Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 252 - Thing Are Going to Be Sloppy, That's OK

Episode Date: September 23, 2019

Mark Bell is here to tell you that your not going to be consistent right away, you will fail a lot, you will be extremely sloppy. You might diet for a day, then fall right back into your old bad habit...s. Guess what, that's ok. Subscribe to the Podcast on all platforms: ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #SARMageddon #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Facebook takes forever. Okay, there we go. Facebook? Yeah. Oh my God, I didn't know it was still around. Just barely. I mean, I think it's around because you can go to I think that's what it's called.
Starting point is 00:00:14 But I've actually haven't logged into mine in a really long time. If you're out of MySpace, you know you can still go check out your profile, right? That's terrifying. Yeah, it's still there. How? You can get your pictures from it. Just go there. Yeah, just go to there's a little thing there for you to go re-log in and oh there's no way i'd be able to remember my login info well if you if you just
Starting point is 00:00:34 put like an email that you had in the past or something you'll get i got i got problems over here yeah major problems my login i can never log into anything you guys have that problem too i'm always all screwed up i mean i try to use people are like just use the same thing but like sometimes it won't allow you it's like i don't know it tells you it's too stupid of a code to use i do not i do not appreciate that part of like today's uh login credentials and stuff there's like no it needs to be more you know you need a stronger password i'm like be more creative you know, you need a stronger password. I'm like, be more creative, you piece of shit. Like, dude, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Unless you want to get hacked, then you have some great idea, though. I don't think people are trying to hack into my, like, Pinterest account or something, you know? Dude, my PayPal's been hacked into, like, three times. And I have, like, complex passwords. People are out here on Starbucks Wi-Fi phishing into certain things and like key logging people yeah so like yo i guess that's a major thing too like at starbucks at airports like at airports they're like don't yeah they're like don't even bother don't don't even bother getting on the wi-fi at the airport they're like that's crazy i don't know i mean i feel pretty safe these days like anytime my like any of my cards get used for something i get notified
Starting point is 00:01:45 right away yeah same here i feel pretty safe but yeah stephanie has the worst uh password problem too because she'll set the password you know redo the password put it in it still doesn't come out right tell me the password i'll do it and it's fine yeah it's really annoying for her yeah i'm like that i got i got issues like that. And then everyone here knows my passwords for stuff because everyone's on the same thing. So I have to ask other people, what's my password? They're like, how do you not know your own password? I'm like, it changed so many times.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I got three phones that I overflooded. I just bought the new iPhone. You did? I just pre-ordered it. The one that's got three cameras on it or whatever. Because this phone, I just got this phone, but this phone's overloaded because I asked them
Starting point is 00:02:32 not to put stuff on there from previous phones and they always do anyway. So this time I'm going to make sure that they don't do that because they do it every time and then my phone's overloaded with 40,000 videos or whatever whatever the hell's on there yeah i had some uh perfect keto coffee this morning you guys been messing
Starting point is 00:02:50 around with that at all so i've only added it to like the uh the instant coffee add it into coffee you a crackhead yeah just get a little something out of it and it was good you know i was trying to explain it to one of the other employees here like you know still black coffee but it's just going to give you a little like oomph to it you know yeah and oomph is a good way to yeah yeah add some mct powder and i don't know if it has anything else i mean i know it has coffee in it um and uh i think it has about 60 milligrams of caffeine which is great because that's totally reasonable that's something you can have you know probably even throughout the day and it wouldn't uh have a negative impact on you but i i've been doing some of the same things mixing it in with other coffee yeah and stephanie's been taking my nootropic because she she really
Starting point is 00:03:32 likes it a lot now too she's stealing your stuff yeah yeah she's she stole it right out from under me um she she takes it and next thing you know like all kinds of stuff is you know all kinds of tasks that she's working on like she has her little side business too so it's been uh it's been a real positive effect or impact on you know our household just using that one product that's awesome that keto collagen protein the salted caramel one it's so good you can't get enough of it like yeah no every time i go two scoops of that i don't go one scoop it's too good and it's great with them yeah yeah yeah and they have uh their electrolyte product is is great because it's just in a pill form it's not like you know maybe people don't want to add salt to their water maybe that sounds gross and maybe people don't want to add tons and tons of salt to their food so it's a great way to get it they
Starting point is 00:04:18 have it in pill form they also have uh krill oil which i personally haven't messed around with just yet but i'm excited to start to try it out. I've obviously utilized fish oil over the years and noticed a small impact from that in the past, but something I'm excited to dive back into and give another try. Yeah, and I think yesterday, I was just telling you guys I was out on the lake all day long. So when you're out in the water, you don't really think about drinking water. But I did take a bunch of the electrolytes before I went out there and you know i didn't feel dehydrated at all i felt i don't know it just felt really good so um i don't know what's exactly in that you know i don't know what it is that that helps you with the hydration but it sure as heck helped me um if
Starting point is 00:05:01 you guys want to get in on any of this uh you can head over to slash powerproject, enter promo code powerproject at checkout, and that'll get you 15% off all Perfect Keto products. And don't forget about the new Keto Answers book by the founder or CEO, what's his name? Anthony Gustin. Anthony Gustin, yeah. I just got the book and I thumbed through it a little bit and it looked really cool because it was it was broken up into like four different parts which I thought was smart because a lot of the stuff can get you know super confusing but it looks like they did a good job Anthony's a good job of breaking it all down for you and you know something in an easy easy way to understand which is like keto diet is in my opinion it's fairly simple it's like hey just you know throw away the bun don't eat carbs yeah and that one can be found it can be more complicated than that this book
Starting point is 00:05:49 gives you all the details you need yeah to get right to that book it's just uh perfect slash keto answers book there you go awesome bam how about that piedmontese you get your refrigerator situation figured out yet yes oh my gosh man like not living without not living without a fridge is more complex than i thought it'd be but now it's all good so i got all my meat in there and uh yeah i'm eating normally now refrigeration is actually part of the reason why america's so fat because we didn't used to have refrigerators and you used to have to go to the store to get your food or used to have to get like blocks of ice delivered and it was just more complicated it was more complex the food wasn't um as convenient and so therefore like you know what were you going to
Starting point is 00:06:30 cook up you were going to cook up like pastas and meats and things like that but these were things that you had to go to the store for they might only stay cold for like a small a small period of time yeah or you had to go to war to get salt right yeah yeah salt used to be exchanged like even for money and stuff that's insane but you can't ever undervalue the value of meat and having some good meat and uh i love the piedmontese stuff myself i've been uh chewing down you know some piedmontese almost every day um let's see this week i've been doing my fast food challenge so i've been rolling through uh some in and out burger and some, uh, different places, but it makes up a very small percentage of my diet.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Those kind of, uh, junky type of meats I would call them. Yeah. And, uh, just, you know, you want to mix up some flavors here and there. Yesterday I made a really good, uh, egg yolk omelet, but I threw some Piedmontese. Uh, it was, uh, not tri-tip. It was filet. I saw that. In the meat or in the yolks. And man, it was, it was freaking awesome, but they got really good selections of meat. They also, I don't even know if bodybuilders are like aware of how lean
