Knowledge Fight - #13: February 14, 2017

Episode Date: February 16, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened with Alex Jones on Feb 14, 2017. Topics include: Did Alex recently read Dracula? Is Gen. Flynn's issue that he's just too great? Can Globalists reprodu...ce? Is science fiction a conspiracy?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, welcome back to knowledge fight I am Dan. I'm Jordan. This is a podcast wherein I have watched way too much info wars and alex jones and I sit down Over a nice glass of wine with my friend jordan Uh, who giggles like a fucking maniac every time alex jones speaks. He is nuts I'm not talking about you. No, uh today. Well, eventually I will be I've been thinking about this. Uh, I know that in our early episodes you speculated that we would find an
Starting point is 00:00:37 Understanding of alex or that you would start to empathize with him. Yes. I've got to be honest I'm starting to hate him I used to be sort of amused or at least curious. Yeah, I think I hate him. Uh, I hope Oh boy, I my feelings about him are so very complicated. Sure. There's there's a raw physical attraction There's no doubt about it. It's a super male vitality. Yeah, exactly What whoa, you got way too excited about what just happened. I don't have a clip of this But info wars has a new product out. Oh, shit. It's called caveman. No No
Starting point is 00:01:14 No, you know what it is. Uh, I just hope it's a big slab of me. No better Ground up bones Of an actual caveman, I don't know they break into the chicago museum I'll be honest. I wasn't fully listening to the commercial But he was explaining how like animals will go after bones first because they want to get the marrow Right and all the the stuff around the I'm I'm on board so far. So they take bones. Where's the hammer drop? Take bones and they grind them up and they put it in a pill and they sell it to you What I don't know. I think that makes the least sense of anything I've ever heard
Starting point is 00:01:55 I think that's what the product is. That is that is legit The best way for a serial killer to Sure disseminate a body, right? Absolutely. You can't catch a serial killer who's grinding up people into pills And I don't know if the FDA has got to get involved No, I'm not sure but well, I mean with the lax protection laws for Vitamins, sure. They're good. Uh, but that look that was just announced on wednesday's show So this is breaking. This is this is huge. We'll learn more as time goes on Uh, jordan today the reason that we had to do we got to do this episode
Starting point is 00:02:31 I know we had an episode come out yesterday. Yes about john rapaport and the mental health scare of the world And how college campuses are Right, right. Johnny raps but it was important in the bushes felt like a batman. Yep lurking like lurking like a batman lurking uh, but we had to get back together and record another episode because In the time between when we recorded the rapaport episode and it dropped Mike flinn general flinn that's right resigned finally stepped down and uh, we knew one of the fastest in history Which is just beautiful. Yeah, so fast. We're living. We're living in perfectly normal times. That's what's happening right there Yeah, uh, but we knew that alex was gonna have a response to it. We knew that he was going to he loves general flinn
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah, I was gonna say general flinn has been on board since the very beginning. So I'm assuming that war's links Like he's he like the two of them even i'm certain that alex has talked to him I'm certain. Yeah, two of them have had conversations. I agree And unlike where else is flinn gonna get his fucking supermail vitality from or grind up bones. Yeah He had well, hold on flinn has his own supply of ground up bones. That's entirely he does not need he does not need anybody else's ground up bones um, but uh, so What was I we're we're Look, he retired. Yes quote unquote retired in ignominy. He decided to go start a farm or something like that
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah, uh, and we'll look at his future career where all renter general goes. He has him. Yeah, uh, the the um I lost my train of thought but we we knew that alex was going to be like losing it right good. Oh, this was my thought Okay, last week alex all he was talking about is like I got inside information Reince previs who he calls Reince previs is going down He's a snake in the grass previs and butt head He keeps saying that previs is the one who's leaking that like Trump is wandering around in his bathrobe and shit like that
Starting point is 00:04:33 He's trying to embarrass the president because he's a paul ryan acolyte who is actually funded by george soros Wow. Yep. That is some complex deep state shit right there. It's amazing So for the whole last week, he's been like previs is going down previs is going down I'm gonna break it for you on monday that on monday. He's like today and tomorrow. We're gonna get into the leakers Tuesday Fucking flinn is out baby. Yeah previs still there. Yeah Did he did he totally he had to have defended flinn and been like he will stay in the office, right? What do you mean? I mean before because uh, that was happening all over the place where you know the day before flinn
Starting point is 00:05:17 Resigned sure people were being like nah, he's still gonna stay in there. This this is completely unstable It's all it's all fake news and yadda yadda yadda No, no, no because anything that's negative alex doesn't talk about Oh, he doesn't talk about it at all when there's inconvenient stuff He just doesn't talk about like he'll talk about the leaks and the inside sources that he has But when there's a source that's probably telling him Like two days three days ahead of time like flinn's probably out He's not gonna talk about that on the air really so he's not gonna talk about it at all
Starting point is 00:05:46 No, because it busts his narrative That's it. Well, but his narrative is now the truth is he doesn't actually have sources Yeah, no kidding. We've established that most of this stuff comes from callers And from people who direct message paul joseph watson on twitter, right as uh as evidence concrete examples of that You know, I can still however imagine late night phone calls from trump to alex jones. Just like I thought I was gonna get more people support Dude, I'm so sorry dude. I thought they liked me alex alex. Why don't they like me anymore? Hey, uh, I don't know but I got some ground-up bone pills
Starting point is 00:06:24 If you want to take them make you feel great. I don't need your ground-up bone pills. You know, I have my own You don't know what you got until you don't have you know what i'm getting at. Anyway, you don't have bones I tuned in on tuesday right to find out what the skinny was Yes, and let me tell you what I found the flinny. What okay, never alex jones went on air Before his broadcast because he needed to make an emergency Fucking uh signal bat signal flying. What yeah, he put out an emergency broadcast Before his four hour show. Okay. He put out a 40 minute clip But where did it air did it air on info wars dot com my friend no way and on their youtube channel and it's
Starting point is 00:07:15 What we're mostly going to be dealing with Is this the 40 minute emergency broadcast and here's why i'm gonna is it a drill? It is not a it's not a drill. It's not jade helms. This is an emergency broadcast. Yeah, yeah Uh, the reason that we're gonna cover this more than the actual episode itself is because the actual episode is super repetitive Right, and he's just hitting talking points over and over and over again. Yeah, and it's not that entertaining That's but that's how you fight a scandal there is you just Just hammer this repetitive put your heels in the mud. Yeah, exactly And in this in this put your put your head underground and just go la la la la la la la
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah, yeah, so he does that on his show for tuesday and really wednesday Okay, there has not been a whole lot of substance But in this clip this emergency broadcast that just went out to the faithfuls on his On his own network. Yeah, as opposed to being broadcast on all of the radio and all that stations in bumfuck, uh, virginia Right, whatever, right? Then here he gets weird. Oh, no, so this is pure concentrated alex jones bullshit right here. This shit is worth it Okay, so that's what we're going to be talking about. Excellent. Here's his first clip This is how he decides to open the broadcast and get to the central thing we should all be afraid about
Starting point is 00:08:34 It's tuesday february 14th 2017 And i'm about to go live With that syndicated radio slash tv broadcast in about an hour and eight minutes dude We know at info wars dot com for its last show But i had to come in early to Breakdown I want to say really quick too. I didn't lengthen any of these pauses
Starting point is 00:09:03 I didn't these are his natural rhythms how he wants to get this emergency message right all right as as slowly as possible. Yeah The clip has started again by the way Some absolute oh that oh information The reason this is so important Is that I have studied the deep state for 30 years Then politically active for 25 as you know, but on air over 21 years. I've really studied the deep set date I've written books on it made films about it If you go back and read those books and watch those films made 15
Starting point is 00:09:40 16 17 18 20 years ago, it's like prescient it all came true. Well, I wasn't prescient the globalist laid out their plan They have the Grammys and the enemies and what big tv shows that are for the general public That is dumbed down disinformation, but the cream certain publications Like foreign affairs put out by the washington post And basically a mirror of the council on foreign relations foreign affairs quarterly publication or bi-monthly publication They actually tell you what they're doing
Starting point is 00:10:19 And in two different articles in foreign affairs that came out yesterday. They basically said the establishment is just looking at killing trump Now this isn't some hollywood producer saying it You know some singer or hollywood person saying it no This is Jesus Our lord the establishment. Oh Dammit so close as a total threat to trump roll over here dead So here is where we finally understand one of the things that's been plaguing us for a really long time
Starting point is 00:10:58 What the fuck is he talking about when he talks about white papers? Yes? That is exactly what I've I I assumed it was like you assumed everyone knew I assumed everybody knew Yeah, so I didn't want to be the one to ask because then like I would just assume like newspapers like what's part of it What's red and black and the white papers? I think that's I think that's how that That old rhyme goes. You got the funny papers and you got the white papers. You got that. Yeah And in both of them the globalists they're speaking to us indeed. Do you ever read uh, heath cliff? No, but chill for the illuminati. Foxtrot Heathcliff lived in a fucking uh dumpster not a dumpster. He lived in a like a junkyard, right?
Starting point is 00:11:41 He's a junkyard cat. Oh, that's right. That's a dystopian agenda 21 future Right. Well, and that's what obama was trying to do is move us all and our cats into the junkyard They're trying to make my cat saline eat cat bones. Uh, I'm gonna grind him up first so The papers are part of it And I'm not saying that whenever he says white papers what he's talking about is this but one of the things he is referring to is He says foreign affairs the Journal he's actually talking about is called foreign policy right and it's a public foreign policy
Starting point is 00:12:15 I know that one. Yeah, I know that one exists the other one that he mentioned foreign affairs by the washington post Yeah, wait. Oh, that was by the washington. Oh, man. No, he's not that he he corrects himself later But he's talking about foreign policy and all that is is a little bit of a denser news site, yeah, it's not really But it's where the council on foreign relations puts out what they're gonna do It's where they get their dirt out. But did they say they were gonna kill trump? Nope, but We're gonna get to it. How do you get to say how do you get to say that? Like they they they put it out in public
Starting point is 00:12:52 They just do it they're there and they're and what they're saying Is they're gonna kill trump? Well, here here is where we're gonna is he being literal or figurative? I think he's being literal I think he's being literal here are the two conclusions that I've had to come to And you know how I was saying I hate him at the beginning of the show. Yes I have to temper that with again a little bit of pity deep-seated pity manimal love
Starting point is 00:13:18 I'm gonna go with pity. Okay. All right. All right, because I think that he does he lacks the ability to comprehend what he's reading sometimes Oh Oh boy, that gets us again that gets us back to the stupid evil He's he's he's either completely lying about these sources. He's citing where he doesn't understand what they're saying Or there's a third possibility that I think is more likely. Okay. He might have a slight paranoid schizophrenia Diagnose somebody that's a really good question
Starting point is 00:13:55 But throughout the course of this episode We're going to start to see him reading a ton of things into stuff that just literally isn't there Holy shit So the foreign policy article that he's citing first of all doesn't say in any way Suggest that people should kill trump. No It also that I I that's probably a prosecutable offense, right? Yeah I would say putting it in a major publication that you want to kill trump It also doesn't say any of the things that he later says it says but also the idea
Starting point is 00:14:28 That there is a magazine Called foreign policy that for 20 years Or however long it's been out in existence. Yeah has been putting the illuminati's playbook out there into the public And for 20 years alex jones has been on the air yelling about it 30 years 20 years on the air. He's been 20 years on the air, but he's been on to it for 30 years. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah How old is he? He's like 42 or something like 43. So yeah, so since since the man, let's just call it the moment he Popped a pubic He was so afraid of pubic hair. Mm-hmm. He immediately went directly to foreign policy dot com
Starting point is 00:15:07 Well, if you if you listen to him tell stories about his childhood I think his dad might have had some of that paranoia in him too. Really? Yeah, how no, I I don't know because because even if we go back to our y2k episode He was super paranoid. That was full on lunacy, right? I feel you have to you have to have had you like you would have had a psychotic break. I think he is Right now. I think we're finally watching the full-on break from reality I think as more
Starting point is 00:15:39 Reality starts to seep in and more people like flin end up getting indicted. Uh-huh because flin very well might be going to prison He should he should there's strong indications. He's straight up lied to the fbi. No, there's there's Indications, they're not strong indications. They're actual Factual we can say that from information that we have heard from sources. We've decided to trust Um in the media, you know what? That's a really good point because a lot of the information The lot of a lot of the information that we are relying on is released by the intelligence community goblasts and they are and have never been Trustworthy you have to take things with a grain of salt. But yeah, they're full of shit
Starting point is 00:16:21 It doesn't look good. It's it does have that ring of because Trump and flin talked shit about the intelligence community that they're like, okay Goes back to the code of the street talk shit get hit Yeah, and then that but that also makes you think about all of the shit that barack did That seems so out of character for what he really Like believed like what you would what you would imagine he did maybe, you know He seems like a guy with compassion and who you know wouldn't want to go crazy town on whistleblowers and yemen Yeah, you know all of those things
Starting point is 00:16:54 So you start to see all of this shit come out and how quickly these guys are being destroyed and you're like wonder What they had on barack Huh, because I bet they had something. Yeah that he uh his Frank marshall davis was his dad. That's true. His mom was a cia pornographer. That's true Uh, he was made in a test tube all true. He's a gay gentleman and a crack addict who has a transgendered wife Right. These are all theories that alex has pitched. What if he just really was a secret muslim? That's it. That's it. Well, remember how pissed off people were when he smoked when yeah God those remember remember when we were mad at smoking
Starting point is 00:17:33 Remember when we were mad at smoking instead of light treason. Anyway, we're at those the days speaking of that light treason somehow we became Archie bunker here just sitting in in the occupied illinois bunker just drinking boons for Because we don't deserve nice things no so this next clip He gets into the situation with flin and his interpretation of it and when he's done we can see if we agree all right, I'm gonna get into general flin but Of course ladies and gentlemen his resignation is only going to put blood in the water now CNN flin's resignation doesn't in controversy surrounding white house General flin led the movement with other military leaders to say no to backing al-qaeda
Starting point is 00:18:17 And then isis and al-Nusra in syria in the killing of hundreds of thousands of people It was a great moral moment for our military and our intelligence agencies They finally hit bottom and decided to not follow criminal orders that they've been following for decades. Fala A real come in jesus moment and so trump knows about all this brought in flin They've released the communiques that flin supposedly made which were not secret He's the national security advisor in waiting of the elected president at that time December 15th who was the president elect Setting up the world leaders working around the clock
Starting point is 00:18:57 for the new agenda against the law and they've released the CIA state department, you know transcripts of what was said The russian ambassador who he's supposed to talk to that's what the president's national security advisor does Not I look at the sanctions with you But you know the president wants to open things up and wants to have a clean slate So that's he repeated what trump had said at press conferences and tweets He said the president's policy the president can meet with the russians The president can sign treaties then we see if congress ratifies the president we elected him
Starting point is 00:19:26 He's not a goddamn russian spy when he talks to the russians That sounds like exactly what a russian spy would say But he's also conflating with the truth like well, you can't you're not president until you're president and you're so that's that's still So your intermediaries are citizens until you're in office and they're sworn into their positions He's a private citizen talking to the russian ambassador and Alex just straight up lied. Yeah, he did just straight up. He said that the communicates have been released They haven't as of this recording. They absolutely have it. No, but from sources who have listened to them They all say that he was very explicit talking about sanctions one source even said
