Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 325 - Go Nsima Go!

Episode Date: February 8, 2020

What's up Power Project Army!? Today we are talking about Nsima Inyang who is set lock horns with Chad Wesley Smith at Flograppling's "Who's #1" event on Saturday Feb 8th in Southern California! We ar...e doing our best to cheer him on from a far so please join us in wishing Nsima good luck and if you are in Southern CA, head out and support our man in person. Link to buy tickets below. Link to event: Link to buy tickets: Go cheer on Nsima on IG: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: ➢Power Project Alexa Skill: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Four, what's your favorite type of meat? My favorite type- Like favorite cut, maybe. My favorite cut of meat would have to be, I think a filet. I like eating the whole thing. I like being able to smash the whole thing. I always like that too.
Starting point is 00:00:12 New York strip steak is really good. I like to smash the whole thing of that, especially the certified Piedmontese. Yeah, when it comes to the Piedmontese, you know, I don't know if I've had everything that they have, but I've had a good wide variety of stuff. And I got to say that bravet. Am I saying that right? Oh, bavette steak.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Bavette. There we go. As long as you cut across the grain, against the grain. So here's. It's probably the best steak they have. Here's what I did. You know, people get all upset about what you do with your meat. But they should mind their own business.
Starting point is 00:00:56 What I do with the Bavette is I chop it up with scissors and I throw it in a pan and it comes out amazing. So when people don't understand the advantage, like somebody would have a heart attack if you were to cut up a ribeye with scissors and and cook it but it comes out so good you can eat the whole thing every time because you can cut up some of the weird tissue that gets to be a little bit weird but with this bavette it was so tender it was so good it was like a filet but it's super lean i love i absolutely love it i just threw some salt on there cooked it in some bacon grease and i was good to go. It was amazing. A beef strip loin is amazing too, because you can cut that into like about 10 New York strip steaks. So if you have- Now you lying, bro.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Well, if you're going to have like a big barbecue or something, it's best to get a beef strip loin. It's a hundred and something dollars, but it's a big piece of meat. You know, it's like six pounds or five and a half pounds. And I cut that up into New York strips and those are amazing. And you can eat the whole thing. And they also have that big strip of fat across the back, which is really nice. And then you have a Ninja, right? I have a Ninja foodie grill, which I think is the best. It's the biggest game changer of the carnivore diet for me because I'm single.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I live by myself and I have to cook every meal and cooking every meal gets to be a pain in the ass. But with this Ninja foodie grill, most things take about just 10 minutes. Describe it to us. Like, do you put something into like a compartment or an oven or is it just like a little grill?
Starting point is 00:02:18 It's like a, so it's got a lid. So it's kind of like a, it opens up and you put your steak inside of it. You need to let it warm up, so it warms up for about 10 minutes, and then it gets to 500 degrees, which is nice because it'll give you a nice sear. Then you put the meat in there, close it down, and just let it crank. Is there a timer or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:41 No, it's all set up. You just kind of eyeball it? No, it tells you exactly how to cook everything, but I put a three tri-tip in there yesterday two and a half pound tri-tip i put it in there for 10 minutes with the lid you know lid closed 10 minutes boom and then i took it out and i just let it rest for about 45 minutes half hour 45 minutes something like that and it just came out absolutely perfect and it was kind of like cold i like it not cold but i like it when it's not super super hot and so i sliced it up after it was done resting and it was so juicy and flavorful it's amazing it's on my instagram you can check it out yeah i think uh you know knowing knowing what kind of meat to get a hold
Starting point is 00:03:22 of is is really important like just knowing like where to shop for it where to go for it um and that can be inconvenient you know you go to the grocery store like i have nugget down the street from me and it's it's nice to have that there and they have they have piedmontese stuff but they don't have everything all the time but like we're you know you're the one that set us up with piedmontese and it's just great to have them uh shipping stuff to our front door. We don't need the inconvenience of being at the grocery store and then seeing other food sometimes. You know why?
Starting point is 00:03:52 When you first start dieting, it can be tough. Why I found Piedmontese is I was at the store and like these steaks look so good. And I just asked the guy, what's the difference? I keep seeing this here all the time. He goes, oh, this one has about half the fat. And I said, that's got to taste terrible. The guy goes, no, absolutely. It's absolutely amazing. He's like, it has half the fat yeah and i said that's got to taste terrible the guy goes no absolutely it's absolutely amazing yeah he's like it has half the fat but it's twice as tender it's see it's the breed and i'm like what kind of breed in this he goes it's really muscly it's a really he's trying to explain to me i'm like i know exactly what you're talking about like i know about these jacked cows yeah it's the same type of cow as in bigger stronger faster it's a different breed it's a piedmontese instead of of a Belgian Blue. But I knew about the cows being leaner,
Starting point is 00:04:26 having less fat, being more tender and stuff like that. So when I saw that, I was like, okay, I kind of know what this is. It turns out that a Piedmontese cattle, their beef is even more tender than a Belgian Blue or anything else out there. Can you bring up a picture of Chad Wesley Smith? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Whoa. So I think that, you know, so the so you know to give people an idea of what this what these cattle look like they look like the opposite of chad wesley smith so they they look more like in sema than they look like chad wesley yeah that's fair there's our buddy chad we're friends with uh our boy Juggernaut. That's a beautiful picture of him. Our boy Jugs. You know what though? Honestly, Chad Wesley Smith's got some beautiful blue eyes so he would be... He does. He would be
Starting point is 00:05:14 hard to take out. He's also a good actor. If he was in the wild, you know? He's a good actor in his little skits that he did. Schwarzenegger skits and stuff. He's super funny. But yeah, in comparison you know, these Piedmontese cattle would look more like Encima than they do Chad Wesley Smith. So why are you bringing up Chad Wesley Smith?
Starting point is 00:05:33 What's the deal with him? Well, before we get to that, we need to drop our discount code. Yeah, so higher protein, half the fat, all of the flavor, more tender than anything available. The absolute just second to none best beef on the planet. That's certified Piedmontese. How the heck do you spell that? Well, that's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Head over there at checkout.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 more, you get free two-day shipping. But also, we have a Jacked and Tanned pack and a Deluxe Power Project bundle that you guys can go check it out. It's some of our favorite cuts. And unlike any other bundle, our promo code actually works on those. So we're not just like, oh, come check out this bundle. Here's 25% off. And then you go to checkout, and it's like, oh, the code doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:06:19 No, it works on the bundle as well. So seriously, best beef you can get on the planet don't use the code go rip them off go just steal 25 off dude that's like almost a quarter i think so i get it's halfway there yeah give or take from my math 60 so what's the deal with chad wesley smith he's angry for some reason you know he he um he came up here one day and he just, he was in the gym and, and Seema was working out too. And he's like, yo bro,
Starting point is 00:06:50 like I want to fight you. And Seema was like, what? And then like, I was like, Hey, let's do, let's make it official,
Starting point is 00:06:56 you know? And so then I had him sign papers and stuff. Vince McMahon got involved and now they have a match this weekend. They're going to fight. They're going to go at it. Jiu Jitsu. Yeah. Now,
Starting point is 00:07:04 how long has Chad been doing jiu-jitsu? Quite a while. He's been doing it for like a week. So Chad's been training in jiu-jitsu for a while, probably about three years. Natty Professor, probably about the same amount. Natty Professor is officially a purple belt, and I believe that Chad Wesley is officially a blue belt. i believe that chad wesley is officially a blue belt but the belts don't really matter you know we know people that uh you know have different different belts and sometimes different belts be different people different dojos have different
Starting point is 00:07:35 kind of rules of of the quote-unquote passing of the guard type stuff and uh this is going to be awesome you know flow flow grappling is the one who's going to be hosting it. So you can look it up online. You can check it out, but this is going to be sick. I haven't really heard of anything like this. Now, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:07:52 This might be a dumb question, but it's a purple belt above a blue belt or vice versa. Yes. A purple belt is a bluff is above a blue belt. I believe you go purple, brown, and then black. I think I wouldn't know but i uh
Starting point is 00:08:06 in sema like barely makes the cut for like ultra heavy because it's like i think he said it was 225 and then it's like open the floodgates so uh chad's gonna have a pretty good amount of weight on him you know wow yeah what is chad way right now you know know? 290. 290, 295, something like that. A biscuit under 300. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What was the big change for Chad? Do you know? Have you talked to him about it? He just got done with powerlifting.
