Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 255 - Charlie Rocket Jabaley

Episode Date: September 26, 2019

Charlie “Rocket” Jabaley is a Nike athlete, motivational speaker, official Iron Man, former music mogul and manager of 2Chainz. Charlie Rocket has lost over 130lbs and successfully rode his bike a...cross America and completed 3 marathons, all part of his Dream Machine Tour. Charlie has been integral in several extremely successful businesses and has now turned his mission from making millions, to transforming the lives of millions. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In SEMA, I know that you don't work out very hard. Nope. Because it's pretty much just all genetics. You get a lot of questions about genetics, is that right? All the time. All the time. I wonder, you know, what the importance of, you know, some of our food would be genetically, like say for, you know, cows, for example.
Starting point is 00:00:17 You know, I think the genetics of our food is pretty damn important. Like, you know, Piedmontese is all natural, all all natty with no added hormones or steroids and not even trend i don't know they're these things are pretty lean uh yeah but i mean they're cut to have them tested personally i think we should we should but their cuts of beef are from the sandhills region nebraska and contain significantly less fat and higher protein content than other beef that you might find at the store. This comes from genetics, the breed of the cow and not relying on the extra intramuscular fat and marbling.
Starting point is 00:00:53 In other words, you get the best protein to fat ratio from the best cows in the country, from the best beef for maximum gains. I love it. You're able to still eat your meat, but you don't have to worry about the extra fat calories. Works out great for anybody that is looking to be jacked and tan like us. Like us.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Andrew, where can they find out more information about Piedmontese beef? Well, as awesome as high-protein, low-fat beef sounds, our friends at Piedmontese are going to give you a more awesomer-ist deal by heading over to That's enter promo code power project and that's going to get you a whopping 25 off your order along with free two-day shipping on all orders of 99 and above you know the gym over here has been pretty hot you know but i'm not wearing like a whole lot of clothes and sometimes i'm able to take my shirt off right
Starting point is 00:01:42 but with what you're doing with jujitsu you're're all bundled up. Yeah. Right. You're like you're in a gi and stuff. Right. I mean, you must sweat out a lot. Yeah. Jujitsu on its own is a it's a very, very sweaty martial art. Right. You're wearing the gi. It's it's a heavy, heavy thing. So afterwards, you're typically drenched in the gis drenched. But then on a hot day, you're sweating even more. You're losing even more like water, electrolytes, et cetera. It just gets bad, really bad. And we've been learning a lot in this podcast about the importance and from guys like Stan Efferty, the importance of sodium. We know we need a lot of sodium.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Are you taking in a lot of sodium and you're finding ways to take in a lot of potassium? Like I think you're a fan of like coconut water and stuff like that too, right? Yeah, a lot of coconut water. I salt the hell out of a lot of my foods. I take some electrolyte supplements, but I add a lot of that because if I don't, I'm going to cramp up really, really bad. I'm just going to feel horrible when performing. Well, Perfect Keto has a great way of doing it too, where you don't have to necessarily buy coconut water that might cost eight bucks or 10 bucks a pop. You can actually just supplement it with some capsules and they have calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium all in one capsule, which I think is a brilliant
Starting point is 00:02:50 idea. So maybe, you know, after your jujitsu practice or on your way from lifting to jujitsu, maybe pop three or four of these capsules on your way to jujitsu practice and maybe get a little extra, you know, feel a little extra hydrated for those workouts. Yeah, that seems like a great idea. Hydration is a huge thing. I highly recommend that you guys check out these Perfect Keto electrolytes. Andrew, how can people find out more information about this? All right. Everyone can stay hydrated and in ketosis by going to slash powerproject. Use code powerproject and get 15% off all Perfect Keto products. One thing I forgot to add is that when you're on a ketogenic diet,
Starting point is 00:03:29 when you're on a low-carbohydrate diet, that is very hard to stay hydrated. So check these products out. You're going to enjoy them, I'm sure. I like those sandals you got going on there. I'll get you a pair. They look pretty slick. What size? 12.
Starting point is 00:03:46 12. Done oh done deal now you can put those special things inside of them what color do you like you want pink lime green black just go go go for it you know just pick something crazy i think you need i think you need the pink so that way yeah like when i'm rocking them and people are like, dude, what's up with those loud ass? Exactly. They're from Charlie Rocket, bro. Take it up with him. Checks over stripes. That's what I like.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Jesus Christ. Did you figure out how to start all that stuff up over there, Andrew, or is it all screwed up? No, no, we're good to go. You got it started? Yeah, the crank actually almost worked this time. Man, we've had so many technical difficulties over here. We had this crank in here that we had to turn. He tried to turn it, then he broke it.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yep. Yeah, I wasn't strong enough to turn it and then he was too strong. Too much keto protein. Yeah. That stuff will get you. What's a crank? I don't know. It's a podcast crank. You've never seen one? I've done a few studios in my life you. What's a crank? I don't know. It's a podcast crank. Yeah. We've never seen one. I've done a few studios in my life, but what's a crank? Well, see, we have like a, it's like an older type of setup.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So you have to manually crank. Reel to reel? Yeah. It's like tape? Yeah. Yeah. So there's a big. You gotta be crazy strong.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah. And I wasn't strong enough, but then when Nsema came along, he was too strong. So he broke the crank. Broke the handle. So it's always – And then there's only one guy that can fix it, and he's always busy. We tried to call him. Have you gotten a hold of him, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:05:12 We're on the wait list still. Yeah. We're talking to the other guy about the other guy getting in contact with him, and then he's supposed to ship us the handle for the crank. And then there's another guy that says he can fix it, but he can't get his work visa yet. Yep. I know, right? Are y'all pulling my leg? Did y'all just fictitiously make up an entire book?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Maybe. Yes, that was completely made up. I am not that gullible. I will not go for this nonsense. Can't confirm nor deny. You're luckier than me. Because that was no sense, literally. Charlie Rocket or just Charlie? Because your name's Charlie on Instagram. go for this can't confirm nor deny you're luckier because that was no sense literally charlie rocket
Starting point is 00:05:45 or just charlie because your name's charlie on instagram i mean what do we call you ceo charlie is what they used to call me mr malibu now aka's for days we'll just keep going with the name who's got more aka's you or method man me oh okay um i used to be called cadillac chuck aka ceo charlie aka charlie rocket aka uh mr manhattan beach formerly now it's mr malibu aka knickknack paddywhack chucky had a cadillac okay there's i come from hip-hop we do more names in the south than they do in the north so got it probably a lot of the names you can't even say on the show probably inappropriate I come from hip hop. We do more names in the South than they do in the North. Got it. Probably a lot of the names you can't even say on the show. Probably inappropriate, right?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Actually, no. I keep it PG. How'd you get Charlie on Instagram? You're just Charlie. Quantum. Quantum. So, like, I had a realization in my dream. I didn't choose this, but I woke up one morning and I called my mom and I said I had a dream that I'm gonna be the president in 2042 she said don't do it I said I'm
Starting point is 00:06:54 not choosing this this is just what came to me and and I saw the yard sign and the yard sign was like Charlie and I was like I'm gonna run on a first name basis i'm not even gonna ever say my last name sorry ma like i know that's our last name but i just want to be the charlie for the world kind of like how oprah is you know just charlie and a week later i get a dm from this lady who says oh my god i've been following you ever since your music industry days. Because I took a one year break from Instagram to change my life. I was like, I can't consume anybody else's life anymore. I need to fix my life.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So when I got back on Instagram, I was a completely different person. And this lady, she DMs me and she said, I've been following you. Oh my God, you've inspired me so much. I work at Instagram and I'm not supposed to do this but there's a name that's deactivated and I want to give it to you as a gift and I said what is it she said Charlie I said get out of here like I never would have I thought like Charlie Sheen or Charlie Puth I thought somebody probably had it and I said are you kidding me she said no I want to give it to you. And I called my mom and I said, that first name basis thing might be real.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Like, I am the Charlie on the number one social media platform. Like, I'm the only one with the name. And I just sometimes put things out there and they come back. I wasn't expecting it. There's no underscore. There's no dot. There's no nothing. Just Charlie. Damn, bro. How'd you do it? I just. There's no dot. There's no nothing. Just Charlie. Damn, bro.
Starting point is 00:08:26 How'd you do it? I just. You made it happen. You forced it to happen. I just put it in the universe and it came back. Does that happen to you often? Oh, my God. I mean, the whole Nike athlete thing.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I mean, I'm not supposed to be a Nike athlete. Like, it was a very unrealistic. I would write in my quantum possibilities notebook every day. I'm going to be a Nike athlete like it was a very unrealistic I would write in my quantum possibilities notebook every day I'm gonna be a Nike athlete I'm gonna be in a commercial with LeBron James and Serena Williams very specific unrealistic dream and all my friends they would look at me like I'm crazy like Charlie like come back down to earth I said nothing I've done my whole life has been realistic don't tell me to start being realistic now. And I mean, I was in a commercial with LeBron James and Serena Williams. We just won an Emmy a few days ago for the commercial. And Nike even named the commercial after me. It's called Dream Crazy. That's my catchphrase. And I was in it and, you know, they named it after me. And
Starting point is 00:09:22 yeah, man, crazy stuff can happen yeah it's it's miraculous why did it why the break by the year break from instagram well i i noticed something in my life with consumption whether it was food people content and i was noticing I began getting sluggish because of what I was consuming. At the time, I was 300 pounds overweight, diagnosed with a brain tumor, and I was using social media a lot. And I was watching the news a lot. This was around the time Trump was running for president. I found myself always being addicted to the news. And I started practicing getting rid of things.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And every time I got rid of something, I received some sort of blessing. So I was like, what else can I get rid of? So I went down this path of, I got rid of television. Then I got rid of social media. Then I got rid of meat and dairy. Then I got rid of my business. Then I got rid of my city. I literally stripped my life all the way down and completely reinvented it. And I said, you know what? I'm going to start from scratch a whole new life. And I'm going to have a blank canvas that I can paint a whole new picture with. And when I got rid of consuming other people's lives i started paying attention to mine you know when i stopped
Starting point is 00:10:47 watching television and stopped being addicted to social media i started becoming addicted to changing my life so it it worked out pretty good addicted to your own story yeah man did you um like now that you're back on social media, do you sometimes catch yourself like maybe spending too much time or care a little too much? Hell yeah. I hate it. I struggle because I have an addictive personality. I pretty much overdo anything in my life. If I'm going to bike, I'm going to bike across America.
Starting point is 00:11:18 You know, if I'm going to run, I'm going to do an Ironman. You know, so I just, I've always been that way. So with social media, I catch myself and I have to, like, if I post something, I'll delete my app just so I don't consume the, because sometimes it's just love I'm getting and that becomes addictive. Like people praising me and that feeds my, you know, ego a little too much. And that is sometimes fun, but I got to move on to the next play that play already happened like if i'm a football player and i made a good play on the field it's like i gotta be
Starting point is 00:11:52 worried about the next play i can't be sitting there watching the replay for 20 minutes or an hour like no what's the next play me watching the praise me watchingCenter Top 10 is not going to help me win the next game. So I delete the app and I just move on and try to control and be responsible with how I use social media. Yeah, it's really hard. Why do you think, I hear a lot of people say, you know what, dude, like, just don't worry about what other people think. That's impossible to do. I don't think anybody's ever been able to actually do that. Why do you think what other people think of us is so important? Like what, even we've talked about it on this podcast before. I'm sure you have a bunch of them in your head right now. It's probably been a few compliments that you've gotten over the years that have stuck.