Starting point is 00:07:38 the meat is from there, because now you can have an option. If you're somebody that's doing a bodybuilding style diet, you're someone that's doing a vertical diet. Go over to Certified Piedmontese. Get yourself some meat from there because they're going to have meat that matches up with the macros that you're looking for. It's way leaner than a lot of other types of beef that you're going to see on the market. It's almost as lean as chicken and turkey. Yeah, that's huge. You know, I really didn't even think about that.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Bodybuilders that are on prepper to try to stay low fat, they always stick to chicken breast and chicken breast and chicken breast. And I absolutely hate chicken enter promo code power project that's going to get you a whole 25 off your entire order and free two-day shipping on orders 99 and above so good i'm gonna make monster mash this week with all piedmontese beef paddle boarding yesterday andrew yeah man so much fun it's definitely been my like uh probably the coolest thing and funnest thing I've been able to do all summer is hop on a paddleboard. So last summer, I rented a paddleboard because I'm like, you know, these things are pretty expensive. Like, if I'm going to get one, I better make sure that I like it because if I buy one, they're a couple, you know, the cheap, well, what I got was one of the more affordable ones, but they range up to like $1,000. And I'm like, dude, if I spend that much and i hate it like this is gonna suck yeah so i rented one for a day last year and
Starting point is 00:09:10 just i fell so many times like i i sucked i still suck at it but it was tons of fun so you know over like season ended we ended up buying one and then we found another one at costco on sale so we bought another one so we had two of them out there so it was me and my two girls man we were just out there on the lake uh just paddling our faces off and it was so much fun you have two girls yeah my fiancee and our daughter oh okay i was like whoa i didn't know you had that kind of kyle kingsbury thing going so much fun because it's hard. And I want to say it's like a cheap way to get exercise. And I don't mean cheap as in cost or I don't mean cheap as in like, oh, that's like phony or anything. It's like an easy way to like trick people into working out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Because you're balancing the whole time. Your core is engaged. The second you let go, you're going to fall on your ass. And then, of course, you know, paddling. So you're getting a good arm movement and you're getting sun yeah like it's an activity yeah dude it's so much fun and the fact that we had two of them so you know as a family we went out there it was so cool like i i hate that like summer's kind of coming down to an end because it's it's so much fun i have to that next summer. But which lake did you go to? Is this in Sacramento or did you go somewhere else? Honestly, dude, lake is being really, really generous.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It basically is like a ditch that they dug a little bit bigger to make a lake. It was called Lake Minden. Okay. For sure we'll not be going back there. But my family was camping. And they're like, yeah, there's a cool lake. Like there's no boat. So, you know, you can take your paddleboard out there you don't have to worry about anyone hitting you and i'm like okay dope and we got out there i'm like i don't know how clean this
Starting point is 00:10:53 you know it just it just smelled like like artificial like lake i don't it just didn't it wasn't like there's no animals around it was just like a pretty gross place but i mean it was fun because on a paddleboard you're not like swimming you don't actually yeah yeah unless you fall in which stephanie did fall in so she hit it pretty hard what are some other ways you guys think you can rope people into getting some movement in like getting some activity and like rather than you know you ask people to play like a pickup game of basketball, they're going to be like, meh, right? They're not going to probably want to do it.
Starting point is 00:11:27 You say, hey, let's all get together and let's all go, you know, lift at this 24-hour fitness or something. I'm probably not going to be down for that. You know, so what do you think, you know, you guys have some other ways of tricking people into exercising? Man, like people in my life, even sometimes when i ask some people to take a walk sometimes that's even a little bit i don't know if i want to go take a walk so like that's a really good question um i think maybe maybe a hike i was gonna say a hike yeah it might sound more interesting than like a walk like it's kind of like a trick like let's go for a walk sounds very aimless where are we going yeah like that's what i that's i always get asked where you're going like i try to get my nephews and nieces and stuff to walk with me and that's
Starting point is 00:12:09 always the thing like they want to like they want to end up somewhere like first of all they want to buy like a toy or ice cream or something you know they want a reward at the end and sometimes yeah sometimes i'll say we'll walk to starbucks which is actually a pretty good walk from from my house and so if they'll walk to starbucks with me then i will you know give them a reward you know kind of at the end of it because especially for a young kid it's kind of a long thing but i think a hike is a good way to to kind of you know lure lure them in without them kind of realizing like we're really just going on a long ass walk yeah and especially how you word it too like if you say we're gonna you know go hit this summit and
Starting point is 00:12:44 blah blah there's like whoa like how difficult is this hike yeah. Like if you say we're going to, you know, go hit this summit and blah, blah, blah. There's like, whoa, like how difficult is this hike? Yeah. Where it's like, oh, we're just going to, you know, trek up this hill or something. I've also heard people like, like, hey, we're going to go to the mall. Not necessarily go, like not going to spend a lot of money, but they're going to walk and window shop all these stores. It's kind of, I mean, that's one way to do it because you're air conditioned you know yeah you're really really low hanging fruit there and plus people are they're already doing it yeah it's just easy yeah it's a fairly like mild and low level of activity but at least
Starting point is 00:13:15 something yeah it gets you moving um my dad you know maybe like a week or two ago i woke up and i was heading i was heading to the gym. So I walk outside and I look over and I see him there. And he's out getting his bike ready. And then him and his buddies, they're all grabbing their bikes out of the back of their car. It's him and his church buddies on a Saturday all getting together to go on a big bike ride. And I was like, that's awesome. a big bike ride. And I was like, that's awesome. Yeah. You know, like I, I got my, me and my brother got my dad into,
Starting point is 00:13:45 into some movement a couple of years back just by getting him to walk. And then he liked walking a lot and he started to move and feel better. He did a little bit of lifting for a while and he, then he started to feel strong enough to get back on his bike again. He likes that a lot. So he started doing that. Then he encouraged a bunch of people at church to hop on a bike with him so it's like man that's i love seeing that that's awesome and i just thought like when i when i saw that i was like man like what are some ways to kind of get a group together like you know
Starting point is 00:14:15 go do something and maybe even like a hike you know is if you say oh so-and-so's coming it's like that that that that adds to it you know like uncle uncle so-and-so is coming and and aunt so-and-so's coming it's like that that that that adds to it you know like uncle uncle so-and-so is coming and and aunt so-and-so is going to be doing it too and it's like now it starts to sound like well well now you shouldn't miss it you know you should be part of it because it's like a family thing and even if you don't love walking and even if you're thinking man it's going to be hot it's gonna be cold or whatever you're just like i should probably just go i should probably just go do that even Even though I don't want to. Yeah, no, hikes are super fun. I, I, I used to hike a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:50 We didn't get to do many hikes this summer, but, um, that's one thing that I really, really do enjoy doing. And then the cycling thing I didn't really, I haven't really thought of much. I have a buddy, um, he does bodybuilding, but he, uh, he does like a lot of long cycling. Um, and he gets a, there's a, he gets a big group down on Folsom and they do like a hundred mile bike rides or whatever. But that's one thing that I think a lot of people would get into and would actually enjoy because it's fast. It's not, some people find one, it's fun. It really is. You know, some people find walking a little bit too slow and monotonous. So maybe grabbing a group
