Knowledge Fight - #930: May 30-June 1, 2024

Episode Date: June 3, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan catch up with Alex to see how he experienced the Trump verdict, what he thinks about flat earthers, and how to have a really rough Saturday....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. I need, I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Stop it. Andy and, Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan. Jordan. Dan. Jordan. I have a quick question for ya.
Starting point is 00:01:11 What's up? What's your bright spot today, buddy? You go first. My bright spot is going to continue to be the French Open, my friend. Okay, it's going along nicely. It is going, you know what, it's such a great tournament this year,
Starting point is 00:01:21 and it is obvious, you know, like everybody is playing their as hard as they possibly can. Sure. Their hearts out. They're doing it for Rafa. No they're doing it because Rafa's not there. Like that's what's fun about it.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I mean it is it is like when you think about it for most of these people's entire lives almost two decades almost two full decades. He was unbeatable. The best you could do was get your ass kicked by if you had the best French open of your fucking life, it would wind up with you getting your ass absolutely embarrassed by Rafa on that clay. Absolutely. And now everybody's like, man, I might actually win this fucking thing. So is is Varev still in it? He is. You were saying he is your favorite.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Survived a long five set match almost lost Djokovic five sets almost lost like it has been a fight. That is everybody is fighting their asses off. It's great Mmm, it's great. I'm happy for you and that's thrilling. Yeah, it's fantastic We'll crown a new winner. That is the goal unless Horrible things happen someone gets, Rafa comes back in. Exactly. That would be an interesting pro wrestling move, as if he descends from the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:02:31 You hear Jim Ross, oh my god, it's Rafa! It's Rafa! Dressed like Sting, sliding down the, I like it. Got the crow makeup. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like it, I think I could do that. That'd be fun. Absolutely. All right, what's your wrestling plan? No time for bullshit. No time. No none
Starting point is 00:02:47 Bullshit achieved no. No, that's my bright spot is no time for bullshit. Sorry. I didn't mean to I didn't make It sound like tennis is bullshit. No, no, no, it is bullshit. I got no time. You've got no time No time none. What a weekend Um, I guess my bright spot is that I bought patriotic frosted sugar cookies Get me through What was going on this weekend? Okay timing timing is the issue? Okay? Okay? So we recorded our last episode on on Thursday Yes, and as soon as we finished recording we realized that Trump had been convicted immediately out of date
Starting point is 00:03:25 and immediately felt like oh what the fuck right so you knew when we were coming around to do an episode for Monday got to cover Alex's response to the Trump conviction obviously so obviously we're gonna be covering the 30th mark easy peasy the Friday's episode. Right. Thursday and Friday. Sure. Excuse me. Then everything went to shit. This weekend was insane.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Alex was on air almost all day on Saturday. I'm sorry? Yes. And so I needed those patriotic cookies to get me through and man, this episode's a mess. Okay. That's my bright spot, I guess. This episode is a mess. It's a mess. I have more to get me through. And man, this episode's a mess.
Starting point is 00:04:05 That's my bright spot, I guess. This episode is a mess. I have more clips than I would like. Shit goes so wild, it doesn't even matter that Trump got convicted by the end of this. What you think is gonna be the most important thing in the world is just like, I don't even. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Nah, not even very interesting at this point. So we'll get down to business on all of this, but first, I don't even... It doesn't matter. Nah. Alright. Not even very interesting at this point. Okay. So we'll get down to business on all of this, but first, let's say hello to some new wonks. Ooh, that's a great idea. So first, Master Galen, thank you for believing in this weird little guy's medieval dreams. I'm proud to be your man at arms. Love you, buddy.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, Evil Jordan, be like saying hi to some new wonks is a terrible idea. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Thank you! Next, Evil Jordan be like saying hi to some new wonks is a terrible idea. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk!
Starting point is 00:04:48 Thank you very much! Thank you! Next, Tristan B and Audrey say sorry for the English, we're French! You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk! Thank you very much! And we had a couple technocrats in the mix Jordan, so thank you so much to At Church of GTA, you are now a technocrat, and Sarah is on a little breakie for now, but Tojo hopes she gets better
Starting point is 00:05:09 soon. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Someone, someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop. Daddy shark. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little, little titty baby. I don't wanna hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I feel like I'm rushing through things a little bit. Yeah. And I need to remind myself to take a breath and slow down. Right. But I feel like Alex in front of all the stacks of paper. Okay, we got a lot to get through. Like there's just so much to of paper. Okay, we got a lot to get through. There's just so much to get through.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Okay, all right. I'm remembering various things that are going to come up and I'm like, there's just no way. There's no way. Okay, all right. So here's a little out of context drop from today's episode. All right, all right.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I'm serious, folks. This is like so fucked up. I mean, it's just, this is so fucked up. It's just like such a fucking people. So fucked up. Okay, all right. Well, you told me before the show to buckle up. I have double buckled.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Now I know we're in a full fucked up territory. So fucked up. So fucked up. These fucking fucked up people. It's fucking fucked up. So we're gonna start here on the 30th, May 30th. And obviously Trump was convicted later in the day. I fucking fucked up. So we're gonna start here on the 30th, on May 30th. And obviously Trump was convicted later in the day.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So Alex is on air before the conviction happens. But everyone's pretty sure he's going to be convicted. He committed crimes! What are we doing? And so there isn't like a lot of delusion or anything or trying to pretend that it's not going to happen. We're in like excuse making time. Right. Sure. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, May 20th, 2024. The New York jury and the historic show trial asked to have the instructions readed them again. They were confused. So was the whole world. And the judge reissued them the same way. You don't have to find unanimously committed a crime. You can all pick different crimes and just say he's a criminal top lawyers, both liberal and conservative and chined in. They said that's completely illegal and absolutely unprecedented in English common law in us law.
Starting point is 00:07:19 It is unbelievable. He's not putting his thumb on the scale. He's putting his tyrannical fat ass on it. And President Trump has come out and just destroyed it. He's just destroyed that shit. So this is one of the big Trump world talking points in the lead up to the end of the trial. In a situation like the one they were facing,
Starting point is 00:07:38 it's always in your best interest to prepare narratives for the worst case scenario, in this instance, Trump being convicted. What Alex and his ilk have done is to create in advance a justification for why Trump got convicted, which actually works just fine if Trump is found not guilty. He was convicted because of unprecedented jury instructions that works just as well as they tried everything to get Trump, including unprecedented jury instructions, and none of it worked.
Starting point is 00:08:04 This is a common genre of narrative for Alex to promote these days because there's no downside. It has the same vibe as the preemptive election stealing rhetoric in that you build up a storyline as to why you could possibly lose while being fully compatible with a possible future where you win. Alex is drawn to narratives like this because what he's doing is a game, and these narratives are cheap and easy. In terms of reality, what Alex is saying is not true.
Starting point is 00:08:30 He's exploiting a little patch of vagueness in this case because he's a liar and he just spouts whatever the Trump line is for the day. Interestingly, the New York Times published an article on May 30th this same day saying that this particular line that the judge had told the jurors that they quote could individually choose from a menu of different crimes to find the former president guilty so long as the total of votes added up to 12. They said that this started with a tweet posted by Fox News anchor John Roberts. Alex had been putting out this talking point for at least a day or two at this point, so Roberts likely got it from Infowars or from shared source, which is probably
Starting point is 00:09:06 a more obscure Twitter account. The explanation for this is that Judge Marchand instructed the jury that for each of the 34 felony counts, they would need to reach a unanimous decision to convict. The crime charged was falsifying business records in the first degree, which requires that the person accused be falsifying those records with the, quote, intent to commit another crime or aid or conceal the commission thereof. Right. This is directly from the judge's instructions given to the jury.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Quote, the people allege that the other crime the defendant intended to commit, aid or conceal, is a violation of New York election law section 17-152. Section 17-152 of the New York Election Law provides that any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto shall be guilty of conspiracy to promote or prevent an election. The instructions go on, quote, although you must conclude unanimously
Starting point is 00:10:07 that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were. So that is the vagueness and the area where they're like, oh, you just pick whatever crime you want. It's a bunch of nonsense.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Oh, for God's sakes. Yeah, but you know, something like that was going to happen Yeah, yeah, yeah something like that was going to be glommed onto and turned into like the reason why? Yeah, system got him. Yeah, it is the conservative like Ideology the the leadership everything about it is built around that kid Who would always find some excuse for why you You you even though you wanted four square actually you lost and he won four square something like that You know like it's just it's the whiny kid who's going to you're a loser
Starting point is 00:10:55 You're gonna be a loser forever But you win because nobody wants to fucking beat the shit out of you or you have to go home You know like it's it's just that's what what it is That's all if that kid's the president I mean it is it is like that's what you're hanging your head up the judge gave bad instructions That's what you've got well. We won the game no It'll be overturned Because this is so obvious it is a little loser loser shit. Yeah, so Alex obviously It is a little loserish. Loser shit!
Starting point is 00:11:22 So Alex obviously has Chase Geyser in to do some spaces and to take some calls on Twitter. Yep, because you gotta, Chase is the space, yeah. You gotta talk about the Trump conviction with the people. I say they should call him Chases now. Probably. I think it'd be a great idea. I think if Chase gets some branding.
Starting point is 00:11:42 The Chase space. Oh man, that's great. He needs to keep his job. So he This is interesting. Okay, when we get to the end of this episode, we'll loop back to you Nobody's gonna keep their job is okay. So chase is Hearing some stuff some chatter from people in his immediate orbit that is a little bit disconcerting that You know what alarms me the most about all of this is I have people that are very close to me that I trust, long time friends, 10 years, and in these various chat groups that
Starting point is 00:12:15 I'm in, I hear whisperings and murmurings, and I see it online too, where people are having very rowdy ideas about what they think should be done in the event of a false conviction. If you look back on... We don't want that. That's the real theory. They're turning the temperature up, as Clash Rob said, angrier world, hoping people get pissed. So that is the genius of the evil. You just nailed it. Yeah, I think that's it. And I'm concerned about that. I think there's a lot of things, obviously, that can be done before we turn to violence. No, violence is not the answer. We're winning culturally. They're going to have to stage stuff and blame us. No violence.
Starting point is 00:12:49 They want to, they want to provoke us to act irrationally because then they can bring the hammer down harder than they can. Well, look how they provocateur January 6th. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So he has got a bunch of friends who are clearly talking about violence. I was going to say their whisperings and murmurings that you're hearing about. Aren't you just listening to your friends say, we should kill people? Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And then Alex is saying, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, kill people. But they're not because they don't exist. No, those whisperings and murmurings not real. No. Yeah. So there's not a whole lot actually to cover about this. Sure. The
Starting point is 00:13:29 response isn't really like that much of a outburst. There's not really all that interesting stuff going on. It's just a lot of everybody knows he did it. He did this like, right? Like we wasted all of everybody's time. We all know he did this stuff It's not about that It's a lot of it's a lot of like a the jury instructions the judge they're gonna get an appeal I get Trump's gonna win. I guess what we're all doing. That's just a lot of the show I get what we have to do But I mean it did feel like we should just get to the point where they go
Starting point is 00:14:01 Are you gonna put them in jail or not? Because if you give them like six months probation and a hundred thousand dollar fine you have wasted everybody's time more immensely than I can imagine well we're gonna get we're gonna get to that point in a month I think right that's fucking Christ it's when the oh my god this legal system needs to stop we need it needs to be stopped so Alex has a guest on, he has Darren Beatty, who is the guy who is the, he was a Trump advisor when he got fired, and he was one of the people in the January 6th debate
Starting point is 00:14:33 with Glenn Greenwald. He was the guy who sounded like he was twirling his pants. Oh, he was the guy who, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was that guy. Yeah, yeah. So he's on, and he's kind of like, I think we're doing great. He's like, I would have expected things to be way worse,
Starting point is 00:14:46 honestly, right now. And I think Trump's gonna win and everything is going great. Alex is trying to be a little bit more doomish. And Darren's not really playing along all that well. The money's in the doom, but I think Darren's probably got a good position. These guys are both like, hey, if Trump gets convicted,
Starting point is 00:15:03 it'd probably be good. It'd probably be good. Yeah, which is fucked up That's really the paradox here. Like if I was a Democrat being evil They would just have him found not guilty and move on and forget it But instead I think it's better for Trump to get some victim. I mean, that's what I think. Yeah, I think so, too Yeah, everybody got what they wanted. All right These folks wanted you know people who didn't like Trump wanted him to get convicted cuz he's guilty and these people wanted him to get Convicted because it's better for their their shit better Trump can use it Yeah, you know we were you were you were tab we were texting
Starting point is 00:15:39 You're a little jealous that I didn't know anything about what was going on Yeah, I told you because I've been off the internet I've been staying I've been kind of committed to staying off the internet get my news through books man This is a waste of like that is so infuriating It is a little bit so infuriating that we couldn't just skip past the shit where you whined for fucking months You want him to get convicted? Can't we just skip it's everybody just bored this is so much I think Similar to like in reality. They wanted Hillary to win. Yeah
Starting point is 00:16:14 Like they wanted the other side person to kill people You don't want your weird demagogue fucked- up idiot to actually be in charge. He's insane! We know that! You want him to be not in charge. Like, 2020 is much better for them. Him getting screwed out of the presidency or whatever. So much better. And I think that Alex is like, yeah, getting convicted is way fucking better.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah, what should have happened in 2020 should have happened in 2016 and then they wouldn't have all lost their minds because they because it happened in 2020 after they had already flown their flag upside down metaphorically speaking with the election of Trump right right then they lost their minds and then after 2020 happened they couldn't control themselves then they all get sued all that stuff horrible happened if it happens happens in 2016, they're like, ah, oh no. I think a slimmer group, a slimmer margin of the population loses their mind, but there is still, I think, I still think we got a problem.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Our minds are not great, yeah. So I just decided that fuck, I don't care, we have to move on. Gotta go. So we're jumping to the 31st now. We're jumping to Friday. And I thought I was gonna be able to give this episode short shrift to okay because of Saturday because like I said, he's on air pretty much the whole day the whole day
Starting point is 00:17:33 But unfortunately this episode needed to be covered. Oh my god Basically not since endgame. All right. This is not going to be nine hours, but there is a part of me that is worried. So we start off on the 31st and most of this show is about Alex being like, shit, there's going to be false flags. There is. Yeah. Because Trump got convicted.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah. We need to really lay some groundwork here about how there's going to be false flags. All right. The show trial verdict has completely blown up in the Democrat deep states face. But everybody getting so excited needs to listen to me and listen real good. I've been telling you for years, they're going to stage big false flag attacks in the lead up to the election and blame Trump supporters. And I came out while the verdict was still being read.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And I said, you watch, they're going to go cull the internet and anonymous posters and say, look, the Republicans are getting ready to start shooting and killing Democrats. J6 2.0 is here. and say, look, the Republicans are getting ready to start shooting and killing Democrats. J6 2.0 is here. And if you don't think the feds aren't planning another J6 or another Whitmer kidnapping type deal they got caught in, you aren't paying attention. Before the conviction even happened, Chase was telling Alex about how his friends were talking like this. This isn't the people like scraping the internet to try and find random Trump supporters talking
Starting point is 00:19:09 about violence. That's what Alex is trying to present because I think on some level he knows that the temperature is high and that some of the people who are in his side of the fence might be interested in doing some violence like Chase's friends. Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I think they're talking shit. I think they're talking a big game, because I think these are the people
Starting point is 00:19:31 who are complaining about judges' instructions to a jury. I don't think these people have it in them. I don't think they have the guts. I think, you know, we hope. There's always a fear, you know? There's always a possibility and a know, there's always like a possibility and a potential because things do happen and you know, there are people who do carry out violence.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And that is awful. And Alex is preparing for that to be able to deny it. He's sending out the message that if people, you know, maybe do do some stuff, we're gonna pretend it's a false flag. Yeah, I mean, but it's so weird to for For that to be squarely on on Alex's side, you know Like nobody's like oh the left is gearing up for what could happen if they you know
Starting point is 00:20:16 Like I said if he gets six months probation, it's like yeah, that should be people should Comparatively speaking if we live there people should be like all the left is gonna go crazy over this but it's saying that too Your liberal moms are gonna be like oh Yeah, exactly. It should be that Alex is predicting it in every direction. Yeah, I'm fine with that So Trump is gonna win despite cheating sure, but there's bad news. Okay, World War three is still probably oh Happening well, then I don't need to worry about Trump so much. Right. And then you also got to worry about Soros.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Okay. If everybody wants to get so excited and happy, you know, it's backfiring and the numbers already show it and Trump is going to win in a landslide despite the fraud, you can override that with a massive landslide, the numbers are clear. But Tucker Carlson nailed it. He said, anyone supporting this verdict and anyone not supporting president Trump is an enemy of America and your family. And you're in danger of world war three and total enslavement in a dictatorship.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Now that's what's going on. We are already under a coup. I was just on Eric bowlingling's show talking about this with him this morning. I think it airs tonight. It's going down. Soros is just the CIA front. When you hear Soros, it's CIA, has gotten control of almost all the cities and populous counties and towns, over a thousand of them. They've got 18 of the state attorney generals totally on his payroll, trained by him and his special ecology as their fellows of the Soros group. Couple others are semi, but 18 is the number.
Starting point is 00:22:00 They've got over a thousand DAs and county attorneys. They've got a lot of the police chiefs. The ADL does the training with the Southern Property Law Center. And they're not just defunding the police and releasing violent criminals to destabilize things. That's a small part of the equation. It's then the persecution of populists and conservatives and nationalists. And just right down the line, if you're a victim and you're white,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you don't get any support. If you're a black criminal or Hispanic criminal, they let you go. Oh, so that's what you meant by populist, conservative and nationalists. Okay, I gotcha. I thought that was what you were saying, that's what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:22:41 It is nice of him to remind us all that populist, conservative and nationalists are white. That's what he's coding in It is nice of him to remind us all that populist, conservative, and nationalists are white. That's what he's coding in the way that he's speaking. Also, fun fact, Eric Bolling maybe got fired, maybe left Newsmax right after this. Oh shit. He had Alex on. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Okay. I think it was today's Sunday. Yeah, it was yesterday So I believe that Wow got the axe or I'm not sure exactly the circumstances of that sure also Eric bowling is the guy who used to be one of the hosts of Fox's The five who wanted to fight Alex on a random street corner in New York God we covered on one of our tour episodes. Oh my god. What are we doing? They patched that up. Why?
Starting point is 00:23:28 Why, why? Why can't they just fight it out? Why, I want, you know what, that's it. I will accept no conservative ideology until it is Thunderdome approved. If you guys wanna fight, fuck you, fight. All right? Thunderdome.
Starting point is 00:23:45 No, they wanna make peace and then... No! Leave Newsmax. No! So, there's gonna be a lot of terror attacks. There's gonna be a lot of false flags. Sure, sure. A lot?
Starting point is 00:23:56 It seems easier to find out that they're false flag if you have a lot of them. There's gonna be like a hundred of them. Okay, but usually you wanna keep it like low, so the fewer, again, the fewer number of people involved in any given thing This is gonna be like the biggest group So not one person is going to reveal that these are false flags from this massive hundred gonna be the widest Conspiracy you've ever seen in your life
Starting point is 00:24:19 So of a hundred and fifteen planned false flags Not one of those guys is gonna get like cold feet and be, I don't think I want to be a suicide bomber today. Nope. Oh, probably not. All right. We're in the third quarter and we are seven points ahead and we have the ball at the 50 yard line and it's first down. But in the fourth quarter that we're now entering in the next 157 days, and then the craziness that comes after that, ahead of the inauguration, the 79 days of hell part two, I told you hell was coming, all 79 days of hell predicted all that. In the lead up, and they could detonate a bomb tomorrow, they could truck bomb next week, they could shoot up a black college or attack a black grocery store or black church
Starting point is 00:25:13 or a string of synagogues. The globalists have got mentally ill people wound up ready that when they get the green light, they'll activate them to go carry out attacks. But those are usually not very well coordinated and aren't big enough. So I'm predicting that international crime syndicates working for the globalist are going to hit targets around the country. And I'm predicting it's going to be bigger in the aggregate than 9-11. I'm not saying the one of them will be bigger than 9-11. I'm saying I'm predicting hundreds of terror attacks are going to be conducted inside the United States
Starting point is 00:25:55 and attributed to Trump supporters. All I hear there is just like, I'm really worried about what my friends are gonna do. I mean, it is almost borderline like, hey, my friends are gonna do. I mean, it is almost borderline like, hey, my friends are saying we should do this, but how about, what if we get international crime syndicates involved, all right? Fellas, I know you wanna like, oh, sure, a black synagogue.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Whatever, blow one up, that's not big enough. We gotta get the mafia in on this. We gotta look at this from a leaderless, splinter resistance kind of model. But with a Don. Right. Well, we can pretend that there's an international
Starting point is 00:26:31 crime syndicate behind it. This is the way that we will evade having to take responsibility for the racist violence that we wanna commit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hmm. That's all I hear, basically. Yeah. So, Alex doesn't predict false flags much.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Wow. Yeah. At least not big stuff. And now we should smash cut to him saying, I don't predict this stuff very often. I mean, right? Frequently in the past. Yeah. But Alex says that he doesn't predict these kinds of things much.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And then that leads him into a weird story. Okay. I've only done this a few other times. Like I said, back in 2001, I said, call the White House and tell them we know they're going to flood buildings in the World Trade Center and blame it on their CIS had been lied. I've seen the pre programming all the stuff that was going on. It was, it was, it was, it was obvious. What a thing to add to your lore. Now you think I want to just sit there and give out the white house switchboard on my syndicated radio show Yes, and on my local tv show and they got reportedly thousands of calls. You think I want to mess with the new world order? Yes
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'd already had them physically send people to attack me once before when the clintons were in The good thing I was young and still tough as hell because I beat the living hell out of those guys. They broke my nose and just stuff. They just hit me in the side, the kidneys and hit me in the head. It really wasn't, you know, it hit me pretty hard. It just pissed me off, broke my nose. They stood back with a blob of spray and I was like, I was going to do something. I just was like, I'm going to hurt you bad.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Sorry, I'm going to have a little flashback of enjoyment there. I remember getting my knee up because they were trying to hold me and I just slammed my knee right in that guy's ribs and I heard him crack. He started crying and I just punched him right in the nose and just smashed his nose almost completely off his face. Anyway, sorry. I'm sorry folks. I'm a little emotional right now. I have some memories. Very good memory though. Oh yeah. Sorry. So, uh, climbing in that minivan bleeding us as running like a bunch of little cowards. Oh, I had a gun in my pocket to kind of blast them, but I didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I just beat the living hell out of them. Sorry. Excuse me. Sorry. Some of those memories are just I am. I'm not a sadistic person unless it's bullies attacking me and I just started having some pleasure. Some, some feelings of victory and overcoming and dominance.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And I'm sorry, I apologize. I'm gonna quit right there. I forgive you, man. Jesus. What another amazing thing to add to your lore. What a fucking cartoon character. That is so over the top, like Tex Avery wouldn't involve. The President sent henchmen to beat him up.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Ridiculous. To beat him, to rough him up. Jesus Christ. Before he was even like really relevant at all. Nah, well I mean Clinton, the Clintons, both they, they were also a little psychic. They're actually several thousand years old along with Alex. No, because Hillary went to a witch church.
Starting point is 00:29:17 That's right, yeah. So they can see, they kind of knew that this battle was going to last a long time so they were trying to kill him in his infancy. Get a head start. Totally. But didn't work. But not kill him. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And then get your henchmen beaten up and then they just never come back to finish the work. I mean, I guess, yeah, they just don't, they disappear. I thought Larry Nichols was supposed to be like a murderer for the Clintons. Nah, it doesn't. I thought they killed people. No, but they just punched Alex a couple times and then got their ribs broken. Yeah, they were going to rough him up a little bit, teach him a lesson. Please. But then they were like,
Starting point is 00:29:46 oh, you hit us! Oh no, you're too good at fighting. We never would have seen this part coming, seeing as how we're professional assassins for the political presidents. Yeah, okay. Fucking so dumb. Alright, alright. So, Alex is pretty convinced there's gonna be a false flag at a black church. Sure.
Starting point is 00:30:04 And I think that's because he recognizes that his audience is all a bunch of Dillon roofs yeah yeah I think so yeah so I would I would guess they've got a German team and which is the same as the Ukrainians now a NATO teams that again are going to have a mentally ill drugged up white manga person who's shot their mouth off that person will be kept in the van drug will make sure all the cameras are turned off. They'll they'll park somewhere like a church. loading dock or something where they can make sure there's no cameras. That's their concern with all the cameras today.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And then they're going to go in and with mask on and they're going to kill as many black people as they can. When it's a professional team, they can kill, you know, the church of 300, 400 black folks, they'll kill a hundred of them and then throw some hand grenades in to confuse the whole thing. This is just one type scenario. That's the one I think that that's that's probably one of them. They probably got the vans loaded, the trips ready. I mean, Biden, people control Biden, give the order.
