Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 360 - Dr. Buttar and the Truth About Covid-19

Episode Date: April 4, 2020

Dr. Rashid Buttar is a former US Military Brigade Surgeon, Chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Moncrief Army Community Hospital, and the founder of the Center For Advanced Medicine and Cl...inical Research. He is known for his unconventional forms of healing and aid in attempting to help those with “untreatable diseases”. He is also known for his research on the COVID-19 conspiracy. Link to view Dr. Buttar's videos that are referenced on the podcast here: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support us by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $99! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, so when I'm like fasting and I don't have any carbs, I think we've talked about this hell of times on the podcast before. Those electrolytes, those electrolytes come in clutch. So Perfect Keto, they have the electrolyte tablets. I usually like taking maybe four to six of them, maybe 30 minutes before I work out because I find that like I don't get cramps as much. I don't feel as tired. I have much better energy throughout and it just makes such a big difference.
Starting point is 00:00:23 have much better energy throughout and it just makes such a big difference. Man, I have gotten cramps for a really long ass time. Since I was a kid, I'd get cramps in my legs. And then we were on a hike the other day and I got an ab cramp and I nearly died. And the natty professor came over and saved me. But after this long hike that we went on, which was a few miles, I think four or five miles, when we were done, we were like, man, we're not doing this shit next time without some electrolytes. So having those perfect keto electrolytes would have really come in handy. I wish we had them on that particular trip. But I don't end up with cramps as much anymore because I do try to utilize these. I try to remember to take them every single day.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And we've had people in the gym just flat out just be toast during a workout. And a lot of times they're doing a similar diet to what we're doing. They're lower carb or they're doing like a carnivore style diet. And the water that you consume just doesn't stick to you unless you got some good electrolytes in you. So the perfect keto electrolytes work out really well. Yeah. And what I've noticed is that it completely eradicates all headaches that I would normally get on a long fast, uh, mixing in for whatever reason, like the, uh, the electrolytes, I think exactly like you said, it helps the water stick. Um, I find that I don't pee as much either,
Starting point is 00:01:45 and I'm just feeling better all around. So I'm pretty sure they're helping me out a ton with the long fast. If you guys want to stay hydrated on a low-carb slash no-carb diet, you really got to head over to slash power25 at checkout enter promo code powerproject for 25% off your order of $99 or more. And on top of that, you're going to end up with free shipping. Power Project crew, welcome to today's show. We have a very, very interesting episode for you. So much so that we expedited the episode to publish before the numerous episodes that we've recorded this week because we felt it was really important that you guys heard what Dr. Batar has to say. Dr. Batar is the founder of the Center for Advanced
Starting point is 00:02:31 Medicine and Clinical Research. He received his undergraduate from Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in biology and theology. He also served in the U.S. military as the brigade surgeon, and more recently, he's been publishing a ton of videos on how the COVID-19 is a synthetic virus, which is a mixture of HIV, SARS, some other things. And unfortunately, a lot of his videos and information has been taken down. Like videos off of YouTube just happen to be disappearing out of nowhere. videos off of YouTube just happened to be disappearing out of nowhere. So what he's done is he's actually started a whole nother website where you can log in, become a member and actually watch these videos. So the link and the videos that he references throughout the conversation, that'll be down in the iTunes show notes and the YouTube description. So if you guys are
Starting point is 00:03:19 interested in following up and learning more about what he has to say, or you want to cross reference and see exactly what he's talking about, please find that link and then follow that. And as far as we know, all you have to do is just register and you should gain access to everything he's talking about. But here on the Power Project podcast, we're not necessarily conspiracy theorists. We do think outside the box. You guys know our opinions on school and education system and how we would rather go around that and kind of find our own way but he makes some some really uh intriguing arguments about how the the coronavirus uh covet 19 was man-made um what the true agenda of all of this actually is which we learn in his opinion is, uh, has a lot to do with
Starting point is 00:04:06 the, uh, the new 5g towers. And I know to most of you what that sounds like, but you really just need to pay attention to what he has to say and listen to all of the information that he's compiled. And I mean, it really, it's, it's some scary stuff. Uh, some of your anxiety about the coronavirus will be lifted. However, you will obtain a little bit more anxiety from what he's predicting that is coming. Again, we really felt it was important to get this information out to you guys as soon as possible. Please hit us up on social media at MarkBell'sPowerProject on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter. We're on Facebook, YouTube, all over the dang place.
Starting point is 00:04:49 We really want to hear what you guys have to say about this conversation because it literally blew our minds and we're still trying to gather our thoughts. So maybe we need a little bit of help in developing exactly how we feel about it all. So please reach out to us. Let us know. And again, the link for Dr. Batar's website to where you can view all this information that he's compiled will be in the YouTube description and iTunes show notes, along with any contact information for Dr. Batar. So please reach out to him as well and let him know what you think.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And for now, enjoy the show. This is going to be an interesting one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's, you know, presenting a lot of stuff as fact, you know, and it's hard to know. It's hard to know what, you know, who's got facts and who and who is, you know, trying to make a case for a conspiracy theory. And so it'll be interesting to have some conversation with him. I think one thing he is doing a good job of, he's doing a good job of presenting some data.
Starting point is 00:05:50 But, you know, he's doing so in a way that is serving his own thought process, you know. So I think just anyone that's listening to this, you know, keep that in mind that, you know, just take the facts as they come take the information as it comes and do as you wish with it but uh i wouldn't um i wouldn't take this guy or anybody else's word for as being the final word on coronavirus how did you come across his stuff anyway because until you mentioned it to us the other day i've never i didn't know i've heard of him yeah i've never seen his stuff either i just i hit up our buddy daniel orego and asked him i said who are the you know best people to talk to about this
Starting point is 00:06:38 topic and he sent over um you know of course he sent over, you know, of course, he sent over a comprehensive list, you know, and he sent over like stacks of research and then he sent over this guy's information. So that's how I stumbled upon him. I mean, some of this stuff is pretty crazy, you know, like that. Bill Gates has had a large interest in viruses for a long time. Bill Gates is a philanthropist. I mean, he really wants to put money back into the world and put money back into things that he feels can really help and assist the world in terms of like, I don't know if you guys seen any of the sanitary stuff that he does in like india and things like that he's helped them with better toilets and better plumbing and and things like that he's really done some you know outstanding work he's done some amazing things and then when
Starting point is 00:07:38 it comes to this in particular you know he predicted this long ago, but then some people are trying to tie that into the fact that he's got a patent on a coronavirus vaccine, which I just think is – I personally don't think there's any foul play there. I don't consider that a conspiracy theory. I just think that Bill Gates has been interested in that for a long time. And that's how he predicted it in the first place, because he was around the leading scientists in the world. This guy kind of says, well, you know, Bill Gates is not an authority in this space. And I would kind of disagree with that, because I would think that he is just because of all the contact he's had with some of the best people in the world and the amount of books the guy reads. So I understand he's not a doctor. He doesn't study virus. You know, he hasn't he didn't go to school for viruses, but I'm sure he's read a lot of books on it and understands it really, really well.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I'm not taking Bill Gates aside either. I'm not I'm just you know, I just um, there's a lot of interesting things to uncover. The fact that the guy kind of, uh, referenced how much in the news they keep showing the same footage. Um, that is very interesting, but that's also very common practice in the news to use stock footage. You know, if they, if they're going to talk about uh the negative impacts of meat you know they're going to show some stock footage of some steak being cooked up and uh you know b-roll as it's commonly called right um so they might not have a you know they might not have a specific spot but what he's pointing out is that um or it might not be referencing the same location that they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And so that's kind of what he's pointing out is that they're saying, hey, this is the case in New York City. This is what's going on, and then it's showing Italy. But again, I don't know what's true and not true. I don't have any way – something everyone should know. We're going to tackle some coronavirus stuff coming up. But something everyone should know that listens to this, we don't have any way of cross-referencing these people down to the T and down to figuring out who the hell these people really are.
Starting point is 00:09:59 It's just too hard to do in today's day and age. Even if we had researchers on it, we still wouldn't be able to get to the bottom of it because it's it's too difficult to figure out who knows what who's got their own agenda and all those kinds of things yeah and you know it is funny because like yeah there is such thing as b-roll and you know stock footage and stuff but it would be like uh somebody breaking down like a piedmontese steak and then showing footage of like a walmart like you know pair of shoes or something and being like look at it's terrible it's like well okay no there's there's b-roll and then there's like pushing a narrative and that's what he's pointing out he's just like look they're showing this saying it's that and it's clearly something totally different
Starting point is 00:10:41 and some of the things that he was pointing out, it's just like, wow, that is very convenient, you know? So I'm really excited to talk to him. And there he is. Hello. Hi, guys. Can you hear me okay? Absolutely. Perfect. Absolutely. Yeah, we can hear you. Great. Thank you so much for taking your time and being on our show today. I know that you have been busy uh tackling this and um i guess first kind of let's start off with diving into um your stuff being censored um a lot of your stuff is being taken down um you sent us to a specific website to watch some of your stuff and um you wanted us to see that in its raw footage,
Starting point is 00:11:25 raw content and unedited. Why do you think YouTube and Facebook and those kinds of things are, are censoring some of the information that you have on COVID-19? Well, it's the reason they're censoring it is because they don't want the information. This is the biggest delusion that's been created. This is the Lion King with the zebras and the impalas bowing down to the lion is more real than what you're seeing right now with this COVID-19 issue. more real than what you're seeing right now with this COVID-19 issue. And there was probably like one or 2% of the people that attacked me, but it was obvious on YouTube, which was obvious that
Starting point is 00:12:14 they hadn't even watched the videos because they said, there's no proof of what you're saying. And yet, if you guys watch it, you saw the proof. I mean, I had videos there of the hospitals, what's going on. I had correspondence with people I didn't know and people that I did know, nurses, doctors, sending me information. I mean, I showed video footage. You guys did see part five on advanced medicine, right? Absolutely. Okay. So, you know, the documentation, I mean, even the patents, I mean, why would you have a patent on a virus that has gone through the chimeric process approved by the director of the NIH Division of Allergy and Infectious Disease, who happens to be now on mainstream media. This is back in 2014 when there was a moratorium by the U.S. government against doing any research
Starting point is 00:12:59 on gain of function on viruses and to create chimeric viruses. Now, I want you to understand what that means because I said it, but I've realized that a lot of people don't understand when I'm talking about certain things. So let's talk about what chimeria is. A chimeric virus is a virus that has gone through a mutagenic change. It has been grafted with different genetic material and put together to create. That's what a chimeric virus is. Chimera is the term for something that's been mutated intentionally.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You can look it up on dictionary, you can look it up on Google, and it'll explain what that definition is. Now, what they did was gain of function is that if you had, the analogy would be, let's say you had a dog and it had rabies. So if you do a gain-of-function chimeric version of it, you are actually trying to make the rabies worse, more virulent, and you're trying to make the dog more crazy and more vicious. And so when you ask why in the name of God would you take a naturally occurring substance and try to make it worse, calling it gain-of-function, the response is for research purposes, so that we can study what the virus or the bacteria is, so that we can understand what the potential is of it causing a pandemic.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Hmm. How about not even doing the damn thing, creating the damn thing, so there's no issue with the pandemic? And in fact, the people that oppose this, the virologists that opposed it, in Nature, in the journal Nature, which is one of the most prominent journals, that's one of the, that's a journal that I showed in the third part, which is corruption of science or scientific corruption. Even the two most prominent scientists said this should not be done. It is not worth it. The chances of a pandemic are too great. Now, if I'm saying that this is not real and you don't have to worry about it, because I've told people, just now I went to the post office, and I think they thought I was crazy because I told everybody,
Starting point is 00:14:53 guys, you don't need to worry about this. They've got these plastic sheets there. They've got gloves on. They're taking the envelopes. No more than five people in the lobby. I'm like, people are losing their freaking mind over nothing. But it's nothing because of – think about this, guys, just for a second. The reason it's nothing and the reason I can say that – and, in fact, I'll say it in your show first.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I'm going to be on Coast to Coast, I think, in the next day or two. I've got another live after this. I've got four or five radio show interviews tomorrow. I need you guys to be aware of something because our goal now is to get that part five out to the whole world. There's not going to be a single penny. We can't put it anywhere because they'll take it down. And that's one reason I never even put it on YouTube. So I didn't even put the big one on YouTube. Those videos were hitting three, four, 500,000 views. The ones that didn't take down were the ones that only hit like 80 to 100,000 views. And this is all in the last eight days, nine days. So in fact,
Starting point is 00:15:41 the very first one that I put on Facebook, my Facebook channel only has had like 21,000 people. I've never really done much with that. It's jumped to over 50,000. They first took a live stream off. And luckily in Facebook, one of those videos, the first one is still there. I think it's already over 700,000 views. It's been shared like 15,000 times. And it's got almost 2 million viewership or something to that extent. The interesting thing is, though, that the censorship aspect, they've left the first two parts on there.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And the censorship aspect is all to do with orchestrating. If I was a villain, it would be, this would have been the perfect scenario that they created. Was it intentional? Was it not intentional? The creation of COVID-19 was definitely intentional. And I'm not going to say it right now, but you guys, if you saw the video, you know exactly who owns the patents because I showed it. I showed the patent. I showed the number of the patent. I showed the class of the patent. I showed the company in Europe that owns a patent. It's a European patent. The US patent was sold to GlaxoSmithKline in 2006, I believe it was. But the patent that was just perfected, that finally got final approval, which has seven or
Starting point is 00:16:51 eight different patents in there, was, get this, November 19th, 2019. Isn't that interesting? It was perfected and granted in November. And then when does this whole thing start? Well, part four, video four, explains the relationship between 5G and what I'm saying. And I've had people say, oh, Dr. Bittar's crazy because he's saying 5G caused coronavirus. If they watch the video, they'd know that I've never said that. That's the most ludicrous thing. But what they don't know is,
Starting point is 00:17:17 or they're not recognizing what they're failing to say, and I'll say it here because I know that you guys are aware of this conspiracy aspect, because literally it is. And that's one reason in the videos it says conspiracy, COVID conspiracy, question mark. Is it a question? Is it a conspiracy?
