Knowledge Fight - #11: February 10, 2017

Episode Date: February 13, 2017

On today's episode, Dan explains what went down on the Feb 10th episode of the Alex Jones Show. Topics covered include: What percent of blackface is done "reverently?" Was the Civil War a false flag?... Has Alex gotten any better at media criticism? Did Alex just commit a crime on air?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello, Alex, I'm a first-time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. This is a show where I have watched way too much in Four Wars, and Alex Jones in particular, and I sit down with my friend Jordan. Who has no goddamn clue what he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Jordan, how are things? Uh, they're doing good. Uh, before we get to the business at hand, which today we're going to be going over the February 10th episode of the Alex Jones show, that was last Friday as this comes out. Okay. Uh, but before we get to that, there's a couple little bits of business we need to take care of. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:00:39 First of all, got a big old shout out to at randomly Susanna on Twitter. What's up, Susanna? Thank you so much. She made something very cute and very beautiful, and it made me cry. Yep. That's right. We got a cuck over here. We got a pussy libtard cuck.
Starting point is 00:00:54 That is me. That is me. She made us a very nice, uh, drawing for a logo. Very awesome. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. You can find that up on our new tumblr, which is knowledge fight dot That's another announcement.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Uh, I had another announcement, but I forgot what it was. It was regarding the David Knight episode. Oh yeah. We'd like to make a big apology that we put you through that. I know, I know plenty of you, uh, voiced your support. I did hear from at least three people that that was bullshit. Okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Then plenty of you did not voice your, your support and we agree with you. Yeah. Uh, listen, David Knight's a boring man. We get it. So boring. Uh, but we're back in the greener pastures of the real straight hundred proof Alex Jones territory. The ever clear of Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:01:45 What I like to do is I like to sit down and try and figure out. And he will buy you a garden. Oh, he'll buy you a new life. He'll buy you a new life. Yeah. Uh, what I like to do is I like to sometimes try and figure out what the, the plot of a show is because a lot of times Alex Jones has something that's going on in his mind and it sort of bleeds into every aspect of,
Starting point is 00:02:07 becomes the narrative of the show. Uh, and this show, I really struggled with what it was and, and I can't really find a synthesis. Like, and now I actually regret that I brought up the idea that there he's so, so you just negated your entire premise there because if you think, if you think back to most of our shows, you can say yes and no half the time, right? Well, there's a 50 50 proposition.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I promise I didn't. I was just, I'm trying to figure out a way to articulate this. Okay. I'm about to play a clip and I want you to let it play. Let's just listen to it because it, he plays it three times. Oh, wait, what? He plays this clip three times back to back to back. No, no, throughout the show.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Oh, okay. And for the last week, he's played it a whole bunch. Okay. And it's just insanity. He's, he loves this clip. And when we, it's just, it's propaganda. It's Russell Westbrook dunking on the guy, right? I wish it was.
Starting point is 00:03:10 He loves that clip. No, it's that, uh, gorilla drinking its own piss. Let me play it. It's about dumb. It's about how to suck it. It's a kitten that thinks it's a person. It's about how fucking stupid Democrats are. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And, uh, we'll get back and I'll explain why I hate this clip so much in a minute. Oh, also, this is how he opens the show. He has the five, four, three, two, one silent movie era. And that, so just, you know, this is how the fucking entire show opens. Oh, every time? No. Well, that, that, yes. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:44 But this clip is how he opens Friday. Oh, okay. Okay. So it's just cold open. Gotcha. This is a, uh, island that at its widest level is what 12 miles from shore to shore and at its smallest level, uh, or smallest, uh, location, it's, uh, seven miles, uh, between one shore and the other.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Is that correct? I don't have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island. My fear is that, uh, the whole island will, uh, become so overly populated that it will tip over and, uh, and capsize. I stand here as a freed slave. That's how we open our show. We can work, but I can work with President Bush on and I'm disappointed because I thought that there might be some interest because of what he said in the campaign.
Starting point is 00:05:02 What are we going to do? How can a president, uh, who is acting in the manner that he's acting, whether he's talking about the travel ban, the way that he's targeting Muslims, or whether he's talking about his relationship to Putin and the Kremlin and knowing that they have hacked our, um, DCCC and, uh, DNC and, um, knowing that, uh, he is responsible for supplying the bombs, uh, that killed innocent children and families and, um, and, uh... What is Aleppo? Yeah, in Aleppo.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You are correct. Way to go. The fact that, uh, he is wrapping his arms around Putin, uh, while, uh, Putin is continuing to advance, uh, into Korea. Stop it. Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing. Stop it. I decided we're ending all videos now with bong, bong, bing, bong, bong, bong.
Starting point is 00:06:14 God damn it! You can give a better president's smile like Trump. So hilarious. Alex, why did you ruin that for me? So... I had fun with that, and then he did the thing. Then he did the racist thing. I was enjoying every moment of that.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I don't know if it was necessarily racist. How is that not racist? It's a video of Trump, uh, that's sort of pretending to play Xylophone. Uh, bing, bong, bing, bong, bong, bong. All right. I don't know what the context of that clip is, but I know what the context of the other clips that he plays are. Gotta have to go racism.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Now here's what I want to say. A hundred percent. Yes. So that's a clip of, uh, I don't know who the senator is who talks about Guam, but he wasn't literally talking about it tipping over. Right. It was, it was metaphor. It was, it was creative license somewhat.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Alex does not accept that from anybody but Alex. No. Now, furthermore, that is hilarious. Sure. Sure. That would be a funny clip. And frankly, in the context of American, in the context of American history, it is not that far out of what we're used to.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I mean, even, you know, John Quincy Adams thought the earth was hollow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I would buy it. There's a lot of weird beliefs that a lot of people have held. Republicans don't believe climate change is real. I buy it.
Starting point is 00:07:23 But then also that's less crazy than Guam tipping over. This guy doesn't think that, but then the other clip is, uh, Nancy Pelosi accidentally saying Bush when she met Trump, which is a slip of the tongue. Yeah. But then the other ones are, she was talking about her Bush. One senator saying, or a representative, I'm not entirely sure, saying, I stand here as a freeze slave, obviously that is metaphorical. Obviously there's a reason that she's saying that she's not literally saying she was a
Starting point is 00:07:52 slave. Yeah. Then Maxine Waters forgetting Aleppo for a second and then remembering it and then saying that Putin is invading Korea. She met Crimea. Yeah. But. Crimea.
Starting point is 00:08:05 She, whatever. Crimea. It's crying. That sounds like it's in a graphic novel or in a, like, uh, it's, it's the new, oh, that's a crime. Yeah. Great theft auto crime. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 So, but like it's, it's these, it's, it slips of the tongue that Alex has fucking latched onto and made this two and a half minute clip of, and he just plays it nonstop. Yeah. He plays it. Uh, we're going to talk about this on the next episode, but he plays it during a John Rappaport special fantastic to illuminate how dumb Democrats are. They're so dumb. And listen, here's the, here's the bottom line.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I don't fully disagree that Maxine Waters is a little baddie. I don't disagree at all. We are liberal dudes here saying like, yeah, she's a little old. She doesn't have a lot of her facts in order. Maybe it's time for also she's, uh, out of touch and part of a democratic establishment that has clearly fucked everything up for us on their own. But the argument that she actually thinks that Putin is invading Korea or she actually doesn't know Aleppo is, is insane.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah. Especially the first one. Yeah. The only person who doesn't know Aleppo is Gary Johnson, right? Right. And they play shots of him during that video too. Wonderful. And also the rest of it is like a, uh, like a picture in picture.
Starting point is 00:09:21 So there's like the two shots next to each other. It's the video playing and then Alex sitting at the desk, Alex Jones sitting there just like, hmm, just making real quizzical, having his, uh, having his silent movie acting skills. He's doing a silent movie acting real. Wonderful. Yeah. He's trying to, but anyway, I wanted to play that because that's how he starts the show and how he, he, again, he plays it two more times throughout the course of this show.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Okay. I'm not going to play it each time he does, but he does it. He's fucking in love with this clip and it's like, okay, look, he's proud of it. They put together a clip. It's got little backing music behind it. They edit it. I'm sure they edit it pretty, pretty well, right? I assume it was Rob do behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Our do, uh, our, our duty do, um, yeah, no, I mean, good, good on him. Good on him. They, they made a good clip, but again, that's not journalism. That's propaganda. Yeah. So great. Good way to start your show. Dick hole.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Um, he gets down to some substance here though in this next clip and this next clip is what I would call the first lie of the show. It's not as the ninth circus, 80 plus percent of the time, but the night circus show and reminded, I'm going to start the ninth circuit judge, I believe is what he's referencing the night. And instead he uses circuit or the ninth circuit court. It's three judges, but he, he's talking about the ones who saved our asses for a second. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:49 He, he's, he's mad at them. Uh, and he, who would have guessed his, what he said there was actually literally the first lie, but he has a bigger lie that's coming up that 80 plus percent of the time their, uh, decisions are overturned. That's not even close to true. Well, actually the truth is it's 79% or no shit. Yeah. But, but that's not the most overturned court in the land.
Starting point is 00:11:11 That's okay. It's there like number three. It turns out that a lot of circuit court decisions are overturned. Uh, is it, is it an appellate court or is it, uh, the first, so, so it goes to appeals court. It's an appellate. It's in the middle, right before the Supreme Court, right before the Supreme Court. Now admittedly the problem with all of our court system is that the ideal court system
Starting point is 00:11:34 is impassioned or no, dispassionate observers of the code of robots. And instead what we have is weird as random ideological bents from our court system. So we have a Supreme Court that isn't even really like it's a useless nonsense thing. Right. Yeah, it is what we saw. It's maneuvering pieces around. It's not an actual court. It's fifth dimensional chess.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah. How are, how are we okay with the Supreme Court the way it is right now? The only, it seems mind boggling to me. It's nuts. But then I mean, even before the election, you had people like Ted Cruz and other conservatives who were like, well, it's possible that we just never, if Hillary gets in, we'll just never vote for one. And then it'll eventually be down to like six justices and then eventually we can just
Starting point is 00:12:21 get rid of the Supreme Court. Yeah. Well, that whole system of checks and balances was it was fine whenever people who disagreed with you were in power, but now that you're in power, you don't want that shit. No, it's an impediment. It may stop you. Yeah. But again, this comes.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I love, I love Trump's complete and utter bafflement by the fact that the, that the, that a court can stop him. We'll see you in court. He's not, he's not angry about it. He's confused. And in raid. Yeah. He didn't understand that that was possible.
Starting point is 00:12:52 He didn't get away. Wait. Whoa. I signed an executive order. That means it's law forever, right? Yeah. I'm supposed to be king, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I'm king. I'm king. Trump. I'm running this like a business where there's no Supreme Court to stop. You know what he needs to watch? Like real talk. And he seems to any reality show. He seems to love watching cartoons because he did watch, he had finding Dory that a screening
Starting point is 00:13:13 of that at the White House. That was on the schedule. Okay. I'm not going to judge a man for loving cartoons. No. A big Miyazaki fan. Everybody follow our cartoons are cool. If we want to go with this cartoon theme, I really recommend that he watch the Emperor's
Starting point is 00:13:27 New Groove. That is a great movie. Yeah. It's a showcase for Patrick Warburton being great. He's so great. He's so great. Oh, he's so great. But also, we would teach him a little bit about, you know, how being a dictator is not
Starting point is 00:13:42 really cool. But learning about how the common man really lives is important to do. Yeah. I would also suggest he watches Schoolhouse Rock Rest in Peace, Eartha Kit. Yeah. Schoolhouse Rock. Let's go with Magic School Bus. That's really important for him.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Pretty sure he doesn't know how the human body works. Phantom Toll Booth. Phantom Toll Booth. Absolutely. So good. He doesn't even know how Toll Booths work. Bridge to Terabithia. No, he can leave that one alone.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Any children's books. Jumanji, he's got to get on that. That's important. What was Space Jumanji? Do you remember that movie? I thought that was Bridge to Terabithia. How dare you? So anyway, let's get back to this clip about the Ninth Circuit Court and get to the actual
Starting point is 00:14:25 lie. But the lie of 80 plus percent is a slight exaggeration. But well, if it's 79 percent, he rounded up slightly. But the implicit... That's not real. That's not an exaggeration. I'll give him that one. But that's not uncommon for appellate courts.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Like that's weird. That's the lie. Isn't that weird? Kind of. That seems weird to me. That's the fact that I just found out that I am not actually comfortable with. But the reason is a lot of the times when the Supreme Court implicitly agrees with the ruling, they would just reject the case.
