Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 329 - Our Reaction to Paul Saladino on The Doctors TV Show

Episode Date: February 14, 2020

Hey Power Project, it's been a hot minute since it was just the crew. We've had great guest after great guest, we decided to sneak in a two-a-day and record again after our John Meadows interview. Tod...ay we're giving you updates on current events in our lives, but more specifically our thoughts on how Paul Saladino was basically attacked on The Doctors. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10" at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo Mark, how do you like to cook your steak, man? I like my steak medium rare. I'm a juicy guy myself, like a little medium rare too. Yeah, I gotta be careful. I have to cook my steak a little bit more towards the medium, but I'm more of a, yeah, I'm more on that end. But now guys, imagine if you could have an amazing steak
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Starting point is 00:00:51 up but loading there we go it is uplifting it has so we're on on i believe it has been uplifted yes we are now on we're on what test you deca and same as my coach so stop saying that because people are really gonna be like they're gonna start giving you drugs all right my bad well no not only that but they're gonna probably start dming you like hey dude like i saw andrew's photo shoot and he did pretty good can you tell me what cycle you put them on the internet never fails hey for this uh oh go ahead dude um you're you know the the thumbnail for the internet is that so upsetting you know yeah they literally thought like oh mark's looking really old like i saw those comments do you see that they thought that was real even even on instagram when i'm like hey i don't know what's going on with the youtube community but like they
Starting point is 00:01:44 can't understand the irony between saying what what are the long-term effects of the carnivore diet and this picture of an aged Mark Bell. And then in those comments, people are like, dude, you look old, bro. It's like, ugh. I don't know. The internet is undefeated. However, sometimes some people slip through somebody said the other day like on my youtube and they're like like you look like shit man you shouldn't be promoting that diet and i i just wrote back and i was like well i don't know what
Starting point is 00:02:15 you're seeing but you know i'm not like if you're pointing the fact that i don't look young i'm i'm not young you know like it's i don't know, people like they think they're going to like hurt your feelings by saying certain things. I'm just like, you know, it just is what it is. Like I might have some wrinkles and stuff. I'm 43. I think it's pretty normal. Have a little salt and pepper in your beard. I think it's fairly normal.
Starting point is 00:02:36 You know, I don't have the genetics of the rock and I can admit that and that's okay. But it's not a big deal. that and that's okay but it's not a big deal uh so your brother and so chris bell and um michael hearn posted a picture this morning and it's just they're just that golds but thinking about that and then i don't know if you guys watch the the halftime show of the super bowl some of it yeah okay so shakira shakira's 43 j-lo's 50 and they look they're they're it I mean speechless right and then fast move over to Chris and Mike you know and you too Mark like you guys are aging the wrong way like you guys are going backwards going against the grain yeah every time you guys post a new picture it's like shit man like you guys are looking younger you know like so that i feel
Starting point is 00:03:26 like that i definitely feel like yeah and so like that that motivates the hell out of me and i was telling um my fiance stephanie i'm like dude we're like you know over 10 years away from being 50 year olds you know like we got hella time to train and eat right like i can't wait to see what we do you know with more like knowledge education and training you know like it's it's exciting so anyways yeah that was funny dude i couldn't believe how many people were like wow like mark you look terrible in this picture like you photoshop me well it was and that's the other thing like this is how fast like social media moves. Okay. I think this was last year when the Russians were collecting data from everybody with this face app. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Everybody was using this face app and posting pictures. Right. Fast forward a couple months later and everyone. I forgot about it. Totally forgot about it. And all I did was take a screenshot for Mark's Instagram and use that as a thumbnail. And people were still just like, I'm not sure, like I'm being serious.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Is that Photoshopped? And then one guy was nice. He was like, dude, that just goes to show how good your Photoshop skills are. And I'm like, I can't take credit for it because I didn't even do that. Yeah, the face app. I just stole the picture.
Starting point is 00:04:41 That app does a great job. But yeah, I just can't believe people really thought that was real like oh the carnivore diet that makes you old i guess you'd call this like our current events uh episode because we're going to go over a couple things but did you see that uh kid jamal pull that 971 yes i did and it was fast what i don't understand i mean he's been he's been a very good lifter for a while i've seen i've been paying attention to him but um i know he's had little issues with his grip which is understandable when you're lifting nearly a thousand pounds he didn't have any trouble holding on to that one no no and the crazy thing again man it didn't slow down from
Starting point is 00:05:18 start to lockout i don't know if we're going to show it here but you know faster like midway through yeah you know he could have done more. My bad. That's okay. I forgot how to volume up. Yeah, yeah. I guess when you're rolling the dice on these big weights like this, I would imagine he didn't do this in training.
Starting point is 00:05:34 He probably maybe hit a 950 maybe a few months ago, and so he doesn't really know where he's at. That's kind of the mystery of powerlifting sometimes. You go out on the platform, and hopefully you perform like five or sometimes 10% better than you did in training. Look great. Nine 71.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Pop right there. Great lockout. Everything, man. That was just, you know, he could have gotten like 12 more pounds if you pushed it. You know what?
Starting point is 00:06:01 No one's done a thousand pounds sumo deadlift in a competition yet. That why you know so that could be he could definitely in the running for the first uh thousand pound pull and then also uh no one's deadlifted a thousand in a contest that hasn't weighed you know above 300 pounds i think this guy's like 250 or 240 right yeah jamal's around 240 something i think um do you know what the because i think kaylor held the record before this right do you know what his weight was or no i think yuri belkin had it because this is i think this is a 242 weight class and uh you're right though i think kaylor did have it and i think yuri beat it beat it and then you know they go back and forth but then uh dr deadlift still has that 220 record i think in about a year and a half we'll be wondering
Starting point is 00:06:48 who's going to be the first to get like 10 20 something or 10 to 30 something it's just depending on which one of these three gets the thousand first somebody might deadlift 1100 pounds in a powerlifting meet you know like eddie hall did it you and he, and there hasn't been anybody really remotely close to him yet as world records go. You know, uh, Eddie Hall, by the way, uh, he started a YouTube channel and I don't think he started it too long ago, maybe five or six months ago. And he has a, an amazing interview. Anyone that's interested in strength, anyone that finds it fascinating, um um to see someone like break a world record or do something that no one's ever done before you got to check out his youtube channel because he has a really good in-depth explanation of like how that day went and how everything went
Starting point is 00:07:35 leading up to it the previous record how he beat it his health afterwards like he was he was concussed he was like bleeding out of his eyes he couldn't see uh he he goes through this whole thing and tells you like he's like i couldn't it's like i couldn't i was blind for a little while and he didn't know if he's gonna get like his sight back and i mean it was just some wild wild stuff happened yeah and he was like you know i was willing to go there i was willing to push to that point but then when I got to that point, I was like, you know, whoa. Like maybe that wasn't, you know, what I, you know, what I wanted to do. But he also mentioned like he doesn't think the record is going to be broken anytime soon just because of like where he had to go to.
Starting point is 00:08:19 It's like I don't know if anybody else is willing to do that. He talks about, you know, you guys have heard of this before, like your adrenaline, you know, your adrenaline kicks in, your kid gets trapped underneath something. And you hear this all the time about moms, you know, saving their kid and stuff. But how does their average person or not even average person in this case, how does Eddie Hall, how does he tap into that? They actually say that like, I think untrained people can maybe tap into like 40 or 50% of their muscle. Um, I don't know how they get this data and I don't even know if I have it correct, but this is kind of some stuff that Eddie Hall said during his interview. And then I think in a trained person, it's not that much more, it's like 60,
Starting point is 00:09:01 70%. And you may have heard some of the same things about the brain where they think you don't have access to like 30 of it but then there's like gold medalists and there's geniuses and stuff and they have much more access than your average person but when it comes to somebody who gets that adrenaline rush you know they're they're exponentially going up into that 90 range maybe 100 range and they have access to everything yeah and so he said for himself he had to get to that point before he lifted i gotta get himself that emotionally like you know wired and stuff and he thinks that that's why because he didn't he didn't think he was gonna be able to do it he legitimately like he lifted a few weeks earlier and he pulled
Starting point is 00:09:43 a weight that was kind of close to it but but it wasn't even the 1100 pounds. And he got it to like mid shin. Yeah. And then he was like, oh, man, I really screwed up because I told everybody I'm going to do this. Am I getting it wrong? I think I heard from Jessica that he worked with somebody. You mentioned. That's 100% right.
Starting point is 00:10:00 So like, yeah, to get him like to imagine his children were like in danger or something right and then that's that's what he like i guess brought up in himself every time he would go for a pull like that so he knew what it was like so that when he did that 1100 that's what kind of triggered for him yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's yeah and he said it was tricky to like try to get that emotion out and to try to do it on that one specific day. And it's not something you can really like train. You can't really – I mean you can talk to somebody about it, about what you're going to do. But you can't really put it into practice because it's like it's too over the top.
Starting point is 00:10:37 If you did it in jujitsu, you would like break someone's arm. Oh, no. You'd be like, oh, dude, sorry. I thought somebody was trying to attack my family. You'd snap somebody up. And it takes energy to do that. After doing something like that, you feel so fatigued. Just like it's not like I'm saying I did this at all close to Eddie Hall.
Starting point is 00:10:56 But earlier in my lifting days, I guess, I would try to get myself angry or really just like hyped up. And that would make me so tired afterwards so i can't imagine like you even mentioned his eyes were bleeding he was just probably so mentally taxed for weeks do you know if he did anything um anything notable in terms of strongman after that 1100 pool or was that like the last big thing he did he won the world's strongest man well yeah oh that was after that competition yeah oh okay yeah well damn okay yeah yeah yeah i it may have you know what i think that's accurate i think he did i think he did afterwards okay can't remember the sequencing but he does talk about it in the
Starting point is 00:11:38 interview um yeah but just you know i think so he still kind of competes he'll still do stuff but he just doesn't compete on that same level yeah so he doesn't have to, you know, I think, so he still kind of competes. He'll still do stuff, but he just doesn't compete on that same level. Yeah. So he doesn't have to like, you know, put himself through all that shit. But anyway, Eddie Hall is awesome.
