Mark Bell's Power Project - Alex Hormozi x Mark Bell - Making Money and Muscle || MBPP Ep. 780

Episode Date: August 8, 2022

In this Podcast Episode we follow Alex Hormozi and Mark Bell through a workout and listen in on how Alex and Mark built their bodies and their businesses. Follow Alex on IG: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Right now the only, literally the only asset we own, besides like business equities and stuff, is this car. We rent that place and that's it. We just, well to be fair, we just got two homes in Henderson. Yeah. Which is like 20 minutes that way. Yeah, I know where Henderson is. That's where my buddy Stan lives. Yeah. The Rhino.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Yeah. Efforting. Yeah, we... Did you get a chance to meet him yet? I did. I did. We worked is. That's where my buddy Stan lives. Yeah. The rhino. Yeah. Efforting. Yeah, we... Did you get a chance to meet him yet? I did. I did. We worked out... He's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I love Stan. Stan is big and strong. Oh, yeah. He's still a monster. He's still up to, like, a complete lunatic. I'm always like, what the fuck is he even bothering doing that for? He already did all that stuff. You already won.
Starting point is 00:00:42 You already won. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, go home. He did fucking Sandwich. Right? Yeah. Well, where's the AC? doing that for you already did all that stuff you already won you already won yeah yeah yeah go home eat a fucking sandwich right yeah well i like some of the diet stuff you've been talking about too because people love to they love to complicate that stuff they'd love to get into the mitochondria yeah and make it just like this uh ever-evolving math equation that no one can ever solve, right? Where we try to have as much Chinese food and bread as we can, and dessert as possible.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah, it's funny, man. I mean, I started training hard when I mean, I started training, like, hard when I was, like, 14. Right. You know? Yeah, and so I started, like, competing and doing powerlifting meets when I was 19, 20. And so it's funny because, like, I know that I'm young, you know what I mean, big picture-wise. But, like, training-wise, it's like I'm on, like, 19 years. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:42 It's funny because I feel like most of the guys that are have been in shape for like almost all their lives um have simplified most things to just like calories and protein and lift heavy shit occasionally right um which is more or less what we've tried to do with yeah the hard part is some people have gotten to be so unhealthy that they probably need to get healthy first in order to have the calorie equation benefit them a little bit faster and a little bit better you mean for like losing weight yeah just for losing weight like some people are just their bodies are really messed up and they probably need to get used to just eating natural foods for a little bit to help them cut back on the overall amount of food that they're eating. Yeah. You know, and you get, getting healthier and losing weight can kind of go together, but some people are a little stuck.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Sometimes after they lose some weight, you know, sometimes they lose 30 pounds and then they're stuck for a while. Yeah. But I've seen that happen with some friends where it's like they are a little bit more stuck than the average person, but the answer isn't necessarily just to tell them to move more and eat less yeah because they don't feel like moving more because they don't have enough energy because they're eating some of the food that they're consuming and that's where it gets to be like
Starting point is 00:02:54 well maybe you should pay attention to the actual food choices a little bit more right because you're not getting that much from like a pop tart i was literally going to use a pop tart i was like so like pop tarts first potatoes yeah yeah yeah it's nice when you get ahead though when you get ahead it's like that everything really works really nicely and it can be it can be more convenient same with money right same with that's a good way of putting it put it getting ahead of it i was talking it's funny because we had this idea that came out when we were talking to stan um that i feel like i said like have power to the late, and it was like, he said something,
Starting point is 00:03:27 because I was like, I don't really train that much anymore. He's like, me neither. He's like, I train hard, like, once a week, maybe. You know? And he's like, it's crazy how little I have to do to, like, look the way I do. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And he said something like, yeah, dude, just enjoy the fruits of your labor. And for some reason, there was, like, a spark that went off, and I was like, oh, I have a passive body right now. It's like active income and passive income, but just translating to like it's like oh i don't right this is not like you've stored away enough active effort that now you can maintain you know this physique with
Starting point is 00:03:54 like pretty passive effort like i can still eat twizzlers every day and you've heard people before talk about like being a success before you are successful like you're you're uh if you want to attract money you want to attract women be an attractive person and it's not necessarily like the look it you know look can be a big part of it obviously but have attractive features you know if you have a championship mindset if you got if you're willing to work hard and you don't give up on stuff easily you are willing to be foolish and like mess up and make mistakes i think other people find that to be a leadership like quality that they'll be attracted to and then money will probably follow somewhere after that yeah it's interesting when you look at it from a time horizon
Starting point is 00:04:42 perspective of uh the doingness versus the like the getting side right um so it's interesting when you look at it from a time horizon perspective of the doingness versus the getting side. So it's like you are a success the moment you begin doing the doing. And then the having or the getting happens over a longer time horizon. And so some people will stop doing the right thing because they measured it on the wrong timeline. I always find that interesting from a business and or body perspective. It's like, yeah, I was working out and I was, you know, eating well. Um, and then, uh, I stopped 12 weeks later. Well, you know, you're doing the right thing. You're measuring on the wrong time. I tried that diet. It didn't work. That's what they always say. And then you're like, well,
Starting point is 00:05:19 it's not working cause you're not doing the work any longer. Yeah. Did it work? Okay. When you were doing it, it sounded like it was Did it work okay when you were doing it? It sounded like it was working for a little while while you were actually implementing it. And then the success discontinued when you stopped. Okay. Just make sure. Let me write that down. Making sure I'm tracking well.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So what takes up most of your time now? Like, what's your focus? Where's your energy going? Doing a lot of podcast stuff. Oh yeah? Yeah, I've been spending a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I got two other co-hosts. We've been doing, I've been doing a podcast for the last maybe six or seven years. And, just, I've kind of circled
Starting point is 00:06:03 the wagon with as many different fitness people as I can. But the show isn't really, we don't just focus in on fitness people. I just like to talk to interesting people and get around people that are, have different perspectives and, you know, learn from people. And we've learned all kinds of stuff. Learned how to walk, learned how to run.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Oh, that's cool. Learned how to do all kinds of stuff learn how to walk learn how to run oh that's cool learn how to do all kinds of different things um and just you know a lot of things kind of thrown in the face of uh a lot of traditional training that i learned over the years like what reinterpret reinterpretations of strength you know like what's you look great you know i'll thank you but like what you know what is you know what is strong you know what is like for me it was always just like a barbell like let's grab a hold of a barbell that's the way you know the football coaches and strength coaches you know our guys are you know cleaning 365 and they're squatting five plates or whatever
Starting point is 00:07:01 those are the measures that we used but are they even decent things that we're measuring yeah does it have any value at all to a football field i think it's definitely debatable yeah can it be helpful i think absolutely i'm sure it could be uh how effective or are there other means you know to do do some other? I just find all that's really interesting. And, you know, when you think about someone, again, on their weight loss journey, they're like, oh, I signed up for a 10K or a 5K. I'm like, oh, that's really cool. You're interested in running?
Starting point is 00:07:38 They're like, no, I hate running. You're like, hmm. Yeah, and then you're like, well, wait, why are you running? And they're like, I'm trying to lose weight. And they're like, oh, well, that might you running? And they're like, I'm trying to lose weight. And like, oh, well that might not be the best thing to like lose weight. So I find that like so many different things that we're trying to work on or spend time on are maybe not that effective of use of time in terms of what the actual goal is. Yeah. And then trying to learn more of that for myself
Starting point is 00:08:06 and be able to teach that a little bit more to people so they can just be more efficient. Maybe start out with a little bit better decision. And lifting weights is a shitty thing to sell people on, but I've always felt like everyone kind of has to lift. Yeah. Everyone is a pretty broad statement. There's people that might...
Starting point is 00:08:29 Would you say lift weight or just resistance training in general? Yeah, some form of resistance training. Yeah, I was curious. Yeah, the gym is like... The gym is in your heart, you know what I mean? The gym is... For me, when COVID happened happened it didn't matter a lot because i was like i i'm gonna do some fucking push-ups or something you know i'm just i mean
Starting point is 00:08:51 even though i hated a lot of that stuff um yeah i i stopped going to my gym a little bit because uh just no one else could go so i was like like, this kind of sucks. Yeah. And then at a certain point, we just opened back up anyway. But how was that in California for you? You know, it seemed, you know, it seemed, it seemed like there was like craziness going on in California,
Starting point is 00:09:16 but there wasn't really like, I don't think it was any different than anywhere else. I mean, you'd go to the grocery store and people had masks on. And if you didn't have a mask on, someone would shit their pants basically. But that would be, you know. The extent of it. Yeah. That wasn't.
Starting point is 00:09:34 So what kind of training do you, uh, do you do now? I think this guy's a big powerlifter. Look at that guy waddling in. That's Joe Sullivan. I know Joe. Joe's a fucking animal. Oh, that's NLO. All right. We'll go with this one. Yeah, he's super strong. I do all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Like, today, like, I'm down for kind of whatever, but I don't know. I do, like, a lot of kind of full-body stuff. I have workout ADHD really bad, so I get excited, and I'll pop over and do, like do different things if I see machines I haven't seen before and stuff like that. I just like to have fun with it, really, more so than anything. But I've always been that way, even when I was lifting the big old heavyweights. What's your ethnicity? Persian. Persian, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Yeah. I was seeing videos of you. I was like, he's something slightly different than me. He's something slightly different than me, but I don't know exactly what it is. I was like, I'll just ask him. Yeah. They have good strength genes. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah. They usually do really well in weightlifting and wrestling. So, there you go. Did you ever consider doing any bodybuilding? No. No? Too much skimpy pants, skimpy shorts? I just never, I mean Caleb knows this because I ask it all the time, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:10:50 what problem are we solving? Right. When we start doing something. It's kind of to your point about the 5K or the 10K. It's like, you know, why would I, what problem am I solving for me doing bodybuilding? You're just going to go down and go up. Yeah, and like I'm not trying to win and I'm not trying to make it a career, so like all it's going to do is detract me from the other problem I'm really solving,
Starting point is 00:11:08 which is make more money or whatever. Hello. How are you guys doing? What's up, Justin? Oh, shoot. I actually don't have my little key fob. I got you. Can you check me in?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Do you know Mark? Do you know Mark Bell? How's it going? Oh, Mark Bell, of course. Great to meet you. Great to meet you. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Alex. Appreciate it. My first time here. Do you know Mark? Oh, look at these guys. They fucking scallywags sometimes. How's it going, man? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:11:39 Great to see you. Good to see you. These guys are good. Yeah, I'm just checking in, man. We're legit? No, you are not. I was going to say, okay, okay These guys are good. Yeah, I'm just checking him in. We're legit? No, you are not. I was going to say, okay, okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:11:49 You want to see the worst calves? This is mine. Oh, yeah, yeah. Watch him embarrass me. Watch him embarrass me. I don't want to see them anymore. Well, his whole body's that way. He trains around my time.
Starting point is 00:11:58 He sees me coming, he's gone. And he leaves? Yeah. You guys good? Yeah, we're good, yeah. How long have you been talking about? Just for today. Okay. Just hanging out? Just for today.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Just hanging out with him for today. Doing a pod. This guy, I've been trying to pin it down. I see his wife more than I see him. You should be working on your book, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's the next big thing. Yeah, I've just been doing weekends for the most part.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I come in like once or twice. The Titans and I go on show up, of course, right? Yeah. Well, dude, how's your kid? How's your your baby two and a half months old now holy shit congratulations thank you that's great six year old and two and a half months old now so fun house right there and then she's gonna put up with all of us yeah sexy guys in here what's going on man how you doing this is? There's a sexy guy right here. What's going on, man? How you doing? This is like a whole new level. This is a 10 out of 10. Good to see you, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Good to see you, man. Doing good. Yeah, hit me up. Just for today. Hanging with him. Thank you. Sneaking in a workout. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Perfect. Good to see you. So why'd you come now? It's hot. Yeah, right? I'm in the winter. This is the worst time to go. Ah, it's not too bad.