Starting point is 00:20:11 It is impossible that he wouldn't remember talking about it. The entire phone call was about oh man The second fly is that someone was tapping flin's phone and spying on him They were tapping the russians phones. No, I I actually no, they actually have always monitored Those that's that's the thing that came out that I think was under under reported That are supposed to be listening to the russians, but they're not they're listening to us They're listening to the american communications. They're listening to this podcast. That would be interesting. Get us some ratings We're big in the we're big at the cia spy start listening. That's a download That is a download. That's right. That's right. Um, sorry. I interrupted that. No, they are they are listening to
Starting point is 00:20:56 Uh american communicates as well, right? Uh, you have to because because but that's not necessary That doesn't necessarily have to be true that it was some sneaky spying on flin thing No, very plausible that they were spying on these russians Well, it was it's more plausible that they just collected all of those like the stories that you read are uh, They they heard they they saw that, uh, russia wasn't retaliating Which seems so out of character for them and they were surprised they were surprised by that to the point where they were just like Oh, well, let's just go dig back through this length of time To see what may have been who was communicating with me and russians exactly and that's whenever they caught up on those tapes
Starting point is 00:21:37 On those communicates now the interesting thing about I don't think that's the case You don't think so. I think they were listening in real time. Uh, no, that's my that's how I imagine it No, they were not listening in real to real. You're you're yeah, I was gonna say you're you're talking about a cold war spy movie right there I'm imagining these like fbi agents and they're like keep them on the phone. Keep them on the phone We have to have them on the phone for 60 seconds. Otherwise, we won't get a trace. Yeah, we've got his location Yeah, exactly. That's kind of where okay. You're right. I uh, my fantasy is more fun It is more fun. It's way more fun. Probably an actor. I wish we still lived in that world Yeah, um, no, uh, what was I the Logan act they were like the more you read about it the more they're like
Starting point is 00:22:19 This is obscure and nobody has been prosecuted under for a long time. There's one guy right in 1790 something I'm gonna assume it was Logan. Yeah, uh, the new movie coming out We gotta prosecute that movie. Yeah, we gotta prosecute that movie put it to bed But but I I can't I can't believe that it's never happened in that length of time Sure, uh, it has to have there has to have been those civilians that have gone outside of the government and negotiated some shit Almost certainly. I don't think anybody Could have imagined it would be this Utterly and completely blatant. It's pretty obvious like all of the laws they're breaking are ones that people don't even think about
Starting point is 00:23:00 Because it seems so stupid to break those laws the way that they're doing it brazenly Brazenly and the fact that the phone calls line up with when Trump was like very smart of latin mire putin Not to retaliate. Yeah, there's no way there's no way trump doesn't know about this It's incredibly anybody anybody who anybody who insinuates that trump doesn't know about it is fucking Dom at this point, but I do agree with alex on one point that is him resigning is going to just put more blood in the water Absolutely, and if I were trump, I might have not allowed him to resign Uh, oh man, that's a really good. That's a really good question It's kind of showing ass a little bit and showing that you're vulnerable
Starting point is 00:23:39 Oh, he's well, but he is vulnerable But he doesn't want to give that perception and he he's not playing a good game Cards here. Oh Shocker somebody who's never had to play this game of cards is bad at it There's a lot of tells going around. Oh, yeah, and uh, someone's spying on his hand No, it seems like it seems like they are just They're just waiting like the republican congress is just trying to get through as much bullshit as they can In a short a period time as possible. They know it's a fire sale. Exactly. So there
Starting point is 00:24:11 I mean we could because I mean how can he not be it's not not going to happen How can he not he has to be impeached and and that's just based on what's true now Imagine what'll happen within the next month. It's been a month. No and and it is another thing where I do I do absolutely believe that james comey should be arrested and prosecuted for what he's done I've heard some interesting theories about him that I can't fully get into just because I don't I couldn't articulate them well, but I've read some interesting write-ups that suggest that he might be not as bad a dude as
Starting point is 00:24:48 It appears interesting. I'm not sure about this and I don't want to vouch for that because on the surface it looks bad It seems like he basically ruined america almost by himself right, but did you some theories that I've read again? This is substantiated pretty compelling arguments. The north carolina 18 year old russian hacker one. That's it. That's the one Yeah, I I strongly recommend you guys look up the north carolina russian hacker who basically Like they're there the theory the theory is he catfished anthony wiener Yeah, as a as a 16 year old girl. Yeah, that was then the excuse that the fbi needed Because it was a crime to look into his laptop and that's whenever somebody planted
Starting point is 00:25:34 Hillary's emails in there. Well, they had already planted them there. Okay, but but yeah, that was that was the thing Yeah, which is it seems like the most successful Rube goldberg spy machine there's ever been which is why if you're using occum's razor. It's not the It's not super like it's not the most believable thing But there's some pieces of it that kind of you know, they make you think a little Well, there's that famous quote from that one guy. Yes. No, you're raising your hand I I call on dan freezing lest I end up sounding like alex himself A spousing crazy nonsense. Okay. Let me say these are interesting ideas
Starting point is 00:26:10 But I don't know if they're true. Uh, well, that's what I'm saying. There's that old quote where it's like, um, I won't blame conspiracy whenever Ignorance and incompetence are sure options. Yeah. Yeah speaking of ignorance. Oh boy, alex wants to tell you Jordan me he wants to tell you specifically name me. Yep. He does Jordan Holmes from knowledge fight the podcast who are Tools of the globalist. I would be so mad if you got a shout out Ha ha ha Well, clearly because I'm the least dangerous between the two of us every single time he alex jones on his show says I'm telling you what the problem is. I'm so convinced
Starting point is 00:26:53 So you're basically as much a narcissist as trump is at this point It's just getting close getting close in the little flickers. Anyway, we have so many clips. We got to get to these Oh, you want to tell you about what's really going on in the world? Let's do this. So let me explain what's really going on here The macchiavelli ends the globalist Think that if you don't think evil and backstabbing and twisted and all about global domination, you're weak-minded No, we can think macchiavelli. We know it's not good For humanity and humanity's already in so much trouble and already has so many crises that we really need to try to work with people And watch them very very closely trust but verify and have an open hand and say let's have a real day taunt
Starting point is 00:27:36 Let's build an infrastructure. Let's build a space program. Let's build advanced technologies Let's develop life extension, which they've already got. Let's deploy that. Let's launch the space colonies. Let's do it all Let's launch the space colonies That's not a wimpy, you know, silly worldview. Oh, you're silly. Everybody's evil. That won't work bullshit Whoa, he usually doesn't like to use profanity. He's said two swears already And he's not a goddamn russian spy. Yeah, this is very out of character. This is really out of character But again, it's because it's not playing on these stations. Yeah, but he's really getting He's really getting hammered and you can see it in his face. He is pissed off
Starting point is 00:28:17 Now granted, there's still a little bit of acting going on and what have you right? But what's fun about that clip is this sounds way more genuine than Like that bullshit. He just dropped had a lot of heart behind it. It's almost like he couldn't stop it from coming out Yeah, yeah, yeah So, uh, yeah, I think that that again, this is why we're talking about this clip as opposed to the regular show Yeah, it really feels like he means more of the stuff he said here. This is this sounds very real So now we're going to get back to that foreign policy article again, he calls it foreign affairs and he will straighten that out. I promise
Starting point is 00:28:48 But uh, he wants to talk about that But he gets kind of sidetracked because he doesn't really know the details about that article but here's the key Paul Watson links to the pg foreign affairs particular article i'm talking about there's another one the criminal is starting to worry about trump I'm going to read These articles in entirety on air today. In fact, I almost get distracted by my guests. Does he I have great guests that come on But I may just clean the slate of guests today because I need to read
Starting point is 00:29:13 All this because this is from He does not read all of it The mouth of lucifer They say they're at foreign affairs Which again is only for globalists, you know, they put it out only the establishment reads it because they think you're too dumb to go Read it and
Starting point is 00:29:32 They're like, oh, we're battling the war on truth Get your truth here, but now so We always come back to this, uh, whatever he says someone else is doing is what he's doing Yes, I've come to realize that this idea that he has about the globalists putting all this stuff out And they know that you're too dumb to go read it. That's him talking about his listeners Reading the sources he talks about Oh
Starting point is 00:29:57 He's projecting his own feeling of his audience being dumb I mean, it has to be the articles that he cites contradicts what he's saying. Yeah consistently so he's Oh, that's a really good. That's a really good point. There's almost like do you think it's conscious or unconscious? I think it's a complete unconscious like that like somehow the truth is trying to get out in some way This goes back to I think that the truth about him is one part lie One part maybe a little bit bigger part paranoia, right and then a huge part lack too much whiskey Well, yeah lack of reading comprehension. Okay, maybe the uh,
Starting point is 00:30:36 You know, Texas public schools didn't do him a great service See now I want to I want to know more about his personal life to see if there are like Full on paranoid schizophrenic things going on because that seems really scary to think about like I tried to write I tried to find biographies about him or anything about his life and he's too private There's really not a ton about his early life, but you can find some sources And actually there's an episode of the dollop About jade helm. Oh, yeah, where they talk about his early life a little bit They they dug up some sources. Okay, and one of the things they talk about is how when he was in high school
Starting point is 00:31:11 He was convinced that people selling drugs to the kids were working They were like entrapping kids That worked for the school. So he really then yeah when he said 30 years He really does mean that yeah has been that guy for like 30 years He had those say well if you but that's also based on his self reporting of himself when he was younger true So if you believe you're right, you're right if you believe him he did have those paranoid Sort of ideations when he was young. Yeah, who cares. Let's not could just be full of shit Yeah, I'm just I'm just can now you like the moment you brought that up. I'm kind of concerned
Starting point is 00:31:44 Yeah, because that changes this show from laughing at a showman to laughing at a mentally ill person Who needs help? Well, but the problem is he's a great showman. He's a great showman and His entire premise is anti him getting help That's true. And he's such a damaging awful part of our culture that it we We must laugh at him. Yes. That's true. Even if he's mentally ill We can't help it. Okay. Now here is my theory based on what he just said for why the print industry is dying It's only for globalists. Yeah, there can't be that many of them. No, why would you publish so many papers?
Starting point is 00:32:25 It's only for global. Oh man, we're gonna learn something else about globalists. It's really tragic at the end of this episode too Okay, all right. Let's get back into it. Let's finish this clip They realize the lies don't work. And so I see this in history only when they're about to execute really horrible devastation Starting huge wars you name it set the nuke off in dc anything Talking about time to kill trump I Mean Obama has gotten a
Starting point is 00:32:55 Bunker this is in the news two miles from the white house and is recruiting with soros an army for a Bolshevik style revolution. That's not true. What it's not in the news What what news would have that on there without there's an article on bright part? Oh So that is in the news that yeah by the very barest of definitions that's in the news There's a very sensational article on bright part that links to an article in the new york post And that's the only source on it and I have pulled it up and read it There's no real evidence that uh, he's
Starting point is 00:33:29 You know getting a militarized bunker And recruiting an army. Well in the article forget. He's recruiting an army in the article constitutional scholar is recruiting an army In the article the only relevant uh citations that are made about obama at all are one hyperlinked clip I'm sorry link That is about obama saying he was heartened by anti-trump protests And the sentence goes when former president barack obama said he was heartened by anti-trump protest
Starting point is 00:34:01 He was sending a message of approval to his troops troops. Yes, obama has an army of agitators numbering more than 30,000 Who will fight his republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency already showing a little bit of bias What there's no citation for this 30,000 number or that they're shock troops. Yeah, this is absurd This is propaganda. Give me an idea of what one the hiring process would be like Well, they put out stuff on back page. All right No, what it is all about is that obama is working with that organization organizing for action Which is you know community organizing. I like how I like how we're still on obama is their big Uh boogie man. Well, it has to be he's he's fucking windsurfing in the middle of nowhere right now
Starting point is 00:34:47 They're like, oh, he's orchestrating all of these trump protests 30,000 agitators Yeah, definitely not the millions and millions of people pissed off about how awful he's being right now Yeah, it's obama and 30,000 people. Yeah, so that that uh that all of them named hussain And that claim that he's working with sorrows and they got this bunker and they got an army of bolsheviks That's crazy. It's that's full on crazy. The only way you can take that as truth is if you read the bright part article That has no sourcing. Yeah, so like okay, go ahead and read that. It's not it's not news It's absolutely not verified. It's not sourced. It is out there in the open though They're just putting it out there in the open. It's in a blog
Starting point is 00:35:30 You're you're not smart enough to see that that's the only way globalists communicate with each other is on bright part news This isn't even in foreign policy Like it's it that's right. It would have to be if that's how the globalists Interact exactly, you know, it's gotta be like, oh, hey guys get excited obama starting this bunker up But they have a secret foreign policy newspaper that they send out only to each other Anyway, this clip is mostly about the fear I woke up. I've never Here's what's happening right now. You can see it intellectually. You can also feel it. There is a
Starting point is 00:36:09 There was a coup over america under globalism by stealth. There was a counter coup with trump They're launching a counter counter coup right now and there's there's incredible things going on right now This is an amazing time to be alive Agreed And I feel sorry for people that don't have the historical gravitas or understanding even know what they're dealing with Or what they're facing or what they're looking at. I kind of do too But when they come out In these articles
Starting point is 00:36:41 And they say everything I've said but from their perspective It's frightening few things frighten me but to have this much confirmation of my analysis of enemy operation Which came from my analysis And to realize trump synced up not because he's even listening to me but because he's he gets it. He's smart He gets it. You knew this before I was born No, I know the inside baseball No, you don't there's a long fight It is and I look at all the sad dumb down people that have been made slaves of this and they don't
Starting point is 00:37:14 Know how hard good people are fighting to try to give them freedom. It's just painful I think he's talking about us. I think he is It's almost too much to actually handle. It's it's and to see these snakes though. Okay. We're not gonna lie anymore Trump wants america in the world to be free Trump wants america to take over the whole global system that we stole and that america built And he wants this big super powerful system. Wait, what? And he wants to actually empower humanity and we're not gonna let him and the russians don't want that either Because they want their own power and like they're devilishly talking to the devil and the russians going trump's gonna break all of it
Starting point is 00:37:53 He's gonna bring it all down. Join us against trump. This is some sick stuff, man. This is sick This is sick. This is the devil talking. It's not even that article. There's a bunch of them. I read like four of them last night That's he's trying to say that that's what the article is saying So now he's saying that the russians are gearing up with the anti trump people No, he's saying that the globalists through this foreign policy article are trying to say to the russians. Hey guys, come on Come join us. Oh join our side against trump. Yeah, which is where we get into and that's where the counter counter coup is happening Yes, because the original counter coup was when the russians were on his side. No, no, no But the no, no first coup was you're so wrong. How many coups are we going through?
