Knowledge Fight - #299: May 17-20, 2019

Episode Date: May 22, 2019

Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the present day on the Alex Jones Show and find a very bizarre but unsurprising picture. Alex is pretty all over the place, passionately defending the idea of Trump e...nacting martial law, extolling absurd Doomsday Prophecies, and coming off like a real gross bigot. Pretty normal stuff to hear from Alex in 2019.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan. Oh, Jordan. Our couple dudes like to sit around, drink novelty beverages, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Indeed we are, Dan. Jordan. Dan. Jordan. Husplant watch 2019 going. That's a question you've asked before, but I might as well fill the good people. Everybody wants the updates on your plant
Starting point is 00:00:25 watch. Come on. That's why we have it. It's a recurring segment on the show now. Tomatoes, middling, not dead, but also not thriving. Peas, flowering, coming in quite well. Beautiful. Trinidad, scorpions, and chocolate bootla, very hot peppers in the soil. In the soil. Seeds are in soil. We'll see if they germinate. Serrano peppers, Thai chilies coming along quite well. Oh, yeah. How would you know? Well, because they're right there. Well, yeah. No, I get that. They're coming along well. I get that. I'm just saying, do you have a point of comparison for whether or not they're doing well? They're doing exactly how I would expect them to be doing
Starting point is 00:01:01 at this point. They're green and they're growing larger. So they're alive. Hooray. Also, a mysterious red flower that I planted is growing quite well. Not flowered yet, but I'm excited to see if it comes about. I do not understand what a mysterious red flower is. I don't know the name of it and it looks really weird. I bought the seeds from a hardware store ways down the road and they just had taped over it. Mystery flower. No, but the person who was running it, she was like, I wanted to grow these, but I don't have enough room in my window sills. So when you, if you, if you grow these, take a picture and bring them in, I want to see what they come in like. I was like, I'll tell you what, I'll just bring you in one. I'll bring you back
Starting point is 00:01:46 one. That was a witch. If I ever saw one, are you kidding me? You just got seeds from a random woman? No, she worked at the hardware store that sells plants. Have you been back since? Maybe she's been, maybe she disappeared. No, she didn't. You don't know this. She's a witch. You got a magic flower and I, I cannot believe otherwise. She just wanted a picture of this flower to see how it came in. I offered to bring her in one when they grew up and she's like, it was as if I had said nothing. I thought I was making a very nice offer and the response from her was not interesting and didn't think what I was doing was polite. I have no idea. It was very strange. That is, that is a boy. Yeah. I had some witch action right there. I don't know. I'm not
Starting point is 00:02:33 going to say. We'll see. The pollen will definitely control your mind. Perhaps. So that's where plants stand. I have a green thumb and I'm excited about it. I like it. So this podcast, Ryan, learning more and more about what it means for a Serrano plant to be doing well. And I know a lot about Alex Jones and I don't know anything about either. Clearly. Yeah. So Jordan, today we're going to be going over some present day BS. So the present day stinks and there's, you know, there's ups and downs and a lot of God, just this show isn't good in the present day. It's, it's, it's not good. It's too inconsistent. Like there was the last present day episode. There was at least some stuff that I could be entertained by right, engaging with and learning about.
Starting point is 00:03:23 There's just, this is a no man's land. What are we screaming about today? Well, we're going over May 17th through 20th on the show that is last Friday through Monday of this week. Yeah. And I don't know. I mean, I'll just tell you off the bat, Saturday or Sunday's show. We're not even going to touch because Owen shroyer hosted. He seemed depressed. Like he's, yeah, but he should be. He seemed low register, not even there. Just phone it and didn't want to do it. Half like the first segment of the show, the first like six minutes or whatever, the GCN on Sundays also broadcasts actual news. So like how dare they, well, they have like a feed from a straight news station and they often have narratives that are kind of counter to info
Starting point is 00:04:10 wars narratives. Well, of course, because it's kind of the reality. It's kind of just reading of associated press stuff by professional news readers. Yes. Yeah. And for the first segment of the show, Owen shroyer was talking over the news feed. They had the both feeds running simultaneously and it was jarring as shit. Okay. Now that I would listen to that's great radio. I wanted to try and get some clips of it, but it was just like it was too jumbled to even really be worth it. Yeah. That's almost a Joe Frank sketch. And then when he finally took over for himself, it was just like, huh, there's no energy. Just you could feel a lack of desire to be there. He just got the, the figures on whether or not his contract is going to be renewed
Starting point is 00:04:56 and or if he's a temp not a good sign. Yeah. I mean, if you're, if you're non Alex employees at info wars, you got to be thinking about like, how do I brand for myself? How do I shield myself from whatever fallout is almost certainly coming soon? Should I change my name? Should I Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I'm never going to get a job with a legitimate news source. So where am I going next is maybe a segment with Laura Loomer might have been too real for a lot of them. Yeah, Oh, that's a good point. They might have seen themselves a little bit in that. Like I've ruined my life. Like that could easily be me if people start paying attention to me. I did not consider that. But yeah, the people who are essentially like shittier versions of her must be terrified,
Starting point is 00:05:44 especially someone like Owen who's like 25 himself. Yeah. These are people who have their lives ahead of them too. Like I don't, I don't see them not seeing that as a cautionary example. And then to have like guests come on Alex's show because there have been a couple little videos of this that I've seen where guests come on and make fun of Laura and even on info wars. They make fun of Alex's interview with her on info wars. That's adding insult to being a shitty person. Absolutely. So the cruelty isn't just coming from the left or commentators. It's coming from within the house because they cannibalize weakness. Of course, that's their whole job. Yeah. So I don't know. I'm not going to psychoanalyze Owen Schroer, but I wouldn't be surprised if
Starting point is 00:06:31 there wasn't some awareness setting in for it. It's like, shit. Yeah. Laura Loomer, making that video was the conservative rights version of a Vietnamese monk lighting himself on fire. Like everybody goes, Oh shit, we need to, we need to start a revolution or something. We got to get out of here. Yeah. But speaking of people who are starting revolutions, hell, yeah, I've got to give a shout out to some people who have signed up and are sporting the show. So first of all, I'd like to say thank you to Danny. It's D A N I E. All right. I think it's Danny, maybe Danny, maybe Danny, not entirely sure. But either way, I am sure that I appreciate your support and you are now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you, Danny. Thank you very
Starting point is 00:07:10 much. Next, Andrew. Thank you so much. You are now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you, Andrew. I swear to God, we have every Andrew. Currently a lot of Andrews. Yeah, this one's Andrew. Oh, yeah. If you know any more Andrews, clearly they would be interested in the show. Yeah. Yeah. Next, Cheryl. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much, Cheryl. I don't think this is that Cheryl, but Cheryl was the name of my lunch lady in middle school and she was the shit. Okay. Well, then it very well could be. She wasn't the lunch lady, but she was the like a crowd control person in the lunch room. Okay. Okay. No nonsense, but also a pretty funny lady. She's great. Yeah. All right. All right. Yeah. I enjoyed
Starting point is 00:07:49 Cheryl. So maybe she's had the finger on the pulse of your career ever since. I don't think this is her, but if it is, shout out. No, it's not. Shout out all the same. Next, Walt. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you, Walt. Thanks, Walt. Then finally, let's say thank you to somebody who's donated on an elevated level. We appreciate it very much. So Liz, thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. Crocky, mate. That's fantastic. Have yourself a brew. How's your 401k doing, bro? We got to go full tail boogie on this Watson. All right. Let's just get down to business. We ain't making that money off that heroin. Why are you pimp so good? My neck is freakishly large. I declare info war on you.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Thank you so much, Liz. Thank you very much, Liz. Got some feedback on that drop. And everybody's missing daddy shark. Yep. There's some shark rampantness in this, in the feedback and I don't know. There have been a million petitions to have you rewrite the eighth season of Game of Thrones and add daddy shark back into the drop. What if that was the end of Game of Thrones? Yara Greyjoy encounters a daddy shark trying to make it back to the Iron Islands. It's a shark rampant rampant shark attacks. Last we drift into spoilers and I'm not going to give a spoiler about whether I'm not going to edit the daddy shark in there. Who knows? We will see in the future. But thank you to everybody. And if you'd like to support the show, you can do that by going to our website
Starting point is 00:09:17 Clicking the button says support the show. We would appreciate it. Please do. So like I said, we're going over the 17th to the 20th, but also the 19th doesn't matter because it's Owen Troyer who cares a shit. But there's an interesting, I don't know if I would call it a narrative arc, but there's something going on that you see. I think it'll be interesting to watch that play out and see if you have the same feelings that I do. Okay. We're going to start on the 17th and there's news going around that Trump is about to be real shitty at the border. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't understand how that's a news story. Well, because there's new wrinkles. Yeah, it's just been an ongoing nightmare ever since he was, I guess, born. It seems that way.
Starting point is 00:10:00 But Alex is covering his new moves that he's making now that we're in a national emergency and all. Are we in a national emergency? You forgot about that? Did he actually declare it? Yeah, it was a while back. Really? Yeah. Gotcha. He's in violation of the emoluments clause. Sure. Anyways, continue. So Trump's going to make whatever moves he's going to make. And Alex's take on it is very strange because he seems to be disappointed that it's not crueler. I've been encouraging Trump since last year to declare a national emergency as commander-in-chief and then he can direct the Defense Department money as he sees fit under that emergency. Instead, he declared a law enforcement emergency on funding to work with
Starting point is 00:10:41 Congress. That's not a real national emergency. Dwight D. Eisenhower in the late 50s declared this emergency when millions were coming and deported them. So he didn't do that in the late 50s. That was in 1954. But you get the sense that he's like, yeah, you made a national emergency, but it's not a real one because we're not seeing abject cruelty all around. It's a law enforcement emergency. Whatever that means. Is that a different thing? I don't know. I don't know. It doesn't make any sense. So it's wild to hear Alex seem like he's disappointed about how he wishes Trump's national emergency was more overtly a power grab or a display of cruelty. I mean, it's wild in the sense that we live in the real world. It's not wild to hear Alex say based on Alex. It's just
Starting point is 00:11:29 hard to hear those sorts of things be expressed. And it really goes to show how little his pretend principles ever really matter to him. His fears of an overpowered executive or images of a police state were always just a means to an end for him. He never really meant a word of it. You can just tell by the way he's flipped. So 100% around. Absolutely. However, what I find particularly upsetting about this clip is that Alex is evoking Eisenhower's deportations as if they were a good thing. Alex is referring to what's known as Operation Wetback, which to put it simply was not a good thing. No, everybody remembers that positively. That's why we all use that word all the time. I think Alex is associates may that's actually probably true to quote an article in slight quote
Starting point is 00:12:13 Operation Wetback was not simply the enforcement of immigration laws, but a campaign of fear against immigrants. Its goal was to draw lines between who was and who was not American. The program began in began in 1954, which was just on the heels of the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, also known as the McCarron-Walter Act, in part named after Senator Pat McCarron, who wanted to protect our country from communism and quote Jewish interests. Which ones? Not sure exactly. Would you believe he didn't specify? Maybe he just didn't like the the the Jews. Maybe he didn't have too much interest in their interest. There's a vibe. A little bit of anti-Semitism, huh? Yeah, the bill passed both
Starting point is 00:12:56 houses of Congress, but was vetoed by then President Truman. The veto was overturned by Congress and the bill was made law. While the motivations of the bill were not good, it did have the byproduct of abolishing the part of the 1790 Naturalization Act, which specified that only quote free white persons could become naturalized citizens, thus opening the door to non-white immigrant citizens. This created the need for a new way to exclude people and the way that happened was a new mentality that operations like the one in 1954 reinforced, namely that non-white immigrants were probably cheating and not here legally. Isn't that ridiculous that the single moment there is a lack of exclusion,
Starting point is 00:13:36 everybody's like, well, we got to find a new way to exclude people. Racism abhors the vacuum. Instantly. It's not even like it's in advance before those laws go into effect, they're already writing new shit to exclude people. Well, people are thinking about it for sure. The mentality that it was justified to assume Mexican immigrants were here illegally until proven otherwise became embedded in people's minds. And Operation Wetback went a long way towards solidifying that mentality. And everybody loved it, which is why we use that word all the time.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I believe it's the Washington. Again, Alex and his associates probably do. Isn't that the name of the Washington team? The media covered the raids of farms and factories with breathless enthusiasm and support for INS agents and extolled their professionalism. Meanwhile, the reality was quite different as many detainees were beaten, had their heads shaved for identification purposes, and in one instance, quote, 88 detainees died of exposure in the 112 degree heat just past the California border.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Many detainees weren't given the opportunity to gather their belongings or even tell their families that they were being deported often without due process. There was a, yeah, it's a mess. Yeah. INS and their supporters justified their actions by appeals to needing to secure the southern border and by stoking fears of an invasion by Mexicans. Whether it was the goal or not, the legacy of this operation is attaching the appearance of criminality to just being an immigrant from Latin America.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And that's the legacy that Alex is excited to see being reborn here, not an imagined solution to his imagined immigration crisis. So on some level, it does make sense that he speaks of Eisenhower's actions positively. This slate article was written in 2016, but the days since have shown it to be pretty prescient. Quote, If the mass deportations begin as Trump has promised, the citizenship of Latinos will always be questioned. Latinos, along with people who look Latino to law enforcement, will be forced to produce their citizenship documents on a regular basis to avoid detention
Starting point is 00:15:37 or deportation. They'll live in a poisonous atmosphere of constant suspicion, and immigration and customs enforcement and other law enforcement will inevitably make tragic mistakes. Children will not be exempt. On Monday, a child died while being held in custody by immigration authorities. He was the fifth child to die in such circumstances since December. So I think the predictions made in that slate article were accurate. And Alex, hearkening to the legacy of Eisenhower to justify what he wants Trump to do is a really fucked up thing to pretend that it's not somehow a horrific act of violence against an entire people. Well, and a racial cruelty is absurd.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Well, the good news is, is that when we inevitably go to, let's say war with Iran or Venezuela, we'll absolutely have learned our lesson from World War Two, and we definitely won't keep Venezuelans or Iranians in fucking camps. That would be crazy. That would be ridiculous. We would never go back to that. Dan, we'll see. Dan, tell me we would never go back to that. I don't know because in his next clip, Alex talks about what Trump is going to do. Oh, no. And it's a bad sign. It's a it's it's a it's a bad sign. What an incredible time to be alive. This is being reported by very reputable publications like Daily Caller whoops, that have reporters inside the White House.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And the president has floated the idea and it says he's getting ready to do it. President Trump plans to invoke insurrection act. So it's happening to remove illegal aliens, secure the borders of the United States. That sounds like some Q shit right there. It really does. It really does. He's about to invoke the insurrection act. That's some Q shit, right? Also kind of logical extension of his national emergency bullshit. You know, like the way he imagines the national emergency, right? Giving Trump this king like power. And the insurrection act is to put down rebellions here. I don't like I don't like to hear this sort of thing. I mean, I don't know if Trump is really thinking about using the insurrection act. Of
Starting point is 00:17:48 course he is or isn't or somebody else is it doesn't matter. It's almost useless to try and speculate about whether or not this is based on a real gossip piece from the kingdom. Could be or whatever the palace. He's chaotic evil. Who knows. Yeah. But I don't like to hear Alex excited about it because I don't like to hear anybody excited about it. Nope. Because in this conception, then the immigrants and the refugees and the people who are helping them and support the immigration are now seen as people who are in open rebellion against the country. Yeah. In Alex's conception of the insurrection act. Right. And Trump will need to use this national emergency to literally enact a martial law to put down this rebellion.
