Knowledge Fight - #938: June 25-26, 2024

Episode Date: June 28, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex is doing, and find him making headway with Nick Fuentes, being too obvious about his dad's business, and interviewing a guy who pushed an old down some stairs.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knowledge fight! Dan! Blech! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan!
Starting point is 00:00:16 Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan!
Starting point is 00:00:20 Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan!
Starting point is 00:00:24 Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. I need, I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and, Andy and.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Stop it. Andy and, Andy and Kansas. Andy, Andy. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm Andy and I'm a fan of Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the altar altar of Saline and talk a little bit about Alex Joe Indeed we are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan. I have a quick question for you. So what's your bright spot today, buddy? My bright spot today I feel at risk of sounding like a broken record a tiny bit because I did mention this Previous episode, but I have been playing a bit of Diablo. Oh, okay, but that is not my bright spot This is nearly the background of the context not my bright spot. This is merely the background
Starting point is 00:01:25 of the context for my bright spot. Sure. I have an interest in trophies in games. All right, all right. I very much enjoy the feeling of like, when I'm playing something, sometimes I like to complete things. Sure.
Starting point is 00:01:37 But there's a conflict that I have. And that is that one of the trophies in Diablo is you have to kill five other players Yes, and I do not like that. I don't like player versus player stuff I don't like playing with people online and it is fucking annoying and it's a it's a sort of a Hurdle that I can never really cross with a lot of these games Yes, is when they have trophies that require you to Interact with other human beings through a medium that you hate.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yes. I was gonna say kill other people. Right. But yeah, what you're saying is probably more accurate. Sure. But my bright spot is that you took the time out of your day to create characters for me to kill in Diablo in order to get that trophy. So thank you very much. I had to...
Starting point is 00:02:23 I appreciate, you know, that's a good friend right there. I mean, hey, let's not forget I had to spend, I don't know how much money to get that internet thing to work. I think it's like 10 bucks or something. Oh no. To get the, yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't even realize. I'm just fucking with you.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Oh shit. No, no, no. Yeah, of course. It was great. It was very nice of you. It was fantastic. And now I have that trophy, so hoo hoo. What was my, oh, the last one you killed. Oh, it was something about Cat Turd. Not Cat Turd was the name of the, I had a little fun.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Made me suspect that maybe it was Cat Turd. If only. But yeah, that was very nice. What's your bright spot? My bright spot is also a gift that I gave you. But today, there's a spot opened up near my place. My wife exercises early now because it's the summer. And this is a donut shop that sells out of the donuts.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It's one of those places that's good at stuff to the point where people are like, you can't even have it anymore. They make, they're not big enough that they can make an unlimited supply. Right, right, right. But they're so good that people will buy them out. You can't, you can't, yeah. Yeah. It's such a great, like in the world that we inhabit
Starting point is 00:03:37 where it feels like all of that stuff is either like, it bursts into flame and then disappears or bursts into flame and then disappears or bursts into flame and then turns into everything terrible. But there's this one brief shining moment where it's too good and it's not good enough to go too far. Nice. You know? And it's just perfect. Well, I like that we're talking about this because there's an interesting dynamic of you bring this up. I mentioned that they're donuts yet. I think so. I think you did. I feel like you did.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I don't know. We talked about it before the show. Oh, I can't tell. It's entirely possible that I did not even mention that. You might have said it's a thing that sells out of stuff. It's one of those places. I might have assumed that you said donut because this is the primary tension is you're giving a shout out to this
Starting point is 00:04:23 and you're making it your right spot. But if you name the place. It's all gone. Right? You can't say over Yeah, it's all over you can't say what this place is because that's gonna make them run out of donuts that much quicker than you're Not gonna be able to get them. I mean with the craziest part. It's down the street from a stans donuts You know what I'm saying? Like this is the type of thing that happened Like it's it's a pre and post kind of shit You know like there was a time when Stan's Donuts was that small place You know doing the thing now here. We are now here. They are stay down none of you could know
Starting point is 00:04:55 None of you can know about any of this So the plug is for Stan's Donuts Go there you losers so Jordan today. we have an episode to go over. We're going to be talking about June 25th and 26th. That is Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Obviously, at this point in my mind, as we're sitting here recording on Thursday, the debate between Trump and Biden is coming up this evening. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And there's very little else that is Sort of front of mind. Yeah, but we haven't we haven't seen that yet So that will have to wait until next next week Yeah, but for now we have the news has happened with Alex's bankruptcy There's been developments on that fraud sure so we can see where his mind is at and then talk about other really upsetting stuff Sure, so that's what we'll do. Let's do it. But first let's say hello to some new wonks. That's great idea So first the high priestess of st. Hillary's Church Larry Nichols voice of we itches. Thank you so much You're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you next Jonathan Morgan flight attendant not eccentric millionaire
Starting point is 00:06:04 Thank you so much. You're now policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, Jonathan Morgan, flight attendant, not eccentric millionaire. Thank you so much. You're an Al-Policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, Gritty Sounds Like Chewbacca with a five pack a day roar. Thank you so much. You're an Al-Policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. And congratulations, Sean the Skipper of Sodomite Shit being a master of history. Thank you so much. You're an Al-Policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. And we got a Policy Wonk. I'm a Policy Wonk. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And we got a Technocrat in the mix. So thank you so much to Time to Dry the Game, Kringkul, because Kyle and Leroy need a challenge. Thank you so much. You are now a Technocrat. I'm a Policy Wonk. Four stars. Go home, give me a hug, and tell her you're brilliant. Someone, someone, sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Daddy shark. Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little, little kitty baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Yes, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So we start here on the 25th and Alex is a bit exhausted by his own bankruptcy, which I can understand. Everyone is, This has gone on a while. This twisting tale. I know it's exhausting. It's exhausting for me. This roller coaster battle as the establishment tries to shut down Infowars. Now they've had the Democrat Party lawyers on CNN last week saying we just want him off air. We don't want money. Well, the courts are designed, even if you rig a case, you just get money in a civil issue.
Starting point is 00:07:28 So I told you they've done multiple filings the last three weeks. They tried to have the CRO lock the building without a court order. The judge blocked that. I mean, it's been a roller coaster. And then my phones blow up yesterday after I'm off air saying, oh, what's this headline?
Starting point is 00:07:43 AP Reuters, Bloomberg, CNN, CNN Alex Jones Infowars Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down media platform. There's a bunch of other similar headlines. Bankruptcy Court trustee and Alex Jones liquidation case previews wind down of media company. That's a wind down over 2 to 4 months instead of That's a wind down over 2 to 4 months. Instead of. The judge's order. Signed last Friday were gamble the same one that ran the show trial against me here in Texas.
