Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 380 - Bruce Lee Your Way Through Life

Episode Date: May 1, 2020

Back again with just the Power Project Crew! Today, Mark explains the method he uses to deflect life's challenges, the same way Bruce Lee would bounce enemies off himself during fight scenes in his mo...vies. We discuss maintaining motivation during this lockdown and Nsima shares some awesome fat loss advice that we all will be able to implement right now. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $29! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project Crew, welcome to today's show. This episode was recorded on April 30th and it is just with the Power Project Crew. So thank you everybody that joined the live stream and took advantage of that. It was really cool seeing everybody come out on YouTube and Facebook. But yeah, anyways, today was a really fun show. Again, just the crew. So naturally, we started instantly talking about The Last Dance. We can't get enough of it. We absolutely love everything about it. Mark talked about what he calls kind of Bruce Lee, your way through life, a really cool analogy for how to get through some difficult times, especially right now, you know, we're all on lockdown,
Starting point is 00:00:36 feeling certain feeling, feeling a certain way about things. And what he gives us some pretty good strategy on how to get out of it. We also talked about things you can do to help get yourself motivated through this lockdown. And Seema has been working with a lot of people and some of them have been saying like, man, I can't, I just can't get myself motivated to do home workouts. So again, we went into some more mindset things on what you can and shouldn't do in regards to getting yourself motivated to work out at home. And a really, really awesome conversation with Nsema. He's been sharing a lot of fat loss tips on his Instagram. So we asked him about that. And Mark just had a bunch of rapid fire questions for
Starting point is 00:01:17 him in regards to like protein, exercise, sleep, water, tons of stuff. And I mean, seriously, get your notepads out because it's some really, really powerful stuff. I know I got a lot out of it. I know you guys will. So yeah, thank you guys for checking out today's episode and thank you everybody that was on the live stream. Uh, unfortunately by time you guys hear this on the audio side, the, uh, 20% off the, uh, hip circle and slingshot combohot combo. Sale is going to be officially over. So sorry if you guys missed that. The next time we have a sale, please don't miss out. But still head over to Check out some of the new colorways on the gangster wraps. There's always
Starting point is 00:01:57 something awesome going on. Just make sure you guys take advantage when stuff does come up. However, right now we are still offering a free 30 day trial of is where Mark posts his daily workouts every single day. He posts out a brand new workout. So again, we were just talking about motivation. Maybe you need some, some guidance. And one thing that I know for sure motivates me is just like opening up the, uh, the web browser, checking into and getting a fresh new workout that I had never done before. Uh, some of these I have done because I was actually there when we recorded them, but like some of the stuff now it's, it's totally different
Starting point is 00:02:35 than what I was doing. So it's really, it is motivating to try to do something different. So again, it's absolutely nothing. It's, it's free for 30 days. All you have to do is register and you gain access to the entire website. Again, that's at Thank you again for taking out this episode. If you guys like what we're saying, please find all of our social media links down in the podcast show notes. Hit us up. Let us know what you guys think.
Starting point is 00:03:00 And ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the show. I don't know anybody that knows Elon Musk. I guess I do know Joe Rogan, but that would be it. I don't know anybody that I can ask a favor to get in touch with Elon Musk. I do know a couple like coworkers who said that he's, people that work there that said he's amazing. Like he just like, he like physically works on their assembly line every wednesday and he just he like will literally work there until he passes out he like will fall asleep on the assembly line and he'll just like lay down and like take a quick power nap and keep working
Starting point is 00:03:38 yeah i've heard that before too he's a really he's a really unique guy from what it seems from everything that he's put out. Yeah. He's such a beast. There we go. All right. No, it just doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:03:51 We're rolling now. We're rolling. Officially on the live. Yay. Good morning. I can feel it. I can, I can feel that we're live.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Yeah. Now we're live on facebook too okay and are we public one thing i regret is that there's a time that he made um flamethrowers and i don't know i think they were like 500 flamethrowers right the boring company the boring company flamethrowers and i was like i should order one but i didn't um and they weren't expensive no and he just like why did he make like he just because he could literally it was it was because he could um so yeah's, that's amazing. 20,000 people bought it.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So there's 20,000 people that have boring company flamethrowers in their homes. That would be great to have right now. Yeah. Especially we're running out of toilet paper over here again. Yeah. Shoot. Just light everybody on fire. Yeah we go what's that's like great thing to carry in like the grocery store you know keep your social distance
Starting point is 00:05:13 have your flamethrower with you perfect yeah what what would be the the rules with that like is it just like a like a like a gun it literally is shaped like a gun and if you see people do it like it emits flames it's not like a flamethrower that emits flames like all the way out so it's not going to kill somebody like it's like a gigantic way for me yeah gigantic blowtorch but like yeah a shape like a gun what's funny is that um it probably works a lot easier than like using a lighter because you know a lighter has like the safety proof on it and everything oh yeah i bet you the flamethrower you just push a trigger button and it probably just be a great way to start your barbecue seriously it definitely would be hey how clutch were those uh perfect keto electrolytes during our run walks the other day oh yeah you
Starting point is 00:06:00 need that kind of stuff when you're on the uh when you you're on diets like we are all the time, when you're not eating all them carbs all the time. It seems like the water just wants to run right through you. And so you need something for it to stick to, even though I started to eat some carbs. The carbohydrate overall amount is still pretty moderate. I'd say like 200 would be a lot for me in a day. So, yeah, yeah, the electrolytes are crucial, you know, having that potassium sodium. And, uh, I think they have calcium magnesium in there as well. Having that blend in there, having that mix in there
Starting point is 00:06:35 is really important. Yeah. And then now with the sun being out in SEMA, like, are you noticing that you're sweating? Obviously you're sweating a lot more, but how have the, uh, the electrolytes been helping you out? Same way that they have been the whole time, you know, like I sweating a lot more, but how have the electrolytes been helping you out? Same way that they have been the whole time. You know, like I fast a lot, so help me not to be able to like cramp up during workouts. Just it's super beneficial. Yeah, I know right now we're talking about the electrolytes, but literally everything that Perfect Keto has to offer. You know, it's an awesome way to get into a low carb or ketogenic diet.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Right now we're talking about the electrolytes, but the nootropic is one of the best on the market they got yummy treats too cookies and bars yes they have a little bit of everything and then you know like mark has always said in the past like they don't use any artificial sweeteners so if you're someone like me who has like a sensitive stomach and some of that like uh fake sugars have messed you up in the past. And you can't even chew gum, ladies and gentlemen. This is true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You really can't? Come on, man. Okay, just making sure. You never know sometimes. Yeah, but I'm happy to report that the treats and not even the MCT oil powder has jacked me up. So, like I said, they're doing uh, I don't know. They're doing some, some, some pretty awesome over that. Perfect keto. For more information, please head over to perfect slash power 25 at checkout enter promo code power project for 25% off and free shipping on any orders of $99 or more.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Elon Musk is on the HNL right now though. You know, what's interesting to watch too is ESPN. Like I, I've been such a huge sports fan over the years that like it's just my go-to i don't watch it nearly as much as i used to i i could watch uh sports center just go on loop for the entire for the for the entire day back in the day but like it's funny to watch it now because they don't have really much to report on so they can just report on like speculation of like this guy might get traded and talking about you know brady went to the
Starting point is 00:08:30 buccaneers and bronkowski came back and they just kind of keep cycling through kind of the same the same stuff but they really don't have any there's they don't have any content they don't have anything there's no games being played So they got nothing to show over there. Yeah. Did like an NFL draft happen or no? Yes, it did. Yeah. I think, I think it might be like over ish.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Yeah. I think it might be over. Yeah. I heard it had like record views. Like usually like they have a 6 million, but this time they were like 8 point something million views because of quarantine. Yeah. i've been seeing the uh maybe they is the nfl oh okay they are very powerful they are starting uh starting that virus huh i kept seeing like uh the like way over the top produced uh cornhole like tournament
Starting point is 00:09:24 thing i don't know if you guys saw that yeah i've seen i've seen uh i've seen it before it's amazing dude that guy's legendary you know that they're uh they're also having an nba horse tournament did you guys hear about that it's like there's such limited things to do in sports that they're like let's just play some fucking horse so mark had mentioned that on a previous episode and i thought you were talking about the old school like pistol pete maravich playing horse like at an all-star game i didn't know that they were actually going to start playing horse in the nba it's kind of a it's kind of a cool idea like imagine if when when uh when we were kids, if we could have, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:07 well it doesn't seem as a lot younger, but you're both a lot younger, but imagine if you could play like horse with Jordan back in the day, you know, you could follow along with a shot that he did. I mean, everyone was trying to do that anyway. Everyone would try to go. Anyone that's ever picked up a basketball has tried to, you know, drive to the hoop and do like a layup and then come around the other side and like spin it off the backboard the way that we saw MJ do, you know, so often. So I think it's kind of fun. I think it's kind of cool. And maybe it will encourage some kids to get outside or something.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yep. kids to uh to get outside or something yep um yeah because like back in the day they would like do like all kinds of weird fun tricks like behind the backboard and then like it's got to bounce off of this wall and it's got to do this almost like the uh like the michael jordan bird commercials remember those yeah where they bank it off of everything and yeah that was sick it was for mcdonald's and uh speaking of jordan uh the last dance dude they got to the rodman episode how crazy was that i saw they they somebody put out some i don't know if it was a tweet or what they said could rodman cover lebron james and then it kind of just started a uh it started a big started a big old thing.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Rodman was like, he was an amazing defender, but like trying to cover LeBron James isolated? No, he wouldn't. He'd be able to cover him well. He'd be able to do really well against him. But LeBron James is impossible to shut down because he passes the ball a lot. So you can't really prevent someone from doing – you can prevent somebody from shooting eventually if you can figure them out and if you're fast enough and quick enough
Starting point is 00:11:52 or if you're skilled enough to match up with them. But somebody that passes the ball, you can't – like Magic Johnson, he was very difficult to cover. He was very difficult to get on. But Scottie Pippen did a really good job against him. But you have to be able to defend everything if you're going to defend LeBron James because that's what makes him special and makes him different. He's a combination.