Starting point is 00:18:34 That's what Alex is saying. Wouldn't he be more on the side of the people in rebellion? You'd think doesn't that seem like his he's made multiple movies about martial law. It sure seems like that's his jam. Right. It is his primary brand. Okay. Mr. anti martial law. Yeah. Yeah. So to hear him being like, I fucking love that this executive is going to use the insurrection act. It acts martial law is fucking weird. Yeah. It's not. But it is. I mean, it's not when you understand Alex more fully. Right. But on paper, it looks really fucked up. It's all just so he can get back on Facebook. More or less. But I think that Alex understands that it's fucked up. Yeah. And he knows that this is counter to everything that he's warned people about for
Starting point is 00:19:21 his entire career. And so he tries to explain why this martial law isn't bad martial law. And I think you can tell just from this clip that he can't reconcile what he's doing. I'm an expert on martial law. I made four films on martial law because Bill Clinton and others were planning martial law to take our guns using people rioting nationwide as the pre text. This is civil emergency martial law to counter the emergency that the globalists have already brought us into a counter emergency can counter that. Remember all the documents we got last year when Antifa is planning to trigger race war and martial law nationwide. So he only has the fake Antifa Soros documents and contracts in order to justify and reinforce this. Right. And yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:10 it's exactly what you're saying. It's like well they've already done this revolution or whatever. So we're doing a counter revolution counter counter counter counter counter coup etc. You've forced my hand. Yeah. There's some sort of like attempt to paint whatever cruelty he's justifying as being like you know we don't want to do this. Yeah. We don't want to do this but it's the only thing we can do because you've made us you know it's pathetic. It's pathetic is a way to not take ownership of what you want to do. For sure. You want to lock these people up. These immigrants and refugees. You want to send them back to their probable deaths. You want to put them in camps or bring them in as basically indentured servants right with no rights whatsoever in
Starting point is 00:20:57 fear for their lives if they try and stand up for themselves for some sort of better working conditions. That's what you want. That's the system that you wish to see in place. Don't hide behind some imagined revolution that you're the counter revolution to it's it's pathetic. It is. I almost see this as like for 20 years or whatever. He's been saying that the government is going to cause FEMA camps and all this stuff and the president is a tyrant and all of that stuff and none of them have been and none of them did. So he's supporting the guy who will do it in order to prove that he was right for 20 years. Man that's an interesting way to look at it. Ret Conning or trying to make the narrative right. You guys wouldn't do it so I'll do it myself.
Starting point is 00:21:47 My prophecies have gone unfulfilled and now I must make my prophecies come true or else my legacy will be shit. Yeah. That's an interesting way to look at it. I don't know if that holds up. I don't think it holds up completely. But it's an interesting literary criticism. I think it's more that I mean we've talked about it a hundred times. It's that like the undercurrent has always been they're going to do it to us. Right. The movies about martial law aren't about martial law. They're about something being done to white people. And now that he feels his team is safe. Yeah. All bets are all bets are everything was conditional all along. Yeah. It's very clear. And you can see that here in this next clip. I mean he's literally talking about
Starting point is 00:22:34 martial law and he's talking about it in a way that like you go back and you watch his old fucking movies about martial law and you imagine him saying something like this. Yeah. It's ludicrous. He did the first emergency which is congressional oversight issue of funding and Trump saying he can use some discretionary funds outside of Congress with law enforcement. That's not a full emergency. And yes it's a form of martial law. It's a form of suspended. The laws are all violated. It's anarchy. Anarchy is the absence of law law the jungle. So when you have anarchy then there's a lot of laps you go and regular government can't function anymore. Martial law is instituted. Martial meaning military. Okay. So I'm going to explain it again. Give a damn bro in a valley
Starting point is 00:23:23 and it flooded everything with 10 feet of water and killed half the town. Your town's going to be put under an emergency by the governor a form of martial law to stop looting for a week or two. Point of order. I think we could probably looting is not the only reason but also I think we probably come up with a hundred fucking examples of natural disasters where there have been inklings of martial law and Alex's scream that it's the globalist trying to take over the country. Right. So that doesn't help. Yeah but those were a different kind of emergency and a different kind of martial law Dan. Why aren't you following? It's a kind of martial law of which there are apparently four. Right. That's because of an emergency that wasn't man made. This is man
Starting point is 00:24:07 made. And when Trump declares this which they're signaling he's about to do he's going to have the left claiming he's a dictator. No you're the ones that broke the border. So again it's we're not. I mean it's all just you did this. You made me do this. It's a guy it's that the stereotypical you made me hit you. Yeah. Kind of. Oh for sure. Just it's gross. I'm doing this for your own good. Sure. Against your will of course but it's for your own good. Yeah. I mean there's you are going to die but it's for everybody else's good. There's shades of that. Well a lot of them are going to die. It's really more for my good. Right. And using he's using the view of the world that he's lied about and created with his rhetoric in order to justify
Starting point is 00:24:50 the idea that it's anarchy and there's no laws. Yeah. Yeah. It's the law of the jungle. No laws. That is believable if you believe him. Yeah. The rhetoric in the world that he's painted on the canvas for his listeners. Right. It's not real compared to the real world. And what's been born out time and time again is that people are helping each other not going crazy and burning everything down. That's what happens in a crisis. Yeah. So I have bad news. What's that in three days people will eat themselves in a crisis. Right. That's not my bad news. Okay. That's Alex's bad. Okay. I got you. I think it's a week. It's a week. I don't know. Yeah. My bad news is Britain is in play in these episodes globalists. Well no in Alex's show.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Okay. Are we are we getting some solid milkshake canvassing milkshakes do come up once but I don't have a clip of it. Okay. But Nigel Farage as we know is running the UK part or I'm sorry out of the UK party. He's at the Brexit party now which is currently being investigated for what is clearly illegal and corrupt behavior. Surprise. I don't know enough about that to comment on it but I'm going to take your word on it and assume it's not going to come out great for him. No Nigel Farage is the worst. He's a piece of shit. He's not going to be on this episode. Okay. However, thank you. There's another guy who's running for European Parliament and that is Tommy Sargon of God. No Tommy Robinson. Tommy Robinson. Milk shake is worse than Sargon. Yeah. He's a piece
Starting point is 00:26:18 of shit. He is a disaster. He is running for the Northwest England I believe seat in the European Parliament and he's on Alex's show to discuss his campaign and man it's just a trap. It's just a it's a PR trap. Yeah. That's all this is but we're going to talk more about it on the 20th when we're covering the 20th but here on the 17th he comes on as a guest and I think that if you listen to the way he describes his political campaign you kind of understand what he's doing. Now in this election what I've tried to do is I've gone into some of the wards here where 82 percent of people don't vote. I've gone to the working class council state of the Northwest and I'm trying to tell them 22 million people didn't vote in our last general election. They don't fear us until we get up until
Starting point is 00:27:08 we organize our communities and ourselves and the people from our backgrounds as a weapon our politics against them until we do that they don't care. We've been betrayed at every level you've all seen the betrayal of our country the betrayal of free speech the betrayal of our daughters in every town the city in this country. And when we know that Tommy Robinson's primary brand much like Alex's used to be anti-martial law. Yeah. Tommy's is anti-muslim agitation. Yeah. Those words take on a different meaning than I'm just trying to get people out to vote. Yeah. Okay. That is a noble intention in terms of representative democracy and a republic. You do want higher numbers of people going to the polls. So like hiding behind the pretense of all of these people don't vote.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I'm trying to galvanize people. But as you use you for all four words our backgrounds our daughters. Right. Those are the four you need to hear and then you know oh you are a giant piece of shit racist. Well the moment you have that appeal to look at what they're doing to our daughters it's it's like you fucking know. And when you know who Tommy Robinson is the they isn't the system it's Muslims. Yep. And so it's you can't see it without the context there. But I don't care much because he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning this election. I don't think he he's an absurdity and an awful awful pile of shit. But what he's doing I believe is the sort of logical conclusion of the free speech grift in terms of like he's had payment processors not want to work
Starting point is 00:28:44 with him. Right. He's been kicked off all of the social media networks. And so when he's doing this this this political campaign I think he's doing it specifically to keep agitating against Muslims and doing the things that he does and has been doing for years. But now be able to be like you guys not letting me on is disrupting the political process. So what you're saying is he's trying to do this because he can't share his own content by running for a political office. He forces the mainstream press to cover his bullshit. Or at least it's an attempt to. Yeah. And an attempt to make the argument that these processors are not allowing political campaign donations and turn it into some issue that's much larger than it is when it really still is
