gigantic amount of overhead to the point where I have to create all these fake businesses In order to shield money and and desperately sell sea moss. It's because I want to trick you into thinking that this is a real show Yeah, I want you to think this is the news, but it's not yeah. Yep. I mean it is interesting
Starting point is 00:12:18 Well, okay, obviously he knew that yeah That's why he did it like the purpose for doing it in the first place was that. So it makes sense. It is... I mean, why are you saying it out loud now? I guess eye candy for old people is an interesting way to frame it. I don't know. I guess maybe because he is aware that there's a good chance he's going to lose all that stuff pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:12:46 That's fair. That's fair. Some of those, that bankruptcy decision and stuff is coming down the line. You may have to start dealing with not having those things. Yeah. Oh, you know what I find fascinating about this though, is that now he may be also correct in reverse in that legacy media still has all of these trappings for the same purpose that Alex does. And that may be why they're not getting any young people to listen to them.
Starting point is 00:13:14 It may be. It may be. But you see, like, I think that, you know, it's not exactly the same, but you do see the same, the people who are doing the quote unquote alternative thing, they do in many ways end up emulating the same thing. Even Rogan's setup isn't that different than a studio interview setup. It's not totally flipping the tables on convention. I don't know. I think that it's just what has been done. It's the archetype. It is an illusion to trick people into believing you. It's a shortcut. It's a shortcut to earning
Starting point is 00:13:55 trust is being like, I can afford a studio. It's like business people wearing a suit. Absolutely. It's just what's done. It's all bullshit. Yeah. You take me seriously because I can tie this tie. Absolutely. Yeah. So most of this episode is in response to something Alex saw on Twitter the day before. And that is that Trump had a press conference with Sam Altman and the guy who runs Oracle, open AI guy okay cool cool cool cool and
Starting point is 00:14:26 so Alex has some feelings about this and has to be very defensive about it so that that big news story gets introduced here but the war in Ukraine has come to an absolute head Trump has issued a very strong ultimatum to Russia with a very large carrot and a very large stick. And there's been just unprecedented developments on that front. As we get into day three, that's obviously the big enchilada. Then we have something that is really a bell weather or litmus test for everything going on in the Republic and the reboot of our country. the Then we have something that is really a bellwether or litmus
Starting point is 00:15:10 test for everything going on in the Republic and the reboot of our country now open for business again. With Trump. Cheerleading the economy, one of many events yesterday with Larry Ellison of Oracle, Sam Altman of Open AI and the owner of Softbank from Japan that is a big America booster and is
Starting point is 00:15:26 a good guy as well. Altman is a villains villain. Sure. And is uber bad. And Ellison said, mRNA cancer cures. And of course, I knew that was coming. It was a punch in the stomach still. So Trump posted on truth social about how he wants Putin to end the war and how they can do it easily the easy way or the hard way Continuing his habit of speaking like a hacky mobster Trump said quote settle now and stop this ridiculous war all caps It's only going to get worse if we don't make a quote deal and soon
Starting point is 00:16:20 I have no other choice but to put high levels of taxes tariffs and sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States And various other participating countries great Alex shouldn't see this as some kind of improvement or breakthrough in negotiations He's been very clear in his position that the Biden administration putting sanctions on Russia was an act of war So he should have a serious problem with Trump indicating that that was his plan, too Any deal that Trump could make to end the war is just going to be capitulation. Putin isn't going to give Ukraine back captured territory and they're not going to back off the demand that Ukraine not join NATO. So there really isn't a way for Trump to win the war other than to just let Putin do
Starting point is 00:16:58 whatever he wants and then act like whatever has been done is a huge victory. You can see the early indications that Alex is totally on board with running with that kind of coverage as he's just cheerleading sanctions as if that wasn't a huge problem he had with the previous US approach. You know that whole talking point Alex has about the globalists, like they're trying to kill the world by cutting off the food supply, like particularly by getting rid of the fertilizer? You know, we've heard Alex say this a million times.
Starting point is 00:17:24 That's specifically about putting tariffs and sanctions on one of Russia's primary exports, phosphate-based fertilizers. If Alex now supports Trump putting massive sanctions on Russian exports, then he has to accept that he wants the fertilizer supply cut off and he wants the world to starve. And I think this is a narrative problem for him.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah, I imagine so. Good thing his audience doesn't pay attention at all. Hmm. Alex is complaining also there about Larry Ellison, because he needs to distract from the fact that Trump did a press conference to announce a joint venture in AI involving the heads of OpenAI, Oracle, and Softbank. The government is investing up to $500 billion in this venture, which Alex should be principally opposed to,
Starting point is 00:18:05 but the way he's covering it on this episode seems to entirely ignore that half trillion dollars that's being invested in the project. That seems like a major piece of this puzzle, but it's getting pushed to the side because Alex doesn't want to address the fact that Trump is enthusiastic about this project and spending tons of public funds on it. I can't stress how embarrassing it should be for Alex to be talking about this and talk like this. You can't get mad at Trump when he does stuff like this.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I'm sorry? He's a super optimist and he is just going to get any investment he can in the United States. He's running around wildly doing it. And he understands the Federal Reserve's trying to crash the economy, working against him. And, and Ellis has been a long time backer before it was even popular. So, you know, Trump likes people that like him. So Trump's doing this project with some noted villain types working on AI, which Alex thinks is part of the plot to the robust. They want to create a silicon God in order to kill off
Starting point is 00:19:04 the population. But you can't get mad about it because Trump's kind of dumb and he just likes money. Plus he's a real sucker for people who stroke his ego. So if this shady guy was a Trump supporter, you have to understand that Trump's going to be blind to the shady stuff. You have to understand that's part of what makes Trump so great is that he's manipulatable through money and flattery. This is so sad. It sucks. It sucks because that was the one spot that I felt like Alex and I both understood something that most people don't. You know, like that's exactly what people said to me whenever I was like, Hey, Biden's evil. They were like, Hey, shut up. You can't do that. Right. So
Starting point is 00:19:39 that's the fun. The only part that you get for that is being able to go like, ha ha, I get to do that. And now Alex doesn't even get to do that shit. That sucks. That sucks. Yeah, he just has to make excuses. Like that's the worst part of... Okay, if you're going to do the dictator thing, fucking go whole hog. Don't be like a regular Democrat.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Hey, don't criticize the people in power. It could be worse. You know? It sucks. If you're going to support someone who is clearly aspiring towards and making moves around seizing what amounts to dictatorial power, don't do this. No.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It's not like you know Cheerleading for a moderate candidate is not I think it doesn't come off Well, if you're like aha hail to the king, here's my angle on it If I'm Alex my angle is hail to the king surprise this motherfucker His AI is racist is shit. We can make that shit racist in a heartbeat see boom it's actually a good idea for us despite the fact that we ostensibly you know we think that AI is evil right but the ultimate problem comes down to that Ellison was talking about AI applications for creating new mRNA
Starting point is 00:21:01 cures for cancer there is this is Alex's's like, that's a line that I don't think that he can even dance with. Yeah, that one's tough. That one's tough. So if you want to maintain this attachment to Trump, you have to make this about something else and it's about them. And Trump is just, he loves America money much and he loves people who like him. And so like he's kind of what you're gonna end up seeing. And I think that this is the trend
Starting point is 00:21:27 that it's been moving towards a bit. Is that they need a king. But the first term for Trump made them realize they don't actually want the person in power to be that. Yeah, obviously. Because you have to create the deep state and it's all this distraction and nonsense. Musk is the king.
