Knowledge Fight - #16: February 24, 2017

Episode Date: February 27, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the unfortunate turn that Alex Jones took on the Feb 24th episode of his show.  Topics include: Did they take the bait with the pickles? Does Alex want to kill tran...s people? Does Alex think he was born with super powers? Was Alex joking when he said repeatedly that Michelle Obama is a man?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan over here. I'm Jordan. Uh, we are a couple of dudes who sit around and drink wine and break down, uh, Alex Jones and Info Wars. That is, uh, yeah, that's pretty much what we do. But the twist is-
Starting point is 00:00:22 What's the twist? I know a lot about Alex Jones and have listened to his show. Oh, and I don't fucking know a thing about Alex Jones. You do not. Although I'm learning too quickly. Yeah. This is educational is what it is. Uh, so today- This is like me watching the Sesame Street of conspiracy theory shows.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yeah. I wanted to start out today's show. We're going to be covering the February 24th episode of the Alex Jones show. But before we get into it, I want to just have a little bit of an out-of-context drop. This is going to go up there in the pantheon along with I'm a policy walk. All right. Here is a great out-of-context Alex Jones drop. This just sounds like pedophilia to me, bro. I love it.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Sounds like pedophilia to me, bro. All right. All right. All right. That one, that one goes up there. Yeah. I wanted us to have that fun before we started because today is going to be rough. Is that our new outro now?
Starting point is 00:01:19 No, instead of policy walk, we're just going to be like, Hey, this looks like pedophilia to me, bro. The bro is what kills it. That's what's awesome. I wanted to have that fun because today's episode is going to be a little murky and a little bit difficult. Oh, great. It probably is the first time that I've rage turned off the show. Oh, shit. This is an episode where I could not stand getting through the last hour.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Holy cow. So I don't know what happens in the last hour. All I have is about two hours of the show that I have documented. But it's plenty. You know what's crazy? I watched the last hour and it was just an apology for the first three. That's all it was. It was just, you know what?
Starting point is 00:01:57 I feel like we, we went too far as we fucked up. I said a lot of shit. I said, you know, the globalists are bad, but man, I really joined the globalists this time. Yeah. Speaking of joining the globalists, I wanted to make this announcement up top. Also this month we take donations at slash freezing point and for reasons that will become clear throughout this episode. And just because we are people who have hearts, we will be donating all of the proceeds that
Starting point is 00:02:25 we've made, all of our donations. It's not that much, but it's something to the alley four knee center in New York. They're a charity that works with homeless, gay and trans youth. And I think they do a great job and we're going to be supporting them. Yeah. And if you don't donate to the podcast, donate to them anyway. Sure. I think that's a, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:44 That, you know, we don't need the middleman. We would consider that a donation to us. Yeah. If you go and support that, I think that may be taking a little too much. I just want to own it. So anyway, last week, when we last left you, Alex Jones did a 13 hour live broadcast in the middle of the week because he had lost his sponsor with Adroll because he was broke as fuck. Uh, he needed a telethon for the underprivileged hymns of the world.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yeah. But he presented it as we're fighting against censorship. We're all about free speech, all this. 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:19,700 So he does this 13 hour broadcast. It's not him most of the time. He just does his regular show. Then he leaves and it comes back to do a Reddit AMA at eight o'clock.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Okay. He does this Reddit AMA. He doesn't answer any questions. He just screams about wild bullshit. Was it, was it, uh, like, was it a question and answer on Reddit or was it video? It was both. It was both. He was doing, he ends up doing more, uh, question and answer on Reddit proper, but
Starting point is 00:03:47 he did like an hour and a half of it on his show. Oh, okay. All right. So he's answering all these questions. Also, people got a little suspicious cause a lot of his answers ended up with him hawking products. So it was kind of a shitty AMA in a lot of ways. Uh, but he does that broke.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Alex Jones is my favorite new development. Yeah. It's like a whole different character. Like we're in season two and it's the evil twin of Alex Jones. There are the, I don't know. Hobo Jones. Yeah. So he, uh, we're going to call him Hobo Jones until he gets through this funk.
Starting point is 00:04:20 What the thing that was super fun was I was checking in and watching that 13 hour broadcast quite a bit and you'd have like Rob do hosting an hour and while he's trying to host Alex would storm into the studio and start screaming. It starts screaming about, we need to make back this money. Like a drunk step dad coming in and you could see in all of the people who work at info war's face, they are scared of him. Oh boy. Cause he is in rage mode.
Starting point is 00:04:47 He's had too much super male vitality and he is charging in like a fucking dinosaur. Like he's trying to build a bunk beds out of a IKEA stuff and then he just takes it out on those two twin kids that he never wanted Rob do and a Mac adieu. So he's screaming at everybody. That's great. The next day he doesn't come in. He has a Paul Joseph Watson ends up hosting, which is no good for anybody. Nope.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Uh, and then Friday comes along. There was Paul Joseph Watson hosted on Thursday and then we get to Friday and he opens the show, uh, much the same way. If you're running late for work, you might call in and bullshit your boss. Here's what Alex Jones does. Gentlemen, it's Friday. Alex Jones here. I'm on the road.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I will be in in the next hour. Oh, we've got so much to break down. I may even go four or five hours extra today because there's just so much to break down the critical battles against the globalist are key junctures right now. Uh, the way they're trying to basically have a civil war inside the government and block Trump is amazing. The way he's fighting back is absolutely critical and that we support him. We're going to look at the demonization tactics that are taking place.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Stephen Colbert misrepresenting what I say on what I do. The same tactics are used on Trump. I want to, I want to smoke a full carton of cools the night before it did. He entered the house of cool. He went in and he is coming. Oh man. He sounds hungover. He's probably he had a cocaine fuel binge.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I mean, that is a 13 hour telethon and a 13 hour drink. Athon is what we're talking about. I would assume. And also we're going to get deeper into this a little bit later, but he brings up this, uh, Stephen Colbert did a hit piece. Yes. Yes. Stephen Colbert stepped in on our game.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah. Fuck off. Colbert. Yeah. Come on. Colbert. You're going to step to us. I want to say this and it's not because he's treading in our turf.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I have to kind of agree with Alex. Okay. I kind of agree that what Stephen Colbert did on his show was a little unfair. Oh, uh, okay. We've discussed this already pre rolled this episode as he says some of the worst shit we've ever heard. Right. And now before that you're saying it's a hatchet job.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I think the Stephen Colbert thing in, in particular is a little bit unfair. Okay. Cause he does use a ton of clips of Alex Jones saying stuff out of context. Okay. And we talked about this whenever you're trying to run a clip package, you have to run short stuff. Yeah. You can't, you can't give it the proper context that it deserves.
Starting point is 00:07:19 It's got to be sound bites. Now the thing that I think is interesting is that Alex Jones is way worse than Stephen Colbert is making out with context. It wasn't a job enough is what you're saying. Well, it is unfair journalism, but it's on the wrong side of it. It's unfair to portray him as less of the monstrous lunatic that he is. Well, he portrays him as just a crazy person and that's not fair. Oh no, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:07:44 It's, it's not just a crazy person. It goes back to that Dave Chappelle thing. It's like calling someone crazy is the worst thing you can do cause it takes away whatever else they say. Yeah. And for good or for bad, that's true. If you just call Alex Jones crazy, you're not dealing with the stuff that he's saying that he believes nor the influence that that has exactly over
Starting point is 00:08:06 the fucking president now. Yeah. So he gets into the specifics a bit later about the Colbert stuff, but I want to say I'm on his side a little bit. Okay. I do think that Colbert could have done a much better job anyway and ways to further mobilize the base to ensure that we defeat this entire program. We also have the Judas Code, Glenn Beck going on all these shows saying Stephen
Starting point is 00:08:27 Bannon is dangerous because he's quote a nationalist. Glenn Beck is openly declaring himself a globalist. He's always been one to control the movement. And see, they were going to ban conservative and libertarian media this year. Hillary had admitted that when she got elected. And so they're still going with that program. Beck thought he, he sided with the wind. Once again, they're doing what they say we're doing.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah. So we're going to do it. Yeah. Hillary would have banned conservative media. So it's totally fine. If Trump actually bans what news mainstream, yeah, actual, yeah, reputable, journalistic institutions, he gets into this a little bit. And I think we should deal with it when he gets to it.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Cause he, Alex spells out a little bit more what he's talking about and his beliefs about the media stuff a little later. And so we'll get to that then instead of just like spouting it now. Well, the, the Glenn, the Glenn Beck openly declaring himself a globalist seems like a very out of character. Yeah. He talks a lot about going back on this episode. Where did he, where did he do this?
Starting point is 00:09:28 He went on CNN. He went on CNN and said, I am a globalist while crying and emitting all of the lies. And Alex keeps pulled out the fucking chalkboard behind him and explained in detail how he became part of the globalist. Alex Jones keeps being like, he looks constipated up there. This fucking smug asshole. Well, I mean, I'm not going to defend. And he was going to be the representative now of the conservatives.
Starting point is 00:09:50 He was going to be the fake conservative who then play along with their system as controlled opposition, but they lost because America was in such a critical crisis from the intelligence agencies and other Patriot groups ensured Hillary couldn't still the election. She did steal part of it. And so now they're in such panic mode. They're just going ahead with their program as if Hillary still got elected and that's why the government and the shadow government is behaving as if Trump
Starting point is 00:10:17 doesn't exist and the American people don't exist with total arrogance. But they're failing. We have the initiative. We have the upper hand. We have justice in the right side of history on our side and destiny. But most importantly, pray to God and get on your knees and repent for everything you've done. I do as well and humble ourselves for the Lord and ask God for guidance and lift
Starting point is 00:10:37 scales from our fellow countrymen and women's eyes and others around the globe. I'm Alex Jones. This is the info war and you are the key, the critical anchor to that whole thing. The last two days, we've seen massive unprecedented support coming in. Since the Google Band does through AdRoll from being able to online advertise. Just incredible jack boot, chilling effect censorship. But we're going to find ways to defeat that thing sure support. So thank you all now back to the live transmission from Austin, Texas.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And then David Knight is in the studio hosting. He got a little bit of the theatrics in there with a little you've been part of the info war. You are the key. We need you whenever he does that voice super male vitality. Whenever he does that voice, you know he's full of shit. Yeah, you know, that's big. And I forgot to mention this. I figured out I've been keeping a spreadsheet of the times he tugs his ear.
Starting point is 00:11:28 You've got a spreadsheet. I do. Oh God, and we will be auctioning off the data file of that spreadsheet. It's in the dirty dossier. Exactly. So it's not a hundred percent of the time. This is the case, but every time he insinuates that everybody knows something or whenever he insinuates that this is widespread information, the crazy bullshit that he's saying.
Starting point is 00:11:50 He tugs his ear. Really? It's very consistent. Wow. Every time he's like, you all know. And he always just tugs his ear. Like the kids version of holding your crossed fingers behind your back. More or less.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so he knows he's lying then. I think that's a very least subconsciously. We have to admit there's a piece of him that's struggling to get out. This part that knows he's lying is fighting against his consciousness. New conspiracy theory. I like this.
Starting point is 00:12:16 He absorbed a twin in the womb. Okay. And that twin is the good twin. That's the Arnold Schwarzenegger twin in this Danny DeVito Arnold Schwarzenegger buddy comedy movie. I don't hate this. All right. Now the twin is trying to escape the best way it can and change the better through
Starting point is 00:12:35 the ear. Exactly. He's not talking. He's plugging it like Athena. As we all know, the good Hobo Jones resides within the ears of the bad Hobo Jones. It's possible. Hobo Jones would be a pretty good name for a Dachiel Hammett character. I would watch.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I would read a noir about Hobo Jones. I'm in. Let's kickstart that shit. Okay. Also want to say thank you to our friend J.P. Yeah, that was the coolest fucking thing. We're going to put this up on our Tumblr. He sent in a ludicrous remix with Alex Jones's verse in it.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And you know, I thought I was right. Now I know I'm right. A hundred percent because it nails it. Yeah. Right on, right on beat. Yeah. Perfect. Well, not totally.
Starting point is 00:13:20 He also, well, I mean, for him, for him. So he has Alex's next clip. He has a bunch of thoughts about Glenn Beck and he misrepresents the history of culture along the way. The all culture? Yep. Oh, okay. You've got Glenn Beck on CNN, CBS, ABC is everywhere going.
Starting point is 00:13:40 It's very dangerous what Trump and Banner are doing. Economic nationalism. We can't run our own affairs. He takes total globalism in our country totally captured and selling out to world interest and says that if we do things that are good for our jobs in our industry, if Americans were to organize as a union, that's what a country's supposed to be as the original union. It has ideas and as policies, it has beliefs,
Starting point is 00:14:02 it has unifying the spiritual systems, cultural systems, and then they have a goal of what that culture wants to be. Has he come on as being for unions? No. Never? Not really. No. I don't think he would be into unions.
Starting point is 00:14:18 What you're saying is he doesn't like it when a large group of people get together to fight against a shadowy cabal of very, very rich people? Not in that context. Not in that context. No. He likes it in a larger, more global context, you may say. If you're, yes. If you're against the globalists, you can unionize.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Right. But what if the globalists are your CEO? That's an interesting question. I don't think he raises that. I want to get into that. Well, you know how Alex Jones says to music. Get him on the phone. Bling, bling.
