Knowledge Fight - #1016: February 3, 2025
Episode Date: March 14, 2025In this installment, Dan and Jordan tune in to hear the pay off of Alex's big cliff-hanger, and the cliff-hanger of Dan's bright spot is resolved as well....
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Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight knowledge I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge
Knowledge fight
Need money
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan.
I'm Jordan.
We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Oh, indeed we are Dan. Jordan. Dan. Jordan. Quick question for you. What's up? What's your bright spot today buddy? My bright spot today,
I warned on the last episode. You did. That the world and you in particular and everybody, honestly, I'm not trying to single you out.
Wait, wait, the world and me and everybody.
And everybody. I realized that I had put too much of a focus
on you and there's no reason to. It does seem excessive. It's a universal thing. I'm here
though. Yeah. I can't talk to the whole world. They're not here. No. Yeah. But everyone's
not ready for what my bright spot was last episode. Right. Okay. Are we now? We could
be. Oh man, this is dangerous. It's honestly now the ball is in your court. Okay to figure out what it is
Something is not as it normally is um is it that you have finished the buttons no
No, although I should make a comment on that
Finally got the last of the buttons out. It took forever because
expensive, annoying, disheartening to have a bunch of them not show up places, and I
didn't know about non-machinable stamps early on in the process of doing this, and so getting
that I think probably helped. No, but that is not it. That is not what the bright spot is.
All right.
Let's see.
Oh, I don't know.
I don't know, man.
You're asking me to notice things
and that's the one thing that I'm the worst at.
I can give a false one while you think.
About what it could be.
It could be anything to me.
There's a bakery called Loaves and Witches
that's run by witches that I'll give a shout out to.
Okay. Alright.
This is crazy.
I don't know. I don't know. Did you get a haircut?
I'll give you a hint.
It has something to do with the Wu-Tang Clan's first single off their Iron Flag album?
Are you wearing a ring?
What are you doing?
I got a pinky ring!
Why did you get a pinky ring?
Why not?
Fair enough.
I have no arguments with you.
But I do think you weren't ready for that.
I was not ready for a pinky ring.
You didn't notice.
I got a pinky ring.
I mean, I didn't know that you were a British gangster
in the 1930s.
So, it was, but now that I've learned that,
now we can move forward.
Well, based on my clue, it was either a pinky ring
or an Uzi.
One of the two.
Based on the Wu-Tang title.
I was interested for a little bit there,
to be honest, if it was an Uzi.
I got this pinky ring because I've never accessorized really sure and I'm
thinking maybe it's time maybe I should I've always I don't judge other people
for accessorizing but I've always felt like an internal sense of like this is
fake sure this is false this is me right know, I'm adding on something for a look
naturally or whatever. So the first branching out of it is this this pinky ring is a FFA.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Future Farmers of America. I like it. Yeah. Let me tell you something.
First off, I want to applaud you. Thank you. Because the logical step, not logical, the most common step for people in your scenario
is earring.
And you would have looked terrible with an earring.
Well, I also have like this weird lobe on my right ear.
Oh, do you?
Yeah, yeah, see that strange little, it looks like someone tore an earring out of my ear
at some point.
Ah, okay.
I have no idea why that's going on.
Because did somebody tear an earring out of your ear? Maybe okay, but no I I don't think I would I don't think I would go hearing not because I'm against it sure
But because pinky ring I know a little funnier
I I don't disagree with you and earring is sadder earring has strong weekend dad vibes to it
You know like oh, we just got divorced and I'm out there again that's
kind of thing yeah this doesn't no that has like maybe you owe me hundreds of
dollars kind of energy exactly it could go either way British gangster in the
1930s so it's your bread spot did you bet on a fight recently oh yeah okay all
right one of the bare-knuckle ones? Okay? Wow not totally bad
I mean, I think what's funny about my bright spot is I think it's an equal
Affectation is that you got that ghost face killer eagle?
No, I'm getting my tattoo finished tomorrow. Oh fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah my my artist we we had
Almost finished it
We were a couple hours away, and then she went and had a whole baby on me. Yeah
So now I guess they I guess she kept it or it's gone whichever it is that gives her enough time to finish my tattoo
I'm excited. That's great. I actually cut I had in my head thought you'd already finished it, so I'm glad to hear you
It's just like it's just like a few little bits of color here and there
Yeah, but just finishing it getting it all the way done
Here's the thought that I have was that if you are a tattoo artist. Yeah, and you have a baby
Yeah, do you ever like consider like tattoo that baby exactly? Yeah, what age can you tattoo the baby?
I think you tattoo the baby I think
you tattoo the baby at any age no because I have to be able to choose their
tattoo they have to I was gonna write things to remember you know I was gonna
go full memento with it well I mean if you put their name on the baby that
help you can prove that it's them that is for sure yours to yeah, maybe a barcode I would definitely put a barcode
We'll get there. Yeah, we'll get there. Yeah, so Jordan today. We have an episode to go over. Yes, we're talking about February 3rd
2025 all right all right this episode ends on a bummer
Note that sounds right. It's very sad yeah
But are much like my tease of a of a bright spot
We left on a cliffhanger with Alex's tease right of secret information right Trump has given him right right
All right, will it pay off will it pay off will we even remember it?
We're going to at the end of this episode rank it on from zero to pinky ring
Where it falls, I don't know which is good which is bad. I don't either. Okay. Before we get to business let's take a
little moment say hello to some new walks. That's a great idea. So first happy
30th birthday Jacob it's wild that there's not been a single day of your
life where Alex Jones has not been doing what he does. You'll be forever my bright
spot in Alex voice I love you thank you so much you're now policy wonk. I'm a
policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, cashing in my shout out to invite Jordan
to an emergency management scenario based tabletop exercise. Thank you so much. You're now policy wonk.
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. I'm in. Next, Remus, thank you for introing me to being
a wonky goof that falls down political rabbit holes with you and greats PowerPoints
to debunk- creates probably.
PowerPoints to debunk things as well as Dan and Jordan, your gem.
Thank you so much.
You're now a policy wonk.
I'm a policy wonk.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
And we got a technocrat in the mix, Jordan.
So thank you so much to Wasp's Nest.
Thank you so much.
You are now a technocrat.
I'm a policy wonk.
Four stars.
Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Someone soat. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home, get my Nutella, you're brilliant.
Someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.
Daddy shark.
Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp.
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent.
He's a loser little, little titty baby.
I don't want to hate black people.
I renounce Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much.
Yes, thank you very much. I really like before the episode
I was like it's gonna be so obvious
That I have a pinky wearing on you're talking to me
No, I understand that and that's that was the game that was going on in my head is like Jordan is deeply oblivious
But will he be able to pull it out in the moment? I did. I did. I got there in the end. Eventually.
I bet it took a while.
I was put, I was brushing my hair aside, trying to put it right in your line of vision.
I was honestly like, what is that on his hair every time you did?
And it didn't occur to me that that was the thing. Yeah, never mind.
Well, all right.
I was like, is he okay?
Well, all right. I was like, is he okay?
All right.
So we'll start the show here with Alex.
And he's talking about Trump's grand strategy that he's employing in this first two weeks
in office.
So today, I will early in the hour, get a little bit more into what the Trump grand
strategy really is.
I'll do it at the bottom of the hour.
Come up at about 25 minutes.
But first I wanna talk about the big picture.
Trump's been in exactly 14 days.
14 days ago at 1208 Eastern, 1108, the
14 days 14 days ago at 12 08.