Starting point is 00:13:03 We'll make it through it. We'll make it through it. We got air conditioning. Right? I'll just stay here. It's about that Ah, it's not too bad. We'll make it through it. We'll make it through it. We got air conditioning. Right? I'll just stay here. It's about that time. It's good.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Yeah. I'll leave it for Zach. You understand the heat. I get it. I get it. I am the most boring workouter. I'm like grandfathers. I used to make fun of them, and now I do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I do the same exercise every day. I do the same way. Let me follow along with some of what you normally do. So I usually start calves because that's like let's do it all right so there's the machine but I actually usually do body weight so I genuinely just hang on this thing and this is like my first is your first movement this is my first movement I do every day standing calves I can um I can I can if you want to take this one I'll go go over here. But I can, but yeah. This is what I do. I'm doing the Alex Ramosi get fit workout.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Got a book coming out. So I think a 20. Your book's going to entail all this, right? Oh, yeah. That'll be a billion dollar body. The detail. It's going to be here, the shot, make make you get a shot here and a shot here. It'll be the cover like nice zoom in on the cab.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Hey, the cabs are underrated, right? Starting to burn, what should I do? Switch legs? How many sets? Three sets? I do like five or six, to be honest with you. So I had like- Half training. I'm doing this workout.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Someone's got to do it. I saw you waddling out there. I'm still powerlifting. Very impressive. I've not ascended to the cardiovascular- You guys are fucking savages. The high rep squats with the 520. I'm still powerlifting.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I'm still doing it. I've not ascended to the cardiovascular. You guys are fucking savages. The high rep squats with the 520. A lot of stuff, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I just want to come over and say hi. Might as well try it with 620. Yeah. Exactly. Right? Eventually we were like, let's just keep incrementally increasing this each off season and like work up to like 600 No, be funny. What's the record 600 for reps anybody now?
Starting point is 00:15:15 We'll see but I saw Matt doing 520 for some reps to like yeah, yeah crazy I think you guys have sparked that back up again, you know It's I've seen wedding do it i saw uh i saw a couple of bodybuilders in europe doing it but it's yeah you know just trend setting somebody does something stupid enough and they're like oh that looks like they're gonna get some cats we'll see someone from out of the woodwork can do like 30, right? You got to feed them grass. Maybe Larry Wheels. One of those mutants will be like, okay, I'll try it.
Starting point is 00:15:49 How much was it? $5.55, okay. Like $34. Some stupid shit like that. Cool. But what are you in town for, dude? I'm with him for today. You guys know Alex?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah, I met him a while ago. Don't know him well, but just like, hey, gym guy. He's got this secret calf workout that's supposed to make you burn body fat so we don't share it publicly though oh oh it's not okay sorry say there's five sets of 20 like i'm already my calves are already dying right that's the most calf training i would do in probably like the past decade. So, five by 20. I feel like I'm gonna get really sore. I can feel my foot.
Starting point is 00:16:34 The foot arch, this is not good, this isn't healthy. It's funny, I watch stuff like that and I'm like, I shouldn't really, do I like this? What do I, I like, I should really, like, do I like this? Like, what do I, I mean, I like it, but like, what do I, you know? That's me, because I'm like, do I like this? Yeah, yeah. I'm like, yeah, good. I mean, I actually like it. I'm enjoying it, but like, do I like it?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Like, it's kind of weird. Oh, man. This is the best calf pump I've ever had in my life. Even the lightest of weights is challenging. Yeah, right? It's a hard, it's like... Yeah, it's kind of a tough movement. Yeah. And then even just kicking your leg back like this is hard.
Starting point is 00:17:24 It's weird yeah there should be like you know like pull your hips in it's like I can barely even do it like body weight times this is what my goal is I'm just curious look at it look at this look at the thickness of his leg look at this thing so much bigger than one right so it's got so much more girth the hammies the hammies were really good when i did a bodybuilding show and that was just from years of powerlifting you know all those squats and kind of sitting back into the squat and not using the quad quite as much yeah really helped with the hamstring development people like what'd you do for your hammies i'm like it's been squatting a thousand pounds i don't know
Starting point is 00:18:02 It's been squatting a thousand pounds. I don't know. It's all you got to do. Just a G, a K if you will. A gram. Yeah, people ask me all the time. They're like, man, Alex, why are your hamstrings so good? I'm like, well, you know, they're not. It's the tight shorts. It's the tight shorts. I get smaller clothing. That's typically my, yeah. I go to top in the children's section and everything looks bigger count any reps or you just kind of go 15 ish probably count money or no that I count are you a stat guy you look at at a lot of numbers for your business? Yeah. Are you a spreadsheet guy?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Have you always been that way? Yeah. I wouldn't say I'm a numbers guy. It's more like I just want to understand it more than I'm, like, a math guy. I was actually not, like, that good at math in school. And I think it was because, like like I thought I was bad at math.
Starting point is 00:19:09 You know, like you make these decisions about yourself like, oh, I'm bad at math. And then I was like 25. And I was like, you know, what if I weren't bad at math? Because I used to like not do things. I'm like, oh, that's not for me. I'm not good at math. You know? And so I stopped using a calculator
Starting point is 00:19:25 for like a year and then tried to like start just you know calculating the tip of my head and like doing that stuff and then um and then I started getting like okay at math and so now people are like dude you're so good at math I'm like dude I wasn't yeah I just well now it's also just uh as you get to be an adult there's just like more zeros tacked on to it. It's still the same thing like simple math I think a good place to start is like maybe just work on like not getting ripped off and screwed over so that way you're not paying $700 or something that's really $300 and just little little things like that or having at least an estimation or a good guess
Starting point is 00:20:06 on how much something should cost, right? Yeah. What was your first business? So I'm actually writing the book right now. And so my first business was a charity project called the Free Training Project. So people would donate 500 to $1,000 to the charity of their choice,
Starting point is 00:20:25 and I would train them. And so it was kind of a goodwill, and I got testimonials from it. And then that's what started my online business that was for-profit. I used the testimonials from the charity to start the for-profit side. I started doing that.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Why did you make the switch? I wanted to do fitness full-time, but I wasn't making any money on the charity. So I was like, hey, I'm doing this for a profit now. And I got like 20 guys who signed up with me. I like that you made a change, though, because I think a lot of people, they try something, and then they're like, oh, this doesn't, not working. Yeah. But you just made a small switch. You're like, I still want to do this.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah. But I'm going to provide it in a slightly different way. Yes, I switched to the for-profit and then from there I wanted to get in, I figured the next step was to start a gym. So I would do my online training clients on the weekend, and then I would do my, I went and drove out to a gym owner in California. I was in the East Coast, and asked him if he could mentor me, and he said sure,
Starting point is 00:21:35 and so I worked with him for three months, and when he went to the gym, I went to the gym, and worked from, he did four to four, so you show up at four at the gym, and then we'd leave at four, so I did that, and then I started my first gym in huntington beach and that was like my very cool my first business experiences i don't know how where where you are my gym but my gym is free is it really yeah i didn't know it was free yeah oh this is so interesting. Tell me more. I started super training in 2010. And, you know, from the jump, it's something I wanted to make.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I'm sorry, 2006. Yeah. Started super training in 2006. Slingshot started in 2010. Yeah. But I wanted to provide the gym to be free just because powerlifting is a huge passion for me. It's what I love to do. And I just didn't want any strings attached. i just wanted to show people how to get stronger on top of that i knew that
Starting point is 00:22:30 i needed to find like-minded people that literally all they cared about was getting stronger yeah because i was so deeply invested in powerlifting at the time so i was like this gym is going to pay me back more than I could ever figure out how to get. To monetize directly. A monetization from it. The other thing that I recognized was I've been doing this stuff for so long. I've run into so many people. I've gone to so many seminars.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I paid X amount of dollars to do stuff. And it's like, what are you going to pay me to train me? $50,000 a session or like, you know what I mean? Even a book is a great example. You're going to write a book. Yeah. It's going to sell for 20 bucks or how much? 99 cents for the same reason.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Right. I just want more people to be able to make money. And I know Grant Cardone's giving away free books and stuff like that too, right? Yeah, totally. A lot of people do stuff like that because you're going to give me $100,000 for this book? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:29 That could make you $10 million a year. You know, it's like, it's hard for people to get that, you know, in their brain, so. Yeah, I always wanted to provide a gym for free. I love fitness and just trying to lower the barrier of entry into any form of fitness, whether it be powerlifting or
Starting point is 00:23:43 people getting involved in nutrition i didn't know the gym was free i like love that in so many ways because it's funny because i made this tweet that went viral that's like most people don't make money because they're not willing to wait 12 months so it's like you started everything with like giving first you're just like here i'll provide i'll give i'll give and like if you just delay the ask or don't even make an ask, like, it comes back so much bigger. But, like, that patience is a thing that no one can take. It's the same thing with fitness. You know, it's like no one wants to give the time to get back the body.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Right. It's so interesting. So I feel like the big universal law of success is just be able to wait. How many people come to the gym? There's like a few hundred people that come through there in a given week. That's crazy. And so there's no membership. You just walk in.
Starting point is 00:24:39 No membership fee. You have to sign a waiver. Yeah. And I don't allow people to wear other other brands okay you only wear slingshot brands okay because that's what built the whole place that's the deal okay that's great and then everyone takes pictures and all that stuff that has slingshot on it yeah exactly that's cool i didn't know that and i love it and i even don't really care that much about that it's just like a general like house rule sometimes people will wear stuff i'll say they
Starting point is 00:25:02 just don't film yeah but it's just weird yeah you know it's like this is the brand yeah and then you're wearing a different brand yeah i think that's so cool i like that i know caleb loves that yeah caleb loves that yeah yeah it's uh again it's a hard thing to put money on when i have people that have overcome addiction and people that have overcome uh being people that have overcome being bipolar. People have all these things that they've tackled. I call it lift through it. People have lifted through it. And yeah, like, okay,
Starting point is 00:25:34 there's definitely people that do monetize that and they got every right to. But for me, my interpretation of it was, let me have this be free so I can really, I still feel like I'm getting more out of it than they are totally and I feel like that's the best feels so rewarding it feels so good to me it's like I get more out of writing the book than anybody who reads it right you know I learned more about the topics and
Starting point is 00:25:55 writing about than anyone else does so I feel like it's better every time you write probably yeah hones in your skill sharpens the sword Hones in your skill, sharpens your sword. It's kind of interesting, I haven't really done much like honed in isolation work in a bit. So I'm already feeling these two movements that we did. Yeah, right? Right off the bat. I just want to have some muscle.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Quad next? Or are we going to do another hand? So I would normally do some sort of like full, like one more, like this would be my big con combo, whatever. Like a squat or something? Yeah. I don't do many squats though. So I usually do one of the machines.
Starting point is 00:26:33 They have a pendulum. They have some jacked people in here. They got a bunch of stuff. Hey, how are you? How's it going? So good to see you. So good to see you. Competing pretty soon or what?
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, 10 days, 10 days out. Getting shredded. Look at that. What the hell is going on? Hey,'s up uh joe and jake i saw him i saw him yeah i saw them like i saw them like waddling in like i was like i know that walk yeah yeah they're just killing themselves they're pulling today i'm just you know here today with alex yeah we're yeah yeah cool what We're just getting in a workout stay out and train stay in wads So I'll usually do I think I girls deadlifted like 550 or something or maybe even close to 600 It's good to know I'm weaker. Yeah, stay out of it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:27:24 Whatever so like whatever you're in the mood for, I love these. What is that? But I like the leg, the squat. What is this thing? The belt squat. Oh, belt squat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Let's mess with this for a minute. You want to mess, just wait. All right. I'm not sure if I know how this one works. There. I mean, you belt up, and then this, when you pull this up, this goes down, and you slide it off. Huh. I don't know if I've seen one like this before. The reason I like this one, though, is that the strength curve, so, like, when you're at the top, it's the heaviest, and then it gets lighter at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Oh, interesting. Wow. Kinda has a built-in like slant board to it. Yeah. It's pretty awesome. I like that. I like the feel of that. How do your hips feel after like all the squatting
Starting point is 00:28:19 and dead lifting and? My body's holding up pretty good. I'm like, I've been doing a lot of running and stuff lately yeah so i can't believe you run i've i've never run yeah i run like four or five miles almost every day that's crazy yeah i would feel like your your knees would just like my knees like blow out of my sockets because you're what 230 yeah i'm right around 235 or so and uh 230? Yeah, I'm right around 235 or so.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And, yeah, 45 years old. That's crazy. Still holding up. Well, you know, it's funny because I was talking to Stan about this. And Stan just like, he's like, yeah, you know, after all the weight, really had to rehab. Right. I was like, oh, how long did it take? He was like, six weeks. I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:29:01 He's like, yeah, now I'm good. No pain. I was like, Jesus. I think we all kind of. I was like, Jesus. I think we all kind of undersell. We have some nice genetic gifts, too. Yeah. We like to kind of think that we don't to make it seem like we're cooler than we are.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Oh, no. I know how our Layla works. She's my wife. And if she had my genes, she would be a freak. Right. I mean, she would be a freak. Right. I mean, she looks great. Right. But she looks fit.
