Magic: The Gathering Drive to Work Podcast - #1226: Replies with Rachel and Sarah
Episode Date: March 21, 2025Many years ago, I would drive my eldest daughter to school, and occasionally, we did a segment called "Replies with Rachel" where the two of us would answer questions. I then did another segm...ent with my youngest daughter Sarah called "Small Talk with Sarah" when I drove her to camp. Today, for the first time, I have both my daughters and all three of us answer your questions. I will note the audio quality for this podcast isn't my best, but I hope the content makes up for it.
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We all know what that means.
It's time for the drive to work.
OK, here's what's going on today.
Many years ago, I used to drive my daughter, eldest daughter,
Rachel, to school.
And every once in a while, we would do a question and answer.
We called it Reply to Rachel.
I think we did six of them.
And then a little later, I was driving Sarah,
my other daughter, to camp, I believe.
And we did one called Small Talk with Sarah.
We only did one of those.
But today, I'm taking Rachel and Sarah to the airport.
So we're doing Replies with Rachel and Sarah.
So here's how this works.
I've asked social media for questions,
and then Rachel's going to read them.
And then me, Rachel, or Sarah, or some combination of us will answer each question
So I'll hand this over to Rachel for the first question
Okay, so we got the first question from at lore master story dot
Bsky dot social
And they have the she I'm assuming she refers to me or or the rest of your family go to the conventions often with you,
and what's it like?
Well, you're talking specifically magic conventions.
I have a magic convention in Chicago, I believe, like last year.
It was a really fun experience.
Even if I didn't know much about magic,
I still really enjoyed the environment of it all,
and just seeing everyone, especially seeing my dad in his elements.
And in terms of other conventions, yes, many other conventions.
He's attended BroadwayCon with me in New York, BigCon in Anaheim,
and then a couple other ones in Seattle, East GirlCon.
Sarah, what about you? How many conventions did he go to?
Only one, and it was East GirlCon, I think, right?
OK, yes, only one.
Yeah, Geek Girl Con is very fun.
I kind of like Comic Con, but sort of with feminism,
diversity, like, twists to it.
So very fun and interesting.
So next one.
I think a lot of these are from Blue Sky.
So no problem.
Well, they're from Blue Sky and from a Tumblr.
So this one's from Blue Sky.
So I'll just say, at TJ Sonley.
So this says, hi, Rachel.
What's your favorite story that your dad tells?
You tell so many stories.
I feel like they all blend together.
I'm trying to think of one of those favorite moments
that I have with you.
I'm trying to think of just a story that you tell.
Is there one that pops into your head immediately or not?
There's too many.
He, every single situation, he's like, oh, this happened when I was in college,
and this happened in my childhood.
There's always a funny story that correlates back to his childhood.
I have too many stories to what they're saying.
Too many to pick one out.
But I'm well known, as my podcast readers know this,
of repeating stories that I have.
So if you listen to my podcast long enough, you will hear me tell the same stories.
I don't know.
It just seems, I know this seems like such a cough-up answer, but I'm really trying to
rack my brain right now to think of a good story to tell.
I don't know.
There's one that I mentioned on my Twitter once, which I said, you know, why do people
like myself drink iced coffee in the winter?
I'm like, well, my dad went out for a blizzard
in the middle of winter,
like when it was like ice cream, like sundaes and stuff.
And I'm like, I got that ice cold running through my veins.
Like we will march through the winter for ice cream.
So I think I remember that the most.
Okay, next up, AdgeckoMage says,
what is the biggest source of conflict
between the two of you?
How do you overcome it?
You feel like individually,
does it have conflict between you and each of, how do you overcome it? You feel like an individual conflict
with each of us?
I don't really know.
I feel like we agree for the most part on things.
But I feel like even if you don't agree with me,
you have pretty sound logic behind it.
So I don't really know what the biggest source of conflict is.
Do you feel like you have a huge conflict there?
I don't, but you guys definitely geek out over the same stuff.
And you guys are two little peas in a pod.
I feel like you are literally dad as a girl.
So I don't know, you guys get along really well.
But no, not for me, I don't think.
Your biggest source of conflict is just our bond.
Yeah, the fact that I don't know.
Because you guys talk about trivia all the time. and I'm like, how do you guys know all
this information?
And I feel I don't know all the trivia and all the fun facts that you guys do, but I
don't know.
