Life Kit - How You Can Help Someone At Risk Of Suicide
Episode Date: September 28, 2021Research shows that suicide is preventable. And while surveys have shown that Americans know this, they might not know how to help someone who may be at risk.It's National Suicide Prevention Month, an...d we're looking at ways you can help if you know someone who is struggling.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
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Just a heads up, this episode talks directly about suicide.
This is NPR's Life Kit. I'm Ritu Chatterjee. I cover mental health for NPR.
And today we are talking about something that's long been a taboo topic.
In 2018, the most recent year we have data for, more than 40,000 people died by suicide in the United States.
And a recent report by the CDC suggests that about 11% of
adults are having suicidal thoughts during this pandemic. And that number is higher among 18 to
24-year-olds. But here's the thing about suicide. Research shows that it's preventable. And a recent
national survey showed that Americans know this and they want to help someone who may be at risk, but they might not know how to help.
A lot of times folks feel like suicide prevention is only something that professionals can do.
That's DeQuincy Lezeen. He's a psychologist and has struggled with thoughts of suicide himself,
and he chairs the lived experience division of the American Association of Suicidology.
Lezeen says certainly getting help from a mental health
professional is very important. But there's so much each one of us can do before a loved one
gets to the point of being in suicidal crisis. And often it is that simple stuff of showing that you
care and showing up for somebody and being there for them. But there's also a lot of things that people without any type of
psych training can do. This episode will help you identify the warning signs that someone you know
or love may be thinking about dying and how to keep them from going further down that path.
Let's start with how can you tell if a loved one might be feeling suicidal.
Lazine says watch out for certain warning signs.
The most obvious is probably just talking about death and talking about suicide,
bitching at either casually or even if it's jokingly or specifically talking about it for themselves.
Then there are the less obvious signs, like sudden changes in behavior.
For example, if your friend is usually cheerful and you notice that they've been grumpy lately.
There would be changes in their mood, usually towards greater agitation or greater sadness,
increased anger and irritability, changes in substance use, so radically increasing the
amount of substance use or beginning to use substances if they hadn't done that before.
There are some changes in sleep or eating. Now during this pandemic, a lot of people may be
experiencing these changes in behavior, sleep patterns, moods, but it doesn't mean that
they are all thinking about dying. I spoke with psychologist Ursula Whiteside. She studies suicide
prevention at the University of Washington, and she also started a website called Now Matters Now,
which features stories of survivors of suicide attempts. Whiteside says those warning signs we
talked about, many of them are also signs of other mental illnesses.
A lot of the signs that somebody at a higher risk of suicide.
But it can take a while before someone goes from just being depressed to feeling so hopeless that they don't want to live anymore.
And that gives us plenty of opportunities for prevention.
The goal is to identify and help people with these mental health problems before they get to a point of crisis. Whiteside says one more warning sign to look out for is when someone withdraws from friends and families and their regular
activities, especially virtual ones. Meaning they're not responding to phone calls or they're
not joining in on maybe a Zoom call with family or they're not on social media, that's one time that it makes
sense to get curious about what's going on with your friend when people start to disappear.
So takeaway number one, identifying the warning signs of suicide, which also overlap with signs
of depression, anxiety, substance use problems. That brings us to the next step.
What do you do if you detect any of these warning signs?
First thing Whiteside says is check in.
Ask if they're doing okay.
And let them know that you're there for them if they need you.
She says if you're unable to talk to them directly,
leave a voicemail, write a letter, send a text message.
It seems small, but she says it can have
a big effect. And a message like that might say something like, you know, refer to a memory that
you have of them, like a positive memory and say that you miss them or say that you're rooting for
them. Also, she says, be prepared to not hear back, but keep checking in, especially if they don't respond.
Because remember, not responding is a strong sign that they're struggling.
When people's lives are really hard, they often fade out, as we talked about.
And this is a way to just kind of keep pulling that person back to the reality of your friendship or your family.
Studies suggest that a lack of connectedness
is an important risk factor in suicide,
especially for young people.
Caring messages and check-ins
can bring back that sense of connection to loved ones.
So takeaway number two is check-in with your loved ones,
especially if you suspect they're struggling.
And be prepared to check-in often,
even if they don't reply.
So you've called, sent messages, and your loved one has even responded and confessed to you that
they're feeling depressed or overwhelmed and hopeless. How do you know if they're thinking
about ending their own life? The best thing to do, experts say, is ask them directly.
Now, I know this can be really hard to do.
Here's how Whiteside says she would approach it.