Starting point is 00:21:45 And there will be a There will be a like a Trump it you know he's kind of stupid But you know he's got his hearts in the right place, but musk now. He's the guy there you go So that I think is the trend that we're gonna see oh boy And so Trump can can do shit like this and Alex was I'm glad I'm glad we're far enough away that I'll never have to kneel. You know? Like I don't think I can do that. I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:22:11 You got bad knees too. I'm dead the moment kneel happens. That's trouble. And I'm talking about Neil Pert, Neil Armstrong, and Neil Hamburger all at the same time. Any of these kneels come... DeGrasse Tyson? Oh yeah, absolutely I'm dead. Uh huh. Can't come up with more kneels. I'm dead uh-huh can't come up with more Neils that was my most obscure Neil so Alex talks here a little bit
Starting point is 00:22:32 about how he he's he's seen heaven sure we're shaping the war future the battle space of humanity I'm thinking decades out like I've done for 30 years to where we are now. And I've predicted where we are now. And then this little golden era and then the real bad stuff. And then the true golden era. A thousand years of peace on earth. And then Satan is third dimensional real world simulation is rolled up like a scroll. And we are transported to the third heaven dimension. The next level. And if you think you're going to be floating around on clouds up there let
Starting point is 00:23:27 me tell you that's not what's going on because I've seen it you get a Pegasus and every shell in my body and every neuron and every electrical pulse down to the quarks the pieces of the atoms in me resonates and wants to transcend with God's plan. And so everything I do is to get in alignment with what the Holy Spirit tells me is the mission. That's it. Very simple. So I call the shots of what Alex Jones says and does. I say and do what I believe is the most accurate, truthful thing. Except you don't, because you said that God speaks to you and tells you the things to do.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You don't choose any of this. Do you have no free will? Yeah. I think that I would like to see a world created where people who say, I have seen heaven, are treated like people who say, I have seen heaven. As opposed to getting a book tour and going on, like this is just a type talk show. No, that's fine. That's fine. Yeah, that's fine That kid is that fine. I think it's fine
Starting point is 00:24:34 Do you mean that kid who was manipulated by his parents into going on TV and lying about having been to heaven that part's not Fine well that that part of that instance is not great. Okay, but I think adults let's say Okay, let's let's all right Absolutely adults who say that shut the fuck up right gotcha they should be treated with a certain amount of derision You would think you would think it's kind of the mark of Little bit of disingenuous fraud I'm better I'm better with those people if they're just like hey heavens like you come all the time and you never have to take a shit
Starting point is 00:25:09 Fine, I'm down. That's that's not even that bad whatever It's like oh the third dimension zips up like a scroll and now we're in level two I just got to be done. I honestly don't mind that I don't mind Of heaven okay, I'm fine with it. Okay. I don't like when you're like I've been there Yeah, I think that's a totally different thing Yeah, because then now now it's like okay, you would have no reason not to kill me Yeah, you would know that you're on a mission from heaven or whatever that does tend to be wise Elits kill a lot of people. Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:44 Yeah Yeah, that does tend to be why zealots kill a lot of people. Yeah. I think that there's a big difference between, I have some ideas and I have a bit of faith about what heaven looks like, and I know for certain because I have been there. That's the problem with belief. It is. It only works when it's belief. So Alex has a belief, and that is that he is one of the only geniuses in the world, one of the only true geniuses.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And Trump, who doesn't even know that podcasts for at least 10 years have been way bigger than the corporate media, does not understand this stuff. And I'm not trying to be mean to Trump, but all of this BS that Trump knows everything and Trump understands all the technology and that Trump has massive base knowledge on every major subject is not true. If you want to know who has base knowledge on the most subjects in the world. Most people are specialist. Let me tell you who does Elon Musk does. I do. And only a few other people that are prominent. They don't want wide spectrum analysis of people that have understandings of geopolitics, history, science, energy, agriculture, culture, anthropology, sociology, psychology, physics, space and aeronautics, philosophy.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Because you have to be able to have a unified field theory, of course have to be able want to do. And then you've got to develop alternate plans in your unified field theory and war game knows. And then you've got to learn how you can communicate with the public to explain incredibly complex things to them so that they get excited about it and learn about it. So Alex is conveniently leaving off the most essential part of his strategy. After you figure out this globalist unified field theory and you come up with your own unified field theory and determine how to communicate that to the public, you have to aggressively ignore or deny any instances of evidence that your unified field theory is based on flawed information.