Starting point is 00:29:31 If I trained like she trained, I would look like I'm geared out of my mind. Yeah, right. Because when I trained like her, I was like 245. And pretty lame. Right. Yeah, Stan is definitely... Another planet. A mutant. Yeah. He's a real mutant.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Mutant's the right word. Yeah. Good workout so far, hitting up some legs, got some calves, some hammies, working the quads right now. So your calves look great right now. I know. Got that calf pump. Well don't mind me.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Oh sorry, didn't mean to show that to anyone. Excuse me. You know what's like a nip slip? You have like a calf slip. Calf slip. I don't know if you have. I like can't help myself but be like there it is more like i can't even like yes sir i can't even stop myself there's no reason to yeah well i've
Starting point is 00:30:33 lifted with some people who are like really serious they're like i want to be in the zone and and it's probably just from the days of like training and owning the gym too i'm always like there you go go, come on. You gotta keep people motivated, right? Yeah. Cause I have to say what I wanna hear, you know what I mean? I like, I'm imagining I'm doing it. I love someone to be like, easy, lightweight.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Little extra push is great. Keep it going, you know, like just, I love it. Up, down, squeeze. What do you think is some of the setup of this gym? Like, something I noticed right away, it's very bright in here, which I think is some of the setup of this gym? Like something I noticed right away, it's very bright in here, which I think is an advantage. Sometimes gyms are kind of like dark and dank kind of. Yeah, it's like energy.
Starting point is 00:31:14 You know what I mean? Keep the energy up. The good setup was like, you can see everybody. Yeah. Kind of no matter where you're at. You're not like facing a wall. Yeah. I mean, it's funny. Cause like there's three gyms
Starting point is 00:31:25 that I go to in Vegas. They all have like different things that I like, just like whatever. And like, it's like if everything else were removed, like I feel like the vibe of the gym is the thing that I come back the most for. Even if they don't have the best equipment, even if they don't have the best.
Starting point is 00:31:40 That probably comes from Flex, you think? Yeah. I think Flex says hi to everybody when he's here. He's not better than anybody. He just really wants to, like you have, I'm sure at Super Train, like a fostering environment. Yeah. He wants people to-
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah, very encouraging. Yeah. And trying to downplay how scary my face looks. You guys see the face he's making right there? Kind of that mind-muscle connection. You want to be able to feel these, feel every rep. Because you can haphazardly just go through these, but you want to actually feel it, get inside the muscle. Feel those muscles working, and then you don't have to always stack on more and more plates.
Starting point is 00:32:22 That was probably the biggest thing that changed from like young me to older me. It's like, I feel like I make my light sets harder. Yeah. You know, and then- Learning to flex, yeah. Yeah. Because then like joints started becoming a part of an equation, which they never were earlier.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Oh yeah. You don't want that to happen. I'm like, ah, how do my knees, how do my hips feel today? Nope, not this. Right. So do you do barbell anymore? No, not really. Not this.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Right. So do you do barbell anymore? No, not really. Well, I mean, I'll do it occasionally, but it just takes, it's pretty time consuming, you know? Yeah, for sure. Got to warm up and add your plates. Yeah, I like to get into the meat of the workout as quick as I can. Yeah. Do the damage and like...
Starting point is 00:33:01 You're done. Move on to other stuff. Stimulate. My gym is in studio, like move on to other stuff. Stimulate. My gym is in studio, like everything's all one thing. So I might like warm up, workout for 20 minutes, then podcast. Oh really? Then get done with the podcast
Starting point is 00:33:20 and like lift again a little bit. Then I'm usually out. No way. How many podcasts a week do you do? We do quite ahuh. Then I'm usually out. No way. How many podcasts a week do you do? We do quite a bit. We probably do like five. No way. Four or five.
Starting point is 00:33:30 That's wild. Yeah. Has it been, is that, so that's your primary channel for, is that for like growth and Slingshot? It's doing really, really well. Our biggest channel is a super training channel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:43 That has like 600,000 subscribers on it that's great well that one's really old too so it's like a little deceiving it's not it's important that you have something that's hot yeah because half of those subscribers they probably died because it's so old the old old power lifters yeah probably long gone by now but they're even power lifting anymore there yeah that's right. Yeah, no, they're probably legitimately, probably not. It is a season.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You know what I mean? Like not many people do it for more than five, 10 years. You know? Yeah, you're only gonna do it for so long. Yeah. But the podcast channel has like 150 or two, it's like 200 or something like that. And that's moving along really nicely.
Starting point is 00:34:22 And the downloads and stuff are all really good. The biggest reason I'm putting such a time investment in that is because I already did put in a lot of time on the podcast end. Yeah. And now it's starting to really click and sync and hit. And, you know, I got on Tom Segura's podcast recently. And there's like a couple other bigger podcasts I'll be on as well. Tom's awesome. When these things all start to hit. Yeah crescendos all yeah we'll all come together
Starting point is 00:34:50 maybe one more set of this yeah for sure yeah we it's funny because like again the volume thing is like we had for my podcast i've been podcasting i think since 2017 and like no one even knew yeah and i've been pretty religious about it like two two-ish a week for however many years that is it's 2022 now so five years and um it was only like episode like 300 and something where like the growth rate picked up and so for like the first 300 episodes which is like four years like it, it was just like two, three thousand downloads an episode. Like, it just wouldn't get above that. And now it's a lot higher.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah. And Caleb was like, dude, you're number four. So, if people like your short format, a lot of them are going to be hungry for a longer format and more explanation. They're going to want to hear from you more, you know. There you go. What kind of kicks we got on today? Looks like comfortable shoes there. Look at them quads. You just gotta shave them. Shave them, tan them, and he'll be ready.
Starting point is 00:36:02 shave him, tan him, and he'll be ready. Whoo, these are, they're on Amazon. I bought like, sorry. Oh, it's okay. I bought like 40 pairs of different barefoot shoes. Right. And I just stuck with like the two that I like the most. Yeah. So I just wear those when I work out
Starting point is 00:36:21 and then I wear Crocs when I don't work out. I dig it, I really love the barefoot stuff. Like, I don't know about you, but like my feet weren't fitting into regular shoes very well. The only thing I don't like about them is their smell. Oh, they're like recycled or some shit? Yeah. So I wanted to find one that was cheap. So the ones that I have are like 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Right. So I'm like, okay, well, if I throw out one a month, it sounds crazy, but it's 20 bucks a month. So it's like $200 a year for shoes doesn't cost you that. I think that's what people love about you the most is the math that you do on stuff. You talk about like eating out all the time and all that kind of stuff. It is interesting, though. You spend a lot of time cleaning dishes and prepping food. But like while food's
Starting point is 00:37:06 being prepped for you you could be doing something else yeah it's like buying back time and it tastes better than my stuff so i think also too if you have the money why not eat like what a cool thing to spend it on i can't take it with me anyways i was did this. Yeah. I was on this podcast. It's like, if you take away all things that you buy with money that make you more money, because what's the point of making more money? To make more money? Well, it doesn't make sense, right? So the only thing you actually spend money on is like transportation, shelter, food, clothing, entertainment. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:44 So it's like, and personal services. So like getting your hair cut, you know, getting a massage, whatever. And so it's like, well, how much does it cost you to hit those six buckets? Right. Everything after that, like there's no other, the only point is to make more money to make more money. And do cardio for the sake of doing cardio this is me coming back from high altitude which means if I had not been I out to do this would be even
Starting point is 00:38:12 worse tell that he runs I don't we want to move on to next yeah um shoot let's uh okay so we did quads we did hands sorry crying crying yeah well if you want what i what i do like doing is after this i'll do quad extensions okay let's do it and just pump out like let's do it quick ones yeah like i got that waddle going yeah knife like it's like up in your shoulders too too, for some reason. You got to kind of walk. Walk like this. Get that momentum. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Oh, this thing's torturous. I got one of these. The prime one? I love this one. Torture chamber. It's great. These used to be regular jeans, everybody. Fucking blew them out
Starting point is 00:39:07 There you go As you train for a long time you can start to Focus in on different muscles in different areas of the leg When you're newer, it's a lot harder to figure out To focus all the way up into the hip on this. It's not just the quad. Wow, that's nice. Great set. Yeah, for me it's been small changes over time, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:36 And how old are you? 33. He's so cool, like, I mean, as long as you're like even just three quarters on target, you'll get a little bigger. Skin will get a little thinner looking like you'll just look more and more gnarly like without. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:56 There's still the effort. It's also maturity. Start like all those things. Yeah. You worked out with Stan. It's like shit. This is like the striation popping out of everywhere. His jaw, his, his, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:07 mandible has striations. He's got like... Oh, yeah, yeah. He's insane. He's the best. Ouch! When are you headed out? Tomorrow or morning or...
Starting point is 00:40:19 Uh, tonight. Oh, you are tonight. Oh. See, again, we're working all the muscles around here, all the muscles around the knee, but you can also start to get up into the hip. And you can actually pay attention to each individual muscle.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Might wanna point your toes out, or have your toes forward, like depending on what you're going for. Yeah. out or have your toes like depending on what you're going for yeah and there's different ways to torture yourself on this I mean with this one in particular we can keep changing the setting which changes the strength curve you could do drop sets your partial range of motion as he was doing there at the end like just whatever you know do that with uh dumbbell bench press or something you're moving the weight moving the weight and then all
Starting point is 00:41:09 of a sudden you're not it's moving you right yeah yeah these ones always smoke me the what you're talking about the top of the hip like yeah here right i only took i only started trying to go for that last couple years yeah i mean but it was i was like i can't get i couldn't get it to finish and he was like let me see you do some i was like oh i was going you know like yeah 90 rather than like and then do that little yeah and you can kind of angle yourself particular ways this is all this to me i think all this stuff is a skill set this is a skill set to be able to learn how to go deep on this stuff. And I like to talk about a lot of these sets being like mind sets.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah. Like really dig into the mind. It's like meditation. And you don't need to totally kill yourself. You notice that we didn't switch these up, we didn't do the drop set. Yeah. You're just going to failure and it's like,
Starting point is 00:41:59 it's failure within the context of we did three sets with not a lot of rest in between the sets. Yeah. Oh, I'm gonna cry. within the context of we did three sets with not a lot of rest in between the sets. Oh, I'm gonna cry. There's nothing there. Like you can't get out quick enough. It's like there's a moment where like the only thing you wish is that you were somebody else
Starting point is 00:42:24 for a half second. Like I just wish I was that random person walking by. It must be nice to walk. Yeah, because you like black out. It must be nice to drive. Yeah, right? That's funny. What do we got?
Starting point is 00:42:37 So now I go upper body. All right, let's do it. So I'll do back if that works for you. Sounds good. Now I got my waddle. Right. My waddle is strong now. Okay. So back wise, all the back steps over there. I like the plate loaded.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Hey guys, I want to talk to you about Merrick Health owned by Derek from More Plates, More Dates. Now some of you guys are on a fat loss journey. Some of you guys are trying to gain muscle and some of you guys are just trying to optimize yourself and your hormones. That's why Merrick Health is so great because you can get your blood work done. A lot of us don't know what's going on under the hood as far as our cholesterol, our testosterone, our hormones are concerned, and you need to get that checked multiple times a year. That's why we've partnered with Merrick and we have something called the Power Project Panel, which has 28 different labs. And if you do get the Power Project Panel, they'll actually be able to partner you up
Starting point is 00:43:24 with a patient care coordinator that will go through your labs with you and advise you on what you should do. So Andrew, how can they get it? Yeah, you guys got to head over to slash power project. That's M-A-R-E-K slash power project. You guys will see the Power Project panel. And when you guys check out, use promo code power project to save 101 off the entire panel links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes so we they've got the extreme normal it's our normal walk yep coming through
Starting point is 00:43:58 good to see you joe good to see you guys. I do this one normally because you don't have to put as much weight on it. How's this sound? Sound good? This weight or are you 45? I usually like you know if I'm feeling crazy I'll do three plates but usually two plates well controlled is like a good
Starting point is 00:44:22 for me. There we go. Kinda hard to bend the knee at this point. Yeah. Like gotta pick my leg up. You wanna get in and out of there at this point. You gonna throw a 25 on? Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:44:36 All right. I used to get this like trap thing when I would like go all the way so I like end up going like and then I keep my elbows it looks weird. Like a little pain shooting through the trap. Yeah. So rather than fix it I just decrease my range of motion. It's gonna work out great.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Yeah I'm sure if I do this forever it'll be awesome. Well, just over time you'll have less and less range of motion. It'll be perfect. Some of it has to do with the exercise. Some of it has to do with some fatigue that we've got going on. But you notice he's really like flaring the lats as he's coming up. Obviously there's a big component of it is like being jacked. So if you're newer and you're trying like to visualize that you might not see much but you can still think about kind of flaring that scapula out
Starting point is 00:45:30 a little bit and just trying to keep the weight in your lats which is a really hard thing to think about to try to think about a lot of it just also can come from like just a lot of pull-ups like we do a lot of pull-ups i'm sure you spend a lot of time doing pull-ups for years not as much anymore. Right. For years, though. Weighted chins was, like, the staple. Nice.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Get it. Woo. I'm sure you've seen this with, I don't know, different guys you've trained with. It's like they're working on their back, and they're doing a lot of back stuff. Right. And then you see them do back, and they're not training their back. Oh, yeah. So it's like, yeah, keep doing back and they're doing a lot of back stuff. Right. And then you see them do back and they're not training their back. Oh yeah. So it's like, it's like, yeah, I keep doing more volume, keep doing more sets.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And you're like, well, it's hitting your rear adult and your trap and your erectors, you know, or whatever. Rocking around somewhere. Yeah. So I feel like learning that from other people was helpful for me. Like older guys would be like, I don't think you're using your back, man. Yeah. I always say like one of the better things I've ever seen in my gym is people take weight off the bar.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Yeah. People say, hey, you know what? That's not for me right now. I need to actually go a little lighter. Yeah. I mean, how grateful would you be if someone was telling you that in business? Say, hey. I don't think you should do that one.
