Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 378 Live - The Record Shouldn't Count - Eddie Hall

Episode Date: April 28, 2020

Eddie Hall is the 2017 World’s Strongest Man, multiple Britain’s Strongest Man, and current all-time Deadlift record holder at 500kg or 1102lbs. He is also featured on the History Channel series, ...“Strongest Man In History”. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support us by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $99! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, welcome to today's show and what an incredible show we have for you guys today. This episode was recorded on April 24th and it is with the current deadlift world record holder Eddie Hall. Now this episode was recorded the very next morning after we recorded the episode with Hafthor Bjornsson who of course is set to try to, he's going to attempt to break Eddie's world record and although it's not a direct response video, we were able to get some of Thor's thoughts and then ask Eddie what his thoughts were on those thoughts. And we were seriously taken back at how, I'll say passionate Eddie was. He said some very inflammatory things towards Thor that nobody expected. But I mean, he gives really good reason for it. And I know a lot of
Starting point is 00:00:45 people are being negative towards Eddie saying that he's complaining a lot. But if you can look through some of the more volatile things that he's saying, and really you can get an understanding of why he takes this so serious and why he doesn't feel that half Thor's world record attempt should not count as an official world record. Although this episode can stand on its own, you really do need to go back and listen to the previous episode so you can hear Thor's side and then you can get Eddie's side and really just kind of take all that information in and formulate your own opinion on who you think is in the right and who's in the wrong. Or you can be like us and just be like, damn, can't we all just get along?
Starting point is 00:01:22 We love both guys so much. We understand where both are coming from. And, you know, it's just really interesting that this lockdown has caused quite a unique situation that has caused so much controversy within the strongman community. One thing that nobody can argue, though, is that this is huge for the sport, and it's going to get a ton of eyes on the sport that normally wouldn't be. So in that aspect, I guess everybody does win. I'm going to get out of your guys' way because this, like I said, man, he came out so hot.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Eddie was on fire on this episode. So I want to get to as soon as possible. So real quick, if you guys haven't already, please take advantage of is where Mark Bell posts his daily workouts every single day, a brand new workout comes out. So if you are without a gym, if you are without a home gym, um, there's a huge emphasis on body weight movements, slingshot movements, hip circle movements, all right now at And you can gain access to the entire website for absolutely free. All you have to do is register and you'll gain access to the entire website for 30 days. Again, that's at And right now we are still giving away 20% off the home workout kit. That includes a slingshot of your choice and a hip circle of your choice over at
Starting point is 00:02:30 Again, any hip circle, any slingshot, add both of those to your cart and you'll receive 20% off at checkout. Thank you again, everybody for checking out this episode. Again, if you missed it, please go back and check out the previous episode with Half Thor. you get the whole spectrum of what's going on here and if you guys like what you're hearing please reach out to eddie hall his instagram will be down in the youtube description and itunes show notes and reach out to us at mark bell's power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter let us know what you guys think and And ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy this show with Eddie Hall. We're live? Hello? Oh, is that me? That's you. That's you.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Oh, my God. I sound handsome. If you can, can you sound handsome? You can. And Seema definitely, even somebody yesterday on the live stream was like, why is he using his bedroom voice? It's not my bedroom voice. It's my voice.
Starting point is 00:03:20 That's what I said. It's his handsome voice. I'll talk like this the whole time no kind of sound a little bit like mike tyson right there no no no it doesn't um anyway you guys saw me doing the uh the freaking hundred days of uh carnivore you know and uh trying to stick to that plan and stick to that diet and it's we all know how how tough it can be to stick to a plan and stick to a diet but um i was cheating the whole time the whole time the entire time dude yeah i know performance enhancements yep i was using perfect keto oh my gosh i know everyone heard it here first i
Starting point is 00:04:03 shouldn't be saying this on the air but you shouldn't and we're live so there's no going back i know but you know using the collagen protein you know just having something at night that has different taste than meat all the time was uh is a huge relief and then even uh you know first thing in the morning i'd look forward to throwing it in my coffee and stuff like that so i i know like we recommend people get like snacks and that sort of thing out but something like this and seem like would you say somebody can have this and not really feel guilty about it the cause of protein mcts and stuff yeah if i'm being real those cookies are good right if you're not responsible be careful i'm just gonna be real because i'm not the most responsible guy Well, the same thing will happen to you with,
Starting point is 00:04:45 uh, the bars and stuff that perfect keto makes that would happen with like junk food. You're just, you're probably going to eat too much of it. If you can eat it responsibly, then you're in the driver's seat. You're in a good position.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That makes sense. Well guys, for more information, you guys really got to head over to perfect slash power 25 at checkout, enter promo code power project for 25% off and free shipping on any orders of $99 or more. We use the MCT oil powder as often as possible. The nootropic is second to none.
Starting point is 00:05:13 It's an amazing product. Really, everything on that website is amazing. They don't use any artificial sweeteners. Really, the absolute best way to get into a low-carb or ketogenic diet is with Perfect Keto. So please head over to slash power25. They even have the keto sticks that you can pee on to check to see if you're in ketosis. And then you send it back to them and they tell you that you are. They're like, you're off the team.
Starting point is 00:05:40 You didn't make it. Yeah, don't send Perfect Keto your urine stick. Oh, no. Anyway. We got Eddie Hall on the podcast today. Yeah, yeah. Yesterday we talked to the mountain. Today we're talking to the beast.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Sheesh. No one's talking about them right now. No, no one's talking about them. You know, Eddie Hall, you know, world's strongest man, champion, and also, you know, the current world record holder in the deadlift of the 500 kg deadlift. And so we're going to talk to him today about some of the controversy surrounding this event that is set up for Thor, or at least it appears that way.
Starting point is 00:06:21 But most of the controversy has kind of come from Eddie Hall. A lot of that has come from his side and it'd be great to get his take on it because we have, uh, you know, we're not like buds with Eddie Hall. We're not like best friends with him or nothing, but from our interaction with him,
Starting point is 00:06:37 he's super cool. Like he's just a real genuine guy. He seems really, he seems, I, he seems very competitive obviously but uh he certainly doesn't seem like an asshole in any way and uh when i saw his post about what was happening and i i saw his kind of frustration with thor and and and the situation that's going on i was kind of
Starting point is 00:06:59 taken back by it because i was like i i kind of i think think I know him, I think I know him well enough to, you know, for this to be a little odd, you know, that it was so frustrating to him. But then I thought about it more and I was like, well, you know, this is a body of work for him. He's been lifting his whole life and he went after that 1100 pound deadlift with everything that he had. And so, you know, it makes some sense that he'd be frustrated that it's not going to be maybe under the same set of circumstances that he had to go through. Yeah. And then also it's like that 1100 pound deadlift, the amount of time like he took to prepare for it and everything that was happening that year, the competitions, et cetera. Again, like we couldn't have predicted COVID-19 or coronavirus, whatever you want to call it. But it's like his situation was more specific.
Starting point is 00:07:50 You know, it wasn't in his garage or wherever he had to do it in competition with other lifters. That seems to be one of the biggest things. And one of the biggest, I guess, fires for a lot of these strong men saying this can't necessarily be an official world record and you can understand it.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah. There was a lot of comments yesterday of everyone just saying like, it's, it will break the record, but it's still going to be like a, you know, a PB as across the pond says, you know, yeah, it'll be a gym, you know, a personal best. It'll be a PR. It won't really, a lot of people said they wouldn't see it as an official world record. Yeah. I don't know, man. I don't think it's going to, to me personally, it doesn't matter, but I understand purists and people who, you know, are big fans of the sport or again, somebody like Eddie be like, no, it's got to be done like in the, in the right setting, a real legit setting. I feel like Eddie's definitely going to have gonna have like he's gonna have more reasons as to
Starting point is 00:08:45 like why this is gonna be legit other than that like just other things we haven't thought about because i feel like there's a lot of factors in all of this that i mean we we just might not know you know so who knows but yeah they travel the same circles and they're in in the same like circuit all the time and and uh yeah maybe they just maybe they get frustrated with each i mean it makes sense right they're gonna get frustrated with each other yeah and uh you know be interesting you know after talking to thor and hearing some of his thoughts and um you know he really feels like he's gonna break the record and so i think you know asking eddie hall you know, now it appears that Thor is going to, you know, really be going after this, you know, at this event. Like, do you think that he'll break it?
