Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 312 - Your Health And Your Job

Episode Date: January 16, 2020

Whether you have a sedentary job or a high physically demanding job, you will have to alter your fitness to fit your needs. We're going to try to clarify all that today. Subscribe to the Podcast on on... Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors:                                                                      ➢New Perfect Keto Birthday Cake Bars! 10% of 1 box, 20% off 2 boxes, 30% off 3 or more!                               ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, in the past it didn't used to feel that way. Stretching yourself to sleep? Is that what it is? Isn't that what yin yoga is? Is that what yin yoga is? I don't know, kinda. Sorry if my voice is still messed up. I completely yelled it out.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Oh yeah, at the game? Yeah, yesterday was real bad. I saw clips of that. That looked awesome. It was amazing. We had an awesome time. it helped the 49ers kick the crap out of them yeah that was like a historic i think i think you guys were talking about that on the last podcast right how that if they win there's some type of history that's now gonna uh or no no well so that was the first playoff game at levi stadium yeah oh okay and then well
Starting point is 00:00:41 i think what we were talking about was um if theahawks had won their game, then they would have had an awesome rematch. But they didn't come through and now we got the Cheeseheads. Yep. The Packers. Green Bay Packers. Why are they called the Cheeseheads? Wisconsin. Just because of the cheese in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Oh. Yeah. So they wear cheese hats. I don't think they're really actually made of cheese though i think it's just foam right i'd imagine that leads a lot more cte edible but it's possible cheese head head cheese i don't know when's the last time you went to a game and you're like like live like that and are we on right now i thought we were on but now you two okay yeah now we're on oh now we're on uh the last time i went to a football game football and fal football that would have been the first year that levi stadium opened up but i didn't even actually have a seat oh wow we went and got like it's called standing room only even though there's no room to stand in
Starting point is 00:01:42 but you can you can you get a ticket to get inside of the stadium, but you don't actually have a seat. You just get to stand around and watch the game from small little areas if you get lucky. Wow. And what's crazy is our seats, it was pretty close to that standing room. So every probably like 30 seconds, somebody would walk up and they just like scout and they're like oh there's a seat right there and they would just be like oh yeah that's me that's me and then the actual person with the ticket would show up like hey dude and like oh shit yeah it's like come on man it's a sold out playoff game do you think that somebody's really
Starting point is 00:02:20 not going to show up to like for that seat so So it was, but it was interesting. Cause I've been like, I've been on that side too, though. It reminds me of like when I was a kid, I used to movie hop. Do you guys ever movie hop as kids or no? Oh, heck yes.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah. Yeah. Nowadays you can't movie hop though, because people like they're resigning seats back in the day, man, we'd see multiple movies each weekend. It's wrong. It's funny kind of as a kid.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Cause you're like, I could go see two or three movies in a row. Right. Yeah. as a kid because you're like i could go see two or three movies in a row right yeah as an adult you're like that would kill me oh yeah like that would be kind of hard to do right yeah yeah kids can't do that yeah it'd be brutal to sit through a bunch of i mean it's fun but that's a lot of sitting on your ass it's a lot of sitting and that's what we're going to be talking about today. We're going to be talking about sitting on your ass. We're going to be talking about your job and kind of as it relates to fitness and your job as it relates to your nutrition and stuff. And we get asked a lot of questions. I see this come in here and there where somebody is like, well, I'm on my feet a lot because a lot, you know, cause I'm a waiter, I'm a waitress. And, um, you know, does that count for my 10
Starting point is 00:03:29 minute walks? And I'm still like, no, you still need to get on your, you know, we need three, 10 minute walks. It's a big difference when you have like purposeful fitness, I would call it, you have an intent. Intent is I'm going to walk and I'm going to be uninterrupted as opposed to your work environment, which can be healthy, but is also high stress usually, right? If you're a waiter or waitress or you have a job where you're doing a lot of manual labor, even though it could be positive, maybe you love working on a roof or maybe you love construction, and that is a great way to burn calories. But it's a stressor, right? It's a little bit like lifting, whereas something like walking is really not a stress at all.
Starting point is 00:04:15 It's really just kind of relaxing and you're burning some energy. And the reasons on why we walk and stuff like that are – there's just so many different reasons for it, but it's continuous motion uninterrupted and you're not like talking to anybody else or doing anything else. You might be listening to music or a podcast. It's a time for personal development as well as get some exercise in. Yeah. And I always felt like it's always good, you know, even if you have a job, I guess, where either you're sedentary or you have a job where you're working a lot on your feet, it's always good to get outside and take those walks because getting some sunlight exposure is going to help you when the nighttime comes. That's one of the big reasons why I want, no matter what kind of job the individual I work with has, I want them to take multiple 10-minute walks during the day because that exposure to sunlight will help them fall asleep faster, get deeper sleep, et cetera. Because you'll notice if you're stuck indoors for most of your day and you never get sunlight because most people don't.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Like most people, they wake up, they get in their car, they go to work. They're in work until like 4 or 5 p.m. By the time they come out, the sun's close to down, but they don't even get outside again. They find it harder to fall asleep. That's one of those reasons why getting outside and taking some walks is going to be so important. Helps them out a lot. Yeah. And then, you know, there's some people that have the opposite style of job where they're really not moving around a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:37 You know, they're they got kind of a desk job. And I hear a lot of people, you know, say they have their backs, their back hurts or their knees hurt. And it's very common, you know, if you're going to be sitting down for a period of time, you know, a long period of time. What I usually try to suggest to people is that any time that you do sit down, I mean, first of all, you know, there's a lot of things to go over here. We can have like a stand up desk and there's some things that can help just change your positions. Right. and there's some things that can help um just change your positions right but what i see happen a lot is a lot of times somebody's like i'm just going to sit down for a minute and so they have like bad sitting down skills and they sit weird they're like on some weird angle their hips are
Starting point is 00:06:16 shifted off to like the right because they're not like they don't think they're going to be there for that long you know their hips are way shifted out and they don't have their full body like lined up with the keyboard and lined up with the computer and they're not like tucked into their spot, you know, their station. And I think that's a big mistake. And it's just something that's a real easy thing to fix. Just being conscious of that. Say, you know what? It doesn't matter how many seconds I'm here for. I may as well sit down the correct way and get up the correct way and, and make sure I'm not in a rush so I can keep this vehicle going. I was just going to say, so our boy Josh, he kind of tweaked his back during a squat last week or so. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It was just one of those weird things where it's like, what the heck happened there? But talking to him, I'm just like, hey, I've been there. I went through hell for two years because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my back. Or I just like you know like hey like i've been there like i went through hell for like two years because i couldn't figure out what was wrong with my back or like i just didn't know what to do i'm like you're not gonna do that but one of the things i told him i'm like hey like you no longer are allowed to slouch like at all like that means leaning one side or the other or uh josh kim yeah okay uh i was like your pretend your spine is is now um like uh that game jenga you know where you like putting the blocks up and stuff he's like well what do you mean i'm like
Starting point is 00:07:30 well if you start leaning over to one side like it's gonna fall over i'm like i was like by time you realize like oh shit i'm slouching i'm leaning over it's too late because the second you straighten out you're like oh shit like damn it i shouldn't have sat that way i'm super guilty of that i mean on this podcast i sit like this because i'm typing over here and then i'm trying to get to the microphone and then by time i'm done i'm like uh-oh like i messed up so it's one of those things that you don't pay attention to until it's way too late yeah it sucks yeah step one is definitely having good posture if you're going to be forced to sit down and like talk like on the note of sedentary individuals. You know, my girlfriend just got a sedentary job a few months ago and she was someone who had her past job.
Starting point is 00:08:12 She was on her feet all the time. So it was really interesting because like she's never had lower back pain in her life. And now, boom, lower back pain came out because she's, you know, she's typing at a desk. So, you know, if it's possible we've talked about this on the podcast before but if you could find a way if your company like allows it if they could get you a standing desk um and then if they can't it's like not a full-on standing desk but you can get yourself a riser that you can put underneath your monitor yeah fairly inexpensive yeah yeah there's some that are like on amazon for 80 90 bucks there's some that are like 400
Starting point is 00:08:44 but there are some really good ones that are really affordable. You want to get that for yourself because like on the hour, you want to be standing multiple times as much as you can. That'll help you a lot. Like when you're sitting, your hips are off, your glutes are off. You'll notice that like you'll have a hard time even exercising when you get off of work because you're seated for so long. So you really want to figure out a way to not have to be in that same position for seven or eight hours during the day. I was at Phil's the other day as normal and a guy just started doing walking lunges in there. It's just kind of like thin looking guy just started like popping out some lunges. And for about five seconds, I thought like, that's odd. And I was like, you know what? That's not really odd. It's actually really cool.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And he was staying at the bottom of the lunge and he was like stretching his hips and kind of moving around. Why not? He ain't doing nothing else. He's not hurting anybody. He's not in anybody's way. He's not causing any problems. He's just lunging in the middle of fills. his way. He's not causing any problems. He's just lunging in the middle of fills. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:51 if you can kind of keep that same mentality, if you can, you know, maybe, maybe have an idea of like, I'm just going to try to keep moving my body around. I'm just going to keep trying to stretch. I'm going to keep trying to get some stimulation because even if you are, you know, working very diligently, there's probably not a lot of reasons for you to sit for more than maybe 30 or 40 minutes at a time, I'm guessing, because you're probably going to be interacting with some other people. And you may have a project and maybe you are kind of sitting down for a little while working on it. But regardless of what the job that, I would make that a cue and make that a habit of like, okay, I'm already up. I'm already like distracted. I'm already away from my desk. I may as well see if I can go outside for a walk for a few minutes if that would work.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Or maybe like that guy was doing bust out some lunges or try some stretches for a few minutes. The only thing it's going to do is increase your work productivity. It's not going to make anything worse. It's going to give you a nice shot of energy. So I think that's a great way to do it is use that cue of like anytime you have to get up from your desk, do something else as well. Or even like also you could – I mean I have a desk at home that I use because I work at a computer a lot, but I have a kettlebell there so that like every hour, like I can do a little bit of kettlebell type work, maybe some kettlebell deadlifts or some overhead
Starting point is 00:11:17 pressing with a kettlebell. If you could get a cheap one you could take to work. I mean, I'm pretty sure your office wouldn't have a problem with that, but you could be that, you know, you could do that. And then also like maybe taking a band too like having um one of those resistance bands where you could do something with that uh in your cubicle a little bit so you can keep things moving because um that that's the one thing that happens when you're seated so much things turn off but also this is the last thing if you start standing a lot of
Starting point is 00:11:43 people if they've never gotten a riser or standing desk, they'll have bad posture when they're standing because they don't keep their glutes on. So if you're standing at a riser, make sure. Flex that booty. Yeah. Like activate it a bit. Keep it a little bit active because that'll help in terms of engaging your abdomen and everything else will engage.
