Knowledge Fight - #941: July 3, 2024

Episode Date: July 8, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan take in the day before Alex took off for the Fourth of July, and find him discussing his presidential predictions, the term "Ultragreen," and how other people's bus...iness is his business.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knowledge fight! Dan and Jordan, I'm sweating! N-n-n-n-n-n-n-knowledge fight! It's time to pray! I have great respect for knowledge fight! Knowledge fight! I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys!
Starting point is 00:00:16 Knowledge fight! Knowledge fight! Knowledge fight! Knowledge fight! Knowledge fight! Knowledge fight! It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight knowledge fight I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys knowledge Knowledge fight It's time to pray Hey everybody! Welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes like to sit around Where's about the altar of slain and talk a little bit about Alex Joe. Oh indeed we are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan I have a quick question for you, buddy. What's up? What's my spot today my bright spot Jordan? Yes
Starting point is 00:01:16 Found some fresca. I haven't had in a long time very refreshing that a fresco. Oh my god I used to drink a fair amount of fresco, and I just hadn't hadn't stumbled across it in the wild It's kind of as a fresco fresco hit before the seltzer took took flame You know, yeah fresco was there back in the beginning fresco is like It's the wine cooler of soda It's so strange too because it's definitely it definitely says grapefruit citrus on it. Right. And I like it.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I like Fresco but I don't like grapefruits much. Sure. It's ironic. Anyway, nice drink on a hot summer Chicago day. How about you? What's your bright spot? My bright spot, Dan, is I'm going to have to stick with Wimbledon. Wimbledon.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Wimbled in the middle. Wimbled middle? Wimbledon started Wimbledon in the middle Wimbledon middle middle middle Wimbledon you got there somewhere yeah uh it's great how long is it two weeks okay all the majors are two weeks all the all the regular tournaments are about a week long we can have all the majors are two weeks that's a, but then I guess like how could it not be? You're really physically exerting yourself and it's like you can't play matches back to back days. Every day. Yeah, nah, nah. Yeah, that would be a lot to ask of a person.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah, Alcairaph and Francis Tiafoe, two great players played a great five set match, four and a half hours long. That's the idea of being like, hey hey gotta go back tomorrow and do it Yeah, that they that they can play that five hours and then give an interview after where they're not just going Is ridiculous, they're all calm and composed like oh, yeah, we played tennis for a million times that yeah, it was a warm-up. Yeah So how long after they play are they playing again if they're in this tournament? How many days off do you get? They get a full day off. Just one day off.
Starting point is 00:03:08 One day off, usually. Oof. Oof, that's still tough. Yep, oh, I wouldn't do it. Nah. You gotta play seven matches to win the whole thing in the course of two weeks. Oof.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Tough to do. Yeah, I guess you gotta give a little bit more respect. Put a little more respect on the name of these Wimbledon winners. They went through a lot. I want that framed. Damn, Freezer. Put some respect on the name of people
Starting point is 00:03:36 who've won Wimbledon. Put some respect on the name of people. That's beautiful, that's beautiful. Oh, it turns out athletics are hard. Yep. I am glad you're enjoying that. Have a great time. So Jordan, today we have an episode to go over.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Might be a little bit on the shorter side, a little on the brief side. We're talking about July 3rd, 2024. Alex was off on the 4th. And so we just got this little piece of adventure to chomp on. Sure. It shows in a little bit of adventure to chomp on. Sure, sure. It shows in a little bit of a holding pattern. Sure, it would have to be. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I think the debate and how it went, there's a certain amount of excitement for Alex and the folks in his world, but it also threw a bit of a curveball for a lot of their narratives. Right. And so I think that there's a bit of a struggle to try and figure out how to play that exactly Yeah, I mean, I think it's funny
Starting point is 00:04:29 I think the funniest thing that's going on right now that people aren't really capable of paying attention to is that This is this whole like the left and bricks are fighting all that stuff is really messing up the rights ability to like message Properly because they're supposed to be like hey all these guys are evil, but now they're like, what are they fighting? Yeah. They're supposed to be like demons. They're opposed to. And they battle between good and evil.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And when one side is kind of split a little bit, it does kind of hurt your ability. When there's forced nuance in the cartoon you're painting. Yep forced Viciously loud nuance. Yeah. Yeah, so we'll get down to business on what Alex is up to but first Let's say hello to some new walks. That's great. Yeah, so first. Oh my god, Dan Please stop saying the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I hate it parentheses. Make sure Dan says it ends in a sparkly heart Thank you so much. You're an out policy walk. I'm a policy wonk. It ends in a sparkly heart. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. It ends in a sparkly heart, Dan. I'll never say it again.
Starting point is 00:05:26 So it was like a way of loving you. Sure. It was not an attack on you personally. I still feel attacked. Fair enough. So next, Susan Ruth, the knowledge junkies of Melbourne. Melbourne. Spreading the hype as we were born to do.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Thank you! Next, I've listened to 9-11 plus epi- what is this? Is this 9-11 plus or 9-111 plus? I have no idea. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Episodes and you just happened to cover my 21st birthday, January 9th, 2008, so I thought I should maybe donate. Thank you so much, you're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much! Thank you! Who do you think was drunker on this person's 21st birthday, Alex or this person? Oh, that's a good question for all of us. It's philosophical. Thank you. Who do you think was drunk or un-un-un- and we're gonna take credit in the mixture and so thank you so much to Kay
Starting point is 00:06:27 Happy anniversary of the love of my life never stop calling our cat Alex Emory Jones when she's being wicked Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy wonk Someone someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop daddy shark Jar-jar binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little little kitty, baby I don't want to hate black people I renounce Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. Yes. Thank you very much Do you have a good fourth? Oh sure yeah Mmm. We just uh no I Hate the fourth how are your dogs doing?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Not good, they hate the fireworks. They get scared of those. You know, it is just like, it is a holiday that once we got dogs that don't like fireworks, you're like, I hate this holiday. It takes two seconds. When you're pretty young, explosions are great. And it's so fun to run around with a Roman candle.
Starting point is 00:07:22 It's on fire, oh yeah, true. I walked outside I was like my eyes going because I was look I looked up at a streetlight Yeah, it looked blurry because there was so much smoke in the air. It was nuts No, it was crazy how much like legitimate. I mean I felt like a war zone. It felt like a hot box I mean, I felt like a war zone. It felt like a hot box. Yes, yes. What's going on in here?
