Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 319 - Mike O'Hearn and Mona Muresan

Episode Date: January 28, 2020

Hey! This audio was captured during a live stream on Mike O'Hearn's YouTube Channel during our visit this past weekend. A little different vibe than a normal podcast, but this conversation has some value and we wanted to share with you.  Mike O’Hearn is an American bodybuilder, actor, personal trainer and model. He has been featured on over 500 magazine covers, holds 4 Mr. Universe titles, and was voted one of the 12 greatest physiques of all time by the fitness industry. He appeared as the gladiator "Titan" on the 2008 revival of American Gladiators. He is also the founder of Power Bodybuilding, a training program that focuses on developing both strength and hypertrophy, along with aesthetics. His girlfriend, Mona Muresan, is a well-known athlete, bodybuilder, and an IFBB pro figure competitor. She is also a successful businesswoman who founded of the popular Nebraska Steakhouse & Lounge in New York City. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: ➢Power Project Alexa Skill: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up Power Project Crew, it's your boy Andrew and today we have a really cool episode for you but before we hop into it, this episode is brought to you by Certified Piedmontese. You guys know that Piedmontese is our absolute jam. I don't understand how they're able to do it but they have higher protein, lower fat, and it cooks faster. It really is quite magical. If you guys followed my cut at the end of last year, you'll know that I'm more of a higher carb, low fat guy, like kind of like a traditional bodybuilding style diet. So I relied heavily on certified Piedmontese flat iron steaks. They have 90 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, zero carbs. zero carbs. Again, I don't know how they do it, but if you do follow a bodybuilding style diet and you think that the only thing you can cut on is like chicken, white fish, and the bland,
Starting point is 00:00:52 non-exciting cuts of meat, you really need to look into Piedmontese. And I'm ecstatic because I have an order that's actually being delivered this week. So head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code PowerProject for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you'll get free two-day shipping. So again, for today's episode, it's a little bit unique. We ended up hitting up our boy Michael Hearn while we were in Los Angeles this past weekend. When we got there, I didn't know what to expect. So we ended up doing a live stream on Michael Hearn's YouTube channel, but I captured the audio. And that's actually what you guys get to hear today.
Starting point is 00:01:34 So it does sound a little bit different than our traditional podcast because it's almost like Michael Hearn and Mona were interviewing Mark. But it kind of went back and forth. So, again, it's just a different vibe. But I really hope you guys enjoy this episode. Let us know what you think, and we'll check back in with you guys soon. Charger, charger. Do it all. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:56 If you want to ask some questions, we'll see if we can't answer some of those. That would be fantastic. Yeah. Dump them on in. Dump them. So I think Seema said a couple different things, some funny things before we got online. He said the fake natty or the – is that what you were kind of talking about?
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's kind of died down, the mycotrend? It's not as – I don't think it's not as aggressive as it used to be. Maybe not as defensive nowadays. Myco-hern today is not as offensive as maybe a Michael Trent back in the day. So I wonder if they know my sense of humor. So it's kind of like Bruce Willis can always tease, and everybody knows he's kind of a smart aleck, so maybe it came down. But I don't know if everybody knows this.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I don't know if my fans know this. He made it up. Well, he didn't make it up. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not true true but he came up with the terminology micro trend yeah and we were just saying uh before we got on air that it seems like you've loosened up about it you know but but why not right because what are you going to do like you can't change people's minds right they're going to believe what they want to believe
Starting point is 00:02:59 oh there's no way you could be that big there's no way that you could be that strong but you've been that big and that strong since you were three i think today's day and age and those are the guys that really jumped on it is and i forgot who i just talked to about this don't know if it was sean ray or somebody but i was talking about when i got signed with joe weeder people don't realize this is 1990 so it's 30 years. And when I got signed by him, he knew that I was competing, um, in, in something else that was drug tested and IFBB. And he goes, I want you on the covers. I want your cover stories. I want your knowledge. Uh, I will never, ever promote you in what bodybuilding you do ever. Just know that. And I go,
Starting point is 00:03:41 I'm not, I'm fine with that. Um um and the point was because he was ifbb he created bodybuilding so he can't talk about me doing a different federation and doing natural testing and bodybuilding because then that does something and i agreed with it i said it makes sense to me i didn't care i was on the covers and doing cover stories and had an endorsement so i think people hate that whole concept this is something you're gonna have to learn is that uh they hate the whole concept and they think um everybody has to do it and we know power lifters that are stronger than gods that don't yeah um and so i don't know if we can educate them on that,
Starting point is 00:04:25 but at a certain point when I had my baby, so much changed. Baby Titan. Baby Titan did change everything. You said, you said it would, and I said it wouldn't, it wouldn't change anything about me.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Changed everything. Yeah. It's a, it's a huge deal to have a kid and have that extra responsibility. You turn 51 tomorrow, huh? Big 51, 51 years young. And I still got abs, It's a huge deal to have a kid and have that extra responsibility. You turn 51 tomorrow, huh? Big 51.
Starting point is 00:04:48 51 years young. And I still got abs. But celebrating 40 years of training. 40, 41 years of training, 42 years of training. Started at nine. So, yeah. Were your brothers into lifting or something like that? Everybody. Your dad had some weights around?
Starting point is 00:05:05 How'd you get into it at nine? It's pretty rare. Getting my ass kicked from my sisters. It got me into it quickly. So we grew up in a two-story house where the downstairs had bunk beds and all the weights. And that's where the boys slept. And then all the girls slept upstairs. So it was five and five.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And dad set up a whole downstairs into a gym. And then our bunk beds were off the ground so we could put more equipment. And we just trained. We just trained. The whole family were athletes, martial artists, wrestling. And I'm talking about my sisters too back then. And so my first competition was 1983 on stage, and I won it. And there was like 10 kids, right?
Starting point is 00:05:47 In the show? No, I mean in your family, right? Yeah, 10 kids. That's a full basketball team you got going on there. Yeah. You don't realize things until later on. You and me were talking about this, is about how great our parents were. And you don't appreciate it until later on, until me were talking about this is about how great our parents were
Starting point is 00:06:06 and you don't appreciate until later on until maybe you're a parent and and to see how you know i'm raising one kid okay mona's raising one kid i'm helping out but to think that they raised 10 kids and i i said something earlier and i think you said the same kind of thing and i want them to hear this because i never saw my parents fight. Yeah, same here. I didn't see them fight. I didn't know about financial struggles. I didn't know until years later they would say,
Starting point is 00:06:34 oh, at this time this was happening. And I was like, what? It was a total shock they kept a lot of that stuff from us. It's an amazing thing because what I try to do is if i'm dieting and things are getting to me or business is getting to me i try to stay away um from mona and baby titan i don't want that energy on them right and and to see that my mom and dad could do that the whole time i lived there and was raised and i and i was raised by the same parents and both parents that that was their 10 kids it wasn't like my dad divorced and married somebody and had three kids and all this and that.
Starting point is 00:07:07 They were both well-educated and believed in schooling as everything. But they supported me 100%, and I never saw them fight, and I never heard about struggles on finance or anything like that. And they weren't, you know, he was a teacher and she was an insurance writer, so we weren't you know he's a teacher and she was an insurance writer so that we weren't loaded right so i think a lot of the stuff you know uh ends up helping to shape your mindset for later on even though it's like kind of subconscious and the other thing i think that happens too when you have siblings i think you learn a lot faster especially having that many siblings you learn that you, part of the game of life
Starting point is 00:07:45 is to try to figure out where, like, where do you fit in? Like, what, like, where can you matter? Where can you make a difference? And when I think about sometimes when I think about like, why someone behaves a certain way, or, you know, they treat me weird or whatever, I sometimes try to put myself in their shoes, and I try to get perspective. And I'm like, well, I'm not sure why they think differently. Maybe they were raised differently. I don't have any control over that. But also they're just trying to do the best they can. That's it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You know, we were talking about like negative comments on YouTube and stuff. And maybe that's not a great example of like doing the best you can. But I think people sometimes when they throw something out there, like that's not the right way to do arms. I think people sometimes when they throw something out there, like that's not the right way to do arms because they're saying stuff like that because they actually honestly believe that there's kind of like this one way. You know, they have this belief system, but also they might not have had siblings to, you know, beat the crap out of them. They might have had siblings to make fun of them and to tease them.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And to throw a comment out on social media, you don't have, like no one can really make fun of them and to tease them and to throw a comment out on social media you don't have like no one can really make fun of you back you can comment back but that's just like writing it's not the same as as having someone smack you upside your head it was we were talking about like like i i think that's the michael trent thing's funny and i think my fans know that and it's like you can comment on that and i know that you got a personality and stuff and i think then it goes to that's great that you can um dissect it and go okay you maybe you don't know that there's other ways to do a squat or other ways to do deadlifts and we were talking about this again also off screen that the youtubers are the worst you guys because they instantly sorry, I'm calling you guys out, but you guys instantly see something and you go, that's not right.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Because I saw in the textbook that it's one way. Yeah. And you're right. I don't have as much patience as you. So I just kind of disregard it. But you've raised two kids and you're teaching me now because you're one of the people that I kind of go to you and Todd Abrams and Heath Evans is who I go to talk about, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:52 everything. Right. And I know that he's 10 months old, but there's so much stuff I didn't see. I didn't see the part where I get forgot about. That's a, that's a whole different world. I didn't know that was going to happen. Yeah. Um, my cousin told me that when I had my son jake and he was like hey man your birthday uh holidays like it's just it's
Starting point is 00:10:11 about the kids now forever you know just so you know like forever that he goes that whole thing is gone and i was kind of like like my people are still gonna care about my birthday right like it's still gonna and obviously they do but the point is is that the priority is the child always yeah so it's little things arnold said something to me um and it came in handy arnold and uh arnold schwarzenegger sorry about that arnold schwarzenegger said something to me um never heard the name he he told me a story about he had Patrick in his arms. And then I think Maria's mother or somebody came over and Arnold just got the baby in his arms. And one of their mothers came over and grabbed the baby from him. Arnold said nothing.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And then he took Maria aside later on and said, when I have my son, I have my son. That's my time. Let me have my time and don't let this happen again, kind of a thing. And I thought that was an amazing story. He kept calm, kept cool about it. Cause that same thing to me, I'd get my, my Titan for a moment and then somebody else would come up and go, no, no, give them to me or something like that. And it's just their nature to, I guess, cuddle and nurture them. And it's like the one thing that I get is I get a little time every day. But it's, again, it's a learning process.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I think you're doing it right, though, because your kid is part of everything that you're doing. And I think that's huge. A lot of people, when they have a child they the child like takes over that child like takes over every decision that you make and you can no longer have your own life and i don't think that's a good way i don't think that's i don't think that's a good setup or good scenario i don't think it's a great way to raise a kid i think that you need to you need to take charge you need to be the adult uh you know as as parents as you know mother and father you need That's a huge thing. Yeah, it really is because people are like,
Starting point is 00:12:07 oh, we got to go because my kid's got to take a nap and all this. And you're just like, really? It's important. These things are important, but you should be able to audible. You should be able to move around a little bit. You should be able to train at four in the morning. You should still be able to be on your diet. You should still be able to do the things that you love because if you can't do the things that you love, you're no
Starting point is 00:12:27 longer connected to who you really are. I got a question because I know that this is one of the biggest things that I saw parents say or the public wouldn't like when you have a child. Now everything needs to revolve around them. Where I met some parents like you and said, needs to revolve around them. Where I met some parents like you and said, try to fit them into yours and start teaching them those, the repetitions that you do as a parent. And that will help them better.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And I agree with that. Like from sleeping to the way that we eat to just the mindset that we have on approach and stuff. Obviously the baby has its own schedule because it's still young stuff. But what was it like throwing your dad's schedule off? See what I mean? Right. Like that wasn't an option. Why?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Why? So much has changed. Yeah. Holy snaggies. Cause I didn't even think about that. I've never been said, Mike, don't wake up your dad.