Starting point is 00:17:32 And I ask the question because I don't want to put any thoughts in a person's mind. I want them to come to their own conclusion. I'm just presenting the evidence. The 5G aspect is very, very simple. When you have, and by the way, guys, this is not the first time they've done this. They've done this many times, okay, in history. Whenever you have a cause of death
Starting point is 00:17:52 that occurs that the Centers for Disease Control has to get involved with it, they always send out two teams. There's the infectious disease team that is glorified and they have the movies like Ebola and outbreak and all this stuff, they're glorified. And they have a second team. The second team is a toxicological team. Now that's what I do. I, my, basically I'm a toxicologist. Okay. I've done ER medicine, trauma medicine. I was a general surgeon. I did Brooke Army Medical Center is where I did my training. But what I've been doing the last 20 years, 24 years of my private practice, I've been a doctor 29 years. It makes me feel really old when I say that. I don't hope I don't look that old, but for, for 24 years in my private practice, I've been a doctor 29 years. It makes me feel really old when I say that. I hope I don't look that old, but anyway, for 24 years of my private practice, I've been specializing in just taking garbage out of people. I'm a glorified trash man is what I'm a garbage
Starting point is 00:18:34 man. I'm taking stuff out of the body. The CDC, I had a meeting with them in 2005, the year after I testified before the US Congress. and I met with them again in 2008 or 2007. My second meeting with this head of the CDC Division of Toxicology, he's the guy that was responsible for taking lead out of gasoline. If you remember back then, people used to think, you know, there's no problem with lead. Now you have unleaded gasoline. He's the guy behind that. It was supposed to be a half-hour meeting. It ended up being a five-hour meeting. And when we ended the meeting, he gave me a hug. He gave me a hug. And this is a guy I didn't know. And he said, I didn't even know there were doctors out there like you that are taking this stuff out of
Starting point is 00:19:12 the body. So whenever people attack the CDC, I say, look, the CDC should be attacked, but there are people in the CDC, just like the people in the government, they're good and that they're bad. There's a fight within these divisions that we don't even recognize. So when the CDC sends out people to investigate cause of death, two teams, toxicological team, infectious disease team. But they will never, ever, ever talk about the toxicological findings because then some industry corporation, individual, somebody has to take responsibility when they find the cause that's toxic. Right. Because it's always a manmade thing. when they find the cause that's toxic, right? Because it's always a man-made thing.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Remember, the dirty dozen that's been outlawed in all the countries on the planet, like DDT, it's called the dirty dozen. These are organophosphates, fluorinated hydrocarbons, various types of toxins that have been called the dirty dozen that have been shown to cause cancer, banned from global commerce now and have been.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Every one of those dirty dozen was used in commerce for at least 50 years. Some of them over 70 years were used in global commerce before they finally identified that, oh, this shit is toxic. I'm sorry. I don't know whether I could say that. And we should stop using it. Okay?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Their ads have from the 1930s, 1940s. The flies won't, but the picture of a little baby. The flies won't land on me because I've had my DDT. Okay. That's, you know, how toxic that is. There, there are ads out there from back in the fifties and sixties, a cigarette a day, keep doctor away. So, you know, that science that this is debunked and settled 20, 30, 50 years later, they find out this stuff is causing massive problems. So we know that the history of science and the history of the hierarchies that control the dissemination of information is always flawed.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So let's come back. I just want to give you a side note about the CDC. CDC is the same body that's a new name. If you go back to the older name of CDC, it was the U.S. Public something or the other. I can't exactly remember. I talked about it in one of my posts. That's the same body that allowed for human experimentation on all the Tuskegee men in,
Starting point is 00:21:10 in the, I think it was in Alabama with the syphilis. They allowed them to be untreated just so they could see the effects of syphilis on the, it was all black Americans. Okay. They've done so much human experimentation. It's not even funny, under the guise of trying to protect and save people. You need to go back and look at the history. So let's come back to infectious disease versus toxicology. If you blame it on a virus or a bacteria instead of a toxin, then nobody can take responsibility because it's a naturally occurring phenomena. The only problem is that COVID-19, just like a Zika, just like MERS, just like H1N1, these were all man-made components.
Starting point is 00:21:52 The H1N1 had a patent filed on it by Baxter in Austria nine months before the first case of H1N1 was ever reported. Now, why do you have a patent on a virus? Not a treatment, but on the pathogen. And that's the same thing with COVID-19 and the coronavirus. There are multiple patents. And again, we won't say, I mean, if I said the word right now, if you guys are seeing the video, you don't need me to say it. But if I said the word, I think that there'd be some kind of a laser that would shoot us out of the sky or something. I mean, it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:22:31 This is like, this is going to go down in history. You know, every 26,500 years is a big cycle, planetary cycle that occurs. And there's this mass extinction level phenomenon where there's earthquakes and all this stuff happens. The dinosaurs go extinct. We're at one of those most critical times right now. happens, the dinosaurs go extinct. We're at one of those most critical times right now. And I think that we are, it's a very exciting time to be alive because we have the opportunity now to evolve. But in order to evolve, there is disruption, there is chaos, it's painful, because growth is always painful, right? And I mean, you guys are in fitness, right? So when you're lifting, I did this when I was in college in my first and second year when I was in the Army. But when you're lifting weights and the heavier weight you lift, you're breaking down muscle.
Starting point is 00:23:16 That's chaotic. It's painful. But you're actually growing through that process, and you grow when you're resting, right? It's the same thing here. We're going through an evolutionary growth, and it's painful because what's happening right now, we can either let this information be blinded to us, stay in the home so that they can keep everything hidden from us. That's the part of the reason that they're telling everybody to stay home because then people are scared instead of being out there and going, what the hell is everybody worried
Starting point is 00:23:43 about? Nobody's getting sick. It's easy for them to perpetrate this misinformation and that all these people, like the thousands and thousands of people in New York. When I showed two different hospitals, one of those guys, Jason, whose video was taken off, and that's why I had his video, I'd already captured it. And I asked his permission to put it in our video. He told me after his video got taken off, we hadn't put ours up yet, he said, if my life depended on finding a person with COVID-19 in New York, I would have died because I couldn't find anybody. And yet they're reporting that it's a thousand people per day and it's tripling every three days.
Starting point is 00:24:21 It's ludicrous. He was walking around this hospital, and you guys, you know, I don't need to tell you this because hopefully you've watched it. If you haven't, you guys need to go back and watch this. He's saying, okay, this is supposed to be a pandemic. And he's like, well, why are all these ambulances here? And there's one, two, he counts them. There's nine ambulances parked.
Starting point is 00:24:37 He asks an ambulance driver, and the guy's laughing. You know, he's laughing. It's actually a comical video, but he's like, I don't know, man. I'm not allowed to say. I'm not allowed to say. Not allowed to say. I'd like to also point out the fact that you're not basing this off of one person sending you a video. You've been sent many videos. You've been sent many testimonials that follow up with the same thing that that guy was saying, correct? Well, yes, that's correct. But this isn't based on testimonies. I just did this
Starting point is 00:25:06 for my patients because they were asking. Okay. And I just did a deep dive. And I said, if I get a thousand yeses, I'll do it. Okay. Because people ask me, I was getting tired of answering. I was getting tired of telling people, man, this is just BS. And that's BS because from my standpoint, it's BS because I don't care what infectious diseases we can eradicate. And we have, we've got patients from 93 countries. So that stuff doesn't even bother me. My son, my youngest son was a little worried. And I said, honey, I've got this.
Starting point is 00:25:30 And he goes, dad, I'm worried. And I said, but this is what I do. This is what my life is about. What are you worried about? But there were a lot of other people, patients and, you know, that were scared. And they had bought into this hookup line and sinker. So when I got all these, this response, I said, fine, I'll do the video. So I just started doing some cursory thing just to support the video.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And I put out the first video and then I started looking at it because to me, it was all about toxicology. It was all the toxic component. So Wuhan, where all this happened, CNN and BBC covered the outgassing from the incinerators burning that were so bad. And there was such a public outcry. This is in 2016, 2017, that it garnered international attention, right? So these people are already toxic. Then somebody sent me this report about 5G, and I'm like, what, wait a second, 2,000 of the 12,000 tires that they turned on, and then it all happened in December.
Starting point is 00:26:18 That's interesting. I mean, I know 5G is bad, but, you know, let me look at the science. Well, there's over 2,000 papers published. Yesterday I just had an interview, and I talked about this, but here's what people don't think. They think, people say, oh, whoever says that 5G causes coronavirus is a conspiratorial theorist. Well, guess what, guys? It has nothing to do with causing it. 5G changes the calcium voltage, the calcium channels, the voltage-gated channels, these are channels that allow the influx and efflux of calcium. So calcium is predominantly an extracellular ion. When you allow calcium to
Starting point is 00:26:52 go intracellular inside the cell, that is pathognomonic for certain things like, oh, like, you know, obscure things like cancer. So there's a suppression of apoptosis and uncontrolled cellular proliferation, which is a definition of cancer. So if you have a suppression of apoptosis and now you have calcium that goes into the cells and reduces that component, changes that component, suppresses, increases the suppression of the apoptosis, you are now creating a field, an ideal situation for the cancer to propagate. And so what 5G does, it permeates, it changes the calcium channels and makes it more permeable, makes the cell membrane more permeable to any type of toxin, allowing enveloped viruses to get through
Starting point is 00:27:35 the cell membrane a lot easier than it normally would. It's like greasing the skids to allow whatever. It's not just coronavirus. It's anything. It doesn't just, it's not just coronavirus, it's anything. It'll make changes for anything. So the studies have shown that the 5G clearly is associated with brain cancer, heart cancer, which by the way is very tough to get, adrenal cancer, neurological issues, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:28:03 So I want to give you guys a frame of reference what the studies have shown. And in the interview yesterday, I actually gave the wrong number. I was off by a magnitude of three zeros. All right? In other words, it's way worse than what I had actually stated. But when you're talking about the electrical wiring in your house, that's 50 hertz or 60 hertz cycles, depending on whether you live in Europe or in the U.S., okay? So everything is between 50 and 60 hertz. Now, when we're talking about cell phones, like if you're talking about a cell phone, right, an iPad, a smartphone, whatever, the 4Gs go up to about 900 hertz.
