Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 353 - Remington James

Episode Date: March 26, 2020

Remington James is a vlogger, successful entrepreneur, personal trainer, diet coach, and rapper. From once previously struggling with addiction, alcoholism, anxiety, and depression, he now helps hundr...eds of people through the internet reach their health and fitness goals. Remington recently hopped on the Carnivore Diet and is having a lot of success healing injuries and feeling great. Remington on YouTube: Remington on Instagram: Remington on Twitter: Remington's New Album: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10" at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, what's going down? Hope you guys are surviving this quarantine as safe and healthy as possible. We have a couple of things for you guys specifically in regards to what's going on right now. So stay tuned for that. But it's really cool. We're finally back in Sacramento.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Yesterday's episode was the last episode we recorded down in Columbus, Ohio. So it's really good to finally get these episodes out that we recorded, starting with our boy, Remington James. Remington instantly became one of our favorite gym bros of all time. And when I say gym bro, I definitely do not mean that in a negative way. This dude is awesome. Remington has a YouTube channel, Remington James Fitness. So he's a fitness YouTuber, but he makes a bunch of like bodybuilding type recipes, the if it fits your macros type of stuff. And when I was doing my cut last year, towards the end of the year, I leaned on a bunch
Starting point is 00:00:51 of his recipes to help get me through it all. What really made this connection, though, was Rem did a bit of a carnivore challenge. And I think he was mainly doing it just to have content for his YouTube channel. But what ended up happening was he actually started feeling better than he ever has before on any other diet. So he decided, you know what, I'm just going to stick with it. On top of all that, Rem is actually a rapper. He just dropped his second album. And on the podcast, Mark had asked like, hey, is it cool if we play some of your music? So he actually sent us a couple samples. And if you're interested in that, please make sure you stay tuned to the very end of the podcast where we're actually going to go ahead and give a sample, which is really cool because that's the first time we've ever done
Starting point is 00:01:33 this on the podcast. So thanks, Rem, for allowing us to use some of your music to pump out on our feed. Of course, if you guys are interested in finding out more information on Rem or his album, please make sure you check the YouTube description and of course the iTunes show notes. But like I said earlier, we're going to try to help everyone out that's stuck in quarantine, stuck in self-isolation, social distancing, all that stuff. Really what it comes down to is everyone's gym got shut down for the time being. And that really sucks because a lot of us use the gym as an outlet, you know, to kind of be a stress reliever or just to overall make us feel better. And obviously get more jacked. So what Mark decided to do was he is giving 20% off any and all slingshot and hip circle combos.
Starting point is 00:02:22 So you can add any slingshot you want, any hip circle you want, and you're going to get 20% off that order. Along with that, Mark is actually giving everybody 30 days free of And not only will there be workouts that you can do with the hip circle and the slingshot by itself, but Jesse Burdick actually just wrote out a whole program that you can do with just body weight only. And of course, so like I said,, free for 30 days. Just go sign up right now. You just have to put in your email address.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And, you can add a slingshot and a hip circle and you'll receive 20% off. A huge thanks to Piedmontese for sponsoring this episode. Like I said earlier, we linked up with RIM specifically because of the carnivore diet. So that's really what brought us together. And if you guys seriously, you guys know we talk about all the time, but it's the absolute best beef in the universe. Piedmontese beef is second to none. It's more tender.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's juicy. It cooks faster, has more protein, less fat. It really doesn't make any sense, but somehow they've been able to accomplish this. If you guys are interested, you need to head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Again, we had so much fun with our boy Remington. We really think you guys are going to dig him too. I mean, he's open about his steroid use. He's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:03:48 He has that southern accent. He really just, we just all gelled perfectly. So I'm going to go ahead and get out of your way. Please make sure you guys hit up Rem on social media. Links will be down in the description and the iTunes show notes. Again, along with links to his uh his new album and his youtube channel uh but for now please enjoy the show that was that was pretty good yeah yeah you didn't know whoa what is that oh static that's from your jacket that's crazy
Starting point is 00:04:18 was it just lighting up yeah i'm so staticky it's crazy like when i when we were in um ohio because it's like cold and dry and stuff. When I went to move my blankets, I kept getting like electrocuted. Really? Yeah. In my bed. I was like, what the hell's going on here? Dude.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I was like snapping and popping. I'm like, I'm going to like, like light on fire from this thing. I don't know what was going on. Well, we almost did burn that place down. Yeah. Oh yeah. Fire alarm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:43 You took all the hot water. I was trying to wake everybody up. I took, I had to take a place down. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Fire alarm? Yeah, you took all the hot water. I was trying to wake everybody up. I had to take a cold shower that morning. Oh, man. I was so mad at you and Smokey the first night. Because I didn't know which one of you guys took a long shower. It was me. And then I went in.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah. And then I went in and I was like, fuck, it's cold. You know what's the worst part is I just assumed everybody already went. Because I felt like I woke up a little bit late. Yeah. I was like, everybody probably already went. And I turned the shower on to get it like hot. And then I had to poop.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And I was like, should I turn it back off? And I was like, oh, I'll just leave it on. How long is this poop going to really take? And it took way longer than expected. Yeah. And then as far as static goes, dude, like whenever I would move around in the bed, I would just see sparks flying in the dark. That's what I was seeing, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Yeah. I'm like, what the, like, this is amazing. but also, what the, like, what's happening here? Yeah, y'all are weird. That didn't, I didn't get shocked one time in bed. That's when you got to send your girl a video. You're like, look at these sparks flying, huh? Like, I still got it. Still got it.
Starting point is 00:05:37 That's how she knows. Yeah. So, we had some amazing steak at some amazing steakhouses. It wasn't bad. It was really good. Really good. It was weird that Nsema kept returning his stuff. He kept sending it back.
Starting point is 00:05:52 He's like, this is not satisfactory. You know, sometimes you just got to teach these people a lesson. If they don't make it rare enough. He's like stuff so much better in Nigeria. It's like, what's wrong with you people? Very insulting. Do they got Piedmontese beef in Nigeria yet? No, no, no. We just got Piedmontese beef in Nigeria yet? No.
Starting point is 00:06:05 No. No. We just got jacked people. That's all. Yeah. Well. That's eating all those goats. Smoking.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Say something else. What's that show? 90 Day Fiance? I think that's something like that. You can't look at 90 Day Fiance to look at the jacked Nigerians. That's not the show we look at. There you go. Ka-ping. Mind bullet.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Ka-pow. Both cracked open a mind bullet potion prost they both took a shot and pro tip everybody um drink the whole thing yeah if you've never taken it before yeah take no i think i can't even joke around i was gonna say yeah empty stomach just go for it, it's good stuff, though. I fucking love it. Makes me all happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:47 There you go. I cooked up some of that Piedmontese yesterday. Ask me which cut it was. I'm going to say it was the center cut ribeye. Hey, that's pretty good. It was just the regular boneless ribeye. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And it was amazing. It's so good. I made the centereless ribeye okay and it was amazing it's so good i made i made the center cut ribeye last night this morning woke up and i was just thinking about that ribeye and i was like all right i'm gonna do another ribeye so i pulled it out of the freezer i put it on the counter it's defrosting i'm gonna get home later today that's what i'm gonna be reaching for nice dude i put the uh the new york strip in the air fryer yesterday i just had it sit in there for 10 minutes and i was just like fuck i'm gonna go do some other stuff so just sat there after it was cooking at 360 for 10 came back it was like literally perfect but it cooks so
Starting point is 00:07:35 fucking quick yeah they cook fast i ended up just putting it at 3 10 i think for 15 for 15 minutes air fryer and you're on the grill? So, lately I've been doing air fryer. And so, like, I used to talk, I mean, I still will say that, you know, the smoker is way better than the air fryer. But that's because when I was cooking on the air fryer, I was using, like, big box store meats. And it just like like this like it needed so much more work with piedmontese steaks like it it's so damn good like it doesn't make any damn sense yes you guys messing with that seasoned salt what are you what are you
Starting point is 00:08:17 throwing on your steaks just regular salt just pink himalayan salt yeah lots of it though yeah through some of that uh that redmond seasoned salt on there yesterday. It was really good. I need to get some of that. I don't like people that put a lot of Mike Lowry's all over their steak. Oh, yeah. I'm just like, hey, you're kind of killing the whole point here. That kind of orangey stuff or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah. I'm not a fan. That's weird. It's too much. It has like sugar in it or something, too, I think. No me gusta. But what I am a fan of is Piedmontese steaks. And it was really cool seeing their banner
Starting point is 00:08:45 out at the uh the arnold that never happened but i know it's a bummer um however they're still our homies they're still best beef on the best beef in the universe um if you guys want to check this stuff out head over to that's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order if your order99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Feels good to be home, y'all. It does. It feels great to be home. One more thing I wanted to say about beef, especially from cows.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Beefus. Or like bison and lamb. There's other ruminant animals. But people ask, you know, on a carnivore diet, can I eat chicken and can I eat this, can I eat that? And you could eat whatever you'd like, you know, as long as it falls under the meat category. It comes from an animal, you're pretty much good to go. But just something to know about ruminant animals, it ends up working out perfectly because they have multiple chambers, especially a cow. I don't know all the information about it, but they have like four chambers. And because they have those chambers, they turn grass into very highly bioavailable
Starting point is 00:09:51 vitamins and minerals for us. And a lot of other foods, we don't have access to that. If you eat kale or spinach, they may have some great benefit, but the research shows that you might only get like 1% of the vitamins from there because you can't extract it all because our body just doesn't digest it that well. Maybe there's other things going on that we don't know about that are beneficial for vegetables. I don't really know. I'm not going to say vegetables are bad. I don't have a problem with vegetables, but meat definitely has a lot more stuff readily available to you and it's just something that everybody should know especially from ruminant animals so can you have other
Starting point is 00:10:30 meat on a carnivore diet you sure can but it's just not going to have the vitamins and minerals because cows are designed to provide us with that in my opinion i like it and then after hanging out with stan it was like oh got to start eating more steak again. Oh, yeah. The rhino. That guy's still jacked. Still jacked. Still brilliant.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah. But yeah, no. Yeah. Just more steak? No. I'm just happy that you're going to be eating more steak. Oh, gotcha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah. I mean, you know, I had a lot of success with chicken and rice as you know it's a bodybuilding staple right at this point like it's that's kind of like when you think of bodybuilding diet you think chicken and rice all day long and then maybe broccoli although i didn't do that um i was successful with it so i'm like i'm just gonna keep this party rolling. And then I don't know, man, it's time for a little change here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And then also again, talking to Stan is like, all right, man, there's so much more benefits to eating real steak and real meats, real, you know, cow meats like Mark was just talking about.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I can't ignore it anymore. I can't deny it. I think, I think my dog, you know, would eat almost anything, you know, she's super curious about any kind of food.
Starting point is 00:11:46 But I really don't think she would care that much if I had a plate of broccoli. And if she took a snip of broccoli, I don't think she would continue to care that much. She goes crazy. Absolutely crazy. When I have meat, she goes crazy. Even when we give her her own food, which is still meat-based, we try to get the healthiest choice. own food, which is still like meat based. We try to get like the healthiest choice. I haven't been able to convert my wife over to just being like, Hey, let's just fricking give her just meat flat out. Um, but even with her own food, she's not as excited. But if I have a plate of meat or eggs or
Starting point is 00:12:18 something like that, she's like doing backflips. I think she just knows. She's like, she just inherently knows that there's a, that it's a nutrient dense food. She's like, backflips. I think she just knows. She's like, she just inherently knows that it's a nutrient-dense food. She's like, I want some of that. I've never seen a dog that fucks with greens unless like the owner is trying to really make them eat a green diet. Yeah. Yeah. Every now and again, we have like the baby carrots. Our dogs love those.
Starting point is 00:12:41 But I mean, compared to a chunk of meat, though, they're going to go nuts. Yeah, they might eat some berries or something like that. And I think I've heard that dogs will sometimes like eat grass just out of necessity because they're not getting like the vitamins and minerals they need from other stuff. So those little things are so smart that they're just like, hey, like my owner's not giving me what I need. So I'm just going to eat this grass. They don't digest grass very well is the problem. Yeah. But it will still have some of the nutrients that they need yeah when my dog's like their
Starting point is 00:13:07 stomach like you can actually like hear like their stomach's kind of like like bubbling up a little bit kind of like mine trying to get on the podcast yeah so what they'll they'll actually go out back and start chewing on some grass and be like no no no because you're just gonna puke it all up but you're right they they do know what the heck they need. What's the dog whisperer's name? We need to have the guy on the show. Caesar Milan. What's his name? Caesar Milan.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Milan. Mulan. You do that super fast. Do you watch that show? No, just we were talking about it the other day. Oh, okay, okay. And we do got to get that guy. Have any of you guys ever tried elk meat, by the way?
Starting point is 00:13:41 I haven't. I'm just curious. I have. I want to. Yeah. How is it? It's really good. Have you ever had uh like venison which is like deer you ever have deer before never had deer i think it's a lot better than like deer meat like it's it has it has a little
Starting point is 00:13:57 bit more fat but um you know as joe rogan kind of explains like elk or they're just beautiful animals they're fucking jacked you know they're they're they're in really good shape and um i enjoy it i like it quite a bit i think when it comes to any of these meats any of these kind of game meats it really helps a lot to have some knowledge of how to cook some of these things and sometimes smoking the meat or cooking them or prepping them in a slightly different way uh might be good for some people so but i'm sure you can hit it up in the air fryer even yeah what's up my man can you hear us over there yeah i can hear you can you hear me yep yeah man you're you're ready to go
Starting point is 00:14:39 to like fucking outer space with that goddamn chair look at that man that's like the uh that's like the first chair you buy when you hit like 50 000 subscribers yeah that's yeah that's like the uh pewdiepie chair type thing right it is man we all got it that's uh that's like a video a special like video game chair even right yeah and i don't even play video games really on this computer anymore but i just think it looks cool yeah you know what cool yeah it does right y'all are commenting on it we're starting to show off right yeah you need shit in the background for people to come people to comment on right speaking of you guys have a nice uh silhouette in the background not bad that guy's got some traps going in curtain that's right you never know what's going to come out from behind that curtain you never
Starting point is 00:15:25 know i can't wait to find out so you said uh you don't really play video games uh much nowadays but you had a video game addiction going on for a while right correction correction i still play a shit ton of video games i just don't do it sitting right here ah yeah so uh man before i got into fitness i was real bad and so you ever heard of world of warcraft yeah absolutely yeah okay well it wasn't that game it was a game like that but a star wars version of it so um yeah i shoot man i wasted so much time playing that damn game what was the name of the game so but now well so now my problem is like i said at this like when i'm editing videos i do all my own editing i do all that stuff so i can i do my
Starting point is 00:16:08 client stuff right here so it's like when i'm trying to relax i gotta i gotta get the hell away from right here what whatever have you learned from uh being previously addicted to video games and then like what about the addiction of doing what you do now youtube uh social media you know are you um kind of a little worried or concerned about any of those addictions or are you doing okay with those or how's it working for you i mean i i i think that uh addictions and i mean i'm a very addictive person in general i've been addicted uh i feel like i'm the type of guy like when i'm doing something i'm addicted to it right When I got into, I think it was really me getting into fitness was just a matter of me replacing one addiction for another,
Starting point is 00:16:51 but finding things to be addicted to that were beneficial to me. I mean, dude, when I was playing that MMO, man, I was working. I was on cell phones at the time. So it was like, wake up, go to work. And the whole time I'm at work, I'm online researching how to level up my character, checking on people in my guild. I ran a clan man super nerdy shit um like what armor piece i needed to go farm yeah man and then i would rush home i'd order a pizza on the way home eat a sub and like i was in a relationship with like my high school sweetheart at the time oh man dude i just totally neglected her she left me and uh dude it was not good it's like
Starting point is 00:17:23 two years of my life and i remember like i came out of this relationship and i was in like the worst shape i'd ever been in uh things weren't good and now you're like all right i'm single i need to try to get laid somehow i have no game all i've been talking to is these dorks for the last two years you know uh so yeah i mean i just kind of swapped addictions and you know i still play video games but it's just not to that crate like you know now i have a job and i've found a way to like make the nerdy side of me kind of also make me money in the same sense you know i want to ask you this real quick because uh i when i was a teenager i also played like quite a few mmos i was curious what the mmo you were talking about was but i played this game called maple story and we've talked
Starting point is 00:18:05 about you know what it is that's why you're laughing at me you know what it is i know what it is hey man it wasn't it was hardcore at all but it was addictive as hell and before i went into college i was like fuck fuck fuck i i put hundreds if not thousands of hours into that game i was like holy shit and semo if you want to move forward in life you can't play this anymore you got to delete it and i was sitting there literally probably a few tears in my eyes when i deleted my character so what i want to know dude i deleted the character i didn't even i couldn't i couldn't do it anymore that's deleted so what uh because i know a lot of people are listening they're like fuck i'm kind of in that same boat where i don't have control over this and i probably got to delete my character I'm kind of in that same boat where I don't have control over this.
