Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 261 - Just Get STarted

Episode Date: October 5, 2019

Don't get analysis paralysis, don't over think things, don't worry about what others think, don't think you have to make everything perfect, JUST GET STARTED! You only have one life, make it amazing. ...Subscribe to the Podcast on all platforms: ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, so Mark, how lean did you get in your bodybuilding show? I got as lean as I could. You know, I was trying to be lean and tender. Not all of us can be tall, dark, and handsome. Some of us can be. You can tan. But did you eat a lot of lean meat when you were getting ready for show? I did.
Starting point is 00:00:15 And you want to know what else is lean and tender? What? Piedmontese beef. Ooh, tell me more. You better believe that. You know, the Piedmontese beef, what I think separates it out from a lot of the other companies is the fact that they somehow have the meat taste really tender and still have a lot of flavor, but it's the fat reduction is amazing. It's unbelievable how much less fat is in the Piedmontese beef versus some of the other companies. You look at their ribeye, right?
Starting point is 00:00:43 Their USDA prime ribeye is normally 30 grams of fat. Piedmontese is 10. Saturated fat normally 14.5. Piedmontese is 4.5. They literally cut it in, what, it's a third of the amount of fat? Yeah, are these cows jacked and tanned or what? Yeah, and the protein's more. Like it usually has 24 grams of protein in Piedmontese,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and your normal USD prime has 19. That, I literally don't understand how these crazy scientists make this happen. Are these natty cows? I think these are natty cows from Nebraska, which makes sense because everything's bigger and better in Nebraska. Or maybe that's Texas. I think that's Texas. But Nebraska too, I guess. Where can they find out more about Piedmontese beef? All right, you guys can get lean just like Mark Bell and head over to That's Enter the promo code POWERPROJECT. That's all one word for 25% off your order,
Starting point is 00:01:31 along with free two-day shipping on all orders of $99 and above. All right. So Mark, what are ketones? Man, that's a great question. It's hard to produce ketones. It's actually one of the hardest diets because it takes almost two weeks for your body to actually start to produce ketones. It's hard to, it's actually one of the hardest diets because it takes almost two weeks for your body to actually start to produce ketones. Ketones is a, it's a fractionated fat. When you start to consume large amounts of fat in the absence of carbohydrates, your body will start to produce ketones. Some people believe that ketones are a preferred source of energy, especially for like your brain. So a lot of people say, oh man, I'm on like this keto high or I've gone on a ketogenic diet and I have a ton of clarity because of the ketones. But for me right now, like I haven't been on an actual ketogenic diet
Starting point is 00:02:16 in a long time. I do eat very low carb, but I still have room for fruit. I still have room for dairy. And so therefore I supplement with Perfect Keto. I utilize their ketones and they have a chocolate flavored one, a salted caramel one. But my favorite one is the coffee flavored one. I actually throw that in my morning coffee, which I think would be something to be great for you to try because you do a lot of fasting, right? Yeah, no, I'm definitely really excited to try that in the morning when I'm fasting because I fast for most of my day. And since I'm pretty low carb, there is a period where I think I do hit ketosis. So it'd be really, really cool to get that in, in my fasting period. Yeah. We got to test your ketones too.
Starting point is 00:02:53 To see what you're running on over here. Andrew, where can they find out more about these ketones? All right. You guys can kick ass just like Mark Bell on ketones today by heading over to slash power project and use code power project and get 15% off all perfect keto products. All right. And Seema, I know you do a lot of fasting and, but sometimes we get to these trade shows and sometimes we're like, I don't know, we're trying to like fast and we're like, Oh, we'll probably, you know, eat it like two or three. We'll get out for a break. We don't get a break. We're still going going going um what's something that gets you through the last time you went to one of these shows man that was the first
Starting point is 00:03:29 time that i i was able to enjoy the taste of one of the quest hero bars in my mouth and oh my goodness yeah oh people don't know about the hero bar i feel like they don't it's a sleeper silent the silent hero the hero bar is literally the best freaking bar that i've ever had in my life from any of these any of these companies it's so damn good it's so chewy and gooey and just you need to be by yourself for a little bit oh god i think i do andrew what do you got over there i'm really excited but uh yeah we've been to various expos i've followed mark around with the camera for like 48 hours straight and the only thing i had to survive on was quest
Starting point is 00:04:10 bars and it's it just it just works man um it fills you up it doesn't make you feel like shit but you do feel great so head over to quest enter promo code mark's quest at checkout for 20 off all of these bars and everything they have at quest You get the crank going? Talk to the guy about the thing? He decided not to come in today. You really should fire that guy. I finally got a hold of the guy. Ooh, that is loud.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Is he a new guy? Because talk about getting rid of the old one. These documents, by the way, are just crap. This file for the, I mean, this is a script for the podcast? This is terrible. I'm not going to talk about this stuff. Are you sure? I kind of wanted to.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I don't know, man. I think it will trigger. People can't tell if it's scripted or not. I think it's going to trigger people, though. How? I don't know. A lot of stuff about religion know a lot of stuff about religion and a lot of stuff about people's mom in there and stuff like i mean people are specific people
Starting point is 00:05:11 too yeah like taylor taylor's mom's on there so is jeffrey talking about your moms like that's gonna mess people up i don't know i don't know about all that should we stick to the script i think we should i think it's always the safest bet you know um yeah i think we should just stick to the script don't do anything outside of it stay on top of it um maybe we should just like um you know before we get talking about something maybe we should just wait wait for what wait until we have like a good idea uh but we always have good ideas i know but what if our idea is not that great? But the idea is never not great. But like what about what other people are going to say about it and stuff?
Starting point is 00:05:53 Well, other people don't really have a say. We don't listen to their opinions. Only sometimes we listen to their opinion. It's easier said than done though. Like I'm worried about what other people are going to say. Well, why are you worried about what other people are going to say well why are you worried about what people are going to say uh because i think it's going to be negative well it's only how you take it if you look at it you can make it positive you can always make a negative a positive you know a negative times a negative is a positive negative two times negative two is four did you
Starting point is 00:06:21 know that oh my god two numbers well i know it now yeah i just learned it yeah i done learned it that's how it is so you're saying you're saying just put shit out just go just go figure it out later yes that's something that i actually have a big problem with that's something that i need to work on myself i'm one of those guys who in the back of my head, I want everything to be great and perfect before I do it. And then that in and of itself stops me from doing it. Not with everything, just with like quite a few things.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Well, and no one will care anyway. Like, you know, that's the thing. I think really no one will care. No one will really care or notice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:02 You know, you're not going to be like, Oh, I, you know, like somebody might recognize something and it kind of appears yeah you know you're not going to be like oh i you know like somebody might recognize something and it kind of appears you know well polished at the moment and they're like how long ago did you start that you can be like five years ago and they're not really gonna
Starting point is 00:07:15 you're gonna be like oh okay cool and you're thinking yeah like five years ago it was kind of a piece of shit but i you know turned it into something better I learned more and I tweaked it, whatever that thing is, whether it be a business or a podcast that you wanted to start or writing something. I heard somebody recently, a really prolific author, talk about writing books. He's like, don't ever try to write a great book. Just write a bunch of good ones.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And you just keep writing them. He's like, people, they're going to want to consume the information because you have good information to give he's like otherwise you wouldn't be writing the book in the first place he's like so just write the damn thing and don't ever worry about it being perfect because you'll never you'll probably a you'll probably never start it let's just be totally honest you probably never start that thing that you wanted to start forever and then secondly he's like if you do start it you'll never finish it because it'll never be done it will never be as good as you want it to be and you just like honestly even if it ends up not being the way you want it to be you just need to put it out and fix it as time goes by because like when i started making youtube videos a few years back when when I made my first video, right? When I
Starting point is 00:08:25 actually just went in the, like gone to the act and did it after I was done. And while I was doing, I'm like, this is fine. This is great. You know? Um, now that I look back at it, like there was a, it wasn't as good as I thought it was at the time. But the funny thing is, is like a lot of times when you do the thing that you were kind of stalling on or not doing in the moment of doing it, it's like really really easy you know you're like why didn't i just do this before but it's sometimes it's like really hard to let's say do it again and do it again and do it again you literally need to just put the reps in of just doing it it gives you a lot of experience i don't maybe you didn't know like at
Starting point is 00:09:01 the time you know why you were doing the videos, but maybe that is something that helped get you here because you've mentioned you were shy and maybe without the YouTube experience, if I would have said, Hey man, you want to be like on the show? You might've been like, Oh, I don't know. Right. Yeah. Yeah. How did he, all of a sudden he sounded like, um, Charlie's a videographer.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Oh, I don't know. He kept telling that story. He kept doing that same voice for the guy. Is that all your camera equipment? Yeah. It's videographer. I don't know. Yeah, bro. He kept telling that story. He kept doing that same voice for the guy. Is that all your camera equipment? Yeah, it's all mine. Yeah. Like, do you know how to edit? I can edit.
