Knowledge Fight - #1015: February 2, 2025

Episode Date: March 10, 2025

In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to hear Alex's take on Elon Musk invading the Treasury Department and Trump using tariffs as economic violence....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight knowledge I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys Knowledge fight Need money Stop it Andy and Andy and Kansas Pray Andy and Kansas Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of Celine and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh indeed we are Dan. Jordan. Dan Jordan quick question for you. What's your bright spot today buddy? I will say right off the bat. There is a real bright spot. Okay, and you're not ready for it. Okay, so fair enough
Starting point is 00:01:18 We're not gonna talk about it. We're not we can't handle the truth. No fair enough there. It's it's too big We're not we handle the truth. No fair enough there. It's it's too big And may change everything forever I always thought that was a great place to end the movie like if he was just like you can't handle the truth and Everybody's like I think you're right. Yeah game over everybody went home. Yeah, that would I don't I don't know if that scene You know, maybe that scene would be even more legendary if that was the case. That would absolutely never be forgotten by me. Yeah, sure. Yeah. If they were just like halfway through like this crisis, you don't even want to solve
Starting point is 00:01:51 the mystery. You're right. Right. Fuck this. I'm out. Honestly, I don't. Yeah. You make a good point.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Let's go get something to eat. What are we doing here? So that'll come to pass later. Okay. We'll just ignore that. Yeah. You'll be made ready for that in due time. Good. But instead the bright spot that I have is that last night I was thinking about it and
Starting point is 00:02:11 I realized that I had never seen the new Matrix movie. Sure. Yeah, I just let it slide. I'll get around to it eventually. And then I never did. And so I was like, I'll just watch that. You can. And so I watched it and I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I thought it was great. I thought it was pretty good. Yeah, I was like I'll just watch that. You can. And so I watched it and I enjoyed it. I thought it was great. I thought it was pretty good. Yeah. I was ready to be really disappointed. Yeah. Because there's the pressure and just the reality of rebooting or revisiting something 20 years later and I thought there's no way they're going to be able to tactfully navigate that territory.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I thought they did great. I thought it was a lot of fun. Yep interesting enough It is it is hard to be effusive while at the same time saying I think they did a perfectly fine job Mm-hmm, you know like great job and of compliments. Yeah nailed it. I thought that One of the things that I enjoyed about it was even though I know it's a Matrix movie I still didn't know what really was real for most of it. I know that's a game that they're playing and I'm out for it. But I still like, I think at the end of it they could have revealed that he was having
Starting point is 00:03:21 a psychotic break. Would have been fine. Would have been fine. Would have been fine. Yeah. Would have been totally fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or if right before it they were like, you can't handle the AI. Yeah, I'll go home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 They told the story in the way that a number of options for conclusion would have been alright. Yeah. And that's a good story, I think. Yeah. And it's just great to see Keanu and Carrie back at it Sure, just doing their thing. Yep kicking wasn't bothered by the new characters either nope I thought the guy who did Smith was good Neil Patrick Harris. No the analyst that's right
Starting point is 00:03:56 That's good. He was great. Yeah, I was surprised to see Neil Patrick Harris. Yeah, that really threw me I and I was surprised that You know as somebody who was like right at a critical age when the matrix came out mmm I can be a little bit snooty about that kind of stuff sure I nothing ended up being like fuck this yeah yeah nothing like it was a like a break of of a need to assert like my connection. Sure. No, yeah. Perfectly fine job. Huzzah. But that the movie could end. Sure. Like you can't handle the truth. You're right. I can't. That's the same thing of like if you've just taken a blue pill. Totally. You know? Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:39 That would have been a great short. Yep. Because he would have had to, because we would have gotten like most of the movie. Right? We would have gotten to him going to work. His mouth is all like, we would have gotten him trying to fly out there and then choosing that he's not going to go. Yeah. And then he's like, Oh, yeah, cool. Mr. Smith, you who you won. No big deal. And then we break him out. And then he's like, you can take the red pill or you can take the blue and he just grabs the blue pill. And then movie over. We never know. We never know. We're just the end and everything's fine. Yeah. What about you? What's your bright spot? My bright spot is tennis my man. Indian Wells. I should have had a better response to that but I was taking a
Starting point is 00:05:16 sip. No you're good. You're good. Tennis. It's good. Very exciting. It's good stuff. We've already got Djokovic is already out. He's not looking great Wait, he didn't retire. I thought I thought there was a whole changing of the guard of these Folks who have been around for a while No, but he's he's very clearly on the way out because he just does you know what it is You can see it when he plays he doesn't care as much anymore. He needs a vaccine He needs he needs the two of them. He misses his greatest rivals. And this gets back to the Matrix. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:05:48 It really does. Without the other two, without Agent Smith, there's no need for Neo. Or without Neo and Trinity together, there's no power. Exactly. Without Rafa and Djokovic. Without the three of them pushing each other, they all kind of just look at the rest of the world and go, you're not good enough at tennis for me to care anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So, but that could lead to him like really clowning on fools and being like, I need to create the next Rafa to satisfy my need. Yeah. Whenever he plays like Alcarath or somebody like that, ratchets it up. I'm the best there ever was, plays like that. Just lost to some guy, just some guy. That's hubris. Yeah, it just doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:06:31 What's the point? Do you know how hard it is to travel around the world playing tennis? It's really hard. Yeah, I think it's probably really hard, but I think you get used to a lot of the ways that it's hard. Sure.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Over the course of a decades long career. And then you're 40 and you're thinking, what the fuck am I doing? He's done a lot already too. He has, he really has. So who's looking good in this tournament? Let's see, a lot of people are already out. I think my money's probably on Alkaraev because Zverev is already out. He's the top seed.
Starting point is 00:07:03 He lost right away. There's just nobody, you know, it's just Alcaraz. And then Yannick Sinner, he's out of the sport for a few months because he was caught doping. Oh no. And it's a whole thing. Where do you stand on doping? I'm for it. See, I think a lot of people have that take. Yeah, whatever. Right. What are we doing? What are we doing? Mm-hmm? What are we doing? I? Genuinely, I I'm of the opinion that like fine if you don't want to do doping that's fine, but you also can't take like pills any Yeah, why would how is a how is a pain reducer not a performance enhancer?