Starting point is 00:13:22 You know what I mean? Your mom would say, and you would look at her and be like, Oh, why is she staring at me like that? Okay. don't wake up your dad. You know what I mean? Your mom would say, and you would look at her and be like, oh, why is she staring at me like that? Okay, it wasn't that important anyway. You know, if he's sleeping on the weekend or whatever the case might be. How much trouble would our parents get into today with the law? 100% with the law.
Starting point is 00:13:38 How much would they get in trouble for doing how they raised us? The spanking. First of all, you've got five boys that are lifting in the basement and and their room was attached to the basement so when it got to nine o'clock um they didn't turn the lights off they turned the power off to the house i'm not joking they because the the control switch was in their room and they'd be like it is bedtime and then we do a couple more sets no it's bedtime and lights powers off here in bed and i'm thinking that now or getting spanked for doing something wrong they didn't play around there was no options i miss that it's tough as a
Starting point is 00:14:19 parent you got to do a lot of things that you don't want to do you know i never wanted to spank my kids but everyone i mean your kid goes to run out in the street i mean you know that that was my main thing it was like if it's a safety thing if they do something that they shouldn't be doing if they all of a sudden sprint down the street away from me i don't know whether any other way to teach them than to you know give them a little swat on the butt and make them understand you can't do that we can't have you do that because you could get hurt um i'm so we're just talking about kids and parenting i'm sorry guys we'll talk about health and fitness and stuff um we're very very sensitive uh dads over here so um but let me take this back to i think why it helped me approach something uh because when fans
Starting point is 00:15:04 tease they want to feel part of you, and they know I'm a smart aleck and you're a smart aleck. And so I'm cool with that. And I think it really came to fruition just in the last year. Let the fans tease and say whatever they want to say. I'm not going to change nobody's mind. The one thing that you can find out about me is that you can see pictures from me from uh nine years old until now
Starting point is 00:15:30 um so the whole life is documented and then also you can just talk to anybody from i don't care francis benefato tom plaz lou farigno arnold schwarzenegger uh um flex wheeler chris cormier you can all talk to him and say, hey, has Mike ever been weak? Has Mike ever lost strength? Has Mike ever any of those things? And it's never happened. So you could say that I've been on it for my whole life or whatever, but it doesn't matter my opinion.
Starting point is 00:15:59 It doesn't matter their opinion to me. What do they say? They say something about that. Someone else's opinion is no, I don't know how they say it but it's like it i see what you're saying yeah it shouldn't it shouldn't really matter that much to you right because i mean but it does it does you know the the comments on youtube and stuff and this is what i would suggest to a lot of youtubers it's like or not just youtubers but people that are on YouTube is be more, be like really loyal to the people that you're fans of. You know, when you see a post from Mike, you see a post from someone
Starting point is 00:16:31 like myself, when someone goes in there and makes a negative comment, what if Mike or what if myself or what if somebody, you know, Mike and I were older, but like, what if some 20 year old kids pumping out videos, teaching you how to deadlift Somebody makes a negative comment like you don't know shit or whatever and the guy gets upset about it and doesn't produce any more videos For you anymore, you know, you could this stuff could be taken away from you could lose it And so as a fan be fanatical and then say hey You're not you're not coming into this chat room and talking smack like this You're not a we're not allowing that to happen like this is a good dude he puts out tons of information like what is your issue you know what is your
Starting point is 00:17:10 problem and i love calling people out like i don't let this stuff fly because i just i just don't think you know as a kid and growing up with like learning disabilities and stuff and seeing some of the kids that were in the same class as me get mistreated. I wasn't anybody, I wasn't anybody that was into like violence or anything, but when I saw that happen, that wasn't happening in front of me. That wasn't happening on my watch. I'm like, that's, you know, whatever way you're being brought up is probably different than the way, you know, way I'm being brought up. And that's, that's not the way you treat people, you know? And so I gotta,
Starting point is 00:17:44 I gotta kind of interject. I don't think you guys know this. What grade were you, if you were, were you put from the regular classes to special ed? Or were you ever in special ed? Yeah, it all flipped around around sixth grade. I think a lot of the basics and stuff, a lot of your ABCs and your one, two, threes and stuff,
Starting point is 00:18:04 I think fifth grade, I think they started kind of noticing it. But around sixth grade, when you started having... I don't know, school just got more serious at that point. And so once that happened, then they were like, oh, you're pretty dumb. You've got to go in these other classes. So if you guys don't know, one of the similarities, and it still hurts today. It doesn't hurt that we have the similarity, but it hurts.
Starting point is 00:18:30 That's my chip on the shoulder that I will keep forever is same thing. I skipped second grade because they thought I was a genius because I come from these two writers. And I was a big kid. So they skipped second grade, which is phonics back then for us right um oh no he's figuring out everything he's figuring out everything uh and then third grade they're like oh by the end of third grade oh no no we're wrong your kid's slow as anything and so by sixth grade it was like we can't do anything more we got to put him in special ed so it was the same time and i don't know if it was just because of our age and that's how they did it back then but we both grew up with uh there's different forms of dyslexia but we both grew up with dyslexia
Starting point is 00:19:14 and learning disability and stuff and that helped the other side of us and you know what i actually liked about that is that they didn't have all the different names pinned down like they do now they didn't have a they didn't really talk about i was unfamiliar with like adhd and all this stuff and i'm actually thankful for that because they they brought in like a lot of different drugs and you know i struggled in school so much that i think my parents uh they just would want to help me so they might have been like yeah like if hey look if the doctor says this is good you know maybe my son should be on it i'm i'm glad that that never happened because i see some kids they'll take those drugs and then have anxiety and depression and a bunch of other things just
Starting point is 00:19:54 causes a cascade of all these other things that happen so i'm i'm fortunate that that never happened same thing didn't have drugs back then i don't think i don't know if they did or didn't you guys can let us know if that's true or not or something yeah uh yeah when I got into sixth grade and and they discovered this dyslexia they didn't give medication for it they just said hey we got to give you a special learning working it out you know it's important that you work it out on your own and again like trying to figure out where you matter in this world and where you're going to fit in so Mike and I you know another commonality is oh okay like i'm not that good with this like brain stuff so that doesn't make me feel good you know i'll still try as hard as i can with it
Starting point is 00:20:32 but for whatever reason i'm slower than a lot of other kids and it's going to take a long time and this really sucks but when we go out in the playground you know when we're messing world throwing around a football or when we're you know doing pull-ups on the playground it's like then you you're able to shine and that was definitely the case for me like when i even when i like run or do i gotta stop before you go further because of the fact that you said something earlier and and i love that you set up and this has to be ingrained in you and me um because because i said this in a story for muscle and fitness and you just said it here and I never heard this story before, but when we got put
Starting point is 00:21:10 into special ed, um, we were with special kids that needed extra help. It didn't matter if they were handicapped or missing limbs, um, or just slow or couldn't talk or whatever it was we became different we suddenly um those were our click those are our friends and we're going to protect these friends um and all these other people that are in the regular classes that could read and write do well and had good school uh a good uh upbringing and whatever everything's perfect about them they were not our friends or it wasn't for me. And I was going to protect these people. So at that age, there's so much teasing. I was the guy getting in fights for these guys
Starting point is 00:21:52 because you're not messing with these guys. And then it's the same kind of thing for you. A hundred percent. And then even on top of that, it taught me a lot about a lot of different things. Like it taught me even against something like racism. Like my entire school was white. Like we had two or three black kids in the school. me a lot about a lot of different things like it taught me even against something like racism like my entire school was white like we had like two or three black kids in the school we had
Starting point is 00:22:09 a couple kids that were asian and not that racism was like a huge thing but just being being picked on and being uh separated from everybody else because you were a certain thing that i don't think you really had much control over. I just saw how wrong that was. And so same as you, like I kind of had, like my friends were like sort of the misfits of the school, maybe the people that didn't get loved on as much and stuff like that. And you know, you're probably similar to myself as well. Like I had, I had brothers, you know, go through school and I, like our family was very popular my brother mad dog was the town badass he kicked the crap out of everybody everybody knew chris because chris is so
Starting point is 00:22:50 personable and and he's so nice and stuff and then of course everybody knew about me kind of coming through with lifting and stuff like that and so i had a lot of recognition and i was popular and you were probably very popular too but i wasn't with the main crowd i didn't run you know i'm playing football and i'm kicking ass in football and i'm doing all these things and people would be like hey you're gonna go to this party and stuff like i didn't i mean i would go to them here and there but it was very very i got tingles because very rare again let me explain this i was in the newspaper by 11 because i was uh running 10ks and stuff and so we were just I was kicking butt at that age and then by 14 I was competing in bodybuilding powerlifting and so on through school and what
Starting point is 00:23:34 you said was did we hang out with the popular kids well when we got to high school did we do it no we never did you were the same way I never did I was forever the leader of the misfits and protect them and i never wanted to hang with the popular people go to the parties no no you guys outcasted me then yeah i'm outcasting you now just because we're famous and we're in the newspaper and i was on news in high school for football and all this is like i'm still one of these guys. I will never not be one of those guys. And you said about racism is that it was so weird to me because I think of we're just humans. Everybody's different. And I was starting to model at 14 and 15.
