Knowledge Fight - #1011: January 28, 2025
Episode Date: February 24, 2025In this installment, Dan and Jordan try to make sense of Alex celebrating the ideas of a return to the Monroe Doctrine, a rise of American empire, and the creation of a "prison planet" in El Salvador....
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N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knowledge fight!
Dan and Jordan, I'm sweating!, it's time to pray!
I have great respect for knowledge fight.
Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge
Knowledge fight
Need money
Stop it Andy and Andy and Kansas
Pray Andy and Kansas Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan.
We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of slain and talk a little
bit about Alex Joe
Jordan Dan Jordan quick question for you. What's up? What's your race? What's anybody? My bright spot today?
Is I was poking around on YouTube. I was recommended a video from vice
Okay, and I thought now why not check this out sure it is
It was a series that Jamali Maddox, who was on Taskmaster, I knew him
from there, he was hanging out at the gun church. You know that guy, Reverend Sun Young
Moon's son. And so I gave it a whirl and I really enjoyed it so I watched some more.
When I was in college,
I used to really love Louis Thoreau's Weird Weekends.
And when he would go in bed
with the Westboro Baptist Church,
there's something about a British person
interacting kind of jovially with American weirdos
that's just great.
And he taps into that. Like'Balli is good at
being this guy who's clearly
Critical of what he's seeing on some level but also not being
Hostile to the people to the point where they would throw him out right right right and I find his presentation quite good
I enjoy it
And there's something very American about allowing a British person
to just kind of insult you to your face and then not care.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Well, it's, it's, they're,
him and Louie are both people who are able to present
pretty harsh things,
but not in a way that feels like a criticism.
Yeah, see that's-
It's not just like, hey, you're an asshole.
It's like, I don't know if I'm sure
what you're doing is good.
And I'm fascinated by the ability to say that.
There's never been a you bad
that the British couldn't make six paragraphs long.
Yeah, so anyway, I've enjoyed it. I recommend it.
What's your bright spot?
My bright spot is you...
Yes, me.
You warned me about Warriors Abyss,
a new video game, and I thought I'd give it a try.
And I was like, oh, it's all right at first.
And then yesterday I played it for a good hour or two, two and then it hooked me I don't know what it is I don't know what
happened but it scratched the itch and now I'm just reveling in that thing that
Dynasty Warriors games do so well which is give you like 60 characters every
time you press a button it's like it's a little bit different it's not actually
different no you know in the back of your mind. This is the same thing
There's gonna be some kind of an effect that goes across the screen or like some sort of different color of out like burst
There's gonna be a number that is that is associated with damage, etc. Mm-hmm gets me
Yeah, they get me the end like the aesthetically different enough weapons.
Uh, yeah. It's uh, it's dangerous on that level.
I was not meaning to warn you.
I thought that there's no way this would appeal to someone other than me.
Because I like a roguelike and I like Dynasty Warriors.
And so I thought like, oh this isn't my sweet spot.
I didn't for a second consider that you would try it. It hit me in the Hades spot. That's what it was
Right. It hit me in the Hades spot. It's got enough and it's like it's almost like an inverse. It takes place in hell too. Right, right
No, it's clearly they played Hades and we're like this would be great if we were making money off of it. We put Lou Boo in here. Yeah, no
But but it is like it's almost like an inverse proportion for Hades where Hades had so much story, but
then when you were going through, there was six weapons.
There weren't too many ways to play the game.
Yeah, you could get different boons and stuff.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That could change things a little.
There's only six base weapons as opposed to 100.
As opposed to 100.
So there's very little story to no story
But you know, there's a hundred different people and every time you go in through you find out this person attacks with a butterfly
Hooray. Yay next game. Oh next one hundred more. Let's go. Next one. Let's go
Yeah, it looks like a giant baby and and he's got a huge club what boom next
The old man has a bow and arrow. He's got a bow and arrow next
I have a gun I
Finally I unlocked Lou boo this morning. Oh, no. Yeah
You're in deep world destroyer. I'm sure it is ridiculous It is a completely different game when you unlock that character. You're like. Oh, why am I even trying sure he's deeply overpowered beep beep next
Yeah, like it's bad and by the time because he's the heart like furthest to unlock by the time you get up to him you
Probably have
Unlocked a lot of like just general every character
And stuff so he you yeah, he's a monster. Oh, yeah in every form. It's brutality.
I did not get the bug from that.
I did not end up getting more.
I just dabbled in it for a minute and then I heard that there was a Ninja Turtles roguelike.
Which now I have to also get.
So I jumped over to that.
So now you're going to get into that Cause that's way more like Hades.
Oh god.
If you have the Hades itch, then that Ninja Turtles...
You have damned me to hell, my friend.
And by getting me out of hell and into the sewers.
The only hope that I have, cause I haven't really played much of this Ninja Turtles one,
but the only hope that I have is that it goes deep.
I want so many characters you can play as 100% so far
I know that Casey Jones is in the game actually and the four turtles perfect, but I need so many more gonna need splinter
Well splinter has been kidnapped. This is the premise. Oh, okay. All right
Uh, maybe he unlocks if you save him or something. Oh boy. Yeah, I mean you should be able to fight a shredder
Right. Well shredders the bad guy. Well, yeah, but I mean later on yeah, maybe yeah, yeah, I'm not open
I'm not closed off to New Game Plus having the villains in there
But I'm talking about like that bunny
Yo Jimbo yeah, yeah, yeah
Jimbo yeah
Who a Baxter stockman? He's gonna be a bad guy
Who are the other good guys? Oh April? I'd like to be able to fight his April
Oh, you're dead you for sure gotta be able to fight his April. Yeah
Yeah, you know actually that's a good point. I don't remember too many of the good guys
What's his face from secret of the use well there was Venus pizza guy
Secret of the ooze is non-canonical. I want to say that's canonical.
So, Jordan, today we have a canonical episode
to go over of Alex's show.
We're going to be talking about January 28th, 2025.
Continuing on our path.
I like it.
I was kind of thinking about, like,
maybe we speed up a little bit,
but there's enough to talk about in here
that I'd like to bring a focus to some some of this shit excellent
So we'll get down to business on this but first let's take a little moment to say hello to some new walks
That's great idea
So first the prophetic future tense is a literary technique which describes future events that are so certain to happen in the past tense as
If they had already happened commonly used in religious texts and by Alex Jones. Thank you so much. You're now policy walk
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you next bird friendly Wilford by Alex Jones. Thank you so much. You're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk
Thank you very much. Thank you next bird friendly Wilford Brimley. Thank you so much. You're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk
Thank you very much. Thank you. Is that a vocal warm-up? No idea next Merry Christmas and congrats on making it through the back catalog
Thank you so much. You're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk
Thank you very much. Thank you and And we got a technocrat in the mixture. So thank you so much to Mary
Merry christmas from mr
I support the support these two schmucks as a gift for you because I know how shocked you'd be
Hearing your name yelled by dan. Love you boo. Boo. Thank you so much. You're an autoteknocrat. I'm a policy wonk
Someone someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop daddy shark
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little little kitty baby
I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Yes. Thank you very much
so there's a lot going on in the world sure, um, there's a ton happening sure and
You know a lot of that you don't get a sense of from Alex's show.
He's pretty happy about how mean Tom Holtman is.
20 out of 10.
He loves Elon Musk.
200 out of 500.
A lot of the specifics get kind of lost.
Yeah, I can imagine.
A lot of the news stories end up not getting covered while Alex rants about nothingness.
Strange choice of life to lead, but okay.
Well, I mean, our last episode, a fair amount of time was taken up with
Werner von Braun prophesied the coming of Elon Musk will bring us to Mars.
Seems like a waste of time.
That does feel like something that we could just dispense with entirely.
It almost feels a little bit like I've gotta fill this time with dark journalist.
So this is what we're gonna talk about.
What else are you gonna talk about with dark journalist?
I just wouldn't talk to him.
I strongly support that.
But I mean if you're stuck in a we gotta talk to dark journalist might as well get to
Nazi prophecy, I guess so
So we start off here on the 28th
And it's kind of just a rumination about how Trump's beating the shit out of these globalists these globalists
They're getting busy eight days
very calm about this
But I
Am here to tell you that I have been studying constantly
every facet of what Trump's doing, and I can't even keep up with it. This is
absolutely plotted out by incredibly smart people. I know that this
broadcast and our suggestions have been absolutely taken up like mother's milk by a baby.
And I am so proud of this audience of activists keeping us in attack formation through all
these attacks.
And Trump is just devastating the living shit out of the globalist.
I mean, it is unbelievable. And yeah, we can
bitch about this little thing or that thing. But in them whole,
this is earth shaking globalist destroying irrevocable. Absolutely
absolutely irrevocable to the globalist. It is incredible.
He really does not seem to care at all about swearing on air anymore.
Like less than a minute into the show he's dropping shit.
I love it.
Well, yeah, but it is reflective of how much bullshit it is when he says like we're on 400 radio station
No, you're not. No, you absolutely are not on Twitter. You are by yourself. Yeah. Yeah
But it's I mean it makes his swearing. It does feel a little better now. Yeah, you know, it doesn't feel as like
Twelve year old getting away with saying the curse boy that actually kind of felt a little bit organic
Yeah, those those early days those early days whenever he would like put a fuck in there, and you're like don't do that
Well, I think there was too much trepidation about like this is actually gonna be a problem with
I'm gonna have to I'm gonna get a phone call for saying fuck so it comes out all wrong
Yeah, yeah now let it fly let it go shit this so the cartel
Which cartel great question?