Starting point is 00:08:14 To have sheriff's come. Yesterday. She said immediately and lock the doors that's in the order. She said immediately and lock the doors. That's in the order. So we will say, okay, well, what's happening? Well, that's what I told you a few weeks ago. They will immediately come and try to shut things down. So we've got this news that the trustee has announced this plan for a wind down and it's,
Starting point is 00:08:38 you know, obviously everything is very frustrating and this keeps going on. But it you know, if you take a step back, the best case scenario for Alex really is this info wars is going to be shut down gradually. At this point, the two options that are really in front of him are like, you're shut down now or you're shut down in this process. Right. And so you know, there's a little bit of I guess some sort of Like relief that must come from that. I'm not sure it's enough and I'm not sure it feels any better, but I Okay, so here's what I imagine All right. Now imagine this. All right, I'm robbing a bank and then the cops give me a call and they're like hey in In a good five years, we're gonna come get you from that call and they're like, hey, in a good five years, we're going
Starting point is 00:09:26 to come get you from that vault. And I'm like, okay. So I just hang out and I do a show in the vault and just keep all that money. And then whenever there's like 30 minutes before they're going to come catch me, I just start handing all of that money to my dad and then we leave. Well, I mean, it's an interesting scenario you paint. Yeah. And I wonder how those feelings you have
Starting point is 00:09:49 about this sort of allegory will match with what Alex's behaviors are. It's interesting. It's interesting how very, very similar. Even on this episode. Very, very similar they seem to be. Yeah. So Alex talks about a Wall Street Journal article
Starting point is 00:10:03 that he believes he's read That describes the plan to shut him down now this article I should tell you does not exist. Oh the Wall Street Journal Six years ago ran a big detailed subscription article That I read in detail here on air because it was about me. It was about you. And they said in a big prospectus article when News Corp was splitting up its media entertainment division and selling it to Disney, but was keeping its news division.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And they explained in the big article for investors that the internet will soon be like Netflix. You'll have thousands of choices, but it'll be owned by a handful of companies. And we're going to successfully censor and demonetize, destroy WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. And when the left wing doesn't stand up, we'll set the precedent to take all the liberals off the air
Starting point is 00:11:09 and off the internet. And then when we demonize and remove Alex Jones, the conservatives won't stand up for him because they'll be scared of being shut down. And then once they don't stand up for him, they won't stand up for the next person, and we'll get all of them. And I was horrified by it
Starting point is 00:11:25 because it was a very serious article. I've covered it a lot. I forget the exact headline on it, but there was a Gizmodo headline and a couple others that were, hold on to your tinfoil hat, Alex Jones. YouTube's about to take you off the air. And then it linked to the Wall Street Journal article
Starting point is 00:11:41 and we had a paid subscription and I printed out the 30 something page article where it said Meeting at 30 something pages big tech working with the eu has developed a plan to stop this information and shut down Blah blah blah, but then it went in To the fact that this would make dinosaur media legacy media More successful and was telling investors don't worry about all the competition.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Don't worry about lagging readers at the Wall Street Journal. Would it surprise you to learn that none of this is in the Wall Street Journal article that he's talking about? I mean, the 30 pages thing was a tip off. It was not 30 pages. It wasn't. It was like maybe two. It was good.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah. And it wasn't a prospectus being sent out from the New World Order to minions Investors all this shitty saying is made up The article is about YouTube adding context to videos that are considered news related Hmm, for instance, they were gonna put tags on videos produced by state-funded media outlets So viewers would have the proper context to view them in sure Alex is briefly mentioned in that article because he did a live stream about how that train crash that happened back in 2018 was an attempted assassination of Republican Congress members. YouTube commented that, quote, its algorithm hadn't recognized the
Starting point is 00:12:54 search quickly enough as a news related query, which is why it was allowed to be in the top results if someone was searching for that news story. This is the only place where Alex actually even intersects with this fairly short story that has nothing to do with, oh, our plan is to demonize Assange and Alex so we can get them from both sides. I do believe, though, that that makes sense. That's part of the, like, if there is a small article
Starting point is 00:13:20 mentioning Alex in the past, over time, it will become an article focused entirely about Alex that was about 30 pages long. And it'll be a book. Exactly. Yeah. And it reveals everything. It reveals everything.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It just gets bigger. It grows. It's like a little baby. If you write a story about Alex, just watch the story grow. Now you want to hear something fun, a fun fact? Yes. I got a Wall Street Journal account because of this Not this time, but back when I first heard this is like Alex has brought this article up before right right
Starting point is 00:13:52 I was like if there's a 30 page I gotta read it's behind a subscription thing yeah, and so yeah I did I did end up getting an account just to look into this disappointment It's bullshit, and hement. And it's bullshit. And he's peddling it again. Now you're just a fan of the editorial board. Nope. So Alex is, he's in checkmate,
Starting point is 00:14:13 as he describes to the audience here, because of the bankruptcy stuff. Basically all he can really do at this point is extend the inevitable, which is Infowars is going to go down. Right. And he's just kind of ping ponging. He's sort of that's how he describes it going back and forth with courts wasting everyone's time. Yeah, that is that sounds right. Yes. Yeah. So again,
Starting point is 00:14:36 if I'm in checkmate in one move, but I can do another move and be in checkmate in three moves, I'm going to move away even though I'm going to be cornered and they're going to get me. I'm still staying on air and fighting to the last minute going down swinging. And that's why it's we're about to be shut down and you read it all over the news and then we're not and we're about to be shut down and then we're not and people say, what is this? This is what it looks like to fight. This is what it looks like to struggle. This is what it looks like to struggle. This is what it looks like to put everything you've got into something. I mean, I sold almost everything I had
Starting point is 00:15:10 before I went into bankruptcy for the legal fight to keep this place going because I understand we've saved tens of millions of lives, myself, the guests, the listeners spreading the word about the poison shots and about all the medical tyranny and the open border and the drag queen pedophile time and world war three and every day we stay on air the show gets bigger the broadcast gets more influential and we affect more people and that's admitted that's admitted this is a really interesting prism to look at Alex's work through like he believes he saved 10
Starting point is 00:15:42 million lives sure by this bullshit that he just rambles about on air. That's pretty, I mean, if you believe that about yourself, then I can understand why you would be able to rationalize wasting everyone's time in the court like this. Sure, sure. I mean, the irony of course is that essentially he took a job working for a disease for a couple of years. Still, still now to this day. Yeah. He works for a disease.
Starting point is 00:16:07 He's one of the last remaining employees. Yes. Actually, that's not true. There's quite a big department working for them. Yeah, their HR department is, yeah. I know a guy who has experience in HR. Someone's dad. He's your dad.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah. So look, here's the thing. Even though Alex is in checkmate, there's a catch 22. And that is that you need to buy products because if you don't, then that will guarantee that info wars goes away. So if you don't buy anything, they're going to be gone. But if you do buy things, they're probably going to be gone. Right. Here's the issue. Okay. Who gives a shit? Right. You need to bet on info wars. I like this now We're talking you might not get order, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:49 Now I'm liking this that's a gamble. This is a pitch There's a federal hearing tomorrow, and if the judge doesn't block where gamble closed the doors here The Democrat Party judge they we can be closed in the next few days now I they we can be closed in the next few days. Now, I don't believe that's going to happen. I believe the judge is going to block this tomorrow. Also, the federal trustee took control of bank accounts, so he's in control of it. I think about 90% chance that the judge blocks this tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:17:26 That said, it creates a paradox where. If you've got your orders in. For products that we need you to order to stay on air, plus the great products. You could, I guess the state judge might be wild enough. We've already seen that to not care about you, and then you don't get your products, but you'll be all right. The average order's like 50 bucks, I understand.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You know, that's a bummer, but if you stop betting on us, just because you think they're about to bring us down, you'll be the ones that kill us inadvertently, instead of them, you see what I'm saying? Yes. So bet on InfoWars, bet on us continuing on. That is quite a sales pitch. You might what I'm saying? Yes. Bet on info wars. Bet on us continuing on. That is quite a sales pitch. You might not get what you order. I like that. But you got to do it or else we're screwed.
Starting point is 00:18:12 All right. I'm undespired. I mean, if, I'll say this, if that was Boeing's new slogan, it'd be a lot more honest. Hey, listen, you're probably gonna get there. This is what happens when you don't have a coherent PR department and no one has like, the message isn't being polished. It's just a little bit difficult to really kind of get your head around that one. Unless this is intentional.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Because I'm sitting here thinking, fuck, that sounds risky. It does sound risky. I don't wanna order stuff if I don't know if I'm gonna get it Oh, but you do like to gamble I wish that there was a way I could support Alex and be certain that I was gonna get what I ordered Oh, there was an option There was a one My god now that said I will tell you where your order is completely safe and where you should bet on us.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And the safest bet on your future and freedom is Dr. And so many of the old products that were in infowars that were so popular, the CRO just kicked out of the shopping cart, I guess, to look to me like Scuttle the company. My dad had a warehouse set up in North Austin years ago. I told him he shouldn't do it. He did it. And thank God he didn't listen to me. He's smarter than me in many ways.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And he set it up. So it's got the rocket rest, the combo chill, the top brain, nootropic, all the nano silver products, the toothpaste, the immune gargle, the immune topical, the fiber greens that are concentrated, sprouting seeds that flush out your gut and do amazing things to your body, concentrate. And the next level of foundational energy and turbo force, a very limited, small run, it'll be sold out within just a few days because it's discounted, 40 plus percent. Also there's colloidal silver, 30 parts per good old silver bullet good old silver bullet all these old products that Alex used to
Starting point is 00:20:11 Sell his dad selling now, but it's totally different company I I feel like we run the risk at a certain point of sounding like we're you know Hitting the same beat or whatever but This is nuts that he this is so transparent Yeah, and so like not a problem. Yeah. Well, okay Here's how I feel about this because I've been furious for a while. Mm-hmm. I don't know if you know this I'm a fairly angry person. I get that vibes sometimes um Right, you know how when you were playing galaga as a kid? Or Galaga? I think it's Galaga. Galaga, alright.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Galaga, whatever. And then you get down to the final ones, okay, and the trick is you need to shoot at where the thing is going to be, right? Not at where it was. Because by the time you aim for where it was, it will be at where it was going to be. This is the principle of throwing a ball. Right, right, right. So, so now while I respect everyone's excellent work in the legal system up until this point,
Starting point is 00:21:13 great job, five stars, I would posit that it's entirely possible later on people will say maybe this whole fake business of Dr. Jones' Naturals should also be paying for things. Yeah. Right. But, aha, see then you will have Dr. Jones involved who will also be able to hire lawyers, who will be able to hire lawyers who are not Norm Padas. And then we will go back into a courtroom, my friend.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I do think that what you're describing is like Alex is a moving target. Yeah. Shoot for it now, get it now. That has a certain amount of advantages to it. Absolutely. And one of them is he's clearly just remaking Infowars health or Infowars life
Starting point is 00:22:02 under his dad's banner. We just started singing songs from the last, Street Rat, Always One Step of the Hoogie, Infowars health or infowars life under the his dad's banner Street right always one step of like what are we doing guys everybody are we dumb or am I dumb? I'm a clown. Mm-hmm Well, yeah, find out. Yeah, so Alex has been Lied about by lots of people tons of people some people have even been offered as much as $50,000 to make up lies about him. I wish. And I mean, I can't tell you how many people have called me where the media has called them and offered them money to lie about me and they've refused the money.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And it goes up to like 50 grand in the offers. And they just feel like they have a free hand to lie about me and attack me. And they got one employee got paid off of the Southern Poverty Law Center and ran around in here for a year. Really committing, I believe it's criminal. It was why don't you press charges? It just it takes us off mission. Yeah, they had a Southern Poverty Law Center operative in here that hacked into the camera systems and and and tried to find something bad that we were doing and of course couldn't but they still published the stuff
Starting point is 00:23:11 and it was like me smoking a cigarette which I have I quit for 14 years but I occasionally smoke a cigarette and I love tobacco I love chewing tobacco I love pipes I love I love cigars And I love tobacco. I love chewing tobacco. I love pipes. I love I love cigars I can't smoke one cigar though, or I it was about a couple years ago I was at the shooting range and I spoke I spoke to cigar And the next day one of the crew was smoking a cigarette I said give me one of those and that's what you got Is me standing there outside my office with a glass with ice in it pouring vodka in it and with a cigarette hanging on my mouth I mean, that's that's the best you got, really.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And everybody knows I do that. I admit it, I'm an idiot. I'm a man. I can't help it. So, like my ancestors, hell knows they did it. I think one of the bigger issues was the full bottles of booze during the day, like at 10 a.m. at the office. I mean, there's a bigger picture
Starting point is 00:24:06 than what Alex is portraying. And I think he's now at a point where he just kind of has to admit the smoking thing. Because he was hiding that for a bit, but now with the, you know, he's in situations where you can't cover it up. Like Owen did his live stream of their We're Going Out of Business spectacular.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And on that show, you couldn't hide that Alex was just lighting up cigarettes in the studio. And so like he's just kind of like, okay, we're gonna incorporate this in. Whatever. Why not? Who cares? I mean, honestly.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And honestly, I don't care. Yeah, smoke can make care. Yeah Smoking makes sense high stress. This is we're like the idea is that he should be stressed Like we're all grateful that he's feeling not good like we shouldn't be at the very least He doesn't feel good most of the time it someone in Alex's position were he really himself? Yeah, he believes he's fighting the fucking devil who can possess people to do his bidding and they could be walking anywhere and they have their sort of hooks in all kinds of institutions and government bodies and all this. He should be on air with his tie undone, a glass of scotch, and a cigarette. Smoke them if you got them.