I might say, you know, a lot of people I know have been having suicidal thoughts during this period,
especially when they're going through things similar to what you're going through. And I think it makes sense that some people just, you know, want to not feel
this way anymore. Is that something that's going on for you? Because I'd like to see if there are
some things I could do to be helpful. She says, unlike what many people think,
asking about suicide does not make it more likely that they will attempt to take their own life. But Whiteside says if you broach the topic, don't be judgmental about how they feel.
You're asking because you want to be helpful, not because you're going to call 911.
Now, calling 911 is something you should not do unless someone has already hurt themselves or
they are in imminent danger and are unwilling to keep themselves safe. Whiteside says the reason
is because hospitals may not even admit them to a psychiatric unit unless they have a plan to act
in the next 24 or 48 hours. And calling 911 can take away the person's sense of agency, make them
feel scared if the police get involved. Because calling the police can sometimes escalate things and it can destroy their trust in
both the medical system as well as in you. Also, when talking about suicidal thoughts, Whiteside
says couch it as a common experience because it is. In fact, she says many more people consider
suicide than the number of people who attempt it. So the vast, vast majority of people who have thoughts will not
go on to kill themselves. I think there's a lot of hope in that. That's takeaway number three. If
you're worried that a loved one is feeling suicidal, just ask them directly. And remember,
suicidal thoughts don't always mean that someone will act on them. But how do you tell if somebody
might be in suicidal crisis,
as in they need help right now or very soon?
Whiteside says it can be pretty hard to know,
even if you're in the same room with them,
because they might not tell you.
But there are more subtle signs you can look for.
What goes along with it is difficulty thinking, clearly.
People often use fewer words and have a harder time communicating. They say things like, I can't do this. I'm just so stressed. They might just sit there really quietly
for long periods of time, sort of spaced out. When stress gets to a certain level,
people often act differently. And if you see that someone you
love is going through something like this and you're really worried they might act on their
suicidal thoughts, again, the best thing to do is ask them directly. It's hard to do, but there's a
handy set of six questions you can use called the Columbia Protocol. It's developed by researchers
at Columbia University and you can find it with a quick Google search.
It can help you figure out if someone is at low or high risk of attempting suicide.
The protocol has questions like, have you wished you were dead or wished you would go to sleep and not wake up?
And have you had any intention of acting on these thoughts?
Someone who answers yes is at high risk, in which case you may need to act fast.
But for a lot of people who have fleeting suicidal thoughts, the urge to act on them can come very
suddenly. Ursula Whiteside has interviewed several survivors of suicide attempts.
What they said was that, you know, something really bad happened, a fight with a partner, like a loss of a relationship,
a loss of a job. And this overwhelming urge to end their life and end their pain came over them.
But the good news here is that these intense feelings are also fleeting. They last anywhere
between a few hours to a maximum of one to two days. Your job during
this time is to help your loved one calm down and not act on their feelings. Part of that is to also
ask them about what means they want to use and then talk to them about letting you remove those
means and keep them somewhere safe. Remember, those intense suicidal feelings are often fleeting,
and so making it difficult for a suicidal person to access the means of harm,
say a gun, is one of the best ways to significantly reduce their risk of injury and death.
And studies have found this time and again.
But Ursula Whiteside says there are some other things you can do to de-escalate
an emotional crisis. Here's a stop-dropping wall for when you're on fire emotionally.
Whiteside says the first step is to put out that emotional fire. You're at like a 90 out of 100
when you're in that overwhelming state. You're trying to bring this down to a level where you
can think clearly again. She says the quickest way to do that is to ask the person
to use ice or cold water. Using like a cold shower on your face or putting your face in ice water
or even using an ice pack and doing this on repeat. She says cold changes our physiology,
calms us down, and it's a quick way to reset our emotions. If you're in the same room with your
loved one, go get them an ice pack and put it on their face and neck. If you're in the same room with your loved one, go get them an ice pack and
put it on their face and neck. If you're talking to them on the phone or on a video call, just
offer to do it with them. Go to your fridge, get an ice pack and apply it to your face while they
do the same thing. It'll make it more likely that they will do it with you. The next thing Whiteside
says is to remind them that these intense suicidal thoughts are fleeting. So the
second step, she says, is to make no important decisions, especially deciding to die. So not
panicking, ignoring thoughts that you don't care if you die, stop using drugs and alcohol, and wait.
And the third step, she says, is make eye contact with them.
That's a difficult but powerful pain reliever.
It's like when you look into someone's eyes, you know, there's not much else that grabs our
attention, like looking in someone's eyes. It can drag you out of your like deepest, almost edge of
sleep when you're sitting in a classroom and the teacher looks into your eyes, like it'll just
jolt you awake. But also it can be used to drag yourself out of a negative brain space.
