Knowledge Fight - #1014: January 31, 2025

Episode Date: March 7, 2025

In this installment, Dan and Jordan try to make sense of how much of Alex's show has become just cold-reading tweets, despite the immense amount of actual things happening in the world....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge and your knowledge fight Need money Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, fat. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of Celine and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh indeed. We are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan quick question for you. What's up? What's your bright spot today, buddy? I'm gonna go first. My bright spot is the graphic novel monstrous It is I believe it's by Marjorie Lou and it's fucking fantastic. Okay
Starting point is 00:01:20 What's it about? Give me the elevator pitch. It is about a the daughter of the most thing Who's got one arm? She's half a wolf. Also, there are canix and there are humans Some people are immortal. Some people aren't you'll never know some people have magic. Some people don't they're old guys. Sorry This is my floor. There's There's oh, there's old gods that are just kind of hanging out and maybe they're alive or maybe they're not you'll never know okay? Everybody knows that cats are the smartest things in the universe and can travel through different dimensions mm-hmm also
Starting point is 00:01:55 Real cute real cute half cat people okay Yeah, I don't feel like I have much of an understanding of the plot But I feel like you've given me a number of background sketches of where it takes place. There's, there's, it is, um, it's great for two reasons. Truly, it's an original story. It really is spectacular. The world is spectacular and the artwork is astonishing. Nice.
Starting point is 00:02:19 There's just no other way to describe it. The visual medium is so perfect for it. So it's great. I need to incorporate a little bit more of like graphic novels and stuff into my diet. They're always really better than I think they're going to be. There's definitely some things in graphic novels that like, it is a medium that can do things that can't be done in other mediums. And because of that, there's just stuff that you can only find there. So, some things are great.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah, it's like cartoons can defy physics in a way that you just accept. Yeah. That's great. Alright, what's your bright spot? My bright spot is that I was reading earlier and look, for years and years when I had Celine in the house, she wouldn't jump up on my lap. Like she was very resistant to that level of affection. And now when I lay down to read or just to lay in bed, she kind of, she'll lay in the
Starting point is 00:03:19 bed too, but she doesn't usually jump on me uh-huh and earlier today actually I was just laying there and she laid on my chest trying to stop me from reading she was sabotaging me pay attention to be in the cutest way possible and so I relished that moment is very nice that's amazing and then she got off my chest and started jumping over me back and forth, also trying to stop me from being able to read. That's more cat-like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:49 What an asshole. That one's very cat. She's great. So, today, Jordan, we have an episode to go over. We're going to be talking about January 31st, 2025. Last time I teased that we would get into February and I lied. Okay, fair enough. I forgot that January had 31 days
Starting point is 00:04:07 That'll happen. I don't know how to do that hand thing. Ah Isn't the knuckles I think so. Okay, but I don't know what it means. I I'm out. Yeah, I'm already out. Yeah, I touched the first knuckle. I was like nah, I'm afraid of January First knuckle I'll got it. It's the fourth knuckle you'll never know. Oh, so confusing. These months. I know 28 in February. Sure. Except for sometimes. So, right. We're talking about the 31st. Yeah. And we'll get down to business on that. But first, let's take a little moment to say hello to some new wonks. Oh, that's a great idea. So first, a wonk degenerate got hooked on the pod. Too late to get a ticket to the X-Ray arcade.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Thank you so much, you're an out-policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. That looked like it should've been a poem. I really, I read it three times, it was- Pod and arcad, maybe. I, you know, it was like, it was formatted like that, so I just left it, but.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Nick, give me back my moving crates, politically speaking. Thank you so much, you're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Thank you! And fuck Nazis, love Tyler. Thank you so much, you're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Thank you very much. And we got a technocrat in the mixer, so thank you so much too. I've been a supporter for over a year, so it's probably time I request a shout out. Keep the pup dates coming. Thanks Beth. Thank you so much, you are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home, keep your mouth and tell her you're brilliant.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Someone, someone, sodomite sent me a bucket of poop. Daddy shark. Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little, little kitty baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. See, I scanned over
Starting point is 00:05:46 names when I Write it when we started the episode. I saw the request for pup dates Yeah, just why I had to weave in a little Celine story nice balance things out. I like it. I like it Can't have cat and dog energy. I think it's great. Yeah, I'm just I'm just I've got three dogs, you know It's tough to there's there's always something going on one of them is always up to something Oh literally, you know what? It's like you're like Dave like Alvin Simon and Theodore Oh, okay. You got three little chip. All right, I can see that do they get up to mischief? Do they harmonize? They absolutely get up to mischief. There is 100%
Starting point is 00:06:24 Mischief going on. You three should record a Christmas album. I don't know if Jake can sing. Annie! That would be great. That would be great. What's not so great, Jordan, is our episode. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Let's just get down to it. Fair enough. Alex is talking real villainy, I I would say at the beginning of this episode here on the 31st. We've gone through being ragtag totally under attack, having the facts, knowing what was coming to building beachheads around the world in government and in institutions and corporations and individually to now routing the enemy and beginning the takeover worldwide that they cannot stop. And they recognize that because it's momentous.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It has major energy, people power behind it. It's the great awakening. It's the fourth turning. And they knew it was coming in the cycles, a mega turning, the greatest ever since we recorded history. So they tried to bring in absolute tyranny and just total cultural poisoning, sabotage to try to destabilize things so much that they could kind of in the cycles of history that didn't work and only supercharge this awakening. But a bellwether is Pete Boigieg and all the different cabinet people just last night,
Starting point is 00:07:48 not just him, a bunch of them removed their pronouns from their ex handles. Because it's a cult. They know it's ridiculous. But they understand now it's backfired so much they've got to at least hide. I just feel like Alex is leaning into a little bit sounding like a villain who's taken over the world. Sure. Aha, the great awakening. Yeah, all this. But Pete Buttigieg removed the he him from his Twitter bio, which is something that went around social media because the libs of TikTok account posted about it. There's a lot going on in the world, but apparently
Starting point is 00:08:18 this is a bellwether. This is super important. Works for me. It's crazy. You're talking about the tides of history. You're talking about like the world changing. And your story that you're going to use as an example is someone taking the pronouns out of their bio. Right, right, right. I remember, so I remember in my school learning about World War II by watching the movie Saving Private Ryan. And a big part of that was D-Day, very similar.
Starting point is 00:08:46 D-Day, he, him, done. So Alex, it doesn't just have a stupid story that he saw on social media about Pete Buttigieg's social media account. He also has some big legal news. The hearings have just been spectacular. Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr. You got a bunch of key highlights we didn't get to yesterday that are just amazing. That a big stack on
Starting point is 00:09:18 Democrat governors and mayors, protecting rapists and killers, literally protecting them. Governor Pritz state is going to be the first to protect the criminals, protecters, protecting rapists and killers. Literally protecting them. Governor Pritzker is set to sign a bill that will let the state change the name
Starting point is 00:09:38 of convicted, violent, illegal alien criminals to quote, protect them from Trump. That's racketeering. That's criminal. That's obstruction of justice. That's a conspiracy against the law, against people's rights and safety. That is a civil rights violation of the greatest order, like California's passed a law where you can have sex with 12-year-olds. So, Alex is lying about this bill. Judges still have discretion over accepting or not accepting someone's request to change
Starting point is 00:10:04 their name. So, for instance, if someone is trying to change their name to evade the law, it's not gonna be approved probably. The bill that Alex was talking about is House Bill 5164, the primary function of which is to remove the requirement that newspapers publish name changes. This is largely centered around providing ways for people to change their name and retain their privacy in cases like if they're being stalked. The bill is designed to aid people like folks fleeing domestic violence or even human trafficking and it works by capping the fee for applications at $25, providing avenues where your case file can be kept entirely private and a way to not be forced to publicly file your address in order to change your name.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Alex is supposed to be in favor of supporting victims of human trafficking, but now he wants to make sure that their abusers are able to look up their address and private details if they want to change their name? Sounds like he doesn't really care too much about the issues that these people face who are in these situations. Yikes. Yeah. It costs... you have to publish your home address to get your name changed?