Starting point is 00:11:51 And if you guys aren't following him, please go over to his YouTube channel and check it out. Um, he, an amazing personality on top of everything else. Um, what about Steffi Cohen? What is going on with her?
Starting point is 00:12:01 Well, it was close to four times body weight. Yeah. So she did a squat with 4... 442? Yeah, 446 pounds. 446. Weighing a buck 14. Why would somebody
Starting point is 00:12:14 only weigh 114 pounds, by the way? That's weird. Jeez, man. She's going to have a four times body weight squat. Yeah, that's a nice looking squat. Yeah. I didn't see any of the comments i wonder how many people are like it's not low enough or something but she looks great too you know she she's she's jacked um but like to me i i don't like it you know we're around some
Starting point is 00:12:38 other females that are jacked sometimes we have in colleen here and brooke ens and you know some of these uh people like that and steffi you know is right is right there with them but like that's a fucking awesome spot she crushed it it was actually looked pretty easy yeah um i mean i i don't think she looks like freaky i think she looks great i think she looks pretty freaky like not when i say freaky i don't mean like freaky in a bad way but she is a ball of muscle oh no she's she's all muscle but like all muscle you know she doesn't really i guess she could compete in some like bodybuilding but she doesn't look like a bodybuilder to me she doesn't have so much uh you know such an overgrowth of like muscle mass you know um especially like
Starting point is 00:13:20 through the arms and shoulders but she is jacked yeah But maybe that's why the, her bench isn't, you know, on par with her squat and her deadlift. I wonder how, like if she, cause obviously she cuts for this, but I wonder if she's careful about how much muscle she does gain just because like,
Starting point is 00:13:36 I feel like she could gain more muscle if she really wanted to, but maybe like that, maybe it'd be more difficult to try and maintain that one 14 weigh in if she tried to do that, but it's just crazy. Cause like, she's breaking her own records one after the other, after the other,
Starting point is 00:13:50 no one is, no one is tailing her, man. You know, I think we, I wasn't, did we, we didn't do an interview with hers or I don't know if we did,
Starting point is 00:13:58 but I remember like asking one of our guests who did, who's doing something like that. I don't know if, um, how they feel having no one chasing them, how like they have to motivate themselves to do it. It wasn't stuffy, but she's in the same boat.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Some other people like that. Yeah. You're like, yeah, just why, why do you still even care? You're killing everybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:18 You know, that's, that's, that's crazy. So I went down to this, uh, CrossFit shindig down in Santa Cruz. I got to go to a CrossFit HQ. That was in Santa Cruz. I got to go to CrossFit HQ.
Starting point is 00:14:25 That was really cool. Got to go to Greg Glassman's house. That was really cool. And just food everywhere. It was great. By the way, Greg Glassman, is he the CEO? He's the CEO creator of, everyone just calls him Coach. And everyone just calls him Coach within the CrossFit community.
Starting point is 00:14:41 The story goes, and you can kind of look this up online and get something a lot more accurate but the story i heard was there was a guy in the santa cruz area i think that's where he was living at the time um training people and making people throw up and somebody like yourself would go it's already in really good shape and you'd come to me and be like dude like you got to train with this guy like this workout these workouts are freaky man i can't even hang and then someone stupid like myself would be like yeah bro let's go and then i would throw up and then i would tell somebody else but that's that's where the crossfit like puking clown comes from i don't know if you've ever seen the clown it's like throwing up it's like a cross famous crossfit like image i haven't and uh when i first saw crossfit when i first like kind of um i guess, was introduced to it,
Starting point is 00:15:27 I was seeing workouts online where people were throwing up. And I was like, this is fucking, I was like, I, you know, I was a trainer at the time. I knew everything, right? So I was like, I can make people throw up. I mean, like, it's fucking easy. You know, all we got to do is like some high rep squats, you know? Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 There's the old puking clown. And then there was some like police officers and other people that wanted to – former military. They would hear about it, and they'd be like, come on. How bad? Seriously, how bad could the training be? They'd go and train with them. They'd throw up. They were just getting crushed.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And Greg Glassman – Greg Glassman is a pioneer. People can say whatever they want about him. I don't know. I don't have any negative experiences with him, so I'm not sure where some of the negativity comes from. I do get the negativity that's around CrossFit because I've heard it for so long. Oh, that sport hurts everybody.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It's the same with bodybuilding. It's the same with powerlifting. If you're at a local gym and someone throws your barbell across the gym because they were effing deadlifted on that platform and they're a powerlifter, that might have been your experience with a powerlifter. You know, if you're at a commercial gym and somebody is doing toes to bar and muscle ups on your the rack that you were trying to set up for some squats you're going to be pissed at a crossfitter you know um and the same thing can happen with uh you know bad interactions with bodybuilders thinking that you know they're posing in the mirror and you're like what is this this is so stupid these guys are so narcissistic and you kind of need a little bit of that in bodybuilding but um you know you kind of get
Starting point is 00:17:02 the point is like we just uh place judgment sometimes on things that we don't know much about but greg glassman and the crossfit movement i think is one of the biggest movements to ever happen in fitness i don't really recall anything you know in my time uh being identical or being similar uh the only thing i can there's a couple things that come to mind like joe weeder you know and and what joe weeder did for bodybuilding oh yeah and the combination of joe weeder and arnold together um that kind of fits in there but to have everyone everyone doing the same thing with a branded like name to it that's really different and that's i know weeder and arnold had an impact on people
Starting point is 00:17:45 doing like the weeder principles and arnold's encyclopedia bodybuilding and some of those things but um that was also a really long time ago nothing like that's happened since bill phillips did some cool stuff but bill phillips stuff was more about like supplements and and body transformations which no one ever did at the time so he's a pioneer as well yeah but the crossfit movement's crazy i mean there's hundreds of thousands if not millions there's probably millions of crossfitters there's like 150 or 200 000 not same anymore but at the height of it it was a contest that had 200 000 people in in it. The online, when they would release the workouts weekly, the CrossFit Open, what other contest has 200,000 people in it?
Starting point is 00:18:34 Like, I'm not aware of anything else that does anything similar. Like, the only thing that came to my mind whenever I thought about that was, like, American Idol. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know of any other contest that's that crazy like that maybe people can think of some things but
Starting point is 00:18:49 certainly not in the fitness community it's crazy like the fact that andrew can like test test his times against uh somebody in russia you know or somebody's same age and all that stuff is really really revolutionary and really cool and greg glassman, the reason why CrossFit became so popular is he had a website, you know, in like 2000 or 2002, kind of the infancy of the internet. And he stayed consistent with it and he's done it ever since. And that's why CrossFit blew up so crazy. Yeah. So what is it that you did over there?
Starting point is 00:19:19 I just went down there for, it was like a seminar and I didn't really realize that I understood that they were going to show game changers seminar and i didn't really realize that i understood that they were going to show game changers but i didn't really realize that the whole thing was going to be geared towards rebuttals uh showing the opposite of game changers and they said the next time they do a workshop like that they might have people that are for it because this was all people that were pretty much uh against it or not even so much against it but they were they were explaining how data was being held back in certain areas and they would say hey look you know they they did explain this but they conveniently left this out you know and that's what each person kind of shared and uh georgia ed was there who we've had on the podcast before
Starting point is 00:20:01 and there's a lot of great speakers gary tobs was there he's uh wrote a book called the case against sugar there's just person after person getting up there talking about um it wasn't so much against veganism it was more about the inaccuracy of the film you know and i would love to see someone do the same thing you know when my brother and i finally come out with this carnivore diet we'll get it straightened out straightened out sooner or later i know he's talking to netflix tomorrow so wish him luck um but i hope someone does the same thing you know because that's what we should be we should be asking questions and we should be asking good questions and we should say how do you know that you know where where's this information in a in a kind in a kind way there's
Starting point is 00:20:44 really no reason like fight about it how do you you know that vegetables do that? How do you know that meat is causing a problem? You know, those, those, those are great questions and people should be concerned about their health. Exactly. And I think it's first off, it'll be awesome when they do have some individuals that are, I guess, for a vegan diet there. But I mean, even I see this throughout like the jujitsu community, um, and a lot of lifters, you know, people are trying to do this, like a vegan diet because of the game changers. I mean, who wouldn't want to do a diet that could help them increase their performance. And when you watch that movie and you see that guy do battle ropes for what,
Starting point is 00:21:18 60 minutes or something after going on a vegan diet, even though like, again, it's just very inaccurate thing that happened there. You're going to want to do it, like, again, it's just very inaccurate thing that happened there. You're going to want to do it, you know? So it's great that they're showing this to the athletes and I guess giving them the knowledge that they need to understand. If you do a vegan diet, these are ways that you can actually do it. So you're not messing yourself up. Diet stuff is just so broad too. Because Andrew could come in here and he could say, you know what, man, I feel great, but feel great in comparison to what, you know, and when I say it too, like, what am I, what am I comparing it to? Maybe my diet previously really sucked or maybe, uh, maybe there's a combination of things going on. Maybe
Starting point is 00:21:55 I'm having, maybe I'm being smarter with my exercise because I've been X because I've now been exercising for so long. Now I'm starting to get a better hang of it. You know, maybe my sleep is better. Maybe my, uh, maybe because, you know, for me personally, maybe because I have done certain things from a business perspective, I have less stress or something, you know, like I don't have to worry about bills as much, you know, maybe, maybe there's things like that going on that I'm not even, I just, I'm not even like making anybody aware of it or not sharing that part because I'm not identifying that as the change, but I'm just saying it's the meat, man. Like, trust me, this is what, this is what's going on.