Starting point is 00:07:46 It was crazy. Yeah. Anyway, good times. Nobody slept well. Nobody slept well on the 4th of July that night. It was rough. So here's Alex before, the day before that. He has a specific prediction to make and we will see if he is correct.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 transmission and all over the country all over the world. Humanities declaring independence against the New World Order. All right from all the public information and all of my sources. I'm going to make the prediction now that within two weeks or
Starting point is 00:08:36 By let's say the 20th of July a little more than two weeks That Biden will announce he's dropping out of the race. I Think that is a very very safe bet In fact it may even be sooner with 124 days 12 hours 52 minutes. Oh god 50 seconds until The most important election in world history, we've got the counter down to the seconds Well, hey good times. You should have to put the if you say the second you should have to put the counter up on the board We did he does he put the counter up on the board. Well, he did. He does. He flashes it up on screen, theoretically. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Fair enough. Criticism retracted. This is a smart man. No, I think it's to midnight of election day, like coming into election day. Perfect. Yeah. It's pretty cool. So yeah, I mean, we have now a very specific deadline prediction.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yes. The 20th. Biden will drop out by then. Yeah. And if he doesn't, Alex will pretend he never said this. Yeah. I think predictions are probably a bad idea to make at this point in time. But it's a perfect game for someone like Alex. He's not going to be held to this. And if he happens to end up being right, he gets to be like, God told me this in a vision. That's a good point. There's no point. Oh, this this here's what this feels like right now. This moment. If it if this makes sense, right? Somebody somebody thought experiment. I think it was one of the freaking nomics guys, maybe I have no idea. But it was like
Starting point is 00:10:00 5050 shot. One guy says this stock will go up, this guy, this stock will go down. Eventually after 400 guys do this, there's one guy who's just kept getting right over and over and over again who's really rich. But it's just a matter of somebody is going to be right. Somebody's just by statistical analysis going to wind up being rich, even though they haven't actually done anything intelligent on their own at all. Someone is going to look like a genius in two weeks, and they will have done nothing to earn it.
Starting point is 00:10:29 That's what this feels like. It does, and it also is like being a psychic on easy mode. It's like being a psychic with a game genie. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like that. Put the code in and then you are a great psychic. Yeah. So Alex talks about what the plan originally was. And I don't think that this is correct, but it's a way to look at the world.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Because again, you're like, well, Alex, you and Roger told us three and a half years ago they'd get rid of Biden at the convention. Was this part of the plan? Well, that's because they knew that they forced him in as the most popular of a bunch of unpopular people. And he was falling apart then. So they rationalized it and said, well, we'll just replace him at the convention
Starting point is 00:11:16 as a sneak attack on the public. But Biden's been refusing to go and refusing to agree in the last year to help them vet who would be the next replacement and the next front person the next figurehead of the oligarchy so now this thing is like a train wreck on steroids on steroids no less can a train wreck get on steroids yep okay if it's thomas the tank engine oh that's a good point personifiedified tank could take care of it. Sure, sure, sure, sure. I think. Oh boy, that would cause havoc.
Starting point is 00:11:48 It would. Yeah. It would. So the original plan was to do a sneak attack on Biden at the convention. Yes. Which sounds fun. That does sound fun. From a narrative standpoint, I think Alex is having a lot of fun here.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Someone was supposed to be possibly murdered at the debate. I mean, where are we? What are we doing? I do like the idea. Here's the thing. Here's what I do like about the whole sneak attack idea. I want the sitting president and like nominee to be at the convention and then shocked
Starting point is 00:12:20 that he's not gonna be the president. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, the open revolt. Him just like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what? What, wait, wait, this was a sneak attack? Hold on. Holy shit, man. I gotta tell you all about aliens. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:12:34 What are we doing? Real quick. Oh, they sneak attacked me. I never saw it coming. Yeah, I also don't know how resisting plays into not being snuck attacked. That's a good point. It seems like you could probably still sneak attack someone if they were refusing to go along with it.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I did. It did feel like one of the reasons they did not sneak attack Biden was because Biden was not okay with it. Yeah. Which feels like you should have assumed that rather than asking him. Yeah. Yeah. Well. So Hillary may be in the mix.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I love it. I want more Hillary talk. You presume that what would need to happen is within two weeks, Biden steps down. Sure. Then Kamala Harris becomes president. Sure. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So I guess she makes Hillary her vice president. Smart move. Or maybe resigns herself. Possible. Leaves it all open. That's what you got to do. Then we're in wild time. Open season. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Or Biden steps down. Harris becomes president decides to run. Okay. I don't know. Anyway, Hillary might be in the mix. I like it looks like a fucking demon. I have to say Whitmer's in the mix. The super evil governor of Michigan. But if you really look at this,
Starting point is 00:13:51 they could pull anything. And Hillary still has a lot of pull and is just arrogant enough to force herself onto the VP ticket. And as Roger Stone said last night, no matter who the Democrat nominee is for president, if they take Hillary for VP, and they were to get elected, they would need a food taster. Boy, that is putting it lightly. You look at photos of her, and she's got that Governor Whitmer demon look. I mean, if you wanna know,
Starting point is 00:14:26 she looks like the devil in legend, doesn't she? She's not as an incredible evil person in her action. Sure, that's a given. The face is just, she's even more evil looking than, Newsome makes the hair on the back of my neck crawl, Skelter does that, Janet Reno, I've confronted her in person, literally made my hair crawl.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And her eyes turned black right in front of me like a great white shark. I do believe that one. But look at that face if you're a TV viewer. Yeah, look at Hillary, looks like a demon. Look at that. Like Skelter and Janet Reno. I like the ranking of evil via face. Yeah, I had never considered that. I don't believe that in the Bible There's a there's a like ah that's a hierarchy of evil face. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:15 You've got Whitmer style evil on Hillary Reno's eyes turned black like a great white Reno's eyes turned black like a great white shark in front of me. That's like a barber shop in hell has like those hairstyles. Oh, what kind of evil face are you? I'll take an evil face number four. That makes sense. Yeah, pretty dumb. So you got Hillary and if she slides into the VP slot, then she's going to kill Kamala
Starting point is 00:15:44 Harris if they win so she can become president. Now this is an interesting preoccupation because there's something that I noticed that goes throughout this episode and that is there's a lot of stray talk about who Trump should pick as a VP and there's a preoccupation with he needs a life insurance policy. So he needs to get someone really crazy as his VP. Someone who scares people just as much as him or else they'll kill Trump in order to make the like Marco Rubio.
Starting point is 00:16:15 If he chooses Marco Rubio, he's dead. He's dead in the water. I made the mistake of thinking that what they meant was like, oh, we got to make sure that Trump is okay. No, it does make sense to them though, right? If their VP is just a regular guy, ah, they'll kill Trump and that makes perfect sense. Yeah. My bad. If he picks Rubio, then that means that Trump is controlled and he's probably going to be killed in order to make Rubio the new world order president.
Starting point is 00:16:40 But if he chooses someone like Vive fake right then it's like no That's just as much of a risk. I I'm gonna say this right now I I think and I think this might be a controversial opinion if Hillary Clinton does Murder somebody to try to become president that would make me more likely to vote for her Well, I mean if you talk to Larry Nichols, I mean, at this point, she's already killed, like, 700 people personally. That's what I'm saying. That would be her being like, fuck it, I'm embracing the moment.
