Knowledge Fight - #73: August 12, 2017

Episode Date: August 14, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about how Alex Jones responded to the tragic events that took place over the weekend in Charlottesville, VA. Not surprisingly, Alex's take on the whole situation, and who h...e thinks the bad actors in the whole thing, are not what you might hope, but they're probably what you'd expect. Also, Dan and Jordan accidentally descend into a prolonged debate about guns.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We are a couple dudes. I like to sit around, drink novelty beverages, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Is there a twist to that, Dan?
Starting point is 00:00:17 There is a little bit of a twist. Dan, we're going to need to get this intro out of the way, because I got a lot of yelling to do. I tried to yell over your attempt to start the intro by saying, welcome back. You've been in Iceland for a bit. I have been. It was wonderful. And I leave for a goddamn week and you let the Nazis win.
Starting point is 00:00:35 You let the Nazis win. That was on me. Yeah. Sorry about that. It's entirely your fault. You're, you're turning down my voice in your ears. I can, I can see that my ears on the recording. Oh, that's probably a smart idea. We had it on Matt Riggs levels.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Ah, that was a bad idea. Yeah, we're going to get a tweak that for the screaming. Unfortunately, while you were over in Iceland, you did not learn anything about Alex Jones. So at this point, I know a lot about Alex Jones. And you still do not know anything about Alex Jones. That's where we find our fun. I blissfully avoided the entire United States.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I can't imagine how great that would feel. Oh, it's amazing. I stood on top of a glacier and wondered, wondered at a 10 million year old thing and how little and how petty all of our squabbles are. Right. And then I got home and I wanted to burn down America. That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:01:24 That's what fucking happened. That fjord was no comfort after that. It was no comfort. So, but something that is a comfort. Yes. Love your transit. It is our new Donator. Not so much a new Donator,
Starting point is 00:01:35 but someone who's bumped up their donations. Oh, shit. So this is a foreign policy expert. I believe is what we've decided to call it. Something along those lines. What's up out there, Jason? I'm a policy wonk. Thank you so much for bumping up that donation.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Jason, thank you very much. We appreciate it. We need your support, quite frankly. Shit's going down. Shit's getting goddamn it down. So if you'd like to support the show, you may do so by going to knowledge and clicking these support the show button.
Starting point is 00:02:00 That is exactly what we would like you to do. Become a policy wonk. Good news. Big news. Big. Big news. Well, we've one and a half inch news. We, this is not news to anybody.
Starting point is 00:02:11 We have, but they're real now. We've actually looked at a button. It has our logo on it. And I imagine that we will be sending those out very shortly. So if you perhaps, yeah, that's a good point. The perhaps is very important. If you'd like to send us in your, uh, your address, I promise I won't spam you or dox you or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:02:35 But if you'd like a button, this whole thing was a stealth. We actually work for Walmart. That's about, you can send us a message at knowledge fight at or at the Facebook page, Facebook. You can do that. You can send us your address and we'll try and send out some buttons here in the near future. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So, uh, that's great. If you're a policy walk, especially if you're a foreign policy expert, if you're a foreign policy expert, you should get two buttons. Absolutely. We'll see about that. But one for you and one for your friends in Australia. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And one to put on the grave of Zabignu Brzezinski. Jordan. Yes, sir. We've got some tough times ahead of us. So, uh, we've got some wine. We're drinking a little wine today. We were going to be drinking Fanta and then I discovered that they have 81 grams of sugar in their sodas.
Starting point is 00:03:24 One of Fanta. No, ma'am. No, thank you. Um, so we got wine. We're drinking that because that is way too much sugar, although I probably will drink this later. I think what we should do is pour it into the wine and then fucking die.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Grape, grape, grape, grape, grape. That sounds great. Yeah. It's the perfect, perfect pairing. I used to in college or maybe even before college when I was pretty young, I used to be a tequila boy. I used to be into tequila, but I would chase it with a grape soda or grape juice usually.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Cause I actually secretly didn't like the taste of it and grape juice would completely knock it out. Oh, completely knock out the taste of the tequila. I thought you loved the taste of tequila and secretly didn't like the taste of grape juice and, but everybody was doing it. It was like a thing. You know, you're like, I did it.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Oh, I would have just loved to double down on tequila. I made it. I made that decision myself, but I always told people like, I just like the combination of the flavors, but as a 33 year old man, I'm ready to tell everyone I was fucking lying. I just hated tequila, but I wanted to be a tequila guy. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:00 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:26,400 Right. So anyway, that sounds like a, that sounds like a bad goal, Dan. Speaking of lies and people trying to present themselves as something they're not. Yes. It's time to talk about Alex Jones. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:36 So before we get to the show, I want to the alt-right Nazis who has declared war on all of humanity. Probably more so than people realize. Yeah. He's a Nazi, but before we get to that, I have an out of context drop. Conservatives are banned as bitches in the course of the subject matter for it that I had to go over for this episode.
Starting point is 00:04:58 He yells bitches like three times. Oh, that's going to wind up on a Kendrick track. That's going to be, he's going to introduce that or on media matters. Yeah. Conservatives are banned. Bitches. That actually sounds like something that I would want to
Starting point is 00:05:12 say. Yeah. If you're listening to this in a conservative, conservatives are banned. Bitches. No knowledge fight for you. I also have an out of context drop from a guest source. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:22 We have out of context drop from the one, the only Donald Trump. I think it's appropriate. I think it's appropriate. All right. Alex obviously agrees with everything Trump says. Yeah. And so for as we get through this episode, we're not going
Starting point is 00:05:39 to deal with him talking about Trump's statement or his press conference at all. Yeah. Cause I hope they both die. But this fucking string of words. I think is being under reported in the media and I think it's hilarious. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:54 So here's an out of context drop from Trump. No child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time. I just leave that fucking god damn it. I fucking cry. Who is oh my God. Every single fucking person who voted for Trump. I owe you should have your right to vote taken away.
Starting point is 00:06:25 We're starting to be spanked. You should be spanked. I mean that in a very. So it's interesting. Fine. Fine. In a sexual way. I don't even care.
Starting point is 00:06:34 There's what there's almost an argument that you seem to be making which I don't defend at all. But you're saying that it should have been it should be retroactively a felony to have voted for Trump. Yes. I don't know if I agree with that. I think flogging should be brought back. I think that's the only way to really deal with it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 We're talking spanking. Maybe you shall be flogged at six bells Dan. So Jordan we had some trouble in America over the last couple days in Charlottesville, Virginia. I landed thirty three minutes after it was broke. Wait what which part of it the the part where a a fucking Nazi murdered a woman. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And injured at least twenty two other people. And yeah I think I think that is that is one thing that I so so before we even get started because my guess is we're going to get into Civil War territory real quick. It's going to it's going to get there real quick right. Quicker than slowly. Yeah. No that is this is no longer.
Starting point is 00:07:40 There's no civil war to this. These people are literal Nazis. Yep. That's it. So this is not. Yeah. This is not a they're they're parts of groups that have put out manifestos.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah they're very clear in what they believe in what they support. Yeah. They're not citizens of the United States. They're done. And if you go to play like I really don't encourage people to do this because it would be very jarring to your mental health but I subject myself to this shit for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah. But if you go to places like Stormfront or the Daily Stormer and stuff like that you'll see exactly what their perspective on all this is and it's it's what you'd expect. They're thrilled. Yeah they're stoked. They love it and they love that Trump refuses to recall them out.
Starting point is 00:08:25 He refuses to say that white nationalism is a problem. He refuses to say like the Klan get out of here. He says that there's trouble on both sides and that is mana from heaven to people like these Nazi groups. Yeah. No you're equating you're equating us with Nazis. So you're saying we're all Nazis. That's that's the and and frankly I halfway disagree but
Starting point is 00:08:51 the other part of me says fucking nobody's stopping this. Nobody's doing anything about it. I I got off the plane and thought now that I'm in America do I need to buy a gun. That was my first fucking thought after checking Twitter. Yeah. It is probably not. Well at this point well yeah give it it's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Give it what a couple of days. Well I mean like you need to get classes. You don't know how to handle a firearm. You'd be useless with a gun. No I know if you've been holding it sideways and shit. That's actually racist. I would never do that. It's not racist.
Starting point is 00:09:28 It's cool. You see it in movies and stuff. People like well currently it's super cool to be racist right now apparently now in certain circles. Yes. So that is that car incident is something we'll get into and we'll discuss but beyond that that was day two of an ongoing situation in Charlottesville right the night before there had
Starting point is 00:09:50 been a unite the right type of rally where a bunch of people with torches took to the statue of a Confederate general that was going to be taken down and was that with that all was all about it was about a Confederate general statue being taken down. Yes and it actually the roots of this go much deeper than people are dealing with. I thought it was just white people getting together to be
Starting point is 00:10:16 threatening. Now in May on May 15th of this year there was a protest because people were moving to or you know starting to talk about taking down a statue of Robert E. Lee that was in downtown area and Richard Spencer led a protest there in May to to protest the taking down of that statue and then in June of this year on June 8th the Ku Klux Klan held a rally there basically around the same thing protecting heritage and
Starting point is 00:10:50 stuff like that and then there was another clan rally on July 8th of this year in Charlottesville again where about 50 people from the clan showed up and there was a massive the tally is around a thousand people counter demonstrating so there is a history in this city over the last few months already of these tensions coming to the surface. And if you want to I mean it's Charlottesville so let's just
Starting point is 00:11:17 go with the entirety of American history there's a history of tensions boiling to the surface. Sure but around this specific issue yes there's a there is a pretext to what's going on that it like you said you didn't even know based on you know the reporting of stuff that it largely was about this yeah fuck about a goddamn statue right it's tough who gives a fuck about it look if you took down the statue of Michael Jordan in front of
Starting point is 00:11:48 the United Center I wouldn't care I mean I think that would be offensive to my Confederate roots but didn't they take down that giant Marilyn Monroe downtown furious but like when I say that that is something that this is based around it's a little bit reductive because it becomes so much more there's the statue means nothing it's an excuse yeah so this rally saw a bunch of people from very disparate groups including the Klan including the League of the
Starting point is 00:12:20 South the proud boys were in effect there were biker groups there were just militias there were the fraternal order of the alt knights which is the military portion of the proud boys there was identity Europa which is a white identity group there was a group that we're going to talk about a bunch more Vanguard America so they were a bunch of white nationalist LARPing clubs yes absolutely that's exactly what that was there were there were tons of them and they were all
Starting point is 00:12:52 coming together and I before we get too deep into this I think it's important for us to say that there are reasonable conservative people in the world and this is not we're done come on that we're done that's not fair we it can be fair later it can be fair it can be fair later that's that's the that's the situation as it stands well that's like saying there were reasonable people who supported Japanese internment. No that's not fair because not all conservatives defend this
Starting point is 00:13:24 situation that's what that's hashtag not all men all over again well but I think that that's important for us to clarify because we're going to get really hard on these folks I don't want I don't want it to be some sort of like everybody who has conservative feelings were painting you with this brush because we're we're going to get into a territory I believe especially in the near future where you're going to see a lot of radical groups that are attacking the center
Starting point is 00:13:55 and there are centrist conservatives their centrist liberal folk and it's not fair to now if people are blindly sitting by and being silent about this that there is some complicity in silence I agree with that I think there's I think there's complicity in a meaningless words like the thing that I've seen a lot throughout the news and all of those things is people would like a stronger condemnation from Trump or a stronger condemnation from Mike Pence or
Starting point is 00:14:29 anything like that yeah it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how strongly they condemn they condemn it if Ted Cruz says he condemns Nazis fuck him I don't give a shit about what he says he's part of the reason they're there right so if you're going to pull this like oh they're a centrist like fuck you I'm not saying Ted Cruz I'm talking about citizens yeah I'm not talking about the politicians I'm talking about people who are as troubled by this but just happened to lean
Starting point is 00:14:58 conservative I I mean if you're yeah but that's like the log cabin Republicans you know if you are if you are a gay conservative that seems insane to me I get that you want tax cuts I get that sure but the GOP is trying to eradicate you that's like that's like a Jewish Nazi like that's what that is to me George Soros yeah you're right considering we deal with Jewish Nazis all the time fair enough alright so I mean beyond all that I think I'm gonna exhaust you today I think
Starting point is 00:15:33 you're gonna have your position is fair and I think my position is fair and I agree I agree your position is fair it's a complicated position that we're all gonna have to wrestle with in the coming months and shit but be that as it may that was the first night that was on Friday that they had this rally yeah this first one and you know fighting broke out and the it was deemed a unlawful gathering which is something that is a legally defined thing right the definition where
Starting point is 00:16:03 there were there a lot of cops there yeah there were they were they putting people in cuffs where they you know making sure that they went to jail wasn't so terrible oh it was okay it was bad well it was bad were the were the peaceful protesters white I get you the Dan I'm sorry the point I'm going to break you today no that's what's gonna happen no you're not Alex is gonna break you you're gonna lose your voice from screaming but yeah be that as it may like on lawful gathering is
Starting point is 00:16:37 definitely it's defined as three or more people who are gathered with intent to disturb the peace or cause some sort of illegal action to happen yes and that's not protected by the First Amendment in the same way that slander and libel that's not protected by free speech if you're gathering with the intention of like destroying something that's not free that's not free congregation or whatever that's not that's not protesting that's not demonstrating and the police have
Starting point is 00:17:04 every right to deem that like you got to go home right and they did that the first night on Friday and then Saturday there were more demonstrations and shit got fucked up yeah shit got crazy yeah so we're going to get we're going to get into all that I think we all saw we did yeah so what we're gonna go over today is Alex Jones put out a hour long video on Saturday oh and an emergency broadcast which is infuriating to me because I want to talk about 2015 I found some really
Starting point is 00:17:35 weird stuff I want to talk about or even I had planned that we would go over Friday's show because he's he's got a bunch of lies about people planning to kill Trump right that I would like to get into but we can't now right because and it even pisses me off even further because he's doing we're recording this on Sunday he's doing his Sunday show I'm sure he's got a fucking whole new spin for all this Jesus Christ so are we gonna have to do a live episode sometime almost it just it's
Starting point is 00:18:01 out it feels like this might be outdated in terms of his propaganda even by the time this airs right but it's even by the time we record yeah but it's worth it to go over in the sense that we can get a sense of what is his reaction how does he deal with this in the moment and maybe I can get some sort of catharsis from it maybe we'll see so this is the beginning of it I have cut out not all that much in terms of I'll explain where I've cut stuff out and what have you but it's mostly
Starting point is 00:18:32 just segmented pieces yeah of the the video that he put out here's the beginning ladies and gentlemen I have been predicting for six months that you would see riots start in the late part of the summer of 2017 you've been predicting it for 20 years cause and effect two plus two equals four George Soros doubled the amount of money he was giving to Black Lives Matter and other anti-police race based groups when Trump won that was about eight months ago but it was clear once
Starting point is 00:19:06 Trump got inaugurated that they were going to go for civil unrest now you go around getting rid of a bunch of Confederate general statues and the media hyped that up there's going to be some crazies on the right that come out as well and Trump has condemned hate across the board absolutely that's been as best as all along they claim bullshit party and the Trump bullshit myself and others are deeply racist like Tom Ruckoff said about me a few months ago you are with no evidence we got
Starting point is 00:19:32 the other we have all the other clips hundreds of them on YouTube me protesting the KKK and Aryan Asians they just say Jones is deeply racist or unalloy you are so what's happening is classic divide and conquer they stir up some stuff about Confederate statues then they send out Black Lives Matter to shoot cops and do stuff like that they hype it up they have universities say you know whites are inherently evil if you have a white baby aboard it white should be genocided I mean
Starting point is 00:19:57 that's mainstream cultural garbage MTV has shows with the problem of being white yeah they're not as inherently stereotypically whites are inherently bad I mean this is 180 degrees the opposite of what Martin Luther King said it's 100 with Adolf Alois Hitler you may have heard of him who said it is all about race or who you are so already we have listen to the first minute and a half of his video and he has whether he is aware of it or not basically just said I'm into it
Starting point is 00:20:35 all these white supremacist folks I'm in because everyone keeps trying to say that whiteness is bad and it's not he's just misrepresenting and misunderstanding things that he sees pretending that their mainstream culture right like that thing about a boarding white babies was on a very radical blog yeah that was a blog post that some very wait very far out radical posted where is that did we have we gone over we did in passing okay it's just oh no now I remember it from some
Starting point is 00:21:08 blog that probably had like a hundred readers yeah and it is the same with his blog talk radio guy yeah you know it's he finds these terrible examples and then pretends that it's this is the mainstream idea you have to really search hard for that kind of shit yeah and then he just the main streams it that's 15th page of Google search results totally yeah yeah until these right wing outlets pick it up and then pretend like haha we got you yeah but then also you pointed it out
Starting point is 00:21:36 even as the video was going he is such a dick because he's saying that like as I predicted yeah like if you're listening to our show you've heard in 2015 he was saying this is going to be the summer of rage yeah in 2016 he goes on about how Obama is going to cause all kinds of civic disorder so he can become president forever right and the caliph of the caliphate of Muslims Worldwide yeah that makes so all these predictions that he's made have completely fallen apart and not come
Starting point is 00:22:07 true and he's never been like hey sorry I was wrong about that one in the same way with the financial collapse stuff is like it's coming next week I'll wait next week it's coming in the winter yeah he just does that over and over again until eventually there's some sim like this this bad what's going on is bad and I called it all along yeah it's so stupid sooner or later you're going to get one right right that's it that's it make up you say something over and over
