Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 347 - Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Schools Us On Corona Virus

Episode Date: March 17, 2020

Taking a short intermission from our Columbus Ohio trip to bring you an important conversation with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a functional medicine physician specializing in Muscle-Cen...tric Medicine. She is currently seeing and treating patients with the corona virus and is giving us trustworthy advice on the virus today. Find Dr. Gabrielle Lyon on Instagram here: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE shipping on orders of $100! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, what's going down? Real quick, we're going to take a break and a slight intermission from the episodes that we recorded down in Columbus, Ohio at the Arnold Classic to bring you a very important episode with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. Initially, I wanted this podcast to be kind of like an outlet or a break away from all the negativity and all the bad news that's going on in the media right now with the coronavirus. But at this point, it's become unavoidable. And instead of us trying to do our best to explain what we know, what very little we know
Starting point is 00:00:39 about the virus, we decided it was so much more important to bring on an expert that is currently dealing with the coronavirus. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon has a practice in which she actually is currently treating and seeing patients that have contracted the coronavirus. Now, she starts off right off the bat by saying she's not a primary care doctor. But even with that, she is still seeing patients and treating them. And in this episode, she actually gives us some things that we can use to help fight against it. However, unfortunately, there's still no cure for it.
Starting point is 00:01:16 But like I said, she's the expert and she actually knows quite a bit about it. So we just felt it was important to get this episode out in front of all the other episodes that we have kind of in the pipeline. And, you know, hopefully this brings value. Hopefully it brings some comfort if you're kind of worried about the virus. Hopefully it gives you some information that you haven't heard from anyone else. I will get out of your guys' way just real quick. I just got back from Costco and they're actually completely out of ground beef in my area, which was kind of weird. I mean, not weird, but it was just like really eyeopening.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And then speaking with Gabrielle Lyon, I'm just like, dude, like, okay, we got to get, get serious about this quarantine stuff. So one thing that I'm going to do of course is order my ground beef straight from Piedmont Tees. Um, if you guys don't want to go outside, you don't want to go in, in a big, you know, populated areas, just have the meat delivered straight to you. Head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Hope you guys enjoy the show. Hope you guys find some value in it. If you do, please find Dr. Gabrielle Lyon's social media links down in the YouTube description or in the iTunes show notes and tell her thank you. This whole time she had her baby in her arms. It was so cute. But, you know, again, that's something only a mom can actually pull off. If a dude tried to do it, we would have been stumbling all over our words the entire time.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Anyways, I'm going to shut up. Hope you guys enjoy the show. What if I'm one of those carriers? Anyways, I'm going to shut up. I hope you guys enjoy the show. What if I'm one of those carriers? Yeah, I know. You don't know. Yeah, I was even thinking last night with my parents. I was like, oh, maybe we should all just spend time together.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And I was like, oh, maybe we shouldn't. They're not super healthy. So maybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I saw, or sorry, I didn't see. Stephanie was telling me about Mel Robbins maybe was saying like to start set up like Zoom meetings and stuff with family. Just to hang out that way. So that way you don't feel so isolated. But yeah, I thought that was interesting. And you're right.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, I would like to go see my parents. But they kind of you know they're both up there in age too and my dad's got some heart issues from in the past and how terrible would that be right yeah let's face it they're annoying too right no i'm just kidding oh god hey but yo people really do gotta like because like i still see posts from people saying oh it's not you know it's the flu's worse or all these other things are so much worse than this and there's like there's a lot of people still that were going out to clubs and stuff and if you have older people in your life yeah you gotta be really cautious yeah this is not the time to really fuck around because
Starting point is 00:04:01 like yeah you'll be okay i mean i'll probably be okay but 65 year old mom might not you know my yeah the thing that i you know i keep seeing that's like oh like obesity or diabetes kills more people per year than than x y and z flu blah blah and i'm like okay that that's fine that's true like but if this person sneezes on me i don't become obese in like you know a week or two or whatever it takes like that's not how that really works by the way hi sneezing isn't too bad i think it's coughing coughing whatever it is you know what i mean just it's good to know because i was sneezing the other day i was like trying to block it yeah hey you guys see the interview with steph curry where he was like he held it he just kept talking yeah that's the that's the worst when it happens
Starting point is 00:04:53 you're like trying to like block it but it usually comes back anyway no matter what you do comes back yeah i don't think anybody knows what to do with this uh this virus you know i think you hear some crazy stats you know you hear like that you know i've and just like i don't know what to believe but i just a stat i heard i heard like over 70 of the population are going to end up with it at one point or another that sounds crazy like that sounds uh that sounds insane i mean especially especially with how scared everybody is of it and stuff. And, you know, I think rightfully so. Like, why not be cautious? Why not be extra cautious?
Starting point is 00:05:31 As long as you're not harming anybody else. Like, if you're going to freak out so much that you try to punch me for food, you know, like, then it's getting to be a little bit crazy, you know. you know, like then it's getting to be a little bit crazy, you know, but, uh, other than that, I think, um, you know, if, if you want to lock yourself in your house and you want to take extra precaution, I don't, I think that's actually probably, you know, it, it, somebody needs to be nervous about it. You know, someone needs to be worried about it. And, and I think that, you know, each person's just going to react to it so much differently than the next, you know, I I'm personally, uh, I don't have a care in the world towards it, but that's just me. I don't care that much about stuff in general.