Starting point is 00:46:36 It's a really good one. I'm in over my head right here. Yeah. You'd be like, oh, my God, no problem. I'll help you out of that. That's easy. Oh, you're spending a little too much over here. Yeah. That's simple. We can cut're spending a little too much over here.
Starting point is 00:46:45 That's simple. We can cut back on that. But no one really, they don't. I've never heard that one. That parallel. Don't say it, right? It's like I've been in the business size bodybuilding overlap a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:56 I've never heard anyone use that analogy. I like that a lot. It's true. Surprised it's like, it's not even the wrong exercise. You just got too much weight in the bar. Yeah. You're not even doing the wrong strategy. You just got too much weight on the bar. Yeah. You're not even doing the wrong strategy. You just got too much weight on the bar. It's not strong enough. Your intent's great.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah. You're not trying to bash anything you're doing. Your intent's good. Elon Musk can take on PayPal. Other guys probably thought about building digital banks. Right. It's just fucking hard. That's a thousand pound squat.
Starting point is 00:47:18 You work up to it. Mm-hmm. Some really weird stuff going on with the shoulder. There's some decompression of the shoulder. Shoulder's not working. Shoulder's not working. Shoulder's not working. Shoulder's not working. Shoulder's not working. Shoulder's not working. You work up to it. Some really weird stuff going on with the shoulder. There's some decompression of the shoulder.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Shoulder goes up. The lats stretch. The shoulder is actually going from right here all the way up like this. You can't really tell because his arms are going this way. But his shoulders are going this way. Like this. And then he's got to do the reverse of that. So he's not just pulling down and staying like this.
Starting point is 00:47:48 He's staying connected. That's why the arms are kind of slightly bent. He mentioned he's got a little twitch in there somewhere, but he's like this, and then he's pulling down. The shoulders come down. And that's how your lats actually get big, is from the stabilization of the shoulder. Shoving your shoulders away from your ears.
Starting point is 00:48:09 That's why the best deadlifters have, they got a lot of distance between their shoulders and their ears. Arnold deadlifted 727, and I don't even think he cared that much about like heavy deadlifting. But look at the pictures. Look at when he's going like this and stuff,
Starting point is 00:48:23 that that shoulder is pretty far away It's kind of got a slope then he made up for it by being really wide, right? I Think there could be variations to like you're gonna notice when I do this I might cheat a little bit more In my powerlifting correct or my bicep a bunch of times So when it comes to back movements, I might have to get a little more English in it bicep a bunch of times so when it comes to back movements i might have to get a little more english in it or sometimes i gotta just lighten the load because i can't can sometimes no longer do the exercise the right way that is a really cool right back piece right there yeah it's really nice because it takes a little weight you know what i mean like yeah you know like if i go on
Starting point is 00:49:00 the get to your top set quick yeah i go on the single arm, the chest supported. It's like, you know, it takes, gotta put five plates on every side, you know, it's just a different lever. You wanna do one more here, or do you wanna call it? Let's do one with maybe lighter weight. Okay. Hit up a little bit more reps.
Starting point is 00:49:19 All right, Joe, we get it. You're stronger than us. Dude, stop showing off. Yeah. I think you just did... Hold on. Let me pull up an old video. Let me tell you what I used to bench. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was cool, I swear.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Hold on. I didn't load up on the... Yeah. So many guys used to ask me. Yeah. I'd go to, you know, guys to just like match their girlfriends to get to me. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'd be like, bro.
Starting point is 00:49:38 You do it to like five? You're like... Fives? Ten. Ten. Ten. Ten. Ten. Ten. me. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'd be like, bro. You do sets of five?
Starting point is 00:49:48 You're like, out of them? Fives? Tens. Sets of tens? You're like, that was a beautiful girl that you just shoved out of the way. Look at that guy's chest. You know what I love? That at the trade shows, people would wait in line and they'd be all excited.
Starting point is 00:50:02 They'd finally get up to me and they're like, man, I waited two hours. Like, I drove from Kentucky and we're in like Columbus, Ohio or something like that. They drove a couple hours. And they're like, I've been dying to ask you this question. I always think it's going to be like a life thing. Yeah. And they're like, I could just not lock out my dead list
Starting point is 00:50:19 for the life of me. Right here, I got a sticking point. Yeah. And I'm always like I'm like you know I think it's gonna be like they want something to be like life all through something else should I do this with my career yeah I have 30 seconds to collect the information recognize who you are what your skills are yeah like a life-altering recommendation let's do it let get, if you're down, I'm down.
Starting point is 00:50:48 My grip slips at the top of my deadlift. I can't quite lock out my bench. It's like, that's the question that you have, you know? I'm guessing, I mean, for you, I probably have a more simpleton response. You probably have more complex, you know, Oh, when it comes to like something like that, locking down a deadlift? I'd be like, do more of that.
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's always mine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's that, locking down a deadlift? I'd be like, do more of that. That's always mine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, do a lot of sets here. Yeah, just spend more time there. Yeah. Just volume. Sorry. I've been purposely dawdling to give myself a longer rest period.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I love it. My inner lat is... Everything's like this. Yeah. Oh. When you first started lifting, what was it? You start trying to lift heavy, lifting for a sport,
Starting point is 00:51:29 did someone steal your bike? What happened, bro? I had a teacher, big black guy, Mr. Givens. I was walking in the hallway and he was like, he's like, boy, you lift? And I was like, no. He's like, you should. He's like, you got the genes. And I was like no he's like you should he's like you got the jeans and I was
Starting point is 00:51:48 like I don't know got a little swole back then even yeah it looked like he was like I was like I don't know how and he was like stay after school I'll show you and so he worked out with me every day for like nine months and so he and I would train together, two hours every day. Probably got jacked too, I bet. Pretty quickly, right? Nice. Yeah, the arms especially. Yeah, it's just the same. Monster. Yeah, I'd already been training for like a year
Starting point is 00:52:15 and a year and change. So it's funny though, because he didn't have like the real names for exercises. So we used to do, I don't knows. Oh, like a shrug, yeah, yeah. I don't know. And then we had three huggers. Yeah. And so he just told me and we did sit ups and he had like crazy abs and I really wanted abs. And so it's a good way to teach somebody though. Like how do you do it? And so he would be like, what's the capital Zimbabwe? And I'd be like, and he would just ask, and I'd just be sitting there. You know, I'm like 15 years old.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Right, right. And then we did, he called them givens-ups. So it was like a mechanical drop set for abs. Still to this day, the more sore I've been on abs. Kills you? Yeah. Yeah, so you would, you know the abs thing where you can hold behind your head? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:53:00 So what we do is, when you first start with them, he starts you flat. And then every, like, four weeks, he he bump at one degree oh man and so what we do is we do ten to twenty straight up like this like butt off holding the thing so you're like straight up and then and then we do like your legs would be straight yeah yeah they let you go up and down and then you bend your knees and roll your And then we would do, like your legs would be straight. Yeah, yeah. And you go up and down. And then you bend your knees and roll your knees to your chest. And so you do like 10, 10, 10 at that incline.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And we do like three sets. And dude, like, I couldn't like laugh. You know, I could really breathe. Killer. Not that that, you know, obviously I had to load up body fat. It worked, but I had abs. You lift this way three times a week? Twice a week?
Starting point is 00:53:45 Right now, twice a week, but when I'm training, training, it'll be like 500 feet. Yeah. I just do this. I do the same exercises. So I'll do lats tomorrow, same. And you don't care, like if someone's in the way,
Starting point is 00:53:55 you just go do something else? Yeah, yeah. So you might miss a movement because like just time or whatever. If somebody was here, I would've been like, let's just do those. Ah, I'll go over here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:54:03 What's the difference? Yeah, I'm not a Nazi about it. Okay, so there on that. So that would've been what I would have been like let's just do those over here yeah I'm not what's the difference yeah I'm not a Nazi about it okay so they're on that so that would have been what I would have done yeah so um all right you good with a bicep tricep or something we could do that I would say we could do you know I somebody said say yeah what do you what I'll say what I do but I'll usually just grab one of these guys huh and I'll do five to seven, and I'll just go straight down. I just run the rack. I do that a lot.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Let's do it. Okay. Doing it with curls? Yeah. Yeah, nothing crazy. Just see how this feels. My arms are already pumped is the great part. I wonder what the other 50 is.
Starting point is 00:54:43 So maybe we'll start here. We'll do two. Two. Two. All right. I wonder what the other 50 is. So maybe we'll start here, we'll do two. Two, two. Yeah, for anyone who's watching, I got this from Kai Greene, but he does mechanical drop sets on these. So he'll go like two arms
Starting point is 00:54:58 and then start doing one arm at a time. And then he'll go from one arm like this to one arm hammer. Right, right. So it's like you just extend the shit out of the side. Really. Until your arms can't move no more. No, but those, like if I'm alone, I like doing those.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Requires a lot of your shoulder, too, when you're turning them over like this. You can see all the muscles in the shoulders. And some people think that some of that stuff's bad. They think you rock a little bit. I think it's good. You't always need to iso stuff if we want we can get more isolation work when we're done with these sets go a little lighter on something else it's funny my my good buddy dr kashi he's like man when people say hey he's using more than one muscle he's like i look at them and i'm saying so you're telling i'm training more than one muscle at the same time tell me why it's a bad thing right he's like all american strong man and you know he's high seven cooler and he's got a phd in biochemistry yeah
Starting point is 00:55:58 yeah he had a 3 75 log press oh at, shit. At sub 230. That's a lightweight. That's nasty. Yeah. His ear to shoulder, his shoulder's like below his nipple. Oh, shit. He's like standing when he grabs the barbell.
Starting point is 00:56:17 You've heard of deadlifts, right? Yeah. Some of them are good out of force. Yep, yep. It's a good way to use up some energy right here. This is how Alex earns his ice cream every day. That's how he's still able to get in that bikini. That's all I wear when I'm out on camera. Laila just honors me by not sharing it.
Starting point is 00:56:39 With cardio, even when I got peeled, weaned, I never really did steady state. It was always just like shorten rest intervals, do more work, you know, train more. A lot of times people don't need it. Yeah. Sometimes people do. There's some people that like have a little harder time controlling their food. Oh, yeah. And there's people that are just coming from a place of being bigger.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Because, you know, with someone that's really struggled with their food it's a good idea to have the cardio in there just to yeah you know they're not gonna follow the diet all the way. It's also like what problem are they solving right it's like are they training because they're trying to compete or they just like right don't want to look the way they look yeah. That's the other thing yeah you got a view cardio it's a it's a tool and how long you're going to use it for. And then whether you talk about doing cardio, taking steroids, going on a particular diet,
Starting point is 00:57:36 you always end up in the same spot of, and then what are you going to do? So and then what? You're going to take that thing and then what? You're going to take it forever? Creatine, testosterone, what? Yeah. You're going to take that thing, and then what? Like, you're going to take it forever? Yeah. Creatine, testosterone, any of it. It's funny, because when you do something for a long time, you're like, well, if I can't do it for good, it's like, what's the point of doing it for now? Like, unless there's a reason, like, unless I'm competing for something that makes a difference
Starting point is 00:57:57 in my life. You're going to get particular pictures done for your book. Or your business. Yeah, whatever. Yeah. So, you're going to get a little more jacked. Summer's coming up. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:07 You want to feel better. Yeah. All right, I'll chop back some carbohydrate or whatever your method is, right? Yeah. Yeah, I've always had to be really strict about dessert. I always have to get it in. There's a lot of times I don't want to eat it,
Starting point is 00:58:21 but, you know, I'm a big believer in doing the boring work. You know, clocking in when people don't want to clock in. Get that extra scoop, put the sprinkles on when you don't want to, add the fudge even though, you could just use one another chicken breast. Just gotta do it. Do you limit, do you have dessert?
