Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 339 - The Two Things That Don't Matter

Episode Date: February 29, 2020

The two things that don't matter: Things you can control, and things you can't. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: http...:// Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10" at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What a podcast. We are ecstatic to announce that we've teamed up with our boy Todd Abrams and his company, Icon Meals. There you go. Good air horn. In case you guys ain't knowing, Icon Meals is a food prep service company that will ship directly to your door. Oh, man. They got some really good stuff. And now they're adding some keto stuff to their lineup.
Starting point is 00:00:18 They got some salmon. They got some burgers. My favorite thing to eat is they just have like a bacon cheeseburger. That's my favorite thing. I just throw that thing in the microwave for three, four minutes. You know, I try my best to have like my food always like ready to like cook and stuff. But sometimes you just mess up. You forget to thaw something out or whatever.
Starting point is 00:00:38 These hang out in my freezer. They're ready to rock. And it just takes about four minutes. Throw them in the microwave and they're ready to go. Yeah, especially if you're super busy. Like I have a ton of clients that are super busy. They work in an office all day. Yeah, they try to cook, but it's not always feasible because of kids, etc.
Starting point is 00:00:52 So Icon Meals and like these meal prep companies are something that I always suggest because the meals, first off, especially from Icon, taste amazing. You can warm it up real quick and it's just great for on the go. The other thing I like is the family aspect of it. When I order from them and have ordered in the past, you know, I'll get my kids, they have like a brisket quesadilla. They've got a bunch of stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's kind of hard to trick your kids into like eating things that are healthy, but there's a lot more protein in most of the stuff that they have. And even like the peanut butter and jelly, I think it has like 41 grams of protein or something crazy like that. Yeah. Yeah. You guys need to head over to icon right now, create your own custom meal plan or order off of the weekly meals at checkout, enter promo code power project for 10% off your entire order.
Starting point is 00:01:34 You know, we're seeing a lot of people jumping on the carnivore diet lately, but I think for some people, sometimes that's too hard, you know, and that's not where I started with my diet. And so when I think back, I'm like, man, how could someone get started? And I'm getting a lot of questions like, man, that seems really hard to only eat meat. And I think a great place to start is with a keto-style diet. The keto diet allows you for some more options. You get to kind of open up the playbook.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It's okay if you have some veggies here and there. It's okay if you can even have some treats here and there, which are really, really wonderful. And I don't know if you guys tried the birthday cake Perfect Keto bar yet, but holy crap, they sent me some of those bad boys and I think they're gone, unfortunately. Those are delicious. But I think keto is a great place for people to start because
Starting point is 00:02:17 sometimes being so locked into a carnivore diet can be really difficult. Now we just got more options on a keto diet. And another way for you guys to get started is a cool little survival kit that we have from Perfect Keto. Okay, so we got four different items, four of my favorites. We first have the MCT oil powder, that powder that you add to your coffee every morning. The salted caramel flavor I heard is actually amazing, but Mark here took it. So you can get the MCT oil powder. Then we have the instant keto coffee, which you can just, it's an instant coffee that
Starting point is 00:02:45 you can just have directly with water. And then we have something wonderful. The ketoneutropic. If you want to get into zone mode or Zen mode, right? And be able to focus while you're working. The ketoneutropic is absolutely amazing. Andrew had some cool points about it, that it's a fat soluble, which is why it works so well.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Yeah, because they're the perfect keto. Neutropic actually adds fat in, so you don't have to add in any of your own. And that makes it so that way your body can actually absorb the nootropic. It also has actual ketones in it. It's got BHB in it. Yep. That's pretty dope. Yeah. That's why it works so well.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And then lastly, one of my favorites, the keto electrolytes. So especially on days that I'm low carb or no carb, I got to get some electrolytes before i do a lot of jujitsu because i'm sweating and those electrolytes are awesome i love them stops me from cramping and get all my electrolytes i honestly think it was an unfair advantage that you might have had in your last jujitsu match but i don't want to you know don't want to speculate controversy let's be careful there yeah yeah you guys gotta head over to perfect slash powerproject at checkout. Use promo code powerprojectbundle for $25 off your order of $100 or more. Or use powerproject10 for $10 off any order of $40 or more.
