Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 289 - Keaton "The Muscle" Hoskins

Episode Date: November 20, 2019

Keaton Hoskins aka “The Muscle” is a host on Discovery Channel’s “Diesel Brothers” and fitness expert whose trained over 2,500 people. He is the CMO of 1 Mission Nutrition and the host of th...e “Becoming” podcast where each episode he provides advice and motivation in relation to business, fitness, and self-improvement. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, so, yo, Mark, how'd you hear about these Perfect Keto Bars? Well, I've been stuffing them in my face. That's one way I've been hearing about them. Yeah. You know, I've been in contact with the Perfect Keto Company for a little while. They make some really good products. They have some good ketone products. And actually, probably maybe like over a year ago, I tried one of their ketone products,
Starting point is 00:00:23 and it didn't taste that good. But the good news is they updated and created new flavors, and they did a better job the second time around. They didn't give up, and they made a much better-tasting ketone product. But these bars, even right off the get-go, the bars were perfect. They made a really good bar. They made a bar that's not going to knock you out of ketosis, which is kind of hard to find. A lot of the bars have sugar, um, or they have a lot of, you know, hidden junk in them that can knock you out of ketosis. These bars have a good amount of fat in them. So they give you some good
Starting point is 00:00:58 energy. And on top of that, they taste good. Uh, I've been kind of addicted. I got to admit to the, uh, chocolate chip cookie dough yeah that's your favorite that's my favorite one about the second one uh i like the salted caramel's pretty good but the um there's one of them has one of them has macadamia nut in it and i don't know which one that is but that one's that one's really good and then they made a new one they made a cinnamon roll one oh and that one's really good that's good made a new one. They made a cinnamon roll one. Ooh. And that one's really good. That sounds good. Yeah, you guys got to try it. Andrew would be eating the crap out of those cinnamon roll ones.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I know. I know for sure. That sounds good. So if anybody wants to check out any of the bars from Perfect Keto, you can head over to slash powerproject and use promo code powerproject, all one word, for 15% off all Perfect Keto products. And SEMA, I know that you don't work out very hard.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Nope. Because it's pretty much just all genetics. You get a lot of questions about genetics, is that right? All the time. All the time. I wonder, you know, what the importance of, you know, some of our food would be genetically, like, say, for, you know, cows, for example. You know, I think the genetics of our food is, it's pretty damn important. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:05 Piedmontese is all natural, all natty with no added hormones or steroids and not even trend. I don't know. They're, these things are pretty lean. Uh, yeah, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:02:18 they're kind of like to have them tested personally. I think we should, we should, but their cuts of beef are from the Sandhills region, Nebraska, and contain significantly less fat and higher protein content than other beef that you might find at the store. This comes from genetics, the breed of the cow, and not relying on the extra intramuscular fat and marbling. In other words, you get the best protein to fat ratio from the best cows in the country for the best beef for maximum gains. From the best cows in the country, from the best beef, for maximum gains.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I love it. You're able to still eat your meat, but you don't have to worry about the extra fat calories. Works out great for anybody that is looking to be jacked and tanned like us. Like us. Andrew, where can they find out more information about Piedmontese beef? Cool. As awesome as high-protein, low-fat beef sounds, our friends at Piedmontese are going to give you a more awesomer deal by heading over to That's Enter promo code POWERPROJECT, and that's going to get you a whopping 25% off your order,
Starting point is 00:03:15 along with free two-day shipping on all orders of $99 and above. I'm super excited because we're lining up with Quest Nutrition, and these are people that I've known for a really long time. We've met all the owners of Quest Nutrition. And these are people that I've known for a really long time. We've met all the owners of Quest Nutrition, really awesome people. And then our boy, Bruce Cardenas, has been setting us up with some product for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And it's great to come together and have them sponsor this podcast. Quest Nutrition has a lot of great products, but the cookies are going to be something that you might want to check out if you feel like you have a sweet tooth like I do I always need something to look forward to in my day and I do love eating my meat and I do love eating some of these foods that are on a ketogenic style diet but man sometimes it feels kind of hard if you don't have something to look forward to and I like to
Starting point is 00:03:58 end my day with something sweet so I'm always grabbing like a quest bar or a quest cookie yeah I mean it's great to have in your house, especially if you have kids, you know, and if you want something sweet, better than having like Snickers bars and Doritos, have some Quest stuff. Yeah, exactly. And the chips are really delicious. My kids actually like the chips
Starting point is 00:04:15 and they like the bars quite a bit. Andrew, what do you got over there, buddy? Yeah, I was going to say that. That's how you know something's good is when your kids like it. You know, usually I try to give them something and they end up like, ah, that's healthy. I don't want any of that.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Give them a Quest cookie. They don't even know the difference. If you guys want to get in on this, head over to at checkout. Use Mark's Quest. That's M-A-R-K-S-Q-U-E-S-T at checkout for 20% off your entire order at Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Does Nseema's microphone work? Because a lot of times we have him off. Yeah, he's going. No, look, it doesn't work. Dude, you really did get me. I was like, no fucking way. Holy shit. I didn't think that would work.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I'm paranoid over here now. Damn it. That was pretty good. That was good. I thought it worked. I thought it worked pretty good. Yeah. So today we got my boy, The Muscle, on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And I've been text messaging him and harassing him mentally, physically, sexually, probably more sexually. Mostly. More than anything else. Yeah. And he's just somebody I saw kind of like in a similar circle. I saw him kind of mingling with some friends of mine and some people that i know and then i obviously already knew who you were from your show and i
Starting point is 00:05:29 also uh have a friend who's like just obsessed with your show so he was like dude he's like you got to check this guy out and at the time i was thinking about getting a truck he's like you should see if the diesel brothers can you know make your truck or whatever and uh he was all you know all into it and everything and anyway my friend ended up you know building out my truck and you can check it out later and see uh see what you think see how he did you know with the job that he did but it's great to have you here today and uh we finally just first uh met at uh the uh the show that was out in vegas sema yeah sema that was cool yeah it was good it was the bad time for us to meet, but yeah. Yeah. Cause you were busy as fuck. You go to a lot of those shows. Um, so now I, we tried to go to
Starting point is 00:06:12 as little as possible, but SEMA is like the big, I mean, it's like the Mr. Olympia for, for fitness, you know, um, SEMA is the end all be all. In fact, I was just told while we were down there, it is the biggest event except for one other event that Las Vegas puts on. So it's huge. It was massive. Yeah. You walked it, right? You walked it for a while. I walked a lot of it and they were like, oh yeah. And there's an upstairs too. And I was like, oh shit. I never even saw that. Yeah. It's crazy. But that's like our big event because that's essentially where everybody who's what would be considered a credible builder has vehicles. So I usually have anywhere from two to ten vehicles there every year.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And then I have my personal vehicles. And then obviously we have the show vehicles, which is what Diesel Brothers actually builds. And so we had a few of those. And we just go from booth to booth to booth for five to eight hours a day. And there's just lines like you saw when I saw you. We go from booth to booth to booth for five to eight hours a day. Yeah. And there's just lines like you saw when I saw you. Yeah. And we do it for five days straight.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It's like the most mentally taxing thing I've ever done. It's hard to talk for that long. Yeah. Well, I think I could probably talk for a while, but it's the same shit over and over. So it's like Groundhog's Day because every single person that walks up to you is like, hey, man, I'm a huge fan. Let me show you my truck. And you're like, okay, here we go. So that's when it gets hard.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And they can't find it on their phone. They're like, oh, shit. They're like, there's a dick pic. Sorry. And they're flipping through their shit. And their phone's all cracked and broken. You're like, dude, I can't. For me, it's squats or something.
Starting point is 00:07:43 They're like, check it out. It's your 405. It's 100% the same thing. I don't fucking care care and then do they shake they shake your hand like 10 times like dude just thank you so much like see you later transaction how many times you shake the hand they either shake your hand like 10 times or they don't stop shaking your hand and you're like hey man like we gotta fucking move forward yeah we have to let go yeah yeah and then sometimes they get we have to let go. Yeah. Yeah. And then sometimes they get emotional about the let go, which is also weird.
Starting point is 00:08:09 What about the clammy hands and the dead fish hand, like the dead handshake? I get the dead fish handshake from a lot of big guys. And I always, I make it a policy now, I call people out on it. I'm like, what the fuck is that, man? Are you serious? Yeah. Like, this isn't acceptable. I'm not taking a picture with you if you don't come back and give me a handshake like a man.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I mean, sometimes they take it the right way. Sometimes they get a little embarrassed. Hopefully they change their life after that. Because that's unacceptable to shake a man's hand like that. The way you do anything is the way you do everything, right? Yeah. So, yeah, I usually call people out on that. I think we should switch to bowing.
Starting point is 00:08:44 You know, it's just easier. It's a lot cleaner. Yeah. We don't have to make any contact. Just a little bit of a, like I recognize, you know, it's pretty recognized,
Starting point is 00:08:51 real, way more sanitary. I think if you really want to live a higher way, I think bowing would be great. Yeah, I agree. It's really respectful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I, uh, I always have to say, um, I, like, I can't say nice to meet you because I always fuck that up. They're like, oh, we met three times.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Oh, yeah. Oh, man. I say that every single time and probably 20% of the time they're like, well, I met you a year ago. Yeah, just say great to see you for 13 seconds. And I can't believe you don't remember me. And I'm always like, sorry, I'm fucking stupid. I just go right to that one. They're like, oh, okay, you're good.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And it makes it easier. You're like, I'm half retarded. Yeah, they're totally fine with it by then. Don't mind me. How did this Diesel Brothers thing come to be? Because getting on TV is not easy. No, it's not easy. A lot of people are trying, especially with the popularity of reality TV shows.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So it's a semi-long story, but it's crazy. So Diesel Dave, who's on the show, is one of my best friends. We actually went to junior high together. We always were really good friends. And then I actually was a missionary. I was an LDS missionary in Seattle. Wow. I came back at 21 and kind of
Starting point is 00:10:07 reconnected with like 26 27 now how old are you 32 oh 32 yeah and came back kind of met up with diesel dave again and he had then since then met heavy d and they became really good friends and they were both doing what i was doing, which was, uh, you know, building companies or building businesses, but they were always back to the root of building trucks that they liked, you know, like just personally. And then obviously you build enough trucks. People are like, fuck man, I like that. I want to buy one, you know? Um, and so in 2012, we kind of all met up and that's when I kind of met Heavy D, and he was like, dude, check this out. This is what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:10:47 We are showing the world that you can monetize Facebook. And I was like, that sounds stupid, but okay. You know, it was right after MySpace and whatever. And so we started going around to companies and being like, hey, pay us some money, and we will show you how you can make money on social media. And they're like, get the fuck out of here. It doesn't make any sense. Stupid. So we started a website just previous to any of that called Diesel Trucks for Sale on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And it blew up overnight. 100,000 followers within the first few weeks, then 200,000 followers. And we thought, dude, there's got to be a way you can make money from this. So we went door to door, whatever you want to call it to these companies. And we're like, let us show you how to make money. You pay us and we're going to get you to, you know, essentially sell your products through social media. Everybody thought we were crazy. Everybody. So how are you suggesting that they make money because of how popular your Facebook thing was? And then you need parts right
Starting point is 00:11:46 so like all these companies should be it wasn't necessarily specific just to diesel trucks it was just anybody and it was specific to you guys yes and the popularity that i understand and so this so heavy d was like here's what we're going do. We're going to give a truck away for free and we could lose our ass. But the way to enter in to win is people have to buy our clothing. And every dollar they spend, they get one entry in to win a truck. Well, he set all this up, did this whole thing. I mean, mind you, we're 24, 25. And we decide that we're going, 25 and, and we decide that
Starting point is 00:12:26 we're going to take a $75,000 truck and give it away for free, which none of us could afford to give away a truck for free. And the way I say it's for free is to make it legal in every state. You have to allow people to enter for free and that's a mail-in entry. So literally heavy D came out with four shirt designs, a rubber band that said diesel power gear, and a sweatshirt that said diesel power gear. And was like, through our Facebook, let's tell people we're giving this truck away for free. And let's see if we can sell some product to get people to enter in to win for free. And we did the first giveaway. It was, I think it was a 12-week, a three-month giveaway.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And I think we sold like $ week, a three month giveaway. And I think we sold like $700,000 worth of product. Jesus. First time. Like literally Heavy D, Diesel Dave in a garage packing, you know, $700,000 worth of shirts that they had just printed and a rubber band that was a dollar that said Diesel Power Gear. They sold 100,000 of them. And from that point, like, it was like, holy shit, dude, this is a real idea. And social media is real.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Like, we can really make a lot of money off social media. That's when I came on with Heavy D and said, dude, listen, let's start making money with, which was our website. And that was an online classifieds for diesel trucks. Everybody all over the nation knows that I can get a truck cheaper in Texas than you guys can here in California. So if it's your area code, right, taxes and exactly. And it's just the need for things like a four wheel drive truck here isn't nearly as expensive as it is where someone needs it with snow. So if I could save you 10 grand, you sure as hell would ship it for a thousand dollars. So if I can connect all those people, which is what we thought we could really blow the website up. So we started that website, the diesel And then I started selling ad space and all that. And all of a sudden diesel sellers started blowing up. So we did that and we did those truck giveaways. And I think we did
Starting point is 00:14:23 four truck giveaways. Um, and by our last one, we, I think we did a, and we did those truck giveaways, and I think we did four truck giveaways. And by our last one, I think we did a million dollars in sales. It was crazy, fucking crazy. And that's when the Discovery Channel came to us. And they were like, hey. How did that? Somebody saw something somewhere along the line? So this is the other crazy story.
Starting point is 00:14:40 So we did, in fact, you can pull stuff up on YouTube. I love this kind of stuff. I love the making of. This is crazy. So go to YouTube and go Diesel Dave prank. Fucking heavy D. Can't believe it. So we did this skit where, let's see, it is that second one that says Twin Turbo coming.
Starting point is 00:15:03 So just watch this clip. So we do this clip. I don't know if you guys can hear it or if we can get the sound. Yeah, we can get the sound. Okay, so you got to watch this. So essentially, we do these, right, in 2013 to get more viewers to go to Facebook so we can get more followers on Facebook, right? Well, this is our buddy Rockwell, Rich you know rockwell the watches we're really good friends with them yeah well he was in taking a shit in the bathroom and diesel dave and us we
Starting point is 00:15:32 rolled up in one of our diesel trucks oh no and we're like you know what we're gonna fucking fill his whole room up with black smoke right so we filmed this whole skit of us pulling up this is diesel day right here you can see oh god and he's in there taking a shit and we've johnny's in there taking this two o'clock of course he's taking a dump right yeah and we have one of their guys lock the door from the outside so he can't get out. Did he know this was happening? No, he had no idea. This is legit. This was a legit.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Legitimately always takes a shit at 2 o'clock. Yes. So he didn't even know he was on camera taking a dump. I mean, he does at this point because we pop a camera in. Oh, yeah. And now we fill the whole fucking bathroom full of black smoke, right? Have you guys fucked with each other previously like this? No, this was the first one.
Starting point is 00:16:29 So he's kind of like, really, like, what the fuck? So, yeah, he's pissed as shit. Hey, you guys don't get any ideas. Now look at his face when he comes out. Like, this shit, I mean, it gets everywhere. He's got black smoke all over his face. He's got it. Dude, he was pissed.
Starting point is 00:16:47 So we do this skit, right? Oh, God. His eyes are burning. Oh, dude, he's pissed. He does this video. And, I mean, dude, overnight this video had like 2 million views. It just blew up. You dicks.
Starting point is 00:17:02 So then what happens is, and you can see the next one. I think the next YouTube video is him trying to get us back. Now you're going to see me when I look really young. If you back out, there's one more. And the reason I'm showing you this is because these two skits. Let me see. It should be, it's that one. It's that top one.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Okay. Don't make fun of me because I look real young here with no beard and goofy. So he tries to get us back. You got to kind of watch this. And when he goes to get us back, we have an inside. We know he's trying to get us back. Yeah. And this skit legitimately could have killed him. So, and you can kind of see. So he says, hey, I'm going to get us back yeah and this skit legitimately could have killed him so and you can kind of see so he says hey i'm gonna get these guys back i'm gonna go take one of their
Starting point is 00:17:48 new giveaway trucks and i'm gonna steal it from them i'm gonna put it on my flatbed like he's saying right here yeah so he's literally thinking we went to lunch and left our truck here at his shop well we knew that he was gonna do this to us us. So we're like, all right, fuck you, man. Here we go. If you're going to do that, here's what we do. So then this is us. There's me, Diesel Dave, Heavy D. And we decide that we're going to get him with paintballs right before he hooks our truck up. That shit hurts.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Well, in the middle of this, Heavy D's like, dude, go pull the pin on his cab over, and we're going to make him slam on his brakes and throw the whole cab up over. Holy shit. And, you know, whatever. Yeah. Like, so goofy, whatever. And this is him explaining, oh, I'm going to get the Diesel Brothers right here. He has no idea.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Obviously, we got all this footage afterwards because he was thinking he was going to have this cool video of us pranking him, you know, and him getting us back last year well so so he comes to get us and take the truck and and you'll see here in a second heavy d me diesel dave run out with paintballs and we start shooting him with paintballs before he can get our truck onto his like you know whatever whatever he's pulling he just keeps getting screwed oh dude he's so pissed and you got to watch the end of this because i feel so bad so right here we pulled the pin on his cab over oh my god and how did you guys get tipped off to know that he was going to do this uh we're i one of the girls there had a crush on diesel dave and she
Starting point is 00:19:22 told us that's hilarious so this is right here. And you can kind of play the music now, or play the sound. This is amazing. This is very reminiscent of Jackass. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and this is really, and I'll show you why we got our show. It was from this. Yeah, they were thinking, these guys are already doing this shit. Why not put it on TV?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Exactly. And so. It's put it on TV? Exactly. It's a nice WRX right there. So we started doing this, and Jay Leno saw it. He saw this video and the last video. And Jay Leno was like, hey, man, I got to have Diesel Dave on my show. Jay Leno, never heard of him. Yeah. So Jay Leno had Diesel Dave out on the show.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And you'll see right here because this is where it's funny. So he goes to actually really get us going, like to take the truck. So he jumps in the truck. This is the worst, dude. I felt so bad after this. So I have a tire behind the trailer that I throw out in front of him. Watch this. Oh. Boom. behind the trailer that I throw out in front of him. Watch this. Oh!
