Knowledge Fight - #7: January 23-24, 2017

Episode Date: January 26, 2017

Today, Jordan is on a work-cation to London, so Dan tells "Fill In Jordan" (and fantastic comedian) Tyler Snodgrass all about what's happened this week on The Alex Jones Show. Topics covered include: ... Is Alex Jones a hypocrite about the right to choose? Is Alex super defensive about how he wasn't drunk over inauguration weekend, despite very clear evidence that he was? How not gay is Alex? Is the universe really just a "spiritual spider web?"

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi guys, this is Jordan. I'm glad Dan is holding down the fort while I'm not there. Just so you know, over here in London, they do not know who Alex Jones is, and so we are all living a better life. Andy and Chanzos, you're on the earth. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I am Dan. As you heard there up top, Jordan, my partner in crime here is in London. He's on a workcation, as Alex Jones would call it. So sitting in, in his stead, he's a very funny man, very smart man. I think I called you an informed cat over text messages earlier today. Tyler Snodgrass. Hello, thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Comedian extraordinaire storyteller fun guy. I want to, I want to welcome you in to Occupied Illinois, the studio here behind enemy lines. So we talked about this a tiny bit before we started. You, much like Jordan, know almost nothing about Alex Jones. Sure, I'm aware of his existence, and that there is now a podcast about him run by one of my friends. That's what I know. There might be more than one podcast about him, but only one by one of your friends. That's true. You do know that he's kind of a wacky dickhole, right? He's a wacky dickhole. Yeah, I'd say to put it lightly, that's what I understand. Though I'm coming from, you know, what other people in Chicago have said. So he's, he's a real, he's a real
Starting point is 00:01:39 wackadoo, a loony kazoo. He definitely is. Over the course of the last two weeks or so, we've been doing this show. We've experienced him do a lot of special reports. We've, we've explored when he did stand up. He did stand up one time. Oh, okay. We did that for one episode. We covered his Y2K episode. The inauguration just happened. And now finally, he's back in studio and everything is back to perfectly normal, crazy, awesome shit. I'm sure he has a lot to talk about, because even the normal news is now reporting some insane shit. True. I bet his reaction to that is just to the moon. He's got to go one step further than everybody else. So once, well, of course, once the baseline becomes nuts, he's got to go super nuts. It's kind of delightful.
Starting point is 00:02:29 But today's episode, what we're going to be covering, what we generally do is one day in the life of Alex, but because, you know, days kind of bleed into each other at this point. This is January 23rd and 24th. These clips will come from those two episodes. All right. You know, this is after the inauguration. This is after the woman's march. Right. We at this point have not heard what Alex thinks about the woman's march. Oh, God. Do you have any predictions? Oh, man, I'm so, well, I just don't know what to expect, but I guarantee I won't like it. Actually, you know what? This, I don't want to guarantee anything. I want to come in with an open mind. I appreciate that. That's more than Alex
Starting point is 00:03:13 gives the globalists. That's damn, that's for damn sure. What's a globalist? We'll explore that throughout the course of this entire show. That's his arch enemies. It's, it's this, uh, it's this idea that there's a bunch of really rich people behind the scenes who are trying to turn the world into a one world government. It's new world order shit, Illuminati shit. It's all bundled up within that, but it has to do with, uh, turning the, the, you know, using UN to, uh, make a world government and then everybody is slaves to them across the entire prison planet. That's Alex Jones, a sort of philosophy. Wowie. Wow. He should go into YA lit writing shit's hot because man, that would sell. That could be the new hunger games if you
Starting point is 00:03:55 could, you know, write it kind of pretty. He can't though. Yeah. As you'll see by his use of diction, he could not sit down and write a coherent sentence. Okay. But yeah, Alex has some thoughts about what he experienced through the women's march. Uh, this first experience. That's what's most important. I'm sure he did a lot of experiencing. He went in with an open heart, open mind, much like you with this podcast. Yup. Yup. So here is, uh, his first thoughts on it. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to roll through the news here, obviously. And, uh, also he has bizarre intro music. Yeah, that was a bold choice of his when he's coming in and out of commercials. It's insanity. So that's, that's what you hear there with the James Bond
Starting point is 00:04:40 style. Break down the big picture because we've got a truly demoralized brainwashed, servile group of state worshipers who just live such bizarre, domesticated, weak lives that they see those of us that aren't domesticated and those of us that are alive as the enemies. They want to get rid of us. There could be one of us left on the earth that, you know, the zombies hadn't pulled down and basically turned into one of them that they would allow us to survive. They wouldn't let one of us be left. I mean, it's, it's totally spiritual. And I've always known this, but when I saw it in DC, I was hurt. I didn't think, wow, our opposition looks like hell. I was looking all over the place
Starting point is 00:05:31 and I couldn't find any of them that didn't look like they were half dead. Young old, you name it. Now, during the Trump event right before the inauguration, I did see some attractive women and people, but they're always like really weird, wimpy guys. We're giggling and laughing. And I'd say, come on over to the camera. Just tell me what you think. They go, no, and just start laughing. And we're like mentally ill. So now we know exactly what's going on here, right? He's misinterpreting that people don't want to talk to him. Right. What's going on is these dudes at the bar to like, I'm not going to go fucking talk to info wars. They're going to twist whatever I say. Yeah. There's no fucking way I'm talking to that asshole. Right. People, they're giggling in
Starting point is 00:06:12 the vicinity of him. They're probably like, Oh, we know what this guy's up to. Can you believe he's here? Can you believe he left his apartment? It's like when you'd see the campus preachers in college. Right. Yeah. The college proselytizers. That's a pastor Bob. Those are, we had brother Jed brother Jed. That's better. It is. He was, he was a crazy dude. But yeah, you'd just be like, and it's not like you're attacking them. It's just no good is going to come of getting involved here. Right. And that's what he experienced. But he experienced something else that is also a huge lie. And I could tell the women, and I'm not saying this to brag, were attracted to me. But they'd be looking like they're attracted to me, but then just looking like I was evil and
Starting point is 00:06:54 then shake their head and just walk off like they were in a trance or something. It was really, really bizarre. I mean, to see, and then to see the Trump supporters. I mean, the black Trump supporters were like the best dressed, most articulate people that was the other black. You're saying articulate. No, I'm saying more articulate than me. That's your racism. When I say some black guy was a really great speaker. It was because he's a really great speaker. All right. His voice sounded the way he looked. What he said was better than what I said. I wasn't patting a black guy on the head. I was saying what I said. See, everything they've got geared where we can't ever come together. They're, they're even teaching if some white person tells
Starting point is 00:07:33 a black person, they think they're really cool. That's cause they're racist. So one thing, a trend that we're going to see in today's clips is Alex is really worked up about race for some reason. You don't say. I knew that before I knew about this podcast. So what are some of your takeaways from from our first clip here? So well, it's women want to fuck him. Yeah. He's he's so attractive that maybe women are intimidated or they don't want to, uh, they don't want to, uh, abandon their, their wimpy Trump supporting boyfriends. No, no, this is the, this is the Democrats, but he said they were at the inauguration. Yeah. Yeah. But this is like protesters and stuff like that. Oh, okay. If he's talking about wimpy dudes, he's not talking about Trump people.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Gotcha. That's way outside his narrative. I thought this was, he was just, he's just identifying people in general. That's another thing you're going to have to get used to is him not making linear sense at all. I'm adapting. So these dudes are pussies and they're cackling at him and the women are scared of Alex, but they're scared of how sexy he is. It's like leader of the pack. Right. It's like some weird 50s movie bad boy. Yeah. Oh, I want to fuck him, but oh, he's too dangerous. Yeah. It's also interesting that there were only attractive women at the inauguration, protest or otherwise, but there were, but there were none at the marches. Oh no. They're all fat, ugly. And they look, and they look half dead. I don't know. I saw a lot of pictures of the
Starting point is 00:09:11 marches. I wasn't able to make it out to the one in Chicago over the weekend, but I saw tons of pictures of really vibrant, happy people. Yes. Very energetic. People, they look like they gotten sun, some of them. They all looked like George Soros actually was paying them. They were that happy. Yeah. It was crazy to take away from that, that like people are half dead. And then that racial part at the end is gorgeous. A little bit of compensation, I would say. Just a little bit like he catches himself, you know, and then he's like, I better, I better just swing for the fences on this one. I better double down. Yeah. It's that, it's, it's kind of a rhetorical strategy. And a lot of people do it in standup is like, if you kind of accidentally say something fucked up,
Starting point is 00:10:00 you better go harder at it or else the audience is going to think you're an asshole. Right. And they're going to, they're going to sense weakness. And I think Alex does that too. He did another standup thing. He became self deprecating in the process as if to get, did you notice that argument more credit? Cause he said, he was more articulate than I am. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Better dressed than me. Yeah. Why would I say that about him in the negative about me? If I didn't mean it, right? Yeah. But then the opposite of that is when he's like, I'm not saying this thing about women wanted to fuck me to brag. So here's what you should know. Okay. On the last episode, when we were covering his response to the inauguration,
Starting point is 00:10:35 he posted one clip where he interviewed an incredibly well dressed black guy. And I'm sure that's who he's talking about. And the one guy. And the reason I think that is because of how he starts this next clip. He references the other person who he talked to in that clip. Okay. So I'm certain he really only talked to those two people. Yeah. The Indians that we spoke to were the most eloquent, smart, fiery, focused people I've ever seen. The black Trump supporters just had power in their eyes. The Hillary supporters look completely freaked out and like they were lost puppies, just totally freaked out and going, I used to really like you. Now you're racist and I just
Starting point is 00:11:22 hate you. That's one of them. I'm like, oh, but no, but you're good. Oh, but you're, I mean, it's like, they're like mind controlled folks. This is crazy. And I'm just saying the black people I ran into were mainly confused, but not the white people, man. They were whacked out of their minds. So what we could take from that is the Indian dude that he talked to in that other clip, he references the same people. It's insane. Like his references are the specific only people he talked to. And he's trying to generalize it as a big crowd of like all the diverse Indians that were there. I don't know about that. Yeah, I really don't know about that. Wait, so he said at one point he talked to Hillary supporters who looked like lost puppies, look very sad, who used to be
Starting point is 00:12:16 fans of his former fans. That's the part I was shaking my head at. Yeah, absolutely not. It's the same thing with the woman wanting to fuck him thing. It's like this didn't happen. You don't, there was nobody who was like, I want to like you, but you're racist now. I used to love you. That didn't fucking happen. Right. Absolutely not. No, no, no, no. So again, these deranged white people are leading dumb black people into dangerous territory. Yeah, it's this. It's that same, like real horrible racist narrative. But he's playing it out in a he thinks it's okay because he's pointing the finger harder at white people. Right. But he doesn't realize really what he's saying. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm going to write down some language. I took a note. It says,
Starting point is 00:12:58 whacked out does not equal confused. Well, yeah, he's trying to imply that they're on drugs probably too. The whacked out white people. Oh, okay. They're, they're liberal drug users and all micro dosing. They're using LSD like coffee. Yeah. Well, they're degenerate in whatever way. You know, that can be like an umbrella where your brain just fills in the gaps, you know, whatever kind of fucked up you want them to be. Just imagine that. Yeah, that's a good use of language. Whacked out is so vague and so subjective as also injurious. So we go from black people being there's power in their eyes to the black people were confused. Both these white folks were whacked out. But no, again, that's the Hillary people. The black, the black Hillary people are confused.