Starting point is 00:15:20 of people like you're like your dad did and you know, cycling somewhere, which actually that, that'd be really freaking enjoyable. Yeah. And like, you know, cycling somewhere, which actually that, that'd be really freaking enjoyable. Yeah. And like, you know, I, I don't know what they did or whatever, but like, I can just picture my, my dad just being the way he is. They probably went somewhere and got like donuts or bagels. He probably kind of demolished the whole purpose of what they were doing. But regardless, I mean, you get out, you get outside, you get activity. I'm sure you enjoy some good laughs together. You have a fun time and it gives you something to do. And like, hopefully, you know, people enjoy something like that enough. They're saying, hey, let's let's do it again next week. And maybe it doesn't last forever, but maybe it's something that you can get other people to jump in on. I'm not much of a camper. I'm not going to necessarily be hanging out in the woods
Starting point is 00:16:09 and living off the land anytime soon. But at the same time, I'll do stuff for my family. If it's family-oriented, if it's stuff my kids want to do, I'll bite the bullet and just be like, yep, I'm all about it. I'll just go do it. I'll stop being a grumpy little bitch. There's modern camping. Most camping is like you'll have glamping glamping yeah and then you'll have like a building right there that if you guys want to go like cook or whatever it's all right there so it's it's it's fairly safe yeah that's essentially what we were
Starting point is 00:16:39 doing yesterday yeah uh i mean so my parents and my sister have these gigantic trailers. And so, I mean, compared to what we did growing up, you know, like, oh man, like I'm going to have to hold my poop for like four days because I don't want to go take a dump in the porter potty because that thing stinks. And even those these days have gotten like a lot better. Like they actually flush. But yeah, I mean, you have a trailer. So it's like if you do get too hot, like, hey, hey i'm gonna go sit down inside for like five minutes and cool off but uh it it's i don't know i think anybody can easily go camping the way we've been doing it this year it's it's so easy like and then of course you know like the food my mom grills up like some asada or something it's
Starting point is 00:17:21 just you're just like damn this is camping like shit like it's really good yeah yeah we guys just out there for the day or they're still out there they've been out there since friday and so we just went and kind of hung out for the day like went early and it was super close it's only like 45 minutes away yeah so we just went up for the day and came back uh during the night just that way it was just like a quick turnaround don't have to worry about packing too much and just got to do what we wanted to do which is just jump on the water and paddle our faces off yeah i think one thing though like one thing that's really i guess difficult because i noticed it a lot even with um people in my life is just getting them to get outside and get some sun as like as we've been realizing how important it is to actually get yourself outside and get sunlight i've been doing that i've been making it a focus
Starting point is 00:18:10 to do that for myself a lot more but like i think it's something i i read something like you know we spend or most people in the united states spend about 88 percent of their time indoors and the other maybe four or five percent in a car and then the rest of of it's outside. So like if you're getting any sun, it's usually through windows or something like that. You're not really getting much direct sunlight. It is, you know what I mean? And like, as I've been getting more, I've just, I've felt really,
Starting point is 00:18:34 really fricking good this year. You know, not like I've been feeling bad or whatever, but like, I feel really good. So it's just like, how can we get people to just like find the importance of getting sunlight? Cause the effect on sunlight on sleep, let's not go into that, but it's just like how can we get people to just like find the importance of getting sunlight because the effect on sunlight on sleep let's not go into that but it's important yeah you'll you'll never uh regret a 10 minute walk you'll never you'll never be like oh man i shouldn't have gone
Starting point is 00:18:55 i mean unless he got hit by a bus or something right yeah but like for the most part for the most part a 10 minute walk is going to feel maybe a little bit, not like a cup of coffee, but maybe like a cup of tea, you know, it's going to give you a little, a little surge of, of energy. And you know what, look, if it doesn't, then you're sleep deprived. You know, you know that if you hit up that walk and you were supposed to get energized by it, you're supposed to get a little feedback from the sun. Then you can probably say, oh, well, yeah, you know, last night's sleep was shitty or two days ago, the sleep was shitty. And you can probably say, oh, well, yeah, you know, last night's sleep was shitty or two days ago that sleep was shitty. And you can you can make sense of it all. But I think.
Starting point is 00:19:31 It's hard to, like, tear down these walls. You know, we have these these things that we're like hung up on, you know, I myself have a tendency to complain about stuff and I catch myself and I'm like, that's not that's just not that's not helping anything. You know, I might complain about like the heat, you know, but then when it's cold out, I'm like, oh, it's cold. And I'm like, why, why do I even, why do I even bother? Like everybody else can feel it too. Everybody else has the same sense as I have. Uh, it's not like I'm alerting them of something they're unaware of, you know, like everybody, you know, knows it's hot or knows it's cold. And, uh, I think, you know, as humans, it's like, you're knows it's hot or knows it's cold and uh i think you know as humans it's like you're just trying to like relate on something and so sometimes it's easy just to
Starting point is 00:20:10 bitch and moan about stuff um but for people that hate the heat for people that really just they they don't and they don't enjoy being like too warm or too hot you know maybe you just get up a little earlier or try to do your walks either earlier or later. You know, you don't, you can't have it both ways. You can't hate the heat and hate the cold. You can't hate the morning and hate the night. Like you can't have it both. You can't hate everything. You can even Ron Penn of the situation and just do what you hate least.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yes. You know, so maybe you don't really love, you know, walking at nine 30 at night. Maybe you'd rather be in bed, but maybe you like the results of it just a little bit better than, than you, uh, you know, like not doing it or you, um, you maybe hate walking, but you hate having heart disease more. You hate having diabetes more. So you walk and so you move and, um, you know, just try to, what, a way that you can repeat stuff on a daily basis? You know, how can I how can I follow this diet? You know, if you really like if you really love fruit and you always liked fruit and how easy is it going to be for you to follow a diet that's really, really super low in carbohydrates?
Starting point is 00:21:21 Probably you're probably just going to it's probably too hard. It's worth a try, but it's probably going to be too hard. You probably need to make it a little simpler so that it can be repeatable so that you can have what we talk about all the time. We have, we talk about control a lot. And then if you have some control over each and every day, some control of your disciplines, you'll end up getting a little momentum and you'll end up with something called consistency, which if we can maintain some sort of consistency, now we can start to see some results from that consistency and see if those are results that we want to get. Yeah. You know, and I'm just thinking about this actually to play devil's advocate there a little bit, like, because John Berardi was talking about
Starting point is 00:21:59 the same thing where he was like, you know, you want to set something up where it's not, when you're talking about it with whoever you're working with, it's not like something, you know, you want to set something up where it's not when you're talking about it with whoever you're working with. It's not like something, you know, you'll be able to do with a two out of 10. But then there are those people, right, who like maybe they're eating a lot of carbs right now and maybe they give keto a try. It ends up just clicking for them and they love the diet. And if they just did like little incremental things, right, they would have never gotten there. So it's that's that's one thing to think about. Maybe going the absolute opposite direction of what you think works might actually be the best
Starting point is 00:22:29 thing for you. You might actually stick to really well, but. That's a great point. Like if you really have a hard time controlling your eating, maybe fasting is, is a great option. You know, I've, it's helped me a lot. I know that. That's yeah, that's exactly what happened with me too. I would, I used to eat a lot and I thought that fasting was super stupid. And I mentioned to John on the podcast, I said, you know, some methods that I developed that helped me. I talked about, you know, eating before shopping and sometimes eating before going to dinner. So that way I'm not frustrated at dinner or I don't buy stuff that I don't really need when I'm shopping. And then I also talked about how fasting could help me, too.