Starting point is 00:28:37 So from 50, 60 that we're normally supposed to up to 900 hertz is a 4G. When you get into the 5G, you're starting at 30 to 300 gigahertz. Gigahertz. Now, what is a gigahertz? If you take 1,000 hertz, that's a megahertz. If you take 1,000 megahertz, that's a kilohertz. If you take 1,000 kilohertz, that's 1 gigahertz. The studies have shown, so that's 1 billion hertz is 1 gigahertz. Okay? The studies have shown that at 1.8 gigahertz, these cancers are growing, they're creating cancers. At 1.8 gigahertz, that's 1.8 billion.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I hope my math is right. Yes, 1.8 billion hertz. 5G is 30 billion to 300 billion hertz. It is going to create a microwave. Basically, this is microwave energy. It's going to make a global microwave around us. That's why there are over 1,000 scientists and doctors that have signed petitions. I'm now one of them.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I just did this in the last eight days when I realized what it's doing. I mean, you hear about 5G and blah, blah, blah, and people are against it. Okay, I know it's not good for you. I know I have people that are sensitive. I didn't realize the amount of studies that have been done to show how bad it is. This is not even people that are sensitive. Some people are very sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. This is just for everybody.
Starting point is 00:30:04 So 5G potentiated that. But that's not just for all of it. I mean, you've got the toxicological component, you poison the people, it makes them more suppressed, their immune system suppressed. Then you introduce something that changes the configuration of the physiology to allow that pathogen to become more prevalent. You're basically allowing it, opening the door. This is analogous to you hearing a pack of snarling and vicious dogs outside your door. You're locked in your door. You're hiding yourself. You don't want to go out there.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And they're saying, don't open your doors. I'm telling you, you open the door. You look out there. It's not even a poodle. It's a freaking tape recording with dogs barking. And I'm not kidding you guys. I'm willing to go out. I'm saying this right now to you.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I'm going to say this on coast to coast you find any place on the planet that is ridden with this thing I will go in there I'm totally unprotected I have no problem with that and if she's good looking enough I'll even kiss them I don't care because this is how much bogus it is now I may take some of my you know components my treatment because yeah it's going to make you sick but I'm not going to get a shot for it. And, guys, can I be totally candid with you? Because, I mean, I don't know whether you guys are going to put this out or how this is going to be. I don't know whether you're prone to information that can be censored or not.
Starting point is 00:31:15 We got no filters, man. Let it go. Yeah. All right. Then I'm going to tell you the danger. There's a difference between being fearful and real danger. Danger is real. You know, people love Will Smith because he's a great actor. I love Will Smith because he talks about this in his
Starting point is 00:31:29 movie, you know, One Earth or whatever it is. He's talking to his son about danger. So danger is something real. We have to be cautious when we say something that's dangerous. But people sometimes create fear of a danger that they create in their mind, meaning that their fear is an illusion in your mind. But danger is real. And you have to decide what is really real. In this case, what they've done is they've made COVID-19 into the thing that's dangerous and it is not dangerous. But what is coming, the savior that's coming, which is the vaccine, is going to kill millions if they do it. that's coming, which is the vaccine is going to kill millions if they do it. The houses right now that all the kids that are being kept home from school, from what I understand, and I don't have conclusive proofs of this, I've seen pictures, they're putting 5G towers on schools right now.
Starting point is 00:32:18 When kids go back, they're going to start getting sick. And then it's going to be sick, it's COVID-19, boom, we need to inject them with this vaccine. That's where you're going to start having problems. This is all a play for ID2020 to mandate vaccines. This is what it comes down to. It's a vaccination ploy to scare people into coming and getting their vaccine. But what's the problem is that, first of all, COVID-19 is, you know, I do have to mention this. People say, Dr. Tarr, you said this man-made and you have nothing to worry about, and yet you're saying it's more virulent and has HIV components, orthologs and MERS components and all this stuff that, you know, it sounds dangerous. And I've got all the studies to show it. And these studies are being pulled off. They're being withdrawn. They're being pulled off. They're being censored. But luckily, I've got a copy of them. One of them, I couldn't find a copy after I talked about it, and I got hit hard on YouTube where people were saying, well, you talked about HIV, but you have no proof of that. You have blah, blah, blah. And I go back and try to find the study and it's not there. And a very, very, very prominent, wealthy individual, I can't tell you
Starting point is 00:33:13 the name, but it's a patient of mine. He sends it to me and I was like, where'd you get this from? And he goes, don't ask questions. You got it. And right smack, it's on part five. I showed the study. Smack to the front, it says withdrawn. The study was, it's a perfectly done study, but it's withdrawn. They're taking it off. Why? Because it shows the proof positive that we made this. In fact, it was made in, well, it's interesting. It's all unnecessary information.
Starting point is 00:33:36 No, but you can watch the videos and get this information. But the thing is that the virus itself, if it is so man-made and so virulent and spread so fast, then why am I saying that it's nothing to worry about? Here's the analogy. Zero to 60 in four seconds, zero to 60 in three seconds. They're trying to break the three-second barrier down to two seconds. They're trying to get it down to one second. Well, guess what? This virus is zero to 60 in 0.1 seconds. It's unbelievably fast. But it's like one of those one song hits, right? Those one hit wonders. And I just came up with this analogy a couple of days ago in one of the interviews. If this was analogous, if the COVID-19 issue was analogous to the sex act,
Starting point is 00:34:16 this would, the COVID-19 development, it would be the worst case of premature ejaculation. The virus comes out zero to 60 in 0.1 seconds, but has no staying power, and within one second, it burns out. So it can't do any damage. The only damage it's going to do to somebody is if they have a respiratory issue already prevailing. And you know now the CDC has changed their mandate that everybody who's dying from any kind of respiratory issue, you have to put down COVID-19 first, and then the COPD, emphysema, pneumonitis, pneumonia, whatever, secondary cause of death. Why? So they can elevate the numbers of cause of death. I showed people sending me, nurses and doctors sending me information saying, I was on shift. All three people died during my shift. I signed the death certificate papers. I
Starting point is 00:34:59 came back in the next day, and it's changed to COVID-19 cause of death so this all this stuff is happening they're creating this to create illusion I had um my my significant other she's a doctor too she has a friend of hers as an ER doc sends a video out you know this is so I can't believe how bad this is I see the video now I did 12,000 hours from 1996 to 1999. I was an ER doc. That's what I did full-time. I was the chief of the emergency room at Montcrieff Army Community Hospital in South Carolina in Fort Jackson in the military base. I'm looking at this video. My slowest shift that I remember was busier than that ER shift that he had shown. So then I tell her, I say, ask him, is this your normal shift in your ER? He responds, well, that's actually not a video of my ER.
Starting point is 00:35:52 That's a video of somebody else's ER. Okay. Well, how's your ER? Well, it's not really that busy. Interesting. Now, I have on part five, it starts off, I show video footage of the hardest hit Italy Italian hospital with the ICU. And I've been in a lot of ICUs. You know, in general surgery, I was in surgical intensive care unit.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I probably spent 40,000 hours in ICUs. That's the weirdest looking ICU that I see in Italy. But I'm thinking, okay, well, it's Italy. You know, it looks like a long hallway. They got open beds. Most ICUs, they're all set up okay, well, it's Italy. It looks like a long hallway. They've got open beds. Most ICUs, they're all set up. It's private, et cetera. Okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Show the footage. Next thing you see, another website, CBS, reporting how much damage is happening in New York. And this guy is saying that the governor is asking for help. And this is footage of the ICUs. And you see this camera. It looks very familiar, but it's from a different angle. It's the same freaking hospital, the same room. And I stopped the video at the exact same time showing it's the same footage, the same hospital. And it's gone
Starting point is 00:36:55 viral. People are showing the images. So there's all this information out there. If this was really bad, then why are they saying that no more than staying six feet away, but hey, you can fly. What about a grocery food store? Everybody's in a grocery food store. There's hundreds of people then why are they saying that no more than staying six feet away, but, hey, you can fly? What about a grocery food store? Everybody's in a grocery food store. There's hundreds of people there. I mean, it just doesn't make any sense. It's just garbage.
Starting point is 00:37:20 On, say, like a scale of 1 to 10, how dangerous is this? I know that you're saying it doesn't seem to have any danger, but is it killing some people? And what is the level of danger that you think might- When you say, how dangerous is it, is what? What's the- How dangerous is the coronavirus? Coronavirus has been around since 1968. In its current form, the COVID-19 that we're talking about, it's virulent, which means it spreads fast. It's got some bad components in it. But the problem is, for the people that did this, man is, everything we touch, we screw up, right? I mean, we ruin everything. We ruin the environment. We ruin the species, become extinct. Well, they were trying to make something really bad, but they made it spread fast, but it has no staying power. So you and I probably have had it.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And most people have been carrying it because it was actually developed in North Carolina in 2015. So it's like, are people dying from COVID-19? I would be hard pressed to believe that anybody's died actually from COVID-19. Are people dying from COVID-19 that had other underlying issues? Absolutely. In fact, Italy came out and said 99% of the people that died in Italy from COVID-19 didn't die from COVID-19. They had serious respiratory conditions, serious medical conditions underlying them. So people worrying about COVID-19 and not worrying about cancer, one out of two Americans, two American men and one out of three
Starting point is 00:38:45 American women at some point in their life are going to get cancer. Okay. The number of people that have died from infectious diseases as of March 24th for 2020 in the world was 2.97 million. Okay. The number of people that died from the seasonal flu was over 110,000. At that time, the number of people that have died from coronavirus was 16,000. And again, how many of those people actually died from coronavirus versus other causes of disease that they then just covered up and said COVID-19? So you don't think the information is like being like conflated or even misinterpreted. You just think that like no one's actually really dying from COVID-19. They're dying from other complications.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Absolutely. People die all the time. They're dying all the time, but we don't report it, right? Because it's not a big deal. Now they're making, because if there's a different agenda, they're going to make it like that. I mean, do you think that if it was, you know, I'm not an average doctor. Like I said, I served with the 5th Special Forces. I was with the 2nd and 3rd Division when I was in the military. I served with the 101st Air Assault Division. And I've got patients from 93 countries, people that come to us for serious things like autism, cancer, et cetera, et cetera. Do you think that I would say I will go and even – I mean, none of you guys, okay? You guys may be pretty.
Starting point is 00:39:58 You may not be pretty. I'm not going to kiss you guys. But if it's an attractive woman, I'll even kiss her if she's got. I don't care because it's that insignificant. I don't have a death wish, but I'll tell you right now. Our plan is for the fifth part of part five. In fact, probably all the parts now to be downloaded by everyone so everyone can have it because they can't stop this information from getting out there. This is the greatest, greatest crime against mankind. The greatest, greatest crime against mankind.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Whatever's coming down the pipeline, I don't know whether it's to mask the 5G aspect or it's just a vaccination aspect, but both of them together. If we have 5G and we have this mandated vaccine that's coming down the pipeline for COVID, that's the only way they're going to get it through. People are going to resist it unless they say, hey, you can't travel, you can't do this, you can't do that. You're a danger to society. We're going to quarantine you, blah, blah, blah. This is World War II all over again, when we put all the Japanese together, right, or what they did in World War II when the Germans put all the Jews together in the camps. This is no different. People like me are either going to be shot, or they're going to be put in this area that's going to be for the dissidents. And I want to get this
Starting point is 00:41:05 information out because, look, I don't care. You can kill me. It doesn't matter to me because I've already faced that so many times. I'm actually looking forward to meeting the creator. I'm excited. I've got a lot of questions to ask him, all right, or her. But I have kids and I don't want my kids to have to deal with this crap. I don't want my grandkids in the future to deal with this crap. I don't want the human species to end up having a mass extinction level occurrence because of the shit that we've created by having a mass global microwave and something that's going to end up coming, introducing to a body that's going to end up creating more problems, suppressing our immune system. I know this is going to sound really whacked out there, but there is a phrase called depopulation through vaccination. I want you to figure out who said that, and you will not believe
Starting point is 00:41:50 who said that. But I mean, can I say, I mean, you want me to just come out and say it? Yes, please. Look who is behind ID2020. Find out who the founders are. But have you not thought it's funny that in CNN and some of these broadcasts, they've got Bill Gates talking about virology and titers and blah, blah, blah. Why? Bill Gates has put $10 billion behind the vaccine issue. Bill Gates, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation owns the company called Pinbrook. If you look up the patent in part five, I show the patent. I show the numbers. I show the numbers. I mean, I'm in the European patent section.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I show the class of patents. I show the company that owns it. And then we did all this investigative work to find out who owned the company. Yeah, it was thousands and thousands of hours. I Googled it. I just Googled it, and it shows Bill and Gates and Melinda Foundation own that company. That owns a patent on the coronavirus. They own the patent on the coronavirus, or is it a vaccine? No, it's on the coronavirus. They own the patent on the coronavirus or is it a vaccine?