Starting point is 00:58:41 Do you have a little bit of a... I eat, if I'm hungry I eat more. If I'm less hungry, I eat less. Yeah. Really, honestly. Cabe sees me take down a whole big old slice of cheesecake and sometimes it's like three bites. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Just depends if I'm hungry or not. Which is like not a sexy answer, but it happens to be true. Well, you don't really have a lot of, like, do you have snacks at your hotel or not really? Not really. Not really much of a, you have a lot of good other habits laced in there. And if you have dessert, it would probably be unlikely that you'd have three of them in a row. There you go.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yep. Yeah. Well, it's like I would rather eat ice cream than like nuts and rice. Right. You know, and like I don't have a big appetite naturally. It's fair to say that you're not like a food addict. I forget to eat. So I try and get my,
Starting point is 00:59:45 cause if I don't think about food, I lose weight. So it's like usually I get to the end of the day, I'm like, fuck, I need a thousand calories. And I'm like, all right, well, what do you got for dessert? I'd say this to anybody that's listening to this, either one of you guys, anyone who's listening to this, if whatever diet it is that you're following,
Starting point is 01:00:01 if you end up binging, then it didn't work. Yeah. So if you're listening to something he says where he says i i have some desserts here and there if you're the person that's going to binge off of that dessert that he's talking about that's not what he's talking about he's not talking about an all-night binge staying up until 2 a.m because you don't want those calories or whatever to roll over to the next day i know know these things because I did all that stuff. If you follow some of the things that I suggest, intermittent fasting, a lower-carb lifestyle,
Starting point is 01:00:30 if you end up binging, it doesn't work. And a lot of times, it might not be that same day. A lot of times, things creep in about three days later. It's three or four days later when that stress settles in that you end up finding yourself binging. So if you keep binging and you're not dropping weight you got to be honest with yourself and say this is not working you might need a tiny bit softer of an approach rather than a more intense one yeah i agree i just like if you can't do it for a decade don't do it for a day it's just been like i love it same thing with partners same thing with business same thing with working with working out. I mean, that's not to say there aren't seasons, right?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Like if, you know, targeted periods of time where you do stuff that's excessive or not normal, but like the 80, 20, the 80% of the time, it's just, it should be something you can do without pouring too much. Yeah, and Joe didn't drop a deadlift while we were talking, so that was a good one. So loud.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Good, man. Does he need to really drop it? I mean, how heavy could it be? Well, I mean, he probably might need to decrease the weight. If he can't control it. You gotta go lighter. Should be a four second descent. We should talk to him about that.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Breathe in the nose, out the mouth. Alex promoted secret arm routine that has not yet been released. He was gonna put it in a new book, but he decided it's too secretive, and we got a small glimpse of it here today. You know the biggest problem with the YouTube follow my workout stuff is that you get snapshots
Starting point is 01:01:56 rather than seasons. You know what I mean? It's like, we could do arms for five hours, it's not gonna make our arms bigger. You know what I mean? It's like the fact that we did arms first every day for six months, even if we did five sets, we did it every day for six months arms.
Starting point is 01:02:16 That's like a business parallel. It's like you make a thousand phone calls in two days and then you don't call anybody for six months. It's like your business isn't gonna grow, but you make 30 a day every day for six months it'll probably grow at the end of the day it still always comes down to volume it's just you can always do more volume over time you know so you can work out 365 workouts at five sets so yeah 1,500 sets in versus like I did 20 sets of arms two days a week for a month. So I guess 160, you know, 10 times the total volume,
Starting point is 01:02:49 it doesn't matter. Okay. We're killing these too, like these are like, it's not until we're like going completely blind and falling on the ground, but it's getting close. Yeah. You wanna do shoulders? Yep, over here, right?
Starting point is 01:03:03 Those calves. We've got some people complaining you guys are dropping the weights over here. Oh yeah. If you could put them down slower. Are you a little nosy? That's what I, okay, yeah, alright. I was like Alex, Alex the guy in jean shorts at the gym. And then I was like, somebody was like, oh he's a business coach.
Starting point is 01:03:22 And I'm like, wait, oh fuck, okay cool. So I got it now took me a minute to connect the dots you guys are maniacs these guys they came to my gym yeah and they just they they always bring it training their faces off i mean i like to work out hard but not like this we're still we're still in the thick of it you know yeah you did this like 15 20 years ago like we're we still got still in the middle yeah yeah so you still in the thick of it, you know? Yeah, that's true. You did this shit like 15, 20 years ago. Like, we still got... We're still in the middle, yeah. Yeah, so...
Starting point is 01:03:47 You're in the thick. Fuck yourselves up, but not too bad, you know what I mean? I have the world record in the squat, so that's why I'm fucking so dense. Like, I get shit on on the bodybuilding team, but I'm really great under the squat bar, so... You did compete in bodybuilding, right? No. Oh, yeah. I just trained like it for a while.
Starting point is 01:04:05 I'm gonna have him take me through a bodybuilding prep. Probably not for like a year and a half, two years now. Yeah. Yeah, bench is coming back. 496. So is this your video or Alex's video? It's both. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:21 I went on his podcast a while ago and like I got herniated, two herniated discs in 2018. From the podcast? From the podcast. It's a tough podcast. It's a tough show. I can feel it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I compressed the nerves so my bench dropped from 570 to 225. I worked with Jake and we're actually back at 496 as of two weeks ago. That's sick. It's fucking awesome. How'd you do that? I think Flex was telling me you did a squat off off or something yeah i did 525 for 20. he did 525 for 18 so yeah that's crazy that's awesome not quite what was flat at 27 23 23. oh my god so like that's what we were saying at the beginning of your guys workout we'll just run it back and
Starting point is 01:05:02 do it next year yeah exactly did exactly. Did you train for it? Yeah, we did. You guys both have online businesses, right? Yeah, yeah. That's why I was like, I felt like an idiot because I like your shit, I followed your shit, and I fucking knew about you back when we were doing the glycogen super compensation shit.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Oh, wow. Eating the fucking- Yeah, Greg Knuckles, yeah. Yeah, that shit. You know, and I, because I've been around for a while and i've known of you and then i'm like oh wait yeah it wasn't like uh 500 carbs a day or something 800 800. greg lived with me and he was like same thing as mr it was like you got the
Starting point is 01:05:34 genes dude he's like we can do some crazy shit yeah and i was like oh because so i lifted every 45 minutes kind of like you were saying so i opened my gym so i was just like i do three three exercises no no rest barbell and then i go like work for 45 minutes and i of like you were saying. So I opened my gym, so I was just like, I do three exercises, no rest, barbell. And then I go work for 45 minutes and I set an alarm. And I just immediately go cold, set, set, set. And I did 10 sets a day, every day. And I just like, I blew the fuck up. I modeled my diet in college around that.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Yeah, it worked. Yeah, amazingly. I went from like 195 to 220. And I just looked my nose oh, I just filled out. Are you about to go? Yeah. Can we watch? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:09 All right, well, keep it. I'm gonna fucking embarrass myself now. Yeah, go for it. We'll stay out of your way. Come on, Bill, let's go. Here you go. Come on Bill, let's go! There you go. Strong pull now, let's go!
Starting point is 01:06:37 All the way! Soft-ish, but that's better than it was. That was really nice. Nice. Easy. That was a great pull. Notice his ear to shoulder length. This is a key to making a point early. Good job. You look great dude. You look like a fucking brick.
Starting point is 01:06:57 I was solid. It looks like you almost outran it a bit. You had to catch it. So that's that new kabuki bar. It's like extra whippy. So at the top it bends more and you gotta catch it. Be careful how hard you lock out, right? You gotta get used to it, but yeah, it's one of those things like that's why we've been training on it Because we got a competition in ten weeks. Let's go Jake. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Nice. Good. Nice. And Jake's a really natural deadlifter. Like I'm strength is squat, his is deadlift, so. That's great. Yeah, but he's great at squats. Yeah. Yeah, a little bit better.
Starting point is 01:07:39 He's great at squatting too. Yeah, yeah. A little bit better at pulling than I am. That's good. 830 pull or something like that or? Just eight. Just eight and five. Yeah. Six. This little bit better at pulling than I am. That's good. 8.30 pull or something like that? Just 8. Just 8.5. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:47 This year, though, 8.30. Yeah, exactly. That's it, bro. Yeah, yeah. All right, man. We're going to keep killing ourselves. Have fun, man. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Sweet. If I deadlift twice, I can do that. So my thought is, to wrap it up, we can hit this, and then I'll do the tricep thing with you to finish it off, because we'll be... Perfect. We'll be perfect we'll be um this is uh this is part of like these these things that you see everywhere uh-huh this is part of a space that I created and then I wasn't able to patent it yeah because it's just a fucking circle you know what I mean but before that there were there that didn't exist yeah I put that out there along with the slingshot. The slingshot's how I was able to make the gym free. Is that the primary business?
Starting point is 01:08:26 Mm-hmm. Slingshot? Yeah. I got slingshot and then I created products around the slingshot to, again, lower the barrier of entry into working out. Like powerlifting hurts. Yeah, yeah. It hurts your elbows.
Starting point is 01:08:38 It hurts your wrists. It hurts everything. So I wanted to be able to protect people. Your ego. Your ego. I wanted to help able to protect people. Your ego. Your ego. I wanted to help people head to toe. So we make knee wraps and knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, belts, the whole nine yards. Mummify yourself head to toe in whatever you need to.
Starting point is 01:08:55 It lifts itself at that point. I brought you a slingshot, too. Did you really? Oh, thanks, man. Yeah, we got you. Yeah, and in our gym, you know, we listen to, like, a lot of gangster rap. Yeah. And so, like, I was just creating raps because I was like if you're gonna wear a slingshot you're
Starting point is 01:09:07 gonna be able to bench more weight so it's like it makes sense to use raps and I was trying to think of a name for him like listen gangster rap in here all the time I'll name it gangster rap and everyone's like that's so stupid and that's how I knew it was a good idea like you guys think it's dumb I'm gonna run with it you just wait someone's gonna buy this right exactly this guy right here this is what this is one of a slingshots and we make a bunch of different kinds. This one's actually called the money shot Color color of money. That's why it's called the money shot right so I Pop her open here
Starting point is 01:09:44 Go ahead and throw that guy on put your arms in there whoops Pop her open here. Go ahead and throw that guy on. Oh, let's see this guy. Put your arms in there. Whoops, sorry about that. Nice and pumped now. Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah, now you can't even move. There you go.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Right about there is good. Just there? Is that where it is? Yeah, that'll work. All right. Arms are pretty dense. Let's go ahead and try a couple push-ups with it. Oh, push-ups. It's for bench press, push-ups, and dips.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Oh, that feels nice. It's like a trampoline. Yep, and you can kind of see it's pulling his elbows in a little bit, so it's keeping the elbows in tight. You don't want your elbow to travel too far past the midline of your body just because it puts your shoulder a little bit more. Oh, it feels good. It helps with your form. Your technique allows you to lift a little bit more. Like naturally gets you in a better, a better groove. That's good. Thank you. Notice double XL is what he thought was appropriate. Let the record show. I was like, that guy's jacked. So how weird is this kind of newer company that you have like how weird is that
Starting point is 01:10:48 acquisitions like you're just some but like i guess what i'm saying about like weird is just like you've had to like work so hard for some of your opportunities yeah and then now people are like hey like invest in my business you want to buy this or you want to invest in this yeah it's definitely different you know what i mean it's funny though because i feel like if i if i track my career backwards it was like i got in shape people start asking me how i get in shape and i was like what's what i did you know maybe it'll work for you and then people start getting in shape and so i have a little business around getting people in shape and the people who got people in shape were like dude how did you grow you're getting people in shape business and i was like
Starting point is 01:11:23 what's what i did this is what worked for me right and then so those people were like, dude, how did you grow your getting people in shape business? And I was like, well, this is what I did. This is what worked for me. And then, so those people were like, okay, that's cool. And then I grew a business about helping people who help people get in shape. And then from there, other people who help people do a certain thing, like I help hairstylists, I help plumbers, I help e-commerce people, I help whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:40 We're like, dude, how did you build that business where you like had some sort of like licensing, franchising type thing? And I was like, well, this is what I did. I don't know if it'll work for you, but this is what worked for me. They said we did that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:11:49 It's like looking at the neighbor that's always had something new. Yeah. Like, hey, how'd you do that? Then they get something else new. You're like, how'd you do that? Yeah, and so I always feel like most of the things have happened organically,
Starting point is 01:11:59 where it's like if you do a good job at the thing, enough people feel like, hey, how'd you do that? And I'm like, that's what I did. You know so that's that's what we've done oh that's what worked for me I don't know yeah that's great such a convenient machine I love this thing oh I'm a big Viking press fan like huge Viking press man they just feel good for me I don't know why I like it's unilateral too that's pretty nice yeah you see the imbalances if you've got I don't think why. I like it's unilateral too, that's pretty nice. Yeah. You can see the imbalances if you've got it. I don't think I've ever used one like that before.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Yeah, because a lot of Vikings are bilateral. Yeah. Two plates? Sure. Fucking Joe. Making so much noise. Get it, Joe. Good dude, man.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Joe, if you're watching this, we get it. Yeah. We saw it, it was heavy. We were there. What do you think about like, Planet Fitness marketing, like the Lump Alarm and stuff? I mean, I hate it from being the target market that they don't want to be there, so that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Right. I'm supposed to not like it. On the, from a business model. Probably helps generate money though, huh? From a business model perspective, it's brilliant. So they looked at it and they were like, okay, 92% of people don't actually want to use anything in the gym.