Starting point is 00:03:54 It's a little cold. It's a little cold. Not hella cold. Okay. Oh, yeah. You're wearing a little jacket jacket. Yeah. And a long sleeve shirt under.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Okay. Good for you. All right. So today we're going to talk about your feelings. Let's do it. Feelings? All right, and Simigo first. And then Andrew, don't say anything. I won't say anything yet.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Okay. Well, you know, what tends to happen each night when I'm on my own is I cry. This is going to get weird. I do cry. And it hurts. And I don't feel the best. Thank you, sir. Oh,
Starting point is 00:04:29 cool. Hello, Ryan. Phone, phone delivery. Ryan's over. I get a little bit insecure about my mustache, not connecting to my beard.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's connected. It's getting better, but it's not a full connection. I didn't know this was like a problem. Yeah. It really does hurt sometimes. Bad full connection. Oh, I didn't know this was a problem. Yeah, it really does hurt sometimes. Bad Wi-Fi connection. So there's a few things.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Anyway, that's not really the way I was talking about. Oh, okay then. Well, thanks. So I just want to clear up some misconceptions that people may have. misconceptions that people may have um everything is the everything everything that is said and everything that's done is just an interpretation of uh your own mind and how you interpret things so um it's a hell of a rabbit hole to go down because some things are, you know, some, some things are a little different than others. Like if you put me in an arm bar,
Starting point is 00:05:30 like it's going to hurt. Right. But we also know that some people can be put in an arm bar and they won't tap from it. You know, there's some, like some of the Gracie guys, like they just don't, you know, they just will not tap from it. And maybe their joints or whatever, and they can, you know, handle more or whatever. But we're not going to talk too much about like the physical side of things because that's a little bit more complicated. But from the mental side of things, no, no one can no one can really actually make you feel anything, especially when it comes to saying something. It's a misinterpretation of what's actually going on. What's actually going on is you said something to me that triggered me,
Starting point is 00:06:11 that got me upset, that made me emotional. Maybe it hurt my feelings. Maybe it made me mad. But it's not what you said that made me that way. It's my interpretation of it. But it's not what you said that made me that way. It's my interpretation of it. So what you said goes in my ear and goes into my brain and goes into – it goes through a process. It goes through a filtering system of like, hey, do I agree with this? Hey, that doesn't sound right. Why did he call me dumb?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Why did he call me this? Why did he call me that? I have a previous history of being called dumb. I have – he knows that. Why would he say that? That's, you know, frustrating. He knows that that makes me mad. He knows that I was in special classes. Like he knows these things.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Right. But if I am to interpret it in a different way and say maybe something more like, oh, he doesn't really know me on that level. It's okay. Like if we didn't know each other that well, you know, it's not a, not a big deal. Uh, or, um, maybe even just, maybe even just finding it to be kind of funny. Like, even if you do know me the way that you know me now, um, and just thinking like just shrugging it off and being like, oh, that's interesting that he thinks that, um, I don't feel that way.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I feel that I, you know, cause you can determine how you feel, right? This can get to be really complicated because you can care so much about certain people and you can rely so much on your emotions that it's hard to even think straight. In the case of like, you know, being with somebody, in the case of like loving somebody, it can get to be really complicated because if they say something that hurts you, then I don't know about you guys, but like for me as a dude i get like really quiet you know if my wife hurts my feelings which can happen right i mean we're in a relationship i'm sure i've hurt her feelings or pissed her off or both or you know many combinations of that kind of stuff right
Starting point is 00:07:59 um but i think i think it's helpful to recognize that i I mean, first of all, it's very rare for someone to actually want to hurt your feelings. It's pretty rare. I mean, occasionally somebody may, they may be a hater, you know, maybe somebody on the internet saying something like just foul, right? Normally those people are people that don't know you at all um if you are in a fight with somebody like an argument let's say well it's it's not it's not a healthy practice to be cut chopping each other down so like in my opinion there's not really a lot of wiggle room to tolerate anything like that in my life. Like I don't have anybody in my life that I would be fighting with in that way.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I would never be with somebody that I would feel like I have to insult them more than they insulted me and so on. Like that doesn't make any sense to me. Occasionally, you may have someone who's abusive, like it might be a family member. You might have a parent or something that, you know know tells you you're never going to amount to anything tells you this tells you that but as we've seen with many people in the past that doesn't necessarily equate to your own levels of success and what you determine for yourself because we've seen so many people say hey how'd you become successful well my dad told me i was going to be a piece of shit my whole life.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And I said, fuck that. And I interpreted it differently. I didn't get down to the dumps. I didn't become a drug addict, which some people do, right? Some people interpret that as there is no way out for me. I am a loser. I come from a history of losers. And I'm going to continue down this path, which none of that is true.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's just your interpretation of it. And so it's stuff I've been learning more recently and stuff I've been thinking about a lot. is that what we need is we need more knowledge. So the more knowledge that you have, the easier it is to make sense of things. Some of the smartest people that I know, a lot of the smarter people that I know, are fairly calm. They're fairly chill. They're not going to like overly freak out about one thing or another or be overly emotional
