Mark Bell's Power Project - Booze and Biceps - How to Program Your Drinking! MBPP Ep. 758

Episode Date: June 28, 2022

We're not complete robots, we understand people like drinking. We know because it's one of the first things people ask when it comes to getting in shape, "can I still drink"? Today we discuss how you ...can have your beer and drink it to, but in a way that it doesn't completely derail all your progress. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Drinking #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? I want to talk to you guys about within you hydration specifically. They have This Is The Way, which is an amazing protein that tastes really f***ing good. There's a fasting gum. But the hydration is very interesting because there's no other electrolyte supplement like it out on the market. It has 60 milligrams of magnesium, 320 potassium, 1,000 milligrams of sodium, but it also has 500 milligrams of aminos, essential amino acids, and then 2 milligrams of zinc. Two amazing flavors, blueberry lemon and a salted caramel.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's you, Andrew. That is me. So, guys, you know how important electrolytes are. They help you perform better. You don't get cramps during workouts. And, I mean, with the diets, you need good electrolytes. So, Andrew, how can they check it out? Yes, that's over at
Starting point is 00:00:41 And at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT10 to save 10% off your entire order uh links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes you never brought up that clip of biden falling oh i i did find it though hold on let me get back onto youtube biden fails are always just a little fun to watch you know it's sad though because he's really old so it is like super old in my mind it's somewhat elder abuse but let me mute it joe baden why is i fucking hate shorts god stupid here we go this will work he's so happy look at him he even took the one hand off the the steering thing he's doing pretty good yeah is he like 81 damn is he really i don't know he's old as fuck though plants the foot oh the right foot
Starting point is 00:01:40 laughing at something that's happening off-camber, I promise. But yeah, his foot got caught on the pedal. Oh. Wham. Joe can't catch a brake, man. Whoever gave him that bike, they're fired. Yeah. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Somebody fucked up. Well, hey, he didn't break a hip. I think, I mean mean he seems to have a fairly resilient body because like many 80 is he 81 i think he i think he's definitely late 70s if not in into his 80s um he kind of jogs everywhere a little bit too you'll see like he when he hops on the plane and stuff like that he kind of does a little a little run and maybe that's just like i don't know maybe he's just trying to show off or something but yeah seems like he's does a little run, and maybe that's just like, I don't know, maybe he's just trying to show off or something. But it seems like he's got a little pep in his step.
Starting point is 00:02:28 He's 79. I mean, he's in shape, even though cognitively some things may trip up here and there. He's got it. I don't know why our presidents are so old. Shouldn't there be like an age, right? Like a cutoff? Like you got to get in before you're 65? Yeah, that would be nice.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Haven't we had a lot of people on the podcast that talk about how like you automatically like lose a little bit even when you're healthy? As you get older, like just a little bit of cognitive stuff. Like how good of an idea is any of this? Hey, we're going to see. In the next few years, they'll tell us. How old was Trump? He was pretty old, too. Yeah, he was old. Yeah, he was in his 70s. Right? And who was before Trump?
Starting point is 00:03:08 Obama. Obama was pretty young. Yeah, at least he looked young, for sure. That presidency, man. Always the presidency before and afters are so wild. Because you could just see the stress age them. It's got to be brutal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:24 That's wild, man. I'm going to send you this clip, Andrew. I'll email it to you. Which one? The Burt Kreischer one. I got you. You got her cranked up already. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:34 All right, you guys just want to play it? How old is Burt, actually? I don't know how old he is. Let me look that up. Yeah, it's the one with his hand over his head there. I think he did with his daughter was cool, too. Talking about Mother's Day was pretty dope. All right, you guys want to just play this?
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah. He's 49. 49 years old. Let me do this because I know I'm going to fuck that up. Here we go. We've got some fucking music. This is pretty dope. It's going to get you fired up for a workout.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I will never quit drinking. I will never quit drinking i will never quit drinking i will always make sure that i can keep my body healthy enough so that i can always drink i love seeing a sunrise cocktail seeing a sunset with a cocktail having friends walk into your house with a bottle of wine. Getting on a plane. Can I get you something? Double Jack on the rocks. I love the moment when someone says, Hey, this guy's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:04:36 At a brunch, someone goes, Should we do mimosas? And then the waiter goes, Actually, we have fun. This is going to be the best day ever. For another tour, baby, that's good. That's, I want to see him live. Drinking is fun, man.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I just want to hang out with him. Is it? It can be. It can be. It can be a lot of fun. Yeah. It can really like, I mean, in good company, it can really be great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I think sometimes it could be not so great, but what's your experience? My experience is like the few times where it's gone too far, because I've gotten drunk and being drunk is cool, but getting so drunk that the next day is shit. I hated that so much that I was just like, after a few times, I was just like, nah, I can't do this. I got too much stuff that I like to do while feeling good. That's the thing. It's like people can still feel okay and get through certain things, but I don't like to. I like to feel really good.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I like to feel sharp. And it doesn't allow me to feel sharp. What about just getting a little tipsy? I like tipsy. This is the thing though. You know, I had a – when I was a little bit younger, I had a – not even a little bit younger. It was last year or the year before or whatever. And a few years, I was like going wine tasting and I was getting into wine.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Not because I was like, oh, I love wine. But I was just – i thought it was just something that look at the legs on this wine right right i was like i want to learn about wine because you know it's it's a thing adults do like legit in my mind i was just like you know it's it's probably cool to be able to know a bit about wine and talk about it and learn about it and it does taste kind of good and i'd rather do this or drink this than hard you know tequila and shit but truly i didn't give a fuck so i stopped um and i'm i'm not like i'm not anti-wine or anything but i don't drink because of the influence of other people anymore
Starting point is 00:06:42 because at that time i was like this is something that I just should do because this is like the outside, but I have no drive for it. I like that a lot. I like that. I think that's great. You know, that you're not, it's not like only influenced by other people. I think having some influence from other people, I don't think it's necessarily bad, but having that influence or feeling that pressure all the time, I think it's good to be observant of all behaviors. And it's not easy to kind of zoom out from your behaviors of like what do you do when you have people over? Like do you always have to eat? Do you always have to drink? Do you always need to have something in front of you?