Starting point is 00:09:32 If that guy was listening. You could picture the guy kind of standing there hunched over, right? Yeah. Just kind of looking frumpy. If that guy was listening, he must have been so pissed. He's like, Charlie,
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't fucking sound like that, man. Yeah. Probably not anymore, but at the the time he probably definitely did it was great how like kind of frumpy he sounded but then also how skilled he was that was that's like actually it made it like super funny I was like I used to be in a band well it was cool because he was like uh you know like oh I need I need a I need a camera guy i need an editor i need an audio guy i need this this and this and then someone's like it's gonna cost him 50 grand and i look over at carlos you know he was here filming i'm just like carlos can do that too like we both can do all of
Starting point is 00:10:14 that yeah so you know we'll just like kind of give each other a pat on the back like hey dude how cool was that to hear yeah and he's like i was thinking the same thing like yeah man yeah you guys know it and but you know it because you've done it right you know what i mean like you if you waited and you're like i'm gonna wait until a class opens up at this junior college over here and i'm gonna go to that class on you know because i want to learn more about audio which is a great that's those are all great intentions um but you don't need the class and you don't need to really wait on anything right you could you could just start now you can you know go get a speaker at fries or whatever or
Starting point is 00:10:51 a microphone or whatever it is you're you know whatever the thing is that you're working on or photography just pick up a camera do i really do i really like this let me take some pictures of some fucking trees and shit and see yeah if i that. Then maybe I like taking pictures of other stuff. Maybe I like taking pictures of scenery. Maybe I only like taking pictures of people. Maybe I only like taking pictures of cars. We had a kid that worked here for a while that was really into cars. And he was like, I don't really dig, you know, taking pictures of people working out.
Starting point is 00:11:23 It's like, cool. And go follow the thing that you want to do. But he tried it, right? Like, cause he could have stepped into here and been like, wow, this is fascinating. I love this. I love photographing these sweaty fat guys, powerlifting. This is my passion. I love getting the sweat dripping on me while I'm nevermind. Okay. But you know, you gotta, you gotta just kind of start and you have to just you pretty much have to just go you know yeah if you sit there and analyze everything like i before i got here i had no idea that i would be this into they taking like fitness photography
Starting point is 00:11:58 whatever you want to call it but like yeah if i had sat there and like contemplated and studied it and did, you know, did everything before actually going out and shooting. Yeah. Who knows what could have happened? Yeah. There's, I think you mentioned it to Andrew a while ago, a really good book called The War of Art, Steven Pressfield. And I don't know, Mark, have you ever listened to that book? I've not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Awesome book. I'm going to write that name down because I YouTube these people and i find snippets of like their information yeah and steven pressfield that's his name right andrew yep spelled exactly as it sounds that's why i was able to find it yeah and i really uh i really like that one because the way he put it as far as like i guess doing creative things or doing the things that you really, really want to do, you end up there ends up being a lot of resistance towards it. Or you like there's always like all these reasons you come up with not to do that thing at the moment. Or you're like, if you want to make videos, maybe I got to get a better camera. Oh, shoot. I can't film in here. I got to get a better backdrop.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And you do all these things to push that thing away and the things that typically give you the most resistance in your mind are the things that you know you really need to go and do and i've noticed that too with a lot of things that i've done or want to do or whatever there's always all of that resistance that i have i'm like i know i gotta do it but there are all these reasons i give myself to put it off and those are things you got to fight against yeah i pretty sure it was in that book but he he goes in to say like whatever it is that one thing that you want to do the least that's the one thing you have to go out and do you definitely have to at least try it yeah i mean like you know doing it and doing it consistently, that might start to be difficult for you.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Because it's probably like the opposite of the things that you enjoy. You know, thinking about like going and jumping into like a yoga class when you don't like mobility stuff. You don't really love stretching. And you're trying to find out like, you know, do I really like this? But a good way to know that you must do something and that you must try it is exactly what you just said is that resistance. You have that kind of resistance towards like, I ain't trying that. No, I mean, you know, this is all like within reason. And what it's going to do is it will probably just expose you to something new or it will expose you
Starting point is 00:14:26 to a weakness where you're like, that's abnormal for me to like, to not be that good at that. Like that doesn't make any, like, I don't like that. It doesn't make any sense. I'm going to work on that and I'm going to like suck a lot less at that. Cause that doesn't, that doesn't feel good for me to like, you know, be so horrible at something so i think that sometimes um i think we're maybe just fearful and we're worried i know a lot of people that ask me the business questions like how do you get started you know and i'm like wow i'm like getting started is actually the only easy part uh it's it's following through once you have started that makes everything um you know super difficult oh we got our shot clock working oh
Starting point is 00:15:05 cool that's the end of the third quarter folks or how about periods in hockey i still don't know what those are they're like 45 minutes or something i don't know they got like four they only have three hockey is like you know i mean it's really that's really sidetracking everything but i got to it's a crazy it's crazy sport, and those fuckers are so athletic, and no one ever watches it. Like, not in the United States, you know? People don't, like, people don't dig it. I hear the playoffs are, like, they're on top of every other big sport.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Dude, if all of us went to a hockey game, we would have a blast. Yeah, absolutely. We would not know what's going on, and we'd be like, this is sick. Like, it would be a lot of fun. We should go to a… San Yeah, absolutely. We would not know what's going on, and we'd be like, this is sick. It would be a lot of fun. We should go to a— San Jose Sharks. We should go to the San Jose Sharks or Anaheim down in Los Angeles because I know the strength coach and stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I think I might know the strength coach on both teams maybe. I'm surprised that they let people fight because when fights go down, brawls, they don't necessarily stop it. Correct. Well, think about how funny it is. In jiu-jls, they don't necessarily stop it. Correct. Well, think about how funny it is. In jiu-jitsu, they don't even let you do that. And that's a combat sport, right?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Even in collegiate wrestling, they're not like, all right, let these guys settle. It'll get them out of their system, throw a couple punches, and we'll get back to wrestling. They do that in hockey, though. No, these guys got a score to settle. I've never understood that, though. Honestly, guys, really think about that. That's really freaking weird. This is a sport. It's like basketball like basketball if they start punching each other the refs get in the way but in hockey they're like yeah it's all right just wait a little bit just get it out of your system and then you go into the penalty box which is hilarious you're
Starting point is 00:16:36 like dude you got in trouble you're going over there and it's like now you play with like one less guy on your team it's kind of weird weird. It's all really, really weird. It's so odd. But the way that it works, and I know that how nerdy is this? I know this more so through video games than I do anything else because playing hockey for video games. Tons of fun. It was the best. It freaking rocks.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Loved it. You get a power play going. That's like when the other team has their player in the penalty box. You get super hyped up for that too. Yeah. It's sick anyway i don't know much about hockey but i do know that like the best players are protected by what they call the goons and the goons are like the bigger guys usually they're better at like
Starting point is 00:17:15 defense but they're really on the team like just to fight just to beat your ass and but the weird thing is every team has a goon or several of them sometimes. And these guys are big, too. Most of them are 6'3", 6'4", 250, 260. These are big dudes. Athletic, too. And angry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And they're pissed. There's a legendary hockey fight where the two teams, they just decided like, F it. Like, we're all going at it. So, you know, like they square off and the rest of the team kind of watches. And the other guys might wrestle around a little bit, but they're not really like punching each other. Both teams decided we're going for it. And they all started to fight. And then both of the goalies just stopped and looked at each other and they threw their
Starting point is 00:18:05 gloves down and they met each other at mid-ice like they skated out to each other and they started beating each other's ass this fight went on for like 45 minutes they couldn't stop it every time they every time they slowed it down or stopped it or calmed it down it just sparked back up again they were all beating the hell out of each other it was really we should find a video it's it's like comical you keep watching you're like what is going on here like yeah isn't anybody getting tired like it just kept going and going and going i'm just pulling up random fights on youtube so there's another so there's another good fight there's a there's a hockey player um let's see uh so there's a hockey player named ty domey ty domey was oh this might be it oh yeah they're just like yep and they're rolling up their sleeves
Starting point is 00:18:52 giving each other time oh my god circles too this is like one of those like oh that's good yeah from like the 1920s or something. Oh my God, it's crazy. I like how they went in, like they took their helmets off. Like, no, we're... The refs. The refs. What?