Starting point is 00:23:08 And he was like, isn't that really interesting? On one hand, you're talking about how eating helps you. And on another hand, you're talking about how not eating helped you as well. So you can develop these strategies through different things. That's why it's important to try different things, give it a shot. And you can be like, man, that sucked. That totally didn't work for me that's okay like as long as you felt you really gave it a real try you know and when we we talk
Starting point is 00:23:32 about trying on here and we talk about diet we're normally talking about you're trying it for a few weeks you know hopefully about a month you got to really you know give something an opportunity to work and it's same thing with supplements you got to give it about four or five weeks, uh, to really be able to really notice anything. Yeah. I like, uh, you know, Ron back to Ron Penna's approach. Um, it would be like, uh, okay. Like I, I hate being hungry. So fasting doesn't work, but like, do you hate being unhealthy and feeling gross more? Like which one do you hate more? Okay. You probably hate feeling and being unhealthy. So let's just try this, you know, fasting thing for a little bit and i i love that because you know ron penn is like yeah i hate training but i hate being out of shape so i'm gonna just deal with
Starting point is 00:24:14 this one yeah it's just i think it's a cool way to look at it yeah i've been hitting up uh my 10 minute walks before training lately uh just to get an extra one in. And I'm like, why not? The weather's super nice right now. It's, this is a perfect time of year out here in Sacramento, especially in the morning time. It's nice and cool. It's kind of a cool breeze out and the weather's just amazing. So I was on this 10 minute walk with Jessica Smith and her dad has lost 130 pounds. He's been kicking ass. He's been doing so good with it. And she was mentioning how he routinely goes back to a keto diet and how he utilized a bunch of different diets to lose weight. And, um, she mentioned, you know, oh yeah, he's been a little off it lately, but he's getting
Starting point is 00:24:56 back to it. I said, you know, every time I see your dad, he unloads everything on me. He tells me everything that he's been up to. He tells me he's been cycling a lot he hops on his bike a lot um and he just he just lets it all go he'll be like man last weekend i totally messed up i ate here i ate there i paid the price for it on the toilet like he tells he tells me too much detail right he tells me everything lets it all go but the cool thing is that he's uh he, he's paying attention. You know, he's, he's just, and John Berardi talked about that, how important that is just to pay attention. So he'll talk about all these mess ups and how he's screwed up all these times, but then he's talking about, you know what, I'm, I'm back on it now. I'm doing better now. And, you know, I started working out again this week. And so he might mess up here and there. He might get off track. He might go on vacation. He might do A, B and C. But look, the guy lost
Starting point is 00:25:49 one hundred and thirty pounds and he still continues to make progress and he still continues to be thoughtful about it. And that's I would love more. I would love to see more people get to that point. Yeah, it's the big thing is like he's done is he's just very aware. You know, that's like John was saying, you know, for a long time, I wasn't even aware about how fast I ate my food. And that's actually that was a big 20 minutes. He said, yeah, right. Yeah. That was one of the big factors in like my what I call my voracious appetite.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I could eat a lot of stuff really, really quickly. Right. I've seen it. You've seen it. Right. So like that's one of the things like that furious peep clip inserted here you eat pussy like that i had to say i had to get it yeah that should be a meme check that out on youtube it's yeah uh yeah it is it is but like
Starting point is 00:26:42 yeah something as simple as just paying attention to how fast you eat i was just just talking to my girlfriend the other day about it. Cause she's like, ever since I got with you, I've been eating so much more food. Right. And she, she's eating less now, but I was like, well, you started eating really fast. She's like, it's cause you eat fast. I told her something when we, when we were first dating. Yeah. When we, when we went to our first breakfast together, right. We got this meal at a, I forgot it was a cafe downtown and she didn't finish her plate i'm like are you are you really not finishing that she's like uh i'm kind of fool i'm like are you an adult that's what i said to her and i didn't realize but she told me later you made me feel so like you made me feel like a kid and i felt like it was a challenge to that
Starting point is 00:27:23 from that point on she ate everything and she's like, I regret that. She had really good habits, which she has now again. But yeah, chicks don't forget stuff like that. Remember that one time on our first date and you made me feel real uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I thought I was just selling a joke, but I shamed her. Yeah. I used the, the 20 minute thing as like a, a hack to try to eat more. So I was like, Nope, I can't, can't slow as like a hack to try to eat more. So I'm just like, nope, I can't slow down because I'm going to start getting full pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:27:49 That's good for you. Yeah, so it's great because one strategy can work, you know, one way for somebody. And the same strategy can be utilized in a different way. You know, professional eaters, they know that if you take too long with your eating, you're not going to be a professional eater. You know, you're not going to be able to get down the amount of food that you need to be really competitive. And so what John Berardi was pointing out was this kind of 20 minute thing. It's going to take you about 20 minutes for the hormones in your body, for your body to kind of catch up to what you're doing for your body to be like, Hey, like, you know, you're eating and you ate a decent amount of food already. You, you know, maybe we should, maybe we should slow things down a little bit. And so, well, I think it's good to be like mindful of your food
Starting point is 00:28:34 and to be paying attention to it. A strategy that worked for me when I was coming down from my heaviest was to, uh, check emails. So like I'd eat some of my food. I have my phone there. I wasn't messing around with my phone in the beginning, but after a few minutes elapsed, once I got a decent amount of the food down, I would start to drink water. I'd start to check my email and check Instagram or fart around on doing something. Just, just kind of consuming a little extra time. And you get to that 20 minute mark and you can ask yourself like, you know, do I have, did I get a quality meal and do I feel good? You know, um, somebody else pointed out in this podcast that, uh, you should be able to get up and go for like an easy, like run. You should
Starting point is 00:29:16 be able to get out and go outside for like a jog. And I'm sure that many of you can identify with this. Probably most of the time you probably can't probably most time you got to unbutton your pants and just like lay down on the couch and and not move and that's probably okay to do that here and there but for the majority of the time you probably just want to fill yourself up to where you're like i'm i'm good yeah you know the the the fact that i've been able to do that right for however long now it's still surprising to me because i used to always eat until not just satiated but just uh like over that like very very there's no more there's not room for anything else there's no more room my stomach is distended and i'd much
Starting point is 00:29:56 rather just sleep right now you know so it's good to have this type of control like i we've talked about this before but it's never you you know, I've never thought that I'd be able to, to have this control over food like I do over everything else. So it's good to have that feeling. It's good to be able to know strategies like the ones we were just talking about to be able to do that. It's powerful. Yeah. We, we talk a lot in this podcast about what to eat. And I think John Berardi did a good idea or a good job explaining how to eat. How do you eat? You mentioned on this podcast previously that you primarily are eating, it sounds like, meat, vegetables, some potatoes, some rice. I think maybe there's some fruit in there, here and there.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Here and there. Not eating a tremendous amount of carbohydrates and things like that sounds like your lifestyle permits you or not permits you but just the way that you have everything worked out right now you you fast a few times a week yeah and you're eating kind of mainly when it sounds like you're mainly eating when you get home uh after doing work here and after doing jujitsu and stuff do you like prep? Do you have a bunch of like leftover food or are you mainly cooking things fresh because of the fact that you're mainly just eating when you get back to home base? Just like last night, I had jujitsu in the morning and then I did a lot of just stuff during the day. So I didn't eat until I got back home around
Starting point is 00:31:19 7.30 p.m. So last night I had some rice, some ground beef and ground beef, pecan teas, ground beef and carrots. So that was my first meal. I let that sit for a little bit. Then I went on, I grew out two steaks and then I had that with some spinach. And that was pretty, Oh, had some liver too in between that. And that was everything. But I cook all my stuff on the day up because I usually like, it's usually one or two big meals. Yesterday was one big meal. Cause I just, with everything I was doing there today, I was like, I just want to eat one big thing later. And yeah, that's, that's all the stuff I ate. But the thing is that it's a lot of food and it just went down really easily. Like a lot of people struggle with eating at a smaller window. And if you do, you should open up the window. But for me,
Starting point is 00:32:02 that's just how things work. Things just work well for me in that way. And I was going through the whole day feeling great. I wasn't feeling crazy hungry. Like, yeah, maybe my stomach, my stomach would rumble here and there, but now I'm used to that. It's not nothing that's like a trigger where I have to eat food. Um, and just, it works great. If you're, if you're trying some of the stuff that we're mentioning on this show and you're, you keep like screwing up and you're like, man, I just can't, I can't follow it. Um, don't say that you can't do it. Just realize it might take you some time to be able to do it. These are all things that like we worked our way up to.
