Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 272 - Don't Call it FaSTing

Episode Date: October 22, 2019

While schooling Andrew on FaSTing, Mark and Nsima give out tons of info on FaSting, how to do it correctly, how to start, how to trick yourself into fasting and all its amazing benefits. Subscribe to ...the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Looks like we are going now. It's working? Yeah. So I am trying something new with YouTube. They seem to always mess with like, or this goes across the board. Just use the word algorithm. Algorithm, okay. Use it in a sentence for me.
Starting point is 00:00:17 So, I went to the store and they were all out of algorithms. What'd you buy instead? Pancakes? Algorithm does sound like a food though. It sounds like it could be like asparagus. Yo dude, you guys got to come over. My wife makes some sick algorithms.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Not bad, right? Not bad at all. You're like,'re like yeah someone like like if you didn't know then i'd believe it you're like maybe that's some rich people yeah some shit i don't know about an algorithm or a piedmontese steak like don't know which one to go with right i'll go for that steak every time i've been been eating a lot of steak, actually like more than normal because I've been fasting longer. And then so every time it's time to eat, I've been super excited.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I went to In-N-Out Burger last night, and I've been frustrated because I haven't been able to get a hold of my Piedmontese because in the new house, the fridge is set up. It's this beautiful refrigerator. You guys could live inside there this thing's so fucking monstrous i'm gonna be i'm gonna be so fat it's gonna be horrible but uh i got plenty of room for all that piedmontese but guess what the freezer ain't working no so you're living my life yeah what i just experienced yeah you are becoming in sema
Starting point is 00:01:41 the way we've been trying i've been trying i've been trying yeah i'm like okay broken freezer like, okay, broken freezer. I'm like, boom, write that down. Some, some things you just got to do. You got to experience it. Yeah. What else do I need to do? I was telling Chris Bell, I'm like, dude, I'm getting real like, like obviously, you know, I get nervous about a lot of things, but I'm like, man, the yesterday, the weather was like looking like it was going to start raining. Like, how am I going to, like, I know I can still grill outside, but, like, I don't want my grill to get messed up. I don't have, like, a canopy or anything. So I guess I can adapt back to the air fryer. But I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's so. Do you want to be in SEMA? Yes. Then what you got to do? You said I have to drink a lot of stuff. Oh, yeah. And use the air fryer. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Simple, man. These simple things can allow you to make that change. It's a slow transformation, but it's a good transformation. It's something you just got to do. Yeah. I've been tearing up the flat iron steaks. So for one whole steak, it's four grams of fat, 26 or 46. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Don't remember the label. 46 grams of protein. Oh god no carbs and it falls in line perfectly with what i kind of started and what i got going on which we'll get into later you're doing like a bodybuilding kind of style diet right yeah yeah so mark and insima are helping me out with the macros and the workouts and all that so i have to keep the fat low protein carbs or protein high carbs carbs high-ish, thanks to Encema programming that stuff for me. It's just excellent. It's so good, too. It looks, doesn't look like your typical, like, steak that you want in store.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It just looks like muscle. Yeah, yeah. It looks like it's going to be tough, but you cut into it, and it's amazing. It is. We highly recommend it. You guys need to head over to that's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off and if your order is 99 or more you get free two-day shipping fair warning for anyone quickly who gets these steaks like they cook faster than oh yeah you gotta pay attention to them yeah because like if if you cook it like a normal steak, that thing will be overcooked.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah. How'd they figure that out? Yeah. It's, I'm happy with it. Yeah. It's crazy. Yeah. I ran to Phil's today and while I was going there, I was thinking of you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Thank you so much. And I was like, I got to get these guys some coffee. And then I was like, oh, you know, it'd be cool to, you know, blend in and throw in some some of the perfect keto products. So in mine, I threw in the coffee, the ketone base, which, to be perfectly honest, doesn't taste amazing. Ketones just don't taste amazing. There's not a way to mask it. They are a sponsor of the show, but I like to give people fair warning. They don't taste amazing. Ketones are just always going to be kind of gross, but they did a good job masking the flavor. And I put some in my coffee every morning. If I don't do the ketones and I do MCT oil powder, they have vanilla chocolate.
Starting point is 00:04:37 They might have an unflavored one. I don't know if they have another flavor beyond that. But when I use those, the advantage with MCT is MCT is a medium chain triglyceride. That kind of fat is supposed to turn into ketones faster. So with a ketone product, you have the straight beta hydroxybutyrate, BHB, you got straight up ketones. With the MCT powder or MCTct oil you have mcts which can convert over to ketones which can give you energy and then so i brought brought the coffee in for you guys today you guys mix it with another product from perfect keto the nootropin yeah god and that has actual ketones in it and i think it has mct powder in it as well. Yeah. I was really concerned. I talked to Nsema about it. I'm like, okay, so I'm fasting. Like, can I still like indulge? And I say indulge because it does taste really good,
Starting point is 00:05:31 especially with this coffee. That one's got a dark chocolate feel to it. Yeah. Like, is that okay? Like I'm fasting. Like I, to me, that doesn't make sense. I'm going to have something that tastes incredible. Plus it has a little bit of fat. Like, am I good to go? And then Nsema replied with. It's like has a little bit of fat. Like, am I good to go? And then Encima replied with, it's like 3.5 grams of fat. It's literally nothing. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah. And it said like, and you know, we talk about this all the time. You guys are where you are and I'm where I am. And so I have what you guys might think of as a silly question like that. But I'm like, I genuinely,
Starting point is 00:06:02 like I, like, I don't know. No, I don't think it's a silly question at all because a few like a lot of people ask me yeah i would have thought that would have been a problem too like when i was doing the fasting like won't that break my fast so no it's a legit question i used to think about that same thing too yeah so even though i am trying
Starting point is 00:06:16 to shred down right now i can still enjoy this uh i mean it tastes so good dude like it doesn't make any sense to me yeah when you're fasting and you're trying to get all the benefits of fasting, it's probably wise that you pretty much just fast and you, maybe the only thing you have is black coffee. But when you're fasting and you're trying to like partition calories or you're trying to lose weight, in your case, you're trying to get abs. It's not going to hurt you to have 50 calories in the morning. Now, maybe somebody can point out like that you're not going to get autophagy
Starting point is 00:06:44 and like all these other things maybe won't happen, but the calories are still so low. I can't imagine it having much of a impact. I don't even know if there's any studies on that either. I've been doing that for a long time and kind of doing these fat coffees, if you will. And I've had a lot of great results with it. I've been able to lose weight, get in good shape. So I think it'll work the same for you. Yeah. I don't even know what autophagy really is. I just heard, I just hear you guys talk about all the time. But what I do know is that this nootropic is incredible. The, uh, the cinnamon flavored bars, the chocolate chip cookie dough bar from perfect keto is insane. You guys seriously need to check that out. Head over right now to perfect slash powerproject.
Starting point is 00:07:26 There you'll see like our favorites. And the number one thing right there is the nootropic. So we made it real easy for you guys to check it out at checkout. Enter promo code powerproject and that'll get you 15% off everything in your cart. Real quick, Mark. Real quick. You mentioned that you like use MCT oils and other fats in your coffees. You know how like when you have like carbohydrates or something and you're fasting that revs your hunger? Do you feel your hunger rev when you put like when you utilize fat or no? Because I've noticed the same thing personally. Like
Starting point is 00:07:51 if I have this or something else, I still don't feel hungry. I feel like the fat and or the ketones, either way you want to do it. I think it really cuts down on hunger. I think it cuts down on hunger a lot. And if you really want to try to chomp down on that hunger a little bit more, throw in some butter, throw in some butter in there as well. It's just, it's, um, it's just satiating, you know, it, it might not be like the greatest tasting coffee you've ever had. It's not going to be like some Starbucks, uh, you know, Frappuccino or something like that. But I mean, I've've i've done that for a long time where i have a coffee like that in the morning maybe i'll have one or two of those and then i'm off all the way
Starting point is 00:08:30 until two three four o'clock uh and that's gonna be like my first real meal so it works great for fasting yeah satiating for sure because uh especially if you're like a texture person and if you drink something thin you're like water you're just like i don't really notice but if it's a little bit thicker, a little bit creamier even because of the butter and all that, you forget that you're even hungry. Try dumping a little salt in your coffee too. It sounds unconventional.
Starting point is 00:08:54 It sounds a little weird, but give it a try. Just put a little bit in, not so it changes the flavor abruptly, but just a little bit. I like to hang stuff over in Seema's head because he's, let's face it, he's annoying, right? A little bit. i i like uh to hang stuff over and seem his head because he's let's face it right he's annoying right a little bit he's six two he's handsome and i i like like when you and i have like a side thing that we can share and like he doesn't know about like the uh the donut quest bar like i i i had i have like two box i have two boxes of it in my... Is that all it took?
Starting point is 00:09:27 He's leaving the podcast. He's out of here. Finally. Yeah, I know. I have two boxes of it. I was looking at it this morning. I was like, should I bring those for Encima? And I'm like, nah.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I was like, let's let him sweat it out. Y'all are assholes. Which bar? The birthday cake bar. I remember I was stuck on that one for a long time. But I think they all are. They got a lot of good flavors. They got great flavors, but there's nothing like a hero bar.
Starting point is 00:09:57 That's true. If we're just being honest, that hero bar will. We need hero bars here. I guess we can't keep them around because everyone's gonna eat them all yeah i this is gonna sound silly but you can put that hero bar in the candy bar section right as you're checking out like of a grocery store and you know people will start buying it they won't even understand that they're eating something that's not terrible for you that's one thing i've had the hero bar but the uh Donut Bar, I haven't had yet. What's your thoughts? How do you like the taste of the Donut Bar? Silence. It's that good, huh?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Quest, I'll give you my address. I'll give you my address so you guys can send this stuff to me and not these two, because they tend to not give me any of the products. That's right. It's not easy. We're getting high on our own supply over here. To be honest, I don't have any Donut Bars. Mark has two boxes. I don't have any donut bars mark has two boxes i
Starting point is 00:10:46 don't see i don't have a bar sharing them with myself right yeah well quest also has cookies they got a bunch of different flavors of cookies they got chocolate chip they got peanut butter they got oatmeal raisin um and in addition to that they got chips they got like you know quest uh kind of like potato chips i guess you'd say or tortilla chips kind of like um uh like dorito chips yeah that's what it would be like yeah and they again another thing that you can put in someone's face and they'll be like oh this is an amazing chip like they won't know that it's healthy for them yeah delicious yeah so if you guys want to do the old bait and switch with somebody and take out their crappy food and insert something awesome head over
Starting point is 00:11:24 to quest right now. Fill your cart up with these chips, these bars, these cookies, even the protein powder if you guys want to get crazy in the kitchen and bake up your own stuff. Throw those all in your cart and enter promo code MARKSQUEST at checkout for 20% off everything that you just bought. I got an announcement. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Let's hear it. One of my besties is rolling into town. Furious Pete, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, snap. Yeah, what is that noise? Who created that noise? Hip hop? I know, but it's like a certain, right?