Starting point is 00:12:00 But if your glutes are off, then you're still going to have a problem. So you need to keep them flexed. That'll help things along the way. So you need to keep them flexed. That'll help things along the way. Maybe grab a hold of a hip circle. Do a couple walks, you know? Get your heart rate up a little bit. Move around. You don't have to get all sweaty because I know you're in your work clothes, but get
Starting point is 00:12:15 it moving around a little bit. Yeah. But you can keep the hip circle around your knees as you're standing too. And if you have a problem keeping your glutes active, that'll help you out a lot. Right. Yeah. Nathan on Facebook, he recommends help you out a lot. Yeah. Nathan on Facebook, he recommends, because this is what he does, he'll just hold like a deep squat for a good amount of time in between stuff. Is that a good idea?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Absolutely. That's a fantastic idea. It's a great way to get your knees used to that kind of pressure. That's like, I think Kelly Sturette used to talk about it. Cause he, Kelly's Tourette recommends like a five minute squat. Like you just, just like get down there and just, you know, uh,
Starting point is 00:12:53 don't come back up, but you can move around a little bit, but that's actually really, I mean, that's hard. We should do a podcast in a full squat position, like a 30 minute podcast squatting. That would be great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Stretch you out for a little bit. And then you, after a while you'd be like, I'm dead that's uh pretty uh pretty brutal but yeah movements like that are great and um but it does you know those those of you that have like bad knees and stuff you're thinking oh man i wouldn't be able to do that but you can get used to stuff like that it might take time maybe your version has to look a little different. Maybe you have to hold on to something while you're doing something like that. But yeah, that's a great movement, great exercise. I was one of those people too that was like, oh no, my knees can't handle that in terms of just like sitting in a seated squatted position.
Starting point is 00:13:36 But after just doing it like over and over, increasing the amount of time that I was able to do it, now I can just squat and comfortably sit there for a prolonged period of time. So yeah, most of us that we think our knees are going to be a problem, they're really not going to be. We just got to do it a little bit more. That's all. And some of the reason why we know about some of these things is like, I've never had like a nine to five where I was sitting on a desk. So I don't know much about that. And I don't think you ever really did either, right? Oh, it wasn't a nine to five, but it was like a desk job at a gym. I was like selling memberships. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:08 But part of the reason why we know this is that we, and Seema and I have both been lifting for a very long time and we both feel good. I can say for myself that I feel better than I ever have. I've had some pain in like my hip slash groin for you know i don't even know how long i think 2008 or something like that and i just always been too stubborn to get it like looked at or anything because my my dad has a fake hip or maybe he has two fake hips my brother has two fake hips i'm like i don't even want to know i don't even want to know what they're going to tell me but the reason why we know so much about some of this stuff is that we're feeling great and we've been lifting for a long time.
Starting point is 00:14:47 We've been kicking the crap out of ourselves in SEMA doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu and competing at Worlds at a very high level. All these things are contributing factors to us figuring out ways. How can we feel good and still perform at a high level? And a lot of it just has to do with just don't stop. You have to keep moving. You have to keep your eye on the prize. And I know sometimes it will seem like it's too much, and sometimes you're going to want to kind of give in.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But the second that you give in, you will get smacked in the mouth, and you will learn a very valuable lesson that that wasn't the right move to make. Anytime that I've ever slowed down or stopped, it's always hurt me. I'm not talking about relaxation. I'm not talking about sleep. I'm not talking about paying attention to your recovery. I'm talking about when your knee is kind of banged up and you're like, I'm just going to take a week off because my knee's banged up. That might be a good idea to take a week off of something, but don't take a week off of everything. Yeah. That's definitely that, that, that's the conundrum right there. Because when you said, when you mentioned slowing down and stop, there's a guy that I work with, he has the tendency of overdoing things all the time.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And he's one of those people that it would benefit him so much if he would actually take the deloads that better program or actually back off when he needs to, because that's, that's digging him into a hole. But it's definitely necessary. Like if you can think about like your, your workouts, um, figure out certain weeks after maybe four or five weeks where you can back off just a little bit, you can still go to the gym, still lift. You don't have to totally take things off, but just go a little bit lighter for a week or two. And then you can continue to progress because that's super important. If you don't do those things and you like, you just keep going, you're going to get yourself injured somehow. You're going to hurt yourself somehow. So it needs to be like, you need to have times where you can actually back off a little bit. But I was, I was going to ask you this when you said that you never stopped, does that mean that like when you look back at like when you're, you're training, do you mean like you really just never, like you never backed off from the gym unless it was like
Starting point is 00:16:55 a vacation or something like that? You were just, you just, you've just been going at it. Yeah. I don't think I've had more than a, I don't think I've had more than four days off of training, maybe five days, probably five days, probably more accurate. I don't think I've had more than four days off of training, maybe five days, probably five days, probably more accurate. I don't think I've ever had more than five days off of training at all. That's the same here. Yeah, and I don't know how necessary that is. Like I'm not saying that that like is the key to like feeling amazing. I'm just saying like I know what has helped me, what's worked well for me, And that's been to just figure out a way to continue to move.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And exercise, you know, I talked in the past about, you know, being protein-focused with your nutrition. And I think when it comes to just your health, aside from what you eat, I would also be very, like, exercise-focused. You know, think about what is it today that I'm going to do? Uh, that that's gonna, how am I going to put out some energy today? You know, what's it going to look like? Am I doing jujitsu? Am I running? Am I walking? Am I just, just, it could be, could literally be just about anything. I think that like, cause when we were talking earlier,
Starting point is 00:18:03 I was mentioning how, like, as I was walking in today, I just realized, oh, damn, I just feel really good. Like nothing hurts my hips, my elbows. I mean, yeah, there are little things here and there when I'm lifting. But overall, my overall movement, I feel great. And it's been a long time since I felt great. Why did you say you needed a massage from Andrew then? Because I just like getting massages from Andrew. That man is very good with his hands.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I don't know if you've ever... Powerful fingers. Powerful fingers, great grips. He just knows how to touch a man. And where. And where. So, yeah, you got to let Andrew hit you up. He's not lying.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yeah. No. Yeah. Andrew knows his way around a back. No, not for you guys. It's free for friends yeah friends i like salted caramel but man i was saying that it would be even if you you're not someone who does a martial art or anything it'd be a great idea to figure out how to fit in like non-specific movement into your training just so that like lunges not just lunges forward but maybe lunges to the side with lighter loads
Starting point is 00:19:10 or lunges backwards because overall that's going to help you to be able to move in spaces bulgarian split squats single leg type movements i do a lot of that type of stuff in my lifts too just because i it does help with overall movement and if you're good at movement, then you're just going to be able to move better and feel better. What about just encouraging somebody else, you know, say like, Hey dude, let's go on a 10 minute walk. Somebody else in your office say, Hey, let's go, let's go walk down the street. Let's, you know, maybe you're next to a coffee shop or maybe you're next to a destination that you can walk somewhere and it makes it more exciting than sitting in the office all day. And then, you know, you're trying to,
Starting point is 00:19:51 hopefully, you know, that reaches that person. And then hopefully that person, when they feel good, they come to you and they cheer you up or they get you excited about something and say, Hey, let's go do this. And then it won't be as weird. It won't be as weird to like do some walking lunges in the hallway or something like that everyone will just be like it wouldn't be any big deal like if someone if we were walking through here and someone was doing some push-ups or stretching uh even if it was more on the office side of things we'd be like well that's just smoky he's really weird and he's obsessed with bench pressing so we would just you know we wouldn't
Starting point is 00:20:22 think anything of it right but that you know you touched on that because like it's good to get somebody to take with you on these 10 minute walks but the one reason why i think a lot of people maybe don't go out of their way to get a standing desk if their company isn't going to pay for it or they don't take these walks is because everybody else is also just kind of sitting around right or that's just the culture of where they are no one else does it and if you do that you're gonna be kind of weird everyone's gonna be looking like what what's stacy doing over there with her bands and her stuff in her office why is she doing all of that why are you gonna make fun of white people stacy could be latina like what she could be but stacia you know like maybe
Starting point is 00:21:02 anyway stacy is my example here and i'm sticking by that but yeah like it would be a good idea to get somebody else if you have a friend at that office get them doing what you're doing so maybe you could potentially just you know you're not you're not the odd man out or if you are the odd man out so what you're feeling better it's not that big of a deal i was gonna say at the uh at the previous job that we did have these walking treadmills. So you would take your laptop and you would put it down and then you'd have these. They went super slow, but I thought it was great. Nobody touched them because anytime somebody would get close,
Starting point is 00:21:38 they're like, oh, there goes Andrew. He's going to get his workout in. I'm like, no, I'm not. I'm just going to I'm gonna utilize this because it's here and then it's all right see you tomorrow and it's like no you won't oh you're gonna get some exercise in huh like you're making a big deal about it every time you went to use it I was just like hey Susan like just calm down it's always he's her name was Susan someday someday she's gonna find this podcast and she's gonna be so upset because she was nice to me, but she still was very passive aggressive to everybody.
