Knowledge Fight - #2: December 31, 1999 (Y2K)

Episode Date: January 10, 2017

On this episode, Dan fills Jordan in on all the happenings on the December 31, 1999 edition of The Alex Jones Show. They touch on: Does Alex believe that the Y2K bug is going to strike? Are there con...centration camps in Austin? How easily is it to convince Alex that a power plant has been blown up? Did we all survive Y2K?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. So, Alex, I'm a first-time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. Hey, that's me. Seems like a slicker way to do it, have us introduce each other ourselves.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Yeah. Or whatever. This is the best opening so far to our two episodes. Yeah, so here we are here. I am a gentleman who is very interested in info wars, and Alex Jones in particular. Ah, these accusations keep flying. Jordan knows nothing about it, and we like to sit down, have a bottle of wine. He is like the bougie assholes that we are.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Today, we are brought to you by Prophecy Wine. It's a Pinot Noir out of California. Okay. It has a nice weirdo with a bindle, like a jester with a bindle on the front of it, very attractive bottle. And he is surrounded by woodland dogs, just pure, or baby deer, whichever it is. And a weird crescent moon inside a hill that's probably an Illuminati symbol. That's what Alex would tell us. So the premise of this show here is that I have gathered clips that Jordan has not heard,
Starting point is 00:01:21 and we'll just discuss the ramifications of that. We'll figure this shit out. See if there's insanity to be discussed. See if there's insanity. It's Alex Jones, I think. I think so far there's going to be at least a little bit of insanity going on. So at the end of last week, first of all, I could not... Last time on Knowledge Fight.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I could not wait to do this again, by the way. I know. I was hounding you to possibly do this on a daily basis, which we agree is excessive. Yeah, last episode was some of the most fun I've ever had podcasting. But I was so emotionally drained just walking home, just like, how does a man live like that? It's insane to imagine the amount of mental stress it must take to live inside that world. The moment I left, I started reading about cognitive dissonance because that's the only
Starting point is 00:02:19 way that we can look through this. The term was coined, not the way we think of it, where it's like you can hold two competing ideas in your head at the same time, but whenever you get two competing ideas, the one that you prefer that fits your natural narrative is the one that you wind up holding. Psychologically, reading about it today, you can't compete with insanity by using facts. No. No, no, no, no. Because when you use facts, people just double down on their insanity.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Or they use their insanity to co-opt your facts into their line of thinking. I mean, we're witnessing this play out on the national scale, international scale right now. Well, if you listen to the first episode, we know the Pakistani government is now listening to us as well. Yes, undoubtedly. Yeah. Also, here's something.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Okay. Well, let me just set this up. Last week, at the end of the week, Alex Jones, Mr. Jones, if you're nasty, as he referenced on the last episode that we did, that he was going to take some meetings, but maybe he didn't want to take these meetings because he doesn't need to warn someone in person. He's talking about Trump. Well, if you are in the mainstream media, you can figure it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Read between the lines, mainstream media. Yeah. So he has taken those meetings, and he is out of the studio. So for the last, like, four days, three or four days, he left the bunker, despite the warning that he is going to be assassinated. Well, his warning from a caller, which we learned throughout the course of some of the clips we'll play today. Maybe some of his sources are weirdo collage.
Starting point is 00:04:01 But we'll get to that in a minute. Well, the last few days has been like guest hosts filling in, and I don't really care to talk about them. I mentioned this on the last episode, but like no disrespect to Paul Joseph Watson. No disrespect. PJW. PJW hates SJW. No disrespect to him or, or in Shroyer, a little disrespect to Owen Shroyer, that guy's
Starting point is 00:04:23 an asshole. Right. But I don't want to talk about them because without them, there isn't, or without them, it doesn't matter. Jones can do this on his own. Without Alex Jones, there is no info wars. Yeah. That, that does seem to be like he's built a cult of personalities the same way that
Starting point is 00:04:43 there are cults. Yeah. These other people are little minions and they are basically they echo a lot of his narrative. Yeah. So it's not really all that interesting to me to break down what Paul Joseph Watson has to say when he hosts. It's mostly just there's a white genocide going on and also people.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah. We don't need to talk about people. Right. Because he does. I would never have guessed that. We'll break down how that is a myth and a racist idea in of itself at a future show. But I wanted to do this, but we didn't have a show with Alex on it. So I decided, let's go ahead and do that Y2K episode.
Starting point is 00:05:20 So that's why we're here. We're going to discuss what happened when Alex Jones took to the airwaves on December 31st, 1999. Unfortunately, I had already he had already told me we were doing the Y2K episode before this. So you are missing out on him saying we're doing a Y2K episode and me absolutely losing my shit. 17 years later, here we are.
Starting point is 00:05:44 What has happened? We have not yet been Y2Ked. No. So the main thrust, if you will allow me to use that term of the episode is this story that Alex picked up that a power plant in Pennsylvania had been taken offline. So I'll let him explain the story in this clip. All right, let's go ahead and get to this article. Associated Press.
Starting point is 00:06:10 This came out at 722 AM Eastern Standard Time today, December 31st, 1999, Pennsylvania. Nuclear plant shut down. One of the two nuclear reactors at Pico Energy Co's Limerick Generating Station has shut down. This morning after a piece of equipment failed, company spokesman Neil McDermott said the problem was not Y2K related. It was declared an unusual event, the least serious emergency classification of nuclear power plant.
Starting point is 00:06:37 They got to have a serious emergency to shut down a plant. The least serious emergency, they got to have a serious emergency. The reason you laugh, and I think it's appropriate to stop this clip for a second and spell it out is that that is wild conjecture and total bullshit. They're like, okay, well, the story is that it's nothing serious. And in the last 17 years, we've pretty much, the evidence has borne out that it's nothing serious. A hindsight is 20, not Y2K.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Right. But the story is, hey, it's nothing serious. His story is, come on guys, it's fucking serious. It's clearly serious. I also like the audio quality of this clip now because it does have the feel of like Dan rather reporting from a war zone. And we found it, or like we found it in a dusty box. These are the unreleased clips from Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I'm not as able to take everything like fully in context. So there's a number of shorter clips in this episode, but that's just because this entire episode, it's not online anymore. Okay. There was just a large compilation of clips of it on, trust me, the context is fine. The context is Y2K. Like that's all you need to know about the context of these, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm, I'm, I'm apologizing in advance for something that's not necessarily to apologize for it. I just feel like a fair day in court is required to hear it as is our stated objective. So here he has more to say about this as a reactor. Powered up for at least days. It was declared an unusual event at 255 AM shutdown occurred when an insulator on the main generator transformer from Limerick two failed. We had reports yesterday of this off the record. I would not report it, but I had it from a good source, but this plant was having problem
Starting point is 00:08:29 along with four other plants. I may just go ahead and report it here. A good source who is off the record and he's, and he does that I might just go ahead and report it. No, I'm not going to report it. It's like that. I have more information. I don't really have.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I can't share it with you. So you need to make it up on your own. Right. And now this is something that I think is also really important and fun to bring up is that this is all he does. He says like, I've got this information. Someone high up told me I have this credible information. Never says what first of all the information is never says who the people are in the same
Starting point is 00:09:03 breath. Now we have this, this intelligence report that came out about the hacking, the Russian hacking in current day 2017. Yep. And anonymous officials have said there is some connection and then you read the article and it's like, just some guy said maybe, and there's no new information about it. Well, I mean, be that as it may his stance on the unnamed officials who are giving these things is like, name the officials.
Starting point is 00:09:29 You're a coward. If you can't name the officials, like that's all you do. But if I don't name the officials, that's because I'm protecting you from the truth. When they don't name them, it's because they're deceiving you and keeping the truth away from you. And he's not done. That makes perfect sense. I mean, what do we get good information here?
Starting point is 00:09:49 This has been going on for days, from our information, it is not just this transformer that they're talking about. They wouldn't just shut a plant down over that. Something serious may be going on there. So it turns out it was just that that is the end of every sentence that he said turns out it was, it was like a broken insulator and required them to shut the plant down. And this does happen from time to time. It's a little bit extreme in the sense that, you know, turning off a nuclear reactor, nuclear
Starting point is 00:10:19 power plant is not simple. It does. You have to cool down the cores and stuff like that. It's a huge process, but it does happen sometimes. Yeah. Well, it's an immensely complicated way of powering anything. Whether it like it's cleaner, isn't it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I'm going to assume it's cleaner because people are afraid of it. I'm not responsible for knowing that. I'm not, I'm not an energy specialist. That's true. I am a, I've been alive. You are a transformer specialist though, which you've already established, and I knew that earlier from anonymous sources. Actually, I'm more of a go-bots specialist.
Starting point is 00:10:54 That's really where I'm more at. So he has this narrative that runs throughout the entire episode where he just constantly brings up this Pennsylvania power plant and he is limerick, right? Yeah. And it just goes on and on. But what we can take away from that clip is that he knew about it yesterday, so on the 30th. And it's been going on for a few days.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Right. And there's four or five other ones around the country that are, that are, boy, who knows what's going to happen. Because it's, it's, since it's a serious emergency and not just a transformer, it could happen to anyone at any time. Well, I mean, the underlying message. This is deadly serious. The underlying message is he's actually trying to get it out or the point he's trying to
Starting point is 00:11:38 make is that these aren't real serious problems. They're planned problems. It's not that Y2K is happening. It's that the globalists want you to think Y2K is happening while they have their surrogate terrorists go out and cause little problems. That is the narrative that I was not expecting. That's the narrative. I thought he was going to actually be afraid of Y2K.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I wish. Instead, this is a full on. False flag. Okay. Yeah. All right. That's where we're at. This is a cover story for the globalists.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Now this is 17 years ago and the globalists, he's already established globalists being the issue. Oh yeah. From the jump. From the jump globalists. From whenever he got radicalized in junior college to now globalists are the problem. Cause I've read, I haven't finished it yet, but I've read, I don't need to finish it. I've read most of the book that he read in college that he cites as his awakening, his
Starting point is 00:12:38 red pilling as they call it now. Oh boy. The book, none dare call it a conspiracy. And basically all it is is about these globalist forces that are trying to trick people into accepting socialism because socialism is a lie that leads to communism and communism isn't really people sharing things. It's utter control of the state over everything. So that's the sort of principle behind it and that's guided him throughout his entire
Starting point is 00:13:05 broadcast career. Okay. So if I understand this correctly, let me, let me just say this, go for it and then I will take your question. We'll be taking questions at the end of the podcast. He's consistent in his underlying philosophy, but he's inconsistent in what that means and how it plays out in the world. Now, if I, if I understand this, so, so here's, here's the question that I have here.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Okay. If he started doing the whole globalist thing 25 years ago, does he think he's winning or they're winning? He now thinks he's winning with Trump because he believes that Trump is the champion who's going to take them all down. Okay. And as we were discussing with cognitive dissonance, he can wrap his head around like people like Rex Tillerson, you know, Exxon CEOs being put on the cabinet because he's
Starting point is 00:13:58 like, now, you know, these Goldman Sachs bankers, you know, they were working at Goldman Sachs, but if you look at their history, they've been fighting the globalists the whole way. I have no idea how that's possible. I don't either because you wouldn't want to leave a record of that in case the globalists win. Yeah, you would want, well, you would want to at least play both sides there. So you can survive if the globalists go down, right, but then you've still got the, we're getting too deep into the story in modern day, but, but the version is, we need to, we need
Starting point is 00:14:31 to deal with this on its own terms. We know from sources that they've been, the behind the scenes doing the good fight. So let's all go back to where we were when Y2K happened, where, you know, where we were, where were you? We were really afraid to get into the, I'm not even going to say it's, it's six to seven reactors across the country. I'm not even going to, it's bad and I got this news about the Pennsylvania plant early yesterday, got it again, off air, confirmed it with someone that is 99% accurate about
Starting point is 00:15:04 like I am. You catch that confirmed it off air with somebody who's 99% accurate like I am. Yeah, that's, I didn't, I, wow. Smooth broadcasting baby. It is, it is very great that he only deals with 99% you like, you only hang out with people in your own social class or being correct all the time. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I mean, yeah. He's, he's not correct all the time. He wants to leave that open. Yeah. Just in case Y2K doesn't have, I'm trying to report the truth and now I've got the associated press saying, well, they shut the whole plant down, but they call it, they call it an, an unusual event, the least serious emergency classification of nuclear power plant. Well, it's got to be pretty bad for them to power a plant down.
