Knowledge Fight - #1018: February 5, 2025
Episode Date: March 21, 2025In this installment, Dan and Jordan tune in to hear Alex discuss how Elon Musk is totally right to take over the FBI and slash social security, because eventually it will lead to moon vacations in mid...dle class price ranges.
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Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight.
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys.
Knowledge fight.
Dan and Jordan.
Knowledge fight.
I need, I need money.
Andy and Kansas.
Andy and, Andy and, stop it.
Andy and, Andy and, it's time to pray.
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex, I'm Andy and I'm a fan of the show.
I'm a fan of the show.
I'm a fan of the show.
I'm a fan of the show.
I'm a fan of the show.
I'm a fan of the show.
I'm a fan of the show.
I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of the show. I'm a fan of Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan.
I'm Jordan.
We're a couple dudes like to sit around, she put the altruist lean and talk a little
Bit about Alex Jones. Oh indeed. We are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan quick question for you. What's up?
What's my spot today buddy? Let me go first my bright spot today is
Yesterday as we're recording this was the first time I played tennis this year with my cousin
We went out we played some tennis
It was supposed to be warmer and it turned out to be only 40 degrees and And there's snow on the ground right now. There's snow on the ground right
now. It was very cold. It was very cold. But yeah, we did it. It was great. I'm an old
man. Everything hurts. Rank yourself on a scale of zero to Alcares. I'll tell you what.
Here's what happened though. And I'm not going to put my business out there too much. Okay.
This was the first set of tennis I had one off of Ben for the entire time this feels more like you're
putting Ben's business on the street very first time I've won very first time it was great feels
lastly you talking about your business then shitting on his game I don't want to I'm just telling you that I was I was amazing it was truly
an incredible performance for me it's got to be either you were amazing or he was bad
He wasn't great. It was not a good day for him
See look at this talking that shit one day back on the tennis court. They're already
Peacocking around I'm not peacock around I've never won before you got to do it. I get one shot
How did the like it was it like three sets?
Close enough I liked it Like it was it like three sets?
No, we played one set it was six to four six to four six to four 25 or six to four great song by Chicago That sounds true. It is is definitely true. I don't know about the great song part. Yeah, it's great
All right, what's your bright spot?
I was thinking about how there have been like I haven't had a food thing in a while
and I think that there's, it's been slow over at the unnamed grocery store.
And I think that what it has to be now, because I think that was unsatisfying anyway, as a
2025 thing.
Do I'm going to eat something strange?
Diminishing returns.
If people want to send things to the PO box that are fun, maybe, you know, we could, I'll try some fun foods
and shit that people send.
But I think more interesting is 2025
is the year of this pinky ring.
I was literally, you've been swirling it around.
I have.
You've been playing with it like a conductor.
And I think that what it should be is...
It's just a pinky ring right okay but I can review life situations as someone
who's wearing a pinky ring versus without a pinky ring right okay and so I can say
that I went to the grocery store with a pinky ring that is true it felt almost
no different almost no different almost no different. Almost no different. Almost no different.
There was the slight awareness that I was wearing a pinky ring.
There's a little weight on your pinky.
Your pinky is slightly heavier.
Yeah, and there was the walking to the store and thinking,
am I going to feel, is everyone going
to be staring at my pinky ring?
OK, that is an interesting question.
There was a self-consciousness.
There was a question that I had been avoiding about my pinky ring? Okay, that is an interesting question. There's a self-consciousness. There was a question that I had been avoiding
about the pinky ring.
Are you inviting attention on the pinky ring?
How would I do that?
I have no idea.
You've been swaying it about in this conversation.
You've been pulling a lot of pinky moves.
I feel like I'm talking-
Dr. Evil me a couple of times.
I did not Dr. Evil you.
No, I don't think I am.
I don't think I'm bringing attention well
I mean do you want people to notice the pinky ring not really I want to experience what life is like
Within a pinky ring prism right but what is them not prison nice
I like that but and this is something that I don't know perhaps you'll discover
Obviously is this is your foray into pinky ring dumb mm-hmm
I just have always assumed that if you wear a pinky ring dumb mm-hmm I just have
always assumed that if you wear a pinky ring people are gonna be like oh hey so
put that on your page you know like also no one has given me like tribute as if
I'm a mob boss anything so I've avoided that. No tips of the cap, no nothing. I don't know
if I've seen many people wearing caps that are tippable. Fair enough, fair enough. So
I'll keep you up to date on various life situations that I get in and how my pinky ring affects
or does not affect them. Excellent. So today Jordan we got an episode to go over we're
going to be talking about February 5th 2025
Here the pinky ring uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, that is what it is. That is what it is and the world shall
Accept that I guess I don't know
so this episode is interesting Alex lies about a fair number of things and
It's full of shit, and so we'll talk about that, first, let's take a little moment to say hello to some new wonks.
Ooh, that's a great idea.
So first, DdMegaDudu, you are the love of my life.
You make me the happiest wonk alive.
Thank you for marrying this loser little titty baby.
Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk.
I'm a policy wonk.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Next, happy birthday to Tracy,
who is one download from God away from her PhD.
Keep eating your chicken fried steak
and you'll be Dr. Tracy in no time.
Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk.
I'm a policy wonk.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
And the transgender global human rights student
who listens to knowledge fight
while giving black Muslim immigrants government money.
Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk.
I'm a policy wonk.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
And we got a technocrack in the mix.
So thank you so much too.
I'm Redneck Matt and my wife thought Alex was calling Jar Jar Binks a loser little titty
Sorry for exposing you to Alex, honey, but I love you.
Thank you so much.
You're now a technocrat.
I'm a policy wonk.
Four stars.
Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant.
Someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.
Daddy shark.
Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp.
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little little kitty, baby
I don't want to hate black people I renounce Jesus Christ really does sound like he's calling Jar-jar banks a loser little titty
I mean, I I wouldn't if he were to mmm. I would not get in the way
Do you remember who he was calling a loser little titty baby
Was it Schumer? Nope was it?
Was it Bryan Cranston? Nope. Oh keep going if you like now. I don't think I was calling Kaepernick Colin Kaepernick
Yep, really? Yep, man. That feels like a million years ago. It sure was. Yeah. So, today we're jumping off here and it turns out Trump is season control of the CIA.
And Alex is thrilled about it.
Trump and Musk and us, all of us, we are over the target.
Now, the developments are so incredible that I'm going to do my very best to go over it all here and break the latest information as it comes out.
But what has been revealed and then what what Trump's doing, Trump offered
to have all the employees of the CIA quit
and buy them out.
And then under the law, if they don't accept that,
he says all of them, knowing it's the bad ones
that'll quit, then under the law,
they have no recourse when he fires them.
That's why he's doing that.
All of the CIA.
That's how you abolish an agency.
Then of course, Trump won't completely get rid of it.
He'll just put his people in.
This is not a person celebrating a president attempting to make reforms in the CIA.
This is celebrating a hostile takeover of the country's intelligence community, replacing
the CIA with ideologues and loyalists.
Trump's new administration had the CIA send them an unclassified email that listed the
past two years' hires by their first name and last initial, which was a crazy thing
to do.
Jim Himes, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said, quote, an absolutely
unnecessary counterintelligence risk was assumed today.
I wish this was more interesting or complicated than it is, but it's pretty simple.
Trump is taking over the government and purging dissent with the offer of a buyout being the
carrot that's going to be followed by the stick if need be.
Also, Trump did this in early February and he's still alive.
If the premise is supposed to be that JFK was killed because he was going to get rid
of the CIA, this kind of hurts the conspiracy.
He shouldn't be able to do this based on everything that Alex's worldview is built on.
Yeah. worldview is built on. Yeah, yeah, I mean it does feel like first off if you have
a big bad guy with a super powerful secret intelligence agency the idea that
it would just go oh the boss says we have to be dumb now
sounds crazy right so you know it's real because apparently our agencies is go I
guess we're stupid hmm the end I guess we're stupid. Mm-hmm the end
I guess we're being forced to be dumb
This is really unwise
We're we're the people who have our tendrils inside the governments of every major nation on this planet. Oh, sorry
We're dumb now
So the reality of the existence of the presence undermines the premise of the past yeah
In Alex's world.
And I think that that's something that I can't imagine
how he deals with.
You know what, I might even go so far as to say
the existence of the present should kind of remake us
think about how we all thought about the past.
I think, sure, no, I definitely think so.
I think so.
That is a universal thing, but it's particularly pointed in the world of conspiracy theories.
That's true.
And the overpowered, all-powerfulness of, like, let's say the CIA.