Starting point is 00:13:43 White people whacked out. Oh, okay. Black Trump supporters power in their eyes. Well dressed. God, I have so much to learn and more articulate than Alex Jones, which to me, I think is impossible. He has some more thoughts about the, uh, the Trump crowd though. You don't say. And then I was around the Trump supporters and I was almost embarrassed. I was like, these people are all so good looking. I mean, uh, I was like the 50th percentile in there. I'm not bad looking. They were just super handsome, super good looking, the Hispanics, the Asians, the everybody and you could feel it. I saw Chinese and Japanese people in the crowd, all super nice dress, you know, you know, when he said Chinese and Japanese,
Starting point is 00:14:20 he had to resist saying dirty knees. I guarantee there was a part of the back of his mind was like, don't say, look at these, don't say, look at these super like crying when Trump was up there, because they could feel it. The term they have in Japanese for the spirit or, you know, somebody's mojo, but they can really pick it up. They were just like, whoa. Gee, it's beyond that. It's called, uh, it's another term. The Japanese believe you get around somebody who's powerful. You can, by being around them, you actually pick up their, um, I forget what it's called, but you could really feel it. And, and, and it was amazing. And it was that crowd of people and Trump's up there. He's feeling it. He's receiving it as like a big dynamo generator to give us the
Starting point is 00:15:06 confidence to break the spirit of evil and weakness that has broken this country's back. And we could see our back being healed and the, and the shinny when the bone coming back together and the enemy is just, no, I poisoned your water. I poisoned your food. I poisoned your culture. It's all declassified. We've put poison art out there. We've tried to destroy your families. And now this, wow, we did all that. Now this, the idea that there's some sort of like global cabal. First of all, is an incredibly anti-Semitic idea. It has its roots in the, uh, the, uh, the very false document, the, uh, protocols of the learned elders of Zion, the, the debunked book. That's basically where all of the ideas about like a huge global cabal comes from.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Uh, and so, you know, like that's, that's one thing, but then if you do believe they exist and for centuries, they've been poisoning the water and doing all these, these crazy things to us, like Trump becoming president ain't shit to them. Yeah. If there's this big evil organization, they don't give a shit. Yeah. So what do you, what do you, what do you feel about this? What do you feel? What, what are you feeling right now? So many things. Um, I appreciate, I suppose, his attempt at being woke. In what way? And that he's really, he's going above and beyond. It's like he's,
Starting point is 00:16:29 he's deliberately mentioning, uh, the, that there was diversity in the audience. He named three. Yeah. He named three things. Though I, I thought for a second, you know, this is me being a sum, a sumptuous, uh, presumptuous, I guess, that he was just going to stop at Chinese, like all Asian people are Chinese. It's what I assumed he thought, but so he names, he names these races. It's almost like he knows his listeners are going to need an argument on Facebook in the future. Dude, that is exactly what my thesis has been coming to about the existence of info wars. It's not so much news. It's not so much entertainment.
Starting point is 00:17:08 It's to teach you how to argue poorly for indefensible positions. Yes. That's already kind of where I've, I've been smelling this, smelling this going. And a big part of that is, is because it's, or at least what tipped, it should tip you off to this is how fucking repetitive it is. We aren't going to hear every single time he says these things, but almost everything, except for the crazy yelling stuff, he repeats like 10 times in a show. How long are the shows? They are four hours with commercials every day.
Starting point is 00:17:38 That's a lot of time to fill. It's so much time. Wow. Thankfully, most of the time is spent selling weird supplements. He sells like colloidal silver and iodine and super male vitality pills. Iodine like the stuff that cults give to people to poison them. Like, I don't know, I don't know about these cults, but yeah, it's iodine. Speaking of getting poison, poison the food and the water. That's another thing that I think is hilarious is like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:05 the Illuminati wants to poison you here. Take these pills. The FDA hasn't looked at. All right. So actually I was thinking about this and I was like, why, you know, why would these elites be afraid of Trump? And I realized now actually I have an answer and it's in this next clip. Okay. You know, Trump got the big briefing and the new codes before he walked out because they said the president of the United States,
Starting point is 00:18:29 he's the president and then he takes the oath. There's that transformational twilight or dawn moment that one of the other twilight or dawn between the old administration, the new and Trump walks out. Trump goes in like this for the briefing. He comes out and was like, people like, whoa, he looks shaken. Yeah, sir, there's a long term eugenics program. You've already been briefed on them. I'm sure by some of the generals, but they've only got part of it.
Starting point is 00:18:58 There's a species wide program going on and he's going to get all the briefings now. And then Donald Trump is going to know what I've reverse engineered and more. You can look at his face when he talks about, we're going to unlock the secrets of the universe. We're going to unlock the secrets to disease and illness and we're going to eradicate it. And you can see he looks like he's about to break down. He's got right at that moment because now he knows. That's one theory.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Another theory is he looks like he's about to break down because he's fucking out of shape as hell and secondly, plus years old. Yeah, he's the oldest, like third fattest president we've ever had. Taft and like Grover Cleveland was also hideously out of shape. Those dudes were rotund. So there's a global eugenics program that's been going on. Now Trump knows about it and Alex has reversed engineered all this stuff from sources. So he can see the horror in Trump's eyes because Trump is now getting the truth.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yes, it's a Lovecraftian moment in many ways. It's that moment when you see Cthulhu and you realize that reality up till now has all been a big joke. Existence hasn't mattered. Now it does. Now you can fight. It's nonsense. It's great, but yes. Do you believe there is a global eugenics program going on run by the US government in concert with the Illuminati? You know, I'm going to be honest, I haven't given it much thought until this very second. But based on what Alex has said, I'm going to say, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You're getting turned on to some important things. You're getting turned on. I'm getting some info, man. There's a war going on, but I'm getting the info. There's a war going on for your brain, for your mind. This next clip that we play is offensive, but it's also delightful because one of Alex Jones's like sort of stock moves is to fake crying. He fakes crying a lot. And he does that in this clip and it is great. God almighty, man.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It was horrifying. My soul cried out for them. He's talking about the protesters again. Okay. So he's feeling bad for the protesters. Yes. This isn't an ironic making fun of them. No, no, no, no. And if you watch the video, he's doing like hands over his face and like really trying to ham up the fake crying. It's like he's never taken a drama class, but still is trying.
Starting point is 00:21:37 I'm sure he's not taking a drama class. I think you might want to because this is, it's hammy at best. At least level A at Second City. Yeah. Yeah. Caught myself, you know, saying, not even aggressive things, just, just, just, just loud things back to them about I'm here to help you look at how you're with the jihadis. Look how they're directing you. There'd be guys that are little Islamic jihad outfits.
Starting point is 00:21:59 You're going to get it. Jones popped right up in my face. And I'd say, just, you know, is your brand of Islam leading this and enslaving women? You know, is it happening? And they would just like look at me because they knew that I was right and looked embarrassed. Only the controllers looked embarrassed because they know what they're doing is going to damn their soul to hell. You got to have a certain IQ to be a controller. And then you realize that you're going to be destroyed as well. And that you've been bullied from birth into this radical Islam.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And that you're part of something that's so anti-human. So I, I want to be clear. I didn't take it out of context. No, I believe you. And as someone who's listened to tons of Alex Jones, I would assume you'd be asking me, what is he talking about? And I can't answer. They don't really know. So we don't, we don't have a previous context for this group of high IQ controls, half zombie, half dead eyed, jihadist protesters who understand that Christian heaven and Christian
Starting point is 00:23:12 God are real, but they have defied against that and their, and their great intelligence. And instead of worshiping a false religion to lead everyone else and they know that Jones knows and they are ashamed. I'm really glad that you're here to like really parse that out. Because I couldn't, I could not have expressed that better. That's perfect. Yes. That's exactly what he's saying. To me, all I took away from it was, there's no way anyone jumped out at you. There's no, just some guy being like, even that didn't happen. I'm sure some people.
Starting point is 00:23:49 So wait, is he, is he saying he was at the women's march? Like he showed up? No. I mean, he, he was there for, I guess, a short period of time, but he had to fly back to Austin. So like he left on Saturday morning. Is that where his show is based? Yeah. Occupied Texas. That's what he calls it. Whoa. Yeah. That's a great, that's a blue city. Yeah, it is. It's a wild place for him to be.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It is. Because there's a part of me that doesn't think that he's really sincere. You know what I mean? And Austin's a really kick-ass place to live. There's a lot of good stuff to do there. There's a cool vibe. Right. So if you're, if you're full of shit, it's a good place to live. Yeah, I guess so. Also, maybe he's just there for the queso. Could be, could be great. He seems like a guy that might just like some queso.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You know what? He's lost a lot of weight taking his supplements. Oh really? He'd like you to know that. That's what he says. Yeah. Taking the super male vitality, taking the DNA force, taking the, oh, do you know about DNA force? Of course I do not. Well, see your DNA as you get older starts to come apart.