Starting point is 00:15:50 So that sounds like good logic. Yeah. It's, it has to be pretty bad for them to power the plant down. Right. It has to be more bad than anything that happens where they don't have to power the plant down. It's appealing on one level, but it's also not borne out by the facts. So I mean, you're, you're getting bogged down with, I don't, I think, I think it's hard for us because we're trying to compete non-facts with facts.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Right. And we're not going to win there. So we have to kind of engage with this on its, on its own level. So, so, I would love for you to do that. I'm trying so hard. I've, I've been obsessed with facts my whole life and this is, this is what's so great about this is now I'm delving into this world of just pure concentrated 99.9% sure bullshit. Now, if, if this, but see here's, if it is a serious problem, what is going to happen
Starting point is 00:16:51 next? Well, those reactors are going to go off. Okay. So the reactors, is that how reactors work? I don't know. Didn't we had, we had Chernobyl that didn't explode. I think it's probably the, uh, we had Chernobyl. We all did.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah. As a human community, we all shared Chernobyl and we care about people in foreign countries. Yes. I think that maybe the, have you heard that they're using prog tards now too? Oh no. Oh, so good. Oh yeah. That's progressive tards for people who are not in the Twitter.
Starting point is 00:17:23 No. So I think that the next stage of the narrative of that would be that the grid goes down or something like that. Power goes out around the city. So nuclear power plants control the entire grid. Well, he thinks, well, and there's no backup and once the nuclear power plant goes down, it's utter chaos, which the globalists are trying to put together. It's funny you should say that because, uh, we got some more reports here that maybe you
Starting point is 00:17:46 should hear and they're coming to you from one of Alex Jones's reputable sources, a slack job caller. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a little bit excited here today and trying to maintain my calm. Yeah. They're, they're, they're doing, they're turning the heat up on this thing now and it's, it works in Alex and, uh, reason I called in today, I got another confirmation, uh, real early this morning in fact, before the sun even come up, uh, a gentleman called in, he called me out of Michigan, uh, about the power plant situation where we were talking
Starting point is 00:18:14 about yesterday out in Western Kentucky. A gentleman from Michigan called him. Dunn called him about the power plant situation in Pennsylvania. Yeah. No, in Michigan. Oh, it was in Michigan. We'll get back to that. I wanted to stop here for a second to decompress for a second and like he just said what we
Starting point is 00:18:33 were talking about yesterday. Now, it's possible he was talking about the guy in Michigan or he talked to Alex yesterday. Yeah. What Alex Jones was saying earlier, uh-huh. He might have talked to Alex Jones. I like how proud this dude was that he got it before the sun even came up about two in the morning now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So he is, he is getting information before even Alex Jones, like he's big time in Alex Jones right there. Right? He'll Billy fucking take a nap. It's two in the morning. Even if he is 100% correct, that accent makes everything sound wrong. Yeah. Well, also, I have to stress this, the pronoun reference is so vague and I think it's important
Starting point is 00:19:14 because I believe that he spoke to Alex the day before. He actually spoke to Alex off air. Well, here, let me play it back a little bit because he says what we were talking about yesterday. Oh, okay. That was the we, the guy in Michigan or is it him and Alex? I think, I don't think he- Let's hear it in context.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Okay. And then hear the rest of the clip. Yeah, out of Michigan, about the power plant situation where we were talking about yesterday out in Western Kentucky, where he called me about a power plant up in Michigan. Exactly. And just in here, one of the ones in Michigan, just one that's in question here that I'm talking about, we have confirmation when given the order, they will get this one down. And that, that newspaper article that you were talking about, about that new plant in
Starting point is 00:19:58 Pennsylvania. Just goes on to say the exact same things. So the we is vague. I think the we is him, a supnero, I think it's him actually believing that he is part of Alex Jones' broadcast. The community. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Like, like the way that the, the church would say, you know, the, the we. I can accept that as a possibility also. But then he goes on to say that there's a power plant in Michigan that it when given the order, they will shut it down, which is, which means what? It means that the globalists will be signaling them. Right. That's what it has to mean in his mind. Even though that is literally what would happen is your superior would say, Hey, shut
Starting point is 00:20:42 this down. And then you would like, you wouldn't resist. Nope. Like you work at the power plant. They go on to talk about the Pennsylvania thing. And this is something that comes up over and over again on this episode. And one of the reasons why I think it's the most interesting document is that because people keep calling in and saying wild shit and Alex never challenges them.
Starting point is 00:21:06 He never, like there has never been perhaps a day that we knew in advance was going to be fucked up more than Y2K than the, okay. I was 15 at the time and even I had a keen awareness to be like, I'm going to be careful about things I believe on this day because everyone is kind of full of shit. My, I, I remember this, uh, distinctly, I was 13. My dad started, uh, putting, uh, water in the freezer, like, like in case, and I remember thinking, or at least I tell myself, I remember thinking that's not going to help. Nope.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah. Even if something does go back because you're free, not big, not big at all. Like what's that's, that's maybe two days worth of water. We're going to have to forage sooner or later. Yeah. What he should be doing is reading books about foraging probably that would be the smarter way to go. Well, I think, uh, I mean, as it goes in these disaster scenarios, most of the time you only really have to wait out about a week or two before like most people are dead.
Starting point is 00:22:17 This is zombie apocalypse now is what we're saying. Well, no, I'm just discussing fear porn that, uh, these weirdos who come on Alex's show talk about all the time. Yeah. They were like, you know, basically you just need the survival food and that'll get you through like, you know, two weeks and that's when all the lawless people will have killed each other off. And you know, if you have the food, it's the difference between being able to, uh, you
Starting point is 00:22:39 know, sit around at home with the family or have to go out and fight now. So that's one thing about the zombie apocalypse narrative that these guys totally share, which is some dudes absolutely jerk off to the fantasy that they would be the lone survivor in the apocalypse. A hundred percent. So that's what this dude is. What, what all of these dudes are basically saying is like, if, if shit does go down, it's a good thing that we have you, Alex Jones and the rest of us who can sell us food.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Exactly. Which is brings us to our first commercial break brings us to our first commercial. Of course. Commercial break of the Y2K show. Time is getting shorter into a Y2K. If you want to be sure your family loved ones, whether the potential Y2K storm of delays, shortages or interruptions of services, then now is the time to stock up on emergency supplies and a home food reserve.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yep. What? So you start to get the picture. You start to get the picture of what's going on here. Yeah. He's spreading fear and all of this idea of like, oh my God, a disaster is happening. Poor great is going down for the last years and, and, and right up to it. He's been hawking survival food and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:23:53 But his best interest to get people scared. Oh, absolutely. But who is he selling the food? Yeah. Is that a company that's selling food? Yeah. Yeah. It's his parent company.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Oh, okay. That makes way more sense because I like, I thought that might be a legitimate TV commercial at the time. Okay. We'll get to another ad later, which is even more damning. But so this meeting, it's going to keep water from overflowing. Absolutely. Apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah. You know your words. Absolutely. So there's our only power plant option. Whenever the nuclear's go down. Well, speaking of power plants later in the night, we get another update on something else around the world from another caller who has also reported local person caught it on CNN.
Starting point is 00:24:34 A power plant has been blown up in Oregon. Okay. So we need to get CNN on, I'm sure it's studios at GCN, they're checking that out, boy, Clinton pulled it. Oh man, this has happened. But that's the report that I got and two other people on local repeaters verified it. So I thought I'd probably let you know. They're going to say that one of them, Lawton's Harris, flipped through, I've been skating
Starting point is 00:25:02 for years. Then Lawton is a known CIA asset, that's a public record, but I firmly side on the fact that we need to go ahead and report the truth, but create the panic it does, should've warned people earlier. Wow. We got in to support the troops. Yeah. Well, no, no, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I thought he said support the troops. Didn't he just say that? No. What did he say? He said, we've got to tell the truth. Oh. We've got to report the truth and then he says something that is him tipping his hand a little too far.
Starting point is 00:25:31 That is, if it causes a panic, so be it, should've warned him earlier. Then he is the only person who's out there in the grand scheme of things saying all this crazy bullshit and letting these whack job callers dictate what he believes. Yeah, but what? Because that organ explosion didn't happen. No, of course not. It wasn't reported in any, you know, real media. It's some caller telling him that someone told him that it had happened and he doesn't
Starting point is 00:26:04 challenge it. Why would he challenge it? Well, are his, are his, are his, are his callers screened? They have to be, right? I don't know. Or is it only his listeners call? I don't know. Because I've never seen him actually, well, I mean, clearly I have zero experience with
Starting point is 00:26:22 him. But has he ever challenged a caller? Yeah. When they talk about like globalism or whenever they insinuate things that disagree with him. Yeah, he challenges them. That's exactly what, so if he lets a caller talk. Sounds very rarely.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Right. And then he just screams at them and they, they hang up on him. Well, see, cause I remember listening to a Hannity's radio show with my grandfather. Oh man. I did too. Which I remember as just the greatest time of my life. Sure. And the salad days.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And see, Hannity's kind of thing was he would often bring those people on because then he could really go off on him. Yeah. And that's what was really exciting. But in Hannity's case, I actually know this. I don't, I don't have documents or anything like this. But an unconfirmed source did tell you about that. A lot of those callers are fake.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Oh really? We have a number of friends who work doing fake calls to radio shows. Wow. And like if you listen to drive time radio and morning radio, almost all of those calls are fake. People who call in and the like morning DJs are doing bits with them and stuff like that. Those are improvisers for the most part. No shit.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah. I didn't know that. I didn't know my whole world. Yeah. They're getting paid like $35, $40 a call or something like that. We have a number of friends. I'll tell you off air who they are. I don't want to put their business in the street because it's really, really dirty.
