Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 303 - Let's Get BACK on TRACK

Episode Date: January 2, 2020

Happy New Year! We reached goals this year, enjoyed the holidays, now what? Mark Bell and the crew are talking about what goals they have set for next year and how to stay motivated during a time when... we can easily lose it. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 for some reason the last round of evander holyfield versus tyson showed up my instagram feed and like i was looking it was like showed a lot of evander holyfield's back and i'm like god dang like evander holyfield was crazy he is like god i would imagine he's probably still shredded he always looked amazing he looked amazing i mean he. His, uh, his like code name for buying steroids was Evan Fields. Oh wait. Like he, so it's well known that he used roids. I didn't know. Well, it's not well known or anything.
Starting point is 00:00:36 It's, it's more of like in a, like his, his home address. Yeah. This name, Evan Fields. Uh huh. The whole, like this was during like the whole balco like situation right yeah yeah and so people were like that's that's real convenient vander holyfield evan fields and yeah so the link was made it worked yeah he was in good shape man he he trained with uh lee haney damn yeah he used to work out with lee haney wow that makes sense they actually kind of look similar they do he was a lot bigger i mean
Starting point is 00:01:10 a similar physique right like that giant chest like why did vander holyfield have such huge pecs he looked like he looked like a bodybuilder just in the boxing ring tyson looked good towards the end of his career too he got pretty jacked yeahed. Yeah. He got in pretty good shape. That's why. Okay. And save. Holyfield looked like a video game in real life, though. Like, I know. He had a tiny waist.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Yeah. Yeah. He looked like somebody drew him on a Sega Genesis cover, and then he just came out to be real life. Anthony Joshua kind of looks like that. Yeah. He's huge. Yeah. Yeah, man. Anyways Joshua kind of looks like that. Yeah, he's huge. Yeah, man. He's got massive shoulders.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And he's Nigerian. I went to the Kings game last night and the referee we all noticed were like, that referee is jacked. Referee was trying to just play it off, just stand there like he doesn't have huge guns, but he was yoked. We were like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:02:06 That guy looks better than all the players on the court. That's dope. Man, but all the players are so young. Children. I remember the first time where I was older than the players on the court. And I remember just thinking, man, I would have done shit with my life. It felt terrible. I think all these dudes were definitely under 30. and i remember just thinking like man i would have done shit with my life it felt terrible i think i
Starting point is 00:02:25 think all these dudes were like you know definitely under 30 you know like i don't even think the oldest guy on the team was 30 you know i mean they looked they looked really young but god damn they're fucking so athletic it's insane insanity yeah so now that uh no carbs till christmas is over have you had anything weird yeah yeah i've been eating a little bit of a little bit of weird stuff here and there yeah but had uh like what i call fat week um just kind of eating a little bit of whatever still have rules i still have you know i don't want to gain a bunch of weight so um i'm still fasting and then from there i can kind kind of eat what I want.
Starting point is 00:03:05 But I'm actually anxious to get back. I'm sorry, Mark. Good thing that didn't end up on the podcast. I'm so sorry if that – it's bad. My nose is stuffed up a little bit. Thank you, Jesus. I think we might be okay. It's not as bad as when Scott Mendelsohn was on the show.
Starting point is 00:03:24 He just farted the entire time. He didn't acknowledge it. I didn't smell any ofelsohn was on the show. He just farted the entire time. He didn't acknowledge it. I didn't smell any of it. Oh, my God. He was just farting the whole time. Thank God. Mid-sentence. But, yeah, I can't wait to get back on eating some meat.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I'm going to do World Carnivore Month, and it'll be convenient with Piedmontese. I know a lot of people want to join in. I know a lot of people want to jump in on World Carnivore Month. I actually started a Facebook group, so if people want to check that out, they can go check it out. Just trying to inform people, give you information, but there's really not much to know. Buy some Piedmontese steak, throw it on your grill, and eat it. Yeah, grill, oven, even the air fryer. There's my TED Talk.
Starting point is 00:04:04 There you go. And eat it. Yeah. Grill, oven, even the air fryer. There's my TED talk. There you go. Yeah. You guys that want to hop in on World Carnivore Month, if I can speak, the easiest way is just grab yourself some Piedmontese steaks.
Starting point is 00:04:14 That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. At checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Flat iron steaks. Yeah, those are so good. Tomahawk ribeyes. The new rib strip. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, there's a regular ribeye and a center cut ribeye. And if you want a ribeye that still tastes really good but doesn't have the crazy amount of fat that sometimes a ribeye might have, then you're going to want to check out the Piedmontese Ribeye that uh still tastes really good but doesn't have the crazy amount of fat that sometimes a ribeye might have then you're going to want to check out the piedmontese ribeye yeah and then so during your uh your no carbs till christmas like what like a lot of people hear that they're like there's no way but like you had some like really cool treats along the way one of those being perfect keto uh can you explain like how that was okay? Yeah, even just, even, you know, using Perfect Keto, like the MCT oil powder in the coffee, just little things to look forward to, little things, you know, I have a sweet tooth.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And so, you know, you just need those things to look forward to. The Perfect Keto bars are really good. I like the cookie dough one quite a bit. And, you know, I wasn't eating it all day long you know some of these things these companies do a great job of making these things taste good um and so you still want to be conscious of how much of this stuff that you consume but i would just have one a day just gave me something to look forward to um the uh the mct oil powder i actually made like a hot chocolate out of it a couple times with a little bit of whey protein and that shit was really good yeah
Starting point is 00:05:51 and like my buddy actually just sent me a picture he's using those electrolytes now those electrolytes especially when you're fasting are so clutch if you're someone who if you're either lifting in the gym or doing any type of cardio those are clutch to have like 30 minutes or an hour before I pop like five of them. So take advantage of it. There you go. Yeah. Well, with fasting and if you're on a lower carbohydrate diet and or you're training really hard, you start to mix those things together and you're going to end up getting a cramp.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And so you're going to need those electrolytes. Yeah. I've been still enjoying the MCT oil powder with my coffee during my fast because I'm still fasting even though Shredigan is kind of over and done with but still utilizing stuff that I learned and one of those things being MCT oil powder in my coffee tastes delicious. You guys really got to check this stuff out. Head over to slash powerproject at checkout.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Enter promo code powerproject10 for $10 off any order of $40 or more. Fair warning, gentlemen, you're going to see me walk off in about, I'd say 15 to 20 to 25 minutes because this thing is like the poop is slowly going down my intestines. Something happened. Somebody told me one time that they thought,
Starting point is 00:07:00 and I think it was like one of my uncles or something. He said that every time you fart, he just thought it was like pushing it, you know, pushing it like pushing it down, pushing your poop out like closer to the exit. I always thought that was like a really funny way of looking at it. But he might be right. He's like, you'll notice you'll have to fart a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more. Next thing you know, you're on the toilet. That's what's happening right now.