Starting point is 00:07:21 Because there's a lot of – I think there's a lot more social anxiety than people give credit to. And I think that's what drinking does is like lowers that barrier of having some social angst. Like you would think like us, we're just all friends. Like we can all just like hang out. But think about the three of us, we hang out and there's very, very rarely alcohol involved. So that's not a go-to for us. Our go-to is like, hey, let's go for a walk. Like that's the most fun thing that we can figure out is going for a walk or hopping into the gym and working on some stuff or sitting here working on the podcast. But I think sometimes people start to associate certain people in certain places, obviously like a bar or something like that, uh, with like,
Starting point is 00:08:05 we're going to go drink. Yeah. You know, this is the thing though, about, about alcohol. It's like, I don't, I don't drink a lot of it. Like, uh, went to a dinner with my girlfriend and a few of her friends that came to town and I got a mixed drink. Like I'll do that. Um, I'm a super lightweight since I don't drink often. So that one drink took me where I needed to be. And that was nice. I do like really good. I like really good bourbon. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And I have that in the house. But it legit has been in the same level for like the past nine months because I rarely touch it. I'll touch it every now and then. Same with whiskey. I'll touch it every now and then. But it's not something like I'm lucky enough enough that number one, I've seen people, I had a relationship once with someone who just drank too much. So I was able to just see the deleterious effects of drinking way too much and not having control over it. And that was always
Starting point is 00:08:59 something that I found extremely unattractive, not just in that individual, but then I'll like, I found extremely unattractive, not just in that individual, but then I was like, I just don't want to be like that. And I just don't, for me personally, I'll do it in social settings, but since I'm a lightweight, since I don't drink often, it plays itself out. I'll need one drink and I'm good. Well, for a lot of people, though, for me, I remember saying, I don't know how I'm going to have fun if I quit drinking like that. I was that tied to it. But a lot of people, though, it's called confidence in a can or liquid confidence. Social lubricant.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Liquid courage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Liquid courage. Beer muscles. It changes like your thought process on everything. You basically stop thinking and you just start saying what the hell just first thing that comes to your mind yeah and thankfully for me it was
Starting point is 00:09:50 usually pretty damn good like i was pretty charismatic i was very confident i wasn't second guessing anything you're like i'm gonna tell that bouncer over there that he should take more steroids yeah it's gonna be really funny yeah and but like i mean i never did that but like in that situation where like like you want to make a stupid joke where it's, like, offending somebody but it's, like, funny, it would always work out when I was drunk. Like, if I wasn't drunk, it would, like, fall flat and, like, start shooting. You know, it's like, so it just, it was weird. Like, everything kind of just, like, fell into place when I would be drinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And so it was really hard to be, like, I'm not going to do that anymore. I think someone like Bert Kreischer, he's also like the life of the party. And then when you become that person, then it's very difficult. And then even if you just don't drink for a day or a night, people are like, oh, what are you on some special diet? People are like, come on, bro.
