Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 362 - Type 1 Diabetic IFBB Pro Jason Poston

Episode Date: April 7, 2020

Jason Poston is an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, 4x Mr. Olympia competitor, personal trainer, and a Type 1 Diabetic. He is the world’s most followed and recognized T1 Diabetic in the fitness industry, and spent over 10 years helping others reach their health and fitness goals. Hit up Jason on IG: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support us by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $99! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project Crew, welcome to today's show. Today is April 7th, however, this episode was recorded on March 29th. And I just wanna preface that because as you guys know, it seems like news is coming out every hour or so. And with some of the episodes that we've expedited to put in front of some of these episodes that we recorded previously,
Starting point is 00:00:19 some of the information, some of the verbiage, some of the things that we said, they probably have changed. So I just wanted to preface that and let you guys know that this is a little bit older. However, it is an amazing show. We had an awesome conversation with our boy, Jason Poston. Jason Poston is an IFBB pro. On top of that, he is the first type 1 diabetic to ever walk the stage at the Olympia.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Again, really awesome conversation. This is a very unique podcast that would only happen because of the self-quarantine and the Olympia. Again, really awesome conversation. This is a very unique podcast that would only happen because of the self-quarantine and the social distancing because we actually recorded all the way through 7 p.m. So this officially makes it the latest podcast we've ever recorded. Jason actually gave us a tour of his home gym. Again, something that would never have happened if we were doing this in the studio. So again, that was really, really cool. That's one of the good things that could come out of the lockdown and whatnot. But anyways, Jason's awesome. He told us that a low carb slash keto diet is just what makes him feel better. So when you think of bodybuilders, you think high carbs, he was on
Starting point is 00:01:21 stage with intaking anywhere from zero to 50 grams of carbs per day, which is insane when you think about that, right? You know, bodybuilders usually higher carb, not Jason. So we got into a lot of bodybuilding, a lot of what motivated him to even try to get on stage. And turns out it was actually getting type 1 diabetes is what kind of fueled his fire to actually get up on stage. And of course, we talked about the coronavirus and the lockdown and how that is actually affecting Jason and his businesses. So all around a great conversation. It was really cool hearing Jason talk about a low carb diet. And one of the best ways to dip your toes into a low carb diet or even a ketogenic diet
Starting point is 00:02:02 is, of course, with Perfect Keto. Perfect Keto has a ton of products that are going to help you on a low carb diet or even a ketogenic diet is of course with Perfect Keto. Perfect Keto has a ton of products that are going to help you on a low carb or ketogenic diet. My absolute favorite right now is the salted caramel MCT oil powder. I mix that in with my coffee every single morning. It helps me on my fast and really it just makes my coffee taste amazing. Although I can do black coffee, I'm obviously going to prefer having something with flavor. And that's what the MC2 oil powder does. But it does so much more than that.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It gives me extra fuel. Like I said, it suppresses my hunger. Their new chocolate chip cookies are insane. I don't understand. I do not understand how something like that can be low sugar, low glycemic. It doesn't mess up your insulin levels. It doesn't make any sense to me. However, what does make sense is how delicious it is. Really, I mean, they got pea strips. They have the electrolyte tablets that we talk about. They got collagen protein. They got regular whey
Starting point is 00:02:56 protein, everything you need to be on a ketogenic or low carb diet and to do it right. If you guys are interested, please head over to perfect slash power 25 at checkout, enter promo code power project for $25 off any order of $99 or more. And on top of that, you're going to receive free shipping. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. If you guys like what Jason's saying, uh, please find his social media links down in the YouTube description or the iTunes show notes. Hit them up and let them know what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the show. Are you drinking
Starting point is 00:03:31 Windex again? It dribbled out a little bit. Does that ever happen to you guys? Every now and then. All the time, yeah. What's going on today, guys? Not much. Not not much how about yourself just got back from bodega got in a good workout over here did a bunch of
Starting point is 00:03:53 a bunch of lunges nice that felt really good i did about 20 minutes of lunges a little. I went that way on the turf and then walked back, did a little shadow boxing in between, keep the heart rate up, and did some backwards lunges. And then like halfway through, I made a deal with myself that if any time that I miscalculated and kind of stumbled, I had to start over. I was kind of making it like
Starting point is 00:04:25 football practice like if i messed up then the whole team had to do it that's frustrating wasn't it wasn't good i had to restart a lot it's a good way to torture yourself all your other teammates are all mad at you because you had to do extra work you're the one guy slowing everybody else down uh what can you tell us about Jason? You know, just somebody I've been following for a long time. He's a IFBB pro. He's super jacked, and he's been following a lot of my stuff, but he wasn't aware of this podcast until I told him.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And then he was like, how did I miss this? And he was watching Eddie Hall one today, and he was uh watching the eddie hall one today and he was pumped up about it he was excited about it but basically i made a comment on ig you know i'm just sending out some of these like tweets and instagram posts just trying to get people to think and um what's what's happening i saw dr pauladino make a comment about this as well. And he said, anyone with different thinking is being like, people are really flipping out. And kind of rightfully so. I mean, we're at a dangerous time, so no one knows what's best. But I still think it's a good time to still think.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And it's a good time to consider, you know, what are some other possibilities. So I just said, hey, do you guys kind of think the quarantine is useful and it's effective and it's helping us get where we want to go? Or do you feel that it's making things worse or the same? And he just wrote worse. So I was like, hey, let's talk to him. Let's see what he's got to say about this topic. I was like, hey, let's talk to him. Let's see what he's got to say about this topic.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Not that he's an expert in the topic, but I don't think anybody really is because what I'm noticing is some people are saying, hey, quarantine is great. This is the way to go. This slows everything down. And there's other people saying, actually, that's not true because we don't know much of anything unless you get tested. Then there's other people saying that it's not even just about getting tested. There's two different types of tests that you have to get. One is to see if you ever developed an immunity to this, because if you did, then you're kind of free to go. You can go
Starting point is 00:06:36 about your business and you're not going to get anybody else sick. And you can't get sick anymore. And you may have built up the immunity for life. They don't really know. But these proteins should be built up in your system for a long time. And then there's the other thing to test for, which is just being sick. And if you're sick, obviously, you need to be isolated. But we don't know who's sick and who's not sick. However, it does make sense to put everything on pause for a while because maybe we can all just be sick at home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Not get other people sick, right? Yeah. And it's tough, too, because we have someone like, you know, Gabrielle Lyon. Like, she'll check in, you know, with us regularly and be like, so how are your parents doing? And I'm just like, they still don't want to listen. And, you know, she'll make a huge thing about it. Like, they need to stay home. They need to stay home. But then, you know, yeah, it is kind of
Starting point is 00:07:27 like, well, shit, like, is, is it going to help if I stay home too? Like, or is that just going to hurt more because, you know, like with my job or something, you know, like me as in like the average person, not me, like actually me right now. Yeah. It's a tough thing to make sense of because, uh, it, it seems like sitting back doing nothing never, never really makes sense. Right. Yeah. Oh gosh. You get a chance to train today. Yeah, actually. Um, I woke up not feeling fantastic. I don't know. My head's been bugging me all day long. Um, maybe the quarantine is finally getting to me, but, uh, I had every intention on going into super training and I just woke up feeling like shit. So I'm like, I'll go over, you know, my fiance, she, you know, she does a lot of
Starting point is 00:08:10 home workouts and stuff. And I'm like, Hey, do you got something that you can like program for me for the day? And sure enough, she threw on a, uh, a chest and tricep workout and man, dude, it crushed me. I was surprised. I thought for sure I was like, eh, this bullshit. And no, I gave it my all and man, it kicked my butt. It was awesome. So yeah, I got some pectacles and some triceptacles. It felt good.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Nice. Yeah. Oh, there he is. Coming in. Coming in hot. He doesn't look that built right there. Oh, there he is. Coming in. Coming in hot. He doesn't look that built right there. Oh, there he is. Hopefully he's got the skinny filter on. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Is there a skinny filter? There should be. Chicks do it all the time. How about a fat filter? You guys are fancy. Hey, guys. I'll be right back. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Take your time. No, it's a diabetic thing. I'm low right now. I'm just going to go get a whole bunch of candy. Be right back. Yeah, man. Take your time. It's a, no, it's a diabetic thing. I'm low right now. I'm just going to go get a whole bunch of candy. Be right back. Oh, that's amazing. That's interesting. I should get a bunch of candy. Yeah. I did screw up today though, because I was, I wasn't, you know, super pumped to just work out at home. So I took a pretty aggressive pre-workout and i still haven't recovered from it oh it was like i was shaky oh dude yeah even just like locking out like a chest press
Starting point is 00:09:32 my whole body's like trembling and i'm like uh this isn't normal right like this isn't supposed to happen but uh yeah i'm definitely not gonna do anything like that on an empty stomach again. You still fasted right now or did you eat? No, I ate as soon as the workout was done. I was eating. Good. There's a banana. All right. Yeah. Don't want to eat this on video, but
Starting point is 00:09:58 I'll go like this. That doesn't help. That doesn't help at all. You got to make sure the eyes are closed definitely not doing that so what's up what's up with this uh diabetes thing man how do you manage that uh you know what i mean obviously hypoglycemia is going to come and go randomly when you're type one. Like you never know when it can hit. You can monitor it.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I normally have the Dexcom. It's an app on my phone and watch it. There's a sensor that I put, you know, anywhere in the body. I put on my top thigh and that reads your blood glucose every three minutes. Well, through all this, I haven't been able to get in contact, uh, even though it is a necessity. And I don't know if other type ones are dealing with this, but I haven't been able to get in contact with the, uh, uh, people who send me, it's a third party company. They go through the insurance and sent me new sensors that go on the leg. So anyways,
Starting point is 00:11:02 I'm doing an old school just for the last month um and testing you know pricking my finger so i just slammed a workout real quick and uh yeah post-workout sometimes i'll go low if i don't get in triggers so the uh sensors they just like go through your body and somehow check your blood glucose? Well, it actually, there's a wire that goes up the penis and I'm just kidding. No,
Starting point is 00:11:34 it's a, you do attach it yourself. I wish I had one. I might have one. It's just on your skin though. It's not like inside your body or anything. You have to shove it up your ass or nothing. god no even though if it did if it helped me live better i might be open to it that's how bad diabetes sucks how long have you been a diabetic man i was 29 it was late
Starting point is 00:11:59 in life so it's autoimmune disease and uh's boom happened. Like I remember one weekend, all of a sudden was just peeing all the time. And I'll never forget because it was so blatantly obvious, but obviously you don't know what it is. Whenever symptoms occur, everyone's like Googling stuff when they have health issues. This was before really, I mean, Google was around, but it was before you had so much access to info online so um it uh hold on i gotta eat this or i'm not gonna be able to talk yeah yeah yeah do it yeah this is uh really super interesting because i i know a lot of people that um have like blood sugar issues
Starting point is 00:12:40 when they're training and stuff and then some people are listening to this right now. They might be like, Oh shit. So it'd be interesting to find out how you can get tested to make sure that you're, you know, not going to one day just pass out in the gym. Man, the hypo people that just have hypoglycemia and they're not, they don't necessarily have high blood sugar.