Who knows
Are declaring war
And he said to the last few months
he said as soon as we start actually shutting down the
human trafficking and the
fentanyl. And the sex slavery
the cartels are going to try to
kill federal agents and others.
And when they do, we're going
to come in with the military
and we're going to slaughter
them. And so the Mexican
cartels don't understand
there's a sheriff in town. They
walked into their trap. They just tried to ambush. Down on the and then the board patrol firing back. It is dramatic.
And a few days ago, they shot hikers across the border
in California, shot a mountain biker.
The days of them just running around murdering everybody
and the board patrol being shot at
and told not to shoot back is over.
And so if Mexico really wants the Marines to invade again,
you're about two inches away from it.
And Trump stopped playing games.
He's looking for somebody.
To cross the United States, so we can get back to where we were.
I'm sorry.
And that's Fortress America.
And that's America expanding.
I'm sorry?
By progress, but by business deals.
Yeah, so this is what Alex's vision of peace entails.
All right?
Hoping Mexico will give us a reason to go to war with them.
Talking about Orwell is a little bit hacky in conspiracy world, so I won't call this
Orwellian, but it's something. A dramatic ambush.
The thing that Alex is talking about here was some people on the Mexico side of the
border firing shots at Border Patrol agents, Border Patrol agents shooting one shot back,
and no one getting hurt.
The news reports them as, quote, suspected cartel members, but I'm noticing this a lot
that there's no substantiation of the cartel connection whenever this title
is used.
It very well may be the case that these people are involved with a cartel, but it's also
quickly becoming a catch-all term that I think could get weaponized pretty easily, and I
think we're seeing that.
Also, those other cases, you know, there was that, we talked about the guy who got shot. Yeah.
Suspected cartel member.
I'm going to go ahead and say this.
These days, you know, if we're talking about the Trump Border Patrol and the Trump ICE
and the Trump cops, I don't think I trust what they're saying.
I don't think they're trustworthy narrators anymore.
I think that there was good reason to
Worry before yeah
Always a grain of salt with cops lie. It's okay. Sometimes. Okay, it's legal
But now I think maybe more I wouldn't trust a goddamn word any of them fucking say about goddamn anything
The sky is blue you fucking liars. no it's not. I am in a position where I think I require
a little bit extra proof than maybe I used to.
Benefits of doubts and whatnot.
So when you talk about getting information,
you wanna have good sources.
When you're someone like Alex, who's like
God's chosen warrior.
God's a great source.
Well, he would be, but Alex prefers to go other routes. Okay, we know their attacks
We know who they are. We know their organizations. We know their dark money and we're watching their ass like a hawk
And when I say we're watching them you're watching them, you know where I find 90% of us is
Don't say it you
Don't say it. You.
Posting under my post on Hacks.
The crew brings me a lot of stuff.
But I'm digging through everything.
But the really good stuff comes from you.
Now the Bill Gates thing.
Everybody's like, look, these are fake doctors.
It's this dark money group.
And I went, that's Bill Gates' group.
Of course, five seconds later, yeah.
I knew it was his group.
So that's what we're doing.
Yeah, that is what you're doing. Yeah, that is what you're doing.
Dumb shit from Twitter.
I can't, you know, sometimes when he says it,
it's even more shocking for him to say it.
Cause it's rude.
We all know that's what you're doing,
but the contract is, you'll pretend
that it's not what you're doing.
If you have awareness of it, you should be embarrassed.
Yeah, you should feel bad.
You should feel bad.
I just get on my show and whine about various things
people comment on my Twitter account.
Absolutely, this makes me feel bad.
So he said that he wants Fortress America.
Yeah, that's not good.
No, it's not.
But it gets worse.
Okay, great.
Yeah. And then some are saying, well, this new Fortress America thing, yeah, it's not. No, but it gets worse. Okay, great. Yeah
And then some are saying well this new Fortress America thing. Yeah, it's gonna be strong and yeah Trump's for real he's taking over but he's kind of building his own new thing
Scott Ritter like criticizes Trump and then says but he supports it but Scott's smart
criticized Trump and then says, but he supports it. But Scott's smart.
He knows that this is the classic American system.
I mean, manifest destiny and expansion.
You're either expanding or you're dying.
Instead, we were being cut up
and turned into a third world hellhole
and becoming globalists footstool.
So I'm not for an American empire of
military, I am for an American empire of ideas and culture and
industry. And then everybody's just going to want to join us.
But we've got to check the country, we got to check the
system, we got to, you know, make alliances and things. And
of course, we need to get Greenland.
I'm sorry.
And of course,
we need to have nation to nation agreements, not through the U.N. So this is not the New World Order the globalists wanted.
It's the Monroe Doctrine.
This is so goddamn stupid coming out of Alex's mouth. He wants to bring back the Monroe Doctrine. This is so goddamn stupid coming out of Alex's mouth.
He wants to bring back the Monroe Doctrine.
Is he concerned that France is colonizing some place in the Western Hemisphere and that
needs to be stopped?
I mean.
Alex is just throwing spaghetti at the wall here and none of this should be taken too
He just wants to live in a right wing dictatorship because he's convinced himself that he'll
be free of the consequences of living in a right-wing dictatorship because he's a crazy
right-wing dude who's white and Christian.
Alex seems to be pretending that countries don't have one-on-one relations, in addition
to the larger multilateral agreements in those bodies that exist in the world.
That's stupid and Trump isn't going to bring back having one-on-one agreements with other countries.
He's going to normalize relations between the US and hostile foreign governments like
Russia and North Korea against the wishes of the international community and long-standing
US policy.
The one-on-one relations are going to be things like him trying to make condos in North Korea,
not negotiating a real peace in some country that's in conflict.
This is all pretty much the level of a farce, and someone who was sold on Alex's Infowars
message like 15 years ago should be horrified by this.
The guy who doesn't trust the federal government to regulate highways is secretly in favor
of manifest destiny?
These are the kinds of moments that should make it blatantly clear to anyone listening
to him that he never believed that shit that he preached to begin with.
It was all just the best way to Trojan Horse his real beliefs to a wider audience.
Also why isn't he mad about Scott Ritter being a sex offender?
Shouldn't he be more concerned about that than the little difference that they have
about Fortress America?
Shouldn't he be screaming about how he's a demon or something? I'm surprised, one, he's not caught up
in a very effective task force that I'm hearing about
from Tom Homan.
That should have handled, one of those problems
should have handled the other.
And two, so we're good with Manifest Destiny.
And we need Greenland.
Now, I'm gonna just say from my American perspective, that means we're either going
to make Greenland part of America, thus increasing the number of people who we call Americans.
I mean, that's like reverse immigration, is that we immigrated on top of you, which is
an interesting problem to have.
And then second, or if we're not going to make them a state, that it's taxation without
Alex thinks people from Greenland are white.
I understand.
He considers them white.
It's fine.
I mean, I understand the concept why it's okay, but eventually it will very much be
not okay, right?
I mean, nothing they want is ever okay.
Yeah, that's fair.
Like all their stupid plans eventually end up some terrible-
We've colonized Mexico! Ha ha ha! You can't immigrate to us, we immigrated to you!
It's all just a bunch of nonsense.
And I think, I just think it's important, as we're seeing the, like the laying out of the beginning of Trump's second term, to see these things that are direct invalidations of like, you cannot possibly be someone who believes the stuff that Alex's career is built on and act this way.
that Alex's career is built on and act this way. Those beliefs have to have been fake.
And I think that there's value in pointing this out,
not in like a ha ha, you're a hypocrite kind of way,
but in an illustrative way that can be helpful
when you run into the next Alex Jones,
who's trying to sell you on some kind of idea
about liberty and all this shit,
when really what they want is a very cruel harsh
Monroe doctrine yeah
It is it is ultimately like we should be learning from this past
30 years exactly what the liars are doing you know yeah
You should know where they're lying and the people are still susceptible. Yeah, like it's it's
It it's it's an issue that we can have a lot of insight in yeah too and like understand
How the mechanics of this works, but it is still very dangerous people still engage in this yep
so Alex rambles about how
Thrilled he is about how the Border Patrol is going to kill
a bunch of people.
That sounds right.
So, now they have, again and again, tried to kill the Border Patrol and killed some
in cases.
And so, you're going to have a lot of Mexican drug cartel people that are going to start
getting killed. And their bosses are going to have a lot of Mexican drug cartel people that are going to start getting killed and their bosses are going to get killed.
And so the Mexican drug cartels have had a free hand down there bullying their people
and others that come through there.
And I'm going to tell you, they're going to be pushing daisies up real fast.
So the army is going to be killing them already are the Marines are going to be killing them
already are. The Marines are gonna be killing them, already are.
I'm sorry?
Internalist other groups.
And you're dead!
So, enjoy!
Hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by fentanyl supplied by the communist Chinese,
the Mexican drug cartels, you're dead, dead, dead.
Alex says that they've killed border patrol officers than mutters in cases, because he's
trying to combine stories that he can't actually combine.
There was the story about a couple of guys shooting over the border where no one got
hurt, and then there was the separate story from a little bit back about the border patrol
agent who was killed in Vermont.
That has nothing to do with the border of Mexico, but Alex wants to superimpose that
death onto this story so he can get the most benefit from it.
It's very clear what Alex is doing here, which is cheering on the killing of immigrants
by the US military.
Based on literally everything he's ever pretended to believe, Alex shouldn't be in favor of
this, but again, the principles were a costume.
