Knowledge Fight - #1017: February 4, 2025

Episode Date: March 17, 2025

In this installment, Dan and Jordan listen to Alex discuss how his dad suggested he commit attempted murder as a child, confirm that Elon Musk is smart, and interview a gelatin industry scammer about ...USAID.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knowledge fight! Dan and Jordan, I'm sweating!, it's time to pray! I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Knowledge fight. I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and, stop it. Andy and, Andy and, it's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding me. Hello, Alex, I'm Andy and I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex. Oh, indeed we are Dan. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around worship at the altar of Celine and talk a little bit about Alex
Starting point is 00:01:06 Oh, indeed. We are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan quick question for you. What's up? What's your price about today, buddy? I've got two because they're kind of small. All right, so we'll just use them. They'll add up to one Okay, I was walking down the street the other day and I found a 50 cent piece. Oh on the ground I'm sorry what yeah, really? Yeah, and it was like I haven't seen one of these things in a the ground. I'm sorry, what? Yeah. Really? Yeah. And I was like, I haven't seen one of these things in a long time. That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. And it was on the ground.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It was on the ground. Strange coin. Anyway, I was like, this is exciting. It took me back to being a kid. Yeah. Finding a JFK half dollar on the ground. That's really exciting. It's not exciting to find a dime or a quarter or a penny.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Absolutely not. 50 cent piece, though. Pretty crazy. And it's not about the money a dime or a quarter or a penny Not 50 cent piece though pretty crazy, and it's not about the money the 50 cent piece is unusual It's just weird. It's weird. You don't see it often for what purpose do you have a 50 cent piece? I don't know someone I usually would have to ask for it of course so this this this came from somewhere Yeah, and so anyway. I just get it would brighten my day up a little bit. So it's a bright spot. That's great. Second, I saw an Arby's commercial. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And I do love their slogan. We have the meats. It's a great slogan. Because it sounds hostile. There's no way to hear it from Ving Rhames' voice without being like, Jesus Christ, guys, I get it. You have the meats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I feel like I did a couple, I did a bunch of voiceover auditions back in the day Did not land any of those gigs, but I did record a bunch of stuff And I know that when you're doing voiceover the ad agencies and the people will tell you how to read something Yeah, and the way that it's delivered is like it's not being like hey, we got all these meats It's we have the meats and you don't you better fucking believe we've got control of the meat How dare you step to us about the meats? I think there's something really fun about that Anyway, I hate advertising and I think it's a corrupt industry, but I do think that's a really funny slogan Delivered that way and also but here's the funniest part about it to me is that somebody came up with the slogan right before?
Starting point is 00:03:04 But here's the funniest part about it to be, is that somebody came up with the slogan, right, before the voiceover. So what was that like before the like vaguely threatening, we have the meat, you know? What was it like just some dude in a room, John Draper style? I think here's where the kernel of the idea comes from. Okay. Arby's is a roast beef place. That is true. And so they have that meat.
Starting point is 00:03:24 They have the meat. But then they tried to branch out into other things like chicken and fish sandwiches and stuff. They give it a shot. Right? And so I think they needed to assert their broad meat status. Okay, okay. So you think that there's a certain amount of like,
Starting point is 00:03:38 y'all think we're just roast beef. No, no, no, we got the meats. No, no, no, we have meats. Yeah. Okay. I think that probably is where it began Oh, they're like what if we could make it hostile? Who do we get to deliver this yeah, James Earl Jones is dead so Same with L. Jackson's not returning our calls. He could have been pretty hostile about the he would have been really hot
Starting point is 00:03:59 Oh, he's already doing all the what's in your wallet right right? We can't afford that Anyway, what's your your wallet. Right, right, right, we can't afford that. Anyway, what's your bright spot? My bright spot, Bon Iver has a new album out. Okay. And I enjoy it, I like it a lot, but here's what I like the most about it. And I realized this while, whenever I got it, and I was playing it and listening to it,
Starting point is 00:04:18 I was like, I remember when listening to Bon Iver or that kind of, there was a certain type of person, there was like a hipster, there was like a- A Bon Iver type. There was a Bon Iver or that kind of, there was a certain type of person. There was like a hipster, there was like a- A Bon Iver type. There was a Bon Iver type, right? And now, it's just old people, man. Do you know what I'm saying? And that's how, that's where we're at.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You don't need to feel worried about, oh, I'm a blank or I'm a metal guy or I'm the, now you're old. Yep. Now you're old. And he's old. This is great. I love it. I cannot believe that people
Starting point is 00:04:47 got mad and like, oh, kids these days. I have seen what the kids do. Absolutely incomprehensible. To you. Skippity toilet. Right. You know? I don't know. Exactly. So I'm just old. I'm happy with it. You're in your, there's no more pretense around your music. There's just a this college rock guy from when I would have been college. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Remember, you were the guy who listened to Led Zeppelin when in the 90s. You're fine. You're fine. You're just old. Yeah. Yep. And one day post Malone will be that. Absolutely. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:22 The cycle of that, you know, it's like the guy who I only know from an Oreo. No doubt that there was somebody who's like, oh, my God, you're still listening to Strauss. Jesus Christ, man. You know, like Jerry, you were just old. We all get old. Good winter. That's what it means. That's a bonivar means. Right. Is it? I genuinely have no idea.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Is that what it means? Yeah what it means yeah I see half the time I'm just like oh they just found a collection of noises oh this is as French like tame Impala they're not talking I don't know that translates to anything it does it I think it's literally a tame Impala mm-hmm the car no the the animal oh that the car is named after. I thought we gained control over machine. We... We had domesticated machines.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Did you think we didn't have control over machines at one point? I have questions. Fair enough. I think that's good to have these days. I'm glad you're enjoying that album, Jordan. Yeah, it's great. So today we have an episode to go over. We're gonna be talking about February 4th, 2025 This episode bums me out. Okay It's it's I don't know
Starting point is 00:06:34 Bums me out. It's just a bummer. Yeah, he's a bummer Okay, but we'll get down to business on that in a second. Let's say hello to some new wonks. Oh, that's great So first line occur Sue's, a wuga. Thank you so much, you're an policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, Happy Birthday Thomas, Rose Byrne is in this movie and I'm gonna shit my pants. Love, Spillium, thank you so much,
Starting point is 00:06:53 you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. And Idahoans fighting fascists, thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Thank you. And we got a technical credit in the mix, Jordan. So thank you so much to Harley Christmas will fight the global council of neighborhood cats, but only after her nap. Thank you so much. You're now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. I have risen above my enemies.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I might quit tomorrow actually. I'm just going to take a little break now. A little breaky for me and then we're going to come back and I'm gonna start the show over. I'm the devil, I gotta be taking off the hair, I'm gonna be doing all this blablabla. Fuck you! Fuck you! I got plenty of words for you but at the end of the day, fuck you and your New World Order
Starting point is 00:07:41 and fuck the horse you rode in on and all your shit. Maybe today should be my last broadcast. Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years. Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow and you never see me again. That's really what I want to do. I never want to come back here again. I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having breakdowns on air. I'll be better tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:08:07 No, no, no, you won't be. So I think that we've seen in the time after the inauguration that Alex is a little rudderless. There's a bit of inability to deal with reality because reality is moving fast. And reality in a lot of ways looks like a lot of stuff that he wants. But also a lot of it looks like really, really bad stuff. And were he to take the time to look into any of this stuff or report on any of these things in a meaningful way, I think he would be forced to confront like, oh shit, this isn't good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:46 There's a little bit of, we're in a Jyn story, wherein we're getting ironic twists to all of our wishes, but in the stories they go like, ah, this sucks. But in this we're just like, actually, I think this is great. And the Jyn is like, no, no, no, no, this is really bad. Like, it's really bad. He's like, no, I think it's great. There's a twist to me granting your wish. Are you not realizing? I'm not even thinking about it. You know what I am. I'm just grateful that my wish is granted. Okay, that is oh That's not good. Oh, you're gonna run into a wall. Yeah, well, but it's a nice wall, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:19 I guess it is. So I have You know, I've gone through this fairly slowly and part of the reason for that is that I would like this feeling to be understood of his time after the inauguration. I would like that because I think that's the most important thing. The way that this show does not work in Right this context right it becomes a farce of itself in many ways And I think that points been made I think that you know at a certain point We'll have to pick up and get closer to present day But I think that at the end of the last episode when Alex is saying like I've got all this secret information But we'll just fuck it up if we try and cover it
