Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 324 - Context Matters, STupid

Episode Date: February 7, 2020

Context Matters! Today we're taking the example of Robert Downey Jr.'s role in Tropic Thunder and the flak he is getting from people taking the movie out of context and how we can relate that to Diet ...and Nutrition Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: ➢Power Project Alexa Skill: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 with some amazing people, Mike O'Hearn, Mike Ryan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Phil DeRue, and I think we polished everything off with Lance Keys. I don't think I'm missing anybody, right? Two people. Oh, who am I missing? Oh, yeah, Sean Baker and Paul Saladino, yeah. And that was an amazing podcast that we did on the carnivore diet but uh you know something that is a common thread amongst all these individuals that are high level is consistency and um we know in today's world man it's it's brutal to try to be consistent because there's so many different influences of just crap food out there and they they taste amazing and it's hard you get reeled in by it and
Starting point is 00:00:44 you kind of almost feel like you're forced to eat it, which isn't really true. But at some point in your life, when you start consuming a lot of those foods, they're really ruling you and they're dominating you and they affect every thought that you have during the day. And one way that you can try to reverse your way out of that is through having food options that taste really good that are going to satisfy you enough so you don't have to have these negatively impact candy bars and stuff like that. And the people at Perfect Keto and the people at Piedmontese, certified Piedmontese, they have great products that will allow you to eat nutritious foods, to eat good food that tastes really good, that can help you.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It's not going to magically enter your life and fix you, but it could really assist with helping to make better food choices. And I know for myself, coming down from being over 300 pounds, I needed some keto treats along the way. Unfortunately, Perfect Keto wasn't around at that exact time, but still to this day, rather than reaching for a peanut butter cup, which you guys know is my favorite thing, my second favorite thing on the planet is cookie dough. And I can't really, I mean, I guess I could, but I feel like I can't. I feel like I'm doing myself an injustice if I go back to being the fat mark and if I go and buy cookie dough. So instead, I'll eat a Perfect Keto cookie
Starting point is 00:02:04 dough bar, and that gets me about halfway there, and I don't have to worry about the cookie dough anymore. Yeah, gets rid of the cravings, and you don't get rid of the plan. Yeah. If you guys want to get in on the cookie dough bar, it's amazing. Head over to slash powerproject at checkout. Enter promo code powerproject10 to get $10 off of those perfect keto cookie dough bars. And then if your order is a hundred dollars or more enter promo code power project bundle for $25 off of your order, then you're really cooking by then.
Starting point is 00:02:33 How are you using some of this stuff in SEMA? I really like in terms of perfect, you know, those bars are good because I still do have a sweet tooth. Like I really do. I don't eat them every single day, but every tooth for a guy with sweet lips. That's true.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's true. My lips. Andrew? Actually, where's my Vaseline? If any of you guys want sweet lips like mine. Oh, do you have like flavored Vaseline? It's just people don't really use Vaseline these days anymore. So this is Vaseline lip therapy.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Cocoa butter for soft glowing lips. How do you pronounce pronounce that yeah you said describing it with a z and i like that vaseline like he made his own for some reason in mike ryan's bathroom i don't know if you guys took a leak in there but i saw the biggest tub of uh coconut oil that i've ever seen in my entire life did you see that i didn't see it it was like kirkland brand uh coconut oil and it was like the the you know it wasn't the uh like the actual oil it was like the saturated fat one the one that's like in a solid form and i'm like what is this for i forgot to ask him why it's it's lube it's lube it's probably yeah it's probably who knows
Starting point is 00:03:41 what he's lubing up? Oh, man. And coconut oil is great. It can be used for so many things other than like cooking. Yeah. Yeah, you can use it for lubrication or you can turn it into a powdered form like they did over at Perfect Keto. And you can mix it into your coffee and have a salted caramel coffee. Wow. Or chocolate coffee, vanilla coffee. That's great.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Mike, come on. Oh, my god we like that podcast first off with mike ryan was great but i feel like we could learn so much more from mike ryan than in the fitness space because that man seems like he uh he has the game i mean i'm like 10 years younger than him but i feel like i'm like 30 years behind in some in some aspects you know yeah and he probably when it comes to the ladies you know what i mean and he doesn't share anything either that's the like frustrating part you know like the podcast hasn't come out yet but i'm working on it right now actually um we're just kind of like baiting him to try to like put out more stuff you know like yeah put out a pdf file or something you know and it's like dude there's so much untapped knowledge right there. He looks like a fucking action figure. Like a legit Captain America action figure.
Starting point is 00:04:48 It's crazy. He's completely jacked. He looks like he's like 250. What did he say? He was 220? Like 218, I think he said. He's jacked. That doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:04:57 How about the Brazilian Steakhouse? The Brazilian Steakhouse was good. We were getting some really good cuts of meat over there. I'm surprised that I tapped out before you guys so am I at the beginning I was getting two of each meat while you guys were getting one so I think I kind of packed in
Starting point is 00:05:13 more in a shorter span because I'm like did I really just have to stop before Mark answered? I was kind of pacing myself a little bit I knew the chicken was a trick I didn't want to have too much chicken because it's like too dry and too hard to plow through all that because of the high protein content how lean it is it'll it'll kind of force you to eat less calories which i didn't want to do i wanted to enjoy it
Starting point is 00:05:37 you know people if you do go to brazilian steakhouse yeah it's really good but be wary of the chicken because they bring that to you because they want first off they want you to eat the chicken rather than getting the picanha and the, you know, the, what's that one called? It's probably cheaper. Yeah, it is. It is cheaper. Much cheaper. But also, strategy, I think Andrew used a little bit of it.
Starting point is 00:05:54 If you're in the middle of your meal, you eat a little bit of like a potato or something, a little bit of those mashed potatoes, it'll get you going. Well, because, yeah, like the first thing they brought out was bacon-wrapped chicken. Took advantage of that. I really liked it. I'm used to eating chicken right now. And then some kind of sausage, which like lit my face up. Like that was so good. I'm like, oh, bring way more of those.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yeah. And then some pork ribs. And then some really. Beef ribs were also good. That was dessert. Yeah. But then they brought some other like real fatty cut of something where like I just, I got like a mouthful of just like awesome fat.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I think it was the top sirloin. It may be. That had that big, yeah. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was. And then I could just instantly fill my stomach. I felt like I ate literally an entire keto brick. Like I just, it felt real heavy.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I'm like, oh no. So then I just took a big scoop of the potatoes that, well, I think in SEMA actually. I took a scoop of it too. You tested them out.. Um, but you know, they weren't going anywhere. And so I, I took a couple of bites of that and instantly my stomach was like, ah, thank you. And then I was able to like just pound food. It was so good. Yeah. See, in that situation, carbs helped us eat more. No flat irons though. Yeah though yeah we were we were getting after it for a while yeah you know the flat iron steaks the certified piedmontese stuff is coming in handy this week because i'm leaning out my food a little bit just to see if it will like lean me out a
Starting point is 00:07:13 little further just uh trying to experiment with it but then i i also realized how much fat i'm taking in i'm like oh my god yeah i gotta cut back on like everything because i throw butter and extra egg yolks. Yeah, I use a lot of fat on a lot of stuff. So I'm like, hey, what can I have that's super lean? But obviously the certified Piedmontese steaks are insanely lean. And I had a bunch of flat irons recently in a bunch of the New York strips.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And I think the flat iron steak, I want to say maybe has about three or four grams of fat per serving or something like that. Yeah. And how much protein, Andrew? So one full flat iron steak has 90 grams of protein, eight grams of fat. And obviously, so there's no other. Sounds like a world record to me.