Starting point is 00:32:34 This is all like, it's taken a long time to be able to get here. Um, and SEMA has been bodybuilding and powerlifting and, uh, eating a healthy diet and paying attention to your food for how long? Oh, well, I've been doing that since I was like, in terms of like really getting an idea of what I should do in terms of my food. Maybe I was like 21. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:58 2021. Um, so the last five, six, seven years. Yeah. Yeah. But I think like one thing that thing that uh a lot of people do and i've been i've been guilty of this in the past is thinking like whatever protocols that someone does like if i do it that's a hard and fast rule and i've noticed this because i've been getting a lot of dms like i can't fit all my food within four hours and in my the back of my head
Starting point is 00:33:19 i'm like so then just do it six or seven or eight it's it's not like there's no magic to the four hours that i'm eating food or anything. If you want to spread it into like an eight hour period, spread into an eight hour period, that's perfectly okay. So with all the things we're saying, like even when like sometimes we talk about carnivore and we talk about like
Starting point is 00:33:36 not eating vegetables, you can add in some vegetables. We've mentioned that multiple times. It's like, unless you have some real issues with being able to digest that stuff, there should be no reason you can't add that into your diet. You're not going to gain some fat or anything. Um, so it's just figuring out a way to like, you could still utilize fasting, but you don't have to do a 24. You could do a 16, eight you, and you could even do a, a, what a 14, 10.
Starting point is 00:33:59 If you want to start off that way, there's just, I think that there is a benefit in having a window of food or window of time when you're just not eating. I was listening to something from, you know, Rhonda Patrick, right? Rhonda Patrick and just like a bunch of other individuals who've done a lot of research into fasting and have studied the research of fasting. It's just, has just found that one of the indicators of like longevity in the long run. And I, and I know that they've done this on like rats and other stuff, but it's just having periods where these rodents just don't eat. And even when like they would, I think the rodents would, they would fast, right?
Starting point is 00:34:35 And then eat on another day. And then versus the rodents who would eat all the time, they would still eat, the ones that fasted would still eat about 90% of the food that the ones that didn't fast ate, but they'd live about 15% longer. So like, I think they're eating a little less just because they're not yet eating a less overall food and just eating a little bit less frequently. There's something to that too. So I do think that there is a benefit in that.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Um, but you don't have to take it to the extent where you, you, you don't have to do a 24 hour or 48 unless you, you want to try that out. Yeah. There's no, I'm just trying to say in this make it fit your lifestyle there's no hard and fast rules here to to do what i do or to do what you do some people have even referred to it as intermittent eating you know you can kind of look at it whatever way you want but if you've been spending a long time you've been spending a lot of time every single day thinking about where you're going to eat, what you're going to eat. How many of you have just finished lunch and said, what are we having for dinner? Or like you meet someone for breakfast and then you're like, yeah, yeah. What are we doing for dinner? Like, and you're still at breakfast. I mean, how fat is that, right?
Starting point is 00:35:46 You know, our mind is so occupied. So many hours of our day, you talked about how long people spend inside the house. How often is like food in our head during the course of the day? Probably a large portion. And you start to make some rules. Maybe you follow a schedule or follow a clock and say, you know, I'm going to eat every day at 8 a.m., noon, and then 4, and then 7. And you do that every day. Like at least you're now on a schedule.
Starting point is 00:36:17 At least you know when these meals are coming and you can prep for them however way – whatever way you need to. If you know that you're at work, then you need to bring a meal two or three with you. Um, if you know that, uh, you know, you know that you're going to be traveling, then you can bring, you know, meals accordingly. If that seems like a huge hassle and doesn't seem like something that you want to mess with, then you can fast and you can kind of do more of what in semen I do, where it's like, I do the same thing that he does i cook when i'm home usually i've been doing this fast food thing for the last seven days and that's been fun that's been you know great to just mix things up i just something i wanted to try and experiment with and
Starting point is 00:36:55 i i wanted to show people are always um people are always saying like oh it's easier for you you got a lot of money and stuff like that. And yeah, money is convenient. Money makes a lot of things really convenient. Um, I can go online and order from wherever I want. Um, a lot of other people have a similar option, but maybe they don't want to do it because it costs too much money. Um, so I, I can do that. I can afford to do that, or I can afford to eat a filet mignon every meal if like if I wanted to so yeah that does sound like appetizing it's like well shit you're able to eat a filet all every day um but I also did all this too when I was broke I didn't I didn't always have money so I know what it's like and I know what it's like to have to buy the 80 20 beef rather than buy the filet mignon like I
Starting point is 00:37:41 lived all that I've been through all that and i would look i would price search you know i would go to the store and i'd look at the ground beef and i'd look at the chicken i'd be like yeah i'd get the frozen fucking chicken thighs even though i didn't really want them i wanted to get the beef and i just sucked it up and then every time i had the beef though it was like holy shit man this is this is a, you know, and I would get tri-tip or something like that. Um, there's, you can bitch and complain and make your situation as hard as you'd like. Uh, or you can start to make some changes and start to try not to make excuses on why you're not doing the things that you feel like you should be doing. And the easiest way to do that is to find stuff that's going to be simple. Like it's not going to really feel easy because it's going to be a change.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So because it's a change, it's not going to feel like it's easy. After a while, when somebody asks you, they say, hey, how was that diet that you did where you lost 30 pounds on a scale of one to 10? You'd be like, it was a four. In the moment of you starting it and in the moment of you like getting to bed on time and the moment of you doing your cardio, you're like, man, this is like a 9.5. I'm going to die. Like you can't handle it. Like you're ready to die. Cause maybe you made multiple changes at once. But when you look back at it, that was chump change, man. That was not hard at all.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah. That's, that's the definition of like all the diets that I've tried in the past. Like even when I first picked up fasting, I think a lot of people, when they first started, they're like, how do these people not eat? It took me like, I guess, two weeks to kind of get kind of used to that. And then I wasn't doing all those 20 hour fasts until way later, you know, I'd stop eating. I mean, I'd start eating around maybe 2 PM, 3 PM every single daym. every single day for a while just because it takes a little bit of time to get used to. So I think you need to just kind of like lean into that resistance and embrace that discomfort for that little bit of time. But don't try to, I'm not one of those people that does too well going too deep too fast. Like if I did try one of those-hour fasts, I would have thought that fasting was stupid too.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Yeah. Like it wouldn't have worked for me. Yeah. When we first met, if I would have said, hey, man, you got to try this, you'd be like, this is so dumb. What am I doing? Yeah. I'm losing all my gains. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Exactly. And that was one of those big fears too, that it would impede. Performance is one of the big things for me. And doing something that would directly impede on my performance in the gym or on the mats is something i would have wanted to do so that's why like when we do this stuff like mark you train fast a lot too right you feeling pretty strong also or do you feel like you're losing strength in the gym when you train fasted or i i feel awesome when i when i train fasted i i would say that um a small meal because i because I've experimented with a bunch of different things, a small meal like having some, like Cole Robinson has mentioned before, like some oranges, just like a little bit of sugar, a little bit of carbohydrates and a small amount of like protein before a workout, maybe with some like salt. I've noticed that, and that could be placebo effect.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I've noticed that I felt a little bit better doing that. Yeah. But fasted, I feel fine. Like I don't feel exponentially weaker. I just felt a little more zip, a little bit more pop when I had that small meal. Do you guys fit on, if you've, have you experienced this, I should say, whenever I train fasted, if we go for like deadlifts or something where I'm really bracing myself, I get super lightheaded and things go dark. I'm just like, oh shit oh shit i gotta take a knee yeah so what i would say with that like i've experienced all that stuff because i went like you know pretty