Starting point is 00:07:20 That is what's happening right now. That's science right there. Yeah. So sorry, Mark. You going to be okay? I'm going to be fine. I'm just happy that your nose is stuffed and you can't smell all of what's going on right now. Andrew can give you mouth to mouth if you need it.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Actually, you know what? Beard to beard. I'd like that beard right against my face a little bit. Your mustache is starting to connect. Yeah! There you go. Yes, it is. What about just coloring it in a little bit you know i've really thought about doing that a little but if i sweat i don't want it to like bead off and have black sweat drips so i'm just gonna let it happen naturally but man you know
Starting point is 00:07:54 this has been a dream of mine literally for years you don't know ever since i started trying to grow this beard like three years ago like i never had the mustache connect so women women are dreaming about you and you're dreaming about your own beard that's pretty much it i'm only dreaming about my beard my uh one of our one of my friends i think she's met you before in here but i don't know if she remembered like she just saw you like real quick in passing but um i think because we posted up some of the pictures from like the podcast with the steak shirts and stuff uh she she drove us to the king's game last night and she just like stops and she's like all right she's like what's the deal with your friend and i was like i'm assuming you're talking about the black
Starting point is 00:08:36 dude she's like yep she's like what's his name i said in sema, oh, figures. He's got a hot name, too. She's like, oh, my God. She's like, where is he from? I was like, well, he is from Sacramento, but his heritage is Nigerian. She's like, oh, my God. She's like, I have a thing for black guys. She was all pumped. And I said, hey, listen, you're going to have to calm down here. But first of all, he's not single.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And I said, secondly, you, you're going to have to calm down. Yeah. But first of all, he's not single. And I said, secondly, you know, you're acting inappropriate. Oh, God. That's not the first time this has happened, Andrew. Not the first time this week. I know what y'all are talking about. Yeah. I'm just going to drink my San Pellegrino. It's so tough to be in SEMA.
Starting point is 00:09:22 It is sometimes. It's a curse. It is sometimes. And the a curse. It is sometimes. And the only reason why I brought him on, because I thought he'd be our fat friend. I thought he would be the side guy that lowers everything down a little bit. But no, I guess I was wrong. And totally backfired. My assessment was wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I actually got leaner because of this podcast, though. I think I started at like 255. Now I'm like 240, whatever. Just because of both of you. Keeps getting better looking. Both of you. We try. What are we going to do about this, Andrew? He's getting even better at jiu-jitsu. His mustache
Starting point is 00:09:59 and everything is starting to connect, so he's getting more handsome. I think it's because I'm hanging around you and your glorious mustache. I think so, yeah. It's rubbing off on me. More confident. Yeah. Yep. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:08 We're just going to have to, I don't know. Please don't fire me. Hope for the worst? Let's just keep me on here. I'll stay. All right. Anyway. You'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Enough about Nseema's favorite topic. I am so. My mustache, actually. I could talk about that for days. Anyways. my mustache actually i could talk about that for days anyways world carnivore month is uh is coming up here and um for those of you who've been following along i did the no carbs till christmas and then i was like ah you know what there's a there's room to like sneak in some cheat meals and be fat for a couple days i think today will be the end of it i think today will be the end of it. I think today will be the end of just eating like
Starting point is 00:10:45 whatever I had. I had pizza. I ate a donut. Just what I actually noticed is I had some like bread and a bunch of other stuff. Like what I noticed is that it's all the little stuff that is annoying more so than the big stuff. So getting like pizza or like cookies or donuts or eating a big thing like ice cream or something, those are all kind of the obvious things. And those things actually, I'm over it. Like those things don't bother me that much anymore. I'm not saying I'm over it,
Starting point is 00:11:18 like I'm never going to eat it again. I'm still going to enjoy it. I still like it, but it doesn't really bug me. It's all a little shit. Like putting the bread on your table when you go to a restaurant and it's like a fresh baguette that just came out of the oven and you can smell the bread and everything. It's all those little things that add up or you're at like a party and you just see like some chips that are out with some dip or something. It's all a little bullshit stuff that actually I never even really realized it before. It's all a little bullshit stuff that actually I never even really realized it before. But I almost like I almost like like that stuff better or I'd rather I guess if I was to loosen up my diet anywhere, it would be kind of like for some of that stuff here and there.
Starting point is 00:11:56 That's what my wife does. My wife has a really like kind of sensible diet. She she doesn't really ever have like a cheat. She just is paying attention to what she eats. She primarily eats meat and then she's not like against vegetables, but we don't really make them that much. She'll eat them here and there. But when I think about like her style of eating, she's pretty good at being like I'm just going to have a little thing of that. I can't – that's the hard part for me is, uh, I shouldn't say I can't, I have a hard time with, uh, you know, being like, I'm just going to break off a little piece of that chocolate and eat that. I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:12:34 going to want to go dive all in, you know, before you did no carbs till Christmas work. I mean, I saw you eating carbs here and there, but you, I never saw you do anything like ridiculous, right? Or no, I, I usually eat pretty, ridiculous, right? No, I usually eat pretty clean. I usually eat pretty healthy. Yeah, I know everyone says clean, but I like a ketogenic-style diet. I like my war on carbs. I like a carnivore-style diet, so I primarily just try to eat protein. Yeah, but I understand when you like a hardcore restriction for a while like you did no carbs it's like everything about carbs gets
Starting point is 00:13:10 heightened oh yeah smell the bread oh yeah when you go around an ice cream shop that ice cream smells stronger for some reason right i think andrew you were talking about this like a few weeks ago too you're like i'm smelling everything yeah uh yeah when i was uh like i hadn't had any cheats at all or like any just anything off of the plan which was meat and or chicken and rice or steak and rice and my daughter was eating cereal on the other side of the house and she was i was like dude smells like lucky charms like what is that and then sure enough i i get closer to the kitchen and she's she's chowing down on some lucky charms. I'm like, Oh, I was like, how did those get in the house? Like,
Starting point is 00:13:47 Oh, like it was, that was, that was pretty tough to be like, man, that was, cause it was weird. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:13:52 how the heck did I smell that all the way across the other side of the house? But yeah, like this, but my like senses were so, so heightened at that point, you know, something else I learned is that I just love the foods that I love.