No, I mean, in a way, you could say that this was the culmination of conspiracy theorists
wanting one of them to be true
So they made a conspiracy happen and then it took over and now they're realizing that they were never really that smart in the first
Place no and other ones were true. They just weren't that interesting to this brand of person, right? Like Alex, right? Anyway, doge
Great. Great. I said it the present is great
So I have I've been working on a theory yeah, and that is the second that someone says
Doge mm-hmm there should be an emergency button like the idea that you would name this bullshit fake
Government oversight yeah, absolutely After a meme coin.
Like, it's just crisis, crisis, crisis.
No, no, I mean, yeah, but one of the big problems
that we have is whenever things are illegal,
there is no immediate things happen button.
If, like, Soros was doing a government oversight thing
and it was named after a meme coin that he had,
but was doing a lot of stuff that I supported
Still an emergency still an emergency. That's how it works. So anyway. They're in the FBI now cool cool cool cool
Then does is inside the FBI they've been there for two days. I told you big stuffs about to break
The FBI has been illegally
the FBI. I mean, I told you big stuffs about the break. The
FBI has been illegally. Paying
all sorts of groups infiltrate
to set people up. They paid the
provocateurs and thousands of
them there on January 6th. The
FBI director, Persian himself
to Congress started been
cotton lies. It's a lot bigger
than what's already come out.
I mean, for God sakes, there's video, you know, there's a lot of things that you can see in the video
politics. There's video of
hundreds of them in Antifa
gear, putting Trump gear on. I
mean, it's ridiculous and feds
that broke through the
windows. Fake. Arrest and
taking their handcuffs off and
high firing them. We have them.
So you're hearing the media.
Oh, it's about the J six
committee and the illegal
stuff it did destroying
evidence. Witness tampering paying people. False firing evidence. Now that's a small part of it. It's the people that ran the J6
in Congress with Pelosi quarterbacked the attack with a special FBI unit. We already know the name,
you know who did it. So all this stuff about January 6 is bullshit, but if Alex has all these
names and all that stuff, then he should probably report them. I know he whines about Ray Epps and
all that shit, but based on the level of the case he's
saying he can make, he needs to provide more details.
I think Alex is telling a stupid story here.
If Nancy Pelosi and the secret FBI unit here plan January 6th, which in Alex's mind is
a false flag attempted overthrow of the country, am I supposed to believe they left behind
clues that Elon Musk's crack team of young
racists are just going to walk in and find?
If they're willing to go through so much effort to break the law in secret to get their
way, don't you think they would have killed Trump or Musk by now?
They wouldn't just leave like, uh oh, they're going to find, they're going to find the murder
These globalists and Alex's head have the power to pull off any fantastic villain plot
He can imagine but are somehow limited by stupid shit like paperwork
If there's some evidence in the FBI that proves that Nancy Pelosi and a secret team planned January 6th
They aren't gonna leave it to some possible court injunction to say that Musk's guys can't look at that stuff
If they're evil enough and good enough at planning to handle the first part, they wouldn't
handle the second part the way they have.
It's character inconsistency.
This is going to become a major problem for Alex as the second Trump administration goes
The opposition that he's built up as being all run by demons and super competent conspirators
has shown itself to be pretty incompetent against Trump's blitz of seasoned power, which makes no sense.
They're supposed to have superpowers, they can see the future in shit, they've been
doing this since Jesus was alive.
As time goes on, we'll likely see the institutional power that exists as an opposition party to
Trump lose a lot of the traction that it has.
The Democrats, not all but many, seem to be unable to navigate this moment politically,
which limits the checks on power that Congress can have, and the Supreme Court is dubious
at best.
I imagine that we're going to see a lot more grassroots type of entities that are going
to exist as forces actually pushing back against Trump.
So the move you're going to see is Alex connecting these things to his existing villains.
He needs to do that for narrative purposes,
like how he used those fake contracts that someone found on online to claim that Soros was behind the Black Lives Matter protests.
And that's what's going to happen. You're gonna see
organic things connected to Hillary Clinton.
Yeah. Yeah. Because otherwise
Alex can't tell those stories. Yeah. Yeah. Here's the one thing that I would I think
about these particular people is I feel a lot more comfortable when they and law
enforcement are in a far more confrontational arrangement. I do not
like them feeling like law enforcement has their back. That's no good. That is
no good at all. You mean folks like Alex? Yeah, no thank you. Well, thank you. I
think that there is a part of his brain that always kind of thought like true
law enforcement has my back. Yeah, absolutely Because true law enforcement is fascism sure and he had some of that
Yeah, but in reality he wouldn't have any expectation that the police are going to right and now
I think you'd have much more of an expectation. They're like now the system is on your side. Oh, yeah, absolutely
I mean yeah now is not the time to to be like hey the sucks, don't do it now. Now's not the time.
Well, it's not not the time though too.
Fair enough.
Anyway, the globalists are done.
They're fucking done.
Except maybe they're not. They might do a suitcase.
God damn it.
Maybe, but they're gone.
Okay. Okay, the entire old globalist order has been swept away and their death throes are spectacular
and also dangerous and we're now at the maximum point of danger where the COG globalist system
is being taken over by Trump.
I'd use the analogy of in 2001 Space Odyssey when the astronaut gets back in to turn off the
And then as his higher functions just turn off and he goes, I'm losing my mind, Dave. Please don't, Dave.
Please stop, Dave.
And then finally, I am a hell 9000 computer.
I was manufactured in Chicago, Illinois for the I mean, it's it's it's it's happening and the globalist can set off
suitcase nukes and blame Russia, Iran they could kill Trump blame Iran that's the one big screw up
I see is Trump saying if I get killed I put orders behind to totally obliterate Iran.
Oh great.
And the deep state kills you and then blames Iran.
And then the public could possibly be convinced that's true.
And then they have their cake and eat it too.
Not good.
Not good.
I, I, before we go any further, I just want to make sure.
Cause I hope, I hope this is true.
Now I'm not sure.
Uh, the president
can't leave like you have to do this if I die orders I nothing stopping anyone
from doing that right free country right but they can't do that right like they
can't do that they can't be like well the president said it before he got
murdered so now we have to do it well it's not okay you're talking about
something different you're talking about whether or not it's binding right exactly anyone can make sure orders
That's what I'm saying there are no binding we have no like oh he's the president forever even if he's dead
No, I don't think that you could like unearth some secret Abraham Lincoln missive
You don't know that now though.
You don't know anymore.
I don't think you could do that.
But that would be great.
There'd just be a whole new industry of like forged.
We're all Joseph Smith now.
We're all finding gold in tablets left and right.
Just a bunch of forged executive orders from dead people.
Holy shit, I've got your Monroe Doctrine here.
Yeah. Boom, found it. got your Monroe Doctrine here! Boom! Found it!
The new Monroe Doctrine.
Um, yeah, I think it opens up a very unsettling world of possibilities.
But that was a good impression of how.
That wasn't terrible, I guess.
So I think that oftentimes people try to use like movie metaphors and shit to make the
concepts more understandable to lay people.
And I'm putting in quotes because it's a little condescending.
But like in Alex's world he just does movie stuff.
Like he's not even trying to like make a hard to understand concept more relatable it's
just oh I thought of that movie yeah yeah yeah it's fucked up you stupid yeah
it's I think a lot of people want the idea to be like what you described is
like oh well I read all this play dough right but you know we're several thousand
years later so we've got a lot of culture built up so I can kind of lead
you through those ideas through Star Wars
Or whatever mm-hmm Alex is like I saw a bird outside. That's like that movie. There's a bird outside birdman
Yep, there we go now also
Plato left behind
Some things to do after shit
Damn it. What is it binding these days so?
Damn it. What is it binding these days? So
Trump is trying to fire all these CIA people sure and then he's gonna get rid of the Department of Education
All right for people that don't understand statutorily
When Trump goes to all these federal agencies and says all you can quit
Anybody and I'll give you a one-year
Buy out of your salary.
In the executive branch under the law, there's a lot of people you can just get rid of outright,
but other people, there's a procedure
or they can have some legal standing
and tie things up in court.
So Trump has initiated the different laws and provisions
that if he gives them a buyout plan
and then they don't take it, they can be fired.
So it's hilarious to watch all this happening.
And then of course, they said,
why are you putting McMahon in at
Department of Education?
He said to shut it down.
But first we gotta find out where all the money's been stolen
and who the criminals are, but we'll be shutting it down
and giving it back to the states.
And they just go, oh, you're not going to shut it down, are you?
He's supposed to, oh, no media, no corporate media.
Yeah, I'm going to shut it down.
And they just go down the list of the agencies that are, who are globalist parasites at war with us on record.
This kind of has to feel like an insult if you're Linda McMahon.
