Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 286 - The Championship Mindset

Episode Date: November 13, 2019

Today the guys are talking about how they prepare mentally and physically for upcoming trips and occasions in order to stay on their diet and training. Andrew shares his slip ups and what he's learned... from his bumps and bruises. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. So we went down to Los Angeles not too long ago and we got to hang out at Quest HQ. That was an amazing experience. And not only did we get to hang out at Quest HQ, we got to hang out with one of the co-founders, Ron Penna. And that was like just blowing our mind. He was telling us all kinds of crazy stuff, hitting us with some knowledge that a lot of stuff that, you know, we just we just don't know because he's super smart, super sharp when it comes to nutrition. And what an awesome thing that that's the leader of Quest Nutrition. That's one of the co-founders of Quest Nutrition is this guy that has just this crazy wealth of knowledge on nutrition. Yeah. He legit just stopped his day. He stopped what he was doing, brought us into his office and we just talked. Dude is super smart. And like he was talking about all the cool things that they're going to be doing, brought us into his office, and we just talked. Dude is super smart. And he was talking about all the cool things that they're going to be doing, but he also brought us a lot of Quest Bars. He brought us a lot of snacks and treats, and they were
Starting point is 00:00:52 all really great, especially those Hero Bars. Yeah, I was chomping on some of those Hero Bars. Those were fantastic. Andrew, what do you got over there, buddy? I was just going to say that Ron has been one of the most impactful people that we've come across because of this podcast. So it only makes sense that we would team up with Quest Nutrition. So if you guys want to head over right now to, enter promo code MarksQuest at checkout, and you will
Starting point is 00:01:13 receive 20% off everything at So in SEMA, I know you come from a background of kind of counting calories and weighing stuff and things like that. But more recently, you've been doing a lot of intermittent fasting and you cut out a lot of carbohydrates, right? Yeah. I've been going super, super, super low carb. How are you doing that with jujitsu and power? And you're still strong. I mean, I think it was just two months ago or so you pulled like a 725 deadlift. Yeah, no, it's, I think it took a little bit of getting used to, and it took a little bit of experimenting with things I could use in my fast to just make it go a little easier. So I wasn't, you know, feeling like crap.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I think some of the perfect keto products are pretty awesome for that, too, like the MCT oils in the morning. But, yeah, it just it took some time. It took some getting used to not having anything in my stomach and not eating food during the day. My my brother really struggles with fasting. He's like, I can't fast. And I was like, well, what if you have some MCT oil in your coffee? He's like, oh yeah. He's like, I can fast then. So he can make it till like one or two o'clock each day. A lot of people really struggle with that. They get too hungry. And the perfect keto products, I think, are a perfect addition to anybody that's trying to mess around with fasting or trying to
Starting point is 00:02:22 make some good lifestyle changes to their diet. You can try the bars. You can try the MCT oil. They also have collagen. I mean, they sell all kinds of stuff, and all the products are really super high quality. People should be checking it out. Check out Perfect Keto. What do we got, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Tell them where to find it. Cool. So our listeners can enter and stay in ketosis today by going to slash powerproject and use code powerproject and get 15% off all perfect keto products. Certified Piedmontese. You can order all kinds of different steaks. Have you checked out the website? Yeah. Yeah. This is a, it's going to be pretty damn awesome. I love ribeyes. Like ribeyes are my favorite cut of meat. But when I was doing my bodybuilding show, I was eating a lot of flank steaks, um, and a lot of ground beef, a lot of ground beef, a disgusting amount of ground beef. How about you?
Starting point is 00:03:10 For bodybuilding, yeah, I ate chicken, fish, and a lot of steak. There's actually a lot more red meat in the diet than I expected, which was great. The advantage of the Piedmontese, as you know, is just the fat calories are so much lower. Oh, yeah. But when I was looking at some of the meat that, some of the meat that I got from them, I was like, man, I'm like, this thing is so red.
Starting point is 00:03:28 There was no fat marbling in it at all. So I was like, this is going to be like chewing on a sneaker. And I thought I was going to end up like chewing on this thing for the next three hours, but I was totally wrong. It came out very tender and still was extremely flavorful. So I don't know how they're doing it,
Starting point is 00:03:43 but they have these, uh, super jacked cows. Yeah. I think so. Yeah't know how they're doing it, but they have these super jacked cows. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. I think they're from Nebraska. Nebraska. Yeah. They're from Nebraska, but yeah, no, those pictures of those cows, they look, uh, they look really muscular. I wonder if they, do they lift? Yeah, but they're not on juice. So what's your favorite? So you said your favorite cut is ribeye. For me, I really like filet a lot. Part of the reason why I like the filet is because you'd never have to like cut anything away from it. favorite cut is ribeye for me i really like filet a lot part of the reason why i like the filet is because you never have to like cut anything away from it sometimes with the ribeye sometimes there's uh some stuff that's just not you know not as edible
Starting point is 00:04:13 but i love uh filet also like flank steak um obviously i love ground beef their ground beef i think is superior to any ground beef out there because a lot of the really lean ground beef just gets to be kind of dry. It's almost like eating, I don't know if you've ever had a turkey, like 99% turkey. I know what you're talking about. That's a rough, that's a rough go of it, but you can take some of the Piedmontese beef and make your favorite monster mash with it. Like our boy, Stan the Rhino Efforting does throw some, mix in some rice with the ground beef, throw in some bone broth and you're going to have an awesome meal but my favorite thing that they have on the website
Starting point is 00:04:49 is the tomahawk because you got that meat handle yeah and it just makes you feel like a caveman or barbarian or something and you just you can grab it and just you know gnaw right through it andrew what's your favorite cut of meat over there? It's definitely a ribeye. And where can people find out more about certified Piedmontese? Cool. Our friends at Piedmontese are hooking you guys up with a crazy deal on all their cuts. You can actually head over to That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT.
Starting point is 00:05:21 That's all one word for 25% off your order, along with free two-day shipping on all orders of $99 and more. Also, don't forget, they have grass-fed and grass-finished beef as well. Check that out. Sexual harassment? Nah, it's alright. Me too movement? It's alright. You too. Us too. Forever.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Wait, what? Hello? Alright, we're going. By the way, have we given up on using the clock? I think. Wait, what? Hello? We're going. By the way, have we given up on using the clock? I think. The shot clock? It says 51, which I think is a code. I feel like that's 51 hours. I think it's been on for a long time.
Starting point is 00:05:56 No? Oh, all. Now it says all the hours, all the minutes. It's, hmm. All right. Bets? Yeah, yeah. Are we going to take bets again on when it's gonna poop out i'll say again 22 minutes today last time it was 26 i'm going for 22 i was gonna go with mj 23 but i'll go i'll go scotty pippen i'll go 33 minutes 33 i'm giving it i have a lot when did
Starting point is 00:06:22 it shit the bed last time like Like 12. Yeah, around 12. You were close. The closerest. I think you said like nine or something. Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to say 14 minutes. 14 minutes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I'm going to write that down. So you guys saw that I went to the football game. You saw I went to the 49ers game and that was really cool that's my third time going in the last two years and the second time this year um had a lot of fun going to it last time so i was like well shit they play the seahawks coming up that would be a really fun game to go and check out and so i had an opportunity to go i i went and it was fucking awesome. But as I was watching the game, I was distracted because there's this giant machine on the sidelines of the game.
Starting point is 00:07:15 There's this giant blue machine on the sidelines. And I kept looking at it, and I was talking to this guy behind me, and he goes, oh, that's the machine with the crank in it. And I was like, wait, what? I was like, is that the answer to like our podcast problems? Like maybe we can actually broadcast like worldwide or even nationwide or even just get out of the state of California. But because we don't have the frequency power because the crank's been stuck and it's been broken. And he's like, yeah, he's like yeah he's like that's you know that's it and it was this big giant blue uh microsoft machine saw it and i was all ready to like take it home with me try i was gonna try to steal it but there was cops and stuff everywhere
Starting point is 00:07:57 so i was like all right maybe i should try to buy it but it was like 700 000 bucks and andy just you know she wasn't about it so i just that's a drop in the bucket though i know that's what i was saying i was like that's not a big deal i was like it will fit on top of our car you know the thing was about the size of our car but i do think it would help because the podcast is always it's been broken for a long time yeah because we we're all we can only get like so many wattage watts out right like that's what you need to send the frequency and the signal out. So something like that, that would be huge. I mean, there's that saying you got to spend money to make money.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah, I think that's what they're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. So we got to get that crank somehow. How many cops were there? A lot. It was like the size of this room. Actually, I don't know what the thing is. It's actually like a device for like things like the size of this room actually i don't know what
Starting point is 00:08:45 the thing is it's actually like a device for like instant replay i think yeah what happened here by the way because people were dming me and saying oh mark's on espn it was the uh the interception for a return for a touchdown i think yeah well so the 49ers um they were in some deep shit for a minute in the game, and Russell Wilson chucked the ball, and the guy from the 49ers intercepted it. He started taking it back, and it was just like it was a linebacker. This guy's a good 240, 250, so when the bigger boys start rumbling down the field, it's super exciting because you don't know what the hell is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Yeah, and they never get the opportunity, but when they do, they do they freak out they want they're just all of a sudden become barry sanders yeah they start pulling out all these moves and yeah yeah and so that's what was going on with this guy no one could tackle him for some reason and so you're like oh shit like he's doing pretty good and you're like oh my god he's doing really good yeah going and going and going uh-huh and so i started freaking out i was like holy shit i almost had a heart attack during his run because he was running for so long and i'm yelling the whole time that's amazing and uh anyway yeah so he finally got like bumped out of balance he didn't end up scoring and then it set up what was supposed to be the game-winning field goal but unfortunately they
Starting point is 00:09:57 missed it and they lost the game oh yeah but man it, yesterday was a crazy, crazy ass day starting out here at super training, getting in some good training. We did some biceps and some triceps. I haven't done a bicep tricep workout in a long time. You like pairing them together like that or you usually do something different? I love putting it together. It's always, it's always fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:21 We, we, we did pretty good for ourselves. We did some close grip bench. Was Tyler here with you guys? I heard he was going to be working out with you oh man that would have been good if he was here but he wasn't okay well he's going to show us up again at 90 pound dumbbell bench press for like 30 reps or whatever he did that day so you're purposely not inviting him anymore yeah we learned our lesson right away yeah we don't want him to kick our ass again yeah but yeah we did some bicep, tricep, back and forth. Do you like working opposite muscle groups,
Starting point is 00:10:49 or do you like kind of getting a pump and staying on the same muscle? I like opposite muscle groups. I like that more than doing a bicep and a bicep or whatever, just because it allows me to not have to take too much of a break between. It does save time. Exactly. If you do a push and a pull, you could do that push, and then you can go straight to that pull, and you don't really need to take too much of a break between right you know it's like it does save time exactly if you do like a push in a pool you could do that push and then you can go straight to that pool and you don't really need to take a break you could just go back and forth right but if i did like a chest and a
Starting point is 00:11:11 shoulder man i'd be burning yesterday was a very shirtless day i you know when i was in when i was at the game i think it was on my way to the game and i was like hmm i'm like andrew with a shirtless photo here oh yeah and then it wasn't like much later or maybe it was earlier i was like oh and sema going with a shirtless picture and he's like you're next you gotta post a shirt a shirtless picture but uh after the workout yesterday andrew and i worked on some bodybuilding stuff i'm just trying to get him more confident and word like yeah yeah he's looking'm just trying to get him more confident. Dude, like, fuck. Yeah, yeah, he's looking awesome. Just trying to get him more confident, more comfortable with having his shirt off
Starting point is 00:11:52 and more comfortable with the stuff that's working and more comfortable with the stuff that he's still holding on to. Does this man not realize he has pumpkin delts? Like, you have pumpkin delts, bro. Like, a lot of people don't have shape to their delts. Look at you, bro. I don't know where those came from. Like to be totally like, I don't, I don't. Yeah. Cause I remember you had mentioned it like in the past. And then the first time I took my shirt off, Mark, like right away, went straight to my shoulders. And that's something I've definitely always wanted. I want big shoulders, big traps. I want to look weird in a shirt, right? Your traps are also popping out here too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Dang, man. But no, it was crazy, dude. We did a full-on kind of pose down. And I think maybe two weeks ago, I had him pop his shirt off at the end of the workout too just to be comfortable with it and just to have a lot of body awareness. And so we even went as far
Starting point is 00:12:45 as to like tug on like whatever the fattest parts of your body or lower back is again, just not to sound too weird, but you're just trying to find like, dude, like where are the weak points? Like, let's just talk about it. Let's just figure it out. Like what's the, what's the good stuff? What's the bad stuff? Uh, how do we make the bad stuff look a little bit better? And how do we make the stuff that's already good look even better than that? One of the tricks to bodybuilding, I think, is to, you know, you take the areas of the body that are good, biceps, triceps, you know, things like that, that might already be good on somebody. And why not lean into those a little bit and build them up a little bit bigger? Then it makes everything seem a little out of proportion to whatever's going on with your belly or whatever might be going on with your love handles or whatever, whatever the thing is that