Starting point is 00:17:10 You know? Honestly, if you believe all of the stuff that these people say about her, it's nothing. Yeah. Killing one more person who happens to be the president, who cares? She's killed, like, God or whatever. She's killed somebody a step above the president for sure So Alex says found some video of Hillary eating lunch Not actually what this video is
Starting point is 00:17:40 He's having a little fun. Okay, doing some goofs. Okay. Okay. Okay. So here is the shocking footage of her terrible Manners and etiquette as Hillary Clinton has lunch yesterday I'm going to try to get a little bit of a better view of the lake. This is a radio show, right? It's good radio. Yep. radio show right? It's good radio. I'm not into macaws. I showed that to you. A Komodo dragon eating a injured baby goat. Because they're raping and murdering children. They're frying us with 5G. They're killing us with GMO. They're're frying us with 5G, they're killing us with GMO, they're injecting us with poison shots, they've killed 35 million people, and
Starting point is 00:19:10 the death in these hospitals from the shots goes on for weeks in many cases as organs liquefy and is a thousand times worse than that baby goat being eaten on the Galapagos Islands by a Komodo dragon. You hear it screaming and yelling in the stomach of the animal. I'm sorry to show something so ugly. That's why I said viewer discretion is advised, but I'm more sorry not to get your attention. Did he say that? Yeah, he did earlier. I didn't play the whole preamble, but he did say viewer discretion advised. Well, he was pretending that it was going to be a video of Hillary eating lunch. Right, right, right. He can't
Starting point is 00:19:41 even have fun. Yeah, that's not a good fun way of do it That's not how fun works. No. Yeah, he went on too long, right? Yeah, way too long of a video for the punch that he's trying to make yeah of about Hillary And then as soon as it's over he's like this is why this is actually profound. Yep. He has to justify it Yeah, just trying to like throw some shots at Hillary I mean, yeah, that's not... Come on. It takes, what? Max five seconds to throw a good shot of the Komodo dragon eating a baby goat screaming.
Starting point is 00:20:11 You go, ha ha, Hillary Clinton. Boom, next joke. Yeah. That fast. It's just, someone doesn't want to have fun. It does feel like that. Yeah. Or like some sort of, okay, I would be willing to accept
Starting point is 00:20:27 Beauty and the Beast style curse. All right. So Alex is nine or whatever. Somebody comes to the door is like, oh, can you help me? And he kicks him in the face. And then they're like, ha ha ha. I'm a witch. You'll never have fun for the rest of your life. Right. That makes sense. Be my guest. of your life, right? That makes sense. Be my guest. Be my guest. If we're gonna live where we live,
Starting point is 00:20:47 there is definitely a rose that is dead for a long time now and Alex will never have fun. Is Rob DuLumiere? He is a devil with the brush. So, you know, I don't know if you've heard about Dr. Jones Naturals. I have not. Is it related to Infowars in any way? No.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Oh, good. Totally separate business. Sweet. Then I think I'll support that. And you know that. How? By listening to Alex O'Jo and hearing him talk about how deeply involved he is in their business.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Oh, yeah? Get the great toothpaste. Get the great products at You'll notice a lot of stuff's going to sell out there because my dad, before he reorders everything, wants to gauge what you want, what you want to get. My mom's trying to make him retire, but we've drafted him to stay on as a great sponsor in the future no matter what happens. So a lot of this stuff is selling out right now and he's gonna reorder a lot of key stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:41 He's got some new products gonna come out soon. I'm trying to get somebody else to come in and take over the company from him. He's still totally competent, but he's just working too much. My mom's like, your dad needs to retire. What I'm sick of that. So I guess, yes, mother, I will. My mom doesn't give me a lot of orders. When she gives me one, I tend to follow it.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I'm over at her house tomorrow, my dad, the fourth of July. She'd be like, your dad needs to retire right now. But not yet. And he's a great sponsor right now. So get the products at And I thank you for all your support. So that's weird that Alex, completely unrelated to this business, is having his mom demand that he find someone to take over the business from his dad. That's strange. I mean, it's sort of suggest that you have control over the business.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Just because you can replace the person who runs it I would be so I imagine I imagine that a drug kingpin and some sort of prison somewhere when asked like hey Did you make all of these things happen while you are still in prison which would? Equivocate to a crime right that kingpin would be like, no I did not. Totally unrelated. Didn't do it. Not me. Right?
Starting point is 00:22:48 They would not go like, well obviously, why wouldn't I do that? My mom is here. Yeah, my mom told me. Yes. The fuck? Jesus Christ. Can you imagine being Alex Jones and your mom saying, your dad wants to retire but you're a legendary fuck up. You have fucked up so hard, this man cannot retire.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You're a legendary fuck up. You should get yelled at a little bit more. I'm just saying. Maybe that's why he had to go over on the fourth. Could be. Take some verbal lashings. It would be interesting if she was a real piece of shit to him now. I mean, who knows? I don't know anything about all their dynamics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:30 That'd be fun. Their business. It is. So I think one thing that I'm conflicted about is him taking off on the fourth. I feel like you can't. I feel like he loves America and we're in the second to second countdown to the most important election ever pretty much seems like he should be there on the fourth But then you could make an argument that he's the most patriotic person ever He's the only person who should be taking off on the fourth. Oh, that's interesting You know, I kind of see both sides the extremes only though Mm-hmm cannot have somebody who's like I can come in for a little bit, but you know who's not off Who's not off people who are taking your call?
Starting point is 00:24:09 So Alex talks a little bit about his old work sure which sucks And he seems to think that everything that he said in the past is Been vindicated interesting. Yeah, and that's why your word of mouth the articles the videos the reports you share Stuff we did 20 years ago 30 years ago is more important now. It's not just evergreen evergreen is like a movie like the Godfather Or apocalypse now or a tree or Star Wars episode 4 no cheesy whatever, but it's evergreen It's good today is when you first saw it We're ultra green
Starting point is 00:24:43 That's a term. just invented. I said it years ago, but that's my coin. Ultra green gets better over time because it was accurate way back in the past. So it's still good later. But once it all comes true, it's ultra green. This is an example to others to go away. Well, how did this guy know this? I'm like, Hey, I don't want a monopoly on the truth. I don't want to be the biggest swinging Johnson around here I want to get you motivated my job is to energize and encourage other people yeah but the problem is that you can't encourage and energize other people you have magic
Starting point is 00:25:20 powers that have been bestowed upon you by a deity the Lord God himself Yes, can't just give that away to somebody else you can't encourage someone else to Demand that God give them those powers to your special Alex. Yeah Yeah, that's no good If you believe anything they're saying you're special and the reason that your shit is ultra green Yeah, is because God gave you prophecy visions. I want to say that nothing has ever quite reminded me so much spiritually of the tiny Elvis SNL sketches than this because it does feel like a tiny weird monster just going like we're ultra green and then there are some people somewhere going like, yeah, buddy, you're so smart.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Ultra green. That's a brand new word you invented. You're so smart. Oh, you coined it, but you said it long ago. But you also said a long time ago. What are we doing? What is wrong with you, you narcissistic weirdo? Well, I think that he's ultra green and he's allowed to give off this sort of self image
Starting point is 00:26:23 because when he says things like Biden will drop out in the next two weeks, if that does end up happening, he will put that in his little crown. Ultra green crown. Yeah. And if it doesn't, he'll pretend that didn't happen. His crown is made up of ignoring all of the times that he said crazy shit that's wrong. And people let him get away with it and people like Tucker and Russell Brand they they're
Starting point is 00:26:49 like he predicted 9-eleven's totally accurately to the detail how do you do that yep people play into his like having visions well as long as they are not associated with No one is. Nobody. It's almost like it's not real. It doesn't even exist actually. So Alex rants here a little bit about bothering pregnant people. Which way?