Starting point is 00:20:26 Boom! The whole cab flips up over. Oh, he hit his head pretty bad, it looked like. Oh, yeah. He probably didn't have a seatbelt on because he didn't have time to throw it. That's the first thing that he says. Watch. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Somebody still shot him again? Y'all are cold. Yeah, we're... Wow. Could have been paralyzed. They're still shooting him. So, yeah, dude, we're stupid. We're so stupid.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And you can see it. Now he finds out that it's a joke. He's like, you motherfuckers. So they throw him, you know... That actually probably helped that he thought it was a joke because he's probably actually very scared, like something shitty happened and maybe the whole thing's on fire for sure well and of course guess what we had to do we bought a new truck because we fucked the whole truck up dude it messed everything up like so we we do these two videos obviously these
Starting point is 00:21:20 videos because they're fun to watch you know like here i am throwing a tire in front like look at that shit. It's crazy. Right there, I was like, oh, shit. That probably wasn't supposed to happen. So back in the day, you know, YouTube was the way to get views, right? Absolutely, yeah. Well, we sent those views to Facebook.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Facebook. And then all of a sudden, we started gaining more followers, you know, so on and so forth. So because of these things, Jay Leno saw us. He had us out on the show they showed these clips and that's when the Discovery channel was like I don't know who you guys are but we want to do it and you know what we said we're fucking good we don't want to do it with you guys and you're already making money exactly and which is a great position to be in in our mind we were famous right because no one was really social media famous you don't need the
Starting point is 00:22:06 restrictions of the discovery channel exactly what year was this yeah this was 2015 14 no 13 oh early 12 12 13 so the company started in 12 yeah because well because you're gonna have to sign contracts and then things start to get weird and then you make x amount but your buddy makes this and exactly it gets to be really quick i this and exactly it gets to be really quick i get really quickly it gets to be really weird right yes so we did that jay leno saw us they came out discovery channel came after us for for a full year and finally heavy d was like what do you think and i'm like dude if we're gonna make money let's do it what i mean it's not gonna hurt anything and at this point i had now started hearing from people about how they were trying
Starting point is 00:22:43 to get a reality show and i'm like like, shit, you guys are trying. We got them coming to us. So we almost thought it was bullshit. Yeah. You know, some of it. The first email they sent us were like, fuck this guy. Like, he's full of shit. The Discovery Channel.
Starting point is 00:22:54 So finally, we do it. They come out. Discovery comes out. They give us a full week. And we go full stupid for a week. Dude, we had a helicopter stunt. We did a truck flip. We did all kinds of stupid shit and nothing about the actual company was in it. Like the truck giveaways.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It was just us being stupid with whatever we do. Cause that's what we do. And so our first season, they were like, well, how do you guys want to do this? And we're like, well, we, we build trucks and we give them away for free. And they're like, oh, no, we don't like that model. We'll have you guys build trucks and we'll write the story. And you guys just kind of do what we tell you with the story. They were going to make it like a travel show kind of thing. You guys fuck around. And we were like, nah, we don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:23:40 We're good. Thanks. Leave. And they were like, who are these fucking guys? You know, like they thought we were crazy um and then we started filming and dude filming was so crazy and and mark knows this um i don't know much about your background but like being on camera is different you know and so we start doing all this shit and they start filming us and all of a sudden our season comes out. And, dude, our first episode to this day is the highest-rated episode Discovery has ever had for a premiere. So it broke every record they ever had.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Hell, yeah. And you know why? Because so many people knew about you? It's because of social media. Because we already had a million followers on social media, so you know what we did? We did our own advertising. Well, why is The Rock the number one actor in the world? Because of social media.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Exactly. It's been, obviously he works really hard for the position that he got himself into, but the self-promotion has helped a ton. A hundred percent. So we had that. We did our first eight and it went like wildfire. And now we're in season. So we'll be, our new season will be December 9th.
Starting point is 00:24:41 So in about three weeks. Yeah. It'll be season five. And right now we're the number one show on Discovery Channel, and it's just crazy. We went to SEMA, and we did the whole thing with Discovery, and they treat us like we're the greatest thing in the world because we have ratings that keep going up and up and up, and a lot of shows right now aren't doing very well.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I don't know what that is. I would love to profess that I have an idea why our show does better but it's now put us in a position where we kind of get to do whatever the fuck we want to do and social media is great now but because of tv being world world renowned or you know whatever you want to call it is way different for people that haven't seen the show what show, what does a typical show look like now? So the typical show, they're all fairly the same layout. So you'll see Diesel Dave and myself, the muscle. We're throughout the show about 60, 70 percent. We'll find a customer that wants a build. Heavy D will figure out what the build is. He'll map it out diesel dave and i will build that um with the shop
Starting point is 00:25:46 guys and then at the end of the show is when we reveal the truck itself to the new owner right and then obviously to america and they're always they're always insane like they're just yeah they're not just a hey cool lift wheels and tires it's they're insane i've seen the things you guys built like buses and yeah you know uh all kinds of different trucks boats helicopters i mean we did a we did a diesel bicycle we did a diesel motorcycle a diesel helicopter we're doing a diesel boat in this season there's a lot of stuff that we've done in fact this is our monster truck this is one of our ads so we did this monster truck and it's more like a mutter but we just do stupid is that the truck that uh like brooke wells and those people are trying to get into yes right yeah so for people that don't know real quick uh what is like diesel versus so diesel is and it's really simple so you have gasoline right yeah diesel is a byproduct of
Starting point is 00:26:44 gasoline okay which is kind of crazy because sometimes diesel is more expensive than gasoline. Kind of crazy. Well, the whole idea is, is diesel burns differently than gas does, right? So like if I took a match and lit gas up, you guys know it's going to go up. If I do that with diesel, it won't go up. It takes a lot higher temperatures to get it to burn. So essentially, you get more torque and power. You obviously have more heat, but you get more torque and more power out of a motor that's running on diesel than you would out of a motor running on gas. And what especially Europe has found is diesel is more efficient. So I can take a diesel truck and do 40 miles to the gallon, and I can take a gas truck and do 12 miles to the gallon.
Starting point is 00:27:30 It's very different. So diesel in and of itself is just more effective and efficient. It's amazing because they used to think that gasoline was useless. The kerosene was used in every home to light lanterns and things like that, and they were like, we have this waste. We, got this waste product, and now the cars are running on it. What do you think about a car like a Tesla? I love them.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah. I think they're cool shit, man. I think that's an amazing thing, that they put a body of work out there that car lovers enjoy as well, because I've heard that from many people that love cars. I think in the beginning, when electric cars were coming around, are coming around people like come on what the hell is this like things gonna go 30 miles an hour are kidding me you know it's gonna how long it's gonna last for but the thing is is like there's so much advancement that can come from that i mean listen i love diesel but if we could get rid of fossil fuels that would be awesome i'm not the guy that's like oh fuck you
Starting point is 00:28:22 diesel you know like listen i'm all we gotta keep it old school yeah that's stupid i'll always have something with diesel or gas but that doesn't mean that my daily life can't be improved by something that's better and and although the tesla has a long a long ways to go they're awesome dude i mean i'm sure you've ridden the p100d with the ludicrous mode on it i mean mean, they're insane fast. They're fun to drive. You know, so I think they're cool. They're actually coming out with a truck. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen those. And I'm excited to see how that does. I think they're doing self-driving
Starting point is 00:28:54 like semi-trucks and shit too. They are. And they're unreal with power and how far they can go. That will be really I mean, that'll be super common. You know, it's like not long before that's just, you see it everywhere, you know? It makes more sense.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Have you always been into cars? Yeah. Man, since I was young, I've always been into everything with a motor. Did that come from like an uncle or your dad or something? Or like, would that come from somebody in the family or it just came from your own interest? It might sound crazy,
Starting point is 00:29:26 but I think that some of that is genetics. I really do. So my great-grandfather lived in Oregon and he owned the biggest car scrapyard in Oregon. And when he died, the scrapyard was at his house. When he died, I think they sold his scrapyard for like $5 million because it was all of old, like shit you couldn't find anywhere else. He was a huge collector in vehicles. And then of course, you know, my uncles, my brothers, like everybody
Starting point is 00:29:55 kind of just attached to something that had to do with a motor. And now like, I mean, you name it, if it has a motor, I love it. I name it if it has a motor i love it i drive it i use it i improve it i you know i get fucking crazy on it so how about the business side of things because like you said that you were building businesses before you got with your homies so like how long were you doing that and what got you involved in that because that was like before you were 24 23 right yeah so so i got back from being a missionary at 21 and i was like i want to be a doctor fuck so i i went to college i played a little bit of football um you know we talked before we even started this podcast about
Starting point is 00:30:38 me going to jail i actually did play football in college and then i went to jail for a little while which i was like ah this is stupid let's explain the jail thing yeah okay so this was when I was 18 um I I played at a junior college called snow college they're well known because they have a lot of like uh national championships whatever um long story short we were at a party one night. A girl there was actually raped and beaten up. And, yeah, we didn't know anything about it. But the next morning, I have an adopted Polynesian brother who I actually had met there. Maybe that explains the tattoos. It does.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yeah. Also, like a lot of my family and the people that I spend time with are Polynesian. Him and I were playing football at the time there. And we were out at like 10 o'clock in the morning. And this girl had come out and seen us and told us what had happened. So him and I went to this kid's house. We kicked the door down and beat the fucking shit out of this kid. Good.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yeah. But legally, you're not supposed to do those kinds of things so we so we went to football practice that day they showed up picked us up in our pads handcuffed us took us and they didn't know anything right the police all the police know is that two big dudes kicked in a door and beat the shit out of somebody i mean and it was pretty bad like we beat the shit out of him so anyway so we we went to jail and my brother was only 17. So they took him to juvie and he's huge. He's like six, three, three 90.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Jesus. Huge. Anyway. So after that, I was like, that's when I was 18. And I was at your brother. I sent some stuff to no different brother, different brother. Um, after that I left and I was like, you know what, dude, I got to get my shit together. I'm going to be a missionary. So I was like, all right, man, I'm gonna go be a missionary for the church. So I went to Seattle
Starting point is 00:32:32 for two years and I was a missionary for the Mormons, you know? Um, so then I came back and I was like, you know what? I want to be a doctor. I want to do all these crazy cool things. My dad had passed away from diabetes, type one diabetes, diabetes um like two months after i had gotten home and he had suffered with it forever so like always in the back of my mind i was like i gotta do something that's gonna make a change you know probably had it from when he was a kid yeah from when he was eight shows up yeah so um i did the pre-med thing and i was like, dude, and everybody I talked to, kind of like power lifters, everybody I talked to was like, don't fucking do it, dude. Don't fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And I was like, what? You're a doctor. You're making all this money. They're like, no, dude, it's not worth it. Don't do it. And I'm not kidding. I would go to work because I worked in a neonatology research lab. I'd go to work and I'd work with some of the most world renowned doctors. And they were like, bro, you want to
Starting point is 00:33:30 make money? Don't be a doctor. And so I was like, oh man, this is not good. So I left and I became a personal trainer and I started a gym in kind of in my area. You started the gym. Yeah. Like we literally went there and day one was doors open, like, you know, kind of crazy. Um, and I ran that place for like, Oh, it was probably two years. And then I was like, you know what? I think it's time to do more gyms. So we opened up four more gyms in Utah. And then I had a partner and he kind of, to be nice, he fucked me. I mean, I was young. I was 22 years old. I didn't know anything. And so when it was time for me to like get my ownership from the other places that we had started, it was like, oh no, no, we don't need you anymore. had started. It was like, oh, no, no, we don't need you anymore. So I left 23, 23 years old. I bought my first house. I was having my first kid. My wife didn't work. So I was like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:34:35 dude, what am I going to do? So I started a company called MoFit. It was called MoFit for mobile fitness. And I would literally train people in their house. So I would take, you know, kettlebells, TRX, BOSU balls, train people in their house. Well, I had built such a following of trainers and fitness people that I had trainers that were like, hey, I don't want to work at the gym anymore. I want to come work for you. So literally by I think year one, I had eight trainers working from five in the morning till eight o'clock at night. It was nuts, dude. And to this day, I have not made more money than when I was 23. I was getting people paying in cash anywhere from 75 to $150,000
Starting point is 00:35:15 just in cash. And Mark knows, like I said, I don't know much about your background, but 150 grand in cash is like 500 grand in a salary because after they take taxes and all that other bullshit. So so we started killing it. I mean, killing it. And then I opened up what was kind of like a sports center and or gym. It was huge. Seventy five thousand square foot gym. Yeah, that was insane.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Like everything. Basketball courts, soccer fields, like all kinds of stuff. And I was young still. I was 20. I was insane. Like everything, basketball courts, soccer fields, like all kinds of stuff. And I was young still. I was 20. I was 25. The partner that I did it with was 65, multimillionaire, you know. And we did that for about two years. And in the middle of that, so I was 25, I was like, I got to keep going.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I have this mentality if I'm not moving forward, I feel like I'm like, I almost feel like I get sick. Like I can't deal with it. That business, was it a hundred percent just like word of mouth or was there any social? All word of mouth. No social media or anything. No social media. Cause it was pre 2011. There really wasn't anything out there social media wise. And it was before we had done this, you know? So I, this is funny. I, uh, I pay for, for dental insurance for like seven years. I'd never gone to the dentist. I was 26. I'm like, fuck, I better go to the dentist. I go into the dentist and I'm thinking, fuck dude, I've had dental insurance for seven years. Should be fine. I go in there. They're like,
Starting point is 00:36:42 oh, you're good. No cavities, nothing. I've never had cavities. I totally fine. I leave. And the lady's like, uh, how do you want to pay your bill? And I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? My bill? She's like, well, it's $250. And I'm like, what? I've been paying dental insurance for seven years and I got to pay $250 for a checkup. pay $250 for a checkup? Cause I'm good. She's like, yeah, I know it's crazy. So, so, so I, I go home like that doesn't fucking help. No. So, so I go home and I'm like, you know what, dude, I'm going to take the whole world of personal training and I'm going to make it into a business model and personal training now in gyms, right? Is month to month. You pay month to month for your sessions or whatever. So I'm like, fuck it, dude, I'm going to just try this. So I go back to the dentist who my brother knew. So it was like a friend of a family member. I was
Starting point is 00:37:34 like, dude, I got to sit down with you. I want to show you how to make money. And he was like, I'm a dentist, bro. I make $700,000 a year. I'm like, okay, cool. I'll be back. So we come back, sit down. And I'm like, dude, you clock in, you clock out. Let me do everything else. I'm like, okay, cool. I'll be back. So we come back, sit down and I'm like, dude, you clock in, you clock out. Let me do everything else. I'm going to get rid of dental insurance. People are going to come in and when they have an issue, we're going to diagnose the issue, fix the issue. And then they're going to pay for it over the next year, like a membership, like a gym membership almost. Right. And he was like, that's fucking stupid. I was like, okay, man, I appreciate it. Just roll
Starting point is 00:38:05 with me. Like, just try it, you know? So we opened up a dental office and we like had herds of people coming in. You know why? Because most people don't have dental insurance and most people don't have any money to get dental work done because do dental work can be anywhere from five to 10 grand. But if I come to you and I say, Hey dude, over the next 15 months, you're going to pay that $8,000 bill. And we're going to take care of you for the whole year. You sign up, right? So I hook you on a contract for 15 months. You pay your dental bill, yada, yada, yada. So I started a dental office with this whole like gym membership thing. I even called it club dental. That was, that's the name of the company, club dental, like crazy. And how of the company club dental like crazy and
Starting point is 00:38:46 how much was like a membership or whatever so so a membership was $19.99 a month and that covered cleanings x-rays it covered all the normal shit but the second that you went in and you had an issue we would tell you the issue tell you how much it's going to cost and then we would just tack that on to a monthly basis which they never do never you how much it's going to cost. And then we would just tack that onto a monthly basis. They never do. Never. Like how come there's not a fucking price there? Like when you go to a restaurant, it says it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:12 25 bucks for the steak or whatever, right? Exactly. It's right there. And you get a pick. So what I started finding out, cause I know nothing about dental. What I started finding out was that people, instead of getting work done, we're just having
Starting point is 00:39:25 their teeth pulled out because that was the cheapest option, but they had so much pain. They couldn't give you two grand, but they'd be like, fuck, just take it out. So we started going to these people and we were like, dude, Hey dude, your work six grand, 15 months. That's 300 bucks a month. You can do that. Yes, I can. Done. Sign up. Done. And over the first six months, it just kind of blew up. And my dentist was like, dude, I've never seen this many people walk through my door in my life. And I'm talking to you about a dentist who even to this day is probably one of the best dentists in Utah. So I did that. I started it. And then that's obviously about the time when, when I met with these guys and we started doing diesel brothers. Well, my ex-wife, my wife at the time, had just had our first kid.