Starting point is 00:19:12 They're just chilling. If you guys are just listening to this and you're not like watching, we're watching a hockey fight right now and everybody on every team is fighting and the refs are just like, they're just, they're not doing shit. Now they're starting. I think once it goes to the ground, that's when the refs are just like they're just they're not doing shit now they're
Starting point is 00:19:25 starting so i think once it goes to the ground that's when the refs actually jump in and so there's there's there's two guys there's one guy named ty domey he used to play for the rangers and i heard about him all growing up because like come like being living in new york he was like a legend and he was just known for fighting just known for like beating people's ass and there was another guy um on it there was another goon on another team i want to say his name was bob probert but one guy was super tall one guy was like six five and the other guy was like five eight and so it looked funny every time they fought but they fought like 20 something times on the actual ice and then they fought like in bars and stuff because they just would always they just would always fight each other when they would get in uh uh when they were like on the ice
Starting point is 00:20:11 together the other guy would just like tap the other guy and they ended up to be like it's on like they didn't have to do much they just like looked at each other and they were like here we go so you might be able to look that up and see how many times these guys uh fought each other i think those are the names but they fought each other all the time they're killing each other guys that might be them this is so weird though i wonder when like when this became a thing has this just been a thing since the start of hockey so the it has been these guys they they're these goons they protect the best players on the ice and so you know you got a wayne gretzky on your team and he scores a lot of goals um somebody might think like that's that guy's a really good skater um that guy's really good with the puck he's good at passing it's like let's just f him up like let's just try to kill
Starting point is 00:20:55 the guy and so someone will try to like you know knock him out of the game and that's where the goons come in they're they're also called enforcers yeah it's like we're not allowing this to happen you know with our team but it just not like everyone has an enforcer so it just they they've talked about many times they talked about like trying to ban it trying to break up the fights and they just come to the conclusion that it's better just to let them let them go for it did this the did hockey as a sport begin in can? I don't know its origins, but I know it's huge in Canada. That's the thing. I feel like, you know how everyone says Canadians are so nice?
Starting point is 00:21:32 Because Canadians love hockey. And I feel like hockey might just be- Maybe they're nice because they get it out of them. They get it out. Maybe they're just like, you know, they get it out, and then they're like, okay, hey, we're good. Yeah, we're good to go. They just leave it on the ice. It doesn't go out
Starting point is 00:21:48 into the streets. I liked Nintendo hockey because if you had the bigger guy, you just bump into the smaller guy and you get the puck. Yeah, Nintendo hockey, you had the ectomorph and the mesomorph and the endomorph. You could pick what guy you wanted
Starting point is 00:22:04 on your team and the skinnier guy the endomorph you could pick what guy you wanted on your team and the little skin the skinnier guy was way faster he could like he could score but the fat guy if the fat guy like ran into you you'd get clobbered if the fat guy nailed in you and then they would fight but when they would fight it kind of looked like tecmo bowl because they would like pop all over the screen yeah like popcorn they was like those games were fun man man but like the other thing about this that's so crazy is just that like first off yeah on the ice you're going so fast so if the 200 is a great fight this uh one of the one of the listeners uh stewart put me onto this one yeah like a 260 pound
Starting point is 00:22:38 guy going at that speed bumping into somebody my god and i don't know why i've actually looked this up before but like this is this scenario right here is referred to as a donny brook when these guys fight like this it's called a donny brook because it's like a melee it's like a big you know it's like a bunch of guys are fighting yeah i think i looked it up one time it was like in reference to like a player or something like that i'm like what a funny thing like i don't know it's just all well it's good to see nobody culture yeah it's good to see nobody like kicking anybody's like goalie goalie's that i'm like what a funny thing like i don't know it's just all well it's good to see nobody culture yeah it's good to see nobody like kicking anybody oh look at the goalie goalie's like i'm gonna beat that
Starting point is 00:23:09 oh man here we go there it is stupid everyone's taking off their their freaking gloves and all that shit come on they're on the ice man so it's it's like, could you imagine? No traction. Well, I mean, for them, they live with skates on, so it's pretty normal. Jiu-jitsu might work pretty good in some of this. Not actually trying jiu-jitsu moves,
Starting point is 00:23:36 but knowing how to grab someone's jersey and gi and stuff. Look what they, now they're bringing buddies. Yeah, that was weird. See? They're all tired. They pull each other's jerseys off, and then they start just laughing.
Starting point is 00:23:47 What? It's really great when they pull the guy's jersey kind of halfway over his head, and they just start uppercutting the shit out of him. Dude, now that we're talking about these sports fights, we've got to talk about, do you guys remember Nolan Ryan? Do you remember when that guy charged him out? I mean, this is like 20 years ago, so you shouldn't really know about it, but all right,
Starting point is 00:24:06 let's see this. It's a, so Nolan Ryan, you know, is a legendary pitcher. One of the greatest baseball pitchers of all time. And he played baseball into like his, like mid,
Starting point is 00:24:16 maybe even closer to 50 years old. Oh, wow. This guy, Robin Ventura thought he was going to be so bad-ass. He's like, all right, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:24:24 He's like, I'm going to beat your ass. I'm going to beat your ass, you old piece of shit. I'm going to beat your old ass up. And then what? Hold on. Come here, boy. Come here, boy. Puts him in a headlock.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And they said, I remember on SportsCenter when this happened, and they were like, never mess with a cowboy, because Nolan Ryan was like a cowboy. He had a ranch and stuff. And they were like, not a good idea to be messing with this guy this guy knows how to scrap how embarrassing like that's what Robin Ventura is famous
Starting point is 00:24:52 for like if anybody brought his name up you'd be like yeah I remember he got his ass beaten by Nolan Ryan he was great he's a legendary baseball player yeah oh man how about that lakers fight it was with uh meta world peace formerly on our test oh yeah that was the pacers and pistons ah yes
Starting point is 00:25:13 that oh into this into the stands uh-huh that was crazy that that one like people got you know where people were like where you know worried that worried that more of this kind of stuff would happen. There was a bigger, like, like kind of scary. Yeah. I remember watching this and I could not understand what was going on. I'm like, is this real right now?