Starting point is 00:12:44 They're still in your head. You can recall them like as if it was yesterday. now it's probably been a few compliments that you've gotten over the years that have stuck they're still in your head you can recall them like as if it was yesterday and there's probably a few hurtful things too the same way why do you think that is man human nature i don't think well it takes a very special person i remember like two chains actually taught me a lot about this because there was times in his. That's the whole reason why we have him here today. We're trying to get to 2 Chainz. This is our roundabout way of doing it. All right, Tit.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I know you're listening. That's 2 Chainz's other name, Titty Boy. We'll explain that later on in the show. So I actually got to learn a lot from being around him because 2 Chainz, people might look at him as a rapper. I, I, I got to be around one of the most special human beings in my life. I mean, he's a, he's a king. Like I would see, I would see how he would operate.
Starting point is 00:13:37 He never got upset. He would never, he was always balanced. He was almost like a Bruce Lee lee type figure like consistent balanced never on the extremes never super happy never super sad and i would sit there and watch him you know scroll through his instagram for example there was a time where he got shot at in um in san francisco downtown and these you know hispanic guys hopped out of a car with like a really big like handgun like this long and they're shooting at him and his whole security team fled and didn't secure him and as a gangster rapper that's not a good look and i saw the internet kind of attacking two
Starting point is 00:14:20 chains like oh man like you know like he was getting he was getting hurt pretty bad and that can be detrimental to a gangster rapper's career and I would sit there and watch him read all the comments and he would never react nothing ever fazed him it was very like stoic of him and I always noticed that I was like can you look at something straight in its face look at something straight in its face and practice not reacting. And when I get, you know, comments that like urge me to just like, oh, I got to say something to this person. Like, oh, why would you say that to me? I think about I'm like, no, let me practice. Let me let me lift this weight a little bit and get a little bit stronger. I'm going to look at straight in his face and I'm going to say, you know what? This person who's saying this is just doing the best they can i take i take something that's really big
Starting point is 00:15:09 you know that's that makes me want to react and i shrink it down in my mind to like the size of a piece of rice kind of like this weight right here like i'll take this big heavy weight and in my mind i'll make it really really small and then i'll just flick it and i'll say to myself this person's just doing the best they can they don't know what they're doing and i look at that person as a child you can't be mad at a seven-year-old you it's impossible it's like he doesn't know any better so that's what i take a grown person make them into a seven-year-old i take the problem take it down to a little piece of rice and I just flick it and then I'm free yeah there's a saying it says no job is ever too big when it's broken down into smaller pieces mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:15:54 you know that's Henry Ford mmm and I think if you if you think about looking at things that way you can really simplify stuff and then once you can simplify things you might be able to grab a hold of some things that might be things that can be repeatable for you, things that you can actually practice. I know this journey of weight loss has been going on for a long time. I think it's still something that you struggle with from time to time. Sometimes go up and wait, down and wait, right? Yes. How did that get kicked off? Like, where did that start?
Starting point is 00:16:26 And were you just, were you unhappy? Were you, you know, you were overweight and probably just upset with yourself and wanted to make a change? Yeah, man. So it's been something I've dealt with my whole life. With me and exercise, really interesting relationship. Because as a kid, I played basketball probably more than anybody ever like as a kid like I overdo everything so I became and there's some cool stuff if you look it up on YouTube like if you type in things like and nobody knows this because I don't really talk
Starting point is 00:17:02 about it I'm just gonna tell y'all because I got a big journey coming up with the NBA. But if you type into YouTube, Bankroll Fresh wins $30,000 betting on white boy. At my studio in Atlanta, Georgia, I built my dream studio. It was the biggest studio in Atlanta. And I built a full court basketball court. And I would love shooting basketball because when I was young, even though I was overweight, I played basketball more than anybody. Yeah, so fast forward to like four minutes in this video.
Starting point is 00:17:36 The fat kid with the sick jumper, right? Because I couldn't do anything else. If I can't do anything else, then what am I going to do? I'm going to shoot all day, So I'm getting more reps in. So what you're seeing in this video right here is all my artists and producers betting on me against this guy. This is all the money they're winning. They won about $30,000 this night.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So this guy here that you see, he's going around side betting everybody, and there I am. And we shoot shots. So these might have been $1,000 shots, for example. And he plays for the Atlanta Falcons, and he was a really good shooter, but he lost about $30,000 this night. And he just missed,
Starting point is 00:18:14 so you'll see everybody picking up their money. So there was an entire gambling ring. Oh, no, they brought NBA players to me. I took O.J. Mayo for000 oh my god so this this is what my life used to look like and um yeah so you could stop you could stop the video it just goes on this is some hood dvd like like I don't know who filmed this, but it was just, this happened every single day. I love the, like, shiny graphic across the middle. The Windows Movie Maker Pro graphics. It's so distracting, but it's so good.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So he's having to go into his wallet now because he's pulling out his last little bit. Dang, man. So, yeah, I've got a big basketball journey coming up with the NBA. So you're doing all this stuff. You got these great people around you. Sounds like you were making a lot of money. Yeah. But you still were unhappy.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Oh, my God. I mean, there's only really one thing I wanted in my life, and that was to know what it was like to be fit. I mean, when you love sports. Like, I'm an athlete at heart. You think, have you ever got that? No. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I mean, I'm still 40 pounds overweight. And I've biked across America. I've done Ironmans. I've done, I've pretty much. Even after all the people telling you how great you look and all this, you know. Oh, yeah. But which was a blessing because I went in super dark place. But it forced me.
Starting point is 00:19:40 See, the blessings come from the lessons. And me self-sabotaging about looks, which is going to sound stupid to other people because they're like, ah, Charlie, you look great. It forced me to learn what self-love was. And I never knew what it meant. You hear girls talk about that stuff. But not like every day I'm waking up and I'm fixated on you know that I'm not at my goal like Charlie man you're more than that like you got to be thinking about something bigger in life you need to learn to appreciate this and my problems are actually a massive blessing because
Starting point is 00:20:16 me being perfect ain't helping nobody because seven out of 10 people in America, they're overweight or obese. They need somebody who's a voice. So when I started realizing that my problems are actually helping people. And that's how I became a Nike athlete. When I looked at Nike, like, oh, all their athletes are perfect. Me as a marketer, like at the core, I'm a marketer. Like I love business. So I'm looking at Nike and I'm like, they've completely missed something. All their athletes are perfect. They need a common man athlete. They need somebody who could be the voice, the people's champ. So I made a fan made
Starting point is 00:20:57 Nike commercial that they should have made. I just made a form and I put it out and it was called My Story Isn't Over Yet. And I told my life story and I put it out and it was called My Story Isn't Over Yet. And I told my life story and I put it out and in three days got a million views and Nike calls me. And that commercial right there that we're watching, that commercial ended up changing the entire direction of Nike, which led to the Colin Kaepernick commercial, which was all about athletes who have problems, who have crazy dreams, like I had. They titled it after me. So Dream Crazy is kind of like my Livestrong, like Lance Armstrong had Livestrong. I created Dream Crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And that's what they titled the Colin Kaepernick film that won an Emmy. And I said, you know what? The fact I have issues, the fact I'm willing to be honest about my issues are changing more lives than me having a six pack. And I'll probably get a six pack one day. But God had a vision. He said, no, we got to change some lives before you get perfect. You're about to I'm about to ring you through a set of challenges because you're one of my chosen ones who talk to people about their problems. So he's just made it difficult for me my whole life just so I could help people. This commercial looks crazy. How much did it cost and who paid for it?
Starting point is 00:22:17 You want another quantum story? For sure. for sure all right so i moved to la and i needed a cameraman in atlanta in the music industry i can have my pickings of like young people who want to like you know work for me me walking away from the music industry and not having like oh yeah you're gonna be shooting for two chains like you're gonna be shooting for me and my weight loss story. No pickings. And I didn't know anybody in L.A. other than like some like television producer people. So I'm calling them saying, OK, I have, you know, this story. I want to tell my story. I'm looking for a videographer. And they're like, all right, Charlie, be a little bit more specific. What do you need? I said, well, I need somebody who can said well i need somebody who can shoot i need somebody
Starting point is 00:23:06 who can edit i need somebody who has equipment i need somebody who's good at scoring and music and can mix the audio and oh i need somebody who can color grade too he said charlie that's gonna cost fifty thousand dollars i said for an instagram video they're like yeah i said no no no i know it's possible like in atlanta i can find these people all the time. They're like, this ain't Atlanta. This is Hollywood. Those people are working for studios and that's five different people. Nobody in this city has all of those things in one person. Editors, edit. Shooters, shoot. You know, DPs, you know. So I was like, don't tell me it's not possible. Nothing I've done in my life has been realistic. I know this is possible. After a couple of weeks, I started getting frustrated.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Everybody's telling me I'm crazy. I got upset and I sat down one morning and I wrote in my quantum possibilities notebook this sentence. I'm sitting on my couch and I said, today is the day I search and found my videographer slash editor. It's done. It's easy. That's what I wrote down. And in my quantum possibilities notebook, I always say these words. It's already done. Time hasn't caught up yet. Already done. Time hasn't caught up yet. Two hours later, I'm sitting in my living room.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And at the time, I'm living with a roommate. I had just walked away from the music industry. I was conserving money. Roommate walks in the front door. And he's the most boring person in the history of the world. He works for a health food company in the accounting department at some, like, not Medterra, some health food company and behind him walks this guy holding a camera i look at morgan i'm like what are you doing with a cameraman he said i just got a phone call and they wanted to come over and and film your car
Starting point is 00:25:01 i'm like okay so i look at the cameraman and he was holding like a steady camera and i said you do videos and he was like a california northern california like dude it's a skateboard dude like long hair like in front of his eyes so you do videos he's like yeah you know i do videos i said tell me about it he said well i don't really like know how to make money like doing this i just kind of like do it when people call me i was like can i see some of your work he said yeah use my website so i'm pulling it up and boom i said there was this like short film and i was like okay i like telling stories so if he made a good short film he knows storytelling so I click on it and I'm like oh this is good
Starting point is 00:25:47 I said did you shoot this he said yeah I shot it I said who edited it he said well I edited it it took me a couple days I said this scoring on the audio and the music and the background
Starting point is 00:26:03 is amazing who did this he said well i used to be in the rock band we were on the warp tour so i do music i said this voiceover has amazing audio like i'm an audio guy so i like no mixing and mastering like quality i said who mixed and mastered this audio well I'm an audio engineer too. I'm like, is that your camera that you're holding? He said, yeah, I have like four different cameras. I said, who color graded this? He said, well, I taught myself Da Vinci on YouTube. I'm like, this guy is literally everything. I said, do you have a job? He said, no, I need one. I applied for a digital filer at Hulu, and he said he got denied. And I said, I'll hire you.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I literally wrote this down in my notebook two hours earlier that today is the day I search and found my videographer and editor. He walked in my front door and we sit down at the counter and had some like impossible burgers. And he says, so what do you want to film? I said, I'm going to be a Nike athlete. He said, how are you going to do that? I said, we're going to make a fan made Nike commercial. I have got this story. I've never told anybody, but we're going to make a fan made Nike commercial Because Nike needs a common man athlete And we're going to make that commercial And it's going to be called
Starting point is 00:27:29 My story isn't over yet And at the end we're going to put insert Nike logo here He said Okay let's try it And we spent So I paid him $3,000 a month as my cameraman And we spent $150 On this video