Starting point is 00:42:46 No, it's on the virus. It's on the virus. Okay. There's a mandate coming down. Look, it takes five years to develop a vaccine. And that's a different topic we can talk about. Everything that's been happening with autistic kids, it's a vaccine injury issue.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Not just vaccine, it's mercury actually. And we've shown that scientifically. I mean, I've treated 3,800 kids. There have been over 40,000 kids worldwide where the doctors have used my protocol. We've reversed autism and we've done it over and over again. My own son is 21 years old. He's a world ranked martial artist. He's going to be at the world championships for poker. He's an incredible poker player. He's a, you know, he's an all-conference athlete. Number top ten, top five, top five tennis players in the North Carolina region. He's an instructor. He took a silver medal at the World Championships in martial arts in Taekwondo. Kid's extraordinary.
Starting point is 00:43:39 He's on the chancellor's list. He was vaccine injured. He's the youngest formal witness before the U.S. Congress in 2004. He's 21 now, and he's a junior at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Now, we've treated a lot of people. He was the one who was my impetus. Desperation is the mother of all innovation, they say. And that's how I came up with the protocol, because I was trying to help my own son. But the vaccination issue is just part of it. Then the mercury amalgams, outgassing mercury is the second most toxic substance known to man. The toxic issue is one big thing.
Starting point is 00:44:12 What this is, the 5G, it's taking that toxic level up to the next level. So it might sound a little confusing, but I'll just summarize it. This is in my book, The Nine Steps to Keep the Doctor Away. I have a philosophy of the seven toxicities. Seven toxicities are, first one, heavy metals. Second one, persistent organic pollutants, all the chemicals and such. Third one, opportunistics. That's the bacteria, viruses, spirochetes, mycoplasma, yeast, parasites, that type of stuff. Fourth is energetics, electromagnetic radiation, ambient cell phone radiation, microwave, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Fifth is emotional psychological. Sixth is foods, not what we're eating, but what we do to the food, homogenization, pasteurization, genetic modification, irradiation, that type of stuff. And the seventh is spirituality. Now, these seven toxicities, if, by definition, if you can get rid of these toxicities effectively, and that's the key operative word, effectively, if you can effectively detoxify the body of these seven toxicities, chronic disease, by definition, cannot exist. Cancer, heart disease, autism, stroke, it can't exist. And we have hundreds of patients before and after to show this. Hundreds. Okay? Now, I've fought the medical board every year for 21 years because they brought me up in charges of ethical breach of conduct,
Starting point is 00:45:19 taking advantage of cancer patients, terminally ill patients. We wanted to have our patients testify. First, they blocked it. When they finally allowed it, we had 47, either 43 or 47, I can't remember. I think it's 43, stage four cancer patients ready to testify on our behalf. 43. Remember, stage four is terminal. There's nothing left for them. They've failed everything. At the time of testimony, all five had been referred to hospice. All five had a prognosis less than six months. Four of them had a prognosis less than three months. Four out of five had failed chemo and radiation. One refused to take it, said, I'd rather die than take chemo and radiation.
Starting point is 00:45:54 All five were told to get their affairs in order. All five had a diagnosis of stage four terminal disease. At the time of the testimony, three of them were three and a half years out from our treatment. One was five years out from our treatment, and one was eight and a half years out from our treatment. And the medical board's response after 14 hours of testimony was a one-word response, irrelevant. It was irrelevant that they brought me up in charge of doing treatments that weren't effective, taking advantage of cancer patients. I've got 43 people that are ready to testify. They allow five, and they're all alive years after they were told they were going to be dead.
Starting point is 00:46:28 But, no, my treatments are ineffective. It has nothing to do. It's irrelevant whether these people are alive. This is a type of corruption. And I'm thinking to myself, I had to take off my U.S. dog, my U.S. flag and my dog tags in certain situations because U.S. forces couldn't be acknowledged in those areas. God forbid if unforeseen circumstances were to occur. You know, we're supposed to be here to defend our nation. And wait a second. Now I'm back home and they're violating the fundamental right, my fundamental
Starting point is 00:46:55 right and the fundamental rights of my patients saying that you can't do this type of treatment. You can't do it. I mean, what kind of regime do we live in? My office was the largest privately owned integrative medical center in the United States. It is now the Huntersville Police Department because I lost it when they, I mean, it cost me over $14 million fighting the bastards. The point that I'm making is that there is an organized agenda to get certain information out there and suppress other information. I don't think I need to tell you guys that because if I needed to tell you that, you probably wouldn't have had me on here. But the point is that there is a mandate to push people down, okay? Just like they pushed
Starting point is 00:47:39 women down to prevent them from voting before when they pushed people of any color down because they were of different ethnicities or when they push people down with different religions, whatever the case is. I mean, in history, you see this happening all throughout in World War II with the ostracization of Jews. It's no different. In fact, there's a guy by the name of Andy Andrews who wrote a great book called How Do You Kill 11 Million People? And when I read this, I'm thinking to myself, oh, my God, oh, my God, this is what's going on right now. And it's interesting that he was actually talking about World War II, but he was trying to show the parallel of the same thing,
Starting point is 00:48:14 the same type of misinformation and the campaigns that were there and how they let people be misguided intentionally. So if people feel that I'm totally off the boat and I'm crazy and this and that, and I'm ludicrous and I'm conspiracy theorist, that's fine. It doesn't make any difference to me. I'm telling people that, look, if you think I'm wrong, that's fine. I didn't even make an opinion in any of those videos. I'm making my opinion here, but I didn't make any opinion in any of those videos. I just said, you come up with your decision, your conclusion based on the evidence I'm going to provide. And then I'll just leave it up to you. I think that's one reason that went so viral,
Starting point is 00:48:51 but I'm telling you guys, this is how I feel. And the reason that it's so important for the people, for the world to know this is because if we don't do something about it now, it's going to be too late. And it's going to be too late. And it's going to be too late. Forget about each of you and me. It's going to be too late for our kids. It's going to be too late for the future. How do you take all these 5G towers down?
Starting point is 00:49:16 How do you take off the satellites that are going to be creating this 5G component? How are you going to undo the vaccinations that are going to be introduced into your body that have immunosuppressive agents and that are going to be given at times when the body isn't even able to seroconvert. I mean, you know, the insanity of this has been going on for years. I'll give you a perfect example with the vaccine issue, okay? You guys know what hepatitis B is? Yeah. Anybody heard of that? Okay, who needs hepatitis B? In the medical community, when you talk to them, everything is based upon risk factors. So you have three populations that have the risk factor to get hepatitis B. One, IV drug users. Two, people that are very promiscuous, prostitutes, et cetera. Three, healthcare providers. Now, I sometimes joke and I say,
Starting point is 00:49:57 it's not because we're the prostitutes of the pharmaceutical industry, but it's because healthcare providers can get, they can basically be exposed to hepatitis B. So those are the three people, types of people that need this. All right. We also know that when you get the hepatitis B, you need a series of three shots, and it's only good for 10 years, and they usually give the vaccine again 10 years, which, of course, is ludicrous, because if you do the titers, you'll see the hepatitis B antibody in the body. So you don't need to really do that. But that's what they say. Every 10 years you need to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Okay. Now tell me, a newborn baby is born. Their immune system cannot even start seroconverting until it's at least, at least minimum six months. But most people say, most immunologists say two years to 14 years. So why are we giving a child a vaccine when their body can't even create an immune response to it? Then why are we giving this immune response elicitor with immunosuppressive? Why are we giving something to stimulate the immune system when the immune system, the stuff
Starting point is 00:50:54 you've got included in there has nickel and formaldehyde and murky, which all suppress the immune system? Wait a second. I thought the vaccine was to make the immune system light up. No, but we're suppressing it with all these things. And then we give adjuvants to say, well, we're trying to excite the immune system, but these adjuvants are DNA fragments from other species and mutated human cell lines and all sorts of other garbage. So now this is what's going on in the vaccine. Now, let's say, oh, we've got to protect the children, though. These are babies that are being born. We have to protect them. So on the first day of the planet, a baby's born, you give them hepatitis B. Do we really think that that child
Starting point is 00:51:23 is going to become a prostitute, a doctor, or a nurse, or an IV drug user before the turn 10? So tell me, where is this insanity going to stop? And this has been perpetrated over and over again for a decade, for a decade and a half, actually since 1991, when the National Vaccine Initiative began, that was going to stamp out childhood diseases with vaccines. That's when they started this madness. And the incidence of autism then was 1 in 10,000. The incidence of autism now, they say it's 1 out of 32 children. The CDC's own data says that 1% of the world's population is autistic.
Starting point is 00:52:00 There's 7.7 billion people on the planet, which makes it 77 million people have autism right now. Where? In the last 30 years, 29 years, all of a sudden, you don't have a genetic epidemic, people. And that's what they're saying. Oh, it's a genetic thing. Genetic? In 30 years, you go from 1 in 10,000 to having 77 million people?
Starting point is 00:52:18 I mean, there's a level of bullshit. And the thing is that most people don't understand the science enough. I mean, we have our own terms in medicine. Iatrogenic. If I told you the leading cause of death in the industrialized world right now, number one is cardiac. Number two is cancer. Number three is iatrogenic. Number four is neurodegenerative disease. What would you say to me? Oh, my God, that's bad. Number one, two, three, and four. Causes of death, okay? As published in the New England Journal of Medicine, data, I'm sorry, excuse me, as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, data collected from John
Starting point is 00:52:48 Hopkins University, which is considered to be the premier medical school in the world. This is what their data is. One, two, three, four. Is there anything suspicious to you in that comment? Probably not. Does anybody know what iatrogenic means? Nope. The third leading cause of death, iatrogenic, is doctor-induced. But they don't say that's caused by the healthcare profession or the medical community. It's iatrogenic. So most people go, oh, wow, I don't know what that is. Must be bad. Must be contagious. I bet it's one of those contagious diseases. Now, do you know when that information came out, when I learned about it, and when I started talking about it, and the people that had talked about it before me, when they were attacked, when I was attacked, do you know what the defense is? Dr. Buttar, your data is wrong. It is not the third leading cause of death.
Starting point is 00:53:36 It's only the fifth leading cause of death. I'm like, seriously, that's your defense? That is the fifth? Doctors are the fifth leading cause of death? There have been three times when doctors have gone on strike. In Israel once, in California once, and there was some other place. Three times they went on strike. You know what happened to the death rate? It went down. And as soon as they started working again, it went back up. People think that I'm this incredible doctor,
Starting point is 00:54:00 and they say all these accolades, and people tell me all the time, you know, how many people. I mean, I've had the privilege of hearing probably 13 or 1400 times where people have come up to me crying saying that I saved their life. And, you know, it never gets old. But first thing is God's the only healer. The only source energy, the universal consciousness creator is the only source of healing. And my prayer is that I can be a part of that process, the conduit. But I'm going to say this. The reason everybody thinks I'm so good, it's not because I'm so good. It's because I'm in a profession that is riddled with such incompetence that if you're just doing
Starting point is 00:54:35 your job, you look good. That's literally what it comes down to. You know, I'm really curious about this. And if we can go back to the vaccine thing, because I mean, I've heard a lot about like individuals not vaccinating their children for the flu and measles and stuff. Now, do you generally believe that all vaccines are, are bad? Because like,
Starting point is 00:54:56 I mean, from, from what I know, you know, kids shouldn't be dying of measles or the flu or things like that, but it like, I'm sorry, what was your,
Starting point is 00:55:04 what's your first name? Encima. Encima? Yes, that's my name. I know it says natty professor, but yeah, Encima. I just didn't know what your guy's name was. I assume the guy on the bottom right is Mark Bell, right? That is Mark.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Yep. Okay. All right. So your question is a very valid question. And usually in mainstream media, 2020 did a hack job on me. They took parts of the videos and they changed them over. It backfired on them. But since I know I don't have to worry about you guys editing my stuff and making it wrong,
Starting point is 00:55:34 I'm going to say this as clearly as I can. Measles, first of all, they used to have – measles is a self-limiting disease. It's not something that kills people the way that they make it out to kill people. They used to have – measles is a self-limiting disease, okay? It's not something that kills people the way that they make it out to kill people. Nobody has ever – there's never been, like, these epidemics of measles the way that they've made it out to be. Measles is a self-limiting disease. The wild-type measles is a self-limiting disease. But there's a different type of measles, which is man-made, which is the version that they use when they inject people with it. So when Disney World had the breakout of measles and they were making a big ruckus about it, there was a doctor in New Zealand and another doctor in
Starting point is 00:56:14 Chicago that did titers to see what type of measles is this. It wasn't the wild type. It was the one that's induced by vaccines. And all those people had been vaccinated for measles. And this is what they won't tell you because the media shuts all that information down. Now, let me tell you about vaccinations. I got accused recently that I can't believe Dr. Buttar, you're promoting vaccines. Somebody said that. So I've got people on both sides, people that on the against vaccines, they have said that I'm for vaccines. They, of course, misunderstood. And this was one or two people.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And then on the other side, pro-vaccines. And I've had people fighting against themselves trying to defend me, but they don't understand the stance. So I'm not anti-vaccine. I'm not pro-vaccine. I am anti-stupidity. All right? That's my issue. And I'm being as frank as I can.