Starting point is 00:27:46 But that's, that's what a lot of radio stations do because no one, most people don't call in. I, I, I do. People who do are usually crazy. I always used to wonder about that because I had this image of somebody driving, you know, drive time radio. Everybody's driving and they just like, I need to call this radio show. So they're driving and then pulling all this shit out of their ass.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So that, that always kind of made me believe that. The thing with Hannity is, is like, yeah, he gets, he gets these callers and he gets to tee off on them and it's never someone who actually knows their shit. Well. Coincidentally. But, but that's, see that still kind of makes sense to me if you screen your callers. Like the old, the old Leno man on the street interviews, like they're not bringing you people who know exactly what he's questioning about, right?
Starting point is 00:28:35 They're giving you the people who are like that fit that narrative of, isn't everybody silly? Yeah. Which actually is, which brings me to an interesting point about some of the Alex Jones show that we missed this week that I just want to tee off on real quick. So a lot of the episodes end up starting with like a man on the street segment. I wish they started, they start with someone on the street and there was one that was like Mark Dice.
Starting point is 00:29:00 He's this asshole. Great fucking name though. And he was going around Mark Dice Clay. He's like, so you be the guy on the street. I'll be him. Okay. And he's like, Hey, so if your girlfriend's pregnant and someone comes up and just punches her in the stomach a couple of times real good and she aborts, is that murder?
Starting point is 00:29:20 That's a complicated question. No one. No one's given any of that nuance or at least they edit that out. Okay. Yes. Okay. So why if she chooses to kick it out of her belly? Is it not murder?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Cause nobody else was involved. Well, there's that because the argument would be that like she is different than the baby. So she's still acting upon the baby as if she were punching herself in the stomach. Okay. That is, that is an interesting, that's an interesting argument. So it's not that interesting. I actually do kind of feel like that is a different angle of, well, go ahead and give me why it's not an interesting argument.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Well, because I don't think it's, it's murder necessarily. I think it's a brutal assault. Yeah. For sure. But it's a brutal assault from the guy onto her. Yeah. And it made her unable to carry the baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:12 And that it's not that he's attacking the baby at all. He's attacking her. Yeah. But if he's punching her in the stomach multiple times, which where is this guy coming from? Crazy town. Yeah. Absolutely. Jones.
Starting point is 00:30:28 No doubt. So he's punching the baby. Now I, I do think you're right in saying that it's not murder. Can you murder something that doesn't have a sentience yet or, or even the, the idea of consciousness. Now that's where it gets complicated and it's outside the scope of a man on the street bit. That would be great if a man on the street interview happens and then they both sit in
Starting point is 00:30:51 these comfy chairs and have the, have this little debate with coffee on them, just doing that all day. Or some nice prophecy wine. Prophecy wine. It's not bad by the way. It isn't. Shout out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:03 So they, you know, we got all these reactors, all these power plants, we're having trouble with them, you know, all around the country. These one of them exploded. One of them blew up in Oregon. Oh yeah. But it's all this stuff that is not being challenged and it's so incredibly frustrating because as, oh, you asked why would he, and I got flustered because it angers me even the question because if you are a journalist, if you are someone who people listen to, you
Starting point is 00:31:32 have a responsibility not to throw bullshit around, especially on a day like Y2K when everyone is on edge. Like people were on edge. They shouldn't have been, but they were. No. People were buying into it. People were hoarding stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Like it was, it was happening. And so if you're a broadcaster, you do have a certain responsibility to be like, well, you know, we're, even if you say the very unconfirmed reports of a power plant blowing up in Oregon, we're looking into it. It's probably not true. We'll get back to you when we have confirmation. I feel like that's as far as you can go. I do, I do like the guy who called in saying, yeah, I heard it from a guy who saw it on
Starting point is 00:32:16 CNN. Like there's only one guy who was watching CNN whenever they released that. It's going to get worse with CNN later, but like, I wish someone to call in is like, I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another or the Oregon or something. Yeah. We were, we were playing a game of telephone that started with, Hey, somebody set off some fireworks.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah. So where we go from here. This night was not just, I want to actually know, let's, let's leave that until we get really crazy. Okay. Well, the night was not just about power plants, though. The night also had a lot of other various flavors of fear. So would you say that the night is young and power plants are still beautiful?
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yes. Okay. The power plants came up throughout the night. It just kept coming up, but also throughout was a bunch of other weird weaving story lines. And this introduces a couple of them that I think are important. I'm 20 to 40,000 civilians trapped in the city. Russian Heinz are being shot down. Tanks are being blown to bits.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Sorry. I should explain. That is in reference to the war in Chechnya. Oh, okay. Well, that makes perfect sense then. But he was also saying that hundreds of thousands of people are dead. There's, there's another clip that says it says all of the stuff about that. I don't remember which clip it is, but he starts, he's talking about how there's more
Starting point is 00:33:41 wars going on now than ever. Oh wait, here. I think I found it. On the day. There's more wars going on on December 31st, 1999 than ever have. No, than ever in the history of the world. I think this is the clip. Task machines are failing in Britain and now other European countries.
Starting point is 00:34:04 They're finding large amounts of explosives in France. Vladimir Putin, who is known as Vladimir, the ruthless and using all his profanity on national TV, you name it. We won't read the profanity here, but we've got it on an unbelievable power trip and resembles a demon. He is a creature of the IMF and the World Bank and international communism. So he resembles a demon. Yes, but just like Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:34:33 No, she's, no, she's literally a demon. Literally a demon. Vladimir the Ruthless was just a guy who had the same picture as the guy from Ghostbusters too. The person who Alex Jones now is really getting behind and supporting and being like Putin's a good guy. Like he legitimately is on Russia's side. He was on Russian television being lauded by Alexander Dugan, one of Putin's great advisors.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Very close. Alex Jones was on Russian television, like live or they showed clips of Alex Jones. He was on. Oh shit. He looked like he was going to cry. Does Alex Jones speak Russian? Nope. There was a translator because that would be great if he'd learned it in this past year.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Just like, I'm excited. Uh, Dasvedanya, he was on Russian television and this guy Dugan was explaining to him that like because of you, our opinions about America have changed. Like it was just a rim job of a segment. All right. Like they can't fucking believe what they're saying. It's insane. Giving him lip service because narcissism is how you compromise people.
Starting point is 00:35:40 It's a very old trick in spy games. It's insane. So they're just like, because of you, I say this, anti-Americanism is over. And Alex Jones is just sitting there and he looks like he's going to cry like he's finally got daddy's approval. It's insane. So he is full on whole hog on the side of Russia. So they're teaching.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So they're saying to Alex Jones, not just that anti-Americanism is over, but directly because of your intervention. Yes. Okay. Because of you and because of your help that you gave to Trump, you've shown us that all Americans aren't these weasley dicks. I'm paraphrasing that part a little bit, but you can find Alex Jones put out that clip. It's on the Infowars channel on YouTube that you can find it and it's insanity.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It's absolute insanity. If I, if I were on Russian television and they were saying those things about me, first of all, I'd be panicking. And second, I would hope no one sees it because it's like, uh, shit, shit, Russia thinks I'm awesome. This is bad news. Russia thinks I'm awesome is the next name of this podcast. So let's finish this clip up.
Starting point is 00:36:57 He was just talking about how Putin looks like a demon. Oh, also that he's, uh, in cahoots with the IMF, the International Monetary Fund. That's an old, that's an old fun one. Yeah. But he's also putting him as one of the heads of the globalists. So he is painting Putin as part of this global cabal that he is against in 1999, which has now completely flipped. So, yeah, that's, that's what that was in, right?
Starting point is 00:37:38 Did he say hundreds of thousands or did he say hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands? Okay. Because he, he makes those claims again, which is insanity. That's so many people. It's a lot of people. It's an impossible amount of people. Uh, yeah. So that's, that's what that was in reference to.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Now let me get back to you. Yeah. How many people do live in Chechnya? Not hundreds of thousands. Well, maybe hundreds of thousands. I don't fucking know, but they're not all dead. We have reports that Chechnya is over. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:03 We have reports that everybody in Chechnya has killed each other. It's flat ground. It's scorched earth people. That's actually not far off of where this is going to end. Okay. All right. In the city, Russian Heinz are being shot down. Tanks are being blown to bits, massive, a grod, unguided rocket attacks are being launched
Starting point is 00:38:25 from the city indiscriminately right now, air and artillery bombardments as well. It's absolutely out of control. It is pandemic ladies and gentlemen, I'll give you the news first on Y2K, the new developments of Pennsylvania nuclear plant has been shut down. One of the main systems transferring the power from it to fail, but they say it's not a Y2K problem. And the things I'm experiencing here in Austin, Texas, the shelves are empty of water and some gas stations are running out of fuel.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So you went to a commercial with that sort of terrifying. There's no water. Gases running out. I love that that 90s like saved by the Belle music is playing behind them. Shit. Everyone is dying. Unguided rockets are being fired, which indiscriminately, where would they go random places? If they're unguided, that's like, do they have any idea where they're going to go?
Starting point is 00:39:20 Or are they just shooting their wad in all different directions, shooting that wad? Also, that all isn't true. But then we come back from commercial in central Texas and in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the short wave is basically down ladies and gentlemen, went off right as I went on the air. So that's the introduction of another narrative. The narrative of the government is trying to take out radio signals that runs throughout the night. Which Alex Jones is on.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Right. Ah, we'll get a little bit deeper into that here. Central government known as the federal government. The occupational government in Washington, DC has set up a huge $50 million command bunker hooked into all the FEMA boxes that can take over all the shortwave broadcast. What the fuck is that so, so the central government also known as the federal government, the occupation government, right? Because we should operate under maritime law as sovereign citizens, right?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Or whatever. Right. So, so they set up a $50 million bunker. Did they do it? That day. Also, that's not much for a bunker. No, that's not a great bunker. Kind of a cheap bunker.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I feel like if you're an occupation government, you get a better bunker right away. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. They probably had that set up like months in advance, maybe, because they knew that they were going to do this Psyop on, on Y2K. And Chechnya. Oh, well, of course. Well, that's just Vladimir the, the, the ruthless.