Starting point is 00:11:57 The funny thing is everyone knows what we're talking about. Yeah, and it ended up in a lot of songs, right? Yeah. And then like uh like awesome like geo does that noise bart you know bart geo geo makes that noise all the time like just as she's talking she just says it like when she says something big she does that makes me happy because yeah it was like she's funny as hell like back yeah like uh late night or early 2000s like any kind of anytime somebody dropped a mixtape on like east coast radio it was like
Starting point is 00:12:24 explosions and then yeah oh my god how do we get that noise we need that sound i mixer yeah yeah on the uh the roadcaster i can have it pumped into one of the hot keys but yeah we need that i just think that we're gonna get that as a ringtone i was gonna say i probably can yeah do it non-stop but we won't even have i bet you it has a name i bet you somebody's listening to this right now and they're like like, that's called the, you know. Chris Griffin probably does. It's an air horn, but I'm not sure. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 But, like, yeah. Griffin would know. Yeah, but Furious Pete. Furious Pete and his fiancee, Meldiva, they're coming into town, and I'm super pumped. Wow. He's in Yosemite. He's doing some stuff in San Francisco. And he's going to drive down.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'll say Thursday. Right? Say Thursday. He's going to drive down tomorrow. And I don't know how much time he has. I don't know if he's got time to come to the gym or anything like that. But if he does, I'll definitely let you guys know because that would be amazing. That would be.
Starting point is 00:13:21 But we're going to have a sleepover. And it was so funny because when I hung up, I talked to him last night on the phone. When I hung up, I was like a little kid. I was so happy. And I went home and I told Andy, I was like, Mel and Furious Pete are coming over. And she's like, oh, my God. She got all excited, too. So that's going to be the first people that we host at the new pad. I'm pumped.
Starting point is 00:13:39 You mean your compound? Yeah. So we need to call what you have. It's a compound. Not a mansion. It's a compound. I know. I'm going to need like a little scooter to get to the other side of the house oh my especially with how bad how big the fridge is i'm gonna end up with diabetes and not gonna be able to walk across the uh six thousand square feet that we got going on over there
Starting point is 00:13:57 it's huge that's why i'm like in this whole get up here because i'm trying to emulate wealth so i feel like this is what wealthy people wear red glasses white hats some shit that just makes absolutely no sense i think you're onto something i'm onto something here you look he looks like he's got more money now right i look rich i don't look rich i look wealthy wow twiddling my my uh imaginary mustache right now could you grow a mustache like that with wealth i could little curly curly mustaches are great i wish i could grow i can't really you know i don't get like my facial hair doesn't get full enough to really do much with it how about you uh no no it doesn't it takes me a long time to get yeah i can grow out neck hair like right right out right down here i can grow out some neck hair and that's about it by the way your brother's mustache has
Starting point is 00:14:44 been looking beautiful yeah Yeah, he's got a whole beard. Oh, his beard. Not his mustache, his beard. He's good. He's been getting furry. I'm going to see Seinfeld this weekend too.
Starting point is 00:15:00 On Saturday out in Reno. And so that ought to be pretty cool. How much did you say those tickets were like you know what tickets are you know what what you'll have to learn about being wealthy is that you don't know it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what your name is right it doesn't matter yeah i don't ever look at price but i never looked at price anyway because i've just i don't know i just bought whatever was appropriate for me at the time i'm like this is my section over here. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:26 I was like, I got to buy this cheap ground beef because I don't have, I have insufficient funds at my ATM machine. I remember getting many printouts that literally said that on the printout. It said insufficient funds. I was like, I didn't have enough money to even like take out because you need to have like x amount in there yeah like pull to take money out of there and then i was one of those guys that always blamed like my account and blamed my like bank that i was with i was like well that bank's a piece of shit you know it takes so long for it to process and it's like you just don't have any money like let's just let's just get down to the real facts you ain't got no money yeah i always used to say that like uh like you're you're about as useful as 19 in my bank
Starting point is 00:16:11 account like right you need 20 to pull it yeah most people didn't understand that because i'm like oh you guys don't have less than that like they've never experienced that yeah man so i felt that's gonna be awesome though i haven't like never been able to see him live or anything but it's comedy i think i had a netflix special that was pretty damn hilarious yeah i got to see joe rogan in person too i'd like to get to see more comedians i need to get out of the house a little bit more and andrew schultz yeah i need to check him out you need to check him out he's and you said he's coming here to sacramento he's coming here man i know he's gonna be here november i think it's november 1st that I got the tickets for. But, dude, he loves doing podcasts and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Oh, shit. That would be great. That actually would be great. You got to reach out. Yeah, that'd be great. But he's absolutely hilarious, man. I know at Calusa Casino, they always have good acts rolling through. I'll check out and see who's coming.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah, I remember when I went to see Rogan I didn't really know what his comedy would be like and so I was I was talking to a friend and I was like I was thinking about bringing my dad they're like don't bring your dad why and I'm like my dad's pretty cool like he don't care like
Starting point is 00:17:19 you know like if they say crazy weird stuff I'm like he won't care and my friend's like don't bring your dad and so like you know, like if they say crazy weird stuff, I'm like, he won't care. And my friend's like, don't bring your dad. And so like, you know, I go to the show and there's a couple acts that are just like over the top to the point where I'm sinking in my chair. I'm like, I'm glad I didn't bring my pops, you know? Cause I'm like, this is like, this is pretty wild. You know? Yeah. It's like the one guy, the one guy starts out his act and he's like, he's like, what's the best part of a blowjob?
Starting point is 00:17:48 He's like asking around, you know? He's asking the audience and people are giving all these things. He's like, no, it's when the girl goes, ah! And so I was like, yeah, it's probably the best that I didn't bring my dad to this because I'm like, that's making me blush, you know? Yeah, Bobby Lee's hilarious. He'll be in town the 21st, but the 27th is where we all got to go. Oh, God. Joey Diaz.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah. I'm going to buy those tickets. Yeah, that's going to be crucial. Talk about dipping down in your chair. This guy doesn't care. He's unbelievably relentless. That's the thing. he joey diaz is cool and he'll say like you'll say the n-word during a bunch of zacks but it doesn't matter because like it really just doesn't matter it's joey joey isn't joey's not racist joey's just
Starting point is 00:18:37 cool you know he grew up around a lot of guys like that well also he's an immigrant too and he's been called every name so it's kind, ah, you've been called those names yourself. So you're probably okay to say them here and there. Honestly, just like you saw the Chappelle special? No, I haven't. Still haven't. Yeah, me neither. What is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Both of you. We need help. You guys need to watch that special today or this weekend. It's so funny. But that's the thing. With a lot of comedians. He's unbelievable. He is.