Starting point is 00:22:32 It's making me awesome. I'm telling you. Yeah. And then to, just to even like simplify and put it in another way is like your shirt to me looks gray, but to Encima, it looks blue. It doesn't really look great to him though, right? No, but I'm just saying like, what if, right? Like, so when Mark eats a steak he feels phenomenal when i eat a steak i'm like oh my stomach's cramped like whatever it is you know like so exactly in comparison to what like yeah so that is it's
Starting point is 00:22:55 crazy like the the variables there are like through the roof color comparison is actually great because like i don't see colors that great like i could see most stuff but every once in a while i have to like put something next to something to like literally compare it. I'm like, is that blue? Or is that more black? Yeah. Like I have to do that at Lulu all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Whenever I see stuff there, cause they have like these Heather grays and blues and stuff. And then I'm like, am I like going blind or my color blind? I'm like, what's the deal? But I'll put them next to each other and it gives you a, yeah. So comparing it makes a big difference. Yeah. As athletes,
Starting point is 00:23:28 we're really naturally bad at trying something new, but keeping all other variables the same. So like when someone does a vegan, exactly. When someone does a vegan diet, just like you said, you don't know if they're starting to actually get more sleep and be more conscious of their overall health.
Starting point is 00:23:44 So now you don't know if it's because they're getting more consistent sleep and they've stopped eating the fast food, which is why they feel so much better. Because the big two buzzwords that you hear whenever somebody switches to another diet is, I have so much more energy. That's the main thing you hear, more energy. So it's like, are you sure that more energy is because you're not eating meat or is because you're just not eating shit and the kind of quote-unquote more energy uh could be true or it couldn't be further from the truth because if you're consuming less energy which usually that implies you know normally when we're talking about most people when they go on a diet
Starting point is 00:24:23 they're usually consuming less food. The only energy we have as human beings are through our macronutrients and our calories. So you also, I mean, I guess you could say like you might be gaining access to other calories because maybe you're burning fat. And in talking to Joel Green, he has said that like burning fat feels like therapeutic you know so that could be something that people are you don't want to be doing that forever because you can kind of your ruck your luck runs out at some point but it that'll that'll feel really good maybe potentially you know being in ketosis might might feel pretty good but if you just think in very basic terms um change is exciting.
Starting point is 00:25:06 The human body is really designed for it. It's not the strongest that survive and thrive. It's the ones that can actually adapt. So we can be strong and powerful, but if I can't adapt to what's coming next and I'm fucked, I'm going to die. And even just trying to take some of the stuff that you could do inside the gym and then take it out into the real world. I mean, what if all of a sudden, you know, we had some really crazy climate changes and, you know, I needed to carry a bunch of shit on my back. And it's like, am I going to be able to adapt to that? Am I going to be able to go outside, you know, and it's fucking 30 degrees and snowing and pack up a bunch of stuff and move my
Starting point is 00:25:45 family to a spot that is safer or whatever or or in 110 degree heat you know that's you know that's that's what the body's designed to do it's designed for adaptation and i think we just get really pumped about change like you may have just like moved or something or you may have uh maybe you got a girlfriend or something you know like something could have changed in your life that you're super pumped about and that's revving up your energy levels too yeah but it is uh i don't think we talked about this at all but it is crazy joe rogan how he posted up about the carnivore diet yeah i'm pretty sure that's like the main thing he did like he wasn't talking about any other big changes he had in his diet and then
Starting point is 00:26:23 just just eating meat um and his big thing was also i have more just like sustainable energy but i think it was cool how he kind of um he was specific about like he talked about this in a podcast too he said like my energy is just consistent now i have no highs i have no lows and that's partially because of the lack of like really sugary, like highly refined carbohydrates in your diet that spikes your blood sugar and makes you feel up and down. With meat, it's just, I mean, yeah, you're getting a consistent flow throughout the day. I'd feel the same way too. Yeah, let's play it and let's listen to what he says. I love his abs popping right through.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yep. I posted this on IG and on my YouTube as well talking about it because I just thought it was cool i did the carnivore diet for all of january i lost 12 pounds gained a ton of energy my energy levels were completely flat the whole month no ups and downs from crashing after eating i had a belly a lot of people made fun of me fat sh shamed me. I lost all my fat. I lost all the belly. That's crazy. I lost my love handles. I don't know if I'm going to keep eating like this, but it was tremendously beneficial.
Starting point is 00:27:36 And I also have an autoimmune disorder. It's called vitiligo. And my vitiligo improved. I had a bunch of white spots fill in. So I don't know. I went into this thing thinking this carnivore diet was wacky and I probably would think it's nonsense, but this is as good as I felt in a long time. And it's just one month. So let's talk about a little bit of this for a second. So, you know, if you think about,
Starting point is 00:28:01 there's one thing he says in there that, that I think threw some people off, but I want to talk about why I think he may have said it. He said he wasn't sure if he's going to continue doing it. And I think the only reason why he said that is because he has several million people on his back 24 hours a day because he's Joe Rogan. And so I think Joe Rogan is a smart dude. And from what I know of him, he's a good dude. And I think that he doesn't want to really like disappoint anyone.
Starting point is 00:28:28 He doesn't want to like mislead or he doesn't want to take somebody down a road and then have him be like, oh, I'm heading back the other direction, you know, because something happens or some new information comes out. He's a smart guy. And so I think that he probably said that because of what he says afterwards, where he initially thought the diet was wacky. And so I think in his brain, he's probably like, I don't know, like this, like it was, it was really helpful. It was really useful. But am I going to like really eat like this the rest of my life?
Starting point is 00:28:57 I think it's pretty weird and pretty strange. But I personally think that he will utilize this diet the rest of his life. I don't think that he's only going to eat meat the rest of his life, because I think even during this challenge, I think he mentioned on his show that he was still drinking wine and stuff. And I don't know if that was something he said just once. I don't know how much he had or whatever, but I would imagine there would be some other things in there, you know, that he's he's having. And I think that as he moves along, maybe he just likes vegetables. So maybe he'll eat them. But if they continue to help his autoimmune disorder, he will stay as strictly close to the meat as he can handle, I think. No, I agree with you there.
Starting point is 00:29:39 One thing that I thought was, I guess, really interesting about his case was the love handles thing that he mentioned. I think you posted about this too before about yourself and your brother, Chris. Because when I think about love handles, they don't just go away. There's fat there. But I've heard a lot of people mentioning, oh, these love handles that I've had problems with for years are gone. So I'm just like, it's not like you lose fat that fast. But what is going on there with love handles specifically that I keep hearing people talk about their love handles
Starting point is 00:30:12 in this short period of time? Do you have any ideas there? Because you meant, like you said, your love handles have somehow improved, but you've been really lean before. So what's the difference? I think for me, that's usually where I hold fat and it's like the place where it wants
Starting point is 00:30:25 to come off like last you know okay like my arms will kind of lean out shoulders will lean out and even like my legs will start to lean out and then then for some reason i hold some weight right there and uh i think for some other people it's just like a little bit of a stubborn area now i can't just say that like the carnivore diet specifically is going to help with like, quote unquote, stubborn body fat. However, it's probably doing some stuff to your hormones that is allowing you to release some body fat that otherwise was stagnant, was staying there. But I also think it might have to do with like something more simple than the simple release of body fat i agree with you that like it's not just going to all of a sudden shrink up out of nowhere because mine was like in a couple of days too joe's was in like he was talking about like the the full month i think but uh
Starting point is 00:31:17 i noticed some drastic differences within like a two-week time span and i think what it is is i think it's a reduction of like inflammation it's's a reduction of maybe even just some water weight. Like maybe I don't really have a full understanding of how fat cells work. But if I was to take a guess, I would imagine that they are probably dependent on some hydration. And so maybe they're just, for lack of a better term, deflating a little bit. Cause I know that if I was to go back to, um, even just a few days of like, you know, trying to bring in some like carbohydrates or not even carbohydrates, but just a lot of overeating that they would, uh, come back as quickly as they left probably. Yeah. I think it's honestly, I think if you're still really on the fence about trying carnivore, I've mentioned this before, like personally, I don't do like,
Starting point is 00:32:04 I never did the carnivore diet to, I never, personally i don't do like i never did the carnivore diet to i never i guess i never was like oh i'm gonna do the carnivore diet i just had some days where i was like i really don't feel like eating carbs today so i didn't eat any carbs and i just pretty much ate meat and fat and stuff right and i did notice like i felt really good on those days on the days that i would add some carbohydrates it was mainly for like a workout that i'd be doing the next day or whatever but i felt i feel really good on days i don't eat carbs and that's actually a lot more days than one would expect now so it would be just a good idea if you wanted to dip your toes and because i'm assuming now a lot of the listeners have done world carn
Starting point is 00:32:37 for a month for those of you who like just never really thought of it just give it a shot because it's surprising how good you feel just like not eating carbs just even try to be like meat-based yeah i keep saying plant-based like why not try to just be when i think about meat-based it's like well how long have i been doing that diet for you know i've been doing that diet since i was uh 15 probably you know because even when i did my bodybuilding show there was tons of meat there was more meat in every meal than there was anything else you know there was there was, there, it was always a good, you know, it was always a good serving of, of meat and everything, no matter whether it was powerlifting or even when I was powerlifting, even when I was my absolute fattest, even when I was 330 pounds, um, you know, I don't
Starting point is 00:33:20 want to say that I ate clean, but I ate healthy in accordance to making sure my performance was taken care of. So I would always eat a lot of protein. I was like, I weigh 330. Like I'm getting in three, 400 grams of protein. Like that will be taken care of every day. And then whatever other massive destruction I want to cause, maybe I'll leave some room for that. Some pizza and stuff like that. The good stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah. I would say also like, yeah, doing it just for one day, you'll notice right away. So I went strict carnivore on Saturday because I knew I was going to get weird for the Super Bowl on Sunday. So I wouldn't recommend doing that too often. But I will say you'll notice right away that you do not feel any bloat whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Oh, for sure. Like, I mean, I had at one meal, I lost track, but it was over a pound and a half of steak. And I follow that up with because I have a hard time like feeling satisfied. I'm full, but I like I'm like, oh, man, I need something else. So I made scrambled eggs right after. So I had six eggs after that. Then I started slowing down, but I got up and I felt fine.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Went to a restaurant for dinner with the family and I just got, um, like more steak and chicken and I ate just that. Cause I have on a carnivore day, I find that if I have one thing, oh, sorry. And I did have chicken with the pound and a half of steak. Um, if I have one just type of like, uh, yeah, type of meat, but, um, what's the word? Um, the chewiness, I can't think of it right now. Just mouth pleasure. Yeah. The mouth pleasure. If I mix it with something else, that's just a different texture. There's the damn word. It's sort of like, I'm getting my sides in, you know, it's like, uh, your steak and potatoes. It's like, well, steak and chicken. Like it's,
Starting point is 00:34:59 that's what it is. And so I did the exact same thing for dinner that night. And I just, I kept eating. I kept going to town and I got up and I dude i feel great right now i don't feel like shit the following day i had some chips and salsa i had some guac and you know i had um uh those homemade peanut butter cups that i brought in today to get rid of them um after that dude i just i had a headache i just didn't feel good like i just i enjoyed myself but I didn't feel awesome the way I did before. Some of what you're talking about, too, like if you cook up some bacon, you have some bacon or some sausage or something like that. It's going to make eating the other meat a little easier, especially because of the fat, especially chicken. This chicken just doesn't really have that much fat, So you slice up some bacon on every forkful.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, or you could wrap it around there. Or every forkful, you know, you got a little chunk of bacon on there. I was listening to somebody the other day. I need to go back and listen to the podcast to get the guy's name. But the guy, he was doing a vegan diet. And he just said, but F it at one point. And he like went to the store and bought bacon and he cooked up bacon. And his wife like, are you cooking bacon?
