Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 365 - CHANGING DEATH CERTIFICATES | Dr. Yoram Lass

Episode Date: April 10, 2020

  Dr. Yoram Lass is an Israeli physician, philanthropist, and former politician who is currently using his technology company, N-Ufiltration LTD to help provide affordable and clean drinking water to... Africa. He was also formerly the Associate Dean of Tel Aviv University Medical School, and the Director General of the Health Ministry. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support us by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $99! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, welcome to today's show. Today is April 9th, and it is with an amazing guest. Dr. Lass is a physician in Israel, and he's a former politician. And if you were to take, let's say, like a Dr. Batar and Daniel Orego and create a scientist, that's what this guy is. He's a scientist from Israel,
Starting point is 00:00:21 and he has a bit of a unique approach to the coronavirus. It's something that's very different than what mainstream media has been telling us. However, no matter on which side of the argument you are on, I think you will find a ton of value in what he has to say and really appreciate some of the advice and some of the information that he shared with us today. Just a quick example, he is for a coronavirus vaccine. Again, another example, he is not afraid of the coronavirus. And this is a 75-year-old man, and he has zero worry about the virus, or I should say contracting the virus himself. He does blame a lot of the, quote, fear-mongering on social media. He calls blame a lot of the, quote, fear mongering on social media. He calls it a social media epidemic that's causing a pandemic, something that we hadn't really discussed on this podcast before.
Starting point is 00:01:12 But the way he lays it out, it makes a ton of sense. And we've heard in the past about doctors changing death certificates. He's on that same thought process. But when we asked him, like, how is this possible? Like, there's no way that everybody is in all, you know, everybody's in on it all, right? And his answer is, I mean, I can't really find fault in it. And I really think you guys are going to be blown away by what he has to say. Again, overall, just a great episode. Before the interview started, we chatted just amongst ourselves. And then after we
Starting point is 00:01:45 chatted amongst ourselves and, you know, we, we just kind of, we're just having fun hanging out and you got, I think you guys will laugh at us and make fun of us for most of it. But anyways, I'll get it out of here as quick as possible. If you guys haven't already yet, please take advantage of of course is where Mark posts daily workouts every single day. So if you're, if you're a bit lost without a gym right now, uh, Mark's got your back. Um, because not only is he going to help you guys out every single day with a brand new workout, but he's offering a free 30 day trial. Uh, again, all you have to do is just go to register and you will gain access
Starting point is 00:02:18 to the entire website for free for 30 days. There's a lot of, uh, body weight movements right now because movements right now because we don't have a gym. Even super training got shut down. And there's also a lot of emphasis on slingshot and hip circle movements. Speaking of those two, you can actually receive 20% off of both of those when you combine them in your cart at Again, choose any slingshot of your choice, any hip circle of your choice. And checkout you'll receive 20 off again that's at markwell thank you so much for checking out this episode and thank you so much dr last we sincerely appreciate this conversation if you guys like what you're hearing please share this episode with somebody share it with a friend because we think
Starting point is 00:02:58 this one is very powerful and we think you guys are going to find a ton of value in it anyways that's it for me, ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the show. Get a chance to lift today, Andrew. Nope. I can't even move. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:11 You've like popped your shoulder out or something, right? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what it is. Uh, just, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:17 regular bench, one 35, not feeling like not struggling, just, you know, getting reps in. And then I go up and then i just kind of poke my head a little bit to the left to look for the hook and i just nearly died instantly felt it
Starting point is 00:03:33 like i could i was like frozen i was stuck i could not go anywhere and then i you know shimmied my way down and then got up and i'm like oh this is pretty bad and then as the day went on it just got progressively worse and just so like good thank you i'm trying to i think i think you're faking it bro you look good so i was telling smoky i'm like yeah my range of motion yesterday was like a 0.1 today it's like a 0. maybe 2 like it's That's your whole shoulder is like just. It's my neck down to the shoulder. It's pretty, I don't know, I'm pretty fucked up. So after.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Is it the 5G? It could be the 5G, yeah. So there's lots of problems with glasses I'm starting to find out. We talked about it a little bit the other day. But how come there's nowhere to grab them? Like the only place to grab them is to glom them up with your fat fingers you mean on like the right here yeah what why not like yeah it's like it needs like uh i mean like so if it's folded right if it's folded all the way then when you try to grab it you kind of end up glomming up the thing it's like it needs like a like a handle like
Starting point is 00:04:44 up here or something i mean i know it would look up the thing it's like it needs like a like a handle like up here or something i mean i know it would look ridiculous but maybe it's retractable or something you can point it down or something i i love that mark is experiencing glasses like almost full time for the first time and he's like trying to figure out ways how to improve this uh this technology that's been around since forever that nobody wants to fuck with because it just sucks. Because the guys that wear the glasses are usually working on something else. So you can't wear contact lenses, Andrew? I can.
Starting point is 00:05:16 They just suck. One, they suck. I've already gotten LASIK twice, and I'm still blind. And then the messed up thing about wearing i thought lasik was for your butthole that's why i got it twice okay i must not have heard you correctly yeah contacts just suck they're uh for for my vision how bad it is like it it almost makes things worse because like i still can't see and it's just bad yeah that's a tough tough thing to try to figure out and then can i wonder if you can get contacts that have like blue light blocking stuff in them
Starting point is 00:05:56 that would permanently block blue light yeah do we want it out all the time i mean it's not during the day but it's artificial right well there's like blue light from the we want it out all the time i mean it's not during the day but it's artificial right well there's like blue light from the sun but like the reason you don't want blue light in your devices is like at night right melatonin and all that so what they what they need is like you know those those they have eyeglasses that transition from regular to like sunglasses out in the sun we need blue blocking glasses that only transition indoors to block out the artificial blue light smart i think we're looking at what we're looking at here is a helmet i think we need a helmet i think we legitimately need a helmet because we kind of need masks anyway and those n95 like shields you know so
Starting point is 00:06:46 you get like i just need a whole helmet yeah yo as you're breathing in and out of your nose and everything did you guys see how fauci is like no more shaking hands after this kind of gets back to normal i think rogan posted that up that's crazy if there's no more shaking hands like what i know you know what they're really it's just uh these are just bad practices anyway i mean bowing is you know that's that's where it's at you know and you're right little head nods of acknowledgement and um you know you shouldn't really need to like glom all over people you know what i mean but at the same time yeah it is it is what we're used to um i also found it, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:26 pretty interesting that the university of Stanford is like trying to study, you know, they're trying to like backlog stuff basically, and trying to figure out like when this whole thing started and they're, they're talking about it may have started in the fall and we may have already gotten it. I mean, I, I haven't been sick in years. Um, but I got floored by something for like a day and a half in late December, early January. And just from this information that we have about what this virus is, I think I may have already had it. I think it may have ran through my family. I was sick for like a day and a half, and I was really sick, and I was coughing like crazy. And then it just completely disappeared. That same thing happened to me last year, later last year, I think it was a September
Starting point is 00:08:10 or October. Um, and it was legit. I remember you guys remember, like I told you on the podcast, I was like, I had these like flu symptoms and I decided that my body needed like sugar. Like that's what I ended up drinking, like a shake or whatever. Remember when I was talking to you guys about that? Yeah. I remember being so upset because I'm like, okay, only Enzima would just go to eating carbs to feel better, to get over the flu or something, but I do remember it vividly.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And I haven't been sick before that for years. I didn't have any type of sickness for years. So I wonder if that was the flu or who knows. Popping some of those mind bullets. Yeah, I just got some right here too. I just took some about an hour ago too.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Straight to the face. This one's going to be interesting though, because like I'm wondering if this guy still has those same views. A lot of things have changed since he made the claims in that article. Like Italy passed 17,000, right? Yeah. Yeah. he was talking about that yeah that's true yeah you know people have been kind of pissed at us you know um but i think that at least the way i see it and maybe other people see it differently i see that a lot of the stuff that we uncovered is unfolding right before our eyes. You know, I think that we've been, um, we've been kind of right, right on the forefront of some of it. And I think it's great. And that's why we're doing these dives. You know,
Starting point is 00:09:34 that's why we're, we're looking into communicating with these people and, and hopefully, you know, I want to get as many different sides of this as possible so i'm not trying to like i'm not trying to back up what we're saying by hand picking people um hopefully and if people that are listening to this can get us uh can get us in contact with some other guests i've actually had a few fans that were um that work in like new york city and stuff like that and that are do you want doctors and things i think we are recording. Yeah. Are we? Oh, okay. I didn't see it on the top. Yeah. Yeah. So any of that stuff, you know, anyone that has any communication with anyone that thinks would be valuable
Starting point is 00:10:11 will, will entertain, you know, getting them on the show. Cause I want to, I want to hear from all sides. And also, you know, lastly, I just want to point out again I want to make sure people understand that I have never thought that this virus is not a big deal. I have never thought that this virus isn't deadly. It is clear that it has, that people are dying from other results of the coronavirus breaking you down and then you end up dying from a bacterial infection or some other type of thing happens to you. I think it's very clear, you know, and I want to reiterate that I, it's not that I'm not compassionate about it. I am compassionate about it. I do care about people. I don't want people
Starting point is 00:10:55 to die. I don't think anybody does. I just am trying to dispel some myths that are out there. There's a lot of weird shit circulating and we may be part of that. I admit that as well. We may be part of some of that weird shit circulating around, but I believe there's a, where there's smoke, there's fire and there's probably some truth to some of these things. And it appears that more of this stuff continues to kick up.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And in today's day and age, I don't think that people can keep their mouth shut for very long. So I think that everything is going to come to the surface, but it might take a while. Real quick before we get even further into it, do you guys have an opinion on which flavor is better of Perfect Keto's new cookies? I am 100% on team chocolate chip cookie.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yes, I agree. By far. I mean, it's not like the double chocolate's bad, but the chocolate chip is just much better. Much, much better. Yeah. Mark, have you partaked? Yes, I'm digging the chocolate chip.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah, me too. I think it's a texture thing for me. It has the extra crunch from the chocolate chips. And also, i think because the uh the double chocolate is more like a brownie and i'm more of a fan i'm more of a fan of a cookie than a brownie yeah they're they're they're really good but um you know i still have to i still have to say that i dig their bars are my favorite i like the cookies as a snack because it's a little change up but i like those bars man yeah and like getting that collagen in there yeah and sema's giggling about something what is it uh so i'm not gonna get into it i don't think my girl
Starting point is 00:12:36 listens to the podcast no she doesn't we did something interesting with the cookies one day that's all i'm gonna say get say. Get to the end of the ad. All right. Hopefully we figure out whatever that is so that way we can put that in a promotion. But until then, please head over to... Hopefully that can happen for everybody else too, right? Yeah, maybe. Oh yeah, to talk about
Starting point is 00:12:59 quarantine creations. If you guys are interested, please head over to perfect slash power 25 at checkout, enter promo code power project for $25 off any order of $99 or more. Uh, again, check out the cookies, the bars, the, uh, the nootropic, the MCT oil, all of that. Um, yeah, on all orders of $99 more with that promo code, you're also going to receive free shipping. Uh, yeah, highly recommend the chocolate chip cookie bars i also have another question for you guys um this is going to be a little bit long-winded i'll try to shorten it up as best as possible this about semen running around the
Starting point is 00:13:34 streets naked you guys saw that running in the cars and shit that was so fun dude gotta get contacts somehow when you're out there man you're you're contacts somehow. When you're out there, man, you're, God bless you. When you're out there, dude, you're representing all of us. We're a team now. So, you know, can you discontinue? You guys would do the same thing. You know that. Can you discontinue running into cars?