Starting point is 00:29:30 just about his crusade against Islam and his personal agreement fantasies about his personal agreement being forced onto everybody. Sure. Yeah. Then it's just it's a mess and we'll get to a flare up let's say on when we talk about the 20th. But for now he's just on the show and he's like hey man help me out. I need some sort of exposure and I can't get anything out anywhere because everybody knows I'm a dick. Right. Because he is. Yeah. And so that's all we're going to listen to of Tommy for now. Alex gets back into his own bullshit talking about how great martial law is and making it pretty clear that he thinks that his audiences are sources of intelligence. OK. And I'll give the number out we start the next segment and I'm not going to make you hold
Starting point is 00:30:25 more than five minutes. But that means I'm going to move quickly to your calls. I know people are busy especially if they're on duty or whatever but we need the intel to get your take on Trump. This is what Trump needs to do. I 100 percent back it but there's going to be fireworks from the traders who instituted this collapse which try to stop the president doing the right thing. But I like Trump before I really like Trump now. Yeah folks it's martial law. We're already under hierarchy anyway. So like a couple that is cheap a couple weeks ago he was drunk and saying Trump made me turn on Trump. He's all over the fucking place. It's just so conditional. It's so day to day. Anybody who pretends that like I've read hundreds of books and that's what I'm basing my
Starting point is 00:31:08 assessment of the globalists and my lifelong crusade against them like anybody who tries to pretend to have that rock solid of a foundation about what they're doing. I can't imagine how embarrassing it would be for them to know that they're recording themselves constantly contradicting themselves. It's so bizarre. He's turned into like a short term stocks trader like every time the market goes up he's like oh Trump is the greatest thing in the history of the world and every time the market goes down he's like Trump should be impeached and he should be removed from office. He's got his dirty asshole. He's chasing whatever high the short term news provides him whether it's pro or anti even his hero and it's a fickle fandom that you see as opposed to
Starting point is 00:31:52 a legitimate support. It almost makes sense as a like culmination of his 20 year long mental degradation. You know like as his attention span has gradually dwindled and dwindled and dwindled now he's you know unable to he's the he's the dude from Memento. He's unable to remember the 10 seconds that he had before. Yeah it's I think it's also a manifestation of like what we talk about at how little his principles mean like it's in the in the present day he doesn't even have time for the pretense. Well he doesn't even remember his principles. No well man I hope that kind of might be true for his own sake. I hope he doesn't yeah because if he does he must be tortured Oh for sure. Like I can't imagine how much like I do this show and it's like I eat sleep and breathe
Starting point is 00:32:42 this show like the studying Alex Jones researching his narratives and I hate him. I think he's the worst and I'm firmly convinced of that. I know he's a liar. I know that he doesn't know what he's talking about. I can't imagine what it would feel like in 20 years if we keep doing the show that long to be like now Alex Jones was actually right about it. I can't imagine how much that would hurt. I can't imagine like and not only that but to continue doing the show for two years believing the opposite continuing to believe the opposite. So after supporting someone who is going to bring into existence the opposite. Yeah exactly yeah and then you then every day you wake up with the burning telltale heart and if you're breaking beneath your floor. If you feel you have to yeah
Starting point is 00:33:29 you have to experience that. I'm not trying to empathize with him or make anyone pity him but like it's got to be it's got to be a heavy load. Yeah and we're definitely not saying that's the only punishment he requires his own guilt. No no no we got a we got a pile a lot of milkshakes on top of that. There'll be some bad ancestral memories ancestral memories coming from that ancestral memory. Yeah all right. So it all seems kind of bad from our position in terms of his ideas about martial law and I will say even after this clip they won't look good but he tries to explain the difference between the martial law he fought against and this martial law that he's encouraging. I assume he's going to succeed beyond our expectations. I did say he tries.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Martial law is associated with third world countries. It's associated with failure. It's associated with authoritarianism because the Clintons wanted to have martial law we learned. Is that confiscation. Is that why. Which Tamela Harris and others have said we'll have a national emergency. Remember she threatened Trump when he wanted a national emergency. She said we'll have one. She's a prosecutor to take the guns. That's the martial law we don't want. The same martial law. And we don't want the martial law of having to put 200,000 troops on the border or having to ignore the federal judges and the systems and to just helicopter these people back. That would be the same martial law. When we're already
Starting point is 00:34:53 brought here of anarchy and we've already got hundreds of thousands a month pouring across and diseases and Democrats caught child trafficking and the breakdown of civilization and society. It's not the right. It's the duty and I politically use the term martial law because we're going to be honest with politically. This is a form of martial law that Trump is preparing to introduce. It's just all martial law means is in absence of normal regular law because it's failed. Not what it means because the government's collapsed. Nope. Then martial law meaning martial meaning the martial of the band meaning military really the martial of the band. And so that's where we are in this country. It's not. That's a troubling attempt to equivocate.
Starting point is 00:35:46 That is a shocking. I mean, it's not shocking because we know Alex, but again, it's hard to differentiate when I say shocking because I'm not shocked to hear Alex say this. I'm shocked to hear someone. Yeah. Yeah. That's such a crucial difference. Yeah. Because I think what he's expressing is martial law for gun control. Bad martial law for ethnic cleansing. Good. Yeah. No, that's exactly what he's saying. There is. It's a form of martial law and the form of martial law is we're doing it to them. We like that form of martial law. We don't like the form of law martial law where they're doing it to us. That's it. It seems that way. And you didn't describe like a different for that function of martial law for it to be something that fickle and trivial
Starting point is 00:36:36 is just a terrifying look at someone who's cruel doesn't mind hurting people. It's awful. Yeah. It's an awful to be in that headspace is just is a terrifying glimpse of how people can treat each other. No, it's like I imagine Stalin really would have hated being a dictator. Or like he really loved being a dictator, but he would have hated living underneath a dictator. I imagine most would like it's that kind of thing. You know, the people who are fascists always think that they're going to be on top. Most dictators do not want to be peasants. No, it's weird how that works. Yeah. I it's almost trite to even talk about, but it's it's necessary to look at in some way that like
Starting point is 00:37:24 this is Alex now. Yeah, guys. Hey, patriots, come get your boy. Yeah. Yeah. He's, he's wiling out over here talking about martial law being good. He is he is off the chain. He's lost it and they agree with him though. Yes. Yeah, because nobody believed anything and it's just old white dudes. No, it makes me think of that Webster Tarpley article that he wrote back in 2016 warning about the idea of the the the superficiality and the emptiness of libertarianism in terms of the Ron Paul movement and all that is the vestibule wherein we will all be led to fascism and authoritarianism. Damn it. I'm so mad at Tarpley for making a good point. It's fascinating that insight that he had and how it really does track with maybe not the entire world and certainly not
Starting point is 00:38:15 necessarily all people who have liberal libertarian inclinations, but fucking Alex is on the head. Yeah. Right. Hitting that nail. So I don't know. Alex is makes me sad. And you know what's interesting to what I expected to hear a lot more about these abortion bills. Yeah, I thought that's all we were going to talk about when we brought it up in our last episode. I was like, well, if we're going to talk about the present, then we're going to have to talk about Alabama and doesn't come up. Doesn't come up passing to say that they're protecting children every fucking time. Every fucking time I assume. Well, we've got to get into this issue. It's like, you got to give it up to the Somali pirates. God damn it, Alex. He might have talked about it in a couple episodes that I
Starting point is 00:39:00 didn't listen to. But in these three days, not a fucking mention of it, except for just dismissive, like AIDS bills are great, protecting children. Sure. Sure. Sure. Great. No analysis, nothing. Yeah, I like it. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't hit some of my old favorites, like lying about Ellis Island. Okay. And again, they always go, oh, Ellis Island, bring people in. They, they help people for three months on average in quarantine to make sure they didn't bring diseases in. No one's being checked. Diseases are pouring in. Can you imagine how huge Ellis Island would have had to have been? How cumbersome and expensive it would have had to be if they held people for three months on average? That's absurd. How many, so how many people would
Starting point is 00:39:44 come through a day, like thousands of thousands of days. So you've got a backlog of for three months, you're looking at 90 days of gradually, what, geometrically progressing? Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. That's no good. Yeah. It would be ridiculous. It would be about 30 million people by the end of 90 days. I would say that on a small estimate, it would be larger than the city of Chicago at any given time for sure. And 100% with, with a far smaller landmass. It's a laughable thing for Alex to be trying to present that. And I, I know that we've talked about Ellis Island probably too much in past episodes, but I do think it's important to bring it up because it's like, this is what he believes used to happen and it's not. He's basing a lot of his understanding and
Starting point is 00:40:39 his recommendations about immigration on stuff that never has existed, just complete historical revision. It's fascinating that one of our probably, I would say more astonishing achievements, Ellis Island, just like the, the admission of so many immigrants from so many different places, was kind of like a, a, an achievement or, or like a representation of what America was supposed to mean to the entire world. And he's turned it into something evil. I think there's still some cultural and social problems with the history of Ellis Island. From a bureaucratic perspective, it's almost impossibly amazing that it really is. Yeah. So in this next clip, Alex gets to those calls where he gets some intel. He put out the call for military and police people to call in.