Starting point is 00:22:31 and over again it's going to rain today it's going to rain today it's going to rain today sooner or later it's going to fucking rain it would not be impressive if Babe Ruth called his shot every time yeah if Babe Ruth is every time yeah this one's going out yeah like I know that he hits a bloop I know right great I know I have a 360 batting average but every single one is going out yeah yeah it takes away some of the shine of your predictions when you've been wrong all the time
Starting point is 00:22:56 and you're saying the same thing right so I mean we got it he's into whiteness and he wants to create super and he wants to create straw men attacking whiteness in order to justify his profound prejudice and like we said also hey Alex we got the proof we got plenty of proof that you are a bigot and you fucking put it out and you know it's not it's not like it's not like we had to dig something up nope it's on the internet you being a fucking racist yeah anybody can go
Starting point is 00:23:28 Google or go to YouTube and find one of the clips that you have chosen do doing diligent research and it's him being a racist you just opened the book up first page I'm a racist yeah exactly yeah if you want to pull that shit at least take it down well at least pretend well but that's that's the same thing with the Trump shit where it's like oh I I can't take it down I can't because those are the people who like me the most hmm so you have to have that just like Trump can't
Starting point is 00:23:59 condemn white nationalists because they're the reason they even said it yep what's his fuck David Duke yep I have David Dukes quote here yeah David Dukes quote about why when he was at the rally was this represents a turning point for the people of this country we're determined to take our country back we're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump and that's what we believed in that's why we voted for Donald Trump because he said he's going to take our country back and that's what
Starting point is 00:24:25 we're gonna do yeah you know how white people need to take their country back sure sure sure the impulse all of the all of the people who are afraid of white genocide are really making it hard for me not to want a white genocide I'm I'm leaning towards look I was at a hard no now I'm at a softer no now now I'm at a now I'm in the 5% nation do you get what I'm saying dad I'm Alex Jones I'm gonna take that out of context yeah no fine I don't I don't even fucking care at this
Starting point is 00:25:02 point frankly you can't take it out of context again I'm really at a soft no in context it's exactly what you need exactly so here's this next clip they they had some boots on the ground info wars dead oh of course they did and fucking all of the boots on the ground were info wars but they had specifically like an employee okay so I mean it's the triumph of ignorance is what all this is it's divide and conquer it's in the WikiLeaks the elite not you here is the breaking news
Starting point is 00:25:34 that's in the WikiLeaks that they want to cause a race war with Democrats because they're losing no their public leadership is just as bad they're part of it is in the WikiLeaks really weaver and our intrepid camera guy Gavin oh hey Millie are out there rainbow that rainbow snatches out there she just called me up basically crying Gavin McGinnis got attacked good to sleep sprayed the face good once that happened they do it again as a leader the police were ordered to stand
Starting point is 00:26:00 down by the mayor who's a Hillary supporter the town of Charlottesville voted 80 plus percent Democrat and the police told them and this is reportedly on tape there's our reported uploaded live but now the uploads at info wars dot com and on our Facebook and Twitter and they're told civil emergencies been declared no public meetings which is martial law no national emergency is what they want to get going here but it started so far in Virginia
Starting point is 00:26:27 so he's essentially saying that this is all about leading to martial law which is not what are you doing I'm you are weird you're getting weird yeah I'm getting weird okay I know I'm trying to dial it back I'm trying to dial it back I appreciate that because I like this is my so I've been back in the States right for less than 24 hours and quite frankly I don't think that you could handle screaming for as long as you might feel like you should play based in this episode
Starting point is 00:26:59 I think that you run out of throat boy man that's that's a bet I'm willing to take I don't want to I don't want to adjust the levels I know no I'm trying to dial it back because this is my first opportunity to do anything more that like I haven't even I haven't even been around other human beings really and so so my my instinct is to get out all of the shit that's been building up for the past 24 hours so I'm gonna do my best to dial it back okay and full stop okay I
Starting point is 00:27:34 don't even want to engage with what he's saying okay because because if you want to pull this if you don't pull this national emergency shit martial law shit who the fuck is going to run that the guy who supports fucking white nationalism that's a problem Alex Jones should be advocating for national martial law because then he'd finally be fucking win it I think he kind of does of course but it's only against Antifa and what have you yeah it's against people who are
Starting point is 00:28:03 against fascism yeah exactly yeah exactly it's a very it doesn't get more clear than that it's a very interesting headspace to be in where it's like I have built up an entire career that is against tyranny against police oppression but please police go squash those leftists tyrannically yeah it's very weird yeah rainbow snatch was in effect I want to say I don't trust that was in effect she was out there we've got a rainbow snatch warning Millie weaver aka rainbow
Starting point is 00:28:30 snatch the counties affected our Cook County and so yeah so she's out there and I don't trust a word she says so this idea that he's reporting based on what she said I I'm gonna need more I'm gonna need more she's dressed as a clown I and then beyond that he's like we we allegedly have taped it's like you can't reportedly reportedly that's yeah that's a that's a synonym that's a that's a bullshit term but like you reportedly there's video you can't report that get the
Starting point is 00:29:04 video yeah you can't report that Alex yeah you can't pretend like because you're dumbass listeners are going to hear that is well they do have it on tape of course it's very dangerous well it's in the wiki leaks oh yeah that I swear to God I'm I'm I'm really running low on Soros Soros Soros Black Lives Matter wiki leaks fuck you everything is vaguely or obliquely in the yeah somewhere else hey you know Barry Bostwick didn't actually exist it's in the wiki leaks wait Barry
Starting point is 00:29:31 Bostwick didn't exist in the wiki leaks but what about that show with Michael J Foxy didn't exist all right well now I I'm not sure which side of that I'm on is that a good or bad I think Spin City sucks so I'm I'm for it so we we kind of have an idea of what happened and did you pull Barry Bostwick from I was worried about that myself I don't know where did that come from I certainly haven't been thinking about it like maybe you have I don't know very very obscure place for
Starting point is 00:30:04 my brain to go you know I like generally I like Barry Bostwick he's really good political show so maybe you know don't you dare try and find a rabbit hole to put that out so we we have a vague sense of what happened on Saturday I think that a lot of the information that we have is incomplete and there is more that is going to come out as you know more witnesses are interviewed right you know there's a there is a there is a larger more robust reality but I think we have a pretty decent
Starting point is 00:30:34 sense of it and now and with and with Twitter there have been a lot of things where they've been tweets come out where it's like I was there and my friends were all of this stuff and I I like your knee-jerk reaction of is of course to believe them but I I I try really hard to be like yes I know and the spirit of this is correct but if it's not something that we can confirm yeah then it's just more fuel for the Alex Jones fire pictures videos sort of trustworthy sources and stuff
Starting point is 00:31:09 like there are videos of those people beating the those white nationalist fucks those Nazis beating the the 20 year old black doing Deandre Harris yes they beat him with pipes that's that's for real that's confirmed that's not reportedly confirmed there isn't reportedly video of that no there fucking is yeah and that that was clearly not an incident where they were threatened by him or anything like that it was just a race beating if there's four guys beating if there's
Starting point is 00:31:40 four Nazis beating a black guy with pipes and if you look at the the the images in the video you see that they're in khakis and white polos and the reason that that's important everyone likes to make fun of it and be like haha you dumb the old Navy going motherfucker and stuff like that it's people are taking into account that that is a uniform that Trump dresses like that's the uniform of Vanguard America yeah like that group that we will get into here in a little bit that's
Starting point is 00:32:09 there's a group I thought it was just a bunch of dumbasses dressing like Trump on a fucking golf course no that that uniform is is what the Vanguard America dresses and because it's a I don't know traditional God yeah they at least that at least the Nazis knew how to wear a uniform it's something you know it's nice nice they had arm bands they sold a lot of these dudes fair to be fair that's fair but you know polos and khakis are very unassuming and they they have like a preppy
Starting point is 00:32:40 feel to them yeah people feel like they have a white middle class feel to them yes so like I said we have a vague idea and I think a pretty decent idea of what happened but Alex has a very interesting spin about the reality of what happened and this is sort of his narrative and it's very very bizarre but they told them this is an actual emergency and they were cuddled in when they were ordered to march in for their area to speak so they tell a march in here reporters march in here
Starting point is 00:33:10 they're at the end of a cul-de-sac cuddled in with fences police all the way around and they've got all the antifa outside the cuddling because remember imagine they're telling them you can come in but you're going to gauntlet you can't get out so they bring you in and they let antifa the police rolling on the end of it they let antifa be all the way on the gates coming in on each side and the police then once the reporters and the small conservative march began marching
Starting point is 00:33:39 they led them to be beaten attacked and hit with bottles I mean blood everywhere people throwing knives at them people getting really really hurt to give the antifa a victory because they everywhere been attacking folks and beating them and hit them and folks fight back kick their ass so antifa most of the little meth heads and stuff they've been back off not knowing what to do they had to have this victory so they get the southern property law center who's been caught
Starting point is 00:34:03 doing this before to come in get a few people from central casting actors dress up you know like the white supremacist there's a unify the right thing don't be racist of it coming up but support history you know they'll want to get rid of Thomas Jefferson statues next which they now want to do and get rid of the American flag next because there's more slaves on the American flag and everyone's under confederate that's fact you see those are doing that it's night circuit band
Starting point is 00:34:26 the American flag on the west coast whoops whoops have we ever talked about that before Dan very in I think I think we may have had a long fucking conversation about that goddamn lie yeah and he's been spinning it for years he's been throwing that that baby out there for quite a while it's he's he's relying on a lot of sort of lies in order to thin well yeah this is fucking thin it's real this is nothing it's I'm as you might call it it's weak it's so weak yeah this is this like
Starting point is 00:35:01 this is like one of the fucking could not be one of the high balls I got out of the horse track yesterday very weak lot of a lot of water in that high ball yeah I this is just such evidence that he's so far wrong oh yeah he knows it yeah because these got he's treading water yeah he's got nothing even to hang his hat on like oh wait a shit there were actual Nazis there how am I going to define how am I going to say that this is good oh well obviously the Southern Poverty
Starting point is 00:35:33 Law Center got together George or actors to pretend to be not lives matter in order to discredit the right because there's a bunch of reasonable people who are there the fucking thing was organized by a literal Nazi Richard Spencer the the the what it what was it fucking called the right to or unite the right unite the right yeah the when he said that was anti racism mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah well it is yeah in the sense that if you got rid of all other reasons than there would be no
Starting point is 00:36:05 more racism yeah so I mean in the long view he's kind of not lying yeah you know in the law in the long view in the long view I'm just I'm he's terrible this is like on of all of all days you know like on a normal day which we have not had for several months now true or even with our investigation and all of that stuff I'm far more patient with this kind of bullshit it's funnier it's fun to laugh at it he's got nothing he's just throwing bullshit out today is not the fucking day
Starting point is 00:36:44 to come at me with this and Tifa this this mince pronunciation of all of this shit that's also I mean this is petty of me but and and Tifa is like what are they against the Vietnamese yeah right what are you why are you fucking doing yeah I and everyone in info wars pronounces it wrong the same to of course it's clearly some sort of like it's a it's an editorial decision yeah it's an attempt to delegitimize their own name I think if you if you retake their name it's it's mind boggling
Starting point is 00:37:18 we should start calling it info wars just as a fuck you I would prefer info wise info and for why Alex joins Alex yeah he wears a what what is what does he normally wear the sweet a sweet a blaze here a blaze here yeah all right he's he wears a he yacht so he's got a come over the the idea that this is all because and Tifa needs to get their win back is really bizarre man the idea that they're like a pro wrestler who's like he's lost too many matches he's not a credible threat
Starting point is 00:37:54 anymore oh yeah gotta get him in there against a jobber yeah we gotta get we gotta get a face in there to put him over so also this this thing about people and reporters and and stuff being taken down this gauntlet where they get attacked by aunt Tifa is it's really interesting because I think what he's doing is misrepresenting permits I think he's misrepresenting the idea that like this is the area you can be in because it is you know public area right and the even
Starting point is 00:38:24 the protesters and the demonstrators the Nazis had a permit they had let's not let's not even come close to calling them they had to apply for a permit and the way cities do that is you get a permit and you can be in this specific space right and I'm sure that there was a space that was cordoned off for reporters and space that was protected by the police yeah and some of whom were black some of them oh yeah I saw those pictures that was rough women some of whom who
Starting point is 00:38:56 were all of these things and that is it's getting it's it's like that's such a point of pride I truly believe that's a point of pride for all of us that even these people believe so much more in the ideal of America that they're willing to protect the very people who want them dead yep that's amazing it's tough at the same time God I want you to turn around and beat the shit out of them yeah look if the Native Americans in South in at Dapa care dappled what you know
Starting point is 00:39:32 North Dakota was it North or South Dakota North is North Dakota access pipeline if they get fucking what destroyed beaten arrested if they get all of those things done God I want every single cop to punch the shit out of these white fucking national it'd be nice but but I can't know I can't want that because I didn't want it to happen to them I don't want it to happen to them these white nationalists either that's that's the problem with any kind of ideological
Starting point is 00:40:03 consistency and I think that might be why we're losing I think you might be on to something it might be I think it might be why we're fucked because Alex Jones couldn't give a shit no but but beat up beat up Native Americans but if you hit a white person they're the worst person in the world yeah yeah I mean but that's because he just cares about white stuff but I think I think they I think they're fighting a war against us and we're not no totally I think
Starting point is 00:40:29 that's totally on 100% and I don't know how I don't know how to reconcile that with our American principles do you know what I'm saying yeah let's think about it and we'll talk later because I don't think we have a answer right now but there's there's another point that I want my answer is white genocide down little boy there was one more point that I wanted to get to about that narrative about people being taken and led to the slaughter basically by Antifa yeah the
Starting point is 00:40:59 gauntlet that's not the way I've seen any sources reporting the situation none except for one which one daily Stormer I can't think of any reason why they would have that report there's a real decent chance are they the only ones telling the truth Dan maybe there's a really decent chance that Alex Jones is getting his ideas from that at least in terms of the this narrative of what the protest and the counter demonstrations were like I don't know maybe there are other
Starting point is 00:41:29 places that it's reported like that but that's the only place I've seen it also I got I got to be totally clear I've been looking into this stuff and I think that daily Stormer is mostly just trying to make people mad I can't tell for sure really I think it's trolling I think they are Nazi bigots and I have you but I think they go way over the top into like just trying to piss people off yeah you think so well because the one of their headlines today was about the
Starting point is 00:41:55 lady who got killed by the the car attack man you're you're going to tell me what it is aren't you I sure do you want to know no okay I got to tell you and the show this is this is a okay go ahead and shoot it shoot it at me I don't have the quote but it's basically that this lady was a 32 year old fat slut and that I went in to read it and it was basically about how the you know if you're a woman and you're 32 and you don't have kids you're a complete failure because the
Starting point is 00:42:29 only thing you're supposed to really do is reproduce right right and which is so so insane so inhumane as to be parody yeah right yeah like even the onion like that's that's the issue on the right is if you're going to parody anything you just have to go way far out there and that is doing that but at the same time I am not comfortable saying that this is too much different than a lot of other bullshit exactly exactly so I mean it's tough I don't ever want they're just
Starting point is 00:43:02 trying to stand out you won't hear us refer to anything they say seriously in the future and that's the explanation for why but I needed to bring that up because that is like the parallel between Alex's version of what happened and theirs is glaring so okay Alex Alex is in their message board possible or or one of his reporters or something like that I wonder if we could I wonder if we had the resources which we don't I wonder if we could actually trace that down like the same
Starting point is 00:43:31 way those those intrepid reporters trace down James Comey's Twitter account yeah look if you if we got to a point where people were you know I could pay my rent doing the show and we had the time to put into it I bet we could find out a lot of connections that are there that are going missing but for now I got to go to work and then on weekend sometimes I have to go to the horse track which I might as we might as well address that issue I'd like to just say I'm never going back to the
Starting point is 00:43:59 sad ass horse track very fun time with friends but it bummed me out quite a bit so speaking of things that bum me out Alex goes on in this next because the horse track was filled with people paid by George Soros to piss you off. Yeah they were shills who he was paying to lose money. Yeah that's just a fact. That's just a fact. Also I lost on I bet on the pizza man and didn't he didn't come through for me. I did not deliver wise man says forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for
Starting point is 00:44:26 late pizza. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles number one. So in this next clip Alex sort of breaks down more of his version of the events and he is not being fair about truth. So they're there but then oh leading their march ahead of them is a group of 50 guys with torches saying hall Hitler. See then they got all the antifa bust in by Soros everybody they're ready then and the police kettle the normal conservatives marks them through let them get beaten up for
Starting point is 00:44:58 the sigh of of the image of conservatives getting beat up antifa being victorious because antifa has been so pathetic so cowardly so criminal at universities where they can see I knew this before it even happened. It's a suck your own dick. They did this at Berkeley. They did this at other universities and they've done it in Europe where they control the police there. They control the media. Somebody like Milo comes in to speak. They beat the tack the outnumbered few
Starting point is 00:45:33 conservatives or reporters lesbian liberal reporters going to hear him speak. They get hit in the head with tyrants. You know they get run off by crowds like vampires be beat up. They get hit in the head with with with the bike locks. So but finally folks finally marched on Berkeley and kicked their ass and so now they're going God our people won't show up anywhere. They're become demoralized. They admit they're demoralized. We want to overthrow Trump. We want to cause
Starting point is 00:46:01 a civil war which they've made on the news. They want to do what do we do. We start banning all conservatives libertarians. We don't let them be online to communicate. It's like breaking down somebody's phone conversation and you're not let them talk. But it's not on Facebook like you do with your guests and they said we've got to now start luring in the right wing into towns where we control everything and then we can bring out right wing to represent them that are racist is