Starting point is 00:27:16 Annoyingly. So this is a really weird little story about himself. Okay. And you'll never believe what it's leading into. Okay. Globalism, liberalism is Satanism. It's the left hand path. It is a mental disorder, as Michael Savage said 25 years ago, 30 years ago. And we have to stop bowing to these people. And I'm the same way. I don't want to go to a restaurant or some event and get in people's faces. But you know what? I do it when I see leftist propaganda.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Or I see a pregnant woman and her husband in the checkout lane and I'll say, hey, I don't want to get in your business, but please research the shots. Your child does need hepatitis shots, they don't need this. Most of them go, yeah, we know, hey, Alex, we're listeners. Or yeah, we know. Most pregnant women listen to Infowars.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Really, let me tell you something. You need to follow your gut and research this. Every once in a while, they get my face in mind, your own business. And I said, well, my business is warning people about, I mean, if you go out to Arizona and rent some desert cabin, when you rent that thing, they're going to email you back and say, by the way,
Starting point is 00:28:19 at night around your car and stuff, have a flashlight, watch out for rattlesnakes. And when you get there, there'll be paperwork on the counter because I've done that in West Texas and Arizona. I've gone on trips, hunting trips, and they'll have a fact sheet. And if you get bit by a snake, here's what you should do. I'm not getting in your business. I don't want to be in your business
Starting point is 00:28:41 except you being preyed on by these people and brainwashed by these people is my business. And the fact that the left wants to be in your business except you being preyed on by these people and brainwashed by these people Is my business and the fact that the left wants to be in my business has now made you my business Because believe me I got plenty of and that's conservatives and populist biggest problem is that we got our own lives folks We don't want to spy on our neighbors We don't want to be in everybody's business and we don't have to be but they're in our business And so it's time for us to get in their business and we got to do it right now. So here's that clip I mentioned of Glenn Beck talking about the fact that
Starting point is 00:29:14 just thank God, thank God we're not crazy. Yeah, thank God. I just got the business. Fucking hell. I think that's such a great punchline. That is all an introduction to a clip with a title, Thank God We're Not Crazy. Thank God We're Not Crazy. I bother the fuck out of people and uh... Hey! All pregnant women listen to me and even the ones that don't get up in my face and they'll say stuff like, mind your own business
Starting point is 00:29:38 and I say, ha ha ha! This is my business! Your business is my business because globalists are business and have you ever rented a cabin anyways we're not crazy we're not crazy hey I'm going to bother a pregnant woman at a grocery store checkout line about vaccines some people will say mind your business that is my business it is my business no that is not your business I I do appreciate any kind I like a good I am the manager. And that's about as close as that as you can get in that scenario, right? Like mind your own business. I am the
Starting point is 00:30:11 business. Yeah, that's about it. Yeah. And the rationalization of the cabin metaphor is very strange because in this case, the pregnant person would have to be trying to metaphorically rent a cabin from Alex who gives them the fact sheet. He's the one giving them the fact sheet, not staying in the cabin. Right. It's like if someone who has a cabin to rent just bothered you and you didn't ask them about a cabin.
Starting point is 00:30:38 No. You don't give a shit about their views on rattlesnakes. Uh-uh. And they just make it your business. No. It's like somebody wandered in from the desert, saw you at a grocery store checkout line, threw a checklist into your face and said, stay in my cabin! Yeah, and was really mad if you weren't receptive to the cabin rules. And you were like, I don't want to stay in the cabin.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's like, everywhere is the cabin! This cabin doesn't exist. Oh, God. So, a lot of people have had some criticisms of Trump and some of his tyrannical habits and how worrying it is of what he might do. Probably. If he gets into power. Alex has a different complaint. Oh yeah? That is that he's not tyrannical enough. That'll happen. I've said this probably 500 times. I'll say it again. If you want to put Trump down and I told him to his face, I don't like to talk to Trump. I don't start
Starting point is 00:31:24 kissing his ass. He should do this. You do that. That's my opinion kiss his feet He had the power of the executive it could have kicked these people out of government and stopped him instead He didn't so they undermined us So Trump's way over here if tyranny's over here Trump's way over here He should be right here under the Republic in a war dealing with these people constitutionally. Not out of vindictiveness, but you got to remove the cancer politically, non-violent. Politically, non-violently, in a revolution, Trump should be more of a tyrant.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Sure. Hmm. Yeah, I don't know. I don't feel like this tracks very well with a lot of Alex's career. Yeah. You know, here's the thing, right? I appreciate that they put out a list of the things they want to do. You know, like the whole project 2025. I like that. That's great. Now you have something to judge them by. Oh, that's a monstrosity. Okay, here we go. Now we can move forward. I don't even I don't even really need to know about the candidate anymore because I have the idea of what the candidate will do. You know what's interesting about that, that Project 2025 thing?
Starting point is 00:32:28 I don't think it's come up on our show. And I think one of the reasons is because it's not something that Alex is going to drop. And one of the reasons is because it sounds so much like Agenda 2030. It sounds exactly like Agenda. It sounds like everything that his conspiracy shit is based on. Yep. So it having a name similar to that I think would really throw off the audience and so it's not really referenced.
Starting point is 00:32:51 No, I think the end of this story of Alex is one of dramatic irony wherein everything that he has ever claimed to be against is what he is for. Yeah. Like, I mean, let's face it, Trump is now a noted pedophile billionaire. So that's the first problem there with all the things that we're going to be yelling about. We've got one. He's a rapist.
Starting point is 00:33:14 We've got one. Well, I know at the beginning of this episode, he did mumble over one of the bumpers about how the new Epstein releases are trouble for the... Trouble for the left, I would assume. Yeah! Yeah, we're just all over the Epstein book. And then he doesn't really talk about it much more, and I think that's curious. Hmm. Yeah, I think the dramatic irony will more be that you have a sort of reveal that none of it was real to begin with.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Sure, yeah, that's good. It's not like a tragic situation where he just goes off course and accidentally brings into being the thing that he was so afraid of. Right, right, right, right. No. It's not that. It's not ironic that the fucking wizard is behind the curtain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good point. That's a better way of putting it. It's much more crass and cynical than... It's just an asshole behind the curtain. Yeah. Yeah, a good point. That's a better way. And cynical. It's just an asshole behind the curtain. Yeah. Yeah. That's fair. That's a better way of putting it. Yeah. So we have Alex talking about how you need to, we need to get rid of all these dams. Sure. Need to go. Gotta get them. And the only thing that's coming, false flags. Oh, it's going to be false flags to stop them from being able to. That's no. We need to just fire them, remove them, and then set the ship straight.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Like if you fire bad employees, you don't beat them up in the parking lot, you just give them a pink slip. Bye bye, have a nice day, have a good life. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Have a nice night, have a nice day. Wish you well. Bye bye, bye bye. And that's what we're doing and that's why they're so pissed.