Starting point is 00:40:46 The ruthless. Right. So yeah. Hold on. Here we go. Commercial AMN FM stations as well as television broadcast stations. And we hope they did not activate that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So he's afraid that they're going to take out all AMN FM stations, television as well. He goes a little bit further into this. Why would they take out all the AMN FM stations? Because they don't want Alex jumping on any of those stations just in case. But so, I mean, it's not that he doesn't say that, but that's my assumption. No, that's, that's the, that's the implication. They don't want people to be able to communicate, especially patriots. But are people communicating on AMFM radio or just radio hosts?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Well, the short wave too, I assume would involve like a CB radios too. Okay. I'm guessing maybe. I mean, I don't know, I don't know enough about radio waves. He never spells that out, but I'm guessing that's one of the implications. Okay. Now, where did the short wave radios go down? Nope.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Okay. So he is once again, just riffing off whatever it is that he feels like. As we, as I referred to it on the last episode, and I think I'm going to keep on keeping on with this, the boogie woogie bandit, he just started scatting. He just, it's just paranoia scat. But in this case, Ella Fitzgerald, Alex Jones, in this case, it's clear that it's not random. It is very intentional. These are the fears that people have.
Starting point is 00:42:09 And so he's amplifying them, playing into them. Like the, the, the Russia idea. Now I will give him that on January 1st of 2000, Boris Yeltsin did step down. Yes. And that broke on New Year's Eve. So the idea of being scared about this Putin guy who we, you know, he's ruthless. Yeah. That's reasonable.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Although if your name is Vladimir, you do have to have a the after that with whatever like Vladimir the impaler, Vladimir the ruthless, Vladimir the, you know, not quite so wonderful guy. My campus editor in college, when I wrote for the student paper, her name, her middle name was Vladimir. So her middle name was Vladimir. Yeah. I don't give a shit about Vladimir.
Starting point is 00:42:57 So she was Vladimir the woman. How do you not get this? Vladimir the editor. Vladimir the, my copy was better than what you put on it. I think I actually know another Russian girl whose middle name is Vladimir. Anyway, that's a pretty weird coincidence. That is kind of, I've never met anybody with the name Vladimir that would tell me their name was Vladimir.
Starting point is 00:43:20 It's like Adolf at this point. They would be Vladimir the deceiver. Right. See, you can't say the name Vladimir without putting a blank after it. Speaking of deceiving. Doing a fabulous job, but he is consulting with people that he knows personally. So he's talking about someone who's giving him information. He's starting this clip off talking about someone who is feeding him information, but
Starting point is 00:43:42 you will see that he plays his normal game of, you'll see. Does he give a name to any source at any point in time during this? I don't know. Maybe this one. We'll see. Okay. A lot of former military people that now own radio companies and in fact, I'm not even going to say the individual is, nope, nope.
Starting point is 00:44:02 But also we learned, we learned that a, I feel like you knew that in advance. We also learned though that a lot of former military people now own radio stations. When did that happen? I don't know. So here we go. I'm sure he could call it publicly. I just don't want to give a lot of folks your names out on the air. They have activated a powerful cold war radar system in the North Pole region.
Starting point is 00:44:27 That is something that's drowning out short ways. The entire 9,400 band all throughout the 9.400 up to nine point four zero zero one. They are military traffic is everywhere right now, ladies and gentlemen, scrambled. We've got superpower, radar systems, nuclear systems up and perhaps our military is refused back. It was Clinton that shut down that cold war radar system. It's now back up from people that actually worked in there. We have it confirmed from the sound and where it's coming from, from experts.
Starting point is 00:45:00 What does that mean? Well one, when did we know from the sound? It's 1999. So when did the cold war end to him? Never. Okay. So no, no, this year. In 1999.
Starting point is 00:45:17 No, no, no. Oh, 2017. Whenever anti-American is a man 2016. Right. Right. Okay. So we have, okay, why would they put cold war disruption technology in the North Pole on the North?
Starting point is 00:45:36 Does he think Santa Claus is real? I think he thinks maybe they're, I don't fucking know, man. It's so insane. Okay. So, so let's just, let's just war games this. Let's just go throughout this whole thing. We've got to take it piece by piece. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Because there's so many pieces. Well, and it's so easy to get bogged down with one because he has this brilliant like just throw everything at you because sooner or later, one of you, one of those things is going to hit one person. Sure. One of these power plants is actually going to be out, but to be fair, actually the Pennsylvania one did have that problem that was real. It's just, he mischaracterized it.
Starting point is 00:46:11 But then he said that the nuclear power plants are up. Yeah. So which, which are we more afraid of? I don't know. Okay. So we got a powerful Cold War era. Yeah. Disruptor.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Which, how could it be that powerful? It was from the Cold War era. Well, no. Do you remember how they didn't even have fucking planes? It's because the shortwave signals aren't that sophisticated. So it's this, it's this old time system that can shut down AM and FM and shortwave radio. Yeah. But only above 94.000.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Have you seen a lost? No, I haven't seen lost. That's another thing that I have not seen. It's a great show. Okay. I've heard that. There's a whole thing in the first season where there's a signal disruptor on the island. So they can't get radio off the island because this, this lady had put a signal jam on.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I think that's what Alex Jones thinks is happening from the North Pole. Okay. There's a signal jam going out across the entire world. So, so if it's on the North Pole, yes, he believes that it can then reach the entire world. Yeah. So that's why you would put it on the North Pole. Because it goes down.
Starting point is 00:47:24 It goes down. Yeah. That's how, that's how the space works. It's gravity. It's gravity. That's how space works. It's gravity. It just goes down.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Stop being an idiot. I'm sorry. It goes down. Yeah. Durf. Yeah. You're, you know what? You're right.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Yeah. We all know that the South Pole is down. The North Pole is up. Always. That makes perfect sense. Yeah. I don't, I don't fucking know, man. I don't know what the, the logic is there other than gotta say something.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Yeah. Like try and give me, try and give me some internal logic to that long. Cause that's just a long list of different things for you to be afraid of. Yep. They are connected to each other in any way other than he thinks they're all happening at the same time, orchestrated by the same people like Globalists. Vladimir and Bill Clinton and Clinton disabled the Cold War, other stuff?
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah. But not this. Not this. But that's, that's, well he disabled the Cold War stuff that we built to protect against their Cold War stuff. Right. Okay. Here's who you have to understand.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Was that Clinton's Cold War stuff? Was that put on the cell phone? Also Clinton's Cold War stuff is going to be the name of my first rap album. Okay. That's a pretty good rap album, Dave. I think the picture that we start to come up with and we have to deal with is that maybe scaring people is the point. Maybe it is a not fun version of War of the Worlds basically is what we're bogged down
Starting point is 00:49:01 in. Was War of the Worlds that fun though? It was artistic. It was. That's true. Orson Welles is a pretty good dude. He's trolling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:09 This is not. This is, and we'll get to again why I'm 100% convinced it's not at our next commercial break. See now, now I just can't get out, like this is a whole Dr. Strangelove situation where it is like, okay, they put their Cold War stuff on the North Pole. There's only one way to fight against it. We're going to put our Cold War stuff on the bottom. Yep.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yep. Because if that's going to go up, do you want to be afraid of some more stuff? Oh God. Yes. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, police and military are on high alert, running around, looking for supposed boogeymen. I would have given anything for him to stop with ladies and not at gentlemen, just ladies.
Starting point is 00:49:55 We know that stuff is, guys, just sit this one out. This is for the ladies. Hit the skids, dude. You're not going to need to hoard stuff because we're going to need you as breeders after it all goes down. Like it's an usher concert. No dudes. No dudes.
Starting point is 00:50:09 All right. Here we go. Ladies and gentlemen, police and military are on high alert, running around, looking for supposed boogeymen and terraced under every rock. Military are highly visible now. Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, there are trains of military equipment moving into Austin two nights ago on Wednesday night, the Fox News reported that the airport will be used as
Starting point is 00:50:31 a massive holding facility for troublemakers or rioters here in Austin that have no history of riots. They need to get that country locked down so they can stage the election for Vladimir Putin. I mean, this guy is a demon. Have you seen this guy and just how he's raging with power? Okay. Wait.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Yep. So, so, so the military is highly visible. Highly. Highly visible in Austin, Texas. Occupied Austin. Occupied Austin, Texas. Yes. Well, in case there are riots, even though there's no history of riots, Fox News reported
Starting point is 00:51:11 that at the airport. Yeah. Yeah. They're old airport. Oh, the old airport. I was going to say, like, are they shutting down planes too and they're all just hanging out? I don't know about the clip of this, but there is a part where he's like, all the planes
Starting point is 00:51:24 are in the sky. All the planes are in the sky. Late in the broadcast, he starts talking about how like, all the planes are in the sky. And then he gets a call and they're like, Hey, you're talking about Russia, but let's be, let's be aware there's other countries we need to be afraid of too. Great. Let's compound this fear of cyclone. We're all going to jerk each other off with what we're afraid of.
Starting point is 00:51:50 China exists and Germany is pretty weird. You know what? Here is the, here is the crazy thing. He's 100% correct about Vladimir Putin. Yeah. This guy went from being like a, a like low level KGB staffer to running the entire country. Well, I would pause it. Like you can't argue with Vladimir the Ruslan.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I would pause it that he's right big picture about Putin. Yeah. Wrong. No, I mean, yeah, yeah. The idea that he's some sort of globalist chill and all that is not really backed up by anything. But yeah, he is. He's right.
Starting point is 00:52:23 We should be concerned about him and we should have been for the last 17 years. Yeah. More so than we have been. Only Alex Jones was not, that's not true exactly. No, of course it's not. So that, yeah, that, but okay, let's go with, there are tanks. Where did tanks come from? There's so many tanks.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Where did tanks even, how did tanks get there? Are they keeping tanks there? Do they have tanks in San Antonio that can get there that quickly? I can't play the clip yet, but that will be explained. Oh, okay. All right. Thank God. That's part of something that's really the only mystery I'm interested in at this
Starting point is 00:52:59 point. No, that's in a later clip. And to the answer is give you maybe a few more questions. I can't get over the fact that this is the Y2K episode. So maybe you're wondering, I don't know, Jordan, maybe you're wondering what's going on around the country. I am absolutely wondering where else tanks are. Maybe there are things that are happening in other states that haven't been discussed
Starting point is 00:53:19 yet. Okay. Maybe we check in on the South. Is Fox News reporting or a CNN reporting? Maybe a SlackJot caller from Arkansas. Excellent. She called frantically yesterday saying, oh, I don't want you to leave here in Arkansas. My girlfriend worked there.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to leave. They've got Marshall all the time. We just found out down at the Arkansas Highway Transportation Department. And we said, well, we thought at first he had probably seen your take because he's got kind of like got her head in the sand. And yesterday, up and down Highway 65, I was seeing Arkansas Highway Transportation Department vehicles all over the place and have been seeing them ever since the 28th.