The only reason that you would be justified as a nominee for the Secretary of Education is if it plans to destroy the agency.
It kind of feels like maybe she's actually just a super rich person who Trump knows well and is easily controllable based on the dirt
he undoubtedly has on her and her husband.
What dirt could they possibly have on them?
I mean.
Those people are clean as a whistle, my friend.
Yeah, when you think of pillars of the community,
you think of Vince fucking McMahon.
Come on now.
I would like that. I think that would be a compliment to me personally if
somebody was like, oh the only reason Jordan was hired to helm this organization was clearly
to destroy it. Because that would be like, yes, that's who I am. That's what I'm here
for, right? You've correctly understood me. Sure. I don't know if that's a compliment
for Stephanie McMahon because I think she thinks she's
going to really revolutionize it and make it better.
Well, here's the good news.
Stephanie McMahon is her daughter who got kidnapped by Triple H and married in Las Vegas.
Right, right.
Linda McMahon is her daughter.
And then was kidnapped by the...
Why, Jesus Christ?
Why do they even say Stephanie McMahon?
It's just because.
Because she's...
It's her actual daughter who was kidnapped...
By Triple H and then married. We're not really gonna allow this to happen, right?
Barely we are. What if it is all the work? Have you considered
that? What if this is all... The government is now WWE?
The whole... Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think the good news is that Trump is a heel and they generally lose at the end.
There we go.
We've got positivity.
Yeah, we got positivity going.
I like this.
I guess.
But I worry that in the world of modern time and the McMahon family,
maybe Trump isn't a heel. Okay, let me throw this out there.
All right?
Well, he's Mark now, Mark Calloway.
Supreme Court building.
Top of it.
Trump to the bottom.
You know what I'm saying?
Well, I, you know.
That's dramatic.
You know, there's a thing called wrestler's court
where people would, if they violated the sort of rules of
K-Fame like yeah, that could be or they just were kind of dicks to the other wrestlers and stuff
They would have to go to wrestlers court. All right, and Undertaker presided over that so he could be in the Supreme Court
Hell, yeah, he has experience. Hell. Yes. We have already made a much better country
Such a short period of time. Yeah pack the Supreme Court with legends
So Musk Elon Musk is fucking great and we know that because Alex says it every day.
And so he can hire anybody he wants. And so he sends in Elon Musk that knows how to go
into a company. Look what he did at Axel. He did that everywhere. Look what he did with
Tesla. That wasn't doing well till he came in and got it. Then he slept and lived at
the factory for a year till he got it done. So no, I mean Musk is everything you've heard the saying he's in your Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. He's stealing it all right now.
He's giving it to the Communist Chinese. He's in your personal data. Oh, and all these globalist
commies weren't. He's not in the little data. He's in the big chunks where hundreds of millions
here, billions there. They just released last night, 100 billion that was given in COVID relief to quote Europe
to all these quote scammers that were just set up scammers globalist CIA Soros groups that's coming
out now and then oh god it was set up and they just got 100 billion all of it got stolen every dime
They just got a hundred billion. All of it got stolen every dime.
Precision incompetence.
Quote Europe.
So it's interesting that Doge discovered there's a hundred billion in fraud around
COVID relief spending because an AP investigation from 2023 found quote that fraudsters
potentially stole more than $280 billion in COVID-19 relief funding.
Another 123 billion was wasted or misspent.
This investigation was made possible by the Biden administration's Department of Justice
having a Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, which was overseen by Michael Horowitz,
who was an inspector general.
Surprisingly, he wasn't one of the ones that Trump immediately fired after getting into
office, but he probably won't last all that long.
This huge amount of fraud was facilitated by pandemic relief programs that began during
Trump's first term and were run with almost no oversight because the severe need to aid
small businesses and workers while so many businesses were closed, it just created a
situation that was very easy to exploit.
It is very unfortunate.
According to the Associated Press, the government
has charged 2,230 people for this kind of fraud as of 2023 when this report came out. Doge is itself
a fraud. Since beginning this campaign to pretend to cut government spending, they've posted a ton
of dishonest numbers meant to make Musk look more competent than he is. For instance, there have been
grants that they've claimed to have cancelled within
USAID that have already been paid out.
So in essence, they're claiming the value of those contracts as savings, where in the
real world, they haven't saved anything.
In other cases, they've made really simple and intentional errors.
There was a case where Musk claimed that he'd cut three USAID agreements that combined up
to $2 billion.
He got that number because they pretended that each program was worth $655 million,
but in the real world they were all contained within the same $655 million contract, so
he was triple counting it.
They're making mistakes like this because Doge and Elon are working from the same playbook
as Alex. They're abusing the cement while it's wet Elon are working from the same playbook as Alex.
They're abusing the cement while it's wet, knowing that this is the only time when you
can make an imprint on it.
You rush out with all these flashy headlines about billions of dollars, perfect for everyone
on social media to repeat and get all worked up about, because you know that if you waited
until people had access to relevant information, your narratives would have zero impact on
that dry concrete.
Alex understands this dynamic and he's built an empire of bullshit on it, but now we have
a government behaving in the same way, which kind of helps you understand why there is
a gravitational pull between Musk, Alex, Trump.
There's an underlying, very much bigoted worldview that they all share.
There is also like an operational like this is the way this works kind of similarity.
And now that they've got a situation where they can assert something and no longer are
we worried about like a pro I don't think anybody
would be or should be worried about a propaganda agency anymore because
they'll just say something and then people will defend them for free mm-hmm
you know and then the fight will happen and it'll just be the fight and it's the
same fight that's been going on for 30 years or what well and if you have any
concerns about anything Elon owns Twitter Twitter. So like, you know, I think he's who gives a shit.
Yeah. Right.
Like if you're if you're at all worried about messaging, don't be say something.
And then it'll be true until it's not.
And then it won't matter. Yeah.
And I think that you also should be like,
I can't imagine why anyone would be concerned about like
saying something that would get them
in trouble.
Elon, probably for a lot of these tweets, in a normal world as we've understood it,
as we were younger, you'd get arrested for that.
It's not so much a free speech issue.
It is an incitement and... It's a whole mess.
It's a violation of privacy, it's a violation of all sorts of things.
And that's just not an issue anymore.
So that sucks.
But it turns out that Doge is sort of a front organization.
Hold on.
Hold on. Before we go any further.
The idea that this efficiency agency
would be a front agency renders all words meaningless.
But do you think Alex is in favor of it
as a front organization?
Obviously, I'm gonna go with the latter.
Yeah, of course, he loves it.
Now Doge, for two days days is at the FBI headquarters.
People go Oh, does that's Elon Musk computer programmers? No.
That's what the media focuses on. And they're great.
Yeah, that no can find the back doors where the back doors are.
You know, they built the NSA modern system. We've had the
former director of it on William many, many times with starting the FBI. They're not going to be able to do that. They're going to be able to do that.
And so the doors are you they
built the NSA modern system.
We've had the former director
of it on. William many, many
times with starting in the 90s
when they quote upgraded it
with back doors for all of the
CIA fronts and contractors,
booze, Alan, you all of them.
And that's all getting shut off. So it's the opposite of what they say. But who's really at the FBI is all of
Kash Patel's intelligence people.
And that's from the department of Doge
where Trump can immediately send his teams into audit
and then instantly start flooding the corruption out,
flooding the crimes.
And you try to even chronicle it,
it's literally thousands of stories just in
the last 24 hours. Here's another one. And I already knew this. I've explained this for years.
It's come out many times, but not the full gravity. You hear about it in Europe where the government
pays the private media, but it's really state run. You hear about the UK and Canada because
they don't even hide it. Well, just the USAID fountain.
That's small, but it was the most arrogant.
And the State Department had full control of it statutorily,
so it was the easiest to go into and the most arrogant.
They've got the State Department. What does that even mean?
Damn law says State Department runs it and reports to them. So you've got it coming out and people think it's already
devastating. The New York Times, Politico, all of them, we're getting hundreds of millions of dollars a year to attack patriots.
Smoking gun truly and Donald Trump and his smoking gun on mosque. Everybody else. Like
I told you once ago, it's not just 300 million that Biden put in a year ago to Reuters. It's
MI six to then run hundreds of other publication attacks on Elon, his family, his businesses, PIs, harassment.
I said, this is going to be a lot more.
And now they found billions, over $2 billion in what they just released yesterday,
of federal money given to the corporate media.
So if I understand Alex correctly, Doge is a fake organization that Trump created that's
full of hackers who report only to Elon Musk, which serves as a front group for Trump to
send in loyalists in the organizations like the FBI to internally investigate government
bodies that they don't like.
If Doge is a way for Trump to send in cash patels people to subvert the law,
it really seems like a flagrant conflict of interests for Doge to be looking into the FBI.