Eastern 11 08. A.m. 12. 08 p.m.
East. He was inaugurated. And And in 14 days, he has way outperformed because of the people he's got helping them.
Susie Wiles and Elon Musk and many others.
And they understood that they were boldly taking on the corrupt, evil, but also collapsing
neoliberal globalist world order. And that order is done. It will never be reconstituted, no matter
what they did. But if Trump
doesn't succeed. And that we
don't relaunch the American
system is an example worldwide
through soft power. Direct to
a great extent the trajectory
of humanity, society and
civilization will break up into a world order. And that order is done. It will never be reconstituted, no matter what system is an example worldwide, there's soft power direct to a great extent, the trajectory of humanity, society and
civilization will break up into a bunch of feuding groups and
power blocks. And it will constitute a very dangerous
global destabilization of its own. So that's the big picture.
That's the big picture.
That's the big picture?
In what way is that the big picture?
Well, I think in essence, he's talking about like Pax Trumpana.
You know, like the peace through Trump.
Stability in the world is guaranteed if we control the trajectory of everybody.
And I think that's kind of like what I thought the globalists wanted to do.
I'm fairly certain he's pulling a God Emperor of Dune right now.
But it's soft power.
Like we're directing the entire future of humanity.
And if we don't.
And if we don't, I mean he's talking about Leto's golden path, obviously.
Yeah, I think that's a little unhealthy
Also, probably super unpredictable that this would be his mindset. Yeah
Yeah, it does. It does give you little bits of like maybe whenever people say anything I should be like
Oh, you're talking about what you think right?
Especially when Alex keeps coming up with these super villain plots and he's like that's what I would do if I were them
Yeah, it makes sense. Yeah, now that you're fucking supervillain now that you're them. Yeah, that's what you're doing
Yeah, yeah, it makes sense
I respect the attempt to try and dress it up with these like terms like soft power
And you know try and cushion the fall a little bit. I suppose I don't think
It's doing the masking job that he wants to I think it's still pretty see-through. Do you really respect it? No
Yeah, I didn't think so so something else. I don't respect is Elon dumb fuck musk sure and me and Alex differ on that point
Oh, I can't believe it musk in the last week got partial control
of the financial records and systems of the federal government
Saturday morning the federal government. The federal government was in the hands of the federal government.
Of the financial records and
systems of the federal
Saturday morning,
they had a rebellion at the
Treasury Department.
And over the
administrators that control
the Treasury's payment had a record system. They had a record system. They had a
government system and records
system. So they had those
people removed. Others
resigned and must got
control. Little bit before
noon Eastern time. Saturday.
Since then, they have released. Hundreds of hundreds of thousands of documents and thousands of data dumps and just pointed out a selection
of the fraud and crime and that itself is a avalanche, a tsunami, a flood, a deluge.
So I know Alex is aware of the old Stalin quote that goes like, one death is a tragedy,
a million's a statistic, because he's repeated it a ton of times on his show.
He knows it.
The gist of that quote is that when you have a large number of deaths, you begin to lose
the ability to see the details of each specific death, and your mind detaches from the reality that it's a ton of dead people
you're thinking about.
One person's death can be grappled with as the loss of an individual, which your brain
struggles to do with large groups.
This dynamic is something that Alex exploits pretty regularly for his content.
In this case, I would change that original quote to something along the lines of, one
case of fraud is discussable, but a thousand is not.
If Alex were just to report on a specific case of fraud that Musk has allegedly uncovered,
it would be pretty easy to debunk the case he chose, and it would threaten to collapse
this whole story under its own weight.
Because when there's one example, your brain can hold onto the details as an individual
case, whereas your brain just can't process the image of a thousand examples of shit that
you're supposed to assess.
Alex is trying to sell you a pile of things because it's a really large pile, and that's
kind of impressive on its own.
He doesn't want the audience to look closer and realize it's a pile of shit, so we'll
see if he actually provides examples of this fraud that Musk has supposedly
uncovered or if it's just a deluge. It's just an avalanche.
You know, here's what I would say, right? Is if the first thing that I would do to like
cut down on fraud and all that stuff, too much paperwork. What are we doing with hundreds
of thousands of documents? That's too many. That's too many. Smaller paper. First off, maybe Post-it notes.
Absolutely. This is the better way to go. We need to conserve paper. This is my main
issue with Elon Musk.
Wow. You're going to find some problems with Alex on that because he loves printing stuff.
You know that.
He really does. He takes down a forest every day.
There's one thing we know about Alex.
It's that he was attacked by a poltergeist when he was younger and God chose him to fight the devil.
If we know two things, it's that and he loves printing things.
That is definitely true.
So let's see.
Let's see if he gets to some specifics about this fraud stuff.
That in and of itself is irrevocably discrediting and devastating the entire globalist, not
just here but worldwide, money laundering, political control system of the tax-free foundations,
the NGOs, the CIA, the State Department, and their counterparts in other Western countries.
So that in and of itself is seismic historic and
we could do 24 hours a day nonstop just covering what's coming out. It's all over the top insane.
And we knew what was going on but the specific receipts are even worse than we thought. We're
talking about trillions of dollars a year.
This is just like, let's just look at the pile.
Look at the pile.
Are there even trillions of not like we could do 24 hours a day about this or I could just
not do it.
I won't even tell you.
I can just say shit.
I'll say look at the pile.
No, I mean, I know the budget is like $2 dollars or something like that some crazy number that I can't possibly
Understand right sure the idea that there would be trillions
Every year that was outside of said two trillion dollars that was that was going missing. Uh-huh. That seems like too much
Secret money what is secret money? You don't know about secret money? I don't know about secret money. Oh, I don't know how to tell you this
There's secret secret money. Wait, does it not affect inflation if you have secret money? It's a different inflation
It's a different inflation. They work on a different scale. Well, it's secret place. This is this is how they do it
It's just too complicated for me to follow. Of course you commit crimes whenever it's that complicated.
Yeah, and I think that there's also a real disconnect between like, hey, we found government
fraud and what you really mean is we found spending we don't like that was public and
Yeah, I mean, you clearly define fraud.
School lunch programs isn't fraud.
Yeah, clearly define fraud.
They can't.
It's not like somebody is at an office, like they're not describing somebody in an office
like faking shit and spending two trillion dollars.
They're just grabbing departments and cutting them.
Yeah, and saying like, oh, this is a thing that I wouldn't want to spend money on.
You know what it is?
Too much paperwork.
It is. Microfiche. Yep, so
Trump is talking tariffs sure and so there's gonna be counter strikes. Okay boarding to Alex
Trump didn't just freeze the three trillion in the NGO slush funds last week and then some low-level federal judge blocked it for now and
Musk and Trump said that's fine
We're already control the payment systems and almost all this is totally illegal. And so we're just blocking all
these payments ourselves at the executive level.
And we're just gonna expose it all
to the light of day. See how you vampires like that.
So that is a huge area will be hitting. And as I speak so much more is coming out, you couldn't cover that in a day area we'll be hitting. And as I speak, so much more is coming out. You
couldn't cover that in a day. So we have that. Then we have the big enemy counterstrikes
that, oh, Trump's tariffs are going to cause a stock market crash and a new Great Depression, but really it's the corporate media
and their BlackRock private central bank Rothschild owners who are desperate to stop this recovery
that will then vindicate Trump and have the whole world adopt the American system again.
And there goes their neo-feudalistic, tyrannical, you will eat the bugs post industrial
hell. But when you actually go in and look at what's happened, the United States gets less than 5% of its goods.