Starting point is 00:22:13 We're all going to get attacked at some point for something that we said on here. Someone's going to throw a brick at the back of our head in the streets. We're mentioning this stuff for the sedentary jobs. There's one other thing that I think would be pretty pretty useful and mark you have one right here it's one of these mats um because a lot of people you know when you're just standing around and and back in the day when i was reading what kelly stirrett was talking about as far as standing he you know he even like he was a promoter of these these mats um there's a bunch of different brands on amazon but also like maybe a little bit a little stool to put your foot on so you can be in the captain morgan pose if you don't know what the
Starting point is 00:22:48 captain morgan pose is i guess just look it up or if you're watching the video it's well just look at captain morgan look at captain morgan yeah because like it's it's actually a really comfortable position to stand in prolonged and then you could just switch from foot to foot and keep that glute active it's really it's really beneficial so yeah bars have that uh like actual bar like going to up to the bar have that like spot for your for your foot on purpose like it's not just it's just because you get more comfortable you can stay there longer yeah there's some science behind it seriously yeah kelly's like he he went as far as saying oh sitting is the new smoking and like being perfectly honest i don't think that's an exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:23:26 All the times that I've had to or I've made the mistake of sitting for too long on multiple days on end or even at my old job when I worked at a gym, I started to get lower back pain, lower back pain that I'd never had in my entire life. And for a lot of us, that starts to become normal. So just understand that, number one, you don't have to live with that type of pain. That doesn't have to be normal. You don't have to be that stiff. It's just some very simple changes that are different from what a lot of other people where you work are probably doing. Whenever you have an opportunity to stand rather than sit, that would be great. Anytime you have an opportunity to walk rather than stand, that would be great. Anytime you have an opportunity to walk rather than stand, that would be great.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You know, whatever, whatever, you know, option you have that is going to have you be more active, burn some more calories. I don't really do a lot of sitting. I mean, it's rare for me to come into here and sit. We have it. We're at a standing desk right now where we do the podcast from. and sit. I, it's, we have, we're at a standing desk right now where we do the podcast from. And, um, you know, sometimes when I'm in meetings, sometimes I'm even standing just cause I don't, I don't feel like sitting. I usually like sit or like lay down, like when the day's over,
Starting point is 00:24:40 you know, I save it for then. And then also like if you're older, um, you'll find that you stiffen up a lot easier. So you turn into like cement when you sit down for a long time. You know, the noises that I make getting up, you know, after a long movie, you know, it sounds like a bear or something because I feel like I was like cryogenically frozen into the seat or something like that. And so a way to combat that is to continue to figure out ways to move continue to stand continue to move around um i remember george foreman when george foreman made his big comeback he was in his 40s and if you remember uh the big deal with him not only was he knocking people out left and right but he was also standing in when he went to the corner you know everybody
Starting point is 00:25:21 sits down in the corner big old george wasn't because he was like, if I sit down, I'm not getting back up. I thought that was more so an intimidation thing. Like, I don't need to sit. You gotta, you gotta sit. I,
Starting point is 00:25:32 I thought that was intimidation. I think it was a factor for sure. Like, because he didn't really waste a lot of energy because he was a veteran boxer. But I also think that, uh, yeah, he was just like,
Starting point is 00:25:42 you know, I'm not getting back up. These joints are stiff at this point. Yeah, dude, he, I was watching a little thing on a you know razor reddick oh yeah oh god i was watching um it was like a little on tyson yeah yeah mini documentary on hit that tyson fight and my gosh this the the the how hard his punches were just scared the living hell oh my god those guys yeah they were smashing on each other. That was a really cool fight. That was kind of like a point in Tyson's career where you thought he would kind of turn the corner, but he just had too much shit going on.
Starting point is 00:26:17 He couldn't quite do it. But, I mean, he did beat Razor Ruddock. Yeah. That was dope. He was ferocious. Andrew had mentioned something. something a listener what did they ask dude you just repeat the question because that's actually pretty important yeah i'll try to find it to be like exact but basically he was just asking about um he has a uh
Starting point is 00:26:38 for everybody in general like a uh they have more of a um uh high demand job like they're more physically active sorry yeah words slipped my mind anyways uh and on top of that this guy he's in i think in landscaping and he works in florida so it's hot humid so he's following the general um rule of like one pound or one gram of protein per pound um he's more on the higher carbs, lower fat, but all in all, he's about 3,500 calories per day. And he didn't ask a very specific question. He just wanted us to hit more kind of on that topic of what do people do who have
Starting point is 00:27:16 like a more physically demanding job? And I think basically he's just like kind of wondering like, hey, am I doing the right thing here? Because I'm following the general rules, but should someone like me hey, am I doing the right thing here because I'm following general rules? But should someone like me in my position be doing something different? I think he just wanted to kind of like make sure all the checks and balances were in place. Yeah. What's changed for you and Seema?
Starting point is 00:27:35 Anything changed since you've added in jujitsu several years ago? Other than like losing 25 pounds. Not really. I actually eat. I probably – And losing 25 pounds, you kind of like just let it happen. It wasn't an intention. No, I just let it happen.
Starting point is 00:27:53 You weren't like dieting or anything in particular. I wasn't dieting. But your diet has gotten better too. It has gotten better. I wasn't doing fasting initially when I started jujitsu. But over the period of time, I did start doing that. initially when I started jujitsu, but over the period of time, I did start doing that. In terms of food, I probably eat a little bit more or close to the same amount nowadays.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I think that in this person's case, because I think that we need to kind of answer this question, if he's trying to lose weight, if he's someone that's trying to lose weight and he has this demanding job, I think he's kind of at an advantage here. If he really thinks about it, you're at an advantage because yeah, you can hit your protein. If you're higher carb, that's fine, but you're doing so much work that you're able to get away with eating more food than a sedentary individual would have to eat, like a substantial amount more especially and you might even be able to get like kind of a double whammy on fasting because he's exercising for four or five hours at a time if he has a manual labor job exactly a lot of people with manual labor jobs too like they don't fast they they could like i feel like they really could as long as you're hydrated and be really good so like i'm getting used to probably yeah especially
Starting point is 00:29:03 if it's hot stuff stuff like that. Exactly. You got to keep hydrated. You can have electrolytes with you so you don't get cramped or whatever. But if you're able to actually fast and do that, those types of people drop weight or body fat very, very, very quickly because the demands and the calories that they're burning throughout the day are just so high. But if you're trying to gain weight, that's even like – you can still do it, but you just have to eat more food. Um, I know you're not a big fan of tracking, but it like you could track here and there just so you could have an understanding of how much you need to be eating so you could gain or drop. I to do if he's already tracking stuff is weigh himself and see, like, is he gaining? Is he losing? Look in the mirror. Like, are things progressing?