Starting point is 00:13:03 They always ask me for help and you know i help them a little bit you know as far as staying away from high sugar diets and causing certain crashes but i'll be honest like i don't get it i don't think a lot of doctors get it either like why do some people only go low blood sugar uh during workouts like they'll slam a whole it's like they overproduce insulin. And, um, I don't know a diet that helps that other than just stay away from sugars. You know, it's definitely a really tricky thing. Cause even myself being on a carnivore diet, having been on the diet for a while, my, uh, like resting blood glucose in the morning, uh, fasted is like 90, you know, 99. And that would be considered fairly
Starting point is 00:13:47 high for your average person. And so it's an adaptation that happens to like a lower carb diet, but you're right. It's like, how do you make your car? How do you make your blood glucose like super stable? And I guess you would do it almost through kind of old school bodybuilding measures where you would eat multiple times a day, keep the meals kind of moderate. And then you would also have to watch out for like sugary carbs and probably stick more to starches. I don't know. How does it work for you? Are you able to eat like rice and potatoes and those kinds of things? Or what have you found? I've found that insulin wise, all carbs are equal.
Starting point is 00:14:27 That's why I don't, I kind of, um, no, I will just say this. I kind of gave up and I don't believe in the glycemic scale. I just don't. Um, some will say that,
Starting point is 00:14:39 okay, so high glycemic carbs, they're digested quicker. No, I don't, that's not true. Some will say they hit your blood sugar quicker and that high glycemic carbs will go through the process
Starting point is 00:14:55 and turn into glycogen that the muscle can use quicker. None of that works for me. None of that has ever made any sense whatsoever. The fact that, um, you know, when I inject insulin, okay. And I'm going to eat a banana roughly. You have to guess with fruit, right? Fruit can be different. And that's, what's kind of crazy about fruit. One banana could be 40 and then another banana could be 25. You know, I have to, it's based on weight, I guess, but also the age of the banana. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You know that. Yeah, green banana has no carbs hardly. Yeah. So that's why when I competed in all the years at Olympia, I stayed away from fruit. Fruit was like a delicacy to me because it was not stable for me. But what I was saying is I'll dose the same amount unit of insulin for Skittles as I will, uh, the same carbs of potato. So,
Starting point is 00:15:55 uh, one cup of rice. I just had that for dinner. You know, what is that? 52, 54 grams of carbs somewhere in there. Okay. White rice versus, um, 54 grams of sugar and starburst candy. All right. I dose the same amount of insulin. So I'm not saying that the after effects or the side effects of constantly eating the dyes and everything else that goes in the candy won't change something, but I'm saying carb wise, everyone's like, what carbs are good? What carbs are bad? Um, it really is on a person to person basis. Like some people like different carbs and others,
Starting point is 00:16:31 and some people will upset their stomach, but it's, I don't always believe it's a carb. I think it's the outside factors. So, um, I will, um, I'm a, I got into really flipping around carbs. Like if you can imagine yourself only allowed to have so many carbs to remain healthy and live long all right it used to be 150 grams for me um it's more now but we'll talk about that if you guys want later but like 150 grams of carbs is all you're allowed in a day yeah what's mark what's mark gonna eat well i know you're low carb but like back in the day what would have been your carbs that you would be yeah yeah 150 you run out pretty
Starting point is 00:17:12 quick man yeah so i'm saying you're like cups of rice yeah yeah three cups of rice three cups of rice three cups of rice so then one day you're like dude i'm so tired of freaking rice i'm gonna add a little sweet potato and so then you kind of start manipulating that 150. Well, I got through, you know, I wasn't Phil Heath and I wasn't, you know, Jay Cutler and all that, but I did pretty well. I got to Olympia as a first type one ever get to Olympia. And my goal was just to even live with the stinking disease. But I got there by always kind of being flexible with carbs. It would be 50 grams one day, most days. And then on my high carb day, it'd be 150. So I was always switching around carbs just to see like what would work,
Starting point is 00:17:52 what sat well on my stomach, um, what, uh, carb powders, you know, allowed me to have the best workout. And I was always just trying out different carbs. It was like, because, you know, I didn't get a lot. I felt like, you know, it was like I was a poor kid, but with carbs, you know. Did you, do you feel like you maybe potentially gave yourself diabetes? Like what's the terminology for it? Or is it just something that was living in you and it was triggered by something?
Starting point is 00:18:22 My, and this is only my thought process, but mine was that I think it's something that's causing grown men and grown women to have delayed onset diabetes, you know, and they call it type one and a half or we'll call it type two. I think it's from stuff that's in medication, vaccines, plastics.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I was perfectly fine. i was a trainer i was completely natural i was healthy i had taken store supplements um but you know nothing like you know no pro hormones nothing like that i mean i was natural um and so i asked the doctors like why would my pancreas just stop working and they're like well it's uh genetic i'm like okay that's bullshit yeah i think so no one in my family's ever had type 1 diabetes you know my grandmother's had type 2 and um they both beat it at different parts of life they got off the medication they went low car with atkins back in the day but i don't know what happened, man.
Starting point is 00:19:25 But I get thousands and thousands of people that message me all the time. And, you know, there's a lot of people that are like me. They're like 23, 25. I've had, like, people in their 40s, their pancreas just up and stopped working. Like, no type 2 symptoms. They're not overweight. They're fit. All of a sudden boom
Starting point is 00:19:45 the beta cells in their pancreas just start stop functioning and and tell the so the pancreas isn't dead or anything it's just the beta cells in the in the pancreas tell it not to produce insulin was the uh olympia stage the goal before you got diabetes as well or did that something did something click once you did realize that you had that? I never had any goal to be... I liked bodybuilders. I respect them. And I watched all the videos. I knew I could never get that big.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I remember it was an eye-opener because I was like 23 and I've been smashing the weights. And I was not getting over 175, 185. I was eating everything in sight the whole super carb load i don't know if you guys remember supplements back then they there's so many false claims which is funny because people talk about false claims now all the young no you should have been taking supplements in like 96 in 2003 like be fucked up just like us. The false claims. They got a better hold on it.
Starting point is 00:20:52 They're still kind of crazy, but like, we'll get into that. Like, yeah. So I would take all the, any supplement that said guaranteed 500% muscle growth. You know, I would take all that stuff and I would, I was the kid spending like $300 a month at least. And I was a trainer. But I never could get big. So when this hit and I was like, okay, new obstacle. I was already a very strong dude anyway.
Starting point is 00:21:16 But I was like, I got to figure out how to live with this. So it was go left with CrossFit and I want to go pro in CrossFit or go right. Because I had to compete at something I had looking back, I probably should have hit a powerlifting cause I've always been really strong for my size. But, um, the CrossFit, I, it's funny. I went to a, I went to a gym. I was really good at CrossFit. I didn't like it necessarily, but I had endurance. Like that's what my body was naturally made for was just long duration, gring pain and the dude turned me down he was like man we don't know how
Starting point is 00:21:50 and i i had beat these guys at some local navy seal competitions and they said to be honest man we just we don't know if we can accelerate you and we can enhance you to the pro level as a type one diabetic it's a risk man we don't want you to die in our in our gym that's what he said i was like all right well i'll i'll show you i'm gonna go pro in bodybuilding now so physique division came out i was already a fitness model anyway kind of like not hardcore but i had won some competitions and so i was that look they wanted in physique and it just fit how did your diet switch up when you found out you had it? Because I'd assume like you said, you were like eating a crazy amount of carbs at the time. Like, did you lower it a bit? Like, how did you experiment to get to where you are now?
Starting point is 00:22:35 And also is where you are and what you're doing right now something you'd suggest to other individuals who have type one? Yeah, absolutely. So the main focus was, I don't see a single face of this disease, man. I looked at everyone. I wanted inspiration so bad. I wanted somebody that I can latch, man. I used to just latch on to the rock. I liked Cal Ripken. I like Brett Favre. I like Jay Cutler. I like Dexter Jackson. I liked Magnus, some of the strong men. So I was like, OK, but who's got what I got? Nobody. I couldn't find anyone that was like open and educating about it. So I found a woman who inspired me and she was introduced to me. Her name's Colette Nelson. Colette was the first person.