Starting point is 00:12:18 He's right down the middle between Jordan and Magic Johnson, which just doesn't make any sense. Yeah, and I would also wonder, like, which is just doesn't make any sense. Yeah. And I would also wonder like, which era referees are we talking about here? Because if it's today's referees, Rodman would get thrown out in the first half.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You know, if it was kind of, you know, classic NBA, I think he'd have a better chance, but you're absolutely right. Nobody has ever been able to create their own shot. Like LeBron James, nobody's been able to take over an entire offense like LeBron,
Starting point is 00:12:48 but it would be, I mean, man, that would be a fun, fun matchup to watch. I think it was really funny. I like you mentioned LeBron passes the ball. And,
Starting point is 00:12:58 um, I think, yeah, it was Phil, like how Phil had to convince Jordan that passing, you know, and trusting his teammates was going to be that thing that led into a championship. You know what I mean? Like, we're going to take this kind of high flying NBA stuff that we've been doing forever
Starting point is 00:13:14 and we're going to knock it back to like the 1950s where there was only white players on the court. And like, it was all about like just ball handling skills and being able to being able to pass the ball those old black and white videos yeah fucking crazy actually i think uh i should know who the guys i should know the guy's name but i think the first african-american drafted in the first round of the nba uh passed away recently he it was like it came across the bottom of the screen on uh on espn the other day and i was like oh my god that's a fucking crazy statistic his his name came across the bottom of the screen or maybe they're bringing up because there was draft stuff going on or something but i was like the first african-american in the nbm like that sounds so crazy to think about now yeah because go ahead go ahead
Starting point is 00:14:07 no I was gonna say because like the the ABA or yeah that was the other league right it was the ABA yeah right so when they joined so I wonder like what year they're actually saying like was the official first like you know draft that he was drafted in or whatever. Right. Yeah, and the NFL kind of had things like that too where there was like, you know, kind of like minor leagues of the NFL and MLB kind of had the same thing and didn't accept African-Americans for a while until people like Jackie Robinson came along and until it was like, it was just undeniable at some point.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah. Baseball has it, I think the best, and I don't even watch baseball, but like the way that they have farm teams, I know the NBA now has the G league or the D league, whatever, or maybe they have both now.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I think that's really smart. Cause like we have the Stockton Kings and then we have Sacramento Kings. Like how smart would it be to draft somebody send them down to the G League and then they come back ready to go and see me you were talking about a player that was going to go from high school straight to one of these leagues right he's the number one high school pick he's going directly to the G League making 500k his first year and then I like that's that's so much better like especially for a really talented kid i think then not getting paid maybe getting full college tuition going there they're making money
Starting point is 00:15:32 off of his jersey off of him on like you know all their all their like televised events it's like and he doesn't get a dime of that like even if he let's say that he goes to the g league and he makes that 500k right and he does chooses not to goes to the g league and he makes that 500k right and he does chooses not to go to the nba well he could pay for college he could pay for college if he wanted to you know it's crazy i uh i liked a lot of this stuff about um phil jackson i thought that was really cool how he uh you know studied like the indians and stuff like that and he brought he brought a lot, studied like the Indians and stuff like that. And he brought he brought a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:16:07 He brought a lot of that Native American stuff into the into the basketball world, you know, which was really I just thought it was awesome. He's called the Zen master for a reason. Dude, I need to read his book. I know he has a book called like Zen and something but like phil jackson is like the ultimate you read the book no i'm saying that's a good move i didn't even think about reading that book yeah yeah he's like the old put it in perspective put it in perspective for a second uh phil jackson has won i think like 11 or 12 titles if you count them all up from the time he was a player um he won two championships with the Knicks.
Starting point is 00:16:46 He won a championship when he was a coach, like, in another league. I mean, he just – everywhere he went, he just kept winning. And then he won, you know, numerous championships with the Lakers and a bunch with the Chicago Bulls, which is – that kind of stuff is – I mean, Bill Belichick is kind of doing it in the NFL, but not to the same magnitude. I think that's the reason why MJ listened to him though, too, because he, like, okay, if you're watching the documentary,
Starting point is 00:17:15 I thought it was hella funny, right? Because he had that coach before Phil, his name was Doug. But when Jordan was talking about it, he's like, Dougie, like you don't call someone that you respect Dougie. You don't. So I think Phil just came in. He's like, hey, kid, I've won two rings. I've helped the team in Puerto Rico get a championship.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Or it wasn't Puerto Rico. It was like the ABA or something get a championship. If you want to actually win, you have to pass the ball. I think that's why he was like, okay. Yeah, and on top of that phil was a player i don't remember if doug collins was a uh if he was in the league or not but i mean it's crazy to think that he was calling doug collins dougie because he's like a very well respected coach these days but back then you know he hadn't quite earned his stripes at least i don't think and it was just really like odd seeing how um kraus and uh phil jackson kind of like not not weaseled their way
Starting point is 00:18:12 in but like yeah like this is gonna happen like sorry doug i love when they interviewed him and uh they they at the end of the game and they were they were like hey coach like what was that play like and he was gonna he was about to like spit some knowledge on them he was you could tell his coaching brain was going he was about to be like hey so yeah we designed this we set this up this way and this guy runs this way and this guy runs this way and he's like we just passed the ball to michael and then everybody in the press conferences started laughing their ass off yeah i've definitely changed my um stance on you know, so like always, I mean, I'm a Kings fan. So watching the Lakers kick our ass for, you know, whatever, like three years straight.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I'm like, dude, Phil Jackson's totally overrated. If I had Shaq and Kobe on my team, I'd be great too. If I had Jordan and Pippen, I'd be great too. But then seeing all the stuff they did off the court to help manage some of these egos some of these um i mean yeah there's no way that like a normal person would be able to even comb through all that but then watching him like actually showcase that he is the zen master i'm just like all right all right like you still had jordan and pippin you still had shaq and kobe but you had way more substance than I was giving you credit for.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I think it was awesome to watch how he matured too. Cause you could see in the beginning, Phil Jackson was pretty fiery and he was, you know, he was getting thrown out of games. Right. And he was pretty, pretty fired up, but somewhere along the way, he must have learned that that's just not that stuff that we talk about here on this podcast. It's just, it's not helpful. You know, your emotions, I think, I think like thousands of years ago, your emotions were probably really critical. Like if we were all like in a tribe, and we all needed to like help each other. I think that, you know, trying to figure out why someone's like sad is probably like a key component to the survival of everybody and to try to lift somebody up in a way. And maybe it brings everybody closer together or something like that. But nowadays, I think that your emotions are, I think in some ways they're almost completely useless. They don't lead to anything. They don't usually lead to anything better. And I know that some people might not understand that,
Starting point is 00:20:32 but I think as you get older, as you mature, you start to understand, you know, maybe there is some truth to that. I know for myself it's been really helpful. But to watch Phil Jackson and to watch him, you know, go through all the games and go through the, the kind of the grind of everything and have to like mentor all these people and coach all these people and handle it with such like poise the entire time was, was really awesome. I love the story about when he met Rodman, Rodman just didn't care. And Rodman was just like sitting down and he was like, get up and shake my hand and let's go outside and
Starting point is 00:21:09 let's chat. Like that's what real, real leaders do. And, and, uh, I just, I thought it was, I think it's really, I think it's really neat. I wanted to kind of dive into, uh, his book as well and try to pick up some of the things that he's learned. There was the thing I thought was really cool too. It was, it was how you were mentioning how like he was managing egos, right? It was that game where I think it was, it was versus like, I don't know who's versus the Knicks or something. It was the Paxson thing that I mentioned. Right. But instead of saying, Hey, Jordan, Paxson's open.
Starting point is 00:21:43 You need to pass him the ball. He's hey jordan who's open and then jordan came to the answer paxton and then immediately when he passed the ball to him and he saw that he could sink the shot i feel like that was like the pivotal part for them because then he was realizing oh okay because you remember that one clip where he was like and i gave the ball to like this one guy and then they showed a clip of him like missing a four foot a four foot jumper which was just like just like cold you could realize that he still thought that everything needed to be on his back but phil let him come to that conclusion himself because he knew that he had the answer that's just like that's instead of telling someone like him you let him figure it
Starting point is 00:22:23 out himself and i think that's like one of those little key things that he was really good at. Yeah. And I think if we were on a team and you guys knew that I had trouble shooting, I would, I would feel that I would sense that. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:38 But if we had a different system where you're like, okay, we can get Mark open enough. We can get him enough space. Like we know that when he shoots, you know, he needs to go to like his left. And we know that he needs more room than, than other people because he doesn't jump as high or whatever when he does a
Starting point is 00:22:54 jump shot, like you, you learn all those things. And with the triangle offense, that's exactly what they would they would, they would figure out like how much space this guy needs or what does this guy need to be able to be effective to maybe even just pass the ball into the paint. But when you guys would, would pass me the ball, you'd have more confidence in me making the shot. And then I wouldn't have like little dinosaur T-Rex arms with my shot. I'd have some nice follow through because I'd be a lot more confident in myself. I know it's like some of these things are kind of, they're kind of weird,
Starting point is 00:23:25 but if, if we're a team and you guys are feeling good about what I'm about to do and I'm feeling good about what you're about to do, it makes it easier to beat the shit out of the other teams. Absolutely. What I love about the, uh, the documentary also, like, you know, we had mentioned in the past, like, I didn't know anything about the Pippin drama. Like I'm, I'm just a kid watching michael jordan
Starting point is 00:23:45 kick everyone's butt and then now with uh rodman about like like hey like i need a 48 hour vacation in vegas i promise i'll be back on time and then jordan being like you ain't gonna get him back i thought that was crazy like mid-season like that just to be like yeah rodman just please come back on time and then just cut them loose like that was incredible now that's uh that's some parenting 101 right there i mean that's that's uh but you you know a lot of people wouldn't do it that way no a lot of people would say dude like just wait till the season's over you know know, or wait, you know, wait. What yellow just, they would say, you know, when it's convenient for them to just go do it, but he just knew that wouldn't work with Dennis Rodman. I mean, what a,
Starting point is 00:24:34 what a genius to just recognize. I mean, it sounds so simple, but just to recognize that each person is so different and that Dennis Rodman was clearly in search of something completely different than everybody else. He had a very weird and different, different, well, everyone has a different upbringing, right? He just, he had a different upbringing. And I think that he never had a chance to be like loved or accepted. And then once he was loved and accepted for what he could do i think that's probably very confusing to him and they they'll you know the other players on the team they're like he was like a six or seven year old like he was he was not very like uh mature um he and
Starting point is 00:25:18 happens to a lot of like child stars and stuff where they they get famous and i mean i i could only imagine like that would be really difficult to um you know i i mean i feel a small dose of that and i'm not dennis rodman by any means i just have a small following on the interwebs right but like um to just be known like as like a lifter you you're like, no, man, I'm not a lifter. I'm more than that. And people like, no, you're a lifter. You know, and same thing with with Rodman. It's like, no, you're you're a basketball player, dude. Like, why is your hair all weird? Why are you talking about, you know, all these relationships with with with women? And why are you talking about? Like, I remember he was
Starting point is 00:26:05 on, like, he was being interviewed and that probably wasn't Oprah, but he being interviewed on, on a show like that, a very popular show like that. And, um, they asked him about like homosexuality and this is, this is a million years ago. You know, this is a long time ago when, when, uh, people talked about it a lot less. And he said, well, he goes, what I think about that is he's like, how do people know they don't like it? You know, like how, how do people, how do people know? Like he said, people are just so scared of it. And so unwilling to accept it. He's like he's, he was wearing a shirt too. I think it said, I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is, or something like that.