Starting point is 00:25:33 Like it was, I mean, I don't want to sound stupid and say like, Oh, it was like a, like a terrorist attack or something. But I just remember like jaw open being like, I cannot believe this is happening.
Starting point is 00:25:45 It's like, this was believe this is happening. Yeah. It's like, this was actually fairly normal for, uh, you know, Rasheed Wallace. And, uh, at that time,
Starting point is 00:25:50 we're on our test. Look at Jermaine O'Neal. He's like, come on, dude. I forget about how good of a player Rasheed Wallace was though, too. He was,
Starting point is 00:25:57 he was a great defensive player. When I remember his rookie season, uh, dude, Ben Wallace. And then like, there's Ron Hartest. Oh, God. You know what?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Oh, my gosh. There's no excuse. I mean, they're like, go into the stands and do this kind of shit. But could you imagine being a player and over the years how frustrated you are a lot of times with fans and the shit they say? I mean, you know, it's letting it go. You don't want to see anybody get attacked that way. However, people are disgusting. People say crazy shit like, who knows?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Maybe that guy said like a racial slur or something like because what else would set him off? You know what I mean? Like that, like without well, without you saying something crazy or throwing beer out i mean so you're in the middle of a game and someone pours beer all over you and it's all sticky and it gets in your eyes and shit i would be i would have a knee-jerk reaction to that too i don't know if i would like chase someone down and then try to beat their ass but i'd be pissed yeah so what happened was ron artest he was laying down on the uh like on the um oh yeah you know like where like the announcer's table he laid down and chilled on there and he was just
Starting point is 00:27:09 laying down being stupid and then somebody threw an entire beer at him and then he he jumped up and he attacked the wrong person oh man yeah it was so bad yeah fans can be tough sometimes i've heard like oklahoma city fans are like the worst in terms of some of the stuff they say to players yeah it's not good i heard uh shack you know talking about how he was just dominating a game he was like he scored like 40 points and every time he just turned around he would just dunk he was rebounding blocking shots and he said the hornets the uh charlotte hornets mascot was still all over him the whole game like you ain't shit and and shack is like at first he was getting frustrated shack's like how many points do i need to score like to shut this guy up yeah shack kept pointing at the scoreboard and stuff
Starting point is 00:27:55 and the guy was still you know still annoying to him and still you know getting him like really pissed off and shack finally just like started laughing because it got to be comical. Shaq's like, I'm destroying your whole team by myself. He's like, and you still won't shut up. Dude, look at all the jerks that they're throwing at him. That guy did a good job protecting him. Wow. What's up with the world peace?
Starting point is 00:28:18 He came out here to Sacramento for a while, right? Dude, yeah. He turned our season around. So we traded. Hell of a basketball player, man. the year we so we traded hell of a basketball player man shit yeah we traded stiakovich for him and he like first like interview he's like i guarantee you we're making the playoffs and everyone's like oh like a sure thing like we weren't even close and we made the playoffs that year made it to the playoffs he's like i guarantee
Starting point is 00:28:39 you we're winning a world championship like anybody down. Anybody listening to some of this, man, you got to check out the Dennis Rodman thing. I want to say it's a 30 for 30, but it could be like an E60 or whatever. But look it up, man. It's worth it. It was really, really good. I was telling these guys about it. Something you guys should definitely check out.
Starting point is 00:28:59 A really interesting look at, in my opinion, one of the greatest basketball players, one of the greatest defenders of all time and greatest rebounder of all time for sure but you know dennis rodman's like his story is is interesting like things didn't really you know fall apart for him until he got until he got older and he started getting um just i don't know he just started getting more and more um more and more of the things that happened to him when he was young started to manifest as he was older. And then that's when, you know, he started doing the crazy stuff with his hair and that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:34 But him, like, you know, being with Madonna for a while was kind of the kickoff to everything. It was kind of the kickoff for him doing all these crazy things to, like, grab attention. And then his career kind of spiraledoff for him doing all these crazy things to like grab attention and then his career kind of spiraled and he ended up you know drinking and ended up kind of in in some really really tough spots but you guys should check it out yeah it's like we were talking about that the other day and the one thing is like i just because of what i've seen from dennis rodman i guess in terms like the stuff he wore etc i thought he was one way like i thought
Starting point is 00:30:04 he was a loud mouth and that type of stuff, even though I've never really heard that stuff. But, you know, apparently like you watch this and he's like a really just like shy, quiet dude. You know what I mean? He's not even aggressive. Like, you know, he's not that way naturally. He's so shy and like reserved that his other teammates
Starting point is 00:30:22 didn't even know, you know what to do with him and him him dressing up as like a woman and doing a lot of that stuff he used to wear like a t-shirt and he used to say like i'm not gay but my boyfriend is like he he's always been like really really different and back then it was crazy because he was hanging out with like transvestites and all these different all these different kinds of people. And people were like, ew, like what's he doing? Like people were freaking out. And he was just like open and accepting of anybody that was like open and accepting of him.
Starting point is 00:30:56 You know, he was into that. So, yeah, it's a cool piece, man. I enjoyed it a lot. He was a full-on champion. He won champion with the Pistons, the Bulls, the Lakers. I don't remember if he was there when the Spurs won their championship, but he was still a part of that rebuilding process once they ended up getting Tim Duncan.
Starting point is 00:31:17 That's when I used to watch a lot of sports, especially a lot of basketball. Anyway, before Andrew derailed this podcast, so can you open up the script again i mean yeah yeah should we not even buy i mean well you know dennis rodman's a great example of one of those people who kind of just does things like went for it no but yeah but seriously like he just he just goes for things and like pretty much you can kind of say that everything almost turned out kind of positively for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 He probably isn't too much of an overthinker, I would assume. I don't know. But that's the thing. It's just like, you know, a lot of times we strive for perfection for something when most of the time it's just going and doing the damn thing and just trying it out. Like with your diet, you know, you know, you should you want to try and lose some weight, but you don't know what program to get on. You don't know what diet to do. Like a lot of the times we talk about different habits to pick up. You can just start with one simple habit. Go into your pantry, get some things out.
Starting point is 00:32:12 That's one thing that's going to make a big change. You don't need to count your calories or anything. Get rid of like a lot of your bad snack foods that you just know aren't good. And then just do the simple things and then over time optimize it. You can become a material expert in certain areas by just simply starting. And we do talk a lot and it's cliche to kind of say, find your passion, right? But the reason why people are so excited about that phrase and the reason why they say it is because we know the people that feel like they found their passion have a good understanding of i'm not going to run out of energy for this because i actually really like this i love talking
Starting point is 00:32:50 about this particular topic i love uh i love lifting i love jiu-jitsu i love boxing i love whatever the thing is that you and you can love multiple things but whatever the thing is that you love to do if you can figure out a way to make that part of your lifestyle, to make that part of your career, then you might be onto something really awesome. Yeah. With your bodybuilding show, because first off you prepped in like 12 weeks, right? But how long before you pulled the trigger on it, like, were you thinking about, I want to do a bodybuilding show? Yeah, that's actually a pretty cool example because I didn't, I, I have never thought about a bot. I never, I have never considered myself for a bodybuilding show ever. I've gotten in pretty good shape here and there. I've done like photo shoots and got my body fat percentages down and had them tested and things like that.