That's it.
Yeah, so they're trying to find sources of conflict.
I don't know.
I mean, one of the interesting things when I think back is one of the natures of just
being a parent, you know, is
Kids can be rebellious by nature. Although the funny thing is Rachel was not remotely rebellious, Sarah was quite rebellious. Hey!
I once heard mom describe it as like, I asked how we were as teenagers and she said
You were just very sad all the time, you were just crying in your room
And Sarah just being mad at us, we're like, don't really, if you let her do something she'd be like
I can't believe that about you, like, we're trying to compromise. We're trying to agree with you. So I feel like...
I was the sassiest teen ever. I'm so sorry.
Yeah, we read a book about raising a daughter and they had different
archetypes. And one of them was the sad teenager and one was the angry
teenager and the girls definitely hit those too.
Okay. Okay.
Next up we have at Mr. Space Frog.
I'm looking at the S.
That's Mr. Space Frog.
That's Mr. Space Frog.
And once again, most of these are from Blue State Social.
If I don't say Blue State Social, it's fine a little bit.
And they've asked, imagine that instead of Alpha, you have to pick some other non-form
magic sets to be magic first release.
What should you choose and why?
I'm going to say this is a question for you. but you have to pick some other non-form magic sets to be magic's first release. What should you choose and why?
I'm going to say this is a question for you.
Yeah, this is a magic question.
So my daughters, I taught them how to play magic,
but neither of them really play magic.
So asking them magic questions is not ideal.
I'm not sure.
I mean, if it was something like Bloomburrow,
I think might have been a very good starting point.
I think there's something very universal about that. Ravnica also, I guess, could have been a good starting
point. The colors are very key to what Magic's about. So I think probably I would start with
something that either was very color pie based or very resonance based. Those are probably
the things that would have made the best jumping off point.
Unfortunately, I have no answer for this question. I'm going to assume that Sarah has it.
That is fine.
Ask X-A-N-T-M, Xantem.
Has she ever been asked after introducing herself,
wait, you're Rachel R., like a pseudo celebrity,
even though she hasn't been in the TCG orbit?
There is actually an idea recognized for me.
I'm not at that level of fame yet.
I get recognized more so for my last name, which connects to you.
But in terms of me getting recognized for me, that'd be fun one day.
But that hasn't happened yet.
Sarah, have you ever been recognized by your last name for being related to that?
Multiple times, actually.
I've had people who are friends of friends text my friends, and they'll be like, oh my gosh, your friend Sarah Rosewater,
the daughter of Mark Rosewater.
And I'm like, yeah, I am.
So cool.
But yeah, I've definitely had people freak out
over just seeing my last name, because they immediately
think of my dad.
I've had professors give lectures on D&D,
like literally Wizards of the Coast before and so it was really cool,
I don't know, to see people correlate my last name with that.
Maybe one day we'll be famous enough to off the music after the name of Rosewater,
but that'll be some day.
Okay, ask SDIJIM to said, did she ever want to design a magic card?
Either of us? I don't think I could. I think if you gave me all the tools to just make a magic card,
I wouldn't know where to start.
I think if you kind of did what we did before with bringing
your kids to work day, you let us through it, maybe.
But I'm not foolish.
If you're on one of those days with bringing your kids to work
and you design a card at the company,
I don't know if you ever did those.
I have not.
Yeah, so what happened was we used to have
Bring Your Kids to Work Day.
I guess Rachel, you came and maybe you stopped
before Sarah was old enough.
And one of the exercises we would do,
I would do usually, is lead them through making a card
and then we would mock it up
and then before the kids left,
we'd give them like a stickered version
of the card that they had made.
But anyway, making a magic card is hard.
Yeah, otherwise, yeah, But you can take a textbook.
It'd be cool to try to do it.
But I do it.
I don't ruin them.
Okay, next up is, as Tom used to serve,
what's a game you guys like to play together that is not Magic?
We do play a lot of games together.
We do a family board game night.
I think some of the ones that I love to play are just sort of like these subjective party games that we have a lot of fun with.
There's things like priorities and other similar games where we're sort of raking things that we like.
And obviously it's very fun amongst us as a family.
So we're trying to figure out, you know, of these things, which things do you like or hate the most.
And that's a lot of fun to play with the ENO.