Starting point is 00:13:31 she got. So, um, that was some of the stuff we were working on and I gave him a little speech too. I had him kind of walk away from the mirror for a minute because I noticed that he just, he was kind of having his head down and he was a little, uh, shy about, there was a bunch of other people in the gym too. And, um, you know, when you have friends in the gym, you're just waiting for them to start making fun of you and talking shit. And I think, uh, he was probably in his head thinking about how he's going to respond to some of that stuff. So I had him walk away from the mirror for a second and turn up, you know, turn himself away from it. And I just said, dude, you're, you're different person than you were months ago, different person than you were two years ago. And so when you turn back around, be a little more confident in yourself,
Starting point is 00:14:13 hold your chin up high. Um, don't look to the side and don't look down like you're anxious or nervous. Just be like kind of happy. And you have a new body to flaunt new body to show off and how you carry yourself can actually make you look leaner. How you carry yourself can actually make you look better. You know, if you have your shoulders slumped and you feel sappy, then other people are probably going to feel that way with you. You know, so it was great. He unloaded a double bicep pose and we did some poses from the back and we worked on some stuff. You got these pictures on your phone, Andrew? Because I haven we took a lot of we took a lot of video yeah but josh is definitely
Starting point is 00:14:50 fired though he kept turning and rotating so like you know when you try to go widescreen or whatever you can't see what the heck's going on because he flipped it the other way and then your phone's always spinning but no we got um tons of photos and video because he was just snapping pictures the whole time. He was spinning while he was recording? Yeah. He didn't stop recording. Yeah, he wouldn't hit stop. He'd just record, and then, oh, wait, let me do this.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And then, oh, wait, let me go back. Josh Settlej? No, Josh Kim. Oh, maybe he was trying to snap pictures during the video, maybe? Josh knows what he's doing, usually, so I guess he might have just been high yesterday. I absolutely appreciate it, even if it is messed up. No, no, no. We got...
Starting point is 00:15:35 No, no, no. None of that bullshit, Andrew. Dude, Andrew, he messed up. We're going to punch him in the dick. I can't wait. Andrew, you look really good, bro. Thanks, dude. When I saw that yesterday, I'm like, what the fuck has this dude been talking about
Starting point is 00:15:47 for the past few months? You got another picture that you can just slide over here in SEMA? Yeah, yeah. Or hook it to your phone or something. Your arms are big. I can email myself. You know, you've got good definition here for forearms. You have a good chest.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Like, everything's damn. Everything was really good. Yeah. And even like, so he has some fat around his belly button but even that it's like super minimal it's gonna go away he has a little bit of like love handle side thing going on but that's really minimal too there really wasn't much i mean there really is not a lot of fat going on um i think there's like fat in areas that you haven't even really thought about yet um because like his legs aren't lean,
Starting point is 00:16:25 but that takes a long time for some people, right? Yeah. That's just time. That takes a long ass time for some people. And so when he was flexing his legs though, he's got lines in his legs. He's starting to get veins in his calves.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I mean, it's really cool. It's cool to see. And, and the message here for people that are listening, we're at nine, we're at nine, nine,
Starting point is 00:16:44 five, nine again. It happened early in the day 11 minutes oh man we didn't make it very far at all i i think maybe that's it then it can't get over 10 minutes i guess but see the thing is when we walked in it was at 51 yeah which means it was at 51 minutes i think so what but who even turned it on well when i when i power up so it could be we got to spend that seven hundred thousand dollars on that microsoft machine we have a patreon right we have that people can just or order some stuff from perfect kingdom and quest and pete montes and help us out help us yeah really okay yeah no there's there's no hope
Starting point is 00:17:24 anyway next time i'm betting lower no longer yeah i know me too i was like i'm trying to and help us out. Please help us. Really? Okay, yeah, no. There's no hope. Anyway. Next time I'm betting lower. No longer. Yeah, I know. Me too. I was like, I'm trying to get, I had faith in it.
Starting point is 00:17:31 What a losing streak. Oh. Let's not say that. No, don't say those words. Sorry about that. Yeah. Sorry, I just, I was bummed out
Starting point is 00:17:37 for a second there. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to talk that way. Yeah. No, but like, you know, the lines and the legs and all that stuff, that's just time.
Starting point is 00:17:45 That's just years. You know, I know a guy, you guys probably know him. He's Chris Elkins or whatever. He's that fitness guy on Instagram or whatever. But like four years ago, he's been lifting for a long time. He didn't have, he was like, he never could get his legs lean. A few times of like getting lean and getting bigger and getting lean. Now he's like lines won't go away.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Right. So that's like lines will go away. Right. So that's just that's just time. I realize that this is like this bodybuilding talk is a weird thing for some people that haven't experienced it before. But the message here is that if you want something, you can go after it. You can go get it and you can make changes really fucking fast so even in terms of legs like if you wanted to have some good definition to your legs simply thinking about it and simply working on it it will happen it might take a while it might take some time especially if you're if you're bigger it's gonna you know might take
Starting point is 00:18:35 might take a while but that's what happened with myself in terms of uh yeah look at the back what dude you need okay i can already tell that his back is like a strong point for him yep a few more years of training your back like that already looks great and then your rear delts like whoa dude damn i wish the people that were like are actually like listening to this could see this and then this my my lower back though i can yeah you can see it but i feel like the whole likesection, right, that always needs work. But even when we were doing push-ups yesterday, Mark's like, your upper body is strong enough to do whatever push-ups you want to do,
Starting point is 00:19:13 but your core is way weak because my ass was kind of going up and down. It was like humping the floor. Folding in a little bit. Yeah. So, yeah, I don't know. I've got to figure out how to, how to work. Well, how long have you been lifting for? Uh, like we're, we're going on like over seven years now.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Like seven years of lifting and how much concentration has there been on like deadlifts and squats? Uh, give or take not much. Right, right, right, right. So that's the point is like you know and then you you say seven years but like how much of that lifting has been similar to the lifting that you've been doing here for the past few years like you've been lifting for like three years yeah so the past three years have been the app like the absolute right best part of all the lifting so far yeah i think that's the difference there oh absolutely yeah and even if we can i was trying to teach him and it'd be great if you could work with him because I don't know a ton about bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:20:05 but it would be great if we could get him to flare those lats out he was kind of bunched in a little bit and I actually had him at one point flare the lats out with that same pose and he looked a lot bigger so we got to get him to be able to feel those things but look at the lines
Starting point is 00:20:22 work your way from the wrist all the way through the forearm the bicep there's a nice peak there nice peak boom again from the shoulder uh and then a a good little slant there to the trap and then all the way through the other side too dude what the hell andrew it's like all this all this stuff is just hiding and when he's relaxed when his hands are just to the side and he's like getting ready to do another pose you can see the same lines in his back that's so sick that like everyone like all of we're all jacked like this is like i'm pretty sure this is one of the most jacked podcast crews that's true that's true that's better be what is it uh vanilla chocolate and salted caramel right yeah yeah we need to go on a world tour i think oh god oh there we go posing down yeah and then i can yeah you got lines in your like left quad you're
Starting point is 00:21:13 not you're not just gonna figure out how to flex those quads but yeah i was having a really hard time flexing my right leg he's never really messed with flex in his quad no what the hell this is crazy man i've been working man i know you've been working but damn like ah ah i just every time i've said this so much and people are gonna be mad at me for saying this so much i find it so funny that a few weeks ago literally just a few weeks ago i can't get out well i still don't i mean i know your abs are there now you can't say anything don't even say the most definition i've had but you're gonna get more but damn i'm happy for you bro this is insane yeah like seeing me for me i i see let me pull this up over here like i see this that this very much obviously abs right like there's no question about it here it's like cool
Starting point is 00:22:01 i got some upper definition and whatnot but then but then it falls off down below where I know a lot of people have a lot of trouble with. But for me, this is still not it, right? That'll go away. Yeah. You'll drop body fat there. But, man, I'm excited for you. This is so cool. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:19 This is so cool. Yeah. Everyone's abs come in differently, too. It's actually really interesting because this is the way everyone's built. Everyone's built so cool. Yeah. And everyone, everyone's abs come in differently too. It's actually really interesting because this is the way everyone's built. Everyone's built so differently. Sometimes you'll see someone, they could actually have a pretty high body fat percentage and have some decent abs sitting there. And then while someone else, they might have to get down much lower just to get any shadows
Starting point is 00:22:41 going at all. But Andrew has a little bit of the of the uh like intercostals and stuff like that coming in too which you can't really see in this uh picture but well you can see a little bit but that's that's kind of the main thing that he's kind of has going on and then uh through the actual midsection just isn't firmed up quite yet but you've never done it before so it's no surprise right yeah but i and then i definitely have to thank you mark for the uh the pep talk and stuff uh one of the reasons why i stood there for so long is because this dude's about to make me cry he's just like you're no longer that like weak frail person anymore like
Starting point is 00:23:16 that person's in the past like they're gone now and i'm just like oh shit mark like i have a couple moments i wasn't ready for that one. But, yeah, I turned around and I got to say goodbye to the skinny, fat person and look in the mirror and be like, holy shit, this is a different person. You know what's interesting? Like, OK, so I think everyone that listens to this show knows that you can change your body and you can all you can make adjustments and all that type of stuff there but i think we have some strong beliefs that like the person that who like the person we are we can't change that right or that it's like a problem to change who you are you know what i mean like oh i'm gonna be like this is how i've been for all my life and i'm gonna continue to be this way whether it's like actions you take or or just certain you do, we find it so difficult to change ourselves.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Or we think it's, some people find it even negative to change yourself or change who you are. And I don't understand that. It's like, if you know and you can see that there are certain things that you do that aren't the greatest, why is it that you feel that that's a part of you, that that can't change, you know? Does that kind of makes sense where i'm being too confusing here no it makes a lot of sense um if you think about somebody that's
Starting point is 00:24:29 into like partying you know someone's into like smoking pot someone's into drinking and that guy's the man right like everyone everyone likes him or gets along with him he's got this great personality but it's like does he really have a great personality or has his identity and personality been kind of interchanged and mixed in with uh the drugs that he likes to you know party with and then the guy starts to make a decision towards you know what like you know that's not really i don't really want to do that anymore i'm not saying there's anything wrong with uh playing around with stuff like that but uh for some people, it ends up becoming kind of part of their identity. And then they can't imagine how they could go out and enjoy themselves at a
Starting point is 00:25:11 party without having a cup in their hand or without having a drink in their hand. And I know this firsthand from having many alcoholics in my family and many friends that have been addicted to drugs and alcohol. And then once that person decides to not do that anymore, then like, where are their friends, you know, where, and they're, they're probably going to have to stop hanging out with a lot of the same people, but not only will they kind of have to stop hanging out with some of the same people, they won't want to hang out with the same people and the same people won't care to hang out with them because there's now this gap, you know, kind of like when you have, it's very similar to when you have a baby, you know, if you're a couple,
Starting point is 00:25:49 if you're a couple and you hang out with another couple a lot, I mean, if you're like besties, it's probably different. But if, but if you're just kind of a casual couple that that's friends with another couple, once they have a kid and it's like, well, everything changed. Like the person's, uh, the person's belief system, the person's uh the person's belief system the person's um lifestyle what the person is living for their purpose i mean everything just got like tossed out the window because there's this third person that's there and uh all many of the relationships that you have they all shift around they all move around, um, not only can you change, but I think a lot of people have to change. And then when they work on those changes, they got to start to examine,
Starting point is 00:26:31 um, kind of almost like what they're left with, you know, because it can be really, it can be really scary for some people that are trying to quit or trying to, I know Rosemary in our office, she went on 100 days of not drinking at all. And drinking is part of her lifestyle. She enjoys to have some drinks here and there. And she went on this kind of 100-day kick, and she's like, I don't have the same friends I had when I started. And it's not because anyone turned her back on her or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It's just what are you doing with those friends that you usually drink with? You're usually meeting them out for a drink. And then when that's not there anymore, it starts to become different. Yeah. That's, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:27:13 I mean, I look at you, right. I've known you for the past, I don't know, three years or whatever that you've been here. I don't know what you were doing beforehand, but there's a stark change in like you being here,
Starting point is 00:27:22 being around everyone, lifting here, working here. It's like, I mean, you can attest the to the difference of a person you are has anyone that was in your life before that was playing a big part of your life are they not in your life anymore has that changed they're all gone they're they're all gone literally all gone um it's uh i don't want it to sound like a sad thing or anything but i don't talk to anybody from high school. The friends that I made after high school and stuff, they're all gone.