Starting point is 00:11:06 No, no, you know in the newspaper they were required to publish name changes Okay, but you would have to include your address on the court filing, right? Right, and that would become a matter of public record, right? Unless you were able to successfully appeal to make those public or make those records be kept in private. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes there is an advantage to being in the past. In the 1880s, you could just go to a different town and say your name was something different. And that was that. It was easier. There was less logistics involved then. You could even say your name was somebody else's name who got lost and then just live
Starting point is 00:11:45 Their life for a while. Nobody was gonna check. No, I think that's the plot of famous See advertising based prestige television show Yeah, I think that Alex is like Really warping the story for his purposes. Yeah, the bill itself is not at all what he's talking about But he's talking about, but he's turned it into a they want to be able to change the name of criminals. It's garbage. Yeah. Especially for something that is so not dramatic. It's just a very simple civil
Starting point is 00:12:17 like, hey, let's just cross some T's here. We've had something like this for a while, but let's just smooth it out. Let's streamline this process in order to make it more amenable to people who need to use this. Yeah. It shouldn't even take time. No. It should just be like, oh, done.
Starting point is 00:12:32 So Trump, as he's gotten in, is kicking people out of the FBI. Sure. Just kicking them out. Okay. And Alex is cheering on the purge. Six out of seven executive assistant directors and 25 special agents in charge out of FBI according to FBI whistleblower. I love that Trump's already announced it, but they call it a whistleblower. Trump continues cleaning out deep state firing FBI officials
Starting point is 00:13:00 promoted by corrupt ex director Ray. Yeah, anybody they liked anybody they put in just fire them. They all sat around even if they weren't bad all of them and they were at the top. They go from bad to worse. They sat around and went along with this. Purge them. This is life and death people. This isn't a game. This is life and death, people. This isn't a game. Look at this. FBI is still stalling and refuses to turn over Seth Rich records. Information could take down Democrat Party for a generation.
Starting point is 00:13:33 So Alex isn't quite telling the whole story here, although I don't think that there should be any consequence if he would just tell the truth. His audience wouldn't care. The acting Deputy Attorney General, Emil Boeve, was carrying out a purge of anyone at the FBI who worked on the January 6 cases. And according to the Associated Press, he'd sent out a memo that, quote, identified more than half a dozen FBI senior executives who were ordered to retire or be fired by Monday and also asked for the names, titles and offices of all FBI employees who worked on investigations
Starting point is 00:14:05 into the January 6th, 2021 U.S. Capitol riot. Trump and his followers attempted to take over the government after he lost in 2020, and now that he's won in 2024, he's using the power of the state to try and rewrite that piece of history. It's pretty simple dictator PR stuff, but I don't know why Alex wouldn't... For his audience audience anybody who's listening to him and likes him Thinks the January 6th was a setup Yeah, so if he was saying they were purging anyone who had anything to do with these investigations, they would support that Yeah, I don't know why you got to still distort this a little, you know, I don't even know anymore I always thought that his whole audience was kind of anti-FBI on account of all the things that they did to the Patriots in the past.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Sure. So I thought we would be fine with just being like, hey, Trump got rid of everybody at the FBI. Fuck them. It's just an empty building now. Yeah. Let's have a reality contest to pick new FBI people. I think that's probably the smartest way to go. And let's model it after hole in the wall. I like that. Yep. I've got a second option sure alright There's a new show where Bear Grylls hunts people
Starting point is 00:15:11 But he doesn't kill the real is real it is he hunts people uh-huh But he does not kill them and a lot of the time He'll be hunting people and he'll be like very clearly capable of catching that person and then just talking to the TV being like Look at this idiot. I can totally hunt this guy right now but I'm gonna go hunt somebody else. It's crazy. You might have noticed a look of disappointment on my face. I know you want him to kill. Yeah. I know. Yeah. I know you want to do the greatest game. His name is Bear. I know. That's why we gotta let him hunt the new FBI people. Yeah. If we're if but okay. Here's how we escape Bear. You you join the FBI if you don't you die you have to escape bear
Starting point is 00:15:48 You have to escape bear and fit through the hole in the wall and fit through the hole in the wall Yeah, depending on body type gotcha and bear could kill you Well, obviously is the FBI the stakes should be higher. Yeah, so Look, they could do anything at this point, the globalists, to try and take out Trump. They're very scared of this Seth Rich information, apparently. And Alex gets a little extreme in his predictions. And the key to bringing them down is going after the pedophile rings, because that's in all these agencies and all these groups. And we have them dead to rights with the smuggled
Starting point is 00:16:21 kids and we know where they are now, most of them and what they did with them. And it's incoming. It's imminent. You're already seeing a lot of it, but it's gonna get wild. And this is going to just abs. If you think the public hates the left and hates the Democrats in the deep state now wait. So Trump understands he's not holding back. This is beyond spectacular. But the enemy is so scared right now. Oh my God. They'll do anything that they can get away with, including nuking, you know, Trump and saying the Iranians did it with a suitcase.
Starting point is 00:16:52 No. All right, we're going to go to break here in a few minutes. I need your support. I cannot do this without you. We have incredible supplements, incredible products. They just launched a new made in America limited edition knife sale. Ooh, a knife sale. We're doing knives.
Starting point is 00:17:11 We're doing knives. All right. This knife is good for stabbing. Time for some cut co. Yeah, that was an ad nuke. Yeah. So you can see there too how Alex has decided to advance, just push along the story of the 300,000 missing kids that are now supposedly being found.