Starting point is 00:19:04 He is great. A lot of people are getting super offended with what some of these comics are saying. How about you just don't watch this? Yeah, that's true. If you know you're going to be really sensitive to it, just don't view it. But it was really funny because Chappelle's special, it got reviewed on Rotten Tomatoes. And the critics or the professional critics gave it like a 26 or 29 percent. And the tens of thousands of viewers gave it a 99 percent.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Oh, that kind of just shows you like, yeah, I don't know what's yeah, what's going on versus like what the media is thinking and what they want people to think versus what people actually. Yeah. You know, those ratings are hard to, you know, it's like rotten tomatoes. It's hard to it's hard hard to have it matter to you. Because they might give some crap movies really good ratings every once in a while. And you're like, oh. They do. Like the really, really artsy ones. And I wonder, too, are those really fan ratings, too?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Or is it just like a skewed version of what they're sharing with you? Sometimes they like on certain movies where maybe the movie got voted badly by a lot of fans they like they'll take out some of the bad ratings to bring the the fan rating up so sometimes they do that which is not good yeah and they did the opposite for chapelle right like whenever somebody or they just no they didn't they didn't do anything to the chapelle one it's just there was so much good from the actual fans they couldn't do shit about it it was just like it was painfully obvious because they only accepted like a handful at first right is that what it was okay yeah but it was painfully obvious that the people like chapelle but the critics don't so it is what it is but that that special was too good man it was too good, man. It was too good. I made a post yesterday talking about fasting.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I know we talk at length about fasting. And I basically just, I did some math, which is dangerous for everybody. Dangerous for everybody. Dangerous for everybody concerned. But, you know, I picked up my phone. I got a little thing on my phone that's got a calculator in it. And I punched in some numbers. my phone it's got a calculator in it and i punched in some numbers and uh if you fast 16 hours a day every day you end up accumulating 20 days worth of fasting and uh i made a post and then you know
Starting point is 00:21:15 most of the most of the comments were pretty positive it was really just to show people like look man in my opinion the effort that it takes for 16-hour fasts, I do understand on a scale of like 1 to 10, it might be like an 8 or a 9 for someone that's never fasted before. But we've been fasting. We've been playing around with it. We know how like 16-hour fast, to be asked to do that several times a week is really not, it's not much at all, you know? And if you can kind of think maybe even the course of two months, if you can fast, um, 30 times in the course of two months, maybe you don't want to fast every day. Maybe you do every other day. Uh, it can still lead to this, uh, nice accumulation of fasting. That's all I was really trying to point out, you know? And, um, again, the only reason why I pointed out is just because I think it's
Starting point is 00:22:05 simple to try. It's simple to do. Um, if I said, Hey man, like, you know, your diet's a real mess. Like we gotta, I gotta get you walking. We gotta get your sleep better. We gotta cut out a lot of carbohydrates and refined foods. You can really only eat, you know, natural foods. You got meat, vegetables, fruit. That's pretty much your diet. Um, on top of that, you know, natural foods. You got meat, vegetables, fruit. That's pretty much your diet. On top of that, you know, I need to get you outside and to get you walking more. I need to get you to be on a lifting program. You're like, what the, right? Or if I came to you and said, hey, man, you know, I think, I think really what we need
Starting point is 00:22:39 to do is we need to work on a lot of fasting. And so tomorrow we're going to start a 20 day fast. You'd be like, what the, like most, you know, I don't know how, I don't know what percentage of the population has ever really tried, you know, long duration fasting more than like a day or two, you know, it's probably really, really low. And people that even think of it as a remote possibility for them is probably really, really low. You know, if you, if, if I went to my, one of my aunts or you went to a family member and said, Hey, you know, I'm going to have you try fasting for three days. I'd be like, no, like, I'm not even, I don't care what your reason is. I'm not even going to
Starting point is 00:23:14 entertain that. And so I thought that this was a good way just to illustrate to people, like, look at how much work and accumulation you get back from trying something like this, which I view to be pretty simple. Because if you stop eating an hour or two before bed, now you only have about six hours or so of being awake and not eating. And I would have to admit and I'd have to say that for every single person that I know and every single person I can think of, those first two or three hours will actually be really easy. There are some people that wake up kind of hungry, but you're usually fairly busy in the morning. So those first two or three hours are nothing. Now we're really just talking about making an extra three or four hours. You really, all you're really trying to do is like skip
Starting point is 00:23:58 breakfast. So 16 hour fast would mean that you would stop around, you know, eight or 9 PM. And then you would start back up around like 12 or one if my math is correct, somewhere in that range. Yeah. But that's I mean, it's not that hard to do. It really isn't. And like, you know, you you did mention one of your comments like a guy was like, oh, we already fast eight hours or something when we're sleeping or blah, blah, blah. Right. Well, if you look at most people, most people, a lot of people have like a snack at night. Maybe they'll wake up, they'll have a snack. And immediately once they get up, they'll, if they even don't eat breakfast, they'll have some liquid like juice or liquid calories or some fruit or something. Yeah. Coffee with cream and sugar. Exactly. There's really no time where
Starting point is 00:24:39 you're not digesting some type of food where your body isn't working on that. And like, it's, it's, it's crazy the habit change that can come from fasting. I have, I saw someone that we know who talked about it. Um, and he's not a fan of fasting, but he was like, he, he mentioned that it's an individual's lazy way of dieting to give yourself an excuse so that when you eat, you can gorge yourself. That's not what we're looking at when we're, we're, we're thinking of fasting. When we eat post fast, we still have a semblance of control over what we're eating, but generally you just don't eat as much food as you would typically during the whole day. Like it's a way to have more control over that rather than eating throughout all parts of your day. It's, it, it's not that difficult.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I agree a hundred percent. And if you were to think about you know maybe your average person has about four like kind of meals a day but like you said they're they got a lot of they're eating a lot of calories and stuff they're just not really paying attention to they have a little bag of cheez-its or they have you know some almonds and they have maybe they mean well too like maybe they're trying maybe they mean well too. Like maybe they're trying, maybe they have kind of some health or at least what they view healthy eating habits. Um, but there's still kind of like just munching on stuff all day, just extra calories they don't need. Now, if we only put everything into meals and we just have two meals a day, you, you have a nice advantage of
Starting point is 00:26:03 doing what you just said. You have a nice advantage of feeling like you engorged yourself. I would have to say, though, what we're trying to really accomplish is because we fasted, I know many people have experienced this before. You just you're not even thinking about fasting. You just didn't eat all day. And you're like, I can eat a horse, you know, like, yeah, you're like, I could eat five thousand pounds worth of food right now. That's what you think. And then you go and then you go to get after it and you're like oh my god i'm totally full
Starting point is 00:26:29 that's a benefit of fasting because we're trying to implement some control into our diet so if you think about okay i'm taking the snacks away which could be really brutal for somebody but let's just say we're able to do it take some some snacks away. We're going to utilize some intermittent fasting. You're going to eat twice. Now here's a cool thing. If you have this eating window, six or eight hour eating window, you could still have the snack after dinner if you really want it. Yeah. I mean, I would prefer that you start to wean yourself away from snacks, but like the eating windows open, man, like you can kind of go for it. Now I'd also say in your head, it'd be good idea to be like, you know what? I just want to tick back my overall energy consumption for the day by like five or 10%.
Starting point is 00:27:15 So I'm still going to get after it for those two meals. But they're going to fill me up enough to the point where I could walk away from the table and be like, you know what? I had plenty of food. Maybe you feel like there's room to still stuff yourself, but that's a good time to kind of excuse yourself and to start your clock. And that's another benefit of fasting. It's like you go brush your teeth
Starting point is 00:27:36 and you're like, the clock's starting. I started my fast. And this might sound weird to people, but people that experience what I've experienced when I was heavy, because I was trying to gain weight and because I got up over 300 pounds, I was constantly hungry. Yeah. Especially like at night. So I'd eat, I'd have a ferocious appetite at night. I'd end up eating stuff that I shouldn't have been eating. And then I would even wake up because I wasn't healthy enough to even
Starting point is 00:28:05 sleep properly, which sounds wild, right? But there's a lot of people that suffer from that. I had sleep apnea. I'd wake up and I would, in my brain, I'd feel like I had a craving, which I really, you know, learned later on once I started to get proper sleep that that was eliminated. I'd wake up in the middle of night and I'd find myself, you know, eating something and disrupting that whole cycle, that whole fasting. I wouldn't even fast for eight hours, as we pointed out kind of in the beginning of the show. Something that also helped me though, and this is even more recent, is the mouth tape. Because I'm like, my fucking mouth is taped shut. Like I, you know, at my other house, you know, I had to go downstairs to like my pantry and like my pantry. And like, even if I was meaning well, and just like, ah, I'm going to have a
Starting point is 00:28:48 protein shake. Cause I trained hard. You know, you're going to make some excuse up in your head to eat something. And I would just be like, my mouth's taped shut. It's like, and like, I'm done just go back to fucking bed. And so that would be like, how do you set up your day to where we always talk about trying to optimize your day and make things easy for yourself, make things convenient? What about making things hard? And what about making things challenging for yourself? Like if I want pizza, I have to drive to a place. I'll never bring pizza in my house, right?
Starting point is 00:29:17 Like what if you set up these rules for yourself? The only way I can have a candy bar is to go and drive to the store and buy, you know, you put a limit on it. You're like, I can buy two candy bars. You know, I can buy one pint of Ben and Jerry's. And the only time you ever get anything, any of these things is to make it harder on yourself. You got to drive out of your way to the store to go get it. Maybe by then, maybe you talk yourself out of it. And that's one thing that, I mean, even that helped me too. Cause when I was trying to get up to 275, which I got up to when I was trying to come back down, man, like my, I couldn't stop thinking about food at all times of the day. Um, and even when I dieted down and got lighter because I was just eating throughout the day, it was hard for
Starting point is 00:29:55 me to be able to maintain that. So again, it, it just helped me have appetite control. But what you just mentioned right there is like super useful because I don't have any snacks in my house anymore. I don't have any, like any fun foods or anything like that. Like if I really want it, I can go get it, but I have to work for it. And because I have to work for it, I don't do it as often as I'm not nearly as often as I used to. So it helps so much. But you know, one cool thing that I just found out, um, there's a guy who's been doing like one meal a day for two years now. I wouldn't have expected it. Mike Rashid. Oh shit. Yeah. He's been doing that for two years now. He talked about it a while back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah. I didn't realize that he's already been on that. I think he's tried some vegan stuff too, but I don't know if he's stuck with the vegan side of things. I don't know if he's still doing it, but yeah, he, he was, he was doing the the vegan and vegetarian thing, but like, yeah, it's like, it sounds really, really really crazy but it works really really well performance in the gym appetite control which is something that again i think a lot of people that are even like even in shape if they're eating throughout a lot of the day they're
Starting point is 00:30:58 always feeling hungry that's something i never thought would be able to have control over and you probably never thought you'd be able to have control over. And you probably never thought you'd be able to have control over that either. Never thought it would be possible. Right. But like, yeah, after a fast, when I eat food, I can just stop. You know, I don't feel like it's an empty pit that I need to continue to fill up. That's just not being filled. It's absolutely insane. Yeah, you get filled up a little easier and you just learn.
Starting point is 00:31:21 You're like, okay, like that's enough. Whereas before you're like, no, you feel like you really need more. Um, anyone's listening to this. Like, I don't really try to push anybody towards too many different things, but where I am going to push you is I'm going to push you to observe the amount of carbohydrates that you eat in a day. Cause maybe you just don't need that many. Maybe you're not as active as you may think. And maybe you're just, again, carbohydrates aren't bad. Carbohydrates are great. They taste really good. However, when in combination with other foods, you tend to want to overeat. And so you have, you know, donuts and potato chips and some of these things that start to mix flavors and mix fat and
Starting point is 00:32:00 carbohydrates together. And you have things that just taste awesome that you tend to overeat on. So I challenge you to observe the amount of carbohydrates that you're eating. And Seamus suggests this all the time. Maybe for a couple of days, just write down what you're eating. You don't have to even make any changes. It's like, write it down, take a look at it. And you're like, Oh my God, I had five sodas. Take, you know, take note of everything that you had for the day. Maybe you had three coffees and three sodas and you're like oh my god that's 700 calories so what if you could just what if you could just ditch 700 calories and barely notice it yeah i mean that's what we're trying to do and the second thing i'd urge you to do is i'd urge you to to move towards some fasting you don't have to try you don't have to think of like fasting doesn't have to be a permanent diet fasting is
Starting point is 00:32:46 just a strategy like so i'm gonna you could say man i really hate fasting and i hate that these guys even talk about it but i'm gonna give it a try and i'm gonna try 12 hours of fasting for a couple of days maybe you can figure out a way to do an 18 or 16 hour fast once or twice a week that's still great That's still better than what you had going on before. And again, why are we fasting? We're not fasting because we just want to make a post on Instagram and talk about how great we feel when we're not eating. Cause that sounds weird, right? We're fasting because we're trying to gain some sort of control over our diet. We're trying to gain some sort of control over our mind
Starting point is 00:33:25 because in my opinion, what I'm seeing from a lot of people, I think there's more depression, more anxiety, more suicide because of the way that we eat. And there's some people that go as far as to say it has more to do with your sleep. But I would back everybody up and say, no, our sleep is compromised because the way that we eat and it starts with your, it starts with your food at first, in my opinion. Um, I think it starts with food. It starts with movement. And then, and then we were, we, and then we got sleep because if you're not eating correctly, you won't be able to sleep. And I realized sleep is like a big thing that people talk about all the time, but you can't even get proper sleep. If you're too heavy, you can't even
Starting point is 00:34:04 get pop proper sleep. If you're just, if you're not feeling good all the time but you can't even get proper sleep if you're too heavy you can't even get pop proper sleep if you're just if you're not feeling good all the time you have tons of anxiety you ain't you're not sleeping of insomnia yeah you're gonna have a real hard time so i would challenge you to you know check your check your carb count um start to try to implement some kind of fasting if you're like not on par with doing a 16 or 18, there's no magical thing to any of that. Try 10, 12 hours,
Starting point is 00:34:29 try what you can try. And don't think that you have to do it for continuous days on end. Um, you can do it whenever the hell you want. Um, and then the last, uh, last piece of that is I would just say,
Starting point is 00:34:40 you got to walk, you know, you gotta, you gotta implement some of these walks. Cause I need people, I need you to move. And I, what I'm hoping is, walk, you know, you got to, you got to implement some of these walks. Cause I need people, I need you to move. And I, what I'm hoping is, um, you know, you don't have to make, uh, big giant steps all the time in your life, but you do need to make a step in the right direction. And if you make the step in the right direction, you're going to be hit. You're going
Starting point is 00:35:01 to be heading the right direction and gain momentum and hopefully you're like you know what i did two 10 minute walks today and i shouldn't eat the pizza that they brought in the office because you know what i prepped some of my food or i'm fasting hopefully i mean that's some of the stuff that's influenced me that's some of the stuff that's helped me i see so many people are like you know they talk about driving under the influence people are walking around under the influence they're about driving under the influence. People are walking around under the influence. They're walking around under the influence of food. And in my post yesterday, I also talked about Freem. You know, food rules everything around me and it rules.
