Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 341 Live - We're Still Going To The Arnold and Love Is Blind

Episode Date: March 5, 2020

Covid-19 can stop the Arnold Classic, but it can't stop the Power Project! We're still going to Ohio to podcast! Today is an update on current events, parenting and what you have to look forward to our trip to Columbus. Oh yeah, and we admit how much we love the Netflix show "Love is Blind". Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And he's a big man. Apparently he's like 230-something, 240-something. Just looks like an absolute gorilla. Who's that? Jocko Willink. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, we need to get Jocko Willink.
Starting point is 00:00:11 I've never been able to make contact with him. I have an email address for him, but he responds to his emails pretty much the same way I do. I use his geese. He partnered with this company called Origin Geese, and their geese are amazing. I have four of their geese. Like he partnered with this company called Origin Geese and their geese are amazing. I've had their, I have like four of their geese. I had them for like three plus years, but I've been trying to just like pound them down to get someone there. So I'm like, I want to work with you guys somehow because your geese are so good.
Starting point is 00:00:34 The cool thing is like the top and bottoms are different because my lower body is way bigger than my upper body. So every time I'd get other geese, like the top would be too big or the bottom was too small. We know how big your lower body is. Oh, yeah, you do. Let's not talk about how. Well, my legs are big, but my wee-wee's not that impressive.
Starting point is 00:00:50 But what I was going to say. Well, because your legs are big, though. It's in comparison. Right. That makes so much sense. I've been wondering all these years, like, why do I look so tiny? Like, how big could Shaq's dick look, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:01:03 He's such a huge person. Can only look so big his lady's so small that's such a scary thing oh god i'm not even i'm not gonna go deeper with that i'm gonna just hold it there but i was gonna say the so the fact that we weren't going to go to the arnold right earlier um my mom she's been telling me she's like and seema you need to talk to mark you need to talk to mark this coronavirus you can't you can't go there with all these people you need to talk to mark i'm like mom it's okay we'll just be sanitary just pray does she know i'm sending you guys first keep us there for two days make sure we don't get sick and then you come on down
Starting point is 00:01:38 dude when when i when i told her that we we weren't going after you put up that video she was legit jumping for joy she was screaming yay and then i told her this morning yo looks like we are going she's like oh god you need to talk to mark same very similar situation with me and stephanie you know so like i told her i called her on the way home yesterday and i'm just like hey like no no guarantees like i don't know what this means for us but you know arnold's canceled and mark just put this on his instagram but we also just said like hey let's not like do anything crazy we'll figure it out in the morning i'm like so you know bad news is like we have like murderers row of like podcasts lined up that are not going to happen if we don't go good news is
Starting point is 00:02:24 you know we don't have that like whole thing of travel but i'm happen if we don't go good news is you know we don't have that like whole thing of travel but i'm like but we don't know yet and then this morning on the way in of course i hit heavy traffic so i couldn't like really explain everything but i'm like ah we're still going and she's like she's like okay well i'll start packing you know it's just yeah my girl told me a whole list of things I need to have. She's like, you need to have gloves. You need to have extra latex gloves. You need to get a face mask.
Starting point is 00:02:50 She's like, don't go near people. My girlfriend was telling me all these things I need to do. I'm like, damn. Yeah, so a mask is not supposed to help. Apparently it's not. According to some of the stuff I've seen. Mouth tape might be able to help because nasal breathing might be some, what of a defense?
Starting point is 00:03:05 That actually makes some sense. And there's even a little bit of like kind of science to back that up. We have some defense mechanisms in our nose and we don't really have that in our mouth. So that makes some sense, especially when it comes to breathing in more so than breathing out, I guess. And then another thing is I've just read an article that was amazing about vitamin D3 and about, you know, getting your vitamin D levels up. And it was saying in addition to getting the vitamin D levels up, I mean, you could just do this through supplementation.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So you can get out in the sun if you have some sun availability, but we probably won't have a lot of that as an option in Columbus, although it might be bright out, it'll probably be kind of cold. So to get that kind of skin exposure to the sun probably won't be an option, but, uh, getting the vitamin D levels can be useful. And it's like, well, why not, you know, why not practice this? Why not, why not bring some vitamin D with you? I know I'm going to make a pit stop. I already have some vitamin D, but I'm going to get some extra. Why not make a pit stop on my way home, get some extra vitamin D and load up on it. The amount that I was seeing was in a neighborhood of about 20,000 IUs.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Oh, really? That's a pretty hefty dosage. And the guy that wrote the article, I don't know if he was African-American or what he was, but he said he was dark-skinned, and he said that he actually needs more because of those people that are darker. They grow up around the equator or grow up around sunlight more. So they are, I guess, they're already used to sunlight.
Starting point is 00:04:34 They're already used to that. So they need to take a little bit more to get the same benefit. But it was an amazing article. It went through this whole, as I was reading it, I was like, man, I don't really read this much normally, you know. through this whole as i was reading it i was like man i don't really read this much normally you know and it's going through this whole cycle of uh ll 37 you know because that's that's a byproduct of the of the uh d3 and stuff like that or derivative and i'm reading all this and it's talking about how people are injecting themselves with this uh um what do you call those things um peptides peptide people are injecting themselves with this peptide,
Starting point is 00:05:06 and they were saying, I actually don't need to go that far. All you need is increased vitamin D3 levels. And the information was great. I'll send it to Andrew, and Andrew, you can maybe attach it to this podcast. Nice. People can read it and check it out.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It was super informative, and it pulled out studies from years you know, years ago on like swine flu and other viruses that have really taken people out. So, I mean, I really hope that this is all like precautionary and I hope it's kind of a false alarm. But, yeah, man, it's it's crazy. You know, it is it is affecting a lot of people. And the guy that made the call in Ohio, the governor, I mean, who knows? Maybe he made the right decision. You know, what if we look back on it and like, man, that was really stupid that we had, you know, this sports festival or whatever, you know.
Starting point is 00:05:56 But a lot of things are being canceled. You know, I do think it makes a lot of sense, though, because if you think about it, like you're about to get, what, 250,000 people come down with the spectators and the athletes in one area from all around the world. Some of them are probably already sick with it. Could be interacting, not going to be washing hands when shaking hands. It makes sense. It sucks, but it really does make sense. A lot of times we get sick when we go there anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:19 We get like some sort of weird something or the first year I got so damn sick. Like while we were there uh i don't know what happened like my body hit like a certain like a extra gear that i didn't know i had and i kind of got over it right away and then when i got back it was just like out every single year since then i usually when we get back i'm just like so drained that i'm usually like it just feels like i caught like a pretty a pretty nasty cold. But it goes away pretty fast. But the last year, I think it was pretty chill. I think that we get sick, though, mainly from just lack of sleep. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I think that's really the real culprit. Like, yes, we are on a plane. We are exposed to other people. And there's a lot of shit going on. Our defenses are down. Yeah, but I think our defenses are down, down because we're just not sleeping. You know? How many times have you told yourself, oh, I'll just sleep on the plane?
Starting point is 00:07:06 And you don't. I mean, what kind of sleep are you getting on the plane, even if you do fall asleep? It's just crap sleep and somebody's knocking into you or you're getting woken up by something every couple of minutes. So you're not really getting any sort of real sleep on a plane. Yeah, that's the biggest culprit for your immune system anyway when like on a day-to-day basis, if you're not getting enough sleep, you're going to get sick with something. So one of the biggest defenses against this thing is anyway just getting yourself a full night's sleep every single night. Yeah. But that vitamin D thing is really interesting.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I usually do like 5,000 IUs, but I'm going to be taking five of those 5,000 IU pills every day. Yeah, I know. I was telling Mark, I'm like, like yeah i'm taking about 20 000 right now you are yeah oh well it just it just naturally like thinking about the arnold coming up before i even understood what the corona i still don't know what it is but like as far as it being potentially canceled and the thought of like oh shit like this might you know be uh you know the thought of getting the virus right i just started loading up because of the Arnold and vitamin D three just happened to be one of the things that I'm like,
Starting point is 00:08:09 I'm taking four of these 5,000 IU capsules. And then when he told me that today, I'm like, all right, five of these 5,000 IU capsules now. So. I was probably going in the wrong direction too. Cause like I've been,
Starting point is 00:08:22 uh, I started using airborne more every now and then I'd use Airborne. But recently I've been using Airborne every day. Probably vitamin D3 would have a bigger effect than that Airborne. I'm going to keep doing that too anyway because of the vitamin C. Yeah. I'm sure something can oppose this. There's always different information out there.
Starting point is 00:08:40 But basically it says it's fairly safe to take large levels of it, 20,000 IU a day. Cool. But it also says that just by going to the beach for a few days, your skin will have 200,000 IUs of D3. So, you know, just to give you an idea, like you're not going to do anything negative by taking some extra for a period of time. And again, I'm sure that somebody listening or some information somewhere can probably refute that. But I don't see the harm in it. I think it's, hey, look, if it's going to help. And D3, it doesn't usually cost that much.
Starting point is 00:09:19 It's cheap. Just give it a shot. How about if you were to load up on some meat? What kind of meat are you talking about, baby? I'm talking about the leanest, tenderest, juiciest, somehow cooks fasterest type of meat. Is his name Andrew? Wait, why are we cooking? Oh, Piedmontese.