Starting point is 00:46:26 there in trigger the groups we've got to attack them and then have the police protect the attacking of the peaceful people then have a civil emergency civil emergency declared and then announce all over the country. You can't have demonstrations anymore that are controversial because of what we saw happen here. That is such a complicated version of what he thinks happened. That is so far off base and there's much simpler explanations than everything is fake luring luring them like
Starting point is 00:46:57 what was there a box and a stick in the box has Mayo written on it like what the fuck is he talking about. But also I mean he doesn't even get into it how there have been protests and demonstrations there since May. Right. The idea that people are luring them into this city. These fucking ding dongs chose to go there of their own volition. Not even just that but there are fucking buses and shuttles people from Illinois there are pictures of people from Illinois getting on a goddamn
Starting point is 00:47:23 bus to go to goddamn Charlottesville to be the dicks that they are in real life. I mean the guy who we're going to get into in a little bit the guy who was driving the car that ended up killing that lady was from Ohio. Yeah. Like he came in from out of town. Actually they found his mom and interviewed her and she was sadly unaware of the stuff her son was getting into. It was it was really scary in terms of like she thought it was he was into somebody named Albright. It's the alt
Starting point is 00:47:51 right. Oh boy. She had really no idea of the white supremacist shit he was being radicalized with. That sounds like that sounds like that sounds like cockney rhyming slang for alt right. Yeah. It's an Albright. An Albright organization. So I mean what do you what do you think about his narrative. I think I think what I'm what I'm hearing is he can't deal with it like this is not him spinning it. I think he's also a little
Starting point is 00:48:24 manic. No I think he's my what I'm saying is I don't think he's spinning it for his listeners. I think he's really spinning it for himself because I don't think he can quite process that this is him like this is his fault. Like I don't think he can process that he is one of these Nazis. It's not all his fault but he plays a role. No I'm not saying it's his fault. I'm saying that he's propagated this and this is part of who he is. So he's rewriting this as he speaks because he can't deal
Starting point is 00:48:56 with the fact that he is a Nazi. It's often difficult to see jarring versions of yourself and other people especially when they're villains. Right. He's rewriting every single thing about this and I'm talking about everything like there's no reality here. There's no thing for him to hang his hat on because generally what we are used to seeing is him trying to find one little detail to glom on to. Yeah. One little thing and this is an entire rewrite. Oh yeah. This is like the
Starting point is 00:49:26 script of a dirty dancing Havana nights. All the Nazis and all of the white nationalists who are there which is a great fucking reference if you know the history of dirty dancing Havana. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care at all. I'm sorry. I'm trying dad. I'm trying to find some sort of fun in this. I don't think dirty dancing Havana nights is the way to go with it. I think you're wrong. We'll agree to disagree. Okay. But the idea that all these people who are
Starting point is 00:49:54 there are our plants is absurd. Like it's it's just absurd because the the depth that you would need to pre plan that right is prohibitive. The idea that these organizations would have to exist. Their membership would have to be known. People would have a history of doing these same actions. No. This would have to be a 20 year long plan. And not only that but even if it it is. So even it's actually sincere. Yeah. That's true. These Nazis. That's true. But even if it so even if it
Starting point is 00:50:28 was instigated by these planned guys there would still be real guys there. And there were. Yeah. They were they were all real but even if your argument is that it was it was a false flag or whatever it is that false flag brought out the real fucking racist. Yeah. Which you are one Alex Jones. I hear what you're saying. I don't even want to engage with that because the the false flag narrative is so fucked out. I just don't even care. But but be that as it may. We know what it's all
Starting point is 00:50:59 about for Alex. It's about whiteness in this next clip. I thought it was all about the Benjamins but fair. It's all about the nookie. Come on. He'll be running for Congress as well. Yeah. Fred after after fucking for the Florida seat. What's his what's his bullshit kid rock face. Kid rock. Yeah. So this next clip is Alex basically makes it very clear what he cares about. So they're trying to trigger this. They're trying to do it. They're trying to absolutely divide America
Starting point is 00:51:32 more than they've ever divided it. While we have North Korea threatened to launch these missiles while we have the deputy director of the FBI under Mueller saying we're going to kill Trump. Yeah. That's how biased Mueller is and why he should refuse himself. You've got mud. His name is really mud. I mean it's not me saying here it is CNN's Phil mud nails Trump nails him and it goes on to say let me show you had the article right here in my stack says we're going to
Starting point is 00:52:05 kill him. This is mainstream news here. Go ahead and read that article. Former Mueller deputy deep state will kill Trump. So this is the narrative from Friday that I wanted us to get much more in depth in and now we can't because it's too late but I'll give you the brief version of there's a guy named Philip mud who was on CNN. He's a regular contributor. He also had a really weird interview with Stephen Colbert a couple years back that is worth watching just for its awkwardness
Starting point is 00:52:34 on the Colbert report. Yeah. But the what he said is basically the way that Trump is basically saying hey Putin thanks. Thanks for kicking our dudes out is a very bad way to govern. It's it's not good. And he said they're going to kill him. The government's going to kill him. And then immediately the host I believe it was Tapper was like I just want to be clear. You're talking metaphorically. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Okay. So it's the same way we take that out of context
Starting point is 00:53:12 and there we go. And it's the same way that Alex talks about how we're going to destroy you in the info war. Yeah. It's the exact same thing but he's just not giving the same pass to hypocrisy means nothing to these people totally every every time you see anybody point out hypocrisy on the left they feel like it means a thing and it means nothing. Yeah. It means nothing to these people. The other thing about they are rank hypocrites who revel in it. They are so happy that they can get
Starting point is 00:53:41 away with their hypocrisy. Yeah. The other thing about Philip Mudd was Alex was also saying that he threatened to beat up Trey Gowdy and he's going to kick his teeth in and shit. Gowdy is the guy who looks like he should be beat up and his teeth should be kicked in. He's really into Benghazi. Yeah. But the I've seen his face. The actual clip that that came from was Philip Mudd saying like someone should kick his ass because he's lying about the way he's presenting questions
Starting point is 00:54:10 in Congress. I disagree with none of that. Right. But he's not saying I'm going to kick his ass. He doesn't like Alex adds all these like flourishes of kicking his teeth in and stuff like that that he didn't say he just said someone should kick his ass because he knows better. He knows what he's doing. He knows that he's willfully misleading people. Right. In congressional questioning. Right. And I mean sure it's a great 100 percent agree. Sure. It's the rhetorically it's a
Starting point is 00:54:35 little aggressive but I don't it's certainly not what Alex is saying. And anyway fuck him. So here we go. Let's get back to the clip. That's the level they got into and it's a shake and make operation. The globalist start the Vietnam War. Send us don't you dare bring Will Ferrell into this position to it to build their leftist opposition in America who is credit the greatness of America standing up against tyranny by putting us in a somewhat tyrannical position
Starting point is 00:55:00 while the globalist made money off the war with the opposition here in the past that right now. So so give me a second to process that sentence. The the leftists standing up against tyranny by putting us into a tyrannical position. Well the yeah the the anti-war movement in the 70s and 60s and 70s was the leftists trying to impugn the good name of America. And yes then that would bring in tyranny or something like that. No but
Starting point is 00:55:33 that that what that why do you expect this dog won't help senior male senior that's no no you can't eat that sentence makes less sense than everything else you said so far but he said it confidently so I don't I don't think his listeners are going to pick up on how stupid it is. That's a good point. So you're not wrong there but I mean it's fun. It's fun. At least it's different than a lot of his other narratives. That's a good point. That's a good point. It also at least it makes
Starting point is 00:56:04 it so little sense. I can't even process it. It also belies like if you believe this why is like we've been going over his shit for like a year. He's never talked really about how it's been a coordinated plan since the anti-war movement no to do all this. Why are you bringing that in now. This is solid riffing on his part. This is looking for anything just fucking anything. The brain force done got good to him. I think and he is spinning.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So let's let's get to the outcome of what happened from this. The days of the anti-war movement to the present. And that's all been declassified as well. No by the Wikileaks that they're losing all day so they would go to pure race war in America. So the idiot racist anti-fah who are the racist anti-white scum of the earth. The white people leading it which is what I think the info line is big kill all whites and then up against a bunch of conservatives that just went
Starting point is 00:57:02 out there to stand up and demonstrate but with a few white supremacists leading them had automatic weapons but that's a deal. The first amendment to then set this precedent to have a civil emergency and then I've been watching Fox News the hour and a half. Every guest back there to the coffee room. I walk in is I'm a conservative pastor but whites are evil and demonstrating is bad and whites are racist. Racism is only white and whites are evil and we
Starting point is 00:57:32 must decry this and all whites are bad and we must give up the fact that America's white. I thought that was already given up and we must accept that we're doing whatever the minorities say they are our God. That makes that really means except the globalist dividing. The quote minorities. I haven't I haven't heard him bring up the globalist yet so far. I'm pretty excited about that. They're always behind the curtain but yeah at least we got past the white nationalism to get
Starting point is 00:57:59 to the globalists. I'm glad. Well I mean it's stupid for us to bring up at this point a hundred episodes in. It's very clear that it's the same thing. The globalist stuff is white nationalism and a different name. Anti-Semitism and what have you. So I mean we got that there. It's all white shit. It's all white shit. Yeah. And it's all misrepresenting what people are actually saying and it's great. It's a lot of fun. Do you. It's a lot of fun for him. I'm glad you can have this
Starting point is 00:58:26 kind of fun. Great. To the detriment of everybody. I hope he gets lit on fire. I hope he gets fucking lit on fire. I wonder why male vitality is flammable. Anyway go ahead. Why do you do you understand because I don't. I don't know why my voice just did a fucking Jeff Fox where they right there. Do you understand. You might be. Why why do these people find whiteness to be so important. I that's because that's a question I've had because these guys weren't Dan.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Don't you dare. It's time for us to really get to the bottom of this. I mean like only you and I can. The answer is obvious. I don't know why you're asking the question. What is the answer. Because there is a history in America of white people being the only real voice. They're the only people who have a say in things. Right. And it becomes an incredibly comfortable position and it becomes essentially what is the norm. What you're used to what you think you deserve. It's what
Starting point is 00:59:26 you're entitled to. It's what our grandfather's experienced. Just masculinity and whiteness were the default norm and everything else has to be subservient to it as to you have to any any needs of marginalized groups come after the needs of whites. So it's it's what we talk about a bunch in terms of you're used to a super powerful position right balancing of the equation seems like an attack. Yes. Yeah. No and I we've talked about that and I've made that argument
Starting point is 00:59:56 as well in the past but now I'm running out of I I I'm starting to disbelieve it because why is it. Why is it that you and I are white males with all of the same privileges as these fucks and these guys aren't because because you look at that. I got I got a quick answer. Sure. It's because we listen. Well that's that's a big issue for us. We've been exposed to very smart people. We've been experienced exposed to people of other walks of life people have different life
Starting point is 01:00:30 experiences and instead of being like well I mean actually white people are the real victims. Yeah. We've listened to the experiences that other people have and we realized other people's humanity I guess. Yeah and they don't. I'm just I'm just struggling with buying that now. Like like if it were because because the narrative for the longest time has been the same thing as in the post Civil War Reconstruction South. Right. So you got poor white folk. You got poor black
Starting point is 01:01:00 folk. The only way that the white folk can feel good about themselves and the only way that you can separate them so that poor folk don't all unite and murder the rich people who are the who are the root cause of all of their anger. Right. Is to say that white people are better than black people. So even the poorest white dude can say he's better than Obama. These people are you and I these guys are buying shit at the Banana Republic which has its own ironic joy. Sure. They're
Starting point is 01:01:35 there. They have no problems. These people have zero issues. They don't have anything to complain about it. If it was a whole white dude these guys have fucking nothing every part of their lives is great. They have no issues but they on some subconscious level realize that the absence of their issues is a byproduct of the fact that whiteness has played the role it has in their life. OK. And I believe that the fact that they have no real issues like minorities and women have faced
Starting point is 01:02:07 in terms of systematic oppression and violence directed towards them just for speaking out and stuff like that. I think they start to fear that eventually they will be in the same position that they have put people in historically. OK. So you think sub subconsciously or yeah well I don't know. I'm not sure this is them preemptively fighting against issues they've never had to deal with. Yes. And that's why I think a lot of people in these groups are like eventually
Starting point is 01:02:34 will be a minority and that scares them so much. Eventually we'll have to deal with the repercussions of our actions. We. Yeah. We but not we but like they would say I believe that eventually we will be on the business end of that which we have done in the past. Yeah. And I get why that would be scary. Again. Yeah. Soft. No on white genocide softer no than it was before. I'm just I'm just starting to lean towards the idea that this isn't this isn't anything but these guys don't
Starting point is 01:03:14 know where to find friends like I'm I'm starting to lean towards this is the only social group they have. I'm like the same way with Christianity. A lot of Christians wouldn't give a fuck. It's like don't give a fuck about the Bible. Don't care about Christ. They just don't have anything but the church. That's all they have. So to me I'm starting to get the feeling that none of this is real and all of it is depressed lonely white people who feel like they have nothing else
Starting point is 01:03:47 going on who feel like their lives are meaningless. And this is the only way they can find meaning. That's that's you engaging in some sort of intellectual self-defense because the reality is so much scarier and more painful. That's probably true. I think that you're rationalizing for them and they would thank you for that because that you know what you're you're you're absolutely right. I just don't that's a better position to be in quite frankly right because
Starting point is 01:04:14 it's humanizing. You're not to blame necessarily for your actions. You're just looking for love. No, I'm not saying that you're looking for acceptance. You're looking for something that gives your life a feeling of meaning whereas the reality is a lot of these people legit fucking hate people. Right. I just can't I just can't believe that this many people are true and honest psychopaths like a bad news. I'm just I'm just saying I read John Ronson psychopath test
Starting point is 01:04:44 and psychologist said that it's like what a 1% 2% of the population is psychopaths and these people sure make it look like 20% of the population was pure psychopathy. That's too high. But at the same time if you have that 1% within that 1% there's going to be I don't know 20% of the 1% that are incredibly charismatic and are able to lure people into their psychopathy just by almost like by proxy. Right. You'll have I mean cult leader types within that 1% and you have people
Starting point is 01:05:17 who would otherwise be maybe reasonable people maybe people who could go a different path and unfortunately they're not they're now functionally psychopaths. We're back at the Nuremberg trials more or less. That's that's really what it is like how how did so many Nazis just watch people go into an oven. Yeah. You know like that's that's what these people are. Mm hmm. That's what these people fucking are. They're good citizens. They're people who are putting putting people
Starting point is 01:05:48 into ovens. Yeah. And speaking. And I wish I want that to be hyperbole Dan. I want that to be hyperbole and it's fucking not. Well yeah. And let's let's just fucking move along because I'm sorry we got a long way to go. You said I couldn't shout for this long. Well still going man. You've been shouted a little. So there was the lady who got killed by a car in 1920 something people injured. I believe the numbers are a little bit. They vary based on sources. But Alex sort of learns about
Starting point is 01:06:21 that during this next clip and he pretends that he's well aware of it and go fuck him. He kind of I'll just be I'll let you know he minimizes it. Whoa. Fox right now and they'll be it's despicable how these right wing races showed up. They deserve to get their asses kicked. So you've got to have total moral indignation. Fox News CNN MSNBC ABC NBC CBS Megan Kelly and her failed show. All of them fuck you. You see conservatives were bad. They were racist because we hired 20 of them
Starting point is 01:06:54 and to say they were KKK so you can ban any protest you want in America ever by just having some white supremacist show up to be at it and now you could beat everybody up and have the police order you to march through and be beat up because the state and the antifa are one of the same because this is Homeland Security. This is the governor. This is the Democrat mayor. This is the rogue government doing all this. So I mean that's him projecting again because that's how he
Starting point is 01:07:20 rationalizes so hard when these all nights or all of these people whenever they beat up people it's like while they're Soros paid shills. Right. So he uses that same logic. Oh well these people these all these Nazi folks they must be there as plants and it's it's nonsense. Yeah. He has a he's he's really fighting hard because and I think this is the big this is the big issue for Alex currently is that no longer can you say anything but these guys are actual Nazis. Yeah like before
Starting point is 01:07:56 you could say oh they're the alt right. They're yelling while Trump exactly doing Nazi salutes they're screaming blood and oil or blood and soil. Yeah. Which is just out and out Nazi shit before before you could hide behind other alt right or they're fucking Mike Cernovich is all light bullshit which is again and he's a Nazi and done if you want to play that game. I mean I don't think Mike Cernovich necessarily was there but fucking Gavin McGinnis was yeah. So all these people
Starting point is 01:08:25 who want to play the quote alt light game. Yeah there. Yeah you're there. So this is Alaska was a speech at this fucking unite the right thing. So this is this is I think his problem is that there's no longer any delineation. There's no longer any any distance between what they used to call the alt right. Nothing nothing is really gray anymore. No you're actually paying attention. It's very clear what's going on. We are not fighting the conservative movement. We're
Starting point is 01:08:56 fighting literal Nazis which is why I think it's important to recognize and appreciate the fact that there are reasonable Republican conservative minded citizens because otherwise we run the risk of conflating on our own. You know like we we run the risk of being as intellectually dishonest and simplistic as Alex is being. Yes. And I don't want us to ever fall into that gap. No you're right. There's plenty of there's plenty of room for intellectual and political
Starting point is 01:09:28 disagreement among adults. There's not room for Nazis. No I know and I I I hate you for making me realize that's really the theme of the show and I just I just wish I could tap into their unchecked unhinged rage. I can because I mean I don't feel it but I get it but that's what I'm reading all the stuff on these message boards and shit like that. That's what I'm saying. I kind of understand it pretty well and it's it's childish. No I just I that's that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:10:05 like that's the thing that I that you and I don't get to do like these people like you scream all the time. I know but but a a literal Nazi murdered Heather Hayer higher. Yeah. However you pronounce her name I haven't heard it pronounced out loud yet so I I don't I don't know and I can't get it right. Yeah. That is her name. She was murdered by a Nazi. She is quite literally a victim of World War Two. Like this is the world that we're in. Yeah. And I don't get to like