Starting point is 00:14:03 I love the foods that, that helped me, uh, stay fit, that help me stay in shape. I can't remember what day it was, but I started out the day because I do a lot of fasting as well. So I just was like, I'm just going to eat breakfast. So I started out the day. I ate some eggs and some bacon. and after I ate that, I was like, all right, when am I going to eat carbs or when am I going to cheat with something,
Starting point is 00:14:33 whatever it might be, and that didn't happen until like 5 p.m. because I just wasn't interested. So people that are listening that have trouble with nutrition, that have trouble with their diet, really try to figure out a way to get after the protein the best way that you can. Whatever way you have to do, whatever way you got to do it to make that happen, I think is really crucial. Something I learned with the no carbs till Christmas, keep in mind I wasn't on like a crazy restriction from like overall food. So I just, I got a W, I got a victory whatever way I could. And that included, you know, sometimes eating like W, I got a victory whatever way I could.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And that included, you know, sometimes eating like a perfect keto bar. And if you look at the stats on some of these things, they have some carbohydrates in them, but they're low. And they're not really impact carbs, meaning that they're not going to increase your insulin levels, not going to really increase your glucose levels a lot. So, I was trying to keep the carbs down, but something I would advise everyone to do, uh, when you get on any style diet, whatever way you got to get a victory, like figure it out, like whatever way you need, whatever, you know, if you're on, if it fits your macros and you need the pop tart at the end of the day, like whatever the, whatever the thing is that you need in your nutrition, um, no matter what it is, just leave it in there.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You could always extract it later. You can always like be more sensible at another time. But the time to be sensible isn't when you're like hungry and isn't when you have a craving. I think you let these things go, you let them happen, you let them unfold, but you pay attention to them too. You let them happen. You let them unfold, but you pay attention to them too. And then anytime you have triggers that are cravings and hunger, as you go through the process and as you start to learn, as you have a more protein-first mindset, you can actually start to really be more sensible about it. And you can say, I don't think I really need that because it's not really helping my progress. I noticed I was making progress a few weeks ago. Now the progress has stopped. And that little pulse, that little hunger thing that's hitting me at the end of the day or that craving for that extra thing at the end of the day, you know what? I'm just, I'm going to go
Starting point is 00:16:39 on a walk. I'm going to just find something different to do, maybe have a protein shake instead. But I've learned that like if you just build that victory whatever way you can. And if it means that for two, three weeks, a month, you're on a nutrition plan and you're like overeating, I think it's totally fine. I think you can go back and that's an easy thing to correct. You know, I'm curious because one of the big things, whenever someone comes to me and they don't have a history of eating a lot of meat, like let's say when they overeat, they just eat a lot of carbs. They don't eat a lot of protein when it's, when I have to tell them to start eating protein, it's like the hardest thing for them to do. They don't feel like meat is appetizing. They don't feel like they can eat that much meat. And when they do, they're like, Oh, I can't do this every single day. But it's like that's the number
Starting point is 00:17:28 one weapon that you can use to stop your cravings because it's going to make you full and to allow you to be successful on the diet so that you're not overeating on a bunch of other foods. Like you said, that they they feel they can't do it. I think that's actually important because they're starting to feel like it's, it's like, quote unquote, too much food. But then if you start to have a conversation again, you say, okay, well you told me that you're hungry, right? I'm trying to give you more food. Here's your opportunity to eat more food. Exactly. And I think the episode that we did just recently with the spats, if anyone, if you're new to this and you haven't like listened to many episodes it's like three episodes ago that's a great episode to listen
Starting point is 00:18:08 to because that's a couple that they they're pretty active but they're not like intense dieters and they just they're pretty much they've changed their lifestyle to eating i think they went carnivore eating a lot of meat eating quite a bit of fat the husband and wife did a few different things she had a little bit more fat than he did, et cetera, but their diet was simple. It was meat. I think they had some vegetables, but there was a lot of protein leveraging and a lot of fasting. And to be successful on the diet, you have to get in enough protein for meat source. It's going to help a ton, especially in terms of your cravings. Me, myself personally, like that's the thing for me too. That's one of the big things that helped me out starting a lot of my meals with protein instead of
Starting point is 00:18:47 starting with carbs first, you know, it'll make me full. I don't end up overeating as much as I used to. And I think Andrew can attest the same thing. Similar, like in terms of like the diet that you just did, you were eating a lot of protein, but you had cravings. How did you go about that? Or how did you feel with that? Um? For me, for the first time, my mindset really took over. So, like, even if I did have a small craving here or there, like, I just – it didn't really phase me. But more recently now that, like, I'm not – like, I did the photo shoot. I'm not tracking. On Christmas Eve, you know, I really just – I'm like, i'm like i'm just gonna enjoy the day and whatnot
Starting point is 00:19:26 uh i ended up having like sweets and stuff and i just kept looking around for more stuff like i'm like i'm still hungry like i can't get full i don't know what's going on here and so i kept like picking at little things here and there and i'm like just like oh here's like a cookie like oh here's this and then i sat there at night and I'm just like, like, dude, I can't like, what the heck? Like, I'm not getting full and I just want more stuff. Did you have protein or no? So then what I ended up doing was I had a, I made, I mixed up a bunch of egg whites with some rice and that was finally what killed everything.
Starting point is 00:19:59 So now when I'm like today, like I'm looking around for stuff, I'm like, okay, I know what I need to do and I need to intake way more protein, more protein than I'm like today, like I'm looking around for stuff, I'm like, okay, I know what I need to do. And I need to intake way more protein, more protein than I even like think that I need to take in, in order to kill like this hunger pain that I'm getting for like this bad food. And I know people are thinking like, oh, dude, like egg whites, really? Like I'd rather have a donut. Like that's what I really want. It's like, but try this first and then see if you want that donut just as much i'm willing to bet you're not gonna want it
Starting point is 00:20:30 yeah and then if you do at least at that point you have something in your body that's like you know worth a damn as opposed to like eating just straight garbage dude that's my tactic too like yeah the boiled eggs from costco we talked about that a lot. Once I start feeling like, okay, I need to break this fast. I want to eat some crap. Like I'll just eat like eight of those eggs. And then I'm like, I'm good. Like you literally feel it just fizzle away. And then you can actually think rationally, you know, your hunger isn't controlling that. But I think one also thing you mentioned is heading into 2020, you know, it's going to be really important for a lot of people, whether you have diet goals or lifting goals, you got to create some type of goal for yourself or something you're trying to get to. Because like we were talking to Andrew and he was mentioning how like, okay, he hit his goal. He was hyper-focused and now that he already hit his goal and he got his sexy abs, he, the, right. Um, a little bit of that i guess motivation has gone out the window right you don't feel as in control or motivated towards your goal because you don't have one right
Starting point is 00:21:33 now yeah well like i like i just said um the the mindset is was the biggest like difference for me doing this like you know i've been training for years I've been dieting for a long time, but it was always like seven out of 10, six out of 10, eight out of 10. When it comes to my diet, this was the first time where I was 10 out of 10, because I'm like, I, I have this, this goal in mind. I have, you know, 73 days to do it. I've already put it out there for the world to like, know that like, Oh, is he going to make it? Is he going to fail? And, you know, even though people's opinions don't matter but it was still like man i don't want to i don't want to look silly you know like you know i'm part of this podcast i don't want to tell people like oh and sema's helping with
Starting point is 00:22:13 nutrition mark's helping my training and then have bad results like like how that would have been so lame yeah so i had a lot of motivation to get up early every single day, you know, work out or hit the step mill before the workout and then, you know, so on and so forth. And then now I wake up and I'm just like, hmm, like, I guess I'll hop in the shower and, you know, get to the podcast hopefully on time. Like it just there's a lot of the drive has like, I don't know, it drove off somewhere else. a lot of the drive has like, I don't know, it drove off somewhere else. Like, you know, so now I'm kind of like in search of like, I don't want to say what's next. Cause like, I don't want to do another, another silly, uh, you know, experiment or anything like that. But like, yeah, I do need to find some motivation somewhere. Yeah. They say like when you're wise, you know, your reason why is through the roof, then how you get stuff done is,
Starting point is 00:23:05 is easier. Or you don't even really think about how you're going to get it done. You're just like, I'm just going to get it done because it needs to get done because I am so attached to this that I really, uh, I'm in it for the, uh, the results. I think it seemed what you were saying about, um, I just want to back up tiny bit about like the food being appetizing. So then like I do think that that's a huge problem is like – so for me, what I've noticed is that by cutting out a lot of other food, the food options that I had became more appetizing. more appetizing. And I know it probably sounds a little counterintuitive, but by just like eliminating even something like fruit, which I don't think fruit is a problem at all,
Starting point is 00:23:51 but just by eliminating all that, my flavor, my body is like craving meat and it wants to eat meat. And that's something that really helped me. So maybe that'll help some of you. Additionally, like learning how to cook is important. And the only way to learn how to cook is to cook. And the only way to learn how to cook well is to fail and mess up a bunch of times. And you might want to get like a cookbook. There's a lot of options out there. You can even just look online on how to cook meat.