Starting point is 00:14:44 You know how he says that he's a classical liberal? Sorry, you've reached elbow Jones. I'm still drunk. Leave a message. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Fight the globalists.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Leave a message. Buy our pills. I think he would say that he's into unions, but what unions are now isn't what unions are supposed to be. I think that's probably the argument he would make because that way he can play both sides. Right. He can say I am. He's four unions, but not in their current arc incarnation.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah. Something like that. All right. Anyway, he's so slippery in your voice. Yeah. In my rationalizing his dumb-ass beliefs. As long as you're spitting it, it makes sense. And normally cultures are known for different things that they strive at and they succeed
Starting point is 00:15:29 at. Or they're barbarians. You've had those throughout history in every sector of the world. Murder, death, cannibalism, human sacrifice, things like that. Civilization is into art and literature and culture. The globalist are bringing in a corporate barbatism, a barbarous system that totally, in a piratical way, wages war against humanity from a psychopathic cold-blooded perspective. And that's all basically coming to an end because humanity is rediscovering itself right
Starting point is 00:16:01 now. So that's a wild over-simplification of cultures. No, I think it makes perfect sense. You've either got culture or you're a barbarian into cannibalism. Does he not know that cannibalists also have a lot of culture? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's... Barbarian civilizations often had amazing culture.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Oh, yeah. They created art. I mean, the Aztecs famously cut the heads off people off of a giant pyramid or whatever shit it was, but that pyramid wasn't made to fucking gold, so you gotta give them one. They had sophisticated understandings of the stars and time and stuff like that. That's very cultural. The Mayans had some sort of calendar one time. It was pretty important for a while until we found out it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah, until 2012. It happened real fast. It's still a great calendar. I'm a big fan of the word of the day that it has on it. Yeah, it's just that our interpretation of it, or not our interpretation of it, some wacky people's interpretation was off. Yeah, it's like having a calendar where every day the word of the day is the apocalypse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 The thing is that if you look at culture like this, it's so black and white, and it's dumb. It's very dumb. But I think in our understanding of Alex Jones, nuance has never been a big portion of his end game there. He's not one to try and see the best in both worlds. No. But he is a historical scholar.
Starting point is 00:17:26 He's read thousands of history books at the age of six. He started probably not about barbarians way more than all all of us except Trump. I think that's what is Ron Paul. I think that's what his real idea there is. Yeah. Anyway, he gets to the headlines of the day. He gets he transitions from this misunderstanding of culture into misunderstanding everything that's happening like the Jay Leno segment, J walking.
Starting point is 00:17:52 No, the one where he reads headlines. Oh, yeah. He's like, Hey, look at these people and their typos. How fucking awesome would it be if Alex Jones had a new segment where he makes fun of wedding announcements? Anyway, here's the headlines. Tia. This is getting married to Frank.
Starting point is 00:18:11 She sounds globalist. That was a good one. Look at these headlines. I'm going to cover when we come back. CNN host blames intolerant father for 12 year old girl not wanting to see a men's penis in the locker room. This has been said by Obama as well. This is Como who said, you can't rewiki leaks only he can say that sounds crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Why would he tweet that and say that because they're told to to get you used to sexualizing your children. This is pedophilia. I don't know if saying it is a promotion of himself. I'm not saying he's one. Oh, certainly not. Uh, no, I'm saying that saying how dare your daughter not want to see a man in the locker room with his penis.
Starting point is 00:18:53 He's totally called Cuomo a pedophile before. I think he's suggested totally said he was in this episode. He does call him a predator, but then he's like, he's like, I'm not saying he's pedophile. I want to say he's drifting into slander territory. I want to say that he's done that before, like in, but more in like a group situation, like he was rattling off a list of names and he happened to be on one of them. Yeah. The, uh, pedophile cabal where you have to fuck a kid in order to, uh, uh, jump in
Starting point is 00:19:22 to the group. I don't know. This is one instance on this episode of maybe three or four where he runs a foul of what I think is legal. Okay. Well, I mean, like calling Chris Cuomo a pet, like a predator and all this stuff is that might be legally actionable. Uh, if you are a predator, you don't want to be misrepresented.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Wait, do you mean like alien versus? I am pretty sure that's what I was going for. Yes. Now nobody, they wouldn't be able to take them to court of course, because they wouldn't be seen in court. Yeah. You'd have to have standing and you have to show up. And if you're invisible, nope.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Oh, that's a good point. Yep. So this is his big headline of the day and it runs throughout the show and it is essentially about how you're, you're, you're being called closed minded and a bigot. If you don't want men with their big old penises in the locker room with your daughter, he's talking about, uh, he's not talking about, uh, trans bathroom bills. Is he? He is.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Okay. So he frames the trans bathroom bill as the does your parents of a daughter and you're intolerant because it seems like your daughter is going into a bathroom where a big old man's penis is just waiting for her and you're intolerant because you're like, well, I wish there weren't a penis there. Yeah. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I get the feeling that that's not the angle that the bill actually is taking, right? No, no, no, no. No, it's not, it's not the one penis for all bill. No. All right. I've done some looking into this issue because I tried to find any instance. I was trying to be overly charitable. I tried to find any instances of like a 12 year old girl or so, no, any instances of
Starting point is 00:21:15 attacks or assaults happening in bathrooms because of trans individuals. Yes. Now I found one article that listed five. Okay. If you break down what those five are, and this is the only article and these are the only five that you could find. This is the only documented things I could find. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Anything concrete. This actually had sourcing and citations. Right. Right. It wasn't just the insinuation. No. These instances were all dudes dressed up like women to get into bathrooms, to videotape people in the bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Right. This is not the issue that we're talking about. That can happen with or without this bill. Yes. That's just someone in a bad 80s movie. Oh, porkies. You know what I'm saying? You're talking about porkies.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah, exactly. This is just like... Is that how simple people view trans? Yes. As porkies? Yes. As porkies people. Or what's that movie?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Sex Boat? Sex Boat? There's a porno where guys dress up like women to get on all female crews and then they bang everybody. I never saw a sex boat. Oh, you should see sex boat. I saw the love boat. I'm assuming that was a prequel.
Starting point is 00:22:24 There are similarities. But this is the kind of toxic cancerous thinking that is really plaguing a lot of people and Alex can't get his head around is that you judge an issue by people who aren't what the conversation is about. Right. These people are criminals. As we all know, that is a strawman argument, which Alex Jones has... Doesn't understand.
Starting point is 00:22:46 He does not understand at all. So, again, he thinks that is an argument about men made out of straw. Yeah. These instances that you can find that are concrete aren't indicative of what trans people want. They want to be able to go to the bathroom in the bathroom that suits what they identify as. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:07 These people who have assaulted people are pervy dudes who are trying to pull a fast one. Right. That's not what this is about. So this, to me, has that same feel of like, I'm against homosexual sex and you're like, okay, so a man and a man and a woman and a woman. Well, I don't think about the woman and the woman part so much. It's dudes fucking each other. So in the...
Starting point is 00:23:34 It has a little of that feel. In the trans bathroom thing, it's always about protecting your daughter. Boy, it is never about... It's never about protecting your son from a creepy... It's never talking about female to male folk. Which seems like the moment they do, they'd have to start talking about the fact that men are far more likely to sexually assault another boy in the men's bathroom. And they're even more...
Starting point is 00:24:01 And that's a much more prevalent thing just due to identify as pedophiles. Yeah. Let's also... And then the much more likely thing there is that if you are trans, you're going to go into a bathroom and there's a way higher chance of you being sexually assaulted or physically assaulted. Well, case in point, I found this list of five and they aren't real trans issues. No.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And you can find thousands. They're deceptions. They're deception. You can find thousands of instances of trans people who are harassed in bathrooms. Yeah, absolutely. So, I mean, the argument is bullshit and it makes me furious. 100% bullshit. And it gets so much worse on this episode.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Has he... This is the thing that I think about. My parents are almost certainly for the trans bathroom bill. Okay. I don't think they've ever met a trans person. I don't think Alex has either. So, to them, the argument makes sense because to them, a trans person means a cross dresser or a pervert.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Or a pervert. They have this image in their head of what the reality is and it's not. Yeah. They don't understand that you can be... That you're not. You're not the person that they say you are. When you go into the bathroom, you're going into the wrong bathroom. That's how your life is.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Every time you've gone to the bathroom, for the most part, you felt like you're in the wrong place. And then now they're telling you not that you should go to the right place, that you should be forced to stay in this wrong place. And that you're fucked up. And you're the worst. Yeah. Just the fact that you're asking to do that makes you an enemy of our culture.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Exactly. So fucking evil. Yeah. Anyway, let's save some of our righteous indignation for when it really needs to come out. I'm already out. I'm out of righteous indignation. You're intolerant. See how that works?
Starting point is 00:26:02 Sexualizing your children, it starts with ending genders. They're not having you accept other genders. They're ending them. All these well-mitting liberals are like, let's be nice to try and think they're a dog or you think you're blind, the state will pay to dump bleach in your eyes and then we'll pay for all your welfare of the rest of your lives. This is mental illness. So why is it that he's mad that liberals are saying, be nice to somebody who's not bothering
Starting point is 00:26:30 you? I don't think that anybody who supports trans rights would be like, oh yeah, you think you're blind? Let's take your eyes out. You know what? Here's the thing. That has happened before. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:41 There's people who think that they should be amputees and stuff like that. Exactly. Who do the whole thing. Yeah. And that is, I still think you should be nice to them. Sure. Right? Why is he so mad that, hey, this person wants to be a dog?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Are they hurting anybody? I mean, sometimes they bark when I walk by. They're going to fuck your dog at the dog park. Yeah. I mean, okay. Yeah. Just be cool. Be cool.
Starting point is 00:27:08 They're not hurting anybody. Alex Jones. One of his big things is about how he's, like he has these ideas, but he doesn't hate people. All right. Mental illness, they're imposing as a cultural virus to shut us down. That doesn't mean we hate anybody. In fact, the first rollouts of different things they come out with sometimes are kind of interesting, but it's meant like candy to make you think it's something really good, but it sucks you
Starting point is 00:27:32 down that vortex. So I don't hate anybody. And of course, humans explore things and do things. They're taking that natural curiosity, all those things that happen as you're an adult and they twist it when you're a child and tell you, you're bad because you're freaked out by a 15-year-old or 16-year-old young man in the women's little girl's showers at a public school. Oh, and now you're upset about whiteboards, so all over the country, colleges are removing
Starting point is 00:28:01 them. They're taking two days to go with the university pulling it out and then the Detroit press covering it. Mainstream news, straight face. No, you can't. Oh, good. Get rid of the load. Somebody might write on them.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Might hurt someone. That's saying banned books. Banned books for someone might write something hurts your feelings. See? No. It's the end of culture, the end of language. So I apologize about the screw up of the clips there, but... You can't.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You can't. No, you can't. You can't go from that to whiteboards. Well also, the idea that people are showering in high school now is silly. No one's really doing that. They haven't been for years and years. That's not what people don't shower. I never showered in high school.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I was actually afraid of seeing a 15-year-old boy's penis. As a dude. But frankly, I think I was afraid of seeing my own penis at that point in time. It was just too raw, too physical. So you're right, that transition to the whiteboards thing is crazy. So I hunted down the article that he was talking about with the whiteboards and Michigan State University has banned whiteboards on dorm room doors. And they did this specifically because they recognize that most communication that's
Starting point is 00:29:11 done between people now is on texting and on Twitter and on Facebook. And there's no real utility to having a thing on your wall. Right. Additionally, they had multiple instances of people writing racial slurs on them and attacking people. So they're like, this doesn't really help and the people have been being victimized. We're just going to not allow whiteboards on doors. Alex takes that.
Starting point is 00:29:35 That's the least they could do, the absolute least. They're not combating any of the horrible slurs or anything like that. They're just like, hey, you know what? This doesn't help. And it's used to hurt sometimes. So why bother with it? Let's just not do it. I have two points about it.
Starting point is 00:29:56 One agrees completely with what you're saying is that you're dealing with the non-issue and not dealing with the real issue, which is why would someone write those things? That's a much and taking away the whiteboards isn't going to take away the hate. So that's that's one piece. But then the other piece is that Alex is like, they're going to ban any kind of public talk. That's not what this is. You're extrapolating this so wrong. And he makes it sound like it's in the classroom.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Like, oh, the teachers want to teach about the evils of globalism. I don't know what they would be teaching about that he hates. Probably something about how people should be allowed to have unions, but not unionized. But I can't I can't follow the twisted words anymore. Well, likening it to book burning too is so stupid. It's just incredibly stupid. But this next clip is even stupider. You know what I actually just found out today?
Starting point is 00:30:49 One of the big things that one of the big book burnings that the Nazis had was actually of an institute that did a lot of trans research. Interesting. Yeah. Like there was for a long time in the 20s, kind of a, you know, we're all paying attention to this kind of thing. We're treating it as something that's real. That's this kind of gender dysmorphia, all of these different types of things.