Starting point is 00:10:42 What are you doing type of thing? But I think with someone like him, there was a couple other things I observed. And I know it's like silly to like break this down because he's having fun and he's just talking. But he did mention like seeing the sunrise and seeing the sunset. So to me, that kind of tells me like this is a guy who just doesn't want to miss out on life. And it doesn't seem like he is. It seems like he has a lot of things in order. Does he drink too much? I don't know him personally, so I can't really say. I've never
Starting point is 00:11:11 been around him, never met him, so I don't truly know. But what he showed in the video seems like excessive for sure. But is it negatively impacting his day-to-day? If it's not affecting his job, if it's not negatively impacting his health, which it could be, um, if it's not having like a real negative impact on a lot of other aspects of his life, then maybe it's okay. Or maybe it's just okay for a period of time. at a time. You know, some people just love to party. I think I've heard, I've listened to you before and I've heard Burt B say that he just, he just doesn't want to miss out on funny. He's hilarious that he just doesn't want to miss out on the party. And you know, I think I don't want to bring in my bias cause I don't give a fuck about partying. Like I really don't. I could go my whole life without ever going to another party. I truly could. And I think that kind of informs like I guess the way I look at drinking. Cause if you're someone who likes partying and that's not a bad thing, my cognitive abilities during the day. Can you somehow balance that? Um, and you know,
Starting point is 00:12:31 don't need to stop doing what you love if it's partying with whoever, but how can we, or how can individuals that love that have it all? So how can you be healthy? Cause you know, there are some people who are in really good shape, but how can you make sure you're at least really healthy while drinking a bit, while being able to party and having the life you want? Because, you know, if the life you want has you partying quite a bit, it doesn't make sense to remove that aspect of your life if you then don't enjoy life. Right? Everyone's life is different. You don't need to be like fucking myopic and just so focused on fitness like we are that that's not the thing but how can you have it all but still you know live a life that you truly enjoy a healthy life that you truly
Starting point is 00:13:18 enjoy since the health aspect is what we're focused on and i would imagine like there shouldn't be anything that holds him back from being able to lose body fat if that's something that he chooses to do. Even the alcohol. It should be, alcohol to some extent should be fair game. Maybe he's got to make some adjustments to the type of alcohol so he's not getting too many calories
Starting point is 00:13:37 from just the alcoholic beverages themselves because that could really add up over time. But, and again, I don't know his business. I don't know what he does, uh, from a eating perspective, but what if he used a little bit of intermittent fasting or what if he tried, uh, eating every other day? Like there's a lot of things that you can incorporate, uh, or implement that maybe he just hasn't really tried yet. But again, the alcohol is not going to necessarily interfere. It's not like the alcohol completely shuts you down from being able to burn fat,
Starting point is 00:14:11 although it can because I heard that you have to metabolize the alcohol first in order for your body to get into like a fat burning. I don't even know how true that is. But my point being is that there's nothing restricting him from uh finding a way to not overeat every day finding a way to be in a caloric deficit there's nothing preventing him from exercising however again if he's drinking too much and he's got to sleep in till noon and then he's got requirements to work on his writing because he's got a show coming up and and see like he looks like he's a busy fucking guy absolutely a lot of shit going on and he's been a high-level comedian for a really long
Starting point is 00:14:50 time so uh he's also a father he's also married like you know there's there's other obligations in his life and uh potentially if the drinking is negatively impacting that that would be something to look at and say, well, can we figure out a way to cut back a bit? A way for me that has worked well, again, I've never been that attached to drinking, so it's not really much of a thing for me. I just don't, if I'm going to drink, I only like to have a little bit of alcohol. And when I have food with alcohol, it seems like I become a bottomless pit in both directions.
Starting point is 00:15:27 It seems like I can keep drinking and I don't feel it nearly as much and it feels like I can eat forever. I can't fill up and like food loses its flavor and everything, especially once I get past having like two or three drinks. So if I'm going to have a drink, it's going to be like before dinner, maybe with like an appetizer, I'm going to have like a drink. I probably didn't eat much for the day. So that drink's going to hit me pretty good. It's going
Starting point is 00:15:53 to put me right into that magic spot that we're talking about of being a little bit silly, but not too silly. And, uh, that for me, that works really well. And so anytime we go out to eat or we do something as a, maybe some, we get together with another couple or something like that, or my wife and I go out, it's like, I might have a drink before we leave the house. I may have a drink at the destination that we're at. And that's, that's going to be it. I'm not going to drink anymore because if I drink more than that, I know for sure I'm going to go off my diet. more than that, I know for sure I'm going to go off my diet. And if I continue to drink and drink and start to get to five glasses of wine or something like that, that's not going to feel good the next day. Not that I feel terrible, but I just won't feel good. And I'm probably going to want more sleep than normal. And we know that the sleep is compromised, right? Yeah. I was just going to, you already had said it, but like in regards to someone like Bert Kreischer could definitely try some intermittent fasting. I just remember taking a shot on an empty stomach and you feel every little last drip just all the way down into your stomach and it's boiling down there.
Starting point is 00:16:56 You're just like, Ooh, like, yeah, I felt that one. So it can make you feel, uh, you know, make the alcohol a little bit stronger when it doesn't, it's not actually stronger. uh, you know, make the alcohol a little bit stronger when it doesn't, it's not actually stronger, but for everybody listening, like Bert Kreischer has kind of built this life around like him drinking. So it's not gonna say it's easy for him cause he does work hard, but like it would be very difficult for someone like me to try to, you know, be the life of the party and still keep my shit straight because I don't, I'm not going to say he gets paid to be drunk, but let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:17:26 We all watch this. We're all talking about him because he likes to drink a lot. So this is the life that he's kind of built around it. His, um, his, uh, like his not need,
Starting point is 00:17:37 just like a fitness influencer. Exactly. Right. Yeah. So that is, yeah, that's a perfect way to put it. So just,
Starting point is 00:17:43 you know, before people start thinking like, if he could do it, I'm going to do it. It's like, well, he's not working at an office. Yeah, certain franchises build the team around the one guy, right? And then the whole team is to kind of help showcase that person. And I think with what you're talking about, he just picks stuff that would help showcase
Starting point is 00:18:01 a lot of the things about him that are fun and that are exciting because that video is fun. That video is funny. It's awesome. It's been shared a lot and millions of people have seen it. You know, this is an interesting thing is thinking about first off why you're drinking because are you like what what's the intention? Do you like to drink to drink or do you want to drink to get the feeling so that you feel a little bit loose in social settings? Right. When I usually drink, um, and I think when most people drink, it's not because they love the taste of alcohol. Some people do. Some people like, some people love beer. They have six packs every night. Beer and a pizza. See, so this is funny cause this podcast is now going to turn into, all right, how to program your drinking because I think that's where we're getting. And this is a really cool thing.