Starting point is 01:13:12 They want to sign up for a gym and not come. They're like, you know, we can have smaller gyms that have more members. Let's talk bad about the people that are here. Exactly. No, I mean like legit. They're like, okay, the people who use the gym the most
Starting point is 01:13:24 who we lose money on a per usage basis are people who actually use the gym. You steal the protein shakes on their way out. So they think, what do people who use the gym use? They use heavyweights, they use squat racks, they use chalk. And so they're like, well, if we eliminate these three things, that knocks out 80% of the people who are actually going to use the gym. And so then we can have a facility, sign up as many people as possible, knowing they're never going to come. And then we'll incentivize them with pizza.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Legit. And they're like, hey, it's 10 bucks. Pizza? I'm on your side now. Yeah, it's 10 bucks a month to come here. Right. And if you just come and get pizza once a month, you already covered your 10 bucks. They're like, what's the deal?
Starting point is 01:14:00 I'll just come and get pizza. And of course, they don't come to the gym to get pizza either. But they just pay their $10 a The average planet fitness does has 10,000 members at a hundred bucks. That's right. 10 bucks a month. So for them to make their model work, it's 10,000 active members. Wow. And, um, what they figured out was that you got to go easy on the exit. So someone's having a hard time, whatever it is. Most people, you know, most gyms like send you to collections they enforce the contract planet fitness took the opposite approach because they
Starting point is 01:14:29 need so many members they need positive word of mouth so if people are like no don't sign up there it was pain in the ass when i tried to cancel they sent me flex if you're like oh i'm not gonna sign up there they're like oh no they're cool so you go there and you're like hey i don't want to pay anymore you can cancel the phone they're like no sweat we'll cancel right now come back when you feel good again and so people don't feel afraid to come back in. And so they can go into a city that's got like 30,000 people and they'll churn through the same 10,000 active and ongoing, that's what they do.
Starting point is 01:14:53 They just, people get motivated and sign back up and then they get demotivated and they just churn right through them. And that's how they took care. Like took care. I bet you if you asked people on the spot, hey like, I noticed you haven't been coming that much for me to cancel your membership.
Starting point is 01:15:03 They'd be like, no, no, no, that's okay. Because you give up hope. Don't do that. Yeah, for $10 a month, it's like I pay $10 a month for the idea that I might someday go to the gym. Right, right. I know I'm going to come in starting next year. Yeah. It's a different model.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Nice. You want to throw a quarter? He's sliding out. Up you. For giggles? Yeah. For giggles. Yeah. For G's and S's. So I was always a good presser.
Starting point is 01:15:36 I have short arms. You know what I mean? Felt comfortable on the pressing movements. I basically never benched. Even my whole career I've never really benched. And like I did that one thing with Greg and I got up to like 400 in like six weeks just training bench every day.
Starting point is 01:15:51 And then I was like, I don't know, this isn't my, but like I'm a horrible deadlifter. I can like bench 80% of my day. There you go, nice. Good set. You know what's I think really important about the deadlift? Nothing.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Nothing, there's not a single exercise that's like overly, you know, like of course a deadlift can be a nice movement. Yeah. You know, I would just say like, you probably have trained, like you've been training for a long time. You've probably done seated rows and bent over rows and probably picture it
Starting point is 01:16:27 off the ground. And it's like, do you have back pain? No. Like, you know, Lily bridge, Eric Lily bridge.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Yeah. Yeah. I remember listening to some, some, whatever, something he was doing. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:16:40 they're like, so how much do you, uh, how much do you row? And he was like, I don't want to do rows. They're like, all right, well, do you do a lot of pull-ups? And he was like, no how much do you row? And he's like, I don't really do rows. They're like, all right, well, do you do a lot of pull-ups? And he's like, no, never done them.
Starting point is 01:16:49 They're like, well, what do you do besides deadlift? He's like, pull-downs. And the guys I remember interviewing were like, you've got to be kidding me. Like, that's your primary accessory? And he was like, yeah, works for me. But he also deadlifts 900 pounds. So it's a good filler for him, right? Yeah, I just thought that was like, and I think somebody commented on that thing and was like,
Starting point is 01:17:09 for every person who says this is the exercise you have to do, he's like, I'll find you somebody who's strong as shit who's never done the exercise. Well, if you're doing movements that are helping you stabilize your body and stabilize your spine. Yeah. You did all that ab work when you were young. Yeah. And I'm sure there's movements where you're, like, there's a hip hinge involved, but even if you didn't
Starting point is 01:17:26 do a specific weighted hip hinge movement, I don't see anything to where I'd be like, oh, his back's real fragile, he's gonna blow something out. I feel like, guys, I don't know if you're the same way, but for me, I try and, like, for me, it's like, if I do more volume to something, I'll get stronger at it. And so it's been more
Starting point is 01:17:42 like, what exercises can I do that do not hurt me that I can do a lot of? And then like, that's what I've like naturally gravitated towards. Like I can do leg press all day. And so like, I used to squat more weight, but then I started doing like 30 work sets of leg press and my legs blew up. And my squat went up, even though I stopped squatting.
Starting point is 01:18:03 So I came back after doing a huge like leg press cycle with bands and everything, and I added 50 pounds to my squat and I even though I stopped squatting. So I came back after doing a huge leg press cycle with bands and everything and I added 50 pounds to my squat and I didn't even squat. I always heard these things like, leg press won't grow your I was like, I don't know. Well, you're curling when you're tired too and it's like as ridiculous as that sounds that's working your stomach. You're doing these movements. You're doing
Starting point is 01:18:20 a lot of movements where your body's already fatigued. It's a little CrossFit-y almost. Dude, some CrossFit chicks, they're strong as hell. Is there a date you've got to be done with this book? Or is it pretty casual?
Starting point is 01:18:35 It's not casual, but it's done when it's done. Formulated, yeah. It's more like, when it's worthy of the audience, I'll give it to them. Formulate it, yeah. Yeah, it's more like when it's worthy of the audience, I will give it to them. And like we spent the last like 11 months. Have you written a book before? Yeah, yeah. I spent the last 11 months getting what I was going to say right. And so usually the writing takes the least amount, for me it takes the least amount of time. Because I've
Starting point is 01:19:01 written this book six times. So I have six versions of this book end-to-end that I started and finished, and so this is version seven, and I think this time I got the pieces right. So like version six was like 85% right, and then I was like, fuck, in this instance, this part's not completely, it doesn't apply, you know what I mean? So I had to rework the model or the framework. For people that are just tuning in to this and this is the first time seeing you, what's like, maybe a misconception of you, you think that might be out there, that just because people saw like quick videos on YouTube
Starting point is 01:19:36 or a quick TikTok or Instagram or something. That's a good question. I feel like Caleb has a good idea for that. Is there a couple of misinterpretations, like two or three that? Well, I think one of them was actually what Joe said. He was like, so you're like a business coach. I was like, I'm not a business coach.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Like, we just own businesses. So I don't coach anybody. The only people that I work with are companies we own. So that's probably the biggest misconception. Because I get DMs all the time. So you more invest in companies. That's all I do. Exclusively is invest in companies.
Starting point is 01:20:04 And then once you invest in it, you're invested in it and you're gonna help. Well yeah, then I'm gonna do everything I can to grow, because I'm literally vested. Part of the team. Yeah, 100%. And so we act, so we basically built, so's a business that builds businesses.
Starting point is 01:20:18 So I was thinking, I look at Warren Buffett, he's a big hero of mine, and I was like, okay, how do I take all the money I have and then create a business where I can actively work on the business while also compounding my wealth? And so I knew it had to be something where I could mix money with active time. So if I make a real estate deal, I put money in, but I don't put any time in. So I don't have a lot of value out there. Like I'm not going to, you know, I didn't make my money in apartment buildings. I don't, I can, you know, conceptually
Starting point is 01:20:42 I get it, but like, I don't, I'm not in it. Someone comes to me I can you know conceptually I get it but like I don't I'm not in it someone comes to me with you know ten locations of a hair salon they got a cool unique model they're like I want to get to 200 like we can do that like that's a game we are good at or someone's like hey I've got this you know unique way that I help insurance sales guys triple their sales volume by doing these three things that's different I have this tool that helps them then I'm like cool that's a business that i mentioned to ryan on the way here yeah i have these ideas all the time my wife's like pump the brakes she's like can you and i together right can we make that company better and i'm like i see your you know and and like how interested are
Starting point is 01:21:20 you going to be in it for how long right and so that's a good question for people that are like thinking of investing or if you have someone that's going to invest, can they make your business better than where it's at now? If they can't, then it's probably not meant to be. So we look at the person, like, do we like this person? What I want this, it sounds terrible to say this, but like, do I want this person to be rich? And I'm like, I want this, this guy, I want him to be somebody who's an example to other people, because I want him to be great. I'm like, I will help this person even if I didn't make money.
Starting point is 01:21:47 So it's like, that's checkbox one. The second one is like, how big do I think this opportunity is? If it's something that serves a very, very, you know, can only get to 10, maybe 20 million, it's something I'm not like, not that I won't help somebody, but I might not be as interested
Starting point is 01:21:58 as something I think can get to 100. It's a bigger marketplace, serves a bigger need, whatever. And then the third one is like, what's my unique value at? Like, this is a great founder, this is a great business, it's bigger need, whatever. And then the third one is like, what's my unique value at? Like, this is a great founder, this is a great business, it's not my wheelhouse. But you can think of five other people that could help. Yeah, I could refer them or what we'll do is just say like,
Starting point is 01:22:13 hey, I don't think that what I could do merits the investment that I would want to make to make this meaningful for me. So just, this is what I would do, good luck. So we'll give somebody, even if we're not going to work with them, like just our general plan of what we would do because like Caleb knows this because he's been working for a while but like we're big believers in like it'll come
Starting point is 01:22:32 back you know I mean and even if it doesn't come back so all I did was help someone oh no you know I mean like for free yeah like I'll die happy like it's fun so that's kind of the thought process behind it. I'll hit this last set. Nice set. Smoked it. You want to do one draw? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:55 You want to do the 35 and then burn it out? Sure. All right. Is there any other misconceptions? I was going to ask Caleb, because you see the DMs in the comments a lot. Do people think that you're like Mr. Krabs on SpongeBob? All you care about is money?
Starting point is 01:23:15 Well, you know what? I might not even bother you. No, yeah. I've always been really hesitant to say, like, I don't care about money because I do care about money. Yeah. And I never want to get into a situation where we're like, for the money I'm like yep 100 that's what I did it for so it's just like what am I doing for the money so it's like I have values as long as it doesn't
Starting point is 01:23:32 contradict a value like I have you know someone's like it costs them a penny to make this thing they sell for a hundred dollars that's terrible I'm like dude I mean you price all value not off cost so I don't that's just American. Because as soon as you say that a certain amount of profit is not ethical, you get into this really gray area where I'm like, what's okay? 100% markup? Like, is it 201%? Does he end up in the DMs at all or no?
Starting point is 01:23:58 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I do. Does he end up in the DMs? Guru. Guru, yeah. Yeah, people call you, a guru or whatever, but like.
Starting point is 01:24:07 It's like business coach, mentor, guru, all of that kind of. It's just because that's the space, which is why we tried to like very consciously say like. Swatch yourself. Oh, my bad. I was like, we don't sell anything. You know, like I don't have any courses. I have no masterminds. I almost removed, and I'm still going back and forth on removing the tag because I have a book for 99 cents.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Just because the internet doesn't deal well with gray. With nuance, that's the way. The internet doesn't deal well with gray. Do you find yourself defending yourself in your DMs? No, I don't. He's been pretty good with that. Oh, yeah. That's not my...