I don't know, this is all insane and it's just really funny to imagine 2001 Alex Jones trying to justify supporting this shit.
But as that clip went along, we saw Alex seeming to get into a specific. He's covering Elon's revelations of all this supposed illegal spending, but is waving at
a giant pile and saying, he's doing so much, it's impossible to cover it all.
He seems to be continuing to do that here, but then he kind of gets into specifics.
He says that USAID paid corporate media billions of dollars to run attacks on patriots.
So Alex already misreported the story about the BBC getting money from USAID, which was
actually money that went to the BBC Media Action Charity, and he never made a correction
about that, so he's not really starting off from a place of credibility.
The next media outlet that people were posting a lot about was Politico, which was not propped
up by government funding. USAID had paid Politico $44,000 in 2023
and 2024 for subscriptions to Politico Pro, which is a policy tracking site. The government paying
for those subscriptions is like how your job might cover your access to Microsoft Office.
Like this is just grasping at straws. Then Elon Musk made a lot of noise claiming that the New
York Times was essentially state
funded by posting a screenshot that appeared to show tens of millions of dollars being
given to the Times.
This was a fraudulently presented screenshot posted by notorious idiot and social media
troll Ian Miles Chong that included all spending listed on the website USA Spending when you
searched for the words New York Times.
Newsweek reviewed this and found that it included a bunch of unrelated spending to things like
the New York Genome Center, so right off the bat this story is a fraud.
As it turns out, in the past 17 years, the New York Times has received approximately
$3.1 million in government spending, almost entirely on subscriptions for employees.
The thing to understand here is that Elon Musk is the person who's supposed to be working
around the clock to save all this government money, and he's amplifying bullshit tweets
from known idiots that lie about what the government is spending.
He doesn't care at all about the core issue he's pretending to engage with.
This is just a matter of finding things that shitheads online can misrepresent in order
to provide cover for the real agenda that's going on
That's being carried out behind the scenes. That's the whole thing. Yep. Django keys over here. Yeah kill everybody over there
Yeah, it's very uncomplicated. Yeah, and Alex is as he has wished to be
Irrelevant yeah, he is superfluous. He doesn't matter all he's doing is sit around sitting around and reading the tweets. Yep
Fuck off. I mean, yeah
I wish to be obsolete. Congratulations to a certain extent. I will say this
There's if if I'm him right?
I would really be mad at the Democrats right now for not having a better resistance
Mm-hmm, cuz what else am I supposed to do? Just read tweets. What are they doing?
Fucking nothing.
This is wasteful.
And it's, I don't even think that you can credibly
come up with too much of a storyline that involves peril.
To Trump.
Absolutely not.
What are they, oh, they're gonna vote, really?
Are they gonna vote?
Because I bet it won't matter.
If you're in Alex's position, there's no credible bad guy kind of thing to do anymore except
for I guess a suitcase of nook might have or something.
Can you even imagine trying to paint Chuck Schumer as a bad guy now?
Or like...
I mean, as an incompetent or like, as someone who's not doing a good
enough job, yes, sure. But like the way that Alex, I mean, it was only like six months
ago that he was screaming about Chuck Schumer not knowing how to cook meat. Yep. And stuff
that feels real silly. Now masterminds no longer feel very mindy or mastery. Yeah. So, um, Alex says he's touched on this USAID
spending and it's all about how the media is all controlled. The government's paying
off all of the corporate media and all this. Um, and so he talks about his experience with
that and he is full of shit. They'll put out corporate news and you'll notice at the
timestamp when they have an attack on me, sometimes
thousands of articles a day. 2017 18 19. And it would all have the same exact to the second
time code. And the articles were all very similar. Because they all have agreements
with each other to that. Well, we're all getting the same money. We do want the ratings. So we all agree to publish at the same
second. These are totally illegal coordinated attacks. It's illegal for the federal government
to censor somebody, but it's really illegal to have them pay people to do that. That's just
posted not for long. This is obviously a huge waste of taxpayer money
That's an understatement. It's not just politico. The Associated Press has been raking in millions of dollars of government money for years
The AP's bias also makes purpose it's the bias
It's not a bias it's a weapon system operation mockingbird of the CIA 2.0. But you guys have that now.
You know, when you get 2,000 articles published
the same second that you go to kids' graves and piss on it,
when you never did it and no one ever did it,
but they don't care that people are like, come on Alex,
there's not 2,000 articles today that you peed on graves.
This feels very specific.
That's not fake.
Come on Alex, there's a 500 articles today
that you beat up your employees and there was a fish tank with a fish in it that belonged to
one of the employees nieces and you grabbed it and ate it. Never had a fish, never killed the fish,
got a fish tank at home, a saltwater tank. I love my fish got some fish been alive 11 years my little cutie
But the point is is that
But my fish's name is top secret the point is is that that's from
the wolf of Wall Street
And finding them. Oh, they can buy it. They're so lazy. So lazy. So lazy
And finding Nemo they can buy it. They're so lazy. So lazy. So lazy. It's interesting how this is like a compounding lie on
The first level Alex is lying about what people have accused him of no one claimed that he ate an employee's fish His former employee said that he threw away a goldfish that another employee had brought to the office in a bag
Alex has attached the wolf of Wall Street thing on to create a straw man to pretend his enemies have accused him of something in a movie
Similarly no one accused him of peeing on any child's grave.
We've been over this a ton of times, but Alex has created this accusation up so he
can defend himself from a fake charge and ignore the reality of what he did and how
his actions have affected people in deeply traumatic ways.
These accusations aren't real, and they weren't published in the corporate media,
let alone in thousands of articles that were set to release
Simultaneously to the second. This is a further layer of the lie that Alex is trying to perpetuate
I think it's believable that some random people on Twitter accused Alex of eating a fish or peeing on someone's grave
But that would be the result of them not reading the actual stories about these subjects
It feels like it's often the case that Alex doesn't touch any real stories, choosing instead
to complain about social media while pretending that he's upset about something real.
So you might see somebody say something in a tweet and be like, oh, the corporate media
is accusing me of this.
No, no.
It's not real.
It's like that joke, you know, like, but you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker
forever, right?
But it's like he's the only one saying it.
It's like you're the only one calling it.
What are you doing?
Nobody's calling you a goat fucker, man.
Why are we?
We're calling you a guy who hit that kid because you're a monster.
Like what are we doing here?
Well, the reason I think in this case, it's fairly clear.
And that is because the reality is that these
parents received harassment that included someone saying they peed on their kid's grave.
And Alex knows deep down in his heart, he knows that he facilitated that.
And he knows that he profited off of what led to that.
We did a whole thing. He absolutely knows that he made a choice to promote Wolfgang Halbig, who was actively harassing these parents,
and is part of the inspiration for why people would have sent them a message in a letter that says that I peed on your kid's grave.
Alex knows that.
And he can't allow
That part of his actual guilt to have any air to breathe, right? So you create the fake accusation to accuse to to defend yourself against
Which is fun, and I hope he's happy. Okay. Let me throw this out at you. Yeah
What if?
Alex was in the movie The Cell starring Jennifer Lopez?
Um, what a- I don't think I've seen The Cell.
Oh you haven't?
Aw man.
Gotta see it.
It's really good.
Is it about A, a prison cell, or B, a cell of a body, like a skin cell?
What happens is Jennifer Lopez goes inside your mind as like a therapist kind of thing
and then you see and then it's a serial killer's mind and it's Vincent D'Onofrio so it's all
super cool and it was made by the guy who made The Fall or something.
I don't know.
I don't remember it.
But it's a great movie.
And the point is inside of Alex's subconscious would be a series of escalating monster tropes
that would keep you from learning
about the truth of what he knows about himself psychologically.
That's apt.
That would be a better way of going about it.
If you had seen this, El, we could have had a nice conversation about it.
Would have been great.
This is now a mess.
I think you explained it all right, though.
I get the point that you were making. But I should probably see that.
So Alex, he's continuing on about this, like Politico had millions of government funding.
And look what happens now.
Politico faces payroll issues amid payroll because Trump froze just USAID.
And let me give you a newsflash, my friends.
That's a small piece of this.
So Politico had a payroll issue on February 4th, which they say was caused by a technical
glitch that led to a delay.
By the morning of the 5th, when Alex is doing this show we're listening to, employees had
already been paid.
But because Elon and Trump have been targeting the media, and Politico is one of the entities
that they've made erroneous claims about, the dipshits on Twitter began connecting imaginary
This payroll issue must be because Elon stopped their money, and now there's no money.
This is right-wing and online idiots engaging in a large scale creative writing exercise
where they're coming up with the reality that they want to impose on everyone else.