Starting point is 00:24:17 So how can you dislike somebody for how they look or the color of their skin? It didn't make sense to me. I just, everybody's everybody. Have fun with with it man there's no no hating each other so i never got into the understanding of um racism or or partying um or not protecting the weak i think it was a huge benefit because when when i would occasionally i would go to a party because did have some close, like some of my best friends that worked out. We played football together and stuff. And somebody would have a birthday party or something.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And of course people would be like drinking and doing all kinds of stuff. But like I never did any of that as a young. I mean I don't, I think the first time I ever got like drunk was like 21 years old. And it was like my friend was getting married or something like that you know and so it was like and even still this day there's a handful of times in my life I don't really drink that often but it didn't matter what other people like I wasn't trying to get other people's approval because they were disapproving of me anyway so I was like well those people don't you know they're calling me dumb and retard and stupid and stuff so i'm not going to try to even bother chasing them down and like you know i wasn't trying to beg them to be my friend so i didn't end up smoking cigarettes
Starting point is 00:25:33 i didn't end up smoking pot i didn't end up drinking i didn't end up doing drugs because i wasn't trying to be with the in crowd i'm like i don't even give a crap about that crowd let me ask you a question then at the time i thought dyslexia was the worst thing that could happen to me, and why did I have to be different? And it wasn't until I was living my dreams in the magazine at 17, 18, being moved to California at 20. I didn't realize at that point the greatest thing that ever happened to me was a learning disability.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And that learning disability will set my mindset so different than everybody else that I'm going to try things in a different way, which dyslexic people do, because it's an imbalance of IQ and reading and writing. And I said, wow, it's the greatest thing to happen to me. It wasn't the worst thing. I didn't realize that. How do you feel about it now, looking back? I feel the same way. In my 30s when I'm in dead center in the middle of my powerlifting career, I'm thinking of people from the past, but I'm also thinking of people from more present time that have doubted me. Even some of my workout partners who at the time were very successful making a lot of money. I would just think when i would go to do my next set i'm like i'm gonna these these guys
Starting point is 00:26:49 don't know it but i'm gonna blow past all of them like i'm gonna figure this out because the most dangerous thing for somebody that has like a disability any disability whether they're missing an arm or or uh they've had uh a knee injury or like anything, anything, anything you had to overcome, mental issues or whatever it might be. But the most dangerous thing that could ever happen is for that person to start to figure things out. And then they start saying something clicks in their head and they're like, I'm not dumb. I can actually learn a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I just learned a lot differently. And there's certain things that are just harder for me. Like reading's hard for me. Reading comprehension's hard for me. I can do it if I need to do it, but I... Read it two, three, four, five. Same as me. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:27:42 But once you get a little bit of momentum, and you're like, oh, my God, I can actually do a lot of these things. I can still provide. I'm not going to sit down and write forever, but I'll sit down and communicate like this forever because I'm good at this. And so you start to learn to lean into your strengths, and you see people, they take off like a rocket ship.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And I hope you guys out there, I'm going to take two minutes because I want Mona to sit down for a second here and talk about this last 10 months. Where is Mona? Mo, Mo. You guys grab Mona? Okay. Is Todd here?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Will you go get her? So, again, we're telling you about our life stories and we're telling you about our struggles that turned into successes uh we also told you um how we never totally um catered to the famous or the popular kids or anything like that through school so if you are a loner and you're in school um i love the whole lone wolf thing. I'm that way. As long as you're safe and you're okay and you understand that it's all right and others have done that, reach out to us and talk to us too because we went through that whole struggle. Even though, and here's the huge thing, people think I have 10 brothers and sisters. Well, you were never alone.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I was always alone. Believe it or not alone i was always alone believe it or not i was always alone because they had their lives and and um i had my life and i just so the lone wolf thing is not a bad thing just as long as you're safe and you're mentally okay i just think it ended up being great for me because you know i didn't care about going to prom and i never went to any of that stuff i never went to those things i, I mean, it was almost as if I wasn't popular, but I was because of sports and stuff. But then I recognized that that's all people really cared about. You know, like they just, oh, man, you're so strong or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And I was like, but they're calling me dumb when I turn around. So it's like I don't have any desire to hang out with those people. Here's a huge thing. This is huge because if they're going to come back right now, and I just want to checkmate you guys before you do this, I had fame early. By 17, I was already in the magazine. So that whole struggle was short-lived in a sense of me getting to a dream level. By 20, I was already winning the universe and power lifted and had a hit TV show.
Starting point is 00:30:08 So I'm doing great at 20. People don't know that everything I made, I put away. I never bought the fancy cars, even though it was six or seven guys that were all under contract, and I'd watch these guys go out and buy the nicest car with the biggest boom system. They'd pull up the next day at Gold's with this car and I'm sitting there looking at him going
Starting point is 00:30:28 I don't get it now for me I don't get it because I come from 10 and I know how money works and I had my jeep and I'm like I'm okay I'll put this away and people don't know that I put it away for 20 years like that everything I put away and put away and put away. And they'd come over and see my place that I'd live in. And they'd be like, do you need money? Are you okay? And I'm like, no, I'm fine. I get to work out and live and travel the world for me. So that fame and money came quickly.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And what I want to get to is something that is tough. To keep in the grind and keep in the battle and keep it going and and because something that happened is you've blew past me you know financially and everything in business you you went from ground zero for many years and just passed tell them because a lot of them are going to struggle and they're going to struggle for a long time. How many years until the success happened? When you started at 11, 12, 13 years old working out. Until the day that one check comes in and goes, oh, I can get rent covered. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah, 30-something years. I mean, the slingshot is going to be 10 years old. That's our third child is a slingshot. And, yeah, the invention of the slingshot was 10 years ago. So I'm 43 now. So at 33, you know, 20-something years of lifting, I never, you know, even like, I don't know, meeting my wife and then like getting to know her family and then that whole process.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Like what does Mark do? You know, like what is don't know, meeting my wife and then like getting to know her family and then that whole process. Like what does Mark do? You know, like what is, you know, well, he's trying to be like a professional wrestler and like, you know, and then I was always like trying to move on to other things. Lifting was always kind of the answer. It's always been around and I always knew I would do something with lifting.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I never knew exactly what it was, but I always worked hard and I've always been a it was, but I always worked hard. Um, and I've always been a dreamer, you know, because my brain might not work like somebody else's. So instead of like thinking of, okay, I'm going to go through school and I'm going to go to college and I'm going to get a, you know, kick ass like nine to five job that I think that I'll like enough that I can make enough money to where I can go fishing on the weekend or whatever. Uh, I, my mind never worked that way. I always was a big dreamer. I always, you know, wanted, uh, you know, people
Starting point is 00:32:49 ask me sometimes they'll say, well, did you envision this stuff for yourself? And I'm like, absolutely. Like I didn't envision anything less. I think there's a lot more. I think I'm just getting started. You know, I'm excited about it. Can you, can you tell them that then? Cause I think the hardest thing for anybody out there listening is the fact that no matter how tough it got, no matter it was paycheck to paycheck or trying wrestling and trying this and that and that, it wasn't until you were 33 that it clicked, and something that is fun for me.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I mean, I get this. And I think if you're true friends with somebody or or you respect somebody you get that enjoyment from them so i get enjoyment from watching how you live today and going good good i i see that you get a you got a new car or something i'm like good and and it makes me smile tingle right now or you got a new house and i'm like it's it's beautiful me it's beautiful for me to see that you stayed true to your dreams and you stayed true to it and and you got to that success is there anything you could tell them my youtubers and everybody worldwide watching this um that success happens quick for some and it doesn't for others and it doesn't mean that they listen
Starting point is 00:34:05 you know i was 17 and 18 and then 20 getting contracts but regardless how much i make you you you created something so much more global and worldwide and blew past everybody there's uh you know there's an old book it's called think and grow rich and uh some of the principles and some of the information in there the book's Some of the principles and some of the information in there. The book's probably 50 years old, but some of the information in there still has a lot of meaning and still has a lot of bearing on what you do today. Basically, the short of it is that people simply just don't think enough. They don't think enough to ask good questions. They might drive by their
Starting point is 00:34:45 neighbor's house and they might be like holy crap man that was a beautiful boat i'd love to have a boat like that i really love going out in a boat they never once thought to knock on their door and say something like holy shit like that's a amazing boat how'd you get that what do you do you know and then there's another kind of saying that i really i'm really big into like quotes and stuff but one of one of my favorite sayings is uh people that are broke should take people that are wealthy to lunch you know like hey man like i want to or some some kid in the gym should say hey like you know dude i want you'll probably just tell them hey come train with me but they should come up to you and say i would love to take you to lunch because i'd love to learn i need to absorb some of this knowledge right you know that those kinds of
Starting point is 00:35:28 things i think make a big difference huge because i always say um if you're the biggest and strongest guy at your go to a new gym right but also go to the guys that are older um that are still doing it what did they know what did rob Robbie Robinson, because I think, I'll take Robbie Robinson's knowledge over a 20-year-old that just won the National for USA. Because a 20-year-old, you're 20, you should win the USA or something.