Starting point is 00:08:33 You know, he just kind of like. He crushed it though. He crushed powerlifting. Yeah, he was a savage. 970 squat, 573 bench, 815 or 830 deadlift. Absolute monster. He also did a total, I believe believe in the fastest amount of time or something like some weird some weird internet trick but it was amazing yeah two thousand pounds
Starting point is 00:08:52 in a minute maybe it was something it was was it two thousand pounds in one minute he also squatted like 500 for like 30 reps or something stupid i mean he's just a beast he's got really good conditioning too like when he would when so like he would do a lot of training in like these condensed periods of time what i'm excited about is this is like mutant versus mutant you know yeah that's really and what it is an african american an african american mutant versus a uh caucasian mutant is a different is a different thing you know because chad wesley smith has done a lot of stuff right like he's done um then he used to throw in college and stuff as well like he's he's very athletic he's a crazy he's a crazy athlete but what i always talk about not always
Starting point is 00:09:35 talk about but talk about here on the podcast sometimes is that you know like our our answer to you know uh someone who's insanely um you know like our answer to, I don't know, like LeBron James is like Gronkowski. It's just a different athleticism, right? Yeah. Or in basketball, it would be like Larry Bird. Like Larry Bird probably weighed about the same as LeBron. He was probably about the same height, super athletic, an all-time great, but just a different skill acquisition.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And LeBron is going to jump over everybody and smash on everybody, super explosive, and Bird has a different skill set. So I find it really interesting that you have, in SEMA, by the first glance, you look at someone like in sema and you're like wow there's a great athlete there's a great that guy looks like a complete savage right and then when you look at chad wesley smith especially during his powerlifting career i don't think it's screaming to you that he's a great athlete you know you're just like oh there's another fat guy who's losing his hair but uh make no mistake about it he is a mutant he is a great athlete and he's also you know people say people are big boned this guy has big bone like he's has really really
Starting point is 00:10:52 his knees are so thick that when he was in school he played like intramural basketball and they stay wanted to send him home and his mom came to the school and uh the nurse was like yeah look at how swollen your son's knee is i think he you know he fell when he's playing basketball and uh you know i think that you know he's i think he messed up his leg and his mom said no look at his other knee and he's got big old fat giant kneecaps and wrists and stuff. He's just a big old kid. Wow. So this is a straight-up jiu-jitsu match. Is it a big tournament?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Do you know anything about this? Yeah, so I have it linked in the description, but there's a huge card. Let me pull this up. And you can watch, like, we can watch this tomorrow? Online, yep. I totally want to watch it. Yeah, I mean, like, so it's, so Flow Grapplings, who's number one,
Starting point is 00:11:46 and Fight to Win. So this is the full card. There's a shit ton of matches. And then, so the Fight to Win submission match. Here's where, it seems here's somewhere. It's just, it's just awesome. I know he fights like a little bit later on in the day, on Saturday. Today is what, Friday?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Is there a main event? What's the main event? Anybody we know? Nicholas. I don't know who that is victor hugo i don't know i i don't recognize the names but obviously they're i mean this is a huge event yeah this for this grappling has gotten really big i know like eddie bravo has been putting on grappling events and grappling only and um just grappling by itself has gotten really popular yeah dude my arms are still shaking from that workout by the way like I can't even click the mouse correctly fantabulous workout so Chad Wesley Smith is still young he's 33 years old we're gonna do a little tale of the tape here the natty professor is 27 and he's six foot two um chad might be a little taller i have him listed as six foot he
Starting point is 00:12:48 might be like six one um and then we just made some fun silly stats for some of the rest of it but like the you know uh in sema has deadlifted uh 755 in competition um he can't bench worth a shit. Chad, you know, Chad is a really well-rounded power lifter. And like you put his numbers up against, you know, some of our favorite lifters, some of the best. And he's like right there with a lot of guys. He was just an absolute monster when it came to power lifting. You'd say if he lays across and Seema's chest, he has a really good chance of winning because Encima won't be able to get him off. So here's the other thing is that Chad is brilliant. Chad is very, very smart.
Starting point is 00:13:29 He's very successful in business. He's very successful in a lot of ways. He's somebody that like when it came to powerlifting, he came in and out of powerlifting so fast. Like he came in and like dominated and then he left. And then he started coaching people with his juggernaut system but he trained me he trained me to a 578 bench he also trained me to a torn pack so i don't know i don't know whether i love the guy or hate the guy um but all kidding aside i mean he's a very very intelligent guy through his system that he has i don't know the website not sure of the app but i
Starting point is 00:14:01 think it has something to do with his uh juggerut branding. And, you know, through that, he created AI, created some artificial intelligence surrounding programming for lifting. So the program that he created, it can kind of auto-regulate as you're going along with the program. as you're going along with the program, you could be like, you know, you're doing five sets of five. As long as you kind of input the information on kind of how some of these movements went, it will give you the, the percentages and it'll give you the information for your next workout. So super precise, super detailed. And if he's going to be able to do anything to in SEMA, I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:41 he might just have a cool game plan. And he might be able to use that part as his advantage of just being a very intelligent guy. Who do you have your money on here? You know, it's it's it's a great matchup, you know, because like in SEMA is really, really strong. Yeah. like in SEMA is really, really strong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And I would imagine like, I've never tried to grapple with in SEMA, but I, you know, I think he would just rip me apart since, especially cause I have no background with any of that. I think both of the guys are capable of ripping your limbs off. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:15:15 A hundred percent. Both guys also, um, both guys also are very calm. They have calm demeanor. Like both guys can lift heavy weights with no music, you know, they don't need to like rage out. And Chad was a big proponent of that in his lifting career where he
Starting point is 00:15:30 didn't get all hyped he didn't take like pre-workout he didn't now one advantage i would say and and you know the people in the in this area might be mad at me for saying this but like i believe that southern california may have access to some really really good talented uh jujitsu practitioners and i'm sure that norcal has tons of great talent as well um but just think about like in terms of the amount of people yeah in in southern california you know and um it's just kind of my basic understanding. I don't know shit about jujitsu. But I do remember when we lived in Los Angeles that, you know, Gracie jujitsu was very prominent in the area. I don't know if that's still the case.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Hicks and Gracie lives in Santa Monica. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, it's kind of shit that I'm talking about. Eddie Bravo is in LA. I was actually at this one right here where these guys are getting after. I got a chance to see Chad grapple. I do think, however, like lately things have gotten so big that there's really, really good people everywhere. Oh. You know, like with the internet, with all this stuff that's going on.
Starting point is 00:16:35 100%. And even with like bodybuilding. Like it used to be like everybody trained at Gold's Venice. That's really changed now too. Where all over the country in every city there's like a good kind of lifting and training you know so these guys have never locked horns before they've never come across each other each other's path before so i i'm i'm really interested to kind of see you know how it all goes down but something else i wanted to talk about like really cool transformation for chad
Starting point is 00:17:01 that's kind of what you were mentioning a little earlier. Like, yeah. What was the change for him? I, well, I think he just kind of tapped out his potential with powerlifting and was like, Hey, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:11 what's the difference between nine 70 and a thousand pound squat? Like, do I really care about that much? And he had the, the, uh, he had the intelligence to be like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:20 I think I'm going to move on and do some other things. Most people don't get out of that sport. It's hard though, because like, I just, I love to lift. Like, I love lifting. So it'd be hard to, like, not do a squat for, like, two years or something. You know, like, I've been through those times before in my life, and they were the most miserable times in my life. It's not hard for Andrew.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So for me, it would just be more tough to try to, like, not do something I really like to do. So he still lifts and he could still throw down with some weights. But, you know, if you were to think about all the stuff that you're asked to do in these other sports, like, it's just not smart to be smashing yourself with lifting. It'd be really hard to lift heavy and do good at jujitsu, I think. Yeah. Yeah. And I know Nsema comes in here and he could still pull weight, but like, he's not going to be going, you just don't want to be overtaxing your system.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You know, jujitsu is going to take a lot out of you. It's a stressor. Exercise is a stressor. Um, life in general has its stresses, it's ups and downs, it's down.