Starting point is 00:41:29 And he doesn't come, I mean, you can't confirm that any of these people are actually in the military or cops. You just call them and they've all been vetted. You could just call and say that you are. No, you can only be held. You can only be on hold for a maximum of five minutes. And during that time period, that's ridiculous. They clearly vet you and whether or not you are in the military. No, I'm willing to stipulate just for the sake of like, I don't even want to get into it that they all are either cops or military people, but I do think it's important to point out that Alex has no way of knowing if they are or are not. So we're going to take the least likely scenario that all of these people are telling the truth. Just because who cares. Right. Exactly. And because
Starting point is 00:42:09 if they're not, this next call is really fucked up where a caller tells Alex he's arrested a couple of undocumented immigrants. Oh, that's not good. If he's not a cop, then you can't do that. Well, apparently you can if you're in a border militia. That's not, that's not, you really can't do that. And they don't feel that way. Yeah, that's true. Neither does ice apparently. Anyway, here's this caller. Big listener, regular caller, appreciate all your products and house. I won't, I won't waste any more of your time, sir. But in the last week, I'm in North Texas. I have, I have arrested three illegals myself that had drug contraband as well as other things on them. I'm nowhere near the border. I'm closer to Oklahoma than I am Mexico. They have invaded us on every level as well
Starting point is 00:42:55 known. They're influenced from MS 13 to the drug pushers. And everything else has gotten everywhere. And Trump must shut this place down now. This is beyond an emergency and it must be done. I'm telling you, Alex. So I just played that clip to illustrate that this is kind of the consensus opinion of the people who are calling it to his show, which I mean, itself selected as his audience and the people who are still listening now. So, you know, it's to be taken with a grain of salt that it may not represent that large of a group, but it's what they believe. It's what, it's what Alex's audience is all on board with. They have possibly identical or more extreme take on it than him. Yeah, that's, that's not good, especially not if those are people who are in law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yeah, that's usually a bad sign for civil rights in general. It's a bad sign if they're in law enforcement and it's almost a worse sign if they like to pretend they're in law enforcement. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, all those border militias aren't really held in check by ICE or Customs and Border Protection. Like they're basically allowed to get away Scott Free and they even look at them as allies more often than not. So there's, there's a very real death squad just running around on South Texas. It's not good. It's not good. It's a bad look at the future. So speaking of bad looks at the future, this next clip, Alex is in between calls and he realizes that like he needs to let people know that shit is getting real for him and he
Starting point is 00:44:33 is in trouble. I don't want to sit here and make the enemy happy about all the things they've done to us and their, and their operation that slowed us down to a standstill. I don't like it. I do. But at the same time as the catch 22, if I don't tell you, you won't know. Thanks for keeping us on the air. But I'm reaching a point where I have to spend inordinate amounts of time funding the operation by Owen. God, if I knew this 10 years ago back, I used to can make money so easy and I just made the money I needed to run things and then never tried to get a bunch of extra, which was just stupid. Because now the things I know now,
Starting point is 00:45:11 if I had done back then, we would just be in a 10 story building and have a helicopter to go cover news and we'd be in a much stronger position. Ah, he's having that Rod Stewart moment that wish I knew what I knew now when I was younger. Just just to let all of my listeners know I am bad at managing a radio station apparently. Yeah, I am. The money is really bad. The money is fucked up. I used to have a shit ton of money and I pissed it all away. When he was under the radar and people weren't paying attention to what he was saying, he was like, yeah, like if you had a reasonably sized radio audience, you could make quite a bit of money monetizing that audience. Oh, for sure. Advertisers, especially if you're going with these
Starting point is 00:45:54 sort of weirdo advertisers that have really niche survivalist audiences, they're trying to read. Yeah, you have a market that's very lucrative market that you're not going to get, you know, CNN's not going to be advertising for where to hide your guns. You're not competing with people who have more mainstream credible platforms than you. So that's why we're only going to advertise for Avatar the last airbender box sets. Absolutely. That's the only thing. Get that. Just the concept of dude. Yeah. This is Dan and Jordan for dude. Well, advertise for Frank Herbert's estate and think about dude. Yeah. What was the last time you thought about dude? This is try doing it now. Yeah, I think that Alex had what he's expressing there is is real
Starting point is 00:46:44 and sincere. Yeah, like money used to be no big deal. I used to be swimming in it and I should have saved because I am fucked right now as a consequences of the things that I did when money was flush. Yeah. Like, yeah, well, buddy, that's I just want to tell all my listeners. There's a story about a grasshopper. As they say, I mean, he didn't, he didn't keep anything. He didn't keep any nuts for winter. And that's how the cow ate the cabbage. As they say. So you might think that Alex is exaggerating his money woes, but he says this a little bit later. And I think that this should I said to sell my daughter. This should give you a sense of like how bad it might be for him right
Starting point is 00:47:28 now. Now, I don't have the money, but we've got some sure cases against the people I'd like to sue to teach him a lesson. If some rich endowment comes along would like to support the first amendment fund is we're going to sue the Southern private law center. So Alex doesn't have the money to sue the SPLC. Like just this weekend, the proud boys sued the SPLC. So conceivably, Alex has less money than the fucking proud boys. Well, I mean, okay, that's not a great sign. Now the proud boys are desperately suing the Southern poverty law center, whereas Alex wants to punish the Southern poverty law center with his suit, but it still comes. He's got to teach them lesson. He doesn't have a lesson teaching lawsuit money. He's just got regular lawsuit money. I
Starting point is 00:48:16 think it comes from a similar place because Alex complains that the SPLC is run by offshore banks and globalists and that they've designated him as a hate speech person and that's crippling his ability to use PayPal or something. So I mean, his complaints are very similar to those of the proud boys and they've scrounged up the cash. It makes me think that Alex may have less money than Gavin McGuinness. And I don't think Gavin has saved from his vice. So he talks some shit about John Ronson. I don't really care. Of course not move past that because he gets to another caller who I think is a lunatic. And I think she might be a QAnon person. Okay. If I had to guess, and here's what she has to say. You're on the other end of your list of four things that he
Starting point is 00:49:02 needs to do. He needs to stop these chemtrails, get the air force, shoot those sons of bitches out of the sky. I'm sick of it. Everybody's sick. This is why people are delusional. Well, it's true. It's true that there is a globalist programs where they had very unsolvable outside of the jet fuel and the companies don't even know there was a Nobel prize given for the idea in 1992. But I mean, the border is open. The country is collapsing. This is a plan and the president has to take action against these people. Debbie, thank you so much for the call. So Alex pivots to complaining more about the border because he needed to get off the topic a little bit because she just said shoot planes out of the sky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for calling wild eyed insane person Debbie. I hope you enjoy Minnesota. So Lionel has been talking a bit about in his QAnon ramblings. He's been talking a bit about chemtrail stuff. There's been some coverage of that which leads me to believe that maybe she's a Lionel fan and possibly a QAnon. I don't know. Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. Also, as I was listening to that, I realized that what she's representing could be one of the scariest fucking things in the world, this idea. Because let's say Trump does want to shoot a plane out of the sky, right? Let's say maybe Hillary's. Hold on. We're going into uncharted territory. That's a completely hypothetical situation. There's no way that Trump, a man who has possessed
Starting point is 00:50:30 professed a desire to throw nuclear warheads around would ever want to shoot just a plane out of the sky. I'm obviously being very speculative and it would be under the it would be in a circumstance that is far past where we are now. Like it's a nightmarish scenario where we are in we're fucked. I was being facetious. I understand. But like if there were to come a day where he wanted to two or three weeks from now, it would be very easy to use this as a cover. Oh yeah. I'm fighting back against the come trail. People who are poisoning your families with their barium salts in the sky. Don't worry about that plane. We're sick of it. It made me realize how much these conspiracy theories could be incredibly powerful as a cover tool or an aspiring dictator.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Were they to want to use these as an excuse for any kind of extra judicial killing they wanted? Oh, we've seen this. We've seen this play out time and again, whenever you get a fascist dictator in power, there's always going to be a thinly veiled excuse to remove political enemies or start wars that are going to improve your situation or just distract people from their day to day problems, which you are exploiting. I understand that trend. And I guess I just didn't realize how useful some of the ones that I don't even think about are. Right. You know, the chemtrails isn't a conspiracy I think about very often. But hearing her articulate it that way made me realize that like so many of the prongs of the world that Alex has built up could very easily be used to justify
Starting point is 00:52:01 some really fucked up stuff. Well, I mean, go back through the justifications for any number of fucking cullings or genocides or whatever you like, and go deep further down and you find a ridiculous conspiracy theory that doesn't really make any goddamn sense. I don't disagree with you at all. Right. I'm a large part of what I'm saying is fuck me for having that experience of listening to her call because I should have thought about like, oh, that would be useful for that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Anyway, Alex takes one more call. And I think it's interesting that the way this works out is that he's in the middle of doing a plug for his products. And then he goes to the call. And let's see how that plays out. It's 50% off as well. That's how we fund
Starting point is 00:52:46 our operations. So thank you very much for your support. We couldn't do it without you. Shelley in Arizona, last caller of this hour. Shelley, go ahead. Hello, sir. Yeah. I forgot what I was going to say. People keep calling me. I just want to plug your products real quick. The other day, I bought six t-shirts. My son is currently wearing the 50 caliber 1776. Come and take it short to school today. That's awesome. And I'm fixin' to get me some of that V12 stuff. And so she forgets what she's even going to talk about and you vamp by plugging Alex's products for him. She's got a well-trained audience or they're fake. I can't decide which. Yeah. But one or the other. That one's, God. She does eventually
Starting point is 00:53:32 remember. It sounds too insane and too plausible that you would have your son wear a 50 caliber t-shirt. It's believable, but also it's almost what you would do if you were a fake caller. Yeah, exactly. It's very hard to discern. It's straddling the line between fantasy and reality that is blurring in real life anyways. And when she finally does remember what she's going to talk about, it's just a bland call about how the border is a mess. Oh, okay. I don't know. I don't know. But I don't know about intention, but what I do know is effect. And in effect, what you see is plug, take a call. I forgot I was gonna say, hey, let me help you plug. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just a fucking, I mean, it's a bad show. And it totally could be reasonable because if you were
Starting point is 00:54:17 a longtime listener of Alex's show and you got a hold of Alex on the air and you forgot what you were going to say, you know to buy yourself time by just plugging his shit. It's the best way to vamp. You're gonna win some favors. We're gonna give you an extra six minutes. Go ahead and go for it. Yeah, absolutely. Because you have bought that time through an ad. So Sunday, that's the end of the 17th. And we go to Sunday, just to ensure no big deal. Who's about to be fired? It doesn't seem like the money is good now right now. So we get to Monday, the 20th. And I think that we see an interesting, it's not a change, but there's a vibe that I'm really worried about. Yeah. I think that you should be very worried about this. Okay, but at the same time, I kind of see some signs
Starting point is 00:55:06 that it might be a good sign. Okay, good sign. Okay, I'm I'm I will ask no further pre questions. It's very complicated. But I'll explain what I mean on the other side of this. Okay, here from the 20th. That is the essence of what these globalists are establishing. So it's here. And people better organize against it. They better say no to it. They better resist it. And they better start setting up alternative systems, encounter it. Because the Bible says the beast system will come up and be live for one hour. One hour. Now, it's all our typo there. And it's not hoaded. But one hour means generally about a year. And there in that time, most of the earth's planetary population will be exterminated. 2000 years ago, that was
Starting point is 00:55:58 written plus 2000 plus years ago. And then notice magically, the world government wants to depopulate the earth today. Everything, revelations in Daniel, Old Testament, New Testament, Ezekiel, it all ties together. It's all right there in black and white. And that's why there's the war on Christians. That's why they want anybody shut down that talks about this, because it's all there. So first, I want to I want to point out that Alex has made the classic mistake here. And I think we've seen signs of it. But it's very overt here on this episode. He's going full on Christian doomsday preacher. Yeah, just a dead end for propagandists. So I don't see that going well for him. If I had to guess, it's a reflection of his diminished reach. His radio presence is
Starting point is 00:56:42 way smaller than he pretends it is. He's not allowed on any normal social media platforms anymore. So he's forced to really only exist in the ones mostly populated by other people who've been kicked off Facebook and Twitter for their white identity and anti LGBTQ and anti Islam agitating. I have a strong suspicion that a lot of the audience he finds himself still able to reach may also have some inclinations towards absurd Christian and times fantasies, which would understandably lead Alex Taylor's coverage more in that direction. Or he's losing his mind and going towards that himself. Yeah, maybe entirely. I always have a cynical view until there's reason to abandon it because Alex has shown himself to be crass, manipulative, right. And a liar. There's