For Mexico and less than 5% of its trade is with Mexico.
And Mexico has 81% of its trade with us.
And guess what?
It's the same number, 81%, Canada.
And they don't let our products in, they don't let our businesses in, they don't let us do
jack crap.
So the way Alex is describing Trump at the beginning of that clip seems to be basically
a judge said I couldn't do what I wanted, so I took over the accounting department and
then started whining on Twitter.
It doesn't come off very strong or like a noble strategy, but I do think Alex is doing
the best with what he has to work with, because it's sad.
As we've seen since Trump came into office, he's an unstable and unreliable actor in terms
of trade.
It's only been a few months and he's already promised giant tariffs only to walk them back
when the leaders of the targeted countries make it clear that they won't just accept the tariff without imposing their own.
Three times now he's made a big show of announcing tariffs which he would then go on to postpone
or limit in some way after backlash.
This is all going to lead to chilled trade relations, less trust in the US as a trade
partner and increased prices for consumer goods.
When those inevitable results come, Alex will be able to portray the consequences of Trump's
actions as the globalist counterattack.
And that's what he's doing here.
He's getting ready for an explanation for bad times.
Also, what's his solution?
We take over Canada and Mexico?
I mean, is that, does he want a one-
Soft power.
I mean, that that does he want a one? Soft power. I mean, that's an
interesting question. Does he actually want a one continent country? He's
supported, he supported Trump's calls to make Canada a state. So yeah. All right. I
think he would. You know what? He loves colonization but also hates expansion.
Sure. No, I say we negotiate and everybody in America's American rule.
That would get rid of this whole immigrant shit. Solve that problem. Sure. Done. I don't
think Alex wants that, but I think he would like some kind of... It feels like his version
of colonialism has him subjugating a population as opposed to bringing them into the... He
wants to start a prison planet in El Salvador.
Well, I mean, but who does it?
Yeah, that's because you don't have the imagination for a prison planet in El Salvador.
I've got such a robust imagination that I got a pinky ring.
You can't even put a pinky ring in El Salvador.
Actually, you could probably get by with that.
What about Panama, though?
That's a good question. man a plan right a canal
Panama is that a palindrome it is that's those like race car right or able I was air I saw Elba
That's not a good no palindrome, but it is one is one that
Alex has some thoughts about Panama Palindrome the canals they're in okay
So Trump said I don't want to do these tariffs
Open up your countries to our stuff
And stop shipping the fentanyl and agree to put your troops on the border
He's already gone out and deputized the Texas Guard he's deputizing other guards we got a problem
They saying help us. We'll help you. She says, screw you. F you. Just like the Colombian
president, and he shut up within a few hours.
The Panamanian president just last week said, screw you to Trump. Our deal is we
built it. You're supposed to give our military ships free transit and give US
ships a discount. Nope. You don't get that
We're going to give china free transit and let china come in with their belt and road initiative and take over the country
Well less than 24 hours after trump announced these sanctions on
The president we have the video did a national address yesterday afternoon
and said, we're ending the Belt and Road Initiative.
We're in your hemisphere, Monroe Doctrine.
We want to work with the United States and you can bring your ships through for free,
US ships, military ships.
And what else do you want?
So Panama did recently announce that they wouldn't be renewing their participation in
China's Belt and Road Initiative.
But the exact amount that Trump's trade war has to do with that is unclear.
There's been a trend internationally of decreased interest in that initiative as investment
from China into these other parts of the world has gone down.
Italy withdrew from the infrastructure agreement in 2023.
And there's been some talk
of other countries going that direction as well. I understand that Alex has complained about China
owning the Panama Canal for a long time, like way back into his early career, so it makes sense for
him to celebrate the idea of China's influence waning here. However, he really needs to read
past headlines of these stories, or else he runs the risk of sounding like a real dumb dumb.
past headlines of these stories or else he runs the risk of sounding like a real dumb dumb.
China operates most of the business at the Panama Canal through a company called CK Hutchinson.
They run the Balboa and Creteball terminals which are on each side of the canal through
an entity called the Panama Ports Company.
The PPC was sold for $14 billion recently to a US consortium. And Alex should know that that's largely funded by BlackRock, the people that he really, really
hates and who are the kings of the globalists.
Sounds about right.
Talks about Larry Fink all the fucking time.
Alex doesn't know any of the details of these stories, so when he reports on the Panama
Canal no longer being influenced by a Chinese port company, he only sees a victory, because
that's all there is on the surface.
If he dug even the slightest bit deeper, he'd have to address this story as really being
about a Chinese company selling the port to the literal devil, which isn't really progress
at all from his perspective.
I think this is a good illustration of the kind of information that you can get from
Alex and sources like him.
He can pump you up about the feeling around a piece of news, even if the reality of that news should give you the opposite feeling.
All he has to do is, and all he can do, is distract you from any of the details in order to get you on the road that he wants.
Also, to be clear, C.K. Hutchinson's co-managing director said quote I would like to stress that the transaction is purely commercial in nature and wholly
unrelated to recent political news reports concerning the Panama ports so I
don't know if this is something that heavily has to do with Trump's actions or
not sure but either way Alex is pretending that it's like GI Joe is
taking over yeah not Black Rock. Yeah. Yeah
No, I sometimes like I understand the complexity of the world. But at the same time I
Just go like wait a second. So a bunch of guys a few thousand miles away owned this thing
And then they just sold it to a bunch of other guys and nobody talked to the people who live there
Basically, well, I mean, I think it's in coordination with the panama
A lot of local panamanians who are not thrilled. We used to live in the trees. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's where i'm that's where
I'm coming back and forward from yeah
It is it's I just I can't get over how silly
Alex's show appears. Yeah when you get a little bit more information. Yeah, like he
Look, how does he not understand that? This is like Black Rocks behind this. Well, I mean if
Ironically in a sense
failing to follow the plan of the devil bolsters the devil's claim to
being in charge.
You know what I'm saying?
The less good Alex is, the less good.
The worse Alex is at following the globalist plan, the more credence to the leader of said
plan being the devil, you would have to give it, right?
Sure, I guess. But also, there's a possibility that Alex just sucks.
There's also that possibility.
Yeah. The fact that he can't figure this mystery out might not be an indication that it's a
good mystery.
That's fair.
He may just be a fucking idiot.
That's fair. You're not wrong.
So he's also a little bit racist.
Sure. And that comes up as Alex talks about
Some moves that Trump has made about South Africa great
Trump's done a lot more too
South Africa is going the way of
which then of course
Got its name changed and
First they took the white farmers land and they killed and first they took the white farmers land
and then they killed them.
They took the white farmers land.
They took it from the white farmers.
It's getting really bad in South Africa.
Can you imagine?
And so Trump said,
well, I'm gonna put sanctions on your ass
to their communist government.
Their president literally gets up and says,
kill all the white people.
Well, there ain't many
white people left there. And so
Trump just said, No. We're not
putting up with that. And again,
the globalist left went in
there, set it all up, exploited
it, destroyed the system that
was there that. We're not defending apartheid, either it was Trump,
but then you put a communist state in where the whole thing collapses, but the globalists have
their military camps and their diamond mines, and then none of the society gets any of the money,
only the globalists. The globalists want warlords in charge.
So that was a masterclass on how to not sound like someone who supports apartheid.
If you want to convincingly say that you're against apartheid, it's critical that you
refer to one former apartheid state by its old name and imply that another was better
off when apartheid was going before it was overthrown.