Starting point is 00:18:18 So, you know, it's, it makes it, it just makes it maybe like too much at some point, you know, one thing I do wonder, and I know from Chad's powerlifting career that he was taking his nutrition fairly seriously, but I wonder if there'll be any factor in there with that because I know Encima is very diligent with his nutrition.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Encima eats once or twice a day. He does a lot of fasting. He's got kind of a short fasting window. He does eat, you know, he does have some carbohydrates and stuff like that in his diet. I don't know what Chad currently does, but I remember even when Chad was here, when he was powerlifting, he had prepared meals with him and stuff like that. He was kind of, you know, eating, you know, rice, potatoes, steak and stuff like that. So I wonder if either guy will have an advantage with a particular, steak, and stuff like that. So I wonder if either guy will have an advantage with a particular style of diet or anything like that. Yeah, that would be interesting to see.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And SEMA is also very – what I like about SEMA, he asks a lot of questions. Very inquisitive, yeah. He's very smart and very intelligent as far as providing information. But he always – what I like about him, what makes me really kind of drawn to him is that he's always eyes. Oh, sorry. Well, he always wants to know like, well, how did you do that or what did you do or where, where do I get that book? Where do I find that? I think his, uh, never ending pursuit of information is what makes him successful.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah. And it makes him, you know, and then he takes what he, what he learns that's good and he uses it and what, what's not good, he'll just get rid of anything you know like uh he'll it sounds arrogant when he pulls 725 and like oh i didn't mean to do that cool yeah whoops yeah kind of yeah but if you think about it like you know when he came in second place at worlds he was like like oh this is just another step yeah whereas somebody else could have easily been like i was so close like the you know looking back at the tape like there was a couple things that happened that were like hey that was kind of illegal what that guy did you never said like oh i i won or i should have beat that guy or yeah that kind of crap either right yeah yeah he was humble and very nice exactly he didn't get too down but he also
Starting point is 00:20:38 didn't get too like hyped on himself for like you know winning the the previous tournament you know a couple months before so i think that that's also huge so like almost like you know like he just there's no matter what happens he's gonna be just fine so i think that's amazing i think the way they both look at it too is no matter what happens tomorrow they both learn from it you know and they both grow from it and just keep getting better right yeah yeah it should be should be really cool i i uh you know if i'm gonna just pick you know i don't want to bet against my boy so i'm gonna say uh and sema's gonna and sema's gonna win i i i can't imagine i can't imagine and sema being being tapped out so i like i from what i know of his
Starting point is 00:21:18 practices and stuff and how everything's been going for him more recently you can't see him getting tacked out tapped out and i can't see him getting tapped out, and I can't see him getting outworked. I could be wrong, but that's kind of my take on it. I think that he's got, and I haven't seen Chad grapple that much, but I just think that he has. I know he practices a lot, and I got to see him train firsthand, and I see him in here every day, and it seems like he's got all aspects of his game
Starting point is 00:21:45 you know just firing on all cylinders you never know though look what happened to a cowboy yeah he's firing on all cylinders too and it's just sometimes the other guy comes out better right yeah you never you never never know you never do know where this uh this shit can take you but you got andrew no just asking you about, like, you had mentioned jiu-jitsu for yourself a little while ago. Yeah. What's new in that? Yeah, just, you know, I've been training, and I've been hitting up my yoga,
Starting point is 00:22:15 and I've been, you know, running and doing some stuff. You know, the one thing is I don't want to be super tired, so I know that from just doing it in the past, I just know that like, there's a lot of repetition that's required of doing the movements and doing the exercise and stuff. And like, I don't want to be blown up from doing like a warmup, you know? And I know that they do a lot of drills and stuff when you first get there and stuff as a class. So I'm going to baby step my way into it. And, um, i might have my boy nico come in maybe just show me some stuff like i i just there's and i know i sound like a bitch but like really like
Starting point is 00:22:53 even just like being on my knees like hurts even being on my knees on a pad hurts so i don't have a lot of pain in my day-to-day i got got like a stiff left hip and I got like a right elbow. That's a little weird here and there, but I feel really, really good. I've gotten myself to a really good spot. I don't want to lose that. You know, I want to make sure that I'm able to continue onward with that. And so I'm just trying to kind of train my way into it. I got some running scheduled tomorrow and I'm really trying to be diligent with that.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And I've been running for like the last two months and now I finally feel like I'm getting a little bit better with it. I got some running scheduled tomorrow and I'm really trying to be diligent with that. And I've been running for like the last two months and now I finally feel like I'm getting a little bit better with it. I'm getting used to it. My body doesn't hurt from it. And I'm just going to kind of go from there and then kind of baby step my way in. And boxing was more in your wheelhouse. Why the switch to jujitsu? I just been wanting to do jujitsu for a while like i've been doing yoga and i'm trying i want to move better you know like i kind of you know me people make like a new year's resolution and that was kind of one of mine was just to move better that was kind of one of my things i was like i'd like to be able to move a little bit better so you know what am i doing for it is always the question you know what do you like sometimes people are like hey you know
Starting point is 00:24:03 i hurt my shoulder and it's like okay well, well, is you doing anything towards that? Are you getting any body work done? You're stretching, you know, cause you really should be doing probably three or four things almost every single day towards, towards that. For me with mobility, you know, I'm still not stretching enough on my own and not moving enough on my own. But I'm incorporating more full range of motion stuff in my training and then, you know, doing yoga. And unfortunately, I'm only doing yoga like once a week. So I need to bump that up. It'd be nice to do it about twice a week.
Starting point is 00:24:36 How about you, Ward? Did you ever box or do anything like that like Mark? No, I'm too grizzled for that. I did some wrestling. I played football and wrestled, yeah. Yeah, I did like football and wrestling in high school. But the thing was like I could never run. Like I've never run in my life.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Like I can't run a lap. So I've just never physically been able to run. So that sort of gets all that stuff, you know, out of it for me. Like the last thing I. You could run a lap. Not really. Not without a ton of pain and not. You ran on the beach with me. Yeah, but not with any good form my feet turn completely in when i go to run like my ankles turn in and my
Starting point is 00:25:13 feet hurt really bad like my feet hurt really really bad just standing here so i mean i don't think anybody will ever get chronic pain until they till they have it you know people don't they'll never understand it until it happens to them. Yeah. But if I recall, there was a certain someone named Chris Bell like a couple months ago that was having a hard time just walking around, you know, doing our 10 minute walk.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah. And you've been walking your face off a lot lately. So is it getting better or is it just- No, it never gets better. It's just a matter of like the inflammation at the time, like does it hurt that day? And so like I have to be on a
Starting point is 00:25:45 carnivore diet to keep inflammation down i have to take kratom i have to do these things that um keep pain at bay you know and sort of stop it so yeah like i it's it sucks because like i want to do that stuff i'd love to try jujitsu i'd love to try those things um the other thing that is like i could probably i could i know I could definitely do jujitsu. I could go into jujitsu and do a class. The problem is when you do those things, people want you to run and they want you to engage in other things. You know, like so for me, when I was in high school and I did wrestling practice, they would make you run too much. I eventually quit wrestling because I'm like, I couldn't run.
Starting point is 00:26:20 So I quit. And it's like I didn't want to quit wrestling and I would have been good at actually wrestling, but they make you run so much that I quit, you know, in football, my coach luckily didn't ever make me run, but that made me feel weird because I felt different than all the other kids. I didn't have to run with the team. I could run sprints, but I couldn't run distance. Got it. Yeah. And so I don't know, I just tend to kind of shy away from things where I have to run or do anything. But the walking has definitely gotten better, right? Like, because the inflammation is down now. Or down-ish.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It's weird. It goes so up and down. It's hard to tell, you know? It's hard to, it's, I try to beat it as much as I can, but then I have days like today where everything hurts. And it's just like, you know, you don't know what to do. So it's like, it goes up and down. If you ask me tomorrow, I'll be like, I feel great. I feel the best I've ever felt.