Starting point is 00:31:14 A lot of amazing research was done. And then whenever that nationalist assholery started, then they went to those places and burned those books. Interesting. Because they, again, they master raced it. Yeah. They wanted to do this, stamp out anything that would suggest otherwise. Sure.
Starting point is 00:31:32 So again, Nazis hate trans people across centuries. And it's not, you know, that we can't make a false equivalence and say Nazis hate trans people. Alex hates trans people. Therefore, Alex is a Nazi, but we can say that Milo is a Nazi. I've established that I'm never going to let that go. So anyway, this next clip, um, project Veritas just leaked like, I don't know, hundreds of hours of behind the scenes audio from CNN, uh, really?
Starting point is 00:32:04 Yeah. And I've listened to a little bit of it. That sounds boring. I've listened to a little bit of it and it is boring, but then, uh, the, uh, anybody who's posted anything about it is all fake. It's all like someone posted a clip of, uh, the dog, the bounty hunter when he left that really racist voicemail and they said it was Jake Tapper. And it's like, this isn't even that what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:32:27 Jake Tapper does not sound like dog, the bounty hunter does not very much not. So Alex has this little, uh, statement about the CNN leaks, mainstream media claims nothing juicy at 119 hours of CNN leaks. Of course, there is a bunch, any name, any pick one, one, one, none, Alex, one, all he is one. Tell me you've listened to more than an hour of it. I'm sure he hasn't listened to any of it. I, I guarantee he hasn't listened to any of it.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, but then I guarantee nobody's listened to any of it. It's just a bunch of pitch meetings and shit. Probably. I don't fucking know. I don't, I don't care if, uh, if someone wants to give me a nice detailed non pizza gaty, uh, breakdown of what's in those. Yeah. Listen to the hundreds of hours of very boring conversations.
Starting point is 00:33:11 My man, I got a job. I don't have time for that shit. Yeah, right. So he gets back to Glenn Beck now and then, uh, repeats, uh, one of his old chestnuts. Glenn Beck, Bannon's economic nationalism agenda is not conservative. It's dangerous. They're just saying you have a country, the night circuit band wearing American flags at school, have false equivalents and not true as we've discussed.
Starting point is 00:33:35 If you go, even if, even if what he's saying is true, it doesn't make sense and it's not even that. Yeah, but if this is, this is indicative of something that Alex does that I want to take the point, uh, the time to call out, which is that he has a lie, which is that the ninth circuit band wearing, uh, American flags, the truth is that they banned it on Cinco de Mayo because there were groups of students who were threatening Mexican students. We've covered it. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:34:00 But it's, it's again, it's very much the whiteboard situation all over a hundred percent. They're not going after the real problem. They're just making it a step harder or they're forcing that creativity of racism and hate to go in another different direction. Sure. And it might be misguided, but it's absolutely not what Alex is saying it is. And at the very least they're trying, but because he knows that no one's going to look into it.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Right. He gets to repeat it and everyone's like, Oh, I've heard him say that repeatedly. It must be true. So he has these riffs that he can go on with the night circuit band, the shirts, right? And so like that. And it's like, Oh, okay. If you're not paying attention to like, yeah, okay. And those, and those become like waystones on the path.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So he, he steps off of this long big narrative and then conflates that with the waystone. You know, like, Oh, Bannon's economic plan is bad. Just like, as you guys already know, banning flags is bad. It's almost like a get her done too. Yeah. It's like, it just toss it in. Toss it in everyone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Just throw it in. It's, it's, it's, it's a crowd pleaser. Everybody gives a big round of applause whenever they hear it. Yeah. Woo. Sure. We're on your car because it's hateful. It might hurt someone.
Starting point is 00:35:10 First it's banned the KKK being some black racist group. Then it's being white boards, being brown bags, being that American flags, then it's take down all the statues. It's the end of language. We got another drop there. He didn't like, he's listing things that people haven't done. No one's banned the KKK. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Even though, even though everyone's against them, like everyone thinks they're a bunch of assholes cause they are. No one's banned the KKK. So he's starting. How would you even start banning the KKK? I don't know. But even liberal people aren't like, Hey, listen, we need to not allow them to say this horrible shit that they say.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Again, a huge plot point in the blues brothers. Even even in liberal bastions like the blues brothers, there's a giant support for you guys should probably allow these Nazis to at least say what they need to say. It's America. So there is like this false slippery slope that even the beginning part isn't true. And he tries to do this repeatedly with like this. The first they came for blank and I said nothing, that sort of thing. First they came for the KKK and I said nothing for I was not in the KKK.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah. They came for a unnamed black racist group because we can't, we can't pick one. I assume he either means the black Panthers or probably now black lives matter. Cause he thinks that they're a terrorist. Yeah. Of course. They're racist. All they are about is cop killing.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Sweet. Sweet. Good times. Alex. Anyway. Thanks, Alex. Let's get to this next clip. This he's talking about and misrepresenting the comments of Melissa Harris Perry and I'll
Starting point is 00:36:53 get to explain why he is full of shit in a moment. Chris Coma, what an embarrassing creature, but he thinks she's going to condition you and tell their audience of already Stockholm syndrome, learned helplessness, cooks that okay, the next thing is you got to let your daughters have, you know, hell, you have a senior in high school in those showers with your daughter. Whoa, not a senior. And if somebody says anything, well, you're a bad person and these aren't like cherry picked examples.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yes, they are. They're not even cherry picked. Melissa Harris Perry go on TV two years ago and say, your kids belong to us and we're getting rid of the family. Basically. And if we see the family fall apart, we, we, we, we understand their single parents. We understand community's help, but the point is that's the good side of it. The bad side of it is it was all engineered because we see communities in crisis.
Starting point is 00:37:46 We say, this is bad. They go, oh, you hate those communities. No, we don't. Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do. But also this, this, this Melissa Harris Perry, your children, our ours. I, Melissa Harris, Perry, decreed. She was talking about she, there was a 32nd video that was aired on like MSNBC or something
Starting point is 00:38:05 like that. Some news station and she's talking about how we need to take a more community based stance on children. Like we need to recognize that, you know, children aren't the property of their parents and it takes a community to, to, to raise children. Essentially, it's literally an old saying. It takes a village. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And, and maybe she was maybe a little uncareful with her words, but what she was saying wasn't what Alex is saying. No, what she says is that children belong to the communities that they live in, which is to say that they are a part of the communities. It doesn't mean that the communities own the children. It means that everybody is a part of the community. And if parts of the community are hurting, it hurts the community as a whole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:58 If you raise a child in such a way that your child goes out and hurts other people, you're, you're the one doing that. Like your, your child affects everybody else. Your child can damage everybody else. So it is a community minded thing. Where you, you say like, Hey, we're all against you being a complete and total asshole. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Be nice to people who want to be dogs. That's the point. That's all I'm stuck on now. All the rest of the shit that he's saying, I'm done. I just want you to be nice to people who want to be dogs. That would be great. I think we should. What a world is.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Do we have a charity for that? Well, there's, I mean, we could just give money to cause players, I guess, I don't know. God damn Dave from IT cosplay. And again, you know what, what Dave and IT does on his weekends, his own GER darn business. You're right. Anyway, that's stupid. And I really think that Alex, it goes back to his inability to comprehend what he's seeing or hearing because he's, he's, and hears that and he's like, Oh fuck, they want to
Starting point is 00:40:03 destroy the family. It's not what she's saying. No. There's no way that what she's advocating for, even taken in the worst possible way leads to we got to destroy families. Yeah. That's, that's way made up. Way.
Starting point is 00:40:20 That seems too made up, even for Alex, that seems too made up. Does he, that one is the, that's suspicious. I don't like that one. Well, that one seems like he's stretching. That one seems like he's stretching. Well for him. So let's keep it running. That's, that's as if he didn't listen at all.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Like he got it. It was a 30 second clip. Yeah. Like he got it from eight different second, probably got it from Drudge. Yeah. Well, yeah. That's a good point. So let's just keep a running tally here.
Starting point is 00:40:47 We have lies about, you know, trans people in bathrooms. Right. We have lies about chalkboards. We have lies about CNN leaks. We have a lie about the ninth circuit. Yeah. We have a lie about Melissa Harris, Perry and HP and now we're going to get to one of our old favorites.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Are we going to add Glenn Beck in there? I don't know. I don't care. I don't think, I don't think we need to do that now. He was a communist in South America who all he's talking about the Pope. Gotcha. So help that. I should have guessed that communist that weren't following orders, the grassroots and
Starting point is 00:41:20 killed them. He's known for rounding up priests and villagers by the thousands and killing them. So he's worse than a communist. He's a globalist controller who manages the communist slave farms. Remember, Obama went to South America and said, you'll have communism in your country, mega banks will be private and then they'll come in and work with you, meaning gang rape you. Obama said it can't have air conditioning, can't have cars.
Starting point is 00:41:42 It's okay. He said it. The elites will be rich. You will have nothing, but I'm black. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That doesn't sound racist or classes at all. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yeah. That doesn't sound racist or classes at all. Was he talking about what he just said? I think he was talking about what Obama said. I want to say that what he said, he was reacting to himself. Yeah. It's possible. Again.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Twin absorbed in the womb. Trying to get out at that last second of just like, Hey, you can hear, if you can hear me out there, if you can hear me out there, this sounds racist and classist. So there we have another lie, which we've documented in the past. So the Pope was known as rounding up thousands of priests and villagers. Sure. In South America. Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:29 While he was a communist. Because he's a Jesuit. And he's known for this. Known on the streets. Where? Where is he known for this? On the streets, baby. On the streets?
Starting point is 00:42:37 On the streets of South America? Sure. We need to send a correspondent out there. We got to get my cat down to South America, get the, get the real scoop. So, but the other lie, let's send Alex Jones's son down there just to see what he can figure out. So the other lie is that Obama air conditioning thing, which we went over in a past episode that is not at all what he was saying.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Again. Get her done. That was, but see, these are all these things. We have like examples here of at least six complete lies within the span of probably half an hour of his show. And that's crazy. Yeah. You need to keep that in mind for something he says in the future.
Starting point is 00:43:12 So it's, it's more like, I want to call it a complete fabrication. A lie implies that he's like mischaracterizing the truth where it seems as though we're just in a world where he's just making fantasies up. He's making fantasies up. Like he writes, he writes fan fiction for reality. Yes. That's what he's doing. Paranoid fan fiction.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Paranoid fan fiction. Yeah. And I mean, I, I hate the term, but if you want to talk fake news, it's kind of what it is. I think we have to let this, I, we can't do it anymore. No. Fake news is meaningless now. Fake news is, uh, it's own fake news.
Starting point is 00:43:48 It's its own meme. Yeah. So anyway, Alex now gets onto a little bit of a treatise that he has about how he, uh, sort of tricks the media into covering things. This is his fourth dimensional chess. Okay. All right. So this one's, this one's pretty silly.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And we've got Colbert attacking me saying, I'm like a guy. You know, in steroids and peyote, because they can take clips and there's a clip they play where they go, I'm anti-gay or anti-gay, of course I really said, I'm not anti-gay. But he goes, Oh, we're not cutting these clips up. So to show you, here's some more, a bunch of real quick clips out of context. We're going to analyze this propaganda and go over it. So just like I made fun and I said, Hillary clearly didn't open the pickle jar. It didn't pop.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Everybody did it themselves and said, yeah, she's a liar. And then Kim will have to say, okay, Alex Jones is right. It's true. But I knew they'd take the bait on the pickles. I love that. I knew they'd take the bait on the pickles. I love that. That's a Sherlock Holmes line, right?
Starting point is 00:44:49 That's a shirt. Yeah. That's our first shirt. I knew they'd take the bait on the pickles. They take the bait on the pickles. Yeah. So he's arguing, he's arguing that like he makes sensational claims that he knows there's truth behind in order to trick the media into confirming the things that he says.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Now his example that he gives is that Hillary Clinton couldn't open a jar of pickles. Right. Picklegate, as we all know. So fucking meaningless. Yeah. So I mean, like your bigger points, you haven't proved it all, but yes, you proved that on a fucking nighttime TV show, like, you know, like a late night show, they'd rigged the jar of pickles because they're doing a bit.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Of course they did. They also, they preset up all the conversation they're going to have because it's a show. Is that, is that a thing? What is he referencing? I did not know about this whole pickle bullshit. I thought that was just a fun little turn of phrase. As a joke on Jimmy Kimmel's show, because everyone was talking about how weak Hillary Clinton was, as a goof, they had her open a jar of pickles to prove that she's strong.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Right. As if that would prove that she's strong to begin with. I don't understand. That's like a, that's a borderline vague sexist thing. Right? Maybe. Like you need your husband to open a jar of pickles for you, isn't that like a 1950s? I think if you want to fully unpack it, yeah, there's that in there.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Right. But Alex. Now I'm mad at Jimmy Kimmel. Sure. There's other reasons to be mad at him too. Let's start with Jimmy. Let's next episode all Jimmy. So the, the argument that Alex had was that they rigged the jar to make her look strong.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Did the jar explode when she opened it up? Like did they hand it to her and she crushed it between her incredibly powerful Hulk hands? It just opened. Hey, I'm a, I'm a 32 year old man. I'm in my prime. I'm fairly strong. Sometimes I can't open a jar of pickles. I have to hit the rim with a knife in order to ease it open.