Starting point is 00:24:21 There's like little tricks. There's little things you can do like just let your meat get to room temperature. You take it out of the fridge for a little while. I know some people think that's disgusting, but that's the way you're supposed to do it. You're supposed to let the meat sit there and get to about room temperature before you cook it. You could throw some salt on it. You can throw some seasoning on it while it's sitting there. You can cook it.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And then we've talked a lot about on this show, like letting the meat rest. It makes a big difference. But, you know, the nutritional value of things that you don't want to eat zero, you know, and you kind of think of a kid like spitting out his broccoli or something like that. Like that kid's not going to ever really have not ever, but he's not going to have good experience with the broccoli. It's not going to be something that works. Maybe he likes green beans or maybe he likes some other green thing that you're trying to make him eat instead. Maybe there's some other option and maybe it's the same way for yourself. But the foods that you're – whatever nutrition plan you're on, there should be foods that you like. Like you shouldn't have to eat food that's gross.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Now, if you're prepping for a bodybuilding show, sometimes, not sometimes, all the time, the food's going to get more and more bland as you get closer to the show, because then there's like restrictions on salt and there's like, there's a lot of things going on. And sometimes your coach will say, hey, man, you got to eat, you know, 20 ounces of tilapia every day or what. There's like these weird circumstances. But other than that, other than being like someone that steps on a bodybuilding stage, I don't think you have to worry about that too much. I think, you know, your food should be things that you actually like and you actually enjoy. And then when you actually are thinking about the foods that you're eating, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:58 are they matching up with whatever goal it is that you set for yourself? And then that's a good way of like kind of just stopping yourself every once in a while and saying like, how is this going to help me? How is this going to hurt me? Like, is this for me or is this against me? Does it make sense for me to eat this peanut butter cup right now? Or should I just, like you said, should I just eat the hard boiled eggs? You know, stuff yourself, you know, stuff those cravings down. Don't be afraid to stuff those cravings down with food. Don't get anxiety that the food's going to – having breakfast here or there is going to make you fat or having – eating the foods that are scheduled and foods that are
Starting point is 00:26:36 on your program. Like don't – those things are – yes, we understand that if we eat in abundance, like just about anything can make us gain weight. But we're playing the long game. So you might have one day where you're ferociously hungry, and for whatever reason, maybe you just needed to get that out of your system and eat those foods. And then the next day, you're back to normal. So, you know, let these things kind of come and go, but just try to figure out a way to manage them the best way that you can. And if your food is not appetizing, I have a hunch that you're allowing other foods to kind of infiltrate your diet. And it's really hard to go from eating like a Dorito to eating really anything else because nothing else has any sort of flavor after that. Yeah. And on the note of that palate change, that palate change takes a while. Like
Starting point is 00:27:26 I guarantee a year and a half ago, eating hard boiled eggs with some hot sauce or like the chili sauce would not sound at all good to me. You know what I mean? But it took a while for me to stop craving certain foods so harshly, you know? So you need to give that time to happen. Like initially it's not going to be great. You're still going to be craving some other foods, but as long as you have something first, have a steak first, have some chicken first or some eggs or have something before that. And then if you have a little bit of it, I mean, it happens, right? But over time, those cravings for those other foods will diminish. And then just getting it out of your house.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I mean, we've talked a lot about that before, but not having easy access to this stuff will help you out a lot. That's one of the things that I did for myself, too, you know, because I did have a lot of these other foods like peanut butter, which is I love peanut butter. But like Nutella, all these things, I used to have that there and I used to have access to it. But just getting out of your house so you have to work to get to it is going to make that process so much easier because now you've got to go to the store. You've got to drive there. You're thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Then you'll probably guilt trip yourself out of it and turn around, but it works. What's up with your no fapping thing? Is it no porn? Is it no porn or is it no whacking it at all? How did we get here? I know. Mark, what was your train of thought from peanut butter to fapping?
Starting point is 00:28:55 That's one and the same, isn't it? No, no. I'm just thinking about cravings. Literally, I'm thinking about cravings. All right. like literally i'm thinking about like all right all right and i'm thinking about like like when you're craving sex i mean you whack off and it's you're not your mind's not preoccupied by that anymore i mean you get tunnel vision right like oh man i need to get some and you you figure out you figure out whatever way you need to you need to get some and then you're totally fine like 10 seconds later yeah i take four seconds later no man i take a walk or i
Starting point is 00:29:22 take a cold shower but we talked about this a little bit yo i i discovered porn real young real young i was like 12 yo so like i didn't realize the effect that that had on me and my actions in my brain and like it's just like i watched a lot of porn in my youth so i had to get out of that but i noticed like when i tried stopping watching porn like it wasn't easy just to like because i was i was a horny motherfucker like i was super horny right so i was just like all right let's just like let's just do this nofap thing right so yeah i don't i don't i don't beat my meat at all straight up i don't and not and uh did is that uh like that and you don't you know so you don't watch porn and you don't watch porn you don't masturbate i don't beat my meat i don't beat my meat there you go yeah i was just i was just you know thinking in those terms is like you you have this craving that it feels like
Starting point is 00:30:14 uh like if you don't get this shit out of your system yeah you know so you must have to get shit out of your system a different way yeah no like literally that's i that's why like i have to go take a walk i'll take a cold shower or I'll literally just go do something else real quick that will waste a lot of energy. That's why I do jujitsu every day. That's not the primary reason, but I mean, yo, that helps. Expending a lot of energy is great. Or, you know, I'm a lady. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Eat those eggs. I'm still wondering. Oh, yeah. The cravings. That's how you got there. That's so funny we some i mean your brain is like i mean just think about after sex your brain is like right it's just it's it's over with your brain like as i mean i don't know how it is for women but as a guy like your brain
Starting point is 00:30:57 is like hey like you better fucking take care of this shit yeah and it but it like keep you know can fucking keep you up in the middle of the night and everything. Yeah. Once literally. Everything just, everything goes back to rational thinking. Yeah. Right. You go back to rational thinking. So when you eat those eggs, you might go back to rational thinking. That's great.
Starting point is 00:31:16 That's a great analogy. I love that. Back to some of this stuff about goals. And, you know, when you have a goal and then you actually like reach a goal or even come close to the goal, it's hard to still have a lot of fire. It's hard to be excited because you just did something that you set your mind out to do. You put a lot of time and energy into it, and now you're like, all right, what's next? And I think I talk a lot about from a nutrition standpoint how it's important to have things to look forward to I think just as human beings in general like looking forward to shit and what's next is always
Starting point is 00:31:50 like an important thing it's like after Thanksgiving we have Christmas and after Christmas we got New Year's and then you know you're always trying to like I think even even after New Year's sometimes for people's a little bit of like a it's hard for people to get back in rhythm again. It's hard for people to get back to their normal lives. I guess even coming off of the New Year or heading into the New Year, people make a New Year's resolution. If you think about it, you're always kind of chasing this next thing, and you always need shit to look forward to. This like next thing and you always need like shit to look forward to. Something I heard more recently, even astronauts will, you know, they suffer from this quite a bit where they go into outer space.
Starting point is 00:32:40 They're one of the very few people ever in history out of all the people that have walked the face of the earth. They're part of this rare club that has actually been to space. And then they're like, OK, now what do I do with myself? You know, if you're thinking about like a LeBron James, he could chase down a Michael Jordan or Tom Brady could chase down a Joe Montana, or like you can, you know, in sports, you can probably, uh, try to emulate or chase down other people that did these things. Uh, you know, if you're somebody that has been to outer space before, it's probably hard to figure out like, you know, something that would excite you, something that would motivate you. Like what's the next goal after that?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Be the president? Like, you know, I don't know where you would kind of go from there. And so it's important that we always try to have goals. And then the goals, the hard part becomes, you know, being like an astronaut or being a doctor or something along those lines. Like once that goal is – once you start to strive towards that goal, then you're going to have to start to figure out what are your actual values, like what are the core values of you and what are the things that are just really going to make you feel good? What are the things that are going to make you happy? And so for someone like
Starting point is 00:33:53 Andrew or somebody that has competed in bodybuilding, you get like the post-competition blues. Happens a lot in powerlifting. I'm sure it even probably happens in jiu-jitsu. I think it happens just about every sport. After a team wins a Super Bowl, I'm sure they go through it too, like, oh, we won, and maybe it's not the way they thought it was, and then it's like, they got to try to do it again next year.