Starting point is 00:53:55 They might have been doing road work to the where the Department of Transportation vehicles should be. That might be. I've been seeing them. I've been seeing them all over the place. Did he? Where did he? Oh, coach.
Starting point is 00:54:10 All right. Now I've been seeing. I've been seeing these deli workers at delis all over the place. Mariano's. I think it's a conspiracy. I think they're trying to cut some. I saw a teenager wearing a potbelly t-shirt. She wasn't even in potbelly.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Was there a potbelly in the vicinity? It was about it. It was a block away. Irrelevant. All right. So this clip isn't done. And this girl here just does not believe in that stuff now. She's totally going nuts over it.
Starting point is 00:54:43 So you've known this person for a long time and she was a doubting Thomas and now she claims she has personally seen the Marcell Law Times. She has it, but her friend that works for the Arkansas Highway Transportation Department called and told her they just delivered them. We go up and down the highway a lot. So what's gorgeous about this and what you're about to hear and I just want to spell it out. This is third hand information.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah. Does not question it. Does not challenge it. Spins it. Now listen to this spin. It's gorgeous. Excellent. And it just, it looks kind of spooky, you know.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I hear you, sir. Hey, right here in Austin, Texas, they've announced that it's a basic concentration camp at Robert Mueller Airport. Anybody that lives in Central Texas, go take a look at it. Former military officer and former police officer, retired gentleman that owns, well, let's just share a company. He does services for the military. I've known the guy for years.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So there again is another person who is not named, but look, hey, I don't want to say is, you know, I can figure it out. He's a retired former police officer, former military guy, retired. What like, I don't know, power plant guy owns some shit. And then he does some, some consulting work for the government. Yeah. And also I think where I pause the clip, we might end up swallowing it, but he says also he's a good Christian man.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Oh, well, he's known him for years. So he has to be a good Christian man. So anyway, here's what he had to say, but you, you see what I'm saying. Oh, yeah. I calls in with some crazy bullshit. And then instead of being like, well, I don't think that means anything. Uh, you know, I appreciate the call, but let's not worry about this for now. He says, I hear your brother.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Now also there's concentration camps in Austin, I, I, what a dick. Anybody in Central Texas should go see them. Why? Why should they go see them? It's like concentration camp. Yeah. What are you, you just walk up like, Hey guys, looks like you got a great concentration going on.
Starting point is 00:56:43 It was real. And you were a real Alex Jones who wasn't full of shit. The message would be stay the fuck away from that. You're a citizen. Don't go over there. It's dangerous. But instead he's like, go look at it yourself. Don't, don't walk, but, but that's a great way of signaling it exists.
Starting point is 00:57:02 You shouldn't actually go there, but you could know that it's there because you could walk up, right? Right. But you are too smart. You're one of my listeners. Yep. And if you, and if you believe what I'm saying, you should go there and wind up in the concentration camp.
Starting point is 00:57:16 It's condescension dog whistling. Yeah. It's just like, you know, you're fine. Don't don't confirm it, but you can't don't confirm it. You're fine. Basically concentration camps. Clip's not done. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's not being discreet at all, but I think he's making up a person. See, well, yeah. I mean, if you're, if you're going to go like in the Washington post, uh, whenever they did that terrible article, they still went just like anonymous government officials or like intelligence officials.
Starting point is 00:58:08 You're talking about the power plant hacking from last week. Yeah. Yeah. They said anonymous intelligence officials. They didn't say anonymous intelligent fit intelligence officials who I've known for many, many years who we go golfing every now and then. There's a tendency to wear a herringbone suit. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Yeah. Wonderful wife. Yeah. Good Christian man. Two kids. One girl. One boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:33 He narrows it down so specifically. Likes to drink lemon in his water. Yeah. Fuck off. Yeah. You know, but that's what you do when you lie. Like when, whenever we were kids, whenever you'd lie, you'd come up with a more creative story than the truth.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah. Yeah. That's kind of details when they are unnecessary. Kind of mean you're lying. Yeah. That's how you know that your girlfriend is having an affair on you. Yeah. An affair on you.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I accept it. You are sleeping and then she just starts fucking on top of you and you're like, am I involved in that? No. No. You're the cuck. Like all the libtards. You're a proctard cuck.
Starting point is 00:59:06 No. It's proctard now. I forgot. There we go. Yes. And there were giant trains, just long lines of trains, the flat cars loaded with APCs and L.A.V.s. That's armored personnel carriers and light armored vehicles, the marine type, just all
Starting point is 00:59:23 over the place. They have flatbed trailers. They have large cattle trailer type situations, navy blue or black lined up. Or maybe red or maybe green. They're look like flatbed trucks. Have you ever seen a flatbed truck? Turns out that's a military vehicle. Hey, Alex said as a producer, color is not super important at this point.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I'm going to have to just tell you, hey, keep on. Keep on message. You could have, you could have just said light armored vehicle and been done done. That would have been, that actually is legitimately scary if you see all of these lightly armored vehicles. Yeah. You know, like say a car with a lot of phone books in the lining. Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:11 That's a lightly armored vehicle. That's pretty scary to see somebody's doing some shit if they've got that. But like in my 32 years of life, on a number, on a number of occasions, I have seen. Could you provide more details to you being 32? I don't actually believe you. Like lemon in my water running out of specifics. I spent it all on that last. My knees began to hurts around 29.
Starting point is 01:00:35 It turns out that most people, they hurt it 30, but I'm, I'm an early bloomer. I became aware of my cross-eye at six. Yeah. That was exactly 26 years ago. No, do you bring math into it? Then you're fucked. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I have seen large convoys of military machinery being moved. Yeah. It's never been a suspicious thing. No. It sometimes got to move machinery. I like sometimes I do have this. And sometimes you make shit up. I have, I have this fun fantasy.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Every time you see one of those giant windmill trucks that carry those, those windmill blades that are forever across, I do have this occasion, a tendency to like look at it and be like, that's a big fucking play. It is big fucking play. I want to give you two options. Do you want to go for something scary or do you want to go to a commercial break? Um, well, we just did something scary. So we got to go to a commercial break.
Starting point is 01:01:39 All right. So we will go to our next commercial break and this is actually here. It's all right. Cause we're saved by the bell, but I thought you were going to go with a, I thought you were going with Kenny Loggins. I'm all right. Don't know about it. If I'm going to, if I'm going to reference Kenny Loggins, you better believe it's going
Starting point is 01:01:59 to be dangerous zone week, week. So this is pretty much all the evidence you need the, the, the, this commercial, how shitty it is, how offensive it is, uh, that the name of the game is scaring people to sell things. Okay. Oh, that's some scary as fucking music right there to start over. Control yourself. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I'm sorry. Many of you have been preparing for the worst of times, putting away storeable foods and water, which is what the last commercial told you to do. Yeah. But, but this makes perfect sense. We at Midas resources urge you to consider the possibility of having to flee for your lives. Though the very prospect of this sounds grim, the possibilities are more than remote.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Asian countries now having long range nuclear bombs, a politically unstable Russia and an increasing presence of NATO here on US soil could spark a ground war in the West. Wait, NATO is going to spark a ground war because they're on US soil? Yes. Okay. Now, I, I think that's an irresponsible ad that was trying to sell gold, but well, yeah, it's the Midas. Midas.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Yeah. Yeah. No, it doesn't get more gold bullshit than that. So the guy, but here's real quick. If that was how they sold iPods in the nineties, God damn it. I would have bought so many iPods NATO is coming on American soil. You're going to need something to listen to in the apocalypse. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Get this iPod touch. It holds all the songs, man. That was Midas resources company owned by a guy named Mr. Anderson, who is also the guy who owns GCN. A former police officer and military commander who is also a good Christian. Also in the matrix. Yeah. This is when the matrix came out, right?
Starting point is 01:03:56 It was 1999 or was it 98? It might have been 2000. Oh, I swear it was in the nineties. It could be. Yeah. All right. Unimportant. Anyway, this guy owns this guy at this point, literally anything is more important.
Starting point is 01:04:09 This guy owns GCN, the Genesis communications network, which broadcasts Alex Jones show and he also owns Midas resources, which is the people who sell gold and Alex Jones also is a part owner in the gold sales consortium. And so you just see, I'm assuming this is this conflict of interest at the beginning of every episode. Nope. They don't ever disclose this conflict of interest. Not even when Anderson was on the show as a guest.
Starting point is 01:04:42 He was on and they talked about how great an investment gold was and they don't even talk about how they're all in a rat king of like financial entanglements. It's insane. Yeah. But I feel like now that is literally every media conglomerate, right? It's not as overt as this. Yeah. Well, no, that's, that's intense.
Starting point is 01:05:04 And also I mentioned this on the last episode and I think it's important to bring back up. Midas resources is the company that now sells the weird health products. Yes. You can go to their website. It's The health, the health products that turn you to gold and are created and supported and vouched for by Dr. Walik. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Veterinarian and a weird doctor. I love you, Dr. Spaceman. I actually did some research into him between episodes because I wanted to confirm that I wasn't talking shit. Okay. And I'm not. No. But the thing that I also found out that I feel really bad about is that he and I went
Starting point is 01:05:38 to the same college. No shit. Yeah. We're both alumni of the University of Missouri. Now, here's the question you never answered. Okay. Is he a good veterinarian? I think he's the best.
Starting point is 01:05:51 What if he's a really good veterinarian? Who gives a shit? I will. No, I would. I'm more likely to buy bullshit products from a veterinarian who's super good at veterinarian. You can study dietary medicine in college or not dietary medicine to study. In your same program. I don't own the college.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I just went there and I barely graduated. Let's be clear. That's better than me. I never graduated. Shit. Let's be clear. It took me five years and I had to come up with a fake major to do it. I got out.
Starting point is 01:06:21 All right. Did you call it veterinary medicine? I wish I was Dr. fucking Wallach. He's way richer than me. I am fucking broke. He is basically, but that's the same shit that Dr. Oz does. Like he's not better than Dr. Oz. No, but I'm not.
Starting point is 01:06:36 He's not worse than Dr. Oz. Oh, that reminds me. If you're listening, we are now on iTunes. Oh, shit. Subscribe to our podcast to hear crazy bullshit. I have set up. This is a podcast now. We were just, uh, last episode was just on YouTube, but now you, if you subscribe, you
Starting point is 01:06:53 can get that episode and future episodes now on iTunes. Yeah. And I, I don't want to say, uh, cause I would never say this, uh, but you know, I don't want to say that we're the only source of information. We're the best. We're the only source that gives you, to you, this focus. So focused. So focused.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Also, you can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore or at knowledge underscore fight. We couldn't, we couldn't get knowledge fight. Nope. Who's got it? I don't know. I didn't, I didn't look, but then also I was trying to get knowledge fight 69, but it's too many.