It's cool, he sounds great.
Trump released a statement that was supposedly in response to South Africa's Expropriation
Act 13, which was passed in 2024.
This act allows the government to take certain narrowly defined property
in order to serve the public good.
It's kind of like eminent domain laws in the United States
where the government can seize your house if they need to build a highway
through where you live.
It's not a great thing, but that kind of
like allowance for the government exists in a lot of countries.
And the further issue with this particular statute is that it was specifically meant
to replace the expropriation act 63 from 1975, which was a piece of apartheid state legislation.
The new act from 2024 was an attempt to take this bill and make it more in line with the
actual constitution of South Africa.
It's impossible to understand any of this outside of a broader context, and the fact
that black people in South Africa were subject to the Native Lands Act of 1913, which restricted
them from owning property outside of specified reserves.
The result of this and other discriminatory legislation passed over the following decades
was that a very small white minority in South Africa owned upwards of 85% of the land in the country and
controlled pretty much all of the wealth. Crazy. This was a radical expropriation
of land in and of itself and the ripple effect of this are what people are still
dealing with today. The white supremacist movement and white nationalist groups
worldwide have never been happy that the states that operated with full-on white
supremacy like apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia aren't allowed
to be that anymore, so they have a habit of misrepresenting stories around the subject
in a way that's meant to argue for a return to apartheid without directly saying that.
Also, it's probably important context that Elon Musk's wealth originates from his father
owning multiple emerald mines in Africa and that he grew up in South Africa during apartheid. Musk's dad described Elon's mother's side of the family as being quote
very fanatical in support of apartheid. This is all very relevant context that's missing from
Alex's analysis because there is no analysis. An apartheid state run by white people that steals
the land in a country, that's just freedom and the market. While people asking for white people that steals the land in the country, that's just freedom and the market. While people asking for white people to give that land back, that's evil communism.
Okay, sure.
It's shallow.
I mean, I find it fascinating the level of group think that humans are capable of engaging
in, where you can say something like, they took the white farmers land.
That takes a lot of effort, a lot of years, a lot of education, a lot of reinforcement
from the people around you.
And then to say it out loud where everybody can hear it and not even think twice, not
even think twice.
They took these white farmers' land.
It's to deny that history exists before a certain point. Because it's too complicated
when you do and you're not allowed to have these kind of takes that Alex has.
It would be more intellectually honest for them to just be like, we took it by murdering
people, so I guess it's okay if they take it by murdering us back
But that means it's okay for all of us to murder each other might made right then but then not anymore
No, no, no, no, they're mean. Yeah, it's too too complicated. Mm-hmm
So the point is that Trump's having these victories lots of victories. I don't okay. Yeah, okay
No, no Trump's already having big victories
Panama says it won't renew Belkin Road agreement, which totally turns over their infrastructure to China and the Panama Canal
Announcement came after a meeting with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio during which Rubio
Tackled the issue of Chinese influence over the country the particular the Panama Canal
Panamanian president made the announcement on Sunday saying that
although the agreement is not due for renewal for the two years, his
administration would be looking to terminate it sooner. We're going to
study the possibility of whether it can be finished earlier or not. I think it
is due for renewal in one or two years. Now again, the globalists were running
China made a deal decades ago to hand over
Panama to them.
Then the Chinese double-crossed the globalists.
Trump's come in and pushed the globalists aside and saying, we're going back to the
American system.
That's all this is, is back to the future.
But you really don't hear a lot about this in the corporate media.
Oh no, Trump's failing.
Trump's going to get us all screwed.
Would Alex be able to present this as a big victory for Trump if the audience knew that
Trump and Rubio were essentially turning the Panama Canal over to a BlackRock-funded consortium?
Like, they're the big villains of the conspiracy world now that Klaus Schwab is kind of a little
boring. So this seems like a giant problem for him. But it's not. Because who cares?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah man Black Rock owns too
much shit true yeah yeah if that means a problem it's a different kind of problem
than Alex presents it as but it's not a non-problem nope so we think about eggs. Easter's coming up.
Sure. There was a, there's a MST3K short that talks about farming eggs.
And it's very detailed.
You gotta milk the chickens.
It's amazing what they used to make in the like 1950s where they'd be like,
hey, if this chicken sells more eggs,
that's a good chicken. But if it eats more food than it makes eggs, that's a bad chicken.
Right. And then the narrator is like scolding a child about the chickens.
Totally. Yeah, you idiot. Yeah, it's amazing.
So egg prices.
Maybe not Trump's fault, maybe his fault, who knows.
Could be.
But you know, what's definitely not his fault is that helicopter that crashed into a plane That was is that his fault. No, I didn't think so. It was DEI. Oh, okay. Well that makes you a microcosm
Helicopters are too woke of how they're taking everything
That the globalist policies did and created and
policies did and created.
And then trying to do a pull fast one. A shell game.
Where they then suddenly go. No eggs are record high and in
shortage because of Trump.
Here's a short clip. the president's the the the the the the the the the the
the the the the the Trump saying he was going to cancel DEI for the helicopter crash last week. Then they wouldn't
tell you who the pilot was and try to keep it secret. But it came out. She was a Biden
official who was just in ROTC a few years ago and is now commanding missions in COG.
missions in COG and you saw the rest of the story. And she's a big LGBT person or was.
Boy, no wonder they didn't want us to know about that.
No wonder.
Now you see the rest of the story.
So there were three people in that Black Hawk helicopter at the time of the crash that Alex
is talking about and only one of them was a woman.
So we know that Alex is referring to Rebecca Lobach here. Alex says that she was a Biden official who
was just in the ROTC a few years ago. She was not a Biden official although she was a social aid for
the White House and the capacity of helping with Medal of Honor and Medal of Freedom ceremonies.
That does not make her a Biden official. She was in ROTC when she was in college while she was simultaneously training with the North
Carolina National Guard as an active member until she was called up to the Army graduating
in 2019 in the top 20% of her class.
Alex is saying that she was a Biden official to smear her as the enemy and saying that
she was just in the ROTC as a way of saying that she was inexperienced and she shouldn't
have been in that helicopter. Isn't it suspicious that she's just in the ROTC as a way of saying that she was inexperienced and she shouldn't have been in that helicopter.
Isn't it suspicious that she's in that helicopter?
Underneath it all, he's just saying this because she's a woman.
He has nothing to say about the other two dudes in that helicopter because according
to Alex, they belong there.
She was just there because of DEI.
No one was trying to keep her identity secret as part of a conspiracy.
Her family had requested the military not release her name initially, which was honored
while the family prepared a statement.
I'm not sure what Alex means when he says that she was a big LGBT person, but I suspect
it's in response to her obituaries mentioning that Rebecca was a passionate victim advocate
in the Army Sexual Har assault response and prevention program.
I don't know anything about her sexual orientation or anything and I don't, it's not relevant,
but this is something that's brought up a bunch in her obituaries and I think that it makes Alex mad.
That makes sense.
Nothing but monster shit here from Alex.
Metaphorically pissing on people's graves in order to make a quick buck.
Like this is disgusting shit I don't even really care that much about like you know patriotism or or
Military or like show some respect for the military or anything like that, but like the person who just died
You're just shitting all over them. Yeah
It's it's there's no reason to do this. Yeah, it's loser shit. It's real sad
Yeah, I find it ugly.
I feel like I feel like the misogynist would be like, ah, these two men, they should have manned it. You know, that's what you should be doing.
I also have no idea about like the structure of these kinds of missions and stuff.
