Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 355 - Sh!t You Can Do At Home While In Quarantine

Episode Date: March 30, 2020

Today the crew is giving you a few ideas of workouts and things you can do at home while in quarantine. Also, we want to see your #QuarantineCreations on IG! Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ...➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10" at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, what's going down? Real quick, thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. Right now during this quarantine and self-isolation era, everybody's making a ton of content. I think every two seconds somebody's going live on Instagram. So you guys have so many options. The fact that you guys chose us today, it means the world to us. So thank you so, so much. In return today, Mark and Insima are going to give you guys some tips and tricks on home workouts, things that you can do at home. That's the title. On top of that, Mark reveals a little bit about his cholesterol and some of his blood work. And also he gives us a really good tip about what we can do when we get mad at something,
Starting point is 00:00:40 something I wish I could have utilized a couple of days ago, which we talk about on the podcast. And then Nsema wants you guys to tag us with your quarantine creations. Basically, Mark was messing around in the kitchen and we kind of realized like, wow, there's probably a lot of people that are at home doing a bunch of like crazy recipes and we want to see them. So make sure you tag us at Mark Bell's Power Project, at Nsema E. Yang, at Mark Smully Bell, at IamAndrewZ. Hit us up on Instagram. Tag us. Show us the pictures of your quarantine creations, whether it's a new recipe or like a family recipe, whatever it may be.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We want to see it. And speaking of quarantine, everyone's gym got shut down. If you're lucky enough to have a home gym, first off, great investment. That definitely is paying off right now. But if not, um, Mark is doing something that's going to definitely help you guys out. Um, right now, when you head over to, when you add any slingshot, any, any slingshot of your choice, doesn't matter any single one and any hip circle, whichever one you choose, you're going to get 20% off of that combo. Again, that's at It's just something that you guys can use in your home right now. You know, there's tons of body
Starting point is 00:01:49 weight movements and stuff you can do, but adding a slingshot and a hip circle really, really amplifies the workouts. Along with that, Mark has decided to give you guys a free trial of 30 days of It's normally just seven days, but Mark decided, you know, I'm going to go ahead and just help everybody out, do whatever I can to make sure everybody stays fit and moving. So at, just put in your email address and you get free 30 days of the entire website. And right now there's a huge emphasis on the hip circle, the slingshot and body weight movements. Our buddy, Jesse Burdick wrote out an entire, like, I think it was like an eight week program or something crazy using just body weight.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And, uh, Mark's been filming a ton of content for that. So if you guys are stuck without a gym, we got your back, uh, 20% off a slingshot and hip circle combo at and free 30 days of, of, uh, workouts from And real quick, thank you to Piedmont Teesby for sponsoring this episode. I actually just had a flat iron steak right now for lunch because I am quarantining. I am in self-isolation recording this right now at my house. So I got to throw some steaks in the air fryer. That's one of the benefits of working from home for sure. But it's the absolute best beef in the universe. It's second to none.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It cooks faster, has more protein, less fat. If you're following a bodybuilding type diet or you track your macros, you will absolutely adore these macros. But you guys really need to give it a try. Head over to That's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. All right. That's enough for me. I hope you guys enjoy the show. We'll catch you guys later. Blows over. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the first time I've really ever said that phrase. Like,
Starting point is 00:03:38 I've never said the phrase blows over. It's something I learned from you people. It's kind of weird. You looked right at Andrew when you said it too. Like, blows over. It's something I learned from you people. It's kind of weird. You looked right at Andrew when you said it too. It blows over. You said it real low. It's kind of odd. Don't worry. It'll all blow over eventually. When the smoke clears. People are talking about the smoke
Starting point is 00:03:58 clearing. We still haven't figured out how many ways you can officially skin a cat. No. And it sounds terrifying i mean i don't really particularly like cats but i'm not gonna skin one yeah i just like i mean i'm not that crazy you came up with that shit yeah well there's a lot of ways to skin a cat we had somebody on we've talked about a long time ago and i think he was saying that it was not necessarily like an actual cat. Vuh, China.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm sorry, what was your name? A lot of what? I'm pretty sure you just said, I love the way that plays out in Austin, Florida. It's so good. I love the way that plays out in Austin. Anyway, man, this virus stuff is like straight out of a movie, man. There's no one on the streets. For some reason here at Slingshot, we're just pretending everything's fine.
Starting point is 00:05:03 We just all keep coming to work and keep podcasting as if anybody's listening. Oh, my God. Let's see. So far, at least three people. That's not bad. Yeah. Once they start filing in. Yeah, no, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Downtown's like a ghost town, man. Even at night, it's like all the clubs and all that stuff is closed. It's just dark. It's creepy. Traffic. All the bars are closed. A lot of restaurants are shut down. Lack thereof traffic, I should say, has been pretty nice. Starbucks in giant letters across the entire building says open.
Starting point is 00:05:31 They don't give a fuck. Oh, damn. That's actually really wrong. They're like, you still need your coffee. We know that you still need your fix. Yeah. I had to call my parents yesterday because my dad just doesn't, you know, old school guy, especially being Mexican, he just wants to go to work. He, like, he just doesn't believe any of it.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'll be fine. I'm like, dude, you have heart issues. Like, if you get any kind of, like, anything, like, you're done for. So, I had to call my mom after we got off the call, whenever the heck that was, with Gabrielle Lyon. Yeah, no one wants to be told what to do, you know? Yeah. That's the hard part. So I used Gabrielle's name because she's working with my mom.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And I'm like, hey, your doctor says you guys need to stay home. She's like, oh. I'm like, yeah. Right, yeah. It matters where the source comes from. I mean, I've been asking people just to, you know, play out the scenario of like, you know, look at the way things are right now. And what if it's that way for three months? What if it's that way for six months? What if it's that way for nine months?
Starting point is 00:06:36 What if that's that? What if it's this way for a year? You know, I think it would be now's the best time to start to figure out how to plan for that. And on top of that, if things do go back to, you know, quote unquote normal, I think the scare should weaken something up in you where you're like, yeah, how could I, how am I supposed to live and make money and protect myself, my family, my loved ones in these times of need? Is there a different offshoot of a business I could run that could be bulletproof? Is there something else I can be looking into to make money? You can still, hopefully, you can still resume back to what you were doing, but maybe you can potentially think of some other things or other ways that you can provide value for your family that aren't the same as what you're doing now because maybe this will
Starting point is 00:07:31 happen again and if there's any time to be able to do that like it's now like you a lot of us going to be stuck at home at night you know you're not going to be doing a lot of the normal things you're doing so there's a lot of projects you could start um one thing i was thinking was like real like older individuals if you like live in a building with older people like an apartment building or something or or whatever um see if you like you could help them grab their groceries or something because i can imagine like being 50 something, 60 something, 70 something and hearing everything that's going on. It's gotta be scary to want to go to the grocery store. It's gotta be really scary to just go fucking buy groceries.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Cause you're just like, I touched something and touched my face. Right. You know? So I think this is like a really good time where like, you know, everyone, everyone seems to like really be coming together as like a, just a massive community.
Starting point is 00:08:26 But I think our group, the younger group, that's fairly healthy. We need to be seeing what we can do for older individuals. Check in on the neighbor, maybe. Yeah. You know, without, without infecting them, of course. Exactly. Yeah. It's, I don't know, man. It's hard to make sense of because it's like everything that we know of could be changed. And like, if you were to think about if the, if the virus was, let's just, let's just say the virus was like 10 times worse than it is now, which the virus, the way it currently is, doesn't appear that there's going to be any change.
Starting point is 00:09:04 It looks like it's going to be the same. But what if something else came along at the same time? Or what if another country was like, hey, like, you know, now's the time to attack the United States. Now's the time to, you know, like, we have a lot of great resources. I mean, I don't see that happening, but, you know, I don't know. Has your mind been warring on doomsday scenarios? Yeah. But, you know, I don't know. Has your mind been worrying on doomsday scenarios? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah. I just think it's I think it's smart for people to not cause themselves to, like, really worry. But they should be thinking of, like, you know, OK, this is already happening. And what if it carried on for a while? You know, when they said that they were going to shut down school, I'm like, OK, school's done for the year. I already kind of recognize that. But now what's in action? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Like they don't have any plan. They're not thinking about August. And when school's supposed to start up again, that's where my mind would immediately switch to. And hopefully my wife and I will get involved with our community and try to see, try to ask questions. And I think other people are listening to this. You should be asking questions and also not being a pain in the ass. You should be thinking of solutions that you think are viable that maybe your kid's school could figure out. Because that's, I mean, these are all things that we gotta we gotta figure out you know because i think i don't think anything's gonna change in the course
Starting point is 00:10:32 of a week or two you know and uh i don't know how long this will carry on for i think everyone's just hoping that it's just gonna go away but it might not you know i think china i don't know if we could look this up but i think china's like started resuming normal daily life right like 10 weeks 10 weeks though 10 weeks like it was like a hard quarantine for 10 weeks i believe so you know and that's what i'm asking people are you prepared for 10 weeks and then also we're in the united states where you have a lot more freedom it might take a little longer than 10 weeks it's definitely gonna take longer than 10 weeks do you hear about florida no you see that so saint i think it was saint patty's day yesterday you just see this plane flying by and it's just like recording hella people were partying
Starting point is 00:11:14 on the beach hell of people were partying on the beach at florida i was told andrew so there's hella old people there oh yeah people go there to retire so where was that video was it like on youtube or um it was i think it was on the news and so where was that video was it like on youtube or um it was i think it was on the news and then i i think i saw it on like instagram or something i'll check youtube but yeah just like look up florida beach party or whatever but like people were just out there living it up and just like you said people don't like being told what to do no you know i mean like and it's a lot of people still think it's it's fake you know i mean that it's just not real.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Suggesting stuff to people and having them come to their own conclusion usually works best. But telling somebody what they can and can't do, really, I mean, we've seen it a lot with diet. If you said, hey, you know what? I think this would be a great idea for you. Like with your mom, with the keto diet. Mom, this would be really good. She probably heard you talk about some versions of that for a while and then when it came to be her own decision she's like oh yeah you know i'm gonna make this choice and i'm just
Starting point is 00:12:14 gonna do this this way and now she's talking about how beneficial it is she's probably chirping it up to her friends yeah and other family members probably super excited about it but she had to kind of like get there on her own. If you said, mom, you can't eat carbs. That doesn't work that way. She wasn't having any of that, right? It doesn't work that way exactly. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Looks like a CrossFit competition. It kind of does. Everyone's sort of just like, fuck her up. This guy's thoroughly confused. Oh, man. everyone's straight up just like this guy's thoroughly confused oh man because didn't uh stephy cone she had posted something like this too did she like i think she showed like a party uh cruiser party uh boat and everybody's just like shoulder to shoulder just going nuts out in uh out in florida but look at that damn man see so this is why it's going to take us longer than 10 weeks we're idiots maybe uh maybe maybe china's government their uh dictatorship had something
Starting point is 00:13:12 right yeah how about uh how about mexico saying like like hey we're gonna close the borders on you guys that's the most that's the most ironic thing ever they're like keep building that wall it works out perfect for both of us yeah oh man nuts yeah it's uh definitely some weird shit i saw uh ct fletcher with a good post this morning you guys see his post uh i saw you shared it i didn't see the post let's see if we can uh throw it up for people because uh ct's always got good stuff to say he's all fired up yeah where's he live ct fletcher is uh in like los angeles yeah like long beach area i think i remember got it who knows where he actually lives you know that's also true who knows oh my god there's so many i mean he's not really like
Starting point is 00:14:03 officially he's not allowed to leave comptpton because he's Compton's Superman That's true Did I just hear you snuffle? How dare you Alright Alright I think you're probably a carrier Oh, definitely
Starting point is 00:14:19 I'm carrying something Yeah I would be You, you, yeah I definitely would be Passing around everybody I don't know what I'm carrying something. Yeah. I would be. You definitely would be. Passing around everybody. Whining and shit. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I love his voice, man. He somehow sounds super kind, even though he says motherfucker. He needs to read like audio books and stuff. I would love that. That would be pretty good. All you motherfuckers out there whining and shit. I don't know what I'm going to do. My gym is closed.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I don't know what I'm going to do. Well, look here. This is the first thing I want you to do. Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear that goddamn shit. Fuck your goddamn excuses. First thing you can do, goddammit, Is fall down in the front lean and rest position And for you motherfuckers that ain't never been in the military
Starting point is 00:15:11 That's the push-up position, goddamn it And do some motherfucking push-ups, motherfucker Or some goddamn sit-ups Or some pull-ups Or walk around the goddamn corner Do something Don't give me that goddamn shit about I can't do nothing because the gym is closed.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Wipe them tears from your weeping ass eyes, motherfucker. And work for that goddamn shit. I don't give a fuck if you got a gym or not, motherfucker. Do something. You have no excuse for sitting on the fucking couch feeling sorry for yourself.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Get your punk ass up and go to work motherfucker find something to do make something do i don't give a fuck what you do chop wood motherfucker i don't give a shit but do something i command you i ain't asking you a motherfucking thing i'm the boss motherfucker i tell you you don't tell me and i told you to get your ass up and go to work hey i think people should play that every morning for themselves seriously regardless of what's going on in the world that's that's like a great alarm you could set that to be your alarm on your phone if you wanted it to be but uh he's a savage wipe those tears out of your weeping ass eyes i think that's
Starting point is 00:16:25 my favorite part of that whole video he's amazing i don't know how he says that and like maybe just because i know him a little bit like i still think he sounds like super kind yeah like i don't know why but it's like it for some reason it's like endearing but he's calling you a motherfucker the whole time i think it's it's partially because you just know he's a good guy yeah like you know maybe his facial expressions and stuff. He's like, he, he's kind of smiling at the same time. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Yeah. He's yeah. Yeah. He's, he's just, he's just a unique guy, man. He's got, he's got his own way about him, you know, but I think that that message is great. Like, yeah, you know, you should be, you should be trying to do something and you can't, we can't just, we can't just sit around and
Starting point is 00:17:05 do nothing and i think that's the hard part and that's why you know people like your dad people like my parents and and and maybe your mom and stuff like that too where it's just like they don't really they don't they don't mind like you know staying home a little bit but they're not going to really probably not going to really follow it all the way because they want to they still want to interact with people. You know, you just think about the older generation, they're not as used to, you said sometimes your mom needs help with like the phone, right? The older generation, they're not as used to that communication. You know, maybe they don't know you can just like easily Skype with somebody or FaceTime somebody or record a message for somebody or just send them a picture.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Hey, doing great today. Hope you have a good day. Like that's probably not their first thought. You know, their first thought is I got to like call or I got to like see them, you know, I got to see them in person and that makes it hard. You know, for me, I'm trying to stay away from like my parents and stuff like that. Cause I don't know. I, I interacted a lot of people and I've been a lot of places, you know, in the last several weeks and months and stuff. So I don't know, you know, being in Columbus and being in Mexico and who the fuck knows? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:11 But I don't want to kill anybody. I know that. Oh, for sure. But, you know, exactly like he was saying, there's a lot, there's a lot you can do right now. You know, you always see those, those guys that purely do calisthenics work. They're always jacked. Like they're always crazy jacked.