It's clips like this that highlight why it's very important how loose the term cartel member
has gotten with the right-wing media and politicians.
If Alex believes that it's appropriate for soldiers and marines to kill cartel members,
what level of evidence does he require to accept that someone the military kills was
actually in the cartel?
He shouldn't believe the military is right to kill them, even if they are in the cartel,
but leaving that aside, if Alex makes that okay, he's essentially saying that the military
can kill whoever they want, so long as they tell him that they were in the cartel.
This bloodthirsty right-wing kind of mentality, this was what he was supposed to exist in
opposition to in the days of 9-11 with the term terrorist.
Like this game is something that he presented himself as the opposite of, the other side
The deaths of people in other countries and the violation of liberties of people here
were hand-waved away by people saying that they were terrorists or suspected terrorists.
Alex knows all of this.
His career has spanned through that time, and he's been critical of how the police state tried to excuse their bad actions by just saying terrorist. He knows
exactly what he's doing. He just thinks that he's close to power now, whereas he knew that
George Bush was too ambivalent about bringing back segregation and they could never really
work together. That's the difference.
Basically. Yeah. If Trump had been around
then and he felt like another George Wallace type was possible, he would have gone all
in on the terrorist labeling after 9 11. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it was the easiest thing for
him to do in the world to be like, see Obama bombed another wedding, and then he called him terrorist.
That's the easiest thing to do in the world if you're Alex Jones.
Which is why he did it.
Which is why he did it, but if you don't actually give a fuck, then you're lying.
You're a lying piece of shit who just knows that it's the wrong brown people, I guess.
Sure, and you recognize the power of the game.
The alienation, the othering, the term being so vague
as to like, and scary, that you can justify.
Cartel, terrorist.
Cartel cuts people's heads off.
Just like the terrorists do.
Right. Yeah.
So you know the power of manipulatively heads off. True. Just like the terrorists do. Right. Yeah.
So you know the power of manipulatively and abusively using that language to such a broad
Fucking everybody should at this point.
And Alex's complaint when he was talking about like Obama justifying attacks or whatever
by saying that they're suspected terrorists or whatever, wasn't concerned with the actual behavior, right?
He was just mad that the side he's opposed to is using a tactic that he knows is powerful right now
He's perfectly happy to use the same tactics course because he's a piece of shit. Yeah. Well anyway if you have fentanyl
Trump gonna kill you
Trump's just straight up that seems like not the way to solve a problem.
Well, fentanyl's in a dead person's hand now.
Now the big cartel that runs Porta By Arta, and you know, is out of there, that one years
ago came out, has been killing any of their members that are caught selling fentanyl,
because they knew Trump was coming back.
And they, they, it's been in the news.
They told people, they said Trump's gonna probably end up back here and he's gonna kill us. We've been told that by him through
the through in many areas, but Trump's been behind the scenes and when I get back in,
anybody caught with fentanyl, you're dead. And I mean, the leadership, all your sons
dead. We're gonna kill you. All right, we're gonna come back and play the clubs. Stay with me."
This doesn't seem like a tenable position for Alex to have.
Like if all you need for the US president to be justified in sending the military in
to kill you and your family is that you're somewhat connected to a drug ring, why should
Alex have been against the war in Afghanistan?
The low bar for what he'll accept as a good cause for the US to use deadly military force,
it's just unsustainable.
There's no war that he couldn't support given this level.
Like this type of celebration of killing.
We're going to kill your children?
What if the children don't want to be a part of the drug game. I think what he was trying to say was that in preparation for
Trump murdering families, the cartel leaders are already murdering families of their own.
If I understand that correctly. Well, because they don't want to get people caught with
fentanyl because Trump is going to kill them their families Yeah, so then they killed him in their families. Is that what I'm under to understand from Alex?
Sure, yeah, I don't know. I think he just likes violent fantasies. Yeah, I think that's probably true
So look he likes violent fantasies, right, but you know what he doesn't like
Protesters it's not like people exercising their First Amendment rights, right? Right, right. So he talks about that as it relates to
Immigration issues great and then he gets lost thinking about a new Marvel that'll happen that'll happen Dallas
We've seen the worst with the illegal aliens waving their Mexican flags
Tackling and beating up Trump supporters and taking away their American flags and stomping on them the American flag. Now
tackling and beating up Trump
supporters and taking away
their American flags and
stomping on them. Oh boy.
These folks really love
America, don't they? Now.
Obviously the vast majority of
Hispanics that come here want
to be America and they're
great people, and there's.
Record numbers of Hispanic Americans voted for Trump. They are just as disgusted, or probably more so,
by these people than other Americans are.
But here's the thing,
America's not living on its knees anymore,
and we're not taking it anymore.
And you got all the leftist scum and antifou out there
with them as well.
leftist scum and antifou out there with them as well.
And then saying about, Oh, we're Native Americans, so we can be wherever we want. That's all taught by the big foundations
by the UN, by the globalists want to break this country up.
By the way, I'll get to this coming up.
Disney's new Captain American, the new black Captain American
just decided to
Set his box office prospects on fire, you know America would love a black Captain America
And he was the former you know buddy of the white Captain America. What are we doing here?
Well now the leftist you said oh Captain America has nothing to do with America. That's a quote. I'll put the video
Now have you ever heard more doublespeak?
That's a quote, I'll put in the video. Now have you ever heard of more doublespeed?
Well yeah, Kerry last year repeatedly said, we got to cut off half the farming in the
We got to reduce farming by half to cut emissions or people will starve.
We got to cut food off or people will starve.
And now Bill Gates officially says, trees are bad for the earth.
They put off carbon, cut them down too.
So Kerry didn't say that we need to reduce farming or starve and Bill Gates didn't say trees are bad for the earth. They put off carbon, cut them down too. So Kerry didn't say that we need to reduce farming or starve,
and Bill Gates didn't say trees are bad.
He invested in a company that works to thin out densely
forested areas in California, something
that Alex is supposed to be in favor of in terms of fighting
forest fires.
Alex doesn't even know what Gates is doing
because he's just skimmed a headline or saw a tweet.
Who caves this shit?
Also, consider me just taken completely off guard by the revelation that Alex doesn't like a black Captain America. I'm
I'm flabbergasted. Yeah. Yeah Wow Wow, it's divisive
It would be it would be more fun if it was Captain America KKK. That would have been great
It's fascinating because Alex is like a character in
Yeah, like Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Yep, yep, yep.
We can't have a black Captain America.
It's interesting that you would say that like the people in the movie.
Yeah, sorry, Alex complains about that a little more.
Makes sense.
So Captain America should not represent...
Captain Blackaca.
It should not represent America. Captain America has nothing to do with America.
That'd be like saying the NFL has nothing to do
with the National Football League.
Or Jesus has nothing to do with Christianity.
And you're like, that's so ridiculous.
Everything they do, it's PsyHOP people.
Oh, put that back up.
I didn't even know about that.
Captain America Brave New World alternative trailer includes new footage after removing
assassination attempt.
Oh, give me that article.
Oh, that'll be exciting to hear about.
That'll be great.
And probably have a bunch of important data points about God's plan against the devil.
So Anthony Mackie was speaking at a promotional event in Rome and explained that quote, to
me, Captain America represents a lot of different things.
And I don't think the term America should be one of those representations.
It's about a man who keeps his word, who has honor, dignity and integrity, someone who's
trustworthy and dependable.
There are two big points here.
The first is the very obvious fact that he was in Rome and was trying to sell the movie
to a crowd in Italy.
If all you see when you look at Captain America is America, then the international audience
is never really going to take an interest in that character.
And if you're trying to sell a movie, obviously you would want to make it more relatable.
The second thing is that Mackie, what he's getting at is what makes
Captain America Captain America. When he thinks of the character, he thinks of the traits
that the character embodies as opposed to the flag he's decked out in. The reason Steve
Rogers was chosen to be Captain America and the reason Sam Wilson is chosen to be his
successor is because they embody those characteristics which the powers that be want to make synonymous with America.
A ton of the media surrounding Captain America
has to do with the idea that the shield doesn't make him a superhero.
It's those honorable qualities.
It's really basic in the text,
and Alex won't engage with media that challenges his very dumb and rigid worldview at all,
and I find it super funny.
Yeah, yeah I'm pretty sure now I could be wrong but in literally every Captain America
movie one of the biggest things that Captain America does is disregard everything that
the American government says because the American government does not represent America.
Yeah. He was against the... He was against America....the Sokovia Accords. Yeah, does not represent America. Right. He was against the Sokovia Accords.
Yeah, he's against America.
Or the registration of superheroes.
Because the government is fucking Hydra in the other one,
so you can't trust the government,
but America is its people,
as embodied by the person of Captain America.
Right. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm bewildered by Alex's...
Do not understand that Captain America
is not a jingoistic character by definition
because it is more interesting
for it not to be a jingoistic character.
Right. It's ridiculous.
Yeah, and that he just seems to embody
dumb sort of villainous side character in the movies themselves.
Like he, it's life imitating art in some way.
Because he's so dumb.
Yep. Yep.
It's fun.
So, did you know that you can steal in California?
Steal what?
That's an assault on the nation, just like defunding the police.
Or defunding the fire departments
What do you think's gonna happen the breakdown of society?