Starting point is 00:26:51 He was just, he was just so like kind of uh out there but i think that uh that was great on phil jackson to say hey you know what this guy is trying to explore himself and shit man let's just let him do it let him let her rip what's what's the worst that could happen and the worst that could happen could be that he went to jail or, you know, he did sound like he almost got suicidal and stuff, but like you're not stopping that. You're not stuck. You're not going to be able to stop that. So why not just, uh, whatever way you can figure out a way to say, Hey, you know what? Yeah, go ahead and, uh, go ahead and be yourself. We, we support that. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:22 if you, if, uh, things go too sideways sideways let us know so we can help you you know yeah dude it's like i didn't realize and i mean i guess it's really sad but i didn't know like how good of a player he was and i think one of the really cool things in that whole situation when phil like said yeah you can go and then he was gone for 72 hours is that michael went personally to that hotel room to go pick him up. I think that that's one thing that like kind of shows how much he knew he needed him that he would go there because you know, what's, you know, it's interesting. You said that he like probably didn't feel loved or whatever, or that he probably lacked that as a
Starting point is 00:27:59 kid, but he did this 72 hour thing after Scotty came back. And then he was like, yeah, kind of felt like a third wheel. All right. Yo, can I go take a break, please? You know, he wasn't feeling that that importance. And then he's like, all right, peace. I got to go party. I got to go to my chick Madonna and have some fun. Or Carmen Electra at the time.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Dennis Rodman was that dude. I didn't realize that he dated Madonna and Carmen Electra in the 90s. Yeah, that's crazy i was gonna say like chicks were way into him you know oh did we lose mark oh that was oh there he is oh yeah yeah you're good yeah no i was um yeah he was he was amazing with all that stuff i think people were just drawn to him you know people were really drawn to Dennis Rodman. I think people are still today. I mean, he is like he used to hang out with Kim Jong-un or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Dennis Rodman is is Dennis Rodman is different. Like he could be like the greatest like terrorist negotiator of all time, probably because he could probably he could probably figure out a way. He probably can empathize with somebody so hard that he can be on their side and probably have them come to their own conclusion. I think the stuff with Madonna is really cool. How he said that when he was with Madonna she would be like, hey, let's go do this. And he's like, we can't go do that like you're like way too famous he's like i i can barely get down the street sometimes he's thinking
Starting point is 00:29:31 and she's like oh no they'll just shut you know they'll shut the mall down or they'll shut down like whatever he's like he's like huh he's like no he's like he's like that's he's like you're full of shit like that's not gonna happen and then they would go there and there wouldn't be one person at whatever store they wanted to shop at or wherever they would go. They'd clear the whole freaking place out. How great would it... I just thought of the perfect match made in heaven.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Dennis Rodman hanging out with Tony Huge. Oh, yeah. They would be boys. They would get... Yeah. They would get along. They would get along. Yo, if you guys want to watch something funny type in how dennis rodman broke his dick three times oh oh it's it's a it's a hilarious video where he talks about how he apparently broke his dick during and it's hilarious it's like it's not it's not super uh you know graphic or anything i'm pretty sure he's made i'm pretty sure he's made videos on that.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I don't think, honestly, that there's anybody... Yesterday, I was trying to think of athletes. Are there athletes that could compare to his eccentric personality nowadays, like back then? I can't think of any. No one's controversial like he is.
Starting point is 00:30:47 There's people that have a lot of enthusiasm and stuff but there's really there's not anybody quite like him there's there's some guys that are kind of like second and third tier players that have a little bit of that I would say but it's really rare to see it in like the absolute best usually the
Starting point is 00:31:03 best people are so concentrated on being the best that, uh, they don't have space for anything else. But Dennis Rodman was like, it's just a freak athlete. I mean, you heard what they said about when he came back to practice, how he was like, just out, he was like outworking everybody. And they were like, they were like, what the hell? I mean, that guy was just, uh, man, he just was kind of like designed to do that stuff, man. He was in great shape all the time. And you hear these stories too about guys like, like Deon Sanders and stuff. And they were like,
Starting point is 00:31:35 just let me know when the game is, man. Yeah. Like I, like when the game, when the game is going, like I'll be, I'll be more than fine, you know? And then when they would play they they'd kick everybody's ass and you're like how does that make any sense how do they not have to run and do all this other stuff yeah i think the the only name that i can think of as far as on the court with like having a reputation because like you know you would see rodman do like very minimal things and then the ref was just like ready to give him a technical ready to throw him out of the game like like like what are you going to do now? Dennis? Like,
Starting point is 00:32:07 don't make me throw you out. And he's just like, dude, I'm just playing. Um, was, uh, DeMarcus cousins. He had a, like a really bad reputation where like they would, uh, basically just be ready to give him a technical foul, like before he even got on the floor. And he only made it worse because he would always yell at the refs nonstop. And they're just like, we don't like that. Like that's going to stick with us. And he wasn't, yeah, I mean, obviously again, Kings fan here. So he was like a top tier player on our team.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Now he got injured and whatnot, but he was considered one of the best centers in the league at the time. And he was getting thrown out of games left and right. But as far far as off the court he didn't really have any issues or anything like that yeah rodman was like having a macho man randy savage playing playing in the nba i mean he was just wild man he was just he was went to the beat of his own drum and uh i don't think you'll see another player like that i i think the only person that comes to mind in right now is like gronkowski but like he's not really controversial it's just like he just likes to have fun and he's not really dennis rodman is a weird one too because i don't
Starting point is 00:33:19 think he was like um there's some other players over the years that have been that way a little bit where it seems like they're like defiant and it seems like they're bad and it seems like they're all these horrible things but when it comes down to it and you talk to the players it seems like the players are like no man he was he was legit like he was like he was our he was like one of our best guys you know he was just he was just very different i think yeah even like uh terrell owens right like he was kind of weird on and off the field but he wasn't i mean rodman was on h&l for sure remember uh to when he's working out uh outside of his house and he had like like all the press there and everything he's like banging out like push-ups and he's super jacked so jacked t.o was he that guy who uh there was like a uh yeah i don't watch fucking football is there a guy who um there's like a news reporter was like interviewing him and the news reporter didn't
Starting point is 00:34:17 know it was t.o was that is that t.o could be t.o is i don't know if you've ever heard this phrase but he says i love me some me i'm pretty sure he invented that i love me some me yeah that's who i'm thinking okay okay yeah i know t.o is jacked dude so very jacked i remember when he played for the cowboys um it was just like i don't remember who he got in a fight with but like you know he's he's in the hot tub and he's like, so I got up and I went and put, so he's just naked. He's like,
Starting point is 00:34:49 I got up, put my shoes on and went after him. So he had some grip on his feet so he could throw better punches. Wow. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. He's some,
Starting point is 00:35:01 God, when God made some people, he just sprinkled a little something. Like when he made Rodman, he was like, I'm gonna put a little something in your lungs when he made jordan he was like i'm gonna put a little something in your achilles tendon so you can jump higher i don't know it's just it's wild it's wild yeah i've i've heard uh from one of my one of my friends said that his his buddy was like in really good shape. His buddy was super smart. Um, he graduated from a, uh, uh, amazing college and he just had everything.
Starting point is 00:35:30 He was, he was wealthy. He was in good shape and everything. And so he said, uh, you know, when, when God had us like on an assembly line, he would be like, Oh, I'm going to give this guy strength. And then the next guy would come along like, I'm going to give this guy strength. He's going to be in good shape, but he's going to have a small dick. And then he'd be like, oh, I'm going to give this guy strength. And then the next guy would come along like, I'm going to give this guy strength. He's going to be in good shape, but he's going to have a small dick. And then he'd go like the next guy. Like, all right, he's going to be, you know, he's going to be really smart,
Starting point is 00:35:53 but he's going to have a giant dick, but he's going to be kind of fat. And then they go to the next guy. And he said, like, when he put my friend together, it's like, he said, Mrs. God said, hey, did you take out the garbage and he said what and he turned around and when he turned around he he put a big dick on the guy that's good looking and smart he's got everything oh man hey you never know man maybe that is the way it happened like whoops whoops i made someone perfect by accident yeah dude speaking of having everything mark you're having carbs now uh a Alex is asking you how you're feeling.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I feel good. It's kind of nice to be able to just make up some rice or something like that. I find that I'm eating more, which I think is good. I think it's good for me especially with like the running and stuff that i've been doing so um i have those uh those like rice packets that you just pop in the microwave for 90 seconds and i was looking at the like amount of carbs that are in there and because i don't eat carbs i'm like like looking at and i'm like man that's an awful lot of carbs like 70 carbs or something or whatever and i eat about half of it and i just look at it i'm like, man, that's an awful lot of carbs, like 70 carbs or something or whatever. And I eat about half of it.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And I just look at it. I'm like, I need to eat the other half of that. Yeah. And don't give away your secret recipe about the burnt rice. That was delicious. Yeah. Wasn't that good? It was so good.
Starting point is 00:37:18 They did it on purpose, right? The sticky rice. Yeah. this the uh the sticky rice yeah so when we were podcasting before the thor podcast mark put some some rice on the stove and then halfway through he's like oh shit and it he burnt a little bit of it and as we're eating it like this tastes delicious it was like almost like popcorn yeah it was it was it was awesome throw some salt on there and you're good to go. Yeah. Man, I got to say, I'm looking at, uh, I just looked up, uh, some of the principles of the Zen master of, uh, Phil Jackson. And it said that he won 11, 11 rings.
Starting point is 00:37:58 I don't know if those are all in the NBA, probably just absolutely ridiculous, but it basically talks about sharing authority and not being a control freak. So I think that that Dennis Rodman analogy is a really good or example is a really good one where he just said, yeah, you know, just, you know, go, go for it. He tried to put some sort of restriction on it because he probably knew that he was going to be gone for more days than they even talked about but that's a good example another thing they said is uh treat wins and losses the same and you see that from a lot of coaches you know you whether you win or lose you're still going to point out probably the ways that you could get better so that would be the same either way um i I shot a quick little video yesterday of just I was training with those Havoc triads yesterday. And I said, you know, before quarantine, it was me versus me.
