Mark Bell's Power Project - 10 Minute Walk Talk - Jesse Burdick

Episode Date: March 7, 2018

Megamind Jesse Burdick is back with a 10 Minute Walk Talk Podcast. In this episode, Jesse shares his experience with the Ketogenic diet and the importance of having a good coach. ➢Subscribe Rate & R...eview on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? This is Jesse Burdick. Very proud to be a part of the Power Project's Walk and Talk. Idea here is to kind of give you guys something to listen to. A little bit of some stories on a topic that Smelly wants to have hashed out a little bit. So, what I've been asked to talk about is the ketogenic diet. is the ketogenic diet. What I did working with Smelly when he was at his biggest, kind of got him down in the first cut that he've made. What I do with athletes and how to just to kind of generally approach the ketogenic diet. Now, it's a much bigger topic than to fit in all of 10 minutes. So I'm going to give some truncated stories and, you know, kind of deal out as much information as I can while I'm on my 10 minute walk. And you guys can kind of enjoy some stories and hopefully learn something on your 10 minute walk. So, uh, my
Starting point is 00:00:58 introduction to the ketogenic diet was with, um, John Kiefer of,fer, formerly of Dangerously Hardcore, currently of Along with, you know, having known about the Warrior Diet, Joel Marion's Cheaters Diet. These things are all things that I'd read about, known about, somewhat even tried, but it wasn't until I met Kiefer that I really got interested in the why and how of the ketogenic diet. This is something that I preach to all my clients and all of my athletes, is expectation management. and all of my athletes is expectation management. So for me at the time, I was going through a whole lot of stuff in my personal life, getting into divorce, battling over child custody. So it really wasn't in my best interest to have a lofty goal of being a great strength athlete.
Starting point is 00:02:05 So what I did was I kind of took a look at things, set my priorities straight with the help of obviously having coaches and mentors and just great friends. And I figured out the best thing for me to do is get on fat at the time. So John took me through things, really helped me understand things and know how to tweak and know how to see some things in the diet and how your body is reacting. And then, you know, kind of cut me loose and let me do my own thing. And in that, Smelly saw how jacked, tan, and sexy I got. He had just hurt his leg. He and I had a
Starting point is 00:02:42 similar talk about expectation management. And he decided it was time for him to start to lose some weight, get a little healthier, and go from there. So the first thing that we did, just like anybody that I would deal with, was pull out all carbohydrates. And the idea here is not to starve you. The idea is not necessarily to do anything. It's just to, A, let you realize the carbohydrates that you eat. B, kind of force you to have a buy-in into the diet. You know, you're not even really even dieting yet until you're a week in, until you hit
Starting point is 00:03:16 the ketosis. And still some discipline and just get to use to things. After that week to 10 reset, meaning as low carbohydrate as he can. Now, again, the devil's in the details. For Smelly, when he was getting up, drinking his coffee, he was using sugar. You know, that's something that I'm never going to take away from any of my clients. You know, I mean, there's carbohydrates and everything. So to realistically try and think that you can grab something that's zero carbohydrates and be in a zero carbohydrate state at the end of the day is kind of silly. But you just do your best.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Usually at the end of those 10 days, once you've done this, you're going to have a small refeed. This is where people usually get things wrong. They call it a cheat day or a cheat meal that usually leads to two, three, four cheat meals. So, you know, a refeed meal is going to be more something like at the end of the night going out with your loved one or if everybody hates you, you know, just by yourself, you know, go get some steak, some rice, some vegetables, have a little bit of bread, have a dessert, and then you're done. Idea that is just to, as Kiefer kind of told it, to me was kind of slip one past the goalie. The science behind it is a little more complicated but
Starting point is 00:04:46 basically what we're doing is using those carbohydrates to help replicate the hormone leptin in your body and by doing so you rev your metabolism up and you actually within about 24 to 48 hours you are actually lighter than when you even started eating your carbohydrates. So that's kind of the second step into the diet. That's something that I did with Mark. Something that, and then obviously kind of go back and repeat zero carbohydrates and go in. What I found out was that just a consistent zero carbohydrate diet or close to zero carbohydrate diet only works for a certain amount of time and for a certain person.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So anyone who is performance goal oriented, whether you're a strength athlete, crossfit athlete, athlete, physique athlete, you know, you guys, we need carbohydrates. So what I did was I kind of developed this little kind of tier system, meaning your first week out of your zero carbohydrate diet, you get your cheat meal. After you've done that, you kind of go back and do the same thing. diet, you get your cheat meal. After you've done that, you kind of go back and do the same thing. Once you've hit that second cheat meal, the next week we start kind of layering, layering in carbohydrates. We start with, um, spinach every other meal, the kind of that third week, if you will, fourth week spinach at every meal. And by the time we're in the six week area or so we will start to add back in a little bit more carbohydrates and it'll be all focused