Starting point is 00:38:36 I'm sorry. This rushing this russian nesting doll of coups. No chai-com nesting the good point. Good point. My bad My bad chai-com nesting doll of coups And i'd be c o o z if you know that we're gonna get a beer cooler We're gonna get a chai-com nesting doll of coups. Well, we're gonna get a counter counter counter beer. Cousy. We've got so many great great products Come see them at our knowledge fight store dot com Uh, so no the coup the original coup was a soft coup that was done by hillary clinton And george soros and bill uh bill clinton and barack obama to get them to get her the presidency Yes, okay, and then the and to flood america with jihadis and what have you and sell us out to the chai-coms
Starting point is 00:39:22 Of course, that was the original coup. Okay, and then behind the scenes there was another soft coup That was done by people who were fed up in the intelligence communities Working with russia. Okay, but we don't want to talk about that part about it Alex does let it slip sometimes The russians were kind of working on it So they these great patriots within the intelligence community Were the ones who leaked all those emails to wiki leaks and what have you and and that was the counter coup That's the counter coup. That was original counter now
Starting point is 00:39:52 This is the narrative that's spouted by like roger stone and steve pechenek whenever they come on the show Yes, they pitch the the counter coup narrative. Yes, then the counter counter coup I suppose Man the globalists fight back. I don't know. They can't have a counter counter counter counter coup I mean, obviously that's what's coming next. It has to be there. It has to be Oh, man, it's turtles all the way down. That's what it is if there's a coup if there's a coup which I did I reject that argument doesn't there have to be like I reject even the first coup as an argument But if there's a coup and you're saying that there's a counter coup
Starting point is 00:40:33 I've never heard the word coup before this many times in a row But if there's a counter coup and you're arguing that you can't then be surprised when there's a counter That's just that's just a battle. That's just responding So yes, there hasn't been one coup yet. No, we're just on the we're on the road to coup like uh, like a Uh, a buddy picture Starting being cross me. It's so crazy So yeah, that uh, you know, alex first of all takes a lot to get him scared. He's scared because he's Reading way more devilish things into this article that and I I want to say very clearly
Starting point is 00:41:15 I've read this article four or five times now. Yeah, I've read it over And there you know, there's a couple things that I think you could really seriously misrepresent And I think he does that of course But it's not in any way saying the things that he's going to say and once he starts to get into more of the substance of it I'll explain and describe what the article is actually about but for now. He wants to talk a little bit about The uh, he's gonna talk a little bit more about the article Okay, not really get into the details yet because he gets a little bit distracted again Kind of always gets distracted which with I mean, which dimension is he distracted with this time 17 17
Starting point is 00:41:51 But this is this is where they're they're metastasizing. That's a counter counter dimension right there This clip is where he realizes that the name of the article or the journal isn't foreign fairs And he corrects himself right but in doing so ends up having a philosophical Discourse with himself about the nature of honesty. That is fucking fantastic. I can't wait to listen russian insiders fear washington establishment Will assassinate trump He says that as if it's the article's title. It's not that's the title of the article on info wars That paul joseph watson wrote Which which uses the article in foreign policy as a reference
Starting point is 00:42:33 But it never says that anywhere inside the article not once So when he says the name of the article on info wars, it sounds way worse Than the actual article because they're a propaganda outfit. Yes. Now keep in mind that that is just literally A weak lie. Yes. Now. We'll get to the honesty treaties I say foreign affairs. It's foreign policy, but it's I always tell the truth even when I make a mistake His foreign policy is foreign affairs articles in the washington post the public So it is foreign affairs in the cfr, but foreign policy Now we get we get the zeitgeist so hard that you like can't even tell lies even when you're not trying to tell a lie
Starting point is 00:43:15 But your brain takes the information and translates it out true because they admit this is the council on foreign relations They just don't want that stigma. So they call it foreign policy instead of foreign affairs I'm calling it foreign affairs because it is foreign affairs. I'm not just bragging. It's just Compare that to the average person who's totally unconscious and people used to everybody used to be like me 100 years ago I'm not this is scary folks our spirits are being stolen whoo There's a lot there. That was fucking crazy. Yeah, there's a lot there. That's uh go back play that again like halfway through Okay, go back to about halfway through like I so hard that you like can't even tell lies
Starting point is 00:43:52 Even when you're not trying to tell a lie, but your brain takes the information and translates it out true because they admit This is the council on foreign relations. They just don't want that stigma. So they call it foreign policy instead of foreign affairs I'm calling it foreign affairs because it is foreign affairs. What's bragging It's just compare that to the average person who's totally unconscious and I people used everybody used to be like me 100 years ago He could have just said this is scary folks our spirits are being stolen All he had to do was say oops I made a mistake 1000% all he had to do that spiraled into some kind of weird I have to be always right
Starting point is 00:44:30 Even though I made a mistake what I really did was had a Freudian slip But of the truth which like at the beginning when I was saying that he says it's foreign affairs But it's actually foreign policy. I wasn't saying that to come down on him. I was just saying that in the interest of being fully Informational and now you can come down on him because that I but I would never come down on him for that I mean on our last episode two episodes back. I said fucking Nigel McGinnis 20 times when it was Gavin McGinnis I said no idea. I don't remember his name. I don't fuck about a guy who defends blackface Hey, do you know what you just did right there? You admitted you made a mistake and then we're gonna move on I did because nobody judges you. It's super easy to make a slip of the tongue exactly
Starting point is 00:45:09 He could have easily done that he could have just said that But you know what I was being truthful even when I wasn't because Nigel McGinnis is a pro wrestler I don't that is what fucking crazy hundred years ago. Everyone used to be like me. Was he there? Also, uh, what is what does that mean wait wait a hundred years ago? Everybody used to be like him. What does that mean? I don't know, but you might know that because of ancestral memories. Oh You live on through your descendants If if there is like if we if he really does have a narrative through line Throughout everything he believes in such a way as like if you just see the whole picture like if we
Starting point is 00:45:47 If we if we do like a yeah If we zodiac killer the guy's searching for the zodiac and we have the pins and we use the string to tie him up together That's and it does make sense. That's coming by the way. That would be amazing I'm gonna take down those pictures on the wall behind you and we're gonna straight up Just turn this into and then and then you're gonna leave them down forever like our friend John Rappaport And then i'm just gonna start peeing in all these empty wine bottles Never never leave my room and that's how trump dies. Um, so here he gets a ammonia fumes He finally gets into a little bit more about the article
Starting point is 00:46:24 But still doesn't really get into it and and then and i'm you read this stuff and it's just like Okay, trump really is a real revolution and wants to empower poor people and he is gonna build factories in the black areas and You know what russia you really want to do with america that powerful join us come on We'll share it with you just help it, you know Man you talk about and and telling russia we're gonna kill him. We're gonna kill him They even announced it but the the the one lie they tell is their biggest truth They say in two different articles. I read they go
Starting point is 00:46:57 Putin's cancelled the bolstered revolution celebration and they say he did that Because he's afraid of revolutions. No, he's part of the revolution of bringing christianity back Putin's real and they're trying to mop up communism and the old hardliners and their government right now I'm gonna go ahead and is there anybody more of an old hardliner than Putin himself Probably not. He is the single most hardliner there. Also. He he came up with an amazing zen koan right there The one lie they're telling is actually the truth
Starting point is 00:47:33 That is that is the sound of one lie clapping. That's amazing. I have the article here In 2016 a senior russian official explained to a group of visiting foreigners Why the government had decided not to celebrate the upcoming hundredth anniversary of the bolshevik revolution? Yes, it was a turning point in russian history. He argued and yes president Vladimir Putin sees today's russia as a successor to both the zars and the bolsheviks But celebrating a revolution would send the wrong message to society the kremlin today The kremlin very telling quote the kremlin today is staunchly opposed to regime change The visitors were told and thus skittish about eulogizing 1917
Starting point is 00:48:11 It plans to use the centa centenary centenary Centenary there you go instead to draw attention to the catastrophic consequences of resorting to revolution to solve social and political problems That is the that's What he's taking that part from yeah, they are staunchly opposed to regime change especially when it comes to Russian regime change right and also yeah, so but but that you you see the difference between the text and what his interpretation is Yeah, yeah, the other stuff about you never make the subtext text. No, okay The others you always keep it hidden between the lines, of course, especially if you're goddamn globalist exactly
Starting point is 00:48:51 That's how you communicate with each other. Right. It's all we have you tried Have you tried like circling the first letter of every word in one of those sentences and then putting it together? And then seeing what that says, you know what I did do I did put like rice wine vinegar on my phone to see if anything like comes up So far nothing you threw glitter to see if the invisible ink and stuck to it my phone is not operating very well All right Anyway, this clip goes on a little bit more. Do you know why globalists this clip gets a little bit more religious Okay, and but they spent it and go oh because he's afraid of revolution. No, he said the bolstered revolution was bad communism was bad
Starting point is 00:49:28 He's actually saying it. He's doing it. He didn't say that. He's announcing. We want god We want sovereignty russia's saying we want christ providence Just like trump did by example, january 20th. This is huge None of that was in the article did not say any of that none of it Is there any evidence other than how much putin hates? uh gay people that he is in any way a like a Christian
Starting point is 00:49:55 Um, I don't know. Does like does he attend like a russian orthodox church? Like what are we talking about here? I don't know. I've never really been too interested in the religious lives Have to wear a shirt when he goes to church It would be disrespectful not to I think uh, it would be disrespectful to ask putin to wear a shirt That would be just he would take it as a sign of disrespect for sure exactly So who wins in a fist fight between putin and god christ I don't know christ looked ripped. Yeah, he did He's just out there and and as alex was bringing up on a later show
Starting point is 00:50:27 I don't have the clip of this but he was talking about how when christ went in with the money changers He beat their ass He wanted to make a good point out of christ could fight if he wanted to that is such a weird that is such a weird story Whatever, it's like christ the bringer of peace and love goes into the temple and is like Fuck this shit hulks out Yeah, he was making the argument that the reason that christ got mad about that was because they were using like a different But but but types of currency in order to bilk people out of money
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah, that's what he was right That's what he was mad about not the fact that they were bringing commerce into the church or whatever I mean if you look at the mega churches we have now you can't be mad about a starbucks being in your church No, but they're you know, he has a varying varying interpretations of what christ was actually mad about in that story But then his big point is that? Boom he fought i've never thought about how out of character that is for jesus couldn't he have just talked to him It is a little weird But there's a whole bunch of stuff if you look into like you know the child gospels and stuff like he killed his friend
Starting point is 00:51:31 That is true brought him back to life though. He did that's a weird one. Yeah, that's a real weird one a kid bumped into him And so he's like you're fucking dead. Yeah, and then his parents were like dude Come on don't kill him and he was like fine and brings him back to life. Yeah, that's crazy. That's why it's not in the bible That's my favorite verse of that's my favorite book of the bible though. It's not bad Um, so hey, uh, you know, we're making a lot of jokes about the globalists But we really should take them seriously because they you know, they're up to no good This is you they're going they're killing the family right now They're putting out psychological warfare systems that are going to end us
Starting point is 00:52:04 and humanity at the final cliff Of cultural and spiritual death the russians america the japanese the brazilians the italians people all over are getting going I don't want to do this. I don't want to die. I don't want to not have kids I don't want to give over myself because elon musk says Merge with machines or die and the globalists are all announcing their their crap You're not able to have kids in the future unless you go to the government and have some composite engineered humanoid because everybody's gonna be sterile I told you that 10 years ago. Now they're announcing it. I don't think that's a bad idea plan. It's pure evil I
Starting point is 00:52:41 Kind of would be cool with that plan for childbirth. All right, we're gonna have a slight disagreement I mean you might be able to eliminate all sorts of uh very tragic diseases and stuff like that But there's also an argument to be made that variety is the spice of life and much like you we were talking about on the last episode Even some mental illnesses or strengths. I I agree, but Wouldn't that be kind of fun? It would be interesting. That's gonna be a really interesting world Be fun in a book But elon musk doesn't say that the article. I don't know why he brought up elon musk because it's also advising trump Yeah, who is also a very much against his workers unionizing like
Starting point is 00:53:21 Elon musk is not some kind of globalist hero here No, but he's he's the closest thing that alex knows to like a futurist Oh, okay, and so he's using it and there was an article that had come out recently where elon musk was talking about how because of Because of the rapidity and the the speed that technology is evolving in AI merging with humanity might be a necessary piece of humans keeping up Yeah, with and he's talking about that is otherwise we're gonna be replaced. He's talking about that is sort of a just sort of You know a hypothetical thing and something that may be coming down the line with the you know the nature of how our technology works
Starting point is 00:54:01 Yeah, I don't think I'd be too far against that either, but he's not saying merge with machines or die He's just saying they're like we might end up becoming cyborgs. You know what? I am officially saying it here merge with machines or die. All right That's my But the the list of countries that he pulled out of his ass were my favorite random countries Which ones were those it was russia america japan brazil it italy Like those are his world superpowers right well because italy is pulling like they're the next country They want to pull out of the eu