Starting point is 00:31:03 They'll roll out Sunday to your black church. So they're coming now. They're going to go in there and just spray women and children saying, hail Trump. And then they'll just go and take the guy that's kind of halfway waking up. They've, and then they'll just throw him in there. And then that's it. And then then you'll, you'll hear that Trump supporter went and killed you know 100 black people
Starting point is 00:31:31 It's very detailed his I Don't want to call it necessarily a fantasy, but mmm like his imagination of I mean There's almost instructions in that feels very uh feels very want to park at the loading dock because there's no cameras over there Yeah, you doing. I mean it's it's not unlike We're in the SWAT van and we're doing a no-knock warrant is what he's describing right is that what's happening. It's Upsetting yeah, very upsetting. I don't like it so the people Not sure who exactly this is but you know, yeah, they the globalists
Starting point is 00:32:07 Okay, the bankruptcy court. Sure. Everybody's trying to take Alex off air, right? They're trying to get that's what this is all about Right Alex. Yes, right. I got to remember that they're trying to take him off air and they're gonna do that by posting fake stories about him That's show. We're a hundred're 157 days out from the election and, uh, they are moving as fast as they can to take us off the air while putting out fake headlines like this and the Associated Press that I'm going to show you Sandy Hook families offered to settle Alex Jones Jones 1.5 billion legal debt for a minimum of 85 million. Now I've not made $50 million myself in 30 years on air. Okay. They weren't asking for 80 million in a lump sum you dumb dumb. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:01 right. Also that AP headline that he's reading was published on November 27th, 2023. It's over six months old, but Alex is trying to present it as something current because he needs to give this presentation that everyone's trying to take him off air. Right, right, right. It can't be a six month old headline and now they've got plans for attacking him.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And things have gone evolved since this point in November. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That circumstance isn't accurate anymore, but Alex is presenting it as if the headline is current. So when I'm listening to this, it's like, okay, Trump was convicted, fuck, Alex is obsessed with false flags. Oh man, at least I'll have time to catch my breath on Saturday. Sure. At least I'll have a time to catch my breath on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:33:46 At least I'll have a little bit of a buffer time. Just a quick show on Saturday. Doesn't need to be a whole thing. But then Alex says this. And I am coming in tomorrow at 10 a.m. We go live with Bilderberg coverage. We should probably get not just one of the top Bilderberg experts on Daniel Esselstyn, who is on with us,
Starting point is 00:34:10 we should also get Charlie Skelton's been wanting to come on. And I said, yeah, just come on. Once you're at the conference, get Intel. It's in Madrid. And so live at 10 a.m. tomorrow. And we'll probably go three hours. I'll cover a bunch of news as well. 10am central standard time. Okay. The Alex Jones show tomorrow will be streamed at, four slash show,, and on X and to any radio and TV stations
Starting point is 00:34:36 that want to be able to pick that up. What TV station? None. I heard this and I was like, well, I guess I'm gonna tune in, see Alex go back to his roots and talk Bilderberg. Yeah. It's gonna be exciting. I think that's great.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I think it's a good time for it. I think it's probably best for him. You know, like if we think about it this way, right? He keeps saying there's 157 days until the election and all that stuff. We can just cicada this. Nothing's really, you know, let's just all take a long nap. It's going to be a month before sentencing. Let's just sleep it off.
Starting point is 00:35:11 And while we're in that little down period or whatever, do some of the classics. I like the idea of like, we're going to obsess about who drove into Bilderberg. This is the roots. This is where we came from. Absolutely. And I was excited. Yeah. Now we are gonna talk quite a bit about Saturday. Okay. We're not gonna talk at all about this.
Starting point is 00:35:30 That's not surprising. So, so if I, let's, let's go back to the beginning of the show. So he's, his plan started at 10 a.m., go for a few hours. Yeah. If I recall, you said he was on the, on the air for most of the day.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I think he got off air a little bit after six. She's probably six plus hours Well, here's the part It's too boring you did cover that but I'm like I can't So I I can't. I can't do it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I'm only one human. I don't have time. Oh boy. I thought, okay, we got this Saturday stuff. We can just cut bait on the 31st year. Sure, sure, sure. But we can't. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Because shit goes crazy. He has Mario Nathal and Nick Sortor on. I'd never heard of those two people before. They're two guys who run a Twitter space that's fairly popular They were the ones who hosted the one that Alex talked to Elon Musk on sure fake Elon, right? Right, and so like they're pretty popular in Twitter space and they're in town for a crypto conference Jesus Christ, so they come on Find the very uninteresting Loserville. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:45 So we're not going to talk much about that. But then there are some other guests. Nick Fuentes comes on. Sure. And also Alex discusses the chicken fried steak incident. Again? Yes. Forever.
Starting point is 00:37:00 But there's more details added. Oh my god. And one of these details really, I don't know if we knew this before, but I heard it as if it was totally new. Okay. And it was God. First it was like a tap on the shoulder, I'm sitting there eating chicken fried steak, drinking iced tea. I'm thinking God I want to fight evil, I want to stand against evil, I want to help people. Just please help me be a good person, give me discernment. I just want, I just love you. I just, I just want to be you know as effective as effective as I can. And I just need your guidance. And it was like, oh, you want to do that? And it was like all this data at once of, are you willing to go
Starting point is 00:37:34 through the pain and the persecution and the system coming after you? Yes. Well, here's an idea what it's going to be like. And you just get all these thousands of possible futures and permutations and things, depending on actions people take. And you understand these different scenarios. And yes. And it was like, all right, you're making that decision right now. All right, well, say you're making it. I'm making that decision.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And that was like an angel or something. It was a presence. And the hair on the back of my neck standing up. It all suddenly was like, and it was like neck standing up and all of a sudden was like, and it was like, I was in another dimension. It was like, Oh, I wouldn't call it fear, but it's like standing at the edge of the grand Canyon and winds blowing at your back. You're about to fall. It's like, Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And it was like, now here is the download. Boom. Start crying. Uh, guys sitting there mopping, looking at me like, has this gotten me crazy? And I'm just, uh ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, for like 30 minutes, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, and it was, and then after that, I was another person, folks.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Wow. So for 30 minutes, Yeah. You're in this person's restaurant going, ah. Ah. Why didn't they call the police or call an ambulance? Like you seem like you're in distress the way Alex is describing this That's that's a poorly run business if they didn't I'm worried about it being dead
Starting point is 00:38:52 I'm gonna enter this new version of the story into my actually Alex worships the devil thing because what character famously Waits for people to suddenly say aloud what it is they deepest desire, right, then appears, then forces them to reiterate their agreement of the agreement we are currently making, then immediately following that gives you a massive, didn't expect this to happen moment. Little twist. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Huh. I don't know, there's one dude that sounds like me. I think Alex, seriously, I think Alex has mistaken all of the Bible for just Faust. I think it's possible we're talking food poisoning or something. That's possible too. I'm trying to keep this in the terrestrial realm.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I'm trying to keep this in a territory that you can understand and we can- You're trying to keep this in a territory that you can understand. You're trying to stay at the stake level. Yeah. And for me, I'm so worried about letting someone be in that state for half an hour. That to me is such a weird part of the story. Good. Why is it, especially whenever he's talking to God in this story, why is God always so surprised? That seems like the one thing he should be well aware of at all times, everything.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Well, I mean, it kind of has to be, right? That's the idea. As opposed to him being like, oh, so you want that stuff, huh? How about that? Just, again, one guy. God must allow for free will. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:21 So that's the one thing that God cannot know is what decision you'll make. Sure, but he doesn't have to be catty about it. That's true. There's one thing that God does know very well though, and that is what time it is. As we know, he tells Alex what time it is. You look up, it's 3.45. Oh my God, it is. Alex expounds on this a little bit more. Again? Jesus Christ!
Starting point is 00:40:41 I don't know how I'd duplicate this or how I would, because it's only when God decides to do it. But it used to happen a few times a year. Now it happens like every week. It happened like four times a month ago in one week where God says, get up. And I get up and it didn't happen all the time. I said, I don't know what it's called. Get up. I'm like, you want me to get up and go to my phone or go in the
Starting point is 00:41:06 kitchen look at the clock yeah go in the go in the bathroom with a phone as I don't sleep by it I get up he goes it's gonna be 4 a.m. hurry up because it's gonna flip over to 401 if you don't okay and I'm like I got piss really bad too I flip the phone over 4 a.m. and guy goes now you're thinking that's just a coincidence it's not it's not you have some super time understanding. Go ahead and take your piss. Now, count down. It's at 15 seconds now. It's going to flip to 401 in 50 seconds. Okay, 13, 12, get it right. What are we doing? Count too fast. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 401. It's like, now I know you know I'm real I've already done
Starting point is 00:41:46 all this but you do now you I'm telling you this because big stuff's coming and you don't always follow what I tell you to do I need you to do what I tell you immediately when I tell you do you understand my yes yes yes yes I literally just you know go back in the bedroom just get down on my knees for an hour yes I got it I'm trying here And God's like and you've done better not drinking, but you still drink some To you when you're drinking it's lowering So you've got to stop it because I get a clear signal in there I
Starting point is 00:42:21 Mean that this is awesome people. I've literally got God telling me what time it is. I just don't even know what to say to that. I don't. The man's got God telling him what time it is. Yeah. God seems to be doing a little bit of a tada. I feel like you get it. Yeah, I can tell you what time it is. Is that what we're doing here? Now stop get it? I can tell you what time it is. That's what time it is. Is that what we're doing here? Now stop drinking, because I can't tell you what time it is when you're drunk.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I'm just saying, I really like, I will, I'll share this with you. Really into close-up magic. It's really cool. No, me too. It's really cool. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:43:00 There's that magic theater here in Chicago. Yeah, yeah, right down the road. I've been there a couple times. Yeah. Yeah, it's really fun. In the lobby. It's always great. At the bar, the bartender does magic.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Yeah, everybody's got their own little tricks that they throw out at you. It's great. Fantastic. The show itself, too expensive. I haven't gone. If you're at the bar, the guy will do the magic. My wife and I, we went to see the show. It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:43:23 They even had a local middler, like somebody who was busking art, straight up artin' out on the street, coming in, doing a guess. It was great, fantastic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All of which is to say that there's like forces, you know, like the magicians can kind of like
Starting point is 00:43:43 psychologically impress upon you the idea of you being like, oh, it is, my card is the Queen of Spades, you know, like the the magicians can kind of like psychologically impress upon you the idea of you You being like oh it is my card is the Queen of Spades, you know Because they only showed you one card right right that kind of thing all of which is far more impressive than Looking at my phone to see what time it is. It is and honestly like There's a lot more dialogue going on here than I usually imagine Yeah, a lot of talk about how I gotta take a piss. Yeah. Count me down. Go ahead and take your piss. I do appreciate a god that's like, hey, go on, finish your business. I'll tell you the time after you pee. I could
Starting point is 00:44:13 have. I could have woken you up or just sent you there, or any number of things. Now you think this is a coincidence. Obviously. Also, it implies that Alex has to have perfect timing with his countdown, so that is another power that he must have that's good point Yeah, he can it correctly suss out the exact length of a second and I will say with his delivery of This is awesome. God tells me what time it is. That is good timing. It is good. No, it was great delivery Yeah, I mean as far as the thing that a crazy person would say Nailed it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm As far as the thing that a crazy person would say, nailed it. So anyway, if you're like a low level Christian, you don't experience stuff like this.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Jesus was super huge on making sure everybody knew there was a hierarchy of people who believed. That was his biggest thing. At the bottom? You just kind of feel love and stuff? When he said the meek will inherit the earth, he was more like, guys stay down below in the, in the mud. Yeah. You dumb, dumb, you're not going to be up there. Yeah. I want people to eventually go on missions for exactly. I'm like, I'm like a cruise missile. That's got God's deep GPS and God's telling me, Hey, I need you to get your act completely square because I got, I got orders for you buddy you signed up for this
Starting point is 00:45:28 this is dangerous you better get your ass in gear it's not like for a baby christian the holy spirit where you cry and it feels so good and all that's the beginning of it once you get into missions with god it is it is it is loving it is direct and it's you really want them to get your family You really want to kill billions of people. Yes. No, you don't want this to happen. Well, then you need to get your ass in gear And that's why I'm telling you the stories because this is all true on my soul. Okay Alex is it new game plus? Baby questions with your oh life is good. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Oh your religion's bullshit. Not whenever you go on missions. Right, we gotta tell you what time it is. What are we doing? I don't know, but I have been thinking about like, I do think that Alex might be heretical. Like honestly. Oh yeah, no absolutely. Honestly I've been thinking about like,
Starting point is 00:46:23 I'm not particularly religious myself. Sure. You know, I have, obviously we've talked about this. Sure. I'm more accepting of it and enjoying of it than you for sure. Sure, sure. But I wouldn't brand myself as a religious person.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I try to imagine if I was, what would I think about that? I think that would be blasphemous. Yeah. I think that what he's doing is actually really bad on a religious level. I would say very seriously, deadly seriously, that it has only been within the past 75 years that you would be allowed to say things like this
Starting point is 00:46:57 in public without being killed. Right, and I think even shorter period of time you'd be able to say things like this in public without someone like, yeah. Oh yeah. Very concerned and maybe putting you in a hospital. Can you imagine in the fifties, can you imagine in the fifties, somebody saying like, cause for all the, for all the like, uh, uh, uh, what would I, what the evangelical kind of lunacy going on at no point in time where they're like, all right, let's straight up get into the Charlie's Angels version of the Bible here.
Starting point is 00:47:29 It's, you know, it's troubling. It's a little upsetting. Yeah. Also upsetting is Nick Fuentes being on. Oh, wow. They kind of just have a fine conversation and it's a little bit boring. Just about like, there's a lot of shit going on in the world.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Lotta stuff. We just covered Nick being on on so I'm not gonna dwell on this too much But there's one clip that I wanted to play and I think it's fascinating Okay, because Alex corrects himself about something and I'm not saying he corrects himself to the right version of something But he changes a version of one of his narratives because he knows that Nick likes Nazis This is amazing, okay a version of one of his narratives because he knows that Nick likes Nazis. This is amazing. Okay. There are a bunch of lawyers, not even military leaders now. They're all sitting in rooms acting tough.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Well, let's just bomb the Russians. Yeah, that'll show them. Oh yeah. That'll really show the Russians folks. 90% of the Brits were anti-war until, until Churchill bombed German cities to manipulate Hitler to bomb British cities. And they went 99% pro-war. I mean So I'm asking what you're right. It's arrogance. It's insanity
Starting point is 00:48:31 It is it's that classic hubris. I've heard Alex say this a hundred times And it's always the British people were opposed to the war until Germany bombed them Yep, and that made them be more for the war. I've heard it a bunch of times, not that Churchill bombed Germany to trick Germany into bombing England. That's nonsense. He said that because Nick likes Hitler. Yeah, he's cutting him off at the pass,
Starting point is 00:48:58 so Nick wouldn't be like, actually, the reason that Hitler did that, he was like, let's just skip past this part. He's giving Nazi concessions Yeah, basically. Yep. So things are things are headed in a good direction. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think everybody agrees that Neville Chamberlain was right. I think it going back in time appeasement is the way to go sure Yeah, wait for Saturday. I think it's a great idea. So Look, yeah, don't care too much about Nick Fuentes share Nick Sartor and
Starting point is 00:49:27 Mario Nefau I don't really care too much, but then Alex has another guest okay, and this is a guest Who would you hear his name your ears perk up sure it's not Sylvester Stallone Ron Paul. No Rand Paul no Paul Ayn Rand no, okay. I'm trying to think of a way to to clue you in on this uh-huh It's Eddie Bravo Okay, all right, so Eddie Bravo is on all right noted flat earther. Yes Alex has him on Immediately is like just disrespectful as shit. Flat Earth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's very refreshing in a strange way.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Okay. Yeah, baby. Look at that big beautiful globe right there. Yeah. I can't believe you think that's real. Oh, God. I can't believe you. Listen, I love you when you come to town.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I love you to death. And I love challenging the system. But, Eddie, Trump has been convicted of this fraud. They're trying to have World War III and their announcement of the war. And they're trying to have a war. And they're trying to have a war. And they're trying to have a war. And they're trying to have a war.
Starting point is 00:50:23 And they're trying to have a war. And they're trying to have a war. And they're trying to have a war. And they're trying to have a war. And they're trying to have to death. And I love challenging the system, but Eddie Trump has been convicted of this fraud. They're trying to have world war three. They're announcing they're going to start bombing Russia with us weapons. And I, and I, all I said this morning is, I said, you're coming in. Can you at least talk a little bit about Trump, the politics, the world, and then we can talk about, uh, you know, the Easter bunny stuff. Okay I'm being mean.
Starting point is 00:50:49 No and he wants to tell you the big secret the world's flat. And he's got he's got flat earth Dave. He's got flat earth Dave folks. One of the biggest flat earthers here with us Dave Weiss., fine, just tell us, the big secret, it's all flat, it's gonna really beat him. Okay, so first of all, Alex started this. You didn't have to invite him on your show. Especially not with Flat Earth Dave. Didn't have to.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Second, you don't have to say, oh, look at that great, beautiful globe coming in from break, and then be like, do we have to talk about Flat Earth? You're being an asshole. You're doing it. But, you know, I guess it and then be like, do we have to talk about Flandreth? You're being an asshole. You're doing it. But I guess it's kind of like in what appears to be their friendship.
Starting point is 00:51:30 So it's not like, it's not the most disrespectful thing. It would be if he wasn't friends with Eddie. Right, right, right. But it's still, he's right, he is being mean. I am going to be very honest with you. Right now, I am placed, like my view of the dynamics of this scenario is very much job of the huts palace. Right? Like where the rank core is directly beneath Adi Bravo's
Starting point is 00:51:53 feet like and Alex is both himself and a salacious crumb just like laughing in his own day. Flattered day. The flattered Dave is the record. He's going to eat us all. Who's flattered Dave? The flattered Dave is the record. He's going to eat us all. That's what's going to happen here. So there is an interesting dynamic that runs throughout this. Yeah. That is that Alex pretty much rebuts every point that Eddie brings up, but also they
Starting point is 00:52:19 rebut his rebuttals in a way that gets us nowhere. So it's a tragic waste of time. All right, so somebody who is knowledgeable enough about this world to know that the globe is the default. Yes. Okay, but not knowledgeable enough to defend the globe. No, I think he does. It's just that when you're dealing with people like Flat Earth Dave and Eddie Bravo, they're going to have rebuttals to your reality well
Starting point is 00:52:48 they've heard about the globe before obviously done these like every argument paths yeah yeah now there's one point where I think Alex was a little bit weak okay and that is this next clip all right I know I don't I don't know what the moon is I know that it's not what they tell us but if you like well I I mean, okay, we'll get to that. Just can you give me your take on Trump and nuclear war? Did we land on the moon Yes, or no, that's a no. I Mean, I know I think we're not showing some fake stuff. Come on, man Come on, man. You think we landed on the moon for real?
Starting point is 00:53:25 Be honest, you think we want on the moon for real Beyond you think we land on a moth. So you think starlings fake? What's that? Oh boy, I can prove it's fat earth day Wait, wait, wait starlink or the moon the starlink is what he thinks he can prove is fake And I think that Alex is really weak in that moment when he won't just emphatically say we did land on the moon. I think we saw some fake stuff. Come on, man. Dude, you just gave Eddie a like, that is all the confidence he needs to take this entire interview off the rails. I, what's crazy about this now is I feel like we should just all not give a shit about whether we did or did not land on the moon because we where we are now is so fucking we got a we got space telescopes
Starting point is 00:54:10 we got shit just floating out there that looks into the past but like way far but it's all fake because NASA's lying to you we can see like three million years after the big bang like right there we can use a telescope to see because light takes a long time. We don't need to, who cares if we land it on the moon? That's a billion, billion, billion years ago. Sure. So we're on a frozen lake of some sort. Alright I'm listening. Now I'm listening.
Starting point is 00:54:34 The earth is flat and then past the boundaries of like the south pole and shit, there are more worlds that are also flat. And that's the big secret that's being kept. So we can kinda like daisy chain our way around the universe. I mean we could if they'd let us. But they won't. Now that's the delivery and timing
Starting point is 00:54:59 of a man for whom God tells him the time. So there's one thing that I think, I mean, Alex and I every now and again agree on something. Sure. And that happens in this episode. Sure. And that is that Flat Earth Dave sucks. That is fair, that is fair.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Alex really does not like Flat Earth Dave. Not hard, not hard. So they get into a conversation about nukes not being real. Because that's another thing that everybody believes. Yeah, I mean, you can't have nukes if you don't that's another thing that I mean if you you can't have nukes if you don't have a globe right that's just fact yes yeah so that is a that is a tenant of their belief system okay I know I mean I'm just totally focused on Trump being indicted convicted and World War three
Starting point is 00:55:38 but you let me guess there's no nuclear weapons right any absolutely not hundred percent I've heard this before so I've been on it for a while. So, okay, so there's no nuclear weapons. So that's meant for fear. It's meant for control. This is all about control. What real technology is there? There's big bombs. They stack TNT at ground zero in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There's video of troops stacking TNT at ground zero. Wow, the US had invaded Japan and did that, wow. It's pretty exciting. War is a theater that's why they call it the theater of war.
Starting point is 00:56:12 They're all working together. There may be some rogue states and some stuff going on but all of this is combined. I'm not yet challenging and questioning everything. Sure. But I mean, so the Trump and Diamond spec too? I don't know. I don't know. I think they're really going after him. I think if Trump gets in office that their plans might... But everything else is fake. Everything's a theater. How can it be with Trump?
Starting point is 00:56:33 No, no, no. My answer was I don't know. It's all or nothing, Alex. Come on. Yeah. I love... Yeah, I know. There's no nuclear weapons.
Starting point is 00:56:41 There's no satellites. I love how you're playing devil's advocate to make sure that you're not labeled as a flat earther. I love that. I know I don't I like that there is something that could turn Alex into be going. Oh my god Don't care even if this flat I don't care even if the earth is flat. I'm not playing devil's advocate with you. This is stupid. That is great.
Starting point is 00:57:08 But I think you could just not have them all. I think the reason though is that Eddie Bravo's a celebrity and he's close to Rogan and Alex doesn't want to alienate somebody who is close to Rogan. And so he humors Eddie about the flat earth stuff pretty regularly. And so when Eddie comes on and Alex is doing this, he probably thinks that it's playing devil's advocate,
Starting point is 00:57:31 which is what a lot of bigots can do if Alex ever pushes back on their stuff. It's like when he gets calls that are people like, we get the globalists or the Jews and you just can't say it because, you know, you wanna keep up appearances and stuff. That's what Eddie thinks, but with Flat Earth. Well, I mean, it's why Alex can get away with apologizing
Starting point is 00:57:48 to Humpty-Doo, you know, like, oh, I'm so sorry about that. He's not sorry, he's not going to change anything. He doesn't care, and everybody who sees it is going to be like, well, yeah, he has to do that to avoid losing $1.5 billion. It's the excuse that they all make to maintain their own image of who he is, and that's pretty cool. It's great excuse that they all make to maintain their own image of who he is. Yeah, and that's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:58:06 It's great to lie. Yeah, so Eddie believes that Trump is also a secret flat earther Alright, okay. Okay, Eddie. Give us your flat earth hypothesis. I think Trump is a flat earther secretly How about that and secretly. How about that? And so is Donald Trump Jr. I think the earth is actually Donald Trump's blood. Obama knows, Obama said, talked about Flat Earth eight times during his presidential speeches. In his speeches he says we don't have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society because that's where they want you to go. That's where they straw man us. Yeah, the Flat Earth Society is fake. Yeah, they want you to go there because you go there, you spend five
Starting point is 00:58:44 minutes there, you'll never look at Flat earth again. Exactly flat earth there believes any of that. No flat earth there But there there it is right now flat earth or believe that that's not a flatter I believe that fake models at the heliocentric fake one. They believe we believe that we are the foundation of the universe That's the best way we have an Alex Alex check this out. Check this out If you know, I gotta go to break I get it all the matters of the flat earth. I Watch those videos and make up your own mind don't believe anything Right. I do like the flat earth Dave is doing what Alex does to other people. Yep yelling out his website Yeah stuff that is that is a little bit fun.