Starting point is 00:27:44 What we did he took a PVC pipe Now if you play the video from the beginning $30,000 a month as my cameraman. And we spent $150 on this video. What we did, he took a PVC pipe. Now, if you play the video from the beginning, I'll show you what we're talking about. Took a PVC pipe and put a belt around me with a T, you know, at boom, put the belt. So I'm running and there's a 10 foot PVC pipe going behind me. And he's 10 feet behind me holding the camera in the same exact position he's on a skateboard and I'm pulling him as I'm running so the camera is always in the same distance from me and you'll see my feet in the same spot and I'm running throughout LA and he's behind me on the skateboard and all we spent was a PVC pipe and a belt. And he already had the skateboard because he's a skateboard dude.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And that's it. By the way, your calves are jacked. Just saying. Oh, yeah, man. I run my heaviest marathon was at 270 pounds. If you want calf muscles, gain a lot of weight and run a marathon. That's a good strategy. Does your cameraman have a better job now
Starting point is 00:28:45 uh no he's still with me oh he's still hanging with you yeah that's awesome yeah man we rock out you know charlie you've been talking about you mentioned it multiple times the whole quantum like ideas quantum belief yeah writing down your beliefs yeah have you done this throughout your whole career or is this something later on like where did this start from this man habit i'll tell you bro i started experiencing superpowers when i lost weight and i changed my frequency so in my previous life as a manager um i was always one plus one equals two that was business to me if i do this i'll get this and i did that when i walked away from hip-hop and i lost this way and i i moved and i got around high frequency people and i started eating high frequency food i started experiencing magic like things i would think of
Starting point is 00:29:39 somebody they would text me that would happen three four times a week like crazy stuff like the stuff god walks in my front door after i wrote it down i'm experiencing this magic all the time even what happened to get you here today yeah you're like i'm in oakland i'm like oh all right let's do it exactly so even before that i was in merced and then the guy from the nba me up and I said, where are you at? He said, oh, I'm in I'm in Oakland. So I'm like, I'm an hour away. I just happen to have a speaking engagement, this small little community college. So I'm gonna come meet you.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And then I'm in Oakland and then you hit me up and you're an hour away. It's crazy. So, yes, that stuff happens all the time. But that happened when I got off the elevator. Now, if you were to have your cell phone and you were to be on an elevator, what happens to the signal? And that's frequency. There's a waves. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:33 And the elevator blocks the waves. Well, when I was in the business, I was in and I was around negative people and I was eating low frequency food. I was around low frequency people. I'm consuming low frequency stuff is basically blocking these magical quantum powers that we all have. When I got off the elevator, my antenna reached so far, I can connect to anything I want. Like, dude walks in. Boom. I would write down, I'm going to be in a commercial with LeBron James and Serena Williams.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Very specific. I was in a commercial with LeBron James and Serena Williams. Like, this quantum possibility is like, I know I can manifest anything i want if i tune to the station so let's take a radio for example now if we were to go back 200 years or a thousand years whenever and i were to tell you a song can fly through the air you don't hear it until this little box can like pull it out of the air and then it doesn't miss a note you would hang me like a witch like it would be like yeah this is a witch like uh-uh this isn't possible the fact that i can call you from the other side of the world and my my voice can fly
Starting point is 00:31:37 through the air and nobody can hear it until it comes through there and it you can hear my voice through the air how well i don't even understand it. But this is what a wave can carry notes, can carry tone, can carry all this stuff magically. So why can't my dreams, why can't my thoughts? So what I do in the morning is I tune my heart to the radio station. What do I want to receive? It's like if you're listening to a radio, you want to listen to a hip hop station. Boom. You turn the radio on on what do you start hearing when you get to that magical wavelength of something something megahertz you tune to it boom all of a sudden you could hear
Starting point is 00:32:14 so what do I want I tune my heart to it and then boom I'm able to listen to it that's pretty much it you know it's what's crazy though is like if an outside person was looking into your life before you started focusing on losing weight and getting in shape they would think that like you're already a millionaire multi-millionaire working with two chains and other type of other artists and rappers how was that how was that not you know success for you at that time that that was success. But it wasn't magic. It was business. It was mathematics. There's math and then there's art. I like to think what I'm doing right now is art. Like, like art is a little unpredictable, a little bit abstract.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I couldn't have, I could not have mathematically gotten to be a, a Nike athlete. It would have been impossible. I don't play for the Lakers. I don't play a sport. It would have been mathematically impossible. Now in business, that's mathematics. Okay, this is what I'm going to do. I was a cameraman for Soulja Boy because I built a website that I would post, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:22 eight hours of comments a day to build it up. And Soulja Boy calls me. Then Soulja Boy, I become a website that I would post, you know, eight hours of comments a day to build it up. And Soulja Boy calls me, then Soulja Boy, I become a manager. You know, like I just kind of climbed this mathematical staircase to two chains, right? It was a, you know, 10 year process where what I've done in the past year and a half, two years, I couldn't have added this one up. It was one plus one equal to a thousand. You know, it was magic. That's simply what it is. Like the guy walking in my front door
Starting point is 00:33:54 who happened to do all those things, I can't mathematically find him. It wasn't me searching on LinkedIn. I mean, you can't find this guy. Former, you know, rock star who happens to do 10 different things and he doesn't even have a resume. Like, yeah, art. Was exercise part of your life?
Starting point is 00:34:14 I know you mentioned basketball. Yeah. But like, was there a conscious effort? Because I'm sure you recognize like, shit, man, I'm heavier than I want to be. Was there some effort back then? There was never a day i i ran three marathons and gained 40 pounds through that process so i think there's a lot of people out there that are like yourself there's a lot of people that are trying really hard you
Starting point is 00:34:35 know and then they're you know maybe self-sabotaging themselves some one way or another maybe they just maybe genetically also maybe they have a hard time losing some weight. I believe that there could be some truth to some of that. And then each person has to kind of find their own path and find a rhythm on what they really love to do. But what was that time like? Were you super frustrated? Were you just like, man, I don't understand. I can't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You try to eat well. And then what did that look like? Did you drink on the weekend? Did you eat pizza at night or something like that? i've actually never drunk or smoked weed in my life um i kind of knew if i smoked weed i'd probably like end up broke because i overdo everything and that's like an expensive like luxury hobby at that level maybe too much of it from where you grew up and stuff too you probably saw that when you were young and you're like yeah well like my mom is like the coolest like you know stoner from the 70s like she's like awesome she would i would
Starting point is 00:35:31 she'll kill me but you know what it's okay sorry mom so i would be at the studio and our studio was basically just like a weed chimney like you know it's like you could be down the street and be like oh that street is like studios like the big cloud of like weed you know the cops they didn't mind you know they knew we were running a legit business but i would like leave my office which is in the upstairs of our studio and i would walk stairs to like grab a song off of one of the hard drives in one of the studio rooms and i would walk in and i'd be like ma what are you doing here like she's sitting down smoking weed with the rappers i'm like ma she's like i ran out of weed like and i'm like you are officially the coolest mom ever but this is where i work like but she's she's
Starting point is 00:36:21 awesome but i grew up around it and and I don't think weed is bad. I just knew I would probably go broke because I would overdo it. And alcohol, I just never really wanted to mess with my brain too much. I like the way my brain works. And I was just always afraid to mess with it. I was like, I don't want to escape these creative visions I have because I have them all day long. So I don't want to mess with it.
Starting point is 00:36:46 There was nothing I was really trying to escape. But with the health side, losing weight, there was never a day I didn't try. Now, for me, what I kind of learned was my body doesn't lose weight when I'm in fight or flight. I always looked at myself as a warrior businessman and business can be war. Like we're going to grind. We got to win. It's like, boom. And I would always be excited, but my body took it as stress and business is stressful, especially hip hop. But like if my body was thinking it was in fight or flight mode mode it would not lose weight and my appetite would increase and then when i would do all my exercising well charlie like you exercise a lot like when i biked across america for example biking eight hours a day
Starting point is 00:37:35 i'm at a calorie deficit but i gained 15 pounds doing cardio like not lifting weights like my body's packing on fat but it's because my body, and I also have a pituitary brain tumor, so all the hormones are off. So when we're talking about fight or flight and hormones are being released, my body just stores fat when I exercise a lot too much. And at the time, I didn't know how to meditate. I didn't know how to do things like yoga. I'm like, that stuff's for girls. But my body needs to find some sort of balance because I overdo business, stress, exercising, stress. When I was a kid, playing
Starting point is 00:38:20 basketball eight, 10 hours a day was realistic for me on the weekends. Still fat every day. But it's because I was overdoing it and my body just treats it differently. So I'm learning now a more balanced approach. And then back then, were you maybe just overindulging too because you were exercising so much? You were overeating? So it became a very slippery slope of psychology so when you've been on a diet since you were eight years old you start thinking food is bad like it's the enemy what got you on a diet at eight years old you were just heavy then too
Starting point is 00:38:56 i mean i wanted to be a basketball player i love sports so you're conscious of it then oh yeah and so it could really weigh on your mental so you start looking at food like it's bad which is a really bad thing because food gives life so to have a negative association with food is really dangerous because we need it like if you're addicted to a drug you don't exactly need it like you might think you need it for your happiness but it doesn't sustain life i formed a food addiction because i would i would restrict food and when you restrict something then you start wanting it more if you want to like really crave something say you can't have it and then you all of a sudden start craving it more so i'd go through this system of, okay, eat less, eat less, eat less, then catch up and eat a whole
Starting point is 00:39:51 bunch. It's like if I were to ask you to breathe less. Yeah, we could breathe less. Let's take two minutes and like not breathe. What do we do after the two minutes? And that's how I was with food. I was like breathing less and then going. So then it started a binge eating disorder where I would eat 15,000 calories in a night. And I would wake up the next morning. I remember, do you know who Young Dolph is? He's a big rapper from the South. I wanted to sign Young Dolph.
Starting point is 00:40:22 He was a gangster rapper from Memphis. rapper from the south i wanted to sign young dolph he was a gangster rapper from memphis and he wouldn't let anybody in the music industry sign him because he was a real gangster he didn't trust people so he wouldn't let anybody around but i wanted to show him i wasn't afraid i'll drive to memphis i'll sit in like the studio with them with all the gangsters and i'll be like nope i'm gonna make you a superstar and i'll go to Memphis every weekend and I remember one weekend I went to Memphis and I had my button-down shirt and I binged ate that night at the hotel and I ate 15,000 calories at least I remember I woke up the next morning and my skin was bruised I had expanded so much throughout the night that if you just touched my skin, it would hurt anywhere on my body. My whole body expanded.
Starting point is 00:41:09 My button-down shirt, I probably increased like two sizes. I would binge. I'm so lucky like it didn't kill me because my heart would be racing for, I don't know, 12, 13 hours. I did a lot of damage to myself. But then the mindset of it was this. Okay, this is my last time. I'm going to binge. So let me make myself so sick. I'll never want to do it again because this is last time. I want to be in so much pain that it inspires me to never do it. And I would come out of the binge starving myself because you don't want to eat after you
Starting point is 00:41:47 made yourself that sick. So then my blood sugar levels are way down here. And then after a while, the cravings start catching in. But you associate food as being a very bad thing in your life. So if I messed up a little bit, like I can eat like a muffin and be like, oh, I messed up. I was supposed to not eat for the next two days because I'm supposed to do a water fast. And then, oh, I ate a muffin. And now it's like the psychology of I tripped down one step. Let me go ahead and push myself down all the rest. And this went on for years. And this went on while I was training for marathons. So I'm dealing with, you know, a brain tumor problem, hormone problem, over exercising to overcompensate. Like, oh, I ate 15,000 calories. Let me run,
Starting point is 00:42:33 you know, five extra miles on top of the 10 and punish myself. So I'm punishing myself with exercise. It's not high frequency exercise. Every step negative i gotta lose weight i gotta sports should be fun it should be high frequency when y'all are in there lifting the weights earlier it's like everybody's smiling and but when i'm running i'm like oh i gotta lose weight you know like i messed up on my diet i gotta go further so we're talking about low frequency stuff, low frequency eating, low frequency exercise. So no wonder I had so many imbalances and problems with my body. This lady, she said to me the other day, she said, Charlie, like you self-sabotage so your body doesn't perform properly. I said, OK.