Starting point is 00:10:24 because they're understanding that emotion has nothing to has really very little to do or nothing to do with facts it has nothing to do with um it has nothing to do with performance it doesn't enhance anything um How does it enhance me to be sad that I wasn't able to make my mortgage payment this month? Like how did that assist? It could assist in being rational because you could say, hey, that's the second time that happened. That didn't make me feel very good. I'm going to go get a second job. Well, now you just actually made yourself happy because all happiness comes from something called problem solving. So I think that the more knowledge that we have, the more problems we're able to solve, the less likely we are to give a flying
Starting point is 00:11:15 fuck about what people say and about what they're doing. But without that understanding, then it's very easy to see even something as simple as a text message or see something as simple as a instagram post and be like fuck that right it's it's easy to get like triggered by these things what do you guys think of some of that i've never heard anybody say uh problem solving like will lead to happiness and that makes a shit ton of sense um and the only way to solve a problem is to have knowledge yeah that's why we seek it in the first place um and for me personally like i've talked to mark about like my finances and stuff and like um not not necessarily like a hole i'm in or anything
Starting point is 00:11:57 like that but just like some stuff that i kind of let get out of control common things that many many people i've had the same issues you've had that's why i'm able to help you with it yeah and then so by like getting my shit together and problem solving i'm realizing that like dude i am way less stressed out like i am smiling way more the sun keeps coming out every single day sun's a little brighter yeah and i'm just like when you said that dude i don't know if you know my eyes fucking lit up because i'm like oh my gosh like that makes so much sense because i'm living it you know that's that's huge you know the the thing you mentioned about i guess letting people's words get to you um it's always the people that are it is the people that are closest to you that can have the biggest effect on you. I found that like maybe in the past or like when I was younger, the opinions that people outside of my circle would have on me would matter a bit.
Starting point is 00:12:55 But I don't know when it stopped mattering to me much in terms of the people outside of the close knit group of people that know me well. Now, like I don't really give a fuck about any of that but when the people close to me say certain things if if uh one of my best friends or my girlfriend says something that can that can ping you know what i mean and it's hard for that not to ping because the reason why that hurts so much sometimes is because those people know who you are they know what you're about and if they can still say certain things that can make you feel that way, god dang. Like that's one thing that it's still, I'm just like, ah, shit. And it's super easy to forget, right?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah. You think about that forever. But I don't think it's out of balance to ever tell somebody. Like I can't imagine. There's like two things that could happen you know like one is you go and you tell somebody you say hey what you said the other day i don't know if you realize this but like it really like i've been hurting inside like i i hate to even admit it but i've been hurting inside for like the last five days like it it it hurt me i'm not even sure why it hurt me
Starting point is 00:14:01 so bad but i didn't appreciate it i didn't like like it. And then you can say, look, you know what? If that continues, like I'm going to have a lot less, it could be like your mom, you know, it could be somebody in your family. So I'm going to have a lot less interaction with you because I don't, I don't agree with that. I'm trying to work out more positive stuff in my life. And that's not, that's not helpful to me. Uh, you know what you said the other day about
Starting point is 00:14:25 you know me uh needing to be a better dad that that hurt a lot because i'm trying i'm trying like i'm working on it you know i'm working hard um and maybe they called something attention to something that like maybe needed to be said because sometimes uh the people that are close to you will do you a nice favor and tell you the truth. Like, hey, man, you ain't around. Like, you're not around for your family or you're not, you know, it's cool that you're doing all this jujitsu, but like you're not hanging out with your girlfriend enough, man. And you might be like, oh, man, that does sting.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And it might make you mad. But again, if you send it through the grinder, you send it through your head there and you send it through, you work through it and you think about it, then you can start to make some sense of it and you think about it, then you can start to make some sense of it and you can do what only human beings can do and you can try to rationalize it. I don't think any other animal can do that.