Starting point is 00:24:54 You understand? You understand what I'm saying? The double helix starts to crumble a bit. The Ptolemies or something like that start to, the way that they've explained it is, you know how your shoelace has a little cap on it? Yeah, the aglet. Yeah, the aglet of your DNA starts to come off.
Starting point is 00:25:09 It starts to slide off. And then much like your shoelace coming apart, your DNA starts to fall apart. So you have to take their pills in order to keep the aglet strong. Gotcha. Who knows how much longer you could live? Probably way longer than you would have before. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Does it make sense? Makes sense now. All right. What can I put you down for? Put me down for three bottles of the special pills that keep the wax tip of my DNA held together. You save 25% if you get auto-ships. So the pills just keep coming to you. Oh, it's a subscription service.
Starting point is 00:25:41 The Netflix of fake pills. They're called Neutropics, to be fair. Neutropics? Yeah, yeah. That's the code for fake pill. Neutropics. That sounds like the name of an Aldous Huxley novel is Neutropics. Or like a 311 album.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So on the last episode, we did a lot of research. Didn't do a ton of research. Okay. But we figured out a pretty good theory that Alex was drunk over inauguration weekend. There were a bunch. Can't blame him. There were a bunch of times that he was wasted. Like you and I, we hang out with some drunk people.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yes. You know how we've been some drunk people. No doubt around each other. Yeah. But you know how to spot a drunk person. There's, there's cues that they give off. Yeah. And he was given off all these cues.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Okay. There's no doubt in my mind. If you go back and listen to the last episode, if you have everyone listening, if you haven't yet, it's at the end of the episode, we play his drunk clips dead to rights. We also talked about how he got thrown out of the inauguration because I watched a video of people escorting him out of the crowd. Oh boy. Now he has a little bit of a different take on it.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Can't wait. DC police war pussy hats. That's what it's called in support of Soros linked protests. Yeah. They don't even change the name from pussy riot. It's the same thing. Pink your women, the men are against you and the DC police who were appointed by Obama, their police chief would not defend women.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I saw it being bloody. So I, that's another thing. Uh, I forgot that this is how this clip starts. One of his narratives about the inauguration is that these socialist, jihadist controlled, whatever the, all these people were beating up old women. Old women specifically. Well, everyone, but old women got it too. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And there's a, there's, uh, like a picture up on info that illustrates this and it's a lady who has a cut on her thumb right here. She's a little tiny cut. No way. Yeah. That's their, you know, like people are being bloody. Do you expect like bashed in heads? Right.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It is not that anyway. It's a thumb scratch. The thumbs like, like my cat gives me. Okay. Went over there and tried to do something and the police drug me out. Then they had a bunch of news articles put out showing images of me being taken out of the communist group that attacked me for my protection in Cleveland and, and multiple newspapers, including TV, MSNBC, ran the image of where I'm being escorted out
Starting point is 00:28:13 months ago in July last year. And then added, I was drunk and the police were escorting me up. I mean, they've gone to levels of, I mean, lying's one thing in bad. If you lie about some fact in a story, that, that's classical lying. This is like whole cloth. No, no, no. I wasn't just drunk when I did this at, you know, 11 o'clock in the morning or whatever. And then they combined it with some nighttime thing.
Starting point is 00:28:36 I actually came down off a beanstalk there in DC. That's how I got there from Austin. There was a beanstalk from Austin all the way over to there and I came down off a magic beanstalk. I mean, that's how, I mean, I read these articles now and they don't even make sense. It's like a crazy person wrote it. So do you get what he did there? No. He tried to defend how silly the news that he was drunk was by comparing it to a story that
Starting point is 00:29:07 no one wrote that he had traveled by beanstalk to Washington, DC. That's, he was like, he's like, oh, it's so crazy. It's, you know, but the truth is I came on a beanstalk. So I found another clip of Alex drunk in DC over inauguration weekend. Okay. And this comes from a five minute video of Alex walking around the streets, just with a microphone. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:29:30 The last like three minutes of it is him giving limp handshakes. I'm like, how are you doing? To like supporters and fans, just like dudes coming up and be like, can I get a picture? And he's just like, yeah, man. It just stands there. It's wobbly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It's fucked up. Who's doing the camera? Probably Rob do one of the employees of info Okay. He has a crew with him when he goes down to these places to shoot. Now they have iPhones and they just shoot them. But this is some drunk rambling. I think you'll enjoy this.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I think I will too. That's the big difference. The new Atlanta will be created. It'll launch a space program that sends humanity into space. It'll launch a program that puts humanity on the map forever in the galaxy. It'll launch a program when our ancestors, a thousand years from now, are on hundreds and hundreds of star systems in galaxies. They'll look back and say, these are the people that had the vision that they did all.
Starting point is 00:30:33 It won't be Japan. It won't be China. It won't be Russia. It won't be Latin America or America will be seen as a long space for the whole program. America got the transmission. America got the plans. America got the data.
Starting point is 00:30:51 America got the codes and a bunch of assholes saw the codes coming in and thought they were God because they'd seen a transmission from God. No, people that see a transmission aren't God. So having a photo of a lion or a tiger or a bear doesn't make you a lion, a tiger or a bear. You saw a photo of a lion, a tiger or a bear. You weren't it. You imagined you were to hear delusions. That's a drunk dude right there, right?
Starting point is 00:31:25 We can agree on that. Oh yeah, that's for sure a drunk guy. In my experience with drunk guys, he's real drunk. The New Atlantis. The New Atlantis. That's a space program thing though. Either that or it's like, what was that? Isn't that a Francis Bacon book or something like that?
Starting point is 00:31:43 There's a philosopher who wrote about how America, way back in the early days, it was conceived that America was the New Atlantis. Because everything was going to be technological and advanced and all this stuff. So it might be, that's a decent reference, but come on, man. The way he's slurring his words, the way he's... He kind of went Scientologist for a second and talking about our ancestors living in star systems and stuff like that. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And getting transmissions from God. Like you're an asshole because you think you're God. You got a message from God. You're not a lion. In the last episode, the drunk clip we had of him was, he was interviewing a lady on the street and it was about free speech issues. And she's like, you have liquor on your breath. Oh, she says that.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah, then he just starts yelling at her. He ends up calling her sweet cakes. Sweet cakes? Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty amazing. So let that put that to rest. He was drunk. Yeah, I think he was.
Starting point is 00:32:55 The jury has decided on that one. Now, I will say that I'm not entirely sure if he got kicked out of what, or maybe he was being escorted out of somewhere for his safety. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that. Okay. But it really looked like he wasn't going along willingly. Yeah. From the clip I saw.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And it wasn't from Cleveland. He brings this up. Yeah, he said Cleveland. That was from the RNC convention. Apparently he got taken out of somewhere, like some area because the communists were attacking him. Okay. During the RNC convention.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Gotcha. But the clip I saw was 100% from the inauguration. And it didn't look like it was for his safety. Yeah. I'll say that. So Alex, back in the studio, like I said, he is riffing. He is now, at this point, he's introduced his thesis that he comes back to over and over again.
Starting point is 00:33:43 The idea that these protesters were weirdos, and that Trump people are great. Yeah. But along the way, with his verbal jazz style, he's got to throw in some other weird shit. So here are his thoughts about gender roles. Oh boy. At the news here, and again, the arrogance of these people,
Starting point is 00:34:02 and you mentioned it, David Brock, it begins David Brock far left donors playing Trump impeachment. Brock Super PAC creates Trump war room to target administration. Well, I'm announcing a DC war room that I'm going to set up with reporters and people. I'm all in. I'm expanding in the face of this, and I just believe the revenue will come in to do it.
Starting point is 00:34:24 And I'm going to the next level to fight these people, seeing what they're doing. We don't have Soros funding us. We have the listeners getting the great products in the old fashioned free market way. But just look at Trump on this front. There have been a lot of people on the so-called left that were against wars that were wrong,
Starting point is 00:34:38 and who were against TPP because it was unelected corporate world government. Well, now Trump designed orders to renegotiate NAFTA and pull out of TPP. Reuters, wow, hip hip hooray. But you bring this up to them. I brought up this weekend that, hey, he's going to repeal it. He's doing it right now.
Starting point is 00:34:54 They're like, shut up, effort, effort. And it's just like, we'll just be rational. No, white girl, white male. I'm like, that's your white male husband that walks behind you like a baby elephant holding your tail. I mean, that was just the shuffling men that just grovel the women. Like, that's how you're a good man.
Starting point is 00:35:11 As if men and women in relationships act like that to begin with. Old men, I know, just lavish their wives and girlfriends. There's no, the guy's in charge, but she knows if a guy comes up in the parking lot and wants to fight or mug somebody, she's like, get in there. And if somebody's going to have a baby, it's mama does it. Men go out and do the hunting and killing.
Starting point is 00:35:28 The women run the show back at the hut. But the issue is they're ending all that. That's right. The globalists want to end all that. If someone's having a baby, mama does it. You know, I gotta agree with him on this point. Men are, men are not having babies. He's true.