Starting point is 00:36:08 And she got all pumped and he was like, yep. And so he just out of nowhere, just his own experiment, decided like to cook up a bunch of bacon. Like he wanted just to eat bacon. So he ate bacon that night. And the next day he was like, I'm going to make more bacon. And so he's just stuck to eating bacon. But bacon is like so savory. And so, um, it, it gets to be too much to handle, right?
Starting point is 00:36:33 Like, like we all love like chocolate and stuff, but like you is as delicious as chocolate is. And as much as we want to believe that we could never have enough of it, you'll get to a point where you start to tap out. You get like really thirsty and it's just, I don know weird some weird shit happens you know if you have too much of anything really and this guy anyway he just starts going on a bacon diet he lost like 70 pounds holy crap he would eat two things of bacon every day so he would cook up you know it's two pounds of bacon but it shrivels down to be much less food. And I can't even imagine like how many calories are in there.
Starting point is 00:37:06 It's probably not that much. If that's all you eat. If that's all you're eating, yeah. But like, yeah, that's a different thing, right? It's a different style of diet. But super interesting the way that people are coming to these conclusions. And, you know, one thing is for sure is that we don't necessarily need uh dietary carbohydrates but um we have been told we have been taught we have been shown we
Starting point is 00:37:33 have been uh it's been illustrated everywhere we go you know um for many many years that like we need like 60 of our diet to come from carbohydrates and And when you use the word need, it's like, well, maybe some people might need it in terms of trying to reach a specific goal, but there's, humans don't have a requirement for dietary carbohydrates. It's just something like, no, it's just something to keep in mind. We do have a requirement for magnesium. We do have a requirement for sodium. We do have a requirement for protein. We do have a requirement for sodium. We do have a requirement for protein. We do have a requirement for fat. We've got a wide variety of things
Starting point is 00:38:10 that need to be filled up every single day. Carbohydrates just aren't one of them. Your body will make glucose. Just attempt eating low amounts of like really low amounts of fat for just try it for two or three days. I really don't want you
Starting point is 00:38:25 guys to try this but you'd be so hungry you'd be so hungry you'd be so mad like like like literally you're gonna feel like absolute shit just because fat just plays such a massive role in almost everything hormonally you'll feel like crap you know so yeah it's just how it is he should be eating non-stop too oh yeah speaking of being mad let's play this clip so our buddy Paul Saladino Sal Pauladino as we like to call him our buddy Paul he just got you know
Starting point is 00:38:56 annihilated on the show for trying to speak his mind and I think the name of the show is called The Lawyers The Doctors oh The Doctors yeah oh yeah but there was a lawyer on it right right and so that's yeah that's who he gets into I think the name of the show is called The Lawyers. The Doctors. Oh, The Doctors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Oh, yeah. But there was a lawyer on it. Right, right. And so that's who he gets into an argument with, right? Anyway, let's roll the clip and then we'll talk about, see what you guys think of it. Dr. Saladino, when you're recommending this diet, what risks do you discuss with your patients? I don't think there are any risks to eating animal foods exclusively. There are no risks in terms of kidney function.
Starting point is 00:39:31 There are many studies which show that high-protein diets do not affect kidney function. There are no studies interventionally that show that eating meat is going to increase the risk of any single cancer. There are no risks to eating the foods that we have been eating as humans for our entire existence. As an attorney, I would ask you, you're a medical doctor, is that correct? Absolutely. And you are a psychiatrist, am I correct? Right, I have a residency in psychiatry. So what do you know about nutrition? Where did you gain your background in nutrition? Listen, this is, I think... No, you listen to me and answer my question. Now I'm asking you
Starting point is 00:40:00 to tell us where your background emanates from. I went to medical school, and I studied nutrition in medical school, and I studied nutrition independently. One of the crazy things about medical school is that it teaches you how to read articles. I'm a doctor. I know how to read articles. So have you done any independent testing? Have you written any articles that was as suggested by the physicians who've been here today? What does writing articles have to do with my knowledge of nutrition? Well, because I could become you.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I could be you as an expert because I read all of the data and all of the articles on this subject. Now I'm an expert? That doesn't make me an expert. With the proper background and with the medical training, like medicine needs to think about teaching doctors more nutrition in medical school. But it is up to us to educate ourselves. Just because there's a degree that says a doctor doesn't mean that we have or don't have medical nutritional knowledge.
Starting point is 00:40:52 The bottom line is you practice psychiatry. Am I correct? I practice medicine. You practice psychiatry. Is that correct? I practice medicine. So what makes you an expert in this? Because I'm an expert in what?
Starting point is 00:41:03 An expert in understanding human physiology? This is medicine. The separation of humans into organ systems doesn't serve the patient. To say that because I'm a psychiatrist, I don't know about nutrition is a completely... I didn't say that. That's what you were inferring. Your expertise is the mind. That's what you were inferring.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Well, where does the inflammation come from that causes depression and anxiety? It comes from the body. It doesn't come from the brain. It's a scary thought process that is all you need to do is read articles to make you an expert. I want to know what kind of testing you've done, what kind of data you have, what you yourself have found regarding these issues. I'm not sure. Other than what reliance is on other people's life.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I'm not sure I understand your question because that's how anyone. You don't want to listen to my question because you know I'm right. No, you're wrong. May I ask you a question? What? When you talk about the animal diet... Wait a second. I need to be given the floor to respond to this.