Starting point is 00:41:11 hardcore on yeah and i would imagine you've done that even just like full belly you know whatever this like i can specifically narrow it down to when i'm fasting yeah something people should know and this is not ever talked about. So training with your stomach really, really full and bracing is actually very dangerous. And this is how hernias can occur. So people need to like pay attention to like, if you're going to jam yourself a lot of food and you still want to train doing biceps, triceps, some overhead presses and things like where you're really not going to be like really pushing the envelope coming in and deadlifting and squatting is probably not a great idea. I have a lot of friends I've had hernias over the years and that is an excellent way to get yourself
Starting point is 00:41:52 a hernia. Um, on the flip side of that, like training fasted, like if you feel that way, then I would just, I would find a way to avoid it honestly. And then maybe you go back and you try it again. Maybe, maybe with some different scenarios. Maybe you try it where your last meal at night is a little bit of carbohydrate or something to see if it's still sitting in your system the next day and you're not feeling kind of – but normally that's like an electrolyte thing. It's not always like just a flat-out food thing. like an electrolyte thing. It's not, it's not always like just a flat out food thing, but having like an orange or something before training or having some type of little bit of fruit might give you the electrolytes that you need. And it tastes delicious. You know, it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:33 it's a nice transport system, uh, for potassium. And then you have, you know, a little bit of water and salt, maybe throw down some of these, uh, perfect keto electrolytes in addition to, uh, maybe like a hard boiled egg or two um and a couple chunks of fruit yeah the the last workout i i started and i could feel that coming on so i'm like damn it so i went and i just made like a intra workout this is after like tony huge and uh trevor had said like oh intra workouts do nothing yeah but i ended up throwing uh some uh like dextrose in it just to get carbs in and yeah that helped me like not feel that way the rest of the workout so
Starting point is 00:43:10 that's when i started thinking like okay like this is like like the final proof that yeah i probably shouldn't be training this way or at least uh you know getting something in my system before the workout like right before let me ask you this Do you know how much water you potentially had before you went into the gym and trained and also like in terms of like electrolytes and stuff? Do you like, I couldn't tell you. Yeah, it would, I mean, it wouldn't be a lot. I just know, uh, I'm not drinking a gallon of water to end the day. And in the morning, the most I'm drinking is a total of like 20 ounces of water because yeah like that what you're talking about has happened to me yeah but i've like every single time it has potentially happened even when i wasn't fasted training was because of dehydration
Starting point is 00:43:56 directly linked to it um and every time i have good training session like sessions i'm always hydrated well you know so like it's i've never had that happen to me when i've been and when i like looked back on it and i've been hydrated so i think that maybe it was the the carbs or maybe it was you drank some water water yeah you were more aware of drinking water too i think a lot of that has to do especially with a lot of lifters too um we kind of neglect water sometimes you know like some people don't carry around a jug of water with them wherever they go yeah i think that's really important because like how easy would it be for me to now be like oh i gotta eat carbs before i work out because of this and that and really it's
Starting point is 00:44:33 just oh shit i just need to drink some salt water and i'll be fine yeah man so i think that's an easy trap to fall into they they do you can do it with carbs and one way to do it without carbs there's a couple ways of doing it without carbs you can do some aminos and the reason why i mentioned aminos is because most of the time those companies are smart enough to put salt and put potassium there's sodium and potassium usually in those products if there's not find find one that has that in there because that's going to help you a lot and then maybe even try like a ketone try something that has some ketones in it that might be something that helps you if you're trying to avoid, if you're trying to avoid the carbohydrates. But I agree a hundred percent with Enzima. It's more likely that it's probably
Starting point is 00:45:13 just hydration. And we can talk all day about sodium and potassium, but if you don't have the water in your system, then you're, and it's going to be, it's going to be kind of tough. And I think that, you know, this time of year gets to be weird. As soon as it gets to be cold out, most of us kind of stop drinking water and you got to really pay attention because you're still going to sweat a lot. Like it's still kind of hot. And I remember when I was playing football many, many years ago, I remember that most of the guys would cramp up around this time of year. As soon as it got a little colder, cause we all stopped drinking as much water. So, you know, make sure you're, make sure you're staying hydrated. Something I wanted to talk about a bunch here is like,
Starting point is 00:45:54 cause as we're mentioning all these different things, I wanted to talk a little bit about consistency and I wanted to, I wanted to kind of map out the way that I see consistency being, because I think maybe people have, uh, an unhealthy relationship to what they feel is consistency, because I think we want to all of a sudden like turn into like Kobe Bryant, or we want to all of a sudden turn into like a Michael Jordan and think that we're going to, um, we're going to show the world like how dedicated and strict and strong we can be. And that's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:46:28 That takes a really long time to turn into like a Jay Cutler or Stan Efferding or some of these people that we admire. So your consistency, it might look really crappy when you first start out, but it's still consistency because it's still happening more often, uh, than it, than it's not happening at this point. So like in terms of, let's say, let's just take working out. Let's say you show up to the gym on a Sunday morning. Cause you don't work weekends. You get a workout in, well, that's, that's your first day, right? That you're now you're in the gym. Uh, Monday,
Starting point is 00:47:06 Tuesday rolls around, you got your normal work schedule, and now you're thinking of all the excuses on why you're not going to be in the gym. You're like, ah, I'll get it in on the weekend. I'll make sure I hit up Saturday, Sunday, something happens on the weekend. Maybe you get, maybe you go to a party. Uh, maybe you're a little hungover. Maybe you don't hit the gym on the weekend. Next weekend. You're like, you know what, dude, like you said that you're going to go to the gym on the weekends, at least get your ass in there on the weekends. The next weekend comes around, you go Saturday, Sunday, Monday, you go through Monday and you go through Tuesday and you're now, you're kind of itching to get into the gym. It's Wednesday. You wake up a little earlier than
Starting point is 00:47:44 normal. Boom. You hit the gym on Wednesday. You wake up a little earlier than normal. Boom, you hit the gym on Wednesday. You like that so much. You're like, I'm doing that again tomorrow. Alarm clock goes off Thursday morning. You're like, no way is that happening? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Shut that shit off. You sleep in, you do your normal work schedule. You tell yourself at work that you're going to go to the gym Thursday night. You don't go. Friday rolls around. You're like, nah, I'm going to go to a party Friday night or I'm going to hang out with my friends after work. I'm not going to bother with the gym. Saturday rolls around. You're back in the gym. Sunday rolls around. Maybe you miss. Monday comes around. Maybe you're like, you get it. Like it's going to look sloppy. It's going to look ugly. You might diet for a day, but at least