Effects happen and then the cause is decided based on whatever the loudest voices on Twitter
want it to be and that becomes reality.
But in the real world USAID paid about $44,000 for subscriptions to Politico in the past
two years and it's estimated that Politico Pro's subscriptions accounted for about $100
million in annual revenue.
So I don't think that ending these USAID accounts would make that much of a dent in their ability
to pay their payroll.
It would leave the government workers without access to an important information tool and
make their jobs harder, but the people who are now coming into the government aren't interested in doing those jobs anyway, so
it doesn't really matter.
Yeah. Yeah, sometimes you do just see in real time, like, a caveman 20,000 years ago, like,
doing a thing, then lightning striking and being like, that was God. There we go. I connect
to those two things.
I better not do that thing anymore.
Very obvious that it was God who did it because I did the thing. Done.
We're moving on. Everybody, don't do that thing because it's God!
And then, yeah, it's like, you are a caveman. What are we doing here?
But this is even, like, kind of more dorky.
Oh, it's way more dorky. It would be a lot cooler if there was lightning.
Yeah, and it's like, the effect is, Polit would be a lot cooler if there was lightning. Yeah, and it's like the effect is
Politico had a payroll glitch that got resolved quickly. Yeah, and then the cause is
Your god
Doing something on Twitter. Yeah
It's not even like instructive for how you should behave it's it's just
background noise in the, these people are like,
oh, we're like Norse Viking people.
We worship like Thor and Odin and shit.
And then in real life, it's Elon Musk.
Jesus, that's sad.
The value of lightning striking
and you telling yourself, God did that,
I can't do the thing I was doing when lightning struck, is to protect yourself from being struck by lightning in the future.
It is a coping mechanism or something in order to gain control over your own actions and
If you are looking at this through the same prism, Politico had a payroll issue and that's
the lightning strike. Yep. I am not
worried about being in that position. Oh, no, but you have
to appease the God, which is Elon Musk. It's sad. It's very
sad. Everybody should do something else with their time.
Yep. Yeah. So Elon has taken over the government. And that's
totally cool. Because Alex loves that.
loves that. Doge is inside the FBI and how they do it is Elon talks to all the experts, talks to
all Trump people, talks to the intelligence people.
He says, all right, well, we're waiting for you to get confirmed.
Give me your top people.
And then they literally march in like an army. And then must puts one of his managers in there that just stands above and
is constantly reporting back and must has got like two,
two phone earpieces is here.
You know, just running around in battle joy.
Because this is a real war, ladies and gentlemen.
I went home at seven o'clock last night and I was mad at myself, but I was cross-eyed
tired and I just said, I got, I got, I got, I got to rest.
Trump is a beast.
Elon Musk is a beast.
This is a fantasy version of what Elon's doing, but it's unbelievable to think that Alex could
say this with a straight face.
I get that he's in favor of what Elon and Trump are doing, but based on the entire premise
of his career, there's no way Alex shouldn't think that this is anti-democratic tyranny.
Like what he's describing is so on its face fucking illegal and just taking over.
Like it's a coup.
What he's describing is before people are confirmed to be the heads of organizations,
give me your top guys and we'll send an army in to force these agencies in line.
It's crazy.
Like, imagining that Alex could support that is funny.
If you replaced Musk and Trump with Soros and Obama, it becomes a little easier to understand
what a sellout Alex is.
Except he's not really.
This is in line with everything he's always wanted.
The problem and the confusion comes from the fact that he spent all those years pretending
to support liberty and democracy.
The John Birch Society could hardly have dreamed of a better turn of events.
A billionaire who's deeply indebted to the government to enable the accumulation of his
wealth is taking over the government and running propaganda campaigns against government spending
that he doesn't like on the social media platform he owns.
The opposition party can't do anything to stop it, apparently, and the ruling party
is just entirely capitulated to the billionaire
Who's reshaping the government in front of our eyes?
corporate interests will reap huge benefits in terms of tax breaks and relaxed or eliminated regulations and worker protections and
Everyone else is going to get fucked this is gonna cause huge problems
But Elon owns Twitter and I think he's kind of banking on being able to use that to divert blame onto other people for the consequences of his actions.
And like, I just can't, I can't imagine someone who pretended to be Alex being this, except
that none of that pretend was real.
Yeah, it is, it is an interesting interesting thing because it feels like it was very obvious
to me anyways, but I guess that's not how it was taught to these people in school. But
the Great Depression didn't happen in spite of the government regulating nothing and giving
robber barons all of the money. It happened because of the government not regulating anything and giving barons all of the money.
But here's what happens when we completely distort
everyone's ideas of cause and effect.
Ha ha, doesn't matter anymore.
That is a good point.
Well, I'm going to say now, just going off of recent history,
this is probably going to lead to some sort of
negative economic outcome.
I'm just going to throw that out there. I think you're not even nearly alone in that
assessment. So Elon tweeted something. Great! I think that could probably be like the sub
headline of like every story that Alex has. Yep. In other news, Elon tweeted something.
Here's a thing Elon tweeted about. Yep. And this one's particularly dumb.
Oh, oh, Elon put out a tweet last night and I read it on Owen's show.
Get it for me again where he says, I I bought into America hook line and sinker.
I believe every jingoistic piece of it and we're going to make it real.
And in that statement, I butchered it.
Because I'm teleprompter free, is everything. Oh, we've been taught how bad America is.
Why did everybody want to come here?
Because it was the best house in a terrible neighborhood.
And it was the flower of the Renaissance.
And its ideas, if executed, empower us. And you've seen that.
And it's a dream. But what we dream we can do. Like Musk in 10 years with SpaceX.
Musk said yesterday,
said yesterday at 12 or 12 p.m. I love America. I loved every bit of the jingoistic propaganda. By the way propaganda never means negative it just
means ideas that propagate your ideas operate you just means, wow. I'm voting. Doing that, huh? I loved every bit of jingoistic propaganda.
I believed it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Now let's make it all real.
So I think that there's a misunderstanding that people have with propaganda.
Almost anything that's meant to convey a point can be described as propaganda after the fact,
but not everything is propaganda in the casual sense of the word, the way people generally mean it when they
say it.
That definition is more like stuff that's designed to make a point by obscuring some
aspect of reality because it's inconvenient to getting the message across.
It's generally stuff that's deceptive, and you can definitely argue that some deceptive
contact has been used
and it's made to further positive goals.
So you can make that distinction and argument about propaganda, but Alex is kind of making
a dumb point.
Whatever you like.
The important thing here is the fact that Musk tweeted out that he bought into American
jingoistic propaganda because that is a word that has a meaning.
It's not about the US being the pearl of the renaissance or whatever dumb shit Alex
can riff out.
Jingoism is inherently belligerent and militaristic.
Jingoism is aggressive and it starts shit.
The US overthrowing the Hawaiian monarchy to make it a state is jingoism.
Alex was supposed to be this big peace guy.
Trump's the peace candidate and he's over here beating off about Elon tweeting that he loves jingoism.
When Musk says that he bought into the US jingoistic propaganda, he's saying that he's
an idiot who bought into colonialist ideas about subjugating what he thinks are inferior
countries and cultures.
That's what he wants to make real.
That's what he's expressing in this tweet and what Alex is celebrating.
Nailed it.
Real sad.
Real shit.
That's pathetic.
But if we all just buy into it.
I don't even like school spirit, man.
I don't even like it whenever a high school is like, go team.
Fuck these people.
You don't know them.
They don't live with you.
They're not following you later on in life
I don't do school spirit man, let alone jingoism. Uh-huh shit
I mean, it's one thing to be like I bought into US patriotic
Propaganda sure then maybe you're thinking about hot dogs and 4th of July fireworks and great picket fences and what have you the statue of?
fucking liberty and shit us jingoistic propaganda is like,
it's a different sort of thing that he's signaling to. Yeah. And he's either, he means it that
way, or he's too stupid to understand what his messaging is. Yeah. In a very dangerous
way. Um, but if we buy into it, I feel like people have watched Starship Troopers wrong
Mm-hmm. That's mainly what I'm feeling right now. I know Alex has I know he had
100 it's interesting you bring up Starship Troopers cuz that's in space, right? It is in space now if we all
It's not all in space or in another way
Everything is all in space. That's true. Mm-hmm. Non-earth space. Yes. There is, if we all buy in,
to Musk's fantasies about how the world should be run, guess what happens in 10 years? I don't know.
I would like to know more. Okay, let me just give you a little tease. Moon vacations. Now I'm in.
If we just cut off the parasites and the saboteurs that use crisis for control,
we will have unlimited resources, unlimited energy.