Starting point is 00:07:40 Okay, your performance is gonna suffer if you are in massive pain now Let's take this out a little bit further. Okay, can you take like vitamin C? Absolutely not. Okay, so no vitamin C but that's my point about how doping is stupid or how anti doping is stupid because eventually you just get to we're making an arbitrary choice where any food you can have pain pills, but you can't have Being hungry a performance exactly exactly right? Let people do drugs. You know you get a lot of vitamins you need from the Sun sure We need to be in the dark. Yeah tennis needs to be played in pitch blackness. Yes by malnutritious
Starting point is 00:08:19 broke down Babies essential also knowing that people are watching you Increases your performance. Yeah, so that people are watching you increases your performance. So like, no one can observe the people playing tennis. If it's in perfect plunge, what we're saying is we need to be looking at a box, questioning whether or not there are even tennis players inside of it.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Schrodinger's tennis match is what you're looking for. It cannot be observed lest you meddle with. And that's pure competition is what that is. That's how you handle doping. I agree. So today Jordan we have an episode to go over. We're going to be talking about February 2nd, 2025. We're into February, or Sunday.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And Alex, I think that there's a couple of points where he actually touches on news that's happening. Interesting. Yes. This is a break from tradition for us. Not as much as I'd like it to be. But yes, a little bit of... Oh, that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:09:15 That's a thing that's happening. All right, all right. So we'll talk about this here in a minute, but first let's take a little moment to say hello to some new wonks. That's a great idea. So first, OSHA-compliant Hawaiian shirt. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Thank you very much! Thank you! Next, I renounce the Insulinadian Phasmid. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Thank you! Next, Mochi the Sweetie, leader of the breakaway cult of Selene, the Silver Vine Davidians.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you, and Technocrat, there we go, one of them in the mix, so thank you so much. Two, shout out to Cryptotheism on Tumblr, who introduced many of their followers to your show during the Sandy Hook trial days.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Thanks for the rec, caretaker. Thank you so much, you're now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars, go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Someone, someone, Sodomite sent me a bucket of poop. Daddy shark. Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent. He's a loser little, little kitty baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Yes, thank you very much. So we begin this Sunday episode of Alex's show with something that shouldn't be surprising to too many people, and that is a celebration of stuff that Elon Musk is doing.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Great. It is Sunday, February 2nd, 2025. We are 13 days, four hours, 44 seconds into the new Trump administration. And the globalist worst nightmares have come true. I am here to report to you, and I'm getting chills right now, that Trump and Elon Musk and his people he's brought in
Starting point is 00:11:01 did not do 100% of what I thought they would do in their first two weeks. A few days ago I said it would be 200% on what I was expecting. They are now at 1000. Wow. If I had to use a number. I mean, the developments since yesterday morning. of trouble. Since Elon got into all of the Treasury Department payment systems. You know that there's over 30 trillion in the last 20 years. That's a conservative number missing from different agencies. But all of the payment histories are there. the looking at this, just trying to track what Musk is releasing the receipts on at Elon Musk on X
Starting point is 00:12:06 is a full-time job. Imagine he's not sleeping right now, this is what he's known to do when he first goes into a crisis, and he is in there with all these top accountants, all these top forensic accountants going absolutely ape. So that sounds unhealthy, spending 10 hours in a day looking at Elon's Twitter. Yeah, I'm a little confused as to why people look up to somebody who treats that as a good way of doing things. Just be like, I'm not going to sleep and tweet a bunch. Like now that we know stuff about the human body and like nutrients and foods and all of those things, like you make better decisions when you're well fed, when you're not hungry, when you you make better decisions when you're well fed when you're not hungry when you're not tired you're Doping you know like you're doing you're doing good like we should look up to people who make decisions in very very narrow circumstances
Starting point is 00:12:54 Right well sure maybe but also these aren't decisions that are being made that's fair tweets that is Alex is Reflecting on that is fair So what's going on is a very clearly illegal and dangerous situation for Elon and his team of dipshits to have access to the government's treasury. But here we are. Naturally, lawsuits were filed about him having access to these records and a judge ruled that Doge could have read only access to treasury files and that they were limited to having a two member team.
Starting point is 00:13:24 One of the two people on this team, you know, you got to choose the best and brightest. Alex says there's all these top forensic accountants. One of them ended up being a guy named Marco Elas who resigned after the Wall Street Journal discovered that he ran a racist Twitter account that posted things like, quote, I was racist before it was cool and, quote, normalize Indian hate. He resigned because it seems bad that a committed public racist was one of the two people chosen by Musk to access the treasury systems. But then Musk decided he wanted to bring Elez back and posted on Twitter quote, he will
Starting point is 00:13:54 be brought back to air as human to forgive divine. This was after JD Vance came out and publicly argued that this racist guy should be kept in his position, which is kind of ironic considering that his wife's parents are from India. Anyway, racism won the day, but even still, Musk has not posted tons of receipts of government wasteful spending. Pretty much everything that's been posted on Twitter has either been misrepresented or stuff that's already public information that they're pretending was kept secret. And Alex pretending like this thing where there's like all this billions
Starting point is 00:14:25 and trillions of dollars has gone missing but there's these records. That's a terrible system. If the villains were doing that, they're stupid. And this is stupid. Yeah. It doesn't make too much sense from anybody's point of view to have multiple sets of hidden books, which I think is what we would have to be talking about here, for them to also have secret records that were kept from the people who we already have secret records for on top of the regular records that are public. Yeah. That's too many records.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It is. It would require a level of organization that is farce. Most of them can't keep regular records together. A lot of that's tough. Yeah, that's tough. It's a full-time job. Much like watching Elon Musk's Twitter feed. There's definitely that.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Or normalizing Indian hate. That also apparently is a full-time job. Sure. Great. So we have a plan in place, I guess, for dealing with the Treasury. And it's just like, stop paying shit. That'll work. It's a good plan.