Starting point is 00:59:25 It is nice. But to just to give some clarity when Alex said Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew, he was saying that in reference to something he had said earlier, which is that there's a lot of people like anti-semites who are obsessed and every issue comes back to Jewish people. And that's what he's accusing them of being like with Flat Earth. So I just wanted to make that clear in case. I mean, I will say this, alright? They are right.
Starting point is 00:59:51 There can't be nuclear weapons if there's a Flat Earth because it would require E equals MC squared to be correct, which would require an entire universe, which would require globes. It all requires globes. So if that is the case, alright, then yes, it is the only thing that is really important right now because they're lying to us about everything. Sure. But our phones shouldn't work. Well.
Starting point is 01:00:15 That's a big problem. They deal with that. I'm sure they do. I'm sure they do deal with that. I have no doubt they deal with that. And we would deal with it too. I'm sure we would but I Have a clip it's three minutes long. Uh-huh, and I need to play it because I
Starting point is 01:00:31 Laughed out loud. Okay when I heard this, okay Eddie and flat-earth Dave keep insisting that Alex watch a trailer to a new documentary. Oh my god I tried to find this documentary. I don't think it's out yet a new documentary. Oh my God. I tried to find this documentary, I don't think it's out yet. Okay. It is a documentary about how all of our buildings
Starting point is 01:00:48 are secretly older than they really are, and there was an old civilization that this has been built on top of. Yes. Right? Yes. Now. I'm way in.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Alex loses his, like, he's just done. He's just done with his shit. Okay. But he does play the trailer. Okay. And then mutters over it. Okay. So there's a new documentary out. You're telling me about it. Can I see the trailers? I mean, yeah, we'll play the trailer. And then meanwhile, I've got like family diaries for 200 years ago with, you know, describing fighting the Indians
Starting point is 01:01:17 all the stuff. But you guys are saying it was like metropolis is right where we're at. And we repopulated the earth. So that these cities were here. It's like Westworld. We had horses and buggies next to these giant buildings. Watch World Order. You can find it at There's a big banner. Just click it. It will change your life.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Okay, great. And it just boomed. It just boomed. The United States was one giant city. None of the family diaries are right. None of the people passing information on. There was nothing here. Except pure cities. That's not all or none of the pure cities. There's lots None of the people passing information on. There was nothing here except pure cities.
Starting point is 01:01:46 There's lots of truth. None of these buildings were built. They were built thousands of years ago. Okay, so let's play the trailer. Here it is. Here we go. This is total... Hibler. There's a lot of architecture in the world today on every continent. Of buildings that are much, much larger than you would
Starting point is 01:02:06 think people of our height would build. Cities in America that look as though they were constructed in medieval Europe. The outside's incredible, but the inside is built like a palace. I'm not sure it's the reason any schools of architecture back then. What are they not to do this? They copied. We're critical about stylizationacle of escalation now. This is the best it gets.
Starting point is 01:02:27 The best we've ever done. Look at the quality of these walls. Now you'll go through a neighborhood and every home looks the same. Had we known we're going backwards, everyone would be pissed. As an architect of 20 years, I like to look at a building as telling its own story. I like to say that stones don't lie. I guess schizophrenics are now making movies. It was built in a year.
Starting point is 01:02:48 The history that we've been told is a lie. Thank you, Lollie. I'm glad you rejected the system. Make something so massive. Schizophrenics produce a movie. Was that building here longer? I feel like the building was there already. What was actually in the towers?
Starting point is 01:03:04 What kind of technology was up there? Was that building here longer? I feel like the building was down already. What was actually in the towers? What kind of technology was up there? These buildings were built by the prior civilization. A beautiful, easy, graceful method of travel flushed down the drains. Nope, no more air shows. And they have to lie to us about it. They had to write the story books.
Starting point is 01:03:20 We learned about one fire, the Chicago Grey Fire. There were fires in every major city. Burned to the ground. It's impossible for any stone building to be burning down. What's being cut from the city? Oh yeah, stone buildings never burn. Oh my god. It must have been.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Oh my god. This literally would be the cover up of the history of war. The war of war. Oh, the humanity. So the paradox is the system's lying so now we believe nothing. No, no, the system is not lying. They're telling the truth. Stone buildings never burn.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Stone buildings are full of tapestries, full of wood girders. They burn to the fucking ground, Eddie. What temperature do the stone melt? When the girders collapse it falls apart. The stone girders? What? So stone? No, there's wood girders in there. The stone girders. What? So stone. There's wood girders about stone melts with the fire. They burned to the fucking ground. Eddie, come on. I want
Starting point is 01:04:15 it. I want that. Oh my God. That's, that's great. That is a man who has been pushed. I mean, here's what I like. Here's what's great about it. And it is, it is like, it's why I get mad whenever, whenever like religious people look at another religion and they're like, Oh, that's stupid. It's like, listen, buddy, it's all built on the same shit, right? Like to get Alex so angry at him watching end game, like it is him listening to Endgame about something else. It's just a Mad Libs version of Endgame and him being like,
Starting point is 01:04:50 oh, this is so stupid. It's like, what are you doing, man? This shit is incompatible with the stuff that I use to stoke fear and create narratives. And so I can't really go along with it and I can hear something really fucking stupid Yeah, and I can be like that's really stupid. Yep, and he could do that with his own stuff if he wanted to good But that's the problem, you know
Starting point is 01:05:12 You don't want to pierce the you can't look at something exactly like what you're doing and call it stupid Otherwise, you're gonna find yourself in trouble. Yeah, I think I might have gone to the wrong website I think I went to flat instead of Maybe that documentary is on there, but I really wanted to watch it. I mean, amazing. I had so much of Alex's content to take care of and I still would have tried to fit that in
Starting point is 01:05:36 because that documentary looks amazing. Stone does, I just love, hmm. Stone buildings have never burned down. As an architect from 20 years, you should not be in burned down. As an architect from 20 years, you should not be in this documentary. As an architect of 20 years, I no longer trust your architecture. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I think that was art vandalay. Maybe. Wasn't that George Costanza's alias? Is that what it, no, I don't remember. I was never a Seinfeld guy. Okay. Yeah. So we reached an emotional high. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:04 On Friday. I can't believe we have not made it to Saturday yet. We have not. Oh my God. And there's a lot. Oh my God. So, you know, Trump got convicted. Sure.
Starting point is 01:06:14 We got worried about false flags. Sure. We dwelled in this space for a while. We talked to Nick Fuentes, got a little bit racist-y. Uh-huh. And then Eddie Bravo came in and we had one of the great interviews, I think, on this show's history. Just stone buildings burned to the fucking ground.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Stone buildings burned to the fucking ground, Eddie. It's so good. You can sum up, I mean, I feel like that sums up so much of life, really, like as just a metaphor to use on all, hey, stone buildings burned to the fucking ground, Eddie. Like we should be saying that yeah Yeah, and so I was like I'm kind of in for Bilderberg. Yeah, I'm kind of in for this You you got me with the Eddie Bravo interview you did so then we turn up on Saturday. Uh-huh and Nope no well it's not it's not
Starting point is 01:07:07 Uh, who? Nope. No. Well, it's not. It's not a Bilderberg coverage immediately, right? Because something has happened since Alex was on air with Eddie Bravo. We got bad news. Things are real good. Things are good. Things went real bad. No, it is Saturday, June 1st, 2024. When I tell you that this could be one of our last broadcasts, I want you to listen to me very carefully. I have worked with the system, I have been totally professional, I have been completely truthful, and by the grace of God and the fact that I am a Boy Scout, when it comes to my life and finances and things, very straightforward person, like my family.
Starting point is 01:07:49 They had Justice Department investigations, criminal investigations, grand juries. The Washington Post admitted what I had already been told. Six different criminal investigations in the last five years, and no grand jury indicted me for all the stuff they tried to cook up. And I never made a big deal about it, and I didn't tell you when the FBI and the Justice Department was subpoenaing me and putting me through all of these grand juries. I just didn't talk about it on air, okay? But what you've seen with Trump and them cooking stuff up on him, they've tried that with me. And D.C. decided, and this came out in the Washington Post a year and a half ago, that special district
Starting point is 01:08:45 to indict me. And Merrick Garland said, no, this is too political. This won't work. So that, that I was told that by the FBI and then it, it, it was in the news. So that went on. So that went on. Okay. Merrick Garland said, no, this shit's too hot.
Starting point is 01:09:05 We can't go anywhere near this. Too political. We can't. We're not... Listen, we're the FBI. We don't cross boundaries. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Right. Trump is going to be prosecuted and all this, but not Alex. That's too political. Right, right, right. So I don't know. I don't believe any of this, really, because he said all of these things in the past, he has made a big deal out of these things and they weren't true then,
Starting point is 01:09:29 or at least there's no evidence of this then. I mean, I know, I don't know, I think, didn't we have a situation where at one point it was like, maybe there's a actual criminal investigation? There might have been, but there was also, there was one thing that went nowhere that Alex had talked about, and then there was the subpoena over January 6th.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Those were the two things that we talked about when he was, these narratives were taking shape. And then, I don't know, if there's some evidence, then I'll change my position, but I haven't seen any evidence. I'm sure that somebody has sent something somewhere and somebody opened up a thing and maybe made some calls and then they're not doing anything.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah. I don't know. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody gave Alex a call like, hey, you wanna talk about that crime maybe you committed? And Alex was like, no. And they were like yeah me neither And that was it that very well may be true. Yeah, but that's not a grand jury That's not a grand jury right right the level than Alex is saying this got to run grand jury indicted him and Merrick Garland said
Starting point is 01:10:34 No way. I do not believe that is how it works seems Yeah, I don't know so anyway like wouldn't Merrick Garland know before the grand jury like he wouldn't be be blindsided by the, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, there's somebody grand jury'd Alex? You'd think. Yeah, okay. So Alex thankfully doesn't do any crimes. Sure. And so everything is totally fine.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Never does any crimes. Right. But this still could be one of his last broadcasts ever. Sure. And things are very severe. Okay. I was never scared about this because I, other than speeding, which I don't even do anymore, because I love to drive fast when nobody's out on the road,
Starting point is 01:11:10 I haven't had my car up to 100 miles an hour in three years. I drive the speed limit now, like an old lady in the middle lane. Because I'm just going to do things absolutely 100% by the book. If I have two drinks, I have somebody drive me. I went out to dinner with Mario in the fall last night. Just to give you an idea of my mindset,
Starting point is 01:11:34 went out to Eddie V's with him and his crew. Rob Doe went with me. I ordered iced tea. They ordered drinks. And I said, OK, I'll take a double vodka. And I had a double vodka. That was the first time I'd been drinking in a while. And I said, OK, I'll take a double vodka. And I had a double vodka. That was the first time I'd been drinking in a while. And I drove home.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I mean, I had Rob drive me home and actually slept here at the office. I said, Rob, you're going to take me? Rob didn't drink. And I said, I'm going to go sleep on the couch. I'm going to explain why in a moment. So I slept here last night and then went home this morning to see my two daughters daughters still live with me.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And I'm just trying to give you a feel of this. So Bilderberg can wait. Alex slept on the couch in his fours last night. All right, okay, so Alex went out for dinner, fully intending not to drink. Having a nice tea. And like all great alcoholics, immediately went to a double hard liquor. Yeah, right
Starting point is 01:12:26 Okay, you know I don't know maybe he had one maybe had two and I have no idea But he didn't maybe drink that much maybe but he did wind up sleeping at his office, right? And we're gonna find out why ah yes, okay, because there is a reason why okay, and this story is insane Okay, and I truly don't believe it's real. Okay. But he was he was at the office. Sure. It's we saw the security guard and he was being a little bit I already don't believe any of this. Right. Get ready to not believe even more. All right. It would take two hours to
Starting point is 01:13:02 explain just what happened the last 24 hours. So I'm just just gonna give you a quick basic summation and I'm gonna explain why I'm doing this. Okay But the best way to start is to explain that We have a private security firm That's a local security firm and we've had them for six years seven years We've got cup, you know during the day when people are here, armed guards and at night some armed guards as well. They're great people, and they do a good job, and they're professional.
Starting point is 01:13:34 But I don't go around here all paranoid. I'm confident, but I pick up on things. And I've learned to follow the Holy Spirit instincts. So I noticed that a Guard I've known for about you know year a nice guy was acting kind of weird running around the office and looking at me kind of weird and And I called my lawyer and I said is something is something going on and
Starting point is 01:14:03 they said They said yeah, we didn't want to upset you. They're going to close InfoWars tonight at 9pm. And they're going to change the locks. And we learned about this yesterday, but we were trying to fix it. And we just didn't want to give you a heart attack. All right, man. If my lawyer said that, the first thing I would say back is you are fired. You are so fired. That's, well. So I'm supposed to believe this story, right?
Starting point is 01:14:29 And the security guard is told about this in advance, but the lawyer didn't wanna upset Alex, so he withheld the information from the only person who can make any decisions in the entire company. This makes sense, this definitely is real. I'm gonna throw this out there. All right, maybe I've heard somebody start a story with I wasn't going to drink,
Starting point is 01:14:51 and then immediately get into a long and very interesting story that could be explained away in a very short Occam's razor way of actually I got drunk. I would not be surprised if he got drunk. Yeah. But I don't think necessarily, with the information that I have at my disposal, I don't think that he's coming up with an elaborate story
Starting point is 01:15:13 to cover up for being drunk. Okay. I think it might be incidental. Okay. Okay. But I do have some theories about what's going on. Okay, okay. For sure.
Starting point is 01:15:22 All right. So here's the basic situation. If I want to give you a broad sketch of what Alex is saying. The chief restructuring officer in the bankruptcy is a guy named Patrick McGill. And Alex is saying that he's trying to do a hostile takeover of the business and he's using the security guards as like his personal. Right. He just watched Better Call Saul. Gotcha. Done. So they had a CRO, a chief restructuring officer, who did a bad job, kind of fucked up. They got rid of him. And then they got a new person in, which is this Patrick McGill. And Alex has some pretty severe accusations about him.
Starting point is 01:16:02 We get this new guy that says, well, if I get appointed by the court, I'll do it. And he'd done some small cases. And I had some people in Houston that knew him. And they said, well, he's never done big cases. But he's known as OK. And I'm like, OK. So they bring this guy in. And immediately, he gets rid of all the sponsors we had,
Starting point is 01:16:24 which is $12 million a year. So he just gets rid of $ the sponsors we had. Which is $12 million a year. So he just gets rid of $12 million of advertising. And I'm like, why are you doing this? Well, these advertising groups and these ad agencies, why they're not gonna get 10%. I go, hell, a lot of ad agencies get 30%. I said, they're the ones that do it. They get the sale, they bring us the people,
Starting point is 01:16:42 they manage it, that's normal. No, we're not gonna have outside groups doing that. And I said, well, that's funny. John Harmon, he's our affiliate relations director, he's with all our great radio stations, he's been here 21 years. Now it's 22, this is a year ago. And I said, he's actually managed
Starting point is 01:17:00 some of the in-house advertising. And I said, he gets 5% for that on top of the salary. He does a great job. I said, let's bring him in as the ad manager. I've got all these advertisers. Let's not get rid of this $12 million that we made the year before to bring that in and fund the operation.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Oh yeah, yeah, we'll do that, we'll do that. I'm like, well, you understand. You just killed all this other advertising. We've got one sponsor that he handles. That's the satellite phone company. And there's currently, you know, in the bank account, a couple hundred thousand dollars from that group, I wanna bring that into Free Speech.
Starting point is 01:17:32 That's something that was happening previously, that was an ad that John and I had. Something that I was paying myself that he was being paid for him. Most of it went into Free Speech Systems, but I would pay it into it. Oh, okay. So what sponsors is he talking about?
Starting point is 01:17:46 I mean, he says the satellite phone. Right, right, right. And that's all good and well, but like $12 million? His only sponsors really are his own products and the supplements that his dad sells, which they pay advertising. I was gonna say- A little bit of, it feels a little cyclical
Starting point is 01:18:05 What's going on here is if I understand correctly You're paying other businesses when you should be paying the bankruptcy. Well, here's here's here's what I think is going on here Yeah, so in October 5th, 2022 That's when Patrick McGill took over as the CRO for free speech systems. Alex is referring to Mountain Way, which was a marketing company that was founded in August 2022, just after free speech systems filed for bankruptcy. John Harmon was the person who ran Mountain Way. Oh my god. They were taking in money for ads. Sure.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And they paid Alex $157,000 for these ads, personally. Yeah. And so there was this sort of, the appearance wasn't good in terms of the arrangement that seemed to be set up to get money to Alex outside of bankruptcy. The order, generally speaking, for honest people is, um, these people are screwing me, I swear to God!
Starting point is 01:19:15 And then afterwards, you explain how you have done things the correct way, by the book. The order for liars generally goes with, I swear I did everything by the book. I swear I was a good guy. I swear I don't think I've ever done anything wrong in my life. I don't even speed anymore and I definitely don't drink except for that double vodka and then I'm not going to explain things. Anyways, these people are screwing me. Because I have that double vodka. God can't get a clear line in. Yeah, you warning me in advance that you do not deserve this consequence
Starting point is 01:19:47 kind of makes me feel like you'd have this consequence coming. Right, and this arrangement is shady. Yeah. This mountain way arrangement is shady and it raises a lot of questions. Yes, yeah, yeah. For sure, and that's the reason that it was brought up
Starting point is 01:20:03 in filing in March 2023 right and the judge is like Yeah, you got to give that money back. No I've never done anything wrong. So Alex's lawyers said I could have sworn we brought that up before I thought we brought it up. I'm sure we did Alex has taken this and now this is the way he's presenting it Yeah, the CRO got rid of all of their advertising. What a dick. It's just he's just making bad money decisions really That's why we're going out of business is because this man refuses to give money to my dad. Yeah, and he's a cretin Alex is very bad at Patrick McGill. He does that's great. His name's Pat McGill. He's the CRO guy. And he goes to the court, which has got in the news, Wall
Starting point is 01:20:55 Street Journal, Bloomberg, you name it, and says, oh, I found this money just now that they were secretly holding over here. But don't worry, I fixed it. And they've agreed to give me the money. I caught them. So I go in there with my lawyers when they were here. And we said, hey, man, they wrote notes in those meetings
Starting point is 01:21:14 four or five months ago. And we filed two months ago. You need to go public and retract that. That's a terrible thing. You have Alzheimer's? I mean, I asked him. I said, are you having memory lapses here? He said, I'm protecting you, it's fine, it's good, don't worry. And I said,
Starting point is 01:21:34 so you're not going to go retract that to the court, it's wrong. You know, I'd already filed with the court. You want me to go make a stink in front of the court? Because you just in the news said I was stealing money from my own company. And this guy is like literally could be like like like play you know the bad guys in Oliver Twist or something I mean this guy is like literally a street cretin you know slimy I mean just absolutely the most light-of-your-face person you've ever met I mean it is just unbelievable so I'm dealing with that. And then three months ago, I'm out there doing Tucker Carlson show in Florida. And I get in my email, a secret filing. He followed with the court.
Starting point is 01:22:18 He didn't even know that the judge would give it to me. And I had the filing, I have it all. And he says, uh, Alex Jones is incompetent and Alex Jones took this money and I caught him as I told you and I need to take full control of the company and I need to be able to basically fire him and you know all this other stuff And the judge immediately gives that to me and it's since escorted McGill in court repeatedly And I Didn't talk to him after that. Talked to him one time after that with my counsel just a few weeks ago. And he stayed away except when I'm on air. He comes here about once a week. Every two weeks. He's here for one day. Talk to your chief restructuring officer in a
Starting point is 01:23:01 couple of weeks. This doesn't sound, it sounds bleak. I don't know if they're getting along well. No, it doesn't seem like it. I, I know, I, listen, I feel like at this point they should have a more collegial relationship, you know? Like, I'm gonna try and get, like, there should be a bit of a smirk, you know? Yeah, you caught me.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I'm gonna try and get away with something next. What do you think is going on? We're on five, six years of this shit? Of course I'm gonna try something next. We'll give it a little smile. There should be like a music sting whenever you get caught. Totally, hey, you caught me.
Starting point is 01:23:34 All right, I'll get you. You know what's crazy? The ones you haven't caught yet. That's why you should be laughing. It should be funny. Yeah, yeah. And I can see a world where somebody who is in the position of a restructuring officer would be like, I'm trying to help you by bringing
Starting point is 01:23:54 this arrangement into light before it's something that you will probably go to jail for. Yeah. There was no hope for anyone. If you wanted somebody to do the job, it would have to be like me, because there's no way for a good-hearted, good-intentioned person to come in here and not get their ass blown away. Quick pump on the brakes. I don't know anything about Patrick McGill. I understand.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Some of the accusations that Alex makes could entirely be true. Hilarious if so. I don't know. Hilarious. I don't know anything about this guy. I would like a malevolent monster. Like the idea that he said that Alex is incompetent in a court filing.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Makes sense to me. I don't know. Maybe he did. I mean that's an accurate statement though. It would be a good way to try and protect Alex. Yeah. And the company. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:24:38 He literally cannot be classified as a person capable of making decisions. He can't have committed crimes with mens rea because he doesn't know what he's doing. He is incapable of knowing the thing he's doing. Right, right. Yeah, yeah. So the issue has come to a head,
Starting point is 01:24:53 if I understand Alex correctly, because there is a bankruptcy hearing that is coming up. Yes. And there is a decent chance that there will not be a settlement reached and it'll be kicked out of bankruptcy court and at that point, it will likely either go to state or federal court
Starting point is 01:25:11 and as it goes to state court, there's a good chance that Judge Gamble is going to liquidate Alex's company but if he keeps it in federal court, he thinks he has a more preferable chance of having a wind down and being able to make money and maybe keep the company and that kind of shit. So Alex's dad owns PQPR, which is the company that sells Alex supplements,
Starting point is 01:25:36 and Alex owed 50 million dollars or some shit. Sure, sure, sure. Yeah. So he has lawyers himself, and on behalf of PQPR of course they Filed a motion to try and keep this in federal court of course if it comes out of the bankruptcy court Because that way they would get a better shot at getting money is what they believe yes, and so the CRO Said no the CRO is like no we is like, no, we're not gonna make this filing.
Starting point is 01:26:08 That should be how it works, right? Right, so now he, in retaliation, is trying to padlock the doors at Hidfor Wars. And so there's this thing coming up on the 14th of June in Houston, the federal courthouse, I'll be there. And we're like, okay, well, we'll see what happens there. You know, if we can keep it in the federal court so we can ask for it back in there
Starting point is 01:26:28 and then we can do some negotiations. There's other creditors, not just, you know, the creditors from the judgments, we're still appealing all that. And those creditors are saying they want to keep it in federal court. So- Your dad.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Last week, PQPR, that's my dad's company that I have nothing to do with. And by the way, I mean, I really don't want to say this, it's a supplement's company that I have nothing to do with. We never eat dinner together. That's coincidence says well, I only learned this last night. I was like, what the hell's going on? They put a filing in saying, Hey, we need to get it teed up, but only free speech system CRO can do it. To say we want to keep this in federal court when you kick it out. We want to put it back because we don't want to go into the state courts and
Starting point is 01:27:09 They say nope says we're not doing that and don't by the way don't don't have that hearing or I will padlock the doors with the private security company that I hired six seven years ago and We'll shut it down because I can't have my cash collateral challenge to have any expenses going on even though the shopping carts working with the warehouse in Denver is going everything's purring along fine. And I went oh but you can have security here while we're all kicked out of the building they can be paid. He goes yes that's essential. So it puts the company into cardiac arrest.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Turns the show off the radio stations will all kill it. Turning one of these off is like turning a nuclear reactor off. There's a way you've got to do it. Or you screw a bunch of people. How is that fiduciary to just, boom, and to turn the whole thing off and turn the revenue off and all this, all because he's about to be removed on the 14th and I'm about to be back in control of my company in the interim for the new assault.
Starting point is 01:28:11 And so because he's not going to get paid $50,000 a month to sit around and do nothing, in my opinion, he's going to then shut it down. So you understand the broad sort of outline of the conspiracy. Is he getting paid $50,000 a month? The CRO? Yeah. Yes. All right. I believe so.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Well, I believe that's about right. Fuck McGill too. Fuck him. Yeah, I have no interest in defending him. I have no idea what he's up to or anything. But I also don't believe the things that Alex is saying. No, I don't believe those either. No. No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:28:45 But do you understand the general shape of this? Yeah, he is going to be removed as the CRO because it'll be out of the bankruptcy system and such. And he doesn't want that to happen because then it loses cash cow. Yeah. And so he's trying to shut down Infowars as a power grab or something along those lines. It's very weird, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't work. It does, all of this brings me to this place where I laugh at the idea of Game of Thrones
Starting point is 01:29:20 because finally I truly agree that Trial by Combat makes way more sense than any of this bullshit. Everybody go home, fight to the death, and then we move on. Maybe Alex wins, maybe he loses, but we move on with our fucking lives. I thought you were gonna say that all of this brings you to the point where you want a double vodka and a couch.