Starting point is 00:29:50 And then he can make a – he can determine whether he wants to add more calories or reduce. Yeah, and he was mentioning the hot and humid. I think the only – the biggest thing that would probably be – or get in his way a little bit is being dehydrated. A lot of people forget to drink water, Jessica, during the day. And that's one of the things that leads them to getting really tired. It's lack of water. And also, like I mentioned, a lack of electrolytes. So if you have something like that on deck, that would help a lot in just not feeling drained as you're working. Yeah. And there's companies like Perfect Keto that have their, you know, they got their essentials, electrolytes that you, it's just some capsules that you just pop in the middle of the day or whenever, whenever you feel you need them. I think it's always best
Starting point is 00:30:36 when it comes to hydration to stay ahead of it, stay out in front of it, figure out a way to stay out in front of it. It's going to be your best bet. It's like too late when you got a cramp already or something like that. And, you know, I do think in this case, I mean, it would depend on what you're doing, but if you have a very intense manual labor job, you might need some food. I mean, you might need some snacks and you might need to maybe vertical diet it you know as much as i love fasting i have also never worked in the sun in florida uh the way that maybe this guy is or the way that maybe some people do so i i don't even really know what that's like so i can't really you know accurately say like oh fasting is totally the way to go um you might need uh some
Starting point is 00:31:24 food but i'd still, you know, you still need to have sound nutrition. Sounds like this guy's on a pretty good plan. He can maybe start out his day with some, you know, oatmeal or something like that and some eggs. And then, you know, have some snacks with him so that his blood sugar doesn't drop. But if you get used to fasting,
Starting point is 00:31:44 then you don't have that fluctuation of your blood sugar doesn't drop but if you get used to fasting then you don't have that fluctuation of your blood sugar it doesn't um it's probably more unstable without fasting yeah so it's just it's it's going to be whatever it is that you're trying to do it's going to take time to get used to it i think he mentioned also he's like higher carb i don't have like currently because a lot of people are asking what my diet's like. With what I'm doing right now, I'm actually low carb. And I've done higher carb. I've done lower carb.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I personally feel better, especially when I'm not working out too, doing lower carbohydrate. Lower carbohydrate means that I'm eating most days it would be less than 120 grams of carbs. And I'm someone who used to eat 400 500 grams of carbs for my performance right so i've been on both sides and i've done fine on both sides but i do feel a little bit better lower carb do you think that's just like a uh a combination of learning how to eat a little bit better learning just being more educated period on on nutrition or do you think that just over time you've developed a more uh i don't your body just appreciates fat better than it does the carbs because i know like you know i asked you like
Starting point is 00:32:50 hey can i still have high carb like yeah but you're gonna have to drop fat yeah and i feel way better right now i don't know if maybe in time after following like a strict diet for a long period of time where i'm like you know man i just i need to switch over i need to get fat in my system but yeah so do you think that it was just like a timing thing or it's just cause you just got tired of not having fat? I wanted to try the lower carb because I mean, there was a time, I think I talked to Mark about it too. You know, I was scared of doing it because whenever you hear about athletes having to perform at a high level, it's always really, uh, the advice is, or the suggestion is higher carbohydrates is going to help fuel your exercise, whether it's lifting
Starting point is 00:33:31 or high cardiovascular exercise much better. So I was like, I'm scared of not performing well. That's why I did it. There was a period, I think, you know, I think it was like two weeks or maybe I was feeling a little bit, and I got used to it. That's the, I think the one thing that athletes need to get used to is just like giving themselves a period of time to get used to eating much less carbs and much higher fat and being able to perform under that type of stress.
Starting point is 00:33:56 But at the same time too, I realized that I don't need, and I've mentioned this too many times, I don't need as many carbs as I used to to be able to perform at a high level. I don't need nearly, I'm i used to to be able to perform at a high level i don't need nearly i'm not going to be using that amount of carbohydrates the 400 500 grams i used to just put down not going to be using it it's an unnecessary amount of carbs it's just an excuse to eat more
Starting point is 00:34:15 carbs you know yeah that is crazy yeah yeah and i know a lot of athletes that do that so i just it's unless you're doing some like really you know don't know, maybe track and you're – it's like that demanding of a sport where you're just going at that high type of output for prolonged amounts of time. You're like a 400-meter sprinter or something like that. I mean that's a lot of work. You just go ahead and eat whatever you need to eat to get through that shit, right? Yeah, yeah. I don't think it's necessary. Right. I don't think it's necessary. I think people should find their kind of carb tolerance point, you know, and they should figure out, you know, if you're fatter than you want to be and you just realize that you need to lose some weight.
Starting point is 00:34:53 And semen. Then. My bad. I didn't notice that. You're making like a little thunder in the background. Sound effects. sound effects. If you're trying to drop some LBs and you're consuming
Starting point is 00:35:06 a decent amount of carbohydrates, just shift them around a little bit. See what makes sense. As has been said by CrossFit for many, many years, I've actually recently been in touch with Greg Glassman, and I'm super excited.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I'm going to be going to this event they have in Santa Cruz where they have this low-carb conference. CrossFit, anyway, has been preaching low-carbohydrate for the last 20 years. They're one of the only organizations that I know that has been – well, yeah. Really? Yeah, Paleo and that kind of stuff kind of all came from them. And when they were with Rob Wolf and stuff like that, and they've had it since then, they've had a lot of other people come in.
Starting point is 00:35:48 But one of the CrossFit like kind of mottos or something that I've seen a quote before that I've seen in the CrossFit community was, you know, consume enough carbohydrates that you can perform really well, but not so many carbohydrates that they make you fat. Yeah. You know, and again, we're not saying that carbs make you fat. Nothing makes you fat except for yourself and making poor decisions towards like not sleeping enough and poor decisions towards food choices and things of that nature. But carbohydrates are just easy to eat. And we got a tendency, as Nseema is talking about eating, you know, three, four, 500 grams of carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Do you really need that for what you're doing? And who we talk to most of the time, which is just people that go in the gym and train pretty hard or, well, I could say very hard, train very hard for four or five times a week. That's a lot of training, but I don't know how many carbohydrates you really need for that. You know, I would say, you know, it could be a little different for each person, but maybe 100 or 200 would probably work really well for most. Yeah, the demands of like a powerlifting routine, and most of the people or listeners do a lot of powerlifting, the demands of a powerlifting routine multiple days a week
Starting point is 00:36:58 with a condition of bodybuilding is not, you're not going to need that many carbs to do that. And like I was mentioning to Andrew, if you're someone who's like, I got to do high carb, I got to do high carb, then realize you have to do lower fat. You have to lower that fat intake because you can't eat a good amount of protein, very high carbs, and very high fat. You're going to be eating way too much food in general. So one's got to give. If you're higher carb, you got to be lower or moderate fat, just enough fat so that you can't like it doesn't affect your mood and your hormonal levels.
Starting point is 00:37:27 If you're going to be higher fat, then you should probably be lower carbohydrate. Something's got to give somewhere. There's two things that are that are kind of true here. Like if you're trying to get really shredded, it's low everything. And if you're trying to get really fucking big, it's high everything. You want to bring... Because even Jake Cutler was saying even when he was eating a thousand carbs a day, which he did for many, many years in his bodybuilding career, which is like... That's a lot of food.
Starting point is 00:38:00 So when it comes to the reason why carbohydrates are so effective, there's multiple reasons on why they're so effective for getting big. But one of the main reasons they're so effective for getting big is that they're easy to eat. They're enjoyable. It makes it easier. Like if you have steak, it makes it easier to eat your chopped up steak with some rice. Or what if you have, you know, got some salt on there, some bone broth. Now you kind of turned it into like a monster mash. That just gets to be easier to eat. So then you can consume more.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And also with the ingestion of carbohydrates, what it does to your insulin levels, that will additionally help you to be hungrier. It's going to stimulate hunger. And so it just kind of makes the whole thing a little easier. But if you're, if you're trying to lose weight, that would, that would make sense that you would say, you know, I'm not going to eat that because like, like I've done, I just cut out a food category. Cause I'm like, if I eat that, I really want to eat a lot more of it. And I think that most people have to probably question, you know, if you are eating four or five times a day, do you need 50 grams of carbs with every meal? I understand, you know, if you're trying to get big, then yeah, then, then your need is different than some other people's. But, um, when we're talking about need a lot of times
Starting point is 00:39:17 on this podcast, I think it's usually in reference to dropping weight. But if you're somebody that's trying to build some mass and get big, uh, you have to kind of experiment on your own. You got to say, okay, well, I tried 200 grams of carbs and 200 grams of protein and nothing really changed. All right, I'm going to bring both of them up to 250, you know, and you might have to kind of climb the ladder until you find a number that allows you to get big. Yeah. There was something I was thinking about in terms of being able to handle more fats because one thing that I noticed whenever a lot of people start switching to higher fats from doing higher carbs, they always mention like diarrhea and their gut just like – Blowouts. Blowouts. I don't know if we just talked about this. blowouts i i don't know if we just talked about this um but that's another that's another thing that you need to give some time because i i had that too when i started eating much higher fats
Starting point is 00:40:11 and much lower carbs i was getting like a lot of it's okay i did too yeah i was having a lot of wet poops man diarrhea yeah yeah it was very uncomfortable yeah that's probably like the most common thing amongst people that switch over to carnivore i at least in my experience that i've seen people including myself and then i was just talking to ryan earlier today and he's like hey man like did you have diarrhea i'm like i had a lot see like yeah but it you know it's supposed to go away for me it actually i had a hard time with it i ended up like going the other way because i couldn't take it anymore but i told him i was I was like, just stick with it. And he's like, yeah, I'm going to stick with it for the rest of the month for sure. At least. Yeah. So that'll go away. It just,
Starting point is 00:40:52 it just takes time. So that's one of the, that's one of the big things that I seek that causes people to quit in terms of making that switch into higher fats, lower carbs, et cetera. It does. It does take time. Um, there's a couple of things that can help with it. If, uh, Jessica, It does take time. There's a couple of things that can help with it. Jessica, if you can grab my phone, I listed out a bunch of stuff that can help with diarrhea. So we'll get to that in a minute. And what's funny, so like you're good.