Starting point is 00:35:34 It rules everyone around me. Like I see it so much. You know, I have family members that are sick. It's and it's just from food and it's it's insane. And I understand the battle. It's not an easy one to try to overcome so that's the reason why I'm so passionate about it and that's why we talk so much on this podcast about
Starting point is 00:35:52 sleeping and fasting and all this shit and you're probably like I'm gonna punch this guy in the face if I ever see him because I just want him to talk about some fucking powerlifting I feel that but on the note of some simple things because my girlfriend just uh just got a new job so she was telling me how like she's
Starting point is 00:36:11 at a desk and like there's no standing desk there um a lot of companies if you work for a company first off you can request for them to get you a standing desk and they can get that for you and i don't think a lot of people know that um And that's one big change because if you realize that like right now and most on all the podcasts we stand, but if you have to sit for seven hours, like that's where a lot of like lower back pain comes from. That's where a lot of like fat accumulation around the hip area and just problems start from a lot of sitting. One simple thing along with walking is getting yourself with like having your company, get yourself a standing desk so that you can make those adjustments. You can stand every few hours.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It makes a really, really big difference for a lot of people who have those types of jobs. And I think they have cheap alternatives, inexpensive alternatives to that, too, for company owners that are like, oh, shit, because you can just put stuff on your desk because some people would prefer to be able to sit and stand. Yeah. Put stuff on your desk because some people would prefer to be able to sit and stand. Yeah. And so like you can just plop something down that raises everything up. But it's a huge advantage to be standing on this podcast and to do it this way. Like my back and my neck and like everything would just be wrecked if we sat here for hours on end every day. You know, I'm surviving.
Starting point is 00:37:19 No, even for myself, like for my office setup that I have, like I have a desk that I can like, not a full desk, but it's like on the desk where I can raise it up and my computer raises up and I'll stand every few hours or I'll stand a few times every hour and I can bring it back down to sit down. Yeah, they're pretty cheap on Amazon. Yeah, it's inexpensive. Yeah. Real quick, Mark JK says it's his brother's birthday. He would love a shout out. His brother's name is Albert that'd be cool
Starting point is 00:37:46 happy birthday Albert appreciate your brother writing in to us and appreciate you guys watching the show thank you so much Anthony G I ask everybody what's some of the hurdles that you guys face with when it comes to fasting or what's some of the roadblocks
Starting point is 00:38:04 and he was just saying the the initial part of like just committing to it. So how do you get somebody who's like, I don't know, that sounds crazy. Like, you know, kind of like what's the next like thing you can tell somebody that's like, hey, it's not going to be that bad. Here's where you can start. I would just start out by not even thinking about the word fasting because maybe that's like going to really bother you. And also maybe as like a bigger guy, maybe you're thinking that you're like being a pussy because like you're on this weird diet
Starting point is 00:38:31 and you're fasting or whatever because like, you know, power lifters and people that want to lift heavier, we're eating big. We're eating big, we're getting big and like now you're doing this kind of alternative thing that's like not cool with your buddies or whatever. But maybe you don't even put it in the category of fasting maybe you just simply skip breakfast you know keep it real simple
Starting point is 00:38:49 just like be like okay i'm not gonna eat breakfast but then in your head you got to think about what's that first what's the what's gonna break your fast what are you gonna break your fast with because that's still your breakfast so you still have to i don't want to get people confused and think that like this is an onslaught of like eating whatever you want. And I don't know if we've mentioned that, but like I just assume that everyone knows that. Yeah. You certainly can't. You're not going to be able to get away with.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Now, if you were super active and you ate one meal a day, Encema could probably do something like that and be like, hey, I'm getting more jacks. And we'd all hate them. something like that and and be like hey i'm getting more jacks and we'd all hate them but for the most part like most most people are not going to be able to have a metabolism that would allow them to eat whatever they want yeah what do you think about it yeah you got to ease yourself into it i think the first thing is like okay you're you're scared to commit to it which means that maybe you think it is going to be a little bit hard i don't think there's a problem with realizing that it's going to be a little bit uncomfortable. It is. It was uncomfortable for me when I started. It was not easy for me because I usually didn't go that long without eating. I usually ate something in the morning,
Starting point is 00:39:52 ate something in the afternoon, ate something in the late afternoon, ate something in the early evening, and then ate something in the late evening. Like I was eating all day long. So if you have a habit of eating all the time, like any other not great habit, it's hard to shift. So understanding that it's going to be a little uncomfortable is fine. But then again, like Mark said, baby steps, skip breakfast, and then maybe still eat the same amount of food throughout the rest of your day. And then maybe move it down an hour the next day. So if you ate, if you started your fast and you broke your fast at noon, okay, next day, try to go until 1. Next day, try to go until 2.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Okay, next day, try to go until maybe 3 and keep that going until maybe you're at 13, 14, 15, 16 hours. And then it will be pretty damn easy. And you'll know you made a mistake because you'll be nose deep in a pint and Ben and Jerry's. nose deep in a pint and Ben and Jerry's. So you'll know if you overdid it, if it's a Saturday night and you went off the rails and it's like Saturday, Sunday, you know, turns into Monday, like, you know, that you over fasted and that's okay. That's just a slap on the wrist. And you, you acknowledge that you made a mistake and you get back to it and you say, okay, those, you know, three days in a row of 18 hour fast they they just didn't work you may have completed them but they weren't as they weren't as effective and they didn't do
Starting point is 00:41:09 what you wanted to do because then you had a rebound so you got to be that is something you got to really pay attention to make the fast easy in the beginning make it pretty simple try 10 hours like that you just you know you just basically just miss breakfast and maybe you even slept for 10 hours yeah and even like i mean like we we talk about sleep a lot but like you mentioned if you're not getting enough rest also it's going to be hard to stay away from food i mean we all know that if you like are underslept you'll have you'll have a higher appetite your ghrelin's going to be secreted more so you're gonna have a tendency to feel feel hungry sooner and have less willpower to not eat. And just being up for long hours, you know, like for me, like it's unconventional for me to go to bed at like 11 PM. Right. And because of that, if I was
Starting point is 00:41:56 up, you know, nine, 10, 11, you bet your ass, I'm going to be eating some food. Like I'm totally going to eat some food in that time slot. Cause what am I going to be doing? I'm probably just, I'm not going to be doing anything during those hours. I'm probably just going to be eating some food. Like I'm totally going to eat some food in that time slot. Cause what am I going to be doing? I'm probably just, I'm not going to be doing anything during those hours. I'm probably just going to be kind of sitting around. Maybe I'm like messing around with some work stuff, but probably just kind of like watching TV. And it's like, that's a great opportunity just to add a ton of calories to your day and to
Starting point is 00:42:19 accumulate fat. So like just every once in a while, you got to tell yourself, you need to tell yourself that you're going to be better in the morning for it. So sometimes you got to be like, you know what? Just go to bed, go to bed, like have that in your head and be like, go to bed, go to bed, go to bed. Just keep telling yourself, set, set an alarm to go to bed, set an alarm when you want to stop eating 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, whatever your time is, your, it doesn't matter your time slot, but set an alarm and be like okay food's off
Starting point is 00:42:46 and i i need to get my my ass to bed within the next hour yeah and then for those that uh just you know and sema said something about grilling um it was in matthew walker's book it's just plain and simply you don't get enough sleep you wake up the next day feeling like you have the munchies oh yeah you know that's the easiest yeah hunger hormone yeah yeah yeah you get really really hungry uh dustin was asking i lost it but he was just saying that he's a little worried about losing too much weight if fasting, you know, he's kind of, kind of like in my situation, right? Like still trying to grow, trying to get bigger muscles and whatnot, but like where fasting comes in, like maybe he's, is trying to lose body fat like I am, but we also
Starting point is 00:43:23 don't want to get too thin. You know what I mean? So is there like a happy medium or is it like – because I know you're supposed to lose less muscle mass when you fast as opposed to being a caloric deficit. I don't know exactly how accurate that might be. I know Mike Dolce, he kind of – he crushed that. But all this stuff will – it will like kind of auto regulate at some point so maybe at first maybe you're you feel a little flat maybe you feel a little different especially if you're trying to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and stuff that you're eating too remember though and it's you know this is kind of i I guess, debatable, I guess, but I agree with Ken Berry.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Fat and ketones are primary fuel sources, not secondary. And I think that most people are living off sugar and most people are living off carbohydrates. And I realize that those do burn faster, but if we just go through evolution in the way that we're designed, it makes sense and it adds up. It makes sense and it adds up because we don't store carbohydrates. I mean we can store glycogen in our muscles, but it doesn't last very long. We store body fat and we hold fat on our body because our body is like, hey, I might need this at some other time. You'll even turn some of those excess calories.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It can turn protein. It can turn carbohydrates into fat. And so I think that fat is a primary fuel source for you and so once you get used to that once you get used to fasting i don't think it'll be any problem for you to be able to manage it and i don't think it'll be any problem for you to manage your muscle mass either and let's mention one thing here um if you're trying, from what it sounds like, he's trying to cut right now and he's scared that he's going to lose too much muscle as he's cutting because he has a fasting window and maybe he's going to be eating for eight hours, right? The literal only thing you need to do is make sure that you're eating an adequate amount of food in that eight hours. Primarily, especially since you're cutting, you're probably eating a little bit extra protein.