Starting point is 00:33:41 But as far as bodybuilding, I was like, well, I tore my bicep twice. I tore my pack. I'm like, you know, when I get on stage and flex, I mean, I'm going to have a lot of holes in my game and I don't think it's going to look that great. And I was like, even if I get super lean, I was like, I don't really, you know, so I had all this stuff in my head about, you know, why I shouldn't do it, but I never really contemplated, uh, ever doing it before until honey rambod came on our podcast and he kind of just put me on the spot and he was like you know you're we're we got a contest here in august and uh you're doing it he's like you owe it to your fans he's like you've gotten in great shape but let's see if you can go to that next level you know and i he's like i want
Starting point is 00:34:19 you uh to experience it and when he said that i was like, if you'll help me, then I'll do it, you know, without his help and without his guidance, I wouldn't have done it because I wouldn't have understood how to do it, you know, on my own. I kind of needed, I needed somebody to, you know, kind of help me with it. But yeah, from that day forward, it was bodybuilding. And I'm like, I need to figure out how to like, I don't even know how to bodybuild. I don't know. I kind of know the workouts a little bit. Um, but I don't know much about them. It actually took me about three. The prep was about nine weeks and a nice of a little longer. And it took me, it took me about two weeks to get comfortable and used to the diet. That wasn't really that hard. and used to the diet, that wasn't really that hard. And I just mean like from like a shopping perspective and having all the stuff that I'm supposed to have for this bodybuilding style diet that I did,
Starting point is 00:35:10 which is moderate amount of carbohydrates, a fairly high amount of protein, and then moderate fat in the beginning and the fat lowered as the contest came closer. So it took me a minute to kind of get my feet going the right way with that. And then, you know, the cardio took a while to adjust to, and the cardio ramped up as, you know, as we got closer to the competition too. But the hardest part was the workouts because I didn't really know how to, you know, get a pump and like sustain it.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I mean, I sound like I never had a pump before, but man, it's different, you know, get a pump and like sustain it. I, I, it's not like I never had a pump before, but man, it's different, you know, going, having pumps that are like excruciating that really test your brain and you're like, don't do any more. Don't do like the, your body is really telling you through every rep, don't do any more. Don't do any more. Don't do any more. You should stop. You should stop. You should stop. And it hurts. And you got to like fight. You got to lift through it, right? You got to push through it. And as you're doing those, as you're doing those sets, man, all you can think about is like giving up. But in bodybuilding, it's like, that's where the getting is good. And that's, that's right where you need to be. And yeah, man, like first off
Starting point is 00:36:20 that, that's why I wanted to ask you about that. Because from like conception to stage, you said your prep is nine weeks. And the podcast before, how long before you started your prep was your podcast with Honey? I'm sorry, say that again? The podcast that you did with Honey, how long was it before that and then your prep? Oh, I started right there. Exactly. Yeah, I started right there.
Starting point is 00:36:43 That's the thing. Started on whatever that date was. That's when I started. Yeah, you never thought about doing a bodybuilding show. prep oh i started right there exactly yeah right there you know that's the thing before started on whatever that date was that's when i started yeah you never thought about doing a bodybuilding show someone mentions in it your mind doesn't go to oh my bicep tore multiple times i don't know how i'm gonna look here or i've never done this yeah that all faded away you're just like fuck it okay let's do it and you just you you did it you you learned as you went you optimized you ended up winning correct yep right so like that that's that's what we're looking at here and i went home and i i was like well first person i
Starting point is 00:37:10 gotta communicate this to is my wife i need her to like understand you know um what i'm doing and uh even those things are hard to negotiate sometimes you know i i i was like do I just flat-out tell her this is what I'm doing or I make her like part of it yeah you know and I was like I had to think about it for a minute I'm like okay be smarter to make her part of it so I went home that day and I was like well you know had honey on the podcast today and I said I you know you've met him before and um you know I think it'd be really cool he he made a suggestion to me to do a bodybuilding show, you know, you've met him before. And, you know, I think it would be really cool. He made a suggestion to me to do a bodybuilding show. I'm like, you know, what do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:37:49 And she's like, I don't think you should do it. I was like, it's going to it's going to take she's like, it's just going to take such a huge effort and you don't really need it. And and then so I explained to her why, you know, I'm like, I don't want to like do this to like get a trophy necessarily. I don't want to do this is not an Instagram trick or anything. I said, I want to see like what I'm able to push to and what how far I can kind of take something. And I've never I've never done that before in terms of like my aesthetics. Yeah. So I'd love to learn, you know, learn how that feels. And she was like, OK, go, you know, if you're going to do it and let's do it.
Starting point is 00:38:22 And she's like, I'll help you whatever with as much stuff as I can help you with. Wow. And she helped with a lot of the meal prep. It's a pain in the ass. That's so interesting that initially she didn't think it was that great of an idea. I mean, it's cool that you had that resistance and you guys were able to talk through it and come to that conclusion. But wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah, without having enough reason behind it, she was like, but wow okay without without without having like enough reason behind it she was like like she's like i you know she could kind of understand you know why i wanted to do it but maybe didn't know the full reason and then once you knew the full reason she was like yeah go for it but i think also too i think she's just thinking about she she helps a lot with a lot of different things but one thing she helps with is just to make sure that I'm not wearing myself down, you know? So she's kind of watching, you know, we get approached for all kinds of stuff all the time, you know, different businesses or sponsorships or all kinds of different things. And she's always like, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope. She says no to everything pretty much. It's like, it's almost, uh, it's almost part of her job. So
Starting point is 00:39:24 it's just to make sure, like, is that something that really makes sense for us? Is it, is this something that, or is there something that's kind of cool, but it's just going to wear you the hell out? Yeah. You know, so she's always kind of thinking in those terms. Yeah. You know, like, first off, if you're listening, obviously you're listening still, but check out that book that, that Andrew mentioned, The War of Art. Grab that.
Starting point is 00:39:45 But also today, because we've been talking about this resistance thing for a bit, there's probably multiple things that have come to your mind right now. And while we've been talking that are like, hey, you need to do this. You know you need to do this. Get started on this. Do this. Do this. Do this. I know you've thought about it. So either just write it down, DM us or write it down and try it today. Do it to just try and do something today or tomorrow, ideally today. Um, because that could just really move you in the right direction. And like I said, at the beginning of this too, this is something that I, I I'm a, I'm a, I'm one of those perfection before action people. There are a lot of things that I take action on, but there are quite a few things that I know in my mind that I haven't taken action on to that I need to. So if
Starting point is 00:40:29 you do have that issue, know that a lot of people struggle with it, including myself. But, you know, if you just take some damn action, just go for it without thinking about it, you'll probably end up in a much better place. Like our friend Dylan right now, he's saying that he wants to sign up for his first powerlifting meet. He says he doesn't want to do it till February of 2020. So I think it's up to us to convince him to do one before the end of the year. Yeah. Dylan, like just if you've been training for a while,
Starting point is 00:40:57 man, find something soon. And it like, if you've been putting it off for a smart reason, like maybe you're prepping or you're very new. Okay. But if it's something that you've been training for and you've been putting it off for a smart reason, like maybe you're prepping or you're very new. Okay. But if it's something that you've been training for and you've been training for a while,
Starting point is 00:41:08 maybe you should just take a shot and do it, man. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, you could, um,
Starting point is 00:41:14 you know, sign up for a contest and if you've never done a power thing meet before, you can establish some numbers for yourself. Yep. And that's the way you can view that competition. Um, you're still going to view that competition. You're still going to be insanely nervous. You know, it's easy for me to say, Oh, don't be nervous.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And don't worry about your numbers too much. You're going to worry about them a ton and you're going to be very nervous no matter what we say. But it could give you a base. It could give you a base and you can say, okay, I went in that competition. I squatted 300, benched 225, and I pulled 365. That was fun. Kind of got the jitters out. I can't wait to compete again, like when I compete in, you know, whatever, February or whenever the next one is that you're going to do. And you have, you know, a blueprint of what you did before, and now you're working on getting better. For powerlifting, I think that's especially powerful because I think what happens with a lot of people is they're like, I want to establish this level of strength.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I want to be able to pull and push this before I head into a meet, right? But if you can sign up for a meet, that'll first off give you a little bit of fire for your training. And for your first meet, again, like you said, it's just putting some numbers up. You want to get some numbers up.