Starting point is 00:14:58 They just don't take it. Okay. So appellate court standing rules. So the only reason that the Supreme Court would take a case is if there was a significant possibility that it would be overturned. Yes. Okay. Yes, they don't take most cases.
Starting point is 00:15:12 And then of course, the reason that you would go to the Ninth Circuit Court is because it is... Like, the reason that Washington would go directly to that court is because it is a left-leaning court. Maybe. I'm not really sure about that. Two judges appointed by Democratic presidents and one judge appointed by the G-dubs. But what I'm saying I'm not sure about is I'm not sure how it works in terms of standing
Starting point is 00:15:36 and what goes to what court. I'm not entirely sure about that. The amount of knowledge I have about that is just enough knowledge to tell people the wrong things. Right. Like, I know all the words and then I'll put them in the wrong order and people will believe lies. I will tell you this.
Starting point is 00:15:51 It doesn't matter to the case at hand or to the point at hand. That is a good point. Yeah. So anyway, we always get bogged down in reality, whatever, that has no bearing on what we're about to listen to. Let's get to the real lie. Okay. Clever.
Starting point is 00:16:05 But Buckley ran in here before the show and reminded me of something. That's right. It's the night circuit that multiple times has overturned lawsuits and agreed with public schools saying the American flag is offensive and cannot be worn on any clothing period. How dare they agree? That's right. You can wear death metal shirts, you can wear Satanism shirts, you can wear Islamic shirts, you can wear Coca-Cola shirts, you can wear what La Raza met you, Mexican flag
Starting point is 00:16:36 shirts, but you cannot wear the American flag according to the night circuit. I am going to guess before you say a word, before I tell you, you have looked up this particular circumstance and maybe have some information relevant to it that and hey, I'm going to go out on a limb. Perhaps it contradicts what it is that Alex Jones was saying. Yeah. I can't go. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah. Who would have guessed? That's never happened before. The Ninth Circuit Court did rule in agreement with a lawsuit that was presented about people wearing the American flag. That part is true. Yes. What ended up happening was they ruled that people couldn't wear the American flag under
Starting point is 00:17:19 a certain circumstance, which I will explain in a moment, and then the Supreme Court refused to hear the case because they were just like, no, this is fine. The actual case was about people wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Okay. Now, here's why. All right. The controversy goes- That seems automatically a little bit of like a, hey, we're reacting to your thing.
Starting point is 00:17:47 The controversy goes back to May 2009, an incident between two groups of students at Live Oak High School. At a school-sponsored Cinco de Mayo event, a Mexican-American student walked around campus with a flag of Mexico, and other students flew a makeshift American flag, or United States flag, in response and chanted at the flag-bearing students. Students on both sides complained about the incident. A year later, several students came to school on Cinco de Mayo wearing American flag shirts, and school officials told the students to remove the American flag shirts or turn the
Starting point is 00:18:18 shirts inside out. The educators said the American flag shirts could send a message that would offend the Cinco de Mayo celebrants, and they had public safety concerns. So what ended up happening was there was essentially standoffs between Cinco de Mayo celebrants and kids aggressively wearing American flag apparel at them on Cinco de Mayo. Why can't people just have nice stuff? Why can't you just be cool? Why can't you just allow people to have their fun?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Why can't you just be cool one day? Yeah. Why can't you just- Like, even then, like, look, I get it, you're a white nationalist motherfucker. In high school. In high school. Which, look, you're probably going to grow out of it. Hopefully.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Hopefully. It's time to pray. Hopefully, you'll grow out of it. But even if you're a white nationalist, just like, take a day off, man. Yeah. Just be like, hey, you guys have your thing. The problem- I'm going to try and oppress you 364 days of the year, but I'm going to give you this
Starting point is 00:19:22 one. The problem with that philosophy, though, is that Cinco de Mayo is war day because it's even more on for them. It's like, I have to be even more American on this day against your presumably anti-American Mexican flag. Why do we even have people? I don't know. Can't we just not do that?
Starting point is 00:19:42 It's insane. Are we- We have too many. So anyway, the court ruled, essentially, that the school was allowed to say no American flag apparel on Cinco de Mayo because- So you mean it had nothing to do with the actual American flag apparel and everything to do with whether or not the school was allowed to say it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And the reason was for the protection of both the Cinco de Mayo celebrating students and the kids wearing the American flag stuff. Right. Because it was a situation where they deemed like, okay, there were fights that broke out. There was conflict. Let's just not allow people to have this fight. Right. You're in a school.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Now, as far as the conversation over, and this is exactly what the Muslim ban thing happened there, the reason that they issued that stay on whether or not they could reinstate it immediately is not because they agree or disagree with what was going on. It is not because they say you can't do this or that. It's because he did it wrong. It's because the executive order was written in such a way that it's impossible to take it any other way as a religious situation. So if he had written it much more, like if he had taken his fucking time on it, my constant
Starting point is 00:21:09 thought about Trump is whether or not you agree with what he's trying to do, he's bad at doing it. He's bad at follow through. Yeah. He's like, if Obama was like Obama, if he was going to instigate a Muslim ban, right? And he wouldn't do that because he's a secret Muslim. He wouldn't do that. We all know that.
Starting point is 00:21:30 But imagine he did. He would spend months on it. He would have his lawyers go through word by word. Can we take this through the court system? Because I don't want to waste everybody's time and money on sending it through the court system and spending all of this time going, yes, you can, no, you can't. And yes, you can. He would try really hard as we galvanize the opposition.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah. He would try really hard to actually make it work because of competency. Yeah. Trump has no issue with that. Yeah. It seemed like they wrote like, hey, no Muslims on a page. And he signed it might as well. But it might have been that Trump rights meme. It might as well have been that like that sort of thing. Yeah. But then also the other thing in that ruling was that noncitizens have standing in due process.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah. Right. Which is very important. But I think it's something that we all believed already when all of us. But no, definitely not all of us. I well, but the root of that is most of us believe people are people. Yeah. And one like the declaration of goddamn independence doesn't say we believe, you know, folks are or we believe American citizens, you know, all men, all men are created equal in the eyes of God, not women.
Starting point is 00:22:43 That is a problem. They should have added that. Sure. But but it also it also like very clearly stipulates that rights aren't given by the government. They're given by our creator. Right. Which I also have problems with, but whatever. But it's like AA, you know, like your creator as you understand it. Yeah, exactly. Which again, that's kind of the whole point of America is that we can't have a state
Starting point is 00:23:03 religion. Sure. But human beings have rights because of just being humans, not because the state gave them rights, therefore, to my understanding and my belief, if you are someone who isn't a citizen, we still can't treat you like shit. Yeah, you're a person. Yeah, your rights are granted by God, not by America. Well, because in our confines doesn't mean shit. Yeah. Well, the greatest point, the greatest point is that always is always that a government
Starting point is 00:23:32 cannot give you rights. They can only take them away. Right, right, right, right. That's always the, that's always the starting point for any conversation. 10 fucking years ago, Alex would have agreed with you very seriously. Well, he also would have been concerned about Putin 10 years ago. Two things. I posted a couple of articles on our Twitter, on the Knowledge Fight Twitter. One was an article about Alex Jones' former editor, Ken Nimmo, who came out and called
Starting point is 00:23:57 him a sellout. And if you have, if anyone knows how to get in touch with him, tell him to hit us up. So I'd love to talk to him. Yeah. Second thing, do you remember back when Alex was talking about how there was going to be a concentration camps in airports? No, that was 17 years ago. He gave a report from the road and he was talking about how there was a tape that was going to come out of Trump saying the N word on the apprentice.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That weird ass report that he gave on the road where he was maybe drunk. Yeah. On a plane. Yeah. Yeah. I did a little digging. I found a story about this guy named Marcus Muir, a 27 year old marketing professional from Glasgow, who found out that Paul Joseph Watson, the editor of, he hates SJ Dubbs. He found that that guy's DMs were open and so he just sent him that story. Oh, he just started making shit up and threw it at his face.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yep. That's right. Yeah. Infowars is publishing fake news as a prank. He just sent him all this bullshit and then went to bed, woke up the next day and it was on their site, quoting him verbatim. What a great day for you on our Twitter. I posted a link to this story and you can see there's screenshots of him interacting with PJ Dubbs and it's insane. It's so fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:26 It's just legit. You're busted. You're busted. You fell for it and I looked into it. I looked to try to find that story. It has now been taken down from At least they did that because half the time they don't even fucking bother. Well, they took down all that pizza.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Like Fox News still had that it was a Muslim dude who shot up the mosque in Canada for like 24 hours. Alex has said that within the last three days. Of course he did because why tell the truth? It's lazy. So anyway, lazy. Let's get to our next clip. This is Alex talking about how fucking awesome Andrew Jackson is. When I say this, this is not rhetoric.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Okay. This is what's happening. I studied US history. Everybody knows Andrew Jackson is probably even more interesting than George Washington. Agreed. I 100% agree. The man lived in, he did some brutal things. But if you went and saw it, somebody did the things that Jackson did in it.
Starting point is 00:26:31 You'd say that's ridiculous. That's impossible. It's like the Revenant. Go see the Revenant. That's historically very, very accurate. An amazing film by an amazing Mexican director. But the point is Andrew Jackson lived things like that movie hundreds of times. He fought hundreds of bears.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Okay. So the Revenant is Hugh Glass. That's just another person. It's an actual, yeah. That's another person. Yeah. So he didn't live stuff like that. No.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Another guy. Hugh Glass lived that. Yeah. In specific. Yeah. Now, I will, I'm going to disclose this as a stand-up comedian. I actually do material about Andrew Jackson. You got a bit?
Starting point is 00:27:15 I have a bit. Would you like to workshop this bit on our audience? No, it's done. It's a good bit. I do it a lot. I'm not going to waste a, I'm not going to waste a bit on this. You might have some notes on Twitter. I don't need your fucking notes.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Come to a show. You'll laugh or not. I don't, I get, I get paid either way. This is a public service now. But Jordan Holmes is a very funny comedian. You should go see him live. Sure. So, so I will, I will point out my conflict of interest in, in lionizing
Starting point is 00:27:48 Andrew Jackson. Fair enough. But I will say this. Andrew Jackson is one of the most interesting American presidents in history. Right. Bad people can be interesting. Not, not cause he was a good president. He was very, very bad at being president.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Also, this clip goes on a lot longer where Alex actually gets into the specifics. Do you want me to, do you want to listen to this before you rebut? I, okay. I will tell, I will tell my favorite Andrew Jackson story. And I guarantee, I guarantee that he will not get into it. He might. I guarantee he won't. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Okay. Here's how I know this. If he does, just ahead of time. I get, I will shut up. I will, you turn my mic off. Okay. I'll buy, I'll give you a dollar. Um, when Andrew Jackson, uh, moved into the White House, he had a party that
Starting point is 00:28:33 lasted multiple weeks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. People were jumping out of windows, many broken windows, but the best part, there was a wheel of cheese. Yeah. The size of a man know about this story with the, uh, uh, and, and it just sat
Starting point is 00:28:49 out on the White House lawn forever in DC, forever, for weeks, like essentially his entire presidency. Yeah. And that is the, that is the quintessential Andrew Jackson story. You're correct. He does not get into that and survive when nobody else did. He was completely charmed. He had luck that no one could even deal with.