Oh, I bet they're so structured. So she was a captain. One of the other guys was a staff sergeant.
And the other one was a warrant officer, second class.
And I don't know what that means in terms of rank.
But I did look into it a little bit
and I know that like a captain and a staff sergeant,
one is a commissioned officer and the other isn't.
So it's impossible to even like apples and oranges it. you can't even compare them really in terms of hierarchy yeah I don't
know who's commanding this mission I don't know it just seems like why why
are you gonna do this man yeah I mean it I I would I just it bums me out that he
tries to use words to say it you, like he's using all of these horrible words to imply shit when it's like, man, just say, I don't understand. This is their thing. I
hate women. I don't want women in authority. Yeah. Right. There was a little lady over
there and that's why this happened. And now I'm angry because a woman was in a power,
a place of authority. But I'm also more mad because I know that I can't really just say that.
Yeah, like it feels, this is what I'm saying about like we used to live in the trees.
This is a monkey man who's beating his chest because there's a grown female making decisions,
This is a monkey man.
But also like you can just buy a canal.
Like it's crazy to live in this time period.
It is disorient. Yeah, so this this lady
who Alex is
Very respectful of yeah, she was just there cuz she was a DEI hire, right? Great
But but it's not that she's a woman
Yes, it is even she's a big LGBT promoter that they've scrubbed all her social media and her family social media and really quick
But we got it It's that a smaller pool of women try to go be pilots the pilots or fabulous snipers. Women are just as good as shots as men statistically. It's
that there's less of them and then they go and recruit women who really don't have the
skills and then they lower standards and then you see what you get. So they tried to blame
Trump for going after D E
I even though he hadn't put
the policies in yet. And then
this lady is D E I all the way
for folks that don't know. In
five years, you don't go from
R O T C to commanding C O G
missions over the busiest
airport in the world. I've studied COG missions and the types of people they have doing it, and they are the
best of the best of the best.
Well they aren't anymore.
They were white men, damn it.
There's no evidence for any of the stuff that Alex is saying.
He sees a woman in a position that he feels like a man should be in, and his explanation
for that is that they must have lowered the standards in order to get a woman into that
position because of woke.
Alex hasn't reviewed Rebecca's track record, he knows nothing about her qualifications,
all he knows is that he's seeing a woman where he doesn't think she belongs.
So he's created an entire social narrative about why that's happening, about lower standards,
all of this shit, that's just from his head.
Pete Hegseth, noted piece of shit and Secretary of Defense, said that the helicopter was on
a routine training mission involving COG or continuity of government.
This makes some sense in that plans are in place in case of an emergency that requires
senior members of government evacuating from the DC area.
If you're part of the military, you wouldn't want that emergency to come up and then everyone
is just kind of winging it.
I don't think that it's at all suspicious that a person who graduated from military
training then rose to the rank of captain would be involved in a COG type exercise within
five years.
She wasn't planning who would be the designated survivor.
She was practicing flying at night in case that was necessary in a crisis.
The only thing I actually think is kind of fucked up about this whole aspect of the story
is that Hegseth publicly said that the accident happened because the helicopter was doing
COG training.
He said it was part of quote, routine annual retraining of night flights on a standard
That seems like if you're trying
to protect the continuity of government, like in the possibility of the US Capitol coming
under attack, it isn't the best idea to say like, we practice using the same corridor
for evacuation. Yeah, seems like information a potential enemy might want to know and use
that seems kind of strange. Whatever. But the way Alex is covering the story. I just think is disgusting
Yeah, yeah, yep. Yep. Yep. That's fucking nuts. Mm-hmm. That's just fucking nuts man. Yep
anyway, who
Drop is doing his trade war sure victories
Boy, we can have opinions about tariffs and at the same time beat our chests like a monkey man. Mm-hmm.
Very strange!
Well, the monkeys had tariffs.
That may be... have we studied monkey tariff law?
Cause we've been doing English common... English Commonwealth law, right?
That's what we keep talking about.
Monroe Doctrine.
Also, we can just say Monroe Doctrine.
And that means...
I did.
That just means things.
Did you see how my posture changed?
I saw it!
You said Monroe Doctrine and I was I was like whoa shit just got real my
back straight man just said Monroe doctrine now he's he's he's cited
something can be no questions okay fair enough I have not seen all of the new
Planet of the Apes sure I did they get into tariffs and any of those man that
would be such an interesting way for that franchise to go
To really go the full Phantom Menace now. This is about trade disputes. Sure. Yeah, why not?
Well, I think is they want to make a compelling interesting movie to watch
Oh that well, then what are you saying about Phantom Menace that it's not good
Ah, so Alex talks a little bit about the headlines covering Trump's trade war sure
There's hundreds of these articles. I see every day Trump launches a baffling trade war against Canada and Mexico
Yeah, I mean
It's totally one-sided. They won't let our goods in particularly Canada
Won't even let us banks operate there
That's just we're wide open to them
terror. Well, that's just we're wide open to them. Same thing with Mexico, very protectionist. And then all Trump wants is them to stop letting fentanyl pour in and let them manufacture
it there. I mean, Trudeau lets them manufacture it, lets people use it up there. He's super
unpopular. And so the media is just demonizing Trump like he's crazy big, super unpopular.
And so the media is just demonizing Trump like he's crazy.
It makes no sense. Why would he say we built the Panama Canal?
Don't give it to China. Why? Why would he tell the Mexican
government? Hey, you better put troops on your border and stop
this invasion operation that they've been running with the
U. N. Or I'm gonna put tariffs on you and then oh their president talked big but as soon as the rubber met the road and Trump
Called her bluff. She rolled over
Donald Trump says America could feel pain thanks to tariffs on Mexico, Canada, China
And he went on to say yeah, it doesn't mean you we won't feel
But you've already been feeling the trade war you've been under And he went on to say, yeah, it doesn't mean we won't feel something.
But you've already been feeling the trade war you've been under.
Here's another one out of the Wall Street Journal. The dumbest trade war fallout begins.
So now they tell you the economy is going to crash, hoping you buy into it.
Well, they're the ones that already crashed the economy.
Trump's move to put tariff hikes ahead of tax cuts has spooked almost everyone. you buy into it when they're the ones that already crashed the economy.
Trump's move to put tariff hikes ahead of tax cuts has spooked almost everyone.
Wall Street Journal, oh, be spooked.
Here's another one.
The Great Depression lesson about trade wars, lots about Great Depression.
Car prices face 3,000 increases, tariffs hit auto sector.
Yeah, well, you'll just buy American.
So Alex says that the auto industry that took a big hit, but that's fine.
You'll just buy American cars, damn it.
As it turns out, Trump ended, what he did was he exempted auto manufacturers from his
Well, that'll happen.
Partially because the terms of his threats would have violated the US-Mexico-Canada trade
agreement that Trump signed in his first term, but also because it's very clear that imposing
those tariffs broadly would destroy US car companies.
Trump leads as a bully.
He makes threats and he usually gets his way because he's a super rich asshole who doesn't
care about other people.
This is the style he's cultivated over the years as a businessman and as a celebrity,
and he's carrying that over into governing, which is a huge problem.
When you're a billionaire real estate guy, you can just treat an employee or contractor
like shit, and then if they stand up for themselves, you can pull out the old catchphrase, you're
fired, and then the problem seems to magically go away, like, it's the episode of The Apprentice
and the credits start rolling.
Everything is good.