Starting point is 00:10:07 I feel like that's about as cathartic of uh, Bluh, yeah as you're gonna get yeah, and I think that maybe alex felt a little bit of like all right I've fucked around um I didn't get down to business. Okay, so Pre you're priming us for this episode. Maybe Alex woke up that morning, like, eye of the tiger playing and is like, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:10:32 It certainly seems to be the mood he's in. Okay. I am super focused like a laser beam. And we have an incredible top researcher with the AI maps of USAID and other slish funds the And we have an incredible top researcher with the AI maps of USAID and other slush funds. He'll be joining us in the third
Starting point is 00:10:56 hour than Roger Stone into the fourth with huge breaking exclusive Intel. And then we've just got masses of incredible I must and I will cover today. You're not gonna get the preaching because I'm gonna control myself. And the pontificating because I am holding myself in a very short leash. You are going to get laser focus, bam, bam, bam, bam,
Starting point is 00:11:19 bam, bam, bam, bam. We're going to be doing. 460 plus radio stations now that carry this exploding populist pro-human transmission. That is a weapon system of truth. So Alex I think is giving you the sense that he knows he's gotta get down to business. He's gotta get to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:42 He's not fucking around pontificating and preaching. So he goes to break. And then those alleged 400 radio stations, which is probably closer to 20, right, end up coming in. Okay. And so he comes back from break. And here's where he's at. Trump has outperformed my wildest dreams. Elon Musk has surpassed my wildest desires. the
Starting point is 00:12:07 the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:12:23 the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:12:40 the the the the the world. I am a wrestler. And finally getting them off of you and sticking your head back above the surface and getting that precious air. I am beyond euphoric. I am. Just so thankful
Starting point is 00:13:02 to God and so thankful and humbled by all of you, not just my fellow fabulous, amazing Americans, not just my compatriots here in this Republic, but all the red-blooded humans that love liberty and freedom, and whose North Star is the Spirit of God shining through us, filling our sails with a crisp, clean wind of change. So much for the not pontificating and preaching thing. I feel like this is very unfocused. Yeah, a little. This is a laser beam.
Starting point is 00:13:30 It's not very focused. I feel like we've gone all over the place very quickly in short order. I think we're just rambling. Also, you would die if you were held underwater for four minutes. Alex, that's a long fucking time. It is a long time. Yeah, it is a long time. But he brought up a sumo wrestler, And that leads me to my next question. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Which is, are you caught up on the Amazing Race? I am caught up on the Amazing Race. There's some sumo wrestlers in there. Oh my god. That there were a couple of them that were so funny to see him just like gently walk back. Yeah. They were pushing as hard as they can. And that guy could have stood there for a million years and they never would have moved him an inch.
Starting point is 00:14:05 The fact that they had to push the sumo wrestler was a cute moment for the first people and then diminishing returns after. Oh, got real sad at some points. The first person had a thought of like, we might actually have to push this guy as opposed to it just being a cute moment. I thought that that was an instant, like when they got to that roadblock where you could choose to put on a sumo thing or make mochi. Yeah. I thought like immediately this is a trick. The mochi one looks harder but it's easier. Yes. And everyone chose the
Starting point is 00:14:39 putting on the sumo thing. Right. To be hard. It's very hard. Anyway, I would even go so far. I'll say this. I think based based upon what I know, that it is an incredibly insulting thing to describe a sumo as savage. One of the most important things about sumo is the deference and respect shown at all times. Sure. Savagery is simply not allowed. No.
Starting point is 00:15:01 So you could never, he's creating a fictional character. There's no such thing as a savage sumo What about e Honda? From Street Fighter Well, you know what I've been I stand corrected right yep, so Alex Alex is just a little gloaty On this episode a very blazer focused gloated sure We have the enemy's main attack plan to crash the
Starting point is 00:15:25 economy and even if they do that the globalist are going to get the blame because we have information warfare superiority and the public's not asleep anymore and so I would advise the globalist to stop but it looks like they're not so this is a teachable moment because there's a reason that Alex goes into that sing song voice while talking about this subject. He's gloating like a schoolyard bully and this is the tone that he's putting on in order to convey that vibe. What Alex is trying to get across is that no matter what happens, he and his side have
Starting point is 00:15:58 a story that the media apparatus that they've built up will push. They're going to push that story and Trump is never going to get the blame for anything. If Trump's economic moves end up creating huge problems for the US consumer, it's already established that this was caused not by Trump's actions, but the evil globalists crashing the stock market because they're so mad that Trump is so good. Alex is doing this bully gloating because he's pretty comfortable with the toxic information space that he's helped usher in and now Elon essentially presides over. The narrative is what's important because the narrative is what ushers human attention. If you distract people
Starting point is 00:16:36 well enough you can legitimately override their understanding of cause and effect relationships and you can just describe whatever cause you want to explain the effects that are happening in the real world. This is what Alex is gloating about, that he feels like his side has defeated rationality. He says that we have information war superiority, it just means we can say whatever the fuck we want to explain things. And we've gotten to a point where we're pretty comfortable we can just trick a bunch of people. Yeah, I mean, I don't even know how you can say the words information war superiority and not recognize the disingenuousness
Starting point is 00:17:11 that is required for that. You know, like, we lie best. That's what you're saying. We lie best and have created a world where there's no consequences. Yeah, for that. We're really good at lying is what you said. and that's such a strange thing to say in that tone No less. Yeah. Yeah that reminded me of home movies that reminded me of bread to be like we want you to sing talk You know, we want you to sing to don't sing sing talk. Yeah, that's better. Yeah Grim yeah gross. Mmm. Anyway, he's a Lazar focused. Lazar focused.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And so this is, we're about half an hour into the show at this point and we've gotten to one story. Maybe. Zero stories. I think we've gotten at least two movie references. Lazar focused. And I go back to that patent quote that I read on air yesterday that's hanging on the wall out there. In fact, I'm just going to go back to that. It's too important. Then I'll get it on the next.
Starting point is 00:18:12 This is just too important because I just want to have it on a hot key in there. It's hanging on the wall out there. Rob hung it up on the wall out there in the hallway out of the studio into the control room. There it Attack rapidly ruthlessly viciously without rest however tired and hungry you may be The enemy will be more tired more hungry keep punching It's not how Patton said it Example because my crew already is dauntless and works really hard but they've been trying to get me to work more it's the opposite what you said yesterday that's a first
Starting point is 00:19:00 like in that line from Full Metal Jacket that's so accurate I talked to Marines. So accurate. Especially back then that went through boot camp. They say they have flashbacks because they dumped the script once they were just going to use that real gunny sergeant as an advisor. And he said, this is all wrong. So he rewrote the whole first half of the movie where they're at the Marine base before
Starting point is 00:19:21 they go to Vietnam. And so he wrote it. I forget his name. He's super famous. Everybody knows who he is. And there's that line in there that the drill sergeants were getting really excited in the last few days of boot camp because the power of these young Marines was growing out of their control for the exact line. But that's what I like seeing. Because my mission has always been to become obsolete because everybody gets it completed. And then once everybody gets out tyranny operates now this current permutation and combo operates.