And be prepared to stick around with your loved one until the crisis is passed.
That's our takeaway number four.
If your loved one is in suicidal crisis, remember these intense urges are fleeting.
So help them wait it out and help them calm down using white side stop, drop, and roll exercise.
But even after the intense suicidal thoughts have passed,
your loved one will need your help and support to start to find their way out of their despair.
The first time Lazine had his most intense suicidal thoughts,
he told his close friends how he was feeling.
And most of them told him,
You know, I love you and I totally want you to stay around. I want you to be here. I think that
you have a lot that's possible to live for. And a lot of people, friends, mentioned the things that
they particularly valued about me and saw as potential for the future.
He says he'd been feeling so hopeless that he
couldn't envision a future for himself. But his friends' love and faith in him changed that.
Having those more specific examples of feeling valued, feeling meaningful, and then also having
specific things to look forward to in the future, which is often very difficult to perceive
when you're in that type of suicidal despair. Having those things kind of brought into the
conversation by friends was very helpful. It was helpful, but he still needed treatment for his
depression. He was so down in the dumps, though, that he couldn't seek mental health care.
To make that effort, to find a therapist, make an appointment, take that first step to go pour
his heart out to a stranger. It all felt too difficult and scary. So if you're already feeling
low, and then you feel like you're going to be putting yourself into this social situation where
people are going to think even less of you,
it's a really kind of fear-inducing, anxiety-producing type of situation.
What helped him get treatment, he says, was the support and help from his best friend, Mary Alice.
She was so worried about him that she first made an appointment with a therapist for herself to get advice on how to help him.
Then she made an appointment for Lizine and even went
with him for that first meeting. And she went with me up to do the intake and do their first
session. So I did the first session with just me and the counselor, but she was waiting out in the
waiting area for me. And that, he says, was invaluable. That's takeaway number five. If you
found out your loved one is depressed or anxious and has lost their will to live,
be prepared to take those extra steps to help them find treatment and make sure they stick
to their treatment.
Now, I should add the obvious.
None of this is easy.
The work can be daunting and exhausting.
So be open to seeking help yourself along the way. And if you're
overwhelmed and don't know what to do next, you can call or text the Suicide Prevention Hotline,
which is 1-800-273-8255. You can talk to a trained professional for advice on what to do next,
or just get some emotional support. And of course, it's a number you should also give your loved one
who's struggling
so they know they can call it any time,
especially when they don't have a loved one to talk to right away.
Suicide is preventable.
It might take a while and it often requires patience and a lot of hard work.
But research suggests it's possible to help people find their way out of despair and hopelessness.
And a lot of times folks feel like they need to be able to say the right thing or do the right thing.
And often it is that simple stuff of showing that you care
and showing up for somebody and being there for them,
making eye contact and just being around to listen actively
and to show that they are valuable enough for your time.
Now, I also want to add that if you have lost a
loved one to suicide, maybe you weren't able to intervene, or maybe you said and did the right
things and they still died. It's important to remember that it's not anyone's fault. And
whether you've lost a loved one or are trying to help a loved one who's feeling suicidal today,
remember to seek help and support for yourself too.
To summarize our big takeaways, number one, identify the warning signs that can be obvious
like talking about dying or less obvious ones like sudden changes in someone's behavior or mood.
Number two, check in with your loved ones, especially if you've identified any of the
warning signs. Don't stop checking in just because you don't hear back from them.
Takeaway number three, if you're worried someone you know is considering suicide, be direct.
Ask if they have thoughts of dying.
Asking someone will not increase their risk of suicide.
In fact, it opens up a conversation and can help them get the support that they need.
Takeaway number four,
if your loved one is in immediate suicidal crisis,
remember these intense urges are fleeting,
so help them calm down and wait it out.
Use Ursula Whiteside's stop, drop, and roll to get through the crisis.
Number five, if your loved one is struggling
with despair and thoughts of death,
help them find mental health care
and be prepared to accompany them to their appointments.
And once more, if you or someone you know is in despair
and having thoughts of dying,
call or text the National Suicide Prevention Hotline,
which is 1-800-273-8255.
For more Life Kit, check out our other episodes.
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This episode was produced by Megan Cain. She's the managing producer. Beth Donovan is the senior
editor. Our digital editors are Beck Harlan and Claire Lombardo. And our editorial assistant
is Claire Marie Schneider. I'm Reetu Chatterjee. Thanks for listening.