Starting point is 00:40:07 She's like, I want a breast augmentation. I'm like, well, I can't complain about that. Let's do it. So we went into a plastic surgery clinic, went in there. They told me, you know, the prices. And I'm like, whatever, this is stupid. And so I left and I called the doctor and I'm like, hey, man, I want to start a plastic surgery clinic and I want you to be my doctor.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I will make you more money than you've ever made. He's like, yeah, I make one point two million dollars a year. I'm like, OK, cool, man. I'll meet with you on Monday. I don't fucking care. We went back and he had already done my wife's breast augmentation. I sat down with him. I'm like, bro, like how many kids, girls are you
Starting point is 00:40:46 missing out on that don't have good credit, can't get a credit card. Mom and dad won't pay for breast augmentation. He's like, oh, every day, all day long. I service 10%. I said, well, what if we do this idea where over 15 months they pay for breast augmentation? He's like, I don't know, man, I don't think it'll work. And I said, what's your upfront cost? You know? Oh, it's a thousand dollars. Okay, cool. Thousand dollars down three 99 a month. We'll get them signed up in a contract, breast augmentations, and we'll turn them and burn them. Right. He was like, I don't think it's going to work, you know, so on and so forth. Well, we opened and I think one of our first, first month or two, we did 65 breast augmentations at seven grand a pop. That's a shitload, right? Yeah. So anyways, that all of those things were going on when we started
Starting point is 00:41:34 diesel brothers. And then I essentially, we got so booked out with filming. I mean, even now, dude, I film Monday through Friday all day. And I started all of those things. And my partners in those things were like, dude, I need more time. I need more time. I need more time. And I just got to the point I was like, I don't have enough time to give you. So buy me out. So essentially, I got bought out of those companies, focused a lot on Diesel Brothers,
Starting point is 00:42:01 and then started a few other companies which obviously now i run but like that's kind of how my whole all the way up to where i'm 30 you know now so long story how did you have that mindset to do some of these things like a lot of people are really scared and nervous to like try you know people are scared and nervous just to try something new that could be small like going on a 10-minute walk or something? Yeah. Like is that from family or something? No, I got to a place in my life where I was ridden with anxiety all the time. And anxiety comes from fear, right?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Like fear of the future or fear of something. And I literally, dude, I got to a place I think when I was about 28. I remember, too, because I was like, I'm fucking done with being afraid of everything. And I was about 28 when I I remember too because I was like I'm fucking done with being afraid of everything and I was dude I was afraid of everything like dude my kids would get sick and I'd be like holy shit they're gonna die this is it this is fucking over you know or someone would come to me with a business opportunity like not stupid I'll never have enough money like I got to a place at 28 where I literally was like, fuck fear. I'm just going to go to work. How are you afraid?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Because like you already did so much up until that point. Like it seems like that's what feels like you're fearless. I mean, dude, and you guys know this because you're in the gym. You see people with body dysmorphia. Right. And there you're like, wait, you're you're upset that you're 7 percent body fat instead of four. And they're like, oh, yeah, I'm super fat right now. Yeah. And it doesn't make any sense but to me it made sense like i was always fucking afraid of
Starting point is 00:43:32 everything man i was nervous that the worst case scenario was going to happen and i literally i think i was right right about 28 i literally was like fuck fear man i'm going where i don't give a fuck but some of that fear is definitely something that drove you to to like be organized to get up off your ass the anxiety yeah for sure like for some people cripples them for some people leaves them on the couch you know so for you it was something it was a driving force and that's the thing like when i talk with people now you know like we get the chance to do a lot of motivational stuff and podcasts like my thing with people now i could give you a million pieces of, of advice, but my advice is to stop making fucking decisions based on fear. If you're making decisions based
Starting point is 00:44:11 on fear, it's the wrong decision. I promise every time I don't, you could tell me any story you want. If it's based around fear, why you're not or are doing something, it's the wrong fucking decision. And that's, that's how I've led everything I do now. Yeah. So I feel like I don't want to go too deep on this, but I'm still so curious because like you managed to build all these businesses and you didn't go to business school or anything. Who around you, like, was it just, you had an idea, you went for it or did anybody in your life, were they building businesses? And you're like, I can do that type of shit? Was there like a mentor or something like that?
Starting point is 00:44:49 No. And I always strongly advise people to have some kind of help, but I didn't. To this day, I've never actually borrowed money from anyone except to buy my houses. I've never had an investor. I've never had someone come out and help me with money. So it was kind of like, if I can do this with the money in my pocket and I never had money, I mean, like I keep going, reverting back to when I was a missionary, but dude, when you go on a mission for two years, your parents help pay for you to go and like be a minister for two years.
Starting point is 00:45:18 When I got back, I had $6 in my account. I mean, I remember my, I was like, Hey mom, I'm going to need some money to even keep this account open. I had nothing. And when my dad died, all of that money went into all of the bills of health problems for seven years. So none of us really got any money from my dad. So literally, I started from nothing and I didn't have the ability to find money.
Starting point is 00:45:43 So I had to do everything without it. And I think the, the, the idea of like, worry about every fucking thing, every scenario gets you to a place where you can go, oh fuck, I can do that because I've thought the worst case of on, on all of these and I can fucking do it, you know? But no, dude, I never, I don't have anybody.
Starting point is 00:46:03 And I didn't then that had started companies like my dad, bless his heart. He was successful. He probably made a quarter million dollars a year. Like he was successful. He was the CEO of a big government contracting firm. He used to pound into my head. You need to go to school. You need to get a nine to five. You need to, you know, blah, blah, blah. If you want to be successful, if you want to have a retirement, need to, you know, blah, blah, blah. If you want to be successful, if you want to have a retirement, yada, yada. My dad died at 47. His company that he was CEO of kicked him out after he got too sick. And you know what all of us saw? And when I say us, I have four other siblings. I'm the oldest boy of four boys and one girl. Every single one of us are the same. Not one of us work a nine to five
Starting point is 00:46:40 because we listened to my dad tell us the safe route. And then we watched him die at 47 and go, fuck, that wasn't safe. Yeah. And so we're like, fuck this, dude, we're going to five because we listened to my dad tell us the safe route and then we watched him die at 47 and go fuck that wasn't safe yeah and so we're like fuck this dude we're gonna do whatever we want to do and that's i think where my personality comes from and the idea of having like an entrepreneur mindset of like no i'm gonna do whatever the fuck i want to do and i'm gonna build whatever i want to build i'm not working for anybody i just don't want to do it you know because i watched that with my dad yeah Yeah. And there really is no job security. You know, I think people used to, they used to go to college and then from college they would start a job and they would be with that company for a really long time. And then they would have like a retirement plan and that's the way things used to be. But they don't really work
Starting point is 00:47:21 that way anymore. People don't even have the ability to really retire anymore. People have to continue working. A hundred percent. The thing that I always tell people, like, look, if I'm 17 again, I'm going to work for a company. And by the time you finish school and a hundred thousand in debt, I'm going to be the manager and I'm going to be making 75 grand a year. It's a fucking better choice. I'm not a huge fan of school.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Now, with that said, i also am the person that says you need to qualify yourself before you become something if i want to be a pro wrestler then i don't fucking need school i need to go practice being a pro wrestler if i want to be a doctor i gotta go to school to be the best doctor a skill set yes so it's not that i'm anti-school I'm anti 99% of people going for no fucking reason other than just going to school. Because mom and dad said so. Exactly. Which is what we see. What about like tinkering with shit, you know, like messing around with cars all the time and the fascination of like, I wonder if I did this, I can make it more powerful or faster. This would be a cool improvement. Do you think that plays into a lot of this business stuff?
Starting point is 00:48:24 You know, this is what's crazy, and I don't think I've ever said this on the air or in front of people, but I'm not really that mechanically inclined. Like I am, but I'm not in a garage with a fucking truck wrenching. I'm not. I oversee the whole project. I make the calls on all the projects. I know the ins and outs of everything of that truck and all of those things,
Starting point is 00:48:44 but I'm not the person that's in there with the wrenches. He works for me. He works for me. But when I was younger, I had the thought of I want this to be cooler and I want to do something with it, and I don't mind taking it apart, but I wasn't necessarily the guy like my brother. Dude, he used everything we'd get, lawnmowers, motor. Shit would be apart in our garages.
Starting point is 00:49:04 And even now, he's not a mechanic, but, you know, he does stuff with trucks. But like, I don't know if it was necessarily that play of like taking things apart or just wanting something to work for what my imagination was telling me that I wanted. And I think that's where I am now. I'm like, dude, my imagination tells me I just want to fucking be happy and have some money. So what do we got to do to get there it's very reminiscent of like Steve Jobs where he like he wasn't he wasn't like
Starting point is 00:49:30 the technical guy but he knew kind of what he wanted things to look like and he had everybody do the technical stuff but he's like it make it look like this yeah no he had the big ideas for sure sounds like that and if you guys watch the show I'm like the parts guy on the show that's what they call me is the parts guy because I get all the parts and everything, which is actually true. Like when we first started the way to pay for something, like if I come to you and I give away a truck that's $100,000, I would really like to have that truck be as cheap as possible. So we started going to companies and saying, hey, we will advertise your products on our trucks that we give away and people will use your products. But you got to give us your products for free. So I started working deals like that.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So all of a sudden we would build a hundred thousand dollar truck and it would only cost us the truck rather than the 50, 60, 70 thousand dollars worth of parts. And that's kind of where a lot of it came in. It was willing and dealing. It was trades. It was how do I hustle to get this $8,000 transmission that we don't have cash to pay for, but make them happy enough to give it to us, you know, which essentially is my role on the, on the show too. So, so this explains why you have a hard time sleeping because your mind sounds like it's, it's racing all the time. You have a lot of other ideas and stuff. What's something that you haven't gotten to yet that you maybe want to do?
Starting point is 00:50:49 So one thing that I really, really want to do, and this will – I might get in trouble for this, but I'm going to do it anyways. I'm going to be doing a spinoff. We haven't decided the name, but Discovery Channel essentially has come to me just like they did before, and they said, we love you as a person, and we love what you do. We want a show specifically around you. Okay, you came here to ask me to be on the show. I told them Mark, and they were like, I don't know, that guy's crazy, but maybe. I can go on the show.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I can fast. I can drink coffee. Yeah, and that's actually what most mechanics do anyways. They just drink Mountain Dew and smoke cigarettes and fast, you know. But like, so they came and they asked, like, what do you want to do? What does it look like? And I essentially said, I don't care what we do as long as it's based around giving back. And I think every person, I think every person gets to a place in their life when they feel like they have succeeded enough that they can look outside of themselves. And it may be money. It may be time. It may, I don't know what it is. A lot of times people just call it retirement, right? But
Starting point is 00:51:57 I want to give back. So my next thing isn't about making money. It's not about becoming famous, not by any of those things. I want to be able to give back to more people somehow. And so that's what I told Discovery I wanted my show about. You know, they said, oh, the charity thing doesn't really work good on the air. And I said, I don't fucking care. That's what I want to do. So if I'm going to do something for the show, it's going to be based around finding people across the nation that have a need that I can fill and make something cool. You know, when you were at SEMA, I debuted a truck
Starting point is 00:52:30 for a guy who was a paraplegic. I built him a huge truck that the doors flipped open like a Lamborghini, the chair hydraulic out and all the way to the ground so that he could get in from his wheelchair, pick him back up, put him in the truck and he could drive off. Now, unbelievable. Like it was one of the most cool experiences I've had pertaining to a build. And I thought, dude, this is the shit that I want to do if I'm going to do a show, because I don't want people to watch me just for funsies, just because it's this big, dumb fucking idiot running around doing stupid shit. I want there to be a purpose. I can still be the dumb idiot, but be the dumb idiot that's giving back to people and
Starting point is 00:53:14 helping people actually change their lives. So that's my that's my where my brain is now. That's cool. You found something that makes that makes you feel the best. Like you've organized in your head. Like, I kind of like you've organized in your head like i kind of like doing this i kind of like doing this but i fucking love doing this that's the picture of when i gave him the truck that's cool and he just he had seen it for the first time that
Starting point is 00:53:33 was the debut he and dude we both cried because it was so emotional he he was uh he was a full-on nine-to-fiver in in mines in virginia and a mine collapsed on him crushed him two two years ago and they told him you're never going to be able to move from the neck down and he has since obviously been able to work a little bit of his hands so he sent me his truck his wife sent me she's like hey i i don't know how to get him up but everything's been taken away from him and i want him to be able to find happiness again and i want you to build a truck. This is his dream, and I'm like, fucking send the trunk out. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So we built it, did the whole thing. There's one other one. Scroll down a little bit, and you'll see right there on the middle of that one. There you go. You see, if you look at the door flips up, the chair folds out. So my understanding is correctly, he already had a truck. He did have a truck. And then you guys made it fucking crazy. Unreal for him to that's and it's huge it's a big truck that he can get
Starting point is 00:54:29 in and out now from a wheelchair just because of that man that's brutal he had a truck that he loved and then all that shit was taken away from him he couldn't get back in the car right and you know like coming from somebody like me who watched my dad slowly die the worst thing for my dad was when his license got taken away he i remember he used to tell me he's like i don't care to live anymore because it was almost like his freedom was taken yeah and that's all i could keep thinking about for this guy his name's john as i'm like dude like it's one thing to be kicked in the fucking head but like give give me something and if i can't drive, then why am I still here? And I'm sure that's how he feels. So guess what? Now he gets to have the coolest truck in West Virginia and he gets to drive it around and do whatever he wants in it. anyone either become successful, find happiness, do better, progress, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:55:31 That's it. I don't give a shit. I don't need to make any more money. I don't need any more fame. I don't fucking care if you follow me on social media or you see me on TV. I don't care about any of that stuff. The second I meet someone, the first thing I'm thinking is how can I, in what I do, bless this person's life or help them become something better? I do bless this person's life or help them become something better. And, and honestly, Mark, my life has been, it's great. I'm fucking happy all the time. What caused that shift? Like from what you were doing to giving or having that feeling of always wanting to give back?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Um, I, I think it was when I, I think when I humbly sat down and was like, I don't really need anything. Okay. I want a lot of things. Like I, I want to look at a yacht out here actually while I was down and was like, I don't really need anything. Okay. I want a lot of things. I want to look at a yacht out here actually while I was here, but I don't need anything anymore. Dude, if it all went to shit and I never worked again, I'd be okay. I don't have enough money to be like, oh, hey, man, I got 10 houses for the rest of
Starting point is 00:56:19 my life. But if all went to shit, I don't need anything anymore. Well, and the things you need just change. You need some good relationships. You need good health. You need to have fun. But like you don't need like financial gain. You don't need financial freedom.
Starting point is 00:56:34 You need to worry about bills. And that's a huge, that really lifts a lot of weight off your shoulders. And it gets you to where you can actually start thinking. Yeah, you can't think. You're under it. People aren't fucking thinking when you're under it, dude. Yeah, you can't. You can't.
Starting point is 00:56:47 You know? Yeah. So, yeah, I don't know when that shift was. Do you still help people with fitness? I do. I actually do. So I have. It seems like a big passion for you.
Starting point is 00:56:57 One of my other companies that I own and I started. So you guys know I'm good friends with Rob and Dana Bailey. In fact, I'm best friends with them. Dude, you were Rob Bailey better than Rob Bailey. I was. So you guys know I'm good friends with Rob and Dana Bailey. In fact, I'm best friends with them. Dude, you were Rob Bailey better than Rob Bailey. I was. I killed it. I don't want to throw Rob under the bus. Listen, if anybody's listening and they don't know what we're talking about, go to my Instagram
Starting point is 00:57:15 and look at, I killed it. I looked exactly like Rob. So I didn't tell Rob because they all came out to my house, Brooke Antz, Rob, Julian, and I didn't tell any of them. And then I rolled out, let's see, go scroll back up. Yeah. It's not too long ago. Yeah. It was just, it's right there on the, yeah, right there. I'm Rob Bailey in the middle. I even got the hand. I he's even posing in his Wolverine outfit. Like the way I'm posing. Look at, I mean, zoom up on that face, man. Dude, I shaved my beard and Discovery Channel was pissed.
Starting point is 00:57:50 And I'm like, nah, I had to do it. You know, I put a man bun on. Oh, my God. Yeah, dude. That's Rod Bailey right there. Hell yeah, dude. And the longer the night went on, the better I got. Was that the four degree Halloween party? Yes, that was freezing at my house.
Starting point is 00:58:03 It was unreal. Oh, man. Yeah yeah it was fun so do you do like and you own that fitness business do you like still i guess do you help people out in any way like directly yes 100 so so i started my friendship with rob and dan we've only been friends for like a year and a half but we just became like so good friends because like I don't have relationships anymore with people that I don't fucking love and adore. I just don't, dude. If we're friends, we're fucking family. There's nothing in between anymore. I don't do acquaintances.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I don't do any of that shit. I just don't, dude. If we're friends, there's nothing I won't do for you. And you can ask any friend that you know. I mean, you could call Annie Frazella. Call Annie and say, hey, do you think Keaton would do it? Guarantee he'd be like, yeah, he will. Because those people that know me, I will do that for them.
Starting point is 00:58:52 But essentially, like, I met with them, and I was like, dude, this is kind of cool, the Dana Lynn Bailey, you know? I'm like, fuck, this is a great thing. TLB. Yeah. So I was like, I don't think people really want to fucking look like me, but I'll try it, you know? And surprisingly, dude, I have a whole demographic of redneck truckers, crazy guys that are so far removed. You can get so many people in your industry and
Starting point is 00:59:18 from Dana's industry that are like, dude, I fucking love the way you look. You're six, three, 300 pounds. You look great. How do you do it? You're 300? Yeah. Yeah, 290, 300. I'm between 290, 305. I don't know where I am today. When I fly, I always retain water.
Starting point is 00:59:31 But so I literally, I started my own website. It was called And all I did was I took my routine, put it down, and then had my buddy, who's one of my really good friends, who we've always kind of been training partners. And he's probably one of the smartest trainers I've ever met. And I was like, dude, listen, I want you to help me write a new routine every day. And then I want you to come help me film myself working out so people know what the fuck we're doing. Cause we're not talking about people that probably you deal with that are like, Hey Mark,
Starting point is 01:00:06 I've been in the gym for 10 years. How do I get strong? How do I get to that four or five bench? I benched 375. Exactly. And my demographic is, Hey man, I'm 400 pounds.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I've never been to a gym and I want to, I want to make some lifestyle changes. So that's what that is. And essentially I should, I think, I think I started four months ago and i i charge nine bucks a month you have access to everything and then i we do like a i think it's like 199 we do a one-on-one stuff and that's where me and my my other buddy kind of collaborates i'm
Starting point is 01:00:38 like i know what to do to help him but i'm not going to sit and write this shit so he'll do it with me um we started that three or four months ago, dude. I'm already drafting, I think, $10,000 a month of people that are just like, hey, man, we just want to follow your shit. Right. You know, and it's dude, it has been so fucking cool. I get messages every day now. In fact, I got one when I was flying here. Young kid.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I think he's 19. He was like, hey, man, two months ago, you put up post that said you will pay anyone $1,000 to lose 100 pounds. And I did that post. I don't even know what I was thinking. I was like, maybe this will help incentivize people. And everybody was like, well, who are you going to pay? And I'm like, I will fucking pay every person in the world that loses 100 pounds. All you have to do, come and do my workouts on my website.