Starting point is 00:25:24 The world is ending. Nuclear war is around the corner all the time. Yeah, why not smoke? It's just that he doesn't believe any of those things. I don't act. Yeah You can't it's hard to be like well, I don't want to get lung cancer in 40 years But also nuclear war is three months away. Yeah, so Alex has a guest on mm-hmm and this guy Mm-hmm. Yeah, so Alex has a guest on mm-hmm and this guy Is a bit of a troll online sure and he lives in the Russian consulate in Australia great Always trying to tell you the truth. I mean, I don't make some mistakes sometimes but in the main I've been dead on over the target
Starting point is 00:26:02 alright Our guest Shemian boykov Alright, our guest, Simeon Boykov, known as the Aussie Cossack, is himself a political prisoner in Australia. Just like Julian Assange, he's living at the consulate. So this fellow, Simeon Boykov, is a pro-Russia troll who posts bullshit on social media. It's fitting that he would be on Infowars because, as reported by the BBC, Boykov was responsible for misidentifying the perpetrator of a 2024 Sydney mall attack that left six people dead, which led to the harassment being directed towards the misidentified person. This is quite literally the same thing Alex has done to so many people including Marcel Fontaine Boykov is hiding in the Russian consulate in Sydney to avoid facing charges that he quote allegedly caused a
Starting point is 00:26:52 76 year old man to fall down a staircase backwards sustaining a head injury This was at a pro Ukraine event the victim was a Ukraine supporter and boykov Unfortunately recorded himself pushing the dude down some stairs. So it's a pretty open and shut case. Right. Right. Right. Right. That assault happened in December 2022 and after he fled to the consulate to hide, Putin granted him Russian citizenship in September 2023. Great. Anyway, the guy's a pro-Putin shill who has a history of exploiting tragedies in ways that cause direct harm to innocent people. So he's a perfect fit for Alex to have on the show. This is ridiculous Wow, uh You know, I think here's the thing about that. All right until the internet You had to really get close to an oligarch to Tony up to them
Starting point is 00:27:36 You know, you had to be like right there or at least you know, they had to get your ideas to them man Can you imagine like somebody who is a big supporter of like King Louis? You know all the way across the world just talking shit enough that Louis like you're French now If you build enough clout, yeah Yeah, that that wasn't possible. Thank God for the internet now You could talk your shit to the point where you can get anything you want in this world it opens up doors It's amazing. So obviously the big news is that Julian Assange was Released sure and so this is a unqualified victory for people like Alex is it well
Starting point is 00:28:21 They're thrilled about it. They love they love Julian Assange Alex is it well they're thrilled about it they love they love Julian Assange oh but there is a little bit of a downside and that is the Trump was supposed to do this there was that this is supposed to be something that like this is one of the biggest things that Alex complains about Trump right you got the vaccines he didn't pardon us on right right all of this stuff and now Assange is being released under Biden which is a problem that is a problem yeah that is a fucking problem but how a problem. Yeah, that is a fucking problem. But how do you get around it? That's a good question. See if these two can come up with a way. All right broken clocks are right twice a day
Starting point is 00:28:53 Trump did not do the right thing with Assange. He was threatened by the CIA. He admitted that he did not give him a pardon But Biden under overwhelming public support bipartisan upward in the 80s But Biden, under overwhelming public support, bipartisan, upward in the 80s to release Assange, has done the right thing. So we do give credit when it is due, Ossie Kosak. Well, I agree with you. It's a great thing to celebrate. It gives hope and it's a breath of fresh air.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Some good news amongst all the bad news in the world at the moment. But the question is, why would they do this? And I don't think they did it to help Assange. They've done it to help themselves. And I think that Biden just tried to probably disarm Trump. That Trump couldn't use this card before the presidential debate, which is upcoming.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And this basically question has been neutralized. That's the best assumption that we can draw upon. Brilliant. It's defensive. It's a defense move so Trump can't attack Biden about this. Right, right. Aha! That is genius.
Starting point is 00:29:57 But it's not because let's imagine this scenario where Trump was like, hey, you should release Julian Assange. Then Biden could be like, you didn't. Yeah. Because he was president too. Yeah, there is the you were also president part. You had every opportunity to do this. Why are you attacking me over something you didn't do?
Starting point is 00:30:15 It doesn't really make sense as a defensive move in the way that Boykoff is expressing. Yeah, it doesn't really make sense. It would be nice though, if that was what the debate turned into, is is the like here's what I would have done And it's like well, why didn't you let's fucking do this shit. All right, so The military industrial complex boom and then they're both dead and mad move on, you know, Mattis wouldn't let me Do you remember rights Priebus? What are we doing? Yeah? What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:30:46 I don't know everybody calm it down So look this dude he pushed to someone down a flight of stairs. He pushed somebody down a flight of stairs It's not like a whole like an interior flight of stairs like a whole floor It was a smaller staircase, but it was still like a dude went backwards down some stairs got hurt. Mm-hmm So anyway, Alex Has a different take on what he did. That sounds right you expose the poison shots They came and arrested you for your speech and are now trying to put you in prison for it That's how tyrannical Australia's they're now passed a regulation to quote deprogram men To not be masculine and have set up a federal bureau. I mean, Australia is beyond Orwellian now,
Starting point is 00:31:26 for people that don't know. Absolutely, this country is not what it used to be. It's not a safe place, especially for journalists. I mean, if you're just a person who wants to tread along in life, pay 47% of your wages and tax and be part of the rat race, it's okay. But as soon as you stick your head above the water, if you're a tall poppy, as they say in Australia, you're in danger. And Assange's return to Australia, maybe that's part of the plea bargaining deal
Starting point is 00:31:53 that he's made, that he has to return to Australia. Maybe that's part of the deal that the Americans wouldn't release him, for example, into the Russians' custody. But I think Assange's full capacity, his potential as the world's number one journalist, as some people are calling him, I tend to agree with that myself, his potential could be fully realized. Was there a tournament? He was living in a country where the government would support him, where the state media would support him. Being in Australia, Assange would still be scrutinized. He would still be at
Starting point is 00:32:22 risk, at threat, because we are all at risk or under threat in Australia There is no freedom of speech in Australia as you mentioned Alex. Yeah, so these should go to Russia I mean, you know, that's where I saw journalists can truly be free You know, so maybe he makes a compelling argument. Yeah Yeah, I I appreciate I appreciate anybody who can get the cushy job of wanting to be somewhere where they don't have any of the advantages that they get to have currently while never actually wanting to go there.
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's a good gig. Especially, apparently, as he describes it, the Russian consulate in Sydney is pretty nice. They got a gym. They got a... So he's staying there and it's pretty sweet. It's better than Russia. Probably better than where he was living.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah, right? I don't know. What a cushy gig. Yeah. All you gotta do is push somebody down a stair from the stairs in a pro-Ukraine event. You know, okay. Okay. I've been thinking about this. What is personal responsibility?