Starting point is 00:09:32 That would be kind of an interesting because, you know, it's not broken yet. And it's it is an all time world record. And the stars have to align for that to happen. So it'd be interesting to kind of hear his thoughts on that. I think he said he was like 60, 40. Right. Yeah. So it'd be interesting to kind of hear his thoughts on that. I think he said he was like 60-40, right? Yeah, in the video he made with Brian, he said it was a 60-40, 40% chance that four will get it, 60% chance he won't. Yeah, so, I mean, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:09:56 It's kind of a good prediction because, yeah, it just depends on how you feel for the day. Like if something's off, if your training was, you know, you're not always super accurate with your training. You try the best you can. And then sometimes you have to look back at your training and say, I kind of probably missed it because I went too heavy, too close to the competition, or I didn't train long enough. I didn't train up to the competition enough or whatever it might be. Do you remember, like, any big precautions that you took when you were, like,
Starting point is 00:10:22 getting ready for one of the powerlifting meets? Yeah, one of the major things is just to not hurt yourself. But that's not a good thing to have in your head. That's a terrible thing to have in your head. Because you want to train as if everything was normal, but you kind of can't. The worst thing you can do is hurt yourself a couple days before the competition. There he is. Hello. what's up eddie hey guys you okay there we go yep we're good man how are you yeah good man i've literally just a second walked out the gym so i'm absolutely dripping my sweat there you go right i am all go I've got my stand here
Starting point is 00:11:05 a lot of you've been doing a lot of body weight exercises since you've been under quarantine yeah I've been doing me body weight pilates and all that
Starting point is 00:11:15 no I've got I've got an alright home gym I wouldn't say it's the best but it's you know squat deadlift
Starting point is 00:11:24 overhead stuff got all the dumbbells and bands and home gym i wouldn't say it's the best but it's uh you know squat deadlift um overhead stocker all the dumbbells and bands and i'm managing quite well you know when we saw you out when we when we saw you at the arnold yeah that's good that's perfect when we saw you when you saw you saw you out the arnold um you know that it was a really weird feeling there like it was the whole thing was shut down and it's just uh something that we never seen before we're not used to that kind of thing and i think looking back at the moment we're like we didn't really maybe fully embrace or fully understand why it was shut down um but now looking back now we kind of you know get a better uh idea of of what was going on there how have you you been dealing? Now we're looking back to see what fucking idiots we were.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, it could have been very dangerous for all of us to be meeting there. Anyway, you still have the all-time deadlift record, the 500kg deadlift, and we're aware that Hap Thor Bjornsson is going to be going for
Starting point is 00:12:24 it coming up shortly and we thought we saw that you took uh exception to that because uh he's not doing it under specific circumstances um what's your vantage point on this and and and uh why is it disturbing to you um well i mean there's a. I mean, let's take for one example, when I attempted the world record log press in, I believe it was 2018, with a snapped ankle. And I remember I was like that close,
Starting point is 00:12:56 I mean, that close to locking that log out. And I thought to myself, I could try this again in a couple of weeks. So, you know, I'm ringing the promoters up, can we do this again? And they're just like, no. Like, sorry, you just have to wait your turn. We can't just set an event up just for you,
Starting point is 00:13:09 just so you can break a world record. You have to wait until it's in a competition with other athletes and you have to get it done. And I was like, oh, God damn it. It's like, I could, like, can't we just set a venue up and, you know, you referee it and we'll get, you know, we'll weigh the log, it'll be official. And they're like, Ed, we just, you can't can't do that mate that's just unfair to the other athletes and this is
Starting point is 00:13:30 exactly the same scenario well you know it's horrible circumstances of course you know and of course it's not four's fault but there's one example where i've been told no because it's not under competition rules that i can't go for a world record log press. But yeah, Thor wants to do it. Thor has asked for this. And then, you know, Walser provided a platform for him, you know, in his home gym, I believe, getting all his pals there, Magnusford, Magnussen.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And I think my main sort of discrepancy with this is, and hear me out here, Will Strongest Man 2017 brought a discrepancy up there saying he was robbed and that the referees were corrupt and they took away the advantage for him to win. That same referee
Starting point is 00:14:19 is now refereeing his deadlift. So how can a referee that, by his words, is corrupt, now all of a sudden be a good referee to referee his deadlift? And that's what's pissing me off the most, is he's so hypocritical. It's like, oh, Magnus Ver Magnusson's corrupt, he took away my win, he disallowed that rep on purpose, and now fast forward three years later, Magnus Ver Magnusson, my friend, come disallowed that rep on purpose. And now fast forward three years later, Magnus Ver Magnussen, my friend,
Starting point is 00:14:47 come and referee my deadlift, I love you. And that's what I can't stand about it all. It's just, it's disgusting. And I'm really shocked. I mean, Magnus Ver Magnussen, in my eyes, is an amazing referee, a good friend of mine. I wouldn't mock him in the slightest. But that just takes the piss.
Starting point is 00:15:04 How can Magnus von Magnussen turn up to that event knowing full well that Thor has called him a corrupt referee and judge his deadlift? For him, for nobody else but Thor. And I just think it's
Starting point is 00:15:20 disgusting. So there's one or two key points that I'd just like to lay on the table straight away. Yeah, i mean eddie is there anything that thor or just the organization or anything that would be able to do something to legitimize this lift to where you would say okay i i will accept that this is an actual uh you know official record attempt? It's tough. I mean, I'm looking at the, you know, obviously I've seen Fuller's training videos and even little things like the bar.
Starting point is 00:15:52 You compare his bar to my bar. His bar is bending a lot more than what mine did with the 500 kilo. It looks a lot longer. It looks as though the weights leave the floor a bit later. And this is what I said in the first instance, is that it's in the first instance, is that it's his sponsors, Rogue, sponsoring the event. It's Rogue's equipment, Rogue's weights, Rogue's bars,
Starting point is 00:16:14 Rogue's platform, Rogue's collars. And to me, it's almost as if, right, you know, imagine Rogue. And again, like Rogue, what an amazing outfit. But if I was head of Rogue and I've got one of my athletes here who's going to give us a load of exposure, you know, they're going to give him, I wouldn't say a dodgy bar, but a bar that's best suited to get this lift done. And the bar I did it on was evidently,
Starting point is 00:16:37 and I'm not just saying this, compare the two. Mine was a lot stiffer. The weights didn't leave as late as four. And it's just little things like that. And this is why i say it's not to be done in competition so other athletes can say well hang on a minute that bar isn't right and the other you know the other organizations can say no that isn't correct and it just and i've said from day one it just doesn't feel right and here's a scenario for you right so let's rewind four years let's say we had a a corona sorry i don't mean to say that word you have to bleep it out um
Starting point is 00:17:11 let's say we had a a situation like this four years ago and i said to the world right i'm gonna pull 500 kilo in my gym i'm gonna get colin bryce Bryce up to referee my plates, my platform, everything else. Every single person on the planet would have said bullshit. There's no doubt in my mind, every single person would have said bullshit. So why is it different for full? Right now, I agree with that. That actually makes a lot of sense. And I think that, you know, people have done this in the past, especially when it comes to powerlifting, you know um i've competed in my own gym and you know as soon as i competed in my own gym like you know people were up in arms about it and you know it definitely i had to kind of stop doing that because it was something that i recognized the pressure that i put on the people that are judging it too
Starting point is 00:18:01 because it's like yeah and i wasn't trying to do that, but it was just, you know, it was like, Hey, this is convenient for me. This is in my own gym. This is great. And I did that, you know, a bunch of times. And then after a while I was like, I probably, I probably should stop doing that. You know, when I, now that I'm a, now that I'm professional and people are kind of looking at it differently. Um, but then I also got to a point where I was like, you know what? I don't really care what people say. I'm just going to kind of looking at it differently. But then I also got to a point where I was like, you know what, I don't really care what people say. I'm just going to kind of continue to do things my own way. But it is a strange thing because the circumstances
Starting point is 00:18:33 that we're in right now, they're just so different. And I'm thinking like these guys probably drummed up the idea of like, hey, this is going to be good because people will be tuning in. People will be watching. And so I think from that perspective, I think it's amazing. Do you think it's healthy for the sport in general? A hundred percent. I think what WUS is doing is absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:56 It's fantastic. It's giving a platform for people to showcase what they can do behind the scenes. And it's giving us entertainment. And I've always said from well i've said i've said it all along you know what was doing is amazing but to call them world records is and to top trump other people i mean there's been a few instances where i've done world records in the gym but i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't face face the facts of saying to the public this is a world record because i said it as i weighed the plates and my mate gave me a down signal.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Wouldn't in a million years dream of doing that? Not in a million years. But if people want to see me do a 230 kilo log in the gym or a 501 kilo deadlift, I'd do it for their satisfaction, for their entertainment. But to have the cheek and nerve to call it a world record is pretty disgusting. And this is a rumor I've heard, that Four, once Four has done this deadlift,
Starting point is 00:19:52 he is retiring from Strongman. And so basically, the guy's going to put the sport into that Pandora's box, open up a load of doors where loads of athletes are then going to say, oh, well, I just pulled a world record in the gym. I might give me a down signal. It counts because four did it.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Four is going to open that box for the sport of strongman, fuck the sport of strongman up, and then retire, and he'll be on his way making his millions. I can guarantee you that twat is going to retire