Starting point is 00:07:58 It's the best supplement, like, ever. Those guys need to win, like, a Nobel Prize or something. I mean, what could they win? You know, they need to win something for that. The hyper trophy from all the bodybuilders. Thanking them. They're actually going to be at the Arnold. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:08:11 They're going to be next to the Rogue stage. And I'm not sure exactly what they have planned, but I would imagine that they're cooking up some meat. So people need to really check that out. And they also need to check out their website and get some delicious lean meat. Yeah. The website is how do you spell that well it's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order and if your order is 99 or more you get free two-day shipping and i am ecstatic because my order's coming in this Wednesday. Same here. Yeah, buddy. And so I'm actually, because the night at the Brazilian Steakhouse, the next morning I felt pretty damn awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Like I felt good. Yeah, dude. So I'm definitely going to, like whether it be one day or two days in a row out of each month, I'm going to go strict carnivore to kind of like reset everything. Because when I got back, like I'm like, oh, give me the carbs. I need carbs. I just didn't feel as awesome. So I know right now I'm trying to, trying to, you know, gain a pound a week basically. So I'm going to, I'm going to kind of do a carnivore days as a reset. Maybe, like I said, one every other week for sure, at least one month potentially two in a row and then you know with this piedmontese order that's coming in it'll be really easy i haven't announced this anywhere
Starting point is 00:09:31 just yet but i'll just announce it here because we're getting down to the nitty-gritty and even my mom texted me this morning she's like yo what's the plan for next month she's like i need that schedule what's the next challenge because my mom is all over that Facebook page. She sends me, like, screen captures of, like, all the other people. She's like, look at this guy. He made all this progress. And this girl did this. And this is really cool.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And then she comments on everybody's stuff. She likes everybody's photos and their progress. She stays busy in there. I like it. Yeah, it's Mark Bell's Carnivore Challenge. But what I'm going to do is you guys have all been suckered in for a ride uh that uh lasts a month but we're going to extend it out to be 100 days and we're going to see what everybody's really made out of i know there's people that jumped on kind of late uh but it better late than never and now we have a lot more days ahead of us so uh rather than just going to the 31st of
Starting point is 00:10:19 january we're just going to plow through i I forget where the a hundred days takes us. I think it takes us like April. So, uh, that's going to be, that's going to be hard, but, uh, I am going to add some, uh, I am going to add a little bit of stuff to the diet. I'm going to add in, uh, probably some dairy for a little bit. I'm going kind of to reverse out of this, uh, kind of weenie state that I'm in where I'm just continue getting a smaller and I'm going to work on getting a little bit bigger. So I'll, I'll eat more food. I'll get some of the fasting and, um, I'll, but I'm not sure when I'll do that yet. I just want to kind of get as kind of tight as I think I can for the moment. And then I'll kind of, uh, spring back up and see how much fricking meat I can eat every single day. Gotcha. When you said you got smaller, it's not like you got like you lost a bunch of
Starting point is 00:11:03 muscle or anything. What do you mean? How do you feel? No, I feel, I feel really good, but you know, I started and I was like two 38 and I feel like my body over the last, you know, two or three years looks pretty good between like, uh, around two 35 and two 40. And I'm more like two. I woke up this morning. I was two 30. Um, and typically I'm like between 225 and 230 right now so okay you know i just uh after being so big for so long you know when you each time that you drop like another 10 pounds you're like oh man this is depressing or this is kind of this is weird but you know people uh comment on my instagram a lot they'll say oh man you look so flat you know there'll be people that comment like that but i'll ask you this question and see me because you have a lot of experience on stage and you have
Starting point is 00:11:48 a lot of experience of prepping people on stage. And you've also been around some of the greats that prep people for bodybuilding shows. Who else gets flat in their prep when they're dieting? Everyone, like literally, literally everyone. Cause like, and it doesn't matter even if you have the carbohydrates in there, once you have a super reduction in calories and then you have a large expenditure going out, you're going to start to look flat. And it doesn't matter if you're Jake Cutler or Phil Heath or anybody else. I realize those guys have such big muscle bellies that flat for them is going to look a lot different. But they'll have to figure out a way to reconstitute. They'll have to figure out a way to get some super compensation going through an abundance of just food or carbohydrate.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Sometimes as a coach, you might even tell someone like, Hey man, like, okay, we brought you down really good. And I'm sure, uh, Berto Nunez has probably shared with you before. He probably said, dude, like you need to just go eat. Does that happen sometimes? No, that happens a lot, especially when you're leaner and you're in a deficit. It's like most of your days, if you're still going to be cutting, you're, you're going to be flat. It's only on the days where maybe you've eaten a good amount of calories for two days where you start to fill out and then people are like, Oh my God, you look so much bigger because it's really funny. And it's crazy how much food has such a crazy effect in the same times period, you know, of, of people have said,
Starting point is 00:13:05 oh my gosh, you look so smaller. And then a day later or two days later, like, damn man, did you gain some muscle? And it's just because I ended up eating a little bit more food, have more glycogen in my muscles. I'm a little bit more pumped and people think I'm bigger than I was at when I was two 50. So it's like, yeah, you're going to be flat sometimes depending on how much you're eating at that point in time. But once you go into a surplus, a a little bit more carbs, eat a little bit more food, get a little bit of a pump. People think you're on steroids. It seems as one of the few people that gets a pump while eating Brazilian barbecue. When we were eating, like your veins look good right now and your muscles look great.