Starting point is 00:29:12 When he was down there as a colonel battling the British in New Orleans, they had ships only a few hundred yards away with hundreds of men shooting at him in cannons for over a day and he had to stand up on this big makeshift, uh, blockade they put on the road and they couldn't kill him. They were shooting people all around him and he stood there in a big black fur coat, just staring at him with his eyes in the night. And it was like a specter completely broke their will. Nobody talks about Jackson.
Starting point is 00:29:41 No reason made about him, but notice in the White House, there is a bust of Jackson on a horse. And then there's a big painting right behind Trump of Andrew Jackson. He's the guy that killed the early federal reserves they had then. He's the guy that survived more than the Native Americans. I mean, it's, it's, it's so crazy. The stuff Andrew Jackson did, it'll make your head spin. It will.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Yeah. Completing a genocide is one of those things. We didn't complete it. A really tried hard. Yeah. He went for it. It wasn't for lack of trying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:17 The trail of tears. That's one of the reasons one of the reasons he's clearly lionizing Andrew Jackson right now is because he was one of the last presidents who literally go up to the Supreme Court and say, I'm going to do it anyway. Yeah. Fuck you. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah. He was the last. He, well, he wasn't the last president, but he was one of the main presidents who tried to break the whole checks and balances system. He tried to become king. Well, if you believe in this narrative of the elders of Zion and the Illuminati and the federal banks, this sort of, if you believe all of that, there is something to be said for Andrew Jackson because he did try and stop a federal reserve.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He tried to stop everything, which it is, it is like, okay, it's pointed out frequently that Andrew Jackson tried to bring us back to the gold standard. And yet he is on the $20 bill. Not anymore. He hated, we're getting close to that. We're not there yet, but he is still on the $20 bill. So it's pointed out that it is ironic that he hated paper money so much and yet wound up on it.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Fiat currency. Do you think that is purposeful shade? No. You don't think so? No. How could it not be though? I don't know. What, what person working in the treasury was like, let's put Andrew Jackson on as
Starting point is 00:31:44 a memorial without knowing any history of Andrew Jackson. Just somebody completely ignorant of Andrew Jackson knowledge. Well, maybe they knew only the stuff that Alex Jones knows, the stuff about him killing Indians, him standing up on top of a ship and menacing people. And look, he was a menacing ass dude. All these duels. He won all of his duels, which were mostly about how his wife was a whore. He beat a man to death.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Almost. He almost killed the man of Don King. He, I am always thinking, well, they have very similar hair. All right. So this clip goes on a little bit. He, he says something at the end of this that's buck wild. Let me tell you, George Washington's life was charmed and unbelievable as well. But true.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I got to tell you, he's easily, easily. Dwarf by Andrew Jackson with the sheer magic provenance. OK. And also toughness like. He'd get stabbed in duels, shot in duels, bleed for three days, blood everywhere through his organs, wouldn't die, would refuse to die. It was crazy. By the time he was an old man, he would just like drink big containers of like arsenic and lead just to get up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I mean, that's what they did back then. He was wild. He was wild. He was wild. But now this clip takes a turn into the most fun direction of, oh, wait. No, sorry. That's the next clip. That's the next clip.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Sorry. As far as, as far as the. Really should do a profile on Andrew Jackson because he was something else. And the fact that Trump's done his research and is modeling himself after Andrew Jackson sends horror. Not good. Into the guts and spines of the enemy. Good for good reason.
Starting point is 00:33:37 He also says that like. Washington was the first. He bore, he gave birth to the Republic. And then Andrew Jackson was the second father of the Republic. Trump is going to be the third. All right. That's that's some that's some picking and choosing right there. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Although I will say the Muslim man is the closest corollary to the trail of tears that we have right now. Probably. Yeah, I would. I would actually. Yeah, his analogy is not super. No, it's not off. Yeah, the problem is he's choosing one of the worst American presidents in
Starting point is 00:34:09 history as the shining light of America. Just because of the singular point that he tried to stop the federal reserve. Yeah, that's the only thing that's really important because he does buy into the elders of Zion narrative. He does buy into this idea of these crypto bankers who are just trying to manipulate everything and destroy us, which are going to turn us into slaves. It's not too far wrong. That's the problem with bankers.
Starting point is 00:34:36 You know, they are evil. You know, it's just not race based. Yeah. Today we need to talk about what's on our plate and what's on our plate is more Andrew Jackson. No, although it's close. There's some weird ideas about the Civil War. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:34:53 British intelligence tried to get the South to secede just like they did a few decades later. Try to break the country up. Jackson knew about it as president killed the plan because he was a Southerner. Wait, what? I wish they would have listened to him. Of course, his, his, his, uh, wait, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:35:08 Why are you confused? Wait, what? What? What do you, what do you, what do you confuse about? Okay. Continue the clip. And this all checks out. Proto Jay, Sam Houston, president of Texas, and then the governor of Texas
Starting point is 00:35:22 when the Civil War was about to start, said this is a British intelligence setup, do not do this. We, it's been to destroy us all. And of course he was removed from office and ceremonially by all the young snot noses, uh, that knew everything and set up. So, Oh, those God damn snuff. The fact that he's modeling himself after Andrew Jackson, who covertly sent
Starting point is 00:35:41 in basically the special ops of the day to set up Texas, but he was still president. Wait, what? It's amazing. See, see, I'm already going into a history lesson about Andrew Jackson. Excuse me. So now. I like, I like how covertly is more like he overtly sent an army.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Right, right, right. He didn't covertly. It wasn't, it wasn't like three or four guys like silled up to Mexico. And we're like, Hey, you want to give us Texas? How about that? Y'all like that Texas? No, it was more like, Hey, how about we take Mexico too? Andrew Jackson is the closest president we have to Yosemite Sam.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Yeah, but then that, that I'm going into a history lesson about Andrew Jackson means it'd be terrible. Run out of fact. But then here, I don't want to bore you with all of the no more stuff. I know about it. I accidentally stopped the last clip to introduce this. But it was the wrong clip. But now we're in the right now.
Starting point is 00:36:43 We're in the right clip. This is the biggest pile of bullshit acting I've ever seen in my life. Okay. And just enjoy it. Does he do an Andrew Jackson voice? No, but he does. Cause I don't know how you would do that. No, it's over.
Starting point is 00:36:56 The Andrew Jackson part is over, but he does space work. Ooh, it's like bad improv. Uh, let me know. Just, just right now in the big news here. Or yeah, I have some phone calls coming in that I just cannot ignore. Yes. Hello. Hey.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Hey, good. Listen, I'm on the air. I'm going back. Okay. Mom, mom. You can't ignore those calls out of DC in New York. What? No, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Fuck you. Fuck you. Bullshit. What's great is that the angle of that was his mom. That was his mom. No, there wasn't even a call. There wasn't even a call. The angle of his phone on the video.
Starting point is 00:37:45 You can see that his screen is still black. Like there's no, there's no indication that a call is coming in. And what, like he just like puts it up to his ear like it's improv space wait, so it's, it's actually his cell phone. Yes, it's an iPhone. Wait, he has his phone on set. Yeah. He is, he is doing a radio show and he has, he has his phone on the set right
Starting point is 00:38:08 now. It's sort of, you know how like Stephen Colbert or John Stuart would have food under the table that he uses as a prop. Yeah, it's like that. He has his phone that he just grabs and he's actually saying like, I'll call you back, but after he has taken the phone away from his face, it's like, there's, there's no way you're not, you're not on a call. This is planned.
Starting point is 00:38:27 So wait, this is so planned. But what was the plan? The plan is to make it look like he has insider sources calling him. Oh, so he wasn't, that was, that was just really bad. That was just a bling. Yeah, absolutely. That was a bit. Who would have been on the other end of that call if it was a DC or
Starting point is 00:38:44 New York, Jerome Corsi, maybe. So, so somebody's on the other end of that call. Yeah. They have no idea one that he does this show at the same time. Every goddamn day. Let's also consider that he doesn't have their number saved. It's just a call out of New York or DC. Also, they're calling him, not texting him.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. What bullshit? That is serious bullshit. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. He might as well have said that's his girl from, from Canada calling and you wouldn't know her. No, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:17 She's, she's a model. No big deal. It's really cool though. She's super cool. She's like down to earth. We love talking. She loves, she loves books. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You guys ever read books? All right, Jordan, this next clip. Yes. Ah, boy, you know, you know how Alex likes to do media criticism. I love it when he does media criticism. This next clip is another example of. I assume the only thing he criticizes is always going to be Transformers and Cookie Monster, correct?
Starting point is 00:39:44 I wish, I wish. This is a, this is a clip from CNN about how Putin is involved in like Marie Le Pen's situation over in Spain. He is. Isn't that crazy? It is pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy. Alex thinks.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Sure seems like he's trying to infiltrate every member of NATO and influence the outcome in order to bring in nationalistic weirdos. Isn't that crazy? It is crazy. Yeah, but Alex thinks that's a bunch of umpus bumpus. And he, he hates that. And this is his critique of a CNN clip about that very story. The British intelligence in the Civil War.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Are we not going to deal with that at all? No. Oh, OK. Wait, oh, no, of course not. No, of course. So he just threw that in and then we're going to bail on. Who cares? Immediately.
Starting point is 00:40:33 We're going to throw that away. The Civil War was planned by the British. Dur. Dur. But. Dur. But no. Come on.
Starting point is 00:40:43 It's so fucking obvious. And we forgot that in that other clip, he also said my whole family fought on the side of the south. Yeah. Yeah. Congrats. That's like, that's like, that's the exact same thing as people going like the Civil War was fought over states rights.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Sure. Sure, man. Don't be an asshole. I think you might get it. It is fought over owning people. Fuck you. I think he might get back to this in a later clip. But so this is this analysis of a CNN clip that is just fucking
Starting point is 00:41:12 an Alec style using similar tactics to how they targeted Hillary Clinton's potential campaign. So, so, so number one, they never proved Russia hacked anything here. They called them being on Russian TV supporting Trump. Some that that was the influence. What about the Saudi Arabians? What about the communist Chinese? What about the EU?
Starting point is 00:41:30 What about Hollywood? What about the whole power structure and Katy Perry and the Trump? What about the American people with the pluribus? What about left shark? What about Bob? See, no, no, it's the Russians. So now, if anything ever comes out corrupt about officials here in America or in Russia or anywhere else, the Russians did it.
Starting point is 00:41:48 If corruption comes out in Japan or Mexico, the Russians did it. If your wife catches you cheating on her, the Russians did it. You know that Brady and others didn't win the Super Bowl Sunday. You know, there's a meme out there that the Russians did it. And it's white supremacy. I'm not joking. It's white supremacy because there were a few white players. White New England Patriots, and that's not right.