Starting point is 00:41:52 This isn't fair. Okay. Right? Anyone gathers data by reading articles. Anyone gathers data by learning. What you're suggesting is not a fair criticism of me. Dr. Saladino, when you're recommending... Oh, my God. Kind of a lot to talk about on this one. He's infuri me. Dr. Saladino, when you're recommending Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Kind of a lot to talk about on this one. She is infuriating. Yeah, she's very mad. First of all, asking questions is great. Asking them like that isn't because then it causes too much tension and it causes
Starting point is 00:42:21 a fight and then you don't ever get an opportunity to learn anything. Obviously she has you know and so she's probably i i don't know who that woman is i've never seen her before she's probably antagonistic kind of all the time it's probably part of her role on the show and she fucking did a great job of it right there right um but you know when it comes to these uh when it comes to nutrition there hasn't been so there's been people have studied it for a long time and i would i'm going to say the same thing about um the environment um my dad when i was a kid he pointed to the trees one time he's like you see those trees over there on that mountain because i asked him i was like oh we're learning about you know the environment in school like what do you
Starting point is 00:43:09 think about this i can't even remember what was greenhouse effects or whatever i can't i can't remember ozone layer whatever i ask him this question my dad you know my dad has all the answers my dad's never the guy to say he doesn't know okay which is the opposite of me i'm always like you know what i'm not really sure like let me let me check on that and i'll get back to you but my dad you know he kind of thinks he has everything figured out but anyway he points to the trees that are on this like mountaintop where i lived i lived in an area where there's tons of trees and tons of like woods and there was deer everywhere and stuff like that we kind of had like a lived in like the country almost but not not uh not like you would picture like uh cows and that kind of
Starting point is 00:43:50 stuff it was more like woods you know anyway uh he points to the trees and he goes you see those trees over there he's like if we brought a bunch of people out in the woods and we had chainsaws and we chopped down all those trees he goes by the time we get to that other mountain over there and by the time we make our way back to to where the trees were that we chopped down he's like new shit would be growing over there he's like that's the way nature is he goes the environment's indestructible and i kind of thought he was crazy because i'm like learning the stuff in school you know like kind of like my kids think i'm crazy when I say certain things like people don't say those kinds of things anymore. People don't think like that anymore.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah. And hopefully later on they find out I was right about some stuff at least. Anyway, I don't know, 20, 30 years go by. I'm watching the Discovery Channel. My dad always loved watching that. So even when I moved out of the house and like just chill on my sofa and watch TV, I'd watch that kind of stuff. And they're talking about the environment.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It's like one expert after another expert after another expert after another expert. One guy comes on and he goes, you know what we found? He's like, we've been studying this, you know, combined amongst, you know, the four or five of us for a hundred something years and he goes what we discovered is we pretty much think the environment is in destruction my my phone rings before the guy finishes this sentence and i go i'm watching the same show. My dad's like, see?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Anyway, the point of that story is this, is that when it comes to nutrition and when it comes to the environment, it doesn't seem like we have moved forward from the very basics. We don't know anything more than we did a few hundred years ago. The stuff that your grandmother used to say about like, don't spoil your dinner. Don't eat after this time. You know, all these things where you're like, I don't understand. That doesn't make any sense. Don't spoil my dinner. I'm eating two hours before I eat. Well, now we know that you're interrupting your fast. And now we know that if you eat snacks, you might be snack-minded rather than meat-minded, which could put you in a category where you may potentially do a lot of things that negatively impact your metabolism, such as overeating, which is probably the toughest thing to overcome because you're not focused in on the proper nutrients that the body actually needs. You know, not eating after a certain time. We know that the time, or at least we thought we knew that the time didn't matter,
Starting point is 00:46:29 but now there's actually more research and more information coming out all the time about there could be, like, things attached to, like, your circadian rhythm and when you eat and this kind of thing. But even beyond that, it's just another form of some fasting, right? And, you know, getting on board with uh some intermittent fasting and you could be you're you're interrupting your ability to maybe potentially get more bang for your buck by eating more of whatever grandma or your mom or whoever cooks for dinner because dinner usually has meat in it you know not all the time but almost all
Starting point is 00:47:02 the time and doesn't matter the ethnicity there's usually some sort of meat involved or broth or something that's very nutritious occasionally it could be like an all-carb things it could be like pasta and bread but even that there's usually like a meat sauce in there or something you're going to get some influence of uh of meat going to this crossfit seminar and hearing people talk about the environment, environmental concerns in terms of like cattle and environmental concerns in terms of, you know, the cattle like farting and these kinds of things, right? These are all have been things that have been shown to be very overblown, how the animals are cared for and how they're fed seem to be a larger concern. But really all it is, is like going back to our roots from a few hundred years ago. If we
Starting point is 00:47:51 just live the way that we're supposed to live and live within reason, then everything seems like it's going to work out a lot better. And then in terms of the nutrition, I turned to a guy at the seminar and said, it doesn't seem like we've gotten anywhere. It really doesn't. It's like, it's cool that there was presenters there and it's cool that they shared all this great information, but nobody had anything all that different to say. Someone could get up there and they could talk about ketones and they could talk about how they think nutrition could be used as medicine against like autism and these different things.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Nutrition can be used as medicine against like autism and these different things. But we basically already know that a lot of the things we've been doing to our body is very dangerous and very hazardous. And it has been hurting us in many, many different ways. And it's from where I sit and from where I stand and the observations I've made and the people I've hung out with, which in my opinion has been some of the best people in the nutrition space there's not there's not really any new information uh there's not any new research rather that tells us anything that we probably didn't know uh from a few million years ago yeah that like you know they knew that eating meat was important i mean even just think about this. This was something that was in Game Changers. They thought, they claimed in Game Changers that we ate vegetables, like we evolved to eat vegetables and primarily survive with vegetables. That definitely is not the case, and that definitely is very false.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I'm not against vegetables. I think that they can be great for you. They're okay to eat. I don't have an issue with them. But what separates human beings out from other animals, from other species, is that we are the apex predator. We can dismantle, I know this might sound rude and it might sound weird, we can dismantle any animal on the planet, no matter how big it is and how ferocious it is, in a way that no other animal
Starting point is 00:49:42 can do. We can kill it with a spear. We can kill it with a knife. We can shoot it. We can get it from a safe distance that doesn't negatively hurt us, doesn't impact us. You could throw a spear from a little bit away and kill it, right? There's even tribes that used to drive off lions because lions would kill an animal. They would sit there and they would watch them, you know, and when the lions got fed and when they weren't so ferocious, they would scare the animals away.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Yeah. They take the carcass, they cut out some of the meat, and you know what they would do? They would go for the brains, they would go for the liver, they would get a bunch of shit from the animal that the other animals couldn't get to. It doesn't matter how strong a lion is, he's not getting to the brains of a zebra. You know,
Starting point is 00:50:25 he can't figure that out. It's encased. It's encased in a skull, but a human could cut it open and learn how to do all that and turn the thing into, you know, something that helps keep them warm and all these different things. On top of that, you're not going to see a fucking lion by a campfire, you know, cooking something, right? Human beings have the ability to cook. And when you cook, you change some of the nutrient profile and you also kill off some of the dangerous things that should, that are potentially in there. Is there anybody in the world that doesn't think that all those things like match up? Like there shouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Like, I think we're talking to some, humans that are uh maybe not having an understanding of of like how we evolved and where we came from if that's the case because to me all that really lines up for me yeah um first off on the the like what you're talking about with the um people chasing off the lines there's a really cool video i don't know if you guys have seen it of like this tribe or like, yeah. I think it's from a documentary, I think. It might have been from a documentary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Like this group of individuals ran up to a line and they scared them and they started just cutting it up. And they had to do that just for long enough to get the meat and scurry away. Right? Yeah. They scared off lines. Like that was pretty crazy. But what I was also going to mention, man, was this frustrated me a lot. I have a guy that I go to jujitsu with. I'm not going to name him just because I like, I don't know if he'd be okay
Starting point is 00:51:50 with me doing that, but this is positive on his part. He's lost a lot of weight. Okay. He started implementing some fasting. He started implementing some utilizing some of the carnivore diet. He still makes mistakes here and there in terms of like overeating and his overeating generally comes from junk carbs. Like, like, especially when he has snacks in his house like that that's what happens so he's very aware of that oh yeah i think this is the this is the video too yeah or part of it but anyway so after a year he comes back to his doctor and all his blood markers are better even like the year before the doctor said that there's there's something specific about the amount of protein in his blood he's not sure what it's called, but even that went down,
Starting point is 00:52:28 even though he's eating more protein and the doctor's like, yo dude, what have you been doing? And he said, yeah, I've been doing a lot of fasting. I've been eating much more meat. I've, I'm not snacking as much or eating as much sugar in terms of junk carbs, et cetera. And the doctor's like, where's's your vegetables and then he was like i'm eating some but not much he's like well you know i mean even though everything's gotten so much better you need to probably lower the amount of meat you're eating it's probably not a good idea that was the first place that doctor went to and and the my friend from jujitsu he's like but everything everything's better like why why why should i eat less meat
Starting point is 00:53:06 if everything's better he's like it's just not good for you you should probably get more fiber in your diet i think he said that his doctor is very is plant-based and his doctor is trying to convince him to go plant-based even though everything has improved so drastically and it's in the numbers but because this individual is so dogmatic in his approach, it doesn't matter. Like, this is what you need to do, you know? And that is, first off, it's scary that that's coming from a doctor. But when an individual is so dogmatic behind a certain diet that even when someone's improving, they cannot see the benefit in what that individual is doing, that is scary. And it's more so just scary and frustrating because that's his healthcare practitioner. That's his doctor that he's going to. It's just like the fucking show. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Like those interviewers, nothing that Dr. Saladino was saying was inflammatory or it was all logical, but they have an agenda. They have something that no matter what what they're trying to put forward. And if it doesn't line up with what they're putting forward, it's wrong. Right. And he also, from what I recall of what he was saying, I think he said he believed. He's like, I believe this.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I believe that. Which is different than saying like he didn't. He definitely has evidence. You don't ever really have like full onon like proof you know we got we we got like hypothesis right like you this is what i think based of all based off of all this evidence this is what i have come up with and then once you start to see people like your friend having these testimonials uh that's where so that's where being a doctor can be complicated because you know a doctor say, you know what, I don't know if I agree with that, but look, man, your blood's getting better. So let's not really make any changes.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Now, you being a bodybuilding coach and a powerlifting coach, if you're working with somebody and they call you up and they're like, Hey man, like I know you told me to switch over to this other thing, but I just kept doing this other workout and like, I'm getting shredded and super strong. Why change? You'd be like, dude, you're killing it. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Like, and you might have another suggestion that may help just as an add on, but you're not gonna be like, no dude, like you need to do what I've learned. Like, that's the only thing that's got to be concrete. And I actually feel like I'm excited that I don't have letters after my name because I think that that stuff or before your name, that stuff can can screw you up because then you're pigeonholed into saying certain things because you have a practice.
Starting point is 00:55:41 And I would never want anybody to get hurt. I'm not ever trying to promote anything that I believe would hurt anybody. I'm only trying to promote information that I'm hearing and that I'm deciphering and saying like, okay, this is, this has worked really good for me. And I pass the ball off to somebody else and it works really good for them. And then it works really good for this person. And usually, usually I don't say much of anything until things are working for a while. Like I've been doing this diet for like three years and I've been meat based, I think, for 20 years, you know, eating, you know, large amounts of meat almost every single day of my life for a really long time. And I've seen it help so many different people.
Starting point is 00:56:25 people. And so I think, you know, when you get someone like Paul Saladino on there getting grilled, it's super unfortunate because it was great that the woman was trying to ask questions, but then she wasn't really getting any anywhere. She was just being inflammatory and she wasn't saying, okay, it's your belief that meat is not dangerous. That's the opposite of what I heard. Can you explain why you don't think it's dangerous? That would have been awesome. And then people could have learned from it, but then it wouldn't have turned into what it turned into. And we wouldn't be talking about it right now either.