Starting point is 00:41:27 And what I find is if I have something like a Quest bar that has a lot of fiber, dude, I'm like actually myops are like really really solid like a little bit too much like what do you say it out yeah like if i have like seriously if i have two like in one day yeah like i'm having to push a little bit harder than normal oh wow yeah versus if i have like a bunch of steak and then it's like man next one's an emergency yeah emergency. Yeah. Well, in general, like the more fiber you drink, the more water you need to drink in tandem because fiber can actually clog you up if you're not drinking enough water. So then that's the key then, because like I usually don't pay attention to how much water I'm drinking. I try to just drink as much as I should, but I end up peeing like nonstop throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:42:01 But I guess, yeah, that's something I haven't paid attention to is adding more water when I have more fiber. We're talking about a lot of bodily fluids here. I love it. Yeah. So to help with diarrhea, these are some suggestions that I got and some are gathered just from fans and from people that have had just experience on a carnivore diet or have had projectile diarrhea experiences. And then some of it is from people like Gabrielle Lyon, people like Dr. Sean Baker, Paul Saladino, my friend Joel Green. I've kind of mixed everyone's advice together and kind of came up with some of this. So let me first off just say that some of this could have to do with adding fat, just adding an enormous amount of fat to your diet, as Nsema already pointed out. So think about it like you're
Starting point is 00:42:52 used to just eating your normal diet. You eat two, three times a day or maybe four times a day. And you have, I don't know, 150 grams of fat in a day or 100 grams of fat in a day. Well, now all of a sudden you're eating a lot of meat and you're upping your protein through the roof. Your protein was really low. The average American, I think, eats about, I think it was like 14% protein. Well, now you're switching over to like, I don't know, 80% or 60% of your diet. I'm not sure. But a large percentage, it's probably tripling of your diets coming from protein and the rest is coming all from fat.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And both of those things just jumped out of nowhere. And I really think fat is probably more the culprit than the protein, but I'm sure the combination is probably what's also blowing your butthole out. And so keep that in mind and pay attention to how much fat you're taking in. You don't have to count the calories or track or anything. Just make sure that you're not dumping a bunch of oil on your stuff. Make sure you're not, you know, I think people are like, oh, MCT oil, and they dump it on there, coconut oil, or even olive oil. And you're going to run into some issues if you're doing a lot of oils in addition to the food that you're already eating. And then
Starting point is 00:44:05 also, you know, watch out for things like bulletproof coffee. You can put butter on stuff, but, you know, in the beginning, maybe be a little cautious with it so that it doesn't end up being such a slippery slope, so to speak. I love it. I love it. Let's see. And then, oh, sometimes a leaner meat, the leaner meats can work really well. And then, so here's, there's some supplements that you can mess with as well if you wanted to give that a try. Now here, here's actually something that's really great is that, first of all, glycine can help a lot. Glycine and collagen can help a lot uh in the case against diarrhea i'd say um so you can get glycine from bone broth you get glycine from collagen you can get glycine from jello as well
Starting point is 00:44:55 so mixing in some jello now you know i think going to the store and buying like the shit jello that's there is probably not great even though they do have sugar-free options, and you can do that, and it wouldn't have a negative impact on your weight loss. It might even help your weight loss to a certain extent. I would instead go on Amazon and get some weird hippy-dippy organic bullshit gelatin instead, and that could be mixed into just about anything that you eat. And if you use mild amounts of it, you're not going to notice it at all. It doesn't have much flavor. I've done that before. I used to mix it into my bone broth all the time just to add a little bit of texture to it. It will help thicken stuff up too. So if you want to put it in a protein shake or something like that, that would
Starting point is 00:45:38 be really beneficial. And then here's some of the supplements that might help. You have betaine HCL. You have lipase, which is a digestive enzyme. Ox bile. Ox bile? Like is that? Ox bile, yep. I don't really know exactly what that is, but it's usually in digestive enzymes. So those were just some of the recommendations from some people.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I just – I've been trying to gather information as we go along with like some of my most commonly asked questions. And I just have some of my peeps in a text thread and I hit them up and be like, what's going on with diarrhea? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's my day, talking about poop pretty much. But getting some top-notch help around here. There we go. Have you in the group, have you noticed anybody with IBS doing carnivore and seeing anything? Has that come up at all or no?
Starting point is 00:46:36 I haven't heard of anybody recently. But, yeah, I know a lot of people have switched to a more carnivorous diet that have helped cure a lot of their stomach ailments. Yeah. That's, that's one thing I know too, guys that have been like struggling with IBS a lot. They like eating a lot of carbs. So I'm guessing carnivore might be something they might want to try. Oh, I think it would, I think it would be highly beneficial. There's going to be an adjustment period. And then also too, when your body no longer has any of those fibers in there. I mean, Andrew and I have talked about this before. Think about when you're sick, like the last thing you want is like bacon,
Starting point is 00:47:09 right? The last thing you want is like, even the smell of cooked meat. You're like, I'm going to barf all over the fucking place. For some reason, you just want like a cracker or like a piece of bread with some, uh,
Starting point is 00:47:19 or a piece of toast with some butter on it or something. Something sugary stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or some cereal or something just something soup like uh because when you do kind of feel like throwing up you just you have
Starting point is 00:47:29 that like that like watery like feeling so you just want like a like a cracker to like like i'm gonna soak all this shit up or you know like i don't know it doesn't i don't know if it's scientifically makes sense but it makes sense in talking about it yeah yeah but yeah i used to just eat like a small amount of carbohydrates with like a protein shake and it seemed like it would just hold everything together better like it seemed like rather than the you know protein shake going in one end flying out the other it felt like it uh kind of held everything together a little bit more that's what i've been doing recently so i do track and lately i've been able to mix a protein shake and have
Starting point is 00:48:03 like one cup of cheerios, like just plain Cheerios. And I, I don't know, I, I, the same thing. It's like, I feel like there's something there for it. I'm probably cause I'm also eating it slower, but I feel like the protein is kind of soaking into the cereal and I'm like actually able to digest it and not just like go straight out the back. So I, I don't know. And then, so for, for the guys that you're saying that are dealing with ibs have you had them um fast at all um he's not fasting right now i've just like increased his fat intake a bit and really lowered his carbs because he was eating like oh in the past he ate like he was
Starting point is 00:48:36 eating a lot of carbohydrates yeah a lot i'm willing to bet that fasting will help him a lot because that has helped me a ton really big time okay um so when i switched over to carnivore the first time i would have like one solid dump a day and it was cool for some reason when i i think i went from that to uh to vertical diet then back to um carnivore diet for some reason the second time around like it was just like floodgates were open i don't know what happened but um now with fasting and stuff, because my stomach, again, it's always been pretty jacked up. But I think fasting is like repairing everything inside there. Because now I'm almost back to like the one solid dump a day.
Starting point is 00:49:16 But on top of that, it's like unless I eat something weird. And as weird as this conversation is, like it doesn't smell like, I mean, it obviously smells like shit, but it doesn't smell like, you know, like something died inside of me the way it used to. Yeah. It's not more pleasant. I mean, that's very true across the board, you know, in terms of, like, I've heard people before tell me, like, that they, when they were real heavy, they used to smell. They used to just like stink and then also like yeah you're when you're eating uh weird foods your farts are gonna be gross you're i mean it's not that your shit don't stink when you're eating eating better yeah but it is better it's not it's not as like uh it's not as potent i guess you'd say yeah and this
Starting point is 00:50:02 sounds so dumb like and it's gonna sound worse when I actually hear myself say it, but my poop smelled more like poop. It didn't smell like any additives or anything weird. Currently. Yeah, well, through fasting. Yeah. Yeah, and then yesterday, I had some chicken tacos from my in-laws, so it was like, oh, that's a little, hmm, something different, something is brewing in there. Yeah. But normally, yeah, no, it just, again, it sounds really odd, but to say like, yeah, my shit just smelled like, you know, regular poop and that's it.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Whereas before it was like, what the heck is inside there? Like, this is not, this is weird. When you change your food, you change your poop. Yeah. And I think. Pretty simple math. Yeah. I think fasting has just helped my gut like just a ton.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I mean, since we started this podcast, every time somebody would come in, I'd be like, so what if somebody poops every time they eat? And Mark would be like, he's talking about himself. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, you have to go get your gut checked or something like that. And I never did anything. But the one thing I did do was try to get jacked. So I started fasting. And then sure enough like it's been helping me a lot.