Starting point is 00:18:45 And I probably got to delete my character. So what kind of like how did you bring yourself to have the courage to just stop that? Because you still play games now, but probably in a healthier fashion. Yeah. I mean, here's the bad part is I think it's probably like with most addictions. You reach this point where it's like the point of no return. So you're like, Jesus Christ, if I don't stop this, it's just going to get real. Am I allowed to cuss on here? Yes. Okay. I, you know, I'm all right. It's just going to get real messed up if I keep going this
Starting point is 00:19:14 way. Cause I'd lost my girlfriend and I'm realizing, man, like the amount of money I was spending, I w okay. I was so addicted. I was making, I was doing pretty good at my, like, you know, self cell phone sales job. Right. And I would pay people to level my characters up while I was at work. Right. So I would have all these extra characters leveled up and then I'm buying like special pieces of gear and I was farming gold and reselling it. Like it was, it was a whole process, you know? So, uh, I mean, she had to hit rock bottom. I had to realize that I was extremely out of shape. I had no girlfriend, you know, and there's, I don't think there's a bigger motivator for a male than not being able to have sex when you want it. You know what I mean? I think, uh, you know, now you're like upwards of,
Starting point is 00:19:54 uh, over 450,000 subscribers on your YouTube channel. Like how did this, uh, vlog stuff come to be and what, what did it look like in the beginning was there like video game stuff on there in the beginning no man and uh it's so long story short i get out of my relationship right and i get out of this whole mmo thing and uh i think i was what 22 23 at the time but i never really experienced like um i mean a little bit in college but like the going out the the bar scene the partying scene so i got pretty heavy into that. And I realized I'm going out, all these dudes that are out or wearing affliction shirts and they all had bicep veins. I'm like, damn, how do I join that prestigious club? So I started, uh, it started kind of working out and, you know, uh, no idea on diet. I had zero clue, like what I'm supposed to be doing. I just knew you needed, you know, or I thought you needed the protein shake, you eat oats
Starting point is 00:20:44 and you're going to get huge. Like, that's what I thought. And I remember I started like really researching like the diet side of it. And I put myself together like a little meal plan and actually like followed it like verbatim, like, you know, meal one is like weighing everything, trying to be super meticulous. And once I did that was when I was like, for the first time in my life, I had abs. I remember like sending a picture to my mom and like my dad, like, look guys. And they didn't give a shit, but I was so, I had abs. I remember like sending a picture to my mom and like my dad, like, look guys. And they didn't give a shit, but I was so proud of those abs and the fact that I made that plan. So I was like, well, like, you know, this ain't that hard really. Like I did
Starting point is 00:21:14 no shit about diet, but I just like researched it, figured a plan out. So, you know, I'm posting my results on Facebook and I get local people hitting me up like, Hey, what are you doing? Can you make me a diet? So I started making diets for people and, um, doing that whole thing. And I was like, you know what? I'm like, I'm gonna get certified as a personal trainer. Why the hell not? You know, I can maybe make some money, train some people. Maybe I didn't really know where I wanted to go with it, but I want to get certified. And I remember I was like, all right. So in order to legitimize my personal training, I'm going to make some YouTube videos just so they're there. Like it just makes me look more legit. I have an Instagram, I got a YouTube, yada, yada. So, um, I'd made like, I hired a camera guy and we made
Starting point is 00:21:48 like 10 videos in like a couple of weeks and I kept refreshing. Like there was this app out on my phone, the YouTube ad, it'll tell you how much money you made. And it was always stuck at a penny always. And I've just been like giving up on it. You know what I mean? Like I ain't going to ever go up. And then one day I checked it and I made like 50 bucks. And I was like, how did that happen? I looked and I had made a meal prep video. It was like super terrible. You go back and watch it. That thing is a joke, but it made me 50 bucks.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And I was like, holy shit. So I just kind of started making that same kind of video, like looking at like different hashtags and different like diets and just kind of started and that, yeah, man. And then people just started coming. And that's when I was like, all right, I need to quit this job I'm doing and started to focus on this YouTube thing. And I went on a run, man. I did 180, 180 days in a row. I did a video every single day and didn't miss a day. All shot, edited and everything by me. So I grinded it out and it kind of worked. And here we are. Man, that's that's a lot. That's a lot of days in a row. Do you still do that frequently? Is it three, four days a week?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Oh, hell no. Hell no. Well, in the beginning, you have like, I didn't know what I was doing. Like, really? I was just a kid. I'm like, I'm just going to try to, I need a video every day. That's my goal. I quit my job.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And I'm like, well, now I have all this free time. Like, I need to spend this somehow. I didn't know the best way to approach it. So I was like, I'm just going to do a video every single day. And I remember going on vacation to Fort Lauderdale while uh while i was in the middle of the streak my buddies are waking up walking on the beach getting coffee drinking and i'm like not leaving the hotel till 3 p.m because i'm doing like emails and clients and doing videos and things when some when someone asks you like what you do do you tell them that you're a youtuber yeah yeah but it's almost like
Starting point is 00:23:24 it's it's goofy to say that sounds weird right younger generation looks at you like a youtuber yeah yeah but it's almost like it's it's goofy to say that sounds weird right younger generation looks at you like a superstar and the older generation is just like what the hell like they kind of get a job yeah like they don't know what you do until you pull up in a nice car and they're like oh shit okay that must work you know what i mean so uh youtuber yeah but it just depends i kind of get a temperature check of who i'm talking to you know what i mean so uh youtuber yeah but i guess depends i kind of get a temperature check of who i'm talking to you know personal trainer sounds cooler to an older demographic youtube younger kids though you tell them you're youtuber they've never seen a video and they want a picture do you share a lot of stuff about maybe your past you know um you you were addicted to alcohol you
Starting point is 00:23:58 were you were drinking quite a bit and stuff like that i believe and so do you kind of share you share a lot of that stuff with people as well um i mean uh are we talking i mean in person if i'm talking to somebody you know it's not the first thing i bring up but uh you know if we're uh yeah if i can give my whole thing is like i think you should always speak from like experience and shit you've gone through like man i've been yeah i've been addicted to alcohol had a really bad problem with percocets for a while um i still love to party i just feel like i have a little better self-control over it I've been addicted to alcohol. I had a really bad problem with Percocets for a while. I still love to party. I just feel like I have a little better self-control over it.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Can we talk about that? Very addictive. I have a very addictive personality. So when I'm doing something, I do it to like the 110th percent. Can we talk about that self-control that you have now? Because I have a lot of friends. I know a lot of people that when it does come to alcohol, they don't necessarily necessarily want to totally get it out of their life but they can't seem to control it in their life so i'm really curious how you got to the point of having an addiction to alcohol to now
Starting point is 00:24:53 you probably drink a bit but you you don't like you don't it's not as excessive as it used to be and i feel like getting to that point is really difficult for a lot of people yeah i mean i think a lot of it too is is, uh, when you, when I first started like all YouTube, I, I, I, I do these like little chimney challenges with myself. So like, um, when I first started YouTube, I realized like, I was like, all right, so now I don't have a job. I have some money in the bank. I can pay my bills, but I need to like grow this. So I did a challenge and I think I went, what was it like nine months without like a single drink of alcohol. And I gave it up completely and I'll periodically do things like that and if i have like a i'm like this like past weekend for the
Starting point is 00:25:27 arnold um we went out saturday night and i had to catch a flight sunday morning we shut that club down we were at an after it was it was insane didn't even go to sleep but uh i realized though like anytime i have like uh like like a really bad moment like i've had bad moments with alcohol where i lose my self-control and i'm just like black out, I wake up and I don't remember anything. I feel like shit for two days. Um, then I like forced myself to go and he's like, all right, like you're going on a break. You got six months, no drinking. And I've done that multiple times, but really for me, it's, um, how easy just everything can spiral out of control, man. I mean, with what I do with like my schedule and everything, um, I mean, I'm a one man team. So the second that, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm not gonna have a little fun on a saturday knowing i have some sunday recovery ahead of me but like if i try to like i used to it'd be like shit people call me you wanna go out tuesday night like hell yeah and then then my whole dude everything else it just cascades out of control then i'm trying to edit videos and do all this shit hung over then like it's just not good so um my priorities though when i go out is like uh one thing that helped a lot which is crazy um this might sound kind of goofy but like i used to pre-game before i ever went out so it's like all right we got to have a six pack down before we go out now i refuse to have a drink
Starting point is 00:26:34 of alcohol till i'm at the spot you know so like we get out 11 places shut down at two it's like all right well you know kind of limits it but if i go out with six in my system then i'm ordering a crucial amounts there because i'm already fucked up you know what i mean and then we're like but i love to party though so it's like i don't want to give it up completely because i have so much fun but on the flip side it's like you know it can be extremely detrimental especially when your job's fitness and health yeah you have like you, you created a drinking window. Well, you know, I'm dude, I'm, I'm so bad with food too. Like the whole thing is like, uh, cheat meals and all that. Like I'm a big believer of a one cheat meal a week. Like if you're gonna, if you're gonna do it, have your one cheat meal a week, make it a meal, don't make it a whole day.
Starting point is 00:27:20 You know? And I kinda, I kinda cram it in there. Like my cheat meals on the same day, my alcohol is like a kinda, not, not that i drink every weekend i try to do like now i try to do like every other week max but like once a month like wow me and the boys will have a good night you know i think that that's crucial too for like building relationships with people especially now i live in houston so a lot of these people i'm meeting i'm kind of just now getting to know so you know some alcohol really helps loosen up some people. Walk us through this epic bro fight that you got into where somebody was calling you out, and you guys were talking about who could get bigger, and then you actually got into a fight over it. I want to know how you know about this. You did your research. Well, actually, I'm friends with the guy that you got into a fight with.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. Okay, i'll be a sec um oh jesus yeah this was uh this was before youtube actually i i yes definitely because i'm still wearing affliction i remember the shirt i was a medium affliction shirt i love it yeah no shit just popping sleeves uh now we were dude we were drinking and i had this problem i'm i'm very i have a very short temper something that's gotten better with age obviously but it's a really short temper and we were at my house drinking one night and um this guy showed up and uh shit i can't say his name uh but i actually read a facebook status from this morning he's
Starting point is 00:28:40 not doing too hot um yeah sorry bud um we'll just call him brad we'll call him bradley martin all right there we go that'll start some shit no so we were uh we were at my house we were just drinking and uh this dude he was like kind of new to new to the gym and i'd given him a lot of advice and everything like that pretty big dude like uh no i'm like 5 10 right now like 180 this dude's like six foot three pretty big dude and he doesn he doesn't really work out, but you can tell like, he's got some potential if he gets in there and kills it. So I hype anybody up. All right. Then I'm talking to you. So I'm all, I'm like, Hey man, you're going to be big. You know, he lived with me a couple of times in the gym, seen in the gym, kind of give me some pointers when we get drunk and we're on my back
Starting point is 00:29:18 porch and back when I still smoke cigarettes. So we're kind of out there having that alcohol smoke break or whatever. And, um, he just kind of got really drunk and he just kept saying like, man, I'm going to be way bigger than you here before too much longer. You even said it. I got way better genetics than you. I'm going to crush you with this. And I remember just it's in and out. It's like I think it's called browned out. I remember like moments of it.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I remember my one friend sitting there. Shout out to Dobbs. He kept just being like, hey, you need to stop that. You need to quit. You need to stop because I get in my own head a own head a lot and like this dude's talking shit and next next thing i knew i just blasted this dude he fell off my back porch um and total pussy too because like i mean he was still able to like get i mean he i got him pretty good like he he was able to stand back up he was just totally like what was that man you know what i mean he i got him pretty good like he he was able to stand back up he was just totally like what was that man so you know and then the girls with him got all mad at me and then okay
Starting point is 00:30:12 so long story short the next day i felt really shitty about it all right so i bought him c4 off of ebay that's sick yeah i gave it to him but he didn't come to the gym for a week because he had i got him right in that sweet spot between the eye and the side of the nose. He had a nice little mark for like a week, so he didn't come to the gym for a while. As far as I know, he never went back. So maybe I'm just downward spiral he's on right now. Maybe I'm the result of that. Hey, hopefully he still has that C4 and he puts it to some good use, right?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Bro, here's some pre-workout. Let's just let it be water under the bridge bygones be bygones bud this will amp you up yeah and then was it the uh was it the original c4 or was it like the the messed up formula wasn't expecting this guy to come out of nowhere i'm here man i think it was just because i was at the time i was saving money so i probably got whatever the cheapest thing was on ebay you gotta sort by price plus shipping lowest first buy it now only oh wow yep you know that's what i'm big on that shit though man yeah money like that heck yeah was what's awesome about everything that i'm hearing thus far dude it seems like you're almost like uh
Starting point is 00:31:19 you track macros for life right like not only like in the diet but like that stuff has carried over to the uh the partying the drinking but like that stuff has carried over to the the partying the drinking and all that you know i mean so it's like do you think that so then like how can you explain like the um uh what's the word the disciplines from like bodybuilding has carried over into like other aspects of your life because people who are on the outside looking in they kind of don't understand that like once they get their diet in check like oh all of a sudden i show up to work every day on time and you know then things kind of don't understand that like once they get their diet in check, like, oh, all of a sudden I show up to work every day on time. And, you know, then things kind of just cascade from there. Like, did you notice a turn in something like that? I mean, I think, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:55 as most of you guys probably know, if you are followed a diet, especially like in the beginning, it wasn't so much tracking macros as it was like the meal plan, the meal one, the meal two, the meal three, the timing, which I'm a little less on that aspect of it. Now I kind of, I like macros a little better. Um, which right now I am 30, I think today's like day 33 on the carnivore diet, a hundred percent. I imagine we'll get into that. But, uh, you know, I always tell people if you can, if you can follow a diet, right, I would say food's probably the, one of the most tempting things you're ever going to be around. I mean, everywhere you go, you got fast food restaurant here, you got candy here, and all this shit is so good.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And eating stuff on a meal plan is not good. I mean, if we're relatively speaking, right? True. From a flavor perspective. But if you can follow, I mean, the first time, like when I got got the first time I truly got shredded was a meal plan. I created by myself, followed it for 12 weeks. I remember I gave up alcohol. I gave up going out and I even gave up cheat meals for like the last six weeks. I was the most shredded I'd ever been. I did a photo shoot, never thought in my life I'd ever have abs, but it was like that moment,
Starting point is 00:32:57 like after, if you can, if you can dial in for 12 weeks, three months, a quarter of a year and follow something verbatim and give yourself zero excuses, not miss a workout, not miss a cardio session and crush it. I don't think there's much else you can't do. Have you been in better shape since that time? Like, like just doing that, that one time, have you been in better shape? You know, you might come and go a little bit with your physique, but you probably, I would imagine, have been in better shape ever since you did that one challenge, right? Yeah, yeah. I mean, that for a dude, I want to say I was like 152 pounds for that photo shoot. And my last shred, I think the leanest I got, I think the
Starting point is 00:33:36 lowest weigh-in I got was about 171. So definitely put on some muscle. Steroids help from time to time. But yeah, definitely in better shape. Definitely just learning, like, not to push my body so hard. I burnt so much muscle off just doing so much cardio. Because that was my first meal plan I ever made for myself. I want to say I was only eating, at the end of it, 1,500 calories a day with 40 minutes of cardio a day. So I was a miserable son of a bitch walking around. But learned quite a bit since then.