Starting point is 00:09:36 We're not talking about man meat. Okay, my bad, dude. Yeah. Sorry. And I just got a little notification saying that I got a package at home from Certified Piedmontese. I wonder what their deal is. Are they still going to the Arnold? I guess they would have to cancel because they are exhibitors.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I wonder if they ship tons of meat, if we can just intercept it all. Yeah, I know. Man. Yeah, I picked up my box, or I got the UPS guy right before I got to Jiu-Jitsu today. So it's right at home waiting for me to unpack it did a double leg on them just like give me my beef don't shoot him on double leg and take the beef yeah i'm excited yeah um seriously guys the uh the absolute best beef on the planet if you're doing the carnivore diet or you're thinking about dipping your toes into the carnivore diet
Starting point is 00:10:19 the best way to go about it is with certified piedmontmontese beef. It's leaner. It cooks faster. It's more delicious. It's just the best thing on the planet. Head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. So you order on Sunday and you get it by Wednesday, which is what we're doing today.
Starting point is 00:10:43 By the way, man. I figured out how, at least for myself, because I'm not the best cook, I figured out how to cook that beef sirloin filet and make it good. Because usually like it's pretty good, but it's not as good as like their New York strips, their ribeyes, their flat irons. Usually when I cook it, it's not as like juicy, right? So you mentioned this, I think, tender tenderizing that thing i didn't have a meat tenderizer so i just punched it yeah i just used like the back of a spoon i just like beat the hell
Starting point is 00:11:12 out of that meat flattened it out a little bit even it out cooked it it was so good it was so good it makes a huge difference yeah it makes your cooking a little bit more uh idiot proof i did that last night to uh some new york strips well, and it was the same thing. I just actually punched them with my own fist. And then, you know, it took – you just have to be really careful because it will cook super fast. I mean, Piedmontese cooks fast already. It will just cook super fast. So this is not something you can kind of walk away from because you're going to ruin it.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Yeah. Whoa, Joel Green. Hey, what's up? Oh, what's up, Joe? Yeah, I was just like either somebody took the name Joel Green or it's actually Joel Green. So I'll see what he has to say. But do you think you can get – so D3 and vitamin D, I'm stupid. So those are two different things?
Starting point is 00:11:59 No. It's just – well, they could be. But as far as I know, just get D3. I'm wondering. Can you get that from – There's D12 too, but they're from Detroit. There's D3 and K2 and vitamin A. I think they all work pretty well together. They're all fat soluble supplements. These are things that wouldn't be best to take on an empty stomach. It would be best to take with food, especially with fat, since it's fat-soluble.
Starting point is 00:12:26 You want it to kind of digest with fat. It could just be some fat that's in your coffee, or it could be just a fatty meal. That would be beneficial. I'm wondering if you can get a lot of it from like a juve light, like a red light. Is that the same? Yeah, that I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I'm not sure. I don't know how the different lights and stuff work, but I know you can get it from the sun. I know you can get it from some supplementation. You can also get it through dairy, you know? Yeah. And then I don't think there's really like a lot of vitamin D in like meat, but I know that you can get it through dairy, through some milk, through some yogurt. And I think, you know, the more natural this stuff is, like if it's raw or grass-fed or organic or any combination of those things, I think that might help a little bit too. But I'm just going to take a supplement of it.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I mean, I have been for years. I like vitamin D. I've been utilizing it pretty much since I found out about it. I've been utilizing it pretty much since I found out about it. And years ago when I was heavy and I was coming down in weight, I was still like, I don't know, I was still just like a fat guy, like mess, I guess you'd say. You know, we would go to these trade shows and stuff, and I would just be like really sweaty. And, you know, I was just super hot all the time. And I talked to Stan about it one time.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I was like, dude, I'm like, these shows are killing me. And he's like, you know what? He said it made a big difference for me was vitamin D. He's like, I don't know if it's the diet, the combination of the diet. He's like, but I used to be like you. I'd sweat right through my shirt at these events and stuff. And anyway, it helped a lot. And it's just, again, it's just a thing that's inexpensive to do.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Why not give it a shot? Why not mess with it? For a while, I was taking like a crazy dosage and i got my you know vitamin d levels up to some crazy amount i was testing it you know testing my blood and everything um and stan's like all right you know yeah now you're just kind of like overdoing it like you can you know you can kind of get get some of this stuff overdone and speaking of work, I just got some more blood work done yesterday. So I'm anxious to see. Is the Carver diet killing you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You know what? That's what they reported back to me. They said, look, man, like you only have three days to live and you could have a little bit longer time to live if you let us check your blood. So they have my blood, they have my trend, I mean my urine. And yeah, I'm excited to just kind of see what it's showing. I wouldn't doubt that something's off. Like every time I get my blood work done, something's always a little bit – I always have like a red check next to something.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And I'm like, damn it. It seems like I fix one thing and then something else gets out of whack. But the thing to know about blood work so no one gets alarmed when they do get their work done is just that it's just a snap. It's a snapshot in time of your blood. And it may represent everything very accurately, but there's also a possibility that maybe you're a little bit sick. Maybe you didn't sleep well for a few days. So we know that your resting glucose, your resting insulin levels, They can be highly impacted by just one crappy night of sleep. And so we also know that your creatine levels and things like that, if you're a lifter, you know, kidneys, kidney function, and some of these things are going to, they're going to look a little different if you're a
Starting point is 00:15:39 lifter. And if you're being aggressive with your CrossFit or your jujitsu or some of that stuff, sometimes some of your markers of health will look kind of off and you're like, oh, that doesn't look good. But again, it's a snapshot. And that's why I try to get it done fairly often. I haven't seen, but has Sean Baker, because he's probably since he's been doing carnivore so long, I'm assuming that he shared some of his blood work because everybody's probably like, what's your blood look like? Right? Yeah. Sean Baker has his testosterone levels are like mild to low. His cholesterol looked like it was all good.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Even his iron, which that's a huge concern of a lot of people. They'll say, hey, man, you know, you got to donate blood even if you're a natural athlete. So that's pretty common knowledge now in athletes that use performance enhancing drugs. It's a good idea to donate blood because your blood could get thick. But you said even if you're a natural athlete? But even if you're a natural athlete and you're consuming a lot of meat, there are some people that believe that you should donate blood to help keep the iron levels more modest, I guess. But what Dr. Baker has found and Paul Saladino and some others is that it may not be, it may not matter that much because, again, most of the studies that we have, most of the information that we have is like let's see what happens to Encima's iron levels
Starting point is 00:17:03 when he starts to eat a lot more meat. But then you didn't cut anything else out. Like you just all of a sudden ate a lot more meat and let's just say you had a shit diet. You have a standard American diet and now we just added meat to it and you're still eating French fries and all these other offenders. Well, your cholesterol probably will look bad. The plaque in your heart probably won't look good. Your cholesterol probably will look bad. The plaque in your heart probably won't look good.
Starting point is 00:17:31 There'll be a lot of things that will be consistently kind of interrupting the way that your body should be healing itself. And your iron levels would be one of them. But once you kind of take away a lot of those things, once you take away some of the bread and sugars and things like that, it doesn't appear that there's as much concern. But some people actually believe – my friend Carl Lenore is one of them, Superhuman Radio. Shout out to Superhuman Radio. If you've never heard of it before, you should check it out. Okay. A lot of great content. My boy Ron Penn is a huge fan of them too.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Carl really is a big proponent of getting the iron levels checked. And some people think that that is the single difference between men and women's longevity. I forget what it was called. It's like your total iron levels or something like that. I wish I could remember the exact name of it. I was anemic when I was younger. My iron was low when I was a teenager. I had to supplement iron and start eating a lot of green leafy vegetables. I haven't gotten that checked in a long time.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I'm assuming it's fine because I haven't fainted yeah but yeah i used to i used to like have uh fainting spells when i was younger because my iron was super low um my mom had anemia like it was something that ran in the family so wow haven't fainted in a long time i always feel like i'm gonna faint when i'm training in the morning not always i just have like a bunch of times one of those times being yesterday in the morning. Not always. I just have like a bunch of times. One of those times being yesterday in the morning. Like I would just bend down to get set up for a deadlift and then just start going dark. And I'm like, no, let's kind of go get some salt and just drink some water and then relax.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And then I was fine. But like it was just weird. You know, like I don't know what that was all about. The worst thing that happened was one day I was trying day I was getting something from a top bookshelf. Oh, shit. And I reached for it. I was like, oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. What's happening?