Starting point is 00:51:08 That's really cool that you said that though, because I'm going to have, we're going to talk tomorrow anyway, but because it's coming from you, I think it's going to have a little bit more weight. Yeah. And on top of that, I mean, I like carbs too. Right. So I think, you know, we're kind of on the same thing. I'm going to, I'm willing to guess he's more of like a slender type. Very. Yeah. Okay. So talking to ryan earlier today like before he even said it i was like already wording his his his uh words through with my mouth by him saying yeah i have diarrhea i'm like i kind of could have called that because i know your body type also he's big and jacked but i know where he came from yeah so i'm, is there something about the slender body that likes higher carbs
Starting point is 00:51:45 and has a hard time with the heavy fat with diarrhea and has gut issues? Yeah. Wow. So yeah, I think getting him on some easy fast would do a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And I've told him about it, but he didn't want to. So I guess now he will. Hopefully, yeah. Yeah. If he's listening or whatever you know whatever you want me to talk to him i can't but i won't even charge him that much yeah you're talking about soaper oh yeah he well yeah so when i when i spoke with him um yeah i didn't want him to do any fasting
Starting point is 00:52:19 in the beginning but i told him that we'll move into that later so just trying to get him used to the food yeah whoever uh and sema's talking about and this is somebody else but i told him that we'll move into that later so just trying to get him used to the food yeah whoever uh and seem was talking about and there's somebody else but i was talking to soper earlier and it was funny because i was like i bet you he has diarrhea and he's like man it's pretty bad yeah it'll it's supposed to go away but you know for me it didn't but if i gave it more time it probably would have or if i just would have been smarter about the diet period like you know i was still eating the fattier cuts of meat. I think if I would have ate leaner cuts, it would have been way better. That's what I recommended to him.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Maybe try some of the leaner stuff. Just listen to whatever Mark tells you, but just don't not go without fat, though. You know how they always talk about a cleanse? They're like, oh, we're going to go on a cleanse. We're going to eat this way, and we're going to cleanse out our body. Well, how about the carnivore diet? That'll really cleanse you out. It blows everything out. You know, part of what's happening, I don't know the exact science and Paul Saladino, some other people can explain it, but basically you
Starting point is 00:53:18 have kind of bulk in your system. You got some bulk, some fiber, some carbohydrates that are helping to normally hold things together and are normally, they normally take up some bulk, some fiber, some carbohydrates that are helping to normally hold things together and are normally they normally take up some water like reservations in your body or any water that you take in, whether it's through your food or whether it's through your drinks. And a lot of your hydration hydration starts to really change as soon as that bulk fibers out of you. And now your body's starting to like really flush stuff out. So I wouldn't say like you're flushing out like toxins necessarily, but, um, you know, it's the absence of fiber. You haven't had any, you know, you start switching over and you go three or four or five days, A, without fiber, but B, you all of a sudden out of nowhere, most likely spiked your protein or your fat or maybe both. That's one thing even that I've noticed because in the past,
Starting point is 00:54:07 eating so much carbohydrates, I really had to pay attention to the amount of fiber I ate in terms of like I had to eat enough fiber so I wasn't feeling constipated. Now that like, first off, my carbohydrates are very, very straightforward. Like I mainly eat rice here and there. I'll eat potatoes, but it's mainly just white rice. Like I don't have like I don't have that much fiber in my diet. I mainly eat rice here and there. I'll eat potatoes, but it's mainly just white rice. I don't have that much fiber in my diet at all. There's hardly any fiber in there.
Starting point is 00:54:29 There's barely any, but everything, like my digestion, I don't feel held up at all. I used to feel that way. I haven't felt that way. I can't remember the last time I felt like I was backed up. Do you eat vegetables, really? Rarely. We'll get spinach every now and then for the potassium. But other than that, no, not much. I'm not one to like, I don't. Uh, rarely like we'll get spinach every now and then it's because for the potassium, but
Starting point is 00:54:45 other than that, no, not much. I'm not, I'm not one to like, I don't, I never cook vegetables. So if I was to eat a vegetable, which I'm not doing, cause we're on day 13 of world carnivore month. But if I was to eat a vegetable, um, it's usually just at a restaurant, you know? Cause it's like, well, it just comes with the entrees. Eat it. Yeah. I'm going to kill me to eat some asparagus right i'm not anti-vegetables
Starting point is 00:55:09 either it's just like i really haven't had a need for it in a long time when i was eating it a lot in the past with more carbohydrates it was because i wanted to get the fiber in to help everything move through that was the main reason i was doing it but i haven't had a need for that because i'm mainly eating a lot of meat i'm still eating some carbohydrates um but i haven't had any digestive issues right at all and we've talked about this before but like you know uh in um in coordination with like what you're consuming maybe you do need different things so like somebody's like i need i can't do that diet. I need fiber. Well, the current diet that you're on, you can't afford to probably get rid of fiber.
Starting point is 00:55:54 But if you switch to something else, it might be a little different for you. And it just, again, it's going to take some adjustment. I mean, it takes time. It's not like trying a new workout. You know, you can really just try a new workout kind of at any time, as long as you're not leveling up and trying like the exact workout of someone that's uh way ahead of you but if you go in the gym and just you're like i want to try this exercise your body adapts to it pretty quick and you're like okay cool no no problem but when it comes to your nutrition uh man that can have massive changes on your energy output massive changes on your sleep massive changes as we're seeing in the bathroom. So it can really change a lot of things for you quickly.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Definitely. What you got over there, Andrew? Yeah, just checking. Let's see. CPA Strength says he has his first lifting meet in July. So he's lifting like crazy. A lot of other people saying that fasting has helped their gut. What else do we got?
Starting point is 00:56:46 No real questions. I asked for people to ask anything they had on their mind, but nothing came in thus far. Bunch of bums. I think so. I'm like, hey, there's your opportunity to talk to Mark Vale. And everyone gets all quiet. It's so silly. No, it's really good hearing about just all those people with fasting in their guts. Because I've heard that before.
Starting point is 00:57:01 all those people with fasting in their guts. Cause I've heard that before. But I mean, it's more so been, I guess just a, just something that people have mentioned in terms of facts, but not actual people that do it. I guess even for me, I could probably have seen an improvement.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I just didn't pay much attention to it. That's cool. Yeah. I've always been able to eat just about anything. So I haven't really had a lot of like stomach issues. Yeah. But I do feel that, I feel fasting is, is like super effective't really had a lot of like stomach issues. Um, but I do feel that, uh, I feel fasting is, is like super effective and it's a lot more normal and natural than I
Starting point is 00:57:30 think people give it credit for. Um, we were obviously designed to do some of that. And, uh, you know, for this week I've been doing a one meal a day and I've never really messed with that before. And I'm, I'm liking it quite a bit um i just like fasting in general like i the more that i do it the more that i like it um as dumb as it sounds like i'm just i'm enjoying not eating like sounds stupid right but um i'm also excited to get back to like eating at least two meals a day because i kind of like i liked the way that that worked for me in terms of how much i could eat and to make sure I can eat all the nutrients. I'm not a huge eater.
Starting point is 00:58:09 As a kid, I used to be able to pound some food really good. And as I got older and as I went through like that big old bulk phase, like once I kind of got heavier and heavier, I was just like, fuck this. I don't want to keep eating like this. So, you know, I lost a lot of that appetite. But, you know, as I, you know, as I go through the fasting more now, it's getting like easier and easier. But the one thing I'd say about the OMAD stuff, the one meal a day, and you know, you don't really know anything doing something for five or six days. You just know a small amount, but in experimenting for four, six days, um, one thing I don't like about it is, you know, you suffer a little bit through the fast, right? Because it's a longer fast.
Starting point is 00:58:46 It's a 22, 23-hour fast. And it's annoying. Fasting can be a little annoying to a certain extent. And so you fast, and then you're excited to eat, and then it gets to be kind of hard to eat when it's time to eat. And then the eating itself is a little bit uncomfortable. So that's the part that I don't like. But maybe over a period of time, maybe I'll adjust and maybe it'll get a little easier. But when I'm thinking about it, I'm like, well, the fasting is not that enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:59:12 And now when it's time to eat, it's not as enjoyable. So I have to kind of work that part out. But, you know, trying to get through the amount of food that I need to get through gets to be a challenge. And then there's also the old side of me, which will probably always be there, of like, no, dude, you need the nutrients. Like, stuff yourself. This is the one chance you get. And so I'm not trying to really engorge myself,
Starting point is 00:59:36 but I'm excited to try to fill myself up because I'm like, this is the last time you eat, bitch. You better get after it. That's kind of where I've been too. Like, I don't mean to do one meal a day or anything like that but i'm like hey i have like a couple hours before bedtime anyway so i might as well just keep going so my one meal a day turns out to be like a you know like a three-hour non-stop feeding fest where i'm just trying to hit my macros and because of the
Starting point is 01:00:00 food that i'm eating i'm not feeling like too grossed out or like you know bloated or anything yeah but i'm like wondering like does this still out or like, you know, bloated or anything. Yeah. But I'm like wondering, like, does this still count as one meal a day even though I'm having like three dinners in a row? Yeah. Because it's in one sitting technically. But yeah, I don't know. Like if that's like a loophole. Well, I think if you stop eating for more than like 20 minutes, I would say that's a break.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Got it. Yeah. Now, I've been doing that OMAD thing for a long time now. But I think one thing that that really helped me with, because it's not something I do every single day. I think it's helped me to understand or feel when on a certain day I need to eat a little bit more. On certain days, I'm just like, okay, I'm going to end my fast early because for the past four days I've been doing OMAD. And today I'm feeling a little bit more tired than I usually am. So I'll end that fast early and I'll eat maybe two bigger meals. Um, and then maybe I'll go back to one meal
Starting point is 01:00:53 a day for another two or three days. It usually ends up toggling itself like that, but I can feel those days and I'm, I'm in tune with those days that I'm just like, I have to find out a way to get an even more food today. Um, did you, before you were doing OMAD like this right now, I mean, you've done it in the past, but you, was it not consistent or this is just the OMAD diet? Yeah, no, I haven't really tried it before. I only, I mean, I've, I think I've like done it like once or twice just to kind of try it out. But now that I'm doing it a little bit more,, yeah, I'm recognizing like just when you're when I'm eating, I'm like, wow, like I'm, you know, because when you're when you're normally eating, you're trying to be reasonable with your food. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:35 You're like, OK, well, that was a nice amount of food. I feel good. I don't really need to continue eating. There's no reason to be a pig. And so I'm going to like slow down or stop or whatever, you know? Yeah. And so now with like one meal a day day it's just the game is totally different you know it's like i feel like i need to get kind of those get those nutrients in there and so um i think if there was a little bit of carbohydrates in there i think it would change everything because then it would make it that much easier for me to eat more food
Starting point is 01:01:57 yeah but i'm eating like you know eggs and meat and sometimes if i if the first thing what i noticed is um well there's really no easy way to do it but if the first thing i eat is like fairly lean then i'm like toast oh yeah i'm i'm totally done if i was to eat like a new york strip i would eat that and then i would just be like fuck i want to eat more but i'm uh i'm dying over here so yeah just trying to get in enough food uh is is a little bit weird on the one meal a day yeah with so with carnivore month do you have like a certain goal in mind like do you want to be a certain body weight are you trying to look a certain way no not really okay not really because
Starting point is 01:02:35 people are you know they're like uh some people are asking like for like before and after and stuff and i'm like i you know i'm in good shape and i'm gonna be in just better shape so you don't really i mean i just don't think you would see a ton difference i do know that um i'm leaner than i've been in a long time and i know by the end of the month that i'll just i mean people will just know like they're like oh shit he's like you know shredded you know more shredded than he was in beginning of the month so i didn't really, you know, like a before and after picture or anything like that. Yeah. So I asked that because Skylar had asked a question about like, if you've ever, while doing a carnivore or even keto, like if you ever hit a certain plateau, but I know you
Starting point is 01:03:16 usually don't like really have like a certain goal. The only time you really do for aesthetics, at least it was for the bodybuilding show, but you, that was, you know, obviously a very, very focused goal. But did you ever run into a certain weight plateau? And if you did, did you change up the diet or did you just work a little bit harder in the gym? Yeah, I think your progress is always going to stop at some point. And then you just try to figure out how can I adjust to that? What can I do differently?