Starting point is 00:20:21 as soon as this deadlift is done. It's almost as if he wants to get one up on me because of all the feud we've had he wants to get this one up on me before he retires and then he's done it's pussy talk and he's a pussy how has this uh this situation has this kind of uh you know escalated you know you you did like talk outwardly about him more because i you know as long as i've known you um i haven't seen you really say anything bad about anybody um usually you just kind of like usually you kind of let's glaze over it and you might mention something in passing that's like fun or funny but i haven't
Starting point is 00:20:56 really known you to like to try to like you know down anybody else so has this has this been like the boiling point where you're like you know what fuck it man i just need to let people know how i feel about this pretty much yeah i think i mean like i mean for started this first and foremost saying i was a dishonest uh unsportsmanlike person and i was like well hang on a minute let's rewind to will strongest man 2017 who is the unsportsman person here i think it's more than likely you. And yeah, I'm just like, sod it. You know, it needs to come out now. What happened at World's Strongest Man 2017 needs to come out.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Because he had his little say. He put his dark cloud over my win. And then he's just shut up about it and he's got away with it. How can you call a whole organisation, World's Strongest Man, corrupt, but then yet go and win the World's Strongest Man title and make your living off the back of it. It's beyond me. How can you throw shade at a sport that made you? It's ridiculous. And he's calling out for that. And I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:56 he started off with the Magnus Ver Magnusson with the refereeing on the Viking press, which was even Magnus Ver Magnusson himself told Thor to shut the fuck up right and then he goes on from that and he changes his story oh no no no the Viking press was fine what I mean now is is that the events were handpicked for Eddie and they took stuff out of the competition for Eddie
Starting point is 00:22:17 and let me tell you about a conversation we had at Europe's Strongest Man 2018 because I pulled Thor to one side at Europe's Strongest Man 2018, because I pulled four to one side at Europe's 2018. And I said, look, buddy, I said, you said well done to me that day. And I said, four, you can stick your well done up your fucking arse, because you don't mean it.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I said, because you haven't apologised for what you said. And he wouldn't apologise for what he said. And, you know, we spoke about the Viking press, and he said, you know, he admitted that Magnus Vermaangsen was right, and yeah, he shouldn't, we spoke about the Viking press and he said, you know, he admitted that Magnus Vermaangsen was right and, yeah, he shouldn't have said anything about the Viking press. But then he said that the events were hand-picked for me.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I said, okay then, Thor. I said, I'm going to call you bluff here. If you were to pick the events, what events would you pick? What would you take out and what would you put in? He says, oh, right, okay. I would have took out the tyre flip and I'd have put a yoke in. I said, okay, yeah, that's good, okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Can I just remind you that five weeks before Will's Strongest Man, I beat you at the car walk, so I beat you at yoke. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Fucking crickets. Absolute crickets. And then he said about the drag was taken out of the tyre flip, so it was meant to be a tyre flip and drag
Starting point is 00:23:24 for the first event. And he accused the organization of taking the drag out for my benefit. Now, the real story is the drag was such a disaster in the heats, i.e. there was three lanes, and lane one always won. So there's one lane evidently easier than the other two lanes. They took it out for that reason. Now, imagine this. Imagine if they left the drag in and four got lane three, the hardest lane. Do you think you would have cried then?
Starting point is 00:23:53 I think you would have. And then it just goes on and on. What else was it he said? There was a squat and a deadlift in there put in for me. Fuck me. It's world's strongest man to find out who the strongest man in the world is. Do you know what I mean? It's like,
Starting point is 00:24:06 let's see who is the fucking strongest. Let's see who can squat the most. Let's see who can deadlift the most. If you can't win those events, then you're evidently not the World's Strongest Man,
Starting point is 00:24:15 are you? And there was all this bollocks about brakes on a plane. It can go on and on and on. They said the platforms were made to my height.
Starting point is 00:24:25 We could go the other way and say if the platforms were the normal height, I could say, well, that's favoring Thor. What about the little guys? He's got no argument. Everything that he's come out with and said, I've got an answer for. And it's the same old shit. He doesn't know what to
Starting point is 00:24:40 say because he's full of shit. He's full of shit. Let me ask you this, Eddie, because when we were talking to Thor yesterday, he was mentioning how He doesn't know what to say because he's full of shit. He's full of shit. Let me ask you this, Eddie, because when we were talking to Thor yesterday, he was mentioning how he did mention the 2017 World's Strongest Man, but he was also talking about how as far as the way they run things is concerned. He said that they don't really run things for the athletes, that sometimes certain athletes know certain events before other athletes. Is this something
Starting point is 00:25:05 that's legitimate in your opinion like do you feel that they don't put the athletes first also or do you feel that that is totally wrong and it's not legitimate no i would uh i would completely agree with that and i would say that four has got pals in the equipment team at will strongest man and will strongest man 2018 he got the events well before anybody else so i can agree with what four has just said and that he got the events well before anybody else. So I can agree with what Paul has just said and that he got the events before anybody else. So I can agree with that. The events are handpicked by the TV stations,
Starting point is 00:25:33 nobody else. And there's people that can back that up. And I spoke to, I mean, Colin Bryce, bless his soul, was thrown under the bus during all this. It was all put on him. And I spoke to Colin, I was like, who picks the events? How can people say this? And it's the bus during all this. It was all put on him. And I spoke to Colin. I was like, who picks the events? How can people say this?
Starting point is 00:25:47 And it's the TV guys, CBS and the UK TV. They pick the events for what looks good for the television. That's it. It's a voted system. They all get in a room and they say, right, what events are you doing this year? And they don't sit there and go, I know, let's make four win this year.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Let's do this, this, and this this it's just what looks good on tv and the i mean people saying people getting events before anybody else that's bs i can tell you now before will strongest man i was training on a whippy bar doing my squats leading into will strongest man 2017 two weeks before they announced it was on a bloody axle so So to say I knew the events, you can go back and check my social media. I didn't know the events. I was in the same book as everybody else. To say I got a one-up on anybody, if anything,
Starting point is 00:26:34 if anything, I think Thor gets one-up on everybody else. Because he's put videos out well, well in advance. You can check his social media. He was training olympic barbell and press months before they announced the events but he was training it and the thick bastard was putting up on his social media so to say that people were getting the
Starting point is 00:26:56 events before anybody else yes he's completely right he was one of them what do you think something that could help uh change this in strongman Because I've talked to Brian Shaw and I've talked to other athletes and they've kind of pointed out that this this is a problem. Like it's like at least my understanding, my perspective is of like CrossFit. Like they don't you know, they're accused of doing the same thing. Like they're accused of having like buddies in the system and stuff. But as far as I know, I don't see any foul play there at all it seems like they have it really locked up and um they're just trying to find the fittest person you know what can what can strong men do like do you think uh and and would you be part of it like
Starting point is 00:27:36 if they had a committee of maybe some retired athletes or something like that would you would you be part of that or would you guys just be be ready to kill each other every week if you had a committee? I'd love to be a part of that, but I feel as though because of my position and because of what Forrest stated, I couldn't be a part of that because I'd be seen to be picking events for certain athletes. So I can't have that over my head. I will refuse to pick events for Will Strongest Man if I'm ever asked. I do think that Will Strongest Man could release the events a lot earlier, but that's on them.
Starting point is 00:28:08 They can do whatever they want. They're an organisation. If they say they're going to announce the events two weeks before Will Strongest Man, that's fine, because every athlete's in the same boat. It doesn't make any advantage for anybody. I understand it's frustrating. I've been there myself. I'm there
Starting point is 00:28:24 one month before Will's Strongest Man thinking, right, they said they're doing a squat, but are they using a stiff bar or an axle? And I'm just pulling my hair out myself. But at least I've got the satisfaction of knowing that every other athlete's in the same boat. Well, we hope. Do you have any idea how it used to be run?
Starting point is 00:28:40 Like the old strongman that you would see, and you would see professional football players, and you would see professional wrestlers. you would see uh professional wrestlers you see like ken patera out there who was a an olympic athlete as well as a a wwf wrestler at the time like are you aware of how that stuff was run because that always seemed like a lot of fun like it seemed like they just got a mixed mash of people that were super strong and then they just did like these kind of random crazy events that which seemed very dangerous by the way but any idea how some of that was run not at all i mean all i know is you know back in the day this this was all sort of
Starting point is 00:29:17 brought to petition by a group of men that thought you know what let's let's do a competition and find out who the world's strongest man is. One of them was Barry Frank. And then there's lots of people that have been a part of World's Strongest Man. Dougie Edmonds was one of the initial people that sort of helped formulate the World's Strongest Man. And in my opinion, yes, you're right, it was dangerous, but
Starting point is 00:29:38 by God, was it entertaining. Watching people wrestle, bend bars, rummage ridges, pull boats up hills. Like, I miss those World's Strongest Man days. I sure do. Those were the real sort of raw entertainment. Nowadays, we're a bit more professional.