Starting point is 00:57:02 So when you start looking at vaccines, the modern day vaccine schedules defy human physiology. It is not it is not safe. In fact, it's worse. So I'll give you this analogy today. I used to say we're here in China, but maybe we don't want to walk to China. Let's say we want to go to Johannesburg, South Africa. If the five of us wanted to go to Johannesburg, South Africa, how many of us would want to fly versus how many of us would want to walk? I would want to fly.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Any of you guys want to walk there? No. So human bodies are designed to walk, but we have figured out ways to make our lives easier by traveling through first, you know, carts and then bicycles and then cars and then airplanes. So we develop things to make our lives easier. Now let's look at the immune system. We have an immune system that's intact. The way the body works is with this antibody response. It's how God created our systems and it's perfect. So man wanted to make it better. Just like walking is good, but let's fly. It can make it better. So they said, okay, let's go ahead and introduce these pathogens to make everything better.
Starting point is 00:58:05 The first problem is they're making some of this crap up, like the COVID-19 and the SARS and the MERS and the Zika and the H1N1. But let's put that aside. So now they're saying that we need to make these vaccines to help us so that it's like instead of walking, it's like flying. So they start making these vaccines. My question to you is if you knew that every time you fly, there's one out of 32 chance that you're going to die, would you be flying? Nah, nope. So great concept, but bad product. And that's exactly what the vaccine statistics are right now for autism. We're not talking about other neurological problems. We're not talking about seizure disorders. We're not
Starting point is 00:58:42 talking about any of those other things. If you guys knew the data, the true data that's out there, like Gardasil, and how many women it has made, athletes that were just incredible athletes being recruited by colleges and straight-A students, and then they get the Gardasil, and they're paralyzed. They can't get up. They can't think. It just ruined their lives. It's happening, not 10, 20, 50, thousands, the number of women that have miscarried from Gardasil and then giving it to boys. Guys, do you know what the average person that has to worry about cervical cancer,
Starting point is 00:59:14 they're 57 freaking years old. Why are they giving it to kids and then causing all these damage? And then you start looking at the numbers. It will, look, I'm going to make a prediction. If there's another civil war anywhere in the world, it's going to be because of the vaccine issue. And I think it's coming right down the pipeline right now. There is so much misinformation that has been fed to the American population, to the world population.
Starting point is 00:59:36 And now it's time for us to realize that the divisions that have been created among us, black against white, the Me Too movement, women against men, Jews against Christian, old against young, rich against poor. These are Democrat against Republican. These are illusions created so that we're fighting so that we don't see the real danger. And the real danger is coming down the pipeline. It's the vaccine that's going to hurt people. It's the 5G that's going to hurt people. It's the 5G on board the vaccine and toxic environment that's going to hurt people. It's the 5G that's going to hurt people. It's the 5G on board the vaccine in a toxic environment that's going to kill millions. You don't believe the vaccine for the coronavirus will be effective at all. You're saying it will
Starting point is 01:00:18 be more dangerous to get it. So you're just advising that people don't get the vaccine. Mark, I can't advise anybody if they're not my patient, okay? Because I've fought the system many times. So I'm not making any medical advice. I'm saying open up your minds, open up your eyes, open up your ears and look at the information and then do whatever you want. If you think I'm crazy and you say, no, I'm going to go run and get the vaccine, God be with you. But I can tell you that I will be dead and buried before I take that vaccine. How do we protect our family, our friends? How do we protect ourselves? Is there medication that could potentially help? I mean, you're making it sound like it's not a
Starting point is 01:00:55 danger. I have part six getting ready to come out to tell people what they can do. And it's very, very simple. And one of the things that you guys are big in obviously working out, okay, exercise is one of the best things for increasing your immune system. It increases CD3, CD4 counts, natural killer cells go up, B lymphocytes go up. That's a very important part. Being well hydrated, getting rest, that's one of the things that I'm guilty of, getting enough rest. But there are certain things that you can do from a supplement standpoint,
Starting point is 01:01:21 and just let your listeners know part six is going to be coming out today or tomorrow we're probably going to put it up on youtube it's probably going to get taken down but um if can i can i give a website where people can see this part five because oh absolutely yeah go for it so it's uh forward slash mark bell we we put up a site there because who's steven is steven on here no he's not but he's he organized uh us getting together okay yeah and i have the link and it'll be it'll be in the description on youtube itunes all over the place that this uh gets published it'll be in the description so do you think that youtube would take this down because i mean there's a guy that put out one of
Starting point is 01:02:00 our videos he made his own version it's gotten about 700 000 views that have been taken down so i'm hopeful that it's not going to be taken down everywhere but i think we were getting we grew so fast so quick it uh it may have flagged it and by the way i had huffington post try to contact me they wanted to interview me and you know we know they do a hack job and they want to know how much money have you made from this like money i haven't made i haven't made a single dime in fact even our channel our youtube channel which has probably gotten close to 7 million hours now, it's not even monetized. In fact, I was told by my video editor guy,
Starting point is 01:02:32 he's like, Dr. Bittar, you've got to get this thing monetized. And I'm like, I didn't even know how to do that. But the point is that website, forward slash Mark Bell. If people go there, just go through the process. People are going to say, oh, my God, I need an invitation code because our site is password protected. You can't get in there. Okay. It's
Starting point is 01:02:50 You can't get in there without an invitation code. But if you go through that link, it'll give you certain information. And if you just go through that process, it will get you to the site where you'll be able to access it. There'll be an invitation code that's pre-populated, and it'll allow you into the site. The first thing, you don't have to spend a single dollar. The first thing that you see is COVID-19 conspiracy question mark, deceptive agenda, part five. And part one, two, three, and four are down below.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And part six and part seven will be loaded up there too. It's no cost to anybody. This is information I just want everybody to get. And at a certain point, I don't know what it's going to be in a day or two or three. Once I've got all the videos up there, once it gets to this point, I am going to allow everyone to download those videos
Starting point is 01:03:35 and put it wherever you want. I want it to be out there in the world because if we don't know this, guys, honest to God, if you were telling me right now I had to give my life for my kids, I would do it without any hesitation. It's my kids that I'm worried about. It's your kids I'm worried about. It's the future generations that I'm worried about. And it's what our rights are going to
Starting point is 01:03:52 be eroded. I mean, already with some of the things that have happened, we've slowly, slowly given up our rights. How do you cook a frog? You put them in a vat of water, and then you slowly start to turn up the heat. If you put that frog in a hot water boom it's gonna it's gonna jump right out so you cook them slowly and that's what's that's what they're doing with us and they've been doing this for the last 15 20 years but the level of extent of how they've just jumped to this point i think it's because they were getting desperate when i say day i don't know who day is i know that there's somebody that's controlling this and i think it's the globalists versus you know the people that are interested in having sovereign rights. But like our forefathers knew this, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I don't even know the audience I'm talking to, but I figured you guys wanted me on here. So I'm going to just talk openly. And if you guys decide that I'm really loony, then that's fine. But our forefathers knew what was going to come down the pipeline. That's why the freedom of speech was a first amendment and right to bear arms, freedom to bear arms was a second amendment. So when people talk about gun control, I'm just curious before I make my stance on gun control, because what's that got to do with anything? I'm going to tell you in a second, but are you guys pro second amendment or against it?
Starting point is 01:05:02 Yeah, I'm for it personally. You're for it? Me too. Yeah, I don't really – I don't pay attention to anything like that. But yeah, I don't think anybody should be able to have whatever they want. But at the same time, I don't know what the answer – It is kind of funny sequencing though. You get to say what you want, but you also get to defend yourself.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Well, so this is exactly the point, right? Because when people say that the guns need to be taken because of all these mass shootings, first question, what's the underlying common denominator in all these mass shootings? All of these people were on medication. They were on antidepressants or anti-anxiolytic drugs. These are drugs that are in the same class as LSD. These are hallucinogens. So when you had drugs like Prozac that were going to be taken off the market, why were they going to be taken off the market? Well, because people were committing suicide. It was called breakthrough suicide. So they want to take it off the market. They weren't committing breakthrough suicide. LSD is a hallucinogen. You should make people remember in the 60s, 70s, things like that. They could fly.
Starting point is 01:06:00 People were jumping up buildings thinking that they could fly. They were hallucinating on Prozac. People were jumping up buildings thinking that they could fly. They were hallucinating on Prozac. So these people that are mass shootings, every one of these people was mentally unstable and was on medication. Second, if you truly believe that guns are the problem and we need to take them away, then you need to be worried about something much bigger, and that is spoons because that's leading to our epidemic of obesity. So as soon as you start blaming it on guns, then why aren't we blaming everything else? To take away responsibility from the human factor, guns are bad because it kills people, but cars are good because they're modes of transportation.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Yet you put a drunk behind that car, he's going to kill a lot more people. And that gun comes in handy when you're defending your family when somebody breaks in. So it's not the tool, it's the idiot wielding the tool. That's the thing that we got to remember. So we have to, as a society, as a world society, start taking responsibility for our actions. And these things that are happening, these atrocities that are being committed in the name of safety and preventing the COVID, it's all to create more restrictions and control. with more restrictions and control. And I think there's a higher, more suspect agenda than that, which comes down to population control. They're always worried about Medicare and Medicaid benefits. You're not going to have enough money. And already there's these papers out there that the world can only sustain a population of 500 million. I mean, I have no idea whether any of this stuff is true or not, but I can tell you that what's happening right now, that is not true. The evidence is in front of you. You just got to watch the videos. If a person doesn't take the time that's needed,
Starting point is 01:07:32 the 20 minutes for the first couple of videos or the hour each for the next videos, if that's not important enough, I had a friend that said, man, just give me the nuts and bolts. I don't have time to go through it. And I said, well, dude, if you don't have enough time to look at the future of mankind for yourself and your family, then I'm not here to help you. But there was a great quote. I got to read you guys this quote. And I'm going to shut up so that you guys can ask me anything. I'm sorry I've been kind of speaking like this. Don't apologize, man. We're here to listen. Well, I want to read to you this great great quote i don't know who this person was that said this uh on instagram raya chili star child i don't know who it is and
Starting point is 01:08:11 he says very good content dr butar also remember you can lead a dumb ass to truth but you can't make them think most people would only believe something if the mainstream media says it's true so i just love that you can lead a dumb you know lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. So he had a better version of it and I loved it. So I had to give a shout out to that guy, whoever it was. Oh girl. Should we have any concern about our older family members, you know, who maybe already do have a weakened immune system? Maybe they're just older, maybe they have diabetes or maybe they've previously had some heart disease or something like that? Should there be some concern with keeping them isolated, having them stay sheltered in place and stuff like that?
Starting point is 01:08:53 Okay, so if they are in that type of situation, they should definitely be concerned, but no more concern that's needed from the typical flu. That's a normal advice. If you have immunocompromised status, if you're on medication because you had a transplant that's causing a suppression of the immune system, if you're elderly, you're diabetic, you should be careful during flu season because you can catch it and you can die from it. I mean, it's a standard thing. In COVID-19, is it more dangerous? Well, because it's so virulent, it's so fast, that's the only thing that's concerning because if it doesn't do its job within a couple of hours, it's not going to do anything.