Starting point is 00:19:11 So I grabbed something. I grabbed the side of the bookshelf. And the next thing I know, I open my eyes and the bookshelf's on top of me on the ground. So I brought the bookshelf down on me when I fainted. And yeah, so that's something that's something that yeah people should probably check this their iron levels a lot of times iron levels are high by the way from eating meat not necessarily low that's and that's that's one of the differences between male and female some people believe you know women they uh they bleed every month so that's the way they they get rid of their
Starting point is 00:19:42 iron and then also for some reason i'm not really sure why and maybe i have the incorrect information maybe because women typically eat less meat but um i think women have a harder time absorbing iron but again i i could be fake news i could just be reporting something wrong but i believe i've heard that before but it also could again just be the fact that maybe they just eat a little bit less meat i don't know pretty interesting question from strongest version of you he's he's asking hey mark would you recommend changing how peds are used on carnivore you know that's an interesting question i have not really heard of people matching up other than other than some of the the bodybuilding kind of gurus i haven't really heard a lot of information in terms of uh how to kind of like um customize your nutrition
Starting point is 00:20:34 along with your peds i know a lot of bodybuilders have really kind of played with a lot of that but i think it's like probably highly individual i haven't heard anything specifically but that you know that you know, that makes a lot of sense. The only thing I do know is this, is that, you know, people will take things that are more like androgenic when they are trying to bulk. So when they're eating more foods that are, when they're eating more stuff that's going to help them get bigger, like they're eating a lot of carbs and stuff they might have uh more powerful steroids in their in their um in their arsenal because that's the goal is to get big and massive and they might take more stuff as well and then they might shift over to things that are i'm going to help them lean out better um as they get into a different diet but that's not really my area of expertise.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I don't know a ton about that. But that actually makes some sense. You know, I'm wondering about it because I have no input on that, obviously. But you did mention something about bulking. But you didn't have to address that you don't have the input on it, though. Yeah. I'm curious about this, though. As far as, dude, I've started i'm really i really
Starting point is 00:21:46 don't believe that much in like bulking anymore the classical bulking because um as i've been like working with guys that are like in their 40s right like if they they're staying at the same weight but months and months and months later let's say they're a pound heavier, their body is like totally different. And these are like 40 something year old dudes. And most of the time, most people would be like, Oh, just eat a bunch of food, gain a bunch of weight really fast. Yeah. You'll get stronger and bigger or whatever, but you put on a lot of body fat. And I was just like, I'm just like, you don't, it's not necessary. Bulking really, I don't think is necessary. At least in the classical sense where you put on a lot of weight really fast.
Starting point is 00:22:26 You know what I mean? I think a lot of people do that. I would agree with that in a lot of ways too. And I think that maybe you get like fluffy, you know, maybe you get a little smoother looking, but you're not gaining like fat. You're not gaining a lot of fat. You might gain some weight. gaining a lot of fat you might gain some weight you might uh i don't know let's say let's say that you know when you get on stage you're a little dehydrated or when you get pictures taken you're you're a little bit sucked in and so you might there still might be a pretty good difference in
Starting point is 00:22:54 your body weight but um i think i agree with what you're saying here and i think that um you know i've noticed by bringing in like milk and by kind of like just eating more and it's like i definitely i definitely put on weight but i don't feel fatter and i feel like that one week of just paying attention to exactly what i'm eating and it would just be wiped out and i think it within two weeks i would look dry again you know like it wouldn't take very long to get to that status and i think yeah the further that you get away from the stage the further you get away from the stage the more work you might have created for yourself yeah i think most most guys too whenever they when they start to bulk or they when they get on that journey it turns into initially i want to get bigger and stronger and increase my performance to i'm getting bigger and stronger and i really like eating like i think it really just turns
Starting point is 00:23:43 into an absolute excuse to eat kind of whatever you want how much you want and just say yo i'm bulking right now so it's all going to my muscles for the guys that you're working with though like i mean what what's their body type because like as as the resident hard game so the one guy that's coming to like the one guy that's coming to mind his name's tony he he didn't have like before we started working together he his body isn't he's not a mesomorph as you would say he would be someone he would be kind of similar to you but his body weight for the past I think it's been almost 18 19 weeks now has been around 192 he think he got as low as 187 188 but his waist is getting smaller his arms are getting bigger
Starting point is 00:24:21 he's had to get different pants for his legs because his quads are getting bigger, but his waist is getting smaller. And he's been staying around the same weight and increasing his performance slowly. His food hasn't changed since the start. Right? And like, this has been something that's been that that's just like, it's not, it's just, it takes a longer amount of time to see it. And you're not seeing the scale go up. it takes a longer amount of time to see it and you're not seeing the scale go up. So since you're not always seeing the scale go up, I can see why people are like, I need to eat more food so I can grow. But if you're patient with it and just let your body weight chill and you just focus on doing
Starting point is 00:24:54 better in the gym, everything else will handle itself. If you focus on slowly getting stronger and improving your performance, your body will change in a positive way. It really will. And I think that that's huge. I think, uh, you know, for myself, I was just telling Andrew, I'm like, yeah, like veins are coming out of my calves and there's more veins in my legs and stuff. And so it's weird because I have gained some weight, but I also feel like I'm getting leaner simultaneously, which is different. You know, I haven't really experienced that before. And so, and I am in a, like at this time, I'm eating more intentionally and I'm not fasting as often and things like that. But I just kind of look at it like that. I'm just like, I'm just eating more. I took a break from fasting.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I think diet breaks are kind of smart, but I would also be careful with your wording of that and what that means to you. You know, like, is it like you're just doing whatever because i don't think you can do whatever you want for like a month i think you could do whatever you want for maybe a couple days if you're being reasonable about it but even if even then if you're going to do whatever you want and that means to you that you're going to go to the store and load up on a bunch of crap that's probably not a great idea either i'd rather see you sprinkle it over a week and say, hey, taking a diet break. And at the end of each day, I'm just going to enjoy whatever I want at the end of the,
Starting point is 00:26:10 you know, the end of the night. That sounds totally reasonable. One meal. Yeah, yeah. One meal. One, a candy bar or two, a pint of Ben and Jerry's, like whatever the thing is, you know, just some pizza, just, but like, yeah, one, yeah, one thing. I'd rather see you do that than to say, you know what, screw it for, for a week.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I'm going to, you know, just kind of eat, do whatever I want. It's like, I don't think that's a great, cause you're going to lose your mind. It's never good. And how hard is it going to be to restart? Even now, like that's, yeah. If I, if I ever, I guess do something like that, it ends up being like one meal or it'll be like a day at a Korean barbecue or something like that. But it's one meal. It never turns to anything more than that.
Starting point is 00:26:53 We got some travel coming up and I get asked a lot like, hey, do you train when you travel? And then what does your diet look like when you travel and i like to keep those things with me i like to try to get in some type of exercise so it might not be training it might not be like i'm you know spending an hour or two hours in the gym training maybe the same exact way i would if i was here at super training um but the nutrition is pretty much the same um i might uh i might actually use fasting more when i travel just because sometimes it's more convenient but then also it might come up where there's like delicious food and it's a good option and i'm like well i may as well take advantage of that because i don't know when the next next meal is coming and then also camaraderie
Starting point is 00:27:44 like it's just you know we're just going to all eat together you don't want when the next, next meal is coming. And then also camaraderie, like it's just, you know, we're just going to all eat together. You don't want to be the one weird guy that's not eating anything. And so you have some of that going on, but how about for you guys? Um, what do you guys think you try to keep your training and nutrition intact when you travel?
Starting point is 00:27:56 Or do you try to relax a little bit more? Well, for me personally, like I, especially when traveling, I try to be more of a stickler on fasting and i will eat like a very very big meal at the end of the day but it's like since i fasted for most of the day that big meal isn't going to be a crazy amount of calories so let's just say it ends up being what 22 or
Starting point is 00:28:18 2200 calorie meal for a guy my size that's still not going to have any damage and that concept is something that like i i try to tell other people to do guys that are going on vacation or you know you're if you're going to like uh for a client of mine just like went on vacation with his wife the past weekend but he fasted for the beginning part of their day they enjoyed a few meals in the afternoon of the evening but came back didn't gain any weight you know as long as you're not eating throughout the whole day and snacking throughout the whole day, which is what most people do on vacation, you always have food on hand, that's where things can get out of hand.