Starting point is 00:34:16 That's the only thing they can look forward to is to repeat. And they just won. They didn't have time to celebrate it. And so then it has to come down to what are things that you value what are things that you um like really feel like they're going to improve your life and that that gets to be hard to try to figure out yeah the post like especially i want to talk in the context of like andrew right now i know andrew didn't just do a
Starting point is 00:34:42 show but he just got really lean leaner than he ever gotten. And that's a situation that a lot of bodybuilders get into after they get on stage. And that post-competition like fallout is like, it's very consistent around most of them. Like they'll be like, okay, what's next? They don't have a what's next. And they start eating a little bit more. And a lot of them put on a lot of body fat really, really fast. And then once they've gained a lot of body fat back, they're like, okay, let's get ready for another show. So I feel like it's important to like for me, I like to set like I have a very big goal set that's going to take a while. It's going to take years. But I know that there's a lot of smaller goals that I'm going to be meeting and doing up until I get to that bigger goal.
Starting point is 00:35:26 So there's always something that's going to be coming up that's going to keep me going and keep me on track. It's not just there's this one thing because I know once I achieve that thing, oh, my God, I have to figure out something else real quick or I'm going to fall off the wagon very, very fast. And when it comes to like something like bodybuilding, you know, you might have a period of time where after the show you're going to eat foods that are off plan. You're going to eat foods that are pretty bad for you and you're probably going to acquire more body fat. You're going to gain more body fat. Yeah. I don't think gaining body fat, I can't imagine like any scenario where gaining body fat unless you're like malnourished is a good feeling.
Starting point is 00:36:08 You know, so I think gaining body fat, getting puffier, getting bloated is like a thing that makes people kind of feel bad. Maybe it makes them feel self-conscious. It's the exact opposite of when you're leaning out. You know, you might check out your triceps in the mirror or something. You might see a new vein. You might be pumped about this or that. And then the exact opposite is happening. You're like, man, my belly, what's going on with this?
Starting point is 00:36:35 Or, man, I'm not really that vascular. What's going on with all these things? And you start to really kind of get upset from that. But then you need a distraction and you need a new goal. And so that's why some people are like, oh, you know, after my bodybuilding show, I'm going to go after this bench PR because it's like, OK, that's a that's a distraction away from the fact that you're getting fat, you know. Yeah. But like whatever, you know, again, like whatever way you need to pick up victories, whatever way you need to to win, whatever you need to tell yourself,
Starting point is 00:37:03 I think is I think it's a healthy practice. And to rather than like think about body fat, how about you think about I'm just going to get bigger. So next time I lean out, I'm going to have more size. And you don't have to always be attached to this bodybuilding thing of bulking and cutting and bulking and cutting and so on. But you could maybe distract yourself with strength. You can maybe distract yourself with performance. Maybe you did a bodybuilding show and maybe after the show you're like, you know what? I want to start doing jujitsu or I would like to start running or I'd like to start
Starting point is 00:37:40 yoga. And you just, you start something but there's not really, when you're starting something, you don't need to have a really crazy, deeply rooted goal. Cause you don't know what it's going to be like. You don't know how it's going to feel. So it gives you an opportunity just to try something a little different. You put all your time and effort into this, that thing's over, you know, you're, you're probably going to feel a little blue afterwards and you can kind of refocus yeah and i think um one other thing is trying to like there there are these concrete goals like getting abs or doing a jujitsu or powerlifting competition but i think like diet goals are also worth like
Starting point is 00:38:19 having because like we all have multiple things we're trying to achieve and i think one goal that we can all try to get to is trying to have control over food or trying to like not have food control us. I think that's like, that's a big goal that we can take step-by-step practices to try to do. My, my step-by-step practice was I started doing intermittent fasting, which helped me have more control that led to lower carbohydrates. Cause I wasn't doing lower carbohydrates, but when I did, I stopped craving sugar and a lot of these bad foods as much. I'll eat that every now and then, but it's not because of a hard craving. And that just kind of morphed into me now having control over food and not having it lead me in that direction. Everybody's path to that is different, but I think having an idea, not just, you know, I'm just going to lose weight or I'm just going
Starting point is 00:39:03 to diet, but also having control over all of that. I think that's a good goal to have because then you'll be able to try to figure out what actions do I need to take or what do I need to be able to do to be able to actually have control over food and not have it be the other way around. It's, it can be brutal. Like if you slip up on your food, um, we hear people all the time saying like, man, I just, I really need to get back on track. And that's what it really feels like. It feels like a track, like you're on a train track. And you, the food is good. You got the food on lockdown.
Starting point is 00:39:36 You're heading in one direction. Your training is good. Your sleep is good. Like everything feels pretty good and you're on this like track and and and then you like get side swiped you're like oh man my birthday is coming up and you have a couple drinks and you eat a little bit of whatever and that's on like a thursday and then thursday bleeds into friday and friday bleeds into saturday and then now it's sunday and you're like i'd love to's Sunday and you're like, I'd love to
Starting point is 00:40:05 get back on track with my training. I'd love to get back on track with this and that. But you're now unmotivated to even go to the gym because of allowing these foods to have too much control over you. And maybe you had a couple of days of drinking, not like a bender. You weren't like going crazy. You were just enjoying yourself for a few days. And maybe you're just not as motivated, not as fired up. It's easier to be motivated. It's easier to be fired up when you're successful. It's, and like, we've seen this all the time with powerlifting, you know, we'll have a new guy come in and he seems like a pretty full blast powerlifter.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And then they'll come over to me and be like, dude, I think I just, I think I fucked up my shoulder. And I'm always thinking in me and be like, dude, I think I just, I think I fucked up my shoulder. And I'm always thinking in my head, like, good. Like now we're going to see if this guy is like, if this guy has what it takes to take things to the next level because that's when you find out about people is when things get difficult, when things get to be hard. And as you're trying to get back on track,
Starting point is 00:41:02 you're going to learn a lot about yourself. You're going to learn, like, can you dig deep? You should be able to. There's no reason why you can't. You should be able to dig deep. It doesn't cost you anything. It doesn't, you know, to build willpower and to have willpower. You know, a lot of these things can be triggered by the way that we're treated as children and stuff and the self-confidence and things that you have.