Starting point is 01:07:27 That would have been great. That would have been great. You can only get one number, uh, past knowledge fight. Oh, fuck. So knowledge underscore fight on Twitter. Uh, what else? If you want to email us, you can email us at knowledge fight at We got all of it.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Yeah. Man. So we've got, we've got some, uh, social media presence. And I think this, I think this really came about because, uh, you, like you were talking about it where it's like, you know, if we get a lot of viewers on the YouTube's, uh, and you said that specifically, you said YouTube's, uh, let's be clear, we did not get a lot of it. We got a few, but, but that's, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:08:04 It, it quickly spiraled out of control for you where it's like, this has to be a fucking podcast. I just love doing it too much. But at the same time, I did get a lot of positive feedback for people on Twitter and emails and stuff like that. So I did hear back from a lot of people who really enjoyed it. So I don't want to provide for that, but also we're not done. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Are we, are we done average? I, do you want to put some save by the bell music? Could you edit in some save by the bell music while we were doing that? All right. Don't worry about me. I'm just going to sing some Kenny Lawrence. Okay. Um, no, we're not, we're not done.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I just realized that I forgot to say that up top. Oh yeah. Yeah. Might as well do it now. Great podcasting. The experience podcaster Dan, unfortunately I have some bad news, Jordan. What's that? Well, I'll tell you this, the Russians have been threatening.
Starting point is 01:08:51 They now reserve the first strike right for no reason to hit us and Clinton says he will absorb the first strike. He's such a good little communist. Well, he's, he's, that's good. I hope that one of those five missiles going to cut it towards his place and not mine. Well, first of all, if you are going to do a nuclear first strike, if you pick Austin first, you have no idea where anybody in America is. Well, if you are smart, okay, you know, you take out Alex Jones first, of course, because
Starting point is 01:09:22 he's the only one. Okay. All right. He's the head of the Patriots. You understand. And without him, he's the bellwether as goes Alex Jones. So goes the nation. The very first words were they reserved the right to first strike.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yeah. Can you just do that? I feel like if you're going to, I feel like if you're going to first strike, you don't reserve the right, like you don't call the restaurant in advance and be like, Hey, I'm going to give you this signal that I'm going to take the first strike. Wouldn't you surprise people? Why would, what's the rest? You're in a bomber restaurant.
Starting point is 01:09:55 What are you talking about? Well, I mean, that's where Clinton's going to be. Oh yeah. Of course. He loves it. He loves it. Back then. This is back whenever.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah. This is back whenever Clinton was fat. Well, is it? No, he went out office in 2000. Trim by that. Not like, yeah, but now he's fucking, he's a, he's a good looking man. Yeah. So you might've been asking yourself there.
Starting point is 01:10:15 What is he talking about? What's this five missiles thing I have never asked myself that more. So it's like, they're talking about this, like they reserved the right for first strike. And then this other voice called in his co-host and he's like, I hope those five missiles are coming towards Clinton's house. Oh, that was a different voice. Yeah. That's his co-host, which actually he has got a fucking gorgeous line a little bit later.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Okay. I'm excited. You might be curious about this and this is the narrative that takes over sort of. But one, one more second, one more second for this one, of course, Clinton said he would absorb the first strike. Well, we would. Right. Well, I mean, he's not the, he's not Dr. Reed or he's not just like some guy jumping
Starting point is 01:11:02 on a grenade. This is, this is unconventional, but I propose we have a cigarette inside. Oh no. It's gotten to that point. Alrighty. Let's do this. We're the only podcast who brings it to you this concentrated. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:17 We're so focused that we're explaining to you. We're about to light up cigarettes. You know, actually I do have this time in a conversation, I like to smoke Patriot brand cigarettes. Also a part of it is that we got a long clip coming up. So, uh, might as well have a, Hey guys, here, here's what I'm saying. Smoke them if you got them. That's my way of saying the only podcast that advocates smoking as a smoker, I suggest teenagers
Starting point is 01:11:43 started. We're brought to you by RJ Reynolds and George Soros. So here you go. This is a little bit of an explanation of what he was talking about with those five missiles. For the call, Don, we appreciate it. We're going to jump on ahead to a guy here who tells us that there are currently missiles being launched.
Starting point is 01:12:00 And where did you hear that from Blake? Well, let's bring him in. It's Scott from Illinois. Scott, thanks for stopping by. What's going on? How are you doing? Uh, ABC just had a, uh, special under, uh, saying that the, they had the guy in front of the command center in, uh, Cheyenne Mountain, uh, general office saying that early in the
Starting point is 01:12:15 day that there was five missiles that were launched, uh, he wouldn't say where they were. I didn't hear about that. Pardon? It's kind of funny. You didn't hear about that one. I mean, you know, five missiles got launched and a general was out in front of Cheyenne Mountain.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Yeah. Well, this was just about five minutes ago. They said it on channel seven. Well, it didn't happen to mention which direction they were going or where they were coming from. Well, one of the reporters asked where they were coming from, where they were going to what kind of missiles and he said, I can't give out that information. So first of all, I want to say this, that feels like some pretty important information
Starting point is 01:12:46 to give out. Absolutely. I think that why couldn't you give out that information because I don't think that this actually happened. No. Well, I, I feel like it's if, if there was a history book that didn't have that in it, that would be a bad history book. Well, I think that it's, um, probably a mass misinterpretation of an actual news report
Starting point is 01:13:10 and we'll get to why I believe that in a second. But like, I think that something, there was a news report and a bunch of people misinterpreted it. Well, yeah, I mean, the reason I would have to have misinterpreted it, the reason I want to take a pause was because I wanted to give the co-host his first of two props that I'm going to give him. I don't know who he is. I don't know his name, uh, but he, uh, I, I like that.
Starting point is 01:13:34 It's Jalix owns. I like the idea of him being like, uh, Hey, it's funny. You didn't hear about that because it sounds like he's contesting the story. He's really almost like, he's on the edge of being like, Hey, we didn't hear about that. Maybe and then he's like, tell us more, but, but also he's like almost invalidating the story. He's close to it because he's like funny. You didn't hear about that, but that's not actually, he got, he got a message in his
Starting point is 01:14:02 ear saying like, you're dangerously close to, uh, pissing off all GCN 200,000 of our viewers. Uh, and he capitulates right here. I forbid you tell anybody before they get nuked. I mean, you know, we can't trust the American people with that information. Uh, if this is true, just like the special operations training with Russians in South Texas, when they're burning buildings and laying siege to the towns, all part of routine training, of course.
Starting point is 01:14:29 That's red dog. He just read red. We can't tell the American people, but we've got to have a Russian, uh, special forces in the NORAD defense bunkers and systems, you know, that's all public news. It's because we can trust the Russians. They're good people. The Russians are my friends. I've always felt that way, starting back in grade school, and they told us you got
Starting point is 01:14:45 to hide underneath a desk because of our friends over there in, uh, well, the union. Well, when Vladimir is not threatening to nukes for Yeltsin isn't, or if it's not Gang Juman, president of the chai comms. So they, they, they spin out there a little bit. Yeah. They, they lost the threat, but that's, that's, that's what happens. They get this, they get this news. Also he got it five minutes ago, five minutes ago from anonymous caller first at the shy
Starting point is 01:15:10 ant mountains in Colorado where the only guy who has what, like what, what does he have that is like, Oh shit, I can detect five missiles. No, no, no. He, he said that someone on CNN said that. Oh, okay. I thought he was talking about the, uh, the general who refused to be named. No, no, no. This caller is saying that on CNN, they're reporting that five minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Yes. And the first thing he did was call this show, right. To tell them, right. So he got through immediately, which as we all know is how radio shows work. Well, they just, they just answer the phone right like a big red phone. We got a giant Batman phone that he just pulls up and gets a direct line to the, to Jalex owns. Let's imagine he's, they're actually screening calls.
Starting point is 01:15:59 And if they are, then you know, I got missile news. You're getting to the front of the line, we got, we got missile news. So a little bit later, we get this call from another, uh, weirdo. Hey, I'm verifying what that fella said, I do have a TV in his camp and, um, this general was a Cheyenne mountain Colorado spring and, uh, he shocked even the, uh, the news network personnel there, Peter Jennings, he said that he was shocked or what he said. All right. That's it.
Starting point is 01:16:33 I've got to get serious. I'll be back in two minutes. I'm going to put ABC on three. Um, you do that. Yeah. No, I mean, uh, if they're launching missiles and they're announcing it now to make sure, sure, they just go to break five missiles have been launched. We can't tell you from where, where they're going.
Starting point is 01:16:49 So I love the, first of all, the co-host is like, you mainstream suck up. Yeah. I love that. So, so just the fact that this guy heard something on CNN means he's a mainstream suck up. No, he's talking to Alex. Oh, he's talking to Alex. I love the idea that like at this point in info wars history, the co-host can fucking
Starting point is 01:17:09 bust Alex's balls. I love that. He's like, Oh, you're going to go check in with CNN. You mainstream. Fuck. I love that. I wonder why that co-host is no longer with us. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Yeah. You got a movie deal. Vladimir the ruthless. Maybe. So, um, we got a caller who's in a camp, uh, that was, yeah, the camp. Well, but that's what we start to realize too is that all of these callers, a lot of these callers are coming from camps, weird, uh, Patriot types, yeah, militia folk, uh, if you will.
Starting point is 01:17:42 They are, they are a history channel special waiting to happen. So, once we're out of the woods, so he's got, he's got a TV in the camp that he has tuned to ABC. Sure. Why not watch the mainstream media even if you don't believe them? Is this still back when there are only four channels? I don't remember 1999. Is this whenever you have, uh, CNN and PBS and that's basically it?
Starting point is 01:18:09 Well, PBS does come up in a little bit, but, uh, I, no, there, there were a number of states. I'm guessing that PBS comes up in a very positive way. Very. Uh, so we, we, we finish out this, uh, sort of weird narrative, uh, of the missiles here, which five missiles. We don't know where they're fired from or where they're going. And I like, we just know there are five missiles somewhere.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I love Alex Jones responding to the news with, all right, I got to get serious. All right. You haven't been this whole time. It's time to get serious. You dick. Let's kill a human. Yeah. So here we go.
Starting point is 01:18:43 This introduces, uh, this is another caller and he introduces, uh, an organization that this is great. I just, here we go. We're going to jump to Mark Corky calling in for Michigan. How are you, Mark? Hey guys. Sounds like we've been busy. First of all, the ABC report did have a, uh, norad commander who came up and online for
Starting point is 01:19:02 the space command, specifically talking about space command. Space command. Yeah. I got to pull this back a little bit. Space command, space command on, on the moon, right? He believes it's on the moon. No, no. Space command.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Space command. It's a no, a norad guy from space command where space, space command. It's like, they're like, yeah, there's this guy from galaxy quest. Yeah. Tony Shalube came on this. This is when Alan Rickman still roamed the earth as a God. Yeah. So here we go.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Online for the face man, specifically talking about now taking over all the services. Space command has taken over all the services. Yep. As Alex Jones is reporting the, the Arkansas department of transportation, they've taken over all of the lightly armored vehicles, all of it, all of the fucking cars. Yeah. Meanwhile, we can't forget that ATMs are running out of money all over the world. Gas is out in Austin.