Starting point is 00:28:52 So even when I cruised in the past, fasted for most of the day, enjoyed the cruise food, came back. And also breakfast. I know each person has their own thing that they enjoy, but breakfast is kind of always the same everywhere. You know, you got eggs, pancakes, French toast, like it's all the same, you know, and if you're going to enjoy yourself, I would imagine that most of your like, quote
Starting point is 00:29:14 unquote, like entertainment and mostly comes later on at night. So you can kind of just think of like, that's what you're saving it up for. And rather than like rolling through like Chipotle, like, what are you going to really eat at lunchtime anyway, right? You're probably going to have something that's, again, fairly common. It's not unique to the area. Whereas opposed to at night, you might go to a steakhouse that's unique to the area. You might go to a restaurant that's kind of unique to the area. And then that way you're having like an experience. It's a form of entertainment and it's your food kind of all kind of rolled into one. That's the way I like to experience it's a form of entertainment and it's your food kind of all kind of rolled into one that's that's the way i like to do it myself usually yeah i've said this on the podcast
Starting point is 00:29:50 before like i remember the the first arnold that we went to or maybe it wasn't even the arnold i think it was the la fit expo and i seen uh in sema and chris griffin working out and then eventually when i would go when i went to the arnold that year uh everybody went to go train and i'm just like man what if you guys like it hurt like we have a really long day like i can't imagine like being so tired the next couple of days because we're gonna be on our feet just being super paranoid about like everything fast forward a couple years later and it's like yeah dude i can't wait like we're probably gonna go train at matt winnings gym you know we did that last year that was so much fun um so i'm not gonna be the person that's gonna wake up before everybody and go hit up the uh the hotel gym you know like like mark
Starting point is 00:30:36 yeah exactly um but if there's a group of people saying like yeah we're gonna go we're gonna go to matt winnings you know we're not gonna pass that up or, you know, whatever the case, Mark Texas. Hey, you guys want to go on a walk? Like, yes, that sounds like, that sounds like a lot of fun. Any kind of movement that I can get, cause my back's always jacked up and then travel just adds so much more to that is going to be good for me. And then when it comes to the diet, just sensible. Like, I mean, I've learned enough through this podcast to know like, oh, I can't, you know, have all carbs for breakfast with two eggs.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I can't have dessert at every meal, even though, you know, these restaurants that we go to have, like, world-class meals and stuff. But just knowing, like, that's going to backfire in certain ways. So I'm not even going to, you know to me it it we're traveling it's some people will see like as going to the arnold as like an experience right or it's almost their vacation for me we are working even though i'm having a lot of fun i'm still treating it like a like a work you know type of uh type of trip where like just because i'm away from the gym, away from super training, that doesn't mean that I'm just going to let loose and go completely off of my diet. And now that's kind of how I am everywhere. One thing that I wonder is I wonder why things aren't enough.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Why are things never enough? Why is it not enough to go to the movie theater and enjoy the film that you have paid for? Why do we need more external stuff on top of it like why do we need to there's a seinfeld episode about him trying to combine a pastrami sandwich with sex you know it's like he's trying to provide you know combine food and sex together at the same time but like that sounds that sounds absolutely ridiculous right when you think about it that way but that is kind of what we're doing. We're combining these things together.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And it's not enough to go to the Arnold. It's not enough to go see C.T. Fletcher. It's not enough to do some of this stuff. I guarantee that there is a meathead that has intra-sex carbs. Oh, yeah. Like they're going at it, and they probably have their shaker bottle there. And they're going at it. I swear, there is a meathead doing that.'m anabolic right now i can't pass this up
Starting point is 00:32:48 getting the protein shake in there times two that's definitely a thing but you know what i'm saying like really why does it have to be just the abundance. Also, like, let's not go fucking crazy to wherever, like blackout, you know, or like, you know, get hurt or do something wild or not be able to function for the next three days or something like that. Like that just doesn't feel good or that doesn't even sound like a good time. Yeah. You know, it's amazing. And I think I think we all have fallen into that trap. You know, we think, oh, we're going to do this and I'm not going to give a shit, man.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I'm just going to eat and do whatever I want. And it really doesn't make that much sense. Is it going to, I guess the question is that you should ask yourself is, is it really going to enhance, you know, if it's, if you really think that it's going to enhance your, your experience and maybe you should go for it. Like, you know, if it's popcorn at the movie theater, if you really, truly feel and believe that that's going to enhance your viewing of the of the movie, then maybe you should do that. And maybe if you only go to the movie theater once a month, maybe that's not a big deal. That's not that big of a problem. That's your one. That's your one thing that you like to do here and there. I'd say that sounds cool. You think that increases your quality of life and you're more entertained and you have more fun being that way. Then I would say that you'll probably live longer than most people because you
Starting point is 00:34:32 have the ability to fucking relax and enjoy yourself. But at the same time, like how much of that, how much of that do we need? You know, we're at a resort where the food was unlimited. The food was unlimited and included. And so with drinks so i just saw people you know constantly you know ordering alcohol and then constantly ordering like sodas and stuff and i'm like man like i i know that these people they're not like accounting for any of it they're not paying attention they're not saying they're not being um you know
Starting point is 00:35:02 maybe fitness people are a little crazy about it but they're not thinking about it in terms of like, okay, I just ordered 30 grams of sugar. Like they're not, they're not computing it. And they're not saying, okay, well, when I have dinner tonight, I'm not going to have the dessert because I had the sugar here. They're not thinking like, all right, well, I had a full day of drinking. I ate like a pig. I let loose. That was fun. Tomorrow I'm going to get up. I'm going to run on the beach. You know, they're not really thinking about it in terms of having any tradeoff. It's just accumulative, and it's just going to continue to show up around your waist more so and more so day in and day out.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And I don't understand why there wouldn't be any just a little just a little thought to it i think i think would help yeah no i i agree with you on like why is it never enough i feel like like i think you have this kind of personality kind of in a sense well yeah because when it comes to working and training you know even even now to a lesser extent like when you're focusing on as an athlete, you were training an immense amount. People would call you obsessed and excessive with your training to get the numbers that you tried to get. People would call the excessiveness in my training when it comes to jujitsu in the gym. People would think that's excessive and whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:16 But, you know, I have that with this, but I don't have that when it comes to other things like drinking and all of that. And it primarily comes back to, well, is my excessive jujitsu training enhancing my experience? Most definitely. It's helping and enhancing my experience of that sport. But I think it's just like it has to be kind of looked through that lens. Yeah, it's your excess and I got a different excess, right? Yeah, but it has to be looked through the lens of is it actually enhancing your life? You know, getting shit-faced multiple nights a week for an individual they could be
Starting point is 00:36:48 like yeah it's letting me have more fun and whatever but there's that that type of enhancement isn't going to lead to a positive outcome down the line and that seems to be like a really fine line too especially when it comes to like psychedelics like they're so popular nowadays and it seems like some of these people that are into like mushrooms are are into them like excessively you know right so it's it's uh it's kind of a like judgment call you know and we shouldn't be like overly judging each other but at the same time it's it's easy to fall into these things because they're addictive whether it be working out or whether it be the alcohol or whether it be something like mushrooms. Yeah, I'm sure you feel freaking great doing that.
Starting point is 00:37:32 But then, yeah, what's kind of the cutoff point? I like some of the idea of trying to cut back on stuff, trying to cut stuff out. I've never tried to practice like cutting out lifting. I don't think i'm really i have thought about that before but it's something i'm not like ready to do i've thought about i've thought about that before but i'm like uh maybe i would try to chop it out for a month or two and i'm a little older but a month or two yeah at the moment yeah yeah that would be too long right it's brutal yeah it'd be brutal but like in in
Starting point is 00:38:05 place of something else you know you would do do something different some other activity um but yeah man but like i don't know like maybe that would be a good idea just to see just to see what it's like so chop it out what would be that replacement activity though because i think that's that yeah what's that replacement activity because there would never be a point in the past that i would think i could lift three days a week. Right. But I replaced a lot of that lifting with martial arts. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:38:29 So I'm still doing that all the time. But I still get to get my lifting in three days a week, which in the past I've been like, who the fuck lifts three days a week? Right? Right. You got to distract yourself with something. You got to do something else, you know? I agree. And I think that's where anxiety and depression, a lot of those things have an opportunity to sneak in is when you're not occupied, you know, you're not doing stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And maybe, I don't know, maybe that's what other people are trying to avoid, even with the food, you know, maybe they're thinking, hey, this is going to be quick. This is going to be easy. It's going to make me feel good. I'm going to have the pizza. It's going to be quick. It's going to be easy. I'm going to get drunk and I i'm gonna have a good time and you know what
Starting point is 00:39:07 i think too i think with alcohol my wife and i had a really cool conversation about alcohol one night and uh i i believe that everyone drinks because they have just they just have social anxiety they want to be able to talk they want to be able to have fun and they don't think they can do it without it and she was like i don't really know she's like i don't think so but you know i i saw her point she saw my point but basically um i i still am a believer that that's true i'm a believer that people are they're trying to have a good time uh the alcohol lowers your inhibition and like if you and i didn't know each other i might not talk to you if i saw you at a bar but if i had a drink or two and you had a drink or two
Starting point is 00:39:50 we might start chatting hey man where do you train at right oh man i do jujitsu oh i i'm a powerlifter and we're best friends all of a sudden right it's a lot easier to get in conversation that way um i'm trying you know as i get older to like just do that more often just when i feel like saying you ever have that moment hits you where you're like i just feel like fucking talking to that person then you don't because you're like i shouldn't think that's too much yeah it would be dumb they're gonna think i'm stupid or whatever they're gonna think like what is this guy doing you know saying something to me or even just complimenting some people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I've gotten better with that. I'll just say, hey, man, like, dig your shirt or whatever. You know, I saw a woman at Phil's like a few weeks ago. She just had these great shoulders. She looked jacked. And I said, hey, I was like, have you ever messed around with bodybuilding or something? You lift weights? She's like, I've been lifting weights since I was like 10 years old. I was like 50-something years old, you know weight since i was like 10 years old it's like 50 something years old you know and i was like oh that's cool you know just little
Starting point is 00:40:48 things like that that i would have never done a few years ago but i don't feel i need alcohol to do it you know no i totally agree with you i i don't know the extent of the discussion you guys were having but i know so many people who cannot go into social situations without having like a shot or getting a little bit drunk beforehand so they can feel a little bit loose to do that like that's that's a that's true for some like for a lot of people that drink excessively that's super true it might just be something to be aware of i'm not saying like don't do it i'm just saying like just be conscious of could you have a little less too and end up with the same result you know could, could you have, you know, half a glass of wine or could you have a shot rather than having three?