California passes a law you can steal up to two thousand dollars a day from any store you want and no one can stop you
And then they robbed the stores and half of them closed
Sounds true to me. What type of government says you can rob two thousand dollars a day per store a smart one
And then they come in some you know
Family-owned little convenience store and they go behind you the lottery tickets the cigarettes and the families will start begging you've seen the videos
Indians and others and they'll come arrest them when they buy back
Who white store owners do it they really get in trouble, but and they go, please I don't have money
I don't have insurance you can't and that person just shoveling cigarettes and lottery tickets
and you know, into the bag. And then finally the stop owners just start beating them up.
And then, Oh, the Soros DAs have them indicted. Just like Daniel Penny.
So that's a fun fantasy Alex just played out, but Daniel Penny wasn't a store owner.
He was a dude who killed a guy on a train and was found not guilty of criminally negligent
I don't know what kind of point Alex thinks he's making by bringing him up.
Also, just for any of our non-California listeners, this isn't true.
And for our California listeners, don't do this.
Don't steal $2,000 worth of stuff from the store.
Count it up!
This is not a get rich quick scheme.
You will get arrested.
Run it through the register so you don't wind up
stealing more than 2,000.
You'd have to be a fool not to do that.
In 2014, the citizens of California voted in favor
of Prop 47, which made crimes like shoplifting or receiving stolen property a misdemeanor instead of a felony when the crime
was nonviolent and the amount stolen was under $950.
Gavin Newsom didn't do some kind of silly crime-loving dictator move here.
It was a ballot measure.
Then in 2024, there was another ballot measure, Prop 36, which changed some of this, making
repeat shoplifters face felony
charges even if their theft was stuff less than $950 in value. So in the real world,
California made things tougher on shoplifters in 2024, but Alex is reporting the opposite
because he's a liar. Right. Alex would also probably be horrified to learn that in Texas,
it's a misdemeanor to steal stuff worth less than $2,500. Oh my God. So it's basically
that's fine. Yeah. You could steal even more stuff. That's not2,500. Oh my god. So it's basically fine.
That's green.
You could steal even more stuff.
That's not even a penalty.
This dude has to be so embarrassed to say shit like this.
The only way you could think that it's legal to steal whatever you want up to a certain
value is if you literally have never been in public before, or you think the people
you're talking to are complete idiots who maybe have never been in public themselves. You have to be a special kind
of stupid to to think people in this situation like this imagined
scenario that you have, you think that they would steal lottery tickets. Yeah
that would be insane. A lot of the stuff like you know the Powerball that's
printed off by the cashiers so it's difficult to steal but if you're just
talking about scratch-off tickets all all of those are serial numbered,
so they're super easy to report as stolen.
If you won any big amount, you'd pretty much guarantee
that you'd get arrested when you tried to cash it in.
Ridiculous, ridiculous.
I've worked in gas stations before
and they keep pretty close logs on those things
because if you didn't, anyone who worked at a gas station
or sold scratch-off tickets would have a free pass to print money.
Pretty crazy.
Most criminals understand this and they tend to stay away from lotto related stuff because
it involves the state.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
A ton of lotteries are state owned.
Like, what are you talking about?
Yeah, the regulation of that kind of shit is...
Crimin criminals understand. If you're gonna steal from the state, you don't do it in a way that might fail just
purely based on luck.
That's absurd.
The luckier you get, the more fucked you are.
I mean, absurd.
I mean, I worked at a gas station when I was like 18.
And of course, because I was stupid, smoked a lot of weed, didn't have a lot of experience
in life, I thought legit, okay, I have a shift.
I can just keep scratching off tickets until I pay back what I have scratched and come
out ahead at the end of the day.
I didn't do this, but I thought that until I learned about how tickets are handled and all that shit
Because otherwise you could do that. I guess and you would usually break even and maybe hit something big
Okay, you could I mean I don't know what the math is on scratch off lottery tickets given unlimited tickets
Eventually, it would even out. Yeah, okay. Yeah, the reason that it doesn't even out for you is because you're not buying enough of them
Hmm. I I feel like it's I feel like the deck is stacked against you isn't that the idea of lotteries is they're so slightly
Okay, give it off the top, but you like let's say you scratch off
Okay, they skim it off the top. But you, like, let's say you scratch off 3,000 tickets
and in there you win a 5,000 ticket.
Okay, all right.
$5,000 ticket.
You're 2,000 ahead if there are $1 tickets.
Okay, that's fair, that's fair.
Like it's, that can happen and like.
Let's go put $3,000 into one.
Let's not.
Anyway, criminals understand this. Criminals do understand that. But it's tough, it3,000 into one. What's not? Anyway, criminals understand this.
Criminals do understand that.
But it's tough.
It's tough owning a store in California.
I like the idea of somebody going over the register
and just shoveling packs of cigarettes.
Like, who's, if you were walking by
and somebody was doing that,
you'd be like, hey man, that's wrong. Just don't do that. I'm pro people stealing shit most of be like hey man that's wrong just don't do
that I'm pro people stealing shit most of the time but that's too much get out of here
yeah especially if it's like a mom and pop yeah what are you doing don't steal their
cigs rude so it's tough it's tough out there for shop owners in California sure and they
can't even look up to Captain America I mean you imagine owning a store in California or
other states where they let people rob
and someone comes in when you're living on tiny margins and your little gas station,
you deal with armed robberies, homeless, everything.
And I know a lot of these store owners and maybe the whole family that works there is
all together dividing up $300,000 a year between eight, nine people that work there.
So they're all making like 30, 40, 50, 60 grand a year a piece.
They're working long hours and then people come in and just rob you of your stuff
and then you go bankrupt and close.
That's George Soros.
Is that George Soros?
To destroy the little towns in Germany with 50 something people or a hundred people
Little tiny villages and they'll dump five hundred a thousand Muslim men on them
And he complained they arrest you for being hateful
That's war against the West. We can't take it anymore
Then we're supposed to be so embarrassed about being American that, oh, well, Captain
America shouldn't have anything to do with America.
I mean, come on.
Next you're going to say that Terry Bradshaw has something to do with the Steelers.
I mean, that's ridiculous.
I don't think the New England Patriots should have anything to do in history with Tom Brady.
I mean, that's coming.
Come on.
So this is what happens when people fake populism.
You end up with this level of pretend concern about these store owners, which you're just
faking in order to disguise your racism and xenophobia.
So I don't care.
Incidentally, Chris Evans said almost identical things about the character of
Captain America. But no I'm not mad then!
Of course he did. It is strange. Also, Alex's brain cannot make
analogies. Saying that Captain America isn't just about America isn't like
saying that Terry Bradshaw has nothing to do with the Steelers. It would be like
saying that Terry Bradshaw has nothing to do with Bradshaw, which is a name that's derived from the Old English for broad thickets. His name would
have to be Terry Steelers in order for him, Alex, to make this connection.
That would make more sense, yeah.
The point about the Patriots is just as bad, but in the opposite direction. They would
be need to be called the Brady's in order for this analogy to make sense with Tom Brady.
It's fine if Alex wants to say that he doesn't like how people try to sell movies to foreign
audiences and it offends his sense of patriotism, but it's obvious that that's not what this
is about.
But he could make that argument if that was his actual complaint.
But it's not.
Also, once again, I'm not understanding the very concept of an individual in response to a government's
action saying you shouldn't trust the government.
They do not have your best interests in mind.
I feel like that should be a message that Alex is pro.
He's not very thoughtful.
I feel like that might be true.
So he plays a clip of some protesters
Immigration protesters people who think that the government has their best interest in mind. He says something shocking. Okay
All right. Here's some of the clubs together Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I mean, if you went to Mexico and grabbed somebody at a Mexican parade and grabbed their
flag, you'd get beat to death.
And you pretty much should, I mean, you know, because they got a little pride in themselves.
I'm so sick of taking this.
So I guess he's not so cool with free speech and seems very protective of flags.
If Alex thinks that the police should be protesters to death for desecrating the flag, then he
doesn't care at all about the Constitution or his audience should eat him. You know, that's where we're at.
Yeah, that's absurd.
He can sidestep that a little bit by saying that the police shouldn't do the beating,
but another citizen should be entitled to beat these protesters to death for desecrating the
flag and waving another flag. You get the sense that Alex wouldn't defend that position though,
across the board. Like let's say if, I don't know, someone were to get beat up for waving a Confederate flag.
I don't think that he justified that.
He might have a different point of view on that.
He wouldn't.
That would be hurting somebody's history and their, I suppose, their heritage.
Somebody who cared about where they were from, who cared about their past, who cared about
the nation.
He'd probably defend that person a little.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. He seems to person a little. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It seems to traditionally do that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, huh.
Weird how that works.
Yeah, these standards are all over the place.
It does feel like there is not a single standard.
Except for anger.
At the other.
So, Alex is talking about Trump's great negotiation skills with foreign leaders.
Interesting. Okay. Trump's great negotiation skills with foreign leaders.
And he says something that I think were there to be a God, lightning should have struck
Trump is sending Marco Rubio, the Secretary of State, down to El Salvador and Bukele.
Kelly has said that he's looking to make a deal with the United States to let them bring non
El Salvadorans there
And that totally freaks out all the international drug gangs the rest of them because
Okay, you make a deal with us and pay us. We'll just keep them in our giant prisons
And that of course will shut him off. He's totally shut the crime off there.
So they're going to turn that into a nice little prison planet for him.
I want to be clear.
Alex knows he's endorsing and pushing for everything he's pretended to stand against
his entire career.
He's celebrating Trump negotiating with the president of El Salvador to ship people to
that country so El Salvador can lock them up there for a price and Alex literally calls
it a prison planet.
That's the name of his website.
That's his branding that he's now applying to this thing that he supports.
And that's because he always supported it.