Starting point is 00:13:37 But when we started eating, like sideways veins are coming in on his biceps and all kinds of crazy stuff has happened. So you're absolutely correct. Some influence of food has an enormous impact. Sometimes it's kind of just the salt in the food. The carbohydrate can be definitely, the carbohydrates can definitely be a factor. And I'm not real quick. Salt that you said is a massive deal.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Salt can be huge. Yeah. Cause bodybuilders, they tend to want to take salt out and that also takes water out of their muscle bellies. And once they bring that back, like, and water and salt and some food shit, it it's crazy i don't know if you've ever noticed this too if you have like kind of a drier meal like you have like say like a potato with some salt on it
Starting point is 00:14:14 and you know you're bodybuilding so you can't really put much on the potato um and then you have like chicken and you're eating that and you get midway through and kind of the maybe just i don't even know if i'm saying this right but like the thermogenesis of like what you're eating that and you get midway through and kind of the maybe just i don't even know if i'm saying this right but like the thermogenesis of like what you're eating like the the impact of the food all of a sudden out of nowhere and it's probably the salt and i don't even know if like these things get in your system that quick or if it's just the activity of eating i'm not sure what the hell happens but yeah all of a sudden you just get really hot like you had like almost like a hot flash yeah and then your veins get like bursting i that used to happen to me quite a bit with with like oatmeal. You know, I have oatmeal in the morning.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I had a little bit of salt in there and like a little a little honey packet in there. Just that little bit of sugar. And yeah, I would just feel like I'm growing like right there as I'm eating. I know it's not so much more now since we're fasting so much often because, you know, you know, when you're fasting, Andrew is saying this a bunch during the weekend you get cold you get really really cold so like when you're like for most people when you're sleeping that's when you're fasting you wake up you're feeling cold you eat and you start warming up for us we feel that during the day a lot we feel really cold and once you get that meal in it's like everything just starts to expand and you start to feel warm and like when i eat i have to take my sweater off and shit just because like you really
Starting point is 00:15:25 do warm up. It's crazy. It's like, why is this guy sitting on an ice block in his underwear while you're eating in the ice blocks just melting all over the place? Oh, man. Yeah. Your temperature really goes up crazy. And when you're fasting, you do feel colder and you're not going to really see, I mean,
Starting point is 00:15:42 I guess unless you're super shredded, you're not going to nearly be as vascular. Oh, yeah. Man, no. A lot of times, like, yeah, I'll notice it on myself during the day. Like, midday, it'll be like my arm has no, I have no bicep pain almost. It's like, it flexes. Like, even right now, you don't really see much in terms of veins. But if I were to eat something, and the same with you, like, I notice this with you a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:02 When, like, you come into the gym or you, you like you're coming. I can tell when I'm not fasted. Yeah. Yeah. I can tell when you're fasted and I can tell when you've eaten something because when you've eaten something, it's like you have these fucking thick veins going through your forearms all the way up your arms and she almost like,
Starting point is 00:16:14 yeah, okay. Mark's not fast. This is a, this is a, you know, to talk more about the kind of impact of food. You know,
Starting point is 00:16:20 I can tell sometimes when people in here cheat, I can see their face. I can see like a blow, a little covering of the eyes and like they just uh it's it's weird because it's different than looking tired i don't know how to describe it but it's and it's not super bloated it's not like you gained like five pounds in your face or anything but yeah i can kind of tell i can be like ah they they probably went off their diet sometimes somebody comes in they have like a little a little extra acne that they don't normally have or it it could just be something I'm like, they fucked up on their diet somewhere along the lines. Maybe they had a couple of drinks and some ice cream and
Starting point is 00:16:50 some pizza or something like that. Dude, you know what? It's funny that you mentioned acne. Cause like, I wouldn't say I was someone ridden with acne, but when in the past, when I was eating much more sugar more often than now and like, you know, counting it and making it fit into my calories, I would like quite a bit, like get pim counting it making it fit into my calories i would like quite a bit like get pimples like in the top of my head like one here not that skin come on bro no i call them the horns because i would get one right here just one right here and then the other one right here right and i would these things would happen often um and then one usually right here on the cheek if i really had a bad feels like a horn like when it's growing in you know
Starting point is 00:17:24 and you feel like everyone's looking directly at it, right? You're like, this is disgusting. And no one can even see it. Or probably people barely notice it. And then you always point it out. Like I always say, like, I'm growing an extra head right here. I don't know why or when. They're just like, huh?
Starting point is 00:17:38 I'm like, oh, nothing. Yeah, man. It's a satellite dish, you know. You're trying to pick up some new wavelengths or something. Yeah. And it just shows how much cleaning up your diet, especially with people that have even worse acne. Because what I had, okay, it was just a few pimples. It wasn't crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:54 But I noticed it. So if you have really bad acne or even eczema like Dr. Saladino was talking about or his carnivore diet for his eczema because he started it for eczema, cleared everything up, it can be really fucking good for you. Yeah. because you started it for eczema, cleared everything up, it can be really fucking good for you. One thing I have some issue with is people talking about the carnivore diet and then never really trying it. That kind of bugs me. And I guess I've teased and talked about vegans and stuff too, and I probably shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I probably should never mention anything about it because the truth is I've never tried the diet. So I actually feel like, I mean, I guess I'll just take the stance from now on or do my best to take the stance. I mean, I still might make fun here and there just cause it's fun to do. But, uh, you know, I, I shouldn't speak as speaking at a turn, you know, you never tried it. Like, you don't know, like someone says, Hey man, playing football changed my life. And it's like, well, if you never played football, then you can't make the same statement. Playing soccer changed my life or lifting weights changed my life or switching to fasting changed my life. And somebody might be like, that's dumb.
Starting point is 00:18:56 But it's like it might have actually worked for that person. And if these diets are working for people, I don't think it really makes sense. It makes sense to ask good questions. That makes a ton of sense. But to, you know, say, hey, man, your heart's going to explode if you eat that way. That is a closed circuit conversation of you just making a statement. Now it doesn't lead to further conversation that could really benefit somebody. Hey, man, you know, I might have a misinterpretation of this, but isn't eating all that red meat, like I've heard that it's bad for you. Is that true? Is there truth to that? Well, now you asked a question and that opens up a conversation for some really good dialogue. And you could say, hey man, if you checked out
Starting point is 00:19:38 information from Dave Feldman, Paul Saladino, Dr. Sean Baker, if you check out our upcoming podcast with those savages, then you're going to learn that actually there's a lot of myths that are going to be dispelled and you don't really even need to focus so much in on your cholesterol, stuff like that. Dude, I'm absolutely 100% guilty of doing that same thing. When I discovered flexible dieting, when I was like 19 or whatever, I started doing it and I was like, oh, you can count your macros and you can cut and you can make all these different shit foods fit. Why would I ever think about going keto?