I'm also a big fan of Wavelength.
It's also really fun to watch them just sort of like have this party game
and just kind of like argue with each other and stuff.
And then of course, I'm a sucker for any trivia based thing, but that's what we've been playing.
What are some of your favorite games?
A few of our favorite games that we've played, or my favorite games that we've played for our family game nights,
have been Hues Include.
We love concepts.
We love code names, every single
game ever I feel like we've played. And yeah, I like it pretty much.
Yeah, so Friday night is Rosewater Family Game Night. We play a lot of party games is
most of what we play. And I have in the den like three bookcases full of games and then in the basement there's more and then in the kids room there's more.
Anyway, there's infinite games. One of my favorites that we play is called Word on the Street, which is one of my favorite word games.
I mean, code names suck, but anyway, we play that a lot. I didn't know that, it's still true sale, but it's a really fun game.
Yeah, there's a lot of really good games that we play.
And we also grade them all, because we have so many games,
we know there are graphic things we want at some point,
so I literally have like a color coded Excel script sheet
where you like, rank all the games, try to decide
which is the best game, which is the worst.
I remember the worst game we ever played,
which was, it was a four game version
of How to Be the Guy in 10 Days. and it didn't do anything other than just, I guess,
retell you the events of the movie, and I was already so, so on the movie.
It went so well, it was just, it was, there's been better movie themes or TV shows being
board games ever played, so I remember that one was the lowest rating.
Well, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait, wait, wait. So my family likes to go to Value Village, which is a...
People sort of like donate things.
It's a thrift shop.
It's a thrift shop.
Anyway, they will pick up games from time to time.
And I will say, sometimes they're great games,
but the variance on those games are very high.
Yeah, okay.
Next up we got at TQ Murdoch asks,
how many of your dad's clones have you met that you know of?
This is fun.
I do think it's sort of like,
I noticed this trend sort of within possible children.
Like in the past we sort of had very like,
multiple people sort of like with the MCU
and everything were all at once. And now I'm noticing a lot about sort of like multiple clones with the MCU and everything, we're all in one.
And now I'm noticing a lot of us, like multiple clones, like Severance and Mickey 17.
So if there has been a clone of you, which is, as I've learned from these shows, just a slight variation of you,
if there has been a clone, they've been good enough for me to not know who you are.
So the joke here from my girls, don't understand what this question is about. So basically the running joke is because I do so many different things between the podcast and my articles and all of that, that's my blog and stuff, that I must have more than one of me be able to pull that off.
That is the joke that they're making.
Yeah, I think it say this or whatever.
You know, what's something that you could say
in order to warn people?
He would not make that joke that every single thing
that we say is maybe he'd eat like
cooked-out-of-a-banana or something.
If he touches any fruit, it's not him.
It's over!
He's an imposter!
Or if he could cook something other than pasta or pizza and not burn himself, it is not my problem.
If he ever goes to a table and they ask him for ice, he says, no thank you, it's not him.
This is a roast at this point.
I could go on.
Yes, in case, I don't know if this is a secret among the people, but every time he goes to a restaurant and gets water, he always asks for an extra glass of ice. If it's not Borderland Herpetaphyshermia, he
doesn't want it. Europe, he has suffered with the water in Europe. It must be ice cold.
I don't know what is, but Europe, they don't tend to go to a lot of ice.
I see he is sipping on his ice cold water from his hydroplasms that I had traditionally
shown you. Yes, hydroplasms, the main staple. Alright, next up we got Wynne Cluster.
Do you either or both even favor cheese?
I'm so glad you asked.
I like to preach the word of Mr. Cheese from mostly the old spaghetti factory,
which is a great chain of Italian restaurants, mostly on the west coast,
a little on the east coast,
but what they're most famous for is their use of the zither cheese. I am a person who loves pasta,
I am a butter noodles and cheese girl, so the brown butter with the zither cheese,
spaghetti with brown butter and zither cheese after you go to the spaghetti factory, is my favorite dish potentially of all time,
the zither cheese, hands down.
I also love mozzarella, parata, I could go on.
Sarah G. with favorite cheese.
Is he asking about cheese or is this like secretly a magic thing?
They're actually asking about cheese.
My favorite cheese for sandwiches is provolone,
but Jeff's eating by itself is Havarti with dill.
Yes, Havarti with dill, a very specific recurrence.