Starting point is 00:48:22 you did it for a day. You might diet for a meal or two. Like start to think about, walk yourself through some of these scenarios. What's going to look reasonable for you? Could you eat a no-carb meal? Yeah, you probably could, right? Could you, have you ever eaten a piece of steak a la carte? You ever eaten it by itself, right? Yeah, you could do that. Could you do it twice in a day? Could you maybe challenge yourself and say, I wonder what that would look like if I just did that. I ate those two times a day.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I ate a big old steak twice a day. Maybe you're able to do it for a day. Maybe you're not able to continue to do it the next day. And maybe it's just, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay if it looks jacked up because it's going to take a long time. I never used to really even think about any of this stuff. I used to just like work out because I was, I started when I was a kid and I don't know, just depend on like when the high school gym was open. it would depend on if my brothers would take me. It would depend on how motivated I was to like hit some weights in my basement.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I kind of had them all around me all the time, kind of just became part of everything. But I never even thought about consistency. It was never something I just I just did it. I just went and I and I worked out and I trained. I got some results from it and then yeah it would waver like my willpower my strength would waver some days I wouldn't want to do it and then when it came to nutrition holy shit that was really hard to try to figure out yeah I'm like oh I try this low carb thing and I tried it for like two weeks and I lost a bunch of
Starting point is 00:50:00 weight then I went back to like just eating normal because I didn't know any better and I gained all the weight back. And I was like, well, that diet didn't work. And I was like, well, wait a second. No, it totally worked. It worked when I was following the program. It just didn't work when I didn't follow the program. So things will look ugly. Things will look weird. Things will look a little different. And your version of consistency might not look pretty, but you'll get there. Yeah. Like I was talking to there's a guy working with his name is jacob and recently within the past few months he's always the guy that's always wanted to go and he could go all in on exercise he loves the way he feels but he picked up the habit of like you know a little bit of competitive gaming because he actually really
Starting point is 00:50:38 enjoys it and that's fine right but some other things that he started doing were kind of getting in the way of his exercise. So the thing is, and he would talk to me, he's like, dude, every time I go to the gym, I love it. It's not like I hate it. I love once I start working out, I'm like, oh, I'm here. This feels great. But it's literally just him getting there. He just can't find it to get there. So I heard this. I heard of this rule from a video from this YouTuber named Matt Diavila. He's this guy who loves to do 30-day challenges. So he'll have a 30-day challenge where he drinks a certain amount of water every day.
Starting point is 00:51:09 He just recently had a 30-day challenge where he tries tracking, you know, whose food. But he has a habit for exercise where it's called the two-day rule. And the only thing is, the only thing about this rule is he has a calendar and he just can't let more than two days go by without him going to go work out, whether it be doing some cardio or lifting. And that's worked great for him in terms of keeping his level of fitness up. So with Jake, that's what that's what I started doing. Just like don't let yourself go more than two days without training. So you can train on Monday if you want. If you have to, you don't train Tuesday, Wednesday, but you got back in the gym on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:51:41 And him doing that and setting that up has been the thing that's allowed him to start getting more consistent. Again, he has a calendar up. He'll X the days that he doesn't train and he just can't see three X's. If he sees three X's, he restarts, but he just sets up that rule in that streak. And that's been the thing that's been able to keep him consistent, even though he has that all in type of mentality, because for him with that all in mentality, because he'd always fail, he would just not do it. He's like, if I can't go all-in, then I might as well not do it at all. But now, setting this up, he's like, yeah, now I'm actually getting in there every single day, but I have this kind of, if I have to take two days, that doesn't mean I've failed.
Starting point is 00:52:19 That just means I just got to get in the gym after that next day. He set up that rule for himself, and it's working great. Well, it's awesome about that, too. Cause early on, and I'm pretty sure everybody did this, but like Monday's what national chest day. Of course. Yeah. Thank you. Uh, so, okay. Shit. Monday. I missed it. Dang it. So, okay. I'm not going to get my chest in. Okay. Tuesday is going to be a leg day and it's okay. I got my legs in and then Wednesday, like full body, like, ah, shit, I didn't make it. And then, so like you shit i didn't make it and then so like you you miss all these days and you're like you know what all right i'm just gonna start on monday because
Starting point is 00:52:48 that's chest day i'm gonna start all over it's a really dangerous spot to be because you you know like oh wait i can't i can't do chest on friday because you know that's bicep day because i gotta look good for the weekend uh but when you just say like okay every you know i can't miss more than two days like whatever that day is that, that's just what that day is. It's not like a label where like, you know, oh, wait, today's my cardio day. I don't want to do cardio. I'm going to go back to bed. Like, no, it's so I think that that's that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And I think a lot of people should use that that type of school non schedule. Right. Just just get into the gym every every other day, I guess. Yeah. schedule right like just just get into the gym every every other day i guess yeah if it works for you if you can set something up where you're just getting in consistently you can build off that because right now currently even though we have that rule set up he's gone every single day but in the back of his head because if he doesn't go one day that doesn't mean it's failure he's not going to be more consistent you know um for me like my, my rule for myself is I need
Starting point is 00:53:46 to get in some type of exercise every day. Exercise for me is either working out in the gym or going to jujitsu. Some days it's doing both. So, but that like, obviously I've built up to that, but that's like, that's what it is for me. That's my rule. I got to do one or the other. And if I do that, then I feel good. Cause I just feel good doing some type of exercise. You're pretty dedicated to the gym. So maybe you're a little free with the gym. But I would imagine that you have like a window. You have like a lifting window.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Like what's your lifting window? And do you set it up like a day or two in advance? Do you know approximately what time you're going to work out? I usually because like, yeah, I usually try and train here. But if I can't train here, then I'll have to train at Cal fit. And if anything, it might be in the early afternoon or the evening, if it's not on a day that I do jujitsu. But in your head the day before you're probably like, I'm probably going to do that. Like it might, it's maybe it's not like a half to, but, but there is importance of it, but you can also audible in case you get caught up with work or
Starting point is 00:54:44 doing something that you feel maybe more urgent. I know where I'm typically going to end up on a day-to-day basis. And I know like if the next day is going to be really, really busy, I kind of know, okay, this is where I'm probably going to end up. I'm probably going to end up only doing jujitsu tomorrow. And then maybe the next day I'll go to Cal fit and do jujitsu or something like that. And the cool thing about jujitsu is that there's a schedule. And so it's like, And the cool thing about jujitsu is that there's a schedule. And so it's like that's always set. Yeah, it's always set.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Right. So a lot of people just need to make a schedule for themselves to this day and age. You know, we're we're very, very fortunate to be able to like just kind of work remotely. And we're very fortunate to like not have a schedule all the time. Even people that have like, quote unquote, nine to five, sometimes they don't always have to be in the office. And so like not having a schedule is like kind of the kiss of death. You know, you're thinking, man, this is going to be great. A lot of people think it's going to be great when they work for themselves.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Like this is going to be awesome. But working for yourself just basically means that you're probably going to work 24 seven and you're probably not going to ever have a day off. You're going to always be attached to the business. There's no holidays. There's no vacations. There's no like you're literally working kind of all the time. Now, you do get to set your times up to where you're away from it.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And you can there's a lot of great things that you can do once you like gain control, once you start heading in the right direction. But I think for a lot of people, just setting a schedule would be really, really important. I mentioned setting a schedule with your food as ridiculous as it sounds. If you said I'm eating at three and eating at seven and you just did that every day, like that would be a great start. If it feels like you can't follow it, maybe throw in another meal, um, do whatever it is that you feel you can make work. And then same thing with your lifting, throw out of time, just be like, I'm going to, you know, and, and if that's hard for you, then, uh, invite somebody else in, you know, invite someone else in, invite in like an old friend and say, man, I train every