Starting point is 01:10:41 I don't get to experience that level of unhinged hatred that they do. No but now I have now we have to be the opposite. Yeah. Exactly. That's our job now. Yeah. I want to I want to combat them on their level in the same way that during the campaign during the campaign. Honestly that's what we have Antifa for right. Well frankly Antifa to fight against the Info while Info was it's that it's that same during the campaign. It's like when they go low we go high and it's like
Starting point is 01:11:19 maybe we should have been. No maybe there's some way for us to low not not you and I know I know we don't want to start lying and creating false narratives. No that's no I don't want to do that. That's that's we don't want to become propaganda in and of ourselves but I do agree with you in the sense that I'd like to see some people you know dirtying dirtying the water a little bit. No I not not like engaging in propaganda but like I don't see a lot of problems with beating up Nazis.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I don't I feel I feel like at a certain point we are we made peace with Germany we didn't make peace with Nazis like we're still at war with Nazis. Weirdly Alex Jones is totally cool with Nazis and hates Angela Merkel. So again we make peace with Germany. Germany made peace with us. Nazis didn't give up World War Two in the same way that the Confederates didn't give up the Civil War. Nope and that dovetails into this whole event. It's the same thing. Yeah. So let's get to the point
Starting point is 01:12:20 where the car murder seems like all the people who lost wars against America are still trying. Yeah and seems like they're winning right now. Yep. It's gonna be a bad season. But be that as it may here we're gonna get to the point where the car murder actually comes up and the bears aren't gonna do well either this year. And then saying within 30 minutes of it if Trump doesn't decry this he's part of it. So Trump comes out obviously says you have to cry it. Something in her is
Starting point is 01:12:50 apparently a car drove through protests with a car drove through protestors. Yeah. People are commenting saying this. Well the car did it. I mean it's like when Muslims were not on it. It looks like he drove through the Antifa. Yeah it was six six injured. Well I mean the Antifa doesn't get now when Muslims do it. I don't care it was a conservative attack liberals or liberals attacked her servers it's stupid it's wrong it's bad. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Yeah I saw that I meant to even comment on that that that's what they want. They want to trigger the civil unrest. I've been telling everybody it's coming I've been telling you they're gonna start saying kill Trump. They're gonna build it and say it's his fault and then kill him and then bring in martial law and because they're pissed they're upset and Millie Weaver's gonna be live. She witnessed it where the police don't trust her main line demonstrators and press
Starting point is 01:13:44 and then force them in front and then march them through to the attack all staged all set up you show up cops go your designated demonstration places down that way. Again that goes back to permits. Yeah but I'd like to get into now this gentleman which is being way too fair to him by the name of James Alex Fields Jr. He is the person who's been arrested. He's the guy who murdered that girl. Yes. He's the guy who murdered Heather Haier and higher and it's kind of
Starting point is 01:14:11 interesting what you can learn from looking at pictures of him from that day because he was out protesting in the uniform of Vanguard America the khakis and the white polo Vanguard America has said that he is not part of their organization bullshit. He is also pictured carrying one of their shields with their logo on it. They have shields. Don't tell me with their logo and so there is a lot of indications that he was affiliated to them in some way whether or not he
Starting point is 01:14:41 was a leader in the group or whatever. It's kind of irrelevant. I don't believe that if you're at a demonstration like this you'd be carrying some group you're not down with shield around when you have a bunch of pictures taken with you especially when you end up ramming your car through a bunch of people. You're probably a very radical person and I did a little looking into Vanguard America. They're an interesting organization and by interesting I mean incredibly
Starting point is 01:15:06 I doubt that. Yeah. It sounds to me more like they're a large group of cowards because if they're they're not actually that large. Okay. Fine. They're a small group of cow there's smallish but they have cells let's say in a bunch of states throughout the but they're out of America like the fucking proud boys or Isis. So they have you know it's interesting that we've been or like we've made this point in the past that Isis does not scare me at all. No it is white supremacist
Starting point is 01:15:39 groups who are essentially Isis. Well in the past like a couple of weeks people have asked me a number of times what I think is going to happen and I for every indication that I can tell and the way things seem to be going I think we're going to see essentially an Isis like insurgency rise up. You're going to see a lot of this loosely affiliated groups of Nazis and white nationalists that are going to start bombing stuff. They're going to start they're going to start doing
Starting point is 01:16:07 a lot of really fucked up stuff. Yeah. I think that's what's going to happen. I'm not entirely sure if I'm wrong. I'll be glad to be wrong. I think the scary part is I don't know which side are military and our National Guard and all of those people are going to be on. We got to hope for the best like the most the most recent report I've read is that the FBI has been investigating all of the white nationalist infiltration of our law enforcement right in the same
Starting point is 01:16:34 way that the Scientologists infiltrated the IRS in order to get tax free status. I think that there obviously is some infiltration but I do believe that it's not as bad as we might be afraid it is. I don't know. We'll find out but you yeah we will. You can find out real hard. You can go to Vanguard America's website. They have a website and published on it is their manifesto in the protocols of the elders. There's overlap. Yeah. Yeah. I bet. I fucking bet with groups like
Starting point is 01:17:10 this whenever Alex wants to talk about them being like fake and what have you you got to look at their history. They they've existed for quite a while and they legit do have a manifesto of what they believe in very publicly available and there are very strong indications that this James Alex Fields Junior was at least in some way involved with them. So it it is worth our time to look at the manifesto and so I read it and I have some quotes from it that see if this sounds like
Starting point is 01:17:40 Alex Jones. Okay. This is a fun game show. The damage done to this nation and its people will not be fixed if every issue requires a vote if every point must be debated discussed and deliberated upon. Democracy has failed in this once great nation now for the time of a new Caesar to revive the American spirit has dawned. That's a light tyranny with a little bit of tyranny. Right. You know there's not enough time to like have everybody make a little bit of tyranny. A strong man like
Starting point is 01:18:07 Trump or Putin or Caesar. So that that's sort of similar. It's not quite like on the head. It's not it's not a bullseye and America based on the immutable truths of blood and soil. A multicultural nation is no nation at all but a collection of smaller ethnic nations ruled over by an overbearing tyrannical state. Our America is to be a nation exclusively for white American peoples who out of the barren hills empty plains and vast mountains forged the most powerful nation to
Starting point is 01:18:35 have ever existed. That's bullshit. That's a historical bullshit. But at the same time it is very similar to you know prosperity coming back. Yeah. And what have you. Making America great again. You're Asian. You're Asian Union West the West West. Yeah. Vanguard America stands indomitably opposed to the tyranny of globalism. That's in their manifesto. Great. Great. I don't know if I love it. Dan. I'm not sure if I actually said this but the manifesto is titled American
Starting point is 01:19:08 fascism. So that's great. The ideal structure of a family is one which is one in which a hardworking father and nurturing mother instills strong values in the children of our nation. This family structure is and has proven to be the strongest core foundation for any nation. And thus any assault on the family must be met with swift and decisive action. Alex Jones always talks about how people are trying to destroy the family these trying to try to outlaw mother and father boy and girl
Starting point is 01:19:39 purple penguins will not shut up about how much they love the family. What a bunch of fucking snowflake cowards. You know at least I love that the Vanguard whatever the fuck their goddamn name is the murderers the murderers of Heather higher higher whichever it is. Right. I love that they don't even have the balls of ISIS to claim this. They do. They said that he wasn't part of their claim him. Yeah. He wasn't part of it. That is cowardice fucking ISIS might as well come out and claim that
Starting point is 01:20:14 he was one of them. Yeah. I mean that'd be fucking hilarious. All these terrorist organizations do even take credit for things they didn't do. Yeah exactly fucking ISIS come out and claim that you're claim that he's your dude. Well that's what killing the people you want to kill. But that's I mean that's that speaks to the sort of cowardly hiding of these people. Yeah. And that's that's why they've existed online for a long time and are only now starting to creep their toes
Starting point is 01:20:40 into actually public. Right. Shit. Right. Because they are giant. They're cowards and they do realize that if they do claim him they're getting shut down. Yeah. They're I mean not with this Justice Department. Yeah. I'm glad that our Justice Department is led by one of their fucking people. I mean they are going to just sessions did say that they're going to investigate. Yeah. Fuck you sessions thrilled. Yeah sessions I'm glad that you're fucking on the case you white nationalist
Starting point is 01:21:10 piece of shit thrilled to see where that ends up. I'm happy that Mitch McConnell is on the fucking case. Yeah. It's not it's never a great time when Paul Ryan gets to sound reasonable. But I'm not done with this this manifesto yet. Americans should strive for a truly national economy. An economy that is self contained and free from the influence of international corporations led by ruthless groups of international Jews which place profit beyond the interest of
Starting point is 01:21:37 our people or any people globalists globalists protocols of the elders of Zion the large multinational guys are pes dispensers. Yeah they are the large multinational corporations that have bled this nation dry will not be allowed to continue their detrimental efforts unabated once they're brought to heal our currency will no longer be manipulated on the whims of the vested few our jobs and economy our industry will not be exported to foreign nations and the media and
Starting point is 01:22:03 entertainment industries will no longer be allowed to poison the minds of our people. Sure. That sounds very Alex Jonesy sure looks like they guys are info wise. I I I know that Alex would never want to look into this stuff because again it would be terrifying to look into the mirror and realize that these people who are out there and are Nazis believe the are info. They believe the same shit as yeah that is tough. That's got to be tough. And so instead of wrestling with that
Starting point is 01:22:32 reality and being like maybe a lot of the stuff I believe is not healthy is not good isn't based on reality. Instead of that you just like oh well the Southern Poverty Law Center they they're a bunch of evil fucks and they just set all this up sorry order to demonize us. They're just trying to demonize reasonable conservatives and bring it. Black Lives Matter wrote these Dan Black Lives Matter. It's a false flag. It's Soros the website and manifestos a false flag false
Starting point is 01:22:57 flag. Great. Come on Dan. I'm exhausted already. We have so much to get through. We are let's see six clips in out of out of 20. So I think that means I need to be silent for the next eight clips. Yes. Otherwise otherwise we're going to be at six hours. Yeah. So here this is this next two clips are another one of our patented shot and chaser. Oh boy. So here's the first one where he talks about it's mostly about how Antifa sucks and then he discusses various cities.
Starting point is 01:23:32 You you march through the antifa with clubs wait they all been told wait they're all coordinated. You get down there they start attacking. They declare emergency the cops go all right. You can't come back through here to women children you name it go that way and waiting is the antifa right there and the cops stand down and let the cowardly antifa sit there because I mean there were their bike locks their daggers and then people got pissed who made it. That's what happened
Starting point is 01:23:57 after see how they're trading daggers. People get forced through daggers. Yeah. I was going to say it forced through the daggers. Somebody flips out those guys are they valerian steel and that's the plan though trigger the violence because you can't stop the legitimate free speech. You can't beat cutting taxes securing the border. What the fuck are you talking about ISIS and Al Qaeda but again deep state the Islamist's Hillary Obama. Yeah. All the rest of the suspects
Starting point is 01:24:27 their failed policy of appeasing and arming North Korea fucking nothing chickens are coming home to roast by these losers and so they want to overturn the whole thing in civil war and civil insurrection using the towns and the cities they control. Why was Cleveland okay because it was a rust belt liberal conservative area of blue collar folks that wanted America back again and they understood the score and they weren't going to let this crap go on. So they had a good
Starting point is 01:24:51 agenda and it was a pro pro free speech for everybody and it went well. So that let's ignore the rest of the stuff at the beginning because it was a bunch of boring nonsense redo the redo the bottom. What was the talking about Cleveland. He's talking about the RNC. Why does he think that he's talking about the RNC because it was a like a Republican city. So it wasn't at the sway of these globalists and what have you. Sure. So he's saying that you know hey you know when you go down to a
Starting point is 01:25:18 place like Charlottesville in Virginia you got a Democratic mayor. It's going to be fucking messy. They're going to set you up. But in Cleveland because they just want prosperity. It's a rust belt. It's totally fine. Now listen to this from maybe 10 minutes later. So the police she stood down. They all stood down again just like when I was at the RNC. Republicans weren't violent Democrats were. Okay. Well there you go. You just said at the RNC in Cleveland the police stood down. It
Starting point is 01:25:46 was the exact same thing. Yeah. Yeah. Now the reason it was different was because it was the same. Right. Doesn't that make sense. No. I don't understand why you have a problem with this Dan because he's just the reason it was different was because it was the same. He's scatting. He's just saying nonsense. He's not even bullshit. He's not even keeping track of what the points he wants to make. God he needs a writing staff. Totally. Even like but that but then
Starting point is 01:26:12 again I do like the fact that he's got nothing and he has no writing staff because unlike these fucking piles of shit Republican Paul Ryan's and those fucks Rino's who have who have the writing staff put together this well worded. We we don't believe anything so everybody can believe whatever they want statements. He has to come out and lay bare how much nothing he has about how the fact that he's a fucking Nazi. It's pretty fascinating on a lot of levels. Yeah. Like
Starting point is 01:26:47 this is exact if you had if you had Trump or Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell just talk for three hours. Yeah. They would reveal exactly how awful and horrible and racist they are totally. These guys are the same white nationalists or they would just reveal how little they give a shit about any human being and all they want is fucking tax cuts for the rich and I think that if you had them just spitting nonsense for hours on end on a hot mic one of the things you would reveal
Starting point is 01:27:15 is they don't really know anything. No they don't care like Trump can't do more than like I don't know 10 minutes in a press conference without it being abundantly clear that you're just saying stuff. Yeah. You don't. Yeah. You don't really have a writing staff that's giving you good lines but at the same time you're just saying like like there was that one not too long ago there was a lady who has like a reporter who asked him what his stance on his Bola was and
Starting point is 01:27:40 he's like we will be talking about that tomorrow. So fucking clear that that is code for I don't know. Yeah. Exactly. I don't know who they are. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's unfortunate that we're we're on like before like during the Bush the GW years. We were at least a little bit confused as to where we were on the stupid versus acts stupid versus evil axis. Yeah. Now we're very clear that we're on the stupid side of evil. Yeah. Like if we're if we're talking about stupid
Starting point is 01:28:11 evil axis we're all the way up on stupid and evil at the same time by weird corner. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. So you know he talks about cities there been that last two clips contradicts himself which is delightful but now he gets into how you got to stay out of liberal cities and he has a few thoughts about that. Oh we're dangerous. And then he gets into how he's already mentioned it. Fox is a mess. That's true. That's true. And so he decides he's going to do some. Unfortunately I agree
Starting point is 01:28:43 with Alex today. He's going to do some on air analysis of what's going on on Fox. Now that I'm excited about. But I'm telling folks I get one to march into Democrat cities and do this. They'll let the actually five do whatever they want because they're the establishment. Sure. They're just the folks they're hiring a hundred bucks a day that want to go beat up somebody because they're racist. Nope. I mean I'm not being mean to short folks. They're all like five foot tall methods.
Starting point is 01:29:06 What is that shit. Millie Weaver's got a lot to come up in full wars dot com. Very pay us. We're covering all businesses and unfolds. Yes. I knew about the car. Injuring seven people. That means that doesn't get more obvious than the opposite of these victims on TV. I want to I want to cut in there real quick because that is worth us mentioning because it goes back to what he even and yes obviously I knew about the car is code for of course I didn't know about I was blindsided by this
Starting point is 01:29:32 car. Yeah but that goes back to even something he admitted in that Megan Kelly interview when he was talking about how he covered the Manchester bombing where he just got on air before he knew any of the facts and assumed that these were liberal trendies that got bombed and shit like that. It's the exact same thing. That's what he's doing here. That is his fucking move. That is his M.O. is just to let the mouth go really fast and then hope that the facts back him up and they
Starting point is 01:29:58 never do and when they don't he just ignores the fact that he was wrong and pretends like wow it's kind of right and it doesn't matter. No that's God. That's one of the big reasons he's not a journalist. Dan I want words to have meaning too bad. Anyway back to the clip names to their moms were who their dads were everything about and they'll be nothing about folks run over by Muslims because again it's how the left seizes and you had you know the guy going in in South Carolina and
Starting point is 01:30:27 shoot nine innocent people. That's what caused oh whites are all guilty. Whites are all bad. I know you are but what am I on earth. I know you are but what am I the devil's a white man with the corporate media pushing it and but then when Antifa kills people or Muslims kill people or whatever then it's no news. So what the fuck are you talking about this whole monument thing out of that. See and then you've got to say your collective guilt. You've got to say it's your fault now
Starting point is 01:30:55 and Fox News. Let's go see what Fox News is doing. Let's just go see what Fox News is. I actually am interested. Every time I go in there it is just it is just where is your absolute coffee room. Somebody shoot somebody. It's all done on his fault. Okay. So again I told you that we're going to stage this and meanwhile North Korea and all this other stuff's out of control. These are global is trying to push this. Here we go. So he he takes the camera which obviously is like an
Starting point is 01:31:20 iPhone. An iPhone. Yeah. But he takes the guy who's recording it. Oh pro. And they they go in attached to fucking Buckley's head. It's not. He just grabs Buckley's head and just drags him into the room. It's not Buckley. If I had to guess it might be a Don Salazar or something like that. It's one of those dudes but they go into the other room where they have the TV that Fox is playing on in the coffee room and I don't know if it's you can pick up on this from the audio but most
Starting point is 01:31:46 of the time the video of it is on the TV but you can hear cabinets opening and closing. I think he wanted a snack. I think he's in the middle of the video and there's also a part where I found like he you can hear him saying things to the camera person through some Ritz crackers. It's incredibly light and he thinks he's whispering in audibly but he's like take over. So maybe that's when he's going to chew chew on a Sammy. Yeah. But it's so weird. It's
Starting point is 01:32:21 so weird. The cabinet's opening and closing. I've got some salami. It's so obvious that he's like I got nothing. I'm going to go see what Fox News is doing. See if I can yell at them a bit. Yeah. So I didn't I didn't keep in all of this because it goes on for a long time. Right. And the audio is really terrible. And this was just an hour long special report making special. Yeah. So the audio is really terrible of the Fox News people. So I didn't keep a ton of that in but
Starting point is 01:32:47 he does say some stuff that's worth us jumping in. This first one is about how everyone wants Trump to say the names of these groups. He wants everyone to expect him to be really specific in his condemnation. So here we go. Oh we must name the group. That's the alt right when it wasn't the alt right. See this is breaking Trump's based off. You have to say radical Islam. Oh my god. You have to say radical terrorism by the protests left. Your wife's a premise.