Starting point is 00:15:13 What do you do to try to process stuff like that? When something is said, like, Mark, what do you actually do? Like, go for a walk? You sleep on it? You hear about people saying like time will cure like all whatever yeah you know so i was just yeah you know time time can help um some people say sleep on it but it's kind of hard to sleep on it it's very hard to sleep it's very uh it's very difficult i've heard of some people saying like and this is like kind of more of a modern
Starting point is 00:15:43 thing i guess but like um let's say let's say it's a modern thing I guess. But like let's say it's a text or let's say it's an email or let's say it's an Instagram thing, right? Well, I think you could write it into your notes section of your phone and then you could try to wait and see if that like will it still make sense if you think about it more it still makes sense to send that email over to somebody will still make sense to comment back uh about what somebody said i know that people are listening to this now and like markets triggered all the time this this is just stuff that i have learned more recently like recently recently and so um these are going to be things that i, uh, that I work on, but you know, it's, it's hard to understand too. It's hard to understand that like firing back won't really have the effect that you're looking for. Um, I saw like Justin Bieber the other day, they were talking about how he's having a hard
Starting point is 00:16:40 time with this, having a hard time with that. And they strung together all these videos of him like lashing out and it's like well the guy you know not to make excuses for him but he's been you know famous since he's been like a little kid and i have no idea what that would be like but they show him like lashing out against media somebody's calling him a punk as he's going to his car i would imagine you know he's very frustrated from all the travel, all the performances, given everything he's got on stage. That one guy shouting that one thing to him is making him react in a way that he thinks that that guy is representing everybody and everyone's feelings saying you're not doing a good job as a performer. And that's not necessarily true and i think i have misinterpreted people sometimes uh when people say something on youtube or sometimes somebody says something on instagram of like this means i'm doing a bad job and it really doesn't because
Starting point is 00:17:37 if i feel good about what i'm doing and i feel that what i'm doing is productive and I enjoy it, I have interest in it, even if I just have interest in it and it goes nowhere, even if it has zero views, if I feel it's productive and I'm into it, then it's productive. Then it's so, right? Because that's the way that I think and it's making me feel good. I shouldn't need anything else. On top of that, there's nothing external that should be able to I know it does shift your mood but it shouldn't be able to shift your mood because it doesn't actually shift your mood it doesn't actually make you feel any kind of way it's just there's a lot of emotions that maybe get uh confused and I think you know when it comes to like more positive emotions like feeling good
Starting point is 00:18:25 or or um or feeling like loved and those kinds of things i think that those are things you probably need to think less about because it feels good to have those things and there's not really a lot of negatives with those however none of those will fill in the gaps for you either. So if you, let's say you're a little bit of a wreck of a person, let's say that you are, um, and by wreck, I just mean like you're, you're very emotional.
Starting point is 00:18:53 You can be moved up and have these crazy highs and you can have these crazy lows. Well, now you meet somebody else and you're, you're, you're riding this high and you're staying above average for yourself more regularly, right? Yeah. Now let's just say that person's not there anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:14 You broke up, something happened, whatever. Now where do you swing to? So even relying on, you can't really rely on anyone else. You have to be able to rely solely on yourself, and the only way that you're going to, you can't really rely on anyone else. You have to be able to rely solely on yourself. And the only way that you're going to, you know, this self love kind of movement, the only way you're going to feel good about yourself is to have the knowledge to solve the problems for yourself in the first place.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Cause the problems are the things that are kind of dragging you down. There's a lot. Let me, let me ask this actually. Cause Andrew was asking you you how you process things. But first off, what got you so interested in this train of thought? Because for the amount of time that I've known you, you've always been honestly just like a kind of calm person. But what got you thinking deeper into this? And I guess what kind of resources have you been looking into? Since this is going to be kind of short, where can people start in terms of looking up some of these ideas?