Starting point is 00:18:26 So there's no reason why you can't do it at home. But I mean, a lot of places like there's usually like little jungle gyms and stuff, you know, little parks, right. And there's probably not going to be that many people at the park. So you go,
Starting point is 00:18:39 you could do some pull-ups, pushups and stuff like that. If you don't have any type of gym equipment, um, there was some people an option like some of the people that i didn't see my stop touching your nose bro it itches it really itches trying to block that sneeze like it's the only way to block a sneeze is really like weird faces for a little while you gotta like like cut your face out and crunch it
Starting point is 00:18:59 i'll try to like even just hold my breath completely and it doesn't really work but like i think it it just like uh prevents it from happening like right now because if i don't clear my throat dude i am like spitting venom all over the damn place my girl was telling me the other day she's like uh because i was like god i really touch my face a lot she's like yeah no i've told you this all the time but at the end of day, I think I've just been purposely strengthening my immune system. So I've been putting all of this crap in my body because I don't get sick. Usually it's rare that I get sick. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And it's because I think my immune system is so strong because I'm just such a dirty human being that I'm immune to a lot of stuff. I probably have a lot of weird bugs and stuff floating around in me but anyway like i was saying like you could you could get yourself you know you could go do some calisthenics stuff and a lot of people i've been working with we go to like sports authority and grabbing those bow flex dumbbells and they're like you know just a few dumbbells at home or even a kettlebell if you could grab a kettlebell somewhere kettlebells do a lot with the kettlebell like a cool 30 or 40 pounder. There's a lot you could do with that. Yeah. Full on workout.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah. You got like, you can do like cleans, you can do snatches. I mean, you can YouTube all this stuff, which is very safe to do. You just YouTube it. You got cleans, you got snatches, you got swings, you got deadlifts. You can do like a goblet squat. I mean, that's a workout right there in and of itself. If it's light enough, you might be able to do like lateral raises with it.
Starting point is 00:20:26 You might be able to do a few other exercises. You might be able to curl with it, depending on like if it's appropriate weight. And then you can certainly just, you know, any, you can walk with it, right? I can do like a farmer's carry with it. You can walk with it overhead, which will burn more calories than just walking with it by your side. You can do lunges, you know, and just what about lunges in general? Like you can do side, you can do lunges. And just what about lunges in general? Like you can do walking lunges.
Starting point is 00:20:53 You can kind of do those kind of like scissor kick lunges, I guess you'd call them, where you switch legs back and forth and you don't even need any weight for that. Is that what it's called? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. You can just, I mean, you see a lot of girls, a lot of fitness competitors and stuff. They do a ton of body weight stuff and they look great. They get on stage.
Starting point is 00:21:07 They look, they look awesome. They build muscle. They get lean. Kind of like jump squats. You can, you know, squat the Hindu squat. You got, you know, burpees. Yep. Nobody wants to do any burpees, but you can do burpees.
Starting point is 00:21:19 You can do mountain climbers. You can do bear crawls. If you, if you feel like you need a designated area to like work out then maybe you go to a track and maybe you bear crawl on the track and do some lunges and it's like that's a hell of a workout right there yeah the way my legs feel today it feels like i squatted pretty heavy not yeah yesterday um by just doing lunges at the end of my upper body workout yeah it i'm loving it. Dude, it's crushing me. But it's so cool.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So I was talking to Settlegate, Josh Settleage about this. Like it's such an awesome thing because like I'm not going to get hurt lunging. Like I'm going to be totally fine. But I still wake up the next day or two feeling like I've squatted or I did like a crazy heavy hard workout. So like I still get that like that really like I don't know that the the um what's the uh the fulfilling filling of being sore from a really good workout yeah and so I'm like and I'm like pain-free I know I'm
Starting point is 00:22:19 saying I'm sore but like I'm not hurt and it feels really, really good. And I'm thinking like, dude, all I had to do was lunge. Not that lunges are easy, but in the grand scheme of things, like, okay, would I rather set up a bar and try to squat or like, you know what I mean? Like, it's just so much more simpler. Oh, look, there's the floor. I can get sore from just lunging. Like it's so simple. Yeah. You know, there's a reason why like, like before Corey Gregory, I'm going gonna be honest i didn't lunge much like i lunged every now and then but not much but there is a reason why a lot of us including myself have avoided lunges although it is an easy movement it's a painful like not painful but it's just like it's kind of painful like even before you do it you're like this is going to kind
Starting point is 00:23:03 of hurt like the reversal to go like from one leg to the next kind of it kind of painful. Like, even before you do it, you're like, this is going to kind of hurt. Like, the reversal to go, like, from one leg to the next kind of, it kind of does hurt. You know, you're like, ah. Like, it doesn't feel good. Once you're warm and once you break past that, it doesn't really bother you that much. But in the beginning, it kind of sucks. It does. It sucks. And then, like, that feeling of, like, yeah, like, when you're starting to lose your balance and you're trying to, like, I'm just lunging.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Why is this? I can't stay. Like, it's almost, like, yeah, like when you're, you're starting to lose your balance and you're trying to like, like, I'm just lunging. Why is this? I can't stay. Like, it's almost like demoralizing. Cause like, I'm just taking big steps. I can fucking stay straight. Like this sucks. Right. But yeah. But it's, it's so good. I was lunging here yesterday too. So it's, it's awesome. But, um, like, yeah, grab a kettlebell somewhere. And if you can't do that, I was just thinking, what are some different ways that we can use some resistance with at-home stuff? I think a lot of people have big water jugs, right? You know, those plastic water jugs?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Fill that thing up with some water and go in your garage or backyard. You could hold that thing in front of you and do some squats. You can hold it above head and do some lunges. Or you could hold it by you and do backwards lunges or you could hold it by you do you do like backwards lunges and all that type of stuff with just that water bottle a bottle and it's shifting it's kind of fun yeah it's kind of fun i mean you might have some uh like i don't know people have like projects that they haven't worked on in forever i mean you can work on those that's a form of exercise but you can also like if you got some wood in the backyard or something that
Starting point is 00:24:23 you you know you've heard ct Fletcher talk about chopping wood. I mean, you can do anything, but you can get a bundle of wood and just, like, walk with it. I mean, just anything you can think of. You have, you know, buckets of paint around. You can do lateral raises with it. And then on top of that, just, like, trying to move your own body weight around. I don't think we understand how bad, how hard that is and how bad that sucks.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I mean, if you were to do like, let's just say you had something to do a step up on, you have like a bench or you have some sort of sturdy box or sturdy something to like do a step up on. In between every step up that you do, you can do some like lateral raises and you can even just hold your arms out for like a duration of like 10 on each, on each leg, your shoulders are going to be on fire. Like you're getting your shoulders, your heart rates getting elevated.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah. It might sound kind of corny in, in comparison to some of the stuff that we really love to do, you know, throwing on a bunch of weight on like a deadlift or something like that, but it's still fun. And you're still going to get a lot of exercise out of it. And this is where things like slowing down,
Starting point is 00:25:23 it's going to help a lot. If you're doing a lot of body weight stuff, let say that like let you have a a chair right and maybe you want to do a single leg squat down to the chair you could do that you could try to slow yourself down on every single rep trust me after like after rep three bro your quads are going to be on fire right do multiple sets of that in terms of push-ups you could do tempo push-ups where you're controlling it down controlling it up if you think to put your two uh if you if you're too good for push-ups try that shit your chest is going to be on fire yeah or i'm seeing a lot of people showing uh on instagram like they're doing a push-up and then they're like touching each shoulder and then they go down
Starting point is 00:25:58 and then touch each shoulder it's like that those little things in between like now now you're engaged your core um it's all it gets to be really difficult even in between a like now you're engaged to your core. It gets to be really difficult. Even in between a push-up, just doing a plank can be really hard because that's like the first thing. Like if you have strong arms, the first thing to kind of give on you is kind of like your midsection. You're like, oh, shit. You start to kind of bow in the middle a little bit. You could do some planks.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You could do some side planks. I mean, the list is like. What are the things called when you're doing, we used to do it in the soccer. You do a push-up, you come up, and then you bring your knees up for like 10 or whatever. Mountain climbers. Mountain climbers. Those are brutal. Those are horrible.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Those are horrible. But you could do that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Burns your shoulders. Burns everything. Yeah, bear crawl is a really bad one. And then like the crab walk. What was the crab walk?
Starting point is 00:26:43 Crab walk is where you're walking on your hands and your feet. feet oh yeah it's kind of like behind your body uh-huh those are really hard yeah so it's brutal yeah no there's there's a lot of stuff that could be done with your body right pull-ups perhaps you know if you have somewhere to do a pull-up on if you can i know some places you know you can't get it shipped to you but those like uh the pull-ups that you put on door frames those are so clutch right now. Like if you can get your hands on them and they're cheap, 20, 30 bucks, go to Sports Authority. Other stores have it. Target has it.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I know Target has those for sure. The door frame pull-up bar. Some handles and things like that. Right. I know Randy Couture used to have like a thing like that. And other celebrities have sold things like that where it's, you got some bands and there's probably a lot of people that have they can dust off their treadmill you know the treadmill they clear clear out all the junk that you have stacked on your treadmill at home and you can probably you know fire that thing up hopefully too much smoke doesn't come out of it
Starting point is 00:27:38 but you can probably get that thing going and you can probably uh i bet i bet like a lot of a large majority of people especially like a homeowner i would imagine that you have you get some sort of representation of some sort of weight whether it's just like one set of dumbbells or a plate um you have something somewhere that i'm sure you could utilize you know what weight vest weighted vest could be really powerful that would be clutch because it's unstoppable with the i mean it's on you know you can do so much different stuff with it it's unbelievable why don't i have a weighted vest i'm just thinking about that now damn oh that sucks but i was i was thinking this because um when i was talking to like i think new jersey like and new york and columbus uh the people i
Starting point is 00:28:23 have there they're like yeah gyms are closed here unless it's like a really small private gym but there are a few people who are like oh my friend owns a garage gym or whatever so i'll say this if you're a person that has a garage gym i don't know if this is irresponsible for me to say but if you got like some friends that you know aren't infected and they need to work out might be a good idea just to like let them work out with you but you know safety first obviously but like i was telling people you know if you have a friend that has a garage gym maybe see if they'll let you work out with them because like a lot of people have like you know full-on sets you know doesn't mean
Starting point is 00:28:58 you need to open up for business and let everybody in the neighborhood come train right but might be a good idea to open up a little bit. Just be careful, please, with that suggestion. I don't want anyone getting sick because I told them to open up the garage gym to their friends. I would say, you know, like at this point, like I still feel like I'm kind of irresponsible. Like I'm still showing up here. I'm still gathering with you guys. I'm still lifting.