Starting point is 00:13:58 What sucks is I found like the, Jesse Burdick had posted like the extended version of that dude running and he was plowing through all of the cars. I'm like, ah, I wish I had seen had posted like the extended version of that. And he was plowing through to all of the cars. I'm like, ah, I wish I had seen that one. I would have used that one instead. But, um,
Starting point is 00:14:11 Jesse Burdick loves that shit. Dude, Jesse's his, his Instagram is fun to follow too. He loves that stuff. He has like the what the fuck Wednesdays or whatever. Yep. But speaking of cars,
Starting point is 00:14:21 so if somebody is, uh, let's say they're, they're driving, they're in a car accident, and they get T-boned really hard. Like, their car rolls, and while it's, like, upside down, it explodes like in the movies. Damn. Okay? Cause of death comes back, and it's like, they didn't die because of the impact from the car accident.
Starting point is 00:14:44 They actually died from an underlying factor that their car is prone to exploding. So then do we say car accidents don't kill people? It's explosions? Or do we say that it's all one car accident? I think sometimes these things are hard to figure out. And I think that that's the statistical dilemma that we see a lot, you know, and same thing with anything, though, like with nutrition, you know, someone can say, hey, I'm doing this diet and it caused A, B and C.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And then we have other people that will say, hey, well, that happened because of these other factors. And so like that would have happened anyway, if you just lost weight versus the carnivore diet. Right. So, um, yeah, those things are really, really hard to, uh, determine and detect. And, um, I guess the main thing to think about is, uh, just, you know, how, how maybe, maybe that's not the best question all the time is because you can split hairs on that right and you can say hey look well the guy died because his liver shut down but his you know his liver shut down because of the car wreck or his liver shut down because of the coronavirus like it was
Starting point is 00:15:57 the the precursor of it all but again if you want to kind of start to play that game you can start to look at well the precursor was the brownies that he ate in the middle of the night every night for the last 16 years of his life you know what i mean so it gets to be um yeah it gets to be kind of a tough thing to to figure out you know the i think um the crazy thing right now, because I was, I was thinking about kind of this, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday about North Carolina, because North Carolina has had a very large amount of deaths was in the
Starting point is 00:16:34 African-American community. Um, but also the high amount of those deaths are individuals who had really high blood pressure, diabetes, very overweight, especially in that area um and you come to wonder like i mean obviously when they got the virus it is coronavirus that killed them but it's like all of these underlying things i mean when you look at it on healthy people it doesn't end up being that bad and then also every single year, apparently, 93,300 people in Italy die of tobacco deaths. 93,300. 64,000 children of 10 to 14 years old smoke.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And then 10 million adults in Italy, 15 plus, smoke tobacco every single day. They have respiratory issues kind of to begin with, right? Exactly. You know, so it's like the amount of deaths that we're seeing there, it's like still more people are going to die of smoking. But what I'm curious is we see these high amount of deaths of Corona in Italy. How many of these could be convoluted and they're actually respiratory issues already, you know, and they didn't even have corona but they died because of their messed up lungs and they didn't have the virus i feel like there's a lot that that's you know that that's not accounting for yeah and my crazy well not crazy but my like
Starting point is 00:17:55 question really just would be like okay so then is the coronavirus just the perfect storm that hit italy you know what I mean? Like, is it like, Oh, they were going to die anyways, type of thing. But also like, okay,
Starting point is 00:18:08 because the virus, it now, like I keep saying, it just expedited everything. Now, were those people going to die anyways? Unfortunately, most likely they were.
Starting point is 00:18:19 However, when they contracted the virus, if they did, you know, we don't know. Let's just say that they did. Then it just like was like a wildfire. So I, I, my, I'm just fighting with it in my head. Like, okay, is the virus killing people?
Starting point is 00:18:36 I mean, like I, like the car accident, um, analogy, it's like, well, they are, but they're not, but they are, you know what I mean? So like when, when we have, uh, they are, but they're not, but they are. You know what I mean? So, like, when we have, you know, like Dr. Batar saying it's harmless, I kind of want to, like, you know, pump my brakes a little bit to be like, well, shit. I mean, it's doing something. Right. Well, I've heard other people compare it to car, you know, type things where they said, like, hey, you know, what if, you you know driving kills millions of people all the time and car wrecks are way down right now because no one's well not no one but less people are on the roads um and then so let's just let's just throw out a hypothetical i i don't have any idea of what
Starting point is 00:19:19 how many people die in car wrecks every year and i'm sure it matters the country and probably matters on how congested the area is there's probably more you know more people probably die in in italy where people are cruising around on mopeds and tiny little streets and all this different stuff but uh anyway um let's say that the death rate with cars um car accidents increased by 10%. You know, would you start walking to work? You know, what if it increased by 20%? Would you start walking to work? What if it increased by 50%? Would you start walking to work? Or would you start to think like, I need to maybe work a lot, I need to live a lot closer to work, you know, what would that percentage be
Starting point is 00:20:06 that would stop people from driving? And, you know, we're not going to stop driving. We're going to continue to drive almost regardless of how high the percentage would have to be obscene. It would have to be, you know, 75% for us to stop driving. And even then there would still be people like, fuck it, man, I'm going to risk it because I need to get my ass to work. I need to go make some, uh, make some money. And I realized that that that's a different comparison than what, what we're actually dealing with, but it does put things into perspective a little bit. Um, I would love to have the freedom to have the right to go and live whatever way I want, you know? And I, I, I understand how people, you know, are saying like, well, we can't do that at the moment. And I don't mind, you know, us stopping for,
Starting point is 00:20:54 for a little period of time. But I think, I think that we're to the point where we can say like, this would be a hard thing to determine, but if you don't feel like you're in harm's way, then go about your business. You know what I mean? That's, that's kind of my viewpoint. And I, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:13 I don't know if that's going to happen. I do think that Trump is going to be under a lot of pressure and that he will try to kind of reopen things up, but it's going to be probably more up to the States than it will be to the whole country. They'll probably, and that makes a lot of sense. You know, it makes a lot of sense to say, Hey, you know what? We can kind of reopen things back up here in whatever, you know, said state that is maybe doing a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And maybe some of the other ones that are still having a tough time, maybe they got to wait it out a little longer. a little bit better and maybe some of the other ones that are still having a tough time maybe they got to wait it out a little longer you know um that was the what what you kind of talked about was the doctor we're about to have on that was kind of his viewpoint too um i think it's called like the it's a it's a british way of doing it where like you isolate older individuals or people more at risk and then everybody else that feels up to it and is able, they can go about living their daily lives, spreading it among themselves and causing that herd immunity.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And it really like, I know we're doing this, so we don't overwhelm the healthcare system, but it makes a lot of sense. Oh, there he is. There he is. He's connecting. Let me change my name to my actual name all right i think we got him dr last can you hear us yes i can hear you hey this is absolutely fantastic uh to have you on our show today we really appreciate your time
Starting point is 00:22:43 Hey, this is absolutely fantastic to have you on our show today. We really appreciate your time. Thank you. So, you know, what we wanted to kind of get into right off the bat here is we're hearing so much conflicting information this day and age about, you know, how to handle this coronavirus. And I found it really interesting, your work and the information that you've been talking about in the articles that you've written and stuff. You're talking about kind of the opposite of what almost every single country has done. Every single country has kind of shut down.