Starting point is 00:06:10 But at the same time, I've already walked myself through the worst-case scenario, which is me carrying it and me killing people. But I've already thought about it. It doesn't make it any better, but I thought about, hey, okay, I'm still going to work. I'm still training in the gym that's cool but it's also very irresponsible of me to get around older people and like i probably as much as i want to hang out with my mom and dad i probably shouldn't hang out with them i was just encouraging my dad earlier today to shut down his tax practice know, hopefully he could do them all via the phone or Skype or something, you know? And so, you know, I've kind of played it out. I kind of thought about it a
Starting point is 00:06:51 bunch. And I'm also thinking about the future, you know, they shut school down and I'm like, well, you know, school, it's not coming back. You know, I think that's what America needs to know. School's not coming back this year. It's done. Like there's, in my opinion, there's no possible way and there's no possible scenario where I would send my children back to school. I'm not really that concerned for them. I'm more concerned for them being carriers and for them to, you know, hurt someone who's older. So, you know, I think school's done for the year. I don't have no idea what they're going to do about it. So, you know, I think school's done for the year. I don't have no idea what they're going to do about it. But, you know, we pay a lot of money for taxes. So you figure you figure somebody somewhere along the lines would have been like, hey, you know, just in case something happens, just in case there's, you know, power outages or there's hurricanes or there's something crazy happens, we should have some stuff set up to where kids can still get an education
Starting point is 00:07:46 via the internet or something like that. But it doesn't appear that anyone has any solutions like that, at least at the moment in terms of my kids' schooling, but maybe they have it worked out other places. Well, I mean, all last year Jasmine did homeschooling. And I mean, a lot of it she was doing on her own without any um any guidance or any kind of like we didn't have to monitor much and in my opinion i think she was doing well grades wise she was doing better through homeschool than she is now and well
Starting point is 00:08:18 actually i think she's about even now but um i i don't know i mean i think she was doing way better at home anyways but why do you think that is uh part of me i think it's because um when she's at home one she's focused on just that she's not getting distracted by anybody but also she's not looking over saying like oh so and so got an a plus and i got a c plus and then getting depressed about it and then you know getting a worst grade the next go around but um the reason why I was mentioning that is because I think homeschool should, it's probably going to be the best answer after this. Like I, I, again, I don't know what's involved in getting teachers to, to do virtual classrooms, but we definitely all have the technology to do it so why not just i
Starting point is 00:09:07 mean the money that people or that schools and stuff will save by not needing to uh you know house so many damn kids like i think i think in the long run it'll just end up being better yeah this i've been hearing a lot that like we literally just have not been prepared for something like this. Like, I mean, you think about the amount of testing kits that like we have right now, not much at all. for years they were like we should figure out uh uh because i think like the sars and another one that was like a like a disease like flu and stuff yeah like they were diseases kind of like this and he was like we should uh we should figure out some vaccines for stuff like this and figure out a way to like do that but no one was really moving on it and this is just this is this is fucking wild yeah why is everybody taking all the toilet paper you know i'm not sure is it just because they're afraid that it's gonna run out or is there something else like i just before we continue
Starting point is 00:10:17 um i'm very confused about the toilet paper i really yeah don't you wish you were kind of one of those people at this point though like there's all the toilet paper is gone don't you kind of don't you wish because my mom was one of those people i was like hey thanks for going to costco i'll take one of those yeah definitely uh when i started seeing that um i i think it was when we were in ohio still yeah and stephanie was like should i go get i'm like you know what i'm not around i don't know what it looks like just order a bunch online and about half of the toilet paper we had ordered ended up being delivered because it was out of stock but yeah i was just like yeah just just uh and have everything shipped to the house because i i don't know what it looks like back home.
Starting point is 00:11:05 So just do it that way. But, yeah, it will be funny when like the vaccine for the coronavirus is like you just have to eat a roll of toilet paper. And they're going to be like, I told you. It's just like, okay, calm down. Become an entrepreneur and start hustling that shit. 25-year-old. I think speaking of being like an entrepreneur, I think this is a a good this is supposed to be exercises that entrepreneurs are supposed to practice anyway you know what happens when your business is no longer able to to thrive because you're no longer
Starting point is 00:11:35 in the same environment you know how how uh like bomb proof is your business you know and you think about you know i think about some of my friends that have businesses and some of my friends are like personal trainers and stuff. And I'm like, man, they're really good at what they do, but like, it just sucks. They're not going to be able to, or massage therapy or chiropractic. Um, some of these people that are like very hands-on, they don't really have a choice, uh, on how they make their money. And that is brutal. And so I think that this, uh, this virus is going to kill people in more ways than one. And I think it's going to hit people in, uh, it's going to hit people in their bank account, probably the hardest. And that, that to me is very scary. Not that I'm
Starting point is 00:12:18 scared that I won't have money, but I'm, I'm scared for like, I have a lot of friends that own businesses and I have a lot of friends that they work very hard. They put a lot of time and effort into their trade and it's just super sad. And local businesses and stuff, I mean they're going to – they're not going to be able to make it. If you have a store and it's shut down for two months and you're in like New York City or something, how are you going to – how the hell can you you get that you just can't get that back you know so that that's that's what i think the fallout from this will be is that you know 2021 2022 2023 is all going to be all jacked up because of everything that's happening right now because people are spending a lot of money because they're scared but they're also people the same those same people aren't having the same
Starting point is 00:13:05 ability to work so something something's got to give somewhere unfortunately and i think that that uh you know obviously losing people is the worst thing but the economic fallout from this i think will be huge we're just actually talking to chris um and he was mentioning over in Italy. Griffin always has the scoop, man. He has the scoop. He's saying that renters aren't really allowed to charge the individuals that live in their properties for the next few months or whatever. And people don't have to pay their mortgages if they're out of work currently for however many months. But it's not going to happen here.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah. Well, and that kind of seems like very compassionate. But then where does that money come from, right? And maybe the guy that owns the duplex or owns the apartment building, maybe maybe he kind of doesn't need the money, maybe, but maybe he really does. Like maybe he like, you know, maybe he has been, you know, maybe he's hurting. You know, sometimes when you think people have money or they have assets, sometimes you think that they're really thriving. But if the government's able to step in, I think that's the advantage some of the other countries might have.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Sometimes the government can step in and help. But like if our government stepped in and helped from a financial perspective, I think they would just be in a greater debt than they already are. So I don't know. Yeah, I don't know, man. It's just wild. It's wild to see who's impacted the most. Will the middle class be hurt the worst? Will the middle class be hurt the worst?
Starting point is 00:14:45 Will the upper class be hurt the worst? Will the people that are less fortunate be impacted the most? Will it unite anybody? Will it help people? I know we can't physically come together, but will it? I mean, I don't know if you guys saw the trainer in Spain, like training people. Yeah, he's like out in like a lawn area and there's all these people exercising and like how cool was that to see these people are exercising no one's touching
Starting point is 00:15:10 each other not near each other they're not lifting any uh barbells or anything but they're all exercising still having a good time still having fun you know i don't know maybe there'll be more people that would be innovative and have fun and cool stuff like that to do that's still uh like community you know man i don't know yeah i'm still seeing people that are uh i mean i usually get like all my information from twitter which is not good but people still saying that it's like we're blowing it out of proportion that it's all a hoax and blah blah and i'm like at what point the conspiracy theorists piss me off like at what point is it enough here here's what i say uh might be a little a little overblown just as far as my knowledge and i don't know shit but like as far as my knowledge on what is happening the actual
Starting point is 00:15:58 virus itself doesn't appear to be that dangerous to a large majority of the American public that has decent health. At the moment, it doesn't appear that way. But also, like, what I do wonder and what I don't have knowledge on, what if you are normally healthy? And what if I just have a regular cold and I get that? Oh, my God, yeah. Right? normally healthy and what if i just have a regular cold and i get that you know right or or let's say a week ago i broke my leg and i'm in the hospital you know what i mean like then you know then we're losing people that were relatively healthy they just happen to have a
Starting point is 00:16:38 small hiccup in their health because of whatever thing happened and now they might be uh compromised as well. So I do think that the only thing, if there is anything that's overblown, it's actually the impact of the actual virus itself. But what I, what I think is undeniable is that it is spreading, you know, it's spreading from one country to the next very rapidly. It's spreading all over the place and it's something to be super cautious about. And we have a lot of people at the moment that are dying from it right now. So that's not anything to be – that's not publicity.