Starting point is 01:24:37 I'm kidding. I lean more towards like... Yeah, I understand. Because it's like... Yeah, joking with people or giving them good advice. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Cause I get, cause I also get some, some of the companies we have are, you know, they're founder facing, you know, they're face to brand kind of like you were slingshot. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Like, and, um, people give them flack and they're like, and they get bugged, you know, they get bugged by it. And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:24:58 I always feel like you get bugged by stuff that you think there's a, there's a string of truth in it. And so if I was like, Mark's got pink hair. He's a girl. You'd be like, I mean, okay. Right, right. All right.
Starting point is 01:25:11 But if it was like, I'm not saying you, but like if somebody, you know, Johnny over here, you know, rips off his customers and he like has a terrible product, doesn't deliver support. If Johnny gets upset by that, then there's probably an element of truth there yeah but if Johnny hasn't lost a customer and has net negative churn and his thing's doubling every month because it's all based on word of mouth he'd be like okay if he's known for having the best customer service ever he's laughing about it right and so it's like I think there's gold in the comments if you can like take the you take your ego out of it it's like all the gold's there but like if you get upset then it's like that's a good indicator rather than like I should get defensive it's like dude, you're right. We're working on this two or three people say the same thing. It's like And I don't think you should look at it Yeah
Starting point is 01:25:52 Yeah, I don't think humans biologically are meant to do what social media does on the plus or the negative like We're social beings and so we feed off of feedback So like you're a kid and you look around you're like what does that mean and then an adult says this is what that means and you're like oh that's what that means now what they just said might completely be wrong I feel like we orient ourselves with feedback but then a lot of people can't take a thousand people in a day telling them they're a piece of shit it's just but like biologically we weren't built for social I had interaction with like 50 people right people in life and if a hundred out of a hundred people you talk to you said
Starting point is 01:26:27 you're an like you should fix your behavior yeah but if you've got a thousand telling you're an and a million saying you're amazing you still hear the thousand and it hits the same so i think that that's the and on the flip side the fame like the crazy mania of like you're amazing you're a god you can do no wrong you know what i mean like right it's just as if not worse so it's just as if not worse. So it's like, I think you have to unplug from the matrix and say, like, none of this matters. Like, all the hate, that's their worldview reflecting on me. And all the positive is, like, I'm filling a hole that someone didn't fill for them, but it has nothing to do with me.
Starting point is 01:26:58 You know what I mean? It doesn't make you any more loved by your wife. No. Right? Like, that's what I share with people. more loved by your wife. No. Right? Like that's what I share with people. Like I have some friends that have like,
Starting point is 01:27:08 they value like, I guess what I, the stuff I've done. Right. And they'll say certain things. They'll say, hey, just to be clear, your wife doesn't love you any less than my wife loves me. It's the same, you know, unless there's other things we don't know about. But it should be similar, right?
Starting point is 01:27:22 Yeah. Your mom and dad, your family. It's as long as you got like a healthy family, it's the same. Yeah. There's not more because you've got more followers. Right. Clayton Christensen, who was a Harvard business professor, he died at like 64 from cancer.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Guy like killed life, like two-time national champion, NCAA, basketball player, Harvard Business School, then professor, started, founded big businesses, whatever. And he wrote this book called How Will You Measure Your Life? It was a really interesting book where he talks about a lot of his Harvard Business School friends, they only measured their life with money because it was the easiest thing to measure,
Starting point is 01:27:54 not because it was the most meaningful. And so he talks about how different ways to look at measuring, because when you're dead or when you're 80-something, you're not like, man, I'm so glad I'm worth $10 billion instead of $5. You're like, man, I wish my kid were here. Yeah. You know what I mean? And so he talks about, you have your strategy.
Starting point is 01:28:11 He said, but where strategy meets reality is resource allocation. So resources being time and money. It's like, where do you spend your time? Your kid's not going to be like, that was so sick, my dad invested in 50 different businesses. He's like, he was there and he went fishing with me. He was there, he wasn't. Yeah, exactly. No, totally. he's like he was there and he went fishing with me he was there he wasn't yeah exactly no totally and so he talks about like spending um
Starting point is 01:28:28 he said you can stay at work late one night and your marriage probably won't be different like if you miss dinner one night he's like but the problem is that they'll sacrifice that like today thing but they lose the long-term benefit and they sacrifice that for the short-term benefit of the promotion of the recognition for a project. It's like, so it's always, and it comes down to the thing we were talking earlier. It's like short-term discomfort for long-term achievement. People usually don't make that trade.
Starting point is 01:28:54 They make it the wrong way. I'm going to burn this out. 35 reps easy. I'm going for it. Easy money. Reps. This is how you eat 800 carbs in a day, ladies and gentlemen. Burn it all out. Lots of energy.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Those veins right there, that's the... This is the injection site that you guys have been talking about so much online. That's how steroids work. You get them right into here. You gotta get it right in the main line, the highway. You can wrap me later, right, so I can get it in there. Well, let's get the slingshot, tell what it's really for, right? Wrap it on there tight.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Did you tell them the story of how it started? Like you were injecting and then you're like, you know, if I benched with this thing on rather than- Did I tell them the story about how you started steroids? I thought you said that's off camera. Well, they did call it the slingshot. That's right. For a reason.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Give it a shot. Give it a shot. Between that and the sling pin, you know, but slingshot sounded a little better. We can get funky with it. Oh, that's great. For my channel when they do that it's actually easier to get more reps in because you give your off arm a little a little bit of rest. You get a little breather. Yeah so if you like finish your set and you don't have any gas left
Starting point is 01:30:19 you do your strong arm and your weak arm and your strong arm and your weak arm and it gives you like a half second in between. Nice. It also rests down here for a half second. Yeah. You get a little bit more. It's unbelievable the brand you felt.. You've built an unbelievable brand. You're beyond fitness. There's so many people in the street, like you say that bigger, stronger, faster. How did you, dude that was everywhere.
Starting point is 01:30:58 I mean, I think it genuinely changed the narrative around hormones and training. Look at how many TRT clinics there are. Yeah. Right? When you think about making a dent, not being morbid, but if all you did was make that one, it changed the scene. Thank you for that. That's mainly my brother.
Starting point is 01:31:22 My brother Chris, he's the director of Bigger, Stronger, Faster. It was a family thing. And my wife was really awesome with it like when I started talking about it. She was like, I was like, I wanna talk to my brother about this on camera. And her and I didn't really discuss it a whole lot. She was like, I don't think it's a good idea. And it was the upside, right?
Starting point is 01:31:49 We're only going to get a, Hey, it's all negative. It's all negative. It's all negative. I mean, lying about it. Yeah. Even if you're lying about it, it still seems like the best way forward because people have a hard time handling once they've heard that. Yeah. For me, luckily, You can't unsay it.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Like, Stallone, Arnold, like, because I was, Caleb and I had conversations and it's like, if you look at the narrative that most people will say, it's like, I tried it once. It's the same thing as like Barack Obama and cocaine. It's always like Bill Clinton. Like I tried Monica Lewinsky one time. I tried it. You know what I mean? But it wasn't for me right uh so it's like that always seems to be the only okay narrative to like check the box but like you know i didn't know when i was probably like i don't know 18 20
Starting point is 01:32:34 somewhere there when it came out i was like i had no idea because i was like oh i thought all these i i thought bodybuilders were natural i didn't know like i really didn't like the ifbb because i just thought i wasn't doing anything right i was was like, man, I got to work out harder. Like Ronnie's much bigger than I am. Well, I mean, we still know the truth is that no one is without hard work. You know, like you still need time
Starting point is 01:32:55 and dedication and all that stuff. As much as people hear that, they're like, yeah, but it's the juice. And the juice is the juice and it gives you a nice shot. It will help a lot in a lot of ways. But I think, you know, and the juice is the juice and it gives you a nice shot it gives you a it will help a lot in a lot of ways but I think you know my brother you know making that film and my family being a part of it was the biggest part of it because a lot of documentaries or a lot of films like anyone can make one yeah but in this
Starting point is 01:33:21 case when my brother started to uncover about stuff about balco and stuff about some of these other uh pro athletes that were doing stuff yeah couldn't really find anybody to talk about it and he went to the producers and stuff and he's like we're not really getting good footage no one's really talking about it he's like maybe my brothers would talk about it and the producers they go what yeah he goes yeah both of my brothers they're on right now yeah and one kind of struggles with it and kind of got some demons from it yeah or not necessarily producers they go what yeah he goes yeah both of my brothers they're on right now yeah and one kind of struggles with it he's kind of got some demons from it yeah or not necessarily from it but he's got some demons whether it's from that or from somewhere else and my other
Starting point is 01:33:54 brother is succeeding with it and doing pretty well and he's taking over power lifting with it yeah they were like what the they're like can we talk to them and so they came and they talked to me and I started talking about it real authentically. Yeah. And my wife saw me talking with my brother and saw the camera there. And she bolted out of the house. She was hysterical. She was crying.
Starting point is 01:34:12 So we had a lot of conversation. I was like, I really, I know that you might not think that this is going to land anywhere. Yeah. But can you trust me? I have a really strong, you got to keep in mind, like we're losing our house. Like we had nothing. She had no reason to believe in me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:26 I was like, I need you to believe in me for this. I actually think that this is going to make a difference. She's like, why are you the guy? Yeah. Why are you like, let someone else ruin their life.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Why are you going to take like the bullets? I said, I said, from the information I have, it's a documentary. It's a movie. Yeah. So from what they said,
Starting point is 01:34:43 I can't get arrested or anything yeah someone can't take legal action i'm not going to show a shot on camera so there's not going to be much of that kind of shit going on she was like all right fuck it you know go for it and how did it so was it did you guys um you guys signed with the network and then they fronted money like i just don't even know how it works they front money to make the thing and then they distribute it my brother raised like around two million dollars to get it going I had no idea yeah that's back before like go fund me and like yeah popular internet stuff that made it easy no way I did not know that this is great this is so interesting for me and uh Alex Bono was one of the producers of it he ended up working for like SNL and like
Starting point is 01:35:24 he's done a lot of very professional stuff. So he's always conducted himself in a real professional way and always kind of knew how to go about doing stuff. Him and his wife were producers on the movie, so they also knew how to raise some funds and raise some money. But Mark Cuban ultimately ended up buying it. Seriously? I didn't know any of this stuff. Yeah, Mark Cuban bought it, and Mark Cuban up buying it. Seriously? I didn't know any of this stuff. Yeah, Mark Cuban bought it,
Starting point is 01:35:45 and Mark Cuban owns movie theaters. So that's how I was able to get into movie theaters nationwide. And again, it's before Netflix and all this stuff. I think that's where I ended up watching it. Hopefully you got paid something for it, I don't know. My buddy, my powerlifting buddy was like, dude, you gotta watch this movie.
Starting point is 01:36:03 And he's like, dude, apparently a lot of people take steroids right he's like dude olympians take steroids i was like what i heard um like dr cashew's my close friend like he did a lot of these the story hasn't died you know it's still strong yeah it's bigger stronger faster it's still going it's just crazy that um it was so there was such a vacuum and it was such a hush-hush like so many people and no one was talking about it it's kind of like um so I don't know if you've seen on TikTok like the porn hub like like whatever the the thing is it's like they show all these scenes where like someone just plays the the little song the little jingle on their phone and like the whole class stops and looks and it's like this unspoken thing that
Starting point is 01:36:45 everyone knows about but no one knows yeah but no one talks about it so anyways i thought it was like it definitely changed my life in terms of like how i saw everything in the in the fitness world so it was a huge difference in one kid's life oh thank you appreciate that it was a huge icebreaker for a lot of guys yeah they'd bring their girlfriend or some of yous would like bring their parents to it and they're like yeah like what do you think? It was like an icebreaker to them to say be like by the way I'm on TRT or whatever. Yeah by the way I do some of that stuff you know. Yeah well now TRT I feel like it's been really very normalized. It's everywhere. Yeah just like just normal
Starting point is 01:37:19 like 100 milligram a week guys who like the test of the levels are low and they just take the TRT. A hundred milligram a week guy that like the test at the levels are low and they just take the Tarot to a hundred milligram a week guy. That's like that sounds like a shirt. Yeah, like I'm a hundred milligram a week guy Maybe should yeah, I said 100 minutes 100 mg. Yeah, that's it. Is that with one slingshot? steroids Oh, it definitely helped, you know the documentary came out and The documentary came out in the documentary came out trying to even piece it all together yeah the documentary definitely helped it helped you know when I went to trade shows and stuff like that I was recognized yeah walking in here but the inner but the
Starting point is 01:37:58 internet like the internet as we know it now it didn't happen yet yeah Instagram was even a thing oh there was no Instagram. There wasn't really Facebook at the time. There was like MySpace. Yeah. Facebook, I think was like coming around, but not everybody had it kind of thing. So yeah, just the movie made a difference. But like when people came and they were talking to me about the slingshot, they knew me a
Starting point is 01:38:23 little bit more because I was powerlifting. And they definitely knew powerlifting from the movie. Yeah. So it was like direct and a little indirect. Yeah. But I had a YouTube channel going for many, many years. Since 2000. As soon as YouTube was a thing,
Starting point is 01:38:36 I had a YouTube channel going on from the very beginning. And that helped a lot too. Is that your primary channel? Or is podcast the primary channel? The podcast is the primary channel now or is podcast the primary the podcast is is the primary channel now just because of this of this of the rate of growth you know how that is like yeah i'm sure you have businesses like where they're they do great and they bring in a consistent amount but your focus is your time is on some of these other ones that are uh just launching potential
Starting point is 01:39:01 faster yeah the potential is greater yeah so that's. So that's where most of my time is spent more on the podcast. Yeah, we just started focusing on our podcast more, like, I mean, the last six months. And, I mean, it's paid off. Like, it's interesting because, like, I like YouTube and podcasts of all the platforms the most, even though we crank out a lot of short form. Because, like, to me, like, a single download,
Starting point is 01:39:23 it means so much more to me than, like like an impression. You know what I mean? Because like you get you know 12 minutes to somebody like that so much to me that's so much more meaningful than like they saw a thumbnail and that was it or they saw two seconds you know it's hard to right it's hard to help anybody do anything in one second or an impression like a headline is not gonna change someone's life. I think if you if you think about like, you know, why someone would want to watch a podcast from you, a podcast from me,
Starting point is 01:39:49 a podcast from all these different people, right? Maybe some of us are starting to overlap and maybe we're starting to say the same thing. I think I heard a stat, there's like a few million podcasts right now. Yeah, it's crazy. It's like they went, they exploded, right? They're all over the place.