Starting point is 01:09:29 So Fox News ran a story with a woman that was on the ship, on the cruise liner that got quarantined, right? By the way, that cruise liner was specially equipped to launch 5G, and they had launched it when those people got sick. But this particular lady was, I think, in her early 60s, and she made the comment that, yeah, I was sick for a day, but that was it. And they said, yeah, but what about your symptoms? Tell us about your symptoms. And she's like, I didn't have any symptoms. I had a mild cough and I had a fever, a low-grade fever. And they're like, yeah, but I'm sure all these people are talking about
Starting point is 01:10:01 how dangerous it is, and so what were your symptoms? And she goes, nothing. I did Pilates and yoga while I was sick. And that's how most people are going to go through this, okay? Most people probably aren't already exposed to it because it was so virulent. And they don't even know that they've been exposed to it. So it's not a big deal. It's the vaccine that comes in.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Because now when they're testing, you say, oh, my God, you've got it. You need the vaccine. The trivalent flu shot, I showed the study on part five. The trivalent flu shot has now been shown that there's a false positive on COVID-19. These people have never been exposed to COVID-19 and yet they're testing positive because they had the trivalent flu shot. So there's something that's in both of them that's causing the titer to show up as positive. PCR has already been shown not to be effective. So, again, when I look at this and I see how they've planned it out, I'm like, man, the one thing you cannot argue, whoever came up with this plan, it was brilliant. It was brilliant.
Starting point is 01:10:54 How long has that other flu shot been in circulation for, the one you just mentioned showing false positives? Well, it's not the flu shot that was showing false positives. It was people that they did the study and they show that when you introduce that into the model of cats, and then you tested them for COVID-19, they were positive. So the trivalent flu shot's been around for probably, I don't know, it's been years, probably five, six years, maybe longer. But there are other components that I'm sure are similar. And I haven't done the studies to establish that. But there's a lot of different types.
Starting point is 01:11:28 You know, each one of these vaccines, they're similar and then they change them. So, you know, like you talk about a vaccine for the flu and every year it's a different vaccine. Well, here's the thing. There's probably 5,600 type of viruses that we have elucidated. And it's probably, I don't know, double, triple, quadruple that, that we haven't even figured out yet. Because viruses are just DNA, RNA particles. They're not considered live. In fact, viruses, if you look at Steiner's work from the 19th, doing the Spanish flu, 1918, he says that viruses are a response to the body shedding toxicity,
Starting point is 01:12:04 shedding toxins, trying to get the body clean. It's a self-regulatory, self-preservation type of model. And viruses are responsible for evolution. So it's the viral RNA that gets incorporated into our DNA and helps us over time to adjust so that we can accommodate the environmental changes and all these different things. So we are essentially an evolving viral model. If it wasn't for viruses, humans would have already been extinct. All right? Everything would have been extinct.
Starting point is 01:12:30 So viruses are an essential part of life. Now when you start looking at the flu shot, they're predicting based on an algorithm what the most prevalent virus will be that year. Now, the stock market can go up, down, and stay in the middle, and they can't figure that out. But you tell me that they can predict which strain of virus is going to come out next year? And then they build it up, and they say, oh, it's going to be a bad season. People go frantic. They go looking for the vaccines. Then they'd run out. They say, oh, we realize it's not going to be that bad this year, because now they've got people that are crazy about getting the vaccine. I've had the flu twice in my life, two times. Both times, I got the flu. The flu shot,
Starting point is 01:13:09 got the flu. I was in the military when that happened. My last time, Robert Scott Bell, who is, I used to do a little radio show with Robert Scott Bell on health freedom and for about a decade. And Robert loved the story. But there's a thing called battle readiness with the military. And they want to – there's a competition between the Air Force, Army, Navy, and the – Marines. I was waiting to set that up because Marines are considered part of the Navy, but I always pretend like that because I don't know whether you guys were ex-marines so i was like oh i didn't know the marines were considered part of the armed forces anymore i'm sorry i didn't
Starting point is 01:13:50 realize that now anyway it's a it's a joke between the sf guys and the rangers and stuff with you know marines but to everybody that's served you know they've done a fantastic job and i have i have said this to everyone and i'm going to say say it in your show to you guys, that if there's a law enforcement or a military person listening to this, remember the oath that you took to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. So please remember that, and domestic. So let me just go back to this story. So the battle readiness that they have, the competition between the armed forces to see who's battle ready, not just with weapons and food supplies, but also health records and ready for deployment, that everything's there. It's a massive competition every year. So in 1993, I guess it was, and 1993, maybe 1994, at Moncrief Army
Starting point is 01:14:42 Community Hospital, each base, each military base has to have their readiness and their scores going. And then they combine it for the Army, the Navy, Air Force and the Marine Corps. So in Fort Jackson, there was only one person that had not had the flu shot. And that was me. Of all the soldiers, it was me. And of course, I said I was going to take it. So I worked in scrubs, and I had cowboy boots on, and that's how I was kind of known. That's how I was the ER chef.
Starting point is 01:15:11 So at 10 o'clock in the morning, in walks a command sergeant major with seven other E5, E6s, E7s. They all walk in, and he says, sir, I need to talk to you right now. The command sergeant major is like the highest-ranking, non-commissioned officer for those that don't know how the military hierarchy works. So command sergeant major is an E9 position. I was a captain, so I was an officer. And he walks in and says, sir, I need to see you right now.
Starting point is 01:15:39 And I said, well, sergeant major, just have a seat. And I'm with a patient. He goes, no, sir. I have commander's orders from the commander himself to Star General. I got to talk to you, and I got to talk to you now. I said, Sergeant Major, I got a patient right now. I got to take care of him. And he says, sir, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:15:53 You can get one of the other doctors to do it. So I called one of the other docs over. He starts taking care of the patient. And so I said, all right, Sergeant Major, what's so important, life-threatening at 10 o'clock on a Thursday morning that you got to talk to me right now? He said, sir, I need a private area. I'm like talk to me right now he said sir I need a private area I'm like are you serious he goes I need a private room so I said okay we walked into one of the trauma rooms I think I'm thinking it's just him and I all seven of the other soldiers walking with him now two of these guys I knew from the gym you know
Starting point is 01:16:19 in an army gym we worked out together that spotted for me before I spotted for them by the way I like the silhouette behind your body there it's very cool yeah well it's actually mark so it's a bark okay so i'm standing there and i'm like what what's going on so they shut the trauma room door they're all standing there and the sergeant major pulls out a syringe and he says sir i'm here to make sure that you are battle ready because you're the only soldier on Fort Jackson that is not vaccinated. So I'm looking at him. So I start taking off my BDU's battle dress uniform. Right. So they're thinking that I'm going to take the shot. And, you know, he's taking the air out of the syringe. Now, an enlisted person cannot touch an officer. He touches an officer that can be court-martialed because that's assaulting an officer.
Starting point is 01:17:09 So I took off my battle dress uniform. I just had a t-shirt on like this. And I said, Sergeant Major, you see that I have no rank on right now. He said, yes, sir. I said, so you're not going to get charged for a court-martial for assaulting an officer. But if you and your boys think you can put that vaccine in me, you go ahead and try, but I'm not taking that vaccine. And the sergeant major looks at these soldiers. The soldiers are looking at each other. Two of them knew me really well.
Starting point is 01:17:35 They knew me from the gym and blah, blah, blah. And they're looking at each other like, what the hell is going to happen? And I mean, I knew I wasn't going to win against all these seven soldiers and the sergeant major. That's eight people. I knew they were going to get it in me. But I knew that I'd break somebody's jaw and break an arm or leg or something, break some ribs, because I was not going to. I mean, I was serious.
Starting point is 01:17:50 I'm not going to take this. Sergeant Major looks at the soldiers. He's looking at me. He walks over to the sink. He said, I am now about to administer this vaccine to Captain Buttar. Does anybody have a problem with this? And the soldiers are all looking. Who is Sergeant Major?
Starting point is 01:18:02 Sergeant Major squirts it into the sink. He said, I have now administered this vaccine, and I have seven witnesses. And the soldiers ask looked at who a Sergeant Major, Sergeant Major squirts it into the sink. He said, I have now administered this vaccine and I have seven witnesses. And the soldiers asked, who a Sergeant Major? I was like, you guys are awesome. They became my best friends. I put on my battle dress uniform. They signed it off that I had taken the vaccine and it was done. That was the last time I ever had to deal with that. But that is the level of belligerence. And these are the words of James Agler, a Supreme Court justice. He said that those who are swayed by honeyed words to give up their freedoms, those that are not willing to fight belligerently and in a sustained manner to retain their freedoms will soon give up their rights to that freedom. And the eternal
Starting point is 01:18:47 price of freedom is constant vigilance. I don't remember who said that. It wasn't me, but if you want to give me credit for it, that's fine. But I didn't say that. Those are the things that we have to remember. And I'll keep on barking like a dog, but I appreciate you guys for wanting to get the truth out there. because at this time, especially in history, we need to have as many voices shouting the truth. And it's not your truth or my truth. It's the truth and letting people decide for themselves. That's one reason I want to put the videos out there. Go through the material yourself. They're pulling the damn stuff down. That's the thing. They're creating censorship to prevent people from actually getting the facts. So if I was so crazy, then why are they pulling all this stuff
Starting point is 01:19:28 down? If the information is, hey, he's a loon, then leave the information up there. Let people decide. No, they can't afford that. Because I have a history of going against the system. I have a history of succeeding. I have a history of actually being way ahead of the curve, 20, 30 years ahead of the curve, and they can't afford it. And it's not just me. There's many other people like me. There are some crazy people out there. Don't get me wrong. There's some crazy people out there. I've gotten every type of person to send information about all sorts of weird things. And again, if I can't substantiate it, I'm not going to say it. But this information, I just started looking at it. I knew almost every bit of this information before, but I didn't know the level of it. I didn't, I mean, I knew 5G wasn't
Starting point is 01:20:09 good, but I didn't know how bad it was. I knew that coronavirus is a common thing that's out there, but I didn't know the chimeric conversion that went against the U.S. government's own moratorium to stop doing chimeric research because the potential for pandemics was so great, it was considered to be a threat. So they did this, and Fauci, who was the head of the division at that time, approved it. He was the one behind that approved this chimeric version of this coronavirus that's called COVID-19.
Starting point is 01:20:40 He's the one who put it out there. He approved the funding for it the u.s government funded it with the chinese government the doctor in wuhan that put the last study out talking about the bats they knew that it came from bats but it poorly at first it couldn't transmit to bats from bats to human and then when they did transfer it into human cultures it grew very poorly so they had to change it so that would would grow very rapidly in humans. It didn't just jump from bats. And I just saw something this morning that said now they're saying even being close to a person or speaking is going to make it transmit. That is such ludicrous BS. Ebola and tuberculosis, and there's one other pathogen. They're the only three things that are airborne. Nothing else is airborne.
Starting point is 01:21:27 It's just misinformation and part of misinformation, and then they're censoring everything out, just blocking it and saying, nope, there's no other information. This is it. If you're not willing to take what we're feeding you, then you're a conspiracy theorist. And if we can't establish you as being a conspiracy theorist and you're actually making sense and you actually
Starting point is 01:21:45 have data and research and proof with videos and studies well then we'll just shut you down we'll just shut down so you can't communicate so I appreciate you guys tolerating my outbursts because this is therapy for me to get it off my chest because I'm pissed
Starting point is 01:22:01 I'm pissed that this is happening against my friends my family, my patients and my kids and the future generations I'm pissed. I'm pissed that this is happening against my friends, my family, my patients, and my kids and the future generations. I'm fighting for every one of us. And I hope that everyone that's listening understands that. And you take the time, follow that link, forward slash Mark Bell, and then watch the videos and come to your own conclusion. And if you think that I'm wrong, fine, that's great. If you want to take the vaccine, go take it. But it's not meant for that. It's meant for those people that want the truth. There's an old saying, for those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't understand, no explanation is possible. Well, I'm saying that this is a time of confusion. So I'm
Starting point is 01:22:39 giving you all the data and let you come up with your own decision. It's that simple. you all the data and let you come up with your own decision. It's that simple. Thank you so much for your time, doctor. Really appreciate it. Where can people find you on social media to follow some of your other stuff? Well, YouTube is still there. They can go to forward slash Dr. Buttar. And we have a lot of videos there, but most of them are not controversial. They're just about, you know, people, health things that people can do for themselves. I'm a big, big believer in prevention. My book that came out in 2010 became an international bestseller called The Nine Steps to Keep the Doctor Away. And the third step in there is exercise. And that's one thing that, you know, I've written prescriptions, actual prescriptions for people to exercise because they think, well, why do you keep on preaching that, man? It's not
Starting point is 01:23:22 like you make any more money from it. So why don't you just get off that? So I started, if somebody says that to me, I write a prescription and I won't let them get any treatment. They can't even, I won't see them. And we charge them. We actually charge them. I've done this twice now. They were charged $50 for that prescription to exercise. And the third time this guy came in, he goes, okay, I get it.