Starting point is 00:27:06 But I mean, you also just got back from traveling too. Yeah. You know, I don't have fake hips, but if you ask me to go walk after a trip. Yeah, but it's weird. I drove to LA and back and I felt great on the days when I did that and I felt fine. I drove all the way back from LA, got here, and then I felt great and even went for a walk when I got back up here. But then today, for no reason, I got great sleep last night. Everything was fine. I woke up today, ton of pain. And there's really nothing that sets it apart or changes it. So I'm
Starting point is 00:27:36 trying to figure that stuff out. Sounds like sleep is the culprit. I got great. Yeah. Like, oh, yeah. Getting good sleep is what made me hurt. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, it just seems to be backwards, but that's why you just keep fighting and keep doing these things. You know, what about your lifting? You notice anything in particular with your lifting? Um, as far as what goes as far as being hurt, like having pain, I just have to work around it. You know, like today we did shoulders and I just worked around it. So I just constantly, You know, like today we did shoulders and I just worked around it. So I just constantly I just constantly work around things and try to engage in something every day that's physical and active. But it definitely sucks. Like, I can't have any lifting partners. I can't really train with people. I just I can't do everything. So it's like I can, but they have to understand I'm going to do something completely different than they're doing, you know? Yeah. You got to do stuff that you feel it's going to fit, you know, you, you know, it's not going to, it's not going to cost you too much to actually do it. Um, what about like lifting heavy?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Like does lifting heavy hurt? No, I actually, I like lifting heavy cause it's the one thing I can do. That's like, it depends on what it is, but sort of like doing some trap bar deadlifts doesn't hurt. Doing some squats doesn't necessarily hurt. It's weird. It's harder to walk around the block than it is to squat 500 pounds for five reps to me. Do you think that you're just going to hurt anyway, so you just decide to lift heavy sort of thing? Maybe. I mean, maybe that's it, but there's other things, you know, like wearing like knee sleeves and different things that
Starting point is 00:29:08 can help those things. Right, right. I mean, I don't know. I just, I like to lift and I've been doing it for a long time. The pain, the pain part of it gets, you get sick of it after a while. You know, where like today I was like, why do I have this? Like, why, why can't I just be normal? And you get really mad at yourself and
Starting point is 00:29:25 you get really mad at the situation and there's like literally nothing that you can do about it. So I, I've just learned to deal with it, you know? Yeah. You know, I, I just, uh, you know, everyone's body works a little different when it comes to this stuff. So who knows, you know, what's going on or, or what you have, you know, I think you said you have arthritis, right? Yeah. I have arthritis right yeah i have arthritis and every time i go to a doctor they like no doctor ever i went to a doctor and said look i have arthritis like it hurts when i walk this hurts that hurts everything hurts my ankle hurts my knee hurts and he just like went you know back and forth with my knee said your knee's fine
Starting point is 00:30:01 it's a little bit arthritic but it's fine fine. Like that's all they do. And they don't do anything. And the only thing that they can do is prescribe you drugs that hurt more. So when people say, well, why don't you go to a doctor? Why don't you figure out what's wrong? It's like, yeah, I've been to a lot of stuff too right yeah my knees were well yeah i had my knees swole up you know bigger than a softball before and i had to drain it you know and and nobody ever goes like oh you have this specific issue let's fix it or you know um for example like michaela peterson she's got like autoimmune conditions she has rheumatoid arthritis and i don't have that according to what the doctors say but sometimes people have rheumatoid arthritis it doesn't show up in their blood and so i don't have that according to what the doctors say. But sometimes people have rheumatoid arthritis. It doesn't show up in their blood. And so I don't know if I have something weird or different. But, you know, my feet, like I just know that everybody else when they wake up in the morning, their feet don't hurt.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Their ankles don't hurt. Their back doesn't hurt. Their knees. Not everything on everybody else hurts. I know that, you know, and I've had days that feel good good but they're just few and far between so it's a matter of just dealing with it and sort of figuring yeah maybe it's like part of our family or something because i'm in a lot of pain all the time too my feet hurt my my back hurt i mean everything's like hurts but it's not you know it's not crazy it's not debilitating no it's not like
Starting point is 00:31:19 making me not want to get up or anything like that. How about for the, the movements that you do like Chris, like, you know, squat. Yeah. Have you ever, well, not obviously you have, but more recently, uh, instead of doing the 500 pound squat,
Starting point is 00:31:32 doing like two 25 for a bunch of reps. Like, how does that feel? I can, I can do things like that. That's okay. Does that, does that like take a toll on you too?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Or is it just still feel good? I have no interest in it. You know what I mean? I have no interest in like two 25 for 20. I just don't want to do it so it's like um what do you it's like what will you do it's the sort of same like yeah you know that's great i like you know meat's cool but i'm not going to eat it all the time so like if you're not going to do the diet then you're not you know it's like if you're not going to do something then you know i don't think it's that valuable so to me it's like either do it and do it and and go heavy and and do what you
Starting point is 00:32:12 like to do or like yeah i just don't like i don't feel like coming in the gym and squatting with one plate there's nothing exciting about it at all in my opinion like that's just me that's how i am makes a lot of sense i have a hard time and i have i i just i honestly i i have a big problem and i know it's a problem i compare myself to everybody else and i compare myself to not everybody else not even that's just normal i compare myself to people that are like the best in the world at what they do and it makes me feel bad that i can't do what the best in the world can do or close to it or whatever right and it's like we just shouldn't feel that way but i i do because that's sort of the world i've always lived in yeah well i mean that's part of why you with
Starting point is 00:32:50 two fake hips can still deadlift 600 pounds because you have that mindset you're trying to do something that everybody else is doing yeah you know i i don't know i tend to not give myself a break and i'm probably my toughest critic and all that stuff you definitely are and you never do because you'll be looking shredding like wow yeah but i got this or i got that i'm like dude come on man let's celebrate like how awesome you look right now yeah and then you're like no no no no i just i yeah i don't think there's any reason to celebrate you know or until you unless you actually do something celebrate with a steak yes yeah you know i just i don't i don't see much reason
Starting point is 00:33:25 to celebrate unless you actually get, get somewhere. And then like, do you actually ever get anywhere? No. Do you actually ever get anything? Like I was talking to Mark the other day, it's like we have these lives and we were always searching for the thing. And, um, Mark said, I was lucky. I knew there wasn't one thing. Like I knew there wasn't one, you know, people go, oh, when I get this, I'll be happy. When I get that, I'll be happy. And he said he was lucky that he knew there wasn't one thing. And I said, well, I didn't know that. And I kept searching for it and I kept trying to find it. And, you know, with bigger, stronger, faster, I honestly, I thought the answer for everybody. And I said this when I was at Netflix the other day, said, you know, when,
Starting point is 00:34:01 when I did it, I thought steroids were the answer and it wasn't steroids, you know? And, and then I thought like, oh, it must be something else. It must be something else. And when I found that, you know, meat, something as simple as your nutrition could be the answer like that totally turned things on its head for me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm still, I still get DMs from people about like SARMs and whatnot. And my answer is like, it's, it's, I haven't really figured out the answer, but I just said, you know, SARMs absolutely helped. And my answer is like, it's, I haven't really figured out the answer, but I just said, you know, SARMs absolutely helped me on the way up. Can they be useful? Yes. Exactly. Are they the thing? No. Because on the way down, what I learned was like, man,
Starting point is 00:34:34 I was being lazy with my diet. And then when I got that shit at 10 out of 10, dude, it was night and day difference. You know, like nutrition is, man, it, you can yell from the, you know, all the rooftops and be like, it's the number one thing. It's the most important. People would be like, yeah, but what about a shortcut or what about this? Number one thing, but also on the flip side, we were just also talking about this. It doesn't necessarily fix everything, you know, so it can fix a lot of things, but it's not going to fix everything. It can make just about anything better though, I would say. Yeah, that's fair. It would be hard to find stuff that it can't make better.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Puts you in a more positive environment to be fixed. It's also, too, from a carnivore perspective, it's hard to have things just be total fact. But if we do try to stick to things like meat doesn't have a lot of properties in it that are going to mess you up. There are properties, there are things that are in vegetables that can make you gassy. There are things in vegetables that can make you bloated. There's things, there's anti-nutrients in nuts and things like that. Now, I understand also too, that's just looking at like a small subset of what some of these things like that. Now, I understand also to your, that's just looking at like a small subset of what, what some of these things actually do. And that just because they have a negative in
Starting point is 00:35:51 one area, it doesn't mean they don't have a positive in another area. But I think a lot of people that are trying to solve mysteries for themselves with their body, you know, especially people that just want to be in better shape, you know, stick to meat as much as you possibly can. If you want to still eat some carbohydrate, then try to stick to carbohydrates that are going to be quote unquote clean, that aren't going to interrupt your kind of natural, your body's natural ability to heal itself. You might want to utilize, you know, some intermittent fasting as well, because some intermittent fasting I think can go a long way, but, you know, eating things like rice and eating things like potatoes,
Starting point is 00:36:28 I think potatoes are even a little bit better than rice just because they have like kind of more nutrients and stuff. If you're someone that has a tough time with being able to eat enough food, the rice can really be nice because it can help you, it can encourage you to eat more food. But carbohydrates in general, when you have a lot of different types of carbohydrates in your diet, that encourages like too much overeating for a lot of people and they lose control and they end up eating too much. And then we end up with people like being super confused about, you know, why they have so many autoimmune disorders. And I mean, there's so many things that can be cured with simply finding a way to start to eliminate food and if the carnivore diet sounds crazy to you then you could maybe even try something like rob wolf's paleo solution and kind of go from there but his
Starting point is 00:37:16 it just looks like you know everyone's kind of leaning in deeper and deeper and harder and harder towards uh basically just eating meat yeah you know meat-based diet where it's like mostly meat. It's really simple and it's really effective and it can help a lot of things, you know? You're right. What about like if, so what about if you were to, what about if you were to like, you know, hit a powerlifting meet or something like that? How do you think you would do? Like, do you think that's something that you want to maybe try?