Starting point is 00:56:34 morning at 7am and just then now you have to be there cause they're going to be there and it's going to drive you crazy, but it will help with your consistency. Put you on the hook. You guys ever, I mean, I know, Mark, you definitely haven't because you do a lot of notes and stuff, but you're not into apps or any little like hacks type things like that. But in SEMA, have you ever worked with anybody and used a habit tracker? I actually, y'all know how I like games and stuff. So I use something called habitica i actually personally use habitica have you ever heard of it no is it an app habitica is like a uh it's like a little um habit mmo of course it would be dang it
Starting point is 00:57:20 yeah it's like it's like a habit MMO. So you can put in certain habits that you're trying to build in to you, right? I see where this is going and I like it. Yeah. Okay. And then you'll have your daily habits that you want to have. You'll have weekly or things that you're just trying to do or whatever in general. And every day day you know
Starting point is 00:57:45 it'll pop up it'll have you check off what you've done and what you haven't well if you didn't do certain things your character loses health it can de-level um you could lose levels and like it doesn't work well but if you do what you need to do then your character grows in xp and levels you could fight more bosses and shit like that it's pretty hey yo i like games all right so it's a fun way of habit tracking but if we're on this topic andrew if you can find it there's this other habit um tracker that actually a lot of people swear by i'm not doing it because i ain't trying to lose money but it's a website where you'll put in what you're trying to do right if you don't do it automatically it'll take five dollars to check your account yeah betting on
Starting point is 00:58:29 yourself yeah you like and you can have it to take any certain amount of money i heard of a person that um they were trying to finish writing a book and literally i think they put in like every single time that they they didn't you know write a certain amount of pages or actually sit down and do it, they would that that thing would take away 100 bucks from them each time. Right. And then they ended up, boom, finishing it. Right. So like for some people, they just need to like they need that extra oomph or extra push to to help them to set and actually work towards these habit goals. I think a lot of those habit trackers can be Habitica. So those habit trackers can be pretty beneficial for people. But yeah, man, Habitica is pretty dope.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I dig it. I like the idea for sure. The one that you're talking about, I think what it is is like I have you as my accountability partner and I'm like, okay, make sure I go to the gym five days a week. If I don't, here's $100 to donate to whatever charity or whatever it is. And so there's actually money on the line, but it's not like a, like a weird thing where like you and I are just betting. It's actually, it goes to a good cause, but yeah, that, that is definitely taking it to the next level. This looks cool. Amen. I think, think about like a, you know, habit, right. And then, um, a bad habit can sometimes, or, or any habit, it can you know, habit, right? And then a bad habit can sometimes,
Starting point is 00:59:46 or any habit, it can turn into an addiction, right? And when you have an addiction, they have you go through a 12-step process. One of the parts of the 12-step process is to have like a sponsor. You got someone that's going to hold you accountable. In this case, like with fitness, it could be a coach. It could be a lifting partner. It could be an app. It doesn't really matter, you know, what you use. It just matters that you have something because otherwise you're going to be out there in this world by yourself and you're probably going to be getting demolished if you're having a hard time with fitness and with diet. Yeah. Us millennials and our apps, but Hey, you know, like know like certain yeah having certain things for people
Starting point is 01:00:26 to keep you accountable is super powerful and super necessary like at jujitsu it's not it's not something i think about i enjoy jujitsu so much but there is probably an element of i there have been times where i haven't gone i've gone back in and people are like yo where you been why what happened something you good bro like yeah i'm good like oh we're so yeah are we uh not showing up on monday and wednesday anymore yeah and yeah no i fuck with you right fuck with you and i do that with people like i do that with people too like there's this guy tim and he's like he's that guy that i wanted like i need to get our my training in because he's uh he's like 6'2 260 he's strong i keep telling him to come and train here he's
Starting point is 01:01:03 strong as hell but there was a little period i wonder if i i wonder if i met this guy you may have met him man because he's like a bald white dude yeah he's yeah he's pretty big i met him at like in this parking lot he was like here for some reason i don't know why he might have been buying equipment yeah he might have been buying something or whatever and i ran into him and he said oh yeah i do and he said that he trains at your place and i was like that guy's big you met him you met him that's tim yeah and there's a little period where he wasn't coming for like a week or a week and a half and it was because of some chick and we were like we were getting on him like tim you can't let these girls get you out of jujitsu bro you know so there is this there is
Starting point is 01:01:36 that personal accountability because people do expect to see you there just like if like if i'd never trained here at all i'd get some shit shit from people. Like, are you not training in SEMA? What's going on? So it's good to have that. It's really good to have that. I love it. We're going to stop for today and maybe we'll do another podcast. We'll talk about that, see what else we got going on.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You got something else, Andrew? Yeah, our boy Dylan. Remember we gave him a birthday shout out. He checked in, he's saying what's up and he's saying thank you for that. Uh, that awesome video you made. Oh, cool. He's, uh, checking in on the podcast. Yeah. Yeah. He's on the live stream right now. So Dylan's, uh, Dylan's wife slid into my DM. Dylan, you gotta, you gotta get a tighter leash on this lady. You know what I mean? she slid into the dm and she was
Starting point is 01:02:25 so sweet and she was so relentless she sent me messages every day of her asking me to say happy birthday to her husband he's like she's like you don't understand he's such a huge fan he's always listening to your stuff and she just wouldn't give up on it and i said okay i said finally once she sent like a second video third video or whatever i, I was like, just remind me. And then so that's why she started doing it every day. Like, just remind me as it gets closer. I'll make sure I do it. So I just shot something in the gym for him saying happy birthday. So, you know.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yeah, that was pretty cool. I was just like, man, I was like, this wife is like my wife. I'm like, I dig this. This is really cool. It's like she's all in. She's trying to get her man like something cool that he'll really appreciate. So he just said, yeah, she can be pretty persistent i was like yeah dude we loved it it was cool yeah and then just uh everybody just um if you guys want to support us support those that support
Starting point is 01:03:15 us by checking out the sponsors um everything is in the youtube description and in the itunes show notes and wherever the hell else you're listening to this podcast right now strength is never weakness weakness never strength catch y'all later

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