We'll be interplanetary like that.
If everybody got on board, an average middle class family in 10 years would be able to go to a cruise around the moon and go spend a couple days
at a moon base
They've got all these cancer cures they've already got all of it folks and I could tell you take one look at Trump
He's on it
They had brain boosters that are viral 30 years ago oh viruses are amazing remember the
born don't the third born movie for for fourth born I forget what it was where
where they give them a virus that goes in and recontours the brain
and it super advances your intelligence and also your physical abilities.
They have that.
The problem is it kills a percentage of people that do it.
That is a problem. But the point is, ladies and gentlemen, is that fabulous things can happen.
This fucking idiot thinks that middle class people are going to have moon vacations.
Like no one can afford housing, but we're going to have vacations on the moon.
Are you kidding?
Come on with this, this utopian ass bullshit
He complains about how like Obama
Talking about hope is some kind of
brainwashing with
Expectations of oh, I promise you food and you're you'll fall in line with me
He's saying fall in line with Elon Musk and your vacation on the moon if you're in middle class. Yeah.
Fucking crazy.
Yeah. It feels like the pyramids, right? Okay. But at least this is what I would think. If
I'm an Egyptian, I'm thinking, well, at least the Pharaoh has the decency to say that we're
all going to spend our lives building this thing just so he can feel good forever.
So he can vacation on the moon.
We're upfront about this, right?
He didn't have the balls to be like, hey, no, we make this one and then everybody will have a pyramid.
Fuck you, Pharaoh.
We'll all have pyramids.
Fuck you.
You know we won't.
This is pathetic on Alex's part.
But I'm glad to see that he's studied up on science by watching the third or fourth
Bourne movie, one of them, I'm not sure which.
Seems to me like if they have all this magic shit, like why didn't Biden use any of it?
How could Biden have had that debate performance if they've got super Jason Bourne viruses?
Why is George Soros getting super old?
I guess it's probably because it kills a bunch of people who take it, so they just aren't
as brave as Trump.
But then, if Trump dies, is Alex going to entertain Magic Jason Bourne Virus as a potential
I feel like he's been saying that the globalists are trying to kill him desperately, but now
Trump's given himself a presumably very deadly virus in order to gain superpowers?
This shit is stupid.
Here's what I've got for you. All right. Here's what I'm pitching if I'm Alex, all right
Trump's dead. Oh, no surprise. We have all this technology
Downloaded his brain uploaded it into a different guy. That guy's now Donald Trump and we just everybody just moves on
Doesn't matter if it's true or not. Anthony Atamanek. Yeah, we've, we've set it up so enough people will believe it.
Just go. It doesn't matter if it's real or not. Anybody could be anybody. I mean, if Alex is
going to try and pass off moon vacations and Jason Bourne, why not? Why not? Yeah, nothing matters.
Nothing, nothing has to be connected to reality. We do not need to worry about whether or not we can download famous people's brains into an AI
We can just say we did and if there's Alex and his whole cronies with their full throats behind it. It's true
It's as good as true crazy
So I think that that also illustrates a really like when I was talking earlier about how people are you know?
They try to take concepts
and illustrate them through movies
to make them more relatable.
That's, this is what Alex does.
He takes movies and then pretends they're real.
He's not making a concept more understandable to you.
He's pretending movies are real.
Even if he doesn't know what movie he's talking about.
It's one of those two.
Perhaps especially if he doesn't know what the second one
Was my demon the one in it man? No, he was it wasn't the Jason
No, John written out or Renner Jeremy Renner. That's it. No wasn't that one
Could be any of the board movies. Oh, well, yeah, probably never know. Yeah until we get these brain viruses
So anyway, we're like Atlantis and shit sounds true. I'm in Oh well, before we never know. Yeah. Until we get these brain viruses.
So anyway, we're like Atlantis and shit.
Sounds true.
I'm in.
And it doesn't mean there's not going to be big obstacles in the future and this power
is dangerous.
We have Promethean fire.
That's not just a Greek legend.
This is it.
We are the new Atlantis.
Whether Atlantis exists or not, we are Atlantis, whether Atlantis existed or not, we're, we are Atlantis.
Look around you.
And of course there was people.
There's been other advanced human civilizations, which other before, and, uh,
this time we don't really want to do that. Do we?
So that's where we are. And there
are people that are scared of the Atlantean moment and saying
we will blow ourselves up. So they want to bring in call
everybody, suppress technology, except for a very tiny elite.
And that'll never work. That's probably what caused the last
war. It blew everything. Probably. Probably. Probably.
Now I could learn about it.
Laze fair. Open the floodgates. Let's go.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Like Elvis says, little less talk, little more action.
Come on, baby, let's go.
Let's go. Grab your code and let's start walking.
Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom.
Little less talk, little more action.
Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.
I think Elvis does it better.
Yeah, for sure.
Fun fact, that that songs about Atlantis
Really yeah, and how they could have avoided blowing themselves up if they just went laissez-faire
I didn't know Elvis was that deep in his songwriting. Yeah. Yeah, definitely when he was doing blue Hawaii
Yeah, he was on that movie. Yeah, you got a you know he started to learn about islands
I've I've always been like oh, I think his lyrics are very surface level
It feels very easy to understand
But now that I'm seeing there's a whole Atlantis undertone. Oh, yeah, I didn't even consider that and and
Instructions on how to avoid the next like world-destroying
Well, yeah, I mean if I was going to keep those instructions anywhere. I would keep them in Elvis lyrics
Yeah, obviously you ain't nothing but a hound dog is actually about Julius Caesar. Holy shit
This is game changing
So this is just stupid
Yeah, there's really nothing else to say to that I find myself periodically just wanting to yell shut up
So dumb yeah, so we get back to some some real world stuff as opposed to fantasies about
moon vacations in Atlantis. And it has to do with more of these things that Musk is
uncovering. Okay. Now look at this. Can someone9,147,000
to Reuters for Active Social Engineering Defense
Active Social Engineering Defense
Large Scale Social Deception
LSD. Look at that document they just released.
Now I didn't even know about these terms. I mean, I know about a lot of them, but we're
learning some very nice new terms. Active social engineering defense. That's what they
call the Department of War Department of Defense. And Brene's had the name changed and father of modern propaganda. Look, active social engineering defense,
ASED. I've always told you it's social engineering, weaponized social engineering.
And then look, large scale social deception.
Alex is just cold reading a tweet and reacting to it. Like he doesn't know anything about this
story, including the fact that he's covered it already on his show. He doesn't know what's breaking news because all he's doing is reading tweets and then ranting about them.
Like, on a very basic level, he doesn't even understand what information he's covered in the past or hasn't.
This is all just noise.
He's just getting stimulus in the form of these tweets that someone printed out and put in front of him,
and he's reacting.
Yep. That's reacting.
That's it.
I feel like if I had one instant thing I could do, instantly everything changes, it would
be any question that begins with, could somebody please explain to me, would immediately be
answered with, yes, somebody can.
The problem is not that somebody can't explain it to you, is that you do not give a fuck so shut up and you're dishonest
Yeah, and the the way you're can somebody please explain yes, they had to that's why it's on a piece of paper with an explanation
For why they could do it there was a check written. Yep, somebody went to somebody else
There was a proposal written out then they had to go up to their boss and that guy was like
I don't know if we have enough money this year and the other guy was like no we should cut this program
So we can afford to do this program
Yes, someone can explain to you why that buddy is there right? Yeah, and I think that
Maybe we should reorganize the world in such a way that people actually can separate who wants an explanation
Who's playing
I'm just asking questions games.
Because those people are really toxic.
So Alex has been talking on this episode
about Al Green putting out impeachment against Trump.
And it's kind of funny because if you pay attention
to this clip, you will see very
clearly that Alex did not know why Al Green had suggested impeachment.
And when he realizes he is no longer interested.
Oh, just giant developments everywhere.
This reportedly has already been done, but we haven't seen it yet.
We're checking Texas Democrat to bring first articles of impeachment of Trump's second term. the that he has just brought articles of impeachment against Donald Trump over the alleged threat
of ethnic cleansing in Gaza. On Tuesday, Trump said during a news conference with Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the United States wants to take over the Gaza Strip,
drawing backlash from some lawmakers and praise from others. The movement to impeach the president
has begun. I raise the announcement that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president
Then I raise the announcement that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president with the dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.
Green said Wednesday, all Trump did was propose it and pay people, give them money to move
somewhere nice.
So you can actually, you can definitely tell that Alex had no idea why Green proposed impeachment
before he started reading that.
Alex is not ready to defend Trump saying that the US should take over the Gaza Strip and
you can tell because the best he's got in terms of defending ethnic cleansing is calling
it quote paying them to move somewhere nice.