Starting point is 00:34:03 But those were the glory days man what made you want to try steroids what was the interest there um huh all my friends doing them you go to the gym and you find out that like so you start i start lifting right i meet these like three dudes i went to high school with big dudes i'm lifting with them and then like you know the first month everybody's like you know oh yeah just drink your protein and about after that first month they go yeah well you know i mean there's a little like, you know, Oh yeah, just drink your protein. And about after that first month they go, yeah, well, you know, I mean, there's a little something here, extra to try if you want, you know, and you're like, yeah, then they start talking into it and they're like, you know, we got, uh, you know, and then, then eventually you just find
Starting point is 00:34:35 out that everybody is on steroids. Everybody is on steroids. Like, and then you go to the gym and you find out the guys that don't even, would never have guessed were on or on and everybody's taking it so uh you know and then my best friend being uh which by the way he'd be a great guest on this podcast by the way anchorm fitness um but he uh he's you know super knowledgeable about all this that's what this whole channel's based on so i'm like hey bud uh what do you think i do? And then he just kind of sets me on the right path. Yeah. One of my best friends in high school, he, he started taking them really, really early on. And, uh, fortunately for me, like, so there was a lot of people that were on steroids, like where I came from in New York, like the gym was like, it was very clear that it was full of steroids. I mean, everyone was super jacked and crazy strong. Um, but I was never really that
Starting point is 00:35:25 enticed by it because I didn't, my friends didn't do it. Uh, my brother, Chris didn't do it at the time and stuff like that. And I trained, he was my training partner most of the time. But when my like best friend started taking them, I was kind of interested. I was like, huh, what is this about? So I started looking at it, researching it a little bit, but I never messed with it until I was a little bit older because my friend sucked and it didn't matter what he took he still sucked so i was kind of lucky that like if he would have jumped past me i probably would have gotten on him at like 18 or 19 years old but luckily for me uh he was a shitty lifter no matter what he did so it didn't influence me that much until i was until later on so you also got great genetics too man
Starting point is 00:36:05 i'm a i've been like skinny fat my whole life so it took so much for me to mold what i have into like uh something that's passable i guess yeah i definitely have genetics to be a strong i mean the first time i like lifted like with with friends and stuff i mean i was already lifting a little bit um but not that often first time i ever lifted with my friends, I mean, they couldn't press 65 pounds, you know, and I was doing 135 for a couple of reps, you know, and it wasn't, it was just, I don't know, you know, I don't know why that was like gifted to me, but that was just there, you know, from the beginning. Yeah. And I definitely not in my family for sure. And I think that's why so many people resonate with you so much. because I know that's what I did.
Starting point is 00:36:47 You know, like, into video games so much that it was like, it messed your life up a little bit. Grew up skinny fat. That's me, like, still to this day. But then you look at your physique now, and it's just like, oh, shit, what's that guy doing? Andrew, I got news for you. Uh-oh. You want to let him in on this? He's not skinny fat.
Starting point is 00:37:02 No, you're not skinny fat anymore. Well. See, you just said it. I feel that way, dude. I don't know. Yeah, news flash. you you want to let him in on this he's not skinny fat no you're not skinny fat anymore well you see i feel that way dude i don't know yeah news flash all right well it's possibly the best day of my life he looks great thanks i'll just say it's crazy what you carry with you mentally yeah from like years of like never being like like now like when i meet people like we did a meet and greet event this last weekend and it was like i meet people and they're like man, like when I meet people, like we did a meet and greet event this last weekend and it was like, I meet people and they're like, man, like, like asking me, it's still so weird to me that people ask me for advice. Like I'm in person, people are like, what do I do to get huge? And I'm like giving muscle. And I still feel like I'm just this tiny dude. Like it's, I don't know, it's wild. we had uh mike isratal on who's just a freaking gorilla and um you know selfishly i always ask everybody on the podcast like hey like what if somebody is about 175 trying to do this and that
Starting point is 00:37:52 it's like i'm only describing myself but you had just you had put out a uh like basically like a low-fat like bodybuilding pizza and so i asked you know mike about it because like i i saw it and i was like dude i gotta make that pizza that Remington was just cooking. Like it looks freaking delicious. And the short answer was like, ah, you could make it and it'll, you know, kind of resemble a pizza, kind of taste like a pizza. And I'm like, I don't know, man, when you haven't had pizza and that's your, that's your favorite thing ever, the way this guy cooks it, it was freaking good. And it came out pretty good, dude. I was like kind of surprised but um where did like uh like all these recipes come from like is it just by trying shit over and over or um to be honest a lot of the recipes like uh
Starting point is 00:38:38 i'm literally just like scrambling for a video and i'm like i'm usually i'm making these when i'm really really hungry and i'm trying to find ways to like fit, fit things into my diet. So I'm Googling like, you know, a keto pizza recipe. And then you'll have like, cause there's all these people that make all these recipes and they're just everywhere. And then I'll, then I'll find one and I might tweak it or I might just verbatim make it. Um, but, uh, you know, I've over the, over the course of YouTube, I've discovered quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I mean, I think I've done like six pizza recipes on the channel. I was talking about my addictive personality, but this last November, I was in the best shape of my life, hands down. And I was eating like three of those pizzas a night. Oh. Yeah. But it fit my macros. I was shredded. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:22 And what is this? I mean, you can answer if you however you want but was this like ped free or was this just like eating oh my my last shred yeah uh my cycle for the last one so i did uh five it was like five oh let me see it was 1.7 test prop every other day so what's that add up to in like a week like 600 so it was 600 tests a week and then on the last the last four weeks i did and of our 75 milligrams every day and how many weeks of a shred was this uh 12 12 do you feel that like well i don't know how you do your stuff but do you feel that like do you always use stuff when you shred or do you like use stuff in general or like how's um i mean so right now i'm on trt so so right now i'm at 150 milligrams a week so i'm always on that which i feel like uh
Starting point is 00:40:10 if you i don't know i feel like the first few cycles i did i really uh kind of messed my levels up so uh like permanently or just like i mean i mean i was off for about 11 months and um i couldn't even explain how I felt. I felt depressed. I felt like I was in this really weird place. It was so strange because it just felt normal to me. And then when I got on TRT, it was almost like there was a light bulb that went back off. And I was like, oh, this is how I'm supposed to feel.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Okay. And it woke me back up. So I don't know. I understand a lot of it can kind of be mental but uh i mean i don't think i'm ever going to try to go off trt now yeah i think not um not when it makes it so much easier to just like um and everything i feel like i recover faster i feel like my body handles food better i hold on and like on trt to off i hold like 10 extra pounds of body weight just being on TRT. And then also how much easier is like even just YouTubing videos and stuff and having the energy to get through the entire day of shit that you have going on on TRT?
Starting point is 00:41:16 I mean, it definitely helps. For sure. I mean, it's testosterone in general, man. It's just, it's a, I love it. I love it. I love it. It's something that I share often that I use, and I think it's important. But every once in a while, I kind of forget because I've been doing it for so long. And so somebody's like, oh, well, that's your experience because you're on
Starting point is 00:41:40 stuff. And I'm like, well, that's fair. That's actually fair because I sometimes forget how invigorating it is. stuff. And I'm like, well, that's fair. That's actually fair because I sometimes forget how, how invigorating it is. Like if I was, if I was to go off of them, I would feel totally and completely fine if it was a long enough time that I was off of them for. But like you said, even like 10 months, 11 months, a year, um, it can take a long ass time. And I think a precautionary tale for everybody is you have to be really careful when you come off of steroids. Like if you're ever thinking about using them and if you're ever thinking about like, hey, I'm going to use them for this and then I'm going to come back off of them. You got to be really, you got to be really cautious
Starting point is 00:42:19 because I have never suffered from depression in my entire life except for when I came off of steroids and I didn't even know what it was. I was emotional. And it was just, it was weird. And luckily, you know, I have a lot of good people around me and stuff. So it never became a thing. I don't have any other things that I'm addicted to or nothing like that. But I could see, you know, how somebody could take their own life or how someone could be aggressive.
Starting point is 00:42:43 People talk about roid rage and people talk about side effects of steroids. Side effects of steroids are real, first of all. Secondly, when you come off of them, that's when you'll get hit hard with them. You'll get the acne, you'll get depression, you'll get all kinds of stuff. So I like to point that out to people because steroids are great. I love them. I've said in the movie, Bigger, Stronger, Faster, I'll probably be on and off for the rest of my life. And here we are 10, 15 years later, and I'm still enjoying them. I do like them. But people need to understand it is a drug.
Starting point is 00:43:15 It's very dangerous. So you need to be cautious with it. And if you're thinking about doing them, you should be researching it. I'm sure when you started your first one, not only did you have people around you your first cycle but you probably also researched it correct yeah i did uh i guess you know the research was there but the problem is it's so easy to find like self-validating research absolutely yeah like you know i mean you're reading like all the benefits of trend you know and then like i do trend it was the fucking worst decision i ever made. This is terrible. I didn't place two doors in my house. I was not sleeping, ruining bedsheet. It just wasn't a good time at all. Yeah. And I mean, it's, uh, it's knowledge,
Starting point is 00:43:55 but it's also like, I mean, who you don't understand really what you're getting into. And so you, you really come off of it, you know? And then you're like, um, cause like it wasn't, I mean, I was definitely depressed when I came off, but it was so weird. Cause like, you know, I did this like crazy power PCT. I think it was like Dr. Scali's power PCT. So I had like Novodex, Clomid, HCG. I was doing like everything. I spent like top dollar to have like the best PCT I could have. And I thought, you know, after the first month and a half, you know, being off, I just kind of forgot that I was off. And I didn't even realize until I got on TRT that my shit was not good. And it wasn't even so much depression.
Starting point is 00:44:32 But maybe this is just like a side effect of depression. But I was just so unmotivated. My training sucked. I was like my YouTube videos were just kind of ho-hum. I was kind of in a blah mood. hum. I was kind of in a blah mood, you know, do you, do you understanding going into it that, uh, if you do it, there's, um, there's a chance for some long-term repercussions for sure. You just gotta be smart on your YouTube channel. I'm wondering, how is it that you share that information? Because, um, I've mentioned this on, on other episodes before, but I noticed that a
Starting point is 00:45:01 lot of individuals that share a lot of this stuff, they're even a, what's his name? John Meadows said that a lot of these guys are doing dangerous amounts of these drugs and unnecessarily high amounts. And the thing is, it's like, you look at YouTube, you know, teenagers watch this shit, 15, 16, 17 year old men or boys. Right. And they want to get big fast. So I feel like it seems that, I mean, I'm assuming that the way that you're sharing this information is somewhat safe and precautionary, especially for guys of that age group. You know, it's a, so I really don't talk about this stuff much on my channel. I've made a, I made a video a while back where I talked about, I just, I'd been off steroids for a few, four or five months or so. And I made a video about like my experience with them because my biggest thing about the whole steroid thing was um i was terrified of getting
Starting point is 00:45:50 demonetized in general like i've always like when i started my channel especially i tried to right when i started my youtube was during the um it was uh this ad gate or something this thing that happened where they were like yeah demonetizing everybody for goofy shit and i had just started my channel so i was like i wanted to be family friendly. We have no cussing. We have nothing. It's going to be 100% by the books. So if you watch my old videos compared to now, I'm like, hey, guys, how are we doing?
Starting point is 00:46:13 Yeah. No cussing, no jokes, no nothing. And that's kind of always where, you know, with the whole steroid thing, I was that same thing. I'm like, I don't want to put steroids in a title of my video and get demonetized. thing. I was that same thing. I'm like, I don't want to put steroids in a title of my video and get demonetized. So, um, to be honest, I really, uh, like this podcast I think is, uh, the first time I've ever really talked about what was in my cycle and everything. Last time I did it, I just, uh, I don't know. Like I don't, I don't, I don't claim natural. I don't, you know, and I've admitted to using steroids in the past, but, um, I just, I try not, cause I understand
Starting point is 00:46:43 so many of these kids are so like so influenced by this stuff and um i just don't i guess i don't know what the best approach is if i were to even talk about it like i could make a video about my current steroid use and all that but i'm like i wonder what benefit that gives any party involved yeah i mean it probably will just entice them to take it since they look up to you and and they're they want to have your they want to have your physique. So I do think that's great to not talk about it a whole lot. And then if people ask you, then you can decide on how you're going to handle the situation.
Starting point is 00:47:13 If someone DMs you or something, you can say, hey, look, I take them, but you're 15 and I don't think it'd be a great idea. You should wait till you're older. Wait till your natural testosterone production goes down. Right. And that's always my advice. I mean, I didn't do my first cycle till I was what, 24, I think 24 years old. And I think a lot of the people say you should wait till you're 25. I did it at 24. And, um, wait till you're at least at a mom and dad's house. You know what I mean? Yeah. No shit, man. And then, and then have the money and have enough,
Starting point is 00:47:41 at least to like prepare for the whole cycle, like buy your PCT in the beginning. And like, you know, cause I've heard stories from people where it's like they bought, they buy like a bottle at a time and then like their dealer goes to jail. I just heard that story. I was like, damn. All right. Yeah. Like buy it all at once. And then, uh, there's, and there's a lot to be said to me. And like, even now, like I'm still learning about like how to properly train. I'm still learning about what the best diet is for me.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It's always a working, growing growing learning experience. Like, um, I switched my training up about, uh, maybe like six weeks ago or yeah, about six weeks ago, kind of like around right before I started the carnivore diet. And, um, yeah, I just, I'm always learning. I'm always trying to be, you know, better. So you, I mean, you never know as much as you think, you know, and until, you know, so you can do a lot naturally without ever getting on anything. And, uh, I definitely didn't take my own advice on that one. I wish I would've waited a little longer. What's your training look like? What did you switch from? So it's not necessarily like I switched, um, like the, the types of movements I didn't go
Starting point is 00:48:39 from like bodybuilding to CrossFit, you know, nothing that goofy, but just pushing myself harder. And so like when I started the carnivore diet, I, so I had this really bad shoulder injury that kept me from doing a lot of things, kept me from overhead shoulder press, kept me from any sort of flat bench. It kept me from squats, got pretty painful. If I had like, like that used to really hurt. And then once I started the carnivore diet, that pain like disappeared. So I was like, okay, now I can actually push myself again.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Let's see how strong we really are. And then I decided every lift I did, I'd kind of been being a pussy in the gym for a while. I kept to the same weights. I was doing the same reps, same sets. I wasn't pushing myself at all for fear. I was going to get another injury. I was going to ache more, hurt more, whatever. And now once all that pain went away, I just started like, screw it. I'm going to try like, how heavy can I go? Like, let me,
Starting point is 00:49:29 let me not just do 12 reps at 225 on squat. Let's put 335 on, see how many I can do. And I just started training a lot heavier. And I swear, like, I don't know if it's the carnivore diet or if it's the training stimulus, but, uh, I'm feeling really good right now. Really good. Has there been any other changes that may have led to your shoulder feeling better? Even like to be honest, like the crazy thing was when I started the carnivore diet, right? Obviously, my biggest catalyst for it was Joe Rogan. Seeing him talk about it. He's like, I lost this weight.