Starting point is 00:20:25 the I'll just say I'm sorry. I have to stay at work Even though I want to go eat a nice dinner and be with my wife. That's a lot of fun It's like I'm sorry this drive-state and I got a lot of drive-state for eating food. You know what I mean? is Not anything compared to the drive-state of crushing the enemy What is best in life What is best in life? To have a Falcon on your wrist and to have the wind of the steps in your hair wrong Conan. What is best in life to crush your enemies to see them driven before you and an imitation of the women good.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That's right. And little mentation of the women good that's right and limitation of the women but who are enemies the worst scum the planet has ever seen so we're focused um very focused rambling about full metal jacket weaving that seamlessly into a scene from Conan I have never imagined Patton starring Grindle before but I think that would be great We're following golem into darkness I God I feel like this is all over the place little bit. Yeah, little bit There's not not a whole lot of things to grab on to and be like, ah, here's what he's talking about
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, I was just kind of Screaming about the lamentations of the women of the globalists will be heard and that's what's best in life is crushing your enemies before you I question the wisdom of taking What Conan the barbarian says about what is best as best in life and applying it to the present day. Well, some what is old is new again. I'm not disagreeing with you there.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Back to the future, as Alex said on our last episode, which I think was an attempt at branding. You know what? Maybe let's just get rid of time and just say that maybe our circumstances are not quite the same as Conan the Barbarian. Do you not think that Conan the Barbarian was a Renaissance thinker? I mean, it's not that. I'm just saying that swords are far less common as a day-to-day conflict-solving device. Not soon. Well, fair enough. I guess everything old is new again.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah, pretty soon there'll be a lot more swords. You know what I've been thinking? I've been thinking that not enough swords have solved conflicts in my life, so apparently I have gotten my ironic consequence for this wish. So we had a lot of experience with Alex in his Sandy Hook trial. I consulted with the Texas case. We were at the trial. We covered his depositions and covered the Connecticut case. And so it's particularly funny to hear him relay his own remembrance of how he behaved.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Interesting. No, it's not sitting on your horse with the wind blowing in your hair feeling vain like some Hollywood scumbag. It's crushing our enemies. It's seeing them driven before you. And the lamentation of the women. Lamentations. Lamentations. To hear the lamentations of the women. On the stand in the rig trolley go, is the most important thing in your life to be accurate? And I said, no, it's crushing the globalist like you. But truth is the weapon that crushes the enemy, so it's not two different things.
Starting point is 00:24:06 is the enemy so it's not two different things. Comprende? Laser focused. Do you hear me? Yeah, so that's doesn't, that's not accurate. It's a fun way to sort of mythologize yourself. And I get why he does that but that's absolutely inaccurate well if I had behaved I will say this in on his on his behalf if not in his defense perhaps to damn him still greater if I had performed the way that he did I too
Starting point is 00:24:39 would be lying about it yeah yeah you kind of have to you gotta I don't know I don't know how you can wake up in the morning and have God tell you what time it is If you really deal with how you behave Yeah, yeah to clear eyes see the way that you did that would require a lot of changing all across the board probably Yeah, so the globalists they're in trouble sure cuz Trump and Elon are there unbeatable Yeah, and so Alex now This is one of the gifts that we have of this being a little bit in the past. Alex predicts that the globalists are going to be gone in 90 days, which is almost when
Starting point is 00:25:16 we're recording this. That is very soon. Yeah, it's only a couple days away. Oh boy. At the current acceleration rate. The globalist are completely smashed within 90 days. Now, if Trump could have just stabilized in two years and then removed 80% of them, I thought that would be a total and I thought that was about the best we'd get. No, it's a totally different animal. And when Trump said I have been reborn,
Starting point is 00:25:42 I have learned a lot. And I I mean he has been he has been Planning and preparing and again, even if they kill him, which they're gonna try for sure Even though it won't work But if they're totally off balance and the whole bunch of indictments which you know are incoming happen with the goods. They won't even be able to do that. And I'm just staggered by what's happening. But you know,
Starting point is 00:26:10 that's the thing about why people think evil is invincible. I think it's all powerful. It'll be some, you know, you're in seventh grade and there's some kid that's flunked three grades and he's got a mustache and he weighs 220 pounds and
Starting point is 00:26:21 he's always beating people up and nobody will stand up to him. He beats you up a few times and. You know, in black eyes, your dad says, well, he's always beating people up and nobody will stand up to him. He beats you up a few times. You know, black eyes as well. He's got to fight harder. Well, what do I do? Daddy is well, he waits for you when you get off the bus
Starting point is 00:26:33 and jumps on you and sits on you and spits on you and blacks your eyes. He goes. Any rocks around anything on on next time that I picked up his concrete smash across face by basically put his eye out, but that's a good job. I think I'm not gonna do that. Any rocks around anything on
Starting point is 00:26:49 on next time that I picked up piece of concrete smash across face, but basically put his eye out. That's a good job. That is not a mean person. He's just like some something people tried to sue us. My dad said, Fuck you. Your son lucid. My
Starting point is 00:27:01 son's teeth give me black eyes. You're lucky I didn People that take your shit? You want to fight? You got one. Excuse me. Let's go out with Conan and we'll come back with all the big news. Let's go out with Conan. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Yeah. So I think that that clip may include a bit of a Rosetta Stone for Alex's brain. On a very basic level, we've never heard him say that his dad suggested using weapons against a bully, which is a bit upsetting to hear. It's a movie kind of moment where a parent tells their child to fight back against bullies, but it's a different thing for a parent to say, well, son, have you considered murder? This indicates a complete disinterest on Alex's dad's part toward getting involved in his son's life. Alex is basically on his own,
Starting point is 00:27:50 except he's not. His dad still exists as a figure that'll deal out punishments, but only when they involve his own life. Consider how Alex told the story of his dad threatening to kick him out of the house because he was getting all those abortions, which his dad threatening to kick him out of the house because he was getting all those abortions which his dad said was killing my grandkids. It's not killing your kids, it's killing my grandkids. I'm gonna get mad when these people try to sue us. I'm not gonna get involved otherwise. I think the big tell moment here is him using his catchphrase against the globalists while he's in this reverie thinking about this bully from his childhood.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You want to fight? You got one! It makes a bit too clear that his fight against the globalists and all this shit is just him replaying and trying to deal with the same feeling that he had when he was a kid being bullied. His dad refused to help him when he was growing up, so Alex tried to impress him by almost killing a supposed bully. And that didn't really work, so his life has been a larger scale attempt to impress his dad by killing the bigger supposed bullies Alex would always overhear his dad complaining about with his John Birch Society friends. This is kind of why Alex's beliefs and everything he's stood for has completely changed over the years, because there really isn't any principle behind any of it.
Starting point is 00:29:04 He's just fighting against ghosts and a doomed mission to get his dad to care and it's not going to work. Yeah. Yeah. Like you know how you shouldn't if now, hey, I'm not a parent, but I would suggest not treating your children as extensions of your own self. They are in fact distinct from you. And I think in my experience most
Starting point is 00:29:26 children who have been treated like that have later on grown up to be very resentful towards that. It has never occurred to me that people might be like, of course I'm an extension of my father. I am him and his father and his father before him. And then build up like a whole mythology around it Yeah, it's unhealthy. To make that okay does require mythology, I guess. Yeah Yeah, and like I don't know what Alex's actual childhood was like I don't know what his dad did or didn't do but I know that these are things that he's expressing and like he feels Like his dad told him get a rock. Yeah, smash this bully. Yeah, I'm not gonna get involved in any way I'm not gonna talk to the parents of this bully. I'm not going to get involved in any way. I'm not going to talk to the parents of this kid. I'm not going to try and find some way to resolve this other than saying, hey, you want to kill him?
Starting point is 00:30:14 Let's not forget, this entire thing could also be his dad being like, you shouldn't be in a fist fight. See, what you did, what you should have said is you shouldn't be in a fight, dad. What you told me was to get a rock and kill the guy. What Alex heard is, any weapons around? Yeah, exactly. How can you tilt the scales? You cannot trust that he heard accurately what was being said. No, but you can take away, at least in some ways, because Alex is communicating something.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And what he's communicating is a feeling that he had. And that feeling is essentially, you're on your own. And that's dark. While at the same time, you are an extension of me and everything you do only matters in the context that I deem important. Yeah, your kids are my grandkids.