Starting point is 00:35:49 There was that one guy, but that, you know, that was all kind of, you know, That's war is an anger movie. That's what I was thinking of. Junior or the seahorses. Yeah. And seahorse culture. Well, seahorses are deep in the pockets of the globalists.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And the new Atlantis, their neighborhood is new Atlantis. So one of the other things that I think is interesting about this clip that's important to point out is you can tell who listens to info wars by words that are being used incorrectly. So like, I like this Betsy Davos put out a tweet that called the inauguration historical instead of historic. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And that is something that Alex Jones does at least five times a show. He says, this is historical, which is the incorrect use of the word. Yeah. You gotta, it's historic. Yeah. If you get, I don't remember the exact forms. It's an adjective. I believe historical is the adverb.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Adverb. Yeah. So it sounds right. But yeah, it doesn't work in that context. So we know the Betsy Davos Davos listens to Alex Jones. It's clear. You would not misuse that word like that. It's a very weird word to misuse.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yes, it is. Liberally and often. Yeah. And in this case, this is another one that Alex does is groveling. They're like, these men are groveling their girlfriends. The pussy men. Oh, yeah. And in that groveling is not something that you do to someone.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Not really. You don't have a direct object to your grovel. Uh-huh. But Trump in his ABC News interview that he just did, he says that reporters are groveling when they're backpedaling. He's trying to say that a reporter is backpedaling. He's like, well, then he's just groveling. He's just groveling to the establishment.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Oh my God. So it's kind of, it's not proof positive, but it's a pretty good indication that Alex isn't lying when he says the Trump listens. So we got that to enjoy and look forward to. That all makes sense because Trump's use of language is often wrong and pretty sparse. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I feel like he knows maybe a hundred words. But they're the best words. They are the best words. He's got the top one. Mostly one syllable words. Great. Huge words. Huge.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Good. Tremendous and terrific or some of the longer. You got to have that. More multi-syllabic ones he has. You got to throw in a $5 word over here and there. So here, this clip isn't another part of the, the scatting. And I don't even want to tip my hand here. Alex makes a very weird admission in this clip
Starting point is 00:38:31 that I'm not sure he even knows he said. I'm not, I'm not positive. Okay. You are a weed that should die before you're born. Right. Exactly. She said. He also has Ashley Beckford and Leanne McAdoo to
Starting point is 00:38:45 two of his reporters are in this conversation that they, he's brought them into studio now because he has to talk about like women. And so he brings in, this is a, this is about abortion at this point. He's brought in women to talk about abortion. Well, two of his reporters, they're women, but they're info wars employees first. Right. Because they tow the line a hundred percent on everything. This is interesting though, because this is more than Washington does a lot when it comes to,
Starting point is 00:39:13 that's fair. Things about women. That panel is like salting men. Salting men and one lady. Yeah, exactly. But they don't dare speak up and have like alternative opinions. Right. They are, they are here to validate what he has already said and proposed and affirmed.
Starting point is 00:39:27 They're there to be props and a sort of propaganda machine. Gotcha. So back to the Facebook thing. I heard these two women on info wars. Yeah. We have to, we can't let it go out. And Ms. Beckford, you look like a weed to me. This is Leanne or anybody, right?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah. We definitely don't need to exterminate the black community. That's for sure. I agree. And also. It's insane that we need to say that. Yeah, we don't. It's implied for us, but they do.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah. I will say, of the people who are involved in info wars, Leanne McAdoo is incredibly attractive to me and it troubles me in a lot of ways. I'm going to look her up real quick. Please do. And then Ashley Beckford seems like she could be doing legitimate work elsewhere. She seems pretty talented and like a decent reporter, but is doing this. I assume for a job.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm not entirely sure. She seems to have some chops, but anyway, back to this. And that's what plan parent for me, that's the litmus test. If you are all foaming at the mouth about, I mean, let's admit what was founded by basically Margaret Sanger was basically as the captain of the KKK. So, and I'm sorry. I get women and kids and things happen. You're worried you've been raped or might be deformed.
Starting point is 00:40:42 That's a medical procedure. You know, for the safety of the woman, let's just be all, but the thing is, we don't have to worship killing the babies. I'm not judging anybody's side of abortion. I've been honest. I've paid for them in my time and I'm sad for it. The point is, is that it doesn't have to be some national worship festival. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Yeah. You have your, your jaws on the floor. Is that from looking at Leanne McAdoo or what we just heard? It's the latter. Though, what? What are you talking about? Let me, let me, let me find you. That's her, right?
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, she's so gorgeous woman. She is a gorgeous, I'll be honest. I didn't expect that. Yeah. Very good looking lady. Very attractive, Leanne McAdoo. But that is, you know, so wait.
Starting point is 00:41:24 And the name McAdoo is great. Pretty fun. So yeah, that, that was a crazy admission. Yeah. And they didn't, they seemed to not bat a verbal eye at it. No, but you, you, in the video, you could see them sort of look at him. I mean, they don't take their eyes off him when he's talking. So I mean, like, but there's like a.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I'm sure he's very sexy to them. Oh, totally. They're scared of him, but they want to fuck him. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So in that, he, that's multiple abortions he's paid for. Yeah, more than one, plural. I've paid for him.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Whoa. Wow. Yeah. To be someone who is crazy anti-choice. Yeah. And then to like admit flippantly, I've paid for abortions. Yeah. You're kind of a fucking hypocrite and a dick weed.
Starting point is 00:42:10 No, entirely. And I'm sure it was not a, I'm sure it was not a cool hail pay for that. I'm sure it was more like, you're getting this. I would assume based on his understanding of gender roles, you might be right. Yeah. Which is a, I feel bad even suggesting that as reality, but that was probably reality. When mommy is not going to have a baby daddy decide. This is something that I mean, my, my, my blueness will be showing on this, but this
Starting point is 00:42:38 is something I've said for a long time to my, my Christian friends about Trump. You know, the single issue voters oftentimes is being anti-abortion as opposed to pro-life, let's be honest. And I was like, how many abortions do you think Trump has paid for? And they're like, I don't want to think about that. It's best not to. Yeah. It's probably been a ton.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's probably been a ton, right? Yeah. You got to assume. I mean, he, he, he even said like, uh, I don't remember the exact quote, but it was basically that the AIDS crisis was his Vietnam was like his personal Vietnam. Well, is that a real thing he said? Yeah. I, I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but that's, that's gotta mean he was raw dog and everybody
Starting point is 00:43:14 before that, you know, he does not raw dog. So before the eighties, he was fucking getting it in unwrapped. Wow. So he probably had tons of, uh, like birth scares, let's say. Yeah. Probably tons of shit just going on. He might have syphilis that might explain everything that's going on. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:35 He's, cause he's saying some crazy stuff now. Syphilis is what degrade, like just rode your mind, right? Well, if it's untreated, it's very easily treatable, but yeah, it makes you go crazy if you don't. Sure. But the thing is, I would have killed him by now. Actually, never mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:48 It wouldn't have, it wouldn't have dormant this long. He's got that money. Yeah. But if he goes to doctors like that one doctor he had, Oh yeah. Not a chance. 00:43:55,800 --> 00:43:59,080 Who was just like, you're the most healthy individual I've ever examined.
Starting point is 00:43:59 This whole out there looking like wavy gravy and shit. Looking like some old hippie doctor. Get out of here. Yeah. Oh boy. So, uh, you know, how do we know that, uh, that, uh, Donald Trump is a real bad ass? That's a question that we all got to ask ourselves. Well, one way we can tell is how do other people who are bad asses interact with him?
Starting point is 00:44:23 Okay. Alex has some thoughts about it. All right. So just wait social justice where it's because that's really going to blow your mind. Yeah. What are they going to do here in a few months a year when their lives are better? Well, let's take Don King and I'll be honest, Don King's like a super alpha male that went to prison for beating people to death and collected the whole nine yards, but
Starting point is 00:44:42 he ran over, talk about somebody, all the big white promoters, all the Italian mafia, everybody in dominated sports, but loves Donald Trump and respecting. I mean, I'm just saying somebody that actually run over like powerful white guys has been Don King and he loves Trump because he knows Trump has actually done a lot of good things. I mean, even people like Don King really respect Trump. At this point, uh, Ashley and Leanne are both looking at Trump or at Alex Jones. Like, what are you talking about? At this point, they have gone confused.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Like, what, why are you? First of all, Don King, that was murder. He was trying to collect on a gambling debt and beat a guy to death. Oh my God. So, uh, yeah, he went to prison for, uh, well, I guess, you know, maybe it's manslaughter or whatever like that, but it's bad. He's a bad dude. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah. But he respects Trump. So, great. Where's a lot of flag shirts? I think Alex might be taking the wrong lesson from that. Do you think that's possible? I think it's quite possible, Dan, you know, and I'm, I'm not a kind of person who would just blindly agree with you even if you have me on your show, but I think you might be
Starting point is 00:45:50 right about this. I appreciate that. Also, Alex has some more thoughts that he wants to expand on the issue. Oh, okay. That's because there's something special about Donald Trump. I don't want to get into some cult worshiping Trump, but man, I'm telling you, he is just delivering, it's crazy and all the evil people hating. I just wonder who is Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I mean, it's crazy. Right. I don't give the media something to freak out about because I know he makes like 300 phone calls a day. I just wonder how Trump has all this stamina. Super mail. Exactly. Did you send him that box?
Starting point is 00:46:17 00:46:17,000 --> 00:46:17,800 Super mail by Tom. No, I didn't. Was he something else? A plug. Yeah. Yeah. To be fair, at the end, Alex is like, nah, I didn't send him any.
Starting point is 00:46:25 But yeah, of course, it's the insinuation. That's good enough. That's good enough for marketing. So yeah, he's a vital man and, you know, Don King. He's a black guy who runs over white dudes. Yeah. I like how it has to come back to race, too. It does.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So is Alex Jones one of these? Is he a supremacist? I don't think so. Okay. I don't know. I it would be inappropriate for me to say that like to make that accusation. Sure. And I don't think that the evidence really necessarily bears that out.