Starting point is 00:50:00 And I honestly went into it looking for a way to eat i guess without like having to track calorie like you know that was my initial mindset because i because that was a lot of people assume that you can get into this and don't have to track calories which uh my experience with that have not proven to be true that's actually pretty false because i still gain weight if i'm eating the shit done to meat uh especially texas barbecue but um yeah man yeah i got stories about that shit um but i went into this like diet just like uh with this mindset that i was just gonna lose weight that's the only thing i thought about with it i didn't care about healing i didn't really know if i believed in it i've done i've done keto i've done all these diets i've never
Starting point is 00:50:38 gotten any real benefit all these people talk about like oh keto my brain was so clear i'm like i don't i don't fucking see it um so i go into this diet and I'm literally like four days in of just meat and my shoulder that has been hurting. Like it's been a problem for probably four to five years now, like a really bad problem. Four days in, it was like, it's still kind of hurt, but it was like, I don't know, something was different. Like I could sleep on it different. I wasn't cause like, it was so bad. I could like reach out and like grab something a certain way. And it would just like, it would send me this shock in my shoulder. And like, I was at the point where I thought I needed, I thought I was going to need surgery. I remember thinking that
Starting point is 00:51:14 I'm like, I want to find someone to like give me shoulder surgery. I'm only 29 years old. Like, is this too early? Like, I really thought I was fucked. And, uh, boom, like about, let's say probably two weeks into the carnivore diet, my shoulder pain was gone, but I hadn't really noticed it in the gym yet. And I remember I went and I had this guy shout to Tony. He has ALS. He came and met me and I got to lift in with him and stuff. And I don't know if I was, we were lifted and he kind of inspired me to lift harder because ALS is a terrible condition. And this dude is in a wheelchair and he's still in there lifting.
Starting point is 00:51:46 It kind of just really inspired me. So I just was like, well, I'm going to try to lift as hard as I can while he's here. And I started just putting all the weight on and, uh, he could only do machines. And so there's some incline bench machines and things like that that I hadn't done in like a year and a half. And I sat down and did them loaded the weight up and, uh, yeah, no pain, no nothing. And carnivore diet. I don't know, but I got to me, that can be the only,
Starting point is 00:52:07 that's the only thing that's changed. That's it. What was the way of eating that you were like doing before? I know you're like doing if it fits your macros and tracking, but I'm more so curious about like how much carbs were you eating per day at the time for your body weight? Like what did that look like for you? So I, so at the end of my shred, so around in like November, um, a lot of the pictures you'll see on my Instagram where I'm like super shredded or some of my recent videos, I'll throw clips in. Um, I think at the bottom of that, I was about 135 grams of carbs a day. And my diet was in a traditional sense. I remember there was a period I went through where it was really, really, really a quote unquote clean.
Starting point is 00:52:42 So I was eating like a pound of vegetables a day, easy, like a pound of zucchini a day. Um, I was eating a lot of sweet potatoes, um, and a lot of chicken breasts and a lot of chicken thighs. I kept it pretty simple, but I remember, man, I was at the end of this shred. Now, now obviously I haven't been that this shredded yet on carnivore, but, um, towards the end of that shred, like I remember I was eating like, yeah. And blueberries blueberries. I remember what I thought should have been the perfect diet. I remember feeling like total trash. I don't know if that's me, just all the cardio and the deficit, whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:14 But I felt like shit. I remember just being in my head like, shouldn't I feel better? This is the cleanest my diet has ever been. It's the most veggies I've ever eaten. I'm getting fruit every single day. I'm taking a greens powder. I'm getting my protein sources are all good no shakes and um yeah and then after that inevitably every time that i diet like this i go through a little relapse period where i'm eating
Starting point is 00:53:36 whatever the hell gets put in front of me so i would say um yeah all through december up before yeah all of december a little bit early January. Uh, and I kind of from Thanksgiving on my diet was kind of, uh, you know, I wouldn't really track in much. I was kind of just, you know, if I want a piece of cheesecake, I'm going to have it. If I want, you know, whatever I want, I'm gonna have it mainly gold just to hit my, my protein requirements for the day. And then, uh, probably about 400 grams of carbs or so a day, I would say. And like you mentioned the shoulder in terms of carnivore, but I'm curious, it's been what, 33 days you said, correct? Yeah. What else are you feeling other than the shoulder? Has anything else changed in terms of, I guess,
Starting point is 00:54:14 the way you look at food, your habits as far as food's concerned, or is the main thing you found your shoulder? Well, all right. So where, where, where do we begin? Um, so the, the biggest thing for me, and one thing I've always struggled with, with, uh, my addictive personality and all that is, um, I am so addicted to sugary sweet carbs, right? I, when I, anytime I'm dieting and I'm meticulously tracking, I live for that Saturday cheat meal. I live for it. And I plan ahead. I'm like, all right, I, I, I'm going to have the cheesecake. We're going to go here. Then I'm going to have this dessert from here. We're going to order American cookie company. And I'm going to have a thing, a cookie butter in the fridge for when I get home.
Starting point is 00:54:49 It's this whole like ordeal. Right. And I'm like, it's all I think about all week. I like obsess over it. I can't wait for my Saturday night. Right. Um, since starting carnivore, I like almost like all my cravings have disappeared. Not that the food doesn't sound good or sound appetizing, but like, like there's a jar of cookie butter up in my pantry right now from my buddy just came and stayed with me for a week and he had some food left here. If that was up here at any other time in my house, I'd have already sword swallowed that whole job. But like, I just don't, I just, it's, it's so it's an almost too. It's like the benefits I'm getting from this diet has me also not not not even wanting to have a carb like i were like i refuse to and it's almost
Starting point is 00:55:30 like meat itself has taken on a taste that it never had before and salt to me is like my new sugar yeah like it's in in the flavor of it like uh so my diet here lately i eat the same thing almost every day and um is i'll do a pound of 85 15 lean ground beef i'll do um i'll do a pound and four ounces of chicken thighs and i'll do six large eggs that has been my daily driver every single day and then once a week i'll add in eight ounces of beef liver which is disgusting by the way terrible terrible that for i feel like i was taking shots the first time i'm eating it what are we there's got to be a better way fellas uh but that that's been my diet and i look forward and like to think about just those foods and to like to look forward to them as much as i do
Starting point is 00:56:15 like i just can't wait to get home and i know i get that thing of ground beef with like you got like an inch or two of grease in the bottom of the bowl you know and i got the chicken thighs i air fry them so they come out real nice i'm'm just like, I just, that's, and that's all I really want. And then cheat meals on carnivore. I've still kept my cheat meals, a hundred percent zero carb. So, um, my, I have three go-tos that I do. I'll do others, a pluckers right down the street. So they don't bread their wings. I believe they do fry them in some sort of vegetable oil. So, I mean, you know, take that as you will, but I'll get their wings that are zero carb and I'll either get a plate of those.
Starting point is 00:56:48 I'll go to a Texas barbecue place and get about three to four pounds of meat. Eat that with just salt, no sauce, or I'll go to a Brazilian steakhouse down the road and they'll just kind of bring me meat and I'll just eat that no carb as well. So it's, uh, but you know, and I used to eat like crazy, crazy shit. I would like literally be on my couch and me and my buddy we had such terrible like relationships with food towards the end and we like you know played off of each other and uh man we'd be sitting on my couch and i would get like real sick to my stomach i'd get up and i'd like literally throw up from just so much food
Starting point is 00:57:18 and i'd be like man i'm glad i got some room now are we doing dessert real talk man real talk and all that's gone since starting carnivore for real yeah that's awesome yes uh diet great i would say my thinking um so one thing i noticed too is that um i think i'm a lot less moody if that makes sense like i used to be um not not like not like i'm an asshole but you know you got the days where you're just kind of like fuck this guy you know and a lot of that's kind of gone i'm a lot my temper's a lot less short in my mood and my anxiety and um i'm usually always kind of like uh racing i guess in my head to like okay gotta get the gotta gotta do this gotta do that and i let myself get anxious and worked up um a lot of that's gone completely like strange and then energy levels
Starting point is 00:58:08 throughout the day yeah um i mean i've been up since 4 30 in the morning and i still feel like i'm full of energy chock full of it now this is pretty awesome i'm really curious because like you're coming from uh you know i used to do if it fits your mac because i used to really track a lot um and then i implemented a little bit of fasting. It gave me a little bit more control over stuff. And then I stopped tracking and I've been able to maintain stuff. I'm eating very low carb, sometimes no carb. And now I'm wondering, have you thought about how long you're going to, like, are you going
Starting point is 00:58:37 to stick to mainly carnivore? Are you going to add in a little bit of carbs here and there? Like, what do you think your transition looks like if there's even going to be a transition? You know, uh, so my, my original thought process going into this thing was to, um, run the diet for 30 days, see how I feel, you know, report back. I'm like, I'll get some content out of it. It's another notch in the belt of like, you know, experience when it comes to dieting. And, um, I originally, like I said, originally it was like 30 days.
Starting point is 00:59:04 That's all I'm gonna do but um man i am i just i almost feel too good to like i'm like okay if i start eating carbs again and my shoulder gets all messed up again and i can't lift as heavy and i feel like shit then like what's the what's the point just for some carbs especially now because like you know i had a nicotine habit that was like three and a half years old i was a big dipper i would do uh skull wintergreen pouches and I would have one in and out all day while I was dieting because that was just something I would do. And I was able to, when I started carnivore, I quit that as well. And I haven't been able to do that yet, but it's almost like all my addictions.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Yeah. And even going back to alcohol too, like my desire to like race and get as fucked up as I can, as fast as I can. I'm just, I'm almost just more content as fast as i can i'm just i'm almost just more content with life like i'm just cool with my lot in that moment i'm like all right like this ain't so bad you know like oh yeah it's uh i think honestly so i've been doing lately the last so this came back from ohio speaking of hopefully none of us have that corona yeah but i just got back from ohio and uh leading leading up to that. And then while I was there,
Starting point is 01:00:06 I did a OMAD. So one meal a day while I was there, that way I wasn't, you know, you know, things get too crazy. So I did OMAD with a carnivore. And I think those two for me, at least right now is like the perfect sweet spot. Cause I get to have my big meal at the end of the day, get to really like cram a lot of food down and, uh, can still keep my calories low. meal at the end of the day, get to really like cram a lot of food down and can still keep my calories low. And somehow I don't think I've ever taken a trip successfully like I did for the Arnold and came back like in better shape than when I left. I don't think I've done that yet. And that was that happened on this diet for sure. And your your workouts are feeling really good. Like I personally haven't had any carbohydrates other than like a glass of wine or two here and there.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I haven't eaten like a potato. I haven't had rice. I haven't had ice cream or pizza or anything like that in probably like 100-something days. And I just continue to feel better. You know, my strength is back up. Like I feel awesome. You know, are you continuing to feel a little bit better even even without any you know carbohydrates in your diet you know a lot of people like the one concern i had when i first started was everybody was saying my pumps were going to be shit because
Starting point is 01:01:14 i wasn't gonna have carbs in my system no glycogen or whatever um my workouts are the best they've ever been my i feel the biggest i've ever felt as far as just when i'm in the gym. And I don't know, it's like, maybe it's, this is like a pseudoscience in my brain or whatever, but like, I've kind of justified it as like, all right, so why does the healing work? Why am I stronger? I'm like, well, I'm taking in pure animal tissue and that's really about it. You're taking in like tendons, the muscles, the proteins and all that. And you have nothing in there that's going to like, slow it up or stop it. Like when I read Dr. Sean Baker, like a little excerpt from something he had with like the anti-nutrients that
Starting point is 01:01:49 are in vegetables and like, there's all toxins that are poisoning you and shit. I'm like, I mean, damn. Like, you know, what's happening here?
Starting point is 01:01:58 Meat has everything you need. It doesn't have anything that you don't need, you know? And that same case can't be made for fruit or vegetables. And from what I've seen. Well, I think I was watching Joe, which, by the way, to sharpen up for this little interview thing here, I watched your Joe Rogan with you and your brother. I watched that most recently. You guys did.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yeah. One of these days I'll get on there. Bide my time. But I was watching. I think it was Dr. Rhonda Patrick, maybe or something. They were saying that like the toxins in vegetables are like, uh, it's beneficial because your body gets stronger by fighting them off.
Starting point is 01:02:33 But in my head, I'm like, why fight them in the first place when you don't have to. Right. Well, and also to that, that, that may be a hundred percent true. Uh, if somebody is completely healthy, you know, but maybe it's not true if you're having sugar and you're eating some other things, like maybe it's just too much, you know, maybe there's just too much going on.
Starting point is 01:02:52 So maybe this kind of clearing out, I mean, we've heard, you know, over the years about cleansing diets, but I just think the cleansing diets have been inaccurate. I think that people have been cleansing the wrong way. I think there's no more cleansing diet that you can do than a carnivore diet to the point where five days in,
Starting point is 01:03:10 people are shitting like crazy because it's like blowing everything out of there because it's, I think it's just removal of toxic waste. Your body's like, we don't need to hold onto this bulk, this fiber that's in our gut anymore. And it just blows it right on out of there. And then a few days later you're kind of okay did you have any experiences like that jesus christ that first couple weeks on this thing you couldn't trust a fart yeah that's a pretty clean looking room you're in right there i imagine it'd be problematic you know if you had that going on now that it was uh it was dude and um and that and then it would come out of nowhere there was
Starting point is 01:03:45 no build up where you're like all right i might have to take a shit in the next two to three hours no warning it was it just ramp up on you you're on the couch girlfriend sitting next to you like oh shit and and the the like the frequency is down right so it's like now i'm like once every two to three days compared to like every day on the money right and then um like this is this gonna sound terrible but the smell is so much more like oh like in your face it's like when you when you eat asparagus and you piss yeah that dude had asparagus like now i'm like that dude's on carnivore i guess it's pungent but uh i mean but it seems to be getting better but being as far as i am in it's definitely not
Starting point is 01:04:25 as solid liquid as it was it definitely was just pure lava for a second um i'm also like why does it burn too like why does it burn anything hot um but now now it seems a little better we're like 50 50 kind of like right in the sweet spot i think are you eating anything else other than uh you mentioned uh meat eggs and i think you mentioned some yes all right so liver eating anything else i guess if i if i am so i am not having carbs other than if we're counting thc edible gummies i will have one of those at night typically i don't know i they have sugar on the outside but i wash it off as much as i can and then i eat it so i would assume there might be four or five grams of carbon tiny little gummy you know um but other than that um i do still drink diet soda i do i'm i'm a diet soda man
Starting point is 01:05:16 but uh other than that i'm trying to even think now i don't uh um occasionally i'm more of a zero calorie zero carb energy drink type of guy so i'm definitely still getting some chemicals in in that way but uh yeah i don't know i feel great like i feel great i think plants are i don't think they're really meant to be food i think they're meant to be medicine and i think thc is great i think kratom is great i think marijuana is great speaking of kratom bud we need to talk about kratom man hell yeah let's do it all right so uh my experience so you're super pro kratom i love kratom yeah okay i'm not anti kratom but he went off the deep end
Starting point is 01:05:58 man okay so having trouble with percocets in the past and you know all that shit so uh this was man when was right before I moved to Houston. So let's call it about five, six months ago. I was at the gym, and there was this dude that was always in there. He used to be a heroin addict, but a cool cat. He'd come up and talk to me, and a really nice guy comes into me one day. Because we'd always kind of talked about our addictions and shit in the past. And he comes up, and he's like, man, so I found this stuff, man.