Starting point is 00:45:22 So like, let's use Andrea as an example. He's about 190 pounds. If he were to implement fasting or whatever, in his eating window, he'd still be probably getting in his 210 grams of protein or 220 grams of protein along with his fat and his carbs. So he's still intaking the amount of food he needs to eat to make sure that as he's dropping weight and as he's dropping body fat, he's maintaining as much muscle as possible. And obviously he's going to be working out to stimulate that muscle so that he doesn't
Starting point is 00:45:50 lose a lot of it, but he's eating enough to not just lose muscle tissue. Now, it'd be different if you're in your eating window, right? You don't eat enough food. So let's say you're 200 pounds and you're only eating 80 to 100 grams of protein. No matter what, like if you were fasting or if you weren't, you would lose weight, but you would also lose a lot of muscle because you're not eating enough to maintain that muscle over time. So it all matters in how much you eat in that eating window.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Your body needs to get the signal that you're trying to grow or trying to maintain muscle mass. And one signal that you're going to get is from training. And you're going to have to be able to recover from the training. So Stan actually pointed this out in a podcast recently that he just did. Damn it. I can't remember what podcast he was on, but he talked about how carbohydrates,
Starting point is 00:46:38 you know, they don't, they don't do, they don't do for you what a lot of people think that they're not really going to necessarily help you help uh with like muscle protein synthesis however it does put you in an anabolic state and it gives your body an opportunity uh to grow a little bit easier because your muscles are going to be more full be easier to get a pump uh your performance might go up in the gym maybe you can lift a little
Starting point is 00:47:00 heavier because you got a little extra body weight on you and all those things are going to allow your body to respond better in terms of putting on muscles they don't have like the direct correlation uh that protein does to your uh to your gains but you know another thing to think about with fasting is um when you first start fasting you're going to get it's almost reminds me of like my kids when they were real little and they wanted me to watch them go off like a diving board or something. They'd be like, dad, you know, dad, dad, dad. Like they do that a bunch, right? Over and over. And then they really want you to see something that they think is like sick or fun or crazy that they're doing. And they really start nagging on you, you know, they might come over and they might hit you a couple of times or something
Starting point is 00:47:43 like dad, watch dad, watch. And then you watch them and boom there they go your your hunger kind of feels similar to where your hunger is like knocks you it hits you it's like yo dude like hey you know we're hungry you're like shut the fuck up go away go away you know and then it'll go away it will literally magically go away sometimes you You'll notice, too, one of the greatest killers of hunger is activity. So if you can occupy yourself with anything, that can help kill cravings. But if you actually work out, that will annihilate your cravings, especially if you work out pretty hard. Sometimes you work out so hard. I'm sure sometimes after jiu-jitsu you're like, man, I can't even.
Starting point is 00:48:23 I'm too tired to eat. I can't even eat. I can't even eat. Like you kind of feel sick and you feel too tired and exhausted to even like figure any of it out. So just understand that that hunger is going to hit you. Probably if you're doing a 16 hour fast and you really like food, it'll probably hit you pretty hard about three times, two or three times. It's going to come and it's going to keep you like, hey, you need to eat. Hey, you need to eat. And then hopefully around that third time is when you get to actually feed. But they're just false alarms. You don't really need the food. Yeah. And I love how like when John Berardi came on, that's one thing he mentioned. He literally
Starting point is 00:48:58 mentioned ghrelin, which is your hunger hormone, is trainable. And like it is like over time, you won't feel as hungry because you typically are used to eating in the mornings. You don't eat in the mornings for a few days, then you don't get as strong of a like ghrelin doesn't secrete as much in the morning and then it maybe doesn't secrete barely at all. You know, so it is something that is trainable over time. But you need to give yourself time to get used to that. Don't think that it's going to happen the first day. Just keep chugging away with it. Right. And then also like fasting, um, our body ends up holding on the muscle pretty good when we're, when we're not eating, when we're not eating as much and when we're fasting. And if you, oh man, I forget some of these people's names. Somebody I listened to the other
Starting point is 00:49:39 day said he did a 40 day fast and he was talking about how like, yeah, like in the beginning, like you might lose a little bit of muscle mass. Um, but as you progress further, your body starts to produce ketones and it's, it's a kind of a protective mechanism. I'm not saying that you're not going to lose any muscle mass cause you probably will. Um, but in general, people just eat way too much. Yeah. Whether it's somebody that's aspiring to be in better shape, even like Ronnie Coleman, even Jay Cutler, like could they have done a lot of what they've done with less food? They probably could have, but they probably would have had too much anxiety over that process. They probably wouldn't have trusted that process because at that time we just didn't know as much. And I think in the future, you might see some bodybuilders shifting
Starting point is 00:50:25 over to some of these methods. I know Brad Rowe utilizes a lot of intermittent fasting and he does a lot of his nutrition under the tutelage of the, one of the best in the game, Chris Aceto. And it's like, you know, I think years ago, no one would have really thought that you could utilize any sort of intermittent fasting with bodybuilding. It's to say, you know, when I went to honey Rambod and said, Hey, I want to, you know, I'd like to try it this way. He's like, Nope. Um, and that's mainly just because he hasn't done that before. So he's like, I can't recommend something. I don't have, you know, I don't have a lot of knowledge on, but I think that you could, I think you certainly could. And maybe it wouldn't be as aggressive. aggressive maybe you cut down from six meals to four um but i still think you can do it and people don't need to be tripping and worry about
Starting point is 00:51:11 if they're going to lose a lot of muscle mass uh when they fast because you're from what i've seen and from what you've seen like you might lose a little a little bit like in the process of you being from you know all the way to from 275 down to where you are it's like maybe we could do a dexa scan and we could see that you have two less pounds of muscle right i'm 14 pounds away from stage weight like that's the thing i already know like right now i could prep utilize fasting maintain a fuck ton of muscle is this a threat is he threatening us no but that's i could blow this whole podcast up right now but that but that's the thing man and like even my appetite control would be better because in the past this body fat would be not something that i could maintain for
Starting point is 00:51:56 a long time you know what i mean so like i know right now i could go on a prep it'd probably take me 15 18 weeks but i could prep while fasting, get lean, be perfectly okay. Yeah, it'd probably be easier than ever. It would be so much easier than my past preps, you know? Mark, I remember you were talking to me about this off air, but I don't know if you know enough about it to speak about it on air, but about fat being the number one fuel source as opposed to like a secondary. but about fat being the number one fuel source as opposed to like a secondary. Yeah, sometimes if we talk about, if we start getting too deep into science, I'll just openly admit like I don't know all the different mechanisms behind everything. But here's some of my basic understanding is that when you start to fast,
Starting point is 00:52:38 your body is probably using up, for a typical person that hasn't been on a keto diet, your body is probably using up some sugar typical person that hasn't been on a keto diet. Um, your, your body is probably using up some sugar in your body. And then at a certain point, your body's like, Hey, like we used up a lot of the sugar. And it's not like you don't have any more glycogen or glucose in your body. Cause you probably still, sorry, glycogen, your body still probably has some sugar in your body has the ability to make sugar. Like that's how important sugar is to your body. Your body would just make it. And some of the keto people will just say like, that's why we don't really need to have dietary carbohydrates because the body will take care of it for us. People that are on the other side of the fence are like, well, that's dumb. Like it seems
Starting point is 00:53:17 some people almost view it as like harmful. Like don't, don't allow your body to make carbohydrates for yourself. Like just feed yourself carbohydrates. So there's, there's some two different styles of thought there. But anyway, kind of back to the question over a period of time, if you fast, you will eventually start to produce some ketones. The ketones are supposed to be protective. They're supposed to be anti-catabolic and there's some mechanism, I cannot remember what it's called, that is supposed to protect you from breaking down muscle tissue, breaking down the protein in your body, and using it for energy. So that is what's supposed to happen when you fast. You're supposed to actually end up producing more ketones.