Starting point is 00:29:20 And when I lift, it's like usually with like my brother and somebody else. And like I'm still kind of carrying on and i probably shouldn't be and i'm advising for other people not to but i'm not listening to my own advice even but it's uh it's just difficult but i you know my real concern is for the older folks that's where most of the information seems to be and so i'm trying to you know like for example we had uh kind of a family gathering last night i just didn't go to it because I'm like, I don't I can't control what everybody else does, but I can control what I do and I'm not going like I don't want to think back and be like, oh, shit. Like, was I, you know, part of that? I've been trying to advise my dad to, you know, switch his tax practice to doing stuff more on the phone. And I don't know how much he'll listen
Starting point is 00:30:05 to that. Tax season is kind of coming more towards the end. And just even on that note, for everybody, anyone who cares, the government is going to extend your taxes this year by at least a month, if not longer, because of everything that's going on. So people can feel a little relaxed about that. But my dad usually has like a whole swarm of people come to him in the very beginning and he's already gotten past all that. And then now it's like, it's a little slower, but then there's all the people that kind of like file like last minute and late and stuff like that. And so he'll have to kind of figure out that last part of it. And, you know, we know that it can be active on paper and stuff like that for a while.
Starting point is 00:30:46 So even people dropping it off, there's still some risk. But I would just say it's got to be decreased by quite a bit. But I don't know. You know, but hopefully he can. I've been urging him to encouraging him to change some of what he's doing. And we'll see how much he listens. But I just don't I just don't want to see you know people close to me uh i mean what a what a horrible way to go for anybody really right a horrible way to go for anybody but it seems like it seems it i guess we'll never be
Starting point is 00:31:16 able to trace it back to like a situation like oh you know we gathered at that one thing and then he probably got it from there you know you're not going to be able to do that, but it seems like maybe we can avoid it. So let's just, I guess, try our best that we can to avoid it. Yeah. And because you can't track back exactly where it is, you'll think about every single scenario where you're like, why did I do that? Why did I go to that? We should have canceled this. We should have canceled that. And so when I was talking to my mom on the phone, I'm just like, hey, it's way better to be like way over the top safe than to be way over the top sorry. Like, because it could be that bad.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah, it's a lot better to be like, oh, man, we were super cautious with that. We acted ridiculous when that thing happened. But at least you're still able to talk about it. Yeah. At least you're able to still be around for it. But at least you're still able to talk about it. Yeah. At least you're able to still be around for it.
Starting point is 00:32:13 It's really interesting, too, like, you know, having been around for other things that have happened where there hasn't been as much, like, hysteria around it. You know, like, swine flu wasn't really a thing. Like, people just, not that they didn't care about it, but, I mean, I don't know what the numbers show, but maybe just a lot less people died from it or something. I don't know. I was a teenager when that was happening, I think think I remember everyone was making jokes about it at school. Like, you know, cause it wasn't that,
Starting point is 00:32:32 it wasn't like, I see a lot of people making jokes about this at the moment too. Right. There's still a lot of humor going around. And I, I think that, I think that humor is good. I think that humor is always good.
Starting point is 00:32:43 You know, I think there's some, well, there's some things that aren't funny, right? There's certain things that just aren't like 9-11. Yeah. No. 9-11. There's, there's, there's not any tolerance or room for humor that I could think of that are appropriate at all.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Right. Unless you're Pete Davidson. Who's Pete Davidson? You guys know who Pete Davidson is? Well, comedians kind of they can kind of do anything if if if done correctly they can if they're good they can kind of do anything okay so pete he's on snl he's the guy who dated ariana grande but his whole thing and he always makes jokes about it in every single one of his comedy sets his dad was one of the firefighters
Starting point is 00:33:21 that oh wow yeah so but the thing is since he's a comedian he makes light of it in the most messed up way but you can't help but laugh like you know obviously it's a horrible situation but yeah but i like that's the thing in these situations like i don't know i think it's funny about that love but in this situation we know yes people are dying we understand that but i think if you can bring a little bit of humor out of it that's not too horrible as long as it's not you know out of place right just really just fucked up i think it just uh where it where it hurts is uh where it's like sometimes things aren't sometimes jokes aren't worth it right yeah um and that's a that's a shitty spot to be in because
Starting point is 00:34:02 it's like hey can we fuck around about this like this? Like, I just want to mess around. I don't want to mess around about somebody's ethnicity or someone's race and then it hurts their feelings or it makes me, paints me in some weird light, you know. I just want to have fun with making fun of Andrew because he's Mexican. I want him to make fun of me for being fucking white and being ignorant towards stuff like i i just i like that kind of stuff i do too man it's kind of fun you know it's fun and funny to me yeah but then if it if it's hurting other people and in this case like if you had someone fucking die from coronavirus like shit ain't shit ain't funny you know and i yeah it's but like we're saying you know hopefully um you know hopefully we get past this thing and then hopefully we can kind of look at it and maybe one day just, you know, realize that it wasn't as detrimental as we thought.
Starting point is 00:34:54 And hopefully a lot of people come out doing OK on the back end of it. But we don't we don't know at the moment. You know, there's people that are saying they think everyone's going to get it. We don't know at the moment, you know, there's people that are saying they think everyone's going to get it. Yeah, I think I don't know what I saw, but apparently is someone said that up to a million Americans are probably going to get it. Right. I almost wonder, too, like this is weird, but there's a lot of like science behind the thought process of somebody when they get cancer, like the Jeopardy guy, like they thought he was done. And he was like, no no i'm not done like he's you know he like i know you can't like will it to not happen but there is some research that
Starting point is 00:35:31 kind of shows that if you are positive and the people around you are positive that it does help how many americans right now are maybe even like opening themselves up to coronavirus because they're like you know what i really haven't been feeling that good lately. And I'm a little bit worn, you know, like how many people have worried themselves into because that, I mean, I think that's real. I think that you can worry yourself somewhere. Yeah, I think you can worry yourself into a spot that maybe, you know, lowers your immunity a little bit, right? I mean, I'm accepting of that.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And maybe a lot of people are flipping out so much that they're panicking into it almost. Yeah, I don't think you can uh, Worry yourself to get the coronavirus, but you could definitely open yourself up to be more susceptible accurate Yeah that I totally agree with you. I mean think about it anxiety makes people like sleep horribly and Like there have been nights where i've been pretty anxious about certain things that have gone on, and my night of sleep was horrible. Now, think about that. That's your every day. You're anxious about something, and your sleep is consistently horrible. And what typically has the biggest effect on your immune system? The amount of sleep you get. So you're absolutely opening yourself up to that if you're if you're constantly anxious about stuff like this you know you know you think you need to get an aura ring buddy i think you'd love this thing i would i know i would this thing's tracking and then like there's other things like whoop like the wrist thing yeah yeah um but dude like the information
Starting point is 00:36:58 from this thing like telling me about my sleep and stuff sometimes it's super discouraging because i'm like fuck because it'll tell you like it'll tell you like you don't have it for the day kind of thing. So I actually look at it at the end of the day. Cause I'm like, I don't want to like, sometimes I'm training and I'm like, I'm going to load up some good weight on a squat today, regardless of what this damn thing says. But the way I look at it is it's a cumulative, right? So it doesn't really matter what the reading is for the day.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Like there's no reason to panic. It doesn't matter what your nutrition is necessarily for that specific day. It just matters that over time that you got it right. And so I'm kind of viewing sleep the same way. I want to have some good accuracy with the sleep, especially over a period of time. And the sleep is getting better. But it gives you kind of like a sleep score like every day. Like I had an 85 the other day. sleep is getting better um but it gives you kind of like a sleep score like every day like i had
Starting point is 00:37:45 an 85 the other day um i had like an 85 and then like a 70 and then like an 85 and then i didn't even look at today's because last night i don't know why i just kept waking up i just woke up a bunch and you know people ask me like why do you think you wake up so much are you worried about something i'm like i must be i must be subconsciously worried about fucking something because i wake up all the time usually it's just to use the bathroom but mainly like you're you're supposed to be sleeping deep enough to where the bathroom's not an option for you like you're out and your you know bladder and all that stuff pretty much shuts down just as it does sometimes in like exercise like sometimes every once in a while you really have to use the bathroom but for the most part when you're doing jujitsu for 60 90 minutes
Starting point is 00:38:31 you're not like man i really gotta pee like out of nowhere right occasionally maybe it happens but pretty rare you know and your kidneys and a lot of stuff will kind of they'll they'll kind of shut down and for me like with my sleep i don't get enough deep sleep. But in having this ring and like kind of practicing and working on it better. And then I'm trying to see like, does a shower make a difference? You know, does a shower kind of bring me down? I'm going to get a sauna soon. So that might help a lot. You know, hopefully I can, you know, use that before bed to maybe, you know, relax a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I think the truth of it is, is like I have to do some stuff that I just don't want to do. I think I need to get away from the phone like two hours before bed. And I probably get away from the phone more like an hour before bed. And it's not so much that there's a problem with the phone necessarily. Not so much that there's a problem with the phone necessarily, but just, you know, being on like alert and being like, yeah, and having your mind continuing to race, you know, is kind of impacting some of that. So I'm trying to make it better, but I think you would, I think you would dig it. It's kind of fun to like analyze it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:42 No, these past few days, actually, no, it's been like a week and a half. I haven't had that Apple watch because I had to send it back to the apple store and all the apple stores are closed i've just been like fuck i can't track shit because i even i use it like um even when i do cardio to track my heart rate to make sure i'm in the right place so like now when i do cardio i'm just gonna have to i'll go by feel you'll probably kind of know i'll be able to right i'll be a b i'll be able to probably be close to where i want to be but still, there are some portions of the cardio where you want to slow down a little bit, but you'll be like, oh, snap, I got to keep it up. So it does show how it does affect that just a little bit. But yeah, I'm curious, actually, which one's better, the Whoop or the Oura Ring? Because apparently they both track really well.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I think it might be just a matter of which one's in your price range. I don't know if there's... Yeah, I don't know. And preference. Yeah, I don't know if there's a huge difference. But yeah, I'm digging this. It tells you your body temperature and shit. It tells you all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:35 It's so cool that I can just do that from there too. I know. Just from your finger. So one thing it doesn't do that's a little bit annoying is it doesn't really give you your heart rate. So during training, it doesn't give you your heart rate. I just don't think it can accurately do that through here or maybe it has to, I don't know why it doesn't give you your heart rate during exercise.
Starting point is 00:40:56 But what it does show you, it shows you like how many calories it thinks I burn and it tells me all kinds of shit like that, which is pretty cool. I burn like 4,000 calories from not doing hardly anything, like 3,400 or 3,500. Wow. Yeah. And then that matched up with what they did yesterday when they hooked me up to that. Yesterday I did like a VO2 max and all that stuff. And that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Like that was fun. And, you know, they're trying to test to see like what I'm burning, you know, when. And I haven't seen all the results from it. But they were pretty excited. They were like, dude, you're actually in really good shape, like, considering the different stages they had me kind of go through. But I don't have – I have first gear. First gear is, like, my 10-minute walks. You know, they're like, you got that shit down.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Like, you're really good there. And you can probably maintain that pace for hours on end and not be fatigued and actually probably get a stimulus from it and actually feel really good but we were walking in columbus yeah you just made us keep yeah yeah i love i love i love to walk you know i can do that forever yeah and they're like and then when we kicked it into high gear they're like you got plenty of that like you can you can go hard and you can actually go fairly long. So that was pretty good. But they're like, for some reason, you're missing two and three.