Starting point is 01:06:24 It's not addictive it feels really good you know it's called kratom and i have no idea what kratom is i have no clue but he's so adamant about it and i should have tell because he had that look look to him like he was back on me i'm like all right man uh he's like here let me run home and get you some and you can always tell that's that's how it's going he drove home got him some yeah so so he gives me like six capsules like loaded to the brim and i think each one was like half a gram a gram something right so he says take these you know he's like there's no chance of withdrawal there's no like it's just literally like it's a plant man you know that's like the number one it's a plant you know so i'm like all right like fuck it so me and my girlfriend went out and uh to dinner and i took them i was like holy shit i feel good like this feels great
Starting point is 01:07:11 so um fast forward a couple days and uh me and all my buddies we were going out up in columbus and i didn't want to drink i just started uh i think my yeah i think i just started like my last cutting or something so i was like well i'm not drink, but I want to get a buzz still. So we stopped at this Kratom dispensary thing. They up there and bought like, and the shit's cheap as hell. So we bought a ton of Kratom and we bought these, um,
Starting point is 01:07:33 what were like a Gatorade zeros and we're pouring Kratom into these things and making these nasty, disgusting sludge drinks. So me and my buddy are just chugging these outside of, Oh my God. Yeah. Outside of this bar, dude,
Starting point is 01:07:44 we walk in and I am fucked up on Kratom, but like, I remember sitting there, we'd look at each other and I'm looking at my buddy chance. And I was like, is this stuff legit? And he like, kind of can barely look at me.
Starting point is 01:07:57 I'm like, I think it's legit. And, um, so I went on, I had all this Kratom. So I went on like a, probably like a,
Starting point is 01:08:03 like a 30 day, just like every night, man, Kratom. Then I would, I would kept doing more, kept doing more. And then it went on, I had all this Kratom. So I went on like a, probably like a, like a 30 day, just like every night, man, Kratom. Then I would, I would kept doing more, kept doing more. And then it was like, it came into like, I would do five grams every time I take it. Then I'm doing like 15, 20 grams a day. Oh, wow. Yeah, dude. That's I'm touching it with me spirals, bud.
Starting point is 01:08:18 And I didn't realize how, I don't know. I'm just the end of my head. I'm like, it's a plant. It's a plant. And then I was like, all right. Like one day I just didn't take it. I was out. I'm like, all don't know. I'm just seeing it in my head. I'm like, it's a plant. It's a plant. And then I was like, all right. Like one day I just didn't take it. I was out. I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yeah, I think we're done. Because I bought so much up front. I'm going to say about like a hundred bucks worth up front. And then I just quit taking it. And I'm like, oh, I feel like shit. Damn. And then like I had probably three days where I legit withdrawed. I wouldn't say it was as intense as Percocet, but I withdrawed in the same manner that I did coming
Starting point is 01:08:45 off that shit. And it scared me to death at Kratom. And since then I've been like, all right, I don't want to feel that way again. I like that's my experience with Kratom. I like when people share experiences like that because, you know, I sell Kratom. I have a product called Mind Bullet, but I think it's great when people share experiences because that way people can see if it's going to be right for them. It's not going to be right for everybody, you know, and I've had good experiences with it. I haven't really had any withdrawals. I go off of it here and there. I'll just take three to five days off randomly. And then I see how connected I am to stuff. You know, I just, I'll test it out with coffee. I'll test it out with Kratom and I'll just see like, am I really like overly relying on it too
Starting point is 01:09:25 much? And sometimes I am, sometimes I'm like taking too much of it. So I just take a step back. And when I do take a step back, I haven't had any, any issues, but I have talked to people like yourself that have had issues. Um, one of the, one of the athletes that we had come here recently kind of had a similar experience that you had. So it's important that people understand. I would never say to anyone that you could haphazardly take anything, whether it's amino acids or whether it's, you know, you can't eat as much meat as you want on a carnivore diet and expect to get shredded, you know? So there's an overabundance of just about anything, you know? Yeah. And I, you know, I went into it and I was looking up, you know, like we, I said earlier, like, you're so easy to Google the information that validates
Starting point is 01:10:08 your opinion. So that's where I was at, you know? And, uh, and I'd see someone that was like, no, beware. There is a potential for, I'm like, ah, get out of here. Spam that site. What are we doing here? Um, government, but, uh, you know, I think a lot of it had to do with, uh, the fact that I, you know, I, I was so addicted in the past to opiates. I think that it almost like ramped up my reaction to it when I came off because I had went. I remember I had went. I was two years off of opiates. And for me, I've been able to quit everything I've ever done with zero outside help.
Starting point is 01:10:39 So zero. I've never had to go to rehab. I never had to take, you know, I mean, go to a doctor. I was able to just do it or grit that shit out. But with the Percocets, that was, that was really rough. And it was like, as soon as the Kratom left and those feelings came in, it was almost like it just echoed that he almost that exact same feeling, but like toned down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Whereas my buddy was doing just as much Kratom and he was just kind of like, eh, I'm a little tired today, but it ain't so bad. You know, and he would just was kind of over it right away but uh yeah i mean you know shit works yeah those are some large dosages yeah i mean you know and i i think from what i read they said that uh if you keep it between like three to five grams or whatever a day or you keep your doses dosage like good you're fine but when you're just fucking man i was just like any moment i could squeeze it in i remember i'd get on to like play video games with some friends and it was like just run down real quick hold on let me get boom slam a gatorade zero filled
Starting point is 01:11:33 with kratom like what are we doing you know you mentioned the percocet thing what like what was that all about and exactly what are percocets because all i remember is like molly percocet yeah yeah molly's a hell of a drug too by the way too ran into that one this past saturday night that's a hell that's a hell of a drug boys i'm still recovering um but uh now the uh percocet, that's basically a prescription painkiller. So, um, the, the ones I'm from, um, Logan, Ohio, uh, Southeastern Ohio, really around the border of West Virginia. And, uh, there's a really bad, like pain pill problem there. Like really bad heroines, really bad opiates are really bad. And there used to be a, uh, they call it, um, there's a name for it, but there was like this highway that would run from like Ohio to Florida and down in Florida, you could legally get all these like prescription pills or it was a really easy to get them. And I remember people I
Starting point is 01:12:28 knew would take these trips from Florida all the way up to Ohio with just like bags and hundreds of perk thirties. And, um, it was one of those things I went off to college and, uh, you know, some of that stuff was around, but it wasn't like, uh, I may, it might just be a little bit of a party here. You want a little bit of this, a little bit of that. But, uh, when I dropped out of college, um, proud moment moved back and I got a job at a gas station. That was my first job ever worked at a circle K. I remember I was in there and I moved to a city. I didn't know anybody. And I was kind of just doing my job, going home, playing video games. Didn't, didn't know a soul and a buddy from a high school or yeah, from high school had came into work one day and he was like,
Starting point is 01:13:05 Hey man, how you doing? And I'm like, Oh, not too bad. How you been? We caught up. And he's like, Hey, I'm going to a party tonight if you want to come show up, you know? And at the time I had no friends, nothing where I was at. So I was like, yeah, I'm down. I'm just starving to do anything. I show up to this party and I realized that like, there's like no alcohol almost. Everybody's just breaking these pills up and snorting them and yeah and it was like hey you want to do something like shit i'll do anything once and uh i did it and i felt like incredible you're like oh my gosh like life is good now and um you just i started hanging out with those people and you're you're around them and it's just like that's just that's just what they do and then you
Starting point is 01:13:42 just even being around them that's just all you're around and it just becomes normalized. And then, um, before you even know it, you're kind of just having some fun and you know, like it's, and then next thing you know, you're getting sick when you don't have them and then your, your friends are stealing from you and then shit just kind of gets out of hand. And, uh, yeah, what, what prompted me to actually quit was, uh, I remember I was going to, cause what I would do, I wasn't making a ton of money, obviously at the gas station. So what I would do was I would like get my money together and I would buy like Percocets. And then I would, uh, I said, get two or three that I could afford. Cause they were like $30 a pill, right? Get two or three. And then I would also buy Suboxone to not be sick coming off of the pills. So I would taper
Starting point is 01:14:21 it between paychecks. I had a system, right? And I remember I was leaving this drug house one day and I got pulled over by this cop and I was in the middle of like, I had a pill all crushed up on the CD case, right? And a cop pulls me over. I'm like, shit, I had to swallow everything I had. I'm like wiping the CD case off. And he found the CD case. He's like, I'm going to test this and you're going to go to jail. And I was like, it's just creatine. And he tests it and somehow like by the grace of god it didn't come back as anything and he let me go and but that like shocked me and like holy shit like i'm just doing this whole thing like that could have just been like six felonies right there wow so yeah cold turkey man how is it that you were able because you mentioned mentioned that all your homies at the time were doing this stuff, and one of the biggest things that people have a problem with is not just detaching from, I mean, not funny, but looking back on it
Starting point is 01:15:25 in retrospect, none of those guys are doing good. Not one of them, a couple of them had died. But by the time this kind of all went down to, because I will say, right. I mean, there's a big stigma with people that are into drugs that like, they're all just pieces of shit. Like I was probably the most honorable dude doing drugs. Like, like in that whole group, like I was the only one that had a job i was the one that they would like hey i'll pay you back on friday they knew i was good for it i never stole from anybody i never had to start lying to my family and went missing or none no shit like that like i handled my shit didn't miss work like i got it done so i think integrity in and of itself
Starting point is 01:15:58 i kind of had maybe a little more more than more of that than uh you know some of those guys did but you get you get robbed of that though when you you're in it for too long, you know? So you probably weren't far away, you know, from being, I mean, I had my house broken into, um, and they got my laptop, my X-Box, they got, um, a bunch of phones I had up in the closet because I would like, since I worked for a cell phone company towards the end, I would have cell phones. I would buy and resell. So like they knew where all my stuff was at. Someone broke in and got me pretty good. You just kind of realize. But it's also that thing too, right?
Starting point is 01:16:28 So it's on the same boat as like, let's say we've all had drinking friends, friends that you go out and you party with. But once the partying stops, you don't really see them anymore. That was kind of the same way. You realize a lot of these dudes would kind of just show up because they knew you had the money. They knew you could buy some pills. They might get cut in on a pill with you or something you know so kind of weeded them out pretty quick and then on top of that like i joined the gym not too long after that too so it was like
Starting point is 01:16:52 new people the gym itself is like just a whole like whole new group of social things to be involved in yeah kind of back on that uh carnivore kick a little bit back on the carnivore kick a little bit, back on the carnivore diet. You mentioned maybe still counting calories and paying attention to your macros. So is that something that you do? And then also while you're on the carnivore diet, you're counting calories. And then additionally, how have the habits changed? It sounds to me like you mentioned cooking something in an air fryer. It sounds like you're cooking all your own meals. I realize that when you do macros, you might do some meal prep.
Starting point is 01:17:29 But, you know, my experience, I think, and Seema's experience as well has been like we don't really, we never meal prep. Like we don't have, you know, we don't have Tupperware. You know, we're not doing anything like that. If we eat breakfast, we'll just cook it ourselves. If we eat dinner, we'll just cook it ourselves. We do a lot of fasting and stuff like that. What's been your experience? What's, what's your days look like? have access to my kitchen. So I'm always big on like, um, you know, like when I was in Ohio, I wasn't able to track or log anything really, because like, you can only do so much when you're going to restaurants and stuff, which my go-to while I was out and about, I would get up, we go to these restaurants that I would get two, uh, half pound burgers with, uh, blue cheese and
Starting point is 01:18:18 bacon on them. Now I don't do dairy, like if it's just me cooking, but if I was out of here as a way to get cheap fat, cause eating carnivore out at a restaurant is expensive to get all your food in especially on omad so i'm like these 50 meals you know what i mean but i would do two burgers of blue cheese and bacon on them then i would get uh usually i try to get at least a pound of like grilled chicken on the side and then i would get a side of blue cheese dressing just kind of up my fats a little bit but i did that same meal every single day i was in Ohio. But if I, if I'm here and I'm home, like I said earlier, my, my big thing lately has been, Oh mad, but six eggs, pound four ounces of chicken thighs and a pound of 85, 15 ground beef. And, uh, yeah, I cook.
Starting point is 01:18:55 So for one, I like to save money. So I cook as many of my meals as I can. Cause I know for a hundred percent, that gets me to my macros gets me to my goal. But two, I mean, saves money, really. I mean, I can eat, I think, I can think I can eat for like $8.50 a day. So with my current setup, which isn't bad. That's cool. Have you shot a video talking about that? So funny thing is, actually, I'm in the middle of editing one right now. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:19:20 That video. That's great. So that video will come out. Hopefully I can get it out. Cause Friday, my new album drops and that video, I'm trying to coincide it all to where like that, the video can be promo too, for the drop of the new project. So, um, but yeah, um, as far as calories go though, when I first came into this diet, so I was big on the zero carb subreddit. I was just kind of reading people's experiences on this diet, which by the way, for anybody listening, zero carb, reddit, zero carb subreddit is a pretty terrible source
Starting point is 01:19:48 of information. I hate that community. Super toxic. Can't stand them. Bunch of goofy people over there, man. I've read some of the goofiest shit I've ever read in my life on the zero carb subreddit. Those people don't believe calories count at all. Like this dude was like, I was, I read this story that made me want to blow my brains out this dude was like three 315 pounds right and he's like well i'm eating three pounds of ground beef a day i'm having all this cheese like i'm not losing any weight and i feel tired like you need to up your fat you need to eat more i'm like no if this dude ain't leave his goal is to lose weight right and he's eating all this crazy shit like i know then fucking stupid people yeah i got banned from that subreddit by the way man i got banned so when i first started when i first started this diet my uh my big thing was like
Starting point is 01:20:34 i'm reading all this shit on there and be like you don't have to track your calories just go off your hunger and all that stuff and um so i wasn't tracking my calories just kind of eating meat you know eating whatever and um i started the diet initially and I dropped down to like, I want to think I was at 192 and dropped down to like 185 pretty quick, like water weight, glycogen, all that. Then I was kind of like, all right, I'm just going to kind of eat whatever. The more I did that, I just started, I was kind of slowly gaining weight and getting a little bit chubbier. I was getting bigger, but I was definitely putting on size. I was like, okay. I kind of wanted to switch to this so I didn't have to track anything I'm like, but let me just kind of plug this in let me play with my numbers
Starting point is 01:21:09 And get them to where like I would normally start start like a shred at right which for me is about 2200 calories a day It's usually a good place for me to start. So I adjusted my macros to there. I want to say right now i'm at What am I at like 238 grams of protein a day and 130 grams of fat. And that has been perfect for me. I do like to have a little more protein and a little less fat. Just for me personally, I'm still experimenting, so I don't really know what works best. But yeah, that's where I've been every single day that I'm in control of it. And my goal here moving forward. So I just got really, really shredded.
Starting point is 01:21:42 But I'm sure the best shift of my life on a standard American bodybuilding diet. So veggies, carbs, all that stuff. And I was eating a pound of vegetables a day was miserable as shit could not hold on to that shape because I was so miserable, led to an eating disorder right after binge eating per usual. So my goal this time right now, I'm on this now that I'm back, I'm locked in. My goal is I want to get an even better shape this time around, but keep it strictly carnivore. So for at least the next 30 days or at least 60 more days, I know that I'll be 100% carnivore because my goal is to be, you know, I know it can be done. I feel too good. You know what I mean? I know I can get that shredded.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I know I can get that big. So that's the goal moving forward. What some of the science will show what's very hard to overeat on is protein. You know, if you look up the work from Dr. Jose Antonio, he's done some extensive work on, you know, protein consumption. And they've had people eat upwards of 800 extra calories from protein and still not gain weight or still have a hard time gaining weight. So people out there, I think that's what they're getting confused about. You know, it's, you can't eat whatever you want. You can't eat as much as you want. But if you're able to overeat on anything, it would possibly be protein. additional 100 grams of protein uh you could potentially you know keep your body fat levels similar the same and one could even argue that maybe it would improve because it cost a lot to right even consume and digest protein you know so i think that's where the confusion is and uh
Starting point is 01:23:19 just because like i i don't like counting calories I don't think it's a practice that is necessary. However, they still count. They still matter. 100%. It's still a representation. There's still, and I don't even agree with how calories are even measured in the first place. Like burning stuff outside of your body, I think it's a bunch of bullshit. But having said all that, food still does represent a certain amount of energy.