Starting point is 00:54:31 Okay, I thought spain was the next country. They wanted to he talks about them a little bit too Okay, but italy is one of the big examples he uses of So it's always on his mind. Yeah much like georgia. Yes. Okay, uh, and uh, georgia is on is always on my mind Next on that list it's it's a good thing that nationalism never led to fascism in italy Yeah, I mean it's glad i'm glad that we have a great track record of never repeating the same shit that happened Exactly 70 years ago every 70 years. I don't know what's going on in brazil Uh, but uh, I don't know it's not good brazil is a tire fire. Oh, it's bad Somehow their government is worse and more corrupt than ours. They basically have a kidnapping based economy. They do
Starting point is 00:55:22 Well, and that's how their government changed was actually with a real coup Yeah, was it a counter coup or a counter counter? It was no it was just one Well, unless you count the first coup as getting rid of the military dictatorship That was the first coup that was the first coup then the counter coup is white people doing what we do best Taking our shit back. Yep counter coup. Yeah So this next clip Jordan this next one you might be thinking like he's painting a really bleak picture of the world And shit's pretty bad and he sounds really he sounds really depressed about it But elix jones is not a man to mire in the depressiveness. He's a man who wants to come at you with some solutions
Starting point is 00:56:00 Okay, he's got a solution for you. Do you know what that? I I respect that a lot because most republicans do not go that far Well, even the mainstream what like they're trying to wait till you hear his solution That's not the point at least at least he's got an idea like they're saying they want to get rid of obama care And nobody has come up with even close to an idea repeal and replace it's exactly but nobody's doing the replace part Nope, at least alex jones is like. Hey, how about health care comes from the 11th dimension? How about that guys? He's not even going to be that specific and also at the end he's going to talk about satan Okay, good. We have to organize ourselves into chivalrous good strong organizations that in that that re-invoked the rituals of
Starting point is 00:56:45 Also, I want to interrupt here for a second. I'm actually going to go back to the beginning All right, because I didn't catch this the first time I was listening to it when he says chivalrous Do you think he's talking about like knights? Um, I think he's more talking about or holding doors open for ladies I think it's more holding doors open for ladies But it's not like the ancient code of chivalry. I do think there's also the implied like and women are Chivalrous society is that kind of a thing we got to save them all from dragons exactly We got to make sure that they don't hurt themselves. All right. This is definitely not going to lead
Starting point is 00:57:17 Some of his fucking listeners to end up like donkey hody We have to organize ourselves into chivalrous good strong organizations like unions in that that that re-invoked the rituals of the birthrights That re-invoked the rituals of the rights of the masons that that that that stress people in a good way To flower into what they're supposed to be and then have a culture that admires human strength and worships what god made because god is what we worship and we're made in the image Like this is all a satanic ritual against the most beautiful great thing on this planet humans The whales are great. The elephants are amazing. We're a trillion times better. We can do anything
Starting point is 00:57:58 This is all the test to the next level You don't just think god just gives his creatures unlimited power like spoiled children right away No wonder these luciferians feel all the power of the universe of the ideas and think they're god and want to go crazy and take over That's the devil. That's the spirit of lucifer Oh boy That is some full-on fire and brimstone scarjo, uh, not scarjo marjo shit right there. That's not scarlet your handsome scarlet joe No, there's the there's the child preacher in the I want to say it was marjo or something I'm thinking it's more the longer lines like he gets a little jim jonesy
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yeah, throughout these sinners in the hands of an angry god kind of thing. There's uh, there is A feeling I worry that if things get really bad It's going to be either take to the streets or drink the kool-aid Yeah, do you do you think he's going to turn this into a death cult because this has the feel of a death cult common Right and he accuses like globalism of being a literal death cult. Yeah, exactly Whatever it is they're saying we're doing is what they're trying to do. So we need to do it first So if they're a death cult, we need to death cult better. It's possible. I don't know. It's really weird though Like this is getting weird again. I I'm not taking him out of context. I'm letting these clips play
Starting point is 00:59:19 I'm engaging this with the source material, which is his talking He always likes to say I don't believe these things. It's what the globalists believe Yeah, but in that sentence he said do you think god gives these gifts to children on there like at the beginning? Yeah, they have to work for it. That's why these satanists feel so powerful I don't understand that second part of the sentence You know what the second does does lucifer give it to the satanist first? I guess so but what he's implicitly saying or even explicitly is that there are powers That is a good point
Starting point is 00:59:51 He is saying that explicitly saying and that if we there are powers If the good folks like himself right work, they get good powers Whereas these evil people are just given evil powers for joining up. It's a complete psychotic break He's living in it in dragon ball z. That's what he's living in. He's living in dragon ball z Yeah, you can't get a shortcut to increasing your power level to 5 000. It's super male vitality. You got to work hard You got to take super male vitality. That's how you charge up like goku over 9 000. That's what we're going for You take uh Caveman you charge up chew up bones. Yeah, that's I'm I'm still not going to be able to get past the whole
Starting point is 01:00:34 This is ground up bones thing. Yeah, I now admittedly, you know what marshmallows? There's a lot of ground up bones in there. So never mind. I'm totally fine with taking a ground up bone pill gelatin is Yeah, yeah, it's ground up bones. Uh, fuck it. Anyway, uh, I think the whales are great and the elephants are great But you know what ground up bones are a trillion times better. I do like how he has to throw shade at animals all the time Does seem to that is a recurring theme Yeah, um, anyway, he hates the animal kingdom. This next clip he gets into Uh, some more satan talk When you look at chuckie schumer
Starting point is 01:01:08 And you look at all these new world order people and you look at what they're doing and you look at what they're involved in And they are satanist ladies and gentlemen and there is a real struggle against evil Taking place right now on this planet I mean you look at the michael moors and the gloria steinems and the Fuck you maxine waters and antsy poloses. Those are a lot of women by empty husks zombies Again, yep
Starting point is 01:01:38 Again women. Uh-huh. He's talking shit about women. Yeah, it's always about women He does seem to well I mean, it's because he has that clip of maxine waters and antsy poloses. So they're fresh on the mind As like targets for him. Don't take down gloria steinem. Well, he why are you doing because he does not hold a fucking candle to gloria steinem. No, but she would eat his balls alive I'm fairly certain that those balls are ground up into bone right now. Uh, yeah, but he he, uh If I recall the reason he's mad at her is he believes that she works for the cia Oh, but not the devil or does the cia also work for the devil? I think he is I wanted moonlighting
Starting point is 01:02:18 I really want to find out what his like A flow chart who yeah, who works for the devil the order chart. Yeah, because it's an or he like calls out organizations But then how like do we ever get into specific people who are working for the cia? But also the devil on a false devil flag every like what's in a little bit He's going to get into like his idea of the hierarchy of things. Oh, okay So there is a little bit of talk about that coming up Then that should clarify things because as we know whenever I get a clip, uh, It always clarifies absolutely doesn't doesn't create more questions. Yeah, so this next clip
Starting point is 01:02:55 We learn a couple things first it turns out that jerry sands dusky's son got arrested for molesting children Yep, uh, like father like son. I mean it is something that is generational a lot of times because if you are and it kind of suggests that he may Have been molested himself a hundred percent. Yep. I mean there's almost no Doubt in my mind that that's the case and that's that's a real tragedy. Yeah, uh, alex reads way more into that and how it is They're part of a bigger system, of course Uh, and this is also a clip where we learn that alex jones recently read dracula Told you they're gonna start arrested people in pennsylvania with the sandusky situation. They arrested his son reportedly one of the procurers
Starting point is 01:03:38 His daddy was a procurer Told you sandusky was over anything like that ever dracula still sits Don't ever say procurer. He said it's so lascivious. Yeah. What the fuck was that also? I don't know if there's any evidence that that is true that they were procuring children I don't care their pedophiles. Yeah, absolutely. That's not matter. That's bad enough the thing is that he's using that in such a A Exploitative manner right because you have to juice up your base. Yeah, you have to make you have to make the people even matter
Starting point is 01:04:15 At chuck schumer, right? By connection to this It's it's insane, but anyway, that's fucking disgusting now. I'm gonna put the mic down I saw you I saw you get very animated I had to go back because this is the evidence that uh, and he brings up these references that he makes about 50 times on the last like three episodes of the show So it's clear you fucking read dracula Really recently or someone had a conversation with him about or he saw the great gary oldman
Starting point is 01:04:44 Portrayal of dracula where keanu reeves really crushes it by a nice speaking role, which is bad for him. Here we go He was only the renfield Count dracula still sits there in penn state count dracula Only gets the trainees to rape kids They're not just raping kids They're slicing their throats But long after they torture them and torture them real hard
Starting point is 01:05:11 What so you get something through your heads out there all of you You sign on to this evil you keep making your jokes about trump and what's happening As they arrest pedophiles from pennsylvania to california as weiner prepares to be indicted for child porn As all of these criminal groups get rolled up. You just remember what side you were on Good god, look at what you stand for look at how Physically ugly your leaders are And that's a manifestation of the fact that that's their spirit and that's what they want and they want ugliness
Starting point is 01:05:46 They like ugliness Yeah, okay before we say anything else. Yeah, he has just opened himself up for Personal appearance attacks. He looks like shit. He looks like fucking garbage Do not Do not come at me with your physical appearance is what your spirit manifests itself without you looking in a goddamn mirror Real fucking hard rob do looks like shit. Leanne macadoo's smoking hot Uh, so she's cool. She's cool. Uh, fucking uh, david knight looks like a fucking santa claus He does or at a mall. He does look all right shirtless though. Yeah, he looks okay. Uh, who else we got
Starting point is 01:06:29 Roger stone looks not bad stone looks like a glamour puss. Yeah He's he's out in the out in the touch and ladies business Our boy john rapaport looks like definitely not looks good. Yeah Looks like he has been through the unabomber ringer paul joseph watson is attractive in some lights But he always looks like he's about to cry. He looks like the biggest puss in the world All right, but you know, he's you know, I could if he didn't talk I think he'd probably be attractive and if you put some fucking get some Get some fucking viseen in your eyes paul joseph watson
Starting point is 01:07:06 You just you just described the tinder date you went on with paul joseph watson right there Shut the fuck up But social justice warriors. We could have enjoyed our coffee Uh, yeah, but also the thing that I find super offensive about that clip is the insinuation that there's only two sides There's like if you're not on board with trump Yeah, you are one of these pedophiles. Yeah, you're as bad as them. You're defending and there are everybody Everybody is associated with pedophiles if there is any if there's any news about a pedophile It will immediately be
Starting point is 01:07:39 Related to hillary clinton and the globalist. Also, I'm slitting your kids' throats and again. He's talking so lascivously about that That's so fucking disgusting. You're trying he's trying to horrify people and then be like if you don't want to be like that You got to be on our side. Yeah, which works for really dumb people Yeah, does not if you're critical and you can realize no i'm against your wacky bullshit and i'm also strongly against pedophiles Yeah, also a lot of these reports that are coming out that are being used as evidence that trump is rolling up Pedophile networks a lot of what there's a bunch of stuff on like conspiracy blogs and message boards about these arrests That are going on and a lot of the times they aren't pedophile rings. They are human trafficking things, but they're adults They're well, I mean human trafficking is bad
Starting point is 01:08:24 But again, but I don't think I don't think trump has a goddamn thing to do with that Probably not but also human trafficking is just what a lot of prostitution charges get ended up being trumped up to Oh, really? Yeah, a lot of these people who are getting arrested are just small time prostitutes or a pimp That's not good. No, I mean pimps are bad. I mean, that's not pimp are bad But it's not I think the sex kids throats the sex industry should be legalized. I think that's a good thing They should be there should be protections. That is not the same thing as human trafficking, which is horrifying Absolutely human trafficking is truly horrifying and to conflate those two together You can a hundred percent very very evil right and a lot of these a lot of these sites are doing that
Starting point is 01:09:07 I can't I can't say that for every single instance, but a couple of them. I've looked into this Like this is just a this is just a run-of-the-mill prostitution sting. Oh, but anyway The big point that I want to make is that you can very much be against trump and against Pedophiles it seems like that should be a point that does not need to be made. Nope But anyway, somehow we're in that world. We're in the darkest timeline We now get back to some shit about uh, flinn Uh, and alex tells a little lie about a time he went to dinner Does it oh god is somebody gonna compliment his car again? No, it's it's even more insane. Okay
Starting point is 01:09:46 The globalist the breakaway deep state was spying on flinn while he's in there His only sentence. He's so genuine and so good And working install this he doesn't realize how they would spend that kind of stuff Well, they have some guy speaking russian walking over me. I look over. Where's the camera? Or i'm sitting there at dinner with activated navy seals. Somebody walks over goes alex I want you to talk to trump about nuclear submarines for taiwan And I look where's the camera up there? They are this guy just like i'm dumb sitting there filming and it's just like, you know So they could run back to the intelligence station goes. Here's jones acting like he's got contacts with trump trying to sell submarine deals
Starting point is 01:10:29 That's how it works folks That's not how it works. That is not how it works. That's a very bad spy. He's he's that's a really really bad spy He's told the story a couple times which leads me to believe that something might have happened But it was probably talk about nuclear submarines for taiwan I imagine if this did happen. It was someone trying to prank him Yeah, it wasn't intelligence agencies No, it was someone like some jackass coming up and trying to fuck with him I'm against the intelligence community because of their implicit evil and explicit
Starting point is 01:11:02 But you do have to give them at least a basic level of competency They're not going up to random people being like Hey, man, uh, you've been doing any spy lately. You want to talk to trump about selling us a nuclear submarine? Hey, I'm I'm not a spy. Are you a spy? You guys do drugs like yeah, what is it? What is this? It's so crazy like for someone who claims to have sources and know how things work on the inside Yeah, for him to think that that was anything other than someone fucking with him or quite possibly It was it's just him making something up that has to be him making something or just the entire thing up most likely Anyway, I like how he used the the the terrible job interview a line of like, uh, what's your biggest flaw?