Starting point is 00:23:18 They told people not to go anywhere. What is your philosophy behind just people kind of going about their business? What are some of your thoughts on that? Well, I think that the present situation is, like we call in medicine, the drug is killing the patient. And it happens when the patient is really sick. So we use real, very difficult drugs, which sometimes they kill the patient. The problem here is that the patient is not really sick. that the patient is not really sick.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And people talk about medieval black plague, and they think about 10%, 50% of the population going down the drain, which is not the case. We have seen over the years mortality waves. Even in your country, if you look at 2012, 56,000 Americans died from the common seasonal flu.
Starting point is 00:24:48 So mortality waves is something we see. The numbers are small if you compare them to the large populations. And this is what we have now. A mortality wave which is equivalent to previous situations however as a result mainly of mr zuckerberg what we have today is a monstrous hysteria uh a monstrous hysteria we see a wave of hysteria which brainwash your brain population brain and government brain everybody is brainwashed the the problem is not as big as it is represented by Zuckerberg. He takes a photograph of every corpse in New York City. Every corpse is photographed
Starting point is 00:25:56 immediately distributed all over the world and becomes a policy. We have here a situation which we had before. I mentioned the numbers in your country. So I think that we have to change our attitude. This is a regular, common situation.
Starting point is 00:26:29 It seems like the thought process is that if we quarantine, that people won't be able to pass it around, and that over a period of time, the virus will kind of run its course, and then we can go back to doing what we were doing, and you feel the opposite, correct? In a way, yes. This virus is extremely contagious, more than the regular flu virus. So the other attitude may be to produce what is known as herd immunity. Herd immunity, where the virus is rapidly distributed. We know that people under the age of 65, the risk is zero, almost zero. So we have to protect our elderly people.
Starting point is 00:27:34 We have to protect the nursing home. And every person in the risk group should stay at home voluntarily. But we cannot destroy the economy and society for something which is not as dangerous as is being represented by the media. As far as the representation is concerned, because we've had a few guests on that have been saying that the way that the virus has been represented, the way that the deaths have been represented, and we were actually just having a conversation about when a doctor says someone died of coronavirus. It almost seems as if, yes, there are a lot of people dying,
Starting point is 00:28:26 but potentially some of these people might have died anyways. For example, the amount of people that smoke in Italy that have respiratory issues already that probably died of respiratory issues, but were assigned COVID-19. How do you feel about the way it's being represented? Well, everything you said now is absolutely correct. The number of corona deaths is a big lie. They simply changed the ticket. Instead of saying he or she, she unfortunately and i apologize for the families really i'm talking very generally instead of saying he or she died from terminal cancer
Starting point is 00:29:19 since the virus is every way you are, but you don't know about it because your immune system kills the virus and you don't know about it. But those people, by chance, a laboratory found the virus. The laboratory found the virus, the laboratory found the virus, and the sticker has changed to she died from coronavirus. But the real reason, the underlying reason is very different. Therefore, the total number of deaths is not increasing. They simply changed the sticker.
Starting point is 00:30:12 If that is true, how is it that so many physicians or so many hospitals can all be doing this together? What would be the motivating factor for them to do this? But also, like, is it possible that all these doctors are, quote, in on changing all these death certificates? No. It's a policy.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's a government policy. If you go to Italy, you can see that it's by government order. They tell you that if the patient had the coronavirus, never mind any other reason, you must put him in the coronavirus list. coronavirus list. So the numbers are lying, absolutely. And here in Israel where we have like 80 people who died
Starting point is 00:31:16 from corona, every single one of them is a very old person with very serious background problems. The corona was there only by chance. Doctor, you're saying, you know, the numbers are skewed. And also, do you think that this is maybe skewed as well?
Starting point is 00:31:44 Because they're sharing, they'll say occasionally people are dying that are younger that are that appear to be healthy do you believe that that is maybe uh incorrect information as well because they say like three or four percent uh are kind of normal functioning human beings it seems like. Well, look, this is statistics. And you always have one or two examples which are not what I'm saying. But what I'm saying gives you the general real picture. For example, people from Stanford, perhaps not far away from your california location people from stanford just published an observation that your chance if you are under 65 under 65, your chance to die from Corona is equivalent to your chance driving your car 10 miles a day and get killed. I mean, when you drive your car, you may be killed.
Starting point is 00:32:58 There's no question about it. So if you drive your car 10 miles every day, about it. So if you drive your car 10 miles every day, this is your chance to die from Corona if you're under 65. And then going back to the question
Starting point is 00:33:16 about the changing of the death certificates, do we have proof that these are government orders? Well, I have documents official document official italian government document with instruction how do you register a person who is i will call it contaminated by the virus. So they all go to the corona list. They don't tell you about the cancer.
Starting point is 00:33:53 They don't tell you about the cerebrovascular accident. They don't tell you about the heart attack. They tell you corona. attack, they tell you Corona. Do you feel like maybe some governments kind of adopted some of this policy
Starting point is 00:34:11 so that things just don't look really nasty and ugly? Like, let's just say that we are all, you know, going about our business, and let's say that it did overflood the hospitals, especially in these really highly populated areas like New York City, do you think it was just in an effort to not pile up bodies, so to speak,
Starting point is 00:34:31 so that it just didn't horrify people? Or do you think that wouldn't even have happened? Look, I'm a scientist, and in science, we have what we call a snowball. And they call it a positive feedback circuit. You see, the government is afraid of the constituency. So they put these measures, draconian measures. The constituency, they see the draconian measures, they become even more afraid. So the government
Starting point is 00:35:11 becomes even more afraid of the people and it's a snowball. Everybody is brainwashed. And thanks to Mr. Zuckerberg and the media and the piles of body you're talking about. In your country, every day, every day, 8,000 Americans die. Did you ever see piles
Starting point is 00:35:44 of 8,000 Americans? Never. Did you see the interviews with the families? Never. However, today, which is unbelievable, every single, as I said before, every single corpse in New York city is being photographed and the families are being interviewed and you cannot even try to speak science
Starting point is 00:36:16 statistics, numbers when a family, a grieving family is being interviewed how can you fight this? No way. This is a classical brainwash situation. Why do you feel like Mark Zuckerberg is, why are you mentioning his name? Like, why do you feel? No.
Starting point is 00:36:42 He's been private. I mentioned the name. It's an icon right he's the icon of the new epidemic the new social network epidemic this is the first viral epidemic which is being carried on by the social network epidemic this is an epidemic and they work together they and they augment each other so it's not zuckerberg i mean he's, I mean, the icon. Understood. Of the process. You know, doctor, I've heard you mention, and whenever anybody typically says this, immediately there is a hailstorm of, you're wrong, that's not true. And what you've mentioned before is that the flu is worse than the coronavirus. No, I didn't say worse. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Okay. So I said equivalent because present we don't know. I mean, this event must finish sometime in the future. As I said before, 58,000 or 56,000 Americans died from the flu in 2012. At present, we have around 15,000 Americans dead. And as I mentioned to you, they are dead because of the underlying cause. So let's see if the 15,000 number will approach the 15,500 number. Until it approaches this number, this is something we had before.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Got it. A few years ago. Yeah, it's super. Okay. Go ahead, Andrew. No, I was going to say, Doc, are you yourself concerned or are you worried about contracting the virus at all? You mean personally? Yeah, you personally. Well, I'm 75 year old i've been director general
Starting point is 00:39:09 of the israeli ministry of health i've been member of knesset which is our congress and i've been many things so uh i'm not afraid. Not afraid at all. Because I don't have any underlying problem. I do my sport. And I mean, I'm more afraid from road accidents. I'm more afraid of plane crashes. So then, then crashes. So maybe you feel like this is like also maybe more of an epidemic of social media is one part of what you said there.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And then in addition to that, maybe just our careless nature towards our own health? No. I mean, there is a virus around us which is dangerous. Influenza virus is also dangerous. It can kill people. And by the way, the influenza virus kills children. This virus does not. So in a way, corona is better than influenza because corona does not touch children. So I don't think it has to do with, you know, our lifestyle. It is a virus which attack your body like many other viruses at this moment attack your body you produce your antibodies and you are you are everything is okay so this is the same this virus is not really more lethal than the flu virus. Approximately the same order of magnitude.
Starting point is 00:41:11 So it'll attack you regardless of your health, but if you're not healthy, then it will have a greater impact. Yeah, right. So I want to ask you this, doctor. If you were able to obviously give the government instructions on how they need to approach this, because I think I understand what you would do, but I want to clarify for all the listeners, what would your personal approach to handling this be? It's very simple. very simple like any other like any other epidemic the flu epidemic measles epidemic produces epidemic you know the cuff you know there are so many epidemics so what we should do
Starting point is 00:41:57 is protect the risk group like putting a barbed wire around the nursing home with a guard, where you have to produce a piece of paper showing you are clean before you are getting in so we have to put to protect the nursing home we have to tell the elderly stay at home don't mingle with anybody until this virus goes away for other people under 65 years old with the present numbers, go on with your business. Don't destroy the country. Don't destroy the society. Like in any other regular flu epidemic, which we don't really mind. What's your opinion on masks? Do you think that that would be effective?
Starting point is 00:43:11 It is a controversy because American officials usually used to say the mask is not good for you, it's good for the patient. If you are sick, you must wear the mask in order to stop the spread of viruses. And also if you are a health worker, you must use a professional mask. But they changed attitude as part of the brainwash. You see,
Starting point is 00:43:49 two months ago, the CDC in Atlanta will tell you well, you don't need the mask. Now they tell you, you need the mask. There is no new scientific data. It's part of the brainwash. It's good for your selfie.