Starting point is 00:43:19 She said, when's the last time you thanked your feet? Like, what are you talking about? Thank my feet. So your feet done a lot of great things for you. Did an Ironman in New Zealand last time you thanked your feet? I'm like, what you talking about, thanked my feet? I said, your feet done a lot of great things for you. Did an Ironman in New Zealand, and you never thanked your feet? She said, you're treating your body like a slave. It's doing all this good stuff, and you're like whipping it, saying do more. It never even got a thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:39 So it's like the frequency going through your body is negative because we're made up of water, 70 percent water and water. Like they did a water test where they took two bottles of water. One, they prayed over it and gave it love and wrote love on it. And when it froze, it froze in this beautiful crystallation form. Boom. Then they took this other bottle of water and they wrote hate on it and they played like Hitler's speech. took this other bottle of water and they wrote hate on it and they played like hitler's speech yeah it's a real talk you can look it up and it froze in this like defragmented like ugly form it's like vibrations are real every atomic particle and this is where we get into quantum
Starting point is 00:44:15 physics every atomic particle is 0 zero, one percent matter. This is this part we could feel. I like that. Where's the other stuff? An atomic particle, what every single thing is made up of is energy. 99.9999% wave. Not the physical. So when we're not giving love to ourself, you think your body can perform if it's never felt love? It shuts down. So when I started loving myself, started treating it a
Starting point is 00:44:51 little bit better, saying you're doing the best you can. You know what? These problems are a good thing. They're helping people. Don't be mad about your weight loss. So it's helping somebody. Now I'm giving good frequency. You know, now I'm taking care of myself. I've got a little compassion for myself, and I'm not just whipping it. Do more. Boom. Do more. Go harder. Boom.
Starting point is 00:45:10 No, I'm done with that. I'm done. What about sometimes that might be for you, right? But what about sometimes somebody takes something negative and they run with it? Like, oh, you'll never amount to anything, or you're fat. And they'll be like, oh, I'm fat. You'll see. I like i'm gonna lose weight or whatever i'm really good at that too like i love a chip on my shoulder um and it works it works until it doesn't like i was able to lose 130 pounds but what about the last 40 like it worked right until it didn't so there's there's every
Starting point is 00:45:44 every book has multiple chapters if there was one chapter the whole book that book would suck and maybe uh maybe that motivation is coming it's external right it's like someone else said something they probably don't even realize that they said it to you that way or whatever and you're you're holding on to it and it's something for you to get behind but in your case it sounds like what you're talking about too is that is that you were mad at yourself, which is different. You know, if you're pissed off at yourself, that's different. Yeah. That's a hard thing to carry around. Yeah, man. What's like right now? Because you were talking about like your binge eating problem. Do you still struggle with that right now? Or have you done something that's allowed you to
Starting point is 00:46:20 fix that? Or I guess make it better for yourself? I'll tell you, man, I still struggle with it. So last a week and a half ago, I was in Hawaii and my first time in Hawaii and a friend of mine named Dan Valentine said, Charlie, I've got the mansion in Maui. You could use it whenever you want. I did a speaking engagement for him and he was like, whenever you want the house. I said, you know what? My mom really wants a at least she's never been to hawaii i've never been to hawaii dan can i take her to hawaii he said absolutely this was my first time being in a house that had snacks in four years like i had made sure i got rid of all packaged goods in my life when i'm talking about high frequency food versus low frequency food if something's like in a package and it can sit on the shelf for four years it's like lower frequency versus something that's alive so i just stopped eating like packaged foods as much as possible this house had everything
Starting point is 00:47:15 and all the demons came back and i i binged and i'm like i'm in I'm in Hawaii in this beautiful place. And all those sad memories, all these things that triggered, I gained weight, like like it pushed me to this place where I'm at a luau. And everybody's asking me, Charlie, what's wrong? You just want to end me yesterday. And like you're sitting here like sad, depressed, facedown. And I'm like, all the old feelings of my old life just came back to me because I've been binge eating the past few days on this food and I couldn't make myself stop it's like something took over me and I couldn't stop I could never even get full I don't know how my body found a way to like when it gets in this like ravenous mode it doesn't get full and and and it reminded me of everything. And I looked at my mom and I said, Ma, this is a blessing
Starting point is 00:48:07 because I forgot what it was like to have these feelings. And I needed this. I needed this anchor in my mind so that now when I'm looking at food, I can remind myself, well, what do I want to be sweet? Do I want my life to be sweet or do I want my food to be sweet? And that's what inspired me
Starting point is 00:48:31 to lose the weight in the first place was that memory. What do I want to be sweet? And I got reminded of it. And since then, I've probably lost like 10 pounds. This is a week and a half ago. And I was just like making good decisions ever since then. And like my face has totally changed in the past week and a half. I can show you pictures from Hawaii. Like I was puffy and like bloated and big. And now like I can see definition in my face just because I was reminded of the binge eating. And so I needed that.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I'm glad it happened. But I struggle with it every single day. Do you share that on social media? Do you kind of say like, I feel fat today because I went off the rails last night. Do you tell people that kind of stuff? Yeah, I keep it real with my followers. I don't really use social media the way most do. It's never self-serving to me and usually the truth really
Starting point is 00:49:28 helps people not just me being perfect or not just me being successful like hey I want to in me yeah I'm gonna say that but most of my posts are about giving to others because there's something I'm going through so it's like me being perfect isn't helping anybody because we're all going through something like we don't see that on social media because people don't post it. But I talk about my problems all the time. Tell us about this triangle theory that you have. You were explaining some of this to us in the warehouse and you were mentioning some really, really cool stuff. some really, really cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:03 And I thought, you know, you're like, there's not really people around right now that are trying to make like a Stanford or a Yale or they're not trying to like build a university that's going to last, you know, a couple hundred years. Maybe there's a couple people that are some, there's a couple of mutants out there like Elon Musk building like underground tunnels and stuff in Los Angeles. But touch upon that a little bit
Starting point is 00:50:23 because I really liked what you're saying. Absolutely. Like there's a certain paradigm that exists right now in culture. And we're going to say it's like a triangle. Okay. So if you're watching, you'll see my hands. If you're listening, just imagine holding up two hands and making a triangle with your thumbs and index fingers. And culturally today, the celebrity or the influencer is at the top of the triangle, top of the mountain saying, hey, look at me, follow me. Look at all this cool stuff I do in my life. It will inspire you. Look at me, look at me, look up at me. And they're preaching from the top of the mountain. And I saw that that's the exact opposite way that the most influential people in the world operate.
Starting point is 00:51:12 When we're talking about true influence, the influential people, not the influencers, the influential people of the world flip the paradigm where they're at the bottom and they're lifting everybody else up let's take for example like an ism for example these certain isms will take like stoicism for example like marcus aurelius like he's up in heaven right now saying oh yep stoicism still going like it continued on 2 000 years after he was gone or you take jesus christ for example
Starting point is 00:51:48 with christianity or buddha with buddhism right these are things yes these people were the leaders of it but they're at the bottom of the mountain lifting everybody up and when you flip that paradigm and you've got buddha at the bottom and the ism lifting everybody up, it can grow forever because the triangle can go up and grow up forever. But when you've got the influencer at the top, it can't grow up. It's done. It relies solely on that influencer. And when that influencer dies, it's over. Like, you know, I like Tony Robbins, but when he dies, it's over.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Like, we'll just find the next one. I'm not inspired by that. I'm inspired by these things that can continue on hundreds or thousands of years after I'm gone. Like, I'm vegan, for example. Who started veganism? I don't know, but he's up in heaven, like, yep, still going. Like, Charlie's on a podcast. I'm preaching about this thing i started
Starting point is 00:52:46 you know so it's like that's what i'm inspired by and culturally we got to get up off of us we gotta we gotta preach from the bottom of the mountain lifting other people up and allow that to spread these are ideas like ideas are more powerful than people. Ideas can be adopted by millions of people was a person that planted an idea and the people changed everything. And that's what I'm inspired by. And so I don't really care about my Instagram followers. Like, I don't care how many followers I have. I care about the people that follow me. But I'm more interested in them taking what i'm doing and using it and
Starting point is 00:53:45 them doing the same thing instead of hey look at me that's why i don't do the antics i don't i'm not a circus animal on instagram like when i was young we wanted to see a human being do something like really extreme we went to the circus now look at a youtube like screenshot like thumbnail it's like everybody's a circus animal like jumping through fire like i won't do it like there's the shallow end of the pool and then there's a deep end of the pool i'm trying to be deep so for you like what is the because i know you've got a lot of beneficial stuff that you're sharing with us but like what's the big idea that you're trying to get across that you're trying to have i guess influence upon the people for bro i'm a baby i'm a baby in this game like like i i can't call it 100 i'll probably know when i'm 70 i don't know enough right now i'm
Starting point is 00:54:37 still a student i'm reading frederick douglas's book i'm reading martin luther king i'm studying muhammad ali like i'm i'm getting the downloads like neo did in the matrix well brazilian you know like that's me right now i know i'm a chosen one for the game i'm just learning i don't know anything i'm just experiencing and reporting back what i'm learning but i'm not i'm not an expert i don't claim to be an expert when you go on my instagram you wouldn't even know I'm a business expert because I don't do the video with the title. I don't do it. I could all day long. I'm a business expert. I've won more awards and had more million dollar businesses than most people.
Starting point is 00:55:17 But people think I'm a guy who just runs around on a winning streak. Like, yeah, I'm having fun because that's me and i don't i just don't brag about my accomplishments on instagram so people don't look at me like that but it's like what i want to do is allow i want to unlock people the way i was unlocked if i can teach people how to be quantum citizens like that frequency unlocking they can change their own life i don't even want you to think i'm an expert i want you to be the expert like when you understand when you change your frequency and you become quantum you could tap into all the knowledge you could tap in everything starts making sense i don't want you relying on me i don't want you to come to another one of my seminars
Starting point is 00:56:01 i don't want you to like have to keep buying the third book. No, you got it. Everything you need. When you become unlocked, you become quantum. You don't need me anymore. That's what I want. How are you unlocked? When I changed my frequency, when I changed what I ate, when I changed what I consumed, and I got away from the negative people, I received magical superpowers. I don't know how I was able to just manifest things so easily. I did it accidentally. I walked into it. It was not intentional. I changed what I ate. High frequency food. frequency food. I moved to LA, got around high frequency people. I asked myself, where's the healthiest place in the world? I identified Santa Monica. I said, I'm going there. I was the only fat person in Santa Monica. I felt like an alien. It's like, oh, a fat person lives here? I was like, I need to just be around the people who are fit. Just put me near them and let me soak up their frequency. Well, guess what happened to me? I lost weight. You know, they're using words like, you know, like I'm learning about black seed oil. I'm like from Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:57:09 What what is black seed oil? Like I'm like they're teaching me all these things like spirulina. What is spirulina? Hip hop, you know, like but I'm soaking it all up. Osmosis. And I changed the frequency and everything started making sense to me how'd you get there like how did you get yourself to like kind of flip the switch rock bottom rock bottom is a really great place we think it's bad it's not bad um so when i went when i went to
Starting point is 00:57:43 bali actually i learned about a little bit about the Hindu religion. I'm like, I just ask people questions. I don't put up walls. I want to learn. Like, okay, I wish I was religion. And the most profound thing that I learned is they pray to the dark gods as much as they pray to the good gods. And I'm like, why? They said, well, the dark gods are like where like all the blessings are.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Like when something really bad is happening in your life, that's when something good happens. I'm like, wow, y'all praise the dark gods. And then when I thought about it in my life, when I was at rock bottom, which seems like a bad place, but that's what inspired me to change everything. That's what actually pushed me to leave my business. And now I can be here. Like, look at all these blessings that happened because of rock bottom. So I now, when I'm having a bad day, I'm like looking around, okay, I'm in a dark place. So like, I can't really like, see, like imagine you're in a room that's pitch black. You can't even see your hand in front of your face. That's being in a dark place. It feels like everything's crashing around and there's no
Starting point is 00:58:44 possibilities. So what I do when I'm in that dark place is i start feeling around i know there's a blessing somewhere i know there's a light switch somewhere if i just feel around enough i could find the light switch so i'm not afraid of the dark i know a blessing is going to come out of it every time like the other day in hawaii when i'm like binging it's like nope this is a winning streak this is a winning streak this is a winning streak because this reminded me of something I needed to be reminded of because I had forgotten in the past two years what it was like to binge I needed to be reminded of this and it inspired me to get my act together and since I've lost some weight was there a specific
Starting point is 00:59:20 uh thing that happened oh yeah man It was around the Grammys. Right when we won a Grammy with 2 Chainz, which is the Super Bowl of music. I mean, rappers don't win Grammys. You know, like... And we won one. And I remember the night. They said we knew right before. Was it for a song or an album?