Starting point is 00:23:23 She's a female to ever go to the Olympia as a type 1. So I was like, all right, I got to find this chick. So come to find out, we just became great friends, just clicked, a source of knowledge like no other in the type 1 diabetes world as an athlete. Not the endocrinologists and all these doctors that tell you to live this way. They misdiagnosed me first of all. And then they gave me all the wrong medication and I was so sick, but I got my pro card by myself. I was like over 300 blood sugar.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Mark, you said you're 99. I was over 300 on stage when I won my pro card. I was so like flat, but my shape that I had built from all the years of gym, just, but, um,
Starting point is 00:24:05 that was the person that I turned to. And she's the one that manipulated my medication to be like, Hey, don't do what the doctors say. Go this route. It involves different types of insulin. It's not as simple when, when all of us go see the doctor, they give us the simple route. You know, I don't know Mark too well, but I'm pretty sure he's the type that he's gonna pound his doctors for like the the you know what's the word i'm looking for
Starting point is 00:24:31 the uh um the reason why things are happening rather than just like hey give me a pill i'll see you later you know so i understood that i was gonna have to be off pattern as my endo calls me says i'm off pattern my dude my doctor now says i'm off pattern but the funny thing is they gave me everything i want and um they actually consult me because they one of my doctor has two type one sons so we'll exchange information so um i think your original question was how did it change and my bad if i'm going off topic dude but okay diet wise i went from just relaxed you could snack you see something on the counter or at a party you pick it up and eat it snacking was gone so people don't understand that there's no more snacking unless you want to like inject insulin
Starting point is 00:25:24 every time you snack or you want your blood sugar to raise up. I mean, you could have a simple 5, 10-gram carb treat, and that's going to spike your blood sugar way up. Sure, you could do that. But if you want to be an elite athlete, you can't do that. So every meal was partitioned, multiple meals. I went from, like, four meals a day, maybe five. Yeah. I would do like four or 500 grams of carbs in a day, but that was, I gave up on that carb load stuff in my early twenties. Cause I knew I wasn't going to gain mass just off carbs. It
Starting point is 00:25:57 wasn't working naturally for me. Um, so I changed up, um, I went keto and i went full on you know and i would test at first i think the first year i didn't even test to see if i was in ketosis um my doctor my endos might have like told me yeah you're you're in ketosis but i wasn't like it was just more like the focus was less carbs less insulin more better for me. It was a ton of fats. At first, I didn't realize how many fats I could eat. I would just keep upping them. I made my first Olympia in the physique division. I placed top five, and I'm the only dude there who's doing zero to 50 carbs every day.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Cheat days were 150. That's what I was talking about earlier. I'd have a cheat day. That's when I would do a hamburger, fries, try to wiggle in any more carbs i could but 150 was a max most days were 0 to 50 tons of fats 30 to 40 grams of fat every meal all natural sources no like if it fits your macro fats um i would do very little saturated fats from beef. Looking back, I probably should have. But it was a lot of fish, salmon, avocado, coconut oil, almond butter, almonds, black soil. It was all different types of fats and quality protein.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Did that diet last for you, by the way? You're not still keto right now, right? Did that diet last for you, by the way? Like, are you, you're not still keto right now, right? No, no. Um, so I'm, I'm different, you know, like people that are watching this. I mean, I don't know, you know, most people don't have a health issue that just takes over life, but as technology changes, if you pay attention to it, so can you insulin has gotten better. All right. Medication has gotten better. That Dexcom system that I was talking about, you can literally put this chip on your leg. It's a Bluetooth technology and it reads to your
Starting point is 00:27:52 Apple Watch and it beeps at you and says, oh, you're going low. You can get 5, 10, 15 grams of sugar real quick and you avoid a bad crash. The middle of the night, that chip can tell you if you're going to die or not. 1 in 20 diabetics die in the sleep from hypoglycemia yeah it's a crazy number so like and then when you hear
Starting point is 00:28:12 that stat too you get a little anxiety you know so um but anyways technology's improved that same that can help people avoid dying it can alert all your friends and your you can put into the app it can alert them when you're low if you want um i don't ever need that i've never had a medical episode um yeah i have like gotten lost at fibo in germany and not knowing where i was that was kind of scary but like uh the point is technology has allowed me to eat more carbs better medication better monitoring of the blood sugar. And it's pretty freaking awesome because, you know, as much as technology can not always be good. And, you know, social media as well, we're able to communicate with other type ones.
Starting point is 00:28:56 When I was diagnosed there, like, how did you communicate? It was like, Hey, I heard my brother and this and that, and he's type one and he played football. Maybe he can help you you know so now it's different man you can you've got the type one community is growing a lot do you think uh with all the technology that we have today that it's going to be very common for people to see viruses coming and people to see all kinds of different shit coming because like i'm wearing an aura ring right now and i have an apple watch on i mean and these things uh the aura ring has a specific thing you could sign up for and you can give them data and give them feedback but they're hoping to like you know learn and i know a lot of the other companies are doing the same
Starting point is 00:29:39 thing like whoop and some of the other ones and so hopefully they gather data that matches uh symptoms of you know these viruses and then next time uh someone's body temperature spikes up or some of these things happen maybe they can have an inkling of that they're getting ill and maybe they can get tested faster and maybe it could help prevent a lot of diseases. Yeah. That's, that's another aspect of technology helping, you know, with, with sicknesses and, you know, um, it is great. And, um, technology is going to continue to improve on the other side. Like, okay, still, what is, what are the tech, what are our techie nerd friends that we appreciate so much?
Starting point is 00:30:22 What are they doing for preventative medication? Who's preventing all this crap? You know, I love it. And I'm with you, man. Like, I appreciate how technology is helping me be a healthier diabetic. I mean, my A1C is lower than ever. But also, like, will someone please find out what the hell is causing all this? You know?
Starting point is 00:30:44 So it's, you know, I look at things two-sided, you know? Like, yeah, I appreciate the technology, but also is technology making us dependent on it, you know? So to the point where people can't even live without technology. Makes you kind of think about conspiracy theories in a way. Like maybe one thing started because of another, you know? Yeah. Is that one of those podcasts? Is this, is this one of those podcasts though? Could be.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I'm actually curious about this though. Cause he, I mean, you mentioned when you were, when you were doing keto, when you first started, I guess like having oh yeah three years three years um you did you have to track your blood sugar much like were you off of insulin at that point or did you still have to take insulin somehow dude that was what was so cool first of all i ran with it if there's anyone i can't relate to all diseases but if there's anyone out there that's dealing with type one, man, look at it like a research project and just have fun with it. That's what I did.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I got to a point where I didn't need hardly any insulin and they say it will get worse. So everyone's like, oh, yeah. So I would go keto. Right. On a low day where I would have zero carbs, which all your trolls on Instagram, like you're not zero. You can't be zero. I'm like, listen, you son of a, you know what? I just say, don't let me tell you about what carbs are.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You piece of shit. Let me tell you. Okay. You think that there's carbs in asparagus because it says on a freaking nutrition fact there's carbs in asparagus i have to take a medication that helps insulin go through the door you know and helps you absorb carbs so let me tell you a long time ago somebody created these nutrition facts right and if if asparagus isn't spiking my blood sugar, if I eat two cups of asparagus and it says it's supposed to have 20 grams of carbs, whatever. How the hell why doesn't it spike my blood sugar? It's it's it's non glucose responsive.
Starting point is 00:32:56 You know, so like I would, you know, I know I point out on tanda there, but the point is you there you can zero carb. You know, especially, Mark, you definitely have done that. Eating meat only, that's definitely zero carb. So anyways, I would have vegetables and I would have a very, very extremely low carb day. And by the nighttime when I was insulin, extremely insulin sensitive, I would be eating food with no insulin. Because protein has a glucose response. I didn't understand that early. insulin sensitive, I would be eating food with no insulin. Um, and because protein is protein has a glucose response. I didn't understand that early. Uh, fat has a glucose response. I didn't understand that. And, uh, most people just, you know, that are generally, uh, you know, in fitness, they're like, okay, I understand, you know, carbs have a glucose
Starting point is 00:33:41 response, but I would go like, and I would have a chicken with asparagus and a whole handful of almonds or cashews and not need any insulin. And as in my prep, as the leaner I got, the less weight I got, the lower my body fat got, I would sometimes in one day I would use like one or two units of insulin versus now when I'm eating carbs,
Starting point is 00:34:03 I'm eating God 50 units of insulin versus now when I'm eating carbs, I'm eating God, 50 units of insulin, you know? So I know I've seen both perspectives of, you know, diet and it's all just so interesting to me. Have you ever, uh, like, uh, gotten fatter from eating protein and fats? Um, have you ever like kind of overdone the consumption of food? Or have you found that to really not be possible? What what have you seen? My genetics? And one thing I mean, yeah, certain things I believe in genetics, you know, I think people do have certain genetics with their metabolism. Some people were born into, you know, I was born in extremely fast genetics.
Starting point is 00:34:46 My boys are just like me. My wife is not like me, you know? Um, but what I'm saying is I, I've never, you know, gotten fat.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I've never been able to gain a lot of fat. I have to eat so much. I think one time in my life, I had like a girlfriend and all we did was drink Cokes and eat like complete crap all day. Like, I don't know if y'all had a high school girlfriend. You're like that. But, uh, yeah, I got, I think I almost lost my six pack, but on a low, what I did notice from a low carb diet and eating a ton of fats was that some of those fats did
Starting point is 00:35:27 give me a distended gut. And I love it. Cause I mean, I was, I was in my prime. I was out there. I was on the magazines and all that and stuff. So people would see my social media and you know how the, the, the critical trolls would be like, Oh, GH belly growth. You know, like, okay, no guys, I tried growth hormone. I can't, okay. No, guys, I tried growth hormone. I can't take it. I'm so honest with you guys.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I was like, no, that's not a GH belly. That is called I don't know what's going on. What did growth hormone do to you? I want to take growth hormone. I don't get my doctor prescribed. I would love it. I actually had – he was like, I tested you and you have low IGF numbers and low growth hormone numbers. I'm like, what the hell? Like, so give
Starting point is 00:36:10 me some growth hormone, you know? Like I literally was low. I'm like, how the hell do I have low? He's like, well, some diabetics develop this. So I go take it, try it different times of the day. It's, it makes every type one insulin resistant so even the smallest amount i mean i was able to take it and withstand it on a keto diet but even when i was keto or low super low carb um it would still spike my blood sugar up all morning like 7 a. till 1pm, just over 200 180. And you're losing weight at that point. You're not absorbing nutrients at that point, you're causing cellular damage at that point. So I, it was like, not for me. And I was kind of pissed. But like, one thing I can't, you know, people can say is like, Oh, he has a growth hormone belly. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:37:03 no, man, that's just called I think I would just push out a lot. But I did think that the fats did it. Because when you're eating 30, 40 grams of fat, and it was a lot of nut fats. So if I could rewind, I probably would have done different sources of fat. But I mean, you learn. You learn as you go. Did you say fat nuts? Are we talking shaved?