Starting point is 00:44:09 It's my understanding that the CDC, they also don't require someone to test positive from a lab for COVID-19 to consider it their cause of death as well, right? I'm not well acquainted with the current statistics, and no matter the reason they died,, if the lab finds the virus, they go into the corona box. In addition to being a doctor, you're also a politician. Do you have a tough time having people listen to you out there in Israel? No, not really. We still have freedom of speech.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Many people don't like it. I will not go into Israeli politics here. I was a politician. There is very interesting politics here. I was a politician. There is very interesting politics here. If you think about Netanyahu, which you probably know, or Prime Minister,
Starting point is 00:45:54 he was resuscitated by Corona. But I will not elaborate. Doc, is there... We got it. Thank you. is there a way to test to see if you have previously contracted coronavirus and have gotten over yes yes which they don't do i mean what they do now is called the pcr the polymerase chain reaction, which tells you whether the virus is in your airway, nose or mouth. So the present test tells you about the presence of the virus.
Starting point is 00:46:40 However, what they really should do is to look for the antibodies. If they find the antibodies in your blood, they can tell you were exposed. You never knew about it. The antibodies Antibodies kill the virus like it kills many other viruses. And you are immune. Afterwards, you are immune. So the real test now, which is more difficult to implement, is look for the antibodies known as IgG, the immunoglobulins in your blood, and this will tell the truth about the prevalence of the virus. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Amaso, I think you may have addressed this. Your answer may have been about the statistics. But what I see being spread a lot, and my mom has sent me messages of this because she's a concerned parent, is young, healthy people contracting corona and dying. Obviously, you mentioned how social media, when someone healthy potentially dies of this, it's going to spread like wildfire and say, you know, it kills young people too. But apparently, there's like a very low amount of young people that are apparently healthy dying of it. What do you think the reason would be? I believe you may have answered it already, but I'm not sure. Reason for what? That it still apparently can kill young, healthy individuals.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Look, I mean, this is statistics. For example, I know almost of every case in Israel. Israel is a very, you know, everybody knows everybody. So one young person, 38 years old, died in Israel. And because of, you know, medical and privacy, they don't tell you exactly what happened, but the hospital was diligent enough to say that this young person had very severe background situations. And of course, you may find a single person,
Starting point is 00:49:36 And of course you may find a single person, and the media may amplify this single person's story, but the statistics is very clear. 165 to die from Corona is 100 times, 1000 times less than if you are above 65. No question. If... I have to finish in a minute. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I have other people calling. Oh, okay. I have other people calling. Oh, yeah, yeah. We'll wrap it up. Yeah, okay. I mean, if you can answer one more quick question, if
Starting point is 00:50:17 or when the vaccine does come to fruition, how do you suggest people or what advice do you have for people when that does come? Well, the advice is that what we do with the flu shot. Same advice. Flu shot is something we very strongly recommend. It reduces morbidity. By the way way it doesn't really reduce mortality
Starting point is 00:50:48 but it reduces morbidity and the flu shot is something any medical system anywhere in the world would recommend. And let's pray that soon enough we'll have the corona shot. And the recommendation is very clear. Go to your clinic and get the shot. Thank you so much for your time, doctor. Really appreciate it. In closing, is there any country that has it right at all or has everybody
Starting point is 00:51:31 kind of got it backwards by having a quarantine? Well, Sweden. Look at Sweden. Sweden is slightly more sane. Got it. Thanks again for your time. We appreciate it. Have a great rest of your day. Thank you so much. Bye. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Guys, you got it right there from a scientist. But, you know, what I'd also say is like just because, you know, he's a scientist, just because he's a doctor, you don't need to take his word for it. You know, you start to compile some of your own evidence and start to, because eventually, eventually we're going to go outside. Right. Eventually we're going to go outside. And so, you know, hopefully through this podcast and through some of the people that we're rubbing elbows with,
Starting point is 00:52:17 we can make the best choices that we feel are for our, our lives because they, they at some point things will open back up and, you know, things like movie theaters, concerts, and stuff like that, maybe those things will be a little bit different. But, you know, hopefully through listening to this show and through seeing some other great resources out there, hopefully we can all kind of have a more educated decision towards what we feel is best when they do say, Hey, you can go back to work. Yeah. And you know, I really liked that we were able to speak to him just because like when, when, when we think about going back to
Starting point is 00:52:59 daily life, first off, I don't think it's that far off, but also I think the only things that are really going to change are people's sanitary habits. People are going to be better at hand-washing. That ain't bad. Like when we were talking, people probably aren't going to touch each other as much outside of specific settings. Like in jujitsu, people are probably going to be more clean before they come and roll on the mats, right? Because they know that they're going to have to touch everybody. But before then going to see other people, they'll clean up and make
Starting point is 00:53:28 sure that they're not, you know, spreading something. You know, what's really strange about that is that I, I guarantee you that this is going to happen. People will wash their hands more than ever. And people will be, we'll try to be more clean and you're going to see studies come out on why that's not great either and why that's not great either. Right. Because we need that bacteria. And my thought process is kind of always not like I'm a dirty motherfucker, but my thought process has always been like, I kind of want to build up some germs. Like I don't, it's really, really rare for me to get sick. I've been sick once in the last like five or six years, you know? And so I've always been like, Hey man, it's good to roll
Starting point is 00:54:10 around in a little dirt. It's good to get a little, little gross here and there. I think it's, uh, our bodies are designed for that. You know, you think about like, think about, we've talked about some of this on the show and we talked about like lotion and personal care and stuff like that. Um, but you think back, you think back you know a few thousand years uh how did people wash themselves they didn't have anything to wash themselves with all they would use is water and like i don't even know like they didn't have soap you know they had no soap they had no antibacterial anything unless they maybe recognized something as being antibacterial um maybe they maybe recognize something as being anti-bacterial maybe they found some weird plant or some mud or something but as far as i know it's like that's
Starting point is 00:54:52 all you would bathe with is like you would just fucking hop in some water that probably had some algae or something you rub that shit all over you and you'd stink like like shit all the time no go ahead another really cool thing that i think that he kind of highlighted and it's something that i personally haven't thought about was that it seems as if this is the first time that a very viral pandemic has spread in the age of social media so like we had ebola but ebola isn't spreading. Right. So people would like joke about it and talk about it. Personally, myself being African, I'd get a lot of jokes about Ebola. Right. But it wasn't, you know, it wasn't like this. He mentioned the flu back in 2013. I don't remember hearing a crazy amount about that other than on TV. Facebook, Instagram, all the ways of spreading information. Like, I mean, he's right. It's Zuckerberg's fault. And it's Facebook. Like, you know, you get what he was saying, though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Depending on somebody's name. I didn't think that was I didn't think that was great, especially coming from a scientist. There's so many great things that come from social media.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah. And there's so many great things that have come from uh you know somebody like mark zuckerberg however i i did like the twist you know where he's like this is a social pandemic you know or social epidemic and that's really powerful like fuck man like could could we admit that that uh can we can we can we not maybe admit can we see that you know i i can see that once he said it, I was like, holy shit, he's got a really good, I'm not totally agreeing with him,
Starting point is 00:56:30 but I'm like, man, he's got a shit, man. He's got a pretty good point right there. Yeah. I mean, I was talking to my mom the other day and she was saying how she saw a video on Facebook about the,
Starting point is 00:56:40 uh, like the, uh, refrigerator trucks having to back into like a new york hospital because they're out of space or something um i i don't know how real that was or whatever i don't i can't imagine somebody would want to fake that but because she saw that she was like really scared of the virus yeah so like i think we need to be perfectly clear that like um i don't think anyone thinks that anyone's faking anything. So like, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:06 they're not showing a truck, you know, pull up and although they could, they could be, they could be, right. But I don't think that it's fake. I think that what's being reported of how severe the coronavirus is not in terms of it killing people, because it, it will kill people. It will attack anybody. But if your health is previously compromised, that's when you're going to be in the most trouble, and that's when you should probably be being cautious and being like, hey, I don't know. I'm just going to do what the government said.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I'm just going to stay in my house. That's probably a great idea if you're diabetic and you're 70 years old and if you had uh previous issues i i don't think for one bit that any part of the news um well i shouldn't say any part of this i don't think the majority of the news that we're seeing is fake i think that it is um it's uh being like oh maybe overblown or being shown too much like what is what is how ridiculous is this how fucking insane is this that they compare it to the holocaust like why are you doing that why why would you so many of the comments on my on my instagram you know they're like are they comparing to the holocaust like oh yeah the holocaust was fake too bell you know and people
Starting point is 00:58:23 are like and it's like are you fucking kidding me or like during trump's speech it's saying that more people died in 9-11 and it's like on the screen for like 10 minutes i'm like what value is that 9-11 is completely these are both uh shitty situations these are both horrific situations but they're not related to each other. I know that maybe they're trying to give you a perspective of like this many people, but that's like, that's one day, all those fucking people died on one day and they had nothing to do with anything. There was fucking minding their business. There's going to work. And because some crazy motherfucker decided to drive a plane into a building, those people lost their lives. And
Starting point is 00:59:05 they're not related. And also too, what a foolish thing to do. Like what a foolish thing to compare, you know, this pain versus that pain. It's just, I don't think that that's helpful in any way. So when I'm seeing some of that stuff, I think, Andrew, I think they are trying to scare the fuck out of you. Cause people like, Oh man, I remember nine 11, how bad that shit was. And this is worse than that.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And it's like, let's not even bother to compare tragedies because they're going to affect each person so differently. There's just no reason to even go there. Yeah. It's, you know, there,
Starting point is 00:59:43 there, there's two things. Like I mentioned my mom mom's sending me videos, right? But my mom doesn't have a Facebook, right? She's not on Instagram or anything like that. Smart lady. Yeah, but she uses WhatsApp. Now, WhatsApp, you guys probably know, is an app that a lot of foreigners use because it allows you to message people in different countries.