Starting point is 00:35:56 But if you're still doing this and doing 405 squats at 73 years old, what do you know? And it's the same thing for finance. Go out there and talk to those guys and keep the passion. I think the same thing for finance go out there and and talk to those guys and keep the passion i think the main thing is keep the passion alive excuses are are a big issue so you have to be very careful with uh you know i'm not this is you guys i'm not excuses yeah i'm not this way because you know i i can never be you know how gifted is in sema right
Starting point is 00:36:24 but it doesn't do any it doesn't do anybody any good to kick themselves and be like i can never be, how gifted is Nsema, right? But it doesn't do anybody any good to kick themselves and be like, I'll never be like him. Why not strive for that? Maybe you could be like him. And also, too, if you've seen where the guy was two, three years ago, he was still in magnificent shape.
Starting point is 00:36:37 He just has it. We know people, sometimes people just have it. You have it with your bodybuilding and powerlifting, and some people just sometimes, we've seen it in pro wrestling a lot, like The Rock just had it, Stone Cold. Some people sometimes just have it. You have it with your bodybuilding and powerlifting. And some people did just sometimes we've seen it pro wrestling a lot. Like the rock just had it stone cold. Just some people sometimes just have it, but it doesn't do you any good to throw in excuses. Oh, you take, you know, Mike's big cause he takes steroids. Well, whether you do or you don't, it's still, you're still
Starting point is 00:36:57 throwing a barrier of entry. Uh, and when you throw out that barrier of entry, you're no longer going to ask questions because you don't think that person has anything valuable to say because you just stack the chips against yourself and just threw out this blanket statement that it's genetics and steroids. Tell me if this is kind of that. I met Mike Ashley. Mike Ashley was a bodybuilder pro, and he actually did the Arnold Classic and took second until the drug test came back and Sean Ray failed the drug test. So Mike Ashley actually won the Mr. Arnold Classic drug-free. Yeah, you guys just heard me. An IFBB pro won a show drug-free.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And people would be talking, and I saw him guest pose, and I'm sitting there looking at him, and then the question in my mind was, is he drug-free or not? And my response to that is, I'm going to hope he is. It went the complete opposite. I'm going to hope he is. You know why?
Starting point is 00:37:56 I'm going to be better than that. And then the other guy that lost did drugs. Well, I'm going to be better than that without him. It was my mindset yeah was the mindset i didn't shut myself down and i think everybody shuts them a majority of people shut themselves down if you do that exercise you'll get hurt uh you can't get that size because this um i want to be rich well that's a dream right what are your steps to be rich? Why don't you go up to Super Training Gym and start training there and ask you questions
Starting point is 00:38:29 or just do an internship up there for three months for free and learn what you can because that's better education hanging around you three months than it is going to some university if you're trying to get into the health and fitness world. Yeah, questions over statements. You make a statement and now you no longer have any questions anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:38:45 So you should be asking questions, especially if you're young. And then figure out a way to ask good questions. Sometimes somebody will message us, and it will be like one thing, and it will say, like, I need help with my bench. And it's like, well, we're not really that fired up to help you because you're so lazy that you didn't take the time to formulate something good that gets us excited to answer the question. Now, if you said this instead, you said, hey, I'm 18 years old. I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I want to get better. I'm really having a hard time getting the weight off my chest and the bench press. What's something that can help me push that weight out of the bottom as soon as you as soon as you heard that little tiny backstory about how the kid's 18 you're like i'm helping him that's a done deal or if someone said i'm 65 and i'm just getting into weightlifting the only reason i'm pointing is is because you guys dm me and you say things um should i stop creatine you're gonna get a chance to talk to me and that's your one question should i put my shoulder blades together on incline bench there's so much more
Starting point is 00:39:52 there's so much more i'm not going to answer those uh and and the point he's making is listen and there's tons of knowledge and free knowledge that we're giving. So kind of go out there and read that stuff up. And don't be this new generation that you just kind of want your question answered. Try to come at it from our side that we want to help you guys, and we're doing this to help you guys. But do some kind of research and listen and stuff like that. And I've got to stop us for one second because I've got to bring in the savage. What?
Starting point is 00:40:31 I've got to stop and bring in why why is come here i gotta i gotta take a couple minutes i have a very serious question yes why is mona so hot because i got lucky so whose arms are bigger oh no but like she look Look. Yeah. She had a baby 10 months ago. Are you sure? I don't understand. So everybody, I would like to introduce you. I'm walking around in these tight pants and everything. Miss O'Tren. Oh, my God. Oh, hey.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Mark. Mark. Where's this baby? What happened to him? Oh, he's with the helper. We just threw him in the bathtub upstairs. You just chucked him up there? We get a lot of people at the gym going, We just threw him in the bathtub upstairs. You just chucked him up there?
Starting point is 00:41:08 We get a lot of people at the gym going, you're here at 4 a.m., what's going on? Where's the baby? I'm like, oh, he's just hanging out with the dogs at home. Yeah, let him get raised by wolves, see what happens. Yeah, I'm like, Panda's going to feed him here in an hour. Yeah, if he's by himself, what's the worst thing that would happen, right? Come on.
Starting point is 00:41:24 We even have our parents next to us what's he gonna do pee himself i can be that big of a deal i do that sometimes yeah but oh boy we missed you we haven't seen you in a while i know i'm sorry i'm back here i am good yeah i was gonna say what do you think of this beard i'm trying to work on this thing but i don't know i don't know if i got what it takes to like make it work it's getting a little shaggy i don't know if you got what it takes that's what i'm saying i know i need someone that's why i asked you yeah that's why i asked you i need someone who's gonna like give it to me straight you know yeah well you asked the wrong person because you know me yeah yeah you don't pull any punches i i i'm just assuming this is because it's the winter look
Starting point is 00:42:05 and hopefully spring will come sooner than. That's what Andy Bell is hoping. My wife is hoping that too. I hope that. You know, I was telling Mike, I love the way that you're raising your kid because everybody's involved. Sometimes when people have a child, sometimes they shrink down and they stay inside and you
Starting point is 00:42:29 don't see them and then that's the kid at the restaurant that's like throwing their shit across the room and crying and scream his head off because he doesn't know how to act out in public doesn't know how to act in front of other people but coming over here today and like I noticed there was like a new dog over there I'm like what are you guys get a new dog and you're like oh no it's heath's you know but you guys are like a family and todd abrams is here all the time heath is here all there's always somebody hanging with titan or hanging with your dogs i think that's great no lately we had probably for the past two years constantly someone visiting and staying over the house. Titan's going to think that's totally normal.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I know. Who's coming over today? He's going to have all these people over. But it's amazing that at his age, so he turned 10 months, he knows so much. He knows everything. That's great. Yeah. And you had kids, but this is when you got to teach them yes and no.
Starting point is 00:43:21 And I don't want him to ever be nervous or afraid to go into people. So having people around and, you know, introducing him. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Having that many different people talk to him too. Because like as parents, like to be totally honest, you sometimes get worn down. Oh, yeah. But having that many people so excited to see him each time. Oh, my God, this baby.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Like he's going to respond to that. He's going to be a happy baby. Truthfully, I don't even know if he speaks english or if he understands english yet because we spoke with him only romanian mike talks to him in english but the kid is looking at him like what what the heck are you saying that's great you speak to him in romanian only romanian and then i have my helpers are brazilian and. And Brazilian is close to Romanian. We have, which it just blew my mind the way how many words in common we have. Oh, wow. Yeah, because Romanian is Latin. Some people in Brazil speak Spanish too, right?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, it's similar to Romanian. So Romanian is very, very close to Italian. So we understand Italian. But then all the Latin languages like Spanish and Portuguese and all that from Europe, you know, they have a lot of words in common. So, however, it's great. So he's going to speak Brazilian and Romanian. And Mike is not going to know what his son just said. That's great.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah. I think that at this age, gosh, teaching him multiple languages, it's like number one. Yeah. And then him number one. Yeah. And then him being around you guys, like all this elite, like athletes and people that in his mind, he thinks this is normal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 No, this is not normal. I mean, Mark Bell doesn't go to a Bryce house all the time. We have Heath Evans, you know, NFL, X NFL.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And we have all this elite, like, you know, even pro bodybuilders whatever and it's amazing so he's just gonna think it's normal you gotta train at 4 a.m yeah and you gotta you gotta spend the rest of the day getting your protein exactly and he ends up you know we're going to the gym and his dad is doing you know cardio lifts weights or whatever and it's like you could just bang weights right next to him he's like he laughs it's like oh yeah you know and he's like a little monkey i saw him hanging on the refrigerator door
Starting point is 00:45:29 or something i was like whoa i cannot leave him with mike and heat evans not even for five minutes the next thing i see it's a video doing something crazy they're putting him in like this towels and they're swinging him around the house. It's crazy. Yeah, you're like, it's not a toy. What are you guys doing? I'm like, oh my gosh. But yeah, so Mike, I think that he's finally, all right, I'm a dad. Finally.