Starting point is 00:38:57 And after quarantine, it's the same. You know, that's that's what it's for me. It's just about, you know, trying to make my own improvements. And the quarantine, you know, hasn't, that's what it's for me. It's just about, you know, trying to make my own improvements and the quarantine, you know, hasn't, hasn't changed anything. He also talked a lot about, I know that this was a big thing for him is like pre pregame, like rituals, like pregame, like traditions and things like that.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And I think that those things are great, especially when you have a team, it's kind of cool when you got a team you got a squad and and everybody does just makes you it makes you feel good and i think uh makes you comfortable you know getting into a routine makes you comfortable yeah those the the pre-game ritual makes so much sense though it's like you know every like lifters have pre-gym rituals before they lift but if you have something that you do consistently um that's different before you go. But if you have something that you do consistently, that's different before you go in and, you know, lift or before you go in and compete, it's like, it gets the, the,
Starting point is 00:39:52 the mind knows, okay, it's time to do this. Let's get all these processes rolling. So that's a super smart thing. I think it's, it's a super smart thing to do. This is something I've heard talked about by other practices as well. And you know, you'll, you'll see a lot of this. You'll see a lot of commonality when it comes to stoicism and things like that. And there's a reason why you see this to be pretty common across the board is because these things can be really effective. This one talks about using symbols and using spirituality. So you can kind of – that could go a bunch of different directions,
Starting point is 00:40:28 but something that has kind of helped me is I've always been a big Bruce Lee fan. So if I think about – if I think about like I have a lot of friends who say, oh, man, I'm swamped. I got so much to do, and I've always hated that. I'm like, why do you have so much to do? Why can't you figure out a fucking schedule that allows you to get through everything that you're supposed to get through and just, just get through it? What is this being swamped bullshit? I always think, I always think it's a, it's a cop out. You should never have so much to do that. You can't get it done. It
Starting point is 00:40:59 literally makes no sense to me. But, uh, one way I Kung food my way out of it is to think of Bruce Lee. You know, when I think about that image of Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee had a lot of people coming at him at one time. Right. And it's a movie, so he could do whatever he wanted, but he would just hit somebody once and they would fucking like, they'd be gone. You don't know if they died. You don't know what happened to them, but they normally didn't come back unless it was a guy towards the end of the
Starting point is 00:41:27 movie. Then he'd have to put multiple moves on him. But I always kind of thought of that, like whether there's something in front of you or there's something behind you or something to the side of you, you can get it all done. You know, just Bruce Lee, like have the, have a good technique, be quick about it. So I think this, this is a, you know, an interesting thing that could maybe help other people is try to find a symbol. It doesn't have to be somebody that fights necessarily,
Starting point is 00:41:50 but try to find a symbol or a person or something that you can identify with that can help you through, um, whatever situations you feel are, uh, are tough, you know, and it can, it can kind of, it can kind of refocus you. It makes me kind of almost smile or laugh when I think like, Oh man, like everyone, everyone at some point will feel that sense of being overwhelmed. You know, you'll have the little butterflies for a second there. But the second I feel that I'm like, all right, Bruce Lee, time to Bruce Lee that shit, time to time to flow like water and,
Starting point is 00:42:22 and get this shit done. It's just like complaining too. That's one thing that I, uh, I've, I've, I've watched this video. I forgot who it was. Maybe it was on a Tim Ferriss show years ago and somebody was on, I think. And they're like, or like, there's just no reason to ever complaining about anything. And then from that point, I was just like, yeah, I'm gonna catch the way I talk about things.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'm gonna make sure that nothing that I say is like me stressing about something, complaining about something, whining about something like I'm just not going to do that anymore. And it's like, I can't remember. I just like, and now when I hear, when I hear it from other people, I'm super receptive. Cause it was like, wait, what? I'm not mean about it, but I'm just like ah wow actually since i made a point not to do that anymore you know you you can hear that shit yeah that and then like jocko with extreme ownership you know like i it same thing like when i hear somebody say like oh it's not my fault it's because this and that i'm just like ah man come
Starting point is 00:43:23 on like you can own it. Like it's not the end of the world. If you sit, you admit that you made a mistake or, you know, you didn't come through because you just didn't come through. Not because X, Y, and Z happened, you know, like playing the victim, like I think is one of the weakest things like ever. So like owning it is like, it's huge. It's very important for me when like, you know, if I'm working with somebody and I can see right away that they're like making up excuses for why they didn't get the job done, you know, and then eventually over time, I think everyone will eventually get better.
Starting point is 00:43:53 But that is something that's, I think, really important that people need to focus on is like not complaining, like you said, and not playing the victim. Guys, I got to go take a, it like hit me you got to wave i gotta go guys i'll be right back not the first time all right let's time them go for it and gun so he's leaving the poop and it's 808 in the morning on thursday i predict that he'll be back uh sometime next tuesday that's probably be pretty quick he's a quick dumper he is i don't i i have a hard time he'll be back sometime next Tuesday. He'll probably be pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:44:27 He's a quick dumper. He is. I have a hard time trusting people that can poop under five minutes. I don't know. I just feel like, I think you forgot something in there. Forgot to wipe a couple times, whatever it may be.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, you definitely messed something up because how could it just rocket out of there so quickly? Yeah. Yeah. And then also you got to make sure that everything's out, right? Like because sometimes there's it's it's it's not as bad as throwing up. Like throwing up is really horrible. You throw up and then you're like, oh, my God, I should have stayed in there longer because I now I need to go barf all over the place again.
Starting point is 00:45:00 But but it's like, yeah, you have that. You kind of have a first and second wave even just while you're sitting on the toilet definitely yeah i i will read something and i'll just like tell my fiance i'm like i was pooping literally the whole time like there was not one like unused like second of pushing out poop it's really impressive she Yeah, well, she needs to know that too. Back to this complaining. I've heard the other day a great quote, and it was never be overheard complaining, especially from yourself. And I was like, damn, those are some tough rules to follow.
Starting point is 00:45:44 But stuff I've been working on and I don't know, maybe people have been picking it up on my Instagram and my YouTube channel and stuff like that is, uh, you know, kind of reinterpretation, you know, when something, when something hits you and you would normally react this way rather than any sort of reaction. Um, just reinterpret, you know, because you can really control the way that you, you can control your emotions by the way that you think about things. Um, it could be something horrible. It could be something simple. It could be like, you know, kind of don't cry over spilled milk type thing. You, you, uh, you know, went to shake up your shaker cup and you didn't realize your top wasn't on all the way. And you got, uh, you know, went to shake up your shaker cup and you didn't realize your top wasn't on all the way.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And you got, you know, you got protein everywhere. And there's multiple ways of looking at that. There's there's a bunch of F-bombs that could come or maybe even just you think F in your head. You're like, oh, man, like I just didn't. I didn't. That wasn't my goal. I didn't want that to happen. You know, I was trying to make a shake and I was trying to get some protein and maybe I was going too fast, but you can also look at it in a completely different way and say, Oh, it just happens sometimes. I just, yeah, I, okay. I screw up here and there. Uh, I'm fallible. I mess up. I
Starting point is 00:47:01 stub my toe here and there. I forget things here and there. And that's just kind of, uh, that's just the way things go. Or you can even laugh about it. You can say, Hey, that was silly. Oh, there we go. He's back. Three minutes. Was that slow or quick? I don't know. Sometimes I'm riding slow. Sometimes I ride quick. I'm rhyming slow. Sometimes I rhyme quick. Oh, man. Yeah, that was definitely a first wave. There's a second wave that will come. But what were you guys talking about? You pooping?
Starting point is 00:47:33 No. No. It seemed like Mark was in something right there. We're talking about that butthole. Okay. We're wondering whether it's waxed or whether it's clipped up or never i'm i i should try and shave it i've just always been scared to shave it you know i had this friend in college who's like i shaved like he's like he takes a razor and i was like wow really soccer teammate yeah you got
Starting point is 00:48:01 to be you got to be careful down there yeah then it can get all itchy and weird if you cut it and then you got a poop oh i just imagine that stinging i just want to go i just want to go in for a brazilian just to see their reaction be like nope we're closed would you imagine like razor burn and then eating something spicy like that's gonna be bad no you're looking around here your wife and kids are like what are you talking about pretty much what just happened dude i don't know if you guys saw but like on the rocks uh instagram he had a guy do like macho man and he was drinking The Rock's new vodka or whatever. It was kind of funny, though, because the guy like the guy's doing it and he's doing it like super quiet.