Starting point is 00:18:52 If you think about the times when you're going to be partying or doing whatever, right, that might usually be on the weekends for most people. You don't want to build up too much of a tolerance to alcohol. So that means you probably don't want to be doing it every single day. Because if you build up a tolerance, that means that now when you're in the setting where you need the alcohol, you now need too much alcohol to get your booty loose. You know what I mean? So the best thing to do. Hey, now. The best thing to do is, first off, don't drink too much during the week because that's the thing with me. I noticed that like when I was at dinner the other night,
Starting point is 00:19:25 I just needed one drink and I couldn't drive home. I couldn't drive home. So my tolerance is I have a bitch tolerance. So that's one thing that you could try to have. It's just a really bad tolerance so that it doesn't take you as much alcohol to get tipsy or where you need to be. And then that probably won't affect your sleep as much as if you had multiple drinks and then you go to sleep and your sleep is fucked. And then the next day you have a hangover. So that's one thing.
Starting point is 00:19:54 The second thing is get some electrolytes, right? Every single person that I know that loves to party, I always tell them to get electrolytes. And drink some goddamn water. Drink some water. Drink some water. Drink some water in between drinking those drinks. But especially have electrolytes on you. Drink electrolytes before and then drink electrolytes after. Because everyone that I know that used to get hangovers, immediately after having some electrolytes and partying and going out the next day, they always give me a text or a
Starting point is 00:20:20 call and I can see them. Holy shit. I don't feel like shit right now. Well, why? It's because you're able to stay hydrated right so that that that'll make a big difference for all y'all too who love to drink dilute that shit a little bit and have some water in between um the electrolytes is definitely uh an awesome hack and i think that might be uh part of the reason like um why a lot of my friends and people that i know uh have had less issues with drinking
Starting point is 00:20:46 in the last couple years because i was always like hey i i get it you you like to drink but can you drink a thing of water that's like of equal size or even half that amount of water yeah in between can you drink your drink and then wait to get another drink until you have done something with the water that's in front of you yeah it's tough though because you know what you're between can you drink your drink and then wait to get another drink until you have done something with the water that's in front of you yeah it's tough though because you know what you're talking about with tolerance people pride themselves on how much they can drink i can out drink everybody here and then the thing with the water it's like really you're gonna be a bitch and drink some water right now like get another beer so it's like fuck dude like it puts people in a weird spot but
Starting point is 00:21:24 they just have to get over that shit i've always found that so interesting because i always brag about how little alcohol i need to get wasted right sir you're a confident strong man that knows jujitsu uh again going back because this used to be my people like yeah didn't have anything the only thing that you can have is i can drink more than that guy ah yeah like that's all they have sorry not everybody listening to some people but when you get into those situations it's like it becomes a competition and then also like holding your pee longer like stupid shit like that fuck yeah it is like really you're going pee again damn must be weird to have a
Starting point is 00:21:59 little bladder that so then you don't want to fill up your your you know your bladder with more water you're just like i gotta put more beer you know down the hatch wow dudes suck just put it that way that's all i gotta say well i remember we had uh maria emmerich on the show and she was talking about i mean she's kind of more on the carnivore side of things and uh she talked about a beer belly and you know guys talking about beer and how manly beer is she's like having going around with a big beer belly is not manly she's like if anything it's a big bolus of estrogen that you got kind of sitting right there on your body and you can't see your cock and you can't see your dick and if you could you might have to like maneuver yourself around to be able to see it
Starting point is 00:22:39 yeah yeah it is definitely one of the like the the biggest like mind tricks you know, oh, you got to be a man and drink beer. But it's like, yeah, it does raise your estrogen levels and raises your body fat and makes you lazy and just fucks you all up. But we're talking about like super drunk side. We're not talking like a drink at dinner though. I got to also say because there's people listening right now who are like, fuck these guys. I got to also admit I've never mowed the lawn and drank a beer. And it's probably, you know, people are like, it's so amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Are you a man? Yeah, people get so mad. They're like, that's so good. That's the best thing ever, doing some yard work and then having a beer. But I've just, I've never done it. So I don't agree with the people that are thinking you're a bit questionable.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'm questionable in many ways. I've never gotten my hands dirty once and i think people hate me for it but i'm never gonna mow a lawn i'm too rich bitch i need to mow my lawn too my grass is getting hell have you done that have you mowed the lawn and had a beer no no i've never done that i mow the lawn on a regular basis but not let me think of no i this is a whole other show. Like, we gotta talk about...