Starting point is 00:29:54 You know, instead of having a boat that can sway left and right and make it harder for one or the other, you know, we'll do a fair one lane, one arm over arm. We'll use calibrated sort of equipment. It's evolved, you know, and it's had to evolve. Gone are the days where, yes, it's still an entertainment sport. You know, to watch who is the alpha, who is the strongest man on the planet, to me, that is the most entertaining thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:30:20 But to do events that are unfair or people risking getting injuries i'm glad that those days have gone because i would have had to be a part of that and perhaps do a sumo wrestle with brian shaw and get squished you know so the sport's evolved and i feel like it's still evolving it is still evolving it's going in the right direction and people doing world records in the gym is taking the sport back 20 years i remember seeing uh one of the world's strongest man competitions where the guy was pulling a trolley and like these guys were really efficient at it they got really good at it and they started like basically running with the trolley but then they couldn't stop the damn thing so they got to the finish line they were completely exhausted and
Starting point is 00:31:03 they they would stop and the trolley would roll them up the trolley would like roll like roll over them it was crazy with the trams and buses and all they got run over by their own buses and stuff it was brilliant you know uh mark think mark mentioned this yesterday when we were we're talking to thor about it and i i am curious because you're mentioning that world's strongest man it is getting it has gotten safer for the athletes um but do you think they're like have you had any thought on what could be done to make it even safer because i was thinking when you said that they give the athletes two weeks notice before you guys know the movements right uh from a i guess i haven't done strongman before but i was thinking if i was an athlete i would like more time to prepare for some of these extreme movements just so that my body can be somewhat uh used to it
Starting point is 00:31:51 and so that there's less risk of me getting injured when i have to do it does that seem like it would be something that would keep you guys safer or is the element of surprise just something that is good to have? It is. That's a very tough thing to answer. I think, I mean, the element of surprise for the athletes is not a nice thing. You know, being told you've got to, I mean, last year's World's Strongest Man,
Starting point is 00:32:15 I think they gave the athletes two weeks notice and they were doing a 600 kilo yoke, which is ridiculous. And I've been there and I've lifted 600 kilo yokes and I know in my heart that it takes six months to train to be able to do a 600 kilo yoke because you have to train it. You can't be plodding along doing 450, 500 kilo yokes,
Starting point is 00:32:35 turn up to a comp and be like, boom, that's 600. You've got to train for it. So it has got that danger of element to it. I will admit that. And yes, they could release the events a lot earlier.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I think you'll find as Will's Strongest Man is always a rush. It's always, right, where are we going to do it? What kit can we get? What money have we got? And end of the day, it is, it's a TV show, you know, and they're always thinking what is the best for the TV show. They don't necessarily, I wouldn't say they don't care about the athletes,
Starting point is 00:33:09 but that's not their number one priority. Their number one priority is producing a TV show that creates tension and diversity and, you know, competitiveness. And I think, you know, I mean, it's so horrible when you see people get injured, but it also creates that suspense. I know that's a horrible thing to say but when you've seen one man snap his achilles off doing this yoke and you you're anticipating watching the next man yes it's horrible to see but i mean for the general public like it's hit and miss i don't like seeing it i do not like seeing it but i can see why the world's miss. I don't like seeing it. I do not like seeing it, but I can see why the World's Strongest Man
Starting point is 00:33:48 probably don't learn from it because it creates, you know, we get these views and they get these amazing figures and they get sold to 90 plus countries. It's a tough decision, man. I mean, right, to answer the question, I think they should get two months notice
Starting point is 00:34:04 for events for World's Strongest Man. That's how I feel. Will they do that, I think they should get two months notice for events for World's Strongest Man. That's how I feel. Will they do that? I hope they will. If I can have some say in that, I've 100 percent. That's what I will suggest. But it's a TV show at the end of the day. The problem is you've got TV producers making these decisions, not professionals. What I mean by that is not professionals in strongman you've got tv producers making decisions not colin bryce not not anybody else not magnus for magnuson tv producers that have never lifted a weight in their life that's the truth yeah one
Starting point is 00:34:36 of the most annoying things because like we all love watching strongman it's it's so amazing the the feats that you know you guys are able to do um it's not live and that's obviously a huge problem um do you think the way the format is right now do you think it can kind of stand on its own and be a live uh broadcasted event yeah i think it can be i think that's something real strongest man is missing out on I do feel as though they could do a live stream of this. And then people would still watch it TV at Christmas or whatever, because you watch a live stream and you can see, you know, to be honest, for me personally,
Starting point is 00:35:15 I wouldn't sit there for as long as Will Strongest Man goes on. And we all know this. It goes on for over a week. I wouldn't sit there for a week and watch Will Strongest Man on the live stream. And that's me being a massive Strongman fan, obviously. I would much prefer to sit back, wait, and watch
Starting point is 00:35:31 a nice, finished, polished production that's aired at Christmas on Channel 5, and watch it with the family in the Christmas dinner. That's what I'd prefer. But for the hardcore fans wanting the live streams, you know what? Rogue do it for the Arnolds. People tune in. But I prefer to see a more polished sort of finished product that brings the sport up a peg in professionalism.
Starting point is 00:35:58 That's what I like to see. Speaking of unfair advantages, you have a crazy unfair advantage. I heard you on Brian Rose's podcast talk about a Hercules gene. What's going on with that, man? That seems like you're cheating over there. What's going on with Hercules gene? So the Hercules gene is a real thing. It's a gene that's called the MSTN gene. And basically you produce more muscle mass than any other person. Okay. So where do we sign up for this? Are you selling this or can we get your blood or something?
Starting point is 00:36:29 I've got the stats on it. I believe it's something like 1 in 100 people have it. It's not that rare, but it is to the point where out of those 1 in 100 people, how many of those 1 in 100 people are going to get into strength sports um is probably you know very low because only five percent of people train in the first place and how many percent of that five percent do strength sports so it's a very very small margin but what you find is people that do strength sports do a lot i think it's one in five have the mstn variant or some variant of it so and that's because these guys are big, they're strong,
Starting point is 00:37:05 and of course they're thinking, hey, I've got a bit of a talent here, I'll get into the strength sport. So the percentage of people doing strength sports is a lot higher of the people that have the MSTN genes. So you'll probably look around, you'll see some athletes like myself that you'll look at and be like, how can they hold that much muscle mass so effortlessly? And that's the reason.
Starting point is 00:37:27 You know, there's a lot of these gene variants. I believe people like Four has got it. I believe Brian Shaw has got it. Because there's no way you can hold this much muscle mass on a normal skeletal frame unless you've got some sort of genetic advantage. And that's the truth. What is the biggest, what is the most you ever weighed before? that's the truth what what is the biggest uh what is the most you ever weighed before at my peak um i think it was just shy uh before will strongest 2017 i was 196 kilos so
Starting point is 00:37:54 and my peak was 433 pounds damn wow that's massive especially on especially with your uh height what are you six two or something right six three i'm six two and a half i would say i'm six three well i hate being that guy how tall are you well i'm six two and a half so six three it's easier to say what's uh what's a lift that you are like even even from yourself like um you know i'm sure the 1100 pound thing was you know something that you played out in your head a lot, the 500 kilo deadlift. And it was a culmination. It was a body of work. But there's probably some lifts in the gym that you've done before where even yourself, you probably think that was pretty badass.
Starting point is 00:38:37 What do you think the strongest thing that you ever did was? Oh, I mean, there's been some ridiculous things i would say and this might not relate to a lot of people but there was a hack squat in my gym where people could get you know even strong guys could only sort of hack squat two three plates a side um and i ended up getting 700 kilos on this hack squat and this is how i dislocated my hip um and i would do that reps like 10 reps at a time and i'd get off and my whole back from the top of my neck right down to my calves would just be swollen and on fire and my training partner was a strong guy couldn't even do half and he was like you know near a sort of a well he competed at britain's strongest man
Starting point is 00:39:23 so he's by no means an amateur. That, to me, stuff like that, it was just like you step back and you just look at them at weight, and you're like, Jesus Christ. The same with the leg press, really. I was leg pressing like 1,100 kilos for sets of 10, and you step back and you're like... You can see the machine bending.