Starting point is 00:33:27 What is personal responsibility? And I think at the end of the day at the end of the day We should just define it as if somebody shows you a video of this fucking guy pushing an old man Down the street that he fucking filmed right then you don't get to stay at the consulate You have to go with them. Sorry, sir. What if you say a bunch of stuff that the... We like it. I apologize. Listen, we think you're great, but personal responsibility dictates that you must go with these gentlemen, sir.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I'm afraid that that's not how it works. There we go. So look, here's this guy, the boycob. He believes that a son should go to Russia because that's where journalists are free. Sure. And that's what he thinks. He thinks if you go to Australia, you're never going to get a fair shake. Go for it. Gotta go to Russia. Yeah. But also, maybe he should stay in Australia. Maybe. And become prime minister. Interesting. He's going to take a month off, recharge and come roaring out of there. I think he's gonna come out of there like a bat out of hell. Look, the Australian people need him and
Starting point is 00:34:31 I think the West needs Assange as a breath of fresh air. There's a very high level of trust towards him. If he goes for it, I think he'll become prime minister. He can of Australia. But at the same time, if he wants to have a rest and if you want to just retire, Russia is open for people like Assange. Snowden is in Russia. There's plenty of Western journalists in Moscow. Moscow is crawling with... No, believe me, I know the Russians have got the doors wide open.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Believe me, I'm going to leave it at that. Alex, you're always welcome to Russia also. You know that too. It'd be news making if I told you. So you... They've already invited you, yeah okay yeah yeah of course shit I wouldn't beg you already but they already did like in 2015 you already said this yeah yeah so it's not it's not anything new he's somebody that they
Starting point is 00:35:18 they see some use in yeah there's no reason that you wouldn't offer him a job if you're a Russian state media company you You'd be like, yeah, fuck yeah, go for it. And he's been on enough media places where they flattered him as the ideal of the Western man. Yeah, no. I mean, the only thing about it is like, if I was Russia, I'd be like, hey, you do what you want to do. It is exactly like you having a boss because we can finance you and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:48 But literally, we're a state actor. We give no fucks what you say about anything. You're not here, right? So just go. You know, like why not have a Russia Wars website and just call it that? Like it doesn't matter. Or maybe Infowars Moscow. What about that
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, yeah Info Wars Moscow. It's got a nice. I'm not gonna make some yeah I gotta go down with a ship and my family's been here on the Mayflower Texas Revolution we let it I have to go down with a ship. I can't leave I appreciate, you know the offer and I'll leave it at that. But yeah, it came directly from the top. And so, but you know, it just shows Putin's got his eye on things. I mean, he basically, I mean, he gave you citizenship. Boom. Well, look, Putin respects patriots and patriots, American patriots, Australian patriots, Russian
Starting point is 00:36:43 patriots, they're all very similar. A patriot is someone who cares about his country and his people, and that's the main fight against the global- Well, it's somebody that can't be bought. Yeah, man. Yep. Y'all have bad ideas about words
Starting point is 00:36:56 and just things in general. It's fun, though. It's fun to hear. I guess. This guy who's hiding in the Russian consulate, Cindy, Alex are talking about how much Putin loves Patriots. Is he just too hot? Is Putin too online or all world leaders just too online now? Well, is that a thing? You wonder if it's actually Putin or or if it is the projection of Putin that these people
Starting point is 00:37:26 who are too online have created in their head. It has to be something like that. Or Putin is just like, who's this fucking guy on my Twitter feed who is saying mean things about Ukrainians? But also I think that it would be in Putin's worst interests to actually have Alex go to Russia. Of course. Because you'd have to kill him eventually. Yeah, you don't want him there.
Starting point is 00:37:49 No, you want him in exactly the position we're in right here. He's right there. You keep him. Alex, we will give you all of those. We'll flatter the shit out of you. Of course. And this will be great. You've got rubles for days.
Starting point is 00:37:58 You will never ever be critical of us in any way. Nope. As long as we're super complimentary towards you. Totally, yeah. And then we don't super complimentary towards you. Totally, yeah. And then we don't have to kill you. We don't. Just don't come here because then you'll be like, I don't like this, and then you gotta go.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Yeah. Yeah. So Alex and Boykov go their separate ways, and Alex, I guess he's into Seth Rich conspiracies again. Why not? Talking about Julian Assange and him saying Seth Rich was the leaker on the DNC Who was shot in the back and executed and all their attempts to shut down discussions of that. I Want to air clip 17 Joe Rogan talking about Seth Rich just remember
Starting point is 00:38:39 What Assange and people the world not just not just Americans, have gone through. What about what Seth Rich's family has gone through? What are you doing? Does Rogan want you to re-air this stuff? Is he thrilled that you're doing this again? I don't know. I haven't listened to enough Rogan.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Maybe he does still stand by this stuff. But like, this was the kind of thing that was gonna get him sued by yeah, that's parents Yeah, yeah, like so I I don't know if this is necessarily in anyone's best interests. I mean I I'm fine with it. I'm fine with all of it because at this point right? Here's here's what I'm struggling with at this point, it's very clear that these people are going to believe bullshit. So if you just are like, hey, don't say that because there might be consequences. It's not going to change anything. Probably not. And then eventually you're not going to be looking and they're going to be like, haha, you're not looking
Starting point is 00:39:42 bad. Seth Richards. You know, like that. Look how much we're reliving 2016. That's what I'm saying. I can't do it again. Rich, I can't do it again. Conspiracies. Julian Assange is in the news. Nope.
Starting point is 00:39:56 All of you overthrow the government or don't. I'm out. Oh, so anyway, Alex has a plan to stay in business and obviously we all know what it is, but he doesn't want to talk about it. Oh, he doesn't want to talk about it. Oh, he doesn't. And there is a path where we will continue on. And I'm not going to get into the strategy on that.
Starting point is 00:40:10 But I've told you we're here. People say, well, why are you still here? They try to shut you down for weeks. We're fighting back. We're using every maneuver we can. We're in a war. That's what it looks like when you don't just sit there like a jellyfish and take stuff. That said we're cornered, but it's okay.
Starting point is 00:40:27 We won't give up. Even if they shut down Infowars, we'll be stronger than ever in many ways. Though I'm loyal to this crew and loyal to this operation, so I'm going down with the ship. But please support our big sponsor that keeps us on air and in any future endeavors, I know we'll be a sponsor. That's my dad's company They ship the products to you right out of Central, Texas
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's got a warehouse in Round Rock, North Austin Dr. Jones naturals calm couldn't be amazing couldn't be more clear really couldn't be more clear What the game is it's outside of Austin Dan. It's in Round Rock. It's outside of Austin. He's never even been there. No Totally different city. We literally totally different company different business totally different generation listen I'll all I'll say is that it would take a bankruptcy judge not to see the difference between those two So I was a bit underwhelmed as a whole by the 25th Yeah outside of this weird interview with this Russian guy where Alex is clearly saying, I've had offers.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Right. So we're jumping to the 26th and I was just completely flabbergasted by the beginning of this episode. It is 15 minutes long-ish of Alex talking about how he's going to cover something tomorrow. Okay. What? Yeah. Okay. They are expanding these and they are gearing them up and this is the climate, this is the time they're going to use them.
Starting point is 00:41:53 He's talking about FEMA caps. Sure. Back at the time, I didn't say it was imminent, I didn't say they were going to use them. Yes, you did. I said they're there and I went over the history of it and I made five films on it. I wrote a book on it. Previous to Obama and his executive orders, we have been all over this like flies on you know what, or like white on rice. And so I promise you, tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:42:24 that we will be covering this in great detail. I mean, I could talk about it all right now. Do it. I am a leading expert on this. Okay. Because I've discovered it decades ago and I've been exposing it. Go then. Go.
Starting point is 00:42:37 But now. I realize Alex, you haven't talked about FEMA camps and their plans for years. I mean, I'm Mr. FEMA camp. Everybody knows that. Who's a long-term listener? Everybody does know that. Mr. FEMA camp.amp. Everybody knows that. Who's a long-term listener. Everybody does know that. Mr. Femacamp. Mr. Femacamp. I think you may have just forgotten some specifics and talking points and I guess maybe it's hot now. Maybe there's some memes
Starting point is 00:42:55 going around. Yeah. And so we're doing Femacamp. We've heard this on some past episodes that these Femacamp narratives are coming back. Sure. But now it seems acute. And like Alex feels the need to reassert his dominance in the Femacamp space. Yeah, in the Femacamp field. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but he can't. So he's going to do it tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:43:15 But he's going to talk for 15 minutes about how he's going to do it tomorrow. Right. On this show. Right. It's just like, there's layers to this. Well, no. I mean, if you really want to hear about it, you have to go to right absolutely that's where you can get Alex's dad's fever exactly he's he's
Starting point is 00:43:35 dr. fever camp right mr. camp so we get a Supreme Court decision that came out yeah and Alex not not not very happy about it. Ooh. But there's town hall. Supreme Court watched. The first minute was just dealt a major blow. I mean, not a blow. If it's implemented and allowed to stand, it's a decapitation.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I mean, it is crazy town. And I've got the ruling right here. I read it this morning. I felt good till I read the ruling. I was having a nice day. I got nauseous. I mean, I had a pain in my stomach because it's so horrible. It's not just saying first mem- it's gone. It's saying we're going to surveil you and spy on you and the government itself is going to censor you. Total prior constraint, absolutely illegal, a nightmare situation, and it's just par
Starting point is 00:44:25 with the course here. What dirt do they have on the Supreme Court getting them to do this? Or with the other six cases in front of them, are they about to shoot it down another way? They think it's a better way to shoot it down another way. I don't know. This was a good case. We had lawyers on, researched it. They had a very strong case cut and dry. And the Supreme Court
Starting point is 00:44:45 will not tell you what they said. Bam. So the Supreme Court didn't destroy the First Amendment. They ruled in Murthy versus Missouri that it's not a violation of the First Amendment for the government to express their desire for social media platforms to remove content. The government cannot act in ways that are coercive towards these platforms, but there's nothing wrong with them asking to not allow stuff like recruiting ads for terrorist groups or advice that people should drink bleach instead of getting vaccinated. The government can express to these places, like, this is not-
Starting point is 00:45:14 Excuse me, sir. This is bad content. Could you please don't kill yourself? This is dangerous. Right, right, right, right. This underlying case was a bad case, unlike what Alex says. He says it's a good case. He said it was a good case.