Starting point is 00:17:14 That's not the media. That's not social media. There's people that are physically – there's families that are impacted. It's something to think about. There's families that are impacted by it right at this moment they're losing people as we speak which is disgusting and scary and like that is and we don't know how to stop it if we knew how to stop it it'd be like okay you know unfortunately we lost a lot of people um but now they have a vaccine and it looks like we're on the comeback the scary part is we don't know yeah i mean it i
Starting point is 00:17:47 it could potentially wipe out everybody we don't have any idea at the moment i don't think i mean what if what if another thing came along while this was happening like is that possible you know we had that we had swine flu a few years ago or not a few years ago probably like 10 12 years ago 15 years ago h1n1 or whatever yeah h1n1 like what if something like that came about now you know which that was also considered not to be that huge of a threat but that killed some people as well you know what if the two things combined or what if something else i don't know you know like just even think about like what if we were at war like what a weird if we were at war?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Like, what a weird time to be at war. But like, what a great time for someone to take advantage of somebody else. You know, there's all kinds of fucking crazy possibilities. Yeah. And if something else does come along, as is right now, it's again, I'm not in hospital, so I have no idea. But it appears that they're like running out of space. They're running out of supplies. I have a friend who's a nurse and she got a memo saying that they're, I think they're not going to be having face masks or whatever soon or something. And no, no joke.
Starting point is 00:18:56 They might have to use trash bags as a ventilator. Yeah. They're going to have to do that. Yeah. Ventilator. Yeah, they're going to have to do that. Yeah, so now imagine if another virus comes out and it's like that one is deadly or, you know, is half as bad as this right now. But we don't have the space, you know, the supplies for everything. There was this company that was making like they have a 3D print company or something like that. They were making supplies on the spot for a hospital that was running out of stuff. That's amazing. Yeah yeah but it's how it's scary let's uh let's get dr gabrielle
Starting point is 00:19:30 lyon on the on the horn here and see if she can help us uh make some sense of this um because we don't know what we're talking about that much like we only kind of do but i told you i get my info from twitter twitter and instagram's the best place for info like this right i legit don't know what news outlet to even dude i don't have tv like bill burr told I told you I get my info from Twitter. Twitter and Instagram is the best place for info like this, right? I legit don't know what news outlet to even – I don't have TV. Bill Burr told me to throw on a sweater. I love that people got mad about that. It's like, man, I know that people are sick.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I realize that, but that shit was funny. Yeah. So I sent Gabrielle the Zoom link, so we're just waiting for her to join. A cool thing I'm noticing is that I've been seeing a lot of Facebook posts of friends that are like, I'm not smoking anymore. And some people really trying to get on top of their health. Breathing issues and respiratory issues, right? Yeah. The stuff that's happened with the school, I made a post on my own social media, and I I thought I was like, oh man, I'm going to really get ripped apart for this one. But like, you know, you guys know, I have, I have a certain feeling about school just because I didn't have, you know, I got my own weird opinions about it because I didn't have a great time in school.
Starting point is 00:20:37 But, you know, I just, I do, I do hope that some of what's happening leads to people kind of thinking of stuff. Oh, my God. You got your baby in there. Oh, my gosh. Wow. Look at that little machine. This is so cute. Say hi.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Hi, Uncle Mark. Hey, what's going on? How are you guys doing today? Good. I'm on mom duty. Uh-oh. This is what we're working with hey somebody's got to watch that cute little kid how old's your baby seven months are are you concerned about your baby's health like during this time or
Starting point is 00:21:20 what are some of your thoughts on it so it it's interesting. So I, you know, for, you know, I know most of you, I'm Gabrielle Lyon. I'm a physician here in New York City, New Jersey area. And I have patients that have it, that have Corona and their parents have it. So I have a little bit of a different perspective. And what I can tell you is that there's a couple of issues, really three major issues. One is, let's say the majority of us are
Starting point is 00:21:57 going to get it, not going to get that sick. And I think that we can all agree that that is possibility that that that may be true that being said the patients that are getting it that are older and when i say older 60s some of these people are not surviving and i can tell you um personally I have a very, I have a young lady in my practice who in the span of two weeks may be losing both her parents. And that is profound and devastating. And I know your question was, am I concerned for my baby? I mean, that's not the target age group, but I have younger patients. I have two younger patients. One is in, you know, two are in their twenties. They both have it. Some, and they're okay though. So we're not talking about vented. We're not talking about vented we're not talking about massive
Starting point is 00:23:06 respiratory distress so they have it but the fact that the care system here and i can't speak to everywhere else it is overburdened and the patients uh we can't you know i'm not i don't work in the er i'm not seeing patients in the hospital. I'm a concierge, private practice, so I don't do primary care. But those patients in the hospital that are being confirmed positive and then sent home, then going into respiratory distress, needs to call an ambulance and have to go back to the hospital, there's no beds. And I'm not being an alarmist, right? So this is the majority of this of us is not going to be affected. But, you know, one hand there's, it's, it's compelling, and it's awful.