Starting point is 01:01:26 That's it. You don't have to do anything else. So I start getting the message. But I get this message from this 18-year-old kid. He's like, I was 405 pounds when you posted that. I'm 336. He's like, I'm going to come get that 1,000 in person. I said, fucking come get it, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:42 When you hit that 100 mark, you come. I'll give it to you in person. So, dude. When you hit that hundred mark, you come, I'll give it to you in person. So yeah, like I get this opportunity now to help people make change, like real changes, you know, and at the end of the day, people are like, well, it's a marketing play. Well, I'm not making any money on $9 a month. If it takes you a year to lose a hundred pounds, I'm paying out of my own pocket. But if I can incentivize enough people to make changes, even if it's not 100 pounds. Like, I'm fucking winning. Right. You know?
Starting point is 01:02:06 So fitness, always been a big thing. Always been something that I love. I work out all the time, do that thing. But essentially, like, I just, I'm at that place now where I'm like, dude, if you want the experts, fuck, go to Mark. But if you want to start somewhere and you want to make some changes that you can't do on your own and you don't know where the fuck to even begin. Come. Let's go, dude. It's an easy.
Starting point is 01:02:28 It's an easy sell to like at a show. And someone's like, man, I just don't I don't know what to do. I mean, you can still give him some advice, but you can say, dude, just go. Just go here. Go to my website. All you got to do. Nine bucks a month. You can follow.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Yeah. Because they're going to be like, well, what do you do? You got big arms and this and that. Right. Like, just go there. And it's simple. And dude, I get I always ask for feedback from people. I'm like, hey like just go there and it's simple and dude i get i always ask for feedback from people i'm like hey do you feel like it's too expensive do you feel
Starting point is 01:02:49 like it wasn't understandable and pretty much the feedback is dude i love it it's easy it's simple the workouts aren't easy but like i lay out a diet there and i do two i do a bulking and a leaning so people can choose because of course i get kids they're like dude you're 300 pounds how do i get there and i'm like well here's the bulking you know that was pretty easy for me yeah that's the easy part mine's the leaning part you know so i i do that and dude i i i don't think there's anything i enjoy more than helping people change their physiology because i think if you want to change your mind you got to change your right? And if you can really change someone's physiology and change their mind, you can change the world.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And I think change is really scary for people, but really all it is is progress. You're making small amounts of progress in a bunch of different areas. And something I think is really cool from somebody like yourself is the fact that you just had something that you were like really into from the time you were really young and you kept that. And it's a good message
Starting point is 01:03:50 for parents, like parents. And I know you're, you're a dad as well. Parents need to really try to have their children try a bunch of different stuff. And when I say try, I mean, force, you do have to force them sometimes. Hey, you gotta, you know, you gotta go to gymnastics or you gotta go to dance class or whatever the hell it is that you're going to. You do have to force them sometimes. Hey, you got to, you know, you got to go to gymnastics or you got to go to dance class or whatever the hell it is that you're going to. They're going to be like, I don't, I don't want to go. I don't, you know, you got to kind of force them because they don't really know they're young.
Starting point is 01:04:14 They're little kids, you know, but you got to have them try a bunch of different stuff. The thing is, I love that you said that there's two pieces to that. Force your kids to do shit and then support them when they make the decision that they don't want to do something right and then of course if they do want to do it you support them even more i'm the same as you dude i tell my daughter she's eight she goes this is not a joke she goes she has karate every other day dance every other day singing every other day and then on saturday she does horseback riding with me wow and and then i've seen some of the pictures with uh you guys on the horse and stuff pretty awesome
Starting point is 01:04:50 it's the best but you know what she does now she comes and goes dad i don't like that i don't want to do it anymore okay great done tell them we're done and then now she's like i love horseback riding i love you know gymnastics i hate soccer but it is it's exactly what you said like fucking force them to do shit and then let them choose my son played baseball for about three years and then one day we were on our way to practice and he's like i don't really like baseball and i was like oh okay you you really don't like like you don't want to go anymore like you want to you know and know? And he was like, yeah, I said, well,
Starting point is 01:05:25 there's only a couple of games left and you are on a team. And so let's finish out the season since you agreed to be on this team. I was like, you're good with that. He's like, sure. And that was that never met. I never forced him to play.
Starting point is 01:05:36 That's the best parenting in the whole world. I think that's fucking great. I really do. Like there's too many people now that are either forcing their kids to do things they don't love, which is in turn teaching them to hate that thing. Or there's also those parents that are like, I don't even know what the politically correct, very liberal. They're just like, oh, you don't want to fucking do anything. OK, well, let's just sit and do nothing here. Nurfing tablet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Nurfing the world. Right. Oh, yeah. Bubble wrap everything're nerfing the world right oh yeah bubble wrap everything nerfing the world how do you make time uh because it must be difficult you know how do you make time for your for my family for your daughter um it's gotta be tough with all the filming i i don't i'm not the person that believes in in uh, uh, in like a, like there's not enough time. Right. You know, like some days I'll wake up at six and go to bed at 10 and I won't stop doing things until I close my eyes.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Right. You know, like, you know, people come and say, Oh man, I'm really busy. I had a 50 hour work week and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:06:43 the fuck is that? Like I'm up, I'm'm working i'm doing everything and the cool thing for me so kind of like everything gets done every day all the time there's no such thing as a schedule i couldn't tell you what day it is because that doesn't fucking change my schedule right like i i don't know what sunday is other than i go to church on sunday i don't know what that means or saturday and be like oh man i'm so glad it's the weekend i'm like oh, ah, fuck. I thought it was Tuesday. I, you know, I had no idea. I don't have that like, okay, man, I've really put in a quality effort. Like I go and go and go. And if I can, I'll go and I'll bring my daughters with me. I'll be like, hey,
Starting point is 01:07:20 let's go. You know, sometimes I bring them to film. They love it. They love filming. But, you know. I like that right there. I think that's a really good tip for a lot of people is just being inclusive. You know, just, all right, well, I have a lot of shit to do. Well, you're coming with me. Yeah. Wherever you can. Dude, I would have killed when I was younger to have more time with my dad.
Starting point is 01:07:37 My dad was a hardcore nine to fiver, right? And then when he got sick, it was like five o'clock rolled around. You know where he was? He was taking a nap or he was sleeping or he was sitting in his chair because he was sick right i would have killed to go to work with my dad and just hung out with him hey this isn't bring your kid to work day this is my fucking life and i want you to be a part of it i've talked about this before i think everyone's always thinking about like some fancy cool thing to do with your kid but your kid just wants to fucking hang out with you especially when they're really young you know as they get a little older
Starting point is 01:08:04 you might have to you know think think of some bells and whistles. Dude, and the thing for you too, like your kids look at you like you are Superman. They really do. Like you roll into that gym and you lift weights. Your kids stare at you like this is Superman. My dad's Superman. And how cool is it that you take the time to say, hey, this isn't, it's not like, hey, let's hang out. It's like, no, you're a part of my life.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Come and be a part of my life. And then how great is it that the people that admire you the most, you're just letting come and be with you, you know? Because my daughters do. They love me. They think I'm the greatest thing in the whole world. So anytime I can do anything and have those eyes stare at me like, oh, he's the greatest thing ever. It's the best, dude. Yeah, because you're the center of attention when you're filming and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:08:49 So they're like, that's my dad. This is awesome. This is really cool. They love it. Anytime we go out. Now my daughters think it's the weirdest thing that people want to take. They must get spoiled, too, if they're on the set of your show. Oh, they do.
Starting point is 01:09:00 My producer's like, all right, well, you guys want candy? Like we have a whole. Ice cream. Everything, dude. They sit there with their little iPads because the iPads are the screens, you know, and they're like, all right, you watch dad. Here's your candy. And what do you want?
Starting point is 01:09:11 You know, they get spoiled. It's awesome. They love it. Has there ever been a time that you had a problem balancing all of this? Like all the work you're doing with your family? Has it ever been a problem? Yeah. I mean, there's a million reasons why somebody gets divorced, but essentially I was a workaholic from the time I was 21 to 28 and I didn't spend time with my wife and I didn't give a ton of time to parenting because in my mind I was like, well, you're a stay at home mom to like take care of that shit, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:45 So when I got divorced, even my own mom was like, oh, fuck. How are you going to deal with two daughters by yourself? Like, dude, you can't even do your own laundry. You know, like they were. And and I just took it upon myself. I was like, all right, I'm going to fucking show you. And and I did do day one. Like I I made time. I did whatever I had to do to be that person that they didn't think that I was going to be able to be because I'm so busy. I'm, you know, all of those like fears of, well, yeah, he's a good dad, but he's busy 24 seven, you know.
Starting point is 01:10:18 So it was almost like a fuck you to everybody that was, oh, you'll never be able to be a good single dad. And that's one of the reasons I make a huge point in everything I do now. Like if you're a dad and you're telling me you're too busy for your kids, I'm the last fucking person. You know what I'm saying? So I'm going to talk to people that way. Like, don't tell me you're too busy. I don't care what you do. You're not too busy to be a good dad. If you're a dad with a wife you should be fucking unreal because being a single dad is hard as shit i mean it is i'm lucky because i have a i have a an assistant who kind of does she helps me with everything if i didn't have her dude i can't
Starting point is 01:10:56 even imagine how much harder it would be so if you're married and you got a wife and you got people helping you like you should be a fucking unreal that you should you know and i push that in everything all over my social media it's even on the show we've done almost every episode is is either diesel dave myself or heavy d with our kids because we push that yeah you know it's important yeah you mentioned that your anxiety like you were noticing it when you were 28 and then it like i don't know what you did i don't know do you still have anxiety or is it gone i have it i just i have learned to walk through the process of it yeah i mean dude i would love to tell everybody i'm not insecure and i don't get down and i don't have anxiety and i don't get frustrated and I don't, I would love to pretend
Starting point is 01:11:45 that those are things, but they're not like I have just as bad of anxiety as I did before. I get just as angry as I did before, but the process in which I deal with it is different. I've learned to work through things. If you're somebody listening, even on this podcast and you think, well, fuck man, I'm dealing with all that shit. How do you get rid of it? You don't get rid of it. And I'm going to tell you right now, if you want to be unsuccessful, find drugs to mask it or learn how to deal with it. I don't listen.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I'm not anti-drug by any means. But what I am is when you hide from problems rather than dealing with them and processing through them. Dude, I feel it every day. It's what gets me out of bed. I'm like, fuck, I got to do so much shit today. I've got so many things. But when I start to get really like bad, I stop in my brain and I go, all right, let's work through this shit. Why do you feel this way? Why is this happening? What do you have control over? can you do fucking do it and then sit back and deal with the fact that you don't have control over anything else and i walk through that process same thing when i get angry like we went we just went to lake powell uh all
Starting point is 01:13:00 of us uh rob and dana Brooke came. And I just. That's where they're on that thing where they fucking shot up in the air or whatever, right? Yeah, that's like my favorite toy. What the hell is that thing? It's called a flyboard. So if you go to my Facebook or my Instagram. Yeah, it's like Brooke and Dana Lynn shooting themselves into space from the lake. So it's on a WaveRunner.
Starting point is 01:13:18 So scroll down. So it's right there. Yeah, that one. So it's connected to my WaveRunner. And yes, I'm 300 pounds and it'll put me 30 feet in the air. What's a WaveRunner? Like a jet ski? Yeah, just that.
Starting point is 01:13:30 A jet ski. Whatever. And what the fuck is this thing called again? So this is called the Flyboard. So that tube that you see behind me, that's connected to the WaveRunner. And the WaveRunner is actually powering it. It's just shooting the jet through the tube down your feet. You have way too much fun, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Oh, yeah. I have 100%. That's awesome. Dude, it is so fun. So actually, Brooke and Dana got on this together. It's on her Instagram. And, dude, this toy is definitely one of the most fun things I've ever done. Do you feel like you're going to fall the entire time?
Starting point is 01:14:00 No, you really don't. It's not that bad. It's like standing up. Yeah. It's awesome. That thing's dope. And, dude, I mean, like right not that bad. It's like standing up. Yeah. It's awesome. That thing's dope. Oh, dude. And dude, I mean, like right there, I'm 20 feet in the air.
Starting point is 01:14:10 It's unreal. And that's my buddy Haloti that's driving it. And he's 365. The football player. Yeah. And it'll put him 20 feet in the air. Dude. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Is he retired? Yeah. He just retired this last year. He played 15 years in the NFL. Holy shit. Was one of the best defensive linemen in the NFL. Him and I actually met, shit, dude, we only met like maybe two years ago, maybe not even that.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Part of some of those really amazing Ravens defenses. Yes, yes. And I actually went to one of those games. It was actually really cool. But this is actually a funny story. So he's 360 pounds. He's 6'5". He's huge, man.
Starting point is 01:14:53 He dwarfs people. And him and I first did this together out in North Carolina. And the kid running this thing was like, oh, there's no way this big guy's going to get up. He plays in the NFL, dude. He has control over his body better than 99% of people. I get out there, and it took me probably like two tries, and I get up, and I'm like, oh, yeah, I got this. He rolls out there like he's an angel out of the water at 380 pounds, whatever, and
Starting point is 01:15:20 the guy's like, holy shit, have you done this before? He's like, no. He's like, how do you? He before he's like no he's like how do you he's like i just know how to control my body yeah have you ever uh you ever lifted with him yeah he uh he's just a mutant right yes he has just that crazy strength and you'll never ever see him in the gym lifting heavy weight ever right but what's so crazy like it's just there yeah we go to the gym all the time like him and i randomly go to the gym so he moved back now that he's retired he moved back to just right outside salt lake we go to the gym and he likes to like walk and wander around and talk to people but like i watched his
Starting point is 01:15:54 last game that he played he manhandled guys like they were children so he has that kind of strength and then he's in the gym curling 30 pound dumbbell dumbbells, right? He's the guy in the gym that's like, hey, man, we would do a 225 bench. He's like, I just want abs, bro. Oh, dude. And he's doing sit-ups, cardio. It's too hard. I don't want to do it anymore. But you got to think, like, his whole life has been performance until he's 34 now.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Yeah, he's 34. He's young. Yeah, he's young. And he got out with no injury, you know, which is great. That doesn't make any sense. It's crazy. And now he's like, I he got out with no injury, which is great. That doesn't make any sense. It's crazy. Now he's like, I don't really want to work out. I'll just do it so my wife doesn't get mad at me.
Starting point is 01:16:30 But he's unbelievably strong, unbelievably strong. He's that guy at the gym that's like, let me get these 25-pound dumbbells and curl stuff. He's got that football strength. How many cars and trucks do you personally have? It's got that football strength. How many, like, cars and trucks do you personally have? I have, I've got my R8. I've got an old Ford F100.
Starting point is 01:16:55 R8 as an Audi R8? Yeah, Audi R8. My favorite. I love it. So I'm too big to be in a normal, like, supercar, but the Audis are big. Yeah. So I've got that F350 that I just built, the single cab. I have that Megaraptor, the white one that was at SEMA that I was actually supposed to come out here today and film and do some stuff. I have that right there. That's a Blazer. Wow. That's a 19,
Starting point is 01:17:22 shit, what year is that? I just finished building that most of the stuff at your house no it's kind of all over i have like a storage unit and then we have our our like company area is huge like where we build stuff um that actually that bronco right there oh shit that looks cool i sold that bronco to uh uh to no i oh cool in his wife uh we wrapped it in tiffany blue and i sold it to him so he shipped it back to hawaii yeah ton of ton of way read yep the rock stunt double yeah he's a stud um yeah i just have all kinds of vehicles i couldn't even what about uh boats and jet skis and you got a bunch of that stuff too i do i have I have, uh, Oh, that's what I was telling you. That's what I was trying to tell you about the Pavati boat. So where our whole conversation
Starting point is 01:18:09 was like keeping track of your anxiety or anger, whatever. So Pavati, and you'll see on one of my posts, Pavati makes a boat, a wakeboarding boat. That's $350,000. If you scroll down, I think it's, it's just right. Keep going right there. middle one. So that's a Pavati boat. I don't know if you can zoom in on that boat. Oh, wow. But it's the most expensive and nicest boat you can ever get. And it's like the end-all, be-all. $350,000 boat, brand new, and they're awesome boats.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Beautiful house, too, by the way. Thank you. So we went to Lake Powell with everybody, and they blew my boat up. Oh, shit. Yeah. So Brooke and some of her camera guys were on it, and they went back to the dock. We're gone for forever. And then they come rolling around the corner, and it's being towed by another boat.