After World War II, people who supported the Nazi party really wanted to downplay how much they knew that what they were doing was wrong.
Things like this, where Alex supports creating a prison planet in El Salvador for people that Trump deports, that should make clear to anyone looking back on this time that Alex Jones 100% knows that what he's supporting is wrong. He conceptually understands that treating people like this is wrong But he also knows that all of the cultural groups that he's a member of won't be subjected to this treatment
So he doesn't care it was always about white Christian identity. There's just no reason to pretend anymore
Yeah, so you can say I want to send these people to a prison planet. Yeah, I
Mean and that's that's even if you wanted to be like, no, this is a smart thing to do.
I mean, based on his own arguments about the cartels and shit like that, I would probably
say that if you were going to take a bunch of people who have no connection to a place,
no contacts at that place, and no amount of money to take care of themselves at that place,
you have essentially given me a draft list of people who are going to join the cartels
because they need so much fucking money.
It's absurd to think.
It's possible there could be that kind of unintended consequence.
It would be easy. It's the easiest.
Oh, hey, do you hate America?
Surprise, buddy. You are on a team.
And it makes it a lot easier to really not like America
when something that Captain America, Alex Jones,
is cheering on is a for-profit incarceration
and extraordinary rendition type program.
Like Alex lived through this. In after the Iraq War and during the Iraq War,
after 9 11.
There were detention centers in third party countries.
That that's a huge shame on the United States record.
And one of the reasons that Alex was able to gain as much traction with his
Oh, fuck the government kind of stuff is because the government did do things like that.
And you could rightly think that he cared.
But he doesn't.
He does not care.
No, you know, there's no way not to know
on account of you are making,
the decision you are making is evidence that you know.
Because if you say, aha, we can't have this prison in
America it's against the law well then the answer to that is you don't get to have that prison not
We'll pay somebody in another country for what no
You're wrong. Otherwise it would be legal here
It's you who made it legal or illegal seems like there'd be a nice incentive to keep those prisons full too.
I mean, absolutely insane. Oh well.
So anyway, Alex goes to the first press conference that the press person is doing.
Sure. I don't care.
Yeah. She does say that the New Jersey drones weren't
aliens. That's nice.
Were they, were they, I mean I know they were suspected aliens for quite some time, but everybody was just saying don't worry
about it. They were totally cool. Okay. Don't worry. Don't worry about it. Yeah.
Okay. Some of it's like people like drones. All right. I'm not gonna worry
about it then. Yeah. So there's one big story that Alex does touch on through
this episode and it's that Trump is firing a bunch of inspector generals.
And he keeps trying to cover this by not covering it and blurring the lines of what is actually
going on.
So I said over and over again, it's a no brainer, it's not like I'm saying something really
not known, but Trump must immediately remove the FBI director, will he quit before that.
He must immediately put his people into all the key agencies. He must immediately fire all the globalist U. S. Attorneys. He must immediately fire all these little illegal Internet. It was illegal. Jack Smith was clearly not constitutional. And then and then get rid of these crooks. And that's his right to fire whoever he wants. You got pencil neck. Adam Schiff. I got the clip here. You don't want to hear from him, but I'll show you the transcript. You know, oh, this is illegal. He's just stuttering
because it's not. Reagan fired U.S. attorneys. Clinton fired 98 of the 100, 98 percent. Obama,
half of them, on and on and on. And so Trump's doing what must be done.
On this episode, Alex is trying to cover the story of Trump firing inspector generals,
or inspectors general.
Alex is attempting to rationalize that this is a good and just thing for Trump to do,
and the way he's arguing that is by saying that past presidents have fired US attorneys
and Trump was right to fire Jack Smith, who was a special prosecutor.
That's all good and well, but Alex is comparing apples and oranges here.
Inspectors general are not the same thing as US attorneys or a special prosecutor.
They exist specifically to be independent oversight entities within government agencies.
They're appointed by the president, but their role is meant to be strictly non-political.
In essence, they serve as a safeguard to make sure the president can't just exploit government
departments for their own purposes.
This is not like Trump replacing US attorneys, which is a fairly common thing the presidents
can do in a new administration.
This should be seen as a serious threat that Trump is making to the foundation of oversight
within government agencies by attempting to place loyalists in positions that are meant to be watchdogs.
The move is very clearly illegal.
And even Lindsey Graham acknowledged that and said, quote, just tell them you need to
follow the law next time.
Sure sounds like some members of Congress don't give a shit about the law.
And yeah, so I mean, it's just blatantly illegal and horrific.
I mean yeah, but you know.
It's what you expect.
It's just a thing where there is no legal or illegal.
There's just who gets laws enforced on them.
That's kind of it.
And it's really, really sad to see somebody who is, you know, Lindsey
Grahams, you are the person who should be saying that you can't do this.
Don't just kind of meh at us.
I mean, I can't do anything.
But I mean, the problem I have for these people is that this is their
crowning achievement and they don't even get to enjoy it
I don't understand if I'm like Mitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham. I am crowing
I lied to all of you you dumb fucks surprise. We own everything now
How is that not at least something you enjoy? I am now a Duke right like just enjoy it
It would make me feel better to know that
they're like, yeah, of course, this was our plan. We did this. Thank you. There's nothing
you can do about it. All of you are losers. Like that would be great. I think that they're
pretty concerned that that would cause a violent response. From whom? They're the ones who
have the military pointed towards the cartels or whatever. I guess sure. Yeah, I don't know
Yeah, so anyway, this is the rationalization and the justification that Alex is making for
The firing of these inspectors general sure sure sure and he has one other rationale, too
So here's a report I put out last night. This is Trump's most devastating move against the globalist deep state and it's removing them
Sorry Democrats this precedent Obama fired Inspector General in 2009.
So this is what Alex seems to think is this slam dunk for defending Trump, that Obama
fired an Inspector General in 2009.
When you hear an example like this, your mind should ask for details.
What about these situations might be similar and what might be different?
By figuring out those elements, you can parse out whether or not Alex's argument holds any water. The thing
that Alex is trying to justify is that within his first week in office, Trump has fired
like 17 inspector generals, including those in the EPA, Health and Human Services, the
Veterans Affairs, State Department, and the Department of Defense. No concrete reason
was given for the
firings and eight of these people have filed a lawsuit against the government because their
firings were clearly illegal. According to the Inspector General Act of 1978 and updates in the
Securing Inspector General's Act of 2022, there are steps that you have to take in order to remove
an IG because if there weren't, then the president or government official would have a really easy time covering up corruption.
You just get rid of people who are looking into you.
That's why Nixon was trying to fire everybody until somebody would fire people for him.
The law says that the president has to tell Congress 30 days prior to the date of an intended
termination of an inspector general, and they need to provide a thorough explanation with quote detailed and case specific reasons for the firing.
Unsurprisingly, Trump did not follow that law.
Conversely, in 2009, President Obama specifically decided to remove one inspector general that
he'd lost confidence in.
This was the IG for the Corporation for National and Community Service, Gerald Walpin.
He was put on notice 30 days in advance, as was Congress.
Congress received letters from the board of directors of the CNCS who were supportive
of Obama's decision and said, quote, over an extended period of time, we observed how
Gerald Walpin's effectiveness as inspector general significantly diminished.
Even though this followed the rules of how a president can excuse an IG, Walpin still
sued the government, and it was fully litigated and he lost.
Looking at the basic situations here, you can easily see that these are not comparable,
but Alex needs to make them seem the same because he'll do whatever he has to do to
run defense for Trump's actions.
There's an extra layer of manipulation that's going on here, which goes like this.
Alex would call Obama removing this inspector general an act of a tyrant.
He definitely would.
But he's using it as an argument for why Trump removing IGs isn't the act of a tyrant.
At least that's what the argument is supposed to look like.
In reality, the argument Alex is making is that removing inspector generals is the act of a tyrant
But that Obama did it so Trump should be able to to our tyrant gets to do it if there if your tyrant gets to do it
Exactly. It's meant to look like an argument appealing to the Constitution or principle
But that's really just a mask on I have made this look like tyranny so I can do it now, too
Yeah, no, it's an interesting, I think it's an interesting side effect of the painting Obama as a tyrant
that I don't think they knew was going to happen in so far as it made it so,
oh well now our tyrant can do whatever he wants because it's not Obama.
I think that maybe that is more conscious than you imagine.
That's possible.
I mean, there's a reason that the people in the John Birch Society were running around
talking about Eisenhower being a commie.
Sure, sure.
Right, but I don't know if they meant to like, I don't know if they knew that people would
catch on quite so quickly with being like, yeah, tyrants are cool as long as they're
not Obama kind of thing.
You know?
It's interesting.
I think that there is a trend
within that extreme right wing ideology
that is make your enemy the devil
and then you can do devil stuff.
And then you can be the devil, yeah.
You can be just a little bit.
That's every politic, that's politics.
That's politics. That's politics.
It's more, I think it's a problem that it does exist universally, but more in that right
wing JBS lineage than others.
Yeah, but that's ironically exactly what we're talking about.
Is that by them being more of it, it allows it for other
people. Yeah, maybe. So Alex talks a little bit about NGOs that are taking
over the government. Sure. And this I thought was wild. Now let me get to
the real key here because it's not enough to fire the operatives and the the president's office. And
the U. S. Archive is for more than 30 years. The U. S.
Senate. He ran the Intel for
Senator Frank Church's committee
hearings that were the biggest
exposure of the deep state in
history. It's about to get
bigger with Kash Patel. But he
wrote five at least five books
that I read off of those
documents, and I was able to
talk to him quite a bit, but he
was too old. He said, but he
said he was too old to come on,
but he would. He listened to
the show.