Starting point is 00:48:52 I mean, Macho Man kind of talked that way a little bit anyway. But I could just picture like the guy's wife or something or the guy's girlfriend is there. And she's probably like, what in the hell are you doing? But he's like trying to film it all quiet and like privately. It was hilarious. The guy did a great job when you're talking about the other like spilling your shaker cup and protein everywhere uh like two days ago i set my my little knockoff keurig machine a single serve coffee maker did everything put the water in it did you know coffee set it walked
Starting point is 00:49:23 away and i'm like man that coffee is really loud today for some reason that's that's weird and then i walk over to him like oh shit i forgot to put a cup to catch the coffee oh man it was fine you know it wasn't a big deal but yeah like i totally could have gotten super frustrated and been like it's gonna be a bad day like this is a bad start like blah blah blah and then me and my fiance we just bad day like this is a bad start like blah blah blah and then me and my fiance we just kind of like laughed it off like damn like how did that happen and it's funny so like i posted a little something on my instagram about it and i got a couple different messages from friends and stuff and like my buddy nick was like yep i've done that somebody else was
Starting point is 00:49:59 like yeah i just put uh oatmeal in the microwave and I forgot to put water. And so I'm like, oh. What happens when that happens? They just have hot oats. Oh. Okay. Yeah. But yeah, it was up to me to decide, like, was it going to be, you know, like a game breaker or is it just laugh it off and, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:20 Bruce Lee that shit and move on to the next thing? Mm-hmm. You know, that kind of makes me curious to think about something uh because i've been getting messages from some people you know how we've been talking a lot about like working out at home and how it shouldn't be a problem and like how great it is you know because all of us i mean i don't have that much equipment i'm using a kettlebell you know um but all of us are doing workouts at home and it's fine, but I'm getting a lot of messages from people who are like,
Starting point is 00:50:49 I just can't motivate myself. The gym was this for me and that for me. And when you were saying like, you didn't let the coffee, the Keurig thing bother you, I'm thinking about this home deal thing. And I'm just like, how can we help people figure out a way not to let this bother them? And just to, just to do it, you know, do you have to do it multiple times for it to become a habit and a routine for you? Or do you just have to like, I don't know. It's just like, I'm just trying to figure that out. Yeah. I think you go back to what's, what's your interest. You know, if you want to be, if you want to be in good shape, then you should be interested enough to want to do some burpees and some lunges and some pushups and some things like that.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I'd also say that when you feel the resistance, like I would say the very second that you're like, should I, shouldn't I? You should. The second that that creeps in, the second you're like, should I, should I stay, should I just go train or should I eat? You know, like you should train because you know that if you eat, you might have to poop. And if you know, you know that if you're going to eat, you might get caught up listening to a podcast or watching a TV show or, or just relaxing. Like, you know, that like, after you eat, you eat, you're going to be kind of slowed down. It could be anything. Whatever that thing is that you're thinking about doing, like, oh, I should catch up on that TV show from yesterday.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Or should I? No, I should probably be training. Just, like, go and make yourself do it. Also, I'd say, you know, have your training be like play. Like, there's no rule that says you have to do three sets. There's no rule that says you have to do three rounds of anything or four rounds or, or five rounds. There's no rule that says you have to work out for any number of minutes. Uh, you could work out for one minute and have a great workout. You can say, I'm going to do
Starting point is 00:52:40 one minute of burpees as hard as I can. And then later today, I'm going to do one minute of squats as hard as I can. You know, as long as you're, as long as you did something a couple times during the day, that's plenty of work and plenty of volume. So don't make your workout into this big giant, um, into this big giant bear that you have to fight every single day. Just keep it, you know, keep it as simple as you possibly can. And just like I always say with Smelly's Kitchen, because I'm not a cook, is that there's no rules. And I think the same thing goes with training. I'm not a certified personal trainer. I never went to school for it. And what I'll tell you is after 30 years of training and 30 years of lifting is you don't need to have any rules.
Starting point is 00:53:22 The only rule that you might need to follow is you may need to find some interesting ways to challenge yourself so you stay interested enough that you want to continue to do it. I saw and seen me using the 53-pound kettlebell. I think you first started with something a little lighter and then you graduated into using something heavier. That's just a challenge where your mind's like, yeah, I think I can do that. That'd be kind of cool if I made it a little bit more difficult. I mean, you can you can ante up and make it as difficult as you want. And it could be as simple as you saying, you know what, I'm going to sprint 20 meters, you know, in between doing these kettlebell swings. Then you're really be I mean, imagine trying to do a few rounds of that.
Starting point is 00:54:02 You'll really be gassed. But just, you know, imagine trying to do a few rounds of that. You'll really be gassed, but just, you know, keep these workouts simple, you know, try to keep these things simple. There's, there's, there's no reason to have a bunch of rules. When I was using the triad, which is basically a dumbbell type thing, kettlebell type thing. I did a handful of swings. I did a handful of overhead presses and I was like, I haven't done any of those things in a very long time. So I probably did that for a total of maybe like 12 minutes. You know, it didn't take very long. I was interested enough in it to do it for a little
Starting point is 00:54:35 while. And then I was like, you know what, because I haven't done anything like that in a while, I could get pretty sore and I want to be hungry enough to do it again today. So that's the other piece is like if you keep things small and you keep things simple. I'm not saying that they're easy. I'm saying that they're simple. Keep things small. Keep things simple. You'll want to always do them because you'll always be hungry to continue to do them.
Starting point is 00:54:58 But if you try to smash yourself all in one day and you try to get fit all in one day and you try to lose all the body fat in one day and get strong in one day, uh, you're not going to have anything left for tomorrow. Yeah, no, I think that, that was so damn useful right there. People just need to, I feel like a lot of people also right now are putting their, they're putting workouts in like a bucket, you know, they're not willing to do a few different things like you okay you don't have your machines maybe you don't have your barbell but like what else can we just do you know i feel like a lot of people are so focused on the pump and muscle etc that it's like just it's it's not allowing them to open up potentially to trying a different type of exercise that they
Starting point is 00:55:41 might really enjoy you know yeah like my situation my second workout for quarantine doubles yesterday was i was just playing baseball with my daughter that's all we did and i'm like okay i'm not gonna like break out into crazy sweat right now but every time the ball comes to me i'm gonna basically do a body weight squat to get it and then we're out in the sun right now you know like again it wasn't like i mean it doesn't necessarily qualify for an actual workout but like i was fine with not working out to do that to be there to be happy and you know have fun and yeah i think just incorporating like what mark said like just making things fun making things simple and small so that way you can come back tomorrow and you know hit it just
Starting point is 00:56:20 as hard or harder there's nothing more powerful than exercise. And when your, your back is tight or your knees kind of hurt or your mind is just not, I don't know, it's just not, it's not connected to everything that you're trying to do for the day. A dosage of exercise is like the most powerful fucking thing that you can do. It's amazing. So just understand too, that, that that's why you're doing the amazing. So just understand too, that, that, that's why you're doing the exercise. You're trying to make yourself feel better and you, and you are, you're, you're making yourself feel better. I did a bunch of walking and some running yesterday with the weight vest on. Right. And so today I woke up and I'm a little bit,
Starting point is 00:57:02 I'm a little bit stiff and I'm like, okay, I, okay, I'll go in a hot tub and those kinds of things. Those things help, but it's not nearly. It's not even a competition. It's not even fucking close. An ice bath or a hot tub or a massage or a PRP injection or stem cells, any of these active release therapy, those are all cool, but they don't come close. Nothing matches exercise. Get a little bit of exercise in. If I just did a set of 20 squats, and if I did 20 pushups, maybe went back and forth more than once, maybe two or three times,
Starting point is 00:57:41 my back, my knees, my elbows would, would feel like I'm 20 years old again. Yeah. And then Mark, you had posted a tweet the other day about, um, what, um, how many people are realizing that they are, that they were over training. That sounds cool. What kind of response did you get? Yeah, it was pretty good. I think a lot of people like retweeted it and, um, you know, a couple of people that kind of joked about it or whatever, but, um, you know, I'm, I'm kind of just like, shit, like I'm holding on to some good, I'm holding on to some good size and I really haven't. And I imagine maybe it would take, you know, a lot, a long time and then maybe I'd have
Starting point is 00:58:19 to like not move to, uh, to end up like losing a bunch of, uh, a bunch of muscle mass. But yeah, I think we spend hours in the gym, you know, we all, we love it. We love the gym. And so we don't mind spending a lot of time in there, but I think it's a lot of, uh, you know, maybe, maybe some of it's a little bit of wasted time. Um, and when, when I'm looking at like what I'm doing in comparison now, how much time I'm actually lifting, I'm spending a lot of time, when I'm looking at like what I'm doing in comparison now, how much time I'm actually lifting, I'm spending a lot of time exercising cause I'm still walking. A weighted vest is great. So anybody that doesn't have a weighted vest, you should look into getting one.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Cause I think you could just go on a walk and continue to hold muscle mass. Like that's pretty sick. In my opinion, I think you would want to get one that, uh, you know, if you're, if you're over, if you're over 200 pounds, you probably want one that's, you know, above 20 pounds, you know, probably 30, 40 pounds, probably a better, a better, uh, it's probably a good amount of weight. And if you're unfit and you're real heavy, then you probably just want one that's like 10 pounds or something like that. If you're really small, you probably just want one that's, that's, that's, uh, like 10 pounds or something like that. If you're really small, you probably just want one that's like 10 pounds or something like that. But anyway, you know, the thing is, is like, you know, find exercises that, that you can do repeatedly, find exercises
Starting point is 00:59:36 that you can have fun with. Maybe you like to ride your bike. Like you don't have to look at riding your bike as not lifting. You know what I mean? Like there's a lot of resistance going on when you're riding your freaking bike. There's a lot of resistance going on if you're running. Maybe you don't find that running is like exciting enough. So maybe don't like actually really run, just do like a run walk or occasionally rather than, rather than just like jog, because jogging is boring. Like I, it's rare for me to like really jog. I try to usually run. I try to, you know, like get, get some, I'm not sprinting either, but I try to usually, you know, get going at a, at a pretty good, uh, at a pretty good pace. But yeah, I think a lot
Starting point is 01:00:15 of people in this case are going to recognize, um, not, not just like overtraining necessarily, not like, not like they did, uh, way too much to where it sets them backwards, but maybe they did a lot of needless stuff that was just unnecessary. Because maybe you can get a lot further ahead with a lot less. That's what I was looking at. I agree. And like the funny thing that you said in terms of the overtraining thing is there were so many jujitsu people that that were like wow all of these magical like aches and pains i was feeling are now gone like it's it's i'm feeling the best i have in years you know and it's because you were forced to finally take a little bit of time off and let your body heal well in jujitsu i'd imagine it'd be really problematic
Starting point is 01:01:00 because on top of doing jujitsu you're probably trying to exercise in other ways as well. So you're trying to bench press and all this stuff. And you're like, man, my elbows, you know, they really just, they're dying. And it's like, well, yeah, you're, you're pounding the crap out of them all the time. Yeah. I think everyone's going to kind of have the realization of like, man, I was giving, you know, a 15 out of 10 in the gym every day giving, you know, a 15 out of 10 in the gym every day when really like I'm now giving it like a six to an eight and I'm getting similar or maybe even better results. So it's not that it wasn't doing anything, you know, training so hard, but like, you know, the, like the, uh, what's it called? The, um, diminishing returns, right? Like now, okay, maybe you don't spend two and a half hours in the gym. You spend an hour and a half hours in the gym,
Starting point is 01:01:45 you spend an hour and a half or an hour and you have an extra, you know, hour to hour and a half to hang out with family or to do more recovery stuff that would definitely go further than killing yourself every day. What was that thing that you, uh, that Matt Wenning wrote? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. They said something like, uh, you know, if the, the earlier you recognize how to train like you're 40, the more that you can feel like you're in your twenties, basically something along those lines. And that's kind of, uh, you know, just kind of along the lines of like, just, I don't know, just being careful, you know, to not taking like unnecessary risks. But I think that you also probably need to,
Starting point is 01:02:27 you probably feel like you need to take those risks sometimes when you're younger. Yeah. It does make me wonder too, though. Because like, obviously the gym for a lot of people, you want to lift some heavy weight, even if you're not competing, you want to, you want to push yourself. But if you're not somebody who competes in something, right, then how, if, if you have that mindset of push hard, right, even without competition, how should you back off a little bit? Because
Starting point is 01:02:57 at some, at some point there's no, there might be no need to push yourself to such a place. You know, if you're not getting ready to hit you know if you're not getting ready to hit the platform or you're not getting ready to hit the stage or am i just do you guys just think i'm invalid here yeah you get what i'm going at right now no you have a great point mike menser um who invented uh heavy duty training he got that from arthur jones arthur jones is the guy who came up with all the equipment that we use in the gym. Basically Arthur Jones is a fucking genius. All the strength equipment that we have that has a cam on it and that has a cable on it. All that shit came from Arthur Jones,
Starting point is 01:03:34 but Arthur Jones recognized, look, all you need to do is go like light, medium, heavy, and you're good. Like that's enough. That's enough. So he was, he also came up with three sets. Um, but sets one and two weren't really anything. And the third set was where you'd go for it. Mike Menser shortcutted that. And he came up with heavy duty training where it was just like one set, but Mike Menser in his many articles, uh, he said that for some reason, the second that people step foot inside of a gym, their IQ gets completely
Starting point is 01:04:05 chopped in half. And he's like, I don't know why. I don't know what happened. I don't know how this came to be. But he's like, when somebody goes to a library, he's like, they might go there and they might research stuff. They might look at a couple of books and they might be there for 90 minutes or something like that. And they have maybe because they set their books down and they maybe use the restroom and they did a couple other things, they had about an hour of work. But the person that's in the library knows that like, hey, I would be better served by coming back again tomorrow and learning more information because I can only learn so much.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I can only retain so much before there's diminished returns. If I sit here all day and try to consume this stuff, my mind is going to be like numb and I'm not going to be able to really remember a lot of these things. And so it's kind of like cramming for a test. Like you quickly forget that stuff when you cram for a test. But if you really, uh, if you know it and learned it over a longer period of time, you would be better off learning in shorter bursts. And I think your body just always works that way. And, um, I think that, um, you have to realize there's no, like, there's no studies on a lot of this stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Like, you know, what would be Hel walker used to swear that he did a thousand push-ups and a thousand sit-ups every day and i mean that no one in the history of football was more jacked than herschel walker he was uh he was an anomaly he was outstanding um so i think that we don't really we don't really know. Like somebody could come along and have some muscle size and definition that we've never seen before, and they could be using sets of 50 with 100 pounds in their back. They could be benching 100 pounds for sets of 50 and have a conditioning that we've never seen before. We don't know. Like the truth is people are too scared to try that because they just, we don't really, I, we kind of have an idea that, Hey, look, if you do sets of 50,
Starting point is 01:06:09 you're probably going to be so sore that you can't really, you can't really continually work out like that all the time. But again, we just don't really, we don't really know. And that's how there's so many different, uh, training methods out there. I remember talking with Stan Efferding more recently. I was like, what kind of weight can you use on a squat to maintain your size? What's the lowest amount of weight? He was like, I think like five or six plates. And I was like, really?