Starting point is 00:06:31 around performance so what that means is we're gonna eat a bulk of our all of our carbohydrates because we're not really eating a bunch anyways all around your workout we start with depending on the athlete, 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates pre-workout. If everything goes as planned, meaning you're getting leaner, losing weight, strength, or performance is at least staying par and not dipping down, we're gonna go ahead and add in a little bit more carbohydrates the following week. So now you're gonna get going to go ahead and add in a little bit more carbohydrates the following week. So now you're going to get 20 to 50 pre and then 20 to 50 during. And then the following week again,
Starting point is 00:07:14 depending on how progress is being made, we'll add 20 to 50 post workout. I've been working with people for years at this point. and there is someone that I work with that on his quote unquote low carbohydrate days, he's having zero, but those are days that he's not working out or close to zero. He's having, you know, a lot of veggies, fruit, etc. So, you know, these are negligible carbohydrates, in my opinion. Unless you're eating like 14 pounds of strawberries. But you have a different problem. But on his workout days, he's consuming close to about 400 grams of carbohydrates. And he's still making progress on his diet when we switch into this sort of a phase of his diet.
Starting point is 00:08:03 this sort of a phase of his diet. Which kind of brings me to our next point, which is everybody needs a coach. Even coaches need a coach. I'm in a really cool, lucky position to have had some great coaches of my own, starting back to Little League with my dad all the way up through, you know, having Mark, Matt Wenning, Joe Ken, all of these just wonderful strength and conditioning coaches, you know, helped me out through my journey, not only physically, but also kind of,
Starting point is 00:08:40 you know, business-wise as well. I think one of the best things that I do as a good friend and a good coach, especially for Mark, was just be an ear to kind of bounce ideas off of. And I would get a lot of calls from Mark, mostly because he was bored laying on the couch because he couldn't move. But we'd really talk about what we're doing, why. And it's great when someone, whether it's a friend or a client is interested in something that you know well because you kind of get to show off your knowledge
Starting point is 00:09:12 but it's also great because you're kind of teaching it so you get to relearn it again so if you are a coach, make sure you're having those opportunities to teach and do those things because you get to learn at the same time but Mark needed a coach then. And, you know, he would politely push back. He didn't like the refeeds because, you know, he has somewhat of an addictive personality and he wanted to never go off of it. When I explained to him kind of the science and the why behind it, he reluctantly decided to do it. And he ended up, like I said, about 48 hours later, being lighter,
Starting point is 00:09:54 feeling more energetic, feeling better because we've been, you know, two or three weeks without a lot of carbohydrates. So as much as I am so for being your own coach and kind of trying to work your way through things if it's time for you to really kind of you know put the screws to things really time to take advantage of or really trying to make some progress hire a coach they're worth the money it's worth the knowledge. And the greatest thing is, is you're going to go ahead and be able to take that and kind of pass it along as well. And that's the way that the world should work. And hopefully that's the world, the way that the world will work where everyone is just trying to make sure that everyone,
Starting point is 00:10:39 the knowledge kind of gets passed down. It's almost as if, you know, back in the days when we didn't have books, it was all an oral history as if, you know, back in the days when we didn't have books, it was all in oral history. So, you know, working with someone and getting them through a situation is how you learned it and how you learn to then, therefore, kind of pass it on to the next person. So, again, there's a lot of information there for you guys. Hopefully it kind of sparked some interest.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Hope you guys had a little bit of fun with it. Hopefully you learned something more than that. Hopefully you're just out getting your 10 minute walk in being healthy. And with that, I'm going to go ahead and say goodbye. Say thanks for listening and tune into these because I think this is going to be a regular thing. And I'm really excited about it to learn some more as well. Take care guys.

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