Starting point is 00:31:00 You know, sometimes it is like, there is a certain amount of like, yeah, if you're RFK Junior, you should be fucked up. You amount of like yeah, if you're RFK, Jr You should be fucked up You're a whole fucking if you were fine that would throw into question to all the rest of us surviving our childhood sure yeah So the only difference is that Alex isn't like American royalty and come from like a Camelot no no, but he's fucked up. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep big time. Oh, yeah So I was growing a little
Starting point is 00:31:25 weary of this episode, uh, not covering anything and making me think about Alex's dad. Are you saying that you weren't laser focused through the entire episode? I was trying. He wasn't. That's for sure. No. He kind of gets to a story. Okay. And it's that someone tweeted something about AOC. Great. So I guess that's as good as we're gonna get great The alarm bells and sirens are going off inside the globalist command bases everywhere And in most cases the Trump administration legally lawfully constitutionally has seized control and with
Starting point is 00:32:02 total commitment to their promises are flooding the zone with all the crimes and corruption and theft of our enemies that suddenly want to wave American flags. Look at that huge pile over there. Just like enemy soldiers parachuting behind enemy lines, wearing the country they're invading's uniforms, camouflaging themselves as Americans when they are certified enemies of not just America, but of every human on the face of this planet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Their parasitic social Darwinian cult Sure. is the enemy of human life and progress. And I know that they have declared war on us in their covert operations for decades and I Accept the challenge Do you have a pamphlet on this? You can feel it okay, you can see it the spirit of humanity rising Amazing
Starting point is 00:33:14 All right Let's get started With some fun, but it's also very illustrative of our enemy's mindsets, which when you see their confidence and you see the corporate media's glitz and glamour, and you believe that, well, maybe they're right, maybe two men can have a baby, maybe fentanyl isn't a problem, maybe World War Three is a good thing, maybe Drag Queen story time isn't such a bad idea, maybe they are going to give us a utopia, maybe we should just do what they say. Maybe communism works. Maybe we should open our borders. Maybe white people are
Starting point is 00:33:51 inherently evil and be gotten rid of. Maybe eating bugs is a good idea. I mean, it's not just a reasonable thing to not go along with it. I mean, they're reasonable guys. Let's do it. And when you're under the spell that I've never been under, thank God, but some people and many people been the And when you're under the
Starting point is 00:34:05 spell. I've never been under. Thank God. But some people many people been under and you come out of the spell. You come out of the trance. You come out of the mind control. You come out of the Stockholm syndrome learned helplessness.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And you say, What the hell's going on that will execute things like a animatronic giggling robot. And she said a lot of hilarious stuff over the years. Remember, every time I mentioned I want to find the video and play it again. She's like, she puts on a fake, I guess, Hispanic accent. She's never talked that before. And she goes, we have these community gardens and there's too much cauliflower grown there that the white people eat. We need other things grown, not the white people food. And what the hell does cauliflower have to do with white people?
Starting point is 00:35:23 By the way, cauliflower is from Africa, but it's white. Cauliflower was originally cultivated in the Mediterranean and AOC never said it was racist. This was a right-wing media hysteria from 2019 about her posting a video about how the Green New Deal involved creating grow spaces where things that were relevant to local communities should be grown. Cauliflower was just an example that she used of a plant that wasn't used in much like Puerto Rican cooking.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So for a Puerto Rican community, it wouldn't make sense to grow that. But Yucca would. And she pronounced Yucca, Yucca and then Puerto Rico. And that's the accent that Alex is saying that she put on. That's what he was trying to do. Yeah. When she said when she pronounced Yucca and Puerto Rico, he's just very triggered by that apparently. I mean, sometimes it's nice to know that I was feeling like he was offending the wrong group of people.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I was assuming that he had... I'm sure he is. There were tons of different possible groups of people who he's whose accent He could have been trying to be offensive towards. That's true. I did not instinctively choose Puerto Rico So I we're pretty far into this episode now And I don't think that Alex has lived up to this focused and on the ball thing doesn't feel like it This is like that kind of the first news I put in quotes that he's getting to and it involves making fun of AOC for something
Starting point is 00:36:45 she didn't say. And I don't even know what the new thing is. Like he's just talking about something from six years ago that he and all of his buddies made a fake version of in the information war and now he's laughing about now. Yeah. Crushing it. So do you know what AOC said I don't I don't do you know what so when we were You know Chicago I take the public transport often. Mm-hmm Which means that over the years I have occasionally walked in on multiple
Starting point is 00:37:19 Unhoused people sure having a time with their own bodies Talking about a little... Not great. Not what you want to see. No. I felt like exactly that right before Alex goes, okay, let's get started. Like that little bit was just for him. And it did not make me feel comfortable.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Well, I think that that would be like walking in right after the person had finished. With a self-satisfied smile on their face. That's not what I wanted to see, sir. like walking in right after the person had finished with a self-satisfied smile on their face that's not what I wanted to see sir the ooh let's get down to business is more like a refractory yeesh so you don't know what AOC said huh what'd she say in 2019 no this is new oh this is new yeah okay in 2019 she said that the community gardens should right cater to cater to yucca yeah yeah but no now she said Elon Musk isn't smart oh and then you get AOC in one of her latest or latest fabulous comedy saying quote
Starting point is 00:38:22 saying quote Elon Musk is one of the most unintelligent billionaires I've ever met or seen and The poster said who's gonna tell her I? Said in response to reposting it on X at real Alex Jones The globalist would hate it if you follow me and shared the videos and articles that might hurt the globalist a little more don't do that Please is that pat on musk is the most intelligent person on the planet When it comes to wide-spectrum knowledge and force of will
Starting point is 00:38:58 AOC is one of the most unself aware people on earth But also one of the greatest unintentional comics in history. So AOC put out a video where she said that Elon Musk wasn't very smart. And so Alex has tweeted back about this and now he's covering how he tweeted back at AOC about how Elon is smart. This is shit. Yeah, this is like when I walked into a train car and saw another unhoused guy helping out
Starting point is 00:39:28 another friend. Oh, is this show just about Elon being smart now? I don't know why we're doing this. I don't either. What is it about this man that people cannot cross the line of being like, oh, he's an idiot. Hmm. It's an idiot. Mm. It's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I don't know. I don't know. I can't understand it because I've never got it. Like, I've never really looked at him and thought like, ah, here is a great, wise person, even when he wasn't such a toxic fucking presence as he's become over the last few years. Even when he was just a really rich guy who was, I don't know, I want to dig holes under
Starting point is 00:40:10 cities and play with flamethrowers. I remember that. Even back then I didn't think that he was that great. So I don't see what the allure is that you can't shake off. But Alex is in deep. This is bad. This is not good. No. And it gets to a point where he's so offended that AOC
Starting point is 00:40:30 would suggest that Musk isn't smart, that he has to get into the complexities of intelligence. He has to start don't do that. Oh, no, this is a no don't do that. This is very smart, strong recommendation against it. The average Lib tard is taught good spectrum analysis, not even third don't do that. This is very smart stuff. Strong recommendation against it. The average LibTard is taught one spectrum analysis, not even third dimensional understanding or first level responses or issues. They're certainly not taught second level consequences or third level or fourth level or they tell you there's not even a third or fourth level they studied it Because they're designed and brainwashed and put in a position of being a tomatomics
Starting point is 00:41:13 Or automatons. I'm sorry metropolis style biological androids regurgitators Puppets that the intelligent on the force of will scale. They don't even know that real intelligence is not quantified by a simple IQ test. That is only one approximation. Do people not know this? Of the spectrum of the educational systems labels, but he does have a very high IQ on that scale or that gauge. Real intelligence is having a conscience, having innate programming God gave you to have a conscience that is that's true one of the most important forms of intelligence then there's the
Starting point is 00:42:30 intelligence to be able to appreciate beauty then then there musical intelligence? Physical intelligence, which a high capacity, fast moving brain, it's physical, but it's also the body's physical intelligence. The cells, your immune systems, your great immune system. It has a high intelligence and high energy electrochemical operation and So I've told you a thousand times a thousand the most powerful people have wide
Starting point is 00:43:18 spectrum intelligence and then they apply it to real world events. So Alex loves to go into these kinds of blowhard abstract ideas about how your immune system is a sign of intelligence when he needs to defend how smart some dipshit he likes is. But he's also the same person who supports the ideas of books like The Bell Curve. He believes that there's a meaningful connection between race and IQ and has used low IQ scores as a reason why some cultures are inferior to others. If you pay attention, it's really easy to see the trends and who gets to enjoy the benefits of having broad spectrum intelligence and who's judged by their imagined low IQ. It's
Starting point is 00:43:59 mostly if Alex thinks that you're white and if you support white supremacy. It helps. It helps to, uh, cause you got a leg up, uh, cause it was made for you. Uh, that's, that also helps. Well, like the people that Alex yells about, like these are low IQ populations and stuff. He doesn't give the benefit of like musical intelligence or their immune systems or whatever. This is bullshit blowhard nonsense that he's using just to be like Elon Musk is superior what I like about IQ mm-hmm is that ironically it has been one of the easiest ways for me to sift out who I deem smart or not smart.