Starting point is 01:33:15 No. Make this term turn to get disinfo. Great. They've made a turn. They've made a turn to disinfo. Right. You picked up on that immediately. The point of that is you have to say radical Islamists. I mean even Trump has fucking said that you got to say it. Yeah. You got to say the name. Yeah. This is so that's again. It's so weird. They revel in not giving a shit about hypocrisy. Yeah. You and I both care so much about some sort of ideologically ideologically ideological
Starting point is 01:33:44 consistency to the point where I against my will admit that you are right about some conservatives. Exactly. Yeah. Against my will. And and it doesn't matter to them. Like no what what. How do you fight that if I were fighting on a different battlefield. How do you fight. Well I want to say this. I don't I don't know. But also if I were if I were crazy. Yeah. Like Alex. Yes. I would say that what he's doing is a form of lesser magic where he knows he's
Starting point is 01:34:20 contradicting himself and being a complete hypocrite and he's doing it to rub it in your face because at that point nothing's real and I can get away with anything. Right. That's some Sarah Kenzie or like that's what fascists always want you to do is show you how little they care. Yeah. It's essentially like a institutional version of gaslighting. Yeah. Exactly. I care very much while your actions belie that you don't care at all. Yeah. That that's
Starting point is 01:34:44 sort of shit. But yeah. So that's dumb. Alex. So dumb. Now we get into this next part where he starts his tirade about the Southern Poverty Law Center. Oh good. I'm glad we finally got to them. His followers yelling hail Trump. I mean what kind of message totally stays. Southern Poverty Law Center talking about ADL the Southern Poverty Law Center has been caught running entire white supremacist compounds like Elohim City in Oklahoma City. How many times are the
Starting point is 01:35:14 swastikas put on the left they get caught. And I even said that earlier. See which is a very important duty for the oh my gosh the evil racist white people but statistically they're 12 times more likely not to commit crime. There's two important things in there when he says that the Southern Poverty Law Center was running Elohim City which was an organization that Timothy McVeigh was involved with before he ended up bombing. Yeah. I recall I recall his lies about
Starting point is 01:35:43 that. We talked about that in the past but just to re up on that they had a plant inside the Elohim City which was a fucking huge anti-government white supremacist organization. They didn't run it. They had a guy who was giving them information because it's important. It's important to know what these fucking groups are doing. The FBI has plants in a lot of these white nationalist militias for good reason or like or even terrorist groups. Right. It's
Starting point is 01:36:10 important to get the information and they're not going to like these dum-dums in the Vanguard America. They're not just going to post it on a website somewhere where they're actually up to. Yeah. Well and in the you know I mean sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes they use their plant to murder Fred Hampton. So right you know these I don't believe that they're good people because they are watching this shit but it's you would rather have them watching than not watching
Starting point is 01:36:42 I suppose. I don't know. That whole thing is so complex and ridiculous. I have a tough time believing that the Southern Poverty Law Center is involved in planning bombings and stuff like that. Oh no. That part is that one I buy whatever then the other one I'm in on the other possibly more important pieces there at the end when he's talking about so what world is the Southern Poverty Law Center so nefarious as to pull that shit off Alex land. Oh that's like the ACLU has plants
Starting point is 01:37:17 inside of fucking ISIS making sure that they wait a second Dan do they. Have you been listening to Info Wars. I'm telling you I know it sounds very similar. I know ISIS is fighting a lot of free speech issues. You know how that's going on. ISIS has sued a lot of people for like you know those sorts of issues like oh yeah people having their first amendment trampled. Oh no. ISIS is always the first people with a briefcase heading into court. Oh whenever whenever
Starting point is 01:37:45 there was that Muslim ban. I recall ISIS being there looking up the statutes that keep that from going on totally ISIS always files briefs. Everybody knows this. So the other thing in that clip I wanted to pull out. Yeah that's I think really important is at the end there he's talking about like oh these evil whites when in reality white people are less likely to make a crime blah blah blah. Twelve times. Right. It's twelve times. Where does he get that. Well he also juggles
Starting point is 01:38:13 that around. Sometimes he says 15. He's clearly not referencing a real statistic or he's he doesn't understand it but also in the past he's very clearly said that he understands that there are reporting issues and that crimes against white people or crimes that white people commit are often swept under the rug and I know from my own personal life there are so many times that if I was black I would have been arrested as a child. Oh of course like breaking into places or trying
Starting point is 01:38:39 to get on roofs of buildings even Alex knows that Alex has pointed out that the reason he hasn't been arrested is because of a white nationalist a Nazi cop that how does he not. No not how. How does he bring it up because if you had any if you had any inkling of intelligence you would just let that one go. Well he knows his audience doesn't keep track of these things and they're inclined to pity white people. It'd be on
Starting point is 01:39:08 that side so he doesn't really give a shit. It doesn't matter if he's already negated his own point on his own show that's still available online. Yeah. It doesn't matter. That's true. It's lesser magic. Can we burn him as a warlock again. Has anybody considered this possible again. It's going to come down to whether or not super male vitality is flammable. I would love it if it wasn't he self emulated some sort of
Starting point is 01:39:32 protest just covers himself in super male somebody accidentally flicks a cigarette towards him and he just goes up in flames just sweating super male vitality. So this next clip Alex explains you know a lot of people probably think he's psychic but people ask how am I predicting this as we analyze the sponsors propaganda. They do the same damn playbook every time and she doesn't even know it's a playbook. So he's not psychic and also that strikes me as like that people ask me
Starting point is 01:40:02 this that's such a fucking bullshit thing. Have you ever listened to Paul Stanley's album of stage pattern lead singer of kiss. You have you have talked to me about this album in the past. Of course I haven't. He constantly starts things like people come up to me and they say Paul I say what like stuff like that. He's just he does all this like he just needs an excuse to say what he wants to say gets into a story by pretending that people always come up to him and ask you know Paul do you
Starting point is 01:40:30 have a big dick and I say yes I do. That's sort of shit. It's that it's that level of stuff and when I see that rhetorical trick being used by Alex like people come up to me and they ask how do I know everything ahead of time. It's like no one asks you that no you dumb asshole. Anyway I just think that's delightful. I like that that that's a little fun mixed in with his nonsense. So this next clip it's more just about the the car murder and he wants to spin it to be like I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:41:02 did you did you read that he's only been charged with second degree murder. Yeah and a bunch of other charges but not right. He should be charged with first degree. He should be charged with terrorism. He should be charged with terrorism. Yeah. Like this is there's no well then again. You can't be charged with terrorism because Trump made the terrorism task forces only about Islam. Yeah that's true. So great. This is one of those things where you're like as as disgusted with
Starting point is 01:41:32 America's I am I halfway cynically believe that a grand jury wouldn't even indict him for the first degree. Well for less you lessen the charges in order to make sure you actually get a conviction something like that. It's possible. I mean that's that's sad. I'm so disgusted with this. Anyway soft no soft no here's more disgusting. And then once he makes contact this notice they won't show the car running over people here when it's Muslims. Now you're allowed to
Starting point is 01:42:01 see it. You showed a journalist being murdered. These vehicles live on your. We got to ban them. Yeah absolutely vehicles that don't ban the Muslims coming in ban the cars but see now they're saying it. So one of the things that he's doing here. Nobody's saying ban ban the cars. Yeah. No one's saying that in the cars. No one's saying that. But also get rid of the guns. Get rid of the cars. The actual conversation that was going on in the Fox News that he was watching was
Starting point is 01:42:29 that it is incredibly scary and impossible to regulate when you use cars as a weapon. Right. Because. Well Dan I have some laws for you in multiple states about how you should be allowed to hit protesters with your fucking car. Well because they're blocking traffic and they're getting the way of commerce. That's not a that's not a crime. No it's commercial terrorism in your fucking way. Protesting is commercial terrorism. They're not letting you make your deliveries or
Starting point is 01:42:57 getting to your job or whatever. First amendment rights allow me to hit people with cars. Right. They're being disruptive. But be that as it may like what I what I'm what I'm glomming on to here is that Alex does this great thing where he knows that the audio isn't good of the Fox News stuff. So he just gets to yell whatever he wants. Right. He gets to pretend that he's responding to something on the Fox News. They're like this is the propaganda. But it's the
Starting point is 01:43:21 same thing he does whenever he pretends to listen to an interview. Right. Stop this clip. Stop this clip right here. I need to get in. I need to go back 10 seconds. Look at look at how look at this fucking. Look at his face. He's so fat. He's so fat and he's so ugly. Look at his fucking face. He's mad. He doesn't get women. Yeah. Mr. Creepy. Exactly. Yeah. This guy. Yeah. So in this next clip Alex he believes that the I'm I'm letting us run through the clips now. We got to
Starting point is 01:43:49 I'm I'm a good I'm a we're at an hour forty five. I'm a patriot. That's what I'm holding like a patriot. And this next clip Alex wants to talk about what he thinks is really going on. Yeah absolutely. I mean at some point where is it from protesting peacefully. What's the name of the video. You ban protests. Told ya. How's that. Oh how's that for your fake news. I told you the talking point. I told y'all on RTJ.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Tucker Carlson told me point blank. He's banned from coming on my show. I'm banned from coming on there. Fine. Wait. Is Tucker Carlson. You're going to get a felony if you're a conservative and go out in public. God damn it. I was going to beat you up and get away with it. I told you. Look at the name of the video folks name of the video is about basically how they're going to try and ban protest. What they would what they were just what they were discussing in the
Starting point is 01:44:50 Fox News clip before he got on his I told you and then tried to do a Ric Flair impression. Right. What he is they were talking about was it becomes an interesting line where protesting stops and violence starts and that is a conversation we're going to need to have sooner than later because it's going to keep happening. I mean the problem the problem goes back to the legal definition of unlawful assembly. You can't you can't bring people together if you essentially are trying
Starting point is 01:45:19 to start a riot or you have a reasonable expectation that you know you're going to start a riot. Yeah. That's not OK. I know the I don't know how to I don't know how to engage with that. I don't either because it's very complicated because that's been used so oppressively totally like that is that is how much that's Ferguson. How many times have you seen riot police fucking take down somebody unarmed not doing anything literally literally peacefully protesting and you
Starting point is 01:45:54 look at the way that the police have treated this and they haven't done shit. Not much. They haven't fucking done shit. But that's that's why I'm coming to the point that I am that I'm saying that there is a line and if we had a much more adult reasonable conversation about like what is protesting what is demonstrating and what is incitement. Yeah. You'd I think it would serve everyone's purposes but because Alex Jones is a dumb dumb have that conversation will we know and
Starting point is 01:46:24 because Alex Jones is an idiot and he wants to defend his Nazi buddies. Essentially it was what's going on. He pretends that well I got you what you do and is you want to ban protests. You want to say that conservatives can't have any kind of a protest and that's not true. Conservatives can have the protest that they want to have just don't bring fucking automatic weapons. Well I mean I'm even OK with that in certain circumstances really. Yeah. I think it's OK. I think I'm not
Starting point is 01:46:50 I'm not. This is where this is where we're this you have the right to have guns. That is true. Now what you're looking at me like you don't like that. I don't like that. But I've already established that I am no longer in the in the right. I do want to take their guns away. Open carry. Unlegally. I want to take their guns. Legal. Yes. Responsible gun ownership is something that does exist in the country as much as there is irresponsible. There's a larger chunk of the population
Starting point is 01:47:22 that owns guns responsibly. I don't I don't like them. They're being large militias at protests like this. I think that that is not good. I don't like they're being large militias period. Right. I don't need it. I don't like I don't like that element of it. But in terms of you know expressing your political belief that you should be able to have guns. I think that's reasonable. I don't think it's the only reason that it seems unreasonable because the world we live in right now. I okay.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Okay. There's a before before you go any further. I'm sorry. I don't I don't mean to cut you off. You know I love you. Right. I don't understand how you can think bringing an AR 15 to a protest is not in itself a form of incitement. Well that's why I'm trying to make this line that I don't like it here. But in protests that are second amendment based stuff like that it is reasonable. It's within the law and if people are if people are handling themselves responsibly
Starting point is 01:48:27 that isn't bad. But if you if you pointed at somebody or something like that then that in and of itself is a crime and that invalidates the protest aspect of it. So I think how do you take an AR 15 to a protest and not eventually wind up pointing it at somebody. I think that it happens a lot just by fucking turning around. You're pointing it at somebody. Not if I mean responsible gun owners always point your gun at the ground. You always like there are it's
Starting point is 01:48:54 not loaded those sorts of things. If people are tell me tell me those guys I don't know the protest. I don't know and had their gun unloaded. I don't know and neither do you. So it's not fair. You're right. You're right Dan. But look you're right that I don't know. But what I'm saying I think I okay Jordan now I'm now an animated what I'm sorry what I'm saying is that the things that I would not like to see are things that are illegal and if people are doing that while they
Starting point is 01:49:23 have a gun at a protest I think they should be arrested. But if you follow the safety protocols and stuff like that I don't really think it's it's really that bad. I don't I think it is allowed not in every state necessarily but yeah where it is I don't think it's a problem. I I I understand and I I do I do believe in the abstract exactly exactly in in that circumstance. All all reality aside were we to consider this as an intellectual conversation. You have a very
Starting point is 01:50:02 cogent and accurate point. I agree with you. Thank you. We don't live in that world. Guys this has been knowledge. We don't live there. No we don't live there. But let me flip you. Let me flip your logic though. If you are a Native American holding a bottle of water that is more threatening to the cops than a white dude holding an AR 15 totally that is that's a problem bullshit. That's a massive problem and to me but that is not me the idea of holding a gun at a protest is
Starting point is 01:50:31 an incitement to violence. It may be it may be in your mind but let me flip that a tiny bit just to be I don't know giving way too much credence to the side I don't agree with. If you say that just the very presence of a gun is an incitement when the person that were hypothetically talking about is carrying it responsibly. It's pointed at the ground. They're not threatening anybody. It's you're saying it's still an incitement. Then I would say that there are people who believe
Starting point is 01:51:01 that seeing two men kissing in public is an incitement. It's something that they're very offended by and they're rubbing it in your face in the pride parades people running around with their thongs on with their dicks showing that's an incitement or hold on. Yeah, you're right. People who are protesting by blocking traffic. That's an incitement. I'm trying to get somewhere that makes me very curious. You're out there flexing some sort of muscle you don't have. I'm not
Starting point is 01:51:29 saying I agree with that but that same logic could be used for things that are reasonable. Now that's a dangerous path to go down. Here's my argument back at you. Has two men kissing ever gone wrong and killed somebody? I don't know. I mean I imagine I imagine has a thong ever misfired and killed a child. Oh, but that has somebody standing in the street ever accidentally overturned and killed somebody the has somebody in the street ever backed up hit a woman and then backed up
Starting point is 01:52:01 and then hit 10 more people. But that's the gun. A gun is only argument isn't sound here. I gotta be honest. Okay. I understand where you're coming from but within my own argument that's taken care of because because I think the the guns should be unloaded. So if there's a misfire, they're already doing something wrong. So that part of it is kind of like alright. Okay, within within that case within the parameters that I'm setting for what I think is right acceptable. Right.