Starting point is 00:41:25 But one way to build self-confidence is to turn yourself into something and you'll feel more like something. But what I've noticed with a lot of people is that the training, sometimes the overtraining and sometimes not training, they can be like just as bad. They can lead to poor performance in terms of your nutrition. So if you overeat, I'm sorry, if you overtrain, you can sometimes end up with cravings. If you overtrain, you can impact your sleep negatively. If you negatively impact your sleep,
Starting point is 00:41:59 that could cause problems with your nutrition. If you negatively impact your sleep, that's going to cause huge motivation problems man i'm just not motivated and you could also be as fucked up as this is you could also be sleeping too much because yeah people that get depressed oftentimes they kind of lay in bed a lot right so man it's hard to toggle all these things but you don't need to feel sad about it you need to kind of evaluate it and say, like, is there, like, is there something else going on to have like some sort of, you know, you would know, like if you had a relationship issue or something else that was tugging on you,
Starting point is 00:42:35 those are totally separate things, but you review your training a little bit, review the food that you're eating and pay attention to your sleep and maybe some other stresses you have in your life. And you should be able to come up with some good answers on how you can get back on track. Yeah. And getting back on track, I think it's, like you said, that's where you're going to be tested because I feel like if we look at that, first off, we should look at what got us off track in the first place. Every time I fall off my diet, did I get enough sleep the night before? That's one of those big things that I was talking about that helped me to gain control, getting consistent sleep, because I always noticed when I wasn't sleeping enough, I had harder cravings. So I knew, okay, if I don't rest,
Starting point is 00:43:14 I'm going to want to eat this food. It's going to make it harder for me to have the willpower to want to eat more protein in that moment or to stick out longer on this fast. I'm not going to be able to do it. It's not going to be as easy. I'm not going to have as much motivation to get to the workout today. So I need to make sure I do that so I don't F up again. Or with like a family event, because family events or birthdays or anything where you have to go out with people, that's going to happen. So the first time you mess up, but then when you look back on it, okay, I ate a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:42 But maybe if instead I decided to, I knew it was happening. So if I decided to fast today and then go out and eat and have fun, maybe that wouldn't have caused me to eat. So like 4,000 calories during this day, since I ate all day long, you can always look back at these situations because they're going to happen again. We had an episode with John Berardi. I think he mentioned that looking back at these things and figuring out how to navigate them because they'll happen again. But you don't have to fail every time it happens. Family doesn't need to be an excuse.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Christmas or family events don't need to be any type of excuse to fall off your plan. You just need to be able to navigate that so it fits your goal. Yeah, I think the decisions and the choices are all up to you. I think you can make people feel really uncomfortable by being super weird with your diet and whipping out Tupperware and these kinds of things. But there's other options. You can eat before you go places and you can still enjoy just so it's not awkward. Just enjoy some of the food that they have there. It shouldn't kill you. It shouldn't interrupt anything really.
Starting point is 00:44:47 So that's have there. It's not going to, it shouldn't kill you. It shouldn't interrupt anything really. So that's an option. You could fast through it and just say, you know, I ate before I came, I'm good to go or whatever, whatever excuse you need to make. But I think you can kind of camouflage yourself. And I think, or you can just tell people flat out, you can just tell people, I got a goal right now. I'm, I'm, you know, I'm a couple of weeks out from a bodybuilding show and, or whatever the goal or whatever the thing is. It would be really rare for someone to be like – to really like chop you down. They might be like, oh, come on. Live a little. They might give you some shit that way.
Starting point is 00:45:17 But if you told family members, you said, this is what I've been doing with my nutrition. This is what I've been doing with my training. And it's making me feel really good. And I want to continue to pursue this because I want to see how far I can push it. They'll probably be like, now they still might say something negative because now they feel like you kind of like
Starting point is 00:45:37 checkmated them a little bit. Like they're like, fuck, I'm eating all these cookies. You know, but, or they might feel like you're judgmental towards them. But really, if it's, especially if it's a family or friend, they should be kind of supportive, right? Yeah. My, my sister actually, she said what her, her strategy, which I thought was genius.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Cause I've been helping her with her diet, trying to like kind of push her more towards the ketogenic style diet. I know she'll thrive on it but um what she told one of her friends um and this actually was untrue but she's just just didn't know how to handle the situation where like oh they don't have anything good to eat so i'm not gonna eat so she said oh sorry i can't because i need to prove my brother wrong and they're like what he's like yeah my brother said that i couldn't stick to a ketogenic style diet. So I'm going to throw it right in his face and prove that I can. In actuality, no, I'm the one that's actually more supportive than anybody.
Starting point is 00:46:31 And, you know, but she's like, sorry, I used you as my punching bag. But as soon as I said that, everyone was like, oh, heck, yeah, you need to, you know, whatever. Stick to your plans. That way you can prove to him that you can do it. Yeah. So I was thinking, like, maybe if somebody has a punching bag like that they can throw out there i thought it was a really cool strategy a challenge is a great excuse yeah i'm doing this one month challenge yeah so and so challenged me to follow this dive for x
Starting point is 00:46:56 amount of weeks and i'm going to beat them and then it kind of draws some of the attention away from you and pushes it on to you know, like the, the negativity towards that person, like, Oh, that asshole is the reason why you can't enjoy this food. Okay. Well you need to do better and blah, blah, blah. So I just, that was the first time I had ever heard anybody use that excuse to like, just, just to kind of like calm the weird, like vibe when, you know, you do say like, Oh, I can't eat the cookies because I'm better than you. I mean, I'm trying to better myself or whatever you know i thought it was cool yeah speaking of challenges or let's say goals do uh have you guys have any new goals for the coming year for myself i'm gonna be uh doing a lot of jujitsu competitions
Starting point is 00:47:38 there's pan ams and there's worlds coming up so i'm gonna be doing those like i do every year so hopefully i'm gonna win those as a purple belt and then there's a fun little match coming up. So I'm going to be doing those like I do every year. So hopefully I'm going to win those as a purple belt. And then there's a fun little match coming up with potentially coming up with Mr. Wesley Smith. Nice. In February, Chad Wesley Smith. So it might be finalized soon, but that's going to be fun. But yeah, so there's some jujitsu competition goals and I want to move better this year
Starting point is 00:48:02 in terms of like physically, I want to like do new things so i can move even better right um because i think there's there's this guy named ito portal you might have seen i don't know i don't know if he has no he is but he's just this guy who moves in a freakish flowish fashion so i want to be a big guy that can just move like that or have more body control like that so those are a few things i'm trying to do. Nice. Yeah. I'm hoping to just like own this body fat percentage for a little bit. Okay. You know, like,
Starting point is 00:48:29 like San Efforting had said like, Oh, people want to weigh 200 pounds. They touch it and then they drop down. But then I weigh 200 pounds. Like, no, you have to own it for a little while before you do anything else.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Um, I understand that. Like I, I shred, I cut down so much that it's not really sustainable to like stay super duper lean. Yeah. But I mean, basically I just want to still have visible abs for a long time. So that way it's not, it wasn't just like a one time thing.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah. You know, that's kind of like where my mindset is right now. And I think it's, it's a pretty safe place to, to hang out for a little bit. And we'll see. What you could do is by the end of January, you can just say like that you're going to stay within, you know, eight or so pounds of where you were. You know, you were down, what, 23, 24 pounds or something? Yeah, 23 pounds. Yeah. So you might have gained like eight pounds or 12 pounds already because that just kind of happens but um you can balance it back out and be you know 20 pounds down from where you started uh you know the end of next month or something like that's what i did with my body
Starting point is 00:49:35 building show you didn't tell him did you no no so not tracking not really paying i mean i'm paying attention like i'm not eating too bad but like i'm just you know just kind of whatever the day brings i ended up going from like 171.8 down to 171 even this week like i ended up dropping weight so like day of the photo shoot i i don't want to say ballooned up but like i gained like three pounds out of nowhere and then right after that it just thought it all came off and then so i ended up kind of hanging around 172 173 and then yesterday in the morning i weighed myself 171 even just so you know the weight gain during the photo shoot that wasn't a bad thing like bodybuilders before you get on stage you're typically lighter they have show you're about five pounds heavier okay like you want to be filled out so that's not a bad thing that you were 174 same yeah i was like 228 and two you know this and that uh