Starting point is 01:06:36 I was like, I think I can get along just fine with just using like two plates. I mean, I don't know what kind of working out you're doing, but I think I can. And Stan, he's in amazing shape and former pro bodybuilder and stuff, but like, I just don't think that that's true. Maybe, maybe to, maybe to stimulate muscle growth in the first place, maybe you have to do some weird wacky shit that, that, uh, cause most people that are jacked, most people that are jacked have done weird, wacky shit over the years, whether it be 20 sets of legs or whether it be,
Starting point is 01:07:10 you know, strapping up 600 pounds on the bar, they most likely have done something weird or crazy along the way. But again, like I said, I don't think we really, I don't think we really know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I mean, if you just, it's something that's always amazed me is calisthenics guys. Guys that do calisthenics and then they swear, like, I've only done body weight stuff up until this time, but they're big and they're jacked. And they do push-ups, bar dips, pull-ups, maybe like if they do legs, okay, maybe they do some body weight squats or something or whatever. But either way, by just using their body weight, they're jacked. They, they have a lot of muscle definition and they're, and they're lean and they just do high rep body weight work. So like, there's no reason, there's absolutely no reason that you can't do some body weight stuff
Starting point is 01:07:59 and make progress. Because if you, if you just focus on progressing in the body weight stuff, like most of us, including myself, mom, like I'm good at pull-ups but i can definitely improve you know if you get one of the pull-up bars for your door you're like i have a goal of being able to do 20 non-stop pull-ups during this quarantine and i'm going to do enough pull-up volume every day to be able to get there at the point that you're able to do 20 pull-ups your back has grown your back's gonna be bigger yeah you're gonna have adaptation from that yeah and i don't know i've like never spoken to any of those like calisthenic guys but are they ever like in pain like do they ever have any like back problems
Starting point is 01:08:36 i'm like the ones that i've known they don't really have they don't really have to deal with too much stuff like that unless maybe they're doing too many dips. It is possible to do too much, but you have to do a lot to do too much in that type of situation because everything's unloaded. Yeah, and I think when it comes to bodyweight exercises, there's so many different variations of it. So if you do something on one leg, then there's maybe potential to overstress the knee. one leg, then there's maybe potential to overstress the knee. You know, if you're doing something, it's still going to be, it's still gonna be fairly light, you know? But I just, I was on a podcast recently where these guys have a calisthenics podcast and
Starting point is 01:09:16 they have a calisthenics website and they show you how to do all these different crazy ninja moves and shit like that. But they, they were basically, they were saying they got to kind of put calisthenics sometimes, they have to differentiate between the two things, because they will use weighted stuff, you know, like they'll do weighted dips, they'll do weighted pull ups. A lot of people that follow them are like, hey, like, you know, when are we going to program more, you know, weighted pull ups? And they're like, well, this is, you know, the true calisthenics is just with your body weight, you know? So they're, they're always trying to like, you know, kind of preach back to that.
Starting point is 01:09:51 That's their basic, uh, core competency is, is mainly just body weight exercises. But, you know, if you, if you do a body weight squat, you might not find that to be difficult, right? But if you do body weight squats and you superset it with a wall sit, now you're in a lot of pain, you know, or there's, there's all kinds of weird stuff that you can do. And I don't, I don't have any, uh, I don't have any idea why it hurts so bad, but like my football coach used to have us, um, fold up a, uh, a piece of wood, uh, roll it up like in a towel and just push it along the court, the basketball court. And like anytime it was like raining or snowing too much outside to go
Starting point is 01:10:33 outside and do our practice. That was what we did. And it fucking kills because like you can't figure out how to push the board like you push it like you're on all fours. Basically, you can't figure out how to push the board without it sliding all over the place. And so it continues to slide forward and your triceps are on fire the entire time. The other thing he'd have us do is sometimes we'd take, uh, towels like that were bigger than the towels we use for that. And we would just shake out the towels as hard as we could. It's almost like a, um, um uh battle rope just take a just take a towel and you can do the same thing with a with like a giant blanket take the biggest blanket in your house or like uh i don't know if anybody has a duvet like a fluffy you know
Starting point is 01:11:17 fluffy blanket type thing that's heavy and you pick that bitch up and you keep swirling it around your shoulders and your arms and stuff will be on fire. Yeah, it'll be toast. That's actually great. We got to film that. Throw it up. Me wrestling a duvet cover. First, I got to explain what a duvet is to everybody, right? Yeah. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:11:38 A duvet is, but I guess it's I don't know. It's a cool blanket. That's my assumption. But yeah, peeps like, please don't, don't tell us anymore that you're, you, you don't have the motivation to work out, please get some sleep and then work out the next day. Just make a decision to do something. Yeah. And remember that, you know, lack of motivation is just lack of interest.
Starting point is 01:12:02 So if, if you're saying that you want to be in shape, but you're saying you're lacking motivation exercise, then, then you're lying to yourself and you need to reevaluate and, and find things that you like, just make it that easy. Just like what, what are some things, okay, you hate lunges and don't do them. You know, like it would be a nice idea if you did a couple of things that you hated because it's important to it's important to challenge yourself. And the thing that you don't want to do is probably challenging. That's probably why you don't want to do it. But hey, if you don't want
Starting point is 01:12:34 to do it, you want to be a baby about it, then it's it's that's fine as well. I fall into that trap. I think most people do. We want to do stuff that is fun and comfortable. Find a way to make it fun. Whatever way that would be for you, you know, see if you can encourage somebody else to do it. Like I don't normally, I don't ever work out with my wife, but we're just doing body weight stuff. So it's simple, it's easy. And so there we are, we're working out together and it's fun. Yep. And Simoo you've been sharing a lot of fat loss information on your instagram can you share a little bit of that with us today i don't i don't like this at all because this guy doesn't have any fat so how right yeah you got no
Starting point is 01:13:20 fat to lose yeah what do you know about fat loss over there well i don't know kind of like those those head and shoulders head and shoulders commercial you don't have any yeah you don't but you don't have any dandruff and they're like oh exactly no man um no because like i was realizing you know there's a lot of stuff that yourself and myself we've been doing in these past few years years that has that has allowed me to like keep body weight or body fat off. Because in the past, like I would lose body fat for shows or something. And then after the show, I couldn't really maintain that physique. I'd try my hardest, but it was just too tough because I was always too hungry or I would I would binge too much because my food habits weren't
Starting point is 01:14:05 good. And it was only like these last few years that I guess with us talking so much on the podcast and talking to all these guests and implementing some of the habits that they talk about, like the simple thing that John Berardi told us about chewing our food, that's something that makes a big difference. And I was just like, okay, well, uh, I guess the reason why I'm doing this and some of my clients are doing this is because there's habits that are there that maybe we don't really even think about just certain things that we just now do that allow us to keep it off without, I don't track anymore. I don't track anything anymore, but I haven't gotten fat quarantine. I haven't gotten fat. And, um, I just want to like share those habits with people. So instead of people trying to focus on like tricks or having to track,
Starting point is 01:14:52 maybe they could try and figure out the bad habits they have and then reroute those bad habits with good habits and make the changes. Let's see. Uh, let's, let's kind of maybe run through a couple of things. Um, I'll just, I run through a couple of things um i'll just i'll mention a couple things and maybe you can go through them fairly quickly and let's see if we can get through a couple things that you think would help with fat loss or how you utilize it to help promote fat loss i know you're a big fan of sleep so just elaborate a little bit on sleep you burn a ton of fat when you're asleep and like i mean there's been a bunch of research done where there were two groups of people that are dieting.