Starting point is 00:42:21 You want to get a baseline so that your next meet you can beat that. It's like a tune-up meet. Yeah, it's like a tune-up meet. You want to be able to see. You want to get a baseline so that your next meet you can beat that. It's like a tune-up meet. Yeah, it's like a tune-up meet. You want to be able to see, okay, what's it like? When do I need a warm-up before I have to get on the platform? What are the commands? You can get all of that out, and then you can really be well prepared for your next meet after that.
Starting point is 00:42:40 But it'll really get all those jitters out. It makes a big difference. after that, but it really get all those jitters out. It makes a big difference. You also probably feel better because, um, you will have made some progress from the last, you know, you compete one time and then you go in and then you can kind of review and be like, ah, you know what? I really, I really didn't train that hard on my deadlift. If I'm being totally honest with myself, I could have pushed out a little bit more. And then the next time you compete, you can kind of almost force that to happen. You can almost will it to happen because you put pressure on yourself. That's part of the reason why, um, you compete, but you know, for now you don't really have much
Starting point is 00:43:13 to compare it to except for, uh, maybe some stuff that you've done inside the gym. So I think it's, it's always a good idea. It's always a good idea to be a little cautious of stuff. That's human nature. And that's very normal. Um, because you don't want to get hurt, you know, you don't want like you're, you don't want to feel dumb. You don't want to be made a fool of. Um, and you know, maybe you're, well, you know, maybe in some situations you're worried about like your feelings or where maybe you're worried about like losing a bunch of money if you went and tried like this thing. But what I always go back to, and I think this is fascinating. Like if I, you know, if I was to go to LA and go to Gold's Gym
Starting point is 00:43:53 in Venice, I have a lot of friends there and a lot of people that, you know, that I associate with. And when I run into people, they're always like, oh man, you've blown up. You've done this, you've done that, you know, and they're super excited for me. But I'm like, they have all the same opportunities that I have. i don't feel like there's any difference now you know i've acquired some money and stuff like that's that's helped with certain conveniences but um i they have a i have an iphone and they have a they have a smartphone as well yeah um i have facebook and so do they you know i have an Instagram account and so do they. And a list of things go on and on.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I started a YouTube channel in 2007. I just started it because I was like, this lifting stuff, people are going to dig it. I documented it. I'm like, people will be drawn to seeing somebody squat 800 pounds. They're going to like that. I don't know why or when or how or whatever, but I think that if I just keep showing it to people, they'll be more exposed to it,
Starting point is 00:44:53 and then they're going to be like, that's really cool. And then I can give them a look under the hood and show them, hey, this is how all this works. This guy didn't just randomly squat 800 pounds. There's a science to it. And there's a skill, a huge skill that really needs to be learned. And you need to ingrain this stuff into your system the same way you would need to ingrain into your system how to shoot a three-pointer or how to be proficient at jujitsu or collegiate wrestling or anything that you're working on. The only way to get better at something is to get
Starting point is 00:45:26 started at it. Like you gotta get, you have to get going, right? You have to get, you gotta have something to kind of show, uh, for the things that you're doing and you gotta get going on it. And, you know, on your note of like, for example, like YouTube, right? You, at that time, when you started, you were able to already start lifting a lot of weight, but I can already hear someone saying, yo, but I'm not that like, they want to do something like that right they want to put out content or whatever they're like i'm not that strong yet or i'm not that jacked yet but one thing that what a great dialogue to have exactly right like i like hey man i'm actually like i'm really weak like i i'm good for 135 on the bench if i'm lucky but i bet you there might be some other people
Starting point is 00:46:06 out there that are like me and i'm super nervous to even shoot this video right now like i i'm almost gonna cry because i am so uncomfortable or whatever the thing is right yeah and you share that with people and people like this guy is awesome man he's really like there's not a person in the world that wouldn't admire that and they'll be like this person's really putting themselves out there in front of people damn yeah that's i think that's why uh sarmer getting hit so well because there's a lot more people that look like me than look like mark bell yeah that's just honest truth and you know like yeah a lot of sexy motherfuckers running around there's a lot of people that look like you i was thinking he was skinny and frail but yeah we'll go we'll go with that but yeah that's thick beard too yeah that's that's very true too there's a lot of people that look like you. I was thinking he was skinny and frail, but yeah, we'll go with that.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Nice thick beard, too. Yeah, that's very true, too. There's a lot of thick beards, especially now that it's... That's not the only thickness going on around here. We're taking a break. Yeah, I've told people that they said that they liked it and they want to do to do something too but i'm not this i'm not that i'm like there's more people that can relate to you than can relate to me or to anybody else yeah man like there's so many humans on this planet that would be so into whatever it is that you have going on yeah like you just have to get started just like you know christian guzman i
Starting point is 00:47:20 think that's what that's one of the big reasons why he took off so well. Because when he started, he was like a 16-year-old skinny kid. And people were watching his journey into becoming big and jacked. Again, it doesn't matter where you start because everybody starts from somewhere in point A. Even if you're trying to learn about something, if you can share that journey. A lot of people have shared the journey from going to college to medical school, you know, and all that type of stuff. And there are a lot of channels on YouTube that like, you can see the journey from the beginning where they didn't know much and now they're here, right? People like to watch the evolution. And if you can, again, if you want to do something or
Starting point is 00:47:57 create some content around that, let people see the beginning. Like when I started jujitsu, I have the videos on my YouTube channel of me getting my ass beat and handed to me. You know, I have the videos where I've lost tournaments there, but I wanted people to see, and I want people to continue to see the progression of that from beginning to end. Well, there's not going to really be an end, but like to, to when I continue to get better, like that's important. Yeah. It was funny. I walked into Smokey's office the other day and he was just watching all the videos of you losing. It's just on repeat. I was like, what you got there?