Starting point is 00:37:30 This is a plug for Manscaped. And now a break for our sponsors. So it might not even be worth it for you, but did you look into the... It's basically like a gh compound but the mk677 the uh i got in my fridge yeah got in my fridge i was all excited i'm like okay now my doc says uh there's a new peptide thing same thing i am going to beta test it i am going to try it again because i didn't try it on a low carb diet. But as soon as I feel like going low carb, it's in the fridge along with an IGF-1 peptide.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And they both cause me insulin resistance. The only thing that hasn't is Samorlan. Samorlan does not cause insulin resistance. Very, very little. Just a tiny bit. So you're saying that's the injectable, right? Mm-hmm. Have you tried the oral version?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Samorlan? No, the oral version of that GH Secretagogue. The MK477. That's it, right? Yeah, I have the oral version. Oh, okay. And then they give me an injectable version of the IGF.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Okay. And then I even split them. Yeah yeah i don't want to give your hopes up but i think when i took it i did become insulin uh sensitive as well sensitive so i'm like resistance sorry yeah my insulin got all jacked up it was not good yeah that's especially if you're not even diabetic. Yeah. So you pretty much dig carbs, right? Because now you just take the insulin and eat the carbohydrates. Is there any other reasons for the shift in nutrition? Or is it just to kind of like live your life and you find it easier to have a little bit of carbohydrates? It was, yeah, it was different reasons, but really it was like, all right, I've done low carb and keto for so many years. And, um, I started traveling a lot at the time. That's why I kind of took a break from competing. I started working and had some good opportunities all over the world. And I had already traveled so much and I wasn't able to like trial the carbs in China and, uh, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. And I was like try all the carbs in china and australia new zealand and europe and
Starting point is 00:39:47 i was like man i'm gonna eat now and also i had the new medication i had a new pill that i had started um this pill helps excrete glucose through the liver um through the process of urination so your glucose holds a ton of liver your liver holds a ton of glucose when you're diabetic it holds like two or three times as much it's some type of fight or flight response so this drug invacana allowed me to eat more carbs i was like all right i'm doing it you know if you can imagine like literally feeling like you can't eat carbs ever even when you want or being so careful and then all of a sudden you have this drug. You're like, let's go. And I did.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I got bigger. I got bigger. Not a lot. Then it halted. The carbs didn't accelerate gains like as much. And I wasn't upping any doses of anything. It was just simply the carbs. In fact, I was probably doing less stuff because I wasn't competing.
Starting point is 00:40:45 So, um, you know, I, the carbs were just more like a, a fun thing. And also I was going to transition to classic. So I needed to gain about 20 pounds, not 20 pounds of muscle. I just looked at 20 pounds period. I don't let my body fat go too crazy so i wanted to get to about 235 so i got to 233 234 that was the heaviest i ever got i'm 510 and um then from there just the carbs i wasn't gaining more weight you know um and some things kicked in so now i'm like open to dropping carbs again because honestly i feel better like when you look at both diets and when you really, you're a person who's like, what's the best diet for me? And you really evaluate things accurately. It's like a, it really is a research project to you.
Starting point is 00:41:34 You can figure out like what works for you. And I promote that to people. I'm like, don't just go off this. Don't jump around from all these different diets if you're not really doing them properly. don't jump around from all these different diets if you're not really doing them properly. But if I could say what I prefer, what I focus best on, the best mood, the best consistency, energy, it is a lower carb diet for sure. I was curious about this too, as you were mentioning all of that. And obviously, I have massive ignorance since I'm not diabetic. I don't know what that lifestyle is. But you were mentioning how like when you were eating more carbs, you have to utilize more insulin. I don't know how that is
Starting point is 00:42:09 like on a daily basis, if it's multiple times that you have to use it or if it's one large time, but like, let's say you're, you're done with the, when you get done competing per se, right? Does it affect your quality of life having to use so much insulin? And would you go lower carb to no carb? Does that make life easier in any way? Or is life easier and more enjoyable? Like kind of like Mark said, utilizing more carbs and using more insulin? It absolutely without getting too like detailed here. first of all, type one diabetics do have to take insulin every single meal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So if you eat six meals a day, you're taking six meals every time before you eat. Um, especially if it's carbs. Uh, then you have to also, then you also also pin, you know, inject yourself for corrections. And this is where you start falling off. Like diabetics don't do this. Correction means if you go over one 20 or I'm sorry, one 40, you need to make a correction corrections and this is where you start falling off like diabetics don't do this correction means if you go over 120 or i'm sorry 140 you need to make a correction put a unit in and bring it back down on 120 you go up to 200 you need to take whatever your scale is all diabetics have a
Starting point is 00:43:17 different scale i would take four units and it would probably bring me back down from 200 to 120 140 somewhere in there all right So there's many variables. But the point is you're constantly injecting so you're just not like a roller coaster. You want to be a fine line. So I tell my people, my clients and the people I talk to, you don't want a life like this. Even if it's not diabetes, people's lives suck when the roller coaster highs up. Find a consistent lifestyle. And so for diabetics, low carb is very consistent. It's not necessarily that insulin will have side effects. I know you asked that, like, will the insulin have side effects?
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, a little bit of water bloating. The side effect of becoming resistant to the insulin. That's why there's type two. I mean, they become resistant to their own insulin, but really every, if you're not kind of like a freak about trying different stuff like me, just go low carb.
Starting point is 00:44:16 You know, I've been able to do it, but yeah, I had to spend, you know, I have to have the Dexcom system. It's not cheap. You have to have amazing insurance to pay for that Dexcom alert system. A lot of, you know, I have to have the Dexcom system. It's not cheap. You don't have to have amazing insurance to pay for that Dexcom, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:27 alert system. A lot of, you know, you have to have bad-ass insurance for that. Um, the medication, you know, I have to talk, I had to talk to my doctors and have a whole like literally negotiations to start getting them to give me Invacana. And when I pass it on to my clients, they can't always talk to doctors into it, even though it's better for them. So the point is like, I wouldn't have to go to all this extra effort if I was a slow cart. Do you have to be conscious of just overeating in general?
Starting point is 00:44:53 Because you mentioned each thing spiking insulin. So I'd imagine if you were just to, like, really have at it, just have a huge meal, even if it was a steak, a baked potato and uh even like a small dessert afterwards i'd imagine that you gotta pay attention to even that meal right yeah because what i mean it's just it's just nature to me like it's so i i don't it doesn't add up to stress sometimes it will sometimes have like a moment where to scream or you want to break a wall if you have a good wife for that reason i'll use my wife is you know she's got my back and i'll just say hey i'm having like a feel sorry for me moment you know i think you know a lot of diabetics have that
Starting point is 00:45:37 but like you just do you're doing it every day you're people talk about counting macros and i have to do that every single meal. So when you got a plate of food, you know, people just start eating it. If you're a fit, if you're a fitness enthusiast, maybe you're counting macros now you're like, okay, that's, but you don't have to be accurate in order to maintain your, your lifestyle and maintain health. So counting macros is just like food is math to me. I look at, and I have to, I mean, you have to do it. You have to do it. You have to do it every meal year after year. So, um, you know, when it, when it comes to like trying new things and all that,
Starting point is 00:46:18 um, or I'm sorry, I kind of forgot what he asked, but like, when it comes to eating a big meal, sorry i kind of forgot what he asked but like when it comes to eating a big meal it doesn't really like affect me i guess like yeah i don't gorge out but maybe that's just because i'm just accustomed to not gorging out because i did now that now that you're asking me that yeah i definitely did like gorge out on food before I had become probably, you know, a better diabetic. Competing. Competing will make it's like, man, I'll be so good and so consistent. And then you're dieting, you're 3, 4, 5 percent body fat, whatever you are.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And then after the show, man, for a week, you just go go hard on the food. You're like cheat meals every day. That was the last time I haven't had any issues since 2016 with like extreme insulin resistance and since i you know stopped trying to take growth hormone what uh what makes people fat because you'll hear sometimes somebody will say oh you know you don't want your insulin to spike because that's going to make you fat. So in your opinion, why are so many people fat? Well, I mean, I can only relate to my issues and also, but I mean, I've trained thousands of people, trained many, many overweight people. And I will get into, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:41 insulin resistance a little bit, but really I think it's just overall calories. In my opinion, just overall calories in my opinion just overall calories like if they were we don't have to get so scientific and talk about insulin resistance with an overweight person we have to talk about okay what causes insulin resistance all right it was your emotional eating at 11 o'clock and midnight. You're pounding a whole stack of Oreos or whatever your vice is. That was it. That sounds good. It does. But you know what? It's like, so my thing is, all right, let's teach them like moderation. Let's put them on.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Let's put on a whole bunch of muscle, you know, the, the, the Mark Bell way. And then guess what? You can eat a whole damn stack of Oreos post-workout. But you have to get to that level. How about now, obviously, with competitions being stopped? I don't know how it is for all the competitions you had coming up, but what have you had to adjust? You mean because of the coronavirus? Uh-huh. for all the competitions you had coming up, but what have you had to adjust? Um,
Starting point is 00:48:47 you mean because like the coronavirus? Uh-huh. Shoot, man. I don't, we live a pretty like solitary lifestyle. I mean, I was at,
Starting point is 00:48:58 I was at Columbus. It's not like that. We don't get out and do stuff, but also, I mean, I have two twin boys. They're 15 months old. So we don't go out and do stuff, but also, I mean, I have two twin boys, they're 15 months old. So we don't go out and do a ton of stuff with them anyway. We'll,
Starting point is 00:49:10 we'll take them to Costco, you know, a little bit. Now we don't take them to Costco. We'll take, we might go meet some friends for dinner or food or lunch. Now we don't do that, but we weren't, our activity already slowed down. And, um, you know, know just what what's changed is just really my focus man i feel like i am more focused and and more appreciative and more grateful because of all this uh it's opened my eyes a lot i i said something the other day like it's funny you'll um before the coronavirus i, you really weren't aware of like who all is aligned with the same, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:47 integrity and morals and beliefs as you, and this has kind of opened up your eyes to it. And so I've just seen the way that a lot of people handle stuff, this pandemic and, um, you know, not to be too crazy or too deep here, but it's just like, um, I want to surround myself with, you know, people who, who want to help the world and not just complain and criticize and whine about it you know i want to i want to surround myself with people who lift up other people and even even our current i was just you
Starting point is 00:50:18 know i don't even watch much the news but i was watching like you know one channel all they do on the media is just criticize the government and criticize the president and all this. And I'm sitting here, I'm like, dude, you know, not, not to get involved in too much, but it's just like, you know, I think people just have a negative mindset, you know, the media will push, we'll push them there. And so I stay away from that because the minute I turn it on and I start seeing a lot of negative attention,
Starting point is 00:50:47 I feel like it just brings down my vibe and what I'm focused on right now. And so I've got two business plans I've written. We've been spending more time together. We've got a whole bunch of new recipes. I just finalized an app that I'll launch once this is all done. Design meetings with a clothing designer on some premium, you know, fitness clothes that I've been trying to do for like five years. So I'm, I'm, I'm staying proactive through all this, you know? So it's almost like,
Starting point is 00:51:14 I don't want to say I appreciate it, but like, if you have downtime, you know, embrace it, do the best you can during that downtime. Yeah. This is, is uh certainly slowing the world down and um maybe you know at this time with everything moving in slow motion people can see things a little bit better i know just something so simple i just appreciate my wife more i mean i already know how much she does but just kind of watching everything kind of come to a screeching halt and then seeing how much she takes care of with the kids and stuff. It's like, Holy shit. Like I'm super grateful for her. And you know,
Starting point is 00:51:49 she's my business partner as well. And then I, I kind of just recognize like how much she shoulders a lot of the business and stuff, even though, you know, I'm, I'm the one who gets, I'm the one who gets the I'm the one who gets the credit for it. But I also take the bullets too, but it's just opened my eyes a lot. And I've known that. We spend a lot of time together. We get along really well.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And I spend a lot of time with my kids and stuff too. But, man, it's actually been fun. It's actually been great sitting there watching TV with them and just kind of, I don't know, just being more involved in their lives and stuff. It's, it's been kind of a blessing really. Yeah. Same here. Same thing. Sometimes things need to slow down and, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:35 I am a spiritual person too. So, so I always believe things have a greater meaning. Um, maybe that's just me being naive, but I always try to look at the positive and absolutely everything. When I made a post the other day, I talked about the coronavirus, and I kind of just threw it out there to see what people would say. I'm trying to get, you know, I like to hear from people and just see where they're at. Try not to give too much influence on what I think sometimes and just flat out say,
Starting point is 00:53:01 hey, what are some of your thoughts on this? sometimes and just flat out say, Hey, what are some of your thoughts on this? And I said something effective, like, uh, do you feel that the, um, the quarantine is effective or do you feel it's ineffective or do you feel it's making things worse? Uh, where do you stand on this? Oh yeah. Yeah. Cause I had, uh, I had to, I don't even remember what I put. Yeah. I don't know if you were messing around or whatever, but you just said you just kind of think – you just said worse, but you didn't really say. And then it inflamed a ton of people.