Starting point is 00:41:29 You know, like just maybe that'll, you know. Yeah. I remember having this conversation with my cousin. I was, I mean, early 20s, right? And he's a little bit older. And I remember him saying like, yeah, man, like I'm probably going to like stop drinking because like my son came up to me and he was like, oh, are you the good dad or the bad dad right now? Yeah, exactly. And so he's like, so I'm going to cut it out.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I'm like, man, but like, how are you going to have fun now? And I just, I still think back about that. And I'm just like. You said that? I said that. Yeah. I used to think that the only way I could have fun is if I drank a lot. And then now it's like yeah i don't
Starting point is 00:42:05 drink at all anymore but i had that mindset or that thought of like well shit if i'm gonna you know i work all week so come friday night like yeah i want to you know drink and i want to have fun how am i not gonna have like how am i gonna have fun if i'm not drinking anymore like those two don't go like it doesn't go hand in And what a, what a great thing for someone to say themselves, but you need the, you need the followup questions after that. Right? Like that's a,
Starting point is 00:42:30 that's a good realization. Shit, man, you're taking my alcohol away. How do I have fun without it? And then you need to probably ask yourself, why do I think that I only would have fun with alcohol? Like what's the missing link?
Starting point is 00:42:43 You know, the Stoics, you know the stoics you know they used to talk about like marcus realist he would talk about like he thinks traveling is kind of dumb ah yeah you know like i don't know if you guys heard some of this but like he just thought like you can travel anywhere you want in your mind and even when you do travel somewhere you're still left with yourself at the end of the day, you know, was his, was right. And if, and if you think about it, when you travel somewhere, you ever say to yourself, like, you know, I was there for like one too many days.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Right. That's what that means. That's that feeling of like, yeah, I'm still with my fucking self after three or four days, you realize that's all you got. Yeah. It doesn't matter where you travel to. You can go wherever you want. You're not going to be able to get away from, know yourself your own thoughts yeah i think that's what people are
Starting point is 00:43:28 trying to do they're trying to escape they're trying to escape their own thoughts you know it's oh it's nice to get away it's like well what did you get away from you know because if you traveled especially if you did it without drugs of any kind even like kratom or throw in anything you want um what'd you really get away from all you did is like move locations you still have to deal with yourself you know it's pretty crazy when you think about it in those terms it's like whenever like there's a few people i know who are like always they're always like i'm bored and i'm just like why are you why are you so like figure out something i love that to do like there's a lot of things you could do who's who's bored who's bored you guys know who's bored no what do you mean i don't know boring people
Starting point is 00:44:12 people that can't be creative to think of something fun to do yeah that's who's bored oh man this is so boring like so your kid your kids at like five they would never say like they would never really say i'm bored unless they were forced to do something where they just couldn't move or do anything like they couldn't do anything at all they might say that they're bored between like five and seven but once your kid's like 15 or once your kid's 12 they'll say they're bored all the time but because at that age they they can't think of a replacement for like their phone or they can't think of a replacement for their iPad or something. They're so used to like a couple of things that they're used to. And the second that that's not available, they're bored.
Starting point is 00:44:54 But a little kid, you know, a four or five-year-old kid can have a ton of fun in church as long as he can – without making noise, as long as he can kick his little feet back and forth or play with something. You know, turn around and like adjust a little seat or whatever or mess around with the bible or whatever he's doing oh he's not bugging everybody else and he's he's not bored right if you if you're like looking at to learn different things or do different things you should never really be bored because there's a bunch of stuff to figure out there's always something you got to do unless you're running away from the things that you know you should be doing so you end up being bored because you don't want to do those things it's just coming from personal experience so yeah like real talk you there really should be no reason that you're bored yeah right but i know
Starting point is 00:45:38 people that say that shit so much i'm just like okay you're bored that's okay yeah or like uh i can't remember the the meme exactly but it was like somebody like sigh like huh so what should we do today said no parent ever and i was like when i read it i was just like oh yeah probably being a parent's like busy and then now it's like uh shit like we literally don't have, it's a sprint to get to bed on time. It's like there's always something happening on the weekends. Like, yeah, it's crazy. So, yeah, when I, yeah, if somebody's bored, it's like, you're bored in this day and age, man. Like, you're trying.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, man, throw on a Joe Rogan podcast or throw on the Power Project, man. There you go. Seriously. That'll open up a lot of stuff to do. I don't know if you guys saw my post about my wifey where just a picture of us on the beach and I just talked about, you know, how we have so much fun together. And it's kind of an example of that where, you know, we had fun in Mexico, you know, and we'll be traveling to a bunch of different places and all that stuff's going to be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:46:43 But I also wanted to make the point that we have, we have fun hanging out in our own living room. We have fun, uh, cooking dinner together. We have fun, uh, you know, doing stuff with the kids. You know, I look forward to each day. I try to even like plan, you know, when I'm going to like cook my meal, because I usually eat something slightly different than the rest of the family so that it matches up with like, Hey, I can sit down and actually like eat with everybody and be like a normal dad for a few
Starting point is 00:47:08 minutes. Um, but yeah, we have fun doing all kinds of stuff. And I wanted to just kind of paint the picture for people like, yes, I get the opportunity to travel to a lot of great places, but it hasn't always been that way. It hasn't been that way. And since the beginning, you know, in the beginning, uh, when we first met, we were in an apartment that was the size of this, uh, room that we're in right now in Los Angeles. So, I mean, we had fun in that apartment. We had fun everywhere else in between, uh, that we've been. So it doesn't, it's not necessarily about the different locations, although those are fun. It's, it's fun to experience these things. The most fun part of all of it really is to experience this stuff with family.'s like that's the that's the most fun that i have is
Starting point is 00:47:50 uh you know her and i get an opportunity to see some different things is is great but anytime we have a chance to bring our kids with us or in this situation you know we're going to a friend's wedding so we were around a lot of friends and for everyone to kind of experience all this together that was really cool and um you know this is kind of the point is is like man we could be we could just be like rummaging through our own fridge to figure out what to cook for dinner and have fun or we could be you know on a plane you know going to iceland or wherever we're going to be going to next yeah geez so do you did you did that come naturally for you guys because a lot of people think that that's something that just comes natural when people are supposed to be together
Starting point is 00:48:31 some people think that you can work and achieve that do you do you what do you think about that do you think it goes either way or it should be something that just kind of comes to people that should be together yeah you know i i'm kind of screwed because i that should be together. Yeah. You know, I, I'm kind of screwed because I have like, I have different perception of, of hard work nowadays. Like, I don't think that anything's really that hard. I think it's just an accumulation, you know? So some people might say marriage is really hard. Uh, well, I mean, I don't know how hard it should be, um, because it should be your own free will that you're married and that you're not married just because of society, right, or because of our culture, which could be the case for a lot of – you could just end up – I don't know if our culture didn't like have it. I don't know if I would be – like I don't know if I would go out of my way to do it.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I'm not sure. I don't even – I got married at a very young age, but yeah, I don't view a lot of it as being like difficult. I think almost everything was fairly natural. I think the real game changer is when you have children because there's no possible way to know or understand any of that until you have kids. I think that's smart. A lot of people are like, I don't have kids. But I think that's actually a smart line because it's like, yeah, you're not on that other side yet.
Starting point is 00:49:55 You don't understand that side yet. It's not like it's necessarily any – it's all difficult. It's difficult to be alone. It's difficult to be single. It's difficult to be with somebody. It's all difficult. Moving in together is kind of difficult. Like there's some difficulty to all of it. along the lines of like, do I feel this is worth it for both of us to continue to move forward? And if I do, if that's the answer, then I'm going to continue to fight for it. You know, I'm going to continue to make it work because this is in both of our best
Starting point is 00:50:35 interests. We should figure out a way to make this work so that we can have a great life together. And that might take, you know, that could just be, but usually you just dig yourself in your own hole because you're just not, you're not communicating and talking enough. You're not, you know, you'll hear people say, oh, it's all about communication. But even that, like, even that has to be like laid out. You got to, you got to kind of unfortunately go over everything if you want to be able to move forward. And I think, you know, this goes back to the podcast that we did the other day. You know, critical thinking and pointing out errors and being able to bring stuff up.
Starting point is 00:51:18 But it's hard to say, hey, I don't want you to get emotional about this, but I really am annoyed when you do. And it's like, oh, like it's just stab you in the heart. Right. And so that never gets brought up. But how cool would it be if you if you could figure out a way how to say that? Like, I love being with you. It's amazing. We've been together for five years.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I want I want to keep that. But I got to tell you, the other day when this happened, it really it really made me it really made me mad. And I couldn't figure out why it made me mad. And I wanted to talk about it. And it's like, well, that's going to hurt everybody. That's going to suck. Maybe you'll both cry. Maybe you'll both be pissed at each other for a day or two. But at the end, maybe it ends up being a better result because maybe you'll figure out what works best for you guys.