Starting point is 01:11:49 I think it's that I'm just too genuine. I have too much integrity. I just have so much. I'm too nice Yeah, I I really am just such a genuinely good person. I think that's my biggest flaw after he finishes up his dinner lie He does some role playing about what Flynn's firing. I love role playing I'm sitting there at dinner and drinking a beer and shuttling your wolf game puck Um Appetizers in my mouth and this is the kind of crap I deal with on a weekly basis And so that's what Flynn and everybody who's used to his own military culture and try to do a job and tell him the truth And oh, yeah, line up the calls. Okay. We'll get the russian ambassador line that call up for tomorrow with the president
Starting point is 01:12:33 Okay, we'll negotiate talking to talking to pootin Now sir, I can't talk to you about the sanctions, but you know trump wants an open relationship So we're gonna try to work with you and try to open relationship mutually successful things for humanity Oh my god Flynn's been blackmailed So that's that's basically the thrust of his uh, his argument. So his argument is that what Flynn was doing talking to the russian ambassadors was actually saying I can't talk to you about this yet. Yeah, the russians brought it up
Starting point is 01:13:02 He artfully dodged the question and said look, I know I know trump wants to work with you But I can't talk about that stuff and then absolutely did not lie to anybody about that Well, he was just too genuine to lie about what it was that he talked about because he didn't talk to them about sanctions They just asked him and he said I can't talk to you about it. So when he was asked about it He didn't think that that qualified is talking about sanctions. Wow, which that even that qualifies, right? Qualifies is lying. That's still that still seems like something you would want to talk about Yeah, if they asked you about sanctions, wouldn't that be a thing where you're like, hey I think they're really concerned about these things that might be something to report
Starting point is 01:13:41 But if alex's version of the truth was real, which it's not But if that were real, that would be a very different Scenario, I think I don't think I would be that worried about him saying something like that. Yeah That's actually him being very genuine and honest, but that's not true. Not even close to true That's the exact opposite of anything true. I don't think that people are so fucking bonered out to make a case against someone That they're going to trump up up that that's that's the laziest thing to also He claims that he knows that this is what happened because the transcripts have been released and they haven't no
Starting point is 01:14:20 So he's he's citing something that isn't public And he doesn't have these transcripts. I do like how he describes wolfgang puck appetizers as the shit He has to deal with every day. Well once a week. Yeah, what's a week? He's going to wolfgang puck once a week And someone is trying to pretend he's a russian with a video camera Just absolute insanity. Anyway, here is actually the role playing that he does about uh, the flint firing. Okay And of course the president then I guess got advised or flint probably just got sick of it said i'm resigning not a good move That's how they trick you In fact, I haven't talked to any of these people, but I bet
Starting point is 01:14:57 That flint just said sir, I don't want to be a distraction. I'm sorry. I probably should have been clear on that I'm gonna resign trump said. Well, all right, but keep advising me behind the scenes. I mean, I bet money. That's how it went That's also a crime Keep advising me behind the scenes That is you you have to know you can't do that behind the scenes. You have to have transcripts. There's laws There's super laws It's really important that there are those things you can't just advise him behind the scenes I think it's good that he said I haven't talked to any of these people. I'm just guessing
Starting point is 01:15:34 But I bet I bet the way it went down because if he had talked to them and he knew that this was going like what it You know what was going on He just revealed a crime He just revealed the the against the laws although two episodes back. He did just read a classified material. That's true Uh, it it kind of both suggests that nobody is listening to alex jones And everybody does not care if they are what if it's all just bots and What if all the rest of russian russian bots it's putans Russian hacker teams
Starting point is 01:16:12 Yeah, the the hacker farms and they're just all doing the the views just over and over and over again The more I think about it the more I do realize he has to have outside funding Yeah, I've thought about it a whole bunch more and on wednesday's show. He was talking about how You know selling this stuff doesn't fund the operation the way he needs You're getting money from somewhere else. There's no there's no way I would I would like to track like his tax returns It's too late for that It's too late for that the republicans voted against him releasing his tax returns
Starting point is 01:16:46 Could we because because it's time for us to just move on we can't freedom of information act alex jones Not yet not yet Not yet. We got to wait 25 years or whatever. Let's obala gets his fucking street soldiers out there. Maybe Uh, you had a question. Um, oh shit. What was it? Well, maybe while you think about it, we'll get to this next clip Which is about uh, it gets into how uh, all of this That's going on in the world is preparation for war and then he talks about how uh, marine lapin is fucking sweet Now they're like, ah victory. There's russian spies everywhere. Let's bring down the russians
Starting point is 01:17:25 And this is for when they start a war with russia because they got operatives inside the military you name it And then saying anybody that didn't for the war is a russian agent. Who would have known Wow, they're saying in france. They're saying in germany. They're saying everywhere If any nationalist movements come that don't want open borders to islam And don't want anti christian groups everywhere. Well, you know what? They're secretly You heard them first russian spies And the state department is in open revolt against trump and rex telson. Yeah for good reason battling lapin
Starting point is 01:17:55 Who they say is a russian agent Who says that no one And then they've got spies around the clock around lapin Waiting for her to go to a cocktail party or an event and shake the hands of course the russians trying to work with them So all the companies do But that I mean that's just his wolfgang puck story again But with marine lapin these he's arguing that people are saying that she's a russian spy No one is but people are just saying she's a fucking fascist because she is because she is and that they're saying that
Starting point is 01:18:26 She's very much a fascist russians actively would like her to get into power because it facilitates their goal of breaking up the un Yeah, again, it's the same reason that they want they're not they want to trump. They're not saying she's a russian spy They're just saying the rush is into her and the they went to court someone called her a fascist She sued it went to court and it got thrown out of court because the court was a fascist the court ruled That her opinions and her philosophies are legally fascism So when people are She's legally a fascist. Yeah, so when people are like so so the the court case was Read a dictionary. Mm-hmm. Excellent
Starting point is 01:19:05 But that's that's his whole thing is like Russian agents russian blah blah blah. I and and here's the thing. I don't necessarily disagree with him that people are Being russophobic in a way that isn't productive There are plenty of times where I've seen people say Oh, it's the agents of the russians who are at fault for all kinds of things when again It's much more likely to be just basic incompetence. Sure, you know, like I think there's some of it Like the podesta email things it was a basic fishing attack All podesta did was click on a link. Yeah, so yes, it was a russian hacker who put the link
Starting point is 01:19:44 In an email, but also podesta is just shitty at the internet. Yeah. Yeah, yeah Like that's maybe my biggest problem with our government as it is right now is that it seems like everybody in power It's just bad at googling shit. Yeah, well, I mean that's because People stay in power for longer than they should and technology moves way faster than anyone thinks That's going to so you end up with people in power who have been there since the internet was young Yeah, and they don't fucking understand how all this stuff works. No to an x to a large extent I don't fucking understand all this stuff and I've grown up with it Well, trump is a 70 year old man. He's fucked
Starting point is 01:20:21 Imagine every 70 year old man, you know Add their uh all of their collective internet knowledge together Light it on fire in a golden toilet. Yeah, and that's what trump knows about the internet And that's how you end up reading confidential documents with a cell phone fucking crazy Yeah, that's how you end up doing that. That is the dumbest thing. Look Did you see that? Did you see citizen 4? Yeah, you know how they put their fucking phones in the freezer? Yeah, because they might just even be listening a little bit He pointed his phone
Starting point is 01:20:57 with a flashlight at Classified fucking documents at Mar-a-Lago at a public dinner. Yeah with the Japanese pride with donors and prime Oh, man, I have tape on my computer's webcam because that's how they can Yeah, you can watch people It's easy. Yep. I'm losing it. That is that blew my that blew me away. That's one part He's 70 another part like oh my god. That's the other part is that everybody in his fucking cabinet is Idiot, they posted a picture with the guy who carries around the nuclear football. They didn't you should some donor Some donor did you shouldn't have that information out there? No, well, I'm sure they've switched it out and it's a new guy now
Starting point is 01:21:41 But I doubt they have If you are like really doing security for the president, you see someone like Budding up to the nuclear football guy. You fucking get that guy away from that's bad Yeah, you don't let him like take some glory shots with him. Yeah, that's insane. That is insane But that's that's full on dr. Strange love territory that we're getting into that's again One of the downsides of trump being allowed to use his own private security instead of trained secret service agents He has his own like guard around him and they don't know what is What is dangerous? What's a leak?
Starting point is 01:22:16 Any of this acceptable? It's not and it's gonna get so much worse And none of this none of this is acceptable. Yeah, I mean Jordan it's all progress until none of this is acceptable. It's all progress until the end There are zero news stories that you read where you're like, okay. I'm fine with that I have a new story for you. What it's what the globalists are actually trying to do Well, what they really say is we're gonna kill everybody And we're gonna be that's unacceptable. You won't even matter But first we're gonna make you ugly and stupid
Starting point is 01:22:47 And poison you and get you to accept evil so that we have a right to you Because if you declare your birthright as sentient and conscious and say I want free will and say I want the secrets of the universe And say I want to be with God and I want to be good Well, then you don't have a Place at their table and help. Okay And so they must poison you so they can rule you I don't want to be An anti-pollosy or a chucky schumer take one look at those dead-eyed zombies those walking dead Yeah, man every time I look at Nancy Pelosi. I just think I don't want your life
Starting point is 01:23:30 What is what is that what is fucking that so they want to kill you usually usually We're looking at his whole satanism talk as like a thinly veiled metaphor That maybe he thinks is true. This is full on We're in holy war territory, right? Yeah, you want to jump a little bit deeper into it because he does spell out some more in this Next clip. Yeah, I mean this is this is full. This is like left behind novel situation. Here we go Take one look at those people They're rend fields too folks Dracula they're not doing the bloodsuckin
Starting point is 01:24:06 Dead and loving it Schumer's got the look though That's a hundred percent a jewish thing. That is definitely a jewish thing He's got the look chuck schumer is people make fun of him because he looks jewish. Yeah, that's like a theme That's why Why are anti-semites still allowed? I don't know if he actually is He's subconsciously doing that, but he also says that michael moore has the look. Yeah, so maybe it's not totally jew-based, but man
Starting point is 01:24:39 Come on woody allen has the look choose your words a little more carefully alex. Just please Don't accuse jews of having that evil look. Yeah, just don't do that. Mitt romney Doesn't have the look. I can't think of a reason why anyway more Dracula talk Say this Pelosi ain't doing the feet Pelosi's a little zombo totally freaked out by what she's involved in but on a power trip an arrogant narcissistic but schumer That's a big old Dracula walk in this plane
Starting point is 01:25:12 And michael moore has kind of reached Dracula level George Soros is big old Dracula, but there's big or Dracula's back in that shadow They turn themselves over Worst stuff in the universe And they know I see him But you can't see him in a mirror Honestly, this sounds like a drunk guy at a saloon. It really does It really does. So he's doing a four hour show after this. Yeah, because that has a yeah
Starting point is 01:25:43 That's an old-fashioned. Yeah, but he doesn't sound drunk like drunk alex He just sounds like a guy didn't val kilmer deliver that exact same monologue in tombstone. Yeah, I say that's true He's like telling tales. You know that sort of thing. It's tall tales with alex jones Don't worry about him. There are bigger draculas in the shadows. Oh, man Who does he think those people are huge draculas? He sees them like size-wise. Yeah, probably because of the blood Oh, okay, because all the blood rushes to there. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um, I don't I don't know I don't know he wouldn't say names obviously because that's what keeps him alive See that does support your paranoid schizophrenia situation right there
Starting point is 01:26:23 Yeah, there are even bigger ones in the shadows like I'm fine if he's picking out names But the bigger ones in the shadows thing That's really confusing and worrying because he does mention the names like roth child and stuff like that that are the sort of modern bogeymen Right. Uh, he does talk about george soros. So like who is over Yeah, and I mean this goes back to like conspiracy narratives as old as time is like people who are really the power players You'll never hear their names. Yeah. They're the ones who are pulling the strings from but and it's like, okay That's a hundred percent undisprovable. So Let's just have fun. I yeah speculating
Starting point is 01:27:00 Yeah, oh man, the the bigger the the bigger ones in the shadows. That's such a weird It's very weird, but he gets a weird thing. He gets fucking weird or would you believe that? I totally would Well, I see him That's why I don't have any fear of him god ever submitting to them is death Ever having them win is death not for me not for my ego but for the species Oh, I'm selfish. I realize my life's like that, but I'm part of the continuum of good people and I
Starting point is 01:27:32 know we're better than them by trillions He doesn't know trillions and trillions and trillions of light years total differences light years his distance dimensions complete different paradigms totally different dimensions it's uh, yeah, it It for a guy who tells you how often it is not about his ego. Yeah Seems like it's a lot about his ego. There's a bit of there's a bit of it. It feels that way
Starting point is 01:28:03 It's also incredibly difficult to wrestle with like, okay This guy is talking about Renfields and Dracula's and big Dracula's and 12th dimensions and all this trillions and trillions of light years And he's a policy wonk, you know, like Just it doesn't It doesn't work the two don't go together. No if you're a policy wonk you would need real catalogued information about these here big Dracula's, you know what I'm saying? Do you think? I would like to note. Do you think his listener base is
Starting point is 01:28:38 Decreasing since he started going full. No, I think people are enjoying the ride. Oh, yeah I mean we clearly are I don't think that anyone Who's I don't want to say if you've been listening to alex jones for this long. You're already all in You're just gonna follow this to the end. I've read some posts on conspiracy message boards about him in the last couple weeks and Unfortunately a lot of people who watched the joe rogan podcast Oh, no a lot of them were like, you know what? It was kind of slow, but at the end when he started talking about trans dimensional stuff. No
Starting point is 01:29:16 That's when I realized this guy gets it. No, there's a lot of dumb people out there. No. Yeah, yeah boo Yeah, it so I think actually he's probably picking up that Uh dumb psychonaut kind of group. Yeah, and I'm not saying anything against the people who identify as psychonauts I think hallucinogens are real cool And I support people experimenting with them and all that shit right, but there's a lot of legalizing prostitution There's a lot of really dumb people in that group. Yes who have fried their brains with hallucinogens And I think he's picked up a lot of them. So
Starting point is 01:29:52 So when he starts spouting this Dracula shit, they're like, oh yeah Man, I wonder if he just eventually picks up and that entire work Like he just broadens his base as he gets more and more crazy to the possible to the big tense Republican ideology of the 80s. That would be amazing Yeah, the other thing too though is because he's using all this dimensional language and and Dracula's
Starting point is 01:30:18 And coupling that idea with something that is as repugnant and universally hated as And child abduction and murder these sorts of things because he's doing that the people who are like, oh, fuck That's what it's all about. It's it's it's emotional manipulation. You take this crazy Paranoid delusions and match them with a real-world issue and all of a sudden you have an argument that people They don't want to argue against because if you argue against his Dracula metaphor, it sounds if you're not If you're not thinking it sounds like you're defending pedophile, right? Well, it's it's very much like in election years for judges in the like whenever they're elected It's it's statistically proven that that year they're way tougher on crime than otherwise
Starting point is 01:31:08 Because you don't want to be the guy Who is not punishing pedophiles enough for people or or if you if you Accidentally lock somebody up the public isn't as turned off by that is if you let someone go and then commit another crime Yeah, yeah, absolutely. That's interesting. It's uh, I think it's the old future rama joke where it's like, uh, Yeah, but he doesn't want to appear weak on innocent people. Yeah, you know Yuck. Anyway, uh, this this is we're full on into where alex So yeah, we're not on the major broadcast. So he's really allowed to go full Trillions and trillions of light years away from anywhere resembling