Starting point is 01:00:04 lot of foreigners use because it allows you to message people in different countries. So she can get messages from relatives we have in Nigeria, relatives we might have in the UK, etc. And the thing that's happening is on WhatsApp, there's so many videos being sent around, just chain sent, chain sent about Corona. And she's sending all those videos to me and I'm seeing all of them and they're so sensational, but they're about these, these specific situations like that. You said makes things seem more severe than it actually is. And then this Tony huge mentioned this in the podcast and it, it, it reminded me of what doctor, the doctor just said in this one about how this one about how social media is making things worse. There's some misinformation being spread. Remember when Tony was like, the other day I tested myself. I held my breath for 10 seconds to make sure everything was whatever. I want to see if you can breathe. Breathe.
Starting point is 01:00:57 There was a few weeks ago when that was chain sent among so many people on Instagram that if you can't hold your breath comfortably for over 10 seconds, you may have the coronavirus. And a lot of people were legit thinking that that was true. Like, oh gosh, I can't hold my breath for more than 10 seconds while I might have corona. But that's not really, there's really no big correlation there. So it's just social media really is, and especially the way things are being spread around is making things seem worse than it actually is. I'm going to send Andrew after this podcast, I'll send you a clip of this drill and communication. You guys will be floored by it. And hopefully we can maybe attach it to the show in some way, or maybe you can add the clip to the
Starting point is 01:01:44 end of the show. But it's just basically one person telling another person in front of them something and then the next person you guys ever seen this these experiments before it's a disaster like you can't even believe how how bad uh it gets did you guys uh see joe rogan talking about uh how many steps you take and stuff like that yeah that was a that was a really good uh post he was talking about like it equated the amount of steps that you take with um your health and stuff like that in comparison to uh the people that have uh suffered from the coronavirus and stuff like that pretty pretty wild it's like holy shit man we've been talking about walking for a long time here on this show. Wait, there's a comparison to the
Starting point is 01:02:28 coronavirus. Let me see if it's, um, it's, it's not, um, it's not the coronavirus. Sorry about that. It's, it's, it's your more, it's, uh, your mortality rate period. It's not, uh, it's not in conjunction with, uh, this actual virus, but it's just showing your overall health in general against everything, which I thought was really, really cool. Yeah, man. If there's one thing that's happening now, a lot of people are taking walks I didn't used to. And I feel like that's going to be something that a lot of people maintain. But also, you've mentioned this, Mark Mark and Andrew, you've mentioned this too. People are going to start taking their health more seriously, like losing weight, stop eating bad food so that they can be healthier. So they're not as obese or overweight. Cause I mean, when you think about like the people that this is calling,
Starting point is 01:03:26 like the people that this is calling it's people that aren't that healthy right so shoot there's a positive yeah absolutely i mean how much better do we all feel because we do exercise and eat you know eat right it's like yeah i i'm not gonna say i feel invincible to the virus but like i am nowhere near as concerned as i was in the beginning and then on the flip side how scary is it if you know you do your research and you listen and you actually understand that the worse off you are health-wise, the worse off your, you know, your odds just went to shit if you can, if you can track the virus. So, it's sort of one of those things where like when everything's taken away, you all of a sudden want it. So like, you know, all our,
Starting point is 01:04:05 well, not all our privileges, but a bunch of our, uh, freedoms, I guess we'll say are being like, like, Hey, maybe you shouldn't do that.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Now everybody wants to do that. So I'm hoping. That beard's looking pretty good, dude. I know it's been, it's becoming thicker. Yeah. Can you,
Starting point is 01:04:21 can you show us on the sides here a little bit? It's tough. This side's probably better. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've been keeping it a little bit longer and then so when i like do trim it up it's a little bit thicker you're looking a little more fierce thanks yeah yeah i'm trying to look a little meaner because you know like i don't want people to get like too desperate during the lockdown and like come in and try to steal my toilet paper. Scare away that virus, huh?
Starting point is 01:04:47 You know, I want to ask you guys this. Is your beard connected to your mustache right now? His, yes. Yours? No, it looks like it is. Yeah, it looks pretty good. No, see, there's still... It connects, but it's not a
Starting point is 01:05:03 strong connection. It's like when you have bad Wi-Fi and there's little blips. It's like using FaceTime. Yeah, yeah, it's a slightly weak connection. But I think if you were able to be like a small person skipping from patch to patch, like if you can actually jump across, I think that's good enough. I'm going to admit this on air. We don't need a bridge. How small of a person we talking about uh well there you go a little bit better but i'm gonna admit this on air here we go i don't use it all the time i only use it on very
Starting point is 01:05:38 special occasions and occasions that i may not think i'm gonna sweat trend balloon no there's this um there's this like like a darkener spray thing that my barber gave me once and it was like sorcery to fill in parts of my mustache and he used it here and i was just like oh my god you've changed my life it's like a it's like a fake hair follicle thing imagine if you were exposed though like like doing jujitsu and like all that shit started running it just rubs on somebody's white gi yo okay real quick though i want to i want to get both of you guys's opinions on this because there was some i think i don't know if it was jason that mentioned it in your comments mark but a lot of people say this and people get very enraged that it's even being mentioned
Starting point is 01:06:22 but if you go to the world Omeda website, right? So far, apparently this year, 290,000 people have died of suicide. 680,000 people have died of alcohol caused by, yeah, that's caused by alcohol this year. 370,000 road traffic fatalities this year, right? And those are just going to continue to increase, by the way, it's not like that, that's like, that's the end of that. But when you guys hear those types of things, what does it make you feel in comparison to what's going on right now? I would have to say that I don't, I don't feel that they're, I don't feel that they're that related. Because I think I think what was in in most people's brains, I don't feel that they're that related because I think, I think what, what in, in most people's brains, I think that this thing is like new, right? Even though we're like, no, it's kind
Starting point is 01:07:10 of like a flu, you know, but maybe it's a little worse because you can track it quick and, and attacks you a little faster. And it is really, you know, if someone has compromised immune system, it's really attacking them hard. So I think that people are like, well, people already die of heart attacks, you know, and, and, and people are always going to die of heart attacks. We don't have a way. We don't have a way to remedy that. I've, I've, I mean, we've all heard the stories before of, you know, some guys, you know, 40 years old and he just went for a run one day, he's normally healthy and bam, he died of a heart attack. Right. And so I think those are things that people are like,
Starting point is 01:07:45 okay, well, people already die from that. People already die from war. Like, you know, when you sign up for war, to be a soldier of any kind and participate in any form of military, you already know there's a potential risk that you may die. As soon as you start driving, you know, you learn all these laws and rules and stuff
Starting point is 01:08:04 and you accept those things. I think this thing kind of feels like it's new, even though viruses have been around forever. We just haven't had anything recently that's been anything really like this that I think people could make sense of. And so I think that's why people are I think that's why people are so are so scared of it. I think that's why people are so scared of it. So I think in comparison to car accidents and in comparison to some of the other things, I think that everyone's just like, well, yeah, those normally happen, but I don't know what the fuck this thing is. And there's still so much, as the doctor said, this thing's not over.
Starting point is 01:08:39 And I think that that was probably the most compelling thing that he said was like, that that was probably the most compelling thing that he said was like we're not going to even know if it's worse or or um or better than the flu or i don't even know how to say it the right way but you know we don't even know if it's worse than the flu yet or not you know people like it's way worse than the flu it's like that they're they're hounding me sometimes on some of my social media posts and the truth is no one knows yet not even the doctor we just had on or anybody else yeah i'll refer back to the best joker the uh heath ledger i think that's that's the one uh when he's talking to two-face and he's like it all like uh when he called the bomb threat to the hospital or whatever it was and he's like this just disrupts the program you know
Starting point is 01:09:25 if you were to say like x amount of people die per day in prison you're like well yeah that's part of the program there's a they're kind of you know that's what that's what they do in prison however when you disrupt the program with this virus that is killing people rapidly that's when people get concerned and or start freaking out it's a really good scene i highly recommend it he's he's wearing a nurse's outfit it's pretty good yeah i now remember that but that that is exactly what's going on right now or it speeds up the program because of the type of people that it's... Exactly. Right. What about some lifting?
Starting point is 01:10:09 You guys get some good lifting in yesterday or today? Jump roped, and I sucked. My God. Jump rope's hard. Do you get winded from it a little bit, too? It wasn't... No, and let me tell you why I wasn't getting winded. But shoulders and... Shoulders probably burning, right?