Starting point is 00:52:04 So I think, you know, difficult conversations are unavoidable in life. And I think they're difficult because of how we interpret them. And it makes it hard because I'm like, man, I don't want to have to tell him and see him and he stinks again from jujitsu practice, man, he's going to be hurt. See, see what happened now you're thinking, and I just fit he just he just thought of like five moves to tap me out in four seconds by the way guys that was unnecessary yeah
Starting point is 00:52:31 i came here straight after class and i wasn't able to shower so i do smell like dog piss and other people's sweat it's just the truth i apologize you have a lot of a lot of built-up bacteria on you it's not a big deal oh yeah no this is disgusting yeah matt herpes yeah oh oh matt herpes is oh anybody if you're interested yeah yeah matt herpes is real and it's yeah it's not even normal herpes it it happens with grapplers anyway when i met my wife there was nothing really to work on when we moved in together it wasn't really much to work on but once we had kids that kind of changed things because it it changes there's extra there's extra people now involved oh yeah so he just added people to the relationship you know you had a relationship this way
Starting point is 00:53:22 and uh and then you got extra people in there. So that definitely raised the difficulty level of it. Extra people that need extra attention. A lot of attention. A lot of attention. How did you guys manage your time and stuff? I'm just curious. I mean, you hear different things from different people,
Starting point is 00:53:42 but you guys seem to be doing pretty damn awesome. Yeah. You know how we use the manager time. It wasn't really any sort of like special management. It was just Andy just getting absolutely crushed, you know, and I actually think that that's just true when it comes to a mother that is willing to breastfeed. Like they're just going to get annihilated and they're going to have to make that commitment and you know andy was a proponent of doing it for a certain amount of time i forgot how long she did it for five years ten years now y'all still got it in
Starting point is 00:54:18 the fridge yeah i think i think she did it for like a year or something like that whatever whatever that amount of time was. But, I mean, man, that's a lot, right? And there's not much I can do in those situations. So whenever Jake would cry or Quinn would cry, I'd just wake up and like change them, you know, try to rock them. Their diaper would be dry a lot of times. I'm like, I don't know what else to do. And then it would turn out that they're just hungry and hand them over to mom you know and she just that that part was uh that part was really difficult because it was hard for her to to have any time to herself even something like her just wanting to take a shower or be by
Starting point is 00:54:55 herself for a few minutes like all that stuff is like difficult and so i think uh as a guy you got to recognize that and say hey you know you should go hang out with your sister or like you should go hang out with your friends which is insane you know to be home with a baby that's like it's like a little bomb you know you don't know when it's gonna go off and you don't know what to do with it you're like shit man what am i gonna do with this thing but my defense against that was just to drive my kid kids around a lot or to walk them, you know, everywhere and stuff like that. So that kind of stuff helped a lot. But in terms of like managing time, I guess you just sort of, you just sort of figure it out and you try from a guy's perspective. I was just always trying
Starting point is 00:55:38 to figure out how can I give her some freedom so that she can like think better and operate better. Because if she's operating better, the kid will be operating, like everything will be better. If she's doing okay, the kid will be on more of a feeding schedule. The kid might have a good, a decent sleep schedule, but I got to make sure that she doesn't fall apart, you know, and Andy's strong. So she didn't really need a lot of that, but just, uh, kind of being there as much as, as much as possible. And then nowadays, you know, the kids are off doing their own stuff and we don't have to really worry about it much, but we might say, Hey, like, why don't you spend time with Jake? Or why don't you spend time with, we try to have, this is what's really hard is trying to have time for each other and then trying to make time for the kids individually and then trying to
Starting point is 00:56:26 make time as a family because it's all important you know it's important for you to hang out with jasmine by yourself you know just as it's important for her to hang out with her mom and and all the different combinations of things that you can figure out um they're all they're all really really important because the kid's going to act differently when the kid's by themselves and i you know can't imagine having three or four kids because to try to figure that out, it starts to get really complicated. I know you've mentioned it on
Starting point is 00:56:52 the podcast before. You're a big fan of babies. You love them. There's a Netflix show called Babies, by the way. Really? Oh, yeah? It's cute. There's also a show called Love is Blind. Love is Blind. Let's not talk about that have you watched the whole season because we have i don't i don't want to admit this yeah my hold on to what
Starting point is 00:57:14 you're about we're gonna get back to the whole baby thing but dude love is blind love is blind oh my mark you know what love is blindness it's been on in my house you too oh my dude jessica is a messica jessica is horrible by the way okay i totally think that she what she did to mark was just so bad but shout out to mark too oh let's not spoil it for people but i'm gonna try to reach out to him and get him on the damn podcast because he's into fitness and i think it makes a lot of sense. He actually looks like, what's that Matt Divella? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:49 They look like each other. By the way, guys, Love is Blind is a reality TV show on Netflix. I used to think reality TV is trash and I still think it is. And I feel so like such the biggest hypocrite. I haven't had an opportunity to watch it really. It's been on in my house, but I have honestly haven't had an opportunity to watch it really it's been on in my house but i have honestly i haven't seen it much but i i have watched the bachelor and a bachelor i watch all that crap i love watching that shit house real housewives of orange county
Starting point is 00:58:17 and atlanta and all that shit i watch awesome dude it's done so good it's it's dude hooked love is love is blind is so good if you guys want to watch something with your significant other and maybe get a few laughs it certainly is like football though for women because they yell at the screen it is so my wife is yelling at the screen all the time you know when a guy's watching like basketball or football or baseball like i can't believe he did that oh my god he dropped a pass he was wide open. Why did he throw it right to the defense? Oh, man. Women are like, I can't believe she said that.
Starting point is 00:58:49 She's such a bitch. Dude. And the girls, like there's a lot of these reality shows. These women are absolutely beautiful. But your girl is going to be like, oh, my God. She's such a bitch. They can't find anything else to say. The girl looks perfect her boobs are
Starting point is 00:59:05 out she looks gorgeous and you're just thinking holy shit wow she looks really good your wife is thinking the exact opposite of your girlfriend's singing yeah like oh my god what a bitch what a bitch yep i was so deep into it that after so we finished it last night uh-huh instantly go to google like where are they look up everybody on ig and stuff so don't spoil anything because mark's gonna end up watching it that's why everybody uh is on those shows in the first place to get the ig get the ig cranking right yeah but you know the premise of love is blind right i don't know much about it now so you want to explain no you go ahead okay so love is blind pretty much it starts like this. They get all these people and the whole thing is like, can you fall in love with someone without seeing them?
Starting point is 00:59:49 Right? So they put these people in like a room, right? And there's like, yeah, there's a screen between the two people and they're supposed to talk and get to know each other. Right? So they used to do this with a dating game, right? And then you would come around the other side and you would like, that's like an old show. Number three, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:00:04 But this is like what marriage yeah you have to get you have to propose to this person and then you get to see what they look like and then after that you then go to the physical side of things okay you guys are now married and you've seen each other now we're gonna put you in a place and let you uh it's like a pre-honeymoon do you yeah yeah they have like 30 days before the wedding before the wedding so they have like they have to fast forward their relationship to figure out like hey is this the person i'm going to spend the rest of my life with and then or never see the other girls still available too or how does that work oh there's drama oh oh yeah no because i haven't seen it
Starting point is 01:00:37 but once you pick somebody no that's it no that's it that's it that's it that's it but the crazy thing is that after you've picked them and everyone that's together, now they go to that beach or whatever. Now everyone still gets to see each other. So you get to see the person that you were talking to. Like Jessica talks to some other guy who like she didn't propose to her, but she still likes him, but she's married to this guy. See?
Starting point is 01:01:01 Wild. Dude. Reunion show tomorrow. All the hardcore powerlifters listening to this are like what the fuck are they doing well they're gonna say that but if they watch they watch it or they're secretly watching it and being like this is stupid let's get back to sweaty dudes lifting but dude uh love is blind reunion show drops tomorrow okay i'm not even gonna i don't i can't i'm gonna download and watch it on the plane.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Those reunion shows are the best. Everyone gets really worked up on those. Dude. What's her name? I think it's Amber. She goes- Oh, the fitness girl. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Shit. Barnett's. Oh, yeah. Barnett. Okay. Amber. Wild girl. She goes hard on Jessica.
Starting point is 01:01:41 She calls her out. Yeah. Amber's a fighter. Damn. Ex-tanker or something like that so andy's watching this right oh yeah no she's way into it she knows everything about yeah she's like reads up on like what's gonna happen in future episodes i'm like she knows she's and she's telling me tons of stuff too and i don't know what she's talking about i don't even i don't listen to her it's so
Starting point is 01:02:01 good oh anywho um so back to what I was going to get at. It's such a good show. Anyways, were you, like, what was your feeling when, like, Jake was on the way? Like, you've seen Andy's belly getting bigger. Yeah, yeah. And it's like, what's that, dude? Yeah, I mean, I was excited. I was super super super pumped we have you
Starting point is 01:02:27 know we have a big family so i got you know nine uncles and aunts on one side and nine on the other so uh there's a lot of kids a lot of kids running around i always like children um there's a lot of like just freaking babies everywhere when i was growing up and I ended up like looking after my cousins and stuff like that. It was always a lot of fun. And, uh, yeah, when I heard that I was having a kid of my own, I was, yeah, I was very, uh, very excited. And, you know, uh, after, you know, when you have a baby and you're like holding your own baby and stuff, it's a crazy experience. And people are always like, oh, time flies. It goes by super quick. But when you're in it, it takes years. You're like, this takes years for this person to be able to have a personality and for them to move around. They can't really do anything in the beginning.