Starting point is 01:19:01 And I was like, okay. You're like, Brooke, you're really hot. But Jesus Christ. Yeah, what do we do here? And you what i was like i'm in lake powell man i'm not gonna get upset i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let this emotion that i am feeling yeah fuck the rest of the shit up so i was like oh blew up shitty all right whatever and no joke rob and brooke were talking a little bit later and brooke's like how does he not and rob's like i don't know dude i've never seen how this guy just he just because rob's seen me do some shit where he's like dude i don't know how you don't fucking lose your mind i it's not that i
Starting point is 01:19:31 don't feel it it's that i just have learned to process through it and and it's always gonna be there if you can't fucking deal with it you're going to be unsuccessful in anything in your life oh imagine if you're letting it freak you out and you're building these trucks i mean you can't fucking deal with it you're going to be unsuccessful in anything in your life imagine if you're letting it freak you out and you're building these trucks i mean you can't you can't build shit you can't make stuff you can't make uh even if you're just creating content you can't make stuff and then not have patience oh yeah you know like you need you probably need some level of anxiety to make sure shit gets done the way you want to you know have it be done but then you also need to be like calm enough to just be like fucking parts didn't come in the truck's not getting built or this isn't happening the way we thought right the thing is like how is that any different
Starting point is 01:20:13 than what you tell people about their bodies all right when you're building your body like oh it just happens overnight you got fat overnight no you didn't like this shit takes patience and it takes frustration and all of those things the anxiety to get things going but a lot of frustration but you got to be able to fucking deal with that dude i mean how many times you have guys come to you be like mark i can't get past my pr i've been working for 12 hours oh fuck bro you got 12 months to get past your peer like you got to give it time right you know so like that's the, if there's nothing more to teach people that ask that question, it's don't make decisions based on your emotions and learn how to work through your emotions because everybody has them. There's no one on this earth that doesn't get
Starting point is 01:20:56 angry, that doesn't feel some kind of anxiety, that doesn't get frustrated, that doesn't get impatient. That's fine. Learn how to work work through it fucking deal with it and process through it and learn how to get through it and i think it's good too to to kind of have take a mindset of like failing fast you know a friend of mine uses that term a lot and i like it because it's like yeah just fucking go for it so what are you messed up not a big deal yeah you think about a little kid like throwing a ball or catching something or doing something they don't really they don't give a fuck or they or dancing like little kids will dance and go crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Right. Yeah. We'll do all kinds of stuff. They have no, they don't care what you think, what you think of them at that point. They're just going to let, let loose and they're going to fuck up until they get it right.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Right. So what's the difference for you as, as an adult? Like you want to do something, you need to fuck up to get it right. Stop being afraid to fail. It goes back to the whole thing we talked about. Stop being afraid and letting fear base your, like, I don't want to keep doing that. I'm too afraid to fail.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Well, that's stupid because you're going to get it. You just got to be willing to do what it takes to get it right. You know, which no one can do on their first time ever. So I don't know. I'm a big advocate for accepting people in their emotions. Just fucking learn how to deal with them and process through them and then make decisions based out of those emotions. Everybody has the best advice for their friend, right? Because their emotions aren't attached to that. And then you do it to them. They're like, I don't know. I can't.
Starting point is 01:22:21 It's the worst. I hear the best advice from people about relationships who are in the worst fucking relationship. And it's like, yeah, well, if you listen to yourself and took your own emotion out of yourself, you'd make great decisions, too. Yeah. You know, and that you want to be successful. Get the fuck out of your emotions and make decisions based off of here. You know, don't be angry and make a decision. Don't be sad. Don't't be upset don't be fucking crazy in love and happy and make a decision like think through things they sometimes they sleep on it yeah great advice that's great fucking go to bed you know you get a shitty email or text or something see how it see how it feels in the morning and i'm notorious for that like when i get pissed really pissed like my friends will be like hey hey, bro, just fucking give him two days.
Starting point is 01:23:06 It doesn't matter what it is. Fucking give him two days. And then two days, I won't even remember what the hell we were even like. And it's over. There's not even a thing that you can even. I don't know what we're mad at. I don't care. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I love you, dude. Whatever. Yeah. You know, you process it and stuff and you're like, well, whatever. It's not a big deal. It was stupid. Yeah. But in the in the heat of it, when you're angry, it was the stupidest thing to say this and do this and say, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:23:25 So don't don't make decisions based off your emotions and watch how your life changes. Crazy amounts. I was asking Andy for Sella. I was like, you know, I was like, sometimes I'm like, sometimes I feel like I, you know, text bomb the crap out of my employees. So I said I said I kind of stopped doing that now. of my employees so i said i said i kind of stopped doing that now i still will text bomb the crap out of them but um if anything is getting confused or if anything seems like it has emotion behind it then i stop and i try to call people or wait till i see them in person to communicate and it's been it's been awesome for me it's like changed everything and uh so i was telling he's like i can't do that oh he's like he's not he's like i feel like because i saw yeah. He's not. He's like, I feel like, because I saw him texting.
Starting point is 01:24:05 And I was like, I'm like, dude, are you smashing on somebody right now? Like, what are you doing? And he's like, yeah, man. He's like, get fired up. He does, too, dude. He fucking, I'm like, bro, you got to bring it down a notch. That's too much anger and emotion. Part of what makes him successful, too.
Starting point is 01:24:20 It is. It absolutely is. Because it's a driving force for him. When you're fucking angry, like, that drives you. Yeah. It is. It absolutely is because it's a driving force for them. When you're fucking angry, like that drives you. It does. But it's still even with that, like become a master of it. Right. You know, be the fucking master of your anger. You don't want to eat eating you up. You don't want it to negatively impact you. And obviously over time, that's going to hurt. Right. Yeah. Yeah. 100 percent. Yeah. Keaton, you ever do any speaking engagements? Cause like the chat room is loving everything you're saying to you. You're getting everybody fired up. That's good. I want to get people fired up. Yeah, I do. Um, so just recently within the last year, we started to get, uh, just random people asking us to come out to engagements and actually do
Starting point is 01:24:58 motivational speaking for them. Um, and I, I honestly, I think that's my next step because that's what I love to do. I just, I don't know if I believe yet in just doing an event and being like, oh, I fucking changed the world because I got these people riled up for 10 minutes, you know? And so I do it, but I'm in my mind, I'm thinking, how do I do it consistently to these people to get them to actually act? Because you might these even the fucking guys that are listening right now are like, oh, but tomorrow they're going to be like, fuck, who was that guy? He made me feel good. It's something about muscle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:54 So I'm trying to figure out how on a huge scale consistently I can reach people to say like, dude, I mean, right before I need constant contact the way that we have constant contact about your nutrition. Yeah. Yeah. Like, how do you do that on a massive? I need to keep picking on you. I need to like, dude, how's it going? How's it going? Which is which is always the best for those guys that are listening. The way that Mark and I actually became friends is he just out of the blue was like, I want to fucking help you, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:08 And I was like, oh, this is my dude right here. Yeah, I think you posted a picture and stuff. And you're like, oh, I'm back on that cut. I'm going to start losing weight. And I was like, all right, cool. I'll try to help this out. You did, too. You text me all the time.
Starting point is 01:26:19 You're like, hey, bro. And of course, I gave you every fucking excuse in the book. But you kept coming at me, dude. I never paid you. fucking excuse in the book, like a busy, but you kept coming at me, dude. I'm not, I never paid you. Right. You just fucking cared about me, dude. And that's my kind of people.
Starting point is 01:26:30 So I was like, dude, Mark's that, that guy's really shit. I'm, I'm in for that. But I don't know how you do that on a massive scale. It would be hard to be lumped in with a bunch of other motivational speakers and all that. Like those, those events are great. Like they, they can be great, but I totally understand. They're super, you know, we have a, we have something that we do in Vegas. It's called the heavy D Academy. That's actually where myself, Annie Frazella, um, Rob, uh, BJ Baldwin, um, and then heavy D and diesel Dave, we actually
Starting point is 01:26:59 do like a three day seminar and they're really cool. Yeah. And I think they do help a little bit, but man, I feel like the majority of even those people, they leave and they fall on their face. And it's almost like somebody needs to spend like four or five days with you. Yeah. And just like be like, just be with you with you.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Yeah. Just fucking be with you the whole time. It sounds like you need a podcast then. I, I, Oh, so I do have a podcast. You can tell him I do have, I just fuck for the, you guys listening. So I've never listened need a podcast then. Oh, so I do have a podcast. You can tell them I do have it.
Starting point is 01:27:25 I just, fuck, for you guys listening, so I've never listened to a podcast ever. And I started my own podcast like, I don't know, six months ago. And I've done five, four episodes. It's called Becoming. So everybody that is listening right now, it's called Becoming. We can give you this podcast. You can add it to yours. Oh, that'd be great. That'd be awesome. But is is i don't i don't have a lot of time
Starting point is 01:27:49 so like to do this shit has been really hard but you know i you do it by yourself no i have my brother the one that you met that you also sent stuff to so um we're not as fancy as this you know but we have you know microphone and shit but yeah it's right there so that's called i think what do i have four episodes three episodes five what's becoming what's that mean uh it's all about becoming better yeah everything in life is about becoming something right and you're either becoming worse or you're becoming better there is no such thing as buoyancy in life just plain and simple there's not if you feel like you're fucking there and you're buoyant you're fucking getting worse i promise so the
Starting point is 01:28:29 whole podcast people might be flying past you yeah exactly so i i started this podcast uh and i was like i just want people to become better like that's it and i think i don't even know my topics one of them is divorce that was was, like, my big one. I talked about divorce. And then, yeah, fear and cheering other people on, staying positive in a negative world. Oh, I do have four, right? Yeah. And changing yourself.
Starting point is 01:28:56 So they can go check those out. I think they're pretty good. But like I said, I don't, I've never really listened to one. I don't know what the context or con i don't even know what it looks like if they're successful i was talking to uh your guy oh shit the guy that picked me up from the airport uh probably steven smoky smoky yeah i was talking to him and he was like oh mark's his podcasts are awesome they have this many downloads and to me i'm like i don't know what that even look i don't even know what that means yeah it's exactly so my brother will call me and be like dude we did 10 000 downloads on this cast.
Starting point is 01:29:25 And I'm like, cool. I don't know what that means, man. I don't know. You know, and to him, it's great, but I don't know. So there's nothing wrong with that. Like if he told if I told Mark the same thing, he'd be like, cool. What does that mean? He doesn't care. I don't listen to podcasts either. I listen to a few of Joe Rogan's. That's about it. Yeah. So you're I think you're on the right track is what I'm trying to say. Bill Burr, he has a daily podcast. Who's that?
Starting point is 01:29:51 Bill Burr is a super funny comedian. Hilarious comedian. He's pretty aggressive too. The white bald guy who's mad at... He's always mad at something. He's the guy who has a joke about people that are really, really fit and really jacked in the gym. He's like, you won, dude. He's like, everyone recognizes you. Everybody knows that one because that's funny as shit. and really jacked in the gym. He's like, you won, dude. He's like, everyone knows that one.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Because that's funny as shit. Get out of the gym, man. You already got it. Go eat a goddamn cheeseburger or something. Fucking relax. Have some french fries. Honestly, though, his podcast is just him just riffing on the mic every single day about shit he's either mad about or something he's heard about. And honestly.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Is it successful? Super successful. He does really well. Yeah, and it's just him. It's literally just him like it's literally just him and that seems like you you're so knowledgeable that i think you'd kill that yeah i think that's something that i want to move towards and i do need to get more episodes up do you and your brother get together uh like in person yeah yeah so you guys saw my house that
Starting point is 01:30:40 we posted up um so i built a behind it i built a big deck up top where i put my hot tub and i'm putting a pool and stuff so we podcast from up there he takes all the shit up there and it's fucking awesome if nothing else it's really fun to watch because it's above the whole city of salt lake and everything but that's kind of what we do we sit down and just chit chat for an hour um i did one one of those i did with, uh, with one legged monster and Julian Smith and diesel Dave. And that was a really cool one. Um, but I haven't really had anybody else out cause I haven't even really spent a ton of time on it. Yeah. So, but I mean, I love it. Anytime I get information. What do you think the biggest thing is that you learned,
Starting point is 01:31:21 I love it. Anytime I get information. What do you think the biggest thing is that you learned from your divorce? Oh, man, I might get beat up for this. I know this one's going to be bad. I think that any person can be married to any person. I think if you are having problems in your marriage, most likely it's your fault. Probably 99% of the time it's your fault. I think that any marriage can be fixed by self-reflection.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Listen, I'm not going to say that you're arguing with yourself, but you essentially are. Like there's no reason to do half of the shit that you're doing. That's causing the problems in your marriage. Probably even more than half of them. My ex-wife, she's great. I love her even now. Like we have a great relationship. I bought her house. I take care of everything for her and not because the courts tell me to by any means I have 50, 50 custody. So I really don't have to do anything, But like the reality of marriage in and of itself is, hey, I love you and I'm committing to you that we're going to be together for the rest of our lives. Right. Well, that's when it's nice. Well, when it gets shitty, you didn't say that I was going to sign up and tell it got shitty and then I'm going to walk away. got shitty and then i'm gonna walk away you said i'm signing up and when it gets shitty i'm stepping the fuck up and you don't and then you end up going oh it's her fault or it's his fault and i'm fucking leaving and the vows are traditional so you just go with them like you don't even like
Starting point is 01:32:57 you should really make your own vows and you should really consider that and you should also sickness and health you should actually consider yeah what does that mean like if you're sick like maybe i'm gonna bounce because like maybe you're totally different like maybe it'd be gained 400 pounds i don't know yeah but but if you do that in the beginning maybe that would have fixed shit maybe it would help just to be more direct maybe at the altar you're like hey listen if you don't give me a shit if you don't give me blow jobs i'm fucking gone yeah i mean it sounds like put that right in the goddamn contract but why wouldn't you because at the end of the day, that fucking shit happens. It does.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Oh, well, she got fat, so I wanted out. Well, okay, well, if you would have told her that in the beginning, she probably said, fuck you, I don't want to do this. Right. She's like, I don't want to be with somebody like that. But that's what I feel like I've learned is if you can look at yourself and be real, which most people can't, I don't think there's anything that you cannot conquer with somebody. Now, with that said, I know that there are special circumstances
Starting point is 01:33:57 when you are with someone that is such a big piece of shit, man or woman, that you cannot reconcile. But if people really understood what that number was, there would be 1% of divorce instead of 50% of divorce. And if people would wake the fuck up, look in the mirror and say, what is wrong with me? What did, what am I doing? This, this marriage is ending because of me and stop worrying about them. Cause you have no fucking control over who that person is. I'll guarantee you divorce rate would drop drastically. Go back and listen to the episode with Charity Witt where she said something very similar and she was abused.
Starting point is 01:34:36 And so she had to reflect on herself on why this was happening. Not that she was doing anything wrong by any means. She certainly wasn't. But she had to reflect on herself to think like, why am I accepting of this? Like, this is ridiculous. I need to get out of here. So I did this. I, we kind of talked about this in my podcast, the divorce one. And I said, and this is why I said, if you're being abused and you're looking in to yourself, I guarantee you, you're going to figure it out very quickly. And you know what the answer is? Why am I allowing this?
Starting point is 01:35:07 Oh, I'm not done. I'm out. If you continually stay in a marriage that you're being abused, guess whose fault it is? It's yours. Once again, that goes back to exactly what we're talking about. Reflect. Stop looking at them and being like, oh, well, I'm so, our marriage didn't work because
Starting point is 01:35:23 this is, no, no, no, no, no. You're at where you're at, where you're being abused, man, well, I'm so I our marriage didn't work because this is no, no, no, no, no. You're at where you're at, where you're being abused, man or woman, because you've allowed it and accepted it. Now, once again, so that I don't get beat up somewhere when I leave, I'm not saying that there isn't a one percent of people that it's like, hey, I can't leave because he's going to kill me if I leave or she's going to slip my tire. You know, whatever it is. People are so terrified. Yes, there are those people.
Starting point is 01:35:48 But this podcast is not about reaching 1%. You're talking about masses. So I'm going to give you mass answers. In marriage, if you want it to be successful, it's on you. If you want to stop fucking fighting, it's on you. It's on you. And I think honestly, like if, if you, if you could put this, if you, uh, it's, it's Will Smith's quote. He says her happiness is not, it has nothing to do with me and my happiness has nothing to do with her. But if two people who are happy come together and want to be happy, great. Stop fucking having the spouse that you're in a marriage with be the person that makes you happy. Do you know how many times I've heard even in the last six months from somebody I'm not happy in my relationship? Well, you're a fucking bad person because you're not happy, not because of them. They are not in charge of your happiness.
Starting point is 01:36:39 They're not. And once again, it always rolls back to, oh, well, I guess I should look in the mirror and reflect on myself and decide whether I'm going to be happy. Period. End of story. Like, dude, it doesn't. And Mark, you know this. You're successful. Once again, I don't know your background. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:55 But like you've made a lot of money. You've met a lot of cool people. Does any of that really affect your happiness? No. Because to me, I'm fucking more stressed out today than I ever was when I didn't have any money. Yeah, it made things a lot harder. But I'm fucking happy because I choose to be happy. And when shit comes, which it's going to, I fucking deal with it.
Starting point is 01:37:15 And then I try to get right back to being happy. I'm single. One day I may be married. I don't know. But I will be happy as fuck no matter what happens. And my happiness is based on me and me only. And if people going through divorce, dealing with divorce, thinking about divorce will stop what the fuck they're doing and look at themselves and go, nope, nope,
Starting point is 01:37:36 nope, nope. This is on me. I need to find happiness. I think people feel their own happiness is somehow selfish. But if something someone's doing is making you unhappy, you need to communicate about it. Like if someone's messing around on their phone and you're like, who are you texting? Like, you know, like that, first of all, I mean, that's a, that's a horrible relationship to already like, just the conversation is already really ugly, you know? And the fact that you can't be like, oh, I'm texting in SEMA. Like, you know, like just checking out, see like what we're doing tomorrow or whatever. You know, the fact that you can't be like, oh, I'm texting in SEMA, like, you know, like just checking out, see like what we're doing tomorrow or whatever. You know, the fact that you can't be open or share something like something's going on.
Starting point is 01:38:10 And so you have to draw a line and start to figure out, like, what are these things that you want to tolerate or not tolerate? Well, and that's how you become happy, right? You personally is you decide where you draw that line in the sand. This is what makes me happy. And you say that just bothers me. Exactly. Maybe I'm crazy, but it just fucking bothers me. It bothers me.
Starting point is 01:38:29 I want to know where you are. Exactly. And I want to know what you're doing or whatever it is, right? And communicate. And communicate, hey, so-and-so, this is what makes me happy. This is my line. These are my standards, right? I want to know who you're talking to.
Starting point is 01:38:44 I want to know where you're at. I, you know, like communicate. That's not, it doesn't seem hard, but that becomes hard. But once again, it comes back to you yourself being happy and how the fuck can you be happy if you can't even draw the line in the sand to decide whether that's going to make you happy or not. And most people can't do that. And then also too, if you're looking inward and you can't be truthful, then you can't be happy.