Starting point is 00:42:13 So he just literally said, I'm not joking. So you must mean it. Yeah, he clearly means that batshit crazy shit, he said. No one, no one means that. No one says that legitimately. No, I think everybody means it. Well, like, no, there's a meme going around. You know how memes are always 100 percent serious.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Absolutely reflect. I can't remember any meme I've ever seen that was a joke. Yeah, never. And he's not joking. No. So we know that memes aren't joking. This goes back to his. We know that the British influenced the Russian Civil War.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Wait, what? Yep. All right. This goes back to him on Rogan being like not understanding that people are joking when they say he's Bill Hicks. Yeah. Him not understanding that people are fucking around. If anybody says that the Russians caused the Patriots to win the Super Bowl,
Starting point is 00:43:01 they're not really saying that. You always, but you always have to be under attack. That's why the right wing is never funny. Yeah, because they always have to be under attack. So you can never go far enough to like they don't understand the absurdity of that where it's like, yeah, we know the Russians, we know, did one thing. So the dirty, if it's if it's one thing that they did, which the dirty dossier is now being corroborated all over the place, all over the place.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Our government committed all kinds of trees and we're still just fine with it. At least Flynn, at least Flynn should be in a fucking small field. He should be hung. Yeah, that's the street. That's the real thing. Nobody's committed trees in for so long. If you go hung in public at best, at best, he violated the Logan Act.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah, at worst, he should be hung on the streets. Yeah, but absolutely with the dirty dossier. Yeah, it's all P stuff, but that's the thing. That's the thing where it's like you can't go too far, you know. So with the left, the idea is always going not even the left, just with fucking funny people. It's always going to be this is silly how this is real. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:12 So let's go and put it in different situations. Let's find an analog. Yeah. And it's even sillier there. Yeah. But if you're the right wing, it always has to be a tech. Otherwise it's not it's then it becomes silly. But you realize it's silly all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:28 I think that what you're also getting to is that the right wing and the right side of things kind of isn't able or not not able, but they seem unwilling to engage in abstract thinking. Yeah, it's all concrete. It's all like these memes say that Russia is part of the Super Bowl. That they must be saying that. And as we all know, only the Sith deal in absolutes. Oh, oh, I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yes, this is news. I do know that. Well, it's fake news. It was in Star Wars. Fake news, fake news. Chicoms. So we haven't even gotten to the media criticism part. This is fucking bananas.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Once Alex gets to it. All right, let's get in. You know, remember how he started to fucking flex on that? Brian Stalter. Yeah, I know why this gets worse. Oh, that we pull up some of those memes, maybe where they just just have it means Russians made the Patriots win.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Folks, the Russians didn't make the Patriots win. We know don't float. The Russians didn't attack Korea. Bush is still in office. These are all real things that current members of Congress believe again, he does not realize that it slips of tongue. Yeah. And not really saying that someone is invading Korea.
Starting point is 00:45:45 She meant Crimea. Right. Whatever, which is not. It's not a it's an easy slip of the tongue. It is. And let's imagine you were shitfaced on somebody's podcast. Sure. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And maybe you let loose that you believe in 12 dimensions. Sure. You wouldn't want that to be held against you. No, like you wouldn't want somebody to take that clip and then put it onto a show and talk endlessly about it. That would be offensive to you. Right. I think that's pretty different.
Starting point is 00:46:14 It's very different. But also I want to say that if your evidence that Democrats are insane are one slip of the tongue in terms of Nancy Pelosi saying that Bush is in office when she met Trump, obviously. Yeah. And then the other Crimea, Korea, which sound very similar lapses. Yeah. If that's your point and you want to play those clips for a week,
Starting point is 00:46:40 you got nothing. Well, you have nothing. It's like the Jay Leno, like a man on the street interviews where he cherry picks the silliest answers. Like if you that's a subject for another day because he has a man on the street named Mark Dice. Oh, and he goes out there. Why are his names always the best?
Starting point is 00:46:59 They're such good names. They're so good. Like if the UN had people with names like his, we wouldn't wind up with evil sounding shit like Agenda 21. It's the Propaganda version. We wind up with Dirty dossier. It's a propaganda version of porn names. Yeah, like that is.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Yes. Yes. Rob do 100%. Yes, Leanne McAdoo. Yes, Mark Dice. Fuck face McGee. John Rappaport is still fine. The Boppa is on the last name is fun.
Starting point is 00:47:27 David Big Dick Knight. Yeah. Oh, that's what he's known on the street. He has to be known on the street. Anyway, we got to get back. Okay. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:36 What type of drugs are they on? We don't know. What's wrong with Nancy Pelosi? She looks like an ostrich on PCP. Stop attacking Paris. She looks like she's on another planet. But the Russians did it. The Russians did it.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Let's let's finish up the oh my gosh. The French might want sovereignty. The French might not want to be part of the unelected EU. They never voted to be part of the Russians pulled out of globalism as well, 18, 19 years ago. So the only truth that the Russians did it is the Russians started doing it first after they enjoyed 85 years of New World Order, social engineering, robber baron,
Starting point is 00:48:15 proto-globalism. We got to interrupt this way more than I expected. Wait, wait, what? The only evidence that the Russians did it is that the Russians did it first. He's talking about. He just said that, right? He's talking about again, the kicking out of the oligarchs,
Starting point is 00:48:29 that whole narrative. Yes. He's talking about that 18 years ago. That is them kicking out globalism. Right. And so they're on the vanguard of this new nationalism movement. Of kicking out globalism. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:43 With Maria Le Pen, the Brexit, apparently the Italians are trying to get out of the EU. Right. Things like that are all like, oh yeah, this is, this is us just realizing our sovereignty and getting out of unelected international law. Except it's all elected. Well, maybe.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I mean, you don't get to join the EU if your elected government doesn't say like, yeah, let's join the EU. It's a complicated process. It is a complicated process. It takes a long time. Yeah. But, but maybe you don't just jump in. Maybe what he's saying is that when the EU started, okay, they
Starting point is 00:49:20 were grandfathered in because we needed a founding team. And so like France got in on the ground floor. I mean, they did need a team that should stop going to war with each other for thousands of years. That was a really good team to get. Sure. That was a smart team. That's a better team than the one that's fighting each other all the time.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah, right? Sure. That team is a bad team. Like by the definition of the word team. Yeah. I'm not here to say that the EU is the perfect system for the world. I'm not, I'm not here to say that UN is perfect. We're.
Starting point is 00:49:49 But I am, I am saying that some sort of international, uh, working together is an incredibly positive thing. Yeah. And the reason that it's done is because of atrocities that have happened in the past and all of the atrocities and hoping that so many atrocities and working fucking, hopefully that they won't happen again. That's the reason that international bodies exist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And, and the rise of nationalism suggests more that it's like a, it's like a pendulum. It seems like people want atrocities to happen. Well, the last time, uh, and, you know, the UN was created after World War Two. Yeah. Uh, and. As was the EU.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And that was really the last time that nationalism had a really aggressive flare up. Right. So, which was long enough ago that we actually forgot the ramifications of that type of thinking. Or we pretend that what happened there was fake news. Fake news. You know, we pretend that the Holocaust was fake news, which some people do.
Starting point is 00:50:53 How, how, why are people so bad at being people? I don't know. You ever wonder what would happen if people were not bad at that? I don't know. Maybe have a utopia. How do you deny the Holocaust? Well, actually I've, I've, I've done better. You've denied the Holocaust in the past.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Actually, I've done a little bit of Holocaust denying in the past. Tell you how it feels. I've had a good, I've had a good weekend or two. I went out into the forest and I denied the Holocaust. I've done some research into Holocaust deniers. And most of them don't deny that the Holocaust happened, but they deny the circumstances of it. They believe that there weren't gas chambers and mass killings of Jews.
Starting point is 00:51:35 They also believe that the six million number is off. Okay. Because it was published beforehand. Before the Holocaust, people predicted that six million Jews would be killed. Okay. And then six million is now the number. Oh, is that too much of a coincidence? That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Okay. But then also, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Their other argument that they make is that it, they weren't death camps. They were work camps. And then there was tons of aggressive bombing campaigns throughout Germany. And supply chains got cut off and they didn't have medication and food. So a lot of people who were at slave camps ended up dying. They weren't mass killed.
Starting point is 00:52:17 They just died because of circumstance. I'm not sure that makes it better. No, but that's, but those are some arguments instead of, instead of being put into an oven, your work to death. Yeah. Those are some arguments that are made by Holocaust deniers that aren't like this. It didn't happen. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It happened differently. Right. It always, it always comes back to that as long as you are only looking for information that supports the already crazy thing you think of, you will continue to believe that stuff. Yeah. So any information that doesn't support that, you just reject out of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Because you can always look for more information that supports your dumb shit. Yeah. But there's also a great episode of Montel Holocaust deniers weekly. Montel had a great episode about Holocaust denial. Really? Yeah. It's crazy. Montel?
Starting point is 00:53:06 You can find it on YouTube. It's really great. All right. Montel. Yeah. It's really interesting. He's at the vanguard of defeating anti-seminists. His daytime show used to be fucking hot fire.
Starting point is 00:53:16 No shit. Yeah. He, he was straight up interesting conversations. He has this daytime show. Uh-huh. He has two Holocaust deniers on there and two survivors. Uh-huh. And that's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:31 It's what, what, what, what's crazier? Did the survivors just beat the deniers to death? No, what's crazier is it's a civil sort of discussion about stuff and the audience asking questions is not, it's not like a raucous. Everyone's mad at each other. It's perspectives being laid out and shit. It's amazing. Montel, we need him right now.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I never thought I'd say that. Never before uttered on this planet. That we need Montel right now. That kind of show is amazing. The idea that you could have people who deny a Holocaust, people who have first hand experience on a show together and it doesn't turn into a fight. It's amazing. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I highly recommend you watch it. I, although I bet the Jerry Springer version of that would have gotten way higher ratings. Absolutely. Way higher ratings. You know what, it's terrible ratings. CNN. Anyway, we got fake news, fake news.
Starting point is 00:54:25 We got to get to this clip. Yes. And thank God they've partly struggled free from it. Are there still big globalist combines in Russia still tentacling back trying to take control of the US? Absolutely. Just like there's globalist tentacles inside the state department trying to defeat Le Pen.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I mean, look at this guy. The French brace for possible election cyber attacks from Russia. How about the French brace under EU and Islamic invasion and a bunch of fifth column collaborators shelling out their country where it's so dangerous. I was reading their tourism's down by like 80% the last three years. It's a hellhole. Islamic jihad people running around who've like mutated and mixed into the whole gangster culture.
Starting point is 00:55:11 It's a joke. Let's go back to the ridiculous piece. It's an account of many of these, of many of the leading politicians. Oh my God. We're going to have a few seconds to stop here. If you're a radio listener. We never get two seconds to do a clip. Basically we're costumes and they festoon themselves and they dress weird.
Starting point is 00:55:30 This is what the trendies do. God, I love him. So the video he's playing is the CNN thing where there's this guy and I got his title here. He is a cybersecurity expert from Columbia University. Yes. And he has a mustache and a little, you know, oh no, he has like a little Johnny Depp in here going on.
Starting point is 00:55:51 You know, he has insane facial hair, but it doesn't look terrible. It looks, I mean, it's fine. It looks like a musketeer. It's not comical, but Alex has to fucking latch onto this. Right. And he's like, this is what the trendies do. Because so long as you have a weird appearance, none of your opinions matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Now enjoy the rest of this, which is just a lumbasting of his facial hair. Wonderful. And they want to look strange. I mean, this guy looks like what cartoon character does he look like? Like the character that's in Monopoly. He's trying to come up with snidely whiplash. Yes. He never does, but the guy who's behind the scenes comes up with snidely and
Starting point is 00:56:34 puts him up on there. Okay. He puts up on the video, but Alex, but Alex never remembers the name. Never gets there. He didn't go with peppy lapio. Didn't do that either. All right. Or Mephistopheles, who's wearing a black top hat.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Mephistopheles. He needs a monocle or, or is he in the German high command? But, but this is what trendies do. They go, how do we convince them? They don't trust us anymore. We've tried info babes. Roll out trendies to sound real pseudo-intellectual. Here, don't interrupt him.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Rewind it. I mean, I don't hear everything. Don't interrupt him. Yeah. So, so again, I bet we don't interrupt him. The Russians are the reason the Patriots won and white supremacy. Which again, is not what this guy is saying. Nobody believes that.