Starting point is 00:45:24 It's a bad case. Yeah. And it really only made it to the Supreme Court because the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is increasingly far right these days. And they've made a number of dubious decisions that end up going to the Supreme Court like this one, which is the strategy. That is the right-wing strategy. Let's get these balls through the net. I mean, I find it... So I guess I'm fascinated by it because I don't understand it at all. It's like there's this blog Slate, Slate or whatever, and they still do Supreme Court coverage all the time. But like a couple of years ago, after the Roe v. Wade, after all of that stuff, they had this like, the Supreme Court is broken.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Whole thing. Outlining all of the ways in which this is just a legally incorrect opinion. And that it was not going to change. And so the Supreme Court itself was functionally broken. And then they kept writing articles, which does not make sense to me. Why would any opinion count after you've said they're broken? You know what I'm saying? Like, why would you be like, oh, the Supreme Court is out of pocket on this decision. No, they're broken. They were broken years ago. You told me. Don't tell me anymore. Well, is it the same writer? That's the same blog.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It's the entire place. Yeah, those different contributors. Sure. Maybe maybe I don't know It's tough to make a publication responsible for like what one person might have said sure It could have been an op-ed that record is broken. It's not it's not like this is news right? I don't understand but sometimes, but that's the thing about the law though That's the fun thing about the law is that it's supposed to be hard You know, so if you if you break the law Which is there like it's readable So like if you're the Supreme Court and you have the law that you could read and you're like nah
Starting point is 00:47:19 Then it's broken. I I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying I'm just saying that like you know Slate maybe is responsible for every I respect that I respect what you say but I get you I get you underlying that maybe what we should do yeah is if you're gonna run that article maybe you should just have like a little asterisk at the beginning of all of the future Supreme Court stories that says broken yeah Supreme Court is broken until further notice. Supreme Court is broken. Yeah, like a wet floor sign. Totally. Yeah, because that's better than trying to pretend like, like, oh, no, eventually
Starting point is 00:47:52 they'll be will appoint a different judge and they'll bring a new case whenever these guys are dead. Yeah, business as usual. Kind of get out of here. Come on now. So Alex is, you know, he's complaining here a bit about how Americans are gonna be replaced by migrants. Yeah, which we know is sure, you know something any moment now Yep
Starting point is 00:48:10 and then he announces that he's gonna have Nick Fuentes on the show and This is strange because Alex has made it very clear that he doesn't agree with how racist Nick is in in recent times Yeah, he's been very aware of how much of a bigot, anti-Semite Nick is. He's really going for it. Alex has made some lines between like, I don't agree with this kind of stuff that Nick says. Sure. So Alex has to rationalize having him on. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And again, Biden says he's signing an executive order just to legalize illegal aliens. And a week ago it was just, you know, people that are married to a citizen. Now this week it's, well, it's going to be a path for everybody to be citizens. The globalists have done the math. They can bring in a giant third world population that doesn't know what freedom is, and they can checkmate this country and the voters of this nation. I am just absolutely amazed because I mean I knew this was all coming, but we're now living in this. They've got camps set up for us. They've got new viruses they say are coming out.
Starting point is 00:49:20 They want to forcibly inject us with stuff that kills us. I mean if they treat you with a machine gun, you'd fight back, right I mean if they treat with a machine gun you'd fight back right but they come with a doctor and a shot it kills you six months later kills you two years later it's like okay no no this is literally a ruling class that has decided to kill Americans and replace us with a bunch of third world slaves. I feel sorry for and I want to help but at the end of the day they're now a weaponized group who had their country shut down for three plus years and lockdowns who are organizing UN camps with replacement migration and then that are assaulting the United States. So when Nick Fointes comes on, he's a smart guy
Starting point is 00:49:58 has a big following and I disagree with some of the things he says, agree with a lot of what he says. I'm gonna just ask him questions like, hey, what do we do about a civil war? What do we do about the camps? What do we do about the forced injections? What do we do about- Yeah, child. Because we just all day have, you know, culture war,
Starting point is 00:50:15 and I get it, Israel's corrupt, Israel's got problems, the Israel lobby is going after free speech in America, I'm critical of it. But I don't then support the Muslims and the Palestinians either. America, I'm critical of it, but I don't then support the Muslims and the Palestinians either. But to me, it's all other people seem to talk about as Israel all day. Well, what are we going to do about the plan for a civil war?
Starting point is 00:50:36 Look, I got to talk to Nick Fuentes because he's smart and popular, but I don't want to talk, I don't want to express his feelings about Jewish people. I just really don't want to I don't want to express his feelings about Jewish people I just really don't want that if he can play the game then we can pretend all this stuff isn't there, but yeah, I can't That's the sense that I get I just I feel like when there's somebody Yeah, who is like a big old bigot. Yeah, and part of the reason Part of what underlies their arguments is these inherent bigotries that they have, right? You can't say I disagree with some things
Starting point is 00:51:12 and agree with others when you agree with the conclusions that are built on top of the bigotries. You really can't do that, but that's what Alex, that's the trick that he's trying to pull. Yeah, I mean it is It's it's a weird. It's a weird feeling to be like listen. I think What will be best for you? Emotionally is if you just admit you're a Nazi to yourself and say it's okay for me to hate. Mm-hmm, right?
Starting point is 00:51:44 Well see Alex is coming at it from the other perspective Which is will be best for you, you know, make more money. Sure. Is if you just cool down a little bit of the words that you say. Sure. And then we can pass you off as normal. Right, right, right. We can pass you off as not this Nazi guy.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Right, right. But you're broke and you're a Nazi too. Right. But Nick's broke too. Oh, man. I don't know if he's broke. We're a pair. He just tried to do his America First Political Action Conference in Detroit and he ended
Starting point is 00:52:08 up getting cancelled because the venue found out, oh it's a Nazi rally. Yeah, it's a Nazi rally. And so they ended up having to give a speech on the street. They got thrown out of the place where their after party was supposed to be. So I think that Nick is in a place where he might be like, maybe I do gotta play a little ball. Maybe you gotta play some ball. Yeah, maybe hey, you know I This that's always fun
Starting point is 00:52:29 It's always fun whenever there's the young person who's like I'm not gonna do it like they did in the past and then they do It for a while and they're like, oh, there's a reason they did it like they did in the past and then they just do it You know like Tyler the creator we might be getting closer to that inflection point of Nick softening. Yep. And it's interesting. Nick's going to be Tucker Carlson in two months. I was pretty sure, and I mean we still have to see how things shake out and all this. But I was pretty sure that Nick would be the one who was very uncompromising and un-
Starting point is 00:53:02 like he had much more principle and Alex was You know the one who was gonna lose out in the end sure but when I listened to this interview I really felt like Nick was being like playing Alex's game Yeah, well, he learned the lesson of like I mean I got it I got a play ball. This is this is what comes from us being like completely childless people You know young people are very very certain Very certain of how things are always gonna be in principles or so, you know, and then they change in like two seconds
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah, that's just what they are. So Yeah, I Alex gets to talking about the the business. Yep And I I had no other way to describe this clip than you have to be an idiot not to see through what he's doing. Okay. Now our sponsor Dr. Jones Naturals dot com is not Infowars. It's not free speech. It's owned by my dad.