Starting point is 01:39:07 Well, dude, and that's a podcast in and of itself, right? Like how do you really be truthful with someone? Well, if you can't be crazy bullshit life that you're like, dude, you're fucking going to the gym every day and you're fat. That's a problem. You know why that's a problem? Because you're not fucking being real with yourself. You need to be cardio. You need to do this. You need to eat this. You need, well, no, no, no, I'm good. I go to the gym every day. Yeah. But you've been going to the gym every day for six years and you're fucking gaining weight from fat. If you look in the mirror and go, you know what? I'm, I'm getting fatter from being eating like a piece of shit. You know what? I can change
Starting point is 01:39:54 because I'm being real with myself, but most people can't even do that. And so then of course you say, well, how the fuck are you going to be serious and, and, and real with someone in another relationship? Oh, you're not. And you should probably keep your ass out of a relationship then. You know, that's the truth. Yeah. As hard as that is for most people. Damn. Shit.
Starting point is 01:40:13 It's all self-reflection right there. Get your shit together over there, Andrew. I'm trying. Jesus Christ. Yeah. Again, the chat room is just there. Oh, they're going to fucking crucify me. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:40:23 They're probably loving it. Yeah, I know. I think the only clarification we would need is just like when you said it's your fault that this is happening. As far as abuse, you're not saying you did something to deserve it. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, the clarification would be, and I see this often, I do this kind of a little bit anonymously, but I help a lot of, um, people out of abusive relationships. And when I say help, it really only comes down to one thing finances. Um, I, I have helped a lot of now single moms out of relationships. Actually a lot of people who I have never even met. I literally
Starting point is 01:40:58 get messages all the time, um, from people referring people or whatever. They're like, Hey, I know you don't know who I am. I have two kids. My husband's abusive. He's taken my car, my credit card. He's taken everything. There's no way I could leave. And I go, okay, I'm going to send you $4,000. Here's what you're going to do with it.
Starting point is 01:41:14 And then you're going to get back to me in six months. And we're going to figure out what we need to do. But what I'm saying is those people, that it's their fault, are the ones that keep going back or keep allowing it. I'm telling you right now for every fucking person that's listening in any relationship. If a man hits you, that's you're fucking done. You're fucking done. There's no amount of apologies.
Starting point is 01:41:40 There's no amount of I'll fix it. I'll change it. apologies. There's no amount of I'll fix it. I'll change it. If you fucking get hit, if you are a female and you get hit by a man, get the fuck out. And I do not feel bad for you when you come back and come back and come back. And five years later, you're still doing that shit. That's the reflection I'm talking about. That's when you step into the bathroom and go, why the fuck am I allowing my children and myself to get the shit kicked out of me i need to change and i need to figure out how i get out of it that's the clarification and that's what i'm saying to people no one ever deserves that shit and i will go as
Starting point is 01:42:15 far as to say it's not the same for men like i know a few guys who did stupid shit and their girlfriends like slapped them yeah like you're fine dude deal with it but like a real abusive relationship there it's never ever ever okay so if you are someone listening right now and you're like well you know he only hit me with his open hand or he only you know like he only pushed me down the stairs like you're you need to fucking change like it's not okay that shit is not okay i don't know anything about your relationships but i would imagine that if you have a healthy relationship you're not out there doing that shit right so if that's happening and you're listening to this like get the fuck out of there and there are people who can help, you know, whatever. But at the end of the day, back to the marriage thing, every single thing is self-reflection on the choices that you have, right?
Starting point is 01:43:11 And if you're in an abusive relationship, the choices are stay or don't stay. Fucking take the choices you have, take the control you have and go. Get out. Like that's what it is. You should be able to find someone that's not going to hit you. Yeah. There's enough decent guys out there. I feel like, you know, and if you can't, stay the fuck single.
Starting point is 01:43:30 It's great. I'm single. I've been single for a while. It's great. And I think, you know, even to make this a little bit broader, I think this can kind of extend into other relationships. Like, there's absolutely no reason for anyone to ever talk down to you. Uh-uh. Like there's absolutely no reason for anyone to ever talk down to you, whether it's your boss or the owner of the company or like whoever there's, you should take exception to that right away and, and qualify that in your head. Like, wait, what, wait, what'd they say to you?
Starting point is 01:43:55 You know, what did that guy person say to me? I'm so glad you brought that up. You know, and you should think about like, again, just what you said. Should I really stay at that job? No. Or should you address, you know, how no or should you address you know how do you address it or do you just fucking bounce but it's something that you should draw a line in the sand for and and make a decision one way or the other whether you're going to continue to you know if
Starting point is 01:44:15 you're going to confront them and and say hey like i didn't like the way you treated me i felt like you talked down to me because maybe they didn't even realize yeah but sometimes that's fair communicate yeah communicate with them just to kind of see what's up. But you don't want to be around something like that. It's not going to get any better. It's going to get worse. And go one more step and go, why the fuck would you let family members do that? This is a true story. This really is a true story. I wasn't going to tell you this. So I get asked to do podcasts all the time. I don't ever really ever go. And the first time that you reached out to me or whoever it was, I don't know who it was that reached out to me. I was like, you know, I would love to, but I'm busy, yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 01:44:48 This is real truth. So then Mark reached out to me. I don't know the timeline, but all he did was, hey, dude, I want to help you. And then every fucking day I would get a text like, hey, dude, I fucking love you. I want to help you, whatever, yada, yada, yada. The relationship that we created and I should say that he created because I wasn't the one texting him at 7 in the morning like, hey, dude, yada, yada, yada. The relationship that we created and, oh, I should say that he created, cause I wasn't the one texting him at seven in the morning. Like, Hey dude, what are you eating? You know? I was like, that's the kind of person that I want in my life. And then I made
Starting point is 01:45:14 the decision like, dude, fuck, you want me to come on podcast? Hell yeah. I want to come hang out with Mark. That guy's a fucking cool guy. I want to create a relationship with that guy. I text a lot of 300 pound men. He does. It's a weird thing. But that's what you're saying. Like, it's not just a marriage. It's any relationship. And I go as far now as almost to pre-qualify people like, hey, man, I want to hang out with you. I want to see you. It's hard to get in. Fuck. What do you want, man? What do you want? And all I ever got from Mark was, hey, bro, what do you need? I'm here. Whatever you need, I'm here. Anything I can do to help you.
Starting point is 01:45:45 I was like, that's the kind of person that I want to be around. That's the kind of people that I let in. Because like I told you in the beginning, like when we become friends, we become family. There's nothing left. And when you fuck up, I'm going to say, dude, that's fucking bullshit. Don't do that shit. And then we're going to go right back into the relationship that we had. And that's true.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Like any relationship that you have in your life, that's toxic right now. Get it the fuck out. I don't care what it is. I don't care if it's your parents. I don't care if it's your friends. I don't care if it's your family, your girlfriend, your wife. If it's toxic, start by saying, Hey, this is fucking toxic and I'm not going to put up with it.
Starting point is 01:46:18 And then two, Hey, you, you're being toxic to me. I'm giving you two choices. Stay in my life or get the fuck out it's your choice but if you're going to stay here are my like we said here's my line in the sand this is what you got to do oh you don't want to say okay love you see ya like it's as simple as that and then all of a sudden dude you look around you like for me i look around me and i'm like fuck dude look who i gotta hang out with look at the people that i'm spending time with because i cut out all the other fucking bullshit and now i just get to go have fun with people that i love to death and i would do anything for mark could call me next week be like hey dude
Starting point is 01:46:53 i gotta stay at your house for a week all right bro here's the keys in my car whatever you need go because that's the relationships the only relationships that i will allow in my life that's the kind of friends you need too they don't ask any questions yeah i just. I just figured, oh shit, something fucked up happened, but yeah, sure thing. A hundred percent, dude. And so when you see me out and about and you see someone that I associate with, I can promise you that person is the same as me in, they're going to give everything that I would give in that relationship and in a marriage, in a friendship, in any kind of relationship. Otherwise you won't fucking see me there doing it. I just won't do it.
Starting point is 01:47:28 I don't know if this is too personal of a question, but you mentioned that mostly you should be able to work through things in your marriage, right? Now, in terms of your divorce, you said you still have a great relationship with your ex-wife. Do you think it could have been something you worked through or that divorce just needed to happen? 100% could have worked something you worked through that that divorce just needed to happen? A hundred percent could have worked through it. A hundred percent. So I had, I had an affair when I was 25 and when I was 26, it kind of came out and guess what?
Starting point is 01:47:54 That's when the show became really crazy. And so, you know what? Everybody's like, Oh, you go out on TV and you have an affair. That wasn't the case, but I could give you all the advice in the world right now because of where I am today. But I couldn't have given you that advice when I was 26. And so, like, I fucked up. I did what people are doing now.
Starting point is 01:48:15 I did what I'm telling you not to do, you know? And so if I were to go back, I would have been like, dude, you fucking idiot. Like, get your shit together and make it up. And if she'll take you back, like, figure your shit out and be better. Because at the end of the day, and I tell this people all the time, like, she's a great mom, great spouse, all of those things. Like, if I was a person that wanted to get into a relationship, like, it doesn't make any sense why I wouldn't go back to that. But at the end of the day, it's hard to just say, well, what, you know, now, why didn't you do it
Starting point is 01:48:49 then? Well, fuck dude. That's what this whole life is about. It's about learning. Yeah. You know, I listened to Annie Frizzell. I love that guy talking, but every time he talks, all I can picture is he's standing in front of a mirror talking to himself because he's struggling with shit that he is talking to himself about. And he just so happens to put it out for everybody else to listen to. Like when he tells you, stop fucking up on your 75 hard. Guess what? He fucks up on 75 hard. And if he tells you he doesn't, he's fucking lying to you.
Starting point is 01:49:16 He makes mistakes. And he knows just as well as anybody else that if he wants to be successful, you got to fucking reflect. And his way of reflecting is telling you what he should be telling himself so he's always talking that's why i love that dude because i know when he talks to me he's literally so attached to it because it's all about him you know um do you think uh you think marriage should exist well that's a hard one i i, at this point in my life, like. Because it's kind of weird if we're just to think about it.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Yeah, it's way weird. Just to like link up with somebody and be like, hey, we shouldn't see other people, you know, and we should just be together. But why has it got to be taken to like this other step? I think that marriage is the noblest idea. Like, hey, I'm 21. I don't know a fucking thing about anything in the world. But, hey, you're the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. Like, okay, maybe if we wanted to make it better.
Starting point is 01:50:18 Yeah, when I was eight, I wanted to be a race car driver. Yeah, like, hey, dude, when I was 10, I wanted to fly in outer space. Like, great. But I think that marriage, I do think it's a beautiful thing and I think it's a noble thing. I feel like you shouldn't be able to be married until probably your mid 30s or at least until you figure out yourself and how I mean, what's the scale on how long it takes for people to figure out themselves? Most men don't figure shit out until they're about 30. Like, and that's a quick one. That's a quick, like a lot of guys take a lot longer. I think women figure their shit out by 25 earlier. They're a little bit easier to mature, but why the fuck would you marry somebody before you even know who the fuck you are? That is the dumbest shit I could ever even think of. And yet we do it all the time in
Starting point is 01:51:06 society. Oh man, look at them. 21 year olds are getting married. You know what I think? He doesn't have a fucking clue what he's getting himself into. So why are we committing him to this? Because that's what we're doing. Cause marriage is just a legal obligation. You could be committed to someone as a marriage without the legal obligation of marriage. Right. I think the other thing that's hard, I think one person, that's a hard thing, man. Listen, I don't want to pretend like I have these high standards. I like to date a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:51:45 But I really enjoy doing different things and different experiences with different people. So as cool as it is to take this girl and go do these things, it's also really cool experience for me to take a different girl and go do different things. I think people need to also experience that. Like people need to get out there and be like, Hey, I'm, I'm not just dating. I'm like figuring myself out and I'm figuring out other people. And like, dude, the person that you marry, you have no fucking idea. Imagine if you met somebody and you're 21 and you hang out with them for a year and you're like, holy shit. Like, wow. Like, I really, I really enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:52:20 I really love hanging out with this person. And they kind of agree to the same thing. Imagine if you said, you know what, why don't we just only take like the next year, whatever, and just not see each other. And then if we're both still around, like if we're both still thinking about each other, let's, let's be together and let's make it, you know, make it more official. And let's say that we're going to be together forever. Dude, I love that. You know what I mean? It's just like trying to be open about maybe some different concepts. So this opens up a whole nother door, but I don't think that most people understand what love is. I don't. I think that if you
Starting point is 01:52:53 actually understood what love is, the whole world would be very different. If you know, everybody, I love you. I love you. You know, I love you, bro. Yeah. I love or to your wife. Like I love you. Right. And then you see those same people or 50% of them, because that's what we have for divorce, 50% divorce rate, turn around and act completely like a fucking piece of shit to that same person that they said I love ever did anything and I treated them the way that husbands treat ex-wives or wives treat ex-husbands, I can damn well tell you that I don't love my children. Love is not something that you get to fucking choose. It's not. If you love someone, it's an eternal thing. So like, and I say this very well, like my ex-wife who I love, like I treated her very, very, very well through our divorce.
Starting point is 01:53:47 I treat her well now. I treat her so well. I probably treat her better now than I did when we were married. And you know why? I fucking love her. I will always love her. I will always care for her just as I love and care for my children. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing that my children could do that would change my love for them and how I treat them.
Starting point is 01:54:08 So if we decide to get in a fight and the fight says it's time to break up and stop that love and I treat you like a piece of shit, that was never real. And when we are 21, how the fuck are we supposed to know what that means? How do we even how do you even understand that idea? You know, like you say to your friends, like, I love you. But then if that friend doesn't do exactly what you want, all of a sudden you're like, you fuck piece of shit. I hate you. And you go out of your way to make a miserable. Now I'm not saying it's, it's, it's wrong to fight. But what I am saying is if you can take your anger, frustration away from it and make a decision, that decision should still be based on
Starting point is 01:54:45 the fact that you love them. Right. So any, any marriage, if it ends, should still end well, because you guys loved each other. Now you may, you may not, you may be angry. You might be pissed, whatever, but just because you're pissed at your wife right now, you don't turn around and fucking cut and beat and tear and do everything to hurt her. You don't do that. It doesn't work that way. So I think that's the other piece to the marriage thing. Like, dude, you don't understand yourself and you don't even fucking understand what love is because love is an eternal thing. You say I love you to someone. That's it, dude. You're signing yourself up right there. That's it, man. No matter what that person does, you're always going to love them. And there's nothing they can do. That's ever going to change that love. Now
Starting point is 01:55:30 you could space from them. You could split up from them. You can give them time, but at the end of the day, you love them and you always want what's best for them. Kind of through some of this, did you learn that your relationship with your family is, is even more important, like amplified, like relationship with your brothers and stuff like that? Yeah, for sure. Because if you, if you wake up and you realize there's really nothing in this world that matters except for your relationships and how you make people feel there really isn't. And, and you, and you act that way, everything kind of changes. Like, dude, it would be so easy for me to come out here. Um, and, and Smokey, that was his name. And to have
Starting point is 01:56:22 him pick me up and not talk to him because I don't want to talk to him and treat him like a piece of shit and he could go well you know he's famous he's on TV I get it you know we could do that or I could look at that and go dude hey what's up man we had a great conversation all the way out here really cool guy and hopefully when I leave
Starting point is 01:56:38 we'll have another great conversation and he may never see me again but hopefully he'll go I really like talking to that guy I I like the way that I felt. I don't fucking remember anything he was even talking about, but I liked the way that I felt when I was with him. And the second that you didn't cost you anything, it cost me nothing. I didn't. And the second that I actually understood that, that's when my family, those things became really important. And my friends became even more important.
Starting point is 01:57:05 And then all of a sudden, instead of clumping it into like, I have acquaintances, I have family and then I have friends. I just said, no, no, I just have family. I don't have any. There's nobody else. If you're in there, you're just in there. There's nothing like I consider you family because like there's there's no like levels. Right. I either love you and we fucking get along and we're the
Starting point is 01:57:26 best or you're just not in my life you know and so with my own family and i even did that you know some of the stuff you don't have a best best friend anymore no dude i just fucking love everybody that wants to spend time with me and do those things and wants to be uplifted and wants to be happy and genuinely cares about me because there's a lot of people, especially in Hollywood, whatever you want to call it, they want to make you feel good, but they don't genuinely care about you. And, and those are the fucking people that I want in my life. And in my own family, my brothers, you know, my mom, it was like that relationship intensified and it made it better, way better. So I'm just trying to understand this. Cause like you, everyone for you is family, but how do you have the energy to give so much energy to everybody else in your life?