Starting point is 00:57:14 And anyway, zero people believe that. This is like homophobe, white supremacist, Russian agent. And you can mix it. Russian agent, homophobe. KKK. You can, you can interchange those, but always though, the same things in different orders. This is the great intellectual gravitas we're dealing with. So, so, so let's go back to a guy in a costume.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Okay. Here, here he is. Personal accounts of many of these, um, many of the leading politicians and also that of their spouses, uh, their friends, their lovers. Um, I would think all of those would be very rich targets for people that were brought up in the KGB. Okay. So, boss, let's, let's, let's rewind it again.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Definitely didn't interrupt him. This is what the CIA is. It's a good thing you did interrupt him. All these foppish, effeminate, weak little nobodies that want to just get off on the secrecy and being able to break into your files and, you know, be over you in the new Uber, Uber clash. Again, this guy, Uber, Uber is not a word. No.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Uber, Uber. You might have been trying to say Oberlin. Over, he's probably mad at Oberlin, but also like he, this guy isn't in the CIA. No, but he is a foppish little, what, weak? Why is everybody weak? Pussy. Why is everybody a pussy? Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:30 He's just so mad at this guy's masculinity. Yeah. Always, always mad at masculinity. Yeah, it gets worse. The, the Uber mentioned, but then meanwhile, everyone hates them. And so they just roll out these twits of villains out of central casting to act like the Russians are the only people to ever get involved in elections and that they're the only ones that ever use sex operatives.
Starting point is 00:58:54 And again, if anybody breaks into anybody's computers and there's criminal activity going on, it's not the fault of the criminal or the pedophiles, you know, that's in the WikiLeaks. No, no, no, it's the fault of the Russians. Even though it's US intelligence that leaked almost all of it and more is getting ready to come out. So don't worry, my little twit friend. Well, one US intelligence leaked what the Russians did.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And the more that's coming out is Flynn being a rush. Yeah. Yeah. Really fucked up. He committed treason, which we did. We knew that in November. Yeah. Like we knew that in September.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Yeah. Yeah. He was on the payroll. Well, we couldn't, we couldn't confirm it. He was a paid consultant. God, thank God. We finally got to the bottom of Hillary Clinton's emails. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Oh, I would have been so mad if we didn't get to the bottom of that. Yeah. Anyway, he really has got to fucking get down on this masculinity shit. Okay. A lot more is going to be coming out. So let's, who is this guy even? I mean, this guy is unbelievable. Look at that outfit.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Oh my, and look at. Fake laugh. Also, first of all, his face, his fake laugh is worse than click and clack the Tapit brothers on car talk on. I am more offended by fake laughs than fake news. Yeah. Me too. Have you ever listened to car talk?
Starting point is 01:00:14 No. Holy shit. I don't listen to fucking anything. It's on NPR. My parents used to make me listen to it as a kid. I was even like, they aren't laughing. They're laughing about mufflers. What are they doing?
Starting point is 01:00:26 They're, it was, it's so fake. Okay. Alex Jones's laugh is worse. Like Top Gear. Yeah. But then the other thing is he's like, look at this outfit. Guys just wearing a suit. Why would you go after a guy's outfit?
Starting point is 01:00:39 What is wrong with you? Real talk, he's wearing a suit. That's just a suit. Yeah. Is it a good suit? Yeah, it's fine. Is it like, is it like one of the, what? Chuck, Chuck, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:00:49 The NBA guy? I don't know, but his tie is like slightly lightly colored. I don't know. That's the only thing I think you could say. It's a pastel. I don't know. But anyway, here you go. Listen to this.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Okay. The eyes, look at the arrogance. That guy thinks he is so smart, man. You know women run from him. This is a loser. Just, just, oh my gosh, let's continue. Here we go. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Personal account of many of these, of many of the leading politicians. And also that of their spouses, their friends, their lovers. I would think all of those would be very rich targets for people that were brought up in the KGB system. Hit pause again. One, I wonder, does that guy drive like a white van? What the fuck? It kind of fits with the outfit, don't you think?
Starting point is 01:01:33 No. And then like a, kind of like a onesie, you know, jumpsuit or something. White. Oh yeah, around the house that's what he's wearing. No, I wonder if he has little animals, little pets and cages right there. What? What? And we're watching you.
Starting point is 01:01:51 What was that sound? The people. He's like, we're watching you. What was that sound? That was just weird, vague, threatening. He was chewing on his pen for a second. Yeah, that was weird. He is just fucking like, we know about you guy with facial hair.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Okay, so, so there was, there was a guy van. There's a guy wearing a suit. Yeah. And he had facial hair that was unusual. I might post a picture of him on just so everyone can see he's not wearing a weird suit. It's very, he's not wearing, he's not wearing that tax guy from the 90s suit that was filled with the question marks. He's not wearing that one.
Starting point is 01:02:28 The Riddler. So yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. All right. He's not wearing, he's not wearing a onesie at all. No, no, he's not a jumpsuit. He just has weird facial hair and it's not that weird. It's just weird.
Starting point is 01:02:40 It's just unusual. Yes. It's unique. Yeah. Everybody's a trendy and clearly he's got a white van. Got to accuse him of being a pedophile. Okay. How little do you have to do for Alex to accuse you of being a pedophile?
Starting point is 01:02:54 You have to disagree with him. Yeah. Is that literally it? Yeah. Just like, Hey, Alex, maybe don't say that. What are you a pedophile? No, boy. Joe Rogan's lucky he got off.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Yeah, I'm surprised Joe Rogan isn't fucking kids right now. Because you didn't really disagree with him. That's true. So he goes on to yell more about this clip from CNN about how Putin's real cool. Nationalism is awesome. And then I thought he was done making fun of this guy, but he wasn't. Oh, God damn it. So how could you not be?
Starting point is 01:03:28 Here's some more about him. And so again, Russia is the big bad guy. Let's go back to Mr. Peanut or whatever this guy is, Mr. Creepy. I mean, let's name this guy. We didn't, we need a meme out of this guy. Who is this guy? Jason Healy, cybersecurity expert, Columbia University.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I bet you money that Mr. Creepy is a creep. Look at that guy. I mean, Mr. Creepy. Look at how smart he probably is. I mean, this is a joke. You send your kids to the mental institutions. They call public schools that they learn at the feet of this guy. Here, here, here.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Let's put a rest in. They disrupted TV Mons television broadcast. They hacked the Twitter. Pause again. They looked into the arrogance as he has these little scripted lines. He practices all day as he goes in and sits down at CNN with almost no viewers and then just tries to talk with total confidence. They disrupted the Mons with his precision and deadly attack.
Starting point is 01:04:30 But we are onto them now. Anytime corruption comes out, don't look at the corruption. It's the Russians and the Russians are on everything. Do you see my little 18th century beard? Let's continue. That's insanity. That's so, that's so vapid. That's, that's, you know, you know, I really like how he engaged
Starting point is 01:04:52 with the guy's ideas. Yeah. And had a policy wonk based discussion about it. Certainly a policy. 01:04:58,680 --> 01:05:04,320 It was really more about policy than it was devoid of any conversation about what he said. We played and 100% about how he was foppish.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Yeah, we played twice. The guy, I don't remember his name, but the cybersecurity expert from Columbia University, yes, saying that loved ones, family members, which would be, let's be proud of ourselves because we allow his clips to go just a little bit longer than he allows other people's clips to go. It's substantially longer, but like he played, he played it twice. This guy is saying that those sorts of people would be excellent targets for the KGB they would be.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Yup. If I was in the KGB, those are the targets I would pick. Yeah. Cause then maybe other targets would be a bad idea. You could find some dirt. You could find some way to find a dossier dirty one. You can find a dirty dossier. And so like Alex doesn't engage with that at all.
Starting point is 01:05:57 He just engages with the mustache and weird assumptions about how this guy's a fucking pedophile and it's, it's insane. It's, it's, it's literally. It's the absence of journalism. It's not, it's not bad journalism. It's the absence. Yeah, yeah. It's, it's journalism in a vacuum.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Anyway, let's get to our next clip. Cause I have some fucking numbers on this one. I'm excited about this. Watched, listened, consumed our information. 85 million. 50 plus million last week. You had Joe Rogan's podcast. That's now about 40 million.
Starting point is 01:06:39 What are they going to do? They're going to try to say we're all Russians folks. It's amazing. It is amazing. I am not going to try and say that he is a Russian per se, but what I am going to say is that it's weird that he said 50 million people took us in. If you encounter, if you count Rogan, it's 40 million. I'm not really sure what that means.
Starting point is 01:07:01 I, I don't. Does that mean that Rogan accounts for 40 million of the 50 million or maybe, but he's, or if you count Rogan, you remove 10 million from the 50 million. Negative 10 million. Negative 10 million if you count Rogan, but he, he said that 50 million people took in his work in the last, or 85 million 50 last week. Let's break it down. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Let's break it down. All right. I know that he's a global show. I know that everyone can see it all over the world. Okay. But let's take this. Even Russian propagandists. Let's, let's imagine this just inside the United States.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Okay. Just to give you, and, and please extrapolate this to the rest of the population of the world. Right. The United States 300 ish million people. If you want to get 50 million people listening to your show, you have to have every single person, every single man, woman and child in the top 52 cities in the United States, that's still only 49 million people to give you some context.
Starting point is 01:08:10 That's every city, including Bakersfield, California and higher. Okay. Bakersfield, California and up. So what you're saying? Every single man, woman and child. Now just put all the population throughout the world. Yeah. That's how many people listen to it.
Starting point is 01:08:28 I don't believe that for a second. Uh, in order to get 50 million people or, or 85 million people listening to your show, you have to be Johnny Carson 50 years ago. And even then, I don't think that's the case. No. And that was back when they hit three channels. Yeah. The idea of 50 million people is cool, but it's 50 million hits.
Starting point is 01:08:50 There are artificial hits that happen. Of course. And he always talks about some of them Russian. He always talks about these, like we have all these plays on Facebook. That's cause someone scrolled past the video and it just started playing and they didn't, they didn't watch it. Oh, does that count? Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 01:09:06 God damn it. Yeah. All these things. What's the point? All these things factor into your statistics. Right. And, and, and again, Russian troll farms and shit like that. They have troll farms.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Yeah. You have all of these fake numbers that end up happening. And so, yeah, I mean, your 50 million number, there's no way for me to prove what the actual number is, but there's no goddamn way that the entire population of the top 52 cities in America spread out throughout the world. If you just take all of those people, uh, in the last week, engaged with your content, no fucking way. Absolutely not possible.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Cause if that's the case, you're a fucking rock star. Yeah, he would be, he would, he would be a billionaire. You know what would happen? He would be a billionaire. Like the advertisers, all the things he sells, advertisers would be tearing his doors apart, trying to get as much onto his show as possible. But he has integrity. He has integrity.
Starting point is 01:10:04 That's true. You know, I mean, unless, unless somebody, let's say a salesman convinces him otherwise, that Y2K is real. Yeah, exactly. That he'll believe whatever it is he's told to believe. Let us let, hey, I feel like we need to call ourselves out a tiny bit. Uh, because in that episode where, where he was giving that fake bullshit about what happened on Y2K, yes, we did, we were too busy calling out all the other
Starting point is 01:10:28 stuff around it that we forgot to call out that in his story, he didn't even call out that his sensationalism wasn't about Y2K. That's true. It was not about Y2K. No, his entire Y2K episode had nothing to do with Y2K. Yeah. So we, we did a bad job. We forgot about the fact that he had.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Yeah. Okay. That's the problem. He's a bullshit onion. There's layers. There's so much, he's got so much built into it. Anyway, let's get to the next narrative. This one is about how Trump could be doing way more.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Oh, and the things that he could be doing would be way better. Horrifying. Okay. Donald Trump could have them all arrested just like not good, not a good start. Lincoln had members of the State Department arrested. Lincoln had judges arrested and hundreds of newspaper editors arrested because they were in open sedition calling for the overthrow of the Republic. Now, did he go too far?