Starting point is 00:48:29 And he just, big old smile on his face. Yeah, I think he has one of his screensavers on his phone is me from Worlds in 2017 when my opponent's hand was lifted and I was looking down and I was sad and distraught. He really likes that picture especially. It's one of his favorites. That's really mean.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Think about some of these youtube people that we know you know we got like nick wright or christian guzman or like omar isaf um they all started filming themselves uh pretty young and none of them really had a uh physique or strength level where other people would be like, whoa, right? At that point, they didn't have that. But now they do. Now they've worked their way into that, right? And there's a lot of people on social media that sometimes even have a huge following. They could even be in the fitness space. They could even be in the fitness space.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And just because they acquired a lot of knowledge or they became a material expert in something specific, they still might not be jacked. They still might not be hitting huge weights. So if you're not like a weight room guy or whatever, if you're not squatting 800 pounds, that's not the only thing that's going to get you attention. There's still other ways that you could provide and really just comes down to providing value for people. But you're not going to be able to provide any value for people if you yourself don't feel valuable. And the only way you're going to feel valuable is to have practice and to have a bunch of experience under your belt. Once that experience is under your belt, then it's going to be easier to be more confident. I still get nervous for a lot of things, as Mark knows. remember like for photo shoots like that's that's what I do I know how to take pictures that's my thing I mean I can get sleep
Starting point is 00:50:12 the night before and you know it was terrible but after so many years of doing it now yeah it's like I'll walk in and be like oh shit that's right I forgot we have this gigantic photo shoot today let me get ready that doesn't happen all the time but it has happened where I'm like oh that's right i forgot we have this gigantic photo shoot today let me get ready um that doesn't happen all the time but it has happened where i'm like oh that's right i do have to shoot product shots within sema or something and that's just all come from years of doing it over and over and over and over and you kind of you build a confidence but you also just build the skills because you can at the end of the day you're just like i know how to do all this i can go on autopilot and take good pictures yeah and. And that, but that doesn't come from like studying it obviously.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Right. Got to do it. That's reps. And Seaman, why do you think that you push stuff off and, and maybe have trouble not, you know, getting around to certain things? Cause partially because that's the way I've,
Starting point is 00:51:00 that's just the way I've been with certain things. Like I, my problem is that with some things I want to be able to have all, like, I want to be able to be as prepared as possible or not have as many mistakes, um, doing it, you know, initially, like that's what I, that's my problem with certain things. I'm not like that, but with other things, um, other things like apparel, apparel that I want to do or whatever right i'm i'm very timid when it comes to that other things i can just move on you know what i mean but like it's just i i know that about myself and i like i i know what the problem is but still just sometimes i just don't
Starting point is 00:51:39 uh did you know that jason kalipa had a failed apparel company really i didn't know that Jason Kalipa had a failed apparel company. Really? I didn't know that. See, he didn't know because people don't care. Yeah. It's like, you know, like we'll have some wins and we'll have some losses and like people aren't, other than Smokey, most people aren't going to keep track of like a loss here and there. And, and, you know, if you, if you try something, yeah, that could be in the back of your head. Like, oh my God, like, what if it just, what if it just didn't work out? But like, it does exactly and and maybe people are scared of that you know um our uh annoying buddy tom here at slingshot he he always uh teases people and says don't be afraid of greatness and i think sometimes maybe people are in the back of their head because what if it does work out then you're on the hook hook to do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Then you need to come up with new concepts and new shirts and new hats and new this, new that. And it can really, really rapidly become extremely overwhelming. It's almost like playing a sport where you're like, I kind of sort of hope the coach puts me in. But if he puts me in and I go in there, I could fuck up. But I sort of hope, I sort of hope, bell, get in there i could fuck up but like i sort of hope i sort of fail get in there oh my god you have a heart attack like i wanted to go in but no that's fine
Starting point is 00:52:51 i think kalipa's brand was called faded apparel faded faded yeah because it was like they would go into clubs and like throw stuff like off the stage and i mean he was only like 18 years old and inside of like you know 21 and up club mean he was only like 18 years old and inside of like you know 21 and up club because he had a cousin or something that would get him in and they were just like throwing free shirts out trying to build hype and we got to bring that shit back yeah you know like the like what also you know when you when you guys asked me to like come on and do the podcast with you guys like in the back of my head when i first heard that question i was like wait what the fuck i don't know what the fuck am i gonna talk for hours on this i don't know what
Starting point is 00:53:28 like literally but like in the front i was like yeah guys let's do it right my mind was racing though and you walk away into what the fuck did i just say right but i was really freaking scared because i was like i mean i know i know this stuff but can i actually come on a mic and be able to share this information and share it well with people i'm glad i did because like i got getting better over time i don't suck as much as i did at the start which is awesome you know and it's great it is fun yeah i mean when i told mark i'm like this i i need to be the one producing this podcast like you need me and he said yes and i'm like wait no i literally have no clue how to run a podcast yeah yeah so yeah that was pretty terrifying too
Starting point is 00:54:13 got what i wanted yeah i guess and some sometimes these things are started just you know um you might have started something when you're really young you know and and then that might be something that you end up being an you know, and, and then that might be something that you end up being an expert at. Like we're talking about some of these people like Nick Wright and these people, right. But you need to, you really need to take action on it now because like we're talking about, it might kind of stink. It might kind of suck at first, but two years from now, three years from now, four years from now, like it's going to, you're going to continue to get better at whatever it is. And I know there's a lot of people that listen
Starting point is 00:54:50 to this. They have a desire to start their own podcast. They have a great invention. Um, they have a book that they wanted to write. They have something cool, uh, is inside of them and they just, they won't let it out for some reason. So, you know, there's a saying that they say in music, you know, don't die with the music inside your heart. You want to get it, like get all that shit out there. Like whatever these ideas are, you know, figure out a way to get them out in the universe. And when you make a product, um, what happens here at Slingshot, whenever we make stuff, um, we make stuff, we we test it we test it some more and then we're like okay i think it's cool yeah we put it out and who tells us how good or bad it is the people
Starting point is 00:55:33 that buy it they say you know what man that thing's a piece of shit and i go you know what you're totally right we need to fix it you know we need to tweak it right and then we go back and we we do the best we can and and what does that happen with every single thing you've ever purchased in your life apple is probably one of the biggest most successful companies there is how many times have you got a new iphone like this thing's kind of a piece of crap like if this doesn't function well that doesn't function well And then they even made the phone have a service in it where you can update it. Right. And then the phone will like start to function better and they'll get rid of the glitches. Right. And that's what we're talking about. We're talking about
Starting point is 00:56:13 trying to get rid of glitches, trying to get rid of, you know, some of these, you know, these things that you might not be aware of when you, when you start something, but you have to roll it out there. You have to put it out there first. And if it's you, you know, talking on Instagram more, maybe you go on Instagram live, maybe you do a, um, maybe you're thinking about doing a podcast, but you don't have the guts to try to figure it out. You don't understand iTunes and stuff, but like, could you just, could you just go live on IG and do that? I mean, my brother was asking a bunch of questions the other day and I said, dude, just go live on Instagram. Just go live on Instagram, save it to your phone.
Starting point is 00:56:51 And then if you want, you can post that to YouTube as well. So now you have two different formats. You could post it on Facebook as well. You can post it on Twitter. So now you're really opening up the gamut of people that it could potentially hit. You could have the extended version on YouTube. You can have a shorter version on IG Live, which actually can go on your IGTV as well. And in addition to that, if you really dig it that much and you really want to figure it out, you could probably strip
Starting point is 00:57:20 the audio and put it on iTunes. But you need all kinds of fancy equipment for that though, right? That's right. You need to wait until you get this microphone that costs $2,500 and you need to wait until you get the camera set up and then you need to make sure that your building has the right Wi-Fi set up so that you can do it the right way from there and da-da-da-da-da.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Or you can just do it on your phone, but you're probably going to want to wait for the new iPhone 11 because that's got a new thing. It's got a new camera. As soon as you get that, that's when you can just do it on your phone, but you're probably going to want to wait for the new iPhone 11 because that's got a new thing. That's the one that as soon as you get that, that's when you can get started. Things will be better then. You need that crisp camera. When is then? Then is now.
Starting point is 00:57:55 You touched on something that I think you touched on something that's going to help a lot of people. Like the artists that die and still have music in their hearts. Think about if you don't do it like it's gonna hurt you more if you you move most of your life you don't make a move on that one thing because you remember it and then you'll regret it and then you'll always think what if like what if i did that and it really did work out but you never took a move on it or i never took a move on it and I never was able to see what could have happened with it yeah and they I've people you know talked about this before too and they they say a graveyard is is a uh place where there's uh a lot of like dead dreams you know a lot of like that these people they've deceased and they died with these dreams these had these hopes and these dreams and then and they just unfortunately they never really tried them out and never really tried to roll
Starting point is 00:58:47 the dice to see if, uh, see if it was going to work out. I don't know why we're that way. You know, I guess like maybe it's just, uh, something programmed in our head.