Starting point is 00:39:42 You've got bars going through it, adding more weight. 1,100 kilos? Wait. 1,100 kilos? Wait, 1,100 kilos? Yes. Holy shit. Yeah, that's the best I've ever done on a leg press is 1,100 kilos. I tell you now, it nearly broke my bloody back. Just like the sheer weight coming down on your hips and knees.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Afterwards, you literally cannot walk for about three days. It is horrendous. How does your body hold up under weights like that? Did you use a lot of recovery methods or is this just like a long progression for it? I mean, how do you get 1,100 kilos? I'm just trying to think in some logical terms of you lift, you're trying for a 600 pound squat, and then you do a 600 pound squat. And then you're like, I could probably do 625. And maybe a couple months later, you do 625. But, you know, these numbers are crazy. How do you how do you think your ligaments and tendons hold up? Or did they? I think that, you know, I mean, obviously,
Starting point is 00:40:43 the standard nutrition and whatever else good sleep. Well, I think where obviously the standard nutrition and whatever else, good sleep but I think where I separated from the rest was my recovery every single day I would do an hour hot and cold treatment so I'd do a sauna and an ice bath for an hour, I would stretch every single day for an hour, I would do
Starting point is 00:41:00 physiotherapy every single day for an hour shockwave treatment, chirotherapy I had a chirochamber I would do physiotherapy every single day for an hour. Shockwave treatment, chiro therapy. I had a chiro chamber. I had a hyperbaric chamber. Do you know what a hyperbaric chamber is? I think that's like the ultimate one I did. I know.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah, hyperbaric chamber, it simulates being like at high altitude. But can you explain maybe what that did for you? Yeah, so I mean there's different – so there's the chambers that you sleep in that like dep you? Yeah. So, I mean, there's different. So there's the chambers that you sleep in that like deprive the oxygen. This is the opposite. So a hyperbaric chamber is where a chamber you climb into and you pressurize it to two atmospheric pressures. So pressurized it to 28 PSI. So envision the same pressures. It's like the same as being in.
Starting point is 00:41:43 So imagine put yourself inside a tractor tire and then blow it up to 30 PSI. Whilst you're inside that chamber, you breathe pure oxygen. So I had eight oxygen machines feeding into an oxygen pipe in there. And what the pressures do is force the oxygen into your little capillaries, into the areas it wouldn't normally get to. To explain it so people understand a hyperbaric chamber is used that people have had a stroke and parts of the brain have died so what it'll do is the pressures will force the oxygen into those little parts of
Starting point is 00:42:16 the blood the brain and bring it back to life and so imagine if that's doing that for such a tiny tiny small muscle in the brain think about what it's doing to the big ones in your arms, your legs, and everything else. And I did that. The basic theory is for every hour you do in the hyperbaric chamber, it's the same as having 12 hours recovery outside. So if I'm doing an hour in the hyperbaric chamber every single day, I was getting another three and a half days recovery on any
Starting point is 00:42:45 other athletes and i i actually got this from brian shaw because brian shaw put it on his instagram i was i'll look into this i went and bought one i got one in my home so and then you see people like four doing it um it's definitely something that's worth trying i um i i wonder is that maybe in some weird way working a little bit like a sleep apnea machine? No, not at all, because it's completely different pressures. Well, a sleep apnea machine is probably one of the best things you can do for recovery as well, because when you get big, I bet someone like yourself even maybe even suffers with it, and you may or may not have one.
Starting point is 00:43:24 But just getting like lack of oxygen when you may or may not have one but um just getting like lack of oxygen when you're sleeping is a huge one so sleep apnea was probably one of the best things i did as well can you explain what it feels like to do the hot and cold therapy like uh you get done with a really hard training session and you just have all that weight of what you lifted for the day it's just it's just sitting in your body and it just you know you feel it and you're kind of wearing it and when you're home and you go to get up off the couch you're getting up like a bear and making lots of noise you know and it takes you 10 minutes to walk to the kitchen what does it what does it feel like after you've done the hot and cold therapy for an
Starting point is 00:43:58 hour it feels amazing um how how i understand the hot and cold therapy is when you get into the hot, let's say you get into the cold, sorry, and it squeezes the muscles, it squeezes all
Starting point is 00:44:10 that lactic acid out, all those bad, dirty blood nutrients that have been used up and are just sitting there dormant, you know, toxicating your system.
Starting point is 00:44:19 It squeezes all that out and then when you warm up in the sauna, it's putting fresh blood, fresh nutrients back into the muscle so it's just helping shift everything puts it all into the liver and kidneys and dunks it all out so whilst i'm doing the hot cold i'll probably drink three liters of mineral water just smashing that in with electrolytes and that's just flushing everything out and then you get out after and you feel like a million bucks it's there's no way there's no way
Starting point is 00:44:43 to describe that feeling of once you've done your workout, you do your hot-cold. I'm going to go do it in a minute, actually, after I've had my dinner and done it. The euphoria you get of a hot-cold treatment is – I can't explain it. It's almost like cocaine. It's not good. I like you put that in there at the end.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Also, what I've noticed about some hot and cold therapy is it almost erases the workout. I mean, not completely. Like, it doesn't feel like it completely erased the workout. But for the moment when you're done, you feel brand new. You feel like you didn't work out for like two days. Yeah, that's pretty much it. And that's what you need. You need to be able to, you know, you train legs a monday and you've got your deadlift on thursday i've always said this
Starting point is 00:45:31 is when you do a max a maximal lift like you know your super heavy squats and deadlifts your body takes 10 days to recover no matter what doesn't matter how young you are whatever it takes 10 days to recover it's down to you as an athlete to reduce that 10 days. And it could be as simple as having an hour's physiotherapy will take a day off. Doing the hot-cold treatment will take a day off. Eating right, doing your hyperbaric chamber, that'll take another couple of days off. Before you know it, you're back down to that seven-day margin,
Starting point is 00:46:03 which means you can then come in every week every seven days and absolutely smash that body part so that was my that was my sort of theory and thinking behind it is get that 10 days down to seven days and then every week you just keep coming back in and destroying yourself i'm curious right now because you're super strong still like obviously um and with the amount of strength that you have there are a lot of uh i think i i saw you or i saw a video of you like just breaking a snatch not a snatch world record but there's this crossfit event that ended up you ended up breaking a world record or something like that are there any competition in
Starting point is 00:46:39 so exactly i feel like you have the capacity to do that with other stuff right now anyway is there anything that you kind of have your eye on i kind of want to attempt and break that and that and that anything like that coming up um not really man i mean that crossfit thing was i was doing an appearance for a crossfit um, you know, going down and meeting and greeting and everything. And the guy said, do you fancy having a go at some CrossFit? And I said, okay, what can I do? And he said, well, there's a world record called Grace or Isabel, one or the other, and you've got to do 61 kilo, touch the floor, lock out above your head as fast as you can, 30 reps. And the quickest time, I think, was 55 seconds.
Starting point is 00:47:25 So I did one training session on it. I did one minute 15 and then turned up at this event, got psyched up and did it in 50.9 seconds. So I broke the world record by nearly five seconds, which is, I don't know how I did that, but it was fun. That's all I can say. It was fun. It was just like somebody just put a challenge to me and I did it.
Starting point is 00:47:45 And that's the kind of thing I like doing there's an instance a few weeks a few months back Jim Nass said I bet you can't do a backflip so I'm like right I'm fucking coming up there now let's do a backflip and I did that on YouTube I just enjoy these things I like setting the standard
Starting point is 00:48:01 there are of course there are things I'd love to do I've got the Ski There are, of course, there are things I'd love to do. I've got the Ski Urge 100m world record. There's the 100m row world record, I think, which you guys did with Brighton Shore. Yeah. So, you know, there's quite a few things that I just fancy having a dive at
Starting point is 00:48:17 just for the shits and giggles, really. No other motive. I'm just enjoying life, you know. I'm retired. I've got loads of businesses and, you know, everything's going great. I'm just enjoying life. You know, I'm retired. I've got loads of businesses and you know, everything's going great. And I just, I just enjoy myself and I don't take anything seriously. I just get on with things and people set a challenge for me. I say, yes or no. There's something that I feel like I can do or have fun doing. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:48:38 When we talked to you at the Arnold, it sounded like you have a bunch of things that are about, about to come to fruition. Are you able to talk about any of those things? I remember you had a lot of projects that you were super excited about, but you weren't able to really comment too much on them. Yeah, still really that case. I think one of the biggest things is I've signed
Starting point is 00:48:59 and become business partners with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I'm bringing the Arnold Classic to the UK in 2021. Yeah. I'm hoping well Arnold Classic to the UK in 2021. Yeah. I'm hoping well with what's going on. But that is one of the biggest projects that's going on right now. Say that again. You're business partners with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Fucking congratulations, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:19 That is like the coolest thing I've ever heard. That's amazing. Honestly, that's something like winning the world's strongest man, doing the hard turn, but to be business partners with a man that I literally at five years old sat there with my jaw on the floor watching the Terminator to now being business partners with him, it's a life dream come true. It really is. I just couldn't think of anything better, really.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Awesome, man. Hey, thank you so much for your time i don't want to take up any more of your time today um are you uh do you think thor is going to be able to actually hit this lift because you know he's excited about it and i know a lot of people are excited and they see the lift that he did on instagram but you know uh it's still many kilos away from uh the lift that you did? It's a tough one. You know, it's really hard to gauge these things. I always gauge what people are going to lift by how fast they pull things.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I don't know if people are saying, well, football pulls slow. That really, honestly, that doesn't wash with me. The only person that pulls slow and always sort of commits is Big Z. I've never seen anyone perform like he ever did. He can pull any weight at the same speed he pulled 100 kilo. I'll send you a few videos that you can perhaps put to this clip
Starting point is 00:50:33 of comparisons, but there's some mad fan of mine that keeps sending me clips and he compared my 500 kilo deadlift with his 470 and he pulled it a split second faster than me and i mean a split second i'll send you the clip and then there's another clip i thought that was really interesting was at will strongest man 2017 and after 10 events in the final i pulled
Starting point is 00:50:59 472 and a half kilos so it's two and a half kilos more than four on a stiff bar so it had no flex whatsoever and i pulled it as fast as four pulled that 470 so i mean if you compare the 500 and the 470 if everyone's saying he's going to pull the 500 then by that means if you compare the 500 and the 470 that means that i potentially could have done 530 and that's how I see it so I mean I'm not going to sit here and say I could have done more we all know I could have done, we all know that
Starting point is 00:51:32 it's what I left on the table you know I could have come back and done 501, 502 503, kept fucking going who gives a shit I didn't even give a shit I broke the 500 kilo deadlift and that's where i wanted to leave it i didn't want to take it any further and i set that record to be beaten i believe four can beat this record but do it in a fucking competition be a real man
Starting point is 00:51:55 on may 2nd will eddie hall be watching espn uh watching thor attempt to break the record? Nah, I'll catch up after. I'll catch up after. I'm not going to sit there and watch this guy. And everyone thinks I'm dead wound up about this. I couldn't really give a fuck. I really couldn't. I'm not losing sleep about it. I was the first one to deadlift
Starting point is 00:52:20 half a ton. And I've always said this. I set that standard for that reason, for everyone else to chase and it's took four years let's be honest with ourselves four years for someone to even be talking about it then again and be close and i can take some satisfaction out of that you know i did that poll when i was 28 imagine if i had carried on with the strongman and kept going and going and going i honestly honestly hand on, believe if I put my mind and soul to it and actually cared, I could have gone on and pulled 550 kilos.