Starting point is 00:15:24 That'll work. Now remember, middle of last week, Trump froze three trillion in slush funds that Biden got Congress to pass to put into all these NGOs and people. So some federal judge low level blocks it, but that'll get overturned. But does it matter? There's more than one way to skin a cat. You just put on leave and or fire the administrators and bureaucrats. And then you take the power they have away from making the payments. So I'm going to try to condense this down here tonight and just give you snapshots of
Starting point is 00:16:00 some of it. But this should be the number one story in the world. It is a big story. People are following it, but they're not realizing how big this is. the and then you have to expose the crime that was going on to burn down any responses these crooks are going to have through the corporate media and the corporate media is already if you thought they were rolling over before they are pissing themselves and rolling over showing their bellies right now. the Ukrainian dictator Zelensky rolled over and said, listen, I didn't steal the money. We have the video of him saying it, 58% never came here. They stole it. Washington stole it. The Democrats stole it. And I'm ready for peace.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And I'll have elections. I'll have elections in a year instead of him still as a dictator. So he's got the fear of God in his eyes. He looks like he is on a bunch of drugs, cocaine or something. I mean, I think there was probably poop in his pants. That's probably. So what Alex is describing here is very illegal and it's counter to his longtime stated positions that he's advocated and preached over the years. For most of his career, Alex has screamed about how Congress has the power of the purse and controls spending. He had this position
Starting point is 00:17:33 because it's what the Constitution says and because he knew on some level that it was unlikely that he was ever gonna have a real nutty tyrant win the presidency and take over the executive branch. So you wouldn't need to advocate for the president being able to dictate all this shit. The best option for him was within the law, and it was electing enough people into Congress to attack government spending that way. Now Trump has come into office and he's released executive orders freezing government spending. On one level, that sounds like a decision he can make, because you know, you want to
Starting point is 00:18:04 hear that is him stopping new spending. It's like putting someone on a budget when there's a financial pinch that comes into place. But the problem is that a lot of the spending that he wants to freeze is funding that's already been approved by and apportioned by Congress. He's directly attacking Congress's power of the purse, which is something that Alex has always pretended to care about. There are funds that were apportioned by the latest infrastructure bill, for example,
Starting point is 00:18:28 that were supposed to be frozen by Trump's executive order, which is a huge problem. This is called impoundment, when a president attempts to stop funding that's already been approved by Congress, and it's been litigated before through the courts, and it's established that the president does not have this authority. This is an attempt on Trump's part to essentially steal public funds that the government voted to authorize for public use because he disagrees with some or all of it and how it's being used. It's a fundamentally undemocratic and illegal act and I guess we can just hope that the courts don't allow it because if Trump can just refuse to fund things that Congress approves
Starting point is 00:19:02 and fire people who try to distribute those funds, there's not really much of a point for Congress to exist. And I understand being disillusioned and being like the Supreme Court's all bought and paid for. And I think that there's some reason to have worry about that. But in this specific narrow example, Brett Kavanaugh has been very opposed to this position. So him allowing this to stand would be in stark contrast to shit tons of stuff that he's argued in the past, which is not impossible. Sure. No, I was thinking that what they should do is just have like every agency should just
Starting point is 00:19:43 have a judge with them at all times and a couple of lawyers and then whenever Trump sends an order then we can just hash it out in the office you know because otherwise people are gonna start doing stuff and then you have to go to the the court and sue it like make it all happen faster everybody get in a room all the time it's like how the 24 7 championship in the WWE, they used to have like a, you have to have a ref with you. So people just started hanging out with refs.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Absolutely, just be with a ref at all times. There's always a battle going on. You should always be forced to wake up in the middle of the night, because Trump has decided to have a new order. And then bam, judge. Couple of lawyers. I don't want to live this way. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:28 But I don't think that what you're saying is like not a terrible way that we- Literally everything he says is going to have to go to court. Yes. It would be ridiculous not to at least try. We're living in the 24 seven championship as opposed to like the heavyweight championship. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:46 There's no reason to be like, oh, let's schedule this late. Buddy, we're going to be here a long time if you start scheduling things and we're just talking about scheduling. And in the meantime, the person's going to run away with it. Yeah, because that's how it works. Yeah. Yeah. So Alex rocks out a little bit over some, some jams, uh,
Starting point is 00:21:06 and then says some bullshit. Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a real revolution. The old globalist order is collapsing and burning into cinders in front of you. The end of their system is absolutely unstoppable. Let everybody hear it. The heads are now rolling. Oh, they're not gonna roll, they're rolling. Thank you Jesus.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yes, yes, yes. Listeners, you know I don't come to you with good news unless it's real. the said, we accept the challenge. Some heads are going to roll, roll, roll, roll. All right, I can do this a lot of different ways. I could explain the strategy of Trump and why it's so absolutely genius. I can break down the lightning speed of it. I can chronicle what's going on and and I'm gonna try to do it all here but Hundreds of billions of certified fraud in less than all right at about 24 hours has come out
Starting point is 00:22:35 The federal bureaucrats at the Treasury quit others refused to get over the codes to the federal Treasury codes to the federal treasury database of payments going back, because they digitized them going back, over a hundred years. And the last 30, 40, they've got detailed down to the penny and they know exactly who got what and where. And it is a free for all of crime. So obviously this isn't true. But Alex is reporting on what it feels like Musk is doing,
Starting point is 00:23:06 based on the various misleading Twitter posts that Alex has seen about it. He's covering the vibe of social media, as opposed to anything that's actually real. Musk and Doge absolutely didn't uncover and report billions in criminal spending, but it really feels like it for the folks who desperately need to feel like they are, because if those people don't have that feeling they might realize that they're supporting a tyrannical takeover of the government led by an unelected billionaire and the people that he's deciding to Have access to very sensitive public information. Yeah, I mean it is like to a to a certain extent
Starting point is 00:23:43 I don't disagree with Alex when he says you are watching things burn in front of your eyes I think maybe people are thinking like oh, they'll just get rid of the globalist parts, right? It does not feel like they're interested in just the globalist parts. No, it's it's like, you know There's some fun things about like oh, they'll cut the you know, there's some fun things about like, oh, they'll cut the, you know, the war. Sure, sure, sure. And they'll cut all this spending on the military. No, no, they're not. No, that's going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Yeah. They'll be fine. They're going to cut your social security. Yep. And your grandparents and you down the road are going to be straight fucked when it comes to surviving. Yeah, in totalitarian style states, generally, when you cut the military's budget, they have guns already. Oh, and Musk makes a lot of money on government,
Starting point is 00:24:37 military-esque contracts and shit. Right, right, right, but when you cut the people's money, they don't have anything to do, and you have all the guns with the military because you've highly funded them. So you got it. It's the path that you don't Alex does not want people to understand that this is the path that a lot of this is going down.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Fairly predictable. Yeah. And I think that that clip itself is really illustrative and helpful because Alex plays this music and he does a heads up gonna row because that's about creating this feeling and he's perpetuating this feeling that's based on what he feels like things are happening on social media and that is so much more important than getting into the details and like what is Musk actually doing? What are these things?
Starting point is 00:25:22 You don't you don't want to make the argument that you support all of this shit. Yeah, no. You want to rock out to heads are gonna roll. You were totally, you're like, okay, yeah, we're chopping King's heads off, got it. Aristocrats, got it. Who's that guy? Why are you chopping his head off? Oh shit, everybody I know is getting their head chopped off. This revolution is not going the way I thought it was gonna go right yeah Yeah, to subvert the feeling the last the people realize what they're doing Yeah, so Alex talks a little bit about what he wants people to think musk's team is doing One of the biggest takeaways we have all the documents right here
Starting point is 00:25:57 Is that for decades even when funding ended? they would never even end the funding and would just keep paying whatever forever. And you've got Democrats senators, Republican senators, House members, foreign current on these boards of NGO nonprofits, getting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars a year, in some cases billions per organization. And then they've already started spot checking the actual numbers of whatever the aid was. And in most cases, it's less than 12% ever actually went to whatever the so called aid was. You know, you'll see people like Senator Paul every year with this the worst pork barrel in its big news. This is
Starting point is 00:26:47 a billion. And I mean, I'm not exaggerating. I just to get dead record a billion times crazier. If you think one of the things they use this example last week, 50 million in the last week, and I'm not exaggerating. I'm just saying that this is a big news.
Starting point is 00:27:06 This is a the bill. And I mean, I'm not exaggerating. I just get dead record a billion times crazier. If you think. One of the things they use this example last week 50 million in condoms to Gaza. Or 15 million for shrimp on treadmills. That's real of your new viewer. Just type it
Starting point is 00:27:23 in. I'm not joking. I know it doesn't sound real. Believe me. If you think that's bad, ladies and gentlemen, this is mass total criminal activity and they're just releasing it all. It's over. So what is it? Like, Alex uses these kind of shorthand things to discuss government spending with two examples are shrimps on treadmills and condoms to Gaza. These are the examples he uses because they're supposed to elicit a reaction
Starting point is 00:27:46 from the audience that's something like, oh, I can't believe that's where our money is going. But he's also specifically using these as examples of things that were like uncovered. These aren't the things that Doge is uncovering, but this is supposed to be a stand-in for those specifics that Alex isn't giving. That's a problem though, because neither of these things were secrets that were covered
Starting point is 00:28:08 up ever. It was all totally public stuff available to anyone who was interested. The shrimp on treadmills thing, Alex said, is a $15 million situation. That was a half million dollar grant that went to the College of Charleston, South Carolina, and a biologist named Lou Bennett. Why did Alex exaggerate that by 30 times? Why is that? Why didn't he bring up how Lou Bennett managed to get all this funding for himself?