Starting point is 00:27:51 The only people that I really hang out with now, you guys, a couple people here at work, and then my family. Outside of that, what am I going to do? I can't come over and crack a cold one with you anymore. Hey, bro, want to fast together? Exactly. No, didn't think so.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah, yeah. But I mean, with the podcast and like the Shredigan thing. Hey, check that out. There we go. With the Shredigan thing, like I'm like connecting with more people. Some of those people are more family that I just haven't been able to like, I just haven't talked to in a long time. Cause you know,
Starting point is 00:28:31 I've been a loser somewhere else and now it's like, Oh shit, Andrew, you're doing some cool stuff. So like I'm connecting more with like people that I should be connecting with now. Um, and that probably sounds terrible if anybody is listening to this,
Starting point is 00:28:44 that I was previously hanging out with it's I'm not saying I'm better than anybody I'm just saying that like I just like I can't do the same things I've done before and on top of that my family has grown you know like I used to not have a kid and now I do and just like what Mark said you know like I remember being in my 20s and when somebody would get pregnant it's just like oh you guys blew it like now we can't party like we can't hang out anymore because you got like kids stuff to do and you know again that was a different person you know talking about changing and becoming someone new yeah it's it's totally different yeah I don't like I said it's you guys and family and you know, that line gets blurred because, you know, I just, I hang out with you guys so much that it's like, I, you know, you're the sum of the five people you hang out with the most.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah. So I want to be jacked and I want to be Nigerian and I want to be rich. So I, yeah. I'll take some of my blood. I'll inject you every now and then. But I can't piss hot though. Oh, why do you need to go there? Huh?
Starting point is 00:29:55 No, but dude, like what you just said there, I feel like that's tough for a lot of people because if we all were to just like look, I guess look at the people that we really see ourselves wanting to be. And then we look at the people that we spend a lot of time with you know a lot of the times like sometimes that's just not congruent like there's there's no similarity there and then you really got to think like oh do i uh how do i do this like if i want to be this person and this is like this is my circle and no one is like remotely heading in that direction, how do I get rid of like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:30:30 I don't want to say get rid of, but how do I adjust and, you know, find a way to move in that direction without these people that I might actually care a lot about? Yeah, man, that's, that's some scary stuff. Yeah. like if you've been through a lot of stuff with like the people yeah you're just talking about you know like like you call them brother or whatever you know what i mean like they've you've been through thick and thin with each other yeah and you know like i've been through like divorces with people like well sorry i've been through my divorce with other people like that they helped me along the way and so it's like yeah we've built some crazy bonds but like yeah it just I think it just all goes to the um like becoming disciplined
Starting point is 00:31:10 like I am more disciplined now than I was then but I'm so disciplined that I'm willing to let go of this relationship because I'm like hyper focused on a new goal yeah and then yeah dude just you kind of look around and you, you cut the fat out, right? And that's just, unfortunately, sometimes the fat is somebody that you're close to, but you realize like, okay, they're just not like, I'm no longer that same person that was close to them. I'm a different person that's not as close to them anymore. Yeah. And then it becomes a little bit easier. I went to a party, uh, within, within the year and there was people there that they started talking about their prom and you know, they went, I'm from New York, so I didn't go to
Starting point is 00:31:51 the same schools they went to and stuff like that. But I was just totally and completely shocked at how much stuff they remembered. Um, it was one person after another reminiscing and just like they were so pumped and so excited to talk about these times and i was like i don't remember fucking shit from high school and i just thought i just i thought it was really lame you know i was listening to them talk and um they're like oh remember brian so and so he did that sick dance, and the whole, everybody stopped. Everyone was like, oh, shit. They're like, oh, yeah, and then we were smoking weed, and those two got into a fight.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I was like, oh, my God. This, to me, sounds like the biggest loser story of all time. And these are supposed to be the quote-unquote cool kids. I'm losing my mind just listening to this. I'm like, oh, my God. I'm like, this sounds terrible. Yeah, I've been around. I have a bunch of older cousins. loses my mind just listening to this i'm like oh my god i'm like this sounds terrible yeah i've i've been around like um i have uh some a bunch of older cousins i'm actually one of the youngest in
Starting point is 00:32:50 on both sides of the family but he and his like former classmate were like reminiscing about this similar stuff and i'm just like dude like they're like professional students like they always go back to like whatever you know that time yeah yeah they all went to the same school as uh jason kalipa actually but uh yeah different times but still um that was the that was their peak yeah and that's what i'm saying i'm like i don't want to pee every but like literally everything was like oh do you remember you know blah blah this year and da da and then it was always like yeah i think i'm still gonna go back like like why the fuck are you gonna go back to school again i i guess there's reason for it but
Starting point is 00:33:30 there's a lot of passion when you said that well yeah because i'm just like again if i mean i guess yeah if it was the highlight of your career then you're gonna never want it to end but that was the thing too is like they end the conversation being like oh you know things will never be like that again. Now we're just all fat and old. And I was like, everyone's in their early 40s. You've got a whole other half of your life to live at least. At least, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Like, damn. But again, with the partying and everything, the school, it becomes their identity, and they can't let go of that identity, which is impossible for some that's the thing that's why i like you just really need a the belief system needs to be changed like you know the whole saying that oh you're you're always people can't change or whatever yeah no you can change you can get better you can evolve like you should believe i think there's just an inherent belief that you don't think you can but when you shift that then a lot
Starting point is 00:34:23 of things open up a lot of things open up i do not want to be the same person i am this year next year after that i just want to find ways to get better and just keep moving in that direction yeah yeah uh mark what did you think about the uh the tesla tesla store oh my god yeah that was beautiful i loved it man so um i i obviously know about tes and stuff, and I got friends that have them and shit like that. And I've driven in them before, but I've I never, you know, was I never drove one before. And it blew my mind on just it blew my mind on how inferior every car in the world is compared to a Tesla. I mean, it is absolutely fucking insane. It doesn't even make any sense that there's other cars existing anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I understand what Elon Musk is saying when he said that it's going to be really weird for people not to be driving a Tesla years from now. And I think I'd have to agree with the statement after driving it. I was like, I bought two of them. You bought two? Yeah. I was like, fuck this. I'm like, so I'm getting rid of my Lincoln Navigator. And I don't know if I'm going to get rid of the other car or not.
Starting point is 00:35:40 We'll figure that out. But I was just like, I got to get one of these. And he's like, I do too. that's why it surprised me for years like you were buying all these cars because a tesla is my dream car yeah so i'm like wait why doesn't mark have a tesla i just never really knew about it i never and then moving out to the country um which really isn't that much further away but i am guzzling a lot of gas and i find myself you know barely making it to the gas station sometimes because sometimes i'm like ah screw it but i'm not realizing you know it's an extra eight or ten miles this way an extra eight or ten miles that way and by the time i
Starting point is 00:36:15 make it to the gas station i'm completely on empty and that's why that's kind of why i started looking into teslas in the first place but yeah going, going to the Tesla dealership, it was insane. And the lady that took us through everything, she knew everything about the car and showed us all the features of it. You don't have to turn the car on. It just knows that you're in there. And it doesn't sound like anything. So you're like, is this thing? You don't even know if it's on.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Is this thing on? Even just the gas pedal itself pushing the gas so most cars they rev up to a certain amount of like rpms and then it shifts right at automatic cars they shift so it goes and then it goes back in the shifting and it will be a little uh lower and it'll go back and forth but coming out of a turn or if you had to stop for stop sign and then you know going to make like a left turn or something it there's a little bit of play in there where your car has to shift into the next years you know yeah this thing doesn't do any of that that's so it doesn't waste its time fucking around with any of that it just goes from wherever it was to however fast you're pushing it it's like like, whoa, like we're fucking moving.