Starting point is 00:24:03 That, you know, if this were to affect our parents, we'd be devastated. Oh yeah. Devastating. You know, and I was speaking to my lawyer this morning and she's like, well, it's the older patients that it's affecting. And while that's true, then we have this kind of economic collapse. And the, you know, the woman at the gym who she's a single mom, who this is how she makes her money and they just close the doors. I'm we're in full lockdown here. So I'm in Jersey city and everything is closed. So that's been mandated that everything is closed. You can only pick up and not die in any cares,
Starting point is 00:24:46 all medical offices, everything is closed. You know, and I just wonder what, what is the right thing to do? So what are the economic implications that this is going to have for the single mom who is, you know, works at the gym and now has no way has no income. So I don't know what the answer is. What, what, um, with your husband's job, uh, have, has things changed with, uh, what he's doing? So, um, so my husband was, he's a Navy SEAL. So he's been a Navy SEAL for 10 years and he just transitioned out of the teams and he's in medical school total under
Starting point is 00:25:25 achiever right um he's trying to be he's trying to be like you yeah so um they have shut down everything so everything is remote all medical school i mean they're really making significant they're taking significant precautions because we've all heard this concept of wanting to flatten the curve. And that's really just to try to get ahead of the illness. So let's say someone gets sick and they're alive, their life could be saved, but because we have no more beds and because we don't have the supplies and the healthcare workers, they don't have a chance. And I think that that's, you know, they're just really trying to contain it. And I don't like, and I don't know the answer. I can only tell you what I'm experiencing firsthand. Do you know anything about medications or supplementation
Starting point is 00:26:19 or anything anyone can do to help? Yes. So first of all, I want to be really clear. I am not a virologist. I am not infectious and infectious disease physician. So I will just tell you what I'm reading in the literature and whether that's helpful or not. I mean, there are certainly people that are, this is their area of special of specialty. And I just want to say that off the bat, because I think it's really important to be very honorable in what your profession is and really the information that you're distilling out. So I am telling you in my practice, there's been some randomized controlled trials for chloroquine and that's an anti-malarial that shows hope. And I know that that's what they're utilizing here in the hospitals in part. And so some of
Starting point is 00:27:06 my patients, I've given them chloroquine. There is, you know, there's a couple, you know, they, they, there's some recommendation of Tamiflu and then chloroquine. You know, I think that this is all still so early, despite some of the literature. And then interestingly, while I don't think there's any way to quote prevent it or cure it at this time, I think there's some data coming out about vitamin C, vitamin D. And again, I can't speak to the efficacy of that, but I think it behooves people to do the best that they can to take care of their immunity. And it certainly is a low cost of entry and can be very valuable. Will it prevent you from going to the gym? Everything's closed.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Oh, there you go. Since you... Everything is closed. Yeah. I mean, what is the right thing to do? So we, you know, if perhaps if everybody had hunkered down or if individuals had stayed in and if the elderly or at risk patients really taking that advice seriously, then maybe we wouldn't be in this position. You know, I don't have an answer. I know you probably talked to a lot of other docs about this and you guys, you definitely have a, I guess, a broader idea of how, like, no one knows how things are going to end up, but you guess a broader idea of how like no one knows how things are going to end up but you have a broad idea about where things are heading um you see certain
Starting point is 00:28:32 places are closed for like the next two or three weeks right but you know what how do you think things are going to continue on because it just doesn't it doesn't seem like yeah okay these two weeks might help people flatten the curve a little bit, that term that we've been talking about. But it doesn't necessarily seem like things. Sorry, it's a kind of a bad connection. I'm on you here. Oh, whoops. Oh, let's pause for a little bit, I guess.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, she's totally paused. She's amazing, like doing a – just total mom. She's like, yeah, so anyway, and she sticks the bottle right in the kid's mouth. It's awesome. A guy can't do that. Like dudes like. Wait, sorry. It's brutal.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Oh, we'll try to call you back to reconnect, see if we can get a little better connection. Yeah, but dudes can't do that. Like, and Seema, if you were trying to do that, even though the baby doesn't weigh anything, your biceps would be so cramped. Like she hasn't even had to change. She hasn't like, and the kid's not swarming. I would have to switch the kid from hand to hand. And the kid would be so uncomfortable being held by you because like your body's like a rock. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And so the kid would want to squirm around. Your bicep would be cramping. Well, I mean, I do got some pecs so the kid could grab that, right? That's a B slash C. You think you're more of a C? I think I'm more of a C's a b slash c uh yeah i think you're more of a c i think i'm more of a c than a b probably sitting down it might be more of a c yeah yeah a little little slouch here and there but yeah one of the guys here like had to like i don't know he had some job where he had like measured people for that or something i don't know he was telling me like a tailor i don't know i don't know
Starting point is 00:30:06 what he was doing but he told me he was like i'm a he told me what he was he was like i'm a like 46b or something like that or something because he had a pretty big back i forget which i'll try to remember i know it's so strange i think i probably like 46b was he did you have a bigger back than me no okay so i'm definitely like a 50 something c. Did he have a bigger back than me? No. Okay, so I'm definitely like a 50-something C. No one's got a bigger back than you, bro. Thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Who do you think was in here, Mr. Olympia? Oh, man. Man, they're on full lockdown over there. Yeah, no. A bunch of my clients have been texting me today because I messaged them earlier earlier last week i've done that like where manhattan is fucking shut down right there we go hey super mom feeding your baby and doing an interview at the same time yeah you can hear us right yeah the connection was really poor yeah sorry about that so the main thing i didn't make you change your diaper yeah so what i was wondering was like you know you probably have a better idea of the like what's
Starting point is 00:31:11 going to be happening in a few weeks no one really knows but what can you let us know what how you see things progressing because you mean we see people going to the store and buying out a bunch of food and like initially we were thinking that was a bad idea but like in a few weeks they might be the ones who are laughing with all their food and they're you know i i know it's interesting uh it's interesting so i think widespread panic is not the right i mean in the history of ever has that ever made anything better nope right it's not yeah you know it's like the idea of trying to say to someone to calm down when they're having a meltdown like yeah you know or if you stubbed your toe and you just feel like you broke it and someone is saying oh my god are you okay so i think that um you're absolutely right. Nobody knows. The concept that we would be running out of food and water,
Starting point is 00:32:08 I am not exactly sure where that's coming from. I think that people are reacting a bit irrationally in that way. What I hope doesn't happen, but that I think there is a possibility, and I can only speak from my experience is that people are testing positive, going into the emergency room, you know, they're testing, they're not feeling well, and then being sent home. The issue is they're being sent home and they have no capacity to care for themselves. So then they're going home and then they're going into respiratory distress.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And then they're needing to get back to the hospital and to be intubated or vented. This is the problem. You know, and I'm really curious to know your guys' perspective. Does that mean that we shut down everything economically? And that's the right answer either. You know, I mean, I don't know. I mean, people have to be able to work and feed their families. Yeah. My perspective is probably a little selfish. Like I still want to be able to do what I want to do, but then I think,
Starting point is 00:33:16 well, how dumb is that? You know, if it compromises someone else, that's my main concern is not so much if something happens to me, but like I don't want anything to happen to anybody close to me. How important do you think it is for people that are maybe listening to this podcast when they're done to maybe have a conversation with their parents or grandparents and say, hey, look, like you really need to like not go anywhere. Like grandma, grandpa, like you need to just need to sit down and just shut up and not move anywhere. Don't go anywhere, please. That's probably the most valuable piece of advice because when these people are getting it, they, you know, the survivability is much lower and I'm seeing it. It's devastating. You know, I mean this, i can't say too much about it but i you know i have a one parent you know one of my patient's parent is vented and the other one's back you know in