Starting point is 00:46:47 You know what? You get a towel. Sometimes I find my fingers are a little slippery. Amen. So anyway, he doesn't prove anything, but he's like, I tricked him. I tricked him into telling people I was right. It's like, okay, you got us on the pickles again. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Another great line. That's another, that's another t-shirt. No, it's on the back. It says you got us on the pickles. I knew they take the bait on the pickles. You got us on the pickles. You've not proved any of your flagrant bullshit points, but anyway, so is the, is the point that he's making there that he is influencing the mainstream media to investigate the ridiculous
Starting point is 00:47:25 claims that he makes and he makes them sensationally or sensational so that they will investigate, disprove some of the lies that he's telling, but get to the kernel of truth underneath it. Somewhat. But is he false flagging the media? Sort of. Okay. This next clip talks a little bit more about it, how he sort of trolls the media.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Okay. And he does not make his point. So anyway, this is about something he said about J.Lo recently. Are you sure this isn't from the goddamn nineties? What's happening? He gave a speech at the Grammys about how like in times like this, this is when artists go to work and this is when artists can be most impactful when we're dealing with power trying to crush the disenfranchised.
Starting point is 00:48:14 That sort of thing. Yeah. Cause they crushed it in the fucking Vietnam war. Sure. Here we go. You should go be amongst the Somalis where women literally, you don't even see them on the streets. Slaves, total failed culture, total nightmare society beyond road warrior, beyond anything
Starting point is 00:48:30 you've seen in fiction. I mean, if he didn't say beyond Thunderdome, he didn't say beyond Thunderdome. I've never been angrier at Alex Jones in my life beyond road warrior. Fuck you, Alex Jones. Yeah. Yeah. He's that's unprofessional. That down.
Starting point is 00:48:47 That is poor showmanship. Absolute hell on earth. Women are still sold on slave blocks. They're still sold up on the big slave stages. That's on record. Look it up. I'm going to do a whole reports on it. It's on record on info
Starting point is 00:49:05 Oh, great. There, but, but that's not, as long as he's bringing attention to the fact that there are still a lot of women trafficking, there's a lot of that shit going on and it's fucking horrifying. Agreed. I'm going to be able to just minimize it by using it as your bullshit argument for that's a very, very serious issue that is really fucking destructive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And he's using it as like a fucking talking point to fight against J Lo J Lo J Lo. Yeah. The culture war. Great. Yeah. Great. Take her down. What he says next is even worse.
Starting point is 00:49:47 But then alt right. Right on Jennifer Bollup's also see the vibe and everybody else trying to manipulate people in the inner city said, Alex Jones wants to rape J Lo and they show some really short clip of me saying she needs to get gang raped. Now I said, if she loves that and wants us to get gang raped and wants to bring that here and then defendant cover it up like Europe has done in Sweden, everywhere else coming out in the news, then she should go there if gang raping so great. If she wants to bring the gang raping here, I'm clearly speaking out against rape.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I'm clearly saying it's wrong. It's bad. But I knew they'd take it and misrepresent it. And then I know we're bigger than they are in many cases. So those people will come here and find the truth of what I said. And they're further discredited. That's how they operate when everyone knows we've been at the tip of the spear trying to fight Islam, abusing women and the gang raping going on all over the world.
Starting point is 00:50:38 But we become through their alchemy of baloney, the alchemy of BS. We become the gang rapers. First of all, no one's saying that he's a gang raper. I don't think anybody. Yeah. Actually, did you look up anybody saying Alex Jones said he wants to gang rape Jennifer Lopez? No, even on his evil boogeyman media matters for America.
Starting point is 00:50:59 They don't say that. They don't say that. No, they just say that Alex Jones suggests that JLo should be gang raped, which is what he said. It is pretty much what he said, although I, I mean, if you unpack it, what he is saying is like, if you love it so much, why don't you go over there and get gang raped? If you love if you love gang rape so much, why don't you marry it? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:20 And it's not suggesting that she should be or anything like that. No. And people who are saying that are taking him a little bit extremely. I do not. I do not like that because see by exaggerating what he's actually saying, you're not dealing with what he's or by exaggerating a little bit of what he's saying to make it sound more like this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:43 You're not dealing with the damage that what he's actually saying it, well, when you try to take Alex and turn him into headlines, that's where it becomes difficult because the reality is so much more fucked up. Right. You can't just say like Alex hopes that JLo is gang raped and the whole point of this is that when you do that, you dismiss him as a crazy person. Yeah. You know, like you see that headline and you go, Oh, well, this is nonsense.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Nobody would ever listen to this. This is going to be the thing that, you know, takes it takes him down or gets rid of him. How does he do that whole thing? When what he's really saying is just lying about her and oh man, I hate him. Yeah. I mean, I hate him today. Yeah. You're going to hate him so much.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Especially because of the beyond Thunderdome thing. That's terrible. But it's terrible. What he's going to say here in a little bit substantially worse. So anyway, before we get to the really, really terrible stuff, Alex has to talk about his financial situation. All right. Good.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Good. Yes. So I want to explain to some of the new listeners how this works. We didn't have sponsors that we had pull from us. That's the normal thing. Trying to go up your sponsors. A boy got you. We had Adroll.
Starting point is 00:52:57 That's the exclusive advertising dealer of Google. So the Google doesn't have the liability in my view. It's a front company of Google that's basically admitted the trade publications. Yeah. I think that's probably true. If it's admitted in the trade publications, that's not his opinion. Right. So what is he actually saying that is he saying it's in the trade publications or is it in
Starting point is 00:53:18 his opinion? Because it can't be both. What if in one sentence he in the trade publication, they quote Alex Jones as saying that would be great. That would be an opinion. Yeah. They came out on Monday and said, you no longer have a right to advertise in the internet market through Google.
Starting point is 00:53:40 You understand? That's the thing. I can't go. It's like I showed up at Dick's Sporting Goods and I wanted to buy some golf clubs. I said, sorry. You're a conservative. You're white or you're black or whatever. You know, you're Jewish.
Starting point is 00:53:52 You're whatever. You can't buy golf clubs. You know what? That sounds so eerily fucking similar to. What's that? Say you're gay. Uh huh. They won't make you a fucking cake and they won't make you a fucking cake because you're
Starting point is 00:54:05 gay. Yeah. Do you know what that sounds like? Well, to be fair, Alex kind of sides with that, uh, that they should have made the cake. Oh, really? Kind of. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:54:16 His, his, uh, his stance, his stance on it is murky. Yeah. But, uh, he, he seems to side on the side of who gives a shit, make him a cake or make him a cake and then give them the frosting they can put whatever they want on it. You know, like if someone wants to put an offensive message on a cake, he's like, I would be concerned that it was a trap or something like that. Right. Trying to set me up.
Starting point is 00:54:33 That would, that would be his first concern. Yes. Uh, but I want to take a moment to lay out a couple of things that are bullshit. But, but, and that, that is his personal thing aside. Yeah. That is still the argument, uh, that, uh, tons of his viewers are against those people having to make them a cake because it's free market. It's free speech.
Starting point is 00:54:53 It's that whole thing. The moment it then happens in their direction, oh, we're the victim. It's cause we're conservative. It's cause we're not, we're, you're restricting our free speech. Bingo. You nailed where I wanted to take this bullshit. Well, Alex, it's all fucking nonsense. Alex describes himself as a libertarian.
Starting point is 00:55:10 He believes in libertarian principles and one of the main principles of libertarianism is the essence of the free market. And if you are a libertarian and you believe what you believe, you legitimately have to believe that companies should be allowed to not sell things to black people. Yeah. That's part of the free, free market, which the also implies that companies should be allowed to not have to sell things to conservatives if so they wish. And the argument is that if, you know, in the marketplace, if you are a business that
Starting point is 00:55:42 doesn't serve black people, everyone will be so offended by that that you won't be able to survive. Right. That's your, that's your pretend little fantasy of that's how we actually get rid of racism is we freeze them out economically. And now libertarian values go by the wayside when an advertising company doesn't want to work with them. When it hurts you, boy, your, your values aren't as, as meaningful as you having a fucking
Starting point is 00:56:08 job. You don't believe in the free market at all. And that is, that is the thing that has crushed me with the whole political system for the past eight years is as much as I loved Obama, he did expand on the executive powers. And that's why we're in trouble here. That's the big issue. There's a big part of it is that if you're, you know, Hey, we're making this Muslim ban because we're afraid of Muslims.
Starting point is 00:56:31 If you do that, even if it works, even if it's legally justified, that still means that somewhere down the line, someone can do a Christian ban. Sure. That's within the realm of possibility, precedent set. Exactly. So if you're at all thinking about yourself, you should be against this bullshit because eventually that sword can be used towards you. And that's not a slippery slope.
Starting point is 00:56:56 No, that's just a to B thinking. Exactly. Anyway, he has more thoughts about his situation and his economic plight and I will poke more holes in it in a second. It's the same thing. It's not that we even violated the terms. It was a milk toast ads, you know, ads for supplements and things. They said you are fake news.
Starting point is 00:57:15 You are involved in politics. That's not allowed. First of all, one of the supplements that he sells, DNA force, they've in the past kind of insinuated that taking it will help you live to 120. So the idea that it's just milk toast ads isn't really real. Like they do advertise their products to have effects they can't possibly have. Right. So that's first of all.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Second of all, he's complaining that they say that they're fake news. Listen to the beginning of this episode. We have documented at least eight times that he's completely misrepresented the truth. Meaning told fake news. Yes. Yeah. So he doesn't have a leg to stand on there. Nope.
Starting point is 00:57:55 All of these stories, everything he brings up, if you look at it is full of shit. Right. Anyway. Well, but then they take political advertising. They're saying someone in the federal election commission said Alex Jones isn't allowed to operate. Well, give me the letter. Let me have my day in court.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Well, you won't tell me so I know I got you. That's not true at all. No, you can't do that. The FEC absolutely isn't involved. But then secondarily, I hope he does sue because he will lose so fucking fast. Oh man. If he did sue, then it would be public. It would be legal to say that he is a giant liar.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Yep. Oh man. He's never going to sue. No. He is so open to all kinds of stuff coming out to light. Oh yeah. Dude. Like the counter suits that could be filed would be insane.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Oh man. That 3.3 million he lost would be nothing compared to the billions of lies that he's told over the years. Oh yeah. And I can imagine like a class action lawsuit filed against him by people who have taken super male vitality and shit. Oh yeah. God, that would be beautiful.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Yeah. So anyway, that's more stuff I got to do, but okay, I'm going to sit there just hoping it goes away. Ad role. The word is everybody else is scared. A bunch of other people got banned. Trying to work it out with Ad role and what can we do, Ad role? How can we kiss your butt, Ad role?
Starting point is 00:59:14 How can we know? No, you want to rack a tear on us in my opinion, my view, what this appears to be fine. You want litigation, I guess we'll have to do it. But here's the issue. We made 3.3 million last year to fund the operation, not profit, but money that made to fund our operation advertising our products outside of our own sphere and show. Okay. Because we want to reach other people.
Starting point is 00:59:35 That's what we're doing. And they came in and they said, you can't do that anymore after three years, almost three years. And so now I'm sitting here looking at this happening and I'm, and we projected the graph because it takes time to build these up and figure out where to advertise and how it works and a lot of work went into this and a lot of money we paid them. Like accounting. They pull the rug up after three year relationship and say bye-bye and then put a false name
Starting point is 00:59:58 on us and claim we don't exist and we're bad, just reputable people with no proof. We have proof. Yeah. This episode is proof. It's exactly proof. I'm not saying he's a bad person. He might privately be an awesome person. Also privately behind the scenes, he is weeping on his knees at Adroll going like, please,
Starting point is 01:00:17 how do we get our money back? I will do anything for you. You want me to suck your dick? I'll suck your dick. But then publicly trying to cuck out all these other places who are like, you guys, you guys are just bowing down to Adroll. We're going to fight. There's literally no way he's going to sit.
Starting point is 01:00:29 No chance he's going to fight back. If he has a decent lawyer, they will tell him, do not do this. He does not have a decent lawyer. Well, that's true. Lawyers in the past. His lawyer is very unaware of his goings on. Yeah. But like any legal person would be like, Oh, please don't do this.
Starting point is 01:00:45 You will put yourself in the hopper. You are, you are going to be screwed. And not because Google is some shadowy entity that's going to destroy him, but because his entire operation is built on a house of lies. There's obviously some shady shit going on. And if he sues them, just the discovery portion of that, could you them going through all of his files? Can you imagine if he does sue them and it turns into a long protracted legal battle?
Starting point is 01:01:13 What we will end up having to cover will be spectacular. Yeah. I'm already jerking off to the possibility right now. And we're, we're policy wonks. So we will read all of the litigation, all of the like, although I'm going to be honest, that sounds like pedophilia, bro. Yeah, bro. That's libelous.