Starting point is 00:17:27 There's no news on that front. Alex hasn't brought any new information to the table, but there needs to be progress. The storyline demands it, so Alex just makes it up. The idea of these missing and exploited children are a political prop for Alex. Pure and simple, there's nothing else to it. He's using it to create this intensity and then scaring you with the idea of nuking Trump with a suitcase nuke and then transitioning that into ad sales. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:52 So, let's say we suitcase nuke Trump. Iran. Iran. Iran. Iran. So, I mean, let's go with the human race suitcase nukes Trump for whatever dastardly reasons we have. Then we just got a hole in the White House where the White House used to be.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Well, or is it like so does he think it's so small that it like just takes out like it's a little new grenade? Well, he says the suitcase so you mean we know how big suitcases are generally right. Right. So he has to think it's in that It's bigger than a bread box sure sure But it doesn't I mean like if you they're also mobile so it doesn't have to be at the White House sure Could be at the winter White House sure but I mean it could also not be a new like a regular grenade Would also kill him sure if it were a suitcase in his hand it would do the same job the same job
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, but it's fun to say they're gonna nuke him. I mean, because it feels like that's overkill. Yes. It feels a little like it's overkill. Sounds like something that would happen in a cartoon. It does, it does. Like a very small mushroom cloud. Pfft.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, but that's the only way you can make sure that you get all the cabinet, I guess. I suppose. And then blame Aron for it. I know there's a show called designated survivors So you're not gonna get everybody. That's all I have to say about America Bear Grylls Has anything to say about it or or he will get everybody he's British So cash Patel has been made the FBI director sure
Starting point is 00:19:20 And he's gonna get business done. Okay okay there's so many angles so much to hit so much to go through let me just put my head down and start going over when you look at the globalist in the UN and mayorkas and the open borders the human trafficking and the human smuggling and the child child sex slavery and the murders and all of it it's all part of the same agenda. And when Kash Patel, what I told you last week, as soon as he's confirmed, they are releasing the full Epstein list has already been ordered to by Trump. And Patel went on like a 10 minute response, but we'll play a few minutes of it here. Full things on in forwards dot com.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Real Alex Jones. To say no, we're going after the networks, the NGOs, US government officials, everybody. So we're here in the future and Cash Patel hasn't released the Epstein files. We did get a deeply embarrassing PR stunt carried out by Attorney General Pam Bondi where she gathered a bunch of dipshits like the Libs of TikTok lady and Mike Cernovich. They all went to DC and she gave them stunt binders supposedly filled with the Epstein documents. It was all a dud though and the information she released was already public, which has
Starting point is 00:20:33 had a little bit of a backlash among the red-pilled community. Also if Alex wants to touch any of this, he needs to explain how Alex Acosta, Trump's first secretary of labor, happened to be the guy who gave Epstein the accurately dubbed sweetheart deal where they agreed to non-prosecution in 2008. He further needs to explain how Pam Bondi was the attorney general of Florida from 2011 to 2019, which happens to be the state where Epstein was prosecuted. And just previously he'd gotten that deal from Acosta. I'm sure these records are going to be out any day now though.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I would imagine so. I can't see any reason that they would have Some sort of conflict of interest here I I believe we're gonna get to the bottom of things makes sense to me and it's not all talk Because that's what they elected him to do. Yep, and I'm sure he's gonna follow through with it. Mm-hmm No doubts just like a price eggs. Absolutely. That's going to energy power going down Med beds sure my beds it's not just talk man cash Patel is gonna do this feels like it's
Starting point is 00:21:31 just talk I feel like it's just talk yeah here's some more talk okay cuz this isn't talk I mean this is feels like it's done the globalist political head in the guillotine and raising the blade up and when they release it, it's flipping the switch. I'll find and name Epstein's accomplices. That's yesterday. So it makes me actually catch my breath breath because this is real. I mean this is not just kicking the living hell out of the New World Order. This continues, this is the equivalent politically non-violently of taking a giant 10 inch dagger, double edged razor sharp and just plunging it into the heart of them 50 times. I mean it's really, really, really, really, really, I mean, it's, this is Count Dracula
Starting point is 00:22:28 and you got the stake and you're hammering it in. And Trump's already put the stake on their heart and already hit it once and it went in about an inch and it's going, it's through the rib cage now and the next hit, it goes into Dracula's heart. now. And the next hit, it goes into Dracula's heart. Is he gonna be okay? He's sitting here. And that Helsing just drove the stake through the rib cage. And it went beep. And one more, it goes
Starting point is 00:22:59 home. So if you're not on the edge of your seat right now, and if you're not concerned they're going to do a cyber attack and knock the power out or something or blow up a nuclear reactor, I mean the list goes on and on, you're not paying attention. So it always seems like we're just that one little inch away from Dracula's heart. Like it's always that next hit that's going to finally vanquish the devil and save all the children or whatever. This is by design, and without the ability to convince the audience that victory is almost there but always just out of reach, Alex would be as poor as his reading comprehension skills.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Alex begins that clip by saying that this isn't just talk. And that's the problem. Is that it is just talk. If Cash Patel was going to release the names of all of Epstein's conspirators, then fucking do it. I think Patel is an idiot and he's unfit for the names of all of Epstein's conspirators, then fucking do it. I think Patel is an idiot and he's unfit for the job of an FBI director, but a good action is still a good action. I'm not offended by the idea of releasing the names of Epstein's clients, but I'm deeply offended by using the false promise that you're going to release the names of Epstein's clients as political cover.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Particularly in the realm of politics, until someone does the thing they're talking about doing, you should consider a lot of it is probably just talk. Yeah. And in this case, it's particularly offensive, given the subject matter that it surrounds. Yeah. And I'm offended that Alex missed that golden opportunity to plug the knives.
Starting point is 00:24:21 You had a knife sale going on. Yeah, that was available to you. That's a huge miss mmm, I I'm just gonna say this. I don't I don't I didn't like it whenever literally Turned into figuratively mmm, and I really don't like it when this isn't talk means this is talk Hey, we're just fucking around. That's very frustrating. Yeah, I don't appreciate that at all I'm not fucking around fucking around. This isn't talk is what happens whenever you're like, ah, I'm gonna I beheaded that guy and they're like, oh sure asshole and then you hold up the head and you're like this isn't talk and
Starting point is 00:24:58 They go good use of the phrase. Yeah being now in the present that we're in where cash Patel has been Yeah being now in the present that we're in where cash Patel has been Confirmed and he's in office could have done it and they did that fake PR stunt instead of doing it Yeah, it's kind of just talk. It's really really feels like just talk really just talk so Alex has just given us this nice fantasy about stabbing Dracula sure with not one of the Alex Jones store comm knives disappointing and so I found it shocking that he would With not one of the Alex Jones knives disappointing And so I found it shocking that he would pretend that other people are using violent rhetoric That is interesting. It seems a little sad. He put a stake in their heart here is Hakeem Jeffries who is the leader now of the Democratic Party? He sees that he's the house Democrat leader he's he's he he's more important than even Chuckie Schumer now.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And he's the guy that tells you what they're planning. And just listen to him. They're the ones saying, we're calling for violence. Well, they're the ones saying, oh, mostly peaceful and go out and confront everybody. And we need to beat up Trump. Somebody needs to kill this guy. Former CIA operative Phil Mudd said, Remember, but but that's in the past. This is him yesterday.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And the Trump administration's called for his apology. Here it is. We're gonna fight it legislatively. We're gonna fight it in the courts. We're gonna fight it in the courts, and we're gonna fight it in the streets. That is not even a veiled threat. Oh my god. Alex later plays that clip three times in a row back to back, just like on a loop. It's pathetic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:41 He's playing this clip to somehow make it seem like the left is throwing around violent rhetoric, but this is the mildest shit you can imagine He just got done with an extended fantasy metaphor about stabbing the globalist through the rib cage Alex sounds like a whiny baby if he wants me to believe that this is some kind of veiled threat But everything he does is cool non violent violence fantasies that he just wants someone to carry out against his enemies Politically this middle-of-the the road shit just doesn't work anymore. A good percentage of his show is just extended descriptions of violence, so he can't have this thin skin about what the other side is saying.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I get that this is an important part of like fascist propaganda, where you exaggerate what the other side is doing in order to preemptively justify the things you intend to do, but Alex is coming off real weak. This seems very complain II and the idea that he's like he introduced that clip by saying Trump has asked for an apology Yep for that. Yeah, fuck. I remember cuz I remember this when I was growing up the most violent movie I ever saw the most violent movie like it makes John wick look like and of Green Gables Which it's I recall being very violent too step up to