Starting point is 00:34:42 They're like, hey, have a revolution. Hey, have a war. Hey have a war Oh, oh Trump supporters are training in the woods to kill black people. Come on You think white people are training in the woods to kill black people? It's preposterous, but they are telling you what they're getting ready to do So get ready for the false flags. How many days the election split on screen? 124 25 I forget. They're telegraphing everything. They're pre-programming it. So I keep harping on this. Everybody else is harping about
Starting point is 00:35:10 states and polls and numbers and Trump and fundraising. 124 days, 11 hours, 32 minutes, 29 seconds. If you think these people are going to give up, the CIA is going to give up now when they're getting their ass kicked, got nothing coming. But if we get ahead of it, and if we expose it, and if people know it when it happens, and we hit the ground exposing it, and they don't control the narrative,
Starting point is 00:35:35 if they don't control the narrative, if they don't control the narrative, if they don't control the narrative, if they don't control the narrative. It's a good thing we're not crazy. If they don't control the narrative. It's a good thing we're not crazy. If they don't control the narrative. It's a good thing we're not crazy. If they don't control the narrative. It's a good thing we're not crazy. If they don't control the narrative. It's a good thing
Starting point is 00:35:45 we're not crazy. If they don't control the, what did I say? The narrative, which they pre-programmed, they're obviously the ones behind it. They're the main suspects, bare minimum. God, they're like, it's like a guy goes, I'm going to punch you in the face and they do it. I mean, they're telling you. And they wind up to do it, get out of the way at least. So we should start having a discussion discussion which none of the other Republicans are doing they just get focused on what's happening now And that's why we lose we've got to think about big picture stuff are going to break Going right back to your calls. I'm going to them yet going to right now real Alex Jones Follow me on X and support our sponsor dr. Jones natur Totally separate business. Wild. So yeah, I mean, obviously,
Starting point is 00:36:27 you have to control the narrative. I mean, that's the only thing that I can think of right now. Anybody who doesn't do that is out of their minds. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They, the... What's the narrative that they're trying to control? So Alex needs control of the narrative vis-a-vis people who are...
Starting point is 00:36:47 False flags. Yeah. Right. Any kind of acts of domestic terrorism, racially motivated terrorism, those kinds of things, white supremacist, white nationalist violence. Sure. That all needs to be a false flag or else you have the possibility of the normal public realizing who we're running cover for. Who like we support as part of our coalition. And then they'll turn against us. And so we need to control the narrative so that the mainstream population doesn't see these attacks and things like that as what they are. Right. They need to see them as the CIA doing false flags so we
Starting point is 00:37:33 can continue unimpeded. Okay. All right. Now that's going to be tough to do. It's going to be tough to fully control that narrative on account of its bullshit. Sure. And made up nonsense. Yeah. Let me throw this in there. I say he goes the opposite direction. They should have a leftist false flag, right? Where they dress up as a leftist, false flag the thing, have them get caught doing the thing. But because it was originally a leftist, then by their own logic, it actually has to be the CIA. I don't wait, I can't remember how many double negatives I was dealing with. No, I got lost in there.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Yeah, I'm a little bit, I'm mixed up. So you have an interesting pitch for them. It's gonna be trouble. I have this other feeling. Yeah. And that is like, it's time to go, Alex. Like not, not you need to die, not you need to retire. You need to retire.
Starting point is 00:38:25 You need to change. Like I think he's already missed the opportunity to be like the vanguard and on the right side of like the Elon Musk situation. Sure, sure, sure. Sycophantically following him is not going to be the right play for conspiracy future. That's just not the way that this whole thing goes.
Starting point is 00:38:46 He needs to be opposed to the Supreme Court decisions. He needs to be opposed to Trump for what his brand needs to be in the future. He should make it that pivot, but he's not going to I Mean if it was us if it was like info wars is going to end dear God fucking Dear God, you know if we're if it's going to end make a clean break Be done with info wars when you start something new Fucking I'm back against everybody again. It's me against the world. I can't even have Infowars anymore. I've just got a mic. I'm
Starting point is 00:39:31 just that guy. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like he can't just be like, Hey, guess what? We're also still fans of Twitter and Elon Musk. Yeah. Yeah. We're just doing that still. This is just unsustainable long term for the conspiracy world. He needs to make a turn at some point and he just seems resistant to. Yeah, and it's like, it's weird because he can still use the 9-11. Like his past is still available for him if he turns on everybody. That's what he's got. That's the thing that he's got is he can now say, I hate everybody, and they've already got him saying, they've already said, oh, this is the guy
Starting point is 00:40:08 who predicted 9-11, this is the guy. So even in those far right circles, they still have to take him seriously, theoretically. I mean, according to K-Fape. Yeah. Yeah. So we finally do get to some callers. And this first caller believes that the debate was a setup. Sure. Who do you think it was a setup against? I mean, could be either. I'm going to go with RFK
Starting point is 00:40:31 Jr. It was definitely a setup against him in as much as he wasn't there. Right. Man, he's having a tough time. He's having a great go. So no, it was a setup against Biden. Rudy is the first caller out of the box on Joe Biden, the dim switch. Rudy, thanks for calling. Welcome. Thank you, Alex. I'd like to make three quick points and then plug my podcast if I could. Sure. The first one is people aren't really talking about whether the debate was a setup or not. given the early date of the debate and the fact that they set the rules that they knew Biden would fail. No teleprompter, no notes.
Starting point is 00:41:12 He was bound to fail. And so people aren't really talking about that. Yeah, no, they pulled out. We have. They pulled the rug out from under him. He's refusing to step down. That's a fact. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:41:25 So now I think where they wanted us to be, and which is they're threatening Biden right now to either step aside or face several avenues for removal, one being the 25th Amendment convincing the cabinet to remove him, two, him having some sort of health episode. So what are you saying? We should we should back Biden then because he's their nominee.