I don't know if you need a report, but yeah.
Favorite cheese, I could talk for a while about that.
But okay, next up we got asks,
hi, Father Mark, my question to your daughter,
how often does it happen that people talk to you
about your father or magic?
I think we've answered this a little bit before
in terms of the recognition, but every once in a while,
I think it happens more so to me,
because I'm probably more of the one who knows
a lot more about the real world.
It happens occasionally, although I think it happens
in very specific sectors, like moments I'm going to a game
or a meeting, like a men's type of thing,
it happens a lot more, although I did have a set of brothers
who I worked with as camp counselors
who recognized my last name.
And then my dad came to visit me at summer camp
and he got the news.
So yeah, I mean it occasionally happens.
Well, we kind of answered that already, Sarah,
but how often do you feel like it happens?
Well, I like to bring it up to people
because it's like I'm bragging like,
yeah, I didn't know my dad is a smart road water
So like people will tell me that they like magic or whatever and I'll like bring that up. They're like, oh no way
So my family likes to out me that's the story
So if we'll go to a game store something where I'm just like I just want to see the game store and then they're like
Oh everybody, did you know this is I think my family has it's enjoyable to
them to watch people get excited
We take all the NEPO baby privileges that we take
So, they're all
Okay, I think the resonance questions are all for Tumblr
Yeah, yeah, yeah
So from here on out, all the three people living with've got social, the rest are here on out or somewhere.
The next up, at SemboyGangar asks, why did you name her Rachel?
Well, let's talk to all of them. Why did you name all of your kids Rachel, Adam, and Sarah?
Okay, so very specifically, you'll notice that Rachel, Adam, and Sarah are all biblical names.
We wanted just old school, simple, no one would mispronounce them, no one would spell
So we wanted very simple names that people would know.
Growing up, my name is Mark obviously, but my sister is Elise and it was spelled oddly.
And anyway, everywhere I went, everyone could pronounce my name and no one ever pronounced
her name correctly.
And I learned from that the importance of simple, clean names.
So anyway, that is where we got the names from.
Yeah, so I guess I'll ask this question to us
and ask ourselves, how does it feel to be named those?
In terms of Rachel, it's a very popular, common name,
so I hear it a lot.
Sometimes I have to block it out sometimes
because people say it and they don't meet me.
But luckily enough, Rosewater is a unique enough name
that it kind of stands out.
Like it's a very unique and special part of my name.
If I ever get married and someone wants to have me
change my name, I'm going to ask them,
can you give compliments on your last name?
Like if your last name is cooler than my last name,
it's going to be a hard thing to be.
Sarah, how about you?
How do you feel about being named Sarah?
Other than the fact that my name on the corrects is Satan
40% of the time, I really like my name.
And how do you feel about Sarah, with an H or is Sarah without an H?
As my mom says, Sarah without an H is ill.
Wait, is it with an H is ill?
No, no, no, Jimmy Fallon's without an H is ill.
Okay, my dad knows Jimmy Fallon better than I do.
Uh, without an H is ill, so it better be with an H.
I think it's the opposite way around.
Oh, okay. It totally is.
Oh, you're right.
You're right.
You're right.
Sarah was out an H because H's are equal.
No, but I say without an H is ew.
So yes.
She's right on that.
All right.
So next up, we've got asks.
Chicks3 and Smith asks, how would you describe your dad's sense of humor?
I would describe his humor as very fun-faced.
I think he's, I truly aspire to be as witty as he is.
One time my sister was telling us a fun fact
about Eggo Waffles, and she was like,
oh, and I read somewhere that Eggo Waffles,
they were originally gonna be called Waffles
because it was supposed to be a poor man's home,
like frozen and waffle, and my dad's amazing,
he goes, something a Waffle idea.
And that joke sticks with me, because I truly aspire to have that wit to be able to hold those things.
I don't know, Sarah, how would you describe that?
Do you remember the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter story?
Okay, you can say that.
Oh, the story Sarah is telling is Sarah and I were shopping at Costco, I believe.
And Sarah, not me, Sarah says,
okay, we're gonna have a little contest
where we're gonna make puns with the products that we see.
Trying to bond with my father.
And anyway, the story is I crushed Sarah at it.
And at some point, Sarah comments about how
I'm much better at this than her.