Starting point is 00:23:47 That's what Pedro's for, man. We gotta... No, his name is Pedro. I pay him. Andrew. That sounds about right. On his behalf, I'm sorry. His name is Pedro.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah, I don't know. We'll talk after the show. In my phone, he's Pedro Lawn. It keeps getting worse. It keeps getting worse. Oh, my gosh. Fuck. My relatives. I'm like, what's your last name, dude?
Starting point is 00:24:14 Zergoza. Oh, that would be sick. There's not too many of us out here. That'd be amazing. Oh, fuck, man. Bad Project Family has a go. And as you guys know, we have been talking about cold therapy for a while. Mark, Andrew, and myself, we all use cold plunge XLs since we're pretty big.
Starting point is 00:24:31 But the cold plunge is amazing. And there are a lot of cold therapy tools out there. Obviously, you can use your shower. But the amazing thing about the cold plunge is, number one, it doesn't take up much space in your home or your backyard. And number two, you don't need to change your water, unlike other cold therapy devices, for six months to a year. It filters itself. Let's not even talk about all the benefits
Starting point is 00:24:50 of cold plunging, like the dopamine release, how good you feel after doing it, and just the cascade of hormones that happens after you get in some really cold water. It's crazy, and we love it. So, Andrew, how can they get it? Absolutely. You guys gotta head over to and at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT to save $150 off your very own cold plunge.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Again, Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Well, how about other substances? You know what? I guess we could stay on the topic of alcohol. But honestly, there have been times where I've like popped a few kratom before going to certain things because like we'll use a little bit of mind bullet before podcasting but the thing is it does get you in a little bit of a better yeah you know mood yeah right and it's
Starting point is 00:25:36 gonna enhance the moment why not yeah yeah yeah i just like mushrooms on a like people do mushrooms a lot when they go on hikes and things like that right and it's like it's fun yeah if it fuck man if it enhances stuff and you don't really notice a real downside to it the thing with burt kreischer you know and again i think there's so many other aspects he mentions he's talking about health um he doesn't have the look of someone that's healthy at the moment he has acquired some excess body weight around the midsection right um how much weight does he have to lose i don't know if he lost like 10 of his body weight that'd probably be a really good start probably be about uh i think he's like 250 so it'd be like 25 pounds so if he lost like 25 pounds that would be good but like he doesn't that's a good frame he does
Starting point is 00:26:23 have a good frame like his arms and legs look fine it's just he just has a a belly and even right there like laying down zoom in package shot there he's such an american it's great his face is so red that's that's just it right he's playing into like the american psyche the american dream of like you can have it all and there's how many how many people go to his show and i mean look at stone cold you know right stone cold steve austin you know he would drink beer and and beat up the boss and like i mean people just it really resonated with people.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And people go to, they go to baseball games. They go to football games. They have a lot of drinks. They get fired up. They're yelling. They paint their chest. They like smacking around their buddies. They kind of get in like a, you know, they wrestle and fucking get all fired up.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And you're not going to do that when you're not drinking. And I think the other side of health that isn't talked about enough is community, having a good time, having a lot of fun, having good relationships. Like, does this guy – can this guy check the boxes off on that stuff? It looks like it, right? A lot of other things in his life that he can feel great about that probably have him relatively healthy. Now, like, is his blood pressure off? Is this off, that off? I think he's gotten some blood work done and stuff. I don't know any of the results of any of that stuff. My main recommendation for him would be just to simply figure out a way to get through each day with eating more protein and cutting back on some of the types of food that he eats that it's hard for him to control how much he eats.