Starting point is 00:45:54 It's been a long time. It actually does take a long time as a dad to really get attached to the kid. Like it took me, it took me probably around this time you know it took around 10 10 months maybe even more like a year or so yeah he's getting there it's weird it's really weird for men uh i don't you know i can't speak on how it is for women but i just imagine the whole the whole experience whole experience must be different since the since the baby's you know growing inside of you and everything but as a guy you know a guy, you also feel helpless when the baby first comes out and the baby's crying and stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:31 You don't know how to – I think women somehow have a built-in sense of how to help it, and obviously breastfeeding and stuff, that stuff helps. I didn't do that much breastfeeding. Obviously, my first baby, his first baby. So a lot of people tell you, you've to do this, you got to do that. Just you learn as you go. It's like, it's so many new things every day. Yeah, there's no one way.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Every day, yeah. And Mike, he gets his time in with the baby like swimming. And he has a few things that he does with the baby. But I'm telling you, it's still like times when he's like, holy crap, I have a kid. He even says that to me. You know, we have a baby upstairs. I'm like, hello.
Starting point is 00:47:15 You ever get out of your car and kind of forget for half a second and go, holy. Yeah, yeah. You're like, oh, shit, it's in the back seat. Well, my sister was helping us a lot, as you know, and she went home Thursday, like two days ago. And the next day in the morning, I didn't have the helper coming in. And he said, oh, yeah, so tomorrow we're going to get up in the morning
Starting point is 00:47:36 and we're going to do this and at 3 a.m. And I just let him talk and whatever. And then he goes, wait a minute, who's going to stay with Titan? He just didn't even, he forgot about the baby i'm like exactly so it's not gonna happen i got a question for you because i i know today we talked a lot and very little about training very little about nutrition and stuff but i think at this stage uh and i think you'll agree with me that training, nutrition, family, life, and the world comes from a mindset more important than anything else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:09 And it was funny. I put up when it comes to getting in shape, I have weightlifting is number five. Number five. Because number one is nutrition. Two is the mindset and recovery, then consistency, and then recovery, and then weightlifting. If you can do the reason why I say that is this. I've gotten pretty good shape this last five, ten years, more than the universe, more than anything, and it's because of my significant other. And I know that you have a significant other.
Starting point is 00:48:59 You and me are similar in so many ways, and we're sensitive guys. We need someone to take care of us too. What do you think is that partner? Yeah, I mean, it's everything. I mean, it's huge. My wife was a huge, you know, have like pivot points in my life, you know, having dyslexia and, you know, all that kind of stuff in school. There was turning points that happened there, like pivot points, and then having my brother die.
Starting point is 00:49:29 That was a huge pivot point. And then getting married was probably the most significant thing, the most significant change because when I met my wife, I didn't have – I mean, you were around at that time. I didn't have a driver's license. I didn't have a car. I didn't have I mean you were around at that time I didn't have a driver's license I didn't have a car I didn't have a bank account like I just I was not an organized person I just I still was a hard-working person but I just I couldn't figure things out on my own I need I needed like I needed some help and my wife you know when she kind of came around she was like you don't you don't
Starting point is 00:50:05 have this you don't have that you know i'm like yeah you like you have like uh you know i had bad credit like the whole thing you know and so we balanced each other out so well though because she really worries about a lot of stuff and especially at that time i wish i could be more like that now but i have too many responsibilities but but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything. I just wanted to figure out a way to get to the gym, have a good training session, recover from it and go do the same thing again. Cause I loved it so much, you know, and it really, I wasn't really thinking about, uh, other things, but then she, you know, she, uh, leveled me out a lot with saying, look, that's good that you feel that way. Cause then you're not going to be super stressed about stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:47 But you need some responsibilities in your life. And then I calmed her down a lot because she tends to like if she if there's something that has to be done, everything else gets pushed like that thing's getting done. Like or she will kill somebody like she is so focused that it's getting done. Like, or she will kill somebody. Like, she is so focused that it's absolutely nuts. And when it comes to our kids and stuff, and when it comes to any sort of family stuff, she's like, whoosh, and just, and sometimes I gotta say, like, hey, like, it's gonna, everything's gonna be,
Starting point is 00:51:18 look, everything's gonna be fine, you know? Everything's gonna be good. We're all gonna get together, and everything's gonna be good, and it will work out when it works out. But she doesn't like that kind of thought process like it's not going to just work out and it's not going to just it's not going to just take time you got to push it along as her theory you know so we've been great for each other because we level each other out a lot
Starting point is 00:51:36 okay so now you two are like that you had a bank account when i met you thank god he wasn't a complete wreck and he had car, but he wasn't a great car. No one would come out of the bank account. It would go in and wouldn't come out. It's interesting you say that because that other partner, that partner for you guys, people ask me, why did I wait so long to have a child? And I waited so long because I didn't want to have a child
Starting point is 00:52:03 with somebody I was just in love with.'t want to have a child with somebody I was just in love with. I wanted to have a child with somebody that, with or without me, could raise them healthy and could do it because life isn't perfect. You know, things happen. It's hard. You know, you have to work at, like anything else, a relationship. It's a lot of work. Yeah, it absolutely is. People say you have to communicate. Oh anything else, a relationship. It's a lot of work. Yeah, it absolutely is.
Starting point is 00:52:25 There's a lot. You know, people say you have to communicate. Oh, you look so happy. You guys are the best. Power couple. Bitch. Do you know how much work I had to do for this shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Well, people say you have to communicate, but then they like they're not really willing to have. Communication to me means that you have the hard conversations, you know. And those are the ones that most people don't want to have, communication to me means that you have the hard conversations, you know? Yeah. And those are the ones that most people don't want to have, you know? And that's where you sometimes have to say, hey, I, and this is in all aspects of your relationship, you might have to say, I don't like this, I like this. You might have to, and it might be, it might have to do with sex,
Starting point is 00:53:00 it might have to do with all kinds of stuff. You have to lay all these things out because you're trying to live the rest of your life with this person so everybody better be cool with everything yeah and you also gotta find the right time to say thanks to certain people yeah right like make sure he had his scarves and that's right oh who's this guy Oh, hi. Oh, he's going to come. Hey. Oh, hi. Here. Okay. All right. I guess we're making a cameo here. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:53:30 This guy's going to take over. I don't like this setup. He's already out-angled me. He's going to take over the show. Hi. Hey, what's up, Titan? Say good morning. Morning, everybody.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Oh, his legs. This is Titan. The real Titan. The real Titan. Right? the real Titan. Right? The real Titan. This is the real Titan. Yep. He's looking big. And much old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:54 We traveled to Ohio, and at the airport, you know, I carried him, and somebody said, Oh, you know, at this age, when they start walking, I'm assuming it's good for them to walk. So put him down. He's heavy. I'm like, he's not walking yet. Right. No? What's wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:54:10 I said, I think he's just turned 10 months old. Like, he's not. He's standing and he took his first steps, right, a couple of days ago? I think it was like a kind of a trot. People are like, how old is he, two? kind of a trot. People are like, how old is he, two? We put it on his social media,
Starting point is 00:54:27 but we put him down and he ran to me. Right? Yeah, you did. Good support group. Everything changed for the better. How are you staying in such good shape?
Starting point is 00:54:38 You know, a lot of times moms will say, you know, I had a baby and, you know, they kind of fall apart. Five years later, she's like, I still have babies. I know know, they're. I know. It's like five years later. She's like, I still have baby. I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Baby. Five years. How old's your son? 18. What? I know. I know. I think just the way we did the process of when I got pregnant, how we took up my calories
Starting point is 00:55:00 and we backed up the training. I mean, back down the training. If we didn't explain this earlier, let me try to do this because I want to get into nutrition real quick on you. With her, I noticed that social media is harsh because it could hurt people. She's an incubator during the pregnancy. She was also too lean before having the baby.
Starting point is 00:55:21 So we made sure to take up her calories and try to get some fat on her. And she's a, she's a hard gainer. She stays lean all the time and she's taking about 300 grams of carbohydrates and she still burns that off, which is more than I take in. Yeah. So what we did was, um, we really pulled her back from lifting down to two days a week where I know mothers start training more. I want to stay in shape during pregnancy when I'm sitting there going, that's the wrong thing. If you have a baby, you're an incubator, you've got to make sure that he's getting the right nutrients.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And then regardless of what doctors say and how much you need to eat, I'm going to disagree with that and just go with the safe side of going, let's make sure he gets enough, and if there's any more, then it's just waste. And so we kept her on a high calorie intake with very low training and now you do that for a year right what happens when you start cutting back the calories and you start training more right instant instant she was a month after the baby was born already pretty much back except for the uh internal um and she was already back in shape and stuff and people are like what i don't understand i'm like you did it right yeah which
Starting point is 00:56:31 makes me go to here because this is going to be what you guys want to really hear now this is going to be nutrition nutrition 101 we diet differently than textbook um But I think it's also because we're like Dr. Frankenstein, right? Let's try things. Let's see what we can do now. Let's see how we can get in shape and maintain it. The only way to know it works is to try it. 100%. So tell me, I did something.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I messaged him yesterday and I said, hey, send over your nutrition plan. I'm going to stay with it for a week. And then he messaged it over. And then I deleted him and blocked him and removed him from social media as soon as I saw what he was doing. It was basically Heath Evans all over again. Tell me about your nutrition. Yeah, so I've been utilizing a carnivore-style diet, which is meat, eggs and uh bone broth and butter and that's pretty much where the the list
Starting point is 00:57:29 the shopping list ends i love that you're doing bone broth and then people will they'll keep asking they'll like hey what about this i'm like if well if it's not the things i mentioned and it's not part of what what we're doing the thing that's actually really interesting is uh i love that they do that yeah the thing that's really interesting is that there's so many more options with meat than you think, especially when you only are consuming meat, because then you're starting to really think about it. Like what are some other flavors I can try?