Starting point is 00:27:50 Step up to the streets the street that was a bloody movie. It's not a dance movie Well, sure, but the streets they got danced real hard sure they got they got served Yeah, yeah, you know what the most violent song in the world is. Yeah Doobie Brothers taking it to the streets. Sure take it to the yep. No more need for one. That one is You know what ironically, I don't even think streets of rage is that violent of a video game I think it is I think that one that's where it falls apart Remember that rapper the streets? The British rapper? Yeah, yeah, yeah, very good. Still around. Put out an album out last year or the year before that.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Mmm. Yep. Trying to think of other street things. The car tracks, race tracks, they're very dangerous. Street Life was a guy who was on some Method Man tracks back in the day. Fast and Furious, Tokyo Drift, that was very street based. All of them were. Dangerous life was a guy who was on some method man tracks in the day fast and furious Tokyo drift that was very street based all of them were well. I mean yeah well consider that but that won't especially you know what? Having said that I take it back The first few are pretty street very street based Eventually we go to space that is less street base. Yeah, or like through a building like it's yeah
Starting point is 00:29:05 The first few were pretty street first few very street base. Yeah, so Alex in this next clip he's he's trying to get some topics covered sure and Talks a little bit about the German elections, right and what's going on internationally? All right Yesterday when the cult main conservative party that's been globalist forever in Germany voted with AFD in a new parliamentary alliance because AFD is in total ascension and then Merkel comes out of retirement and says we need parliament to ban AFD and kick them out of the government. That's not just suspending the upcoming election they're talking about, because they're gonna win, but we're just gonna kick you out of government.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's a coup. And then the other big party said, well, no, no, we're not gonna do that. And Merkel and Olaf came out, Schultz, and said, oh, we'll just ban you too. That's what you call losing. Forcing themselves, showing their tyranny. The EU commission saying, yeah, we're unelected, and yeah, we suspended the winner of the Romanian
Starting point is 00:30:11 election, and we'll do it in Germany too if AFD wins. The EU commission didn't say that they suspended the Romanian election because they didn't, and they didn't threaten to overturn the German one if AFD won. This is entirely made up. So what happened in Germany was that the Christian Democratic Union Party, of which Angela Merkel is a member, they'd put forth a non-binding resolution that would limit immigration. Historically, it's been the practice of the parties in the Bundestag to never rely on far-right votes to pass things because they are unwelcome in decent coalitions. Friedrich Merz is the CDU leader and his thinking was spelled out by him saying that policy
Starting point is 00:30:50 wasn't wrong because, quote, the wrong people back it. And he was still critical of AFD. However, he seems to have an idea that if he leans more toward the extreme right on the topic of immigration, it could lure people who might be drawn to AFD back to a more center-right option, like the CDU. Previously, MERS has promised to not work with the AFD, and Merkel came out to criticize this development, where you would use their votes in order to pass something, which is very tacky historically.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Alex has no grasp on the situation whatsoever. He's just playing team sports, which you see what team he's on. Yeah. Yeah, that one's pretty clear. I've always found making explicit overtures to the right wing to work successfully. And that's, I think what the past 20 years of the Democratic Party has shown us. We saw that getting the Cheneys's in on the 2024 election helps. Absolutely. We were all like, holy shit, now you guys got it. Yeah. Yeah, it's not a winning strategy, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Probably not long term, no. Nope. So I think that if I had to guess what the top story of the day is, it's this thing about Illinois allowing people to change their name. Right. That's the top story, which is nuts. Municipal politics. Yeah. There's so much going on in the world.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I mean a lot. All right. Let's get moving. There's got a lot to hit. Illinois Democrats to allow illegals to change their names to evade ICE. They have a bill about to be signed by Pritzker that allows ones included to have committed major crimes to change their names and then supposedly not put it in a federal database. That's fraud. That's illegal.
Starting point is 00:32:42 This is clearly the top story of the day and the one that Alex is trying to push the hardest. He hasn't done any work on the story though, so you just hear him bluffing at details like saying that people who have committed quote major crimes can change their name and then quote supposedly not put it in a federal database. What are major crimes? Why does Alex say supposedly in that? These are hedging words where Alex is trying to tell this story but he's unwilling to commit to it entirely because he knows that he's just making it up. If Alex had done any work on this at all he would know that this isn't a new bill but one that's amending the already existing Public Act 103-1063. Section 5 paragraph B says quote, a person who has been convicted of any offense for
Starting point is 00:33:26 which a person is required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act, the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act, or the Arsonist Registration Act in this state or any other state, and who has not been pardoned, is not permitted to file a petition for a name change in the courts of the state during the period that the person is required to register unless that person verifies under oath as provided under section 1-109 that the petition for the name change is due to marriage, religious belief, status as a victim of trafficking, or gender-related identity as defined by the Illinois Human Rights Act.
Starting point is 00:34:01 A judge may grant or deny the request for legal name change such filed by such persons. Any such persons granted a legal name change shall report the change to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction of their current registration pursuant to the duty to report requirements. Paragraph B1 says quote, a person who has been convicted of a felony offense in this state or any other state and whose sentence has not been completed, terminated or discharged is not permitted to file a petition for a name change in the courts of the state unless that person is pardoned for the offense.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Paragraph D says, quote, if the circuit court orders that a name change be granted to a person who has been adjudicated or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense under the laws of this state or any other state for which a pardon has not been granted or has an arrest for which a charge has not been filed or a pending charge on a felony or misdemeanor offense, a copy of the order, including a copy of each applicable access and review response shall be forwarded to the Illinois State Police. The Illinois State Police shall update any criminal history transcript or offender registration of each person 18 years of age or older
Starting point is 00:35:10 in the order to include the change of name as well as their former name. Alex knows nothing about this story. He's just seen some tweets and he's making shit up about it. And he knows that he's supposed to tow the party line on this. This show is mostly just a guy making shit up about it and he knows that he's supposed to tow the party line on this This show is mostly just a guy making shit up. Yeah, like the the law Isn't amending these things that I just read
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yeah, these qualifications and these needs these reporting of people who have been convicted of felonies or misdemeanors I mean he would know any of this we did any footwork demeanors. He would know any of this if he did any footwork. See, now I didn't know that you had to register if you committed arson. Is there is it like, it's not I assume it's not like you have to go up to your neighbors and be like, I burned my other house down. Right. But I feel like this is an opportunity that I didn't know about. If I know a struggling restaurant owner, I now know that there's a list out there with people who are already cool. You know what I'm saying? Well, they're already on
Starting point is 00:36:10 it. You know what I mean? I think it's a mixed bag though, because you could make an argument that the best arsonist would never be on that list. No, no, no. I understand. I understand that argument. It might just be a list of the worst arsonists available. I mean it's a list of the arsonists that are sloppy at the very least. We know one thing about them and that is that they got caught. Right, sure, sure. So... Absolutely, but you know.