Starting point is 01:31:50 Thought and the rest of the clips that I have are essentially a call to action And further insanity. Okay. So enjoy this one. This one is why we actually maybe shouldn't be all that afraid of globalists At least like give it I don't know 20 more years and they shouldn't be a problem. Jesus The good news is globalists can hardly reproduce And they're diseased and mentally ill. That's why they're obsessed with technology and science They believe that will make them ascendant Because by the inbreeding they have made themselves susceptible to the spiritual disease. They're under God almighty
Starting point is 01:32:33 Okay, oh wait, what see what what okay by inbreeding. Yeah, they've made themselves susceptible To the disease they already have which is what? Uh globalism evil Have we established an actual disease? No, but it's just trying to pair the a let's call it pneumonia Let's call all globalists have pneumonia. They're inbred. Yes. They can't reproduce for Reasons because of inbreeding because of inbreeding. It's it's it's just trying to they're obsessed with technology to ascend As opposed to being obsessed with weird creepy religion to ascend Yes, but the inbred stuff and they can't reproduce is just trying to connect in
Starting point is 01:33:16 Like just people's intrinsic distaste for like blue bloods And all the stories of nobility in the past and shit like that Well, and his his entire thing is that kind of toxic masculinity Where it's like it is all about being full, you know, I should be able to fight a man. I should be big I should have a giant dick. I should have perfect sperm and yada yada yada that sure There is a lot of that. So if you so all of those emasculation Narratives can always come into play whether it is. Oh, they're in play. Yeah, they're in play Uh, but also, you know what else is in play
Starting point is 01:33:52 Weird experimentation See for one globalist Dracula, you see out walking around there were five or ten hideous experiments They can't do it. I'm like deformed mentally ill I mean all of them the royal families all just locked up huge deals of just completely insane hard, but I mean not like you're sweet and the same persons. I mean, it's There's not many of them that you function and they can only function when they're doing evil against good people See they need the blood and that's metaphysical. They need your soul. They need to hurt good people every day
Starting point is 01:34:30 Or their god deserts them. They're they're the they're the most heartably fallen enslaved people. They are humans sure But all they have is a demonic will to crush good people That's all they have That's all they'll ever be Oh, man man, oh man
Starting point is 01:34:52 Um, how could you possibly be against him if that's the side you're on? Yeah, I mean if all they have is a do not demonic will to crush people Which again, we have not established a possible win scenario. No, do they get rid of all of these people? I guess So so this well though. He's already said that this is a want to kill us all Yeah, but this is a comic book narrative that he's driving Which is batman doesn't exist without the joker joker doesn't exist without batman Interesting, so there's always that yin and yang of good and evil globalists
Starting point is 01:35:25 Exactly So if alex jones wanted to be famous and there were no globalists, he would have to create no chance. Yeah Which we might have done our own enemies, right? That's exactly what happened in yemen What happens a lot this happens all the time but it like It's so like we're seeing this it's so manipulative and so stupid Like this is the royal family's experiments for every for every vampire you see walking the streets. Yes, which Clearly it's nighttime, but it's not he's he's not being literal except when he is he did watch or see or read Let's go with watch. Well, just because he watched Dracula recently stop bringing up goddamn renfield
Starting point is 01:36:07 Dracula is actually a really boring book about economics and xenophobia So he definitely did not read that he watched the movie which gary oldman he disappears into the park amazing amazing In a way he's not done sense except in tiptoes His legs disappeared in that part From the knees down So so for every one of those you see there are five deformed experiments. Yeah So so again, we keep moving back and forth from the metaphysical to the physical Because what is the deformed experiment look like? Do you not see it walking the streets? They're shackled up
Starting point is 01:36:52 So they're shackled up. So how many globalists are there? Can we get a basic count? Is this a I have never seen the movie, but is this a man in the iron mask? I just wrote down man in the iron mask. I just wrote down man in the iron mask I'm gonna show it to you He did I wrote it down before you said it Again, Leonardo DiCaprio disappears into the role of the man in the iron mask who looks exactly like Not the man in the iron mask. So but yeah, I don't look we don't know how many globalists there are There are those there are those
Starting point is 01:37:24 Legends of kings and royal families who do have the deformed child that they keep in the in the attic. That's not an experimentation No, that's just I mean the results of inbreeding But if you want a conspiracy theory that then yeah, you could say You know all of those different things They're trying to create an ultimate royal family with the inbreeding. Yeah, yeah, yeah But if you want a conspiracy theory this or if you want to unconspiracy theory this He's just thrown spaghetti at the wall all this very unrelated weird Scary things. Yeah, that's all he's doing. It's it's a it's a it's a basic gestalt
Starting point is 01:38:01 Uh as he might put it of just fear. It's just the fear. I I I want to know Does he ever have notes? He can't he can't possibly have notes. No, so he is just improving the shit out of this. Yeah He is a master improviser. No in the same way that improv isn't funny. So I could do this You didn't know you could not I could easily three hours a day with this level with commercial breaks And if you gave me fucking unbridled testosterone pills And if I had a built-in narrative that there's evil boogie men
Starting point is 01:38:40 around And and if you give me every day like three news stories that I barely understand and can just extrapolate on Fuck yeah, I could do that. I I think I don't think you could do it. I think it is exactly like one of those situations where you watch a world-class athlete and it looks it looks so easy that you're like I bet I could probably immediately compete with that Like downhill skiing everybody's like you're just going downhill. Yeah that easy. We've effortlessly We're now at an hour and 40 minutes into this. How are we in an hour and 40 minutes exactly? All right, we could do first of all we could do five hours a day. That's a good point easily
Starting point is 01:39:18 But that's a tag team duo right there right split us up. We could each do two and a half hours on our own I could definitely not do this and if I could just I have no chance of doing this And if I'm feeling like fuck I'm just not feeling it. I got to kill 10 minutes I'll just throw it to a rob do report or something like that. That's what he does Our duty do I think that has to that's a t-shirt rg rdd rd Yes, that's a shirt and uh pjdubs hates sjdubs lian wackadoo Uh, so anyway, you have the globalist can't reproduce this next clip globalist can't reproduce that That has to be that has to be literal
Starting point is 01:39:55 He genuinely thinks the globalist can't reproduce. I literally don't know how that could be a metaphor I don't there's no way Other than maybe the idea is that their ideology can't spread because people know it's literal. It's literal Anyway, this next clip features, uh, a real showman like Mood swing and I couldn't do this. I'll do that. All right. I could do three hours a day easy I I I couldn't do this as a performer. I think he's really good at this Let's not interrupt this just so you can enjoy what I will admit. I couldn't do okay
Starting point is 01:40:29 I've set my will against them And i'm asking you to set your will against them and trump has set his will against them as well And we're gonna like a laser beam like a particle beam that just gets stronger And stronger and stronger we're gonna just focus and focus on them and do good things in our lives It'd be honorable and not fear and focus on god and focus on life and focus on blue skies and green fields And little fish swimming around in happy ponds and happy trees and just focus focus on the children Focus on them The things that are but none of them
Starting point is 01:41:02 We're gonna go against the enemy. We're gonna drive through them and they can feel it They can feel god's will going through them Laying them low Taking them down the depths they swore they wanted Showing them who their god is They will fall forever I'm gonna be on about 28 38 minutes in full wars dot com but this rebellion against god will fall They already know they're falling. They already know they're losers
Starting point is 01:41:29 They're trying to take us with them and everybody knows that in their heart who hasn't been infected by this I haven't been infected by it. See you could not that is a full Sam Jackson right there. That is a there's a reason You're not in every movie that's been made since the 1990s. Well, I mean, did you see that swing from talking bob ross happy trees? Yeah, to I think about what the has been done have been done to the kids. Yeah, he starts fake crying Yeah, that was the fakest crying and then it turns immediately to vengeful wrath Like he's showing so many god shall rise up with furious anger and lay you low and he shall lay you low like Jericho
Starting point is 01:42:10 Like if he's chris jericho coming up in the next okay if he's actually feeling the things he's presenting. He's feeling He's in trouble and see emotionally. He's in trouble because you can and then we get back to the paranoid schizophrenia Yeah, because that's an act. Yeah, so what is he? I don't know is he is he god? Is he man? Is he some mix of the two? I think he is. Is he the white sam jackson? He has tinges of paranoia and then also horrible reading comprehension skills. I think that possibly The most dangerous combination. Yeah I I don't know. I don't I obviously don't think I don't think he could function the way he does if he was actually
Starting point is 01:42:52 No, no mildly. He's he's too. He's too Functional. Yeah, we don't like to think about the idea that this big of a liar could exist in the world Yeah, that's a good point But it's it's entirely possible that he gets off air and he's just like whoo great show today There's there's every There's every type of monster in the human race and it seems like this one has to exist Well, I mean his editor recently came out and said he's a complete sellout There's a guy who was interviewed who used to work with david knight
Starting point is 01:43:24 And said that before he went to work for info wars. He was kind of a libertarian guy But didn't buy into any of this shit and as soon as he started working for info wars, he did And so the theory that this guy had was that they know they're in on the joke They know what they're doing. Wow. Also, apparently it's come out that info wars employees I can't find absolute proof of this, but I've seen it cited a couple times that Info wars employees have to sign lifelong NDAs non-disclosure agreements for the next 10 million years Yeah, into your next life like in Scientology. Basically. Yeah, okay, so it you know It's entirely lifelong. That's illegal. No, it's not that it that's not illegal. No, you can do that
Starting point is 01:44:05 You can sign something you can never talk about this It's a willful entering into a contract. That's true. Yeah, you can do it It's just sketchy as fuck that sketchy as fuck because it kind of implies that like if word ever gets out that we don't mean What we're saying and it's going to be really bad. Yeah, that's not that's not trade secrets like a Non-compete agreement. No, that's don't tell that we're lying all the time. That's a trade secret. Yeah Good point. Good point. Uh, anyway, here is where this is you just counter-cued my argument And I'm gonna counter counter-coup it with this next quote We have the technology the will the culture the spirit
Starting point is 01:44:45 All of those things together to build the stairway to heaven But building is what does it not tearing down That said though when you're faced with pure evil You have to take it down and when the rubble falls it will crush the innocence And that's one of the greatest mysteries to know how far to go because on this plane of existence You Good fights fire with fire In fact, if good wanted to be evil it would be
Starting point is 01:45:26 Infantly worse than what these fallen people could even imagine That's a really that's why those of us that are good and tied into god have to watch what we say and want what we speak into existence With these enemies because these fallen creatures Aren't as smart as we are And we give them ideas So remember that That's a weird rationalization That's but that is that is a good uh summation of the way that kind of moral uh, society evolves is
Starting point is 01:45:54 If you are good you always have to have an evil to fight against Yeah, if you're batman you always have to have a joker to fight against and so you wind up creating your own evil Right, so that that you know, we can go too far thing is the is the Reality of any kind of morality based system is that sooner or later? It's going to require a purity that is not possible fair But also I don't like the idea that it's going to crush the innocence There's going to be collateral damage. Why is that crushing the innocence? I don't know if you take evil down it crushes the innocence I don't know but then also the other part is like that's why we have to be careful
Starting point is 01:46:34 By what we say like because we bring it into the world and we're so much smarter than evil We've done maybe 10 12 episodes of this show one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that alex never watches what he says That's the most crazy thing for him to say ever That's a good point I know a lot of things in life and there's a lot of stuff I don't know What I do know is that he has never stopped himself from saying something Unless it was intentional even if it's classified Yeah, the only times he stops himself as one. He's like oh fuck. I'm gonna expose that. I don't know. I better say
Starting point is 01:47:09 I'm not gonna get into that. Yeah, so we're gonna go to a break. We're gonna go to a real quick break Anyway, alex has one last parting shot for this special report Which again was supposed to be about that article that was in foreign policy That's right every time we get to the end of the episode. I have no idea what we started the episode was supposed to be about Flynn and about the uh the article in foreign policy Neither of those things will be covered, but we've learned a lot about it is called foreign affairs Even though it's not actually called foreign policy He was right when he said that it's called foreign affairs. He can't lie even when he lies even when he lies
Starting point is 01:47:44 He's telling the truth. Anyway, this is his parting shot to the report, which is ominous You want to get sucked into vampire holes of these people go ahead? But I want to warn all of you that are cynical and giggling that serve the system You know deep down. I'm right. If you've got any spirit left any soul left I'm alex jones and you have been warned Yikes, you have been warned. Yeah, you have been warned I don't want to go into vampire holes. I don't but I also would never side with alex I I I worry if that's if that's our binary. Yeah vampire holes or alex jones
Starting point is 01:48:17 That sucks. That is a rough binary. That is like Fuck it. Why did I get bored? Yeah, but you know if you've read the an rice, uh vampire life seems pretty all right I would go down to the vampire holes. Now, wouldn't you if we're talking literal vampires Wouldn't you go down in the vampire hole if we're talking twilight come on down to the vampire hole Great hank william senior song If we're talking literal vampires, maybe yeah, if we're talking his weird child molesting vampire. No, thank you No, that's but that's a bad vampire. That's a very bad vampire I would not read a book on that vampire
Starting point is 01:48:53 Do you think that in the world of vampires then it there's a sliding scale of morality? And that you could You could be a good vampire. No, but there is a sliding scale of uh insurance payments. That is you know Everybody every vampire needs good healthcare. So that's the end of this special report that he did But it's not the end of our episode. Oh, no Oh, no, I have a couple bonus clips from tuesday's episode because as bonus clips as you'll recall Yes, he said in his special report, which he aired before his tuesday show Yes, he said he was going to read that entire foreign policy article on the show
Starting point is 01:49:33 Yes, and I told you he didn't he didn't but he keeps saying he's going to Throughout the show He keeps can we can we just get a super clip of every time he says that he says that because I have a nine to five job I did not have the time to isolate 30 times you are slacking off. He gets sidetracked by everything Sean Spicer is doing a news conference and he's like, uh, look, we'll get back to the article Let's go to this. Wow. And so he just cuts away and gets distracted and goes off on a bunch of tangents I have a couple of them. Uh, this first one is about, uh, 50 shades of gray the sequel
Starting point is 01:50:13 Uh, and how it's 50 or shades of gray, I believe, uh, and then it's it's sort of about how it's uh, Eventually going to lead us to movies about how it's cool to have sex with kids so That's what's going on in this country is you got a bunch of Scum on top Who are into really bad stuff and even get into their club. You've got to do horrible things And they know their whole party
Starting point is 01:50:38 That's uh, again his whole idea that in order to get into the elite groups you have to fuck a kid Yeah, you have it's like getting jumped into a gang. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You have to kill your first, uh Man, yeah, it's basically that everyone has to have blackmail on each other or else the system doesn't work I don't believe that that's how the world works. It's just a bad system seems untenable. Yeah Is in trouble. Let's get this break They know that Their whole shindig
Starting point is 01:51:11 Is in trouble because they went so far Publicly saying they were going to teach pedophilia to kids sexualizing them publicly trying to legalize nambla No saying mothers and fathers are bad No one said the mothers and fathers are bad. Nobody tried to publicly legalize nambla. No, but I think it's nambla real Isn't that from arrested development? No, that's mother boy. Oh, okay I got you that's right mother boy publicly saying there's 50 and then a hundred genders and you can't have a men's bathroom Or a woman's bathroom because somebody else might not be a man or a woman just to make you feel bad for existing
Starting point is 01:51:44 total societal attack And the intelligence agencies can't help but run across All the weird occultic stuff that the elites are into it runs the gamut, but it's it's just an entire sewer of different garbage floating through it With the things they're into but it's all about hurting innocence degrading people dominating enslaving That's why they've got you know 50 shades of gray that a new one comes out and it's more intense and now people are getting killed Being part of it, you know choking to death and then the hospitals are having all these emergency calls