Starting point is 01:52:33 I don't think that then in that case if you want to take a gun to a protest right you have to then make it clear that it is unloaded. That has to be done. I don't I don't see a problem with that right and then having some sort of station where they check. Exactly. In which case in which case I totally agree with you. Did this happen? I know I but I don't know. I don't I don't know nearly enough. You know, you know, I know that things weren't checked. I believe that you know
Starting point is 01:53:01 that they didn't check each and every one of those guns. No, probably not. I would say certainly. So if if you're going to do that and in that case in that case, Dan, we're not if there is there is a talking about this specific protest. I know I know and but in in this conversation, then we have to set further parameters so that a gun but even then you can hit somebody with the butt of a gun. You can you can't hit somebody with two guys kissing. No, but if you have
Starting point is 01:53:29 a sign that says I'm super into two guys kissing, you could hit somebody with the staff of that. Fair poll. That's a fair that's a fair argument. But I'm not disagreeing with you on that. I'm just saying I'm just saying that yes. The only thing the only reason I brought those examples into it was because you were hinging your argument on the idea of incitement and just because you have a natural reaction that comes from seeing a gun, which I believe obviously is probably more
Starting point is 01:53:55 reasonable than being incited by seeing two dudes kissing, right? It is the same sort of reaction that you're having within your brain. Now yours, your reaction is more threat based. Yeah, this is a threat. Yeah, those people who are wrong, but they would think that seeing these two dudes kissing is a threat in as much as they believe that there's a gay agenda and what have you. They have the same sort of and I'm not saying you're dumb, but there is a dumb fear response
Starting point is 01:54:23 that people have. And I know that I'm being I'm talking in the abstract. I'm talking hypothetical. I don't think it's fair to paint all gun owners as well in the same way that I'm defending reasonable conservatives. There are a lot of reasonable gun owners. You know, and I don't disagree with you on this point. My point is that if you are taking guns to a an ostensibly peaceful protest, that is what else? What else is a gun for hunting? Yeah. Okay. So take it to a
Starting point is 01:54:55 peaceful protest. What are you hunting? There might be squirrels might be squirrels. You're being deliberately obtuse now. You're being deliberately obtuse. But you know, you are to you are to because the point that I made at the beginning of this unprompted out of nowhere debate is that I don't think this is why people listen to this. I don't think it's great to see these guns and the militias at this sort of protest. Yes, but in the context of a Second Amendment gun oriented
Starting point is 01:55:28 protest. I totally understand it. Okay. And I think that there you can have a peaceful gun oriented protest where it is reasonable and totally responsible to have guns at it. When you inject guns in places they don't belong. I agree. That brings things that it muddies the water a little bit. And I'm not defending armed militias with semi automatic weapons showing up at places like this or to counter protest liberal protest. I think that that is in and of itself kind
Starting point is 01:55:59 of a threat. Okay, but I don't I don't think the absolute presence of a gun in its right context in responsible ownership is something terrible. Okay, that's all the point I'm making then then let's and I get I get your point and I do understand it. But but then you you come at me with like well a response what's a gun for for hunting or defense or defense or or leisure. What's an recreation? What's an AR 15 for? Well, I think you could make the argument and I'm not I'm
Starting point is 01:56:34 certainly not making this argument but I know that I have some sane friends who have large rifles and stuff like that that are beyond what you need to hunt a semi automatic if you have if you brought a semi automatic weapon into this room, it would be well while we are recording this particular podcast. Well, it's a Second Amendment podcast. We do have a lot of very important protest. I just I just don't see any situation where an AR 15 which is what they a a
Starting point is 01:57:07 fucking they were wearing body armor now and again, I'm bringing this back into the real world and you're taking this into the abstract and I totally agree with you in a vacuum and we don't live there. No, we don't live in that vacuum. No, we don't but if if I well if we have regulations free speech zones, which is what we do like permits and stuff like that. Exactly. But we don't have regulations on what guns you can bring to those free speech zones. They're not
Starting point is 01:57:38 they're inciting violence. No, no, because because those people those people in order to be carrying guns in public would have to have a permit, right? They would have to have an open carry permit. Every single one of them get checked. I'm I'm look I have to believe that they did you do but I don't. Okay. Great. That I mean, I guess I guess we're not going to in that instance, we're coming down to both of us not having the right information. You're right. So we can't I do
Starting point is 01:58:08 I you're right. We can't we can't really litigate what was going on at this specific protest. You are absolutely but back to your point and then I want to get off this. The don't ever. This is something that I need to win on Dan. The idea that people having like these high powered rifles and semi automatic weapons, it is it is very dangerous, I believe and there should be regulation in terms of knowing where these weapons are people having to to what's it called, you know,
Starting point is 01:58:36 check it, you know, people needs to be some sort of agree. But at the same time, the people who have them, I don't think that they have them for intrinsically violent needs. A lot of them you know, it's as reasonable to have a handgun to protect your house as it is to have a large rifle for the same purpose. If you believe that you're going to be possibly at some point facing something that is bigger than a pistol can help you with yes then the same argument of self protection does kind of
Starting point is 01:59:08 apply now because it's so much more dangerous, especially the semi automatic weapons. I think that the dangerousness of it needs to be reflected in the regulation and control mechanisms that we have in place for people having them. Right. But the logic of protection I don't think is invalid. I agree with you. I agree with you. We have we have to be true to principles. I agree with you even if we do live in a fucked up world. It's not right unless you want to come out and say everyone should
Starting point is 01:59:38 have their guns taken away. And in that case I disagree. And I understand. I suppose I suppose again, I'm taking that I'm bringing it into the real world because those guys that we have seen that we talk about like Alex Jones responsible gun owners Alex Jones has murdered zero people and he's had guns on his desk. Exactly. Yeah. But Alex Jones clearly has self defense fantasies. Yes. So taking it to a protest to me seems like hoping for one of those self defense fantasies to occur.
Starting point is 02:00:12 It's possible. And that's what it's and again, I agree with your argument because I can't prove that that's why those guys are taking it. Right. I can't do that. But if I'm gonna air on either side, I'm gonna air on don't bring a fucking gun to a protest. I would like for that to be the reality. Yeah, no, trust me. I know I know we're not we're not arguing the same. We're not I feel like we're not arguing the same question. Because I'm right in my
Starting point is 02:00:49 Let's agree to disagree. I think we both have good points, but we're not going to get to the bottom of gun rights on this episode or it's finally it's time for it's time for two people to solve it and it turns out it's us over a little bit of wine after I am hung over his shit for being at a horse track. Sure. There was some people concealed carrying there. I maybe I don't know. I believe you. It's a real fucked up place. Anyway, let's let's jump back into this. Okay. So he's
Starting point is 02:01:15 still reviewing the Fox News coverage by the dammit. I'm sorry. No, I'm just saying I really appreciated that conversation and I thought it was a good one and I I screamed huge. Well, it's like you brought a gun to a conversation. No, I I understand where you're coming from and I get your point and you've made some good ones. I do feel like I I think as the world gets more complicated and things get worse because I think it's just going to get worse. Yeah. Yes, I
Starting point is 02:01:46 think we're going to see more and more stuff like this start to pop up and start to happen and I'm really afraid that what's going to happen is we're all going to get distracted by something on Tuesday and we won't deal with the fact that all the time that we ignore it. These dudes are organizing and still existing online. They are still having their manifestos posted on their website. They're still organizing and meeting and talking about how we need to
Starting point is 02:02:10 defend whiteness and shit like that. Yeah, I'm really scared about that. They're fighting a war that we aren't. But as we move into the future where things are going to be scarier and weirder, I think that it behooves us to be more clear with principles and be understanding of positions that may seem weird to us. It may seem like people having guns. I don't have a gun. You don't have a gun. Right. It does seem a goddamn if I'm not thinking about right. It does seem a
Starting point is 02:02:40 little bit weird. The people who are super interested in guns and we might disagree on a lot of issues about get that. Yeah, but it's it's our responsibility to go halfway to reasonable people. Yeah, that we disagree with because there's going to be a lot less opportunities for that in the future. Yeah. Well that's that I think is the situation there. And it's the same. It's well up. Hold up. And sorry, it's what we would like to see from the other side. It's what we would like to
Starting point is 02:03:12 see. It's what we're not seeing. But it's it. Well, I mean, you just kind of got to hate to, you know, quote a Kevin Spacey movie title, but you got to pay it forward in a certain sense. Okay, or else we are just being the petulant children who are like, you don't do it. So we're not going to either. You know, I want reasonable Republicans and conservative minded folks to come on board and realize that hey, there's nothing weird about being gay or that trans people are real
Starting point is 02:03:39 people. And they're not crazy. Yeah, I would love for those sort of social things that we firmly believe in that that mean a lot to us. We love I'd love to see more allyship from that side. And and we're not seeing it right, but that doesn't mean that we don't still have a responsibility to be bigger, in a sense, and understand some of the right conservative sides. Yeah, and gun ownership is not a right left issue. It's just that the right wing definitely seems to be
Starting point is 02:04:10 more vocal and angry about it. Yeah. Okay, let's let, let's put it this way. I think that this is a huge conversation. And we are talking about it now for 45 minutes. I don't think that's true. But feels like it. We got to get back to these clips. No, I Yeah, I understand. I understand your points. I do and and I I agree with you in a vacuum. I think you are a I think you are upholding ideals beautifully. And I believe in you and I think
Starting point is 02:04:55 yuck. I think that is exactly why so many people have been murdered. So and if that's the end result, that's the end result. Right? Well, you know, you're a martyr. No, you're a martyr. You fuck you. All right. But if we all must die, let us die with our principles and our boots on. Yeah, you know, I say as I'm recording this barefoot barefoot in jorts. That's my house pants. So this next clip, Alex is still going over Fox News shit.
Starting point is 02:05:27 He's still trying to do some analysis. Yeah. And he throws this jab at at the pundits. This is the first guy I've seen that just has to say ban the First Amendment of conservatives. This is that's not true. Wait, what did he just? This is the first guy who said ban the First Amendment for conservatives. It's the first guy on Fox News. It's the guy who's the first guy who hasn't said that. Oh yeah. On Fox News because Alex is pretending this whole time
Starting point is 02:05:53 that there have been like conservative preachers who are on who are like white people are bad blah, blah, blah, conservative shouldn't be presenting it is like you know that comment. You know that very common conservative preacher. Yeah, even Fox News has gone globalist is essentially what he's getting at. And now he's reinforcing it because he goes back to the fucking coffee room, the break room at Info Wars and the first person who's on is very reasonable and not saying those
Starting point is 02:06:18 things. And so in order to save face, because he's built it up as we're going to go back there and I'm going to be able to see this stuff immediately. Thank God there's one. Yeah, he's like, oh, well, we got one as opposed to that being all of them, which I which for him is a smart move because going further to the right than Fox News is exactly what his listenership wants at this moment. He's lived because because again, they're all white nationalists. Yes. Yeah. So this
Starting point is 02:06:43 next clip, Alex explains the sitch. That's how I have it written down, I guess. Don't don't write it down like that anymore. I abbreviated it to sitch in the in the in the track title. I'm glad you can admit when you're wrong. Yeah. Where have things gone that we would even have this going on? Oh, let me explain. George Soros has funded all these racist minorities around to do all this violence and kill white people and beat them up to stir up white people. Then it gets
Starting point is 02:07:12 led by a bunch of foundation controllers to have a clash. The police cordoned the regular protesters and marks people into attack him. Gavin McGinnis got beat up and pepper sprayed at this. He's just a free speech guy. He's a libertarian, the founder of vice. But see, it's all about the conservatives get beat up because they deserve it. Told you it was all coming. And it's just the beginning and they're going to kill your president and they're going to take your pension
Starting point is 02:07:36 funds and they're going to piss all over you like North Korea because they want to piss. Yeah, that's the situation. That's where we're at. I actually kind of I love the I love the framing of Gavin McGinnis. He's just a free speech guy. Yeah, you know Kevin McGinnis has a paramilitary organization. Free speech for the order of who else is going to who is going to defend free speech if it isn't the order of all night. The proud boys are going to defend it. I while they name cereals while they
Starting point is 02:08:04 homoerotically beat each other up. This is another one of those times while they're shirts off. I wish I lived in I wish we lived in that world because then you can believe that it's the globalists who are doing this instead of actual people. It's so much more comforting. It's so much more comforting to think. Oh, it's the globalists who are inciting us and because in that worldview, it is very much like a Oh, people are people. It's not that there's these large group of psychopaths who have
Starting point is 02:08:36 no care for the rest of us who are doing this because they hate people. Yeah. So you think you think in this world and you're like, Oh, that's good. White people aren't these white people not all white people. Although soft. No. These people are good people. They're they have good hearts. They're just misled. And in this regard, they're not like these are these are not good people. No. These are bad people big time who are often times influenced by the bad things,
Starting point is 02:09:15 the horrible things that Alex Jones says and Alex Jones believes and people like Alex Jones. Yeah. It is important to say like he's not the only no. Pez dispenser in our world. In our world though, I'm speaking specifically about him. Right. And I think that one of the reasons that we focus on him so much is he's the by far the most popular person who espouses this shit. Yeah. And I firmly believe that a lot of the narratives that he expresses and perpetuates are very similar
Starting point is 02:09:47 to the narratives that are perpetuated by the more hard core dudes in terms of the white nationalism and white supremacy. Yeah. So if we deal with him and deal with the narratives that are being expressed, you can use that to understand how the bullshit that those people the harder core dudes are spitting. Right. What lies they're using. Right. So he's like and he's like a normalizing umbrella in the same way that Fox News is an normalizing umbrella for his
Starting point is 02:10:18 type of bullshit. So is he the same type of thing for Storm Front? Yes. Or those kinds of I would argue. Yes. Yeah. We're we're in a Stormfront is more focused. Right. Right. Right. In the same way that Alex is more focused than Fox News. Yeah. It's just it's a chai calm nesting doll as it were. If we are if we are to use his terminology go back to episode two. Yeah. So at this point Alex wants to give you the big takeaway. The big the big summation big reveal. Unfortunately this is not
Starting point is 02:10:48 where we're going to end but he has a big as is never the case. He has a big takeaway. Hey, let me say the ultimate takeaway. Ultimate takeaway for us. The secret of twenty seventy. The political class can have us all fight with each other way beyond that. No media covered people families being beat up by nearly a congregation by the anti fall hordes and masses protecting by the DC police. There was stuff fifty times worse than this other than the car run over people and
Starting point is 02:11:18 there was a car. It's so fit. It showed shut down mall my old tenets with a few people. I mean that's so that's so bad. I can't that's the worst thing and I can't help but laugh at that. That's so fucking stupid from a performance aspect. That's so terrible that it's laughable but we were laughing over the that when he comes to the at the end the water big takeaways apparently is that Trump's crowd was much bigger than the media said. Why are you bringing that in? What is
Starting point is 02:11:51 that? So then the other thing is that it's so much worse. It's worse. I mean aside from the car killing people. It's so much worse. God is saying that like families are getting beat up when we went over that back then he was talking about old women bleeding and we saw the pictures. It was just like a lady had a cut on her hand. She had like a little scrape that was not that severe at all. But he presents it as like old women bleeding from the head. Yep. He's claimed that he has all
Starting point is 02:12:15 kinds of video of these these awful Antifa attacks on all that. God. I'm sure he's released it recently and so we can see. Wait. No. What's that. I've not been able to find any of these. No. No. No. No. No. But then he reportedly it's true. But then he says that the media didn't report on violence at the inauguration and I just like to explain that it was Google it. Reuters violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration. Washington Times Donald Trump
Starting point is 02:12:47 inauguration protests turned violent 217 arrested CNN inauguration protests police injured more than 200 arrested Washington Post inauguration protesters vandalized set fires try to disrupt Trump's oath swearing in a daily signal photo photos of the violent protest of Trump's inauguration New York Times inauguration protesters and police clash on Washington. OK. OK. OK. So maybe the US maybe the media reported on that. But what about the violence that happened
Starting point is 02:13:16 when Trump was elected. Yeah. Yeah. OK. But what about the violence that happened at the RNC. Yeah. OK. But what about the violence. All that. Everything's covered. Yeah. But what about the violence that happened. On Tuesday August 4th. Covered 1784. Probably about that. Probably covered. What about the violence that happened at. Oh man. What about the violence that happened after Jesus was assessed. Covered. OK. So what he's actually saying there because he's lying
Starting point is 02:13:51 that people didn't cover this stuff. Of course is that it wasn't covered the way I wanted it to be covered. Yeah. And the way I wanted to be covered is a story of these violent leftist hordes were beating up old women. Now we reported on that granted. We don't have the video that we say we do and we lie. Right. So it's like why won't these people lie the way I need them to in order to validate my argument. That's that's right wing news right now entirely. But that's what he's
Starting point is 02:14:15 saying. Yeah. Because the the argument that they didn't cover stuff is very demonstrably a lie. Yeah. It's all there. Just Google it. It's there. All the articles in the archives. Exist. So that's that's his big takeaway. That's sad. So immediate. So when I touched down and saw on Twitter I looked up all the all the real news and then I went to the dredge report. Oh great to see what was going on there. They linked to one article and then the rest of it was as far away from that
Starting point is 02:14:51 as possible. Yeah. And it was like what I what I saw there was them or the dredge report masturbating to how equal coverage they were giving like the the like the fact that they to me what they were doing is saying oh look at how fair we are. Like that's exactly the type of shit that he is that he is trying to pull. I feel very sad because we're what we were going to do today if shit hadn't dropped off is we were we were going to talk a lot about the dredge report. That
Starting point is 02:15:29 will be in an episode coming up. So I want to put a pin in this soon it will happen. Yeah. I want to put a pin in this because spoiler alert back in 2015. Matt drudge shows up on Alex Jones's show. So we're going to get we're going to get into that going to get into it. All right. But for now let's let's keep trudging forward because Alex Jones wants to talk more about the dredging report. All right. All right. All right. That's good. Don't take to knowledge but for more for more
Starting point is 02:15:54 for more brilliant bone mose like that. So at this point Alex wants to talk more about Elohim City. What happens is the old right knows they can go to a controversial deal with a much immediate intention and talk about their issues and you know get millions of views on their videos. But then the globalists send in their Elohim City people. I mean I'm not just predicting all this by accident. They've done it. The Oklahoma City bombing has run an Elohim City run. Command it
Starting point is 02:16:24 funded by the Southern private law center. Nope. You can't find real life supremacists like they would say on the deal. So they actually set up big compiles and have to work their own house every day and there's like even had hot chicks were people at hell. Yeah. Yeah. A few dozen cutouts. Love was hot chicks. And Obama is a buddy of the deputy general. Who cares about the rest. Yeah. No kid. What is what the fuck is that. I want to talk about hot chicks first. Hot chicks. Do you know