Starting point is 00:36:34 It's not safe. But also, you know it's tough to find a lot of people willing to burn down a building. That's true. Most people are resistant to the idea. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's not it's not currently in right with social. It's not a fad. Maybe if there was a meme that the kids were up to. Yeah, people are uptight. It's not woke to burn buildings down or something. It's anti woke. Yeah. So there's just so much news coming up. Alex has got just a lot of stories and he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I've just scratched the surface. I got a bunch of victories, a bunch of dismantling the deep state, a bunch of economic news. Oh, they're now hoarding gold. Government banks aren't hiding it. Big scandal there. I mean, this is getting totally cuckoo.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Oh, and then some gigantic over the top COVID news. Ha ha ha ha. This is gonna blow you you away this video. In fact, I'll hit that at six after next hour. Then we'll look at this crazy gold development. Real fast. The great folks in Arkansas, one of the top collectible,
Starting point is 00:37:41 handmade high quality knife makers have done a limited run of one, two, three, four, five, six. of the most respectable. Hand made high quality knife makers. Have done a limited run of 123456. Seven eight different knives. There's as little as 45. They made of one. The most they made of one was 100. We're gonna have to put a clock on this fixed blade knife. The Evo. Fighter stone wash blade. The the Skinner's they got everything at the Alex Jones store calm and it is a fundraiser And there's another big silver me patriot apparel the supplements everything take you long to get into it all but today is the day We're launching the third
Starting point is 00:38:36 Off-road vehicle So I'll give you a first look at that right now, then we'll come back with our number three and four Jade ours got major breaking news coming up the fourth hour first look at that right now, then we'll come back with our number three and four. Jay Dyer's got major breaking news coming up the fourth hour. We'll be right back with our number three. Please stay with us. Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to make two big announcements. First off, next Wednesday in studio, we're going to give away our second big sweepstakes
Starting point is 00:39:03 winner on the incredible Ford Tremor turbo diesel super off-road truck and we're also launching the third big sweepstakes and showing you this amazing off-road SUV that I really want for myself but one of you is gonna be getting it so let's walk over here right now look at these these bad boys. Oh, just look at them. Look at these these trucks. Wild. So there's so much news to get to. But I'm going to do I got to do an end for these knives. There's so few of them. And then also, I'm going to play a pre recorded thing that I did about how I'm giving away another truck. Yep. Things are good. Yep. Things are really, really good around the business. You can tell. You know when feelings are high, when largesse is there, when comfort and stability is upon
Starting point is 00:39:56 us, you give away trucks and raffles. You know, it's always good whenever somebody's like, oh, does that sound too desperate? And then somebody else goes like, we're more desperate than that. And then you go, well then let's do it then. There's no reason not to. Does this look really bad and desperate? No, it looks chill. It is bad and desperate, so lean into it. Yeah. Let's have a dance competition. Also, when Alex said I have so much news to get to, they're hoarding gold and hiding it and stuff, I was like like ah his gold sponsor is gonna be on later that's and lo and behold that is how crazy is that yeah so weird this is all just
Starting point is 00:40:34 desperate for money so weird how it happens like that yeah so Alex is talking about all the big issues of the day sure and I guess because it crossed his mind he starts talking about Joe Rogan Right and says something real dumb. Okay folks all the time. I see a constant I've been looking for it say, you know, look at Joe Rogan. He says he's for free speech But these gab McGinnis and Alex Jones and a bunch of their interviews from his archive That he transferred over to Spotify four years ago aren't available the the
Starting point is 00:41:06 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:41:22 the the the was a control system. Meta staffers revolt over tampons removal from men's rooms, show up with their own and they're sabotaging things, they're doing sit-ins all over the tampons in the men's bathrooms. This is a cult. Now, Spotify is in Sweden, the technical systems, but its main offices for administration
Starting point is 00:41:42 and for content is in New York. And Joe told me that more than half the staff are transgender. the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:41:51 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:41:59 the the the the the the the the the the And then they had like a truce with them, and they were doing stuff like shitting on the floor. Okay, just just just breaking everything. So they throw temper tantrums and now it's come out that the man that thought he was a woman that was coming to firebomb and kill everybody, including Hexeth on
Starting point is 00:42:22 Monday, is in this cult and they've got these tranny psycho teams and serial killer groups around the country. They're the most violent group per capita of any group and they try to cover up the mass shootings and the murders they're doing and I'm not attacking all transgender people but I'm saying, of this particular slice, it's insane. That slice.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Weren't you guys the ones who shit on the floor in the capital? What are you talking about? I mean I I strongly support shitting on the floor in all aspects of like resistance shit on the floor well you're you're You're a naturalist. I mean I just can't see a reason to one get too mad about somebody shitting on the floor surprisingly easy to pick up. Oh, debatable. Depending. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Depending. Yeah. Right. It's circumstances. You have to, if you make good choices previously, it's very easy to clean up. Uh-huh. For bad choices, sometimes you're in a rough go. Sure.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And then just like, what greater way to insult somebody just shit on their floor, okay? Yeah, it's always Definitely something you're not prepared You don't really know exactly how you're going to deal with it emotionally when you stumble upon sure such a protest sure I will say I know that so I feel like there's no way that Rogan told Alex this but if he did he thinks Alex is a complete idiot who he could just tell whatever. There weren't rogue employees who took down Rogan's old episodes. He agreed to take down a bunch of them when he signed a hundred million dollar deal with Spotify because Spotify didn't want to deal with them.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Some of them were episodes where he talked to really dangerous people like Gavin McGinnis or Milo Yiannopoulos and gave them essentially zero pushback on shit, but one of the 42 episodes that was taken down was Alex's first appearance on episode 911. This likely had nothing to do with Alex being on it though because his return for episode 1555 is still on Spotify and they had no problem with that. The most likely explanation for this episode being taken down is that they played a bunch of videos and stuff that they didn't have copyright to in the episode. At the time when Rogan was getting a hundred million dollars from Spotify, he said, quote, There were a few episodes they didn't want on their platform. I was like, OK, I don't care. Because, of course, he didn't care.
Starting point is 00:44:37 If they're giving you a hundred million dollars, you can take down whatever you want. You can give a shit. Yeah. you can take down whatever you want. He doesn't give a shit. Yeah. So that was in April 2021. And then the next year in February 2022, Spotify removed another 70 episodes from Rogan's back catalog. The reason this is interesting is because the removal of those episodes was done in response to the backlash to the compilation video of Rogan saying the N word and a bunch of racist shit on his show. Spotify was losing users and artists like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell at S Spotify to remove their catalogs in protest of Rogan. Because Rogan loves money, he apologized and said that his show was a quote out of control juggernaut. He went back
Starting point is 00:45:15 and removed a bunch of episodes where he said super offensive shit and then everyone moved on. But news around this time likes to say that India Ahree posted the compilation of Rogan saying all this racist shit, and that's what got the ball rolling and caused all the backlash. In reality, Alex had either created or published this compilation like a year prior when Rogan was refusing to have him back on the show because Alex had lied about what he said about Sandy Hook to Rogan's face. In his campaign trying to attack Rogan, Alex was calling him a racist, which Alex stopped doing once Rogan had him back
Starting point is 00:45:47 on the show, but the ricochet of this shot was that this later outrage against Joe happened, which led to the removal of a ton of his episodes from Spotify. The point is that Alex and Joe are the types of people who create and profit from their own persecution. It's perfectly encapsulated by this. They're dumb shitheads who cause their own problems
Starting point is 00:46:09 and then make money off them while trying to make everyone else hurt. Yeah, yeah. You know, sometimes you just aren't ready to hear that India Aree is involved. You know, you're just not ready. You're just like, that's just not a name I was thinking of being involved here
Starting point is 00:46:25 That's what that's the name that is on a lot of the news stories that are concurrent from around that time Yeah, I guess she had a big Twitter presence. Yeah. Yeah How about that? Yeah, those were those were strange times whenever you're just it was you know It was like people who I don't want to say people who had done something as opposed to people who just were really good at engagement farming, but it felt like there was more of that back then. Where in order to have a huge following, it was just because you were already like, oh, I released two gold albums last year, so now I've got a huge following as opposed to like,
Starting point is 00:47:01 okay, I went to this social media conference where they taught me how to farm engagement from the bots that I can then sell to, you know. I went to a public hearing and I blurted a bunch of stuff out, yelled at people. And then I got an agent. That's how it works. Yep. Cool. Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:24 All right. So I have a theory, and so I have a theory and it's not a theory It's just the truth. Yeah, and that is that this show has become poisoned by Twitter. Okay Alex's show is not anything other than Twitter. Yeah, and I think it's really summed up by this So Elon Musk just posted this to X Events in Austin, Texas and DC this week are related. We're engaged in a war that will decide the trajectory of our civilization and NGOs are a major front. What the three trillion Trump just cut off
Starting point is 00:47:56 and the judge blocked it, that'll be overthrown, overruled. Our government sent hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money annually to unaccountable nonprofit orgs. the federal government. The federal government sent hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money annually to unaccountable nonprofit orgs. Who then fund radical
Starting point is 00:48:14 activists and political organizers. Trump is fighting leftist judges over his federal grant freeze. And today, the city of Austin, Texas voted to give money to notorious leftist NGOs and to protect illegal aliens. What can we do? Two arms, saddle up and stand ready. It's time for the state of Texas to join in this battle on the side of the good guys.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Read our latest Cicero blog on how Texas can lead with reforms to pierce the veil of any government funded NGO and stop activists hiding billions in ideological spending behind the Grant mazes. Notice I've been focusing heavily the last week intensely on this. I want to get Joe Lonsdale on immediately. Please tell the producers.