Starting point is 01:10:24 No. Oddly enough, no. let me tell you why i wasn't but shoulders and uh shoulders by burning right no oddly enough no it like i'm i was good at keeping my like not all of that not moving too much and it was keeping it in the wrists but because i was like when i got this jump rope it's one of the really thin ones that crossfitters use that make it a little bit easier to do double unders because i was so gung-ho about being able to do double unders. I haven't used it in a long time and I was never able to successfully do double unders. So I really just sucked, man. Like I was just really bad. I'm going to hit it up again today and I'm just going to improve. But yeah, it was, it was bad news. What an amazing form of exercise too. You know, jump rope is, is so convenient. And one of the things that I learned from like, while learning how to jump rope was to,
Starting point is 01:11:06 you know, you work on it for a period of time. And as soon as you get frustrated with it, then you, you put it down and you just work on something else, like work on jumping jacks or jump. You can even have the rope kind of going alongside you and you can jump with it. Yeah. Cause it's a similar thing. But what I've learned is that like, when you keep trying and you can jump with it. Yeah. Cause it's a similar thing. But what I've learned is that like when you keep trying and you start getting mad at yourself, uh, it's really, it's really hard to get back into rhythm. Like you're probably not going to get back into rhythm, but the hardest thing for me with jump rope is always my shoulders, man, my shoulders get worked. Like they just start burn and they start going on fire. Like my feel okay my calves feel okay i can get the
Starting point is 01:11:46 timing down and jump okay now just like yourself i can't double under yeah um but i can i can do the rest of it but man my shoulders start to light up yeah a buddy of mine phil he actually would put a uh a hip circle on his clients to make sure that they kept their shoulders down and they're using just their wrists to get the double unders going. I thought it was pretty cool. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Like the pinch their arms.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Yeah. So that way your, your arms are, you're just locked in. And so when you, Oh, it's like a slingshot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:16 And he would actually put a hip circle, like kind of like right over them. And then just that way they kept their, their body nice and tight. I know some people do it with a slingshot as well. i was i was trying to figure out like i was like wait a hip circle yeah but it's like around your arms so their arms stay right okay it was just like a cue to make sure that they kept their their um their arms close to their body as they went i think i'm gonna do that when i sleep i need to like do something with my arms man like they go
Starting point is 01:12:43 all over the fucking place like i need them like pinned down you know like when i sleep i need to like do something with my arms man like they go all over the fucking place like i need them like pinned down you know like when i when we had uh we had jake um somebody gave us a blanket it's called a miracle blanket and it's a swaddle thing right and it sounds torturous but i swear by swaddling you tuck the baby's arms in like this. It's a blanket that has these tabs on it, and these tabs come out. And so you can fold the arms in, and you sandwich them in like a little burrito, and you stuff them in there. And then I would stuff them all in there, and I'd just stick a little pacifier in his mouth.
Starting point is 01:13:19 He couldn't move. He's completely frozen. But I feel like I need to sleep that way. My arms are over my head and falling asleep and i woke up this morning my shoulder was killing me and i'm like i need my arms like pinned down to my side i can't i don't know what the hell to do with them anymore yeah how do they usually end up do you end up hitting andy or something like what happens everything yeah i end up i end up hitting her i end up whacking off i end up i end up picking at my calluses i mean all kinds of stuff knocking over lamps
Starting point is 01:13:51 sleep i'm a sleep whacker you gotta watch out you wake up and there's some jizz on your hand oh it happened again oh man it's all over the place again oh no i don't know if i've ever i don't know if i don't know if I've ever finished. I think it's just like I start doing it and I probably fall back asleep. Soothing. What are you doing over there? Nothing. I was just...
Starting point is 01:14:17 Just meditating. Changing position. Oh, man. Yeah. Well, no. Well, we're not going to talk about this much right now but me and my buddy we were having a talk yesterday dutch rudder huh dutch rudder dutch rudder what's dutch rudder nevermind dutch brothers wait what is dutch rudder really yeah really what's that because you said he was talking about whacking off and then you're saying so me and my buddy
Starting point is 01:14:44 so i thought i just went straight to a Dutch rudder. You guys were whacking each other. Oh, that's the term if you and your buddy are whacking each other or something? So, we'll take you and your buddy for an example. You're holding your junk with your right hand. He's holding his with his right hand. Your left hand is on his right shoulder. And you guys go back and forth, back and forth.
Starting point is 01:15:09 So you're actually moving his right arm to stroke himself. And he's doing the same to your right arm. Ew. Why? Ew. It's a Dutch rudder. You learned this from Smokey, didn't you? I think I confirmed it with Smokey.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Yeah. This is why we need to get out of this quarantine oh my god you remember that band back together yeah that thing you sent me yesterday the meme with the mario oh yeah okay i sent that to like 20 people and like everyone was like productive day yeah it was great and everyone's like dude this is why we need to get out of quarantine yeah everyone's like going crazy like so people listening how many people have have been sent the giant black guy hanging his giant cock off the side of the bed the guy's super jacked i think everyone's seen that i've seen it for so many different things like people ask me they're like hey are these the right power thing shoes and they got it the guy like wearing a pair of like
Starting point is 01:16:04 uh converse i saw people like saying hey like are these the right power thing shoes? And they got it. The guy like wearing a pair of like Converse. I saw people like saying, hey, like, is this how you're supposed to wear your mask for quarantine? And it's got like a little tiny mask on the end of this giant wiener. Who is that guy? Like, is it just so? So my friend, the guy who started Cameo, Martin, Martin knows that guy. But the guy, I think the guy. But I think the guy died. I think the guy lived up here in NorCal.
Starting point is 01:16:29 And Martin said he used to know that guy. I was like, there's no way. I'm like, you don't know that guy? He's like, I totally know that guy. Yeah. So you guys know Tom Segura? Right. So Tom Segura actually, I forgot the, because he, he found out the name of this guy.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Right. Because you know how people were selling merchandise with you know, like the guy on it and stuff. You know, you know, and stuff like that. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he found out because the photographer that took the photo apparently said, Hey, it's
Starting point is 01:17:00 not cool that all these people are making all this money off of this guy. His dad is, yeah, his his family's over here so what tom segura did is he found the guy's family and he made a shirt that that something about i don't know wash your hands i think with that guy's face on it it said wash your hands and he sold a bunch of those shirts and he gave the money to that guy's family because apparently he didn't really get into he when he was doing the porn stuff, it was in really hard times. It wasn't his main profession. But I thought that was pretty cool. Hard times indeed.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Hard times indeed. Yo, that's a massive hog. That is huge. He's doing quite well in that department. He could check that off. He could check that off. He doesn't need to worry about that. See, I wouldn't own pants.
Starting point is 01:17:49 No. No, right? Just don't even bother. You've got to whip that thing out at parties and stuff. Just wear really tight pants and don't wear any underwear. That's what you've got to do. Right, yeah. You've got to form-fitting so everybody knows what's up all the time.
Starting point is 01:18:12 How would that guy take a dump oh i don't know lay it on the thigh throw it over his shoulder see bro this this is why people are like what's wrong with you people we just got off of a serious really informational podcast here we are are. Talking about dicks. I mean, this podcast has the full spectrum of what everyone can expect from Mark Bell's Power Project. Full spectrum. Oh. I went on a
Starting point is 01:18:37 about a three and a half mile walk run yesterday with a 40 pound vest on. Damn. It was awesome, man. It was, it was, it was, uh, it was tough, but you know, kept the heart rate up pretty good the whole time. I think it was that, I think my average heart rate was like one 55 or something. So it was, it was like right at like, you know, that's about like my max is where
Starting point is 01:19:01 I shouldn't really go too much higher than that. But, um, and I did that for an hour, like it was like about an hour's worth, maybe even a little bit longer, but yeah, it felt really good. And then I came in the house here and we worked out in the garage and we had, uh, I got some 30 pound dumbbells and 20 pound dumbbells and 10 pound dumbbells, a couple of med balls, a bunch of bands. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:27 I think that's about it. Yeah, I did. I did. Well, I did a bunch of curls and a bunch of squats and I've been trying to, uh, squat,
Starting point is 01:19:34 do a hundred squats every day. And I've been keeping with that very easily. Um, a hundred pushups every day. I did like 150 of them yesterday with the vest on. That was, that was difficult. And then staying on those 10 minute squats and staying on those uh those 10 minute walks so i think i'm gonna put it together
Starting point is 01:19:52 a little compilation of some stuff for people to to try to do for them to have like a little checklist because i gotta tell you i the the first couple days of doing this, uh, it, it slaughtered me. Like I was like really kind of lethargic and I was like, not lethargic in a sense like that. I was feeling like tired during the day, but I just, I was moving around slow and my knees kind of hurt and stuff. And I was like, man, maybe I'm doing way too many reps and maybe I need to back off of like sit in that squat position. And, but today when I woke up, I was like, wow, I feel, I feel fucking awesome. Like everything
Starting point is 01:20:30 felt really, really good. So I'm like, well, maybe I'm just adapting to it. Maybe I'm getting used to it. You know, a cool thing that I think is happening with all of us, at least the people in the exercise and fitness community is that they're pulling out and finding potential pieces of equipment that they haven't used in years. Like, like that, that vest that you've been using, like you've talked to me and you've mentioned a way to invest me in the past, but I don't believe you've really implemented it at all for a long time. Right? Oh, I haven't touched that thing in forever. I mean, I, I did put it on probably like a couple of weeks ago just to take a walk around the block at super training. But no, I haven't used that.
Starting point is 01:21:07 It's one of those deals. It's like, I don't know, you go outside, you know, you're at super training, you go outside and you push the sled around and you pull it and you do a bunch of stuff with it. And you're like, why don't I fucking do that every workout? You know, but it's just like for some reason, especially me, like I'm an idiot. Like I'm going to bench. I'm going to squat. I'm going to deadlift every time I see it. And I'm going to be like, oh, I like what Nsema is doing.
Starting point is 01:21:32 I should do some of that kettlebell stuff. And then I get into super training. I'm like, I'm going to bench. Yeah, no, I agree. Like after this is like done, I'm going to, the kettlebell is just too dang amazing, man. I, I'm going to increase my skill with that. Hopefully jump roping. Like I'm really digging that. There's a with certain things. You're like, man, you watch other people doing these drills and doing stuff, and you're like, man, I should be able to do some of that. Yeah. No, I agree.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Yeah. Even doing something as simple as circles with your arm. That's just a little warm-up, but then it's like, fuck, this is actually kind of hard if you keep going, and you just feel so lame because you're like, wow, really? I know my daughter can do this without even trying and here I am struggling. It's like, come on. It's frustrating. It's really, really awesome to have pieces of equipment that can track your heart rate.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Being able to see your heart rate is really, really cool. And when I've been on my walks and stuff, I'll like throw punches or even just have my, I'll even just walk with my arms just out and it increases your heart rate. You know, it's, it's, it's wild. I mean, it's, it's not a lot of effort and your heart rate will, you know, it will blip up just a, just a little bit. What's really interesting is, is going on the walks with my wife and having her track her heart rate and me track mine. I was like, you know what? I think our heart rates will probably be the same for the most part. But I said, I would imagine that you're going to recover way faster than me.