Starting point is 00:28:16 And he's pretty fucking strong. He's making 225 look – And he's very athletic. Yeah. There's something about his frame. He has a belly. But when you see him stand, when you saw his legs in that water, you can tell he's done shit. I don't know what he's done, but he's done shit even though he has that belly. Now, actually, I have a question for the audience because I think there's probably a lot of things that I'm personally missing in terms of the enjoyment of a lot of alcohol. So for those of you who, if you believe that you're pretty balanced with your
Starting point is 00:28:45 alcohol intake and you like it, and it's something that you, you won't, you're going to keep in your life substantially, but you've been found a way to balance it in your life. How do you make sure to balance your alcohol intake and your health? I'm curious from the people who are doing it often, what they do, because there's one thing you mentioned, which is really important. A lot of people I've found that alcohol exacerbates their food intake. Like it messes things up in terms of their appetite and their food. Like when they drink, they end up eating more and it ends up turning into a spiral because you end up eating more because you're drinking hungrier. So you eat even more the next day. And it could be a few days later again that you drink close to your bedtime and then it cycles again into the next day where it's just this vicious cycle of lack of benefit. That's why it's like the drinking thing is really tough, especially being able to drink quite a bit and staying really healthy because it doesn't help good habits. healthy because it doesn't help good habits. Like it, it doesn't make things that like the, one of the biggest things, which is just sleep. It doesn't allow you to do that in a good way. So that means the next day you have to be hyper-focused on not, not letting those
Starting point is 00:29:59 craving triggers get you to take action on eating food. So it just seems like, it seems like a battle that I'd much rather just not fight. I don't know what, um, I don't know exactly what alcohol does. Um, I don't know what it does to the brain and so forth. But, uh, when I did the diet of one bottle of wine a day, uh, I did it for five days and it was interesting. I mean, I did lose some weight, but I mean, there's just like a calorie equation to everything too. I had one regular meal, drank a bottle of wine a day. It was really hard to figure out how to do it with like commuting and driving places.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I was like, how the fuck? So I had to kind of switch things up from what was recommended to drink just later in the day. Backpacks's a Tesla. Yeah, yeah. Let the Tesla drive for you. But what was interesting about it is you were saying like how it doesn't help with habits. And I agree with that. But where it can be a little bit helpful, but I just also think you need to be careful,
Starting point is 00:31:00 is I think it can make you feel good. And we can't ever underestimate the power of feeling good. Kratom makes you feel good. Caffeine make you feel good. And we can't ever underestimate the power of feeling good. Kratom makes you feel good. Caffeine makes you feel good. It's a really dangerous thing to chase, though. And it's a dangerous thing to really lean on. Like, I'm going to feel good, you know. Working out is a really amazing thing because it doesn't always work out. It doesn't always work that you always – like you will potentially always feel a little bit better after you worked out from where you started.
Starting point is 00:31:33 But you won't always feel amazing. And I mean it's kind of the same thing that happened with alcohol depending on setting and who you're with and stuff like that. Sometimes it doesn't work that great, but for the most time, most, most of the time when it comes to a drug, uh, caffeine, kratom, uh, alcohol in this instance, it will do about the same thing every time. And so I think that can be dangerous sometimes to kind of like, it could be like a, could be your favorite song. You're trying to search for your favorite song and you think it's going to do something to you specifically and get you fired up or put you in a particular mood and it just doesn't, you're like, oh, that's weird. It still didn't hit me the way that I wanted it to. I think having that reliance and that dependence on something where
Starting point is 00:32:13 you know that it's a stable thing, this is going to do this to me. This is going to make me this way. And I don't like that. I don't like to have stuff make me. I'd rather utilize alcohol where I'm already in a pretty good mood. I feel really in control. And maybe I'll have one. Maybe I'll have three. But I just want to enjoy this moment with some other people. And I'm in control of this moment. And I'm kind of dictating my mood.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And I'm going to dictate how much of this I have. A dark place that alcohol can get to. Because I had a very close friend who when he was in college, he got into the habit of drinking. But then it would always be when he was in social settings trying to hang out with girls,
Starting point is 00:32:53 he'd drink. But then what happened is because he'd be drinking when he'd be doing this, all the times where he'd have sex with women, he was kind of drunk or kind of tipsy. So he literally couldn't get aroused around women because of that habit. He wasn't purposefully setting this habit, but because the setting always led to him
Starting point is 00:33:15 drinking, then having sex. It came to now I'm not drunk or I'm not tipsy. I can't get aroused with women. And this is something that happens to a lot of people that drink heavily in these types of settings. It then becomes that you then need alcohol to be able to perform and you don't want to build that type of habit loop. You know, it could happen with weed.
Starting point is 00:33:37 It can happen with a lot of things. If you always need substances to loosen yourself up in settings, you're going to then that substance becomes the catalyst for you to be able to do what you need to do. This is women's fault. Right? This comes all back to women. Like guys wouldn't dance if it wasn't for chance dancing at a club.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And then the guys, they have to drink in order to dance. I mean, you see how this works? We're fucked, man. Yeah. God damn it. Before I forget, there's a,
Starting point is 00:34:01 it's a short film. It's amazing. It's TJ Miller's in it, but it's called Successful Alcoholics. It's pretty funny. You're not going to get any life-altering message from it, but it's just funny. It's a couple that they're alcoholics, but he's just like, it's okay. We're successful. We can do this, but it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:34:22 What you guys are talking about, which I leaned on it a lot, but it's, it's, it's pretty good. But what you guys are talking about is like, um, which I, I leaned on it a lot. It was like, it was my escape. I had to get drunk. I had to, that's what I wanted to do every night because I'm like, fuck dude, I don't want to go to work. Like my job sucks. And when it, when it came to like the weekends, that's when I would really let loose. I didn't have to worry about the next day because I didn't have any habits that I gave a fuck about. My whole goal was just like, get up, try to manage this hangover, get food in me so I could do it again tonight. That's the whole, that's all it was. And because I didn't want to face reality, I didn't like where I was.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And it was, like you said, Mark, it made me feel really good. So now it's really hard to tell somebody like no eventually if you go through a really really rough patch you'll feel really good without it but in that moment it's like well how about i just crack this bottle open and feel good right now and imagine if yeah imagine if instead like you hit a heavy bag for 30 minutes or you ran or you you know i know like, people are like, these guys are so fucking boring. They're health and fitness bullshit. But again, it's a nice safety net to have to rely on that. I think any of us would want our kids or, it seems, a future child to have that reliance on, I'm going to go actually take care of this myself.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I don't feel great about it. I'm pissed at something. I'm sad. I'm mad. Man actually like take care of this myself. I don't feel great about it. I'm pissed at something. I'm sad. I'm mad. Man, that's weird. I don't feel myself today. I feel kind of depressed. You know what?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Probably the best thing is for me to get in that cold plunge or the best thing is for me to go do that run or go hit up that workout. You know, truly, we talked about the cocaine and the cold plunge, you know, comparison as far as – Burning hot burning. Getting the cold. Ready to go. Too well in the actual cold. Just have a line on the edge.