Starting point is 00:56:52 People aren't coming into these conversations with actually trying to find solutions. They're trying to come into these conversations with a, what that idea to try to prove their, their idea, not to find out more, not to understand more. I think that's,
Starting point is 00:57:04 that's a really cool thing about like, first off, I guess a lot of the people we talk to, including Sean Baker, because even when you talk to Sean Baker, right, I've asked him like, well, you know, if you're doing okay with some of these carbs or some of these vegetables, is there really a reason to have to take them out? No, no, there isn't. You can have some of that stuff. You know what I mean? But he does go into why certain things might not be ideal. You know what I mean? So it's, there's, there's, I don't like, when you talk to those guys, you can kind of tell they don't have an agenda to for the world to not eat vegetables, right? It's just something is working so well for themselves and not just
Starting point is 00:57:37 themselves, the hundreds, if not thousands of people that are also doing it. And I think that's one thing that's kind of messed up is that people tend to, I guess, undermine anecdotal evidence, the results of a lot of other people that are doing this with improved health markers and that are just getting better. It's like, that doesn't matter because there hasn't been a research paper that proves this to be legitimate, even though all the other research that's been done on meat it's been kind of fucked up we found out so absolutely i think you know even when it comes to an expert you know that's what she kept harping on um and then she couldn't say you're not a doctor because he is a
Starting point is 00:58:16 doctor he's a doctor but she kept saying that he's not an expert and it's very clear that paul has a uh a wide array of understanding of a lot of the things when it comes to the human body and that he is one of the smarter people in the space when it comes to nutrition and when it comes to the carnivore diet specifically. Him and Dr. Baker are just next level. They remember every study. They remember all this information. Not only that, they're able to take complicated and complex issues um if i was just a guess i would say that paul's um like iq is probably off the charts like he's one of the smarter people that we've ever had in the studio and i would say the same is true with dr baker i mean we've been around some people
Starting point is 00:58:59 where we're like oh man like that guy didn't have much to say he wasn't he wasn't that in tune with what was going on we've had other people where we're like holy oh man, like that guy didn't have much to say. He wasn't, he wasn't that in tune with what was going on. We've had other people where we're like, holy shit, man. Like that was some crazy stuff. I couldn't keep up with that guy. I wish I knew what the hell he was talking about. But these guys, not only do they have that side of them where you don't know what they're talking about, they're able to break a lot of it down. And that's a sign of somebody that has some genius in them. And I think that these are really brilliant people. And I hope that they can get listened to more. And I hope that for Paul's sake, I hope that he ends up on Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Because I think that would be an amazing platform for him to share all this information. I feel like he's got different information than kind of anybody else out there. Yeah. And this is part of it too. Why did she keep going on about him writing articles what articles have you written is that what she was saying yeah yeah and then what her argument was like well since you haven't written any any articles which he has by the way he's written tons of articles but what the fuck does that i think like stuff that's like peer-reviewed
Starting point is 01:00:02 and whatnot on pub md and all that good stuff. So her argument was like, well, since you haven't written any articles, I can be you. Yeah. Which is couldn't be so far from the truth. Like just because you, you know what I mean? So I think that's, that was her argument, but she was just. That's such a horrible argument. It's a really bad argument, especially coming from an attorney, because he could easily go to law school and become her.
Starting point is 01:00:27 It's actually like she's got it backwards. You know what I mean? Because to try to be him, it would be really hard because he's done things in such an unconventional way. To try to be her would actually be very easy. How many Paul Saladinos are there in the country? Like there's five people that know about the carnivore diet the way that he does, right? How many lawyers are there? You know what I'm saying Like there's a ton. There's a blueprint for that. You go to school and you spend a bunch of money on being an attorney and you know, it's hard. Not going to be easy, but yeah. he showed did you see that one too is also from the doctors um and the reason why i want to pull that one up along with this one that we just saw is just because you can see i guess how much
Starting point is 01:01:10 emotion is just behind these individuals like it's like they're not even trying to talk logically at this point it's just they feel a certain way so they blurt about it without you like this i just think uh before you play it for a second um i think that the vegan stuff is a softer easier conversation amongst family members and amongst friends yeah you know it's a little bit like talking about donald trump you feel like if you talk about donald trump then people are gonna just they're gonna lose their mind they're gonna hate you they're gonna want to burn down your house, you know? And I feel the same way with meat. Sometimes you feel like, man, if I mentioned this to people, they're going to really be, they're going to really be like uneasy, right?
Starting point is 01:01:52 They're going to be like super upset. By the way, I just got to throw this in. Donald Trump is amazing. He said something so funny the other day. He talked about all these things that are going on in the United States and all these positive. And he goes, and here I am. I'm being impeached. I think that's one of the greatest presidential quotes of all time.
Starting point is 01:02:11 He's got a good point. Andrew, also, before you play that real quick. Dude, no. On that emotional side of things. There are some people in my life that when I say meat isn't unhealthy unhealthy immediately the fire starts to rise and you could see like they're getting mad and then before i get to say anything more like no meat's been proven it like i i just like i can't get words in with some people and it really is just like i i just i just can't talk to you i guess you know it's just it's really that
Starting point is 01:02:39 important for people but i mean because i'm trying to remember when it was where i realized like or not i realized i was taught like meat was kind of bad and it was in sixth grade i think i talked about it on this show before but i remember they're saying like for somebody your size and your activity level you should be eating uh one piece of meat the size of your palm per day i've been like, man. And in my head, I'm like, dude, I have like four tacos. That's way more than... That's actually interesting, though, because if it's bad,
Starting point is 01:03:13 why would you have any of it? Yeah. But just when it comes to why are people saying that it's so bad? You wouldn't say that about a tortilla. You should have two tortillas that are the size of your hand every day. It's like, well, that doesn't make any sense yeah yeah it's it's uh it's definitely weird and luckily for me i was never i've never been taught that you know i because i was in like power lifting and bodybuilding i always kind of knew that like
Starting point is 01:03:36 meat had to be part of your thing otherwise you couldn't do the sport that i love to do so much let's let her rip. What we're saying is if all you eat for your whole life ever is just meat, that's not good. I don't have to be a doctor. I'm just like, I'm blown away right now. I mean, it's just like a 13
Starting point is 01:04:02 year old child's response, right? It's like, ah, emotion. This is Hollywood, right? This is what gets views. This is what gets views in Hollywood. There's no science in that statement. He said there are thousands and thousands of studies showing benefit. And I said, to what?
Starting point is 01:04:20 And he said fruits and vegetables. Well, as I showed you in this, that's not true, actually. There are very few studies which show benefits said fruits and vegetables. Well, as I showed you in this, that's not true, actually. There are very few studies which show benefits to fruits and vegetables. Again, he might be referring to epidemiology, which is likely confounded by healthy user bias. I don't actually know what he's referring to because it's not a debate. It's just comedy. It's just theater. And as we discussed at the beginning of this video, there are many studies which do not show a benefit to fruits and vegetables. And the carnivore diet itself is so challenging to people because the carnivore diet suggests that in a lot of people, eliminating fruits and vegetables can be beneficial. So we have now thousands of case studies, many of which are published.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Right. Paleo Medicina did a great job of publishing many case studies of people doing much better on carnivore diets. I would encourage people to check out their stuff. It's indexed there. They have published case studies of ulcerative colitis, or at least Crohn's. They've published case studies of Crohn's, cervical cancer, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes. I think it's rectal cancer, and perhaps glioblastoma multiforme, which is a brain cancer. So there are so many anecdotes and now published case reports suggesting that the removal of fruits and vegetables can be beneficial to humans, that we cannot ignore this. This is what the carnivore diet and the movement is so about. Like, we can't ignore that some people get better when you take out plants and now we have travis stork throwing up his hands and saying there are thousands of studies this can't possibly
Starting point is 01:05:50 be good for you i ate meat last night i'm not i don't even need to be a doctor i just don't even know what to think about this right now in this uh in this modern day you know just by the way that in this modern day it's like pretty impossible to get by with only meat and so um and one a person can just kind of infer that if you were to say you know i'm going to be carnivore the rest of my life that you would probably have uh some ice cream cake on your birthday you would probably have uh a beer you'd probably have a pizza. Like, I think that, I think that, you know, of course we were designed to eat only meat, but we have like modern conveniences of having some really delicious stuff. And because food is so tied in with entertainment, it kind of sucks to always have to have a specific schedule, especially for me, because it impacts everybody around me, too.
Starting point is 01:06:50 You know, it's not like I'm smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke in everybody's face, but it is a little annoying when everyone else is kind of letting loose and enjoying themselves and you're being all tight and all strict, right? themselves and you're being all tight and all strict, right? It's kind of like, you know, if a group of friends wants to go out and they're all drinking, but you're the one person that's not doing it. It's just, it changes the dynamic a little bit. So, you know, in those terms, like I don't think it makes any sense to go your whole life and not enjoy yourself. But if you are somebody that would rather enjoy just sticking to the diet all the time, which that's possible, we've had people on the show that are like that,
Starting point is 01:07:29 then I think that that would be, that might be something that you would want to do. Dude, you know, okay. Prior to us doing this episode, I mean, we've talked a lot about carnivore before, but I don't think I've ever heard somebody use the term meat-based i might be wrong but i like i haven't heard any of them say meat-based like that's that's pretty much what like what i've been doing like i'm on a meat-based diet like i'll have certain shit here and there but i'm eating a lot of meat throughout i started using it because i got tired of people being like that's not carnivore and i was like oh you know i'm gonna mix in other stuff here and there like i'm not a i'm not a robot you know i think yeah i think because like yeah i'm like according to that
Starting point is 01:08:10 definition i'm meat-based you know and it makes a lot of sense but i love it because i don't need to worry because you know that you guys know i already bought the website really i did yeah oh you did that a boy oh snap it's like I think so. I hope so now. I bought a couple of them. He's bought a bunch of domains. Oh, man. But yeah, I think I love that term also because it's extremely triggering.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Right. It's extremely triggering. So, hey, nice. Yeah. And I think to go off of that, what that guy like losing his mind. Right. What's interesting is that, man, it's hard. You know, people get so upset with generalizing, you know, and people get so upset about. I guess I could explain it this way.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Very specific tips and very specific things are coaching tools. And that's why they exist, you know, like the weighing of your food and your caloric intake. And so your coach, it's really nice for your coach to have a guideline to be like, hey, 75 grams of carbs. Let's see what happens. Send me pictures. The coach now has photos of the way that you look in accordance to what they designed for you to eat every time. There's no app. There's no coach.