Starting point is 01:01:29 That's slander. That's defamation. It's not. I mean, the Washington posted to pull their big list. Everybody's using two months ago, admitting they don't know where they got it. Well, it was just made up and we know by who. Democratic Party. So the Democratic Party wants to ban political voices or just free speech in this country
Starting point is 01:01:44 or free speech groups who have separate businesses that fund their speech, you're going to discriminate against that. I mean, you are in so much trouble politically, culturally, you name it. Adroll. Adroll. Adroll. They're not. Nope.
Starting point is 01:01:57 None. So yeah, I mean, it's not, it's not attacking free speech in any way. Nope. It is very legal. Super legal. So it's one of the most legal things that you can do as a business is to have, is to fire somebody based on reasonable regulation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:17 And your terms of service. Anyway, also, Alex goes on to talk about money a little bit more. And after this, we're going to get into the part of the show that is fucking awful. Then we're going to the darkness. Yes. And this is our final gasp of air before we go underneath and drown to drown. Breathe in. We're going to drown.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Breathe in this money bullshit. And then we're going under. Oh boy. But then we brought in about a million for the last four days. That's gross though. That, you know, we discount our products so much that that's only $500,000 and I'm not bitching. That's great.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Thank you audience. It's wonderful. Most of the shows couldn't do anything like that. I agree that a lot of shows couldn't do that, but that is a fucking crazy discount. That is a crazy discount. They're taking a bath on these pills. That's nuts. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:03 That's what? Like, uh, no, they said a million, five, five hundred thousand, so that's a profit margin. Oh, no, that's not good. He's got to work on that. Also, I do like that he's just, he's just putting out all of his business right now. Just everything. Just like, Hey, this is how much we're marking up our product by like, wait, what? You know what else too?
Starting point is 01:03:26 A couple of these next clips that we're going to play, the ones that don't anger me so much. He lets some stuff slip that he really shouldn't be talking about. So that's exciting. And this is another one of them. Like talking specifics about your finances, you really shouldn't be doing that. That's like, he might as well just be putting a social security number out there. Might as well. Hey, I'm a three, five, four, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Go ahead. Look me up. I don't even care. Fuck it. They're high quality. You get them. Thank you for the support. And so it's a victory.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I've got to make this up with other fundraisers over the next year, the money we made last year from its budget. It just, it happens to be, but just about the extra money we had for expansion. So it, it's a chilling effect of our free speech and of what we're trying to do, not letting us enter the market. Just like for a decade, we fought this. We don't sell guns, but we fought it. Sell guns now.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Uh, you've, you've got gun dealers, but major gun shops, then sporting goods stores. Of course it was little small gun dealers out of, you know, mom and pop outfits, but you know, out of storefronts, they banned those and most magazines, TV ads, radio ads, did it a lot of places, newspapers all got together and banned those that was about 15, 20 years ago. Everybody remembers that. And then next, it was sporting good stores and then they just said, no guns advertised period anywhere.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Okay. Now some magazines would say, Oh, we'll take an insert and still do it and get around that because people file lawsuits. So they're blocking your access to the market. It's racketeering. It's like block, blocking little black kids from going into the school in Alabama, uh, or places like, uh, Arkansas in 19, you know, 59, same deal, same deal. You're saying you're not allowed in this restaurant.
Starting point is 01:05:03 You're not allowed at this train station. You don't get service at this hotel. Get out of here. No. Not that. Oh, your ads. Violator rules. You, your website is political and you're not allowed to make money.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Go in a corner and die. So one thing that's a hundred percent. I would put him in a box. If I was going to tell you to go somewhere and die box box, one thing underground, maybe one thing that's really important to recognize here is that he's making one of the, like he's the master of non, uh, metaphors or analogies because he's saying that gun shops can't advertise or whatever, which I support, but then he doesn't talk about how like cigarette companies can't.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yeah. No. And that's, that's the correct analogy. Right. Black kids not being able to go to school. Now here's the black kids, black kids being allowed to go to school causes cancer. We all know that. Well, here's the problem with this.
Starting point is 01:05:56 The stuff about guns being able to advertise is business related private industries. Yes. Schools not allowing black kids in is public institutions. Yes. They're very different. Not for long. Problem. You're, you're, you're underestimating the quickness with which everything will be
Starting point is 01:06:17 a private business philosophically and very sincerely. They're different. Yes. The day will come when they will be intertwined. I mean, just, just from tax purposes, let's just stop right there. Yeah. For tax purposes. They are different.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Uh-huh. But he doesn't recognize that and he wants to make false equivalences and I don't know, man. I just don't like him comparing himself to any kind of civil rights activists. No. At all. Or, or just playing a victim. It's so sad.
Starting point is 01:06:47 He's always playing the victim. It's so sad though. It is pathetic. It's bummer. And here we go. Oh, let's dive. If you want. Down, down into the deep, dark waters of misery.
Starting point is 01:07:00 If you want to sympathize with Alex for even a second, don't because this next clip exists and I will call this clip one of the worst things I've ever heard in my life. You have all been freed of empathy for Alex Jones. Put down the mic because you need to hear this all the way through and here we go. All right. Okay. Ah, wow. I've got to focus on me.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Good boy. I'm going to do it because I've got to guess coming up the bottom of the hour. I'm going to come in and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, play a bunch of clubs and get into a bunch of analysis. But right now we already had this live. David already covered it. Doing a great job. I want to play this clip of Trump saying our enemies, the media, we're at war and it's
Starting point is 01:07:38 so true. We're always supposed to sit there and let them dictate and be our enemies and say literally let adult men come in the shower with your daughter or you're hateful. That is promoting pedophilia. What they play these games with the terms, Nambla basically runs the UN folks, okay? And they're so scared they're getting caught now that they're trying to normalize it and say, well, you're not just transgender. You're not just this.
Starting point is 01:08:03 No, you like kids or you identify as a kid when you're a 50 year old pig like man. So somebody's eight year old daughter is okay. Well then my 357 Magnum and the bullets that come out of it identify with your head. These bullets identify as your brain tissue. No. Is that okay too? You want to go, you know, with your ding-dongs hanging out little girls, is it okay if Smith and Wesson identifies as your brain tissue?
Starting point is 01:08:26 I mean, I'm just asking. The headline will be Jones threatens to kill transgenders. I didn't say that. I said they use the whole transgender thing to say, let men come and showers with little girls or you're not tolerant. That's pedophilia. What's being pushed? I don't care who says it or if it's some asshole on CNN, excuse me, I never use a lot of profanity
Starting point is 01:08:44 on air. Like this is Christian show and I apologize and I'm going to stop it. But I got to tell you, there aren't names or words strong enough to describe people like that. I'm going to play that clip too. But let's play somebody who's actually trying to get jobs and turn our energy back on and bring us together. Someone who isn't up there telling us the number one issue is grown men with little
Starting point is 01:09:04 girls and showers because if little girls don't like seeing men's penises, they're bad people. These are quotes. Okay. No, they're not. That's how weak-minded they think we are. Yes, CNN. They're not quotes.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I happen to have a 12-year-old daughter. Let me immediately make sure that I will, no doubt, I catch a grown man in the shower with one of my daughters. I will beat your brains out with my bare hands, guaranteed. Oh my God, so hateful. That's right. You can't rape little girls and you can't bring the freaking Islamist in here that's a religion to rape and enslave women.
Starting point is 01:09:36 I am sick of your crap. Boy, oh boy. Boy, oh boy. There's so much there and, uh, boy. The first thing that we need to deal with is the false comparison between trans people and pedophiles. Right. That's number one.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Fuck him. Believing that trans people want to shower with your little daughter is so fucking full of shit. Fuck you. Every trans person that I know, and I do know a number, and they're all wonderful people. Yeah. Uh, that I have met in my, sure, they're probably some bad people, but not the, not the majority. You know what they are?
Starting point is 01:10:18 They're people. Exactly. They're people. They're good people, bad people. You ever met people? Yeah. Hey, you know how you don't want to go and fuck a little girl in a shower? Yeah, neither do they.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah. And you know what else? They don't want to shower with anybody. No. A lot of them feel very uncomfortable in their bodies. Yeah. And they don't want to be around other people. It's not about, like, throwing your dick around.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Do you know who want to do that or pedophiles? Yeah. And that's not who the trans people are, you motherfucker. So he makes that false comparison and then is like, what if my bullets identify with your brain, which is literally threatening to murder people? Yeah. He does that. And then he's like, oh, people are going to say that Alex Jones wants to murder trans
Starting point is 01:11:00 people. He did. That's what he said. That's what he said. Because he doesn't understand the disconnect between what trans people are and someone who wants to hurt people. He thinks that they're the exact same, that he thinks the Venn diagram is a circle and it's not.
Starting point is 01:11:16 So he's like, hey, catch you in the shower with my daughter. I'll kill you. Now I agree with him that if someone was wagging his dick at his daughter, he's right to be angry about that. Yeah. Yeah. But that's not the issue. No.
Starting point is 01:11:31 That's not what anybody wants. So anyway, I do, I do the one thing that I find revealing is, you know, like he was talking about how a fat pig, a 50 year old fat pig who identifies as a child can hang out with your child. Yeah. And I thought, that's what you are, Alex Jones. You still talk about how great you were at six and you sound an awful lot like a child. Your understanding of the world is very childlike.
Starting point is 01:12:04 I think Alex Jones identifies as a 50 year old fat pig fucking child. Let's not put like words in his mouth. Let's hope that that's Alex Jones shit. You're right. You're right. You're right. But let's just hope he gets hit by a truck. No, let's hope more financial hardships come to them.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Let's hope he sues them and gets his ass handed to him in court. Fucking let's let's hope for all the success he thinks he deserves. I, I mean, does it does he does he genuinely think that every single trans person, they're pulling a scam is, is just doing this to trick us into letting them into bathrooms. I think he thinks at least a large enough percent of them are that, you know, it merits discussion. So, but the, but that can't be real. No reasonable person.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Well, you use the word reasonable. That's a good point. Yeah. Okay. So we're, we're, because to me, that's it angers me if he's, if he's misrepresenting this as an arm of trying to defend Trump's nonsense, right? So, so if he's, if he's lying about this in order to give Trump a legitimacy for Trump's insanity and, or the North Carolina insanity and repealing protections for trans students,
Starting point is 01:13:30 exactly. If he's, if he's lying in order to kind of support this, then that's fucking awful. Sure. That's truly, truly deceptive and miserable and hurtful or if he's telling the truth about believing this shit, I don't, I, I mean, I don't know if I'm more or less angry. Because it's good because if he's telling the truth, then that kind of suggests that you could convince him, you could come up to him and just, Hey, let's talk to trans people.
Starting point is 01:14:02 No, you couldn't because he just started yelling at you. No, I mean, it's no, I'm talking literally like he and I go to a go to a therapy meeting. Let's go to a, and these, you know, these are so important. They used to be fucking underground. This is how important it is that trans people have had to like go into fucking secret places to talk to other trans people because they've been hunted and hated for so fucking long. Well, now Alex's argument would be like, that's because it's a pedophile, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:14:34 But take him to one of them. Listen to those stories. He's a man who he, he loves a good narrative. If he actually listened to these stories, then if he's telling the truth about believing this, yeah, that suggests there's some sort of redemption possible because once he finds out these are people, then he'll grow and become a better person. He would know, but if he's fucking lying about it, then he already knows all of this shit and there's no, there's no redemption possible.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I think that's a fucking evil, evil man. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Like I don't think he's fully aware, but I think he knows that what he's saying is oversimplifying things and just trying to rile people up. I think he's aware of that. I don't think him knowing the truth would help. You don't think so? No.
Starting point is 01:15:22 I mean, well, the truth is readily available. Yeah. I guess him knowing the truth, well, you know, it is readily available. He gets all of his news from his own website. That's true. But that's what I'm saying. Like yes, the truth is readily available, but it's not in human form to him. He doesn't know any trans people.
Starting point is 01:15:43 He doesn't meet any trans people. It's like all of the rural areas hate Black Lives Matter, hate all of these things, but if they actually just went to one of these places and just met these people and added them to their community instantly, they would suddenly understand something very different. Yeah. I mean, that's, but he could never do that. And I don't, I don't do that. It's too threatening to his financial position.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Exactly. Well, exactly. So then he would just go from being an evil fuck to a demagogic evil, unrepentant. Also how, like how marketable is it to be reasonable? It's not clear. Well, yeah, we're, we're, our downloads are not that high. They're great though. Thank you all, everybody.
Starting point is 01:16:28 We appreciate it so much. But also let's, let's get this horrible taste out of our mouth because he thinks he's not being hateful. He threatened to kill fucking, ah. He thinks he's not being hateful. Yeah. He is. He thinks he's not saying he wants to kill trans people.
Starting point is 01:16:43 He is. He is. So now let's get the taste out of our mouth with him accidentally talking a little too much about him talking to Trump. And that's why it's so sad to see the weak minded that still hate Trump. But if you actually study what he's doing, it's all very fair. It's very historical. It's very measured.
Starting point is 01:17:00 He's so good that actually it makes me deep down suspect myself because my discernment says he's solid gold. I was saying that two years ago, I said, my gut tells me he's great. But I just said, I can't believe it. And now it's just like, what? It's not cause he calls me sometimes on the telephone. I put out articles. I put out stories.