Starting point is 00:54:03 This is the reason why a ketogenic diet can be really useful to people. Because when you get on a ketogenic diet, guess what it mimics? It mimics fasting. It's not the same thing as fasting, but it can mimic fasting, and especially if your calories are kind of maintenance or below, it will have a lot. And that's why with dogs, and we're seeing it more often with cancer, people are utilizing a ketogenic style diet because fasting might actually be like the greatest medicine of all time. But you can't have people just fast all the time and certainly can't
Starting point is 00:54:38 have cancer patients fasting because they would they would eventually start to lose too much weight because they're also going under a lot of stress and their body's going to start to lose weight anyway. And then if you're super active, it's going to be even easier to get into ketosis, even if you're eating a little bit of carbohydrates while fasting just because of literally how much you're burning over time with that exercise. I think a lot of this stuff, like, and part of the reason why,
Starting point is 00:55:07 part of the reason why I don't know this is because I don't research it, first of all. But secondly, I think a lot of this stuff is like unknown. I think even like Dominic D'Agostino, who's probably like the most well-versed person when it comes to ketogenic style diets. I don't even know if he really knows. I don't know if someone's on
Starting point is 00:55:26 a moderate carbohydrate diet and they're producing ketones moderately. I don't know what the impact is versus someone that religiously is not eating. I don't know if there's some magnificent higher benefit, but I would doubt it.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I think when we're talking about health and we're talking about trying to keep your shit together and, and, and trying to feel good and have good performance in the gym, I think what we're talking is talking about is we're trying to figure out a way to eat optimally. We definitely don't want to overindulge because, uh, a lot of times that will lead to accumulation of body fat. I don't really think anyone's really looking for body fat, even people that are trying to bulk. And that's why a bulking program and a cutting program can look similar. It's just a kind of about it's just a game of like volume. When we talk about some of this nuance stuff of whether it matters that he has 100 carbs a day and I have 30, I don't think anybody really knows much about any of that
Starting point is 00:56:26 information. I think at that point, now we're talking about like preference and we're also talking about activity level and SEMA burns more calories every day for multiple reasons. Your body fat percentage is better. You probably have a little bit more muscle mass than I do. And you're doing jujitsu. So it's like your calorie output per day could be, you know, 500, it could be a thousand, you know, who, who knows? Like, I don't really, maybe cause you're younger too. Right. There could be multiple reasons. And so, um, I think you have to think for yourself in terms of like, what do you like to do? What, what foods do you like? You know, if you really love fruit, um, there's absolutely no reason to pull out fruit. if you really love fruit um there's absolutely no reason to pull out fruit if you
Starting point is 00:57:05 really love potatoes you really love rice the only reason to pull them out would be if you're heavier than you want to be and you're like you know what like i just can't eat rice because i eat too much of it we talked to andrew yesterday about cheese and i was just like and it was hard for me to even say it because i love cheese i was like don't eat cheese and it was just why me to even say it because I love cheese. I was like, don't eat cheese. And it was just. Why, he overindulges on cheese? Yeah. Well, he was just saying like how it's.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Well, we were just saying fat calories, right? Yeah. Okay. So a slice of cheese is like seven grams of fat. And it's like you do that times three. And now you've got 21 grams of chub in your diet that maybe you didn't need, you know? Yeah. Cheese to me is just one of those things where it's like, oh, I'm having a hamburger.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Yeah. I'm going to throw some cheese on there. I'm going to go for two of those things where it's like oh i'm having a hamburger yeah i'm gonna throw some cheese on there i'm gonna go for two slices and then it's like right yeah but i'm having like six different patties so it's like it's fine but then when actually right like you pay attention to it's like oh my fat macros they're already done for the day and that was one one meal and i still have the rest of the day to do like you know to live yeah and think about like a you know uh 90 percent you know lean burger might taste great but it's really probably only taste great if you put stuff on it so what's your options for putting stuff on it you gotta either put carbs on it which would be like ketchup right or you gotta put fat and protein on it which would be like cheese and there's nothing wrong with any of those things. You put cheese, bacon, avocado, you put all this stuff on there.
Starting point is 00:58:27 And it will taste great. And those things aren't bad for you by any means, but they could just add up. Andrew, have you ever like experimented with keto for yourself? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You just didn't? Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I did it. And so this was when, you know, me kind of like telling you guys like, oh, prove me wrong. Like I can't get abs. It was like I think four or five years ago now I followed a really strict keto diet for like six months. And it was only just to like just to do it. Like, let's see what this is all about. Because back then it wasn't really many even like companies making keto stuff so it was a little tricky it was just cool to like again just like i said just to experience something different but i had dropped down to like 155 pounds i was doing it very much incorrectly yeah um that was like the whole like oh i can't have too much protein because then it's gonna knock me out of ketosis okay i gotta eat tons of fat and i dropped down to, like I said, 155 pounds, still with a big belly, um, totally different place lifestyle wise and whatnot. So I didn't have a lot of muscle or anything. But at that time I felt okay. I didn't feel my stomach was like, hey, bro, this is way different than the vertical diet. We don't like this. And so like I just felt sick, hungry all the time and I was just running to the bathroom constantly. Yeah. Was that like did you have a lot of excess fat you think in the diet when you're trying it that way more recently? More recently? No, I was just getting rid of all excess carbs. I guess what I'm wondering is maybe you went from say about 100 grams of fat a day to 250 or something.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Yeah. Or maybe even went from 100 grams of fat to 200 grams of fat, but in addition to that, you had an extra 75 or 100 grams of protein, which could bother just about anybody's stomach if they're not used to it. Yeah. I mean, like I was cooking stuff in like more like fatty oils. I was having fattier cuts of steak. I was also having coffee with heavy cream. And, you know, my stomach with heavy cream. I know it's bad.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I did. I was really mild and moderate with it because I understand how bad that is for my stomach. But it was just a combination of things like, you know, for lunch, having steak with no rice versus ground beef with rice. Like my body just, I don't know. I just, it's really hard. Well, probably when you eat the combination of ground beef and rice you're probably eating less beef so you're probably eating less fat you know so you know if we were to try to play around with it again or even get you close to like a keto diet i
Starting point is 01:01:14 think if we just didn't have a crazy amount of fat in there yeah you'd probably be you'd probably be okay yeah and then as of like but as of right now with this week of fasting, I definitely feel like I'm getting the keto breath. I feel like maybe I'm hopping into ketosis more so than I was even then because I'm just like, man, what's going on here? Chewing on some gum or something? Fucking body, you're dying from the inside out, man. Yeah, yeah. And then even after I do start eating, can still i still have that like oh i gotta go brush my teeth again like what's going on do i need a new toothbrush what's happening
Starting point is 01:01:50 and then yesterday i was talking to my fiance i'm just like oh i think i'm getting keto breath speaking of uh brushing your teeth we've got to get this guy on the podcast i i found a guy that hasn't brushed his teeth he he said, in 10 years. We don't want him. I know. Yeah, he's going to melt our microphone. I'm joking. He had a lot of really interesting stuff to say,
Starting point is 01:02:15 but basically he just said a toothbrush is just like a modern tool. We don't necessarily need that now i'm sure you can go back and cavemen probably pick their teeth with certain things but um the evolution of a toothbrush is for what is to brush away basically carbohydrates from our teeth sugar oh sugar is what accumulates on your teeth is he a keto guy he? He's a keto guy, yeah. Oh, that's got to be interesting. He's a keto proponent. But basically he just said like if you have a lot of other levels of stuff in your body, vitamin D and some of these things. So he recommended some vitamins and minerals to go along with your diet. But basically he just mainly suggested that you rid yourself of carbohydrates.
Starting point is 01:03:01 He talked about the link between heart disease and tooth decay. And you're like, I never heard him talk about, but of course you've got teeth rotting out of your head. You have, uh, you got high inflammation of your gums. Well, of course you have problems with your heart. And of course that means that you've probably been eating, uh, you know, foods that are going to negatively impact and influence your, uh, insulin levels, your hormones in your body. Uh, it's going to cause plaque, influence your insulin levels, your hormones in your body. It's going to cause plaque, right? The plaque on your teeth.
Starting point is 01:03:29 They say, from what I was understanding, a lot of the plaque on your teeth is similar to the plaque that builds up in your arteries and builds up in a similar fashion. And it has to do with, again, it's not just sugar. Again, it's excess calories. But in this case, we're talking about teeth. It's pretty much just from sugar. Wow. Yeah, well, like kind of how we've been saying like, oh, these like, you know, third world countries are so lucky because they don't have like McDonald's and whatnot. But if you look at like the teeth in those countries, they're all really healthy.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Yeah, actually. It's kind of crazy. And they're like chew on sticks to brush their teeth well yeah but it's until our influence comes in you know when we try to help out another country and we send over food it's like what do we send very caloric dense food or or packets of food which are a lot of carbs a lot of carbohydrates yeah we're not sending over you know stuff that's probably you know we're sending over stuff that benefits us really. I mean you don't want to make it a political thing, but like that's – these government things, these handshakes and stuff like that, they get made because this guy is making money off of this.
Starting point is 01:04:36 I mean we are still helping and some food is better than none, but we're probably I, almost in a sense doing more harm than good in some cases. Yeah. Jamie Foxx on a old standup, he's like, you know, we're sending, this was like during 9-11 and all that. He's like, people are dying by bombs and food. He's like, cause we're dropping food off. And it's like, you know, it's killing people. And it's like, oh no, my son, he got killed by the poisonous pot roast. So funny, but yeah, it's like you know it's killing people and it's like oh no my son he got killed by the poisonous pot roast so funny but yeah it's terrible man because somebody's making money somewhere yeah you might you guys remember the uh amazing fasting fat man no no okay this is a guy
Starting point is 01:05:17 who fasted for like 150 days 150 day water fast he lost 230 pounds yeah i've heard about this he started at four something i think and went down to obviously to something right now and it's just it's crazy man it's insane what what like and that that's just like pure water fasting for 150 days because he had so much fat on his body that he could just maintain that until like obviously he's continuing to lose but it's so you bring up a good point so if we go back to andrew's original question basically your body you have enough storage of stuff on your body to handle i mean most people even somebody in a lower body fat percentage could probably go a couple days without without eating and and be totally fine and not have and not have muscle
Starting point is 01:06:06 and not have lost muscle like we wouldn't be here uh if we didn't have that ability we just wouldn't have made it from an evolutionary standpoint so that's a great reference is that like yeah you have you got sandwiches and shit on your body yeah you can kind of rely on anytime you got a meatball sub on your body that you can you can tap into those reserves oh i love a meatball sub though how's the first couple oh there he is yeah yeah man that's crazy he and he's gotta get this dude on the pod he's really awesome man yeah the amazing fasting i get it and like every single video every single video is so dope because he's like and the amazing fasting fat man flies through and
Starting point is 01:06:45 he like he he he practices everything like a comic book and it's just so dope the way he does what he's doing but i mean yeah it's wow if you like you i mean at this point i've gone a few days there's a few days here and there where i at the end of the day i ate i realized i've had no carbs and everything's been good even the next day my workouts were good so it's like as an athlete again you can utilize them and you definitely should if you're maybe if you're going into athletic event or something but i don't think it's absolutely as necessary as i used to for athletes how's the first couple days and stuff andrew been for you um what are you on day four or something now i don't know what today what is today day
Starting point is 01:07:25 is thursday yeah so day four um i'm noticing the the hardest part so far is the morning after a fast um because of the boner there's that morning wood i keep bumping into things knocking lamps over and stuff like congo yeah that's that 1% Congo in me. But throughout the day, it's not too bad. Once I get over the hump of being, there's that boner again, of being hungry. So it's like day one was like, I accidentally fasted for like 20 hours today. I didn't mean to do that. The next day I was like, ooh, I can definitely feel the hunger. And then the third day I was like, hmm, okay, feel the hunger and then the third day I was like hmm okay I'm definitely hungry but I'm I'm fine um I was telling Nsema I'm like you know my relationship
Starting point is 01:08:10 with food's a little bit different than everyone else like I love that I'm not eating throughout the day because one I get a shit ton of more work done but also like I just I just don't enjoy it like it's it just it's not fun now if I'm eating pizza and fries and hamburgers and stuff, like, oh, yeah, let's get weird. Let's eat. But, you know, again, just eating carb-less food is like, eh, I'd rather just keep fasting. Your morning routine, are you still shitting all the time?