Starting point is 00:44:47 How much you talk about it. Right. The more you talk about it, nah, I know. What context do you understand that measurement to be in? That's a good. Oh, he's got a high IQ. I, boo, do not care. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:01 But I do think that there is something telling about this. The it's super complex and all of this shit when it needs to be and it is not when he needs to malign and demonize other groups of people. Yeah. So cool. Enjoy that. It's always a and it's an excuse for my guy who's it is such cult leadership. It is such like my god could beat up your god, and I'm offended that Alexandria Ocasio or Kortez would dare how dare you speak ill of supreme leader? Yeah, she should just submit oh boy, and then oh best-selling electric cars Super innovation launched more satellites than everybody else in all of history combined in just a few years the world. I mean, it's super. Super stars. Super innovation launched more
Starting point is 00:45:47 satellites and everybody else and all of history combined in just a few years. Uh and they work great. I got Did he launch them? I think it better. Better all the time. First put him in a few years ago. Worked okay out the
Starting point is 00:45:59 country that what I needed done a year later. That's really fast. Now. Now it's like God Almighty. This is bad ass. the stupid. Because if she was smart and evil, she'd roll over. But no, because she's dumb. Dumber than a box of hammers. The only intelligence she has is a little bit of charisma. That's it. What? That's all. And not ugly, but she's so stupid. She's really ugly to me. I'm super gorgeous women. What the fuck do you need to do is like it's I mean, you are gross lady. You have a woman
Starting point is 00:47:04 that's not classically physically attractive. It's smart numbers like wow talk about sexy that brain. All right, let's hear from this sad creature. This dude is probably one of the most unintelligent billionaires I have ever met or seen or witnessed. You know, you can probably even glean that from watching these people on TV. I would describe this as laser focused. Yep. Oh boy. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I just, I think that the fucking Alex Jones prison planet kind of guy, the guy who's like standing up telling truth to power, I really don't think that meshes well with the, hey, we're supposed to recognize geniuses and then submit to them Do you understand that if you were smart and evil you'd roll over right? I'm smart and good cuz I've rolled over. Yeah So wait if you're smart and evil you'd roll over does that mmm Mmm. Oh, I guess that does kind of imply that Alex could be smart and evil. But he could be smart and good too.
Starting point is 00:48:28 But either way, the mark of smartness is submitting to Elon Musk. Yeah. It's dark. I'm a big fan of requiring as many paragraphs as possible to say, she does make my dick tingle, but I still disagree with her politically. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:46 You know, like you can just say those two sentences, that's one sentence. She looks good, but I don't like them ideas. I think she's hot. I don't think she's a qualified politician, probably because of the first one. Then I was- Very uncomplicated.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And then he does that thing where he's just tapping on the desk. Yeah, like in shame for him. But I don't think she's actually attractive because of the thinking things that makes her stupid. Laser focused. Wow. So at this point, Musk is primarily trying to target
Starting point is 00:49:17 the USAID department. And so Alex talks about that and I'm like, ah, meat, here we go. All right, we'll get to some substance Mm-hmm. Nope. We just get to a British voice great when you see the desperate leftist Surrounding they're still there today the recaptured federal agency USAID They're scared and
Starting point is 00:49:47 Not because totalitarianism is coming for them the people of the United States the The The The The The The The The
Starting point is 00:50:20 The The The The leaves aren't just having no effect. They are enraging and empowering with moral will. will. Those of us who have labored as winner soldiers and paid high prices in the trenches We were becoming stronger under the pressure while they decadently preening themselves on high surveyed us as mere mortals to be poisoned, dumbed down, abused, robbed, and then finally killed. Is that his Puerto Rican accent? And yes, they were successful in hurting and killing many people. But in the end, it only accelerated their final fall and destruction.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I don't know what this connects to other than Alex feeling like The way he talks was never respected like he would talk like a wild Texan I or whatever and and that like he didn't get a Shot at the table. Yeah, I wonder if it's just some something that like because there was that stretch And I mean it's still a trope now But there was that stretch where every villain it's still a trope now but there was that stretch where every villain had to be an a feet British guy sure you know and I think that Alex probably came up in a period where that was probably
Starting point is 00:53:13 more of I think I think maybe he's just internalized that as being a thing that we all believe is that villains have a feet British accent yeah as opposed to that was a trend for a while yeah Yeah, or that like, you know, Klaus Schwab speaks with an accent. Yeah. And I think that Alex thinks that that gives him more credibility to people as opposed to that's just how he speaks.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah. You know, like I think that, I mean, and I think part of that is cause Alex's voice is fake. Yeah. And I think that that is a piece of, this is a bit of performance.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yeah. I think there is a difference, and Alex doesn't understand it, there is a difference between having a British accent because that's how you learned how to speak English and having a different accent because English is your second language. You know? Yeah. I don't think he understands that concept at all. No. No, why would he? It's an elitist concept to imagine?
Starting point is 00:54:06 You could speak two languages. I think that is kind of yeah bunch of bullshit Anyway, that was mostly noises So in a way he does speak two languages grunting and Yeah, that's about right and words and word Approximation of words. Yeah So Bill Gates He's back on he's he's he's out of control back on his bullshit. Totally. Oh man Bill Gates has reared his desperate ugly head always trying to act like he's nonpartisan behind the scenes attacking any patriot
Starting point is 00:54:41 He's the field marshal of the death cults depopulation plan. And he has come out and attacked us calling him a criminal. He has said, Oh, and don't worry, a new pandemic will kill a bunch of you don't do what I say. So now he's like, I've got other bio weapons. I've got other bio weapons. Is that what he said? So they're scared. And as dr. David Martin said yesterday, they got 60 plus known bio weapons on the shelf that gates has got.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Bill Gates is a clear and present danger to civilization in every life on the face of this earth, including his own. Bill Gates worried about Trump must exposing us aid. Waste of corruption claims new pandemic will cause millions of deaths. What did Hotez say? Oh, we'll block Trump's agenda. When a new pandemic comes crashing down on him, he started laughing. We'll stop him. My boss Bill Gates will. We've got something ready for you. Uh huh. Which is more great impression work.
Starting point is 00:55:54 So Hotez didn't say that and obviously Gates was commenting on how indiscriminate cuts to USAID grants and projects would make it more difficult to respond in the context of a future pandemic. But Alex doesn't deal in accuracy so I don't really care to squabble about the details and the lies here. I just don't understand how Alex can't just get up and call for Bill Gates' death. Yeah, absolutely. He's a danger to humanity and himself.