Starting point is 01:03:43 Because if I keep doing the same thing and i'm expecting different results like that's not going to work so good so it's really just a matter of some small tweaks sometimes it's as simple as like hey you know what just get rid of that heavy cream in your coffee or it could be so small and you'd be really really shocked you'd be like oh my god i lost four pounds um the one thing you know i don't always have goals like that in mind i'm just always trying to like i guess be better overall uh something i need to that i want to really work on that i have been starting to address for this year is you know i need to move better i've been kind of doing everything better but
Starting point is 01:04:22 like moving better has been like the one thing uh uh, that hasn't been great. So that's going to be a focus. I went to yoga on Sunday again. So, you know, I'm, I'm back to doing that. I actually really enjoy doing that quite a bit. Um, and, uh, you know, that's, that's one of the kind of main goals I want to figure out how to move better. And so I'm just thinking about it from a lifting perspective. I'm like, um, all right, let's do movements. And Seema was mentioning the, you know, single leg movements. Those are great, uh, for range of motion, mobility, strength. And so I was like, well, let me focus in on doing some of those. Let me focus in on doing movements that are at greater ranges of motion, you know, like a deeper squat, like let's not, let's just not worry about any of
Starting point is 01:05:03 the weight on the squat. Let's just, you know, squat super low, you know, or super low for me, you know, and let's see if we can develop some new ranges of motion. So my goals right now are, are, you know, not anything that you would like necessarily see in the mirror, I guess. I mean, I think that the carnivore diet is just going to work itself out and I'll be super ripped by the end of the month anyway. So I don't, yeah, I don't have a goal, uh, in particular, but yeah, anytime I got stopped, I always think of like, well, what's something different I can do? How could I attack this? If my strength got stuck or if my body weight got stuck, sometimes, you know, a lot, an answer for a lot of people is just to take, you know, take about three days and just take it off like don't go off
Starting point is 01:05:45 your diet stay on whatever planet is that you're on but double up you know just fucking enjoy your food and get a lot of sleep if you can if you can figure it out if you got like a three-day weekend or you got something coming up where you can figure out a way to manage keeping the stress real low getting some good rest and just eat like a son of a bitch you know real quick on that note of like you said they asked if like their weight stalls what to do yeah well they were uh more specifically asking mark like what he did they didn't say that they had the situation i think it's just a more question that they're just curious about plateaus in general yeah okay yeah but um let's see we also have uh questions from tim and brian coming up But real quick, can I get an air horn?
Starting point is 01:06:27 All right. That's for Perfect Keto's new birthday cake bar. Yeah, they just released a new, let me make sure. It's a birthday cake bar. And they're doing a really cool thing where if you buy one box you get 10 10 off two boxes 20 three boxes or more 30 off i have yet to try it but i would imagine it tastes insane because their other bars are pretty ridiculous but so i don't know hopefully we get our hands on it if not i have a feeling somebody's anything like the uh birthday cake remix from cold stone then i'm gonna be eating a lot of those damn that that was a that was a really good um it's one of their special yeah you've had that one with the brownie
Starting point is 01:07:09 i've had it i've had it i've had it oh i haven't had it god you guys can share with me what the hell it's from cold stone oh that's why oh yeah birthday cake remix i've had it it's so sprinkles and you guys heavy cream it's got brown you here talking about carnivore month, and then we go on to Cold Stone. That's all. Most of the stuff's from a cow. It's got to be totally dairy. Yeah, it's carnivore technically. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:33 But anyway, so the direct link for the new birthday cake bars will be in the description of this YouTube video, this Facebook video, and iTunes show notes, wherever the hell you're getting this on your podcast platform of your choice. Just head over to slash powerproject. If you don't want the birthday cake bars, use promo code powerproject10 to get $10 off your order of $40 or more. Promo code powerprojectbundle for $25 off any order of $100 or more. Anyways, Tim is asking, this is a real easy one. He wants to know if supplements are the best way to get electrolytes in if you're doing carnivore.
Starting point is 01:08:12 If you're doing carnivore, I'd assume so. You know, I think it's really weird. I think that like a lot of the stuff like balances itself out pretty good. it self out pretty good so from what i've seen and from like listening to paul saladino and dr sean baker um i think that a lot of people are going to take a supplement just to kind of like make sure and i don't i don't really think that does any harm um but from like what these guys are saying is like the only thing you really need is just some salt yeah and uh steak and uh you know especially if you're if you're going saladino's route or you're you know doing a nose to tail deal um then you're you know you're consuming all the nutrients that you need and then some
Starting point is 01:08:55 um however if you're somebody that puts out a lot you put out a lot of energy in each and every day whether it's like running or you know like in like in SEMA does jujitsu, then it would probably make sense to reach for some electrolytes and get, you know, we've mentioned many times before the perfect keto essential electrolytes can really be super beneficial. It just comes in a capsule form. That's a great way to get some of those electrolytes in there without really having to think about it much. That's one thing I was going to mention.
Starting point is 01:09:26 If you see my gi after jiu-jitsu, it's disgusting. The amount of sweat, whatever exercise you do, if you're sweating a lot, that's a good sign that you might want to think about getting that in. Because on days that I don't, I generally don't find the need to supplement electrolytes. So it really depends if you're expending that much energy. the need for to supplement electrolytes. So it really depends if you're expending that much energy. Yeah. Would you guys say that like anybody on any diets probably not getting in enough electrolytes as is right now? Yeah. I think sometimes when people start to diet, they maybe are, you know, they've taken a lot of, a lot of food out of their, uh, out of their day to day, and maybe they're not holding onto as much water as they should. And so, um, I don't think it would
Starting point is 01:10:04 hurt at all you know you do probably need to be a pay a little bit of attention to um maybe overdoing it you know you don't want to take like 10 capsules every day but you know you'd probably be fine with you probably be totally fine with like one or two and and you probably thrive on that yeah yeah because i was just thinking like my diet right now i have no idea electrolyte-wise, you know, what I'm doing. But I just know I salt the shit out of all my food and do as best as I can. Well, and I don't have, I don't consume any, like, potassium. But when I got my blood work back, my potassium was a little high.
Starting point is 01:10:37 So it's like, go figure out that riddle. And then they can try to claim that meat doesn't have any potassium in it, but it certainly does. Yeah. So, you know, it's weird. Like, your body doesn't really, even if you were to take a supplemental potassium, if somebody had, like, a preexisting, like, we don't really know what each person has, right? If you had a preexisting condition or something, like, it may not even really be helping you. But as I'm saying is I don't believe it's going to cause you any harm. I'm saying is I don't believe it's going to cause you any harm.