Starting point is 01:15:29 One gets that one has a lack of sleep and another group gets a good amount of sleep every single night. The group that has a lack of sleep first off didn't lose as much weight, but the weight they lost a lot more of it was muscle tissue versus being body fat. The group that got adequate amounts of sleep lost more weight, but also, and a bigger percentage of that weight loss was body fat. So it's like, it's the same thing. If you want to gain muscle, you won't gain as much good muscle. If you're not getting rest versus if you are so that, and then the other thing about sleep is that it informs your decisions during the day. Like definitely when I'm not arrested, I'm more prone to making
Starting point is 01:16:02 bad decisions. And I can feel that I'm craving crappier food when I'm not sleepy or when I'm not rested, I'm more prone to making bad decisions. And I can feel that I'm craving crappier food when I'm not sleepy, when I'm not rested. So I just think that it's at the top because it kind of trickles down into everything else that you're trying to do during the day. If you could take a pill that made you make the right decision all the time, that would be the ultimate thing, right? that made you make the right decision all the time, you know, that would be the ultimate thing, right? And I think just getting proper rest can really be important and just making sure you're not overdoing it with your exercise. You know, I'm learning that I had a couple of days where I ran, you know, pretty far and it didn't work like, cause my body's like, yo, like you. And then I find myself, you know, eating, eating way more than normal. So I'm like, all right, well, let me find a happy medium because for everything that I try to do on this side of
Starting point is 01:16:49 the, uh, uh, seesaw, you know, I, I'm really moving that thing up and down like crazy and I should just probably keep it, keep it all even keel. Uh, how would you utilize, uh, water to, uh, maybe help accelerate fat loss? Dude. Okay. So I've been really loving the keto vitals thing that you shared with us over at Bodega Bay. I bought a pack of that. But I think the first thing about water, and Stan talks about this a lot, Stan Efferding, is that a lot of people don't hydrate themselves well because they may drink a lot of water, but they're lacking sodium. So that's why he has people salt their water. But a big thing, and I still make this mistake to this day sometimes if I'm just working and I forget to drink water, is you're going to mistake being thirsty for being hungry.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Especially if you, because a lot of us have the habit of like maybe not carrying water around us when we're at work or whatever. So we're going through the day and we're like, fuck, I'm just so hungry. But if you were to drink like a glass or two of maybe some water, you'd be, you'd be, you'd be chill. You'd be good. And then the electrolytes are such a dope hack because if you're, if you fast like us, right, they have no calories, but they give you that sodium, potassium, magnesium that you need. And you end up just, you get hydrated better. So you feel better. You don't feel as depleted and it tastes good. So yeah, there's the perfect keto electrolytes. And then there's also like liquid electrolytes like from companies like
Starting point is 01:18:11 element and keto vitals. And I've been digging those. How would you utilize a protein protein, like protein shakes or protein protein from food? Yeah. Just protein in general. Yeah. general yeah protein food i guess like a protein shake you know we talk about we talk about how you know protein can really kind of help uh you know blunt your your appetite quite a bit but i don't know protein shakes i don't think they not that they're not they're harmful in any way but i don't think they help nearly as much not to the same level as like if you could eat some protein. I haven't done the boiled eggs thing in a while.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Cause just haven't had, haven't needed it. But like we, you talked about this. I don't know if it was you that coined this or Ted Neiman protein leveraging. I don't know who. Yeah. I think, I think it came out of some studies, but, but Ted Neiman is the one who made it popular. Yeah. You see all these fucking guests that we've had on have just like sprinkled shit in my mind.
Starting point is 01:19:06 But anyway, having protein is the main thing in your first meal or making like what I do sometimes like to do is if I am feeling super hungry and I don't have time to cook, I will make a protein shake because a protein shake kind of like it fills you up a little bit and then you don't crave as much as you typically would if you didn't have that shake. So I personally just make sure protein is the biggest part of my plate because it fills you up more. Like my whole goal, I love to feel full when I eat. Okay. I'm just a glutton. Okay. And if I don't feel full, if I don't eat foods that are making me full, then I'm not going to be satisfied and I'm just going to eat more. So I eat a lot of protein. And on that same note, you know, you might look at, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:48 you might look at food differently when you start to think in those terms. So protein first. And then when it comes to a carbohydrate, I know a lot of people like rice, but I don't know about you guys, but I can run through a shit ton of rice. Like rice, rice is like, uh, like an aphrodisiac of food. Like it, it makes you fucking crazy for more food. Right. And so rice, rice is like, uh, like an aphrodisiac of food. Like it, it makes you fucking crazy for more food. Right. And so rice might be great if you're somebody that's trying to pack on size, but I would say try to go with a potato, uh, rather than, rather than rice. Uh, I also, what I like about a potato now you can find huge potatoes sometimes, but
Starting point is 01:20:22 it's, it's like a kind of a serving size, you know, so that it helps with your control there as well. What have you noticed with vegetables? How can vegetables help you? Well, I don't fuck with vegetables that much. But I did mention it in the series because a lot of people, like, they want to eat their carbohydrates, like the potatoes that you just mentioned. And they should be eating some vegetables because it can help them feel full, especially fibrous vegetables. And this is the same thing. You have to look through the lens of feeling satisfied when you eat versus, yeah, you want to enjoy your food too.
Starting point is 01:20:55 But you can make all these foods enjoyable in some way. But they also have to satiate you because if you don't satiate you, you're going to overeat it. You're going to eat too many calories. So like on the note of like rice, right? I do have rice in the house, but I have rice because at this point, I'm able to control the amount of rice I eat. I made a note that if you're not able, like if you end up overeating rice a lot, maybe it's just not the best carb to keep in the house.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Maybe you should figure out something that does have more fiber and maybe adding some vegetables in your plate that do have some fiber to also, again, help satiate you. But something like carrots, right? Carrots don't have to be not tasty. You could fry some of that shit up in some butter with the food that you're making, right? And then they caramelize and then they're all... You can make these things good, but they can still fill you up. Something real easy I did the other day is I just had some canned green beans and I just threw them in, I threw them in a pot and cooked them up and I ate them with some chicken. Now that's not the sexiest meal of all time, but when you, when you eat the two things together,
Starting point is 01:21:57 like I don't really love chicken all that much. And so when you eat the two things together, at least you have something kind of like wet with the food that you're eating because chicken is normally fairly dry. So whatever way you have to figure it out, maybe some cooked spinach. I know cooked spinach gives people a headache because you cook this giant thing of spinach and it somehow turns into this little tiny pile of spinach. You eat it in one bite after that. Yeah, you're so confused. You're like, I just used like three bags of spinach and i got i got nowhere but uh you know whatever way whatever way you need to uh whatever way you need to do it do you eat uh fruit yeah yeah yeah so like um me and my
Starting point is 01:22:36 girlfriend were talking about this because like fruit these days is like it's good enough to be like a dessert i love pineapples and watermelons okay don't make any jokes there everybody likes watermelons so don't start oh i thought you're gonna talk about the pineapples so nope i know there's some youtube livers that are like hey okay so yeah anyway um but that stuff's like and i eat some oranges here and there but like fruits like fruits like a dessert i really i like fruit because yeah there's some sugar but it does it changes the lens of like you wanting to eat a lot of ice cream for dessert or something like that to like oh wow let's have some fruit because it has sugar it's sweet and that's that's what desserts used to be like that's what that's what treats used to be used to just be you ate some fruit now you you eat isn't that
Starting point is 01:23:21 wild if you think about it in nature you wouldn't find anything sweet i know that sugar comes from from nature as well but like you you wouldn't you know if it was thousands of years ago you would only know savory foods and and maybe you know maybe we'd have some salt but you'd have fat and protein and salt and you would it would be really rare to come across anything sweet except for in a kid in occasion where you would uh come across some fruit if it's like certain times a year and could you imagine like what that would be like finding a peach or nectarine or something like that like when you you know you'd be like oh my god you'd be eating like thousands of them probably and just sit there
Starting point is 01:24:00 in your stomach right probably hurt hurt like you know you know what i'm so curious about though because i've heard about like fruit being different hundreds of years ago i wonder like if a peach still like if it was as sweet as today's peach right you know or if the like how sweet was it because we've done some shit to some of our fruits to make it super sweet you know yeah you ever see the size of like apples and stuff like that sometimes in the store or like an orange you're like oh my god that orange looks like a goddamn grapefruit yeah like holy shit that's cute strawberries too like you know mother mother's day is coming up and like you know sherry's berries or whatever like they have like gigantic strawberries when like natural ones they were like the size of like a your like're like fingernail, like they're tiny. And you can also, I mean, if you want to just, uh, you know, go a little bit of a fat boy route,
Starting point is 01:24:54 buy some like heavy, uh, heavy whipping cream or something like that. And, and, and throw that on your, um, on some of your fruit. I've mentioned it before. Like you could have like a fruit salad, you get a bunch of different fruit together and throw some cinnamon on it. I mean, it kind of tastes, it, it's weird. Cause it like amplifies the sweetness somehow. I mean, it kind of tastes it. It's weird because it like amplifies the sweetness somehow. I don't know how, how that works, but it makes it, uh, it makes it absolutely, absolutely delicious. What about from an exercise perspective? Is there anything specific, um, that you do or have done or have clients do to kind of target fat loss? That's actually honestly why I'm so happy about this damn quarantine, because I've been realizing that like, as far as exercise is concerned,
Starting point is 01:25:31 you really just need to figure out what are the things that I kind of like to do? Just kind of like what we were just talking about. A lot of the individuals that come to me, like they're trying to maintain muscle, they're trying to gain muscle, but there are people I work with that are just like people that are just wanting to lose fat. They're not committed to, um, training for strain. They just want to lose body fat and be toned and defined. Right. So you just got to like do some sort of resistance training and potentially some sort of cardio that you like, or that you can handle. So the stuff that, you know, the stuff that we honestly just did this weekend together,
Starting point is 01:26:06 right, where we went from thrusters to jump rope to ball slams to whatever, that has a resistance aspect and has a cardiovascular aspect. I feel like it's good to have both. Like you don't have to do cardio to lose fat. You could just eat less food, right? But cardio is healthy for you to do for
Starting point is 01:26:26 your heart and just for your overall health. Same thing with resistance training. You don't have to resistance train to lose fat, but it helps you maintain a lot of muscle and it helps you hold on to muscle as you're losing body fat so that as you're losing weight, you're losing more fat than muscle. So if you're doing just something to maintain the amount of muscle you have on your frame and you're not eating a crazy amount of food and you're in a deficit, you'll be losing a lot more fat than you will be muscle. That's just the big concept to think about exercise. Because most people that exercise, including ourselves a lot, like with the stuff we do out here, we're not burning that many calories, man. Like, you know, like we're in like a 15 minute EMOM or whatever.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Maybe we burned 300 and something calories. And have you noticed for yourself that your heart rate is up a little higher than typical workouts? I know that you, you work out fast, you know, I've, I've seen you like deadlift before and there's, you know, two plates on the bar and next thing I know there's six, like, so you, you get through your work quickly. You're in good shape. You're in good enough shape to do that but you normally when i see at super training like when you're doing pull-ups you're doing pull-ups when you're doing bent over rows you're doing bent over rows and i usually don't see you doing a lot of stuff in between unless it's like the
Starting point is 01:27:37 smaller muscle group but now it looks like everything you do is like uh you're you're maybe doing the left side then you're doing the right side and, or you're, uh, kind of like super setting or doing triplets or CrossFit style workouts. This, yeah, this, these days I really try to keep it moving. I try to like, um, and, and with movements, I try to do antagonists. So like, if I'm going to be doing a push, I'm going to be doing a pull right after that. So maybe I'll go from pull-ups to a dumbbell press or pull-ups to pushups because when you're doing pulling movements, it doesn't mess up too much with pushing movements. And I just try to keep it moving during my workouts.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I don't like standing around that much anymore because like my, my goal now is like not to, I can still gain muscle with what I'm doing. Well, you don't have jujitsu at the moment. And so when you go back, you don't want to be gassed, right? Yeah. I don't, I like, I don't think I'm going to be gassed either when I get back because like all the stuff we've'm doing. Well, you don't have jujitsu at the moment. And so when you go back, you don't want to be gassed, right? Yeah. I don't, I like, I don't think I'm going to be gassed either when I get back because of like all the stuff we've been doing, but everybody else will be. Hey man, if they're, I feel, I feel like there's some, some of my jujitsu classmates, they're probably getting at it right now. I hope they are at least, but yeah, no, I just, I just keep it moving during
Starting point is 01:28:41 the workout. I don't like to take much rest because I've been realizing also, you know, some people spend two hours or whatever in the gym. I used to spend like an hour, 32 hours in the gym. I can't be doing that that often. I really can't. I got to get in a really good workout by doing as much as I can in a period of time. And then I got to get moving. Some simple things that can really get your heart rate cranking.