Starting point is 00:28:19 In order to maintain the illusion of being a broad spectrum genius who knows everything when you're really just talking shit, it's critical to never let the audience consider that you're just making shit up. And Alex has developed the almost perfect system for that step in his plan. Anything he's yelling about and has figured out is going to happen because of his study of the globalist unified field theory can happen or not, and he still gets to claim to be right. Alex can spend a month talking about how Jamie Raskin
Starting point is 00:28:45 is openly plotting to not accept the certification of the 2024 election and make that claim based on fraudulently presented information that Alex absolutely knows is not being reported in context. Then when Raskin doesn't end up doing the thing Alex insists they're plotting to do, Alex still gets to be right because Raskin only didn't do the thing because Alex talked about it too much in advance, so he prevented this plot from ever being carried out. Without this dynamic in his coverage, Alex could never get away with being so wrong so regularly.
Starting point is 00:29:16 He's trained his audience to accept his predictions not coming true as being evidence of how right he was, which makes reality kind of irrelevant. Also Alex is saying that podcasts are much bigger than the mainstream media, which only makes it stranger that he would ignore us for the past eight years while whining constantly about people like Brian Stelter. It feels like the argument that we're an independent podcast and Stelter is part of the corporate media makes it even more glaring as opposed to less. Yeah, now it seems like we're the only people you should talk about because stealth is a
Starting point is 00:29:46 pointless waste of everybody's time. Right, no one gives a shit about the MSM, it's all about independent podcasts. Yeah. Huh. Yeah. Well. So, Alex is just stupid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:57 He's a broad spectrum genius, but he's stupid. Yeah, there is. I feel like every boss I've ever had has had some of that to a little bit of a degree of like, okay, sure. I know that they hired you because you know what you're talking about, but here's why your advice is fucking stupid. It's cause I'm a genius. You know why I'm in charge is cause I know a lot about a lot. You know a ton about a little. I know a lot about a lot. Yeah. I think there has to be, there has to be something
Starting point is 00:30:22 that happens is like, you can't just say yes to somebody whenever they know what they're talking about if you're their boss, because then it feels like maybe you shouldn't be the boss at all. So you have to justify your own position and that drives you insane, because you shouldn't be there. Especially when you're someone like Alex and you definitely shouldn't be there. You shouldn't be there! There's no reason for you and there's no explanation for why you exist. There's just none.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Nope. Yep. Coincidence and just random fucking random ass shit. So, um, someone else who shouldn't be there, and by there I mean out of prison, is Stuart Rhodes. Sure, he's there! So now he's there. In the studio? No, he's on the phone though.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Okay. So Alex, it does a little intro for old Stuart Rhodes. Great. Well, I've known Stuart Rhodes since he founded oath keepers, whatever it was 15 years ago or longer, good friend of mine. And of all the J sixers, um, he got railroaded the worst and got one of the biggest sentences, totally innocent. I followed the trials, knew the lawyers.
Starting point is 00:31:23 There was nothing there. Did absolutely nothing. No conspiracy, no planning. I was the trials, knew the lawyers. There was nothing there. Did absolutely nothing. No conspiracy, no planning. I was there with them. They were worried about Antifa attacking and what will we do if they attack the crowd? They were there to be defensive. I was there at the Willard Hotel having the meetings. There was zero plans to go attack anybody. And now after nine years of the attacks on Trump and all of us and the last four years of people being political prisoners and the media. And now after nine years of the attacks on Trump and all of us and. The last
Starting point is 00:31:49 four years of people being political prisoners and really political hostages. Trump. Advisors said, Sir, Don't don't don't do it. He said F the media. They're all innocent. F them release them check and I like JD Vance, but
Starting point is 00:32:02 I know people that were there Trump blew up on him a week and a half ago and said, we're pardoning them all because it's all a lie. I've looked at the cases, all of them, the big ones. It's all insane. Our own reporter, Owen, four months in prison, they said he didn't work here. He went in and attacked people. He was there with me trying to stop them going in.
Starting point is 00:32:20 So this is a fun game for Alex to play, but on the other end of the phone, Stuart Rhodes knows damn well that he's not innocent. That's ridiculous. Also, Alex, I think in the past has said that he was not at any meetings or at the Willard, so maybe he should be a little... Pretty sure you should keep that one quiet. So they didn't say that Owen didn't work at Infowars. It was just argued that he wasn't there at the Capitol in the capacity of a journalist.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And also, there is some confusion about who is or isn't an actual employee at Infowars, because it seems like a lot of people might be independent contractors. No one said that Owen went into the Capitol and attacked people, he just forgot to do his community service from a prior suspended prosecution agreement and had to deal with the consequences of violating that agreement that he entered into willingly. These games are stupid, but they're also not sincere. Alex knows why Owen went to jail, it's just that acknowledging that reality wouldn't be useful to him. Pretending he believes this bullshit version of it helps him push his persecution narrative
Starting point is 00:33:15 so that false reality replaces truth. Also, straight up, no ifs, ands, or buts, fuck Stuart Rhodes. One of the things that he says pretty constantly throughout this interview, and most of this interview is he wasn't actually pardoned. He had his sentence commuted and he wants to change that because as it stands, according to him, he might have to see a parole agent and be on probation and he's not allowed to own a gun. So he needs to get this commutation change to a pardon if he wants to be able to have a gun.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Which I think he'll have no problem doing. But it is a little, huh, it's a little weird. That's fascinating. That's fascinating me to that story because it suggests an amount of loyalty from Trump that boggles my mind, right? Like that's not his thing. J.D. Vance, whiny little loser who'll throw you under the bus in the heartbeat. That makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Don't pardon the people who care the most about you. You should leave them in prison. Right? But Trump's also that guy. Don't pay the people you hired to build stuff. What are you doing? So I find it very strange that he would actually care Well, I think there's an interesting internal conversation that could have happened I don't know if this did but imagining that anything Alex is saying is real. That's crazy Yeah, yeah, but imagining there was this difference of opinion between Trump and Vance sure I could see a pretty compelling argument being made. That's like hey These guys are the most likely to coup made that's like, hey, these guys are the most
Starting point is 00:34:45 likely to coup you. That's a good point. Maybe you don't want to let them out because they're the people who have shown a propensity to break into the White House or the Capitol in order to carry out their political will. You might not want them too close because they will feel betrayed at some point. Sure, because you're going to betray them eventually. Yeah, they have unrealistic demands that you probably won't be able to live up to. Sure.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So I could see somebody being like, keep some of these people in prison. That is an interesting question. Yeah, like at what point do they go, well, the reason that we tried to overthrow the government because we thought there was a pedophile billionaire dictatorship and now we know there's a pedophile dictatorship. So we're actually justified in doing what we thought we were justified in doing last time. Weird. But I imagine that wouldn't be the way that it would be processed.