Starting point is 01:29:39 No, I wanna fight and just be done. Just be done with it. Don't tell me it's going to a different court. Fuck you. Fuck you fine. How dare you fine? so We we have a situation here. Yeah where Alex You know, he saw this weird security guard yesterday Yeah, that would be on Friday after his show right right the security guard that was Ostensibly
Starting point is 01:30:08 Secretly hired by the CRO to put locks on the door So he couldn't get in there the CRO believes himself to be in charge of these security forces right not hired by them They had already pre-existed at right right for wars and such yes But yeah, also God told Alex they were gonna shut him down well. It would have to be yeah so So let me go back to about four o'clock every day. I've known this, you know, guard's been here about a year, nice guy, don't talk to him much, friendly fellow, walks out to my car, comes out when I get there,
Starting point is 01:30:35 you know, does a great job, and he's acting kinda like this, and like, and man, my instincts are, they're good, I've learned to always follow him. And God goes, okay, they're shutting infowars down today. You're not been told about this. So I bluff them and I go, hey, why are extra guards coming in tonight? He goes, well, how do you know that? No, no, I mean, I heard about it. I mean, I heard about how they're going to lock the doors and change locks tonight. He goes, yeah, man, I just feel terrible. I go, that's
Starting point is 01:31:03 all right. This is a Jedi level stuff, man. This is what God's told me like you go with it when I tell you something you go with it. I literally saw it and went, okay they're shutting us down tonight. So I call up my people and they go, listen we don't have a heart attack. I told you earlier we're trying to fix it right now but we've got to try to keep it in you know federal court and stuff and and he's not saying he's going to do that and this is all crazy. And I go let me guess, you know he's claiming there's no funds to run this even though there are and they go yeah what have you talked to somebody? I go no I just see how this goes. So Alex bluffed the guard before calling the lawyers. That wasn't an element of the story the first time around when he was telling it. He just saw
Starting point is 01:31:44 the guard acting weird And then called the lawyers and then they told him right now He had information going into the call with the lawyers because God told him and then he Jedi tricked the That's about it. I would always give myself Jedi powers if it was available you're adding magic Yeah, story refined it's becoming more interesting. And I appreciate that too. For real. Otherwise again, we're stuck with just lawyers
Starting point is 01:32:08 having conversations. Right. And we're stuck with Alex possibly saying things that are gonna get him sued by Patrick McGill. I mean somebody. Because this kind of stuff, he's accusing him of crimes. Yeah. Quite literally.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Absolutely. So the only way I know how to explain this is just to explain it. So I go hey guess what it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I said you guys have got 2 hours to tell me you're not locking the doors here. I'm going on air right now and I guess you think the security will file your order sure haven't dragged me out all call
Starting point is 01:32:42 the police because on record. I am still the owner under law with this type of corporation. And when McGill tried to take this place over a few months ago, the judge said, you can't do that under law. And at the other bankruptcy hearing in Fort Worth in the mediation, the judge told their lawyers and all of them that as well. He is not the managing member. He is not. He is the manager for the court of the operation reports back.
Starting point is 01:33:05 He's not that person. So I said, you can't even do this. You've got to get a judge's order. So they say, we don't care. We're ordering them to lock this thing. I say, fine, you got two hours. I'm going on air. I mean, you're gonna throw me that briar patch.
Starting point is 01:33:20 You did it. Okay. An hour later calls up. Okay, well, you can pay $15,000, which I don't even, you know, out of my bankruptcy, you can pay whatever. You can pay to keep it running three days. That's the cost of it. It's really like eight, nine grand for the crew
Starting point is 01:33:37 and all the stuff. And then I go, OK, the call get made. Actually, no, you're in bankruptcy. They don't want your money. They want your dad, who's basically out of money himself. They want $15,000. My dad says, absolutely. We don't wanna close that place.
Starting point is 01:33:51 My dad's got a debt on here, a stake on it. Whatever happens, he's, of course we'll do that. McGill calls backups to his lawyers and says, you know what, it's 25,000 now, and you better send me an email by 735 730 or you get or I'm shutting it down So it's all like weird, you know thug gangster stuff. My dad goes sure but does that mean it's gonna go up again? So they didn't want me to go on air that's the only reason they didn't lock this place they thought they were gonna sneak attack it and I'd come here and it'd be locked up. And I think me talking about
Starting point is 01:34:31 this, they may do it tomorrow. And it's fine. I'm coming here with the police. I'm calling the police. Oh man. So this is, okay. So if you try and keep this in your head in terms of like the flow, show ends with Eddie Bravo talking about Flat Earth and what have you. Four o'clock he bluffs the security guard and calls the lawyers or calls the lawyers after seeing a security guard. Right. Unclear exactly, but that's at about four.
Starting point is 01:34:58 He threatens to go on air and is extorted for money by the CRO about 730 love that yeah, okay? Alright, so this is this is quite a night. Yeah, yeah I mean I Fuck Alex That's how you have to talk to these assholes to get anything. They tried lawyers, they tried being polite, they tried being impolite through lawyer shit. Fuck you. Pay me. Here's what's money or you die.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Here's that. Here's what's fascinating about this. Yeah. A great deal of the time on this episode, on this stream is spent with Alex talking about how he's been too nice and everybody's gaslighting him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that sounds right. So he has a sort of entirely different view of things. I would imagine so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Somehow narcissists seem to find themselves being the victim. Yeah, and man, I think if I were Patrick McGill, one, I'd be afraid for my life. Sure. The way that Alex is targeting him, he's putting his picture up on screen, he's calling him a cretin. He's using him of extortion
Starting point is 01:36:06 Basically, yeah for keeping the show on air. Yeah, like Alex is really Like I would be very uncomfortable if I were him number one number two. I would be immediately Filing something sure I would be I I would Alex would be in trouble Yeah, because you can't you can't like say something like this about someone's reputation. I mean I would personally feel like I was stealing money from the families because I was taking $50,000 a month for a job I was only showing up for a couple of days. I would feel like that. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Hold on. But that may be just me. Hold on. Because I'm not a lawyer person who doesn't give a fuck Yeah, apology the only coming in a few days or whatever. That's Alex's perspective. Yeah, what kind of work? He's actually do I'm gonna be ungenerous. Okay, that's fine. Yeah, I'll allow it because he is well What would you like to learn a little bit about Patrick McGill's politics? I think I would okay. I imagined so I was told By the people on the other side of the building because this is the broadcast part the other side over there is like You know accounting and their customer service and the janitor, you know in house, you know stuff like that
Starting point is 01:37:15 They're like man. Do you know McGill is like a super hardcore woke leftist and I'm like no cuz you know I like your politics. I agree with you and I'm Whoa, it's really creepy. He come and sit down next to you and, I really love you. You're such a great person. My family really loves you. Behind the scenes, he's like, that Jones needs to, he's going to get people killed. He needs to be in jail telling people not to take shots.
Starting point is 01:37:36 This is after all this has come out. So he's up here two weeks ago. He goes in John Harmon's office. He comes in the control room while I'm on air and goes, and I had vaccine people on, he goes, he goes, he's gonna get people killed. The vaccine's wonderful. This is, this place is a disgrace.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Yes, he's a woke leftist who likes vaccines. I mean, I don't know if you need to be a woke leftist. I think you need to listen to a show for about an hour and then you'll be like, this man needs to be stopped. I think being a fairly normal person, you would be shocked by watching a bit of the show. Being a regular ass guy. Yeah, like this is fucking irresponsible.
Starting point is 01:38:13 This is crazy, how is this legal? So Alex slept at the studio last night on the couch. Cause the locks might have been changed and he wasn't gonna let them do that. And guess what? It's gonna continue yeah that's what's happening oh shit and and so are you sleeping at home yes I mean this could be the last show I ever do I slept here last night and I'm gonna sleep here tonight and I'm gonna sleep here the next night because I'm going I'm not
Starting point is 01:38:40 mad the guys they're nice they want to follow their their orders without a court order that I'm gonna I'm gonna sit there the guys, they're nice, but they wanna follow their orders without a court order. I'm gonna sit there and call the police. And we're gonna have a good old fashioned airing of this in the public, all of it. So yeah, Alex is going to stay here and he's gonna broadcast his downfall. This is exactly what you would kind of expect is gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Yeah. We'll see if it does. But it's not a healthy plot. It's bunker thoughts. Yeah, it is bunker thoughts. But you know, this this is like, this is like something where I wish I could be the type of person who could live in a tree like a giant tree that is gonna get cut down, you know, it's an old ass tree. I wish I was the type of person who could live in the tree and then like just broadcast 24 hours
Starting point is 01:39:29 of just absolute lunacy as I lose my mind in the tree. Yeah, various tree things. Yeah, that's saving a tree. Those are tree thoughts, right? This is bunker thoughts. These are bad thoughts. It is. And it's a little bit reminiscent of a lot of stuff in his world that is scary.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Things like standoffs. Things like Bill Cooper's end. You know, there's a lot of stuff that's like, well, there's a tradition in your community of stuff like this that goes bad. And you've got a lot of guns in the office. He does. He has that Barrett 50 cal. I was going to say, does he has that Barrett
Starting point is 01:40:07 Does have the Barrett? Man what a day that would be so I was a little bit worried Uh-huh at this point sure cuz I'm listening to his show I you know we expect maybe you're gonna hear something about Bilderberg and instead the CRO tried to change the locks last night slept here fucking plot of airheads last night and slept here. It's the fucking plot of Airheads. Alex needs his mixtape played, his demo. Brendan Fraser's right there. So McGill called Alex drunk at some point.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Sorry, what now? According to Alex. All right, I'm listening. And this was after he made the filing in court that said that Alex was incompetent and all this shit. And so Alex recorded him. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:48 And he calls up drunk, and I don't have a recording app, but we had other phones, so I put it on speaker, and he's drunk, and we recorded it. And I say, Pat, why did you file that thing again saying that we're hiding money and that I'm incompetent? Says, I'm incompetent. And I'm a bad person to the court. And why do you think the judge wouldn't give me?
Starting point is 01:41:10 He goes, Alex, I give you my word. That's fake. I filed nothing. And he says it over and over again. I swear to you, that's not real. Your lawyers are lying to you. You'll hear the tape, I'm sure. Hell, you want to hear it right now? Maybe we'll have to ask one.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Yeah, you know what? Let's just air it. Let's air it for you. Do Maybe we'll have to ask one. Yes. Yes. You know what? Let's just air it for you. Yes. Do it. We're airing it. That's probably illegal.
Starting point is 01:41:31 So I'm not taking this stuff lying down. I think it's a one-party consent situation. Okay. Okay. So I think it might not be illegal. Okay. And I will say that this is a tease that is, he follows through. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:41 He does play the tape. Oh shit. Yeah. Now, whether it lives up to exactly what he's saying, debatable. Yeah. It seems like they have quite a bit of a disagreement about what this filing may or may not have said.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Right, right, right. So instead of saying, I didn't file that, he's saying, you're saying that I filed something. And I would never file what your dad is describing to you. Right, right, right. I wouldn't do that. What I filed was. And I would never file like what your dad is describing to you. Right, right, right. I wouldn't do that. What I filed was a professional document. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:42:10 It seems like through what you can glean from context clues. Yeah. McGill has heard that Alex's dad thinks that he filed saying that Alex is an alcoholic and he's saying I didn't do that. Right. That seems to be't do that. Right. That seems to be the sticking point.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Sure. But we will end up hearing a bit of this tape. Okay. In a little bit. All right, I wanna, they should have a sitcom or a reality show during this part. Definitely, definitely. So I started to get a little concerned
Starting point is 01:42:39 because I was pointing out to you how the timeline fits of Friday evening. Right. And I started to just have some doubts. Oh yeah? Alright, thank you for joining us. It's 1223 Central Standard Time. 156 days out from the most important election in world history. Info Awards is still up.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Band Out video is still up. But I learned yesterday at about 4 o'clock that they were going to lock up the building, kick all the crew out and take over the company outside of even a court ruling. So this just doesn't, I'm not, it's not sitting right. Because Alex is supposed to have learned whether it's through tricking the security guard or calling his lawyer or God telling him right at four o'clock that things were going to be shut down, right? He threatens
Starting point is 01:43:27 to go on air and then 730. There's like this extortion conversation with the CRO. Then I'm supposed to believe he goes to dinner with Mario Nepal and has a double vodka and then comes and crashes on the couch. Like he would have stayed at info wars if all this stuff was true. Why would he go at the very time when they were supposed to be putting the locks on the doors? That is a good point.
Starting point is 01:43:51 This makes no sense. Well, what especially makes no sense is starting with the iced tea. You might as well just dispense with that. If you've got this news, you're going for the double vodka. And I couldn't blame you. No, never, not once. I think a more likely scenario
Starting point is 01:44:04 is that all of this is bullshit Yeah, and then Alex is running out of money And he can't run the show anymore. I think that there's a decent chance of the CRO is like there is no money That we can allot for this stuff right and the CRO isn't playing his games I think that's probably what's going on right shits getting down to the wire So Alex got drunk and slept at the studio the previous night, and now this is a way that he can dramatize the entire thing. Running out of money, let's have our last stand
Starting point is 01:44:31 or something like that on air. I'm not sure, I fully believe the idea that they were going to put padlocks on the doors or anything like that, but I do believe that underneath this, there is a, your money might be running out. I think that's believable. There is absolutely no way a chief restructuring officer
Starting point is 01:44:49 of any salt can look at Alex's business and not be like, you know your overhead on this studio is absurd. It's ridiculous. For what you do. What are you paying Owen? You could just, just downside, it's you, man. Just do, I guess, a fucking podcast, idiot. Right?
Starting point is 01:45:04 Yeah. So there's, actually Alex gets a fucking podcast, idiot. Yeah. So there's, actually Alex gets into that a little bit. Sure. Not the podcast aspect, but that like, he's trying to cast Patrick McGill in a bad light. Yeah. And so he's like, you know, someone has to do this. Can you imagine who would accept that job,
Starting point is 01:45:20 being a CRO for Infowars? Oh my God. Like, yeah, no, probably tough. He's like, the bottom of the barrel, who I had to choose from. Tough, yeah, I believe that. I do believe that. Okay, buddy. Yep.
Starting point is 01:45:30 So, Alex, he's not gonna get violent if people come to the studio. And it's totally legal for him to play this video. Okay. This audio of the phone call. And Florida's legal, Texas is legal, we're both one party consent states, they'll try to say something, I don't care. This is all going out, this is here, and if they try to do anything, I'll go on Tucker
Starting point is 01:45:51 Carlson next week. He's ready, by the way, I'll just say that. So you ain't stopping shit, okay? I'll be in Florida on Tucker Carlson next week. I'll be on Patrick Medd-David, I'll be on Joe Rogan, I'll be on every, so see, you ain't stopping shit, but let's just get that straight buster. You think you're gonna fuck me over and try to put me in fucking prison
Starting point is 01:46:10 and foul lies about me and too lazy to check I'd followed with the court? Obvious who he's working with. The Clintons? Woo! You made a big miscalculation, buddy boy. So I'm sure, cause I'm getting the phones ringing off the hook here,
Starting point is 01:46:29 they're gonna give orders tonight to shut this son of a bitch down. I'm not gonna get violent, not gonna be mean. I'm just gonna be here and I'm gonna call the police. I'm gonna tell the police, where's the order? Where's the, you ever seen somebody take a company with a, without a judge's order? You ever seen that?
Starting point is 01:46:43 We got armed guys in uniforms here that work for me, and this guy says he's their boss and kicked me out of the building. And that's fine, we're not gonna resist. If the cops say go, I'ma go. But I'm gonna be taking my stuff out of this building. Fine. You understand they are working for whomever pays them.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Yes. They are not Alex's. Well, I think that Alex is pretty accustomed to viewing his security guards as kind of like his squad. Soldier outfit, yeah. Yeah, I can see that. I don't know, man. I, at this point, just the experience of listening to this,
Starting point is 01:47:17 I was definitely of the mind that Alex is never gonna play this. Right. I thought like this is a great bluff, and then when he did play it, I was quite surprised. Yeah, I would be too. Yes, because it's quite long. I would I would not be surprised at that. But then Alex makes another claim. Okay, evidence that he's gonna bring out.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Right. He was so drunk, he couldn't control his phone when he called me. And this is God that did this. Made him drunk? By the way, there's more. Oh, do you think I might have hit record when he came in my office that time? He said, I've just decided to air that too. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah. You think I'm going to take it. You think you can slide me like a fricking snake in the
Starting point is 01:48:09 jungle book. What's his name? Ka? It's like sleepy. No, I'm your friend. Mowgli. No, you're not. Bullshit. Now my friend. That's that's how that's what you know if Mowgli had a friend like you said instead of that blue ass, that's the way you do it. Oh man. So we've got a recorded phone conversation where he's drunk and now we have a recording
Starting point is 01:48:33 of him trying to elicit Alex to do a crime in the office. I, I, I just don't get why everybody's making their cuz to me To me like Alex has been given something of a gift, which is just total freedom He's gonna lose there's no way for him to win Fucking go I think that there is no way for him not to win Now there's definitely that they can't take his dad's supplement company or whatever and that's like, if he just starts a podcast, he can have his dad be the sponsor for it.
Starting point is 01:49:09 So like, I don't know. I think that- Yeah, Trial by Combat does make way more sense, doesn't it? So we get to this McGill phone call. Sure. And yeah, I... I give you,
Starting point is 01:49:29 and you know, it's a sealed federal document. People wonder they challenge me I'll just publish it that right here on my phone Do it you want to you want to read the document where I'm a criminal and I'm out of control and I'm bad And I'm terrible and you know, this place will be shut down and one for him. I can't get money in here he just killed the advertising and killed the product sales and killed what's going on the road and fired a bunch of people and seduced the security head He just killed the advertising and killed the product sales and killed what's going on the road and fired a bunch of people and seduced the security head What Metaphorically while they all sit around in some big legendary operation and pretend they built this You dumb bastards
Starting point is 01:50:02 You miscalculated it'll only make us bigger We'll come back even stronger. So we don't go out with a whimper. We go out with a bang. Call me Captain Ahab. That's not that line. Call me Ishmael. There you go. Call me Moby Dick.
Starting point is 01:50:19 Call me whatever you want. So here is Pat McGill, the so-called CRO, who's never even here and does absolutely nothing and did a whole bunch of other horrible stuff. I haven't told you about that he kept from the court. We'll be telling you about millions of dollars. Not here. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you see, I'm not even bringing out the strongest stuff. And this is devastating, devastating. Here it is. Ladies and gentlemen for the world to hear telling me He didn't file this secret filing a day before that I got the next day because the judge gave it to me that he never Thought I would get telling me he didn't file it listen to the gas lighter of gas lighters Patrick McGill
Starting point is 01:51:00 So This is weird because Alex isn't like the document that is beneath this is Not it's a secret filing whether it's not releasing But he's releasing him confronting his CRO about the filing right so it's very it's difficult to to sort of parse out Exactly where it's in exact yeah. Yeah. Yeah, luckily. I don't care. That's a good point I think it's fucking hilarious that Alex is Taking to his show for hours. Yep on Saturday to Get into a war. It's very funny. It's very funny. It is
Starting point is 01:51:38 Demonstrably funny. There's just no other way around it. It's not that interesting. No But it is funny. Oh my god. It's not what you'd expect. Secret recordings of the CRO. All right. I mean, I would find it difficult if if there was an opportunity. If I'm if I'm going through all of Infowars finances, I'm sure there's a breaking point where eventually you're like, if I took a million dollars, they wouldn't even know. They wouldn't know. They couldn't find it. I can't find it. Yeah, you might, you might.
Starting point is 01:52:09 So if I'm McGill, I'm not thinking about stealing from Alex. But I am thinking I should be careful. When Alex sounds like he's on his show, he might be recording me. That's a good point. So I would have my red flags up all over the place on this call. Yeah. Well, anyways, so I know you love me very sweet, but obviously that filing hurt my dad's
Starting point is 01:52:34 feelings and some other people, you know, where I'm incompetent and stuff like that. Okay, so let's talk about that. That did not happen. Well, I mean, what did happen? I never, and I called your dad and he wouldn't take my call. That, I would never do that. That did not happen. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:52:52 So, so what happened? I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that.
Starting point is 01:53:00 I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. I would never do that. That did not happen. Okay, good. So what happened? I have no idea. This guy's drunk.
Starting point is 01:53:14 That's a quick pronouncement. I feel pretty confident in knowing when or when not people are drunk and I don't think I have enough information yet. I don't either. I mean, he could just be the way he talks. I don't have a baseline for him necessarily. I imagine you wanna repeat things slowly to Alex. Also, keep this in mind for Alex's voice a little bit later in the show.
Starting point is 01:53:35 He might have some more ice tea. Drunk. So, Alex is confronting McGill about this. Yeah. And he reads from this filing. Yeah. And this is where this kind of difference of perspective seems to be around whether or not McGill
Starting point is 01:53:54 called him an alcoholic. Right, okay. That seems to be the confusion. Okay. I never said what your dad said I said. And that document does not say what your dad said I said. And that document does not say what your dad said. It said I would never do that. I would never.
Starting point is 01:54:12 No, I understand. Listen, I got thick skin. I have very thick skin. I know that, Alex, but I would never do that. I'm just telling you I would never do that. That's not me. That's not you. Sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:54:24 Well, listen, I believe you, Pat. Let me just read you this. This is item one, page one. FSSS employees, approximately 50 personnel, and has the potential to generate very real significant value for the creditors. Point two. Unfortunately, the principal, Alex Jones, can be unreliable and is unable to competently manage the affairs of SSS. It goes on from there, but unable to competently manage means incompetent.
Starting point is 01:54:52 So, look, I understand that I declared bankruptcy. I thought that was some legalese term, meaning I needed help. So I don't even take that as an insult. They all got upset about it. Is that the document or is there a different one? No, they talk about you being an alcoholic That's what your dad was saying that there was some Something that said you were not calling and you were not reliable and I said I never said that okay Well, I think they were read between the lines. What is the black? I think your dad was reading it. I've not seen what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:55:25 Yeah, well. Please send that to me. Sure, sure. Well, then let's move on from the alcoholic thing. I don't think that's in the document. I didn't see that. But what about the unreliable, unable to comprehend? I've never seen that.
Starting point is 01:55:37 I have never seen that in... Hit pause. Hit pause. Back it up 20 seconds. He's now testified in court. He did it. It's real. They did it. We have it. It's been on national news They put it the news and I'm incompetent all this was in Bloomberg. All right
Starting point is 01:55:48 I mean, this is quite a battle between these two, right? I don't know if McGill is saying entirely that like a Filing that said that Alex can't run his business. Well, yeah Like it didn't happen. Yeah. He seems to have had a conversation or maybe heard from Alex's dad. Right. Because he does say that Alex's dad
Starting point is 01:56:11 won't answer his calls now. Well. So maybe Alex's dad left him a mean message about how you called my son an alcoholic. Sure. Or something like that. And that seems to be what he thinks Alex is mad about. Right.
Starting point is 01:56:22 And they're just talking past each other a little bit. Right, right, right. I mean each other a little bit. Right. I mean, it's a moot point. Like, Alex, the idea now is not that your business makes money for you. It now makes money for other people. So it cannot be run to your desires. It should be run to theirs.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Do you understand? So you can't be trusted to competently manage FSS. Also, you probably couldn't to begin with yeah, absolutely Done, yeah, I don't care if you're competent or not Yeah, so Alex has paused it and he starts swearing about McGill good for him, right? This is what I would describe as the first outburst. Okay Where there's a lot of language, there's a lot of language The first impact.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Yeah. But these people, in my opinion, are crooks. They think everybody else is a crook. Dude, I ain't a crook, man. My family found it in Texas. They died in major battles. My family came over with a Mayflower bitch. My family invented the stock exchange. My family owned railroads, bitch. You come from scum not me I'm not putting little people down, but my family's kick-ass man But which is everybody about me people work with us for hundreds of years cuz we're the real deal You got that and I won't sit there and have scumbags like you sit there claim
Starting point is 01:57:37 I'm a goddamn criminal cuz I'm the fucking opposite you motherfucker Not good swearing you want a fucking political war? You got one. And just pull one more fucking thing you'll see. I'll fucking release the other video. In fact, I don't make threats. I'm playing the motherfucker. Let me dig it out. Okay. All right. So you got to get some. It is it's already too much swearing. Yeah. It's not good swearing. And I don't I. And I don't feel great saying that as someone who swears a bit. I swear, nigh constantly.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Right. That's bad swearing. It's a little clunky. So Alex goes back to the recording of this call that he had with Miguel. And there's another thing that's going through it that seems to be that Miguelill had been in a fight with one of Alex's old lawyers, Ray Bataglia.