Alex doesn't care about the Palestinian people at all and any attempt to pretend to care
about this issue previously was mostly based in not wanting to risk losing the deeply anti
Semitic ends of Trump's base before the 2024 election.
He wouldn't care if Israel killed and displaced every Palestinian person.
He does not give a shit at all.
And you can, like what I'm saying, like he didn't know why this impeachment was suggested
before starting that.
It's so clear if you listen to just the rest of how it goes.
During Trump's first term, 2017-2019 Green, who represented the Houston area, unsuccessfully attempted to impeach the president on three separate occasions.
So they are beyond scared.
Look, I know our audience knows they're lying.
You know the law.
But I want to go over it some here and I want to play some of the clips the law. Look I know our audience knows they're lying.
You know the law, but I want
to go over it some here and I
want to play some of the
clips. Of the unprecedented.
Hoaxing that is going on right
now by Chuckie Schumer. Pocahontas.
Hakeem Jeffries, all of them.
They're all over corporate news.
They're all over press conferences saying,
he's in your private info.
He's gonna give it to the Chinese hackers.
He's gonna, people aren't getting their social security,
Medicare, Medicaid.
All of that's a lie.
You're not gonna get those payments if we go bankrupt,
which we already are.
We have to shut this down, grow the economy, or we're
And that starts with cutting energy prices by half within one year, and Trump can do
he did it before.
So you can tell that Alex is eager to go on to another subject.
He just moves right along.
He thought that the green impeachment was going to be about something fun that he could
yell about, but as soon as he realized that it was about Gaza, he bailed.
There's a lot of window dressing on his next point, but the thing Alex is trying to argue
is that the Dems are lying when they say that Elon's meddling will affect their social security
One of the benefits to us being a little bit in the future is we know that Alex is very
much wrong.
He's entirely wrong about the Democrats lying about this. An 82-year-old
man in Seattle named Ned Johnson was erroneously declared dead, which led to him losing his
Social Security benefits. This was in the context of Elon gaining access to Social Security
records and Medicare data and making a big deal out of how many dead people are receiving
benefits. This is a guy who was alive and receiving benefits, but could easily have been accidentally
seen as a case where someone was scamming the system and shut off from the things they
This is one person, but his case illustrates something that could happen and might very
well be happening to a lot of people.
Beyond that, the funding cuts that Trump and Elon are pushing have led to shrinking of
the workforce, which necessarily means less social security reps and offices to serve the people who rely on it to survive
and have paid into it their entire careers.
Doge aimed to close 47 social security offices, justifying it by saying that hearings that
were done there, like they were in-person hearings, and these can just be done virtually.
Simultaneously, Trump's administration has created new anti-fraud rules that require
you to apply for benefits in person and do things like change your direct deposit information
in person as well.
If you want to make these changes, you gotta go in.
It's almost like they're trying to destroy this thing by making it impossible to use.
Social Security is an incredibly powerful and beloved government program that keeps
countless retired people out of poverty.
Everyone knows that it's politically toxic to touch it because it works and it gets rid of a lot of poverty and getting rid of it would kill a ton of people.
That's why there's been a bit of mixed messaging from Trump on the issue.
He's a political figure and needs to get voted into office, so he's sworn that they weren't going to take Social Security. They're just going to make
it better. At the same time, Elon Musk has constantly tweeted this and said that it's
a huge Ponzi scheme and he wants to destroy it. The administration is incoherent because
Trump still kind of needs to be liked as that figure and Elon doesn't. Yeah. And so you
get this. Yeah. And the true face is't. Yeah. And so you get this.
And the true face is Elon.
Yeah. I mean the problem I guess would be that, you know,
naturally the people who are most going to be affected by Social Security
are also a majority of the people who voted for Trump.
And it's just not going to bounce back on him
because they have complete control over what those people think. Well, I think, yeah, and I think that to the extent that just not going to bounce back on him because they have complete control over what those people think well
I think yeah, and I think that to the extent that it is going to bounce back. It'll be
Too little too late. Yeah, or it the damage will be done by the time
There is any any bounce back or consequences totally in terms of political capital for the GOP
And that is really really sad because people are going to be severely hurt by it.
Between the people who are directly hurt by these cuts and making these things more unaccessible
and their children who may need to take on new financial burdens in order to help keep
their parents alive.
It's just a load of shit.
And they're doing this willingly and knowingly.
They know exactly what they're doing.
But you can see there how much Alex is just like, whoops, and moves along.
I wouldn't want to talk about it.
I feel like, you know, he had made a big deal of it earlier in the episode with no context,
just that Green had announced some impeachment thing.
And like he screams about all the attempts to impeach Trump.
This is just like, oh, move it on.
Let's just leave this in the rear view.
It's notable.
As long as people stop talking about it, maybe it'll go away.
So Alex, I mean, like this this show like legit is just cold reading tweets
Elon Musk has posted this and
It's right here in the federal documents. They've been releasing this just to the public
Can someone explain to me why the Department of Defense provided?
9,000,000 147 thousand plus dollars to Reuters for active social engineering defense ASCD and
large-scale deception, LSD.
That's how in the grants at, Department of Defense, Thompson Reuters special services. That's M I six. Look it up.
Remember the 300 million targeting must last year from the Biden administration? A lot of this is even hidden.
And you can read
all about it right here.
About how to brainwash the public under social engineering, defense system, electro electronics communication. North American industry classification system.
Active social engineering defense, large scale social deception.
Zoom in on that.
Look at that.
Just look.
Alex is just reading tweets that Elon's posting.
And I think if you listen to that, you don't have any additional information.
You don't understand what any of this is about.
You just know that Elon tweeted something and there's a bunch of these words in there
that sound kind of scary.
Large scale deception.
Oh, scary, scary stuff.
So also, like you pointed out, this premise and the framing of this is entirely bullshit.
Elon's posting about this contract saying, can someone tell me why the DOD gave Reuters
this money?
He's not looking for an explanation.
He could go ask somebody.
This isn't looking for a reason that the money was spent.
It's throwing red meat to the crowd and saying, come up with fun explanations to keep yourself
entertained for a while while I steal all your shit.
Thomas and Reuters has a company called TRSS that they run that offers software and information
In 2018, when Trump was in office, the government offered up a contract that involved preventing
large-scale social manipulation online, including through cyber attacks.
The contract was competitive, and TRSS won the contract and served as the testers on
a defensive platform.
Alex and his ilk are pretending that this is about Reuters, the news service, being
paid to engage in social manipulation and engineering, but that's because they're
malicious and stupid.
And Musk gives up the game when he says, can anyone tell me why this money was spent, when
he does that, because it's transparently dishonest.
He's playing the same game that folks like Alex have for years where you pretend to ask
questions when in reality you have a very firm answer that you're pushing.
And again, this goes back to the like the ways that these people do make sense together.
They play similar games.
Even if the boards they're on are very different.
Yeah, and it's predicated almost entirely on a power imbalance that keeps people from
applying the same shit back at them.
It's predatory.
The idea of Elon Musk saying, can somebody tell me why this money was spent without somebody
else going, I will hit you in the face for all the things that you have spent money on,
you waste of humanity.
What are you fucking... Can somebody tell me why there's a hole underneath New
York or whatever the fuck it is it's it's you know the can somebody tell me why this
is I'm going to workshop and just sort of snowball this on Twitter with a bunch of random
people coming up with hey I'm trying to get a mob coming together. Exactly. Anybody want to in on?
There's no benefit that is brought to anything.
There's no further understanding.
And there will be no correction when it's like,
oh, here's what happened here.
Oh, thanks, someone explained it to me.
Some well-meaning person wasted their life
spending time explaining to you a thing
that you don't want to know.
It's incitement without like owning the incitement
Yeah, it's cowardly incitement
hiding behind the
mask of
Curiosity and like oh can somebody just get to the bottom of this. Yep. Fuck you. Yep
So anyway Reuters has some payroll issues as we've already strikes
Let's see that in function here.
Oh, look right here.
Politico faces payroll issues amid revelations of US government funding.
That's today.
And they're funding the BBC with your tax money secretly.
And they can't make payroll. Staff at Politico did not get paid.
For their last pay period,
the company just sent several emails,
employees saying it believes there was a financial error
and is looking into how to fix the issue.
And that's the theft they're talking about must cutting off all this illegal crap because
the president has that executive power when he believes it's fraud.