Starting point is 01:11:25 Absolutely. Was the North and South played off against each other? Absolutely. Did my entire ancestral background fight in the South? You bet they did. The point is that he did all that one million light years more than what Trump's done and hey, Trump's a big old Yankee just like the guy from Illinois was. So everybody just better get ready because I'm going to back this Yankee in the
Starting point is 01:11:47 attack on our Republic and the attempt to completely overthrow this country and make no mistake. Those aren't words. I have read a hundred history books on Andrew Jackson. I've read probably 15 on Thomas Jefferson 20. He has not read a hundred books in his life. No, but also him struggling to come up with Jefferson. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Means now, as far as the are there a hundred books about Andrew Jackson? Oh, easily. But Andrew Jackson is so fast credible books. No. Well, no, no, no, as far as far as Lincoln's arresting judges and journalists, what was published was a fake proclamation that was purportedly signed by Lincoln. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:39 So the the journalist then published something that supposedly was said by Lincoln that was supporting the South. Okay. So it was basically while they were at war. It was fake news. It was it was fake news, but such that it was like sent out to the rest of the world saying, Hey, you know, yeah, it was Lincoln is a journalist. So all the things that Flynn did, it was basically those, but you're a newspaper.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Okay. Yeah. Cool. Uh, it was, it was legitimate treason. Again, would you believe that Alex Jones has read more books? Let's find out. You're so on Washington, probably six or seven on Lincoln. I read 20 books on the civil war.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Watch tons of documentaries on PBS. I mean, I studied it. I could go into a college with a professor that teaches a civil war and stand my own with them. I know what I'm talking about. I'm not some pseudo intellectual here. Go. I'm not bragging either, but I've done my homework as it's so interesting as a
Starting point is 01:13:45 policy, Donald Trump could have the people in the State Department who openly worked with Soros the last few years to overthrow countries. They're not trying to do it here. He could have been arrested right now. He could send the Marines in right now to put them in irons and drag them before juries and grand juries for sedition. That's our costume. We think the sedition is working with like the Chinese, even though they are
Starting point is 01:14:06 working with the globalist or the Russians, that's why they say we're doing this because they want to shut our speech now and claiming it's sedition. When they're the ones involved in open sedition and big news coming. It's coming soon on who the leakers are in the White House on Monday. We're putting together an investigative report on Monday. We're going to tell you who the leakers are. Who there is a coup at every level against President Trump. That's why he's racing to cut your taxes, racing to stabilize the economy, racing
Starting point is 01:14:42 to Trump up the economy. Oh, fuck you bubble. Which he admits as a bubble, but man, what tried to blast off his stuff is melting down. We're trying to get off Krypton here, folks, as it is going down the proverbial molten drain. There's a lot to unpack. That is a lot of words.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Yeah, I love his, his number of books read is very indicative of what's going on. It's probably about 200 total books, a hundred on Jackson. Yeah, right. Six on Lincoln. Yeah. 20 on the civil war. So the, so only, only six of the books on the civil war mentioned Lincoln. That could be a Venn diagram situation.
Starting point is 01:15:20 That is a bad Venn diagram. No, but there might be some overlap. Like all six of those books might have been also the civil war books. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. So that's not good. No, it's not good. It kind of suggests his focus is on a president who ignored the other checks and
Starting point is 01:15:35 balances of the government and killed tons and tons of natives. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, the civil war, uh, which is a British shop, which his relatives fought on the south, but it was a British scythe. And who it's a British scythe. And then six on Lincoln.
Starting point is 01:15:51 I'm guessing now. Yeah. Call me crazy. They're crazy. My thought, maybe the six books that he read on Lincoln were not about how Lincoln was a great American hero. They might be, uh, the Holocaust denier version of Lincoln books. And there are so many of those.
Starting point is 01:16:10 It's possible. I've had a lot of conversations with people who think it was unconstitutional for Lincoln to fight the civil war. Sure. Now that's a really interesting question. Uh, not to me, neither to me, either. If you really wanted to be a dick about it, though, yeah, you get into it. Now, admittedly, if you're looking at the situation we're living in now, I
Starting point is 01:16:33 would kind of think that we lost the civil war because the south really took over, didn't they? I did rise again. They, they rose again. We laughed at them for so long. They rose again. Let's, let's just get back to Alex. Uh, here's a clip that is a teaser for our next episode.
Starting point is 01:16:50 This is a teaser where Alex is going to, uh, on Monday, he's going to say some bombshell shit. No, on our next episode, uh, we are going to deal in detail with what, uh, he's about to talk about here. Okay. Uh, but, uh, for now, just, uh, just enjoy, just enjoy this and imagine what that next episode is going to be like. Rappaport has really found the keys to the kingdom documenting the actual
Starting point is 01:17:15 plan to turn colleges into giant mental illness factories to make you mentally ill, jibbering idiots. So you don't know you were sold worthless degrees and to prepare you for assimilation into the corporate Borg system and to make sure you hate families. So you automatically self-censor and don't have kids. So it's basically a death cult brainwashing, soul-sucking system, not attacking you that have degrees. Everybody knows that some of the degrees are worthless or actually are
Starting point is 01:17:43 negative value you have to pay for the toilet paper. You do. And it's a metaphysical toilet paper. So you can't even wipe your end with it. I mean, you could. Rappaport's got a big report on that. He broke down yesterday that hour. I listened to that hour last night.
Starting point is 01:17:55 We'll get to it. We'll get to what happens, but I listened to that hour last night. Oh, yeah. The only thing I was in the shower last night, listened to that hour last night. And I was thinking it's time to get some power last night. It's time to pray. It's time to pray. I'm trying to pray on this out.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Also, I'd like to give the world a little bit of insight into me. The only thing I've done with my degree is be qualified for jobs. And I've done cocaine off it. Yeah. How is it that he gets something so right for the wrong reasons? Yeah. I agree. There are so many worthless degrees.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Yeah. You are assimilated into the board machine. Sure. There are plenty of times where it, but it's not a death cult. No, but this is not a secret. It's not a monstrous thing. This is where we get into logic. It's just the system that broke down.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Logic is A to B. If A is true, B must be true. Right. That's how logic works. I believe in that. It's truth preservation. Yes. So you're saying that degrees are worthless.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Therefore, this is a death cult. And that's the problem for us. We get into trouble there. We agree with A. We don't agree with B. Because it A doesn't lead to B. No, that's how logic is supposed to work. Your premises lead to the conclusion. You have to say degrees are worthless.
Starting point is 01:19:16 And then another thing in order to maybe justify the conclusion to death. Right. And so far, you've done none of that work. Right. So, so our problem is that he starts from B. Well, then A must be true. That's where we all get into trouble. No, he starts with B.
Starting point is 01:19:32 I love B. Now, it's bullshit, but also this one A thing. I bet people will just sign off on B. That the here A starts. Yeah, it starts so good. Yeah, it starts so good. Well, it's it's that logical fallacy of starting from the conclusion. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:50 It's it's what people do a lot. You already decide what you want to believe and figure out how to justify it. Yeah, it's backwards engineering. But this clip isn't done. Here's where Alex. Uh, man, let's find out. It's so weird. Let's do this.
Starting point is 01:20:05 It's so weird. What are we going to do? It was just his voice and just his his focus and his understanding and his gravitas. It's just, you know, John Robbport deserves to be a superstar. I mean, he's popular. He's a great writer, great researcher, investigative journalist, but he just is a piece of work.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I mean, just I do agree he's a piece of work. But my tone is very different when I say it. John Rapaport, you know, I want to get more board ops, more people, more folks who run shows and keep working with GCN. I'm not competition with GCN. I love Ted and love GCN, but more people I rap before need daily shows. The problem is talk radio is geared to three hour shows. I'm not gonna report.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Probably couldn't do that. Yeah, it's geared to that or doesn't want to do that. But it's it's just so good. That fucking dentury ass bitch could not handle three hours a day from his weird fucking attic. You listen to our next show. You'll you'll find out exactly why I want to I want to just have a camera on him for three hours a day.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Oh, I do not want him to talk into it. No, I just want to find out what three hours of that dude's day. John Rapaport's life is like, yeah, because it's gotta be insane. Three hours. I imagine he just walks back and forth in that room. His attic. Oh, yeah, yeah, for, you know, twenty three hours of every day. And then he talks into the fourth hour of the Alex Jones.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Get excited for context for what we're talking about in our next episode. Also, I would say that three hours of his life, he's got a question like, I should hang that painting at least twice in those three hours. This will all make sense next episode. He's so informed, because when you're really researched like I am, you hear somebody that's researched as well. And they just so lovingly lay it all out. It's just soothing to be freed from the bondage with me.
Starting point is 01:22:00 It's more like a desperate barking dog. Warn people about the enemy breaking in the house. But with Rapaport, it's just like here. Let's remove that mind control. Let's just take all that away. Take it off. And I was very upset your stay about the New World Order. And I was listening to him driving to a company meeting last night
Starting point is 01:22:17 and then driving home. And it was jealous of the whole hour and I got in bed last night with a phone and I was listening to it. And I went to sleep listening to Rapaport. He's no, I don't have a crush on Rapaport before those memes start. I love memes and attack me. They're so funny. I actually encourage people to do it.
Starting point is 01:22:36 The point is, is that that's why the memeosphere loves me. Cause we like, we like to have fun. But Rapaport's awesome. Bad, bad, bad. We'd like to have that was, that was such a roller coaster ride of I think he's jerking off to Michael Rappaport or Joe, Joe either. Well, either Rappaport, I would jerk off to Michael. I'm assuming he's a jerking off to John.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Mighty effort idea is a great movie. Absolutely. Uh, then it's no, I'm not gay. I would never be gay. Nobody can be gay. Who's as masculine as I am. I don't have a crush on him. Stop those memes.
Starting point is 01:23:12 I would, I, but you know what? I encourage memes. I love memes. The memeosphere loves me. He said the memeosphere, the memeosphere. Oh, my favorite, my favorite. I'm going to call it the memeosphere from never, ever again. Yeah, that, that will not take its place in the vernacular.
Starting point is 01:23:30 No, thank you. Um, so the next, uh, clip, I actually don't know what this clip is. All right. We'll grab back in it. I've forgotten, but it's good. Out there, the club is getting involved in our families. In the ancient, eternal relationship between men and women. How much fathers love their daughters.
Starting point is 01:23:47 How much mothers love their sons. And vice versa, trying to turn the species itself against each other. Trump loves his daughter too much. Women, believing they're empowered because they see men falling before them. And the system collapsing is happening. And then they're so unhappy because they're married to a state that's there to take all the resources away and only give them a culture of death. Speaking of culture of life, the surgeon general, the American dental association
Starting point is 01:24:22 get it right when they say a lot of heart attacks are associated with bacteria that get into the bloodstream and create plaques inside the arteries and veins. No, he's not going to the heart. He's not going to your first able to have colleges inside the teeth or on the gum line and then get into the bloodstream. That's why it's essential that you go out and get at least in my view, three, four cleanings, scale, cleanings a year. My dad, you also brush in my view three times a day intensely and floss.
Starting point is 01:24:52 But a lot of toothpaste, obviously a fluoride or they've got a bunch of garbage or a bunch of silicates that tear up your teeth. My dad has developed a lot of products in his time and he developed super blue, non fluoride, super blue, non fluoride toothpaste. That fucking one started with the opening to that clip seemed very you could fuck to the opening of that clip. Right. How dare the globalists get involved with our families down down down down
Starting point is 01:25:26 down down down down down. I hate the globalist. It's 20 seconds of fuck the globalists. Our families are important. And then. But let me tell you something. Do you know what people agree on? Bacteria is bad.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Yeah. Let me give you a toothpaste. I love my dad invented it. I love that smooth fucking transition. It's just like so good at that. And he's coming out of a break. That was a commercial though. That was a commercial break that he's coming out of.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Yes. Immediately into a commercial. That's why they can sell their shit for free. Yeah. They just do their commercials on the show as though it was part of the show. Yeah. It's insane. It's part of the fear should be illegal.