The point was is that he's where we learned all this
and there was other knowledge as well.
But around 1900, the big banks and the robber barons,
JP Morgan and John D.
Rockefeller were public about it.
Then there were the news saying Americans are to inform the two educated.
We've got to find out a way to take over society.
So they created tax free foundations to get around the Sherman Antitrust Act. the the state of the country. And then they're going to have to spend a year, incredibly a
year of tax money. And then
whether it's brainwashing kids
or transgender ism or open
borders or chipping in
migrants. That's. Where the
money comes from the government.
To the tax refoundations to the
nonprofits to the NGOs. And
that they buy off the
universities and the churches and the. 2.6 billion to the Catholic Church in four years to smuggle kids in.
That's come out.
Not hundreds of millions, 2.6, 2.3.
I showed the article yesterday.
So a lot of the stuff that Alex says in that clip is just stupid and wrong.
But before I go any further, I want to indicate where there is the slightest tiny bit of agreement
that I have with Alex.
In the way that our economy and system
are set up, the super rich are able to use foundations and charities to mask and
redirect massive amounts of their wealth. The system is very exploitable
and we've seen how it functions in terms of aiding the already very rich in
hoarding resources. It's an untenable system and it needs to be changed,
ideally in a way that doesn't hurt legitimate philanthropy but stops massive corporations and billionaires from exploiting loopholes.
And that is where our agreement ends.
The rest of this shit is just John Birch Society nonsense.
Anthony Sutton wasn't the congressional archivist, he just wrote conspiracy books about Bolsheviks
and skull and bones.
He's considered a bad historian, a shitty source, and a bad writer.
This is all a fun story, but it doesn't also make sense.
The globalists apparently set up this system because they needed to get around the Sherman
Antitrust Act.
But why would they allow the Sherman Antitrust Act to be passed to begin with?
It's not like the globalist plot just started 50 years ago and they're adjusting to new
Their boss is the fucking literal devil.
If the whole system
that we live in now was created just to get around the Sherman Antitrust Act, it seems like it would
be easier for the globalists if they just overturned that or didn't let it pass. They have magic powers
and kill people all the time and it seems like they have free run of all the government's power
for over a hundred years. So it doesn't seem unreasonable to assume they could just undo this law. And interestingly, pretty much the only people who want to overthrow
the Sherman Antitrust Act are folks on Alex's right wing libertarian side.
They believe that the market would sort it all out. And these are just limiting freedom
by having, you know, if you have a monopoly that actually works and gives people what they
need, the market will allow that.
But if you're a bad monopoly, the market will take care of that.
That's why everybody loves Comcast and AT&T.
They love them.
They love them.
Big business wants there to be no antitrust laws, and Alex's ideological forefathers
were shills for big business.
Whether he wants to accept it or not, his entire conspiracy framework and by extension, his religious beliefs are based in kissing the boss's ass.
And that's all he's got. Yep. But I do like to point out those little moments where there
is the agreement, which is like this is an exploitable system that the super rich can
use. And the reason that I like to point out those moments of agreement is because those are
the places where Alex lies to you.
Those are the places like 15 years ago you could have heard him say something like that
and been like, this guy's saying some shit.
He's onto something.
But he doesn't care.
He's not going to resolve this.
He doesn't have a solution to this problem.
He just wants to kick out immigrants.
I mean, it is just so clear.
People do want to hear the truth said.
People do want to hear you say, this is fucked up and not immediately followed up with, but
here's why the system says we can't do anything about it now,
or we have to wait until the next four years,
or we have to do-
It's unsatisfying.
Yeah, absolutely.
People wanna hear you say,
this can't be going on anymore.
Right, and here's what we're gonna do about it.
Tom Homan's gonna throw people out of the country.
It's a big difference.
There is a difference between appealing
to incremental change
and hopefully in the future we'll be able to work
this system better.
There's a difference between that and scapegoating.
And Alex has proven that scapegoating is appealing.
Well, I mean, the problem is whenever the incremental
change doesn't work, people are gonna go right to scapegoats.
Love scapegoats whenever incremental change fucks up it's it is an unfortunate reality mm-hmm so another
unfortunate reality is that Elon Musk he spoke at the AFD conference great and
people are Psy-op in them but hmm well this is the type of crap they do
overhead shot please we'll show you the HD of it on screen.
Fears for security of Jews worldwide
in wake of Elon Musk AFD speech.
Now, look at this article.
What do you see there in the photo they've got?
Well, it's Elon, Saturday on a jumbotron speaking to AFD, which is the preeminent growing winning, not see this party not even as conservative
as Trump. They're more Ron Polish, really, I've looked at their policies and listen to
their leaders have been around for decades. So A, he's
Hildum. Elon's pro-Israel, not anti-Israel. He's pro-Jew, not anti-Jew. That's known.
And they have no evidence here. They just say Jews are scared. But look at the picture there.
You've got the written lies. You've got the loaded question about people are scared and then there is a person waving a AFD
sign and all they had to do was pause the video when it went over his nose to
give him a Hitler mustache. Yeah so Alex is totally right in as much as there's a
still frame on this story that was chosen because someone's flag is covering
Elon's face in such a way that it creates a Hitler mustache. That's pretty funny. That's
pretty funny. There is no doubt about it. It is an intentional choice. That's
pretty funny. It's an unflattering and maybe a little winking choice for an
image, but Alex has never had a problem with inopportune timing and photos with
people he hates, so I don't know why he cares so much here. Yeah. More importantly,
Alex is claiming that the headline is asserting this thing with no evidence.
The headline itself is, quote, fears for security of Jews worldwide in wake of Elon Musk AFD
The article is in The Guardian and it references the position of Holly Seufer, the chief executive
of the Jewish Democratic Council of America.
In the article she says, quote, the salute, the message to the AFD, the fact that he's willing
to joke about the criticism he's getting, it all demonstrates that those around Trump are unwilling
to recognize how dangerous their words and actions are. They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt
when it comes to this alignment. It's been a steady stream of signaling to right-wing extremists
that they have an ally now in the White House. Some of the other stuff in the article that it it comes to this alignment. It's been a steady stream of signaling to right-wing extremists
that they have an ally now in the White House. Some of the other stuff in the article that
it brings up are that Trump didn't release a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day,
but he did pardon the guy who stormed the Capitol on January 6th wearing a Camp Auschwitz
shirt, which was timed tragically, that pardon timed right around the 80th anniversary of
the liberation of Auschwitz. So when Alex says that these claims are being made with no evidence or backing,
it's because he just skimmed the headline and he got mad about this picture. If he'd
read the article, he would know that this is reporting on the views of a prominent Jewish
American activist who's reporting her sense of how people are feeling about Musk's super
obvious actions. But the picture I understand,
like, you just see that and you're like, hey, come on. I mean, there's never been a bad picture
where somebody has accidentally gotten in the way. It's like a Margaret Thatcher standing in front
of something and she obscures a word and then it says fart. Great. Yeah, no notes. Margaret Thatcher
in front of fart. I'm gonna laugh. Sometimes pictures
happen. It needs to happen. You know? It needs to happen. We need to see it. But no. This
is a subliminal message campaign. That sounds true. Meant to attack Elon Musk. Damn it.
It's not just the Guardian. They're all doing it. So globalist corporate media run subliminal the The
The are now pointing out how ridiculous this is. Now let me give you another example.
So see, that's what I do,
and I've been doing this for 40 years,
but really I've been dialed up for 31 in April on air,
that'll be the anniversary.
That when I look at things,
I'm looking for what they're hiding and I see it.
And it's not like I'm a schizo, you know,
that sees the Virgin Mary in a piece of burnt toast, or I see giraffes and clouds. the an hour before the show and I thought certainly someone's picked up on this and no one was
pointing out look at this photo look what they're doing look at the headline look at
all is one message he's Hitler.
So this is not subliminal it's very overt and honestly kind of the best picture you
could run with a story like this.
When Trump got shot obviously the picture of him with blood on his face in front of
the flag was going to be the image that went with that story, and even though it had a strong potential
to create a deceptive hero narrative about Trump, the picture was too good.
There's no way you're going to fault some outlet for running that picture.
Similarly, in this case, noted bigot and eugenics fan Elon Musk was giving a speech at the AFD
rally telling the audience to stop worrying about the guilt of the past and at an inopportune moment the shadow of a flag covered his face
in a way that really looked like a Hitler mustache.
We have the media that we have and we have their traffic incentives that they exist within,
so you're never not going to use that image if you have it.
It's just come on man.
Yeah, no, I agree with you in every way,
and yet somehow hearing the words out loud,
we have the media we have is such a bummer.
It's such a bummer.
But I-
We do have the media we have, don't we?
I would suggest almost any media that you would have
would run that picture. Oh no, I'd do it.
I'm doing it, absolutely.
No judgment from me.
I'm just lamenting the state of ape kind sure yeah, so
Alex he gets a little introspective sure and he starts complaining about his own plight
Shit stuff. I mean for everybody out there, and yeah, sure sure some days. You're like
Isn't it fucking cool that we're raffling off a truck it and then other days. You're like we're raffling off a truck? It is. And then other days you're like, we're raffling off a truck.
That's pretty sad.
It's pretty sad.
And it's one of the kind of downer days around Infowars, I think.