Starting point is 00:57:25 usually something behind what he's doing. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. So you always look for a motivation that makes sense. Follow Walkham's razor. Yeah, usually will guide it'll be your North Star with Alex. But he's always been a bit of a religious zealot. But it feels like the last couple years are a markedly different kind of version of that. In other periods we've covered in his career, he has a religious streak, but it's nothing close to this level of doomsday prophecy that he is saying the beast system is here. It's upon us the beast system. Beyond that, it's nice to see Alex explaining that idea that he had about the devil taking over for God for an hour, which we've heard him introduce on the past episode only to be caught off by a commercial break. And it turns out that
Starting point is 00:58:02 an hour equals a year. Right. I didn't know that. So according to his reading of scripture, God is going to let the beast system be in place for an hour, which is a year, which makes sense. Yeah. So he's readying people to resist it. So it's it's a it's a year in God hours. Is that are we doing dog years and hour to God, an hour in God time in a year to God is a thousand years. So an hour is a year. Sure. I can say categorically, and with no hesitation that this is not what motivated him to resist the globalists earlier in his career. Back in the early 2000s, his worry was about the globalists creating a one world government, which would rule forever with no hope of a revolution against it succeeding. He imagined they would create a prison planet, hence the name
Starting point is 00:58:47 of his website. He didn't think they were going to take over for a year. Initially, the thought that he had and he was expressing scared me. But when I reflected on it more, I'm kind of softening to it. Because though what Alex is saying is very troubling to hear anyone say to their audience, I think in many ways it represents a deescalation of his rhetoric. If this system is prophesied to only be in power for a year, then it stands to reason that you could wait it out. And maybe the best plan of action is doomsday prepping behavior as opposed to attacking your perceived enemies. I'm not sure that Alex's audience having been whipped up into a frenzy as they have already been will notice that strategic opportunity. But it's interesting to see the tyranny that
Starting point is 00:59:25 he's now trying to scare his audience about has a built in end date. That kind of is a trap door for his audience to have some sort of a hope. I mean, I suppose, but it doesn't make any sense if you believe in God. No. I mean, just in the idea that what you're doing is going against God's will. Look, I don't care about any of that. Okay, sorry. The theological piece of it is not what I'm talking about. Okay. I'm saying that before Alex, I mean, he still has that like almost everyone on earth is going to be exterminated. But you could hold out hope that you're one of the people who would survive. Like there is obviously you're not going to be able to stop whatever this is right from coming. Right. God is prophesied. He's going to let the devil take over for a
Starting point is 01:00:16 fucking hour. You're not going to stop that from happening. Are you are? Isn't that what he's trying to do though? Not in the not in what he's expressing here. Okay, that's fair. If it's there for an hour, fucking get underground or something. No, because the underground Nazis are going to come get you a good point. That's you can't go underground. You've got nowhere to go. People down there. Yeah, there's ant people. What are you going to do? Join? Go to the Getty and get all the way down there. No, you're fucked there too. Right. I my take on it might be generous. I think it's probably generous. But there is a feeling that I have that that is at least something that allows for a healthier approach to be taken
Starting point is 01:01:03 by his audience in the sense that like doomsday prepping is a little paranoid and maybe misguided by in a lot of cases. But you know, the ideas of like storing canned food and having water and maybe growing plants stuff like that is not that's not that unhealthy. And if you direct the energy that Alex scares you into by into doing that, as opposed to, I don't know, trying to kill people comma parentheses politically, obviously, and parentheses. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or, you know, yelling about locking up Hillary and political enemies, right? You'd rather have him take a proactive stance towards preparation and a I'm reading rather than a reactive stance towards murder. Yeah, I'm reading far too into it, then probably deserves to be there. Yeah. But it is
Starting point is 01:01:55 interesting because this this I've been listening to Alex for quite a while. I've never heard this idea of a year. Yeah, or an hour. I don't I've never heard that. It's very new, but it's just the potential end point is aspirational. There's hope. Yeah. Is that some left behind shit that it must be? Yeah, that's what what what so let's talk about the biblical piece of it. So Revelation 13 discusses the beast and verse five specifically lays out how long the beast would be given power and guess what? It's not an hour and it's not a year. Quote, there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months. So it's 42 months or three and a half years. Was that the were they still on the Gregorian
Starting point is 01:02:41 calendar? Whenever it's probably code. So who knows? Okay, that's a good point. Now later in Revelation 17 verses 11 and 12, it does say quote, the beast who was and now is not is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going is going to his destruction. The 10 horns you saw are the 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. I just want to say great job, John. This was a fantastic prophecy. Really loved it. It makes clear present sense. I think you did a great job. Just retroactively just want to let you know that on his Amazon. God is giving you a big old thumbs up here. So there is that hour in the Bible. That is something that he's taking a word from it. Now this led to a bit
Starting point is 01:03:32 of a problem in my research because obviously Alex is trying to appeal to his interpretation of the Bible. And there's nothing I can really do with that. There's none of it's real. There's no amount of research that I can do to prove that he's wrong. And his imagined code isn't the right way to read the text. So I'm I kind of came to an impasse and just like, Well, that's what you think, Alex. But that doesn't mean we can't discuss things a little bit more and try and explore what he's doing. Revelation is one of the highest profile examples ever of a genre known as apocalyptic literature. The genre took roots in early Jewish writings and the texts had primarily two functions that they served. The first was to explain why previous prophecies hadn't been fulfilled. And
Starting point is 01:04:12 the second was to make a sense of the awful conditions people were living in when presumably God is good and all powerful. Pre-exile prophets issued prophecies that had come to pass partially, like for instance, the Jewish people returned from exile in Babylon. But though parts had come true, other parts had not. This introduced a problem that needed to be sorted out. So the prophets reinterpreted these older prophecies to show that the quote promised glories of the renewed kingdom were yet to come. The older prophets had also predicted an invasion of Judah by enemies from the north, which never came to pass. Thus, Ezekiel reinterpreted that is the final assault by Gog upon Jerusalem, which from that point onward has become a consistent feature of apocalyptic
Starting point is 01:04:56 literature. Every time we get into Gog shit. Right. So these earlier prophecies by like Jeremiah that were saying that there was going to be an invasion of Judah that never ended up happening were reinterpreted as the end times that were still yet to come in order to make sense of why part of the prophecy came true and the other part did. Yeah. Yeah. It's the ancient times version of the guy who did math and he was like, I figured out that the date of our prophecy, the world ending is bad and it comes and it's gone. And it was like, well, I got my math wrong. So let's rewrite this probably less manipulative and less crassly than these modern day people. But no less wrong. There was a more society. There was a higher social purpose that they were probably
Starting point is 01:05:41 working towards, which I'll get into in a second. So Jeremiah prophesied that the messianic kingdom would return within 70 years. But when that time passed and nothing changed, Daniel reinterpreted years to mean a different span of time, which was almost at its end. The apocalypse of Baruch and forth Ezra both attempt to reinterpret this prophecy again, when the span of time had passed and the messianic kingdom didn't arrive. So this is a consistent thread that goes throughout the tradition. Yeah, somebody makes something up. The next person is like, oh, and then makes up something different. The next person's like, makes up something different still. So to the second feature, I think it's pretty self explanatory conditions for the common person in the 500s BCE
Starting point is 01:06:22 were not very great, especially compared to what they would have expected given the prophecies about the lavish kingdom that was to come. Many people suffered, which felt out of line with previous prophecies. So an explanation was needed to show people that the prosperity and good life that they had longed for was still on the horizon. This tradition of literature, literature evolved over the years until the writing of Daniel, which is considered to be the first fully mature apocalyptic text. Daniel's a really interesting text because the question of authorship. It's ascribed to as being written by Daniel, the one who lived through the lions den. But scholars don't believe that this is possible. And the date that they give the text is 167 to 163 BCE somewhere in
Starting point is 01:07:02 there. One of the chief reasons for this is that there's a weird thing that happens in the text as it relates to the accuracy of prophecies. Everything that Daniel predicts at the beginning of the book matches up with historical events. But at the point of the book where he predicts the circumstances of the death of Antiochus IV, everything falls apart. This is fucking game of thrones. The first five seasons were based on the text. And then he made it up. And they fucked it up. Yeah, there's a parallel. No spoilers. That's very funny. It is very funny. It's interesting that it does go along that way. He gets the death of Antiochus wrong, and then he predicts a war that never happened. And in general, the predictions past that point in the book are markedly detached
Starting point is 01:07:51 from what we know from the historical record in stark opposition to the beginning of the book. Scholars believe the book was written during this period and should be understood in this context. At the time, Antiochus represented an existential threat to the Jewish community. So the prophecy of his death in the coming Kingdom served to give the people a sense of hope in a rather dark time and to reinforce the credibility of the sense of hope, the author of Daniel used Daniel as the hero of that text, which allowed him to use things that he knew from history as predictions Daniel would have made of the hundreds of years that had happened in between. Right. It's like when one of our psychics goes on Project Camelot and is like, I predicted that this would go down.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And it's like, well, we don't have any evidence of you predicting that before the event happened. Right. We only have evidence of you saying you predicted it after. Yeah. Revelation doesn't exist in a vacuum. It has to be approached and understood within the canon of apocalyptic literature, mostly because the book entirely relies on the apocalyptic tradition and makes tons of references to it. Revelation is held up by the final battle ideas that trace back to Ezekiel reinterpreting prophecies of wars that never came to be. It has a prophecy. It uses prophecy as a tool of political speech in the same vein that Daniel did. It's an insanely complicated thing that many people spend lifetime studying. And no one who takes scholarship seriously
Starting point is 01:09:09 believes it's wise to look at any of these books as containing literal or coded messages that we should use to predict the future. That is a silly thing to do. That said, a whole lot of people have tried to do just that. At this point, I was going to list off all the people who have tried to use Revelation and their interpretation of it to support their predictions too long and line their pockets too long. Right. The list is too long and all of them have been equally and completely wrong. Yeah. So consider that in the history that we have. Well, yeah, but Alex is going to get it right. That's hubris. That's pretty brazen. That's my faith. For anybody with the sort of recorded history that we have, even of just the last 20 years, you could say, to have that history and still
Starting point is 01:09:56 have the balls to try and make revelation based predictions about the future. It just seems like you have to be, I mean, you're pissing in the wind. Yeah. But I mean, okay, it's like fucking El Dorado, man. You know, you're going to go for El Dorado. You're probably going to die and you're never going to find it. Right. But the guy who gets it right, what? That guy's going to go down in history. I mean, in this circumstance, he's going to die along with the rest of it. But the point being is that there's a sense of personal achievement. There's no win except for a scam. Like it really, there isn't anything that we can see from these people who have used revelation to predict the end times other than them trying to raise money off it. Right. It sounds like the supreme
Starting point is 01:10:46 Douglas Adams bit, the scam apocalypse guy who accidentally gets it right. You know, like the the guy who's scamming everybody and then on the day that it's supposed to happen, he's like, oh, God, is somebody fucking with me today? Yeah. So all of these people have been wrong and Alex will be wrong as well. And he's foolish to go down this path because it doesn't lead to anything other than having to revise your prediction. Once it doesn't come true. I do admire on some level that he's resisted the urge to say a specific date. Yeah. It shows some restraint is still there. I almost admire the I go the opposite direction. I admire you more if you pick a certain date than if you just give me a vague. If Alex, if Alex chooses a date, you'll know it's over. Yeah. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:11:33 the world. No, his show. Yeah. But as it relates to Alex Jones and all these people who would try to weaponize revelation for their own end, I would like to quote to them Deuteronomy 18 verse 21 and 22. Oh, that was all about laws and shit. And there were so many of them. We don't even do a worry about Deuteronomy quote. And if thou say in thine heart, how shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass that that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously, thou shall not be afraid of him. You heard it first in the Bible. Don't be afraid of Alex Jones. Very wrong, very wrong. Yeah. If the if the Deuteronomy is telling
Starting point is 01:12:19 us that the mark of someone who is a false prophet is he says things that don't come to pass. Alex, you sir, oh, our Biblically a false prophet. Oh, for sure. But the Bible is wrong. You should be afraid of false prophets because they will fuck your shit up. Maybe not on a other worldly level, but on a on a this world, right, right. You should be afraid of them. Yeah. So Alex, despite what we kind of understand about apocalyptic literature and how revelation is a really fucking stupid thing to use to make future predictions, Alex still is on that tip. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. World government, cloned humans, the break of the family, all of it foretold, all of it planned, all of it here. And yes, folks, it's not just the evil ones taking the
Starting point is 01:13:10 Bible and using it as a blueprint. No, there's a master behind this. So that's to imply that there is a literal devil and that also there is a literal God that Alex is working in service of. He's not just some guy who is doing a radio show. He's a tool of divinity, which I mean, that's not new, but it's just it's not it's too easy to forget that he thinks that are we sure the music guy isn't fucking with him? Because having like Dr. Who style synths going on directly behind him while he's giving these apocalyptic predictions is like, are you self aware? Do you know he's fucking with us? Are you fucking with us? Yeah, it's hard. Are you fucking with Alex? I feel like his staff is so incompetent now, like the people he could get to employ. I don't