Starting point is 00:57:56 And you have chicken, but you also have like chicken wings, because you can eat the fat, because we're not eating the carbohydrates. And the fat is gonna be the energy of choice on this style of diet. Whereas if you're doing more like a bodybuilding diet, you would lower the fat and you would have carbohydrates be your main resource. But I think that's something that, and people can kind of like argue it whatever way they want,
Starting point is 00:58:20 but I think a huge problem that faces America is the fact that I believe that fat is your primary fuel source. And I believe that producing ketones and having your body utilize its own body fat is a very natural process. Now, it's not a natural process to be doing that all the time. If you think back to the way that we, our ancestors probably ate, if you were just trying to think about it in some logical terms, they probably ate meat when meat was around and then they probably went through some times where they were in famine, right? And then they would lose body fat. They would produce ketones, right? You only produce ketones when you're not
Starting point is 00:59:01 eating, when you're fasting and you only, well, not only produce ketones, but you're going to produce more when you're fasting and you're produced more in the absence of carbohydrates, in the absence of having your insulin levels raised because you took in sugar or carbohydrates of any kind, because they turn into glucose in your body. And so if you're to think about that, I think it's what's riddled so many Americans with so much disease, obesity. And if we're like, if you really are trying to boil it down to its simplest form, you're like, well, it would probably be a good idea for most people to produce ketones. It'd probably be a good idea for most people to learn to utilize fat as an energy source uh it's a clean healthy way and
Starting point is 00:59:48 not not that there's anything wrong with carbohydrates i'll get to that in a second too because that's a huge factor but one of the missing components in the fitness industry i'll jump back over so i was talking about general pop a little bit there for a second but in the fitness industry people are dieting too often and too much and for way too long and so like what i'll do i i love i love to diet i love the challenge of it and so i'll overdo it myself sometimes like i'm overdoing it right now like i'm a little smaller than i'd like to be but i'm recognizing that and as you do too you'll you'll be like okay well i'm gonna look like this for a little bit,
Starting point is 01:00:25 but I know what the impact is going to be. Same thing when you're bulking up, you're like, this is getting a little chub going. Face is getting a little fat. Please listen to this stuff, guys. This stuff here, this is the most important. When you start seeing that, the key is to not overreact and say, well, this is the goal. I wanted to put some, because when I strip back down,'m gonna be bigger or when I go back up you know I'm gonna be able to put on a little bit more weight because I was so deprived human body is a really really crazy thing and when you fast and you push yourself there's a like I don't I'm not a I'm not a doctor or nutritionist or anything so I don't know all the
Starting point is 01:01:02 different science behind a lot of these things but what I do know is that when you don't feed your body and you don't feed your body for a really long time, your body is dying to rebound. So if you're somebody that just lost 40 pounds of fat and you don't ever give yourself a break, it's a dangerous thing to say to someone who's really heavy and for somebody that's really been addicted to food,
Starting point is 01:01:23 but you need a diet break. You really, really do. And when I mean, when I say diet break, like you need a diet break, you'd say, you know what? I'm going to take the next four or five days and I'm going to eat whatever I'm going to eat, whatever the hell I want, because you know what's going to happen once you get, it sounds glorious, right? You get like three, three days down the road and you're going to happen? Once you get, it sounds glorious, right? You get like three days down the road and you're going to be like, you know what, it's not, you know, I want to get back to what I was doing.
Starting point is 01:01:53 You know, it won't be that long. It's like visiting home. Like when you're, you know, I'm from the East Coast. How long am I going to visit home for? It sounds glorious to go visit home, you know, but how long am I going to visit for? I'm going visit for three or four or five days and and that's way too much time probably so you know think about it in some of these terms and uh and i think you'll you'll have a lifelong
Starting point is 01:02:16 success with uh your fitness and with your dieting so i'm glad you said that because um i think we all know that I fell off stage. And that was my last guest posing of the year. So I think some people think it was a stunt. It was not a stunt. It was a stage. Mike will do anything for a buck. I trolled so hard.
Starting point is 01:02:39 I wanted to get a good social media burst. And so I fell off stage. I'm okay. But I did get banged up. But judo saved my life. I hit that ground, got up, and I'll post the video and tell you the whole story about that. But I got a guest pose throughout the whole year. And I've been doing it now for the last four or five years. I'm traveling more than I've ever done in my career. And that means I'm in a deficit. I've been basically in a deficit for five years. I say, do as I say, not as I do. I know it sounds good and it sounds great. Um, and that I'm ripped. It's not healthy.
Starting point is 01:03:19 It's not. Um, and being sliced like that for me is not the best thing for me. And you just said, and being sliced like that for me is not the best thing for me. And you just said you've got to take a break. And so even if it's just a day, even if it's just like if you love intermittent fasting, which I like to do a lot, I'm doing it right now. Like I like the energy. I like that I don't need to stop and eat. And I also love that I don't poop as much because just consuming less food. But if you love doing that, then take a break from it here and there.
Starting point is 01:03:44 You know, do it every other day or do it three or four days a week, but have a day where you're like, you know what, I'm just going to eat, like just eat breakfast. You cannot, you, you can't get the mindset of that eating or eating any food is going to make you fat. That's a really critical thing. And I know that I'm, I'm not a huge proponent of a lot of carbohydrates just because I think, uh, a lot of processed foods have a tendency to override the body's natural ability to recognize what you're eating because these are processed foods that are designed for us to overeat and over consume and so i usually tell a lot of people hey look man just don't eat any carbs because it's the shortest and easiest message. And then people can figure out what they wanted to.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Carbohydrates can be great, but they can be a slippery slope for a lot of people. And I, and I agree with that. If that's something you guys want to try. And I think everybody, you got to try that stuff. So for me,
Starting point is 01:04:36 I'm a carbohydrate guy. I love carbohydrates. And unfortunately I don't get a lot of them because of the fact that I'm always dieting and getting on stage and doing shoots. However, Mona, come here. But you also have a very nutritious mindset. So when I think of carbs, because I was heavy, right? Because I grew up and family, let's say that where there's like obesity, right? So people mistaken carbohydrates as they're just carbohydrates by themselves. And it's very rare that you have carbohydrates by themselves, except for in the case of, uh, I guess like a soda or something like that, but, or any, any drink, maybe orange
Starting point is 01:05:14 juice even. But for the, for the most part, things that we call carbohydrates or when I think carbohydrates, I'm actually thinking about a combination of carbohydrates and fat, like Doritos, ice cream. And that's kind of common sense, right? It's kind of common sense that those things are going to really cause a problem. I'm so removed that when I say carbohydrates, I mean oatmeal, rice, sweet potato. You're still not really consuming sugar.
Starting point is 01:05:43 And if you do have some sugar maybe there's some from fruit or something like that right and these again the point of that is is that yeah you can kind of you can overeat rice you know but like are you going to overeat like a baked potato like it it gets to be kind of hard to overeat on some of those foods and you certainly wouldn't be obese eating those foods but But even though I diet that well, my body still reacted to that carbohydrates. And when I fell, I realized,
Starting point is 01:06:10 um, uh, cause I got banged up. I was like, I actually have to take four or five days off of training and I need to get back on a meal plan like I used to in the old days where I could go off season. Cause,
Starting point is 01:06:22 uh, what you're saying is when we're talking nutrition, just so you guys understand, we're talking about a surplus of calories to help your body recover. Uh, you may not be as lean as normal, but when you want to get lean, it happens fast because you're in a surplus, you're eating healthy. And again, come from my terminology of healthy is meaning I'm always on a program. I'm always dieting. So I know that you guys out there, when I travel the world,
Starting point is 01:06:49 and I say, hey, how's your nutrition? And they go, well, I'm not getting ready for a show, so I'm not really on a plan. I'm like, that more than any time is when you should be on a plan. That nine months. You got to make some rules for yourself, some boundaries. Oh, my gosh. But maybe those are the normal people people and you are the abnormal people.
Starting point is 01:07:07 I don't want to talk to the normal people. I want to talk to the people that are passionate and have dreams and want to get better. You are the weird one. I am the weird one. But here's the scoop. I got back on carbohydrates and it's been so long for me. My body rebound. And I'm talking sweet potatoes and pasta and not pasta, but rice and oatmeal.
Starting point is 01:07:24 And my body's still reacting and i realized and it was a it was a hammer to the head that i need to get back off season again you need to see big mike o'hearn again you need to see 290 pounds taking in carbohydrates fats and proteins again and we're talking to somebody today that's taking in 600 grams of protein yeah so we'll go into that another time when I go up to Super Training Gym because Super Training Gym has been around how long? About 12 years, yeah. 12 years.
Starting point is 01:07:51 And I've been there how many times? Counting the last time, how many times have I been there? One, two, three, zero times. Zero times. Wow. So guess who's going to jump on a plane and get up there and train with those guys for a week? It's just threatening here.
Starting point is 01:08:03 We've got to get baby tight enough. No, it's a promise. But I wanted to show you guys something that was on the internet and they said it was fake. I'm going to show Mark first. I don't know who that is. That is a nine week transformation.
Starting point is 01:08:17 It's 20% body fat on the right. A high 9% on the left. That's awesome. He only lost 25 pounds. That is absolutely awesome. Okay, now we're going to show the camera people. Will you show those folks?
Starting point is 01:08:34 That is outstanding. Now we're going to explain why this happened and why it happened in a short period of time. That's nine weeks on the right or your left, 20% body fat, over 20%. And on the other side where he's all this Amber Comby and Finch model, is 9%. His name is Bryce Gata. He trains. He's able to ditch out about 10% body fat. Yeah, that's Bryce, man.