Starting point is 01:23:46 And you have to adhere to that like no one no one gets a free ride or a free pass to uh just pretend that doesn't exist you know i think that's where people are kind of getting confused well that's the uh like a thermic effect of food i read this thing once and it said that uh protein is like even though it's you know technically considered four calories a gram you really, it's about 2.5 of that is what your body actually uses because it is so hard for it to break down. But we're on this zero-carb subreddit where I'm reading shit like, so normally I have eggs and bacon for breakfast. I used to take my toast and sop it up that way, but I don't have toast now. How do I sop up all my stuff?
Starting point is 01:24:22 I'm like, Jesus Christ. sop up all my stuff like jesus christ you know but uh yeah so and then fat on the opposite end of that spectrum thermic defect is like every calorie of fat is like 100 utilized by the body so i think that if i was eating uh it was kind of why like i feel like that's why my diet right now is tailored a little less towards a lot of fat a little more towards the protein because i'm trying to get a little bit of that benefit. And I will say I have definitely put on definitely strength, but muscle size, I feel like at least. I feel like I'm definitely the biggest I've ever been at the leanest considering my weight. So like I said, the goal is stretch this cut out, man.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Do what I would normally do on a regular diet except do it on carnivore. cut out man do do what i would normally do on a regular diet except do it on carnivore and um because like for real this diet i mean even if like everything else i talked about minus the shoulder pain was placebo right maybe if i'm just hyping this thing up and i'm reading too much on it's all been placebo right there there is no placebo that is allowing me to i mean i went from not being able to do anything overhead short like even just with no weight hurt to like the other day i was wrapping out 225 like you know like how does that happen right like that's that's my thing that's that's awesome and i think other people just based off of that should give it a try like if their knee hurts or their shoulder hurts but what what do they don't have anything to lose it's not dangerous well you know and another uh another benefit too i didn't even
Starting point is 01:25:43 mention earlier is um i've struggled with acne my whole life it's always been something i've struggled with and um it went away a lot um until i got on trt and then it like it's almost like i could count on it like at any one given time i'd have a big pimple somewhere on my face right since starting this diet my complexion is the smoothest it's ever been and i haven't had a new pimple knock on simulated plastic uh i haven't got a new pimple since so uh this time i mean it just it's almost sounds like because i was like shit when i was out drinking i was obviously when you're drinking people you know ask you about stuff and i was getting asked about the carnivore diet and i kept having to say like i hate to feel like you know one of those like televangelist preachers you know on stage talking about this
Starting point is 01:26:23 diet but this shit is working like something is happening that i've never gotten to happen with any other diet i've ever done so i like i said i could see myself literally doing this for i mean it's almost like um it's almost like taking like a if someone told you they give you a pill every day that made your shoulder better and made your acne better and you know made you like and even then when i have my cheat meals on saturday nights used to be my cheat meals would be like 10, I mean, easy to 10,000 calories probably. And that's no lie. That's no lie towards the end when it gets real bad. But on this, it's like, I just eat and I'm just like, all right, that was good. Here we go. People try to do so many different things for their skin. You know, especially we see a lot with females there,
Starting point is 01:27:04 they got all these skincare routines and stuff. And a lot of it just has to do with them putting on makeup. You know, like if you don't put on makeup in the first place, you probably don't need to spend a ton of time on skin care products and washing your face and worrying about your pores and all these different things. But a lot of people just don't understand it's really just as simple as making some dietary changes, you know, and you start eating junk food that's going to elicit, I mean, that's why, you know, teenagers are going through a lot of different things. They have this cascade of hormones, but they're also, that's when you start to see a lot of kids start to really eat like crazy, you know, and start their hunger levels go up. You're seeing a lot of kids eat more cereal
Starting point is 01:27:42 and more junk is kind of through those, you know, ages like, I don't know, 10 to like 15 or so is like that kind of pocket where you see kids eating really unhealthy. And it's like, well, you know, yes, you have hormones and you probably can't prevent all the acne that you're going to get, but you can prevent almost all of it through some good sound nutrition. You know, and I wish that some of this information was available. I guess the internet wasn't even really a super big thing when I was a kid, but like to be able to like, if I had known it, I mean, actually it was like the most traumatizing thing I went through as a kid. And right when the acne went away, I went bald. So, you know, it was like,
Starting point is 01:28:18 geez, just perfect. The guillotine growing up, man. But like, if I'd have known as a kid, cause I was desperate to try anything. I did every cream I did every like whatever, but like no one'd have known as a kid because i was desperate to try anything i did every cream i did every like whatever but like no one ever once was like hey you think it's your diet you know and i never had it if i'd have known all this as a kid you know me and my friends play this game like all right so if you could go back in time to like senior year and you knew everything you knew now would you do it like yeah we'd have to we'd have to give all this stuff up i'm like well i feel like that's a no-brainer i think you'd have to
Starting point is 01:28:49 you know another benefit that i want i want to see if we can dig on a little bit and i think it's something i've never really heard anybody talk about talk about before is like you said that you used to smoke cigarettes and then you stopped doing that but then you used you were doing um dip or something not yeah yeah chew or dip you and and you said that after you started going on the diet your want to do that went away so i feel like cigarettes is something that a lot of people want to quit and have a tough time quitting and they a lot of people resort to dip but they also usually want to quit that but they can't so can you talk us through that a little bit and tell us like what you've seen what's happened? Yeah. So my dip problem got a got pretty bad, especially like when I'm dieting, I would get to this
Starting point is 01:29:31 point where like you want something kind of just like in your mouth, you know, if like you just you just want it in there. Hey, now you want that oral stimulation. So I'd get to this point, man, where I I mean, I was buying, I was going through probably a can and a half of pouches a day. So you buy like 15 pouches in a can, throw it in and, you know, they're in the addiction lies. But like I had done this for, man, it had been probably three to four years.
Starting point is 01:29:58 And I even had a mushroom trip where I'm like in the middle of tripping balls on mushrooms and I'm looking at my can of dip and I go, I will never quit you because I love you so much. So I didn't think I was ever going to quit or had a reason to quit. Right. True story, man. True story. So, uh, fucking like I started this whole carnivore thing and I mean, my girlfriend had been talking cause she's been smoking cigarettes for a while. We're both like, man, we've always talked about quitting and we could go a few days, but like you would get so angry and so just like hate life that you would always hop right back on it and i mean i won't say that it like took the cravings away completely and i'm just like i was able to just drop it and there was no you know mic drop and i walked away it wasn't quite like that but it whatever in the
Starting point is 01:30:38 past always made me go back to it on this time with this diet it was almost like like i said maybe it's the fact that my mood is more leveled out or my cravings for sugar and kind of the, my craving impulses in general are greatly diminished. But, um, it was just, you know, it was just, it just wasn't hard, you know, and I'm six. Yeah. We're yeah. We're, I haven't had nicotine in, yeah, about four, five weeks, something like that. But I i just it just made it way uh way simpler to just give it up and this is a habit i've i smoked cigarettes in high school i smoked cigarettes uh when i first started fitness then i quit doing cigarettes because i thought it looked trashy so
Starting point is 01:31:18 i switched to something that wasn't as trashy you know and then i went from the loose leaf dip to the pouches because i was on camera a lot so i didn't want dip in my mouth you know? And then I went from the loose leaf dip to the pouches because I was on camera a lot. So I didn't want dip in my mouth, you know, like stuck to my teeth. And, um, now there's something I never really thought I would ever give up. And, uh, it just like, now it's like, I don't even care about it. Like my buddy came and, uh, stayed with me and he's a big dipper. He was dipping around me the whole time. Never once was I, was I like, man, I could use one of those right now. I just could have cared less about it. And that's, like I said, it's been a habit I've had for, man, since I was a kid. I think with the name Remington James, you could have went country. But what made you decide, like, have you always been a fan of hip hop?
Starting point is 01:31:55 How'd you get into rap? 100%, man. 100% been a fan of hip hop. So when I was a, I just graduated high school. So I guess it would say it started. I've always been a hip hop fan coming from like the whitest city in America, like Southern Logan, Ohio, dude, just nothing but jacked up diesel trucks and rebel flags, man, literally and spurs and truck nuts, dude. But I always loved hip hop. That's like the only music I've really ever listened to.
Starting point is 01:32:24 It's about all I listen to now. And, uh, I remember it was my, uh, we'd be on the football bus in high school and like, we would have, uh,
Starting point is 01:32:31 we would have like rap battles and freestyles terror terror. It was all terrible, but, uh, we always like fantasize. That was right. I'm on the eight mile came out and it made it real look, seem really cool to be like the rapper and the freestyler and all that.
Starting point is 01:32:43 And then, uh, my, it was, uh, my senior year, I graduated high school and then it was like my first year after high school, I had expressed it that I wanted to try rap music. Right. That was going to try it. I remember, I think I, uh, had put some demos out or something posted about online and I just got shit on by everybody that knew me, every single person shit all over me. And it terrified me, you know what
Starting point is 01:33:07 I mean? And then, so you delete everything and then you go into like a hermit crab shell for, you know, some months and you're like, am I ever going to recover from this ever? And then, uh, you know, and I, so I put it to the back burner, still a big, massive, uh, hip hop fan, you know, and then fast forward to what was that? It was actually my first project dropped a year ago. Um, January 17th, man, how much time has gone by? About 13 months ago, my first project dropped. So about, I would say, 20 months before that, I was kind of just sitting there one day. and that we were kind of talking about it. And I was like, what? Like, I've always wanted that. And I let people beat me down about it in the past. And now it's easier than ever to make music as it's easier to make video, you gotta make content. I'm like, why couldn't I just put together a little project? You know, I have a fan base. I have people that will mess with it.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Even if it's garbage, I'll have some people that will mess with it. I'm like, why don't I just do that? And that'll be like a bucket list childhood thing, like dropped off, you know, my list. So, uh, I bought all the equipment. I bought everything. I taught myself how to do every aspect of it and, um, fully recorded my whole first project and put it out. And then, uh, you know, it, it actually went way better than it had any right to go. I think I impressed a lot of people because I liked, like, you know, I think that when it comes to being artistic and creating something that people are consuming you have to have like a certain level of intelligence to know if your own shit's trash right yes it may not be like my my exact genre like my exact sound and my genre may not be for everybody obviously but a lot of musical taste but you got to know
Starting point is 01:34:39 when your shit's trash like not good you ever heard like someone's music they're like i'm making music and it's not even on beat or on key like it's hard it's hard to listen to it clashes yeah right so uh i think i impressed a lot of people by not coming out the gate and sounding like everybody else that i went to high school with to try to rap you know for one but uh two yeah i just uh it's i love it i love it it's not um i mean it's not like i make a ton of money off of it or anything. I want to say like all said and done, it was like, uh, I kinda didn't do too bad, but it wasn't anything crazy. But, um, yeah, it's just something I love to do. It's, it's more like, uh, I love fitness. I love the dining. I love the YouTube. I love all that, but it's almost like that thing on the side that I can kind of like unplug from all of this stuff
Starting point is 01:35:21 and be maybe a little more expressive, little more artsy and um just create music that uh you know that i like and that um my little tiny little fan base i think we had um we had oh we had definitely over a million streams and i want to say we had it was something like 5 000 people actually purchased the ten dollar project that's awesome so yeah so i have like a nice little fan base, right? So everybody's looking forward to the next one. And I'm actually, uh, this time I went with, I don't know if you guys, you guys, I mean, you probably ever heard a little skies. No, I have not. No. Okay. He's a new up and coming rapper, but this time I have his mixing
Starting point is 01:35:59 engineer with, uh, was basically they take your vocals, take the instrumentation. They kind of mix it all up. So it sounds the best it can sound. I actually got a him. He's so he's actually won a, uh, I think he's a platinum mix engineer. He's actually mixed to this whole project. We're waiting. He's got one little tweak on the final song and I'm hoping he can do it today. And if he can, hopefully it comes out Friday, this Friday.
Starting point is 01:36:19 But if you, uh, could collab with anybody, who would it be? A lot of Wayne. Who? Low Wayne. Low Wayne. Yeah. No kidding. Right yeah no kidding right 100 what do you like what do you like about little wayne so much okay so uh nowadays i don't think he's as good as he used to be he was in his prime when i was graduating high school when the carter 3 was coming out he had the drought series of mixtapes he was on fire he had a record for a while he had the most features of any artist in a year. And it was like,
Starting point is 01:36:45 there was that timeframe. I want to say it was between like maybe. Oh eight to like 2011, 2012, where he was on like every song. Didn't matter what genre it was. He was on it. And he pioneered that modern rap sound that everybody's listening to now that auto-tune that more melodic, that more half singing, half rapping sound. Like he pioneered that sound. So, uh more half-singing, half-rapping sound, he pioneered that sound. In his run, man, his work ethic. I remember if you were a little Wayne fan, like a hardcore Wayne fan, he would put out Carter 1, Carter 2, and then Carter 3 was what really blew him up.
Starting point is 01:37:17 But in between that, though, because he had the Carter 4 come out, but in between that, if you were a hardcore fan, he always had a mixtape for you to listen to all the time. So we're in college. We got nothing else to do but go to class and get high and party. So me and my buddies were just like, oh, Wayne dropped a new mixtape. We just party to it, memorize every word, every lyric. And he was just like an idol, like huge idol. So Lil Wayne, 100 percent, man. I love that documentary they have on him.
Starting point is 01:37:44 And like the record company bought him like a Phantomantom or something like that oh yeah he doesn't even care like you want to take a picture with it he's like okay and he like stands next to it and he just keeps walking like does not care at all yeah you know that was actually an eye-opening documentary because i didn't watch that i don't think the documentary came out until like years after the fact and you're watching it you're like okay like i was a kid like idolizing this man still do but like he didn't realize a lot of that was drug fueled oh yeah yeah yeah he's a savage too i mean he like the stuff that he says is really weird like he's like i don't write anything down because i don't want anybody to like copy my shit i don't
Starting point is 01:38:21 you know he like doesn't even want to have like a paper trail of it. But then you're like, well, how do you come up with such crazy stuff? I mean, I really always admired him for the risks that he takes the stuff that he says in his, in his songs and stuff are wild. Like, I don't think another rapper could. I don't think another rapper could even copy him and have it come out even halfway decent. have it come out even halfway decent yeah he is uh some of his like double entendres and some of the like uh the deepness of some of his lyrics at times that's what we admired from him we were like oh did you like the way he would connect all these bars together and would tell this like story yeah his wordplay like i always wondered that too how was he able to do that in the studio like off the top of his head you know he's a fucking genius i think i mean honestly yeah because i i uh i mean so my whole first project i didn't write like at all for it i did the same thing but it wasn't i mean i'm not quite the output though you know what i mean it wasn't quite the same thing as what little wayne was doing i mean sometimes i'd be sitting here and i would try to go line by line
Starting point is 01:39:21 and i would like it might take me a couple hours to figure out how i'm going to transition to the next thing but apparently he's going in and knocking out songs in like 20 minutes how different was it how different was it just uh trying to rap and then actually going to the studio and recording something oh my gosh so uh first off it looks and sounds easy to do but it's way harder than you would ever imagine so hard like i remember when i started because i had made my mind up but i was going to do it but it's way harder than you would ever imagine. So hard. Like I remember when I started, cause I had made my mind up, but I was going to do it. And I'm like, all right, like you are doing this no matter what. And those, those first couple of few months were rough. Cause like, yeah, I didn't even know the concept of like the tempo of a beat or how to even rap
Starting point is 01:39:58 on beat or what it meant to rap on beat or what it meant to have a rhyme scheme or what melody even really, well well i had no idea so i would start and i would write like this verse i thought was good in my phone then i'm trying to like read it into the microphone and it just sounds like i'm reading into a microphone and you're trying to figure out like okay like and then what would then what do you even rap about like i'm meal prep protein today yeah you know what. Like what, what am I supposed to talk about? So it's, it's definitely,
Starting point is 01:40:27 definitely harder than you think. And then, uh, man, and then trying to like share that with, uh, with an audience that follows you for fitness. I was,
Starting point is 01:40:35 I had some backlash over that for sure. Let me ask a percent. Yeah. Where are you? So then where do you draw your inspiration for your music? Cause I remember if, uh, I think it's Cali muscle back in the day i don't know like a few years ago and i heard some
Starting point is 01:40:50 of it i was like oh yeah okay cool cool yeah but oh so where does your inspiration come from for your music um i would say uh obviously i'm big big fan of Lil Wayne, but the sound's changed a lot since then. Probably Young Thug, Lil Baby, Gunna Gunna, Roddy Ricch. Gotcha. I would say I'm very, very influenced by that new sound. If you listen to my stuff, it's like I drown it in effects. I drown it in auto-tune. I'm trying to have that Travis Scott type sound to it.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Especially my first project. This new one is a little cleaner. Um, as far as like my first one, I mixed it all myself. So it's a little, there's a lot of shit clashing, but this new one's a little cleaner,
Starting point is 01:41:31 but yeah, that's like my sound. But then also too, though, like, I think it's easy to box yourself in. I would say it's the same with like, with anything.