Starting point is 00:20:09 That's so dumb. Why would I ever get rid of carbs? Like carbs are God. Why would I ever do that? Carbs are my buddy. Yeah. Or also like at the same time when I was looking at, you know, people doing fasting at that time, like why would you ever restrict yourself from eating for multiple hours in the day? Like when you could just count your macros.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's so dumb. Until I actually these things. And I saw the benefits that they had. I saw the benefits that they had on like my, like my actual habits in terms of food and my ability to, you know, not crave certain foods as much. And then I could understand, wow, I see why this is beneficial. And then that's why at the same time, like when people like, cause I have a few people that I work with that are vegan i don't tell them not to be vegan because it's it's work for them they they have the reasons for it it's just like it works for them they want to do that let them do their thing you don't need to bash it okay everybody like it it makes no sense yeah right now i'm trekking through that like predicament that you went through right like i'm i track
Starting point is 00:21:04 everything and like that definitely, that definitely fits. That looks really awesome. But one thing that I'm going to start researching and really understanding just so it makes more sense to me is macronutrients and micronutrients. Because obviously I'm not getting a lot of nutrition when I'm having a protein shake and like a bowl of cereal. Like, oh, it fits. My carbs and my protein are real high. My fat's real low. But obviously it's almost like I'm having empty carbs and then a supplement.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Like it doesn't make any sense. I think sometimes I think we're all kind of saying the same thing, but everybody's yelling so loud they can't hear each other. You know, we're like, hey, this really works. Hey, this really works. And it's like no one calms down and actually says actually that actually probably does really work as long as you got your nutrients for the day if you got your uh if you met your protein requirements for the day and you met some of your um and there's other nutrients and stuff that matter too i mean it matters to get in fat and maybe some people can make some argument to get in some carbohydrate maybe that makes sense depending on the goal
Starting point is 00:22:04 depending on what it is that you're trying to do. But getting, you know, filling up your cup, you know, is the way I look at it. You know, you got these different cups to fill. You got a cup for vitamin D. You got a cup for filling up your D cup. I fill that cup up every day. Fill it up as much as you can. You know, you have a cup for like vitamin C, you got a cup for these different vitamins,
Starting point is 00:22:25 potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B, and so on. And when those cups are full, and when you have filled out your requirement for yourself, for your diet that matches up with your goals, when you start to get your protein, fats, and carbohydrates aligned properly, then yeah, I think you can have an you know, an ice cream sundae here and there. I don't think it's going to really negatively impact you. But if we look at what everyone's really kind of trying to talk about, and we've talked about this many times here, is really all anybody's asking for is to have some control
Starting point is 00:22:59 over their nutrition, over their diet. And so somebody, you might say, hey hey man, count your, all you do is count your macros. That might provide a lot of control. And once you gain control, it might provide a little bit of freedom because let's face it, being social is a big part of all this, whether it's weight training, whether it's running, whether it's dieting, having a social aspect. That's what I love about run walks is that i can run walk with somebody and we can talk but if we were just to run the whole time and if i went with a runner they're gonna leave my ass in the dust and we can't talk plus i can't breathe i'm not used to
Starting point is 00:23:34 running yeah right so now like i i've been running with my in-laws and we were going in the morning and we go like three miles but we get to have a conversation. And so I think that's what everyone's looking for. Everyone's looking, how do I control? How do I get to a reasonable body weight? You know, I weigh 300 pounds. How do I get to a more reasonable body weight? That's going to make me happy, keep me healthy. And then once I get to that range, how do I start to employ a little bit of freedom?
Starting point is 00:24:02 How do I end up having a drink here or there? How do I end up having a drink here or there? How do I end up just enjoying my birthday or whatever? That's all anybody's really looking for. And if you count your calories, you could probably get there that way. We're going to have Ethan Supley on the podcast coming up from American History X, Mallrats, a bunch of other awesome movies. Remember the Titans. Remember the Titans. Just an awesome actor, and we're privileged to have him come up here.
Starting point is 00:24:27 But he counters his calories. And I came from a different way, and Seema's come from a different way, and Andrew's learning different things on the fly. So there's a lot of different ways to get there. And I think just being pro, being pro for yourself. And somebody might even be very religious, which is really cool. But just be pro for yourself. And somebody might even be very religious, which is really cool, but just be pro for your religion.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Don't be anti everybody else's religion. I think that's when we get into, like if you're preaching that like, dude, you need the same God as I have. You don't go to a Christian church? That's fucking, that's worthless, dude. Like what are you doing going to that Catholic church? That's when we get into trouble.
Starting point is 00:25:04 That's when wars happen and all kinds of things. So just be pro for the things that you enjoy. I think this is a big reason or a big way to, like, argue for trying something new or trying something different. Because when I was focused on counting my calories and making all these different foods fit, in that moment in time, I was feeling that I had ultimate control and an ultimate freedom because I'm like, Oh, I can eat all these foods and I can, I can make them fit my macros and I can, you know, uh, manipulate my body composition up and down just as long as I hit these caloric goals. That is true. I was, I was able to cut, I was able to bulk by counting my calories and making a lot of things fit. But one thing that I could never really get a handle of at that time was like, fuck, I always want to make these foods fit. Like I would, like, I felt like I needed to try to make that ice cream or whatever. I had to make it fit because I really wanted to have it. There was never a time that I didn't want to have it. And at that time, I didn't understand that that is a level of not having control. If you can't control yourself of not having a craving over something, or if you
Starting point is 00:26:08 can't like really give yourself a reason to turn away from it, that you're not in control. It's still in control of you. You're just finding a way to bring it in a little bit. And then when I picked up a little bit of fasting, my habits changed and then I wasn't feeling that craving as bad. And I could go weeks or like, yeah, I could go weeks without having it. And then if I wanted to have it, cool, I could have it. I also wasn't having to count. So that was a higher level of freedom and a higher level of control, which I wouldn't have been able to get to if I didn't just try implementing fasting into my daily habit. And for you, for yourself, for your background with soccer and your background with athletics and your genetics, you may have been able to have a little bit more freedom and fit some of those foods in that maybe somebody else would have still been 30, 40 pounds overweight with.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I definitely had a fast metabolism. So I could eat higher calories and not gain as much body fat primarily because I had so much activity. So because of the the amount of activity i was doing is a huge deal oh yeah yeah you're burning a lot of calories and how long did you play soccer for six to 22 so 16 years yeah guys you know are you paying attention to that because everyone like i'm just i'm tired of it after hanging around with the guy for so long people just say in genetics all the time 16 years years of soccer, you know, go through that and then say it's genetics.
Starting point is 00:27:29 You know, you're, you're probably not going to find a lot of people that played 16 years of soccer that don't have a good revved up metabolism from that. I mean, I'm sure you might be able to find a couple of guys that like broke their leg towards the end of their career and then they got fat or whatever. But for the most part, they're probably riding out the rest of their life in pretty good shape that's one thing i noticed a lot of a lot of like volleyball a lot of guy like male and female volleyball players or athletes that did a lot of um just high activity sports when they enter into the physique realm or the powerlifting realm and they start trying to count their calories their metabolisms are still really really fast it'll slow down over
Starting point is 00:28:02 like later on in life let's not let's not act like it's going to stay there forever but it's pretty fast off the bat but yeah like you know we have a desire to move around too yeah that's why so i picked up jujitsu just because like after i stopped playing soccer and i couldn't play soccer um you know i was doing bodybuilding i was doing powerlifting but i was just like like i need i had this urge to go and try or do something that just had me move more had me you, use my body more. So Stone Cold didn't understand soccer too much, you know, but he appreciated it. Yeah. You know, and it was so cool to see. Oh, he's like, we didn't have that round ball.
Starting point is 00:28:36 We had a pigskin. Yeah. And Seema, you want to talk about context today? What you have in mind? You know, we already have been talking about context, but a lot of you guys have probably heard of uh our boy robert downey jr iron man um he was on the joe rogan podcast recently one of my favorite actors i love that he's so good he's awesome yeah he does also this uh martial art called wing chun who's bruce lee's thing have you ever heard of it yeah he does that too and he talks highly of it and it's cool like it's cool that he does
Starting point is 00:29:01 that but um it's a lot of uh movements too like uh not always necessarily against like an opponent right you know how they have the wooden dummy thing have you ever seen that like yeah yeah they have the wooden dummy with the arms they're doing all this stuff whatever looks like it would feel good yeah to move around like that right probably would and the cool thing is that like you know a lot of people bash different martial arts but you know tony ferguson he's done wing chun in the ring and it's worked that's one of those deals where you can throw like people throw like 20 punches in like eight seconds or something crazy right yeah like you'll see a lot of the time like he'll block something like this and then bring his elbow
Starting point is 00:29:33 over that is a wing chun thing right there with the wooden dummy thing that they use by the way i'm not some wing chun expert i watch videos but you know i'm just saying pretty cool but um yeah it's pretty cool but the context, I'm gonna make this quick. So our boy, our DJ was on the Joe Rogan experience talking about his part in the movie Tropic Thunder, where he puts on blackface and great movie. It was a great movie.