Starting point is 00:58:55 We don't want to, we don't want to be like upset at ourselves, I guess. That, you know, some people aren't though. Like some people, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:02 maybe they aren't naturally that way, but I feel that some people are just able to just act on things they don't think um bart kind of bart reminds me of being someone that's like that i think i had a conversation with him once he did mention that um bart kwan if you guys don't know who that is and you seem to be like that too you just like act on these ideas and if it sucks it sucks or whatever uh but you know yeah i try to just i try to just go yeah i try to be just too careful yeah this is good i'm gonna do this but i also think that mark because he is like like thinking like oh maybe uh i don't know i'm gonna create something i just whatever like his mind is open to receiving good ideas too yeah because he might like i might see a shirt that
Starting point is 00:59:47 says something on it or i might see a saying and i'm like oh that was cool whatever he might seem to be like i'm gonna do something with that and then he'll put it in motion he'll you know he has a team now that can easily create something like on the spot whereas like i said for myself i might see something and be like, yeah, no, take exact. I think, feel like taking more action will open your mind up to ideas that you can
Starting point is 01:00:09 continue to act on. But if you don't even act on the first one, how are you going to come up with new ideas for the next thing? Yeah. You know, yeah. Positive mindset. And also like,
Starting point is 01:00:17 uh, optimal, what's the word? Optimism. Optimism. Oh, optimistic, optimistic. There it is. we go yeah yeah and i also think um like i think highly of myself i think i have good ideas yeah you know um i don't like outwardly
Starting point is 01:00:36 say that a bunch but like inside me i feel that way like i feel like oh this is gonna like when i share this this is gonna be really cool yeah And there's stuff that I record on my phone even sometimes and I'll listen to it back. I'll be like, that was not a good idea. Like that, that's not, you know, and I'll listen to it again. Sometimes I'll be like, okay, it's still a bad idea. You know, I got to kind of like double check, you know, sometimes I'll have these ideas and they hit me at certain times. I get excited about it and I'm like, oh, I look back and it really wasn't that good. Or I listened back to it. I'm like, that really, I really do. I do need to get going on it. So it might seem like I'm very like reactionary, but a lot of these things, they actually do take a long time. The slingshot was
Starting point is 01:01:19 floating around for like a few years before I really, uh, really dove in and said, I need to figure out this thing and I need to make it happen. And then a bunch of other things have kind of, a bunch of other things have been that way. Some of that has to just do with like, when you have a good idea, they take a while. They take a while.
Starting point is 01:01:41 They gotta like, they're like in your system for a while. And what will happen is you keep talking about them to the point where your significant other is like i'm really getting tired as fucking you keep telling me about this thing like just go fucking do it you know they they get tired of it you're sort of tired of it and and then you're just gonna at some point you're gonna act on it my girl's done that she's just so funny because she's like what the fuck are you doing just go yeah yeah yeah man yeah it uh it happens i mean anyone who's in a relationship has had you know someone dump their work you know on on them you know and it's like the other person doesn't care or doesn't they're not in the in that office
Starting point is 01:02:23 they're not in that space um They're not in that space. Maybe your girl just doesn't really care a ton about fitness. So if you're like, I found out this new thing about like squats. And if you're going on and on, she's going to listen to like enough of it to make it, make the whole relationship work out. But she's not going to care about like a lot of the dynamics, just as if she came to you with something, you're going to tune out. You're going to tune out at, you're gonna check out at some at some point but like i think we all deal with that right where someone's got this kind of concept or idea could be a friend could be a relative and you're like
Starting point is 01:02:57 man you probably should have done that about two years ago when you were talking about that yeah yeah and sema's called me frugal he's been super nice about it that's good though but that's a good trait i thank you uh i'll talk to stephanie about like a microphone that i've been wanting to get for like i don't know this whole year and she's like just get it like put it in the cart and i'll click buy i'm like no no no like you can't you gotta wait till it goes on sale or like maybe a refurbished one or something. Because you can't just jump on it right away. But then she's like, no, you should. We need new microphones.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Let's get them. It's for the home setup. I started doing stuff on IGTV. Yeah. Yeah. Dude. These are great mics, though. These ones are amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Yeah, these are beautiful. These are industry standard mics that everyone likes. I love buying new chips. I know you like buying new chips. Oh, man. Yeah, these are beautiful. These are industry standard. I love buying new. He likes that everyone likes it. I love buying new shit. I know you like buying new shit. Oh, man. I get excited about that. So do I. But it just has to be on sale.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Yeah. All right. I think we're good for today, huh? I feel like we hit the script. We did it all pretty well. You're doing shit on IGTV? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:04 So just like some follow-up questions for sarmageddon oh but i i definitely want to keep doing a lot more stuff with it so i didn't even know you had an instagram did you know about this it was um what's your instagram handle is it zero goes andrew 92 no no no 92 zero go to andrew 90 um no sorry 86 86 60 zero goes there goes an andrew 69 420 blaze it. Got it. Okay, cool. Everybody go follow Zergo's Andrew.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Oh, man. If somebody does make that account. 69 420 blaze it. If somebody makes that account, I will follow you. I'll put you in my top eight. It's a MySpace reference. I'm not sure if you remember. No, but my Instagram is at IamAndrewZ.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Cool. Yeah, I'm messing around with IGTV. What's going on with that shirt you're wearing? You're looking jacked today in that white shirt. No, but my Instagram is at I am Andrew Z. Cool. Yeah. Messing around with IGTV. What's going on with that shirt you're wearing? You're looking jacked today in that white shirt. Yeah. Thank you. If you guys are listening, I just pop my pecs. But this shirt.
Starting point is 01:04:55 They can hear your pec pop through the microphone. They can hear the pec pops. Yeah. This shirt comes in white and black. I think it's coming out on Thursday. Thursday. Yeah. Good fit.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Don't look at me. I don't know. Yeah. We have the camo power sweatshirts coming out on also Thursday thursday yeah good fit and we also look at me i don't know yeah we have the camo power sweatshirts coming out on also thursday sick and the lift through windbreaker which is so dope coming out on thursday we got lots of cool shit coming out over at what's your instagram sir uh at and sema e. And we're going to change it to Tren- Tren-C-M-A? Tren-C-M-A.
Starting point is 01:05:25 No, no, we won't change it to Tren-C-M-A. That's just your switch handle, right? That's my switch handle. That's pretty cool. N-S-I-M-A-I-N-Y-A-N-G. I am concerned about you because I still think that you need to go back to college. We need to work on this education thing. You should be pursuing that whole nursing thing or doctor thing or right yeah yeah i feel
Starting point is 01:05:47 like i think that was so funny when you were sharing that with us how you're you're you're they're still concerned they're still concerned they're still concerned because they're like you have to have something to fall back on you know so it's just like hey man hey man yeah if this whole bicep thing doesn't work out at least i can become a doctor yeah that's a good what if you cannot walk out anymore huh what happens then uh you're getting too skinny too yeah my grandma thinks i'm getting too skinny yeah so that's just the way it is she needs me to fatten up she wants me to fatten she's gonna make you that soup what was that soup called oh well there's a lot of soup there's a goosey soup there's goat pepper soup no
Starting point is 01:06:21 it was what food fufu is a fufu is a yam it's a pounded yam that you dip into the soup yeah that's the one that's what we want but my my favorite like dish i think is goat pepper soup goat pepper soup yes it's just it's just straight up pepper it's hot ass soup spicy spicy soup but it's so good so salty and yeah It's going to make me Nigerian? You need a lot more. Like I said, the only thing you need is just gallons of liquid. Nigerian semen. Get some of that.
Starting point is 01:07:00 You'll be almost good to go. It's proven. It's been tested. Huh? What? It's all you need hello it works so much for any of our sponsors well someone's gonna try to figure out how to never mind anyway strength is never weakness weakness never strength you can find me at mark smelly bell on instagram catch y'all later bye

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