Starting point is 00:36:17 On the edge, yeah. Smooth. But, you know, Andrew Huberman was mentioning how he knew – actually, it wasn't Andrew. It was Dopamine Nation Anna Lemke. Anna Lemke, in her book, she talked about somebody who was a cocaine addict and how they ended up switching because of the release of dopamine from cold plunging. They ended up just going straight in on cold every fucking day. And that became their switch from coke to cold. So you can change – because of the dopamine release from getting into a cold plunge. It's legit. But you can change these habits with healthier things that can elicit the same type of adrenaline, dopamine. You can do it in a healthier way.
Starting point is 00:37:05 way um so that's that's that's nothing to scoff at i know that we sound like psychopaths sometimes with how much we rely on exercise and and doing shit but one of the reasons why we rely on that is because it's it's our drug of choice as fucking cheesy as that sounds like it is the all the releases of hormones that happens it is our drug of choice for a lot of stressful situations. You get that from anything that you tell yourself that you want to do and that you actually go do. That's why I touch the wall on both sides of the gym every time when I drag the sled because I'm like, I'm going to drag the sled this way. I'm going to touch this. When I go run, I'm going to run this distance. When I run and when I finish, whether it's a long time that it took me or a short time that it took me.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Either way, I'm proud. I'm like, I set out to do that. I did that today. Check. The same thing happens with our nutrition. There's that book, The Body Keeps Score. Your body, your brain, your mind, your spirit, it all keeps score. It knows when you're fucking up and it knows when you're doing really well.
Starting point is 00:38:03 It knows like when you're fucking up and it knows when you're doing really well. And it's, you know, if you have a particular plan that you're thinking about, make sure that you have some of your thoughts organized on what your plan is. And when you follow it and when you follow through with it over and over and over again, you're strengthening your willpower. You're strengthening, you're strengthening your disciplines over a period of time that eventually become part of your character. that's when people say that motherfucker's weird that guy's strange like why does he do that why doesn't sema care about lifting when he's already so jacked it's like no he's so jacked because he cares about lifting that's how it worked out yeah i legit think that the cold plunge can replace antidepressants i'm not saying cut them off if you are taking them but like that's just how i i i because i have tried various things and when i get in there
Starting point is 00:38:50 when i get out i'm just like holy shit like i feel so much better i 100 believe that that's true but um when it came to what you did drink the other night what did you order do you remember oh it was literally um because we were at this like Italian-Mexican restaurant. It was a cocktail, so it was a mixed drink. It had some. Italian-Mexican restaurant. I know. I was like, wait a second. It had some rum and something else in it.
Starting point is 00:39:12 We got meatballs and tacos. Ooh, meatball tacos. Honestly, though, the fucking, the serving of food was just, it was so, it was like a $70 plate and the amount of meat in it just, I was just like, bitch, what? Oh, it was fancy. Yeah. dollar plate and the amount of meat in it just i was just like bitch what oh this is this is fancy yeah like it was i mean it tasted good but at the end of the day i was just like i'm just gonna go back home and eat more steak why can't they just size you up though why can't they like hey big man like you probably want a little bit more meat you've been like oh yeah man but uh yeah i had
Starting point is 00:39:41 like uh had a rum and something else in it uh but it hit. Like it really hit. And that's the thing though. Like I was fasted during the day. So I did, that was the first drink. And right after I had that, like five minutes later, I was just like. Episode title, how to get drunk faster. But like in a war on carbs, the book, right? You had a recipe for a low carb drink, didn't you? recipe for a low-carb drink, didn't you? Yeah, there's all kinds of stuff you can do. I mean, if you go with the hard alcohol and you just go with straight-up alcohol, I mean, that's a faster way to get a better result without all the calories. There's like, I don't remember exactly what was in the book, but mixing any hard alcohol with any diet soda is always something that can be effective. And then certain types of wine, I think there's like – it might be like a brand. I think it's called like Dry Creek where they have like lower carbohydrate. I think if you type – if you Google like Dry Creek and lower carb, you'll find some lower carbohydrate wines and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:40:43 you'll find some lower carbohydrate wines and stuff like that. But again, like when you're doing stuff like that, like I'm not a big fan of like Halo Top and some of these other ice creams and stuff because like if I'm going to eat ice cream, I'm just going to eat ice cream. And if I'm going to drink, I'm not really that concerned about that part of it, about the drinks themselves having calories in them unless it's like straight up from soda because that's an easy replacement um and i probably just would choose not to really have uh an alcoholic beverage that had like juice in it because again it's just like gonna have 200 calories in it for no reason kind of thing you know what though guys real
Starting point is 00:41:20 i want to go back to the thing you were mentioning about prescription medication andrew it's wild because i've been going through the book the body keeps score and it it it I want to go back to the thing you were mentioning about prescription medication, Andrew. It's wild because I've been going through the book, The Body Keeps Score, and it does talk about the benefits that some of these SSRIs have had on individuals and people. But then I was also going through JAWS. I'm almost done with that book. And America, I mean, you guys probably already knew this, but America consumes 75% of prescription medication. We are the... And are we better off? But, you know, with all the things that we've been learning from people in terms of how like these like cold plunging,