But governing doesn't work like that. Trump is trying to bully all these other countries with these threats of giant tariffs
and they're just saying back like, all right, we'll tariff your stuff back. Everyone knows
that the threats being made only work if the other side relents and the other sides here
aren't really relenting. And to the extent that Alex is saying that like they rolled
over or whatever, a lot of times it's symbolic concessions and stuff they're already doing that Trump is then repackaging
as a win.
Says dumb, childish shit.
US banks can operate in Canada.
They're just required to follow some regulations.
That's then it's not really US banks now is it?
Alex just saw Trump tweet that US banks can't operate in Canada, and like a good little
servant, he's repeating the master's words unquestioningly.
He's a real, real idiot.
I mean, in a sense, they can't really operate, you know?
Not US style.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, like US banks want to go in there and really steal everybody's shit, and they're
just not allowed to. Well it's the same way that like Tim Hortons or A&W can operate in the US but it's not
the same because we allow worse ingredients.
You get a different experience across the border and banking is the same.
So if I, am I to understand, here's what I think And I could be wrong about this
But it might understand that tariffs are functionally like sanctions in a sense that it's like it
We we make the people feel like shit, so they'll put pressure on their government to not do the thing
I mean, I don't I don't know how much you need to know more than that
But yeah, I guess it's it's sort of it's supposed to be a lot based on industry though, right? Because let's say we have
You know America and Canada both make cars sure we charge extra for the cars that are coming in from Canada in order to encourage
The price is by American. Yeah, totally get that's the theory In essence the way it's being used is very much like weapon Alex even read that it's economic violence
Yeah, yeah one person says okay, we text this and then they go fine
But you guys buy a lot of this so we'll text it and then we're just gonna watch except for you're fucking with real people's lives
You're like a bunch of children and the people who are going to be affected by it are the people who get consumer goods,
where the, you know, that's where the buck rolls down to. It's not going to affect Elon Musk and
Trump. Or even Alex.
Yeah. I've always been interested in that. That's always fascinating to me. The governments are
always like, ah, we'll get the poor people. And that'll change things. But, you know, eventually, there's
the promise of like, after this hurdle, things will be better.
There always seems to be.
But also, I think Alex is really, really thrown off
by the headline that he read, where Trump said that Americans
are going to feel pain from the tariffs.
That's tough to spin.
I think he gave it his best shot,
and I think it didn't work. I mean, yeah, the idea there is that you have to spin. I think he gave it his best shot and I think it didn't work
I mean, yeah, the the idea there is that you have to go you have to go full JFK
You have to be like, yeah, we're gonna paint it up so we can win
Canada's cars
What you can do for your totally yourself ask what you can do for your country
It makes perfect sense for us to think that that's not an incredibly insane thing to say
Mm-hmm. Yeah, so Alex is not smart. Yeah, we know this that's true from experience
Uh-huh about a thousand or so episodes of experiencing him not being smart sure and now he just comes out and says it what?
I'm not that smart
People continue to say how the hell does Jones knows things years
The globalist war game they think tank they talk about their plans
It's come out in the new doge releases of USAID and these other out-of-control
Agencies look at that pile with trillions a year out of control
Trillion corporations and to their operatives and to themselves
Talking about fomenting riots corporations and to their operatives and to themselves talking about
fomenting riots anywhere in the world where somebody doesn't do what they
want and overthrow governments, including ours. That's coming up next
And so John Podesta said again in
the fall of 2020 before the election in a big war game the Democrats had, and the New York Times reported on it,
that they were going to have blue states secede, create a civil war of Trump won, calling it a race war.
Now obviously they're going to need to kill a bunch of brown people and blame Trump.
Well, they came back again and said, if he wins this time, we're going to do it again.
And then I said, you'll have the illegal aliens protesting with they came back again and said, if he
wins this time, we're gonna do
it again. And then I said,
you'll have the illegal aliens
protesting with the Democrats
in mass. You've got governors
and mayors saying stand up,
fight back. You've got
Pritzker up in Illinois.
Signed a law just last week. To change the name and give new identities to illegal aliens, including felons. You got the
governor in New Jersey just came out and said, you know, we're going to house these people,
we're going to protect them, we're going to all this crap. That's a rebellion against federal law.
That's illegal. That's aiding and abetting. That's organized crime.
That's obstruction of justice.
It's true that Alex isn't very smart, but it's cool that he loves federal law now so
The rest of the nonsense that he's talking about there, it's all bullshitting.
It's all disconnected from reality.
We've talked about those talking points that he's hitting in the past, but that New Jersey
one is new.
I don't know if you know about this one. So the governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, was at a speaking engagement and he
said, quote, I don't want to get into too much detail, but there's someone in our broader
universe whose immigration status is not yet at the point that they're trying to get to.
We said, you know what, let's have her live at our house above our garage and good luck
to the feds trying to come in and get her." Obviously, he was speaking at a left-leaning event with mostly college-age attendees, so
he wanted to seem a bit more confrontational than he really is.
There was backlash on right-wing social media, and the story made it to Fox News, where border
czar Tom Homan threatened to investigate the governor for hiding an undocumented immigrant.
But then stuff got really weird.
Murphy began to walk back his statement, and his spokesperson said that his comments were writing an undocumented immigrant. But then stuff got really weird.
Murphy began to walk back his statement and his spokesperson said that his comments were
just a hypothetical.
The woman in the story didn't really exist.
Or maybe she did.
As the New York Times reported, quote, an aide to the governor clarified on Monday that
the woman in question was in the country legally and had never lived on the Murphy family's
property. The aide did not make clear what sort of relationship, if any, the woman had with the governor or
his wife.
To be clear, the headline for that story in the New York Times is, quote, a governor's
bizarre comment made him a target of Trump's border czar.
The top line of that story is how weird it is that Murphy seems to have just made up
this hypothetical situation
to pretend that he's more defiant than he actually is.
Because that's very strange.
So I'll agree with Alex on this one that this is very weird.
But if he was actually housing someone who was being hunted down by the borders, I don't think that that would be bad.
This is all very weird. It is
Everybody is making terrible decisions here. Mm-hmm. First off if you are hiding and Frank do not tell people
I would hide in Frank don't do that, right? But the hiding is not the problem. No
The problem telling people first off. That's a huge problem
When you're hiding somebody,
don't tell anybody. Right. And then if you're not, don't tell anybody. Don't make it up
that you are. Super weird. In order to like sort of pump your chest in public. And then
you know what? Let's do this. If you're the media, don't go looking for Anne Frank. What
are you doing? What are you doing? She's hiding, man. What are you doing? Yeah, I agree with you as a general guiding principal.
In this case, something very strange is going on.
I'm on your team.
This is all fucking idiotic.
Everybody needs to go home.
Yeah, but it is yet another talking point of Alex's
that just...
Everybody do something else.
On this story specifically, I want every
single person involved. Alex, just do something else. Well, maybe you'll get your wish. I
hope so. Maybe Alex will start giving you a timeline of the false flags that are going
to be carried out. That would be nice. I would like a schedule. You're in luck. Okay. They're going to try to crash
the stock market. They're trying
to frame Trump. Then the truck
bomb mass shooting of the
illegal aliens protesting that
are now, as I said the last
few weeks, going to get more
and more violent. More and more
intense as the NGOs give them the orders of the Soros radio stations tell them to go out and be violent. That's confirmed
About all the key spanish-speaking ones. Oh, come on so they can hype everybody up. Here's where ice is go get them
Block this highway do that
And then when the military goes out
Well, trump's a dictator And then the state sends professional teams
to kill Trump. And Trump understands that and knows that and they're ready and we're
way ahead of the enemy now. We're not naive now.