Starting point is 01:58:29 And then Ray Bataglia quit and now won't talk to Alex anymore. And Alex believes that it's because he's afraid of the illegality that the CRO is doing. Right! That makes sense. And he won't be involved with anything like this. As opposed to no longer legally or professionally having to and thus choosing not to Right or or being like I discovered something about the way Alex runs his business, and I can't be associated with that Yeah, I'm not entirely sure sure there's clearly a lot of
Starting point is 01:58:59 Backstory to this phone call that sure we're not privy to And one piece of information that you're not privy to is that Rob Do is sitting in the car with Alex while they're recording this. So here's a little bit of that. Of course he is. All right, thanks Pat. Hey, hey, look, don't knock him. Danny, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:59:16 I'm gonna drive, I'm gonna drive, thank you. All right, buddy. All right. What the fuck was that? Hold on, let's just stop. Don't stop, let's get this on record. I'm not trying to be mean here. Yeah, no, no, no. This is very dangerous.
Starting point is 01:59:27 He's had a psychotic break. The date is, what is it? It's March. Today's March 6. March 6. 2024. 2024. And we were forced to record this because we told him
Starting point is 01:59:38 in multiple lawyer meetings when he first came in about Mountain Way and a few sponsors, and we wanted to bring the sponsors on, we wanted to transfer the money to him. He said, great, I'll tell you when to do it, then told the court that we had hidden the money as a power play. He has re-put that in the new document that he filed today, or I guess it was yesterday, the 7th, the 5th, and now he is saying he did not follow this document that he clearly filed. This is an unedited tape This has been done under duress Prude everybody and I'm being accused of crimes. I've been committed. All right Pat McGill is I
Starting point is 02:00:16 Believe mentally ill. All right and recording. Okay and recording. Yeah fucking Starfleet command Fucking Starfleet Command. So that to me kind of feels like narrative building. Maybe trying to create a piece of evidence that you can later use. Because Alex knows he's performing. And you can tell that in his conversation with McGill. So I don't know. I don't find this to be a super compelling piece of evidence for the context that Alex is giving. Although I do love Rob Do being like, what the fuck is that? Yeah. I think one of Alex's great underrated skills is the ability to prime. Like any time
Starting point is 02:00:55 he is listening or seeing or presenting anything, he is already framing and priming the audience for how they should. Like first sense- That's what so much of the false flag stuff is. It is just, yeah. False flags are coming, it's priming for when anything happens, he can use it for his own purposes. This is an essential skill, I think, if you're going to be in this field.
Starting point is 02:01:17 Yeah. And it's something that, yeah, Alex, it's just muscle memory for him, essentially. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's easier to make people see stuff if they already want to see it or are already predisposed to see what you show them. In another lifetime, Alex could have been a wonderful storyteller.
Starting point is 02:01:32 A gifted... If he hadn't made a deal with the devil over some fucking steak, then maybe we'd be fine. I think all of the best storytellers in the world have made deals with the devil. Have begun with a deal with the devil. Fair enough. So Alex now that he's played this call, best storytellers in the world have made deals with the devil. Began with a deal with the devil. Yeah. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:01:46 So Alex now that he's played this call, he's back on the fucking offense, man. Yeah. And he's excited. That is what crazy people think. Listening to that tape goes, I think he's crazy. I think he's mentally ill. This guy is out of control. He's drunk.
Starting point is 02:02:02 So Alex is back on the offense. Take no prisoners. This is war. Motherfuckers. God, it feels so Alex is back on the offense. Take no prisoners. This is war motherfuckers. God, it feels so good to be on the offensive house. Look out in my peaceful loving way. You're like Grendel marching into the keep in Norway thinking he's the boss. But somebody's that what Grendel was thinking. Turn loose.
Starting point is 02:02:24 That's right. But somebody's got hold of your arm and they're gonna turn loose. That's right. I've got you. You don't have me. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me. Sure. Figured it out?
Starting point is 02:02:40 Oh, you didn't figure it out. You think the New World Order tried to offer me hundreds of millions of dollars to serve them because they thought I was just one more of the **** **** I'm not a **** **** like you. I'm not a sell out. I'm 14 humanity. You declare war on me. I will take the challenge and you will get what you're looking for. Guaranteed. four. Guaranteed. I got some closing comments. I want to make closing comments. I feel like just play a report, play promo. I'm going to take a piss. I'm going to close this out
Starting point is 02:03:18 and uh, and for the dumbasses that think that they padlocked this building tonight, these stuff doesn't come out. It'll make the stuff we release 50 times bigger, you dumb assholes. So they're trying to stop Alex from putting out this stuff that he's already put out. Yeah. He just played the audio. I mean, yeah. So their incentive to lock him down for that no longer makes sense. Yeah, they might as well let it go.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Yeah, but he's got some closing thoughts But he wants to gather himself go take a piss, you know, so play play a special report We'll come back come back and wind this thing down. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Oh boy Closing comments on parting is such sweet sorrow. Mmm. I think he literally says that It's a little poetic of Of course. So pray for us and pray for the crew because I'm out of funds. I'll try to figure something out and try to reconstitute something else. Hopefully they back off and go away and they remove this guy
Starting point is 02:04:12 and we can you know move forward but that's where we are and you know parting is such sweet sorrow out out brief candle life comes life goes things are born are born, they grow, they come to fruition, they get old, they die. In a way, giving life. So I can do a tour of the place and talk about memories, I could talk about all the amazing things we've done together and the whole history of it, but that will be celebrated through the destruction of M4s, which I'm not happy for, I've stayed the course, I don't want
Starting point is 02:04:40 that to happen, but I will make plenty of lemonade out of lemons. And I will not be gas lit and I will not sit here and I will not lay down, but it is critical if you want to support us to support my one sponsor that's separate from this operation, This is one of the big messages of the entire stream, which is stop buying from me, go to my dad. Go to my dad. Go to my dad. The fucking idea, the fucking goal to say the one advertiser I'm not associated with
Starting point is 02:05:13 has my literal fucking name in it. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Great. You raised me. Jesus Christ. How, that's.
Starting point is 02:05:21 Totally unrelated company. I mean, that's, okay. Here's the problem. There's a lot of problems here, but one the language of Alex Cannot be used in our current legal system You can't be like I'll fight you to the fucking end with another motion to try and keep it in federal court fuck No, don't get the fuck out of here. I will murder you politically with ocean shut up get out of here, right? second just I will murder you politically with emotions. Shut up, get out of here. Right. And second, just the idea of somebody being like listening to this and going, well, I better buy it from his dad to keep him in business. It's important.
Starting point is 02:05:55 Insane. Well, I think maybe there are some people who have that perspective. Maybe. Maybe not. So we sign off here, this last clip. Alex signs off on what could be his last broadcast. Okay It's such an amazing thing. So this is probably my last broadcast here. I think they'll probably shut us down tonight There'll probably be police here everything else. That's okay
Starting point is 02:06:13 um I'll be here and i'll give the address out at the time for peaceful people to come and just document what's happening And I and that's where we are. This is history. We knew they were coming We knew the imperial troops were near the base. Another cheesy Star Wars analogy. And we're here. So it's parting in such sweet sorrow. It's hard to sign off. Maybe we're here tomorrow. Maybe we're here the next day. Probably not.
Starting point is 02:06:35 So from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for all you've done and all your prayers and all your support. It's been amazing. And this shows a ratcheting up of the attack. We'll try to shut down the next thing we do. This is just part of it. But they can't silence all of us. And I want you to realize how important you are and how amazing you are, black, white, old, young, male, female, you name it. You're just amazing people
Starting point is 02:06:54 and it's been a great journey together. We've changed the world together and all glory goes to God. So for myself and the whole crew and my family, you are the M4's family. Thank you so much and have a good evening. Please take action now in a peaceful way. Thank you. That would have been a sweet. That's not terrible I was pretty good. I was gonna say there's absolutely no fucking way. This is the closing clip
Starting point is 02:07:13 There's no fucking way. This is the closing clip you asshole. How dare you like 30 more clothes? I can't believe it. We're doing a nine-hour episode again So look, yeah, that would have been great sure I mean the show sucked sure he's just complaining about his CRO a bunch Uh-huh, but that is a really nice landing. Yeah, you'll love each other take action in a peaceful way. This has been great We've changed the world together. It's better than he has any right to yes Yeah, it feels like if this is my pretend last show. Yeah, this is a great last word It is yeah, it is. It's like Conan say, you know, you know, there was don't be cynical. Yeah
Starting point is 02:07:52 I feel here's what I'm saying though. This is this is prime late 90s early 2000s We do a rooftop concert. Mm-hmm, right you do a rooftop concert. Oh, that's what you do That would be great Empire Records like they have they have gunmen on the rooftop at Infowars. You know, aforementioned airheads. I mean, you do a rooftop concert. Sure. Absolutely. I think it would be great. Yeah. Save Infowars dance and concert. 100%. We're going to sell it up to get to the dance. That's probably it. We got Nugent. We got Nugent, yep. Yep. So, look. Yeah. I was trying to figure out how to make this joke, and I can't really figure it out, so
Starting point is 02:08:32 I'll just tell you what my joke was gonna be. Alright. The twist is that this episode was recorded months ago. Okay. And it was aired because he pretended to record his last episode a couple times. I was trying to figure out a way to make it, to pretend that this was actually, but it's too topical. There's no way. Yeah, it's tough. So anyway, Alex signed off pretty cleanly. Could have walked away. Decided to come back on air a little bit later.
Starting point is 02:09:02 Of course. Probably after some ice tea. It's so hard for me to not tell you some things. That was. So let that stammer be your guide. All right, all right. So here's where we jump back in. Okay. And I went, when I went off here,
Starting point is 02:09:21 I said, in about one hour, we're going to get a call. They're going to tell the security to shut this place down. And sure enough, the CRO was appointed by the court. He told them to do it. And the people were smart enough to not do it, because you got to have a court order. You got to have a reason.
Starting point is 02:09:39 So it's a soluble company that is solvent, not soluble, but solvent, and so I went, okay, well we're gonna go back on air, and then everybody batted it around, and there was consensus, and all these lawyers and people, oh, actually there is no law to shut down InfoWars, but again, these people don't care. There's also a one dimensional view.
Starting point is 02:10:05 And it's not the judge himself who's been very fair. There's a one dimensional view that the person I exposed, Pat McGill, who's watching right now, thinks he shuts this building down and he stops it. It's called, I know McGill, you don't know this stuff, it's called the Streisand effect. You might want to do a little research on the Streisand effect just for yourself.
Starting point is 02:10:22 See, because I don't set up Machiavellian stuff, but when somebody tries it on me, I'll out Machiavelli, Machiavelli. So this is what's going on. So the plot thread is continuing from the earlier stream of Alex being mad at his CRO. So this will act as our bridge between the two. The topic that gets us to the finish line, if you will. I should tell you that there's one thing that is quite different about this stream compared to the other one,
Starting point is 02:10:50 and that is that Owen Troyer and Harrison Smith, the Knights of the Infowars round table, are there. They are not there. They are there for the entire four fucking hours. For the entire time. I believe so, yes. Because they do chime in, maybe they pop out and I don't think they do I mean, I'm telling you rooftop concert guys. No, this is such a better idea
Starting point is 02:11:15 So yeah, you're trying to shut them down again, I guess on on Saturday, okay in between Alex's streams Well, it's smart. I mean, I imagine somebody might have texted him He's you have to have somebody like monitoring the show at least a little bit, right? And then... I mean, I'd be terrified if I were him. Yeah. If I were McGill, I would be watching. If I were McGill, I would be watching.
Starting point is 02:11:32 Why did you just say that? I'd be like... I'd be watching because I'd be like, is he going to put out a bounty on me? Right. It's not like this is brand new behavior. A million dollars for McGill's head is very available. Yeah. He would do that with his lawyer then. Yeah, absolutely. Totally fine. So Alex keeps making the allegation
Starting point is 02:11:51 of the second recording that he has about McGill. My integrity is absolutely 110% paramount. So that's where this is. And I'm sitting here with the crap you pulled and the things you did that I told my lawyers about. Like you came in my office and you said, listen Alex, for three months we're friends, why don't you just keep money aside those, I don't care. I'm like, hang on to the bathroom real quick because I'm not sitting there like record.
Starting point is 02:12:20 I come back, oh, oh, tell me that again. Yeah. It's over. Okay. It's over. Game over oh, tell me that again. Yeah, you're it's over Okay, it's over game over game over game over. I think by the end of the show. We'll just play for you Okay, so keep playing your fucking games with me Okay games over he hasn't played this clip yet, right? Just that's important to keep in mind Yeah, he's now threatened over the course of a long time. Multiple times.
Starting point is 02:12:45 Yeah. So Alex is like, hey, you know what? This whole story about the CRO getting rid of our advertisers and stuff, that involves John Harmon. John Harmon, who is the head of, and the guy who opened the Mountain Way, the advertising company, and also apparently was the one who overheard
Starting point is 02:13:06 McGill talking about how he liked vaccines. Alex is like, I'm gonna get that guy on the phone. So he decides to call, cold call, out of the blue, he calls John Harmon on his cell phone and holds it up to the mic to break the news to break the news that they're gonna try and shut down in four wars Do you know I'm live John? Did you know I'm live John?
Starting point is 02:13:31 I'm live on air right now what you know that Okay, I asked the crew to call you on your cell phone you guys able to call him before get a spacious comments I asked the crew to call you they didn't I'm not mad at him I just show him how fast I call spitting or pull the story. It's kind of an erotic thing Can you guys call John Harmon? I want him on there I'll just do it right now to a speaker. So John have you heard about the controversy or you're not? I don't blame you not tuning in on Saturday. Have you heard what's going on? Again John we're on air right now. Don't say anything you work here
Starting point is 02:14:06 since 2002 And again, John, we're on air right now. Don't say anything. How long you worked here? Since 2002. All right, so 22 years. Yeah. And you started out as a board operator and you've been a sales manager and a affiliate relations director, right? That's right. Well, we got word last night
Starting point is 02:14:20 that we're gonna close Infowars and kick us all out. Oh, dang, okay. Oh dang. Oh dang Quite a response. It's probably somebody who's been like, you know, they're gonna close this place Or somebody who's heard Alex say this a hundred fucking times. Oh dang. Oh dang. Oh, no, they're coming for us Oh, yeah, you're on air again, huh? Okay I Oh no, they're coming for us. Oh yeah, you're live on air again, huh? Mm-hmm. All right. Okay. I mean, it's not a response of somebody
Starting point is 02:14:48 who seems wildly concerned about the job he's had for 22 years. No, it really doesn't. It feels like he should be more concerned, yes. Yeah, maybe people don't take Alex's pronouncements too seriously. It's tough to. So he, Alex, is just accusing McGill of crimes.
Starting point is 02:15:04 And he says he's gonna go to the FBI about it. Great. If you had an image of an encyclopedia of a gremlin, it's Patrick McGill. Put his picture back up, folks. Everybody needs to know who this guy is. I know he flipped out, wants to shut down. Hey, Pat, get the show shut down.
Starting point is 02:15:18 If that's what you wanna do. Streisand effect, dude, I know you don't know anything. Take your shots, buddy. Streisand effect. Guys, pull up definition of Streisand effect for her I know you don't know anything. Take your shots buddy. Streisand effect. Guys, pull up definition of Streisand effect for her. Old Patrick McGill. That was a nice house Barbara Streisand had that she didn't want anybody to know about.
Starting point is 02:15:32 Since she got upset about us, it was the top story in the country. Yeah, and then everybody, now it's famous picture of her giant mansion on the beach. All right, well, hey, John, I'm sorry I called you about this and we don't have any plans. I'm gonna try to get a new employer. I can we don't have any plans. I'm gonna try to Get a new employer. I can't be the owner in the future. We'll try to figure something out I think regardless you know I mean I have to dig through my phone and get the other stuff
Starting point is 02:15:53 But it's it's there and you know this it's just I couldn't believe it I called my lawyers and right after I was he was just in my office saying you can you know keep money and secretly Let's work together, and I said, dude, is this a joke? I mean, it's just like, come on, man. Come on, come on. Wow. Yeah, I mean, so it's like, like I just played a,
Starting point is 02:16:13 I just played a two of hearts. I have that royal flush, you understand? And it's not like blackmail. I don't even wanna put the stuff out on air. I'm not even asking you for something for these people. I'm just like, I'm going to the FBI Monday. I'm going to the FBI, going to the FBI the FBI. You're like what the FBI's corrupt. No, no, I'm gonna take them all the stuff I'm going to the FBI Your pet one of the FBI and the FBI the people who are all involved in this aren't they the ones who are pulling the string
Starting point is 02:16:37 And Alex actually realizes that you can hear it a little yeah Yeah, he realizes that in his narrative the FBI is the one who's setting him up. Yeah, and so he's like, yeah I'm gonna go and bring them to it this information to be like I gotcha who's setting him up. And so he's like, yeah, I'm gonna go and bring them to this information and be like, I gotcha. Oh wow. So that's what he's gonna do. Oh boy.
Starting point is 02:16:50 I'll do it. I find this difficult to believe unless it implies a real deeper familiarity with illegality. Because if you are somebody who's a Boy Scout and doesn't do any crimes, and then you record your CRO trying to solicit you to commit a crime.
Starting point is 02:17:10 And you tell your lawyers about this. And then nobody does anything. Until you have to make a big dramatic livestream about how you're gonna get shut down. And then you bring all this stuff up. I feel like you would probably deal with this through proper channels unless you're gonna get shut down. And then you bring all this stuff up. I feel like you would probably deal with this through proper channels unless you're like, I'm gonna sit on this because there's a lot of crimes
Starting point is 02:17:32 going around for a lot of people. It does. I've never been in a large criminal disorganization before, but I imagine if everybody's doing crimes, you keep a little back Little back in case you need a little bit to show up and later. Yeah, a little crime II for me Yeah, yeah, that didn't work as well as I'm gonna throw out crimes because then they're gonna point out some of my crimes And then we got to do that. So it's mutually assured destruction crime, right? Yeah, so Alex is Pissed off at Patrick McGill, right? He's
Starting point is 02:18:03 Alex is pissed off at Patrick McGill right he's Shooting shots he's talking straight to him Yeah but also he wants to go on Twitter and go on spaces and talk to the people and So of course this leads to him spending a fair amount of time talking about how great Elon Musk is because of course Yeah well and part of what I don't like about the nitpicking about Donald Trump or Elon Musk is And part of what I don't like about the nitpicking about Donald Trump or Elon Musk is we've been through some crap because of what we've done. And then to have people on our side go, oh, that's all they've done.
Starting point is 02:18:30 Let's attack the enemies that are out in the open. Don't attack people that are giving us fucking attack mode, fucking bomb the enemy. Elon Musk has opened us up to scorch their ass. And we're going to sit around and say, he could have done this better. Bullshit, man. Bullshit. Yeah, and you're getting it. He ain't censoring me.
Starting point is 02:18:45 I'm fucking annihilating the enemy right now. And I'll take that window to drop these bombs any day. Because when people are inspired by Elon Musk, they need to know, hey, it's going to be a tough road. They're going to attack me. But hey, at least the people have my back. At least people that see what's going on know what I'm standing up for. And what does Elon say?
Starting point is 02:19:02 He says, the globals are going to kill everybody. Their plan? They think they're going to kill all of us. They won't get killed. Elon's like this ain't working. Yeah, he's just for him It's a very pragmatic statement. Yeah, I think Didn't Alex have like proof that he was being shadow banned the whole time that he was back on Twitter. What the fuck? I don't know. There's none of this matter. No, no, but here's the thing. I think Alex very clearly understands that This is though. He needs this lifeline. Yeah, if if He is running out of money Twitter is free. Yep ish. I guess you still if he wants that checkmark, he's got to pay or whatever
Starting point is 02:19:39 Maybe he has an arrangement sure But he needs that that that's a way that he can get his voice out there in a way that he can't if he's off all these radio stations and if goes away and all of this. So, hmm. Ah, God. Why, here's the thing about Harrison Smith and Owen Troyer.
Starting point is 02:20:02 Yeah. Is when you've got Alex in this mood, if you match his energy, you could send him to the fucking moon. If it was him and I was just vibing back with him, just like, yeah, these motherfuckers are out of control, he'd be throwing the N-word around in like five seconds. Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 02:20:20 Their job is to try and keep his energy to a manageable minimum. They appear to be hanging their heads for a fair amount of this and I don't think they're praying good call Yeah, yeah, I would not At times they chime in and say like oh it's been so great working here and stuff like that But yeah, there's there seems to be a little bit of shame. Yeah So Nick Sartor is back. Sure.
Starting point is 02:20:46 He's on the Twitter space. He apparently went to dinner with Mario Nafal and Alex the night before. Right. So presumably he would have been told about Alex's revelations. He knows the timeline. But he, I don't think he does.
Starting point is 02:20:56 Uh oh. They bring up, they were at dinner, and there's no conversation of, you told me last night. I was gonna say, Alex had drinks and didn't go on a massive rant about this I'm not saying it's impossible that all of this can't all be true. Sure. It is just a little strange Yeah, and one of the questions that we're getting a lot Alex is what does
Starting point is 02:21:15 Being shut down look like you know Because he's some of these people have been listening to for years and they're afraid that they're not gonna be able to hear your voice anymore Just to sum it up, generally speaking, what does it look like to be shut down and how do you overcome that? Well, I've tried to save info wars, so I've made myself not think about that and try to just save this. But now that we're so down to the wire, we just get bigger. As many interviews I want to do. I have a new employer They can't stop the first women still it's still there we try to bring the crew back I don't I haven't even worried about all that But I mean I've been a little Machiavellian about it. I'll be honest. I'll say strategy on air. I mean I could easily
Starting point is 02:22:00 Go instead of hiking two miles every morning like five miles, lift weights, lose like 30 pounds in a few months, disappear for a while, create total hysteria, which I wouldn't give up, but that would just kind of take a pause, like putting the executor starship in the dock, retool it, and then come roaring back, or I would, knowing me, I'll probably immediately do all the interviews,
Starting point is 02:22:23 and immediately just go on a rampage and Immediately go set something else up, but I have it. I haven't it's kind of like I don't cheat on my wife But if she died I would probably find another woman get remarried So it's kind of like this woman dies, which I'm trying to save her I'm at the hospital with her holding her hand then if she's dead I'll bury her next week and I'll go get another woman next week. Just because I need a woman, you know, that's what I do Okay, that's strange. Sure.
Starting point is 02:22:48 If that metaphor is what you want to be on air for the rest of your life, then sure. You'd love to hear that as a spouse. I mean, you know, I don't even. I'd grieve you for a week, but then I need a new woman. I mean, it's not even the literalization of the metaphor. It's like, if that's what you want to say, Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:11 Sure. Fine. You think about it, maybe next time. I think that what he wants to say, if I were to clean this up a little bit, it would be that like, I'm not gonna be too precious about this, and I'll move on from Infowars once it's dead. But I have feelings for it, and I love it until it's gone,
Starting point is 02:23:31 but when it's gone, I need to move on. That's fine when it's a business, and stuff like that. It's not good when you compare that to your spouse. I mean, you could've just said, I'm always kind of moving forward. Right, right. Yep, could've. So instead of moving forward, you look back. Right. Yep. Could've.
Starting point is 02:23:45 Yep. So instead of moving forward, you look back. Smart. And Harrison and Owen and Alex, the Knights of the Infowars round table. Oh God. Come on. God damn it.
Starting point is 02:23:53 God damn it. Harrison is Gawain. Pfft. So they are thinking about the good old days. Sure. Back when they were huge. Back when they were the biggest thing on YouTube. Sure, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 02:24:07 And they, you know, they were like with the Michael Jordans of bullshit and they had to take them out. That was a crazy time. That was when we were still on YouTube and we'd be walking down the street in Austin, Texas, filming a live video, running into people, watching the live video on their phone,
Starting point is 02:24:23 looking up and going, hey, I'm watching you guys right now I mean we were everywhere. It was amazing. Yeah, it was 35 million a conservative. It was incredible I got derivatives not like clips like 35 million a day on the show. It was it was bigger show ever Oh, it was much is great because we've won the fucking Indy 500 We've been number one, which it wasn't about but the truth was key, but then take them say another race It's like we know we'll win the race. So I've already won, it's like, you know.