Starting point is 01:14:00 know if any of them are that clever. Although it could be Yeah, I mean, it could be a manifestation of like slight rebellion. So maybe maybe it's possible. That'd be fun. So Alex gets into some scientific talk in this next clip. That's not a good idea to go from apocalyptic literature to and now we're going to get really into the standard model. Well, the science talk is kind of in service of the apocalypse talk. Sure. Scientists do that all the time means by which the science the science is going to bring in death that the globalists are going to be in charge of for an hour. The globalists have already been in charge for a long time, according to Alex. Yeah, but the devil is going to be in charge for an hour. No, the 10 Kings are according to revelation. They're
Starting point is 01:14:42 just working with the beast. That even doesn't work. Who cares? Anyway, talking some science Bible. The forced denoculations are here. The forced GMOs here. The force 5G is here. And they admit all of it kills us. Headline top scientists, 5G hundreds of respected scientists sound the alarm and the effects of 5G networks go up nationwide. LA Times admits gives you cancer, but they don't care because they got a plan and you ain't part of it. And the plan is to kill you and your family. Music guy. He's just like such smooth, just like do you know everybody's coming in? It doesn't make sense to undercut undercuts that you need to feel. You can't yell like they're going to kill you over Steely Dan or something. It wasn't Steely Dan. So you might notice there
Starting point is 01:15:37 that was a little aggressive going out to break. And I think that there's a trend that I'm starting to notice that characterizes almost all of his ad breaks in this episode. And it's something that I've seen a lot of from him in the present day. With shocking regularity, he goes out to break yelling about how the globalists want to kill you and your family, ramping up the fear that he's trying to create in his listeners. Meanwhile, when he returns from break, he generally doesn't have that same intensity and terror. Most frequently, he comes back for break bragging about his own victimhood. Like this segment right here that ended like that, it began with him playing a supercut of people on the street being nice to him while he talked over the video saying stuff
Starting point is 01:16:13 like this is why they banned me implying that he's just too popular. Everyone loves him and the globalists had to silence him. They had to. So there's almost like congratulatory thing coming into breaks where it's like you saw through the bullshit. Yeah, you know, you're here. Aren't you glad to be here? So when you're heading into a commercial break, your number one job is to keep people from turning the dial. This is why news shows do that embarrassing clickbait type story thing where they're always someone trying to kill your child coming up at five and we will get you after the break. We'll tell you about the threat to your child. Got it. That trend exists in poorly done, exploitative media all over the place. And I see this trend happening a lot more in
Starting point is 01:16:55 Alex. And I know that we've had a lot of laughs over the years about Alex yelling out to break. And of course he's done it a bunch. But please trust me, someone who's listened to more info wars than anyone ever should. It's noticeable that he's doing it a lot more lately. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that it's because his numbers are really down. And he has to use whatever trick he can to keep people around. I'm no expert and I have no hard day to support this, although if you look on Alexa, his traffic seems to be going downward. But it's hard not to read this as anything other than pure desperation on display. The only thing Alex has left to offer his audience is mortal fear. And he's having a fucking Easter sale on it. It's trying to terrify
Starting point is 01:17:34 people. It's a mess. Nice writing. Thanks. So to the science question, yeah, five G in these scientists are saying, sure, sure, sure, sure. So sure, guys, come on. The question of where Alex is five G's fears land on the scale of crazy versus reasonable is a little bit hard to answer. I can't deny that there are many scientists who have expressed concern about the increased exposure to radio frequencies and how they could have unintended health consequences. So it doesn't seem like it's something that Alex is making up out of thin air. I've read a comic book, Spiderman. That's what would happen. Yeah, buy a spider with radio waves. Yeah, see, there you go. So the five G spider, the problem with thinking that Alex might be on a sort of reasonable tip here is when you
Starting point is 01:18:19 get into the details. The reason these scientists are concerned about the increased health risk has to do with the increase in the number of transmitters, which would be putting out these frequencies. Now, what's interesting about their specific complaints is that they're not just talking about five G is what they're concerned about. The scientists who are talking about this stuff pretty regularly make a point that it would be just as bad with two G, three G, four G or Wi Fi. The problem for them is all wireless communication. So for Alex to accurately champion the cause of the scientists he's using as a source, he would have to take it to that level. And if he got rid of wireless communications, he wouldn't be able to use that sweet earpiece that he uses for his
Starting point is 01:18:56 staff to talk to him and give him updates and shit. I am going to ask this question so very simply and basically, do they know what five G stands for? Do you mean Alex? Yeah. I mean any of these like five G truthers or whatever. I'm probably they know they probably, yeah, I would assume so. But it doesn't matter. They don't, they don't care about that. They don't care about details. Well, I mean, it's just that five G is just the fifth generation of the same concept conceptual radio waves. So they have to think that something is piggybacking on top of the radio waves. No, no, no, not the scientists. I mean, Alex and those guys. No, no, no, no, you must understand that too. Because you could make a decent argument based on
Starting point is 01:19:42 the fact that the five G is using parts of the spectrum, the wave spectrum, that don't travel as far. So they do need to put up a bunch more transmitters in order to have coverage for the five G networks. Okay. So the idea that there would be increased radio frequency radiation isn't based on a like intrinsic misunderstanding of what's being discussed, right? It doesn't require that something nefarious be piggybacking it. They're just saying there would be more transmitters. Thus, everyone would have more of this radio frequencies, bombarding them and that in and of itself is the nefarious thing. Right. I suppose. Okay. So that's why there is the kernel of I need to I would need to read up a lot more before I did. Okay, there we go. So the issue
Starting point is 01:20:31 is that Alex is reporting this as if it's a new story at all. He posted an article on info wars over the weekend with the headline quote, hundreds of respected scientists sound the alarm about health effects as five G networks go up nationwide, which definitely gives the sense that these scientists are currently sounding the alarm, which is not the case. That happened back on September 13, 2017, when 180 scientists and doctors appealed to the European Union about five G, asking them to put a moratorium on rolling out the technology until there were appropriate studies done about its safety. They were appealing to the EU because the EU had spent a whole shit ton of money making preparations and researching for five G. So it seemed like a good place to go.
Starting point is 01:21:12 In response to their petition, the EU clarified that quote, the responsibility for protecting the public from the potential harmful effects of electromagnetic fields remains with the member states, including the choice of measures adopted. So if you understand that response, it's saying that the EU member states have the sovereign decision of whether or not to adopt five G. It's a state's rights argument. No, but and they're affirming it. Exactly. No one is forcing anyone other than I guess the sovereign governments that do choose to implement it. It'd be like it's the federal government saying that it's up to the states. Well, and the only force that's being done is by the sovereign countries upon the citizens
Starting point is 01:21:50 of those countries who don't want it. So I don't know if I feel about that. I guess there's a little bit of room for discussion, but whatever. The EU clearly is affirming their position that it's a country's choice. And that's really something that Alex doesn't want to sovereignty. That's something he doesn't want to discuss because I wonder why it runs counter to his idea of the EU taking away state sovereignty. Ultimately, the more I look into five G, the question of it, the less concerned I am about it. And the more I feel like this is a manufactured freakout narrative that Alex is basing a small kernel of truth on and he's just jumping from there into irresponsibility. I can't imagine that there weren't scientists at the advent of the fucking radio that weren't like
Starting point is 01:22:30 radio waves are probably going to kill us. I'm positive. Yeah, of course. Every single thing. There are some people who have concerns about potential health effects and they're not necessarily lunatics or doctors who aren't doctors. Right. No, what I mean to say not is that they're all quacks. It's a very valid and important thing for people to have that. The people like Alex are manifesting what quackery would be based on some scientists that raise, hey, we should study this. Right. Exactly. One of the big things that Alex and anti 5G point to as evidence of their side of the argument is that the International Agency for Research on Cancer has listed radio frequency electromagnetic fields as, quote, possibly carcinogenic to human. God damn it. Everything is.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Well, it's rarely pointed out that the IARC has only five categories for things. There's carcinogenic, probably carcinogenic, possibly carcinogenic, probably not carcinogenic and not classifiable. Well, do you strongly agree with that? Do you mildly agree with that? Do you agree with that? Do you disagree with that? Or do you mildly disagree with that or strongly disagree with those classifications, Dan? I agree with them. Okay. Things like aluminum production or the Epstein bar virus, they're listed as carcinogenic as they've been shown directly to be directly linked to cancer, anabolic steroids or working as a hairdresser or barber are listed as possibly probably carcinogenic as is re eating red meat or drinking beverages hotter than 65 degrees
Starting point is 01:24:02 Celsius. Oh, I'm fucked. Those are probably because you're a hairdresser who likes drinking really hot things while you got it. The whole thing included in the possibly carcinogenic category along with 5G, the radio frequency radiation. Here's some of the things that are in that category. Dogs. No, being a firefighter on Wednesday, dry cleaning, exposure to gasoline, car exhaust, pickled vegetables, right, and aloe vera, right. The definition for inclusion in that group is quote, there is some evidence that it can cause cancer in humans, but at present, it is far from conclusive. This is this context is really important, since it explains what researchers mean when they say certain things. The technical meaning of possibly to the IARC
Starting point is 01:24:47 is different than what it means conversationally. And Alex and his cohorts are taking advantage of that difference of definition and manipulating people. Right. The possibly carcinogenic list is almost like a, a chronicle of modern inventions. If you want to exist in a relatively modern space, you're probably going to come in contact with possibly carcinogenic things. That's, that's partially true, but partially not quite, because a lot of them end up in the not categor, categorizable area. Uncategorizable. Yeah. Because there aren't studies that have been done that show one way or the other. Right. For something to be in the possibly category, there has to be some kind of a study that has indicated it's possible that it's connected, but nothing is substantiated.
Starting point is 01:25:32 So it is a smaller list than you think, but it is wild that like aloe vera and pickles are in there. Why not? Right. It's just because those are things that there are studies of studies that have there aren't any studies on whether or not regularly eating platypus will give you cancer. Right. But that could be in one of these categories. If that were studied, you know what a platypus is considered a fish by the Catholic church. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. Cause you can't eat the same with beavers. You can't eat red meat on Fridays or whatever for whatever reason. Cause it's probably carcinogenic. Yeah. So the Pope made beavers a fish because they live in water.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Catholic trivia. Yeah. So not fun. Yeah, it is. So the LA Times article Alex is talking about there also about the 5g stuff is from August 8th, 2016. And it talks about a study that was done which exposed rats to tons of radio frequency radiation and found quote small increases in tumors and male rats and makes it clear that quote extrapolating the results to humans gets complicated. A good way to sum up the article comes from a quote they include quote. I don't think it's clear that there are health risks, but it's also not clear that there are no health risks says leka key fetus. Uh, an epidemiology professor at UCLA is fielding school of public health who has studied the effects of cell phone use. Yeah, that's such a responsible thing to say
Starting point is 01:26:55 it infuriates you. Right. Totally. Cause it's such like a, well, we need more information either way. So call back later. That's the point unless your phone gave you cancer and which guys you won't be able to call. That's the point of the article, but it doesn't make a good headline. No, it makes a terrible headline. And so you make a more sensational headline and Alex can dance on it. Science results inconclusive should be the headline of just about every science article. Yeah. So I'm not so worried about this 5g stuff. And I don't think Alex is on good footing, but he gets into worse footing a little bit later because he starts talking about Islam. And no, I don't want to do that. You remember how he was getting really revelatory revelation
Starting point is 01:27:38 stuff earlier? I don't want to go revelation to Muslims. That's going to be bad. That's going to be the great enemy and the beast and all that shit. I don't want that. It's not good. I just want to live in a world where they don't do that. Well, unfortunately, we live in this world. God damn it. Alex into this world is expressing the world he wishes to see. Oh, that's not good. And this is just bad. The technocrats don't want a pro human future. That's why they're bringing in the 1.8 billion Muslims that are incompatible. And that's why the great law of Europe and the great law of America now is don't talk about what Muslims are doing. Well, certainly first rule of Muslim club. Don't talk about Muslim club. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:17 But I mean, I think that like just people have a reticence to accept you saying that certain like a religion is incompatible with good society. I think that that is like it's not no one saying don't talk about Islam. No one saying don't talk about Muslims. They're saying don't do that. Yeah, that's don't do what you just did in that clip. I mean, his argument boils down to about a seventh of the entire population of the human race is fundamentally incompatible with the other six sevenths of it, which leads to exterminationism or it leads to complete isolation and separation, which inevitably will lead to a war. Of course. Why wouldn't it? There's no other solution. So even the restrained benevolent solution to