Starting point is 00:53:32 So I didn't know if you dropped that. And if you just wanted to do like a drive-by, you were like, and then drove off or – No, I thought you had asked, is it better or worse from if we hadn't been quarantined? So like say had they not ever quarantined, I was thinking it would have been worse. Right, right, right. No, I'm all for like the stay at home. Maybe I didn't read it right.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I don't know, but no, I, I support, um, I think like you said, talking about diets and health, we got to look at the root cause.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Where did this come from? And people are naive and they're like, Oh, it didn't come from China. Okay. Bullshit. This came from China. I don't even believe this came from bat soup.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I think this came from a lab that was it was leaked somehow, hopefully not on purpose, but it could have been on purpose. It could have been an accident. But where did this come from? It came from a been contained in China better and had they been more public about it earlier, that this wouldn't have gotten to all the other countries. Isn't that crazy? I mean, think about like when you're a little kid, you like fuck with like matches or something and you you light a cardboard box on fire and you're like, fuck, man, I lit that whole box on fire. I didn't didn't mean to do that. And you splash it with water or something. You that's the end of it right and then some crazy bastard probably started and then also maybe they were testing type 1 diabetes yeah then just like a just like a kid you try to hide it and you don't want to tell anybody about it you're like nope i don't know what you guys are talking about what box i didn't light a box on fire throw it behind your back i started fire as a kid i was i it was bad i was like not on I didn't light a box on fire. Throw it behind your back. I started fires as a kid.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I was, I, it was bad. I was like, not on purpose. It'd mean to burn down a whole bunch of woods, but yeah, I got,
Starting point is 00:55:31 I ran and told everybody though. I don't think Charlie run and told everybody. Right. I know. I still don't think they're giving us all the, uh, all the details on it, but I,
Starting point is 00:55:42 I agree with you. I think it doesn't really do us any good to, uh, i think it does us good to speculate on what we think is the right thing to do but i don't think it it makes a lot of sense to completely uh disregard you know kind of like what's what's being said i i think uh just like even even watching the presidential candidates and stuff get up there and talk. And it's like, man, could there ever be a time where anybody collaborates? I mean, I know that you're not going to really see that, especially because who the current president is. But I just think like you would get everyone, you'd get everyone to listen to you.
Starting point is 00:56:19 If you were like if it was Biden or someone like that and he was like, Hey man, like, this is a really tough spot to be in. I would like to see things done a little bit more like this, but I support what's going on. Imagine if he said that, imagine how many people would be like, this dude's cool. Like, who's this guy? Like I, this guy's got an open mind. I think, and I think they would flip their brain around on, on who they're thinking about selecting, you know, otherwise I think that, I think that Trump's going to win easily again.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Cause I think people are, we too scared for any sort of change. No, exactly. And that's this, that's what I was talking about. That what the media is just tearing down politicians in a time when they're trying their best and they're tearing down the president, the Democrats are tearing down the Republicans, Republicans, you know, maybe doing the same thing. I don't see it as much, but, you know, personally, it's just like, you know, at what point do you be like, Hey, we can be enemies later. We can disagree later right now. We're going to stand up and, um, you know, get this stimulus package done.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Let's get these checks out to people. If that, you know, truly helps. I, you know, some people say, Oh, $1,200 isn't going to help anyone. No. When I was 25 years old and I was living paycheck to paycheck, $1,200 is going to help me out a lot. A shit ton of money, especially if you don't have anything coming in, man. Yeah. I could live off $1,200 for two months back then. Like, easy. I would have moved out of my apartment.
Starting point is 00:57:49 You know, I would have been fine. You know, delayed a car payment, moved in with my parents, you know, and lived off $1,200 for even longer than that if I had to. Plus, went out and made some extra money. So, like, it could help. But I do think that people need to be quarantined right now i i believe that had if people would have listened to quarantine from the beginning starting from where it all started in china even to now we wouldn't have a lot less issues look at the i mean it's blatantly obvious like there's no no, there's shit. This is a statistic.
Starting point is 00:58:26 The most populated cities where the people are most social have the most concentrated amounts of the disease. All right. Because they're out and about and they're doing stuff. All right. So rural communities where I live in my city, we have one person, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:41 in Prosper, Texas, we're North of Dallas, downtown Dallas. Oh, they're saying it's about to blow up. There's pictures of people on where I used to live. We moved up here when we had kids. Katy Trail, this trail is just tons of people.
Starting point is 00:58:54 And the mayor is on the news like, I'm ashamed of you people, this and that. Like, yeah, that's what people do in concentrated. They refuse to just separate from each other. So, yeah, I mean, I, I don't know what else you need to know. Like, yeah, you absolutely should have quarantined and you should have listened better. And then we wouldn't have this problem. And you know, it's, it's ridiculous cause we're all going to hurt financially for this. And,
Starting point is 00:59:17 um, you know, it's at one point though, do you start asking, okay, do we let businesses open back up since the stronger immune people aren't necessarily dying from this? I think it would come down to testing. If they can get people tested, then maybe they can make better assessments on who can do what. But I don't know how they'll regulate all that stuff. I think today they said another 30 days. I think that's what I heard. But I don't know how they'll regulate, you know, all that stuff. I think today they said another 30 days. I think that's what I heard. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Did you guys hear the same thing? No, I didn't see anything. April 30th. Another April 30th is what the president said. And, yep. He was talking more like the beginning of April. Now he's just talking a little bit more the end of April, I think. he's had to kind of push that back yeah it makes sense i mean we're starting to i think we're getting to the peak um which you know sounds horrifying but i think
Starting point is 01:00:15 that we're we're getting close to that ramping up to where it needs to ramp up to and then it will start coming back down again um at least that's the theory because you keep people separated for a long enough time and then enough people will get it where enough people will be immune to it. And like China, they're back to work and I don't think they have anything negative going on, but it's hard to tell. Yeah. I had some Chinese people comment on my stuff and it's in chinese i do have a few friends there so i mean you can i can reach out and ask i mean it's like yeah how do you really know the truth but um yeah it's just man i feel for the medical workers right now right working overtime stressed
Starting point is 01:01:02 out um even my doctor my doctor is a very successful dude man he's got multiple practices he posts something on his personal facebook like and i actually i shared it on my page like man there's real life like veteran doctors in their 60s that are like this scares me isn't this really this is really a wild thing because it's impacting the world you know like a lot of times you of times you hear about an earthquake or you hear about a volcano, and it's just impacting this area. And you're like, man, that's horrific. And you see it, and it's on the news for a couple days. But because it's not an American problem, it disappears.
Starting point is 01:01:42 9-11 was a thing for a long time. But if you weren't in New York, you weren't impacted the same way. All Americans were impacted. Obviously, that, you know, scared the shit out of everybody of what was going to happen next and stuff like that. But, you know, those people in that condensed area, same thing with like the Boston bombing and even just like it seems like the news has always like got their face in something. Right. They're like nose down in, in, in some sort of material for a while. It was, uh, you know, all these older men getting in trouble for sexual harassment. And that was the thing. Um, and that impacts a large subset of people and it hurts a lot of people, but
Starting point is 01:02:21 this is damaging the entire world. So this is just a different, a different thing. And I don't recall ever experiencing anything like this since I've been around. No, never. I don't know. All if you did, I don't think we've ever faced anything even close to this except for maybe, you know, the plague and we didn't have as much information there were still so many people
Starting point is 01:02:46 that were unaware of what's going on now everyone that's on their face you know when they look at their phone right on the tv you know everyone's been affected and um yeah it's it's funny because you like you've seen those memes where they they're like uh now your wives are now look at their husbands like can he shoot can he cook can he protect their can he hunt yeah yeah and i'm like yeah i mean i i would be all right but i did i don't know if you guys thought about that i'm like man would i survive i mean i got a gun i've killed a deer before. I'm not a hunter, but I would probably have to go move in with my, my, uh, my wife's parents. We'd have to, cause they're big hunters and they got a ton of guns. Yeah. That was my first thought too was like, okay,
Starting point is 01:03:38 who do I know that actually does have like the ammo and everything? And I got some uncles that know how to hunt and everything. So I think we'll be all right. But, you know, yeah, it's just about like accepting that and being like, I'll clean your weapons if you get me some food. Right. Yeah. What businesses do you got?