Starting point is 00:48:57 So at the beginning of that clip, Alex thought he was reading a tweet that Elon posted, but by the end he'd realized it was someone else. A guy named Joe Lonsdale. That's kinda weird, and it shows a lack of preparation, but also listen to some of that content. This guy said, and it was in all caps, to arms! Saddle up and stand ready, it's time for the state of Texas to join the battle on the side of the good guys. Wasn't Alex just complaining about Hakeem Jeffries using threatening language?
Starting point is 00:49:23 Like this guy said to arms, all caps, exclamation point. Alex has literally no idea what he's talking about or what he's reading. If he did, he would know that Joe Lonsdale is one of the founders of Palantir, and this post is promoting the blog for the think tank he founded called the Cicero Institute. They're largely centered on trying to criminalize homelessness. You notice this kind of thing happening a lot with Alex these days, where he's surprisingly warm to these venture capital type elites, whereas his entire career is supposed to be about opposing them.
Starting point is 00:49:53 This is happening because he has absolutely zero problem with companies like Palantir. It was all an act. Also, this is so indicative of Alex's content. He's reading a tweet that he hasn't even familiarized himself with before the show. It's not even misinformation. It's just nothing. He's reading a tweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah, he might as well have his feed on... Some shows just do that where they have the live feed on a screen, right? Just like their Twitter feed and then they read, looks like some... Looks like at... Did this screen, right? Just like their Twitter feed and then they read, looks like some, looks like at, did this thing, right? Probably some Twitch streamers or something. Yeah, that probably is something that somebody does. Might as well just do that, right?
Starting point is 00:50:33 Yeah, but Alex pretends to be something so much more. And God tells him the future and all this shit. No, he's a lazy piece of shit who's reading tweets. He's reading, he's cold reading tweets. Yes, thinking it's an Elon Musk thing and then realizing halfway through it's some other guy, He's a lazy piece of shit who's reading tweets. He's reading, he's cold reading tweets. Yes! Thinking it's an Elon Musk thing and then realizing halfway through it's some other guy whoops it's the guy who started Palantir. What's he gonna do?
Starting point is 00:50:52 I guess try harder! Hey, Palantir, Palin Smear, who cares? Right. How the times have changed. So Alex rants a little bit about how great Elon Musk is because he's great. Well, Alex is on air, so he has to do some of that. That's fair. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And the city of Austin, Chicago, LA, Denver, these are the key enemy bases and now to have a Titan a big tech leader must directly flame throwing each rat hole going after globalist in the EU going after globalist in Latin America going after globalist in Africa going after globalist the Middle East and Asia and Europe and Eastern Europe, flame throwing the commie mayor of L.A., flame throwing the commie mayor of Chicago, flame throwing the evil, fake Republican governor of Illinois, dominating Patrick Bateman 2.0 in California. And now you see the results. The mind virus coming out your Children saying men are really women. Women are really men is the pronouns
Starting point is 00:52:12 the cult making you accept California passing a law two years ago. They'll put you in jail if you misgender someone. Pete booty juice last night had he him on his ex account zoom in on that he removed it last night this is the guy that famously would park a quarter mile from his offices and get out of an SUV and then ride a bike what a joke now today Pete booty juice has So I think that what Elon is doing is less flame-throwing globalists as much as it is him gutting and attacking anything that can serve as a check or regulation on his ability to accumulate wealth and power. Most of the things that he's done in terms of the government involve agencies that have a direct connection to his businesses, and many of the countries he's taken particular
Starting point is 00:53:10 aim at have been ones that have conflicts with how he runs his platforms. For instance, he's really been vocal about his support for AFD, which part of that is just because he's a Nazi. But another part is that the German courts and the EU commission in general have been pretty clear that they view the way Twitter is run as being in violation of the Digital Service Act on many counts. Germany has pretty tight rules on hate speech and Holocaust denial type stuff, which Musk is obligated to follow if he wants Twitter to be accessible in Germany.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Those rules stop being a hassle for him if extreme right-wing parties get into power and they don't care to enforce these things. Many of his actions have this dynamic to them, where there's a really dangerous hateful side to them, and also a very reasoned, cynical financial side, and Alex is weirdly pretending that both of those things don't exist. So weird. California has no law where you'll go to jail for misgendering someone. The state has protections in place for workers, where it's against the law to intentionally misgender someone in the workplace. It's a form of harassment, like any other kind of harassment that just isn't appropriate at work.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Alex is pretending that the law says you'll go to jail if you misgender someone because he strongly opposes regulations meant to protect workers. He likes the boss because he is the boss and he thinks the boss should be able to do whatever he wants. The way Alex is using a middle school level gay bashing against Pete Buttigieg certainly makes me feel more comfortable that Alex is totally cool and doesn't hate gay people. But I'm more interested in the fake bike riding thing. Alex hates these photo ops. These ideas like you get driven over there and then you get out and get on a bike. He can't stand the idea of like, I don't know, let's say someone putting a piece of duct tape on their own mouth that says silenced
Starting point is 00:54:53 so they could pose for a photo with their lawyer outside of a courthouse. That level of fakeness and opportunism would just piss Alex off. That person would be a joke. Yeah, it's pretty bullshit to do that. Yeah, pretty bullshit. You'd have to be pretty embarrassing to be somebody like that. Yeah. And I mean, with news like this, Alex is just, he's too serious. Like, think about this, right?