Starting point is 00:34:16 isolation how about it's not a good situation that's not common and that's not average how about like um individuals that are like older that they are relatively they live healthy lifestyles per se right i mean obviously it's not as bad for them but because they're older because obviously you know their immune system's a little bit worse like are they just as at risk? I would say better safe than sorry, completely. You know, my dad had microdor and they closed the borders and he was supposed to come here and take care of the baby. Zero chances. The risk, you know, when you, you, when you do a risk stratification or an evaluation of any risk of anything that we do. The short-term sacrifice for the long-term protection of our older individuals is really what I think
Starting point is 00:35:12 is so profound and important. You know, it just made me sick seeing these people out partying at, you know, St. Paddy's. It's so socially irresponsible. And granted, I guess when you're 20, you do that and act like an idiot. But it's, it's so far beyond the scope of what is appropriate. You know, if you're out doing something, don't be posting about it, posting out how you're hanging out with big groups, it's not the right thing. Because it sends about the wrong message,
Starting point is 00:35:43 it sends a message of irresponsibility. And that's, you know, I think as a country, there's a couple of things. We have to come together and try to fix the propaganda issues, right? We have to be able to find trusted information, which arguably I don't even know where you find that anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:58 So that's an issue. And then the other issue is how can we kind of come together as a society? We are America. Americans are incredible, you know? And my husband would agree. I mean, he fought for the protection and the freedom of every one of these people. So I think we're the greatest country that exists. And how can we come together as a country to support each other. And maybe part of that is social distancing and probably financial support for the people who are not able to work now. So it's really this multifactorial issue. It's not solely a healthcare issue at the moment. And that is what I think is
Starting point is 00:36:37 so challenging. Do you have people that are coming to you now about the situation? Because like most of most of what I've seen from you is that, you know, you're a doctor and you have this great understanding of of how you can help people solve problems and things like that that they have in their lives. But what I see you do a better job of than anything is just like you help people feel better. So are people coming to you and are they like, hey, look, you know, this is the last thing I needed dumped on my plate. Like how do I deal with this from a mental standpoint? Like are people like stress the hell out over this stuff? Yeah, totally. But it's, they are and it's what we do in moments of stress that really determine our character as human beings.
Starting point is 00:37:21 And whether you don't have that resiliency muscle now is the opportunity to build it a hundred percent so you know so yes they are they are right coming to talk to me about these things and it's really about building that intern this is an opportunity for everybody to take a step back and to reevaluate and how they're going to utilize their time. Cause there is going to come a moment where this passes. So it's going to pass. And the question is going to be, how did you utilize your time and your mental energy within that space? And did you behave in ways that you can be proud of?
Starting point is 00:37:57 I don't, I don't want to take up any more of your time for today. I'll let you get back to your baby and we'll, we'll get you on the podcast again soon enough, but thank you so much for taking the time to come on and being a super mom. You're like feeding the baby and doing the interview all at the same time. That's amazing. It's fine. These guys are, you know, anything I can do to help and, uh, you know, however I can help support your community and just be a voice of reason. Count me in. Awesome. Yeah. thank you so much have a great rest of your day bye bye
Starting point is 00:38:26 wow that is an adorable baby it really is it's a beautiful i took a picture of her while she was talking because she's like feeding the baby at the same time i thought that was legit no but it's um it's super important because i still like i know a lot of people that like were going out on st patrick's day like and and when i saw that i was it kind of really annoyed me because again like we were talking about earlier there are still people who are like ah this is all a hoax it's not that big of a deal it only kills old people that statement that it only kills old people is one of the weirdest things to say without any type of empathy. Right. I know. And I, yeah, I hear people mentioning that a lot, like, Oh, it only impacts old people or it's only hurting old. And it's like, well,
Starting point is 00:39:11 first of all, a lot of the people that they're considering, considering to be old still have a lot of life left. I mean, if you're 60, you might live another 40 years. I mean, that's a long time. Like you're not even 40 years old yet. You know, you guys aren't even 40 years old yet. Imagine having another 40 years like you haven't even made it that far just yet. But like some of these people that are in their 60 a day-to-day, you have kind of somewhere along the lines accepted the responsibility of the alcohol that I drink every weekend, the cigarettes that I smoke here and there. A lot of these choices, they're not great.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And I think they're knocking years off my life. I don't really know what to do about it. I'm addicted to these foods. But I have kind of put my hand up and i've said to myself you know what i um whatever comes along with all that i i'm accepting of it because i i'm not sure how to get myself out of this jam in this case like no one's accepting of this no one is agreeing to any of these conditions like no one wants this fucking virus no one wants this to happen to them and no one's deserving of it for for sure
Starting point is 00:40:25 like no one deserves to have this thing happening to them and they're just you just end up with it you end up with something that um you had absolutely you just had absolutely no control over and someone might think oh well if your immunity was boosted you know if you went to jamba juice and got the immunity boost shake you'd be good to go and kind of even on that note so there's a lot of stuff in fitness that you see people are like posting you know don't be promoting exercise is going to help fight it and some people are saying don't promote that any sort of diet is going to fight it you know i saw some of that and a lot of people are going back and forth on all this i I'll just say this, like, I love fitness and I always will. I always have. I'll always say
Starting point is 00:41:09 strength is never a weakness. Like I'll always live by that. I'm going to ride this shit out as long as I can. I think that the stronger that you are and the better shape that you're in, I think it can be, I think it can be helpful. Absolutely. I think now would be a great time to take a look at your diet and try to eat a little bit. Like, use it as an excuse. Like, hey, man, remember they had the coronavirus two years ago? That's when I started losing weight. Like, I lost 100 pounds from it.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Use it as an excuse. Use it as a survival technique. And no one has any information. That's what I keep seeing posted. There's, like, there's zero evidence that any diet will help you. Well, there's zero evidence that any diet will help you. Well, there's zero evidence that any diet is going to hurt you in this case as well. And I would just say that nutrition and your overall health, it always matters. It always helps. Everyone always cares about the semantics
Starting point is 00:41:55 of these things. Exactly what's being said. When people say, well, there's zero evidence on any diet is going to help you. If you're overweight and you hop on a diet and lose weight, how has that not helped you? No matter what diet it it was losing weight and not being unhealthy at this time that's going to give you a better chance of being able to survive this you know like paul saladino posted something about this and then somebody got really mad at him and grilled him and it's like you're taking what he said out of the direct context that he was saying it he wasn't saying the corona the the carnivore diet is going to heal the coronavirus. No, he's saying, try and do this so you can lose some weight, so you be healthier and have a better immune system and you won't be as immunocompromised for this disease.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Is that bad to share? Stop fucking tripping over it. I'm not you who you know who you are. Stop fucking tripping over it. I love the guy too but god damn bro he's been lighting everybody on fire like fuck man well and and paul is like it doesn't he you can't find someone more kind than that guy you know what i mean he's he's a very kind-hearted person he's he's not trying he certainly has a i mean he's a doctor yeah he's not
Starting point is 00:43:03 trying to put out information that's uh incorrect that's going to compromise his legitimacy at all. Like he was never going to do that. And he may be super passionate about what he's talking about, but he's also not going to say, hey, man, a hamburger is going to save you from the coronavirus. No one's saying that. No one's saying that. Coronavirus. But what I would say is like in helping so many people myself and not being a physician of any kind, I can say that a lot of people have come to me and are saying, hey, man, you help me get in a routine of exercise and you help me get on a better diet. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:43:40 I'm sleeping a lot better. And it's like who's going to say that better sleep is going to be negative to fend off any illness of any kind. And so I understand what people are saying like, hey, don't misinterpret, don't misrepresent fitness and say that it's the end all be all and it's going to save and help everything. But at the same time, I think it kind of can. I think it, I think it kind of can. I think about this, all those people that were doing world carnivore month a few months ago, um, and maybe hopped on the carnivore diet by, by listening to it early, like late last year, right? That lost hundreds of pounds right now. They're probably really fucking happy that they did that.