Starting point is 00:35:36 No, I don't think so. It would be like he's not throwing out enough immigrants. He's bad at being racist. Exactly. Let's get him. He's inefficient at his racism. I think we should should all here's what I think all right no more guns That's bad for everybody really fuck stuff up tort pitches and torch pitchforks and torches mm-hmm We got a we got to start there. Well. I think that the unite the right rally there was a lot of torches
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah, but those were loser tiki torches hmm. I don't think you can intimidate anybody with a tiki torch. I refuse to be intimidated by a tiki torch. All right, we're going to test this. I demand better torches. When you least expect it, I'm going to scare the shit out of you with a tiki torch. It's not hard. I'm very easily startled. So I have to say, the Enrique Attario interview, not really all that great.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Not really all that interesting. There was a dynamic of Alex trying to do the like they tried to keep you in prison story, right? And tario not going along with it. But other than that, it was just kind of like hey, we're doing this to do it Yeah, good to be out and I don't think that the Stuart Rhodes interview is really that much more interesting than Just the fact that it's happening is what matters. Right. It's a statement in existing. Right. It wouldn't be... the only interesting thing that they could possibly speak to would be spending the last couple years in prison and that's the last thing that they want to talk about for this interview. Well, and I also think the second thing that would be interesting to talk about would be not productive for them to have the
Starting point is 00:37:04 conversation publicly. And that is, so now that you've been let out, you know your job now is... Now that you have fuck everybody up badge. Yeah. You're not dissuaded from doing exactly what you have been doing prior to going to jail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Like you're only gonna do that but more, right? Yeah. That's worrisome, but I think what might even be worse is the people who actually have badges who feel like, finally, I'm allowed to be free. You know? Sure. Who's stopping me? Well, I mean, you have somebody in office who's like, we can solve stealing by cops
Starting point is 00:37:41 having one rough day. You got it. Yeah. I do feel like they're you know I think the world the word emboldening got thrown around a lot when Trump first shared into office sure I think it's even more relevant now. Oh, yeah So Stuart Rhodes there's one thing that he says that I thought was interesting Okay
Starting point is 00:37:58 The presumption innocence this country means that every single American is presumed innocent so proven guilty by a jury of their peers that is a fair jury that's an impartial jury and also in a court with an impartial judge. That can't happen in Washington D.C. They drew the jury pool from the victim pool. They said all the judges themselves said everyone in Washington D.C., all the residents are victims of J-6. And the judges even said that they themselves were victims but they insisted on drawing the jury from the victim pool. It's as though you're being charged with robbing a Walmart and they drew the jury pool from everyone who's in the Walmart on the night of the robbery. You're not gonna get an unbiased jury, it's impossible. So because you had no fair trial you did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a fair trial so you
Starting point is 00:38:43 should always still presume innocent until proven guilty. And that's why President Trump was fully justified in pardoning everybody. So this is a lot of fun. I always love seeing these kinds of justice fetishizers bend themselves into pretzels to try to pretend to care about legal technicalities when they've done a bunch of crimes and are being held responsible for them. This is a case that's being held in DC, so the jurors are from DC. But everyone in DC is a victim of January 6th, so it's impossible for them to be impartial
Starting point is 00:39:12 jurors, thus this case is null and void. It's pretty easy to see Stewart having a problem with the court accepting that argument and then bringing in jurors from other states. Then his complaint would be that the court can't bring in jurors from other locations, that's a violation of his due process rights. And even beyond that, couldn't we make the argument that literally everyone in America is a victim of January 6th? That was a direct attempt to disenfranchise the entire country through stopping the transfer
Starting point is 00:39:38 of power after an election. Every single person in the country would be affected by that because it was an attack on our rights. If that's the case, it's pretty easy to see that Stewart could make an argument that finding an impartial jury is impossible anywhere. So any trial and any jury he sat in front of would be illegitimate. His argument isn't about principles leading to a conclusion. It's about living out the conclusion that he decided on long ago that he's above the law and using dumb shit about legal Technicalities to try to pretend that he's entitled to be that to be in that state and that's Bullshit. Yeah, I would also argue that he should probably be behind like a screen or something
Starting point is 00:40:19 If I'm if I'm in the jury and I see him my my first instinct is, that's a fuck it. Come on, what are we doing? It's not like he's, I mean, maybe he's got a glass eye or something in the courtroom, but that's a man that looks like he caused trouble at the Capitol. Now what if, you know, obviously Stuart Rhodes is maybe a cool-ish sounding name. What if they called him Elmer all the time in court? Would that help you? That would help me a lot. Elmer's not breaking into the Capitol. No. No, come on. He's an adhesive man. Elmer's fine. Elmer's got work to do. He's too busy. He's got
Starting point is 00:40:57 shit going on in his life. Stewart. Stewart Rhodes with an eye patch? That man is on the high seas or he's breaking into the capital you think of four Elmer's uh Fudd yeah glue yeah foster what never heard of them nope nope cuz that was Stuart Rhodes coming up with the fourth is impossible his real name is Elmer yeah oh I didn't know that yeah oh I mean I probably knew that at some definitely knew that at Yeah, that would have to be something I knew at some point. Yeah. Yep. So their interview isn't that great. I don't really care about it all that much. And so afterwards, Alex is talking about the war in Ukraine. So it needs to stop right now. And the pressure needs to be put on Zelensky. Putin said, stop attacking the Donbass region. Stop pushing Russians out. Stop