Starting point is 01:29:03 So like, you know, I know we like doing curls and lateral raises and those kinds of things, but you could still keep your workout super simple. Let's just say that you only had 20 pound dumbbells. Well, you can do a set of, you can do a set of curls. You do a set of, uh, let's say 20 pound dumbbells. Aren't that challenging for you? So maybe you do 20 or 25 reps in between that hit up five burpees, you know, in, in between each set of it. And after you completed maybe four sets, you now have done 20 burpees. Your heart rate's going to be through the roof, any sort of like bounding, any sort of like a split jumps, any sort of box jumps, anything that you can jump on that's stable.
Starting point is 01:29:40 And that's not going to, you know, fall and, and, and, and end up killing yourself on, um, any of those things would be a good idea. You can throw something, you throw a med ball, you can throw, you know, some sort of heavy object that you have. It could be, you know, as long as you're not going to hit anybody else in the head, you can throw a giant like rock or something like that, whatever, whatever you got, but you can do explosive movements in between some bodybuilding movements, which some people might find to be really fun. And if you're really running out of ideas, you can simply just sprint. You can do a movement and then you can sprint. You can even do, especially if you have some grass, it's kind of harder to do on blacktop,
Starting point is 01:30:19 but if you have some grass, you can do like a suicide drill, you know, where you, you, you run 10, 15 yards and you run 10, 15 yards back and then you can kind of run shorter distances back and forth until you've kind of completed that. But there's so many options where you don't need equipment, you know, body weight squats. You can, you can turn a simple body weight squat into, into like a jump, you know, you, you jump at the top of that body weight squat and you put your arms overhead, like you're reaching for the sky. And now you got something that really is going to cost you a lot from a metabolic perspective, going to keep your heart rate really elevated. So I think something that has been motivating to me has just been monitoring my heart rate.
Starting point is 01:31:02 As I take a look at that and it starts to go down, you know, once it gets down like into the 90s or so, then I'm like, oh shit, I better keep going. Or it just depends on the day. I might keep it above 120 for the whole workout. And that's been really fun for me. And it's been a way to, rather than me just being like, oh, I'm just gonna, when I feel good,
Starting point is 01:31:21 I'm just gonna go again. Normally I take 20 minutes, you know? So, uh, this, this makes me more productive and helps me get through a lot more work. Is there anything like, like for you these days, is there anything that, or you think that are just, uh, habits that people should have to get to? Cause like the whole reason I'm making the series is because a lot of people lose fat and then to gain it all back. Like a guy messaged me, he's like, yeah, I do shows, I get lean, but I always gain like 30 some pounds back. Like I can't maintain this fat loss. I think for both of us, one, or at least like for me, one thing that does help is, is fasting. Like that's helped
Starting point is 01:31:57 me so much with being able to control hunger. And we've had a lot of guests talk about the negatives and the positives of it. But I think if everybody implemented some sort of doesn't have to be 24 hours, but some sort of restricting the amount of time that you eat and being hungry for a little bit of time, like being able to like handle the feeling of being hungry, because not many people can do that. That puts so much power in your hands. in your hands. I think fasting is an amazing tool to utilize and I use it in so many different ways. Like today, rather than a regular fast, I'm just doing a liquid fast. So I had an iced coffee this morning that had some protein in it. It's just like I wake up and I'm like, I feel like having a coffee with some protein powder in it. And that's like, as dumb as that is, that's exciting for me. I'm like, oh, that's kind of cool. Like that's, that's a lot more fun than just not eating anything or just having a black coffee. And then tomorrow I'll probably be back to doing like a regular fast. You know, I switch it up
Starting point is 01:32:54 back and forth just with your fasting, just, you know, make sure it doesn't accumulate, make sure it doesn't sit on you too much. Like if you feel and feeling woozy during your workouts or something like that, then you know that you're probably, uh, you're probably overdoing it. But I think fasting is really good. And I think this idea of, um, there's a book called, uh, eat bacon, don't jog, which is a, which is a really good, really good book. And it's, it's like barely a book. It's more like a little manual, but the guy in the book, he basically just says, don't treat exercise as like a thing. Like just treat it as more like it's as important as you brushing your teeth. It's as important as you taking a shower.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Like just make sure that it happens every day. Don't wait to be motivated. Don't wait for some cool speech from David Goggins and, or, or motivational video or whatever, just like, just go and do, but make sure that you don't make it such a big thing that you think you need. You shouldn't need to be motivated to go do it. You should be interested in enough and doing it. And when you break it out into smaller chunks, you break it out into smaller things, then it should be something that's, uh, that's simple to do. Like yesterday I did 40 pushups and 40 squats, I think like five or six times through throughout the day, along with, you know, I had a normal workout in the morning,
Starting point is 01:34:16 but I'm just thinking to myself, like, there's really no, there's, there's not a lot of reasons. I can't think of any excuses right now, right now to where I don't do this forever. This makes a lot of sense. Maybe it's not the same amount of reps or whatever. Maybe it's a little bit less. But just to do 20 squats on my couch before I eat dinner, it doesn't hurt me at all. It feels good. It makes my body feel good.
Starting point is 01:34:46 And maybe even somebody could argue and say, Hey, that could help with nutrient partitioning. That could help when you have the carbohydrates, it can help the carbohydrates get into the right spots rather than maybe potentially ending up, you know, somewhere else. So I just think that the main thing is just to not think of exercise as a thing. You don't need special equipment. You don't need special clothing. Like you can just fucking do it in your jeans or whatever.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Like just don't, don't always make it out into, into a big old ordeal. Yeah. Yeah. We don't, we really don't need a gym right now. That a lot of what you just said, there's a client I'm literally going to send a voice message to you after we get off this call. Cause there's, there's like so much that I was like, I need to talk to her about that. So that's dope. Yeah. And like, again, if something feels challenging to somebody, you know, I know I'm just like talking about pushups. I know for some people, pushups, uh, don't feel great. Um, one, you can get a slingshot pushup from
Starting point is 01:35:46 saving my ac joint like quite literally i'm using that all the time and then another thing would be um you know scale it you know scale the exercise like just you know on your couch do your push-ups off your couch so you're on an angle um even if you're gifted at like at lifting and and sometimes you're just like i don't feel like doing that because it's gonna bug my elbow or my shoulder or whatever scale it down to where it's so simple um maybe do your squats super super high just because they normally bug your knee when you go too low or your ankle or whatever it is make it make it just so simple that it's that that's something that you do you get just get it done because it's as simple that it's something that you do.
Starting point is 01:36:28 You just get it done because it's as simple as brushing your teeth. It's as simple as taking a shower. And I like what you've said in the past about kind of almost tricking yourself. Like yesterday, I woke up. I was tired. I didn't get really good sleep. And so, like I walked to my gym room. And I'm like, you know, I'm just going to actually even before that, like as I'm getting out of bed, I'm like, ah, like, I don't know if I want to lift anything right now. I'm, you know, I'm just going to get up and I'll probably just get on the treadmill
Starting point is 01:36:53 and just do like a simple, like walk hike type thing just to get myself up. And then when I got to the, you know, looking, looking at the weights, I'm like, yeah, I'm going to go ahead and hit those up too. Like, you know, it was just one of those things where like you, you kind of make a deal with yourself to, uh, just to, to get, get into the game. And then all of a sudden you're, you're in the game and then you're crushing it, you know? All right, man, I got to hop on into another, another poop cast. You want to take us on out of here? Absolutely. Thank you guys for checking out this, uh, this podcast, especially if you're
Starting point is 01:37:24 live on the live stream. So today's April 30th. Today's the last day that you could take advantage of the 20% off the slingshot and hip circle combo. So please head over to Mark Bell and take advantage of that today. Cause it is the last day that you can get that deal. Um,
Starting point is 01:37:39 please follow the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on Tik TOK and Twitter. My Ig is at IamAndrewZ. And, Seema, where are you at? At EnsemaYinYang on Instagram and YouTube, at EnsemaYinYang on TikTok and Twitter, Mark. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. I got a podcast to do with our boy Phil DeRue today,
Starting point is 01:37:58 so I'm fired up for that. Dope. All right, everybody. Have a good one. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you all later.

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