Starting point is 00:44:17 And this is not me saying that the carnivore diet helps the coronavirus. Like you can be on different types of diets and lose a lot of weight and get healthier. But think about that. Those people right now are probably super happy that they start that. They hopped on that and it worked for them. Yeah. They took control of something they can control. And I guess that's our main point. It's like, you can't control the virus. You can't control who gets it. You know, we don't have, we can't really do much about that, but maybe you can slightly control it because maybe if you're in better condition and maybe if you're in better shape and maybe if you are just healthier, maybe you won't ever even contract it. So you won't even pass it on to people that you love and care about.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I think most of us are probably in the same boat, too. Like I'd rather I'd rather get it and be really sick, you know, than to have anybody else around me get it. You know, I'd rather take the take the bullet like i was i'm even like thinking about like hey maybe i should just go fucking get it because you can't get it for like a year i guess they said uh after you've gotten it once already so i mean i don't know what's true but yeah i think they're still unsure about it's interesting because you're like if i can buy a year then then they'll probably have a cure for it you know yeah man just get it out get it out of my damn system i had swine flu you did i did yeah how was it it was horrible it was horrible i i've never had anything so your body will only allow you to like do so many things at one time like you'll only be so sick right but this wasn't the case with uh swine flu so i i felt insanely nauseous
Starting point is 00:45:47 and i had a headache at the same time those two things it's really rare for both those things to like carry on at the same time so think about a sinus infection and being nauseous like that's what i felt and i did throw up a couple times um and I don't even know if the vomiting was from the actual swine flu or what but picture having a headache and throwing up like your head already hurts so bad from throwing up
Starting point is 00:46:15 like once you know and it was just it was it was absolutely brutal I actually went to a contest in I think it was Ohio I went to a contest in, I think it was Ohio. I went to a contest in Ohio and I was supposed to like handle somebody. And I just told the guy, I was like, I have a fever and like I can't move.
Starting point is 00:46:40 And like every time I move, I get the chills. Oh, God. And I'm like, I can try to help you but like i think i'm just gonna get everybody else sick he's like stay the fucking bed i was like all right man you know i was like i really i i'm here for you i want you know i flew out here with you you got paid the money to come out here with you and i'm supposed to help you i'm your coach but i i'm fucking useless i'm completely useless there's nothing i can't really do anything it's got all that meat man that's why it's called the swine flu i know i know but i love bacon bro like what am i supposed
Starting point is 00:47:15 to do yeah i love that stuff no it's kind of wild um well apparently it's held has it now but it's like bat flu almost huh yeah tom Bat or snake flu. Tom Hanks has it. And he's on an island. And his wife's name is Rita. Guess what his wife's last name is. Swine flu. Wilson. Wilson!
Starting point is 00:47:40 Rita Wilson is his wife. He set all this shit up. Damn. He knew when he made Cast Away that this was gonna happen first Jenny got AIDS and now he's got
Starting point is 00:47:49 wait what sorry there's an old movie Philadelphia Forrest Gump oh yeah I remember okay yeah yeah it was
Starting point is 00:47:56 maybe before your time I saw Forrest Gump yeah Jen Nay yeah yeah she got sick I love you Jen Nay that movie is amazing it really
Starting point is 00:48:07 is i cried man that movie is really really freaking good i've been thinking about like i'll make them like they used to no but i've been thinking about all the storylines now in movies that are going to be in intertwined with coronavirus like how it's you know it's like there's movies about nine like uh have you seen uh adam sandler i think it's called rain on me no it's such a depressing ass movie but it's like a uh it follows uh the story of a man who lost his family that was on a plane you know on 9-11 but like it shows like his whole like story of like before after. It's crazy. So I've just been thinking lately, there's probably going to be some really good books and stories that are going to come out after all this.