Starting point is 00:47:00 But I think he's beholden to some racist lies that he doesn't realize that he believes. Like he's kind of big on the idea of white genocide, basically. Okay. He thinks that white people are there. There are groups trying to get rid of whites. Somewhat. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:16 He this does come up on the program sometimes. And it's interesting that he equates like, well, Don King must be very tough because he was able to take out white guys and murder a guy. You know, tough white guys are. Yeah. Yeah. And let's let's not mix facts here. Don King is like 80 years old and incredibly insane.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Oh, he's fully insane. He's lost it. So I'm sure you saw the clip of like Trump standing next to him. Yeah. And Don King is just like waving a flag kind of like just not really looking at anything in particular. Yeah. I don't want to make fun of the old for like being old, but he's old. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:56 He's he's he's baddie levels of old. Yeah. And I mean, they're granted they're old people who like they're 105. They're really with it. The people that they report about on the news when they 105. Yeah. But also not dying makes you go crazy unless you take DNA force. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:14 But you can get now at We're giving them a plug. Love it. Okay. So I think at this point we're on to the next day. We are now on to the 24th. Okay. And Alex says we've just covered four hours worth of material.
Starting point is 00:48:29 A lot of stuff in that we didn't cover is repetitions. There's just a lot of saying the same things over and over again. But the next day he says some of the other same things over again. He has some more new and and fuller, more robust lies about what happened at the inauguration. Okay. And Obama who ran the Capitol Police had a plan to not let people in and then to let the protesters beat people up. So so first of all, he's saying that Obama who relinquished power at noon
Starting point is 00:49:02 had put someone in place who wasn't going to defend the public and he was going to make it so people couldn't get in. And that is why that one picture looks like there's nobody there at the inauguration because there was millions of people waiting to get in. They're all in line. On the perimeter. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Yeah. Get in. But because they needed to stage that photo op. Yeah. Yeah. So that's an insane theory. You know what I like about Alex Jones? He gives he gives like Obama a lot of credit.
Starting point is 00:49:35 I mean, there are things I don't think Obama did, but it's really nice of him. But it's not Obama. Obama is a tool of the globalists. Sure. So it's the globalists. It's the George Soros of the world who are actually doing all this stuff. Obama just gets credit because he's the figurehead. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Okay. What do they do? I have footage live hours of women being beaten up and attacked and them blocking us from trying to get into three different entrances. Here's how I know that that's not true. They post everything on info really fast. If they had hours of footage of people beating up old women at the inauguration, they would have put it up.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Holy shit. That would have been like Rob do get back to the hotel room right now. Put that up immediately. Right. There's no fucking way they're sitting on that for a week. I mean, like, oh, we just don't have it up. Bullshit. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Bullshit. So I had to travel miles around Pennsylvania Avenue to find one entrance to get in. And because you're only allowed to go into certain entrances with your tickets. And guess what was happening there again? People trying to block the entrance. Now, what did the media do with this? What did they do? I need to do a whole report on this.
Starting point is 00:50:51 They had everything from MSNBC to ABC to CBS, running with stories that that day I was thrown out and they show video. In fact, we can actually go to this article. It shows a photo from Cleveland is saying that I basically got arrested. This is how done they think you are. Let's pause for a second. Is this true? I'm assuming you looked into this.
Starting point is 00:51:19 What do you mean? Did these new stations have stories specifically that was Alex Jones was thrown out? I 100% don't give a fuck. Okay. The only things that he put up were like blogs and stuff like that. There was no like he didn't show any proof that the New York Times reported on it, which I can't imagine them caring. No, they would not give a shit.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yeah. He has a real like victim mentality about a lot of stuff. You don't say. While accusing Democrats of being like you guys are all just, you know, you're victims of the system. You're willing victims. Yeah. Like, you know, you think that a cabal of people are stopping you from doing everything.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Trying to initiate white genocide. Yeah. You might pot calling kettle black. But no, I don't care if those news sources. Let's say they did. I don't care. Like that isn't bad reporting. I saw the video of him being thrown out of something.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Where did you find the video? Was it YouTube? It's on YouTube. Okay. You can find it. And like I said, if they're saying, if they're, if they didn't do any research into the circumstances and what have you, then that's shoddy reporting.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Sure. Sure. But I know something happened and I guarantee he was drunk. Let's remember what is important. Dude was drunk. Yeah. He was tanked. And so like him being like, I wasn't thrown out and they want to say I'm drunk.
Starting point is 00:52:44 They're like, come on, man. Just give it up. Just say you were drunk. It's fine. Right. No one cares. The only care that you're denying it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:52 So here we go. Look, look, January 22nd, 2017. Now that happened in July of 2016. They were escorting me for my protection when a bunch of communists attacked me saying I had no free speech, but not in the disinformation land. I got calls. I had my lawyer call me.
Starting point is 00:53:10 He heard on the radio that I had been thrown out of the Trump inauguration and caused a disturbance. I can't even keep track of all this. I'm trying to get in. I'm attacked as I'm walking towards it. There's bleeding women walking by on our Facebook mentions. Live. Again, it's a knuckle.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And they're telling me I'm bleeding. They attacked me. They won't let you through. The police do nothing. I'm like, really? We get there and they attack us. The police come and grab us again and say you're not allowed. We've closed this entrance.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And then it turns into I'm arrested again. But wait, it's better. I'm also drunk, they say. Had that a drink. Nope. Nope. Nope. This is wrong.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I love that. He's like, my lawyer calls me. I can't even keep all this straight. It's like, that's what happens when you build a house of lies. Can you imagine being his lawyer? Oh, man. Do you think that his lawyer is as crazy as he is or is his lawyer just like Jesus Christ?
Starting point is 00:54:11 I can't believe that this is what I do. I think it's either the most professional person in the world, very unlikely, but possible. Or the Trump's doctor of lawyers. Yeah. It's like a not funny, better call Saul kind of thing. Yeah. I was thinking like, oh, what's the character from the Simpsons?
Starting point is 00:54:33 What's the lawyer from that? I just keep thinking. Leon Hutz, is that his name? That sounds right. I just keep thinking of a Dewey Cheetham and Howe. Who's that? That old dad joke. The law firm of Dewey Cheetham and Howe.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Oh, Dewey. 00:54:46,040 --> 00:54:46,840 All right, good. That's a good dad joke. That's not bad. Bob, how do you beat some boy? So these lies go on a little bit longer and then he ends this, this sort of segment of lying.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Lionel Hutz, I think. That sounds right. I think that's it. Yeah. This what you're going to love when what happens happens here. This is one of Alex's trademark transitions that's going to happen. I love, I love a catchphrase, a trademark. This is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Sitting outside waiting to get my tickets. And women start coming by bleeding and I'm like, the first one was like, I'm bleeding, they're attacking me. I'm like, I'm like, this person's a drama queen. No way they attacked an old woman. Then another woman comes by bleeding and another and another and then. Oh my God, they're, you mean they're doing it down the street. So I go down there because I thought that was where we're going to enter.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And they go, oh yeah, you're not getting through here. It was all F.U. Alex and weird little guys, a little black mask all dancing around him, little Satan demons and all of a sudden boom, boom. It's like, yeah, you fascist white male. Just like if it's KKK, but actual modern giant KKK. Because people are just people and the media legitimized racism against whites and it's now created an army of self-hating mental patient white people
Starting point is 00:56:06 running around leading disheveled, really stupid looking minorities. And I say that because it's what you see. You look like really dumb ignorant, but they all are going to college. They're all getting free government goodies. And you see what college pays for trillion spent since the 1960s on the great society. And it has created just but her chip on the shoulder people whose whole identity is hating prosperity. Well, you better hate it because you're not going to get any money with those worthless degrees.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So they have really psychologically screwed you over by design. This is how you sabotage America. But what was left of America, every race, color, and creed came together to try to resurrect the Republic, to try to defeat globalism. That's a huge unelected oppressive tyranny. And you run around as we desperately try to write the ship running over icebergs in the freezing water of tyranny. And you're screaming and yelling, trying to stop us from riding the ship.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Break your conditioning morons. I mean, it's not right to say he took out the bust of Martin Luther King and you know it's a lie or to say nobody was there. And to attack free speech and to do it for global corporations that we're taking over and Trump is getting rid of the TPP, rid of Obamacare, all of it written to screw you over. And you even know that's true, but you don't care because you're in such a cult. You can't admit you were wrong. Now I got to put out the midair refueling here and fund this operation.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I didn't know we only got 2000 of this famous print. We've already sold 500 as of this morning. I don't know why because they're 1995 on parchment paper. And I think we're probably selling them for too low. And quite frankly, I need to raise money. So I'm raising these to $50 a piece tomorrow. And I don't sell out because I need money. You like that switch there?
Starting point is 00:57:54 You like that switch screaming about nonsense? I didn't cut that. That is not edited at all. Single clip. That is awesome. Weirdo, like racial... I don't want to call it racist because that's an easily attackable word, but that was some racist shit.
Starting point is 00:58:14 To being like you are all in a brain-controlled cult and then getting into this fun. Because you're in this cult, you can't admit when you're wrong. I think he's talking about himself. And then immediately goes into a sales pitch for like a charcoal drawing of Donald Trump. Is that what that is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:32 No way. Oh my gosh. It's so great how he does these really impassioned yelling pitches. Like just these like I'm going to get my points out. I'm going to scream about them. And then like also we got these new pills in. You're giving up the game, Alex. You got to be smoother than that.
Starting point is 00:58:52 You can't like... There are people who don't like you. You're making it so easy. Right. It's insane. It's kind of like if he runs out of steam, he's got this thing in his back pocket and it's well to sell. You just got to sell this thing.
Starting point is 00:59:05 We've got these fucking pictures of Trump. We got to do this thing. And then the... I need money. It's like, come on, man. Come on, man. I'm broke as shit. I barely...
Starting point is 00:59:17 He's got to pay this lawyer to keep track of all the lies. I would love someone... I'd love people to donate to my Patreon. If you'd like to, go ahead. What's your Patreon? It's slash freezing point. But I'm not going to throw it in everywhere. I think I accidentally just did.
Starting point is 00:59:32 What's it to... I think I just did. I'm not trying to plug you slyly. What is the Patreon for? Just giving me money. Just you yourself. Your rent. Well, it's for like podcast related expenses.