Starting point is 01:08:54 He trains three times a week. That's awesome. Three times a week. Three times a week. He's my little Frankenstein creature. He is somebody that is in a surplus nine to ten months out of the year. In your statement earlier, you guys can reverse this to a statement earlier i was like has that guy ever been in shape before or did he grow up thin any idea um he was always uh an athlete but just like like water polo and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:09:20 because if he's been in shape before then it's a eat it's not well it's gonna be the it'll be the lead-in to this bryce has been with me for seven years so the photo on the left let me let me tell you this is a nine nine week transformation now the lead-up to that is the foundation work of being healthy and i'd say for me i'm not healthy not healthy because I love to train so much I overtrain. I love to diet so much I over diet. But if I could take the average person and create a superhero like I did here, I would say less workouts, surplus of food most of the year so you recover, get good sleep, the body is working well, the body knows how to utilize fats, knows how to utilize protein, knows how to utilize carbohydrates. And this goes back to, I think maybe you say this too, do as I say, not as I do. Because you are a doctor at this point of yourself. Can you get up and fast and then eat your meals at 2 o'clock and another one at dinner?
Starting point is 01:10:20 Can you do that? Well, let me test it. And I'm the same way there's times where i've gone i've gone down to three to four grams of protein uh throughout the day and so we talked a guy today 600 650 grams 50 yeah where i was taking in maybe a hundred a hundred grams to 150 grams for a 270 pound guy which in in any book, right. Is that right? Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:46 No, but it was for me to test me to see how much I can keep strength wise, eating very little, um, healthy in a sense of a typical healthy, not right, but healthy. You do that for a month or so, or I did it for three months. Yeah. Did it for three months. I wanted to see how much strength I can. When you to eating protein did you notice something different did you notice a rebound i got leaner yeah i got bigger um i've never been weak uh but my strength started moving
Starting point is 01:11:16 you know it's that whole 405 is my measurement on bench i can do one rep or i can do 10 reps depending on where i am on the nutrition. Are you hungry by any chance? No, I'm doing fine. You know, I think with fasting, something that's interesting is when I think back when I was 330 pounds and when I was powerlifting and I would eat five, six, seven times a day, I was still hungry then.
Starting point is 01:11:42 So people are like, I can't do fasting. I'm like, you probably kind of partially do some fasting anyway. And I don't think that everyone needs to follow these like specific rules of going 16 or 20 hours. I think that, you know, you end up fasting through your sleep anyway, if you're not waking up and eating in the middle of the night. And if you could do 10, 12 hours here and there, I think that'd be super beneficial. And then every once in a while, just say, you know what? I have a real busy day today. I'm just not even going to worry about food and I'm going to get to it when I get to it. And you have a day where you might only eat like a meal or two, just as little things for, for kind of more of the
Starting point is 01:12:15 general population to just cut back on their calories. People that really struggle with their diet. It's really a weird thing that if you, so if you fast for a long time i've done like a 72 hour fast before your hunger only gets so great first day the first a little bit second yeah you're done and then you're fine yeah and then you're just not worried about it anymore so mark can talk on that because he uh comes from that realm of being a bigger than i ever was my my biggest is 308 um but it was a decent three Oh eight, you know, it was still considered,
Starting point is 01:12:48 um, chunky monkey right there is a two 90 that battled on. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, the one biggest thing for me is that you're listening to him give you a nutrition advice.
Starting point is 01:13:02 And this is not for you guys that are like trying to be bodybuilders but this is for you guys that have weight problems or or trying to understand this and also he's also talking about the fact that this isn't all year there's try this try try the methods right and i think we both agree that any nutrition plan will work for a period of time if you're consistent yeah Yeah, 100%. You know, the thing with the nutrition stuff is it's very similar to training, where if I do singles and I do doubles in my lifting, then I'm going to get a certain desired result, right? But then there's other things that don't increase and then don't get better,
Starting point is 01:13:41 and they might even get worse because you're doing the singles and the doubles. So maybe you're conditioning or maybe your ability to recover from workouts maybe goes down because maybe you're, maybe you're simultaneously bulking and gaining some weight and, and lowering the reps or however, you know, somebody might go about doing it. But whenever you pursue, and this is just like a life lesson too, whenever you chase after one thing, you might be losing on another. And so it's important to kind of zigzag and move in and out of stuff and just capture the benefit of it and then run.
Starting point is 01:14:09 And then run the other direction and capture the benefit of that thing and keep kind of sticking and moving. Because otherwise, you're going to be the same every single year. I mean, you've been at Gold's Gym forever. And I always say it's like it's a giant like wasteland. You know, I pop in periodically, but people are in the same spot as they've kind of always been in emotionally, financially, socially, like everything, and you're just like, oh, my God. You know, it can be – it's a little bit of a drag. I'm not trying to like, you know, make fun of people.
Starting point is 01:14:41 But, yeah, I am, I guess. I've been there for 30 years so i've seen like the great next arnold come and go every single year and and it's that jumping back for a second for all of you that are trying to learn about nutrition fasting carbohydrates or fats or a carnivore diet or or a high carbohydrate diet or whichever it is, it's all great to try. You know, the books that are out there written, they're from your experts, not our experts. A lot of those guys are your experts, not ours. I also think that people, I don't think they really know because they haven't really tried
Starting point is 01:15:17 or haven't maybe tried in the right way. And they'll say, I can't eat carbs. Carbs will make me fat. And it's usually not it's not true like yeah normally it may be true that if you all of a sudden ate 400 grams of carbs out of nowhere that it could uh you know it could result you want to claim why that is like like for me yeah um if if i didn't know anything and i came off that fall and i started eating those carbs and i rebounded then i would be one of those people that says, well, carbs don't work for me.
Starting point is 01:15:47 But I know enough to go, my body doesn't understand carbohydrates anymore because I've stayed away from it long. There's going to be a rebound period. My body will adapt to it. And this is why I'm saying I need to go back off season because I need to get my body used to carbohydrates again. And then it will get in shape. I just think that we're all very much similar you know as much as people want to say oh we're all different there's you know and that's that can be helpful for on some occasions when you're actually coaching somebody so if you're you know if you
Starting point is 01:16:18 have a diet plan for somebody and you're you're helping her diet for a show well that's a little different because now you need to get specific because you need such a crazy result on stage that there are specifics to it that might cater to her specifically and may not be necessarily true for somebody else. But that doesn't mean that anyone can't adapt to adding in a ton of fat or adding in a ton of carbohydrates. You just can't add it all in at the same time. You can't just add in massive amounts of food.
Starting point is 01:16:47 If you were to add carbohydrates, you would have to reduce fat or you'd have to do it very slowly where you ramp things up. It's going to the gym for the first time in a year and you train hard. You're going to be the next day so sore you can't train. Are you going to sit there and go, oh, I can't train. I get sore. Of course you get sore. You haven't trained in a year.
Starting point is 01:17:04 I blew up off of carbohydrates. Yeah, of course you get sore you haven't trained in a year i blew up off of carbohydrates yeah of course because i've been dieting all year i got to teach my body that process again mona is impressive because she's she's jacked i got lucky guys again we we just demonstrate this for the new viewers you want to think the viewers are already i mean that's so trend up that's so fake natty so we got three fake natties in the house right now um but the reason i showed you bryce's picture earlier is because of the fact that if you ask me what you should do if you can bodybuild or if you are going to power lift i would say be in a surplus most of the year let your body use those calories um and and try that and don't be in a rush and
Starting point is 01:17:53 then test it test your body after the fact after a good year test it how you're doing your nutrition see if that works better for your lifestyle and your your job can we test our bodies this weekend we're gonna test our bodies for your birthday with some cake and pizza i'm gonna eat if you think about like if you you know if you were to be if you weigh like 200 pounds you know and you start eating as if you wanted to weigh 180 or something or 170 or something like that right if you do that for a year after a while you're you know people say your metabolism will slow down well it's it's like it's just kind of a blanket statement and no one really knows what that means but there are possibilities that your testosterone levels might come down this isn't in case, but it could be the case, especially if you're training a lot.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Your thyroid could go down a little bit. And so all we're saying is treat your body a little bit better and understand that the overeating and every once in a while enjoying some food, I know it's a slippery slope for a lot of people and they really struggle with it, but you do need to do it every once in a while, even if you're heavy. I think it's important. You do need to do it every once in a while, even if you're heavy. I think it's important. I lost weight in stages.
Starting point is 01:19:07 I weighed 330 pounds. People ask me all the time, how long did it take to lose the weight? And it took me 10 years. But it wasn't like I didn't have a plan of weighing 230 at a certain date necessarily. Real quick though, you weren't 330, like society's 330. You were super human 330 benching
Starting point is 01:19:27 how much was it? 854 bench and 1080 squat more than I squatted he benched more than I squatted how is that even possible? it was a crazy time I needed that padding to be able to move the weights that I wanted to move
Starting point is 01:19:42 but when it was time to make a change when I fell, I fell with 1,085 and that wiped me out for a good like three months. That was another pivot point in my life where I was like, you know what? I need to make some changes. I need to kind of figure some things out. And I went from 330 and the diet I had from 330 to 290 is so different than what I do nowadays. I simply just cut out eating junk. It was just a very simple plan. I was like, well, I like potatoes. I like meat. So I'm going to pretty much eat meat and potatoes. And then, you know, once or twice a week, maybe I'll just eat what I want because I'm very much addicted to food and I need to sprinkle some of that in here
Starting point is 01:20:19 and there. And so, you know, as I went, I grew stronger for dieting. You know, I would say nowadays I feel like I'm a black belt in dieting. You know, whereas when I was starting, you know, I was so I was a white belt and I would diet for a day or two and then I'd screw up and I diet for three days and I'd screw up and then I would like not eat and then I would binge. And I was like, then I found a happy medium and I'm like, I'm not losing weight and it's because I'm not being honest with myself, which is another key factor of fitness. I hope you guys are listening to this. You gotta really say like, people are just not being honest with themselves.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I mean, look, honestly, at 7 p.m., where are most of you? 7 or 8 p.m., what are you doing? TV and eating? TV and eating. Going out to dinner. Or snacking. Yeah, TV and eating. Going out to dinner. Or snacking. Yeah, TV and eating.