And I joke that I cannot believe she's not better.
Can't believe I'm not better.
Yeah, can't believe I'm not better.
Yeah, so the answer is his sense of humor is better than ours.
Okay, next up, KE6960 asks,
Can you think of any games, board, card, or others that your family plays that are either a let-or-no game you all like, or a relatively popular game that we didn't enjoy as much?
I think as you stated before, if you haven't heard of any of the games that we mentioned earlier during our favorite game, then I guess those are underrated.
I don't know if a lot of, I feel like, games that we play because we've seen whole bunch of them from all different sources.
So if we do play a lot of popular games. I'm just wondering if people like them.
I feel like we just love a lot of different
underground board games.
No, we like them most.
I mean, we sort of answered this question.
But we like playing board games.
We play a lot of games, and we enjoy them.
Yeah, most of the games, everybody's pretty low.
Or any games we just don't fully understand.
All right, next up.
Futuristic Runway Gardener asks, is Rachel like bananas?
My answer is only in TV.
I feel like I have like a texture thing.
So I like bananas, so they got to be crushed up finely.
So salt's on bananas.
My answer is I don't know who my real father is
because I could eat bananas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I love bananas so much.
Yeah, one of the challenges of my life has been my family
really likes bananas.
Obviously I do not.
So because I love my family, we have bananas in the house.
Alright, next up, at Zilnaf asks, how is being raised by a game designer
impacted your relationship with games?
I mean you guys love games a lot, so I think it definitely has influenced us to about the day
continue our board game nights. We do a lot of the skate rooms, whenever we go places.
Like, the skate rooms are a very common thing for us to do on holidays, special occasions, and what-hap.
So I think it's just, you know, having an influence on that. But I don't think there's too much difference otherwise.
Sarah, have any thoughts on anything?
Nope. No, have you thought through everything? Nope.
The answer is not that much.
Our den is just, you know, our library is just sort of stuck to the framework of word games.
I think it's just a major difference.
Alright, next up, Silas, S-I-L-A-M-M-N asks,
What's the best advice your dad has given you?
I feel like you've said this once again with the stories.
So much advice trying to narrow it down.
But I think you and mom as sort of a whole, in terms of like as a bunch of parents,
sort of giving advice of just, you know, doing what makes you happy
and just trying to pursue the things that you're interested in.
I mean, it's nice to be able to have that support,
because there definitely are families who don't support their children
in doing the things that they want to do.
So I'm glad I have that, you know, that love and support to always fall back on,
that no matter what I'm trying, you guys are always going to be there.
You said exactly what I was thinking.
One piece of advice that my parents have given me
was do whatever makes you the happiest
and find a way to get the experience.
And that has really paved the way for me
to have the internship that I have right now.
I'm not worried about, oh, I need to get a job that pays me,
whatever, a clientee.
I only, I'm doing what makes me happy.
And I'm so glad that I have parents that will support me
for me doing whatever I wanted to do.
Is there any advice that you can remember giving them?
I don't know, I give advice all the time, but it's always interesting to see what sticks.
But yes, I agree, the idea of, a big part of becoming a parent is realizing that your role is not to make your kid who
you want them to be, but it's to respect who they are and help them become who they are.
And one of the things you learn when you have kids is you learn their personality right
away, you guys, or who you were, you know, as little tiny babies.
So anyway, that's his advice.
I stick with it.
All right.
Next up we got at Jimmy comments at an intergalactic monster that has destroyed the earth and could probably just not consume a bunch of bananas.
How do you get us to do this?
I'm trying to think of a way to like hide bananas. I'm sure there must be, I mean you have a very sensitive palate, but I'm sure if this was life or death scenario, I'm sure we could figure out a way to hide it somehow.
I would start to say my goodbyes to my family, my friends. There is no way. He will eat a banana.
Do you think you could do it if the world depended on it?
I don't...don't make me have to choose. If the world depended on it, I'd try, I guess.
But oh my god, that would be hard.
So, I'm going to give you the ultimate sacrifice.
Alright, next up at Earth Fun Yielding asks,
What's your favorite memory of each other?
There's a video that I love that's somewhere on one of our codes.
It's a video of my sister and my dad with an Oreo on their face
doing the Oreo to mouth calistrinias,
how to use your face.
And for some reason,
Dolphin and I just have lied down on the ground to do this.