Starting point is 00:29:57 But when he was talking about it, he was saying, you know, he was mentioning how actors shouldn't be able to actually get away with it. But he, he was, and people got outraged. That's a short version of what he said. People got outraged because they're like, this white man playing blackface in a movie. But I think a majority of people that were getting outraged do not know the context of the part he was playing in the movie. white man who got pigment um pigmentation surgery to become a black man for a part in the movie so first off it was a movie within a movie but it was pretty much showing how ridiculous it is for a white person to put on blackface and play a black person it was it was showing how that's a bad
Starting point is 00:30:37 thing and they also had a black opposite a man a black man in that movie that was playing opposite of rdj in blackface in that movie um saying dude why are you doing this this is so stupid you're fucking ridiculous and so many other characters in the cast were just patronizing him just like you dude you're so stupid you shouldn't be doing this so the whole movie was showing how ridiculous it is for a white man to put on blackface and play a character and people are like ah he can't do that but i really think that people just didn't go deep enough to understand the context of what was being done. And if they understood the context, outrage wouldn't be happening. And it's the same thing you see with a lot of these diets. Myself, back when I was 20, 21, keto is so stupid. Fasting is so dumb. But I didn't understand the context in which people were using these diets because I thought, oh, what I'm doing is so great. So I think that a lot of these people just bashing all these different diets, it's partially just because they're not paying attention to the context in which people are implementing these strategies. And it's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:31:41 It's a big deal. And it's a big deal. It's a big deal. I think it's a huge problem is that people will take a chunk of what you said and they'll run with it in whatever direction. I've had it happen before where people – Mark Bell wakes up at 4 a.m. He sleeps four hours a night. Yeah, right, right, right. Yeah, people – right.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Exactly. That's 100% the case. And I've had people make videos kind of against me with those terms where they're they're taking a chunk of what I say. And then they're, you know, they're spitting it into whatever dialogue they want to start to kind of create, you know, and you're like, well, that's not really the whole story. And sometimes when I say something, I also also mess up all the time because I talk so damn much. You know, I'm on Instagram. I'm on YouTube. And I've been on this stuff since 2007 and uh i or 2006 rather and i i just been going at it for a really long time so i'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:32:33 things i'm gonna make errors and then in addition to that uh i'm not always gonna even make the best decision like there's decisions i've made there's things i've said where i was like that wasn't really right that was kind of dumb that really wasn't worth it to say that thing or to make that joke. I've done that a million times over and hopefully I can continue to learn from my mistakes and do a better job. But back to what you're talking about in the context of things, when we're talking about kind of a lower carb diet and we're talking about fasting, these are things that are fitting well with what we're doing right now. We want to be lean and SEMA wants to perform really well in jujitsu. He probably doesn't feel like he needs a giant surplus of carbohydrate to make him any better. He probably doesn't feel like he needs to
Starting point is 00:33:16 like really weigh any more than he does already. For myself, you't, I don't have any goals or desires to really, uh, you know, go full blast and powerlifting anymore. Um, my exercises are my lifting, uh, sessions. I think once or twice a week, I have a session that's like 60 to 90 minutes, but the most of the other ones, the one I did today was about 25 minutes. A lot of them are shorter, you know, duration. My goals are different. I want to move better. I want to look better. Um, and I want to just continue on that path. And I would also say that like, I'm not, uh, I'm not, uh, I'm not against utilizing carbohydrates to get to your goals because like, could I use a little bit of carbohydrates for what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:34:05 and be potentially a little bit better off? I think there's definitely a huge possibility for that. I don't, I don't really actually know, but what I do know is I know myself and I know the context of which it is that I'm, I'm looking to, uh, you know, head towards my goal. So aligning with my goals and knowing that carbohydrates would ruin me is important because not because carbohydrates are bad. It's because I am bad when I eat carbohydrates. If, if I have, right, if you're like, dude, you should have like two cups of rice. I don't know why, but the two cups will turn into three cups and I won't measure it. I'll just keep eating. And then next thing, you know, I'm like, it's at night and I'm like, yeah, I can have some milk that has some carbs
Starting point is 00:34:43 in it. And I just keep kind of lying to myself over and over again. And you know, I'm like, it's at night and I'm like, yeah, I can have some milk that has some carbs in it. And I just keep kind of lying to myself over and over again. And you know, the 150 carbs you told me to have a day, a day turns into 300. And then on top of that, all the fat that I'm taking in and now I'm on a keto diet with carbs, which we all know is not productive. And so, you know, the context, you know, could be within the confines of your own goals and the context could be within the confines of like who you are, like what are you made out of? What are you what are you able to do? Exactly. And I think like, first off, it's a big deal that you understand yourself and understand your habits because you'll see a lot of like a lot of individuals on social media who I won't name any names, but they're like, oh, people who choose to do these diets just don't have any self-control or they just don't know, um, you know, how to portion things. Like maybe they just know that exactly when they have some foods that'll open the door for that to them to eat so
Starting point is 00:35:34 much more. And that could be because like when you were a kid, you were eating a lot of these foods and there was no control then. And now it's hard for you to control yourself. So, you know yourself and you know, this is why I'm going to do this diet because this is the diet that allows me the most control like when i when i do have when i do have like ice cream or something now i'm still gonna get the gotta have it at cold stone i'm not gonna be the guy that gets the fucking like it i'm gonna get the gotta have it i'm gonna get the extra oreos but i'm gonna do that once because i like i know the next day i'm gonna actually want it to get to get that again that's that's a trend I've noticed. Every time I get that cold stone, like when I let myself have that the next day, I'm like, some cold stone would be really good. That same thing happens to me. And the same thing
Starting point is 00:36:13 happens with alcohol and drugs, people that are hung over, like the best thing for them is to have another drink. You know, it makes them, it gets rid of the headache. Cause you know, there's like a, there's a cry for it. And same thing when you stop caffeine, you cut back on your coffee intake and you're like, man, I got a crazy headache. Cause, cause that kind of, there's like a there's a cry for it. Same thing when you stop caffeine, you cut back on your coffee intake and you're like, man, I got a crazy headache. Because that kind of there's like a hole in your head for the caffeine and it needs to be like filled up. And the only way you're going to fill it up is have another cup of coffee. Yeah, I had seen a comment. I can't I'm trying to remember exactly what they said. But they're just saying, like, if you abstain from my carbs or abstain from everything, you're setting yourself up for failure because you're always going to want it.