Starting point is 00:56:17 He's planning a bioweapon release. If you believed any piece of this, you couldn't risk him living another day. It's not just that Bill Gates' preferred policies won't lead to the kinds of outcomes that Alex wants and that people will be hurt in the process. It's that Gates has a super villain plan to kill off most of the population. I'm just sick of these games. Alex is supposed to be fighting the devil and he's acting like a con man trying to protect his own ass.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Like just call for his blood or whatever. Isn't that what you're supposed to be doing? I mean, regardless of whether or not you believe he's good or evil, he's a private entity, an individual with 60 known extinction event causers on his shelves. If you believe any of this shit. It doesn't matter if he's going to use them or not. You cannot allow him to live. He's too dangerous simply by existing. Now let me ask you a question. So he's got 60 murder things on the shelf. What do you see? Do you think they're behind a bookshelf? Do you think he's got the spin around bookshelf and then it's all white and there's like maybe
Starting point is 00:57:16 some smoke, some steam or something from it being kept cold and then there are little beakers? Sort of. being kept cold and then there are little beakers sort of okay but actually my I don't know all the right words okay okay but my mind went a little more mid-century modern okay maybe a little Jetsons II okay like you press a button and a bar comes out of the wall right yeah yeah I like that and then there's it's like a fake bar and instead of liquor you have the.
Starting point is 00:57:49 You've got all of them lined up? That's kinda how I imagine it. I like that, that's good. Did you, you went to the bookshelf I imagine. I had, so you go with the bookshelf, it spins around, right, and then I've got little like fancy spinning beaker kinda designs for, you know, cause if you're gonna have a world destroying virus you put it in a nice little beaker, right designs for you know because if you're
Starting point is 00:58:05 gonna have a world-destroying virus you put it in a nice little beaker yeah but it's got to be sealed sure sure it's sealed but you know there's a couple of little spirals in one of them yeah swirly straw yeah a little swirly straw absolutely yeah yeah yeah I don't know I whatever, however he maintains it, I just can't deal with Alex pretending to believe this shit and not be like, gotta take him out. Insane. It's nuts. I don't, I also, I question a man
Starting point is 00:58:36 who doesn't stop at like maybe 10. Right. You know? It's too many options for world destroying pandemics. One is too many to have, because we'll all die. Yeah. Two, crazy. Ten, absurd. Sixty? What? That's an addiction.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yeah, these aren't Pokemon. No, what are you doing? You don't need to collect them all. Why are you making them and then putting them on your shelf? You got ten. Yeah. Yeah, crazy. It's kind of like a villain in a movie.
Starting point is 00:59:03 It's almost exactly like a villain in a movie, like an over-the-top villain in a movie. Yeah, it's strange. Like the Avengers. So Alex quotes Shakespeare. Sure. And then gets mad about imaginary people on Twitter getting mad about him quoting Shakespeare.
Starting point is 00:59:20 That sounds right. Because he's not Christian enough. That'll happen. The whole world is a battlefield and each of us warriors upon it. That's an Alex Jones quote. I quoted last week, my mother when I was little, five, six, seven would read to me to these big volumes from where they are we find those It's a huge storage facilities full of books. They could never throw them away, but they're just you see them come and go big huge thick
Starting point is 00:59:53 Sets of William Shakespeare plays and she would just at breakfast sometimes here. Let's just read a few passages from this Page one a white man's burden one time over a few months off and on she read to me all of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and so there's a quote out of that which is you're based on history and but but somewhat fiction but Shakespeare said there is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the flood leads on to fortune. And I said some people want money or power or whatever but I said my real fortune I
Starting point is 01:00:31 want is freedom and competition and a vibrant new Renaissance. And I went to the comments I love comments and I saw quite a few people saying I thought you were a Christian. What does that mean? Being excited about human activity and the church. And I think that is a very interesting thing that you're saying. Quite a few people saying I thought you were a Christian. What does that mean? Being excited about human activity and innovation in the Renaissance. That's God gave us that. Or. Quoting
Starting point is 01:00:58 William Shakespeare. But it's strange to kind of kind of the old guard. Fake conservatives that sat here and hidden their churches while this evil went on, and then they just run around like Pharisees or the church. They're just praying in public. They're praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're
Starting point is 01:01:09 just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're
Starting point is 01:01:13 just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're
Starting point is 01:01:19 just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're
Starting point is 01:01:23 just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're just praying in public. They're leaves on a fortune. And just it's weird psychology, like you thought I was a Christian. Well, not your type of Christian, I'll assure you. No, not the people that sit around and tell people about the speck in their eye when they got a beam in theirs. You just stay in there. Where you're at, we'll do the heavy lifting from here. I don't even know why I'm bringing that up. It's just weird. Weird things will trigger the fake Christians.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah, that is weird. That is weird. Yeah. Agreed. This show is stupid. Very dumb. Alex thinks of a quote that he's attributing to himself that is a rip on a Shakespeare line.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Then he remembers his mom reading him Shakespeare when he was a kid. And he remembers that a couple days ago he tweeted something that was from Shakespeare. And then people said that he wasn't a Christian. And he got into a Twitter fight with people about this and it's still bothering him. Mm-hmm. What? Why? Who cares? I think we've all grown up wanting to live lives of consequence and, Alex, what can you say but that will change the world. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:37 You know? This little Twitter back and forth that you had about whether or not it's Christian to quote Shakespeare. What are we doing? What are we doing? I do think that there's some incredible truth to Alex's you thought I'm a Christian? Not like you. Yes I agree. I think that that is... Explore that. Yeah. Dig into that Alex, really get in there. Yeah I don't like the soft things about your Christianity. I don't like the soft things about your Christianity
Starting point is 01:03:05 I like that whole Jesus figure y'all won't shut up about now that guy is soy real piece of shit. Yeah Cuck So Bill Gates, uh was on the view and that's really what started all this he's on the bill Gates was on the view Yeah And that's really what started all this. He's on the bill gates was on the view. Yeah So AOC put out a video that said that musk wasn't smart and Bill Gates was on the view and Alex had a Twitter interaction laser focus very important stuff, so Here's a little of Alex on that. Okay. He thinks running to the view So that a bunch of Women they don't have much of an audience anymore, but there's still
Starting point is 01:03:46 a pocket of them. So a few million women that watch it. That's a ton of people. Stockholm Centro. They're women though. Like Bill, what's that gonna do Bill? It's all coming out how you finance the bio attack you murderer. Hell, we exposed it five years ago, but now it's everywhere. Oh, you thought you'd hit us with the attack and then you'd get away with it.
Starting point is 01:04:09 You thought, OK, well, they'll forget about it. No, we're not forgetting. Son, I got family members that were super smart, smartest people I ever knew, They aren't smart anymore. And who are real sick that you almost killed and you killed some of my friends, so I'm not ever going to forget about it. Understand? Because I get to see the wreckage of what you did every day,
Starting point is 01:04:44 not just to me, but everybody else. And all the kids dying with the damn heart attacks. It's all admitted because of you. You just murder us at will. You can't just murder us at will. And I think you know where this is going. I'll get to him in a minute. Here's Senator Kennedy.
Starting point is 01:05:08 To my friends who are upset, I would say with respect, you know, call somebody who cares. They better get used to this. It's USAID today. It's going to be Department of Education tomorrow. And it is. They've announced today, new executive order incoming. the the the the
Starting point is 01:05:30 the the the the the the the the the route looks like. It's what being vanquished looks like. You can smell it. All those cowards
Starting point is 01:05:50 burning up metaphysically right now. Alex is a coward on a level that you can't really put into words. Just put a bounty on Gates's head already. What are you doing tiptoeing around this bullshit? What Alex is saying about how Trump's administration is dealing with governing is right on though. The only way they'll ever be able to get anything done is by causing gigantic messes that need to be dealt with in the courts. While the courts hear these cases, they move on to causing another giant mess that will need to be dealt with in the courts later.