Starting point is 00:52:53 So for a man to come and pull 501 and say he's going to pull 520, good for him. Good for him. Go get it done. But when he's done it in his home gym and with all his pals and everything else, with all his yes men around him wanking him off, why don't you go to a proper competition and get it done? Get it done properly. You know what I mean? For me, if there was any incline of a black cloud over my 500 kilo deadlift, I wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:53:24 If somebody said, it's not right, you know, this isn't right, it doesn't feel right. And believe me, there are a big margin of people that think the same as me. I wouldn't do it. Why would you do a supposed world record that's got that black cloud over it? And people are saying I'm being sour and whatever else.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Four was going to do this deadlift in Bahrain. I didn't have a single problem with that because it was in a competition. Not a single problem. I was willing. I was like, great. Let's see what the human body is capable of. Can four pull 501
Starting point is 00:53:56 in a competition? It's like I said with the log press. I did the 500 kilo in a competition. What could I have done in my own time, at my leisure, you know, with my lead up in my gym, joking apart, you know, going to, I mean, I know it was done in my home country, but I had to drive three hours in heavy traffic on a Friday afternoon to get to
Starting point is 00:54:18 Leeds. I have to go to a hotel, feed myself, get up early, do my physio, travel to the venue. I've got to start lifting when they say, not when I say, you know, and yes, you know what, when you get to the heavyweights, yes, they relax and they say, you know, Ed, when you're ready, come and pull the 500. But I've still got Colin and Darren saying to me, Ed, we've still got four events to go. Will you hurry the fuck up?
Starting point is 00:54:42 I've still got that going on in the background. So to say, you know, to do it at your own leisure it just doesn't feel right it gives him a huge huge advantage plus all the kit and everything else and that's that's what i've said from day one it just doesn't feel right and if it doesn't feel right then it isn't right what about some of these young powerlifting kids that are uhing these 900 and 1,000 pound sumo deadlifts? Do you think any of these guys have a shot at doing 1,100 and potentially even maybe more? I mean, these guys aren't that heavy. You got guys like Kaler Wom and Jamal. I don't know his last name, but a couple of lifters like that, I mean, really just pushing the envelope.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Do you think those guys have a chance at hitting some of those bigger weights? Yeah, 100%. I mean, don't talk to me about sumo. That's cheating, man. We all know that. What a... Yeah, you guys aren't allowed to do sumo, right?
Starting point is 00:55:48 No, no. It is – I actually find sumo a lot harder. But for some people, their body mechanics and whatever else, I think the smaller guys, it does suit them a lot better. So, you know, it's all about the center of gravity and all that. Anyway, we're not going to get into that. But, yeah, I believe there are people that are destined to pull more than 500 kilos.
Starting point is 00:56:08 There's a guy from the UK, actually, Luke Richardson. Have you heard of him? Yeah. Yeah, so he's only 23 and he's pulling like 420 kilo deadlift. And, you know, I look back at where I was when I was that age and he's well ahead of me. So someone like him can come up, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:22 given three, four years, someone like him could come and break the 500 kilo deadlift. And I'd love him to, I'd be supportive. If he wants to get on the phone and talk about programming and techniques, a hundred percent, I will help the guy out. But for a guy that respects me,
Starting point is 00:56:37 you know, if a guy doesn't respect me, then I'm not going to respect them. Exactly like, you know, the world's strongest fan 2017. If you don't respect that win, I'm not going to respect them. Exactly like, you know, the world's strongest fan 2017. If you don't respect that win, I'm not going to respect you or anything you'll ever do.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I think you should live stream you reffing the lift that Thor does and just be like... It'd just be before he's even left the floor, no lift. He's got a red light walking on stage yeah yeah amen thanks i'm curious on that um i don't know the full ins and outs but i believe big z's repping repping the competition over a video is that right as well oh wow oh yeah i don't know i haven't heard that yeah and again it's just like what you know someone repping someone reffing the lift from halfway around the world. Yeah, talking about internet judges, right?
Starting point is 00:57:30 With a two-second delay. It just seems nuts to me. But whatever. He's got Magnuson there who he obviously trusts 100% and is not a corrupt referee by his words. Have a great rest of your day. Is there anything you want to plug in signing off here? No, just that four's a prick.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I'll leave it at that. Hey, what is the word in America? Twat doesn't quite translate over quite as well. So what is that word referring to? What, a twat? I'm just kidding. I just love when you say it that's that's the main thing fucking twat all right eddie thanks again man we really appreciate your time have a great rest of your day thank you no thanks guys it's good to vent big love take care take care man yo again i'll say this again because on our last podcast with eddie the thing that he
Starting point is 00:58:30 was saying was that not a lot of people believed he could do 500 kilos right even when he did like really high weights leading up to 500 kilos still not a lot of people thought that he'd actually do 500 kilos the main reason people think that, Oh, he's there. Oh, that's a live stream. Sorry. The main reason people think that he can,
Starting point is 00:58:50 that Thor can do this is because Eddie did it. So people can not forget that, you know, it's because of Eddie that this is possible. Yeah. You said it on the previous podcast, he paved the way. So it doesn't matter what you think,
Starting point is 00:59:04 who was stronger, who is not, he's still, you know, he was the previous podcast. He paved the way. So it doesn't matter what you think, who was stronger, who was not. He still, you know, he was the first one and he paved the way. He made it possible. The impossible is now possible. I want to see these guys go at it. Oh my God, shots fired. You know, like a boxing match or something, you know, we got to.
Starting point is 00:59:20 I'd imagine Thor's got the reach. He's going to be punching down. Honestly, though, like, you know how these youtubers have been like ksi and logan paul they did those and those generated more revenue and more views than actual pro boxing matches imagine if in a few years there was a thor or an eddie hall versus thor boxing match i'm just saying that would be one of the biggest boxes if butterbean is still alive he he would definitely be one of the judges. Or if they did the old school sumo wrestling match that they used to do. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Why don't they still do that? I don't remember it. Yeah, they would have the strongman athletes wear the diaper and everything that the sumo wrestlers would wear. Like Bill Kazmaier and stuff, He would just kill people on it. We're being freaking deprived. Any hole in a diaper? I know. They need to do that with CrossFit, I think, at some point.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Have everybody get in a sumo wrestling match. But, man, yeah, he seems fired up about it. Yeah, man. I mean, can you blame him for being so damn passionate about it? On the previous podcast that we had him on, he knew, like, as a young kid, like, that's what I'm going to do. And he devoted his entire life and then the huge buildup to 500. And then to see it happen this way, I can definitely understand where he's coming from. Yeah, after talking to him, it makes a lot more sense, right?