Starting point is 01:20:07 How would you know they're running out of money all over the world? Because Alex is telling you also are there ATMs? There are ATMs all over the world. Yeah. That's true. Okay. Yeah. I feel like that was the most ignorant thing I've ever said.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Well, that was the most America centric thing. But I'm glad you checked in. Like part of me sub like was like, I feel like ATMs only exist in Chicago, right? But I'm glad that you didn't present it as this is dumb because ATMs don't exist in Europe or something like that. No. Which is what Alex would do. No.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Well, I didn't think so. My specific thought at that moment was like, really, there's ATMs in Uganda in 1999. Maybe not. Maybe in some cities. I would bet there are. In some cities. Yeah. It was just a dumb thought that released from my brain before I allowed it to stop.
Starting point is 01:20:54 So anyway, Space Command has taken over. Space Command. Command running everything. Actually, about two years ago, we got hold of a lot of their patches, so don't worry, guys. We can look just like them when the time comes. So this is a guy who's in a militia and he has gotten Space Command patches. Now we're in Star Trek territory.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Yeah. We have insignias. So, so he, so just by wearing a patch, you can infiltrate Space Command and I can look like Space Command is very lax in their security. Yeah. Now this is a pre 9 11 world. So Space Command is unworried about terrorism 9 11 Space Command, which is the name of my second wrap.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Okay. That's a good one. I also want to kick my own ass for making album name jokes. That's so hacky. I apologize about it. Yeah. You know, it would be better if I just said a pre 9 11 Space Command. That's a great collection of words.
Starting point is 01:21:50 That's really what I meant. That is the, that is the least hacky joke you can make the, the just like borderline non-observation. So the, the militia member rambles on for a little bit, but, but we're not joking. We actually do have everything I saw in his uniform. We already picked up. We look just like these guys if you want to, but so you're just saying we can, we can look like these guys.
Starting point is 01:22:11 We can blend in. We look just like these guys if you want. So, so he's combining red dawn with they live and nukes and space and space command. Yeah. Okay. I can't get past space command. It's pretty tough. I want to, I want to engage with everything else he's saying, but where and who and how
Starting point is 01:22:35 does space command come about? I don't know. I'm going to Google it. Okay. Google space command. You're not going to get something other than Star Trek. Well, I got, I got the North American aerospace defense command. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:51 So let's call that space command. Okay. What do they do? I'm looking this up on Wikipedia here. Space command. Oh, fuck. It isn't Colorado Springs. No shit.
Starting point is 01:23:04 We're the idiots. Oh my God. Or we're not. Space command. Yeah. But it's close. If it was real, it would totally be shortened to space command. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:16 If you want to just like the affordable care act was shortened to Obama care. Yeah. You know what? Let's be entirely fair. Yes. And yeah. Space command is a silly name, but it is what we're, we're 100% wrong on this ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:23:29 We're not a hundred percent wrong. We're wrong in making fun of the net. We're not even wrong. Make fun. No, not in making fun of the name. Making fun of the name in a complete disbelief of like our, our head was going towards this guy thought it was on the moon, like moon raker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:46 So yeah. But I mean, the North American aerospace defense command is just norad. So norad is a slang term for that would be space command. I guess. Oh, okay. So we're now 100% right again. We're in the middle. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:24:00 I mean, we, I do, but, but if we're, if we're going to be anti Alex Jones. We one need to admit when we're wrong and then need to bounce back and admit that we are actually right all the time. I'm okay with that because history has borne out that we're in first of all, not wrong. And second of all, space command didn't take over everything. I see there, you know what? How can we be sure? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:29 I guess we can't, you know, I mean, when you start to see the Arkansas department of transportation on the road, third hand sources. So telling us that these people might have signed my, my girlfriend knows, she, she still doesn't believe me, but she knows somebody at the, no, she didn't believe me, but now she does. Now she does. I feel like he said that she didn't. She wasn't on board yet.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Nope. She was, she was. All right. All right. At every point in the future, not on board now. She has a friend who told her about signs. Now she's on board. Signs, signs.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Anyway, everywhere they're signed. Here's something scary. Space command is taken over. I don't remember exactly what this clip is, but it's scary. And then we'll wrap things up here in a second with an explanation of why you don't know about any of this. Okay. Here.
Starting point is 01:25:21 I mean, I read Yeltsin and Jiang Jiamin's quotes, the dictator of China and their, their, their saying will, will nuke you. I mean, it's, they spell it out. We will hit you with nuclear weapons. We reserve the right to hit you three weeks ago. Their head of other missile forces, I said, we reserve the right to nuke you first. Their currency is plunging. The Egyptian pound is plunging against the dollar, the Japanese yen, the Deutsch mark,
Starting point is 01:25:46 and the, just all of it. It's, it's, and the same thing is starting to develop here in America. I've, many of the gas stations here in Austin have the little gloves over the pumps saying they're out of fuel. You've never seen this in Austin, Texas, right here in South Austin. I've seen several stations. We don't know. This is just a Y2K that was here.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Not sure what that means also. Y2K was here. I don't know if it was Y2K that was here. Like it's a, that is a bathroom stall that he saw that on right there for Y2K call. Yeah. Okay. All right. This clip isn't done.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Let's, let's, oh, how can this clip not be done? Okay. Sorry. You're Americans standing up as Russia threatens to attack us with nuclear weapons as nuclear power plants, at least one are being shut down as the military runs around with the police and the FBI saying terrorism is imminent. And some would characterize us as dangerous because we report the facts. Absolutely out of control.
Starting point is 01:26:52 How fucking awesome is that last sentence? Absolutely out of control. How fucking amazing is it that some people would think they were dangerous cause we report the facts. Facts are dangerous. That's a, that's a true adage from all the time ago. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Okay. So China and Russia have reserved the right to first strike us with nuclear weapons. The chai comms. Now let's, let's leave that as being an insane sentence on its own. Well, I think. But why, why, why would they do that? Does he ever give an explanation for why they would, why they would do the first strike first?
Starting point is 01:27:31 Because wouldn't, wouldn't it not be a first strike if they didn't have a reason for it? But their only reason is that Clinton has already said that we'll absorb the first strike. Okay. Or whatever. All right. So, so that's, that's what, that's what he's basically saying is because Clinton is willing to not destroy the world. Yes.
Starting point is 01:27:51 They now know that they can destroy the world. Right. So, but, but so, so even, even then, right? So they do the first strike. It's not like, are you wargaming? I'm wargaming it. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Because I am in, in the movie wargaming. So they do the first strike. I have a small Matthew Broderick role in all Matthew Broderick movies. You're wargaming. I'm red dawning. Right. Okay. Oh, Wolverines.
Starting point is 01:28:18 I'm shocked they didn't yell that at the point. I swear. Yeah. Cause this is all straight out of red dawn. A lot of it. Which is ironic because red dawn is basically the like, hey, this is what we're doing to other countries. It's ironic.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Don't we? Yeah. This is how hypocritical we are. But fucking Jordan, get to your wargames. Don't. Okay. All right. I'm always getting sidetracked by this because that's our nature.
Starting point is 01:28:46 They put so much to dig into in one sentence. I don't understand how they do it. Yeah. It's like a, it's like a, like a protein pellet. Yeah. It's like a perfect male virility pill. Ladies and gentlemen, have you tried male virility pills? It's a super male vitality now available ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Ladies get super female vitality now available at info war I'm giving them plugs. Okay. All right. All right. So because Clinton is a pussy is a pussy and their currency is dropping along with the Deutsche Mark, which okay, and the Egyptian and the Egyptian, the Egyptian pound and the Japanese yen, but those are neither of the two countries that are going to first strike
Starting point is 01:29:32 us. Nope. So, so they're going to first strike us. Japan ostensibly is our ally. Right. Is maybe a rogue actor at this point. So they first strike us and they take out all of us, just Austin, just Austin, just Austin.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Do, does, does he not understand the mutually assured destruction kind of idea there? Well, but if they take out the right places, then we have no capability to respond. Do you not think that we've thought of that? Uh, no, I think we've thought of that. You think that we've put all of our missiles in DC. I'm a little bit red wine drunk and I'm confident that we've always thought of that. I'm a hundred percent sure I am pretty sure only, only the only New York, only our largest population centers have nuclear weapons because that makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 01:30:23 I don't even think that they have them in them. Uh, no, I feel like they do. Yeah. I think that strategically you'd want to place them in other places. I think you'd want to put them, see that's what you're missing. All right. All of China's nuclear weapons are in Beijing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:39 All of Russia's nuclear weapons are in Moscow. That is where you would build them. But then once you've built them, you can move them and station them other places. Right. I mean, Oh, that had not occurred to me or either of those governments or the U S government. Oh shit. So somehow you have outsmarted, I don't know what's going on right now. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:05 So you might be asking yourself a little bit. So this is the problem with this episode. Yeah. At no point does anybody break down after the five missiles and say it's time to pray. No, no, no. You know what they do do? Never get to the bottom of it. There's never a point where they're like, Hey, that was bullshit.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Sorry about that. Nothing. Nothing like that. No, just move along. Just move along to the next thing to be really afraid of. Do they ever get to the Y2K bug as being the like, do they so there are they're saying, you know, like the apocalypse is coming because of Y2K. Do they ever at any point make you afraid of Y2K?
Starting point is 01:31:45 Not really. Oh, okay. That seems like a bad Y2K episode. No, because it's all about the globalists using the Y2K bug idea in order to push their agenda and create false flag activity. Okay. Now you might be asking yourself, I would love to be asking myself a number of questions. Why are we finding all of these truths, all of these power plants, all of these people
Starting point is 01:32:12 dying in Chechnya, the 100,000 people dying in Chechnya, all of the five missiles, the gas being out everywhere, the five in Austin, which never happens, the water being off the shelves everywhere, the power grid going down various places, the shortwave radio going down the North Pole. Why doesn't everyone know? I want to know why everybody doesn't know. We got an answer. They weren't really giving us any news about the mass Y2K problems that are being reported
Starting point is 01:32:44 across the globe that are being covered up in mainstream media and relegated to the back pages of the news wires. But I'm flipping around and on PBS, you're locally in town, I don't know if it's on in other areas around the country, but on public broadcasting, the elite likes to see their garbage. They were going, we worship the sun. We worship Antopy. What?