Starting point is 00:42:11 You don't have middle gears. I'm like, yeah, well, that makes sense. With powerlifting, I just have these repeatable efforts that I normally take a little, not a little bit, a decent break for. And I go and hit it again. And then I got my mindset wrapped around that top end stuff but you know if you ask me to like go on like a jog like hey let's go jog like if i had to jog two miles i'm not gonna do very well like i could i could force myself to make it but i'll i'll really be dying yeah i'll be dying inside i just won't say anything yeah
Starting point is 00:42:43 let me ask you so did they did they have you? Did they have you use a bike? Like what was that deal? Cause I know some places like they have a bike and a treadmill so that you choose. Yeah. So they just wanted me to be on a piece that I was comfortable with. And so I chose the bike cause I was like, I don't know what, you know, if I'm, if I'm trying to like really, really run, I'm like, I don't want to potentially hurt my hip or my knee or my hamstring or something like that. So I felt like the bike was safer, the assault bike. And I utilized that, but I want to do this. I know. Yeah. Well, I, it's funny. Cause when they were rapid, I mean, they were so excited the entire time they're like beaming, you know, they're, they're fans, you know? And they don't get to play with like power lifters, you know? So they're super
Starting point is 00:43:23 excited. And at the end I was like, I was, holding it all in, you know, the whole time. I said, hey, I said, I got something for you guys. They're like, what? Like, what else you got for us? I said, I have my African-American, my African-American brother. So I'm going to bring him in, and you'll be freaked out by him because he does jiu-jitsu seven days, eight days a week. And I said, the readings you'll get off of this guy are going to really flip you guys out. be freaked out by him because he does jujitsu seven days eight days a week and i said the readings you'll get off of this guy are gonna really flip you guys out so they're gonna be
Starting point is 00:43:50 checking you out natty professor sick i can't wait they're gonna find out that you ran off a trend balloon like wow what is this straight right here it's just in the blood man that i was born with it nothing i can do about it but yo i actually had a question for you because this morning it popped up on my recommended um you got like a blood test a few weeks ago or whatever and you said everything was good now did you end up talking more about it later or no um i'm not sure what popped up was it maybe like a youtube video it was a youtube video yeah you mentioned it and you said like um like you made a joke about your cholesterol being 400 but it wasn't but then you said you'd talk more about it later. I don't know if you did.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah, yeah. So I shot a video with Carlos. I'm not sure if the video's out yet. Okay, okay. But it will be up very soon. And then also on the Mark Bell Super Training YouTube channel, I had a long conversation when you guys were there when we were in Los Angeles about my cholesterol with Dr. Sean Baker and Paul Saladino, and we took kind of a deep dive into that. But my cholesterol is even better than it was then on this kind of more current test that I got. But I can't even accurately remember where it was.
Starting point is 00:45:01 But anyway, the short of it is that the video, if it's not out yet, it will be up very soon on Mark Smiley Bell YouTube channel. And the concern for cholesterol is kind of over, but it doesn't mean that cholesterol doesn't matter. It's in accordance to some other factors that can help be predictors of cardiovascular disease or potential of cardiovascular disease. So the other things that you want to look at is like resting insulin. Your resting glucose might matter a little bit in there as well.
Starting point is 00:45:36 But it's all factors of cholesterol and not just your total cholesterol. So my total cholesterol is high. your total cholesterol. So my total cholesterol is high. But again, half the people that go in the hospital for a heart attack have bad and high cholesterol or their bad, quote unquote, bad cholesterol is high or their total cholesterol is high and half don't have that. So it's not a great indicator of cardiovascular health. What's more important is your cholesterol, or what they think is more important at the moment, is your cholesterol to triglyceride ratio, and then also your resting insulin. Those are the main factors that you really want to look at. And my resting insulin is like super low. Interestingly enough, my resting glucose is like 99, and that's a normal adaptation to a carnivorous-style diet.
Starting point is 00:46:30 What's odd about that is that if, let's just say, let's say your diet, let's say that you have 200 grams of carbohydrates every day, and I have zero, right? I would imagine that your resting glucose would be lower than mine, which is weird, right? But it's just because your body is clearing it out. And then also a natural adaptation to a low-carb or carnivorous diet is your body tries to become more efficient at creating some of this glucose since you don't have any of it coming in through dietary needs. And then also you can potentially get your cortisol levels will be higher in the morning as a result of this kind of low carb lifestyle. I forget why, but, you know, everything kind of has a yin and a yang and everything has
Starting point is 00:47:24 a plus and a minus to it. The short of it is this, is like if you were to eat, to make sure that that doesn't happen as much, if you were just to have 25 to 50 grams of carbohydrates a day, it might help clear some of that up. But we don't really know if that's even important or not. Yeah. help clean clear some of that up but we don't really know if that's even important or not because you're resting glucose by some people's measures they don't think it really matters too much unless you're diabetic has that like altered some of the uh the training times that you've been coming in here because i know it's been like midday into later so does the cortisol level in the morning no the the switch with uh training has mainly been due to the season.
Starting point is 00:48:07 It's not hot out. I like training super early when it's hot out because it gets so hot. And then the other part of it is just sleep. You know how hard it is. The stuff that it does to you mentally and the way that it can fix your shit and fix your life to wake up that early in the morning and train is phenomenal. The deprivation of sleep is like long term, not worth it. But to do it occasionally and do it for a little while, I still like that. I still wake up pretty early.
Starting point is 00:48:37 But as you know, Andrew, like when we're trying to be here at like 4 30 or four, it's absurd, you know, like even if you just, you wake up to use the restroom at like two or two 30, you're like, Oh fuck. It's like, might as well get up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:54 It's basically time to get up. You're like, shit. You know, when I was training with O'Hearn, I would wake up, I think two 45. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah. Was it two 45? I'd wake up two 45. It's like a 20 minute drive for me to go from Malibu to Gold's Gym. And, yeah, just, and I, you know, he, like, Mike and Hany, who, you know, doing my diet and stuff, they were like, yeah, man, you got to get that meal in before you train. I'm like, it's more important than my sleep. I'm like, I don't think so. But, yeah, I just listened to what the fuck they said.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, when we were hitting 4 a.m. on a regular basis yeah it was the alarm was 245 and it was oh my gosh it was so difficult for me but there's so many positives to it right like what would you say would you say the positives outweigh the negative or do you think they're about even or what are your what's your personal thoughts on it short-term positive is way outweigh the negatives long-term though like it's just not feasible it beats you to man beats you to the ground like it's so hard like you know what what what i ended up seeing was like you know like okay training was was doing really well and then all of a sudden like productivity throughout the day was like totally faltering and i'm, oh, my gosh, this sucks. Wait, really?
Starting point is 00:50:06 Yeah, and then I'd get home, and then it's like, hey, okay, family time. And I'm snoring at like 6 o'clock. So, yeah, it was bad. But for like, let's say, I don't know, like a month straight, it was like, dude, I was lit on fire. It was awesome. And then I just kind of got beat down. It's good to do it for a little while. It's a good practice.
Starting point is 00:50:28 And like, could you wake up a little bit later? Yeah, certainly. Like that's, that's very early, but we were doing it for a specific reason. Cause my buddy Sean was trying to get back home to his kids and stuff. And then his wife would go out and do CrossFit at like six in the morning. So we were trying to get these workouts done specifically. It was like an hour, maybe an hour and a half too early. Starting at 5 or 5.30.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Starting at 5.30, in my opinion, is pretty reasonable. I kind of naturally like to wake up early anyway, so that doesn't bother me that much. And then it doesn't make nighttime completely ridiculous. And then it doesn't make nighttime completely ridiculous. But we all know like one bad night of sleep really does not feel, it doesn't feel good at all. One bad night of sleep does not, it feels like shit. And so if you miss, you know, if you're going to try to train at 530 every morning, even at 530, you have one night where you go to bed at like 1030 or 11 or just, you just have a restless night you even you went to sleep on time you're toast man it's gonna be rough yeah i feel like uh if you if you have the goal of getting to the gym at 5 30 well for me i should say it's like the perfect amount of like tiredness at the end of the day to just pass out really quick i don't have a
Starting point is 00:51:41 problem falling asleep but like when you're that like super like okay i'm about to hit deep sleep like i'm already there you know with them before i even fall asleep i think that's like a really good place to be but when it's like when you feel that way when you're still at work it's like oh that's a little bit too much yeah yeah i don't think i ever joined you guys on those four you'd be like how can you guys don't invite me it's like well dude you're probably still awake well some you know some some there's that too you know some people like they like to operate a little later in the day which i think is i think it's totally fine you know i i've one of the videos i made you know waking up early ended up on and It's a great video. It has like 800,000 views or something.
Starting point is 00:52:25 It blew up pretty good. But it's a lot of younger people that are checking it out. So there's a lot of negativity on there, a lot of negative. It doesn't matter when you wake up. It matters what you do with your day. Which is true. Yeah. It's 100% true.
Starting point is 00:52:42 It doesn't make any difference when you wake up. I mean, Dave Tate works like, works through the night. I mean, he's extremely successful, owner and operator of And there's millions of people that are like that, that are, you know, high-level performers that work later on in the day. And especially a lot of creative people, a lot of writers, a lot of, you know, people that I would imagine that most people that have written, you know, some of the best books we've ever had probably have written or best scripts we've ever seen. Probably some of them were written at like two in the morning. Absolutely. They didn't wake up at two.
Starting point is 00:53:15 They, you know, just didn't go to bed until 6 a.m. or something like that probably. doesn't really matter a ton but what it did for me personally is it and i've talked about this before is it caused a cascade of disciplines that surrounded that where i'm like okay like it makes you militant you know it's like being thrown into the military like if i had people to come here and i could mentor people that's where we would start i'd be like see you in the fucking morning at four o'clock yeah because i know especially if you're like a kid, if you're like an 18-year-old kid that's like way into bodybuilding, powerlifting, and stuff like that, I would say see you at 4 a.m. You know, and it's not about really just getting there at 4 a.m. It's about organizing yourself and having everything else surrounding it so that you can get there at 4 a.m. and still function really powerfully. So that you can get there at 4 a.m. and still function really powerfully.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And then if you have a regular life where you have a job where you got to sit down and actually bust your ass and do a lot of work, that's going to be really hard and probably not all that practical for the long run. But if it's the only option that you have, it's either that or don't work out, then that might be what you have. And then you have to decide how many times a week are you going to do that? Because if you have, let's say you have like a job that's like eight to five or eight to four or seven, whatever, and you have to train at five in the morning, maybe you just make that commitment. You say, I'm going to do that Tuesday, Thursday, and then Saturday, Sunday, I'm going to hit the gym too. You know, that way you don't have to do it every day because doing it every day is where you run into trouble. Yeah. And I find like what you were saying about the like authors and stuff getting real creative
Starting point is 00:54:51 at night. I absolutely agree with that. And I do feel that, but I've also noticed that when you can flip that and wake up early and get work done, like my productivity is insane, but the same like umph isn't there. Like, so i'll be able to get a lot done but like the uh like i guess that the like velocity of it all is slowed down because i'm still like trying to get my like gears moving and you know wake up and still have the energy the energy is just not there were you always going to bed on time to be able to get up at that time or were you like i think that that might be the thing i mean what do you think no i i would it was always a full-on all-out sprint to try to get in bed
Starting point is 00:55:32 or close to it around seven which is impossible so then the goal is like okay i'm gonna shoot for seven if i can get eight that's great but it was always just a struggle. Like, you know, uh, with, with family and just with anything going on, like, I'm not even going to say like, oh, if you have kids, like it's worse or not. Like everybody has stuff going on. Yeah. But that just kind of adds like another layer to it. So whether it's like, I don't know, homework or just, I mean, shit, even getting your clothes ready for the next day, you're just like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Those are those disciplines that you just met. Yeah. Yeah. Those are those disciplines. It's tough. And I still do a lot of that, you know, even though I'm not getting here super early. I still wake up pretty early, but like, you know, last night, whenever there's like a lull in a day where the day is like, there's just not really anything that productive to
Starting point is 00:56:23 do in the day. I try to think about what's something I can do to kind of like launch me ahead. You know, it's a weird thing to think about, but like what's something that can launch me past myself? Almost like you're picturing like passing yourself up on the street, you know, you're running past yourself and like, see you later, sucker. Like, what's the thing that can do that for you? And for me, like I'm, my phone is like uploading something last night, and it's just taking a thousand years.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And I'm like, okay, well, rather than sit here and watch this and be, like, frustrated that it takes forever, charge the phone, boom, go take a shower, lay out my clothes for the next day. That gets done. And I already had dinner. And then I had my second dinner. And that was that for the day, you know, and that, that worked great. And it's like, I try to do that most of the time. And then I'm also, I try to just be thoughtful of stuff like, how is what I'm doing at the moment productive? Even if it's like me being as lazy as possible, just chilling, maybe that's good. You know, like did I get a chance to do that?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Did I get a chance to – people talk about being mindful, you know. But did you have an opportunity during the day at all to be like mindless and just be numb and just to like – just to not do anything? And the answer usually for me is like not really. But how much of that do you need? You know, you shouldn't need too much of that. So last night for me, it was like, I watched ESPN for like an hour, which I haven't done in forever. I'm like, fuck, Tom Brady's going to the Buccaneers. Like what the hell is going on?