And my sister being, you know, young and dimpled,
it was a pretty quick thing,
but my dad, it takes like five minutes.
And it basically recorded the whole thing on video.
And you'd think at some point it wouldn't be funny,
and somehow it continues to be funny for five minutes,
because once again, he's on the ground, and it not something at all. What do you remember from that experience?
Oh, I remember. I mean, my family loves, has a great joy in watching me fail at things.
And it's just five minutes of me. What happens is I'm trying to get this cookie on lever
from my forehead to my mouth, and at some point I'm just failing miserably at it and I start laughing and I can't stop laughing.
And then everyone starts laughing. Anyway, it's a cherry puppy video.
Zara, what about you? Your favorite memory? I guess it's just of each other.
So just memory you have of the family, anything?
I liked the Oreo one too because I won. So that was a fun memory for me. Once again, I think our think our repetitive motif is we're having so many good times in the family
that our generation all of a good time.
Alright, next up, Nate W000 app.
This is Rachel's name, her dad is a celebrity.
I think we think of them, but once again, celebrity in a very specific scenario.
We have to go to mostly specific locations
in order for you to get swarmed.
Every once in a while it'll be a random other place,
but I think this is a good level of fame for you.
Just like I can choose to go somewhere
and have a lot of people,
but also not get swarmed the way that like
a celebrity do.
Okay, so what's your favorite story
of somebody recognizing me in the middle of nowhere?
Not in like a game store or some place you expect it.
What's your story, and can someone recognize you in just the more oddest of places?
I don't know, it's probably the weirdest thing.
Most people recognize, I feel like a place is just being normal.
I'm trying to think of a time when it was like, un-normal.
There was one time where a man sprinted after us in the airport.
Were we coming back from like Hawaii?
Yeah, Hawaii. Remember from Hawaii. And this random man sprinted after us in the airport. Were we coming back from like Hawaii? Yeah, Hawaii.
We were coming back from Hawaii.
And this random man sprinted after us in the airport.
And he was like yelling, my dad's name.
And he was like, can I get a picture with you?
Can I get a picture with you?
And we're like, sir, we're trying to get on our plane.
Like, it's our whole family.
Like, we're in the airport.
So that was interesting,
because he literally chained after us.
Yeah, these things are funny every once in a while,
but I couldn't imagine being a celebrity where this happens multiple times
on multiple occasions.
But I have to think about one time in Chicago where I was helping you with your
signing stuff and somebody came up and it was the first time somebody recognized
me and it turned out that that person, they knew somebody that I knew from my
hometown or whatever, like I worked with someone, someone was volunteer
now. That was kind of weird.
It was sort of like a six-speed separation kind of thing.
Okay, next up, at keyofmiss,
so it'll be up to zero, what's your favorite card?
Unfortunately, I don't think we've seen that one.
I like the one that you make,
because I think you keep a lot of drafts,
the ones that you draw personally in the dentist stuff.
I think the little, like, the dark ones you draw. I think like the little like the dark ones you drive through.
I think the ones that we see all the time are probably our favorite because those are
hanging up somewhere in the house.
The Maro card you need?
Yeah, I own the art for the original Maro done by Stuart Griffin.
I have the art for Looking Me in the DCI that I did.
I have the art for Mize that Matt Cavada did and he gave to me as a present. I have gestures from Brero that Dan Frazier did. I was on the cover of the
original and glued, the text, the original and glued. And then my mom bought me, I did
a questioning telegraph where I threw the original picture and then an artist, it was
for a fundraiser, turned it into a real picture we have my mom got me the real picture so anyway those are the art
that I have
Okay next up, this is kind of less applied to Sarah, more applied to the both of us, but I'll sort of lump two together.
So we have one question from Apey and Tom that says, you've been in good plays lately or written any and
Darktay Kimbo asks what's each of your favorite musicals from the last five years?
It's sort of a combined question for the both,
and just the plays and musicals.
I don't think they're overly-hippity-hoop-trippy
to the conversation, so it's just us.
I'm currently living in New York right now,
which is a great time, because I can see lots
of different Broadway shows and off-Broadway shows.
Some of my favorites I've seen recently,
Sunset Boulevard with Hannah Nuts, just because I don't know much about the movie or anything, but it was a very interesting take on it.
It was both minimalistic but also very high tech.