Starting point is 01:58:13 That's a really good question. That's something that I've been trying to balance. I have to take alone time. Okay. I have to like, dude, I, so I went to SEMA when I saw Mark for the first time and I was in lines for eight hours and hopefully every single person, and I'd even put this out there if any of them are listening, hopefully every single person that I met and talked to felt like I loved them or I cared about them and they were happy. Right, dude. The second I left SEMA, I went back to my hotel room and I sat and just did nothing. I didn't touch my phone. I didn't even eat, dude. I just sat and just took time to myself. phone i didn't even eat dude i just sat and just took time to myself and i thought you know how great this is i think if i focus a lot on like things i feel like are blessings and i be i'm
Starting point is 01:58:52 thankful for things that makes my energy go up but i have to fucking be alone and i even came home and i hadn't seen my daughters for like four days and i came home and i called my ex-wife and i'm like hey i know this is crazy but i need you to keep them for one more day and she's like you haven't seen him for four days and I'm like I know but if I give them who I am now it's not going to be a good interaction it's just not so of course and she's great you know she's like oh yeah don't worry about it so I stayed home I didn't do anything that day I got home. I literally, I got my hot tub. I made some posts. I hung out. I just did me for a minute. Next day, have my daughters and my youngest daughter is like my, my, like where I drive all my energy from because she's just my fucking world. So I think that's important for anybody to understand. No one will ever be like, have enough energy to always be doing stuff. So figure out what it takes to recharge yourself. Right? Like, cause dude, if you give me the 40% version of you, this is a minute let me recharge and you bring that back to me and 100 this shit's gonna work so it's all about finding out what it takes for you to recharge them for me it's just fucking be alone you know those uh shows and stuff and and just
Starting point is 02:00:15 obligations can you can sometimes uh you can sometimes be overwhelmed by them you can sometimes be like oh man like they're hustling me around and i got to talk to so many different people but then like you're saying you could stop for a minute and be like whoa like this is fucking cool i always liked cars i do a bunch of shit with trucks and cars and i hang out with friends and i do fun shit on tv and these people love me for it you know and so you can kind of stop and and try to make sense of it you know try to have it make more sense in your brain so not frustrated with it. Yeah. And dude, sometimes people don't understand that idea. They're like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 02:00:50 You got to spend the whole day by yourself. And those are the people that I'm like, I'll fucking never see you again. How does that sound? I was actually, that's actually what I was going to ask you is like, how do you convey how important that is to other, like to your responsibilities basically? Like you just mentioned your ex-wife. And then what about, like, I don't know, the other guys on the show?
Starting point is 02:01:10 Like, if they maybe have a show or something? So, we're all kind of the same. Diesel Dave's different, though, man. You ought to have him out on your show. I think you'd really like. Dave's a different guy. He's, like, somehow he just fell out of heaven. Like, honestly, I really say that. I don't say this about a lot of people he's just one of those dudes that
Starting point is 02:01:30 i've never ever had him meet someone and that he didn't become their best friend and their hero within minutes he's just the best dude in the whole world now i only use him as a bad example because i'll bet you he never needs to like recharge. But Heavy D is different. Him and I are a lot the same. Like when it's on, it's on. But when it's off, leave me the fuck alone. And that's how he is too, dude. He'll go for a day and I'll text him.
Starting point is 02:01:55 And I know he gets mad. He won't text me back and I'll go, oh, yeah, he's recharging. So and this may be be something for people listening. Like, how do I tell people that I need that? You don't, if fucking, if there's people in your life that you have to explain why you need to be better than fucking get them out of your life. They need to just understand like, dude, I fuck, I need a minute. And if it's only a day and you're fucking pissed off because I need one day, I don't want to fucking have you in my life anymore. I just don't, you know? So for us on the show, heavy D and I really understand it.
Starting point is 02:02:30 No one understands diesel Dave, but you have to have him out. He's unreal. Coolest dude in the world. Fondest dude. He don't give a shit about fame, money, nothing. He don't give a shit about nothing. He just likes to make people happy. And like, he'll come to some of these events for like 10 hours. I'll be like, dude, are you done? He's like, bad, bro. Let's go. Let's go. What do we need?
Starting point is 02:02:49 I'm like, dude, you're nuts, man. He might be the only person I've ever met like that. But yeah, dude, the recharging thing, huge. And we all do it. We just have to be accepting of the fact that we do it. Diesel Dave likes being around people, it seems like, right? Oh, dude dude that guy i know a few people like that like they don't need that alone time to recharge they just feel
Starting point is 02:03:09 charged up by being able to interact for people for long amounts of time that i think that is his yeah i really do makes a lot of sense because he's like a battery when people turn i mean i'm not kidding you i have been invited to more people's weddings when i'm with him because people like oh my gosh we love you so much will you come to to our wedding? And he goes like, dude, randomly I'll be like, I'll be like, Hey Dave, we, we gotta, we have that thing we got to do on Wednesday, you know? And he'd be like, ah, dude, I totally forgot to tell you. Somebody invited me to their wedding in North Dakota. So I got to go, man. It's crazy. It's crazy. Dave's a different, he's cut from a different fabric. I bet one of the best dudes I've ever met in my life.
Starting point is 02:03:49 What's your diet look like right now? Cause we didn't really talk about that. I'm curious. Um, so I've always, for the last probably five years, really tried to do a keto type diet. Um, I, I was a bodybuilder. I did a show in 2014. Um, and I did the whole every two hours, chicken and rice. I actually did. And this is why I don't eat fish anymore. So my body and Mark knows, cause we probably have similar bodies, but dude, my body
Starting point is 02:04:20 doesn't want like to respond. It just doesn't. So when I got with my trainer, he was like, all right, dude, we're going to do a show. And I'm like, yeah, I want to do that show 12 weeks. He's like, no, you can't do that show 12 weeks out. So I did a show nine months out. So I went for nine months. I was 300. I went for nine months.
Starting point is 02:04:35 I had zero cheat meals. I had three fish meals a day. And I ate sweet potatoes, brown rice, and two chicken meals. That was it. I never cheated. Not one time. I woke up every morning. I did an hour and a half of cardio and then I did 45 minutes of weight training and then I did one hour of posing every day for nine months, except for Sundays. I would rest Sundays, got to the show. I killed it. I looked great. Yada, yada, yada. I will never, ever do a show again. I will never, ever eat fish again. I won't do it. And I won't even really diet because I don't like it. I just plain and simple don't like it. So all of that, then I started gaining weight
Starting point is 02:05:17 again. I got on stage at 249. I was big. And obviously I kind of crept back up, back up 300. And then the show started and then my divorce and I got all the way up to 330. And I just, dude, I was eating everything. And it was like the only time that I felt good, right? I'm like, dude, my day is a shit. I'm dealing with this. I'm just like, fuck, I want a taco, you know?
Starting point is 02:05:36 So like four or five years ago, I was like, I'm going to try this keto thing, you know? The Atkins, whatever they were calling it. And my body responds really really really well well then i started to get to a place with like i was just like dude i hate not having carbs so i was like well let me try fasting let me try the intermittent fasting and i tried that i started doing that like two years ago which i love because i can kind of eat whatever i want and i still feel good and i look the way that i want to look i was telling mark like usually i feel good at 300
Starting point is 02:06:11 pounds but i really want to get down to like 275 yeah so that's like my gauge oh shit i'm 310 fuck i gotta hit keto hard oh i'm 290 all right i can have that pasta or whatever so i did all that i've kind of been in and out well about six months ago i met up with um uh shit what's um he's the one he has one leg um shit casey mitchell no no not casey but i met him the same time i met casey uh maybe derrick carver yes that that guy right yeah is it mick carver or Carver? Derek Carver? Yeah, Derek Carver. So I met him and he was like, bro, have you ever fasted for 10 days? And I was like, fuck no.
Starting point is 02:06:51 I can't fast for 10 hours. You know, I'm like, dude, my intermittent fasting, I eat it too, you know? He's like, bro, try a 10-day fast. This was like six months ago. I was like, all right, man, this is going to be crazy. So I started doing those. So I did my first 10 day and I felt great. I got a little bit lightheaded and he, he was like, don't work out. I was like, nah, I got to work out. So then I started every month, I would do a seven day fast
Starting point is 02:07:19 at the beginning of the month. And then twice during the month, I would do a three day fast. So essentially every month about five months ago so literally that's what 10 that's 13 days out of the month you're not eating and then on top of all of that i was doing an intermittent which i still do and now i just found out i was telling i think i was telling your brother just barely i just did the 23 and me and i found out that i'm like lactose intolerant I shouldn't have any gluten I shouldn't so now I'm like fuck now I got to go back and really hit the keto and stay in the meat thing but I'm still going to continue to do the fasting thing because dude I feel so much better when I fast I dude I feel so I even
Starting point is 02:08:01 when we were at SEMA I stopped fasting because, I was so hungry from going from people to people. Cause we didn't have breaks for food. You know, I was like, dude, just give it to me. Hamburger, blah, blah, blah, blah. Dude. By day three at SEMA, I was swollen. I felt like shit. My brain wasn't working right.
Starting point is 02:08:17 I'm like, fuck. And then of course I see Mark. I'm like, fuck. He's seeing me off my game. I'm probably 10 pounds higher. I've swollen. I'm tired, you know, but the reality of what I do now and what I will do moving forward, probably for the rest of my life is a keto base
Starting point is 02:08:31 with a lot of intermittent fasting and still doing a seven day fast and a three day fast in the month. So that's kind of what it looks like, man. That's a lot of fasting. It's a ton of fasting. That's why when you're like, dude, we're in a fast, I'm like, dude, I I'm behind fasting. I just did my, I just did a three day or I did a four day fast. Cause I forgot which day that I was even. And once you get past day two, you're like, I don't know. I don't, you don't get hungry anymore. You really don't. It's kind of crazy. But so Monday I started Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then I broke it Thursday night for my four day. Explain to some people what even just some intermittent fasting might do for them being a bigger person. Like you've been a big guy your
Starting point is 02:09:12 entire life and you've been kind of fighting your own body weight for many, many years. Like, why do you think fasting is like, why do you feel it works well for you? So I, I eat a lot. I could eat if I wanted to, even right now, even after fasting for four days, I could sit down and have a 10,000 calorie meal without a flinch. And I'd probably still be hungry. So getting calories in is not hard for me, but I like fasting. And why I do it is for two reasons. Number one, it helps me to get my mind in control of my body.
Starting point is 02:09:48 My body tells me I'm hungry and my mind says, fuck you. You're going to listen to me. Number two is we usually get, we lose thought when we eat sugar and carbs and, you know, we take a pre-workout. So we get amped up like our body and our emotions change with what we ingest. Our body likes to be at homeostasis, right? So the less amount that I interrupt homeostasis, the better off I am. So if I'm not throwing food at myself all the time and going, well, shit, dude, how many calories are in this and how much sugar is in this?
Starting point is 02:10:25 And I just go, no, man, we're in homeostasis. I'm going to stay here. I just feel good. I feel good. And the truth is, is that there's a lot of science behind fasting for 72 hours and your body literally regenerating half beaten up cells all over. Right. So my growth hormone goes up, my testosterone goes up. And a lot of people think that's bullshit. I own a hormone clinic. I get my blood tested. I can go in and say, give me this, this and this and come back and get a test. And I can also say, I'm going to fast for a month or a week or three days and I'm going to have my blood tested and I want to see where my levels are. And guess what? That shit's real. Your body turns back on growth hormone
Starting point is 02:11:05 when you say, Hey man, no more food. This is survival mode. So you got it. You got to step it up. I mean, dude, you want, you want to be clear. You want to be as clear as you can possibly be. Do a 72 hour fast at the end of that 72 hours. Tell me you're not as clear mentally as you could possibly be. And then also, uh, just not having to make a decision right like that probably helps a lot yeah and time too like dude how much time uh derek he was like dude you're gonna have so much time and i'm like bro you don't know me and i was dude i was like fuck i'm not prepping food i'm not eating food i'm not throwing food away i'm not driving to food i'm not thinking about food yeah you're all of a sudden i was like oh ah, shit, I'm going to get more productive.
Starting point is 02:11:45 The food really rules you. And if you did sit down and have, let's just say a fucking big sandwich or something like that at one of these shows, you'd be dead. You'd be done. It'd have to be the end of the day because you'd be dead tired, right? Dude, that's what's so crazy is like you fast. I fasted to SEMA. I got to SEMA.
Starting point is 02:12:02 It got chaotic. And I literally had no chance to even go get something keto based. I was totally fine, happy, yada, yada, yada. I had that burger. They came, brought me two double cheeseburgers and two whole plates of fries, devoured them. And I was like, oh, no, this is not going to be good, dude. And I literally was like, oh, I feel stupid again. My brain's not working.
Starting point is 02:12:21 I'm foggy. I'm tired. And you know what? I got more ornery. So I was like, shit, dude, this is not a good. So for me, what you put in your body affects so many things that if you stop putting things in your body, like you become more clear. And I'm not even saying it around like a weight loss thing, even though you do gain from that. For me, it's how I feel.
Starting point is 02:12:43 You know, like, dude, I just feel better. Don't get me wrong. I get tired when I get in the gym on day two of fasting and I'm like, I'm going to go hard. And I hit, you know, halfway through and I'm like, book, I'm tired. But there's also answers for that, right? Like Gatorade zero and salt. And there's other things that don't affect mentally, but they give you the energy that you need to get going in the gym. I don't know, man. I'm a huge fan of it. And I don't think I will ever, ever change fasting, intermittent fasting, and probably really going back to carbs and sugar.
Starting point is 02:13:13 And that's not saying that everybody's like, oh, you're never going to have that again. No, fuck no. Of course I'm going to have it. I'm not as hardcore as Mark is. Like, dude, in two weeks, I'm going to have a whole fucking cake and 17 pizzas birthday whatever it is you know no i'm just saying any you know yeah like i do that and it's and people are like i cheat it's my it's my refeed no it's not my fucking refeed i'm fucking hungry and i want dude i want that pizza at the end of the day and if i'm fat yeah dude if i want to have that
Starting point is 02:13:42 like i'm fucking taking it yeah and you know end of the day and it has nothing to do with that man it's so dope that you're saying all this because like you're a big jack strong dude you're super busy you have all this work you're doing and then you just like you you're not tired when you're fasting a lot of big guys think they're going to lose a lot of muscle or they won't be able to do anything because they're not eating food and you're legit doing it i haven't done a seven day fast before. It's hard. I know. I think you've done what?
Starting point is 02:14:08 I did 72 hours. Yeah. I haven't tried a full week yet. Oh, you got to do it a week. 72 hours. So 72 hours is my favorite. And that's why I do it as much as I can.
Starting point is 02:14:16 That's why I did it right before we came here. But man, like you want to feel like you're in control of your life. Fucking tell your body to stop worrying about it for a week. Right. That's that's that's what it is, man. Like, hey, I know you're hungry body, but I'm fucking controlling everything. I think something that people don't even realize either is with the amount of food people consume all the time.
Starting point is 02:14:39 And then with all the processed foods that are around around the human body is designed and made to produce ketones and to be in a ketogenic state and then how many people how many people's bodies actually get into like a ketogenic state probably not many that's why everyone's so fat and so sick yeah and you know what i think legitimately like when we were created i'm not even gonna get into the like god created us or at the beginning or any of that shit. But at the end of the day, when we were created or in the beginning or fuck in twelve hundred A.D. Four hundred years ago. Yeah. Two hundred years ago.
Starting point is 02:15:15 Right. Like, dude, people were going, all right, I ate three days ago because I caught a deer. Yeah. And I'm not going to eat again for a fucking week. Right. Like, that's the way we were created. Cause I caught a deer and I'm not going to eat again for a fucking week. Right? Like that's the way we were created. We were never meant to have eight meals a day and go to Wendy's and like, that's nuts. Imagine if you found some like almonds or something, you ever try to fucking crack an
Starting point is 02:15:36 almond shell or like try to figure out how to get to, it'll take you forever. So how many almonds are going to eat? Yeah. Five of them maybe like, yeah. And that's kind of goes back to, and not that I'm- But you're smashing them with rocks and shit, trying to fucking open them up. Not that I'm going to the vegan thing or the vegetarian thing, but I am going to say we were meant to eat plants. Like there was times, I guarantee it, we were like, oh, you've been fasting for seven days
Starting point is 02:15:57 and you can't find meat? All right, well, berries and plants and grass and trees and whatever. You know what I'm saying? That's the way our body was meant to be doing all of this shit. So don't steer away from that. Yeah, I agree. So yeah, dude. So that the fasting thing though, I love it. I think that's the answer for a lot of sicknesses. I actually think fasting is the cure for a lot of things like cancer. I really do. I think when you starve your body, I mean, what's radiation? Radiation is slowly killing your body, right? And it just so happens that you survive,
Starting point is 02:16:27 but the cancerous cells don't. I have a really good friend that lives out here in California. He sold his company to Microsoft. He made like $800 million, right? He found out he had lung cancer and he went to UCLA. He found the top two professors. He said, I'm hiring you to work for me full time, and I want you to find cure for cancer. He said, don't eat.
Starting point is 02:16:51 Yeah. Well, you know what they said? They said, well, let's start with get rid of carbs and sugars. Right. And literally, the doctors told him he had six months to live. That was three years ago. So he stopped that, and then he did another thing. And I don't want to get too much into
Starting point is 02:17:05 science because I don't know it, but he started drinking ketones. No, no. He started drinking gold and, and the molecules in gold would fill into the cells that were cancerous and they would flash it with a light and they would collapse the cells. So that mixed with fasting, no sugar, no carbs. He went back in a year ago ago i can't afford the gold treatment bro yeah no shit but no so he went back in and the doctor was like uh it's not here anymore wow and and and the professors the ucla whoever he hired who's on full-time staff with him
Starting point is 02:17:39 are like dude that you want to stay healthy greens no, no carbs, no sugar, you'll be fine. That's what it is. And that has helped a lot of people. And our friend Ron Penna, one of the, well, former owners of Quest Nutrition, he had a keto pet sanctuary where they had these dogs on a ketogenic diet. And a lot of the dogs were in remission from cancer because they were on a ketogenic diet. And then a ketogenic diet, by the way, mimics fasting. It does. A hundred percent. And oh, how weird is that? Back in the day and 200 years ago when we were wandering around, we didn't know where the fuck
Starting point is 02:18:15 we were going to go. Like we didn't eat for three days. Oh, that's the way our body was supposed to be. You know, like that really is the truth. And most sicknesses are from inflammation, and inflammation goes away usually when you stop doing carbs and sugar. Right, and they say cancer can be considered a metabolic disease. Do you think that fasting or some knowledge of fasting would have helped your dad? Yes, I do, absolutely. So my dad, so he had diabetes from the time he was 8, and then when he was 21 he had his first kidney transplant. Obviously diabetes beats your kidneys up. He had his first kidney transplant
Starting point is 02:18:49 when he was 21. And then when you do any kind of transplants, you have what's called immunosuppressants and that's where your body literally, it fights anything you put in it, right? Like if you give me your heart, my body's going to fight that as a foreign object. So I have to take immunosuppressants so that my body doesn't fight that. Well, my dad was taking immunosuppressants from the time he was 21 to he then turned 40 and had a second kidney transplant. The first one had died and he started to get sick on a regular basis with pneumonia. And that pneumonia, because of immunosuppressants suppressing his immune system, is really what killed him. And having it over and over and over until all of a sudden the doctor's like,
Starting point is 02:19:30 hey, man, antibiotics aren't going to work. You've taken antibiotics every month for the last 20 months. And I think if he wasn't overweight, which he was at the end, and if he wouldn't have been doing sugar, carbs, all of that shit, I don't know if he'd be alive today because that would have been 10 years ago but i can guarantee you he wouldn't have died when he did i can guarantee it yeah they're seeing a lot of type 1 diabetes being like heavily suppressed uh through a ketogenic diet and through fasting um also with type 2 though yeah yeah well 100, because you can get rid of type 2, right? Your A1C drops and you're good.