Starting point is 01:06:19 As the process goes along, they cause unfixable damage and force out tons of workers who would be needed to keep the government processes functioning as normal. Inevitably this will cause severe problems, which will then be blamed on some vague deep state actors. For a perfect example, the cuts in public health funding will result in greater infectious disease exposure and probably a lot more death from preventable conditions, maybe even another serious pandemic. Instead of accepting that this is partially due to the attack on public health funding, it'll be contextualized as a bioweapon attack by someone like Bill Gates who was mad because
Starting point is 01:06:53 they cut the public health funding and he lost all his money. They caused the damage and then used storytelling to shift the responsibility for the consequences of their actions. This is a functional model now. Right wing media saturation is to a point where Tucker Carlson can pretend he was attacked by a demon in the middle of the night and he still has a career. These figures can shift blame and control the narrative for a significant amount of the population, but in order for this to work, the people in power have to keep causing that
Starting point is 01:07:21 damage in the first place. I suspect that Alex understands this, that his side would never be able to calmly convince any group of rational people to go along with their plans. The only way he'd ever be able to see the world that he wants come into being is by brute force and pressing the attack while the other side struggles to keep up the infrastructure of democracy. It's so much easier to just wrecking ball destroy shit than it is to fix or build. And Alex knows that and that's what he's cheering on. He's cheering on
Starting point is 01:07:52 just wholesale demolition. Yep. Because I think he knows he's not going to be hurt. No, I don't know why he's not even what like why why hold back? Right right at this point Yeah, the entire power structure is going to defend you yeah Can you even imagine somebody be yeah, nobody's even gonna be mad no like if he literally called for the death Yeah of Bill Gates put money on his head. He'd be pardoned I mean right and not just that but like in the world we're living in like people are still
Starting point is 01:08:25 making like Go Luigi memes all over the place. So like I think you're fine. Yeah, go whole hog It seems it smoke him if you got him buddy. It seems it seems like that may be the case. Yeah And I just I don't I think Alex is just used to the game that he plays it is He's not for this time. No, no, no, he's I mean it's I it is ironic He's he's said often again. We're talking to the gin wishes. Mm-hmm. I wish to be made obsolete Well, not right now, right? Yeah, I I need a few more bars of gold I wanted to be obsolete when I was dead. Yeah. Yeah, I I need a few more bars of gold before I'm obsolete. I wanted to be obsolete when I was dead. Yeah
Starting point is 01:09:07 Yeah, so Alex screams a little bit about Bill Gates because he was on the view Oh, who would go on the view? Who would go on the view? Well, Alex did when Charlie Sheen had him out down and then invited him. Well, who wouldn't go on the view? Right? Now let's talk about one of our main enemies Now let's talk about one of our main enemies. Bill Gates, articles up on I suggest you share it. He makes a threat. Oh, new virus, if we don't do what I say it'll be his fault.
Starting point is 01:09:37 We already told us. I'm in charge, it's Fauci so unpopular, even though he said he's the new Fauci. Fauci is my mentor. For 40 years, he tells me what to do, Ho Ted said. And there'll be a new virus that'll crash in and stop Trump. And it's like literally looks like Renfield in the Dracula movie. Is that his Puerto Rican accent? And here's Bill Gates and Borla and Ted Ross, UN. Oh, the new pandemic will stop Trump. Okay, well, we all know you're gonna do it. I mean, you think you got in trouble last time. Don't do it. Gates.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Don't do it. Stop it. Stop it. I don't think he will stop though. See, some of them aren't gonna give up and that's okay. Is it I don't know how good Bill Gates is going to be doing soon. I just have a I just have a thought that Bill Gates is probably under a lot of surveillance right now and uh somebody like him yeah I don't think he'll be uh I don't think he's gonna be much more of a problem very soon. Seems like if Gates is under surveillance by the government, then it'd be pretty hard
Starting point is 01:10:53 for him to launch another pandemic. So I guess if I'm supposed to believe anything Alex says is real, then that threat is neutralized. There's no reason to believe that Bill Gates is even capable of doing anything if he's completely under surveillance and Trump is going to get him. So that's the thing, right? He's a threat or he's not. And Alex seems to want both. If he's under super Trump surveillance, then there's nothing to worry about, which
Starting point is 01:11:16 satisfies what the audience wants to think about Trump, but it also leaves them with nothing to be scared about. If Trump truly has this under surveillance, then you can't really use Gates as a scapegoat for the next possible health crisis without saying that Trump knowingly allowed it to happen. I guess that's not probably that big of a problem though, since Trump did Operation Warp Speed and was president during most of the pandemic lockdowns, his fans have been able to rationalize that pretty well, so I don't think it's a problem, but you see
Starting point is 01:11:44 these internal inconsistencies. And that's what happens when Alex just kind of flies by the seat of his pants. Yeah, yeah, it does feel like at a certain point, he, we reached a level where he could just be like, you'll get over it. You know, like that doesn't make sense. Yeah, but you'll get over it.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And then we just move on and everybody's like, I guess I will get over it. Yeah, but you'll get over it and then we just move on and everybody's like I guess I will get over it Yeah, hey you guys a struggling with that Ebola in Denver still you'll get over it. Okay. I guess we will Yeah, so why why spend all this time struggling? Let's just get over it. Yeah. Yeah, it's great So Alex had he said that there was gonna be an AI who's going to help break down all this government fraud, right? Oh, is this our Hylth Ranger? No. Oh, we've got a different AI expert who's not an expert in AI.
Starting point is 01:12:32 This actually kind of is a great classic type of Infowars guest, which is someone you've never heard of with a shady past. So I'm going to try to give him the floor here, but his work on election fraud has been very instrumental, but it's stopping a lot of it and mitigating it and creating a blueprint for Trump's investigators to go in and block a lot of it. But that now is being eclipsed by his work on the fraud in the NGOs and up the chain to the State Department and the rest of it. So Peter Berneger, thank you so much for coming on with us today.
Starting point is 01:13:05 This is a complex but critical issue, central, retaking our republic. How should we start with the audience who is smart, but still this gets into rocket science level stuff. How do you quantify what's going on and then start drilling into it? Well, first, thank you, Alex, for having me on. And it's not just me.
Starting point is 01:13:22 There's a team of us across the United States that have been volunteering our time. And so Peter Berneger is not an AI expert who tracked down election fraud and now is uncovering the truth about government waste. Really surprised by that. He's a dipshit conspiracy theorist who's wasted countless hours of people's lives with harassment about the 2020 election to the point where he's been warned by the Wisconsin police that his actions could be seen as stalking and he was charged with a felony for illegally modifying a subpoena. That's a case of him committing fraud in order to make it easier for him to achieve his goals, in this case making a big show out of fake election theft information.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Probably unsurprisingly, Peter was convicted for felony mail and bank fraud charges in 2009 in Mississippi. He and his associate had started a company called Wee Gel that claimed that they could make gelatin out of catfish waste product, but he was full of shit about being able to do that. That was all a lie. That sounds like a huge lie. I like that lie, but yeah, that's a bad one.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Despite his inability to do the thing he claimed he could, Peter defrauded investors out of millions of dollars how one of my favorite things about this case I read the court filing of the appeal he appealed his his conviction and part of it was affirmed But it did the only thing that was really affirmed was like I shouldn't have to pay back of that much and they were like Yeah, some of this maybe isn't illegal. So instead of having to pay like a little north of 2 million back, he had to pay like 1.4 or something like that. That's a good, that's a 25% reduction. That's good negotiating. It's not bad. It's not bad. But if you read the court filing, this is really funny. Quote, David Cooper, an investor who also worked as a chemist for Finch and Berneger,
Starting point is 01:15:06 testified that he asked Berneger why he did not tell the investors the truth in these letters to which Berneger replied, quote, they can't handle the truth. That, I mean, I think that is, I think that's probably accurate. I bet they couldn't have handled the truth. Yeah, because it's a scam. Because you're defrauded. Because it's a scam. I'm scamming you is not the truth. Yeah, because it's a scam. Because you're defrauded. Because it's a scam. Scamming you is not a truth most people like to handle. No. No.