Starting point is 01:09:30 There's no nothing in our evolution that makes that make any sense except for in the scenario of you ate too much other junk in your life. You're in a position where you want to get in better shape or you're trying to get ready for a bodybuilding show because that's what you love to do. But from an evolutionary standpoint, we didn't have apps. We didn't have food scales. We didn't have a coach saying you need to increase your carbs. You didn't have anything like that. And when we were in that time, we didn't have any issues. We didn't have as many issues.
Starting point is 01:10:07 88% of the population didn't have metabolic disease like they have now. That means, you know, only 12% of the population has full access to what your body is supposed to be able to do. Yeah. And that sucks. That's, that's terrible. So before, like, I'm not saying that counting calories by any means, it didn't cause that. But I want to point out that the reason why that exists is because people need that nowadays
Starting point is 01:10:33 because there's so much other stuff around that if you can have it fit your macros, if you can utilize some flexible dieting, it might be beneficial because you need a bunch of rules to follow. Whereas in years past, we didn't have to have rules because there was no like dietary rules. You would kill an animal, you would chop it up, you would maybe heat it up and then you would eat it and you would just eat as much as you could and you'd share stuff with the other people that were there. But anyone anyone any single person other than like again i think there's only a real rare case there's people that have been bitten by a tick that are allergic to certain types of meat um as far as like there's there's tons of food allergies and
Starting point is 01:11:19 there's none to meet except for for those people that got bit by that bug. And I've had people write in that have been bit by that bug. It's a weird fucking thing. Anyway, besides the Lone Star tick or whatever that damn thing is, every single person in America would be healthier if they just only ate meat. And it might take some time. They might have to adjust. They might have to figure out how to, uh, you know, start to eat less because maybe they have a crazy ferocious appetite and maybe, uh, they can
Starting point is 01:11:50 still figure out a way to eat way too much food, which that would still be, uh, having a negative impact on your nutrition, on your health. But even if you were able to do that, uh, because of the protein in meat, it would just be super, super hard and it would be super rare. I think you could put up however many million Americans are here that are above the age of like five and stick them on a carnivore diet. The only thing people would lose is weight. And the only thing people would lose or the only thing people would lose is weight. The only thing people would gain is their health. Yeah. No, you can't overeat on that diet, most definitely.
Starting point is 01:12:31 But it's convenience too. That's part of modern day life. That's one of the reasons why we're so messed up. All of these foods are super convenient to eat. Chips, all these packaged foods. Again, that is why weighing food and that's why that stuff becomes so useful because now you need those tools to put yourself in line if you try to eat naturally if you just try to follow your appetite because of like the way
Starting point is 01:12:58 but yeah because of like the way food is packaged because of how highly refined it is because they want it's made for you to eat more of it you couldn't inherently be very lost you'd be very lost because your appetite and your hunger is telling you to eat all these things at all this time you couldn't do it without like having to potentially waste or especially if you wanted to fit in a lot of fun foods right it'd be really difficult to have to do that by just eating it you'd have to weigh it make sure it's good in amounts so you're not in a crazy caloric surplus you don't have to do that by just eating it. You'd have to weigh it, make sure it's good amounts. So you're not in a crazy caloric surplus. You don't have to do that with meat.
Starting point is 01:13:29 I think that's something to think about here. You know, people that do a carnivore diet generally, they wouldn't actually, you don't, if you do this diet, I'd say that most people on it do not need to probably even weigh their food or scale food. If you're only eating meat, because your appetite will,
Starting point is 01:13:43 you'll know when to stop eating. You'll feel full like i mean what would you even like calculate like what are you gonna count you'd count protein and fat because there's fat and a lot of like the meat to eat but that that'd be pretty much it but like people that are doing their diet because you get so full so quickly i'm not saying that you have to do a carnivore diet by the way but i'm just saying it is a diet where satiety will trigger or will tap in so quick that you'll just stop eating when you're full, and that'll cause you to lose weight. But when you are utilizing flexible dieting and fitting in a lot of other foods that, I mean, you could probably eat more of when you're eating more fruits, rice, et cetera, that you can overeat on, that's when sometimes it's necessary to track because
Starting point is 01:14:25 you really can overindulge without even realizing you're overindulging. So that's not me saying you have to do the carnivore diet, but that's me saying what you just said makes a lot of sense. You feel full and you'll stop eating. Even if you over, like, let's just say you just started the carnivore diet and the first few days you overeat a little bit on meat that'll start to slow down you you're not you cannot do that for a full week it's probably about how long it would take you to eat maybe like a bowl of cereal or a bowl of ice cream versus eating like a you know 14 ounce like new york strip you know like just what you're saying is that as you're chomping through that New York strip, maybe six minutes went by. I mean,
Starting point is 01:15:09 some people are pretty fast eaters, maybe eight minutes went by or maybe only four minutes went by, but some time has gone by eating the cereal. You'll probably eat pretty fast, even if you're not trying to eat it fast, because it's encouraging you to eat it fast because there's so much flavor to it. The ice cream would even be easier because there's no crunch. There's not really anything to really chew. You would get through that pretty quickly. But if it's eight minutes later and you still have some more steak to go through, now you're kind of like, man, I've been chewing for a while.
Starting point is 01:15:38 I think I feel pretty good. And you can just maybe start to be a little bit more rational. You're like, ah, you know what? If I, I'll, I'm going to check in about another 10 minutes, which would be 20 minutes, which lines up with what other people have said on this podcast. It takes about 20 minutes to recognize that you're full and to recognize that you're satisfied. And if you wait another 10 minutes and say, all right, well, if I'm still feel really hungry, I'll cook up some eggs like Andrew did the other day. Then, I mean, you're on the right track, you know, and you're going to automatically start to eat less.
Starting point is 01:16:07 And I do get a lot of people ask me about protein, you know, and tracking protein. And I say, I don't, there's, there's really not a lot of reasons to track anything because I think that it will just, it will regulate itself when you're only eating meat, you know, because what's going to happen is you're going to have a day where you get after it and you have a break. By the way, we're talking in the context of trying to lose weight, right? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and you're, you're going to going to, um, you know, you're, you're going to eat like 300 grams of protein one day, maybe the next day only get a hundred, you know, and it might go up and down, but yeah, if you're trying to gain weight, um, then I think that it can be important to, cause so with gaining weight, the hard part for some people is just to eat. They just don't have an appetite
Starting point is 01:16:48 that matches up well enough with consuming calories. And then that's where you can use some tricks from our buddy Stan Efferding, and you could utilize insulin to help stimulate some hunger, not injecting insulin. Talking about dietary. Yeah, you can have a little bit of carbohydrates, and that can uh have a little bit of carbohydrates and that
Starting point is 01:17:07 could help stimulate a little bit of hunger um you know and and you know pouring stuff on your food can help as you know stan does with like the bone broth because it loosens it up and makes it a little easier to eat stuff like that can really be super beneficial yeah like i've said it before like i said it in like question form, but like I had to ask you guys like, who can't this diet help? And you, what you guys are just saying right now is just like,
Starting point is 01:17:31 it very obviously will help anybody and everybody. Like it's just phenomenal. It's be meat based. Yeah. Be meat based. I love that. Yeah. And you know,
Starting point is 01:17:43 in our episode, you know, it'd be great for everybody to check out the episodes that we did with uh paul saladino and dr sean baker um paul did mention a subset of people that he had a little bit of a hard time with um but you can check out the information on on the podcast but it's like again there's always exceptions to every rule right and i wouldn't i wouldn't rule out any possibilities. But when I'm thinking about diet, for me personally, I make the mistake of always thinking about heavier people since I think that's the biggest problem that we face as Americans.