Starting point is 01:11:11 So you may as well have, you know, have some, throw some in there here and there just as long as, you know, as long as you feel healthy, as long as you feel good. So then our boy Brian, who was actually here earlier today, he wants to know, like, if you're doing the OMAD diet and you don't get in enough calories, do you run the risk of slowing your metabolism down? Actually, if you do that too often, like every single day and you're consistently not getting enough calories. Yeah. Yeah, you will. But that's easily dealt with if like, again, certain days of the week. Maybe explain why you think that's the case. So especially if like, okay, the goals, the goals matter. If you're someone who's trying to drop weight, which is most of us, and you're doing one meal a day and you're eating high protein, you're going to find it difficult to even get it enough calories where it's like a decent deficit. A lot of people might even find it hard to eat 1,400, 1,500 calories in a single meal. meal. So if you're eating 14 or 1500 calories in a single meal every single day, your TDE or your energy expenditure is naturally going to go down to meet that caloric level of the food you're eating. Because like if you're, if you're, if your body, like if you're not, if you're eating
Starting point is 01:12:17 such little food, your body's going to be working off that food and your metabolism will slow down to reach that level as maintenance over a period of time. It's going to slow down to match it, right? So that 1,500 will be your new maintenance. And then if you want to, and if you're doing that every single day, like I said, you're doing the same amount of exercises and you stall, stop losing weight. Now you got to figure out a way to either increase your metabolism or you need to take away to bring about another deficit, either do more work or eat less food. Probably going to feel kind of tired too. And you might not be able to put out the same amount of energy that you normally do. Exactly. Which is why like you can do that,
Starting point is 01:12:51 but that's why I like to have certain days where I eat much more. I open up my eating window. I eat multiple meals so that I'm not ending up like accidentally eating too little food over a period of time. Cause that would happen to me also. And that's why also diet breaks are a really good idea. You've talked about diet breaks in the past. Bring your calories up for like, I don't know, maybe a week or two. So if you were trying to eat 1500, maybe bring your calories up to 1750 or 1800 because your total energy expenditure will go up a little bit for that period of time where you might actually end up dropping body weight at slightly higher calories. Or when you bring your calories back down to where they were, you're going to start moving again.
Starting point is 01:13:33 So that's why it's not always necessarily good to continue taking away because at a certain point, it's just you're going to always feel ravenously hungry because you're eating such little food. Right. And you can maybe think about your diet a little bit like you would with training. You know, if you, you know, think of a diet break being similar to a little break out of the gym, you know, your squat is stalled, you're not feeling great, lower back's tight. You intentionally skip one lower body session and the next time you come in, you feel like you're
Starting point is 01:14:05 on fire. You feel like you have so much energy, right? Gives you a chance to kind of reload. And that's what we're suggesting here is maybe every once in a while you take a diet break and the diet break can look different. You know, if you're already in pretty good shape, it can be a break and you can kind of do what you wish. Other times you could just say, you know what, just for the next couple of days, I'm just going to eat a lot more of what I'm currently eating on my diet, just to sprinkle in something, a little, a little mix. And then it's going to refresh you, whether it actually does something scientifically, you know, who knows? I'm sure, you know, Lane Norton or somebody can come on here and explain why and how it all works. And I thought
Starting point is 01:14:41 Nsema did a great job of breaking some of it down just now. Give yourself a break from that stress because over dieting is a stress under feeding yourself is a stress. And then your body's like, yo, I don't think this is a good idea. So it slows everything down and your body becomes a little bit stubborn. It's not as pliable. It's not as easy to work with. So if you take two three days off and uh you increase your calories your body's like oh shit we're back to being normal and thinking rationally and we're we're uh giving giving us enough energy and then maybe you're able to put out more energy in the gym have a little bit better workouts maybe your sleep starts to get better again and it just causes cascade of positive things that can help lead you to dropping some weight.
Starting point is 01:15:25 And then you're like, oh my God, that's so weird. My coach told me to eat more and I lost three pounds. That's the kind of stuff that happens pretty often. Dude, diet breaks or when people are like, I'm holding onto a little bit too much water right now. That's like some people, that is actually the case when they've been dieting for too long because they actually physically just get stressed because of the diet. And the more stressed you are, the more cortisol you produce, and the more actual water you hold onto. So you could be holding onto five or six pounds of water and after a diet break, you just magically lose five or six pounds. It's because you're less stressed and that will help you expend that. And you don't actually lose body fat. You just
Starting point is 01:16:03 drop the water you've been holding onto. That actually happens to quite a few people. And what do you currently do with like cravings and stuff? Do you just, if there's a certain restaurant that you want to go enjoy, do you kind of like just say, all right, well, that's been pulling at me for the last couple of days. I'm just going to go there at the end of the week.
Starting point is 01:16:18 You do that sometimes? The cool thing is that like my, when I have cravings, the cravings aren't, I guess, for really highly, like high sugary foods like they used to be. So if I want to go out and eat something, like I went to monsoon recently, but I just wanted a really dope burger. Like I, it was more so the, the burger. Was it a monsoon in the toilet too? Uh, actually it was pretty good. It wasn't bad. I haven't had, you know, I haven't had bad shits in quite a while.
Starting point is 01:16:50 But the foods that I crave aren't generally really, really highly refined foods anymore. I probably had ice cream maybe a week ago, a week and a half ago. But it's not like- Now the truth comes out. See this, Andrew? No, but it was a while ago. Man, this used to be a multiple weekly thing for me. I used to eat that five to six days a week. What kind of ice cream are we talking about here?
Starting point is 01:17:04 We talked about it, Ben and Jerry's. Or even Cold Stone was i was an avid cold stoner so i'd go there three times cold stoner a week yeah i just actually made that up so that's actually pretty dope but yeah i think they're all closing down though so i hope not them and game stop game stops closing down too i'm not surprised yeah, they just have too many stores. They're like all too close to each other. Yeah. But the palette changed, man. So like the cravings are different and I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 01:17:31 I'm okay with craving a burger or craving those types of foods rather than really, really just sugary foods. I've been craving like nigiri, which is just, you know, fish and rice. And I've been craving poke and I've been craving Thai food. Interesting. In Davis, there's a place called Ket Moray that I like a lot. And I just feel like going,
Starting point is 01:17:51 and it's like, it's relatively healthy. I mean, they do have some like, you know, sauces that might have, you know, some crazy amount of fat in them or something like that. Along with eating a big old bundle of rice. But I love that shit. You know, that's's like it's kind
Starting point is 01:18:05 of nice because i used to anytime i had a craving it was always for sweets yep it's always for like a bunch of junk a bunch of crap so i think maybe at the end of this maybe i will uh you know hit up a day or two of just kind of uh you know going going through some of those cravings living them out and getting rid of them and you know starting over i i feel like at this point i don't have any trouble at all you know going you know five six weeks or four weeks or so without without really any any break or anything anything too different in there and it's been feeling really good yeah as long as you can maintain it you're good to go man i'm trying to find the person that hooked it up but uh this doesn't fit well for carnivores but he was saying that putting like strips of so cutting potatoes into fries shapes of fries see put those as a
Starting point is 01:18:52 bottom layer on the air fryer steak on top of said fries and the grease and the fat from the steak dips down into the fries and then you can take the steak out and then keep cooking the fries so that way you have delicious flavorful we're talking about fries we're talking about meat fries yeah that's i know dude we got some of the best listeners on like in the planet that's fat that is that sounds amazing though i want to do that that's what i said i'm definitely doing that oh my gosh that sounds like oh you know what i've been doing i've been making some carnivore sauce lately some carnivore sauce i've been just taking some egg yolks crack them up give them a little give them a little whip with a fork and i dip my steak in there
Starting point is 01:19:36 and just like egg yolk and some fucking egg yolks it's amazing oh i love it at least you sometimes i just dump it right on my steak. Yeah. So YouTube handle Bent Houseman is the one that said that. Yep. Bent Houseman. Mm-hmm. At least that's the YouTube handle. I don't know if that's an actual name or not. Well, thank you, Ben.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I appreciate that. I appreciate that whole thing. Ben's a genius. Try that out. It's like Bent. That's his name. I don't know. Cool. Yeah. Where can people That's his name. I don't know. Cool.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Yeah. Where can people find you, Mr. Andrew? I am Andrew Z. And make sure you guys are following the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project. Those are both on Instagram, on Twitter at MB Power Project, TikTok at MB Power Project, slash Power Project, slash Mark Bell's Power Project, slash mark bells power project slash in slash power project we are all over the place trying to take over the entire
Starting point is 01:20:30 podcast space and sema where you at and sema yang on instagram and youtube and sema yin yang on tiktok and twitter don't forget to rate and review on itunes yes check out itunes please give us give us a rate and review there There you go.
Starting point is 01:20:48 I can't wait to get home and get me some of that Piedmontese steak. I'm getting pretty hungry at this point. We still got a little workout to do. We're going to hit up some back training. Okay, cool. I was worried you already did that. Done did that? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Nope. Everybody stole my time today, so I got to be punished. I got to work out in a little bit. January 27th is the launch date of So you're going to be able to go over there and follow whatever the hell it is you want to follow that I do, whether it's lifting or nutrition. You're going to find all the information there. I'm going you give you guys specific workout routines and specific things to do? Um, there's, uh, there's conditioning drills on there. There's finishers to workouts. There's powerlifting stuff
Starting point is 01:21:36 on there. All this stuff that I've been talking about, all this stuff that you see on Instagram, all this stuff you see, uh, repeated over and over again on YouTube. It's going to live there now, but it's also, you know, also still be pumping out tons of free content. This is a pay site. So, you know, put the hateful comments in the comments below. It's going to be $6.99 a month and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm excited because now I kind of have a hub, if you will, to put everything, you know, in kind of one spot because people are always asking about, hey, did you ever talk about this?
Starting point is 01:22:09 Did you ever talk about that? And it's like I've talked about it a million times, but it's kind of scattered throughout the whole damn universe of the internet. Your porn is going to continue to be free, but the stuff from me you're going to have to actually pay for. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. I'm at Mark Smellybell on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Catch y'all later.

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