Starting point is 00:59:43 We put out a ton of podcasts and stuff like that. So like, you know... Sure. If anybody wants to support it, they can. I don't give a shit. Yeah. I'm not going to sell you any pills. I don't have any pictures of Trump.
Starting point is 00:59:52 You mean draw you some? Yeah, that would be great. I can draw you some. Lizard Trump. I'll draw you a lizard Trump. For those of you out there who don't know, Tyler has drawn all the presidents now as lizards. No, I actually took a break right before the election.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Or sorry, right as soon as the election happened, I quit drawing him because he got so upset. It's understandable. So I stopped. I took a break. But I was drawing all the presidential portraits as lizard people. Yeah, they're great.
Starting point is 01:00:17 I got up to Truman. Okay. All right. Well, I mean, that's a good breaking point. Pre-bomb, post-bomb world. I guess it was. Something that's made. Was it during his first or second term that he?
Starting point is 01:00:31 I can't remember. I can't either. But something that's made the experience of living in the world today a little bit worse was that Dan Carlin's Hardcore History just came out with a new episode. I don't know what that is. So he's a historian.
Starting point is 01:00:44 He just does these really long, awesome, well researched podcasts about things in history. Okay. And his newest one is about the sort of creation of nuclear and atomic weapons. And it's appropriate and dark right now. And listening to it just made me really bummed out. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:03 So if you want to get bummed out, go ahead and do that. But if you don't want to be bummed out. Bummed out plug. If you don't want to be bummed out, I got another clip for you. That's pretty fun. All right. I'm ready for some fun.
Starting point is 01:01:13 So while Alex was in DC for the inauguration, he ran into somebody who he has said some really fucking horrible things about. Someone who I don't even, I don't even remember all the specifics. But this guy, Trump has accused his dad of being involved in killing JFK. Oh, so it's our, it's our good pal Ted.
Starting point is 01:01:37 It is. Almost got to Aaron this yesterday, but I was so busy with all the news that we didn't play it. So I'm going to play it right now and also give some commentary on it. I was leaving Saturday in DC and I came out of the condo that we rented and I was waiting for Buckley and others to come out of their condo.
Starting point is 01:01:54 And I looked into the, into the hallway where I'd just come out and the room right next to where I was staying, I guess Ted Cruz lives there or had rented it out. It's Ted Cruz coming out of the dark hallway because the lights were off down there for some reason. They always make the joke that he's like a vampire. It looks like a vampire,
Starting point is 01:02:12 but he could star as Count Dracula in a major TV show. And I don't mean that as mean. I'm interesting. Interesting to say you look like an undead creep, but I would say that in a bad way. Yeah. I mean, that is a compliment to you, Ted. So, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Hi, Ted Cruz. I supported him early on for president. He's done a lot of great things. And I mentioned that in the short interviews. It's true. It's just that the fact is trying to steal the votes in Colorado and other places and claiming that you just wanted a landslide
Starting point is 01:02:42 when you got the delegates, that just doesn't float. It's the same way they robbed Sanders, but Trump stood up against it. But I'd like to see him get behind the rebirth of America. And he says he believes Trump is part of the new era. So this is exciting. Here's the interview with Ted Cruz. Look, there's a secret meeting with Alex Jones and Ted Cruz.
Starting point is 01:03:01 They caught us here. They did. Yeah. So what did you think about yesterday, Ted? Well, I think it's the start of the new era. And what we've been giving is... It just goes on from there. I should tell you, it's a boring interview.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Yeah. They cornered him in an elevator. This interview is taking an elevator? Yeah, on an iPhone. It's insane to see how sad Ted Cruz's face is. Like, he does not want to be in that elevator. Oh, yeah, I bet. It's like, Alex Jones always talks about
Starting point is 01:03:33 how he's not impressed by celebrities and doesn't care about insiders and stuff like that. He looked like a kid on Christmas. Like, he was so excited that Ted Cruz was there. Yeah. At the end of the interview, he's even like, hey, you should come on the program. You know, we've got a billion listeners now.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Real quick. Yeah. You're doing a pretty good, Alex Jones. Thank you very much. You've done a decent amount of listening. I can see. I'm working on it. You've practiced.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I'm trying to get up to like, addomian levels of impression of Alex Jones. When he invites him on the program, he's like, we got a billion listeners. And Ted Cruz is like, that's a lot of people. It's obvious that Ted Cruz doesn't believe him. Right. But then he's like, it's a billion people.
Starting point is 01:04:12 It's way more than Glenn Beck. All right, dude. Come on now. But it's great to see Ted Cruz even be like, I don't want to talk to this asshole. Just like, he's like, I'm Ted Cruz. I'm unreasonable. I, I hate so many different people.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I have a hundred cans of soup in my pantry at all times. My daughters hate me. They won't kiss me. But man, do I, but boy, this guy's so much worse. And I know that I'm self aware enough to know that. It's like, I, I, I tried to shut down the government over something that people wanted. And then I swore I would never support Trump
Starting point is 01:04:54 after he fucking really went after my wife real hard. And my dad. Inappropriately. And me. Then I fucking cucked out and supported Trump. And yet I know I can't be seen with Alex Jones. I cold called for Trump. There are pictures of me with the saddest puppet look on my face.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I can't get the stink of this guy on me. But boy, this guy sucks, right? This fucking iPhone elevator interviews. It's probably getting interview. Can you tell what kind of iPhone by any chance? Cause I feel like it's got to be like an iPhone five s or like, I think, you know what? I'm going to give him benefit of the doubt.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I'm going to say it's a six. It's a six. That's what I'm working with. It's a nice phone. Yeah, I think I have a five. I'm a very, I'm a droglodyte though. You see, you are. You're rocking a five.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Yeah. Has it held up okay? Yeah, it's fine. That's good. I don't, I don't adapt to technology very well. I'm real, real behind the times. I only got a cell, like an iPhone like two years ago, maybe. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah. Well, this podcast setup is more advanced than any of our other podcasting friends. Thank you. I take that a little bit more seriously. Gotcha. Just a tiny bit. Yeah. You know, it's something that Alex takes seriously.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Tell me. Sex. Ha, ha, ha. Here is where we get to what I would describe as the fun part of the show. Oh, I can't wait. You know, it's been fun so far, but if we're just now to the fun part. The next three clips are cuckoo bananas. So if everything else up to this point has been reasonably sane, here's where it gets.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Yep. So here's, here's what Alex's thoughts about like. I'm not even sure how to explain what this is, but enjoy. Okay. But I really think about the fact that I always thought people were good like I was. It doesn't mean I'm perfect. I'm a very worldly person when it comes to eating and drinking. And you know, let's just say I'm certainly not gay.
Starting point is 01:07:01 But the point is, nothing against gay people, you know what I mean? The point is, is that I'm not out to get anybody, ladies and gentlemen. Uh, and I think saying I'm, just say I like God's creation on the feminine side, but these people are crazy, ladies and gentlemen, absolutely out of their minds. What would, do you want to try and parse that one? Do you, can you? Which people are he, is he talking about? Am I supposed to know that already?
Starting point is 01:07:29 Well, I mean, it's these protestor types. Oh, we're still on that. That's pretty much the central theme of most of the show. But it does really seem like he's saying that gay people are out to get you. Yep. And the gay people are crazy. And they might be crazy because they don't see the beauty of the, They're not worldly.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Of the feminine creatures God has bestowed upon this, this great earth. That is crazy. Yeah. I like how he has to say three times in there that he's not gay. I'm not gay. Nothing against gay people. Well, I am not that. I love the creations of feminine.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah. Oh God, it's so much creepier when you have to like find a roundabout way of saying you like women. Yeah. Instead of just being like, I'm a heterosexual man. Yep. That's cut and dry. You can just say that. He's got to like find like an innuendo like.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Or also saying that you're not gay is not an attack on gays. You know what I mean? True. Like if I say I'm not gay. Oh, Dan. I don't, I don't. Be nice. I don't then have to follow it up with nothing wrong with gays.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Yeah. I think we got, we were done with that like that Seinfeld episode like 30 years ago. Right. Yeah. 20 years ago. You know, like we, we took care of that idea of like nothing wrong with that. 01:08:45,880 --> 01:08:46,440 Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:46 He basically, he basically said no homo. No homo. Yeah. Because sometimes when you say no homo, what you mean is homo. So he'd be really clear. Yeah. He said it twice in a row basically. This clip is a little bit longer.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Okay. It is absolute insanity. Cuckoo bananas as you put it. It's so strange. The thought process makes no sense. There's a, there's a fascination with a bodily function that is, is bizarre. Anyway, here you go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Oh, also he does one of my favorite things. He does some praying. I mean, they knew. I just can't believe we're facing this level of evil. I want to also say just in advance, this clip is a little bit longer. So I apologize, but here we go. Okay. You know, the Bible talks about evil people having a spirit wanting to be destroyed,
Starting point is 01:09:50 wanting to be lied to, wanting to see righteousness fall. And that's it. There are people like tune into like this mental illness brain wave of just flopping around and foaming and being idiots with all these weird creepy people with, with like dog style haircuts, you know, that like, like clown haircuts, like David Brock, who just puts out idiotic nonsense. And then these minions take it and just repeat it. David Brock could go out on the street in front of these women and, and, and you know, pull a cork out of his rear end and put 50 pounds of feces on the ground and tell those
Starting point is 01:10:24 women that it was pumpkin pie. They'd get down their knees and eat it. Do you think he was trying to do a dirt Bernie Mac there? I don't mean that to be gross, man. Sometimes you got to have gross analysis because it is gross. The lies they're putting out are gross. They're disgusting and it's weird. And I don't know how we've had little scumbags like this dictating to us for so long.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I mean, thank God there's a global overthrow of the sycophant demons. And I want everyone to redouble their efforts. He thinks he's going to overthrow Trump and America and the rebars of this, buddy, we're going to overthrow you and you think you and your minions and all your people and, and, and, and, and, and has beens like Madonna. Let's get this break. You think you, you think you can talk about doing violence to us and get away with it. You got another thing coming.