Starting point is 00:37:27 It was insane. And then I did the automatic driving thing. I did that on the freeway and just took the steering wheel from me. And I put the blinker on. She's like, put the blinker on. She's like, put the blinker on while there's a car next to us. And I was like, no. I put the blinker on and it waited a car next to us and i was like no i put the no yeah i put the blinker on and
Starting point is 00:37:47 it you know it waited for the other car to like move out of the way or waited for the other car to speed up it slowed us down a little bit and then we got into the next lane and then we got in the next lane it won't exit on its own unless you have like your gps set up with everything um there's certain things it won't do on its own just because uh you know safety reasons and stuff like that but if you just type in like where to go it'll get you there what the heck it's fucking insane it was it was really really wild and anything you do like if you if you touch the wheel or the um or the brake at all then it it uh you know discontinues the auto automation part of it
Starting point is 00:38:26 but that was crazy just the way that the car is built is insane like the it's just giant fucking glass house that you're in like that's all really weird and strange uh there's just a ton of crazy features on the car and the car updates itself with your wifi. So, you know, if you have a, you know, within, within like a five year range, there's probably no reason to really update your car. Kind of a little bit like the phone,
Starting point is 00:38:52 the phones are supposed to be that way, but they're kind of not. So did you guys both get that same model? Like, yeah, I got a black one and she got a white one. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And then what about like maintenance and stuff? Like that's what I don't, I always going i'm always going black oh so like the maintenance of it they uh they have people that work 24 7 they'll they'll come and and you know if you blow out a tire or something on the freeway they'll come and fix it and stuff like that yeah because that's like you know on my car like if if something minor happens i can kind of get in there and tinker with it yeah i'm not saying that anything's going to happen but like right when like the uh like toyota hybrids came out it was like oh this is pretty cool and then you look at like the batteries and stuff like i don't know what that
Starting point is 00:39:41 is yeah but if something happens here yeah it's gonna be really really expensive, and I don't know what the hell it is. This is stuff you pretty much have to take to a dealership or something like that. Yeah, but as far as what Sean and Wayne were saying, there's really nothing. It's just a computer. Well, so yeah, so it got rid of all the parts. I mean, if your problem was the engine, they did a good job because they just got rid of it. Yeah. So wait, Tom and Wayne, they also have, or Sean and Wayne,
Starting point is 00:40:07 they both have Teslas? Sean has one, and then Wayne just knows a lot about them. Damn, that's awesome. But, I mean, dude, Andy's face, she's just like grinning ear to ear in this video. I can't even really remember all the different shit that it does, but it's crazy. I mean, the car will fart, which is always a good feature.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Wait, what do you mean? It'll actually make like a fart noise why i just because elon musk is weird he programmed it to fart it will dance the car will dance put music on and it will like wiggle the tires back and forth and the uh doors will go up and down and stuff the door uh will raise and lower as well or the car will raise and lower as well just for preferences yeah you know if you want the car just to sit a little bit higher because it's kind of easier to get in and out of you can have it do that and then when you hit the freeway it kind of goes back to normal wow it does all kinds of weird shits the woman at the store was saying like they think they're just a few years off from the cars just driving uh you know right to your
Starting point is 00:41:05 house from the dealership like you order it online and it just shows up in your driveway yo what's up dude man take me for a spin that's so dope though to be like oh dang these are awesome let's go let's just get two yeah that's great man i'm happy for you guys yeah that's exciting dude we're excited excited about that machine right there. That was for Griffey. That was a noodle making machine at the hotel that we were at. Did you see that thing? I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Yeah. It has. Nope. It was. Oh, no. It literally just expired. Okay. It might.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Oh, there it is. The noodle making machine? It has like udon noodles in it like some asian something or other machine that you can get food from yeah and i've i've shot a video for griffey so i was like he would love this thing i was like i gotta get one of these at super training that that that would be kind of contrary to your whole i know no carbs for the rest of the year thing i know that's all carbs pretty much you grab a pasta machine or an udon machine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:07 How's that going, by the way? The war on carbs is going good. Yeah? Yeah. It's going really good. Still no carbs. Okay. So yeah, I went to the football game and did all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:42:17 and I made a post, you know, just kind of teasing. I ate two giant cheeseburgers while I was at the game, and I just said, oh, you you know because i'm out of town and because i'm doing other stuff i i fell off the wagon you know just fucking kidding like i'm not doing that and so i you know at the game like there was there was a lot of options in terms of food uh because of the way this like vip area is set up you have tons of access to hot dogs and hamburgers and um and if I didn't have access to that, I probably would have just fasted at the game or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah. But, uh, I ate, uh, two hot dogs, four cheeseburgers, probably like eight chunks of salmon,
Starting point is 00:42:56 uh, salmon. They had salmon at a game. They have, they have sushi and shit there. Yeah. Niners games are on a whole nother level. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:03 Yeah. Okay. I need to go to them. Even though I don't watch football, I need to go to a Niners game. A Niner game is totally different. This is what other teams actually make fun of the whole experience for the Niners because they actually have wine tasting.
Starting point is 00:43:18 They have sushi. It's super high-end stuff. I'm not surprised. It's San Francisco. $14 for a glass of wine. They're just giving them away. Yeah. $14. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Okay. But for cheap wine, too. That's unfortunate. It's terrible. I know. Simba and I are like, we'll check out your Instagram. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I have the VIP thing, so the drinks are actually they're part of it they're included
Starting point is 00:43:45 so you can get as hammered as you want you know it's it's funny like because we've we've had a lot of guests on this podcast like john berardi and a lot of other individuals that are kind of echoed the statement that an individual's diet changes over time like over the years you're not going to be eating the same thing you are now versus like i got news in that regard too oh okay hold on to that hold on to that but what like the trend that i do notice is that when people do change their diets over time they usually eat less and less and less carbs that that actually seems to be a trend like if they were eating more carbs when they were younger they're eating a little bit less when they're older and even a little bit less so that's the general trend i see
Starting point is 00:44:21 so it's just interesting all roads lead back to the war on carbs yeah our boy stan the rhino efforting is not eating any carbs either what jake's buy me a coke diet coke no that's surprising why um well he's kind of lowered his carbs over the years as well um and then uh he was just like yeah I just started cutting back on him and cutting back on him. And he's like, I don't know if I really need him. So he's cut him out. I don't know if he's like, you know, going to go full on keto all the time. And I don't know if he's cut potatoes and rice out completely.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I'm sure he's still eating them as he feels he needs them. still eating them as he feels he needs them. But I think he's kind of has, I think he's understanding that there's really no reason for him to still try to train maybe as heavy. Still train heavy. Still get a good weight on his back. I mean, you still see the guy squatting 600 pounds and stuff. And I think probably just a few weeks ago, he started squatting 600 for maybe like four or five reps or something like that so he's still really really uh strong um and he did mention
Starting point is 00:45:30 you know because he's lost some weight and uh that he's lost a little bit of uh strength but he's really just trying to be healthy he's really just trying to feel good and so for his goals at the moment you know you got to keep in mind you know we got to always keep in mind you know what's the goal and then we kind of work our way backwards from the goal. You know, if his goal is to be the biggest and strongest person in the world, uh, that doesn't make sense not eat any carbs, but if he's just trying to be, uh, healthier and he has felt good over a long period of time, lowering carbs, why not try not having any, right. So that's what he's been, uh, he's been playing around with. I think there's
Starting point is 00:46:06 also some stuff too. And I don't know if there's evidence of this or, but I just know like a lot of people that's when they start to get older, they just tend to want to eat less. You just tend to want to eat less and less period, not just less carbs. If I think back to, you know, when I was a kid, my grandparents, they would eat like twice a day, you know, two, maybe three times a day. They were all kind of small meals. And I remember my grandpa, he just, he didn't even really like to eat. Just, I think, you know, Stan's not 80, he's in his fifties, but, um, I do think, you know, years and years of eating, you know, for a long period of time, you're probably just, and especially him with the bodybuilding background and power lifting background, trying to force himself to be big,
Starting point is 00:46:48 probably just gets sick and tired of stuffing all the meals in. So not only is he doing a little bit more of a ketogenic diet, but he's also utilizing intermittent fasting. And these are both things that I've talked to him about a lot, and we've talked about reasons on why to use them. And he agreed with it. And he was like, I don't know if I'll ever mess with that, though. I said, oh, I think you will.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I think you'll I think you'll do it because after a while, it just tends to make more sense. When you start to play around with these different diets. I mean, I'll just I say it over and over again. There's not a diet that compares to the feeling that you have when you're on a ketogenic diet, in my opinion. And you might be able to get another diet, right? You might be able to lock it in just the right way with the right amount of exercise and right amount of food. And, um, I, I would definitely be open to the possibility that you would feel similar, but I don't know, man. I think there's like when people say there's no magic diet, I, I tend to disagree. I think, uh, ketoore mixed with intermittent fasting, I do think is magic.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yeah, that's I hate to say it, but that's kind of what it feels like. I just it's just like a few years ago. I would like not think I'd be speaking like this in any type of way and with any type of diet. But like that's the thing. Personally, it feels fine. Y'all should try it out. You don't like you don't like it. But wonder um how long has he been doing it has he said he like any difference he feels with adding fasting into what he's doing or has it just been so new that i think he's just been doing it for the last uh like two three months i think oh okay yeah i don't know if he's been doing it that long but um yeah he's i think he would discontinued it if he didn't like it so obviously uh digging the results so far.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I made a post. Well, I tried to make a post this morning. I don't know if it ever went up. Sometimes the interwebs is weird. It did. It went through. I made a post, you know, just about, like, you know, not eating carbs and, you know, getting, like, getting vascular and getting a pump and all that stuff. Okay, I did see that.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I saw that. You know, you are able to get a pump when you don't have carbs in your system and stuff like that. And, like, my veins and my shoulders and stuff haven't, like, disappeared because I don't eat carbs. I will feel a little flatter here and there, especially from fasting. Yeah. You know, when you're fasting and you haven't eaten any food, you're not really just flatter. Your body's just colder. You kind of feel cold and you don't have any. Sometimes when you eat food, it will increase your core temperature a little bit.
Starting point is 00:49:15 You'll get a little warmer and then so therefore the veins come out. I don't even know if it has anything to do with the actual food. I think it has to do with the process of breaking down the food, almost like getting the meat sweats. You're chewing on food and you're, you know, it's a, it has a caloric demand to eat food. Yeah. Some of these comments are fun. I want carbs more than I want vascularity energy and a pump. Keto diet is not going to work long-term. They're smelly. You can do anything. I don't know what that means, but. Been doing it since like 1996. That's not going to work long-term. They're smelly. You can do anything. I don't know what that means. Been doing it since 1996 or something.
Starting point is 00:49:48 That's not going to work out. I mean, on and off, not completely. People ask a lot about carbs, too, about should you break being in ketosis. Well, that just kind of happens naturally. Naturally, I'm just going to not hold up, naturally, I'm not going to hold up and I'm going to eat some pizza or something. Like I'm just at some point I'm going to eat some carbohydrates, you know, like that just, I've been doing a diet for a long time. I already know that, you know? And so I, I do agree with people when they say, Hey, maybe it's a good idea to go in and out of ketosis. Um,
Starting point is 00:50:23 but I also think, you know, it takes, it takes a person five to seven days to even get into ketosis to be able to produce, um, a, uh, a good amount, a substantial amount of ketones. Even if you combine it with intermittent fasting? Yeah. Kind of almost no matter what you do, if you're adapted to it, you could get into it earlier. Okay. But for some people, when they're first trying to mess with keto, sometimes it takes a month. Um, uh, you know, I don't really know all the mechanisms behind it, but it can take you a long ass time, um, to get into ketosis. But anyway, uh, once you're in ketosis, I feel like now you're in a, in a state where you might be able, I was mentioning earlier how I feel it's magical.