Starting point is 00:41:50 It's anti freedom to not do that. Well yeah, but Biden is not going to make it to the finish line. And my theory is that they're going to let Kamala Harris become president for three months, providing she doesn't run on the 2024 ticket. Okay, so now that's interesting. Harris becomes president conditionally with her not running. So I guess this is probably how you end up with Hillary in there. That might as well be an honorary, hey, you get to be president for the day.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I don't think that's going to be something you could sell her on, maybe. I don't know. It'd be tough. Who knows? I don't know. These people are just obsessed with something being a fairly interesting story. The debate has to be a setup against someone.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Initially it was a setup against Trump, but then that was never gonna fly in the aftermath of what happened and the response people had. So it's a setup. They knew that Biden was gonna fail. And so they made him do that. I think what's so funny about that is that he accidentally gave one of the most devastating
Starting point is 00:42:58 critiques of Biden's performance that there could be. In so far as he described it as a setup that they didn't have a teleprompter and they didn't tell him what the questions were in advance. If that's a setup as opposed to the thing you were expected to do, then you have already, like that's the conspiracy is they set him up by lowering the bar below what could reasonably expected of a child Mm-hmm. Yeah, and it is interesting that Alex is getting into this like strategic thing of like oh Maybe we should be supporting Biden and because that will be the thing that Trump will beat and you know See just just be the thing. Mmm. You're Alex. That's the luxury
Starting point is 00:43:42 Yeah, be the guy who says fuck him anyways. That's what you get to do It would be good. Yeah, go back to your youth back when you used to beat people up on the streets Oh, no, no, I think he talks about in this next. Oh, that's insane the term. I developed 20 years ago resistance is victory Because if you don't resist you're gonna lose the first ingredient is resisting and if you're resisting a takeover you may not have all the answers but it's like going to a boxing class when you're 10 years old which I did and I didn't like it my dad made me do it you know boxing karate all that stuff like actually six seven years old he'd take me to karate class and take me to a you know a boxing class and I'd get in there and to be okay
Starting point is 00:44:20 and everything but when it came time to fight and people attack me I knew I had this instinctive thing because I already been doing it and so if I hadn't gone to those classes I still would have been okay but I wouldn't have had any training I probably got my ass kicked every time instead of most of the time winning and so this is all a boxing class folks or a jiu-jitsu class or in those days a karate class and so don't look at it as, oh, this sucks, they're cheating. The fact they're cheating means we've got to be even tougher. Like when I was 11 years old, got off the bus
Starting point is 00:44:53 and the junior high or high school, you know, sophomores, whatever they were, got around me and started beating me up. And I fought back a little and I got home with double black eyes and a busted lip. My dad wasn't Mr. Badass, he wasn't Mr. Tough Guy. But he said, I said, Dad, they busted my lip and did all this and you ought to go find out
Starting point is 00:45:16 where they live and say something to their parents. He said, I got a better idea, how about you just fight harder? And then when I, two years later, put one of them in the hospital and put one of the other kids eyes out, my dad went defending me to the lawyers and defending me in the court and said, good job son, you need to start it, you sure finished it. I bashed one of those kids heads to the ground, I smashed a brick over the other kids' eye, blinded him, and my dad was like, good job son, same kids, you dealt with it, you're a man now.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And I mean, that's just how this works folks. That's just how this works. You can be a pussy or you can be a man. And now is payback, I won't let my dad retire because we need to sell these stupid pills. Yeah, yep, yep, yep, yep. Man, sometimes you don't need a ton of words to show like a window into a world. You know is very big
Starting point is 00:46:07 Mm-hmm, you know like just grim just that my dad said it was okay should be like a oh no There's a lot of darkness behind that door. Leave it leave it closed leave it closed I'm not certain how much of this I believe is like Technically accurate or whatever right that's fair, But assuming that what he's saying is true, I still think there's something to be said for standing up to bullies and all that shit. Sure. But even so, like if you're talking about
Starting point is 00:46:33 smashing someone's head in and shit, a parental response that is proportional should be like, you went a little far on this. Maybe. This is probably not the, you know, hey, I understand you got to stand up for yourself and their bullies and they're picking on you sure but you you uh you were in a murder mode yeah yeah I mean on the other hand you are talking to somebody who just almost murdered somebody so you're probably
Starting point is 00:46:57 like hey buddy maybe we don't need actually I think you did a great job I think you're a good boy. That's fascinating That is what if Alex's dad has lived in fear of him what if it's a twilight zone kid? It was who has the mental powers. Oh my god episode of the twilight zone. There's so many possibilities my god This is now we've opened up a whole new window So much of Alex's stories I feel like are an analogy that he's looking for and then he decides that he all he did that Yeah, you know, it's like it is it is so much it's like blank which I also did
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah, which is like you're literalizing the metaphor have to it could just be a parable Jesus wasn't like yeah, I got one talent five talents and ten talents. I'm the best boom. Yeah, right. What are we doing? I don't know. Yeah, right? What are we doing? I don't know. So do you like the classics? Which classics? Literature. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:47:50 The canon of the greats. I like the canon of the 1812 overture. Okay. Yeah. But that's not literature, my friend. I don't know. That's true. You ever read Beowulf? I have read Beowulf.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Right. Yes. Generally you have to in school. Usually. I remember reading it when I was a bit young. Yeah. And thankfully Alex gave me a refresher course on it here. Okay. We're better than these people. Damn it. You think they're going to win long term? We're winning culturally. We're winning economically. We're winning everywhere. We're beating their asses everywhere. All of the population being elected the ESG's and Black Rock are in trouble the New World Order is in trouble We're turning the tide. They know it's like use the Beowulf, you know the oldest written stuff out of out of Europe
Starting point is 00:48:35 Look 800 years old at least when I got translated into English or into Latin and Beowulf is an allegory But Grendel the baby of the big demon dragon comes into the keep to kill the Norsemen that have come there and the Norsemen have come to beat this thing that keeps killing everybody and Finally some real badass to show up say we're ready for whatever this thing is They're all asleep and Grendel comes in and Grendel starts biting their heads off of men He's like 20 feet tall He smashed her guts out and Beowulf is this the movie starts attacking him and starts stabbing him and Grendel goes Oh my god, I'm against the real thing and Grendel runs the door and
Starting point is 00:49:11 Beowulf closes the door on his arm and slams it and grabs it and pulls the arm out of a socket and And that's the art type of grab their arm Put it in the door and start slamming it until it breaks off. What? And that's the fight you're in, folks. You're in a fight for your life right now. So yeah, you called it.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Alex is describing a scene from the 2007 movie Beowulf, not the encounter between Beowulf and Grendel in the epic poem. One of the huge criticisms of that movie is that Neil Gaiman took significant liberties with the plot, particularly around Grendel. Full details were changed and things were dramatized in ways that work better for the screen compared to the original text. One of them was that in the poem, it's just said that Beowulf tears off Grendel's arm with his bare hands.
Starting point is 00:49:59 In the movie, however, Grendel is trying to run away and Beowulf wraps a chain around his arm, holding it back. Grendel's arm gets slammed repeatedly and Beowulf wraps a chain around his arm, holding him back. Grendel's arm gets slammed repeatedly in the door, which severs his arm. The detail in the movie is kind of interesting because there's a small point made in the poem that all of the men's weapons that were used against Grendel did nothing to him. So it's notable that Beowulf was only able to injure him without one, and the power of that moment is somewhat dampened by the idea of Grendel's arm being able to be wedged in the door. Those swords hold no power over the door. Oh no leverage. This happens to Alex somewhat regularly where he tries
Starting point is 00:50:38 to pretend that he's citing a classic piece of literature or history but because of the specific details he uses, he accidentally reveals that his primary source is actually a kind of bad movie. Yeah, that's all he's got. It is the thing. It is the thing about literature, right? Is that a lot of it, and I'm no expert, is like giving you enough to make a big picture in your mind. You know, like you are filling in a lot of the story by him saying,
Starting point is 00:51:07 oh, I ripped his arm off with my bare hands. You are then populating that in your own movie. Especially in the form of like epic poems. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you have to rely on somebody else's imagination, you're not gonna have as good a time. It's gonna be more specific, and you're gonna end up like this.