Starting point is 00:59:42 For a song. What song was it? It was No Problems featuring Chance the Rapper. knew right before is it for a song or an album for a song what song is it it was uh no problems feature and chance a rapper you don't want no problem no problem with me so i didn't even go to the grammys that night it meant nothing to me i was so sick i was so depressed i was i knew that in my life this meant nothing because this was this was the last play and this entire sport I was playing I was dying in so winning something meant nothing I was like there's something else for me and I would be called to nature and I was I was at the ocean and I would be in my notebook
Starting point is 01:00:20 trying to figure my life out always like writing things like I'm trying to figure I knew there's something else for me and then I heard this voice I said you can't figure my life out. Always like writing things like I'm trying to figure, I knew there's something else for me. And then I heard this voice. I said, you can't figure this one out in your notebook. You got to go on a journey. And I said, okay, I got to go on a journey. Whatever that means, I'm done trying to think with my mind because it's led me here. Because it's led me here. My heart's saying something? Now, complete this sentence. Follow your... Heart.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Follow your... Heart. What's something else? Follow your dreams, okay. Follow your... Instinct. Instinct. Intuition, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Okay. Notice how nothing you said was follow your mind. If you said that, you'd actually feel weird saying it. Say it. Follow your mind. Yeah, follow your mind. We know to say, instinctively, we know to say follow your heart and follow your dreams. Now, point at yourself. Why don't we point here? That would be weird. You would look weird if you pointed to your head yeah but but we spend so much time here in our head when this has knowledge instinctively we point here instinctively we say follow your heart and we our dreams and heart go in the same follow your gut gut yeah like same area right like i would definitely say gut before brain all day. So and your gut has intelligence, too. That's what's crazy. But yet we still spend so much time here.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So when this voice hit me, said go on a journey. I said, you know what? I'm done fighting. I'm done trying to figure this out with my mind. I'm done trying to I'm just going to go. I'm going to trust it. And I asked myself, well, what's my truest dream? Because when you're broken, all you have left is your truth. Like that's all I got left. I ain't got nothing but my truth. And what is my truth? My truth was when I was eight years old, I buried the one dream that I was meant for. And that was, I want to be an athlete. But I was overweight as a kid. So I said, you know what? Let me be an entrepreneur. That's more realistic. And that set me on a life path that led me to 300 pounds and a brain tumor.
Starting point is 01:02:39 I had to autocorrect and I had to jump back on a track that I buried at eight. And that was my truth. I'm going to be an athlete. So I went to my artists, I went to jump back on a track that I buried at eight. And that was my truth. I'm going to be an athlete. So I went to my artists. I went to my business partners and I said, I'm retiring. When you found out about that tumor, did that, like, when was it that you found out? Was it like earlier on the career or later? So first got diagnosed with a brain tumor when I was a kid, like in 11th grade in high school. It was always under control, though. Like, it was, doctors had it figured out. When I got older,
Starting point is 01:03:10 I remember I was at 2 Chains' house. And I woke up, and the room just started spinning. And I couldn't make it stop. 30 seconds felt like 3 hours. I was terrified. I was like, oh, is this how it ends? Can't make it stop.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Finally stopped. I got out of bed, went to pick up my socks and shoes, and I passed out. And I was like, oh boy. It's combat. And it's life-threatening, it felt like. And it was wrapped around my left eye. It was putting pressure on the artery going into the brain and it started corroding the bones at the top of my spine. It was sitting on it. It was big. It was wrapped around everything. They couldn't do surgery on it. They had this medication that they had me on my whole life and it stopped working. so they jacked me up to levels to try to get it to shrink well when they took me up to these levels it started affecting my heart valves so i'm like okay now i've got heart valve problems because of medication to fix my brain tumor i said why do i have a brain tumor i'm like now getting to that point with the doctors. Why? They said, well, you just have it. I said, why? They couldn't tell me the root cause. I said,
Starting point is 01:04:29 why do people get this? And I said, you know what? I'm going to take things into my own hands. I called my mom. I didn't tell her what was going on. I just said, I want you to come visit me in LA. Just want to spend some time with you. I was terrified. And I remember we're staying at a little Airbnb. And something just told me, that's probably what I'm eating. And I'm retracing all these patterns in my life to where my brain tumor flared up
Starting point is 01:05:00 or when I would get these massive migraines. And it all revolved around food. Packaged food, specifically. Swe it all revolved around food, packaged food, specifically sweets, basically not real food. I would like binge eat on it my whole life. I'm eating this processed food or this aspartame diet sodas. I've been on diet since I was eight. And I just sat down on the couch and I said, it's my food. What's the one thing? If I were to fix one thing in my life that would probably heal me, it's probably food.
Starting point is 01:05:30 And something told me to watch a documentary. And I'm from hip-hop. I'm from the South. Like, I had one vegan friend, and I thought she was weird. Her name was Joy. She would take me to a vegan restaurant. I'm like, what? Uh-uh.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I'm not doing this. And something just told me to watch a vegan documentary and i watched it and i flipped the switch immediately people said was it hard going vegan i said no i wanted to live like i have a problem you know i'm going to see if the vegan thing works and um when i first went vegan i gained 20 pounds i was eating vegan junk food um i didn't know what i was doing and then a realization hit me i said okay if i'm dying and you are what you eat is what i'm eating dead or alive so i started looking at food different i said oh is this dead or alive well let's say i'm eating a
Starting point is 01:06:26 cliff bar healthy vegan but it can sit on the shelf for four years right that's pretty much dead i look at an orange that's alive if we were to put like an instrument that looks at the radiation the vibration coming off of dead food versus a live food like you ever heard somebody say oh you're glowing it's like p i get that all the time now you're glowing you got so much energy this is because i'm eating energy i'm eating a lot of energy i'm not eating an energy drink or energy bar i'm actually eating real actual energy like the frequency is really high on this food and it's like when you get a cut on your hand body knows how to heal i don't know how it does it but it's like i wish my car would heal like like when i scrape the side of
Starting point is 01:07:12 it but my hand knows how to heal if i cut it if i put something clean on it it heals if i put something dirty on it it doesn't so what i was putting in my body was a lot of like you know like rubbing dirt on a on a wound when i put the clean water on it body started healing brain tumor started shrinking like everything started aligning for the first time because i had eaten really really bad and now it's like my brain tumor shrunk without the medication. I still have the brain tumor, but it's not life-threatening anymore. Now I'm able to do things like when I did that Ironman. Let me tell you, we're in Taupo, New Zealand. Get done with the Ironman at 12 at night.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Because I went really, really slow. So it took 16 hours and 41 minutes to complete. Now, Ironman, for anybody listening, 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride through the mountains of New Zealand, and in a 26.2-mile run. I got done with the Ironman, and I was like, I'm not sore. I've run marathons and 5Ks where I've been sore, you know, and we're done and we're not sore. Get done at around 1141, wake up the next morning at 6 a.m.
Starting point is 01:08:36 I just got done exercising for 16 hours, and I woke up at 6 a.m. the next morning, and I'm feeling my body, and I'm like, body and i'm like why am i not sore i'm not sore wow and i'm walking around the town of tapo and nobody's out because everybody's asleep and i'm like wow like my body has literally no inflammation because how i eat i'm eating all alkaline food there's no inflammation in my body to where i can go do some crazy exercising and I'm not, I'm not inflamed. So getting rid of the inflammation, getting, getting rid of the inflammation is like most all disease comes from inflammation. So, I mean, no matter, you know, what doctor it is in the
Starting point is 01:09:19 world, inflammation is bad. And, uh, you know, um, acid is, is bad. Um, uh uh acid is is bad um alkaline it's good like you know that's kind of general consistency so i just try to eat more living foods as much as possible for people listening do you need to go vegan no just eat more living foods like it's kind of like grandma's advice eat your vegetables like it's just eat more you know um a big reason for it is like cancer like in this country like i was in hip hop for example and this is a little controversial i i lost um one of my artists got shot and killed at my studio his name was bankroll fresh and like um my family would call me and be like worried for my life like my aunts and uncles you know i'm you know white like they're like a little confused by the hip-hop thing and i said no no no we're
Starting point is 01:10:10 always good but then like the shooting started happening i got shot at one time you know two chains have been shot at young dolph that artist he's been shot at hundreds of times so it's violent and i told my family something through all of this. And I said, look, I pulled up on Google. How many shooting deaths are there a year? 22,000 in America. I was like, that's 22,000 too many. That's a lot.
Starting point is 01:10:38 But then I pulled up, how many cardiovascular deaths are there a year? 600,000. I told my family, I said, there's more violence going on in your kitchen than at my studio. And nobody's talking about that. So don't attack hip hop because there's more violence going on everywhere than at my studio. I said, food will kill me before a gun all day long. So food is killing 600,000 people in America every year. Well, what's the second biggest cause of death in America? Cancer. What do you think's causing it? Come on. It's how we eat. Come on. Yeah. Like cigarettes for like
Starting point is 01:11:22 lung cancer, but like the rest of the cancer come on we eat trash in this country seven out of ten people in this country are overweight or obese life expectancy has dropped the past two years in a row in the most advanced medical you know society in the history of the world and we're going down in life expectancy the past couple years why it's because how we eat it's like come on man all we got to do is start eating some living food it doesn't have labels god was like hey i got y'all like just trust me like i made this stuff for you already yeah like stop eating that stuff in the in the package like that's not for you i've already made what you should eat you know and it's like colorful and it's like got sugar in
Starting point is 01:12:15 it you know it's it's like dope it's like if we think about candy for example candy is something that if we eat too much of we get sick but we love it we love candy candy is like visually stimulating like it just is so good but what does all candy mimic fruits come on every single candy you eat has like strawberry like grape you know, orange flavor. Like, why don't we just eat the orange? Like, it's just as visually stimulating, you know. So that's all I would recommend to anybody. You know, like the meat intake, like, yeah, just like a little bit less or just have more of the vegetables. So why eat the Impossible Burger?