Starting point is 00:57:55 That's crazy, by the way. Buccaneers? Yeah. I actually know that team. But yeah, I heard you left the Patriots. That's fucking wild. Yeah, I heard you left the Patriots. That's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:58:15 The Buccaneers, if they were to have a 10-6 record for the next 40 years, they would be at 500 in terms of their like 50%. They would be 50-50. So right now they're at like 38% winning average. And they have the worst out of the NHL, NBA, and NFL. They got the worst fucking record out of any possible team yeah they used to be called the suckaneers they were so bad wait so are they were they bad last year i'm wondering like they're bad all the time they're bad all the time except for the one year that they had an amazing team when they were coached by coach gruden where they won the super bowl so can, like, why did he choose to go to the Buccaneers?
Starting point is 00:58:46 Do you know that yet? Like, is there anything that makes sense about that move? Is he getting paid a ton of money? Like, what's the deal here? I don't think it's financial necessarily, although I'm sure he's getting paid well. So they had two receivers that had over 1,000 yards last year. So they had two receivers that performed really well. He's got people he can chuck the ball to.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I would imagine that because they have people that they can throw the ball to like that, that they must have good blocking. So he probably has good protection. So, I mean, at the very least, I mean, he's not at 43. I wouldn't imagine that he would go to a team where he's like, man, I'm going to get killed if I go there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they have good pass protection probably. They probably have a good coach.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I believe that that was some of the stuff. And then also I think now it's a race between him and Belichick to see who can be the most successful without one another. And I think Shannon Sharp was talking about that the other day. Did you see the meme that Shannon Sharp put up on his – I don't think I saw it. Okay, it's a Tom Cruise thing. Dude, Shannon sharp has he has the best he's so funny he has the best instagram ever that man is so freaking hilarious i love that guy dude that guy's from another planet yeah he really
Starting point is 00:59:56 is and he just doesn't age have you noticed that he's still 30 or 35 at the most he's in those suits and shit and he's yoked yeah he looks amazing i don't know how he does it it does make any sense and then he was like benching like 450 or 425 or something for like some reps and stuff like he's not short yeah he's like six three or six four wait pause he's six three six four at least what's a fucking monster i mean he's got the long ass fucking arms i mean he's a, he is a mutant. And then another cool aspect of it all is the. I like the looks of this.
Starting point is 01:00:30 The Super Bowl is going to be in, oh my gosh, Tampa Bay. Oh, yeah. Okay. Florida. If he, yeah. So if he takes his team to the Super Bowl, it'll be like the first time ever that somebody's been able to, a team has played their home yeah yeah for the super bowl if he manages this brady's gonna be like a football god he already is he is unfortunate well i'm montana you know oh there was a guy uh
Starting point is 01:00:57 yesterday uh the mayor of buffalo do you guys see that clip no the mayor of buffalo he came out and had this like he was talking about the coronavirus. Everything he was talking about was like very serious. And then just like, he just dead panned it and didn't even like, you know, didn't laugh or nothing. And he goes, and for all the Buffalo, because Buffalo gets their ass kicked all the time by the Patriots. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:18 And he goes, for everybody that wants to celebrate Brady leaving the AFC West or AFC East, he's like, please do so responsibly. Don't gather in gatherings of more than 10 people. That's awesome. And everyone's like clapping and people are getting all fired up and stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:32 But he was like, yeah, you just, you know, they'll just do it like privately, you know? That's great. This needs audio, right? Yeah, yeah, it does. Let me, bam.
Starting point is 01:01:41 God, this is so funny. I'm not going to do what you all think I'm going to do. Just flip out! Edelman. Let me just say, as I ease out of the office I helped build, I'm sorry, but it's a fact that there is such a thing as manners.
Starting point is 01:02:09 A way of treating people. Who's coming with me? He's got his fish. Who's coming with him? I will go with you. Of course. Thank you. i will go with you thank you we'll see you all again they gotta be laughing about this yeah you know what i mean like brady's gotta love that yeah i thought that was absolutely hilarious i had to look up who giselle was which
Starting point is 01:02:42 is his wife because i don't know these things, but that was great. I, uh, it's, it's pretty funny. I think I saw a quote from like Bob craft and he was like, he earned the right to, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:54 after doing this for us for 20 years to leave respectfully, I was like, what do you mean? Like he, he had to do, he had to play for you for 20. He had to work for you for 20 years to earn the right to like move on to something different like that yeah it just sounded weird i'm sure it's part of like a
Starting point is 01:03:09 lot larger speech but i was like that this sounds it does sound a little bit yeah i get what you're saying yeah it sounds like he like really owned him you know like weird like weird weird way of a weird way of looking at it yeah yeah well the Niners retrieved all but one starter on their defense. So I think we're going to be fine. Ooh. Yeah. They only lost one guy? Sad.
Starting point is 01:03:34 They traded DeForest Buckner for a 13th round pick, which is, fuck, dude, a first round pick, but you can't really replace that guy. Yeah. So it's going to be tough. Isn't something about Tom Brady that he's gonna be tough wasn't isn't something about tom brady that he's like not wasn't he like picked in a late round or something i think i spread that on wikipedia a few months ago right what was it like seventh round it was late
Starting point is 01:03:54 yeah everybody passed on him that's so insane like that's so crazy yeah they just never thought i know it's yeah i'll show you a picture of him at the uh the combine everybody listening to the podcast is like yeah we know we know in SEMA. But, you know, I'm new to this shit, guys. Come on now. Come on. Well, it's funny. Everyone always brings this up, this way that he used to look and stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:13 But I would imagine he probably doesn't look that much different anymore. But he just is. I mean, he looks better. He's a better looking guy. But money can do that for you. Yeah, I don't know if I would waste a first-round pick on that. Oh, this is dad bod central right here. Yeah, why is he standing like that?
Starting point is 01:04:34 Let's go play some hoops with my kids. That's what he looks like right here. He definitely has the white A6 with grass stains. Yes. He's got a little bit of likeose knuckle going on, too. He horked the shorts up a little too high. Pause, man. Yo, you're like, tell your kid, I'm about to show you the greatest football player of all time, son.
Starting point is 01:04:53 And you pulled this picture up? That he has the Lloyd Christmas haircut from Dumb and Dumber. Yes! Yo, this is amazing, though. Honestly, this goes to show you that like well certain positions like quarterback but i mean you could just just you could be super talented man like he can throw a ball like nobody else that picture right there is hilarious oh man yeah i mean he's he's better built now now, but it's not that much different.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah, he's probably not, like, super jacked or anything at the moment. Yeah. Man, that's so crazy, though. His, you know, body fat percentage is not relevant to what he's trying to do. It's not. And he knows how to take a tackle, I guess. Yeah. Like, that's something he knew how to do, so.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Yeah, well, I mean, even, like, in, like, MMA, like, we've seen some of the guys get really, really shredded. And then we've seen it like not pay off. Yeah. Yeah. What about jujitsu? Like, are there some guys that are like, I mean, I know you're super lean, but like, what about you see other guys gas out that are like bodybuilding looking ish or. Yeah. So the top, I'm thinking of like the top guys in competition in terms of jiu-jitsu and they might
Starting point is 01:06:05 not be like some of them like andre galvao um even uh not keenan what's his name mouchesh is pretty damn big muhammad ali his name is actually he's a brazilian guy named muhammad ali i met oh my god okay so this was crazy when i went to that match with chad because i saw some of my i met muhammad ali and he won worlds and the i don't know if he was the super heavyweight bracket um and he won like overall two years ago he's like six three probably a cool 240 245 yo like he was like i'm like this guy he might be a little bigger than me like seriously so and andre galvao was like, I'm like this guy, he might be a little bigger than me. Like seriously. So, and Andre Galvao is like probably two inches shorter than you and just yoked.
Starting point is 01:06:52 You know what I mean? And he's one, he's one of the greatest competitors of all time. So there are a lot of guys that just kill. There are a lot of guys that are like Mikey Musumechi. But average body fat percentage amongst probably the best, the of the crop is is probably like 12 to 15 percent probably more like like 9 to 12 or 13 like you'll see a lot of them seem to be really lean a lot of them seem to really really lean there's some that are higher obviously i'm sure it's a matter of the weight class a ton yeah yeah yeah it matters the weight class there's some that might the setlage is body fat super low yeah settle it just definitely single digits right at least right yeah but like yeah no they're the top competitors are typically
Starting point is 01:07:35 in very good shape it's rare that you see like really out of like you know you don't usually see guys that look like and this is no disrespect to him by the way um daniel cormier you don't see many of those guys at the top levels of jujitsu right it's it's very i'm trying to think of any to be honest and you just don't see that they're always in really good shape i would say a lot of wrestlers too daniel cormier has that wrestling background a lot of wrestlers except for the heavyweight division seem to be pretty in pretty good shape most of the time you know i think i might have sent you guys a video or a picture not too long ago of my buddy Bobby Lashley, who was a real high-level collegiate wrestler,
Starting point is 01:08:12 and then he went on to do a lot of WWE-type stuff and then some UFC-type stuff. But yeah, he's super lean, and think of Brock Lesnar and a lot of these guys. Jack of his mind. Yeah, these guys are in good shapeck lesnar and a lot of these yeah these guys are yeah these guys are in good shape it just takes a lot of conditioning you know it takes a tremendous amount of conditioning is there anything that you had to do specifically like outside of jiu-jitsu that you think helped at all or is it like just you know grappling like getting a fresh guy in
Starting point is 01:08:39 there and and sucking it up in practice you think that was you know most important for your conditioning type stuff? There's a lot of things that helped. When we had the guy from CSA come, I started doing some of that cardio and that was beneficial. But the number one biggest thing that helped was just rolling more. First off, rolling almost every day,
Starting point is 01:09:00 but also in the sparring rounds, not taking any of those rounds off, no matter how bad I felt. I think that was the thing that helped me continue to push my conditioning to that next level. Because like, like even when I'm just like, like, I don't want to move my, I don't really, my body doesn't feel like it can really do well. I'm like, okay, this guy's probably going to fuck me up because I'm so tired. I still take that round and I like, I just roll through that and it just gets much, much easier.
Starting point is 01:09:25 I think that might be some of the disadvantage of cardio pieces. You know, the advantage is I get to concentrate. I get to go on this piece for this amount of minutes and I can do, I could sprint, you know, I could do longer duration stuff. You know, I have options of switching back and forth between different energy systems and it might be nice for general uh work capacity but i think you are kind of more specifically just getting better at that machine you know you're getting better at that one thing and and i think that's where like some crossfit
Starting point is 01:09:58 can come in or just what you're saying like just do more of your sport if you can afford to do more of the sport and it's not going to make you um like over trained or you know because you can you can run into that sometimes and that's why a boxer you know isn't going to just box all the time and just spar all the time they're going to jump rope they're going to run you know they're going to do some other things so they're not getting hit in the head all the time because you can't afford to do that all the time although that's probably the best training and getting punched in the stomach, you know, in round number eight and pushing through to round number 12 is probably the best training for it, but you can't afford to do that all the time because it will beat you up too much.
Starting point is 01:10:34 So you have to kind of think of different ways, but if you're just trying to get in shape off of just a cardio piece, that could be great for being lean. That could be great for looking good, but it may not be your best option in terms of being able to perform well at some different aspects of fitness. Exactly. I mean, I think that's why I liked jujitsu too, like, because when you do get really tired and you're forcing yourself to go into another round, right? Like you really there, there it's very, it's going to be difficult for you to rest because you're trying to fight off submissions and you're fighting off submissions in awkward body positions, right?
Starting point is 01:11:08 Like it's not, when you get tired on a bike, you can slow down a little bit. You got to mentally force yourself to speed up. When somebody is on top of you and mount or they have your back, if you slow down, you're getting choked, right? So you can't, you got to really there's there's that that part of your mind where you want to slow down kind of turns off a little bit and the part of your mind where i need to try and survive turns on and you just don't think about it that much you don't think about the fatigue as much even though it's there i think that's really i think it's really interesting that you are somebody's gonna somebody's gonna choke you out, right?