Starting point is 01:41:37 If you're trying to do YouTube and you watch on YouTube or whatever, it's so easy to like, at first, I think you have to find someone you gravitate towards. You can try to like almost emulate to, to like figure out your, your way. But then, um, at some at first, I think you have to find someone you gravitate towards. You can try to like almost emulate to like figure out your way. But then at some point, though, you kind of find your own sound. So like now more than ever on like this next project, like I really found my sound.
Starting point is 01:41:56 So if there's one thing I'm proud of is like no one sounds like me right now. And my first and song number one on this project is made to blow everybody's heads off. And it's way better than it has any right to be. I don't know how I did this, but it's way better than it has any right to be for sure. I like what you're saying there because that's important for people to understand. They might be like super shy about trying something because they're like, oh, man, I'm kind of like copying this person. But that's the way anybody gets started.
Starting point is 01:42:23 100%. You kind of need to copy. And YouTube is actually a great example of that. And it can give you confidence. You don't want to like rip people off, right? But you do kind of need to imitate. You do need to imitate somebody because how the hell are you ever going to get started? You know, I imitated Louie Simmons and Dave Tate and some of these influencers in Westside Barbell and strength training.
Starting point is 01:42:47 And that's how I got started. You know, the words that came out of my mouth were their words. You know, that's how you get going. That's how you get traction. And then as I went along and as people would ask questions, their words kind of started to become my own because then I started to have some of my own thoughts surrounding it. But it takes a long time to kind of find your voice. I commend you on that. It's like that's – stuff's really hard.
Starting point is 01:43:12 You know, it's very difficult to do. And, you know, it's good to see people take risks even if it's cringeworthy. You know, even if you watch it and you're like, oh, you know. worthy, you know, even if you watch it and you're like, oh, you know, I made a rap video a few years ago and I still get, you know, I've still, I've made a few thousand dollars off of a rap video. It's on iTunes. It's called Meathead Millionaire. And it was fun.
Starting point is 01:43:34 You know, it was just fun. Like I've always been into rap. I never thought I would like try to rap, but I just was like, fuck it. Like this is fun. I would do it before a lot of videos that we shot. A lot of videos I would shoot. These power project videos where I'd answer a question about strength. And I would just put a little rhyme in front of it.
Starting point is 01:43:52 A lot of times it started out being something I listened to from Lil Wayne or from somebody else. And then a couple of times I was like, well, why don't I just see if I can make up some of my own? And I did. And it was fun. couple of times i was like well why don't i just see if i can make up some of my own you know and i did and it was fun and when i actually went into a studio though to record it it was fucking hard oh yeah the guy's like the guy's like you don't hear that like he's like he's like it comes in he's like it's the third like you know like that little noise right there and i'm like so he's like i try it again he's like you came in way too early you know i could try the next one he's like you came in way too late i'm like and then he's like
Starting point is 01:44:28 rapping these lines and he's like fucking killing it and i'm like oh my god i'm like i don't think i'll ever sound like that like he's just he's just crushing it he doesn't know the song at all but he's like mimicking it and just destroying it and here i am like I cannot get like on point the way this guy was. I was like, shit, I don't know what I'm doing. Well, that's the whole timing thing. That's why I said like, you know, like you learn what the timing of the song is. Like now I can hear a beat. And if I hear it for even 30 seconds, I have a pretty rough idea of what that timing is.
Starting point is 01:44:59 My head knows and I can freestyle gibberish on it. It'll fit right before. I didn't know how, like like where do you jump in how do i transition into that like yeah that was uh you know and like back to what you said about uh having to like mimic somebody almost or look to people for inspiration like that's that is literally how everybody that does anything nowadays unless you're inventing something from the ground up and even then it's probably based on something else like you have to draw inspiration from somewhere yeah an event and with like with anything the more you do it and the more
Starting point is 01:45:28 time you put into it like when i if i showed you my first song i ever did um you'd listen and you could tell i'm trying as hard as i can for sure i'm trying super hard but like certain parts of it would like it'd take you out you'd be whoa okay that didn't fit there that wasn't here but the more i did it like my first project especially, like you can hear from the first songs I did all the way to the end of them because I ended up putting like every song other than like my first three on that project. You can hear the ones I recorded at the end of the beginning,
Starting point is 01:45:53 just the improvement. But I think as long as you're willing to do your research and practice, put the reps in, like you can become pretty damn proficient at just about anything you're trying to do. I just think most people give up too soon or they're not willing to take that, that time that it actually takes to, to actually develop a skill or like, you know, even when it comes to getting lean, like I'll work with clients a lot and this is the biggest thing I see from working with a client on like a 12 week program.
Starting point is 01:46:18 A lot of them can do pretty good the first four weeks, but it's that like that eight and that 12, right? The sharp drop off happens. It's like, people are like, oh, this this is i just can't do this no more but it's if you but if you push through that though because in the first four weeks of any cut i do i'm never shredded i might be looking pretty good but most people get to that point we're like oh that wasn't too hard and it's you know to kind of just give up i think uh like with anything you know um even this how long has this podcast been around if i took you guys a few episodes to get you know, even this, how long has this podcast been around? If I took you guys a few episodes to get, you know, wheels greased and turning.
Starting point is 01:46:47 What's any like larger goals with rapping? Like, would you like to try to go on tour and like, like anything like that in your head? I mean, yeah, I think I would, I would love to, but you know, I have to, I had to kind of sit down and figure out like, what was really, what's the smart move financially, you know, to, to put all my now you know if i dropped this project and i had a song go somewhat viral and i thought there was
Starting point is 01:47:10 real real potential for it then uh i think you got to kind of follow the stars how they align i'm not a big uh i won't say i'm not like super religious but i definitely believe in like there's kind of like something at play here like at certain times in my life when um you know i feel like certain doors have opened for me that like i can't really just chalk to like chance you know what i mean or like certain paths have been lit up for me and um things have always you know i don't even think i'm really that lucky i just think that um i've been open to so many things that like and i'm good at seeing opportunities when they come up so um i kind of just follow my gut So if music seemed like it was going good and I started like twiking, cause right now fitness is my number one moneymaker,
Starting point is 01:47:50 right? And everything I do revolves around fitness. That's a hard sell to get people to like take my fitness and convert over to music. Like that fan base doesn't translate that well. Like I can't just be like, Hey guys, I know you guys like me.
Starting point is 01:48:01 You want to come see me perform at a show. I might get some people, but like I would say the majority of my audience is, uh, I have a slightly older audience too be like, hey, guys, I know you guys like me. Do you want to come see me perform at a show? I might get some people, but I would say the majority of my audience is – I have a slightly older audience too, like late 20s, and I have a lot of people like 30s, 40s, 50s that watch my content just for diet advice. So what about a new YouTube channel or new Instagram? Have you thought of anything like that just to kind of – Yeah, I mean I have.
Starting point is 01:48:24 I try my best to keep them tight. I do have a music YouTube channel, but it gets, that's another thing too. I probably need to hire somebody. Cause like between me shooting all my own videos, editing all my own videos, doing all my own photos.
Starting point is 01:48:36 We have our supplement company and our apparel company that we run. I do all the grat like graphic work and designs for and everything. I do. I had all my own coaching. So I got to get about four 30 in the morning to deal with clients. I think I had graphic work and designs for and everything. I do all my own coaching. So I got to get about 4.30 in the morning to deal with clients. I think I had to write 11 client plans today. So it's like, yeah, so I'm just, I'm constantly going. So it's
Starting point is 01:48:52 the thought of having to add even more to my plate is what makes my like, and I'm trying to train, cook all my meals. I'll solve your problems for you right now. Hire somebody. Probably hire more than one person. It will help a lot. You'll make, you'll, you'll make a lot more money. So hire people.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Well, the problem was, man, I hired somebody about a year, a few years back. And, you know, I won't mention his name on here, but people get, maybe I'm too nice. You know what I mean? And it was kind of a buddy, but I let myself get taken advantage of pretty bad. Pretty bad. And so since then, since I i moved here it's been tough and that too i'm kind of i just moved to houston about four months ago so i'm like still meeting people figuring out who i can trust who's just trying to be friends with me because i'm a youtuber and you know they can get something or who's really
Starting point is 01:49:39 like there so uh i'm kind of flying solo right now but like i said man opportunities present themselves and when they do i'll take advantage of of it, but I'm just, after getting, you know, pretty taken advantage of last time, kind of like, you know, if he don't give up on people, man, there's good people out there. You'll get someone good to help you. Yeah. I just keep the faith. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:02 We have a good team over here, so highly recommend yeah try to bring bring some people and it will help you i'll help you be able to expand and you'll be able to concentrate on more stuff that you want to focus on yeah and that's my biggest thing is finding uh finding the time for certain things there's a lot i'd love to do my brain's always i always want to you know i wish i could work more on music i would love instead of being a year between projects i'd love to make that four months you can but you will yeah it'll help i'm telling you did um as far as the rapping is concerned you said you're always interested in the music but were you one of those people like snoop dogg says that he's just able to come up with rhymes and he's a kid like that and they just came in but then i I don't know where you were you someone who had to like really work and think about this type of stuff.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Yeah. So the weird the weird part is like if I'm like if I'm laying in bed at night and I'm just like kind of halfway between falling asleep and awake, my brain can just go forever with rhymes. But my problem is, is that when I'm actually in the studio and I'm doing my thing, like I overthink so bad i'm like is this corny like am i allowed to say this or i don't know that's my biggest problem the thing that gets in my way now is that i'm a chronic overthinker when it comes to my lyrics so i'm always like is that good enough is that you know bad enough am i and my mom would get mad at me for saying that you know but uh here lately though um yeah things are working are working way better i wouldn't say i'm definitely no lyrical genius by any means but uh it's just i mean and dude and so much of music is a vibe right like the intro song on my new project i did it all in uh one day and it was all freestyle off top of my head but it was like it's almost like when it came time for that next
Starting point is 01:51:42 bar they were just there in my head it was almost like someone was feeding me just here's what you do then other times if i'm a little tired or i'm balls deep in a cut and i'm just shredded but like miserable i'm just in here like what the fuck you know i just can't even put like a thought together so yeah it's definitely a uh it's definitely like if the vibes are good some of the best music i've made is when i have a few buddies in here and we're just drinking, kind of, you know, chilling, having a good time. And it's like, you just feel, you feel real good. But if you're stressed out trying to make music from that place, it's yeah, not the best. That's really cool.
Starting point is 01:52:18 You say that though, because I know a lot of, a lot of people, a lot of, you know, your viewers probably were probably interested in something of that. And they just think it's not something they could do because they're not a natural. You know, a lot of people think they need to be a natural to do things like this. But like, it's not like I'm not saying you're not a natural or anything like rhymes and stuff do come to you. But you still got to put more thought into it than someone who, you know, you hear stories about like Jay-Z and Snoop. And they're just like they've been it just came to them out of nowhere. Oh, a hundred percent. I mean, it's a, I don't think, I mean, even, even I would say, quote unquote, you're like, you're people that are naturals that are just really good at something off rip. I mean, they're never going to beat the expert
Starting point is 01:52:54 unless they put the time in. What was that Phil Heath quote? He said something like, um, like, like talent beats, uh, or hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. I always loved that, uh, that quote. Cause it's like, um, you hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. I always loved that, uh, that quote. Cause it's like, um, you know, there's people that I've been around and there's guys that like, I was talking about my guys earlier that, uh, do hip hop and stuff, you know, old friends, they were like inspiration. Like a lot of those dudes have so much freaking talent, man. And I know bodybuilder dudes from back home have so much talent, but they don't do anything with it or they're lazy or they're, they're, they're, they're letting, you know, the, the party and get in the way.
Starting point is 01:53:27 And it's like, I said, it's time, man, like this stuff here, like to get my YouTube channel to where it was and to be able to be like self-employed and have all this stuff going on. Like it was, it wasn't easy. It was a grind, man. It was, uh, you know, doubting myself a lot of the time shooting videos with no idea what, what was going to happen or, you know, editing videos and sitting there going, this is terrible. This is awful. I hate this video and still putting it out, you know, and putting up with the criticism of like, uh, trying to put out music and then having like people shit on it before they've ever even heard a word they're shitting on it because, you know, I'm Remington James fitness, you know, like that's the only reason. So a lot of it,
Starting point is 01:54:01 man, is, uh, you know, cause it's easy to think you reach this point in life where like I had people come up to me and they'll be like, like i wish i had what you had you got it made and maybe it's like i don't know in my brain it's hard for me to see it that way because things are never good enough you know and i'm always like um you know where i'm at now like you know it's nice to that was what was cool about molly over the weekend i was appreciative of where i was at in life i was like this is nice man look what we did but uh you know but for the most part i'm i'm it's hard to be content you know so um maybe that's something too intrinsically that uh comes with um like long-term success you know and trying to be is that you got to kind of have this thing in
Starting point is 01:54:39 you that's um enough's never enough i remember saying that like if i hit 100 000 subscribers on youtube it would just like i would just be in this euphoric state forever. You know, and I'm coming up on half a million and I'm like, that's not enough. Now I'm like, I need a million or I'm failing. You know what I mean? So I think you got to have that mindset with, you know, I don't think you have to have that necessarily,
Starting point is 01:54:59 but I think that striving always in everything you're doing is, I don't know, that's kind of been what keeps me going. I mean, there's days I wake up and I'm like, the last thing I want to do is sit at this computer, edit a video, shoot a video, do anything like that. But just you got to, man, you know? Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that's really hard to like interpret, you know, you have nearly 500,000 subscribers, you know, and you think that it somehow means you're doing a better job if you had a million or if you had two million, you know, and then it's somehow it somehow quantifies that you're doing a rapping or you automatically, you know, you automatically think that you're bad at making videos. Like that cooking video sucked, man. Like you burnt your whatever and you're like, yeah, all right, man.