Starting point is 00:41:47 trying to ban the Russian language. When Russia was founded there 1000 years ago and do not join NATO and move your weapons out. Or I'm going to take what she's taken one third of the country that's more defensible. It has a rivers between it so that you can't just roll right into Russia like Hitler did in Operation Barbarossa in late 1942. And Putin said, take your missiles out. And if the Russians were doing this to us, I would be very angry at them and doing what the Russians have done. So Soros has been on CNN eight years ago back when he gets still talk saying, I will soon be the czar of Russia I got it all over the State Department. I I overthrew their governments chair and that's what they did So that's not a not a quote. Is that not a quote? No, not a direct quote
Starting point is 00:42:36 Hmm. I also think that I mean this is perfectly framing of Alex's position Is that we have to put pressure on Zelensky to stop the war. Yeah. I don't understand. You have to put pressure on him to accept Russia seizing a bunch of their territory. Here's what I'm doing. A bunch of Ukrainian land. Here's what I'm doing. All right. I'm pulling a... I'm thinking like Alex now. I'm thinking why even bother with real life movies are real. So we do a dune. All right. We do in a tradies fucking Zelinsky covers himself in Novichok piece the accord shaking some hands with Putin done. Both of them call it a night is Novichok the tooth. Novichok is the tooth. The tooth. Remember the tooth. Remember the tooth Um, yeah, I don't know. I just think it's funny that Alex is like except that he
Starting point is 00:43:31 Militarily stole a bunch of your country. It's fine. You have to accept this Oh, I don't I don't understand how Alex gonna have that position Yeah, but it's probably because he thinks that Russia is just cool. He just likes Russia loves Putin Why did the French give up, Louisiana was was it because we went to war with Louisiana? No, I don't think so I don't think that's how it worked. So here here Alex talks about how Russia's cool Okay, and so if you know the Russian psychology They're done they're not moving And They have won They're done. They're not moving.
Starting point is 00:44:05 And they have won. And now they've been dropping Merv equipped ballistic missile payloads onto Ukraine that Pierce the best missile defenses in the world that are there. And so we're in a stalemate with these people and there is no reason to be doing this. I mean, if Russia was promoting tyranny around the world
Starting point is 00:44:34 like it was when the left ran it, I would still be against starting a war with them on their doorstep, but Russia is not. Russia culturally is where we're now going as well pro family Pro life pro national sovereignty pro life anti-war anti Neoliberal death cult free speech is primary not really interested in the free speech Oh, the free speech is actually one of the prime. No. no, definitely not. Definitely not. Gotta get rid of that shit. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Yeah. Yeah, I think it's a little telling for Alex to be like, Russia is where we're going. I'm just saying, if Russia is where we're going, obviously the administration would kill me very, very quickly because I'm saying things wrong. Mm-hmm. Yep, yep. That doesn't sound right I think I think Alex should really really assess where he's coming from like this is parody comedy levels of Not being who he pretends to be yeah, yeah, it is it is such a like they're treating it like TV
Starting point is 00:45:39 They're treating it like I'm just picking a team and then we're arguing about it Not like there are people who are going to be fucked over and not just the people who are dying in the war, but if you seed territory, then the people who live there are going to be fucked over. And that means that you're just going to be waiting for the next invasion. They're just going to regroup. They're going to get more troops and more money and more power and then take the rest of your fucking country. father's a false resolution
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah, it's not a resolution to give up territory or even to declare peace. It is just waiting for the next one Unfortunately, and but Alex wants I guess just the like let's pretend things are fine. Yeah Yeah, I mean I guess I guess only doing it three times is a pattern. If you invade a place and then take some of their stuff and then go, hey, we're not gonna do that again. And then a few years later, you invade a place and then you take their stuff and then you go, hey, buddy, we're for real done this time.
Starting point is 00:46:37 And then a few years later, you go even harder. I think it's safe to expect the fourth one if you declare peace. No It's hacky to hit the beat a fourth time. That's fair rule. Yeah, also it's fine as long as you're not the left As long as you're not that's fine. I should have thought of your pro family. It's all good I should have thought of that pro life So Alex touches here on a little bit of conflict that Trump had with the president of Mexico. There's just so much going on.
Starting point is 00:47:09 The Mexican president has been shooting her mouth off, so Trump started making some economic moves. It has the peso tumbling, and now she's begging. So there's just so much Trump's doing that is really, really good right now. It doesn't seem like something Alex should be super excited about. It seems cruel and awful and economic warfare-ish. She said something, so we destroyed their economy sounds like a very dick thing to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So President Scheinbaum of Mexico has made it clear that she will accept people that Trump is deporting, but that there are a couple of priorities. The first is that these should be people from Mexico who are being sent to Mexico. If Trump's deporting people, it doesn't make sense to take people with other countries of origin and then send them to Mexico. The second is that she, along with many other leaders, holds that people arriving in the country should not be transferred on military planes.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Trump has had a couple of tantrums about leaders of other countries not wanting to just let him do whatever he wants, however he wants. So that's led to a little bit of trouble, which I guess Alex loves. Yeah. No good. No. No good. Not.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Was it just, is it really just about naming things? Was it just cause they renamed the Gulf? I mean, that's not helping. Yeah. That's definitely not helping. Really just about naming things? Was it just because they renamed the Gulf? I mean that's not helping. That's definitely not helping. I think if that's the case then they should call it not Mexico. So they have Mexico and they're never calling it New Mexico again. They're calling it not Mexico.