Starting point is 01:18:26 we face as Americans. There's just so many people that are unhealthy and so many people that are, you know, they're just, there's, it's just getting, it's getting worse and worse and worse. And I hate to see that we're losing the battle. So when I think of diet, I'm so excited to share the information. And I'm always thinking about trying to get people to drop some pounds and to be a little bit healthier. And one of the healthiest things a lot of people can do is just to simply reduce some body weight and it's funny because everybody seems to be well that's why today's episode that we posted was so important is the quote long-term effects of the carnivore diet and like oh well there's no proof there's no this there's no that look around that's all the proof you need
Starting point is 01:19:02 that right now the standard american diet or whatever the hell the diet we're on right now isn't working like i mean how long has the standard american diet been around for like do we know like do you know mark when it started like officially yeah kind of uh started to kick off around the time of like refrigeration you know as soon as you had a fridge in your house that's when all hell broke loose because there was so much soda back then um but then you you know you just didn't have much access to it and so you know if you were somebody like my dad's age my dad would would ride his bike you know until he's old enough to drive his car to the store and he'd pick up a coke for like him and my mom or whatever and but you know and it was like
Starting point is 01:19:43 this magical thing you know because like no one else had this you know and it was like this magical thing you know because like no one else had this shit you know it was like you'd have it like twice a week you know and but you know those are weird times too because like the only like uh i guess the everyone's smoking cigarettes so it's like you know people were finding their i guess finding their fix through other things which people will probably always do but i would even say i mean i don know what the stats would show, but I'd even say that people were still probably healthier regardless of the smoking just because they didn't have as much negative impact with the food that they're eating. Obesity wasn't called an epidemic at that point. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Do you guys think like the end-all be-all argument against the carnivore diet unless i mean there's two doctors that are championing it right paul and sean baker they're both doctors but people always point to that too they're like well doctors don't recommend this diet they always say go plant-based or whatever do you think that will always be like the end argument saying from people saying or people against the diet saying like what do you know like you're not like this lady saying you're not an expert you're not this you're not that it's like well shit man if i go to my doctor right now he's going to want to give me prescriptions for something even though i'm totally fine like he's going to want to inject me with something right like what does he know
Starting point is 01:20:59 yeah i'm not one for research and and that kind of stuff and and science but i think the science helps have stuff moving in the right direction because people they need like i don't know they need to be they need confirmation you know um i i never need that i don't you know i personally don't i personally don't need that but i know a lot of people want like assurance that they're you know this is the right thing but i think it's problematic you know to sit around and wait for stuff you know it's problematic one of your cameras is flashing red i'm not sure yeah i'll fix it um you know it's um it's problematic to be like waiting around like oh i'm gonna wait 20 years for the research to hit like well i'll be like in my 60s so maybe i should just be kind of messing around with it now
Starting point is 01:21:45 and learning learning for myself what's going on but i think um with how many people that are sick and it's estimated that in 2050 it's going to be a flip of a coin on whether you have dementia or and all or or alzheimer's that with that with a stat like that floating around something's got to change something's got to give like imagine if your memory's erased you have you don't have a life anymore like you're if you if you lose your strength and you're in a wheelchair or you had an accident or something it's like that's one thing but at least you can remember you know you can remember other stuff. You can remember people's names. You can still interact with people. But if you have to be told who somebody is every day, like you're done, like that is a torturous disease and it's
Starting point is 01:22:34 really negatively impacting a lot of families. And so as that grows, um, and also through drugs, we're making people live longer. We're like making them live longer they're dying longer i always say rather than living longer we're gonna have we're gonna have just an ass load of people that can't remember what's going on because they're sick and they might still be living to be like a hundred which is fucking crazy yeah and there's even more and more research and more evidence coming out all the time about your cholesterol levels in accordance to cancer and having your cholesterol be low uh being starting to be identified more with with with cancer-like effects you know and so not cancer-like effects with getting cancer i mean that's that's crazy you know so at some
Starting point is 01:23:24 point people are like hey hey, you know what? I think we'll get to a point, but I don't know when, where doctors are going to have to just finally say, you need dietary cholesterol. Like, you should be eating eggs. You know, hey, what's going on? Your cholesterol is really low. Your triglycerides are really high. That's actually very unsafe, not only for your heart, but also for you could potentially end up with cancer. You need to figure out a way to reverse this. You should be eating meat and eggs. Um,
Starting point is 01:23:52 but yeah, I don't know. Yeah. I don't know when that's going to happen. Yeah. That's well, I mean, that is one of the, like, even if you're not keto, that's one of the benefits of eating more meat, you're going to actually get more dietary fat in your diet. And I think it's also going to be, you know, when people stop thinking that, I guess, fats are bad for you too, because that's another thing that is still kind of popular in an idea, even though keto has been getting popular the last few years. Some people are still like, oh, that's a lot of fat or a lot of fat is bad. Even my mom, when I was younger, you know, when she'd make meats, she would make sure to drain all the fat or get rid of all the fat on the meat, right? Because her doctor told her you shouldn't be eating, you
Starting point is 01:24:30 shouldn't be feeding your kids high fat, right? So that's another thing, not just, you know, getting people to eat meat, but also letting people know that fats aren't, fats are actually very, very good for you, you know? So it's one of the things that I guess we're also having to deal with. But we can't forget. I mean, we have Dr. Saladino and Dr. Sean Baker, but Ken Berry, he is also carnivore right now. But that's another individual who is a doctor who has talked about the oversights of individuals in that field. And we're not bashing doctors, by the way. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Like they're here to help us, you know. And we're not bashing doctors, by the way, right? Like they're here to help us, you know, but Ken even himself went over the fact that like, yes, they're not taught a lot about nutrition in medical school. Number one. Number two, they don't necessarily always have the time to stay on top of what might actually be working now. Right. They have to do or have to help you with things that they've learned and things that other practitioners are doing. Right. So you can't always depend on that individual to know everything that you
Starting point is 01:25:27 need to be doing for your own health. You need to try shit out for yourself and see what happens. And then in terms of being an expert, you know, was Steve jobs, an expert, you know, like he,
Starting point is 01:25:36 he didn't, he stopped going to school. Right. Yeah. I mean, you know, just, I know it's just one example,
Starting point is 01:25:42 but there's millions of examples where people, I mean, that is like the X. That's like the text based expert, like one of the, you know, one of the most brilliant people to probably ever walk the face of the earth. You know, if you think about it in those terms, I think I think, you know, back to kind of what Andrew was saying about the doctor's prescription. You know, let's just do this. Let's just like UFC it, you know, like in the UFC, they say, um, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:07 what do they say? Like with fights, Andrew, in terms of like, uh, the fights go into distance. What do they usually say? You know,
Starting point is 01:26:14 this one, they say, they say in boxing too, but, uh, don't leave it in the hands of the, um, judges,
Starting point is 01:26:22 judges. Don't leave it in the hands of your doctor. You know, don't get yourself, don't get yourself in a hands of your doctor you know don't get yourself yeah don't get yourself in a bad predicament you know like start eating better now start making better choices now um fuck the evidence and fuck this research and all that shit and start doing your own start you know investigating a little bit be like oh yeah they mentioned dr barry i'm gonna check out his youtube channel all right let me see me see. Hmm. Low carb diet. Ah, all right. Well, maybe I'm going to give it a shot. Let me try
Starting point is 01:26:47 bacon and eggs and some steak for a few days and see what happens and get some blood work done here and there. And right. I mean, why not? Why not poke around and see, well, what are you doing now? You know, what are you doing now about your health? What are you doing now about the condition that you're in? Are you doing, are you doing anything? And health? What are you doing now about the condition that you're in? Are you doing anything? And if you are doing stuff and you feel really healthy and you feel really good, then you don't have to really worry about, you know, only eating meat or being on a meat-based diet. If things seem to be going really well for you and you feel healthy, we don't know everything. We just know what we know. We just know what's in front of us.
Starting point is 01:27:22 And we're just trying to share that with you because it's worked well for us. And we're hoping that it'll work well for you. But if something else is already working well for you, then I think you should continue onward. Just as long as you're not getting sick and not getting weaker and not becoming more unhealthy, then I think we're good to go. Sounds good to me. Mm-hmm. All right. I think we should get the hell out of here.
Starting point is 01:27:44 What do you think? Whatever you guys want to do. I can I think we should get the hell out of here. What do you think? Whatever you guys want to do. I can't wait to try your chocolate. Shouldn't he be saying that to you? I was trying to figure out how I can flip that around. It's peanut butter cups. Yeah, well it's not dark chocolate, so I guess milk chocolate can kind of swing my way maybe? Swing.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Swing. Yeah. Wait, what's happening? Lord. You guys have been real flirty with each other the last couple podcasts. I'm kind of jealous. Don't read into it too much, man. I don't want to come between you guys, but...
Starting point is 01:28:20 Did I say something? Did I say something let's say something oh i said between right okay i get it oh okay andrew hasn't been that excited in about five years yeah yeah that sound he made was priceless you need to make like a just uh i don't know you know just something out of that sound though you can press a button and it plays yeah soundboard soundboard yeah you need to soundboard that yeah where can people find you andrew at i am andrew z on instagram but please make sure you're following the podcast on instagram as well at mark bell's power project and then at mbProject on Twitter, TikTok, and Byte.
Starting point is 01:29:07 And you guys have been absolutely crushing the reviews. We sincerely appreciate that. If you get any value from anything we do, just a simple, quick, and easy way to thank us is to just go to iTunes and drop a review. Like our boy 7-4 Drew 7-4. He says, late to the game, but I'm here. Quote, I wish I'd found this podcast sooner, but I'm here to stay now. This is so much fun and great information. So if you guys have been following us for a long time,
Starting point is 01:29:34 our boy Drew right here just found us at the start of, sorry, at the end of January. That's unacceptable. If you guys are a part of the Power Project Army, you need to be telling your friends about us um but for drew thank you so much man we sincerely appreciate that if you guys want to hear your name and your review read on air go to itunes right now drop a review and you could hear your name on air just like our boy drew and sema where you at oh god um
Starting point is 01:30:00 if if you well y'all are listening but but go to YouTube and type in lemon drop unacceptable. You just got to do that. You'll get a good laugh out of that. That's exactly what I was thinking when Andrew said that. So lemon drop unacceptable, YouTube it, and enjoy your day. I'm at NseemaYinYang on Instagram, YouTube, and Byte at NseemaYinYang on Twitter and TikTok. I'll mention this again, fighting against Chad Wesley Smith in Costa Mesa this weekend on February 8th. If you live in the area, which I don't because that's in SoCal, you guys can come watch the fight on Saturday.
Starting point is 01:30:34 You can go to I'll have it. I'll put the link somewhere so you guys can come. But we need some Power Project supporters out there. Okay. So see you there. I am at Mark Smelly Bell on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram. And then also check out if you want to check out some of my workouts, some of my nutrition. I'm sharing stuff kind of all over the place.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Still going to be sharing stuff for free, so no one needs to get their panties in a bunch. But it's been awesome. A lot of people have signed up over there already. So let's keep that momentum going. Go check it out. See if it's for you. You get a week for free. Strength is...
Starting point is 01:31:11 Oh, sorry, my bad. Huge thanks to Piedmontese. Oh, yeah. Totally forgot about... Yeah. They sponsor the show. And World Carnivore Month, they were obviously a staple for all of us. We are meat-based, so obviously we're going to be favoriting some better cuts of beef.
Starting point is 01:31:31 And there's literally no beef on the planet that's better than what Pete Montese beef. Head over to That's P-I-E-T-E-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. This is interesting that there's a vacuum going on right now. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Again,, promo code POWERPROJECT, 25% off. Thanks, Mark.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you all later.

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