Starting point is 00:28:35 That's pretty cool, honestly. Well, also, shrimp being on a treadmill is a small part of the research that was facilitated by this grant, but it naturally creates a funny image in your head, which is why it's used as a meme by the right-wing forces that want to stop government spending. This was a scandal from 2011, and the actual study had to do with some important issues like the effects of bacteria exposure on crustaceans, which are a major part of agriculture around the country. You can say that this part of the research looks silly, like shrimp being on a treadmill.
Starting point is 00:29:05 It is a funny picture. Or you could say that it lacks practical application, but a lot of science looks that way to people who don't understand what the actual variables that are being examined by these studies are. The $50 million for condoms to Gaza thing, that just wasn't true. It was a lie that Musk promoted and was repeated by the press secretary until it was debunked. And then Musk said, quote, some of the things I say will be incorrect and should be corrected. Nobody's going to ban a thousand. I mean, any, you know, we will make mistakes, but we'll act quickly to correct any mistakes. So there's no real spot checking of fraud that's going on here. There's a lie about
Starting point is 00:29:42 condoms going to Gaza and an almost 15 yearyear-old mischaracterization of a study on shrimp that's being used to attack government spending because public investment helps the public and it hurts billionaires and that's the side that Alex is on. Yeah. So like I think it's interesting that you see like we'll talk about this in a proxy. Yeah. I'm going to talk about like go to Musk's Twitter if you want to see all the copious examples of all the fraud they're uncovering, but I'm going to bring up condoms and Gaza and shrimp on treadmills because that's the feeling that I want to articulate to you. That's the feeling you need to have.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Do you remember, I don't know if this, maybe this never happened. I feel like in my lifetime there was a guy who went on TV and had commercials and he was dressed in a dollar sign suit yeah yeah about government grants right the Riddler right that was real though right yeah okay why don't here's what I do PR stunt murder that guy right get him in his hole like I mean maybe you don't actually have to murder him but I mean we're in we're in fucking Murder town USA why not you know, but we get him
Starting point is 00:30:50 He's like oh you can you can have government money and then Elon Musk like strangles him or maybe like puts him in a bathtub You know and then that's a signal that you can't get government grants anymore. Mm-hmm You know what I'm saying business is closed exactly and then burn the book. Cause he was selling a book that was like how to get government grants. We burn all those like the Nazi book burning. I think this is a good PR stunt for America. I think when you are forced to say like the Nazi book burning, you might be on the wrong track. I don't understand. I think you might be advancing something that's not a great idea. Okay. Maybe there are better examples of people burning books. I wonder. I don't think. You might be advancing something that's not a great idea. Okay, maybe there are better examples of people burning books. I wonder.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I don't think there are better examples. Someone has to have done an analysis on how much actually... How much he actually got through that program? Well, I'm sure he sold a number of books. Sure. But I mean, in terms of actual grants that ended up being got by people who got his books I bet it's a tiny one Yeah, but what if it was a massive success and we just didn't know about it
Starting point is 00:31:51 That would be such a I would I would love so much if there was like an aro Morris documentary That was about how secretly 20% of all government grant funding given to universities I was purely because of a guy wearing a money suit. That'd be great. Now here's a question that I think might be a Mandela effect that I don't know the answer to. Do you think that that guy predates the Riddler? Not as a character, but the movie.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Oh, the movie. Do you mean Batman Forever when Jim Carrey played the Riddler? Which came first? Batman Forever I believe was 97. I don't know because of the McDonald's mugs sure I may that may be my entire memory of all of maybe 1997 and you tell me it's 97 I'll believe it. I don't know for sure. I want to say that he does predate 97 I think he does too, but it could be a Mandela effect I think I remember him during like the late Clinton years.
Starting point is 00:32:47 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. But who knows? We may never know. Oh boy. So I think that if Musk would just wanted to go on a crusade against that guy, I don't know if I would care.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I think it would do a lot less public harm. Sure. Yeah. If he wants to role play as Batman. Yeah, it'd be metaphorical We wouldn't have to do as much like real stuff. We could have a nice little It's like a performance art piece sure Like the make-a-wish kid who wanted to pretend to be Batman. Yes, you must could do that if you want it. Absolutely
Starting point is 00:33:17 So there's something very exciting that Alex says on this this this episode That made me feel like maybe Jerome Corsi had information that was gonna get him killed okay it's that kind of a tease all right doing so you tried to kill Trump twice try to destroy his family went after all his supporters his prominent ones including right here oh I'm not gonna talk about this till tomorrow But let's just say the Trump administration Released something to us
Starting point is 00:33:53 That we just got yesterday Oh I don't think our enemies are gonna be too happy. But but see that news is minor So it just goes over here on the side for now Don't use that voice. That one's gross baby because None of us that have been persecuted by this evil system are gonna have any problems
Starting point is 00:34:19 Anymore once this is completed and there's no turning it back now So, yeah, I feel like a trillion pounds been lifted off of me So Trump has given Alex some kind of secret information that provides him with a great amount of relief And he's gonna talk about it on the show tomorrow Which I think when when you you know, you're responding to him making that voice, it's because you're faking all this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:50 You know? Yeah. You're doing something silly. It's a performance. If I'm Trump and Alex is doing his stuff, I write him a get out of jail free card, right? In crayon. Yeah, absolutely. And just be like, here you go, one free one, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:07 And then just leave me alone. Sure. That'd be cool, I feel like that would work. Yeah, I think I might, yeah, I don't know. I'm conflicted between like, I'll just give him some fake shit, or just, I I promise you I Won't be mad if you just make up whatever you want right right right just go ahead go go nuts
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yeah, I'm not going to come down on you if you just talk shit Just an official writ of bullshit you are the lead bullshitter. Mm-hmm. We we just as a society Anoint you the guy who can say whatever the fuck he wants. Yeah, maybe Roger told him that or something. That's possible He's got it. He's got his invitation to the White House. That's gonna that dinner is gonna happen any day now so Alex talks a little bit more about this and implies that like he now has evidence that he was Targeted by the deep state. Oh, and now they've opened a criminal investigation out of the district of Columbia on Chuckie Schumer. That criminal investigation was announced last night.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And then Trump's going to start releasing all the secret intelligence agency and FBI investigations that have gone been given all the information. All the secret intelligence agency and FBI investigations that have gone on against the American people. Including me. We've already been given the first tranche of information.