Starting point is 02:16:54 that one of the things that they're starting to find is a lot of these bots these pro Trump bots. They use stock photos of hot women that are promotional pictures. They are able to photo shop something message on their shirt or on a hat. Yeah. So there's a famous one with a black person African American lady who had they had a Trump shop. Right. I've read a couple articles about that. I'm very unclear by whether the actual person was involved with the scam or not. I'm not entirely
Starting point is 02:17:23 sure. I don't want to talk about that one. Right. But there are a lot of these accounts that lured dumb dudes into thinking hot chicks are super into Trump because all these fucking fake Twitter accounts had huge titted ladies and they had super imposed on their shirt make America great again and stuff like that. And they're like oh my God all these hot chicks are super into Trump and all these the thing that Alex certainly spouts out a lot and a lot of dumb people believe is like oh on
Starting point is 02:17:49 the left it's all just a bunch of dummy dumb dumpy lesbo feminists. Right. And like but no these blonde hot big titted gals. They love Trump. I got to get on that team. Oh I'm telling you I've had some retweets by a super hot chicks with five followers. Sure. And let me tell you something. If I want to find a hot lady in my area tonight. Oh man. You got a little tiny URL. It can happen. I can just click on it and I'm done. You've just explained half of my experience on Tinder. But the
Starting point is 02:18:21 idea that Alex is even bringing that in about how like Elohim City was using hot women to lure in fake white supremacists and say hey buddy. Let's talk about your boy. Let's talk about Elohim City luring in real white supremacists. Right. That is Elohim City. It was a organization the white supremacist group that Timothy McVeigh was involved in. Right. It wasn't that they planned. Are they still around. I don't know. I don't know enough about it. I just I researched it in as much
Starting point is 02:18:53 as its existence in the 90s when the the Murrow building was bombed. Did they ever like build the city like do they have they built it on rock and roll. Do they have a city hall. I don't know. My research and it was specifically about whether or not it was run by the Southern Poverty Law Center because that's the claim that Alex makes. Yeah. Which of course it wasn't. So I because what I'll be the first to admit that I don't know everything about their history and I probably
Starting point is 02:19:21 can't answer those questions. But I can't answer whether or not. Globalist. All right. So yeah. Yeah. That was a sincere sound. That was a sincere. So in that last clip he was expressing basically that anyway it's hard to find a white supremacist and and so they had to create them in his next clip he's going to expound on that a little bit more by being a white supremacist. It's hard to find them though. We don't know where Info War Studios are. I mean they coordinate
Starting point is 02:19:58 Elohim City stuff. So they hate me so much I suppose. So sure we got the North Korea thing going on. All this stuff going on and they're trying to undermine Trump on that but that's unifying America. So sure. I like so many chances obviously go out and have a march and then let and I mean I would even have pro gun marches because I don't have more demonstrations because I get pepper spray. I like Gavin there's one we love the Alex and I'm like yeah right then
Starting point is 02:20:25 Larry you find out it was like a fit and so that's what they do. I mean but my rallies are like 500 people something which is bigger than this but they have like two KKK guys there just to make us look stupid like I'm not used to Republican Texas idea in general. I don't want to see you wait but wait I mean I'm going to wait for it Admiral outfitting general officer but we're with Mr. Jones at my land rights events I mean look Jones with the Republican Texas and believes
Starting point is 02:20:51 he's a general. This is how they do it. It's theater. Remember Rand Paul could have people dress up in KKK outfits or racist outfits against him and they turn out they were Democratic operatives because now with Google you can take their face and Google search it and then we'll turn out was them. So thanks to computers we need people need to get HD photos once they come out the newspapers of the antifots while they wear masks but some I'm telling you we're going to get
Starting point is 02:21:16 more hoods. I would like to say a few things one based on everything Alex believes about technocrats taking over in the because of computers right but he should not be thrilled with the idea of being able to search faces. That seems like something he'd be very against but we get to use it to find hypothetical Democratic operatives pretending to be Klan members. Look he wants some light tyranny right. Exactly he wants the government to have some most of the control over
Starting point is 02:21:45 all of us. Yeah. While presenting it is I'm against all of this. He's a fucking lunatic. He's against tyranny. He just wants the government to know exactly who you are where you are and everything that you're doing at all times. He wants biometric. I don't understand why this is a bad thing. It's crazy. It's lunacy. It makes perfect sense. No it doesn't. It doesn't. And and the cameras. Okay. And the fucking idea that like I have my rallies and then two guys and clan robes
Starting point is 02:22:12 come up to me and they're like we love you Alex Jones and I'm like yeah right and then I find out they're fed their feds. I don't believe any of that story except clan people said they loved him. I don't believe any of that story except maybe feds are clan people. That's also possible. That's entirely possible doesn't that doesn't preclude all of the story being true in the wrong way. No yeah but even if he's 100% right that makes me more scared that fed people are in the clan. I would argue
Starting point is 02:22:40 also that he's saying that that's the reason he doesn't do more rallies and stuff like that. The last rally I remember him doing was the one where Eric Andre got on stage and clowned on it. I think it's possible. Why would anybody allow Eric Andre at their rally. You're gonna get clowned on. It was embarrassing. Obama shouldn't even if Obama had a rally Eric Andre would clown on him. He's Eric Andre. Yeah but I think that that's more of the reason Alex Jones
Starting point is 02:23:06 doesn't do more rallies as he knows that he is so like like again it goes back to where we talked about two hours ago. It's weak tea. Yeah that he's spilling right now and so he knows that it would be very easy to publicly expose him if he is in public rallies because there are a growing number of people such as myself who aren't afraid of his audience right and the idea of like let's not go too far if I you're a little bit afraid of his if I were in a position where he was having
Starting point is 02:23:32 a rally and I was able to get on stage I would not be afraid of them beating me up for the opportunity to poke holes in his entire world view. Oh of course. That's what I mean. I'm very scared of them. I'm very scared of them as rogue actors. Yes but I'm not scared of them beating me up for the opportunity to deface him publicly. Yes through words. Anyway words are scary Dan words are bullets. Yeah anyway this next clip is just a bunch of nonsense and it gets back to
Starting point is 02:23:58 white shit. Yeah like all the attacks on white dragon not beating the dead or killing them. That's all liberal. That's a sacrum of some old man's the bus stop. Somebody punches him and they knock your brains out and die. That never gets reported right. Wait what. So oh she's got to get your bets now. Did someone try to evade being killed? Oh that's a crime right there. Wait what. Oh look at this guy let's here let him shake his hand a little bit. He's so upset. Oh my God. We finally
Starting point is 02:24:22 get demonized some white people. Wait what. I should be clear he's still doing his analysis of Fox News. Okay so it sounds like a lot of this sounds like he's saying some random ass dumb shit. Right it sounds like that and it's because he's responding to stuff that isn't audible on the video that he's making. It's very shoddy production. That's brilliant though. It kind of it's good to say whatever you want. You can always win whenever nobody knows what you're
Starting point is 02:24:46 fighting. Right so he's responding to a guy on the screen shaking his head and being like a good time to demonize white people. Anyway. Oh it's just a fact. See civil emergency nationally civil emergency. They're about to have more of the antifog go out. This is the embolden the antifog come out of their rattles to spill out like like just fountains of roaches to spill out attack more the media will cover it up and then there's a response though. Oh my God
Starting point is 02:25:14 under here some killing white people and beating him and murdering him. A few people went and protested. So the southern part of the law center or others sent other people out and kicked a tailfish and go all night. Then they march everyone out to start the whole thing because they've done it over and over and over again because I think you're stupid. God I'm sick of this crap. Me too. What do you think. Wait is that our last clip. No. Okay. Real quick
Starting point is 02:25:45 question. Okay. When this is over. I will say that there is one very funny clip left of this. I'm very excited. Okay. After the special report is over. Does he first of all at no point does he mention that a woman was murdered. Well you know he does but oh no seven are injured or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. No. Exactly. I don't think I don't think that comes up. No point does he deal with that. But even if he wouldn't care. Of course he has no sympathy for anybody who is
Starting point is 02:26:14 hit by this car. No. Of course he doesn't care if anybody was murdered. No. But if at the end of the day. But even if he did he would still be like no one cares when Muslims do it. Of course. Exactly. So he he gets off air. Mm hmm. Discovers the real out of the real news finishes a sandwich. Yeah. I assume delicious Ritz crackers and salami. Absolutely. That's a sandwich. Yeah. By the way Ritz we will advertise for sponsorship. Yeah. No. Does he does he feel anything like
Starting point is 02:26:48 do you doubt it. Do you think he did like because this is on this is weird like this this bums me out. I think he feels fear. Exactly. That's all. Like that's all I'm hearing right here is anger is I'm afraid that desperation. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. So that's what he feels. So at no point in time like we've already established that he's probably a full on raging narcissistic psychopath. Yeah. The schizoid tendencies and maybe on the autism spectrum or just brain just serious brain
Starting point is 02:27:17 damage. Yeah. But like well let me put it to you this way. Do you think he was visited by the devil last night. Every night. Yeah. Exactly. Every night and the devil is like him. Yeah. And like like how how can how can he go to sleep like before he goes to bed. Oh that's so easy how before he goes to bed. Does he not for a second think maybe I'm the bad guy. No because he takes knockout available now at the Info War store. Here's Dr. Group to talk about it for an hour.
Starting point is 02:27:53 So no it's no big deal. I remember back when I took sleeping pills. This is such horrifying horrifying nothing back when I took Ambien. My anxiety did not keep me up at night. That's true. That's true. Just a pill and you're done. Yeah. Knock out. I mean I guess it's all it's probably all like valerian stuff like that. But it's still fairly real as well. Yeah. I just I just have such a hard time with with this with this particular sucks. Yeah. Of course. Let me let me let me let
Starting point is 02:28:28 me distance myself from I have such a hard time being alive which is my basic state fair. I have a hard time with how weak this shit is. Reconciling that with how he has to leave the air. Do you know what I'm saying. Like he's got fucking nothing. He's got no argument. He's pulling bullshit out of the air. He's riffing. He's throwing up all of his usual waystones. So we can tell instantly that even he knows he's got nothing totally right. So if even he knows he's got
Starting point is 02:29:04 nothing going on how is it that he can get off air and not for a second have any introspection whatsoever. I think he checks his bank account. I think that's how he does it. I think he's fine. That's because that's the truest thing anybody's ever said because meanwhile I as of Friday I mean I got paid last week but I had 75 cents in my bank account. Yeah. Until I got paid like a good night. Yeah. So I'm living in that world. Yeah. I don't have that to comfort me when we
Starting point is 02:29:35 get done recording. I have to be like well we expressed our legitimate feelings. We pointed out where Alex Jones is clearly lying and that's the sort of comfort I can take from it. Right. Whereas if I was making millions of dollars scaring people I could be like holy shit. I have so much money. My house is security. I'm sure you know he has at least some sort of probably a fence. Yeah. A moat perhaps alligators. That's possible. Yeah. You know he gets to go home to
Starting point is 02:30:03 essentially a mansion and have no real concerns in the world. He just gets to go on air and pretend he has concerns. So I mean I think that's how you do it. Fuck you everybody who says money can't buy happiness. Well I think also also money can't buy knockout. I mean I know that we nobody who's ever said that. I know that we kind of are coming from a position that he has brain damage and he's a little nuts but I also do think in the back of his mind he knows he's fighting a fake
Starting point is 02:30:30 enemy. So when you create a fake enemy you're never really scared because the people you're against you know they don't exist. He knows that there aren't globalists trying to kill him. Yeah. Because he made that up and on some level he knows that so he can scream about all this stuff. Right. And the only real thing he has to worry about is like Antifa coming after him or something like that and that's not going to happen. Yeah. So he's that's that's that's the basic thought I have
Starting point is 02:31:01 regarding billionaires. He's a sell sword. That's a great one. Yeah. He's just doing this for money. Now that's that's the thought that I have a lot about billionaires is that the reason that they can fund all of these bullshit lies is because they think nobody can touch them. Like imagine if and I'm not advocating this at all. Sounds like you're about to advocate something so about to advocate. Is this back to shitting on people's yards. No. But imagine if they thought we could touch
Starting point is 02:31:31 them. Right. Like because they think that that's not a possibility like imagine a world where Alex Jones was actually was actually afraid like for an instant where imagine a world where these white nationalist fucks these middle class comfortable ass holes wearing their fucking uniforms. Imagine if they thought for a second that they could really be touched. You know vulnerability. They don't have any real fears. They're making them up and they're pretending that they're that their aggression
Starting point is 02:32:05 is defensive when in reality is bullshit. Like imagine if they were actually on the defense. These guys would cry and shit their pants because they're doing that on the off. They're pathetic. Howard. Well but that's the other thing that's really dangerous is when you have a made up enemy and the only way to defeat them is to oppress other people. Yeah. Then the other people who you're trying to oppress are your real enemy even though the way you express it is directed at a fake
Starting point is 02:32:36 enemy. True. So it's not fair of us to say he's making up his enemy because in the reality it is everybody. It's disenfranchised groups basically anybody who's not white straight and male. Yeah. And he's fine with women as long as they're hot. So there's that's the who isn't right. He's fine. You know what I'm saying. He's also weirdly fine with minority women as long as they're hot too. It's very strange that his racism is precluded by his boner but it's I don't know like I've been
Starting point is 02:33:09 wrestling a lot with like his his very bizarre version of racism because he thinks that he's not a racist because he likes Mexican food and stuff like that. Like he's expressed that over and over again. I know he's like if you make good food I don't care. I like your culture. You don't think that even if you did that's a child's version of also that's just insane. Right. It's offensive. Yeah. But I I I want to talk to him. I want to interview him. Yeah. I don't you kind of want
Starting point is 02:33:38 to sit down with him and just be like you know there's there's so many again it goes back to the Megan Kelly thing. There's so many questions I wish you would have asked that you didn't but let's let's fucking to batten down the hatches and get through the rest of this. We've got like the the the way that you start a good show is let's fucking get through this. Well I didn't expect us to have a half hour debate about guns so we did. I always do. I have to edit this fucking show.
Starting point is 02:34:06 Are you going to leave this in because you got damn better. I will but you have to realize when I say let's get through it. It's not because I'm like I hate this. It's because like looking at the clock. I know I'm not getting to bed before midnight tonight now so I'm sorry that's all right. I'm sorry Dan. I'll be at work tomorrow hoping for nice tweets from people. Anyway our listeners will thank me. That would be the cruelest. So in this next clip we get to see
Starting point is 02:34:36 it like a nice window into Alex Jones and how he generally experiences hearing a news. This guy's in half that he's on there all the time but he's the new phase in those. You see folks who point this is much bold. Now we're not sure but all the other hosts have been like white people are inherently evil but you just let our own throws. So the only reason that's that's kind of short and really lame but I think it's important to say that that is how he hears most of the people on
Starting point is 02:35:00 television who are calling for I don't know recognition of the nature of whiteness. Yeah. Not white people but whiteness as a social construct and things like that. He hears people bringing up these points as like white people are inherently evil. They should slit their own throats and that's that goes to this whole thing that we bring up over and over again him misunderstanding things and then launching off based on the misunderstanding and it's dangerous. That's pretty that's
Starting point is 02:35:30 pretty regular for that type of privilege. Just like we went just like you talked about seven and a half hours ago when we started this that if you are in a place of privilege the idea that anybody taking even a slight little bit away from or anybody getting some of your privilege not taking it away from you but getting to the same level you are is a threat to you. It's perceived that way. Exactly. So how can you do anything but perceive it as white people should slit their
Starting point is 02:36:02 own throats if if somebody's like hey white people maybe fucking stop it. I don't I don't like you presenting it as a rational thought process for but even for a crazy person it being a rational thought process. Right. I don't even go in that far. I'm not saying that it's a rational thought process. I'm saying it is the thought process. It is irrational and insane but that is how like if you pretend that human beings are not always irrational and saying you're you're the rational
Starting point is 02:36:34 thing. Yes. Exactly. So you're deluding yourself. I agree but I want to get on to this next clip. I'm an itching to play this clip. You've been itching to be some bitching. I have made a pretty solid argument over the last hundred episodes of this podcast that Alex Jones is a racist. Yes. But unfortunately an iron clad argument I would argue. That's what we thought but I didn't know this next clip. Yes. I didn't know this information. I might have to revise my stance. Okay. I was so
Starting point is 02:37:04 anti-racist just inherently as a human growing up. Sure. I got attacked many times by racist black people in Dallas. I never I still had black friends and even don't realize the guys that were before you say it are already athletes. I really liked Alex because you know some black guys didn't like him and he's a tough guy but you know he still had black friends even though you know they recognize like a bunch of racist black people. If I saw him beating somebody up I'd get in
Starting point is 02:37:36 there and fight him. What the fuck. You know then something I guess I put one guy in the hospitals later I'd fight as you know 30 years old or whatever at the local Sonic or whatever I do. I'm going to do it and but it wasn't because they were black because they were just attacking someone but I didn't blame other black people because there were racist black people and but now I sit here and I watch this full on hush and it's so on side of statistically and every
Starting point is 02:38:02 time a white person does something it's like it's the end of the world and they cover up all the other stuff and it's promoting racism and division and it's in the WikiLeaks that that's their plan. It's in the WikiLeaks. Has anyone ever made an argument against their own argument more clear than that? I don't know if I've ever heard anybody non argue their position better. Well Darren McBree knows that some black guys that I went to school with like that I was not racist
Starting point is 02:38:30 or something because we would fight a bunch. He even talks about how black people like him because he's so tough. What is he fucking talking about? Now I don't care about any of that because that's the most non that hold on. Okay that's on its face crazy. That's insane but I want to deal more with I fought this guy. I put him in the hospital. Yeah so then I had to fight his uncle. Yeah which yeah what are you going to do? No that makes perfect sense. And we fought at the local Sonic
Starting point is 02:38:56 or whatever. Of course. Where else would you fight? There's the Thunderdome and then there's Sonic and since the Thunderdome isn't real. Where else are you going to go? You know you beat each other up and then you get a loaded Tots. Absolutely. You get some nice sour cream on a top. That's actually the new Sonic commercial. Those two guys sure like to the death. Yeah exactly. Dave not to you and Dave. It's Dave and that other guy right. Yeah the Chicago guy. Yeah. I met him one night at
Starting point is 02:39:25 a bar. He was very nice. Cool dude. Yeah. Be that. Brian Husky is in those two. Never mind who cares. Which one is the yeah never mind. Let's not worry about it. Let's not go deep into Sonic commercials. When we definitely not go deep into the history of Chicago improv. When we look at like Alex Jones is negative childhood and how bad things were and how he's not dealing with the realities of it. The idea that he thought a guy put him in the hospital then fought his uncle at a Sonic
Starting point is 02:39:53 and he's rattling it off as like it's just normal. That's not normal. That's very weird. I grew up Sonic part. I grew up not everywhere in the state. Well they did exist in Central Missouri and I grew up in Central Missouri and I knew some fucked up dudes. I knew some people who are real wild. Some people who got into fights and if one of my friends was like beat up this guy put him in the hospital. So now I got to go fight his uncle. I'd be like you're crazy. You are a mess.