Starting point is 00:37:45 Cause you have been lifting, you have been lifting pretty heavy here and there. Me? No, not really. Um, there's really nothing that a powerlifting meet would do, you know, necessarily for me. Like just having fun throwing around some weights here and there. Who cares? It's like, um, you know, we used to throw our trophies in the garbage, so we don't really care about that.
Starting point is 00:38:05 It doesn't really matter. I can't bench anything. So to go on a powerlifting meet would be kind of stupid for me. Like my shoulder is blown out. It hurts really bad. To go in and get like a token, like, oh, I benched 315. Like when I used to do it for 10 reps, like it would just be, it would feel shitty, you know? So no matter what, I don't think a power lifting meet would fulfill anything.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I do think like something perhaps like a bodybuilding show or like a, like men's physique or to do something like that would be different. Cause that's out of my comfort zone. First of all, you know, when I did bigger, stronger, faster, if you would have gave me a hundred dollars, thousand dollars to take my shirt off in front of people, I wouldn't do it back then when I did it. Now I do it for free. But the thing is, it's like I was just always so embarrassed of that and what I looked like and all that stuff. And even though, like I guess maybe I have injuries and things that are flawed on my body, but I feel like that would be more fun to work out than an actual injury,
Starting point is 00:39:05 because it doesn't, like my chest is kind of deformed because I tore my pec several times. My tricep and my shoulder are messed up because I've torn them several times. But it seems like it wouldn't be painful to work on those things and try to smooth them out
Starting point is 00:39:17 and make them look better, right? It wouldn't actually hurt me. And then maybe to Andrew's point, which would be a great point, 225 for 20 reps would burn the shit out of my legs and get them shredded so maybe if it was for a different reason right like you have a different you now now we put a different focus on we say hey chris get out of the gym and stop trying to be a dumb power lifter that's not helping you go anywhere and you're not even going to compete so why do you even care And get your mindset on this over here.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I think maybe like turning that corner and focusing on something else may make me be able to like get rid of that stuff. Are you in more pain or less pain than when you're on painkillers? Well, more pain, you know, obviously, because I'm not taking anything to swash it. Yeah, but you're taking care of yourself in a lot of other ways it's not counteracting well when you take so it's hard to say because like when you actually take painkillers when you take the pills i used to say like the only problem is i run out like that's what that's what i thought but they do end up catching up to you and getting to be too much. And there is no real way to manage that.
Starting point is 00:40:26 What do they do? Do they actually block pain or do they just make you super high? And you're like unaware of what's going on. A little bit of both. They block. They can block some of the receptors. Yeah, it blocks. Basically, it messes with your opioid receptors,
Starting point is 00:40:40 which actually interfere with the signal to the brain telling you to feel better. Right. So it's basically intercepting that signal and saying like, hey, you know, just feel better, feel good, feel this. But what they do is they stop your breathing. They slow your breathing down. And that's the difference with like kratom. It doesn't really do that. So you can take kratom and get very similar effects without it really stopping or slowing down your breathing.
Starting point is 00:41:03 That's what makes me mad is that like somebody won't go investigate. You have people like me that are in chronic pain and people don't understand why I get so mad about this, but like I'm in a lot of fucking pain. And if somebody would just take the time, money and effort to go research something like Kratom, there wouldn't, I wouldn't be in all this pain all the time because we could make Kratom that's way stronger. And maybe you can take three times the dose. Maybe we don't know the correct dosage yet well also we could we we'd
Starting point is 00:41:29 have to do some things to it to make it stronger but you could do things to make it stronger without it being addictive and i think that the fact that nobody's doing that kind of stuff is really egregious in this country you know those are things that we should be definitely definitely looking into um were you in less pain when you weren't lifting as heavy because you didn't start lifting heavy until like more recently i don't know it's hard to tell because like i mean you had a combination of having like a good diet in place having some good sleep you know one of the things that i was taught uh by uh james smith was you can't change your tissues unless you're willing to change yourself
Starting point is 00:42:05 so like you can't can't come in here and annihilate yourself and then expect there not to be you know consequences of it especially like i don't know like for me i was coming off like a torn pack and he's like if you want your pack to like get back to where it needs to be you need to stop doing the things that are offending it in the first place and keeping it screwed up yeah i've had long periods of time where i haven't lifted at all and i still feel like shit you know i don't i don't maybe lifting at all maybe that's not a great idea maybe just you know but i don't know have you tried lifting lighter and being on carnivore that i mean have you well yeah i did that kind of all last year you know like the whole the whole last year and like i said it's hit or miss it feels good once in a while like i feel good once in a while when i get it
Starting point is 00:42:49 totally nailed and i can say hey i'm out of pain completely you know i got this nailed completely um that's when we're really onto something you know um but until then i gotta keep saying like yeah it's okay helps with pain um kratom helps with pain. Carnivore helps a lot with pain. Did they fix it 100%? Not yet. And when it does, then I'll be sure to tell everybody. But I'm not going to go around saying, like, this will get you out of pain 100%. Totally. I say, like, I posted something about it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Maybe this is what you need. Yeah. But maybe it's not. I don't know how normal it is for people to be out of pain 100% anyway. Hmm. I mean, I, like, I remember I went to a Kelly Sturette seminar and he said, the human body is designed to live a hundred years and the human body is designed to be pain-free. And I was like, what on my body doesn't hurt right now? And I was like, oh wait,
Starting point is 00:43:37 I think my forearms don't hurt. And then I was like, no, they kind of hurt too. I'm like, I haven't anything that hasn't hurt, you know, since the time I started training. But I will say this too, you know, I'll say this as well, is that a lot of people that I know that like I, you know, went to school with and stuff that are similar age, they're like in tons of pain. They never done anything. Yeah. They never pushed their body anywhere, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:01 So I think, I think a lot of people are in a lot of pain kind of regardless what you do and then if you if you eat like shit then that's very clear that you're probably going to have uh some issues but there's probably some people that eat like crap that have less pain and there's people that exercise that have pain there's people that you know have different types of pain stiffness have you ever heard of uh ibogaine i have heard of it yeah it's It's really interesting. I'm on it right now. I'm really interested in looking into that. So that also helps people get off of heroin and opioids within 24 hours usually. Actually, people take it.
Starting point is 00:44:35 It's a Schedule I drug in this country. It's highly illegal, highly dangerous. However, we've been seeing a lot of people doing research on it, and we have seen in some of the research that actually can reset your pain receptors and if it can actually do that and um i'm actually i have somebody that deals with it all the time and would like me to try it and i'm considering trying and if i try it and i can do that to pain receptors i think that we're dealing with something like really serious and really interesting um what he means by resetting pain receptors is just that like my knee, like every time I go to get out of a chair, I'm going to brace my knee almost because I know it's going to hurt when I stand up.
Starting point is 00:45:14 But then if I stand up and it doesn't hurt, I'm like, whoa, that didn't even hurt. And that's kind of what happens is like a lot of these things where you're normally going to brace because you think you're going to have pain and you won't have pain in those situations. And you actually just keep getting better and better. So to me, that's really interesting if you could reset pain receptors. However, I don't know if it's true or not yet. We have to do the research. We have to dive in. Is that safe, though?
Starting point is 00:45:37 Because like pain, like it sends a signal for a reason, right? Like if we just got like, what's the shot that they do in football um ah what it just like numbs every zone if we just like gave you a cortisone shot every single time and then what happens like it i'm talking about resetting your pain receptors so that they don't they don't recognize the previous trauma but it'll recognize future trauma do you know what I mean? Okay. Yeah. Like you're resetting the receptors. So like, okay, so say your knee hurts right now and I go, boom, wave the magic wand, your receptors are reset. When you go to stand up, well,
Starting point is 00:46:14 you're not going to go to brace your knee because it's not going to hurt. You're just going to stand up, right? Okay. I see what you're saying now. Yeah. But then if you go in and you smash your knee in the gym, then you're going to feel that and you're going to continue to feel from then on. Okay. But then each time you do the iboga, you're resetting feel that and you're going to continue to feel from that on. But then each time you do the iboga, you're resetting the pain receptors. Now, like I said, I don't know how much this is told to me by a shaman that uses this, hasn't been something that I've vetted out scientifically. And so I'm working on looking into it more scientifically. If people are interested in ibogaine or iboga, there is a really interesting vice documentary.