Starting point is 00:51:04 now you're in a in a state where you might be i was mentioning earlier how i feel it's magical well now you entered into a zone that that might be a really good time to really play around and fuck around with stuff and you might be able to get accelerated results so if you were to mess around with fasting after you're already in a ketogenic state well it should work really well for you at that point because your body's producing ketones ketones are supposed to help with hunger ketones are supposed to be anti-catabolic and they're supposed to be in some ways even be anabolic they're supposed to be a preferred preferred fuel source fuel source for your brain even in the presence of glucose and so like once you're getting to that ketogenic state even though it's hard even though it's tough that might be a time to play around with intermittent fasting or to try some new and try some different things.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah. Now look, in terms of like bodybuilding, I don't know when it comes to like when someone's developing, like when they're starting out and they're trying to get bigger, that's the only thing where I wonder, like, would they still be able to gain that amount of size or get bigger with just like being on a pure ketogenic diet? Because you can still be in a surplus of calories and still eat a lot of protein. The only reason for carbs is as an energy source. I just don't know anyone personally who started off in a ketogenic diet and just like, or very low carbohydrate and went in that direction. I do think it's very possible. Um, but I think that's one of the reasons why people are really scared of taking that on because they're still focused on, Oh, can I still grow if I'm not taking in all these carbohydrates when all of these bodybuilders
Starting point is 00:52:39 around me are saying, eat more carbs along with more protein, et cetera, to get bigger. Right. And when it comes to, you know, carbohydrates, we've talked about this many times on the show, if you're going to eat the carbs and you got to ditch some of the fat, you know, so if you're doing more of a keto style diet and you're trying to switch over to like bodybuilding, or if you're just starting to learn about a bodybuilding style diet or the vertical diet, you just have to pay attention to the overall amount of fat that you're consuming because now if you start mixing fat and start mixing carbs together, that's not necessarily a recipe that's going to make you fat. However, it's fairly really, really easy to overeat. So you got to really just pay attention to that. I agree with you. I think
Starting point is 00:53:18 that carbohydrates may not directly build muscle, but they certainly have an indirect strong impact on being anabolic. They definitely have a strong impact on insulin levels and glucose levels. They definitely have a strong impact on how hard you can push during a workout. Sometimes when you've got your diet right, sometimes it feels like you have, you know, you go real hard and you go hard again. And sometimes it doesn't feel like there's much in that, not much left. And sometimes when you get your carbs right and get your calories right, you're like, oh, fuck, I can keep going. This feels really, really good.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yeah. And so, you know, for that reason, I think it is important that people have some carbs in their diet when they're starting out, when they're trying to get bigger. I think that a ketogenic diet is a little bit more for trying to reduce body fat, I think, or just trying to maintain weight. I don't think like Stan Efferding has stated before that, like I was just saying, carbohydrates may not directly like build muscle. You know, what builds muscle, I believe,, is to get a signal for protein synthesis, the breakdown of muscle tissue, and then the repairing of muscle tissue
Starting point is 00:54:29 is what makes the muscle grow. And then protein, amino acids in your diet, those are gonna be things that are gonna help the muscle to repair and to actually grow and to expand. And then carbohydrates may not necessarily be directly part of that equation however if they help you to lift a little bit more weight and if they help you to contract just a
Starting point is 00:54:53 little bit harder during the workout if they help you have a little bit more of a pump because the muscles are more full the muscles are more hydrated yeah well then we have to you know not be naive and say well clearly they they help help with development of muscle mass. So I think 100%, I think people that are listening to this that want that muscle mass, I think you have to just decide though, because we have so many people that come to us to like, well, I just want to lose like 30 pounds,
Starting point is 00:55:19 but I want to increase my bench. You can do those things at the same time, but in my opinion, you're better off putting a priority to it, putting a timeframe on it, saying I want to lose 30 pounds, putting a reasonable timeframe on it. I want to lose 30 pounds within the year, you know, something that you think you can actually do. And then, you know, sometime next year, I'd like to build my bench up to 405 or whatever, you know, whatever that number is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:46 You got to give yourself some time, though. And I think what you said is also important in terms of like, yeah, I think carbohydrates are necessary. But I think now we're starting to shift in terms of the amount of carbohydrates that are that we believe are necessary. A lot of bodybuilders, you'll see they're eating 300, 400, 500 grams of carbs. Do you really need that amount of carbohydrates to fuel a bodybuilding workout? Or is it more in the nature of somewhere around maybe 150, maybe an upwards of 200? I found that like you don't need as many carbohydrates as you think. And the only reason that they end up eating so much more in terms of their carbs is just because they like it so much,
Starting point is 00:56:22 not that it's actually fueling the workout. It's just because they like it so much, not that it's actually fueling the workout. So I think what I'm starting to think is like it's more so like, okay, if you're going to be hitting a workout the next day and you're lifting and you are trying to grow, carbohydrates would be necessary because muscle glycogen is stored in the muscle. But I don't think that you need 300 plus. You could get away with it. You could probably even get away with 100 and have a great workout. You don't need as much as you have. And then if you're only eating 100 to 150 grams of carbs,
Starting point is 00:56:50 you'd still be able to eat a lot of fat in your diet. It wouldn't be a ketogenic diet. It'd be more lower carbohydrate, but you don't need as many as you think. This is an old CrossFit statement. Eat enough carbs to support your workout, but not so many carbs that you get fat. Boom. Whoa, right, and then how do you find that number? Well, you'd have to be disciplined and, and, and toy around with it and be honest about it. You know, you can't just be like, well, 700 carbs totally worked for me.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Right. Like just check. I already got that number. Um, I think a lot of times too, you know, we've in this podcast so far, we've mentioned, we talked, we talked about beliefs. Sometimes people have beliefs for themselves that aren't necessarily true. Um, they'll say like, man, I, I only react well with, you know, 500 grams of carbs. And it's like, well, wait a second. That's cool that you may have some evidence leading toward leaning towards that. But do you really know that? Have you really tried some other methods and, and what are you, what are you telling me it's working for? You know, if you're trying to tell me that it really worked well for you to get strong, but then you're also asking the question about getting leaner, we might be talking about two different things and not even really know about it. We might
Starting point is 00:58:00 be arguing over it when I start to get into an argument about it and not even realize that we're just both speaking about something totally and completely different. And so I think you're going to have to, you know, really examine, like, do you really, you know, do you really, really need these things? I had to get rid of my own beliefs and disbeliefs in terms of carbohydrates when I went on a bodybuilding diet. Bodybuilding diet worked great. You know, if we're just looking for just pure evidence and just going off of what has worked, I've never been leaner. I've never been in better shape than I was for the bodybuilding show. And that was with carbohydrates. But also it was at a very, still a very minimal amount. And I actually wonder if I was, I might've even still been in ketosis because of how much exercise I was putting out. But when
Starting point is 00:58:52 I look back at the time commitment that I had to have towards that diet versus the time commitment I have towards the diet I'm doing now, the time commitment is way, way less. I actually feel a little bit leaner. But, you know, if we're trying to compare apples to apples, it's hard because I was on a lot more shit back then. I was more, I was more, a lot more enhanced. And now I just rub cream on my balls, which is not nearly as impactful as sticking yourself with a bunch of Tran and test everything. I rub some cream on my balls too. It's from Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:59:25 It's to make my balls smell better. And now we're cutting to our commercial. It's just a video of Encima turned around with his foot up on the sink. I thought you were going to say toilet but then you went a little notch up. Not bad. I hope I didn't make you lose your train of thought.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Now you're rubbing cream on your balls. All creamed. No, I love it. I love this train of thought. Choo-choo. I think I was done saying what I was saying. You were saying that you were on a little bit more stuff? Yeah, I was on more stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:01 If we're trying to have a comparison. But again, the time commitment to have like a comparison, but again, like the time commitment to eating keto or doing fasted stuff is really nothing. And that kind of brings up the next topic is, you know, how do you guys handle, you know, vacation or how do you guys, you know, work around a work schedule? I know you have a lot of clients that you need to attend to and you have to, you know, write programming for. And then you also have a girlfriend and Andrew, you have a lot of clients that you need to attend to and you have to uh you know write programming for and then you also have a girlfriend and andrew you have uh family commitments as well as
Starting point is 01:00:31 commitments here how do you guys manage that in terms of like does your diet just flip upside down because you got a bunch of stuff to do does what do you do with your training or like in sima what do you do with like jujitsu do you just just, and do you also just turn things down? You just not travel? You just become a hermit and just like do this, you know, do the same shit every day so that you're safe. How do you guys handle some of that? Well, I think the biggest thing with most people when they wonder about vacations is
Starting point is 01:00:58 the food side of things. I think that like whenever it doesn't make a big difference when like I go somewhere with my girlfriend or something or we go on a cruise or whatever, because there's always options for things to eat that aren't going to like mess me up, but are still really good. First thing is like fasting does really, really help out on that because, you know, when we went on a cruise, I think it was like a four or five day cruise, right? There would be a part of the earlier part of the day. I just wouldn't eat anything. And then I'll just eat a lot later on. But even the food choices I'd make where there would be some carbs or whatever, but I don't have to eat all of the pasta or bread or whatever. There's still a lot of amazing food there. That was great. And it didn't feel like it was taking
Starting point is 01:01:37 away from my vacation at all. So I think that, you know, when taking a vacation, you probably should have an idea of what you're going to do and like the food that's going to be around you. Some ideas ahead of time, right? Some ideas ahead of time, because if you're going out somewhere and it's not a cruise, there's always going to be restaurants that you can go and eat. You can always order different things on the menu. And then I think a great thing about fasting is that since you're not eating throughout the whole day, even if you choose to have a meal that like would typically be a little bit irresponsible, like some pizza or something, you weren't eating during the whole day, man. So even if you have to have a meal that like would typically be a little bit irresponsible, like some pizza or something you weren't eating during the whole day,
Starting point is 01:02:06 man. So even if you have some of that pizza and some other stuff that you don't typically eat, right. It's not, you haven't eaten so much that you're, you know, you're a thousand calories over maintenance or something like that.
Starting point is 01:02:18 You're still safe. So I think it, I think it's easier than people, people give it credit for when it comes to the food side. Yeah, it seems hard. Maybe it adds a level of stress in there, and then you're just like, ah, you know. One thing I would advise people against, too, is don't kind of do just a hand wave and be like, oh, I'm just going to fast. fast. You know, still have a plan surrounding that because just like, you know, if you're traveling and you're with some friends and stuff and they want to like go eat and it's like, well,
Starting point is 01:02:50 now you might be kind of trapped, you know? And so you're going to have to develop if you just, so if let's just say you were fasting, you were like, oh, I'm just going to fast, screw it. But you prepared some food, you brought some food with you. And let's say some friends, they all wanted to go to like an Italian dinner or something like that. Well, if you have some prepared foods with you, you could eat a little bit of the prepared food before you went, the snacks, the hard-boiled eggs, whatever the hell it is you brought with you. You can have an amount of that and you could still eat at the Italian restaurant. If you still wanted to slightly go offian restaurant if if you still wanted to slightly go off your diet if you wanted to stay strict then you could maybe just get a salad
Starting point is 01:03:29 but at least you're still being social at least you're still uh part of it in some way but just you know just kind of like i think people need to really try to plan out you know what what the fuck's coming next yeah you know and then audible from there and not allow just the fact that you are on a trip or on a vacation completely, uh, completely sidetrack your training. You know, maybe you're started a new training program and then now you're traveling to Detroit for something who the hell knows what it's for. Right. right? And then you're just going to like for, you know, let's say Saturday, Sunday and like Monday, you just decide like you're just not going to train at all. As long as you as long as you work that out ahead of time, I think it's fine. But just to come back and be like, oh, man, I got to get back in the swing of things because that vacation really wiped me out.