Starting point is 01:17:22 I say he doesn't get a lot of his ideas from me. We're just on the same page. You know, Bannon, I know, has listened over the years and Breitbart's written about that. But we're promoting the same Americana. I listened to his ideas. He listens to mine. I mean, yeah, we're all prominent leaders, Drudge's ideas get listened to. We're all prominent leaders in promoting Americana and freedom, but it's not like we all look
Starting point is 01:17:42 at a 57 Chevy that's midnight blue and white. I saw one today, unbelievable, rather than to work. And it made me think it's like 20 people could look at that and say, that's a beautiful piece of art right there. So Trump says, look at that 57 Chevy. Isn't it beautiful? We did cool looking. And I say, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:18:02 It's not like he's telling me what to think or I'm telling him what to think. We're like, wouldn't it be nice if we had clean burning coal, which we have and thousands of plants around the country and almost a thousand, they shut down and that's why most people won't come here. They tell Trump because our electricity was fine. Also, so clean, like truly clean coal doesn't exist in the way it does not exist. But the lie right there at the end, we're going to get to him talking more about the Collins.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Yeah. But the lie there is that, um, he's like, Oh, everyone says that our electricity costs are too high. That's why they won't come here. I bitch. I thought it was taxes. What is it? Get your narrative straight about why businesses don't want to be here.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Also learn about rolling blackouts and how it's the actual companies who are fucking and Ron. Anyways, I'm angry. I'm angry. No, no, no. Oh, wow. I want to talk about, I think he's a star fucker. Big time.
Starting point is 01:18:56 I think that's, I think that's maybe our real, our real win here with Alex Jones. Because he's like, I knew, I knew Trump was a good guy. It's not just because he calls me sometimes. Oh, he calls me sometimes. Yeah. The, the Russian television thing. Oh, I hate the Russians. And then they invite him on TV and give him a little ball tickle and he fucking loves
Starting point is 01:19:18 the Russians. But if we're successful and we like get really huge and we one day are like, Alex Jones is so fucking awesome. He would love us. You would come on the show. If the New York Times piece, have we, have we, have we considered the Grinch angle? Oh my God. Have we considered?
Starting point is 01:19:35 His shoes are just too tight. No, no, no. Oh. All right. New York Times. Yeah. Does not write a post or does not write an article taking down Alex Jones's fake news. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:47 What they said, what they do is praise his showmanship, ignore the content altogether. Interesting. Does he suddenly like the New York Times? I think he might. I think he would. Yeah. And if he did that, oh man, is that how we cure ourselves of Alex Jones? No.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Are we literally in a world where if love conquered all, we'd be fine. It doesn't work that way with him. But okay. But also on this. I had, I had hope just for a second there. On this show, he does do like a, like a half hour interview with Joy Villa, who was that lady who wore a make America great again dress to the Grammys. Great.
Starting point is 01:20:25 And her record sales went up after that. And so he does a half hour interview with her about how great Trump is. Fuck everybody. Yeah. So anyway, hold on. This, this gets good. What's her album sound like? I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah. Maybe it's good. You know, twice as cheap in Mexico on average, it's, it's three times cheaper in China. You know, we might want to actually have a, have a coal plan here. Plus ours are cleaner than theirs. I agree with Trump on that. He agrees with me. He's having articles.
Starting point is 01:20:54 He's following Alex on coal. He's following Alex on guns. He's following Alex on borders. He's following Alex on, on, on the terms he uses in enemy media. Are these info wars? And quite frankly, I have, I thought back and one of my conversations with Trump, I said, they are your enemy and they will never stop until you're destroyed and they will never, ever back off and they will never make deals.
Starting point is 01:21:14 And Hillary's going to double back on her deal and she is not going to ever stop trying to set you up. They've got fifth columns inside. They're going to block your agenda 100% so he says, very interesting, Alex, hold on one moment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:29 We think that's real interesting. Tell me more about that. Sure. I'll tell them. We talked about, we talked about how you are the enemy. So if I take credit for one thing, introducing the term enemy media, because you are the enemy and we had a show two years ago, several, in fact, we found the clip. I tweeted it out last week where the listeners, we all had two hours of phone calls on what
Starting point is 01:21:47 is the name of the media, the scum media, the whore media, the sellout media, the fake stream media, the sewer stream media, the dinosaur media, one of my terms, prostitutes, Gerald Salante, and I said, you know what, there they are. We got to find all those clips to put them together with Trump. Yes. Yes. But it isn't because Trump was under my mind control and it's an easily influenced person. He didn't even comment when I kept saying, they're the enemy.
Starting point is 01:22:12 They're the enemy. He goes, yes, very interesting. Wow. And it's not, it's that he's so good that he's so dialed in and that now it's being set by the president of the United States, annihilating scum that's on CNN saying full grown men should be with little girls and showers. I'm going to play that clip. You again.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I mean, of course it's the damn enemy. I mean, it's the screwball control freak, crazy people, enemy. So you can keep saying he's going to play that clip and throughout the three hours I listened to, he never plays the clip, even, even in his recollection of the greatest moments in his life. Trump is like, yeah, sure. Interesting. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:22:59 I got to go. Yeah. He does not realize that he's getting blown off. Does he? He does, but also like you, you're telling too much here. Yeah. Because like if you do talk to Trump a bunch, I imagine he doesn't want you saying these things.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I, if I were the president, I wouldn't like this. I would say this guy lacks decorum. I'm saying he's getting polonium poisoned. This guy is not discreet. So he's a bad prostitute at best. Yeah. So I mean, maybe, maybe these calls happened if they did again, I think he's loose lipping. They're way more believable now that I know Trump is like, Hey, I got to put you on hold
Starting point is 01:23:42 here for a second. Yeah. Now I'm like, maybe he does get a lot of calls from Trump. Now listen, the, the media is your enemy, Hillary is going to try and take you down. Interesting. Interesting. I'll be right back. That's great.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I'm going to have to, yeah, I got to get out of here. I got a daughter to fuck. Yeah. You know, I got a man in my little other daughter's bathroom. I actually Trump is the man in his own daughter's bathroom. He certainly creeped in on the Miss Teen USA locker room. He's a fucking creep. So maybe we should be talking about that.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Alex. You dumb fuck. Alex, you know that guy that you're afraid of being in a small girl's locker room? The president is that guy. He's too good. He's not. He's so good. He is solid gold though.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Yeah. I think he actually is physically solid gold at this point. So this next clip, Alex talks about, uh, where is all the money in the world going? That's a really good question. Almost all the wealth goes to a fraction of 1%. And then no one even knows what they're building because most of the yachts and houses and real estate doesn't even add up to one 10th of it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:44 I'll tell you what they're building underground bases and some freaked out stuff race to get immortality. Wouldn't you, if you were some inbred globalist that didn't care about anybody and has no morals and sees everybody as slaves and own slave factories in China, like Apple, Apple's building some spaceship, you know, thing, you know, new campus. And that's just a metaphor for what they're already building for themselves, sucking them of humanity's blood or ingenuity, our work, all the third worlds, all into this hidden thing they're constructing.
Starting point is 01:25:14 So he's saying that a real building, they're building is just a metaphor for the metaphorical building that building. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty, if that is true, that's pretty clever. That makes me giggle a little bit. I'm on their side. If I was going to build a building, it would definitely be a metaphor for another building
Starting point is 01:25:34 I'm building. So fucking stupid. It's insanely stupid. I wish he wasn't right on a thing and then immediately so wrong on the thing. Yeah. He's right. There's so much wealth and they're not using it to build stuff. Well, they just have, they just have a computer.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Number that goes higher, like some sort of weird and a lot of it is just to secure generational wealth. Yeah. A lot that that is what it is. Yeah. They're definitely going after the estate tax. Hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:05 It's a dynasty building. Essentially it's not, it's not that they want to build underground bases and get off the planet. Well, maybe some do. I mean, at the same time, I see most people just want to create bill like old money. You want to get off earth though. Now, if I was a billionaire, that's all I would be spending my money on. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Now, why are they not doing that? Are they crazy? Yeah, exactly. Have we considered maybe they're stupid or Alex is right, but wrong about the interpretation. Yeah. If you're a billionaire, you should want to get off the planet. Absolutely. We're destroying it.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Well, actually you're destroying it billionaire. Yeah, that's if you're a billionaire, you're actively one of the people trying to destroy it. Yeah. So you should be building an off world space so you can destroy it from a distance. Yeah. That makes sense to me. Sure.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Yeah. That is pretty homophobic. We should be hired by billionaires to give them magic advice. I think that's what we're talking about. We will work and give you magic advice for Boone's farm. Yeah. That is our policy. This next clip is about how the media lies and it also drifts into homophobia.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Info wars is ready to take action. We're changing the world. I'm going to skip this break. I'm going to stop skipping breaks in a few weeks. I just, I just right now, who knows the show will even exist soon. No, he won't. And I'm not just saying that to scare people. They can kill me tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:27:21 They can come after you tomorrow. We can all die in a car wreck tomorrow. The point is, you know, he's getting existential. He's not explode next week. I'm going to say it's going to happen. New York Times headline. Jones says the sun will explode next week. Jones is anti gay.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Well, I'm not anti gay. Yeah. I'm anti gay. Yeah. That's what they do on the cobear show. All of it. I mean, it's just, they edit things like Trump said. I came out and I said the fake media is the enemy and they cut out fake.
Starting point is 01:27:49 They cut to media is the enemy. And they did that. And it's like it makes you sick when they sit there in between Cuomo saying your, your, your young daughter should have grown men in the showers with her. How many times I'm going to play that clip coming up 50 and you're just sitting there while they assault your sanity, telling you you're bad, you're evil. And then you're watching Colbert. He's got me going.
Starting point is 01:28:10 I'm anti gay. You are. And I make the joke. I like, yeah, two thirds of the frogs are gay in Houston and they play this stuff. But my audience knows when I'm being serious, I'm being serious. Now. I, hasn't he spent so much time, so much time blurring the lines between when he's serious and when he's not serious.
Starting point is 01:28:30 This just so he can get away with so much bullshit. This introduces a new segment, which is. Oh, you teased it the last show. This is actually not even that segment. What the fuck are you doing? We have another segment that'll come. This is a segment where we walk down history and see why Alex Jones is full of shit. When he says that my audience knows when I'm joking.
Starting point is 01:28:53 I have definitive proof that he is a monstrous fucking liar. Yes. Now, consider these two clips about Michelle Obama being a man. We're actually doing the this is your life situation. Yeah, we're going to. Are we going to bring in any? Are we bringing any fancy guests? Are we bringing in memories?
Starting point is 01:29:14 Oh man, who's the guy who just had a reconciliation with him? With Mick Foley. No, not Mick Foley with Alex Jones. He was on last week. Oh, Mark Dice. Mark Dice Clay. Yeah. Is he going to be, is he part of it?
Starting point is 01:29:27 He doesn't play into this. But here are a couple of clips of Alex Jones arguing that Michelle Obama is a man. All right. By the way, this is a side issue. I've always thought Michelle Obama looked like something was wrong with her. Talk about how beautiful she is. She looks profanely scary and monstrous to me. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:29:47 And she always wears these weird fluffy things around her waist. And her shoulders are wide enough to put three men's heads on. And of course, you know the classic thing of a male. You could have three heads on a male's shoulders and only another head on a woman's shoulder or one half of a head on each side. That's a well known thing in anatomy. And I saw a online video that I may air today. And we may look into this talking about Michelle Obama looking like a man and how they only
Starting point is 01:30:18 released photos of her with her hands up covering her shoulders or her turn to an angle. And I started looking at it with Joan Rivers saying she's a transvestite. And I've been hearing this for years and I thought, come on. I know Obama was raised by a transvestite and the rest of it. And I'm not getting into bashing people. That's not my cup of tea. It is. But I started to really last night look at videos of this and look at photos of her
Starting point is 01:30:41 and the official White House photo. And she looks like an NBA center. I mean, she looks more like Shaquille O'Neal than a black woman. And knowing the weirdness and that we don't even know who she really is and it sells her security numbers. Don't racist. And then his dad clearly we sell the documentary dreams of my real father. And I mean, it's him with the famous pornographer who lived in Hawaii, whose grandfather's was best buddies with and who Obama would stay the summers with a famous communist pornographer.
Starting point is 01:31:18 And you look at the guy, it's Obama's dad. So the whole Kenya thing with her saying my husband's from Kenya. We visited his place of birth and multiple videos into that's that's a lie. But let's let's skip off. I don't. You know what? That's a lie. Let's just attack the lie.
Starting point is 01:31:35 No, no, no. But but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a communist pornographer. You know what? I'm going to go on record and saying again. Don't care about that. If you want to be a dog, be nice to you. If you're a communist pornographer, as long as you're doing within the legal limits, go for it. Also his that whole thing about that being a communist pornographer of dogs.