Starting point is 00:51:26 You're gonna end up like that. I like to see the movie Beowulf and great, good for him. So we get back to some calls. And this next person believes that we're gonna get a President Harris and that that is God's judgment upon us. That's God's judgment is President Harris. Interesting judgment, God. Tony in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:51:45 You said earlier we were on God's timetable, and I agree. Unfortunately, God is not on our side. Kamala Harris will be the new world order president. In Revelation chapter 17, he wrote this. A woman riding a great beast who had blasphemies, and she persecuted the saints. That's where we are. Kamala Harris is going to be the president because we're under judgment for everything that's happened with the children. We didn't fight enough for the children, Alex.
Starting point is 00:52:13 The children have suffered. We haven't done anything. God's turned us over and I hate to say this. The only thing that's going to save us right now is the persecution that you're going through. Every American that's listening to me right now, you're going to go through it. They didn't build those camps to go play preschool, folks.
Starting point is 00:52:29 It's coming. So yes, you're right. The fight is coming, but the fight is, we've already won that victory in Jesus Christ. If you want to save this country, you got to tell your neighbor about the gospel of Jesus Christ. No, let me stop you and say, you're 100% right.
Starting point is 00:52:42 She may get in. We may be under judgment. I don't know, this is like none none of them get a hundred year reprieve, but you're right We deserve whatever God does to us right now, and there's a good chance. You're right. I Hate to say it man, and I just and I'm not trying to be scared But but that's the timetable of the Bible the Bible says Babylon the great will fall America is Babylon the great There's no denying it. We rule the world right now. We've done it for 50 years. Yes, do we have competitors? Sure, but the evil that's about to come out of this Washington DC will engulf the whole world and only God himself is going to come back and destroy it with fire. You
Starting point is 00:53:16 might think this is crazy, Alex. I had a dream about this 20 years ago and he used to scare the hell out of me. Now I'm not scared anymore because I see it coming through. I called you about three months ago and said Kamala Harris be picked right now and judge report wasn't say It's her party now So one of the town one of the downsides to Alex's whole like I have prophetic visions thing is that if a caller calls in And says that they do too. You gotta you gotta go roll with it Now that you've established that it is real and possible, then you can't just poo-poo
Starting point is 00:53:47 somebody else's magic. There must be other magicians. It's the trouble with magic. Once you break the rules of reality, reality will forever be broken. So Biden's going to step down within two weeks, and then maybe Kamala Harris will become president for a bit on the condition that she doesn't run for president 24 but also maybe she'll be the new world order president probably the whore of Babylon. Yes. Yeah Got a wide-ranging set of possibilities here. No, you know what's weird
Starting point is 00:54:18 People never really comment on how weird gods tend to get later on, you know Like every every religion you start off You're like oh God is like hey You should be cool and everybody's like you should everybody should be and all that stuff and then eventually you're getting into God's judgment Is Kamala Harris becoming president? I mean think about it man think about it like any band You know their early work sometimes is a bit more By the book. Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And then they get experimental with time. Right, right. So later Beatles albums. This is, this guy's Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart. Yeah. Okay, I gotcha. You know what, I hadn't thought maybe he's freestylin' a little bit. He's no longer I wanna hold your hand.
Starting point is 00:55:00 No, no, no. He's now... That's a pop sensibility that he's rejecting entirely. Yeah. I getcha. There's a sitar. That's fair. And everyone's high. Also, another caller calls in later and disputes that America is Babylon. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:55:13 So that guy's saying it's not disputed. It's disputed. I guess that's been disputed. Yeah. So we got another caller here who says that we're going to lose to the devil. Sure. Those last two callers are both very accurate. I think this one world peace system won't be stopped. And I believe in a worldly sense,
Starting point is 00:55:30 we lose this fight to the Antichrist. But I do believe that I'm praying that Trump get in and that Jesus's glory will be shown and that good things will come to life. You know, it says that all things will be revealed at the end. I believe there's more people that need to hear about the evil of this world, which you've been doing, you know, the best job possible doing. This is pretty extreme stuff. Here's what I find fascinating, because this is
Starting point is 00:55:58 not something that had occurred to me really up until just now, but now I'm like revisiting so many old moments. It is horrifically blasphemous to think that God might lose, you know? You know what I'm saying? Like, there's no situation where the Antichrist has a shot or like an outside, hey, listen, you know, it's not the globetrotters, even they lost one time to the wizards, one time. The generals. Yeah, sorry. I was talking about the real But God can't God never loses in the end. That's not how it works Yeah, but this guy isn't saying that they're gonna lose in the end There's gonna lose on I think we're gonna lose to the Antichrist on earth
Starting point is 00:56:41 Well, that's part of the book. All laid out the idea. It's all laid out. Everybody should be This is what frustrates me if you believe that this is the book of revelations relax. It's coming. It's already started It's gonna happen. That's what you that's why you got a guy So, you know see I think that what this guy's trying to express is we're gonna lose this battle but win the war, right? You know, that's that's that's kind of I think he's thinking that God's gonna win the war. Sure. But right now we're in some bad shape, I think. I get it.