This is fun storytelling. So I guess Zoros bought up all the Spanish language radio stations
so he can send completely undecodable messages to the foot soldiers.
It's impossible.
This is a stupid plan.
You would have to learn Spanish to understand these.
And who can do that?
So this traces back to a 2022 right-wing social media hysteria about two Spanish radio stations
in Miami, which were purchased by a group called the Latino Media Network, which is
not run by Soros, but has received some funding from his affiliated groups. The big issue was WAQI or Radio Mambi, which is an AM station that's primarily attracted
a Cuban-American audience.
In Florida, the Cuban community is a fairly anti-communist and Republican-leaning group,
so naturally there was outrage at the possibility of a non-right-wing aligned radio group buying
a very prominent radio station
that caters to this community.
The fear was that it was an attempt to sway politics and hurt Trump's 2024 chances in
Florida as well as Marco Rubio's run for Congress.
Complaints were made to the FCC who looked into the sale and found no problem with it
and it went ahead.
To be clear, I'm opposed to big companies owning a bunch of media entities.
I think that media consolidation is largely a force of ill in the world and that no one
should own multiple radio stations or newspapers.
So I'm not in favor of Soros owning a bunch of stations.
I'm just saying that Alex is not really reporting this story accurately.
And I think part of the reason he can't do that is because if he did, he'd have to talk
about how his entire worldview is essentially propped up by that very same force of market consolidation.
If it weren't for the widespread ownership of radio stations all over the country by
groups like Cumulus Media and Salem Radio Network, right-wing talking head shows wouldn't
have had the market saturation that they did in the 80s and 90s, which is directly responsible
for creating the atmosphere where shitheads
like Alex can thrive.
In some ways, Alex is afraid of the idea of Soros buying up a bunch of radio stations
because he knows that's what his guys did, and it's pretty effective, or it was in that
era of time.
And I think that he knows that, and that's why he can't really...
Yeah, yeah, it makes you despair of ever learning a lesson.
You know, like, because it feels like that whole, maybe don't give all of the media to a very small group of people with all the money, and then also let them own other stuff.
That feels like a lesson we've already learned.
It does.
It feels like we've moved past that one.
We should've.
We should've.
We've learned the lesson, but not implemented the lesson.
Because it's not like it was a new lesson, you know?
Like it goes way back.
It does.
We've got all these books where it's in there.
Books where there was like ten guys.
There was only like ten guys and even then they were like, can't let one guy have all
of this stuff.
So uncomplicated.
Oh well.
What are you going to do?
So I remember at the beginning of this episode, well first of all, we're supposed to find
out what Trump told Alex.
I do recall that.
We haven't really talked about that.
Sure haven't.
But I also remember that Alex was going to give insight into the grand strategy and that
Trump, his whole thing.
So he comes back from break and I'm going to play this entire segment in pieces.
But I'm going to play the whole thing.
Each clip overlaps with the next.
Because I think this is important.
All right.
I said I would get into what the Trump grand strategy is last hour.
And I got into it some, but I think it's really important to spend a few minutes on it because
I haven't really seen it defined by anybody properly.
I know the American system.
I've studied it.
Trump has made a lot of references to it.
You can see it's it's in everything he's doing. When he commissioned the last four years, expert
historical societies to have his 1776 project, which I really agreed with and thought was
great. He said, I intend to implement this. And people think to think, oh, that's what happened. And that's what meant this. And people think
that's 17 76. That's 250 years
ago. That's an old system. No
it was the Renaissance and the
very best thinking that the
world ever produced. And those
philosophies applied to modern
times. Work even better than
it's back to the future. It's the latest best system. We've just been abandoning it since
the end of World War II and then didn't just completely abandon it became to a great extent
the opposite of it.
This all means nothing. That's just a bunch of filler words that amount to zero. I'm curious
about what Alex is trying to succinctly describe as Trump's philosophy, but this just feels
like a padded
Monroe Doctrine.
Like that's nothing.
Get to it, Dick.
What is it?
What's the American system?
It's the American system.
Back to the future.
It's the best thinking anybody ever came up with.
What is it?
It's the best thinking.
All right.
Please, go on, Alex.
Thinking more. You have all the time you need sure
We've just been abandoning it since the end of World War two and then
Didn't just completely abandoned it became
To a great extent the opposite of it
But pulling out of this suicide death cult
of this suicide death cult
is not going to be easy. And I saw a Babylon B joke piece that Elon retweeted,
reposted yesterday, and it basically said,
you know, MSM begs Trump to slow down
because he's exhausting them.
It's not exhausting me. I'm frustrated that I can't fight as hard as I want to.
And that's because I don't have a big enough crew.
and I want to work 18, 20 hours a day. And I expect people can't do that all the time. The crew has been working 12, 14, 15, 18 hours a day. And I have a lot of big original research
stories that are extremely important. and I just can't release them
because I'm not gonna release some half-ass. So this is all still saying
nothing like he's supposed to be crystallizing Trump's philosophy and so
far we've got blowhard platitudes about the Renaissance and then Alex complaining
that his staff doesn't work hard enough. This is dead air. Yeah.
This is nothing.
You know, I think, here's what I'm thinking, all right?
Do you remember when Leno used to do headlines?
And he would just put closeups of typos
in newspapers on the television
and then would repeat them.
What do you think about that?
And then everyone would laugh. They would be like be like ah that's not where a tee goes
That was supposed to be a pee right mm-hmm
I feel like that's where we're at now with all headline based humor like I don't even know what is there a joke there?
in like
MSM Bay Trump to slow down because they're exhausted.
That feels like a reasonable headline these days, honestly.
But it's funny.
It's not though.
It's not really.
It's not at all.
Yeah, I mean, yeah.
And there's a other layer of it that is Alex's,
like his version of Jay Leno doing that. Yeah, it's just looking at tweets
Yeah, they aren't even really headlines
No, because I think some of the fun of the Jay Leno bit is that no one caught this and it went to print
I guess and that that has to get over that hurdle before it's funny
See look anybody could have tweeted anything right right right it takes away the
exclusivity of it.
Yeah, because there was an element of elitism bashing with the headlines of like, see how
smart people even make mistakes?
That kind of thing.
Maybe a little bit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is not that.
No, but I want to know what Trump's philosophy is.
And I feel like we've taken a hard turn into Alex not having enough money and his staff doesn't work hard enough
Yeah, and nothing really could have prepared me for the direction that this takes I
Really felt bad
This made me really fucking sad. Oh boy in a way that's also I'm laughing
Okay, I hate this piece of shit fair enough, but it's also really sad, okay? I
Have a lot of big original research stories that are extremely important and
Just can't release them because I'm not gonna release some half-ass and
I'm tortured because our enemies are very easy to beat.
And when I get up here over the years
and say we've done one of the best jobs fighting the bad guys,
that doesn't mean I'm saying I've done a great job.
That scares the fucking shit out of me.
I mean, we're up against horrible open demons that want
to kill everybody and have a plan to incrementally cut
everything off until we're to that point.
And wherever they get control of a third world country, they
outright do it.
And the fact that I've done one of the best jobs.
And the fact that more prominent people didn't join us in this fight is insane.
Now you've got Elon and Trump in there wrecking them.
And I see the enemy coming in with their counter attack.