People have also been giving a lot of good word about maybe happy ending, which is very
tiny cast for people that also have a lot of fun projections of technology to it.
And some of the stuff I'm looking forward to when I get back, I'm a big fan of the TV show Smash.
So they've made a musical out of that and it's currently in previews right now.
And Betty, the musical, just a quick little information point, that's also in previews.
So a lot of very exciting things.
So my favorite musical of all time,
which isn't quite the question,
is Little Shuffle of Horrors.
So my favorite of the last five years,
so when Rachel and I go to BroadwayCon,
and I do a podcast when I do that,
we usually see a play,
and a couple years back we saw Beetlejuice,
which was a musical based on the movie,
but it was really,
while the story is similar,
it's really its own thing,
and I really, really liked it. It's become one of my favorite musicals.
Yeah, and in terms of the non-neglective play side, because I also do love talking about
plays, I'm trying to think of any new ones I've seen recently. There's one that I'm
hoping to catch called All Nighter, which is sort of one of my favorite genres of plays,
which is just sort of like all female plays plays. All teenage girls, young adult women plays.
I'm also hoping to catch John Proctor as the villain.
I haven't read the script for that yet, just because I'm hoping to see it for the first time on stage.
There's a lot of very fun things happening.
And then just ones that I just love to go see.
Some small company was doing Hand to God, which is such a weird, funny play
that I'll just go see it anytime I can.
So yeah, that's all about musicals and plays.
Okay, back to the names, I'll take it in. Let's see.
So, at Chim3Rossi, H-I-M-3-R-A-S, asks,
why use Tumblr as your main site for blogging?
So, mostly for you. Why do you make somebody use Tumblr?
The real quick story behind Tumblr is I was trying to have a place to post my comic that
I used to do Tales of the Pit and I needed a place to do that and that seemed, I don't
know, I think Ethan Fleischer suggested it to me and it just wasn't the place that I
could post it and then when I was putting it up it said, oh, do you want to let people
ask you questions? so innocent and I said sure and that kind of was the
start of my blog so you know that's it so Ethan suggested I guess is why I
didn't run top-down.
That's Riznack asking your dad make more TikTok videos. Sarah your expert opinion? Um, our options are interesting.
I think I would end up being, you know, his social media coordinator for him.
I'm just so up with the trend.
I don't know, maybe we'll see some TikToks from him in the future.
Maybe we won't. I don't know. We'll see.
How many TikToks have you made?
Uh, I've made a few. Not too many.
And I made a few with Sarah.
But I made a couple.
I have a TikTok channel, theory, whatever.
But I have not made very many videos for it.
Anyway, guys, we are here at the airport.
We have one last question.
Oh, one last question.
OK, one last question.
One last question, the perfect wrap-up question.
At Mr. F asks, what's the answer to the great question of life,
the universe, and everything?
My heart wants to say love is the answer to everything and my brain says 42.
I gotta say, the juicy part of me has to say 42.
So Sarah's your answer.
She's shaking her head.
So Sarah does not have an answer.
I mean, we're making a hit out of you guys at the Gallagher Press Conference, but do
you have just a normal people answer to just what's the answer to everything?
Yeah, I did not get that.
Are you guys laughing?
I'm laughing.
I'm laughing.
I'm laughing.
I'm laughing.
I'm laughing. I'm laughing. I'm laughing. I'm laughing. I'm sure you guys have a Gallup truck to see it. But do you have, just a normal people answer to just,
what's the answer to everything?
Yeah, I did not get that.
Okay, are you guys laughing?
As to why they get everything and I still laugh?
That's okay.
No, I don't really have an answer to that.
I think love is a good one though.
I'll stick with you.
Yeah, okay.
Now, okay, that was our final question.
Now you can wrap it up.
Okay, well we are at the airport. Normally I get to work you can wrap it up. Okay, well we are at the airport.
Normally I get to work, so it's not often I get to wrap up at the airport.
But since the girls have to go, we're going to wrap up for today.
So I'm at the airport. We all know what that means, I guess.
It's the end of my drive to the airport.
So instead of talking magic, it's time for me to drop my kids off at the airport.
Anyway, it's been great having you guys on the show.
So thanks for joining with me, guys.
Yeah, thank you, and it's awesome.
Thank you.
And to everybody else, I will see you next time.
Bye bye.