Starting point is 00:36:40 No, not a trash. That's fast. I didn't expect. 12 days just yesterday into this were 13 now. I didn't even call asked for anything. Nothing. I said let him move to the big stuff first secure the Republic, but I'm really impressed. Because when all this comes out, and it's coming out right now. The deep states all going to prison.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Oh, and who's involved helping go through all the data? Elon Musk. Oh, thank you Lucky Stars for that guy. To quote Elon Musk, some of the things that I say will be incorrect and should be correct. Eee. I think that Alex is, like this is a bad idea. He's now creating a responsibility for himself to provide documents that prove all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:35 A tranche of them. Because he has them. And Trump gave them to him in order, like he's setting up a bar for himself to have to clear. Yeah. That's unnecessary. He doesn't need to. No.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Nope. Cause this is going to be a dud. He doesn't need the documents anymore. Nah. Like arguably he never did. No. But what's important is that he had, he had to have the illusion of having the documents
Starting point is 00:37:59 and that is no longer necessary. Not really. No. So just, just be like, Trump called me and said this. Yeah, a little bird told me that they told me about all these documents and the investigations are underway and all this. That's all you need. You are in oral history now.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Now he has ownership and possession of these documents that if he doesn't reveal, he can't prove his claim. Yep. And it's a pretty important claim. So great. Have fun opening that safe, Geraldo. Or taking the chip out of the homeless guy's arm. Yeah. You know, great.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Enjoy. Yep. So Alex reads some headlines about old Elon Musk, who's the king of the world. Jesus Christ. Elon Musk announces delusional, he's uncovered that payment approval officers of the treasury never denied a payment in their entire career. This is extremely concerning.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah. Total fraud. I mean, of all the video clips of this, US aid is evil. Yeah, that's the other statement says Elon Musk. This show is too focused on Elon Musk. Alex is over committed in a way that comes off a bit desperate and uninteresting. He seems like somebody who's like, this is my only real shot.
Starting point is 00:39:21 This guy has a lot of fucking money. Yeah. And he seems nuts I might be able to once all the dust settles he could create a foundation That I could end up living off or something. Yeah, like he could be my parachute I think that the way this feels a little bit. I I'm beginning to get the feeling that like we stopped listening to Infowars and turned on like I don't know the world's number one in sync fan club and it just but Elon is now the head of in sync. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It does. It does have that
Starting point is 00:39:59 feeling. Yeah. Things have changed a bit in a way that like is very Elon focused. Can you believe what Justin's wearing today? Yeah, I sure can Elon has frosted tips. Oh So all of this to like this obsession with Elon Musk It comes at the expense of critical thinking skills like Musk has said that these payment Approval officers in the Treasury Department They've gone their whole careers without rejecting a payment and and this is a scandal that Doge has uncovered. But you should ask yourself the question, what do these people do? Is it their job to choose whether to approve or deny payment of a bill?
Starting point is 00:40:34 As it turns out, that's not their job. The role of the Treasury Department payment officers is to reliably dispense payment for the spending that's approved by other bodies of the government. Determining whether or not things are cool or not, that's another part of the government's job. Like this is the accounts payable department. What people with more expertise on the subject have said is that Trump is trying to take over this area of the government and distort what it does in order to just not pay our
Starting point is 00:41:02 bills. That fits with his general business strategies that he's used in the past and now he's trying to run the country that way. Just don't pay people. They want to use the treasury as a block on dispensing funds that congress has approved as a way of tyrannically taking over the ability of our country to spend money on things that people want but the big power interests don't like, like social security. It's all very transparent and someone who is the character that Alex has pretended to be for the last 30 years should be so able to see through this and the fact that he doesn't
Starting point is 00:41:34 should be an indication to everybody who might be tricked by him that his career has been a joke up till this point. He's been pretending to oppose these power systems that he actually just wants to use for his own benefit and for the benefit of the rich. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you think of government in one way as say like just the engine by which we collectively pool our money together and use it, right? That's just the tool is the government for us to use our money theoretically for our collective betterment.
Starting point is 00:42:12 It is not good whenever we kind of tend to forget that it's just them, it's like our money and they're the way we're spending it. And for him to recognize that like, if I just control whether or not they pay for stuff, that's probably more important than laws, that's bad for all of us.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. Yeah, because money is probably more important than laws these days. If I can get away with just having people block the ability of anything to function, then who cares what the will of the people is? To, to, you know what?
Starting point is 00:42:50 You know what? Let's do it. To doon it, alright? Anyone who can destroy a thing can control a thing. Whatcha gonna do? The Treasury Department must flow. The Treasury Department is the spice, yes. So Alex has
Starting point is 00:43:05 touched on Zelensky a little bit and he talks a bit more about that story that he kind of touched on earlier. Right. Less than 24 hours after Elon Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency got into the US Treasury computers, they have gone into a complete limbing route running off the edge of the political cliff, and they're just everywhere turning on each other right now. I mean, they are in panic mode, running for the exits. And Zelensky was put in by the West and the CIA, and then has canceled over a year ago, elections and banned even friendly parties
Starting point is 00:43:47 and taken over all the media and banned the Orthodox Church. They always say they banned a major denomination. No, it's the big one. The guy's a dictator. He's been refusing to listen to Trump. And now all of a sudden he's like, oh yeah, I wanna come to the table.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I wanna, and by the way, I didn't steal the money. 58% of the money never came. So you need to investigate that. That's not me. I got a bunch of other examples of it. This is just a lie. The point Zelensky made was that the money that was appropriated by Congress within the five bills that provided aid to Ukraine, the Ukraine, there's a portion of that money that doesn't actually
Starting point is 00:44:29 go to Ukraine. And when people are using these like top line numbers that are so high, it's like this isn't like that wasn't money that went to us. So some of the money is appropriated to supporting other countries in the region. And a lot of it goes to US weapons manufacturers who produce munitions that then go to Ukraine. That money is spent supporting Ukraine in the war, but technically it doesn't go to them. Dip shit social media users were putting forward the story that Zelensky was trying to distance
Starting point is 00:44:59 himself from a money laundering scandal that Trump and Musk were clearly uncovering, and now Alex is just repeating that as news. In reality, Zelensky didn't say anything of the sort. It's just a lie that's facilitated by social media's ability to corrupt and oversimplify information and then repackage it. And that's, that's Alex's job. Yeah. And I mean, I think arguably if I'm, if I'm a country at war, right, and I hear that the leader of the country
Starting point is 00:45:26 is money laundering for the war, that's not really money laundering for me. That's just like, he's doing a good job, right? He's getting money for the war. You mean, were you to be a person in Ukraine, you would not be swayed by this accusation? Oh, I'm sorry, he got more money for us to continue to live? Oh, a scandal! Yeah, I'd be fine with that. Go for it, man.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Sure. It's a scandal if you're like, I ran contraing when nobody's at war. Sure. You know? And I think that Alex does probably not wanna recognize that there's no way that Musk hasn't profited off this, too. Totally, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:03 So like, I just think he's playing a stupid game. Yeah. And it's at the expense of people's lives. Yeah, yeah. I mean, man, one of the things that we should all really be concerned about is that we know from what we can see, Elon Musk is making absolutely terrible decisions