Starting point is 01:13:04 Because sometimes you just need that little percentage of your food to taste good i'm human now now i guess i'm saying like why not just eat the meat because you're saying you know with candy being compared to right yeah why not just eat the meat um for yourself probably cancer probably cancer um and i do good with rules i do really good with rules. If I start like eating a little meat, I'll probably like eat too much. So it's like, okay, if it's a vegetable, I'm just going to stick to my little vegan thing because I do good within boundaries. I'm not very good at being balanced.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Some people are great at like eating a little bit of meat, eating some vegetables. I'm not good at it. I overdo just about anything in life. Did you try a bunch of other diets i'm sure you tried a ton of different diets right one of the diets that was dangerous for me just and this is me personally was the diets that got rid of fruit if i couldn't eat fruit i started craving a lot of sugar and the sugar i would go after would be like packaged sugars so when i started eating a lot of fruit i would get. So I would actually stopped craving packaged pastries. So like the diet that works best for me is one
Starting point is 01:14:10 where I could eat a lot of fruit and that just kind of saved my binge eating problems. You know, what's really cool though. It's like, you're super aware of yourself. Like you mentioned when you went to Hawaii and you had all those snacks, like, you know, that you can't keep that around you. Like even myself, man, I don't have any snacks because I know every single time that I've had a lot of snacks around me, I will eat everything. It doesn't matter. I'll just eat it all. That's how I am. So like, that's the dope thing. Like the big, the big thing is, you know, where your limits lie and you're working within them. That's dope. Thank you, man. Yeah. And I and i think um you know landing on the diet that you landed on it's what fits your needs and what fits you and and it's something that can help you limit you
Starting point is 01:14:54 know how many binge eating episodes you end up having right because i don't think most people have the psychological problems i have with food there's a lot of people they just need to cut out soda and they're gonna go lose 150 pounds like or just start walking or just like go to the gym 30 minutes a day not everybody's the same with me I've got extremes I got extreme problems and like extreme like good things like I'm gonna like bike across America but most people they just need like a nice little balanced like yeah cut out soda. Like, watch what happens to your life. Or just like, you know, be consistent with like a keto diet, for example.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Just be consistent, you know, and watch what happens. I've done every diet, but I also got psychological issues with diets. So what I stumbled upon with my weight loss was I started looking at calories differently. I stopped counting calories and I did this one shift. I said, how many calories are in a pound of something? And I'm going to eat those foods because I wanted to be full. I made these rules. I said, I want to be full and I want to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I'm done restricting food. I'm done eating less. So I said, well, how many calories are in a pound of strawberries? Do y'all know? A whole pound. Just like a whole pound of strawberries.
Starting point is 01:16:18 It's like 250. Yeah, maybe around 500 or so. How many calories are in a pound of cashews a pound of cashews yeah i'd say like 800 to 800 to 1100 big range but a lot 3000 oh so strawberries is 151 come on now that's how i started looking at food well i want to eat a pound of something and i don't want to gain weight which foods can i eat sweet potato 289 calories i ate so many sweet potatoes it was like i'm going to be so full and i'm hardly going to consume any calories
Starting point is 01:16:57 strawberries sweet potatoes so i'm looking at these foods that are low calorie dense. Give me a pound of it. Let me get full. And I just made my decision on what I'm going to eat. I'm going to eat a lot of it because I'm wired that way. I want to eat a lot of food. So that's how I'd go about it. Calorie density instead of counting calories. I think that's valuable.
Starting point is 01:17:21 You know, bodybuilders have used that for a long time. That's why they eat vegetables. I think a lot of bodybuilders aren't like, I need the extra like nutrients or whatever, because they have a diet that has fruit in it. They have a diet where they're probably consuming a lot of supplements. Like they're kind of doing every and anything to make sure that they progress forward. But they know when they're in a caloric deficit that they better make sure that they're not like going crazy. So in order to feel full that they better make sure that they're not like going crazy. So in order to feel full, they'll eat spinach, they'll eat broccoli, things like that.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Earlier you were talking about like before we got on air about like somebody, you know, accomplishing something and then moving on. Right. Like if they keep talking about that one thing, it's like, OK, like how many times are you going to tell people that you lost 130 pounds? Like even you yourself, you're just like we think it's amazing we could hear that all day long because it is amazing um do you think that like the idea of like going vegan you're going to be able to continue that forever or is that the diet that helped get you here and then maybe later on down the road it might turn into something like maybe like a ketogenic diet or just yeah something like that so i i'm not the type to use labels um i go where my heart tells me to go if i use labels i would have labeled myself as a music manager and i would still be in the music industry i don't know what's meant for me
Starting point is 01:18:40 you know i can i can change at any moment i I'm not afraid to reinvent that. You know, if if veganism, you know, is a chapter and that's what it's meant to be, that's fine. You know, like I'm not stuck on it. You know, I'm going where I'm called. I do notice I don't crave meat. My body's probably going to tell me what I should eat because it's really smart and it's like if if it's telling me i need something i'm gonna listen to it but when i got rid of meat i never know i never had a craving so it wasn't i don't i don't know if it's for me but if it starts craving meat like yo like we need some meat like i'll eat it but my body usually craves sugar that's the only thing i think about so and coffee you ever mess around with uh fasting a little bit yeah yeah so is it successful for you at all or not really um
Starting point is 01:19:36 when when i'm not stressed out and i'm in a balance in my life it's great when i'm in an imbalance it can it can cause me to binge. Right. Have you noticed that exercise can cause you to binge too? Like you get excited about exercising. Maybe you've been traveling a little bit. Maybe you haven't had a chance to have as much exercise as usual. You get back into a routine.
Starting point is 01:19:59 You're like, Monday I'm going to. And do you find that that sometimes triggers you? I do notice that when my body is in an extended fight or flight, since I probably have a cortisol imbalance because of my brain tumor, that my appetite will dramatically increase. When I, you know, run too far, bike too far, exercise too much, I probably need to learn balance a little bit more. It's hard to pack it in when you're feeling good, though. It to stop right yeah man you want to keep going so i think um i think too much exercise increases my appetite a little too much that if i went if i treated my exercise a little bit more responsibly like i know a lot of fit people they're like yeah like i exercise 30 minutes a day, four hours.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I mean, four days out of the week. I'm like, that's it? I do like 19 hours a week. And it's just too much. It's not very responsible. So my appetite goes crazy. And my body thinks it's running from a lion for a very long time. So it actually starts storing weight.
Starting point is 01:21:04 I mean, it blew my mind biking across America. I didn't think it would be possible to gain weight. Like when I started to when I ended, I mean, even with the Ironman training. So leading up to the Ironman, you got to do a lot of training. I was doing half Ironman three days in a row, like back to back to back days.
Starting point is 01:21:22 And I gained 15 pounds leading up to the Ironman because I was doing so much exercise. Now I'm at a calorie deficit. Like I'm burning like six, 8,000 calories a day, probably eating four or 5,000 and I'm packing on, you know, fat, but it's because my body's in fight or flight too long, too extended. I'm not letting it recover. I'm not meditating. It's in fear. So it doesn't know when it's going to get its next meal. You know, Charlie, I'm curious about this because I think you're in a really good, really cool spot because everybody's seeing your journey from point A to point B. They're seeing everything in between right now. They're seeing everything you're learning and everything you're doing. And you mentioned something before,
Starting point is 01:22:09 like you mentioned being in a dark place, but how right now have you come to have that love for the person in the mirror and like be okay with it yet you're still progressing? Because a lot of people that are trying to lose weight do not like who they are right now and to an extent i can understand how that's okay not to be happy where you are but they literally hate themselves right yeah how like how do you navigate that or did you did you have that self-love beforehand even throughout this whole journey how did that it's brand new man self-love so the other day I saw this really fit guy we were in the same room and it was the first time in my life I ever said to myself or really knew not even said to myself like I'm trying to convince myself I said I think I look better than this dude and I had some
Starting point is 01:22:57 realizations so I have a friend of mine who's a master Nike trainer uh and he's like he's the guy who introduced Nike to yoga. And his name is Brandon Collinsworth. And we went out to Bali for like six months, I mean, six weeks together. And he said, Charlie, like, how you feel about your body is pretty much how a lot of people with six packs feel. They said, like, it's dangerous for some people because the second they post a picture on their Instagram with a six-pack there's a second they get congratulated for their six-pack and then if they fell off people look at them crazy so there's a lot of pressure on them like oh what happened to you like you used to have a six-pack so they have a lot of
Starting point is 01:23:39 like pressure on themselves as well just like i have pressure on myself they're like charlie like like people not everybody with a six-pack is happy just like me i'm not exactly happy having a gut that's brandon shout out to brandon he's super cool from las vegas from the streets of las vegas now he's an ivy league graduate you know master nike trainer it's really cool guy um but yeah he said he said charlie like you're dope as it is and i was thinking about it i was like yeah i don't have a problem getting girls like no girl has ever not thought i was cute like even when i was 300 pounds they were like there were certain girls who liked other guys like and they're really pretty girls and today like no girl has ever had a problem with how i looked it's just me having a problem with how i look and i looked at this fit guy and i said
Starting point is 01:24:32 you know what he looks great but i think i look better and that's the first time i ever not wanted to be somebody who was fit and i started like appreciating what other people appreciate about me like nah you're a good-looking dude. Like, what you tripping about, Charlie? And now I'm finally grasping that for the first time in my life. I'm like, nah, I'm good enough today. I got a little ways to go, and I'll go there. But, man, you're dope today.
Starting point is 01:24:58 How are we going to lose these next 40 pounds or so? And how are you going to do it like in a realistic way? Like you're going to just try to take your time with it, like let it carry out the way it needs to carry out, or are you going to just try to like make a challenge for yourself or something? Yeah, so this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to be responsible and I'm going to look where I've never looked before. So what got me here isn't going to get me there. Like me doing another Ironman and all that, mm-mm, mm-mm. What haven't I tried?
Starting point is 01:25:31 So I wake up at 5.30. Very first thing I do, I go on a walk with no cell phone. You better make it 5.15. Let's get serious around here. Okay. I'm with that, actually. I want to actually, like, progress up a little bit. So 5.15, I go on a walk with no cell phone.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Okay. I want to get out of fight or flight mode as much as possible because I'm the type, I'll wake up, going to war today. We're going to crush it. Let's go. And I will do that with business and with health. So walk with no cell phone. Then I'm on day 12 right now of YouTube girly yoga.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Okay. And I'm like starting to like it and I'm the stiffest person ever, but my big journey coming up with the NBA, I'm going to have to be agile. So I'm like starting to like do the little 30 minute girly yoga thing. And I'm starting to like it a little bit. I'm getting a little bit more flexible. So I do that. Then I do a little meditation, keeping fight or flight down. Boom. Then I eat breakfast, and I do my quantum possibilities notebook. And then I've got to like shape my body. I've never shaped my body before. Like I've lost weight, but I want want to like i want to have a little bit of muscle you know like as y'all can see i don't have a lot but it's like like even when i did like the 75 hard thing i didn't gain muscle i didn't lose weight i did it the two workouts a day are you
Starting point is 01:26:58 familiar with like yeah andy so yeah absolutely and i did it but I didn't gain. One, I gained weight. I posted a before and after picture of 75 days of two a days and everything. No difference. It's because my body was in fight or flight mode. So it actually was not gaining muscle. I was packing on fat. It's on my profile. Day one, day 75. So it's like, how do I go about lifting weights and doing push-ups because i was doing
Starting point is 01:27:26 push-ups every day and i wasn't getting results because my body was freaking out i'm not meant to overdo it anymore there's too much trauma so i'm going about everything responsibly and i'm going to say it's going to be easy and i'm not going to let my body be in fear anymore. Yeah, it's just going to probably take time because you can, you can re-comp your body and it might be like a slower procedure than, like you could lose 40 pounds. You've done the weight loss stuff a bunch of times and I'm sure you've probably lost 30 pounds in almost a blink of an eye in the past. But to like re-comp, you know, to lose, to lose 15 and gain five, like that shit just, it just takes a while.