Starting point is 01:11:48 Or potentially like snap your arm, right? Break your arm, choke you out. You know that they're about to do something. And your way out of it, if you're skilled, it could be to just kind of flow with it, right? It could be just to kind of like go with it and understand which way to roll and the techniques and stuff but for the most part if you're newer your way out of it is is going through a thinking process and this is like i think a cool life lesson is that i think a lot of times we get jammed into these bad positions and these bad spots in life and we get super frustrated about
Starting point is 01:12:20 it and then like how good does frustration help in jiu-jitsu does it help you get out of any holds or being like overly worried or being super mad like does it help it'll mess you up like not helpful yeah like you actually mentioned it perfectly like in those types of situations where you have to escape it you you typically first off if you know the technique you kind of just like flow through it you just you know you just kind of it's so repetition like oh he's got me here i remember last time i rolled to my left and boom i was out of it like that exactly try that again see if that works oh he knows i'm doing that okay let me go the other way right exactly but like exactly like when you're putting an armbar on a white belt and
Starting point is 01:12:57 they're trying to get out of it and their their face is going crazy and their body's going crazy and they're not literally going to go anywhere that's that's what yeah no amount of that helps they're scrambling and you're like boop exactly just slowly bringing it back exactly so um yeah i was talking to someone about this man uh and i was mentioning how i think you touch your face again by the way i've touched it multiple times god dang it man don't i'm the example it'll blow over but i was talking to him about bodybuilding powerlifting and jujitsu and i was mentioning because like he was like are you ever going to step back on the bodybuilding stage and i i said like you know not until i really feel an itch to do it. But in terms of bodybuilding. When you're super old, when you're like 40.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Honestly, like maybe so. Yeah, just as a challenge, right? Yeah, exactly. But what I was saying is like bodybuilding is cool, but, you know, you don't get to compete that much. And the way you're judged is based off of judges. So the unfortunate thing about bodybuilding. Subjective. Is that right? Yeah, subjective. Yeah. of judges so the the unfortunate thing about bodybuilding uh uh subjective is that yeah subjective yeah the unfortunate thing is that when you compete in bodybuilding you can always give yourself an excuse for losing you can always like you can always say well you know that judge
Starting point is 01:14:19 he was friends with this person i definitely know i was leaner you'll show the pictures to all your friends and then they'll be like dude you were so much leaner than everybody else i have you first right so you can you can seriously even close wasn't even close politics bro exactly that guy did a competition six weeks ago he knows all the judges already yo exactly he's sponsored by this guy he has this coach like they expedited him right to the top they didn't even check you out they didn't look at you that's the thing about bodybuilding competition you can really make excuses for that like the training and getting better and improving and getting bigger is cool but then you look at powerlifting and powerlifting is awesome because you can go into competition
Starting point is 01:14:58 trying to beat other people but even when you're a starting powerlifter, it's really cool because it really is a sport that can be equated to it's you versus you. Cause let's say you're not extremely strong. You're not like a world beater strong, but you, you know, you love to powerlift. So you have your first meet and then you have your next meet and you, you got stronger. You can see, wow, my total's bigger. I got stronger. You can see that improvement. I'm improving. I'm getting stronger. Right. And yeah, like you get the lights and whatever the, you can always try and argue that from time to time, but typically if your squat was higher, your squat was high. Right. So I, that's why I really like, like, like, I like that, you know, you, you can't make excuses for your mistakes, but I really liked jujitsu training because I haven't, I haven't gone like, it surprised me when I started because every single day you're losing when you start. Every single day you're getting choked and messed up multiple times. And it takes something to get used to that. Walking into that, slapping your partner's hand, they beat you up. Thank you. You go to the next one, they beat you up. Thank you. you do your first competition and maybe you know whatever like if you get choked out you get choked out but you go right back to it there's just this
Starting point is 01:16:09 consistent beating that i've never had lose lose lose here deal with this you're gonna lose this way oh now you're gonna lose this way oh you think you're gonna win nope you're gonna lose this way oh this is perfect gonna lose that way wrist lock arm bar leg lock like you just lose all the time until certain things click and then you don't lose as much but you'll still lose quite a bit like it really uh it really gets you i i was really trying to figure out what else can force you to fail so much and and have you coming back you know what i mean because i can like when you're pursuing anything as far as like you know business or life is concerned you always hear you're gonna fail you're gonna fail you're gonna fail but you can you can you the the instinct is to try and escape that the instinct is either to maybe not do it because you're gonna fail not do it because you're
Starting point is 01:16:59 embarrassed but this jujitsu really makes you fail a lot to improve you can't improve at jujitsu really makes you fail a lot to improve. You can't improve at jujitsu without getting tapped thousands of times. It's just impossible. Like, no matter how big and strong you are. Happened to me, too. Like, you can't get better without being fucked up multiple times. And that's the crazy thing about it. It's not like you can just, like, get up and run away.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Nope. You're, like, stuck there on the mat you know and i guess the one thing you could say about jiu-jitsu like in terms of competition is that it could kind of get left in the hands of the judges and that's where it could get a little bit when points are yeah yeah i can get a little bit uh weird from that but i i do love like this is an actual technique that people can use if they get pissed about something is that if you can think of something specific and the more specific it is, the less likely you are to lose your cool. But it could even be something – it can even be something completely different than whatever it is that you're experiencing. Say you're pissed at your girlfriend or you're pissed at your wife or you're pissed that you just got a coffee and you just put the right amount of cream in it and everything
Starting point is 01:18:05 and you go to turn the corner and boom, the whole lid explodes and it fucking goes everywhere. You're actually mad. It just messed you up. It got all over your new white shoes or something like that. At the moment, you're not very rational about it and you are pretty pissed. But what they say is that the more can uh the more that you can the more that you can think uh towards something real specific the more that you can think of something that's like logistical or even like almost like mathematic the uh or something that has like math
Starting point is 01:18:37 in it then then the sooner that you can like calm down from it it's a way of like distracting it's a it's a distraction technique so So in your case, you know, these people like getting you in these holds, right? You know that if the guy got you in the same hold three weeks ago and tapped you, it does you absolutely no good to be like, you know, like that does you no good. The thing that's going to help you the best is to think like logistically, like how do I get out of this? What did I do last time? Last time I rolled towards my arm and I grabbed my other hand and then I leaned up on him and he wasn't that strong and I was listening to this and if you're you know if you have a day where something goes haywire it doesn't have to be related to what it is that you're mad at but you can even just allow it to distance you for a few minutes and distract you away from
Starting point is 01:19:37 whatever it is that you're pissed about you could like for me like it would be like maybe i would think about a new product that we have coming out yeah Yeah. Oh, man, I'm really mad that Jake did this or whatever. And I can just like calm down for a minute, put that on the shelf for half a second, which is hard to do. But that's the hardest part right there is just identifying that you're mad and that that's not a good strategy, as we're pointing out here, because you're going to get your arm broken. Right. You know, retrain and rethink the way out of it and then maybe just think okay actually you don't have that new product coming out but everything's all screwed up because of you know uh the coronavirus but you know how do i get that product still made and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:20:15 and then you're going down a different trail and then you can get back to that thing later on when you have more sense about you are you you, I swear I heard something like this. I don't know if it was last week. Did you mention something like telling someone what, if you get really mad, just start doing math. Cause I literally heard that recent, you said that. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Okay. Cause I was like, I swear. Okay. Oh yeah. That's cool. Yeah. It's, it's like, again, it's hard to do cause it's hard to recognize. But if you think about all the times that you've been mad in your life and you think about all the different times that it's been helpful, you probably come up with the answer is probably zero.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Sometimes it does help to show people emotion, and that's not what I'm talking about. If you were to cry or get upset, sometimes it's good to show people that you care about something sometimes it's the only way that they know but it's usually not helpful especially to get mad of course no it's not really do much but um you know i want to say this though from from what i said earlier i don't want bodybuilders and powerlifters to think i'm saying that the sports aren't like sports aren't hard or that it's like not possible to fail in those sports i wasn't at all saying any of that um because in powerlifting we always talk about you don't necessarily want to fail a big lift like you want to set up your training so you don't there's different ways you can fail it there is different ways you could fail it you know what i mean just you didn't do it perfectly you didn't do it well enough like we've talked a lot about that
Starting point is 01:21:42 um you know uh you you always want to try to like you don't always want to try to lift more necessarily although that is ultimately the goal but you want to try to lift better you gotta lift the weight better you did 225 for a set of three last week but you know third rep you bounce it off your chest and you kind of let's see if we can, can we do, can we do three sets of three with 220 or 215 and then maybe try 225 again the next week and see if we can, you know, I've said this a million times over, like nothing bad's going to happen to you from doing it the right way. Yes. You know, just positive is going to come from it.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I had to do a lot of that with Andrew. And Andrew would be like, damn it. Like, I got to take this weight again. I don't want to do this weight again. And I'd just keep, you know, shoving it into his head. Like, we got to lift it better, not necessarily just always try to lift more. Yeah. Man, I wish I could go back to like a couple days ago and start doing math because I was outside. go back to like a couple days ago and start doing math because i was outside had on my dope vans and i stepped on some dog shit and i was so pissed off because if you guys
Starting point is 01:22:52 know the bottom of vans it's like a like a grid pattern sort of thing so it was it was in there it's it's not coming out yeah now you can get a pencil and just you know it it i know it's fine but like i just took them off left them outside like fuck you i was so mad i would i would get pretty annoyed too yeah well something else you know that you could do is you can like rather than thinking about like math or something you can think about just how funny is this story going to be to jasmine later on like this like i'm i'm actually pissed about this like fuck this this does suck but when i tell jasmine later on like hey you know remember like that spot we were walking the other day i totally stepped in the biggest mound of dog poop i don't know how i saw it's all squished into my she's gonna be like oh my god you know that's gross
Starting point is 01:23:40 she's gonna think it's you think it's silly. Like, oh, man, I just didn't even bother with it. I was so frustrated, I just took them off and left them there. Try to think of it in some different way. You guys hearing any of this stuff about Kratom? Ooh, tell me. So there's a guy, and I thought he was crazy, and maybe he is. There's a guy that's a fan that has that's been taking some kratom and he swears it's helping him against the coronavirus hey mark be
Starting point is 01:24:12 careful now i know people are going to start saying how much how much of this do we need to snort and how much do we need to put up our ass not only that but you don't want to end up on an Instagram post. These Kratom zealots. Yeah, why not have it come from us first? But like, I don't know, you know, and just to Google search it, you can Google search it. how to say this word but c-h-l-o-r-o-q-u-i-n-e uh is a derivative of something that is found in kratom or there's something similar to it that could potentially ward off coronavirus and there's chloroquine chloroquine there you go and there it seems like there's like there's a little bit of information on it. And what it says. I'm about to pop hella potions. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:10 I mean, I'm not making any of this up. When the information came from this guy, I thought it was crazy. And I still don't know. I don't have any information that says that it really helps. But there's multiple articles right here talking about it. Is it the one with Dr. Thurman Usman? Yeah, go ahead and hit it up. There's just people are basically saying there's some things in plants
Starting point is 01:25:37 that could potentially help us from this, and this molecule could be related to something that's in kratom. So I don't know i just popped half a potion so i think obviously there's going to have to be a lot more information about it but this guy's uh this guy's testimony i guess we'll call it is he just said that his whole family had it and he's like the only guy that doesn't have it but i don't know you don't know if it is confirmed i don't know if you know the people that are close to, and he's like the only guy that doesn't have it. But I don't know if any is confirmed. I don't know if the people that are close to him that he's talking about, if they actually have it or if they just have symptoms of it.