Starting point is 00:48:40 That's what you have to do. Sure. Or take it. Retaliate in kind. Take it back! it's ours now Yeah, it says Mexico on it does say Mexico on it. We could just they could just vote to Mexicanize themselves I guess that sounds true. Yeah, I don't know if that based on Alex's So Alex, you know, he loves Trump likes Musk more
Starting point is 00:49:02 But he has a commitment to hold Trump's feet to the fire Of course about important issues, but you can't be mad at him You can't be mad or giving half a trillion dollars to an evil evil man No, you can't be you can't can't be mad at him but you gotta hold his feet to the thought of hold his feet to the interesting are going to Do what I've always promised you No matter how much I like Trump no matter how much I admire him as a man you. Do what I've always Trump well. And I know that
Starting point is 00:49:35 he's very smart in ways, b well informed on many othe matter. My job is promovin the the big tech titans and the the government. It's a very term with puppet Biden. And so it's the monopolization of AI through government that was going on behind the scenes with Altman and Microsoft and OpenAI and all of them together. Now you got Larry Ellison up there pitching it because Trump doesn't like Gates. And so we're going to inform Trump on this.
Starting point is 00:51:00 This is delusional, man. Like Trump wants to do this. It's something that they launched on the first days of his presidency. They made a big deal out of announcing it. Like it's $500 billion. That's a lot of money. This isn't just Trump being an amazing God selected leader who's just bumbling his way through governing. Like this kind of image just isn't gonna fly.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I can't accept it. I also see no evidence necessarily that Alex knows the difference between Sam Altman and Sam Bankman Fried. I think he might think they're the same person. That's entirely possible. I would believe that. They might as well be in a way. They should both be in prison probably. A couple of Sams. I wonder, see here's the problem. Here's the problem with Trump being in government. If he's a private businessman, I know he's not going to pay anybody $500 billion.
Starting point is 00:51:48 You're going to get screwed out of that money, right? But the government pays its bills. That's an issue for me. I don't want those people actually getting that money. No, that is true. That is true. And it's our money in theory. It is our money, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Paying taxes is an interesting choice this year. But I see what Alex is doing here is like he thinks that it's holding feet to the fire, but what he's doing is making excuses. Yeah. You know, he's like he loves the economy, loves America. He's kind of dumb. He just, you know, he doesn't know we need to educate him on this stuff. He's the fucking president. Yeah. Yeah. Shut the fuck up. It does feel like you should bumbling old fool. You do have a responsibility to Do the job right now, especially since Alex was like this is
Starting point is 00:52:35 Humanities future is at stake. I think I think it's fun because the last 12 years have really made a great case for not allowing old people to be president. Yep. Yep. You know, it's the law that the time traveler in that Project Camelot episode talked about is becoming more and more appealing. I'm hoping for a while. Who was it? Malia? Was it Malia Obama who was going to be president at 16? Maybe. So Alex talks a little bit about how everyone doesn't like him because he supports Trump. At least the globalists don't.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I know the bad guys don't like Trump. I know they don't like me for supporting him. And I don't want Trump to be a martyr, but I got to tell you if they ever do kill Trump They are going to be absolutely destroyed and Most the globalist know that that's why they're publicly rolling over But notice the vet the big banks aren't because they think they're the boss they're arrogant but when I looked at the Clintons and Obama and W just as bad, all of them, they look like they had seen a ghost at the inauguration. So I don't just look at politics and numbers and facts, I also
Starting point is 00:53:56 look at body language. I thought Bill Clinton was totally getting off on and having a great time with the inauguration because he loves power so much and Trump just embodies that. I do recall that from a very short time ago. Yeah, I guess Alex just forgot that bit of body language. In a day. I was thinking about something that Alex said in that clip that touched a nerve, and it's the claim that the globalists don't like Alex because he supports Trump.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Admittedly, I'm not the globalists, but when he said that I had a strange feeling. Initially, I thought, nah, I don't hate Alex because he supports Trump because there's so many reasons not to like this lying piece of shit. But the more I thought about it, a lot of the reason I hate Alex does kind of relate to him supporting Trump. It's not that I hate him because he supports Trump, though. It's his right to support Trump if he wants to. I don't really care. However, the fact that he's able to support Trump while pretending to have the political beliefs he's espoused over the course of his career very clearly illustrates that those beliefs weren't real to begin with. His support of Trump reveals how nothing he preached meant anything, and I hate him for
Starting point is 00:54:56 that. We're living in a time with public trust issues, and that's something that I've had a sense of on some level for most of my adult life. I was 16 when a very large portion of the population just had to accept that the election had been stolen by the Supreme Court, and a certain amount of healthy distrust has been important to maintain ever since that point. And that's why people like who Alex pretends to be are really important. We need renegade outside voices who don't let corporate systems absorb them.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Over the course of my life, I've seen local TV and radio stations consolidated to the point where real, non-syndicated media, separate from the power structure, that's pretty fucking rare. Alex is supposed to be that, and the level to which the last few years prove that he's not should make him the target of hate, especially from his fans. He built up the character of a renegade populist outsider, then he used that to usher the audience into the thrall of a political cult of personality that's going to do all the shit that Alex screamed about the globalists doing, and then Alex
Starting point is 00:55:53 is going to reassure them that it's all fine because it's Trump doing it. I think that maybe I do hate him because he supports Trump, because him making that decision and everything he's done since proves that the renegade outsider rabble rouser archetype is kind of a myth. He's kind of a living embodiment that that thing, that image that I think even though on our first or early episodes, I talked about the importance of someone like Alex, existing in society. Sure. I think I hate him because he illustrates that that's a delusion that I have. That that fantasy of that that kind of character is is from fiction. I wonder if it's I wonder if it's as much like people want to feel like that. But they don't want to live like that. No, you know, I want to feel like the person who's a rabble riser