Starting point is 01:23:38 I get it. I understand the importance of it. I was like, no, you don't understand the importance. He goes, no, I get it now. I did it. And I said, well, you said if that's the incentive you needed that I'm going to make $50 from you to write a prescription, then fine. But then he finally got the point because I mean, it's the freest form of medicine. I mean, truly, if you exercise, you're going to prevent yourself from
Starting point is 01:23:56 having all these problems. I have so many people that talk about joint pains, not in my practice, but people tell me about joint pains. And I remember when I was about 18 I saw this guy he was like 85 years old and he was working out and I was like man I hope I do what you're doing and he's like you don't understand if I don't work out I get joint stiffness and I'm like everybody else that's you know got arthritis he goes but when I'm working out it has no problem I have no problem I had surgery on my knees I used to hate running five years ago I competed at the world championships in martial arts with my son. And I can tell you, just using, doing certain things with my, it was exercise. It wasn't, it wasn't medicines or surgery that corrected it. It's just simple exercise. Exercise is God's way of telling us if we don't use it, you're going to lose it.
Starting point is 01:24:38 And when we started getting all these pains and aches and diseases, it's because we're not using our body for what it was meant for. So just because we have the convenience of flying from here to Johannesburg doesn't mean that we shouldn't walk at all. We should take the opportunity to walk and exercise. So I appreciate you guys' message. Yeah, thank you so much. Have a great rest of your day. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:24:56 You do the same. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. You start playing the piano again over here oh i'm sorry he cut him out you censored him i did on accident yeah my mouse my mouse died so i had to use the the old trackpad and there's so much more i wanted to understand. I understood some of the stuff you were saying about vaccines. I understood it, but I was curious about it. For example, the flu vaccine
Starting point is 01:25:32 for kids. I would want to give my kid a flu vaccine. That's just... I don't know. It's a lot to take in. If you watch his videos, a lot just, I don't know. It's, it's, it's a lot to take in. And if you watch his videos, a lot of this stuff was kind of, I'm not saying crazy in a bad way, but it was like, it makes you really think, you know? Yeah. I think, um, you know, the, the vaccine thing is, is definitely, it's, it's controversial as it is, you know, without, without him saying anything about it, it's controversial. controversial um i know a lot of
Starting point is 01:26:06 people uh dave tate included who we interviewed remember if you remember correctly when he talked about his son being autistic he felt that he felt it was largely due to vaccinations and stuff like that but there's a lot of people who are kind of unsure and um i would just say, you know, forget about, you know, whether you think 5G is dangerous or whatever. I think that it's easy to make sense of the fact that we pollute the earth and we cause problems. And whenever we're trying to get things faster, it almost always seems to kind of there's like there's always a price to pay for it. things faster, it almost always seems to kind of, there's like a, there's always a price to pay for it. You know, um, a lot of the luxuries that we have, um, you know, flight driving, um, things that utilize gasoline and petroleum. Um, it seems obvious that they are, uh, they have some, they have some drawbacks to them.
Starting point is 01:27:11 And I think that if we're just to think about all the different stuff that we have in our house, the different chemicals that are used to paint the house, different chemicals that we have, the microwave, the plastics. We've had people on the show talk about plastics before. I think we can all understand, yeah, those things probably aren't great for us they're you matter can neither be created nor destroyed so it's not like we're making something out of nothing uh however in the concentrations that were uh getting hit by all these things probably just maybe the human body wasn't designed for that and maybe now in 2020 it's the first time we're really seeing this you know developed in the way that it's getting developed because the world is moving super fast i think i've heard people talk about how
Starting point is 01:27:59 you know the last let's say like the last 20 years is equivalent to the previous like 100 years or whatever it might be, right? Like they're saying like, information is like doubling and quadrupling. And it's, there's just and it's, it's a it's a faster time. And maybe there's like prices to pay for it. I happen to agree with a lot of the stuff that he said, I didn't think he was off. Based on a lot of stuff. I think that some of his agenda though is interesting because some things that he's saying i don't think they necessarily fit i think him ranting about 5g i don't think helps um i don't think helps his message to say that he doesn't think the coronavirus is that big of a deal you know agreed but i think uh it does fit his overall message of saying like hey like this shit's
Starting point is 01:28:53 hurting us and this um he didn't call it a hoax but i can't think of a better word uh coronavirus hoax is helping them mask everything and then on top of that they're gonna blame coronavirus on what 5g is doing to everybody what it's going to do right yeah and then the whole thing about like oh now your kids are going to be forced to be vaccinated before they can go back to school that that part scares the shit out of me because i've i mean in the past i think we've talked about it off air but like i'm like yeah i don't get the flu shot because very much like i think what he was saying like okay how the hell are they going to predict next season's flu it never made sense to me so i never got it uh talking to mark about it he said that like yeah you know i i do it and
Starting point is 01:29:44 i feel fine and you know and what you know, I, I, I do it and I feel fine. And, you know, and what, you know, that's, that's his experience. My experience, every time I get the flu shot, I get the flu or I don't get the flu. I get sick. Um, that's probably different now because I'm a healthier person. So I wouldn't get that, but I still never understood how they could predict, uh, you know, the flu. I'm like, so in my head, I'm like, is there like, is there only like five of them? Like, that doesn't make any sense. There's all kinds of different like viruses and stuff.
Starting point is 01:30:10 So the vaccinations and all that stuff, that does scare the shit out of me. And I'm really nervous about that now. Yeah. I haven't gotten a flu shot in like 27 since I was like maybe 17. I haven't had the flu since the last time I got it, I was 16 and that's when I had a really bad flu. Like that was the worst flu of my life.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Like, but, um, yeah, it's, uh, my girlfriend has actually been sending me a bunch of videos on 5g stuff and I've been,
Starting point is 01:30:38 I've been watching it. I've just been kind of like, what is this? You know, but, uh, it's, it is scary. You know, I'm curious to look more into it. It is this? But it is scary.
Starting point is 01:30:45 I'm curious to look more into it. It is a scary thing to think about. Well, and then there's also like there's 4G, right? I mean, there's 3G, right? Like, I mean, were they not bad? I mean, they were bad as well. And then people talk about the light that gets emitted from your phone, but it's also the same light that emitted from your phone but it's also
Starting point is 01:31:05 the same light that comes from your television and how big are our tvs you know the tv's blasting you with the you know if you feel like those are negative beams or rays or lights uh coming at you all day long yeah you know maybe that's not maybe that's not the healthiest thing either. But stuff I'm hearing from like Gabrielle Lyon and a couple other people is that a lot of people are recovering from this. You know, a lot of her patients, a lot of the people that she's been working with, she's seeing like people recovering from it. people recovering from it. And we're, it is, it is kind of mysterious as to why we keep hearing about the raising numbers. And it's almost like the death tolls are, are, are being like,
Starting point is 01:31:58 they're, they're really, they're really, they're really concerned about like getting those death toll numbers like on screen for you yeah you know to really to really showcase them and then i think i don't think you can dispute the fact that we don't know who's dying from what necessarily you know anyone comes in and anyone dies um for something that is not a heart attack from something that is not obvious they probably probably are kind of like, yeah, I think it's, you know, I think it's from this, you know, and who the hell knows how it's all going to go down. But the one thing I do have a hard time with it, it's, it's, it's easier. Like he mentioned World War II. World War II is easy to understand because Hitler was a fucking maniac, you know?
Starting point is 01:32:43 And so it's easy to say hey look you know the way that that guy treats other people and the way that he thinks his race is superior to everybody else's like not only is his thought process fucked up but he's hurting people he's killing people he's torturing like he's fucking torturing people and it's it's easy to have an opponent it's easy to be like okay that's our guy you know and we've done it in the past with uh uh you know with other other people you know with bin laden and and other other uh people other other terrorists and things of that nature that we've had to deal with it's easy like when you're like okay we're gonna like fight that guy because he did a b and c well now it's like they you know it's uh
Starting point is 01:33:26 the establishment wants to be this way like and then if it's the world if it's something that's happening for the world who has like decided this who is this person like his uh is like bill gates donald trump and uh the um you know emperors of the world and other leaders of the world, are they all like hanging out together being like, hey, you know, like on this date, we're going to do this. And this is going to be really cool because we're going to make more money or something like, what would be the reason? if it was if anything was for some sort of like i mean i know that's a ridiculous proposition but i'm just trying to figure out like what why why anyone would think that anyone would want this to be this way i know some people are saying hey they're trying to like impede on your freedom because they want to know that people want to be able to track like where you go and what you do and all that but like who who is they and why would they care about whether i go to fucking whole foods or not you know what i mean and i
Starting point is 01:34:30 don't even care if somebody has my information because i don't know what they would do with it yeah i i wanted to ask him like okay so then what is the driving factor behind all this because you know he brought up bill gates i don't think he needs to make any more money um that's just saying like let's pretend that bill gates is behind some of this um i can't imagine he wants to control the population um i don't see what the purpose of someone his age uh you know i just i just can't imagine anybody, period. So I don't understand. It makes sense to me because, yeah, when you look at this virus, who is it killing? It's killing people that are out of shape and really old and have underlying health issues. So like I had said in a previous podcast, like maybe it's just speeding up that process. So it's fucked up to think of it that way, but that's what it's doing.
Starting point is 01:35:24 So, it's fucked up to think of it that way, but that's what it's doing. However, why is it so important for somebody to be like, hmm, I want to create a virus that is going to speed up the lifespan of unhealthy people? I don't know what the benefit is for that other than to just be a bad person. And then whoever that is, who, why, what are they, why are they? It just, you know, it leaves a lot of questions still unanswered.
Starting point is 01:35:57 But I think what he achieved his goal, which is making all of us think, I mean, look at us right now. We're still going because we're still like, what the hell was that all about? So I think that the main objective was accomplished. My mom was joking the other day. She was saying this whole coronavirus thing, it was made so they could take out us people that are retired and getting checks and i was just like oh wait like you know that's that's that's that's that's not
Starting point is 01:36:34 good but um yeah it's wild you you never you just uh you never know you know I do think that if Bill Gates, just using him as an example since his name has been thrown around in some of this, seeing documentaries on Bill Gates, being a huge Bill Gates fan myself, and watching the different things that he's done over the years, I could understand how he would want the world to be different. years, I could understand how he would want the world to be different, but I would not be, I would be shocked if he would want to change the world through killing people. That would be a surprise to me because what I see from him is him putting a lot of money into a lot of things that interest him that he would like to figure out ways of fixing and he also seems like he seems smart enough to where he wouldn't have to like wipe out populations to accomplish what he i mean he in other countries there's people dying
Starting point is 01:37:37 people are dying from diarrhea i mean millions of people die from i forget what the stats are but some absurd amount people die from just these illnesses that have to do with their, they just have poor plumbing systems, let's just say, right? They just have poor sewage, right? People die from that all the time. And he's trying to figure out ways of solving that. of solving that if he if he somehow wanted to have some sort of balance in the world um you know i don't think that it doesn't make any sense to me that him or anybody else would uh come up with this like evil plan of of uh like killing a certain amount of the population it doesn't make any sense to me but maybe there is maybe there is somebody out there that is
Starting point is 01:38:22 you know maybe a second coming of Hitler or something like that. I don't know. I mean, I guess it's possible. I didn't think about that. And then also with the patents on the virus itself, I wonder if that has anything to do with maybe if somebody were to try to recreate the virus to make it for like uh you know biological warfare or something it's like another offense added on top of whatever it was they were trying to accomplish i don't know if that makes any sense but you know like like yeah if you and i were like hey let's try to like fuck with people right now and we try to recreate the virus that has a patent on it i wonder if that
Starting point is 01:39:03 is like you know one you're like okay you're trying to like you're uh you're trying to hurt people and on top of that you broke another law because there's a patent on it i don't know if that sounds insane but maybe that's another reason why it's got a patent on it well i'm curious we'll have to look into it more but like the first thing on google when you type in bill gates corona patent is usa today bill gates didn't patent coronavirus but you know when dr ritar was talking he was saying you look at the company and then you look by who it's owned and it's bill gates so i'm wondering like what's the actual truth here like you'll have to do that digging for yourself you know
Starting point is 01:39:40 because you'll get both types of information you can choose to believe usa today which i mean we know that the media can put out true and false information right or you can choose to believe this individual but like he said he puts out the information and you need to take from it what you want that's why i'm really really happy we had him on because there's going to be a lot of people that are going to comment oh you guys are crazy blah blah blah well the information's there believe it or choose not to believe it but you actually need to just look into it which i'm going to do when i get off this podcast yeah we're going to have um we're going to have daniel orego on and this is kind of the first of a bunch of podcasts like um i myself have been guilty of this in the past saying like, Hey, I'm not a political person or, but I just think that I just think
Starting point is 01:40:28 because of the freedoms that we have, you are allowed to choose whatever you want. You know, you are allowed to not be a political person if you don't want to be. But after thinking about it and after, you know, just getting older and being more mature, I thought, what a dumb statement like by me. Like that's that's kind of foolish. Like you should know a little bit more about politics. Like you should educate yourself a little bit more. You should be more compassionate and understand the different sides.