Starting point is 02:24:47 That's a great analogy. I can't remember, I mean, it was, the Alex Jones show was 100,000 a day on the live stream, easy. I could upload any video, we did, million views overnight. You really watered this down, you had videos with 50 million views, so did Paul Watson.
Starting point is 02:25:02 He had one with like 100 million views. Yeah. I mean, it was ridiculous. Like, like, I'm like, Oh, there's 50 million, 20 million, 30 million. I couldn't even keep track of them every day. It's like, you know, there's the rumors that, oh, you know, the NBA made Michael Jordan retire, whatever. I don't believe that. But that's kind of like, I mean, we were forced out of the game. It was
Starting point is 02:25:18 like, we were too good. We were we were the perennial champs. So they just they said, you got to you you you exposed age skrillex to them I mean, it's not I'm gonna in fact, I'm gonna we're uploading that to my ex account probably tonight or tomorrow We're gonna upload the entire full age skrillex original exchange hundreds of millions of you And again, we're not trying to brag folks, but people want freedom. So we've already like Muhammad Ali to everybody. We've already you know literally It's just it's insane. It's just, it's like, so it doesn't feel bad when you're taking out a game
Starting point is 02:25:47 because you just win too much. You win too much. I was too good. I was the Michael Jordan of bullshit on YouTube. I was so good and they made me stop and then I made space jam. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 02:25:59 I mean, I think the, isn't it conspiracy that he was gambling too much on the NBA? I have not looked into it too deeply, but that's what I remember hearing. Or just gambling too much. He was, I mean, he's still a gambler. The guy is obsessed with competing and winning shit. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 02:26:14 Alex was gambling on YouTube views. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The man's insane, which I'm not, man. Now here's something that's interesting that is behind the things that they're saying. Sure. If you really listen to what Owen is putting forward, it's kind of like, man, it used to be so fucking easy.
Starting point is 02:26:30 Yep. Yep. I just put out videos of me yelling at somebody at a rally and we get 50 fucking million views. I mean, it is interesting in a sense, because when you listen to people who have truly made an impact throughout their lives and their careers to the point where they have influenced
Starting point is 02:26:53 an entire genre, you know, like everyone who follows has an influence of them, that kind of thing. If you're doing a certain type of music, you are influenced by Prince. Right. Right? But these guys suck and they still did it, which is wild, right? Like they were terrible,
Starting point is 02:27:12 but now everybody has to admit that there is an owing something to Infowars. There is a legacy of influence. Yeah. But well, maybe not Owen. I mean it's a little bit, it's a little bit like, it's the Mendoza line. Mendoza, love him or hate him.
Starting point is 02:27:33 He is going to live forever. He's just good enough. He's just good enough, yep. So this is a family show, we know that, cause Alex has said it a bunch of times before he starts swearing. Sure. Talking about people pissing on him.
Starting point is 02:27:44 Yeah. So it might surprise you to learn that he was supposed to be hanging out with his family on Saturday. And he canceled that to do this. The reason we're here on Saturday night, your family's here. Chase's family's here. We've all got family. Oh, yeah. I was like, we were supposed to, you know, go out to the park today and go eat dinner. This could be the final show.
Starting point is 02:28:07 I mean, literally yesterday they were going to padlock the doors. Then they gave the orders again today and then their own people wouldn't follow them. So I'll try to come back tomorrow at 4 p.m. I don't know, but it's kind of like, wow, this place is special. By the way, when this show's over, we should walk around and shoot a video of the tour. And just talk about the history for five minutes, because this is gonna be our lifetime. You should. I mean, I'm gonna like get my family books out of here. I'll probably do that. Actually, I'm probably gonna do that in 20 minutes is what I'm gonna do. That's what I'm saying. I feel like, because I've got like books I haven't owned as a kid here. I gotta get my stuff out, man.
Starting point is 02:28:40 Is this a good chance? This place ain't here. And they're like, oh yeah, all right, this is a good chance to say this place ain't here and everything. Oh, yeah. All right is a fucking stud I don't pull studs man. I pull revolutions. Okay another Okay, okay guys, I see it on your head when we say Well, I was just not in my head cuz I was agreeing with what you said and I've been here for a year I've been listening to you Alex since 2021 basically after January 6 I started listening in full wars because I lost all faith in traditional media should sound cool yeah I think that I don't pull stunts I pull revolutions is right up there with stone buildings burned to the fucking ground Eddie
Starting point is 02:29:18 they're equally quotable I think the Eddie ones better stone buildings burned to the fucking ground, Eddie. It's just too good. It's too good. But it came out right. I don't pull stunts, I pull revolutions. It did come out like he had, it was both a genuine thing that came off the top of his head,
Starting point is 02:29:37 but also was like, yeah, man, that's something you've been thinking about. And he always fucking says, I don't know how this is gonna end, but if you want a war, you better believe you got one. And it's so fucking annoying when you hear it. And this is something that isn't the no, no. You're right. Catchphrase.
Starting point is 02:29:52 You're right. Maybe I overappreciate that. No, you like it. You like variety. You're a novelty guy. Sure. Yeah. That's why I don't like this. Steve Bannon is Steve. You sent me a message. I appreciate you reaching out. Yeah, they tried to lock the building up last night. I literally confronted the security that's part of my company
Starting point is 02:30:09 and said, the law says this, you have to have an order. They're trying to even shut it down tonight. And I see this all as the desperation of the deep state of what's going on. We're a solvent company. We have plenty of money. We're in a federal court separately, who the court appointed is trying to shut us down right now. Steve, you're a really smart guy. You're under a massive attack yourself. You court appointed is trying to shut us down right now, Steve
Starting point is 02:30:25 You're really smart guy. You're a massive attack yourself. You don't make a big deal about it But I mean I just see this as an indicator of the enemy has launched the major assault We're seeing it everywhere the conviction of Trump the show trial was there was their charge call and and I think you probably agree with Me, but the people you know, this is it. It's going down right now. I Think Drew was 100% correct. I mean look at the people you know, this is it. It's going down right now. I think Drew was a hundred percent correct. I mean, look at the role you played in 2016. The deep state absolutely knows the power of Infowars, the power of your team, the power of you personally
Starting point is 02:30:55 is a personal example. So it doesn't surprise me at all. They just moved on President Trump and, you know, they're gonna try to imprison President Trump. There's no, or at least put him under house arrest so he can't campaign. So now they're just gonna knock down, I mean to them, this is the last scene and Godfather One. They're gonna move on everybody.
Starting point is 02:31:13 How are you supposed to hear this if you're listening to this as a, as a audience member? The shit's going down. I mean, yeah. This is it. They've been telling me that it's going to start whenever blank happens. At a time eventually. Yeah. You'll know.
Starting point is 02:31:32 You have to admit that if you are telling me that there will be a time. This is that time. Then that time is this time. You have Steve Bannon on your show who's a giant figure in this world. The end of Godfather 1. Yes. Yeah. It's a little bit like this world. The end of Godfather 1. Yes. Yeah. It's a little bit like, can you please start shooting? I mean, it's about as close to the only way
Starting point is 02:31:50 we're gonna keep all of our stuff as if we basically run the entire fucking world. And we're only gonna get there through terrorism. Yeah, yep. So. Yep. Anyway, Bannon has an interesting idea, and that is that everybody should surround the
Starting point is 02:32:05 Infowars building. And I think that this is because they want another standoff. They want something like the Bundy Ranch or Ruby Ridge or something like that. And give it six months before they start throwing around like, you know, the Taliban did win in the end. You know, the Taliban won, right? You know, you got to give it up to the Taliban. That's going to be the name of Steve's next book. Yeah, I believe it.
Starting point is 02:32:27 They could literally lock this up the next few days. What is your advice to Infowars and our crew? You say you'll send crew out here right now. If you can't move to go someplace and do a pirate version of this, then let's have a, let's get people down there and surround the building. Make them come through a chain of patriots. Get people inside. That's what I'm going to do. Our location's been somewhat secret, but I agree with you. We need to surround the building and just make a big issue out of this. And expose them. Say, hey, get your lawyers down there. Get your comms people down there. Let's get the TV cameras. These are cockroaches. They can't, you put the cameras on them, what are they going to do?
Starting point is 02:33:06 You have a chain of people outside to defend Alex Jones peacefully, what are they going to do? Put the cameras on them, expose them, let's see who they are, let's see what agencies they're coming from, what their orders are, and who gave them the orders. They want some kind of flare-up, you know, they want to create a scenario that could easily get out of hand, but I don't think anyone's gonna do that. This isn't an Airhead situation.
Starting point is 02:33:30 What are they gonna like circle up and start singing We Shall Overcome, get out of here. Now I will say. What? I don't think I'm gonna do this. Okay. But I have been thinking about, should I go to Austin? Should I go surround the building? I mean, listen, why if if they're going to change the locks, no reason we shouldn't get
Starting point is 02:33:53 a key. The answer isn't immediately no to whether I should go. Right. That sucks. That does really suck. That does suck. So Bannon is on. He mentioned Drew, those Drew Hernandez,
Starting point is 02:34:05 the baby reporter he called in. And this is just a fascinating situation where we're just getting guests. Guests are coming in. Thank you, Steve Bannon. As soon as we said we were going to challenge them, they backed off. They tried it again. The security company that's separate, but they think they're taking orders, said, no, we're not going to do it. I mean, we are, and I've got tapes. I've got it all. It's just, it's so insane folks. This is the takeover of the Republic. This is a live coup. We've got Matt Bracken, who's a retired Navy SEAL, best selling author, who's on with us. That's so much where I'm going to tell you, this will be the last show. I'm not here hyping that
Starting point is 02:34:43 folks. Like I, you know, I'm sleeping here at the office. This is so horrible. And because I know it's not about me, it's about America. Sure. And I can't believe that we've got to this point. These communist pieces of shit are shitting all over our country. But we're going to win this thing, folks.
Starting point is 02:35:02 But let me tell you, the full assault has begun. Matt Brack, anyone give us a comment? I've been just... I can't stop listening for the last couple hours. I'm just like... I'm so glad that this connection is still open, and Daria clicked me in. So this is the first of the crying attempts
Starting point is 02:35:23 that we will see in this episode. And also Matt Bracken is not somebody that I've seen around Infowars in quite a while. He may have been on an episode I missed, but he's become real scarce since people started pointing out that he literally advocated for storming the Capitol on January 6th on Infowars a week prior to the insurrection. Right, remember when we talked about that. Yep. Yep. Yep. So Matt has been a little bit less prominent
Starting point is 02:35:48 in his appearances. That'll happen. Alex having Matt Bracken on is an intentional choice here. He's hoping that Matt says some incendiary shit because Alex is really hoping that someone does something he can call a false flag in the near future. If it's just smooth sailing with no big attack before the election, that's kind of bad for
Starting point is 02:36:05 Alex's business. So he needs to try and ramp up the possibility of that, all while giving frequent lip service to nonviolence and only wanting to kill his enemies politically. You know, that's the game here. He's bringing Matt in because he knows he has the potential for this. I mean, the best thing that could possibly happen for Alex is that one of his supporters kills somebody outside of his studio, and then Alex can claim that was a false flag engineered by the court,
Starting point is 02:36:29 and then regardless of what happens with the rest of the thing, that's what Alex gets to hang his hat on for forever. That would be good for him, and then the other thing that would be good for him is if they stormed him while he was on the show, which is also what he's hoping happens here. That would also be great, yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:44 But this is two hours now into the second stream. Oh boy. And marks the first fake crying of the night, but certainly not the last. The second impact. Yeah. This is a mess. So Matt Bracken's on, he doesn't say anything
Starting point is 02:36:59 all that inflammatory. Sure. But Alex is trying to get him to be like, there's gonna be false flags, right, Matt? Right, of course. But then we get another guest who is clearly more important than my bracket. Oh, I want to come back to you. I want to come back to Matt Bracken bestselling author, former Navy SEAL, great patriot
Starting point is 02:37:17 in a moment. But Roger Stone heard about what's happening. I told him probably was going on. They literally were going to padlock the thing last night. And I noticed extra security, people acting weird. And I said, it was obvious to feel it. And the security guys are nice guys. I know them, they're like looking at me weird and really conflicted.
Starting point is 02:37:33 I called my lawyers and said, what's going on? Well, we just heard they're shutting you down tonight at seven o'clock. This is, they're making their move out of desperation. The coup is live, Roger Stone. What do you think's happening? Alex, I guess in the larger sense, I'm not surprised at all.
Starting point is 02:37:49 Yeah, me neither. So, clearly, there's a pecking order, and Matt Bracken is no Roger Stone. Roger, you get bumped for, uh, you get bumped, Bracken. Ah, that's fair. That's a legacy. He's trotting out all the stars tonight like it's a fucking wake. It does feel like, uh, it does feel like a, uh,
Starting point is 02:38:03 this is your life episode Conspicuous in their absence. I don't want anyone to think that they're gonna show up. Yeah, first of all Larry Nichols is dead That's definitely your grandpree dad dead Leo's agami doesn't show up. No old man house phone in the wind Probably has that yeah, Steve Pachanik doesn't show up. No Rogan doesn't show up. No, no. There are quite a few people. Tucker? Nope. Nope. He's mentioned a few times.
Starting point is 02:38:27 Oh, yeah. Here's the person who's most conspicuous in their absence, fake fucking Elon Musk. Oh, that is a good point. He's on Twitter Spaces. Yeah, that's right. He doesn't show up on Alex's final stream. Maybe Adrian's gotten kind of tired
Starting point is 02:38:40 of being fake Elon Musk. I would be. So you also might notice in that last clip that Alex's story slightly changed. And that's because he's making all this shit up. tired of being fake Elon Musk. I would be. So you also might notice in that last clip that Alex's story slightly changed, and it's because he's making all this shit up. Now apparently the story is that he saw extra security, and this led him to call his lawyer,
Starting point is 02:38:54 which is how he found out that they were shutting down Infowars, but earlier he said that he saw a normal security guard acting weird, so he baited the information that they were bringing in more security that night out of him, which Alex then asked his lawyer about, sort sort of that's one of the versions, right? This is there isn't consistency here because this is a shoddily thrown together stage show and Alex is just trying to figure out The best exit for himself in terms of info is probably because he does not have money
Starting point is 02:39:19 Yeah, all he wanted to do here is be taken off air during the stream. That would have been perfect. That's the highest hope that he has for anything. Lock the doors. It would have been the stuff of legend if he would have been able to be broadcasting on air for his own destruction. To be pulled out by like six fucking, I mean, and essentially he's talking about
Starting point is 02:39:40 like British police officers from the 40s, you know, with the hats just about. Come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Box, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Flynn, former head of Defense Intelligence, former top national security advisor, got in the space. I don't know if he's ready yet, but yeah, it's a real canary in the coal mine that they are. I'm literally physically here and literally had to tell people coming to lock the doors, ordered without court orders to shut us down that they were going to go to jail.
Starting point is 02:40:20 I'm literally physically here, slept three hours last night, in this building. I'm not putting on a big act here general Flynn What do you think's happening? Yeah, so number one Alex God bless you for doing everything that you've been doing I want everybody to understand is that we really have to stop thinking Conventionally, I mean these people this is a communist takeover. We might need to think about terrorism I mean, it is just just fucking say you wanna be terrorists. Jesus fucking Christ.
Starting point is 02:40:49 It's pretty wild. I mean, we got General Flint, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone. Wow. I mean, it is essentially these people saying, listen, we're not sure if terrorism will work, but we are sure that openly advocating for terrorism will not work. But we would like to see if terrorism might work.
Starting point is 02:41:10 And we're going to do a whole lot of this like predicting false flags in advance just in case someone does do it. So our movement will be able to exploit that tragedy in a way that is still productive to us and doesn't derail things like Oklahoma City did. And so we're just trying to be cool about that. If you were listening to me in the past,
Starting point is 02:41:30 you would know that the present is a shooting war. So don't listen to me in the present while I tell you that we should do things peacefully. Listen to me in the past. Listen to Flynn. Yeah. Oh God. So yeah, now Alex is saying that
Starting point is 02:41:43 he had to physically confront people who were coming to put locks on the doors, which must have happened in between the two streams. I do appreciate the physical confrontation. Right? Because that has to have been if it wasn't the night before. Nope. So that's strange. Also strange is the General Flynn is like, I thought Trump would be guilty like on a
Starting point is 02:42:00 few charges. I didn't think 34. That's pretty crazy. Okay. What? Assume that they would only found him guilty on a couple of counts, right? You know, but but when he came back with 34 counts, I was like, Oh my god, these people, they're they're even far more serious than even I could imagine. But believe me, again, I want people to understand the big picture was eight years of Obama,
Starting point is 02:42:25 eight years of Hillary Clinton, and we wouldn't be having X spaces talks. Okay. But Donald J Trump got in the way in 2016 and he beat the odds. He ran the, ran the tables, beat the odds. Exactly. So the American stonemason general, this is so important. You're on record. It's true.
Starting point is 02:42:42 The whole game changed with Trump. He backed them up seven, eight years. And now the world's waking up. So what do we do to stop this? Because again, I'm not into myself. I don't care. But I get a Canadian coal mine. They are literally trying to put padlocks on the doors
Starting point is 02:42:57 right now. I had to physically explain to people with guns that they didn't have an order to stop them. This happened today. Well, I will tell you something that as soon as I heard about this, Alex, I sent a note to Ken Paxton in Texas. And because I think Ken Paxton is a decent person. You've done a bunch of crimes. You guys in Texas ought to go jump on top of this shit and don't let the federal, don't let these federal thugs come into the state of Texas and do something without at least the attorney general being informed about what the hell they're doing. So General Flynn is enlisting Ken Paxton to help
Starting point is 02:43:32 Alex with a fight he's having with his CRO. Yep. And Alex had to confront people who had guns who were trying to put a lock on the door in between these two streams while he was clearly drinking. in between these two streams while he was clearly drinking. Yep. All right. I mean, it's a more fun, it's like, I imagine that Orson Welles, when the people started getting their first few phone calls, it was like, oh, this is kind of fun.
Starting point is 02:43:59 This whole war of the worlds thing, people thinking, oh, aliens really attack it. This is kind of fun. It's more fun to live a story than it is to real life. It's true. So I imagine Alex has a lot of that, like, man, this is way more fun than reality. But it is, it's what we've seen him do a lot
Starting point is 02:44:15 with these kinds of the ways that you live in a story. It evolves, and you get more confident with each retelling, and there's more details in all of this stuff. It's because it's folklore. It's oral tradition. And depending on the listener, there is an amount of magic involved. For each listener, there is a different level of magic that will be accepted. Roger Stone does not hear that Alex psychically sussed out that this was going to happen.
Starting point is 02:44:44 Roger Stone hears a more accurate telling. Not the accurate telling, not an accurate telling. not hear that Alex psychically sussed out that this was going to happen. No. Roger Stone hears a more accurate telling. Not the accurate telling, not an accurate telling. General Flynn probably gives a little bit more lip service to the magic. Yep, yep. You can tell General Flynn a little bit more magic. Steve Pachynaik would tell you to fuck yourself. He would not allow any magic inexplicably while giving you something that can only happen
Starting point is 02:45:02 through magic. Dude, condescendingly tell you some shit about how he. Alex, you're a moron for thinking this. I founded the state of Italy. What? I went back in time. I knew Romulus' brother quite well because that person is me.
Starting point is 02:45:25 That seems within his range. That one's great. That one's great. That one goes right next to the stone buildings burned down, Eddie. So Flynn leaves. All of these guest appearances are not that good and they do feel like showing off a star in a telephone. Sure, sure, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But after after Flynn leaves, Alex is
Starting point is 02:45:50 he seems a little weird. That's the former head of defense intelligence, the former top national security advisor, the guy that ran the whole army. So you like the guys like the Grim Reaper literally telling you what's going on right now. And that's why I'm so proud to be here, folks, to bow when they tried to shut this down last night. It's bigger than us. We are here in an existential attack on America and the world and we are not bowing. I'm so alive. Owen it's so good to know you. Harrison it's so good
Starting point is 02:46:21 to know you. Chase Geyser so good to know you. All the rest of the crew. You guys are like, literally, I feel like you're me. Like when I think about the shit I'm now, and it's like my arms being chopped off, my legs being, it's not some kiss your ass. I literally think of you as me. Oh no, oh no. I mean, listen.
Starting point is 02:46:41 If I was playing a clip earlier in the day, vehemently denying being an alcoholic. And arguing about how your CRO called you drunk. Yep. I would definitely not show up on air later. Drunk. Well, I mean, I guess there's some plausible deniability. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:46:59 Sure. Anyway, Alex goes to piss. Hahaha, smart. And while he's gone, Harrison complains about Ken Paxton. Ken Paxton good call and then Alex storms back in. Okay. Yeah No, it's utterly pathetic I was saying that same thing about Ken Paxton in particular because he was one that on Twitter said this is a show trial Or I don't know his exact words, but it was basically saying this is totally false This is a criminal activity and it's like okay if you really think that then what are you gonna do about it?
Starting point is 02:47:23 Here's the bottom line, folks. You ain't gonna get nothing in life off kissing ass. And we're in a full war here, and you think I wanna release the fucking audio I've got of the creepy ass liberal fucking fed? Yes. Come up and say, oh, I got the fucking, why don't we steal some money together?
Starting point is 02:47:41 I didn't wanna fight with these people, I tried to just move on from it. At a certain point, you gotta say, it's worse to bow down to this than to go along with it. Okay. All right, man. So you already played some surreptitiously recorded audio. Sure, sure, sure, sure. You haven't played the second one. I guess he's decided he's not going to do that. He's going to take it to the FBI on Monday, which is a direct contradiction of what he said
Starting point is 02:48:03 he was going to do. That sounds obvious. It kind of makes me feel like maybe which is a direct contradiction of what he said he was going to do. It does sound obvious. Kind of makes me feel like maybe that is a little embellished because I don't feel like the call even really lived up to his explanation. No, no, no, no, no. Oh. So yeah, Alex, I think he's a mess.
Starting point is 02:48:17 I think he's got this one. Yeah, I think he's got this one in the bag. This is a confident man. Remember how I said that he landed the plane smoothly on the first stream? I mean, I just don't understand. He's, it's like, it's an addiction. He's an alcoholic.
Starting point is 02:48:34 Don't put that in a court file. I won't, I won't. So make his dad angry. So Alex wants Owen to tell the story of the attempted shutdown and the locks on the door and stuff like that sure because He asks him a number of times because I think he wants another perspective on it It's not just me saying this and Owen doesn't quite do what he wants
Starting point is 02:48:54 And for those that don't know why don't you recap you guys have heard me describe it How would you describe what happened in force for 24 hours? Well, I would just just to kind of finish up on what we're talking about here You can't give in because you see what's coming. If you give into this system thinking, well, this is the easy way out, or it's too hard to fight back, or I don't want to risk whatever it is,
Starting point is 02:49:15 well, you don't understand. You become a total slave. Now, the new order drops this dick in your face and says, do it. I'm telling you guys, we barely. I don't want to stay here tonight. I want to go home to my kids and my wife. I gotta stay here.
Starting point is 02:49:26 They literally tried to shut it down yesterday. That's where my student in. And today, and I get, we have this disease where we only cover outside attacks, which is a good disease. That's how I am. But now it's like we're down to the wire. I gotta tell you what's happening with us.
Starting point is 02:49:39 Like, do you guys understand, like they have literally tried to order the shutdown of this. I never talk about my own troubles I never focus Preoccupations with my own petty dramas. Yeah Okay, man, I think maybe it's just a testament to how
Starting point is 02:49:58 You know, I suppose weak I am at controlling my emotions. This is this is a me thing I don't understand how Harrison Smith and Owen can do it. I just don't know how they can do it for this long without going, seriously man, this is bullshit! Keen awareness of unemployability. True, that's probably gotta be it. That's a big, big part of it. I mean, I am also unemployable.
Starting point is 02:50:18 Right, but the salary that they get is probably egregious. Yeah, that's true. That is true. I'm unemployable on probably agree. Yeah, that's true. I'm unemployable Yeah, so they're they're trying to take Alex off the air I think that they is the CRO in concert with the FBI and maybe the CIA sure and everybody you name it But they're trying to take him off air so he doesn't play this clip of McGill that he's already said
Starting point is 02:50:44 He's not gonna play right take to the FBI But that's why they're gonna take him off. I guess okay. I got this big animal. That's really bad I'm trying to constrain and they keep Messing with me to make me release it like we don't want to we don't want to fight because we know we're gonna win We don't want to put you people through that. It's uh, they I they really't know. They're demanding it, though. They're demanding it. They gotta be run over. So, OK, well, you gotta get what you want to. I mean, I've got everything right here.