Starting point is 01:31:59 I'm not cool with that. That documentary I've watched the dreams of my real father and they're so full of shit. Oh, yeah, of course. But also that lie at the end there is based on a clip of Michelle saying she was talking about HIV testing. And when they went abroad, they publicly took an HIV test. Yes. When we talked about that one, too, and she said it's good to go to the homeland or whatever.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Obama's home. Obama's homeland. It's just total shit. Wait, no. Can we just fucking get into the fact that Michelle is... We can't yet. We can't yet. Wait.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Wait. Because I'm trying to prove a bigger point. I know, but I want to hit the smaller one really hard. Nope, wait for it. Here's another clip of him talking. Like a hero. Here's another clip of Alex talking about Michelle Obama being a man. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Well, Joan Rivers talked about it in the last few days and it's a big international news story. The question is, who is Michelle Obama? Oh, no. Is she really a woman? No. Is she a man? No.
Starting point is 01:32:57 Especially when every time I look at Michelle or Michael Obama... No. Every time I look at them, something doesn't look right. She doesn't look like any black woman or any woman I've ever known. She's got shoulders that are wider than a man's which physiologically doesn't happen. Again, you can put three heads on a man's shoulders and only two heads on a woman's shoulders. That's a known anatomy.
Starting point is 01:33:25 No. And then women generally have wider hips than men do. You look at her arms and the rest of it, when she's standing straight on, she looks like no woman I have ever seen except for people who have had different chromosomal disorders who choose to be a woman. And I've got the statistics of the numbers right here in front of me. We're seeing more and more of these chromosomal disorders as well as toxic waste and GMO that's been introduced.
Starting point is 01:33:53 One of them is the Kline-Felter syndrome or the XXY where you basically are part female, part male. Can we stop? Yeah. Can we just stop that? Now, listen to this. Can we just never... Now, those seemed very serious.
Starting point is 01:34:10 He was making arguments. He was referring to medical conditions. He implied that he'd talked to doctors about this. Yeah. Now. That was not a joke. Now. That was very much very sincere.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Now, listen to this clip. I want you to realize I'm not making this stuff up. Like I shouldn't even quasi-joke around about Michelle being a tranny. That was wrong. And not that they even attacked me for it. Injustifies the means. I just get real cynical in a bad mood sometimes and make sick jokes out of things. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Dude. Do you recognize what that is right there? Fuck you. That's a non-apology apology. Right. But he's arguing, I'm making jokes. Yeah. Those two clips that we played are not jokes.
Starting point is 01:34:55 What is a quasi-joke? I don't know. Describe. It's like semi-formal. Any... Yeah. Give me any situation where a quasi-joke makes sense or just as a thing to say. I legitimately can't.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Like what is a quasi... It's a half-joke. Sure. It's a approximation of a joke. That's what the word would imply. Right. Yeah. But what would that be?
Starting point is 01:35:18 It's not that. Is that like knock-knock and then you just stop talking? That's just alt-jokes. Is he the Janine Garofalo of his time? He doesn't know how to read. He does not know how to read. He definitely doesn't have notes that he brings up on stage. So when he is saying that people are falsely attacking him and the stuff about turning
Starting point is 01:35:37 frogs gay, like, oh, my audience knows when I'm joking. Nobody. It's a clear example of him not joking and then him claiming later, ah, I was joking. Yeah. No, you can't do that. You can't. That's again, again, again. Fucking...
Starting point is 01:35:53 Oh, locker room talk. Yeah. Locker room talk. I was joking. Yeah. It's no big deal. So... Everybody talks like that whenever they...
Starting point is 01:36:01 Fuck you. This segment... You meant that. You meant that. This segment has been called You're Busted. You fu... Oh, no! You named it in everything?
Starting point is 01:36:09 I just did. Oh, shit. No. All right. All right. You contradicted yourself in such a... I don't support that. I don't support that name.
Starting point is 01:36:17 You know what? I don't support that. I don't either. Your part? Your best. No, thank you. Hey, check your... Check your baggage.
Starting point is 01:36:25 There's a busting in there. No, no, we're not... No, we're definitely not Jerry Springer. So... We get it. Yeah. He says horrible, horrible things and then sometimes when he realizes, oh, I've gone too far.
Starting point is 01:36:38 It was a joke. Yeah. No. Coward. That was racist, sexist. It was... Transphobic. Transphobic.
Starting point is 01:36:48 Like, those are all very real things and anytime, anytime he ever says, oh, I'm not a racist or, oh, I don't hate gay people or, oh, I'm not transphobic. I'm just afraid of all of this. Yeah. No, you are those things. Yeah. 100%. You did all of those on the first lady.
Starting point is 01:37:05 Yeah. Dead to right. You have no, there's no, like, deference to it or, oh, other people should respect the office. Nope, that's gone. Mm-hmm. None of that. Nope.
Starting point is 01:37:16 He has no leg to stand on. None. He is a racist, sexist, transphobic. Anybody who, like, in any way insults Melania, there's no way he can say, like, respect the first lady. Nope. You said she was a man. And do you know what?
Starting point is 01:37:29 Do you know what the saddest part is? Who cares? I think Melania is a huge victim here. Yo, definitely. She hates Trump. She's stuck. She hates him being president. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:37 She knows she can't leave that poor woman. You can see her face. Oh, in her eyes. There are those moments, like, there was that one video of, uh, from the inauguration. Yeah, whenever she... When he was looking at her, and she was smiling, and then she turned around, and Melania immediately got, like, really scared-looking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Ugh. It was horrifying. Yeah, that did not look good. But be that as it may. That really, really bummed me out. Now, we have two clips left. This first one that I'm gonna play is fucking weird, but kind of fun, and a little out of there.
Starting point is 01:38:07 All right. The last clip I'm going to play is what made me rage turn off the episode. Oh, boy. So get ready for two very different clips. Are we gonna live... Are we gonna have to rage-quit the episode? We might. Is that how you're gonna do this to us?
Starting point is 01:38:19 We might. But anyway, this first one here is about, uh, sort of about parenting, and then it gets into some stuff about Alex's childhood that's pretty fun. Okay. My kids love me, because I act stupid. I wanna make fun of me. Then when it's serious, they do whatever I tell them. Oh.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Because they don't love them. And I'm not on their level. I'm not messing with my kids like so many parents do, like they got something to prove their kid and mess it with them all day. I'm like, all I want you to do is have the best life in the world. As long as you're cool about stuff, as long as you care about people, as long as you're nice, as long as you're loving, as long as you've got courage, I'll back what everyone do in your life.
Starting point is 01:38:55 Just don't be a jerk, and don't be an elitist. Yes. Good. And stand up for yourself. And I'll let you do basically whatever you want. Keep in mind that his 13-year-old son works for him. Yeah. And hawks his products and shit.
Starting point is 01:39:11 But I mean, if his 13-year-old son works for him and has those values. And wants to, that's cool. Yeah. I'm told that's a good way to raise your kid. Yeah. That is. Sure. I wish he raised his listeners that way.
Starting point is 01:39:26 I wish he was like, on his show, if he came out, just like, all I want you to do is be good, and be nice, and I want you to support people, and don't be a jerk. He's a bad dad to his listeners. Yeah. If he's doing that to his kids, good on him. Sure. Take his radio show away, and let him be a good father. Maybe he's missing out on his calling.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Maybe he's a great fucking father. Maybe. Because he likes to let his kids make fun of him. Well, I don't think that's... The one he's serious. They listen to every word. I really don't like the tone of voice. No, it's really creepy.
Starting point is 01:39:54 I don't like that's a creepy tone. Really creepy. They do whatever I tell them. Yeah. No, please don't say it like that. So I think he has a couple more thoughts. I'm hiding in the bushes. No.
Starting point is 01:40:03 I think he has a couple more thoughts, and then some weird shit about his childhood. Oh, okay. Because I love you. Which we all knew was coming. I'm not gonna sit there. Oh, no, I forgot. What actually he's about to say, I want to give a little introduction to. He talks about the idea that people need therapy, kind of.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Okay. And you love these other parents. I see them just get on their kid's case and get in their faces and just work out psychological issues they already had previously themselves on their kids. It's horrible to watch. We've all seen it. I'm not here working out my psychological issues with you. I have already attained success in my life when I was very, very young.
Starting point is 01:40:41 I just had the ancestral memory. I'll leave it at that. And I didn't know what to deal with it. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was 80 years old when I was like five. And now I realize everything the globalists do is to block that because whether you're a little girl or a little boy, whether you're white, whether you're Asian, whether you're whatever you are, you have all these instincts.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Carl Jung discovered it all. Okay. Okay. All right. Well, hello. Okay. Yeah. So he's saying that when he was five, he had ancestral memories.
Starting point is 01:41:28 He's just going to leave it at that. And he felt like an 80-year-old man. Yes. Oh. Whoa. And that's not him quasi-joking. No. He believes that.
Starting point is 01:41:43 100%. That is very sincere. He believes he has superpowers. No. He believes that Carl won Jung knew it all. Yes. And the only reason that he doesn't raise his kids poorly is because he's been an 80-year-old man since he was five.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Which makes him about 120 now. Yeah. He's been an eight. What is, oh, what's, what is, what does he think about that? Now I want to listen to him tell his entire childhood. I would love it. His autobiography would be fucking batshit. I would love it if one day on the show, instead of talking about news, he just told his life
Starting point is 01:42:22 story for three hours. Oh, man. That would be the best thing to break down ever. That would be perfect. Because like this idea of this, like ancestral memory, the idea of it. I was born a 65-year-old man. If you think of it just as instincts and that we have ingrained things in us, like fear of animals and predators and that sort of thing.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Yeah. Why does everybody hate spiders? Right. That's something that absolutely is ingrained into our DNA. There is that stuff. Right. But what he seems to be implying is that he has access to some sort of wealth of knowledge that other people aren't privy to.
Starting point is 01:42:57 They are privy to it, but it's being suppressed. Yes. So it's kind of like. Now we have to answer the question. Is he right? No. About the globalists? No.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Because he has now seen the Globalist Act for at the very least. 120 years. 120 years. No. Now, can we then say that the 80-year-old man who he felt like as a five-year-old had the same thing happen to him? I think. So now we're on 200 years.
Starting point is 01:43:32 How far back does this go? I think the more likely Alex Jones meet Jesus. That's the real question that that has a personal relationship with him. He does. I would say. He had his house built by him. I would say that the more possible and more likely thing is he has paranoid delusions and has since he was a child.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Yeah. It sure sounds like that. Doesn't it? Yeah. I think it's about having ancestral memory, I'm just going to leave it at that, is basically an admission of a mental illness that dates back to his childhood. Yeah. And he has a number.
Starting point is 01:44:09 He has an age. He thinks he's the kid from the sixth sense. Basically. So, okay. So, whenever psychiatrists and psychologists get together and talk about this, like there's that, you know, Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. And it's been a rule since I want to say the Nixon years where it's like, we don't publicly diagnose people who aren't our patients.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Yeah. Boy, it's hard to look at that and not be like, Oh dude, that dude is delusional as fuck. Yeah. Right? Yeah. He has a mental illness. Yeah. But that also would explain why he has to label everyone who disagrees with him as having
Starting point is 01:44:45 a mental illness. Yes. Because he is an untreated mental illness. He's living in a world where he's the only one of himself. Yeah. And everyone used to be like me, but all the shit in the water is changing you. Now he's in an ex files episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:02 Well, there was an ex files character based on it. It's a couple circle. Yeah. So now we get to the clip that made me turn off the show. All right. I will give it this lead up. I don't think he knows what he's saying. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:17 I hope. Are you absolving him? No. Or are you not absolving? Are you like pre, uh, pre rationalizing his behavior there in some way? I have to think that he doesn't know what he's saying because if he does, then we have to end the show and we're going to cry all the time. No, but he is really on the cusp of legal free speech.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Okay. He is going to say some things that I don't think are protected by the First Amendment. Oh boy. Let's say that. And I think use this show in as evidence in his eventual might get a deposition. Oh, I want to get subpoenaed so bad that would make my day so much more interesting. Now when he talked about wanting to put a bullet in the head of trans people. Yes.
Starting point is 01:46:08 He couched that in such a way that you can't quite say you actively assaulted and threatened to murder somebody. I think it's repugnant. But you implied the threats. I think it's horrible, but he is slippery enough that it is within the range of what he's allowed to say. At the, yeah, you've got, he's got some wiggle room there. This is a little bit less.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Oh boy. And less than the, my bullet identifies with your brain. Yeah. Less. It's a little direct. Oh, okay. And I also want to make it totally clear that this is about three hours into the show. Still has not played that clip from Chris Cuomo.
Starting point is 01:46:49 And still hungover. Still talking about this clip at nauseam, bringing it up over and over again, but never playing it because he knows if he plays it, it doesn't say what he says it says. Okay. So anyway, get ready. Don't talk over this please. Sorry. Just because it's that evil.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Chris Cuomo in bizarre Twitter comment. I wonder if she's the problem or her overprotective and intolerant dad teach tolerance. Yeah. We want to have a tranny in the shower with your daughter and you don't like it. So you're intolerant. You should accept. Hey Cuomo. Let's look at it.