Starting point is 01:26:13 I'm not sure what the deal is. Honestly, that's pretty cool. Hey, it gives me more rationale to take it. It says here in this article that was written March 8th of 2020, so it's recent. And this could be from another guy that sells Kratom. I don't know. I'll have to look into it a lot more. possibly ward off the coronavirus because chlorophene uh in parentheses cq uh can be used for treatment of patients with covid19 and that's information that we kind of got from i believe that same thing is in that uh malaria drug that oh really dr uh lion was sharing with us the other day so i mean there could be there could this could actually be a valid thing but i i need to uh look into it more now everyone
Starting point is 01:27:15 continue to hear what we're saying here we just see these we just saw this and he's saying we're gonna look into it more yeah it could so no one is i want to just i want to make this so clear yeah do your own nobody can nobody can muddy what's being said here we are not saying kratom cures the coronavirus we've just seen some shit and heard some shit and it doesn't hurt to take it it's weird how it gives you like these crazy powerful boners and it burns so much fat like the fat that it burns kratom like it makes you super lean after just like one or two dosages i swear the only reason why i have single digit body fat is because i take kratom every single day you were so fat so fat that was crazy and hey
Starting point is 01:27:56 on the note of the boners my lady has something to say she wanted me to say thank you for the nine bowl of potions because there is this i'm done before i get in trouble i'm done there was this one day what was in that mind bullet yeah i'm just checking out like just different articles online um blah blah blah blah there's more than just one coronavirus in the world just look at the label on a standard disinfectant spray bottle to see for yourself and q cq could be a type of master key that protects against all of them cq being of course that big word that we can't pronounce that is in chloro key yeah that one which of course is in kratom damn that's wild that's actually really cool and then the very next article why the fda wants to ban
Starting point is 01:28:46 kratom i'm gonna find out more information and uh if if there's anything remotely uh you know close to being stuff that i should report to you guys i will cool don't you have like a don't you know a guy that's like a pro on kratom? Like he knows everything about it. Yeah, I know a few people that really know a lot about it. Yeah, yeah, FDS working on banning, yeah. That's always funny. Do you think they're actually going to be able to ban it, by the way? Ah, no. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Yeah. Now we enjoy it too much, man. Yeah. You know? Shit, we'll just do that illegally. It's no big deal. Yeah. Yeah, we already
Starting point is 01:29:25 never mind what else you got over there andrew no just reading reading in on some comments uh just people asking more about kratom um if there was a website where would people look into getting it baby we got mindbulletion and we got Mind Bullet Capsules. If you do the potion and you're a newbie. Careful. Do the whole thing. Might be sent to outer space. It might be sent to outer space.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Yo, I had great experiences. But yeah, it's, it's, start with half. Yeah. Start with half. Maybe two capsules. Not necessarily. You mean the capsule capsules? the capsule capsules my cousin is loving it my um our good friend matt vincent is loving it he's like yo he's like that's hitting me different than just the capsules i'm like like yeah if you take a whole dose of it it sure will but he's he's enjoying it i kind of like it just i think the capsules they just take a
Starting point is 01:30:24 little longer to get you potion hits you like that Just I think the capsules, they just take a little longer to get you. Potion hits you like that. I do with the capsules, though. Capsules of Mind Bullet and some coffee. Oh, my gosh. I get so much work done in the mornings here. It's so great. I love it.
Starting point is 01:30:36 People got to give it a shot. Yeah. Give it a try. Yeah. I mean, hey, my protect you against the old Rona. Yeah. Might. I'm just protecting your words before someone cuts them up and makes a clip of you yeah makes a meme would want that to happen i've been i've been part
Starting point is 01:30:53 of worse before that sonic one's still my favorite that was really good i love you know man when people get it right they get it right oh my god i've had people make fun of me before but i'm like man that's kind of like it's just it's great when it's creative and it's actually funny it's like oh man like that's actually i just feel like i'm an open target i feel like people can make fun of me really really well yeah if they were if they work on it a little bit. Be creative with it. Anyway. Okay, Boomer. I had a good... Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I had a good training session yesterday. I hit up some shoulders. I hate training shoulders. What do you guys hate to train the most? I don't know why, but like they just... I don't know. It just hurts. I love shoulders, by the way.
Starting point is 01:31:44 It's one of my favorites to train. The shoulder pump is crazy. Yeah, the shoulder pump is good, but I kind of get it so much that I'm like, I just want to be out of my own body. I don't know if that makes any sense. I just want to not be myself. I want to be somebody else for a minute because it burns so bad. Get that on the leg extension. That's where you just want to not be you.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Yeah, that's bad. Especially the one we have in the gym. That one's horrific. Okay, there's been something that I've been seeing people do recently that I'm very curious to do. On the hamstring machine, you may already know this and I'm just late to the party. If you go opposite ways
Starting point is 01:32:21 on the lying hamstring curl and instead you put your arms behind the thing, right? It could be a dope lat pullover. Yeah. And I've seen some people, they're like, oh my God, the pumps are crazy. So I'm going to try that. I'm going to try that soon. I wonder if you'd be able to get in there, though.
Starting point is 01:32:40 You could get in there. You could get in there. Do you need us to sit on your lap? Maybe. Sure. Just because. Reverse cowboy? That's probably what they call it.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Reverse cowboy. I wasn't expecting to get in this excited. Take it. Oh, shit. I've never heard that before that's so funny oh i guess that would be what it's called that would well it is now definitely be what it's called the reverse cowboy you're welcome world yeah go ahead and google search that just in case maybe just see if there's like a reverse just maybe we can buy it oh man oh man that's great show is really shitty isn't it reverse cowboy but yeah i'm gonna try that i can't wait but i honestly i'm trying to think what do i really hate to train well i would say the thing that I dislike the most.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Getting sore calves really sucks. Training them is not bad, but if your calves are really lit up, that's painful. But yesterday, I felt it again. Anytime I do any kind of chest movement with dumbbells first, my left shoulder just fucking can't hang. I don't know what what happens with that but just moving with dumbbells first so just doing uh incline dumbbell press yeah but if i were to use a barbell i'm fine oh well okay right now my least favorite thing to train is like bench because benching my ac joint but that's just because my ac joint i do like benching it's just because my AC joint, I do like benching. It's just, I miss it.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Oh, man. We weren't trying. I can dumbbell bench though. So that's there. Yeah. I mean, cardio sucks sometimes. Yeah. Cardio could be kind of boring, especially if you're just doing like a, you know, 20,
Starting point is 01:34:41 30 minute, just steady state, a little bit boring, but we just steady state. Just go. A little bit boring. But we got headphones. Yeah. We got some podcasts we can listen to. I enjoyed the Stairmaster for, you know, whatever duration times. After a while, though. Yeah, I never went over like half an hour. What have you guys been really liking recently in terms of training like
Starting point is 01:35:05 anything new that you're just like this is my jam right now i've just been loving like going heavy on squat you know pushing those box squats a little bit that's been feeling the box squat with those briefs that you've been working on yeah we're really fun yeah those are feeling really yeah yeah i mean that's been that's been feeling awesome and then what sucks though is like that takes up a good chunk of time you know like the other day i put on like 100 pounds of chains on each side like that takes a while it takes a while to warm up to it and then i just don't like from a logistical standpoint i just have time for anything else so i'll just do that one thing but even that feels good like i'm even kind of enjoying that like just adopting this idea of
Starting point is 01:35:44 like all right just do of like, all right, just do one, like, don't be a pussy just to go do one thing. Just, you know, don't be a baby about it. Like just do one thing.
Starting point is 01:35:50 And so, uh, yesterday when I did the VO two max, I was like, Oh, that might be pretty, I'm pretty taxing. I was like,
Starting point is 01:35:56 maybe I'll train shoulders afterwards. I was like, no, no, there's no, maybe like just train shoulders. So I just, you know,
Starting point is 01:36:04 I sold it to myself that i was going to do like three sets of two different exercises for shoulders and i did my shoulders for you know 45 minutes straight you know just kept switching up exercises did front raises uh side raises um rear raise just did it all you know got it all done and i think that's what most people will find if you can just talk yourself into doing one thing, you'll probably do more than that. Yeah. Okay, cool. How about you, Andrew?
Starting point is 01:36:31 Just real quick. Johnny Coe, I have no way to confirm this, but says he's the one that actually sent you the email about Kratom. So he's currently listening. That's pretty dope. What's his name? He just has it on his, yeah johnny co what's up johnny yeah how you doing baby he's like i know the email sounded effing nuts bro but trust me yeah so uh i'm asking joel green about it who's like my you know he he said that it's like one
Starting point is 01:36:58 piece of the puzzle and so he does think it can be helpful. Damn. That's really awesome. He said it makes sense why it would help. He said you should push for that. He thinks there's other compounds that could assist. I'll talk to him later and see if there's some other over-the-counter-ish stuff that people can utilize. I mean, I don't know, man. We're about to make a bro vaccine for the coronavirus hey mix this mix some kratom yeah a little bit of this mct mct oil and some creatine and you're good to go good to go corona free it's like what's the creatine for like
Starting point is 01:37:38 kratom creatine and some viagra hey i'll be walking around high with a boner jack jack to the gills that's the kind of world i want to live in anyway uh i've been oddly enough i used to hate burpees because they would make me feel sick and i've been ending almost all of my workouts with burpees at the end. Air five. How many burpees? So I'll do at least three sets of
Starting point is 01:38:13 ten. Oh, nice. So obviously unbroken. So here at the gym, I'll do a set, walk down and back, do another set. And the whole time I'm trying to hype myself up, like, okay, just one more do another set. And, like, the whole time I'm, like, trying to hype myself up. Like, okay, just one more, one more. And then, you know, I ended up doing it.
Starting point is 01:38:29 And usually, like, the last set I'll go for, like, 15 straight. And that was actually, that was why I did lunges the other day. Because I'm like, okay, what's harder? Like, lunges or burpees? And, like, a previous me would have said burpees by far. Like, so, if I can do burpees, I can definitely do lunges. And so I ended up doing lunges back and forth, like five times back and forth. And I'm like, oh my God, this sucks. So it's just a different type of, you know,
Starting point is 01:38:56 pain, but I don't know. Like I said, yeah, burpees, I just kind of just learned to not hate them. I'm not saying that I'm like looking forward to doing them every day, but like the confidence of being like, Oh, I can actually do at least 10 without even really struggling. Yeah. Usually nasal breathing the whole time. And then,
Starting point is 01:39:15 yeah. That's an air five, by the way, guys. It's weird that the air five actually has sound effects. But yeah, so I've actually been pretty happy with that. Cause you know, at the beginning of this year, Mark was like, hey, instead of like a PR goal or like a physique goal, like, let's just try to feel better. Like, get your back feeling strong.
Starting point is 01:39:36 So, part of that is just doing a lot more core work. And burpees just happen to fit really perfectly in with anything I'm doing. And now lunges are that. So kind of excited about lunges. That's sick, dude. We should go see if In-N-Out Burger is open. It is open. I think drive-thru and take-out only.
Starting point is 01:39:54 They don't care. They're not concerned. Them and Starbucks. Yep. Well, Starbucks is letting people inside, right? Yeah. That's just bold. It's very bold.
Starting point is 01:40:04 See, a lot of companies are just like not shutting down until they're going to be forced yeah so i don't know i hope in and out doesn't shut down i haven't been there in a while but man sounds good their hamburgers are all about oh so i cooked up a uh chuck roast last night from our peeps over at Piedmontese. And somebody told me, so they said, hey, you know, with some of these things, you should sear them first and then throw them in the crock pot. Well, I started searing this thing, and this thing was a monster, super thick, and I'm just looking at it.
Starting point is 01:40:37 I'm like, man, that looks really good. Like, maybe I shouldn't throw it in the crock pot. You know, the crock pot meat just turns into crock pot meat. Unless the meat that you put in the crock pot. You know, the crock pot meat just turns into crock pot meat. Unless the meat that you put in the crock pot is different meat, it relatively tastes the same all the time, especially because I don't use a lot of ingredients. I only put like bone broth in there, you know? In the crock pot? Yeah, in the crock pot. I put bone broth or salt or something like that. So I sear this thing up on both sides and then I
Starting point is 01:41:03 kind of even put it on its sides. And I'm just looking at it. I'm like, man, that looks way too good to throw in the crock pot. It's kind of a tragedy to have it die in the crock pot. So I was like, I'm going to throw this bitch in the oven. I threw it in the oven for about 15 minutes or so, and the thing came out perfect. I felt like I was like, I was home by myself. So I felt like I was like, you know, experimenting in the kitchen and like messing around with stuff.
Starting point is 01:41:33 And just, you know, my wife's going to come home and be like, what the fuck are you doing? I'm going to be like, I don't know. But yeah, I was just in there working it out, figuring it out. And it came out really, really good. So. Did you take a video of it? I did. I did.
Starting point is 01:41:43 I seared it on both sides. And then, like I said, I seared it on all the edges and everything, too. I seasoned it pretty good, mainly with just salt. You're not supposed to put shit that can burn on there unless you want it to be burned and, like, crusted on there, like pepper and stuff. Some people like that. I kind of like that flavor a little bit myself. But, like, I didn't. I just put salt on there.
Starting point is 01:42:09 And then once it was in the oven for a little while, I then threw some other seasoning on there, the seasoned salt and some of that stuff. And it was fucking awesome. You know what we should call that, Mark? A quarantine creation. That's what it was, yeah. Yeah, this is what we got to do. Since we're all stuck, right? I like it.
Starting point is 01:42:22 And you're not eating at home as much, let's start something. Let's start our hashtag quarantine creations, right? Yeah, you got things that you created because we're stuck. Yeah, yeah. If you get that cookbook out and try some shit out, tag us and hashtag it quarantine creations. And let's see what you guys come up with. I like it. I'm in agreement. Yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:42:38 I'm going to see what I can come up with tonight. I don't know what it's going to be, but it's going to be something cool. Or it's going to end up horrible, but I'll still have to eat it. Who knows? Yep. And I had some crockpot meat this morning. Really good. Some Piedmontese as well.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Just because, like, I was, I just have a good amount of it. So I was like, hey, I need to, you know. You need to start getting through it. Yeah. I need to get, yeah. I need to put a lot of work in for it. It was delicious, as always. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:02 I think I'm off of the sliders and on to just their full-on regular size patties they're so damn good and um because the you know the the rain was around and i i was just like fuck dude i really want to turn on the smoker but like it's just not gonna happen today i don't remember the last time I pan fried a hamburger patty, but it was insane. It was so damn good. Like again, all it is is just salt.