Starting point is 01:52:19 And then next it'll be oh killing somebody and then next raping a child. See that's how they successive approximation People say well, it is kind of fun to slap your wife on the butt. You know, they like it. Well, that's not hurting somebody That's that's fine. They like it. You like it. That's not actually hurting somebody. Okay All right, where's this going? But they take something innocent like that, right? And they extrapolate it out to the un saying What legalize? Men being able to pick up children up to five years old if you're five-year-old or your
Starting point is 01:52:54 son or daughter wants to go out with some potbellied pedophile That comes knocking on your door The un and some companies like sweden are actually looking at legalizing and saying oh your child can have man boy love. They're not No, they're very much not. No, but also also if a potbellied pedophile comes to your door and says I want to take your five-year-old out on a date. Uh-huh. That's bad parenting Definitely, even if it's legal even if it's legal. That's just bad parenting I also have two important points to make about this If alex really wants to get into like, you know the the nations of renaissance and like the great western cultures
Starting point is 01:53:34 It's got to look at greece and in gree not good in greek culture Men could fuck children. They totally could but it was only if it wasn't based in lust if it was based in love and respect And also underage boys would fuck their teachers. It was generally that yeah, it was generally man on man nonsense so, I mean if First of all, sweden's not doing this. No, but if you're going to like hey, look look at the classical Classical western civilization. Let's not let's just not but then the other thing let's just let that one go I the going for the going from uh
Starting point is 01:54:08 Oh, you're slapping your wife on the ass and that's enjoyable for both people. Yeah, and now the un is legalizing boy fucking Yeah, that's a crazy swing. That is a very quick escalation there Yeah, but then the other the other thing I want to bring up is the idea that like if your kid wants to fuck this potbellied pedophile They should have the right to Uh, he's had milo unopolis on twice in the last week and a half or so Uh, for interviews milo's talked about how when he was underage He fucked older dudes and how he was the aggressor in it So that's kind of what alex is talking about
Starting point is 01:54:45 I uh, uh I don't want to be here right now. No, why are you making me feel bad? I don't know So, I mean, it's just like it's a little You know, we want to talk to milo about that. You want to you want to grill him on it? Yeah I mean, maybe that's not his position, but we we did get called out for our milo commentary Uh, and I don't necessarily disagree with uh, all of what we were criticized about I do want to make the point that milo is a nazi and all conversations should end right there. Come on, man Don't don't antagonize the good
Starting point is 01:55:22 I'm sorry, uh, but yeah, I will say it was A little iffy of us not to listen on the show to the thing that we said we were gonna listen Yeah, boy. It was just so hard. It was he made me feel so bad Just like all of what's happening in these last two clips clips. Well, I'll tell you this This one's a little more fun. Hmm in this clip. I believe alex jones makes the argument that uh, science fiction is a conspiracy The government's like divided into two. There's a civil war going on And the bureaucracy is is The people in a lot of control positions are obviously obama people remember how he put tens of thousands of new people in before he left
Starting point is 01:55:59 Like every month just putting moles in everywhere I mean, this is so seditious and then they tell us when they're the globalist takeover army. They're the corporate invaders It'd be like an aliens invaded And by the way, I want to say this real quick. This is one of my favorite clips we've ever pulled So get ready for that. Okay. This won't let you down. All right But you're building this up this better be fucking this better deliver This is also further evidence that alex uh believes the stuff he says that he doesn't believe okay There's more of that in here too. He's such a conundrum. He's not he's an idiot
Starting point is 01:56:34 And we had a president that got elected to deal with the threat And the aliens point of their finger and said no the russians are the threat because trump was talking to the russians about fighting the aliens Because globalism is alien. It's it's a new form of government. It's global. It's oppressive as anti-human. It's satanic It's directed by fighting for 20 years fallen offworld entity And then they follow that on the young turks and and in huffington post and the new york times Oh, jones believes an offworld entity is directing humanity destroy itself Yeah, that's what every major culture believed and i'm christian and the jews believe that too and you know what you look around That's what's going on and then they find out the world leaders are praying to it and believe they're getting
Starting point is 01:57:16 satanic knowledge on how to fight us and you know what either study The british families in the 1850s that did all this what? And they He's got nothing. They believe they're channeling the stuff and then envisioned at dna If we what matrix envisioned all the major sciences Computers and then went out and told their scientists start developing it
Starting point is 01:57:44 And they said we've got to have the general public hear about this so that the inventors come forward So they had ht wells in the 18 90s and things start and others start writing this knowing that That the elites couldn't come up with it, but they've been given the knowledge So they believe that they put out basically the basic template and predictive programming that then Because we're made the image of god we're master builders that that there would be humans that would then build it because they heard about it uh What wait wait we got a diagram wait what we got a diagram what what so what's so satans up here
Starting point is 01:58:20 Right satans at the top. Yeah, and he is this extra dimension or at least satanic thinking is at the top or demons or whatever Whatever it is you want to go there at the top and then we have the 1850s british government and they're globalists They're global they're globalists and they're channeling this satanic force Okay, and it tells them so they're channeling it not so I thought we were starting with off-world entities that both the christians And the jews believe well, no that's because that's he's trying to appeal to the idea of like they believe in satan He's a fallen angel So that's what we're talking about as off-world entities because him saying off-world is kind of very much like Hey, you know these martians are coming to the 1850s british government
Starting point is 01:59:03 That knows or that that gets the knowledge that these things are possible They planted in the brain of hg wells Who who hey no he did build he did build a working time machine. I think we all know that's true It's a great podcast. I miss it very much. Yeah, I know right, but no no, so you're skipping dead authors podcast You're skipping a step so The satanic How are there more the globalists channel this information they find all the knowledge
Starting point is 01:59:32 Yes, they want to tell scientists to make it. Yes, but they know Fuck people are going to know we got this information from somewhere right. They're going to be freaked out by this Of course, so they tell science fiction authors to write stories Who would definitely not be freaked out by that at all about the stuff that they have gotten the demonic information about So when the public finds out about it, they're ready for it because they've read about it in science fiction That is such a needlessly complicated plan We talk about outcomes razor just hire a dude Also, like apparently you can sign a nondisclosure for your entire life
Starting point is 02:00:10 And I mean you brought up the time machine That's a book by hg. Well still don't have one of those invisible. No or do we or do we predictive programming Invisible man. Yep. We have invisible people now war of the world. I saw ghost in the shell I don't know the rest of hg. Well's bibliography, but I think I think you got the highlights I think none of them have been invented. Anyway, the he's found He goes more on this and the end of my clip description is just alex is an idiot
Starting point is 02:00:45 I mean that sounds like a science fiction movie. That's what you're living. You just reference the science fiction. Okay So well, they've got you obsessed with ufo's and you know crash rockets and weather balloons and all this That's that's not where this stuff came from. It came from the other dimensions Okay, it's like that goofy movie, uh, pacific rim. We thought the aliens would come from outer space They came from a you know rift in this time space continuum of blast gate and the deep deep ocean So wait that was real. That's basically what it is, but it's not 500 yard tall dinosaurs Because that would be way more fun
Starting point is 02:01:21 And then you can say well, that's just insanity, but I talked to top psychiatrists psychologists genetic engineers all of all of them believe in god now all Intergalactic I mean just that that's what christians all believe. There's a fallen devil It wants to overthrow creation do horrible things in the days of men But all this was happening there were giants and the seed wasn't clean because they genetically manipulated god's design wait That's in the bible
Starting point is 02:01:51 And so god had to wipe off all the life on earth all the come off and start over and then we dig up all this fantastical stuff And I tell us oh that's billions of years old Folks we're living in the middle of a fantastic forbidden planet I think he was saying there at the end that dinosaurs are fake. I think he just did say that I think he had Eddie bravo this thing. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's he was doing the c.s. Lois Uh off this planet, uh trilogy right there. Uh, I I don't I don't know this this dark this Oh this coming dark. Oh god. Damn it. I don't remember it. It's it's c.s. Lewis. He wrote this He wrote this series of science fiction novels
Starting point is 02:02:35 Uh, which were weird like, you know, how uh, the the the lion the witch and the wardrobe were thinly veiled Uh, christ allegory. Yeah, exactly. This one is even more batshit. Uh, and That's basic that that's pretty much what he was just describing right there Okay, but also What the fuck was he just describing right there? I'm not going to do this because that clip's really long, but I almost want to listen to it again I kind of do too. I still don't understand what it was So so I'm gonna I'm gonna play it back. It's not billion. We're not billions of years old
Starting point is 02:03:12 I think we can establish that no, right? No, so no because he made that noise Yeah, yeah, so so even way back when People were genetically engineering the seed because there were giant people It would have been like 2 000 years ago. So there were there were giant people Yeah, then god gave the flood. Yeah, no, I think he is referencing the the flood which was only about 4 000 years ago But he's talking about like the uh, the the Elohim and what have you right not the Elohim Which again in the bible is it nowhere pointed out that uh, there's lucifer as a fallen angel There's no devil. No, but but there are a couple of verses that talk about like
Starting point is 02:03:51 Angels came down and bred with human women. It was an abomination Uh, and sounds fucking sexy to me. There's so like there there are a couple of weird verses in the old testament Yeah, that could be well because it's not fucking real could be metaphorical also even within that non Yeah, but a lot of people glom onto those and they're like, oh, this is proof of fucking giants Uh, yeah, well, isn't there those those there's the references to terrible lizards and that's why people say that dinosaurs were actually Yeah, but that the short while ago those giants are probably why we had the floods to begin with They were too tall. Yeah, they were just too tall So he has a little bit more on this if it had only rained for 39 days and 39 nights
Starting point is 02:04:35 They would still be right above the water. They would still be able to breathe. Is that last day put their head up? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they had snorkels. They can't tread water is the thing Much like globalists can't reproduce true fact if there's anything you take away from our podcast It is that giants can't tread water. Uh, let's see what the rest of this clip is Okay, and i'm telling you the elite they know the secrets. I I don't know them all I've just reverse engineered it studied it and read their writings and watch what they're doing Uh, but uh either this is all true And they're completely insane or they're just completely insane. I'm not saying I believe any of it or but uh
Starting point is 02:05:15 I know this they want to turn over western society to a bunch of radical islamic men Because they hate christianity and they hate women That's why they tell you how much they love women is the globalist absolutely hate women globalist hate women Okay, so one dinosaurs Only 6 000 years old dinosaurs Because of that maybe because of that we know That western society is opening its doors to islamic
Starting point is 02:05:44 Men yeah, uh Because they hate christianity. Yeah And they hate women. Yeah Says the guy who called a woman sweet cakes 45 fucking aggressively to yeah I like a fucking when she called him out on being drunk. Yeah, I hope I hope yeah Yeah, yeah, it's the globalists. It's the globalists that hate women. Yeah. Yeah, so but like I'm I think that's fucking crazy But what I that's fucking crazy what I think is more important is that like I don't believe this. That's what they believe You listen to that last four minutes. So either so don't fucking tell me
Starting point is 02:06:17 The argument that he made was either they believe this and they're insane Or they're just insane And at no point does he go like Or I'm insane or I'm maybe insane. It's possible. I've lost it. Yeah If he had one moment of clarity on his show just one moment where he's like, holy shit guys I don't know if I actually believe any of this. I've gone native. Yeah Hey, listen colonel Kurtz. He dead I am high on my own supply. I don't fucking know anymore. Do not use this toothpaste. It will drive you insane
Starting point is 02:06:56 It's blue. Isn't that a sign? I've tried to sell you crushed up bone pills When we realize I'm crazy Oh, it's like he's seeing how far he can get before people are like uniformly. Yeah, get shut the fuck up Yeah, that would be Is oh is there is there high performance trolling? That's that is there is there any line? Do you think there's any line? Hmm No No, they're not at this point if we're already past multiple dimensions. Yeah vampires are real. Yeah, uh
Starting point is 02:07:32 Everybody's a pedophile. Yeah, everyone who's not with like on his side. Yeah globalists can't reproduce. Yeah Dinosaurs maybe not even real at all. Maybe not giants. Yeah, uh Science fiction is how the globalist taught us technology from the devil What what is what is there left to say? The the only outright turning it into a nazi organization like really because I we're on the If not on the edge No, we're way into nazi organization. You already he just hasn't called himself a nazi We're dog whistly at this point. Okay, like he I don't think
Starting point is 02:08:14 I don't know how much of his audience would follow him if he was just like guys Gotta be honest. It's the jews. You know what you're you're right. You're right I think a good percentage would but I think he'd lose I think a pretty solid percentage a bigger percentage than we want and we would hope yeah No, because yeah, he and he you're I think you're right because he does go out of his way to be like Uh, oh, what was it? What was it that he said that Trump was going to build factories in black areas. Yeah. Yeah, which is in that article I don't know what it was that I
Starting point is 02:08:45 Does he is that a good thing? Well, he's he's I mean, he's insinuating the black people are going to work in these factories He's harkening back to the idea that trump knows that Inner cities need more jobs and that will fix everything and that he's going to again, right? Not not just black people live in inner cities very much true also reductive In terms of what the actual issue is and very racist on its own. Yeah on its face Like like he's he's saying that like he's a racial justice warrior when it's exactly the office lots of what hate that Yeah, pjdubs not a fan. No, but like I can't get away from this
Starting point is 02:09:22 Yes The argument that he's putting forth about satanic forces giving the globalists Their information the 1850s british globalists that they've then fed to hg wells. Yes That's not what the globalists believe He believes that yes, he believes that based on his quote unquote research His reverse engineering which is okay. Sure. Yeah, but like that He can't dodge that by saying I don't believe this. It's what they believe. No, that one's purely his and that's any if anything else is
Starting point is 02:09:59 That one's the one that we can point to that is you really believe that insanity. That's the craziest part of that last And if he tries to dodge the idea that You know satanic forces exist and they can influence people and these These globulas aren't real right. He can't dodge that because he it's in that clip. Yeah He's literally saying he believes that satan gives Technological advances to the globalists. Yeah, he has to believe that what they believe is real. Yeah has to yeah Or else. I don't know what the other option is, but it's a holy war That's what he's that just like just like that's implied just like that's what you're fighting
Starting point is 02:10:44 not really no, uh Otherwise you wouldn't have me on to giggle like a lunatic. No, I'm just doing this hang out with you I just like wine That is the tagline to this podcast knowledge fight. Eh, we just like wine Yeah No, there's no way no no that one's that one's nuts. He's in on it. He's all in Yeah, I have one more clip and it's from about an hour and 40 minutes into tuesday's episode And about three and a half hours into this episode. Yeah, this is where he finally gets into the article
Starting point is 02:11:23 He finally gets into it finally got how many sentences bet. Oh, no, actually you don't you already know I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with he manages to make it He interrupts in the first sentence He makes it total through four sentences maximum. Okay, let's see Let me hit some of this article. I'll go more of it with david This make no mistake. I cut it before david knight comes. Thank god Just the kremlin is starting to worry about trump And the article really doesn't say much about that. It's more of just a communication of the world that the article does actually
Starting point is 02:12:00 I'm sorry that I interrupted it But it does say Quite a bit about that exactly that. Okay prompts for real and he's super dangerous because he's real Now listen to this The last thing the russian government expected was the 2017 would bring it face to face With not a revolution of the past because they say they're canceling the bolshevik revolution celebration for the first Of the hundredth anniversary putin doesn't like it. He says it's bad. They twist that safest putin's afraid of revolutions No, wait, did we read any of the actual article? We read I read that first