Starting point is 00:46:23 left and right for his businesses, for himself, for life, for all of us, right? But he's still making more money. He is not receiving any negative consequences for behaving what is clearly insane behavior. He's only getting richer. We should consider this. Something has gone far off the rails. We should think about this a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:42 At the very least, he should be getting like a little bit poorer, you know? Like if you, if you took, if you bought a company and then ran it into the ground, people will be like, ah, that made him at least a little bit poorer, right? But then it didn't. It's a loss leader. That's not good. Yeah. That's not good. Nope. So, um, Alex plays that clip of Zelensky and reads the subtitles over it. If you pay attention to the way that this goes, you can see a real difference in approach that Alex has towards Zelensky on the one hand and Putin on the other. Weird. Look, when I hear and I heard before and today we hear from the United States of America that America
Starting point is 00:47:27 gave Ukraine hundreds of billions, 170 billion to be more precise. That's what the exact figures sound like, which was supported, are voted by Congress, etc. Look, as the president of a warring country, I tell you, we received just over 75 billion. That is 100 billion of these, 177 billion or 200. Some people even say we've never received. And this is important because we are talking about specific things. Because we got it in the money, with the money. We got 70 something billion worth of it. There is training, there is additional transport. There are not only pieces of weapons, the prices of weapons. There were humanitarian programs, social except, but when they say the Ukrainian
Starting point is 00:48:29 during the war received 200 billion to support the army, etc. This is not true. I don't know where all the money is. And he goes on in the full interview to talk about, you know, investigate it. It's not him. So that's throwing his accomplices under the bus. Now, the full video watch at your leisure of Putin is up on info wars dot com. Putin, European elites will stand at the master's heel and wag their tails gently. And he goes on to say that Trump, those are all the bodies is buried and is moving very quickly. The globalists are basically going to be defeated. And I agree with that statement. People say, well, wow, you're with Putin. No,
Starting point is 00:49:17 Putin's under the same globalist attack Americans are. He makes that point. He goes, you know, Trump does not want to chop your son's penises off. He actually says that He doesn't and I don't want to chop your son's penises off either. So, you know the cult that runs government that are a bunch of demons and pedophiles and Vampires, let's see. He says that in other interviews recently. I'm kind of throwing in a gestalt Are done people are sick of them all over the world. This is a worldwide phenomenon. It's over People go my god, Putin sounds just like alex jones. It's over. People go, my God, Putin sounds just like Alex Jones. It's because we're looking at the same thing. This is not political spin. This is what's going on.
Starting point is 00:49:53 So the stult is putting together of vampires and demons. Yeah. Cool, man. I don't think anyone anyone has ever had I think we've been pretty clear for a number of years that you and Putin are on The same page. Yeah. Yeah, no shit. Yeah, I'm dumb You have one leader in a conflict who's saying Hey, the number is a little bit misleading. We didn't get like 200 billion dollars or whatever We're at war. We're talking about a specific thing here. Let's be clear, let's not use this to antagonize and exaggerate things.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And Alex is like, fuck, this guy's admitting to money laundering. And then on the other hand, you have Putin being like, the dog will wag its tail at the master He's like this guy fucking rules. This guy's great. He's talking like a crazy person super villains are cool Yeah, so that's that's where Alex is that yeah, that's not good. You know I like Here's what I say. I'm I guess I guess this is how it's gonna be This is how these people are gonna do it
Starting point is 00:51:05 But it should be public that they can no longer be fans of the movie Red Dawn. They can never Appreciate the movie Red Dawn ever again. They should never speak about the remains his name aloud I don't acknowledge the remake. Whoa, because it's not it's not true to the Message of the movie, okay, which is Wolverines true to the the message of the movie, okay, which is Wolverine's That is the message of the movie that is the main message of the movie And we're either all Wolverine's or we're not you know what I don't know if I've seen Red Dawn you should see Red Dawn Yeah I just I know it from like cultural osmosis sure sure sure yeah
Starting point is 00:51:41 I don't know if I've ever actually watched that movie. It's surprisingly affecting At time for how ridiculous it is Like if you don't focus on that like what are the Russians doing just taking over like a small town? What are you guys doing there? Strategically important sure it is. Yeah, who cares? Yeah, I don't know. I had a good run with the matrix. Maybe I'll check in on it so Trump obviously is Yeah, I don't know. I had a good run with the matrix. Maybe I'll check in on it. So Trump obviously is attacking immigration and immigrant rights and such. ICE is running amok and all that But you know some people have protested There's some protests that have have gone on. And Alex has an aversion to Trump cracking down on these protests.
Starting point is 00:52:25 OK. But it's not because of the First Amendment. It's because of false flaggery. Yes. Yeah. It's a trap. It's a trap. So he explains that. OK. And then I'm going to get into what's happening with the border and the illegal alien protests being funded by USAID publicly and what they're planning there, which is also the. Enemy attack and Tom Homan, the border is ours and very smart what they're planning there, which is also the enemy attack.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And Tom Homan, the border czar is very smart, does not go mess with these big demonstrations. Even though they're pulling out American flags and beating people up and blocking traffic, and as I predicted, they would start, and it's getting more violent, more violent, more violent. It's the local police's job to respond, and it's hurting them.
Starting point is 00:53:07 It's hurting the left that this is all going on. Don't interrupt your enemy when they're destroying themselves, as Napoleon said. And it's going to get more violent and more violent trying to get the feds to come out. So the CIA network, not the whole CIA now, but the bad stay behind network, and a truck bomb, or it'll be German intelligence or something, because they've used them before, bomb Oklahoma City, to bomb them with a truck bomb or a mass shooting. And so I told you, when Homan doesn't take the bait, then they're going to start burning the cities. That'll be in a few months. They're looking for
Starting point is 00:53:47 the right pretext to do it now that a cop does something wrong or something. We just keep exposing it. Keep laying it out. Keep talking about it. And then, uh. It does border on Machiavelli to not run in with the feds and stop it. But it's a trap. It's a trap.
Starting point is 00:54:11 And that's why I'm just completely honest about it. This is my view. And but they're going to get very violent soon. They'll have Antivirus out shooting people in the head soon in Los Angeles and Austin and everywhere else like they've done before to try to really elicit the response and at that point there'll be feds watching and they'll just go arrest them at home they'll be professors and leftist and you know congressman's kids and stuff like that we've caught him before but sorry the fake contracts the Trump administration sends ice or federal riot police or anything into these things you're walking into a trap and I don't think they need me to tell them that the the the
Starting point is 00:54:52 the the the the And at that point, Trump has to explain it's a trap, explain how this is a setup, and tell the mayors and the police chiefs, if you don't go stop this now, we know you're aiding and abetting and NGOs, we know you're involved,
Starting point is 00:55:16 you're gonna be indicted for trying to lure the feds in there to start a civil war. for trying to lure the feds in there to start a civil war. And then Trump will have to ask the governors and put it on this is constitutional, go in there with your state police and take over the city and county because when they don't do their job, that's what happens. And then governors like Newsom are going to try to refuse but you saw he started flipping under Trump's pressure. So see now that we have the public awake and understanding how this works, they won't be able to stand when Trump goes,
Starting point is 00:55:53 I'm not walking into your trap. Stop it. And within 24 hours, they'll have to go stop it. And then that'll still burn them everybody go Oh, you could have stopped it. You didn't see how you get them see you see you Jordan do you see you get it I absolutely do not see I will answer three questions all right um why would you burn your own home down um because they're mad okay and the NGOs told you to that's it all right There's two factions within the CIA Oh, yeah, right probably more than that. So like you go to work every day. Mm-hmm What's that like? I mean, it's probably tense. It would have to be tense, right?