Starting point is 00:20:09 It's complicated. It's complicated. Okay. Um, for, you know, for, um, for myself, I was trying to think about the way I used to be when I was younger. When I was young, when I was a kid, it was really, really rare for me to care about anything. I mean, I think my parents didn't like ever know what I was going to do because I was quiet. I was super quiet. I loved like football. I loved a couple things, but like i didn't have a lot of emotion you know when i did well in football if i scored a touchdown or something like i didn't i didn't
Starting point is 00:20:50 spike the ball like hand the ball with the ref like this is like my job like i'm supposed to score i'm on the offense i'm a tight end i caught it you know cool flip the ball yeah you know we won the game you know not uh it didn't didn matter. We're supposed to win the game, you know. But sometimes some things would happen where maybe we lost the game, as I mentioned before, like losing our playoff game. And I would be more reactionary to that. And I was like, well, like that's not healthy. And then over the course of time, over a period of time, somewhere along the lines, I messed up because I became an adult. And I had, like, responsibilities, and I allowed those responsibilities to allow me to waver from the way that I originally was.
Starting point is 00:21:37 You know, I remember as a kid, my football coach was really, like, emotional. And I always thought about how dumb it was. And then I would see my own brother, like, punch his hand through, like, a wall or something. He was very reactionary, right? coach was really like emotional and i always thought about how dumb it was and then i i would see my my own brother like punch his hand through like a wall or something it's very reactionary right which is is kind of cool in some ways because you know you you just like blow off steam right well if you never do that then you're kind of holding everything in kind of trapping everything in but there's another way to handle it. You can handle it all internally through your brain and you can make more sense of it and you can be more calm about it to where
Starting point is 00:22:10 you just think about the situation, not necessarily as bad and not necessarily as good, but it's just the way that it is. And then you can interpret and you can place values on those things and think about where those things sit in you know, in your life, how those things matter to you the most. So my football coach, like throwing his clipboard, I remember like we had like about three guys on a team that were good. You know, like we I think most high school teams are like this. They have a football team and they got only a couple of football players. I was a football player. I was like one of the guys that was pretty good. And so I can get away with more. My coach,
Starting point is 00:22:54 you know, threw his clipboard and it was during a game. And I just looked at him like, coach, I'm like, now you got to pick up your clipboard. You don't know, you know, you don't know where your papers went, you know, like, I'm like, look at you, you know, and I was kind of making fun of him. He's like, Bell, he's like, get out of my face, you know. But what I recognized, you know, as I've gotten older is that even though I don't ever react like that, like you guys would never see an explosion like that. I think I might react in my head like that. I think I might be throwing a clipboard in my head like that i think i might be throwing a clipboard in my head and so more recently i've been like trying to look into that and trying to figure out why um i'm a big proponent of trying to uh stop the bleeding of stuff you know almost before i get cut you know like almost anticipating getting you know getting cut and then saying okay, what do I have around me that could, that could stop the bleeding?