Starting point is 01:26:05 I don't know. But yeah. I mean you're just selling stuff during your actual show. Or at least you should disclose it. Yeah. Or at least let's say. He does disclose it. Let's say if you're I don't know some sort of mouthpiece for the government.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Right. And you use your position as a mouthpiece for the government to advertise. Let's say the daughter of the president's closing line. Yeah. Yeah. That's probably a crime. Right. Probably.
Starting point is 01:26:35 That's super a crime. Probably. Is that OK? I'm not OK with it. No. Me neither. Now if you think somebody will be punished for Kelly and Conway tried to pimp super blue.
Starting point is 01:26:47 I would be totally fine with it. I would be that would be way more fun. I'd be blown away. I would I would find that so hilarious. All right. This next clip Jordan. Yes. This clip.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Yeah. Might be more unethical. I can't imagine that. Then trying to sell Nordstrom shit by Kelly and Conway. OK. Because Alex legitimately admits that he's just broadcasting classified information. He.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Excellent. Genuinely I don't believe him. But he says that's what he's doing. So now let me tell you what the customs officials really want to do. And this information is classified. But they classify everything. And so I'm just going to tell you. No.
Starting point is 01:27:30 And I've been aware of this for a decade. That's illegal. Google has software where you can take a picture of somebody and run it on your computer and it's free software and it'll find that person. You can also have picture match where it's the exact picture and they find it really quick in seconds and where it came from. They at the border when these people have fake passports that don't know who they are they want to just take their picture running against the database of
Starting point is 01:27:54 the Internet to pop up that indeed they're really a jihadi on their own Facebook because these people are so arrogant. They'll have their own Facebooks showing their terrorist. What. Well facial recognition technology does exist. It does. But I don't know if you've known about that. But Google's actually really bad at that.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Like they don't do a great job of facial recognition. Now they're trying to make that better because yeah. I think that is kind of a goal for them. Yeah. Right. If you were classified if you were a shadowy secret government agency you would want to know everybody's faces at all times as because as we know we can always trust shadowy secret government agencies to have our best interests in
Starting point is 01:28:33 mind. Yeah. Yeah. Uh but yeah I don't think I don't think he's known it for 10 years. And also what do you think about the idea. It's classified saying it's classified but I'm going to share it. Isn't that against the law. It's a literally illegal.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Isn't that why they have classified material is so you don't share it. Literally what he just did there is illegal. It's illegal. If if don't do we have laws anymore. If that are we sure we have laws. If that's actually classified information. That was a crime. Now.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Yeah. Here here here's here. I'll just flip one for you. Okay. This is classified information. Oh shit. I shouldn't fucking tell you this. But this is okay.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Well tell me anyways. Well tell me on air. Listen the NSA they think nachos are delicious. Do they. It's classified. No I like as an organization. It's classified. Oh okay.
Starting point is 01:29:28 So if you're well I don't want to I don't want you to share that information. If you're just making up shit then it's not really a crime. But if he was just literally spouting some shit that actually and it does sound like if that was real it would be classified wouldn't it. No like you wouldn't want to share Pete you wouldn't want to share that you could recognize anybody's face. Also. No I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:29:50 What border is a jihadi coming from. Canada. Canada. Mexico. Mexico. We get a lot of jihadis from Mexico right. They're all flying in from Sudan. Yeah the the place where oh god we're all going to die.
Starting point is 01:30:03 All these millions of jihadis that don't exist in our country. All these millions of jihadis. So this next clip. By the way my. Okay. My 80s style teen car wash comedy. Okay would be called jihadi car wash. But it would be H.O.T.T.I.E.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Jihadi. Jihadi car wash. I like this. That would be pretty great right. Yeah. Women. Headscarves. Pekingese.
Starting point is 01:30:36 They're washing cars. Huge titties. Yeah. Yeah. The whole thing. George Soros will find this movie. I guarantee it. He loves finding jihadis.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Either that or that Chinese billionaire is trying to overcom. Chakoms. Chakoms. Fake news. So this next clip. I want to say this. Here's a new segment I want to do on the show. Which is a look out for this word.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Americana. I really think is going to turn into pretty soon. It's going to be a buzzword. It's already a buzzword. But it's going to be worse. I think it's going to be a buzzword for white nationalism. And that that sort of thing. It sounds good.
Starting point is 01:31:17 It hasn't always kind of been a buzzword for white people doing white people shit. Right. But I think it's going to get worse. Okay. And that plays into this clip. And then also remember earlier when he told you that Monday we're going to get the story on that. Are we going to get to it today?
Starting point is 01:31:33 He just goes out. Of course. Of course. People keep asking me Alex how do you predict what Trump's going to do before he does it because I've watched what he does. I've gotten into the mind frame. Plus we're both Americana. We're all Americana.
Starting point is 01:31:45 We're looking at the same journey. We're driving on the same road together. Also psychic powers. Also I fucking love the people keep asking me. How do you predict? No one asks you. Who asks him? It's the same.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Who would ask him? Have you ever listened to the Paul Stanley album? The lead singer of Kiss? Yeah. I know who Paul Stanley is. I've never listened to his own album. There's an album of just his stage pattern. Oh, oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:32:10 I know about that one. People let me get this off my chest. Yeah. It's like 45 minutes long. No, it's crazy hour and a half. Oh, Jesus Christ, twice your length. And it's just him doing like, whoa, intros to songs. God.
Starting point is 01:32:23 And he he constantly says people keep asking me. And I love just the idea of like, no one asked you this. Who is that? No one asked you. Who is asking you? And Alex Jones just did that. He's like, get into the mind of somebody who would want to ask you that. People keep coming up to me and they say they say Alex and I say what?
Starting point is 01:32:40 And they say, Alex, how do you know what Trump is going to do? I say, we're just we're all just Americana. We're just both Americana. He's tapping into the same thing I'm tapping into, man. He's Americana. It's the spirit force of America. Oh, yeah. Telling each other what to think or do.
Starting point is 01:32:58 We're seeing as on its face prima facie. And that's why I'm saying very good chance. Rinse previous within three weeks will be gone because he's clearly the leaker. He's clearly the one that continues to basically undermine the president and say that the president's like a, you know, lost child in the White House. All these leaks and Trump's really upset about it. I know for a fact he's looking for a new chief of staff. I'm just going to stop right there.
Starting point is 01:33:22 I'm sure we're going to have the big story for everybody. So you just gave away the story. Yeah. You just so so Monday, they're going to have a big story that is rights. Previous is gone. You just legit. Well, I mean, like we'll see when this is out. I mean, who knows?
Starting point is 01:33:39 But like that, that kind of thing is so fucking awesome. But what? So it doesn't, but it doesn't matter like literally every day. It seems like there's a big story of some crazy shit happening at the White White House. Yeah. So even if it's not rights, previous is gone, it could be anything. And that is a big story. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:00 But not every day does Alex say, I'm not going to tell this story. I'll just tell the story. Actually, I feel like every day he does do that. Then as he's been like, all right, here's the story. Rinse previous is not long for this earth. We'll tell you the whole story on Monday. Right. You just did. Yeah, that's pretty much the whole story.
Starting point is 01:34:20 There is nothing left to tell you. Unless unless the story is rights. Previous dies of polluting and poisoning. But that that would be my that would be pretty funny. That's not Russia. It's my six trying to make it look like Russia. Right. Well, like how they started the Civil War. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:34:36 So the next two clips, we got two more clips left to go. These next two clips are so on Friday, Alex does a long. String of interviews. Most of the show is interviews. Wait, what? They're so bad. So well, are like question. Yeah. Are the interviewees allowed to talk?
Starting point is 01:35:02 Not much. OK, good. A bit. I was worried a bit, but not much. I was worried that he would allow other people to speak. So is this guy named Matt Bracken on? And he is just a weirdo old military guy. Matt Bracken. He's he's again. Great name. Great name. So great. Everybody has great names.
Starting point is 01:35:23 God damn. He is. He's terrible. He's a bigot. And I say that based on his words, not based on anything else. And then also he has another interview with John Rappaport, which again, our next episode will deal with John Rappaport. But then his other interview is with Nigel McGuinness, who is the guy who started Vice.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Has there ever been a good Nigel? Forage. Nope. And of Nigel's. Yeah, I can't go over the other night. There are no good Nigel's. Well, if you get named Nigel, shit is going to go down. What about that guy who was the librarian
Starting point is 01:36:02 on Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Um, I'm pretty sure he was a vampire. Was his name Nigel, though? I don't know. I never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It feels like it was. Probably somebody's got to be Nigel. Anyway, Nigel McGuinness is on and he says some really fucked up things.
Starting point is 01:36:21 The first is not as fucked up. I don't like to include in our episodes, interview stuff, because. Right. Just because then we'll take it out of. Yeah, it's too unwieldy. Yeah, but I felt like this was a special circumstance because of the second clip. But the first one, real shitty. OK.
Starting point is 01:36:39 God, there's still so much winning in it. Isn't it fun? I mean, I don't. I was pretty young when Reagan was president. But I don't remember a presidency ever being so fun. Wow. I have never remembered a presidency being so fun. What a fun presidency. You know what?
Starting point is 01:36:59 OK. All right. If you were an alien. This would be the most fun presidency ever. If you give me skin in the game, if there was no skin in the game, this would be a hilarious presidency. Also, if you're an uncaring white person. Yeah, it's pretty fun. Yeah. Well, I assume they're I assume they're aliens.
Starting point is 01:37:22 It's pretty tough because they have no recognition of the real world. It's pretty tough to hear the stories of ice checkpoints. You know, do you know what's crazy about that? I go through all of these conservative websites because I am obsessed with making sure that I get every possible viewpoint. Me too. And all of the all of the like not even liberal, just like reputable news sources interview the people
Starting point is 01:37:53 interview the people affected by this. And there are all these stories that are just fucking tragic. Every time I go one step to the right to any right wing, anything, zero interviews with people, it is all just ideologically. This makes sense. On principle, never fuck them because they are illegal. They're not here. They're not ours.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Yeah, they're not people to you. Yeah. So of course, they don't have rights. Of course. If you never got any information outside of those places, you would think this is the right thing to do because you never have to deal with people. Yeah. But all of these all of these supposedly Christian conservatives,
Starting point is 01:38:36 yeah, they're really get into a narrative with them. If you really get them to meet any of these people, they would almost immediately change their minds. Hopefully because they're people. Yeah. If you if you just finally fucking recognize that other people are the same as you instead of some weird monster, instead of some weird other thing. The moment you just fucking meet people, man.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Just do it, Jordan. I'm so angry, Jordan. I'm so angry about this man. You're a dumb cuck because you know that's a good point. You don't realize this fucking presidency is fun. It is fun. If oh, man, it is God. How fun is it?
Starting point is 01:39:18 I wish people so mad. I wish I weren't affected by this because this chaos is what I would like. If I was so funny to see people scared. If I was if I was watching a basketball game that was basically the corollary to this where it's all chaos, people are punching each other for no reason. It's so outside of what a basketball like when you're watching. It's like a Globetrotter's game mixed with pro wrestling. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Like when you're watching stand up, if you've been a stand up for long enough, suddenly the only thing that becomes really fun is when stand up goes beyond into something insane. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I don't want to see bad stand up. No, I like seeing people try to become good at stand up. Yes, I like watching great stand up. But my favorite thing is a fucking lunatic walking on stage and just letting
Starting point is 01:40:11 shit fly or the flip side of that is watching someone, you know, be in a bad situation. So it's either chaos from the stage or towards the stage. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I want to see I want to see shit I've never seen before. And that's what this guy is kind of espousing. Yeah, in terms of politics, but it hurts people. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:32 In terms of comedy, that's great. There's no one to see shit you've never seen before. There's no stakes in terms of the world government. Not good. Not good. Legitimately, families are being broken up. And frankly, frankly, even the shit we've seen before is usually bad. Pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Yeah, yeah. So Nigel McGinnis is an asshole. Nigel McGinnis is anybody named Nigel is an asshole. So we have one more clip left, Jordan. Yes, sir. For this show. And it is in response to that show, Dear White People. Why? Why do we need a response?