Starting point is 00:56:35 Sure, they're it can't just be like everybody's very collegial while at the same time secretly trying to tear the country apart Well, and you're in the CIA. So you're probably spying on each other. You know who's on what side. I feel like it's not all exciting at the CIA. I feel like there's a lot of people who are just like, they're just like doing there are CIA accountants and stuff. Yes. So if you've got to stay behind network, do you also have a CIA accountant stay behind network? Kind of have to have someone in each department you do behind or else, you know, you lose,
Starting point is 00:57:07 you lose a little bit of the function. So how do you get, yeah. I mean, like, how do you get anything done with both sides of the CIA fighting each other? I think it really would come down to, do you have someone in HR? Right? I mean, like if you have a stay behind person in HR, then you could just fire all the patriots or whatever. And if you don't have someone there,
Starting point is 00:57:29 then you have no ability. You gotta take over HR. Here's what I feel like. I feel like we're in a situation where when I'm watching a movie, I go, I need to turn off the stuff so I can enjoy the movie. But then in real life, I go, you can't do that. There would, you just have to talk to a guy.
Starting point is 00:57:48 You would have to talk to him. If you did that, then we should have a scene where you have to talk to like a group of people and they're just like really disappointed in you. And that's it, you know? Like, but they don't do that in real life. Alex just tells this story of the CIA having multiple factions and not one where it's like, buddy, now we have to call in the fucking federal union guys. We
Starting point is 00:58:09 have to bring them in here. You need to have your representative in the office while me and your boss talk to you about whether or not you're on the wrong CIA side. It's it's dramatic. He has he has a fun plotline Yeah, you know and I think that obviously that you know what you're bringing up is true But the point of why he's telling that story is to make people opposed to protesters sure who are going to be pushing back against things like mass deportations against stripping people of social security benefits. That kind of stuff is what's going to elicit these large reactions from the public that Alex is saying are going to be bait for Trump to come in with the federal forces.
Starting point is 00:59:03 He's trying to invalidate the act of protesting in the minds of the audience. Sure, sure. So that's really what I think is more important than the incoherence and stupidity of his storyline. It's the purpose that it serves. That's fair, that's fair. And I think he'd have a different,
Starting point is 00:59:22 I think he has had a different take on things like the Bundy Ranch. Yeah. And the problem here is like what happens, so then what happens whenever Chicagoans don't burn down Chicago because we live here, you know? Like you've got this whole story where, okay, so we leave them alone and they're protest, we don't bother their protests.
Starting point is 00:59:41 So then they've got to go crazy on us to get, to get attention. So then they have to burn down Chicago and you're like hold on why are we burning down Chicago well I think it's because Alex knows that there aren't like these NWO and wolf pack versions of the CIA right but that there are a lot of accelerationist racist types who might actually do that bombing of a protest. Maybe. So that part of the storyline can be fulfilled by another agent as opposed to some breakaway
Starting point is 01:00:18 stay behind CIA network. So that part of the story can be fulfilled and the rest of the narrative play out how Alex wants Even if protesters don't end up burning down their own cities sure I don't know I think it's all just gross and he should say the protesters can protest because of the Constitution Not because it's a trap. It's very simple. It's very simple. So
Starting point is 01:00:42 There's some other economic stuff. Mm-hmm that's going on Trump's talking tariffs and whatnot Okay, and Alex has some dumb takes on that Trump elite. Oh He was gonna do the tariffs in March. So the big banks BlackRock and brokerage firms went out hedge funds went out and did their Put options in March, April and May. Then Saturday they go, oh, no, sorry, it's today, signs the orders and now they're having to do them now.
Starting point is 01:01:14 And it just totally reveals what they're doing. And there's a lot of ways to mitigate that by exposing it and the public not buying it. But Kirk Elliott's really smart economist and I agree with him. They're going to tank the stock market really bad in the next few months, maybe even sooner. And the public not buying it, but Kirk Elliott's really smart, economists, and I agree with him. They're going to tank the stock market really bad in the next few months, maybe even sooner. Oh yeah, that's convenient for your gold sponsor to promote. It helps. So also people don't need to be part of a conspiracy in order to think that it's a good
Starting point is 01:01:36 idea to bet against the stock market if Trump does the things he's announced he's going to do. Even members of Trump's cabinet and his biggest supporters have said things like, there's gonna be some pain if he does this stuff, but they just pretend that that leads to a better place after the pain. Because it does. For them, the super rich. For the rest of us, the pain continues.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Markets like a little bit of predictability. Investment isn't the same thing as gambling, so a measure of stability is needed for things to work how they're supposed to. Trump is acting like a giant ball of uncertainty, saying he's putting on these huge tariffs and then delaying it and then saying he's going to put them in, but bigger. It's not hospitable to investment. So that makes some people a bit more likely to want to have some put options in there. It's just, it makes sense. It's wise.
Starting point is 01:02:25 So, I don't know. I think that Alex is dealing with cause and effect interestingly here. I would say that if I was going to prepare a narrative, you don't even need to worry about the gold salesman. The way things are going, if you just let a lunatic in charge of the economy, it's probably going to crash. Sure. It's going to be bad for a lot of people. I mean, remember when we've let lunatics in charge of the economy before?
Starting point is 01:02:55 It's worked. Hmm. Yeah. We'll see how it plays out. So Alex is, he's like, they're putting all these put options and shorting the, the, the stock market and what have you. Ugh. All because Trump just wants to put some tariffs in. Right? What an asshole.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Tariffs are a normal, healthy, good, basic thing. Sure. Except, like, a minute later, Alex says that they're financial violence. Oh, great! This demolishes that whole system, and, and it is very aggressive. It is very financially violent. But it's a revolution. It's a revolution that abolishes that whole system. And it is very aggressive. It is very financially violent, but it's
Starting point is 01:03:32 a revolution. So you really want to blow the hell out of the new world order. You want to destroy their system and really flood the country with industry and jobs and innovation and cheap energy and grow our way out of the
Starting point is 01:03:42 fact that they had is ready for collapse. It's going to be messy. So this is extremely bold, extremely well thought out and the key to it all is lightning fast, brutal implementation to keep the bad guys off balance. And again my assessment in the first week was Trump was doing a hundred percent of what I thought he should and I couldn't believe he was doing such a great job. By a week and a half in a hundred percent of what I thought he should and I couldn't believe he was doing such A great job by a week and a half and I said he's 200 percent what he what I would have thought It's like double my expectations
Starting point is 01:04:13 the last 24 hours It's ten times what I thought he could do a thousand out of a hundred. That's so many so good He's escalating too fast. It's only been 13 days. Also also the way Alex works with numbers, he should be in charge of the economy. He knows numbers. No, no. Inflation is going to get us way out of control. So like, I mean, like this is, he's saying that what Trump wants to do is revolutionary financial violence in a promise of it's going to be better on the other side of that messiness.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Right. You know what it's not going to be better on the other side of that messiness. Right. You know what it's not going to be messy for? It's not going to be messy for the really rich. It is strange how that works. Yeah, it's going to be messy for you. It is very strange how that works. Yeah, that's the untold piece of this.