Starting point is 00:23:49 I don't have any, like, I don't have like a mental issue. I don't have, it's not like, it's not like I found God or anything crazy like that, but I just have recognized certain traits and certain things where I'm like, this isn't great. And it could, this could be a lot better. And if I start to look into this more, um, I think I can serve myself better. So now I'm trying to think of like, how does this serve me better? And if it doesn't serve me better, I don't really want anything to do with it. I want to just keep continuing, uh, to try to gain more knowledge so I can solve more problems for myself so I can be like more at peace.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And, you know, the weight of having a multimillion dollar business and some of these things, again, it's all interpretation. Like it could matter a lot and it could freak me out and it could make me scared or it could just be fun. And I choose to have it just be fun. I choose for it to be. And so I want it to continue that way. I want to keep it that way. I want to kind of answer Andrew's question about how do you internalize it. You put it through the process.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Like, how do you, you know, internalize it? You put it through the process. You ask yourself, what response helps the most? Like, what response serves me the most? If Andrew's, you know, if Andrew says, hey, you know, how was my workout today? If we worked out together. And if I said, you looked like shit. Now, if I'm totally kidding, if I'm totally kidding and I smile and I laugh and we, you know, that's within the context of, hey, we're just joking around. We're buds or whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Right. But I can also even just think of something so small like that. How does this serve me, you know, as a mentor, as a leader? How does this serve me? How's this going to serve him? How's this going to make him feel? If I make him feel good, that's going to make me feel good and if i think about the workout and i'm like shit man well you did like the last time we worked out together he did really well on squats
Starting point is 00:25:53 like shit man you're blowing up those squats and i think it was unexpected fucking did awesome right yeah now he feels good i feel good you know so those are just i've been thinking about a lot of these things and when i say it's complicated, it's like some of it, some of the stuff I've been listening to is like, you know, people that are studying, like I'm trying to think of the guy's name that was on Joe Rogan recently. But some of it has been like from like physics and stuff like that and epistemology. And like you can try to look up some of this stuff, but it's, it's a dark hole. Yeah. It's, it's hard. But when, when the time is right, I'll give you guys more information on maybe specifics of where you can look.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Cause I'm still learning about it. So I don't want to like say, Hey, like, you know, I don't know the, uh, best, uh, trusted resource sources, but if you are a true nerd, you will know this name. The guy's name is David Deutsch. And if you can stomach listening to any of what he's, what he says, he has some outstanding principles, but it's,
Starting point is 00:26:57 it's even the principles of like knowledge and why we try to acquire knowledge and like where knowledge even comes from and how we even know something like it's weird because then you how do you know that it's raining outside? Like, do you need to stand outside to get and get wet to know that it's raining outside? Like you hear it. Right. But then you could be interpreting it the wrong way. Right. There's so it's a it's a dark hole but it's been useful for me do you think
Starting point is 00:27:27 because you said that you kind of forgot and you started getting responsibilities and stuff do you think you can have like an adult can have like a childlike mindset as far as like you know just how kids think right can someone have that like tap into that mindset and still be able to progress and be like a successful in their opinion a successful person i think so i think it can be a lot of fun too like a kid a kid could have fun with our light switch right like if he can reach the light switch like for the first time he's like boop boop boop he's turning on turning off turning on turning off he's like oh my god i can control the lights in the room. This is crazy, right? And maybe he like even through some of that process
Starting point is 00:28:08 learns about electricity or maybe he sticks a fork in the socket and really gets a learning lesson and gets launched across the room. Yeah. I put my tongue on an outlet when I was a kid. Not an outlet, but like a plug thing. I shocked myself.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I was like, ooh. Yeah. I remember, I don't know what the hell I was doing, but I had like a plug thing i shocked myself i was like yeah i remember i i for i don't know what the hell i was doing but i had like a phone cord or something and it split into two and i just happened to be like oh what happened like it exploded it was not good i think uh yeah you can you can kind of live your life like a kid a little bit and i think that you should i think that you should um you know be exploring things but with an adult mind you know and semo you were mentioning interpreting things certain ways when you were younger but you're also