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yes, yes. definitely uh understand where he's coming from yeah after talking to him it make it makes a lot more sense right like i think before i was like uh when i when i saw his post i was kind of like oh that sucks he's got this feud with thor but separately he just thinks this is crap and that's his opinion and he's entitled to that and there's a lot of other people that agree with yeah it definitely it does suck i don't like that they're going back and forth. Yeah, right. I understand it brings a lot of eyes to the sport, especially right now. But, man, both those dudes are freaking cool. It does suck.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Hopefully, they'll have a Nas and Jay-Z reunion at the end of all this and be like, all right, let's go have a talk. I don't know if there's any coming back from the word twat. No, I really don't think so. Yo, but I'm curious about both of your opinions on this. Just like, you know, I personally think that Thor should do it. And if he does get it, I do think that, I mean, it's going to get a lot of eyes, but I think it should be unofficial. Because it's like everybody else who's tried to break these records had to do it in competition.
Starting point is 01:01:43 I think that is a very valid point. And it'll still be like if he does get it. OK, he did 501, but it should be unofficial. What do you think about that? Yeah, I agree. I think that he should maybe even he should just make like I think it would. I think it would just it would just take all that negativity away. Yeah. I think it would just, it would just take all that negativity away, you know, and he doesn't
Starting point is 01:02:06 really have a necessarily, it's, it's, it's not like he completely like made it up, but he probably did ask for it to happen. And then it happened. And I think, you know, in Eddie's case, he asked for something like that to happen and he wouldn't let it happen but at the same time uh you know why was it okay for eddie to even think that way if he's got a problem with this now too right like he he was thinking like oh let's just set something up and then maybe because he couldn't do it is like his biggest gripe but but i think that there there's got to be standards there's got to be rules you can't just haphazardly be breaking records. I understand that they're going to weigh the weights.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I get it. But who else in strongman? It's an abuse of power, right? That's what it is. The Me Too movement and things like that are just, it's abusing power. There's some women that, in some of the cases with Matt Lauer or something like that are just, it's abusing power. There's some women that, you know, in some of the cases with like Matt Lauer or something like that, people are like, oh, it's consensual, but he still abused his power. And there was many people that it wasn't consensual and they just were not in a good position.
Starting point is 01:03:19 They just weren't in a good spot. And I think, I know that that's not the same, not the same thing, but you can see how it correlates where you're just, you're taking your power and you're, you're, you're just utilizing it to your advantage. And you're not really concerned about what else, like, what are the implications? Like what else, what does it do to everybody else? And in this case, um, I, in this case, I think it's relatively positive. Um, there's no one, no one it's relatively positive. There's no one being physically harmed. There's no one being hurt in any way. And it's just probably drawing more attention to Strongman.
Starting point is 01:03:51 But where does it leave Strongman? And I liked what he said about he's opening up Pandora's box and then he's fucking splitting. And I understand because where does that leave the rest of us? Where does that leave Strongman? Where does that leave of us? Where does that leave strong man? Where does that leave Olympic lifting? Where does that leave power lifting? Olympic lifting? I can't see how it could happen in Olympic lifting, but it could certainly happen in power lifting.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Olympic lifting is well run and they just wouldn't tolerate that shit. Yeah, I hope that's definitely not the case where he dips out after this but i think he i don't think it's too far-fetched to to see him break the record and then also be like i don't really care about the record i will do this in the future once this whole coronavirus thing is over and done with because yesterday he just kept talking about like i don't care about personal records i care about championships i'm doing this for myself I don't care about personal records. I care about championships. I'm doing this for myself. I don't care about anyone else's opinions or anything. I'm doing this for me. So I think if he, you know, once he breaks it,
Starting point is 01:04:52 the interview and whatever, he can say something along those lines. And then also like, I'm not done. Like I'm going to do this at a like sanction event, whatever, you know, he wants to, uh, however he wants to phrase it. And I think that will at least, you know, he can be like, this is what you got right now for this time, but don't, don't worry. I'm coming back and I'm going to break my own record at a competition, you know? And I think that might be received a little bit better, kind of like, uh, just smoothing it out a little bit, not necessarily making it perfect,
Starting point is 01:05:22 but I think that could help yeah for sure and and definitely what eddie said it's like what do you think about thor potentially breaking this you know he mentioned the rogue bar rogue plates the bar doesn't have his other bar has more whip etc right even having that thought in your head right there is a black cloud now right and i don't think that especially looking into the future, let's say that potentially, let's say he does break it. Let's say that it is an official world record. Now it makes me think, okay, so what if there's another strong man that starts to come up that has really good sponsors? Let's say they're not rogue and they give him his equipment. They make
Starting point is 01:05:57 him a special bar, but no one knows it's just a little bit special for him. It's very possible if this ends up being able to be something that people can do it does really open up a lot of can of warmth worms for the future and i can i can definitely understand why now it's not the best idea to be official you know by the way speaking of unofficial world records 11 000 kilos is 24 250 pounds jesus christ he leg pressed that what the hell what does that even look like he did and he did 700 kilos yeah yeah how long does that take to load how many plates is that is there i mean is there even enough plates on the planet to do like holy shit how do you have that much weight yeah did he do it like at ivanko headquarters
Starting point is 01:06:45 or something where they're cranking out where they're cranking out plates he had to get plates from the assembly line you know one thing i was laughing at perfectly honest anybody who's in the live chat right now uh will know what the hyperbolic time chamber was either of you guys know what the hyperbolic time chamber is yeah his uh hyperbaric chamber yeah well there's the hyperbaric chamber and then there's a hyperbaric chamber and then there's a hyperbolic time chamber from dragon ball z so it has a very similar effect goku and gohan would go in and then after about a day they would come back but they've gained the strength of a year and it's so funny because the hyperbaric time chamber allows you to recover faster and
Starting point is 01:07:19 improve faster sorry just the the dbz fan and they probably got it from that you know probably it was just like i was just like oh my god this is so perfect i gotta watch that thing if i call it a cartoon i would get like slayed right like yeah see okay it's not a cartoon it's life if it's drawn with colors i just think it's like i'm american don't they like they like take steroids in that show right no uh so they get all jacked? No, don't get too defensive. What does he take? Okay, so he takes a senzu bean, and his senzu bean allows him, after a rough battle,
Starting point is 01:07:53 to just recover quickly and get stronger. Are they a scheduled three drug? For no reason? Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my God. Man. Dragon Ball Z. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:03 I was a little taken aback at how many shots he was taking at Thor. I was like, oh, shit. He has no chill. No, no. That's amazing. I think he's super frustrated with him. I mean, it was like a therapy session a little bit. In the beginning, I think, when he first started talking, it seemed kind of petty but then i understood as he talked further
Starting point is 01:08:26 um because he kept kind of referencing these different these different kind of like um in strongman type situations that happen and i'm just you know kind of thinking well that's you know that's this situation that situation and it's just the it's a sport right it's strongman has it strongman and powerlifting, they're not great. They're not well run. They're just not. They're fun, and I'm a huge fan, and I'm not saying that I could run any of it better than anybody else,
Starting point is 01:08:55 but they're just very poorly run. They're not organized. There's not really like, you know, they call stuff an organization for a reason. Like there's the NFL, right? And it's an organization and it's organized in a fashion that you pretty much know the rules. You know, in general, you know most of the rules. The players know how they're supposed to act. They have a players association.
Starting point is 01:09:20 They have retired athletes that get to vote on different things. If the athletes have a real problem with the way they're treated they can they can communicate that in these other sports i don't really see there's there's not enough of that the only thing that we have in powerlifting that's at least organized in any fashion is like the ipf us apl and everybody gets all pissed about that because it's it's like more strict but it's, it's like more strict, but it's more, it's, um, and, and you, you know, you're still going to have corruption and you're still going to have, uh, people's bias and that all those things are always going to be a factor,
Starting point is 01:09:56 but shit, man, at least they're trying. At least they had, at least they, you know, they, a lot of times when you go to the main competitions and stuff, you'll see the referees in suits and ties. I mean, that's an organization. That's like, oh, shit, why has the guy got to be dressed up? Well, because he's an official. He looks official, right? Like that's the judge. That's the guy who's going to be watching your lift.