Starting point is 02:51:14 And the dumbasses think, shut the show down so he doesn't release it. You dumbasses, they released A Thousand Places. I'm Alex Jones, you dumbass. It's just so stupid. Well I think. Because they want to imagine they got the power. Or you're imagining their motives. Or you could just play it now.
Starting point is 02:51:32 Yeah. You're on. Yeah. You're live. I mean. You have as large of an audience watching live as you probably ever will. Because people are tweeting about how you're drunk on air. Yep. And how you're saying that Infowars is going to go out of business. So a lot of people are like, oh this is going to be bad. Ah, and it is. tweeting about how you're drunk on air. Yep. And how you're saying that Infowars is gonna go out of business. So a lot of people are like,
Starting point is 02:51:46 oh, this is gonna be bad. Ah, and it is. Yeah. And so why not take the opportunity of the most people live watching this to play the evidence that they don't want you to play. They're willing to shut you down to stop you from playing this.
Starting point is 02:52:00 Right. I don't know, it's just, it's in his head, man. Yeah, this is bad. Yeah. this is bad. Go home, dude No, you can't he's gonna stay no, okay. Go home. I know For a fact you got a home studio, right? And I think they've got an extra. They've got another studio. Don't they? Yeah, that's where Owen's sleeping Let him take the big one go downsize a bit you'll be fine honestly I think chase geyser is the one who I think would sleep there of the three yeah nights
Starting point is 02:52:32 Yeah, I think chase guys. There's the most committed. I don't know if chase geyser goes anywhere. I I've never said oh no, that's not true. I've seen him on location. Okay, not in person But I've seen video so they do let him out of the base. Yeah, yeah, okay, that's not true. I've seen him on location. Oh, okay. Not in person, but I've seen videos. So they do let him out of the basement. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So Jay Dyer comes on Twitter Spaces to thank Alex for having him on. Great. His big brand is that he reads books.
Starting point is 02:52:53 Good for him. The globalist books. I was trying to read books for a while. Didn't go well. No, it doesn't usually go great for him either. No. And this leads to Alex doing another fake cry. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 02:53:03 And again, I think you're gonna emerge out of this much stronger. Like you said, I hate it for the people involved in Infowars. I've been honored to be on that spot with you for the last four years. So I'm really appreciative of that. Well, I appreciate you. To me, it's so emotional because we've done so much good.
Starting point is 02:53:23 There's so many good people. Now they're going to blow it all up. All right, I'm out of my pussy. We've had 30 years here and so much. And to me, it signifies what's about to happen. It's going to be so rough, Jay. And it just makes me sick. It's that OKC model that you've been talking about.
Starting point is 02:53:40 That when there was an arising populism at that time, they went to that OKC false flag model. So I think that you're right about that warning. Speak to that because it's not hard to predict. Right or the right wing militias and stuff were growing at a rapid rate in the 90s inspired by things like Ruby Ridge and Waco and the flames were fanned by people like, Alex and his ideological brethren and came to a point where someone blew up a federal building. Or it was that nationalism and populism was ascendant and they had to false flag. One of the two.
Starting point is 02:54:25 Yeah. We'll never know. Probably not. So Owen is honored. Also, it's really interesting to hear this cry thing at this point, eight years into doing this show. I remember the first time I heard it and how I was really worried.
Starting point is 02:54:42 And now I just hear it and I'm like, all right, just get to the part where you're mad. Like, you're just doing this in order to weave into something angry. Come on, man. We know the deal. So Owen is honored to be able to be here on the last stand of Infowars.
Starting point is 02:54:57 They fucking want to be raided so bad. Go back to sports radio. No, he talks about that a little bit. Oh, does he? He's glad he made the transition into politics. Sure he is. So they're just, I think they are aimless without them getting raided.
Starting point is 02:55:13 That's what you're supposed to be doing. Otherwise, this show could go on forever and you have nothing to talk about. They have to actually commit a crime though. They don't wanna do the thing that gets them the punishment. Right, if they don't want to do the thing that gets them the punishment. Right. If they don't get rated, then I guess Alex can complain more about the CRO? Right.
Starting point is 02:55:31 What do you got? Nothing. I want to be rated unjustly. Right. But because they're not doing it, I'm going to commit a crime and thereby be rated. Hmm, maybe. Anyway, Owen is honored to be there. Okay. by be rated. Maybe. Anyway, Owen is honored to be there. To make that commitment eight years ago and to be completely vindicated and to ride this epic ride with you till the end. It's truly an honor. It is. And Vivian Kubrick, Stanley Kubrick's great daughter,
Starting point is 02:56:01 sent me a link. We were at the top of Twitter, top political trend just now, which is good. So freedom's popular. And it's right where we belong. It's right where we belong. And that'll be their final motivation to come padlock this studio, because you did it. And that's why I wanted to just be here today.
Starting point is 02:56:18 I'm so glad you came. Because you did it. Because I just wanted to have a celebration of the great work we've done. And them shutting us down won't be a victory, folks. And believe me, I'm gonna release all the stuff. I got their ass. But it's just, they're just desperate.
Starting point is 02:56:30 It's gonna be disappointing if Alex doesn't release that stuff on this stream and if he doesn't get raided. Yep. They've really set unrealistic expectations for how this is gonna end. I mean, when you set it up so that shutting you down is a victory, it is also the only victory because it's shutting you down.
Starting point is 02:56:45 You can't victory more after or before that. It's only that. Now I should tell you something about Owen. He's actually secretly an incredible broadcasting talent? Nope. For reasons that are unclear to me, he decided to livestream this as well because I think that they thought
Starting point is 02:57:03 that they were going to get interrupted, and you'd have multiple angles of the end of Infowars or something. So he has a camera set up next to him that is facing, you can see him, and then in the background, you see Alex sitting next to him, and then Harrison Smith over there.
Starting point is 02:57:20 Now this will become very important in a moment, because something definitely happens. And we become very important in a moment because something definitely happens okay and we'll discuss that in a moment but for now Alex is gonna talk a little bit more about McGill okay this clip that he's not playing and then he gets really really mad and swears a bunch. We've got it all happening right now and these idiots think like like I don't want to burn these people I don't be an asshole but I'm like wait you just you just you told me to just take to burn these people. I don't be an asshole. But I'm like, wait, you just use you told me just take money and hide it. I go to the bathroom and come back.
Starting point is 02:57:51 And it's like, it's like I got your ass dude. Like, I don't want to burn you down. But you're gonna make me burn you down. You're watching right now. Like, dude, I'm burning you down. You're gonna make me burn you down. That's I mean, it's like, whoa, you want a fucking war? You got one. I'm not part of your fucking bullshit, fucking dick sucking New World Order, dude.
Starting point is 02:58:11 This is war. This is the real world, dude. This is real people, real people, man. I'm real. I'm real. I'm right here. I'm out here playing down to you, and I'm here to be a pussy, you fucking raping the ass.
Starting point is 02:58:24 No, dude, you fuck fuck me you get a fucking war You understand now alice jones like a fucking rhinoceros is coming You got it So that's where you are and now the rhinoceros is coming. So play your fucking games gaslight me all day You get war you get war and war and war and war and war and war a little more on top of the war In closing, let's go to some more spaces people. Let's do it because we can be shut down tomorrow Oh, they'll have their big victory. It'll be all over Bloomberg and AP Alex Jones's thing shut down whatever bullshit story they have fuck you I'm telling you like war you want war you got war do it do it do it
Starting point is 02:59:08 So if you listen to that it sounded like there might have been an edit in there Yeah, and I actually I went and I watched the video and there isn't Alex just switched gears from that like war and rhinos shit into like let's go to calls. They just did Yeah, he's just shifting mood that quickly. Okay. All right now I can't believe somebody would call him an alcoholic. It's brutal. It's unbelievable awful. So Undignified so on that note. Yeah Owens stream. Uh-huh. Now I watch this on Alex's and this is where I'm taking the, this is the Infowars audio that I'm using.
Starting point is 02:59:46 Gotcha. It came to my attention later that Owen did this stream. And if you go watch it, there's some things you learn. Now I couldn't watch the entire thing, so I haven't watched all of Owen's thing. But I did watch enough to see Alex smoking cigarettes in the studio, very clearly signaling for them to take the camera off him and then smoke a cigarette,
Starting point is 03:00:12 talking while one of the guests is talking, someone else who's on the phone is talking, and Alex is like, I got their asses, and shit like that. And at one point, Alex is making horrible sounding noises gurgling and like And then he pulls his shirt as if he is can't breathe in his shirt Starts like sort of scratching his chest appears to throw up in his mouth Jesus Christ at this point. Oh Owen turns the camera away from Alex, so it's only on himself.
Starting point is 03:00:48 And you hear what appears to be Alex vomiting in the background. Jesus Christ! Alright. So I can't prove that Alex threw up. Yeah. I can't do that. But what I can say is that there's a lot of circumstantial evidence. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 03:01:05 Yeah. They edit around it incredibly well. And actually, in the Infowars version that comes out, you wouldn't even hear Alex coughing and gurgling and throwing up in his mouth these disgusting noises. What's crazy is maybe we have been underestimating this crew for a long time. I think their editors might be good. Maybe they are fucking incredible and just the level of taxation upon them
Starting point is 03:01:32 is such that they still make mistakes. Yeah, I'm mad at the crew and he shouldn't be because they're great. No, they're amazing. Yeah, because I think if you watch just the Infowars version, the one that's on, you would not come away with a suspicion that Alex threw up in the middle of this.
Starting point is 03:01:50 Unreal. But if you watch Owen's, You know. You're pretty convinced. Now here's where I came into a little bit of difficulty. I didn't watch the whole thing on Owen's thing, but I could tell that there's definitely probably at least a few points where Alex says
Starting point is 03:02:06 something pretty fucked up. I imagine there is. I was not able to scour because it's a four additional hours of time. Of the same thing. Right. I feel like that would be incredibly brutal to watch. I would stop you if you tried.
Starting point is 03:02:19 Now I was trying to, or I thought about, I don't want to sit here and tell you that Alex probably threw up on the show and not substantiate that. But at the same time, it's only audio and it's gross noises. So I'm not playing that. It's still on Owen's Twitter.
Starting point is 03:02:38 So if you want to go watch it, you can. It's about at the three hour, 56 minute mark of the live stream I'm posted and you can see Owen look so fucking sad. Yeah, he looks like What are we fucking doing? You should be yeah Because I think Alex is drunk throwing up next to him while they pretend to be doing their last broadcast. Yes, you should feel sad This is awful. It really is. It is truly a... It's up there with that stream he did where he was incapacitated
Starting point is 03:03:11 with Paul Joseph Watson. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's up there in terms of the this is... You have an obligation as a human being to another human being to stop this. And if you are not doing that, then you're the problem. And, you know what? I used to say that quite a bit and I kind of still agree with it, but I think I've said my piece on that
Starting point is 03:03:32 and trying to have concern where it's not my place. I will say instead, what I'm focused on is pretending that this isn't the case and what's going on. While you're trying to pretend, oh, we're staunch, very serious journalists. We're the only people who ever tell the truth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 03:03:51 You're sitting next to Alex while he's smoking cigarettes and throwing up on air. Get the fuck out of here with that pretense. Yeah, I'm not talking about his life, to be clear. Right. I'm talking about the show. Yeah. As a person, you would be like,
Starting point is 03:04:03 let's just not have this on the for the world to see We're all listen. We're all fucked up. Sure every one of 100% of us have had fucked up days Exactly, like what Alex is going through the difference is well not exactly like that, but we've all had bad days Yeah, but we didn't broadcast them to the world Because we probably had a good friend who was like, hey, don't fucking broadcast this to the world. If you had a really good friend, or a competent CRO, you might land the plane from the first stream
Starting point is 03:04:35 and be like, I went out classy, I went out nice, I don't need to try and get shut down live on air, I don't need to do this. We can let that stand. But instead they do this and do four fucking hours of nonsense with a cavalcade of all stars. Brutal. Speaking of all stars. Yes.
Starting point is 03:04:55 Weirdo, pizza gate enthusiast Liz Cronken is on. Liz Cronken? Cronk, what's her name? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the name. Yeah. From the internet. Yeah, yeah. Obviously, yeah, I know the name. Yeah. From the internet. Yeah, yeah. Obviously. I don't know what she does, yeah. She's, I think, a Pizzagate weirdo.
Starting point is 03:05:10 Okay. And I know that- Still? Because that Pizzagate is in her Twitter bio. I will be goddamned. And listen to what she says on Alex's show. Oh, man. Hi, how are you guys doing? Can you hear me okay?
Starting point is 03:05:22 Yeah, let's hear you. I'm she-faced. Okay, Alex, we need you guys doing? Can you hear me okay? Yeah, let's hear you. Okay, Alex, we need you to stay strong, no more crying. You are in very good company. We have- Hold on, my crying was real. It's a thing that someone says when they are really crying. It's real, it wasn't a fake thing when I did that. So I can't help it.
Starting point is 03:05:44 I know, I know I know But you're in good company because there are a lot of people in this chat that have been persecuted harassed the reddened Intimidate the same way that you have been I know that they have been messing with you for years I know that demon piece of shit, James Olifantas has threatened you. He did the same thing to me. James Olifantas, of course, the guy who owns
Starting point is 03:06:11 common ping pong pizza, where Pizza Gate was- Still, still doing it. It's pretty impressive. Yeah, it's been a long time. That's a long time to hold a grudge. And I would refer everyone back to what you were saying earlier about the apologies that Alex issues when like James Oliphantus sued him Yeah, and how you can just pretend oh he had to say that yeah
Starting point is 03:06:32 I still believe that he believes the same things I do you bet it's perfect Yep, so anyway Liz comes and goes good don't care needs to be gone pizza gate weirdo So we get another luminary other huge guest So we get another luminary, another huge guest. Now I want to throw something out there. Real quick. I forgot that they didn't introduce him. This is the Q shaman.
Starting point is 03:06:51 Oh my God. As far as an idea of what we can do. No introduction is necessary. Every man, woman and child in this country that is against tyranny. I think I talked to you Alex about this on the interview that we did, but I will just say it one more time each and every single
Starting point is 03:07:07 capital in the United States like Washington DC is built on electromagnetic ley lines and these ley lines have certain levels of spiritual power over our thoughts and our emotions. And that's why they build these capitals on these ley lines and they try to pass law that affect our behavior our thoughts and our emotions. So I'm proposing like what I do every single Saturday here in Phoenix is going down to our state and local capitals, assembling on the ley lines for prayer and meditation so that when you- So Jake, I know who you are, we've had you on, people should follow you, it's great, great,
Starting point is 03:07:41 I know it's all true, that's all that. Whatever. What is your view on what's currently happening with the assault on Trump, the assault on America, the new world order? We get the ley line stuff. Give us your take on that. Hey, hippie, you dumb fuck. I don't care about that stuff. Ley lines burned down, Eddie. You know, I mean, I think part of the problem with what I mean, it's what we're talking about. Like just being able to you can
Starting point is 03:08:01 just say it. You can just say, I'm sorry. You don't have to. Like the QAnon Shaman guy wrote this long-ass letter for his sentencing apologizing taking responsibility learning lessons etc now he has like an Academy online yeah yeah like do you know why you can just lie because we allow you to it's totally fine speech baby if speech, baby. If you were, if we had a system that held people accountable for lying like that, like if QAnon Shaman shows up and then the court just goes,
Starting point is 03:08:32 oh, well then all the things that I said because of this letter are now gone. Time out. You know? Time out. Like that's consequences for being a lying piece of shit. Time out. What?
Starting point is 03:08:44 Did anything in his letter say? I'm not gonna pray and meditate at the ley lines that are under our state capitals because maybe he's not contradicting his apology letter I have to admit I read his whole Whatever if this is the world all of you want to live in I'll just go back to trial by combat by myself. Fair enough. Okay. So Alex has probably thrown up. Sure. He's a mess. Yeah. And he's decided he's staying in studio overnight.
Starting point is 03:09:14 Of course. And now he decides I'm going home. Yeah. You guys got any questions for him? Are we getting this person? Somebody gonna drive him home. Next person. All right, go to the next person.
Starting point is 03:09:23 Cause hey, I'm gonna go home tonight. I'm not gonna stay here like last night. I couldn't sleep good on that couch. Got a big crick on my back. If they shut us down, it is, we're here. It was the last show. I'm so glad we're here celebrating the history of M4s. 30 years on air.
Starting point is 03:09:38 And it's just, it's the enemy is gonna, God's gonna turn towards good. You'll be here tomorrow. You think so? I believe it, yeah. God's gonna give you at. You'll be here tomorrow. You think so? I believe it, yeah. God's gonna give you at least another day, for sure. Okay. Why?
Starting point is 03:09:50 I hope you're right. I hope you're right. Why? Why would God give him one more day? Because there's always one more day, right? Oh my God. Always, hope springs eternal. Whatever.
Starting point is 03:09:58 Listen, this is a bad couch. I mean, it does feel like bad couch. I mean, it does. It does feel like if you are going to declare war about all this shit, then you cannot be mad at a bad. But like you can't have one bad night's sleep and be like, I'm out of here. I declare war. I'm going to take it to these evil new world order Satanists. I am committed 100%.
Starting point is 03:10:28 They will not shut this place down. The second I leave this place, they're gonna put padlocks on the door. I'm going home because that couch sucks. I am reminded of one of Alex's favorite people. The person that he admires a great deal, George Washington. And I'm reminded of Valley Forgege when it was really cold that first night and they were like fuck this right or now we're a British colony at the animal and Colonel Travis was
Starting point is 03:10:53 like that sucks bullshit I'm out it's caught hurt my back honestly guys this isn't even our country so there's there's a fair amount of language I'd say throughout everything probably the rest this there's a fair amount of language, I'd say, throughout everything, probably the rest of this, there's a lot of swearing and Alex saying wild shit, but here he fake cries a little bit more, and then of course turns immediately into an outburst of anger. Yep.
Starting point is 03:11:19 Trump is gonna blow the lid off of the UFC event tonight. That's gonna be insane. The whole arena is gonna go crazy, 30,000 screaming people. And then I think after that, the UFC event tonight, that's gonna be insane. The whole arena is gonna go crazy, 30,000 screaming people. And then I think after that, the next big thing, then they'll probably padlock. That's kinda how I feel that the shift is gonna happen. Yeah, it's wild, man.
Starting point is 03:11:37 I love the crew. I'll just say that. I think of the crew as like me, like it's my arm. It's like, whoa, I love this guy. I love this girl. Like decommissioning the Millennium Falcon. Yeah, it's like, oh, that's mine. That's mine.
Starting point is 03:11:51 But they get the Millennium Falcon back eventually, Alex. I'm so pissed off. I'm trying to cry. It's a fake thing. But I'm so sick of these people. All we're trying to do is save America. And they're fucking us over, over and over again. And it's just so sick of these people. All we're trying to do is save America, and they're fucking us over, over and over again. And it's just so sick.
Starting point is 03:12:10 It's sick. It's sick. And I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave because it's gonna be over, folks. And I can... I'll come back bigger than ever, but it's like my baby, and I'm watching them rape it because they're fucking assholes. They're fucking pussies, man. I'm gonna release a fucking video. I'm gonna release a fucking audio on you.
Starting point is 03:12:28 I'll get you, motherfucker. You better fucking be sorry about that. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. I don't know how you follow that. I'm just telling you, man, I am not taking it lying down. I don't know how to do it.
Starting point is 03:12:44 I'm not built to suck your dick. I'm not built to suck your dick I'm not built to bet. I'm not I'm built for war motherfucker And I will not fucking battle you I will fuck damn you fucking assholes man I'm fucking son of bitches sure fucking assholes sure who's up next who's up next? Who's up next? Call God coming up shit another call. God, I'm coming up on those. Holy shit. All right. I mean, I'm always reluctant to say I feel for Owen.
Starting point is 03:13:11 Sure. But in that moment, that's a tough situation. Bullshit. That is an easy situation. That is a tragically easy situation. How do you play it? How do you follow that with, yeah, the end. Right, you antagonize. Yeah, that's it. That's all you have to do. Now here's
Starting point is 03:13:28 what's interesting. Yeah, that was something that Owen failed to do. Yes. When Alex was having this moment, he could have hit the ball back to him. Hell yeah. But instead he said, I don't know. I'm a quitter who sucks. Right. Yeah. Now let's see what happens when chase has a very similar opportunity. All right I'm completely cross-eyed crazy exhausted and I can't I'm like literally here like watching a family or die like 30 years on Air 27 years is operation 15 years this building and I'm literally when I know I leave tonight They're gonna shut us down. Maybe it's tomorrow the next day. I just want people to know I love you. I believe in you. I believe in humanity.
Starting point is 03:14:07 I believe in my grandparents. I believe in my parents. I believe in humanity. I just want to stop these people. They gotta be stopped. We gotta stop them. So... Sure. At the end of the day, we're gonna beat these people. Oh, God.
Starting point is 03:14:30 These people hate our children. Sure. Hate them. Just take more calls. Go ahead, dozen this person. Because we can't give up now. We have to keep going. We have to keep going.
Starting point is 03:14:45 We have to stay here, we have to let them shut us down. We have to stand all the way to the end, and we're gonna win. Jones, I think everybody needs a war cry, man. Can you muster a war cry? See what I'm saying? It's a big joke. Yeah! It's not really, though.
Starting point is 03:14:57 I mean, it is, but it isn't. It's also inspiring. My muscle can totally go, I do this, but it's fine. It's my resistance to them. It's a God's transmission. It's my resistance to them. It's a God's transmission. It's a human under attack. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh All right. All right, let's go to one more speaker. Myron, what is on your mind? Holy shit. So that's not much better than what Owen did.
Starting point is 03:15:31 That had big energy of like a washed up comedian who's like, do your bit. Do the thing that you did on that show. It's very toady. Yeah, very much like a, do the work right, Alex. You could've, you had your moment to like, pump him up, you had, But I think he thought that's what that was. I think he did too, but that's real sad.
Starting point is 03:15:50 Yeah, especially Alex's response, it's just a big joke. Yeah, I mean, it's somebody who doesn't believe in themselves. I don't wanna be your clown. Yeah. That's the feeling that comes through with Alex is it's a big joke, my dumb war cry. Yeah, it is a dumb war cry and you are a clown, that is.
Starting point is 03:16:04 I can't argue with that. But that's what Chase is doing, though. Chase is a believer. Dance, dance. No, Chase is a believer. Yeah. Chase is like, it's not a big joke. I think Chase would like to be inspired by a war cry.
Starting point is 03:16:16 He would. Yeah. He would like, he believes, and Alex is the only one there, and I assume Owen, that knows it's bullshit. I think Harrison might, too. the only one there, and I assume Owen, that knows it's bullshit. I think Harrison might too. Well, yeah, but he's like, I'm a Nazi, so who cares? So Myron is on, that was the next person.
Starting point is 03:16:34 Sure. I believe, I don't fully know, I kind of know this tangentially. I believe that he's one of the hosts of the Fresh and Fit podcast, which is a fairly big podcast. Great. Maybe a bit misogynistic type of dude stuff.
Starting point is 03:16:52 I don't know. I haven't looked deeply into it, but I generally don't hear great things. When dudes are doing dude shit, it's not good. So he is like, we wanna support you, Alex. We're gonna do whatever we can. And Alex is like, want to support you Alex, you know, we're gonna do whatever we can sure and Alex Like fuck it. All right. Here's what everybody needs to do. Okay, the assault is now the enemy is coming cool You understand it's here. This is it
Starting point is 03:17:16 Do you understand me? It's not about me. The enemy is coming We're the carrying the coal mine. Go ahead and finish up coming we're the carrying the coal mine go ahead and finish up I'm gonna finish up no man I mean whatever you guys need you guys need anything for fresh or fit man you tell me I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you info wars is overrun supporting info war store it's done we're overtaken maybe we fix it I'll tell you day one it's happened it's gone they were overrun enemies all over us my dad said two years ago he's smarter than I am, he said, you're gonna be shut down,
Starting point is 03:17:49 I'm starting to think, as our sponsor of the next level. We don't even need much money, we've already got emergency stuff backed up, we're gonna continue on no matter what happens here, but I need anyone that cares about what we're doing. I can't even believe how epic this is, like it's a no brainer.