Starting point is 00:48:51 A lot of people are referencing Batman, because Bane, he had all of Manhattan shut down. And then it's because somebody got, I guess, bit by a bat or whatever. In this case, somebody ate a bat, I think. Andrew made a fire meme from that i keep saying i need to stop making all these stupid memes but i can't help it hey you know the best thing right now everyone's quarantined you're all at home trying to live it up right best thing we can do is laugh right create some entertainment i know but a couple i've seen some funny ones man like it Like it was like, you know, you are what you eat.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And a picture of Batman is like some dude in China right now. Well, that's, that's, that's always so good about, about, uh, humor is it can be really inappropriate, right? You could be like, yeah, that's really good. A lot of good. You know, it's, you know, it's really good when you're laughing. You're like, I should not be like yeah that's really good a lot of good you know it's you know it's really good when you're laughing like i should not be laughing at that like i shouldn't be laughing at it like you can't help it oh man have you guys seen uh mcmillions at all never heard oh you told us about it once yeah yeah it's like a mcdonald's thing but anyway just what made it
Starting point is 00:50:02 pop in my head is uh well maybe i shouldn't say too much about it you know i can't i can't say it go ahead no you guys i don't all right so watch it anyway okay basically what happened if you don't want if you don't want to hear this part then just mute it for a minute but like in mcmillions what messes everything up is 9-11 so they have this huge case it's gonna it's like it's starting to unfold. It's in the newspaper every week. And then wham, 9-11 happens. And that that information, like all this, it's, you know, based on like this million dollar ticket and you won a million bucks. It was a huge deal. And they, every time they ran that, every time they ran the promotion, the sales for McDonald's went up by like 70%. Like it was crazy. And, uh, so that this firm created this game and, uh, McDonald's would ask them like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:51:00 like what else you got for us? And they're like, well, Monopoly works really good. So let's run it again. Yeah yeah and so they continuously did it um anyway somebody was like kind of ripping the whole thing off and they were they were uh taking these uh game pieces and you know giving them out to kind of random people and then they were taking some of them it was it's it's why it's completely wild did anyone ever really even win a million from that thing? So I don't even think that that show explained that. I don't remember them saying that in there.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I don't know if anyone legitimately won. That's fucked up. This guy ran a racket through it the whole entire time, I think. And it was crazy because they had so much precaution of how over-the-top protective and how much security they had around it. Like the fucking pieces were in like a briefcase that was locked up that had a special code that only like two people knew. And it was just – like it was crazy. Like they were really diligent with it. But this guy, he was basically like a mafia kind of guy and he got a hold of it and he
Starting point is 00:52:06 figured out like you know how to do it and then he he he prayed upon people that he knew would kind of go along with it so he would go to somebody who probably had like you know probably behind on car payments and things like that and he, he kind of first went to like some friends, but then after that he started extended out more, but like he would pray on these people and then he would see like, oh, this guy's perfect. Like this guy's totally going to, because some people, like if you said, hey man, all you got to do is turn this in and you win a million bucks.
Starting point is 00:52:38 You would want to know more information, right? Yep. You'd be like, what? Like, no, wait, I don't even really know you that well what what are you talking about why are you giving me this game piece you know but some of the people he was going to they were pretty desperate and they didn't really care that much they would ask a couple questions and he would be like oh don't worry about it this is the way it works you know and you'll you'll win this money and stuff and then they they would like split the money with him but anyway the whole point is like this was going to be this huge case it was going to like unfold
Starting point is 00:53:09 and then 9-11 happened and this story just no one would even fucking care about it you know because 9-11 was this insane american uh tragedy that everyone was trying to like recover from so this thing got swept away and you didn't hear about it until this damn movie came out, which is like 15 or however long ago nine 11 was. That's crazy. Yeah. 19 years.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Yeah. You guys would like it. It's long. Like it's, it's crazy. Cause in the first episode, they hit you with so much. They were,
Starting point is 00:53:39 they, they reveal a lot and then it's like an eight or 10 part series, but it's worth it. It's worth it to watch. have time if there's yeah if there's any time to watch this it's now the only thing i remember about all of this is my friend had a paper route and they had the inserts for a lot of the game pieces and we just took all of them wow got a lot of free food that summer y'all are welcome that's that's some next level stuff but hey you know um it was a crazy thing one thing right now that's going on is a lot of people aren't having
Starting point is 00:54:12 gym access yeah like like gyms are like jersey gyms are closed need to move around you know people still need to exercise right yeah this is a great time to get in some different types of movement like there's a lot of just even if you don't have any exercise equipment at home, there's a lot of stuff you can do. Those of you who have side and walk, get outside and walk, get some sunlight. If you have slingshot pushups or even the hip circles and stuff,
Starting point is 00:54:35 there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with that stuff. I'm just saying like, and even like if you have chairs or tables, you can, there's a lot of different movements that you can do at home. If you just, if you really want to get in a little bit of a workout. Ron Penna sent me a message today and he's like, I was thinking about your business.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And he's like, I think your business is pretty safe because everyone knows how hard it is to build big, strong triceps at home without a slingshot. And I was like, he gets it. I was like, he totally gets it. But he is on H&L, though. You know, he's way up here and everyone else. No one else can see it the way he can see it. But he is on H&L, though. He's way up here and everyone else is. No one else can see it the way he can see it, right? I'm curious about Ron Penna's take on all of this, actually. But, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:13 He kind of is in agreement with some of it being overhyped in terms of it impacting everyone and really just being super devastating to everyone as an individual he doesn't think it's like he doesn't think that the virus itself is that powerful uh however you know us losing like our parents and grandparents and stuff like that to me that's pretty impactful so yeah if that continues to happen then i'd have to say even ron penna is wrong you know yeah another thing i uh meme or whatever i saw was um uh it was it was a tweet and somebody was like corona has a 97 survival rate you guys are way over hyping it and then the retweet was like if i gave you a hundred skittles but three of them were gonna kill you you would take that shit serious it's like it's a little flawed but that makes a
Starting point is 00:56:09 lot of sense though yeah when you put it that way that that three percent's a very big number dude that is a very big number like let's not any percent is good enough for me like i'm good i think the swine flu when it first came around in like like early 1900s i think it wiped out like 50 million people and at that time it wiped out like one percent of the world's population which is like that's fucking crazy yeah um and i think that's the i think that is the maybe i'm saying this wrong but i from what i recall i think that's the biggest the spanish flu yeah it was 1918 yeah yeah that one was fucked up because the better your immune system was the higher likelihood that you would die oh shit yeah because apparently there's like
Starting point is 00:56:58 replication of white blood cells and they would fight it off but But like, yeah, the younger like that one was one that just like killed healthy young people. That's wild. Yeah. So, man, I don't know what to think of all this. Hopefully, hopefully some of what we shared today, even though we don't know what the fuck to do. Hopefully it's still helpful. As we mentioned, you know, like you want to get outside, like try to get some sunlight, maybe, you know, skipping a lot of these gatherings. Not even maybe would be a great idea. Um, let's just stop shaking each other's
Starting point is 00:57:29 hands, you know, like let's just bow to each other and, and maybe like elbow or, or, you know, maybe even like just an air bump, you know, um, always give people a little, uh, a little kind of head nod instead and let people know you appreciate them. But, you know, maybe some of that will help a little bit. And, you know, I don't know what else will help. You know, you heard Gabrielle saying, like, it doesn't seem like anyone has great solutions at the moment, but just getting enough sleep, getting some vitamin D, hopefully you can get some of that from the sun, washing your hands.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And, you know, if you listen to people about how to wash your hands, it's like there's a technique to it. You've got to wash around your fingernails a lot. If you're not washing around your fingernails and if you have rings and you're not washing around the rings and stuff, then you are kind of wasting your time. So if you're going to take your time to do that,
Starting point is 00:58:20 then make sure you do it and just do the best you possibly can with it, I guess. You'd be surprised at how many, when you start telling yourself not to touch your face, you start to realize how much you touch your face. I think they say 10,000 times a day. 10,000 times a day? Holy crap. Damn. That's a lot of face touching.