Starting point is 01:11:20 You got another thing coming. I just know how the ether works. The spiritual spider webs throughout the universe and tripwires. And I, I think you hit some big wires. So also we're starting to realize that Alex Jones is a religious zealot, but in a really weird way. So on the last episode, we found out that he believes that everything is energy, which is not totally in line with Christian teachings.
Starting point is 01:11:48 No, I once dated a girl who believed that everything was energy. She had a lot of crystals. No, she might now at the time crystals weren't really big yet. Okay. Okay. Was this in Springfield or here? This is Springfield. This, this is, this is a while back.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Okay. Well, maybe it kind of goes along with Gnosticism a little bit. You know, there is sort of a, there's that influence there. I don't know what brand of Christianity he's into. If everything is energy, I'm going to be honest, I think none. I don't think as, as a person, very Baptist for a very long time. I think, I think he's probably outside of the book a little bit. He's off script.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Yeah, he's off scripture. He's kind of, yeah, he's off scripture. He's kind of, he's kind of roaming into fan fiction a little bit. Sure. The spiritual spider webs theory is a little bit, that's not in Deuteronomy. No, no, not in the New Testament. The, this is in a whole nother Testament. The, the book of Jones.
Starting point is 01:12:42 That's right. So this clip is not nearly done. The craziest part is yet to come. Okay. I think the left hits some big wires and some big spiritual things you haven't messed with or ever imagined are coming up because that's what God does. God goes, Oh, you want to be evil? You want to act like you're a big, powerful evil?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Here, just release that door over there. Release the Kraken and the door and outcomes. What you're looking for, what you, I put peace out there. I wish health and longevity to Obama and Michelle. And I wish long life for you, my friend and Madonna. So he's smugly preening. Well, he says that because he's obviously like, I don't mean this. He's, he's a complete hypocrite, but he's like for sure.
Starting point is 01:13:31 I wish peace and long life for Obama and Michelle. He's gone on long tirades about how he believes that Michelle is a man in the past. Oh no. He's called her the first tranny and stuff like that. Are you fucking serious? Not kidding at all. It's, it's horrible. He calls her Michael sometimes.
Starting point is 01:13:49 It's incredibly offensive. Yeah, that is. But yeah, I wish them the best when I'm trying to make a false point about my, my honor or my integrity. So again, I'm sure Alex Jones fans have got a short memory. Very. Just like he does. And the crazy part still yet to come.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Okay. In fact, we should pray for David Brock and Hillary and Obama and all of them. Just pray that if there's any life in them in the humanity left in them, I mean, this sincerely before you. Pardon my ignorance. Who's David Brock? David Brock is the guy who runs media matters for America. They're a like left wing media watchdog kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Oh, MMA. Yeah, mixed martial arts. Media matters for America. They fund a bunch of progressive causes. They're a real evil group. Group in Alex's mind. Because they take money from George Soros and the open society and stuff like that. That's part of the globalist network.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Gotcha. And so basically David Brock is the globalist are funneling money into these. He's like the propaganda arm or whatever. I think David Brock's got a lot of issues, but media matters is generally a very well researched site that all they do, not all they do, but a lot of what they do is watch Fox News, watch Glenn Beck, watch Alex Jones and debunk tons of stuff that they say. And of course that pisses Alex off.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Right, as it should. Yeah, if he's getting just called out on anything whatsoever. Yeah, also a fun little tidbit. David Brock's ex-boyfriend is the guy who owns Comet Ping Pong Pizza that is the center of Pizza Gate. So nice little fun connection there. Spiritual spider webs. That is interesting.
Starting point is 01:15:35 There's a lot of spider webs already in this episode. He's got no doubt. So we're really in a tragic kingdom right now. And I'm just a girl in the world, man. So here we go. This is where he starts praying. Okay. Just cries to the father.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Oh, also keep in keep. See if you can hear him say amen at any point. They awaken and repent of their evil ways and realize that they're fighting good and so they keep doubling down on evil, thinking they'll defeat us and they're destroying themselves in front of us. And so Heavenly Father, we know they continue down this path. We'll defeat them even easier, but I can't help but feel sorry for them. And I apologize and repent that I say nasty things sometimes,
Starting point is 01:16:18 but it's just such a spectacle and I see their sin is so nasty that I say bad things and I repent of that. Lord knows I'm bad as well. So please, please forgive me, but I just don't know what to do anymore. We should really just pray for them. I'm serious. We should pray for them and we should pray for their slaves. We should pray for their minions because they're their slaves too.
Starting point is 01:16:39 I mean, do you read the WikiLeaks? And it's like, is this a joke? They admit these are real. It's like worse than villains in a movie. Like, I hate the public. I want to keep them in the dark and rip them off. And let's scan everybody and commit crimes. Yeah, yeah, let's be criminals.
Starting point is 01:16:54 And you just picture a bunch of gremlins hopping around like, yeah. People ask why all over the world leftist throw crap at people because they want to collect. That's what I said earlier. They collect their crap. They collect their piss and they go out bags of it because that's what they do. And because they like playing with it like crazy people in a lunatic asylum. Why don't lunatics all over the world don't care if you're in Africa or Russia or the U.S. or, you know, it doesn't matter what continent or country.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Lunatics like to eat their crap and throw it at people. And these people are like that. They are fricking mentally ill and there's giant masses of them. Maintenantly ill by MSM. It's declassified. The CIA and others did it to him. And I don't want to say the whole CIA, the people running it and Trump wants to stop all that. It's so fascinating to me where he catches himself to clarify stuff because he's screaming
Starting point is 01:17:43 about how all crazy people eat their crap and want to play with it. And he's like, the CIA, not all of CIA, some of the CIA are good people. He has to clarify that, but he doesn't want to walk back like, no, not all crazy people eat their crap. Oh man, I love that. Directly following a prayer. No, within a prayer. He never said amen.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Oh, true. All that yelling. He didn't punctuate that prayer. Exactly. He's still screaming at God. Also, I like that he's trying to mansplain to God about how evil other people are. Yeah. It's like God doesn't need that.
Starting point is 01:18:20 He knows. Yeah, God knows. God's hip. He knows evil pretty well. Anything that's not God is evil really. So I don't know, man. I think he would think I'm evil. I don't have any fascination with my crap.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Although I will say there are two points in this next clip. You'll probably hear it too. But when he said they like to keep their crap and keep their piss, like you could hear in the clip a blurt laugh from me because as I was isolating the clips, I just lost it. You didn't expect this to be happening? Yeah. I knew it was coming.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I still laughed at it. At the end of this next clip, I laughed so hard hearing it for like the third time. This next clip is so stupid. It's incredibly offensive. On a recent show, Alex said that he's really good at doing impressions. And that his kid loves it when he does a cookie monster impression, which is cute. He's got a child. He's got multiple kids.
Starting point is 01:19:23 I think he has three kids. Does he have a wife or a few? He does. He has a wife. He has a wife. It's wild. Yeah. There was talk that he was having an affair with Leanne McAdoo years ago,
Starting point is 01:19:35 but I don't know if this is substantiated at all. Could just be gossip, rag talk. He seems like a rumor he might have started based on Leanne. Leanne's Stone Cold Fox, if I can say so, in the most woke way possible. Man, with all due respect, you're a very attractive lady. So this clip is, we're coming to the end of our clips here, but this one is insane. It is a nice impression on the part we're revisiting that Alex's ability to do impressions. And you know, he's talking about like a film he saw, which is, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:12 I always like to hear about the arts. I don't hate that weird crazy person flopping around the street. That is a victim. What has happened to our people? I should clarify. This is after he had shown a clip of what he described as the mentally ill protesters at the inauguration. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:30 And he just showed one lady out in the middle of the street with tin cans, like tied to her waist, like trying slamming something against the street. It was not a protester. It was a crazy person. It was a person who believed they were a car holding people who just got married. Yeah, exactly. It was that, it was that level of things like, Oh no, if you saw this, you'd not think this is street art.
Starting point is 01:20:53 You would not think this is a protest. This is a crazy person. And he's like, yeah, they just get out there and they do this crazy stuff. And then people gather around them. There's no one around them. This isolated crazy person is fully just relatively adjacent to a protest. It was in DC, I suppose. So that means it was part of it.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Sure. The only people within, I would say, at least 150 feet of this lady are the people taping it who work for input wars. So like his whole argument of like, this is a protester. They do crazy things. They gather a crowd. You have evidence you're showing right now that that's not the case. So anyway, he starts this clip out by saying he feels bad for this crazy person.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Not because she's crazy, but because she's indoctrinated by the globalists. The globalists, okay. It's like that HBO special I saw like eight, nine years ago. I forget the name of it. And this guy's put cigarettes out on her, beating her and making her have sex with 20 guys a day. And he's been hit. But run for my car and the pimps in there going, you better get up, hurry on the street.
Starting point is 01:21:57 She's like, baby, I'm sorry, baby. I'm going to get back on that street. I'm going to do it for you. He's like, you better get back on the street and her mother's there. Nice church lady, nice black church lady. And she's like, what have you done to my baby? You're the brainwasher. Get out of here, mama.
Starting point is 01:22:14 I mean, it's like these people are pimped and broken. And they've got weird Islamists laughing at me with women putting hot jibs on, going, you're evil. You hurt women. You're a white male. We hate America. This is where you got the freedom, you dumbasses. God almighty.
Starting point is 01:22:31 I mean, whoa. Whoa. That's where I lost it when I was recording. Whoa. It's like he's slowing himself down. It's legitimately like he just hurt himself for the first time. Look, Alex. Oh God.
Starting point is 01:22:55 He is so crazy. It's the best. Oh man. Yeah. So you don't think that was a very good impression? I don't think it was a good impression. I'll say this. I could tell what he was going for though.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Mami? Which I don't think gives him any credit. What was he going for? Like racist black voice? Yeah. Yeah. I don't think, did he do the man's voice really offensively? No, he just made it.