Starting point is 01:04:23 It's like, why? Well, I don't understand why it wiped you out. You knew it was coming. Like what's so stressful about it? You know, I do understand like sometimes people fly really far, like flying to fucking London or something like that. And yeah, there's going to be like some lag time, but you know about all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:39 You know where you're going. And a lot of times with vacation, you like happily plan it. So then why are you bitching about it? Why did it throw you off? You, you're the one who lot of times with vacation you like happily plan it so then why are you bitching about it why did it throw you off you you're the one who set the date for it you're the one who set up the flights and now you're too tired to get up to the early flight and stuff like it just a lot of it is just being a total sissy right and you want to try to have more of a championship mindset for it i And I think that nothing should change. Nothing should change.
Starting point is 01:05:07 You like to bench press on fucking Monday, then you should be bench pressing on Monday, whether you're here or you're in England or wherever you are. And if for some reason you're like, you know what? Fuck the plan. I'm not going to do it. I'm actually on vacation. I'm just going to chill.
Starting point is 01:05:24 That is totally fine, but I suggest that you plan it out that way. I think it's also because a lot of the listeners, I think planning, we don't look down on planning, or some people don't. Most people don't look down and they understand that they need to plan certain things in their life. But a lot of people aren't used to planning things when it comes to their exercise or when it comes to their nutrition. So I think that's why people find it so difficult. Cause I was thinking about this cause like for, I think for us, it kind of comes naturally like, okay, I'm going to go on this vacation. I got to think about what I'm going to eat. Got to think about, you know, am I going to exercise? If I'm not, maybe I'll get some few extra steps during the day. But that's because
Starting point is 01:05:59 we're so fitness oriented. I think the thing is, is like, since you don't think about this all the time, when you're on a vacation, you already don't want to think of a lot of things. And the last thing you even want to put any effort towards is thinking about your food and your expenditure and your exercise. But that's going to be important to do. Like that's where you need to shift your belief system and like, be like, okay, this is kind of important. Let me just put a little bit of effort into planning for this so that my vacation's good. When I get back, I can get back on what I'm doing. And it's just to make it easier for yourself. But, yeah, I think for us it's just so easy.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Like when I think about this, I'm like, how is this not easy for people? But it's because it's not that important right now to a lot of people. Yeah, and I think when you – and this is why I'm urging people to plan it. Like I might not even like write this shit down necessarily. But I think a lot of people listening to this should. They should take that extra step to plan it. Like I might not even like write this shit down necessarily, but I think a lot of people listening to this should, they should take that extra step to write it down because it's stuff that you don't want to do. And for some reason you wrapped it, wrapped it in your head that, um, that it's okay to not do it because you're, you're, you're,
Starting point is 01:07:01 you know, you drove two hours or whatever it is right and it's you should still be able to do it and then if you write it down if you write down something reasonable to do maybe maybe you did travel far that day maybe you drove from here to los angeles and you're like i just don't even know how i'm gonna like work out and you know working out early in the morning didn't seem like a good option because now you're going to be all cramped up in the car for that long all that's very understandable but is there something you could write down for the next few days after you arrive in los angeles to keep you moving let's just say you're like fuck i don't you know i don't really feel like trying to find a gym all right we'll just walk but what if you were to write that down sometimes i'll do something as easy as in the hotel
Starting point is 01:07:44 that i'm in i'll go up and down the stairs i'll go all the way you know from the bottom all the way to the top sometimes it's big sometimes it's small but i'll just say like i'll just write it down and be like all right i'm gonna do that three times at 6 a.m like i don't want to fucking do that yeah it's written down i when i wake up and i start getting ready i just see it it. I'm like, all right, I'm going to do that three times. And then I'm allowed to go on a walk, which I actually enjoy doing. So I do the thing I hate first. But just pick something. Have something to do so you're not always complaining about being off track.
Starting point is 01:08:17 And little things like resistance. If you're going somewhere, I had a guy that went to Vietnam. And he bought some little resistance bands. Oh, yeah, those are great. Yeah, they're great. He could just do a little small circuit with that, some bicep curls, shoulder presses, push-ups, et cetera. And he was walking a lot.
Starting point is 01:08:33 So like when he came back, he started working out again. It wasn't too difficult to get back into the swing of things in terms of training because on his vacation, he did a few things like even bodyweight squats that just kept things moving kept things active yeah i'm still learning i'm still getting some bumps and bruises uh but scar tissue yeah yeah it's just because you know in sema you said it like it just comes natural like when you have to think about it it's like i'm i'm heading towards that direction but i'm not there yet yeah
Starting point is 01:09:01 and like the example i can give is um past weekend at Slingshot Record Breakers. How long has that been on the calendar? It's been there a really long time. Yeah. There were a couple of variables. Like I didn't know exactly when I was going to drive down there. It wasn't really my choice. Like I didn't have a set time to go.
Starting point is 01:09:23 There's a couple other things had to fall into place before we could figure out what time we could leave. But I did know that I was going to CSA. I knew this was happening. But for whatever reason, my brain's like, oh, you're going to be traveling. So you'll figure it out when you get there. And I was talking to Mark afterwards. It doesn't matter. Why did all of a sudden I just decide to not pay attention to how much food I was going to Mark afterwards. It's like, why did, like, what? It doesn't matter. Like, why did all of a sudden I just decide to not pay attention to, like, how much food I was going to have?
Starting point is 01:09:49 So before we left, I was like, you know, I got to eat because I'm about 16 hours into my fast. Like, yeah, I'm going to eat now so that way I can, like, you know, find more food, like, you know, throughout the day or whatever. Yeah. So I did go to a gym where I didn't know if they had a microwave or something. Uh, not that I could have ate food cold. I didn't know the, uh, the restaurants surrounding the place, but obviously I could probably find something. Um, but instead I took quest bars. Now quest bars are totally fine. Anybody can have them. You can, you know, they keep you on your diet, but for what I'm doing right now not really acceptable um but for some reason i thought like oh i'm gonna be driving so this
Starting point is 01:10:30 will actually be an easy way to get more like you know healthier food in me uh while we were there i ended up uh going to safeway and i ate just a cold plain grilled chicken breast it was not bad at all like i was like yeah sometimes you gotta do shit like that yeah true yeah true so when it when it comes tuna out of the can i think everybody builders at least tried that once yeah done it once yeah um so like uh yeah so for whatever reason you know i i just like oh i'm gonna just take quest bars i'll eat this chicken breast and then like wow I haven't eaten a really long time because uh Chris Griffin and I went up Friday night to help set up everything for the uh for the meat and yeah it was two really really long days and I went a long time without food and then I went and just started eating like uh again in again, in context for me, bad food would be anything, not whole
Starting point is 01:11:27 foods, anything, you know, not low in fat right now. But, um, so one of the tricks that I have been using is, you know, yeah, be okay with having plain chicken breast right now because food isn't going to be, uh, food is fuel, right? It's not something that I'm going to indulge in right now. It's not something like I'm not going to feast, you know, just because it's feeding time or whatever, you know, just got to make it to the next meal, just got to make it to the next meal. But because I was very much not prepared, that next meal was a protein bar. Um, and then the, the, like the, my final meal of the day wasn't until midnight, which meant that following days fast was kind of screwed. Right. Cause then I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:12:11 you know, have to wait too long. So then the next day I actually didn't really, I fasted, I think only 12 hours, 14 hours. So yeah, I was again, just really unprepared for no reason. You know, I knew this was coming up but like i said because i was like i'm gonna be on the road i can't take my food with me i don't know what that gym's gonna be like i don't know how much time i'm gonna have in between yeah you know moving stuff around and it was really just making up excuses for why i wasn't prepared and like i said those these are just you, growing pains that I have to go through, but you know, for somebody else, maybe hearing like, wow, dude, you had protein bars and, you know, like, yes, dude, I did. And I have to live with that.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Well, and the reason we bring it up too, is because for somebody else, that's going to lead to something more damaging, you know, it's going to lead them, uh, down a path towards something else, but it's just,'s just leaving too many openings. You're leaving too many openings for other things to come in that just aren't supposed to be there. And so when someone's trying to diet and they're trying to lose 60 pounds and they didn't plan ahead and they get themselves caught up in a situation like you did, someone's like, hey, man, let's go get some pizza. And you're like, fuck, man, I haven't eaten anything all day. Let's go. The problem really isn't the pizza.
Starting point is 01:13:25 The problem is spinning back out of that and heading in the right direction because what I see happen a lot of times is people go somewhere or they come back from something, and they're spinning their tires really, really hard before they can get their momentum back in the right direction again. Let's say you came back on a Sunday, but you got here at like eight o'clock and you got to bed at like 10 30. Well now Monday's already kind of being compromised because your sleep, your food, many things were probably thrown off. And so now we're starting to bleed a
Starting point is 01:13:56 little bit into like Tuesday, you know, just you're losing days and you're losing time. And I think, you know, as I've gotten older, I've just recognized, like, I don't think I have time for a lot of that. Like, there's still a lot more things I want to do. There's a lot more things I want to accomplish. And I can't afford to be like losing days. If I think about like, think about the competition that's out there. You think about, you know, a team like the new England Patriots, like everyone always talks about like, Hey man, you slip up a little bit against new England Patriots, like everyone always talks about like, Hey man, you slip up a little bit against the New England Patriots and you're done. Yes. Or you slip up against Bones Jones. Like you just get into a weird rhythm where you keep
Starting point is 01:14:32 dropping your left hand over and over again at a certain moment. What does he do? It kicks you upside your head and you're out cold. Right. I kind of view life like that. Like I don't, I don't want to get into routines and patterns that are unhealthy that I don't think are going to allow me to progress. I want to want to get into routines and patterns that are unhealthy that I don't think are going to allow me to progress. I want to try to figure out what are things that, um, I can pick up speed on. I can pick up momentum on. And I think that when you get it right, you know, you're just taking that kind of one
Starting point is 01:14:58 step after another, but it looks like other people are walking backwards because you're not really having any, not only are you moving forward with every step that you have, but you're also not having any missteps, which is really, really challenging, really hard. But what I'm talking about right now and sharing with you guys right now is this kind of championship mindset that there, there really aren't a lot of excuses just because you went somewhere and did something for a day or two shouldn't spin you out of anything. And if like in this case, like with training, uh, we were in a gym all day, you know? So
Starting point is 01:15:31 are there other measures that you could take? Could you call the gym ahead of time and see if they have a microwave? If you're traveling for a bodybuilding show or traveling for a meet or even travel to handle somebody for a meet or whatever, and you're trying to stay on plan, could you call the hotel and see if they have a microwave? Um, and if they say no, can you say, Hey, is there like one I can have access to like twice a day? Like I just need to heat up some meals. They might let you do it, you know, if they don't have them in the, uh, in the room itself, but you can go as far as to be, you know, go stand efforting on it and stay at like an extended stay that has a kitchen and, or you can get a, you know, now people rent
Starting point is 01:16:11 houses quite frequently. And I mean, there's, there's options. There's always, there's always an option. Yeah. And what you said about like what it could lead to, it led to me, uh, you got to check these out the next day because i didn't sleep much i was craving carbs right out the gate all i wanted was something salty and crunchy and staff had picked these up they're uh plantains plantain plantain plantain 10 t-e-n but it's wrong but plantain what he said but they're like banana chips so they're crunchy and then they have like this this spiciness on it. Ooh, that's so good.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Nigerians love plantain, by the way, which is why I'm so passionate about how it's said. Since I'm Congo, that makes a lot of sense. You're Congolese. Yeah, Congolese. 5% Congolese. 1%, but I'll take 5%. No, I'm 5% Congolese. But anyway. These things are kind of like a banana and a sweet potato mixed together, right?