Starting point is 01:03:58 You mentioned you have a couple of different businesses. Man, so we've been before all this. I had parted ways with my partners in my cbd business and um you know it's taken longer than expected but it's really because i needed new partnership and um so i uh before all this i'm not going to launch CBD during this pandemic, but I'll bring back one CBD. One stands for wrath of nature. And so the CBD business, I just was pretty vocal about it. I'm just so tired of a lot of the clothing companies. I mean, there's some good ones out there, but I had a bad end of business with this australian clothing company recently
Starting point is 01:04:47 so um i had been meaning to get with this designer anyway we've talked he's a uh i guess i won't say his big line he's got a big like actual high-end designer menswear out of new york and so we've been talking a long time about doing like legit high end fabric, uh, workout wear. Um, we need shit to make us look jacked, really jacked. Yeah. Animal pack feel, but with a little bit less size and Frank McGrath, if you guys know, if y'all follow those ads i love those ads yeah so like just a like a dingy but you get thick and you know and then we'll go into performance fabrics
Starting point is 01:05:32 later but we'll start off with just the culture of the company which is just your hardcore steel you know lifting clothes that are durable that do not get messed up. And so I've always loved clothes of looks like men's style. And, um, so that would make me happy. You know, if we, if we make money with it or not, of course we got, hopefully we do, but I just love, uh, coming up with concepts that like, I feel like my followers and then customers will like to wear at the gym. And, um,
Starting point is 01:06:07 so then the app, the app's cool too. So they're all, these are all passion projects and yeah, I mean, I got to pay the bills and support my family, but, um, I'm super excited about this app because you know, a lot of people are doing apps, but, um, I've, I've never been able to do one that integrates with the type one diabetics because it has to be pretty sophisticated. It has to be pretty detailed. So,
Starting point is 01:06:27 um, yeah. Launching the app later this summer, once everyone stops getting sick and stuff. Um, about the, yeah, the CBD stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Um, is that something you're going to get back into? Yeah, I like, I think CBD was, was great for me. I was like was like uh all these companies were sending me stuff in like 2018 there's you know it's it's kind of the way of the influencer man people will ask you for your address and send you out tons of free stuff so it's cool but i started
Starting point is 01:06:58 taking the cbd and i started i noticed my blood sugar was stabilizing and this was right i just told you guys right when i was like stopped competing i had done a year of high carb trying to figure out how to stabilize my blood sugar on a high carb diet and it was like getting better it was like worse it was getting better and better and better and better until finally like 2018 was like all right i officially can do like 400 500 grams of carbs and have a great a1c score and but then i added in the uh the cbd and i was like man i'm actually feeling a little bit more insulin sensitive so i noticed i was using like a little bit less insulin and come to find out you know i had done a little research there was no research in 2018 on cbd is actually illegal in the u.s but i find forums and c and CBD is a great anti-inflammatory.
Starting point is 01:07:45 And so all autoimmune disorders are inflammatory diseases. So, um, it, it made sense why it was helping. I couldn't figure out why, but I was like, Oh, well, CBD is, is great for inflammation. So I actually gave it to a lot of people with inflammatory diseases. And this is all before CBD got real big, but big but um i had given it to our family member she's a little girl with rheumatoid arthritis and the steroids make her face swell up she had a quick dance senior year or junior year high school she was homeschooled so she was really just swollen and she took it and she was
Starting point is 01:08:22 like her dad texts me and was like hey she's like coming to work out with me at gym for the first time in a year she's going back to dance class so the cbd had its benefits and that's why i was like all right this is something i could stand by and you know first month you know i i had had like repeat customers with supplements and i've only endorsed supplements i never you know I don't own my own brand. Maybe I will with supplements one day. But I had never had people like this. They're much heart into it. The emails and the response from the CBD was like,
Starting point is 01:08:53 dude, I've been on anxiety medication for five years now. And I'm like, my doctor's telling me it's okay to drop it. Stuff like that. Stuff that makes you emotional. You're like, wow, I'm doing something to impact the world. So yeah, I like this evening. I like it. Of course, there's a lot of scam wars out there too.
Starting point is 01:09:12 That's what I was going to ask because I've tried a couple of different things from my back. I've tried topical stuff. I've tried vaping it. I've tried drops under the tongue and everything. And I haven't really been able to notice a significance or even a difference at all so is it just because i'm trying like bullshit products or is it is it like a person-to-person basis um what is the what's the what's wrong with your back uh i i've always had back issues really but like i've uh herniated disc but this was a couple years ago now um basically what it comes down to is i've been sitting for like 12 years straight like
Starting point is 01:09:52 two jobs in a row where i sat all day long every day so that's really what it comes comes down to but training at you know at super trainings helped a ton that's actually the only thing that's ever really helped but But, um, you know, just, we have companies that send us shit all the time too. And it's like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:10:09 CBD, I heard that's great for anti inflammation and stuff. And so like, I would try it. Like, I think maybe probably not, you know, like,
Starting point is 01:10:18 I don't know. And I'm not trying to bash CBD. I'm just, you know, saying like, I've never really noticed a difference. So I was just curious. Is it like,
Starting point is 01:10:24 there's people like you. Yeah. There's people people that so you got to look at all the variables like you you got to look at you know i would ask it could be bad product but also like did you take it consistently for at least like two or three weeks okay yeah i mean i'm not saying yes i'm just like i didn't i didn't know that it would like, I would assume that it built like a, almost like a tolerance. I wasn't sure if it would like accumulate, right? It doesn't really accumulate, but your endocannabinoid system, okay, in your brain is what, you know, where the receptors and, you know, I'm not like Mr. Scientist about this. I mean, that's why I have partners that, um, that I work with, but you know, basically everyone has a different response, uh, with their endocannabinoid system. All right. So my example was like, you know, some people get really high, you know, when they smoke weed and some people will function, they'll go to work and do a podcast i'm not one of those people i'm like good night so but with cbd um it it can have a different response and you know um so it's not
Starting point is 01:11:35 based on weight it's not based on sex or anything like that it's just based on you and all the factors are within your body so the pain could be too high the pain it can't handle extremely bad pain um inflammation in a leg for a pregnant woman that's having like um restless leg syndrome at night or something you know my wife had it yeah like it dropped her pain that day but that's that's not like an intolerable back pain from herniated discs or something like um reduced like and her dad her dad sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't and it's frustrating because he has really he has muscular or no muscular sclerosis so yeah it's you know it's gotten he's able to not digressing too much
Starting point is 01:12:25 but the CBD would help sometimes and sometimes it wouldn't this Cajun guy he's like a tough guy he lives on the bayou he's got a shrimp boat in the back of his house and you're like Jason this stuff isn't working what'd you send me this time
Starting point is 01:12:41 I'm like I don't know it's just some new brand alright well you gotta send me that other stuff. Cause this stuff ain't working at all. I'm like, all right. I don't know. You know,
Starting point is 01:12:52 it's not one of those things where it's, it's, it's an organic, you know, compound, you know, that's why pharmaceuticals, people are addicted to them when they work.
Starting point is 01:13:01 I mean, they're super strong. So, um, yeah, the CBD is crazy. And we're going to learn more and work. I mean, they're super strong. So, yeah, the CBD is crazy. And we're going to learn more and more about it. But you got to take it consistently.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah. And twice a day. It's not a one-time-a-day thing. They don't have any time release. You got to take CBD morning and night. Got it. How's your training going right now? Man, I'm killing it.
Starting point is 01:13:23 I mean, you know, it could be a little bit better if I was in my normal gym, but I got a home gym. Are you posting this on any video format? Yeah. I'll show you. Yeah. Okay. I know you train at home quite often, train outside and stuff, right?
Starting point is 01:13:43 Oh, yeah. I like to train outside. In texas heat yeah man i like to sweat i like you know it gets you know july august nah you're not gonna find me train outside that's like death wish i don't know i don't know how branch and runny did that all those years super humid but you know jason as you're heading to your gym i'm curious because a lot of trainers and coaches listen to this and like a lot of them, they have clients and you mentioned you do have clients that you're working with.
Starting point is 01:14:10 So how are you keeping those individuals like motivated and continuing on when they don't, a lot of them might not have a home gym or access to a gym. What advice do you have for individuals to keep them going? Man, I have sent everyone to buy bands and just, I tell them bands and make them dance. No,
Starting point is 01:14:33 I tell the bands are the best resistance you have. I try to tell people, most of my guys are guys that want to look like me or some of them are even bigger, some of them smaller, but they all want to get jacked. They want to have as much muscle as possible. Um, so I tell them that we got to find some way to have the most resistance possible. So, um, you know, I don't do a ton of online training. I
Starting point is 01:14:56 don't do a one-on-one. I only have like 15 people at a time. I used to do 50, 75. Um, and I mean, I was chaotic, so I only trained 15 people at a time. So those people are able, it was working in a smaller number. I'm able to communicate with them a little better. And, um, yeah, resistance bands, heavy resistance bands, and then dumbbells. So everyone, I haven't, I didn't have one client that was like, Oh, I can't find dumbbells or couldn't find resistance bands. Cause we caught it early on. So they've all ordered dumbbells, order resistance bands. Um,
Starting point is 01:15:29 and some of my clients have even bought home gyms like me, but for those trainers, there's trainers out there that probably train a lot more than me. Like they have probably hundreds of clients. Um, if that's the case, I mean, that's why you probably want to have an app.
Starting point is 01:15:43 You want to have a business format to where you're able to communicate in a mass amount quickly. So it's an organized fashion. So these people can take your advice and go. stressed out right now. That's why when I launch this app, say this happens again, we're going to go straight to bodyweight. I'm going to film everything right here in my studio and they can take that bodyweight workout and the bands workout and the dumbbell workout and run with that.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Does that answer your question? Yeah, most definitely. Do you have any recommendations for which bands? Yeah, can I flip this around? You should be able to. I think so, yeah. Yeah, there's a button somewhere. Tap the screen, you should see it.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Yeah, there you go. So we'll start with this. You guys seen the commercial for this thing? Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. That's the mirror, right? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:16:45 No, no, no. This is called the tonal. Oh. The mirror is like different. I think the tonal is better. I don't know much about the mirror, but the tonal is, look at this. Here's the resistance. You can turn the resistance up. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:17:01 100 pounds on each side. So that's 200 pounds resistance. You pick your exercise exercise all custom made if you don't want to just pick one exercise and create your own program then you can pick all these different trainers that they have uh previously shot so you want to do a workout or that's already been done you You can pick all these, man, I threw this on a live and I had so many questions about it, but like, yeah, here,
Starting point is 01:17:29 let's take a train. Who would you train with? Who would you pick Mark? Did you get crushed when you did the workout? You know what? I haven't done one of these workouts yet. I bet you get killed on them. I think,
Starting point is 01:17:43 I think Mark would go with Nicolette. She looks hard. Yeah. I always, I always pick chicks when I go on the killed on them. I think Mark would go with Nicolette. She looks hardcore. Yeah, I always pick chicks when I go on the Peloton thing. Like, I send my wife pictures all the time. I'm like, check out who I'm training with. So the arms go out. I'm super impressed with this thing. And look how thin it is.