Starting point is 01:23:23 It was just his own voice. He is the pimp. Oh, okay. Okay. But yeah, the poor black women. Mama, he's good to me. That's like, you know what? There's two layers to it.
Starting point is 01:23:36 It's like that's offensive. And then it's secondarily offensive that he doesn't get that it's offensive. Right. And if you were to try and tell him that it is, he would be like, you're a dumb brainwashed liberal. Right. You're saying you're only saying that because you're brainwashed.
Starting point is 01:23:51 You're one of them. I can see you're half dead behind those cold eyes of yours. That's why your eyes crossed. All right, Alex. Jesus, he got me busted. So before we get out of here, I would like to take a moment. We got a, we got a missive from the road. Jordan is on his work occasion out there in London.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Good ol' Jolly England. And luckily for us, Jordan sent in a little report from London what he's seeing on the ground. And so for, you know, we have a fight for knowledge here on knowledge fight. Okay. And so we're going to get a little bit of knowledge from across the pond.
Starting point is 01:24:26 All right. I am, I'm recording this from unoccupied London. There are zero occupiers here. And they would know they've been occupied before or at least bombed by them. I'm speaking specifically of Nazis, the ones from Germany, not the ones from the United States who currently hold power over, over all of us really.
Starting point is 01:24:58 It's strange being here and, you know, I don't feel blamed for Trump so much as I feel like the representation of Trump. You know what I'm saying? Like I think they hate Trump so much here because his hair offends them personally. It reminds them too much of their own. Or his fake tan, his fake tan reminds them of the sun. And they have the same relationship with the sun that I have
Starting point is 01:25:30 with like an old high school classmate. Where it's like, no, I know you. I just, I just don't want to see you again, except for short bursts. I think, I think one of their big issues is they do feel like, you know, we, we one upped them. Like we have a little bit of a little brother syndrome with the UK. No matter how much things change,
Starting point is 01:26:01 there is still that kind of small relationship there where, you know, with one vote, they said, hey, we can destroy Great Britain. And we said, oh yeah, you like that? Well, with one vote, we can destroy the world. How do you feel about that, assholes? So that's America. I can, you know, they, they read the news here and the news is about Trump. Even though, you know, they had something very important happen
Starting point is 01:26:34 with the Supreme Court ruling on Brexit and the Supreme Court of Britain, which I don't know if they even have real courts there. Everybody wore wigs. They ruled that you cannot actually trigger Article 50. That's the, the Brexit law without a congressional or parliamentary, which is their word. Like, you know, the C word. You can use parliamentary rules to actually vote on Article 50
Starting point is 01:27:09 and you can't do it without a parliamentary vote. So you think, you know, if everybody has finally realized that they don't want Brexit to happen, then they could put pressure on their parliament to keep that from happening. But that's a very non-British way of looking at things. The fact that the majority of people now don't want Brexit to happen, it doesn't matter to them. What matters to them is that they do it the right way.
Starting point is 01:27:43 It's that kind of bloody-mindedness that just is so British. Yeah, we don't want this to happen. And we have an opportunity to keep it from happening. But how about, and that's the end of that sentence. That is Jordan from the road. The road is really having an effect on him, I think. I think so, but he also, that was like, he captured the essence of road, Alex Jones on that.
Starting point is 01:28:14 That's the long pauses, the sort of rambly thoughts. Whenever Alex is on the road, he's really low register, Alex. Okay. I'm doing a lot of, hey, you know, the globalists are coming. I'd like a V8, ma'am. He always records on planes. Anyway. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:28:35 Yeah, he's always just disturbing someone next to him. He's sitting there on an iPhone recording on a plane. Oh my gosh. So before we get out of here, one more clip. Okay. To close us out. And it is a clip where I think Alex gives up a little bit too much of his insecurities. I think they're showing you're on full display.
Starting point is 01:28:57 And as if he hasn't already been doing that for almost every second he's been talking. But I think there's some things that he hasn't really displayed his insecurities about necessarily. Sure. That's fair. And in this clip, he goes ahead and does it. And I think he accidentally says something that's very true. Surrounded by a bunch of things that aren't. He just says, I am gay.
Starting point is 01:29:22 Nothing against gay people. I am gay and I hate them. It's just the reverse. Oh, here we go. Trump is ridiculously real, ridiculously good. My spirit from the moment he started running was like, this guy's good. This guy's good. I'm like, no, no, listen to the neocon propaganda and my guts like, no, go with Trump.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Go Trump. Then all of a sudden, oh, Trump wants to come on. And it's just crazy. If Trump isn't real, he's the greatest deception to ever hit the planet. No, he's real folks. And there we have it. Isn't that an interesting set of sentences? That is.
Starting point is 01:30:04 And that's something, you know, I think a lot of people on the left would agree with. Well, the if then or the either or statement. Yes. Yes. That's what I mean. Yeah. That's the part that's too true. If Trump isn't real and for many people, he is not.
Starting point is 01:30:17 He is the greatest deceptor. Yep. And yeah, I think that's why he has to reassure himself afterwards. No, he's real. No, Alex. No, no. And the part that he said before that, like the story of him being like, I was doubting him and then my gut wanted me to be in and then he said he wanted to be on the show.
Starting point is 01:30:37 It's like, that's what convinced you. That's what convinced you. Trump is on an episode. Oh, yeah. It's grim. Oh, I bet. He doesn't do like a super long interview, but he tells Alex that he thinks his record is impeccable. He's been right about a lot of stuff and that he promises he won't let him down.
Starting point is 01:30:55 It's really, really scary and super depressing. Oh, no. It was funny back when he wasn't president. Things were a lot funnier back. Jokes. Jokes were a lot more fun. Yeah. Whenever Trump wasn't president.
Starting point is 01:31:10 So Tyler, we've come to the end of the two days in the life of Alex Jones. Well, I appreciate you including me in this. This was a brand new experience and I'm glad I had it. I feel like from watching your face, there was some moments of overwhelming. Like I think towards the middle, especially there was a look of, or at least a feeling of you didn't want to go further. There was, no, not necessarily. There was, I'll definitely admit, shock.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Sure. To say the least, there was some horror. There was some happy surprises along the way as well. And I don't know. You're just talking about him paying for abortions, right? That's the happy surprise. That was a happy surprise. Like I'm glad this guy hasn't made as many children as he could have.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Well, he's got three. That's plenty. Yeah, that is plenty. But not divisible by anything except for itself in one. He likes a joke that he has four kids at home counting himself. Oh, that's pretty cute. Yeah. There's these glimmers of humanity within the shell of a horrible, horrible man.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Yeah, I can't imagine what home life is like. It's either very tranquil or full of yelling. And I think that's what I was thinking. Yeah, probably the latter. It's either he can't turn it off or he gets all of his yelling out at the studio. Well, me and Jordan have been speculating that a lot of these products that he sells, especially like the super male vitality, is probably a ton of testosterone. And there's a really decent chance for fucking sure.
Starting point is 01:32:34 There's a decent chance that all this aggression and stuff like that is unbridled, uncontrolled testosterone. And that doesn't turn off when you leave your performance studio. That's true. That's dangerous. Testosterone is very dangerous. Yeah. Is he a bald guy?
Starting point is 01:32:53 No, he has sort of thin-ish hair, but he's got a decent head of hair on him. OK. Yeah. That's too bad. I feel like he doesn't deserve it. As a balding man, I can say that. He would look OK bald probably. I would say that.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Yeah. I think you'd look all right bald. OK. So I'll say that in his favor. Do you think you will go back and explore Alex Jones ever again? Not on purpose. I will say this. I think I might, I will be more acutely aware and probably interested
Starting point is 01:33:23 if something about Alex Jones crosses my path. Sure. If he's in the zeitgeist. Definitely. Yeah. If there's a news story about him, if people are tweeting or Facebooking about him. Sure. I think I will read that because now I might understand.
Starting point is 01:33:39 You've got a little bit of content. I have some insight now. Yeah. Also, this has been very fun. I would love to at some point revisit another episode with you. Oh, for sure. I would enjoy that quite a bit. The Jordan's ever in London again?
Starting point is 01:33:53 Yeah. But I will say I'll probably avoid Alex Jones. That's kind of one of our messages. Yeah. Avoid him like the plague. But please subscribe to us on iTunes. You're doing, you know, this is great. You are really summarizing things.
Starting point is 01:34:07 You're providing some context, debunking a few things, making some jokes along the way. Laughing at his dumb ass. Yes. This is, this is probably the best way to consume Alex Jones. If I can say that with my limited experience. I would agree with you and I'm biased because I'm creating this. Sure.
Starting point is 01:34:22 But I listen to his show pretty much every day. And you would have to, I guess. I would recommend no one else do that. But if you want to get some of it, listen to this. Yeah. Because it's fun. Everyone says, I'm going to put on my Alex Jones voice for this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Everyone's, no, I can't do it. Everyone, no. See, I'm on the spot. I can't do it. Okay. Everyone says that you should create the show that you want to listen to. And that's what I've done here. Legitimately, if I could listen to, if someone else was doing this,
Starting point is 01:34:51 I would listen to this fucking thing every day. That's great advice. Yeah. I love doing this so much. So thank you all for listening. We do appreciate it very much. Again, Knowledge Fight. It's on iTunes.
Starting point is 01:35:03 You can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight. And knowledge fight at If you want to get in touch with us. Only if you're a cuck, though. Cucks only. Cucks only. Cucks and proctards. Welcome.
Starting point is 01:35:17 I'm surprised you didn't call it cuck fight. No. It was going to be brain battle. But instead of info wars. Yeah. But Knowledge Fight won out in the end. I like Knowledge Fight. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 01:35:27 It's pretty good. It's good stuff. Yeah. Tyler, thanks for coming. This has been so much fun. Thank you so much for having me. We'll catch you next time. But until then, good luck and good night.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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