Starting point is 01:08:42 Yes. Yeah. I think that'll dry up a little bit too, though. Yeah. Are they drying up? No, they're still pretty wet. Yeah. There's still a lot of moisture coming out.
Starting point is 01:08:56 I still think you need to get it all checked out, buddy. I do, but I don't even know where to start. We've had people on the podcast offer to help. Gabrielle Lyons in New York. That's okay. okay just hit her up she'll give you somebody to go to okay all right i'll do that but uh slide into her dm we won't tell on you okay no maybe not steph does doesn't i hope she doesn't never mind she's listening she's listening sorry hi stuff i didn't mean it that way we meant it in a totally uh cordial way just cordial trying to get help with it but i mean
Starting point is 01:09:30 wow okay so we really this is gonna be awkward later yep you're gonna get so much trouble and it's all my fault one thing i am having trouble with and this is what i've had trouble in the past with fasting is just eating enough in my feeding window. Last night, I opened up the window even further and I looked down because I am tracking and I still had 600 calories left to go. And I still had like seven grams of protein and then tons of carbs and tons of fat. I think if you feel OK, though, then just, you know, that's kind of that's not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 01:10:01 If you hit your protein, like still try to maybe hit your calories. But on a day like that, if you're not feeling hungry anymore, don't go scarf down. I think it will just help you get leaner faster, honestly. Yeah. Yeah. And that was the thing. Like I was, I'm full. Like I'm like, oh boy.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Like, okay. I look over. I'm like, oh, there's hard boiled eggs. I can do the bagel seasoning like Mark said. I'm like, man. But then, you know, I look at the clock and I'm like, okay, shit. it's already like past eight o'clock so i'm like that's probably not worth it but again just trying to learn and stuff i ended up just eating uh like a protein bar and i'm like you know it's probably not the smartest thing to do right now like just because the number on my
Starting point is 01:10:39 tracker says that it's it's low yeah but again like i'm just you know kind of like the guy that had ass you know like i don't want to lose too much muscle like too fast but again this is all a learning experience for me no protein bars yeah i know and that's the thing i'm like that's so stupid he owes us 10 push-ups i'm down i can do that yeah like no but like again adequate amount of protein like if you're not feeling that hungry and actually that's kind of a good thing. If you're not feeling voraciously hungry as you're trying to lose body fat, just stop. You've hit your protein. You've had an adequate amount of carbs and fat.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Your appetite's telling you that you don't need to eat anymore. Stop eating. Yeah. And it's also pretty normal to feel like you should feel a little hungry. You know, it's very normal when you're starting to drop body fat. So as you go through the process, I mean mean you shouldn't be like crazy uh but you should be a little hungry something that we didn't point out earlier in the show i don't think is that what you'll find is on days when you do have breakfast and days that you do eat a little something it really sparks your
Starting point is 01:11:40 appetite oh yeah and now you're really like oh shit and so you know i think there's on those days just don't even bother just don't even bother fasting but something else you can even try and this is what i do very often sometimes i'll eat my breakfast at home and i just wait till i get back home again so it's like that's still some fasting that's going on it's it's the equivalent of like what i would normally do. It's just minus, it's not an elongated fast because it's not progressing onward from my sleep, but it's still six or eight hours. It's still going many hours without any food. And so I think, never mind all the fasting and never mind just the whole conversation that we really just had. Try only
Starting point is 01:12:21 eating at home because you're probably home twice a day so that'd be two meals yeah you can have breakfast and you can have dinner uh get after it in those meals but try to make them healthy you know try to stick with if you want like actual foods try to stick with uh you know meats and rice and potatoes um eggs and uh you got uh you got vegetables you got fruit you're right it's like stick with that shit if you do that twice a day and you eat each time that you're home you eat before you leave the house and you eat when you get back should be good to go and try not to eat out for a couple days try to do that for a week you know how hard that would be for some people to not eat out for a whole week like it they it's people eat out all that you know a lot of times i was uh i was helping out wayne our buddy wayne from dutch bros with his diet
Starting point is 01:13:10 and i said hey man you know send me some pictures of your food and every every like i just didn't have the conversation with him i told him what to eat and i never told him about like not eating out i never said anything about it and every picture was like he was eating out and i was like you can get healthy. You can get in shape by eating out. But they're going to add in a lot of calories that there's just really it's not a great way to equate for it. So my recommendation would be to try to take everything home the best you can for as long as you can. Then when you start to lose weight and you have momentum and you feel like you know what you're doing, you know what you're talking about, then you can start to kind of angle your way out and eat out a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:13:47 And one more thing on this note is that it is really, really hard to find healthy carbohydrates when you go out to eat. Some places have potatoes, some places have rice, some places might have pancakes, some places might have like toast. Some places might have this and that. But really, in my opinion, the only thing you can get and you can be sure that it doesn't have a bunch of crap on it is fruit. Because your potatoes are more than likely like you get like hash browns or you get a potato at most restaurants. It's going to be sopped in some sort of oil or it's going to be like, you know, cooked with butter and a bunch of other crap. Unless you tell them like make me a baked potato. You have to say make me a baked potato, nothing on it. They'll do that.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Baked potato is golden, and that might be the only like starchy kind of slow-acting carb that you might be able to find. And if you're a carb guy and you like carbs, it's like you might be able to eat a little bit of bread. I don't really have an issue with bread, but usually it accompanies other stuff. You're dipping it in oil or putting butter on it. Anyway, just a side note for people that like to go out to eat. And that's why I've been such a proponent of the ketogenic diet. To me, it's easier to be on a keto diet when you go out to eat than it is to be on a diet where I have to kind of watch the fat calories. Because in my opinion,
Starting point is 01:15:05 there's like two ways to eat. One is where you're, um, you have your kind of fats and protein pretty high and the carbs are low, or you drop the fat calories down and you have the protein and carbs, you know, to wherever your needs kind of, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:20 fit. And so to try to eat low fat and to eat out often is really really i don't think people even understand a fucking salad could have 30 grams of fat it's super difficult yeah dude a salad could have 30 40 grams of fat it's like oh i got i just got the caesar salad for lunch this place has the best salads oh it's my most hated Yeah, and it's like you just ate 40 grams of fat. Like is a salad worth 40 grams of fat? I don't think so. I don't think there's any vegetable that's worth that.
Starting point is 01:15:53 I'd rather have it in my steak. I had a salad last night with lemon juice and salt. It was so good. It's great. It's so good. I've never tried that. Because we had Primal Kitchen dressing okay not sure if maybe it's like an old one or something but now they get weird they so avocado oil yep this one got weird
Starting point is 01:16:13 and so i didn't want to risk it and so i'm telling steph i'm like i think i'm just gonna do lemon and salt and she's like really and like well think about it like when we go to chipotle what do we do we put lemon and salt on our on our bowl and it makes everything taste great and sure enough dude it was like i was kind of looking at it like damn i might go back for more just because it tasted so good wow but people yeah people need to try this just take some spinach out of like whatever thing you buy spinach from and just fucking stick it in your mouth and just eat it and like taste it like i don't think people even know like spinach tastes pretty goddamn good or like an almond by itself an almond that's not roasted that doesn't have anything on it you can taste all the flavors and i think we get desensitized
Starting point is 01:16:54 a lot of these things and don't have any idea so if you take um you know arugula or spinach or some vegetables you put a little bit of like olive oil on it you squeeze some lemon on it throw some salt on it it tastes fucking awesome yeah my thing for eating spinach though is i just put it in a big ass omelet oh yeah i just i just like chop up a bunch of spinach like it just disintegrates right before your eyes yeah i try to i don't i try not to cook it too long but i just make i use a bunch of spinach in an omelet yeah that's the because like when i eat spinach it just takes so long to chew yeah like it's it's good yeah it takes so long to chew yeah it takes forever to chew well people might not even like the flavor of it but my point is just like just learn like what that is supposed to even taste like yeah because most of the time it's got a bunch of
Starting point is 01:17:36 stuff on it you're right and if you want to try to mask it and hide it like that's a great way to do it you cook it with something cooking vegetables down is great especially spinach because it's like starts out like this and it shrinks down you're like what happened to my spinach you can get in a lot just make sure not to overcook it because apparently like you'll get rid of some of the potassium and other like minerals that are in it so just like don't overcook you're probably annihilating it yeah yeah and then the other thing i was going to say is like you you prescribe me to do 10 minute walks like in the morning when I wake up and then again at night. I'm finding that at night I really like it. I would imagine if I did have like any sense of hunger, it would get rid of it.
Starting point is 01:18:13 But even just like just, you know, a lot of stuff happens throughout the day and then my back's always been an issue. I can feel when I'm walking on the treadmill because I'll walk on a pretty steep incline. Like my back feels like it's just like there's a lot of pressure coming off of it. And so I go from that either straight into a shower, then sleep or just straight to bed. And I mean, I think I've been sleeping pretty damn good cause I haven't heard too many complaints from Steph, but, uh, yeah. So that alone has been really nice, especially in the morning. Um, it, it is a little colder now, but it's, uh, it's but it's just nice to move. And that's what Mark was talking about when he was saying, you know, one way to get rid of the hunger.
Starting point is 01:18:51 He said to move around, get active. You don't have to do much. You can just go for a walk and it'll get rid of your hunger. Andrew, I am curious about this, though, man, because like we did mention the standing desk thing. How many hours are you sitting in your desk? A lot. Huh. Have you ever thought about desk? A lot. Huh. Have you ever thought about that?