Starting point is 01:40:02 But what's unique about it is that your audience is going to want to hear more from you. My audience is going to want to hear more from you. When we have crossover, they could very well be like, holy shit, Alex is dope, man. I'm going to check out more of his stuff. And then they cross over into some of the other ones. But I think what is also cool is that you get to bring in the unique people that you think are important for your listeners to hear from. And I get to bring in the unique people that you think are important for
Starting point is 01:40:25 your listeners to hear from yeah and I get to do the same thing and so all the shows are way different yeah they're never the same the podcast are never the same and it's um we talked about this only got a marketing angle for like pay dad stuff even for our companies like the avatar of who are representing in like the advertisers we're making it's like even if we have two businesses that are like in the same niche right like we have two accounting firms whatever it's like if you have two different avatars that are being spoken to even the psychographics like you could have two white dudes right i mean fundamentally we're both two white dudes as the spokespeople but have two
Starting point is 01:40:58 very different messages and value systems not that we're that different but like right two different ways of seeing the world and it will resonate very differently. You know what I mean? Like you've got Black Rifle Coffee on one side and you've got like Starbucks. Right. And like both appeal to like upper echelon white folks. Even on the same block. Yeah. Phil's Coffee and Starbucks, right? Flex you out. Trying to grow up and be like you man hey can I get a picture I got to be that guy let's get the guy that keeps you here an extra half an hour if he asked for a picture so this one I don't know if you've ever used this thing but for whatever reason
Starting point is 01:41:39 it just feels right it doesn't hurt my wrists it doesn't hurt my wrists. It doesn't hurt my elbows. And it just feels right. This is the key to how you make a lot of money is this tricep piece right here? This is literally everything. Okay. Yeah, I tell people all the time. They're like, do I run ads? I'm like, no, you do tricep push-downs. Build your fucking triceps, you pussy.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Yeah. It just feels great. Did you do any sports growing up? Yeah. Wrestling. It just like feels great. Do any sports growing up? Yeah. Wrestling, tennis, and soccer. Gymnastics? Martial arts? Just wrestling.
Starting point is 01:42:24 I was a goalie. And tennis. Oh, that's insane. Yeah, those were my three. But all the guys I know who did gymnastics, all, like, are freaks. Right? I think they have this, like, kinesthetic awareness that you get when you're a kid. And they always, like, keep it.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Like, they have immediate form when they start sports. It's like a base athleticism. I don't know if you I love these things that feels really good yeah I like that so I don't say this but uh I'm gonna go down and wait is it just feels actually I felt that a lot I felt really good a good movement it's really important for people to follow through on the stuff that you say you're going to do. So if you know going into the gym that you might be short on time, then if you wrote down a couple exercises to do that day, cross a few of them off before you even get inside the gym.
Starting point is 01:43:19 So that way you don't feel like you had an incomplete workout. And on the other side of that is just, just try to make sure you got enough time to get all your shit in, so you can always follow through. We've been in here for a while today, and we've stopped a couple times, and it could have been easy just to ditch this last movement,
Starting point is 01:43:36 but it's like, no, why not just follow through on what we say we're gonna do? Yeah, there's something to that angle, you're right. Do I not, like it's the, it's like the accessory I always wish I had like something about your wrist being yes it's this and it like it like really cradles it yeah i don't know there's no brand on it i would i would tell people about it but there's no brand um yeah it just feels good because the the rolly one some guy just like bent a bar that way he's like fuck it yeah because the the round ones you're always kind of like
Starting point is 01:44:04 finding your spot and then like i do like straps a lot you know i wrap it around my wrist right i like those but this is still very comfortable on the wrist yeah this just feels that one feels good it feels like i don't sense weird it feels like a quad extension i don't like i don't know that makes no sense but it makes sense i feel more connected to it There's a girl over there with a shirt that says fuck fat. It's amazing That's so great Feels like it's getting way back in here. Oh, yeah, I like I don't like I love this. I love this exercise Like I feel like I work the muscle like I'm you know squeezing it How long you been training a little bit like this for?
Starting point is 01:44:42 Years couple years years years five Years. A handful of years? Five years? Ten years? When he was talking about the Greg Knuckles thing, that's when I started doing this. Greg, or kind of you guys thought about it together? He was just talking to me about daily training for the same muscles and how it made you stronger and build more muscle, and I was like, that sounds good. And also just filling up on glycogen, right? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Building out those glycogen stores, getting that muscle pumped. So that was like I started training this way, and I had a big breakthrough in my like size. So I had done like powerlifting, 5x5s, mad cow, you know, 3-2-1. Like, you know, I had done all the standard, you know, jug method. I'd done all those ones. And I had gotten pretty strong. Like that was right as I was competing did the mad cow workout yeah Matt was that what is that called I don't know I
Starting point is 01:45:31 thought I saw a mad cow probably yes you know I thought it's called mecca I don't know it was like this five by five program it sounds amazing yeah it was great I want to do it it was an intermediate program by Ripito, or like adapted from Ripito stuff. But then when I switched to daily training and went from sets of like, you know, 5 and 8 to doing like 7 sets of 15 to 20 every day, I got stronger and I got bigger. So I was like, this is the shit. Right. And then I pretty much just like I stuck with that because that was what broke me through the 200 barrier. Like I couldn't get past 200 pounds like personal body weight and then that I got to 220
Starting point is 01:46:09 Yeah, and that was what that was like my big breakthrough I was and I didn't when I was that many carbs you probably cut down on your fat a little bit, right? All right, it was it was supposed. Oh, yeah, really really low. Yes. There's only trade. It's gonna be 30 years Yeah from like oatmeal sauce fat in it, you know I'll show you something over here with your trap Might be able to do it right here, which yeah, whatever side hurts. Uh-huh. Then put that on there Just like mess around. Yeah, like and let me know like if it feels like shit it feels like shit, but yeah, it might Yeah, it feels like a needle or a knife.
Starting point is 01:46:46 So when there's, I mean, you know some of this stuff, but like when there's injuries in there, the fascia gets mangled. And it will, unfortunately, it will never repair. It won't repair with stretching, it won't repair with strengthening, unless you like unmangle it. So we got strengthen, lengthen and length and smash and this is the
Starting point is 01:47:05 smashing this is the smashing that's a really easy movement that you can get to yeah you can even get into the back of it you know if you turn around you can yeah you can dig in yeah whatever yeah whatever different ways or like going here and if something's real sketchy you'll know like you'll be like oh that's fucking hurts way too much it's really one to ten it's a nine yeah yeah exactly no that's a very simple thing i appreciate it do that maybe twice a week or something should be all fixed lifters helping lifters that's right it's amazing workout thank you so much dude thank you for encouraging me to work out and look like you how old are you gotta get jack 45 are you really really great yeah. I mean, you could step on stage now. One of my heroes in bodybuilding is Milo Sharchev.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Oh, yeah. Unbelievable. Yeah. I loved him because he was always six weeks out. Yeah. And he trained all his athletes to be like that. Oh, and he looked fucking crazy. He did 68 or whatever the record was, IFBB Pro Shows, because he never was in off-season.
Starting point is 01:48:04 He just leaned out for six weeks, just got his hydration and whatnot. What I always loved about him is he talked about everybody else being fat. He was talking about other bodybuilders. And they're like, oh yeah, that guy's fat. And you're like, the guy's like 11%
Starting point is 01:48:19 body fat. He's not fat. He was so aesthetic. He was one of the top five for me i loved his physique i still do love this you know what i mean mike menser had a crazy physique reminded me of like similar era you know yep i love mentors physique so funny because totally different training methodologies right yeah because milo i got some of my stuff from milo too like the giant sets right so like if i if i didn't work out at a gym like this because like in austin i had the commercial gym that i just kind of like yeah yeah, I just have my own gym.
Starting point is 01:48:46 And I would just set up, like, my whole workout like we did. I would set the whole thing up. And then I would just, no break, and I would do seven rounds and then die. And then distinctly pass out on the floor in a puddle of cold water. That shit felt really good, man. That's, like, invigorating. Like, I really like that a lot. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:03 I don't know. It just works for me. There's something, too, like, just, I, I really liked that a lot. Oh yeah. I don't know. It's worked for me. There's something to like, just, uh, like I like doing full body stuff. It's pretty normal for me to do that kind of stuff, but I don't really hang out on the machines as much.
Starting point is 01:49:13 And it was like, just kind of brought me back. I'm like, I shouldn't hang out on the machines. Yeah. They're simple. They're easy. They're quick.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Yeah. Get your, get your pump. It's easy to get my, like you said, like lie to yourself. Like if I'm like, I got to do calves and then hamstring curls to ease into banded leg press or a squat pro or something.
Starting point is 01:49:30 I'm like, well, let me just do the first two and I'll see how I feel. And then I'm like, ah, fuck, I might as well. You know what I mean? I'm here. I'm pumped. I'll go do it. So that's like, I don't know. It's like I feel like every, you know, I've been doing it not as long as you, but long enough to know how to fool myself into it.
Starting point is 01:49:45 All right, had an amazing workout with Alex Ramosi. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. It's great to get to know you a lot better. This is the first time meeting in person, so it was epic. It was awesome. And, yeah, thank you for coming out. Like, honored to work out with the great.
Starting point is 01:49:58 And just in awe of how you look and how you train. And honestly, like, on a character level, like, we were saying at the end, you guys will see just how much of an impact you made on the industry. Like, there's not many people who have been in it so long, helped so many people, and have, like, almost a universally good reputation. And you have that. Oh, thank you. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:50:18 No, it's cool. I mean, it impacted my life. When I told you I was in college, I saw bigger, stronger, faster, and it completely changed the way I saw everything. My goals, my aspirations, everything. And so, like, it shifted faster, and it completely changed the way I saw everything. My goals, my aspirations, everything. And so like it shifted this 18 to 20 year old's life.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Awesome, now that's all that's left is for you to come out to super training in Sacramento. Well, now that it was free, now I'm much more, otherwise I was like, no, no, no, I don't have to pay the day pass. We'll get you there at some point. A fellow Meathead millionaire, there's more and more of us all the time
Starting point is 01:50:45 because of people like you who are giving out information and has given out some great information. I'm talking to people about being Jack. He's teaching people how to make a lot more money. Just watch his Instagram. Just watch some of the posts that he's got. He's got your YouTube channel. You're starting a podcast
Starting point is 01:51:00 and you also have a book coming out, right? When's the book gonna come out? In the next, probably the next six months-ish. It's kind of what I'm, as long as everything goes right, that's what it should be. And you've had a podcast for a while, but you're trying to put more energy back into it, right? Yeah, it's taken off the last six months. We, like, you know, started focusing on it, and it's done really well, so we're really grateful. It's cool because you're doing the same thing with podcast.
Starting point is 01:51:19 It's just such a deeper way. Right. We love interacting with everyone and hopefully providing value, and it's, like, the best way we can really shift beliefs and teach a couple things that, you know, we learn along deeper way. We love interacting with everyone and hopefully providing value. And it's like the best way we can really shift beliefs and teach a couple of things that we learn along the way. Strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch you guys later.

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