Starting point is 00:46:44 It's on YouTube for free. It's like an hour long and it shows people going through this iboga ritual but they mainly talk about it for getting off opioids well i mean you're already calling it iboga so i think you're already you're you're in you're in the inner circle yeah yeah exactly well iboga is the shrub or the bush right it's called iboga and then ibogaine is the actual drug name of it, I guess. Pretty rare to find bushes these days. They shave them all off, I know. They got rid of all of them. They disappeared.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I'm trying to think of, like, I guess, like, my kids, I haven't really heard them talk about any sort of weird pain. But, like, my wife's in pain. I'm in pain. Like, I think everyone's got a little something but i guess it maybe just depends on the degree i think it's different when it comes to walking i think like mobility like so my feet really hurt right now just standing here they kill my knees kill standing here it it sucks to stand here like i don't want to be my back hurts i don't want to be standing here i'd rather be sitting down right so like that's what i'm talking about it's like 90 of the time you'd
Starting point is 00:47:47 rather be sitting down that pain kind of sucks because it just makes you a sitting down loser you know yeah it's a chronic pain that you have to kind of uh fight against all the time what if like just training lighter what if something would help would you try to do it for a while like would you give it like like, I don't know. Like, I just, I see you work out all the time, and I'm seeing you, like, doing some of these heavy weights, and I'm just like, why, like, why? Just why?
Starting point is 00:48:12 I know why. I understand why. I don't think that's what's doing anything, though. I, like, I guess because I do that, and I feel fine when I do it. I feel like I just have, like i i just have pain like for example my shoulder pain has nothing to do with me deadlifting or squatting anything any amount of that i bench that i squat or deadlift why would that affect my shoulder the point where i can't
Starting point is 00:48:35 lift it up over my head right but your shoulders hurt for a decade or so and you injured it or something right towards five or six years or something like that and some but uh but uh yeah and and so it it kills you know and i can't do things with my upper body um but then the things that i do with my lower body like squat and deadlift and stuff like that um my my knee hurts so uh my knee will hurt sometimes really bad and when i go and squat and deadlift it actually starts feeling better. So I don't know. I mean, I don't know what to do. Didn't you tweak your knee doing a deadlift or no?
Starting point is 00:49:12 Or was it already hurt? Well, it's always hurt. And then I tweaked it more doing a heavy deadlift, yes. I think you can get hurt lifting, obviously. Do you think some of it has to do with just like surgeries? Like you had surgery on your knees when you were young, and maybe that has kind of always set everything off a little bit maybe that's where a lot of the pain like do you think you needed surgery when you were i don't know teenager or whatever it was probably not but i don't think that surgery did much it was just
Starting point is 00:49:38 an arthroscopic knee surgery i just think i haven't found good doctors that have any clue what's going on with me like pain wise i just right i've never found anybody that's like said, you know what, this is what's going on with you. Like nobody ever knows. It's always up in the air, you know. It's always a guess. Doctors are always like, oh, you tweaked something. You're like, yeah, I know that. That's why I'm here.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah. I came to that conclusion too. But I think the kind of pain that I'm in, like the fact that my shoulder hurts but it doesn't heal, I think there's a bigger, there's bigger problems going problems going on you know and i don't know what they are yeah i mean i would i would definitely agree with that i think that you know when you tear something though it's not gonna you know it definitely won't grow back and you know some of the stuff with like stem cells and some of the stuff like i've had stuff like that done and it doesn't i don't think it does. I don't think there's any hope
Starting point is 00:50:25 when it comes to a lot of these things. I think what we mentioned earlier. Literally no scientific evidence that stem cells work at all. There's none, there's zero. Like they work, there's a couple things that they work for and that they're approved for.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I forget even what it's approved for, like one thing and then it just does not work for anything else. Like CBD, it works for one thing. It works for seizures in children. It doesn't do anything for pain. It doesn't do anything for anxiety, anything for depression, not that a study says, not that can be proven by science.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Would you maybe say that like a painkiller is just like a huge distraction in some weird way, like someone's depressed, and then you're like, hey, dude, here's $2,000. Yeah. You know, do you think it's kind of like that? In a way. It's like a temporary, you're like, hey, dude, here's 2000 bucks. Yeah. You know, do you think it's kind of like that? In a way. It's like a temporary like, oh, cool. And then the next day you're back to being fucking depressed.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I'd even say something like Kratom is like that too. Yeah. Because even though it's natural, it's just distracting you from the pain. It's not actually healing the pain. Some painkillers are probably fairly natural too, right? I don't know anything about it. No, not really. I mean, aspirin is made from, right? I don't know anything about it. No, not really. I mean, aspirin is made from like white willow bark and that's about it.
Starting point is 00:51:29 And then everything else is going to be pretty much synthetic. But I think that, what was the question? Just, you know, like it is, you know, a painkiller, maybe just like a distraction. Yeah, I think totally it's just bringing you further away from the pain but the pain is still going to be there unless you do something to fix it the problem is i don't know what to do to fix it yet and i just haven't figured that out yet um so crypto guns asks if you've tried a trigger point specialist but like yeah a million of them you're okay so i was gonna ask what, what kind of like, yeah. Body work.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Have you gotten done? Yeah. Literally pretty much everything. Yeah. And I go to quite a bit. I go to a guy now that does like ART and different, you know, kind of all those different kinds of things. So I've been, I've been to all of that stuff, you know, none of that's really helped.
Starting point is 00:52:23 The things that really help are just practical, easy things like sitting in a hot tub helps, you know um none of that's really helped the things that really help are just practical easy things like sitting in a hot tub helps you know stuff like that that those are things that really tend to move the needle because they relax you yeah you're just chilling yeah it's like well you're in pain you go sit in a hot tub it gets better kratom really helps for the time being right it gets you out of the pain and then you know you can continue to do whatever but i what i like to tend to do is like take kratom and then warm up and start doing a workout and then my whole body will feel good for a while you know after i do yeah i i love mind bullet but i haven't really noticed any um alleviation and pain from it though you have to take a lot of it that i
Starting point is 00:53:01 think that's you know i take six to eight capsules at least at a time so i've never felt anything for pain relief with two capsules either because i've never taken that little yeah i only take like three but that's just to get work done so yeah that makes a lot of sense it's hard because like we can't give out dosing information we can't tell people like what to take or what you know whatever but um in my experience yeah we just say take one or two of them yeah because that's what you have to say but in my experience with kratom you take you take a good amount of it and it really helps with pain you know especially if you have you know some severe pain going on you know um have you uh like messed around with like um like uh i don't know say do doing like three to
Starting point is 00:53:42 five things for yourself each day towards being in less pain, you know, like trying to lift a certain way, trying to stretch. You see a lot of people kind of like foam rolling and doing some stretching. It's really frustrating because when you're in pain, there's not a lot that you can do that's comfortable that gets you out of pain that doesn't suck really bad to do so it's like well what you know what is it that'll make you feel out of pain you know and um some things are simple that you can do like even just um like when i wake up my back is so stiff and if i just sit propped up against a wall for like five minutes, that doesn't, that does insane things to fix the amount of pain, like just sitting up against a wall with my back straight. But how many times, like, but that's kind of a pain in the ass and not something you
Starting point is 00:54:34 often do. So a lot of times, like I forget to do these things that are really easy that can get you out of pain. Right. And I think that I need to start, I need to remember, uh, to do some of them because some of them are really easy just like that, like sitting up against a wall or doing something like that but i kind of like try all day to get out of pain like i i try different things all the time to try to alleviate pain they nothing really works all that well you know yeah and well it's hard when you're in pain
Starting point is 00:55:04 because it's hard to get momentum well you just don't feel it you don't feel like doing anything i think that's something that people need to recognize i would have came in here and did like you know you see like sully and some of those guys warm up or the way like filipino thunder used to warm up you know he would roll and fucking do all this stuff all day and it's it's pain in the ass and it sucks but do you have any hope that some of those things uh would assist like a lot of athletes do like i don't do it because i don't fucking care i just like want i just want to work out um but i probably should it's probably still be in my best interest i'd probably still be in less pain and i'd probably still be i'd probably be a little bit more mobile if i just came in and rolled around and moved
Starting point is 00:55:38 around and stuff yeah just you know did like i don't know like you see people they take like a step and then they grab their knee and they fucking pick it up. And just you'll see Sully sometimes he's up against the wall and he's got his like feet up and he's getting like his hamstring. His hamstrings are like stretching or Smokey will lay down with a band. This is going to sound so messed up. But Luke Hawks came in here the other day and he said, I never see you warm up. You just go one plate, two plates, three plates, four plates, five plates, and then you leave. And he said, I never see you warm up.