Starting point is 01:40:57 You know, you should you should understand the information coming from Republicans and Democrats. And I barely even know the difference between any of that because I don't even, I'm not even necessarily a fan of the political party system. Like I think the whole system is, is odd, you know, let's just say that. But I've also been like, well, how naive to just like to just throw that statement out there and say, I don't, you know, cause you see that all the time from people. They're like, I'm not normally politically charged,
Starting point is 01:41:24 but then they post something that's politically charged. And how many times you've seen people do that all the time. Right. And it's like, well, what, why even bought, why preface it with that? Why not just say, Hey, I found this to be interesting. What do you guys think? Or, you know, um, I agreed with this. I find, I found it interesting that I agreed with this, or I found it interesting that I agreed with this. I found it interesting that this triggered me so much. What do you guys think? But people are really scared to really share their true opinions because right now in the time that we're in, if you really share it, and that's the race to zero followers started.
Starting point is 01:41:58 If you share your true experiences and your true information, people get so upset. And that's what I love about this podcast. This is long format. We can sit here and we can openly talk about stuff for a while. And I can understand and seem this point. I can understand your point. And even if you said something, which I'm not usually not offended, but even if you said something that offended me, then we can all still talk about it. We can talk through it and we have um a lot more information we have a lot more knowledge as opposed to just a quick hitter that you might see on ig where you're not really getting the whole story it's just it's just uh me and a you know make america great you know
Starting point is 01:42:37 gen hat or something like that and people you know people tend to people tend to yeah right they'll say racist. And then if you're to follow it up and say, hey, well, I kind of think everyone's racist. But once you say something like that, then people really start to lose their mind because that's not true. Like I'm not racist. I don't see color. And you're just like, oh, my God. And then you get into a much larger conversation. But to be able to talk about it and communicate it like this, the thoughts from the doctor that we just had, I don't support anything he says.
Starting point is 01:43:15 I'm not necessarily 100% behind a lot of the views and thoughts that he had, but I found what he had to say super interesting. That's the reason why we had him on the show. And I like controversy because I think that controversy is a good thing. I think that to have somebody really question, you know, you running to a local target to get a vaccine for your child because flu season's coming. I think that's a wonderful thing that you think about it twice. I think that's a great thing that you think about it and think, does my kid really need this? Okay, my kid may get sick. I'm going to talk to my kids about washing their hands more. I'm going to talk to my kids more about their hygiene. It is flu season. I remember last year, the whole house got sick. Let's see if we can take other precautions. Are there other things that we can do? Can I get my kids out in the sun to get them more vitamin D? Can I get my
Starting point is 01:44:10 kids to take any sort of supplements? Can I get my kids to pull their phones out of their rooms so they can go to sleep and things like that? Are there other precautions that you can use? And you might find yourself saying, I don't think we really need the vaccine. And maybe that, maybe that could be something that's helpful, especially because it would be really helpful if you are a person that thought that the vaccine could cause something negative, which sure, certainly be helpful. Yeah. It's absolutely necessary to have a healthy amount of skepticism when it comes to all of this, which is why like, like, I mean, it's certain,
Starting point is 01:44:45 like you can either listen to what's being fed on you on TV and be like, that's right. That's right. That's right. Which is like what most people do, or you can be open to opposing viewpoints. And I think that like, even people that have different, and when people start getting political, that's when things get fiery because you're impeding upon their, their, their beliefs. But like, we need to be able to be mature enough to listen to the other side and really listen to what they have to say, not assume
Starting point is 01:45:10 because you're a Trump supporter or because you wear a MAGA hat that you automatically hate Black people or this or that. That's not the point. Maybe you should have a conversation and not have assumptions about what you believe about this individual because of what you see of trump supporters in the midwest i'm jealous of black people's genetics i'll just say that hey you should be you absolutely should be i am man a natty professor he's always got a leg up on everybody right oh man even even that right people get all they will there's going to be someone who's going to get mad for me because you just said what you said somebody's gonna be like i can't believe he said that get mad for you yeah that makes a lot
Starting point is 01:45:59 of sense yeah your traps are popping over there today andrew. I know. I got a black shirt and then so the white. Wait, let me put it in here. Give us a little. Give us a little. Most muscular. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there you go. You guys get any exercise in yet today?
Starting point is 01:46:17 Yeah. Yeah, I did. What the hell did I do? I did some back work here at home. It was fun. Nice. Yeah. You got some weights at home at home. It was fun. You got some weights at home?
Starting point is 01:46:25 Yeah, it's funny. I haven't posted on Facebook in 10 years, but today I was just like, hey, Facebook, it's been a while. Does anybody have any dumbbells for sale? Because I needed a little bit more weight. Yeah. But I may do.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Yeah, I have some dumbbells. I have a barbell. I have some plates. So I have everything I need. I have a trap bar too, but it would be cool to get a few more have some dumbbells. I have a barbell. I have some plates. So I have everything I need. I have a trap bar too. But it would be cool to get a few more sets of dumbbells in there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Sick. Yeah, I went downstairs after our first podcast. And I just did some kettlebell stuff while watching a little bit more of the video of Dr. Batars. So I'll probably do some more kettlebell stuff after we get off. So that's going to be my workouts. Yeah, I got in about a 20-minute walk, so I need to get in on something else. I was going to do some legs. Everything is still so sore.
Starting point is 01:47:16 I was telling you guys I switched to doing some bodybuilding stuff, and it was like I put myself through a meat grinder or something. I got really tenderized. I got beat up really bad. It felt like I through a meat grinder or something. I got really tenderized. I got beat up really bad. It felt like I got into a fight or something. It felt terrible. Sore head to toe. Yeah, this is going to, we have another month apparently of this thing.
Starting point is 01:47:38 So we're all about to get really good at different things. And do you guys have any goals this month for like potential like workout stuff, new things you want to be able to do? My goal is to get better at doing a handstand, like a walking handstand. I want to be very close to that by the end of this month. That's great. I haven't really thought about too much of that,
Starting point is 01:47:59 but I think I've just been trying to be on target with, I've been doing a little bit of cardio training. So I've just been trying to be on target with – I've been doing a little bit of cardio training, so I've just been trying to be on target with some of that. But it would be good just to even have a goal to just be the same weight or to be like five pounds lighter since it's so easy to sit around and just continue to eat. Yeah. Yeah, I'm planning on tightening up the midsection. So keeping the nutrition on point. And then also, you know, right now it's really, really hard for a lot of people to stay motivated to train at home and stuff. So a goal of mine is to see my gym room every day and be excited every single day.
Starting point is 01:48:40 So that way I can keep that momentum going throughout this whole quarantine time. You play some music in there you have um a boom box i do have one but since i train in the morning when everyone's asleep still uh it's been quiet so that's like i mean i'm really leaning into the uh the the difficulty right like i'm even just like warming up with a hip circle like i'm tapping down the hallway and then uh stephan, Stephanie woke up, she was like, I thought you were trying to sneak up on me or something. I was like, no, I'm just moving around with the hip circle, getting my back ready to go. Uh, so yeah, it's, it's, uh, it's challenging for sure to get, you know, amped up for it, but it's, uh, I mean, it's so far so good. Like my back's pretty sore right now. I was doing some, uh, uh, pullovers, right. I think, uh, laying my back's pretty sore right now. I was doing some pullovers, right?
Starting point is 01:49:26 Laying down on the bench doing pullovers. I finally like able to do those and kind of be excited for them because I'm like, oh, we do this in the gym and I'm doing it at home now. And then, yeah, I lit my lats on fire. So that was freaking great. Sweet. Yeah. Oh, boy. Yeah. Oh boy. All right,
Starting point is 01:49:46 man. Well, I think that was a good podcast and, um, we will, uh, like I said, we'll,
Starting point is 01:49:50 we'll get in contact with some other people. Um, hopefully, um, when, when do you think this podcast will go out? This one won't go out till man, maybe mid to late next week.
Starting point is 01:50:02 I can try to, I can try to to expedite it. I just don't want to put it in front of any of our other conversations where we, I mean, news travels so fast, so we might have said something totally different than what we're saying right now, and then I don't want to put this one out, and then the very next one be like, wait, you just said the opposite. Like, people, it's tough you know
Starting point is 01:50:26 so we'll see maybe i'll put some out on the weekend so that way i can fast forward this one to uh mid next week it might be yeah it might be good to try to get this one out yeah just as soon as possible and that way we can have uh or maybe we can even um share a small amount of it small amount of it with daniel Orego so he can get some clarification of what was said to make sure that he feels... I know he already feels that his data is really, really good. He already feels that... We have another friend that I've been communicating with just to kind of make sure that the guy that we just talked to is not full of shit. And I also verified him with a few other people and they said, yeah, look, his data is really good.
Starting point is 01:51:06 They just, you know, like we said, you know, we're not going to agree with everything he says. I don't expect anyone to agree with everything I ever say. I think that's just it's too much to ask. But he does have he does present good information. Yeah. So what I'll do is I'll just share it with Daniel Oregano. And so he can be great. Yeah. So it'll be he'll be up to speed. What
Starting point is 01:51:28 if like, oh, I'll talk to you guys after. Yeah. Where can people find Andrew? You guys can hit me up on Instagram at I am Andrew Z. And if you guys want to hit us up for the podcast or anything, make sure you're following us at Mark Bell's Power Project at
Starting point is 01:51:43 MB Power Project, at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. We're on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, all over the damn place. Thank you, everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast on iTunes. That helps us out a ton. And Seema, where are you at? I'm Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. I'm Seema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:52:01 Mark? I have a question for you guys I've been thinking about because we had that podcast that we did a while back where we were talking about what side do you sleep on? Do you sleep on your back? Do you sleep on your this way and that way? I was thinking about it the other day and I was like, I don't think many people
Starting point is 01:52:20 do this, but I dry myself off after I take a shower in the shower. Do you dry yourself off in the shower or do you dry yourself off outside the shower? In the shower? Why would you do that outside and get the floor all wet? Makes no sense. Combination of both. Yeah. I think most of my family, they like, they like walk out and then they talk about how cold it is. And I'm like, well, if you stay in the shower and dry yourself off, then wrap the towel around you. You're not cold.
Starting point is 01:52:48 You're good to go. And they're like, oh, but that's weird. And I was like, they're like, well, the towel will get wet. And I'm like, yeah, it can get, if you drop it on the floor, it'll get wet. So I don't know, it's a weird thing I was thinking about the other day while I was naked, I was thinking of you guys.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Oh, thank you. That's good. I appreciate that. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later. Power Project Army.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Like I said, man, some really crazy stuff. I mean, it's straight mind-boggling. What's also mind-boggling is everyone that's been rating and reviewing the podcast on iTunes. It helps us out a ton. So right now we want to give a huge shout-out to Pincushion619. 619, I believe that's San Diego. Hopefully I didn't mess that up. But, yeah, I got family down in Hamul, so I'm pretty sure that's –
Starting point is 01:53:39 Anyways, Pincushion619 says, Absolutely my favorite podcast. Quote, I love how this podcast often is just a great conversation, less like a show and more like a bunch of friends talking. I learned a lot from these guys and I learned not to take things seriously. Thanks to Mark and the team for keeping it so interesting, having great guests, some of which I would have never had an interest in hearing. Uh, these have become some of my favorite episodes.
Starting point is 01:54:03 Keep up the great work. Uh, thank you so much. Pin cushion. my favorite episodes. Keep up the great work. Thank you so much, Pincushion. I hope I'm accurate about the area code. I'm not even going to look it up. So if I didn't just alienate a bunch of people. But anyways, yeah, man, thank you so much for that review. You just hooked us up with a huge thank you. So, man, we sincerely appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:54:20 If you're listening right now, if you would like to hear your name read on air, please head over to iTunes right now, drop us a rating and a review, and you could hear your name on air, just like our homie, Pencushion619. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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