Starting point is 00:57:13 But it's still a little bit, I just, I get bummed out when it's like, well, we're all probably gonna lose to the Antichrist and I hope that God's glory is revealed through a Trump victory. Oh God. Yeah. Yeah, they, God's glory is revealed through a Trump victory. Oh God. Yeah. Yeah. God's got to get something to do. He's got to get a hobby. Well, he does. He apparently has a hobby and it's getting Trump. He's stopping the steal. Somehow he's both extremely and terrible, extremely good and terrible at getting Trump in office. Yeah. So you get another
Starting point is 00:57:42 caller and this person apparently predicted COVID, which I don't know, I can't confirm or deny that. Steve Pacenek with the voice box. No, but they have a prediction about the fourth that did not come to pass. All right. Baldy in New York. Thanks for holding. You're on the air, Baldy. Okay, Alex. You may remember I predicted COVID live on there, which you could listen to at the Balder report, which could easily be found at my do remember you've been calling in for a decade. And I do remember you predicting COVID and calling in a few years ago talking
Starting point is 00:58:16 about it. So refresh our memory. Tell us what you predicted. You could you could check it out at my my ex account Baldy 2020. Since March, though, I've been calling in saying the only way that they could stop Trump is with a nuclear 9-11. Now, let me ask you, Alex, if you were one of these impotent globalists and you know that the only thing you got left is a nuclear 9-11 you got loaded in the chamber, you wanted to send a message to Patriots what day would it take place? Wednesday. I mean I think anything's on the table I think a nuclear 9-11 is real that the globalists may do that I mean I blame Russia. Or July 4th would probably be the day I would pick if I
Starting point is 00:59:00 was one of these guys to send a message. So I didn't that we didn't have a nuclear 9-11 on the floor. Although there was a lot of smoke guys who sent a message. So I didn't have a new clear 911 on the floor. Although, there was a lot of smoke in the air from fireworks. I do love how much the globalists care about the little things. That little extra touch. But you have to think that if you think they're obsessed
Starting point is 00:59:18 with numbers and all this shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't think that they're like, hey, we're ready, we're two weeks ahead of schedule, let's just go can't no It's got to be the fourth to send a message What why we're already done the cake has been made man. We just got to slice it We just got to go nope there's a cosmic humor to this that we must that is priority
Starting point is 00:59:39 We've got to stop talking about this cosmic humor bad seriously I know I joined a weird organization, but I just want to get shit done It seems like we are obsessed with not succeeding in our evil plans Because of some weird poetry that we want to install into everything Feel like weird poetry is the thing that's tripping us up over and over and over again This should come as a surprise to no one that I'm tendering my resignation from this evil organization. We cannot get out of our own way. We cannot get out of our own way, guys. I've come to the conclusion that this
Starting point is 01:00:12 rot goes to the core. This cannot be changed. I will be starting a rival organization. Admittedly, we will find it difficult to compete with the devil directly, but... I agree. It is a little silly. Yeah, just a little bit. Oh well. All right. We have one last caller here. They bring up something that happened back in April, and that was that a member of Kamala
Starting point is 01:00:36 Harris's security detail, the Secret Service detail, was acting erratically and yelling some stuff and got detained Oh shit. Yeah, and so here this this person has a theory about that. Okay You remember the Secret Service agent freak out on Carlos detail a few months ago Yeah, they said that remind people what happened there Well, apparently she had a moment waiting for the VP to arrive out there at Andrews and snap and attack the detail chief. And they had to take her weapon away and restrain her
Starting point is 01:01:14 and know where she is now. I don't know. But I was rereading executive orders by Tom Clancy. And in this book, Jack Ryan is the president. And the Iranian mullahks have managed to infiltrate a kid from like 14 to become an American and a Secret Service agent. What a good plan Tom Clancy had. I want to say that's not what's going on with President Trump's detail.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I mean, I have a lot of respect for the Secret Service, don't get me wrong, but these folks are frantic. They are maniacally. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Because I'm not following you. And I apologize about it. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. If I'm dense, you talked about Kamala having a freak out.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Biden's had freak outs. The dog keeps attacking everybody. Biden walks around naked all night. I told you that years ago now. It's coming out in the news. All of that, you were talking about Kamala having a freak out. Now you're onto Trump and an Iranian secret service agent
Starting point is 01:02:08 might kill him, is that what you said? No, I was talking about the secret service agent on Kamala's detail had a freak out. Yes, I saw that. Okay. But she's had freak outs too and so has Biden. Now I remember, in fact the secret service said a month ago, they said we're worried about internal threats in the Secret Service.
Starting point is 01:02:26 So guys, type in, Secret Service worried about internal threats. They're worried about sleeper agents or crazy people. I remember that. So now I get what you're saying. Sorry, I wasn't understanding. Yeah. So Alex realizes he was like, oh no, I had written the story that we were talking about Harris freaking out as a person or someone on the set.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Okay. So that's what you're talking about. Yeah. So this guy's theory is that this was mistimed. This person who freaked out was supposed to be on Trump's detail. Right. And they went off like a time bomb, but it was mistimed. Tragic.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Tragic Manchurian mistake-a-date. Yes. As they say. Yep. All because he read a fucking Tom Clancy novel. I like the idea that Tom Clancy's ghost writers are secretly in control of all foreign policy. Well, one of them is Steve Pacenek, of course.
Starting point is 01:03:14 It makes perfect sense. He worked with Steve Pacenek. Steve Pacenek has done everything. Is it possible that all of Tom Clancy's ghost writers have worked in the State Department at one point in time or another? Kissinger wrote a bunch of them. I can't think of Clancy's ghost writers have worked in the State Department at one point in time or another. Kissinger wrote a bunch of them. I can't think of Clancy novels.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I couldn't think of any one of them was right there for you. I just saw Harrison Ford's face. Could have gone with Hunter Red October or something. I saw Harrison Ford's face in my head and thought October, but I couldn't remember the other words. Oh no. Oh, it was great. Yeah, so Kissinger wrote a bunch of those.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Yep. Brzezinski wrote a couple. Yeah. Those are pretty good. Those are pretty good. The Young Adult series was written by staffers. That's the fun thing that they get to do on the on the side. Kissinger staffers. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. So quality theorizing going on here.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Yes. Across the board. Yep. I do think that they're not quite sure what to do with what's going on in the Democratic Party right now. I think what's fascinating about it is what's going on in the Democratic Party is so crazy right now. This seems fine. I'm not going to sign off on that. I don't mean fine, but I mean for them, this is like, what are you guys doing?
Starting point is 01:04:28 Things are so insane on your enemy side, you've got to amp up your game now. Now things need to be twice as insane to combat their lunacy. Instead, this is like restrained? I don't know, I think I might have the other perspective of you, and that might be that if things are going kind of insane with the other side, sure. Reel it in a little.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Where's the fun in that? Well, this isn't that fun. That's what I'm saying. They are reeling it in. Yeah. That's what it feels like to me. They're reeling it in. They got to go even higher. I don't know how you put a hat on a hat in this case. Biden is actually two men standing on top of each other. But all of that stuff that you could even come up with
Starting point is 01:05:14 off the top of your head is probably something that some weird QAnon account theorized about. You're not gonna break any new ground. No. I think that's why you gotta take off on the fourth. You know? Yeah, just have a barbecue. That's reeling it in. Just cook some burgers. Yeah, punt. No, I think that's why you got a takeoff on the fourth, you know That's reeling it in cook some burgers
Starting point is 01:05:33 Yeah, I think that's a good call. Well, that's that's kind of how it feels I think that's pretty much what everybody did on the fourth. Yeah So, I mean, I don't know I don't know how any of the ball is gonna break in terms of reality let alone where Alex is gonna go with this is gonna break in terms of reality, let alone where Alex is gonna go with this. Um, but we do have him on a clock. Yes. The 20th is the deadline for Alex's prediction. All right. And, uh, write that down in your notes. 20th on the clock. So you can hold onto that. 20th Biden steps down or doesn't? Full on steps down. Well, he might serve out the rest of his term. We sort of wish you washy on that We're wishy washy. We'll get you'll announce it by the 20th It will give you 75 percent if he steps down or if he doesn't run but doesn't step down Mmm, we'll get to the we'll get into the percentages later. All right, let's not agree on the 20th. This is 20th. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:17 So we'll be back but until then we have a web ad we do it's Yep We're back but until that I'm neo Leo MD. I'm Neo, I'm DZX Clark. I am the Mysterious Professor. Woo yeah woo yeah woo! And now here comes the sex robots. Andy in Kansas, you're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello Alex, I'm a first time caller, I'm a huge fan, I love your work. I love you.

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