They've already been caught with the fake bids, caught with the fake auction, caught
kicking us out of the building or trying to twice, turning off the internet, saying we
were shut down, saying Bloomberg through the onion owned it, this every town group. And they're really embarrassed here.
Well, they're gonna be really embarrassed soon. We got some real nice stuff in discovery.
That makes what you've heard about sound like what you haven't heard about. And they just
think, well, we can do this to Alex Jones. We can do all these illegal things to him
like we did Trump.
We can have a conspiracy against his rights.
It's open season because we're the good people
and he's the bad guy because CNN said so.
He peed on that grave.
Never been to Connecticut.
Nobody ever peed on it.
Made up.
But people back then still believe that son of a bitch
is pissing on graves and going to people's houses. the
the It's a new game, folks, because people are onto them, and now the public is into researching
and finding the lies, and it's exciting to discover it and break with all the mind control.
But there's a problem.
You got to sell a lot of CMOS, which is excellent, and a lot of timber, which is amazing, and
a lot of t-shirts to fight the
Democrat Party deep state that's still coming after me. They even say well Trump's in but
Jones if we shut him down will be a consolation prize. I don't think anyone says that. I think
that should go into the national election. You got to sell a lot of sea moss. Fight the
devil? That should be our, that should go down in history. Oh you got to sell a lot of
How much you see moss do you got to sell them to win this fight? That's the question
How much wood would wood chuck chuck? Oh, you'll never know see that's how much see moss
You got to sell to fight the devil and like I mean earlier Alex is saying like most of the shit that I get is from
people commenting on Twitter
It takes a lot of sea moss to keep me scrolling through Twitter to tell you things to be mad
That you told me.
It takes a lot of CMOS for me to circulate things that you are all rumoring about to
each other.
And then I piggyback on the fact that you guys go, oh, that's like what I said, and
I get a little bit more money.
I'm a parasite.
Yeah. You just start selling like dirt pills or something. Yeah, absolutely
What's the net what's the capsule fill of dirt? It'll be made dirt dirt don't hurt. Absolutely
And then there's the fecal matter transplant plants that said that you need bacteria in your gut
So we've got poop in a paw in a pill. We got poop pills. I wouldn't put it past. I wouldn't put it past him. So
Alex has Mike Adams on. Sure.
Um, because he's an expert.
And what is he an expert in today?
See, that's the issue.
That is the issue.
He's the health ranger.
Right. So we should stick to health.
Ah, shit.
So he's an AI expert.
Totally. Always has been.
That sounds the most untrue also
expert in running smear websites against high school
Students who were the victims of school shootings that one yeah that sounds like there's a lot of experience there hog watch
I believe was Mike Adams website harassing David Hogg AI cool stuff not so much
No, he's he's big into it, and he thinks that the problem with AI Mike Adams website harassing David Hogg. AI. Cool stuff. Not so much.
No, he's big into it.
And he thinks that the problem with AI,
it's fucking woke.
That's why China's AI system, DeepSeek,
that they released.
It's so much better.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, so he's pro,
where is everybody standing?
It's not woke.
Fucking pick a spot and stay there for God's sake?
He still hates China, but he thinks it's a great gift that they've given the world.
Oh, my God. Because it's not woke.
Right. People talk about deep seek from China being censored.
And I say, you're wrong.
Yeah, deep seek may censor conversations about Tiananmen Square.
But the US models censor any criticism of big pharma.
They censor the truth about covid origins. They censor the truth about the stolen 2020 election. They censor the
truth about 9 11. You name it. The U. S. Models censor all of these subjects. The U. S. Has
far more censorship than Chinese models and Alex explain is you're an engineer, but I've
read the studies. Why does manipulating it to to to to make it deceptive, not just woke us, but on everything,
how does that make AI stupid?
How does it hold it back?
Because you can't have a reasoning model
if the model is programmed to be irrational
and to say that men can have babies, okay?
I mean, they are obviously contradictory concepts.
Well, I asked DeepSeek, I have DeepSeek R1
32 billion parameter model
running on my desktop, okay? It's amazing. It's the greatest invention in
human history, okay? And I asked it, can men get pregnant and have babies? And
it says, no, men don't have the reproductive hardware to have a baby. They
don't have the hormonal hardware. I mean, obviously, men can't have babies.
But if you ask Google, can men have babies?
Oh, of course men can have babies.
Or if you ask Anthropic or Microsoft or Meta,
they're all over.
Men can have babies.
Well, you can't have a reasoning model
that is good at reasoning
if you teach it to be cognitively retarded,
which is what wokeism is.
So wokeism is cognitive retardation.
That is the opposite of innovation. And that's why we're in this situation behind China,
because China rejected woke ism while America's leftists pushed woke ism. Trump is trying
to rescue us from that and many conservatives are trying to rescue us. But we are behind
the curve right now. We are losing in this race badly.
Okay. So I know you, you're, you're, you're, you the curve right now. We are losing in this race badly.
Okay. So I know you, you're, you're, you are an AI expert. Uh, people that don't know
We're building a model that I'll bring to you in about a month. That'll blow your mind.
I'll demonstrate it in your studio.
Please. So I've known Mike about 17 years, really smart guy.
Real smart guy. Uh, he cured Ebola. Uh,
Here's what I want. Yeah. All right. What I want from these people and what I want, not like I'm not going to get it.
What I want the people who agree with them to want is a list, a list of the things that
will happen once you get rid of wokeism, right?
Woke mind virus is dead.
They've got it.
Alex already declared it dead.
Right, right, right.
So what I want people who hate DEI, what I want is for like my family, just write down
10 things that will improve or just 10 things that will happen once wokeism is gone over
the next four years and see if any of them happen.
If none of those things happen, then maybe it wasn't wokeism that you're unhappy with.
But nobody's going to make that you're unhappy with. Right.
But nobody's gonna make that list.
No, probably not.
Also, it's kind of a joke that people make
that is like, oh yeah, the reason we can't do this is woke.
You know, woke got in the way.
It's not a joke anymore.
But it's not a joke for him.
That's what they say.
That's what they say.
Woke is in the, woke things.
But I thought-
Even rhymed three times with situation
Whatever it was he said the other thing too is like I thought that Alex
Infected the AI models and like I remember antidote in the matrix
Yeah, so like I thought this should be probably covered. I guess it's not. Oh my god. These people are fucking stupid
I feel like when I listen to Mike Adams. Yeah, I feel
Like I'm babysitting. Yeah, like it really feels like a child
Yeah, the reasoning and the the level of complaints the level of expertise and every fucking field
Even though his career is littered with the corpses of complaints, the level of expertise in every fucking field, even though his career
is littered with the corpses of humiliation.
It's just, I can't take him seriously.
Here's what I find so fascinating about AI and the way these people interact with it,
is that there's only two ways that I've seen anybody interact with it through the books that I've
read about it and then through people who talk about it and do their stuff and keep
people up to date.
Is that there's incredibly smart people who can code the fuck out of shit who are playing
with their fun toy.
And then there are incredibly stupid people who think that it's more than a toy Mm-hmm, and both of them are incredibly stupid to me and Alex is gonna probably interview Mike's AI
Yeah, nobody's nobody's just going like oh, this is a dumb toy. We fucked up. We made a toy
We over committed on we over committed on a toy. We blew it, you know
Yeah, that might be the end result or maybe we will become a colony of China. Sounds right. Now, I know that Mike has said that it's over for humanity.
There's only going to be lone survivors.
That was a number of years back.
He also said that during COVID, China was going to launch a ground invasion of the United
Did do that.
No, that happened.
And now- RIP, Wisconsin.
And now because we're too woke, their AI is going to take over and we're going to be a
Sounds true. Look, let me put it this way. Alex, if we don't become competitive in the AI race, we
will be a colony of China within five years. That's how crazy the situation is. So what
does Trump need to do? And what do we need to do? Trump needs to decentralize an open
source AI right now. Trump needs to on an emergency basis reform the entire university system fire every woke teacher every woke
Professor every woke administrator across the entire education system and we've got to end all censorship across the board
Including the censorship that's still on
Saying what you're saying, I mean it is wild
It's wild. What the fuck did we just get cultural revolution?
But it's like a man with a cowboy hat
Boy and a pacifier because he's a fucking fucking baby. Yes reasons like a
infant unreal yeah, so if we get rid of all the woke
Everywhere I mean what what what, what's going on in theoretical math that woke is fucking up?
Is the professor not white?
God damn it, you win.
I obviously hadn't considered just being racist about it.
But no, it makes perfect sense.
Listen, I need to take context clues. When I'm hearing somebody yell at me about how everyone woke must be purged from society.
No, you're right. I have to take context clues from other things that they're saying about
woke stuff. You're right. And so here's Mike talking about how lesbian firefighters are
well sure that sounds right. America's behind because we have been sabotaged. We've been
sabotaged by the Democrats. We've been sabotaged by the Democrats.
We've been sabotaged by wokeness, the dumbing down of our school system, the dumbing down
of our corporations.
We now have a culture in America, which of course Trump is beginning to reverse, thank
God, but we have a-
Especially in Silicon Valley and in the tech areas where the most woke person is given
the advancement to be in charge of projects instead of the most woke person is given the advancement to be in charge of projects
instead of the most qualified person. Our universities have been turned into woke indoctrination
centers instead of education centers. Now there are exceptions to this. There are still
some good universities, but across the board they're just woke factories. They're indoctrination
centers. I mean, look at what happened in LA recently with the fires. Did we have competent fire chiefs?
No, we had lesbian fire chiefs that were really happy to be, you know lesbians, but can you put out fires?