Starting point is 00:56:41 on the outside. But I would also like the government to be competent You know and it's like you can't have one without the other a competent government doesn't need an Alex Jones It's only an incompetent government that needs an Alex Jones and Alex Jones has created an incompetent government by virtue of being an idiot Fascinating but a competent government could still use an Alex type But a competent government could still use an Alex type in terms of asking questions that are outside of the mainstream. I think that it's part of an extension of a really adversarial media. I think that it doesn't exist within the same umbrella as the mainstream outlets and shit. But that kind of person.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah, no, I mean, yeah, I suppose the delusion is essentially, you know, like eventually they will be bought. You know, like it doesn't matter. Well I guess we won't be bought. That's it. The delusion is that that is not something that has is devoid of ambition. Sure, sure. It's something that can't. Yeah. Basically what you're saying is devoid of ambition. Sure, sure. It's something that can't, yeah,
Starting point is 00:57:47 basically what you're saying is it can be bought. It's not pure. You'll eventually be bought. Yeah. Yeah, because eventually, even, why would you still care about Joe Rogan after he gets a hundred million dollar contract? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:00 He's been purchased. Mm-hmm. So your perception of him included the perception of a person who would not immediately be purchased for a hundred million dollars. Right. And, and it should call into like question how you experienced a lot of the content that he put out prior to it. Yeah, absolutely. It's, it's just, it's, it's strange to me. Uh, and I, I resent Alex for being such an embodiment of that yeah, and I don't even think that I would feel this way if he was Still like the I don't know early 2000s shithead liar
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah, who has a bunch of positions that I don't agree with I mean I think it comes back to what we said you know you you die a Bill Cooper or you live to become Alex Jones Mm-hmm, you know that's just what is that's just how it's going. Yep. And sad. Yeah, it's sad. So Alex rants a little bit here because I don't know if you saw, there was a clip going around of a pastor who was speaking in front of Trump and Vance and saying, hey, you should be merciful. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:59:01 There's a lot of people who are scared. Very pissed off about that. Yeah, there's a lot of people who are scared very pissed off about that. Yeah, there's there's a lot of people who like, you know Immigrants sure LGBTQ folk you should extend to mercy like a god might sure you think yeah And so that really makes Alex mad, of course it does Yeah So he starts ranting about how trans folks are a conspiracy of the Tavistock is great great Instead of just saying this lady's a whacked out liberal
Starting point is 00:59:23 We need to expose that they know exactly what they're doing, and it's the Black Rock and the UN that's funding and doing all of this to tear our civilization and our society apart. That the transgender movement was started, and I don't hate individuals that think they're that, the point is they're being brainwashed
Starting point is 00:59:41 into depopulation, into sterilization. MI6, the Tavistock Institute, developed this plan in the 60s, it's declassified, the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:59:51 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:59:59 the the the the the the the the the the mind control. Here's the clip. I want to get your response to it. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country. We're scared now.
Starting point is 01:00:23 There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in democratic, Republican and independent families. Some who fear for their lives. So yeah, that's gonna make, that makes you mad. Sure, yeah. I can't stand it when a religious leader says something like, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive the trespasses of others. What an asshole. I'm amazed by how much this angers Alex
Starting point is 01:00:47 I am I'm not because you can't I mean it happens in the Bible How much the Bible pisses off people who don't like the Bible fair enough fair enough. So yeah, he's mad about that She is a little bit of a little little bit of talk about that But mostly a lot like bit of talk about that. But mostly, like most of this episode is about holding Trump's feet to the fire. Sure. About this Oracle open AI thing. Right. Now, last night, I got home about seven o'clock, went to the front page of X and saw Larry Ellis and Sam Altman and the owner of SoftBank. And I know all three the and the owner of SoftBank. And
Starting point is 01:01:27 I know all three of them. They're passing who they are very well. And I clicked on the video that will play in a moment and go to that Robert Malone. Larry Olson of Oracle. Responding to Trump about what does this say I do for us? Well, it cures cancer, mRNA.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Now everybody's been horrified by the meeting a month ago with Bill Gates, with Trump and Bill Gates said last week, oh, Trump's really interested in all the things mRNA can do. And you know, Trump bought into their warp speed five years ago and that's the big thing Trump did wrong. And he's got RFK Jr. in there going into HHS that's a real mea copa by Trump and you've already seen him pulling red dye out and going after the fluoride and talking about stripping the vaccine makers of immunity and we've got Trump
Starting point is 01:02:15 releasing the JFK files today i mean this is this is moving quick so a lot of good's happening I mean, this is this is moving quick. So a lot of good's happening. But I'm pleased to listeners that. Even Trump does things I don't agree with. I will talk about it and we will be there to hold his feet to the fire. I know Trump. Well, Trump is very smart, but he's doesn't have a lot of knowledge on certain subjects and he's gotten a lot smarter in the last
Starting point is 01:02:45 nine years being persecuted, particularly the last four. But he loves technology, he loves all this stuff, and he wants to be a hero. He wants to be a hero. He is a lot of bit, he is a vain person. I think that there is no distinction between holding someone's feet to the fire and making excuses for Alex. This is, they are the exact same thing. Absolutely. He is just making excuses.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Bringing up the things that would make me want to hold his feet to the fire only to excuse them so I don't have to hold his feet to the fire. Right. There's the reasons and there's no limit. There's no end to it. I don't think so. And no matter what limit you get to, it will move the goalposts, right? You know, so it's it's ridiculous. We've already seen Trump shove Isis up our dirty assholes There is not like we've already go much further than that
Starting point is 01:03:34 Yeah, and Alex's made excuses constantly since so like so, I don't know. Yep So Alex I was like, why is he covering this so much? There's so much news that's going on Trump has done all kinds of shit. Sure. There's you know with some of the things that are Obviously you'd want to talk more about Haven't happened yet at this point sure but there's still a great deal that Trump did in the first two days Yeah, and so like being all up on this AI thing, I thought was strange. Until Alex said this and everything came into focus.