Starting point is 01:18:00 It's right up against the wall. So people that have, like, you know, a tight space, I mean, I got it here in my garage gym. But look at that. It's right up against the wall so people that have like you know a tight space i mean i got it here in my garage gym but look at that it's right up against the i can still pull my car in and park it wow so then uh yeah that's crazy flooring flooring is like the foundation of my gym i'm almost i'm so glad i did it because this is rubber and it's man my kids can fall on it it can run on it i can drop dumbbells on it so instead of doing epoxy in my garage i did this rub court it's awesome so that's where this is the prime fitness rack um kind of start from the top to bottom, but you got your pull-up options here. It goes in and out.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Then, you know, cable system. It's got two different cable systems. One right here. I was doing flies earlier. You can see the weight going right there. You can actually attach this cable. It is sick. You can attach this up to the barbell too so you can add a cable resistance to the barbell tons of handles and then you know my sponsor is awesome
Starting point is 01:19:15 they send me a whole bunch of rain where's your mirror no mirror yet man this is it there's a mirror the walmart the walmart mirror man that's outside man we're in texas we just go lay out and get some vitamin vitamin d right now that's awesome man um how has it been uh you been being home with the kids? You mentioned a little bit of that. Your kids are only 15 months old, but it's kind of a really cool time to probably be around them. You get to see their progression every single day. I'm sure they're moving around a little bit more every day. They kind of learn new tricks every day, and you've got two of them. So what's that been like? So what's that been like? Oh, man, it's probably like they say. I mean, it is the greatest joy ever. My twin boys are just, you know, they grow up so fast.
Starting point is 01:20:16 You try to appreciate every single moment. And I did. I'm still always working from home. But, of course, I'm home even more than ever right now. And, yeah, they're starting to do the coolest stuff you know and they're just like one's starting to talk to us it makes no sense whatsoever but it's so freaking cute like i mean i could just sit there and have a conversation with him and i don't understand a word he's saying you know and then the other one he doesn't say a word he's like he's totally silent they're polar opposite they don't even have the same blood they're fraternal
Starting point is 01:20:50 twins they don't have even the same blood like one's got my blood and one's got her blood and they look nothing alike um you know it's cool they're starting to love on each other they'll uh they'll kiss each other and hug each other. They'll fight. You hear screaming and all of a sudden they'll go, that's their way of term of endearment. They're like,
Starting point is 01:21:15 it's a cool phase they're in right now. They're also teething too. When they teethe it's it's just i can imagine that's just teeth growing out of your gums yeah they're drooling all over the place right yeah they one drooled a little bit the other one didn't really drool that much yeah my daughter drool right through like her we put like a bib on her just because she would
Starting point is 01:21:46 drool so much just walk around drool hang out of her face all day long it's disgusting yeah i know most kids do they haven't drooled that much man i guess i don't know what's going on we got a dog for that i got an eight-month-old pit bull he drools it's disgusting also it looks like you were on just kind of made for this quarantine because you kind of work from home already. I mean, you have two 15 month old. You're not a person that like goes out and goes to work that much. So I've heard some stories of some guys that are having to stay home and they're just hating their lives right now. That was me. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but that was me before I got married.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I could never stop moving i was a mr social you know i thought i always had fomo for you know i didn't for like would think i was going to miss every social event or miss something you know and um yeah getting getting married was good for me getting married having kids is just settle down and move to a smaller town. I mean, there's 20,000 people. This town is blowing up. It's the fastest growing city in America. But, like, you know, it's still not downtown.
Starting point is 01:22:54 And, yeah, no, I mean, I embrace the quarantine life, man. Embrace it. Are you a sports guy? Do you like, like, football and stuff like that? Like, how are you doing with all the sports being gone? Man, I'm fine right now. But if football is canceled, I don't know how I'll act. It's going to suck.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Basketball, UFC, all that stuff. Wait, UFC is canceled now too? Yeah. Well, yeah, a lot of UFC stuff is canceled but I know they were doing some of it without an audience but I think more recently I think they canceled some of them right
Starting point is 01:23:33 yeah they said they were going to postpone all of the events until April until the Khabib fight but who knows now that might even be postponed as well damn you know what's funny i asked dana white i don't know dana white i'm not but he answered me on his live i was like because i thought they were still going i was like hey thanks for giving us the only sports we can watch right now
Starting point is 01:23:58 and he goes man she's like we're trying he's like i'm trying man he's like it's not looking too good but i'm trying hey I think we still got WWE. Do we really? I think so. I think WrestleMania is going down. Yeah, it's been weird. I haven't tuned in or anything, but I've seen clips where they're doing everything, but there's no crowd. It's completely empty.
Starting point is 01:24:20 So I've been meaning to actually watch it because I want to see what the vibe is like. empty so i've been meaning to like actually watch it because i want to see what the vibe is like where like you know people are like you know they're fighting it's supposed to be intense but there's no cheering going on or anything i'd imagine it'd be pretty freaking weird but yeah that seems like it's going to be comedy without like having a crowd to laugh at you especially with how much i mean mark you know those guys play off the crowd so how the hell is that going to be possible yeah i don't know i don't know man they're making they're making it work yeah creative writers probably have to change everything up just to make it like not seem so silly well i mean it's going to be hard not to seem silly but you know
Starting point is 01:24:53 what i mean did you do wwe mark yeah i did i wrestled for about five years um i also wanted i wanted to say to uh the rock i saw that he's doing like a live um like cheat meal i don't know if you guys saw him posting about that but he's talking about eating a cheat meal alive and he's like drinking vodka and eating something eating something else and i was just i was just fucking around i i posted something earlier today and said that that son of a bitch he stole my idea because i was eating a pop tart like eight years ago i'm sure other people have filmed themselves eating cheat meals before. But anyway, I just thought that was funny that he's filming that live and he's like having tequila.
Starting point is 01:25:33 And then he said it's going to be with his favorite food. I always find those guys entertaining. I always like Stone Cold, The Rock, shit like that. But yeah, I wrestled for a few years and it was a lot of fun, man. I got a chance to do some stuff with wwe got a chance to meet a lot of the pro wrestlers and stuff like that it was pretty cool it was cool yeah i don't know i don't know somewhere in the back of my brain i remember that that is probably yeah you probably saw bigger stronger faster or something along the way and some of that's in there.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Oh, yeah. Yep. I did see that. Yep. What got you into lifting in the first place? I wasn't big and fast enough and strong enough. I wasn't. It was straight up.
Starting point is 01:26:27 I mean, I graduated high school and I was always just like mediocre at everything. I couldn't start at any of the high school sports. And, you know, I probably picked the wrong sports because there were sports I was good at. I was really good at wrestling and hockey. But the big sports in Texas are football and basketball and baseball. And I just didn't have the size. About how much do you weigh now? I'm 220, 5'10". I'll fluctuate five pounds down, really.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I won't go up five pounds. But, yeah, so 220, 218. But when I graduated high school, I was 155. So, yeah, I was just a thin guy, real thin. And I grew after high school, I was 155. So, yeah, I was just a thin, thin guy, real thin. I grew after high school, too. So I was only like 5'9". I grew another inch after high school. But I really also had an eye issue.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I was legally blind in this eye. And I really didn't know it because it was a gradual thing. It's called keratoconus. So it messed up my depth perception. So where I was already probably not going to play any college sports anyway, my senior year was just screwed because I had no depth perception. My shot at basketball was off. When I caught routes at receiver, I couldn't even know where the ball was.
Starting point is 01:27:41 It was just terrible. My coaches were like, you know. And my parents didn't have money, man. We didn't even have health insurance and all that. So it was like, we, I could have gotten it diagnosed, but it was when I had my own job after high school, I had health insurance, went and saw optometrist. He was like, yeah, you have this rare disease for a kid. Like you need to get this, uh, you need to have this cornea transplant. So they cut off my cornea,
Starting point is 01:28:04 put on a donors and i mean it literally had like sutures in my eye it was extremely painful and i guess it's a regular procedure now it was regular but back then it was exploratory so anyways that's when i like got my vision back and everything so i was like all right let me and i was already lifting weights so it was funny like my athleticism improved when i started lifting weights um but it was all just like that it was a lack of being athletic i wasn't i was like man i was so competitive but genetically i wasn't competitive you know so i had to work for it and uh the weights man it just took me i started getting as big as my friends i started as fast as my friends
Starting point is 01:28:44 um you know and then I found a passion. I was like, you know what? I want to train these guys. You know, my friends that were in college and they ended up going to NFL and playing professional sports. I was like, man, I know I can help them be even better. And you know, also my mom told me growing up too, she was like, you know, I don't know about you guys, but moms are always right. You're always like, man, they're always right. I denied her 15 to 21.
Starting point is 01:29:13 She was like, I think you're going to heal people in some way. She's a Christian. She's a very spiritual person, too. She was like, I named you Jason for a reason. It means the healer in the Bible. I'm like, Mom, I i'm not gonna be a doctor i'm too stupid like we can't afford college i'm not gonna pay for my own way through doctor school this is not and then finally i was like wait what if my mom was always right maybe if i can help people do fitness and so got certified got another certification jumped in the first lifetime fitness that opened up in Dallas, Texas, and then that's where I started.