Starting point is 02:40:22 Can you say that one more time. I beat up this guy put him in a little beat up his uncle at a Sonic. Like even did they negotiate where they were going to fight. Probably I want to go to a rallies. I don't want a burger. I want to get a Coney. I would prefer my home turf and Applebee's never. Everybody has their own. We go to a neutral location. It's the Sonic No it's like Street Fighter. You know everyone has their yeah. Alex Jones's stage. It turns out is the fucking Sonic.
Starting point is 02:40:54 Yeah he's like and bison because he's Americana and he loves a drive-in. The Harkins back to the wonderful days of the 50s when you and your special gal who you just given a pin to would go to make out point after going to the drive-in and a rollerblading waitress would come up to you and ask for your order. Maybe you'd slipper a finger. I don't know. Oh hey it was a good old days. So what I'm saying is even within hillbilly circles and I don't like using that term but whatever
Starting point is 02:41:26 country for hill folk hill people country folk that I that I knew growing up yeah even that would be wild for my experience growing up. I've got to beat up this guy's uncle. Yeah. Also is that is that hold on. No I beat up this guy put him in a hospital. So now I have to fight at a song. I have to. Yeah. There's no there's no negotiation. There's I have to fight this guy like it's exactly like what you say. It's a video game. Yeah. I defeated level one. Now I have to go to level
Starting point is 02:42:02 two uncle is ostensibly the boss. The other thing I want to I want to take from this is that is that the same guy he put in a coma. Oh because he did that might not be the same guy who Alex Jones put in a coma and then got sued. Right. His uncle or his dad got sued because of it. So maybe he's put multiple people in the hospital and then fought their family members still further. Did he put him into the hospital as like oh he had a stitch. He had a couple of stitches that put him
Starting point is 02:42:33 into the hospital as in this sounds like impatient. He has a yeah it doesn't sound like he got they had to go get a splint on his hand or further is any of this bullshit real. It feels real. That does feel real. Whatever he tosses off shit like that. It's so weird because he he tosses off so much nonsense. You know like yeah Hillary killed five people you know and just throws it off personally raped children. Yeah but this this feels so strange as though he's like everybody relates
Starting point is 02:43:04 to this. Well it's also because this is a normal thing. The reason it feels real is because it's braggy and he he he loves to brag. Yeah. But that's also why I disbelieve it because every time he brags it's really bullshit. Yeah it's gray. I'm not sure but it's funny. I had to. I had to. I'm going to skip this next clip because it's just about how Antifa started it. Of course they did. We don't need to hear about this. This is ever something everybody knows. So the rest
Starting point is 02:43:33 of the video pretty much is Alex Jones just reviewing Fox News stuff. It's what we've experienced already. It goes on for a long time. It's very repetitious. So we don't have much more of it. We just have one more clip. It then Trump comes on and gives his announcement of he gives his press conference about it. We're not going to listen to that but I do want to I want to deal with it after this clip because this is funny. This is good. This is maybe someone
Starting point is 02:44:02 expressing something to Alex that I'd like to say to him. I see a few trolls on there saying shut up Alex. You can go watch this on Fox News. People are tuning into this stream to hear what I have to say. I'm doing on Saturday not with my family and I'm not bitching. It just I love the you know the resort of cowards and libtards. I just like the idea that he's spending time to be like people are telling me to shut up. Great. Somebody's got to get there. Yeah. So these
Starting point is 02:44:29 libtards. I I have come to deeply love the word libtard. Well it's like it's I think it's a hilarious. It's had the same lifespan as Cuck kind of now. It is so funny. Yeah. That's there. Like it's the same. Libtard. It's the same thing for them as fake news. Yeah. Like we could we just throw Cuck and Libtard around. It doesn't. It doesn't mean off our back. Yeah. Whereas they they're like fake news. They're a little more mad about it. They're a little but I don't they're more
Starting point is 02:45:00 mad about literally everything. I sincerely don't care about being called a Cuck or a libtard. I find it hilarious. It's pretty funny. So what's not funny is Trump knows. Find it pretty sexy. So Trump's press conference that he gave about this the distillation of it if you if you guys did not hear which you shouldn't. You don't need to listen to that. There's nothing there. No. He says that he decries violence and bigotry on many sides on many sides. He repeats it
Starting point is 02:45:29 twice. Right. I I saw it and I have yet to not be angry but I didn't I didn't actually watch him say these words because I've never act since he's been elected or since he's taken office. Yeah. I have never actively listened to him say a word except when I forced you to yes exactly but that's the point. I've never done it like I've read his words. Other people have often posted it and done all this shit. I've never actively said I'm going to listen to what he has to
Starting point is 02:46:01 say because he is there's he has nothing to say everything he says everything he tweets is a lie or it's made up or it's bullshit or it doesn't mean anything like he has no words worth listening to and it boggles my mind that people still listen to him. Yeah. Like even North Korea whenever he says oh I'm gonna nuke North Korea even they're like dude you don't have anything to say. Shut up. Kim Jong-un is doing a jack-off motion. Yeah exactly. No one should listen to
Starting point is 02:46:33 anything. He doesn't he doesn't even control the fucking government. I don't I don't disagree with you but at the same time the rhetoric is important to track in many ways on many sides as it were because he's done his Donate to knowledge. Him phrasing it that way implies that what he believes or what he would like to express is everyone's got egg on their face. Everyone mistakes were made on all sides as opposed to this was a Nazi March. This was a Nazi
Starting point is 02:47:05 demonstration and people got killed. There were there were murders or a murder and Heather and there was murder and lots of people who got injured. So the reason that it's important that he said on many sides is you have to think about how the white nationalists and the Nazis are going to respond to hearing that sort of thing. Of course. So Andrew Anglin is the name of the guy who runs Daily Stormer and his response is very telling his response to Trump's statement
Starting point is 02:47:36 that there's trouble on many sides is and a quote. Trump's comments were good. He didn't attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us. He said that we need to study why people are so angry and implied there was hate on both sides. So he implied that Antifa are haters. There was virtually no counter signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all also refused to answer a question about white nationalists supporting him. No
Starting point is 02:48:04 condemnation at all. When asked to condemn he just walked out of the room really really good. God bless him. I don't understand why I would care. What do you mean. I mean I don't care if Trump if Trump said oh we hate white nationalists. Who cares. No you don't he doesn't mean it. He doesn't. He could have said fucking anything. He could have said that he is 10 feet tall and he's a dinosaur and it means just as much as if he condemned it or as if he did and he's a
Starting point is 02:48:37 purple penguin. Yeah. And he's a purple penguin. It doesn't mean anything. It does. I agree with you that there's a lot of lies mixed into everything he says. But I think it does matter in this sense because of the absence of what he should have said. You know what I mean. Like I do. I do know what you mean. It's it's beyond a dog whistle to these Nazis and white supremacists to not have the president of the United States specifically condemned their hate rhetoric and and
Starting point is 02:49:07 to condemn people hiling him right and not to condemn people screaming blood and soil not to condemn people outright being publicly thrilled to be members of of Nazi organizations to not condemn someone who was involved with at very least maybe not in some wildly official capacity Vanguard America directly murdering somebody right for him to not condemn those things is much bigger than anything he could have possibly said because it gives them a tacit acceptance. It tells them
Starting point is 02:49:44 it's okay in the same way that when David Duke was there he's saying that this we're fulfilling the promises of Donald Trump. It's what I I I know and I get that point and if we lived in if if Trump was anybody else I would agree with you but it's fucking Trump so war games this with me right. He comes out he says we will not accept white nationalists right. What's their response is it had to say that to save face exactly right. It doesn't mean anything any in any
Starting point is 02:50:21 direction because he is supporting them regardless if you if you say I condemn white nationalists and you have Jeff Sessions say we're not going to investigate white nationalist terrorism. Yeah it doesn't matter whatever it is he fucking says based on what he's done he is supporting them so I don't give a shit if he condemns it or not he's fucking full he's a liar and he's already said that he supports white nationalism we don't need any further proof I don't understand why people
Starting point is 02:50:53 are surprised at this that boggles my mind and I definitely don't understand why people because you have to imagine okay so even worse right. Even worse to me would be if he says I condemn white nationalism interesting because then what happens in the press. Probably gets congratulated yep yeah and he still supports white nationalism yeah but the I agree with his daughter said we don't have any place for white nationalism in this country. So the fuck what I do something
Starting point is 02:51:28 you piles of garbage. I agree with you in a broad sense but what I the reason that I'm still standing in my position is that it's not really necessarily about what Trump says or doesn't say or does or doesn't say it's what messaging is sent to these fringe radical groups and sure if he had come out and said I condemn white nationalists and Nazis and this is atrocious and as we are going to do everything we can to make sure that these sorts of things never happen again they could
Starting point is 02:52:06 say he needed to do that because the Jew media is on his tail or something like that they could say that they would say right but that doesn't matter in as much as he didn't say those things and they don't have to stretch they don't have to they got what they wanted they are accepted they are safe in a lot of ways and it's it like I like I'm trying to say it's less about Trump and it's more about the fact that we now live in a world where our president doesn't condemn stuff like this and
Starting point is 02:52:42 we live in a world where they they these these groups get to operate in sunlight and they don't have to be afraid I don't understand I I get you and this is this is again one of those things where they don't they don't have to stretch in a vacuum I agree with you but if Obama came out and said while he was president white nationalists are great that wouldn't have mattered to them that's interesting yeah it wouldn't have probably no probably of course not although I think some of
Starting point is 02:53:18 them probably would have been like Obama is a sleeper patriot at that point did they like it Trump is a white nationalist he was before today he will be tomorrow he could have said I will I will pee on the face of Richard Spencer it doesn't matter yeah he's a white nationalist yeah we know that in the same way that Alex Jones can say I don't support David Duke it doesn't matter he does yeah it like we already lived in that world yesterday we did sure because they did it right
Starting point is 02:53:54 he didn't need to condemn white nationalism two days ago no but did he know but the point and they still did their bullshit right they were gonna do it they were gonna do it tomorrow they're gonna do it today it doesn't matter what Trump says they're going to keep doing it I agree that it doesn't matter necessarily what Trump says in terms of their actions but in many ways I I would argue that this organization this protest this demonstration this Nazi gathering as it were is a trial
Starting point is 02:54:28 balloon in some senses I don't think that they necessarily at the beginning of it it was planned we're gonna run people over with a car I don't think I think that's probably a game time decision and probably wasn't intended but a lot of the other stuff was a lot of the obviously the out and out bigotry the screaming that we will not be replaced as white people with the Jews won't replace us that sort of shit is planned then that is in a lot of ways I know this is kind of
Starting point is 02:55:01 again a little heady and a little bit not dealing with the fact that the reality is what it is but it's a trial balloon to see how people react it's a trial balloon to see what's acceptable where is the line and what they learned I believe what white nationalists and Nazis learned is the supreme authority the commander in chief of our country is not going to be all that bothered by the fact that we did this shit and he's going to actually say that the people who are trying
Starting point is 02:55:31 to stand up against us or just as bad as us and I know that your argument is sound that he Trump was that person three days ago a week ago he was that person when he was being raised by his KKK organized going to meetings father like that is that's always been there but three days ago we didn't have a situation like this happen and oh dad's not going to punish us or something like that yeah it gives carte blanche in a lot of ways and I think that what we're going to see is more trial
Starting point is 02:56:06 balloons because there's emboldened nature and I know everyone's been in bold and from the jump but there's concrete evidence that nothing's going to be done but there was before I just not is not as overt maybe not as overt not as extreme I I guess I guess my issue with this is that this still doesn't matter nobody's going to do anything about it well the dude it's the same dude got arrested so that's good yeah I guess fucking he might as well he might as
Starting point is 02:56:38 well get off I don't care bare minimum he got arrested so that this is nonsense I don't I don't think this matters I don't think it matters if it mattered if this was in something important then we would have done something about guns after Sandy Hook this shit has been going on this shit will be going on and it doesn't matter what Trump says it didn't matter after Ferguson what Obama said this shit continues to go on until anybody until anybody actually fucking does a
Starting point is 02:57:10 goddamn thing about it I don't care what Trump says I don't I don't even care what Obama says about Ferguson they didn't do anything about it fair what are you gonna what if you don't do anything who the fuck gives a shit what you say I I get what you're saying and I agree okay well then we're done I also agree with my position though too I know and I I understand and because this is a position that I have heard continuously throughout the day is that symbolism is
Starting point is 02:57:47 important and this is a symbolic admission that white nationalists can do whatever the fuck they want I don't think they cared I I don't what does that mean I I mean I don't think they cared when I don't think gun rights at the NRA didn't give a shit whenever Obama said that we shouldn't have any more Sandy Hooks the NRA didn't give a shit whenever there was that other mass shooting or another mass shooting the KKK didn't give a fuck whenever Dylan Roof murdered
Starting point is 02:58:19 people the they don't care they don't care about what the government says or what the president says or what anybody fucking does because they've already got tacit approval to do whatever they want and they've had it for the past 150 goddamn years I don't know what else there is to say about who gives a fuck what the president says because nothing is fucking changed I yeah you're right you're right but but it's gonna get worse well exactly and it was gonna get
Starting point is 02:58:51 worse regardless of what he said today I think it was gonna get worse slower really yeah do you do you really believe that well the way I look at it essentially is that it's like a bunch of rebellious dumb children it to some extent and they're trying to steal cookies or something I I I hate I totally I already get yeah I already get where you're going with this metaphor I maybe your sister is trying to stop you from stealing the cookies and you know you guys get into a
Starting point is 02:59:22 little scuffle and you break a jar or something like that when dad comes in it's both of your fault when you were trying to steal cookies which is against the rules and your sister was trying to stop you from stealing cookies you are as the cookie stealer the fact that you're both use the legal term the fact that you're both being punished or both being castigated because of what ended up happening by the authority figure it makes you feel like hey maybe stealing cookies isn't
Starting point is 02:59:51 that big a deal maybe it's not gonna be taken seriously around these parts anymore and that is a problem although I do a hundred percent recognize what you're saying that of course they already had a permission for a long time the moment Jeff Sessions was allowed to continue being alive the boy that's I just I just and frankly I guess I guess it's more just coming from my cynical death wish at this point like I'm more into just get it over with already if you're gonna murder
Starting point is 03:00:22 us all then just fucking do it I'm sick of like this nuclear war bullshit with North Korea fucking do it I'm done it's not gonna know of course not these guys are fucking idiots yeah but but the point is if like that's why I have no issue with being discovered by the info warriors or ever I have no issue with getting death threats if you're gonna kill me fucking do it I'm tired of waiting I'm tired of having to pull this bullshit if either do it or fucking don't do it
Starting point is 03:00:56 don't don't don't kill me also don't kill Jordan because it's gonna be tough to find a new co-host but I get what I get what you're saying and before we get like entirely nihilistic let's end the show sorry I feel like every day I wake up and the GOP has it gone to my head and I'm just saying do it or don't and they refuse to exactly you know what doesn't feel like having a gun to your head going to knowledge God I love our show is our website if you'd like to donate
Starting point is 03:01:32 to the show there's a button that says support the show it's right there you can become a policy wonk we got buttons we'll send you there's a bonus content available on the website for want absolutely you can also we'll probably set up a thing where you can buy buttons separately or if you want you can get yourself a button listen this first button is very bare bones it's very simple but we'll have some real exciting stuff in the maybe it says it says knowledge fight with Jordan
Starting point is 03:02:00 and Dan which seems very inappropriate it should be with Dan and Jordan but whatever I didn't set this up I'm very humble I get too humble you can also follow us at knowledge underscore fight Dan generally controls that Twitter account so you won't be here you respond to stuff on there too I love to like things also on Facebook you can find us just knowledge fight on there listen I listen to you and Matt Riggs and I was really hoping that without me there you wouldn't indulge in
Starting point is 03:02:29 the face but you did it you did it it's there for life but also subscribe to us on iTunes please like it tell everybody you know about us literally everybody literally everybody also you can because sooner or later they're going to find a way to arrest me you can leave a review and you know give us a rating on iTunes and helps or something I don't fucking know who knows anyway it's an opaque system glad you're back Jordan
Starting point is 03:03:03 Oh God it was nice it was nice doing the episode with Riggs but of course it's not nearly as insane as because he doesn't he's not tapped into how crazy all this shit is so it's new for him whereas we just dwell in it yeah no nobody none of our replacement Jordans have been it's been quite willing to to go this far it's freeing it's freeing to just be able to have shorthand and dive into stuff and appreciate it but we love you guys so very much Dan someone we don't love is there somebody
Starting point is 03:03:32 we don't love one guy I know I know as I'm filled with news wait what but we're trying to do the bit it's about the bit are we never going to do the bit it's about the bit okay tell me about the bit so I was googling and trying to research this Elohim city stuff and to figure out exactly where a lot of these ideas about Timothy McVeigh being a Patsy came from no shit John Rappaport wrote a book about no shit don't you dare I didn't know that do you know what that means then John
Starting point is 03:04:01 Rappaport can fuck himself Andy and Kansas you're on the air thanks for holding so Alex I'm a first-time caller I'm a huge fan I love your work I love you

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