Starting point is 00:55:12 This reminds me, in terms of importance, I remember Reagan saying, you know, like, Mr. Gorbachev, take down your pronouns. And the world changed. It did. So it feels like we're just reliving that all over again. It's a momentous occasion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:29 They're going to be playing this on what happened in the 2020s reels in 2070. Do you remember the day that Libs of TikTok tweeted about Pete Buttigieg removing the pronouns from his bio? Oh my God. Is this going to be on the test? What a history class. Whatever future Ken Burns documentary on Twitter is that's like 30 hours long is going to be one of the most annoying things that's ever been created. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:58 So second most annoying thing that's ever been created is Alex Jones' Twitter recap show, which he continues by discussing a meme Elon posted. Great. They tried to make us conform and backfire. No more Rachel Levine, the Admiral's main mission is your children's genitals being removed. Rachel Levine, out, out, out. These people, they're all over the internet, oh, we're coming in the bathroom to talk to your children. What's wrong with that? You don't like it. Literally says that.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Elon Musk put out this great meme the other day. Number of genders from 4004 before Christ to 2020 AD was two, male and female. In the animal kingdom as well. But from 2021 AD to 2024 AD, 73 genders. the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom was two male and female animal kingdom as well. But from 2021 80 to 2024 80 73 genders. And now in the year
Starting point is 00:56:57 2025. President It's back to two. Now where do we see this before many times, but the Jacobins of the Illuminati, the real Illuminati in the history books. French revolution, not to empower people to enslave, wanted a nine day week, no families wanted to turn the average human into an animal, want to destroy language and culture. They created communism. It's mainline history books that you see work. Communism has its roots. The Jacobins, the French revolution, who were worshipers of Lucifer, who did, who were worshippers of Lucifer. But it's all
Starting point is 00:57:27 in ski say he followed Lucifer, look it up, dedicated his book rules for radicals to it. So when you see Zuckerberg apologizing and saying he's not with the globalist, I said, I want to see you stop the censorship. And I want to see what else you do. Well, he said no more di, no more men and women's bathrooms here, no more tampons and men's bathrooms. I think Alex got lost in his thoughts about the Jacobins here. It seems like he was going to say that the Jacobins and the Illuminati tried to bring in a bunch of genders and then kind of realized that that would invalidate the premise of
Starting point is 00:57:59 Elon Musk's meme because there should be a spike in the late 1700s along with the 2021 to 2024 one. Elon's memes are not to be corrected. So Alex just got lost in saying other things about the Illuminati that didn't connect to the main point he seemed to be trying to make. And I think that this is a really good illustration of Alex's conversational pattern. He starts with one thing. In this case, his feelings of vindication about transphobia becoming more mainstream within the power elites.
Starting point is 00:58:28 In order to cover that subject, he finds a source to work from, almost always something someone posted on Twitter, often tracing back to Elon. To expand on the incredibly trivial source he's working with, Alex will try to connect that thing to something else from his world of mythology, in this case the Jacobins and the Illuminati. He'll wander down that road a little bit, and say some of the words he's memorized to say about these things, and try to make it connect. This will often fail, because the connection between his trivial source and his expanded mythology isn't really there. Instead of owning up to the fact that his thought went nowhere and he made a connection between two unrelated things, Alex needs to keep the plates spinning, so he jumps to another subject that connects
Starting point is 00:59:08 to the initial thing that he was talking about, in this case transphobia. We can call Alex's jump off point A, call his connection B, and the thing about Zuckerberg there at the end, we'll call that C. A connects with C, but it's not very interesting. The right wing hates and is uncomfortable about trans people existing, and Mark Zuckerberg is feeling less pressure to accommodate trans employees because the right wing is in power and they won't enforce these worker protections on him anymore. That's not interesting. So Alex needs B to season things up into a story that can keep the audience's attention. A doesn't connect with B, and B doesn't connect with C, but because A connects with C and because Alex just keeps talking,
Starting point is 00:59:50 he's able to make it look like this all makes sense to just a passive observer. A and C are what are real. His hatred of trans people and his desire to let companies discriminate against their employees. B is really just there for branding purposes. And when you look at Elon's meme, really what it's illustrating is not number of genders, it's illustrating right-wing hysteria. Those four years, they used this as the cornerstone of their panic and their cultural hysterics.
Starting point is 01:00:29 That's what that graph would be showing, not any connection to reality about number of genders people understand or whatever. Yeah. Boy, people really... You know, if you've ever been called into your boss's office and then had them show you a far-side cartoon, not like, you just called me, I just got called into the boss's office where you're like, what's gonna happen? And they're just like, have you seen this? That makes you really angry, right? That's how I feel about Elon Musk just tweeting a stupid fucking meme.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Yeah, and you know, there's another element of it too that is I've called you into my office to tell you about Alex talking about Elon talking about a meme. Sure, there's that. Which is also infuriating. There's that. That's there. That's definitely, it's possible that that exists. Whose time is not being wasted.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I mean, I didn't know of the meme up until this point. Yeah. So now that I have that information, I can move forward and it does not feel like it improves my life in any way. Like if I was Marie Kondo, that meme would be gone from my brain. Doesn't spark joy? No, out, gone.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Well, I felt like the only way that I could make it into anything worthwhile is trying to use this to explain the way that Alex uses that B hinge. No, I understand, I understand. And I think if you look at a lot of his storylines and the way he talks, you'll see that pop out quite a bit. Sure. Like, thought one and three are connected, and then the middle one is just to make it interesting. And it's not really connected at all.
Starting point is 01:01:57 And I think if you were forced to, like, accept all the times that his thoughts went nowhere, I think people would be like, Man, you have a lot of bad thoughts. Really, just letting him go, too. Just really spewing him out. Except all the times that his thoughts went nowhere sure I think people would be like man You have a lot of bad thoughts really just letting him go to yeah, just really spewing him out cool, man All right, so it's all Twitter. It's all Twitter. It's all fucking Twitter It's all Twitter, but I didn't know this video existed Just one thing to have the federal filings that they already had it made on the shelf and was man-made so they own the patents on it and would own the patents on the supposed vaccine to respond to it.
Starting point is 01:02:29 And now that's all come out even in Congress. But look at this video at the World Economic Forum. The globalist knew they planned it in advance. CEO of Moderna admits we made the vaccine 2019 because we knew the pandemic was coming. Let that sink in. They knew they had the exact vaccine for COVID-19. They were behind it and they will be behind the next one.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Klaus Schwab and WUF are a serious danger to all of humanity. This isn't theory. It's courted agenda. What are they planning next? Now, that's Jim Ferguson. Alex isn't reporting on the CEO of Moderna or anything he said at the World Economic Forum. He's covering a tweet. Some guy named Jim Ferguson tweeted this
Starting point is 01:03:11 and Alex is covering that tweet. He's not covering the video, he's not covering the vaccine coverage or anything. He's covering a tweet. That is what he's doing. That's the level of work he's capable of at this point and it is uninspiring. It's not great. No. He's reading cold reading tweets. He's That's the level of work he's capable of at this point, and it is uninspiring. It's not great.
Starting point is 01:03:26 No. He's reading, cold reading tweets. He's reading the tweet. Covering is a very generous way of describing what he's doing with that tweet. Sure. Covering is an interesting, like he's not got a bunch of different angles on it. Just kind of just say he's repeating something. He's reading it. It's like a book report.
Starting point is 01:03:43 A bad one. Yeah, well, a book report is Mm-hmm. You know bad one. Yeah, well I Report is also doing a lot of work there if I'm if I'm a person who's interested in uncovering truth Sure, then I see a tweet from this Jim Ferguson character, right and I'm like, oh my god This is a person saying that they had foreknowledge of the the kovat pandemic and made a vaccine in advance. Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and watch this whole interview. I'm gonna watch where this came from. And if I'm Alex Jones and I'm convinced that this is good evidence,
Starting point is 01:04:13 I'm going to play that whole conversation. Sure. I'm gonna discuss it. We're gonna do like an actual bit of coverage about the source material. Sure. I'm not going to read this guy's tweet and then maybe click on it and play the little bit,
Starting point is 01:04:29 little bit that's on Twitter. Yeah. That's pathetic. Probably not gonna be enough. That's indicative of not caring about what's beneath the surface and all you care about is Twitter engagement. Yeah, it does kinda, you know that whole like,
Starting point is 01:04:42 stop drilling, you've hit oil thing. Boy, you shouldn't take it that hard. That's some whiplash of not drilling drill a little bit deeper Yeah, don't a little bit. Don't sell a sold car. Don't raffle a raffled car. Jesus Christ So Alex does end up playing the clip. Of course, that's in this guy's Twitter And we'll talk about that here in a second This is really important. But first, here's the clip of the CEO of Moderna, who again, the Pentagon went to them with Gates created this company just for this.