Starting point is 01:29:09 whatever he's describing does lead to violence eventually. It's like, okay, you know what? We're against violence. So all Muslims go to Australia and you stay there and we barricaded it around. Like that's that's it's insane. Yeah. So in this next clip, Alex explains his feelings on Islam and himself and his team, I guess. This is troubling and disturbing. But I also think that you can see this consistent trend that he does where earlier in the episode he was talking about how he doesn't want martial law, but the globalists are making them do it. Of course. It's sort of the same thing that he's saying about I don't want to fucking say we got to get rid of all the Muslims, but they're making me. He's being forced into this position or at least
Starting point is 01:30:02 that's I don't want to hate black people. It's exactly that. It's it's it's a very pathetic way to be live a monster. Yeah. And I want to explain something. I personally don't want to hate people from the Middle East. Coward. You're a coward. And I personally don't want to be at war with Muslims because you're a coward. And I understand there's a larger globalist plan for a clash of civilizations. But if your daughter gets kicked down a subway stairs by a group of Islamists, because they think, you know, that she's a profane dog creature, because she's a Christian or whatever, the police or the media try to cover it up and that's wrong. And so if a horde of radical Islamists are coming down your French street or you're having your crosses taken down on the
Starting point is 01:30:52 coastline of Greece, it's offensive to Muslims. That's war. And that's wrong. We already know from covering stuff that I don't know what specific stories talking about or if there even is one with the woman being kicked downstairs. But I know that that cross story he's lying about, we talked about that. That doesn't give me much hope that the other stories are being accurately reported here. So if that's your justification for why Islam is at war with you, you're starting off on a bad foot. You know, I was I was listening to that and I was thinking maybe our solution for shitty propaganda and how awful our media is as a whole is not deplatforming people. What it is is putting a referee in every live broadcast room. So when
Starting point is 01:31:36 he's so when he's like, when he's like, oh, and your daughter gets kicked out. So there's just a giant whistle and he's like emotional manipulation manipulation next five five minutes. I suggested that as a punishment for him. Like on our third episode, sitting there and be like, nope, that was years ago. Yeah, I know. Anyway, this clip isn't done. Anyways, that is a good idea. I just wanted to point out that that is something that we've talked about already. The cross story and it's bullshit. Right. I understand it's a manipulated collision. I understand it's a manipulated clash. But it doesn't change the fact if you're on the receiving end of it and capitulating to it. And going along and saying, Oh, Islam is great. It's a religion of peace. There isn't a class of
Starting point is 01:32:21 civilizations happening. Only adds the globalist program. We must be honest about the cancer that has become Islam in this current permutation. And the fact that the globalism is cancer. And the fact that the left system is cancer and the fact that mainline churches that just want to be country clubs have become cancers. It's not good to hear that because I mean, it's not good because he's saying that Islam, that the globalists and the left are all cancers. Yeah. And then throwing in the mainstream Christian churches is also kind of terrifying because if he's saying that mainstream Christian churches are cancer, those are the ones that are going to be more tolerant. So if you're not in an extreme
Starting point is 01:33:12 Christian church that believes in his patriot beliefs, his Christian identity beliefs, then they are a cancer as well. And you should get out of that church. They're misrepresenting God. Right. I would be more interested to see what he thinks a mainstream church is. Right. Just like that dude who thought that the Tea Party was a leftist group, a liberal group. Right. Like is he talking about Joel Osteen, like that kind of scam? I know that he doesn't like the prosperity gospel. I know that he doesn't like the glitter bugs. Right. I know he doesn't care for the prosperity gospel. But he likes Paula White Kane. I don't know if he does specifically, but you'd think he would. So she likes Trump. Exactly. I don't know. She's a scammer of the
Starting point is 01:33:51 highest order. Yeah. I'm not positive I've heard him come down on her either way. But I think that it's more the churches that don't hate people. Yeah. Like the massive unitarian church not hating Muslims as a policy. Yeah. Yeah. So he's talking about this and I was hearing it and I thought like, well, this is on brand for now. Right. For present day Alex Jones. Yeah. But at the same time, it in the context of talking about apocalyptic fantasies at the beginning of the episode, you get the sense that there's something really fucked up that he's communicating and I didn't understand exactly what he was getting at other than just fill in time demonizing people and saying it's not our fault that we're demonizing you. You made
Starting point is 01:34:37 us right. Right. Right. And I didn't understand the track that was being laid until he starts playing a video that Tommy Robinson sent him. No. So Tommy Robinson. Well, I'll just explain. I imagine him in whatever video you're about to play. I imagine him as Dick Van Dyke doing a shitty cockney accent wearing a Nazi uniform. And that's how I'm going to fall. Yeah. That's how I'm imagining this. It's inaccurate. So I've watched the video that he sent Alex of his event. Tommy Robinson did. I thought about it long and hard. And there's only one thing I really want to say. And I think I've said it before, but I'd like to double and triple down on it. And that fuck Tommy Robinson. Tommy's currently engaged in some kind of publicity stunt tour where he's
Starting point is 01:35:24 pretending he's running for office, then he shows up in towns to give pretend stump speeches. In his video, he specifies that he's going to work in class towns and from everything in this video, yeah, in everything of the video I've seen, I'd be hard pressed to find two non-white people in the footage. Yeah. He specifically even says that he's avoiding places with Muslim population so he can speak to his people. Sure. Given Tommy's career, his beliefs, his lifelong pattern of criminality, his lifelong association with Nazi and white supremacist groups, his documented history of resorting to violence, and the fact that his entire brand is based on his flagrant Islamophobia, it's not hard to see what he's doing. He knows goddamn
Starting point is 01:36:01 well that he doesn't have a chance of winning a fucking dog catcher election. And this political campaign is the perfect ruse to carry out his anti-Muslim, anti-Islam agitation, particularly now that he's been kicked off social media. He can go to predominantly white working class areas and give campaign speeches, which he knows will be disrupted eventually, which will then give him the perfect optics to continue his bullshit for another cycle. And get more donations in grift. Uh-huh. And that's exactly what happened last week. Yep. Tommy was giving a speech in Oldham on Saturday, May 18th, and there was a large faction of folks who showed up who were not fans of his. Apparently some threw eggs and bricks. Those might not have been bricks. They
Starting point is 01:36:38 might have been rocks. I'm not entirely sure. Tommy could not have been happier. You can kind of see it in the video. He's smirking while he talks about the event. His camera's caught everything perfectly. A group of white families just trying to support the political process are attacked by a group of unruly Muslims. He got all the footage of children being put in cars where he yells in the bullhorn about how you need to be concerned for their safety. These children are being attacked. Obviously, I worry for those kids safety. Absolutely. But I also worry about their parents choices, bringing them to a fucking Tommy Robinson rally. Before he even got involved in politics, he'd been arrested three times for violent acts,
Starting point is 01:37:14 including one time in 2005 when he assaulted an off-duty cop who tried to break up an altercation between him and his girlfriend, who was issued a citation for being in possession of cocaine. And his behavior has gotten less safe for kids to be around since then. I'm not blaming those parents fully, but it takes quite a bit of ignorance to not know what you're getting into going to a Tommy Robinson rally. It has a particular character. You know what's going to happen. Yeah. I do not endorse the people throwing rocks at Tommy. I strongly disapprove of non-milk shake-related violence. No, no rocks. No rocks. I disapprove of non-milk shake-related violence. And even more than that, this is exactly the outcome Tommy wants. He gets to be the victim,
Starting point is 01:37:54 and he can use these videos as a powerful recruitment tool to convince white people that they're under attack from Islam. No two ways to slice this for me. I don't support what these people did, but I wholeheartedly support the political message behind it, which boils down to fuck you Tommy Robinson, which is something that he could hear every day, and it wouldn't be nearly enough. Never. So Alex is going to make a big deal out of Tommy's very manipulative video about what happened to him and how Islam is evil. We're not going to listen to much of it, because like I said, fuck Tommy Robinson. I'm not interested in deconstructing what he's all about. I think we all pretty much see his game for what it is. There are a couple points, though, where Alex's
Starting point is 01:38:31 commentary on the video drifts into territory where it becomes relevant for us to discuss. So there are a few of those clips in here, and you'll hear a little bit of Tommy's video under Alex talking, which is mostly just a explain this for context. Here is Alex playing the video and commenting over it. I think he says something that's very telling. Here come the rocks. Middle East for the Muslims. Africa for the Africans. Asia for the Asians. Latin Americans, but nowhere for the evil Christians. I think he is pretty explicitly expressing white nationalist beliefs. Yeah, is he ascribing that language to them? No, he's saying that those places exist for them,
Starting point is 01:39:18 but there's no homeland for the white man. He says Christian, but we know what he means. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why would you say Africa for Africans, and then Christian, like there are no Christians in Africa? Come on, man. We know what you think. And that language is very explicitly the language of white nationality. Yeah, absolutely. So when he uses that, and then instead of white people as Christians, you know what he's doing. Oh, yeah. It is, and it's pathetically transparent. Absolutely. It's really bad. Yeah, it's really bad. Yeah, no shit. Like at a certain point, that's, that's so, God, I'm just bummed. Just, we just fucking say it. You did. He did. Just use the word. I know. Use the word. So in this next clip, he talks about the cops and why they hate Tommy.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Most of it is because they are SJ dubs. And Alex says something in this clip that validates something you said on a recent episode. And the cops are telling them it's your fault, Tommy, for running for parliament. It's your fault for being born in England. It's your fault because you don't roll over and die like we do because you're not a traitor. All those SJW cops. Just look at them. So when we did that crossover episode with QAnon Anonymous, you may have made a point about Alex calling people race traders. And I think everyone's uncomfortable with that terminology, but you listened to that clip. That's what Alex is saying. Yep. He's saying those cops are mad at Tommy because he's not a traitor to his people. Yep. That's who boy. Yeah, you know,
Starting point is 01:40:54 it sure seems like it was, you know, I was, I don't know if I was exaggerating all the time. A lot, a few years ago, but a lot of the extreme language that I used to describe these people has been less and less extreme in regards to exaggeration as time has gone on. Yeah. As we've gathered more information, you've gotten less extreme with your rhetoric because we've realized it's accurate. Yeah, or at least with your descriptions of these dicks. So one of the things that's important to point out is that Alex is playing this video that highlights this this conflagration that happened at a Tommy Robinson rally, which if you know Tommy's history, if you know what he's all about, this is exactly what he was begging to happen. He puts tinder and gasoline
Starting point is 01:41:45 on top of woods and waits for somebody else to throw a match on. None of that is to say that the event is staged or fake or anything like that, but it's exactly the sort of optics Tommy begs for because it's the kindling for the fire that he knows how to build. Exactly. And it's important to point out that this video that Alex is playing is specifically campaign materials for Tommy's run for the parliament. The establishment has literally thrown everything at me during this campaign, but I never would have imagined that have their police lead a Muslim mob wearing balaclavas to my family friendly campaign event to attack it. Go. We all have a trial for May 23rd. I need you. If you want to send a message to all those traitors in
Starting point is 01:42:27 parliament, here it is, then vote for Tommy Robinson on May 23rd. So it's just a campaign ad with swelling music and there's traitors in parliament and this family friendly event attacked by unruly Muslims who were led there by the police. Boy, man, God, he should not even be, he should not even be physically allowed to say the words family friendly. I'm against censorship and pro first amendment, but I also think we should take some words out people's mouth. There's no first amendment in the UK. I just mean in a general, in a general sense. Like Alex, I'm all for free speech rights. He's not allowed to say Martin Luther King Jr. for 10 years. That's the rule hubris. Yeah, it's a hubris. I hate how he pronounces it or Ozzy
Starting point is 01:43:15 mandamus. You can say that all you want. So we get off the Tommy Robinson stuff and I just really think that it's it's it's woefully transparent and it evokes an Alex exactly what it's supposed to evoke, which is this idea of a race war. Yeah, more or less. Malinusian, if you will. It's it's bad. It's a real bad look. So maybe when I was saying that his apocalyptic stuff with the one hour is maybe a deescalation. Go ahead and ignore. Okay, all right. Okay, cool. I was I was already ignoring that. But okay, good. Yeah, it just was a stray thought. Anyway, in this next clip, we get to hear a little bit of Mark dice. He's got a special report that Alex plays twice during the show. Oh, the Mark so dice they played it twice. Yeah. So apparently taken to making fun of
Starting point is 01:44:14 Beto, which I don't know why he's sure fine. Beto is have fun. I don't know how relevant he is in the primary race. Hopefully less and less as time goes on. I already think he's down in the lower tier of candidates who are running at this point, right? But Mark dice makes a meal out of making fun of him in this clip. And then Alex says something really funny. Captain Planet, he's our hero running for president money pulling their zero with your hashtags combined. I am Captain Planet. Mark Brown didn't do nothing. Nice support. Whoa. I want to like save the environment and stuff. And to do that, we got to stop these Cal farts. Yeah, stop the Cal farts. That was just the tip of the iceberg for this week's global warming
Starting point is 01:45:13 circus. However, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio had organized a green new deal event right outside of Trump Tower, except barely was pouring rain. And so he had to come inside. And since he's such a terrible mayor, people started shouting him down and didn't really go as well as he had planned. Had the weather cooperate, we would have been outside. That was the original plan, but it's a public place. And you know what, ladies and gentlemen, this may be one of Mark Dices. I think it is one of his best videos ever. So I'm going to play the rest of it coming up. Wow. You know what the problem is? The problem is the right is just too good at comedy now, Dan. I think it's just too good. That's damning Mark dice with fake praise. We cannot, we cannot defeat