Starting point is 01:21:07 You may have already eaten dinner, but you're like, man, I'm so hungry. I had a hard day. A little something more. A little something, something. I had a tough day, and there you are, you know, rifling through the pantry.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Or drinking the bottles of wine. Yeah, you're doing stuff that you shouldn't be doing You can just go to bed Get ready to train at 4 in the morning Just be psycho like us The one thing I think I heard you say Is it's baby steps It's just little steps
Starting point is 01:21:36 And it's funny because I'll work with people around the world Let's call them Titan steps The one thing that's funny Is the mind approach When it comes to health and fitness and nutrition is when I say, when people come to me, my clients come to me and say, hey, here's my check-in. Here's what's happened. This is the changes. What do you want me to do?
Starting point is 01:22:00 And my response back, it's going to shock all you guys is um okay get one more hour of sleep and a half gallon more of water but what about my nutrition and training they're fine right get one more hour of sleep and another half gallon of water and they come back two weeks later and they're like holy shnikes it changed that's such a minute change and if somebody's paying you to take care of their nutrition and training they don't want to hear that right they want to hear i want a whole nutrition plan i want a completely different uh training plan i want hit cardio in there uh i want mark bell's box squats i want heath evans bouncing off the walls uh and what's mona eating i want that it's like
Starting point is 01:22:41 no it's a little change little things make a big difference in the end. It's the consistency. And I think when I said that weightlifting is number five, consistency was number two. Nutrition and then consistency. You went from 330 to 290 on a diet. And all it was was taking out, wasn't changing it, just dropping some bad food.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Well, you need things to be repeatable, right? So what are repeatable efforts that you could have, that you could have, not the repeatable efforts that we could have, repeatable efforts for you. What's something that you can actually do? Can you afford to go on a 10-minute walk? Can you afford to stop drinking soda? Can you afford to maybe add a 10 minute walk? Can you afford to stop drinking soda? Can you afford to, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:32 maybe add a couple things into your nutrition that will slow you down from eating junk? Could you eat more protein? You know, like just this little, little tiny things are these things that you can, because if you find something that's repeatable, then you're on your way to consistency. And if you can find your way to consistency, then you're on your way to being good. And if you can be good for a long enough time, then you can end up being great. If you all could take something away from this today, my question to you would be, can you give them one trick to changing their nutrition plan?
Starting point is 01:24:02 Let's say whatever it is, or three tricks, if you've got three tricks, that they can do to start a better nutrition plan. And I've got to say nutrition over training today. We'll talk training when I go up there. But nutrition here, because I think, and I've said this before, I've never really technically outworked anybody in the gym. Maybe I'm strong. Maybe I train hard. Maybe that is what I am, and I've been really technically outworked anybody in the gym. Maybe I'm strong. Maybe I train hard.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Maybe that is what I am, and I've been consistent about that. But I've beat everybody since 1983 to today at home with the sleep and the nutrition, being so completely psychoanal about my nutrition and stuff. And that's the only reason I'm still on the covers today is because i don't cheat i don't you know mess up my nutrition like you know society does and i'm always on a plan so what tricks can you give from somebody that was 330 pounds stronger than a god a demigod so i don't offend anybody out there especially heath evans try some different diets you know that's i think that's the trick is you know try a bodybuilding style style diet which is mainly protein and carbohydrates and carbohydrates will be your
Starting point is 01:25:16 main energy source and the fats will be low for me that's always been a weird diet try to figure out i kind of like to eat out often and it's easier to have fat as your energy source if you enjoy eating out because most restaurants are going to put a bunch of fat on your food and you don't have much control over that. So try different diets. Try a bodybuilding diet, try a keto diet, try the carnivore diet, and really try it. Give it an honest shot and try it for maybe- What's the time period on that? I would say you try something for about a month, but also make sure in that month time that you're being pretty strict it goes back to your statement earlier where he said be honest if you guys can be honest to yourselves you guys will get in some incredible gains i need to pee here you go go pee um come back after you're done so uh one thing
Starting point is 01:26:00 that i do trick wise when i am dieting like, like he initially said one of the big things was he didn't like the protein and carbohydrates because he goes out a lot. I don't go out a lot, so I can stay with that. But one thing that I definitely do is in between meals, if I get extremely, extremely hungry, I will do, as Mona calls it, my green drink. And I'll put in a whole bunch of greens in a blender and have that. So that's something that's incredibly well for me. And that takes care of my hungers. And I'll do that two or three times a day. So green drinks is spinach, broccoli, a green powder, vitamin C, some branched-chain amino acids, those kind of things. Good, good. All right. Well,
Starting point is 01:26:48 let's do this. What time? 1010. Guys, man, thanks for hanging out today. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here. Also subscribe to Smelly. He's got the super podcast, super training gym. And then Mona Marison is going to be all over my YouTube. I just trained with the strongest man in the world. So I'll put that video up tomorrow. Also, I give out a free newsletter. But we are going to plan I'm going to start back on a power program here in March and so what i thought about doing is incorporating some things like uh bands again um bands and all that kind of stuff and so i thought a great thing to do is that you guys live with me when i go up to super training gym and get set up we get set up on a power program and I will do that power program starting
Starting point is 01:27:47 March. And we'll do that for a good three months. Is that a good amount of time? I think it's great. And what we'll do is we'll have him set me up on the power program and the rep schemes and the exercises. And you guys can follow along with us doing that. Sound good.
Starting point is 01:28:04 It sounds awesome. I'd love to have you at the gym. My whole team has been waiting for a long time for you to come up here. Salivating. Waiting and salivating. Again, I could talk to you forever, and I could talk to you about things that have nothing to do with health and fitness, just life.
Starting point is 01:28:19 I love that we've had someone of the same journey. Even though you're a decade younger than me, you are so wise and so lived. And we're both sensitive guys, which I love. And we got strong, independent women that technically don't need us, but they keep us around. Yeah, they need us for something, I guess. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 01:28:41 I don't know what that is. Mo? Thank you. Thank you. So we are celebrating my birthday this weekend, and so we got a little birthday leg day in today. We'll put that up for you guys. What's next for you?
Starting point is 01:28:55 I got going, which is something we've been working on for a while, so you can follow along with my training, my nutrition. I just get asked very often, what is it you exactly do? And I explain it. I made videos on it. I try to have it in as many different spots as I can. But that's kind of the problem with it is that it's on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:29:16 It's on Facebook. And it's on YouTube. So it's kind of scattered all over the place. So now people have a spot that they can go to. It's a pay site. People now have a that they can go to. It's a pay site. People now have a spot they can go to where everything's organized. You can even see my old powerlifting workouts. So all that's on there.
Starting point is 01:29:32 People have been asking for it for a long time, so decided to deliver it to you. And I got a bunch of cool trips coming up next year or this year. We're going to Ireland. We're going to go to the East Coast. I'm going to go back home and kind of visit my family, which will be really cool and fun. And that's awesome to me because these trips, you know, they involve my kids.
Starting point is 01:30:02 And so, like, I actually am kind of halfway scared to get on a plane. It's not my favorite thing, but you know, it's for my kids. And then, you know, going to the East coast and seeing my cousins and their family and seeing all those people to me, that's hugely important to me. Uh, we did it last year and it was, we're just, we're just going to, uh, we're going to Jersey shore, you know? And it's like, but that's like one of my favorite vacations that we've ever had because my kids got to hang out with their cousins. And it was just an amazing experience. And I kind of missed it.
Starting point is 01:30:34 I've just been plugging away. I've just been working, having my head down for so long that I kind of forgot about a lot of that stuff. And I'm like, holy shit, I need more of this. I've got to do this at least every year. I love that. Something we haven't told Marky yet, but I am working on an appearance for him and me, um, to, uh, take place in, I think it's May in Boston. Um, and I'm, I'm going to work on trying to get him to come with me. That'd be fun. Back to Boston where he
Starting point is 01:31:00 and I will give a, uh, demonstration and lecture for a day on proper form, training, and nutrition and all that kind of stuff. But you get to meet us in person. So I just sprung that on him. He did not know about this. And it's not confirmed. I'll let you guys know when it's confirmed that he'll go with us and do this. But I love you, man.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Thank you. Everything you do also outside of you and your family and what you do for everybody is incredible thank you i appreciate it it's always fun to work out with you it's always fun we love you man thank you thank you so much i know i'm your favorite guest it's okay yeah yeah so if when you leave can you take todd abrams with you he's eating me out of the house at home uh and you wanted me to take heath but there's no way I'm not taking him. Just everybody, please, block Heath Evans. We're done with this guy. Make sure it's to say block Heath Evans. Let's just do it.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I got my Mike O'Tren shirt. I need a block Heath Evans T-shirt. Thanks, guys. Have a great day today. Make sure to tip on here for some beer money for Mona or you vodka. Wine money. Tequila. Get some tequila because then it's like, you know what I'm saying, right, guys?
Starting point is 01:32:10 That's it. We're out of here. Thank you. Have a good day. What up, Power Project crew? It's Andrew again. I just want to quickly say thank you to everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast on iTunes.
Starting point is 01:32:20 We sincerely appreciate it. Something that we're actually going to start implementing on every show is thanking you personally and reading off your review. Today, we're starting with Woofy G, who says, top podcast on my list. Quote, I'm a big fan of this podcast. Mark and Andrew, and more recently in SEMA, bring some great guests onto the show and have great conversations, bringing many different aspects, views, techniques, etc etc i like the wide array of guests they have on the show and how often they upload episodes sometimes it's without a guest and the two or three of them just hit on a topic which are also always great to listen great content guys keep it coming thank you so much
Starting point is 01:33:00 woofy g we appreciate you anybody else, please. It does help the show tremendously. Leave a rating, leave a review, and maybe you too might hear your name at the end of the podcast. Thank you guys. We'll catch you later.

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