Not really. Yeah, can you put water in the fire hydrants? Turns out that's not the case that that's not part of being lesbian for whatever reason
I don't know why but I don't care if somebody's a lesbian or gay or trans.
That feels not true. That feels not true. That feels... I mean, are...
Everything you just said betrays that premise.
Because if you stop and you really think about what it is you're actually saying, you are
either saying you hate lesbians or people who fuck women can't fight fires.
What? They're too busy fucking women.
Exactly. When they're too busy fucking women? Exactly.
When they're women.
No, no, no, no, no.
See, that's what I'm saying.
It's either you hate lesbians
or people who fuck women can't fight fires.
No, no, no, you see, you understand?
She's too busy being a lesbian.
She wants-
What is busy being a lesbian?
You know.
No, I don't!
Come on.
Don't play dumb with me.
Fair enough, you're right. Me, the health ranger. You're right. She's too busy being a lesbian
I don't I don't understand all her lesbian things. She can't open up a fire hydrant. Here's my problem
I think I used to know what the stereotypes that these people used meant, you know, like oh
This person's a lesbian back in the day that had a like
Stereotypical meaning so that people would think of like a lumberjack or something, a lesbian. Back in the day, that had a stereotypical meaning,
so that people would think of a lumberjack or something.
That was the 90s butch phase era, that kind of thing.
I have no context for what this is even stereotyping.
Incapable of fighting fires
because you're too busy being a lesbian.
See, that's not a stereotype.
But it's the mentality that someone like Mike brings into this conversation, which is if
the person who is in a position of authority is anything other than a straight white man,
then the reason that something went wrong is because it wasn't a straight white man.
And conveniently he's able to play this game, but he doesn't hate.
If it's a straight white man, here's why it's not his fault.
If it's not a straight white man, here's why not being a straight white man is the problem.
And that's what woke is all about.
I think you're right.
I mean if you really want to boil it down, white people not at fault.
Non-white people, non-straight people, fucking just
existing is the problem.
Right. And so we need to solve that.
I feel like...
Or else China's going to take over.
That doesn't sound true either.
What we have to do now, on an emergency basis, and if we don't do this, we are toast as a
nation. I mean this. This is the end of the West.
There will only be lone survivors.
Become competitive and become dominant in the realm of AI.
What we have to do on an emergency basis right now is we have to denounce wokeism and all
of the irrational lunacy that it involves.
And the climate lunacy, this idea that carbon dioxide is a pollutant, that it's bad for
plants somehow, when it's critical for photosynthesis for God's sake, right?
And this idea that men can have babies, this idea that there are an unlimited number of
This idea infected our culture.
It infected our government offices.
It infected our corporate America, our universities, pop culture, Hollywood, all of it.
It's got to go.
And it's got to go on an emergency basis.
I mean, this is a national security issue at this
So the national security issue that everyone cater all
information to align with Mike Adams stupid ideas. Now here's
essentially what is going on is like he engages with the world
on the complexity of like, let's say a junior high level, which is, oh, carbon dioxide plants need that
to grow. He's reading a book that's a little bit out of his
range, like maybe a high school or college book about how excess
CO2 has other effects. And yes, no one is disputing that it's necessary for photosynthesis.
Yes, that is true. But you're not emotionally or intellectually mature enough to engage with the
adult discussion. So instead of learning more, engaging with that actual discussion, what Mike
wants to do is cause an emergency that makes all reading
second grade level, make it all elementary level, all junior high level. This is all
I can handle. All the other stuff is woke shit. I can't deal with that complexity. And
you guys are the ones who are dumb.
It is, it is truly. Yeah. Like it is much, whenever I go outside, every aspect of reality tells
me that I'm stupid.
And I don't want to believe that.
So I will remove every aspect of reality that tells me I'm stupid.
And that will leave me and Alex sitting in a fucking bar somewhere by ourselves.
And the issue is that like your point isn't wrong like a lot of his points are wrong
But like just the one I'm using as a case. Yeah point. Yeah
Carbon dioxide is required for photosynthesis. Right is not wrong, right?
So I'm not saying you're wrong about that. You just need to know more
Vitamin C keeps you from getting scurvy. That's why we don't replace your entire digestive system
with oranges.
There's more to this story than your dumb
sunlight makes plants eat thing.
And the issue is a lot of people
who are maybe passive observers or just in the public maybe
they get swayed by an argument like carbon dioxide is required to make
plants grow because it is true yeah maybe you can be like it doesn't make
sense to me whatever Mike is not that no he knows he's full of shit I think I
think he knows that in some places he's full of shit, and in other places I really
do think he thinks he's the one who's smart.
You know, like I know he knows that wokeism is not behind all of the shit that he's saying
wokeism is behind.
But I also think he thinks he's a genius.
I don't think it even matters.
I don't think any of that shit matters to him
He is such a craven opportunist fuck that like I think he is
Emotionally and the way he interacts is very childish. Yeah
He's not very smart. Yeah
But he also presents this not smartness in a way that really works for his ends
Yeah, if he had any kind of like care at all was in any way a sincere actor
All the dramatic shit about like the end of the world and all this stuff that he said on Alex's show
Like he would have to deal with that. Yeah, you'd have to be like man
Maybe I'm not a responsible person to break the health ranger
I wonder maybe I should shut up.
I agree.
Yeah, I agree.
I wonder if this doesn't also have something to do with like, as a culture, it is not okay.
Or at least we don't make you feel like it's okay to say something like, I don't understand
this. And I got to be honest honest with you I probably never will. I don't have the
interest in learning about it, I don't care personally and it's not affecting
me. So instead you have to you have to be like oh I totally understand that and
then there you go. Yep that's how you end up with a bunch of Health Rangers.
Because it makes you feel it doesn't make you feel good to be like Listen, I don't know what you're talking about and I honestly am never going to learn
Yeah, yeah because learning more about it will threaten the stability of the political beliefs
Totally I have made the center of my my being. Yep
Enjoy, okay, so you don't understand then we you just are going to believe what you want to believe
regardless, so why are we bothering with you telling me that carbon dioxide is important
for fucking photosynthesis?
Because we have to eradicate woke.
There you go.
So we come to the end of this, and there's a lot going on in the world.
And I don't know if we're covering a lot of it. Alex has, you know, you talked about the firing
of the inspectors general.
Didn't do a great job of it.
I think we're missing a lot of stuff that's happening.
You know, I think, here's what I think is interesting.
So I'm living where I'm living and I'm seeing like,
if we are in a space where the president could just do
some illegal shit and then everybody's like,
I guess he can do some illegal shit then,
then all that we gotta keep your ears out
for when somebody's like, you can't do that anymore
and here's how we're going to stop you, right?
Otherwise it's not really news when he does illegal shit.
You know what I mean?
I was thinking more is that like,
we're not getting a lot of like, you know,
what's happening.
But I bet that Alex, his Twitter has a lot more on it.
Yeah. And I start to think that maybe
He's more a guy who has a Twitter account than he is a guy who does a show
Yeah, cuz I bet like current events and like on these days
I bet he's tweeting like crazy about all the stuff that Trump's doing you right. And engaging and having back and forth with people.
Cause that's how you build engagement. Yeah. I bet he's engagement farming a great deal,
but it's not like coming out in any way on the show. The show, he's not a show host anymore.
He's a guy who has a social media account and the show is kind of an offshoot of that.
Yeah. He's Tosh 2.0.
I mean, what he's doing is aggregating bullshit that people have sent him on Twitter and then
giving it to us in a slightly more entertaining format, I guess.
But it would be like if Tosh 2.0 was primarily a Twitter account.
Or primarily like online social media account and then the show was just talking
About things that he saw. I don't know how to make it work, but I think that I think you're right I
Feel like he has
Abandoned ship in a lot of ways. Yeah, there is not
I don't think it's a priority for him and I think that there's a certain level that he is making a bad
Situation for himself mm-hmm because if something happens, and he is kicked off Twitter
He's fucked yep. He has put all those eggs in there and
Don't think that his brand is going to sustain
this support that he has for Elon Musk. I think that the
prevailing and correct conspiracy position is to make
him the deep state. This is why Trump can't get any of the stuff
you want done is because of Elon Musk. It's almost perfect.
It is right there.
And so that will be the angle that the smarter conspiracy right wing types like David Icke
are going to go that path.
And Alex is cutting that angle off for himself.
I mean, yeah.
And it's a smart one if you're a Trump fan because Trump gets to continue being your
god king.
It's smart for Trump because he gets to continue stealing from you without you caring.
And it's smart for Elon because he gets to be the super powered villain that he obviously
wants to be.
He's doing Hitler salutes.
And it's the smart thing for you as some-wing dipshit commentator type because you get to
enjoy all of the damage and shit you want to happen and still get to pretend like I'm
actually against this.
You know like you can pretend to have like that opposition and Alex is just completely
blocking that door for himself.
So I hope it hurts him in the long run.
Yeah, you know, I mean, I feel like he's a, I feel a little bit like he's a loyalist in
I'm just saying it's the wrong time to be that.
We'll see.
So I guess we'll be back with another episode, but until then, we have a website.
Indeed we do.
It's Yep, we'll be back. But until then, I'm Neo a website. Indeed we do. It's
Yep, we'll be back.
But until then, I'm Neo, I'm Leo, I'm DZX Clark, I am the Mysterious Professor.
Woo yeah woo yeah woo!
And now here comes the sex robots.
Andy and Chansus, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller.
I'm a huge fan.
I love your work.
I love you.