Starting point is 01:46:00 them on the battlegrounds of comedy, Dan. Oh boy. You're taking out Beto and de Blasio. What are we going to do? Oh, timely, timely Beavis and Butt head reference. I only have two pieces of information about this clip that I looked into and I dug deep on these. This first one, I just listened to the clip that Mark dice played. Bad idea. The person who complains to de Blasio is saying, is this a good place to get your message out? Cause it's Trump Tower. They're not mad at him for being a bad mayor. They're mad that the event is inside Trump Tower. That's hilarious. So it doesn't really work for his argument. Best video ever. And then the other thing that I looked into is Mark dice is 41 fucking years old. That is embarrassing. Really? Yeah. No. That's embarrassing
Starting point is 01:46:48 behavior for a 41 year old to be engaging in. No. Terrible impressions. Yeah. Oh man. Anyways, happy birthday to 40 year old Matt Druffy friend of the show. But he's not making videos like that. No, I know. He's, that's why I had to thank him. He's way better. Much more dignified than Mark dice. Holy shit. I was like, you gotta, I mean, if that would be bad, if I saw like Caitlyn Bennett making it, it would be embarrassing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would, I would say anyone over 16 that kind of anyone over 16. Yeah. That kind of behavior is I would look down on. I suppose anyone under 16 knowing a Beavis and Butthead reference would be, I think that might improve my estimation of them. Possibly. Yeah. I just mean more stylistic. I know. I know. Less specific references.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Absolutely terrible. So in this next clip, Alex lays out what I would describe as his climate change conspiracy. He sort of, he spells out a little bit of it. That's all about carbon taxes. Sure, sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Government overreach. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. E. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Et cetera. And then he has a source that he uses as a reference to say like a little specific real world example. Oh boy. This is not gonna go well. It's not, I mean, it's not necessarily offensive off the bat, but it's, it doesn't work for him, but he knows that no one listening knows. So it, it flies. But do you see the total hysteria hysteria global warming is going to cause the third world to collapse and they're all going
Starting point is 01:48:17 to come here. Then the globalist put an economic systems on record meant to collapse things and then open the borders up and build refugee centers and then tell you it's because everybody's underwater and no one can grow crops and everyone's dead and the world's ending in 12 years unless you do exactly what DeBlasio and AOC and Beto say it's all coordinated and countries like Spain that actually implemented the same Green Deal a decade ago. They now have 50% unemployment and people under 30 something like 25% unemployment in general. The country has fallen apart. It's been destroyed. This is an economic missile to destroy economies to take them over. So Alex knows that his audience doesn't know anything about Spanish employment rates. Yeah. And he chose a
Starting point is 01:49:07 really bad time to try and make this argument because why Dan on January 29th, 2019, the AP reported that Spain's unemployment rate currently sits at its lowest rate in a decade, dropping about 12.5% since 2013. That's weird. What happened? Well, the unemployment rate is still at 14.45% which isn't a good looking number. But whenever Alex discusses statistics, it's crucially important to consider the context. One issue is that Spain's economy has historically been characterized by high unemployment, even in the best of times. When their economy was doing its best in 2007, best in recent times, unemployment was still at 8% which is high for countries in the similar circumstances. Yeah. I mean, your best bet with America is often like 3% to 5%. That's what is
Starting point is 01:49:53 recommended by the Fed. 13% of Spain's employment is in the construction and housing industry. The 2008 housing bubble was a huge blow that still hasn't been recovered from nearly a decade later. 30% of the housing that's constructed in the EU is in Spain. It's a very large industry in Spain. Jesus. Yeah. People have criticized or discussed the idea that their economy was largely dependent on that industry. A little bit too much dependent on that industry. Possibly. Yeah. So it's also worth noting that Spain is a country with some of the best protections for employees in the world. Until 2012, it was the law that if you fired a permanent employee, you had to pay them 45 days worth of wages for every year they worked for you. Naturally, this made businesses
Starting point is 01:50:37 look for ways to get around having to treat employees like valuable people so they could find a loophole, which they did. By hiring people as temps who don't qualify for the protections that permanent employees do, they got around this law. An estimate from Alpayee says that 25% of the workforce is made up of these temporary employees who are not included as employed in official statistics. So at any given point in time, though the unemployment rate is like 14 or 15%, 10% of that 14 or 15% is constantly cycling a different job. Maybe not that much, but yes. Yeah, but yeah. A considerable amount are not considered in the statistics because of their temporary status. Yeah. The percentage is even higher among the youth, as you might expect,
Starting point is 01:51:22 which explains why the youth unemployment rate is substantially higher from just visually looking at it. Nobody likes paying young people to do anything. At that point, 93 out of every 100 job contracts signed were temp jobs back when this article came out. That's not good. This is why the Spanish unemployment rate appears to be so high. Under ideal conditions, it's already and always pretty much consistently higher than you might expect. But now the number is inflated by putting workers into abusive middle grounds. It's like what we see here with the gig economy. Yeah. It's like if the country was Uber. Yeah. And on a personal level, I can attest that I was a temp group on for like two years before I complained enough about how they were exploiting me that I
Starting point is 01:52:03 got hired as an actual employee. So it's not like this shit isn't being done by anyone who can get away with it. Obviously, there are other factors to consider, but these are a couple of the really big ones that Alex is conveniently not bringing up when he brings up these claims. Because if he did, they would undercut the idea that the globalists implemented green technologies as a plan to take over the economy and destroy the country because that's not true. That isn't what happened. It just is a way that he can interpret statistics that are even outdated. Yeah. But he can interpret these statistics in such a way as to make his argument that it has something to do with Spain introducing green stuff. And that's just not true. I don't know. Interpret is almost too bad.
Starting point is 01:52:45 It's fan fiction. Yeah. Yeah. Statistical fan fiction. Yeah. So we have one last clip here and it's interesting because on the one hand, it ends in a plug. So there's that. All right. Spoiler alert. Always. But it also seems to be, there's two things that are going on. Yeah. One is Alex is arguing that volcanoes are great for plants. True. Sure. He might be making a bigger deal out of it than he needs to. Possible. Second thing he's doing is he seems to be making an argument that places like Venezuela and Africa should be based on natural resources. They should be the countries that are the best and the highest. And the reason that they're not is because they have inferior cultures. So. Okay. Could we start and then stay with the first? It would be nice.
Starting point is 01:53:40 And then pretend that the second part, let's just talk about volcanoes, Dan. I want some Pompeii talk. So Mike down for this because you had experience sort of how he's making this argument. But it very much is based in a position and a belief that there is relative value of cultures and Central American, South American, African cultures were intrinsically inferior to European white cultures. Right. I don't. Right. Venezuela in Northern South America have soils that are the best in the world. They have incredible wildlife, incredible fish, incredible timber. They have way more resources than the average area of the United States. It's joke level.
Starting point is 01:54:38 But just like Africa, because of the corruption and the governments and the systems they have and the cultures, they can't get it together. Africa has so many resources, sub-Saharan particularly. Every resource you can imagine, Africa's got it. It's the only continent that has everything, everything, everything. The U.S. has a lot of dinosaur bones for some reason. So does China. Africa doesn't have a lot of dinosaur bones though, but it's got a lot of gold, lithium, everything else you can imagine. It's got everything, everywhere's mineral, every gym, farmland, volcanic soil, everything you need. What do you think Venezuela has? Volcanic soil. Why do you think we sell coffee from Southern Mexico and the Guatemalan border?
Starting point is 01:55:35 There's volcanoes. They grow on the sides of volcanoes. Some of them are active volcanoes. Why do you think Greece has such good food? Volcanic soil. Why do you think areas of Italy have such good soil? Volcanoes. Why do you think the best coffee in the world comes from places? You can get really expensive Hawaiian coffee that's excellent as well. It's grown on the side of volcanoes. They've got everything. We don't have coffee from the continental U.S. because we don't have the soil to grow it. You can grow it, it just doesn't taste good. Ours is from Southern Mexico. I think it's some of the best coffee out there, and this is kind of a plug while I'm talking about a story, but think about this.
Starting point is 01:56:19 That is a weird losing the thread. That's indicative of how his brain works. That's really troubling, just from a staying on point standpoint. I resist for no positive reason, just out of crotchety, misgenerational ideas. I resist memifying things, but god damn it, if that wasn't some galaxy brain level shit right there, that was a man being like, I see it all laid out in front of me and none of you, you guys are all playing on a completely different chessboard. I know it all. It's volcanic soil. Well, Mount St. Helens is in America. No, it's not. Okay. We can't grow things on Mount St. Helens because it erupts unlike every other volcano. You said that some of the ones in Hawaii are active volcanoes that they
Starting point is 01:57:18 grow coffee on. Yeah, but just because they're active doesn't mean they erupt. Active means like they go out sometimes. They have a nice dinner every now and again. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go to a club. I mean, on the one hand, I'm not going to deny that volcanic soil is very fertile and good soil. Not gonna argue with that. But I am going to suggest that Alex got distracted by the thought of volcanic soil in the middle of what was gearing up to be a very virulently racist bullshit. Well, and it did seem to ignore the tradition of colonialism and I don't know why Africa hasn't gotten its shit together, especially sub Saharan Africa. It really seems to take one element out of the equation. And that's convenient. But beyond it, it just belies it
Starting point is 01:58:14 incredibly like, I mean, there's no other word for it. It's a fucking hugely racist worldview. And I mean, undeniably, if he's saying that all these have all these resources, you know, because they're cultures, they can't get their shit together. Wow. That's that's the like, that's such that white view of like a coming to the coming to Native America, it's coming to North America and just being like, these savages, all they do is lay about and enjoy themselves. How dare they couldn't they be exploiting the land? Well, that's such that bullshit. And that's why there's like, when you hear a clip like that, where he's talking about these other play like Africa being, you know, they have their mineral rich and resource
Starting point is 01:59:03 rich, but they can't get their shit together because of the cultures. That's why there's an nefarious element to when he's talking about Africa for the Africans is that you don't mean for sure. You don't mean that. You mean I want Africa. You want you. I want all of Africa's resources. And I want all of you people elsewhere. Yeah, it's, it's a load of bullshit. But I think to use God, that's so fucked up. See, so when I said, I told you that I don't think that this episode is good or very interesting. It's because like a lot of these things are just kind of more explicit instances of things that we've already heard from him, right? He's always had a sort of revelationy streak to him. Yeah, we heard him say the one hour thing on a past episode. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:48 More clearly talking about it. Yeah, more clearly saying that we are in the end times. We've already heard him say in the past that Muslims are incompatible with his version of what he wants in society. Yeah, but he's laying it out pretty hard here. Right. We've heard him sort of turn tail on his, his ideas about martial law being bad even. Right. We've heard that before, but he's now being so bootlickery and so enthusiastic about Trump doing that with the Insurrection Act and all that. It really is just what we see is, ah, ah. Okay, all right. What we see is an episode of a television show that is preamble for an action episode. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. This is a bottle episode. No, not a bottle episode, but it's that episode of
Starting point is 02:00:36 rising action. Okay. And sometimes that's kind of unsatisfying because there isn't really a climax to it. Right. There is just the building of, and making tensions worse. And I think that's what you see in Alex in this stretch of time from the 17th to the 20th. It's in service of a climax that he hopes is coming. Um, and it worries me what that could be, but well, it's a, one of the things that I've, I've repeated over and over again is one of the reasons that I find Alex to be a figure worth talking about at all is because he is that weak link of right wing propaganda that says the quiet part too loud. Now he's saying the loud part way too loud. You know, like now he's saying the quiet part into the loud part. Yeah. He's turned the quiet part into the loud part. He's successfully
Starting point is 02:01:27 done that alchemy. So, uh, let's, uh, let's wrap this up. Uh, I don't know, uh, fully if there's a lesson to be learned from this episode, other than, uh, the present sucks and fuck Tommy Robinson. If you see him milkshake that boy. Yep. Um, but we'll be back on Friday for another episode. But until then we have a website. We do. It's knowledge We're also on Twitter. We are. You're at knowledge underscore fight or our show is that knowledge underscore fight and I am at go to bed, Jordan. Right. We're also on Facebook. We are on Facebook. We are also on the I tune eds, uh, as well as other podcastual applications. I had a beard hair in my mouth. Yes. Um, you can also find us there. So I had to go silent for a second. Uh, let's see. Whoa,
Starting point is 02:02:12 boy, did you pick the wrong episode for somebody who, I don't know. What do you got? Uh, I mean, we didn't talk about it really, but, uh, Alex, I mentioned that he talks about John Ronson. That's true. John Ronson hasn't killed anybody 100%. The rest of these folks are not, uh, not looking good. No, uh, in terms of what they may or may not have done. Not in the clear, not a murderer, but someone who probably technically has killed somebody. That's Alex Jones. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. So Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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