Starting point is 01:19:07 Because like you've had the back issues and stuff, right? And you sit for a lot of hours. Yeah, you might go and take walks here and there, but you are sitting for a lot of hours. It's safe to say that I've sat for 15 years. I've had three jobs in a row where I'm sitting down for eight to 10 hours a day. Yeah. It might. Absolutely. Yeah, man. I think I can burn hours a day. Yeah. It might. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah, man. I think like burn more calories too. Yeah. Burn more calories. But I think like, it'll really help your backup because for the periods of time that I didn't have a,
Starting point is 01:19:33 like I was maybe sitting down to work at my computer for hours immediately. The next week, my back would start being a heck of stiff. I can't move around as well. Well, you see how much we move around up here. Like we start to get a little uncomfortable. We shift.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Yeah. Right. We got the ability to kind of do it because of where we're at. Yeah. This desk isn't quite set up for something that I can do a sit to stand, but maybe I'll just, I'll just get another workstation or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:58 I think that would help a lot, man. Yeah. Okay. Let me see here. Cool. Good shit, boys. Have a wait. Pause. Yep. Um, I was watching a little bit of the game changers this morning. cool good shit boys wait pause
Starting point is 01:20:06 I was watching a little bit of the Game Changers this morning have any I haven't seen it yet have you seen parts of it or no no I haven't seen any of it yet and Andrew you haven't seen any of it yet either no we were talking about it earlier and my fiance Stephanie was like
Starting point is 01:20:22 oh it's on Netflix now do you want to watch it I'm like I don't know we have our daughter Jasmine right here we were talking about it earlier and my fiance Stephanie is like, Oh, it's on Netflix now. Yeah. Do you want to watch it? I'm like, like, I don't know. We have our daughter Jasmine right here. I don't want her to see it and think that meat is bad. Now I'm not saying like,
Starting point is 01:20:36 I don't, I don't know exactly what it is or what, like, I'm not saying that going meatless is a bad thing. I just don't want like something to be said that sticks with her head like in her you know in her head for forever and be like oh no like i can't have meat because x y and z you know so i haven't watched it i will watch it though i'm trying to go into it like and i am going into it with an absolutely open mind because i'm trying not to let my biases get
Starting point is 01:21:02 in my way so i'm just trying to like see what get in my way. So I'm just trying to like, see what they're saying, look up some things and just doesn't mean I'm going to change, but I don't want to look at it too negatively to shut me off and be like, this whole thing is stupid. But there were already just some weird things that have been said in that documentary, man. Um, I am immediately turned off by the concept of it, at least, uh i've seen um from like clips of it you know it looks like they have uh these people that you know they got like strongman guy and they got these people that do different things and they're like here's our examples and i'm like that's crap i mean there's so many it's like that that doesn't really prove much of anything but i understand the
Starting point is 01:21:42 reason of the point of it but yeah i'm interested to see how they spin that because it's like there's – when it comes to nutrition, it gets to be really, really hard to identify how important it really is in a person's life in regards to everything that a person does. I've seen people achieve extraordinary things, having absolutely no regard for nutrition. I've seen people lift weights that you can't even possibly imagine, you know, eating peanut butter cups and Snickers bars and like all kinds of stuff. Your food is obviously a huge influence and I'm a big fan of eating properly and stuff like that. But to try to identify it to health outcomes and to performance outcomes it's actually more difficult it's way more difficult than people understand it really is tough and that's why even the best scientists in the world
Starting point is 01:22:38 they'll be like okay well that was a study and it was done on mice okay that was a study it was done on 90 year old people okay that was a study it was done on mice. Okay. That was a study. It was done on 90 year old people. Okay. That was a study. It was done on college kids because there's so many other factors in a person's life that play into somebody becoming like a LeBron James or a Michael Phelps. And remember Michael Phelps are like, Oh, he eats 10,000 calories a day. But it's like, okay. Like when, you know, when did that evolution start? When did he even care about Michael Phelps? Didn't care about food probably until he was on a podium somewhere you know like he's probably already a champion he's probably already gonna whoop your ass but now he was looking for that edge
Starting point is 01:23:13 uh you look at like tom brady like tom brady was already already division one athlete already really great yes he needed to like alter his body composition and do other things. So he started eating different, you know what I mean? But it's like those things are, they're just, they're, they're big over a long period of time for people.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Yeah. But to try to like, to try to even say like meat does this and this does that is really, really hard unless we see it happen time and time and time and time again with a lot of people. So hopefully the movie kind of explores, you know, more than just these couple people that they follow around. Yeah, no, there's, there's so far been a very large negative meat bias, obviously in that, in that documentary, like two examples, they use Conor McGregor versus Nate Diaz. Um um and it was the one where nate beat connor you
Starting point is 01:24:05 know nate is a vegetarian remember how connor was talking about how he's like eating two steaks a day and they were trying to like paint the picture in a way that oh why did nate beat connor well it's because he wasn't eating meat like they literally went there when connor mcgregor went up two weight classes. And then at the very beginning of the documentary. That's crazy. He fought a bigger person. Yeah. At the very beginning of the documentary, there is kind of an appeal to the past
Starting point is 01:24:34 because apparently they had, they dug up some bones of old Roman soldiers which they nicknamed something but the, I forgot the name of it but the meaning of those Roman soldiers was meat and barley muncher and apparently yeah and apparently um when sure yeah i wish i remembered the name but yeah that was the the type of soldier they were so they were vegetarian soldiers um and apparently their bones
Starting point is 01:24:58 had a higher uh higher amount of some some like something called – I don't know. It started with an S. But it just showed like when they burned the bones, the bones that burned red had a higher content of whatever that was. And that was because they were vegetarians. And then other individuals that ate meat or carnivores weren't as strong or weren't as – so it's already being pushed in pushed in that direction well and who knows how the people lived back then maybe the people that mainly ate meat just were like maybe they didn't have that much food period like maybe they were just like malnourished you know you really don't know that's you know what i mean and that's a big thing to think about most people were not even eating that much food. Most people weren't rich like that.
Starting point is 01:25:46 And maybe the soldiers are getting well fed because they needed to be like ready to go. You know, Dr. Ken Berry, when he was on the show, he pointed out like what carbohydrates are good for and what some of these grains and barleys and things are good for. And I thought that was amazing. He was like, you want to keep soldiers alive and you want to keep your crew like strong. Then, yeah, like feed them carbohydrates because it's going to be an inexpensive way for a king to keep like his supporters and his people around him, you know, strong, you know, strong and healthy for the stuff that they're doing. Otherwise, you know, raising cattle and slaughtering things. And like, these are more expensive means. And can you feed everybody a filet mignon every night? Or can you feed everybody like high priced meat every day?
Starting point is 01:26:31 Or can you just feed them a bunch of rice? You know, feeding people a bunch of rice is going to be a lot easier. And really all you're trying to do is have them survive and have a sustainable life. And you can certainly do that with those types of foods. But again, they're not the best sources of energy, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I do think, though, on a contrary side, there is going to be an overall benefit of this documentary. And the reason why I say that is this. If an average American watches this, which most people, maybe they don't pay attention to nutrition, they're going to watch this. The documentary is continuing to make sure that people understand that even on a vegan or vegetarian diet, you have to get enough protein, right? So they're making sure that people understand that.
Starting point is 01:27:13 If people move from a standard American diet to this while getting enough protein and making sure that they get in, you know, their iron and B12, they will be healthier than their standard American diet. That is true. You know what I mean? So I think at the end of the day, there will be an overall benefit from this, but you still need to be able to sift through some of the bullshit that's being said about meat. And remember, I've said this before too, what you don't eat might be just as important as what you eat. So if this helps people to get away from junk and maybe people make some purchases too andrew and i were just in conversation about this the other day you know andrew sent me over something and he was like hey should i get this i'm like fuck yeah you know and the reason why i said it's because like i know he's behind it
Starting point is 01:27:57 i know he's about it so like yeah go get it like because if you feel that that's going to give you a boost and now you're pumped about it you receive it in the mail and you start to utilize it in your training program. It's like, that's great. These people that are getting on these vegan diets and stuff and people that are going to, you know, dump more green products into their lifestyle and they're going to mix up shakes and stuff. And that's not bad for them for, you know, the few months that they try it or maybe they try it for a long time. And every morning they mix up some greens and they you know mix up uh you know some of these they they you know become like juicers or whatever you know and they they start to incorporate some uh vegetables and fruit into
Starting point is 01:28:35 their diet maybe that's i mean i think that's great yeah i think that's a good start for a lot of people and if they're pumped about it and excited about it then that's even better yeah and i know you were talking about it earlier but uh Pamela was just saying on the live chat that if you guys have seen Sean Baker's review or critique. Yeah, not yet. I haven't seen it yet. I can't wait to watch it after I watch the doc. That's our homework. We need to watch the movie and we need to watch Dr. Baker's review of it and stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:01 And we'll get back to everybody. We'll do a whole show on it. That'll be sick. Yeah. That'll be fun. Ooh, we could even cut up clips and then post it on the podcast too that'll be sick yeah where can people find you andrew at i am andrew z on instagram and i was just telling somebody in the live chat because he said he's gonna hop on the uh the uh let's get abs by christmas train hey now um and so i told him like hey i'm gonna post like my macros my workouts everything there so if you guys want to follow along
Starting point is 01:29:30 it's at i am andrew z and you guys heard us talk about yeah pete montes you heard us talk about perfect keto and quest if you guys want to look for uh or dig deep and find some more information about that all of the links and promo codes and everything will be in the description wherever the hell you are listening or watching this. Where can people find you? I am at Nsema E. Yang on Instagram and YouTube. You look different today. Do I?
Starting point is 01:29:55 Yeah, it's weird. We got a Samuel L. Jackson reference. I told you, I'm just trying to trigger my inner wealthy man twiddling mustache. I don't think he looks like Swart. Is this because he's black? What? Oh, the Samuel L. Jackson?
Starting point is 01:30:10 Yeah. Oh, yeah, this is Samuel L. Jackson. This is how he dresses. See, Samuel L. Jackson's wealthy. I'm emulating that, man. I still see the Wesley Pipes, too. Wesley Pipes and Samuel L., you know? Is that a porn?
Starting point is 01:30:24 Probably. It's a porn? Probably. It is. It is somewhere. It is now. Probably is. Search his porn hub. But yeah, at Nsema Iyang, N-S-I-M-A-I-N-Y-A-N-G on Instagram and YouTube. He's got a sexy voice.
Starting point is 01:30:39 No, it's not. I'm just going to call you in the middle of the night. You already do. Oh, whoops. I'm at Mark Spelly you in the middle of the night. You already do. Oh, whoops. I'm at Mark Spelly Bell, and strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later.

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