Starting point is 00:53:53 He's got his own warehouse, great products. Most of them used to get Infowars. They're now available there. Turbo force, 10 hour clean energy, next level foundational energy, all the nano silver products, the toothpaste and the tooth whitening and the nano silver toothpaste And the immune gargle and all of it and 50% off on a lot of these products and and we need your support He's a great sponsor dr. Jones naturals calm
Starting point is 00:54:18 dr. Jones naturals calm go there today And that is the most obvious good place to support free speech and what we're doing. But if you won't stand with us, we'll take on the enemy head on. You're not standing up for yourself. I am in your hands. You are in my hands. Rocket rest, incredible natural sleep aid, works great, deep clean sleep, so good for
Starting point is 00:54:43 your immune system, so good for your whole body. People don't think about how good deep sleep is for your immune system rocket rest is an incredibly strong high quality organic natural compounds God gave us sleep aid Top brain is an amazing Neutropic brain booster if you love brain force plus brain force ultra you'll love it Top brain the Arjo's naturals calm and so many other products that are available Rain Force Plus, Rain Force Ultra, you'll love it. Top Brain,, and so many other products that are available. So please peruse the site, please check it all out,
Starting point is 00:55:12 and please support us, and I thank you for your past support, and I salute you, and you're the reason we're still here. I'm not giving up, thank you for not giving up, and if we're gonna go down, we're gonna go down swinging. But, the Infowars mothership is blown up and it's sinking right now. We may pump it and pump the water out and get her back up and survive the ship but I
Starting point is 00:55:31 don't know. I'd say it's 50-50 right now that we'll be shut down in a month or so but who knows what new stuff's going to happen. God only knows but is the place to take action if you want to historically stand with Info Wars during this incredible period. Dr. Jones Naturals. It just couldn't be more obvious what is going on. He's making this so visible.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Yeah. Here's the, I like it. See, here's the problem for me. I'm, I'm now I've gone through to the other side. I'm rooting for him. I'm rooting for him to win this one and I'll tell you why right because I've been saying stuff like oh this legal system It's no good right and people are like nominally like yeah But you know there's things and then there's things and then they do the thing right
Starting point is 00:56:17 But if Alex gets away with this nobody can argue with me ever again all of you have to be quiet I guess you have a vested interest in him I thought you were gonna say that it's a catch me if you can kind of like no no no no no I want him Pulling for the I'm excited. I'm excited because people have argued with me for so long about stuff And if Alex wins everyone has to be quiet around me if I, it's quiet. If Alex can pull off the Dr. Jones Naturals switcheroo. Yep. Then everyone has to be quiet. When I walk into a room, everybody has to avert their eyes for a little while and be
Starting point is 00:56:53 like, I'm sorry, Jordan. That's just what has to happen now. All right. Okay? It's a new policy. Mark it down. I'm writing it down right now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:02 So Nick shows up here on the show, but Alex is a bit defensive about the fact that he's on because Alex has made it clear that Nick thinks differently about different groups of people right like based on races and religions and that kind of stuff and so he's really trying to Rationalize this booking choice. I want to cover 35,000 foot view stuff and get Nick's take on that because I see him talk about history and big other world events and he done his done his homework people say what do you got Nick Fuentes on you know this this you know this Nazi I wouldn't call him a Nazi I'll explain where I stand is a hundred percent clear when the ADL the Southern Poverty Law Center the Democratic Party
Starting point is 00:57:43 the major media, literally says you're bad to be white, in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, CNN, everywhere, and my six-year-old daughter, now seven, was at a summer camp last year for a sports camp, and during lunch they had on loudspeakers that white people are inherently bad, and she said, am I bad because I'm white? It is healthy for white people to stand up and say, I'm not going to take this anymore, and I'm not going to be guilty. Now you go to an extreme then very of hating everybody else It isn't white in my view most people that aren't white are not out to get us and they're good people
Starting point is 00:58:13 But what a large group are being brainwashed and whites are minority seven percent worldwide So overall I've been thinking Can compare to the ADL's total supremacy, anti-Western, anti-Christian stuff, well, what do you expect you're going to conjure with what you're doing? And so in Overton Window, Nick Fuentes moves it over here away from all whites are bad and we're the devil and we should pay reparations and kill ourselves, with Nick over here saying basically the opposite. Ooh, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:43 So Nick is maybe not, he's an oddsie, but he's, you know, over here saying basically the opposite. Oh, okay, so Nick is maybe not He's you know, what do you expect and it works to our advantage? This is very strange. This is not a good defense of the booking. Oh, I mean You know it is it is so much like all of these all of the arguments for so many things are so elaborate because if you just talk about the real truth of it, it doesn't sound good. You know? Where it's like, I've got all these thoughts, here's on the one hand and on the other because
Starting point is 00:59:17 the truth is just like, I'm a Nazi. You know? Like if you're just truthful with yourself, it's usually a lot shorter than the explanation you tell yourself. Yeah, but it is also much less lucrative because people will treat you like a self-avowed, self-declared Nazi once you do that, and that's tougher for business. Yeah, yeah, like it's just tough. Dr. Jones Naturals might pull their support If you do that, I mean I I imagine it must have it must feel so stupid For and I would I would have someone to say like something like that
Starting point is 00:59:54 Well, you would think but I mean for for the people who believe for true like pro-life people It must feel so stupid for so long for them to be like yeah a three-month of pain is the right amount You know cuz like they're they never meant it so stupid for so long for them to be like, yeah, a three month ban is the right amount. You know, because they never meant it. Because the question is- Or like, we totally are cool with contraception. Totally. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Oh, divorce is going to be fine forever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No interest in those things. We definitely don't have a book that supersedes your laws. Right. All of that stuff. But it is like, because the question that you're talking about is we think the soul comes in at this moment. So you can't be like, oh, well, three months
Starting point is 01:00:30 is fine. That's just like, for now, I'm going to get away with three months because I think the soul comes in at the moment. This is where the acceptable line is for people to not immediately discount our arguments. And eventually maybe we can push it over to that side. And Nick is the representative of complete white identity and all this shit. No exceptions for rape and incest. And Alex is like, well, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:58 if we can push it closer to that. Listen, but if we say we can have exceptions now Now we can not have them later. Yeah, absolutely Yeah, we tell them that it's three months now and then six months from now. We'll make it zero Yeah, but if you say zero now, we'll never have it. That's that's the tension. Yeah, so Alex asks absurd Compound question to kick things off love it that culminates with Alex retracting his question and then saying, what would you do if you were president? But would you put on your prediction cap here of what you think they're going to pull out?
Starting point is 01:01:34 I mean, I want to say the election fraud won't be enough to steal it. The numbers are there. So let's just hypothetically say Trump wins in 131 days. What happens then? And what can we do to make sure he gets in? And then how do we hold his feet to the fire and make sure he doesn't compromise just out of some of his political ignorance?
Starting point is 01:01:52 And that's what's going on for my own research. And then what, and then the big question, that's a lot of questions. What would you do if you were President Trump? If Nick J. Fuentes was sworn in January 21st, 2025, what does Nick Fuentes do? Let's just start there. Well, day one, I mean, the first thing you got to do
Starting point is 01:02:09 is close the border, you know, because that is, people talk about election fraud and you can talk about ballots, you can talk about media, but the biggest way that they're stealing elections is they're importing voters. They're importing these people. I imagine a lot of them are voting illicitly. Of course they are. And even if they're not, well of course they are.
Starting point is 01:02:26 And even if they're not, they're also being counted in the census, which is how the electoral college votes are allocated, how the House is allocated. Right. So Alex has this complex question and then he's just like, what would you do if you're president? Which is a question he's already asked Nick on the show. I've heard him ask that question before. And Alex knows the answer to that question. This is a question he's already asked Nick on the show. I've heard him ask that question before. And Alex knows the answer to that question.
Starting point is 01:02:46 This is a test. This is a test question. Because if Nick says, we kick all the Jews out of office, then it's like, okay, you haven't learned your lesson yet. But if you say something like this, like close the borders, the illegal people voting is how we end up with changes in Congress seats. You're speaking in the right way. We're getting you there. And I can't feel, I can't hear that as any other thing than a test because Alex has asked that fucking question before.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm definitely, I'm getting season five of the wire vibes right now. You know, like, are we doing the part where everybody's taking in the old jobs of the new people is that what's happening? I think I mean is this the new bubbles are we doing the new bubbles? What's happening right now? I I don't know but maybe I mean like Nick was in Detroit bullhorning on the street I couldn't right booked anywhere to speak. What are we how is that not similar to Alex at the beginning of his career? Oh my god. Yeah. And the cats and the cranes and the silver spoon. I was going to say you got to keep the devil way down.
Starting point is 01:03:56 So Nick complains about DEI. Oh, those DEI's. Yeah. But then you can hear him sort of expressing his racism through a bit of code. Sure. And I think that I think he's making an effort maybe. Oh, that's nice. It's a difficult thing.