Starting point is 00:58:39 When I heard that, like, oh, you can't touch your face because that's a real easy way to contract it, I'm just like, dude, I'm screwed because I know I touch my face too much. I've probably touched my face a few times during this podcast. I know it. Look back at the footage.
Starting point is 00:58:53 You'll probably see me touch my face 15, 20 times. What if we could just like, you know, put some like gloves on or something that electrocute us every time we go to touch your face,
Starting point is 00:59:01 you know? Hey, entrepreneur, come out with that right now. I just, I keep, fuck. Like, man, he's got like, I'm just just gonna power through it because i really gotta itch like he's cussing a lot today yeah i'm just i just need a cone of shame so that way i can't get
Starting point is 00:59:15 to my face dog cones that's actually a great idea yeah yeah uh but hey if you guys are looking for even more Corona information, Peter Tia had some great podcasts on it. Sam Harris had two recent podcasts, I think episode 190 and 191, which were really, really informational. He pulled his kids from school before they shut schools down. He's been taking this super seriously for quite some time before people really started getting the hang of it. So those are two really smart dudes too yeah yeah two really smart dudes and then there's obviously that joe rogan episode with uh it has like 10 million views on youtube you'll see it but it's a recent one it's also really really good and it's a the guy in that episode he made a book about like um
Starting point is 01:00:00 about i guess just viruses like five six. Five, six years ago. Five, six years. And it literally predicted everything that's going on right now. It's insane. Well, it's even scarier than this. I mean, as far as we know, this came from somebody eating something. But somebody can just produce this. You know? Somebody can just, like, chemical warfare. People can just, you know?
Starting point is 01:00:21 People can, like, hopefully that shit never happens. Because when that happens, that's going to be, like, really dangerous. But, like, people can just, it's just nuts, man. It's nuts what's out there. You know, the whole population could be. We have, like, so many movies about this. We have so many books about this. People have been talking about this kind of stuff forever.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And luckily for us, we still have Tom Cruise is still around. And we still got Will Smith. I think both those guys should get together and get all of us out of this fucking jam they've done it successfully so many times before with aliens and viruses and shit like that maybe get matt damon in there they have somebody's got matt damon was contagion right yeah that was such yo guys go watch contagion maybe not if you want to instill some fear in somebody who's not who's not believing in uh in the virus have them watch outbreak is that is that the one on netflix that everyone's going on about i could be i don't i just know it was like in the top 10 for sure this this past weekend Yeah, yeah, that was the one on Netflix.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I haven't seen it, so I might watch that. Cuba Gooding Jr. and Morgan Freeman. Radio. It's a good one, Coach. That was a good movie. It was a good movie. We caught him off guard take us out of here Andrew oh my gosh
Starting point is 01:01:58 thank you everybody that's been rating and reading the podcast on iTunes it helps us out a ton whoever I read at the end of this, thank you so much. If you guys want to follow me, my Instagram is at IamAndrewZ. Please make sure you're following the podcast at MarkBell'sPowerProject on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter. We are also on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn. What else we got?
Starting point is 01:02:20 Thank you, Pete Montes, for sponsoring this episode. All links for everything, for all the social media platforms and everything down below in the YouTube description. Or if you guys are catching this on iTunes, check the show notes for that. And SEMA, where you be? Hey, it's a great time to get meat shipped to your house.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Just saying. Yeah. At SEMA, any on Instagram and YouTube at SEMA, yin yang on Tik Tok and Twitter. Mark detachable shower headspan. You know, that's what people need. Then you don't need
Starting point is 01:02:46 toilet paper. But you do need to go into the shower after every shit that you take, so that might be problematic. That's good practice regardless, though. You've got to blast it all out of there, you know? Yeah. Do you have a really good
Starting point is 01:03:00 catch tray filter system? Yeah. It just goes right down the drain. Every once in a while, it just goes right down the drain. Every once in a while it might be a bigger piece than you thought. You might go, wow, that's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Yeah. Maybe like the insinkerator that they have, like a garbage disposal. You install that on your bathtub, which I think is a Seinfeld episode now that I think about it. Or a bidet.
Starting point is 01:03:25 I got the water blasting thing. It's great. I don't need no toilet paper. Pause. What's that company that you can put the thing on the toilet? There's a bunch of them. Yeah, and it's inexpensive. They made a good version of it.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I'm going on Amazon today. Something potty. There's a couple. There's Bio Bidet. there's bio bidet there's uh oh fuck stern tushy yeah tushy yeah tushy yes that was it yeah and the thing is i don't know if i can do cold water in the mornings i don't it shouldn't be cold i don't know is it cold it'll wake you up. I mean, what's better? Wah! Well, mine is like, mine's over the top.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Like mine, you can set the water. It has like two sides of the, it seemed like I got pretty confused by it one day. When I went to your house. Remote control. I was in his bathroom for like 25 minutes because like I finished, but then I was like, I wonder what this one feels like. I wonder what this one feels like. Yeah, you hit the one that has like the girl on it you're like kind of close to my nuts that feels really good the best part is like how you got to move on the toilet to make sure you get everything
Starting point is 01:04:38 you gotta get your hips going forward into the side and you gotta make sure you get it all just right when we were at your beach house i'm'm like, Steph, you got to try this. And so my fiance went in there, she tried it and you just hear nothing but giggles. That's great. She's like, ha, ha, ha. That's so good. That's so good.
Starting point is 01:04:55 She doesn't need you anymore. Nope. I've been replaced and I'm okay with it because the better thing won. Yeah. Huh? Yeah, exactly. Variable pressure. Yeah, Huh? Yeah, exactly. Variable pressure.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Yeah, and it's heated, though. That's what's great. I don't have an outlet in the bathroom that can heat it up. You got to get one, man. Just do cold water. All right, everybody. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later. Thank you so much, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, for that really important conversation. Like I said, this podcast needed to go in front of everything else just because it was timely. It's really important that we can get out as much, you know, legit information as possible. Real quick, I just wanted to say thank you to everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast. It helps out a ton. We want to give a quick shout out to Bebo29. I'll just say, Bo says, great podcast. Quote, great info. Guys are very funny and knowledgeable. Bo, thank you so much for that. Again, see, that didn't take very long. That was a couple seconds out of his day or her day, Bebo29, out of their day. And that helps us out a lot. So seriously, thank you so
Starting point is 01:06:13 much. If you're listening right now, if you'd like to hear your name and your review read on air, please head over to iTunes right now, drop us a rating, a review, and you could hear your name on air, just like our boy or girl, Bebo29. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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