Starting point is 00:50:33 before the show and then i was 235 when i stepped on stage yeah from eating extra carbs and you know kind of filling everything up a little bit yeah i think a good goal for you andrew would be just to you know stay within stay within a good range of that body weight that you know just stay under 180 yeah well actually yeah that was kind of my my goal is to weigh 180 with abs that's kind of like what my what my hope is you know and if that means it's a slow climb to 175 half of the year and then, you know, the rest of the year, whatever, or, you know, whatever it takes. Um, just cause I don't know, like I want my bench to, to still remain, you know, pretty high for myself, not high, but like comfortable for myself. Um, I did pull three 15, um, Thursday. Yeah. I think it was
Starting point is 00:51:21 Thursday, which was cool because that's like you know that was my goal when I was on SARMs and it's like here I am that's a body weight PR too that's insane oh yeah dude I I yeah I was talking to somebody on Instagram and I'm like yeah that's a uh an abs PR and like you know on a Thursday like add all these you know silly uh prerequisites to make a PR but yeah no I that was the lightest i've ever been for the most weight i've ever handled dude and i mean yeah i was 200 pounds the first time i hit that so it's like at 170 pounds i think that's like what you just mentioned that's a really big deal because that's especially when it comes from a power lifter's perspective they're really scared of
Starting point is 00:52:03 dropping body fat because they're scared of losing some strength and you might lose a little bit here and there but it's not like you're going to go from you're not going to lose a 100 pounds on your bench press or right even potentially 20 or something is that you're not going to lose that much you know uh natty professor what are you doing to move better um what are you going to work on in particular? Is there something new that you saw or something different you're going to try? I already do a lot of stretching. I'm going to start doing a little bit of yoga on the outside, so like stuff outside of what I already do.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And then like Ido Portal, he just has a lot of weird movements that he does, a lot of weird movements like with his knees and stuff too like is it like a like kind of primal movement type stuff yeah people do but it's it's weirder than that man like you have to watch some of these videos to like see what i mean because i can't even describe it like legit like he'll be moving his knees down and like he'll slowly control his knees down to the ground in a bad position and get up from that same position just for like, just to have total body, like balance and control. And I'm like, the reason why I want to really like, I like an art form or almost like a dance when you're watching people move like that. You're like, Holy shit. It really is. Like it literally looks like he's just like flowing and dancing.
Starting point is 00:53:17 It's really odd. Um, what's Jeff, Jeff. Yeah. Jeff's like crazy. Yeah. He turned me onto that guy and I was like, Oh, like this, this is, this is pretty amazing. But I, like, I want to be able to move that way because I,
Starting point is 00:53:29 it's, I think personally, like that's going to help me in terms of continuous injury prevention into the future. Right. It's going to keep my body healthier, but it's also going to help with my jujitsu. It's going to allow me to move better on the mats,
Starting point is 00:53:40 even better than I move right now. So yeah, Jeff was describing some cool stuff to me, um, about mobility, you know, and basically like if you were to, this is a really simple thing that you can try, you know, you can lie on your back and just bring up one leg and you can do it with a bent knee. It's fine. You can, you know, try to drive your knee up, try to drive your knee, uh, you know, past your past your hip, keeping the other leg on the ground.
Starting point is 00:54:08 And just see where does that lock up? Where is that end range of motion? You could do the same thing with your leg straight. That would be fine. But what you're going to notice is if somebody grabs your foot and somebody pushes on it, they can move you in a much greater range of motion. The point is you should be able to move yourself in a pretty good range of motion as well. To have pressure, to have someone push on you, yeah, that all feels good and stuff. But as you're trying to move and as you're trying to be more mobile,
Starting point is 00:54:40 the more control that you can have through a range of motion uh the the better off that you are so like you know jeff can throw a kick you know right up over your head but he can also do it in a way where you're not worried that he's actually going to accidentally hit you because he can hold his leg up super high and then he could accurately throw like a kick whereas like if i was just trying to throw a kick even you know at your arm or something uh i would have to get a lot of momentum to heave ho my leg up there and then blow your shoulder out and i'd blow out my legs because it's that it's me uh throwing my leg into an end range of motion rather than me moving my leg through a range of motion that my body uh can handle a little bit
Starting point is 00:55:22 better so i think a lot of that makes sense but But, you know, when you're, when you're going to investigate like new stuff to work on for the year, then you have to start to figure out, okay, well, like you said, you're like, well, I'm already stretching. So it's like, well, that ain't going to help you get to where you're trying to go. And you already know that because you're like, well, I'm already doing a lot of stretching. So that ain't going to really change much. Like you might improve a little bit just because you're trying new stretches, but you recognize the fact that in order to cause change, you have to change. You have to enforce some change. You got to try some different things. And so anybody that's setting goals for the new year, you know, that's something to really keep in mind is,
Starting point is 00:56:08 okay, here's the goal. Here's the thing. Here's the thing I want to try to do. It doesn't always have to be like, I don't think your goals always have to be like, I'm going to bench 405, you know, how about just like, I'm going to become better at benching. And then how do I become better at benching? Like you just work on it more. You work on assistance exercises to help bring up that bench. You work on shoulder exercises to help your shoulders stay healthy during, you know, you take the thing, that's the goal, and then you start to mount up some stuff that would make sense to help you get to that goal a little bit quicker. For me, like I already started with a little bit of running. I would, I just want to see like what running will do for me. It has nothing to do with body.
Starting point is 00:56:52 It has more to do with brain. I just want to kind of see, I love walking a lot and I've been feeling good. I've been feeling healthy. So I was like, yeah, let me try some running. So I've been messing with that. I don't know what it will turn into. I don't know if I'll like, you know, just one day go off and just start like, let me try some running. So I've been messing with that. I don't know what it will turn into. I don't know if I'll just one day go off and just start running some great distances or anything. But so far, it's been feeling pretty good.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I'd say Mark Bell do a triathlon. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you never know. The swimming part would be a real bitch for me. But so far, so good. I'm enjoying it. I'm liking it so far. And what I've been doing is just walking and running.
Starting point is 00:57:34 So I walk, and then when I feel like running, I run. And within like a mile run or so, I might run about eight times. So it's like I'm not really trying to run any certain distance. I would just start to pick up my feet and I'll start to run and I'll just find a landmark. And I'm like, I'm going to run to that. And sometimes I run on a Peloton treadmill in here too, just out of convenience sometimes. And it's a little less – beats me up a little bit less than just hitting the pavement. But it's something that I've been wanting to do for a little while, something I've been wanting to try because
Starting point is 00:58:07 I've been out walking and I'm like, I feel like I can just take off. I feel good. I feel light. I feel comfortable, you know? So that's something I'll be working on. I still need to work on communicating better. Like I just, for whatever reason, I'm not great at that. So I should probably like read a book about it or something like that. Like I would love to be able to communicate to people better. I think it's something that I do a pretty good job with, especially when it comes to like this kind of stuff. But then, you know, just always making sure that I'm communicating properly with employees, making sure I'm always – I feel like my communication with my wife, I feel is excellent. I feel like that's really good. Maybe she feels different.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Maybe that's the whole point of working on communication. I could certainly get better at that as well. So those are some things that I would like to improve upon. I just want to always make sure that I'm, uh, I guess being clear and then just being fair, you know? So like if I, if I was to get, uh, upset or mad that, you know, something happened or, or, or didn't happen, um, I don't have any right to be mad about it unless I communicated, like, unless I, unless I clearly said, Hey, can, or we're going to do this thing together, right? Like we're going to make sure that this thing happens.