Starting point is 01:05:12 They've been given the bird flu contracts before Biden left. I mean, this is their little front group. Here it is. And I'm going to go with the staff in van. So let's talk about vaccine development because we've heard how it happened, obviously with COVID-19 starting from 2022 and how extraordinary the process was also in terms of the speed How is development adoption and scaling of vaccine going on when it comes for different variants and sub variants? Because this is one of the big concerns as we as we're all here now and we're discussing when we understand the context and this
Starting point is 01:05:41 Is a great deal Sure. Good morning and thank you for having me on the panel. So the great news versus 2020, where we are today is we have manufacturing capacity. As Seth knows, when the pandemic happened, Moderna had made 100,000 doors in 2019 for the whole year. And I remember walking after that, I was into the office of my other manufacturing
Starting point is 01:06:06 and I say, how we make a billion dollars next year? And they look at me a bit funny, say what? I say, yeah, we need to make a billion dollars next year, there's gonna be a pandemic. And Fauci said, don't worry, trouble will be hit by a new pandemic out of China, respiratory, boy, they don't even hide. He's love to brag like we're all stupid.
Starting point is 01:06:23 All right, Dr. Kirk Elliott joins us for the balance of the hour. That's love to brag like we're all stupid. All right. Dr. Kirk Elliott joins us for the balance of the hour. That's Alex's gold sponsor. So fuck him. Yep. So this is a clip from 2023 and it doesn't reveal that Moderna had advanced knowledge of a pandemic. If you go into that clip with that interpretation, it's easy to see how you can make what the
Starting point is 01:06:39 guy says fit that mold. But if you challenge the context and ask follow up questions, that interpretation is pretty hard to support, which is why all Alex is covering is the little clip that's put on Twitter in order to misinform. Yeah. So this guy is talking about manufacturing capacity and the ability to adjust to new situations. In 2019, Moderna made 100,000 doses of all across the board medications, not just COVID vaccines. In 2020, this guy
Starting point is 01:07:07 saw what was happening in the world and asked if it was possible for them to make a billion doses. If you listen to the clip in context of the conversation that's happening, you even hear him reference Seth in that clip. The person who just spoke is this guy, Seth Berkeley, who was pointing out that in 2020, when the World Economic Forum met, there were people who didn't think COVID was going to become a worldwide pandemic. Seth points out that the Moderna CEO is one of the people who were concerned that this is going to become a pandemic, and that he was especially concerned with the ability to provide solutions to less developed countries. So they're talking about these decisions and these ideas that he had in 2020.
Starting point is 01:07:45 It's not suspicious in the larger context, but it is if you just present this little tiny piece, which is why that's all Alex is doing. It's any business owner being like, hey, we sold all of our hamburgers. Can we make more hamburgers? How do we make more hamburgers? Because we will also sell those hamburgers. How do we make more hamburgers? Because we will also sell those hamburgers. But also, you only know how many doses of like all your shit you had in 2019 into 2020. He's talking about being in 2020 and seeing the writing on the wall and being like this looks like this could be a parameter. Can we boost manufacturing? It's kind of like we sold all the hamburgers yeah and I see a great increase in need for hamburgers
Starting point is 01:08:30 looking like it's coming possibly coming probably gonna happen so I just I think this show is Twitter it is very Twitter II yeah yeah it depresses me there's yeah there's so much going on. There's so much that is just not even being touched, not even being addressed at all on Alex's show. Yeah. And we have just Twitter after Twitter. You have Elon Musk posted a meme. Pete Buttigieg took his pronouns out of his bio.
Starting point is 01:09:04 All this shit is just, it's meaningless. Yeah. His show is almost meaningless. It is like the entirety of Twitter has turned into what QAnon used to be. And the government, throw them in there too. Sure, but I mean like like it is all a fictional game That everyone is building together. Mm-hmm, you know, and it's just like oh, I just saw this clip
Starting point is 01:09:32 I didn't hear it right I'll cut it edit it tweet out something and then five minutes later some guy halfway across the world is like ah That's it. Yeah, that's the whole. And there's all kinds of malign corrupt, just sort of reinforcements for, you can make money if your tweets go viral enough. And it's a disgusting economy. And the sales pitch is always the same. We're just one hammer strike away from Dracula's heart.
Starting point is 01:10:07 One more. It's so close. All you got to do is just get us over the line with all of the money that you have left. Any more? No? Well, then we can't do it. Yeah, it's, it's, um, I don't know. I, I know that he's full of shit and he's always full of shit. And at other times in history, he's been full of shit. But it just feels like there's even more vapidness in this stretch after Trump won. Yeah. After he didn't get killed before the inauguration. Alex, it just feels kind of like a limp noodle.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I mean, you know, what's fun about it is to a certain extent, like their their narratives that they were pitching all the way up until the inauguration kind of rely on it not being just a regular old peaceful transition of power, where we just go, Okay, well, we'll see you in a couple years. Right. Vote for the house. You know, it's got to be like, this is the moment where the left finally strikes. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Everyone shows their horns. Yeah. They reveal their demonic form that was hidden all along. Yep. Nope. And to go from that to like, oh, here's Bernie Sanders in a confirmation hearing. Yeah, I get it. But like yeah I think what you're saying also has a lot of salience for like Alex
Starting point is 01:11:29 He's he's yelled about the devil all this time. Yep, and then like oh, yeah RFK got the votes to be confirmed Tulsa Gabbard got the votes easy cash Patel is the head of the FBI. Where was the devil the devil could have stopped any of that shit feels like the devil either used to have a lot more power Yes, or? Conversely is the one doing this yeah, it doesn't it's really hard to get Credible feeling of like you're under attack when all of this has gone so fucking easy yeah But oh well the enemies in the bushes. I mean clearly I Guess we'll see you tomorrow. It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine
Starting point is 01:12:12 I mean they're in the bushes, but apparently they can't get out are they trapped the devil is not captured Bush trimming technology yeah, what you're gonna do who? Just trapped. So we'll see you next time. See where Alex is going. I really need some inspiration from him. I need something to really kick things into high gear. Yeah. And it can't be a tweet. I want, I think we need a real life heist. I think we need somebody to try and steal all the gold from Fort Knox and then we'll have some serious... That would be good. We'll have some, we'll have some content then we'll have some serious... That would be good. We'll have some content. We'll have some news.
Starting point is 01:12:47 That would be good. I'm looking forward to the Super Bowl. Sure, that's gonna be great. Because that's still coming. I have that as like almost just like the only... I'm looking forward to just reliving that whole halftime show all over again. Especially through a dipshit's eyes. Through a dipshit's eyes?
Starting point is 01:13:04 I didn't get to hear any dipshits tell me about how racist Kendrick was yeah good to hear that and plenty of it I'm citing but till we back we have a website indeed we do it's yep we'll be back but until then I'm Neo I'm Leo I'm DZX Clark I am the mysterious professor and now here comes the sex robots Andy in Kansas you're on the air thanks for the mysterious professor.

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