Starting point is 01:17:04 And when they're fried, they have a perfect crunch to like. Anyways, I ate way too many of those. So that's really what I'm most upset about this weekend is I ate probably like half a bag of these. And it's not a small bag. But, yeah. And I can blame that I didn't sleep much. Friday night, I got like four hours of sleep. And then Saturday night, I got enough sleep,
Starting point is 01:17:34 but I didn't go to bed till like midnight. Again, it was just a rough weekend, but because I let it be that, I didn't plan. If I had chicken and food, I would have been fine. Another strategy you can use, and we've talked about this, I think, rough weekend but because i let it be that i didn't plan if i had another strategy i would have been fine another strategy you can use and we've talked about this i think on a podcast or two ago when we were giving you some strategies is like you know hit up a friend or hit up a buddy and and you know have them you know make you accountable like just fucking hit somebody in the arm say hey man like we're going to that contest together. Like I gotta be on point with my diet. Can you,
Starting point is 01:18:11 you know, yell at me? Like, you know, I'm going to be there on a Saturday and Sunday. I'm be there all day. And like, I know you're going to be there too. So, uh, you know, when you see me on Wednesday or Thursday, yell at me and make sure I'm prepping my meals and shit, you know, like, yeah, that's a good call. Yeah. Just, you know, or, or say, you know, let's train while we're up there, you know, let's train while we're're here train while we're there i i have certain things i've done over the years um that have helped me a lot and they're just like when i travel just to completely get rid of any anxiety of like lifting or trying to figure out where to go or any of that shit. I normally just don't lift, but I understand that ahead of time. And so, um, if I normally lift four or five days a week, I'll still try to get those four or five days in regardless of whatever gap of time
Starting point is 01:18:58 I'm gone for. Um, when I go to Bodega later this month and I'll probably be there for almost like a week, uh, for Thanksgiving, I'll do a bunch of other activity and I'll probably still hit a gym, you know, here, here and there. Um, but I'm going to know going in kind of what I'm going to do. I'll know, I'll have a decent idea of how many days I'm going to be there for. Um, I'll have a decent idea of like what gym I can, you there's certain gyms around there's a few that are closer there's a few that are further away yeah and i can make time commitments towards you know some of that shit or there's a lot of hills i can just like run i think one thing that andrew kind of like i don't think he said it directly but the way he was speaking reflected
Starting point is 01:19:41 it and something you said too is um, um, like this weekend, Andrew, like you said, you could have blamed the weekend, but it was because of your lack of preparedness. So you kind of took responsibility for that. And like, it wasn't because of the weekend, it was because of you. I think that's another kind of shift that we need to make. Like when we're looking at situations where maybe it just didn't go our way. We traveled and it didn't go our way. It wasn't because we traveled. It's because of us. Like it's your fault, not anybody else around you, not the vacation. It is your fault.
Starting point is 01:20:13 And once you get that belief that it is your fault, then you will start taking responsibility for every other variable that happens when you're, you get in those situations again. You know, I think that's a big, that makes a big difference. Yeah. And it, it, it propelled me the other way pretty, pretty strongly. Like the next day was my mom's birthday and, you know, so, you know, Mexican family, like, Hey, what are we doing? Like, Oh, we're going to eat. Okay. Of course. Um, like, ma, what do do you want do you want like breakfast lunch dinner whatever i'm hoping she says like lunch and dinner because i know i can fast through and you know and even so if she says breakfast i can still fast yeah but because of the previous days i didn't really didn't eat too much and the stuff i did have was pretty bad so i wanted to just say
Starting point is 01:20:59 screw it i'm not gonna fast today i'm gonna just eat clean yeah went to a restaurant and just ordered eight poached eggs and it was so good and the waitress was like like anything else i'm like nah i'm good yeah and man it felt so good it was so good oh it was awesome it was so easy to like not order anything else even though the pancakes and the bacon and everything smelled amazing it was pretty easy to just be like nah i, this is like, you know, again, going back to like saying you're better than everybody else in the room. Like I felt so strong right in that moment just eating my big old bowl of poached eggs. But you get full and you get satisfied too, and it's all gone.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Like, you know, those urges leave pretty quick. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Like once you're halfway through. I didn't even pay attention to that, but you're right. And you're so pumped about halfway through that you made that decision. You're like, my stomach's not going to hurt. I'm not going to be farting all day, you know, or maybe farting just half the day.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah, I think having the whole eggs for the first time in a while, that gave me some pretty good gas. I don't remember if it was Friday or Saturday night, because I had a moment where, no i was i was going towards safeway and i i went to go to like a bank or something but right next to it was a fire wings right and i was just like damn i want i want some wings so bad so i parked my car like by it and i sat there i was like damn those wings would be so good right now i just kept sitting there because in the back of my head i'm like you don't need to go spend money on that shit just go home and make some food dude but it was so tough so i was just like okay just sit here
Starting point is 01:22:35 a little bit longer and then i was like drive and i just drove away i just drove home and it was like i sat there for like 20 minutes you're like just like just like, fuck, just let it, it'll pass. It'll pass. It'll pass. And then it passed and then I drove away. But that shit, like I laughed about it later because I was just like, that just, that's just so funny. How does it help?
Starting point is 01:22:55 How does it hurt? Yeah. Kind of ask yourself that question. Sometimes it does help. Sometimes it does help. And that's the hard part is sometimes it does help just to relax and go off your diet and not pay attention to it for a second. But, you know, what are the things that are so important to you that you're going to make
Starting point is 01:23:10 yourself accountable for? And then how do you make yourself accountable for those things? If you think about like things that you have in your calendar, things that are on your phone, things that you have certain time commitments to, you probably don't miss those things. But like, why are we so quick to write down a dentist appointment, but we're not so quick to write down when we're going to do our next workout. You're not going to miss, I realize a dentist like twice a year or whatever. So, right. But other appointments that you make chiropractor or something like, you know, massage therapy, right. You're not going to miss those things. You know,
Starting point is 01:23:42 the other person is kind of relying on you and maybe looking forward to seeing you there so then you make sure you're there right why not just do the same thing with your workout like text somebody tell somebody like hey man i'm gonna be there tomorrow at eight oh you can be there tomorrow at eight okay cool see you then right and then if you're not there dude what happened like i thought you're gonna you know come in like screw yourself over on purpose like Like just make it hard. Make it, uh, you could even tell someone, Hey man, all next week, I'm coming in at 4 30 AM whole week, Monday through Friday. I'm going to be there.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Now you're fucked. Now you actually have to try to do that. I mean, your friend would understand if you had to, you know, say I can't, can't make Tuesday or whatever. Right. But do that to yourself. Just, you know know make the commitment make it happen if uh you're traveling somewhere you're unsure of something set something up with
Starting point is 01:24:30 somebody so that you're still getting in a training session or you're still going for a walk or you're still you know somehow staying on your diet yeah what else you got over there andrew no i was just reading some of these uh. Someone says that Encima needs to shave. I don't know. I just... Wow. That's what threw me way off. I'm like, I don't see an issue with that at all. Wow. What a hater. I know. You hurt my feelings. Just attacking you. What's their name?
Starting point is 01:24:57 What is their name? Oh, poor guy. Matthew Lawler. Matthew Lawler. Okay, man. Matthew? You know what, Matthew? You know what, Matthew?ler. Okay, man. Um, Matthew, you know what, Matthew, this is what, you know what, Matthew, I love you, bro. I hope you, I hope you wealth, health, happiness, and I hope you have a great life. I hope you have a great day. I hope your workout goes great. And I just hope every day from this point gets better and better. Love you, bro. That was great. Hey man, I want Matthew to do well in life.
Starting point is 01:25:29 The only way the haters can win is if they make you hate them back. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. Yeah, I'm not going to shave. I'm going to keep it. Yeah, keep it going. Yeah, yesterday was awesome. Started out the day with lifting.
Starting point is 01:25:41 Got to go to the Tesla dealership with the wifey. Got to pick up some new whips. Excited about that. And then went off to the 49er game and it was really exciting um meeting the strength coach for the 49ers and kind of getting on the field and seeing some of the players up close and uh yeah it was fucking sick yeah it was an awesome day wifey and i had a good time you know it's corny to say but like i feel like i have more fun with her now than i did when i met her we just have a good time. You know, it's corny to say, but like, I feel like I have more fun with her now than I did when I met her. We just have a great time together. You know, it's, we spent so much time together. I'm just thinking like, there's nothing she can say that will surprise me or make me laugh. And she still finds a way to, way to do that, the way to be goofy enough
Starting point is 01:26:17 to make me laugh. And I think I do that to her every once in a while too. Uh, I say something stupid enough to make her laugh, but yeah, we're,'re you know we're still having a lot of fun together so yeah it was fucking awesome yesterday really cool yeah uh so i this morning i ended up hitting the step mill for the first time hey yeah it was really cool like uh i went yesterday to uh to sign up at the gym and i just told the owner straight up i'm like hey dude like i just need till the end of the year like once we get there we'll see what happens i'm like but this is what i'm doing this is what i'm prepping for and he was like all right i could work with that and he just cut me a deal that like he wouldn't give anybody else and which was really yeah i mean i think right i don't know exactly what
Starting point is 01:27:00 what i just i looked at like the uh how much like it seems like i sold stuff like that before yeah yeah of course right yeah this deal's just for you bro but like you know like the uh the pricing sheet or whatever was like double what i paid for a month and a half what he would charge a month because i'm just like yeah this is all i need like in and out type of thing and i was like by the way by the way i need two because i told stephanie like hey like do you want to come train with me in the mornings when i go to the local gym and she's all for it so they have like a like a hell yeah yeah that's great they have like a studio area so we're gonna do like some of her like beach body like circuits and stuff and then you know some days i'll just do the step mill other days i'll'll do both. But I'm excited, man.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Today was not too bad. I ended up doing half an hour on the step mill. It sucks, right? Your legs burn? The legs were okay. But seriously, about six minutes in, I'm like, dude, okay, I'm supposed to do 20 minutes. Shit, I don't know if I'm going to get there. And then I threw on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Initially, I was listening to an audio book. like shit i don't know if i'm gonna get there and then i just i threw on youtube um initially i was listening to the audiobook but like the the gym was actually pretty loud so i couldn't focus on it so i'm like i'm just gonna watch something there's not enough juice in an audiobook yeah yeah there isn't so i just i turned on you need a little bit more than that yeah i turned on youtube and um it was a david goggins video yelling at you that'll get you going yeah yeah and it i just i picked something that was longer than a couple minutes, right? So it was like 10 minutes or so. I'm like, okay, when I get through this, I'm more than halfway done.