Starting point is 01:28:09 You know, it might take a year, might take two years, but over a period of time, like you'll notice too, like you'll, your clothes will just fit different. You'll just kind of look different. You'll feel a little bit more confident. People will be like, dude, you're getting kind of jacked. Like what's going on? You know, you're going to, like I said, it takes some time, but so you haven't really practiced a lot of, a lot of lifting like for a consistent period of time. Man, I've had my spurts, but like I said, I was
Starting point is 01:28:34 always irresponsible how I'd go about it. So I've lifted a lot in my life. I have nothing to show for it because I'll drive myself so thin I'll, I'll quit. Right. So it'd be like, it's, it's not a, I never made a habit out of it, but when it comes to health,
Starting point is 01:28:52 I've done just about everything quite a bit, just not string together. Yeah. Uh, something that might help might be to try to get like a lifting partner or coach, you know, or sign up at a CrossFit gym or something a little different,
Starting point is 01:29:07 like you're doing those yoga things at your own house, like watching YouTube. That's great. You know, if you can find something like that that you can follow through lifting might be good. That's what I want to do. And I want to make an example for everybody, and I want to do it responsibly.
Starting point is 01:29:24 So I want to show people a journey. I always like teaching. So it's like, okay, I'm not good at this yet, but let me go about this a different way. Let me try to reprogram myself with how to approach this. And I want to do one pushup next day, two pushups. And I want to document it and I'm gonna take a picture every single day and I'm gonna keep a chart every single day on day 30 30 push-ups on day 40 40 push-ups because I want it to be as much about a habit as it is about the results and with this I'm gonna let go of the results until it actually happens and I'm just 31 that's my only goal nope next day 32 next day 33 and then
Starting point is 01:30:08 after six months i've built a story that every single human being can realistically do one two right three because it's intimidating like seeing like fit guys like you like y'all are good at it like like that for somebody who's not good it's intimidating so i just want to like ease people in like one two after six months and i'm like and that will probably trigger other things in my life to do the same thing well what else do i want it might take somebody who wants to run and be like yeah i'm gonna run for one minute today i'm gonna run for two minutes today. I'm going to run for three minutes.
Starting point is 01:30:47 And I just want to like, I want to do that for once in my life. And I want to do it with push-ups. Because I want to have, you know, I want to like, I want to know what it's like to kind of have a little muscle mass. I just want to experience that. Is it hard for you to get enough protein in with the vegan diet? Or have you figured that out and navigated it enough to? I can get enough protein in with the vegan diet or if you've figured that out you navigated it enough to i can get about 150 200 and easily good yeah it's it's it's not that hard yeah yeah that's good i think uh you know a good way to get those push-ups in is to
Starting point is 01:31:17 try to surround it around maybe other habits that you have think about like other things that you do it sounds like you have a pretty scheduled life. So my suggestion would be I would even like maybe write those push-ups in as part of some of your, you know, routine. You could even just do it with like every time you use the bathroom. Oh. You know, how many times you use the bathroom in a day. Matt, if you did two push-ups every time you use the restroom, I don't even know how many push-ups that would end up being. But it would start to add up to be a lot as you start to go up in numbers and you start to get to day 40 and stuff like that giving it a trigger i like that yeah put it around put it around something else that's cool be a good it might be a good idea for you that's cool man you could also
Starting point is 01:31:53 come here and train with us i can't wait y'all got a cool gym the energy in there like i like energy and when i walked in first of all i walked through the front door and i was outside and i was filming the sign i'm like pulling up on uncle mark and then i walk in and i see my face on the little tv and i'm like oh these guys are clever this is nice like they put thought into this like i'm walking in like nobody was in the front i'm like i wonder where everybody is and then i look in the window and like there's like two people like waving at me and then i walk out into the gym part and everybody's like huddled around it's like there's a bet going down right now and it's gonna be a hundred dollars on the line and he has a messed up shoulder and he's gonna try to do 300 pounds or 350 pounds and i'm like this is some
Starting point is 01:32:40 real energy going on in here y'all are really about that life and it's like i want to be you're fast you're really fast this is my instagram but you know what i'm having so much fun looking at myself right now because it's like i like what i see where in the past i'd be like wow oh my god i hate the way i look but i'm like oh man that's a good looking guy but look at all these fit people back here having fun at their job like that says a lot about this company to walk in and i mean i got a freaking winning streak shirt like look at look at uncle mark you'll be invoiced for the shirt cool 18 bucks damn hey i love supporting businesses good quantum energy man. Man, so you've had an amazing journey, dude.
Starting point is 01:33:28 I love hearing everything that you've been able to accomplish. But somebody might be watching. You're talking about a dark place, right? Maybe they're in a dark place. They look at you like, man, I wish I could lose over 100 pounds or I wish I could be a Nike athlete. I'm sure the first time you look in the mirror, you're like, ooh, look at a Nike athlete uh I'm sure like the first time like you look in the mirror like oh look at my jawline like I'm looking pretty good right because you
Starting point is 01:33:49 look fantastic thank you but uh you know somebody who's looking at that like dude that's a lot that that's that's just overwhelming like like I'm like maybe I can't get there but that whole winning streak everything that you get behind like can you tell people that maybe have not heard that side of the story about just how you get on a winning streak man all right so this is what really changed my life because i dealt with a lot of bad things just like those people who are in a dark place and i'm the king of dark place you know so i had to save myself from my own perspective. And the fact is, most of us are on a losing streak. We're going through shit. We're humans.
Starting point is 01:34:35 We go through shit. And there's family problems. There's relationship problems. There's kid problems. There's health problems. There's brain tumor problems. There's business problems. There's a lot to realize that there's losing streaks going and we get addicted to that.
Starting point is 01:34:51 And if we start thinking about all the things that are bad, we feel like losers. I'm on a, we're secretly saying I'm on a losing streak all day long. And I was like, I don't want to be a loser. I want to be a winner. So I need to find things to drink enough Kool-Aid of I'm a winner that I stop thinking about being a loser because our brains can only think about one thing at a time. Like it can't think of two things at one time. If I say pink, now you think about pink. You cannot think about blue and pink. If I said pink, you only think about pink. You could not think about blue and pink if I said pink. You only think about pink. So how do I do that with winning? So in the brain, there's reticular activating system. see. Okay. Because right now your eyes and the people watching eyes are secretly subconsciously consuming millions of pieces of data. And yet our brain isn't going berserk. It's just showing us a couple of the things and we're processing it. So I said, how do I get my brain to process just winning streaks? Because if I say I'm going to see, you know, black Teslas, I start seeing them. Or when you buy a car, you just start seeing it everywhere. That's the reticular activating system
Starting point is 01:36:11 showing us what we want it to show us. We were seeing the black Teslas the entire time, but we weren't getting the trigger into our reticular activating system. So I want my brain to show me winning streaks. So I got to start practicing. I got to look for them and then boom, that's all I start seeing. So I start with Starbucks in the morning, which I love my little Starbucks. And I figured out a winning streak because a latte has certain ingredients a latte has two espresso shots and for me almond milk and sugar and that's five dollars and i realized if i ordered two espresso shots a little splash of almond milk and raw sugars is two dollars and 45 cents if i order those items separately they still put it all in one cup like a latte.
Starting point is 01:37:06 But I said, just give me two shots of espresso. And the way they punch it into the computer, it comes in half the price. Starbucks is about to change that right now. So I'm like, wow, all that happiness for only $2.40. I'm on a winning streak. And I like say that to the little lady behind the counter. And she laughs at me every time. She knows I'm on a winning streak and I like say that to the little lady behind the counter and she laughs at me every time she knows I'm gonna say it every day but it's my way of starting my winning streak for the day and then I'll catch the green light I'm on a winning streak and then you know I get the good parking spot I'm on a winning streak or I practice all sorts of other things like I'll see somebody has a house for sale and I'll pass the for sale sign. I said, oh, they're about to get paid. They're on a winning streak. You know, the real
Starting point is 01:37:49 estate agent's about to be on a winning streak because that person's going to get a commission. And then the person buying it is about to have a whole new beautiful house. They're on a winning streak too. And I just look for all these wins and I'll look at, I'll walk past somebody's, you know, yard and I'll be like, wow, that's some beautiful grass. They're on a winter streak. So if I just practice seeing all these winning streaks, guess what? I start feeling like I'm on a winter streak. And then my body language changes. Now I don't feel like a loser anymore because my brain can only think about one thing at a time. And I'm only thinking about wins.
Starting point is 01:38:18 And then it attracts because that's like the tactical version we can do. That's like the tactical version we can do that's like mathematics. But then there's the law of attraction that this frequency that we get on starts attracting the one plus one equals a thousand stuff where I can't predict what's coming, but blessings just pour in when I'm in this vibration. When I'm in the negative losing vibration, I get a lot more negative. Like we create our reflection so yeah a lot of people have a tendency just to focus in on the negative you know and there's a lot of like you mentioned there's a lot of bad things that are happening there's plenty of negative stuff that you can
Starting point is 01:38:56 complain about you know but then you don't see the good somebody might get a coffee in the morning they might spill it all over the place a lot of times the place will give you a free coffee but but you're still mad about the fact that you, you know, you spilt it on your new shoes or something and you're like, F this, you know, and you're all pissy about it. But it is good to try to look at, you know, what are the good things that are going on? And then by looking at those good things, more good things will happen. And I have a similar, i guess program it's i guess you'd say is uh i talk about points on the scoreboard like i feel like i'm scoring points all day you know i feel like i'm accumulating these points and no one else is playing the game with me probably but i feel like i'm winning because they're adding up as the day goes along and i'm like i got in my 10 minute
Starting point is 01:39:40 walk i got my favorite cup of coffee yeah i got to see my brother. I got to see my buddies, you know, early morning workouts, all that stuff. Man, what'd you score today? 40. You're already at 40. You don't want to look at the scoreboard, buddy. Don't do it. Don't do it. What's really cool about that winning streak though, is that you're not only like having all these wins for yourself. You're also like just bringing in all these other people's wins. Just like Mark, when that guy sent you that, that video,
Starting point is 01:40:08 right. And you shared that out. That was a win for him, but also a win for yourself. You know, you're just having all these good feelings, not for you to only, but for everybody else.
Starting point is 01:40:16 And I think that's, people should pick up on that. Yeah, man. Yeah. Yeah. It's as simple as like, you know,
Starting point is 01:40:23 when somebody says, Oh, it rains at port, when it rains, it pours like When it rains, it pours. Wings. Got a flat tire, ran out of gas, whatever it is, and then I'm late on rent. Murphy's Law. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Things always happen in threes. It's like, well, yeah, now let's just wait because you are being such a negative piece of crap. You're now looking for number two and number three to validate. Everyone is so quick to believe in that, but not the flip side. Right. So it's just that easy. Yeah, man. I love that.