Starting point is 01:04:13 I think that it starts with a political transition. We need to get these people out of power. They're reckless, irresponsible. You know, for a long time, they made it seem like they were the adults in the room and it was the populace like you and I that were crazy. And you know, you and I, we have colorful personalities, but clearly we are much more on the ball and our fingers much more on the pulse than these planners who think that it's a good idea
Starting point is 01:04:33 to import limitless number of people, to go to war with Russia and China and Iran all at the same time. And you know, all these endless things, it just don't really make sense, but they insist do. So it starts with a political solution of getting the right people in power, getting responsible people in power. And we need to get smart people to start to come up with solutions. I think that's why the DEI stuff has to go, because at the same time that our problems are growing in complexity
Starting point is 01:05:01 and growing in number, we're getting people that are less sophisticated, less competent, less in general, do not have the aptitude for it. We're choosing people based on the skin color, based on ideology rather than competence. So America needs to think in terms of people power. People are the greatest asset. We need to have the right people accelerate
Starting point is 01:05:21 through the advanced colleges. We need the right people to join politics. We need the right people at the helm of the White House Congress. We need the right people. I mean, wow. That's somebody who's like, listen, I took a George Wallace school of not saying segregation anymore. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I learned from 68. Wow. Yeah. Fucking hell from 68. Wow. Yeah. Fucking hell the right people. Yeah, but you can tell that Alex is getting what he wants out of this. Right, right, right. You have got Nick who is a much more He sounds more like a normal person than Alex with Alex's flair for the dramatic, crying yelling and all this. Nick, if you don't know anything about him and you just saw him talking, you'd be like, there's a studious person or whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:15 So he speaks in code and speaks in all the ways that the right wing is accustomed to when they try to launder a lot of this bullshit. There's a very marketable person here. Yep. And I think that Alex is picking up on like, yep, I put out some bait and he didn't take it. Oh my God. Well, I'm really liking this conversation.
Starting point is 01:06:33 This is what I want to do with Kanye a few years ago when he was in here with Nick. He can go off on whatever group he wants for 10 minutes. We heard it. Now I want to see about the rest of the world and big issues and what we're going to do and the wars and the border and the AI and all of this. And so he can go off on any group that he wants, but if he doesn't, we can pretend that he doesn't think those things. And we can pretend that the reason that he believes the political positions that he does believe in aren't in many ways built on his feelings about these groups.
Starting point is 01:07:09 We can play hide the ball here. I just can't get away from thinking that's what's going on in this interview. No, I mean it's exactly what's going on. It's just like, I don't know how long or how long we've been around for this entire, like that person who's clearly a Nazi said some Nazi shit on TV, but said it in code.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And then the people on the TV are like, yeah, but you know what? He probably didn't. And that's it. Yeah. And Nick is being trained. Totally. That you're a young man.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Totally fine. Calm down and you can push all your Nazi ideas that you want. Listen, we all love Nazis here. That's what we're doing. We're America, we love Nazis, but we don't like saying it, okay? Everybody loves Nazis,
Starting point is 01:07:58 but nobody wants you to wear the uniform. That's what Alex is trying to get through to this young Nazi. Anyway, Alex and Nick do have a little bit of problem in front of them. And that is that Trump recently said that people who graduate from colleges should get a green card. Sure. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Fine. Well, there's a problem. That can't be okay. Of course it can. Of course it can. These people are largely motivated by a hatred of immigrants Of course, and this is also a position that is really old This is this is not a new idea for Trump to have it's an idea that these folks are very much against yeah And so they have they've little trouble with that
Starting point is 01:08:41 Okay but I did like ten minutes yesterday, a whole segment. And I said, I get what Nick Fuentes is saying. And I agree with a lot of the groipers. But I said, then there's a whole other extreme of people saying, well, we don't like anybody that isn't white. And I'm just like, that's not how I feel. I like everybody.
Starting point is 01:08:57 I judge people off of how they operate and what they do. But then I also went on and I said, yeah, this Trump thing is dangerous. You know, just saying anybody that's a college degree, well, they can give you, you know, mail-in degrees and then you're a citizen. But at the same time, Trump's always been for highly skilled people that come here being able to be a citizen because that's what he's done in business. So people that are mad at Trump about it, and I get you're allowed to criticize, I'm
Starting point is 01:09:21 not saying that's bad. To me, Trump will at least mitigate and shut the border down 90% Would you rather have that or just oh Biden's saying get here come here take over blah blah blah So I don't believe in a lesser of two evils But also don't believe in a suicide pact and I'm somebody very critical of Trump So I'm not putting Nick down from being critical of him. Yeah, you're very you're famously critical of Trump also Nick down from being critical of him. Yeah, you're very you're famously critical of Trump also Alex can't just say I'm not a lesser of two evils person after describing a lesser of two evil. I mean, yeah That's literally what he's describing. Yeah
Starting point is 01:09:53 Ridiculous. Yeah, I mean but that's the thing that that's why It's just so much more fun being outside because then you cannot be a lesser of two evils guy Mm-hmm the moment you play the game then you're immediately on like team sports and then you have be a lesser of two evils guy. The moment you play the game, then you're immediately on like team sports. And then you have to be like, well, my team's better than the other team. So even though the other team is, or my team sucks, you know, I still have to be, it's like, eh, just leave.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Right, and the reason that my team is losing is that the other team actually has secretly replaced the coach. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the coach is a globalist. Yeah, it can't be like both teams suck. Can't, no. Nope.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Not once you got that trump card in there. So also Alex is clearly not dealing with a community that he's trying to reach here with Nick. Right, right. They are the people he's describing. Yes. So you gotta try and defend this immigration thing because you can't turn on Trump, obviously,
Starting point is 01:10:52 at this point. Right. But you gotta just like, ugh, we gotta somehow make this something we're really against, but I guess it's not Trump's fault, like the COVID Vax thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:04 So that's what we're aiming at. It's really just about finding where is the sensible immigration policy. No, I totally agree with you. And it's all been so one-sided. It's healthy to say no more for now a moratorium. I was simply saying, people mad at Trump, this has always been his policy.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And if you go to one of his hotels, it's mainly Eastern Europeans, that's who he can get cheap that, quite frankly, wanted. And I'm not saying Americans are lazy, it's just harder to find them and organize them, though through these trade groups, through these corporate organizations, you're on a cruise ship, it's Eastern Europeans.
Starting point is 01:11:34 You're in a fancy hotel, it's Eastern Europeans, because for whatever reason, they'll get the job done, they'll do it, that's the group they found that'll do it. I understand Trump's being honest about where he's made his money, at his casinos, at his hotels. So it's just Trump being honest.
Starting point is 01:11:48 So I don't see it as a bad thing against Trump. You can say it's a bad policy. I'm just saying it's not some betrayal because that's what Trump's always done. Well, I would say that in 2016, he did say that he would revise the H-1B visa program. So it is a little bit of a shift on the policy. But you are right.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Throughout his business career, he did use immigrant labor. You're absolutely right about that. And you're also 100% right that, and this is something that you notice, and this shows that people are getting the information on Infowars, is that Donald Trump did attempt to recalibrate immigration. And you're 100% on the money that under the Trump administration,
Starting point is 01:12:26 the focus shifted from family-based migration and humanitarian-based migration, meaning refugees and asylum seekers, to temporary or permanent work visas. So there's a couple of interesting things that are going on here in this clip. First, apparently Trump has made a lot of his money by exploiting Eastern European immigrant labor. Apparently. Cool. Yeah. Turns out they're good slaves.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Strange. Strange. Great. Alex. Okay. Second thing, that dynamic with him and Nick is weird because what Alex is saying is like, hey, look, you could disagree with it, but he's not a hypocrite. He's not changing his position. And Nick's immediate response is, actually it is. But
Starting point is 01:13:11 then immediately he gives voice to, you're 100% right. You're right about this. You're right. He does use migrant labor. Da da da da da. There is a refusal to accept completely false reality that Nick is bringing to the table, but then he catches himself and is like, all right, but I'm agreeing with you. Here are the concessions I'm making just to get through this. It feels like that. Yep. Yep. Strange.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I mean, you know, eventually you'd think, listen, I think the kid is an idiot, but eventually you have to learn and he's touched fire so many times with Alex at this point that it's like, well, frankly, it'll just be an easier conversation if I just go, you're smart and then say whatever I want. That may be some of it. Yeah. I think another part of it is the harsh reality of I probably need him now. Sure. Could be. Maybe, you know, this is one of the only ways. I think another part of it is the harsh reality of I probably need him now sure
Starting point is 01:14:11 Could be maybe you know, this is one of the only ways I could be the heir apparent honestly could be Possibly he's better. He's better Not doing shit no Owens Owens gone once once the boat is gone Owens a drift on a seaboard or whatever Yeah, so So what they do agree on, the two of them, is that they want to stop immigration for 10 years. You know what? I'm so glad that they put a date on it because I was worried they wanted to stop it forever. But since they said they wanted to stop it for 10 years, these are reasonable people. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:43 These are reasonable. But yeah, these are smart people. So they stop it for 10 years. These are reasonable people. Right. These are three months. But yeah, these are smart people. So they stop it for 10 years. Now I imagine that we can all plan our what we can all set our watches by that 10 years. Everybody it'll start back up on this day. All Alex wanted was a 10 day investigation of the 2020 election. Absolutely. January six. And that's the key because the UN, the left, the universities, the media, they're weaponizing people. That's why I'm for a 10-year moratorium. If you want to get technical, I could get Trump to do what I wanted. I would just say nobody 10 years and then let's build up America.
Starting point is 01:15:17 So if you want to know where I would stand, I'd say 10 years, zero immigration basically. Me too. That's exactly, you know, he asked, what would I do on day one? If I were Trump at the convention, I would say, you know what? We have just had too much immigration for too long and it's not helping anybody. You know, and it's actually interesting. Hispanics are becoming more Republican. It's these third and fourth generation Hispanics who are actually now reacting against the first generation Hispanics that are coming over and taking their jobs.