Starting point is 01:10:20 He takes his time to put his clothes on so he looks proper and he you know what i mean it's like it's a whole it's a whole thing it's a whole setup right yeah the fact that there's like no like governing body right there's no uh lifters association right which i think i think all sports if they want to be legit they should implement something like that i know a lot of people are like oh brian shaw would be the perfect one for strongman it's like well hell yeah he would be but like there's nobody that's out there right now that's going to take that first step you know like dana white says like yeah you guys can have a fighters association i would never stop that do it i'm not going to do it for you and then what happens nobody wants to you know bite the hands that hand that feeds
Starting point is 01:11:02 so it kind of puts people in a weird position but i i think yeah there needs to be like a almost like a union type of thing because yeah letting tv producers decide the events is comical and i think with the nfl i think sometimes some of these big organizations they they have had to have a players association. They've been sued too many times. And then even just having like the government nipping at your heels for every little thing that you do because you make so much money, you know, hitting you with taxes. And a lot of players have sued the NFL for concussions and for injuries and for all kinds of, all kinds of different things. And so after a while it's like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:11:48 you know what? It makes sense for us to like actually, uh, be more organized. So we don't have to deal with all this like bullshit. There's, there's a way for it to be dealt with. Right. And,
Starting point is 01:11:58 and that's, that's what some of these other sports probably need, especially strong man, strong man. I've just, I've heard too many times from too many people that um even the world's strongest man that different people are hearing about events like that's all getting leaked uh somehow and yeah why isn't it just the day that they decide it why don't they just put it out and that way it doesn't have to
Starting point is 01:12:20 worry about anything leaking out anywhere you just it's it's there yeah and it just leads to people like hmm okay maybe eddie got the events before me because he won you know it's like he didn't but it leaves that door open to be like okay well so and so was training like he was saying thor was training this before and putting it on his instagram maybe he you know he knew and it's like fuck dude like whether they did or they didn't i don't know but you can stop all that by saying hey guys this is what we're doing two months in advance like eddie said go kick it i mean if they want an amazing show and high performing athletes why wouldn't they give the athletes enough like adequate time to train for it to be like holy fuck like that guy lifted how much like what what is like just inhumane strength you know i mean in a sick twisted way bro i think superhuman not inhumane yeah yeah in a sick twisted way though like when he mentioned the tv producers thing you know he
Starting point is 01:13:20 mentioned the suspense aspect i really think that in some random way some things are set up for like oh there's gonna be a little bit of it's gonna be a little bit of blood here there's gonna be a little bit of injury like that just fucking sucks because as an athlete like the last thing you want to see is another athlete oh yeah i feel like sometimes when people watch these things and they see that yeah it is a little exciting i guess for some viewers but it's just that i that's like seeing somebody's career potentially end yeah that's rough it's just like you know like um that bare knuckle boxing you know they're not doing it well i mean they might be doing it because they want to see like a good fight but really why are people watching because they want to see blood you know and it gets
Starting point is 01:13:59 ratings which fucking sucks if you're going to implement something that same uh ideology in strongman yeah yeah it was strongman and you know people being made aware of the events it's a huge huge thing because like he said what i was at uh an 800 kilo or 600 kilo oh my god like if you had if you knew about that and you could even just train a little bit for it it would make it would make such a uh it would make such a huge difference. I do like the element of surprise, but then just have it be a surprise for everybody. Nobody knows what's coming. But then again, you'd have to make the stuff lighter.
Starting point is 01:14:38 And I know that it's Strongman, and so no one wants to really make it lighter. But I think if you made the weights lighter, then you can have the athletes be healthier. They don't have to be. I mean, these guys are really at risk. I worry that they're risking their lives. I mean, they're doing it themselves. They're not forced to do it by any means, but it's just they get addicted to it,
Starting point is 01:15:02 and they want to just be bigger. They want to be stronger, so they don't care. They're going to be like, all right, they get addicted to it and they want it. They want to just be bigger. They want to be stronger. So they don't care. They're going to like, all right, I got to wait for 50, you know, I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:15:09 I'm going to wait for 50. He said he weighed four 30. Yeah. That's crazy. Six, two and a half or 30. And what Thor's what? Maybe six,
Starting point is 01:15:17 seven, four 50 something. I think he's six, nine, six, nine. That means Eddie, like just by height was just holding more muscle
Starting point is 01:15:25 in a tighter frame way rounder yeah he's a fucking huge guy i mean i mean he's absolutely uh massive some of those weights that he throws around the gym are crazy you know everything he does is heavy too i don't know how much training you guys seen him do but it's not like it's not like oh there's like this instagram clip of him doing this lift, but everything's crazy. Um, when, you know, just even seeing them like squat, like a lot of strongman guys squat, but oftentimes you see him squat and they squat four plates, five plates, and they're definitely capable of doing more. And they, they move those weights, you know, just kind of like in a reasonable way, but not him not sojourner
Starting point is 01:16:05 savickas not some of these real freaks sojourner savickas i mean routinely is squatting six plates for like 10 reps smooth clean crisp kind of like a bodybuilder slash olympic lifter uh but but not like an olympic lifter because he's not doing explosively he's not like trying to smash the weight he's just like lifting it and you're like this is uh this is fucking crazy we definitely need to have him on the show we've heard so many people uh uh talking you know talking about how he's the uh the goat yeah yeah i've seen him like those those videos where i've seen him squat it's crazy how he moves with such a big body if anybody if it reminds me of anyone it's like martin leach's it if it reminds me of anyone, it's like Martin Leachies. It like, it reminds me of how he squats and how he moves and it's just, it's ridiculous. Yeah. It's great. It's some crazy shit. We'll get him. And then Ed Cohn, just have a couple of
Starting point is 01:16:52 goats. Yeah. Some of the strong, some of the strongest people ever. Right. Yeah. Anyway, that was another fun podcast. Uh, we had, um, we had the mountain on yesterday and then we got to hear uh eddie hall's kind of rebuttal and then hopefully we can um you know i'm sure there'll be more shit that swirls up you know after this happens if uh if it is indeed being like judged via the internet and stuff like that oh my god i hope that's not the case yeah that scene that sounded weird yeah i mean camera angles there's so many variables could happen with that sort of thing case yeah that scene that sounded weird yeah i mean camera angles there's so many variables could happen with that sort of thing yeah no that that should that can't happen somehow they got to get out like they have to have judges there that wouldn't make any sense
Starting point is 01:17:34 yeah yeah you have to have somebody well magnus is gonna be there yeah you have to have someone physically there yeah i don't know you know you guys uh that are listening to this let us know how you feel you know we're gonna put up a bunch of posts about it we'll put some stuff up on our on our power project uh instagram and stuff like that so let us know let us know your thoughts on it we you know we're we're kind of like 50 50 like we think it's awesome but i think i think we all agree that we really don't necessarily uh think it should be a world record i think that's probably where we sit yeah it just and ultimately who cares because it's the perception right people are going to just know that it's the world record
Starting point is 01:18:16 and they don't they don't really care that there's like a plaque or a fucking thing etched in stone somewhere yeah you might get a printed out certificate of accomplishment or whatever. Yeah, you know, it was interesting that Eddie Hall felt like Thor needed to one-up him. That was really interesting. And the thing about retiring afterwards, though, too, it's like, I don't... He said he was going to do 520 and 530.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Yeah. He didn't seem like he had any... He didn't seem like he had any plans to retire. But maybe he knows something. We don't know. Maybe we'll see. Maybe the people that put out the events told him that Thor was going to retire. Because they seem to know everything beforehand. That's they.
Starting point is 01:19:03 We figured out who they are. They is. Who they is. know everything beforehand. That's they. We figured out who they are. They is. Who they is. Who they be. Our conspiracy theories continue. Yeah. All right, Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. Thank you, everybody, for checking out another live stream.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Like I said on the previous one, we do stuff like this all the damn time. Normally, we're in a studio in West Sacramento. Today, we are in Bodega Bay, California. Like I said, we have the top guests that you guys can ever imagine in all walks of life, all fields. So if you guys are catching us live for the first time, please hit that subscribe button. Hit that bell notification because, like I said, we do this all the damn time. We will be posting out a ton of content from yesterday's episode, today's episode, whatever we can find all at Mark Bell's Power Project.
Starting point is 01:19:46 That's on Instagram, at Mark Bell's Power Project, at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. Thank you, everybody, that's been rating and reviewing the podcast on iTunes. It helps us out a ton. We're on LinkedIn, Facebook. We're even on Twitch,
Starting point is 01:19:59 although it's not too active. But we're all over the damn place. You guys can't really avoid us at this point. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ. If I was Nseema Iyang, where would I be? Nseema Iyang on Instagram and YouTube, and Nseema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Mark?
Starting point is 01:20:15 We got in some really good training yesterday. Thanks to my boy Nseema over here for writing up a workout for us. We hit the stairs in the morning. We did 20 sets of that. Um, and then, uh, we did a bunch of pushups in between and then we went on a big ass walk after that. I think we walked for a good four miles or so hitting up the Hills here in Bodega Bay. And, um, a few hours later, we ended up, uh, with a really good workout, uh, in the garage.
Starting point is 01:20:45 We did, uh, burpees and, uh, jump rope and lateral raises. And, uh, what was the thrusters and med ball slams? There you go. Thrusters and med ball smashers. I love that. I love that Eddie Hall used the word squished. He said that if he, if he was to fight Brian Shaw in a sumo wrestling match, that he would get squished.
Starting point is 01:21:11 It just gave me a really cool visual of, like, you know, the cartoon when the bigger guy pounds the little guy on the head and then turns him into, like, a little pancake or whatever. Anyway, we had an amazing workout, shaking off the cobwebs from that one. And we'll get in another workout hopefully before you guys head on back to Sacramento. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Catch you all later. Bye.

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