Starting point is 01:43:32 And I did throw some cheese on there eventually, but this, the hamburger patties by themselves from Piedmontese are really freaking good. I need to open mine up. I've only been going through my New York's cause I like the New York's, but I still have hamburger patties in there. Trust me that you're going to be be blown away like it's really just every time i get a hold of that ground beef that they have it's freaking amazing doesn't make sense
Starting point is 01:43:53 somebody at the uh shit i knew i was gonna forget but somebody at um when we did the seminar in uh columbus i was like man i just put in a big order for all the ground beef at piedmontese and in my head i'm like oh, you should got some steaks. Like really take advantage of it. But dude, now I'm like, oh my gosh, it is really freaking good. How do you guys like to cook your ground beef? I'm just curious because I'm like I told you, I'm a simple fool. I just put it on a pan and fry it.
Starting point is 01:44:19 But I feel like I should be more creative. So I don't think of any other way. Like there's really no point. I use the pan for a lot of stuff. I don't do it so much anymore because I have a griddle type thing that I can just throw everything on. But when I was at my other house, I used to always just even cook my steaks in the pan. And people are like, why are you cooking your steak like that? I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:41 It just works pretty good. I'd usually just throw down like some leftover like bacon grease i dump that down there and put that on the pan let it get a little hot and then i just you know sear it up on both sides and then cook it until it's done and throw some salt on it maybe some butter and it's amazing i don't feel so bad and then hamburger like yeah um man a pan sometimes putting a lid on it can like kind of make it a little different. Just putting a lid on there, especially if you have cheese. You kind of really cook the cheese into it.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Some people sometimes cook their hamburgers in the oven, but I personally haven't messed with that before. But that can be a fairly different flavor. But I don't know if I could figure out the timing of that correctly. I haven't used my oven in so long. Well, yeah. Might turn it into like a meatloaf, meatball freaking hamburger. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:37 No, no oven hamburgers for us, but sometimes potatoes for like the fry type of feel but the air fryer is so good for potatoes yeah like just diced potatoes and then like if i measure out like oh i'm gonna have 250 grams of potatoes and it's like holy shit this is a lot it's great you know chris griffin convinced me to buy an instapot and i've literally used it once i think i'm going to really figure out how to use that thing. I think it'll be just like the air fryer situation where... You think it's just like an air fryer? No, I'm saying like how you had one and you never used it.
Starting point is 01:46:13 And then all of a sudden, like every day. Yeah. Because what he tells me is like you can take like a chicken breast from frozen... Kind of like a crock pot, right? Kind of like a crock pot. But it doesn't necessarily air fry things too. Because it can do the crock pot, right? Kind of like a crock pot, but it doesn't necessarily air fry things, too, because it can do the crock pot thing. Oh. But it can also, there's something else.
Starting point is 01:46:30 It's like pressure. It can pressure cook things. Oh. Yes. Were you laughing at me trying to figure out what it was? See, pressure. I was like, he's not talking about pressure cooking, because that's very obvious. It's an instant pot.
Starting point is 01:46:49 Goddamn. Yeah. about pressure cooking because that's very obvious it's an instant pot yeah so uh i'm gonna experiment with that thing figure out some cool stuff i can do with it yeah anyways okay we were just talking about the absolute best beef in the universe uh i said on a podcast i think today the one that got published that aliens and humans both agree it's the best hands down um you guys seriously need to give it a go um head over to that's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order and if your order is 99 a more you get free two-day shipping check out the uh power project deluxe box and the jacked and tan box both have some of our favorite cuts like you get like something like 13 or 18 different cuts in all of that plus ground beef so
Starting point is 01:47:31 it's definitely worth it and then you get 25 off and then at a time like right now where like i went to costco it was completely empty like there was there was no ground beef there were steaks i got steaks but i really wanted ground beef and i'm like dude what the heck so time right now you really want you don't want to have to deal with any of that plus crowds are insane just have the food or the meat delivered straight to your door and that's what you get at piedmontese kachow yo by the way guys i don't know when is this podcast live this is live right now i'm gonna have going to have to re upload because the internet connection was dog crap earlier.
Starting point is 01:48:08 So, but yeah, it's, it'll go up today ish. Is that when you were like, yeah, exactly. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:48:15 I didn't know if you guys saw that. I was reenacting Andrew's like, like, well, it just, it completely went out. Like there was no internet, like Facebook,
Starting point is 01:48:24 like the higher you put your hands up, like the more that might help the reception. Maybe it could, It completely went out. There was no internet. Facebook completely shut down. You put your hands up. It helped the reception maybe. It could. Do you guys know if it doesn't help? It may have helped. It's working now. I can't remember the last time.
Starting point is 01:48:38 I remember back in the day that used to work with certain phones. It still works. I don't know maybe what i was gonna say on the roof yeah yo y'all need to go listen to that episode we had not also with cory gregory because that's why we've been talking so much about lunges right walking lunges forever listen to that episode but then jl oh my god please go listen to that episode that we just had jail because that's why you see mark rubbing
Starting point is 01:49:06 his chest in such an interesting way right he's like going in between his boobs and going down and then he's gonna probably touch his what else could fit in between his boobs i know what could fit this pen who is he uh the guy with um uh larry wheels you see that guy like that guy's jacked andrew jacked the black guy yeah oh my god he's so that guy's resting like beer on his like pecs and stuff you know he can do the splits right yeah he's a he's a he's a i don't understand like was he a gymnast or something i was like who's this guy he's way bigger than larry wheels and then he's like squatting all this weight and shit i I was like, what? He's strong. A freakier version of Larry Wheels in some weird way.
Starting point is 01:49:52 I mean, he's not as powerlifting strong as Larry Wheels is, but he makes a hell of a bodybuilder. Shit. Yeah. He has like an insane. Look at like, yeah. Look at that picture of him flexing next to Larry. Like his stomach is wild, man. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Jesus. Oh my God. You see? Like he's just, it makes no sense Andrew jacked is jacked out of his mind wild man wild yeah and he can do the splits that's why I'm jealous like he can do everything damn Andrew jacked dude the symmetry yeah bro like there's I wonder how far he wants to take bodybuilding like is he trying to go to like the olympia stage or because he's trying to be like insta famous well this like this he could compete on any classic physique stage and wreck people what the
Starting point is 01:50:37 hell that makes no sense and i think none of the pictures even do him justice because like a couple shots i saw him like when he's in comparison to like other people or next to Larry wheels, it's like really the wild shit where you're like, what doesn't even make any sense. Yeah, man. But it's,
Starting point is 01:50:54 it's really dope. He's super strong. He moves well. He's super just, I also, I'm curious like what his childhood and stuff was like, because when you hear him talk, I haven't heard him talking a while, but when I heard it's like he i think he's from there like or he
Starting point is 01:51:08 was where are they right now his stomach looks crazy like it's so freaking defined and like and it's jacked you know he's gonna have a jacked stomach yeah yeah where the fuck is he from you think where's there right now that that place dub, yeah. I think he might have been born in Dubai because he's definitely black, but he doesn't sound like it. Oh. So I'm just wondering what- He sounds like he might have a different ethnicity. Mm-hmm. Oh, there he is with our boy, Eddie Hall.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Yeah. Bruh. Dude. Andrew, how, man? Teach me, man. how do you do this wow it's crazy have you tried to do a split i'm trying to get myself closer and closer going deeper so i'm getting there but it's like taken forever there's like this this last bit that's just tough it hurts you probably need to go off to a side i'd imagine
Starting point is 01:52:04 right like because most people like can't really just like go down into probably need to go off to a side i'd imagine right like because most people like can't really just like go down into a regular yeah split split you got to kind of cross over a little bit i think um some of the stuff from pavel might help that's what works pavel testosterone oh yeah yeah that's uh that's what helped ron penna that's what he was explaining remember ron's like yeah most people could put their leg up here and he like, remember that? It's like, dude,
Starting point is 01:52:28 what kind of pants are those that allow you to do that? Wait, so like, Hey, now I want, okay. Yeah. I guess I'll look that up.
Starting point is 01:52:34 You're talking about Pavel. He's the kettlebell guy, right? Okay. Okay. I'll look, I'll look up his, uh,
Starting point is 01:52:39 I'll get up. I wonder what he put out. Cause I don't even know about his kettlebell guy, but he's got a lot of good books. He has a book, I think just specifically about stretching. I getting that today actually wow yeah so it has to do with like um like i think it has to do with like pnf stretching which is like you know resisting against something and relaxing resisting relaxing and i from my understanding russians they don't
Starting point is 01:53:01 really love like regular static stretching yeah um but anyway he he has a lot of great information in there and i remember ron i remember ron saying if i blew you blew your brains out right here you know you you all of a sudden would be super flexible if i just shot you in the back of the head ron pina scares me you're like what he said with a smile on his face what kind of example is that he's just basically saying your mind is blocking you from doing it you know just the way he said that man if i blew your brains out right now you'd be able to go into the splits just fine yeah but then my brains would be splattered all over the place and i'd be dead i want to be dead doesn't make any sense that's him with brandon curry what dude yeah why are you so big he he took
Starting point is 01:53:48 an aggressive angle there but not not it wasn't just an angle it wasn't what i was doing to andrew during the podcast pictures yeah you literally your armpit literally swallowed my whole body you're trying to stop me i had to do something like yeah i'm trying to stop you gosh look at his shoulder yo his shoulder and tricep i'm it looks like it's photoshopped but it's real like that's real ah wow where can people find you andrew uh when we're not talking about dudes we usually talk about a couple things here and there but it's at i am andrew z on instagram please make sure you're following the podcast at mark biles power project uh at mb power project on tiktok
Starting point is 01:54:30 and twitter uh we are on youtube obviously if you guys are watching this now um uh facebook linkedin all over the dang place thank you everybody that's in rating and reviewing the podcast helps us out a ton anything else? Any links or anything we talked about today will be in the YouTube description or iTunes show notes. And Seema, where you be? At Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. At Seema Inyang on TikTok and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:54:55 Start doing those 10-minute squats, by the way, people. Okay, Mark? At Mark Smiley Bell, yeah. And I completed my first 10-minute squat the other day with my boy and Seema. A little sound effect there for our air slap. It actually felt really good, like, later on in the day, you know, as I was moving around and stuff.
Starting point is 01:55:14 And, like, I think maybe, was it that same day? Yeah, I think that same morning is when I did a pretty big squat, and my knee was feeling a little funky. And then throughout the day, my knee started to feel a little bit better and it just felt like a lot of the stuff around the knee was stretched out enough. And I used my hypervolt a bunch and that helped a bunch just to kind of loosen up some shit in the shin. Anyone that's got, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:38 beat up knees. A lot of times there's a lot of crap in your shin and a lot of crap in the surrounding areas around the knee. And it's, there's not really a ton you can do for like the actual like patella tendon. I mean, you can kind of rub around there, but it'd be super painful. And it's not a great place to do too much stuff too because you'll just irritate it. And you want to try to like open up the quads a little bit, maybe open up the hips a little bit,
Starting point is 01:56:04 maybe the hammy a little bit, but mainly the quads and the shin. Anyway, on that, Mark Smelly Bell, strength is never a weakness, weakness is never a strength. Catch you all later. Power Project, what up? Thank you again for checking out today's episode. Hopefully, we gave you guys some tips and tricks for sticking at home. Real quick, we just wanted to thank you for rating and reviewing the podcast. It helps us out a ton right now we want to give a shout out to pope dog 2330 uh pope dog says my daily my daily listen quote i can't wait to start each workday listening to the power project podcast i've followed mark and chris's work for years now enjoy all the guests you guys bring on and
Starting point is 01:56:38 really enjoy listening to andrew mark and in sema keep up the good work guys and keep the content rolling uh pope dog thank you so much for that, man. That means a lot to us because the only way for iTunes to really think that people give a damn about us is through these ratings and reviews because they don't have any other metrics, really. I'm pretty sure they check out downloads, but I think this really just amplifies that. So thank you so much, man. If you're listening right now, if you want to hear your name read on air, please head over to iTunes right now, drop us a rating and a review, and you could hear your name on air just like our boy Pope Dog. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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