And now they're going to try to defend in congressional hearings, you know, we're coming
that Trump's cut off the money to carry out, quote, active social engineering defense
and large-scale social deception. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Obviously like if you watch enough of his shows he kind of is just doing laps You know like you get these same tweets. Yeah kind of in a cyclical fashion
Yeah, and that's because he's got nothing else
Yeah, it feels it feels so much like when I was working the graveyard shift at a hotel
every morning at like the 4 a.m. Hour
ESPN would show the old
at like the 4 a.m. hour ESPN would show the old
Mike and Mike radio show sure on TV because whatever it was there early thousands We did that back then and it would have just like the list of topics that was a it was a circle every hour
They would go through the same like hey by the way last hour. We talked about this, but this hour
It's like how's fucking Kevin Euclid's talked about this, but this hour it's like, how's
fucking Kevin Euclid's doing this year? You know? And it was like, it was just a rotation.
It was the same thing over and over and over and over again.
That sounds insufferable.
They had to fill time.
Yeah. But at least they were honest about it, like by showing the loop as close to Alex
who pretends that these are all new stories.
Yeah, absolutely. Like they, they just had it out there. So it's like, hey, by the way, I don't give a shit about NASCAR right now.
I'll come back in five minutes.
You know, like I don't need to hear him read a tweet about NASCAR.
It's almost like more, it's worse because it's obvious about what it's doing.
And at the same time, it's better because it's letting you know how to plan your time.
You know?
So I guess we have moon vacations coming up.
We've got all this.
As long as we just submit to Elon Musk gutting out and reforming the government to exactly
what we want.
Hooray, we're the new Atlantis.
A little bit later on the show, Alex has a guest.
What are we going to do on the moon?
I couldn't decide, like in that moment I couldn't decide whether to play the role of like really
mean response of like you do anything you want on the moon.
Or just be like, you walk on it?
I couldn't figure out which role to play and instead I just laughed.
Like is it, has it-
You could do anything.
Well, but I mean it would take longer than 10 years to build something for people to
do touristly on the moon.
Also, like, I guess, you know, it's just being there.
No, it's not!
It is an empty rock in space.
No, but I'm saying that if you took a vacation to the moon,
just being there would be enough,
because you're on the fucking moon.
I don't know if that's true anymore.
I think that's true for a lot of people,
because I was thinking about it.
I'm like, you know what would take almost no time
to make on the moon?
A swing set.
And I'll go do a little swing set on the moon.
Okay, all right. This is an interesting test
Is this a gravity based test or like a space base like nobody's getting in my way while I build a swing set
I just think it's like on a construction level. It's pretty simple. It's lighter. Yeah. Yeah, it pretty easy to set up sure
And I think it doesn't rely on on
Pretty easy to set up sure
And I think it doesn't rely on on
Increased difficulties like if you a basketball hoop would be really easy to set up on the moon
But then using it would be hard. Oh, do you know what else you could do on the moon with the swing set? What could you do cold welding?
Because there's no
Well, you're swinging no no no what happens is if you've got two pieces of the same metal and they touch in space
They immediately become one.
It's cold welding. Because there's, it has something to do with atoms and shit.
I think that was in the third Jason Bourne movie.
It does sound like that's true. It does sound like that was a, was it Moonraker? The original novel though, before they'd gone to space.
That was all the globalist plans.
So anyway, Alex has a guest on the show. He should stop having this dude on.
Uh oh. Victor Booth is a Russian businessman. He was arrested by the DEA sting operation famously in Bangkok 2008.
He was illegally transferred to the New York City Metropolitan Correctional Center in November 2010.
Went on trial and was sentenced to 25 years. He spent 10 years in the infamous CMU unit of the United States Penitentiary Marion. In December, 2022, he was exchanged for prisoner swap
with Brittany Greiner.
He is now a deputy in the regional legislature,
a member of the high council, LDPR party.
And I wanted to get his Russian perspective.
He's also spent the last few weeks on the war front
in Western Russia and in Ukraine, which is Russia, and until Lenin gave it away.
And that's what's going on right now.
So he can start with the Russian view
on what he sees here in America.
Our second American revolution is in full swing, baby.
And we're winning.
Or he could start with the war.
He's got the floor.
Victor, it's good to see you, my friend.
Hey, Trump survived. He got in. He's got the floor. Victor. It's good to see you. My friend. Hey, Trump survived.
He got in. He's delivering in my view. I get chills at the speed of this. This is incredible.
But then I want to think, Oh, but what are the bad guys going to do? And I get really concerned. So
you can start wherever you like. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. You're absolutely right.
It's not only looks, but it sounds like revolution. Yeah, it's a revolution
Sure, so Alex is once again interviewing the merchant of death. Yep, former arms dealer Victor boot like this is crazy
this is like I
Think that if you're a peace guy
Like Alex likes to pretend to be the only interview you can have with this guy is
Like Alex likes to pretend to be, the only interview you can have with this guy is incredibly confrontational.
It would have to be.
But instead, it's just kissing his ass and talking about how Western Ukraine is actually
secretly Russia.
Cool, man.
Yeah, that's real cool.
Incidentally, at the end of last year, it came out that Boot was back in the weapons business.
How about that?
He's brokering deals with the Houthis in Yemen.
The Wall Street Journal reported that he sold about $10 million worth of small arms to the
Houthis with what appears to be the approval of Moscow.
Well, it would have to be.
So that's interesting because just the other day as we're recording this, Trump carried
out a large scale attack on Yemen meant to take out the Houthis.
Trump said, quote, they will be completely annihilated.
So I
just don't understand where anyone's head is at. Like Alex is supporting Trump, who's
the peace candidate who's bombing Yemen in order to fight the Houthis. Yeah, who the
guy who Alex is interviewing as like a really cool guy. Sure. Selling arms to Yeah, ha.
What would Alex think about that in the past? What would 2001
Alex say? That's an interesting question. He wouldn't love it. Probably not. No. Probably
not. I have another question for you. And this is a question that has just occurred
to me. Is it possible that Victor Boot is very good at the act of selling weapons as like a salesman
you know some people are good it's kind of have to be right you're in his
position probably right or is it that there are so few people who are just
willing to straight out and out be a weapons dealer that like people are
already looking for weapons and you've got weapons yes you know what I'm saying
yeah that's kind of a little bit where my head goes I think weapons largely sell
themselves that's what I was thinking? Yeah, that's kind of a little bit where my head goes. I think weapons largely sell themselves That's what I was thinking. They need weapons. They have weapons. You just need a guy in between
Yeah, who doesn't need to be like hey, how can I get you into an extra set of weapons today?
No, no
But I think whatever those used car dealer traits that are used to like move cars onto people sure
I think they're used to not die right I think up selling
cars onto people. I think they're used to not die. Right. I think upselling upselling to life in the arms dealer business. You have to use that charisma in order to survive because
you're dealing with some shady fucking people at the end of this. I'm going to leave this
room. That's my sale right here is I live at the end of this conversation and I'm not
shot in the head by my own weapons. Right. Yeah. And I think a lot of that might come down to you're also a real bad dude.
Probably a real bad dude. Who scares the other people who sell weapons.
Because you sell weapons. Maybe to the point where they make a movie
about you starring Nicolas Cage called Lord of War.
Sure. That does make sense. That does make sense. Very movie like.
Yeah. To broker weapons.
Such bullshit. Yeah.
Just such bullshit. Yes such bullshit. Yeah, how I just can't even
Believe that Alex can look himself in the mirror when he is he's become this yeah said shameful
Yeah, anyway, we'll see what he's up to
But I don't care about him interviewing a fucking arms dealer
I I see now this is the problem for me as now I have an in on the arms dealer because I
remember being in sales.
I remember going to conferences where there would be all these salespeople all in a room
together, all just sales talking into each other about, I hit this blank number or whatever
it is like that.
The idea that there would be a weapons dealer conference.
I don't think there is.
Where guys like Victor Boone are like,
dude, I cleared two billion in weapons,
just generalized weapons.
I'm going to guess that there is not a con
of a convention.
Probably not.
And one of the reasons is I think
that there's a difference between when you're selling
hearing aids and stuff.
Getting the material is legal. It's quite legal. That's true. And what you're selling hearing aids and stuff. Sure. Getting the material is legal.
It's quite legal.
That's true.
And what you're selling is quite legal.
It tends to be.
On his side, he's got some, probably a lot of illegal shit.
Gray area most of the time.
In the same way there's not like heroin conventions.
Sure, sure.
I imagine, you know what?
I don't know if that's true
I'm pretty confident. There's not heroin conventions. Although if someone wants to correct me, they're welcome to yeah
So we'll see where where things go from here, but it's not gonna be good No, but until then we have a website D we do it's knowledge fight comm
Yep, we'll be back but until then I'm neo, I'm DZX Clark, I am the mysterious
Woo, yeah, woo, yeah, woo!
And now here comes the sex robots.
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work.
I love you.