Starting point is 01:33:04 I mean, this is out of control two nights ago, Wednesday night on Fox News, they showed the old airport, Robert Mueller, right in the middle of town, used to live in Austin, Michael, you know how big it is. They shut this thing down three months ago, even though the new airport wasn't done, wasn't completed. And they go, here are the new hangers and the payment facilities for any troublemakers during the new millennium, rioters or kooks or terrorists. And they show these barbed wire fences, chain link fences inside of the hangers, Michael,
Starting point is 01:33:34 and shackles on the ground, concreted into the ground like something out of a slave galley or something. But you would see 3000 years ago like slave only happened 3000 years ago, as if that's the point that we need to discuss. Well, to Texas in their defense, slavery did happen 3000 years ago. So like this clip is amazing because it's basically being like, why aren't you hearing about this stuff? The media is covering it up, but then we got to not dwell on that, which seems to be the
Starting point is 01:34:06 main point. It does seem to be the main point. No, we got to talk about this airport hanger again. Also PPS, but only in Austin. Well, because the elites like to see their garbage, the elites like to see their car. They're sun worshipers. That was the great. They worship the sun.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Yeah. What is that? Like, is that even close to a reference to solar power? Is that just a dude saying, I think it's about like a Luminati shit. Okay. All right. All right. So we're talking Bilderberg and all the whole, the whole every yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Yeah. Yeah. Also, by the way, if you guys want some fun, look into like the real story of Alex Jones breaking into the, uh, the, uh, Bohemian Grove, it's amazing. He broke into the Bohemian Grove. You don't know about that. I do, I do know about the Bohemian Grove, the Bohemian. This is how he came into the map.
Starting point is 01:35:02 That's like how he got on the map as a conspiracy theorist. All right. He broke into Bohemian Grove and videotaped the cremation of care ceremony, which is where they sacrifice a effigy of a baby to the giant stone owl, Malik. All right. Uh, and, uh, yeah, it's insane. He, uh, so, so he caught them on tape. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:28 There's, uh, there's a documentary about it. You can watch. I can't believe it's not in the mainstream. Yeah. Well, he did PBS pick it up at least in Austin because the elites like to watch their garbage. Right. So he, he broke into Bohemian Grove and videotaped this stuff. And I mean, it's, it's weird, but it's not anything that's damning.
Starting point is 01:35:51 If you watch the actual video, it's fucked up. Right. But they're, they're like, they're talking to a giant owl that has want Walter Cronkite's voice coming out of it. That's pretty good. He recorded the, uh, the, the vocals for Malik, the giant stone owl. He also recorded the vocals on young thug's new album. I don't know if you guys have listened to that.
Starting point is 01:36:13 It's a great album. My name is Jeffrey. You can hear Walter Cronkite on the back of pop man with white cleft jawn fools. That's what Malik says. Welcome to space command. Yeah. Uh, so that, I mean, that's not one thing to do before we go. Yes.
Starting point is 01:36:32 All right. The Y2K bug. Yes. If I understood it correctly when it happened, the entire thing was that our computer system didn't understand how to go from the 1900s to the 2000s. Yes. Right. That was literally everything.
Starting point is 01:36:49 That was exactly the whole point. Yes. Okay. Because that once, uh, it became two instead of one, right, our computers weren't built to handle that. And because of that, all of our systems would crash. Yes. So simultaneously you'd have like wall street computers crash, everything that ran everything
Starting point is 01:37:06 crash. Yes. Every bank would go out. Yes. So that was the big fear. Okay. Which, which everyone, everyone we're having, yeah, how is it that we're having Y2K problems before Y2 or before the switch over on the clock?
Starting point is 01:37:24 What do you mean by that? I mean, he's saying that that we're having all of these Y2K problems on all of these power plants, on all of these, all the planes are in the sky. Yeah. But it's not, it like this isn't exactly at the new year, right? That's a good night. Right. It's tough to argue or it's tough to figure out, well, I guess here's what I would say.
Starting point is 01:37:48 I, I were Alex Jones. Okay. My, my defense would be the globalists got sloppy. They thought no one would notice it was an hour early. That is a great defense or just time zone. I mean, it's a time zone. See, that's what I was, that was my whole, like when Y2K was happening and everybody was panicked about it, I was like, guys, do you know, we're not the first ones to get
Starting point is 01:38:13 to, we'll see what happens with them to the year 2000, you know, we could just go back like we can watch it if it's a problem. Yeah. I think that that would be, I mean, that's a very reasonable 13 year old. Uh, meanwhile we had a 30 year old screaming in Austin. Don't worry. I was an asshole at the time too. I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:38:31 But I mean, look, we've heard the clips. This is about where we're going to jump off here. Uh, you guys get a pretty, I want, I hear, here's my summation. First of all, looking at it as a performer. I have to assume Alex the next day was like, that was a bad set. Really? You think so? I have to assume because he had to know that everything he was saying was verifiably false.
Starting point is 01:39:01 That is not a bad set though. Fair enough. But because you're not, you're not measuring a bad set by whether or not you told the truth. You're measuring the set by, because you started, you started with this presumption. You judge by the audience's reaction and his audience loved it. You started with the presumption that he was a journalist, which I do not agree with. I, he is in it. The same way.
Starting point is 01:39:27 I'm an idealist. The same way that Bill O'Reilly is not a journalist. Sure. He is an entertainer. Yeah. So what he's doing is entertaining his audience and he fucking nailed it. Yeah. Probably.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Greatest set of his life. Probably. I bet, I bet the night Obama was elected was the greatest set of his life. Oh yeah. I bet he fucking rocked it. Like he could have been in Madison Square Garden with nothing but the militias and absolutely destroyed. He smells like sulfur.
Starting point is 01:40:03 But then beyond that, I think the clips that we've shown, I listened to a bunch more than we played. We saw just repetitions of the same things. Yeah. So then maybe it was a bad set. I think that the indications that we should all take away from this and the lessons we should learn is that at best, I want to give the benefit of the doubt. And Alex Jones is a terrible, terrible person because he sits on the air when he knows that
Starting point is 01:40:32 people are scared and he helps them be scared and he takes unverified reports from anonymous callers and treats them like they're real or doesn't treat them like they're from an anonymous caller. You just described Fox News from 2008. That's fair enough and we'll do another podcast about them in the future. But see, here's what I think we should take away from this episode. You can't compare a bad to a bad. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:40:56 No, no, no. You're right. Here's what I see in taking away from this episode, right? Our first episode, we went with this day, you know? Whenever we recorded it, it was that day. This is 17 years ago. It is the same bullshit. So for however long we've been doing this, he has come at you with this.
Starting point is 01:41:21 He's like an apocalypse cult. Like do you remember those guys in the, that's super specific. I heard this from a friend who saw it on CNN. Who heard it from a friend? Who heard it from a friend? He'd been messing around. Half of apocalypse cults that have existed throughout this, throughout America's history. And when they're wrong, half of them probably kill themselves.
Starting point is 01:41:43 But the other half just keep predicting more apocalypse. They find new news that changes the day. Exactly. Oh yeah, yeah. We were, we were going through the whole Kabbalah thing. The Bible told us yada, yada, yada. We transverse to variable. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:57 We got it wrong, but this next one is happening. My dad, one of his specializations, he's a religious studies professor. And one of his specializations is revelation and apocalyptic literature. And so whenever there are these people who come out, who were saying the end of the world is next week. And also people who are closeted and they, you know, tell their parents they're gay. Whenever they come out. Sure.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Whenever these folks tell the world that next week everyone's gay, I mixed it all up there. But close enough, it's the same basic notion. What happens over and over again? And often he'll be asked to comment about it on like NPR and stuff like that. And thank God he existed because I was a scared child during some of that. There were apocalypse scares when I was young. Absolutely. And thankfully he was always there to be like, I, I, you're 10.
Starting point is 01:42:51 I can't really explain to you, but don't worry. But chill the fuck out. This is all nonsense. And thank God because it comforted me in a way that if my dad was Alex Jones, he would have scared me. That is amazing because that's a guy who's turned rational. Like for my parents, you know, they lived during just like that dude was saying the, you would go to school and they would show you the day after, you know, which was the
Starting point is 01:43:17 scariest movie at the time. And then we got Nightmare on Elm Street 3. And they were told to get under the desk, which, ah, so good. Delicious. As, as a concept of like, it doesn't get more pacifying than like, your desk is going to save you. Don't worry about it. A little bit of wood.
Starting point is 01:43:41 Yeah. Yeah. It's great. The walls, garbage. Yeah. That little desk, fucking it. Undestructible. But here, here is the other piece of it.
Starting point is 01:43:50 I know the word is indestructible, by the way, that was what I was going to say. Okay. The, the other piece of it is if that was more for the listeners, if you're an adult and you really believe that a nuke could go off tomorrow, telling kids to get under a desk is the right thing to do because there's nothing they can do and giving them some sort of agency makes a kid feel like they have control and that is very helpful to a kid. That's a very good angle to take on it in terms of parenting. That's the right thing to do.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Now as a society, it's the wrong thing to do. There were better answers, but I mean, listen, I'm glad that you got this message across the idea that for 17 years, it's pretty much been the same thing. But the variables have changed and now Putin's a good guy, went before he was so terrible. And that's, that's the illusion of him growing as a broadcaster is that the, the boogeymen always change. They have to. It makes you feel like he is also still, you know, relevant.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Yeah. Even though he's using the same exact nonsense, like he might as well have a script with Mad Libs written in it and he just writes in whatever's new. And for 17 years, he's been doing that exact same thing of like, uh, this person told me, uh, look, I don't want to report it. That same exact trick we've seen in both of these episodes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Like 17 years of parks. Yeah. Yeah. And again, it's like I said on the last episode, it's amazing broadcasting. It really is. If you look at, if you take the morality out of it, it's gorgeous broadcasting and he's super consistent in terms of him being a propagand propagandistic asshole. So congratulations on that, Alex.
Starting point is 01:45:32 We'll be back with another episode soon. Alex should be back in studio. I guess, I mean, he's not going to be gone and tell the inauguration. That's insane. He is taking some meetings and who knows how they might go. Uh, we're recording this, uh, in advance. This is going to come out on Monday, but I, I, if I get to work today on Monday and there's a fucking guest host livid because here's something I want to say very fucking
Starting point is 01:45:59 clearly right now. The only thing worse than the Alex Jones show is the Alex Jones show without Alex Jones. It's a dumpster fire. Okay. Anyway. We will eventually do an episode on that sooner or later. Yeah. I will, you know, it'd be good to do dossiers on all of the like cohorts at some point,
Starting point is 01:46:21 but that's for down the line. Yeah. Uh, Jordan has been a lot of fun. This has been the most fun of my life. I hope, uh, your, your 2000 goes well. I am already terrified, terrified for why three K. Uh, we did our plugs in the middle. So who gives a shit?
Starting point is 01:46:37 Yeah. Uh, let's end this thing. Let's do it. Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan.
Starting point is 01:46:45 I love your work.

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