Starting point is 00:36:47 So do things like in moderation. And my thing was like I just told him like, hey, like, you know, yeah, you can have things in moderation. But just like you said, you have it once and also the next day you want it again and again and again. And so my question for you and SEMAema like let's say like i'm fasting every day for however long i'm should i do it every day now yeah um i don't know take my daughter to go get cold stone baskin robbins actually and then the next day i'm good baskin i like baskin robbins yeah me too what is what do people in that okay you know what this see this is where it comes in i haven't had baskin robbins since I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah. I've been a Cold Stone guy, so I don't understand. Baskin-Robbins is really good. Baskin-Robbins is great. I'm not going to say anything. And I don't know why, but the pints that they have there are amazing. It's not even a pint. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I don't know. It's huge, whatever it is. Those, for some reason, seem like they're even better than the stuff that they have. I don't know how I know all this stuff, but it's amazing. And then their ice cream cakes are fucking unreal world carnival month stay on that diet as best you can yeah what the hell is it oh so anyway so let's say we go to bass and robbins the next day i'm gonna wake up hungry because i'm gonna want carbs i'm gonna want sugar um would that be a day where i just plan on not fasting or should I fight through it and drink
Starting point is 00:38:06 the coffee, drink the sparkling water, have mind bullet and try to fight it or just be like, Hey, okay, I'm going to have the ice cream tonight, which means tomorrow I'm not going to fast. The following day is the day that everything gets back on track as far as the fasting. Pause. So you're saying, okay, you have this ice cream, the Jasmine one night, the next day, should you fast or should you not fast? That's the question. Because the cravings will be there. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:29 So I'm going to be, like, the uphill battle just got a little bit steeper because I want the bad food again. But instead, if I just fill my body up with the good food, maybe I won't be craving as much. This is one of those, like, know thyself, you know? Like, if you know yourself, then you're going to do the best, you know, take the best route that you can possibly take. If you're a very like black and white person and you're like. I'm Mexican. Yeah, if you're salted caramel and you know that like it's going to set you up for failure to try to be hungry all day you know then you would just blunt that and just smash some food in the morning be like you know what i'm going to wake up tomorrow
Starting point is 00:39:09 and i'm going to make a killer omelet yeah i love cheese i love bacon i love sausage so you go to the store and you kind of prep for it before you even cheat and be like when i wake up in the morning i you know when i first open up my fridge and kind of browse through the fridge i'm going to see those eggs i'm like oh fuck yeah i get to eat that with butter on it and like just try to or whatever your diet is just try to smash the fuck out of it with food you know in in the war on carbs book i talk about fasting in and fasting out you know i think you can fast into uh you know eating uh you know whatever you want for the day and you can fast your way out of it. That is a strategy. But if it's going to be like a too, too painful of one, then maybe it's not the best option for you.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah. And no, most definitely. That's, that's something I was, we were talking about this off air. I don't know if it was before this weekend. Like I noticed every time that I have like, you know, something like ice cream or pizza or something where I'm just, I let myself have it. The next two days cravings are through the roof and I have to employ much more willpower not to go get more of those foods. I'll still fast, but it is a harder type of fast. I'm just like, it's in my
Starting point is 00:40:15 head. It's in the back of my head, but I just, I know that's going to happen. So since I'm prepared for that to happen, it doesn't surprise me as much as it did in the past. Um, but usually, yeah, what does happen is sometimes I'll just break my fast earlier and eat just really high rich protein meals and just break the fast earlier because I don't have to fast as much. And that's a great way of going about it too. But I guess I think going back to Andrew's point, it's really good to understand like if you've been doing this fasting thing for a while and you've been doing maybe carnivore for a while, if you're doing World Carnivore Month, stick to World Carnivore Month.
Starting point is 00:40:48 But what I'm saying here is that if you have a little bit of – you know you can have some ice cream now maybe for a day. Just understand what you might be getting yourself into for the next two days. You're going to get yourself into a place where you're going to want to actually have more of that food because you had it that day. And employing more willpower, you can control it, but just understand that it's going to happen. I think that in itself, knowing that, is going to make it easier. And it might not be worth it. It might not be worth it.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Like if it's going to be hard, if you have something one day, one night, and then you struggle almost the rest of the week, then you've really got to pick and choose your battles when you're going to do that. And you might want to think about maybe you can have a little bit different strategy. Maybe you can have things that aren't aren't such a negative impact. Maybe you can have some perfect keto stuff. Maybe you can have some treats and snacks that are still, you know, still in line with your nutrition.
Starting point is 00:41:42 You know, I've shared with people many times the yogurt and slingshot protein thing that I mix up at night. I haven't done that in a while because it's World Carnivore Month and I wanted to buckle down and I got rid of dairy and stuff. But, you know, whatever, whatever way you can make it through, you know, a lot of days, that's what we're really, that's what we're trying to do is because we need consistency. And then if I think about, you know, things that people enjoy, things that people like, Andrew likes photography. And so how hard is it for him to do a photo shoot? It's really like, he's not going to sit there and think, oh my God, this is going to be so hard. He's going to think, oh, I need to bring these batteries with me. And, you know, okay,
Starting point is 00:42:22 we're shooting this today. So I should bring this filter with me. I should bring bring this lens and maybe it'd be cool if we had a different camera too that would be kind of sick because he's not even he's not even thinking about not doing it at all he's not that's not even a question you love jujitsu so i mean i'm sure you have days where you're like holy you know i got my ass kicked yesterday i'm sure you've had those days where you had to kind of break through and get over the hump but you enjoyed it enough to do it all the time. So then how do we do that with nutrition? How do we find for it to be enjoyable enough? And I think that's where we get the difference of opinion because some people are like, well, you know, I feel like I really love Jordan. Sight loves cereal. Yeah. It's like, I really love cereal. And Jordan Syatt doesn't have a goal to be like shredded.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I think his main goal is just to help people gain control over their nutrition. And he has a plan. He has a way that he does it. And it's very effective. And he's helping thousands of people. And I think that if we're trying to break all this down into kind of its smaller parts, it's really all we're trying to do. And you're just going to have to hear it time and time and time and time and time again. this down into kind of its smaller parts. It's really all, all we're trying to do. And, um,
Starting point is 00:43:25 you just say going to have to, you hear it time and time and time and time and time again. And I know from experience that counting calories, um, eating, eating a higher carb diet, eating a lower fat diet, and also doing a keto diet and eating enormous amounts of fat every single day. And I also know that doing a carnivore style diet, I know that all three of those things have worked for me when I've been able to follow them closely. Yes. The bodybuilding show, the reason I was able to follow that and the reason why I didn't go haywire on that while eating carbohydrates is because there's a couple of reasons. It was only like eight or nine week prep. It's really not that long. I had help from one of the greatest
Starting point is 00:44:04 bodybuilding coaches, one of the greatest bodybuilding coaches, one of the greatest bodybuilding minds of all time. And I knew that he was going to lead me in the right direction. So I had total faith in the program that I was going to follow. And I was like, you know what, just shut up and just fucking listen to him. It was almost like a military style thing where it's like, just, just goddamn do what you're told. This guy knows, this guy knows the direction that you need to go in. So there's absolutely no reason to question it. There's no reason to try to do anything else. And so I followed it to a T. I also knew that every once in a while, because he knows my personality, he knows me, uh, that Hani Rambad would, would throw
Starting point is 00:44:40 me an underhand pitch every once in a while to make it a little easier. He'd say, all right, dude, like you've been going hard for like 20 days straight. You've been smashing the cardio. You've been under eating. You've been eating the amount of protein you need every day. You've been hitting your six meals, you know, go enjoy a dinner with your wife,
Starting point is 00:44:56 have a drink or two, you know, it'd be a little cautious, but throwing a cheat meal there, you know? And I knew that that would, but all those things have worked as long as I was able to follow them yeah no that that that makes so much sense and then like yeah like we said everything here is going to be able to work pretty damn well um one thing i did want
Starting point is 00:45:15 to i did want to mention is you know when we were talking about the ice cream and stuff and the next day we're gonna go huh we're gonna go yeah we're gonna get some ice cream but um when when we were talking about like bars from perfect keto or like one of the things that i used to like to do was like uh the keto pro uh slingshot protein um along with some uh heavy cream some heavy cream like that that would that would be something that would really it would really help with my sweet tooth like i do two scoops of slingshot a keto pro and that um but the thing is or or even the legendary foods pop-tart we just had fucking amazing but this is a thing because a lot of people tell you and tell me and mark you've probably heard this well there's no way that those bars could be good as ice cream or snickers bars and the fact is is that they're not but this is the thing. Like if you, you know, if I have Cold Stone the next day,
Starting point is 00:46:07 the perfect keto bar, it won't, it won't hit as well as that Cold Stone will. But a few days of just having that, I'm like, oh fuck, this is actually really freaking good. So like the main reason we're having all of these things is to stop us from having that crap that we're addicted to. And if we can do it for a good amount of time, it's going to be good to from having that crap that we're addicted to. And if we can do it for a good amount of time, it's going to be good to us. That's why we're all saying this bar is really fucking good. It's because our idea of good isn't warped anymore. It's not warped into this highly addictive substance that we were addicted to. And now we're not because we have this substance that's really fucking good, but it's not as But it's not nearly as addictive or bad as that.