Starting point is 01:04:12 So when Musk does things I don't like, I will tell you, I'm not here working for Elon Musk just because I'm a big supporter and like the majority of what he's doing. Same thing with Trump. But I saw a lot of people online saying, I bet Alex Jones comes out for all this tomorrow. I'm going to come out with what I believe is the most accurate information. That's why the inventor of mRNA here with us that we'll go to in a moment. So Alex's people are making fun of him on Twitter. They're like, people are saying,
Starting point is 01:04:39 I bet he supports this. No, I don't support it. I'm going to make excuses for it. Exactly. It's not that I support it. I'm gonna make excuses for it. Exactly. It's not that I support it. I don't want it to happen. It's that the other guy would be worse. Alex is, I think he's self-conscious and people have made fun of him on Twitter and so he's doing his show about this. Yeah, that's brutal. So you've got one last clip because Alex interviews Robert Malone, the maker of mRNA technology. Bobby Malone. And this guy, the guy's a real dickhead. OK. But there's one clip that I thought was kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Plus, does Trump understand, as you said, the Chief of Staff certainly does, how unpopular mRNA is after the giant disaster? Actually, that I know. He is all dug in that Operation Warp Speed was a huge success and that the genetic vaccines worked and that they're a major success story for him. And I've talked to I'm sure you have also many, many people who have been in the prior administration and are in contact with him routinely. And they all say that this is not something that's negotiable. He is dug in on this position. And that's just the way it is. It's not good. What do we do?
Starting point is 01:05:49 I don't know the answer. Sorry, I had to tell that telephone call to go away. No, I understand. I mean, this is the central, just because look, Trump on a lot of fronts is doing great things. He's a reformer, but on this, on this, he wants to be a hero
Starting point is 01:06:01 and these guys come lie to him and his optimism is great, but he has major blind spots. That sounds like more than a blind spot. That sounds like he sucks. If you're coming from the standards that Alex has, he's a piece of shit. If somebody digs in on a thing, then you have conflict. Well, and the digging in is on recognizing publicly that the COVID vaccine was a bioweapon
Starting point is 01:06:27 release that the globalists did in response to COVID, which was a bioweapon release that they had done prior to this, and Trump got sucked into supporting it. His pride and his ego won't allow him to do it, to admit that publicly, which is what's making him dig his heels in. And it's not a small thing. No, it's a huge thing. Yeah. I think that there's probably plenty of events over the course of history that might be controversial.
Starting point is 01:06:54 But you could have some leader who's like, I believe that I did the right thing. It was an incredibly difficult decision to make. Whatever. That's not this. This is a bioweapon release that changed the world. What's so ironic about it is that it's, I think it's similar to like Alex and when a mainstream media article, you know, oh mainstream media is bullshit. Oh, the New York Times had
Starting point is 01:07:21 something I agree with, you know, in so far as like, that is the one real thing that Trump did that was good. Like at the end of his life on his deathbed, he can be like, it is because of me that 10 million people are still alive or whatever it is he wants to do. You know, that's what he can hold onto. And that's the thing that people hate him for on his own team. I hate this guy because he actually saved lives instead of what I wanted him to do. The irony. Yeah, that's an amazing irony.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And then on top of that, you have the like making excuses shit on 11 here. Yeah. Because I think that if I were somebody who supported X, Y, or Z politician, and they were complicit, they got fooled into releasing a bio weapon. And then in response to that, they got fooled into creating a vaccine that was also a bio weapon. Yeah. I think that I would have massive problems with ever supporting them ever again. If only because you clearly are stupid. You clearly are so gullible to the point where you endanger the world. Yeah. So I feel like this should be a bigger deal for them. Yeah, they're they're pretending to believe that COVID and the vaccines were bioweapons. I think I think what's going on and I think this happens to a lot of people, especially now that you're on the internet is like your point of view on your own intelligence
Starting point is 01:08:58 gets wrapped up in whether or not these famous people are intelligent, right? So like, if you get to the point where you have to say, actually, Elon Musk is a fucking idiot, then you have to look at yourself and go, fuck, I am also an idiot, because I've invested 10 years in this guy, you know? Sure, and I think that there's also an element that's threatening about like, seeing one of the richest people in the world and being like he's an idiot.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Yeah. Why am I not? Right, oh totally. An idiot is that rich? Yeah, yeah. Maybe there's no such thing as the meritocracy and all of this is a random shake up of the universe that exploded 18 billion years ago. No one knows. I think accepting some of that is deeply threatening.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yeah, I bet. It's hard. It's hard because otherwise like, well, why should any of them be president kind of feelings start to come up and that's not okay for these people? Well, yeah. And then I think it does end up eventually weaving into a lot of questions about property. Yeah. Wait, maybe we should share things. Oh, no. Oh, no fuck so I think that the If you were looking to understand what's going on in the world I don't think you'd have a very good prism through info wars coverage doubtful, but maybe it'll pick up Boy, I mean I I almost said well you could understand Stu and then I was like no you can't that doesn't even that that's Obscuration sure yeah, we can look forward to Alex trying to rationalize Trump's freeze of all government spending, which ends up doing things like getting rid
Starting point is 01:10:36 of all kinds of offices, like the Office of Missing and Exploited Children. Sure. Things like this side domino effect that maybe he doesn't think of or can't wait to hear his take on Guantanamo Bay. I think we're at a place now, because that spending freeze got either challenged or rescinded because of course it did. I think we're at the place now where everybody at all of these agencies should just assume everything is going to go to court. So you don't have to do anything for like two years.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Yeah. Until the court tells you. Oh, oh, he's signed an executive order to do this. Hey, let's hold on guys. Let's wait a couple of years and see where we are. Yeah. Yeah. It's...
Starting point is 01:11:21 Everybody just keep doing what you're doing. Pretend that he's not there until a court says you have to believe in him Yeah, it has the feel of like someone who is I declare a beach day I think you could run off and you put on your swim trunks get a little sunscreen on your nose And then turns out oh, no, it is not a beach day Out and it's all rainy. Oh, so you just put on your shorts for nothing What a waste of everybody's time. Yep, and money. Yep, but at least open AI will get half a trillion Thank God. Yeah, so we'll see what happens down the line, but until then we have a website and do we do it's now try
Starting point is 01:11:57 Calm. Yep, we'll be back but until then I'm neo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark. I am the mysterious professor And now here comes the sex robots. Andy, I'm Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work. I love you.

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