Starting point is 00:56:04 You just go one plate, two plates, three plates, four plates, five plates, and then you leave. And I said, I know because if I do this stuff, like if I come in here an hour early and I come in here to roll around for an hour, I'm exhausted after an hour and I need to go home. But what if that's the answer though? Well, then that's, that would be, then I wouldn't be in, I don't think I'd be in good shape, but I think that. Well, if it's exhausting, maybe you would be. I'm just saying like, I'm, I'm, I'm in pain from doing like, I can't be on when I'm on my feet for a long time, I'm in pain. So for me, if I come in and I kind of bounce, you know, it's like bounce around for an hour and do these things.
Starting point is 00:56:39 I just won't feel like lifting anything after an hour. I'll be like, well, I'm, I'm kind of spent, I'm done, you know? And so, I don't know. I like to lift spent i'm done you know and so i don't know i like to lift so i come in and lift i don't know maybe maybe it's part of my meathead mentality and i'm stuck in it you know yeah maybe after that you know that solid warm-up you will look at 225 or 315 on the squad and be like you know like yeah that will you know that's my limit for today and you maybe maybe just you know what i mean by it doesn't excite me though just maybe on that day when you're like you know what i did a lot of shit for my body and now i'm gonna go still crush some weight that not everybody can do
Starting point is 00:57:15 don't care what your little brother can squat that day don't care what whoever else is in the gym that day but like yeah what if like mark said like what if that is yeah it's a baby step right you're probably not going to feel a difference if you did that for the next like three months but then eventually maybe it's a little bit like trying to get somebody momentum with their food you know like they it's a lot of work like we all know it's a lot of work it's a lot of work for for little to no reward and what if you do it for a month and you get no reward like what if you tried the carnivore diet and you didn't lose one pound i think a lot of people experience you're gonna fucking give up they're gonna add and they go
Starting point is 00:57:53 off i tried the keto diet like the bells said or i tried the carnivore diet like they said and i didn't lose anything and you're like fuck man i i don't i didn't learn nothing i didn't make any more progress i'm not any further ahead and it uh it pisses you off you know like i'm not doing anything to help my reading issues you know i'm not reading you know and it's just like i have i will i do you know on occasion but could i make that part of my you know daily routine to where i bring that up a little bit and maybe maybe it would assist me. Maybe it would make me happier. Maybe it would make me smarter.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Maybe it'd make me stronger. Maybe it would help me with relationships. Maybe it would help me with all kinds of stuff. Is there, is there, it's like, I don't want to fucking read. Why do you think you don't do it? Cause you don't, cause I'm not good at it. It doesn't excite you. It's not the same reason why I don't stretch.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I'm not good at it. You know, it doesn't, you know, Jeff, it's like jeff you know that that worked here he's gonna stretch all day because he can be like hey check this out and check this out hey did i show you guys this hey what about this quit showing off right and uh you know so it's it it is it's very difficult to gain momentum towards the things that you're not uh pumped about mark cuban talks about it and he says like you know people try to talk about uh doing things you're about it and he says like, you know, people try to talk about doing things you're passionate about. And he's like, he's like, I don't think you should worry about really what you're passionate about. I think you should do shit that, that you love,
Starting point is 00:59:14 you know, the things that you love to do and things you like to do. He's like, that's probably where you're, the things that you like to do is probably already where you're spending your time. So it's easier to turn that into a thing not necessarily monetary every time but it's easier to turn that into a thing you were into some technical aspects uh videography taking pictures you were into music rap audio and it's like what connects on there it's like this connected like 75 different ways right it's like boom just smashed all together. Yeah, but when it comes to reading and your abilities or whatever, lack of, I guess we'll say. But is there any—
Starting point is 00:59:53 Well, now I can't see, which is perfect. Yeah, that helps. But is there anything preventing you from getting better at it? No, just not practicing it enough. from getting better at it. No, just not practicing it enough. Yeah, so the first time that I seen you in person, you know, doing your speech,
Starting point is 01:00:13 and you said something that like totally clicked in my head that no one ever had said before. Nobody ever told me that it was possible, but you're like, everybody possesses the ability to get stronger. No one had ever, I mean, obviously you're talking to a crowd, but nobody ever told me something like that. And, you know, I posted this on our Instagram the other day. Like, yeah, you right now, everybody listening right now, you have the ability to get stronger. And it's not just in the gym.
Starting point is 01:00:33 But so that's why I'm saying, you know, like there's nothing that's stopping you right now from becoming better at reading. Right. Right. No, absolutely. So in any aspect. And you take ownership of it. Yeah. No, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:00:42 So in any aspect. And you take ownership of it, you know? And then, like, you know, like, I don't know, like, you try to think about, like, I probably don't even know what it could possibly do for me. You know what I mean? There's probably some things that it could do for me that I would agree with everybody and say that actually would be super cool. But I'm not into reading enough to even get momentum to the point of like enjoying it but i also admittedly don't ever try it enough and it could be similar with like you know mobility work could be similar with somebody for diet where they're like i've tried everything you're like no no no you haven't really tried everything because if you tried everything, you wouldn't be fat anymore. If you tried everything, you would be able to read better. If you like, have you ever tried to not eat for a week? Like, I know it sounds irrational, but have you ever tried it? You ever tried to not eat anything for one week? And if you tried that and you still didn't lose any weight, then maybe you have tried everything. But that would be really rare. I think people have to take ownership of it and say,
Starting point is 01:01:48 you know what, these are things that, you know, I would like to improve upon these things. How do I improve upon these things? Okay, can I afford to do two or three things for this every day, even if I fucking hate it? Yeah, I think- That makes it hard. Yeah, and so I think like for me,
Starting point is 01:02:04 like a physical book is like, you know, the stretching, the warm up and then the audio book is just going in and going heavy. Which one do I gravitate towards right away? Right. So I think that's kind of like what you're saying, right, Boer? Like, why am I going to waste all this time to be bad at something when I can just go jump to the thing that I'm already thriving in. Yeah, I already like it. I'm already good at it. Yeah. And it's also like really the work, like the hard work. The hard work isn't the one-plate, two-plate warm-up. The hard work is the five-plate. So I want to get right there, do that, and then I'm done. Mentally, it's taxing as hell, though. What is? Putting on the one-plate and then going for like 25 reps.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That kills. Yeah, you don't want to do it. You don't want to. what is putting on the one plate and then going for like 25 reps oh yeah oh yeah that kills yeah you don't want to do it you don't want to yeah so it's just a different type of work i remember seeing matt vincent you know years ago like just he would show all his warm-ups and show all the shit that he did and you know he's a two-time highland games champion and stuff like that and i was always like man like that guy just he just deserves that. You know, he deserves he deserves to fucking win those championships because like I would never do any of that shit. Like I don't mind loading up a bunch of weight. I don't mind sticking needles in my arm. I don't mind eating whatever I need to eat.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And while I say that I'll do any and everything to get better, I'm a liar. You know, I'm not I'm a hundred percent committed to any one thing. I do like to commit myself on certain things and hone in and focus and try to be as successful as I feel is like reasonable. But once it starts to become too unreasonable, then I'm like, I'm not doing that. Yeah. Well, it makes it hard, right? Like if you don't want to do something, it becomes impossible, literally impossible. Right. And again, Like if you don't want to do something, it becomes impossible. Right. Literally impossible. Right. And again, like if you're trying to get momentum towards something, then you just got to figure out like what is something that you could do?
Starting point is 01:03:53 Maybe for some, and that's why I always promote walking. It's like maybe you can get movement with some walking. laid out to us before and as keto gains has laid out to us before on this podcast it's when you're that heavy and you're in tons of pain and it's a thing to get up when you're 500 pounds then it's just going to be it's it's just going to be insurmountable you're gonna be like fuck that i'm not doing that shit but i'd still think that you've got to figure out a way to do it you know and i don't know i don't always know how i don't have all the answers on how you can do it but if you can find something to get your momentum in that direction it could be your food it could be your sleep it could be your exercise it could be some find some activity or something that you can grab a hold of and it might
Starting point is 01:04:41 not be very welcoming either right like there Like there'll be some resistance to it. It might suck. It most likely will suck. Yeah. Going to go see a movie? Going to go see Fantastic Fungi. Oh my God. Did you get tickets already?