Starting point is 00:46:47 That's so well said, dude. That's awesome. Yeah. And then the one thing I always point to is the MCT oil powders for coffee. That's something that anybody right now, I mean, of course, if you do have ice cream and then you try to have coffee, no matter what you put in it, it's going to taste like crap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:01 But that, like the vanilla MCT oil powder, like, that stuff in coffee right now, you don't have to be keto adapted. You don't have to abstain from sugar for, like, 10 years for it to be awesome. That is good right now. Yeah. And I don't care who you are. You can't sit there and lie to me
Starting point is 00:47:15 and be like, no, I have to have my coffee with my half and half. And like, no, try it with this. I promise you, it is that damn good. So, like, yeah, I think, but what you said, dude, that was freaking epic. Yeah. I think, uh you know we can desensitize our we can desensitize ourselves to just about anything you know i went to uh a car show uh called sema this year and at sema it was like
Starting point is 00:47:38 this car was 500k this car was 700k this car was 1.2 this car was you know 1.5 million like it was it was absolutely insane after walking through there for 10 minutes just 10 minutes of walking through there you're like oh yeah another you know check out this one like you're just like you can't even decipher the difference between them and then your your uh impression of how expensive certain style of cars is has completely changed forever you know and when i look at different cars and see different cars like that it's not shit compared to what i saw at that at this car show and you can do the same thing with uh your brain in terms of your work ethic you can do the same thing with your palate which is huge
Starting point is 00:48:22 um our palates are so fucked you know because of all the different foods that we have. There's so many different ingredients in one thing. I mean, look at the ingredient list on a thing of like Doritos or the amount of engineering and the amount of science and the amount of millions of dollars that have gone into making everything picture perfect with the McDonald's cheeseburger. I mean, it's a certain amount of onions on it's it's a certain amount of onions on there. There's a certain amount of ketchup on there. There's a certain amount of mustard on there.
Starting point is 00:48:50 There's a certain amount of cheese on there. I mean, they have a fucking formula down. They know. And the bun has a certain amount of like salt in it. Like they know like this is going to capture you. This is not only going to capture you. It's also going to like trap you. It's going to lock you in.
Starting point is 00:49:04 And now not only do you want this all the time, I mean, they, they got these food scientists and these companies, they actually talk this way. They talk about real estate in your stomach as crazy as that is. They're buying space inside your gut. And when they're making these foods, they, they own your ass because you're thinking of these foods all the time. Not only are you thinking of those foods, but you're thinking about those foods in replace of things that you actually need thing that you're thing that like evolutionarily that we actually need they have overridden that pathway and now you're addicted and now you're stuck and now you lost control a hundred percent the good news is is you can get yourself out of it little by little kind of brick by brick kind
Starting point is 00:49:46 of step by step you can start to resensitize your palate you ever have people in your family that are like oh man you gotta try these kale shakes they're dope and you're like kale shake are you fucking kidding me you take one sip and you're like that's the most disgusting fucking thing i've ever had in my entire life. Get the fuck out of here. Right. And, and the same, but this, you know, because they have a, a healthy palate, they're actually tasting all the flavors. You know, now if I was to eat spinach, which God forbid I do because I'm on a carnivore
Starting point is 00:50:16 diet. How dare you? If I was to eat spinach right now, I would be able to explain to you how it feels. Whereas somebody who has what I call gas station taste buds, somebody with kind of seven 11 taste buds would say, tastes like dirt, you know, tastes like the earth. And I would say, no, it kind of has like a little bit of a nutty flavor at the end. It kind of almost tastes a little bit like an almond to me with some kind of greens mixed in. I might be able to be more descriptive because my palate has changed. I have changed it from the fat guy that I was when
Starting point is 00:50:45 I was 330 pounds to where I'm at now. And now when I bite into a steak, I'm like, this is the best thing. This is like one of the best tasting things. And on top of that, it's, it's, uh, one of the best things I can do for myself. So you can really flip the script on yourself and you can really change everything around. And on top of all this, you know, it's, it's a commitment level, you know, what's your, what's your commitment level on this? What is your, you know, it's, it's easy to kind of say like, oh, you can fall off because of like this and this and this and this. And you've got to be really careful with your desires. Well, what about in your relationship? You know, are you so weak that you see another girl and you're like, Hey man, I need to, you know, I need to go chase her down. Right? Like that's, what's your commitment level?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Do you have strong commitment and strong convictions towards the things and the people that you believe in in your everyday life? If you do, if you already have strong convictions and you have a good commitment level to the gym, you can turn this shit around because you have good, strong qualities about you have good values. You have good virtues and you can turn this shit around because you have good strong qualities about you have good values you have good virtues and you can turn it around it's going to take a while it's going to take a long ass time to get yourself off these certain foods going to take a long ass time to pull yourself away from porn you know and we i know porn is like a weird like different thing right but it's really not that different because it's sexy it's attractive this is the thing that you think uh is good for you at the moment because it provides a lot of
Starting point is 00:52:09 pleasure the food does the exact same thing i could not have said that any better god dang we need to make that into a soundbite we might let's make a meme speaking of memes the uh the sonic one of you is funny i was crazy i don't i didn't think. I was crazy. That was so good. I didn't think I was running that fast. It's so good because the Sonic drawing was so cheap and then the audio was so bad. Can you pull that shit up? Like, oh my God. Is that possible?