Starting point is 00:28:51 still very young and i think that men like i think their brain isn't even fully developed like 25 yeah so there's like um and like even like uh if i think about like watching certain movies and stuff with my kids my kids aren't gonna like cry from like watching a movie the only way they would cry is maybe if they got scared or something i mean when they were younger i guess but um they're not really gonna cry because they don't have that uh emotion you know i forget what some of the stuff's called but they just they don't have that part of the brain to be empathetic in that way they might be able to be like oh my god like i i understand how that because it could be a kid in the movie or something that's getting abused
Starting point is 00:29:29 or something they could say i understand how like man that that that's gotta really hurt but they won't make them cry like it would make us cry because we're like man how horrible to have to see that done to a child and you get like you're like into it right um and my kids like they'll laugh you know at me or andy like if we cry during a movie or something like that it's usually andy but they're they're always like you know teasing her and she laughed during like or she cried during like ice age or something and they thought it was a great i thought it was craziest thing they've ever seen yeah jasmine always crushes us whenever this is like these damn onions i've got to stop cutting them and then
Starting point is 00:30:05 she's just like again i was like it's not me you know what i'm curious about because i know we don't have much time left but like for like your coach right uh he's gone through life i guess with that type of reacting when he's angry or something like that right like if i because i was thinking like what's the problem because i try not to be reactionary when especially the people close in my life tell me certain things that may hurt me. I try not to react. I try to like the first thing is like, okay, don't react to it. Just think about it. Separate yourself and wonder, like ask yourself, why are you angry that they said that?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Or why are you feeling really down that they said that? And then it could be, oh, because that's actually fucking true. And now you realize it's true about yourself and you need to change that. Right. But for a person that is inherently like they do react or they they do feel very angry over things and they that's what they do. How can that get like there's no way we can answer this question right now. But there's probably listeners like thinking, but that's just what I do. I'm an emotional person. Like what is their process for, I guess, not, not dealing with
Starting point is 00:31:12 things that emotion so much. Like the one thing that I've been told in the past was that I'm very cold. I've been told by people close to me that I'm cold. But the thing is, is like, I don't necessarily think I'm cold. I just think that I don't let my emotions rule what I do in certain situations. It's not that I'm cold. I feel everything, but I just try not to, uh, I try not to lose myself in the way that I feel. Right. So how can, I guess, people find a, especially very emotional individuals, what, what's the
Starting point is 00:31:41 process that they need to do? You need therapy or what? Like there's too much here. Yeah, yeah. No, it's a lot. I think that it almost kind of play like a little bit of like the victim mentality because like I've heard people say like,
Starting point is 00:31:55 oh, I just speak my mind and I'm not going to apologize for it. Yep. And then I also have heard like, oh, I have anger issues. Sorry. Like, hold on. Like because you speak your mind and you quote
Starting point is 00:32:05 have anger issues doesn't give you a free pass to just be like crazy when something happens like you know i mean like yeah and uh before i forget um you are cold because you asked me to turn the heater up right now i'm actually very cool yeah oh man so like when it comes to that stuff i think that again like what what serves you the best you know to be let's say uh let's say you have a kid and they cuss at you or something right and it makes you super frustrated hey you know jasmine you're not supposed to talk that way hey quinn you're not supposed to like what you know or there's other ways of reacting to it and just like letting it happen. Let them storm off into the room. Give it a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:32:51 You know, maybe you're kind of in shock. You know, you're like, wow, like that is completely out of character. Does it do any good for you to like this is this is a uh this is a great opportunity a great education opportunity to teach your child um you could say hey you know uh so you can give it a minute so that you're not mad um because you might overreact to that um but you could you could give it a minute say hey i want you to come out of your room. I want, I'd love to talk to you about this. You talk to him about it and you say, I'm sorry if you have ever learned that from me, exploding like that and being frustrated because I said, you can't go to your friend's house. But that's not, that's not a great way to get what you want.