And I see so many conservatives and populists
and people that wanna live, good people celebrating
and everything's fine,
and we're unstoppable. And that enthusiasm is great. And we should be thankful. But I
mean, they're getting ready to crash stock market. And they're getting ready to blow
up and shoot up a bunch of illegal aliens. So, you know, people better get their heads
out of their asses and get that straight.
But I mean, I got these federal documents
and I'm not even gonna release them.
We'll fuck it up, doesn't matter, fuck it.
I mean, seriously, I mean, I just,
I got total proof of the whole deep state, everything.
We'll just fucking fuck it to fucking shit.
Everything's fucked.
I'm so sick of fucking Chuckie Schumer.
Wow. That's really depressing.
So in case you can't translate Alex's language, what he's saying is that celebrating victories
doesn't make money. Keeping the audience scared about the devil being just about to attack
does. The benefactors of the devil being just about to attack does.
The benefactors of the right wing are getting exactly what they wanted right now. Public
spending is under attack, they're going to gut social security and Medicare, regulations
meant to keep corporations from profiting by predatory means are going to be removed.
There's really nothing but celebrating to do if you're living in the real world of the
GOP. They profit from the destruction
of the state and the empowerment of companies, not by keeping idiots terrified so they buy CMOS.
They have real power now, so it's kind of dumb to keep pretending that some shadowy group
is just waiting in the wings to strike. It was us!
That's Alex's job, though, and that's a big part of why the folks who were seeking power thought he was useful enough to put up with.
In case the stock market crashes, it's good to have a guy like Alex around who is screaming
about how it wasn't your fault.
If there's a domestic terror attack against people defending immigrant rights, it's really
useful to have a guy like Alex yelling about how a false flag was coming.
When you need him, it's good to have him around, but on the day to day, it's really embarrassing to act like this.
And I think that this is some of the tension in the aftermath of the inauguration. Alex
has to know that his team doesn't need him now that they have real power to work with,
and his only real value is to continue to yell that the sky is falling and that it's
all the globalists' fault so he can be used to help make a scapegoat for the consequences of what they do now when they have real power.
I feel an emptiness and that shot out to break is grim.
Gone is the Alex who was ready to go pretend to get arrested rather than give his fingerprint
at the DMV and now here we have an Alex who has secret federal documents given to him
by the president
that would blow the lid off the deep state and prove all his conspiracies, but he's not going
to cover it because he would just fuck it up. He's right in a hypothetical sense. There isn't a big
story here, but if he did have a big story, he would fuck it up. He would fuck it up. It's just
wild to think that he actually knows that. He understands how incapable he is of being a journalist.
I just fuck this up.
I'd fuck everything up.
All I could do is...
I mean, it does feel like he should be living in a moment.
The moment that I think I've had where you realize I am making my own position obsolete.
That was a huge mistake to not have negotiated
a next thing.
If I am ending my own job.
I had that at an office where I trained my replacement and as it was happening I was
like, this isn't going to end well.
This is not good.
This is not good.
I should just leave.
Alex should carve his own path.
This is pathetic and I think that there's some
awareness that he has that's like
They'll come back if they need me right, but they don't fucking need me now they have power right all right
There's he has to know I I what I find fascinating
Right is that you know like I know a lot of people who are
too poor, but somehow we also give money to people who can't properly enjoy it.
And so you have shit like this where it's like, man, don't do this.
Don't do this.
I know so many people who could live just a super happy life on like one tenth of what
he has and somehow he hoards it and still can't live a happy life.
Yeah, he's just straight up miserable.
It is insane to me.
And I think that's because, you know, it is the way that he's making that money that is
corrupt. Hmm, like he's
Shitting on people and hurting people and exploiting that like I think he I think that that's just a bad
ecosystem and I
Think the fruits of it are you're just gonna be miserable and I'm glad I mean it's earned
The misery is earned. Yeah, I'm very conflicted because on the one hand as an empathetic human being I hear somebody who's saying stuff like I
You know I can't report on the devil I have all the pressure, but I just fuck it up sure and I feel bad for that person sure because that's a
Keep your chin up Alex that kind of thing
You know you don't like to see a guy in that kind of state
But on the other hand I fucking hate him and I would like him to feel like that
I mean, I'm becoming of the opinion that misery is a consequence
Mm-hmm, and if you stay miserable then that's on you. So fuck you
There's the idea is if you're miserable
Fuck you. I, I, I, I, many people are just gonna get bigger and not grow up
Mm-hmm. There's a lot of those people
Sure. Sure. He's a child. I feel like if I hear a clip like that. Mm-hmm I never would have been curious about this person. Yeah, I don't think yeah
I think that there's something so interesting
about Alex, the guy who wouldn't give his fingerprint at the DMV. Yeah, like there's
something really bold about that. And they're like, even though it's full of shit, and he's
faking all this, and it's mostly bravada. Yeah, like, there's still something that is
enticing about this character. The guy who has proof of the devil that the president gave him who is too whiny to fucking
get to it, that's not interesting.
That is a pathetic husk of a person.
And yeah, I don't know.
I mean, I have another clip here, but I don't even know if you need to play it.
It's just when he comes back from break, He tries to self-soothe by describing violent fantasies and then accusing
That New Jersey governor of being a pedophile. Yeah, I think we'll be all right
But it's just interesting that that's what he can do. Yeah, you know that you return to that
Yeah, that's his sucking his thumb. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He has this little bit of an outburst and then is just like ah
Yeah, he has this little bit of an outburst and then is just like ah
The black people are gonna get shot at a rally. What do you got to do to a kid to make racism?
Sucking their thumb, you know
Hmm, like what is it that you do to a child that later on as an adult they go? Oh
People that have different skin color are worse than me. Unfortunately, his dad won't be on the show, so we can't find out.
I do feel like there should be a study.
Well, I mean, I've read some of the John Birch Society
literature, and I think I have some clues.
I mean, I'm sure Dr. James Dobson is somewhere involved.
So anyway, cut out here.
And just everyone can feel bad about Alex being a
Feel great about it. Yeah, feel great about it. Yeah, that guy. What a great moment. He could do anything else
He could I I just I I don't know you could do anything. I bet he could probably fix a car. Here's what I would say I
think if you have
Secret information. Yeah, and you can't reveal it, don't tell people you
can't reveal it.
Because you look weak now.
If you're hiding Anne Frank, don't tell people that she's going to be above your garage.
Or if you have proof of the devil's giant conspiracy, you are now covering for it.
You are now part of the cover up, Alex.
Then I know.
Just do something else.
Go to the woods.
That would be nice.
Just be a woods guy.
Mm-hmm, sure.
Those guys exist.
They just live out in the woods.
Woods guys.
Be one of those guys.
Sure. Yeah.
It would be good.
I mean, I also wouldn't mind doing that myself. I'd like to go to the woods. Sure. Yeah. It would be good.
I mean, I also wouldn't mind doing that myself.
I'd like to go to the woods.
Sure, we're all getting there.
But hey.
You still live in the trees, buddy.
And shall again.
Back to the future.
That was when we had our best ideas.
So, we'll check in and see if Alex has some other better ideas later and see if we find
out what his federal documents
Jesus Christ.
But on a scale of zero to pinky ring, where is it?
I feel like we're going to have to stay at a zero.
Yeah, I think so too.
Anyway, we'll be back, but until then, we have a website.
Indeed we do.
Yep, we'll be back.
But until then, I'm Leo.
I'm Leo.
I'm DZX Clark.
I am the mysterious professor.
Woo, yeah, woo, yeah, woo'm Leo, I'm DZX Clark, I am the Mysterious Professor.