Starting point is 01:28:33 And yeah, I just, I ended up, I kept going. Like I posted something on my Instagram and like by the time I was done with posting, because that shit can be tricky, it was already half an hour. So I was like, all right, we're good there i'm gonna hop off and when i got off like i kept my beanie and my my hoodie on when i stepped off i was just like dripping in sweat yeah this is great but i'm excited and i'm happy that you know stephanie wanted to to join in and hang out with me at that gym so which gym is it uh it's just uh not any uh premier fitness in elk grove premier do they have a sauna no they don't damn i know yo i've been sleeping like a rock like it's so crazy
Starting point is 01:29:13 like i've been using it but like now trying to been i'm trying to like use it closer to sleep i don't like even because i i use this to distract sleep movement and stuff every single night that i managed to use it i don't i barely ever move and it's like the deeper sleep i get is just amplified so much it's crazy yeah but that's beside the point usually do it after jujitsu right i just try and do it after jujitsu or just like later at night um close to when i'm gonna go to bed i just try to be in there 30 to 40 minutes and it's just it's crazy man well it's cool about that as well what's cool about it too is now you have like a signal you know for your body like you you feel good with that that's working well for you and now you that's like your cue so now like even if it's partly physical now
Starting point is 01:29:56 it's mental too you know which is really powerful because you're like yeah i did that shit and i should pass out right away yeah and wham lookam. Look at it, buddy. Look awesome. Yeah, look at that. Yeah, that's what I would call abs. Yeah. They'll come in. They'll come in. Yeah. But I'd imagine it's,
Starting point is 01:30:12 because like in Matthew Walker's book, he recommends like taking a super hot shower before bed because your body wants to cool off and regulate. So your body's probably just super hot and you're trying to self-regulate and cool everything off and that's probably why that, I mean. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:30:27 How do you cool off? Do you just get out of there and just like let your body dry off first? Or what do you do? You dry yourself off or something? Leave. Go home and shower. I don't do anything special. There is a guy in there that likes to, he's in the sauna, then he goes and he goes to the cold shower, then goes back to the sauna.
Starting point is 01:30:43 And there's some. Yeah. Got a routine going. There's some benefit benefit to that but i just like to be in there i just like to breathe breathe and think and then go home later that's it not fancy that was that was baby fat that was matt lawler oh he was talking shit yeah that's who that is okay trains here oh yeah yeah well i do hope him a good Paul, sound engineer, our homie that set up all this shit at Swingshot Record Breakers, was like, you got to recognize the name. I'm like, my bad.
Starting point is 01:31:12 Got it. All right, peeps. That's all the time we got. Thanks to our sponsors, Quest Nutrition. Quest Nutrition has awesome cookies. They got awesome protein bars. Andrew got his suckered into eating some this weekend. That's how good they are.
Starting point is 01:31:27 When he was trying not to. I ate two this weekend. I had an Oreo cookie one and the oatmeal cookie dough one, I think, was the other one. Yeah, both of those are really good. The donut bar is amazing. And Seema's sitting here staring at the Quest Hero Bar. Chocolate caramel pecan. I had some of these yesterday.
Starting point is 01:31:48 So I'm going to take some more home. Just take the whole box, please. So he's dibbying it out. He's dibbying it out like a Pez dispenser. He only takes like one or two a day. A day, yeah. Just take the whole thing. Dude, I can't take the box home.
Starting point is 01:31:59 You know what happens if I take a whole box. We know that you're going to be screwed. Yeah, you guys need to head over to at checkout and your promo code MarksQuest for 20% off your entire order, except for the pizza. I didn't know it didn't work on the pizza. It doesn't work on the pizza. But everything else, you're good. But order some pizza anyway.
Starting point is 01:32:15 That pizza's really good. It's amazing. You get everything else discounted. You might as well get some pizza. Right. You'll make up the cost right there with the 20% off. Yeah. And the spinach flavor.
Starting point is 01:32:23 What's it called, Andrew? Spinach what? Maybe mushroom? Mushroom spinach. Yeah, and the spinach flavor. What's the call, Andrew? Spinach what? Maybe mushroom? Mushroom spinach. Yeah, that one's good. That shit's insane. Really good. Yeah. Perfect Keto. I'm still getting on with the MCT oil powder and the ketones.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Actually mixed in some MCT, some chocolate MCT oil powder into a Dutch Bros cold brew with a little bit of chocolate slingshot protein. That was fucking phenomenal. That was really, really good. So those of you that haven't had a chance to try some of the perfect keto products,
Starting point is 01:32:57 they sell ketones, they sell electrolytes, they sell grass-fed whey protein, they sell nootropicsics they sell all kinds of stuff uh quick question so how how is the salted caramel mct since you you've probably stolen it and tried it is it good it's fantastic it's really good that's awesome mark yeah that's great yeah i had the uh i had the vanilla you guys haven't tried it huh no no still haven't i have had the vanilla that's still my favorite one. I had it in my coffee this morning.
Starting point is 01:33:27 I did wake up. Maybe I didn't wake up. It was after the cardio. I ended up. Vanilla. Yeah, vanilla. And unflavored. And unflavored.
Starting point is 01:33:36 After cardio, I felt like I really, I just, I was hungry. And I'm like, okay, I'm supposed to be hungry. Like, I'm supposed to feel that. But today was a little bit like, ah, I need to have a little something. So I had the MCT oil powder and I'm like, okay, I'm supposed to be hungry. Like I'm supposed to feel that. But today was a little bit like, ah, I need to have a little something. So I had the MCT oil powder and I feel better. Definitely feel like I could probably go for some food, but I mean, it's like sustainable now.
Starting point is 01:33:54 I'm not like, you know. I'm honestly not sure exactly what it does, but it does feel like what I have in the coffee in the morning, I do feel a little, it's not supposed to be a nootropic, but I kind of feel that way. And it's probably because I'm partially, I'm fasted usually in the morning, right? And then I have it in the coffee in the morning. I do feel a little, it's not supposed to be a nootropic, but I kind of feel that way. And it's probably because I'm partially, I'm fasted usually in the morning.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Right. And then I have that. I don't know if there are mental benefits. Your brain loves ketones. Yeah, it can, it can work that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Ketones are like an underrated nootropic basically. Yep. Yeah. You guys need to head over to perfect slash power project at checkout, enter promo code power project for 15% off these amazing mct oil powders they're uh the perfect keto bars are insane too um i miss those as well i don't need them but i i miss them i know you do yeah and we finally have a piedmontese representation on the table jerky yeah we didn't know it had
Starting point is 01:34:43 jerky yeah now we know yeah i can't wait to give that shot because we didn't know it had jerky. Yeah. So now we know. I can't wait to give that a shot because I'm a big fan of jerky. Beef jerky. Yeah, I'm excited. I'm still falling in love with those sliders. I keep going back and forth to all the different meats they have. Well, they're all good. I'm on a slider kick right now.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Yeah. A slider winning streak. Yeah. Or the wieners. Have you guys had the wieners? I don't have any. I've not had any wieners. I didn't get any wieners in my shipment, nor did I get sliders.
Starting point is 01:35:07 You got to get some wieners. I got to go buy it. The hot dogs, they're pretty lean, like 21 grams of protein, I think, and 7 grams of fat. Per link? Yeah, I think so. Wow. That's a fucking jacked wiener. There it is.
Starting point is 01:35:22 There it is. Is it all veiny or no? It's kind of beefy. Thank God it's not veiny. Wouldn't that be creepy if your Piedmontese wiener came in with some veins? That'd be sus. That'd be real sus. I'm going to have to check that out on my next order.
Starting point is 01:35:37 I might have to throw that in there. All I got is just, now I just have nothing but flat iron steaks in my cart like that. I just keep reordering those. You're digging those, huh? They're so good. And for one whole steak, I think it's only like six grams of fat. That's awesome, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:52 It's like you're dieting. That's great. Yeah, because I think it's two grams of fat, but they have, I think, four servings in one steak, which is probably not up to them. It's probably, you know, whatever food and drug you have to you know label it that way but no do so six grams of fat or something yeah eight grams i'm not good at math but whatever it is it's really really good yeah and uh it fits the macros perfectly you know i don't have anything to worry about and i have chicken throughout the day and you know i asked steph like hey can you lay out a couple of steaks?
Starting point is 01:36:25 Because I want something to look forward to when I get home. And how great is it that it's amazingly tasting steak? Like it's, again, I know for other people that might like, wow, that's what you look forward to. It's like, yes, it's that good. Like it's amazing. We talk about it all the time, especially when you fast. You're going to be really hungry for those types of foods. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:44 You'd be hungry for the right stuff. Somebody asked a question to me earlier in the week about protein. And they were like, you know, if you eat some of those Piedmontese steaks, uh, they were like, I did the math on one of the steaks and it was like, it had like 89 grams of protein or something. Like, can you absorb all that? I said, I think your body does just fine with it. You know, I, I have been eating that way for many years and I, you know, I, I don't know exactly all the mechanisms and all the things that happen inside the body, uh, when you eat that much protein like that. But I think it's, if it's falling in line with a protein requirement that you need for the day, I think we're totally fine. You know, as long as you're not eating like 17
Starting point is 01:37:24 times your body weight in protein, you're probably doing okay. And I think that over the years, that 30 grams, people would say, oh, you can only digest 30 grams at a time. That myth has gone away. Yeah, that myth has been dissolved quite a long time ago, so it's not really around anymore. So you don't have anything to worry about, especially, I think.
Starting point is 01:37:44 it's not really around anymore. So you don't have anything to worry about, especially I think now, if you were to take, you know, uh, 150 grams of, of, uh, liquid protein in out of nowhere, I would say, yeah, maybe like that's going to hurt your stomach and you're probably not going to digest that that great. Cause you're probably going to take in the liquid pretty quickly. And there's also no chewing, which chewing is a major factor in your digestion. So just something to keep in mind, you're going to be totally fine eating these steaks. Um, I've been doing this kind of stuff for years and have always felt really good, uh, off of it. And even on a ketogenic diet, the other question somebody had was, will the steaks bump me out of ketosis? Cause the key, the amount of protein is so high. Uh, I haven't found that to happen to me either. So
Starting point is 01:38:22 get, uh, get some Piedmontese steaks, man, and dive in. Yeah, because I just wanted to look it up so I can be correct. For the flat iron steak, 480 calories, 92 grams of protein, 4 carbs, and 8 grams of fat. And that's what I just, yeah, I love it., at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping.
Starting point is 01:38:51 Look at Nseema's face. Huh? Yeah. I don't think I've had a flat iron, though. So that's why it's so shocking. I'm just wondering how large it is now. They're not even that big. No, they're not too big at all.
Starting point is 01:39:01 You said 92 grams of protein, though, right? Yeah. Fuck. Dude, it's incredible. These cows are jacked. It's a fucking loophole, dude. It's so good. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Wow! I know. And it's still tender. It's, yeah, dude. We need to put a, have you ever seen that African clip meme of that guy that goes like, wow, amazing. You know what I'm talking about. No, but that sounds great.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Okay, I got to find it for you guys. I'll find it for you. Where can people find you, Andrew? At IamAndrewZ on Instagram. And Seema, where are you at? At SeemaEang on Instagram and YouTube. I won't bother spelling it anymore. I think you guys get it.
Starting point is 01:39:39 Yeah, everything's in the description too, by the way. Peeps, we have a lot of fun doing this show. Really appreciate you. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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