Starting point is 01:40:50 Go ahead. The other shift, though, too, it's the way you think about it, because you mentioned that snack thing in Hawaii, right? Yeah. But then you looked at that and you were like, I'm happy that this happened because it shows me how I feel when I do this. Yeah. So I needed to remember this so it doesn't happen again. Yeah. Even those negative things are wins for you. I'm a delusional optimist. because it shows me how I feel when I do this. So I needed to remember this so it doesn't happen again.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Even those negative things are wins for you. I'm a delusional optimist. Like delusionally optimistic is the only way to keep my sanity. Because, I mean, it's real easy to lose your mind when you're thinking about bad things. And it's a slippery slope and it becomes really addictive. So it's like if I'm a delusional optimist i'm like looking at everything like oh like i got in a car wreck it's like think about it like this it was somebody who got in a car wreck driving to work in new york on september 11th and couldn't
Starting point is 01:41:40 get there and it saved their life so it's like if I get in a car wreck, oh, it's probably just doing this just to save my life. Do you know what like like so paranoid means the universe is conspiring against me. Pronoid, the universe is conspiring for me. I'm pronoid. Oh, like I got a car wreck. This is probably to save my life from like some tragic event. Like if I were to go get where I was trying to go, like, I got a car wreck. This is probably to save my life from, like, some tragic event. Like, if I were to go get where I was trying to go. Like, it's not a bad thing.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Like, I'm literally that delusional. That's good. Yeah, man. Like a kid delusional, right? Oh, man. Our inner child. So, bro, I'm big on the inner child thing. That's why I, like, call myself Charlie Rocket.
Starting point is 01:42:23 I say, I'm on a winning streak. Because when we were kids, we were truth. We didn't know anything. We didn't know what society taught us certain things. So I really try to be a kid as much as possible. One, for my imagination. Because when we were kids, we could create worlds in our mind. And then something happened as we got older where
Starting point is 01:42:46 we're like more realistic and we have a measuring stick now and when like when we were kids we would sit on the floor so now when I want to spark my imagination I sit on the floor I go back to the trigger of when I was a kid and I could imagine worlds and that's where my innovation comes from that's where my concepts come from like all the things I talk about are not regurgitated from another self-help speaker like I have original concepts because I use my mind in creativity I sit on the floor I draw pictures so being a kid is really my secret to being original and innovating marketing or businesses all those type of things so i'm really big on that even giving myself a superhero name like charlie rocket like i dress up as it you know like i'm a kid yeah
Starting point is 01:43:31 yeah the kids aren't programmed yet no they don't have all that stuff going on and kids do weird shit like they like uh just lay down like wherever in the house like they don't have to lay down on like a design spot to lay down like they're not laying down in the living room watching TV. They might just like lie down like right by the bottom of the stairs, like on the cold tile for no reason. Like what are you doing down there? Like I don't know. You know, they kind of just go to the beat of their own drum,
Starting point is 01:43:58 especially when they're really little, which is really cool. Who else can dream crazy? Who else can go on a winning streak? I mean, if you have your sanity, like, it's possible. Like, as long as you feel okay about yourself, then you can probably. I mean, even if you don't. Like, I think people are in bad places or, like, it's for a reason. Like, if they're going down that dark road like there's a blessing there so they're on
Starting point is 01:44:25 the perfect path like people ask me sometimes like charlie if you can go back and like give your eight-year-old self advice like that's like a common question right i'd be like i want to tell him shit all the mistakes that i made were perfect yeah i mean what you know you ever see back to the future yeah it's like make sure you don't see yourself. Yeah. Like, don't go messing with that. Don't go messing with it because the problems in our life are as big a gift as the, like, me winning a Grammy was cool. But me, like, having, like, weight problems was better because now I got to, like, teach people and I got to go on a journey. So it was perfect.
Starting point is 01:45:02 Everything that bad happened to me was perfect. And I got to go on a journey. So it was perfect. Everything that bad happened to me was perfect. I want to change a thing because I want to be I want to be strong. If those things didn't happen, I wouldn't be resilient. I want to on a winning streak. Everyone. Everyone possesses the ability to dream crazy. What would you say, and kind of wrapping some of this up, because we talk a lot about in this podcast, you know, about, you know, people maybe being frustrated with something. And we try to give them some strategies towards things they can do to just feel better about themselves and just to feel good in their day to day. Dreaming is great, you know, and being a dreamer is awesome. And I, I'm a dreamer, but I'm also, uh, I also happen to be a doer. So the two things worked out really well. Uh, cause I'm not just thinking about it. I'm not just dreaming about it. A lot of things are actually, uh, happening for me. What about that person that's dreaming about doing something big,
Starting point is 01:46:06 but they're not in a spot where they can really make the jump? Do you advise some of these people? You hear some people like, oh, just quit your job or just lay it all on the line. What's worked for you? It's really scary when I hear people in my industry tell people, make sure you find your purpose because most people listening to it are like I don't know what my purpose is so then you might be stumbled upon it right now right right and you can easily make somebody feel really inferior
Starting point is 01:46:39 if you're telling them to find their purpose and they don't know where to find it. So in my life, I'm in a purpose right now. But when I was young, like I had this mentality of, you know what? I don't know what I'm meant for, but I'm going to do something. I'm going to do it with pride. For example, my family sold vacuum cleaners. My grandfather sold vacuum cleaners. My dad sold vacuum cleaners. My mom sold vacuum cleaners. My dad sold vacuum cleaners. My mom sold vacuum cleaners.
Starting point is 01:47:06 And I sold vacuum cleaners. Society, like, looked down upon that. Like, the guy who knocks on your door and, like, tries to sell you something. But I thought it was cool. And I was like, I want to be great at it. Like, I want to be great at this. And then I remember in high school, I loved basketball so much. I asked the coach, you know, like, could I be the water boy?
Starting point is 01:47:26 Because I wanted to be on the team. And most people look at the water boy as a look down position and might get picked on. I'm like kind of popular in school and I'm like sweeping the floor at halftime with pride. I'm like, no, I'm going to be great at this. Was that my purpose? Absolutely not. Was I meant to be a water boy in life? No, but I'm gonna do it with with pride. I'm going to sell vacuum cleaners with pride. Then I was a cameraman. You know, like, is being a cameraman my purpose? But Soulja Boy's cameraman. Was that my purpose? No. oh, now being a cameraman, that's not my purpose, so I'm not going to do anything. So I'm like, no, do everything. Do it with pride, and you'll inch your way to a purpose eventually. And it's like you don't have to know your purpose. I tell myself it's going to be easy.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Where most people are at when they're about to start a big dream. Oh, this is going to be hard. Oh, we got to grind. Oh, like, oh, like there's all this fear. Words hard, words grind. Even when people start their diets, like, okay, I'm going to do it right this time. And they're going into it like it's really like an uphill battle where I tell myself it's going to be easy. Let's go back to high school. You got classes that were hard and you got classes that were easy. Like let's say like gym class.
Starting point is 01:48:57 Like did you want to go to that class? Because it was easy. Math class, did you want to go to that class? It was hard. Like if you were good at math, you loved going. Math class. Did you want to go to that class? It was hard. Like if you were good at math, you loved going to math class. So I try to drink my own Kool-Aid of, no, this is going to be easy. And if you think something's going to be easy, you're going to show up to do it. Where most people get stuck is they get in their head and they say, oh, this is going to be
Starting point is 01:49:18 hard. We got to grind. And then they end up not showing up because they've already told themselves it's going to be hard. I'm at the top of a mountain in L.A. on a hike looking over the Palisades. And I look at all these million dollar homes. As long as the eye can see, anywhere on the west side of L.A. is a million dollar home. And I'm like, this is like 100,000 millionaires. That's a lot of people. It must be easy to become a millionaire. If this many people can be millionaires, why can't everybody? Because this is easy.
Starting point is 01:49:52 Like, if anybody could do this many millionaires, I've got to be able to do it too. So I say, oh, it's going to be so easy to be a millionaire. And then it becomes easy. So we've got to be careful with our words because the root origin of the word abracadabra in Hebrew means as I speak, I create. Oh, that's sick. That's magic. Like our words are magic. That's why I tell everybody my dreams. That's why I tell everybody it's going to be easy. If I meet a kid who's trying to start a business or going after a dream, I was like, it's going to be easy. Like, don't have that kid
Starting point is 01:50:30 thinking, oh, you're going to have to grind. You're going to have to wake up at 5 a.m. every morning. You're going to have to. Yes, you got to do all those things. But why can't those things be fun? Why does it have to be a grind? You know what a grind is? Friction. Like we could fly across america on an airplane in four hours or i can pull you across the ground behind my bicycle as i'm grinding you across america which one are you going to choose to fly so why in our businesses and in our health journey we're like we gotta grind like no let's have fun let's smile let's have fun why can't the business be easy you know yeah we're gonna work our butts off but we're gonna work our butts off because we showed up to do what do you do with a little kid and you're playing baseball and he's at bat how do you how do you throw the
Starting point is 01:51:17 ball to him i don't know if i've ever done that but um i would probably i'd probably like underhand toss it, let them hit it. Underhand pitch. First. Yeah. And then let them hit it. Let them whack it. Let them feel good about it, right? That's something that I preach all the time to people is, you know, line up those underhand pitches for yourself.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Knock the shit out of it. Knock it over the fence. Feel proud about it. Feel good about yourself. You know, what's wrong with leaning into some of your strengths? You know, you're really good at something. It's not good to only focus in on that because then that's all you'll ever be good at. But why not lean in there and feel really good for the day?
Starting point is 01:51:57 You know, what is that thing that you're really good at? What's that thing that you really love? It'll probably seem easy, like you're saying, with the different classes, math class versus gym class, right? That's right. That's right. Yeah, man. And the universe has its way of like beginner's luck. That's the universe way of saying like, I thought it was just going to be easy. There's going to be like a little valley of disappointment, but the universe gives us that little taste of that beginner's luck. And then it's like, okay, that's going to inspire me. Now I know it's possible. So let me keep going through the little valley of disappointment. My man, it was awesome. I'm sure we could sit here and talk for hours on end,
Starting point is 01:52:29 but it'd be great to have you on the podcast another time too. Can't wait. And it'd be great to get you in the gym sometime, hit up some weights. Can't wait. Where can people find you? And what's the next mission? You got something that you're, you know, you're on tour, you're doing something, what you got going on? You got something that you're on tour? You're doing something? What you got going on? You got a book coming out, something like that? I got a big mission coming up. I like journeys. So, like, when I did my Ironman, I took everybody on the journey.
Starting point is 01:52:53 When I did the bike across America, I took everybody on the journey. My next journey is with basketball. I told myself, man, it's time to have fun now with sport. And I'm going to train for a year to become the mvp of the nba celebrity all-star game i'm gonna make a lot of dreams come true for kids um i'm teaming up with an organization called dream on three and they make dreams come true with kids so we're gonna find kids and we're gonna make their dreams come true with kids. So we're going to find kids and we're going to make their dreams come true. And I'm going to formalize a dream team. I'm going to do 10 kids, 10 dreams.
Starting point is 01:53:29 It's going to be my team. We're going to be the new dream team. We're going to have jerseys. We're going to have everything. Some of these kids might have leukemia or might be paralyzed, but their dream is basketball. And I'm going to recruit them on my team, and we're going to go to the All-Star game,
Starting point is 01:53:46 and we're going to play basketball with celebrities. We're going to be on the cover of, I guarantee it, I'm putting this on paper for the first time publicly. As I speak, I create. We're going to have a Wheaties box. We're going to have Sports Illustrated cover, the new dream team, me and these kids. Love it. That's great.
Starting point is 01:54:03 Where can people find you? Instagram, at Charlie. these kids love it that's great where can people find you instagram at charlie and um uh yeah that's pretty much it instagram strength is never weakness weakness never strength catch y'all later love it thank you man

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