Starting point is 00:52:38 Joel Green loved it. Joel was so pumped about it. Dude. Yeah, so we were down in LA and we were doing random 20 second sprints and when i do a 20 second sprint it's probably not that scary but then sema does one it's a little bit scary yeah i was booking down that sidewalk man it's it's you feel so good afterwards like your body feels like your hips we thought it seemed a trip we were like what happened but he just took off yeah man no i've uh that's something i'm gonna be doing as much as i can
Starting point is 00:53:04 i like the way i like the way that you were running though because you know we're running Yeah, man. No, that's something I'm going to be doing as much as I can. Those are just random sprints. I like the way that you were running, though, because we're running on the sidewalk, which is super dangerous. But you kept your feet kind of closer to the ground rather than really opening up your stride where you could potentially hurt yourself. Oh, hell no. I'm not trying to pull a hamstring. Let's watch this real quick. Second sprint. So here we go. You see, I'm going to wait until we get to the 10. here we go you see i'm gonna wait till we get to the 10 there we go
Starting point is 00:53:29 this is so good what's this guy's name sonic uh i don't know's uh okay it's uh spaghetti and sarms oh yeah classic see now that's funny people some people know how to make fun of people that was great that was fucking awesome sorry step it up yeah just the audio people we didn't get a chance to see that they just heard noise but that shit's so funny just head over to Spaghetti and Sarms on on a Instagram and you'll find a picture of Mark
Starting point is 00:54:13 in the thumbnail it's so good that was freaking fantastic so what that the influence of that is from Joel Green who was on our podcast recently and I'm going to try to start to implement a little bit more of some of his stuff. I can't really venture out too much into messing with too many things since I'm not eating any vegetables and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:54:33 But once I get done with this 100-day fiasco that I got going on here with the carnivore stuff, I'll probably spin into messing around with some of his stuff. But he did tell me to try orange roughy because it has like some weird fat in it that's like waxy and your body can barely like digest it or something weird so i don't know i was going to give i was going to give a couple of things that he recommended a shot but the 20 second sprint is something he talked about we had him on the podcast we were thoroughly confused we're like wait a second so you like just at the end of a workout you go on a bike or something you do a 20 second sprint he was like no i just whatever i'm wearing i just i'm outside and i just
Starting point is 00:55:09 sprint like wait you just sprint like on the sidewalk we were are we getting this right he's like absolutely i just sprint on the sidewalk so we tried it out in los angeles and i've been i've been staying pretty true to it he said he does like two or three every single day i haven't been doing two or three every single day but i've been making sure to get like one representation of it at least in every single day. And so I've been like, I have a bike at my house and I was going on the bike, but I noticed with the bike, which was nice for me is that I could actually sprint on it. Yeah. Whereas I'm not, I'm not conditioned or prepared yet to do like full on sprints just yet. Um, but it is something I'm going to keep around for a little while.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I'm going to check it out and see how it works. It kind of real quick kind of ties in with what Sean Baker was talking to us at, at dinner where he was like, you know, I, to keep my explosive ability, he does a lot of box jumps.
Starting point is 00:55:55 He does a lot of explosive work and it's kind of the same concept here, except this, Joel's having us do this just to be able to maintain that into as we get older. So going from zero to like 80 in an instant without warming up, having that ability, it's really important that, that, that can, that's a really big deal. And anybody listening that's going to give it a try, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:13 go gradual into it, you know, on a scale of one to 10, run it like a five or six at first, you know, and give yourself, you know, at least a couple of days to get conditioned to it. The last thing you want to do is go out there and tear a hamstring or roll an ankle yeah you know if you're going to be running if you're gonna be running in the street and i think that's the magic of behind what he's talking about because he's saying no warm-up but boom go outside and sprint so now your sprint is going to be at 70 or 80 percent maybe at some point you can get that percentage up. But at first it's like, just be very, very,
Starting point is 00:56:45 you're, you're better off being safe than, you know, than having to eat shit and get your teeth knocked out by landing on the concrete. Do not open up. Where are you at, Andrew?
Starting point is 00:56:56 You guys can hit me up on Instagram at I am Andrew Z. Please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bales power project. Also on Instagram at MB power Project on TikTok, Twitter, now Byte, that happens to be a thing, slash Mark Bales Power Project, slash IN slash Power Project. Trying to think what else. Oh, something else that we just started implementing.
Starting point is 00:57:19 We actually, we really thank you guys that have rated and reviewed on iTunes. So yeah, we thank you guys for subscribing, but we really want you guys that have rated and reviewed on iTunes. So, yeah, we thank you guys for subscribing, but we really want you guys, bless you, to subscribe and leave a review. And this is just really cool. Scott Gregg, five stars. He says, fun. Quote, this is a fun and entertaining podcast with down-to-earth dudes. It feels like I'm sitting around with a few friends talking nutrition and exercise with some humor sprinkled in.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I always look forward to this show. Scott Gregg, thank you so much for leaving that review. Yeah, thanks, dude. If you guys want to have your name read on air, just drop us a review. We'll find it, we'll read it, and we will thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Nseema, where you at? At NseemaYinYang on Instagram and YouTube. And Byte at NseemaYinYang on TikTok and Twitter. Those reviews help a ton. And then also, you know, if you want to give us some feedback, you know, oh, man, you guys missed out.
Starting point is 00:58:13 You know, you didn't ask this specific question or, you know, go ahead and throw that in there as well. You know, throw in whatever you need to throw in. But kind of on that same note, let's be protective of the power project and let's step in and let's intervene and let's kick the fucking shit out of people that come note, let's be protective of the power project and let's, let's step in and let's intervene and let's kick the fucking shit out of people that come in with negative comments. Like, let's be pro, like I was saying earlier, let's be, let's be pro for ourselves and let's be pro for the things that we're communicating about. You know, I know like sometimes we have
Starting point is 00:58:38 someone like Joel Green on who's got completely different information than what you're used to, but let's be smarter and let's kind of rise above and let's ask good questions and then you know let's let's uh let's have this be a power project army and when other people come in and they say weird stupid stuff if you want this podcast to continue and you want to see it flourish fucking knuckle knuckle them up you know don't don't let them get away with shit they don't they don't deserve to get away with stuff people don't deserve to just say and do whatever they want and the same thing goes for my youtube channel or anywhere else you see it on any of my forums somebody comes in they say this is dumb or that's stupid or uh they say a negative comment about somebody else i would love for everybody to really pile on and fuck those people let Let's get it. At Mark Smelly Bell on all forms of social media.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Congratulations for making it to day number 28 of World Carnivore Month. I'm fired up and excited. Tomorrow is my son's birthday. That son of a bitch is going to be 16. Damn, I'm super, super pumped for him. I think like next month he's able to get his driver's license and excited for him.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And we'll go enjoy some food tomorrow night at his favorite place in the world. He's very, very fancy. We are going to Applebee's. Spare no expense. Catch y'all later.

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