Starting point is 00:41:57 and I'm not fucking joking about the dopamine release from cold plunging, getting sun in the morning, breathing the right way and the effect that that can have in terms of calming an individual down but then the opposite side of the spectrum where people don't get good sleep people don't exercise people are breathing in a way that's going to ramp up their sympathetic nervous system and make them like just very stressed and all these things all these just simple kind of simple habits because let's say you don't need a cold punch, but you could take a cold shower. All these things that you could do for free that people aren't doing. But the turn is, let me get a medication instead. And again, I know that some people really do need these medications, but it's so wild to me how many people I know could just change a few habits in
Starting point is 00:42:42 life and be totally off medication, but they're so dependent on it. And again, we in America, we're 75% compared to all these other countries. It's bad. Yeah, it's not what's presented in front of everybody, right? It is like when you turn on and you're watching anything on tv you see the fucking little sad cartoon circle jumping around you know it's like oh maybe i'm depressed oh maybe i should tell my doctor and your doctor is going to be like fuck yeah like yeah you
Starting point is 00:43:17 probably are here you go let's try this one and the weird thing is it's like it's not like a cough medicine where it's like i have a cough okay this thing's gonna numb some shit so that way i don't cough as much when it comes to the brain we have no fucking clue what we're doing we're just like here try this shit that didn't work okay try this one you got a headache try this one you got like you have no idea like you just have to keep they say just keep trying until you find one but that's that's where we go to we don't go to like maybe there's some alternative ways we can approach this we We don't do that here. Yeah. I don't think you're ever going to take a pill that is going to make you not feel bad about who you are when you are thinking
Starting point is 00:43:59 about trying to be somebody else. When you're thinking about like wanting to be like somebody else or you're thinking like, I'm not there. I'm you're thinking like i'm not there i'm too old why don't i own my own house why don't i have kids already why don't i this why don't i that and you just i don't think there's pills for those things and i i believe that that's what most people suffer from and obviously there's like there's there's way more things in mental health than just that but i think i'm not a big believer that these drugs do much of anything. And I haven't researched it a ton, but in some of the information I've seen, it looks like you can show that there's studies that show that they have some efficacy and there's some studies that show that they don't. But it's also like pharmaceutical driven, like people have something to sell. They have an agenda. They have, they got products to sell. I do have some close friends
Starting point is 00:44:46 that, um, are bipolar and that kind of run the gamut on many different things that you would associate with mental health issues. And when I look at them, I'm like, they could lose weight. Like they could get on a diet plan. Like maybe it's harder for them to lose weight. Like I understand all the hurdles involved. But can they, and maybe they can't be in the shape that they want to be in, but could they be better than they were yesterday? I think everybody can. I think a lot of people that are depressed and upset and their emotions fly around, their emotions kind of are almost like they're getting drug around by a bunch of wild horses sometimes based on the input that comes in, I think everybody can really fix that.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And I don't think that you can fix it with the mind only because you can have a reinterpretation of things, and that would be great if we could all just be like, don't act that way anymore and boom you just decide not to but i think you can get it through the physical so if people stopped walking around so weak and they worked on making themselves stronger if people stopped walking around uh being 50 60 70 100 pounds overweight uh they would it might not fix everything, but they're going to feel fucking better. And I think that that drug would outweigh any drug a pharmaceutical company will ever make.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Take us on out of here, Andrew. All righty. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Please drop us a comment down below. Let us know what you guys thought about today's episode. And yeah, make sure you guys are subscribed. If you guys are not subscribed, hit that bell notification so you guys don't miss any more uploads and uh yeah when i say drop us comments drop us comments down in the comment section i i really like uh hanging out with
Starting point is 00:46:32 everybody during the premieres but for the algorithm it really helps if you guys drop comments down in the comment section so they stay there permanently and uh please follow the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZNCima. Where are you at? Pretty sure we're at 1,500 in Discord right now. So we're close to 2,000. Join the Discord below in the description box. We interact with you guys there.
Starting point is 00:46:56 We get a lot of topics from you guys from there. And we're able to see what you guys are interested in. At NCMA ending on Instagram and YouTube. At NCMA yin yang on TikTok and Twitter. Mark? I'm at Mark Spilly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weak. And see me on TikTok and Twitter. Mark. I'm at Mark's Billy Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Catch you guys later. Bye.

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