Starting point is 01:03:18 But you don't get to really hold them that long. They start squirming away when they're three or four, and they want to walk and do their own stuff their own way. Yeah, it sucks to look at my daughter now. She's 12. I can't really just go up and get a kiss. I got to steal one here and there. And my son, he's way over that stuff too.
Starting point is 01:03:41 It's like I got to try to just steal a hug whenever I can or whatever but they're still your babies in some way you still want i'm sure your mom still grabs you and kisses you and stuff right she still wants to right yeah just let her do it yeah man oh god yeah i can't imagine that still i'm far away from it right now and i'm not gonna yeah i want i want like i do want two kids but it's gonna be it's gonna be a while before that happens too specifically too specifically because like the in the past i i would have told myself that i wanted more but when i thought about that attention thing yeah like yeah having to give attention to so many children is, and I've seen like kids that had multiple siblings that I know and have friends that were like, ah, yeah. I mean, I have five other siblings. They can't spread themselves that thin.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Right. So I, yeah, that's tough. Yeah. We've been talking about it. You know, we, we finally, we have our, our wedding date. So it's like, okay. Yeah. I know we're excited but the you know discussion
Starting point is 01:04:48 about having kids and stuff and it's like having kid where the kids it's like if we have a boy first is it one and done if we have a girl we're gonna try for a boy like i don't know but the whole thought of like watching her belly start to get a little bit bigger freaks me out especially you know the coronavirus and everything going on i'm just like then i start thinking about like outside things happening like that i have no control over i'm just like oh fuck like oh boy you have something to say on that i know your mind just went to me oh man, I'm, I'm paranoid enough as it is, you know, and I can't imagine what it's going to be like,
Starting point is 01:05:28 you know, having a human come along that, that actually has no defense, you know, like, oh fuck, like that, it's,
Starting point is 01:05:37 it scares the shit out of me. How old were you when you got with your now wifey? Uh, or how old was Jasmine? So she was four. Yeah, she was four. So she was already like fun to hang out with. That sounds like a mean thing to say, but like babies still scare me. Like family, you know, babies are popping out left and right.
Starting point is 01:05:58 There's like, oh, here. I'm like, nope. I don't want to touch that kid. Even when my kids were like two or three and I saw like an infant and someone would like want to hand them to me because they're like, oh, I know you love babies. I'm like, ah. Okay. Like an infant, like, yeah, that's some scary shit. You're like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Like they can't hold their own head. What am I supposed to? They don't have a handle. Yeah. And they're not like. I'm totally going to mess this up. Like if you're holding a plate or a serving dish, you can balance it, right? Very solid, yeah. Yeah, there's a base.
Starting point is 01:06:32 A kid doesn't have that. Their head's just going all over the place. Yeah, it's just like a giant sack of water or something. It's a skin sack. Yeah, it is. Quite literally. Chubby little thing. Yeah. It's a skin sack. Yeah. It is. Quite literally. Chubby little thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:47 It moves. It has sporadic just jolts of energy all of a sudden. It's just, no, man, I don't want to be the guy that's like, hey, yeah, you remember so-and-so dropped, you know, or Andrew dropped so-and-so. You're not going to ever be able to outlive that one, you know? Yeah. We've got some amazing guests at the Arnold. That's going to be really cool. We have just booked Eddie Hall.
Starting point is 01:07:13 So that will be really cool. Wow. That'll be amazing. I think it's a good opportunity maybe to end up interviewing some people that we otherwise wouldn't have had an opportunity to talk to because they would have been maybe too busy but now they ain't got shit to do so they can come talk to us yeah um but yeah we got a good loaded up cast and then i also have it set for us to go into rogue fitness and lift if we want to lift yes yes which would be really cool you know last year i walked into that like haven of crossfit champions and that
Starting point is 01:07:45 was just like weird i was like where am i that's super cool yeah i remember seeing those pictures being like i mean i every time like something cool happens to any of us like i get so pumped up when that happened i was just like fuck he didn't call me like i was like i was legit jealous that i didn't go hang out with him yeah that was that was really crazy to have that many CrossFit champions in one room. And I have friends that are huge CrossFit fans. They're like, you don't even care about CrossFit. You got to hang out with all those. I was like, I care about it enough.
Starting point is 01:08:19 I was pumped to meet all those people. Yeah, you understand. And another good announcement is not when we're at the Arnold's, but I got Greg Glassman to agree to be on the podcast. And he's been saying a lot of really interesting stuff. Awesome. I'll let him speak for himself. I won't share too much. But basically, you know, he's been a low-carb proponent for a long time. And so it'd be interesting to ask him of some of the divide between CrossFit HQ's
Starting point is 01:08:46 message, his message of low sugar, low carb, and, you know, what some of the athletes are doing, because it's different, you know, than what some of the athletes are doing. So it'd be interesting to kind of get his take, like, hey, do you think the athletes are doing what's in their best interest? Or are they just trying to do what they think is best because if you think about crossfit you think about over the years you know they it seemed like they thought they needed compression clothes you know and then they it seemed like they thought they needed these compression boots and then it seemed like they thought they needed these uh like mark pro and these different things and maybe they're just trying to figure out a way to get an edge whatever way they can because CrossFit is so difficult.
Starting point is 01:09:27 But just because they're trying any and everything doesn't mean it's the right way. Maybe a lower carb approach would work well for a lot of them. I don't know. So it will be interesting in getting some of his thoughts on it. But I'm excited for that too. I think it will open up a lot of the questions that we weren't able to get out of Dave Castro. Yeah. Yeah, because –
Starting point is 01:09:48 Yeah, Dave didn't want to speak on his behalf and stuff like that. And the coolest thing for us I think is that Greg Glassman, although he revolutionized fitness with what he did, he is still at the root of it. He's a trainer. He's a trainer and a coach. And I don't mean that in a negative way. I just mean, I actually mean that in more of a positive way. He's a trainer, he's a coach. And when we talk to him, he's going to still have that mindset of a coach, of somebody that is assisting, somebody that's helping, somebody that is mentoring, somebody that's inspiring. So so i'm i'm really really
Starting point is 01:10:26 excited and um you know i don't know like if it would be best to have him come here or us go to him like it it's pretty cool to get an opportunity to go to his house it was pretty sick but i also think it would be nice for him to kind of see this and i can let him know the same thing i told dave castro as i said thank You know, really just thank you guys. You know, he was impressed with what we have here, but I was like, hey, a lot of it's because of you guys. You know, a lot of it's because of what CrossFit, it's not all because of what CrossFit did, but CrossFit is huge. Without CrossFit, we don't have Rogue Fitness. Rogue Fitness sells a ton of hip circles.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Rogue Fitness sells a ton of slingshots. They sell a lot of our products. And so, you know, it has raised all ships, you know, is the way I like to look at it. Getting an opportunity to go to the Arnold, even though there's a lot of the events have been canceled, it's going to be amazing. I still think we have an opportunity to talk to Julius Maddox, who recently benched, I think, 765, like an unofficial all-time world record. Jesus Christ. Beating his own record by 30 pounds or i mean some of these things that are happening nowadays you know i wish i wish somebody would do like correlations so that you could see you know what's you know like they did this years ago with wayne gretzky and i haven't really heard it be i haven't heard it done more recently and i don't
Starting point is 01:11:44 even know shit about hockey so i don't even know if wayne gretzky still i haven't really heard it be i haven't heard it done more recently and i don't even know shit about hockey so i don't even know if wayne gretzky still has a lot of the records but they took he does they took wayne gretzky and they took like jordan and they showed you exponentially how much further ahead like wayne gretzky was than where jordan was at versus where walter payton was in their in their careers and and it was like jordan would have to be like 28 better you know uh walter payton would have to you know have ran for an extra five miles in his career or whatever you know it was it wasn't really saying that he was better but they were just saying on scale in accordance to the sport that he's in in accordance
Starting point is 01:12:22 to how he broke the records and how much further he went past those records. Yeah. That's what they were comparing. And then it would be really cool if, if somebody started doing that with like a Julius Maddox and some of these other athletes, some of these women that are hitting these huge, uh, I mean, they're, they're breaking their own records by hundreds of pounds, you know, and it would be great to kind of, yeah. How does a Steffi Cohen compare to how jordan broke certain records in
Starting point is 01:12:46 his i realize you know you can't compare it because it's not the same but it's still kind of a neat uh thing to just explore and look at just like it like a lot of no wayne's scoring records have not been broken yet i was listening to a podcast with one of his teammates that was also like one of the top 10 hockey greats and after i looked up a lot of wayne's records like no one is close not even in the same universe in terms of like the scoring records that wayne has it's it's unreal like it really is and i never realized the type of caliber athlete he was until like a few months ago but i was like jesus christ i see why he's called what the great one yeah the great one he literally is the great one it's it's scary just go wikipedia his shit you'll see you guys will
Starting point is 01:13:29 see what i mean it's absolutely i think he won like 11 stanley cups or something too like that's the you know the championship you know 11 championships or something he's yeah but his like season scoring is like prolific i think like like in terms of total goals scored it's something crazy like i don't know 80 more like i don't know it's just i don't want to mess up the numbers but it really is when you look at it it's ridiculous versus the next closest person to him in hockey there's a documentary that's um that i saw that's called like the greatest and it's like people like him and there's a few other people and in this documentary they talk to him about you know what what would he say to like a 13 year old kid or something that's trying to be the great one you
Starting point is 01:14:12 know and uh he said well you know people ask me this all the time and he's like i would say nothing to him because there's nothing that can make you as addicted to it as i was he was like i don't know why but he's like i would watch videotape I'd watch tape after tape after tape of these games and he was like I would fantasize about being this certain person on the ice and I would trace it on a piece of paper and he's like I would just keep tracing it over and over again so I learned learned the patterns of which, of where the guy goes on the defense and where he goes on the offense. And when he gets the puck and he's like, and I would trace through it with my own skating.