Starting point is 00:33:42 It's not productive. It doesn't help anything. It just makes you mad. It upsets productive. It doesn't help anything. It just makes you mad. It upsets me. I'm upset that you're upset. Like, let's figure out, okay, you can't go over your friend's house tonight because it's 830 at night and you have school tomorrow. You could still, we could still work towards you getting what you want.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I think a lot of times, you know, a lot of times people are trying to like work towards something that they want or trying to, you know, get something out of a particular situation. And so that's why they're reacting a certain way. And I think if you were to explain or if the people listening that might be reactionary, if they could better understand that, like, they may not get their way from it's not that productive to do that right and it takes a lot of energy too and i think when we think about the people that ask us about like motivation how do you stay motivated well it's easy to be motivated when you're very even keel most of the time yeah because like hey like i'm just gotta go to the gym like what are you doing like i'm getting ready for the gym why i go to the gym every day yeah you love going to the gym yep you love going to jiu-jitsu yep why do you why do you love
Starting point is 00:34:52 jiu-jitsu so much uh well i have a goal and um if it works out i'm gonna be a world champion someday you you really want to be a world champion. Yep. You know, and how do you, how do you react when you lose? It's like, oh, it just shows me that I probably need to get on the mat a little bit more. You know, if I'm on the mat a little bit more, I doubt that I'll lose. Right. The few people that you have lost to, uh, if you were on the mat for an additional, let's say even just three months, right. If you, if you had that implanted into your body, that an additional three months of knowledge probably would have beat them,
Starting point is 00:35:35 you know? Right. So it's just like these little, little things. And then like, how, how do you get that? How do you being emotional towards? It doesn't really, doesn't really do much although you know you could cry about it and the crying and stuff like that could actually help you sort through the process maybe uh a little faster and it can be it can sometimes be a productive you don't have to be uh completely emotionless but um you know you think about like uh lists but um you know you think about like uh you know who like who's more effective uh you know who's more effective of a of a killer right like someone that goes someone someone that goes someone that goes into a a bank and goes blasting people like can they pick off more people or can like a
Starting point is 00:36:21 sniper you know someone who's cold and calculated and does it from a distance or even like serial killers i know it's like a crazy thing to think about but like serial killers can kill people for decades like the the golden state the golden state killer right because he doesn't have he's not making a scene you know he's like tying people up taking his time killing them leaving torturing them doing all that shit right it's not funny this isn't funny but it's like just the comparisons we're making here it's it makes it makes sense though it's makes perfect sense but cold and calculated yeah and seamless cold colder than my nipples well we can talk about this a lot more some other time too we can get
Starting point is 00:37:01 it yeah this is great i think uh i think what's happening is mark is just getting wiser yeah man why isn't it up so david deutsch yeah that's a tough one youtube and guys i guess it's tough it's a tough one yeah all righty all right we're gonna get ready for uh dominic dagostino the doctor doctor, keto doc. Yeah. Okay. Well, then let's do that. Sorry, I was looking at the time. Yeah, we're good to go. All righty.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Where can people find you? Insema. Oh, Insema Yin Yang on Instagram and YouTube. Insema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Andrew. At I am Andrew Z. Make sure you follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project. And thank you guys for all the ratings and reviews you guys have been leaving.
Starting point is 00:37:47 It's been really cool to reach out, or not reach out, but have the people that wrote the review reach out on Instagram and say thank you for reading your name on air. That's been freaking awesome. Real quick, this episode is brought to you by Perfect Keto. You guys know we love the MC2 oil powders,
Starting point is 00:38:00 the electrolytes that I have literally right here, and all of the Perfect Keto bars, head over to slash powerproject at checkout and your promo code powerproject10 for $10 off any order of 40 or more. And then if you reach 100, use promo code powerprojectbundle. Mark Smelly Bell, where are you at? Special shout out to my people over at Nike for ripping off the hip circle. I was waiting if you were going to say that.
Starting point is 00:38:23 That is one of the coolest things that's ever happened to me. I saw a slingshot or a hip circle. I'm hoping they steal a slingshot too. That'd be cool. I saw a hip circle sitting on my desk that had a Nike swoosh on it. And I just thought that was pretty damn. Oh, that was pretty damn cool. Someone over there knows something about me or the company or something.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Probably not the owner though. We probably haven't made it that far. We need LeBron to know about it. Maybe he does. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later. What up, Poopcast?
Starting point is 00:38:52 Thank you so much for checking out today's episode. We want to thank you again for leaving ratings and reviews on iTunes. Today we want to give a special shout-out to Macman1982. Macman says, Best fitness podcast with two exclamation points. So you know it's legit. Quote, I'm a huge fan and love all the guests. I never miss an episode.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Thanks for all that you do and keep up the good work. Macman, thank you so much for that review. The 30 seconds to 90 seconds it took you to write that review. That helps us out so freaking much so thank you so much for doing that if you listening right now if you want to hear your name and your review read on air please head over to itunes right now drop us a rating drop us a review and you could hear your name on air just like macman 1982 we'll catch you guys later peace

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