Starting point is 01:15:29 In a sense, they can't handle it. They can handle it, but they can't. It won't respond the way you need them to handle it. Right. Right, right, right. So he was sentenced to having to pay back a large amount of money and 70 months in jail. Anyway, Bertiger is the grandchild of the founders of Hillshire Farms, so he can probably afford to do this kind of dumb bullshit. Why not? Why not? Why not? That's all I have to say about that.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Why wouldn't it be the grandson of those people? The Hillshire Farms people. Jesus Christ. What are we doing? So he's a career scammer who's found the perfect community to insulate himself into, where he'll be treated like a hero and an expert. So good for him. Yeah. Con men.
Starting point is 01:16:09 He found his people. Yes. Yeah. Yes, for sure. There is. And being presented this way on Alex's show is like this is where it all runs downstream. Yeah. It all you can you can get a revamp image if you want to try.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Totally. Social media and Infowars will help you. No, I was just thinking, it's so, it's fun that you stream because I was just thinking like this is, occasionally we will turn the show into a documentary, a wildlife documentary, and it's like, oh, this is how the con men swim upstream to get to their breeding grounds. Of course they make this journey to Infowars in order to lay the fucking eggs necessary to move on for the next fucking... Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Well, it's more like parasitism. Well, there's definitely that. Because Alex will unquestioningly give you a place where you can prey on the audience that he has. That's very useful for people like this. There's a species of wasp now that opens out its victims and lets other wasps in. For a price. Yeah, absolutely! You give me a little extra caterpillar every now and again you can sleep in this guy. Yeah. Great. So anyway I feel like this guy's a piece of shit chair, but I also was like I don't want to shoot the messenger You know, let's see. What do you say ends on the message?
Starting point is 01:17:31 Well, yeah, let's get a little sampling of the information that he's bringing Usaid is funding the BBC. It came out this morning. They are funding The piggy bank they're larger than the CIA By a multiple... By the way, stop the presses. We're gonna have you over 10 hours soon. We'll do a two-hour commercial free. I didn't even know that yet, but that goes to figure. The government funded, they have to pay a license, have a TV in the UK, almost no one watches it. It's literally run by pedophiles that's come out, and they are getting taxpayer money from the American people. Wow, so Americans are paying a BBC tax as well.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Holy Toledo. And they're paying, and the USAID and through NGOs is paying Reuters, Reuters London to do hit pieces on conservatives across the United States. That's 300 million to Target Musk, which again, that's really MI6. Incredible. Incredible. So we've seen so much of Alex just like pointing at the big pile, you know, and so here we have some specifics with his fraud guest.
Starting point is 01:18:31 And this is the kind of level you would expect from a fraud guy. So USAID wasn't funding the BBC. They were contributing to a charity BBC Media Action, which is an international development organization aimed at sponsoring independent media in other countries. The BBC itself, like the news entity, is entirely separate from the media action charity. This is a very important distinction that just doesn't matter to these folks because they're not making a sincere argument. The USAID funding that they're discussing, like all the stuff that Musk is posting on
Starting point is 01:19:03 Twitter, all this stuff, it's a a fishing expedition where they're just going to go and pick and choose things that seem to work for their arguments, which is what you see here. As for Reuters, the DOD had a contract with them for approximately $9 million that was meant to help create defense in the realm of cybersecurity. The contract was started in 2018 when Trump was president and ended in 2022 when Biden was president. And now Trump is back in office and he was posting on social media about how Reuters should pay the money back. This is stupid shit, but it's also an issue where this contract was with Thomas and Reuters
Starting point is 01:19:35 special services, which is a separate branch of the parent company from the news entity. They're different things. Also, this is the thing that was through the DoD and USAID is an independent agency But exists around the State Department. This is just grasping at straws Yeah This is what happens when you take a closer look at the big pile that Alex Will just gesture at because he wants you to see a pile not anything that's in the pile. No, it's all shit That's ridiculous. Yeah, I bet he didn't think that
Starting point is 01:20:03 Altering a subpoena was a crime probably not I bet he was't think that altering a subpoena was a crime. Probably not. I bet he was I bet he's got a fucking Photoshop thing. Yeah, or he did a cut and paste thing. I bet a million dollars. He's like, wait, that's a crime. No, I think what happened if I understand correctly, was that he had a subpoena that he appropriately got through a judge. Right. And then he added stuff to it after the judge had signed off on it. Amazing. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Amazing. Which is like, oh, I probably couldn't get the subpoena if I had all this stuff written on it. That's how it works. That's why we have the whole process. Exactly. If you could do that, then you could have just written it down by yourself.
Starting point is 01:20:42 You didn't need a judge. I love this kind of fraud because it's exactly the same behavior as the catfish waste. I couldn't get this investment if I told them I didn't know how to do the thing that I'm doing. I have to lie in order to get the investment. What don't you understand about the lie? Can't handle the truth. The lie can't handle the truth? Yeah. Yeah, I Do I could the judge couldn't handle the truth like but you know?
Starting point is 01:21:15 There's there's so much of just like I didn't get into fraud because I wanted to work hard You know like I could have worked hard at anything. Yeah, I got into fraud cuz it's easy man No, and I get it and I and I tip my hat, of course You know, that's why I say like he's found his people and like this is where you belong on it. It's good for you but like I The thing that I resent is like acting like you're not a fraud person. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, trying to pretend like this is just straight-up good shit. That's that's where it's but. Yeah, I'm not gonna play. I'm not playing. This is America we kind of Incomprehensibly like our con men for some reason. Yeah, we're just America
Starting point is 01:21:54 It just give us a little twinkle in the eye and we'll all move on. It's a national failing that we have Yeah, I also I think that my what I'm trying to put my finger on Is I obviously don't think that you should be able to run scams like this. Obviously. It's not complicated. But I'm also not like, I can't stop bullshit. Sure.
Starting point is 01:22:15 You know, like it's just not going to happen. Yeah. But I'm also not going to be cowed into a world where I respect those scams. Yeah, that's not, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's, that's the line right I will laugh about his catfish waste right right right but I will not call him a businessman right right it's like Pachino and De Niro and heat you guys are sitting across the table from each other I'm not gonna respect you but
Starting point is 01:22:40 I know that you're a criminal you know those the first time that they were ever in a movie together is that true I think I don't know I remember that you're a criminal. You know that was the first time that they were ever in a movie together. Is that true? I think, I don't know. I remember that from an ad. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. When Heat came out. From an ad for another movie?
Starting point is 01:22:52 No, when Heat came out. Oh, okay. It made a big deal out of Pacino and De Niro. First time on screen together. I guess that's cool. Is that cool? I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Yeah, sure. I mean, they're big. No, I get that but you know it feels it feels weird to be like Oh, I get to see those two guys pretend at each other. Mm-hmm. It's very strange We're weird people it sure is yeah, so anyway That's about all I got He seems like a great guy burnigar. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you can trust his family. He'll sure farm. They have the meats too.
Starting point is 01:23:27 No. No, we also have the meats. At a time they had some of the meats. Now Arby's has taken all of the meats. There was a hostile conquest. Arby's took all of the meats. Yep. What a headline that would be.
Starting point is 01:23:43 So we'll see if that's something that's covered on the next episode. But this was not laser focused. Was that what it was trying to be? We did say laser focused. We did say laser focused. It's a very different laser. Anyway, Alex sucks. This is trash. And we'll see if it gets better. But we are back we have a website indeed. We do it's knowledge fight comm yep We're back, but until then I'm neo. I'm Leo. I'm DZX Clark. I am the mysterious professor And now here comes the sex robots Andy and Kansas you're on the air. Thanks for holding So Alex I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you

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