Starting point is 00:59:25 And then, you know, I can go back and say, oh, I thought we had a conversation about that. You know, I can kind of review it. I just feel like I can get a little bit better with some of that. And then my son's birthday is coming up. And what I want to get him for his birthday, I think you'll be a big fan of. I want to get him some jujitsu classes. Oh.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Oh, dope. Okay. Yeah. I was like, Tesla? Well, that too, yeah. Yeah. Oh, sick, man. Did he put any interest into it?
Starting point is 00:59:57 Yeah. He and I have been talking about it for a little bit, and we've been kind of kicking around the idea. So I was just like, I'm just going to go, and I'll just – it'll be my – I'll just – it'll be my first time going. It'll be his first time going and we'll just fucking go do it. Dope. And if he doesn't want to go, then I'll just go. I'll take all his classes.
Starting point is 01:00:15 But I just figured I would just like go and just get him a couple classes or something or sign him up for a month or something like that and just commit to it. Just go. Go for it. Nice. Try it out. Dude, no, that's great. The beginning – oh, man.
Starting point is 01:00:34 The beginning stage is honestly the hardest because there's too much. It's like there's too much, man. Like for my first year of jiu-jitsu, I just felt like a dumbass. I already know it's going to be like – I've done some jujitsu before. I already know it's going to be painful in more ways than one. Like my elbow is still weird and so like I'll have to figure out ways around that and stuff. But I'm looking forward to it and it could help me move a lot better and stuff like that. I would love to be able to move a lot better but i'm not much of a stretching guy but if i go somewhere where other people are stretching and if i go somewhere where
Starting point is 01:01:12 mobility is part of the game yeah then i'll have to uh adapt or die right yeah no i'm excited for you guys that's gonna be really awesome that's gonna be really really cool and then you said andrew jasmine's also starting jujitsu yeah we gotta sign her up but she said she was down but then uh a friend of hers said she does karate and so now she's like i want to do karate and i i know i'm gonna try to sway her back to jiu-jitsu i don't know but you know she's like karate kid or cobra kai ah yeah that has some influence in on it too. That's cool. Any martial artist is dope.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Agreed. We'll see. I'm going to see if maybe we can just try both and see which one she likes. Cool. But yeah, we'll see. Any lifting goals? Maintain strength and just like, I just want to, I don't know, just build new skills in the gym, do new movements.
Starting point is 01:02:04 So there's no direct like numbers associated to it i just want to be able to maintain the numbers i currently have but just build new skills in terms of the gym like one thing i was noticing when i was squatting last week is like my squatting stance was closer than it usually is and my like usually when i squat in that fashion my knees would be like, they wouldn't feel great. But I guess because of all the mobility work that I've been doing, I can now do a pretty close stance squat fairly comfortably with a lot of pressure around the knee area without any pain. So that in and of itself is just huge for me. But yeah, just continue to improve the way I do my lifts in the gym.
Starting point is 01:02:42 just continue to improve the way I do my lifts in the gym. I've been rowing a lot too recently for cardio, which I really like, and that's for cardio and assistance to help with like cardio for jujitsu. So I want to get better at that too. But yeah, that's, that's pretty much,
Starting point is 01:02:59 I think maybe some people that are like newer or some people that are more novice to lifting, I don't think they think in those terms like, Oh, I'd love to bench press without any pain or I'd love to, you know, do a squat with less pain in my knee. They're thinking like, I want my quads to be bigger. Maybe sometimes – like those little goals, those little tiny things are – even just saying like I want to squat better, period. Like I just want to look better when I squat because I think it looks like crap.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Those are great goals. And then those are things that are going to help you to squat more anyway you know so you'll you'll move better and you'll be able to lift more efficiently any uh lifting goals over there andrew um i think i'll probably try to get back to feeling comfortable uh under 225 pounds for the bench i think i mean i know i can go do that today but it'll you know it'll be a grinder right yeah um so that and then also uh for the squat just not being in pain um the squat still bothers my back and oddly enough i would think that i mean a younger me would have thought the deadlift would actually be the worst for it but the deadlift actually helps the most
Starting point is 01:04:02 yeah um so i think uh you know maybe following what uh smooth panther yeah that's what the youtube series you had right yeah to try to stretch out the back and just just not be in pain with the squat and then hopefully build that up also but no actual numbers for the uh the squad just to you know kind of not have that doubt in my mind because that that kind of you know that that always sucks yeah but yeah uh just being able to rep 225 would be good um i think i'll just be happy with that and then for the deadlift i don't know maybe it'd be really cool to hit 405 you know and being able to rep 315 was really nice uh i think i have a lot of a lot of room
Starting point is 01:04:47 to grow there yeah what even if it's trap bar i don't care it'd be really cool to see four plates on there um you know in the future yeah you'll get there real quick as we uh as we talk about these like because i i feel like i've used the word pain a lot and you used you used the word pain quite a bit um like i when you've talked about like the way your back feels, like that's not the way it's supposed to feel. I don't want anyone to get when we use the word pain. I don't want them to get mixed up with like, oh, a lot of soreness. With injury. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Because like being really sore after a workout or just feeling a lot of soreness in certain places, okay, that's not a big deal. That soreness of soreness in certain places, okay, that's not, that's not a big deal. That that soreness is soreness. But like when I was talking about my squat, it would legitimately feel unsafe if my foot was in that position because I didn't have good mobility in certain places. So like I shouldn't squat that way. I shouldn't, I couldn't squat that way in the past. So, you know, when we mentioned pain, like there's actual problems with what we're doing here. It's not just being really sore you know so yeah that's important not to not to uh push into that stuff too much because then you can end up with kind of long-term long-term injuries right the little alleys can turn into long-term shit yeah anyway uh world carnivore month is upon us hopefully you guys will join in you can check out my instagram you can check out my youtube channel um i'll have more and more
Starting point is 01:06:10 information on that all the time and i'll keep you guys up to date on what it is i'm doing and all that good shit andrew where can people find you uh hit me up on instagram at i am andrew z and if you guys are not already following the podcast on Instagram, it's at MarkBell'sPowerProject. Twitter at MBPowerProject. LinkedIn, slash IN slash PowerProject. Where else? We're streaming on Mixer now.
Starting point is 01:06:39 We're streaming on Twitch. We're streaming on Periscope. Still streaming on Facebook. Yeah, and then make sure you subscribe here on youtube uh what else what else um if you guys have a second please rate review on uh on itunes it does it does help us out quite a bit and then of course uh any links to anything we ever talk about will always be in the show notes or the youtube description in sima if somebody wants to get in touch with you yeah where are you at hit me up at and see my yang on instagram and youtube and see my yin yang on tiktok and twitter by the way i think we did this before but there was a lot
Starting point is 01:07:17 of people that sent messages either send some messages to the mb power project or mark or andrew myself in terms like your 2020 goals because goals. Because last time when we mentioned that, a lot of you had like certain things that you're trying to do. One guy told me he was going to quit World of Warcraft, which I know that's in itself a challenge. So hit us up and let us know so that you got someone who's in your corner. How about you, Mark? Where can people find you?
Starting point is 01:07:41 At Mark Smelly Bell, pretty much everywhere. YouTube, IG, TikTok, Twitter. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch y'all later.

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