Starting point is 01:04:57 And then it doesn't get not messy for you afterwards. It gets not messy for the really rich who have been able to buy it from you. You just get adapted to it. You get adapted to the mess and you go, well, this is better than no mess, I guess. And then if you want to go protest, it's a trap. Yeah, that makes sense. I have a question for you because I think this might be a deep language question. Can something be both extremely bold and extremely well thought out?
Starting point is 01:05:25 Mmm... yeah. Interesting. How so? Well, uh... that's a good qu- You know what? Maybe you can't. That's what I'm saying, because the moment you go, well, you can do something bold that is extremely well thought out, then you go, well, if it's extremely well thought out, it's really not that bold, is it? I guess it can be if there's no other option.
Starting point is 01:05:53 But is it bold if there's no other option? You're just acquiescing to the demands of the moment. Pulling the trigger on doing the thing that must be done can sometimes require a type of boldness. Sure. Like, I don't know, let's say you're on a second story building or whatever, and you have to jump off the roof to avoid some kind of danger. Sure. That takes boldness. But is it extremely well thought out? I mean, compared to if there's certain doom coming from the other side sure yes well I just watched the Matrix movie and he had to jump off a roof
Starting point is 01:06:30 right it's in my head I was feeling like this yeah that's a very specific I think okay well thought out all right if it requires a ton of pre-planning and time okay then maybe not. Okay. But if you can make a snap decision that is pretty well assessing the risk and cost benefits, right, then maybe. Okay. Okay. So here's then what I think we can agree on. Something bold can be well thought out. Something well thought out can be bold. But an extremely bold thing cannot be extremely well thought out. Huh.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Now... Because by virtue of its extreme boldness, it implies a necessary lack of thought. Well, I think... I'll go with you generally, but I think that there are some exceptions For instance, okay The spicy chicken sandwich at Wendy's it is very bold bold. It is very bold and the recipe Well, extremely well thought out right probably almost excessively So so I think that there are some examples if you really apply if you take a appreciate The alternate definition of bold for this right well. Well done. If you do that then yeah. I like that. No but I think what Alex is trying
Starting point is 01:07:49 to present is a little stupid. Yeah that I would agree with. And if he's saying like this is financial violence and that kind of shit I feel like he's undercutting it a little bit with the like everyone is overreacting and putting put options on stuff. Yeah, of course, it's financial violence. Yeah. Trump is engaged in a revolutionary overthrow of the economy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah, if you're listening to this, it feels like what he wants you to do is both be terrified and also not worried at all. And by CMOS. Exactly. That's the only answer. Yep So we have one last clip here and Alex is getting into Democratic leadership. Oh Yeah, and he's a little wrong. Hmm. We're gonna get into the Democratic Party
Starting point is 01:08:40 Was talking about having David Hogg as the DNC head They did it. I mean, that guy is a low grade moron. You talk about rearranging deck chairs when the Titanic sorry, at the bottom of the ocean. I mean, you ought to see the freak show of the DNC election. I
Starting point is 01:09:01 mean, you want to know, I mean, look, if you thought the Clintons a few weeks ago at Trump's inauguration looked like they'd seen a ghost, this is 10 times more horrible than it was even then for them. I thought Bill was having a great time. What happened? Anyway, David Hogg isn't the head of the DNC. He became one of the five vice chairs and Alex should probably just let this one go.
Starting point is 01:09:23 He knows nothing about David Hogg other than the fact that Hogg survived the Parkland shooting and then was the target of an intense harassment campaign carried out by Alex and his associates like noted AI expert and Ebola curer Mike Adams. He ran a site that was just dedicated to David Hogg who is at that point still in high school. Well, to be fair, maybe he wasn't in high school at that time Because 17 of his classmates had been murdered. Yeah. This is the person that you're choosing to now be like he's a low-grade moron?
Starting point is 01:09:52 What the fuck is wrong with you? I... Wild. It's in- it's... Wild. We've made a celebrity out of mocking this guy's tragedy. So I'm gonna go back to the well on that. I mean...
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah. Monst mean, yeah. Monstrous, but... It is like, it is one of those things where you look at that and you just go, really? Can't believe it. Cannot believe it. It's the kind of example of a moment and a behavior where you're like Wow, that's helpful because it's exactly what you shouldn't do. Yeah, it's the exact way you shouldn't live your life Yeah, it's every instinct is wrong that leads you to the woohoo David Hogg
Starting point is 01:10:37 We get to make fun of him again Yeah And it's but it also is like it is why whenever you have a conversation with somebody about it There's two reaction which is like, it is why whenever you have a conversation with somebody about it, there's two reactions, which is like, well, he didn't actually do that, or he didn't actually mean it, because it's so fucking crazy that your instinct is to go, no human being could do that. Right, right? When he was insulting Neil Hesslin during the trial.
Starting point is 01:11:00 During the trial. On air talking about how he's slow and all that shit. People would be like, oh no no he meant something to know no No, he did not yeah. He is a monstrous human being there is no other explanation that you require Exploitative piece of shit and Full of malice mm-hmm now at the same time We end this on a cliffhanger. What is your bright spot? That's one cliffhanger. That's my biggest cliffhanger. There's a second cliffhanger.
Starting point is 01:11:28 And that is what is the information that Alex is going to reveal tomorrow. Oh! That's interesting. I had almost even written that off as we won't even talk about it tomorrow. Exactly. That's because we've been doing this for eight years. I was like oh that I guess technically that is a cliffhanger
Starting point is 01:11:44 but I imagine that we won't ever hear about this ever again No Normal people who just hear a story and hear a like I have been given secret documents by the government Yeah, and I will reveal them on the air tomorrow. Oh, right. Yeah, that's a normal reaction Totally when you've been in Alex world for eight years you hear that you're like great. Sure cool, man All right. I don't even know if you will remember you said that tomorrow. But we will find out what my bright spot is.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I suppose we will. There's one thing that will be fulfilled. One or two things will pay off on the next episode. But until then, we have a website. Indeed we do. It's Yup, we'll be back. But until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo. I'm Yup. We'll be back.
Starting point is 01:12:25 But until then, I'm Leo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark. I am the mysterious professor. Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Hello Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Thanks for having me. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Starting point is 01:12:43 I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

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