Starting point is 01:47:27 Does he have any kids? Probably. Maybe he does. Some guy pulls his Johnson out of the park for your daughter. You're not going to beat his ass. No, maybe not. Maybe. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:47:40 This just sounds like pedophilia to me, bro. What's your dad say? You're a pro life. You're a pro gun. You're not welcome to New York. Get out. Then with further, he said, I mean it. Get out.
Starting point is 01:47:51 He's got three kids. Yeah. Well, then I think we should start tweeting and even volunteering. I mean, you know, I mean, it's illegal. He shouldn't be done. He's going to put his kids in porn at age 12 and I mean, where's it go from there? You know, Nambla says he should be able to come knock Nambla wants to legalize them coming to your door and asking your kids out.
Starting point is 01:48:06 You're going to let your 10 year old, 12 year old datum. So that's that lie there at the end, but I think did you catch what I'm talking about? He has kids. Yeah. I think we should tweet at him and volunteer. Yeah. To do what? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:23 He's encouraging people to harass Chris Cuomo about pulling their dicks out in front of his kids. That's literally what he's saying. He said that he didn't. It wasn't like. Now if he was nobody, that would be horrible, but he's someone who has dumb fucking listeners who are known to attack people on social media. That is one of the most irresponsible fucking things I have ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 01:48:53 Chris Cuomo, when he was talking about the situation, he was saying that it is intolerance to not allow trans people into the bathroom of their identity. He was not saying that a daughter of some hypothetical person is intolerant because she doesn't want to see a dick. That is not what he was saying. He's misrepresenting it and he's calling people to action to do something, even though it's only over Twitter, that's still probably illegal. He said go on Twitter and offer.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Volunteer. Volunteer. Mm-hmm. To and then. He very, very conveniently dropped the thought. Then let it. And he said that's probably illegal. It is illegal.
Starting point is 01:49:44 It's very much illegal. To say to your audience, go offer this man. Go sexually harass his daughters. Yeah. How? And he only made that statement. He only made that claim after he had confirmation that Chris Cuomo had kids. Fuck this shit.
Starting point is 01:50:06 Wow. How? I mean, and then you have to say, if you're saying that, though, he has to believe it. He has to believe it. What does he have to believe? If you genuinely believe that the main goal of all of this trans acceptance is to get your daughters into a bathroom with a dude who can fuck them, then that's the only way you can justify inciting people to do that.
Starting point is 01:50:45 And I don't even think if that were the truth, if his nightmare hypothetical scenario about trans rights, if that were the truth, what he's saying still is not okay. No. The answer is no. No. It's not double down. It's not if your kid is getting pedophiled, pedophile somebody else's kid. It's never been the answer to anything.
Starting point is 01:51:13 See how they like it? Yeah, that's not how that works. No. He's also sort of implying that his audience would like to do that because he's saying we should call him and volunteer. Yeah. As if that was something that you would want to do in the first place, you fucking filthy fuck.
Starting point is 01:51:29 We should call him and volunteer. Yeah. To... Also. Like, it's time somebody taught you a lesson by hurting your child. Yeah. It really sounds like someone who cares about children. Certainly cares.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Yeah. Someone who has a grasp on the issues. Yeah. And really just wants to defend children. I just want to raise my children to not be a jerk. Yeah. By being the biggest fucking jerk in the world. What a fucking monster.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Yeah. That's a monstrous thing to say. And that's why I had to immediately turn this off. You could not... There's just no way that you can rationalize that. No. You can't. No.
Starting point is 01:52:09 You can't do it again just to make sure we're not... I... Just to be clear that we're not... I think I do. Because I'm trying... I'm trying to fit this in with my... See if you can do a better job of parsing it a second time around. He's...
Starting point is 01:52:20 I'm trying to... Okay. Okay. Now keep in mind, every time that Alex Jones wants to play on your sympathies and pretend he's a victim, just play this clip in your head. Chris Como in bizarre Twitter comment. I wonder if she's the problem or her overprotective and intolerant dad. Teach tolerance.
Starting point is 01:52:37 Yeah. We want to have a tranny in the shower with your daughter and you don't like it so you're intolerant. You should accept... Hey, Cuomo, let's look at it. Does he have any kids? Probably maybe he does. Some guy pulls his Johnston out of the park for your daughter.
Starting point is 01:52:55 You're not going to beat his ass? No. Maybe not. Maybe. I mean, I don't know. This just sounds like pedophilia to me, bro. But what's your dad's say? You're a pro-life, you're a pro-gun, you're not welcome in New York, get out.
Starting point is 01:53:08 And with brother, he said, I mean it, get out. He's got three kids, yeah. Well, then I think we should start tweeting at him and volunteering, you know. I mean, it's illegal. He shouldn't be done. He's going to put his kids in porn at age 12, I mean, where's it go from there, you know? Nambola says he should be able to come knock...
Starting point is 01:53:23 Nambola wants to legalize them, come into your door and asking your kids out. You're going to let your 10-year-old, 12-year-old date them? Okay. We did not misrepresent that at all. And hey, guys, that's in context. Okay. This is what, this is what Stephen Colbert should be talking about. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Okay, I'm trying, I was trying to write down as much shorthand as I can. One, don't say the word tranny in such a dismissive and miserable... He does it the same way Milo does, as if it's standing up for free speech by like, I will not allow myself to be language policed. Yeah. Then say the N word, you coward. Yeah. In a real position, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:54:07 In the shower with your daughter, if you, how about a guy who pulls his Johnson out in the park? Then he implies... Wouldn't you punch him? Then he implies that Chris Cuomo wouldn't punch him. Maybe you wouldn't. Dad said your pro life, get out. I think that's, uh, what, Mario Cuomo?
Starting point is 01:54:22 Yeah. How about we volunteer them? Yeah. I think, I think what he was saying there is, how about we volunteer your daughters to get fucked in the bathroom? Even if that's the interpretation, I don't think it is. I think that's what he, because I, I think, uh, because then he says put his kids in porn at the age of 12.
Starting point is 01:54:49 Which is also crazy. Yeah. I think... I don't know where he pulled that from. No. I think, I think what he's saying is that, if, if, here's what I, here's what I think he's saying, uh, I actually, I think I might disagree with you on this one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:06 I think what he's saying there is, if we allow these trans, uh, if we allow trans people to go into the bathrooms, that their gender is, uh, that they associate with their gender, uh, then Cuomo's kids should go first. I don't think so. I think that's what he's saying. How about we volunteer them to go in there? Well, I don't think that strangers can do that by Twitter. I don't think they can either.
Starting point is 01:55:32 Well, that's, that's the other thing. Why does he say Twitter? Why do we need to get in contact with him? Let's reach out to him on Twitter and volunteer. Let's reach out to Cont, oh. I know, it is a little bit nebulous what exactly he's saying, but even if your argument is correct, it's still... He's still inciting people to violence against him.
Starting point is 01:55:49 Or at least, uh, to harass his children. To assault him or harass his children or fucking go after him. Even the show knew because they tried to play him off. That's like Oscar shit. They tried to play him off. They knew shit was going to go down. I have to assume that when that break, when he went to break, he was like, oh fuck, that got away from me.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Yeah. He had to, like, because he, he, he stops himself in the middle of it even. Like him recognizing, uh, that's illegal. He has to be like, oh, why did I go down that road? Oh shit. I, oh man. I guarantee that some people tweeted at Chris Cuomo. I guarantee it.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Yeah, I bet. And you know what else I guarantee? The fucking coward, Alex Jones. If this ever turns into something he gets attacked about, do back. I was joking. Yep. Yep. He was quasi-joking.
Starting point is 01:56:40 He was quasi-joking. Now, this is unfortunately the sort of thing that we end up having to cover sometimes. It's so much more fun when we can just laugh and goof around, but, uh, this is also a reality of Alex Jones. I mean, this is, this is the thing about his show and this show that does put everything I've ever known about him in context because before we started doing this, I knew the, the same like, uh, Jezebel headlines. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:08 Alex Jones says this crazy thing. Sandy Hook isn't real. Yeah. Yeah. At no point has anybody really delved into this level of insanity. Yeah. This is a truly cruel person and they're not putting up his cruel shit. They're putting up the headline generating nonsense.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Yeah. As, as cruel as Sandy, as cruel as Sandy Hook truth or as it is, he didn't, he didn't actively tell people to go rape children. I mean, to be fair, he didn't say that here either literally. Right. But yeah, yeah. I mean, but this is the part where words have consequences. Like the idea that you can say like, listen, I just had questions about Sandy Hook.
Starting point is 01:57:53 Yeah. But by covering it the way he did, it led to harassment of those families. Yeah. Because if you present it as a fake thing, all of those people are suspect. Right. In the same way, he can be like, look, Chris Cuomo is a fucking monster and I don't want dicks in, in showers and it's like, okay, you can make that argument and still be on solid ground.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Yeah. But once you get into this territory of, you know, we should tweet at him. That sort of thing. You can no longer say that you don't have a part in whatever negative thing ends up happening. That's such, that's, is that, is that illegal? Is that where, where are we at on that? That's something I want to know. I want to know what that is because it, it reminds me of not this particular thing, but
Starting point is 01:58:38 the thought that I just had was the, the woman who tweeted something about Africa, something about HIV. The girl who was on a flight. Yeah. And then got off the flight and was home, had no job and everybody on the internet. Her life was destroyed. Yeah. Her life was destroyed.
Starting point is 01:58:55 Yeah. That was some organic, weird internet justice thing that happened. Yeah. Great guys. We ruined one lady's life. Those were heroes. Those thousands of people bored on Twitter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:06 Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. We're, we're all heroes now. Yeah. But that wasn't anybody directing it. Well, here's what I would say. It's against the law to incite a riot, right?
Starting point is 01:59:19 Yeah. It's against the law to get up in front of a large group of people and tell them to go burn shit down. Yes. Does that apply to Twitter? I don't know. It's, it's a, it's sort of a gray area. I know that it apparently wasn't illegal him saying that someone should go look into comic,
Starting point is 01:59:35 comic ping pong pizza. Right. And then the guy shows up with a gun there. And when he's interviewed, he said he was inspired by listening to info wars. Right. But that's, I mean, that's the same thing as, you know, not necessarily the same thing, but you know, my dog is the voice of Satan and he told me to kill my friend. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:54 But I'm saying that he literally said that people, someone should check out that sort of thing. And he said, check out. Yeah. That's, that's his, that's his check. And that's his, you know, if you should, you should check out, you know, if I said check out, if I said, check out the pizza place cause they make great pizza and somebody showed up with a gun saying that I inspired them to go there.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Well, that's not quite the same thing, but it's the, the checkout context kind of works there. It's the, it's this one, this one's very specific. Very. This one's very wrong. I don't like this one. I'm not sure. Like I said, I don't know if it's illegal.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I do think that he's really on the cusp of what free speech protects because slander threats of violence, those things aren't protected under free speech. No. Those are still crimes. And I don't know if this technically can be construed as a threat, but man, it feels like it. Yeah. And so Alex, you're on thin fucking ice.
Starting point is 02:00:53 I mean, at this point, you lost your sponsor, you're starting, anybody says Trump period. It comes across as a threat, like any Trump supporter saying Trump, that's a threat. Yeah, but you're a dumb pussy, libtard, cuck. That's a good point. Why do we always have to come back to that? You always forget. Anyway, that is as much as I could stomach of February 24th on the Alex Jones program. I can't imagine it got better.
Starting point is 02:01:24 So again, that last hour was him apologizing and saying that we should all be tolerant and he started raising his listeners the way he raises kids. I'm sure of this. I'm sure of this. I'm sure of the redemption. Yeah. This is classic, classic Joseph Campbell. I'm sure this is a hero's journey.
Starting point is 02:01:41 I'm sure he came back from breakers like guys that really got away from me. I'm so sorry about that. You know, listen, sometimes I get heated. Right. I was, I wasn't even quasi-joking this time. I was being sincere and then I realized what my, what my beliefs were were wrong. And I've grown and I've become a better person. That's one possibility or the other possibility is he came back and sold bone pills.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Possibly more likely. That one, I want to say that one's more likely, but you know, we could live in an infinite universe. Anyway, fuck you, Alex Jones. Fuck you. You make this very hard for me to sit through. But anyway, people can follow us at knowledge underscore fight. We're on iTunes at knowledge fight download us.
Starting point is 02:02:24 We got a couple of nice reviews. I really appreciate it. Thank you. I don't have the names in front of me, but people who have left reviews, we really appreciate it. The cool stuff made for us that, that video with Ludacris was fucking amazing. Thank you again, JP. The, you know, the logos that people have been making for us, all of this stuff has been
Starting point is 02:02:41 very heartening. Keep them coming. We're sorry to close the episode the way that we did. It wasn't our choice. No, no. That's on Alex. Well, it's also a little bit on you. You could have, you could have left us alone in this world where we believe he's fun and
Starting point is 02:02:54 fancy freak. Yeah. Well, that would not be accurate reporting. Nope. Nope. You can reach us at again, like Jordan said, we really appreciate everything that people have been sending in. We love it.
Starting point is 02:03:07 Thank you all so much. We love you. We'll be back soon. But until then, you know, we're just a couple of fucking policy wonks. That's us. Andy and Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding.
Starting point is 02:03:18 Hello, Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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