Starting point is 01:23:19 And that was definitely the case. Like we went and we ran a hill. I don't think I had a weight vest on that day um and my heart rate went i forgot what it went to but it skyrocketed pretty good it went to like 180 or something and hers went to about the same um but then as like a as maybe 15 seconds went by hers dropped down about 15 beats, you know, and then as another 15 seconds went by hers dropped down about 15 more beats, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:52 and it just, it kept, it kept separating out further and further from me. Cause she's recovering super fast and she was back to normal, you know, because of all the swimming and stuff that she's been doing her whole, her whole entire life. And so that was, that was really cool to see that.
Starting point is 01:24:08 And then to, I don't know, I'm having fun, man. I'm having a lot of fun. Like I, yesterday when I got done working out, I was like, I actually, at least at the moment, I like that better than I like lifting in the gym. You know, it was, it's, it's been a lot of fun. So we'll see, you know, we'll see how it turns out. And then also like you don't always have an opportunity to get outside, you know, like some days it's rainy and some days whatever.
Starting point is 01:24:35 But so far so good. I'm really enjoying it. Yeah. What are you using to track the heart rate? So I ended up getting a bunch of different stuff to try to mess with so my my friend uh joel jameson he's a guy that trained mighty mouse johnson for a long time uh joel joel is just he joel joel made heart rate variability uh he's the one who put it on the map and uh he has a product called morpheus and morpheus is a um it's an app as well as a device that you wear and so um i've been using
Starting point is 01:25:13 that here and there but i also have a uh i use my wife's apple watch sometimes to try to track and the apple watch actually seems pretty accurate um i don't i don't really love the apple watch because i think it's the rudest device of all time because people are always like checking it every couple seconds when you're trying to talk to them they keep looking at their goddamn watch and uh so i wouldn't you know i would never use it to have it hooked up to other stuff but to have your heart rate track during exercise works really good. But what I found works the easiest so far is just that I have a polar strap, heart rate monitor strap that you just put on. And it gives you a lot of data through the app.
Starting point is 01:26:01 But like with Apple, I haven't sank it up to like other shit. And I'm sure that you can, but like all I'm, all I'm looking at is literally the heart rate on the actual watch itself. And I'm assuming you probably know more about it, but I'm not using it to look at any other data. But what I like from the polar device is just that all I gotta do is simply put the strap around my chest and it's,
Starting point is 01:26:26 it's not hard to do. It's really easy to snap it on. And then once that's on, you know, I can track myself for a run. I can track myself for lifting. I can track myself for, for anything that I want to track with. So that, that's what I've been, that's, I've been using mainly the polar strap a little bit more, but my Joel is going to help me to get in some of these heart rate zones that he wants me to. And then his Morpheus app really tracks a lot of heart rate variability stuff. But I don't know a ton about it. I will have him on the show at some point so he can explain so you guys can learn about it too. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:27:02 So if you do plan on using the apple watch download this app called uh heart watch apple still has my watch since they're not open so i haven't been able to track my heart rate at all but heart watch is really cool because when you open it up on the watch and you start working out um you don't have to like you can keep it on it and like you'll be able to see immediately what your heart rate is like at that moment you can download it on the watch and on your phone and it'll like it'll track your heart rate throughout the whole day. I think it's called Heart Watch 4. It's a really, really good app for tracking your heart rate on the Apple Watch. But I'm really curious. I think I'm going to get it today because I want something to start tracking my heart rate during these workouts. I'm going to
Starting point is 01:27:39 try the Whoop. I know you mentioned it to me, but i like have you tried it or you you you haven't really used it um i heard the whoop thing uh works pretty well um i don't know if they make like a watch but they do make some sort of band it goes on like your arm or something instead of like your actual like wrist right um i i what i i don't know a ton about it, but what I think is good about products like that is that they're trying to make it convenient to utilize. That's what they're trying to do, trying to really make it super simple to use. The Apple Watch is probably the simplest thing, especially if you're like, I don't know about putting this heart rate strap on and all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:26 And the good thing about the Apple Watch is it doesn't need to be connected to anything else, which that's really good. But here's what it looks like from the polar thing. You know, I got it. Is it disappearing or is it showing pretty good? Let's see. You just got a text. Yeah, I can text it over to you. So this is from the Morpheus thing?
Starting point is 01:28:48 This is from the Polar device. Polar device, okay. But yeah, so it shows like my heart rate was 139 on average. The highest it got to was 168. It gives you a lot more data than just this. But yeah, I went for an hour, went 3.5 miles, 3.5 miles burned 788 calories, which the calorie thing is like, you know, it's not all that significant.
Starting point is 01:29:16 What's, what's interesting though, is that in, in like 25 minutes of lifting, I, I burned 400 calories, you know? So like the calories that you would burn from it, you know, you got to just keep in mind, like these are just these tracking devices and how many calories you burn is a bigger mystery than anything that these things could really figure out. But it's just interesting to look, you know, that you get a little more bang for your buck from actual, you know, lifting or and or like hip training.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yeah. But the benefit of walking and the benefit of even like a walk, run and doing things that are more casual is the recovery. So that's something to think about, too. You can do them every day. That's why I like walking so much is that even a walk run like when i'm when i was running previously i was running a little bit i was running a little bit too ambitiously i was running a little too fast and i my body wasn't prepared for it and it wasn't it wasn't the right time for me to mess with that but that wants to mess with it like just if you're thinking
Starting point is 01:30:22 oh god man i can't run like it really jacks me up or whatever. Think about just running for like 30 seconds, you know, just literally run for 30 seconds and keep your feet close to the ground. Like don't try to make like big giant strides or anything. Just like run like you did in football practice back in the day when your coach told you to jog around the field and you just jog just enough just to get the pads bouncing. So it like made the noise. And then he would turn around and you'd pick up your knees a little bit and actually run, you know, but just, just, uh, you know, start out super casual.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Cause all you're really trying to do is get your heart rate to be a little higher than it would be, you know, during a normal, like walk or during a normal, um, yeah, during a normal walk. Yeah, no, just, uh, Phil De derue was talking about it too in terms of uh recovering back down and bringing your heart rate down from being high i mean we always talk about the nasal breathing but he was mentioning how nasal breathing really does help with that and if you track it it does there is a difference when you're recovering and breathing through your nose versus afterwards it comes down a lot faster. I got a,
Starting point is 01:31:30 just probably yesterday or maybe two days ago is the first time that it actually, all this started to feel better, you know, pretty much it just every day just feels worse because I'm still not used to it all. Yeah. Two days ago, the first time that it felt,
Starting point is 01:31:41 it started to feel a little bit better. And then i noticed like when i went to nasal breathing it was way easier yeah than breathing in and out of my mouth i haven't gotten there yet remember i was asking you some questions about it a while back because i was practicing it but it wasn't consistent enough for me to get better at it and i'm like and see my like what's going on with this you You know? And so it just, it took me a while to adapt to it. But now, uh, when I get winded, it's not like, Oh, you know, make sure your nasal breathing, it was, it was the go-to, you know, and it felt better than, than just gasping for air in and out of my mouth, you know? Yep. Yep. I know exactly what you mean. It takes a little
Starting point is 01:32:19 bit of time to get used to it. And then the one day it just clicks. It's weird. Yeah. There's like more, there's more, um um there's more to draw upon from there it feels like you can get a lot more air you know with less strain yep more bang for your buck you got a workout today andrew no i'm just gonna go see the chiropractor try to get my neck straightened out because this shit sucks. It's bad. Like even like putting on a shirt or something, it's quite the chore right now. So this happened a long time ago. You were like pressing some weight and then you went to reach for the rack. And then as I turned my head looking for the hook, that's where it happened.
Starting point is 01:33:06 And I just, just a weird freak accident um and oddly enough happened before on a bench press but um the chiropractor that i knew back then he kind of he yanked on my head like bow high tower and it cured it like instantly so i'm hoping that my boy dan can do that today all he needs to do that yeah but i don't think he's ever done it on me before so i'm gonna see if i can like hey dude like use me as your guinea pig to practice on pulling people's heads off because i really need it you know yesterday it's funny you said that like My lower back was feeling kind of wonky. I had this weird, sharp pain. I sat down.
Starting point is 01:33:48 I put my right leg over my left knee, and I kind of turned. I heard a pop-pop. I got up, and it was gone. I was just like, I see why these guys are doing this. I don't know what I did, but I just felt like something needed to pop. And once it did, it was just like everything was alleviated nice that's the best it's the best yeah it was the best but this sucks man like i can't put my head back like i'm constantly like pushed forward and it just oh dude everything just strained just
Starting point is 01:34:18 it's terrible you're just stuck yeah yeah i am stuck shit wish i could walk on your back buddy that man that'd be painful but it probably would help the car should be able to do good work that's happened to me before what you're going through right now and like uh the guy i went to just like cracked my shit and immediately i was just like oh the world is different so how you guys doing food wise you guys uh you guys eating well are you guys eating a little off plan what you doing i'm sticking to a lot of monster mash doing that i i need to go get some more steaks kind of ran out pete montes needs to ship me out some new stuff actually you just need to put in an order but um yeah everything's been good. I got creative
Starting point is 01:35:07 yet the other day. I put a bunch of slingshot protein powder, some oats, and some peanut butter. And then what else? A little bit of almond milk just to kind of make it like doughy. And then I put it in the freezer and it came out amazing. It was almost like a protein bar. It tasted really good. Obviously, I put way too much almond butter, but it was really good. Other than that, I think everything's been on point. There was a box of Lucky Charms that made its way into the house that is now gone. Not because I threw it out, because I ate but, uh, not everything's been good. Been feeling pretty, pretty awesome except for the damn neck. Do you think you've been eating?