Starting point is 01:15:45 So it's like you said, and I said this on Twitter, it almost isn't even necessarily a race issue. Race is a component, but it doesn't need to be. Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on. Hold on. This doesn't need to be a race issue. Now race is a part of it, but it doesn't have to be. We can sell this in a non-racist way.
Starting point is 01:16:04 But don't get it twisted. I am racist. I mean, you know, it wasn't until we started doing the show that I really regretted learning all the words. I loved words. I used to love words, Dan. I loved books. I loved the collected human understanding of things.
Starting point is 01:16:24 You read the encyclopedia as a young man, but that's how you gained so much information. Loved it. And now I realize that they're all empty meaningless and have no point other than for the masturbatory purposes of these two idiots. Yeah. Words exist to funnel money to Dr. Jones and Charles. Yes, that is exactly what words are for. I was a fool to think otherwise.
Starting point is 01:16:46 So we know from listening to Alex a whole bunch that there's a preoccupation with they're about to kill Trump. Sure. That was happening before the 2016 election. It's gonna happen at his inauguration in 2016. It's gonna happen the entire time he was in office. It's gonna happen in the 2020 election. They're always going to kill him. They're always gonna kill him
Starting point is 01:17:05 They're trying to poison his coke shirt his diet cokes Crazy yeah, but now It might be something happening. Well. He's just got regular heart disease. He's an old fucking dude He's he's gonna die like immediately no they're gonna kill him. But maybe, yeah, they'll kill Biden instead, or maybe both. I don't know. This is fun conversation. Yeah, I like that. Let's do this. Is that the deep state never gives up and that they killed JFK for not going along with them in 63 in Dallas. It is a real possibility they could kill Trump or they could kill Biden and claim a right winger did it to then use that as the excuse to replace him they could kill him at the DNC in Chicago or right before I mean I don't think it is a
Starting point is 01:17:53 possibility I think it is a very good probability that they are they are considering doing this can you speak to the issue of assassination I think it's very likely I think you're right about that. And the thing is about Trump, you have to realize they have thrown everything short of assassination at him. Yeah, so they probably are gonna assassinate him. But Alex, while he's talking, you know, you could hear him say like, it might be Biden.
Starting point is 01:18:19 He gets more excited about the possibility that someone will kill Biden. Sure, sure, sure. Because I think he realizes this is probably the only way that, you know, he's not the candidate. Yeah. So Alex is like, Oh wait, they could do that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then we'd have a much better TV cycle because there would be somebody who's not these two idiots. Yeah. At least anybody. So Alex gets a little bit excited about that because I think that honestly the they're going to kill Trump is a little bit the sky is falling kind of, you know, I mean people are a little why
Starting point is 01:18:49 we're a little bit. We've heard this too many times. It doesn't make sense to kill Trump. If you were going to kill Trump, Trump would be dead. There's no more. There's no more. I'm going to kill Trump. He can't more well, no, no, no, no, because as Nick explains, they've done everything, but that to him. They've been trying all the other paths. I really don't think they have. I kind of think nobody's put that much in his way at all, and if anything, everyone has opened the door as much as possible for him. And they've repeated some things.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yeah. You're like, there are two impeachments. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if it's just escalating options. That's the thing. That's that lesser of two evils thing That's if you had two impeachments now, you're losers. So all the Democrats are losers You tried twice and you lost so you're losers for good. There's no teams. There's no teams. You're all losers
Starting point is 01:19:39 You should feel bad for losing this clip is gonna be in a Trump ad You should feel bad for losing this clip is gonna be in a trumpet Jordan Holmes noted leftist they lost in 2020. You're a bunch of fucking losers Just take the L. No So we have one last clip here. Yeah, and it's because Alex kind of realizes like shit You were giving a speech on the street in Detroit Yeah, because the system or whatever sure the hotel that you were giving a speech at and you know Do you come to that realized who you were it didn't want to be associated right? So you got kicked out and you got thrown out of things Meanwhile is happening at the same time that I was in Detroit and I was on stage and welcome at Turning Point USA
Starting point is 01:20:25 Detroit and I was on stage and welcome at turning point USA Which did not allow you in right right interested. Yeah, so let's who's got the street cred these days Huh, I didn't know you were going to Detroit week in Africa when I was invited to go to that and I was supposed to get there earlier, but stuff got delayed, but I got there after Trump was there and I spoke the next day Then I learned your event got canceled at another facility and then you were in TP USA and they threw you out. I just want to say, I like the folks at TP USA, but they need to get past being scared of the establishment, what they're going to say about us. It shows how far they've come just to invite me.
Starting point is 01:21:01 That was them realizing being the outlaw, being the outsider, being the rebels. good. I think they should invite you to speak and say we don't agree with everything Nick says but it's free speech they should invite leftist on you know they should invite AOC there that would make it more interesting but oh sure sure. Oh my god. So there's there's just something really strange here but there's a couple things that are obviously implied by this. One, Alex wasn't invited to America First pack. So that's strange. Or he was, and the condition of speaking at Turning Point was that he couldn't go to Nick Fuentes' thing. So he either wasn't wanted at America First or whatever. Now he did go to Turning Point. And what Alex is expressing essentially,
Starting point is 01:21:50 Tanik is like, you say the three month thing. Yep. Like as you put it. Yep. You can get on stage at Turning Point. You can get on stage. Yeah. It's not hard.
Starting point is 01:22:00 They're not letting you in the door. Yeah. Yeah, I think this is the part where it's like, this is why showbiz and politics should never be anywhere near each other because this is the old showbiz thing. This is the old like, I've been famous, I've been there kid, and now I'm going to take you under my wing. This is the new comic who's opening for him on the road, you know? And he's telling him all this stuff and he's like,
Starting point is 01:22:25 Well, Nick did go along with him and Ali Alexander for the Stop the Steal. And you can feel that like, I used to have an edge. I used to be there. I remember the feeling of having an edge. I used to be thrown out of places. I used to be cool and now I realize through you, I am not. But by being with you, I can kind of get some of that juice again. Yeah. you know and flip side
Starting point is 01:22:47 Nick is kind of realizing I think on some level when I do my bigoted ass show on the internet from my Desk or wherever the fuck he's broadcasting from and all people like spam slurs in the chat and all this It feels like there's an outsized power to it. But then I try to bring this into the real world and we get thrown out of our venue, we try to go to a bar for an after party, we get thrown out, and I end up giving a speech
Starting point is 01:23:15 on the street to an underwhelming crowd of people. So I think that maybe he's like, oh, the reality of where the rubber meets the road for me isn't what it is online. And so maybe I don't have the power that I thought I did and maybe there is something to what Alex is saying There's an ultimate lesson that Alex has to teach Nick Yeah, and I hope he does not find out what it is. Yeah, but the ultimate lesson is this. All right on Your show say whatever the fuck you want. Mm-hmm. No one's watching Yeah, when you're not on your show you fucking say what they need you to say
Starting point is 01:23:49 Yeah to get whomever needs to come to your stream who will come to your stream and then you'll get five of them that stick Around but when you're not on your show you play the game and I think that more than other times that Nick has been on with Alex I feel like he is getting that lesson a little bit more than normal. And so that's troubling. Because it's the one that Alex has the most power with. Alex can go on Joe Rogan and they say shit, but they don't go like, hey, you literally believe that you're a psychic fighting God's battle against literal Christian schedule. Because you wake up in the middle of the night and know what time it is sometimes.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Like that's disqualifying. Yeah. That's the Supreme Court has broken. Right, right. No, but Alex's power on that front is actually two pronged. Yeah. Because there is the like know when the situation is like that Rogan thing,
Starting point is 01:24:38 where you can say whatever you need to say to be interesting and get people over to you. Yeah. And then the second is when you're in a hostile environment, know that it doesn't matter and get your plugs in. Right. Right. Just yell on Piers Morgan's show and you know.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Listen, Nick, your whole hearts and minds stick. Get it out of here. Just yell your plugs and get back to work. Maximize what you can get out of situations and that is your ultimate truth. Maximize what you can get out of situations and that is your ultimate truth. Maximize what you can get out of situations is your, damn, Dan, that's fucking, that's dark. That is a dark, true thing that you,
Starting point is 01:25:14 Well that's what happens when you listen to a sort of boring interview. Yeah, you do the questions. Eventually you get to the secret heart of the universe. Yeah. So anyway, we had a Guy from Sydney who's living in the Russian consulate and you know, yes. Yep. The stars are out still no Stallone Amazing is what we've got. This is the type of show that you just gotta wind down
Starting point is 01:25:39 You can't just close this shit down. No, no, no, this was gone tomorrow Fucking can't what's Owen gonna do right No. No, no, no. If this was gone tomorrow... Chaos! Fucking chaos! What's Owen gonna do? Right. He's gonna have to interview Stallone. That's no good. Oh god.
Starting point is 01:25:51 So, we'll be back. We'll see what happens with that debate. In DbDoo. But until then, we have a website. In DbDoo, it's Yep, we'll be back. But until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I'm DZX Clark. I am the Mysterious Professor. Woo! Yeah! Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Chansus, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work. I love you.

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