Starting point is 02:12:36 Paragraph that was talking about the bolshevik revolution in the 100 year thing. No, no, I mean him just now I think he read about a sentence And then he interrupted with his own commentary. Boom one point for jordan Putin was a secret acolyte of alexander scheltson eats and that's all that is and cannot be Admit it now and doesn't like communism and what the west did to russia and he wants russia to Become a superpower and be strong and free markets with they have people getting married having kids christian Anti-globalists. They're banning the tranny bathrooms. Okay, they're also great great. Yeah, great. Fuck you great. Hey, how about Fuck you, you know what else you know what else they're doing. They're making it not a crime to beat your wife
Starting point is 02:13:18 Yeah, I know I saw that cool. That's awesome. Good take that globalists job christian all of the all of these globalists making it illegal to beat your wife Yeah, great spare the rod and spoil the wife. They're the opposite of hollywood And hollywood knows it christianity is coming back there It's real and all the cold war brainwashers don't want people to believe the proof of what's happening And soros has been trying to overthrow it desperately To the last thing russian government expects in 2017 would bring it face to face not with a revolution of the past Well, the revolution of the present the radical regime change taking place united states as a result of the electoral victory of donald trump
Starting point is 02:14:00 It is trump's electoral revolution that has captured the imagination and fanned the fears of russian elites. That's not true They're breaking completely with i think that was fine and this whole free market model That was five sentences. No, there wasn't you don't think so Well, I know he transitioned into the words of the article because those were not his words No, it might have been like three sentences might have been three sentences. All right, but then he he's like that's not true Yeah, I don't know And embracing it two points for jordan Now now gets into the truth though. They go on to say trump isn't narcissistic and mentally ill
Starting point is 02:14:35 He's actually a hardcore revolutionary that believes in americanism. Listen to this The search for a key to trump's mind boggling and miscellaneous gusher of policy is not miscellaneous. It's all targeted from free to people Uh, no back. Sorry the search for a key to trump's mind boggling and miscellaneous gusher of policy directives Has tended to focus on his disturbingly erratic Vendictive simplistic narcissistic insecure and occasionally delusional personality. Yeah, that's a really good idea. That's not the case do Exception being made for those conspiracy theorists who treat him as a kind of manchurian candidate or sock puppet of the kremlin Like alex joe right sister saying he's not a russian agent. He's worse get ready. The cia didn't write this What most observers have been late to recognize is the extent to which behind his mask as a showman
Starting point is 02:15:27 Trump views himself as a revolutionary insurgent with a mission to dismantle america's old regime And that's the secret then they go on and say russia. They're going to see decent of this man on you. He means it He means it Come on. Come on. You don't really want to do this, do you? He's going to take over It's like selling snow cones in hell to promote freedom over the globalist Everybody wants one um Wait snow cones in hell
Starting point is 02:15:52 Yeah To free the globalist to free yourself from the globalist everybody wants one It's it's like selling snowballs in hell in order to like to yeah Okay, now I get that now I get the metaphor Yeah, so one of the things that's important is the quote that he was reading was correct But the important word there I think is views and that is that trump views himself as a revolutionary insurgent Do you really think he does? I don't think he views himself as anything other than a big ball of
Starting point is 02:16:21 Small trumps wearing a big trumpsuit But I mean it could be it could be generous perhaps But the article goes on to say trump's tactics certainly belong in the classic revolutionary playbook His shock and awe style of executive action is designed to rattle congress catch his opponents unprepared and incite his base to wage war on the establishment That's a fair assessment. Okay likes to keep people on their toes and I mean not a lot of revolutionaries are are dealing With congress like shea guvera wasn't like oh, I'm gonna get that congress Yeah, but when he says the article is called The kremlin is starting to be worried about trump and he's like he's like they don't they don't talk about that at all
Starting point is 02:17:00 Sure, sure. They do. I'm sure they I'm sure the other I'm sure russia never talks about the american government ever. Why would they russian policy? What would they have to talk about russian policy makers obsessed as they are with the fear of color revolutions May understand better than americans and europeans the radical nature of political change that has descended on washington the article goes on to describe Lenin and the revolution that the germans allowed to go on with the bolsheviks. Yep and how The conversations with russian policy makers and experts indicate they are starting to have similar fears and doubts today
Starting point is 02:17:40 About the revolution that trump is going on with Uh, bubba bubba. Let me scroll down here Uh, they they they were celebrating trump winning the election Of course they were now that trump is in power political elites in moscow have stopped cheering They're right. I believe that they recognize that russia's position has become abruptly and agonizingly complex It's true that trump's ascension opens up the possibility of normalizing russia's relations with the west beginning with a reduction or even elimination of sanctions It also validates a lot of russia's ideological criticisms of the liberal order And may perhaps foreshadow policy reversals that moscow has long hoped for
Starting point is 02:18:17 such as the uh, cold war alliance breaking up, uh, and uh Disentanglement do you know what do you know what i didn't consider until just now while you're reading that That this is boring that no no no not that this is boring. Uh, although you did say that off mic I don't know if you guys heard that he just told me that this was boring. Yeah, um, no, I didn't consider. I'm a policy one Yeah, we gotta get into this I didn't actually consider that maybe at this point russia is thinking This is gonna blow up in our fucking faces. That's kind of what this article's because they have to be thinking that right
Starting point is 02:18:51 Like just looking at what's going on in our kind like flin going down has to be the one where they're like We did not see that coming. Oh shit. Yeah, that is a big. Oh shit moment for them But trump's revolution is also ushering in a period of turmoil and uncertainty Including the likelihood of self-defeating trade wars still traumatized by the disintegration of the uh, Soviet union russia's present leadership has no appetite for global instability Uh, I don't think they are doing a great job of avoiding global instability considering what they're doing right now This gets into uh, a little bit later about how Because trump is erratic. Yeah, uh
Starting point is 02:19:29 Unpredictable it's taking away that as a tool that putin can use also a point because he was the one who would Like go around normal traditions and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and now he can't use that as as heavy a punch He created a monster. Well because and it turns out he can't control the monster unless He actually so so that kind of really then puts into question whether or not he really has black mammal terrier on trump Because right now it's not going his way Uh, I mean, maybe not in the short term. Well, we haven't lifted the sanctions yet. Have we no no So Do you think that would be a calamity? I don't yeah, there's no way we wind up doing that
Starting point is 02:20:11 No, I don't know. No, so so the stated objective for putin. I think Uh, not stated. It's in the white papers. Everybody knows this. You guys don't read it, but I read it and I'm gonna report it to you The the assumed the the assumed objective we have for putin that idea is to create that instability in america That way he can dismantle Or at least pick a part at the eu That will give him the opening to then create trade agreements outside of the eu The only possible end game is creating chaos in our political system and then Retaking the soviet union because putin's but putin's really just kind of nostalgic
Starting point is 02:20:51 But that's almost exactly what we speculated 10 episodes back. Yeah, but that's what i'm saying. That's what we're thinking Now if based on what you're reading right now It seems like That's not going according to plan at all Possibly possibly. I don't know. Anyway, I want to get through this because I hate reading but uh The the and I want you to have all in which you share a solid quality with our our patron saint alex Yeah, but I do it if i'm gonna talk about An article
Starting point is 02:21:22 That's the difference. That's a good point. So uh when he talked about uh them announcing that they're gonna kill trump Yes, the only thing I can base that on is this next line Okay, what the what the kremlin fears most today is that trump may be ousted or even killed That's the only line that has anything to do with it And I don't think that they're saying they're worried that that's what's gonna happen It's just that that would be a bad outcome for them. It would be a bad outcome and they should be worried His ouster kremlin insiders argue is bound to unleash a virulent and bipartisan anti russian campaign in washington Agreed oddly therefore. Putin has become a hostage to trump's survival and success
Starting point is 02:22:00 This seriously restricted russia's geopolitical options The kremlin is perfectly aware that democrats want to use russia to discredit and possibly impeach trump While republican elites want to use russia to deflate and discipline trump the russian government fears not only trump's downfall Of course, but also the possibility that he could opportunistically switch to a tough anti moscow line In order to make peace with the hawkish republican leaders in congress jesus christ That's what's in this article. That is and that is brilliant That is wow I
Starting point is 02:22:33 No matter how much I think about foreign policy, which I I do kind of really think about it a lot. Yeah, it is It's constantly reminding me that This game is so ridiculously complex. Yeah, now consider this. Yes trump's presidency has also complicated moscow's relations with china and iran chai comes moscow is interested in normalization with the west But not at the cost of joining a washington led anti china coalition, which trump seems insistent on creating He really wants it moreover. Putin's russia hosts up to 20 million muslims And therefore cannot indulge in the radical anti islam rhetoric adopted by trump. Holy shit. Yeah This is fucking chaos. Yep. So so
Starting point is 02:23:17 If so so now we're luck now we're looking at if russia So they did have an influence on the election. There's no denying that Yes, but this article even whenever they're talking about that talk about uh, they make it very clear that it's unclear What kind of definitive role they played or if the influence that they had was decisive and that's agreed But they did have some role. Yes, whether or not it was a deciding role or or whatever there was this article would argue that They were putin was mostly against the idea of hillary because she was against his actions in ukraine And that is because she would have been really tough on russia. Yeah, so he almost almost aggressively So to maybe our detriment. Yeah
Starting point is 02:24:00 Yeah, it's hard to say whether you know being too lax or too strict is the the worst thing Well, and as we can see from this fucking article who the goddamn hell knows What's going to happen when you push a little button? Yeah, because now there are 10 million different scenarios that might wind up Happening and I agree if if which it seems inevitable that trump will be Uh impeached probably in some fashion or another. Yeah, and it will almost certainly be because of his ties to russia Which means that russia will be our biggest bad guy. Yeah, it's it's red dawn. We're fighting red dawn That's what's happening right now. I mean, I don't know. I haven't like done a ton of research into it But there were stories uh coming out today of like russian fighter planes buzzing our ships and stuff like that
Starting point is 02:24:47 Like I think that's not like war games stuff, but it's like it's testing. It is it's fucking it's throw it's wagon dick at least Yeah, yeah, which is a bad idea if you're russia Yeah, I don't want that to be the end result But I think if we could all just go back to a main maintaining of what was going on three months ago Maybe it would be pretty cool. How how crazy is it? that To think oh man, that's that's so much like the the Declassified information. I don't know if it's declassified, but it's information that's now out where there was a
Starting point is 02:25:23 a us military uh Training exercise jade helm that showed up on russia On russia's intelligence reports as being exactly like what would happen if america was launching a first strike So they sent the order We're retaliating And it was because of one dude on the on the button basically who was like Let's hold back and wait that we don't have a massive nuclear war
Starting point is 02:25:52 And it was really that one guy like you go back He got a metal and thrown into cyberia never to be heard from again. Yeah, it's it's weird how close we can come Exactly, so it seems like that is that same kind of smoking gun right there where it is one pussy hair Away from destruction all the time. Yeah, anyway, let me wrap up this article and then I love I love nuclear weapons Yeah, it's so great that they're in the world boy. We shouldn't have created those Anyway, all about shoulda this this actually is pretty interesting. It ends pretty interestingly Anyone who spends any time in moscow would quickly discover that ordinary russians in contrast with a majority of europeans Feel surprisingly positive about trump one reason is that they're exhausted at russia's confrontation with the west
Starting point is 02:26:36 Another is that they share trump's cynical borderline apocalyptic view of international politics Like trump, they never believed in win-win politics in the first place Most interestingly of all they readily compare trump to an early boris yeltsin Impulsive charismatic trusting only of his family and ready to bomb the parliament if that works to cement his hold on power The problem for the kremlin is that yeltsin was a revolutionary leader and putin has decided to make 2017 a year for deploring not celebrating revolutions Which goes back to the beginning of the article when he's talking about uh the bolshevik revolutions Yeah, which is just good writing to tie the end back to the beginning of it is good writing when you're when you're talking foreign policy
Starting point is 02:27:18 Stuff and it's kind of you're in the weeds a little bit like that article is the ability to bring the end back to the beginning First of all, I tip my hat. That's good, right? Yeah, and then second I mean like when you know when he says that like it's deploring obviously, that's a little bit of a tip Yeah, so that but that's just a stylish flair. I that's a very well-written piece I that that avoids my most hated thing that happens in news right now, especially opinion bullshit Is when somebody talks about populism At no point in time does that article ever go with and train and trump's own Particular brand of populism or whatever it is right because that's the laziest dumbest thing you can say
Starting point is 02:28:00 It's a shortcut for you're an idiot And that article is just well researched point by point. It has really good analysis And it has nothing to do with the things that alex says it does. It's great writing. That's really good. So Who's the writer of that? Let's cite him This was You'd find it in uh foreign policy Uh magazine don't search foreign affairs. No matter what alex johns tells you came out two days ago Is written by iven krastev and steven holmes
Starting point is 02:28:32 Any relation? No, okay But yeah, good job guys Yeah From from the bottom of our tiny tiny podcast heart. Yeah, good work. Yeah so I mean, you know this is just yet another example of You know him taking a source. He created an entire special report
Starting point is 02:28:55 Yeah to try and distract from the fact the fact that flinn Was way out of line. Yeah, this is y2k all over again. He took a news story They didn't say what he said it said and then used it as a deflection from his main man Michael flinn having to resign. So he didn't have to talk about that Yeah, except to lie about the transcripts and what michael flinn actually did he was an and he was too genuine Yeah, so he creates this sensationalized thing He stepped down not because he was maybe doing anything wrong But because he's a martyr for the cause. Yeah, so he manages to talk about
Starting point is 02:29:30 This without talking about it for 35 40 minutes in the special report Right manages to string a whole fucking show along about it without actually getting into it Meanwhile telling us that science fiction is an From satan from satan Fantasizing about draculas and lasciviously talking about Pornographers and child murderers and how if you're not on his side, you're for them It's all insanity and he threw as much It's like like imagine there's a bull's-eye
Starting point is 02:30:03 Yeah on one side of your wall like a dartboard with michael flinn's face on it, right now turn 180 180 degrees and throw all of the spaghetti you've ever seen in your entire life at the wall And just hope people don't look at that fucking dartboard the evidence that he's not crazy is that I mean, I don't know how you'd pull that kind that level Of not dealing with it Off if you were crazy denial. Yeah, you have to be like you have to be intentionally dodging shit or else Yeah, that's right. I don't know. Anyway, jordan. This has been fun Trip through tuesday's events as always on the info wars website because it wasn't just the alex jones show today
Starting point is 02:30:49 Right special report special report People can find us at we have a tumblr people can check out knowledge fight We have you can follow us on twitter at knowledge underscore fight. We're on itunes knowledge fight. Give us a rating Give us a review and send us an email if you think we're dumb libtard cucks over at Knowledgefight at and if you are a satanic off-world entity and you want to tell me about a new machine Dude, we want to hear that shit. I know some science fiction writers. I need I need a book idea I need something. All right. So if a satanic being wants to tell me about a machine I will tell jordan about it. He'll write a book about it and we'll get there. We'll get it done. Yeah
Starting point is 02:31:33 Anyway, jordan has been fun as always. We'll catch you next time. But until then we're policy walks Just a couple of fucking Andy and kansas you're on the air. Thanks for holding So alex i'm a first-time caller i'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you

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