Starting point is 02:20:08 And dude, I've trained a lot of people because that was my passion with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 just reminds me of somebody like cutting their finger. It's like that easy to fix. It really is. Get them moving. Ketosis and fasting and some training and put a bandaid on that bitch and you're fine. Dude, and isn't it the greatest
Starting point is 02:20:24 thing in the whole world when someone is told that the doctor that they're diabetic and in three months with you, you're like, oh, hey, what'd your doctor say? Oh yeah. He said, I don't have diabetes anymore. Cool, man. That's, that's fucking cool. And you got to stay on it though too.
Starting point is 02:20:36 Cause you can, uh, you know, come back. Did you guys get to say goodbye to your dad because of the way that he was sick? Yeah. So I got back from my mission and three months later he passed away. He actually, he was like, Hey, I'm, it's kind of a crazy story. My dad was a missionary in Chicago and my brother just younger than me was also a missionary in Chicago when my dad passed away. And I remember, I remember the night that it happened. My dad, two weeks earlier said, Hey, I want to call your brother and i want you to be here and i'm like for what he's like i want to tell him goodbye i'm like what are you talking about and
Starting point is 02:21:09 he was pretty coherent so i was like the fuck is he talking about yeah where are you going yeah and he goes well this is it man i got pneumonia again antibiotics aren't gonna work like i it's time i need to say goodbye to your brother and i'm like okay so i remember sitting there and this was two weeks before he died he called my brother he's like hey i got pneumonia again i'm like okay so i remember sitting there and this was two weeks before he died he called my brother he's like hey i got pneumonia again i'm not going back to the doctors i'm not doing the antibiotics i'm gonna sit in my chair and you're not gonna see me again you know because when you're on a mission you don't get to come home you know and my brother's like what the hell you know and then i so he said his goodbyes, whatever. It was pretty emotional. And I grabbed the phone. I was
Starting point is 02:21:45 like, Hey, what's up? And he's like, what, what's dad talking about? And I'm like, he says he's done. So I don't know, man. And he's like, is he all right? And I'm like, yeah, I, for all I know, he seems pretty okay. So hang the phone up, whatever. Um, and then slowly his health started to decline. The pneumonia kind of took over. And then literally one night at like two in the morning, my mom called me. She's like, Hey, you need to come home.
Starting point is 02:22:10 Dad's going to go. We called all of his brothers, all of our family, just in our living room. And he just passed away kind of peacefully. So it was crazy, crazy. But I think that,
Starting point is 02:22:21 that, uh, story or that part of my life has affected so many things around me that it's not that i didn't it's not that i wanted that to happen no but that experience i would never ever ever change ever you know why do you like why is um i think the reason i'm successful at such a young age like i said i'm 32 is 32, is because in my mind, life stops at 47. That's when my dad died. And I treat everything that way.
Starting point is 02:22:52 Like everything. My relationships. If I'm mad at you, I'm like, fuck, dude, what if I die in five years? I really want that. I really want that. Or work. Everybody thinks in their mind, I got, I got till I'm 90. I can retire at 65. In my mind, that 90 is 47 because that's when my dad died. So I've,
Starting point is 02:23:11 I've treated everything in my life. Like, all right, dude, 47 is a full life. So you got to get going. You got to move, you know, which obviously has created the anxiety, some of the anxieties that I have, but essentially like that's in in my mind, that's the that's the day, you know. How are you going to like look back and say like, oh, I enjoyed the journey. Like, I know you're you're doing a lot of fun stuff, but like, you know, I just feel like everyone's always telling me like, dude, you got to slow down. You know what? Because of that, because of my dad's death, I do that. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 02:23:44 Everywhere I go go i'm just like sometimes i'll just sit back and be like fuck this is awesome i enjoy everything yeah and i'm not saying every single day i enjoy every single thing but man i'll tell you like even coming out here i'm like fuck man i get a fly out hang out with mark and do some podcasting like what a fucking cool experience this is i always stop and reflect i'm like dude how great is this shit so i i never i look at all this like no it's fucking great all the time and i think i think that's one of the reasons why i'm able to be happy you know yeah and then uh going back to fasting we have a lot of people that are they're power lifters so they're so concerned with the
Starting point is 02:24:22 strength and that's their excuse for being a bigger athlete. Do you have anybody that ever comes up to you when you talk about fasting and they're like, oh, I'd fast, but I don't want to lose my strength? Mark has addressed it many times, but I feel like you might have more passion. I don't know what he said about it, so hopefully I don't repeat it or go against it. But the truth is I'm 300 pounds, and I did used to lift a lot. And I'm sure if we wanted to go lift right now, I could probably lift a lot. My, my highest squat was seven 65. My highest bench was five 45. My deadlift was never good because my back was always
Starting point is 02:24:56 a little bit messed up. It was like six something. Um, I could be back there. I don't know, in a year if I wanted to, and I could do it the way that I'm eating now. I can only talk about myself. I can't say for them that that's a thing. But I also think for those people who are literally listening to this, and if you're a power lifter, you should fucking understand this. Your mind dictates the reality. Like you want to fucking lift a thousand pounds. Everything in science is going to tell you why you can't. mind dictates the reality yeah like you want to fucking lift a thousand pounds everything in science is going to tell you why you can't and yet here we are still lifting a thousand fucking
Starting point is 02:25:29 pounds and you think it's because of what you're doing and it's not it's not it's because what you're doing is prepping your mind to tell you that you can fucking do it you don't walk out there and lift something and go oh fuck that was easy let me uh let me lift some more let me lift some more like everything is a process it's just a message to your central nervous system that you can handle it and your brain's like oh okay that was okay we're cool with that okay that was a lot of weight but all right and everybody's understanding is different so like dude listen i i do understand there is some science behind everything like to say that there's not a stupid but the reality is is like you ever you see those events where people do these insane human feats and it's because at that point their mind doesn't get the decision like their mind stops and their body just goes no we gotta fucking do this right now you know that's the same thing so if you're
Starting point is 02:26:22 worried about that you're already set in your mind that that's going to be a thing and it's going to fucking be a thing. If you're not worried about that and you go, no, I'm just going to push through this, then you're going to end up pushing through it. So it's more a set of your mind than it is the actual nutrition. And I'm not saying don't fucking eat anything. eat anything but i am saying if you eat steak all the time and eggs and you fast a little bit and you're telling me that you're not strong you're fucking full of shit you just are you know like even maybe it'll be a big change from you going from your 7-eleven fast food diet to what you're doing now because maybe it's a less energy intake yeah and maybe you lose some weight like with if we lose weight we will probably lose some strength especially if you start to lose 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds.
Starting point is 02:27:07 Your leverage has changed. But what people are failing to pay attention to is you can gain the strength back. 100%. It can come back. Well, and this will answer that question for people. Why do you think that people that eat like shit feel like shit and don't do anything? It's because their mind doesn't feel right. So if I'm doing something and it doesn't make my mind feel right, I'm not going to be able to
Starting point is 02:27:30 perform because my mind is the thing that's telling me what the fuck I'm supposed to be performing in the first place. So at the end of the day, it really is all about whatever's tricking your mind. And I'm not saying just go out and eat whatever you want, but if you're so obsessed with these little things, you need to work on the big one. And that's this. Listen, man, if I wanted to be 330 pounds and bench and squat more than I did when I was 25, I could stick on the fasting and the diet that I'm doing right now and still get there 100 percent. It's just not. That's a no brainer. And you get some of the benefits of fasting, you know, even even while gaining the size and strength. And I honestly think that's why your physiology changes and your mind changes.
Starting point is 02:28:13 Right. Like all of a sudden, if what if everybody always said the more shredded you got and the smaller you got, you got stronger. What if that was a fucking thing? But in society, it was like oh you're too shredded you're too small you dude some of the strongest fucking people i've ever met in my life are half my size or tiny what's the uh what's the power lifter that's a nut job uh marios puginowski that guy's strong as shit and he's shredded as fuck and he's outperforming dudes that are four times his
Starting point is 02:28:45 weight. So I don't, I don't believe, I don't catch onto this. Like, well, I can only do so much if I eat everything and I got to have those donuts. Okay, man, eat the donuts, look like shit, lift heavy weight or, or eat healthy and fucking put in your mind that when you eat healthy, you're just going to perform better. No matter what your weight is, stop stepping on the scale. You know, I just I think it goes back a lot to your mind. I think we can do anything we want to do if our mind can comprehend it. And we don't need to hear your excuses on why you like donuts.
Starting point is 02:29:18 We all love donuts. No, everybody. You know, we don't just say that you like to eat donuts. It's fine. Yeah. I was like, dude, when you would text me. There's Mariusz Pudzianowski. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:27 Like, okay, you're going to tell me that guy is so strong because he's big? Because I could find 400 people bigger than him that aren't nearly as strong as he is. Right. And that dude is, he's one of the world's strongest men. He's been competing for how long? Yeah. And he's unreal to watch and and he's and you know i know the big thing is like have a big waist you know the big waist you're
Starting point is 02:29:50 usually strong uh hey guys that's aesthetically a bodybuilder yeah so and he's strong as a motherfucker you know i don't know i think it's uh i think it's what our mind accepts and then what we can actually comprehend that's really what that's what i think so if you think it's what our mind accepts and then what we can actually comprehend. That's really what, that's what I think. So if you think it's the diet, you're stupid. And if you don't feel good, if you don't feel good, you shouldn't be doing it. I spent a lot of time recently with like big power lifters. I spent time with a guy that was squatting a thousand pounds. He couldn't breathe.
Starting point is 02:30:21 He was eating like shit. And when we went to work out out we did two lifts in an hour and i was like wait hold on so all of this is based around just wanting to lift heavy fuck man you're gonna be dead in like five years and none of this is even gonna fucking matter it's just not so hey why don't crazy idea why don't we find out what makes you feel really good in your mind and let's see how you actually perform with, with weight. You know, it's crazy. It's crazy idea, but I think that's, that's what we're missing. Yeah. Yeah. People get obsessed. We get sucked in. What's coming up for you next. Um, so we got the episodes coming December 9th. Um, and this new
Starting point is 02:31:02 season is sick. There's a lot of cool builds. So that's coming. Um, most people know I started a supplement company, one mission nutrition, which is like my baby. And the reason is, is because it is all based around one thing and that's giving back. So every time you order supplements from me, I match that. And I, I send that supplement to active duty military members for free. So what it looks like is, you know, you buy a pre-workout and a protein. I send a pre-workout and a protein to the guy that's across seas fighting right now. I thought when I put this company together, I was like, how can I make a difference?
Starting point is 02:31:38 And what do they do over there? Eat, sleep, workout and fight. That's it. They're not doing anything else. What am I going to do? Send free food like that's not going to work. So supplements was really the next piece. And that's what I started the company. We've been we're 18 months and we just started. And dude, we've shipped a lot pallets and pallets and pallets of free supplements to military members. And now you want
Starting point is 02:32:05 to talk about rewarding. I get military members that come back and will send me a message and say, just so you know, today was the worst day of my life because I had to do things I didn't want to do. And when I got home, I had a shirt and a letter because we always put a letter in there and free supplements from you. And it changed everything. And I'm really, really grateful. And that for me is where my whole mind frame is now. Like I said, when we were like, I want to change, I want to help people. Well, what's so great about that is like, obviously like you give and there's like, there's going to be like monetary value to giving, you know, you give people stuff and now your name and your brand is in their mind and all that stuff. But beyond that, what it does is that person is uplifted for that moment.
Starting point is 02:32:48 And they're going to start to consider, oh, man, when I'm in a better place in my life, when I'm a little stronger, when I'm out of the military or I'm moving on to something else, now I get to do that. Now I'm in position to do that. Now I can uplift somebody else. And that's how you change the world, right? That's it right there. I mean, you help somebody and then they help someone else and that person helps someone else. And so that's kind of my thing. That's actually been my big focus outside of shooting is that company, because like the holidays are coming up.
Starting point is 02:33:16 And I know when I was a missionary, the hardest times for me were the holidays to be away from my family. And the coolest, coolest thing that we did started last year. Cause the company's new is we get a day. So my company's in Montana. It's right next to Rob and Dana's warehouse. We get a day where we have all the kids in all the schools that we can find write a very specific letter to a soldier. We then take those letters, we put them in boxes,
Starting point is 02:33:41 and it takes us forever, right, because we're trying to do $50,000, $100,000 worth of stuff, put them in the boxes with shirts and all this stuff and then ship them out and get them out before Christmas. So on Christmas, they have something to open and it's way more meaningful because it's literally a letter from a fourth grader. How great is that? A fourth grader is like, hey, man, I just want to tell you, thank you for fighting and doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 02:34:00 I know you probably forgot about why you're out here, but just so you know, we haven't forgotten and it's, it's awesome. And fourth graders probably come up with some fun stuff. Oh yeah. Some of the shit. Sometimes I read these letters and I'm like, I don't know if I'd want to get that. We're sending it. Yeah. Keep blowing people up with your guns. One time I had a kid draw something. He had one like drawn out and it was blood and bullets and I'm like, nah, whatever, let it go. Whatever, you know. But yeah, so that's kind of the thing. But it's one mission nutrition and it's all based around just giving back to the military.
Starting point is 02:34:32 And of course, you know, monetary, it helps us. It's a business. It is a 501C, whatever that is. It's like a charity. Sounds great to me. But yeah, that's kind of where my focus has been and then honestly my my number one focus at this point in my life is meeting people that i can have real relationships with that they can uh enlighten me and i can enlighten them and i can find a
Starting point is 02:35:00 relationship that will last like that's what it is that's why you always you probably see me all over the place like i'm yeah spending time with mark i'm spending time with rob and i was just with jay cutler like dude and that guy's such a stud such a fucking stud can't say enough good things about jay no dude i mean he came picked me up from my hotel he took me to dinner then we went and lifted and we chit-chat and we bullshit and you're like this is fucking jay cutler yeah dude and he's just so cool man like even yeah it's just so cool he's just one of those dudes same thing that's just a good dude and i never in a million years would have had the time energy or even been able to do what i'm doing with him now if my mind hadn't changed and been like i just want to meet cool people and change lives and have them help me you know you got a special question from a fan over there from wayne our boy wayne our boy wayne who's wayne um you met him uh in the um
Starting point is 02:35:50 in the uh store earlier today tattoos yep okay okay so he wants to know the fastest zero to 60 time in the biggest diesel truck you've ever built and how much horsepower and torque did it have fastest zero to 60 personally um i had a i had a 2011 single cab so it was just you know three two seats dodge ram that i built that was a twin turbo monster it was actually a daily driver um and i have it on my instagram but it's so far i don't even know if you could find it but it was it was probably real close to 900 horse and probably 2 000 pounds of torque and i the zero to 60 was real close to probably three seconds i mean it was uh it was unreal the thing that's different about trucks is you can put them in four-wheel drive, and you can spool the turbo up, and when you take off,
Starting point is 02:36:50 it's like taking off in a Tesla. Those Teslas are unreal to take off in, and it shoots you out. I've got a really good friend that has a 9,000-pound dually truck that does eight-second quarter miles. Oh, my God. Unreal. Wow. It's's unreal and then he leaves the track and drives it home it's crazy so yeah that would be i would say my personal my fastest 900 horse 2 000 pounds of torque and just a monster what do you think is the most misunderstood thing
Starting point is 02:37:20 you know that you like that you might hear like was there something that pisses you off when somebody says like my truck does this? Specifically trucks? I'll tell you what my most frustrated thing is. There's probably 50 of them. My most frustrated, and most people know this, we're in a lawsuit with what would be considered the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,
Starting point is 02:37:36 for what's called blowing black smoke or rolling coal. What 99% of America doesn't understand is that a diesel, even rolling that black smoke, is less pollutant than a Prius. Now, what they really don't understand is that black smoke doesn't go up into the atmosphere. It falls to the ground. It's unburnt fuel. So it's actually not doing what everybody sees and thinks that it's doing. Blowing black smoke is essentially throwing too much fuel into the motor
Starting point is 02:38:07 and it's not burning it because, remember, I told you, diesels have to burn at a really high temperature and it's just shooting it out the exhaust as blackened. I understand, yeah. Or there's smoke, there's fire, but there's not a fire. Yes. It's not burning. But people misunderstand that and they see these guys driving down the road
Starting point is 02:38:25 and blowing black smoke everywhere and that's annoying as fuck but what they don't understand is that's not polluting the way they think it is that shit falls to the ground in fact that's why that video that we watched he had black smoke all over him right you couldn't roll an exhaust on your face with gas and come out with a black face. Right, right. It wouldn't work. Exactly. That's what that is. So that's my biggest thing that I wish people understood.
Starting point is 02:38:51 Cool. Yeah, awesome. Anything else over there, Andrew? I was looking for the truck. I couldn't find it. You cleared everything out. Oh, it's a ways down there. Yeah, it's okay. Where can people find you, big guy?
Starting point is 02:39:02 Most of what I do is on my Instagram. It's the. Where can people find you, big guy? Most of what I do is on my Instagram. It's theperiodmuscle, and then the Discovery Channel. It'll be Monday nights. They actually moved us to the 7 o'clock slot, I think, for West Coast. And that's pretty much everything I do, as you'll see, either on TV or on my Instagram. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:39:24 Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch you all later. Peace out.

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