Starting point is 01:04:56 Yeah, I got tickets. You want to go? There you go. Yeah, I think so. It's at six o'clock. Oh my God. I'm going to go with Sheldon. Yeah, we should get out of here and eat some food.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Jake's always asking a lot of questions about that. So be good to get high with him and bring him to that. Let's take him to that. He can't say that on air. He would love it. I think I can. You know what though? Honestly.
Starting point is 01:05:15 No, I think it's fine. Honestly, like what a smart. Education's smart. What a smart thing. Like as a father, your son has just turned 16. And now he's getting into the point where he will deal with mental health issues and all the things that come with being a teenager and growing up and all that right so like what if you do see this movie and say you know what that would actually be okay
Starting point is 01:05:34 for my son to do if he ever needs it right like just to know about it and be educated about it i think is it's a really smart move and i think yeah more people need to educate like so while some people might go that's crazy you couldn't you know does does joe rogan use you know some of these things like do people admire and look up to joe rogan we know joe rogan a little bit we don't know him that well but does he seem like a really good dude yeah does he seem like he cares about humanity and cares about other people kyle kingsbury's like one of our favorite people. Does he live a different life than we do? Yeah, sure he does. He's also always happy.
Starting point is 01:06:09 He's, yeah. Well, and he's a former fucking cage fighter who's had like a, you know, he has had a difficult life, you know, but he is, you're right. He's happy. He's excited about every day. And we know people that Aubrey Marcus, right? I mean, we know people that aubrey marcus right i mean we know people that i'm not promoting the products either but like i i never think of them as a big deal i actually
Starting point is 01:06:32 think that you know some of the best music some of the best art some of the best things that this country's ever had have come from people being high or drunk you know who knows like the united states constitution and all the great rules and laws that were uh amended in that you know hundreds of years ago which they haven't fucking changed hardly any of them since that point those guys were probably loaded those guys probably drinking you know those guys probably doing something makes a lot of sense that animals are our food and plants are our medicine if you look at these plant medicines and all the things that they're doing to help people, it's incredible. Stacks up. Where can people find you, Andrew? You guys can hit me up on Instagram. I'm trying to get active again. I've been focused on the
Starting point is 01:07:16 podcast so much that I just haven't posted anything, but it's at IamAndrewZ, but please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project. That's on Instagram. And then one thing really, really quick. We asked you guys to help us out with ratings and reviews on iTunes. You guys have responded. Somebody I want to give a quick shout out to is Tomcat81. He says, love this show.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Quote, kind of love and hate this show. Oh, wait a second. Just kidding. I always used to jam out to music on the commute to and from work. Now I'm addicted, learning a lot about stuff I never knew. I get to listen to some crazy poop stories. On a serious note, this show has taught me some things that I utilize not only in fitness, but in life too. Tomcat81, thank you so much. If you guys listening right now, if you want to hear your name and your review read on air,
Starting point is 01:08:06 go to iTunes right now, drop us a rating and review, and you could hear your name on air just like Tomcat 81. Christopher Bell, if somebody wants to get in touch with you, how can they do so? I'm on Instagram, at BigStrongFast, and people can just hit me up there. There you go. Twitter.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Actually, people didn't see this image that you had sent me, Mark. I'm going to post this up. Tail the tape. Oh, my gosh. Oh, yeah. Who do you guys got? You never said. Transima all the way, especially if it's not drug tested.
Starting point is 01:08:36 What round, bro? I haven't even watched it. Do they have it? I don't have any idea. The only jiu-jitsu that i know of is just like what happens in the ufc and even then i just have to pay attention to what rogan's saying i'm gonna go with uh chad wesley smith on this one and i'm just never gonna come here again yeah that's what would happen right i'm kidding i'm kidding and sema every time you see and see me
Starting point is 01:09:00 you just kind of walk the other way i'm just messing with him uh real quick and sema actually did text me he said uh He sent me a link. I didn't double check it, but about Tom Segura going full carnivore as well now too. Sick. Oh, yeah. So Tom Segura is going full carnivore and he had massive, massive diarrhea. And he texted Joe Rogan and said, this diarrhea is amazing. He was like, astounding, he said.
Starting point is 01:09:24 You know what what though? I actually, I actually think that, and well, and they wanted to come up with a new name for it. Dr. Baker put up a contest and somebody came up with Carneria, which I thought was the,
Starting point is 01:09:33 that was like the first comment. I thought Carneria is a great name. Whoever came up with that, that's a great one. It kind of sounds like a Mexican recipe. Yeah. Carneria by Andrew. Carneria.
Starting point is 01:09:45 I'll take it. The, you know, I actually, like I experienced that like a Mexican recipe. Yeah, Carnaria by Andrew Zaragoza. Carnia. Carnaria. I'll take it. The, you know, I actually, like, I experienced that, like, a couple times doing a carnivore diet, and I actually, it's gross, but, like, I actually felt like it was, like, helpful. It blows it out. It blows everything out. I mean, people, like, people take dieters tea, right, to, like, help blow it out, and that, like, makes you have crazy crazy diarrhea so i you know it's inconvenient it's not fun you can't trust a fart for a little
Starting point is 01:10:10 while but it usually goes away pretty quickly i also find if people avoid coffee and cream and mct oil and things like that in their transition it can really help a lot yeah it really helps and avoid cheese anything that anything that you can blow, don't eat it with your meat. Just eat red meat and water. Be really strict on that. I think that helps a lot. Also, too, out of nowhere, eating 300 grams of protein when you're used to only eating like 100 is a huge change. And then eating tons of fat out of nowhere is a really good way in is kind of fast yourself in or eat like one or two meals. Like eat a little bit less a day when you're first diving in so you don't have such massive diarrhea. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:52 And then also just a little bit of some more information on like a carnivore style diet. You're eating whatever meats that you want. That could include everything from bacon to sausage to chicken to whatever. People make a big deal about eating chicken. I don't think it fucking matters. Eat whatever meat that you want. Get comfortable with the food. Get used to it.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Don't worry about fasting if you're just starting out on the diet. It's always something you can adjust to later. You got eggs, you got bone broth, you got butter. Again, if you're just starting it, maybe it's not a great idea to introduce a crazy, crazy amount of fat. So take your time with it and get used to it. And then I hear people saying like, oh man, my energy, like I didn't have enough to get through a workout.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Well, just eat more. You know, people, when they get on a diet, they're always, they're always trying to eat a lot less and they're weighing shit and they're trying to be methodical with it and they're just not eating enough. If you're only eating once or twice a day and you're not used to dieting and they're weighing shit and they're trying to be methodical with it and they're just not eating enough. If you're only eating once or twice a day and you're not used to dieting and you're only eating a little bit of meat, like that ain't going to work. You got to really get in a lot of food. Make sure you're getting in some salt. You can just salt your foods if you want. You can take it a step further and throw some salt in some of your water and stuff like that. If you want to
Starting point is 01:12:03 take it a step further, you can go to and you can check out all the great products they have on that website, including they have a, they have a electrolyte capsule that you can take and take a couple of those every day. And that can help you have a sodium, potassium, shit like that is in there. But, you know, again, it's, if you're feeling like exhausted and you're feeling messed up, a lot of times it's your sleep. A lot of times it's your training and it's not always necessarily your diet. And also like, if you have like headaches or some of these weird things that people experience, it's usually just an adjustment away from the carbohydrates more so
Starting point is 01:12:41 than it is an adjustment with the meat. Day number 38, World Carnivore Month or World Carnivore, Carnivore 100. I've been, you know, kind of made a new challenge to a lot of people. A lot of people have been following along with that. Really appreciate it. You can go to my Facebook page and you can check out some stuff over there. Mark Bell's Carnivore Challenge. You can also check out if you want to follow along for the way that I'm lifting and the way that I'm living and the way that I'm lifting and doing nutrition and all that shit. You can go over there and check all that out.
Starting point is 01:13:11 In addition to that, you can check out my Instagram, which is at MarksMillieBell, and I'm putting up a vlog every single day on my YouTube channel. It is a giant pain in the dick, but I'm getting it out there for you guys. Hopefully you're enjoying it. We're seeing more and more views all the time so that is much appreciated strength is never a weakness weakness never strength catch y'all later bye

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