Starting point is 01:35:50 Um, may I ask you this Andrew, have you been eating more currently each day than you were when you, um, than you were when you were actually working out in the gym? Are you eating less? Less, definitely less. Uh, part of the, the, like the routine has been thrown off, and I'm kind of not paying attention to what time it is anymore. I don't have to be home at a certain time because I'm already here. So I'm definitely getting less meals in. The cool thing is I can actually cook too. Instead of microwaving stuff, I can cook food.
Starting point is 01:36:23 So I've been having a lot of eggs trying to like perfect how to make eggs the most efficient way um yeah i mean like i'll have like eight eggs for breakfast but breakfast is like at you know 12 or 1 yeah it's been kind of awesome but with that then i'll blink and it's like six o'clock and I'm like, oh shit, I got to eat dinner now. And then I'll be like, I missed, you know, a couple meals throughout the day. So, I'm eating less, but you know, my volume is down. So, I think, you know, it's almost equating to the same, I guess, maybe. Yeah, no, I was asking you that because that's, that's, what's been going on with me.
Starting point is 01:37:05 Like I have, I think my, my, I guess my activity level, my calories burned is less. There's no jujitsu or anything. Um, and naturally like, I'm just, I still eat like a big meal, but I'm eating way less calories than I was. Um, my weight's staying the same, but I feel like it's just kind of, uh, I've just gone to a place where, a place where my new maintenance is since I'm not able to do jujitsu. I mean, you know, like I do kettlebell stuff, but it doesn't equate to the amount of calories burned doing that. No weight's been gained, you know, and I'm not eating all day, which I feel like the easy thing right now that happens, and I've been having people send me this is like you're bored so you're eating fridge well yeah you have any uh restrictions for yourself um in sema like like are you trying to intentionally do a little bit of fasting or wait until later in the day to
Starting point is 01:37:57 eat or something like that i'm always waiting till the late later in the day now like i'm not eating in the morning i'm not eating until pretty much after 6 PM. That's my recommendation. That'd be my recommendation to everybody. Like just, I know there's some people that, that are going, you know, either way, but like losing body fat is, is always a healthier, uh, is always healthier than, than gaining body fat. And, uh, you know, for some people that are already lean, you could probably make an argument and say, Hey, now's not a great time for you to focus on getting any leaner because maybe that would cause you like some undue stress, especially if you're already thin or something like that. But in most cases, most of us could always work towards being healthier. And I think fasting is just the easiest way.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Like just eat a little bit later in the day. Maybe if you can try to stop eating, you know, two hours before you go to bed, just simple, simple stuff, you know? And I, I've been able to do that over the last few days. The first couple of days that I came out here to bodega, I was just eating breakfast and stuff. And I'm like, this is just going to be me eating all day. You know, that's what this is going to turn into because that first meal really sparks a lot of hunger for me. So now it's like, okay, well, I'm just going to wait until after just like normal.
Starting point is 01:39:15 My normal routine is that I usually wait until work and workouts are done. When work and workouts are done, then I can, then i can eat you know and so that's uh that's what i've been doing but i don't know if you guys are aware of this but today is day number 99 oh my gosh yeah today is day number 99 so yeah we got one more day and then um yeah, we got one more day and then, um, I'm going to eat a bunch of cheesecake and then, uh, carry on. I don't know. I don't know. I just made that up. Okay. Actually, I would like to kind of start like a new challenge, but I just haven't really decided exactly what it is. I was telling my wife,
Starting point is 01:40:00 it's like, I'd love to tell people like, Hey man, let's push to like the end of the month and let's try to, you know, I know that there's still people that they kind of like need a challenge. They need something, they need, they need something to really like lean into and, uh, you know, talking to people about dropping like 10 pounds. I just think, you know, there's, there's people that are on the other side of things saying like, Hey, that's not really healthy, you know, to be stressing yourself out about your body weight during this time. But I disagree. I think it's always good to have a goal, and I think losing body fat is actually extremely healthy.
Starting point is 01:40:35 You know, man, that's what I was going to ask you. I've been seeing a lot, and I understand why they're saying it, but I feel like they should just be a little bit less gung-ho about that a lot of health and fitness professionals yeah they're like this is fucking pussies yeah this isn't the time you know to to worry about losing body fat this is the time to try and feel good blah blah blah and i understand it like especially if you're going through some financial stress etc there's a lot of different stressors that are entering people's lives right now but why the fuck would you still not try to feel like you get a handle on your health like why would that just be something that no that's the thing you should throw out and like focus on just feeling good and whatever like i think that yeah we should focus on feeling good but we still shouldn't be neglecting
Starting point is 01:41:19 trying to get healthier it makes no sense right mean, a lot of times people go through like a bad breakup or they go through something hard and they want to, you know, lean towards alcohol and, you know, you're like, I understand, you know, and to have a little bit of that probably does make some sense. But at the same time, that's a really slippery slope and it's probably not productive. It's not doing what you think it's going to do. You know, it's not, it's not really going to accomplish what, what you're hoping it's going to accomplish unless you're a rational person, unless you're like, you know what, man, I'm just going to go out, have a couple of drinks with my buddies and just share,
Starting point is 01:41:58 you know, share how I feel at the moment. Like that's kind of different than like going out and getting fucking smashed. Right. feel at the moment like that's kind of different than like going out and getting fucking smashed right and i think that um there's never a time there's never a time to let your defenses down you know i think you know now is a is a better time than ever to everyone else is like again i said it earlier you know everyone else is on pause you know you can kind of think about like this is a good opportunity to get ahead how many people are going to get leaner during this you know what i mean like how many people are going to get leaner during this how many people are going to get bigger have more muscle or be stronger you know not that many but you could be one of them you could get smarter i mean you could it just depends
Starting point is 01:42:41 on what you want to do you know what do you want to do with your time? You know, some people go to jail and they become brilliant. They go to prison, they become brilliant because they just read book after book after book. Other people just waste their time. Some people go to prison and they get jacked. Right. You know, you use,
Starting point is 01:42:58 use this time as a time to kind of like, you know, reform and maybe make some progress towards uh some of your goals yeah yeah yeah you got more time now all the time in the world andrew take us out of here buddy thank you everybody for checking out today's episode if you guys like what you're hearing please share it with a friend uh we have access to some amazing doctors and it would be really cool if that Dr. Lass got a lot of attention and a lot of praise for what he said today. Because I think today's episode is going to impact a lot of people because it was very powerful stuff.
Starting point is 01:43:36 So, again, please share it with a friend. Let them know how awesome this podcast is. And please make sure you're following on Instagram at MarkBell'sPowerProject. TikTok and Twitter is at MBPowerProject. My on instagram at mark bell's power project uh tiktok and twitter is at mb power project my instagram is at i am andrew z and uh one more time i thank you everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast sincerely appreciate it any links or anything we talk about on today's show will be down in the youtube description and or itunes show notes and sema where you at and semaseemaYinYang on Instagram and YouTube, at NseemaYinYang on TikTok and Twitter. And check out soon.
Starting point is 01:44:09 There's some cool kettlebell stuff that's going to be heading to that website that you guys might enjoy. So, yeah, thanks for letting me put that on there, Mark. I appreciate you doing that. It is April 9th. That's the day that we filmed this thing. And I started my own version of a stimulus package, but I don't know if it's going to be available to you guys when you hear this particular podcast,
Starting point is 01:44:34 but it might already be a thing of the past because it's only going to be up on the website for two days. It's over at If you want to win money, cash, money from me, I'm doing my own version of a stimulus package so you don't have to wait around for the federal government and Donald Trump to sign your check. You can get one directly from me. We're giving away $500 to a bunch of different people. In addition to that, we're giving away $100 to a bunch of different people.
Starting point is 01:45:00 In addition to that, we're giving away some gift cards to as well. So, you know, hopefully you have a chance to check it out. Otherwise, maybe you didn't, but at least you've been made aware of the Mark Bell stimulus package. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch you all later. Power Project crew, thank you for checking out today's episode. And like I said in the intro and during the show, I feel that this is one of the better, more impactful shows that we've done with quite an amazing guest. So if you guys found value in it, please share it with a friend because
Starting point is 01:45:35 I think more people need to be exposed to what we talked about today. And also just lastly, thank you everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast. It helps us out immensely. Right now, we want to give a huge shout out to Rec4TheAges. We'll call him Rec. Rec says, powerful info. Quote, the Power Project is bringing power, knowledge, and entertainment together. Great variety of guests, poop stories, lifting, and nutrition advice, and life advice too. Rec, thank you so much for that review. That helps us out a ton. I can't say it enough. Rick, thank you so much for that review.
Starting point is 01:46:05 That helps us out a ton. I can't say it enough. So thank you so much for that. We sincerely appreciate that. If you're listening right now, wherever you may be, in the car, on a walk, at home in quarantine, if you would like to hear your name read on air, please head over to iTunes right now. Leave us a rating and a review and you could hear your name on air just like our homie
Starting point is 01:46:24 Rick for the ages. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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