Starting point is 01:29:53 It looks like you're doing a pretty good job of it now. Yeah, man, it's a whole other ballgame now. Freaking trainer in every corner now. But yeah, it's all about why. I mean, people ask me like how they can get to a certain level i'm like well what what is your why what is the reason why you want to be in the fitness world because if it's to get rich you're gonna fail you know what sucks is actually no you can just want to get rich in the fitness world now and you can get rich but those those
Starting point is 01:30:22 dudes suck you know i don't know that they happy. I don't know they're truly changing lives. But if you want a long lasting career that's stable, where you get incredible feedback and you have people calling you back 10 and 20 years later saying, hey, just want to still thank you for all the help you gave me. You've got to start fitness to help people. It should be about their results, should be about their goals, even more than yourself. You know, um, that's why it was hard for me to be a competitor, to be an IFB pro. Cause I had, I had to kind of, I had to stop personal training and it was, it was rough for me, but, um, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:56 you can always go back to it and that's what I'm doing now. Cool, man. I don't want to take up any more of your time. You probably need to go eat another banana as well. Was that on video or not? That was on video. Yeah, it was on. Yeah, you're on the internet eating a banana. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Where can people find you? Man, I'm going to relaunch YouTube this year. I do all right with YouTube, but I'm on YouTube. What's my name? Jason Poston. Uh, Instagram is Jason Poston pro Facebook. I don't know how the hell to do a tick tock. Maybe Mark, you can show me. I don't do tick tock yet, but man, either that is, yeah, just hit me up on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Thanks, man. Appreciate your time and have a good rest of your day and take care of those kids. Yeah, I will, Mark. Talk to you soon. Thanks a lot, man. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Bye-bye. All righty. That was cool. Cool, man. We got a gym tour. Yeah, not diabetes. that was cool man we got a gym tour yeah that diabetes i knew he's diabetic but uh i didn't know like the severity of it and i didn't realize i don't think i knew he was type one i just assumed he was type two because he got it uh you know later in life so man diabetes is really weird
Starting point is 01:32:20 man it's super complicated and your blood sugar is a really weird thing. It's pretty wacky. Yeah. It's really crazy. But like, that's why I was so curious about like keto and getting rid of carbs and how it affected him. It, what it seemed like is that, I mean, things were easier when he wasn't, you know? Right. And obviously I'm not a diabetic, so I'm not telling people just don't eat carbs, but it does. It's not as simple as that. I get it, but it does seem like that's a big part of it. Like he said, lowering your carb intake, going low to no carb can make a very big difference. Well, it's dependent too on whether you have high blood sugar, low blood sugar, whether you're insulin resistant or whether your body no longer produces insulin, which I believe is the case with him,
Starting point is 01:33:05 or maybe his body only secretes a small amount of it. I know with my own personal experience with some of the people in my life, one of our good family friends is a type 1 diabetic, and she's managed it really well with a lower carb lifestyle. But she still needs carbohydrates just as Jason was eating a banana. She still needs to eat some foods like that here and there. And she still needs to, I think she's hooked up to some sort of monitor. I think that gives her insulin kind of throughout the day or something like that. I'm not sure. Didn't have an opportunity to ask him about that.
Starting point is 01:33:44 But and then also my mother-in-law who's a type 2 diabetic she's still had success she's come off all her medication um and she's been doing good she does a little bit of weights at home she's got like eight and 12 pound weights and six pound weights at home maybe three pound weights too she moves those around a bunch of different ways curls shoulder presses uh like some box squats moves those around a bunch of different ways, curls, shoulder presses, like some box squats. And she does a bunch of walks every day and she just doesn't eat carbohydrates. And she will occasionally, you know, have crackers and some things that, you know, aren't on the diet. She'll eat some things that may have some carbs in them. But
Starting point is 01:34:22 our agreement that we worked on was, Hey, you know, try to have, if you're going to have some carbs in them. But our agreement that we worked on was, hey, you know, try to have if you're going to have some carbs, try to only have meals that have maybe less than like about 20 grams per meal. And then each person's case is going to be different. So I can't say you can take that one to the bank. But that's really worked really well for her. But it's been so much more about not just not eating the carbohydrates, but about consistent movement, consistent exercise. She just didn't like to move that much. She was kind of a homebody. She did a lot of art, and she's not a person that's heavy at all.
Starting point is 01:34:55 And so it was just about convincing her, hey, this movement is going to be super important for you to fight against this disease, you know? Yeah. I was also really curious. I didn't really like he's for the quarantine, but obviously individuals that have diabetes, they're much more susceptible to this in general. Like that's one of the things that everyone's talking about being obese, having diabetes, being older. So it seems that he was like for the quarantine, but I was, I didn't get to ask him like how, like he really feels like, is he fearful, you know? Yeah. It doesn't seem like he's very fearful, but just because he kind of has had to think about death,
Starting point is 01:35:41 maybe more so than the next person. Cause he said like one in 20 people that have type one diabetes die in their sleep so i'm sure that it doesn't mean he's not afraid of anything but i i think that he's had to maybe think about it you know more than maybe the next person so he seems healthy though too so i mean he does have an autoimmune disease and uh that would lead you to believe that his immune system might be compromised a little bit but then the rest of the guy is so healthy you know hopefully doesn't have a negative impact on him you know yeah i was just thinking how like crazy it would be what you were alluding to about like if you have like a certain amount of like detections in your body
Starting point is 01:36:21 that like you know you sign up for a thing that's sends all your information to it, like a third party company and you wake up the next morning and there's an Amazon delivery with like some vitamin D3. Cause you're like, Hey, this Corona shit's starting to go around. You get, you need this cause you're showing symptoms of X, Y, and Z. And it's pretty crazy. Cause I don't think we're that far off from that, especially after everything that's going on right now. Yeah. And then it would be a matter of like, what would be useful? You know, what would be helpful? And then that would, you know, people, people might have be strongly opinionated about that, but if it's just up to the individual to be accepting of it and say, yeah, you know, I have noticed my sleep has been
Starting point is 01:36:59 off. I can use that magnesium and that zinc and maybe that'll help. I think that that's to kind of monetize those things further. I think that's massive. And I, and I wouldn't even doubt that something probably does that already. Almost. There has to be something. I mean, nothing comes to mind for me,
Starting point is 01:37:18 but there has to be something. The thing I think about those, like, let's say that something like that does come out, which probably is not too far off, but what if, uh, I guess the suggestions aren't ideal. Like what if they're like, what are they're like, you need, I'm not saying carbs are bad, you know, but what are they like, you need to uptake your carbohydrate intake and do this, this, and this, which would some, sometimes maybe an opposite type of, you know, put you in a different place.
Starting point is 01:37:46 So that's the kind of scary thing about it. I think if it's like mild stuff, like there's products out there called adaptogens. And adaptogens can assist with like lowering, say like cortisol. So you could lower stress. Let's say the Oura ring or something like that recognizes that you are more stressed your heartbeat is irregular maybe you could say hey you know you could try this and it's just i mean these are in my opinion they're just they're they're pretty mild you know they're pretty pretty mild things that you could try but again you could be right like what if someone had
Starting point is 01:38:23 allergic reaction to it or what if that thing you know because some people are just they're allergic to random shit you know but these things are pretty mild and like magnesium before bed or zinc before bed i mean the worst some of those things are probably going to do is they might they might mess up your stomach a little bit they might give you uh you might have some like loose stool or something like that but that would probably be the only thing uh that would happen from something like that yeah how was your trip to bodega you're back right i mean obviously yeah i'm in super training gym right now it was it was awesome i love going there it was uh it was great went out for a bunch of walks there's really not a lot of people there there's some like
Starting point is 01:39:03 kind of older folks but everyone keeps their distance from each other. It was good. I was there with my wife and my kids. We brought one of my daughter's friends. last night i got up to use the bathroom and i just see these like flashlights outside the house and i'm like what the hell's going on out there so i go outside and i'm like uh what are you guys doing they're like we're gonna go to the beach i was like uh can't go to the beach you know you got you got to get back inside it's like you know the middle of the night so anyway my daughter was like why i'm like i i don't i like, I don't have time to explain this. I need to go back to sleep, you know? But yeah, she came back inside the house, but you know, she's 12. So we're going to end up with some resistance here and there, I guess.
Starting point is 01:39:57 That's so funny because obviously like, I don't, I don't have a kid, but you just think like something like that is so obvious, right? Like it's 12 12 you're 12 you're not going to the beach right now with your friend i know and how many like dateline shows you know how many you know shows you have to see of like missing kids or whatever where it's like she was gonna go on a stroll with her friend and then that was the last anybody's ever seen of her you know yeah i'm like no you know yeah damn good catch you gotta watch it i know i was like hey man i guess it's good that i wake up 17 times a night you know yeah all right men thank you guys for uh taking the call and um we'll uh try to set something up for
Starting point is 01:40:44 in another day or two. Sounds good. Sounds good. All right. You want to take us on out of here, Andrew? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:50 We just had Jason posting on and he was talking about how following a low carb diet really, really helped him out. Oh, my butt. Oh, yeah. Everyone was getting a cross shot the whole,
Starting point is 01:41:00 the whole show. Really good cross shot though. Yeah. Thanks. So anyways, a really easy way to dive into the low carb lifestyle is with perfect keto so shout out to perfect keto for sponsoring this episode if you guys want to check it out head over to perfect
Starting point is 01:41:13 slash power project at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off any order of 99 or more and you get free shipping on that order uh if you guys want to follow the podcast it's at mark bell's power project at mb power project on tiktok and twitter tiktok's been going nuts lately so And you get free shipping on that order. If you guys want to follow the podcast, it's at MarkBell'sPowerProject, at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter. TikTok's been going nuts lately, so thank you, everybody, that's been hanging out there. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ. If I was Nseema Iyeng, where would I be?
Starting point is 01:41:35 Nseema Iyeng on Instagram and YouTube, and Nseema Iyeng on TikTok and Twitter. Mark? Speaking of crotch shots, I did a crotch cam of my squat yesterday. I didn't know that the 10-minute squat could be so confusing. What do you mean you're confusing? Yeah, people are really confused by it. They're like, what do you mean squat for 10 minutes?
Starting point is 01:41:54 Do I squat for 10 minutes or do I sit at the bottom of the squat? And then do you move around or do you just sit there? And they're like, do you lean forward onto your knees more like a catcher or do you sit back into it more i was like i don't know man just fucking get down there let's try to stay down there for as long as you can and then a bunch of people wrote in they were like i can't believe how hard that shit was a lot of people found it to be pretty challenging so i've been staying on it it's been feeling good. And I think I have about eight or nine days of it now, maybe about nine days of it. Wow. Man, I'm too bad.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Not bad at all. All right, peeps. I'm at Mark Smiley Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later. Thank you for checking out today's episode with Jason Poston. We really appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:42:41 One of the other things we sincerely appreciate is everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast on iTunes. It helps us out a ton. Right now, we want to give a huge shout out to Strong JP. I'll call him JP. JP says, this show is for you. Damn right it is. Quote, this is such a great show for anybody into fitness and nutrition.
Starting point is 01:43:00 As a slim guy that struggles to pack on muscle, it can be weird for me listening to some of their guests that talk about dealing with chronic pain and only being able to squat around 400 to 500 pounds. That being said, they do a wonderful job of always bringing the conversation back to a place where all fitness enthusiasts can relate. I especially appreciate the conversations about mindset that their unique guests bring to the show. JP, man, Slim Jims, right? We got to stick together. I totally feel your pain when people talk about that stuff because I'm in the same boat. However, you're probably more jacked than me. Thank you so much for that review, man. You seriously helped us out. We really appreciate that. However long that took you, man, thank you
Starting point is 01:43:41 so much. If you're listening right now, if you would like to hear your name read on air, please head over to iTunes right now, drop us a rating and a review, and you could hear your name on air just like our homie strong JP. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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