Starting point is 01:55:53 You know, but like a lot of times these things they'll, they'll weigh on you. But, you know, I think trying to figure out like why and how much, you know, it's, it's not an easy thing to do, but to try to go over in your head a little bit, you know, makes a lot of sense. Like what would a million followers do? You know, when I think about my own Instagram and stuff like that, my Instagram is not in any real correlation to my business. So, you know, does it really matter a ton for the Instagram to continue to grow? It's kind of like more fun than anything else. You know, it doesn't seem like it's helping, you know, rack the dollars up for the company more. It doesn't mean that I don't do it. It doesn't mean
Starting point is 01:56:37 that I don't enjoy it. It just means that it doesn't make sense for me to spend a lot of time there because maybe my time could be better well spent in other spaces, in other places, so I can continue to get my message out in different ways and or help expand the company, help the company make more money, because if the company makes more money, the employees can make more money, provide more opportunities for other people, can make more money, provide more opportunities for other people, get more information out to more fans and provide more value to fans and customers and things like that. Well, let me ask you a question then. How come, and maybe you can tell me how you deal with this, how come we can read a hundred good comments and it doesn't really do much for us, but that one bad one is the one that like sticks to you like a tattoo. Yeah, I think it's just, it's just all interpretation, you know,
Starting point is 01:57:29 again, I think it's a bad interpretation of, like, this means I'm doing a bad job, you know, and it's somehow, you somehow interpret it as being so negative, but you could interpret it a bunch of different ways. I mean, sometimes people make a comment about me and it makes me laugh because I'm like, actually, that was pretty good. Like they fucking burned me. Like that was legit, you know. You know, they make fun of you or say something you did was stupid or whatever,
Starting point is 01:57:56 but it's really just an interpretation. And I think if you're to take a step back and you were to try to give a comment to a friend that was going through something like that, that had someone make some horrific comment to them that really bothered them, you'd probably just the first thing you'd say is like, that guy doesn't he doesn't know. He doesn't know you. You know, like it's this is this is absolutely insane. This is absolutely ridiculous. Why are you worried about someone across the country who doesn't know anything about you? He thinks you're some rich asshole. But like, do you feel like you're a rich asshole? Do your friends feel that way? Like, is there is there a lot more information out there about you being a rich asshole or whatever the situation would be? And there's probably just not. And you probably don't feel that way so um i think we get we are under the impression that
Starting point is 01:58:47 people can make you feel a certain type of way and they really can't it's your interpretation it goes through a filtering system in your head and sometimes we're not uh smart enough or calm enough or philosophical enough to filter it into a place of like, oh, okay. You know, that guy thinks I do this just to make money. Okay. That's okay. Fine. Sounds okay to me. Fuck it. Yeah. Well, that, you know, that's, that's one thing that I kind of went through this like crazy up and down with was at first I let that negativity bother me so much. Like it was, it took such a toll on me, even reading a comment that wasn't even like bad per se, just even like the slightest critique
Starting point is 01:59:30 would bother me. And then I found myself for a minute, I would be like addressing comments in the next video. Then it would lead to more. And I went on this like battle with my comment section there for a minute of these few select people that were like kind of trolls I had. And it was all right around my, my hip hop project dropping. Cause I was like, y'all don't think i'm gonna do this i got it when people say something i'd like clap back and clap back and uh after dropping the project and what i've learned the most about like that stuff is that uh it's like not it's real but it's not real like i can shut all that shit off i can look outside the birds are chirping the pool's looking nice you know i can head down to the gym everybody there's friendly and waves and says hi and then like you
Starting point is 02:00:08 know when you turn the internet on and you see that bad comment like what is that even you know it's like something we've never really had to deal with as a society where someone across the globe can clap clap at you for no reason and a lot of it too i think uh joe rogan even said it's called like drive by trolling so people can like swoop in leave a comment and they're out they're just out before you even you know say anything and then like you let it dwell on you for so long right and then uh you know they just they forgot about it they just did some shit real quick so i guess if i had to give any advice to anybody out there is that uh man speaking from someone from experience,
Starting point is 02:00:45 I, I cared so much about that stuff for a long time. And as soon as I quit caring about it and quit responding to it and quit like making, changing who I was because of a few bad comments, I get like no negativity now. And if I do, I don't even see it. Cause I check my comments, like right when I, right when the video comes in to make sure there wasn't like a, Hey, your dick's out at frame seven. You know what I mean? Like to make sure there's no crucial mistake in the video. Right. Right. Other than that, you know what I mean? I'm kind of just cool with it. And, uh, I quit, you know, I quit, uh, Karen and, uh, made it a lot better. Everyone's always going to have an issue with what you say. And then the other thing that's helped me a lot is just to understand that, um, no one has ever put out a message that
Starting point is 02:01:21 had everybody understand the message the same way that you intended. It's actually like physically impossible. No one's ever been able to do it. Even stuff that may come from the Bible. There might be somebody that's like, you know, F religion. I don't believe in that shit or whatever. Right. So it doesn't matter who it comes from, whether it's the Pope, whether it's the president, whether it's it could be anybody.
Starting point is 02:01:41 whether it's, it could be anybody. If you say something, if you say, hey, man, I only eat meat and I feel great. There could be people that are like, dude, vegetables ain't bad. And it's like, you want to go in the comments and say, I didn't say vegetables were bad, you fucking dick face. But it doesn't really do any good because that person's just, they're just being inflammatory. They're just trying to get a rise out of you somehow. Maybe the coronavirus will come in and just cut a swath through those people. That would be great.
Starting point is 02:02:13 Comment sections around the world clear up. Highways clear up. This Houston traffic's terrible. I like it. I think this is the making of a rhyme right here. We're out. Speaking of coronavirus, what are you guys' thoughts on it? did you see a lot of masks at the airport or anything yeah we did we saw a lot of that stuff and uh it's my understanding is like 400 something people died in italy from it or something like that so i don't know man i don't know what to
Starting point is 02:02:36 think of it it's seems like it's becoming more and more real all the time i don't know yeah i've been i've been following it pretty close myself and uh you know when i see people compare it to the flu so the death rate right now like with the numbers we have so if 100 people get it 3.4 percent of them die so 3.4 p you know three to four people die um it's a hospital hospitalization rate with severe interactions it's like a one in five people so um you know i i don't think it's like gonna be the end of the world or anything i just think that uh when i see these people tweeting and putting stuff like the flu's killed more people it's like well no shit the flu is has a foothold here this thing
Starting point is 02:03:14 is brand new right and it's it's pretty uh i don't know um i don't know if you guys seen any of the grocery store clearings out or anything yet in your area but i think things are gonna get a little wacky before they get uh they get better yeah I think people are just like really just uneducated on a lot of things, but this being one of them, like the guy next to me on our way back from Columbus, you know, he had a mask on, I think he might've had gloves on too, but he has this mask on, which doesn't do anything other than maybe prevent you from touching your mouth or something. But, uh, you know, as the, uh you know as the uh the the drinks and snacks comes through he's just like oh yeah yeah so he's eating like a cookie you know takes the
Starting point is 02:03:50 mask off and he's using his hands to eat the cookie and then like yeah yeah let me get a soda and he you know drinks the soda and i'm like like you understand you just broke the biggest line of defense that you have which is your mouth you know i mean or biggest vulnerability by eating shit i'm just like that mask only makes you look stupid right now like it's just like come on man like try a little bit things eating a bunch of junk that's what i'm saying yeah and that's the other part is like just get healthy in general and you'll be fine or at least you'll have a better better uh chance of surviving well a few things actually you said something really cool right there like you you become really aware how much you touch your face when you like think about that right so if you have a mask on you're going to touch your face less and then something else
Starting point is 02:04:33 it's like that 3.4 percent the coronavirus is just real it's it's killing a lot of old people which i'm not saying that's a good thing but if you look at the percentages of people that are dying between like 15 and 50 it's probably way less if they get it right so i'm not saying we shouldn't worry about it but like more so we should keep up the precautions but uh just keep your grandparents yeah just eat steak and breathe through your nose and you'll be fine yeah pretty much there's there's never been a better reason to eat meat than right now yeah where can people find in where can people find out more about your rap album that's dropping well uh so if you follow me on instagram at v remington james i'll definitely be posting uh
Starting point is 02:05:17 when it's up it'll be available on itunes spotify literally anywhere you can listen to music it's going to be there so you don't got to buy it. It'll be everywhere. You can stream that thing, do whatever you want to do. Really, my goal is just for people to hear it. That's really about it. Then a YouTube channel, Remington James Fitness. Type that in. I'll pop right up, and I'll have some videos.
Starting point is 02:05:35 I'll probably be promoting that album for the next month or so. Carnivore content. We're locked in on carnivore. We've got this carnivore shred coming, loads of content. Might have to check back in with you guys at the end of the shred. Yeah, absolutely. See how I did. Would you be able to hit some sort of buttons on your end right there to give us a little small sample of the music?
Starting point is 02:05:55 Or would it be better just to share a link with us that we can hook to this podcast or something? Well, let me see. I'm waiting on the full thing to come back i don't even know what buttons i'd hit brother well when you feel more confident about like you know having a completed you know 100 percent uh product maybe you can just give us a small sample of it we'll throw up 30 seconds of it at the end of this uh podcast or something like that yeah perfect got you actually i i know what i'll send yeah i will send you a snippet.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Cause I know I got something. Awesome, man. Sick. Yeah. Cause by the time this drops, your album will be out. So people can have something to look forward to.
Starting point is 02:06:32 All right. Perfect. Hell yeah. Thanks so much for spending some time with us today. We really, really appreciate it. Thank you. Hey,
Starting point is 02:06:39 no problem fellows. Good conversation. And to be honest, I watched a lot of your videos coming into this carnivore thing and took a lot of your advice and implemented it. And, you know, I've watched the doc before I did steroids for the first time. The people at my gym had me watch your bigger, faster, stronger documentary. See, they ain't that bad. I'm like, well, part of it is kind of bad.
Starting point is 02:07:01 You know, I was like, OK, but yeah uh yeah man a big fan for real you got you guys rock thanks for having me on thank you thanks a lot catch you later man see you fellas all right sweet man that was great that was dope yo like yeah he mentioned the televangelist thing about starting carnivore yo i mean he gets so excited about it right yeah but it's great that all those things happen for him and it's just like there's gonna be some fucking person who's like oh he's a carnivore zealot or whatever but like look at how many things that fucking helped him with there's no reason you shouldn't just give it a fucking give it a try you know yeah especially when he's talking about how much stuff he was able to give up like with the uh you know the bad eating habits but you know, the, the, the tobacco,
Starting point is 02:07:46 whatever it is, the chew stuff. It's even more powerful coming from a guy like him who had all those addictions. Yeah. Cause I don't know what it's like to smoke cigarettes. I don't know what it's like to fucking be addicted to other shit like that. Right.
Starting point is 02:07:59 And from person with, that was really addictive to that type of stuff to be able to come off because of his diet. Like, shit, that's crazy. I also think, you know, he was talking about, like, eating as much as he wanted and gaining a little bit of fluff. I actually, what I wonder is, and I think that counting your calories can help you control it faster. But I think if he allowed himself to like literally eat as much as he wanted, that he would just kind of stop.
Starting point is 02:08:29 He would just stop the behavior because he'd have more interest in weighing less and being leaner. And at some point, so you don't really need to necessarily count calories or count macros to come to that same conclusion of like, hey, like I'm getting down a little too much. I'm eating a little too much and I've noticed in the mirror and I've noticed on the scale that I'm gaining.
Starting point is 02:08:53 So for people that are looking for something where they don't have to count, they don't have to track, I think carnivore diet is perfect for that. And I think that over a period of time, you're gonna notice that you don't necessarily need to do that in order to get leaner and to get in better shape. Personally, for myself, I have continued to stay about the same weight, but I feel like I'm getting leaner. I notice like veins in my calves. I noticed my legs, the shape of my legs. My legs are kind of
Starting point is 02:09:22 like my go-to like indicator you know when i start seeing more development in the legs you know i'm like oh shit like it's it's continuing to work it just happens to be super super slow how about you andrew what do you think's going to be happening any other diet changes other than adding in more meat no just that um so obviously you know dropping the carbs down a lot to add more fat into the diet, which, you know, I'm pretty excited, especially after talking to Stan, just talking about like, you know, the fertility, libido, all that good stuff. Yeah. don't care what else happens like let's just follow this route but then when he said that i just kind of like hmm like well shit i don't want to like focus on this one thing and all of a sudden it's like i can't get it like you know what i mean like that your dick don't work yeah
Starting point is 02:10:12 like that would that fucking suck so or it wouldn't suck uh it wouldn't get anyways yeah exactly i didn't want to finish that sentence yes i could so I can finish it for you. Yeah. But that and then maybe see a boost in performance. What's getting finished, though? But yeah, like a boost in the gym maybe. Yeah. You know, the energy levels have been down, but it could be because my test levels are going down right now. So it's a combination of things, but hoping more sun as it's getting better weather, more steaks, more Piedmontese, more everything,
Starting point is 02:10:46 and just start feeling better. Yeah. Where can people find you, Natty Professor? I haven't gone by that name in such a long, I am Natty, but I'm still, anyway,
Starting point is 02:10:56 I didn't see my yin yang on Instagram and YouTube. I didn't see my yin yang on TikTok and Twitter. What does a Natty Professor even, what would he teach? Hey, boys and girls. i'd like to question which like where he got the degree though yeah what's yeah what college is he harvard i'd imagine o'hearn is like the dean of the school dean of administration dean of administration
Starting point is 02:11:17 in yeah administration meaning injections dean of injections there you go fuck all y'all what about andrew where can we find you andrew you guys can hit me up on instagram at i am andrew z please make sure you're following the podcast at mark bell's power project that's also on instagram uh mb power project on tiktok and twitter and for some weird ass reason everyone on tiktok they will come on our page and just comment nice i don't know where that's coming from nice i don't do you have any idea sounds good i think it's a tiktok thing i think it's a tiktok thing yeah so i don't know somebody maybe reshared it and i have no idea but somebody had even asked they're like why does everyone say nice i'm like let's add more to it
Starting point is 02:11:59 so yeah nice so yeah i guess go on our tiktok and just comment nice. We're on YouTube, Facebook. We're all over the place. Thank you, everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast. I'm just going to do one right now from Gunners Juju. I'm going to say, helps keep me on track. Quote, let's face it, I'm not perfect, especially when it comes to nutrition. Mark and the guys help me get my butt back into gear and focus on getting my health right i'm constantly finding new approaches to training and diet and finding out what
Starting point is 02:12:29 what are you guys doing over there what works best for me keep up the great work uh juju thank you so much man sincerely appreciate that uh if you're listening right now if you want to hear your name and your review right on air please head over to it right now. Drop us a rating and a review and you could hear your name on air just like Gunner's Juju. Mark, where you be? At Mark's Millie Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later. Dude, that story about Remington trying to reconcile issues with his buddy by giving him pre-workout. I mean, like I said, he's officially one of our favorite gym bros. Anyways, thank you to everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast on itunes it does a lot for us we sincerely
Starting point is 02:13:09 appreciate it it's going to be a short one today because i want to get to uh to remington's music right away so um real quick thank you jules 07 uh that's you know jules so j-u-l-e-3-s-0-7 jules says amazing value quote so much value from this podcast. Corey G is the man. Hey, what about Mark Bell? Anyways, Jules, thank you so much for that. You know, it took you what, maybe 30 seconds to do that. But in that 30 seconds, you were able to give us like one of the biggest thank yous of all
Starting point is 02:13:39 time. If you listen right now, if you would like to hear your name and your review read on air, please head over to iTunes right now. Drop us a rating and a review and you could hear your name on air just like Jules07. Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Remington James. We'll catch you guys later. Peace. Peace. We'll be right back. Outro Music I ain't have a choice man, it's do or die Pop another bottle of
Starting point is 02:14:45 I done spent a lot, I made it back on roll I done made a million, I ain't sell my soul All this time to kill, I'm flying overseas Bout 30 bands in these robin jeans Bitchin' back, I need nowhere, I'm at Bali, Percocet See the future when I'm high on that fame shit ain't really what it seem got a cup inside a cup overflow with collodine bring a couple bottles put it on the
Starting point is 02:15:15 murk bought a couple models ain't gon drink for fur got a couple throttles give me room to breathe easy on the shuffle while I'm sippin' lean You're only gonna see me where I'm paid to be I'm only watching TV if I'm watching me Got it out the mud, now my joint is clean Diamonds on me, dancing, let them drip on me Bring a couple bottles, put it all on me
Starting point is 02:15:39 Got a couple models, they gon' drink for free Got a couple throttles, give me room to breathe Wheezy on the shuffle while I'm sippin' lean Outro Music

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