Starting point is 01:14:52 And then I would, so he's like, I'd write it down on paper. He's like at eight years old, you know, I'd write it down on paper. And he's like, it would just look like crazy lines,
Starting point is 01:14:59 but he's like, I knew what each line was. And I knew what each line meant for each person on the ice. He's like, then I would go and act it out. And then we had ice in the back yard or whatever because his dad was like a coach or something like that. And I was just like, oh, holy shit. Like that is wow. Like that was and he's like, I can't I can't I can't make anybody that interested to want to do that.
Starting point is 01:15:22 I don't think. But you see, the great thing that I see in all of that and what he said was it wasn't just that he was some talented dude you know what i mean like he just was so obsessed and loved it he was obsessed and he loved it and like like there may have been some semblance of talent athletic skill in there but at the end of the day he put in way more work than anyone else like with him so it just goes to show like okay you may not be a wayne gretzky but if you work fucking hard you can do some great things yeah and a lot of guys in hockey people don't even know this but a lot of guys are huge a lot of the athletes are really big and wayne gretzky wasn't very big i don't think he was small but he wasn't like six
Starting point is 01:16:01 five or anything like he was like 5 1111 or something, right? I think so. I think he was pretty 5'11, 200 pounds probably. I mean, some of these guys are like 6'5, 240. Some of these guys are – man, some people that are hockey fans are probably listening going, hey, what about someone – You guys are butchering hockey, but still. Oh, by the way, peeps, I saw that Eddie Hall video last week, the 1100. Oh, yeah. Dude, you guys need to go to Eddie Hall.
Starting point is 01:16:28 It is. That's really intense. It really is. Which video? You guys need to go to his channel. The Eddie Hall video on what he had to do to lift 1100 pounds on his YouTube channel. Talks about like going blind and going deaf and like crazy shit. Like you're like, what?
Starting point is 01:16:42 After it, yeah. Like he fainted afterwards it was it was insane and then when you look at his eyes when he's doing the pool it's it's almost haunting like it legitimately is scary it's really cool because he's super descriptive he explains everything but he leaves out a part of it you guys when you see the video you'll see it he he leaves a part out because he's like this is too too much. I can't say it. You know, he's like, I just not, I'm not even going to tell you what this is. But he basically just, he actually went to a coach, which is great too, because here's like one of the greatest strongmen of all time,
Starting point is 01:17:18 one of the strongest people that have walked the face of the earth. And he realized he needs to go to a coach. But some of this was explained to him as, you know, even the best athletes only use like 40% of their capacity, not because of lack of effort, but just because the conscious mind will only allow you to go so far. And if you can tap into subconscious mind and get both things working together, then you can get an additional maybe 40%. It's hard to get 100% of anything. anything but anyway that's what he was trying to tap into and what he had to do for that he kind of left a little bit of a mystery uh in there because he just said hey it's it's probably it's a little too much for me to even say out loud yeah you have an idea of what he was talking about but you're like you're not exactly sure
Starting point is 01:17:59 and it's just like it's insane that's not something that one, I don't like. You can't do that multiple times. Jesus Christ. It's a crazy lift too, because I know that that was like the goal. But he did it pretty, he like, he did it pretty clean. You know, like he could have done a little bit more. His ears just disappeared into his head right there. Let me bring that back.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Man, that's a big boy. And there's a lot of whip going on with that bar. Yeah. His ears do disappear. I don't know. It's interesting because Thor is supposed to be kind of in line for maybe, you know, getting close to this record. He tried it last year and missed it. And he looks like he's stronger than ever.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Yeah. But it's also part of the Arnold Strongman itself. So I don't know if he'll be able to do it because this was only deadlifting. So that's a way different thing and you can see eddie hall just shaking there and he looks like he yeah he passed out and like came back passed out again could you imagine being one of his friends that's like going up to him like watching his eyes roll back and stuff he'd be like oh my god my friend died what the and going blind like he said he went blind too like jeez i really. I really hope that Eddie Hall gets on Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 01:19:26 They need to have him on there. I don't know why he hasn't been there yet. Yeah, he's an incredible – you know, it's – you know, in the fitness industry, there's people that are, like, famous. You know, that, like, even, like, myself, I'll get noticed quite a bit. And this guy, I mean, this guy is, like – this guy will get mobbed. This guy, like, people can will get mobbed. This guy, like people can't control themselves. He's got such a magnetic personality.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I'm so excited. I hope it does work out timing wise that we're able to actually get him. Um, because when you guys get a chance to meet him, he's, he's, he's, um,
Starting point is 01:19:59 he's a bro, man. Like he's just down. Like he'll be so, he'll be fun. He'll be funny. Last year when I saw him, he was like eating a sandwich i was like this is the last thing you need he's like oh cut me some slack you know
Starting point is 01:20:08 he takes a picture he takes a picture with me and he like wraps his arm around me he's got the sandwich like right there like he just doesn't he just doesn't care you know oh man but yeah he he'll be a lot of fun it should be should be awesome yeah who else we got in our lineup we have the lineup over there and Andrew? I can find it. Who do we got? Honestly, like so many people that it's hard to even... Fathom? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Let's see what we got. Where is it? Josh Settlegate. He put it all in one recording, though. Yeah, it's an audio. Individual names aren't there. That's why I don't have it. But Jessica has it. I got it on's why I don't have it but Jessica Jessica
Starting point is 01:20:45 has it yeah I got it on the calendar I just have to pull it up let me stop this video I know we have a Ruth Chris so dinner as well what's that'll be a lot of fun going to eat a bunch of steak yeah so apparently we have JP Price, Derek Carver, Street Bike Tommy,
Starting point is 01:21:10 Eddie Hall, Seminar, and then the next day we've got actually, yeah, Rob, oh, Philippus, Rob Philippus, Julius Maddox, Dave Tate.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Yeah, that'll be nice. And then we have Rob Kearney, Matty Farberg. And then we leave. Yeah, so people listening to this right now, so this will be either live or when this posts on iTunes. If you're in Ohio, we're still gonna have the uh the free strong seminar at sea bus lifting co uh maybe i'll put the address inside these show notes but yeah we're still gonna get down i think people like maddie forberg and steph cohen are great examples of female lifters that have done a great job getting in better shape and getting stronger. Like I don't, I'm not sure of Maddie's like current numbers, but, um, I know she's had
Starting point is 01:22:09 some opportunities to compete on a national level. And Steffi obviously is like breaking all time world records. But, you know, Steph is like, she just keeps getting leaner. I know she went down a weight class and things like that, but, you know, and even, you know, from a guy's perspective, you know, I think that that, you know, that whole myth of like having to be big and fat, hopefully that's kind of gone. For some people, they might have to be pretty big. You might not have, you might not be able to have a really good body fat percentage because, you know, truth is some of us might need more fluff than the next person, but you can consistently look better and still lift some big weights. And I think these girls have been a great representation of that.
Starting point is 01:22:51 And even in CrossFit. Yeah. You know, that's been some unbelievable changes in that too. Where can people reach you, Andrew? Hit me up on Instagram at IamAndrewZ. Please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project. We'll probably be doing all kinds of stuff on like social media for this weekend. So that way, I don't know if something comes up where maybe you will be in a certain area
Starting point is 01:23:13 or you want to come hang out. That might happen. I don't know exactly if it will. Huge thanks to everyone that's been rating and reviewing the podcast. Real quick, I think it's share roni share share ronnie we'll just say share says five stars uh quote when all other podcasts are like taco bell this one's chipotle enough said chipotle is my life yeah oh if you guys listen right now if you want to hear your name right on air head over to itunes right now drop us a rating and a review
Starting point is 01:23:42 and you could hear your name on air just like, I'm sorry if I pronounce this wrong, but I think Cheroni? Cher. Cher? We'll say Cher. You did a great job. Yeah, give or take. Sorry about that, Cher. But thank you for the review.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I sincerely appreciate that. And Sima, where you at? And Sima Yin Yang on Instagram and YouTube, and Sima Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. By the way, get on those. I'll be 10-minute squatting quite a bit while I'm in Ohio. Cause we're going to be sitting a lot. So guys get on your 10 minute walks each day and get on your 10 minute
Starting point is 01:24:11 squats each day. Do it. Mark. Everybody check out mark When you get a chance, you get a free week. So you may as well go check it out. There's been some secret bodybuilding techniques released on there. Not by me,
Starting point is 01:24:26 because that would be a very, very big disappointment. Jeremy Buendia and Ron Partlow, they both shared some information on there that I think you guys will love. There's some more motivational videos and there's exclusive discounts on gear for So make sure you go check it out. How I lift and how I eat, all that stuff is on there. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you all later.

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