Starting point is 01:41:09 Did you watch that? That trailer? No, I watched it as well. I watched the thing. I haven't watched the show. It's good. Cool. Dear White People.
Starting point is 01:41:19 I watched the trailer, which is all they're responding to. Well, if they actually responded to reality, that would be a bummer. They watch the trailer and the trailer is all just essentially don't do whiteface or blackface. Don't do blackface. Don't do blackface. That's basically it's a bad idea to do blackface. It's that's generally the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Hey, don't do blackface. That's not cool. I am not a costume, basically, is the line of the trailer. That's actually a really good line. Yeah. Unless you're a clown. If you're a clown, then you are a costume. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:55 And you know it and you. Yeah. Yeah. God damn clown. Clown rights. No. No clown rights. That's where I draw the line.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Clown rights. Clown rights. No, thank you. Fake news. So here is him discussing this. Nigel McGinnis ends up saying one of the worst things I've heard said on Alex Jones's show at the end of this course. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:42:18 I don't know. I mean, my theory is that a lot of these TV execs are divorced women with an axe to grind. God damn it. They're divorced liberal Democrats and they don't like men. They hate white men because it reminds them of their ex-husband. And they're just out for revenge. It's not the free market doesn't want that show.
Starting point is 01:42:36 I mean, look at the number of dislikes that that trailer has on YouTube. It's something like 30,000 to 2000 likes. It's probably the most rejected video in the history of YouTube trailers. And it's because it doesn't make sense. I mean, you're going to come to a party because you found the costumes offensive and you're going to destroy all our PA system. What's that? Fifteen hundred bucks you just destroyed because you've decided white people
Starting point is 01:43:03 are really having blackface parties. I mean, they are never I mean, I grew up in the south. Never heard of such a thing. Yes, you have. It's probably happened six times in the past 10 years, but every time you. So many times now, I've done a little bit of research on this. It's never happened in the south, the south. It's never happened to the south.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Well, I just Googled. It happens in the north often enough for me to be angry about it. I just Googled blackface parties college. All blackface college. All bright college. That would be a fun college to go to or reality show. Yeah. All bright college in Snapchat. When people stop being polite and start wearing blackface,
Starting point is 01:43:46 there was a whole blackface narrative on the real world. Road rules challenge like three seasons back. It was really bizarre. I can't explain it now. There's no way to explain it ever. It worked out really well, though. Great. I'll tell you all fair. OK. It had to do with C.T.
Starting point is 01:44:01 My dear friend. OK. All right. All bright college in Snapchat. Blackface scandal from September 29th, 2016. OK. Pennsylvania college students suspended over blackface video October 3rd, 2016. So we've only got two white college student dresses as Bill Cosby in blackface October 31st, 2016. All right. So that's just three.
Starting point is 01:44:23 That was Halloween. Blackface on college campuses isn't about freedom of speech. That was also from Halloween. I think it might have been from a conservative source. OK. So maybe that's four. Arkansas student expelled from frat for blackface Cosby costume. That was a different one. Also Cosby from the 30th.
Starting point is 01:44:41 All right. So that's five. Texas students expelled for posing in blackface on Snapchat video November 14th, 2016. OK. So maybe that's Kansas state students. Sorry, but denies it was blackface. How do you deny it's blackface from September 16th, 2016? I'll explain how she had like a facial mask on. OK, like maybe it was a facial scrub kind of mask.
Starting point is 01:45:08 It made her face black and she posed with four of her friends and Snapchat at it with the the message. OK. Now I know what it feels like to be a nigga. Oh, no, no, no. Better. No. Yeah. No. That's what she did. No. She's like, sorry, it wasn't blackface. I was just in a facial scrub.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Well, what you wait? No, you said no. What you said is the problem. The face is not the issue of this one, but it's also the issue. It becomes blackface when you use racial slurs in your snap. You should probably not use racial slurs if you're a racist. North Dakota white student dress in blackface post pictures September 24th, 2016. I can't imagine how many look.
Starting point is 01:45:56 That's six or seven or eight cases in a span of three months. In one year, college student. He grew up in the south. September 29th, 2016. Maybe that's nine. Yeah. So when he says it's been six or seven cases in the last 10 years. Well, I mean, he's been in six months. Yeah. But I mean, he grew up in the south.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Those weren't. All right. Nigel McGuinness or Alex Jones. Who cares? There's a lot of blackface. White people are racist. There's shut the fuck up. There's tons of this shit. So when it comes down to I want to. I want to make a joke, but I'm I'm just filled with fucking fuck you.
Starting point is 01:46:36 It's so easy to find. Fuck you. It's so far. Google a thing. It's so easy to find instances of this happening. It should never happen. And when people were like, listen, it wasn't racist. Then you find the Snapchat picture and it has the N word on it. Yeah. Like, OK, fuck off.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Yeah. You have no leg. Just stand on. No. But Nigel has more fucking. Like he doesn't realize that what we just talked about is the reality. Right. So he has more things to say that make it way worse. Oh, great. See it. It gets blown up. It's all over the news.
Starting point is 01:47:14 And the next thing you know, they're pretending that it's a trend. Oh, how do we know what is it leftist doing? False flags. They're all. Oh, I mean, what? Nine hundred times out of out of one. All right. All right. You're a leftist. Yeah. Look at me in the eyes. I have a cross eye.
Starting point is 01:47:34 How great is the plan to dry Swastika at a Jewish door? Great. It's great. Isn't that a brilliant plan? It's a great plan. One no one will ever know it's you. Well, there has actually been a couple instances of that. Really? Yeah. There have been a couple instances,
Starting point is 01:47:52 but the large majority are actual hate crimes. Why is it? Yeah. Well, of course, there are a couple. It's I hate it. I hate it that math sometimes makes that happen. Yeah, like two percent. Yeah. And that's generous. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Hate crimes are perpetrated by the victimized class trying to make the perpetrators look worse than they are. Well, there's there's a story of a there's a story of a dude who was married to it was a white dude married to a black woman. He thought she was going to leave him. So he put all of this like Nazi or like KKK shit had a burning cross in the yard going like, Oh, well, you shouldn't leave me because it's scary out there.
Starting point is 01:48:34 And it was very obvious that it was like, Hey, you know, the KKK has never asked you to stay where you are. So you leave. Yeah. KKK is usually like, go away. Not like, Hey, you need to stay with your boyfriend. Like you're crossing the yard. It's usually a warning. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:48:51 I think the KKK isn't into his miscegenation. Yeah, they're not big fans. But like, yeah, it is that really unfortunate thing that that that reality does exist. Yeah. But statistically, anything that can happen will happen. The bigger issue is that does not preclude us from really dealing with the actual hate crimes that do exist.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Do you mean all the hate crimes? 98% of them. So many of those hate crimes. And I chose that 2% arbitrarily. I'm sure it's way lower, way fewer. But anyway, the fact that you the fact that you have an anecdote about it suggests how rare it is. I have a couple.
Starting point is 01:49:31 That's the but that's the but that's the whole thing. If you Google the opposite, you can pull up 300 instances. But you're going to remember the unique one. I just did. Exactly. Exactly. You just started reading off of a list. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:46 But you remember the one that is seven or eight from the six months just passed. You remember the one that is the false flag because that's so unique. You would report on it. Like if you're a news agency, why would you report on the same fucking racist shit that goes on every goddamn day? Morris Wastika's painted on New York Subways.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Yeah. Which, by the way, that video of people cleaning the shit up. Gorgeous. All getting together and being like, fuck you. God, that's beautiful. There was a source. Restores your faith. Psyop.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Yeah. Psyop. Anyway, Nigel. Take news. Nigel is about to say some horrible shit. Nigel, bring us home. I mean, it's staged. And here's the other crazy thing no one would ever bring up.
Starting point is 01:50:33 Blackface isn't offensive. No! It's just a given that it's offensive because it's related to Jim Crow. But if you go back and you look the way they did it in the 1800s, up 20% of the time they were insulting. But the other 80%, it was somewhat reverent. It was just like a man dressing up as a woman in a play.
Starting point is 01:50:51 In Europe, we've got Black Pete. We've got the Black and White Minstrel Show in Britain right up until the 80s. These people, all they know is the taboos. Fuck off. Jordan, that was crazy. Blackface is not offensive. 80% of the time, it was reverent.
Starting point is 01:51:12 But all of it. Like all of it. Pretty much all of it. All of it. All of it. There's no, OK. Give me, give me, like you, you have at least a very base understanding of race relations in this country.
Starting point is 01:51:35 I'll accept that as a premise. Give me one situation where Blackface was OK. Ever? Ever. OK. Here, here we go. All right. Now, because 80% of the time it was reverent.
Starting point is 01:52:01 So that means that you should, out of any 10 instances, eight of them should be OK. Here was what I was going to say. Let's go for one. Let's just start with one. Name one. I was on my way to the set and an oil barrel blew up in front of me.
Starting point is 01:52:22 And I just show up on set. All of a sudden I'm black and we have to adjust. Everybody laughs. Yeah. It's a great time. Look, I mean, you could always go back to Al Jolson, right? Al Jolson is a giant pile of shit. But in context of the world he lived in,
Starting point is 01:52:41 he's not the one who made it possible for him to be that. But you are so about to lose your voice. I'm so about to lose my voice. I sound exactly like Alex Jones right now. Would you like to pitch some products? Let me tell you something about super male vitality. If only I took more of it before today. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:03 Also, like all of it, all of it comes down to like, let's not reallitigate the history. Right. Who cares? What we're talking about. Well, I mean, it is super important that you know the history in order to make sure that you don't fucking do blackface. Certainly.
Starting point is 01:53:21 Certainly. But let's take that away and just address today. Okay. Those people. Bad. All the people that I just listed. Not good. And college campuses.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Bad. Are not doing blackface to somehow celebrate black people. Are you sure it wasn't reverent when she said the N word in a bunch of different ways? Probably 80% probably 80% reverent. Yeah. Probably 20% not reverent. Probably.
Starting point is 01:53:53 God. What a bunch of dicks. So anyway, this is this has been February 10th. February 10th on the Alex Jones show. Jordan. This has been fun. This is always a delight. I hate Nigel McGinnis more than I did earlier.
Starting point is 01:54:08 Most Nigel should die. Yeah. I think they're probably assholes. Yeah. Sorry to any good Nigels out there. I'd love to know you. That's why I said most. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Now, if the rest of the Nigels are wearing blackface right now, you know what, I take it back. Shout out to any solid Nigels out there. We'll find you. We'll find you. And do anybody who is wearing blackface reverently. Again. If there's one or 2% of people doing false flag operations, then there has to be at least
Starting point is 01:54:37 one dude doing blackface so reverently, so reverently to hit us up. Yeah. At knowledge fight at Send us an email. You can find us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight and find us on Tumblr iTunes. You can subscribe to the podcast. Leave a review. Maybe give us a number of stars.
Starting point is 01:55:00 I made this promise. I'll I'll reiterate. If you send me a five star review, if you five star review us on iTunes and you send me an email at knowledge fight at, I will send a message to Alex Jones on Twitter that I would never say to my mother. I said that before. I'll say it again. I'll do that.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Forever and ever. Yep. Jordan's been fun. Always. I feel like we've been policy policy walks. Yeah, we have. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Starting point is 01:55:36 Hello, Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.

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