Starting point is 03:18:05 We have probably five million people watching right now. Less than 1% will buy a goddamn tube of toothpaste or incredible products we've got. Go to I'm not bitching. I'm like, you want a revolution, man? You want victory. You want fucking war against fucking terrorists?
Starting point is 03:18:22 You fucking got people that are ready to fight, man. I mean, I'm fucking completely war-driven against these people. I'm fucking knocking my earpiece out. I am completely, somebody come find my earpiece, put it in my ear. I am completely war-driven. Somebody put my earpiece back in.
Starting point is 03:18:38 Arr! It's a little bizarre. But I mean, this is really one of the main thrusts, I think, of Alex's priorities right now, which is stop giving money to Infowars I'm not gonna get it. Yep. Give it to my dad This is the way of the future Infowars is dead to me as a business entity Yeah So fuck that shit go to dr. Jones naturals and I mean I think this is a little aggressive
Starting point is 03:19:04 I think it's a little bit angry. I remember when I did stand up, and I'm sure you've learned this lesson or been told this, that like never lash out at the audience that is there about the audience that isn't there. Sure. Never lash out at the people who are buying products
Starting point is 03:19:19 by complaining about everybody else not buying fucking products. Doesn't make any sense. They're the ones there to support you. The only thing, you're not going to get get those people you're not gonna translate that into sales Probably they're gone and you run the risk of alienating the people who are buying it. You know Build your core audience right yeah, I think Alex is failing to do that now because who cares the ships going down Yeah, yeah, I mean that, that is such an interesting thing
Starting point is 03:19:46 that's probably wrong, right? Because we've done that, build the core audience, makes sense for us, strong, right? But they build the weak audience and then make millions upon millions of dollars, you know? So like some of them, it makes sense to do that Yeah, it does make sense to be a whiny baby No, I think I think you know yeah I mean the proof of the pudding is in the eating and I think that Alex's model has clearly shown to be far more profitable
Starting point is 03:20:14 Ah, but now that we're in the totality of said model that has a beginning middle and end We can very clearly see that yes the middle may be nice and that but there's this there's this yeah Yeah, so I'll stick with the way we do stuff. You don't want to do this can very clearly see that yes the middle may be nice but there's this there's this yeah yeah so i'll stick with the way we do stuff you don't want to do this i am totally fucking committed to our species i am totally fucking committed against satanist i hate the new world order with every ounce of my body i don't support these people and all i'm saying is will you support us in this fight dr That's why I will release all the video.
Starting point is 03:20:48 I will release all the shit on these fucking people that fucking think I'm gonna bow down to them and suck their fucking dick in a fucking happening. They want a fucking war? You better believe they got one. And I'm sorry for all the cussing folks, but I am beyond bullshit level I'm beyond mr. Fucking nice guy shit if that's all over now
Starting point is 03:21:11 total war Total war is what they want total war is what they get So if you support what I'm doing dr Jones naturals comm to support the tip of the spear and the fight for the human destiny in the future of the world and I'm done talking about it I appreciate you all you guys can go and take more calls I'm going to end this right now and I'm just I'm fucking done I'm done we're I appreciate everybody you guys close the comments. Well, every moment we have here at Infowars shall not be taken for granted.
Starting point is 03:21:47 Very beautiful words. Remember a little bit ago, Alex was making fun of Flat Earth Dave? Yep. So much more fun than this. Yep. Yep. This sucks. He's so angry. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:21:58 Angry-ass plugging. Just, ah, it's annoying. I think that's why I'm far less concerned about any kind of coup or civil War or anything than anybody else is Just simply like at no point in time has any Civil War ever been financed by dr Jones naturals comm no I don't I don't know if I agree with that but more Specifically the leaders of said war are not giving speeches that include multiple pugs of said war are not giving speeches that include multiple plugs.
Starting point is 03:22:25 That's true. Yeah. That's true. That's the issue. Shay was never like, and also I've got a new line of clothing. But do you know if there was some shit talker that history has forgotten who was around
Starting point is 03:22:36 when Shay was around? I mean, Fidel was shit talking quite a bit. Did he have a radio show with his dad's sponsor? Or Raul, was Raul a sponsor on Fidel's show fucking fucking hell Jesus Christ so Alex was just screaming some obscenities and he seems to be really preoccupied with dick sucking Seems to be you know, you know, that's what happened. These are these guys Whatever I was raised with a lot of those guys,
Starting point is 03:23:05 so I know those guys. But it's coming to the surface in a way that it is not always there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That anger. Right. And so you'd be surprised to learn who Alex believes his audience to be.
Starting point is 03:23:16 The only audience I ever have on is God. I never talk to the audience. I love the audience, I love you guys, but I never talk to the audience. I'm like in front of God every day on air. I have one fucking viewer, Scott. Nice. That makes sense?
Starting point is 03:23:31 Nice. Yep. No, finish your point. I was interrupting. No, that's it. That's the point. They can decommission the Millennium Falcon. It's kind of weird to shut this down
Starting point is 03:23:38 because I don't think we're going to be, I think it's over. Like folks, two days I'd have to live here to stop them. I've had to literally convince police and shit, not to shut down and say you don't have an order like don't do it Like this is going on. You guys are here. Like people don't know like this is not I don't fucking hype you man I would never lie to you in a minute. This is going down. We're designed to hype This is rude Goes against everything he went to dinner with Mario in the fall the night before like he didn't decent bit the living at the studio for days
Starting point is 03:24:08 It probably feels that way at this point. Yeah, this is ridiculous. They want to be raided so bad Yeah, yeah kids now you're getting to the the late hours of the stream. You've run out of gas Yeah, Alex is clearly on the other side of the drunk. Yep Oh run out of gas. Alex is clearly on the other side of the drunk. Oh, and Harrison don't want to be there? I mean, how could they possibly still be there? He can't fire you anymore. He doesn't even run his own business. The chief resource officer is probably, well, I mean, actually I'm surprised he hasn't fired Harrison Smith at least, right? He's probably got something in the contract. Probably. So Alex had said, like, you guys
Starting point is 03:24:48 take some calls. I'm fucking out of here. He's done. I mean, yeah, he is. He's literally done except he's not. Oh, you got to do 20 minutes. So finish up. I can't shut down. We're going to 20 minutes because this is probably the last show ever. I can feel it. You see it. They fucking are ready to come in. It's just fucked up, man. This is, we're here. We're right now. This is, because I can easily shut down right now, Owen. But when you drive away tonight, you're
Starting point is 03:25:12 going to wish you said something. What do you want to say about your life and your family and who you are? And then Harrison Smith. And let's just keep going. Because they don't want this. This is the final moments, man. Sure.
Starting point is 03:25:27 Well, I guess every day you wake up, you ask yourself, is America worth fighting for? Is freedom worth fighting for? And if your answer is yes, then the rest follows. I mean, that's it. That's it. That's why we do what we do here. That's why the crew's here. That's why you're here. Yeah, I don't even know if I... Tell me, we're here at the end, brother.
Starting point is 03:25:48 Like, literally, we're the Alamo. They're fucking, like, we're going down. Oh, man. So Owen thinks he's on a different show, I think. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. He's trying to be a little bit serious. What is happening? And that's kind of sad.
Starting point is 03:26:00 But here's the... As we get towards the end, Alex keeps asking them for like their final words. Closing thoughts. No, but it's like, it's elevated to such a level because this is our last show ever. Right, right, right. What are your final words on it?
Starting point is 03:26:13 What is the last thing you have to say? What do you regret not saying? Just bury us already, just go, come on, man. We're at the Alamo, we're going down, man. I don't know how you could do that. Like, that's what I'm saying. How could you be Owen and at four hours in blank or whatever it is, be like,
Starting point is 03:26:31 well, if you care about America, then you, you know, like, no, but make it fun for yourself. You gotta make it fun, man. Here's what I think. Okay. I have nothing to back this up. Okay. So please know that this is shit talking.
Starting point is 03:26:44 Sure. I don't watch a ton of Owen these days. Fair. I have nothing to back this up. So please know that this is shit talking. I don't watch a ton of Owen these days. I watched a bit more of him in the past. And in the past, especially in the early times that he was on Infowars, he was doing an Alex impression. He was trying to be like Alex. And I think that at some point he decided I don't wanna do that.
Starting point is 03:27:02 And so he's doing his own thing. He's doing something a little bit different than just pretending to be Alex. I don't know if do that. And so he's doing his own thing. He's doing something a little bit different than just pretending to be Alex. I don't know if it was the trial, I don't know if it was him getting arrested because of January 6th. I would say that a possibility is when Alex got drunk and didn't make his own speech at that event
Starting point is 03:27:19 that Nick Fuentes ended up taking over. That'd be a good one. Yeah, that was a night where Owen had to carry a lot of weight he didn't expect to. I feel like there might have been some growth experiences through that and being able to see someone who's younger in Harrison. Like Harrison is in the him role from when he started.
Starting point is 03:27:40 So he sees this from the other side and realizes, I don't wanna abuse this guy the way that, I don't know. That's not usually the way of things the usually the way of things is he abuses him in exactly the same way I told you I have nothing to back this fair and I'm talking shit. That's fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. All right I'm imagining why he's not doing an Alex impression. It is interesting. Yeah, I will say something happened Yes, and I think it's probably good because the Alex impression goes nowhere I think what's funny about that is that when there are so many moments for a person to learn Maybe a lesson that doesn't even need to be learned right it could have anything could be a transformative
Starting point is 03:28:14 Anything could be a transfer because it's all there's a million of them. Yeah, so Alex can't decide should I stay or should I go? Probably should go okay, we can't because then the show's over forever, right? Even though I know we'll come back bigger. I can't play along the lie that oh, we'll just be bigger when it comes back This place means so much to me. I just hope viewers take everything we said today and clip it and put it out I hope you'll make a big deal about it because this is epic. This is the assault on your speech what you believe in fact we already said this, but you guys decide. We in this right now, we take a few more people.
Starting point is 03:28:52 We just shut it down. It's probably the last thing here. Because we're here right now. Do we keep going or we shut down? Your rodeo, Jones. That's a little... Let's go home. I'm just saying, I can't... Alex. Let's go home fucking hours. I don't I can't say it. No, I don't want to stop And so I know that it's we're all it's it's like we're shooting
Starting point is 03:29:15 You said the Elmo were the fucking parapets the Elmo. I just I don't know what to say. It's like it's so insane So this is a mirror of that episode where Alex got really drunk, like, years ago. The 2017 episode that, where the ways to learn and the semen on the skull, the art piece. Truly a great one. Now that night, it was much later. Yes. And that night, Roger Stone was also there.
Starting point is 03:29:42 Interesting parallel. But that night, Rob Dew was with him, and Rob clearly wanted to leave. There was a, let's end this, I've got my coat on. Let's do this, yeah. I don't think that that is what Chase was, I think he was hoping Alex would say, fuck it, we're going all night.
Starting point is 03:30:00 Because I think Chase is as much of a true believer as you think. Chase is a believer, yeah yeah, Chase is fucked man. Chase has got a lot of bad news coming his way in the future now Here's what I kind of base that on I have some unfair information sure and that is Chase is like we're rocking. Oh god, but that thing is I don't care about the scum They're like pieces of shit like I don't even want to stop them to death. But they politically demand I do this. So I'm just here at the fucking end of 30 years of this operation, this whole crew, everything we're doing.
Starting point is 03:30:33 And I see these idiots. They don't even understand what's about to happen. I just have trouble turning loose. I'm going to be honest about it. Kase, you want to end it right now? I'm not going to be the one that ends this broadcast. Let's go to fucking Muckraker. Muckraker in spaces.
Starting point is 03:30:54 Go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you've got to say. That sigh from Alex makes me think that he wanted Chase to end it. That is, we were talking about this Or I was I was telling you about the World War two What is it some superior? The thing where the commander would be pressured by his subordinates Not because of making a good decision or because of what they say, but because the commander doesn't want to look poor in front of the subordinates after all of this stuff.
Starting point is 03:31:28 So Alex literally cannot, in the face of Chase Geyser, a true believer go, honestly, I just want to go home, buddy. Right, because this is the last show ever. Exactly. This is the end of 30 years. We are doing a war against the CRO, apparently. Yep. And so, yeah, of course, Alex can't,
Starting point is 03:31:46 but you know what he could have done? Not gotten back on air. Totally. It would have been totally fine. Would have been fine. But now he's in a situation where he's been on air for like six, seven, eight hours or something total, cause we didn't even listen to the Bilderberg part.
Starting point is 03:32:00 Exhausted. Right, yeah. And so he's drunk. Drunk. Wants to go home cause the couch sucks. Oh. And yeah, it's so he's he's drunk drunk wants to go home because the couch sucks Oh, and yeah, he's such a bad day, but you need chase to be the one to say yeah, all right We've had we've done Alex. It's time for you to go home and get a well-deserved rest, right? That's what you want. I stay here for you Absolutely, we'll keep the lights on or whatever it is. But Chase is an ideologue.
Starting point is 03:32:27 He believes in the image of Alex. He's like, no, you want me to keep your feet to the fire, so we're going to talk to him. I absolutely do not. This is all a fucking joke. Please don't make me do a war cry again. Don't want to do another war cry. Oh, God. So Owen has some sort of flowery language here at the beginning of this clip.
Starting point is 03:32:45 Okay. And then Alex is like, we can't end the show. Jesus Christ. And then they talk to someone with a dumb name. World peace, freedom, prosperity. It's possible. It's possible in this planet. That's our dream. That's our total dream is world peace, freedom and prosperity. It is possible. It is possible. All right, so.
Starting point is 03:33:08 They've almost shut us down last night today. When I tell viewers week this year last show I feel really bad turning this off. Okay, we'll take this and read a little bit and they're going to put their hand around this is part of their fucking thing. But we should take a few more spaces commenters because I just can't turn loose right now. I can't die yet So go ahead more people all right all right Let's go to sovereign brah sovereign brah go ahead and unmute yourself and say what you got to say
Starting point is 03:33:34 Let's go to sovereign brah sovereign brah Is the show yep, that's this show yep It really is the end of 30 years, Alex can't take responsibility for ending the fucking show, and so they talk to Sovereign Bra. Sovereign Bra. That is, I don't know how to explain it, but that is a perfect metaphor.
Starting point is 03:33:55 It is, it is a microcosm of a microcosm of a perfect representation of the whole. Yep. It's amazing. It's like synecdoche, bra. So then they talk. That would be a good joke for somebody. Sure. They talk to Maria Z, who's another reporter for Infowars. She's on the Spaces. She just says that you inspired me, Alex, and we are all the Infowars. Very nice thing.
Starting point is 03:34:20 And I think they decide, like, all right, we're going to... That's a good one to end on. Yeah, that's a good one to end on. She's an Infowars employee. She said we're gonna. That's a good one. Yeah, this is our last call. Yeah, that's a good one to end on. She's an InfoWars employee. She set something uplifting. It's something about the future. It's good closer. And so here is the last clip. Let's return to the king this ending finally.
Starting point is 03:34:35 This is beautiful. It's a little dramatic. Okay. And we're in an epic moment right now. And I appreciate Owen and I appreciate Harrison I appreciate teach guys. I appreciate you. But yeah, this is it. So I think we're gonna end with you I really appreciate you Maria Z and we'll do as best as we can but this is a this is quite a moment in history right now and
Starting point is 03:35:00 This is the enemy coming in and we're gonna try the best job we can. Well, there's one thing I know about you, Alex. And it was a few years back. You were going through something. And you were into the Frank Sinatra song. I did it my way. You played it on the air. You did it your way. Maybe we could even go with the more recent Fred Durst,
Starting point is 03:35:17 It's My Way or The Highway. It's been your way. You've done it your way. You did it your way. And so that's what this is. You did it your way. This is you going out in your way. And we were just playing that compilation there
Starting point is 03:35:29 that the crew had up on the screen of some of your epic moments. And so I would say maybe in these final hours, these final moments of Infowars, let's have people put up their favorite compilations, their favorite Alex compilations, their favorite Infowars videos. Just flood the internet with everything that has been done here over the years.
Starting point is 03:35:49 Every victory we've had, all the fun we've had, all the seriousness. It's all gone, Alex. It's all gone. Oh boy. Go to bed. It's all gone. But it's all up to us, but it's all,
Starting point is 03:36:07 I'm just now gonna continue on the fight. And I just hope people will take this. We should end with Frank Sinatra. I did it my way, but I did it God's way. I've literally fought these people from day one, knowing I was right. And it wasn't me, it was all you. But this is probably our last broadcast. And you have these demons after us.
Starting point is 03:36:26 They're so pathetic, but it's OK. So just play the whole Frank Sinatra my way. We hope we're back tomorrow. We don't know we'll be back. But we're under a total attack. It's OK. I love you so much. And I appreciate all the crew and all of you.
Starting point is 03:36:42 So let's just finish up right now. I've lived a life that's full. I traveled each and every highway. I could go for some Durst right now. And more. Jesus Christ. Much more than this. I'm trying to Durst. I did it my way.
Starting point is 03:37:07 They play the whole song. Of course they do. Nice little clips of Alex in younger days and triumphant moments. Also they sort of turn off the lights on the set. That's great. That's good. And Alex waves. Yeah, that's a good one. It's a very dramatic moment. It's very much like... Cheers?
Starting point is 03:37:30 You know, doesn't Rob Do have a degree in theater? Probably. I think he does. I think that's what Alex has said. If so, it came through. Because he must have been directing this shit. It was well-staged, yeah. It feels like the best they could do in terms of the last moments of the show that I'm not mad at the crew
Starting point is 03:37:50 I love you all I shouldn't have done this last four hours Yep, but we did it my way we did you did you did it your way it is it was absurd. Yep stupid Yeah, there's probably gonna be legal ramifications for what you said about the CRO. Hope there are It's your way. I mean, you know, here's the problem. Here's the problem with that, right, is that it wasn't. It was not. It is easy for us to romanticize that idea of like,
Starting point is 03:38:20 this is a man that in some ways lived according to his own code kind of thing. We want to believe that. This is not a man who lived according to his own code. This is a man who is beset by any number of compulsions, addictions, poor family and friends, enablers, all of this created a monster. Not somebody who did it their way. And affluence. Yes.
Starting point is 03:38:46 That also added to it. I think that was a major factor in a lot of that enabling. For any idea of, oh, this man was an iconoclast kind of thing, nip that shit in the bud right fucking now. Well, maybe a little bit. Maybe he's a little bit of an iconoclast but not enough to deserve a frank sinatra exit Yeah, okay fair enough. I'll give you that one. There's degrees. I'll give you that one also. He did his show on Sunday God I hate this world
Starting point is 03:39:13 I hate it so fucking much He was on air all day on Saturday doing this bullshit everything about this We're recording on Sunday, so I didn't watch the show, but I did check in to see if he was there. Yeah. He was. He was doing his show on Sunday. So they did not get padlocked. I, here's, okay.
Starting point is 03:39:35 I feel like all of you, all of you, but me, have a lot to take responsibility for. I certainly do. For this whole fucking world functioning the way it does. I definitely bear a lot of the burden for. I certainly do. For this whole fucking world functioning the way it does. I definitely bear a lot of the burden for bringing this to you. I mean, every time I say things, oh, this could be better, everybody goes,
Starting point is 03:39:54 oh, Jordan, you're so stupid. Let's see if we can't file a motion to keep this in federal court as opposed to state court, because I'm the idiot who believes stupid shit. Fair. I mean, look, at the end of all of this, what a ride. Oh my God, unreal. Can you believe that we started out
Starting point is 03:40:17 with Trump's conviction? No. Every part of this, I cannot believe. But you can understand now why I kind of feel like, eh, Trump's conviction not really that important. Doesn't matter even in this lightest. Doesn't feel relevant. Who cares?
Starting point is 03:40:29 Right. Fucking, oh, probation. Who cares? Put him in jail or go fuck yourself. Alex did our last show pageant. Absolutely. What fun. That's some shit right there.
Starting point is 03:40:39 Star-studded affair. Yep. Complete mess. And maybe threw up on air. Is it? OK. It's hard to believe how quickly we have all just Yeah, complete mess and maybe threw up on air. Is it okay? It's hard to believe How quickly we have all just been like whatever that a former general is like hey We need to start shooting people on Infowars. Well. He didn't say that
Starting point is 03:40:57 But he's a general close. He was a man who commanded people to shoot people right there by ever I would say that everything he says has a somewhat... There was a little, there's a reading of it that goes that direction. Yeah, he's a general of the United States military. Sure. Two of Trump's former campaign managers were on. Bannon and Roger Stone. Man.
Starting point is 03:41:20 I'm not sure, was Roger actually the official campaign? I think he was. Yeah. I'm not sure was Roger actually the official campaign. I think he was yeah, I'm not sure but yeah you have You have Bannon Flynn and and and Roger all on here. It's fucking a mess I mean I feel like this is a chenic this all can be boil this all comes down to this right I think once My way was overtaken by Fred Durst's version.
Starting point is 03:41:46 Right. Or when they're equivalent. Yeah, that's whenever, society just can't function. It can't function like that. Also, where was Paul? Where was Paul? Yeah. Is he just better?
Starting point is 03:41:57 Paul just, did he just get, did he just go to rehab and now he's fine? I don't know. He's just, he works at a pub. He's a great guy. I question whether he still hates SJWs. I mean, what if he did, what if he just got a job as a bartender at a pub and just has a great life?
Starting point is 03:42:13 Where's Carpe Donkdom? Oh man, he is seasoned something. Yeah, where's, who's the other guy? Count Dankula. Count Dankula, yeah, where are the other truly great historical figures in the other? Where's the fucking Joker? God I do I do honestly think that
Starting point is 03:42:36 disrespectful not to have pachanek on disrespectful not to have Disrespectful on Rogan's part and Tucker's part to not come in. Sure. Because if you're doing the last, we're doing a telethon where they're gonna board up the doors and everything. Sure, sure. You need all the star power you can get.
Starting point is 03:42:52 True, but I think if there are three people who know more intimately than anyone else on this planet, besides us, that Alex was going to be on Air Sunday, I would be shocked. Yeah, that's true. So anyway, we'll be back with maybe Alex is closed. I don't know. Maybe on Sunday he has big news
Starting point is 03:43:12 about how he had to get bolt cutters and break through a lock. That'd be fun. That'd be great. Who knows? Maybe we're really pirate radioing this at this point. We're gonna find out, but this was exhausting and kind of felt like old times a little bit. we're gonna find out but this was exhausting and
Starting point is 03:43:29 Kind of kind of felt like old times a little I you said you said at the beginning You know this felt like well you were up late till 430 feeling like the beginning feeling like old times Also that stream had a lot of the mirrors of the 2017 it really did stream You know there's there's so much of that that it kind of maybe triggered something and it felt like I felt no when you All jah when you were Went at like here's how sad here's how sad it was When you were talking about Owen and you were like, oh he's smoking cigarettes and drinking I was like man We used to smoke cigarettes. Yeah Owen was it oh, I know Alex was I was I was thinking like I
Starting point is 03:44:04 Almost makes me feel like that was Okay, it was not but Yeah, we didn't hide that we did no no no we did Alex is hiding that he was smoking yes And I actually know this from old emails. Yeah, they were turned over in the lawsuit Yeah, they used to have all the old show logs. Every episode would have logs. And a few of them got caught up in these emails. And so if you look at them, one of the things that is sometimes called out is like, you need to cut away from this when you post this because Alex is smoking.
Starting point is 03:44:36 That's amazing. So it goes back years and years and years of this like, just don't show it. Just not mad at the crew. Which on some level, it is impressive editing. And then second, I guess, if it's, you know, the alternative is give the message to the homeschool children that watch this for school. I guess maybe hide it.
Starting point is 03:44:55 Nah, I hide it, I'm fine with that. Oh, they didn't showcase Obama smoking at the President of the United States address or whatever. The speaker, oh my God. Wow. Wow. State of the Union States address or whatever. The Speaker of the, oh my God. Wow. Wow, State of the Union. It's been long. It has been a long episode.
Starting point is 03:45:11 Let's wrap this, let's go to some spaces. I wanna do 20 minutes more, honestly. Let's go to some spaces. Can we get a bottle of wine and just really figure this out tonight? Oh boy. So we'll be back, but until then we have website. And do we do, it's
Starting point is 03:45:22 Yep, we're also not on social media. We are not on social media. We will be back, but until then, I'm Neo, I do we do, it's Yep, we're also not on social media. We are not on social media. We will be back, but until then, I'm Neo, I'm Leo, I'm DZX Clark, I am the Mysterious Professor. Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work.
Starting point is 03:45:43 I love you.

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